Jedi Handbook
Jedi Handbook
Jedi Handbook
Jedi are individuals who try to apply the principles and teachings
of Jediism in their own lives. Jedi try to contact the Living Force
within for guidance. Members of the Jedi Sanctuary call each
other “Jedi” to honor the Jedi Knights of Star Wars.
1. Profess that you are a Jedi and believe that you are a Jedi.
You can have other religion(s) as well, but you must also be
committed to the Jedi faith. “Remember, your focus determines
your reality.”
2. Jedi lives in the present; they don’t have stress about the
future or the past. Jedi focus on the present moment. This isn’t
as easy as it might seem because the mind always rushes to the
future or past and doesn’t seem to be content with the eternal
present moment. At least when you are stressed out, try to come
back to present moment and chill out.
3. Jedi feels the Living Force flowing around them. Jedi are
spiritually aware of the Force. Jedi are usually sensitive t o
energy and can feel the Force moving, in the same way that users
of Reiki or Qui-
Qui-Gong can feel Chi moving.
4. Jedi believes in
in using and trusting their feelings and intuition.
Jedi are intuitive and are in touch with the core of their being.
They can access
access the ancient inner knowledge.
10. Jedi trusts in the will of the Force and accepts the fact
that nothing happens by accident. Jedi believe in destiny, and
that there is some method to this madness of the creation. There
is a ‘soul-
‘soul-plan’ for every person, but it’s hard to understand
these things
things from our level.
12. Jedi believe that the soul survives death. Jedi do not mourn
those who pass. There will always be some mourning, which is
only natural.
natural. But Jedi avoid the extremes of mourning that can
be so debilitating. We trust the Force to take care of our
departed loved ones.
13. Jedi are encouraged to use the Force, but only for reasons
of training, defense and knowledge. Jedi never use th e Force in
order to show off or to impress others, like Anakin did. A Jedi
hides his/her powers from public view to help preserve
preserve humility.
14. Compassion and love are central to a Jedi's life. Jedi believe
that the core of everything is love. We have to
to love ourselves
first and foremost, and then let that love gravitate outwards to
the whole creation.
There is no emotion;
emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no chaos; there
there is harmony.
There is no death; there is the Force.
“A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for
You must learn to let the things go that you fear to lose, things
change and that means you must allow them to leave and move
on, do not become jealous of things, this is the shadow of greed
and it to leads to fear and from there
there things escalate and spiral
to worse and worse situations.
Perceiving Through the Heart
“Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them. Stretch out with
your feelings.”
“Trust your feelings.”
Suggested Exercise:
"A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark
side. Anger...
Anger... fear... aggression. The dark side are they. Easily
they flow, quick to join you in a fight."
"don't give in to hate. That leads to the dark side."
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to Anger. Anger
leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering."
“The fear of loss is a path to the dark side.”
A Serious Mind
This means you must take things seriously and make your
commitments mean something to yourself and others, if you
commit to something and don’t follow through then you not o only
fail yourself but others as well, this makes people not trust you
or your word and then in the long run it makes it harder ffor
or you
to do things.
This means what you believe you can do and the harder you
believe it the faster you will accomplish it, lack of focus means
lack of doing, and this is not acceptable.
There Is No Try
Hard To See
Luminous Beings
This has been proven by science and is very easy to get used to,
all life puts off an electromagnetic field this is what we use to
“manipulate” the force since it to is part of the electromagnetic
field we can easily learn to tap in to this force and use to help
others and in certain times ourselves, we also can learn toto see
the e.m. field that surrounds people this is called aura seeing.
This is true to, as Jedi we believe in a planned out life that the
force leads us through although our decisions change the
future events our lives are planned out to go in many ways and
this is what we must learn to understand and we must also learn
to let go of things to keep
keep moving forward in our grand plan of
This is where you must keep your mind, the present is what you
must observe at all times.
Unfortunately your mind doesn’t stay in the present, it
constantly jumps to the past and future, you must learn to
control this and Master yourself.
This is simply the path that is chosen for you it changes with
each choice you make and some
some times there is only one choice to
be made and it may seem to be a bad choice but through careful
thinking and planning it can be made to suit your way of life, this
is the Jedi path and the gray to light side of existence we do not
kill unless it is ABSOLUTELY
ABSOLUTELY necessary.
Jedi help to keep the peace and justice in the world, we keep the
laws going and help end crime and wars.
Jedi currently fill the law enforcement and military lively hood,
some may follow the political path and others
others follow the path of
the fire fighters and other emergency fields.
Points of View
"The only light in the cave is from a fire burning far above the
people and behind
behind them. Between the fire and the chained people
there’s a road, built on a kind of stage structure such as you
find in theaters—
theaters—again above and behind the people—
people—along which
move other people and animals, some carrying things, some not,
some speaking, some
some not."
The discussion goes on and on about the shadows from the above
description being perceived as reality by the cave dwellers.
dwellers. When
the cave
Dwellers finally leave the cave and see the reality of the
outside world; they have a hard time accepting the truth.
Jedi are allowed all the above and as long as they k eep things in
perspective then there is no problem, though this takes us back
to the part on “fear” so learn them well.
“Jedi serve others rather than rule over them.” – The Jedi Creed
Alternatives to Fighting
This is called diplomacy, and is one other thing a Jedi must learn
and master.
Fighting should always be a last resort.
Jedi Training
Mind training
Mind training is the best way to
to train without doing anything
It is done in your mind when you are relaxed. I use this technique
a lot when I get sick
Because it requires no physical work. Now I will describe how to
do it.
Start out by relaxing and closing your eyes. Once you are
Visualize yourself in a huge dark void. This is the first step. If
done correctly,
It will fell like you are actually there. You must focus on
yourself there.
Now focus on an enemy appearing in front of you. This will be the
opponent you train with.
You are stronger and faster then him in anyway, and you are too
fast for him to touch you.
Fight with him for
for as long as you please. Perform techniques
that you are practicing in
Real life, all though do them with great skill and maste ry. To
end the fight just finish
Him off, or open your eyes. When you become good at mind
training, start fighting more
People at once. Over a period of time, you will start to notice
that you are getting faster,
And better at techniques in real life. It is good to mind train at
least twice a week.
I would recommend
recommend doing it before you go to sleep. Once you get
skilled enough at mind training,
Use telepathy with a friend to fight and train with him. See the
telepathy section to learn
How to do this.
Force sensing:
Close your eyes and think of someone standing
standing around you.
Visualize the force inside of
Their body. Now reach out with your force and touch theirs. The
stronger their force
force power is,
The larger the knot in your stomach.
Stand in a fighting position. Feel the force in your body. Now
visualize roots shooting
Out of your feet and into the ground. Picture the roots planting
into the ground and
Absorbing force.
force. Then begin to visualize your energy merging
With the Earth's energy. This is a technique that gives a little
boost to the force
force attack,
And helps prevent burnout.
Force Ball:
Cup your hands like you were holding a large baseball. Focus on
your hara and the energy
Inside of it. Bring that force up into your chest, then down your
arms into your hands.
When a descent amount of of force is in your hands, have it emerge
out and meet in between to
Form a ball. You should be able to feel its energy. Don't w worry
orry if
you can't see it,
You’ll be able to when you become more advanced.
Drawing Force:
Sit in a cross-
cross-legged position. Back
Back straight, chin up. Put your
hands so that your
Left hand is holding your right calf muscle, and vice-
Close your eyes and begin
To breathe slowly. 4 seconds breathing in, hold for 2, breath
out for 4, hold for 2.
This is called the four-
four-fold breath.
breath. It relaxes your mind and
body. After about 10 times
Of doing that, start doing the following: Breath in like you
normally would, but this time
Picture breathing in the force around you. Have it go up you
nostrils and stop there when
You hold your breath.
breath. As you breath out, Focus on the force
traveling down your body and
Splitting in to two parts so that it can go down both your arms.
Let the force flow down
Both arms
arms and into the calf’s. Keep the ki flowing up your legs
until it winds up at
Your Hara. Repeat this until you feel you have drawn
drawn enough
energy. After a while you'll
Be able to draw in force while you're doing something.
Force Shield:
Feel out the force
force in your body. Feel it flow through your
meridians (energy channels).
Now start having the force come out of your Hara, and m more
force out of your body. The force that
Comes out of your body have it form around you in a crystal
shape. After a minute or so you should
Have an entire outer shell around you. Now start filling the
space between your body and the
Outer shell with the
the force. Once this is accomplished, visualize
the outer shell of the full shield
Turning in to a hard, invincible metal or steel
steel shield. The harder
the concentration, the stronger the
Note: be mindful not to over do it this can also “cut off” your
Force Punch:
Begin to feel out the force in your body. Now let it flow in to
the hand that is going to attack.
Keep the force inside of the hand. Once you have collected a
sufficient amount of the force,
Start focusing behind your opponent. Focus
Focus on the space behind
him. Then tell yourself you're going
To punch that space. Attack and let out a shockwave of the
force going through the opponent the instance
You make contact.
Force kick:
Fill your leg with the force and repeat the instructions
instructions for the
force punch, replacing hand with foot.
Force flame:
A version of the power up. Start drawing in energy ands letting
it flow through out you entire
Body. Keep drawing in more and more. Fill your inner and outer
body with the force. Next, make
make all of
It explodes and come outwards so that it is outside of your body
surrounding you like a flame.
Force Speed:
This is fairly simple. Wave your hand in the air in front of you. As
your doing this,
Visualize an image of the hand moving at a faster
faster rate. Bring
your hand back and perform a
Front punch. As your arm extends, picture the mental fist
drawing back. As your real
real fist
Draws back, picture the mental one striking. Practice this with
both hands. After continuous
Practice, you will begin to see results. It's a mental trick, I
honestly don't know why it
Force ball:
Put your hand palm up with your arm bent. Your hand can be
either head or chest level.
Use force
force sensing to feel the energy all around you. Breathe in
and draw this energy (manna)
Into a ball about three inches off your palm. Breathe out and
stop drawing manna. Repeat.
Draw in manna from the Earth, wind, water, and fire (helps if you
ask spirits for fire).
After about a minute, you should have a fairly charged manna
Force shield:
Feel out the force around you and
and focus on the elements. Start
pulling energy from them.
You should be standing in a fighting position. Visualize the force
enclosing you in a ball.
Keep adding the force to this ball around you so that you create
multiple layers of the shield. Ki
The techniques
techniques I have so far on this page listed in order are the
advanced force blast,
Master Force blast, multiple force balls, force
force matoshi, genki
dahma, spirit up, burning knuckle,
Big bang blast, sudden impact, and spirit mine.
Master force Blast:
Go set up for a regular force blast. Place your hands to your
side and create a force ball between
Them as you
you normally would. After the force ball is created,
begin to visualize the force hardening
Into a solid object. I visualize it hardening
hardening into a rock. When in
your mind it looks like a
Rock in between your hands, Thrust out like you normally would.
When the
the "rock" is released,
Visualize the stream of the force pushing it as a Pole or piece of
two by four. I visualize a huge
Telephone pole emerging and shooting at the opponent. Ram the
pole straight through the
Opponent. This will give a visible effect of the damage. It may
cause a red mark or something
The first few times you try it. Practice it on a friend first. But
make sure he has proper
Gear on.
Genki Dahma:
More advanced version of a force ball. Raise both hands into the
air. Now go
go into a standing
Mediation. Bring the force in from all around you. Have it
collect over your hands. Keep drawing
Until you have
have a mass of force over your hands. Now use your
will power to compact it and
Form it into a ball. Let the force ball rest about
about 1 foot above
your hands. Keep drawing
Force to it until it has sufficient energy needed to perform its
task. Power up (any type)
So that you can keep control of it. Focus on your opponent and
throw your hands forward.
Launch the Genki Dahma through the the opponent and have it
explode about a foot behind the
Spirit up:
Get in a ready stance. Start drawing in energy. Let the force fill
you up. In your mind
Visualize your body as empty and the force coming in and filling
it up. After about a minute
You should feel warm inside. This means that you were
successful. This allows the force to
Flow easier and make the force
force easier to control.
Burning Knuckle:
Stand in your fighting position. Draw the hand that you are
going to attack with back.
Now perform a force flame power up. Force ALL the energy in the
flame into your hands.
Let the flame expand a little and engulf
engulf your entire hand. In
your mind it should look
Like your hand is on fire. Focus behind your opponent and attack.
Once contact is made,
Let the flame go as a blast. Turn your knuckle a little. Even
after you've made contact,
Still try to reach the air behind the opponent. WARNING: THIS
Sudden Impact:
This is a technique I devised from the one below. Create a genki
dahma and throw it at
The opponent. Instead of having
having the dahma go through the
opponent, have it stay inside of
Him/her. Once the "mine" is placed in the opponent's body, charg e
your fist with a burning
Knuckle. Perform a force punch and make contact directly on the
area where the mine is placed.
Send the force in your fist out as a shockwave immediately.
About a decision after impact, the
Shockwave will detonate the mine, causing
causing the effect that your
punch was like a noose to the
Spirit mine:
Bring one hand up and create a strong force ball
ball filled with the
energy of living organisms
All around you (Genki Dahma). Once you've created this ball,
"lock on" to your opponent.
Throw the ball but do not let the ball go through him/her.
Instead, keep the genki dahma
Inside of the opponent. With the hand that created
created the dahma
extended in front of you,
Tell yourself (in your head) that when you close your hand into a
fist, your hand will act
As a remote for the "mine" inside the opponent. Then that when
you open it, the remote will
Be triggered, and the mine will explode. Practice this technique
on a tree, or someone equally
As powerful as you.
Upward Spiral:
Focus on the enemy and get
get in ready stance. Feel out ALL of the
energy around you.
Let you own force powers out into the air, wrapping around the
force around you. Make 4-4-6 balls
Of dark force-
force-filled force balls. Concentrate them down into the
Earth, also taking earth element
Energy. Bring the balls up circling around the opponent. Make
the dark force inside of the force
Balls shoot out like spikes at the
the opponent as they are going up.
This will barrade the enemy with about
60 spikes of energy, which hurts like heck. As you get better,
make more balls and make them
Hold more dark force. Also extend the distance between you and
the opponent.
Force Jedi
Jedi Knight training
Advanced vortex:
Create an energy vortex. Once around you, project it a little off
your body so that it's about
2 feet away from you. Power up with the force flame technique.
Now project you flame to the left
Of you to create a magnet for the force. Create a second vortex
by using more of the force,
And a little from the first vortex to give it a boost. Do this
until you have four vortexes.
Link the vortexes to each other. Start making all four rotates
around you. Rotate them so fast that
Their energy begins to combine. When this happens you will be
standing in the center of
One large vortex.
Elemental Energy:
To use elemental energy, do the following. Focus on your spirit.
Visualize it melting away.
Now make your spirit change into the appropriate color for the
element you wish to use:
Air: Yellow
Fire: red
Water: Blue
Earth: Green and/or brown
Bring your spirit back up as the color of the element you are to
use. Now put your hands up
To your chest
chest so that index finger is touching index finger,
thumb and thumb, etc.
Visualize rays of light coming from your spirit and in between
your hands. Create a ball of
Light colored by the element's energy. From here you can do as
you wish. Here are a few ideas:
Create a fireball (Fire), ice ball (Ice), wind blast (wind), or give
yourself more strength (Earth).
Force Quake: Start drawing dark side force towards you. Create
a whirlpool of energy around you.
Be sure not to touch the dark side force, there should
should be a gap
in the center of the whirlpool for your
Body. As more dark side force is being added, make it spin faster.
Once there is sufficient energy in it,
Make it stop spinning. Make your force powers touch the dark
side force. This will set off a chain
chain reaction
Of explosions that will travel down to the end of the whirlpool.
This technique is only effective
If the dark side
side force powers from the whirlpool is touching the
Experimental Techniques
The Dark
Dark side of the Force
"To become a true master, you must master all energies, good and
Evil Eye:
Every one's heard of the original "Italian Evil Eye." Well, one
night I was bored as heck and
My friend (David) and I started talking about myths and
and crap,
when I came up with this.
The Evil Eye, meant to scare the living hell out of a would
opponent. You need to be able to
Transmit negative energy in a matter of seconds. Transmit, and
then focus on your eyes. Bring the
Negative force into your eyes
eyes and have it circle around in you
iris. Every once and a while
Creating a 'flash' in your eyes. Turn and look at an opponent so
that a shadow covers your eyes.
This will make the charge in your eyes more noticeable than
before. Use empathy to project
Feelings of fright. To do that, simply create a ball of negative
energy, and feel it with
Negative thoughts. Then project the ball
ball into the person's mind.
They'll notice you're eyes, and suddenly get a surge of fright and
an uneasy feeling about
Looking at you any longer. This technique has its greatest effect
when the performer can
Control his feelings and emotions.
This is the ability that ancient ninja had. Its purpose is to create
the illusion that there
Is more than one of you, or make the opponent see things using
mental powers. Transmit to
Begin, then fill your body head to toe with the energy (be
careful). Create a link from your
Mind to his, and force all the evil
evil through the link into his mind.
Visualize it filling his
Body. Because it is YOUR negative energy, YOU still have control
over it. At this point,
You are given the option of making the force explode and cause
internal damage, or give him
Something to remember. If you close your eyes and picture you
astral self being drawn into
The energy, you will be given the ability to see through the
opponent’s eyes. But because of
The negative force, you have a direct link to his mind. So if you
picture a goblin in front
Of you (him), that's what he'll see. It's easier to imagine weird
sounds. Simply reverse the
Process when you're finished.
Demon Call:
This is more under the category of Wicca, but because it uses
negative forces, I will put it up.
Light a candle and turn off ALL lights in your room. Transmit
your ki into negative energy
And sit down in front of the flame. Chant the
the following: "All evil
I can't see, hear my plea,
Perform this task for me." Focus on the person you wish the
demons to have an effect on, and
Release the negative energy that has now gathered in the flame
(the demons) out into the world
To do it's task.
task. They can not be asked to do a devastating task.
Keep it simple, don't piss
Them off, and this is 100% safe. This is probably the last
technique I will feature on this
Page. The others are either not legal, offend other religions, or
I just don't think anyone
Should be able to do them.
This is it for now. Sorry that I couldn't post oblivion, but that
technique WILL be taught to
Advanced students no longer need my help and can mold their
own path, It will be sort of a
"Fare well" gift. I will also teach
teach that and other techniques like
it to advanced students who
Wish to stay, and promote to be a teacher.
Force craft
Using elemental energy
In this section you will learn some uses for elemental energies.
You've probably seen how
Warlocks, sorcerers, and mages can make fireballs, and make the
earth shake and cool
cool stuff
Like that in movies. Well, all of that can be done in real life.
Here are a few of the things
I have ran across and used.
used. Yes, they all work. There is the name
of the technique, and then
The chant. I also include if there needs to be a candle o or
r glass
of water, stuff like that.
Omni maximums pyre luminoct
(Need to visualize fire, works best if close
close to lit candle)
Omni betidoct pyro luminoct
(fills an object with the power of fire)
Earth ball:
Omni maximus taura luminoct
Omni bentidoct taura luminoct
(Fills object
object with earth element)
Omni Bentidoct taura doriso
(Increases the magician's strength)
Omni bentidoct
bentidoct taura emperoct
(Recovers stamina and heals weakness)
Earthquake (minor)
Omni maximus taura bentidoct
(Causes minor vibrating
vibrating to small shakes in the earth)
Sacred soil:
Omni taura luminoct canoptis
(Purifies soil to make plants grow faster)
Lightning ball:
Omni maximus thundora luminoct
(Creates a small ball of electricity)
Psychic empowerment:
Omni bentidoct thundora luminoct pises
(Opens third eye and increases
increases psychic abilities ten-
Create wind:
Omni thundora luminoct
(Starts slight breezes, repeat thundora to increase w inds)
Omni bentidoct thundora emperoct
(Purifies the spirit)
omni maximus hydro luminoct
(Creates small waves)
Omni maximus hydro thunderous
Omni bentidoct hydro luminoct
(Makes an item sacred)
Element magick
Using elemental powers
Fire-cast Healing:
If you are wounded, and want to use the fire element to hea l
yourself, do this.
Close your eyes and visualize your entire body made of lava.
Where the pain is,
Visualize steel. Let the lava flow over and over the steel until it
too turns into lava.
Once accomplished, you should be healed, and it might be a little
warm in the once
Wounded area.
This lowers the given temperature in a room. Visualize ice on the
walls around you,
And it's so cold you can see your breath. Keep this visualization
strong. Now try and
Remember what it feels like when you're
you're cold. Let this feeling
flow through the room.
In about a minute's time, the temp should drop just a little.
Water Purification:
No, this is NOT self-
self-purification. It is the ability to take spoiled
or polluted water,
And transform it into pure water.
water. You must be standing/sitting
close to the petrified water.
Reach out your hand and place it into the water, so that you
palm is flat on the surface.
Close your eyes and visualize a clean spring or water fall.
Visualize the pure water from
It coming and
and wiping the polluted water away.
Third Eye
Some people are born with the ability to see energy and auras.
Some well....are not.
