Snowdon, B. and H. Vane (2005) Modern Macroeconomics

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Modern Macroeconomics

In loving memory of Brian’s parents, Joseph and Margaret Snowdon, and

Howard’s father, Philip M. Vane
Its Origins, Development and Current State

Brian Snowdon
Principal Lecturer in Economics in the Newcastle Business
School, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Howard R. Vane
Professor of Economics in the School of Accounting, Finance
and Economics, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool,

Edward Elgar
Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA
© Brian Snowdon, Howard R. Vane 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in

a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical or photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior
permission of the publisher.

Published by
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
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Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.

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A catalogue record for this book

is available from the British Library

ISBN 1 84376 394 X (cased)

1 84542 208 2 (paperback)

Typeset by Manton Typesetters, Louth, Lincolnshire, UK.

Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall.

List of figures x
List of tables xiii
Preface xiv
Acknowledgements xvii

1 Understanding modern macroeconomics 1

1.1 Macroeconomic issues and ideas 1
1.2 The role of economic theory and controversy 3
1.3 Objectives, instruments and the role of government 7
1.4 The Great Depression 9
1.5 Keynes and the birth of macroeconomics 13
1.6 The rise and fall of the Keynesian consensus 15
1.7 Theoretical schizophrenia and the neoclassical synthesis 21
1.8 Schools of thought in macroeconomics after Keynes 24
1.9 The new political macroeconomics 29
1.10 The renaissance of economic growth research 32

2 Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 36

2.1 Introduction 36
2.2 Classical macroeconomics 37
2.3 Employment and output determination 38
2.4 Say’s Law 45
2.5 The quantity theory of money 50
2.6 Keynes’s General Theory 54
2.7 Interpreting the General Theory 57
2.8 Keynes’s main propositions 58
2.9 Keynes’s analysis of the labour market 65
2.10 Keynes’s rejection of Say’s Law 69
2.11 Keynes and the quantity theory of money 69
2.12 Three important interpretations of Keynes 70
2.13 The ‘new’ Keynes scholarship 75
2.14 Causes and consequences of the Great Depression 76
2.15 How to pay for the war 82
2.16 Keynes and international macroeconomics 83

vi Modern macroeconomics

2.17 Keynes’s legacy and the classical revival 85

Interview with Robert Skidelsky 91

3 The orthodox Keynesian school 101

3.1 Introduction 101
3.2 The orthodox Keynesian school 102
3.3 The IS–LM model for a closed economy 102
3.4 Underemployment equilibrium in the Keynesian model 114
3.5 The IS–LM model for an open economy 123
3.6 The Phillips curve and orthodox Keynesian economics 135
3.7 The central propositions of orthodox Keynesian economics 144
Interview with James Tobin 148

4 The orthodox monetarist school 163

4.1 Introduction 163
4.2 The quantity theory of money approach 165
4.3 The expectations-augmented Phillips curve analysis 174
4.4 The monetary approach to balance of payments theory and
exchange rate determination 187
4.5 The orthodox monetarist school and stabilization policy 192
Interview with Milton Friedman 198

5 The new classical school 219

5.1 Introduction 219
5.2 The influence of Robert E. Lucas Jr 220
5.3 The structure of new classical models 223
5.4 Equilibrium business cycle theory 236
5.5 The policy implications of the new classical approach 242
5.6 An assessment 267
Interview with Robert E. Lucas Jr 272

6 The real business cycle school 294

6.1 Introduction: the demise of new classical macroeconomics
mark I 294
6.2 The transition from monetary to real equilibrium business
cycle theory 295
6.3 Real business cycle theory in historical perspective 297
6.4 Cycles versus random walks 300
6.5 Supply-side shocks 303
6.6 Business cycles: main features and stylized facts 304
6.7 Real business cycle theory 307
6.8 The structure of a real business cycle model 309
Contents vii

6.9 Technology shocks 313

6.10 A real business cycle aggregate demand and supply model 315
6.11 Calibrating the model 320
6.12 Real business cycle theory and the neutrality of money 322
6.13 Measuring technology shocks: the Solow residual 325
6.14 Real business cycle theory and the stylized facts 326
6.15 The policy implications of real business cycle theory 330
6.16 Criticisms of real business cycle theory 332
6.17 Great Depressions: a real business cycle view 336
6.18 An assessment 338
Interview with Edward C. Prescott 344

7 The new Keynesian school 357

7.1 The fall and rise of Keynesian economics 357
7.2 A Keynesian resurgence 358
7.3 New Keynesian economics 361
7.4 Core propositions and features of new Keynesian economics 363
7.5 Nominal rigidities 366
7.6 Dornbusch’s overshooting model 376
7.7 Real rigidities 378
7.8 New Keynesian business cycle theory 396
7.9 Hysteresis and the NAIRU 401
7.10 New Keynesian economics and the stylized facts 408
7.11 Policy implications 409
7.12 Keynesian economics without the LM curve 423
7.13 Criticisms of new Keynesian economics 428
7.14 An assessment of new Keynesian economics 431
Interview with N. Gregory Mankiw 433

8 The Post Keynesian school 451

Paul Davidson
8.1 Introduction 451
8.2 The significance of the principle of effective demand 453
8.3 Taxonomy 454
8.4 Keynes’s taxonomic attack on Say’s Law 455
8.5 Can relative price changes induce D2 to fill the gap? 457
8.6 Investment spending, liquidity, and the non-neutrality of
money axiom 459
8.7 What type of an economic system is ‘irrational’ enough to use
money contracts? 461
8.8 Information, decisions and uncertainty 463
8.9 Classifying decision-making environments 464
viii Modern macroeconomics

8.10 Keynesian uncertainty, money and explicit money contracts 468

8.11 Conclusions 472

9 The Austrian school 474

Roger W. Garrison
9.1 The Mengerian vision 474
9.2 The intertemporal structure of capital 475
9.3 Saving and economic growth 479
9.4 The saving–investment nexus 482
9.5 The market for loanable funds 489
9.6 Full employment and the production possibilities frontier 492
9.7 The capital-based macroeconomic framework 496
9.8 Saving-induced capital restructuring 498
9.9 Keynes’s paradox of thrift revisited 501
9.10 The Austrian theory of the business cycle 503
9.11 A Keynesian downturn in the Austrian framework 509
9.12 Inflation and deflation in the Austrian theory 513
9.13 Policy and reform 515

10 The new political macroeconomics 517

10.1 Introduction: political distortions and macroeconomic
performance 517
10.2 Political influences on policy choice 518
10.3 The role of government 521
10.4 Politicians and stabilization policy 523
10.5 Alternative approaches to the ‘political business cycle’: an
overview 525
10.6 The Nordhaus opportunistic model 526
10.7 The Hibbs partisan model 532
10.8 The decline and renaissance of opportunistic and partisan
models 535
10.9 Rational political business cycles 537
10.10 Rational partisan theory 538
10.11 Opportunistic and partisan behaviour: a synthesis 545
10.12 Politics, time inconsistency, credibility and reputation 546
10.13 Policy implications of politico-economic models: an
independent central bank? 549
10.14 The political economy of debt and deficits 554
10.15 Political and economic instability: are they related? 555
10.16 The political economy of economic growth 556
10.17 Political barriers to economic growth 562
10.18 The size of nations 564
Contents ix

10.19 Conclusion 565

Interview with Alberto Alesina 567

11 The renaissance of economic growth research 579

11.1 Introduction 579
11.2 The ‘Great Divergence’ 580
11.3 In praise of economic history 584
11.4 Back to the long run 585
11.5 Why is economic growth so important? 589
11.6 Modern economic growth in historical perspective 593
11.7 The stylized facts of growth 595
11.8 Proximate v. fundamental sources of growth 596
11.9 The Harrod–Domar model 598
11.10 The Solow neoclassical growth model 602
11.11 Accounting for the sources of economic growth 612
11.12 The convergence debate 614
11.13 Beyond the Solow model 622
11.14 Endogenous growth: constant returns to capital accumulation 625
11.15 Endogenous growth: the economics of ideas 627
11.16 An augmented Solow model: a neoclassical revival? 632
11.17 Focusing on the fundamental causes of growth 633
11.18 Institutions and economic growth 635
11.19 Trade and economic growth 647
11.20 Geography and growth 652
11.21 Growth in history: in search of a unified theory 654
11.22 The ideal conditions for growth and development:
rediscovering old truths 657
Interview with Robert M. Solow 660
Interview with Paul M. Romer 673

12 Conclusions and reflections 695

12.1 Introduction 695
12.2 Twentieth-century developments in macroeconomics:
evolution or revolution? 696
12.3 Is there a consensus on key macroeconomic issues? 703

Bibliography 708
Author index 791
Subject index 803

1.1 Unemployment in the US and UK economies over the course

of the twentieth century 2
1.2 Inflation in the US and UK economies over the course of the
twentieth century 3
2.1 The aggregate production function (a) and the marginal
product of labour (b) 40
2.2 Output and employment determination in the classical model 43
2.3 The classical interest rate mechanism and Say’s Law 48
2.4 The determination of the price level in the classical model 53
2.5 The determination of output and employment 64
2.6 Keynes and involuntary unemployment 67
2.7 Aggregate demand failure in the US economy, 1929–33 78
3.1 Demand for speculative balances 105
3.2 The generalized IS–LM model 105
3.3 Expansionary fiscal policy 107
3.4 Expansionary monetary policy 108
3.5 The government budget constraint and bond-financed fiscal
expansion 111
3.6 The general case with the Keynes effect 115
3.7 The liquidity trap case 117
3.8 The interest-inelastic investment case 119
3.9 The Mundell–Fleming/Keynesian model 127
3.10 Fiscal expansion under imperfect capital mobility 128
3.11 Monetary expansion under imperfect capital mobility 129
3.12 Fiscal expansion under (a) and (b) imperfect and (c) perfect
capital mobility 131
3.13 Monetary expansion under (a) imperfect and (b) perfect
capital mobility 134
3.14 The Phillips curve 136
3.15 The relationship between wage change and excess demand for
labour 138
3.16 The relationship between excess demand for labour and
unemployment 139
3.17 The relationship between excess demand for labour, vacancy
and unemployment rates 141
Figures xi

3.18 The link between the Keynesian model and wage and price
inflation 143
4.1 The evolution of orthodox monetarism 164
4.2 The classical case 172
4.3 The Keynesian case 172
4.4 The expectations-augmented Phillips curve 177
4.5 The trade-off between inflation and unemployment 179
4.6 The output–employment costs of reducing inflation 183
5.1 The structure of new classical models 224
5.2 The welfare implications of equilibrium in a competitive
market 231
5.3 The effects of anticipated and unanticipated changes in the
money supply on the level of output and the price level 243
5.4 Consistent and optimal equilibrium 253
5.5 Game played between the monetary authorities and wage
negotiators 255
5.6 The relationship between average inflation and central bank
independence 261
5.7 The evolution of new classical macroeconomics 269
6.1 The path of output in the ‘trend-reverting’ case 302
6.2 The path of output where shocks have a permanent influence 302
6.3 Output and employment fluctuations due to a technology
shock 314
6.4 The IS–LM model with flexible prices 315
6.5 The real business cycle aggregate demand and supply model 316
6.6 The impact of a technology shock 318
6.7 The impact of a government expenditure shock 319
6.8 The impact of temporary and permanent technology shocks in
the real business cycle model 320
6.9 The annual growth rates of technology and output in the USA,
1955–85 327
6.10 Supply shocks and the price level 329
7.1 Nominal wage contracts, rational expectations and monetary
policy 368
7.2 Price adjustment under monopolistic competition 373
7.3 Menu costs v. price adjustment 374
7.4 Near rationality 375
7.5 The efficiency wage and the Solow condition 386
7.6 Involuntary unemployment in the efficiency wage model 387
7.7 The shirking model 391
7.8 The impact of an aggregate demand shock in the new
Keynesian model 397
xii Modern macroeconomics

7.9 The risk-based aggregate supply curve 400

7.10 Standardized unemployment rates for North America (USA
and Canada) and OECD Europe, 1972–98 402
7.11 The ‘natural rate’ view of the relationship between actual
unemployment and equilibrium unemployment 404
7.12 The hysteresis view of a ‘time-varying’ NAIRU 406
7.13 Bank of England inflation report fan chart for February 2004:
forecast of CPI inflation at constant nominal interest rates of
4.0 per cent 417
7.14 UK inflation and inflation expectations, October 1991–
October 2003 418
7.15 Derivation of the AD curve 425
7.16 Adjusting to long-run equilibrium in the AD–IA model 427
9.1 The intertemporal structure of production 476
9.2 A possible temporal pattern of consumable output 480
9.3 Intertemporal capital restructuring 481
9.4 Time discount and derived demand 488
9.5 The loanable funds market 490
9.6 The production possibilities frontier 495
9.7 A capital-based macroeconomic framework 496
9.8 Saving-induced economic growth 498
9.9 A saving-induced recession 502
9.10 A policy-induced boom and bust 505
9.11 An investment-led collapse into recession 511
10.1 Influences on policy choice 520
10.2 A politico-economic model 524
10.3 The Nordhaus political business cycle model 529
10.4 The long-run solution in the Nordhaus model 530
10.5 The Hibbs partisan model 533
10.6 How inequality may adversely affect growth 561
11.1 The impact on per capita income of differential growth rates 591
11.2 The great divergence 591
11.3 The neoclassical aggregate production function 605
11.4 The Solow growth model 608
11.5 Technological progress 610
11.6 Transition dynamics 618
11.7 Conditional convergence 619
11.8 Proximate and fundamental sources of growth 634

1.1 The Great Depression 12

1.2 Growth of per capita GDP, world and major regions, 1820–
1998 18
1.3 Growth rates (GDP), 1820–1998 18
1.4 Unemployment rates, 1964–2002 19
1.5 Inflation rates, 1964–2002 20
2.1 US GDP, prices and unemployment: 1929–33 78
2.2 Keynes and the international economic system, 1944 85
2.3 Most-cited macroeconomists: 1920–30 86
2.4 Most-cited macroeconomists: 1931–5 86
2.5 Most-cited macroeconomists: 1936–9 87
2.6 Most-cited macroeconomists: 1940–44 87
5.1 Citation counts: 1966–97 221
5.2 Central bank independence and economic performance 260
6.1 The ‘stylized facts’ of the business cycle 306
7.1 NAIRU estimates for the G7 countries and the euro area 402
7.2 Evidence on reasons for price stickiness 428
10.1 Politico-economic models of aggregate fluctuations 526
10.2 Partisan influence on macroeconomic outcomes, USA, 1948–
2001 534
10.3 Rates of growth of GDP in real terms 543
10.4 Alternative politico-economic models 547
10.5 Selected indicators of governance: 20 sub-Saharan African
countries 559
11.1 Level and rate of growth of GDP per capita: world and major
regions, 0–1998 AD 581
11.2 Three indicators of living standards: 40 countries 583
11.3 The cumulative impact of differential growth rates 590
11.4 A tale of two Koreas 639
11.5 Growth rates of per capita GDP (%): the two Koreas 640
12.1 Some areas of agreement and disagreement in macroeconomics 702


Over the last ten years we have collaborated in co-writing and/or editing five
books on macroeconomics. The first of this series of books, A Modern Guide
to Macroeconomics: An Introduction to Competing Schools of Thought, was
published by Edward Elgar in 1994, while our most recent joint venture, An
Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics, was published by Edward Elgar in 2002.
During the course of co-writing and editing the Encyclopedia of Macroeco-
nomics a number of eminent economists, who contributed to the project,
asked if we had any plans to write a second edition of the Modern Guide to
Macroeconomics, a book which has received widespread critical acclaim and
been translated into French (Ediscience, 1997), Chinese (Commercial Press,
1998), Italian (Etas Libri, 1998), and Polish (Polish Scientific Publishers,
1998). Initially we intended to produce a second edition of the Modern Guide
to Macroeconomics involving amendments to each chapter, as well as updat-
ing the data and references. However, as the project unfolded we decided that
the Modern Guide to Macroeconomics required an extensive rewrite, not only
involving major amendments to each chapter, but also requiring the addition
of two new chapters surveying the burgeoning literature on the ‘new political
macroeconomics’ and the ‘new growth’ literature. As a result of these exten-
sive changes we decided that the current book was sufficiently different to
warrant a new title, which reflects its theme and contents. In writing Modern
Macroeconomics: Its Origins, Development and Current State we have also
been kindly aided by two eminent scholars in their respective fields, Profes-
sor Paul Davidson who contributed Chapter 8 on the Post Keynesian school
and Professor Roger Garrison who contributed Chapter 9 on the Austrian
The main aim of our new book, as reflected in its title, is to consider the
origins, development and current state of modern macroeconomics in a manner
appropriate for intermediate undergraduates taking courses in macroeconom-
ics. As such we have assumed that such students will already have a firm grasp
of basic economic principles and be familiar with introductory macroeconomic
theories and models as developed, for example, in textbooks such as those by
Abel and Bernanke (2001), Blanchard (2003), or Mankiw (2003). This book
should, however, also prove useful to students taking other undergraduate
economics courses, most notably in the history of economic thought, as well as
economic history. For the benefit of intermediate undergraduates we have
Preface xv

marked with an asterisk those references in the bibliography that are particu-
larly recommended for further reading. In providing extensive referencing the
book should also prove to be a useful introductory guide to the research
literature for postgraduate students in their preliminary year of study.
While the book is written so as to allow students on a range of degree
courses to read individual chapters in isolation, according to their interests
and needs, in line with the Modern Guide to Macroeconomics the book
follows a structured direction tracing the origins and development of modern
macroeconomics in historical perspective. In a book of this nature it is obvi-
ously impossible to cover every area. We have therefore aimed to highlight
what we consider to have been the major issues that emerged following the
birth of macroeconomics in the 1930s.
Following the introductory chapter on understanding macroeconomics,
Chapter 2 considers the debate between Keynes and the old classical model
before tracing the development of the orthodox Keynesian school (Chapter
3), the orthodox monetarist school (Chapter 4), the new classical school
(Chapter 5), the real business cycle school (Chapter 6), the new Keynesian
school (Chapter 7), the Post Keynesian school (Chapter 8) and the Austrian
school (Chapter 9). Readers familiar with a Modern Guide to Macroeconom-
ics will recognize our chosen approach, namely to discuss the central tenets
underlying, and the policy implications of, these main competing schools of
thought in macroeconomics as they evolved in historical perspective. In
doing so we have taken the opportunity to include in Chapters 2–7 more
recent references and, more importantly, to assess the impact these schools
have had on the current state of macroeconomics. We have also introduced
much new material compared to the equivalently titled chapters in a Modern
Guide to Macroeconomics. To give two examples: in Chapter 2, section 2.14,
we have introduced a discussion of the causes and consequences of the Great
Depression, while in Chapter 3, section 3.5, we discuss the effectiveness of
fiscal and monetary policy for stabilization purposes when the Keynesian IS–
LM model is extended to an open economy. In this book the Post Keynesian
and Austrian schools command individual chapters (each written by leading
scholars in the area), rather than the single chapter approach used in the
Modern Guide to Macroeconomics. Furthermore, to reflect important devel-
opments that have taken place in macroeconomics over the final decades of
the twentieth century we have introduced two entirely new chapters. In Chap-
ter 10 we consider what has come to be known as the ‘new political
macroeconomics’, while in Chapter 11 we discuss the renaissance of research
into the area of ‘economic growth’. It is hoped that these changes will be
welcomed by reviewers and readers alike.
In line with the Modern Guide to Macroeconomics, to help bring the
subject matter alive and capture the imagination of the reader, we have
xvi Modern macroeconomics

included at the end of certain chapters interviews with world-renowned scholars

who are experts in their field of study. We are extremely grateful to (listed in
the order in which the interviews appear in the book): Robert Skidelsky (a
leading authority on Keynes and the interwar period); the late James Tobin
(the 1981 Nobel Memorial Laureate, who was one of America’s most promi-
nent and distinguished Keynesian economists); Milton Friedman (the 1976
Nobel Memorial Laureate, who is widely recognized as the founding father
of monetarism); Robert E. Lucas Jr (the 1995 Nobel Memorial Laureate, who
is widely acknowledged as the leading figure in the development of new
classical macroeconomics); Edward Prescott (widely acknowledged as a lead-
ing advocate of the real business cycle approach to economic fluctuations);
Greg Mankiw (a leading exponent of the new Keynesian school of macroeco-
nomics); Alberto Alesina (a leading contributor to the literature on the new
political macroeconomics); and Robert Solow (the 1987 Nobel Memorial
Laureate) and Paul Romer, who have made very influential contributions to
the field of economic growth. Their illuminating and contrasting answers
demonstrate that modern macroeconomics is both an exciting and controver-
sial subject. As an aside the reader may wonder why we have not included
interviews at the end of Chapter 8 on the Post Keynesian school and Chapter
9 on the Austrian school. The reason for this is that these two chapters have
been written by Paul Davidson, a leading world authority on Post Keynesian
economics, and Roger Garrison, a leading world authority on Austrian eco-
nomics – the two people we would have chosen to interview if they hadn’t
kindly agreed to write Chapters 8 and 9 respectively.
Thus, for the potential reviewer or prospective buyer it should be clear that
this book is far more than a second edition of the Modern Guide to Macr-
oeconomics. It is a new book which we hope successfully conveys the
importance of the issues under discussion. As Keynes recognized, the ideas
of economists are more powerful than is commonly understood. In this book
we have attempted to show why this is the case by tracing the development
and interaction of key events and ideas as they occurred during the twentieth
century and into the new millennium.

Brian Snowdon
Howard R. Vane

The authors would like to thank the following who have kindly given their
permission to reproduce previously published material, namely:
The NIESR to reproduce Figures 1.1 and 1.2 from the article by A. Britton,
‘Macroeconomics and History’, in the National Institute Economic Review,
January 2002.
The Ohio State University Press to reproduce Figure 5.6 and Table 5.2
from the article by A. Alesina and L.H. Summers, ‘Central Bank Independ-
ence and Macroeconomic Performance: Some Comparative Evidence’, Journal
of Money, Credit and Banking, May 1993.
The OECD to reproduce Tables 1.2 and 11.1 from the book by A. Maddison,
The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective, copyright 2001, OECD.
Palgrave Macmillan to reproduce Tables 2.3–2.6 from the book by P.
Deutscher, R.G. Hawtrey and the Development of Macroeconomics, 1990,
Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Pearson Addison Wesley to reproduce
Table 6.1 from the book by A.B. Abel and B.S. Bernanke, Macroeconomics, 4th
edn., p. 288, copyright 2001, Pearson Education.
The International Honor Society in Economics to reproduce the interview
with Greg Mankiw which appears as part of a fuller article by the authors,
‘New Keynesian Economics Today: The Empire Strikes Back’, in The Ameri-
can Economist, Spring 1995.
MCB University Press to reproduce the interview with Milton Friedman
which appears as part of a fuller article by the authors, ‘Modern Macroeco-
nomics and Its Evolution from a Monetarist Perspective: An Interview with
Professor Milton Friedman’, in the Journal of Economic Studies, 1997.
Routledge to reproduce the interview with Robert E. Lucas Jr which ap-
pears as part of a fuller article by the authors, ‘Transforming Macroeconomics:
An Interview with Robert E. Lucas Jr.’, in the Journal of Economic Method-
ology, June 1998.
The International Honor Society on Economics to reproduce the interview
with Alberto Alesina which appears as part of a fuller article by the authors,
‘The New Political Macroeconomics’, in The American Economist, Spring
NTC Economic and Financial Publishing, Washington, DC, USA and
Henley-on Thames, UK to reproduce the interview with James Tobin which
xviii Modern macroeconomics

appears as part of a fuller article by the authors, ‘James Tobin, 1918–2002:

An “Unreconstructed Old Keynesian” Who Wouldn’t Quit’, in World Eco-
nomics, July–September 2002.
The authors also wish to thank Professor Paul Romer for permission to use
their interview with him, the copyright on which is held by Professor Romer.
1. Understanding modern
Economic knowledge is historically determined … what we know today about the
economic system is not something we discovered this morning but is the sum of
all our insights, discoveries and false starts in the past. Without Pigou there would
be no Keynes; without Keynes no Friedman; without Friedman no Lucas; without
Lucas no … (Blaug, 1991a, pp. x–xi)

1.1 Macroeconomics Issues and Ideas

Macroeconomics is concerned with the structure, performance and behaviour

of the economy as a whole. The prime concern of macroeconomists is to
analyse and attempt to understand the underlying determinants of the main
aggregate trends in the economy with respect to the total output of goods and
services (GDP), unemployment, inflation and international transactions. In
particular, macroeconomic analysis seeks to explain the cause and impact of
short-run fluctuations in GDP (the business cycle), and the major determi-
nants of the long-run path of GDP (economic growth). Obviously the subject
matter of macroeconomics is of crucial importance because in one way or
another macroeconomic events have an important influence on the lives and
welfare of all of us. It is difficult to overstate just how important satisfactory
macroeconomic performance is for the well-being of the citizens of any
country. An economy that has successful macroeconomic management should
experience low unemployment and inflation, and steady and sustained eco-
nomic growth. In contrast, in a country where there is macroeconomic
mismanagement, we will observe an adverse impact on the living standards
and employment opportunities of the citizens of that country. In extreme
circumstances the consequences of macroeconomic instability have been dev-
astating. For example, the catastrophic political and economic consequences
of failing to maintain macroeconomic stability among the major industrial
nations during the period 1918–33 ignited a chain of events that contributed
to the outbreak of the Second World War, with disastrous consequences for
both humanity and the world economy.
Because macroeconomic performance and policies are closely connected,
the major macroeconomic issues are also the subject of constant media atten-
tion and inevitably play a central role in political debate. The influence of the
2 Modern macroeconomics

economic performance of the economy on political events is particularly

important and pertinent in liberal democracies during election campaigns.
Research has confirmed that in the post-war period the outcome of elections
has in many cases been affected by the performance of the economy as
measured by three main macroeconomic indicators – inflation, unemploy-
ment and economic growth. While there are obviously many non-economic
factors that influence the ‘happiness’ of voters, it is certainly the case that
economic variables such as employment and income growth are an important
explanatory factor in voting behaviour. Furthermore, ideological conflict of-
ten revolves around important macroeconomic issues (see, for example, Frey
and Schneider, 1988; Alesina and Roubini with Cohen, 1997; Drazen, 2000a).
To get some idea of how two major economies have performed with respect
to unemployment and inflation consider Figures 1.1 and Figure 1.2. Here we
can clearly see that the pathologies of high unemployment and inflation occa-
sionally take on proportions that are well above the norm. Figure 1.1 traces the
path of unemployment in the US and UK economies for the twentieth century.
The impact of the Great Depression (1929–33) on unemployment is dramati-
cally illustrated for both countries although the increase in unemployment in
the USA was much more dramatic than in the UK, where unemployment was
already high before 1929 (see section 1.4 below and Chapter 2).





1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
US unemployment UK unemployment

Source: Britton (2002).

Figure 1.1 Unemployment in the US and UK economies over the course of

the twentieth century
Understanding modern macroeconomics 3

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
US inflation UK inflation
Source: Britton (2002).

Figure 1.2 Inflation in the US and UK economies over the course of the
twentieth century

Figure 1.2 shows how inflation has varied in the US and the UK economies
throughout the twentieth century. Notable features here include: the dramatic
increase in inflation associated with the two world wars (1914–18, 1939–45)
and the Korean War (1950–53); the deflations of the early 1920s and 1930s;
and the ‘Great Inflation’ of the 1970s (Taylor, 1992a). As DeLong (1997)
notes, ‘the 1970s are America’s only peacetime outburst of inflation’.
Several questions confront economists with respect to these exceptional
episodes: were they due to specific large shocks, the failure of adjustment
mechanisms, the result of policy errors, or some combination of all three?
Finding answers to these questions is important because the contemporary
conduct of stabilization policy must reflect the lessons of history and the
theoretical and empirical research findings of economists.

1.2 The Role of Economic Theory and Controversy

An understanding by government policy makers of the factors which determine

the long-run growth of an economy and the short-run fluctuations that consti-
tute the business cycle is essential in order to design and implement economic
policies which have the potential vastly to improve economic welfare. The
primary aim of macroeconomic research is to develop as comprehensive an
4 Modern macroeconomics

understanding as possible of the way the economy functions and how it is

likely to react to specific policies and the wide variety of demand and supply
shocks which can cause instability. Macroeconomic theory, consisting of a set
of views about the way the economy operates, organized within a logical
framework (or theory), forms the basis upon which economic policy is de-
signed and implemented. Theories, by definition, are simplifications of reality.
This must be so given the complexity of the real world. The intellectual prob-
lem for economists is how to capture, in the form of specific models, the
complicated interactive behaviour of millions of individuals engaged in eco-
nomic activity. Huntington (1996) has succinctly outlined the general case for
explicit modelling as an essential aid to thought:

Simplified paradigms or maps are indispensable for human thought. On the one
hand, we may explicitly formulate theories or models and consciously use them to
guide behaviour. Alternatively, we may deny the need for such guides and assume
that we will act only in terms of specific ‘objective’ facts, dealing with each case
‘on its own merits’. If we assume this, however, we delude ourselves. For in the
back of our minds are hidden assumptions, biases, and prejudices that determine
how we perceive reality, what facts we look at, and how we judge their importance
and merits.

Accordingly, explicit or implicit models are necessary to make sense of a very

complex world. By definition economic theories and specific models act as the
laboratories we otherwise lack in the social sciences. They help economists
decide what are the important factors that need to be analysed when they run
thought experiments about the causes and consequences of various economic
phenomena. A successful theory will enable economists to make better predic-
tions about the consequences of alternative courses of action thereby indicating
the policy regime most likely to achieve society’s chosen objectives.
The design of coherent economic policies aimed at achieving an accept-
able rate of economic growth and reduced aggregate instability depends then
on the availability of internally consistent theoretical models of the economy
which can explain satisfactorily the behaviour of the main macro variables
and are not rejected by the available empirical evidence. Such models pro-
vide an organizing framework for reviewing the development and improvement
of institutions and policies capable of generating reasonable macroeconomic
stability and growth. However, throughout the twentieth century, economists
have often differed, sometimes substantially, over what is to be regarded as
the ‘correct’ model of the economy. As a result, prolonged disagreements and
controversies have frequently characterized the history of macroeconomic
thought (Woodford, 2000).
The knowledge that macroeconomists have today about the way that econo-
mies function is the result of a prolonged research effort often involving
Understanding modern macroeconomics 5

intense controversy and an ever-increasing data bank of experience. As

Blanchard (1997a) points out:

Macroeconomics is not an exact science but an applied one where ideas, theories,
and models are constantly evaluated against the facts, and often modified or
rejected … Macroeconomics is thus the result of a sustained process of construc-
tion, of an interaction between ideas and events. What macroeconomists believe
today is the result of an evolutionary process in which they have eliminated those
ideas that failed and kept those that appear to explain reality well.

Taking a long-term perspective, our current understanding of macroeconom-

ics, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, is nothing more than yet
another chapter in the history of economic thought. However, it is important
to recognize from the outset that the evolution of economists’ thinking on
macroeconomics has been far from smooth. So much so that many econo-
mists are not averse to making frequent use of terminology such as ‘revolution’
and ‘counter-revolution’ when discussing the history of macroeconomics.
The dramatic decline of the Keynesian conventional wisdom in the early
1970s resulted from both the empirical failings of ‘old Keynesianism’ and the
increasing success of critiques (‘counter-revolutions’) mounted by monetarist
and new classical economists (Johnson, 1971; Tobin, 1981, 1996; Blaug,
1997; Snowdon and Vane, 1996, 1997a, 1997b).
In our view, any adequate account of the current state of macroeconom-
ics needs to explore the rise and fall of the old ideas and the state of the new
within a comparative and historical context (see Britton, 2002). This book
examines, compares and evaluates the evolution of the major rival stories
comprising contemporary macroeconomic thought. We would maintain that
the coexistence of alternative explanations and views is a sign of strength
rather than weakness, since it permits mutual gains from intellectual trade
and thereby improved understanding. It was John Stuart Mill who recog-
nized, almost one hundred and fifty years ago, that all parties gain from the
comparative interplay of ideas. Alternative ideas not only help prevent
complacency, where ‘teachers and learners go to sleep at their post as soon
as there is no enemy in the field’ (Mill, 1982, p. 105), but they also provide
a vehicle for improved understanding whereby the effort to comprehend
alternative views forces economists to re-evaluate their own views. Contro-
versy and dialogue have been, and will continue to be, a major engine for
the accumulation of new knowledge and progress in macroeconomics. We
would therefore endorse Mill’s plea for continued dialogue (in this case
within macroeconomics) between the alternative frameworks and suggest
that all economists have something to learn from each other. The macro-
economic problems that economists address and endeavour to solve are
often shared.
6 Modern macroeconomics

That there is a wide variety of schools of thought in economics in general,

and macroeconomics in particular, should not surprise us given the intrinsic
difficulty and importance of the issues under investigation. While there are
‘strong incentives in academia to differentiate products’ (Blanchard and Fischer,
1989), there is no doubt that much of the controversy in macroeconomics
runs deep. Of course, it is true that economists disagree on many issues, but
they seem to do so more frequently, vociferously, and at greater length, in
macroeconomics. In his discussion of why there is much controversy in
macroeconomics Mayer (1994) identifies seven sources, namely, limited knowl-
edge about how the economy works, the ever-widening range of issues that
economists investigate, the need to take into account wider influences, such
as political factors, and differences in the ‘metaphysical cores, value judge-
ments, social empathies and methodologies’ of various economists. Knut
Wicksell’s (1958, pp. 51–2) contention that within economics ‘the state of
war seems to persist and remain permanent’ seems most appropriate for
contemporary macroeconomics. To a large extent this reflects the importance
of the issues which macroeconomists deal with, but it also supports the
findings of previous surveys of economists which revealed a tendency for
consensus to be stronger on microeconomic compared to macroeconomic
propositions (see, for example, Alston et al., 1992).
It is certainly true that in specific periods during the twentieth century the
contemporary state of macroeconomic theory had the appearance of a battle-
field, with regiments of economists grouped under different banners. However,
it is our view that economists should always resist the temptation to embrace,
in an unquestioning way, a one-sided or restrictive consensus ‘because the
right answers are unlikely to come from any pure economic dogma’ (Deane,
1983). In addition, the very nature of scientific research dictates that disa-
greements and debate are most vocal at the frontier, as they should be, and, as
Robert E. Lucas Jr argues (see interview at the end of Chapter 5), the respon-
sibility of professional economists is ‘to create new knowledge by pushing
research into new, and hence necessarily controversial, territory. Consensus
can be reached on specific issues, but consensus for a research area as a
whole is equivalent to stagnation, irrelevance and death.’ Furthermore, as
Milton Friedman observes (see interview at the end of Chapter 4), ‘science in
general advances primarily by unsuccessful experiments that clear the ground’.
Macroeconomics has witnessed considerable progress since its birth in the
1930s. More specifically, any Rip Van Winkle economist who had fallen
asleep in 1965, when the ‘old Keynesian’ paradigm was at its peak, would
surely be impressed on waking up at the beginning of the twenty-first century
and surveying the enormous changes that have taken place in the macroeco-
nomics literature.
Understanding modern macroeconomics 7

1.3 Objectives, Instruments and the Role of Government

In our historical journey we will see that macroeconomics has experienced

periods of crisis. There is no denying the significant conflicts of opinion that
exist between the different schools of thought, and this was especially evident
during the 1970s and 1980s. However, it should also be noted that economists
tend to disagree more over theoretical issues, empirical evidence and the
choice of policy instruments than they do over the ultimate objectives of
policy. In the opening statement of what turned out to be one of the most
influential articles written in the post-war period, Friedman (1968a) gave
emphasis to this very issue:

There is wide agreement about the major goals of economic policy: high employ-
ment, stable prices, and rapid growth. There is less agreement that these goals are
mutually compatible or, among those who regard them as incompatible, about the
terms at which they can and should be substituted for one another. There is least
agreement about the role that various instruments of policy can and should play in
achieving the several goals.

