Indonesian Curriculum History
Indonesian Curriculum History
Indonesian Curriculum History
In the history of Indonesia's education, national education curriculum has experienced many changes, namely in the years 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004 and the latest is 2006. The change is a logical consequence of the change the political system, social, cultural, economic, and science. The entire national curriculum is designed based on the same basis, the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, the difference is the emphasis on basic education goals and implementation approach.
2. Curriculum 1975
The curriculum 1975 prepared as a substitute for the curriculum 1968, where changes were made using the following approach.
a. Goal-oriented
b. Integrative approach adopted in the sense that any lessons have meaning and role
of support to the achievement of goals more integrated.
c. Emphasizing the efficiency and effectiveness in terms of resources and time. d. Confessional approach instructional system, known as Development Procedure of
Instructional System (Pengembangan Prosedur Sistem Instruksional). That system always leads to the achievement of specific goals, can be defined and measured in the form of student behavior.
3. Curriculum 1984
By the year 1983, the curriculum 1975 is considered no longer compatible with the needs of the community and the demands of science and technology. In general, the basic curriculums 1975 change to the curriculum 1984 are as follows.
a. There is a clash between the field of study curriculum materials with the ability of
the students
b. There is a gap between the program and the implementation of the curriculum in
c. Too much curriculum content to be taught. d. Procurement of new courses (such as in high school) to meet the needs of
employment. Curriculum 1984 has characteristics as follows.
a. Oriented to the instructional goals. Based on the view that the students learn in
school is very limited, and then learning in the classroom must be functional and effective. Therefore, before choosing or set of teaching materials, which must first be defined is what the goal should be achieved by students.
c. The lesson material is packed using spiral approach. Spiral is the approach used in
the packaging of teaching materials based on the width and depth of learning materials. The higher the class and school levels, the more knowledgeable in the materials and lessons provided.
e. Using the skills of the process. Skills in the process of learning are the approach
that emphasizes how to acquire knowledge and communicate results. This approach should be done with effective to achieve the goal lessons.
4. Curriculum 1994
In the curriculum 1984, the learning process emphasizes the theory of learning and less attention to the content of lessons. Curriculum 1994 created as the completion of curriculum 1984 and accordance implemented with the Law no. 2 in 1989 about National Education System. This change takes effect on the system of learning time, that is the change of the semester to the quarter system. During the curriculum 1994 implementation appear some problems, mainly as a result of the tendency to approach content oriented, including the following. Student load is too heavy because the number of subjects and substance of each of the subjects is too much.
3. Reliability students the ability to do something must be defined clearly and in a broad standard that can be achieved through the performance can be measured. (Puskur, 2002a). Competency-Based Curriculum and the plan is a device about the competence and results of study that should be achieved students, assessment, learning activities, resources and the empowerment of education in the development of the school curriculum. Competence-oriented curriculum based on: (1) and the results show the expected impact on the students themselves through a series of meaningful learning experience, and (2) diversity can dimanifestasikan in accordance with their needs (Puskur, 2002a). Formula competency Competency-Based Curriculum in a statement that can be expected, disikapi, or do students in each class and school levels and described the progress of students who achieved gradually and continuously to be competent. A competency-based education program should contain three main elements, namely: 1. the selection of appropriate competencies; 2. specification of evaluation indicators to determine the success of the achievement of competence; 3. the development of the system of learning. Competency-Based Curriculum have characteristics as follows: 1. Emphasis on student competency ketercapaian both individual and classical. 2. Results-oriented learning (learning Outcomes) and diversity. 3. It is in learning to use the approach and methods vary. 4. Source of learning not only teachers, but also other sources of learning that meet the educational elements. 5. Emphasis on the assessment process and results of study in an effort to control or achievement of a competency. (Puskur, 2002a). Structure competency in Competency-Based Curriculum subjects in a load details competence (ability) is the basic subjects and attitudes that students are expected to belong. Let's see an example in the subjects of mathematics, basic math competency is a statement about the minimum or adequate knowledge, skills, attitudes and values reflected in the habit of thinking and acting after the students complete an aspect or subaspek subjects in mathematics. (Puskur, 2002b). The Basic Competency Subject Mathematics is a picture of competence that should be understood, it is known, and made as a result of students learning subjects in mathematics. Basic
competence is formulated to achieve the skills (competence) that include mathematics reasoning ability, communication, problem solving, and have an attitude appreciate usefulness of mathematics. Basic structure of the competency Competency-Based Curriculum dirinci in this aspect component, class and semester. Skills and knowledge in every subject, organized and divided according to the aspects of these subjects. Statement of the study is set for every aspect of family studies at each level. The results of study is to answer the question, "What should students know and can do as a result of their study on this level?". Study results reflect the vastness, depth and complexity to the curriculum stated verb that can be measured with a variety of assessment techniques. Each study has a set of results indicators. The indicator is to answer the question, "How do we know that students have been achieving results that are expected to learn?". Teachers will be using indicators as a basis for assessing whether students have reached the study results as expected. The indicator is not to be defined with a narrow range, that is not intended to restrict the activities of students, is also not intended to determine how the teachers do. For example, if the indicators that students able to explain certain concepts or ideas, then this can be indicated with the writing, presentation, or through a performance or perform other tasks.
Education Standards. Government Regulation is landing on the need to provide structured and carried out eight national education standards, namely: 1. the content of standards, 2. A standard process, 3. Graduate competency standards, 4. The standard of teachers and staff's, 5. Standard facilities and infrastructure, 6. Management standard, the standard financing, and 7. Assessment of educational standards. The curriculum is understood as a set of plans and the setting of objectives, content, and study ways and used as a guide providing learning activities to achieve certain goals of education, then rising with Government Regulation No. 19 in 2005, the government has lead to implement the education curriculum in the form of the level of the education curriculum, the curriculum developed by the operational and implemented in each educational unit. Substantially, the (read: naming) Curriculum Level Education Unit (KTSP) to further implement the existing regulations, namely PP No. 19/2005. However, the essence and the content of the direction of development are still characterized by the achievement of packages of competence (and not on a thorough not subject matter), namely: 1. Emphasis on student competency both individual and classical. 2. Results-oriented learning (learning Outcomes) and diversity. 3. It is in learning to use the approach and methods vary. 4. Source of learning not only teachers, but also other sources of learning that meet the educational elements. 5. Emphasis on the assessment process and results of study in an effort to control or achievement of a competency. There are fundamental differences compared with the previous competency-based curriculum (version 2002 and 2004), that schools are given full authority to plan for education to the standards that have been set, starting from the goal, the vision - mission, structure and cargo curriculum, the burden of learning, a calendar of education, to the syllabi development.