For those who are not, you have to learn how to open the thing
called the third eye. The third eye
Is located
located on your forehead, in between your eyebrows. If you
don't know if you can see energy
Or not, it looks like a bunch of different
different colors composed of
mainly the colors green (Ki),
Red (Negative energy)
And blue (Negative energy being recycled into Ki).
And the Aura is a bunch of different colors surrounding
When you get good at this technique, you should be able to see
the force anytime you
Want to without
without having to go through all those steps. Just tell
yourself that you want
To see the force and you should see it automatically
Energy levels
The ability to read energy levels
Note: You must be able to see and feel the energy around you
before reading
reading this section.
A person’s energy level is the amount and strength of energy
within a person.
It is measured using numbers. There
There is a normal and a max energy
level (Power level).
Your normal energy level is your energy level when you are
relaxed. Your max power level
Is your power level when you are fully powered up and maxed
out? For example,
If you could nock somebody down with the force on normal, then
your energy level would be about 30,000
Most likely. Most people that don't practice with the force have
a normal energy level of 400-
If you practice with the force,
force, this is how you will be able to
measure your power. There are a few ways
To tell what a person’s power level is. I will list
list and explain
those ways.
The Ability over Fire
Pyrokinesis is one of my favorite abilities. It is the ability over
This is an advanced skill, and can be dangerous to others around
you if you don't
Have control over it. The key to Pyrokinesis
Pyrokinesis is focusing on what
you want the flame
Or fire to do, and willing it to happen. Here I have listed a few
ways to develop and
Increase you Pyrokinesis skills.
What is cryokinesis? Part ice element and
and part psychic. An
example of powerful
Cryokinesis is subzero, from mortal combat. It literally is
manipulation of, and control over, ice. Here are some abilities
that will come from practicing cryokinesis:
Mental Powers
Method 1-1-Telekinesis Wall:
Sit down and stare at the object that you wish to move. Now,
with any type of energy,
Start making
making a wall of energy in front of you. When the wall is
finished, visualize it
As a wall of glass. Put your hand(s) out in front
front of you and
shoot out a little of the force to
Push the wall. Send the wall crashing into the object. With any
luck, the item will budge
A little. Start with something small, like a cheap plastic ring.
Method 3-
3-Mental Hand:
Close your eyes and relax in front of the object. Focus on your
aura. Visualize a hand
Coming from your brain. As it comes out, so is your aura. Slowly
lead the hand towards
The object. Lead the hand as you would any other. Let
Let it grasp
the object. Make it have
A tight grip. Now SLOWLY push/pull the object. If your
concentration is good enough,
You can even try picking it up to make the item float. Open your
eyes and look at what
Is happening. (Also called Force Grip)
Spoon Bending:
Meditation required before performance: 5-
Pick up a spoon and hold it in your dominant hand. Hold it so
that your
your thumb is placed
Against the handle just before the spoon-
spoon-head, and the other 4
placed against the back.
Close your eyes and
and feel out the energy around you. Close your
eyes. Start rubbing your
Thumb up and down on the spoon. After about a minute, the spoon
will start to feel warm.
In your mind, visualize the thumb and spoon merging together. At
this point, your thumb
Should be the spoon, and the spoon part of your hand (in your
mind). Now bend the spoon
Like you would bend your thumb. Open your eyes and see if you
were successful.
Psi Wheel:
Take a small object and tie it to a string. Hold the
the string by the
tip so that the item
Dangles at the bottom. Now visualize the object twirling in a
It should begin to rotate in a circular motion. This is an
excellent technique for developing
Will power.
Telepathy is one ability that is really useful and fun to use.
It involves communicating, receiving thoughts, and sharing
thoughts using your mind.
Twins are normally born with a strong ability for Telepathy with
the other twin. But,
It can also be developed
developed by any person who really wants it.
To use telepathy, you must know how to link your minds together.
To do this, focus on
The person you want to link with. There are two methods of
linking together. Each one
Is for a different purpose.
Method one:
This method is for communicating through your mind with
somebody at a visual range.
The person who you are going to talk to normally has to ready
to receive your message,
But once you get advanced enough, you can do it without them
knowing you’re about
about to. To begin,
Visualize a beam coming from your brain and going into his. This
means he can receive your
Message. Once you are
are fully concentrated on the beam, Focus on
the words you want him to
Receive traveling through the beam into you partner's hea d. If
done correctly, he should receive
The message.
Method two:
This method is for long range communication, mind training (see
mind training section),
And for communicating with multiple people at the same time. To
this, grab or focus on
The person who you want to communicate with. Now visualize your
minds connecting together
Into one brain. Now you can talk freely within each other. For
mind training, use the same
Procedure, but when you are in the dark
dark void, you should see the
other person in there too.
For communicating with multiple people, just visualize all of
your minds
minds connecting at the
Same time. This method is mainly for more advanced practitioners.
Method one is for beginners.
Method three
three (Mind trick):
This method is for putting your will into someone else’s mind and
having them do what you want
However do not try
try to do "big" commands as they can be out
willed by the targets will and you will
Have a problem of them becoming aware of what you are trying to
Now with this the more you train the easier it is to do and the
less effort to do it is required.
After a few weeks try it on a child just have them sit and be
quiet for a couple of minutes
Then try it on an animal the same thing sitting
sitting and being quiet.
After approximately three months you should be able to learn
other languages just by "ripping"
Them from a persons mind and you will also be able to trick them
in to doing your will and
This is the target goal, Practice!!!!!! this is how
how you do it and it
is all
Started by meditation.
Force Levitation:
First, you must realize that
that there is no gravity, just energy
holding you down.
This is because the negative and positive energies are colliding
to hold you in place.
Your body has the negative charges, while the energy coming
down has the positive charges.
Here's the effect. Raise
Raise one hand up above your head, and the
other below your waist.
Make the bottom one come up, and the top one come down. They'll
collide mid-
mid-way and hold
Each other still. But if you hold one hand out at chest level,
and the other above your head,
Then when the top hand comes down, if the other goes with it
instead of collides against it,
The top hand looses all its force. It's the same way with "gravity."
Realizing that, make the negative charges in your body go with
the positive charges (go with
The flow). This will neutralize all effects that the energy had on
gravity. At this point,
Your legs should feel weightless. Bring that feeling up through
your entire body. At this point
All you have to do is close your
your eyes and use your will power to
lift you up. "Feel" yourself
Going up in your mind. If you can make that feeling realistic, then
when you open your eyes,
You should be hovering about 3- 3-4 inches off the ground. The
stronger the will, the higher you
Go. All you have to do is keep the feeling inside of you to stay
Mind Reading:
Look at someone (a friend) that's standing about
about 6 feet away
from you.
Think of something you want to know about them. Think of this
real hard for this is the goal
You will try to reach. Look at them directly in the eyes. Visualize
your sight piercing
Through there eyes and looking into their mind. At this point, a
bunch of images should start
Flashing through your mind, all of them containing some sort of
info about what they're
Thinking. Use your will power to look hard and stay very aware
through this sudden flash of
Memories and images. If concentration
concentration is strong enough, the
images will stop flashing through
And stop at the image that will show you what you wanted to
know. Look at and study the image.
The answer to your question will suddenly pop into your head.
Using a pendulum:
The pendulum
pendulum is a VERY good beginner’s choice to learn how to
feel the psychic waves
In the air. It's what I started out with. To make a pendulum, take a
string of thread
And tie a fairly-
fairly-light object to the end. Hold it by the tip of the
string in your
Dominant hand. Start off by asking yourself a "yes or no"
question in your head.
Observe the pendulum and pay close attention to which way it
begins to move. Clockwise,
Counter-clockwise, left and right, and up and down. The
pendulum will do one of those
Depending on the answer. If the answer is yes, then which ever
way it swings will be the
Sign that the answer is yes. Figure out which
which way yours swings
for every type of answer.
Once you've observed and memorized what each direction means,
you can start to practice
With private audiences (one or two friends). Have them ask you a
yes or no answer question.
Watch which way the pendulum swings, and answer accordingly. If
you did it right,
You should answer the question correctly. The effect on the
people watching will probably
Be something like "Holy sh*t! How the hell did he/she do that?"
After continuous practice
With the pendulum, you should begin to notice that you will know
the answer to the question
Before the pendulum has timetime to react. That means that you are
gaining the ability to 'feel'
The vibes in the air as the pendulum does. Thus, the pendulu m has
served its purpose.
Now that you know how to send messages using telepathy,
I will tell you how to receive the messages.
messages. To receive the
You must be not be focusing on anything but receiving the
For practice, have a friend send you a color or number using
When you are trying to receive it, it is normally the first thing
Comes to your mind.
mind. Note: This is a great thing to do at parties.
• Aero kinetic – Make sure you are at an approximate distance of four to five feet from the Psi
wheel. Make sure all windows and doors are shut and no fans, heaters or air conditioners
are on. Keep your breath shallow and make absolutely sure there are no wind currents in the
room. Hold as still as possible as to not create your own wind currents. If you are still able to
move the pw you may be indeed Aero kinetic.
• Electro kinetic & Telekinetic – Do to the thermal reaction of the hands surrounding the Psi
wheel certain measures must be taken. First, try to work in a warm room not cold for if the
temperature in your hands is much greater then in the room this will automatically send the pw
into rotation once you cup your hands around it. Secondly, do not wet your hands for this can
interfere with your electrical charges in which you are using to influence the pw in both
Telekinesis and Electro kinesis. Thirdly, find a plastic cover such as a piece of Tupperware and
place it over the pw. Make sure the pw has plenty of room to move top and sides. If you can not
move it still try to change the plastic for a common household clear drinking glass. Even in
these conditions, if you are not a kinetic that requires being within one foot of the object you are
attempting to influence, you do not necessarily have to cup your hands around the pw, in fact it is
best if you do not. Stand away from the pw at approximately three feet and attempt to spin the pw
by influencing the direction of your mind and body frequency emissions. If you can move the pw
after all of this you may very well be an Electro kinetic or a Telekinetic.
Pictured: Master Kyp, His Wife Gabriel, Jyn, Bridgette, Scythe,
Chris Froste, and Master Kyp’s Sister.
Kuji-In basics
Kuji-In: Nine Mudras
1- Rin - Strength of mind & body, energy
2- Kyo -Master and direct energy, grounding
3- Toh - Harmony with the universe, balance and protection
4- Sha - Healing of self & others, regeneration
5- Kaï - Premonition, intuition, feeling
6- Jin - Telepathy, communication, knowing
7- Retsu - Mastery of time & space
8- Zaï - Control of the elements of nature
9- Zen - Enlightenment, invisibility, completeness
The complete method of power used by Buddhist sorcerers and martial artists of spiritual quality, the nine Kuji including
the chakra associated with each Kuji, the full prayer mantra, the philosophy and add-ons will be found in the Chi-Gong
and Kuji-in Book.
Kuji-In translates as "Nine Syllable Mudra." The number nine is the number that symbolizes completion. The hands are
a primary focus. Each finger symbolizes an element. The thumb represents void, and is the power source for all the
other fingers. It symbolizes creativity and spirit. The index finger represents wind and symbolizes wisdom and
benevolence. The middle finger represents fire and symbolizes intellect and action. The ring finger represents water and
symbolizes emotion and adaptability. The pinky finger represents earth and symbolizes the physical body and stability.
Combine the 3 to manifest: movement (mudra), sound (mantra), tought (mind). In each practice, make the hand signs
(mudra), say the single word repeatedly (mantra), and visualize the effect of the mudra (mind). Start with one, and
don't go to the next until you are comfortable with the 3 parts of a level : hand/word/tought. When you master the 3
parts of a single level, and feel that "something is going on" in the energy planes, go to the other level. Each level can
take 1 day to 1 month of daily practice before you master it. When you get to the 9th level, start to learn the more
complex mantras, starting with the first level again. They will enhance greatly the efficiency of the Kuji-in practices, as
the Divine will work with you in your practices.
In the following, the first photo is the good way to do it, and the second is there to show you how to place your fingers.
1- Rin
In the PDF book, you can find lots of information about each Kuji-in step.
2- Kyo
Index extended, middle fingers are bent over the indexes to touch the tip of the thumbs. Two last fingers crossed inside
the hand.
Kyo activates the flow of energy in and out. It is to help one learn to direct energy through the body, and eventually
outside the body. Willpower directs energy, but you must not push too hard with your willpower. Willpower to direct
energy is rather a "wanting it a lot" but not a "pushing hard face crippled" thing. Be at peace and relaxed when you
apply willpower.
3- Toh
Thumbs and two last fingers erected, index and middle fingers crossed inside the hand.
With Toh, you develop your relationship with the immediate environment, and eventually with the universe. You fill
yourself with energy and surround yourself with energy. It is the Kuji of harmony. Accept the outside events of life while
remaining at peace inside. Breathe deeply inside your abdomen, without strain.
4- Sha
Thumb, index and last finger extended, middle and fourth finger crossed inside the hand.
With level four, one becomes a healer, in the sense that they now learn to heal people with the hands, or even just by
being near. Absorb golden and blue light from all around you, and it becomes glowing red power when it gets in your
body. Accumulate this energy in your belly.
Lightsaber Construction
Lightsaber Hilt:
Note: This is not the real inner components this is just an idea.
Lightsaber Crystals:
Note: These are just an idea of the crystals used in the saber
construction the crystals used can be any color and size
depending on saber hilt size they can be any length, width must
be ¼” to 1”.
Jedi Clothing:
Tabards and Obi (Sash):
Note: Change measurements to fit you!
Jedi Holocrons:
The Jedi:
A Jedi Knight lives by the code of Honor, Valor, Loyalty, Courage and above all else they are the ones people
for their ability to see the hidden things and to ascertain the obvious and act as peaceful, wise and friendly
Saber Styles
Sword Styles
1. Halberd
2. Yarijutsu
3. Naganatajutsu
4. Tridentorijutsu
Unarmed Styles
1. Aikijutsu
2. Bokudai
3. Kung Fu
4. Karate
5. Kempo (Chinese)
6. Kenpo (Japanese)
7. Jujutsu; Judo
8. Hapkido
9. Ninjutsu; Shinobijutsu
10. ShaoLin Kung Fu;
Bear, Cenepede, Crane, Dragon, Eagle,
Leopard, Monkey, Scorpian, Snake
11. Drunken Boxing
12. Taijutsu; Taido
13. Boxing
14. Muay Thai; Kick Boxing
15. Wrestling; Olympic, Freestyle, Greco / Roman
16. Jeet Kune Do
1. Zen
2. Yoga
3. Tai Chi Ch'uan
4. Qui Gong
5. Tibetan
6. Buddhist
Total of 65 styles
Cut 2: Mandatite syualembrato from last position (Point of the blade facing the ground right
side) across the front of your body point still facing the ground bring the blade up around behind
your head from left to right then across and down from right to left again blade pointing to the
Cut 3: Falsetto Marco from last position (Point of the blade facing the ground left side)
Cross your hands at the wrist so the blade is still pointing downwards then bring it back up
across body left to tight from hip to shoulder level.
Happo No Kame
(Style of 8 directions)
Mandolor language
1. Conquer Arrogance
2. Conquer Overconfidence
3. Conquer Defeatism
4. Conquer Stubbornness
5. Conquer Recklessness
6. Conquer Curiosity
7. Conquer Aggression
8. Conquer Materialism
1. Practice honesty
2. Honor Your Promises
3. Honor Your Padawan
4. Honor Your Master
5. Honor The Jedi Council
6. Honor The Jedi Order
7. Honor The Law
8. Honor ALL Life
While the Jedi exist to study the Force, They are allowed
to exist because they serve the public interest.
Were they unable to use the force they would go on serving,
because this is their mandate.
The fact that the force is real, and that the Jedi are its most
devoted practitioners, only strengthens their resolve to use it
in the service of the common good.
Public Service
1. Temptations
I. Prowess
To seek excellence in all endeavors expected of a Jedi Knight, martial and otherwise,
seeking strength to be used in the service of justice, rather than in personal aggrandizement.
A Jedi strives to excel physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and can put these
in motion instantly. This requires discipline, patience and perfect practice, for a Jedi is
always mindful of what lies behind and what lies ahead, and prepares for the encounter with
his destiny. A Jedi Knight engages in the battle to be victorious - on whatever front he is
faced with in the modern world.
II. Justice
III. Loyalty
Be known for unwavering commitment to the people and ideals you choose to live by.
There are many places where compromise is expected; loyalty is not amongst them.
Jedi can exist in this universe because the Force exists. But the Jedi Order needs
more: it requires loyalty. It goes without saying that Jedi should be loyal to one
another. They should not squabble or fight. More importantly, though, each Jedi
should be aware that he must act in accordance with the wishes of his Master, who
must in turn act in accordance with the wishes of the Jedi Council. This is not a
question of seniority, but rather of understanding the will of the Force, and in
this regard, the members of the Jedi Council are wise council indeed.
IV. Defense
The ideal Jedi Knight is sworn by oath to defend the Light.. Seek always to defend your nation,
your family, and those to whom you believe worthy of loyalty.
V. Courage
Being a Jedi Knight often means choosing the more difficult path, the personally expensive one.
Be prepared to make personal sacrifices in service of the precepts and people you value.
At the same time, a Jedi Knight should seek wisdom to see that stupidity and courage are cousins.
Courage also means taking the side of truth in all matters, rather than seeking the expedient lie.
Seek the truth whenever possible, but remember to temper justice with mercy, or the pure truth can
bring grief. However, it must also be noted that to a Jedi, to be brave in battle proves nothing,
as bravery itself proves nothing. A Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret, and uncertainty
and either act, retreat, surrender or perish.
VI. Faith
A Jedi Knight must have faith in his beliefs, for faith roots him and gives hope against the despair
that human failings create. A Jedi’s strength flows from the Force. A Jedi’s faith is in the Light,
and to the One from which it emanates, as his guidance, as his path, as his friend, and as his destiny.
The path of Jedi is a path of inner illumination and the conquering of the lesser self, that the Greater
Inner Self, better known as Jedi, may in turn take dominion over the life purpose and destiny of the Outer
Self, or Jedi, who resides in the physical.
VII. Humility
Value first the contributions of others; do not boast of your own accomplishments, let others do this for you.
Tell the deeds of others before your own, according them the renown rightfully earned through virtuous deeds.
In this way the office of Jedi Knighthood is well done and glorified, helping not only the gentle spoken of but
also all who call themselves Jedi Knights.
VIII. Fearlessness
Fear leads to the Dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering.
There is so much superstition and hypocrisy around that one is afraid even to do the right thing.
But if one gives way to fear, even truth will have to be suppressed. The golden rule is to act fearlessly
upon what one believes to be right. Fearlessness does not mean arrogance or aggressiveness.
That in itself is a sign of fear. Fearlessness presupposes calmness and peace of mind. For this,
it is necessary to have a living faith in the Light. He who has awakened his spirit to the Light is free
from fear. Fear lies in illusions in the mind. Listen always to the still small voice within -
commune within by meditation, both moving and sitting still. Practice courage until it becomes who you are.
Practice equanimity, which is to experience changes and be unmoved - a mountain of being remains unmoved.
When fear is displaced within, ALWAY replace it with Light. Nature abhors a vacuum.
IX. Nobility
Seek great stature of character by holding to the virtues and duties of a Jedi Knight, realizing that though the
ideals cannot be reached, the quality of striving towards them ennobles the spirit, growing the character from dust
towards the heavens. Nobility also has the tendency to influence others, offering a compelling example of what can
done in the service of rightness.
X. Franchise
Seek to emulate everything here as sincerely as possible, not for the reason of personal gain but because it is right.
Do not restrict your exploration to a small world, but seek to infuse every aspect of your life with these qualities.
Should you succeed in even a tiny measure then you will be well remembered for your quality and virtue.
Using the Force for selfish purposes — self-gain, egotism, even convenience — crosses the boundary between the
and the dark sides.
It is true that actions speak louder than words. However, behind every action is motive and a purpose. Without a
sound motive and purpose, action has no meaning, no destination, and lacks a foundation. Action without motive
purpose does nothing other than to move for the sake of moving, beating the air to appear to doing something,
when in fact is doing nothing, the proverbial spinning wheels in the mud. A Jedi moves with the Force.
He meditates upon the Will of the Force. A Jedi’s actions are firmly based upon a deep motivation to serve the
Force of Light, and is deeply rooted in purpose. There is no wasted movement, or the need for action when
none is required, for to a Jedi, action means nothing without a pure motive, or a sound purpose.
XII. Discipline
A Jedi’s mind is a calm ocean, like a sea of glass. He realizes that it is in conquering the tides of the
emotions as well as reactions to stimulus that allows the Jedi to be victorious in all things, for he is
chalice for the Force, an extension of the Will of the Force. This inner stillness requires much
discipline: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. A Jedi by nature is highly disciplined
in all levels of his being, that in the fiery moment where the Force must be released to defend self or
others who deserve that loyalty, the action is a clear extension of many years of training and inner discipline.
XIII. Focus
A Jedi Knight’s focus is in the moment, in the now, realizing that the stylus of time cuts in the present,
and that history is perpetually in the making. A Jedi Knight realizes that past is important, as well as
the future, working to develop the spiritual faculties to perceive and discern such, but not at the expense
of the present, of the here and now.