The choice of appropriate instruments in order to achieve the ‘major goals’ of

economic policy will depend on a detailed analysis of the causes of specific
macroeconomic problems. Here we encounter two main intellectual traditions
in macroeconomics which we can define broadly as the classical and Keynesian
approaches. It is when we examine how policy objectives are interconnected
and how different economists view the role and effectiveness of markets in
coordinating economic activity that we find the fundamental question that
underlies disagreements between economists on matters of policy, namely,
what is the proper role of government in the economy? The extent and form of
government intervention in the economy was a major concern of Adam Smith
(1776) in the Wealth of Nations, and the rejection of uncontrolled laissez-faire
by Keynes is well documented. During the twentieth century the really big
questions in macroeconomics revolved around this issue. Mankiw (1989) iden-
tifies the classical approach as one ‘emphasising the optimization of private
actors’ and ‘the efficiency of unfettered markets’. On the other hand, the
Keynesian school ‘believes that understanding economic fluctuations requires
not just the intricacies of general equilibrium, but also appreciating the possi-
bility of market failure’. Obviously there is room for a more extensive role for
government in the Keynesian vision. In a radio broadcast in 1934, Keynes
presented a talk entitled ‘Poverty and Plenty: is the economic system self-
adjusting?’ In it he distinguished between two warring factions of economists:

On the one side are those that believe that the existing economic system is, in the
long run, a self-adjusting system, though with creaks and groans and jerks and
8 Modern macroeconomics

interrupted by time lags, outside interference and mistakes … On the other side of
the gulf are those that reject the idea that the existing economic system is, in any
significant sense, self-adjusting. The strength of the self-adjusting school depends
on it having behind it almost the whole body of organised economic thinking of
the last hundred years … Thus, if the heretics on the other side of the gulf are to
demolish the forces of nineteenth-century orthodoxy … they must attack them in
their citadel … Now I range myself with the heretics. (Keynes, 1973a, Vol. XIII,
pp. 485–92)

Despite the development of more sophisticated and quantitatively powerful

techniques during the past half-century, these two basic views identified by
Keynes have persisted. Witness the opening comments of Stanley Fischer in a
survey of developments in macroeconomics published in the late 1980s:

One view and school of thought, associated with Keynes, Keynesians and new
Keynesians, is that the private economy is subject to co-ordination failures that
can produce excessive levels of unemployment and excessive fluctuations in real
activity. The other view, attributed to classical economists, and espoused by mon-
etarists and equilibrium business cycle theorists, is that the private economy
reaches as good an equilibrium as is possible given government policy. (Fischer,
1988, p. 294)

It appears that many contemporary debates bear an uncanny resemblance to

those that took place between Keynes and his critics in the 1930s. Recently,
Kasper (2002) has argued that in the USA, the 1970s witnessed a strong
revival in macroeconomic policy debates of a presumption in favour of laissez-
faire, a clear case of ‘back to the future’.
In this book we are primarily concerned with an examination of the intel-
lectual influences that have shaped the development of macroeconomic theory
and the conduct of macroeconomic policy in the period since the publication
of Keynes’s (1936) General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. The
first 25 years following the end of the Second World War were halcyon days
for Keynesian macroeconomics. The new generation of macroeconomists
generally accepted Keynes’s central message that a laissez-faire capitalist
economy could possess equilibria characterized by excessive involuntary
unemployment. The main policy message to come out of the General Theory
was that active government intervention in order to regulate aggregate de-
mand was necessary, indeed unavoidable, if a satisfactory level of aggregate
output and employment were to be maintained. Although, as Skidelsky (1996a)
points out, Keynes does not deal explicitly with the Great Depression in the
General Theory, it is certain that this major work was written as a direct
response to the cataclysmic events unfolding across the capitalist economies
after 1929.
Understanding modern macroeconomics 9

1.4 The Great Depression

The lessons from the history of economic thought teach us that one of the
main driving forces behind the evolution of new ideas is the march of events.
While theoretical ideas can help us understand historical events, it is also true
that ‘the outcome of historical events often challenges theorists and overturns
theories, leading to the evolution of new theories’ (Gordon, 2000a, p. 580).
The Great Depression gave birth to modern macroeconomics as surely as
accelerating inflation in the late 1960s and early 1970s facilitated the mon-
etarist counter-revolution (see Johnson, 1971). It is also important to note that
many of the most famous economists of the twentieth century, such as Milton
Friedman, James Tobin and Paul Samuelson, were inspired to study econom-
ics in the first place as a direct result of their personal experiences during this
period (see Parker, 2002).
While Laidler (1991, 1999) has reminded us that there is an extensive
literature analysing the causes and consequences of economic fluctuations
and monetary instability prior to the 1930s, the story of modern macroeco-
nomics undoubtedly begins with the Great Depression. Before 1936,
macroeconomics consisted of an ‘intellectual witch’s brew: many ingredi-
ents, some of them exotic, many insights, but also a great deal of confusion’
(Blanchard, 2000). For more than 70 years economists have attempted to
provide a coherent explanation of how the world economy suffered such a
catastrophe. Bernanke (1995) has even gone so far as to argue that ‘to under-
stand the Great Depression is the Holy Grail of macroeconomics’.
Although Keynes was a staunch defender of the capitalist system against
all known alternative forms of economic organization, he also believed that
it had some outstanding and potentially fatal weaknesses. Not only did it
give rise to an ‘arbitrary and inequitable distribution of income’; it also
undoubtedly failed ‘to provide for full employment’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 372).
During Keynes’s most productive era as an economist (1919–37) he was to
witness at first hand the capitalist system’s greatest crisis of the twentieth
century, the Great Depression. To Keynes, it was in the determination of the
total volume of employment and GDP that capitalism was failing, not in its
capacity to allocate resources efficiently. While Keynes did not believe that
the capitalist market system was violently unstable, he observed that it
‘seems capable of remaining in a chronic condition of sub-normal activity
for a considerable period without any marked tendency towards recovery or
towards complete collapse’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 249). This is what others
have interpreted as Keynes’s argument that involuntary unemployment can
persist as a equilibrium phenomenon. From this perspective, Keynes con-
cluded that capitalism needed to be purged of its defects and abuses if it
was to survive the ideological onslaught it was undergoing during the
10 Modern macroeconomics

interwar period from the totalitarian alternatives on offer in both fascist

Germany and communist Soviet Union.
Although a determination to oppose and overturn the terms of the Ver-
sailles peace settlement was an important factor in the growing influence of
the Nazis throughout the 1920s, there seems little doubt that their final rise to
power in Germany was also very closely linked to economic conditions. Had
economic policy in the USA and Europe been different after 1929, ‘one can
well imagine that the horrors of Naziism and the Second World War might
have been avoided’ (Eichengreen and Temin, 2002). In Mundell’s (2000)
assessment, ‘had the major central banks pursued policies of price stability
instead of adhering to the gold standard, there would have been no great
Depression, no Nazi revolution, and no World War II’.
During the 1930s the world entered a ‘Dark Valley’ and Europe became the
world’s ‘Dark Continent’ (Mazower, 1998; Brendon, 2000). The interwar
period witnessed an era of intense political competition between the three
rival ideologies of liberal democracy, fascism and communism. Following
the Versailles Treaty (1919) democracy was established across Europe but
during the 1930s was almost everywhere in retreat. By 1940 it was ‘virtually
extinct’. The failures of economic management in the capitalist world during
the Great Depression allowed totalitarianism and extreme nationalism to
flourish and the world economy began to disintegrate. As Brendon (2000)
comments, ‘if the lights went out in 1914, if the blinds came down in 1939,
the lights were progressively dimmed after 1929’. The Great Depression was
‘the economic equivalent of Armageddon’ and the ‘worst peacetime crisis to
afflict humanity since the Black Death’. The crisis of capitalism discredited
democracy and the old liberal order, leading many to conclude that ‘if laissez-
faire caused chaos, authoritarianism would impose order’. The interwar
economic catastrophe helped to consolidate Mussolini’s hold on power in
Italy, gave Hitler the opportunity in January 1933 to gain political control in
Germany, and plunged Japan into years of ‘economic depression, political
turmoil and military strife’. By 1939, after three years of civil war in Spain,
Franco established yet another fascist dictatorship in Western Europe.
The famous Wall Street Crash of 1929 heralded one of the most dramatic
and catastrophic periods in the economic history of the industrialized capital-
ist economies. In a single week from 23 to 29 October the Dow Jones
Industrial Average fell 29.5 per cent, with ‘vertical’ price drops on ‘Black
Thursday’ (24 October) and ‘Black Tuesday’ (29 October). Controversy ex-
ists over the causes of the stock market crash and its connection with the
Great Depression in the economic activity which followed (see the interviews
with Bernanke and Romer in Snowdon, 2002a). It is important to remember
that during the 1920s the US economy, unlike many European economies,
was enjoying growing prosperity during the ‘roaring twenties’ boom. Rostow’s
Understanding modern macroeconomics 11

(1960) ‘age of high mass consumption’ seemed to be at hand. The optimism

visible in the stock market throughout the mid to late 1920s was reflected in a
speech by Herbert Hoover to a Stanford University audience in November
1928. In accepting the Republican Presidential nomination he uttered these
‘famous last words’:

We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before
in the history of any land. The poorhouse is vanishing from among us. We have
not yet reached the goal, but, given a chance to go forward with the policies of the
last eight years, we shall soon with the help of God be in sight of the day when
poverty will be banished from this nation. (See Heilbroner, 1989)

In the decade following Hoover’s speech the US economy (along with the
other major industrial market economies) was to experience the worst eco-
nomic crisis in its history, to such an extent that many began to wonder if
capitalism and democracy could survive. In the US economy the cyclical
peak of economic activity occurred in August 1929 and a decline in GDP had
already begun when the stock market crash ended the 1920s bull market.
Given that the crash came on top of an emerging recession, it was inevitable
that a severe contraction of output would take place in the 1929–30 period.
But this early part of the contraction was well within the range of previous
business cycle experience. It was in the second phase of the contraction,
generally agreed to be between early 1931 and March 1933, that the depres-
sion became ‘Great’ (Dornbusch et al., 2004). Therefore, the question which
has captured the research interests of economists is: ‘How did the severe
recession of 1929–30 turn into the Great Depression of 1931–33?’ The vast
majority of economists now agree that the catastrophic collapse of output and
employment after 1930 was in large part due to a series of policy errors made
by the fiscal and monetary authorities in a number of industrial economies,
especially the USA, where the reduction in economic activity was greater
than elsewhere (see Bernanke, 2000, and Chapter 2).
The extent and magnitude of the depression can be appreciated by refer-
ring to the data contained in Table 1.1, which records the timing and extent of
the collapse of industrial production for the major capitalist market econo-
mies between 1929 and 1933.
The most severe downturn was in the USA, which experienced a 46.8 per
cent decline in industrial production and a 28 per cent decline in GDP.
Despite rapid growth after 1933 (with the exception of 1938), output re-
mained substantially below normal until about 1942. The behaviour of
unemployment in the USA during this period is consistent with the move-
ment of GDP. In the USA, unemployment, which was 3.2 per cent in 1929,
rose to a peak of 25.2 per cent in 1933, averaged 18 per cent in the 1930s and
never fell below 10 per cent until 1941 (Gordon, 2000a). The economy had
12 Modern macroeconomics

Table 1.1 The Great Depression

Country Depression Recovery Industrial

began* begins* production**
% decline

USA 1929 (3) 1933 (2) 46.8

UK 1930 (1) 1931 (4) 16.2
Germany 1928 (1) 1932 (3) 41.8
France 1930 (2) 1932 (3) 31.3
Italy 1929 (3) 1933 (1) 33.0
Belgium 1929 (3) 1932 (4) 30.6
Netherlands 1929 (4) 1933 (2) 37.4
Denmark 1930 (4) 1933 (2) 16.5
Sweden 1930 (2) 1932 (3) 10.3
Czechoslovakia 1929 (4) 1932 (3) 40.4
Poland 1929 (1) 1933 (2) 46.6
Canada 1929 (2) 1933 (2) 42.4
Argentina 1929 (2) 1932 (1) 17.0
Brazil 1928 (3) 1931 (4) 7.0
Japan 1930 (1) 1932 (3) 8.5

* Year; quarter in parentheses.
** Peak-to-trough decline.

Source: C. Romer (2004).

fallen so far below capacity (which continued to expand as the result of

technological improvements, investment in human capital and rapid labour
force growth) that, despite a 47 per cent increase in output between 1933 and
1937, unemployment failed to fall below 9 per cent and, following the impact
of the 1938 recession, was still almost 10 per cent when the USA entered the
Second World War in December 1941 (see Lee and Passell, 1979; C. Romer,
1992). Events in Europe were also disastrous and closely connected to US
developments. The most severe recessions outside the USA were in Canada,
Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Czechoslovakia and Po-
land, with the Scandinavian countries, the UK and Japan less severely affected.
Accompanying the decline in economic activity was an alarming rise in
unemployment and a collapse of commodity and wholesale prices (see
Aldcroft, 1993).
How can we explain such a massive and catastrophic decline in aggregate
economic activity? Before the 1930s the dominant view in what we now call
Understanding modern macroeconomics 13

macroeconomics was the ‘old’ classical approach the origins of which go

back more than two centuries. In 1776, Adam Smith’s celebrated An Inquiry
into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was published, in which
he set forth the invisible-hand theorem. The main idea here is that the profit-
and utility-maximizing behaviour of rational economic agents operating un-
der competitive conditions will, via the ‘invisible-hand’ mechanism, translate
the activities of millions of individuals into a social optimum. Following
Smith, political economy had an underlying bias towards laissez-faire, and
the classical vision of macroeconomics found its most famous expression in
the dictum ‘supply creates its own demand’. This view, popularly known as
Say’s Law, denies the possibility of general overproduction or underproduc-
tion. With the notable exception of Malthus, Marx and a few other heretics,
this view dominated both classical and early neoclassical (post-1870) contri-
butions to macroeconomic theory (see Baumol, 1999; Backhouse, 2002, and
Chapter 2). While Friedman argues that during the Great Depression expan-
sionary monetary policies were recommended by economists at Chicago,
economists looking to the prevailing conventional wisdom contained in the
work of the classical economists could not find a coherent plausible answer
to the causes of such a deep and prolonged decline in economic activity (see
Friedman interview at the end of Chapter 4 and Parker, 2002).

1.5 Keynes and the Birth of Macroeconomics

Although it is important to remember that economists before Keynes discussed

what we now call macroeconomic issues such as business cycles, inflation,
unemployment and growth, as we have already noted, the birth of modern
macroeconomics as a coherent and systematic approach to aggregate economic
phenomena can be traced back to the publication in February 1936 of Keynes’s
book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. In a letter
written on 1 January 1935 to a friend, the writer George Bernard Shaw, Keynes
speculated that ‘I believe myself to be writing a book on economic theory
which will largely revolutionise – not, I suppose, at once but in the course of
the next ten years – the way the world thinks about economic problems’. That
Keynes’s bold prediction should be so accurately borne out is both a comment
on his own self-confidence and a reflection of the inadequacy of classical
economic analysis to provide an acceptable and convincing explanation of the
prevailing economic situation in the early 1930s. Keynes recognized that the
drastic economic situation confronting the capitalist system in the 1930s threat-
ened its very survival and was symptomatic of a fundamental flaw in the
operation of the price mechanism as a coordinating device.
To confront this problem Keynes needed to challenge the classical econo-
mists from within their citadel. The flaw, as he saw it, lay in the existing
14 Modern macroeconomics

classical theory whose teaching Keynes regarded as not only ‘misleading’ but
‘disastrous’ if applied to the real-world problems facing the capitalist econo-
mies during the interwar period. For Keynes, capitalism was not terminally ill
but unstable. His objective was to modify the rules of the game within the
capitalist system in order to preserve and strengthen it. He wanted full em-
ployment to be the norm rather than the exception and his would be a
conservative revolution. As Galbraith (1977) has noted, Keynes never sought
to change the world out of personal dissatisfaction: ‘for him the world was
excellent’. Although the republic of Keynes’s political imagination lay on the
‘extreme left of celestial space’, he was no socialist. Despite the prompting of
George Bernard Shaw, Keynes remained notoriously blind to Marx. In his
opinion, Das Kapital contained nothing but ‘dreary out of date academic
controversialising’ which added up to nothing more than complicated hocus
pocus. At one of Keynes’s Political Economy Club meetings he admitted to
having read Marx in the same spirit as reading a detective story. He had
hoped to find some clue to an idea but had never succeeded in doing so (see
Skidelsky, 1992, pp. 514–23). But Keynes’s contempt for Marxist analysis
did not stop those on the right of the political spectrum from regarding his
message as dangerously radical. For Keynes the ultimate political problem
was how to combine economic efficiency, social justice and individual free-
dom. But questions of equity were always secondary to questions of efficiency,
stability and growth. His solution to the economic malaise that was sweeping
the capitalist economies in the early 1930s was to accept ‘a large extension of
the traditional functions of government’. But as Keynes (1926) argued in The
End of Laissez-Faire, if the government is to be effective it should not
concern itself with ‘those activities which private individuals are already
fulfilling’ but attend to ‘those functions which fall outside the private sphere
of the individual, to those decisions which are made by no one if the state
does not make them’ (Keynes, 1972, Vol. IX, p. 291).
The most plausible explanation of the Great Depression is one involving a
massive decline in aggregate demand. Both Patinkin (1982) and Tobin (1997)
have argued forcefully that Keynes’s major discovery in the General Theory
was the ‘Principle of Effective Demand’ (see also Chapter 8). According to
the classical macroeconomic system, a downward shift of aggregate (effec-
tive) demand will bring into play corrective forces involving falling prices so
that the final impact of a reduction in aggregate demand will be a lower price
level with real output and employment quickly returning to their full employ-
ment levels. In the classical world self-correcting market forces, operating
via the price mechanism, restore equilibrium without the help of government
intervention. While it could be argued that the US economy behaved in a way
consistent with the classical model during the 1920s, it certainly did not in
the decade after 1929. The classical model could not adequately account for
Understanding modern macroeconomics 15

either the length or depth of the economic decline experienced by the major
economies of the world. Indeed those economists belonging to the Mises–
Hayek–Robbins–Schumpeter Austrian school of thought (see Chapter 9)
believed that the depression should be allowed to run its course, since such an
occurrence was the inevitable result of overinvestment during the artificially
created boom. In their view the Great Depression was not a problem which
policy makers should concern themselves with and intervention in the form
of a stimulus to aggregate demand would only make things worse. The choice
was between depression now or, if governments intervened inappropriately,
even worse depression in the future.
The current consensus views the behaviour of economies during this pe-
riod as consistent with an explanation which focuses on aggregate demand
deficiency. However, this deficient aggregate demand explanation is one that
a well-trained classical economist, brought up on Say’s Law of markets and
slogans of equilibrium, would find hard to either understand or accept. In-
deed, explanations of the Great Depression that downplay the role of aggregate
demand and instead emphasize the importance of supply-side factors have
recently made a comeback (see Cole and Ohanian, 1999, 2002a). For those
economists determined to find an explanation for the economic catastrophe
which had befallen the economic systems of the Western world, the Great
Depression had a depressing impact on their enthusiasm for laissez-faire

1.6 The Rise and Fall of the Keynesian Consensus

The elimination of mass unemployment during the Second World War had a
profound influence on the spread and influence of Keynesian ideas concern-
ing the responsibility of government for maintaining full employment. In the
UK, William Beveridge’s Full Employment in a Free Society was published
in 1944 and in the same year the government also committed itself to the
maintenance of a ‘high and stable level of employment’ in a White Paper on
Employment Policy. In the USA, the Employment Act of 1946 dedicated the
Federal Government to the pursuit of ‘maximum employment, production
and purchasing power’. These commitments in both the UK and the USA
were of great symbolic significance although they lacked specific discussion
of how such objectives were to be attained. In the case of the UK, Keynes
thought that the Beveridge target of an average level of unemployment of 3
per cent was far too optimistic although there was ‘no harm in trying’ (see
Hutchison, 1977). Nevertheless the post-war prosperity enjoyed in the ad-
vanced economies was assumed to be in large part the direct result of Keynesian
stabilization policies. In the words of Tobin who, until his death in 2002, was
the USA’s most prominent Keynesian economist:
16 Modern macroeconomics

A strong case has been made for the success of Keynesian policies. Virtually all
advanced democratic capitalist societies adopted, in varying degrees, Keynesian
strategies of demand management after World War Two. The period, certainly
between 1950 and 1973, was one of unparalleled prosperity, growth, expansion of
world trade, and stability. During this ‘Golden Age’ inflation and unemployment
were low, the business cycle was tamed. (Tobin, 1987)

In a similar vein, Stewart (1986) has also argued that:

the common sense conclusion is that Britain and other Western countries had full
employment for a quarter of a century after the war because their governments
were committed to full employment, and knew how to secure it; and they knew
how to secure it because Keynes had told them how.

It is also the case that before the 1980s it was conventional wisdom that real
output had been more stable in the USA ‘under conscious policies of built-in
and discretionary stabilisation adopted since 1946 and particularly since 1961’
compared to the period before the Second World War (Tobin, 1980a). This
was one of the most widely held empirical generalizations about the US
economy (Burns, 1959; Bailey, 1978). However, Christina Romer, in a series
of very influential papers, challenged the conventional macroeconomic wis-
dom that for the US economy, the period after 1945 had been more stable
than the pre-Great Depression period (see C. Romer, 1986a, 1986b, 1986c,
1989, 1994). Romer’s thesis, expressed in her 1986 papers, is that the busi-
ness cycle in the pre-Great Depression period was only slightly more severe
than the instability experienced after 1945. In a close examination of data
relating to unemployment, industrial production and GNP, Romer discovered
that the methods used in the construction of the historical data led to system-
atic biases in the results. These biases exaggerated the pre-Great Depression
data relating to cyclical movements. Thus the conventional assessment of the
historical record of instability that paints a picture of substantial reductions in
volatility is in reality a popular, but mistaken, view, based on a ‘figment of
the data’. By creating post-1945 data that are consistent with pre-1945 data
Romer was able to show that both booms and recessions are more severe
after 1945 than is shown in the conventional data. Romer also constructed
new GNP data for the pre-1916 era and found that cyclical fluctuations are
much less severe in the new data series than the original Kuznets estimates.
Thus Romer concludes that there is in fact little evidence that the pre-1929
US economy was much more volatile than the post-1945 economy. Of course
this same analysis also implies that the Great Depression was an event of
‘unprecedented magnitude’ well out of line with what went before as well as
after. As Romer (1986b) writes, ‘rather than being the worst of many, very
severe pre-war depressions, the Great Depression stands out as the unprec-
edented collapse of a relatively stable pre-war economy’. In other words, the
Understanding modern macroeconomics 17

Great Depression was not the norm for capitalism but a truly unique event.
Although initially critical of Romer’s findings, DeLong now accepts that
Romer’s critique is correct (DeLong and Summers, 1986; DeLong, 2001; see
also the DeLong and Romer interviews in Snowdon, 2002a).
In a recent paper Romer (1999) has surveyed the facts about short-run
fluctuations relating to US data since the late nineteenth century. There she
concludes that although the volatility of real macroeconomic indicators and
average severity of recessions has declined only slightly between the pre-
1916 and post-1945 periods, there is strong evidence that recessions have
become less frequent and more uniform. The impact of stabilization policies
has been to prolong post-1945 expansions and prevent severe economic down-
turns. However, there are also examples of policy-induced booms (for example
1962–9 and 1970–73) and recessions (for example 1980–82) since 1945 and
this is what ‘explains why the economy has remained volatile in the post-war
Even if we accept the conventional view that the post-war economy has
been much more stable than the pre-1914 era, not everyone would agree that
there was a Keynesian revolution in economic policy (the opposing views are
well represented in Stein, 1969; Robinson, 1972; Tomlinson, 1984; Booth,
1985; Salant, 1988; Laidler, 1999). Some authors have also questioned whether
it was the traditional Keynesian emphasis on fiscal policy that made the
difference to economic performance in the period after 1945 (Matthews,
1968). What is not in doubt is that from the end of the Second World War
until 1973 the industrial market economies enjoyed a ‘Golden Age’ of unpar-
alleled prosperity. Maddison (1979, 1980) has identified several special
characteristics which contributed to this period of exceptional economic per-

1. increased liberalization of international trade and transactions;

2. favourable circumstances and policies which contributed to producing
low inflation in conditions of very buoyant aggregate demand;
3. active government promotion of buoyant domestic demand;
4. a backlog of growth possibilities following the end of the Second World

As Table 1.2 indicates, growth of per capita GDP in Western Europe, which
averaged 4.08 per cent during the period 1950–73, was unprecedented. Al-
though Crafts and Toniolo (1996) view the ‘Golden Age’ as a ‘distinctly
European phenomenon’, it should be noted that the growth miracle also
extended to the centrally planned economies: Latin America, Asia and Africa.
During this same period growth of per capita GDP in Japan was nothing less
than exceptional, averaging 8.05 per cent. Table 1.3 presents data on growth
18 Modern macroeconomics

Table 1.2 Growth of per capita GDP, world and major regions, 1820–1998
(annual average compound growth rates)

Region 1820–70 1870–1913 1913–50 1950–73 1973–98

Western Europe 0.95 1.32 0.76 4.08 1.78

Western offshoots* 1.42 1.81 1.55 2.44 1.94
Japan 0.19 1.48 0.89 8.05 2.34
Asia (excluding –0.11 0.38 –0.02 2.92 3.54
Latin America 0.10 1.81 1.42 2.52 0.99
Eastern Europe and 0.64 1.15 1.50 3.49 –1.10
former USSR
Africa 0.12 0.64 1.02 2.07 0.01
World 0.53 1.30 0.91 2.93 1.33

Source: Maddison (2001), Table 3-1a.

Table 1.3 Growth rates (GDP), 1820–1998

Country 1820–70 1870–1913 1913–50 1950–73 1973–98

France 1.27 1.63 1.15 5.05 2.10

Germany 2.01 2.83 0.30 5.68 1.76
Italy 1.24 1.94 1.49 5.64 2.28
UK 2.05 1.90 1.19 2.93 2.00
USA 4.20 3.94 2.84 3.93 2.99
Canada 4.44 4.02 2.94 4.98 2.80
Japan 0.41 2.44 2.21 9.29 2.97

Source: Adapted from Maddison (2001).

rates of GDP for the G7 for the same five sub-periods over the period 1820–
1998. The table further demonstrates the historically high growth performance
achieved during the period 1950–73, especially in France, Germany, Italy and
Japan (see Chapter 11).
Whatever the causes, this ‘Golden Age’ came to an end after 1973 and the
economic problems of the 1970s brought the Keynesian bandwagon to an
abrupt (but temporary) halt. The acceleration of inflation, rising unemploy-
ment and a slowdown in economic growth (see Tables 1.3–1.5) during the
1970s were attributed, by Keynesian critics, to the misguided expansionary
policies carried out in the name of Keynes. Taking the 1960–2002 period as a
Understanding modern macroeconomics 19

Table 1.4 Unemployment rates, 1964–2002

USA Canada Japan France Germany Italy UK

1964 5.0 4.3 1.1 1.4 0.4 4.3 2.6

1965 4.4 3.6 1.2 1.5 0.3 5.3 2.3
1966 3.6 3.3 1.3 1.8 0.2 5.7 2.2
1967 3.7 3.8 1.3 1.9 1.3 5.3 3.3
1968 3.5 4.4 1.2 2.7 1.5 5.6 3.1
1969 3.4 4.4 1.1 2.3 0.9 5.6 2.9
1970 4.8 5.6 1.1 2.5 0.8 5.3 3.0
1971 5.8 6.1 1.2 2.7 0.9 5.3 3.6
1972 5.5 6.2 1.4 2.8 0.8 6.3 4.0
1973 4.8 5.5 1.3 2.7 0.8 6.2 3.0
1974 5.5 5.3 1.4 2.8 1.6 5.3 2.9
1975 8.3 6.9 1.9 4.0 3.6 5.8 4.3
1976 7.6 7.1 2.0 4.4 3.7 6.6 5.6
1977 6.9 8.1 2.0 4.9 3.6 7.0 6.0
1978 6.1 8.4 2.2 4.7 3.0 5.3 5.7
1979 5.8 7.5 2.1 5.3 2.7 5.8 4.7
1980 7.2 7.5 2.0 5.8 2.6 5.6 6.2
1981 7.6 7.6 2.2 7.0 4.0 6.2 9.7
1982 9.7 11.0 2.4 7.7 5.7 6.8 11.1
1983 9.6 11.9 2.7 8.1 6.9 7.7 11.1
1984 7.5 11.3 2.7 9.4 7.1 7.9 10.9
1985 7.2 10.7 2.6 9.8 7.2 8.1 11.2
1986 7.0 9.6 2.8 9.9 6.5 8.9 11.2
1987 6.2 8.8 2.8 10.1 6.3 9.6 10.3
1988 5.5 7.8 2.5 9.6 6.2 9.7 8.5
1989 5.3 7.5 2.3 9.1 5.6 9.7 7.1
1990 5.6 8.1 2.1 8.6 4.8 8.9 6.9
1991 6.8 10.3 2.1 9.1 4.2 8.5 8.6
1992 7.5 11.2 2.2 10.0 6.4 8.7 9.7
1993 6.9 11.4 2.5 11.3 7.7 10.1 9.9
1994 6.1 10.4 2.9 11.8 8.2 11.0 9.2
1995 5.6 9.4 3.1 11.4 8.0 11.5 8.5
1996 5.4 9.6 3.4 11.9 8.7 11.5 8.0
1997 4.9 9.1 3.4 11.8 9.7 11.6 6.9
1998 4.5 8.3 4.1 11.4 9.1 11.7 6.2
1999 4.2 7.6 4.7 10.7 8.4 11.3 5.9
2000 4.0 6.8 4.7 9.3 7.8 10.4 5.4
2001 4.7 7.2 5.0 8.5 7.8 9.4 5.0
2002 5.8 7.7 5.4 8.7 8.2 9.0 5.1

Notes: Standardized unemployment rates (percentage of total labour force up to 1977, there-
after percentage of civilian labour force).

Source: OECD, Economic Outlook, various issues.

20 Modern macroeconomics

Table 1.5 Inflation rates, 1964–2002

USA Canada Japan France Germany Italy UK

1964 1.3 1.8 3.8 3.2 2.4 5.9 3.2

1965 1.6 2.5 6.6 2.7 3.2 4.5 4.8
1966 3.0 3.7 5.1 2.6 3.6 2.2 3.9
1967 2.8 3.6 4.0 2.8 1.6 1.6 2.4
1968 4.2 4.1 5.4 4.6 1.6 1.5 4.7
1969 5.4 4.5 5.2 6.0 1.9 2.4 5.5
1970 5.9 3.4 7.7 5.9 3.4 5.0 6.4
1971 4.3 2.8 6.4 5.4 5.2 4.9 9.4
1972 3.3 4.8 4.8 6.1 5.5 5.8 7.1
1973 6.2 7.6 11.6 7.4 7.0 10.8 9.2
1974 11.0 10.8 23.2 13.6 7.0 19.0 15.9
1975 9.2 10.8 11.9 11.8 5.9 17.2 24.1
1976 5.8 7.6 9.4 9.6 4.3 16.7 16.7
1977 6.5 8.0 8.2 9.5 3.7 18.5 15.9
1978 7.6 8.9 4.2 9.3 2.7 12.1 8.2
1979 11.2 9.1 3.7 10.6 4.1 14.8 13.4
1980 13.5 10.2 7.8 13.5 5.4 21.2 18.1
1981 10.4 12.5 4.9 13.3 6.3 19.6 11.9
1982 6.2 10.8 2.7 12.1 5.3 16.5 8.7
1983 3.2 5.9 1.9 9.5 3.3 14.7 4.6
1984 4.3 4.4 2.3 7.7 2.4 10.8 5.0
1985 3.6 4.0 2.0 5.8 2.2 9.2 6.1
1986 1.9 4.2 0.6 2.6 –0.1 5.8 3.4
1987 3.7 4.4 0.1 3.3 0.2 4.7 4.2
1988 4.1 4.0 0.7 2.7 1.3 5.1 4.9
1989 4.8 5.0 2.3 3.5 2.8 6.3 7.8
1990 5.4 4.8 3.1 3.4 2.7 6.4 9.5
1991 4.3 5.6 3.2 3.2 3.5 6.3 5.9
1992 3.0 1.5 1.7 2.4 1.7 5.2 3.7
1993 3.0 1.8 1.3 2.1 5.1 4.5 1.6
1994 2.6 0.2 0.7 1.7 4.4 4.1 2.5
1995 2.8 2.2 –0.1 1.8 2.8 5.2 3.4
1996 2.9 1.6 0.1 2.0 1.7 4.0 2.5
1997 2.3 1.6 1.7 1.2 1.4 2.0 3.1
1998 1.6 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.9 2.0 3.4
1999 2.2 1.7 –0.3 0.5 0.9 1.7 1.6
2000 3.4 2.8 –0.7 1.7 0.6 2.5 2.9
2001 2.8 2.5 –0.7 1.6 2.0 2.8 1.8
2002 1.6 2.3 –0.9 1.9 1.3 2.5 1.6

Notes: Percentage change over previous year of consumer prices (calculated from indexes).

Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, various issues.

Understanding modern macroeconomics 21

whole, on average in the ‘Golden Age’ both unemployment and inflation

were low. In the period 1983–93, inflation came down but unemployment
remained stubbornly high in many countries, especially in Western Europe
where high unemployment has been attributed by some economists to hyster-
esis effects and/or various labour market rigidities (see Chapter 7). In the
most recent period, 1994–2002, inflation was low but unemployment re-
mained high in Western Europe while it declined in the USA. But only in the
period 1973–83 do we see the simultaneous combination of high unemploy-
ment and high inflation, i.e. stagflation. To the critics of Keynesianism
stagflation was an inevitable legacy of the ‘Golden Age’ of demand manage-
ment (Friedman, 1975; Bruno and Sachs, 1985; DeLong, 1997; see also
Cairncross and Cairncross, 1992, for a discussion of the legacy of the 1960s).

