Lecture04 Richardson

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Richardson’s Extrapolation

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum

Department of Mathematics @

Winter 2008

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Approximating the Second Derivative

From last time, we derived that:

f (x + h) − 2f (x) + f (x − h)
f ′′ (x) ≈
the truncation error is O(h2 ).
Further, rounding error analysis predicts rounding errors of
size about ǫ/h2 .
Therefore, the smallest total error occurs when h is about
ǫ1/4 and then the truncation error and the rounding error

are each about ǫ.
With machine precision ǫ ≈ 10−16 , this means that h
should not be taken to be less than about 10−4 .

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Numerical Derivatives on MATLAB

In order to actively see the rounding effects in the second

order approximation, let us use MATLAB.
You will find the following MATLAB code on the course

f = inline(’sin(x)’);
fppTrue = inline(’-sin(x)’);
h = 0.1;
x = pi/3;

fprintf(’ h Abs. Error\n’);

for i = 1:6
fpp = (f(x+h) - 2*f(x) + f(x-h))/hˆ2;
fprintf(’%7.1e %8.1e\n’,h,abs(fpp-fppTrue(x)))
h = h/10;

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Rounding errors in action

This MATLAB code produces the following table:

h Abs. Error
1.0e-001 7.2e-004
1.0e-002 7.2e-006
1.0e-003 7.2e-008
1.0e-004 3.2e-009
1.0e-005 3.7e-007
1.0e-006 5.1e-005

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Your Turn

Download the code secondDeriv.m from the course web

Edit the code such that it approximates the second
derivative of f (x) = x 3 − 2 ∗ x 2 + x at the point x = 1.
Again, let your initial h = 0.1.
After running the code change x from x = 1 to x = 1000.
What do you notice?

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Rounding errors again

Your code should have changed the inline functions to the

f = inline(’xˆ3 - 2*xˆ2 + x’);
fppTrue = inline(’6*x - 4’);
This MATLAB code produces the following table:
h Abs. Error
1.0e-001 7.2e-004
1.0e-002 7.2e-006
1.0e-003 7.2e-008
1.0e-004 3.2e-009
1.0e-005 3.7e-007
1.0e-006 5.1e-005
How small h can be depends on the size of x.

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Recognizing Error Behavior

Last time we also saw that Taylor Series of f about the

point x and evaluated at x + h and x − h leads to the
central difference formula:
f (x + h) − f (x − h) h2 ′′′ h4 (5)
f ′ (x) = − f (x0 ) − f (x0 ) − · · · .
2h 6 120
This formula describes precisely how the error behaves.
This information can be exploited to improve the quality of
the numerical solution without ever knowing f ′′′ , f (5) , . . ..
Recall that we have a O(h2 ) approximation.

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Exploiting Knowledge of Higher Order Terms

Let us rewrite this in the following form:

h2 ′′′ h4 (5)
f ′ (x0 ) = N(h) − f (x0 ) − f (x0 ) − · · · ,
6 120
f (x+h)−f (x−h)
where N(h) = 2h .
The key of the process is to now replace h by h/2 in this

Complete this step:

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Canceling Higher Order Terms

Therefore, you find

h2 ′′′ h4 (5)
′ h
f (x0 ) = N − f (x0 ) − f (x0 ) − · · · .
2 24 1920

Look closely at what we had from before:

h2 ′′′ h4 (5)
f ′ (x0 ) = N(h) − f (x0 ) − f (x0 ) − · · · .
6 120
Careful substraction cancels a higher order term.
h2 ′′′ h4 (5)
4f (x0 ) = 4N h2
′ − 4 24 f (x0 ) − 4 1920 f (x0 ) − · · ·
h ′′′ 2 h4 (5)
−f ′ (x0 ) =   +
−N(h) 6 f (x0 ) + 120 f (x0 ) +···
h h4 (5)
3f ′ (x0 ) = 4N 2 − N(h) + 160 f (x0 ) +···

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

A Higher Order Method


h4 (5)
′ h N(h/2) − N(h)
f (x0 ) = N + + f (x0 ) + · · ·
2 3 160

is a O(h4 ) formula.
Notice what we have done. We took two O(h2 )
approximations and created a O(h4 ) approximation.
We did require, however, that we have functional
evaluations at h and h/2.

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Further observations

Again, we have the O(h4 ) approximation:

h4 (5)
′ h N(h/2) − N(h)
f (x0 ) = N + + f (x0 ) + · · · .
2 3 160

This approximation requires roughly twice as much work

as the second order centered difference formula.
However, but the truncation error now decreases much
faster with h.
Moreover, the rounding error can be expected to be on the
order of ǫ/h, as it was for the centered difference formula,
so the greatest accuracy will be achieved for h4 ≈ ǫ/h, or,
h ≈ ǫ1/5 , and then the error will be about ǫ4/5 .