XIV. Discretion
It is sometimes necessary for a Jedi to practice discretion. Jedi’s do not actively interfere with the lives
of the common people. Jedi stand for order and justice; however, Jedi’s prioritize and streamline their involvement,
and do not allow the misdeeds of the few to interfere with the conscious direction received as to the Will of
the Force and how their office as Jedi helps brings these into fruition. The goal of the Jedi should be to create
and preserve an atmosphere where justice can flourish, rather than try to create justice themselves.
A byword of Jedi could be, “I may not always agree with your choices, but I will defend your right to choose with
my very life.”
XV. Meditation
“Every Jedi should spend time meditating each day on the will of the Force. The reason for this is simple:
if one has unwittingly acted contrary to the will of the Force, recognizing the mistake soon after may still
give one time to make amends.” By regularly examining one’s own motivations, a Jedi could be certain that she
was not allowing emotion, ignorance, or passion to intrude upon their clarity. A Jedi who has no time to meditate
may more easily become lost. More to the point, a Jedi who refuses to meditate may already know that her
are not pure, and is thus lying to herself. “The Jedi who heeds not the counsel of the Force, to the Dark Side listens.
” Because a Jedi is an integral component of the Light side, it is therefore a prudent practice for the Jedi to also
meditate upon the luminous essence of being (the inner light) at least once a day, which purifies the mind, motives
and direction.
XVI. Training
A Jedi’s training in the Force never ends. A wise Jedi should strive to remember that there is always something
to learn about the Force. The Force reveals itself to those who have the desire and knowledge to see it, and merely
heeding the Force’s will is much the same as looking at an elephant’s toe and saying: “Now I understand elephants.
” To continue to grow, a Jedi should train each day.
XVII. Integrity
A Jedi’s responsibility to the Force is to be honest with himself. As long as the Jedi is not acting for his own
self-interest and observes the Code, he is obeying the will of the Force. A Jedi can and should offer advice to
those who need it. From a certain point of view, a Jedi is not being dishonest if he allows people to believe what
they wish to believe. It is not incumbent upon the Jedi to convince anyone to follow his advice. When a Jedi is
serving the Force, he may allow others to believe what they will, as long as he does so with a righteous aim.
Do not confuse this with “moral flexibility.” A Jedi does what needs to be done. But also remember that a Jedi
is not above the law.
XVIII. Morality
Jedi Knights practice noninterference with differing cultures and while Jedi can bring or restore order and justice,
they do not themselves sit in judgment of others as a rule. Judgment leads to vengeance, and vengeance leads to the
Dark Side. Therefore, as a rule, Jedi’s are not enforcers of morality per se. However, at the same time, while not
Jedi can be mediators. It is a role they are suited for, and one that works in accordance with the Force since
leads to balance.
Conflict is a fact of life in the galaxy for far too many beings, and no Jedi can hope to remain apart from it.
But a Jedi need not embrace conflict. “If a weapon you show, ‘A warrior am I!’ you say. And who is best must all
other warriors know of you.” So, to avoid unnecessary fighting, a Jedi should not advertise his skill.
But when is it necessary to actively engage in conflict? The Force will show a Jedi when he has no other options,
and a wise Jedi trusts the Force in this regard.
XX. Intervention
A Jedi Knight must not allow evil to take place once they become aware of its working. To remain aloof in
where a Jedi’s intervention would prevent the dark side from attaining another foothold is the same as helping it do
This a Jedi Knight must never do. A True Jedi Knight must constantly be wary of his path, making certain he does
stray toward the dark side, but remains firm in the light. Therefore, when the situation warrants it, the Jedi acts as
an extension of the Will of the Force, and is therefore sponsored and backed by that Will.
XXI. Harmonizing
The Path of the Jedi Knight is more than just a system of techniques for controlling, sensing, and altering the Force.
It is a deep spiritual ideology of existence, a deeply meaningful and moving panoramic journey and path of the soul
spirit to fully embrace the Light, in which the individual sees his true nature as a part of a larger whole, and claims
his own rightful place in the symbiotic whole of the way of things. A Jedi seeks to live in harmony with the
focusing on the most serious and intent discipline and gained spherical awareness to reach his goal. There are
temptations that seem to create conflict between nature and the mind, which mistakenly urge the Jedi to fall onto
paths. This the Jedi strives to avoid at all costs, no matter how dear or how tempting. A Jedi should focus his
on creating harmony between all beings. They detest violence of any sort; and reluctantly engage in resolving in
as a last resort when other attempts at conflict resolution have failed.
The progression of each rank is as follows but not limited to the following:
Master : This is the rank of the instructors everyone is taught by and this rank is the one that
the council will be looking to for new council members the most respected and intelligent and wisest
people are chosen for the council.
Masters can chose who they want to train and how they will train them, every Master has their own ways
to train and how the student will go about the training is dependant on the assignment, the Masters
themselves learn from the apprentice swell, learning is a never ending thing so we teach and learn always.
Council Advisor:
Non-Voting member of the Jedi Council, allowed to debate, propose ideas, and advise the Council.
Council Advisors are eligible to attend all Council Meetings, but are bound to non-disclosure of
details discussed in the Council Meetings. Council Advisors shall be active members, in good standing
with the Jedi Order, Ideally of Knight/Master rank, though special consideration may be made as needed
regardless of the candidate's rank. Council Advisors are elected by majority vote of the Council, and
the term of the proposed office is 90 days.
The world as we know it is simply the surface of what is in an infinite pattern of crossing fibers of realities,
as an example look in a mirror and see what looks at you this is obviously yourself but when you look at yourself
in the mirror ask yourself "is this what people see me as" and look in to your eyes and see the truth of the response
and it may be sad or happy to you but the truth is not all people see you as what you see, some see the whole you
real you.
The real you is more then the "crude matter" that is seen we are "luminous beings" and there for the following is
we are all connected to each other and everything around us not just the animate objects but the inanimate ones as
the things that don't seem to do anything are part of our being as well as the things we view as alive the field of
put off by all living things is known as the living force the other energy fields put off by the "non-living" things is
the force how ever we as humans know that the more we look for things the more we need to question.
The universal force is that which combines all things in relativity we are all supports for everything else we support
each other and in such we support every thing else such as a rock on the ground, the birds in the sky and even the
trillions of light years away if one thing "dies" then something else takes its place how ever when that thing "dies" it
doesn't end it rejoins the universal force and at times it might even return to living as someone or some thing new
force is eternal. Life is eternal, death is simply a transition to the next stage of development.
In the times to come we will have more technological advances and find smaller more powerful ways to kill
ourselves but
if we are to reach the point of "world" peace we must learn we are all the same you are me and I am her and him
and they
are you and so on and so forth we are here to help each other become that which we feel or are taught that which is
impossible here while we live, I am talking about perfection here is something I told a person I was introduced to
the phone "yes god is the image of perfection, but we are made in his/her image therefore we are perfect" now many
try to argue with this point of view but really think about it any religion that says we are made in the image of god
we are made perfect, what we are here for is to realize that we are and that killing and crime and acts of ill will
others and ourselves is pointless.
One thing we must do is learn to notice others saying hello to strangers to friends to family, giving a hug to a person
whom looks down and say "I love you brother/sister" and I promise even though they look at you like you're a freak
will smile and you will see their mood change, try talking to people let everyone know you are there to help and
they will
tell you what is bothering them then you can help them move on this is the meaning of life in my opinion, we are in
a time
where we need to help others in order to help ourselves once you start the ball rolling it will snow ball in to
helping everyone else out and then problems and differences will disappear and peace and prosperity will replace
now obviously when you have order you must have chaos to keep it balanced this is how everything works.
The meaning of life flows not from the past nor the future it is all that happens now things that pass will pass in
when they happen continue to move on to the moment you are always in this is a difficult then it sounds since the
brain is
constantly jumping to the past and wondering what the future holds but you must make the conscience effort to stay
in the
present this happens through meditation and being aware of what you think and feel instincts say the best thing to
do is
live in the now when your instincts are telling you something listen this is in effect the word of your God and that
is making you a god in your own right. (Please not the difference in the way God and god appear one has a G which
is capital
and the other has a g which in lower case; capital God, lower case god).
Zen = do without thought of it, this is the way to live in the now don't think of what you want to do just do it.
Help those whom need help and do so without thought or want of any thing in return, you do not need anything in
return you
do all acts of kindness out of respect and compassion for all living things, do not kill the spiders no matter their
get an piece of paper and gently scoop them on to it and take them outside and let them go safely and freely do this
all things captivity is not something any creature enjoys, so do not hold things against its will.
Compassion = is the term used for unconditional love meaning love everyone and everything the same not in levels
or not at
all but at the same equality this is how we are equal we are the same in virtue, honesty, loyalty, courage, valor,
compassion, trust, and feeling these are the what make us the living force we are each other and everything around
us when
you learn this and accept this you will be one step closer to a higher plane of living and thinking and acting in your
All these things are in the hearts and minds of all Jedi this is how we keep ourselves in check to stay
centered in the here and now in the peaceful and enlightened state we need to be in.
Man has seen a millennium of religion and belief, decorating civilization during his evolution throughout the halls
of time. What is true? What is false? What exists within the universe and what is merely an illusion constructed by
our own fears of insignificance? Gods have appeared and faded throughout the balance of mystical belief and the
epoch of physics. Yet when we are alone and when we gaze towards the sky we feel a slight breeze chill our soul at
the indescribable premonition of there being more to the universe as can simply be described by the cold vacuum of
mathematics and geometry. And while we know of the attempt of man’s logical tools to describe a past of
phenomena, we all realize as an absolute truth, that these tools lack the dimension needed to truly grasp the rules
behind the mist. Today we gaze towards a large number of magic's, presented to man on a numerous scale of world
views. Yet, engraved with numerous names for the different sources of power, we have come together on this site in
the belief that all powers in the last stance, originate from the same source of power; the mystical secret of the
universe to enlighten those on the path of knowledge in denial to the logical tools of man: that which we have come
to describe as the force.
As our ancestors, so do we strive towards the mystical heritage of man and search the depth of our souls for the
answers that will lead us to understanding, power and enlightenment. We have come to recognize that different
paths can lead to the same goal. Each of these paths shows advantages and disadvantages, but none is greater than
the other on an objective scale of thought. What allows us to decide for one of the three defined paths of light,
darkness and the shadows, lies in the substance of our ghost and soul. It is the aspect of self that decides on a
subjective scale of view, which path to choose. We are all the same, yet we are different. And thus the first step to
hearing the whispers of the universe lies within our capability to hear the whispering of our own souls.
We are born as children. Children are given a set of moral and ethical views with which they are to view their
surrounding. These views are the sum of experiences of our race and are given to use to be able to interact with our
society. The important detail, is to see these views as a guideline but not as an absolute truth. Many of our parents
have taught us views towards society and religion that they no longer believe on account of their personal
experience. And yet they teach us what is ‚commonly‘ appreciated as to assure our integration with humanity. The
process of life allows us to gather new experiences and thus our views are changed. Yet, the question is to what
degree can these views that were given to us be wrong? Assuming that there would be a general right and wrong to
a view or truth. As for an example, I am sure that there are many people who would easily describe our force
community as flawed by misconception. Yet if the person working at your local bank sees your views as wrong,
would you be inclined to regret and refocus your perspective? Probably not. Yet man has taken a course of logic
and neglected his focus on the mystical. He has turned away from intuition and instincts and decided to use his
mathematical tools to understand his environment. Thus alone our presence on this site shows us to have strayed
away from a common view of the universe. And this is the first obstacle on the path of self balance. The bank
employee does not impress you to reconsider your path, yet what if it were a friend? What if it was your partner?
What if most of your friends cling to their predefined view of reality? What if almost all mankind does so? We have
all made the experience that we lack the ability to broadly communicate with our surroundings on this matter. Most
people don’t believe in an alternative view, since it is much easier for them to cope with their fears when they
believe to have a maximum of control over their environment. To belief in the mystical means to add new variables.
It means to admit, ‚in the end, I know less than I dreamed to know‘. And this frightens man. And thus they will not
consider this aspect of possibility, since it would make them feel more insecure than before. This is the reason they
will explain to you why you should see things the way they do, for it will reassure their views to be stated as
‚correct‘, while you were simply ‚wrong‘. A wanderer on the path of enlightenment, determined to go an uncertain
path bearing an uncertain reward must decide in favor of his courage and serenity when following his path. Lest he
only follow the desire for additional knowledge, but decline the price to be paid. Most people who hesitate in the
moment of mystical consideration stop at this point. They decide that the price of spiritual loneliness, of
misunderstanding when interacting with their surroundings is too much to bear. It allows their fear and insecurity to
rise and at this point, the person unconsciously decides if he is of the sheep or of the wolf. The sheep have an easy
life. They exist on a field of grass and live together in herds. They might wander a mile in one direction or the other,
yet they are contempt at having one another and only secondarily discovering their surroundings. Thus being the
price for the security of a community. On the other side we recognize the wolf in this example. I will speak of the
first wolf to understand his own existence as to befit my example. The wolf is born and of a different substance. The
wolf feels his urge to wander and so he passes through the land, discovering his environment and searching for
others of his kind. The wolf wanders to the top of a hill and sees a herd of sheep in the valley. He gazes towards the
sheep, noticing how they live in herds and watches them move. He sees how they wander a mile in one direction or
the other and how they eat the grass, always looking down and only seldomnly gazing towards each other and thus
understands their nature. He decides that they are something different and wanders closer to investigate them
further. After slowly moving closer, he hesitates once more. For he sees the heard near a pond. He is unsure if it
was merely a light reflection, yet he believes to have seen something strange. He recognizes another wolf within the
depth of the heard. Slightly confused, yet glad to see a member of his kind he wanders over to the wolf. The sheep
grow restless as the wolf comes closer and the heard opens to reveal the second wolf. The first wolf walks up to the
second and watches the second with his tail between his legs eat the grass as do the sheep. "Greetings, brother“,
speaks the first of wolves.
The second gazes up, slightly confused and takes a step back, noticing that a wolf has neared him.
"Why do you step back from me, brother?“, asks the first of wolves. The second wolf looks slightly confused and
speaks, "Why do you call me brother, wolf? I am not like you, I am a sheep like the others.“ The first of wolves,
with his tail high grows further in his confusion, "What do you mean, brother? You are a wolf. How can you think
to be of the sheep?“ "I was born within the heard, wolf. I have always been a sheep, as my parents before me.“ ,
speaks the cowardly wolf.
The first of wolves ponders the situation and his gaze wanders towards the pond, "Look into the water, brother.
Then you will see that you are of my kind and not of the sheep.“ The second lowers his head again to continue his
meal of grass, "I do not need to look into the water, for I would only see my reflection. The same face I see in the
sheep around me. I do not need to look. I am of the sheep.“
"And what of the grass you eat, brother? Wouldn’t a sheep be more to your liking?“, says the first wolf in vain.
The second gazes towards him in fear and speaks with a quavering voice "No.“, he lied, "I have always eaten grass
and I know no other. To desire a sheep is against the law.“ The first of wolves watches the second as he nervously
looks around. The other sheep are seemingly oblivious to what matters are being discussed here. "Yet you have
considered eating one of the sheep, haven’t you?“, spoke the first. The second dropped his tail further with a look of
great guilt on his soul, “No, I would never think such a thing. And it would be appreciated if you leave us, for you
are making the heard nervous.“
The first of wolves is engulfed by a silent moment of loneliness. Knowing that he is not of the sheep and has no
heard. And knowing that his brother is also not of his kind. The first of wolves slowly turns, leaving his brother
behind, hearing the second of wolves trying himself in a accord of ‚bah‘. The other sheep acknowledge this sound,
yet the first of wolves knows, that the second can not communicate with them, no matter how hard he tries.
Only the wolf that acknowledges his existence can understand the self. Lest he be blinded by his surroundings.
To use the powers of the force means to be of the wolf, or rather, to be born with a magical gift allowing this
interaction. A man without this gift can study the force, as he can study any human knowledge. He can argument
within the boundaries of logic, but he is excluded from the true depth of understanding. Some statistics I have
raised, on the grounds of a given character similarity and other mystical and psychological studies has shown me a
gifted person of the force to exist in a ratio of 1:50.000 to humankind. Yet, those of the wolf that have the courage
and serenity to face the truth of their existence reduce this ratio to 1:5.000.000. Those between are born with a gift
allowing them to feel different; to view differently towards their surroundings, and to know within the depth of their
person that there is a truth behind the view of mystics. Yet they lack the courage to pay the price of serenity and
therefore live with the sheep. These loses can be traced to the given moral and ethical views of our surroundings
during childhood from our parents and given to us by our surroundings themselves. Thus a seeker must battle
victorious against his own fear to follow the path of the force, regardless of the personal force aspect.
When this first step has been taken and the gifted user has cut the thread between himself and others, can the gifted
commence to study themselves as the greatest potential for understanding they have at that time. They must now
start to remove all the clamps chaining their body and must rediscover what they truly and personally believe. Some
views will be kept, for the view they were taught and the view they believe are identical. Yet many people will
discover that what they are truly inclined to believe differs greatly from what society expects them to see, to believe
and to feel.
Many people, while discovering their souls, instincts and emotions, come to realize that they are darker than they
had admitted towards themselves up this point. There is a desire to enjoy. There is an enjoyment in things shunned
by society and unmoral behavior. There is a desire to raise the self before others. There is a lust for revenge. A
hatred towards those of the sheep who trap our brothers and sisters and who rule our world, in which they state
there is no place for us. There is the wish for conflict. To prove those who are weak and commend those who are
strong. And then we ponder over these inner desires, if this is what we are, in a viewed moment of truth. Is this not
the path we should follow? Granted, that we must control our desires for every society has its ways of punishing
those who think differently. We must be mindful, for the farther we wander off from what this society would
consider ‚normal‘, the greater the chance of being discovered will be. To be discovered might only mean to lose
your influence over your surrounding. To be discovered might also mean to be ‚corrected‘ under the usage of
government power. At the beginning of this path should an apprentice of the dark side or dark knight, as I would
call any gifted user to embrace his darker half and stand up for it in serenity before the self, learn to hide this mental
morphemic behind a mask of ‚normality‘. You may feel free to test otherwise, but you will quickly note that you
only harvest disadvantages from it. Try to be as you were before you made your first step towards others. Yet your
thoughts are free and your own. With no one given any right to punish you for them. Thus, the dark apprentice turns
away from society. He no longer cares if he is wearing the correct clothing or likes the same things as his friends or
as he is pressured to. While discovering the self , the dark knight notices the growing desire for power and
knowledge. And based on these reasons for revenge, lust for power or on account of what he sees when he gazes
into his soul, he turns to the dark side. His desire for knowledge draws him towards his path and his willingness to
crush those who try to stand in his way details him. First we will gaze towards the knight, the heart and the soul of
this divine will. The knight must face every truth, must gaze into the depth of the self and discover who he is. He
must do this to achieve a balance of self. If there is no balance there is no knowledge and no power. Do not try to be
what you are not, be what you are and be it gladly. Stand before humanity and proclaim your might before them.
Proclaim your serenity and dive into the dark waters of emotion. Scan the depth of your darkness and allow it to
flow through you. But be a perfectionist. Demand the most you can give, allowing your hate and rage to flow freely
together with your lust and your demand for power, yet always be mindful. Never underestimate an opponent, no
matter how simple he appears. To underestimate an opponent is a strategic failure and can not be tolerated. See
yourself as your central weapon. Sharpen your mind and fill it with knowledge to aid you in your battle. Study
strategy and tactics. Ponder over the phrases of Sun Tzu and elaborate on the scriptures of Machiavelli. Consider
what they say you should do and what you do in everyday life. Find your mistakes and correct your views. Only
when your mind achieves fundamental perfection can the knight reign supreme. Be ruthless towards yourself. This
is the first of enemies: the mortal flesh and spirit. Mortals are weak, they quickly suffice when they have done half
the job. Throw off the chains of imperfection and demand the ultimate functionality of every theory and construct;
of every idea and strategy. Work on yourself until you have done all that you can at this time and then turn towards
the world.
Now he must study his surroundings. On the one hand he wishes to understand the rules of society that have
appeared to him as laws for so long. To understand this, you must first realize that social interaction is a game and
not a reality. We were or are all young, we know that every school class has the greatest boy and the prettiest girl.
We notice the hierarchy of this. We are forced to take our place as dictated by the group, depending on how well we
befit their demands of a certain physical appearance and a certain social behavior concerning a striving towards
given goals. We watched the hierarchy of girls, ruled by looks, by being with the cheerleaders, by being the girl
friend of a certain guy with a certain rank in the social subculture. How much money she has, what kind of clothing
she wares. But when you listen to what they speak of you will notice that they talk about all kinds of topics, but
never does anyone ask: Who are we? What is there to know? What exists behind that which we perceive as reality?