1.7 Theoretical Schizophrenia and the Neoclassical Synthesis

We can only speculate on what Keynes would have made of the Keynesian
policies carried out in his name. What we can see more clearly, with the benefit
of hindsight and experience, is that at the theoretical level Keynesian econom-
ics created schizophrenia in the way that economics was taught, with courses in
microeconomics typically concentrating on issues relating to allocation, pro-
duction and distribution (questions of efficiency and equity) and courses in
macroeconomics focusing on problems associated with the level and the long-
term trend of aggregate output and employment, and the rate of inflation
(questions of growth and stability). The Keynesian propositions of market
failure and involuntary unemployment expounded within macroeconomics did
not rest easily alongside the Walrasian theory of general competitive equilib-
rium, where the actions of rational optimizing individuals ensure that all markets,
including the labour market, are cleared by flexible prices. In the Walrasian
model, which dominated microeconomics, lapses from full employment cannot
occur. Although Paul Samuelson and others attempted to reconcile these two
strands of economics, producing a ‘neoclassical synthesis’, Keynesian macr-
oeconomics and orthodox neoclassical microeconomics integrated about as
well as oil and water. During the ‘Golden Age’ this problem could be ignored.
By 1973, with accelerating inflation, it could not. As Greenwald and Stiglitz
(1987) have argued, from this point there were two ways in which the two sub-
disciplines could be reconciled. Either macro theory could be adapted to orthodox
neoclassical micro theory (the new classical approach) or micro theory could
be adapted to macro theory (the new Keynesian approach). As we shall see,
these attempts at reconciliation have been a dominating influence on macroeco-
nomic theorizing during the past three decades.
Keynes himself had contributed to this dichotomy because he saw ‘no
reason to suppose that the existing system seriously misemploys the factors
22 Modern macroeconomics

of production which are in use … It is in determining the volume, not the

direction, of actual employment that the existing system has broken down’
(Keynes, 1936, p. 379). In other words, the apparent inability of the capitalist
system to provide for full employment was the main blemish on an economic
system which Keynes otherwise held in high regard. Once this major defect
was remedied and full employment restored, ‘the classical theory comes into
its own again from this point onwards’ and there ‘is no objection to be raised
against classical analysis of the manner in which private self-interest will
determine what in particular is produced, in what proportions the factors of
production will be combined to produce it, and how the value of the final
product will be distributed between them’ (Keynes, 1936, pp. 378–9). Thus
Keynes can be viewed as attempting to reconcile two opposing views of a
capitalist market economy. First, we have the classical–neoclassical view
which extols the efficiency of the price mechanism in solving the fundamen-
tal allocation and production problems which arise from the scarcity of
resources. Second, we have Keynes’s iconoclastic vision which highlights the
shortcomings of the invisible hand, at least with respect to the general level
of output and employment. Keynes was optimistic that this later problem
could be solved with limited government intervention, and capitalism could
be saved from itself.
The synthesis of the ideas of the classical economists with those of Keynes
dominated mainstream economics at least until the early 1970s. The standard
textbook approach to macroeconomics from the period following the Second
World War until the early 1970s relied heavily on the interpretation of the
General Theory provided by Hicks (1937) and modified by the contributions
of Modigliani (1944), Patinkin (1956) and Tobin (1958). Samuelson’s best-
selling textbook popularized the synthesis of Keynesian and classical ideas,
making them accessible to a wide readership and successive generations of
students. It was Samuelson who introduced the label ‘neoclassical synthesis’
into the literature in the third edition of Economics, in 1955. This synthesis of
classical and Keynesian ideas became the standard approach to macroeco-
nomic analysis, both in textbooks and in professional discussion (see Chapter
3). The orthodox Keynesian model provided the foundation for the large-
scale macroeconometric models developed by Lawrence Klein and also those
associated with the Cowles Commission. Such models were used for fore-
casting purposes and to enable economists to assess the likely impact on the
economy of alternative economic policies. Lucas and Sargent (1978) have
attributed the ‘dominant scientific position’ that orthodox Keynesian econom-
ics attained by 1960 to the fact that it ‘lent itself so readily to the formulation
of explicit econometric models’. As far as macroeconomics was concerned,
for the majority of researchers in the 1960s, the ‘Keynesian model was the
only game in town’ (Barro, 1989a).
Understanding modern macroeconomics 23

The orthodox Keynesian argument that government intervention, in the

form of activist monetary and fiscal policies, could correct the aggregate
instability exhibited by market economies also influenced political decision
makers. At least up until the mid-1970s both Labour and Conservative parties
in the UK adhered to orthodox Keynesian principles. In the USA it was not
until the early 1960s that the Keynesian approach (known as the ‘New Eco-
nomics’) was adopted with any real enthusiasm (Tobin, 1987; Perry and
Tobin, 2000). The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) appointed by Presi-
dent Kennedy was dominated by Keynesian economists. Chaired by Walter
Heller, the CEA also included James Tobin and Robert Solow while Paul
Samuelson served as an unofficial adviser (see Snowdon and Vane, 2002a). In
1971 even President Nixon had declared that ‘we are all Keynesians now!’
However, by the 1980s, US economic policy was very different from that
prevailing during the Kennedy–Johnson era (see Feldstein, 1992).
Before the 1970s the Keynesian approach gave emphasis to demand-side
factors. Keynes had reversed Say’s Law, and Keynesianism, based on the IS–
LM interpretation of Keynes, was the established orthodoxy in macroeconomics
(see Chapter 3 and Patinkin, 1990a, for a discussion of the IS–LM interpreta-
tion of Keynes). Initially Keynesianism was associated with fiscalism but by
the late 1960s the importance of monetary factors was widely recognized by
Keynesians (see Tobin, 1987, 1996; Buiter, 2003a). The most important
Keynesian development during this period was the incorporation of the Phillips
curve into the prevailing macroeconomic model (see Phillips, 1958; Lipsey,
1978; Chapter 3). By the early 1960s the IS–LM model was being used to
explain the determination of output and employment, while the Phillips curve
enabled the policy maker to predict the rate of inflation which would result
from different target levels of unemployment. The simultaneous increase in
both unemployment and inflation (shown in Tables 1.4 and 1.5) in the major
industrial economies in the early 1970s proved fatal to the more simplistic
versions of ‘hydraulic’ Keynesianism and prepared the way for the monetarist
and new classical counter-revolutions (see Johnson, 1971; Bleaney, 1985; Col-
ander, 1988). The 1970s witnessed a significant renaissance of the pre-Keynesian
belief that the market economy is capable of achieving macroeconomic stabil-
ity and rapid growth providing the visible (and palsied) hand of government is
prevented from conducting activist discretionary fiscal and monetary policies.
The stagflation of the 1970s gave increasing credibility and influence to those
economists who had for many years warned that Keynesian macroeconomic
policies were both over-ambitious and, more importantly, predicated on theo-
ries that were fundamentally flawed (see Friedman, 1968a; Hayek, 1978;
Buchanan et al., 1978; Lucas and Sargent, 1978; Romer and Romer, 1997).
The demise of the neoclassical synthesis mainstream position signalled the
beginning of a period when the dominance of Keynesian macroeconomics
24 Modern macroeconomics

came to an end and, as we have seen, the breakdown of this consensus

position was due to both empirical and theoretical flaws (see Mankiw, 1990).
For the more extreme critics of Keynesianism the task facing the new genera-
tion of macroeconomic theorists was to ‘sort through the wreckage determining
which features of that remarkable intellectual event called the Keynesian
revolution can be salvaged and put to good use and which others must be
discarded’ (Lucas and Sargent, 1978).

1.8 Schools of Thought in Macroeconomics After Keynes

According to Johnson (1971), ‘by far the most helpful circumstance for the
rapid propagation of a new revolutionary theory is the existence of an estab-
lished orthodoxy which is clearly inconsistent with the most salient facts of
reality’. As we have seen, the inability of the classical model to account
adequately for the collapse of output and employment in the 1930s paved the
way for the Keynesian revolution. During the 1950s and 1960s the neoclassi-
cal synthesis became the accepted wisdom for the majority of economists
(see Chapter 3). The work of Nobel Memorial Laureates James Tobin, Law-
rence Klein, Robert Solow, Franco Modigliani, James Meade, John Hicks
and Paul Samuelson dominated the Keynesian school and provided intellec-
tual support for the view that government intervention in the form of demand
management can significantly improve the performance of the economy. The
‘New Economics’ adopted by the Kennedy administration in 1961 demon-
strated the influence of Keynesian thinking and the 1962 Economic Report of
the President explicitly advocated stabilization policies with the objective of
keeping ‘overall demand in step with the basic production potential of the
During the 1970s this Keynesian approach increasingly came under attack
and was subjected to the force of two ‘counter-revolutionary’ approaches,
namely monetarism and new classical macroeconomics. Both of these ap-
proaches are underpinned by the belief that there is no need for activist
stabilization policy. The new classical school in particular supports the view
that the authorities cannot, and therefore should not, attempt to stabilize
fluctuations in output and employment through the use of activist demand
management policies (Lucas, 1981a).
As we shall discuss in Chapter 4, in the orthodox monetarist view there is
no need for activist stabilization policy (except in extreme circumstances)
given the belief that capitalist economies are inherently stable, unless dis-
turbed by erratic monetary growth. Monetarists hold that when subjected to
some disturbance the economy will return, fairly quickly, to the neighbour-
hood of the ‘natural’ level of output and employment. Given this view they
question the need for stabilization policy involving the ‘fine-tuning’ of aggre-
Understanding modern macroeconomics 25

gate demand. Even if there were a need, monetarists argue that the authorities
can’t stabilize fluctuations in output and employment due to the problems
associated with stabilization policy. These problems include those posed by
the length of the inside lag associated with fiscal policy, the long and variable
outside time lags associated with monetary policy and uncertainty over what
precise value to attribute to the natural rate of unemployment. In conse-
quence monetarists argue that the authorities shouldn’t be given discretion to
vary the strength of fiscal and monetary policy as and when they see fit,
fearing that they could do more harm than good. Instead, monetarists advo-
cate that the monetary authorities should be bound by rules.
With hindsight two publications were particularly influential in cementing
the foundations for the monetarist counter-revolution. First there is Friedman
and Schwartz’s (1963) monumental study, A Monetary History of the United
States, 1867–1960. This influential volume presents persuasive evidence in
support of the monetarist view that changes in the money supply play a
largely independent role in cyclical fluctuations. Second is Friedman’s (1968a)
American Economic Review article on ‘The Role of Monetary Policy’ in
which he put forward the natural rate hypothesis and the view that there is no
long-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. The influence of
Friedman’s article was greatly enhanced because it anticipated the events of
the 1970s and, in particular, predicted accelerating inflation as a consequence
of the repeated use of expansionary monetary policy geared to over-optimis-
tic employment targets.
During the 1970s a second counter-revolution took place associated with
new classical macroeconomics. This approach, which cast further doubt on
whether traditional Keynesian aggregate demand management policies can
be used to stabilize the economy, is often seen as synonymous with the work
of one of Friedman’s former University of Chicago students, the 1995 Nobel
Memorial Laureate, Robert E. Lucas Jr. Other leading advocates of the new
classical monetary approach to analysing economic fluctuations during the
1970s include Thomas Sargent, Neil Wallace, Robert Barro, Edward Prescott
and Patrick Minford (see Hoover, 1988; Snowdon et al., 1994).
As we will discuss in Chapter 5, by combining the rational expectations
hypothesis (first put forward by John Muth in the context of microeconomics
in the early 1960s), the assumption that markets continuously clear, and
Friedman’s natural rate hypothesis, Lucas was able to demonstrate in his
1972 Journal of Economic Theory paper on ‘Expectations and the Neutrality
of Money’ how a short-run equilibrium relationship between inflation and
unemployment (Phillips curve) will result if inflation is unanticipated due to
incomplete information.
In line with the monetarist school, new classical economists believe that
the economy is inherently stable, unless disturbed by erratic monetary growth,
26 Modern macroeconomics

and that when subjected to some disturbance will quickly return to its natural
level of output and employment. However, in the new classical approach it is
unanticipated monetary shocks that are the dominant cause of business cy-
cles. The new classical case against discretionary policy activism, and in
favour of rules, is based on a different set of arguments to those advanced by
monetarists. Three insights in particular underlie the new classical approach.
First, the policy ineffectiveness proposition (Sargent and Wallace, 1975, 1976)
implies that only random or arbitrary monetary policy actions undertaken by
the authorities can have short-run real effects because they cannot be antici-
pated by rational economic agents. Given that such actions will only increase
the variation of output and employment around their natural levels, increas-
ing uncertainty in the economy, the proposition provides an argument against
discretionary policy activism in favour of rules (see Chapter 5, section 5.5.1).
Second, Lucas’s (1976) critique of economic policy evaluation undermines
confidence that traditional Keynesian-style macroeconometric models can be
used to accurately predict the consequences of various policy changes on key
macroeconomic variables (see Chapter 5, section 5.5.6). Third, Kydland and
Prescott’s (1977) analysis of dynamic time inconsistency, which implies that
economic performance can be improved if discretionary powers are taken
away from the authorities, provides another argument in the case for mon-
etary policy being conducted by rules rather than discretion (see Chapter 5,
section 5.5.3).
Following the demise of the monetary-surprise version of new classical
macroeconomics in the early 1980s a second phase of equilibrium theorizing
was initiated by the seminal contribution of Kydland and Prescott (1982)
which, following Long and Plosser (1983), has come to be referred to as real
business cycle theory. As we shall discuss in Chapter 6, modern equilibrium
business cycle theory starts with the view that ‘growth and fluctuations are
not distinct phenomena to be studied with separate data and analytical tools’
(Cooley and Prescott, 1995). Proponents of this approach view economic
fluctuations as being predominantly caused by persistent real (supply-side)
shocks, rather than unanticipated monetary (demand-side) shocks, to the
economy. The focus of these real shocks involves large random fluctuations
in the rate of technological progress that result in fluctuations in relative
prices to which rational economic agents optimally respond by altering their
supply of labour and consumption. Perhaps the most controversial feature of
this approach is the claim that fluctuations in output and employment are
Pareto-efficient responses to real technology shocks to the aggregate produc-
tion function. This implies that observed fluctuations in output are viewed as
fluctuations in the natural rate of output, not deviations of output from a
smooth deterministic trend. As such the government should not attempt to
reduce these fluctuations through stabilization policy, not only because such
Understanding modern macroeconomics 27

attempts are unlikely to achieve their desired objective but also because
reducing instability would reduce welfare (Prescott, 1986).
The real business cycle approach conflicts with both the conventional
Keynesian analysis as well as monetarist and new classical monetary equilib-
rium theorizing where equilibrium is identified with a stable trend for the
natural (full employment) growth path. In the Keynesian approach departures
from full employment are viewed as disequilibrium situations where societal
welfare is below potential and government has a role to correct this macr-
oeconomic market failure using fiscal and monetary policy. In sharp contrast
the ‘bold conjecture’ of real business cycle theorists is that each stage of the
business cycle, boom and slump, is an equilibrium. ‘Slumps represent an
undesired, undesirable, and unavoidable shift in the constraints that people
face; but, given these constraints, markets react efficiently and people suc-
ceed in achieving the best outcomes that circumstances permit … every stage
of the business cycle is a Pareto efficient equilibrium’ (Hartley et al., 1998).
Needless to say, the real business cycle approach has proved to be highly
controversial and has been subjected to a number of criticisms, not least the
problem of identifying negative technological shocks that cause recessions.
In Chapter 6 we shall examine these criticisms and appraise the contribution
that real business cycle theorists have made to modern macroeconomics.
The new classical equilibrium approach to explaining economic fluctua-
tions has in turn been challenged by a revitalized group of new Keynesian
theorists who prefer to adapt micro to macro theory rather than accept the
new classical approach of adapting macro theory to orthodox neoclassical
market-clearing microfoundations. Important figures here include George
Akerlof, Janet Yellen, Olivier Blanchard, Gregory Mankiw, Edmund Phelps,
David Romer, Joseph Stiglitz and Ben Bernanke (see Gordon, 1989; Mankiw
and Romer, 1991). As we will discuss in Chapter 7, new Keynesian models
have incorporated the rational expectations hypothesis, the assumption that
markets may fail to clear, due to wage and price stickiness, and Friedman’s
natural rate hypothesis. According to proponents of new Keynesian eco-
nomics there is a need for stabilization policy as capitalist economies are
subjected to both demand- and supply-side shocks which cause inefficient
fluctuations in output and employment. Not only will capitalist economies
fail to rapidly self-equilibrate, but where the actual rate of unemployment
remains above the natural rate for a prolonged period, the natural rate (or
what new Keynesians prefer to refer to as NAIRU – non-accelerating infla-
tion rate of unemployment) may well increase due to ‘hysteresis’ effects.
As governments can improve macroeconomic performance, if they are given
discretion to do so, we also explore in Chapter 7 the new Keynesian ap-
proach to monetary policy as set out by Clarida et al. (1999) and Bernanke
et al. (1999).
28 Modern macroeconomics

Finally we can identify two further groups or schools of thought. The Post
Keynesian school is descended from some of Keynes’s more radical contem-
poraries and disciples, deriving its inspiration and distinctive approach from
the writings of Joan Robinson, Nicholas Kaldor, Michal Kalecki, George
Shackle and Piero Sraffa. Modern advocates of this approach include Jan
Kregel, Victoria Chick, Hyman Minsky and Paul Davidson, the author of
Chapter 8 which discusses the Post Keynesian school. There is also a school
of thought that has its intellectual roots in the work of Ludwig von Mises and
Nobel Memorial Laureate Friedrich von Hayek which has inspired a dis-
tinctly Austrian approach to economic analysis and in particular to the
explanation of business cycle phenomena. Modern advocates of the Austrian
approach include Israel Kirzner, Karen Vaughn and Roger Garrison, the
author of Chapter 9 which discusses the Austrian school.
To recap, we identify the following schools of thought that have made a
significant contribution to the evolution of twentieth-century macroeconom-
ics: (i) the orthodox Keynesian school (Chapter 3), (ii) the orthodox monetarist
school (Chapter 4), (iii) the new classical school (Chapter 5), (iv) the real
business cycle school (Chapter 6), (v) the new Keynesian school (Chapter 7),
(vi) the Post Keynesian school (Chapter 8) and (vii) the Austrian school
(Chapter 9). No doubt other economists would choose a different classifica-
tion, and some have done so (see Cross, 1982a; Phelps, 1990). For example,
Gerrard (1996) argues that a unifying theme in the evolution of modern
macroeconomics has been an ‘ever-evolving classical Keynesian debate’ in-
volving contributions from various schools of thought that can be differentiated
and classified as orthodox, new or radical. The two ‘orthodox’ schools, ‘IS–
LM Keynesianism’ and ‘neoclassical monetarism’, dominated macroeconomic
theory in the period up to the mid-1970s. Since then three new schools have
been highly influential. The new classical, real business cycle and new
Keynesian schools place emphasis on issues relating to aggregate supply in
contrast to the orthodox schools which focused their research primarily on
the factors determining aggregate demand and the consequences of demand-
management policies. In particular, the new schools share Lucas’s view that
macroeconomic models should be based on solid microeconomic foundations
(Hoover, 1988, 1992). The ‘radical’ schools, both Post Keynesian and Aus-
trian, are critical of mainstream analysis, whether it be orthodox or new.
We are acutely aware of the dangers of categorizing particular economists
in ways which are bound to oversimplify the sophistication and breadth of
their own views. Many economists dislike being labelled or linked to any
specific research programme or school, including some of those economists
listed above. As Hoover (1988) has observed in a similar enterprise, ‘Any
economist is described most fully by a vector of characteristics’ and any
definition will ‘emphasise some elements of this vector, while playing down
Understanding modern macroeconomics 29

related ones’. It is also the case that during the last decade of the twentieth
century, macroeconomics began to evolve into what Goodfriend and King
(1997) have called a ‘New Neoclassical Synthesis’. The central elements of this
new synthesis involve both new classical and new Keynesian elements, namely:

1. the need for macroeconomic models to take into account intertemporal

2. the widespread use of the rational expectations hypothesis;
3. recognition of the importance of imperfect competition in goods, labour
and credit markets;
4. incorporating costly price adjustment into macroeconomic models.

Therefore, one important development arising from the vociferous debates of

the 1970s and 1980s is that there is now more of a consensus on what
constitutes a ‘core of practical macroeconomics’ than was the case 25 years
ago (see Blanchard, 1997b, 2000; Blinder, 1997a; Eichenbaum, 1997; Solow,
1997; Taylor, 1997b).
With these caveats in mind we will examine in Chapters 3–9 the competing
schools of macroeconomic thought identified above. We also include inter-
views with some of the economists who are generally recognized as being
leading representatives of each group and/or prominent in the development of
macroeconomic analysis in the post-war period. In discussing these various
schools of thought it is important to remember that the work of Keynes
remains the ‘main single point of reference, either positive or negative, for all
the schools of macroeconomics’. Therefore, it is hardly surprising that all the
schools define themselves in relation to the ideas originally put forward by
Keynes in his General Theory, ‘either as a development of some version of
his thought or as a restoration of some version of pre-Keynesian classical
thought’ (Vercelli, 1991, p. 3).
Before considering the central tenets and policy implications of these main
schools of thought we also need to highlight two other important changes that
have taken place in macroeconomics during the final decades of the twentieth
century. First, in section 1.9 we outline the development of what has come to
be known as the new political macroeconomics. The second key change of
emphasis during the last 20 years, reviewed in section 1.10, has been the
renaissance of growth theory and empirics.

1.9 The New Political Macroeconomics

During the past two decades research into the various forms of interaction
between politics and macroeconomics has become a major growth area giv-
ing rise to a field known as the ‘new political macroeconomics’ (Alesina,
30 Modern macroeconomics

1995; Alt and Alesina, 1996; Alesina and Rosenthal, 1995; Alesina et al.
1997; Drazen, 2000a). This research area has developed at the interface of
macroeconomics, social choice theory and game theory. Of particular interest
to macroeconomists is the influence that political factors have on such issues
as business cycles, inflation, unemployment, growth, budget deficits and the
conduct and implementation of stabilization policies (Snowdon and Vane,
As we will discuss in Chapter 10, modern politico-economic models,
initially developed in the 1970s by Nordhaus (1975), Hibbs (1977) and Frey
and Schneider (1978a), view the government as an endogenous component of
the political and economic system. The conventional normative approach, in
sharp contrast, regards the policy maker as a ‘benevolent social planner’
whose only objective is to maximize social welfare. The normative approach
is concerned with how policy makers should act rather than how they do act.
Alesina (1994) has highlighted two general political forces that are always
likely to play a crucial distorting role in the economy. The first factor is the
incumbent policy maker’s desire to retain power, which acts as an incentive
to ‘opportunistic’ behaviour. Second, society is polarized and this inevitably
gives rise to some degree of social conflict. As a result ideological considera-
tions will manifest themselves in the form of ‘partisan’ behaviour and actions.
Nordhaus’s model predicts self-interested opportunistic behaviour, irre-
spective of party allegiance, before an election. When these political
motivations are mixed with myopic non-rational behaviour of voters and
non-rational expectations of economic agents, a political business cycle is
generated which ultimately leads to a higher rate of inflation in a democracy
than is optimal. In the Hibbs model ‘left’-inclined politicians have a greater
aversion to unemployment than inflation, and ‘right’-inclined politicians have
the opposite preference. The Hibbs model therefore predicts a systematic
difference in policy choices and outcomes in line with the partisan prefer-
ences of the incumbent politicians.
Both of these models were undermined by the rational expectations revolu-
tion. By the mid-1970s models which continued to use adaptive expectations or
were reliant on a long-run stable Phillips curve trade-off were coming in for
heavy criticism. The scope for opportunistic or ideological behaviour seemed
to be extremely limited in a world dominated by rational ‘forward-looking’
voters and economic agents who could not be systematically fooled. However,
after a period of relative neglect a second phase of politico-economic models
emerged in the mid-1980s. These models capture the insights emanating from
and including the rational expectations hypothesis in macroeconomic models.
Economists such as Rogoff and Sibert (1988) have developed ‘rational oppor-
tunistic’ models, and Alesina has been prominent in developing the ‘rational
partisan’ theory of aggregate instability (Alesina, 1987, 1988; Alesina and
Understanding modern macroeconomics 31

Sachs, 1988). These models show that while the scope for opportunistic or
ideological behaviour is more limited in a rational expectations setting, the
impact of political distortions on macroeconomic policy making is still present
given the presence of imperfect information and uncertainty over the outcome
of elections (Alesina and Roubini, 1992). As such this work points towards the
need for greater transparency in the conduct of fiscal policy and the introduc-
tion of central bank independence for the conduct of monetary policy (Alesina
and Summers, 1993; Alesina and Gatti, 1995; Alesina and Perotti 1996a;
Snowdon, 1997).
More recently several economists have extended the reach of the new
political macroeconomics and this has involved research into the origin and
persistence of rising fiscal deficits and debt ratios, the political economy of
growth, the optimal size of nations, the economic and political risk involved
with membership of fiscal unions and the political constraints on economic
growth (Alesina and Perotti, 1996b, 1997a; Alesina et al., 1996; Alesina and
Spolare, 1997, 2003; Alesina and Perotti, 1998; Acemoglu and Robinson,
2000a, 2003). With respect to achieving a reduction in the fiscal deficit/GDP
ratio, Alesina’s research has indicated that successful fiscal adjustment is
highly correlated with the composition of spending cuts. Unsuccessful ad-
justments are associated with cuts in public investment expenditures whereas
in successful cases more than half the expenditure cuts are in government
wages and transfer payments (Alesina et al., 1997). In addition, because
fiscal policy is increasingly about redistribution in the OECD countries,
increases in labour taxation to finance an increase in transfers are likely to
induce wage pressure, raise labour costs and reduce competitiveness (Alesina
and Perotti, 1997b). Research into the optimal size of nations has indicated
an important link between trade liberalization and political separatism. In a
world dominated by trade restrictions, large political units make sense be-
cause the size of a market is determined by political boundaries. If free trade
prevails relatively small homogeneous political jurisdictions can prosper and
benefit from the global marketplace (Alesina and Spolare, 2003). Work on
the implications of fiscal unions has also indicated the potential disadvan-
tages of larger units. While larger jurisdictions can achieve benefits in the
form of a centralized redistribution system, ‘these benefits may be offset
(partially or completely) by the increase in the diversity and, thus, in poten-
tial conflicts of interests among the citizens of larger jurisdictions’ (Alesina
and Perotti, 1998).
In recent years the ‘politicisation of growth theory’ (Hibbs, 2001) has led
to a burgeoning of research into the impact on economic growth of politics,
policy, and institutional arrangements. Daron Acemoglu and his co-authors
have made a highly influential contribution to the debate relating to the
‘deeper’ institutional determinants of economic growth and the role of politi-
32 Modern macroeconomics

cal distortions as barriers to progress (see Acemoglu, 2003a; Snowdon, 2004c).

Acemoglu’s recent research highlights the importance of ‘political barriers to
development’. This work focuses on attitudes to change in hierarchical socie-
ties. Economists recognize that economic growth is a necessary condition for
the elimination of poverty and sustainable increases in living standards. Fur-
thermore, technological change and innovation are key factors in promoting
growth. So why do political élites deliberately block the adoption of institu-
tions and policies that would help to eliminate economic backwardness?
Acemoglu and Robinson (2000a, 2003) argue that superior institutions and
technologies are resisted because they may reduce the political power of the
élite. Moreover, the absence of strong institutions allows autocratic rulers to
adopt political strategies that are highly effective at defusing any opposition
to their regime. As a result economic growth and development stagnate.

1.10 The Renaissance of Economic Growth Research

There is no doubt that one very important consequence arising from the work
of Keynes was that it led to a shift of emphasis from the classical long-run
issue of economic growth to the shorter-run issue of aggregate instability. As
Tobin (1997) emphasizes, Keynesian economics does not pretend to apply to
the long-run issues of growth and development. This is in sharp contrast to
the work of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and the other classical economists
who sought to understand the nature and causes of the ‘Wealth of Nations’
rather than focus on the issue of short-run instability. This should hardly
surprise us given the rapid self-equilibrating properties of the classical macr-
oeconomic model (see Chapter 2).
Even small differences in growth rates of per capita income, if sustained
over long periods of time, lead to significant differences in relative living
standards between nations. The importance of economic growth as a basis for
improvements in human welfare cannot be overstated because the impact of
even small differentials in growth rates, when compounded over time, are
striking (see Chapter 11). Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995) provide a simple
but illuminating example of the long-term consequences of growth differen-
tials. They note that the US economy grew by an annual average of 1.75 per
cent over the period 1870–1990 thereby raising real GDP per capita from
$2244 in 1870 to $18 258 in 1990 (measured in 1985 dollars). If growth over
the same period had been 0.75 per cent, real GDP per capita in 1990 would
have been $5519 rather than $18 258. If, on the other hand, growth had been
2.75 per cent, then real GDP per capita in the USA by 1990 would have been
$60 841. Note how this amazing difference in outcomes arises from relatively
small variations in the growth rate. David Romer (1996) has also expressed
the same point succinctly as follows: ‘the welfare implications of long-run
Understanding modern macroeconomics 33

growth swamp any possible effects of the short-run fluctuations that macr-
oeconomics traditionally focuses on’. In reviewing the differential growth
performances of countries such as India, Egypt, the ‘Asian Tigers’, Japan and
the USA, and the consequences of these differentials for living standards,
Lucas (1988) comments that ‘the consequences for human welfare involved
in questions like these are simply staggering. Once one starts to think about
them, it is hard to think about anything else.’ For some economists, such as
Prescott (1996), the renewed interest in growth over the last 20 years stems
from their belief that business cycle fluctuations ‘are not costly to society’
and that it is more important for economists to worry about ‘increasing the
rate of increase in economy-wide productivity and not smoothing business
fluctuations’. This position had been publicly expressed earlier by Lucas in
May 1985 when delivering his Yrjo Jahnsson lectures. There he argued that
post-1945 economic stability had been a relatively ‘minor problem’ espe-
cially in comparison ‘to the costs of modestly reduced rates of growth’
(Lucas, 1987). More recently, Lucas (2003) has repeated this message using
US performance over the last 50 years as a benchmark. Lucas argues that ‘the
potential for welfare gains from better long-run, supply-side policies exceeds
by far the potential from further improvements in short-run demand manage-
Given the significant adverse impact that poor growth performance has on
economic welfare and the resultant importance attached to growth by econo-
mists, it is perhaps surprising that the research effort in this field has been
cyclical. Although growth issues were a major concern of the classical econo-
mists, during the period 1870–1945 economists’ research was heavily
influenced by the ‘marginalist revolution’ and was therefore predominantly
micro-oriented, being directed towards issues relating to the efficient alloca-
tion of given resources (Blaug, 1997). For a quarter of a century after 1929–33,
issues relating to the Great Depression and Keynes’s response to that event
dominated discussion in macroeconomics.
As we shall discuss in Chapter 11, in the post-1945 period there have been
three waves of interest in growth theory (Solow, 1994). The first wave fo-
cused on the neo-Keynesian work of Harrod (1939, 1948) and Domar (1947).
In the mid-1950s the development of the neoclassical growth model by
Solow (1956) and Swan (1956) stimulated a second more lasting and sub-
stantial wave of interest, which, after a period of relative neglect between
1970 and 1986, has been reignited (Mankiw et al., 1992). Between 1970 and
1985 macroeconomic research was dominated by theoretical issues relating
to the degeneration of the orthodox Keynesian model, new equilibrium theo-
ries of the business cycle, supply shocks, stagflation, and the impact of
rational expectations on macroeconomic modelling and policy formulation.
Although empirical growth-accounting research continued (for example
34 Modern macroeconomics

Denison, 1974), research on the theoretical front in this field ‘effectively

died’ in the 1970–85 period because economists had run out of ideas.
The third wave, initiated by the research of Paul Romer and Robert Lucas,
led to the development of endogenous growth theory, which emerged in
response to theoretical and empirical deficiencies in the neoclassical model.
During the 1980s several factors led to a reawakening of theoretical research
into the growth process and new directions in empirical work also began to
develop. On the theoretical front Paul Romer (1986) began to publish mate-
rial relating to his 1983 University of Chicago PhD thesis. In the same year,
1986, Baumol and Abramovitz each published highly influential papers relat-
ing to the issue of ‘catch-up and convergence’. These contributions were
soon followed by the publication of Lucas’s 1985 Marshall lectures given at
the University of Cambridge (Lucas, 1987). This work inspired the develop-
ment of a ‘new’ breed of endogenous growth models and generated renewed
interest in empirical and theoretical questions relating to long-run develop-
ment (P.M. Romer, 1994a; Barro, 1997; Aghion and Howitt, 1998; Jones,
2001a). Another important influence was the growing awareness that the data
suggested that there had been a slowdown in productivity growth in the post-
1973 period in the major OECD economies (P.M. Romer, 1987a).
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries growth had been largely con-
fined to a small number of countries (Pritchett, 1997; Maddison, 2001). The
dramatic improvement in living standards that has taken place in the ad-
vanced industrial economies since the Industrial Revolution is now spreading
to other parts of the world. However, this diffusion has been highly uneven
and in some cases negligible. The result of this long period of uneven growth
is a pattern of income per capita differentials between the richest and poorest
countries of the world that almost defies comprehension. Much of the motiva-
tion behind recent research into economic growth derives from concern about
the origin and persistence of these enormous cross-country inequalities in
income per capita. The origin of this ‘Great Divergence’ in living standards
has always been a major source of controversy among economic historians
(Pomeranz, 2000). Recently, this issue has also captured the imagination of
economists interested in providing a unified theory of growth. Such a theory
should account for both the ‘Malthusian growth regime’ witnessed through-
out history before the eighteenth century, and the ‘modern growth regime’
that subsequently prevailed in those countries that have experienced an ‘In-
dustrial Revolution’ (see Galor and Weil, 2000). To sum up, the analysis of
economic growth has once more become an active and vibrant research area,
central to contemporary macroeconomics (Klenow and Rodriguez-Clare,
1997a) and will be discussed more fully in Chapter 11.
In the following chapters we will return to these issues, which over the
years have been an important source of controversy. But first we will begin
Understanding modern macroeconomics 35

our tour of twentieth-century developments in macroeconomics with a review

of the essential features of the stylized ‘old’ classical model which Keynes
attacked in his General Theory. The important ‘Keynes versus the classics’
debate sets the scene for subsequent chapters of this book.
2. Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model
This book is chiefly addressed to my fellow economists … its main purpose is to
deal with difficult questions of theory, and only in the second place with the
application of this theory to practice … if my explanations are right, it is my
fellow economists, not the general public, whom I must first convince. (Keynes,
1936, pp. v–vi)

2.1 Introduction

In order to better understand current controversies within macroeconomics it is

necessary to trace their origin back to the ‘Keynes v. Classics’ debate which
began in the 1930s and has continued in various forms ever since. For example,
during the 1980s the two schools of thought at the centre of the mainstream
debate were represented by the new classical (real) equilibrium business cycle
theorists and the new Keynesian school. The former carry on the tradition of
the classical economists and emphasize the optimizing power of economic
agents acting within a framework of free market forces. The latter ‘believe that
understanding economic fluctuations requires not just studying the intricacies
of general equilibrium, but also appreciating the possibility of market failure on
a grand scale’ (Mankiw, 1989; see Chapters 6 and 7).
Classical economics is that body of thought which existed prior to the
publication of Keynes’s (1936) General Theory. For Keynes the classical
school not only included Adam Smith, David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill,
but also ‘the followers of Ricardo, those, that is to say, who adopted and
perfected the theory of Ricardian economics’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 3). Keynes
was therefore at odds with the conventional history of economic thought
classification, particularly with his inclusion of both Alfred Marshall and
Arthur Cecil Pigou within the classical school. However, given that most of
the theoretical advances which distinguish the neoclassical from the classical
period had been in microeconomic analysis, Keynes perhaps felt justified in
regarding the macroeconomic ideas of the 1776–1936 period, such as they
existed, as being reasonably homogeneous in terms of their broad message.
This placed great faith in the natural market adjustment mechanisms as a
means of maintaining full employment equilibrium.
Before moving on to examine the main strands of macroeconomic thought
associated with the classical economists, the reader should be aware that,

Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 37

prior to the publication of the General Theory, there was no single unified or
formalized theory of aggregate employment, and substantial differences ex-
isted between economists on the nature and origin of the business cycle (see
Haberler, 1963). The structure of classical macroeconomics mainly emerged
after 1936 and did so largely in response to Keynes’s own theory in order that
comparisons could be made. Here we take the conventional approach of
presenting a somewhat artificial summary of classical macroeconomics, a
body of thought that in reality was extremely complex and diverse (see
O’Brien, 1975).
Although no single classical economist ever held all the ideas presented
below, there are certain strands of thought running through the pre-Keynes
literature which permit us to characterize classical theory as a coherent story
with clearly identifiable building-blocks. To do so will be analytically useful,
even if ‘historically somewhat inaccurate’ (see Ackley, 1966, p. 109). Even
an ‘Aunt Sally’ version of the classical theory can, by comparison, help us
better understand post-1936 developments in macroeconomic theory. We ac-
cept that, whilst the major presentations of the ‘Keynes v. Classics’ debate
consist of ahistorical fictions – especially those of Hicks (1937) and
Leijonhufvud (1968) – and serve as straw men, they aid our understanding by
overtly simplifying both the Keynes and the classics positions.

