Wet Digestion

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146 SAMPLE DISSOLUTION FOR ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS / Wet Digestion 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (DBH).

Part 1, oxygen ask combustion, Part 7. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 360: 184191. Kowalenko CG (2000) Inuence of sulfur and nitrogen fertilizer applications and within-season sampling time on measurement of total sulfur in orchardgrass by six different methods. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 31: 345354. Kuboyama K, Sasaki N, Nakagome Y, Kataoka M, and Tamura C (1996) Simultaneous microdetermination of uorine, chlorine, bromine and sulfur in organic compounds by ion chromatography. Bunseki Kagaku 45: 7176. Nagashima H and Kuboyama K (1996) Microdetermination of phosphorus in organic compounds by ion chromatography. Bunseki Kagaku 45: 941946. Okamoto T, Isozaki A, and Nagashima H (1996) Determination of chloride, bromide and sulfate in color additives by ion chromatography on ceramic carbon column. Bunseki Kagaku 45: 865871. Soon YK, Kalra YP, and Abboud SA (1996) Comparison of some methods for the determination of total sulfur in plant tissues. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 27: 809818. Sun Y and Li H (2000) Determination of trace selenium in human plasma and hair with ternary inclusion compound-uorescent spectrometry. Analyst 125: 23262329. Woodget B (1995) Oxygen ask combustion. In: Townshend A, Worsfold PJ, Haswell SJ, et al. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, 1st edn., pp. 44954502.

Wet Digestion
R M Twyman, University of York, York, UK
& 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This article is a revision of the previous-edition article by A D Sawant, pp. 45034510, & 1995, Elsevier Ltd.

Wet digestion methods for elemental analysis involve the chemical degradation of sample matrices in solution, usually with a combination of acids to increase solubility. The various acid and ux treatments are carried out at high temperatures in specially designed vessels that help to minimize contamination of the sample with substances in the air, the local environment, and from the vessel walls. Losses from the sample may occur due to adsorption onto the vessel walls, volatilization, and coextraction, but these can be reduced by procedural modications. The use of closed systems, where the digestion reaction is completely isolated from the surroundings, may help to reduce both contamination and sample loss.

The Nature of the Sample Matrix

Many techniques employed for elemental analysis require the conversion of the sample matrix into a solution form. The selection of an appropriate treatment for sample dissolution depends on the nature of the sample, and different approaches are required for predominantly inorganic and predominantly organic matrices. Geological, geochemical, and soil samples generally contain silicate, metal oxides, carbonates, and, in many cases, organic matter. Such samples must be dried and ground to a ne powder to

facilitate dissolution. Minerals and coal often have a nonuniform distribution of elements, while y ash is very ne and is composed of metal silicates and oxides. Both these types of sample are difcult to solubilize. Similarly, alloys can be difcult to dissolve because of the strong bonds between metal atoms and their brittle nature. Solid and crystalline samples may possess interstitial water and water of crystallization, so thorough drying of samples is necessary before and after grinding. Biological samples must be processed with great care, since the dissolution and total decomposition of all organic matter is required for the release of trace elements. However, the use of oxidizing acids to decompose organic matter can produce violent reactions and the alternative procedure of dry ashing may be more suitable in some cases. Environmental and water samples often contain mixtures of organic and inorganic substances, so dissolution techniques need to be modied to take this composition into account. In particular, water samples may contain dissolved and suspended solids, colloids, and microorganisms. Elements embedded in such samples may be present both in dissolved and solid forms. The nature of the sample matrix must be given special attention during wet digestion.

Extraction of the Analyte

Solid samples generally contain some adsorbed and/ or absorbed water. In the case of inorganic materials, drying is carried out in an oven at 1051101C for a few hours, although lower temperatures need to be used if the sample contains volatile components. On the other hand, higher temperatures may be required to remove water trapped within crystalline matrices.