Not only to achieve power to control our surroundings and to change our stand in this subculture, but especially to
search for knowledge in the plain desire of wishing to know and to understand. When we look at the boys, usually
the one with the strongest muscles or the best looks rules. Usually they make rank by behaving stupid in class, by
playing football, by having a good looking girl friend, buy telling how many women they have fictionally slept with,
by carrying on how they are going to get someone for something. But do they ever speak of true values? Of honor,
of having real principles that don’t change as soon as someone decides that something new is now cool? Do they
ever appear as if they would die for something they truly believe...We all know the answer. And this is the reality
we are caught in. Where the mass suffers on account of pseudo rule making. We see no way to change these things
for we perceive it as reality. Yet that is a mistake. A dark knight must look into the face of truth. He must look at
himself and decide why he has the ranking he does. He must decide what he wants and he must find out how to
achieve this with the subtlety of a mastermind. And here begins the study of our society. What rules exist, what
happens if I do this? Which reaction will result from it? What interactions exist? What rules? And then you begin to
construct your theories on this subculture. Be hard to yourself, be ruthless towards yourself, be mindful and always
seek the face of truth no matter how uncomfortable it is. For this is the path of the strong. When the knight has built
and tested his theories, when he has reconstructed and tuned them, he will have an instrument of mundane power.
And with this power he can achieve the social peace he needs to turn towards other studies. But always keep in
mind, that mundane power is the first of armor. It is the offensive part of the mask you carry towards the
countenance of the world. And all weapons are to be collected, sharpened and used when it helps you to achieve
your goal.
When examining a certain sheep, you will notice the mask that they carry around with them. The mask is what a
human wishes another human to see. It is to secure our privacy and to make sure that no one comes closer to you
than you would prefer at any moment. It is to hide the fear of the sheep. And the sheep carry these masks towards
the inside, meaning that they hardly ever have knowledge of it. Granted, they know to a slight degree if they are
making small talk or if they are talking about something truly important to them. Yet, the mask is also what protects
them from thinking about mystical aspects, what protects them against feeling afraid. It is what would make them
not believe you if you told them you had mystical power or knowledge. And it is what holds them a spiritual
prisoner. It is what allows or forces them to live their little lives and to never think of anything truly greater than
themselves. The dark knight, by aiming towards self recognition and balance destroys this inner mask. He frees
himself from it allowing him to perceive reality on a broader scale. Yet there is one aspect of the mask that shows
value. The aspect of hiding that which is behind it. A warrior caries an outward mask, meaning that he, in full
recognition of the functionality of a mask, tunes his behavior towards outsiders that have no right to his personal
thoughts. It is the acting in everyday life to allow the sheep to believe that you are one of them, for the truth would
make the heard nervous and cause aggression against you. And while the sheep are weak, there are many of them.
The greater your understanding of society the better your acting will be. The more perfect your mask is the easier
can you implement your will under the usage of your understanding of society. Until you easily fit into any
subculture, leading the sheep to fulfill your desires.
Together they meld to the armor of the warrior. To hold off all that is unappreciated and to help shield him from his
Lecture #3 - Armour
The process of the Armour is a steady process that evolves throughout the life of a knight. It is a weapon and
therefore it must be kept and cared for. Yet that which the knight desires is the point of self balance and
understanding when first his force powers appear."
As with the process of tuning the self to balance and further tuning one’s understanding to rule over his mundane
surroundings, such is the process of discovering the powers that lie within. As mentioned, the dark knight is an
emotional being. He attains balance to then further his dark side to engulf his soul and therefore nurture it with
darkness to grow in strength and insight. When meditating (cross check Terminology) a knight stands feeling his
hatred within him. It is a technique to strengthen the dark emotions flowing through him. Goal of this technique is
to feel your dark emotions and draw them through your body upwards, until they surpass your head, engulfing you
in an aura of darkness. Note, that this aura should be felt, as if you would be carrying a dark fog or smoke of
constant movement around you. When you have reached this state and can feel your dark emotions radiating from
your body, you slowly draw an emotion of pure evil from the second heart upwards. The second heart is a term
invented by our order. It is placed around stomach height, sometimes it can be felt in the region of the lower
stomach. This is the spot where you feel your intuition, when trying to ponder on a subject on the ground of
intuition you will recognize the spot. The darkness is traditionally drawn from below, since the ground is often the
strongest source of nature in the vicinity. This meditating practice should be done every day to attune your body and
mind to it. As with all things using your gift can be seen as using any other muscle in your body. The more you use
it the better you become. If you tend to use it only once in a while, or with long breaks containing several weeks,
you will notice how it becomes more difficult again. This technique is the basic step before using any force power.
It should be taken very seriously. It should be practiced every day, about 15 minutes is sufficient.
The principle of discovering new force powers, when not personally taught to you by some one else, is to initiate
the meditation. You will notice many different emotions flowing through you. The mixture of dark emotions and
intuition breeds a soft wind, allowing your thoughts to circle around you.. A knight must first decide which power
he wishes to learn. An important formula here is: Power + Technique = Force Result. You can achieve any
imaginable result if you have enough power. Yet power is most often limited. When using a high technique or skill,
you will only have to add a minimum of power. Of course, there are many results that can not be achieved for a lack
in the additional sum. A second rule is common sense. The more subtle or invisible a force power is, the lower the
additional sum. An example: feeling the emotions of another sentient being is easier than shooting lightning at
someone. While both are possible, feeling emotions can be learned quicker than shooting lightning and should be
preferred at the beginning. By all acknowledgement for our desire of absolute power, every force power learned
shows you more insight towards the force. When the knight has decided on a certain force power he wishes to
achieve, he must stay with it. When inventing new powers it can take up to one year to master them. If you try
different things during the same period you will be slower than if you did them after one another. With the power
you wish to achieve, you must now commence understanding it’s principle. While in meditation, consider what you
wish to achieve. Allow the dark wind to circle your thoughts, emotions and intuition until they become a form of
premonition, being slowly carried into place in the mental construct of your theory. You will have to ‚feel‘ your
way and slowly discover how different aspects interact. Interaction is the key of understanding. And this is where a
further rule grasps: Understanding and power come hand in hand. There is none without the other. While this rule
might seem simple, you will realize the depth to it as you continue down your path of darkness.
The explained process will allow you to slowly adapt new powers. Yet realize this, we all know when we face our
inner truths, that we wish for it to work. And this desire for a power to function can lead us into alluding ourselves
if we are weak enough to allow it. Therefore it is always important to remain humble before the countenance of the
dark side. If you do not worthy this relationship to the dark side of the force it will destroy you. If you remember
your place and insignificance before the countenance then it will be a powerful master and ally. With some force
powers it will be possible to statistically support the outcome, showing you if you are advancing towards a true and
reliable power, or if you have followed a thread that requires too much power for your momentary situation, noting
that your power will continuously grow from the point of your quest.
When following the threads of powers you can not support in this manner, you will have to rely on your
intelligence, humbleness and caution. If you fail, the dark side will crush you, making your existence more
miserable than even that of the sheep. Always bear this in mind. Yet, you must also be prepared to believe that you
have this gift and that you can succeed. For if you doubt yourself you will live as a wolf trapped among the sheep. It
is a difficult path. Yet the reward is more than I could describe in words.
Now the time has come to interact with the manifold powers of the force. We will begin with the 'reading of
emotions'. Read the following slowly and thoroughly. Try to realize the meaning of each step. Reread the text if you
are unsure as to the procedure.
To control man, means to understand his desires. While logic and observation shows you basic behavior patterns of
an individual, they lack perfection, for they are assumptions in the end. While a mindful assumption can suffice to
control a weaker victim, there are those enemies that are too powerful or wise to be simply manipulated by a
transfer of personal experience.
The path of intrigue and manipulation is a path most highly underestimated by the light side. Yet many of those who
see themselves as pure in heart, have only come to hide their darker sides. Perhaps they have buried them in a grave
of principle, yet if they are there, then they can be found and exploited. And even if you should meet with an enemy
truly pure in heart and mind with no desires to exploit, such individuals are often surrounded by loved ones that
lack this complete control over their darker sides.
I have fought some battles in the past. Some of them were against foes superior in their strength towards the force.
But a powerful body is nothing when it lacks the mind to understand the infinite combinations of movement.
Intrigue and patience can allow the strongest guardian of light to sink on his knees, if his beliefs of the good in all
men blinds his capabilities to protect them. For while he may be able to protect them from you, he can not protect
them from themselves.
Now we commence.
We close our eyes, perhaps with a hand on our forehead, to allow the assumption that we have a head ache. Or we
gaze towards a wall, yet not really seeing it.
We allow our anger to rise, our hate. Be it of it's own nature or be it while we deepen our anger to a certain fact,
something that has made us angry in the past to help us build up our anger. The anger grows and leads to hate of a
certain person or thing. The hate strengthens, further and further, perhaps with pictures of what you would do to that
thing or person if it was now next to you. Deeper, and deeper, we indulge into our hate. Slowly we generalize our
hate. Not only that certain person is despicable, but all who share his opinion. We think of another fraction we hate
for similar reasons, the hate growing in strength but also in generalization, loosening its grip towards a certain target
and leading us into a pure state of existence.
Now, we slowly allow evil to creep into our bodies. From down below, the ground, or the second heart it rises,
stronger and stronger, pure and eternal, does it slowly rise through our body. Our sentient presence moves beyond
the limits of our physical bodies. The fog or smoke engulfing our bodies. The evil rises slowly through our stomach
to our chests. The surge of dark winds moving around our body. There are no barriers, the flesh can not limit your
existence. Evil rises on the back of the dark winds containing your power, your hatred, the truth to your existence,
the key to your soul. It rises past the chest expanding to the sides and the above. The fog grows denser. It surpasses
the head up to about two feet above your body. You no longer feel your surroundings. You are the fog. The fog is
you. The constant movement of the fog states your emotions, your desire to destroy, the demanding of limitless evil.
And then you look at Sherry, stirring her coffee. You hate her. You despise her with your very existence. You
despise her because of her very existence. You passively note the presence of others around you, but you are no
longer part of them. You are not of the same existence and you see them as insects behind glass. You allow your
emotions to flow towards Sherry, demanding to move through her. You allow the fog, as part of your sentience to
move towards her and engulf her from all sides. You strengthen your hatred and let go of your consciousness, being
a sentience without an own body. The fog covers her entire body, every inch. At this time you might begin to feel
every small movement she makes as if it were your own, yet strangely distant. The fog moves into her body,
entering it through her eyes, mouth and nose. Concentrate on her head. And then the fog frictions from all sides,
moving about half an inch into her body, as if you were tightening your clasp around her until there is no more
room other than to move a bit into her. We hold this position, feeling her movement passively and we strengthen the
evil within us. A second rising of evil from below, to strengthen the first flow is suggested. And then we let go, still,
a bit further, and with a movement of eternal patience we feel for our second heart. At first we feel a movement, a
pattern unlike the hatred and evil of the rest of your sentience. We feel every movement she makes when she makes
it. We feel the slow current of her emotions leading to her every movement. We strengthen our hatred further,
always feeling for the second heart. We demand that her secret be shown to us. And then we feel an emotion. At
first, we feel several emotions. Different currents with different 'tastes' to them, moving in different directions with
different speeds. Some of them are stronger than others, yet together they devise a pattern. We dive past the surface
and into the depth of her feelings, searching for the key emotion. The emotion stronger than all others. We search
and feel and we find...a sadness.
A sadness, we try to place this emotion and feel it might be sadness in the sense of a loss. Yet, it seems not to be a
complete loss that is irrevocable. It is a sadness connected with fear. An uneasy feeling of a loss to come. Sherry
glances around and looks at you, but you must not hesitate at this moment. Ignore it and you see that she looks away
again. Not having obviously noticed that you are looking at her. She sighs and frowns slightly. We feel that her
sadness deepens. We feel it is a sadness combined with fear and...pain. We feel the loss, the object of her sadness
coming closer to the surface. It is love. Neglected love. Yet not in the tone of futility. She must partially have the
subject of her love. A man, a man she has met, that she knows. A man that she has fallen in love with. A man that
seemed to love her until...something. Something is not the way it should be with this man. He has neglected her.
Offended her. He has given her doubt to their relationship. We search further. She has not lost him, yet she is
unsure if she still 'has' him. A doubt. Another women? The possibility of another women. The possibility that his
feelings have changed. Her fear of losing him. Her pain of losing her love. We see as her emotions move around.
We feel how she considers her position. Her possibilities. But we feel that she is pessimistic. She feels herself
incapable of changing the events to come. We feel no hatred. We understand that Sherry does not know her female
competition. We feel her pain. How very deep that pain is. She thinks of him. We feel the emotions appearing,
understanding what she loves in him and what not. We understand what she seeks in him. What she perhaps seeks in
a man in general. We understand what type of man he might be. We can assume through our armor how this type of
man probably thinks and feels. We understand the category he belongs to and have additional details. We
understand Sherry. We understand what she seeks in a man. We understand what she would do for the man she
loves. We understand how much control the man she loves has over her. We understand one of the keys to
controlling her.
We allow the fog to pass towards Melissa, still rambling on about something not heard by Sherry. We dive into
Melissa as described above. We see her interest in what she is telling Sherry. We feel that she knows that Sherry
does not hear her, but Melissa does not mind. We feel sympathy and sorrow from Melissa towards Sherry's
situation. We feel the same fear in Melissa, that the man is lost. The fear is not as great as in Sherry, but it has the
same subject. We understand that Sherry is not feeling sorry for herself and that the situation with this man seems to
be serious. We feel how Melissa feels helpless to help Sherry. We understand what Melissa would do for a friend.
We understand how strong Melissa sympathizes with the ones that are dear to her. We understand one of Melissa's
weaknesses. We understand the man to soon be lost and we know what type of man he probably is. We would have
to see the man and read his emotions to be sure, but we have a first idea. The winds howl victorious. Their
existence, so pathetic and trivial. Their desires unprotected towards our grasp. A surge of evil touches your
predatory soul. You feel the power you have over the sheep. And thus, we release the two. We stand up and move
towards them....
To be visited by her or Melissa. Wondering and wishing to know how you knew...
Feeling the emotions of others will allow you to perfect ionize your armor. To use abstract constructs when
evaluating behavior with a higher degree of detail. It will allow you to exploit those around you and bind those of
your choice to seek your protection or friendship.
This is the key of understanding hidden desires, when scanning an individual on several occasions.
And that, will lead you to the key of corrupting their souls.
First when looking to understand the shadow side you must look at the dark and light sides. The dark and light sides
are constantly at war with each other over supremacy, there is a reason for this and I will get to it in a moment. The
Shadow side has no conflict it is in balance with itself.
The reason the dark and light sides are at war is because they both are created by ambition. The ambition causes
them to need a counter balance, according to the scientific law for every reaction there is an equal and opposite
reaction. Therefore the only way they can exist is to balance each other out, some people call this a symbiotic
relationship, meaning they benefit from each other, however in this case that is not an exact definition because they
not only benefit from one another but are completely dependent on one another.
The Shadow side on the other hand is completely independent from the other two sides of the force. It does not
need them to survive and in fact they are a hindrance to the shadow side, keeping it from achieving its full potential.
The Shadow side has its own balance of good and evil and therefore does not need a counterpart. The shadow side
is where the force flows most freely, because there is no conflict in the force. If you think about it, There are only
two ways to exist in the force. The mutual existence of the light and dark side, which consequently is where most
people are. The other would be the balanced existence of the shadow side as we call it.
People in the shadow side often have the most fulfilling lives because 1: there is no conflict and 2: You fully
appreciate both aspects of the force because you live through both of them. Of course there are many trains of
thought on the subject. I hope this first lecture was Insightful and helped give all force users a better grasp on the
philosophies of the Shadow side. Thank you for your patience and may the force be with you.
The Shadow side is steeped in mystery, some believe it does not exist and still others believe that the shadow side is
where those with no commitment and no spirit dwell. As a new Force Adept begins their great and wide reaching
journey towards self discovery and spiritual and physical harmony they will be tempted by many outside influences.
There are the archetypal Dark and Light side beliefs, there is no emotion ... etc. It is true that at the early stages of
development it is very difficult for an Adept to balance between two powerful poles: the Light and Dark sides. Once
an Adept has mastered the basic skills which are the foundations of all force use, i.e. meditation and physical
training then they are ready to choose a path. There are many paths open to a Force Adept, and contrary to belief it
is possible to change from any of these paths to another. This is not to say that any change is not incredibly difficult,
and requires an unrelenting commitment however change is indeed possible.
To harness the power of the Force, an inner peace and a deep knowledge of your own body and mind is required.
This may be reached through meditation or other forms, however it must be attained for a balance of body and mind
is essential. The Shadow Side is a balance, it is in the middle of the two polar aspects of Light and Dark. It is a
Shadow users belief that there are situations where differing poles can be and are of use. A Shadow Adept is one
who is not of the Light and not of the Dark, we use our emotions and our knowledge to achieve our goals. We help
others when they need help, however we help ourselves also.
A Shadow Adept uses means and resources when they are necessary or required. In essence we are the balance of
the Force, we are few and our group is largely unknown. As a Master of at one time Light and at another Dark I
have come to see that there is knowledge and truth beyond comprehension in the Shadows, we have no strict rules
to bound our faith in ourselves and our beliefs.
A Shadow Adept is a very special Force Adept, we use the benefits and the knowledge from both aspects of the
force. We hold no allegiances to any faith other than that which our own heart tells us to follow. We are trustworthy
and honest, we tell things how they are and see them without tinted glasses.
During my time as a Shadow Master and my time as a human I have learned many things about the Force and life in
I have never seen these things that we have all experienced in one form or another put so succinctly as you see them
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
I've learned that it's not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts.
I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do but to the best you can do.
I've learned that it's not what happens to people that's important. It's what they do about it.
I've learned that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
I've learned that no matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides.
I've learned that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
I've learned that it's a lot easier to react than it is to think.
I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I've learned that you can keep going long after you think you can't.
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
I've learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the
I've learned that learning to forgive takes practice.
I've learned that there are people who love you dearly, but just don't know how to show it.
I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get
back up.
I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be
I've learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from
them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I've learned that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more
humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.
I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must
forgive them for that.
I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for
who we become.
I've learned that sometimes when my friends fight, I'm forced to choose sides even when I don't want to.
I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they
don't argue, it doesn't mean they do. I've learned that sometimes you have to put the individual ahead of their
I've learned that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
I've learned that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
I've learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
I've learned that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt and you will hurt in the
I've learned that no matter the consequences, those who are honest with themselves get farther in life.
I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.
I've learned that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the
strength to help.
I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon.
I've learned that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people's feelings
and standing up for what you believe.
Lecture #8 - Control
For a shadow Jedi control means the ability to go from the extremes of both light and dark, at any given moment. A
shadow master has complete control over all aspects of the force. This appears to make the master unstable but in
fact a shadow master remains at peace at all times. The reason this is possible is that a shadow master has no
restrictions on what he believes is moral and right, and what he believes is hateful and powerful. A shadow masters
has no ideals, his ideals are that of accepting life in all its aspects. This presents the master with limitless options
and limitless control.
A light Jedi has control. He has control on only half of the force though, on only one aspect. He has control over the
light side, and is thus a master, However he has no control over the dark side and is thus helpless when dark action
is called for.
This is likewise for dark Jedi, however for these Jedi(both dark and light), winning and living in harmony are not
always there goals. Light Jedi seek to protect the lives of others rather than better there selves. A light Jedi does not
seek out conflict but still has no choice when he or others are threatened, he is in essence a slave of the light side.
This does not mean that the light Jedi are wrong in there beliefs, they chose a path were they would not be able to
find peace...they did this for the good of others and are therefore to be commended. Dark Jedi seek personal gain,
They are masters over the dark side and therefore have control over there dark emotions exactly like the light Jedi.
They are meant to attack if they did not attack they would cease to be of a dark nature they simply wait until the
time is right, and they can obviously not live a life of peace.
Many people often do not know what peace is, peace does not mean living a life without conflict i.e. never fighting,
arguing, etc. it means never having any conflict within yourself, it means that you never have to become frustrated
or lose control over your emotions. Control is the essence of peace, Freedom is the essence of control.
For a shadow Jedi there is no conflict, he is at peace with himself and the world around him, he is free to take any
action necessary to accomplish his goals.
A shadow Jedi may do light or dark deeds, without ever following a light or dark path. He moves with the flow of
the force in any direction it may go. He has control over all aspects of the force and can therefore take any action at
any time.
Thank you for your patience and may the force be with you all.
Lecture #9 - Training
When you train in the force you need to be mindful of the dark and light sides. The ultimate goal of a shadow
master is to transcend the limits of physical reality and become one with the force. Do what must be done to
accomplish your goals, but also keep in mind at what price is your objective attained. Before one can move with the
force and free himself of decisions he must first learn to balance his feelings mechanically, before they become
automatic and fluent, thus dictated by the force.
During training, Physical, or force exercises You should clear your mind, relax your muscles(do not allow them to
be tense or have forced movement), And let go of your spirit. What I mean by letting go of your spirit is to Let go
of your ambition, let go of what drives you and just be completely free. Once you have done this you will be
moving with the flow of the force, Your actions and the actions of the force will cease to be separate. You must let
go of every hindrance, stereotype, belief, and self set limit you have and accept the reality of the force.
If ever you become overly frustrated sit down relax your muscles, clear your mind and let go of your consciences.