2.2 Classical Macroeconomics

Classical economists were well aware that a capitalist market economy could
deviate from its equilibrium level of output and employment. However, they
believed that such disturbances would be temporary and very short-lived.
Their collective view was that the market mechanism would operate rela-
tively quickly and efficiently to restore full employment equilibrium. If the
classical economic analysis was correct, then government intervention, in the
form of activist stabilization policies, would be neither necessary nor desir-
able. Indeed, such policies were more than likely to create greater instability.
As we shall see later, modern champions of the old classical view (that is,
new classical equilibrium business cycle theorists) share this faith in the
optimizing power of market forces and the potential for active government
intervention to create havoc rather than harmony. It follows that the classical
writers gave little attention to either the factors which determine aggregate
demand or the policies which could be used to stabilize aggregate demand in
order to promote full employment. For the classical economists full employ-
ment was the normal state of affairs. That Keynes should attack such ideas in
the 1930s should come as no surprise given the mass unemployment experi-
enced in all the major capitalist economies of that era. But how did the
classical economists reach such an optimistic conclusion? In what follows we
38 Modern macroeconomics

will present a ‘stylized’ version of the classical model which seeks to explain
the determinants of an economy’s level of real output (Y), real (W/P) and
nominal (W) wages, the price level (P) and the real rate of interest (r) (see
Ackley, 1966). In this stylized model it is assumed that:

1. all economic agents (firms and households) are rational and aim to
maximize their profits or utility; furthermore, they do not suffer from
money illusion;
2. all markets are perfectly competitive, so that agents decide how much to
buy and sell on the basis of a given set of prices which are perfectly
3. all agents have perfect knowledge of market conditions and prices before
engaging in trade;
4. trade only takes place when market-clearing prices have been established
in all markets, this being ensured by a fictional Walrasian auctioneer
whose presence prevents false trading;
5. agents have stable expectations.

These assumptions ensure that in the classical model, markets, including the
labour market, always clear. To see how the classical model explains the
determination of the crucial macro variables, we will follow their approach
and divide the economy into two sectors: a real sector and a monetary sector.
To simplify the analysis we will also assume a closed economy, that is, no
foreign trade sector.
In examining the behaviour of the real and monetary sectors we need to
consider the following three components of the model: (i) the classical theory
of employment and output determination, (ii) Say’s Law of markets, and (iii)
the quantity theory of money. The first two components show how the equi-
librium values of the real variables in the model are determined exclusively in
the labour and commodity markets. The third component explains how the
nominal variables in the system are determined. Thus in the classical model
there is a dichotomy. The real and monetary sectors are separated. As a result,
changes in the quantity of money will not affect the equilibrium values of the
real variables in the model. With the real variables invariant to changes in the
quantity of money, the classical economists argued that the quantity of money
was neutral.

2.3 Employment and Output Determination

The classical neutrality proposition implies that the level of real output will
be independent of the quantity of money in the economy. We now consider
what determines real output. A key component of the classical model is the
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 39

short-run production function. In general terms at the micro level a produc-

tion function expresses the maximum amount of output that a firm can produce
from any given amounts of factor inputs. The more inputs of labour (L) and
capital (K) that a firm uses, the greater will be the output produced (providing
the inputs are used effectively). However, in the short run, it is assumed that
the only variable input is labour. The amount of capital input and the state of
technology are taken as constant. When we consider the economy as a whole
the quantity of aggregate output (GDP = Y) will also depend on the amount of
inputs used and how efficiently they are used. This relationship, known as the
short-run aggregate production function, can be written in the following

Y = AF( K , L) (2.1)

where (1) Y = real output per period,

(2) K = the quantity of capital inputs used per period,
(3) L = the quantity of labour inputs used per period,
(4) A = an index of total factor productivity, and
(5) F = a function which relates real output to the inputs of K and L.
The symbol A represents an autonomous growth factor which captures the
impact of improvements in technology and any other influences which raise
the overall effectiveness of an economy’s use of its factors of production.
Equation (2.1) simply tells us that aggregate output will depend on the
amount of labour employed, given the existing capital stock, technology and
organization of inputs. This relationship is expressed graphically in panel (a)
of Figure 2.1.
The short-run aggregate production function displays certain properties.
Three points are worth noting. First, for given values of A and K there is a
positive relationship between employment (L) and output (Y), shown as a
movement along the production function from, for example, point a to b.
Second, the production function exhibits diminishing returns to the variable
input, labour. This is indicated by the slope of the production function (∆Y/∆L)
which declines as employment increases. Successive increases in the amount
of labour employed yield less and less additional output. Since ∆Y/∆L meas-
ures the marginal product of labour (MPL), we can see by the slope of the
production function that an increase in employment is associated with a
declining marginal product of labour. This is illustrated in panel (b) of Figure
2.1, where DL shows the MPL to be both positive and diminishing (MPL
declines as employment expands from L0 to L1; that is, MPLa > MPLb). Third,
the production function will shift upwards if the capital input is increased
and/or there is an increase in the productivity of the inputs represented by an
increase in the value of A (for example, a technological improvement). Such
40 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 2.1 The aggregate production function (a) and the marginal product
of labour (b)
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 41

a change is shown in panel (a) of Figure 2.1 by a shift in the production

function from Y to Y* caused by A increasing to A*. In panel (b) the impact of
the upward shift of the production function causes the MPL schedule to shift
up from DL to DL*. Note that following such a change the productivity of
labour increases (L0 amount of labour employed can now produce Y1 rather
than Y0 amount of output). We will see in Chapter 6 that such production
function shifts play a crucial role in the most recent new classical real
business cycle theories (see Plosser, 1989).
Although equation (2.1) and Figure 2.1 tell us a great deal about the
relationship between an economy’s output and the inputs used, they tell us
nothing about how much labour will actually be employed in any particular
time period. To see how the aggregate level of employment is determined in
the classical model, we must examine the classical economists’ model of the
labour market. We first consider how much labour a profit-maximizing firm
will employ. The well-known condition for profit maximization is that a firm
should set its marginal revenue (MRi) equal to the marginal cost of produc-
tion (MCi). For a perfectly competitive firm, MRi = Pi, the output price of
firm i. We can therefore write the profit-maximizing rule as equation (2.2):

Pi = MCi (2.2)

If a firm hires labour within a competitive labour market, a money wage

equal to Wi must be paid to each extra worker. The additional cost of hiring an
extra unit of labour will be Wi∆Li. The extra revenue generated by an addi-
tional worker is the extra output produced (∆Qi) multiplied by the price of the
firm’s product (Pi). The additional revenue is therefore Pi∆Qi. It pays for a
profit-maximizing firm to hire labour as long as Wi∆Li < Pi∆Qi. To maximize
profits requires satisfaction of the following condition:

Pi ∆Qi = Wi ∆Li (2.3)

This is equivalent to:

∆Qi Wi
= (2.4)
∆Li Pi

Since ∆Qi/∆Li is the marginal product of labour, a firm should hire labour
until the marginal product of labour equals the real wage rate. This condition
is simply another way of expressing equation (2.2). Since MCi is the cost of
the additional worker (Wi) divided by the extra output produced by that
worker (MPLi) we can write this relationship as:
42 Modern macroeconomics

MCi = (2.5)

Combining (2.5) and (2.2) yields equation (2.6):

Pi = = MCi (2.6)

Because the MPL is a declining function of the amount of labour employed,

owing to the influence of diminishing returns, the MPL curve is downward-
sloping (see panel (b) of Figure 2.1). Since we have shown that profits will be
maximized when a firm equates the MPLi with Wi/Pi, the marginal product
curve is equivalent to the firm’s demand curve for labour (DLi). Equation (2.7)
expresses this relationship:

DLi = DLi (Wi / Pi ) (2.7)

This relationship tells us that a firm’s demand for labour will be an inverse
function of the real wage: the lower the real wage the more labour will be
profitably employed.
In the above analysis we considered the behaviour of an individual firm.
The same reasoning can be applied to the economy as a whole. Since the
individual firm’s demand for labour is an inverse function of the real wage,
by aggregating such functions over all the firms in an economy we arrive at
the classical postulate that the aggregate demand for labour is also an inverse
function of the real wage. In this case W represents the economy-wide aver-
age money wage and P represents the general price level. In panel (b) of
Figure 2.1 this relationship is shown as DL. When the real wage is reduced
from (W/P)a to (W/P)b, employment expands from L0 to L1. The aggregate
labour demand function is expressed in equation (2.8):

DL = DL (W / P) (2.8)

So far we have been considering the factors which determine the demand
for labour. We now need to consider the supply side of the labour market. It is
assumed in the classical model that households aim to maximize their utility.
The market supply of labour is therefore a positive function of the real wage
rate and is given by equation (2.9); this is shown in panel (b) of Figure 2.2 as
SL .

SL = SL (W / P ) (2.9)
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 43

Figure 2.2 Output and employment determination in the classical model

44 Modern macroeconomics

How much labour is supplied for a given population depends on household

preferences for consumption and leisure, both of which yield positive utility.
But in order to consume, income must be earned by replacing leisure time
with working time. Work is viewed as yielding disutility. Hence the prefer-
ences of workers and the real wage will determine the equilibrium amount of
labour supplied. A rise in the real wage makes leisure more expensive in
terms of forgone income and will tend to increase the supply of labour. This
is known as the substitution effect. However, a rise in the real wage also
makes workers better off, so they can afford to choose more leisure. This is
known as the income effect. The classical model assumes that the substitution
effect dominates the income effect so that the labour supply responds posi-
tively to an increase in the real wage. For a more detailed discussion of these
issues, see, for example, Begg et al. (2003, chap. 10).
Now that we have explained the derivation of the demand and supply
curves for labour, we are in a position to examine the determination of the
competitive equilibrium output and employment in the classical model. The
classical labour market is illustrated in panel (b) of Figure 2.2, where the
forces of demand and supply establish an equilibrium market-clearing real
wage (W/P)e and an equilibrium level of employment (Le). If the real wage
were lower than (W/P)e, such as (W/P)2, then there would be excess demand
for labour of ZX and money wages would rise in response to the competitive
bidding of firms, restoring the real wage to its equilibrium value. If the real
wage were above equilibrium, such as (W/P)1, there would be an excess
supply of labour equal to HG. In this case money wages would fall until the
real wage returned to (W/P)e. This result is guaranteed in the classical model
because the classical economists assumed perfectly competitive markets,
flexible prices and full information. The level of employment in equilibrium
(Le) represents ‘full employment’, in that all those members of the labour
force who desire to work at the equilibrium real wage can do so. Whereas the
schedule SL shows how many people are prepared to accept job offers at each
real wage and the schedule LT indicates the total number of people who wish
to be in the labour force at each real wage rate. LT has a positive slope,
indicating that at higher real wages more people wish to enter the labour
force. In the classical model labour market equilibrium is associated with
unemployment equal to the distance EN in panel (b) of Figure 2.2. Classical
full employment equilibrium is perfectly compatible with the existence of
frictional and voluntary unemployment, but does not admit the possibility of
involuntary unemployment. Friedman (1968a) later introduced the concept of
the natural rate of unemployment when discussing equilibrium unemploy-
ment in the labour market (see Chapter 4, section 4.3). Once the equilibrium
level of employment is determined in the labour market, the level of output is
determined by the position of the aggregate production function. By referring
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 45

to panel (a) of Figure 2.2, we can see that Le amount of employment will
produce Ye level of output.
So far the simple stylized model we have reproduced here has enabled us
to see how the classical economists explained the determination of the equi-
librium level of real output, employment and real wages as well as the
equilibrium level of unemployment. Changes in the equilibrium values of the
above variables can obviously come about if the labour demand curve shifts
and/or the labour supply curve shifts. For example, an upward shift of the
production function due to technological change would move the labour
demand curve to the right. Providing the labour supply curve has a positive
slope, this will lead to an increase in employment, output and the real wage.
Population growth, by shifting the labour supply curve to the right, would
increase employment and output but lower the real wage. Readers should
verify this for themselves.
We have seen in the analysis above that competition in the labour market
ensures full employment in the classical model. At the equilibrium real wage
no person who wishes to work at that real wage is without employment. In
this sense ‘the classical postulates do not admit the possibility of involuntary
unemployment’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 6). However, the classical economists were
perfectly aware that persistent unemployment in excess of the equilibrium
level was possible if artificial restrictions were placed on the equilibrating
function of real wages. If real wages are held above equilibrium (such as
(W/P)1, in panel (b) of Figure 2.2) by trade union monopoly power or mini-
mum wage legislation, then obviously everyone who wishes to work at the
‘distorted’ real wage will not be able to do so. For classical economists the
solution to such ‘classical unemployment’ was simple and obvious. Real
wages should be reduced by cutting the money wage.
Keynes regarded the equilibrium outcome depicted in Figure 2.2 as a
‘special case’ which was not typical of the ‘economic society in which we
actually live’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 3). The full employment equilibrium of the
classical model was a special case because it corresponded to a situation
where aggregate demand was just sufficient to absorb the level of output
produced. Keynes objected that there was no guarantee that aggregate de-
mand would be at such a level. The classical economists denied the possibility
of a deficiency of aggregate demand by appealing to ‘Say’s Law’ which is
‘equivalent to the proposition that there is no obstacle to full employment’
(Keynes, 1936, p. 26). It is to this proposition that we now turn.

2.4 Say’s Law

In 1803, Jean-Baptiste Say’s Treatise of Political Economy was published.

The simplest version of the law associated with this economist is that labour
46 Modern macroeconomics

will only offer itself for employment in order to obtain income which is then
used to purchase the output produced. In his own words, Say puts forward the
proposition in the following way.

A product is no sooner created, than it, from that instant, affords a market for
other products to the full extent of its own value … the mere circumstance of the
creation of one product immediately opens a vent for other products. (Say, 1821)

In other words, because the act of production simultaneously creates income

and purchasing power, there could be no impediment to full employment
caused by a deficiency of aggregate demand. The dictum ‘supply creates its
own demand’ captures the essence of Say’s Law, which aimed to characterize
the essential feature of exchange within a specialized economy. That the act
of supply created an equivalent demand seemed obvious to the classical
writers. The law does not deny the possibility that a misallocation of re-
sources can occur and that a glut of certain commodities can develop, but this
problem would be temporary and no such excess supply could occur for
goods as a whole. For more detailed and sophisticated discussions of Say’s
contribution, see Sowell (1972); Baumol (1977, 1999); and Backhouse (2002).
Say’s Law was originally set forth in the context of a barter economy
where, by definition, the act of supplying one good unavoidably implies the
demand for some other good. In general, classical economists, notably Ricardo
and Mill, gave support to Say’s Law, which they believed also held true for a
monetary exchange economy. Money was nothing more than a convenient
medium of exchange which enabled market participants to avoid the awk-
wardness and inconvenience of barter. If Say’s Law applies to a money-using
economy, then the implication is that a market is guaranteed for whatever
level of output is produced, although market forces will obviously lead to
changes in the composition of aggregate output. If aggregate demand and
aggregate supply are always guaranteed equality, then money is nothing more
than a ‘veil’ covering the underlying real forces in the economy.
At this point it is important to distinguish between two versions of Say’s
Law. According to Trevithick (1992) the weak version is taken to imply that
each act of production and supply necessarily involves the creation of an
equivalent demand for output in general. But this version of Say’s Law does
not guarantee that the output produced will be consistent with full employ-
ment. It merely states that whatever level of aggregate output happens to be
forthcoming will find a market. This weak version of Say’s Law applies to
both depressed and buoyant levels of output. The strong version of Say’s Law
states that in a competitive market economy there will be an automatic
tendency for full employment to be established (see panel (b) of Figure 2.2).
Since the strong version of Say’s Law implies an equality of aggregate
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 47

demand and supply which is consistent with labour market equilibrium, it is

equivalent to the proposition that there is no obstacle to the achievement of
full employment in terms of a deficiency of aggregate demand. To see how
the classical economists justified their belief that aggregate spending in the
economy will always be sufficient to purchase the full employment level of
output, we need to examine their ideas relating to investment, saving and the
rate of interest.
The classical theory of interest rate determination plays a crucial role in
ensuring that a deficiency of aggregate demand does not occur. If we imagine
an economy consisting of two sectors, firms and households, we can write
down the following equation, which tells us that in equilibrium aggregate
expenditure (E) must equal aggregate output (Y).

E = C( r ) + I ( r ) = Y (2.10)

Furthermore, aggregate expenditure consists of two components: investment

expenditure (I) which arises from firms and consumption expenditure (C)
which arises from households. The planned demand for goods (E) is the sum
of the planned demand for consumption goods plus the planned demand for
investment goods. In the classical model the demand for both types of goods
is a function of the interest rate (r). Since households do not automatically
spend all of their income, we can also write down equation (2.11):

Y − C( r ) = S( r ) (2.11)

Combining (2.10) and (2.11) yields the equilibrium condition given by (2.12):

S( r ) = I ( r ) (2.12)

We can see from (2.11) that in the classical model saving (S) is also a
function of the interest rate. The higher the rate of interest the more willing
will savers be to replace present consumption with future consumption. Hence
the classical economists viewed the interest rate as a real reward for absti-
nence or thrift. The flow of saving therefore represents a supply of loanable
funds in the capital market. Since household saving responds positively to the
rate of interest (∆S/∆r > 0), household consumption must be negatively
related to the rate of interest (∆C/∆r < 0). Investment expenditure on capital
goods is negatively related to the rate of interest in the classical model (∆I/∆r
< 0) and represents a demand for loanable funds in the capital market.
Investment spending by firms can only be justified if the expected rate of
return from the expenditure is greater than, or at least equal to, the cost of
acquiring the funds used to purchase the capital goods. The higher the rate of
48 Modern macroeconomics

interest, the higher the explicit (and implicit) cost of the funds used to
purchase the capital goods. We can therefore represent business expenditure
(I) as a declining function of the interest rate. The relationship between
investment, saving and the interest rate in the classical model is shown in
panel (a) of Figure 2.3. The twin forces of productivity and thrift determine
the real rate of interest, and variations in the interest rate act as an equilibrat-
ing force which maintains equality between the demand for and supply of
loanable funds, ensuring that aggregate demand is never deficient. By refer-
ring to Figure 2.3 we can see how important flexibility in the interest rate was
to the classical equilibration process. In panel (a) we represent the classical
theory of interest rate determination, with the interest rate on the vertical axis

Figure 2.3 The classical interest rate mechanism and Say’s Law
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 49

and the flows of saving and investment measured on the horizontal axis. In
panel (b) real output is measured on the vertical axis with the overall demand
for commodities (C + I) measured on the horizontal axis. From Figure 2.2 we
know that competition in the labour market will yield an equilibrium real
wage and level of employment which, when combined with the production
function, give a level of full employment output of Ye. Panel (b) of Figure 2.3
indicates that aggregate expenditures of an amount equal to E0 are necessary
to purchase the output of Ye. Since output and demand are identical at all
points along the 45° line, any point such as B and C is consistent with the
weak version of Say’s Law. Point A in panel (b) corresponds to the strong
version of Say’s Law. Not only are aggregate expenditure and output in
equality, Ye corresponds to the level of output associated with full employ-
ment labour market equilibrium.
We can best see the importance of interest rate flexibility in this model by
asking what would happen if households suddenly decided to save more
(consume less). This is represented in panel (a) of Figure 2.3 by a rightward
shift of the saving function from S0 to S1. The initial excess supply of loanable
funds would lead to a fall in the rate of interest from r0 to r1. This would
encourage an increase in investment expenditure from I0 to I1. Since E0 – I0
equals consumption expenditure, it is clear that the rise in investment ex-
penditure, I1 – I0, exactly offsets the fall in consumption expenditure equal to
–∆C in the diagram. Aggregate expenditure would remain at E0, although its
composition would change.
Even though in the classical model the decisions to save and invest can be
carried out by different sets of people, the rate of interest will change so as to
reconcile the desires to save and invest. In Keynesian theory divergences
between S and I cause a quantity response. In the case of an increase in
saving, the Keynesian model predicts a decline in aggregate spending, output
and employment; that is, Keynes’s paradox of thrift. The classical model,
armed with Say’s Law, flexible wages, prices and the interest rate, can experi-
ence changes in the structure of final demand but no prolonged demand
deficiency and involuntary unemployment. A remarkable result.
Not all the classical economists accepted Say’s Law and its implications.
Robert Thomas Malthus argued that a general glut of commodities was
possible. Whereas Ricardo, Mill and the followers of Say believed that the
conditions of supply determine aggregate output, Malthus, anticipating Keynes,
gave emphasis to demand as the determining factor (see Dorfman, 1989). But
‘Ricardo conquered England as completely as the Holy Inquisition con-
quered Spain’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 32). For Keynes the completeness of the
Ricardian victory was something of a curiosity and a mystery. For this reason
he gave high praise to Malthus for anticipating his own ideas with respect to a
general deficiency of aggregate demand (see Keynes, 1936, pp. 362–71).
50 Modern macroeconomics

Although Ricardo appeared to be stone deaf to what Malthus was saying, part
of the disagreement had its origin in the time horizon adopted by each writer.
Ricardo had his eyes fixed firmly on the long run, whereas Malthus, like
Keynes, was more concerned with the short run.
In our discussion of the classical model so far we have concentrated on the
real sector. The operation of the labour and capital markets, buttressed by
Say’s Law, provided the classical economists with a theoretical system capa-
ble of explaining the determination of the real variables in the system. But
what determines the price level in the classical model? The final component
that explains the determination of the price level and the other nominal values
in the classical economists’ system is the quantity theory of money.

2.5 The Quantity Theory of Money

The hallmark of classical macroeconomic theory is the separation of real and

nominal variables. This classical dichotomy enables us to examine the behav-
iour of the real variables in the economic system while ignoring the nominal
variables. In the stylized classical model we have developed, the quantity of
money is irrelevant for the determination of the real variables. Long-run
money neutrality is a crucial property of the classical model.
To explain the determination of the nominal variables in the system, the
classical economists subscribed to the quantity theory of money. A long line
of famous economists have either contributed to the development of this
theory or have been associated with its policy prescriptions. The list includes
Cantillon, Hume, Ricardo, Mill, Marshall, Fisher, Pigou, Hayek and even
Keynes. More recently the quantity theory of money has been associated with
the development of monetarism and the work of Milton Friedman, perhaps
the most influential economist in the past quarter-century. Although the term
‘monetarism’ did not emerge until 1968 (see Brunner, 1968), its main core
proposition, the quantity theory of money, was well established in classical
macroeconomics following the publication of David Hume’s influential es-
say, Of Money, in 1752. Indeed, Mayer (1980) has argued that the salient date
for the birth of monetarist ideas was 1752, since most of the fundamental
propositions which characterize monetarism date back to Hume’s essay. Here
we will present only a short exposition of the quantity theory in order to
complete the classical scheme. For a more detailed discussion, see Laidler
The dominant macroeconomic theory prior to the 1930s was the quantity
theory of money. Two highly influential versions of the quantity theory can
be identified in the literature. The first version, associated with Marshall and
Pigou, is known as the Cambridge cash-balance approach. The second ver-
sion is associated with Irving Fisher.
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 51

The Cambridge economists drew a clear distinction in their version of the

quantity theory between the demand for money (Md) and the supply of
money (M). The demand for money was primarily determined by the need to
conduct transactions which will have a positive relationship to the money
value of aggregate expenditure. Since the latter is equal to money national
income we can represent the Cambridge money demand function as equation

Md = kPY (2.13)

where Md is the demand to hold nominal money balances, and k is the

fraction of the annual value of money national income (PY) that agents (firms
and households) wish to hold. The reader should be aware that the Cam-
bridge monetary approach did recognize that k could vary in the short run
(see Laidler, 1993) but, in the stylized presentation we consider in equation
(2.13), the coefficient k is assumed to be constant. As it stands, the Cam-
bridge equation is a theory of the demand for money. In order to explain the
price level we must introduce the supply of money. If we assume that the
supply of money is determined by the monetary authorities (that is, M is
exogenous), then we can write the condition for monetary equilibrium as
equation (2.14):

M = Md (2.14)

Substituting (2.14) into (2.13) we obtain (2.15):

M = kPY (2.15)

To obtain the quantity theory result that changes in the quantity of money
have no real effects in the long run but will determine the price level, we
simply need to remember from our earlier discussion that Y is predetermined
at its full employment value by the production function and the operation of a
competitive labour market. With k and Y constant, M determines P. If the
money market is initially in equilibrium, then an increase in the money
supply creates disequilibrium (M > Md). Since the values of Y and k are fixed,
equilibrium in the money market can only be restored if the price level rises.
The reason why prices rise in the classical model is that, if households and
firms find themselves holding more money than they desire, the excess money
balances are used to purchase goods and services. Since the supply of goods
and services is constrained by the predetermined full employment level of
output, excess demand in the goods market causes the general price level to
rise in proportion to the initial increase in the money supply.
52 Modern macroeconomics

The second approach uses the income version of Fisher’s equation of

exchange. This relationship is given by equation (2.16):

MV = PY (2.16)

where V is the income velocity of circulation of money and represents the

average number of times a unit of money is used in the course of conducting
final transactions which constitute nominal GDP. Since V can be defined as
the reciprocal of k, the constancy of V can be justified because institutional
factors which determine the frequency of the transactions carried out by
agents are likely to change slowly over time. That V is the reciprocal of k can
be seen by comparing (2.15) with (2.16) and noting that both V and 1/k equal
PY/M. That the price level is dependent on the nominal money supply is
clearly brought out if we examine equation (2.17), which rearranges (2.16):

P = MV / Y (2.17)

With V and Y constant, it is easy to see that P depends on M and that ∆M

equals ∆P.
To see how the price level is determined in the classical model and how
real output, real wages and employment are invariant to the quantity of
money, consider Figure 2.4. In quadrants (a) and (b) we reproduce Figure 2.2.
Here a competitive labour market generates equilibrium employment of L0
and an equilibrium real wage of W0/P0. From the production function we can
see that full employment in this model leads to an output of Y0. In quadrant
(c) we have the classical aggregate demand (AD) and aggregate supply (AS)
functions. The AS function is perfectly inelastic, indicating that real output is
invariant to the general price level. The classical AD curve is derived from
equation (2.16). With a constant supply of money (for example, M0) and V
constant, a higher price level must be associated with a lower level of real
output. AD0(M0) shows how, for a given money supply, MV can be split up
among an infinite number of combinations of P and Y. Since we have as-
sumed V is fixed, the nominal value of all transactions in the economy is
determined by the supply of money. With higher prices each transaction
requires more units of currency and therefore the quantity of goods and
services that can be bought must fall. Since the AD curve is drawn for a given
quantity of money, an increase in the money supply will shift the AD curve to
the right, as shown by AD1(M1). Finally, in quadrant (d) we show the relation-
ship between the real wage and the price level for a given nominal wage. If
the nominal wage is W0 then a higher price level will reduce the real wage.
Let us assume that the initial equilibrium values in the model associated
with the quantity of money M0 are Y0, W0/P0, and L0. Suppose the monetary
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 53

Figure 2.4 The determination of the price level in the classical model

authorities increase the supply of money to M1 in an attempt to increase real

output and employment. We can see that such a policy will be completely
ineffectual in the classical model. The increase in the quantity of money, by
creating disequilibrium in the money market (Md < M), will lead to an
increase in the demand for goods and services. Since Y is constrained at Y0 by
labour market equilibrium employment (L0), prices rise to P1. For a given
nominal wage of W0, an increase in the price level lowers the real wage and
creates disequilibrium in the labour market. An excess demand for labour of
ZX emerges at a real wage of W0/P1. Competitive bidding by employers will
drive the nominal wage up until it reaches a value of W1, which restores the
real wage to its equilibrium value (that is, W0/P0 = W1/P1). Irving Fisher
54 Modern macroeconomics

(1907) also demonstrated how monetary expansion would raise the nominal
rate of interest through the ‘Fisher effect’. In the classical model, the real
interest rate adjusts to equate saving and investment in the loanable funds
market. Since the real rate of interest is equal to the nominal interest rate
minus the inflation rate and is determined by the real forces of productivity
and thrift, the nominal rate of interest will adjust to reflect the influence of
variations in both the real interest rate and the rate of inflation. Monetary
expansion, by raising the rate of inflation, will also raise the nominal interest
rate. To summarize, the end result of a monetary expansion is that the price
level, nominal wages and the nominal interest rate will increase but all the
real values in the system remain unaffected (that is, money is neutral). In the
language of David Hume (1752), ‘’tis evident that the greater or less plenty
of money is of no consequence since the prices of commodities are always
proportional to the plenty of money’.
Before moving on to examine Keynes’s objections to the classical model
we should note that the stylized version of the quantity theory presented
above does not do justice to the complexities and sophistication of the theo-
ries developed by pre-Keynesian economists working in the quantity theory
tradition. Classical economists such as Ricardo were concerned with long-
run equilibrium states and utilized a comparative-static method of analysis in
order to compare one equilibrium state with another. Some classical econo-
mists were well aware that the neutrality of money proposition would not
hold in the short run (see Corry, 1962). Indeed, Ralph Hawtrey, who strayed
from the classical nest even earlier than Keynes, throughout his career advo-
cated a purely monetary theory of the business cycle where money was far
from neutral in the short run (see Haberler, 1963; Deutscher, 1990). But
viewed from the vantage point of the early 1930s, during the depths of the
Great Depression, the Ricardian long-run equilibrium might just as well have
been located on Mars. In his Tract on Monetary Reform (1923), Keynes
declared, ‘In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too
easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that
when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again.’ We now turn to consider
Keynes’s objections to classical theory, which culminated in the publication
of his most influential book in 1936.

2.6 Keynes’s General Theory

Keynes’s contribution to economic theory remains a matter of considerable

debate, despite almost seventy years having gone by since the publication of
the General Theory, in February 1936. Few economists would challenge
Samuelson’s (1988) view that Keynes’s influence on the course of economics
has been ‘the most significant event in twentieth-century economic science’
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 55

or that macroeconomics was his creation. Opponents are convinced that

Keynes was fundamentally mistaken (Hayek, 1983; see also the Friedman
and Lucas interviews at the end of Chapters 4 and 5 respectively). Keynesians
themselves are divided between those who, like Keynes, regard the policy
implications of the General Theory as being moderately conservative (Tobin,
1987), and others who see Keynes’s magnum opus as representing a revolu-
tionary break from mainstream classical and neoclassical doctrines (Robinson,
1971; Davidson, 1994, and Chapter 8). That the General Theory has had a
profound influence on the development of macroeconomics and the conduct
of macroeconomic policy making, for good or ill, is beyond question.
Keynes was essentially an applied economist brought up in the Cambridge
tradition of Alfred Marshall, where the attraction of economics lay in the
prospect it held out to its practitioners for making the world a better place.
But for Keynes to write the General Theory involved a ‘long struggle to
escape … from habitual modes of thought and expression’. The old ideas
from which Keynes sought to escape were the laissez-faire doctrines associ-
ated with the liberal tradition of nineteenth-century classical economics.
Following Adam Smith, political economy had an underlying bias towards
laissez-faire. The classical economists, with some exceptions, were preoccu-
pied with government failure. In their view the state should confine its activities
to ensuring a peaceful, competitive environment within which citizens could
pursue their individual objectives as fully as possible. Only the evils of
monopoly power or too much state involvement in economic affairs could
prevent the price mechanism from yielding maximum national output, given
the constraint of scarce but fully employed resources. In contrast to this
orthodoxy, the most revolutionary aspect of Keynes’s work, which we can
detect in his writings from the mid-1920s onwards, was his clear and unam-
biguous message that with regard to the general level of employment and
output there was no ‘invisible hand’ channelling self-interest into some social
optimum. Although Keynes’s iconoclastic vision emerges time and time again
in his critiques of UK government policy during the 1920s, many of his
policy recommendations lacked the theoretical structure from which they
could logically be derived. For example, in 1929 Keynes was arguing force-
fully for government programmes to expand demand via deficit financing in
full support of Lloyd George’s Liberal programme of recovery (see Keynes,
1929). But he was doing so without a theory of effective demand and a
multiplier mechanism which are so important to the argument (see Keynes,
1972, Vol. IX).
In order effectively to confront the existing classical orthodoxy head-on,
Keynes needed to provide an alternative theory. With the onset of the Great
Depression we find Keynes retreating ‘into his ivory tower at King’s to
engage, at age forty-eight, in a supreme intellectual effort to save Western
56 Modern macroeconomics

civilisation from the engulfing tide of barbarism which economic collapse

was bringing about’ (Skidelsky, 1992, p. xxvii). Keynes was acutely aware of
the extreme fragility of world capitalism at this point in world history.

The authoritarian state systems of today seem to solve the problem of unemploy-
ment at the expense of efficiency and freedom. It is certain that the world will not
much longer tolerate the unemployment which, apart from brief intervals of
excitement, is associated … and, in my opinion, inevitably associated … with
present-day capitalistic individualism. But it may be possible by a right analysis
of the problem to cure the disease whilst preserving efficiency and freedom.
(Keynes, 1936, p. 381)

We therefore find Keynes from 1931 onwards groping towards his General
Theory, a book that, unlike many of his earlier writings, was addressed to his
fellow economists.
By late 1932, and certainly no later than early 1933, the initial vision or
‘grey fuzzy woolly monster’ in his mind was beginning to appear in his
Cambridge lectures (see Skidelsky, 1992; Patinkin, 1993). To his critics the
General Theory has remained a ‘monster’. Lucas, a leading modern critic of
Keynesianism, finds it a book ‘he can’t read’ which is ‘carelessly written’ and
represents a ‘political response to the Depression’ (see Klamer, 1984). Even
Samuelson, one of Keynes’s earliest converts, describes the book as ‘poorly
organised’ and ‘badly written’. But for Samuelson ‘it is a work of genius’
which, because of its obscurity and polemical character, will remain a long-
run influence on the development of economics (Samuelson, 1946). Galbraith
(1977), reaching a similar conclusion, sees the ambiguity contained in the
General Theory as a feature guaranteed to win converts, for:

When understanding is achieved after much effort, readers hold tenaciously to

their belief. The pain, they wish to think, was worthwhile. And if there are enough
contradictions and ambiguities, as there are also in the Bible and Marx, the reader
can always find something he wants to believe. This too wins disciples.

It is hardly surprising that it was mainly the younger generation of econo-

mists at Cambridge UK and Cambridge USA that took quickly to the new
ideas. Whereas economists over the age of 50 were on the whole immune
from Keynes’s message, the General Theory ‘caught most economists under
the age of thirty-five with the unexpected virulence of a disease first attacking
and decimating an isolated tribe of South Sea islanders’ (Samuelson, 1946).
That change in economics comes with the changing generations also played
an important role some forty years later when the rise of new classical
economics infected mainly the younger generation of economists, so much so
that Keynesians appeared to be threatened with extinction (see Colander,
1988; Blinder, 1988b).
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 57

2.7 Interpreting the General Theory

One of the great problems in discussing the content of the General Theory is
that, being a highly complex, controversial and influential book, it has enabled
economists of widely different persuasions to find statements within it which
support their own vision of Keynes’s essential message. The Keynesiology
literature, already vast, continues to grow exponentially! The diverse range of
views is a source of confusion and enlightenment. E. Roy Weintraub (1979),
for example, has a chapter entitled ‘The 4,827th re-examination of Keynes’s
system’! To get some idea of the contrasting theoretical interpretations of the
General Theory the reader should consult Hicks (1937), Modigliani (1944,
2003), Klein (1947), Patinkin (1956, 1976, 1990b), Leijonhufvud (1968),
Davidson (1978, 1994), Chick (1983), Coddington (1983), Kahn (1984) and
Meltzer (1988). The papers collected in the edited volumes by Cunningham
Wood (1983) give some idea of the critiques and developments which emerged
after 1936. To understand the development of Keynes’s contributions in the
wider context of his life and philosophy, the reader should consult the excellent
biographies of Keynes by Harrod (1951), Moggridge (1992) and Skidelsky
(1983, 1992 and 2000). The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes,
edited by Donald Moggridge, runs to 30 volumes!
There is no definitive interpretation of Keynes which commands universal
support; nor could there ever be, given the non-mathematical style of the
book. The turbulence Keynes has caused in economics continues and the
General Theory remains a text which is ‘not yet fully mined’ (Phelps, 1990;
see also Akerlof’s Nobel Memorial Lecture, 2002). One of the reasons for
this is that the very issue with which Keynes was concerned, namely the
effectiveness of market forces in generating a stable full employment equilib-
rium without active government intervention, is still at the centre of economic
debate (the same issue relating to government v. market failure lies at the
heart of controversy elsewhere in economics – see Snowdon, 2001b).
Bill Gerrard (1991) attempts to analyse the reasons why different interpre-
tations occur. These include confusions generated by Keynes himself due to
‘technical incompetence’, ‘stylistic difficulties’, ‘inconsistencies’ and ‘mis-
takes’. Other possible sources of confusion are ‘reader-generated’ and result
from ‘selective reading’, ‘inappropriate framing’ and ‘reliance on secondary
sources’. A further problem arises in the sheer quantity of material which
Keynes produced in addition to the General Theory; for example, some
contributors have shifted emphasis towards Keynes’s earlier and neglected
philosophical papers (O’Donnell, 1989). Gerrard concludes that the achieve-
ment of Keynes’s General Theory is mainly in ‘its ability to generate a
diversity of research programmes’ reflecting a number of possible ways of
looking at the macroeconomy. In short, Gerrard suggests that we should stop
58 Modern macroeconomics

worrying about multiple interpretations, since this confirms the fertility of

Keynes’s work and its ‘reference power’.
Since we cannot hope to do justice to the wide variety of interpretations of
Keynes, here we will present a conventional account of some of the main
arguments associated with the General Theory.