Frequently, the sample is not soluble in water and must be treated with acids or mixtures of acids to facilitate solubilization. The type of acid treatment must be given careful consideration, since particular acids may or may not oxidize the sample, and may be incompatible with certain elements. For example, sulfuric acid cannot be used to dissolve samples containing barium, while hydrochloric acid cannot be used to dissolve silver or samples containing lead and lead compounds. The choice of acid is also restricted by sample volatilization, e.g., hydrochloric acid should be avoided in samples containing arsenic since this is more volatile as a trichloride. Naturally occurring inorganic materials, such as ores, must be given special treatments to facilitate solubilization. The two most common methods employed in dissolving samples are treatments with hydrochloric, hydrouoric, nitric, sulfuric, or peruoric acids (or various combinations thereof) and fusion with an acidic or basic ux followed by treatment with water or an acid. Organic materials are usually decomposed by wet digestion with a boiling oxidizing acid or acid mixture, ultimately producing carbon dioxide, water, and other volatile compounds that are driven off to leave behind salts or acids of the inorganic constituents of the sample. Wet digestions may be performed in open beakers on hot plates, but Kjeldahl asks or specially designed containment vessels give results that are more satisfactory.
Wet Digestion with Single Acids

The solvent action of an acid depends on several factors: 1. The reduction of hydrogen ions by metals that are more active than hydrogen, for example: Zn(s) 2 H -Zn2 H2(g). 2. The combination of hydrogen ions with anions of a weak acid, for example: CaCO3(s) 2 H -Ca2 H2O CO2(g). 3. The oxidizing properties of the acid anion, for example: 3Cu(s)2NO3 8 H -3NO(g)4H2O. 4. The tendency of the acid anion to form soluble complexes with the sample cation, for example: Fe3 Cl -FeCl2 . Ideally, the chosen reagent should cause the complete dissolution of the sample. As a general guide it is useful to classify the more common acid treatments according to whether they oxidize the sample or not. The nonoxidizing acids include dilute hydrochloric, hydrouoric, sulfuric, and perchloric acids, whereas the oxidizing acids include hot, concentrated nitric, sulfuric, and perchloric acids. Dissolution of metals

by nonoxidizing acids is a process of hydrogen replacement. Hydrochloric acid will dissolve metals above the standard reduction potential of hydrogen, salts of weak acids, and many oxides. Dilute sulfuric and perchloric acids are useful for metals above the standard reduction potential of hydrogen. Hot, concentrated sulfuric acid will often dissolve metals below the standard reduction potential of hydrogen. The most potent oxidizing conditions are obtained using hot concentrated perchloric acid, which will dissolve all common metals. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is an excellent solvent for many metal oxides as well as those metals that are more easily oxidized than hydrogen. In addition, it is often a better solvent for oxides than the oxidizing acids. Hot, concentrated nitric acid will dissolve all common metals with the exception of aluminum and chromium, which are passive to the reagent as a result of surface oxide formation. Hot nitric acid also readily oxidizes many organic substances. Hot, concentrated sulfuric acid can be used to decompose and dissolve many substances in part because of its high boiling point (3401C), and it is particularly useful for the dehydration and oxidation of organic samples. Most metals and alloys are also attacked by this hot acid. Perchloric acid is a potent oxidizing agent that leads to the formation of highly soluble perchlorate salts. As with sulfuric acid, perchloric acid dehydrates and oxidizes organic samples very efciently. It also attacks iron alloys and stainless steel, which are resistant to other mineral acids. Care is required when using perchloric acid because it is explosive in contact with certain organic compounds and easily oxidized inorganic materials. Special chemical hoods are recommended. Perchloric acid, as a 7274% solution, boils at 2031C. Hydrouoric acid is a weak, nonoxidizing acid that is particularly useful for dissolving silicate samples since it removes the silicon quantitatively as volatile SiF4. In many cases, hydrouoric acid dissolution can be achieved by adding sodium uoride to samples treated with hydrochloric acid.
Wet Digestion with Acid Mixtures

Acids in combination are preferred for certain inorganic matrices and are generally more advantageous for the decomposition of organic compounds. Wet digestion procedures using acid mixtures can be divided into four types: 1. Total decomposition, usually with hydrouoric acid and another mineral acid. 2. Strong attacks, for routine analysis but leaving a residue of certain minerals, particularly