You will enter a deep state of focus, at this point You will be strongest with the may see events from the
past, moments of the future or you may be able to manipulate your surroundings. However none of this matters if
you can't balance light and dark. You must balance them until the become one, The Shadow Side is balance, It is
harmony, It is true peace. Thank you for your patience and may the force be with you all in your quests to become
For all force users, Training is important. But before you embark on your training you must first grasp the
philosophies of that which you seek to master. I have been posting separate lectures on philosophy, Lecture #1, #4,
#6, all deal with the philosophy of the shadow Jedi.
Now it is time to focus on the training aspect of a shadow jedi. When you begin you should focus on the physical,
then progress to the mental, and then finally the spiritual aspects of the force.
Physical: You must train the body, so that you gain complete control over it. Flexibility is important, as well as
strengthening of the heart and muscles. No aspect of the body must be left out.
Physical Force training; when you train physically, realize that all of your strength and endurance flow from the
same force that drives the universe, this will help you with your exercise.
Mental: When you tap into the mental side you must attempt to let go of the way that you think and react, You must
strive to let go of all inhibitions. You must strip away all of the unnecessary aspects of your personality. This will
make you aware of your surroundings and the living force. At this stage you will feel the force and begin to
interpret other peoples thoughts and intentions as if they were your own.
Mental Training; You must alter your perception, "What you believe is Reality"... Trevor Robson, You will focus
on meditative aspects. During meditations you must become at peace with your self and enter your unconscious
mind. Once you are in this deep meditative state you can change what you believe. You do this by releasing the
negative aspects within you, you must strive to strip away all the false misconceptions you hold so dear, I.E. I'm no
one special, this is impossible, any constraints you may have placed on yourself. This will help you reach a state of
oneness with the force. Once you reach that state with the force you can enter the spiritual aspects and learn to
control the force and how it affects you.
Spiritual: I will only describe this to you, I wish it were easy to describe, I will not make any attempt to instruct
anyone in this aspect of the force. You should only learn this from a qualified master, who can train you in person.
Attempting such advanced studies over the internet will only dishearten you to the point were you believe it to be
On a spiritual level you have become one with the living force, you move within it and control the world around
you. At this level the only way you will get into a fight is if you allow it. You also control, and can alter the minds
around you. The difference between mental and spiritual can be best described by obi-wan himself, "You can feel
the force, Luke, You cannot control it". At this level you begin to control the force around you, this is the level of
If There are any force users here who merely want to learn to control the force, I suggest you re evaluate your
intentions. Controlling the force without first making yourself a conduit, Is like building the fifth floor of a building
without any foundation. Also It should be noted that the use of the word spiritual implies the essence of control over
events in your life, It was not intended to be of a religious nature and should not be taken offensively as that was not
my intention.
Lectures 11-20
Lecture #11 - Meditation
Meditation, that will be the focus of this lecture, enhancing the mental capabilities and attuning yourself with the
Meditation 1.) Sit still in a quiet room free of distractions, white noise or natural sounds may actually contribute to
this meditation and others. Raise your eyes to a forty five degree angle until your eye lids fall over them and your
eyes close, keep your eyes at this angle, it helps to get you into a meditative state. Once you are calm, begin to
envision a large shaft of white light. The light rises up your spinal cord from your tail bone to the top of your head.
When you breath in imagine pulling in positive energy and when you exhale imagine that you are expelling the
negative energy within yourself. With every breath that you take in the shaft of light should slowly expand laterally,
encircling you. Repeat the breath and envisioning process until the light has completely engulfed your being.
Purpose of Meditation 1.) To help you be at peace with yourself and give you better moral judgment and a more
positive outlook.
Meditation 2.) Repeat the process of the first meditation, calm yourself, raise the eyes. However this time when you
begin to meditate envision a fire within your belly. When you inhale the fire loses flames and the coal glows
intensely, when you exhale imagine an explosion of flames. Breaths on the inhale should be brisk and deep, breaths
on the exhale should be relaxed and drawn out. Repeat this as long as is necessasary.
Meditation 3.) When you reach a meditative state begin to imagine that all of your self inflicted limitations are
being stripped away, Imagine that everything you once believed to be impossible is now not only possible but is
second nature. This meditation is the most important. You should do it everyday until you feel completely free from
all constraints, Focus on a different limitation every time you meditate.
Purpose of Meditation 3.) This meditation is designed to help you become more attuned with the force, and make
you a better conduit.
Myself and a friend of mine Jedi Knight G have often talked about the differences in philosophy between our two
aspects of the force. His views are very clear to most jedi, but if you seek clarification talk to him I will not speak
for him, However I wish to clarify the morality of the shadow side.
First off I have often stated that the shadow side is a balance between the polar realms of light and dark force
aspects. This does not mean that a shadow user must commit himself to dark action in any way, nor does it mean
that he must commit himself to light action in any way. The first lesson a shadow jedi must learn is that all aspects
of the force light and dark have the potential to have either a negative outcome or a positive. This philosophy means
that you can take dark action and have a positive out come. Likewise you can take light action and have a dark
outcome. A shadow jedi does not alter his own personal beliefs of what is right and what is wrong but rather accepts
the truth that they are one in the same. I personally am of a rather light nature, my intentions are always light.
However my actions are not always light. I can take dark action to fulfill my light intentions.
A shadow jedi can be of a dark nature and take light action to perform a dark intention. What a shadow jedi is
taught is that the force aspects light in dark can have any potential outcome that is what we are trained to master. I
have wrote down many examples of this. However the point that must be remembered is that when you have a light
jedi he is committed to light action with light intention, whereas a dark jedi is committed to dark action with dark
intention. That is what it means to follow those paths. The path of a shadow jedi is that of a free dark jedi or a free
light jedi. We Never change our intentions, however we have the freedom to use any action necessasary to reach our
goals. I hope I have clarified At least a little bit, but if you like it simple I will leave you with this passage. "There is
room in the universe for all paradox."...Teaching of the Mikkyo Temples.
It is very clear which force powers are used by Light Jedi and which are used by Dark Jedi, Shadow Jedi have a
unique force inventory at their disposal. A Shadow Adept can use both Light and Dark Adept Force powers,
however they have their own special techniques separate from both Light and Dark.
The techniques are variations of standard Light and Dark powers however they differ in that they are not as
polarized as both Light and Dark. Light adepts most potent force magic is arguably the Force Blind, in which
opponents are blinded by light. Dark adepts have Force Lightning which is used as a weapon to burn and rupture
blood vessels and cells throughout the body. A shadow adept has a combination of these powers at their disposal;
the ability to 'darken' their opponents vision whilst sending out tendrils of darkness which taps opponents energy.
This is perhaps the most potent of a Shadow adepts powers, the ability to reduce opponents vision whilst taping
their energy can tip the balance of any light fight.
However shadow jedi rarely engage in combat, as stated before shadow jedi are a secretive sect of jedi. Shadow
adepts have been around for centuries, some say they evolved before Light and Dark, their powers are both similar
and unique in comparison to both Dark and Light Jedi.
First off a persons own views determine what his actions will be when it comes to the shadow Jedi. There is no
discrimination on the shadow side, anyone regardless of views has the right to learn to use the force. A shadow Jedi
is taught from the beginning to unlearn all of his concepts about life, the value of good and evil mean nothing to a
shadow Jedi. He unlearns pain, fear, and all other inhibiting factors. A shadow Jedi is taught that any action can
have an infinite number of outcomes, knowing this makes the shadow Jedi limitless.
There are no rules placed on the shadow Jedi, the reason behind this is that there is no reason for the rules, shadow
Jedi live at peace with themselves whether they be dark or light, therefore they have no use for rules. The way they
obtain this level of peace is to realize that there is no difference between good and evil, right and wrong, these are
just perceptions of reality and not reality itself. Reality is limitless and moral less, reality in itself has room for all
actions good or negative. Another interesting point is that a good action in one persons eyes can be a negative in
another, and vice versa. There are an infinite number of possible outcomes and interpretations for any action, a
shadow Jedi realizes this and knows that if he takes a negative action it may just have a light effect.
A master can manipulate the outcome in many ways to achieve his goals, he can control whether or not a negative
action has a light effect. The first step to learning how to use the force is finding reality. Reality is every impression
you sense, it is everything and nothing is to be excluded as false, the skeptic is blind to the ways of the force, accept
that nothing is impossible. Once you have done this you will be opened up to a whole new world, a world with
direction and purpose. You must accept the fact that there are no rules to life. Once you have done this your mind
will be free from constraints. A perfect example of this would be a woman whose child becomes trapped under a car
and she temporally forgets that she can not lift the car. The mind is limitless, the only limits on the mind are those
we are taught to put on them, the mind controls the body, therefore the constraints placed on the mind directly affect
the abilities inherent in your own physical being. Once you have freed your mind you will be ready to be instructed
in the ways to control the force.
I have noticed that many things in life depend on your perception of them. For a shadow jedi you must realize that
for every good there is a bad. For every right there is a wrong. If someone spills grape juice on your brief case don't
become angry just realize that in the end something good has to come from it. The point here is that it doesn't mean
anything, life is only what you make it. When you were a child you were hypnotized by your surroundings, you
learned to value material pocessions, you learned that you cannot achieved your dreams...Likewise you could have
been hyptmotized by a positive environment, you could have learned success and you could have learned that the
person that dies with the most toys...still dies.
If you were not lucky enough to be raised in a nurturing environment than that doesn't mean that you have to live
with the imprints of the past...You can change them, Life is what you believe...choose to believe in something
fulfilling. A shadow Jedi is not heartless, nor is he/she blinded by his need for fairness...there is a point where you
are forced to put yourself above others, if you have not experienced it than you are either a liar or have never truly
lived. A shadow jedi doesn't live for ideals...He lives for life, he accepts as it is, and loves it as it is, and hates it as it
is. This doesn't mean that he/she is confused about life, what it means is that he/she knows that life doesn't always
favor one side or the other...No one can always be right so instead of trying to be right or just a shadow jedi just
moves with it, that is the only way not to fail, if life turns sour do not become discontent, know that eventually it
will come back to balance and back to peace...likewise do not over indulge in the light aspects of life to do so is to
invite downfall. Know this life is a balance...Sometimes there is a violent disturbance but eventually it all comes
back to harmony...instead of fighting the consequences of life move with them...Life is what you make of it, if you
fight life you will lose if you move with the force and accept it than you will be invincible.
Control...It is what we all seek, we seek the ability to control our lives and destiny's, but how many of you out there
think that you can make the force bend to your will's at all times, I feel sorry for those of you who do. The path to
control is not the path of resistance it is the path of balance and peace. Control is realized through living a life of
peace and balance, it can not be attained in any other sense. For those of you who think you can fight the force, I
suggest you seriously reconsider your approach to life. I am considered by many to be a master but I will tell you
this right now, I am but a learner in the ways of the force...I have awakened in a world of infinite possibilities and
am learning for the first time in my life what it is to be alive. I hope you can follow this path as well and live the life
you deserve.
Through Meditation one can reach a level where he/she can control ones own inner perceptions...this is very
important because this is the gateway to the force. Only after one eliminates all of the inhibiting factors of the
conscious mind can one feel the force. I will explain it like this:
We were all created by A force, whatever name you choose to give it is irrelevant. We are inherently connected to
the force that created the universe, we see this force working in all things around us. It is also true that in being
created by this force and being connected to this force we can influence this force...IF we couldn't than we would
cease to be alive. However as intellectual minds we have chosen to rule this out as impossible, because our current
laws of physics deem it so. However physics cannot measure spirit, and to deny the existence of spirit is to deny the
existence of the universe. In placing these blocks we simply limit our force connection by believing that the force
doesn't exist, if you don't believe in something than you will not acknowledge its presence even when it stares you
in the face. So in order to feel, use, and learn from the force we must lift these mental blocks. This is not as easy as
it may sound, you have been beating these beliefs into your head since you were born. So to accomplish this I have
decided to copy down and post a section from a book entitled The Mystic Arts Of The Ninja. The section is on the
art of self hypnosis called Saiminjutsu. This self hypnosis will allow you to change your sub conscious beliefs and
allow you to "Feel, and Use" the force, whatever you believe it to warned that this is not for the ignorant or
close minded.
Saiminjutsu: In contrast to classical Zen-style meditation, hypnotism works with similar mechanics but in different
applications and dynamics. In meditation, the practitioner attains the relaxed and aware inner-directed state and then
shuts down the active mind in order to listen behind the subconscious. In hypnotism, the practitioner attains the
relaxed and inner-directed state and then switches on the active mind in order to talk into the subconscious.
Move to a comfortable room free from distractions and begin to stretch. You want to be wearing loose fitting
clothing so as not to have it become a distraction. Sit in a relaxed and comfortable position while maintaining a firm
foundation. Focus your eyes on a point 45 degrees above if you were looking at the point were the wall
meets the roof. Now begin to relax your mind and just enjoy the feeling of relaxing your mind...begin to notice the
strain in having your eyes open, begin to count from 9 to 0. With each number increasing awareness and slowly
closing the eyes. By the time you reach zero your eyes should close almost on there own accord. You should be
completely aware of the energies in your body and the impressions of your environment on your physical being.
Once you have in essence left behind your body and are completely relaxed begin to focus on the aspect that you
wish to change about your personality, note this will work, with every breath in concentrate more on changing that
aspect...this should produce a near immediate affect. Notice that this is not a "Thought", thinking it will not work,
that will bring you back into the conscious mind, while you are meditating allow an intention to arise in your mind.
The intention should be the goal you wish to fulfill. Allow the intention to merge into your subconscious. After a
while of meditating it will feel as though this "Change" has always been there. The goal will be fulfilled and your
personality altered. That is the way to the force, anyone who claims to be a master of the force without knowing
how to first be in touch with it is just a waste of valuable space.
A shadow adept is trained to use the force as it should be used, we feel the ebb and flow, calling upon the vast
energy when it is required. Many shadow adepts begin life as a light Jedi, training to see good in all. A light Jedi is
selfless, thinking of others before themselves. This is a difficult task, light Jedi walk on a thin wire, to give in to
their hate is to be all that is Dark. To devote themselves to the light is to deny all that they are. A Light Jedi Master
has no life to themselves, devoted to the light they cannot fall in love, or become angry when they are mistreated for
these are selfish emotions.
Shadow adepts are 'not quite' fallen Light Jedi, they are Jedi who find a balance between their own needs and those
of others. A shadow Jedi has the option of weighing up any situation they are in, using the force to achieve the best
possible conclusion. If you have devoted yourself to the light think carefully about your choice. Do you want to
give up all of your selfish emotions? Love, hate, anger, jealousy, pride, these are all selfish emotions which as a true
follower of the light you would give up.
I remain in the shadows, helping others when I can, when I feel it necessary, when I want to. I help myself, and
those I care about following an aspect of the force which allows me a choice over my actions.
The shadow sides ideals are quite simple: Life is as it is and needs not be altered, but rather accepted. The more you
fight your place in nature and strive for superficial goals the more pain you subject yourself to.
Purpose of the Shadow Side: it is as it is in nature, balanced, perfect there is no need to alter a thing, only move
with the flow of the force. We find enlightenment in the knowledge that we need nothing that we were not born
with, and that we do not need to struggle for a better life, Life is how it is and it is a gift. Cherish it and nurture it,
develop it, never subject it to conflict.
Goals of Shadow Jedi: we are here to help others, we have learned that true happiness and peace is in ourselves, in
the knowledge that we need nothing and need to change nothing, Life is always in balance...When the Light side has
more numbers the dark side gains potency. Our goal is to help keep the disturbances between the two small, if that
means that we need to occasionally stop some of the light sides actions because they will cause great disturbance
than that is what needs be. When the light side kills in self defense, and stops dark intentions it creates the
opportunity for more evil to arise, and that creates further disturbance. Our Job is to neutralize the conflict all
We are seekers of balance and peace, it is not our place to fight, but merely neutralize to put everything in a
position of balance and peace. We our not concerned over what our actions are, light or dark, we know that on a
universal perspective there is no light and dark Only balance, and balance is beneficial for all life. Ideals such as
Just and compassion mean nothing, they are empty, to truly benefit man kind one must end petty conflict and like it
or not those virtues create conflict.
First of all, I would like to recommend Jedi Knight G's excellent lecture on Force Healing in the Light side lecture
hall. While these two lectures are of the same subject, I anticipate they will be very different, as this lecture will go
into the actual art and science of healing. My thanks to Jedi Knight G for posting his views.
Force (or energy) healing has been around for millennia. The actual practice varies, however, and it goes by many
names: Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, light work, etc. for the purposes of this lecture, it will be referred to as energy or
force healing.
One of the most important (and sometimes shocking) things to realize about healing is that it is more of a skill to be
learned than a gift. True, it helps to have a natural aptitude towards the force. But like a musical instrument, some
are born with the ability and others learn it - either way, music is played.
To understand healing and how it works, looking to science can provide some much needed insight. The energy
field or aura that surrounds the body has been scientifically proven, modern technology now allows us to
photograph it, read it and measure it. This energy, at its base atomic level, vibrates at different rates. Heat up the
molecules, they begin to move faster and the matter expands - cool them down and they return to their original
speed and size. The atomic vibration level of the energy of an inanimate object vibrates at a much lower level than a
living being. They are made up of the same base molecules (as is the entire universe), but because of the different
vibration rates - one breaths and the other doesn't. It is these varying vibration rates that is the key to force healing.
The first step in healing is to understand how the force flows through the body. The Kundalini line (from the Hindu
tradition) is probably the strongest current in the body - it flows between the top (or crown) of the head, down the
spine to its base. From there, it branches out through the hands and feet - working to ground the individual and
connecting them to the living force of the earth. It is this strong out pouring at the hands that is most commonly
used with force healing.
The actual act of healing is fairly simple. Placing the hands one to three inches above or directly on the body - this
puts the "healer" in direct contact with that person's prana or life force energy. As the force flows through the
healer's hands and into the other person, on an energy/atomic level that person's living force is being raised to a
higher vibration level. It is at this new level that the actual healing takes place. As more energy is drawn into the
hurt area and the energy level raised, the body will begin to heal itself.
At this point it is very important to note that the healer is acting as a conduit for the universal living force.
Ironically, is *not* the healer that is actually doing the healing - instead, they are merely allowing the force to flow
through them to the other person. It is not the energy that physically makes up the healer that is being given, but
rather, it is the energy of the entire cosmos. If the healer "wills" the energy flow too much or is too intent - simply
by the natural flow of how our energy works, the healer will be incorrectly using their own energy. This can leave
them feeling drained, tired or in a bad mood - their energy has been given away and there is little left. It is
interesting to note that some Light Jedi (due to their protective and generous nature) could possibly have a problem
here, naturally giving their energy to those in need. While Shadow Jedi, because of their natural balance with the
force, might have an easier time. But for everyone, this area of healing develops in time - the novice healer will
sometimes walk away with a head ache from an incorrect healing session while a master could easily carry on a
conversation with another person, watch TV, listen to music or read. For in reality, proper healing requires only a
small amount of intention -- remember, the healer is only a conduit for the universal force. So, in placing the hands
in the correct position (fingers closed and together, just above or directly on the body), the healer simply lets the
energy flow out of their palms to the other person. Again, little thought is needed, this is simply happens naturally
on an energy level.
With practice, and this goes for any type of use of the force, the jedi will begin to physically feel the force flowing
through and around them. To give those who haven't experienced this (yet) a good idea of this sensation: place your
palms together and slowly spread them apart to no more than 2-3 inches. Concentrate on sensing the energy flow
between your palms - if at first you feel nothing, close the distance between your hands. Slowly, you will begin to
sense an almost magnetic feeling between them - experiment with this. How far can you hold your hands apart
before you can no longer feel it? Is it stronger at some distances than at others? Can you feel the energy move?
Knowing and recognizing this part of working within the force is a very important beneficial step.
This form of healing can be used for most anything - people or animals with physical or psychic wounds, yourself
(*very* beneficial), plants, even machinery! The possibilities are endless and I've only given you a very small
portion in this lecture. As with most serious arts, learning advanced healing is not something you can learn over the
internet or from books. What you've read today is very basic and can be practiced (correctly, of course) by anyone.
If anyone is interested in formal healing training, please feel free to contact me - there are books that are very
helpful that can get you started and there are ways of finding masters in your area. I'd be happy to give
recommendations for any of these.
This 'lecture' was sent to me by a Light Jedi, and although it has no direct relevance to the Shadow side I thought it
would be interesting to analyze it from a Shadow perspective.
In essence a Dark Jedi uses the force to create for themselves a god like presence. "If you do as god does enough
times, you become as god is." Dark Jedi destroy what gives them their power, however there is a contradiction in
the passage which was sent to me. How are the Jedi to prevent this "mutilation of life and of the force" without
destroying dark Jedi. And if they do this do they not become as Dark Jedi are? Destroyers of life .... The Light side
shows stark contradictions within itself, whereas at least the Dark side is true to itself and its purposes. Even if that
purpose is self destructive.