2.8 Keynes’s Main Propositions

In the General Theory Keynes sets out to ‘discover what determines at any
time the national income of a given system and (which is almost the same
thing) the amount of its employment’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 247). In the frame-
work he constructs, ‘the national income depends on the volume of
employment’. In developing his theory Keynes also attempted to show that
macroeconomic equilibrium is consistent with involuntary unemployment.
The theoretical novelty and central proposition of the book is the principle of
effective demand, together with the equilibrating role of changes in output
rather than prices. The emphasis given to quantity rather than price adjust-
ment in the General Theory is in sharp contrast to the classical model and
Keynes’s own earlier work contained in his Treatise on Money (1930), where
discrepancies between saving and investment decisions cause the price level
to oscillate.
The development of the building-blocks that were eventually to form the
core ideas of Keynes’s General Theory began to emerge several years before
its construction. As noted above, in 1929 Keynes was arguing in support of
government programmes to expand aggregate demand via deficit financing.
In his famous pamphlet co-authored with Hubert Henderson (1929) Keynes
argued the case for public works programmes in support of Lloyd George’s
1929 election pledge to the nation to reduce unemployment ‘in the course of
a single year to normal proportions’ (see Skidelsky, 1992). However, Keynes
and Henderson were unable to convincingly rebuff the orthodox ‘Treasury
dogma’, expressed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1929 as ‘whatever
might be the political or social advantages, very little additional employment
can, in fact, and as a general rule, be created by State borrowing and State
expenditure’. Implicit in Keynes and Henderson’s arguments in favour of
public works programmes to reduce unemployment was the idea of demand-
determined output and the concept of an employment multiplier.
The principle of effective demand states that in a closed economy with
spare capacity the level of output (and hence employment) is determined by
aggregate planned expenditure, which consists of two components, consump-
tion expenditure from the household sector (C) and investment expenditure
from firms (I). In the General Theory there is no explicit analysis of the
effects of variations in spending stimulated either directly by government
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 59

expenditure or indirectly via changes in taxation. Hence in the General

Theory there are two sectors (households and firms), and planned expenditure
is given by equation (2.18):

E =C+I (2.18)

The reader will recall that in the classical model, consumption, saving and
investment are all functions of the interest rate – see equations (2.10) and
(2.11). In Keynes’s model, consumption expenditure is endogenous and es-
sentially passive, depending as it does on income rather than the interest rate.
Keynes’s theory of the consumption function develops this relationship.
Investment expenditure depends on the expected profitability of investment
and the interest rate which represents the cost of borrowing funds. Keynes
called expected profits the ‘marginal efficiency of capital’. Thus, unavoid-
ably, in Keynes’s model employment becomes dependent on an unstable
factor, investment expenditure, which is liable to wide and sudden fluctua-
tions. The dependence of output and employment on investment would not be
so important if investment expenditure were stable from year to year. Unfor-
tunately the investment decision is a difficult one because machinery and
buildings are bought now to produce goods that will be sold in a future that is
inevitably uncertain. Expectations about future levels of demand and costs
are involved in the calculation, allowing hopes and fears, as well as hard
facts, to influence the decision. Given the volatility of expectations, often
driven by ‘animal spirits’, the expected profitability of capital must also be
highly unstable. That investment decisions could be influenced by tides of
irrational optimism and pessimism, causing large swings in the state of busi-
ness confidence, led Keynes to question the efficacy of interest rate adjustments
as a way of influencing the volume of investment. Expectations of the future
profitability of investment are far more important than the rate of interest in
linking the future with the present because: ‘given the psychology of the
public, the level of output and employment as a whole depends on the
amount of investment’, and ‘it is those factors which determine the rate of
investment which are most unreliable, since it is they which are influenced by
our views of the future about which we know so little’ (Keynes, 1937).
The ‘extreme precariousness’ of a firm’s knowledge concerning the pro-
spective yield of an investment decision lies at the heart of Keynes’s explanation
of the business cycle. In his analysis of instability, ‘violent fluctuations’ in the
marginal efficiency of capital form the shocks which shift real aggregate
demand; that is, the main source of economic fluctuations comes from the
real side of the economy, as described by the IS curve; see Chapter 3, section
3.3.1. From his analysis of the consumption function Keynes developed the
concept of the marginal propensity to consume which plays a crucial role in
60 Modern macroeconomics

determining the size of the multiplier. Because of the multiplier any distur-
bance to investment expenditure will have a magnified impact on aggregate
output. This can be shown quite easily as follows. Letting c equal the mar-
ginal propensity to consume (∆C/∆Y) and a equal autonomous consumption,
we can write the behavioural equation for consumption as (2.19):

C = a + cY (2.19)

Remember in Keynes’s model the amount of aggregate consumption is (mainly)

dependent on the amount of aggregate income. Substituting (2.19) into (2.18)
we get the equilibrium condition given by (2.20):

Y = a + cY + I (2.20)

Since Y – cY = a + I and Y – cY = Y(1 – c), we obtain the familiar reduced-

form equation (2.21):

Y = ( a + I ) /(1 − c) (2.21)

where 1/1 – c represents the multiplier. Letting κ symbolize the multiplier,

we can rewrite equation (2.21) as Y = (a + I)κ. It follows that for a given
change in investment expenditure (∆I):

∆Y = ∆Iκ (2.22)

Equation (2.22) tells us that income (output) changes by a multiple of the

change in investment expenditure. Keynes defines the investment multiplier
(κ) as the ratio of a change in income to a change in autonomous expenditure
which brought it about: ‘when there is an increment of aggregate investment,
income will increase by an amount which is κ times the increment in invest-
ment’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 115).
Ceteris paribus the multiplier will be larger the smaller the marginal pro-
pensity to save. Therefore the size of the multiplier will depend on the value
of c, and 1 > c > 0. The multiplier effect shows that for an autonomous
demand shift (∆I) income will initially rise by an equivalent amount. But this
rise in income in turn raises consumption by c∆I. The second-round increase
in income again raises expenditure by c(c∆I), which further raises expendi-
ture and income. So what we have here is an infinite geometric series such
that the full effect of an autonomous change in demand on output is given by

∆Y = ∆I + c∆I + c 2 ∆I + = ∆I (1 + c + c 2 + c 3 + …) (2.23)
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 61

and (1 + c + c2 + c3 + …) = 1/1 – c. Throughout the above analysis it is

assumed that we are talking about an economy with spare capacity where
firms are able to respond to extra demand by producing more output. Since
more output requires more labour input, the output multiplier implies an
employment multiplier (Kahn, 1931). Hence an increase in autonomous spend-
ing raises output and employment. Starting from a position of less than full
employment, suppose there occurs an increase in the amount of autonomous
investment undertaken in the economy. The increase in investment spending
will result in an increase in employment in firms producing capital goods.
Newly employed workers in capital-goods industries will spend some of their
income on consumption goods and save the rest. The rise in demand for
consumer goods will in turn lead to increased employment in consumer-
goods industries and result in further rounds of expenditure. In consequence
an initial rise in autonomous investment produces a more than proportionate
rise in income. The same multiplier process will apply following a change
not only in investment expenditure but also in autonomous consumer ex-
penditure. In terms of Samuelson’s famous Keynesian cross model, a larger
multiplier will show up as a steeper aggregate expenditure schedule, and vice
versa (see Pearce and Hoover, 1995). Within the Keynesian IS–LM model the
multiplier affects the slope of the IS curve. The IS curve will be flatter the
larger the value of the multiplier, and vice versa (see Chapter 3).
Keynes was well aware of the various factors that could limit the size of
the multiplier effect of his proposed public expenditure programmes, includ-
ing the effect of ‘increasing the rate of interest’ unless ‘the monetary authority
take steps to the contrary’ thus crowding out ‘investment in other directions’,
the potential for an adverse effect on ‘confidence’, and the leakage of expen-
ditures into both taxation and imports in an open economy such as the UK
(see Keynes, 1936, pp. 119–20). In the case of a fully employed economy,
Keynes recognized that any increase in investment will ‘set up a tendency in
money-prices to rise without limit, irrespective of the marginal propensity to
Although the concept of the multiplier is most associated with Keynes and
his General Theory, the concept made its first influential appearance in a
memorandum from Richard Kahn to the Economic Advisory Council during
the summer of 1930. Kahn’s more formal presentation appeared in his fa-
mous 1931 paper published in the Economic Journal. This article analysed
the impact of an increase in government investment expenditure on employ-
ment assuming that: (1) the economy had spare capacity, (2) there was
monetary policy accommodation, and (3) money wages remained stable.
Kahn’s article was written as a response to the Treasury’s ‘crowding-out’
objections to loan-financed public works expenditures as a method of reduc-
ing unemployment. The following year Jens Warming (1932) criticized, refined
62 Modern macroeconomics

and extended Kahn’s analysis. It was Warming who first brought the idea of a
consumption function into the multiplier literature (see Skidelsky, 1992,
p. 451). The first coherent presentation of the multiplier by Keynes was in a
series of four articles published in The Times in March 1933, entitled ‘The
Means to Prosperity’, followed by an article in the New Statesman in April
entitled ‘The Multiplier’. However, the idea of the multiplier met with con-
siderable resistance in orthodox financial circles and among fellow economists
wedded to the classical tradition. By 1933, Keynes was attributing this oppo-
sition to the multiplier concept to

the fact that all our ideas about economics … are, whether we are conscious of it
or not, soaked with theoretical pre-suppositions which are only applicable to a
society which is in equilibrium, with all its productive capacity already employed.
Many people are trying to solve the problem of unemployment with a theory
which is based on the assumption that there is no unemployment … these ideas,
perfectly valid in their proper setting, are inapplicable to present circumstances.
(Quoted by Meltzer, 1988, p. 137; see also Dimand, 1988, for an excellent survey
of the development of the multiplier in this period)

There is no doubt that the multiplier process plays a key role in Keynesian
economics. In Patinkin’s (1976) view the development of the multiplier rep-
resented a ‘major step towards the General Theory’ and Skidelsky (1992)
describes the concept of the multiplier as ‘the most notorious piece of
Keynesian magic’. We should also note that the multiplier came to play a key
role in the early post-war Keynesian approach to business cycles. Following
an initial increase in autonomous investment, the rise in income due to the
multiplier process will be reinforced by an increase in new investment, via
the ‘accelerator’ mechanism, which will in turn have a further multiplier
effect on income and so on. Combining the so-called multiplier–accelerator
model with an analysis of ‘ceilings’ and ‘floors’ allows exponents of the
Keynesian approach to business cycles to account for both upper and lower
turning points in the cycle.
Keynes’s explanation of interest rate determination also marked a break with
his classical predecessors. Keynes rejected the idea that the interest rate was
determined by the real forces of thrift and the marginal productivity of capital.
In the General Theory the interest rate is a purely monetary phenomenon
determined by the liquidity preference (demand for money) of the public in
conjunction with the supply of money determined by the monetary authorities.
To the transactions motive for holding money, Keynes added the precautionary
and speculative motives, the last being sensitive to the rate of interest (see
Chapter 3, section 3.3.2). Keynes rejected the classical notion that interest was
the reward for postponed current consumption. For him the rate of interest is
the reward for parting with liquidity or not hoarding for a specified period. In a
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 63

world characterized by uncertainty there will always be a speculative motive to

hold cash in preference to other financial assets (such as bonds), and in Keynes’s
view ‘liquidity preference’ will always exert a more powerful influence on the
rate of interest than saving decisions. By introducing the speculative motive
into the money demand function, Keynes made the rate of interest dependent
on the state of confidence as well as the money supply (see Chapter 3). If
liquidity preference can vary, this undermines the classical postulate relating to
the stability of the money demand function. This in turn implies that the
velocity of circulation of money is liable to vary.
The basic structure of Keynes’s theory of effective demand can be under-
stood with reference to Figure 2.5. From this the reader can see that the
dependence of aggregate output and employment on aggregate expenditure
(C + I) creates the potential for instability, since investment expenditure is
typically unstable owing to the influence of business expectations relating to
an uncertain future. An uncertain future also creates the desire for liquidity,
so that variations in the demand for money as well as changes in the money
supply can influence output and employment. Therefore in Keynes’s model
the classical proposition that the quantity of money is neutral is rejected. An
increase in the money supply, by reducing the rate of interest, can stimulate
aggregate spending via an increase in investment and the subsequent multi-
plier effect – see equation (2.22). The relationship can be depicted as follows:

+ ∆M → − ∆r → + ∆I → ∆Y , + ∆L (2.23)

It should now be obvious why the title of Keynes’s book is The General
Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. For Keynes it was General
because full employment was a special case and the characteristics of this
special case assumed by classical theory ‘happen not to be those of the
economic society in which we actually live’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 3). However,
Keynes recognized that the power of monetary policy may be limited, par-
ticularly in a deep recession, and there ‘may be several slips between the cup
and the lip’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 173). Should monetary policy prove to be weak
or ineffective, aggregate expenditure could be stimulated directly via govern-
ment expenditure or indirectly via tax changes which stimulate consumer
spending by raising household disposable income. In the concluding notes of
the General Theory we get some hints on Keynes’s policy conclusions: ‘The
State will have to exercise a guiding influence on the propensity to consume
partly through its scheme of taxation, partly by fixing the rate of interest, and
partly, perhaps, in other ways’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 378).
But what are the ‘other ways’? In Keynes’s view, because of the chronic
tendency for the propensity to save to exceed the inducement to invest, the
key to reducing aggregate instability was to find ways of stabilizing investment
64 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 2.5 The determination of output and employment

Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 65

expenditure at a level sufficient to absorb the full employment level of sav-

ings. Keynes’s suggestion that ‘a somewhat comprehensive socialisation of
investment’ would prove the ‘only means of securing an approximation to
full employment’ is open to a wide variety of interpretations (see Meltzer,
1988). That Keynes saw his theory as having ‘moderately conservative’ im-
plications and at the same time implying a ‘large extension of the traditional
functions of government’ is a perfect example of the kind of ambiguity found
in the General Theory which has allowed for considerable variation of inter-
pretation in subsequent work.
In our discussion of the classical model we drew attention to three main
aspects of their work: the theory of employment and output determination,
Say’s Law of markets and the quantity theory of money. We can now briefly
examine how Keynes rejected the basic ideas relating to each of these foun-
dations of classical economics.

2.9 Keynes’s Analysis of the Labour Market

We have already seen (section 2.3) that full employment is guaranteed in the
classical model providing that competition prevails in the labour market, and
prices and wages are perfectly flexible (see Figures 2.2 and 2.4). In sharp
contrast, Keynes did not accept that the labour market worked in a way that
would always ensure market clearing. Involuntary unemployment is likely to
be a feature of the labour market if money wages are rigid. But Keynes went
further than this and argued that flexibility of nominal wages would be
unlikely to generate powerful enough forces which could lead the economy
back to full employment. Let us examine each of these cases.

2.9.1 Rigidity of nominal wages

In the General Theory, to begin with, Keynes assumes that the money wage is
‘constant’ in order to ‘facilitate the exposition’ while noting that the ‘essential
character of the argument is precisely the same whether or not money-wages
are liable to change’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 27). We can see the impact of a
negative demand shock on real output and employment in the case of nomi-
nal wage rigidity by referring to Figure 2.6. Suppose an economy which is
initially in equilibrium at full employment (Le and YF) experiences a fall in
aggregate demand illustrated by a shift of the AD curve from AD0 to AD1. If
prices are flexible but nominal wages are rigid, the economy moves from e0
to e1 in panel (b). With nominal wage rigidity the aggregate supply curve
becomes W0AS. With a fall in the price level to P1, and nominal wages
remaining at W0, the real wage increases to W0/P1 in panel (a). At this real
wage the supply of labour (Ld) exceeds the demand for labour (Lc) and
involuntary unemployment of cd emerges.
66 Modern macroeconomics

According to Keynes (1936, p. 15) workers are involuntarily unemployed

if ‘in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the
money-wage, both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the
current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be
greater than the existing volume of employment’. This makes sense when we
remember that the labour supply curve indicates the maximum amount of
labour supplied at each real wage. Since Le – Lc part of the involuntarily
unemployed workers are prepared to work for the equilibrium real wage W0/
P0 a fall in the real wage from W0/P1 to W0 /P0 is acceptable to them since
they would have been prepared to work for a lower real wage, as indicated by
the supply curve for labour between b and e. A fall in the real wage will also
induce profit-maximizing firms to demand more labour.
But how can the real wage be reduced? There are basically two ways.
Either money wages must fall relative to the price level, or the price level
must rise relative to the nominal wage. Keynes favoured the latter, and
advocated expansions of aggregate demand in order to exert upward pressure
on the price level. In terms of Figure 2.6, panel (b), policies are required
which will shift AD from AD1 to AD0. The rise in the price level from P1 to P0
reduces the real wage back to its equilibrium level of W0/P0 and involuntary
unemployment is eliminated. Keynes rejected the alternative policy of wage
cutting as a method of stimulating employment on both practical and theo-
retical grounds. The practical reason was that in a democracy characterized
by decentralized wage bargaining wage reductions are only likely to occur
after ‘wasteful and disastrous struggles’, producing an end result which is not
justifiable on any criterion of social justice or economic expediency (see
Chapters 3 and 19 of the General Theory). Keynes also argued that workers
will not resist real wage reductions brought about by an increase in the
general price level, since this will leave relative real wages unchanged and
this is a major concern of workers. We should note that this does not imply
money illusion on the part of workers. The resistance to money wage cuts and
acceptance of reductions in the real wage via a general rise in the cost of
living has the advantage of preserving the existing structure of relativities
(see Trevithick, 1975; Keynes, 1936, p. 14). In any case, since labour can
only bargain over money wages and the price level is outside their control,
there is no way in which labour as a whole can reduce its real wage by
revising money wage bargains with entrepreneurs (Keynes, 1936, p. 13). But
Keynes went further in his objections to nominal wage cutting than these
practical issues. He rejected wage and price flexibility as a reliable method of
restoring equilibrium on theoretical grounds also. Indeed, in many circum-
stances extreme flexibility of the nominal wage in a monetary economy
would in all probability make the situation worse.
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 67

Figure 2.6 Keynes and involuntary unemployment

68 Modern macroeconomics

2.9.2 Flexibility of nominal wages

Many orthodox Keynesians place money wage rigidity at the centre of Keynes’s
explanation of involuntary unemployment in The General Theory (see
Modigliani, 1944, 2003; Snowdon and Vane, 1999b; Snowdon, 2004a). Keynes
demonstrated in the General Theory that the way in which nominal wage cuts
would cure unemployment would operate primarily through their impact on
the interest rate. If wage cuts allowed further reductions of the price level,
this would increase the real value of the money supply, lower interest rates
and stimulate investment spending. In terms of Figure 2.6, panel (b), the
falling money wage shifts the aggregate supply curve from W0AS to W1AS
(where W1 < W0). The economy would return to full employment at e2. The
price mechanism has allowed aggregate demand to increase without govern-
ment intervention in the form of an aggregate demand stimulus. However, as
we will see more clearly in Chapter 3, section 3.4.2, Keynes introduced two
reasons why this ‘Keynes effect’ might fail. The existence of a liquidity trap
which prevents the interest rate from falling or an interest-inelastic invest-
ment schedule could prevent falling prices from stimulating aggregate demand
via changes in the interest rate. In terms of Figure 2.6, panel (b), these
possible limitations of deflation as a route to recovery would show up as an
AD curve which becomes vertical below e1; that is, the economy is prevented
from moving from e1 to e2.
For Keynes the policy of allowing money wages to fall for a given money
supply could, in theory, produce the same effects as a policy of expanding the
money supply with a given nominal wage. But since this was the case,
monetary policy was subject to the same limitations as wage cutting as a
method of securing full employment. However, a severe deflation of prices
would also be likely to have adverse repercussions on business expectations,
which could lead to further declines of aggregate demand (see Keynes, 1936,
p. 269). The impact of severe deflation on the propensity to consume via
distributional effects was also likely to be ‘adverse’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 262).
In summing up these issues, Keynes took a pragmatic stance.

Having regard to human nature and our institutions, it can only be a foolish person
who would prefer a flexible wage policy to a flexible money policy … to suppose
that a flexible wage policy is a right and proper adjunct of a system which on the
whole is one of laissez-faire, is the opposite of the truth. (Keynes, 1936, pp. 268–
9; see also Modigliani, 2003)

Because of these various limitations of the price mechanism, Keynes was

convinced that the authorities would need to take positive action in order to
eliminate involuntary unemployment. Unless they did so the system could
find itself caught in a situation of underemployment equilibrium, by which he
meant the tendency of market economies to remain in a chronic condition of
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 69

subnormal activity for a considerable period ‘without any marked tendency

either towards recovery or towards complete collapse’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 249).

2.10 Keynes’s Rejection of Say’s Law

Say’s Law, if accepted, makes macroeconomic demand management policies

redundant. We have seen earlier that in the classical model a decision to
refrain from current consumption is equivalent to a decision to consume more
in the future. This decision therefore automatically implies that resources
need to be diverted to the production of investment goods which will be
needed to provide the flow of future consumption goods. An increase in
saving automatically becomes an increase in investment expenditure via ad-
justment of the interest rate. In the classical model, saving is in effect just
another form of spending. The principles underlying Say’s Law raised their
head during discussions relating to anti-depression economic policy during
the interwar period. Ralph Hawtrey, a strong advocate of the ‘Treasury View’,
argued forcefully that public works programmes would be useless since such
expenditures would simply ‘crowd out’ an equivalent amount of private spend-
ing. Such views only make sense in the context of a fully employed economy
(Deutscher, 1990).
A principal objective of writing the General Theory was to provide a
theoretical refutation of Say’s Law, something Malthus over a century earlier
had tried and failed to do. In Keynes’s model output and employment are
determined by effective demand, and the operation of the labour market
cannot guarantee full employment. The interest rate is determined in the
money market rather than by saving and investment decisions. Variations in
the marginal efficiency of investment bring about variations in real output via
the multiplier effect and as a result saving adjusts to investment through
changes in income. Hence in Keynes’s model any inequality between planned
investment and planned saving leads to quantity adjustments rather than
equilibrating adjustments of the rate of interest. By demonstrating the flaws
inherent in wage and price flexibility as a method of returning the economy
to full employment following a negative demand shock, Keynes effectively
reversed Say’s Law. In Keynes’s world of underemployment equilibrium,
demand creates supply!

2.11 Keynes and the Quantity Theory of Money

In the classical model a monetary impulse has no real effects on the economy.
Money is neutral. Since the quantity of real output is predetermined by the
combined impact of a competitive labour market and Say’s Law, any change
in the quantity of money can only affect the general price level. By rejecting
70 Modern macroeconomics

both Say’s Law and the classical model of the labour market, Keynes’s theory
no longer assumes that real output is predetermined at its full employment
level. In Chapter 21 of the General Theory, Keynes discusses the various
possibilities. If the aggregate supply curve is perfectly elastic, then a change
in effective demand brought about by an increase in the quantity of money
will cause output and employment to increase with no effect on the price
level until full employment is reached. However, in the normal course of
events, an increase in effective demand will ‘spend itself partly in increasing
the quantity of employment and partly in raising the level of prices’ (Keynes,
1936, p. 296). In other words, the supply response of the economy in Keynes’s
model can be represented by an aggregate supply function such as W0AS in
Figure 2.6, panel (b). Therefore for monetary expansions carried out when Y
< YF, both output and the price level will rise. Once the aggregate volume of
output corresponding to full employment is established, Keynes accepted that
‘the classical theory comes into its own again’ and monetary expansions will
produce ‘true inflation’ (Keynes, 1936, pp. 378, 303). A further complication
in Keynes’s model is that the linkage between a change in the quantity of
money and a change in effective demand is indirect, coming as it does via its
influence on interest rates, investment and the size of the multiplier. We
should also note that, once Keynes had introduced the theory of liquidity
preference, the possibility that the demand for money function might shift
about unpredictably, causing velocity to vary, implies that changes in M may
be offset by changes in V in the opposite direction. With Y and V no longer
assumed constant in the equation MV = PY, it is clear that changes in the
quantity of money may cause V, P or Y to vary. The neutrality of money is no
longer guaranteed.

2.12 Three Important Interpretations of Keynes

In the vast literature relating to Keynes’s contribution since 1936 we can

identify three distinct interpretations which command varying degrees of
support (see Snowdon and Vane, 1997a). Coddington (1983) identifies three
interpretations, namely: (i) the ‘hydraulic’ interpretation, (ii) the ‘fundamen-
talist’ interpretation, and (iii) the modified general equilibrium approach.

2.12.1 The ‘hydraulic’ interpretation

This is the orthodox interpretation of Keynes initiated and inspired by Hicks
(1937), Modigliani (1944), Klein (1947), Samuelson (1948) and Hansen
(1953). The IS–LM model formed the backbone of theorizing within this
approach and it dominated thinking in the emerging neoclassical synthesis
during the 1950s and 1960s. Samuelson’s famous textbook, Economics, first
published in 1948, played a very important role here, popularizing Keynes
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 71

with the aid of the 45° Keynesian cross diagram. Following Modigliani’s
contribution, Keynesian economics was seen to be the economics of wage
and price rigidities. The destabilizing impact of unstable expectations was
played down in this approach. Although Keynesians such as Modigliani and
Tobin worked on improving the microfoundations of Keynes’s model, a ma-
jor weakness of hydraulic Keynesianism was the lack of a convincing reason
for wage and price rigidities based on rational behaviour. The ideas associ-
ated with this hydraulic variety of Keynesianism are developed in Chapter 3,
while the more recent attempts by new Keynesian theorists to rectify the
theoretical shortcomings of the neoclassical synthesis model are examined in
Chapter 7.

2.12.2 The ‘fundamentalist’ interpretation

This interpretation of the General Theory regards Keynes’s work as a frontal
assault on neoclassical orthodoxy. Fundamentalists regard the influence of
unstable expectations due to uncertainty as a key feature of Keynes’s work,
particularly as expressed in Chapters 12 and 17 of the General Theory, where
he discusses ‘The State of Long-Term Expectations’ and ‘The Essential Prop-
erties of Interest and Money’. Fundamentalists also point to Keynes’s (1937)
Quarterly Journal of Economics article entitled ‘The General Theory of
Employment’, which Keynes wrote in response to his critics, as evidence that
the problems of decision making under conditions of uncertainty lay at the
heart of his system. The key figures in this school include George Shackle
(1967, 1974) and Joan Robinson (1962), although a very early statement can
be found in Townshend (1937). Fundamentalists reject the hydraulic interpre-
tation as a ‘bastardization’ of Keynes’s contribution. The ideas and development
of this Post Keynesian school are explored in Chapter 8.

2.12.3 The modified general equilibrium approach

Coddington (1983) refers to this view as ‘reconstituted reductionism’
(reductionists are those economists whose method of analysis consists of
‘analysing markets on the basis of the choices made by individual traders’;
see Coddington, 1983, p. 92). This approach initially received stimulus from
Patinkin’s (1956) suggestion that Keynesian economics is the economics of
unemployment disequilibrium and that involuntary unemployment should be
viewed as a problem of dynamic disequilibrium. In Patinkin’s analysis, invol-
untary unemployment can exist in a perfectly competitive economy with
flexible wages and prices. The emphasis given by Patinkin to the speed with
which markets are able to absorb and rectify shocks shifted attention away
from the degree of price and wage flexibility to the issue of coordination.
This line of enquiry was followed by Clower (1965) and Leijonhufvud (1968),
who developed a modified general equilibrium approach along Walrasian
72 Modern macroeconomics

lines in order to make sense of coordination problems which inevitably

emerge in a market economy operating without the fictional ‘auctioneer’. If
the hydraulic interpretation played down Keynes’s contribution as a theorist,
the reconstituted, reductionist approach attempts to rehabilitate the General
Theory as a pioneering exercise in disequilibrium dynamics.
Clower’s reinterpretation of the General Theory suggests that Keynes’s
revolt was against the Walrasian general equilibrium tradition within neoclas-
sical economics. In the Walrasian paradigm all markets continuously clear
thanks to the work of the fictional auctioneer. Building on the insights of
Patinkin (1956), Clower’s work emphasizes the dynamic disequilibrium na-
ture of Keynes’s work. Clower argues that Keynes’s objective was to kill off
the auctioneer myth in order to raise the profile of information and
intertemporal coordination difficulties within real economies. The cumulative
declines in output in Keynes’s General Theory result from massive coordina-
tion failures as agents respond to wrong (false) price signals. Once the
assumption of instantaneously adjusted prices is abandoned there is no longer
any guarantee that a decentralized price system will coordinate economic
activity at full employment. Once again the classical model is shown to be a
‘special case’, and Keynes’s theory the more ‘general’ theory. Clower has
continued to be highly critical of all the mainstream macro schools for not
taking market processes seriously. To do so involves recognizing that markets
and monetary institutions are created by firms, individuals and governments.
In Clower’s view, in order to really understand market processes economists
need to create a ‘Post Walrasian Macroeconomics’ based on Marshallian
rather than Walrasian microfoundations (Clower and Howitt, 1996; Colander,
1996). While Keynes had a profound influence on the development of macr-
oeconomics, his anti-formalist approach was swept away by the ‘Walrasian
formalism’ of mainstream theorists in the post-1945 period (Backhouse,
In the 1970s several economists inspired by Clower’s insights went on to
develop neo-Keynesian quantity-constrained models (Barro and Grossman,
1976; Malinvaud, 1977). This work served to remind economists that conven-
tional Keynesian models lacked solid microfoundations (Barro, 1979). This
was a theme the new classical economists were to exploit throughout the
1970s but in a very different way from that favoured by Clower. During the
1970s the new classical approach prospered while the neo-Keynesian models
gradually fell out of favour, not least because high inflation made fix-price
models appear ‘unrealistic’ (Backhouse, 1995).
In the mid to late 1960s, Axel Leijonhufvud also provided an influential
and provocative interpretation of Keynes’s General Theory. His dissertation
thesis, On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes, was an in-
stantaneous success when published in 1968 and became the subject of
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 73

intense debate and controversy given its novel analysis of Keynes’s most
influential contribution. Leijonhufvud elaborates upon the Clower theme by
building an ‘economics of Keynes’ that is distinct from the Walrasian
Keynesianism that characterizes the mainstream neoclassical synthesis inter-
pretation. Leijonhufvud, following Patinkin (1948), provides a neo-Walrasian
interpretation of Keynes which focuses on the process and implications of
disequilibrium trading and coordination failure. In doing so, Leijonhufvud
shows how Keynes’s (1936, p. 15) concept of ‘involuntary unemployment’
emerges as a dynamic disequilibrium phenomenon. In Leijonhufvud’s re-
interpretation of the General Theory, Keynes’s main innovation is seen to be
his attempt at providing a coherent and systematic analysis of how a pre-
dominantly private enterprise market economy reacts, responds and adjusts in
the short run to aggregate demand shocks when price and wage adjustments
are less than perfectly flexible. The Walrasian assumptions of instantaneous
price and wage flexibility and complete information are nothing more than a
fiction. Leijonhufvud therefore argues that Keynes provided a more General
Theory where the incomplete information of agents prevents the economic
system from moving quickly and smoothly to a new equilibrium following an
aggregate demand shock. Leijonhufvud’s reinterpretation of Keynes attempts
to show that the content of the General Theory is consistent with a choice-
theoretic framework providing the key assumption, that agents have complete
information when trading, is abandoned. There is no need to resort to impos-
ing institutional rigidities (such as rigid nominal wages) on the price
mechanism to generate Keynesian outcomes. This is a direct refutation of the
‘Keynesian Gospel According to Modigliani’ (2003). The late Nobel Memo-
rial Laureate Franco Modigliani (2003) continued to maintain that ‘the essence
of Keynesian economics is wage rigidity. That is Keynes’ (see the interview
with Modigliani in Snowdon and Vane, 1999b, and Chapter 3).
Leijonhufvud suggests that the neoclassical synthesis interpretation of
Keynes provides an incoherent theoretical basis for a Keynesian revolution.
He argues that Keynes recognized the difficulties experienced, within decen-
tralized market economies, of finding the appropriate market-clearing price
vector. In Keynes’s vision, the initial response to shocks on the system is via
quantity adjustment rather than price adjustment, with the relative speed of
adjustment of the latter tending to lag behind the former (a reversal of the
Walrasian approach). In the absence of the fictional ‘Walrasian auctioneer’,
the key issue focuses on the control mechanisms and relates to the generation
and dissemination of information. According to Leijonhufvud, the informa-
tion and coordination deficiencies lead to deviation-amplifying (positive
feedback) processes, such as the multiplier, which were played down by the
Walrasian synthesis which highlighted the deviation-counteracting (negative
feedback) mechanisms.
74 Modern macroeconomics

Leijonhufvud argues that the neoclassical synthesis totally misunderstands

and misinterprets Keynes (Leijonhufvud, 1981; Snowdon, 2004a). The ortho-
dox Keynesian story highlights elements that play no real part in the argument
of the General Theory (but a significant part in the work of the Keynesians) –
such as the claims that wages are rigid; that the liquidity trap exists in
actuality; and that investment is interest-inelastic. Leijonhufvud controver-
sially maintains that none of these essential Keynesian building blocks is to
be found in the economics of Keynes (see Chapter 3).
After the initial enthusiasm and wide interest that Leijonhufvud’s interpre-
tation of Keynes aroused during the 1970s, the younger generation of
economists were soon caught up in the excitement created by the ‘rational
expectations’ revolution inspired by Robert Lucas (see Chapter 5). Interest in
Keynes and Keynesian economics began to wane. By his own admission
Leijonhufvud (1993) ‘drifted out of the professional mainstream from the
mid-1970s onwards, as intertemporal optimisation became all the rage’. As
Leijonhufvud (1998a) recalls, ‘macroeconomics seemed to have taken a turn
very similar to the movies: more and more simple-minded plots but ever
more mind-boggling special effects. One would like to look forward to a
macroeconomics whose plots will give more insight into the human condi-
tion.’ While the younger generation of new classical economists was
everywhere pronouncing the end of the Keynesian era and embracing rational
expectations and equilibrium theories of the business cycle, Leijonhufvud
has continued to argue that Keynesian economics has a future. Leijonhufvud
(1992) suggests two main reasons for such optimism. First, the coordination
problem is too important an issue to be kept indefinitely off economists’
research agenda. ‘Will the market system “automatically” coordinate eco-
nomic activities? Always? Never? Sometimes very well, but sometimes pretty
badly? If the latter, under what conditions, and with what institutional struc-
tures, will it do well or do badly?’ Leijonhufvud regards these questions as
the central ones in macroeconomics. Second, Leijonhufvud believes that
sooner or later economists must open up their theoretical structures to allow
results from other behavioural sciences to be utilized in economic analysis.
When that happens, ‘the “unbounded rationality” postulate will have to go’.
In his Nobel Memorial Lecture, George Akerlof (2002) also presents a
strong case for strengthening macroeconomic theory by incorporating as-
sumptions that take account of behaviour such as ‘cognitive bias, reciprocity,
fairness, herding and social status’. By doing so Akerlof argues that macr-
oeconomics will ‘no longer suffer from the “ad hockery” of the neoclassical
synthesis which had overridden the emphasis in the General Theory on the
role of psychological and sociological factors’. Since in Akerlof’s view
Keynes’s General Theory ‘was the greatest contribution to behavioural eco-
nomics before the present era’, it would seem that economists need to
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 75

rediscover the ‘wild side’ of macroeconomic behaviour in order to begin the

construction of ‘a not too rational macroeconomics’ (Leijonhufvud, 1993).
The interested reader is referred to Chapter 3, section 3.5 (and references
therein) of Snowdon, et al. (1994), for a more detailed discussion of the work
of Clower, Leijonhufvud and Malinvaud.