silicates. Carried out with various mixtures of sulfuric, nitric, and perchloric acids. 3. Moderate attacks, using weaker acid mixtures. 4. Partial digestions (acid leaching). Both (3) and (4) are typically employed for environmental analysis where complete dissolution is either not required or is undesirable and the goal is to determine the presence of certain trace elements. For geochemical samples containing silicates, the matrix is decomposed by heating with hydrouoric acid in combination with either nitric or perchloric acid, each of which has a higher boiling point than hydrouoric acid. The presence of the second acid with a higher boiling point ensures that, once the hydrouoric acid has been boiled off and the dry sample redissolved, sparingly soluble metal uorides are converted to salts that are more soluble. As stated above, however, caution should be exercised with the use of perchloric acid if the sample has a signicant organic component. Perchloric acid is also more expensive than nitric acid, and can introduce chloride ions as contaminants. For organic samples, a widely used mixture is aqua regia (1:3 nitric acidhydrochloric acid). The nitric acid acts as the oxidizing agent, while the hydrochloric acid provides the complexing properties. The addition of bromine or hydrogen peroxide can sometimes increase the solubilizing power of mineral acids. Wet digestion is generally carried out in open asks, covered loosely to avoid atmospheric contamination. However, it is becoming increasingly common to use closed vessels, such as polytetrauoroethylene (PTFE)-lined containers or ultrapure quartz vessels, especially for small samples. A 1:4 mixture of sulfuric and nitric acids is also widely employed for organic samples. The nitric acid decomposes the bulk of the organic matter but does not reach a temperature sufcient to destroy the last traces. However, as the nitric acid boils off, the sulfuric acid is left behind. Dense SO3 fumes evolve and begin to reux in the ask, making the solution very hot and allowing the hot sulfuric acid to decompose the remaining organic matter. Because of the fumes produced in this method, it must be carried out under a fume hood. More nitric acid may be added to prolong the digestion and eliminate any stubborn organic material. A very efcient acid mixture is nitric, sulfuric, and perchloric acid in a volume ratio of B3:1:1. For a typical 10 g sample of tissue or blood, 10 ml of this solution is sufcient for complete dissolution. The samples are heated until the nitric acid boils off and perchloric acid fumes begin to appear. Heating continues until the perchloric acid boils off and SO3

fumes appear. There is little danger of perchloric acid explosions as long as sufcient nitric acid is present to decompose the bulk of the organic matter, and as long as sulfuric acid remains after the perchloric acid has evaporated to prevent the sample becoming dry. Perchloric acid should never be added directly to an organic sample. A mixture of nitric and perchloric acid may also be used. The availability of strong hydrogen peroxide solutions allows a combination of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide to be used for the decomposition of organic matter. Hydrogen peroxide is a vigorous oxidizing agent and is particularly useful for the degradation of resistant plastics. There is little danger of explosion if sulfuric acid is present in excess. Most elements can be recovered quantitatively in this procedure, with the exceptions of ruthenium, osmium, germanium, arsenic, and selenium. In the case of germanium and arsenic, loss is attributable to volatilization of chlorides. Additionally, precipitated calcium sulfate may retain lead and silver if not solubilized. After decomposition, the sulfuric acid solution should be diluted and boiled gently for 10 min to destroy any remaining hydrogen peroxide. The recovery of trace elements after wet digestion using the methods described above is compared in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 Recovery of trace elements after wet digestion of cocoa Element Recovery a (%) HNO3 & HClO4 Ag As Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Hg Mo Pb Sb Se Sr Zn

HNO3, HClO4 & H2SO4 99 99 102 99 101 99 99 89 98 99, 93 100 101 97 101, 94

HNO3 HNO3 & H2SO4 100 98 102 101 100 100 102 93 101 90, 93 100 79 98 100 95 91, 98 99 100 101 100 97 98 100 97 1 95 99

91 99 101 98 100 100 99 79 97 100 99, 94 101 100 99

Oxidation mixtures respectively as follows: 15 ml concentrated HNO3, 10 ml 60% HClO4. 15 ml concentrated HNO3, 5 ml conc. H2SO4, 10 ml 60% HClO4. 15 ml concentrated HNO3, 10 ml conc. H2SO4. Concentrated and fuming HNO3. 500 ml ask used for 2 g cocoa sample. Radioactive nuclides were used to determine recovery of 110 mg kg 1 level.