"The Force (to a Jedi) is a unifying essence that radiates from all living things, binding the galaxy together. As with
everything the Force has a dark side. The dark side of the Force is fed by hate, fear and aggression, domination and
greed are what its followers hope for. To get it though they kill innocent beings, they destroy life. They want power
but destroy the source of their power before they achieve it. As Jedi we must stop this senseless mutilation of life
and of the Force. Remember this always for this is the greatest lesson a Jedi must learn to become fully one with the
Lectures 21-30
Lecture #21 - Zen and Shadows
If someone were to ask me to sum up the shadow side in a word, "Zen" would be my answer. That state of simply
being in and of the force. The ultimate state of pure paradox, it is nothing yet it is absolutely everything. Such is the
way of the force and the shadow side itself. As I sat reading last night I came across this passage in a book and
thought how perfectly it explains the shadow side.
What is Zen?
Try if you wish. But Zen comes of itself. True Zen shows in everyday living, consciousness in action. More than
any limited awareness, it opens every inner door to our infinite nature.
Instantly mind frees. How it frees! False Zen wracks brains as a fiction concocted by priests and salesmen to peddle
their own wares.
Look at it this way, inside out and outside in: consciousness everywhere, inclusive, through you. Then you can't
help living humbly, in wonder.
"What is Zen?"
One answer: Inaya Khan tells a Hindu story of a fish who went to a queen fish and asked: "I have always heard
about the sea, but what is this sea? Where is it?"
The queen fish explained: "You live, move, and have your being in the sea. The sea is within you and without you,
and you are made of sea and you will end in sea. The sea surrounds you as your own being."
I have heard a lot of people saying the quote; "You eyes can deceive you, don't trust them." (Myself included)
However I feel that there is a need to explain this a little bit better.
One day I walked into a music store looking for some classical music. And when I say "classical" I don't mean out
of the 60's, I'm talking about Beethoven, Mozart, Bach and all the other great composers of that era. Shortly after I
entered a young salesman tried to sell me a new stereo system. At this point I must add that I was wearing a tie dye
shirt and a pair of fairly old jeans and had my haircut at about shoulder length. I was personally interested in buying
a new stereo so I listened to his little speech. He rattled off about how this was the best stereo system to listen to
heavy metal rock so you could really feel the base drumming though you bones like it would really feel like you
where at a live concert. After he stopped talking I asked, "How does it work with Beethoven?" He looked puzzled
at me like he had no clue who Beethoven was, which I am pretty sure he didn't. I explained to him politely who
Beethoven was and he still had no clue what I was talking about so I simply did a general tour around the store,
found the classical section (which I might add was extremely lacking in both quality and quantity), found the CD I
was looking for and paid for it. On my way out I passed the young salesman and showed him the CD and explained
who Beethoven was again and suggested that he at least check out something from Beethoven's wide works from
the local library and listen too it. (Which I would encourage anyone who has never really heard Beethoven before to
This is a prime example of how your eyes can deceive you at first. The second I walked in the door he stereotyped
me as your typical teenager that listens to hard rock (which personally hurts my ears.) because of the way that I
dress. And while I may look like your average teenager (what can I say, I wear what is comfortable, not exactly
what fashion dictates and if that happens to be tie dye shirts and jeans then so be it) there is a lot more to me than
meets the eye. In fact I wouldn't have to hazard too much of a guess to say that there is more than meets the eye with
most if not all of the people who are reading this right now.
Another way to look at it is to see how easily the eyes can be fooled into thinking that something that is not really
there is there. Look at any optical illusion for example. Also look at how much one misses during a day, when you
sneeze, bend over to pick up a shiny coin or miss that special someone as they slip behind a pillar or into a store at
the mall as you round the corner. Which is something that leads to the nature of invisibility but that is another thing
all together.
The other thing that is mentioned is that we as human are overly dependant on our sense of site over the other four
and in the case of smell it has almost diminished down to nothing. One can gather a fair amount of information from
the other senses: the footsteps silently shuffling down the hallway, the slight breeze when you know someone has
past, or the faint scent of perfume that you know only one person wears. Lastly when one is in tune with the Force
you can sense things not through any of the five senses, like that strange tingly feeling when you know something is
about to happen but you just don't know what. The information gathered from the Force is usually a lot more
accurate than any of the five senses, a Jedi must learn to trust the Force and the information and insights that the
Force gives you.
What is enlightenment?
Probably one of the most simple and yet misunderstood states of being. When we think of enlightenment what
comes to mind? Jesus? Buddha? An ancient little man in long robes meditating up on a mountain in Tibet? Sure,
those are some of many faces of this state. However, the smart money is on the sole fact that we rarely look at
ourselves. I'd like to share a story that I heard from an amazing teacher I met this past weekend. This story comes
from the great mystic, Anthony de Mello. De Mello was asked, "what is enlightenment? How do you reach it?" in
reply he told this story. (Note: I'm paraphrasing this, as I don't have the actual text that the original story came
In England, a poor homeless beggar was walking the streets looking for warmth and a place to sleep. Finally he
decided to curl up on the banks of the river Thames. Not long after he fell asleep a wealthy woman in her limo
passed by and upon seeing him said to herself, "Oh, this won't do." So she stopped and walked up to the beggar,
"Tell me, have you no other place to go?"
So the wealthy woman offered him a meal and a warm bed for the night at her mansion. Naturally, the beggar
accepted. Upon arriving at her home, she showed him to the kitchen and spoke to one of her servants, "This man is
to have clean clothes, as much food as he can eat and carry, and a comfortable bed in one of the servant quarters."
And with that she retired to her bedroom. Hours later she awoke thinking about the beggar - had he gotten his bed?
Was he well feed? So she goes down to servant rooms and notices the light on under his door, she knocks and
enters. There, sitting on the bed is the beggar, well feed and clean.
Then knowing that perhaps the man just needed company she walked to the bed and sat down beside him. The
beggar moved over to make room for her ...and fell into the Thames river.
Take a second and think about that, close your eyes and process the story. Don't be two dimensional when thinking
about enlightenment. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's something that can never be attained or something that
you gain two minutes before you die. Enlightenment is to be lived, to be recognized NOW. Like the beggar that fell
into the river - he never moved, not really. He went on a journey, yes, but in reality - he was where he always had
been. Here. Now. Look around you - inhale the living force with every breath and exhale it a hundred fold through
every pore of your being. Live in the ultimate balance. You are the embodiment of this enlightenment, you *are* the
force as is every thing around you. Never allow the word "separate" to enter your mind - separateness is an illusion,
don't buy into it. "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." Live that. Fall into the Thames river - awake to
the present moment and see yourself as the very answer to any question you seek. FEEL the living force. FEEL the
moment. LIVE the force. LIVE your enlightenment.
Yes sir real all the way, in the form of Kiai-jutsu. I think it is safe to say that you all know or have heard a keeyaaa
in a karate movie right! Anyone have a deeper insight as to what it is for, well for the most part a kiai is something
you do to stop your opponent for a brief period or to channel more energy, but this is not complete. First you must
use your mind, body and spirit all for this to have a full kiai. In the body part this is the strike or throw, kick or
punch if it is not done right then it will do you no good. The mind is the focus of the technique, when you do this
you mind is in total attention of you goal or target. The spirit is the emotion or energy the force or power if you will.
But all of the above are nothing with out the other. you must use them together as one here is a guide as to how.
Sound of a kiai: when you are punching, kicking, attacking you want to use a vowel like sound A, E, I, O, or U. we
breath out when doing this from your Hara ( belly or center ) some of the best sounds are like Kiyaa! or Daaiiii!
also Eeesaaii! notice you breath as you say the mentioned kiai.
Blocking or grappling: We use a P, T, M, or S. sound and limit your breath not stop it. This channels the body's
internal force and causes the energy created to flood the torso and limbs and reinforce the body as a whole.
examples are Hott!,. Yatt! and. Toup!
The mind tricks come in to play by other things like a foot stomp maybe, example I have a sword so do you, you
want to attack, but can't find a opening, then I let a small one open you begin to go for it then I stomp the ground, it
stops you in your tracks can't move for a second and guess what I win. You can also do this like when some one has
there mind else were and lets say, is about to take a sip of a drink, then kiai and it may cause them to freeze or drop
their cup. You can also watch some one walk and do this and they will stop there train of thought and again freeze.
Also you need not even make a sound, like one night me and another person was grappling with weapons I had a
Boken ( wood sword ) on my hip and he had a Tanto ( knife ) I also had a Hojo ( a 6ft rope ) wound up in my hand,
I dropped it he looked and as he looked I drew my sword and cut again I won. So I used the nose of the rope as a
kiai a total mind trick well I will leave you with this and I hope it helps you in your study of the force, by the way
you can also do a kiai with your eyes as well but I will let the Force teach you that one.
Many people know what the Shadow side is. They know that the Shadow side itself is not limited to either of the
two aspects of the force, but rather extends from extreme to extreme. This fact that all aspects of the Force does
NOT mean that all force users are Shadow Jedi.
Shadow Jedi, are force users who strive to unlearn all concepts of good and evil. They learn to see things in more
natural terms. There is no good or evil...only oneness. Shadow Jedi as such strive to live in the balance of the
moment. Each moment has its own energy balance and when an energy balance becomes to extreme to the point
where it is unhealthy for life, it is the job of the Shadow Jedi to step in and restore balance.
This is the stage in which Shadow Adepts realize the existence and prescience of a force around them at all times
and in all places. This is a stage of awakening and can take much time.
During this stage of development Shadow Adepts must learn to see the world through a different lens. They must
learn to no longer see the world as chaos and random events. They must learn to see the intricacies and connections
of all things around them. Than they must understand that all things are in balance, where one thing is stronger
another is weaker...and as such it will shift back and forth until equilibrium is reestablished. We see this in the
world around us, we note how all things in nature bend to this rule as it is a supreme concept. Through this
realization we begin to understand that as such our personality has such balances...where one aspect is stronger its
opposite is weaker. We must also understand that this give and take relationship is not beneficial and that it is only
beneficial when in equilibrium...when all aspects are equal and none is this stage progression is only
Training at this stage includes self hypnotism and restructuring of the personality. First we recognize the parts of the
personality that are favored...than we must restructure our personality so that it too is in equilibrium. Once we have
achieved inner balance we have made our first great step into the world of the Force.
After the attainment of inner balance we form a connection with the balance of energies around us. With our own
personalities balanced we now have the freedom to undertake any action the force dictates without it corrupting or
affecting our personality make-up.
At this stage we become operational Jedi...We now use our abilities to balance those around us, as well as nature
and the environment as well. However this is a task that is only undertaken every once in a great while (When all
things can no longer balance themselves for the benefit of life). This opportunity only arises once in every few
generations. As of these most recent years we will be moving into this era of turmoil.
The job of a Shadow Jedi is never clear...sometimes it can be the most insignificant of tasks. While at other times it
can be the most daunting. Only your closeness with the force can dictate this to you. To be a Shadow Jedi is to be
one with the force, the process of becoming a Shadow Jedi is a process of unlearning all that separates us from the
We all have a different path in the force, for all things diverse have their own places...However how we walk those
paths is up to us.
The same path for one person can be heaven or hell at one time or another. We recognize this as perception, as our
minds interpreting life around us to the specifications that have been built into us by the circumstances and
experiences of our lives.
The mind is our conduit between the pure energy of life/spirit/force and our Physical being or vehicle...How the
energy travels from the physical to the spiritual and vice versa depends on the condition of the conduit...
If the conduit is completely clear than energy will flow naturally back and forth between realms like water creating
an equilibrium.
However if the conduit is blocked the energy will not be allowed to pass naturally and will create problems and
deficiencies between the two realms...However life will balance itself out and the force will balance itself out in the
form of luck and unguided power, but that energy will never be used for the potential and the power it was
intended...It will play out and we will walk away from the experience once again the victims of fate or
To clear the conduit we must align all of our perceptions so that they allow the energy of pure potential to flow in
and out of the material or "Matrix" realm, "Matrix" meaning mother or womb, where the laws of physics apply
directly to the amount and direction of energy in our universe.
The process of aligning perceptions is known as unlearning...We must find the perceptions in our lives that allow us
to block the energy...they can be simple things such as "That is impossible" or they can be much more complicated
and can be linked to the base perceptions of our personality, similar to the person who believes that some people are
capable of doing amazing things however they themselves are not, all of these perceptions are intertwined to one
root perception that is often instilled by insecurity with their world...The reason people go on quests of knowledge
is not for understanding itself, but because of fear and insecurity with their places in the world...rather than accept
where they are (and at the same time accept their inherent power as sentient beings with a spirit) they choose to
instead quest for understanding that cannot be obtained...The force is not meant to be understood it is meant to be
accepted and used for guidance. However getting someone to change these perceptions will be difficult because
they are caused by fear...often times fear is the greatest defense mechanism there is on the planet and it is not
something to be taken lightly when teaching your students...Fear can destroy them. I have seen it many times and
those who are destroyed by their fear often times wish to pull others along with them, "Misery loves company".
When approaching the process of unlearning if you discover that your student has deep seeded fear you must
approach the situation like you would if you were talking someone down off a ledge while they are suicidal...One of
the key principles to stick to when doing this is the simple realization that life is not meant to be theorized about it
is meant to be lived...
Doubt, Hesitation, Fear of Failure, these are all defense mechanisms created by the intellect...They are designed to
make our world rational...
Human beings have developed rational minds and as a side affect of that they have developed the defense
mechanisms necessary to keep it a rational world...I.E. the mind tries to reject anything that cannot be explained
rationally...therefore it creates blocks that will not allow that irrationality to seep into life.
People have difficult times accepting the irrational, and they have near impossible times accepting the fact that they
have that same irrational and unscientific power.
So what we have done is create a "Rats wheel" to keep ourselves from realizing that we have that power, we run in
a circle. We never realize that we are in the wheel because we always seem to be gaining ground and going
forward...but in actuality the wheel is just spinning. That is akin to us creating blocks and limitations that keep us
from being able to use irrational power...much like the illusion that the rat is going forward.
The rat needs to move off of the wheel to go forward...much the same we need to move off of our wheel to go
forward...our wheel is our doubt, hesitation, disbelief. Our very need to look before we leap.
If you let go of your fear, your hesitancy and your disbelief than your mind will no longer be will be
open and free and energy will flow through it in desperately needed equilibrium and balance...Now you have the
power that makes a Jedi, the force is with you...
There is energy in all life and all situations, sometimes it is not our purpose to put out energy, either for physical
technique or for radiance of emotion...Sometimes it is the job of Jedi to siphon energy out of a situation and back
into the spirit realm.
When energy amasses and gathers at a focal point and than intensifies it naturally expands and when energy
violently expands it destroys that which is around it.
This is similar to a Riot, many energies gather and rapidly expand in ever widening violence until they have
expanded enough for the energy to have dissipated...
That is when it is our job as Jedi to let the energy flow from the physical realm back into the spirit realm where it is
naturally dispersed into the living force.
Our job as Jedi will be ever changing and will always depend on our place with the not become upset if
you cannot achieve something you believed to be vital...always remember that in the eyes of the force all is right
and nothing can be the "End of the World" that is important to hold on to...whenever all seems out of control pull
back and focus on the big picture of the force...we all have our places in it and we must accept that...Our job is to let
the light shine into the darkened material realm...To allow life to flourish.
I apologize for the time it took me to get another lecture posted...however I believe that at this time this was the
proper thing to write..
What makes one decide to meditate? Everyone has their reasons: mental, physical, spiritual – meditation aids in all
of these on multiple levels and is the driving force of bringing all of them together. When first sitting down to
meditate it is important to keep one thing in mind: let it flow naturally. Never force yourself to meditate longer than
you are able. For many just starting out, if they can pull off ten minutes of meditative stillness, this is a great
accomplishment. Start slow and try and leave all preconceived notions of snap insights and instant enlightenment
behind. Keep it simple and expect nothing. This is, after all, a life long journey and isn't something you can get the
'cliff notes' on. Patience is key.
Realistically speaking, when first starting out it's possible to not take to meditation right away. There are some who
are so thirsty for the calm it brings, they will slip into the practice without a second thought ...but, in fact, most have
problems of some sort. In a way, it asks a lot - those who aren't raised on meditation almost have to alter their
thought processes. Let's be honest, quieting your thoughts and going to the state of simply "being" – not exactly
something anyone can fully grasp in a single sitting or two. You'll quiet your mind, sink into meditation and
suddenly you're thinking about a test that you have the next day or what to fix for dinner or what needs to be done at
the office. Practically everyone goes through this and above all, never let it be a source of frustration. Again,
patience and let it flow naturally. If you find yourself in that situation, simply let the thoughts go and return to your
centering method. (be that breathing, mantra, etc)
Now, you've heard it practically everywhere: meditation is the key; meditation is the foundation. So, what does
meditating accomplish? Meditation is the art of quieting the mind, allowing you to listen totally and completely to
yourself. Any answers that you seek are already within you, waiting – you need only still your mind and listen. As
time goes on and your meditation deepens so does your understanding of yourself and with this a door is opened
into a totally new world. Your journey in meditation is a journey to the depths of yourself and, as it goes without
saying, therein lies ultimate awareness of the force.
The coming lectures will cover a wide range of meditative techniques and practices. For the most part, the basic set
up stays the same for any meditative exercise: sitting normally in a chair or on a flat surface (floor, bed, etc) with
your legs comfortably folded or flat on the floor, back straight, eyes closed, in as quiet of an area as possible.
Again, always remember to let the meditation process flow naturally, with time you'll find that it seems to take on a
life of its own. Patience is key and frustration is the opposite of what you are wanting to accomplish. If you find
yourself unable to quiet your mind, try not to let it bother you. Use a different centering technique, get up and do
something, go to sleep – any thing but get frustrated with yourself and your meditation. And above all, enjoy the
practice – meditation opens countless doors and will help usher in deeply esoteric states of awareness's a long
journey but truly a vital one.
Breathing is one of the most basic as well as important aspects of meditation. Whatever technique you decide to
use, breathing will most likely play a large part in it. For the most part, the average person breathes very shallow -
drawing in air from the throat area as opposed to taking it in deeply from the chest. There is a difference to be
aware of. In meditation, deep breathing is very important - to inhale, slowly expand your chest, aware of the air as it
moves through you - exhale slowly and just as deliberately. Be sure that your breath is even and that you follow it
with your focus. Just sit in the silence with that intention, simple and deliberate breathing. Starting with just a basic
breathing meditation, be aware of your breath. For that moment in time that is the only thing that your mind should
focus on -- the gentle inhale and exhale of your own breath.
You'll come across many excellent breathing techniques, go with what you are comfortable with and stick with it.
To give you a good starting place, I've found this breathing method to be very, very beneficial and recommend it for
anyone no matter what stage you are at in your meditative learning. It is as follows...
Place your tongue just behind the ridge behind your upper teeth, this works on an energy level, completing a main
circuit where in energy flows through out the body (similar to the Kundalini line) - hold that position through out
this exercise. Next, inhale through your nose, counting slowly to four. Hold it, counting slowly to seven; then exhale
slowly through your mouth, this time counting to eight. Note the operative word here is "slowly" - always be
deliberate in any meditative exercise, it helps control and deepen your focus. This is a very simple but very
powerful exercise - just remember: 4, 7, 8. Inhale 4, hold 7, and exhale 8. It acts on many physical and mental
levels, it steadies the mind and centers the energies of the physical body. Try it several times in succession and you
can automatically feel its effects.
Proper use of meditative breathing can begin to surface in the various aspects of your life. When you are
comfortable with your breath (i.e., it has gone from its normal shallow to a much deeper state) you can call on it at
different points in your day to day life. Various relationships, anxiety, stress, five o'clock traffic - you name it,
through the use of this breath you can bring yourself back to your meditative center at any moment. *Highly*
beneficial, especially if you're like most people and don't live in a peaceful monastery in the mountains. Just stop
and breathe during your regular day - take two minutes and go through the basic exercise. Remember that
meditation is not something that you do once or twice a day in special place in your home - it is to be integrated
fully into your life as a whole. Whether you're at work or school - it's vitally important to take a few minutes just to
center yourself and regroup. It's very easy just to get into the hectic flow of the day, but by bringing your meditation
with you, you're able to transform that everyday life. Which is what many people strive for, transforming the day to
day - it doesn't take a great awareness to do that, just a few minutes here and there to quiet yourself, be aware of
where you are and simply breathe.
Probably one of the most common means of centering is the mantra or a simple word or short phrase that holds a
deep meaning for you. It acts as direct link to that sacred, calming space within you that is the goal of meditation –
correctly chosen, the mantra should resonate that state.
In choosing a mantra, go with your gut reaction – the one that really sings to you. Like many of the answers we
seek, when we are open to it – it presents itself immediately, selecting a mantra is no different. Depending on your
religious background (if any) a mantra can relate back to that, for example: "Abba" is a common Christian mantra
(it’s widely considered that it was used by Jesus) but then, it was also used by Gandhi as well (his mantra was his
dying words). "OM" is probably the most common (and very sadly, the most stereotyped) example of a mantra.
Found practically everywhere, this literally timeless mantra is the resonating tone of the third eye or 6th chakra.
Personally speaking, I’ve found it to be probably the most powerful and harmonic mantra for use in meditation.
