BCG Matrix and GE 9 Cell Planing
BCG Matrix and GE 9 Cell Planing
BCG Matrix and GE 9 Cell Planing
[BCG Matrix]
To use the chart, analysts plot a scatter graph to rank the business units (or
products) on the basis of their relative market shares and growth rates.
Amit Patel
MBA-4th Semester Page 1
Strategic Management
Dogs, or more charitably called pets, are units with low market share
in a mature, slow-growing industry. These units typically "break even",
generating barely enough cash to maintain the business's market share.
Though owning a break-even unit provides the social benefit of providing
jobs and possible synergies that assist other business units, from an
accounting point of view such a unit is worthless, not generating cash for
the company. They depress a profitable company's return on assets ratio,
used by many investors to judge how well a company is being managed.
Dogs, it is thought, should be sold off.
Amit Patel
MBA-4th Semester Page 2
Strategic Management
As a particular industry matures and its growth slows, all business units become
either cash cows or dogs. The natural cycle for most business units is that they
start as question marks, and then turn into stars. Eventually the market stops
growing thus the business unit becomes a cash cow. At the end of the cycle the
cash cow turns into a dog.
The overall goal of this ranking was to help corporate analysts decide which of
their business units to fund, and how much; and which units to sell. Managers
were supposed to gain perspective from this analysis that allowed them to plan
with confidence to use money generated by the cash cows to fund the stars and,
possibly, the question marks. As the BCG stated in 1970:
stars whose high share and high growth assure the future;
cash cows that supply funds for that future growth; and
Question marks to be converted into stars with the added funds.
The need which prompted this idea was, indeed, that of managing cash-flow. It
was reasoned that one of the main indicators of cash generation was relative
market share, and one which pointed to cash usage was that of market growth
Amit Patel
MBA-4th Semester Page 3
Strategic Management
Amit Patel
MBA-4th Semester Page 4
Strategic Management
1) Invest/ Expand
In this Zone there is opportunity to grow through further Investment &
Expansion. This zone is characterized by high business strength & high industry
attractiveness which is an Ideal situation for growth. However this situation
does not remain for a long time.
Example: Initially IT industry most attractive but later on it was facing
competition from all sorts of place.
2) Select/Earn:
: This zone presents a mix situation in which growth possibility is low.
However it presents opportunities for selective earning.
3) Harvest/Dives:
In the case of red-cell organization has to stop. In this case Harvesting or
Divesting strategies suitable. Harvesting means withdraw from a business but
withdrawal is not immediate. Initially focus is on cost-cutting i.e. In R&D and
advertising, the objective is to earn short term profit
Amit Patel
MBA-4th Semester Page 5