Accepted For Value Example Letter

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The document questions the validity of alleged debts and requests verification and documentation from PALISADES, L.L.C.

The document is a notice and demand for validation of debt sent to PALISADES, L.L.C. requesting verification of alleged debts.

The author is requesting 36 numbered items of information and documentation from PALISADES, L.L.C. regarding the alleged debts.


Jack Xxxxx Xxxxx

PO BOX 12444 c/o 1234 Xxxxx Street
ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS NJ 07632 <your town state zip>


Dear unknown PALISADES,L.L.C. agent, assigns and associates: 

Your three unsigned presentments listed below are returned timely and marked
‘Accepted for value, returned for value, for settlement and closure’.

1. Jack Xxxxx Xxxxx means, living flesh and blood actual man, non-legal fiction enity. 
2. The term “XXXXX, JACK” means non-living entity, Stramineus homo, Commercial Strawman,
artificial entity, legal fiction [ XXXXX means all caps last name] [ Xxxx means upper lower spelling of
Jack Xxxxx Xxxxxis the authorized representative, signatory and keeper of the business records for
XXXXX, JACK and is without sufficient information, verified facts, competent fact witnesses to
determine whether a debt is owed and requires verifcation of the alleged debts and the validity of the
claims below listed:

Account Number 123451678-09 $32,239.50

Account Number 123451678-10 $ 5,834.66
Account Number 123451678-11 $ 5,428.88

PALISADES,L.L.C presentments are attached ‘Accepted for value, returned for closure unsigned
presentments from PALISADES,L.L.C.dated Xxxxx 10, 2009, received Xxxxx 13, 2009, and timely
returned Xxxxx 14 , 2009 for verification of debt. [[to understand the tremendious power of the AFV
go to Yahoo_Groups and join for free. Then while there search for ‘1099-A_by_Patrick’]]

Jack Xxxxx Xxxxx, requests PALISADES,L.L.C. to respond within 30 days providing the following
pursuant to FRCP Rule 17 and FRCP Rule 34, failure to respond timely with answer to each
numbered item below is estoppel :
(1) Name of Debt Collector(s).
(2) Address of Debt Collector(s).
(3) Alleged Account Number for each claimant.
(4) Alleged debt owed.
(5) Date alleged debts became payable.
(6) The name and address of each of the alleged Original Creditor, if different from Debt Collector?
(7) If Debt Collector is different from alleged Original Creditor, a bona fide affidavit of assignment of
the alleged original contract between alleged Original Creditor and alleged Debtor.
(8) Documented evidence of whether Debt Collector purchased this alleged account from the alleged
Original Creditor.
(9) If applicable, date of purchase of this alleged account from alleged Original Creditor, and
purchase amount.
(10) Documented evidence of Debt Collector's current interest in account: 
(a) Owner; 
(b) Assignee; 
(c) Other – explain: 
(11) Terms of the transfer of rights re this alleged accounts.
(12) If applicable, method by which rights of this alleged accounts were transferred.
(a) Assignment
(b) Negotiation
(c) Novation
(d) Other – explain
(13) If the transfer of rights re this alleged account was by assignment, document showing any
(14) If the transfer of rights re this alleged account was by negotiation, document showing whether
the alleged account taken for value.
(15) If the transfer of rights re this alleged account was by novation, document showing consent
given by alleged Debtor and the nature and cause of that consent.
(16) Documentation that the Debt Collector provided alleged Debtor with the requisite verification of
the alleged debt as required by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the date of verification, and
the nature of that verification: sworn or affirmed oath, affidavit, or deposition.
(17) Any products or services sold to the alleged Debtor by the Debt Collector and the nature and
cause of these products or services.
(18) Any verifiable, bona fide, original commercial instrument between Debt Collector and alleged
Debtor containing alleged Debtor’s bona fide signature and a description of the nature and cause of
that verifiable commercial instrument.
(19) Any verifiable documentation of an exchange of a benefit or detriment between Debt Collector
and alleged Debtor and a description the nature and cause of this exchange.
(20) Any verifiable documentation of external act(s) giving the objective semblance of agreement
between Debt Collector and alleged Debtor and a description of the nature and cause of said
external act(s) giving the objective semblance of agreement.
(21) Documentation showing whether any charge-offs have been made by any creditor or debt
collector regarding this alleged account.
(22) Documentation showing whether any insurance claims been made by any creditor or debt
collector regarding this alleged account.
(23) Documentation showing whether any tax write-offs been made by any creditor or debt collector
regarding this alleged account.
(24) Documentation showing whether any tax deductions been made by any creditor or debt
collector regarding this alleged account.
(25) Documentation showing that all parties were apprised of the meaning of the terms and
conditions of said alleged original contract at the time the alleged original contract was executed.
(26) Documentation showing that all parties were advised of the importance of consulting a licensed
legal professional before executing the alleged contract.
(27) Documentation showing that all parties were apprised that said alleged contract was a private
credit instrument at the time the alleged original contract was executed.
(28) All records, reports, memoranda relating to the source of funds relating this disputed account
and list all other sources of information such as computer file names and names of databases or
locations at which related information is located or accessible.
(29) A copy of the transaction statement of the account number in which funds were held prior to
opening of the account that is the subject matter of this collection.
(30) Document establishing the source of funds that created the disputed account.
(31) Identify the account that was debited when the disputed account was created.
(32) List the names and addresses of all lending institutions from which any funds were purportedly
(33) All documents and information related in any way, to PALISADES,L.L.C.’s implication or
allegation that a loan was given to the defendant.
(34) Name of the employee of the bank who authorized the transaction.
(35) Certified copy of original bona fide credit agreement where terms and conditions of created
deposits and acceptance of signature for value were fully disclosed to Jack Xxxxx Xxxxx.
(36) Any written form notifying, and fully disclosing to, Jack Xxxxx Xxxxxand PALISADES,L.L.C.
would be creating a non-existent juristic entity known as XXXXX, JACK in order to permit the
creation of new money based upon a monetized signature which was accepted for value.
Notice of contract fees between PALISADES,L.L.C.’s and XXXXX, JACK for services to be
preformed by Jack-Xxxxx Xxxxx:
Fee schedule of $300.00 per hour for each future response, with a minimum of 2 hours, plus;
Fee schedule for processing each 1099A & 3949a and any other form of $400.00 per form.
For each negative credit report a fee of 100,000.00 for each report for commercial damages.
[[Step by step discover the use of the 1099A to settle your mortgage, utilities, auto loans, credit
cards, more see notes below. ]]