Basically, a mantra can be anything - as long as it is sacred to you. Generally speaking, it should be very short, no
more than handful of words (example: "Ohm mani padme hum" which translates loosely from Sanskrit as "lotus at
the center of the garden"). Again, choose one that you feel comfortable with, look in your favorite sacred text, go
into a few minutes of quiet meditation and see what comes to you… whatever you choose, let it be your own.
When meditating with a mantra, simply sit in the quiet in the meditative position you are comfortable with, letting
the mantra flow with your breath within your mind. As you inhale, the only thought that you let through your mind
is your mantra, nothing more. Using "OM" as an example – breathe in,
"ooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm" a slight pause, holding it briefly, then exhale - again, the mantra is
carried the length of your breath. And from there the cycle begins again: inhale with the mantra, hold for a moment
of silence, exhale with the mantra. With each in and exhale you are drawn deeper inside your meditation, towards
the center of yourself where there is true calm and nothing more. If random thoughts start to drift through your mind
(and they always do!) don't get frustrated, smoothly bring back your mantra, clearing those other thoughts away and
continue on.
Very simple and it will help deepen your meditation immensely. When first starting out in meditation, it's a common
misconception that you should jump immediately into sitting in the pure silence with nothing else – while this
probably works well for some and generally leads to frustration at not being able to focus. In this regard, using a
mantra is excellent – it's widely regarded as one of the very best methods of centering yourself not only in
meditation but within your "normal" day to day life as well (as is discussed in the previous lecture on breathing).
The warrior's way of enlightenment is a process of releasing all restraints on the three level's of being.
The first level of being would happen to be the most obvious, the physical.
In the process of releasing the physical form we will do a lot of exercises that will encompass principles such as
Natural movement, and the honing of the reflexes so that they do not react in undesired ways.
When training in the physical form it is important to remember that even though it is a physical body we travel in,
the force still creates it and indeed is it...even walking is a force power. Without the force providing energy to life,
no such movement or existence could be from now on the question isn't how do I find my abilities...but
how do I expand them...they are already present on ALL LEVELS...however we simply neglect those abilities as
run of the mill or something less than worth our attention. This is not the case, quite to the contrary, if you do
indeed wish to be successful on the warrior path than you must first learn that value of the most mundane of
So from now on, when you do your exercises, whatever they may be, go through them with an awareness towards
them. Watch how you move, and if something is uncomfortable, DO NOT TRY TO FIGHT IT, accept it. The way
of the force is not the way of struggle but the way of acceptance. Stretching, when doing this keep in mind that it is
a process of letting go, and not of forcing a stretch...all things in your life should be accomplished with a few
considerations in mind.
2) Do not hesitate, despite all of the nature films Hesitation and indeed fear are not natural to human beings. They
linger from our evolution from animals...animals poses fear for the simple reason that there core ambition and
indeed only ambition is the survival of their species...for a warrior this is not the case. We must realize that life is a
gift to all beings, but that gift like any other should not be held over others head's or be overly protective of...Fear in
itself is a Defense Mechanism. We as Force adepts do not need fear, because one of the very first things we learn is
that our existence is simply within the force, and if it is the will of the force that we be injured or indeed killed than
there is no need to fear that. If it is the will of the force that we fight back, we do so. Never Fear, Never hesitate.
3) Never be reckless, never pursue your goal when it is against the will of the force.
4) Live, do not worry about walking the path, or if your doing something right, Just live.
Once you pass the plane of Physical existence and allow yourself to expand, we move into the realm of the mind,
The mind in essence is the ultimate Conduit/Computer. It is an interpreter and a receiver of Data. The data comes
from the force, and that is indeed how we discern the will of the force, through our minds...However the mind like
all "Lenses" can become smudged and the image Muddled. So to make sure our mind is interpreting the will of the
force correctly we must know how to properly clean it. The process of cleaning the mind is Called Unlearning.
In Unlearning we will discover how our perceptions determine our reality. Reality, and the world around us can
only exist, TO US, when our mind interprets the data. HOW our mind interprets that data directly determines our
reality, and indeed the will of the force, I.E. Someone sitting next to you breaks a bottle over the edge of a bar and
threatens you with it, If this is a total stranger and he does it out of the blue for no Reason our perceptions
determine how we view this as a threat.
Our perceptions from an earth level of existence would determine that you have done nothing to bring it on and it is
an unprovoked attack that you do not feel the need to respond to or back away from.
From a water level we would become defensive, and wonder what we did to upset this person in such a way.
From a Fire stance we would see someone threatening our lives and the feelings of all of those who love you, thus
induce a blinding rage against the attacker and summarily enter the fight.
From a Wind stand point we would evaluate the attack in such a way as to consider outside causes for this person's
distress and why he feels the need to be aggressive, our mood would be one of sorrow for the man's situation.
All of those perceptions of life are in order of progression, we all start on the earth level and progress our way
up...our perceptions from birth our molded into one of those categories. Some people never develop beyond Earth
level. For those people their lives are often filled with a feeling of impotency and loss. However Like I have said,
we as Force users strive to find the perception that will allow us to interpret the force properly.
This perception is beyond the other four perception and is called the Void Perception.
The void represents sub atomic particles, the infiniteness of the force, the basic building blocks for the universe,
infinite creativity.
From a Void stance the you would be able to look upon the person and see not a man menacing you with a beer
bottle, but you would see the hurt and pain and sorrow of a man who feels he has hit the absolute point of no return,
you would literally see a "Disturbance in the Force" where the force has over ridden itself and has moved into the
process of evolving itself...Much like a fire burns down a forest so that new life can such situations the
disturbance in the force will actually "Repel" you into the right action, your movements and intentions will flow
from this disturbance, the energy given off will allow you to move with his every whim, until the burning of
evolution in the force is complete and the disturbance is no more.
This is the perception we desire in order to interpret the will of the force.
How do we attain this perception. Like all things we must progress naturally through the four other perceptions in
order to reach the fifth...Each perception comes with a Revelation that allows you to spring board yourself to the
For the sake and fact that I have not trained everyone of you out there I will not tell you the revelation that allows
you to move from wind to void...simply because without understanding all of the others you will not understand the
last...and also like all things it will not become a revelation if it is simply TOLD to you, it must become a part of
you...something that you discover on your own.
Once we open the pathway's of the mind and clean the "Lens" that allows us to view the will of the force, our mind
has been surpassed and now we move to the final level of the spirit, at this point you have earned the rank of
Master, your mind has seen beyond the Supposed reality it creates and has viewed the infinite potential of the force.
From here on your journey is that of an artist, painting with the vast power that is the force.
The spirit level is essentially the energy that drives the universe, once you have opened the gateway of the mind,
this energy will flow freely between spirit and physical realms...Being guided by your will this energy will play
itself in whatever means you desire...With this gift and accomplishment comes great responsibility one that is
recognized through discipline and the stamina it takes to question your own existence and beliefs and push yourself
beyond anything imagined...
I would like to take this time to discuss a very important topic to all Jedi Knight and that is the use of weapons in
this case the sword but the same principles apply to all weapons, so be mindful of this. The basic sword technique is
the same for all but your path will influence the use as well. Lets start with a description of the size of a blade and
handle first. The Samurai of old would sometimes use this method, the handle is the length of your forearm from
wrist to elbow. The blade size is found by your height, stand strait up with your hands down by your side, make a
fist from your fist to the top of the ground is your blade length, a master sword smith would then take your
measurements and apply his knowledge to find the perfect balance of the blade and handle. Now on to the good
stuff, using it! First you must learn to hold the sword, the lead hand is up next to the guard of the sword DO NOT
hold it tight it should be held diagonally across from the index finger back in the palm. Your rear hand is placed at
the bottom of the handle also diagonal across the rear hand. The lead hand is the power of the cut and the rear hand
is the control and direction maker.
Next is the posture of sword play for a Jedi this a reflection of your path and your emotions at the time you are in
combat. There are many and each will be a little different according to your path and the make up of your body.
First is Daijodan and the sword is held above the head completely leaving your body open to attack or it would look
to be open this is a look here is your chance to kill me posture, they think you are open but you are not. Moving on
down you have Hasso you are turn to your side the blade is pointing strait up and you are holding the handle about
chest high and you are looking at your opponent. This is very none aggressive posture more like waiting to defend
yourself or maybe a are you sure you are ready for this feeling. Then we move to Seigan, you face your opponent
one leg back one forward and hold the handle about waist level and the blade is pointed at their eyes, this is a very
strong feeling of I am going to waste you just make a move. And the last for now is Gedan you start off in Seigan
then move the blade to point down and to the side just a little at a angle. This is more of I do not wish to harm you
feeling but I am still ready for you. You should learn to cut from each and move from one to the other with the flow
of the Force let it guide you. First learn the postures then begin to flow and cut from them a cut should be natural
not forced the body knows how to move just let it. Blocking is a very important thing, try not to block it is better to
simply move and use body movement but if you need to you should block at a 45 degree angle from their attack and
turn the blade to its side as not to chip the sharp edge, also block close to the guard and keep your legs in alignment
with the sword.
This is all for now on the basics of the sword for the Jedi Knight, remember stay calm and let the Force guide you. I
will latter discuss more on the sword and other weapons if enough fellow Knights are interested.
May the Force be with you and you all find Balance in life................
This Lecture was brought to me by a good Friend and his wisdom in combat and in strategy is apparent. May the
force be with you all...
Lesson #2 - Combat II
Another topic I wish to discuss is safety. I have read post on things like 'How to build a light saber' and other
equipment. This is another way which I feel is safe and fun and you will still learn allot from.
Material needed:
First cover the PVC pipe with the foam, cut off the extra foam. Next use the duct tape and tape the foam in a spiral
not to tight but firm all the way up. Cut the extra foam in two and cover the ends of the pipe and tape over them.
Now it should all be covered Measure off 3' feet and tape with colored tape this will be the saber or blade. Again do
not tape tight. The last 12" inches will be your handle design or duct tape this again as you wish. There you have it
one light saber ready for a duel now all you need is a training partner.
This is real simple but lots of fun and you will learn allot about yourself
and your ability. Remember train hard or don't train.
Well I have decided to lecture on Knife fighting as it came up one day in the chat room. And to be honest some of
the things and misconceptions people have on knife fighting really shock me. If you want to know how to defend
against a knife then first you must know how to use a knife. Here are some key points to remember when using a
1. Hide the knife, you will never see a true knife fighter coming....
2. Holding the knife, hold it blade ( sharp side ) up, this in case they try to block the knife with the sharp side up
you have better chance of cutting them.
3. Never, never throw the knife from hand to hand, keep it in your hand tie the thing if you need to but don't let it
That is some basic stuff on using the knife and that is all I will share openly as there are a lot of well.... you know.
O.K. knife defense first and most important don't train to fight a fool, train as though you are up against the best this
will only make you better, and if you train against a fool guess who is the fool.........hehe. Here are a few tips.
1. Never try to kick a knife out of the attackers hand, as a good knife fighter is just waiting for someone to try, just
so he/she can leave their hand there as a good target and just turn the blade into your foot as you kick ..... ouch! use
your mind.
2. Always grab something, anything look around the room what do you see that would work, I see coke can, fan,
books, video tapes, phone, curtains on the window and lots more. you can throw it at them to get away or use it like
a book, open it ( pages out ) and as they stab close the book on the blade an trap it then its yours, use your mind.
3. Stay away !!! you should be at least 8 to 10 feet away and even then its not really enough, I once saw in a police a
training a bad guy ( fake bad guy ) had a knife and he was 20 feet away, by the time the cop could draw his gun and
start to aim the guy was there and had stabbed him dead ( fake again ) things happen fast so stay calm, use your
4. Don't put your hands out in front of you, they will be the first to get cut. Keep them up and to the side, like stick
'em up. You see then you have your hands up close to your head and elbows by your ribs its all to protect you.
5. Don't try to grab the knife go for the forearm its bigger easier to grab, then punch the hand with the knife or do a
arm lock, but ONLY after you have got the forearm in control.
Those are a few tips and basics on knife fighting, remember its not a game I have been ( in my past ) in about three
knife fights, the first my friends came and the guy ran off, my second I was fighting two brothers and a third guy
came up from behind with a knife a my then best friend saw an before he stabbed me, hit him from behind with a
broken 2x4 board. My third was a eye opener, no one else there just me and him, I was playing the big shot saying
come on you #@%!& well he did I moved ( turned at the hips ) and the knife went through my shirt and as it was a
cheap flea market knife with little things on the side ( hook like designs ) it got stuck and the hooks scratched me ( I
thought it was the blade and that I was cut ) then someone stopped their car and screamed at us the guy ran off with
his knife still in my shirt, I could not believe how close I came that time. Well the most important thing I want to get
across is, to use your head stay calm and don't go Hollywood stick to the basics and use your mind, its NO game.
Lesson #4 - Shadow Approach to Combat
Combat lectures have been appearing more and more often. Combat is a part of life, but for Shadow Jedi, falling
into a conflict should be viewed as a small failure, unless of course you are doing it in the defense of another.
Shadow Jedi Combat is not like any other form of combat, simply because it is not guided by the same laws and
rules that guide other systems of combat.
For the Shadow Jedi, defeat is only a result of failure to your teachings...What I mean by that is the Shadow Jedi do
not actually try to defeat their opponents. Instead they become one with the intentions of their opponents, thus
making their own intentions work against them..
For a Jedi every piece of matter in existence, and on every vibration wave length is potentionally a tool of your will.
That in itself is not enough to always win in a combat situation, or rather, always preserve life...What is needed
along with the basic acceptance of all things being at your disposal is also the ability to let the attackers intentions
bring them to the point they want for you...
In this process you must empty yourself...every thought, desire, ambition, fear, and most important, hesitancy. Once
you have emptied your mind, feel the world around you, feel the anger of your opponent, feel their ambition to
harm you...Now take on their consciousness...Let their intentions reflect on them, let your actions be guided by
theirs...Let go of everything and become like water moving with the flow of your opponent...
Weaponry is something that also needs to be addressed...when approached by an attacker wielding a weapon you
must always recognize that even though they possess the weapon, they and their weapon are potentially your is everything around you from a phone cord to a sharpened pencil...The constructing of weapons, such as
swords, and lightsabers in the star wars universe is used more for the cultivation of discipline rather than for the
need of the actual weapon...In reality if you let the force guide you the appropriate weapon will appear at the
appropriate time...there is no need for conflict within yourself, even if there is a gun bearing attacker confronting
Most important of all things is to let go of yourself, and move with the winds of the force, if you do this there is no
need for fear or hesitancy...and as such they must be let go.
First when looking to understand the shadow side you must look at the dark and light sides. The dark and light sides
constantly at war with each other over supremacy, there is a reason for this and I will get to it in a moment. The
side has no conflict it is in balance with itself.
The reason the dark and light sides are at war is because they both are created by ambition. The ambition causes
them to need
a counter balance, according to the scientific law for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Therefore the only way they can exist is to balance each other out, some people call this a symbiotic relationship,
meaning they benefit from each other, however in this case that is not an exact definition because they not only
from one another but are completely dependent on one another.
The Shadow side on the other hand is completely independent from the other two sides of the force. It does not
need them to
survive and in fact they are a hindrance to the shadow side, keeping it from achieving its full potential. The Shadow
has its own balance of good and evil and therefore does not need a counterpart. The shadow side is where the force
most freely, because there is no conflict in the force. If you think about it, There are only two ways to exist in the
The mutual existence of the light and dark side, which consequently is where most people are. The other would be
the balance
d existence of the shadow side as we call it.
People in the shadow side often have the most fulfilling lives because 1: there is no conflict and 2: You fully
both aspects of the force because you live through both of them. Of course there are many trains of thought on the
I hope this first lecture was Insightful and helped give all force users a better grasp on the philosophies of the
side. Thank you for your patience and may the force be with you.
The Shadow Side is steeped in mystery, some believe it does not exist and still others believe that the shadow side
is where
those with no commitment and no spirit dwell. As a new Force Adept begins their great and wide reaching journey
towards self
discovery and spiritual and physical harmony they will be tempted by many outside influences.
There are the archetypal Dark and Light side beliefs, there is no emotion ... etc. It is true that at the early stages of
development it is very difficult for an Adept to balance between two powerful poles: the Light and Dark sides. Once
Adept has mastered the basic skills which are the foundations of all force use, i.e. meditation and physical training
they are ready to choose a path. There are many paths open to a Force Adept, and contrary to belief it is possible to
change from any of these paths to another. This is not to say that any change is not incredibly difficult, and requires
unrelenting commitment however change is indeed possible.
To harness the power of the Force, an inner peace and a deep knowledge of your own body and mind is required.
This may be
reached through meditation or other forms, however it must be attained for a balance of body and mind is essential.
The Shadow Side is a balance, it is in the middle of the two polar aspects of Light and Dark. It is a Shadow users
that there are situations where differing poles can be and are of use. A Shadow Adept is one who is not of the Light
not of the Dark, we use our emotions and our knowledge to achieve our goals. We help others when they need help,
we help ourselves also.
A Shadow Adept uses means and resources when they are necessary or required. In essence we are the balance of
the Force,
we are few and our group is largely unknown. As a Master of at one time Light and at another Dark I have come to
see that
there is knowledge and truth beyond comprehension in the Shadows, we have no strict rules to bound our faith in
and our beliefs.
A Shadow Adept is a very special Force Adept, we use the benefits and the knowledge from both aspects of the
We hold no allegiances to any faith other than that which our own heart tells us to follow. We are trustworthy and
we tell things how they are and see them without tinted glasses.
The Dark Jedi Code is the central philosophy of the Dark Jedi. The Dark Jedi use emotion, passion and power for a
outcome, rather than a negative outcome. They tap into the Dark Side in order to help others, rather than
In order to use the Dark Side you must use your emotions, but rather than use the Dark Side for selfish means you
use it to gain peace. Rather than being limited to using the light side of the Force, a Dark Jedi believes that a
effect can be created by using the Dark Side - by using the Dark Side to help others. Only when use selfishly does a
Jedi begin to follow a Darker path, closer to that of the Sith.
A Dark Jedi, like a Sith, craves strength and power. However, they do not crave them for themselves, but to help
A Dark Jedi should use their strength to help others for a positive effect. The Dark Jedi are similar to the Jedi, only
they use the Dark Side to help others, rather than for themselves. It is this that separates them from the Sith.
To get to the heart of this statement, we as Dark Jedi are in tune with the living Force all around us, and it will show
the knowledge we need when we need it. Different Dark Jedi have different strengths - some may be better at
disputes without resorting to violence than others. Others may have a gift for empathy, others for Force healing,
for telepathy, others for telekinesis, and so on. As you grow, you will discover your own abilities, and learn to
them. A Dark Jedi does not boast of his/her own abilities, and I certainly do not mean to say the above through
but only as a statement of fact. Suffice it to say that when I have needed the knowledge, it came to me through the
Knowledge permeates the Force, waiting only to be heard by ears sensitive to its voice. Since we as Jedi have those
we have no excuse for being only requires opening yourself to the Force and searching it for the
answers you
seek. The answers will be revealed to you.
Knowledge is strength, and through strength you can gain power. Yet you should use this power only to help others,
yourself. The more you help others the stronger you will become. Remember to use your emotion to help others, not
Lesson 4 - Control
For a shadow Jedi control means the ability to go from the extremes of both light and dark, at any given moment.
A shadow master has complete control over all aspects of the force. This appears to make the master unstable but
in fact a shadow master remains at peace at all times. The reason this is possible is that a shadow master has no
restrictions on what he believes is moral and right, and what he believes is hateful and powerful. A shadow masters
has no ideals, his ideals are that of accepting life in all its aspects. This presents the master with limitless options
and limitless control.
A light Jedi has control. He has control on only half of the force though, on only one aspect. He has control over the
light side, and is thus a master, However he has no control over the dark side and is thus helpless when dark action
called for.
This is likewise for dark Jedi, however for these Jedi(both dark and light), winning and living in harmony are not
there goals. Light Jedi seek to protect the lives of others rather than better there selves. A light Jedi does not seek
conflict but still has no choice when he or others are threatened, he is in essence a slave of the light side. This does
mean that the light Jedi are wrong in there beliefs, they chose a path were they would not be able to find
peace...they did
this for the good of others and are therefore to be commended. Dark Jedi seek personal gain, They are masters over
the dark
side and therefore have control over there dark emotions exactly like the light Jedi. They are meant to attack if they
not attack they would cease to be of a dark nature they simply wait until the time is right, and they can obviously not
a life of peace.
Many people often do not know what peace is, peace does not mean living a life without conflict i.e. never fighting,
etc. it means never having any conflict within yourself, it means that you never have to become frustrated or lose
over your emotions. Control is the essence of peace, Freedom is the essence of control.
For a shadow Jedi there is no conflict, he is at peace with himself and the world around him, he is free to take any
necessary to accomplish his goals.
A shadow Jedi may do light or dark deeds, without ever following a light or dark path. He moves with the flow of
force in any direction it may go. He has control over all aspects of the force and can therefore take any action at any
A Jedi will undoubtedly need to make quick decisions. But making the right decision quickly is difficult.