SAMPLE DISSOLUTION FOR ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS / Wet Digestion 149 Wet Digestion with Fluxes

Some materials are particularly resistant to acid digestion, e.g., certain rocks, mineral oxides, phosphates, and some iron alloys. For these samples, high-temperature fusion with an acidic or basic ux such as lithium metaborate (LiBO3) in the molten state can be used to render such materials soluble in water or dilute acid. Fusion decompositions are the most rigorous methods available and all silicate materials, including refractory substances like zircon and cassiterite, can be dissolved completely when fused with an appropriate ux. However, there are several disadvantages to this method including the introduction of additional salts into the nal solution

(e.g., lithium metaborate, typically used at a 3:1 uxsample ratio, introduces lithium and boron), loss of materials by volatilization, and the encouragement of sample contamination from the vessel walls, which also become solubilized. The properties of some useful uxes are summarized in Table 3.

Dissolution Techniques
Depending on the nature, origin, sample quantity, elements of interest, and concentration range, a variety of different techniques for sample dissolution can be used. Dissolution assemblies such as the Kjeldahl ask, Parr bomb, crucible, quartz and platinum vessels, PTFE containers, and specially designed apparatus can be used for wet digestion (Figures 1 and 2). Many suitable small vessels and devices for sample heating and ltering are available. In the case of classical milliliter, microliter, and nanoliter methods, solution concentrations are generally 40.01 mol l 1. The quantities of the decomposition reagents and the decomposition vessels are adjusted to the smaller sample weights. Inorganic materials subjected for trace metal analysis are generally decomposed and solubilized by treatment with mineral acids or by fusion with uxes. Some inorganic samples, e.g., soils, may also contain considerable amounts of organic material, which can also be solubilized by acid treatment. Faster and more efcient decompositions of both organic and inorganic materials is possible using closed reaction vessels (bombs) that allow higher temperatures and pressures to be applied. For example, bombs have been designed for the decomposition of silicates with

Table 2 Recovery of metals from various biomaterials after wet digestion Element Recovery (%) Blood As Au Fe Hg Sb 93 77 98 24 99 Urine 94 100 92 84 95 Leaves 97 77 95 45 94 Animal tissue 92 65 85 30 94 Reux condenser 101 100 100 100 100

Ag, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Pb, V, Zn: 98102% for all samples. Samples: 5 ml horse blood; 250 mg sugar beat leaves; 10 ml urine; 1.5 g animal tissue. Digested for 1.5 h with 5 ml of a mixture of 98% H2SO4, 70% HClO4, and 66% HNO3 in the volume ratio 1:1:3 in a microKjeldahl ask. Amount of metal present was 0.050.3 mg. Urine was digested with concentrated HNO3 only.

Table 3 Common uxes Flux Na2CO3 Melting point ( 1C) 851 Type of crucible/dish for Type of substance decomposed of fusion Pt For silicates and silica containing samples; aluminacontaining samples; sparingly soluble phosphates and sulfates For samples requiring an oxidizing environment; that is, samples containing S, As, Sb, Cr, etc. Powerful basic uxes for silicates, silicon carbide, and certain minerals; main limitation: purity of reagents Powerful basic oxidizing ux for sulphides; acid insoluble alloys of Fe, Ni, Cr, Mo, W and Li; platinum alloys, Cr, Sn, Zr minerals Acid ux for slightly soluble oxides and oxide-containing samples Acid ux for decomposition of silicates and oxides where alkali metals are to be determined Upon heating the ux, a mixture of CaO and CaCl2 produced; used to decompose silicates for the determination of the alkali metals

Na2CO3 an oxidizing 318 agent such as KNO3, KClO3, or Na2O2 NaOH or KOH 380 Na2O2 Decomposes

Pt (not with Na2O2), Ni

Au, Ag, Ni Fe, Ni

K2S2O7 B2O3 CaCO3 NH4Cl

300 577

Pt, porcelain Pt Ni


Contamination and Loss of Analyte


185 mm

235 mm

250 ml

Figure 1 Reaction ask with asbestos-jacketed air condenser. The ask is a 250 ml borosilicate volumetric ask. A condenser is made from ST 19/38 ground glass joint, with a jacket of woven asbestos tubing held in place by wrapping with PTFE sealing tape. (Reproduced with permission from Feldman C (1974) Analytical Chemistry 46: 1607; & American Chemical Society.)