PALISADES,L.L.C. assigns and associates are not to write XXXXX, JACK other than to answer the
36 numbered items above. In all and all other matters PALISADES,L.L.C. asigns and associates are
fired as trustee or representative for XXXXX, JACK and any presumed power of attorney the
represent for XXXXX, JACK is herein revoke.


Jack Xxxxx Xxxxx,
On the land, County of Xxxxxxx, State of Illinois

Before me, a notary public, on this _____day of June, 2009 personally appeared the living man Jack
Xxxxx Xxxxxknown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing and, being by
me first duly sworn, affirmed and declared that the statements therein contained are true and correct
to my best of knowledge.

Notary Public for the people in and for the State of ____________

My Commission Expires: _________________

Notes: Not to be sent: [AFV means Accepted for Value]

You never owe a third party debt collector, it is illegal for them to purchase any debt. Discover who
living people are in relation to persons, corporations, and all attorneys. Congress on June 5, 1933
stated in House Joint Resolution – HJR-192 that they would take care of the peoples debts dollar for
dollar. Also see 73-10 & 48, 48 Stat 112 which is real Law and not a resolution. Roosevelt had take
the peoples gold and the remendy is we do not have to ‘pay’ debts we can discharge or setoff them.
Search the web for ‘commercial redemption’ & ‘Accepted for value’. 

Talkshoe – Free downloads ***** Especially Patrick Devine found at talkshoe #40603 (especially
import for motivated by foreclosures, cred card problems, IRS problems, learn how you can
‘discharge debts. *****
[[Step by step discover the use of the 1099A to settle your mortgage, utilities, auto loans, credit
cards, more. ]]

Free downloads HJRbonds located at hjrbonds go to ‘Conference calls’.

Free downloads Go to youtube for”(talkshoe /TS-236119); ‘How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic

Cash-Consficatory Agency Known to Man - By Mary Elizabeth Croft’; and also Jordon maxwell;
robert arthur menard; *****
Search words: ‘Accepted for value’; 
afv.html *****
a4v.pdf free 56 pages explaining AFV. *****
7thfireNews all sorts of news and relevant articles for study
the7thfire index2.htm
cre27.pdf Fair Debt Collection Act.

Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion youtube

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