2.13 The ‘New’ Keynes Scholarship

During the 1980s there was a growth of interest in the early Keynes in order to
better understand the later Keynes of the General Theory. There is an increas-
ing recognition and acceptance that Keynes’s philosophical and methodological
framework had a significant influence upon his economic analysis as well as
his politics. Whilst much has been written about the alleged content of Keynes’s
economics, very little has dealt with Keynes’s method and philosophy. Littleboy
and Mehta (1983) argue that ‘The great stimulus to macroeconomic theory
provided by Keynes is well recognised but much less is said about his views on
scientific methodology’, and Lawson and Pesaran (1985, p. 1) concede that
‘Keynes’s methodological contribution has been neglected generally’. The only
major exception to the charge, until the contributions of, for example, Carabelli
(1988), Fitzgibbons (1988) and O’Donnell (1989), was the latter’s earlier study,
(O’Donnell, 1982) which endeavoured to provide a serious extended analysis
of the connection between Keynes’s philosophy and his economics. The more
recent attempts to explore the methodological and philosophical foundations of
Keynes’s political economy have been termed ‘the new Keynes scholarship’ by
Skidelsky (1992, pp. 82–9).
The main aim of the new scholarship is to highlight the need to recognize
that Keynes’s economics has a strong philosophical base and to provide a
detailed examination of Keynes’s rich and elaborate treatment of uncertainty,
knowledge, ignorance and probability. The new scholarship also gives prime
importance to Keynes’s lifelong fascination with the problem of decision
making under conditions of uncertainty. Carabelli (1988) has argued that the
general epistemological premises of Keynes’s method have been generally
overlooked, even though they were systematically presented, albeit in a very
refined state, in his A Treatise on Probability (1921). Fitzgibbons (1988)
maintains that economists have been guilty of suppressing Keynes’s philoso-
phy because of its lack of systematization and anti-modernist stance. For
Fitzgibbons, Keynes provided a radical alternative to long-run thinking firmly
based on the temporary nature of the short run. It is argued that the General
Theory is centred upon a radical economics of uncertainty organized around
‘animal spirits’ and creative impulses, alongside the constant threat of eco-
nomic breakdown: within such a world, money has a rationale and impact on
the real side of the economy. Keynes is seen to be concerned with the
76 Modern macroeconomics

problems of economic indeterminacy and the abandonment of equilibrium.

Likewise Carabelli has placed stress on Keynes’s focus on the close relation
between time and change and the need to analyse and attend to the problems
of the short period. O’Donnell (1982, pp. 222–9) attempted to reconcile the
long-period and short-period interpretations of Keynes by acknowledging
Keynes’s interest in both periods, but with greater emphasis being placed on
the latter. In O’Donnell’s interpretation of Keynes, a universal role for uncer-
tainty and expectations regardless of the period dimension has to be granted.
Although the new scholarship has increased awareness of the linkages be-
tween Keynes’s philosophy and his economics, it can be argued that, in locating
the core of Keynes’s method in A Treatise on Probability, a work which largely
pre-dates much of his serious and scholarly economic writing, authors such as
Carabelli fail to consider adequately the reciprocal influence of the economic
upon the philosophical and their interaction and continued development. Nev-
ertheless the new scholarship does add weight to the ‘fundamentalist’ Keynesian
position that Keynes’s ideas on uncertainty were central to his vision (see
Shackle, 1974; Davidson, 1978, 1994; and Chapter 8).
However, throughout this book we take the view that, more than anything
else, it was the experience of the Great Depression that drove Keynes to write
his most important book on economic theory, The General Theory of Employ-
ment, Interest and Money. Within that book Keynes placed a great deal of
emphasis on the role of expectations and uncertainty in his explanation of
aggregate instability (see section 2.8 above).

2.14 Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression

The Great Depression was the most significant economic catastrophe of

modern times to affect capitalist market economies and even today most
economists regard the 1930s worldwide slump, and the consequences of that
catastrophe, as one, if not the most important single macroeconomic event of
the twentieth century. The political and economic significance of this event is
reflected in the continuous outpouring of research on this traumatic historical
event (see Temin, 1976, 1989; Bernanke, 1983, 1995, 2000; Eichengreen,
1992a; 1992b; C. Romer, 1992, 1993; Bordo et al., 1998; Hall and Ferguson,
1998; Wheeler, 1998; Krugman, 1999; Cole and Ohanian, 1999, 2002a;
Prescott, 1999; James, 2001). It is easy to see why the interwar period in
general, and the Great Depression in particular, continue to exert such an
attraction to economists and economic historians:

1. the events of this period contributed significantly to the outbreak of the

Second World War which changed the political and economic world
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 77

2. the Great Depression was by far the most severe economic downturn
experienced by the world’s industrialized capitalist economies in the
twentieth century and the nature of the causes and consequences of the
worldwide slump in economic activity are still hotly debated;
3. it is generally recognized that the Great Depression gave Keynes (1936)
the necessary impetus to write the General Theory, a book that marks the
birth of macroeconomics. According to Skidelsky (1996a), ‘the General
Theory could not have been published ten years earlier. That particular
indictment of classical economics and, indeed, of the way the economy
behaved needed the great slump to crystallise it’;
4. the Great Depression is frequently used by macroeconomists to test their
models of aggregate fluctuations, while the whole interwar period pro-
vides an invaluable data set for macroeconomic researchers;
5. there are always some commentators who periodically ask the question
‘could such an event ever happen again?’;
6. finally, after the 1930s experience the role of government in all market
economies increased considerably, leading to a fundamental and lasting
change in the relationship between the government and the private sec-
tor. As a result, economic institutions at the end of the twentieth century
were very different from those in place in 1929. It is therefore with
considerable justification that Bordo et al. (1998) describe the Great
Depression as the ‘defining moment’ in the development of the US
economy during the twentieth century. In the macroeconomic sphere the
modern approach to stabilization policy evolved out of the experience of
the ‘great contraction’ of the 1930s (DeLong, 1996, 1998).

Economists have generally concluded that the proximate causes of the

Great Depression involved the interaction of several factors leading to a
drastic decline in aggregate demand (see Fackler and Parker, 1994; Snowdon
and Vane 1999b; Sandilands, 2002). The data in Table 2.1 reveal convincing
evidence of a huge aggregate demand shock given the strong procyclical
movement of the price level, that is, the price level falling as GDP declines.
Note also the dramatic increase in unemployment.
Bernanke and Carey’s data also show that in the great majority of countries
there was a countercyclical movement of the real wage. This pattern would
emerge in response to an aggregate demand shock in countries where price
deflation exceeded nominal wage deflation. Hence the evidence ‘for a non-
vertical aggregate supply curve in the Depression era is strong’ (Bernanke
and Carey, 1996). In Figure 2.7 we illustrate the situation for the US economy
in the period 1929–33 using the familiar AD–AS framework. The dramatic
decline in aggregate demand is shown by the leftward shift of the AD curve
during this period. Note that a combination of a falling price level and GDP
78 Modern macroeconomics

Table 2.1 US GDP, prices and unemployment: 1929–33

Year Real GDPa Price levelb Unemployment

$ billions %

1929 103.1 100.0 3.2

1930 94.0 96.8 8.9
1931 86.7 88.0 16.3
1932 75.2 77.6 24.1
1933 73.7 76.0 25.2

Measured at 1929 prices.
GDP deflator, 1929 = 100.

Source: Adapted from Gordon (2000a).



P(1929) A
P(1931) B
P(1933) C


Y(1933) Y(1931) Y(1929) Y

Figure 2.7 Aggregate demand failure in the US economy, 1929–33

could not arise from a negative supply shock (leftward shift of the AS curves)
which would reduce GDP and raise the price level.
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 79

In the debate relating to the causes of the Great Depression in the USA five
main hypotheses have been put forward, the first four of which focus on the
causes of the dramatic decline in aggregate demand:

1. The non-monetary/non-financial hypothesis. Here the focus is on the

impact of the decline in consumer and investment spending as well as the
adverse effect on exports of the Smoot–Hawley Tariff introduced in 1930
(see Temin, 1976; C. Romer, 1990; Crucini and Kahn, 1996); in chapter
22 of the General Theory, Keynes argued that ‘the trade cycle is best
regarded as being occasioned by a cyclical change in the marginal
efficiency of capital, though complicated and often aggravated by associ-
ated changes in other significant short-period variables of the economic
system’, thus the ‘predominant’ determination of slumps is a ‘sudden
collapse in the marginal efficiency of capital’.
2. The monetary hypothesis of Friedman and Schwartz (1963) attributes the
huge decline in GDP mainly to an unprecedented decline in the nominal
money supply, especially following the succession of bank failures be-
ginning in 1930, which the Fed failed to counter by using expansionary
monetary policies. This prevented the deflation of prices from increasing
the real money supply which via the ‘Keynes effect’ would have acted as
a stabilizing mechanism on aggregate demand. An alternative monetary
hypothesis, initially put forward by Fisher (1933b), focuses on the im-
pact of the debt-deflation process on the solvency of the banking system.
3. The non-monetary/financial hypothesis associated in particular with the
seminal paper of Bernanke (1983). Bernanke’s credit view takes the
Fisher debt-deflation story as its starting point. Because many banks
failed during the slump, this led to a breakdown in the financial system
and with it the network of knowledge and information that banks possess
about existing and potential customers. Many borrowers were thus de-
nied available credit even though their financial credentials were sound
(see also Bernanke and James, 1991).
4. The Bernanke–Eichengreen–Temin Gold Standard hypothesis. In looking
for what made the depression a ‘Great’ international event it is necessary
to look beyond the domestic mechanisms at work within the USA. ‘The
Great Depression did not begin in 1929. The chickens that came home to
roost following the Wall Street crash had been hatching for many years.
An adequate analysis must place the post-1929 Depression in the context
of the economic developments preceding it’ (Eichengreen, 1992a).
5. The non-monetary neoclassical real business cycle hypothesis. This very
recent (and very controversial) contribution is associated in particular
with the work of Cole and Ohanian (1999, 2002a) and Prescott (1999,
2002). This approach highlights the impact of real shocks to the economy
80 Modern macroeconomics

arising from ‘changes in economic institutions that lowered the normal

or steady state market hours per person over 16’ (Prescott, 1999; see also
Chapter 6).

With respect to those explanations that emphasize the decline in aggregate

demand, much of the recent research on the Great Depression has moved
away from the traditional emphasis placed on events within the USA and
focuses instead on the international monetary system operating during the
interwar period. Because the Great Depression was such an enormous inter-
national macroeconomic event it requires an explanation that can account for
the international transmission of the depression worldwide. According to
Bernanke (1995), ‘substantial progress’ has been made towards understand-
ing the causes of the Great Depression and much research during the last 20
years has concentrated on the operation of the international Gold Standard
during the period after its restoration in the 1920s (see Choudri and Kochin,
1980; Eichengreen and Sachs, 1985; Eichengreen, 1992a, 1992b; Eichengreen
and Temin, 2000, 2002; Hamilton, 1988; Temin, 1989, 1993; Bernanke,
1993, 1995, 2000; Bernanke and James, 1991; Bernanke and Carey, 1996;
James, 2001).
The heyday of the Gold Standard was in the 40-year period before the First
World War. The balance of payments equilibrating mechanism operated via
what used to be known as the ‘price specie flow mechanism’. Deficit coun-
tries would experience an outflow of gold while surplus countries would
receive gold inflows. Since a country’s money supply was linked to the
supply of gold, deficit countries would experience a deflation of prices as the
quantity of money declined while surplus countries would experience infla-
tion. This process would make the exports of the deficit country more
competitive and vice versa, thus restoring equilibrium to the international
payments imbalances. These were the ‘rules of the game’. The whole mecha-
nism was underpinned by a belief in the classical quantity theory of money
and the assumption that markets would clear quickly enough to restore full
employment following a deflationary impulse. This system worked reason-
ably well before the First World War. However, the First World War created
huge imbalances in the pattern of international settlements that continued to
undermine the international economic system throughout the 1920s. In par-
ticular the war ‘transformed the United States from a net foreign debtor to a
creditor nation’ and ‘unleashed a westward flow of reparations and war-debt
repayments … the stability of the inter-war gold standard itself, therefore,
hinged on the continued willingness of the United States to recycle its bal-
ance of payments surpluses’ (Eichengreen, 1992a).
To both Temin (1989) and Eichengreen the war represented a huge shock
to the Gold Standard and the attempt to restore the system at the old pre-war
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 81

parities during the 1920s was doomed to disaster. In 1928, in response to

fears that the US economy was overheating, the Fed tightened monetary
policy and the USA reduced its flow of lending to Europe and Latin America.
As central banks began to experience a loss of reserves due to payments
deficits, they responded in line with the requirements of the Gold Standard
and also tightened their monetary policies. And so the deflationary process
was already well under way at the international level by the summer of 1929,
and well before the stock market crashed so dramatically in October.
Eichengreen and Temin (2000) argue that once the international economic
downturn was under way it was the ‘ideology, mentalité and rhetoric of the
gold standard that led policy makers to take actions that only accentuated
economic distress in the 1930s. Central bankers continued to kick the world
economy while it was down until it lost consciousness.’ Thus the ultimate
cause of the Great Depression was the strains that the First World War
imposed on the Gold Standard, followed by its reintroduction in a very
different world during the 1920s. No longer would it be relatively easy, as it
had been before 1914, to engineer wage cuts via deflation and unemployment
in order to restore international competitiveness. The internal politics of
capitalist economies had been transformed by the war, and the working
classes were increasingly hostile to the use of monetary policies that were
geared towards maintenance of the exchange rate rather than giving greater
priority to employment targets. Hence the recession, which visibly began in
1929, was a disaster waiting to happen.
The Gold Standard mentalité constrained the mindset of the policy makers
and ‘shaped their notions of the possible’. Under the regime of the Gold
Standard, countries are prevented from devaluing their currencies to stimu-
late exports, and expansionary monetary policies on a unilateral basis are also
ruled out because they would undermine the stability of a country’s exchange
rate. Unless the governments of Gold Standard countries could organize a
coordinated reflation, the only option for countries experiencing a drain on
their gold reserves was monetary contraction and deflation. But as Eichengreen
(1992a) points out, political disputes, the rise of protectionism, and incom-
patible conceptual frameworks proved to be an ‘insurmountable barrier’ to
international cooperation. And so the recession, which began in 1929, was
converted into the Great Depression by the universal adoption of perverse
policies designed to maintain and preserve the Gold Standard. As Bernanke
and Carey (1996) argue, by taking into account the impact on economic
policy of a ‘structurally flawed and poorly managed international gold stand-
ard’, economists can at last explain the ‘aggregate demand puzzle of the
Depression’, that is, why so many countries experienced a simultaneous
decline in aggregate demand. It was the economic policy actions of the gold
bloc countries that accentuated rather than alleviated the worldwide slump in
82 Modern macroeconomics

economic activity. Incredibly, in the midst of the Great Depression, central

bankers were still worried about inflation, the equivalent of ‘crying fire in
Noah’s flood’! In order to restore the US economy to health, President Herbert
Hoover was advised by Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon to ‘liquidate
labour, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate … purge
the rottenness out of the system’ and as a result ‘people will work harder, and
live a more moral life’ (quoted by Eichengreen and Temin, 2000). Ultimately
these policies destroyed the very structure they were intended to preserve.
During the 1930s, one by one countries abandoned the Gold Standard and
devalued their currencies. Once they had shed their ‘golden fetters’, policy
makers were able to adopt expansionary monetary policies and reflate their
economies (the UK left the Gold Standard in the autumn of 1931, the USA in
March 1933, Germany in August/September 1931; and France in 1936).
Thus, while Friedman and Schwartz (1963) and others have rightly criticized
the Fed for not adopting more expansionary monetary policies in 1931,
Eichengreen (1992b) argues that, given the constraints imposed by the Gold
Standard, it is ‘hard to see what else could have been done by a central bank
committed to defending the fixed price of gold’. Research has shown that
economic recovery in the USA was largely the result of monetary expansion
(C. Romer, 1992) and also that those countries that were quickest to abandon
their golden fetters and adopt expansionary monetary policies were the first
to recover (Choudri and Kochin, 1980; Eichengreen and Sachs, 1985).
The Bernanke–Eichengreen–Temin hypothesis that the constraint imposed
by the Gold Standard prevented the use of expansionary monetary policies
has not gone unchallenged. Bordo et al. (2002a) argue that while this argu-
ment is valid for small open economies, it does not apply to the USA, which
‘held massive gold reserves’ and was ‘not constrained from using expansion-
ary policy to offset banking panics’. Unfortunately, by the time the more
stable democracies had abandoned their ‘golden fetters’ and begun to re-
cover, the desperate economic conditions in Germany had helped to facilitate
Hitler’s rise to power. Thus, it can be argued that the most catastrophic result
of the disastrous choices made by economic policy makers during the inter-
war period was the slaughter of humanity witnessed during 1939–45
(Eichengreen and Temin, 2002).

2.15 How to Pay for the War

According to Skidelsky (2000), from 1937 onwards Keynes began to devote

his attention to the problems posed by rearmament in an economy as it
‘neared full employment’. In a fully employed economy, room has to be
created for the necessary increase in war production involved with rearma-
ment. This could only be engineered by reducing the consumption component
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 83

of aggregate demand given the need to maintain exports and investment

expenditures. To achieve this objective, Keynes, in his How to Pay for the
War (1940), advocated wartime fiscal restraint. This pamphlet is described by
Vines (2003, p. 343) as a ‘marvellous piece of applied economics’ even if his
plan was only partially adopted (Keynes believed that an alternative system
of universal rationing amounted to ‘Bolshevism’; see Skidelsky, 2000, p. 68).
Keynes’s analysis involved comparing aggregate demand, including war ex-
penditures, with potential aggregate supply. Keynes (see Skidelsky, 2000,
p. 84) defined the ‘inflationary gap’ as ‘the amount of purchasing power
which has to be withdrawn either by taxation or primary saving … in order
that the remaining purchasing power should be equal to the available supplies
on the market at the existing level of prices’. The aim of fiscal restraint
(forced saving) was to eliminate the ‘inflationary gap’ by reducing consump-
tion. It should be noted that Keynes’s proposal reveals his great faith in the
price mechanism rather than bureaucratic control as the most efficient alloca-
tion mechanism even if at the macro level there was likely to be market
failure requiring aggregate demand management.
An important side effect of Keynes’s discussions in the Treasury after the
outbreak of the Second World War was that it became increasingly obvious
that there was an urgent need to develop and improve national income ac-
counting calculations and procedures, and also there developed an increasing
acceptance of the need for demand management both in depressions and
booms. For Skidlesky (2000) the idea of demand management is Keynes’s
most important intellectual legacy. It also shows that Keynes was not an out-
and-out expansionist. For Keynes, the need for demand management was
symmetrical if both inflation and depressions were to be avoided. As Skidelsky
(2000) makes clear, Keynes was always prepared to warn of the dangers
posed by inflation. We should also remember that in the General Theory
(1936, pp. 295–6) Keynes makes it clear that once full employment is achieved,
‘the wage unit and prices will increase in exact proportion to the increase in
effective demand’, and we are back to the world where the classical model is
relevant. But for Keynes (1936, p. 3) the classical world is a ‘special case’
and not the ‘general case’ of the ‘society in which we actually live’.

2.16 Keynes and International Macroeconomics

Although Keynes is widely recognized as the economist who more than any
other helped to create macroeconomics, according to Vines (2003), the final
volume of Robert Skidelsky’s magnificent biography of Keynes makes it
clear that he also played a key role in the development of modern interna-
tional macroeconomics. In 1945 the international economic system was in a
complete shambles and it has taken over 50 years to rebuild the global
84 Modern macroeconomics

economic system. In July 1944 representatives from 45 countries met at

Bretton Woods in New Hampshire, USA, to discuss the post-war establish-
ment of major international institutions whose purpose would be to facilitate
international cooperation and increasing international economic integration
and development, thereby improving the stability of the world economy. A
major concern of the Bretton Woods delegates was to help prevent a recur-
rence of the disastrous events and consequences of economic mismanagement
that had occurred during the interwar years. The outcome of the meeting was
the creation of what John Maynard Keynes labelled the ‘Bretton Woods
twins’, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), now known as the World Bank.
While the main objective of the World Bank is to focus on long-term eco-
nomic development and poverty reduction issues, the main objective of the
IMF, as originally set out in its Articles of Agreement (Charter), is the short-
run stabilization of the international monetary system. In December 1945, the
IMF officially came into existence when 29 countries joined, and it finally
began financial operations on 1 March 1947. The World Bank began formal
operations on 25 June 1946. In addition, the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade (GATT) was established in 1947, with the main purpose to pro-
mote trade liberalization by encouraging and facilitating the lowering of trade
barriers. In a series of eight negotiating rounds before the current Doha
Round, GATT succeeded in significantly cutting tariffs and reducing other
barriers to trade. The GATT was never established as a formal institution but
was set up as an interim device which would operate until the establishment
of an international trade organization (ITO). In 1995 this was finally achieved
with the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Skidelsky describes Keynes as a ‘joint author’, along with Harry Dexter
White, of the Bretton Woods international monetary system. Vines (2003,
p. 339) goes further and argues that Keynes ‘came to an extraordinary clear
understanding of how pieces of the global economy interact, driven by
policies of autonomous nations’. Keynes’s work on British war finance and
his quest to ‘save Britain from financial ruin at the hands of the US at the
end of the war’ pushed him towards a sophisticated understanding of the
emerging post-war international economic system. By 1945 Britain’s eco-
nomic and financial position was catastrophic. In response to this crisis
Keynes’s work during the last few years of his life created international
macroeconomics and this contribution is ‘as important as any of Keynes’s
achievements as an economist’ (Vines, 2003, p. 339). Keynes’s wartime
work builds on his earlier contributions to international finance contained
in Indian Currency and Finance (1913), A Tract on Monetary Reform
(1923), The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), The Economic
Consequences of Mr. Churchill (1925), and A Treatise on Money (1930).
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 85

Unlike the General Theory, which has a closed economy setting, Keynes’s
earlier work highlighted the workings of the international monetary system.
Vines goes so far as to claim that ‘Keynes invented’ the two-country ver-
sion of what later became the Mundell–Fleming IS–LM–BP model (see
Chapter 3, section 3.5).
Keynes’s extraordinary vision of the emerging shape of the international
economic system had already crystallized by 1944. Vines relates a personal
discussion he had with Nobel Memorial Laureate James Meade in which
Meade recalled witnessing Keynes sketching out ‘on the back of an envelope’
something similar to Table 2.2 as his vision of the future.

Table 2.2 Keynes and the international economic system, 1944

Objective Instruments Responsible authority

Full employment Demand management National governments

(mainly fiscal)
Balance of payments Pegged but adjustable International Monetary
adjustment exchange rates Fund
Promotion of Tariff reductions etc. International Trade
international trade Organization
Economic development Official international World Bank

Source: Vines (2003).

While the GATT rather than an international trade organization was estab-
lished in 1947, the vision contained in Table 2.2 is a remarkably accurate
picture of what came to be known as the ‘Bretton Woods system’.

2.17 Keynes’s Legacy and the Classical Revival

Although the word ‘macroeconomics’ does not make its appearance in the
economics literature until De Wolff’s 1941 article in the Economic Journal, it
was John Maynard Keynes who first pulled together in a single formal frame-
work all the real and monetary variables necessary to investigate macroeconomic
phenomena (Blanchard, 2000; Woodford, 2000). The dominance of Keynes in
the emerging field of macroeconomics before his death in 1946 is clearly
illustrated in the data on citations for the period 1920–44 contained in Tables
86 Modern macroeconomics

Table 2.3 Most-cited macroeconomists: 1920–30

Rank Name Number of citations

1 Irving Fisher 30
2 W.C. Mitchell 24
3 A.C. Pigou 21
4 Alfred Marshall 15
5 W.S. Jevons 13
6 R.G. Hawtrey 11
D.H. Robertson 11
8 H.L. Moore 10
Carl Snyder 10
10 J.M. Keynes 9

Source: Deutscher (1990).

Table 2.4 Most-cited macroeconomists: 1931–5

Rank Name Number of citations

1 J.M. Keynes 66
2 D.H. Robertson 44
3 F. von Hayek 33
4 R.G. Hawtrey 30
I. Fisher 30
6 G. Cassel 22
7 A.C. Pigou 20
8 K. Wicksell 17
9 A. Hansen 14
10 A. Marshall 13

Source: Deutscher (1990).

The outstanding feature of this information is the extent to which Keynes

came to dominate ‘macroeconomics’ by the mid-1930s. However, as we will
see in the remaining chapters, the development of macroeconomics since 1936
has been a process of evolution overlain with periodic counter-revolutions and,
as a result, in the 30 years after his death in 1946, ‘Keynes’s reputation soared
and then crashed’. To a large extent, this change of fortune is related to the
over-enthusiastic application of ‘Keynesian’ expansionary policies. Skidelsky
(2000) concludes his third and final volume of his biography of Keynes by
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 87

Table 2.5 Most-cited macroeconomists: 1936–9

Rank Name Number of citations

1 J. M. Keynes 125
2 D. H. Robertson 48
3 J. Hicks 33
4 A.C. Pigou 31
5 Roy Harrod 27
6 R.G. Hawtrey 25
7 F.von Hayek 24
G. Haberler 24
9 Joan Robinson 20
10 J.M. Clark 18

Source: Deutscher (1990).

Table 2.6 Most-cited macroeconomists: 1940–44

Rank Name Number of citations

1 J.M. Keynes 59
2 J. Hicks 30
3 G. Haberler 24
4 D.H. Robertson 22
5 R.G. Hawtrey 20
6 M. Kalecki 18
J. Schumpeter 18
8 A. Hansen 17
N. Kaldor 17
10 S. Kuznets 16
A. Lerner 16

Source: Deutscher (1990).

highlighting four important elements in ‘the Keynesian mindset’ that prevailed

during the ‘Golden Age’ from about 1950 until the early 1970s:

1. economies are viewed as ‘sticky, not fluid’, so they adjust to shocks

relatively slowly;
2. there is a powerful political-economy argument that liberal democracies
will not tolerate for long high and persistent levels of unemployment
88 Modern macroeconomics

such as those experienced during the interwar period of the twentieth

century; so while ‘in the long run we are all dead’, in the short run, high
unemployment may lead to revolution;
3. investment opportunities may flag in rich societies leading to secular
4. many Keynesians professed a serious faith in statistical forecasting.

While Keynes certainly adhered to the first three of these elements, he was
always ‘deeply sceptical’ of ‘Joy through Statistics’. His followers exhibited
less restraint. The long shadow cast by the experience of the Great Depres-
sion combined with a fear of secular stagnation was sufficient to fuel the case
for frequent stimulation of aggregate demand and also led to the neglect of
important supply-side considerations (see DeLong, 1998). While Keynes
(1936, p. 16) was well aware that there were other sources of unemployment
than demand deficiency, he understandably paid little attention to these in the
General Theory. While Keynes understood that much of interwar British
unemployment had a large structural component, to try to explain the simul-
taneous international outbreak of increasing rates of unemployment across
the major capitalist economies after 1929 in terms of changing structural or
frictional factors seemed completely implausible to him. The expected secu-
lar stagnation via a lack of investment opportunities also failed to materialize.
As Abramovitz (1986, 1990) notes, a large backlog of unexploited techno-
logical opportunities arising from the interwar stagnation and failure of Western
European industrialized countries to adopt the American system of mass
production manufacturing, provided enormous scope for ‘catch-up’. As a
result capital investment had a high marginal productivity and the West
experienced a long boom during the Golden Age.
Jeffrey Sachs (1999) has also argued that the impression given by the more
extreme enthusiasts of demand management, that the Great Depression might
somehow represent the normal functioning of market economies, turned out
to be wrong. As discussed in section 2.14, we now know that the Great
Depression was exceptional and largely the result of a perverse policy re-
sponse. Sachs writes:

The importance of the Great Depression in economic history is probably on a par

with the First World War in political history. The Great Depression taught many
lessons, most of them wrong. Keynes, the greatest political economist of the
century, made a grave mistake when he titled his text The General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money. He left the impression that the Great Depression
was a ‘general’ situation of market economies, not a one-time fluke of grotesque
proportions. He failed to make clear that it occurred because of the international
gold standard, a monetary arrangement that Keynes had heatedly attacked and
abhorred, but strangely under-emphasised in the General Theory. In any event, the
Keynes v. the ‘old’ classical model 89

Great Depression left the world deeply sceptical about the self-organising market
system. It took decades to revive robust confidence in market economies.

So, from this perspective, Keynes’s General Theory was ‘not quite as general
as he believed’ (Skidelsky, 2000, p. 499).
Throughout the period after 1936 there have been numerous developments
and contributions which reflect a hostile response to Keynes’s General Theory
and have ultimately contributed to a classical revival. The influence of Fried-
man and the monetarist counter-revolution represented a major challenge to
the more simplistic versions and policy conclusions associated with hydraulic
Keynesianism. In Friedman’s (1983) opinion, ‘While the General Theory is a
great book, I do not regard it as his best … I have been led to reject it …
because I believe that it has been contradicted by the evidence.’
In Chapter 4 we examine the important challenge to the Keynesian ortho-
doxy posed by monetarist analysis. Following this we examine the emergence
of the new classical school, which launched a much more fundamental attack
against Keynesianism during the 1970s. To many, this critique represents the
most important challenge to date for the Keynesian conventional wisdom. For
Lucas and Sargent, it is a simple matter of ‘fact’ that the predictions of
Keynesian models were ‘wildly incorrect’ and based on a doctrine which is
‘fundamentally flawed’. The ‘spectacular failure’ of Keynesian models in the
1970s has led to more attention and respect being accorded to ‘the theoretical
casualties of the Keynesian revolution, to the ideas of Keynes’s contemporar-
ies and of earlier economists whose thinking has been regarded for years as
outmoded’ (Lucas and Sargent, 1978, emphasis added).
Charles Plosser, a leading advocate of the new classical real business cycle
approach to macroeconomic fluctuations, is also of the view that the Keynesian
model is fundamentally flawed. In his opinion, ‘the underpinnings of our
understanding of economic fluctuations are likely to be found somewhere
other than a suitably modified version of the Keynesian model’ (Plosser,
1989). Minford and Peel (1983), in commenting on the impact of rational
expectations on macroeconomics, feel that ‘It has turned a body of knowl-
edge – macroeconomics based on the neo-Keynesian or neo-classical systems
of the late 1960s – upside down; virtually every topic … has been found to be
in need of rethinking’. In Chapters 5 and 6 we examine the development of
the new classical ideas particularly associated with Lucas, Sargent, Barro,
Prescott, Kydland and Plosser.
From the Austrian viewpoint, Friedrich von Hayek throughout his life
remained a stern critic of Keynes and Keynesians. In Hayek’s own words,
Keynes was ‘wholly wrong in the scientific work for which he is chiefly
known’ (Hayek, 1983). The powerful Austrian critique associated with the
work of Hayek and his followers is reviewed in Chapter 9.
90 Modern macroeconomics

Although we do not deal with the ‘public choice’ perspective as a specific

school, the perspective offered by Buchanan and Wagner (1978) is worth
noting, given the influence such ideas have had on popular opinion. Buchanan
and Wagner accuse Keynes of ‘Intellectual error of monumental proportions’
and assert that Keynesian economics ‘has turned politicians loose; it has
destroyed the effective constraint on politicians’ ordinary appetites to spend
and spend without the apparent necessity to tax’ (see Chapter 10).
Only a great economist could stir up such reactions. In writing to Roy
Harrod in 1935, Keynes made it clear that his attack on the classical econo-
mists in his forthcoming book was quite deliberate because he wanted ‘to
force the classicals to make a rejoiner’. His objective was, ‘so to speak, to
raise a dust’ (see Skidelsky, 1992, p. 534). We can only conclude that in this
objective Keynes was spectacularly successful!
In subsequent chapters as well as the interviews we will explore the rea-
sons why economists have reached such a wide variety of conclusions.
Robert Skidelsky 91


Robert Skidelsky was born in 1939 in China and graduated in 1960 from
Jesus College, Oxford, where he also obtained his MA and DPhil, in 1961
and 1967, respectively. He was a research fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford
(1965–8) and at the British Academy (1968–70), Associate Professor of
History at Johns Hopkins University (1970–76), Head of Department of
History, Philosophy and European Studies, Polytechnic of North London
(1976–8), Professor of International Studies, University of Warwick (1978–
90) and is currently Professor of Political Economy, University of Warwick
(since 1990). He was made a life peer in 1991.
Professor Skidelsky is one of the leading authorities on Keynes and the
interwar period. Among his best-known books are: Politicians and the Slump
(Macmillan, 1967); The End of the Keynesian Era (editor) (Macmillan, 1977);
John Maynard Keynes, Vol. 1: Hopes Betrayed, 1883–1920 (Macmillan, 1983);
John Maynard Keynes, Vol. 2: The Economist as Saviour, 1920–1937
(Macmillan, 1992); Keynes (Oxford University Press, 1996); and John Maynard
Keynes, Vol. 3: Fighting for Britain 1937–46 (Macmillan, 2000).
His articles include: ‘Keynes’s Political Legacy’ and ‘Some Aspects of
Keynes the Man’, in O.F. Hamouda and J.N. Smithin (eds), Keynes and
Public Policy After Fifty Years, Vol. 1: Economics and Policy (New York
University Press, 1988); ‘Keynes and the State’, in D. Helm (ed.), The Eco-
nomic Borders of the State (Oxford University Press, 1989); and ‘The Influence
92 Modern macroeconomics

of the Great Depression on Keynes’s General Theory’, History of Economics

Review, Winter–Summer, 1996.

Together with Peter Wynarczyk (formerly Principal Lecturer in Economics at

Northumbria University), we interviewed Professor Skidelsky in his office at
Warwick University on 9 March 1993.

Why did you decide to write a biography of Keynes?

It evolved out of my earlier historical work relating to the interwar years.
Keynes was a major presence in my previous books and a major source of
inspiration for my view of that period. I thought he was an interesting person
and I had better write about him. I came to that conclusion after reading the
biography by Roy Harrod in which I thought there were things which were
left too vague and unclear.

Does your interpretation of Keynes’s life and work differ in any fundamental
way from that offered by Harrod and Moggridge?
I am more historically minded. That may be the major difference. There are
historical ways of thinking about phenomena and economic ways of thinking
about them. Now I do not think you must draw a very sharp divide but
economists tend to be generalizers and historians tend to concentrate on the
idiosyncratic and unexpected. Historians make better biographers, on bal-
ance, than economists. For many economists, evidence is simply data rather
than being history – the stuff of illumination. They treat history like statisti-
cians. That is not a very illuminating approach to understanding a man’s life
or work.

Why are there so many varied interpretations of Keynes’s General Theory?