Figure 2 Apparatus for wet oxidation of organic material. Stopcock, having three positions, allows (1) refluxing, (2) distillation, (3) removal of distillate. (Taken from Bethge PO (1954) Analytica Chimica Acta 10: 317; and Gorsuch TT (1959) Analyst 84: 147. Copyright by the Chemical Society.)

hydrouoric acid at temperatures up to 1501C and pressures in excess of 8000 kPa. In the milligram range, the Parr bomb using metallic sodium or the Wurzschmitt bomb using sodium peroxide can be used to decompose refractory substances.

The introduction of foreign substances during wet digestion and sample processing may have serious consequences in elemental analysis, and sources of contamination and their likely impact should be anticipated in order to minimize the resulting errors. Airborne contaminants, in the form of dust, corrosion products, and residues from paints, etc., can introduce many different elements into a sample, e.g., sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and aluminum. This is a signicant threat where open reaction vessels are used, and can be avoided by simple precautionary measures such as covering the dissolution vessel with a dish or beaker equipped with a side arm through which a stream of ltered air or gas is passed. More stringent measures include the use of a clean air room kept under positive pressure, with the reaction itself carried out under a laminar ow hood. Gaseous contaminants can be eliminated from the reaction vessels air supply using appropriate adsorption lters. Another signicant source of contamination is the vessels used for reagent storage and decomposition. There is no such thing as a completely inert vessel, although the choice of an appropriate vessel that is the least reactive under the chosen storage or decomposition conditions is recommended. Table 4 shows the elemental composition of four materials commonly used in decomposition and storage vessels, therefore revealing likely contaminants and the proportions in which they would be found. Dissolution vessels of Pyrex and quartz can introduce contamination from many elements, but ultrapure quartz can reduce the level of contamination from trace elements by up to 1000-fold as long as the surfaces are scrupulously cleaned before use. Polypropylene bottles, which are often used for the storage of acids, become brown after some time indicating the dissolution of the vessels organic material. Even platinum vessels, which are required for fusions, contain small amounts of contaminating iron that can dissolve in contact with an acidic solution. As well as the reaction and storage vessels, contamination may also arise from other stages of sample processing. Filter paper can contaminate samples with aluminum, barium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, germanium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, sodium, antimony, gold, titanium, vanadium, zinc, zirconium, and rare earth metals. It is best to use lter media other than paper and carry out extensive preliminary washing with the operating solutions. Ultrapure water should be used as distilled water contains trace amounts of several


Table 4 Average content (in mg kg 1) of current elements in the materials most commonly used for decomposition and storage vessels Element Al As B Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Hg Mg Mn Na Ni Sb Si Ti Zn
a b


Ultrapure quartz 100 0.1 10 100 0.1 1 2 10 100 1 10 10 10 1 Main constituent 100 50

Quartz 30 000 50 100 5003000 10 1 5 50 1000 1 10 10 1000 2 Main constituent 1000 50

Pyrex glass Main constituent 50020 000 Main constituent 1 000 000 1000 100 3000 1000 100 000 10100 500 000 5000 Main constituent 2000 10 000 Main constituent 3000 3000

1 20 10 10 10b

25 000 0.5

Isostatic molded polytetrauoroethylene. Strongly dependent on cleaning conditions. From Buldini PL, Ricci L, and Sharma JL (2002) Recent applications of sample preparation techniques in food analysis. Journal of Chromatography A 975: 4770.

Table 5 Illustrative contents of some trace elements in reagent grade and extra purity acids Element Content (mg l 1) HCl Amax Al As Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Hg Mg Mn Ni Pb Zn 10 10 o1 2 2 7 o10 4 1 o1 o1 o1 5 200 500 5 100 100 1000 10 500 100 200 o1 3, 10 5 o10 1, 5 o1 2 o1 500 200 o10 1, 5 500 o1 3 10, 3 o10 1 1, 7 5 o1 B 8 o1 20 HClO4 Amax 50 B 5 5 1000 HF Amax 700 50 B HNO3 Amax 400 10 B 5 1 7 H2SO4 Amax 10 500 B 8 o1 10

500, 50 100

500 100

500 50 100

5 2 5 40

1 20 20


A analytical reagent, B extra purity reagent (electronic grade), maximum content indicated by max; otherwise actual analysis.

inorganic compounds, resulting in contamination with copper, zinc, iron, nickel, aluminum, lead, and others. Contaminants originating in the mineral acids used for digestion are also a signicant source of error. Table 5 shows the contaminants present in reagent grade and extra-pure mineral acids available from standard laboratory suppliers. Extra-pure acids have low levels of contaminants but are very expensive. It may be possible to eliminate many of the trace contaminants from reagent grade acids, or at

least reduce them to undetectable levels, by several rounds of distillation.


