Reported Speech With Infinitive and Gerund

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reported speech with infinitive and gerund MaiChinh Teacher of English

Exercise 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences in reported speech.Using advise, beg, introduce, invite, offer, order, promise, remind, tell, warn. 1. Remember to write to me soon, she said to me.-> She reminded......... 2. Youd better spend more time learning to write, I said to the boy.-> I advised........ 3. Would you like to have dinner with us tonight, Mike said. -> Mike invited........ 4. Please, please turn off the T.V, John, said Tom.-> Tom begged...... 5. Dont lean your bicycle against my windows, boys, said the shopkeeper.-> The shopkeeper warned ........ 6. Open the safe, the robber said to the bank clerk. -> The robber ordered.... 7. Leave this spaces clear, the notice said.-> The noticed told....... 8. Mr.Brown, this is Miss White, he said.-> He introduced .......... 9. Shall I open the window for you? he said.-> He told.... 10. Ill wait for you. I promise, he said to me.-> He promised ...... 11. Would you like to come with me? John said.-> He invited........ 12. Dont worry. Of course you can take a holiday, John said.-> John ressured me that..... 13. Dont forget to take the holiday, John said. -> John reminded .............. 14. You should take a holiday, John said.-> John advised ............ 15. Are you going to take a holiday? John said.-> John asked whether........ 16. Its all right by me if you take a holiday, John said. John agreed that ........ 17. Actually, Id rather you took a holiday, John said. -> John prefered that...... 18. I thought you were going to take a holiday John said-. -> John expected ..... 19. Taking a holiday would be a good idea John said-->John proposed that..... 20. You really must take a holiday, John said.->John insisted that....... 21. Dont touch that switch, Peter. I said -> I warned.... 22. Read it before you sign it he said to his client. ->. He advised... 23. Will you help me, please? he said, I cant reach the top shelf ->She asked... 24. Please do as I say, he said to me. -> He begged 25. Dont forget to prune the roses said my aunt.-> My aunt reminded.... 26. Would you like me to help you with the cooking, Tom? Laura said. -> Laura offered... 27. If you dont pay the rasom, well kill the boy said the kidnapper.-> The kinapper threatened 28. I wont answer any questions Paul said -> Paul agreed.. 29. Would you like to go camping with us next weekend? said Minh to Phong.-> Minh invited. 30. Dont forget to join in the contest tomorrow morning Lan said.-> Lan reminded..... 31. Would you like me to clean the room for you she said -> She offered.... 32. If I were you, I would join the voluntary team tomorrow, Tom. said Mike. -> Mike advised.... Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences with Gerund

1. Why dont you organize an English competition for our student? said Ms Lien.-> Ms Lien
suggested........ 2. Im sorry Im late, said Mr Thanh. -> Mr Thanh apologized..... 3. Me? No, I didnt take Sues calculator Said Bob.-> Bob denied..... 4. You were cheating said David to Henry. -> David accused ........ 5. I must see the manager. he cried. -> He insisted..... 6. If you wanted to take my bike, you should have asked me first said Mike to his brother. ->Mike criticized.... 7. You won the scholarship. Congratulation, Mary told me.-> Mary congratulated ...... 8. It was kind of you to help me with my homework Lan said to Hoa. -> Lan thanked ...... 9. Shall we walk there? Its not far, he said. -> He proposed .......... 10. turn off the computer. You are not allowed to play game now, Dick mother said.-> Dicks mother prevented........... 11. Im sorry that I broke the glass, said Peter. ( apologized)-> Peter ...... 12. You should have waited for us, the team leader said to John. ( criticized) 13. Lets invite Mr. Brown to the party next weekend he said. ( suggested) 14. You stole the jewels the inspector said to him.( accused) 15. I only borrowed your car for some hours the man said. (admitted) 16. Im sorry I damaged your tape recorder, Mike. Said Bob.-> Bob apologized ...... 17. You damaged my camera said Jane to Henry. -> Jane accused ..... Exercise 3. Rewrite the following sentences with Infinitive and Gerund 1. I will bring the sandwiches to the party said Helen.-> Helen offered... 2. Lets all go to Lisbon! they said. -> They suggested...... 3. Youd better leave that old flat, my mother told us. -> My mother advised .......... 4. Please let me go to Martins house! Said Muriel three times. -> Muriel insisted..... 5. It was you and only you who stole the cake from the fridge my mother told my sister. ->My mother accused.... 6. Im awful sorry, I will never again use your car without permission she said almost crying. -> She apologized.... 7. Dont cross the river, its full of crocodiles -> They warned... 8. Im sorry Im late -> He apologized.... 9. I think youd better drink the medicine the doctor said.-> The doctor advised.... 10. Lets eat something and then go for a stroll she said.-> She suggested... 11. Dont worry, Ill pay for the drink ->He insisted.... 12. Yes, it was me who ate all the cake-> She admitted... 13. Red wine is the best option for this dish ->The waiter advised......... 14. Why dont we go for a walk? -> She suggested................. 15. I wasnt anywhere near the scene of the crime. ->The accused claimed ............ 16. This spot is the best place for a picnic. -> My father said ............... 17. The swallows return every spring and fly past my window.-> She explained ............... 18. Can you answer the phone? Im having a shower. -> He asked his son ....................... 19. I gave you my homework last week.-> The boy insisted........