Does this demonstrate the strength or weakness of the book?
Probably the main reason is that Keynes was a fertile rather than a systematic
thinker. He was much better over the short essay than over the treatise. His
mind was always brimming with ideas, and he could not really stick to one
line for any length of time. Too many things kept coming in. The second
reason is that there was, in all his work, a strong polemical element. He
wanted very much to do things. You have to sort out the polemics from the
theory and it is not always very clear where one begins and the other ends.
Keynes would always overemphasize one part of an argument in order to
clinch a policy conclusion. The third reason is that Keynes operated on many
different levels. You can pick and choose which level you find most attractive.
That is why there are these different interpretations.

Do you see this multidimensional picture as a strength?

Robert Skidelsky 93

Yes, because, in the end, fertility is what lasts, not rigour. Rigour is for its
own time, fertility is for all time.

What elements of Marshall did Keynes reject and which did he retain in his
intellectual journey from The Tract to the General Theory?
The most obvious thing is that he took from Marshall his particular method
of dealing with time. He made a clear distinction, in many of his writings,
between the short period and the long period – that came straight out of
Marshall. But one must not take that too rigidly because Keynes retained a
fairly open mind about the analytic method he would use till quite late in the
writing of the General Theory – whether to use a short period equilibrium
framework or to use a disequilibrium framework. Secondly, he probably
never deviated much from Marshall’s theory of the firm and he always, rather
illogically, accepted Marshall’s perfect competition models, despite Marshall’s
acceptance of increasing returns. Keynes never thought much beyond that,
which is why he was really very uninterested in the imperfect competition
revolution. I always found that fascinating, paradoxical and odd. The evi-
dence is that although he was a great admirer of Piero Sraffa, he never took
on board that element of the Cambridge revolution starting with Sraffa’s
[1926] article leading through to Joan Robinson’s [1933] contribution. This
was partly because he remained very Marshallian on the supply side of
microeconomics and perhaps as confused as Marshall was on one or two of
these issues. Keynes believed in a third-generation theory of the firm and
tended to assume that firms decayed naturally before they established any
serious monopolistic position in the market. The third influence was the idea
that you should not take wants as given and that there were higher-value
wants. But, unlike Marshall, he thought that these higher-value wants were
derived from philosophy rather than from evolution. Fourthly, Keynes took
from Marshall the cash-balances version of the quantity theory of money. He
always thought about the quantity theory in that way and not in the Fisher
way. That’s how he got into the Treatise on Money and beyond that into the
General Theory. These legacies of Marshall were enormously important.

How would you characterize Keynes’s methodological stance?

I think Keynes was only weakly verificationist. He would not have much
favoured the view that hypotheses can be verified by tests of one kind or
another – certainly not hypotheses in the social or moral sciences. In fact that
was the root cause of his opposition to econometrics. He thought that the
most important thing about a theory is that it must be fertile and atuned to
one’s intuitions. He thought data were very important in forming these
intuitions: you should not ignore the real world. You should be a vigilant
observer, this was one of the economist’s most important tasks, but it was raw
94 Modern macroeconomics

stuff, it was not doctored or predigested. The kind of stuff modern econo-
mists look at is all pre-done, the curves are already there. Keynes hated
economic data presented as graphs – that is why he never used graphs in any
of his writings, and the one diagram contained in the General Theory was
provided by Harrod. He always wanted the actual figures. The figures were
not to verify hypotheses; they were to indicate the sort of limits of the
validity of our intuitions. If the figures were totally contrary to your intuitions
then probably your intuition is wrong – but it was a rough and ready kind of
testing: nothing that could claim to be verificationist theory. What he would
have said about Popper’s falsifiability method I do not know. He may have
been more interested in that.

Given your detailed biographical work on Keynes, were there any real sur-
prises which you unearthed in your research?
The surprises, if at all, arise from the historical treatment itself, by embedding
Keynes’s ideas very carefully in historical and biographical situations, includ-
ing values and, therefore, paying greater attention to the more ephemeral
writings. It is usually there that one can see the mind in action and at the edge
of things. I find his lectures from the period 1931–3 to be much more interest-
ing, in a way, than the General Theory itself, because you can see the whole
thing raw. You can actually see more clearly what was going into it. When he
was writing his Treatise on Probability, he wrote to Lytton Strachey and said, ‘I
am now turning my stuff into a more formal treatise and everything original
that I have thought is going to be snuffed out in the course of doing it because
that is what academic life is like.’ Now that is not quite true; of course, the
General Theory was thought to be a revolutionary book when it came out. But I
think some of the raw energy that went into the creation of it was lost.

You have written that ‘Keynes’s inspiration was radical, his purpose con-
servative’ – how did Keynes reconcile these conflicting forces?
Well, the best answer to that was given by Galbraith, who said people who
are radical in monetary matters are usually social conservatives. In other
words, there is a certain kind of therapy for an economy which is non-
structural, which serves the purpose of preserving the existing structures.
That does not give rise to a problem, in my mind. If you think of some of the
competing radicalisms of Keynes’s time, particularly Marxism, you do see
that Keynes’s theory was, by comparison with that, very conservative about
the social order, and deliberately so. He said, time and again, if you do not
accept my modest remedies you will be faced with having to accept much
more disagreeable ones sooner or later. I do not think his theory was simply
instrumental to preserving the existing social order but he had that as an aim
in his mind. He also really did believe that, with some small changes in the
Robert Skidelsky 95

way things were run, you could avoid the worst of business fluctuations and
stabilize the economy. You could do this by improvements in economic
science. So in terms of economic theory he was eventually very radical, but
in terms of the concluding notes of the General Theory he maintains that his
theory is moderately conservative.

What exactly did Keynes mean when he talked about the ‘socialisation of
Keynes was a political operator and it was one of those phrases tossed out to
the Labour Party. That phrase comes out of the 1920s when he was talking
about the growth of socialistic institutions in the womb of capitalism. By the
late 1920s he was really arguing that a large part of private enterprise was not
properly private any longer; it was, in some sense, socialized because its
managers paid more attention to stability than short-run profit maximization.
Once firms reached a certain size they also started developing public motives
and responsibilities and they tended to be run by people who are much more
like civil servants and dons than old-style thrusting Schumpeterian entrepre-
neurs. So I think the socialization of investment minimally meant simply a
growing tendency for investment criteria to be social, arising from the natural
evolution of the capitalist system. I think Galbraith has something of the
same thought in his New Industrial State [1967].

How would you account for the very rapid spread of Keynesian ideas, espe-
cially in the USA?
Well, did they spread very rapidly in the USA? Within academia you find a
very patchy picture if you look at the USA as a whole. Harvard, yes, cer-
tainly. The Harvard–Washington nexus has been very well explored. Once
Keynesianism could take a tax remission form rather than a public spending
form, then, of course, you got quite a lot of conservative business support.
You could always give it a supply-side justification. That is why you had a
Reagan version of Keynes in the 1980s. There was a much more modest
built-in stabilizers version in the 1940s and 1950s. I personally think Keynes
had more effect on Roosevelt’s New Deal than he has latterly been given
credit for, especially in the first phase of the New Deal, the pre-General
Theory phase. But, as in Britain, Keynesianism really arrived in connection
with wartime finance.

Would you draw a clear separation between the work of Keynes and the
contributions of Keynesians? In particular, what is your view of the IS–LM
You always have to draw a distinction between the work of an original
pioneer and that of his followers. The fertility, innocence and sharpness of the
96 Modern macroeconomics

original version is modified and made acceptable for the ordinary business of
life. Keynes was always quite careful to have a portion of his theory that
could be modelled, even though he did not particularly spend much time
modelling it himself. It was left for others to do that, not only Hicks, but
Harrod and Meade; the whole thing was reduced to a set of simultaneous
equations, an approach which was not true to Keynes’s own spirit. He was
much more a chain equation person, being far more interested in chains of
causation, and trying to work those out. Hicks emptied the General Theory of
its real bite, he generalized and increased its acceptability, whilst laying the
basis for the neoclassical synthesis. It was a very important PR job but I do
not think it captured the essence of what Keynes was trying to say. In fact,
Hicks conceded this. The interesting point is Keynes’s reaction to Hicks’s
interpretation. Here I do differ somewhat from Don Patinkin, who has always
argued that Keynes accepted the Hicks version as an entirely accurate repre-
sentation of his theory. That Keynes never criticized it is perfectly true. My
own feeling is that Keynes, although it sounds odd to say this, never grasped
the significance of it and never thought it particularly interesting. He never
reacted to it, that is the important point. It is not that he said that this is
marvellous or awful, he just never reacted and that is puzzling. He was a
punctilious correspondent. Hicks sent it to him, yet he did not reply for six
months, and then said ‘I have got nothing to say about this’, apart from one or
two points which seemed rather unimportant. But it does seem to me he
thought Hicks was not a very interesting thinker. He said Hicks had got a
good beta plus mind. That was a mistake. There was something about Hicks
Keynes did not respond to – in exactly the same way Kaldor never did.
Kaldor once said to me that Hicks was not a great economist because ‘a great
economist has to be a pamphleteer – Hicks is a judge, he weighs up every-
thing and takes a middle view. That is not the tradition of Adam Smith at all.
Keynes was in that tradition, I, Kaldor, am in that tradition, Hicks is not.’
There was some lack of sympathy between Keynes and Hicks which meant
that Keynes tended to ignore anything which Hicks did.

Did Keynes give the classics a rough deal in the General Theory?
Yes. He set up an Aunt Sally. No classical economist ever believed in the
things Keynes claimed that classical economics stood for and none of his
associates did really. Neither Robertson, Hawtrey nor Hayek were classical
economists. The only classical economist was someone like Pigou. Keynes
was quite deliberate. He said the things he was describing as classical eco-
nomics were not what the economists of his day actually believed in, but the
things they would need to believe to make sense of what they were saying.
Keynes was challenging them to make their premises consistent with their
Robert Skidelsky 97

If the General Theory had been written in 1926, could the economic disaster
experienced in the 1930s have been avoided?
No, I do not think that the General Theory could have been published ten
years earlier. That particular indictment of classical economics and, indeed,
of the way the economy behaved needed the great slump to crystallize it.
Keynes’s books were very good reflections of the experience of the different
decades. The Treatise on Money sums up the 1920s and had nothing to do
with the great slump. It is an open economy model where one country is not
doing very well. The General Theory is a book about a world slump and,
therefore, there is no escape except through the government. But your ques-
tion, in addition, seems to be asking: if people had been equipped with better
theory, would they have had better policy? You needed not only the better
theory but also the better theory to be accepted, and that is very different. My
hunch is that all theories of a Keynesian type, paradoxically, start to wilt a bit
if things get very, very bad. They are most acceptable when they are least
needed. In other words, everyone was Keynesian in the 1950s and 1960s
when there was no pressure. As soon as the pressure starts you find that
orthodoxy has a habit of coming back and here is a psychological puzzle:
when people are under great stress and there is a great increase in nervous-
ness, then people do cling to the oldest of their verities, not the newfangled

Do you think too much has been made of the Pigou effect as a way of
diminishing Keynes’s theoretical contribution? Did he not anticipate but
reject this idea himself?
In the 1920s it came under the rubric of ‘induced lacking’ which Keynes
added to Dennis Robertson’s Banking Policy and the Price Level [1926]. This
is where you increase your saving in order to restore the real value of your
cash balances eroded by inflation, and that is an equilibrating mechanism,
and Keynes suggested this real-balance effect to Robertson. Why did Keynes
not see it working in reverse, in a situation of deflation? I think the answer is
that he was not thinking along those equilibrium lines. I know Presley [1986]
makes out the case that he was, but I did not find his argument persuasive. In
the case of the Pigou effect, why did not Keynes admit it as a sort of
theoretical possibility and then simply discount it as irrelevant or very weak?
I do not know. Keynes was greatly concerned about the consequences of a
community becoming increasingly impoverished, rather than mechanical ad-
justments of balances.

To what extent was there a Keynesian revolution in the UK and USA in the
post-Second World War period? Do you think Keynes would have approved of
the policies so often carried out in his name?
98 Modern macroeconomics

It is hard to say that there was not a revolution. Some commentators have
doubted whether there was. It still seems to me that if you commit yourself to
maintain a high and stable level of employment you are saying something
new, and governments had not said that before. How much you intend to do
about it is another matter. But once you have produced a form of words, even
politicians are somewhat constrained by them. And, of course, they would
only have made that pledge, had they had a somewhat different model of the
economy than they had before the war, and some experience of Keynesian
fiscal management, which came in the Second World War. So there was a
worldwide Keynesian revolution which was obviously different in different
countries. Everyone took what they wanted from Keynes and added it to their
own traditions.

How fundamental are the ‘presuppositions of Harvey Road’ to Keynes the

political economist? Surely the contributions made by the public choice
school and from the political business cycle literature have shown Keynes to
have been politically naive?
No, I would not accept that. You cannot really say that someone was naive
unless they lived through the relevant period and failed to register the find-
ings of that period. It is not the right word to use about Keynes and I think his
political views would have developed had he lived through the 1960s and
1970s. The assumptions that he made at the time probably fitted the facts of
the time rather better than they fitted the facts of later times.

Other than Keynes, who in your view has had the most important influence on
the post-General Theory development of macroeconomics?
Undoubtedly Friedman. Both as a challenger to Keynes and as a leader of
thought in his own right. The Friedmanite challenge to Keynes also led into
the rational expectations revolution. It is very, very important to understand
that Friedman is a macroeconomist and shares many of Keynes’s presupposi-
tions of the role of macroeconomics in stabilizing economies. Friedman has
always given high praise to Keynes’s Tract on Monetary Reform. The other
great economist of the twentieth century was Hayek, but Hayek disbelieved
in macroeconomics; he did not believe it to be a valid science because he was
a methodological individualist of a very extreme kind.

Given Keynes’s emphasis upon the importance of expectations in the General

Theory, what do you think he would have made of the rational expectations
hypothesis and the new classical models developed by Lucas and others?
Again, it is terribly difficult, because you are really asking a question about
Keynes’s epistemology and that takes you into his Treatise on Probability and
how you talk about the rationality of beliefs. There are flashes of rational
Robert Skidelsky 99

expectations in Keynes – you could tell a rational expectations story about

the instantaneous multiplier if you wanted to, since you expect or anticipate
all of the effects immediately – but on the whole, surely, his leading idea was
uncertain expectations.

David Laidler [1992b] has drawn attention to the low standards of historical
scholarship amongst economists. As a historian and an economist would you
agree with this view?
Yes, I think so, partly for the reasons I have outlined earlier. Economists are
not very good historians and I believe this comes out particularly in connec-
tion with Keynesian studies which emphasize or pay exclusive attention to a
single book – the General Theory – and which show a lack of interest as to
how it fits into the whole of his thought and the history of the time. One of
the few economists who understood that was Axel Leijonhufvud [1968], who
took the Treatise on Money seriously and tried to build up a picture of
Keynesian theory that was halfway between the Treatise on Money and the
General Theory. That was a very interesting exercise. The new scholarship
has taken seriously the problem of linking Keynes’s later economic writings
to his earlier philosophical writing, but this approach is curiously unhistorical.
They do not, for example, see the Treatise on Probability as a work of before
1914, which is what a historian would instinctively see it as, and root it there.
These new scholars simply set it side by side with the General Theory and
explore the differences and similarities. That is not history.

Which non-economic elements most influenced Keynes’s economics?

I would have thought there were three key non-economic elements. First, the
classics, which he studied at school, and his sense of the classical world and
its methods. There are lots of classical and fairy-tale allusions in his writings.
Second, theology. A lot of his language, and the way he used it, was quite
theological. After all, economics was theology’s successor and retains many
of its characteristics. Third, the arts. What is economic activity for? This
comes out especially in essays like ‘Economic Possibilities for our Grand-
children’ [1930]. Aesthetics influenced his view of the role of economics.

The vehement opposition to the UK’s membership of the ERM expressed by

leading British monetarists such as Alan Walters and Patrick Minford bears
an uncanny resemblance to Keynes’s attack upon Churchill in the 1920s. Are
the two episodes similar?
The two episodes are similar in many ways. In both cases the pound was
overvalued and insufficient attention was paid to the adjustment process.
Keynes’s opposition to the Gold Standard was based upon the argument of
the Tract on Monetary Reform, which is very monetarist. It has to do with the
100 Modern macroeconomics

lag system in the adjustment to new sets of prices or exchange rates. But I do
not think that Keynes was ever a currency floater in the 1970s monetarist
sense. He wanted a managed system, and remember he was one of the main
architects of the Bretton Woods system. In a world in which there were no
controls on capital and where you had a financial system that was much more
deregulated than it was even in Keynes’s day, one may conjecture whether he
would have thought that we cannot win the game against speculators; hence
the attempt to maintain fixed exchange rates is doomed to failure.

Despite the crisis in Keynesianism, widely recognized in the 1970s, such

ideas are now experiencing something of a resurgence. How do you account
for this? Do you see an emerging consensus, perhaps, where Keynesianism
again has a focal point in macroeconomics?
Well, yes. Keynes said two things that seem to me of permanent value and
must be part of anyone’s thinking about the way economies work. Firstly, he
emphasized uncertainty leading to volatility. Speculation is the balancer of
economies and the way it balances is through extreme volatility in other
markets. Secondly, he emphasized repercussions on income, output and prices,
rather than prices alone. These two things are very important and any modern
understanding of the way economies work must bear them in mind. If you
believe economies are volatile, that recessions are sufficiently severe and that
their effects do not go away automatically, then that dictates some role for
government. Other economists say that government should not play very
much of a role, just follow a few rules. This is where the real debate is and I
am on Keynes’s side. That does not mean that we shall exactly follow Keynes’s
own prescriptions. Times change and his policies would have changed with

If Keynes had still been alive in 1969, do you think he would have received
the first Nobel Prize in Economics?
Ah [laughter]. Well, all one can say is yes [further laughter].
3. The orthodox Keynesian school
The Keynesian revolution was the most significant event in 20th-century eco-
nomic science. (Samuelson, 1988)

3.1 Introduction

In the decade or so following the publication of the General Theory econo-

mists engaged in the Keynes v. Classics debate sought to clarify the arguments
of Keynes and the counter-arguments of his critics. For example, a major
theme of Modigliani’s (1944) paper was to show that, except for the case of
extreme wage rigidity, Keynes’s system did allow for a restoration of full
employment equilibrium via price flexibility, aside for some special limiting
cases. However, by the mid-1950s Samuelson (1955) declared a truce. He
argued that 90 per cent of American economists had ceased to be anti- or
pro-Keynesian but were now committed to a ‘neoclassical synthesis’ where
it was generally accepted that neoclassical microeconomics and Keynesian
macroeconomics could sit alongside each other. The classical/neoclassical
model remained relevant for microeconomic issues and the long-run analy-
sis of growth, but orthodox Keynesian macroeconomics provided the most
useful framework for analysing short-run aggregate phenomena. This his-
torical compromise remained the dominant paradigm in economics until the
The main purpose of this chapter is fourfold: first, to review one highly
influential orthodox Keynesian interpretation of Keynes’s (1936) General
Theory, namely the Hicksian IS–LM model for a closed economy, before
considering more fully the theoretical debate on underemployment equilib-
rium in the context of that model (sections 3.3–3.4); second, to consider the
effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy for stabilization purposes when
the model is extended to an open economy (section 3.5); third, to discuss the
original Phillips curve analysis and comment on the importance of the Phillips
curve to orthodox Keynesian analysis (section 3.6); and finally, in the light of
this discussion, to summarize the central propositions of orthodox Keynesian
economics (section 3.7).
The reader should be aware that throughout this and subsequent chapters
two recurrent and interrelated issues arise, concerning (i) the controversy
over the self-equilibrating properties of the economy and (ii) the role for

102 Modern macroeconomics

interventionist government policies. We begin our discussion with the early

orthodox Keynesian approach to these central issues within macroeconomics.

3.2 The Orthodox Keynesian School

For the early post-war years the central distinguishing beliefs within the
orthodox Keynesian school can be listed as follows:

1. The economy is inherently unstable and is subject to erratic shocks.

These shocks are attributed primarily to changes in the marginal efficiency
of investment following a change in the state of business confidence, or
what Keynes referred to as a change in investors’ ‘animal spirits’ (see
Chapter 2, section 2.8).
2. Left to its own devices the economy can take a long time to return to the
neighbourhood of full employment after being subjected to some distur-
bance; that is, the economy is not rapidly self-equilibrating.
3. The aggregate level of output and employment is essentially determined
by aggregate demand and the authorities can intervene to influence the
level of aggregate ‘effective’ demand to ensure a more rapid return to full
4. In the conduct of stabilization policy, fiscal as opposed to monetary
policy is generally preferred as the effects of fiscal policy measures are
considered to be more direct, predictable and faster acting on aggregate
demand than those of monetary policy. These beliefs found expression in
the orthodox Keynesian model, known as the IS–LM model, to which we
now turn.

3.3 The IS–LM Model for a Closed Economy

The orthodox Keynesian model which has had such an important bearing on
the development of macroeconomics, right through to the present day, ini-
tially stemmed from Hicks’s (1937) famous article entitled ‘Mr. Keynes and
the “Classics”: A Suggested Interpretation’. This Hicksian model was subse-
quently elaborated upon by Modigliani (1944) and was popularized in the
USA by Hansen (1949, 1953). Indeed, over the next half-century the Hicksian
IS–LM model became the established model for macroeconomic theorizing
and it had a tremendous influence on the direction of macroeconomic policy
right up to the mid-1960s.
It is assumed that most readers will at least be familiar with the derivation
of the IS–LM model, so that in what follows initially we merely review the
main features of the model for a closed economy, in particular the way the
model integrates real and monetary factors in determining aggregate demand
The orthodox Keynesian school 103

and therefore the level of output and employment. Those readers who are
unfamiliar with the derivation of the model (or the extension of the model to
an open economy) should refer to any standard macroeconomics text, such as
Dornbusch et al. (2004). We begin our review with the goods market and the
IS curve.

3.3.1 The goods market and the IS curve

Equilibrium in the goods market occurs where the aggregate demand for and
aggregate supply of goods are equal. In the orthodox Keynesian model the
level of output and employment is assumed to be determined entirely by
aggregate demand; that is, supply constraints are ignored. In a closed economy
aggregate demand comprises the sum of consumption, government expendi-
ture and investment. In order to simplify the analysis, consumption expenditure
is held to depend positively on disposable income, government expenditure is
taken as being exogenously determined, while investment is treated as being
inversely related to the rate of interest, a variable determined within the
model by the interaction of the goods and money markets.
The IS curve traces out a locus of combinations of interest rates and
income associated with equilibrium in the goods market. The IS curve
derives its name from the equilibrium condition in the goods market where,
in a closed economy with no government sector, investment (I) equals
savings (S). Given the assumption that investment is inversely related to the
rate of interest, the IS curve is downward-sloping (see Figure 3.2). Ceteris
paribus, as the rate of interest falls, investment increases, resulting in a
higher level of income. The slope of the IS curve depends on the interest
elasticity of investment expenditure and the value of the multiplier (see
Chapter 2, section 2.8). The IS curve will be steeper (flatter) the less (more)
investment responds to a change in the rate of interest and the smaller
(greater) is the value of the multiplier. For example, ceteris paribus, the
less investment increases for a given fall in the rate of interest, the less
income will increase, generating a steeper IS curve. Similarly, the smaller
the value of the multiplier, the less income will increase following a given
increase in investment, and hence the steeper the IS curve will be. In the
limiting (extreme Keynesian) case where investment is perfectly interest-
inelastic, the IS curve will be vertical.
Finally, it is important to remember that the IS curve is drawn for a given
level of government expenditure, taxation and expectations, so that expan-
sionary fiscal policy (that is, an increase in government expenditure and/or a
reduction in taxation, or a more optimistic business outlook) shifts the IS
curve outwards to the right, and vice versa. For example, an increase in
government expenditure will be associated with a higher level of income at
any given level of the rate of interest, the outward shift of the IS curve being
104 Modern macroeconomics

equal to the increase in government expenditure times the value of the multi-
plier. We now turn to the money market and the LM curve.

3.3.2 The money market and the LM curve

Equilibrium in the money market occurs where the demand for and supply of
money are equal. The money supply is assumed to be exogenously deter-
mined by the authorities. Within the model three main motives for holding
money are identified: the transactions, the precautionary and the speculative
motives. The demand for transactions and precautionary balances is assumed
to vary positively with income. The demand for speculative or idle balances
depends on the current level of the rate of interest relative to the normal rate
of interest. By assuming that different people have different expectations
about the future course of the rate of interest, it is possible to postulate that
the demand for speculative balances will vary inversely with the rate of
interest (see Figure 3.1). The higher the current level of the rate of interest
(relative to the level regarded as normal), the greater the number of individu-
als who expect future reductions in the rate of interest (and therefore rising
bond prices) and the less speculative balances demanded, and vice versa. Of
particular importance is the theoretical possibility that, at low interest rates,
which would be expected to prevail in conditions of underemployment equi-
librium, the demand for money could become perfectly elastic with respect to
the rate of interest. This is illustrated by the horizontal section of the curve at
r* in Figure 3.1. At r* expectations converge as everyone expects that the only
future course of the rate of interest is upwards, so that the demand for money
becomes perfectly interest-elastic: the so-called ‘liquidity trap’. With regard
to the liquidity trap, it is interesting to note that Keynes put it forward only as
a theoretical possibility and even commented that he was not aware of it ever
having been operative in practice (see Keynes, 1936, p. 207). Nevertheless,
as we will discuss in section 3.4.2, it became especially important to the
analysis of underemployment equilibrium in the orthodox Keynesian model.
The LM curve traces out a locus of combinations of interest rates and income
associated with equilibrium in the money market. The LM curve derives its
name from the equilibrium condition in the money market where the demand
for money, or what Keynes called liquidity preference (L), equals the supply of
money (M). Given the assumption that the demand for money is positively/
negatively related to income/interest rate, the LM curve is upward-sloping (see
Figure 3.2). Ceteris paribus, as income rises the transactions and precautionary
demand for money increase, which, given the supply of money, necessitates a
higher rate of interest to reduce the speculative demand for money and main-
tain equilibrium in the money market. The slope of the LM curve depends on
the income elasticity and the interest elasticity of the demand for money. The
LM curve will be steeper (flatter) the higher (smaller) the income elasticity and
The orthodox Keynesian school 105

Figure 3.1 Demand for speculative balances

Figure 3.2 The generalized IS–LM model

106 Modern macroeconomics

the smaller (greater) the interest elasticity of the demand for money. For exam-
ple, ceteris paribus, the more the demand for money increases following a
given increase in income, the larger will be the rise in the rate of interest
required to maintain equilibrium in the money market, generating a steeper LM
curve. In the limiting cases of (i) the so-called ‘classical range’ (where the
demand for money is perfectly interest-inelastic) and (ii) the liquidity trap
(where the demand for money is perfectly elastic with respect to the rate of
interest) the LM curve will be vertical and horizontal respectively.
Finally, it is important to remember that the LM curve is drawn for a given
money supply, price level and expectations, so that expansionary monetary
policy (that is, an increase in the supply of money) shifts the LM curve
downwards to the right, and vice versa. Following an increase in the money
supply, and a given income elasticity of the demand for money, any given
level of income must be associated with a lower interest rate to maintain
equilibrium in the money market. The extent to which the LM curve shifts
depends on the interest elasticity of the demand for money. A given increase
in the supply of money will cause a small/large shift in the LM curve where
the demand for money is relatively interest-elastic/inelastic as equilibrium in
the money market will be restored by a small/large fall in the interest rate.
Readers should verify this for themselves.

3.3.3 The complete model and the role of fiscal and monetary policy
Equilibrium in both the goods and money markets is simultaneously attained
where the IS and LM curves intersect, that is, at reYe in Figure 3.2. Two points
are worth emphasizing. First, the intersection of the two curves in Figure 3.2
represents the only value of the rate of interest and income which is consist-
ent with equilibrium in both markets. Second, if the level of income is below
that of full employment, then both fiscal and monetary policy have a poten-
tially important role to play in stabilizing the economy. We now briefly
review what determines the relative effectiveness of fiscal and monetary
policy in influencing aggregate demand and therefore the level of output and
In Figure 3.3, the economy is initially in equilibrium at r0Y0 (the intersec-
tion of IS0 and LM) at less than full employment. Expansionary fiscal policy
(for example, an increase in government expenditure) shifts the IS curve
outwards to the right, from IS0 to IS1, and results in an increase in both the
equilibrium rate of interest (from r0 to r1) and the equilibrium level of income
(from Y0 to Y1). As spending and income increase, the transactions and pre-
cautionary demand for money increase, which, with a fixed money supply,
results in an increase in the rate of interest. The rise in the rate of interest in
turn leads to a reduction in private sector investment spending, the extent of
which depends on the interest elasticity of investment. Readers should verify
The orthodox Keynesian school 107

Figure 3.3 Expansionary fiscal policy

for themselves that fiscal policy will be more effective in influencing aggre-
gate demand and therefore the level of output and employment (i) the more
interest-elastic is the demand for money; that is, the flatter is the LM curve,
and (ii) the less interest-elastic is investment; that is, the steeper is the IS
curve. In the limiting cases of (i) a vertical LM curve (classical range) fiscal
expansion will have no effect on income, as the rise in the rate of interest will
reduce private investment by an amount identical to the increase in govern-
ment expenditure; that is, complete (100 per cent) crowding out or the so-called
‘Treasury View’; and (ii) a horizontal LM curve (liquidity trap) fiscal expan-
sion will result in the full multiplier effect of the simple Keynesian 45° or
cross model.
In Figure 3.4, the economy is again initially in equilibrium at r0Y0 (the
intersection of LM0 and IS) at less than full employment. Expansionary
monetary policy shifts the LM curve downwards to the right, from LM0 to
LM1, and results in a fall in the equilibrium rate of interest (from r0 to r1) and
an increase in the equilibrium level of income (from Y0 to Y1). Within the
orthodox Keynesian transmission mechanism the strength of monetary policy
depends on (i) the degree to which the rate of interest falls following an
increase in the money supply; (ii) the degree to which investment responds to
a fall in the rate of interest; and (iii) the size of the multiplier. Readers should
verify for themselves that monetary policy will be more effective in influenc-
108 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 3.4 Expansionary monetary policy

ing aggregate demand and therefore the level of output and employment (i)
the more interest-inelastic is the demand for money; that is, the steeper is the
LM curve, and (ii) the more interest-elastic is investment; that is, the flatter is
the IS curve. In the limiting (extreme Keynesian) cases of either (i) a horizon-
tal LM curve (liquidity trap) or (ii) a vertical IS curve (that is, where investment
is completely interest-inelastic) the transmission mechanism breaks down
and monetary policy will have no effect on the level of income.
From the above discussion it should be evident that, while both fiscal and
monetary policy can, in normal circumstances, be used to influence the level
of output and employment, the relative effectiveness of these two policy
instruments depends on the structural parameters of the model, that is, the
relative slopes of the IS and LM curves. Within the orthodox Keynesian
approach, the demand for money has traditionally been viewed as being
highly responsive to changes in the rate of interest (generating a relatively flat
LM curve), while investment has been taken as being fairly unresponsive to
changes in the rate of interest (generating a relatively steep IS curve). Indeed,
there was early empirical support for orthodox Keynesianism associated with
the elasticities of the IS and LM curves, with Klein referring to its ‘solid
empirical basis’ (see Klein, 1968, pp. 65–6, pp. 71–2) – a basis, we hasten to
add, which became increasingly questionable in the early 1960s. In these
circumstances disturbances from the real side of the economy (that is,
The orthodox Keynesian school 109

stochastic shifts in the IS curve) tend to dominate changes in income. Fur-

thermore, fiscal policy is generally preferred as it is relatively powerful,
while monetary policy is relatively weak. At this point the reader should note
that by the end of the 1950s the belief in the efficacy of fiscal policy relative
to monetary policy was much stronger among British as compared to Ameri-
can Keynesians.
This analysis can also be summarized in algebraic terms. In what follows it
is assumed that the price level is fixed when the economy is at less than full
employment. Aggregate real expenditure (E) is equal to an autonomous compo-
nent (A), a component dependent on real income (cY) and an interest-sensitive
component (ar).

E = A + cY − ar (3.1)

Equilibrium in the goods market occurs where the aggregate demand for and
aggregate supply of goods are equal.

E=Y (3.2)

Turning to the money market, the demand for real money balances (M/P) has
a component dependent on real income (mY) and an interest-sensitive compo-
nent (br).
= mY − br (3.3)
The supply of nominal money balances is assumed to be exogenously deter-
mined ( Ms ). Equilibrium in the money market occurs where the demand for
and supply of money are equal.