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation


Consider f (x) = x exp(x) with x0 = 2.0 and h = 0.2. Use

the central difference formula to the first derivative and
Richardson’s Extrapolation to give an approximation of
order O(h4 ).
f (x + h) − f (x − h)
Recall N(h) = .
Therefore, N(0.2) = 22.414160.
What do we evaluate next?

N( )=

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation


Consider f (x) = x exp(x) with x0 = 2.0 and h = 0.2. Use

the central difference formula to the first derivative and
Richardson’s Extrapolation to give an approximation of
order O(h4 ).
f (x + h) − f (x − h)
Recall N(h) = .
Therefore, N(0.2) = 22.414160.
What do we evaluate next?

N( )=
We find N(h/2) = N(0.1) = 22.228786.

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Example cont.

Therefore, our higher order approximation is

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Example cont.

Therefore, our higher order approximation is

In particular, we find the approximation:

′ h N(h/2) − N(h)
f (x0 ) = N +
2 3
N(0.1) − N(0.2)
= N(0.1) +
= 22.1670.

Note, f ′ (x) = x exp(x) + exp(x), so f ′ (x) = 22.1671 to four

decimal places.
You should find that from approximations that contain zero
decimal places of accuracy we attain an approximation
with two decimal places of accuracy with truncation.
Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation
Richardson’s Extrapolation

This process is known as Richardson’s Extrapolation.

More generally, assume we have a formula N(h) that
approximates an unknown value M and that
M − N(h) = K1 h + K2 h2 + K3 h3 + · · · ,
for some unknown constants K1 , K2 , K3 , . . .. Note that in
this example, the truncation error is O(h).
Without knowing K1 , K2 , K3 , . . . it is possible to produce a
higher order approximation as seen in our previous
Note, we could use our result from the previous example to
produce an approximation of order O(h6 ). To understand
this statement more, let us look at an example.

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Example from numerical integration
The following data gives approximations to the integral
Z π
M= sin xdx.
N1 (h) = 1.570796, N1 h2 = 1.896119, N1 h4 =
Assuming M = N1 (h) + K1 h2 + K2 h4 + K3 h6 + K4 h8 + O(h10 )
construct an extrapolation table to determine an order six
Solution As before, we evaluate our series at h and h/2 and

M = N1 (h) + K1 h2 + K2 h4 + K3 h6 + K4 h8 + O(h10 ), and

h2 h4 h6 h8
M = N1 (h/2) + K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 + O(h10 )
4 16 64 256
Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation
Example Continued

  4 6
4M = 4N1 2 + K1 h2 + K2 h4 h
+ K3 16 +···
−M = −N(h)
  − K1 h2 − K2 h4 − K3 16 +···
3M = 4N1 h2 − N1 (h) + K̂2 h4 + K̂3 h6 +···
  N h − N (h)
h 1 2 1
Thus, M = N1 + + K̂2 h4 + K̂3 h6 .
2 3
  N h − N (h)
h 1 2 1
Letting N2 = N1 + we get
2 3
M = N2 (h) + K̂ h4 + K̂3 h6 .

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Example Continued2

4 6
Again, M = N2 (h) +K̂ h
 + K̂3 h .
h 1 1
Therefore, M = N2 + K̂2 h4 + K3 h6 , which leads to:
2 16 64
16M = 16N2 h2 + K̂2 h4 + 14 K̂3 h6 + · · ·
−M = −N2 (h)
  − K̂2 h4 − K̂3 h6 + · · ·
15M = 16N2 2 − N2 (h) + O(h6 )

N2 ( h2 )−N2 (h)
Hence, M = N2 2 + 15 + O(h6 ).

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Example Continued3

In terms of a table, we find:

N1 ( h2 )−N1 (h) N2 ( h2 )−N2 (h)
Given N1 h2 + 3 N2 h
2 + 15
1 (h)
N  = 1.570796
N1 2 = 1.896119 N2 (h) = 2.004560
N1 h4 = 1.974242 N2 h2 = 2.000270 1.999984

In the chapter on numerical integration, we see that this is the

basis of a Romberg integration.

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

Example summary

Take a moment and reflect on the process we just followed.

We began with O(h2 ) approximations for which we knew
the Taylor expansion.
We used our O(h2 ) approximations to find N2 which were
order O(h4 ) and again for which we knew the Taylor
Finally, we used the N2 approximations to find an O(h6 )
Could we continue this to find an order 8 approximation? It
depends – remember that reducing h can lead to round-off
error. As long as we don’t hit that threshold, then our
computations do not corrupt our Taylor expansion.

Tim Chartier and Anne Greenbaum Richardson’s Extrapolation

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