During wet digestion, certain components of the sample can be lost, leading to the underestimation of particular elemental contents. Trace elements can be lost by adsorption to the vessel walls, volatilization, coprecipitation, and coextraction. Although the exact nature of adsorption losses is unclear, it may


be due to molecular and ionic interactions. Metal cations exchange with alkali or alkaline earth ions at the glasssolution interface and are replaced by H ions. Anion exchange may also occur, e.g., AuCl4 for RSiOH groups on the glass surface. Vigorous shaking of the solution may bring some of the absorbed species back into solution. Polyethylene and polypropylene also adsorb inorganic and molecular species but to a lesser extent and a mature acid strength of 10% is recommended in stored solutions. Solutions of 0.1 mol l 1 or stronger in mineral acid stored in polyethylene, Pyrex, or similar borosilicate glass bottles remain stable for weeks. Plastic bottles may be preferred because of reduced leaching of trace elements. Sample solutions of water should be acidied to prevent or minimize the adsorption of metals. Mercury concentrations in 1 mol l 1 nitric acid in borosilicate glass do not show any loss over a period of months. Loss of analyte also occurs when ltered through paper, sintered glass, or glass wool due to adsorption. Centrifugation is therefore preferable to ltration. Volatile metals are less likely to be lost from basic solutions than from acidic ones. Metals with higher oxidation states tend to form volatile oxides and halides, e.g., OsO4, RuO4, Re2O7, GeCl4, AsCl3, SbCl3, CrOCl2, SnCl4, and TiF4. A few metals can be lost from solutions by volatilization at room temperature, particularly OsO4 and RuO4. Losses associated with the reaction of samples with silica glass, porcelain, and platinum at higher temperatures may also take place.
Matrix Effects and Modiers

Many samples with inorganic or organic matrices pose serious problems in elemental analysis due to their composition and nature. It may therefore be necessary to add certain modiers to the mixture to facilitate dissolution. In addition, dissolution assemblies may need to be modied. The use of hydrogen peroxide, a nonacidic modier, has already been described. This can be used in conjunction with suitable acids for effective oxidation, and decomposition of organic matter usually proceeds without the danger of an explosion in a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids at atmospheric pressure. One common modication of dissolution assemblies is the tting of a condenser, to prevent the loss of volatile mercury, osmium, and ruthenium species. If excessive frothing occurs during wet digestion, a small amount of 2octanol may be added or the preliminary treatment may be carried out in a beaker with glass beads to prevent bumping. With some organic materials, e.g., rubbers, coated bers, and polymers, wet digestion in

sulfuric acid should not be carried out if the aim is to determine levels of arsenic. The ammonium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is often used as a matrix modier for the dissolution of sediments and other geological samples with hydrouoric, sulfuric, and perchloric acids. Digestion with a mixture of nitric, sulfuric, and perchloric acids is more efcient when a small amount of molybdenum(IV) catalyst is added. As soon as water and nitric acid have evaporated, oxidation proceeds vigorously with foaming and is completed in a few seconds. To avoid the loss of mercury from a digestion, volatile mercury compounds can be reduced to the metal with copper(I) and hydroxylammonium chloride at room temperature, while organic matter is degraded by potassium permanganate. The mercury can then be dissolved and the analysis completed. Nitrogen-containing compounds are commonly digested with sulfuric acid and potassium sulfate to increase the boiling point of the acid and thus the efciency of the reaction. Proteins can be removed from organic samples by precipitation using trichloroacetic acid, tungstic acid with barium hydroxide, or zinc sulfate. For the decomposition of inorganic samples by soda ash in platinum crucibles, the resistance of platinum is increased in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. In a nitrogen atmosphere, platinum is corroded less by alkali metals. Peroxide bombs are good for wet ashing to destroy the organic matter in samples like coal. The PTFE acid digestion bomb prevents contamination and insures no losses by volatilization. Samples like coal can be analyzed in quantities of 50 mg or less. In the fusion methods, cesium iodide is often added to the fusion mixture as a nonwetting agent to prevent the molten ux from adhering to the walls of the vessel, as well as to prevent incomplete transfer of the bead to the acid solution. In wet digestion of coal and y ash using the Parr bomb, boric acid is added after digestion and the sample is heated for a further time on a water bath allowing the removal of unburned carbon. No method of wet digestion is ideal, and both contamination and losses will occur to a greater or lesser degree whichever method is used. The task of the analytical chemist is to choose a procedure that will minimize interference from contaminants, reduce losses as much as possible, and therefore bring errors within acceptable limits. At all times, blank reagents and spiked recovery experiments are required to establish the degree of analyte contamination and loss from the dissolution process.