20. 21.

Could you come and pick me up from school today, Dad?-> Bill asked.............. If I were you, I wouldnt drink so much ->He advised his friend.................. 22. I wont help you because you didnt help me a.-> Joan said .............. b.-> Joan refused ............ 23. Ill bring it back tomorrow a. ->He said........... b. ->He promised............. Exercise 4. Restate the given sentences. Choose the most suitable reporting verb in brackets. Make it active or passive as appropriate. 1. The girl said to Jim, Would you give your book to Mary? ( ask, tell order) -> The girl .......... 2. The little said to her father, Daddy, I really like tricycle. Can we buy it? (require, ask, advise) -> Everyone .......................... 3. The sign on the side door says, Do not enter, so we have to use a different door. ( ask, remind, force). Nobody............. 4. Before Bobby went to bed, his father said, Dont forget to brush your teeth (invite, allow, remind). -> Before Bobby went to bed, his father ............................... 5. The factory manager said to the employees Dont come late. If you do, you will lose your work ( ask, warn, encourage) ->The employees................ 6. When I asked the nurse about my skin rash, she said, You should consult dermatologist (ask, permit, advise) -> The nurse............ 7. I will not tell anyone else about our plan. He said to me ( order, promise, warn).-> He ....... 8. Okay, you can go alone to Hanoi this summer ( warn, persuade, agree) -> My parents...... 9. Dont worry. If your car breaks down, I will give you a lift home. (agree, order, offer) -> My friends brother ....... 10. Under the law, drivers and all passengers must wear seat belt while in a moving vehicle.(encourage, require, permit).-> Drivers and all passengers .................. Exercise 5. Choose the most suitable verb form the box to report each of the sentences. Remember they all follow the pattern verb + to infinitive. promise, ask, order, remind, advise, encourage, bed, invite, warn, allow 1. Could you possible do for me a favour? She said to Tom. -> She........ 2. Come and have dinner with us Rosy said to John. -> Rosy...... 3. Dont forget to post the letter, my wife said to me. -> My wife ........ 4. The man said the boys, Dont swim in the lake without an adult present. -> The boy........ 5. He said to me, It would be best if you limited the sugar consumption. -> He .............. 6. You must a fine of one hundred pounds the judge said to Edward. -> The judge ..... 7. Please dont tell him about my absence from class yesterday she said to me. ->She.... 8. My parents often said to me Good for you! Its good to be independent -> My parents often.... 9. Mrs. Jones said to her children Each of you may have one piece of candy.-> Mrs. Jones.... 10. I wont be late next time Mary said to the teacher. -> Mary...... Exercise 6. Rewrite these sentences below, using the words in blankets. 1. He said to her, Come to the party. Youll enjoy it, (persuade ) 2. He said to me, Ill lend you some money if you like. (offer)

3. 4. 5. 6.

He said to us Why dont you have a holiday in my country cottage?(invite) All right. Ill help you Tom said to Joe.(agree) Ill tell you the truth Tom said to Joe. Whatever you do, dont walk on the grass the safeguard said to the tourists. (warn) 7. You must pay for the damage youve done, she said. So I paid (make) 8. I havent done anything wrong, Tom said. (deny) 9. No, I wont talk to the lawyer, Tom said. ( refuse) 10. Yes, I did drive too fast through the town, she said (admit) 11. You damage my sweater, Tom said Ben. -> Ben accused.... 12. Many people feel like taking part in the Boston Marathon.-> Many people look... 13. Stop speeding or you will get a ticket said the traffic warden to the driver. -> The traffic warden warned.... 14. Please do go to the movies with me tonight. said Aunt Fancy.-> Aunt Fancy persuaded me....... 15. Why dont we work and keep ourselves from starving? said Mike. -> Mike suggested..... 16. Go on holiday when the weather gets warmer, she told him.(advise) 17. Keep out of this room at all time, she said to them. (warn) 18. Remember to post those letters he said to me. (remind) 19. If you cant find anyone else,Ill drive you you to the airport he said to me. (volunteer) 20. If you dont give me a pay rise, Ill resign, he said to me.(threaten) 21. Youve broken my radio,Frank! said Jane.->Jane accused.... 22. You should have waited for us the team leader said to John.-> The team leader criticized... 23. It certainly wasnt me who took your car! said Bob.-> Bob denied..... 24. Shall we go to Paris for the weekend? Mary said to me. Mary suggested.................. 25. I saw Megan in town, he said.-> He metioned........... 26. Be careful of malefactors and dont go out at night alone-> (warn) 27. Nam, you shouldnt spend so much money on gambling-> (advise) 28. Would you like to have lunch with me today(invite) 29. Why dont you open a bank account (encourage) 30. Remember to book a table in advance( remind) 31. Fasten your seat belts (tell) 32. Ill offer you some more wine tomorrow( promise) 33. Ok, Ill carry some of these parcels for you(offer) 34. Could you possibly give me a lift to the next village ( ask) 35. Please dont drink any more wine (beg)

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