The Eight Conclusions are designed to help you make the right decision quickly.
This allows a Jedi to act with the will of the Force, not with emotion, passion or ignorance.
You must learn these eight conclusions, being able to make good quick decisions is vital and will help you in the
Meditation - First you should clear your mind, to allow yourself to think clearly, without any emotions.
Loyalty - Remember, you are loyal to the Jedi Order, to freedom and democracy.
Integrity - You are a Jedi, you must think of the Jedi code and follow that code.
Morality - Think about the Jedi Code and what is morally right for a Jedi to do.
Bravery - Remember that a Jedi knows no fear. Do not make a bad decision because you are afraid to do it.
Lesson 6 - Training
When you train in the force you need to be mindful of the dark and light sides. The ultimate goal of a shadow
master is to
transcend the limits of physical reality and become one with the force. Do what must be done to accomplish your
but also keep in mind at what price is your objective attained. Before one can move with the force and free himself
decisions he must first learn to balance his feelings mechanically, before they become automatic and fluent, thus
by the force.
During training, Physical, or force exercises You should clear your mind, relax your muscles(do not allow them to
tense or have forced movement), And let go of your spirit. What I mean by letting go of your spirit is to Let go of
ambition, let go of what drives you and just be completely free. Once you have done this you will be moving with
the flow
of the force, Your actions and the actions of the force will cease to be separate. You must let go of every hindrance,
stereotype, belief, and self set limit you have and accept the reality of the force.
If ever you become overly frustrated sit down relax your muscles, clear your mind and let go of your consciences.
You will enter a deep state of focus, at this point You will be strongest with the may see events from the
moments of the future or you may be able to manipulate your surroundings. However none of this matters if you
can't balance
light and dark. You must balance them until the become one, The Shadow Side is balance, It is harmony, It is true
Thank you for your patience and may the force be with you all in your quests to become JEDI.
Lesson 7 - Training II
For all force users, Training is important. But before you embark on your training you must first grasp the
of that which you seek to master. I have been posting separate lectures on philosophy, Lecture #1, #4, #6, all deal
the philosophy of the shadow Jedi.
Now it is time to focus on the training aspect of a shadow jedi. When you begin you should focus on the physical,
then progress to the mental, and then finally the spiritual aspects of the force.
Physical: You must train the body, so that you gain complete control over it. Flexibility is important, as well as
strengthening of the heart and muscles. No aspect of the body must be left out.
Physical Force training; when you train physically, realize that all of your strength and endurance flow from the
force that drives the universe, this will help you with your exercise.
Mental: When you tap into the mental side you must attempt to let go of the way that you think and react,
You must strive to let go of all inhibitions. You must strip away all of the unnecessary aspects of your personality.
This will make you aware of your surroundings and the living force. At this stage you will feel the force and begin
interpret other peoples thoughts and intentions as if they were your own.
Mental Training; You must alter your perception, "What you believe is Reality"... Trevor Robson,
You will focus on meditative aspects. During meditations you must become at peace with your self and enter
your unconscious mind. Once you are in this deep meditative state you can change what you believe. You do this
by releasing the negative aspects within you, you must strive to strip away all the false misconceptions you hold so
I.E. I'm no one special, this is impossible, any constraints you may have placed on yourself. This will help you
reach a
state of oneness with the force. Once you reach that state with the force you can enter the spiritual aspects and learn
control the force and how it affects you.
Spiritual: I will only describe this to you, I wish it were easy to describe, I will not make any attempt to instruct
anyone in this aspect of the force. You should only learn this from a qualified master, who can train you in person.
Attempting such advanced studies over the internet will only dishearten you to the point were you believe it to be
On a spiritual level you have become one with the living force, you move within it and control the world around
At this level the only way you will get into a fight is if you allow it. You also control, and can alter the minds
you. The difference between mental and spiritual can be best described by obi-wan himself, "You can feel the force,
You cannot control it". At this level you begin to control the force around you, this is the level of mastery.
If There are any force users here who merely want to learn to control the force, I suggest you re evaluate your
Controlling the force without first making yourself a conduit, Is like building the fifth floor of a building without
foundation. Also It should be noted that the use of the word spiritual implies the essence of control over events in
life, It was not intended to be of a religious nature and should not be taken offensively as that was not my intention.
Lesson 8 - Meditation
Meditation, that will be the focus of this lecture, enhancing the mental capabilities and attuning yourself with the
Meditation 1.) Sit still in a quiet room free of distractions, white noise or natural sounds may actually contribute to
this meditation and others. Raise your eyes to a forty five degree angle until your eye lids fall over them and your
close, keep your eyes at this angle, it helps to get you into a meditative state. Once you are calm, begin to envision a
large shaft of white light. The light rises up your spinal cord from your tail bone to the top of your head. When you
breath in imagine pulling in positive energy and when you exhale imagine that you are expelling the negative
energy within
yourself. With every breath that you take in the shaft of light should slowly expand laterally, encircling you. Repeat
breath and envisioning process until the light has completely engulfed your being.
Purpose of Meditation 1.) To help you be at peace with yourself and give you better moral judgment and a more
Meditation 2.) Repeat the process of the first meditation, calm yourself, raise the eyes. However this time when you
begin to meditate envision a fire within your belly. When you inhale the fire loses flames and the coal glows
when you exhale imagine an explosion of flames. Breaths on the inhale should be brisk and deep, breaths on the
should be relaxed and drawn out. Repeat this as long as is necessasary.
Meditation 3.) When you reach a meditative state begin to imagine that all of your self inflicted limitations are
stripped away, Imagine that everything you once believed to be impossible is now not only possible but is second
This meditation is the most important. You should do it everyday until you feel completely free from all constraints,
Focus on a different limitation every time you meditate.
Purpose of Meditation 3.) This meditation is designed to help you become more attuned with the force, and make
you a
better conduit.
Myself and a friend of mine Jedi Knight G have often talked about the differences in philosophy between our two
of the force. His views are very clear to most jedi, but if you seek clarification talk to him I will not speak for him,
However I wish to clarify the morality of the shadow side.
First off I have often stated that the shadow side is a balance between the polar realms of light and dark force
This does not mean that a shadow user must commit himself to dark action in any way, nor does it mean that he
must commit
himself to light action in any way. The first lesson a shadow jedi must learn is that all aspects of the force light and
dark have the potential to have either a negative outcome or a positive. This philosophy means that you can take
action and have a positive out come. Likewise you can take light action and have a dark outcome. A shadow jedi
does not
alter his own personal beliefs of what is right and what is wrong but rather accepts the truth that they are one in the
I personally am of a rather light nature, my intentions are always light. However my actions are not always light.
I can take dark action to fulfill my light intentions.
A shadow jedi can be of a dark nature and take light action to perform a dark intention. What a shadow jedi is
is that the force aspects light in dark can have any potential outcome that is what we are trained to master.
I have wrote down many examples of this. However the point that must be remembered is that when you have a
light jedi he
is committed to light action with light intention, whereas a dark jedi is committed to dark action with dark intention.
That is what it means to follow those paths. The path of a shadow jedi is that of a free dark jedi or a free light jedi.
We Never change our intentions, however we have the freedom to use any action necessasary to reach our goals. I
hope I have
clarified At least a little bit, but if you like it simple I will leave you with this passage. "There is room in the
universe for all paradox."...Teaching of the Mikkyo Temples.
Lightsaber Curriculum
Lesson 1 - Lightsaber Construction
NOTE: This should only be learnt first if your master hasn't supplied you with a Lightsaber.
This is the name given to the time when you make your lightsaber. As you make your lightsaber you should speak
following words:
There is a guide to lightsaber construction in the Lightsaber Training section in the Training Center.
Firstly you must learn the basics. Start off slow with your opponent, don't try any fancy or advanced moves.
Learn the basics of holding the lightsaber, footwork etc. Then work slowly learning the basic attack and defensive
moves that Shii Cho require (the information for Shii Cho can be found in the Training Center under Lightsaber
and Lightsaber Forms). Continue learning the basic moves until you know them by instinct. Then have a slow duel
going at
a steady pace, nothing like Anakin vs. Obi Wan! Practice the basic moves you have learnt in your spare time.
Now start having faster duels. Don't go from 0 to 50. Increase the speed slowly using the basic moves and practice
them constantly. Keep getting faster until either you and your opponent fail to block themselves sufficiently or are
disarmed (loose their lightsaber for one reason or another). If your the first to fail then you need to practice more!
Once you have mastered this you will have mastered Lightsaber Skill Level 1.
Now you choose your form. Form 7 is banned to Padawan but you may do one of the following:
Shii Cho
Djem So
Start learning the basic moves for these forms. Again, start off slow, speeding up as you go along.
The moves on this site are the basic moves. The more advanced moves you will learn yourself. Again you must
learn the moves so that you can do them without thinking. Speed up again until one of you fails to defend
Once you know the basic moves for that form by instinct you will have reached Skill Level 2.
Again, start having faster duels. Don't go from 0 to 50. Increase the speed slowly using the moves you have learnt
that form and practice them constantly. Keep getting faster until either you and your opponent fail to block
sufficiently or are disarmed (loose their lightsaber for one reason or another). Once you know all the basic and
moves for the form you have chosen then you will have developed a skill level of 4
Now you learn the advanced moves for that form. Continue practicing until you can do them by instinct. Then start
fast duels with your opponent, using as many moves as you can. Now you will be up to Skill Level 5 or 6
Keep practicing and developing your own personal moves. You need to increase your speed and reactions, and
know all the
moves by instinct. Look at the Skill Level information on the Discipline page. Your aim is to get up to Skill Level
Put the knowledge you have learnt with the skills you have with a lightsaber to allow yourself to make quick
whilst dueling.
These instructions are BASIC GUIDELINES for constructing this saber replica.
It does not light up or do anything else as presented herein. The parts are
available at most hardware stores such as Home Depot or Lowe's. The parts are
the same everywhere so I do not have any specific model numbers. BASIC LIST
OF PARTS 1- 12"x 1.5" plumbing tube with lip end, (not slip-joint type). 1- Brass
knurled knob for blade adjustment. 1- 6" x 1.25" slip-joint extension tube. 1- Set of DANCO
"Mobile Home" sink knobs. 1- 6" x 1.5" slip-joint extension tube. Model #88170 (What I used)
1- Section of black 1" ribbed tubing, at least 12" in length. 1- A prop. sized button for
activation switch 4- Small finishing washers. Lots of 2 Part Epoxy - "Plastic Welder"
works best or high Strength.
STEP 1 Main Body & Emitter Shroud. Take the main section of 12"x 1.5" plumbing
tube. (Non-slip joint type). Cut the appropriate sections as shown on the right. EMITTER
STEP 2 Take a 6" section of 1.25" tubing, (Slip joint type) and cut the flange
(larger end) off of it. Next glue some filler, (foam or cardboard, etc.) where the
blue dots are so that when you slip the cut off flanged end into the end of the
Emitter Shroud it is basically centered. Then carefully glue the section in the
emitter shroud. The piece does not go in very far so be sure to use adequate
amounts of glue. this is a tough step, and afterwards you will have to paint the
visible glue silver. There is not much so don't worry!
STEP 3 Here you will take a section of 1" black ribbed tubing and cut the
appropriate length sections from it. You must then slice it down the middle from
one end to the other. This tubing must then be stretched out a bit. Lay it under a
book for the night if you want. Next slide it in the grip tube you cut earlier. Use
some cardboard if necessary to keep the tubing stretched out so it reaches the
edges of the pipe. Apply tons of glue and let it fully dry.
STEP 4 Next take the Emitter Shroud piece you glued together with the
1.25" neck piece. Grab some more ribbed tubing and cut two sections the length
of the vent spaces. Next you will have to do some custom measuring to figure out
how much trimming on each piece you will have to do in order to get it to slide
STEP 5 Now take a 6"x1.5" connector tube (slip joint type) and cut off the
larger flanged end, just as you did for the smaller 1.25" neck piece. This end will
then slide over the main handle section. Carefully cover the end of the handle
with some glue prior to sliding it into the larger flanged piece.
STEP 6 Next take the Emitter Shroud with the 1.25" neck piece already
glued in. Glue some more filler (cardboard or foam) in the blue spots on the left
so that when you assemble the Emitter Shroud and the Handle Body it will sit in
the center.
STEP 7 Now take the clear plastic faucet knob and paint it black. Then
carefully glue it on the end of the saber as per the illustration. (An alternate
method of attaching it - glue a washer or PVC plug in the base of the handle
then screw the knob on with a screw. That's what I did.)
STEP 8 Almost done! Now glue finishing washers at the base of the vent
holes on the Emitter Shroud. Then glue a red activation button on top and a
brass knurled knob below it on the right hand side of the saber. Then glue a belt
attachment knob on the bottom of the saber at grip end.
STEP 9 That's about it! As per the illustration on the right your saber
should look correctly. One additional thing you can do is cut appropriate sized
pieces of chromed tape on the pommel in certain places. This will depend on the
exact type of sink knob you use as the one I bought has raised nubs similar to
40" piece of 3/4" OD, 5/8" ID polycarbonate tubing (I get mine from
39" piece of 1/2" OD, 3/8" ID rigid polyethylene tubing for diffuser (
2" piece & 1/2" piece of 5/8" OD, 1/2" ID polypropylene tubing for top and bottom
"bushings" (
1/4" male mono audio connector (Radio shack)
1/4" 10x32 set screw to hold above connector in bottom of tubing.(
8-10' of electro luminescent wire, depending on what kind of inverter being used (I
use or for this, they have the high brightness wire)
2" piece of 22 gauge stereo wire, to wire the EL wire to the connector(I get mine
1" piece of heat-shrink tubing to insulate your solder connection between EL wire
and stereo wire (Radio Shack)
1/2" 6x32 clear polycarbonate screw to hold end bushing in (this is a recent addition,
because the end bushings have come out of some of my blades when they are dueled
with. However, these are rather expensive, as screws go. I think I paid about $10 for
50 screws.)
hot glue, or silicone for end of blade
super glue to glue in top and bottom bushings
Note: I don't really like Radio Shack all that much. I have a much better electronics
store locally that I use that has a better selection and cheaper prices, but you can't
order from them online, so I know you should be able to find what you need at Radio
Then when you get all that stuff, you get to figure out how to put it all together.
Though I can help there, too, of course.
When I started making my own blades, I knew I'd be making several, so I didn't mind
buying a whole box of set screws, or polycarbonate screws. Or buying special tools,
like an automatic wire stripper, and a drill and tap set to thread my screw holes.
Disclaimer: This is how I make my blades, if you do not follow these instructions, I
cannot guarantee how well your blades will come out, nor how sturdy they will for
dueling purposes. I have improved my construction methods as they have been "battle
Next, cut a 2" piece of 5/8" tubing for the bottom "bushing". Using sand paper, bevel
the inside and outside of edge of the end that will be inserted into the outer
polycarbonate tube. Push it halfway up the bottom end of the outer tube, apply some
super glue and insert it flush with the inside of the outer tube. This will hold your male
connector and bottom end of the diffuser tubing. You may need to use a hammer to
seat the bushing all the way in, if it's a tight fit. I would use a rubber, or plastic mallet,
so that you don't mushroom the end of the bushing too much. I use a plastic one that I
have for my leatherworking.
Cut a 39" piece of diffuser tubing and bevel the inner and outer edges of one end.
Straighten it as best you can, as it will have a curve to it, since it comes off of a roll (as
it sits in the tube, it will get straighter, over time).
Take your male connector and unscrew & remove the housing, if it has a clear or black
isolative sleeve inside it, don’t lose it. Determine where to place the hole in the housing
for the set screw, I usually put mine about an inch up from the "shoulder" at the plug
end of the connector, and mark it. I don't have a vice, so I use a pair of vice grip pliers
to hold the marked housing on my work space. Use a center punch, or just a nail to
make a dent that the drill bit will rest in, so it won't slip off the rounded surface. Start
with a 1/8" pilot hole, then choose a size of bit just larger than the set screw. Clean out
the metal shavings from the inside of the housing and put it back on the connector,
Slide the male connector into the bottom end of the tube inside the bushing. Leave just
little bit of the shoulder of the connector sticking out of the bottom of the tube, and
mark on the outer tube where you see the hole in the housing. Remove connector and
drill the proper sized hole and tap for set screw. You need to use a set screw for this,
because the screw needs to seat flush with the outside of the blade, because this part
of it will be inside your blade sleeve inside your saber hilt. I don't know if glue will be
strong enough to hold in the connector, since you will be taking the blade in and out.
I've also had reasons to take apart a few blades, either to fix a broken connection, or
retrofit a blade with a screw at the top end, so it's easy to take the connector out when
it's held in by a screw.
Next take the beveled end of the diffuser tubing and insert it into the "top" of the
polycarbonate tubing, and down inside the top of the bottom bushing. Insert the male
connector into the bottom of the tube line up the screw holes in the tube and housing.
Push diffuser tubing in till it touches the top of the connector. Mark the end of the
diffuser tubing sticking out at 1/4" from the end, remove from outer tube, and cut at
mark. The bevel the outer edge that you just cut. Put aside for now.
Cut a 1/2 piece of 5/8" tubing for the top bushing and bevel inner and outer edge of
one end, this will be the bottom of the bushing that will insert into the outer tube.
Once you have done that, you should test your wire, to make sure you didn’t break or
short any wires together. You want to do this before you solder the connector on. If you
have your inverter that is not installed in your hilt yet, you can do this, otherwise, I’m
not sure how you can test it. I have an inverter dedicated just for this purpose, as it’s
too large to fit into a hilt.
Next, solder the end of your stereo wire onto the terminals on the male connector. If
your connector didn’t come with a plastic isolative sleeve to put over the terminals, you
will need to wrap a layer of electrical tape over them, otherwise, if your set screw that
will hold the connector in is a little long, it may contact one of the terminals and short
out the wire. (This will not damage the wire if saber is turned off right away, if that's
when you discover the problem, but the blade won’t light up if this happens.) Test the
wire again to make sure it lights up.
Caution, when using an inverter, you'll need to have bare wires on it to test the
EL wire, at first. The inverter puts out high frequency AC voltage. It won't harm
you if you shock yourself, but it's going to hurt. Even for someone like me who is
used to getting shocked, due to past jobs I've had.
After insulating the terminals, screw the housing back onto the connector.
Final Assembly:
Now get your diffuser tubing. You will need to bend the EL wire once and slide it into
the diffuser to check for length. You want it about 3/8” from the end, when the diffuser
tube is against the connector housing, because you will be cutting off about 1/4” off the
excess at the end of the diffuser after final assembly. You may have to try this several
times to get the proper length for your first strand, it’s hard to judge with the curve of
the tube. Once you have the right length, make your second, and bottom, bend in the
wire above the connector. If you are using 10’ of wire, you will be making one more
bend, but don’t do this till the wire is inserted, because having 2 bends at the top will
make it difficult to insert the wire into the diffuser tubing, so leave the end long and
insert it first. It will, obviously, stick out of the end of the diffuser.
Test the EL wire one more time, to make sure you didn’t break a connection while you
were making the bends and inserting it into the diffuser. Insert the wire all the way into
the diffuser tubing and carefully slide this “assembly” into the top of the outer tube,
being careful when the connector reaches the bottom bushing, and gently ease it in.
Push the diffuser tube into the bottom bushing. Secure the connector to the tube with
set screw.
Push the diffuser down till it goes into the bottom bushing and seats against the top of
the connector housing. If you are using 10’ of wire, cut off the end at about 1” from the
end of the tube, bend it and push it down into the diffuser, making one last bend in the
Now take your top bushing and slide it between the outer tube and the diffuser tube,
just get it “started”. Put a little super glue on the inside and outside of the bushing and
insert it till it’s in about 1/4-3/8”. Depending on what you use for this bushing, it could
be a very tight fit, so you may have to drive it in with a mallet. Don’t hit it so hard that
you mushroom too much of the end of the bushing, but insert it quickly before the
super glue dries. (at this point, for my own blades, I now install a polycarbonate screw
through all 3 pieces of tubing, to ensure that the bushing and diffuser tube cannot
come out during dueling. I remove the set screw holding the connector in the bottom
and gently pull the connector and wire out about 1/2”. Then I drill and tap the tubing at
the top, reinsert the wire and start the polycarbonate screw, looping the bend in the
wire over the screw. Reinstall the set screw holding the connector, and cut off the head
of the polycarbonate screw and grind it flush with the outer tube).
Carefully cut off the excess bushing and diffuser tube flush with the end of the outer
tube. If your wire bend is right at the end of the tube, you don't want to cut it.
The last thing to do is seal the end of the blade. I use hot glue, but you can use
silicone, too. For the hot glue, squeeze some inside the diffuser to help hold the wire
ends in place, the keep adding glue till there’s excess coming out the top. Wait few
seconds for the glue to start to cool, then you can wet your finger and smooth and
round of the end “plug”.
Once the glue is cool and set, or the silicone is left to cure overnight, your blade is now
finished and ready to insert into your Lightsaber hilt!
You can have fun feeling like a true Jedi, now that you have a glowing blade for your
lightsaber! (That you have hopefully, but not necessarily, built yourself.