SAMPLE DISSOLUTION FOR ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS / Microwave Digestion 153 See also: Sample Dissolution for Elemental Analysis: Dry Ashing; Microwave Digestion. Mader P and Curdova E (1997) Decomposition methods of biological materials for the determination of trace elements. Chemicke Listy 91: 227236. Skoog DA and West DM (1976) Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 3rd edn. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Stoeppler M (ed.) (1997) Sampling and Sample Preparation. Berlin: Springer.

Further Reading
Hoenig M and de Kersabiec A-M (1996) Sample preparation steps for analysis by atomic spectroscopy methods: present status. Spectrochimica Acta B 51: 12971307.

Microwave Digestion
C B Ojeda and F S Rojas, Universidad de Malaga, Malaga, Spain
& 2005, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

closed vessels for microwave digestions to achieve reaction temperatures above the atmospheric boiling points of the acids in order to increase the reaction rates and decrease reaction times.

The widespread use of microwaves for dissolution of samples is gradually replacing the conventional pressure reactors. This is particularly true in the determination of inorganic and organic analytes. Sample dissolution can be conducted in both closed and open systems. A wet mineralization procedure using high pressure (and also high temperature), based on microwave decomposition with acid in hermetic Teon containers, has recently been proposed. Sample heating is carried out in special microwave ovens that currently exist in the market. The speed of wet mineralization and the decomposition efciency increase spectacularly when this type of equipment is used. For example, it has been observed that decompositions that require several hours at atmospheric pressure can be completed in a few minutes with the microwave technique. The other advantage is that it requires small quantities of the reactive substance, thus signicantly reducing the magnitude of blanks. Traditional methods of samples preparation do not give good reproducibility; however, the use of microwave irradiation rather than convection and/or conduction heating reduces errors in the sample preparation process. The method also addresses other parameters such as time required for analysis and sample contamination. In 1975, microwaves were rst used as rapid-heating sources for wet, open-vessel digestions. They were used to heat acids rapidly, in Erlenmeyer asks, to digest biological matrices, and the conventional sample digestion times were reduced from 12 h to 515 min. In the beginning, microwave sample preparation made use of common laboratory glassware and open Teon vessels to digest matrices at the boiling point of the acids in commercial microwave ovens. In the 1980s, researchers began using specially designed

Theoretical Aspects
Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequencies in the range of 300300 000 MHz. Microwave radiation neither possesses ionizing characteristics nor produces changes in the molecular structure; it can be used to measure the movement of molecules due to the migration of ions and the rotation of dipoles. Of the four frequencies most often used in industrial and scientific applications (915725, 2450713, 5800775, and 22 1257 125 MHz), the one with a power range 600700 W (domestic ovens) is 2450 MHz, which can provide, to the microwave cavity, B43 500 cal in 5 min. The warming of a sample through microwave action depends on the dissipation factor (d), which is dened as the ratio of the dielectric loss factor of the sample (e00 , which denes the efciency of the dielectric medium to convert microwave energy into heat) and its dielectric constant (e0 , a measure of the polarizability of the molecules in an electric eld). Materials can reect microwaves (e.g., metals), transmit them without being absorbed (e.g., transparent materials), or absorb them (e.g., dielectrics). All materials display these characteristics to varying degrees. The dissipation factor (t) of the material is a good measure of its ability to heat up under microwaves: larger the dissipation factor, greater is the heat absorbed by the sample. The dissipation of energy of the microwaves in a sample affects its transmission, which also depends on the frequency of the radiation (it is inversely proportional to the square root of the frequency). Energy dissipation in a sample is caused by its warming and is basically produced by two mechanisms that generally operate simultaneously: ionic conduction and dipole rotation.

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