M Ms
= (3.4)

Rearranging these relationships and solving the system for Y gives:

1 1 Ms
Y= A+ (3.5)
1 −  c − m
a b
m + (1 − c) P
 b  a

Within this framework, orthodox Keynesians can be characterized as low a

and high b people. Reference to equation (3.5) reveals that, where the ratio
a/b is small, (i) disturbances from the real side of the economy tend to
dominate changes in income, and (ii) fiscal policy is relatively powerful with
110 Modern macroeconomics

the autonomous expenditure multiplier tending to 1/1 – c, while monetary

policy is relatively weak with the money multiplier tending to zero. These
central distinguishing beliefs of orthodox Keynesians were noted earlier, in
section 3.2.
The orthodox Keynesian faith in the effectiveness of fiscal policy has been
challenged by, among others, monetarists who typically argue that in the long
run ‘pure’ fiscal expansion (that is, expansion without any accommodating
changes in the money supply) will result in the crowding out or replacement
of components of private expenditure with relatively minor effects on aggre-
gate demand, the level of income and employment. A number of reasons as to
why crowding out can occur in the IS–LM framework have been put forward
in the literature, which do not rely on the demand for money being perfectly
interest-inelastic (a vertically sloped LM curve), including expectations and
wealth effects (see Carlson and Spencer, 1975). In what follows we outline
the Keynesian response which reasserted the importance of fiscal policy (see
Blinder and Solow, 1973) focusing on the wealth effects of a bond-financed
increase in government expenditure. This analysis involves an extended ver-
sion of the Keynesian IS–LM model incorporating the government budget
The top panel of Figure 3.5 depicts the conventional IS–LM model and the
lower panel the government budget position determined by the relationship
between government expenditure (G), which is assumed to be independent of
income, and tax receipts (T), which are endogenous to the level of income. At
Y0 (the intersection of IS0 and LM) both the goods and money markets are in
equilibrium and the government budget is balanced (G0 = T); that is, a stable
equilibrium position prevails. Suppose the authorities now seek to raise the
level of income and employment by increasing their expenditure. An increase
in government expenditure shifts the IS curve outwards to the right, from IS0
to IS1, and the government expenditure function downwards, from G0 to G1.
At Y1 (the intersection of IS1 and LM) there is a budget deficit equal to AB. As
long as the deficit persists, the authorities will have to issue more bonds,
which will lead to an increase in private sector wealth (owing to increased
bond holdings) and an increase in private consumption expenditure and the
demand for money. If the wealth effect on consumption (which shifts the IS
curve further outwards to the right, as indicated by the arrows) outweighs that
on the demand for money (which shifts the LM curve upwards to the left),
then in the long run bond-financed fiscal expansion will result in income
increasing to Y2, where the deficit will be removed; that is, crowding out will
be absent. Furthermore, if increased interest payments arising from bond
finance are taken into account (shifting the government expenditure function
downwards beyond G1), income will have to rise above Y2 in order to balance
the government budget. It is evident therefore that incorporating wealth
The orthodox Keynesian school 111

Figure 3.5 The government budget constraint and bond-financed fiscal


effects and the government budget constraint into the IS–LM model makes a
bond-financed increase in government expenditure potentially very effective
in raising the level of income and employment.
One particular objection to the predictions of this analysis concerning the
efficacy of fiscal policy worth commenting on is that which derives from
what has come to be known as the Ricardian debt equivalence theorem (see,
for example, Buchanan, 1976; Dimand, 2002a). In short, this theorem states
that the burden of government expenditure on the private sector is equivalent
whether it is financed by an increase in taxation or by bond sales. The sale of
government bonds places a burden on the private sector involving a future tax
112 Modern macroeconomics

liability in order to meet interest payments on and, where the bonds are not
perpetuities, redemption of the bonds. Assuming the private sector takes this
future tax liability fully into account, government bonds will be not regarded
as net wealth. Future tax liabilities will be discounted and their present value
will be perceived to exactly offset the value of the bonds sold. Barro’s (1974)
influential paper presents an elegant exposition of the controversial view that
government bonds should not be regarded as net wealth. In these circum-
stances it would make no difference whether the government sold bonds or
raised taxes to finance expenditure, as selling bonds will not affect the private
sector’s wealth. The private sector would merely react to a bond-financed
increase in government expenditure by saving more in the present period in
order to meet future tax liabilities. In other words the effect of an increase in
government expenditure will be the same whether it is financed by increased
taxation or bond sales, in line with the so-called ‘balanced-budget’ multiplier
(see Shaw, 2002). A bond-financed increase in government expenditure will
only be more effective than a tax-financed increase in expenditure if govern-
ment bonds are regarded as net wealth.
Several arguments have been raised against the Ricardian debt equivalence
theorem and in what follows we briefly mention two of the main criticisms of
it. The reader is referred to Tobin (1980a) and Feldstein (1982) for accessible
and critical discussions of the Ricardian doctrine and its implications, and to
Barro (1989b) for a spirited defence against the main theoretical objections
that have been raised to the approach. First, if the future tax liability arising
out of bond-financed fiscal expansion falls on a future generation, then it can
be argued that the present generation will be wealthier. Barro has argued,
however, that the existence of bequests implies that the present generation
will raise their saving so as to increase their bequests to their children in
order to pay for the future tax liability. Barro’s argument that the existence of
bequests implies concern by parents about the tax burden their children will
face has itself been subjected to a number of criticisms. For example, it is
open to debate as to whether or not all parents will be so far-sighted, or
concerned enough, to take into account the expected tax liability of their
children. Second, given imperfect capital markets, government bonds may be
regarded as net wealth. The rate of interest the government pays on bonds
establishes the magnitude of the future tax liability. If, as a result of the
government having more favourable access to capital markets than individu-
als, the rate of interest is less than the discount rate appropriate to the private
sector when estimating the present value of the future tax liability, govern-
ment bonds will be regarded as net wealth. In this situation a bond-financed
increase in government expenditure will increase private sector wealth and
consumption, and be more expansionary that a tax-financed increase in gov-
ernment expenditure.
The orthodox Keynesian school 113

Before moving on and making use of the IS–LM framework to discuss the
Keynes v. Classics debate on the issue of ‘underemployment equilibrium’,
we should note that over the years the IS–LM model has stirred up a consid-
erable amount of controversy. Reflecting on the theoretical developments of
the early post-war period, Modigliani (1986) has identified the ‘Keynesian
system’ as resting on four building-blocks: the consumption function; the
investment function; the demand for and supply of money; and the mecha-
nisms for determining the movement of prices and wages. Following Hicks’s
(1937) effort to model the first three of Modigliani’s ‘building blocks’, other
major contributions to our understanding were made in the 1940s and 1950s
by Keynesian economists, including those by Modigliani (1944), Modigliani
and Brumberg (1954), Patinkin (1956), Phillips (1958) and Tobin (1958). By
the early 1960s, following the publication of Phillips’s (1958) influential
article, the mainstream macroeconomic model was one which could be de-
scribed as a Hicks (1937)–Hansen (1949) IS–LM model, augmented by a
Phillips curve relationship. The MPS–FMP macroeconometric model (based
on an extended IS–LM model) constructed by Modigliani and his associates
in the 1960s is probably the best practical example of the consensus position
during this era (Beaud and Dostaler, 1997; Blaug, 1997).
While a majority of economists (see, for example, Patinkin, 1990a; and the
Tobin interview at the end of this chapter) accepted the Hicksian inspired IS–
LM model as an accurate representation of the essence of Keynes’s thinking
in the General Theory, a vocal minority of ‘Keynesians’ view the IS–LM
model as a distortion or ‘bastardization’ of Keynes’s ideas (see Leijonhufvud,
1968; Robinson, 1975; Davidson, 1994). Interestingly, Dimand (2004) has
recently shown, using evidence from Keynes’s lecture notes compiled by
Rymes (1989) that Keynes himself used a similar IS–LM type of general
equilibrium system of equations to express his new ideas in his lectures
during Michaelmas Term of 1933 as well as a 1934 draft of the General
Theory. Monetarists such as Friedman, Brunner and Meltzer also ‘dislike’ the
IS–LM framework. Bordo and Schwartz (2003) attribute this negative view
to the model’s narrow definition of investment and its narrow view of mon-
etary influences. Nevertheless, even if the IS–LM model no longer forms the
foundation of graduate macro courses (now dominated by dynamic general
equilibrium theorizing), as it did until the mid-1970s, the model still forms a
major input into most mainstream intermediate macroeconomics textbooks
such as Blanchard (2003), Dornbusch et al. (2004), Gordon (2000a) and
Mankiw (2003). Readers interested in recent controversies and discussions
surrounding the origin, development and persistence of the IS–LM model
should consult King (1993), Young (1987), Young and Zilberfarb (2000),
Young and Darity (2004), Barens and Caspari (1999), De Vroey (2000),
Backhouse (2004), Colander (2004), Dimand (2004), and Snowdon (2004a).
114 Modern macroeconomics

We now turn to consider the Keynesian belief that the economy can take a
long time to return to full employment after being subjected to some distur-
bance. This involves a discussion of the debate on underemployment
equilibrium and in what follows we examine the circumstances under which
the IS–LM model will fail to self-equilibrate at full employment.

3.4 Underemployment Equilibrium in the Keynesian Model

3 4.1 The general case

Within the IS–LM model the existence of underemployment equilibrium can
be attributed to the existence of ‘rigidities’ in the system, especially two key
prices, the money wage and the interest rate. We begin with that of the
‘Keynesian’ assumption of downward rigidity in money wages. This case can
be illustrated using the four-quadrant diagram of Figure 3.6. Quadrant (a)
depicts the standard IS–LM model. Quadrant (c) shows the short-run produc-
tion function where, with the capital stock and technology taken as given, the
level of output/income (Y) depends on the level of employment (L) – see
Chapter 2, section 2.3. Quadrant (d) depicts the labour market in which it is
assumed that the demand for/supply of labour is negatively/positively related
to real wages (W/P). Finally, quadrant (b) shows, via a 45° line, equality
between the two axes, both of which depict income. The inclusion of this
quadrant allows us to see more easily the implications of a particular equilib-
rium level of income, established in the goods and money markets in quadrant
(a), for the level of employment shown in quadrant (d). In other words, in
what follows the reader should always start in quadrant (a) and move in an
anti-clockwise direction to trace the implications of the level of income
(determined by aggregate demand) in terms of the level of employment in
quadrant (d).
Suppose the economy is initially at point E0, that is, the intersection of LM0
and IS in quadrant (a). While both the goods and money markets are in
equilibrium, the income level of Y0 is below the full employment income
level YF. Reference to quadrant (d) reveals that with a fixed money wage (set
exogenously) and a price level consistent with equilibrium in the money
market (that is, the curve LM0), the resultant level of real wages (W/P)0 is
inconsistent with the labour market clearing. In other words there is no
guarantee that the demand-determined level of employment (L0) will be at
full employment (LF). The excess supply of labour has no effect on the
money wage, so that it is possible for the economy to remain at less than full
employment equilibrium with persistent unemployment. We now consider
what effect combining the IS–LM model with the classical assumption of
flexible prices and money wages has on the theoretical possibility of under-
employment equilibrium.
The orthodox Keynesian school 115

Figure 3.6 The general case with the Keynes effect

116 Modern macroeconomics

Again suppose the economy is initially at point E0, that is, the intersection
of IS and LM0 in quadrant (a). As before, while both the goods and money
markets are in equilibrium, the income level of Y0 is below the full employ-
ment income level YF. Reference to quadrant (d) reveals that this implies that
the level of employment (L0) is below its full employment level (LF) with real
wages (W/P)0 above their market-clearing level (W/P)1. As long as prices and
money wages are perfectly flexible, the macroeconomy will, however, self-
equilibrate at full employment. At (W/P)0 the excess supply of labour results
in a fall in money wages (W), which reduces firms’ costs and causes a fall in
prices (P). The fall in prices increases the real value of the money supply,
causing the LM curve to shift downwards to the right. Excess real balances
are channelled into the bond market where bond prices are bid up and the rate
of interest is bid down. The resultant fall in the rate of interest in turn
stimulates investment expenditure, increasing the level of aggregate demand
and therefore output and employment. The ‘indirect’ effect of falling money
wages and prices which stimulates spending via the interest rate is referred to
as the ‘Keynes effect’. The increase in aggregate demand moderates the rate
of fall in prices so that as money wages fall at a faster rate than prices (an
unbalanced deflation), the real wage falls towards its (full employment) mar-
ket-clearing level, that is (W/P)1 in quadrant (d). Money wages and prices
will continue to be bid down and the LM curve will continue to shift down-
wards to the right until full employment is restored and the excess supply of
labour is eliminated. This occurs at point E1, the intersection of LM1 and IS. It
is important to stress that it is the increase in aggregate demand, via the
Keynes effect, which ensures that the economy returns to full employment.
Within this general framework there are, however, two limiting or special
cases where, despite perfect money wage and price flexibility, the economy
will fail to self-equilibrate at full employment. The two special cases of (i)
the liquidity trap and (ii) that where investment expenditure is interest-inelas-
tic are illustrated in Figures 3.7 and 3.8, respectively.

3.4.2 The limiting or special cases

In the liquidity trap case illustrated in Figure 3.7, the economy is initially at
point E0, the intersection of IS0 and LM0. Although both the goods and money
markets are in equilibrium, the income level of Y0 is below the full employ-
ment income level YF. Reference to quadrant (d) reveals that this implies that
the level of employment (L0) is below its full employment level (LF) with real
wages (W/P)0 above their market-clearing level (W/P)1. At (W/P)0 the excess
supply of labour results in a fall in money wages (W), which reduces firms’
costs and causes a fall in prices. Although the fall in prices increases the real
value of the money supply (which shifts the LM curve outwards, from LM0 to
LM1), the increased real balances are entirely absorbed into idle or specula-
The orthodox Keynesian school 117

Figure 3.7 The liquidity trap case

118 Modern macroeconomics

tive balances. In other words, in the liquidity trap where the demand for
money is perfectly elastic with respect to the rate of interest at r* (see also
Figure 3.1), the excess balances will not be channelled into the bond market
and this prevents a reduction in the rate of interest to r1 (at point E2) which
would be required to stimulate aggregate demand and restore full employ-
ment. With no increase in aggregate demand to moderate the rate of fall in
prices, prices fall proportionately to the fall in money wages (a balanced
deflation) and real wages remain at (W/P)0, above their market-clearing level
(W/P)1. Aggregate demand is insufficient to achieve full employment and the
economy remains at less than full employment equilibrium with persistent
‘involuntary’ unemployment. Finally, as noted earlier, in section 3.3.3, in the
case of the liquidity trap monetary policy becomes impotent, while fiscal
policy becomes all-powerful, as a means of increasing aggregate demand and
therefore the level of output and employment.
In the interest-inelastic investment case illustrated in Figure 3.8, the economy
will also fail to self-equilibrate at full employment. As before, we assume the
economy is initially at point E0 (the intersection of IS0 and LM0) at an income
level (Y0) which is below its full employment level (YF). This implies that the
level of employment (L0) is below its full employment level, with real wages
(W/P)0 above their market-clearing level (W/P)2. The excess supply of labour
results in a fall in money wages and prices. Although the increase in real
balances (which shifts the LM curve from LM0 to LM1) through the Keynes
effect results in a reduction in the rate of interest, the fall in the rate of
interest is insufficient to restore full employment. Reference to Figure 3.8
reveals that, with investment expenditure being so interest-inelastic, full em-
ployment equilibrium could only be restored through the Keynes effect with
a negative rate of interest at r1. In theory the economy would come to rest at
E1 (with a zero rate of interest), a point of underemployment equilibrium (Y1)
with persistent involuntary unemployment.
At this stage it would be useful to highlight the essential points of the above
analysis. In summary, reductions in money wages and prices will fail to restore
full employment unless they succeed in increasing aggregate demand via the
Keynes effect. In the liquidity trap and interest-inelastic investment cases,
aggregate demand is insufficient to achieve full employment and persistent
involuntary unemployment will only be eliminated if the level of aggregate
demand is increased by expansionary fiscal policy. The effect of combining the
comparative-static IS–LM model with the classical assumption of flexible prices
and money wages is to imply that Keynes failed to provide a robust ‘general
theory’ of underemployment equilibrium and that the possibility of underem-
ployment equilibrium rests on two highly limiting/special cases.
The above equilibrium analysis, which owes much to the work of
Modigliani, implies, as we have seen, that it is possible for the economy to
The orthodox Keynesian school 119

Figure 3.8 The interest-inelastic investment case

120 Modern macroeconomics

come to rest with persistent (involuntary) unemployment due to ‘rigidities’ in

the system, that is, rigid money wages, the liquidity trap or the interest-
inelastic investment case. In contrast, Patinkin (1956) has argued that
unemployment is a disequilibrium phenomenon and can prevail even when
money wages and prices are perfectly flexible. To illustrate the argument,
assume an initial position of full employment and suppose that there then
occurs a reduction in aggregate demand. This reduction will result in a period
of disequilibrium in which both prices and money wages will tend to fall.
Patinkin assumes that money wages and prices will fall at the same rate: a
balanced deflation. In consequence the fall in the level of employment is not
associated with a rise in real wages but with the fall in the level of aggregate
‘effective’ demand. In other words, firms would be forced off their demand
curves for labour. In terms of panel (d) of Figure 3.8, this would entail a
movement from point A to B. Nevertheless, in Patinkin’s view this disequilib-
rium will not last indefinitely because, as money wages and prices fall, there
will be a ‘direct’ effect stimulating an increase in aggregate demand, via the
value of money balances, thereby restoring full employment, that is, a move-
ment back from point B to A. This particular version of the wealth effect on
spending is referred to as a ‘real balance’ effect (see Dimand, 2002b). More
generally, as we discuss in the next section, the introduction of the wealth or
Pigou effect on expenditure into the analysis ensures that, in theory, as long
as money wages and prices are flexible, even in the two special cases noted
above the macroeconomy will self-equilibrate at full employment. We now
turn to discuss the nature and role of the Pigou effect with respect to the
possibility of underemployment equilibrium in the Keynesian IS–LM model.

3.4.3 The Pigou effect

Pigou was one of the last great classical economists who spoke for the
classical school in the 1940s (for example, 1941, 1943, 1947) arguing that,
providing money wages and prices were flexible, the orthodox Keynesian
model would not come to rest at less than full employment equilibrium. The
Pigou effect (see, for example, Patinkin, 1948, for a classic discussion) con-
cerns the effect that falling prices have on increasing real wealth, which in
turn increases consumption expenditure. Suppose, as is the case in Figure
3.7, the economy is at underemployment equilibrium (Y0) in the liquidity trap
at point E0, the intersection of IS0 and LM0. As prices fall, not only will the
LM curve shift outwards to the right (from LM0 to LM1) as the real value of
the money supply increases, but the IS curve will also shift to the right, from
IS0 to IS1, as the resultant increase in real wealth increases consumption
expenditure. In theory the economy cannot settle at underemployment equi-
librium but will automatically adjust until full employment is achieved at
point E1, the intersection of IS1 and LM1. The reader should verify that, once
The orthodox Keynesian school 121

the Pigou or wealth effect on expenditure is incorporated into the analysis, in

the special interest-inelastic investment case illustrated in Figure 3.8 the
economy will automatically adjust to restore full employment, at point E2.
The importance of the Pigou effect at the theoretical level has been neatly
summarized by Johnson (1964, p. 239): ‘the Pigou effect finally disposes of
the Keynesian contention that underemployment equilibrium does not de-
pend on the assumption of wage rigidity. It does.’
Over the years a number of reservations have been put forward which
question whether, in practice, the Pigou or wealth effect will ensure a quick
return to full employment (see, for example, Tobin, 1980a). In what follows
we consider two of the main criticisms of the effect. First, dynamic consid-
erations may invalidate the Pigou effect as a rapid self-equilibrating
mechanism. For example, if individuals expect a further future fall in prices,
they may postpone consumption, causing unemployment to rise. At the same
time, if firms expect a recession to continue, they may postpone their invest-
ment plans, again causing unemployment to rise. Furthermore, in a deep
recession bankruptcies are likely to increase, reducing expenditure still fur-
ther (see, for example, Fisher, 1933b). In terms of the diagrammatic analysis
we have been considering, falling prices may cause the IS curve to shift to the
left, driving the economy further away from full employment equilibrium. In
these circumstances expansionary fiscal policy would ensure a more rapid
return to full employment.
Second, we need to consider briefly the debate on which assets constitute
‘net’ wealth. Net wealth can be defined as total wealth less outstanding
liabilities. In the Keynesian model wealth can be held in money and bonds.
Consider first money, which is widely accepted as comprising currency plus
bank deposits. Outside money can be defined as currency, plus bank deposits
which are matched by banks’ holdings of cash reserves or reserves at the
central bank. Outside money may be considered as net wealth to the private
sector as there is no offsetting private sector liability. In contrast, inside
money can be defined as bank deposits which are created by lending to the
private sector. As these bank deposits are matched by a corresponding private
sector liability (bank loans), it can be argued that inside money cannot be
regarded as net wealth. It is worth noting that the argument that inside money
does not constitute net wealth has been challenged by, among others, Pesek
and Saving (1967) and Johnson (1969). While this is an interesting debate
within monetary economics, it goes beyond what is required for our pur-
poses. Suffice it to say that, if one accepts the argument that only outside
money unambiguously constitutes net wealth, the wealth effect of falling
prices on consumption expenditure is greatly diminished. Next, as noted
earlier, in section 3.3.3, there is debate over whether government bonds can
be regarded as net wealth. It could be argued that the private sector will
122 Modern macroeconomics

realize that, following a fall in prices, the increase in the real value of
government debt outstanding will necessitate future increases in taxes to
meet the increased value of interest payments on, and redemption of, govern-
ment bonds. If the rise in the present value of future tax liabilities exactly
offsets the increase in the real value of government debt outstanding there
would be no wealth-induced shift in the IS curve. Again, while this view is
not one that is universally accepted, it does nevertheless cast doubt on the
self-equilibrating properties of the economy via the Pigou effect. The empiri-
cal evidence for the strength of the Pigou effect shows it to be extremely
weak. For example, both Glahe (1973, pp. 213–14) for the USA and Morgan
(1978, pp. 55–7) for the UK found that the Pigou effect was not strong
enough to restore full employment in the interwar period, with actual price
level falls taking place alongside a decline in expenditure and output. Fur-
thermore, on reasonable assumptions, Stiglitz (1992) has shown that, if prices
were to fall by 10 per cent per year, then ceteris paribus ‘to increase con-
sumption by 25 per cent would take roughly 400 years’ and ‘it is hard to see
even under the most optimistic view, the quantitative significance of the real
balance effect for short-run macroeconomic analysis’. Given such doubts,
orthodox Keynesians prescribe expansionary fiscal policy to ensure a more
rapid return to full employment.
Finally it is interesting to quote Pigou (1947), who suggested that the
‘puzzles we have been considering … are academic exercises, of some slight
use perhaps for clarifying thought, but with very little chance of ever being
posed on the chequer board of actual life’.

3.4.4 The neoclassical synthesis

From the discussion of sections 3.4.1–3.4.3 it will be apparent that, if money
wages and prices are flexible, the Keynesian IS–LM model can in theory, via
the Pigou or wealth effect, automatically adjust to achieve full employment,
the main prediction of classical economics. In terms of pure analytical theory,
Pigou was said to have won the intellectual battle, establishing a triumph for
classical theory. Some writers (for example, Wilson, 1980; Presley, 1986;
Bridel, 1987) have suggested that Keynes anticipated the wealth effect but
rejected it on theoretical and practical grounds. Notwithstanding this ne-
glected point, Keynesians regarded themselves as having won the policy
debate in that the process of adjustment via the Pigou effect might be so slow
that interventionist policies (notably expansionary fiscal policy) would be
required to ensure a more rapid return to full employment. During the late
1950s and early 1960s a consensus view emerged, the so-called ‘neoclassical
synthesis’ (see Fletcher, 2002), in which the General Theory was seen as a
special case of a more general classical theory (that is, the case where
downward money wage rigidity prevents the classical automatic adjustment
The orthodox Keynesian school 123

to full employment), while the need was recognized for Keynesian interven-
tionist policies to ensure a more rapid return to full employment.

3.5 The IS–LM Model for an Open Economy

Having discussed the Keynesian approach to stabilization policy in the con-

text of the IS–LM model for a closed economy (sections 3.2–3.4), we next
consider the use of fiscal and monetary policy for stabilization purposes in an
open economy using a model first developed by Robert Mundell and Marcus
Fleming at the start of the 1960s (see Mundell, 1963; Fleming, 1962). As we
will discuss, the effects of a change in fiscal and monetary policy depend on
the degree of capital mobility and the type of exchange rate regime in exist-
ence. We begin with a review of the main changes we need to incorporate in
extending the IS–LM model to an open economy.

3.5.1 The goods market and the IS curve

As in the case of a closed economy, equilibrium in the goods market occurs
where the aggregate demand for and aggregate supply of goods are equal. In
an open economy aggregate demand is composed of not only the sum of
consumption, investment and government expenditure, but also ‘net’ exports,
that is, exports minus imports (X – Im). Exports are assumed to be a function
of: (i) income in the rest of the world; (ii) the price of a country’s goods
relative to those produced by competitors abroad, which may be defined as
ePD/PF, where e is the exchange rate expressing domestic currency in terms
of foreign currency, PD is the price of domestic goods in terms of domestic
currency and PF is the price of foreign goods in terms of foreign currency;
and (iii) other factors such as tastes, quality of the goods, delivery dates and
so on. Imports are assumed to be determined by the same factors that influ-
ence exports (since one country’s exports are another country’s imports) with
the exception that the income variable relevant to imports is domestic in-
come. As domestic income rises, ceteris paribus, aggregate demand will
increase and some portion of this increase in demand will be met by imported
goods; that is, the marginal propensity to import is greater than zero.
As discussed in section 3.3.1, the IS curve traces out a locus of combina-
tions of interest rates and income associated with equilibrium in the goods
market. The open economy IS curve is downward-sloping but is steeper than
in the case of a closed economy because of the additional leakage of imports
which increase as domestic income increases, thereby reducing the size of the
multiplier. In addition to the factors which affect the position of the IS curve
in a closed economy, a change in any of the variables which affect ‘net’
exports will cause the IS curve to shift. For example, an increase in exports
due to a rise in world income will be associated with a higher level of
124 Modern macroeconomics

domestic income, at any given level of the rate of interest, causing the IS
curve to shift outwards to the right. Similarly, ceteris paribus, net exports
will increase if: (i) the exchange rate falls (that is, depreciates or is devalued)
providing the Marshall–Lerner conditions are fulfilled, namely that starting
from an initial balanced trade position and also assuming infinite price
elasticities of supply for imports and exports, the sum of the price elasticities
of demand for imports and exports is greater than unity (see De Vanssay,
2002); (ii) the foreign price level rises; and (iii) the domestic price level falls.
In each of these cases the IS curve would shift outwards to the right, as
before, the magnitude of the shift being equal to the size of the shock times
the multiplier. Conversely a change in the opposite direction in any one of
these variables will shift the IS curve to the left.

3.5.2 The money market and the LM curve

The open economy LM curve is exactly the same as in the case of a closed
economy with one important extension. In an open economy operating a
fixed exchange rate the domestic money supply will be altered by balance of
payments deficits/surpluses (that is, the net balance on the combined current
and capital accounts) unless the authorities are able to sterilize or neutralize
the effects of the balance of payments deficits/surpluses on the domestic
money supply. Under a regime of fixed exchange rates the authorities are
committed to buy and sell foreign exchange for the home currency at a fixed
price. For example, in the case of a balance of payments surplus residents
will sell foreign currency to the authorities for domestic currency at a fixed
exchange rate. Ceteris paribus, a balance of payments surplus will result in
an increase in both the authorities’ foreign exchange reserves and the domes-
tic money supply, thereby shifting the LM curve downwards to the right.
Conversely, a balance of payments deficit will result in a fall in both the
authorities’ foreign exchange reserves and the domestic money supply, thereby
shifting the LM curve upwards to the left. In contrast, under a regime of
flexible exchange rates the exchange rate adjusts to clear the foreign ex-
change market (that is, the central monetary authorities do not intervene in
the foreign exchange market) so that the sum of the current and capital
accounts is always zero. In consequence the LM curve is independent of
external factors and the determinants of the position of the LM curve are the
same as those discussed earlier in section 3.3.2.
To complete the IS–LM model for an open economy we next turn to
consider overall balance of payments equilibrium and the BP curve.

3.5.3 The overall balance of payments and the BP curve

Early Keynesian analysis of the balance of payments (see Dimand, 2002c)
focused on the determination of the current account and how government
The orthodox Keynesian school 125

policy could improve the balance of payments on it (in particular the condi-
tions under which devaluation would be successful in doing just this). The
late 1950s/early 1960s witnessed a period of increasingly liberalized trade
and capital movements and, as noted earlier, Mundell and Fleming extended
the Keynesian model of an open economy to include capital flows. At the
onset of this discussion it is important to note that we assume we are dealing
with a small open economy in the sense that changes within the domestic
economy of that country and its macroeconomic policies have an insignifi-
cant effect on the rest of the world.
Overall balance of payments equilibrium requires that the sum of the
current and capital accounts of the balance of payments is zero. As noted
earlier, imports are a function of domestic income and relative prices (of
domestic and foreign goods), while exports are a function of world income
and relative prices. Ceteris paribus, as domestic income rises, imports in-
crease and the balance of payments on the current account worsens. With
static expectations about exchange rate changes, net capital flows are a func-
tion of the differential between domestic and foreign interest rates. Ceteris
paribus, as the domestic interest rate rises, domestic assets become more
attractive and the capital account of the balance of payments improves due to
the resulting inward flow of funds.
The BP curve (see Figure 3.9) traces out a locus of combinations of
domestic interest rates and income levels that yield an overall zero balance of
payments position on the combined current and capital accounts. The BP
curve is positively sloped because if balance of payments equilibrium is to be
maintained (that is, a zero overall balance) then increases (decreases) in the
level of domestic income which worsen (improve) the current account have
to be accompanied by increases (decreases) in the domestic rate of interest
which improve (worsen) the capital account. Points above and to the left of
the BP curve are associated with an overall balance of payments surplus
since, given the level of income, the domestic rate of interest is higher than
that necessary to produce an overall zero balance of payments position.
Conversely, points below and to the right of the BP curve indicate an overall
balance of payments deficit since, given the level of income, the domestic
rate of interest is lower than that necessary to produce an overall zero balance
of payments position.
The slope of the BP curve depends on the marginal propensity to import and
the interest elasticity of international capital flows. Ceteris paribus, the BP
curve will be flatter (steeper) the smaller (larger) is the marginal propensity to
import and the more (less) interest-elastic are capital flows. For example, the
more sensitive capital flows are to changes in domestic interest rates, the
smaller will be the rise in the domestic interest rate required to maintain a zero
overall balance of payments equilibrium for a given increase in income, and
126 Modern macroeconomics

hence the flatter will be the BP curve. The BP curve shown in Figure 3.9
represents a situation of imperfect capital mobility since the domestic rate of
interest can depart from that ruling in the rest of the world. With respect to the
interest elasticity of international capital movements it is important to note that
in the two limiting cases of perfect capital mobility and complete capital
immobility the BP curve would become horizontal and vertical respectively.
For example, in the case of perfect capital mobility the BP curve will be
horizontal; that is, the domestic rate of interest will be tied to the rate ruling in
the rest of the world. If the domestic rate of interest were to rise above the given
world rate there would be an infinite capital inflow, and vice versa.
The BP curve is drawn for given levels of the world income, interest rate
and price level; the exchange rate; and the domestic price level. If any of
these variables should change, then the BP curve would shift. For example,
anything that results in an increase in exports and/or a decrease in imports
(such as a rise in world income; a fall in the exchange rate; a rise in the
foreign price level; or a fall in the domestic price level) will cause the BP
curve to shift downwards to the right, and vice versa. In other words, at any
given level of domestic income an improvement in the current account will
require a lower domestic rate of interest to maintain a zero overall balance of
payments position via capital account effects.

3.5.4 The complete model and the effects of a change in fiscal and
monetary policy
We are now in a position to consider the full IS–LM model for a small open
economy. Equilibrium in the goods and money markets, and in the balance of
payments, occurs at the triple intersection of the IS, LM and BP curves
indicated in Figure 3.9. In what follows we analyse the effects of a change in
fiscal and monetary policy on: (i) the level of income and the balance of
payments in a fixed exchange rate regime, and (ii) the level of income and the
exchange rate in a flexible exchange rate regime.
Under a regime of fixed exchange rates, while fiscal expansion will result
in an increase in income, it may lead to either an improvement or a deteriora-
tion in the overall balance of payments position, and vice versa. The effects
of fiscal expansion on the level of income and the balance of payments are
illustrated in the two panels of Figure 3.10. In panel (a) the LM curve is
steeper than the BP curve, while in panel (b) the converse is true. In both
panels of Figure 3.10 the economy is initially operating at point A, the triple
intersection of the three curves IS0, LM and BP with equilibrium in the goods
and money markets, and in the balance of payments, at r0Y0. Expansionary
fiscal policy shifts the IS curve outwards to the right from IS0 to IS1 and
results in an increase in the domestic rate of interest from r0 to r1 (improving
the capital account) and an increase in income from Y0 to Y1 (worsening the
The orthodox Keynesian school 127

Figure 3.9 The Mundell–Fleming/Keynesian model

current account). As can be seen from both panels of Figure 3.10, the net
outcome on the overall balance of payments position depends on the relative
slopes of the LM and BP curves (that is, the structural parameters underlying
the model). In panel (a) the net outcome is an overall balance of payments
surplus at point B (that is, the curves IS1 and LM intersect at a point above the
BP curve), while in panel (b) it is one of an overall balance of payments
deficit (that is, the curves IS1 and LM intersect at point B below the BP
curve). Expansionary fiscal policy is more likely to lead to an improvement in
the overall balance of payments position: (i) the smaller is the marginal
propensity to import and the more interest-elastic are capital flows (that is,
the flatter the slope of the BP curve) and (ii) the greater is the income
elasticity and the smaller is the interest elasticity of the demand for money
(that is, the steeper the slope of the LM curve), and vice versa. In practice the
LM curve is likely to be steeper than the BP curve due to the interest elastic-
ity of the demand for money being less than that for capital flows. This view
tends to be backed up by available empirical evidence and will be adopted in
the discussion that follows on long-run equilibrium.
At this point it is important to stress that in analysing the consequences for
the balance of payments of a change in fiscal policy under fixed exchange
128 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 3.10 Fiscal expansion under imperfect capital mobility

rates the Keynesian approach assumes that the authorities can, in the short
run, sterilize the effects of a balance of payments surplus or deficit on the
money stock. The results we have been analysing necessarily relate to the
short run because in the long run it becomes increasingly difficult to sterilize
The orthodox Keynesian school 129

the effects of a persistent surplus or deficit on the money stock. Long-run

equilibrium requires a zero balance on the balance of payments, otherwise
the domestic money supply changes in the manner discussed in section 3.5.2.
As such the balance of payments surplus at point B in panel (a) of Figure 3.10
will cause an expansion of the domestic money supply following intervention
by the authorities to maintain the fixed exchange rate. This causes the LM
curve to shift downwards to the right and long-run equilibrium will occur at
point C, where the balance of payments is zero and the goods and monetary
markets are in equilibrium.
In contrast to fiscal expansion under a regime of fixed exchange rates,
with imperfect capital mobility, monetary expansion will always lead to a
deterioration in the balance of payments, and vice versa, regardless of whether
or not the LM curve is steeper than the BP curve. This is illustrated in Figure
3.11, where the economy is initially operating at point A, the triple intersec-
tion of the three curves IS, LM0 and BP, with equilibrium in the goods and
money markets, and in the balance of payments. Expansionary monetary
policy shifts the LM curve from LM0 to LM1 and results in a reduction in the
domestic rate of interest from r0 to r1 (worsening the capital account) and an
increase in the level of income from Y0 to Y1 (worsening the current account).

Figure 3.11 Monetary expansion under imperfect capital mobility

130 Modern macroeconomics

With adverse interest and income effects on the capital and current accounts
respectively, the overall balance of payments is unambiguously in deficit at
point B (that is, the curves IS and LM1 intersect at a point below the BP
In a similar manner to that discussed for expansionary fiscal policy, point B
cannot be a long-run equilibrium. The implied balance of payments deficit
causes a contraction in the money supply, shifting the LM curve backwards.
The long-run adjustment process will cease at point A where the LM curve
has returned to its original position. In other words, in the absence of sterili-
zation, monetary policy is completely ineffective as far as influencing the
level of income is concerned. This assumes that the domestic country is small
relative to the rest of the world so that expansion of its money supply has a
negligible effect on the world money supply.
Readers should verify for themselves that, for a small open economy
operating under a regime of fixed exchange rates, in the limiting case of
perfect capital mobility, the equilibrium level of domestic income is in the
long run established at the intersection of the IS and ‘horizontal’ BP curves.
In this situation fiscal policy becomes all-powerful (that is, fiscal expansion
results in the full multiplier effect of the simple Keynesian 45° or cross model
with no crowding out of private sector investment), while monetary policy
will be impotent, having no lasting effects on aggregate demand and income.
Before considering the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy under
flexible exchange rates it is interesting to note that Mundell (1962) also
considered the appropriate use of monetary and fiscal policy to successfully
secure the twin objectives of internal (output and employment at their full
employment levels) and external (a zero overall balance of payments posi-
tion) balance. Mundell’s solution to the so-called assignment problem follows
his principle of effective market classification (Mundell, 1960). This princi-
ple requires that each policy instrument is paired with the objective on which
it has the most influence and involves the assignment of fiscal policy to
achieve internal balance and monetary policy to achieve external balance.
We now consider the effects of a change in fiscal and monetary policy on
income and the exchange rate under a regime of flexible exchange rates. The
effects of fiscal expansion on the level of income and the exchange rate again
depend on the relative slopes of the BP and LM curves. This is illustrated for
imperfect capital mobility in panels (a) and (b) of Figure 3.12, which are the
flexible counterparts of Figure 3.10 discussed above with respect to fixed
exchange rates.
In panel (a) of Figure 3.12 the BP curve is steeper than the LM curve. The
economy is initially in equilibrium at point A, the triple intersection of curves
IS0, LM0 and BP0. Expansionary fiscal policy shifts the IS curve from IS0 to
IS1. As we have discussed above, under fixed exchange rates fiscal expansion
Figure 3.12 Fiscal expansion under (a) and (b) imperfect and (c) perfect capital mobility
132 Modern macroeconomics

would result in a balance of payments deficit (that is, IS1 and LM0 intersect at
point B below BP0). With flexible exchange rates the exchange rate adjusts to
correct potential balance of payments disequilibria. An excess supply of
domestic currency in the foreign exchange market causes the exchange rate
to depreciate, shifting the IS1 and BP0 curves to the right until a new equilib-
rium is reached along the LM0 curve to the right of point B, for example at
point C, the triple intersection of the curves IS2, LM0 and BP1 with an income
level of Y1. In this particular case the exchange rate depreciation reinforces
the effects of domestic fiscal expansion on aggregate demand, leading to a
higher level of output and employment.
Panel (b) of Figure 3.12 depicts the case where the LM curve is steeper than
the BP curve. The economy is initially in equilibrium at point A, the triple
intersection of curves IS0, LM0 and BP0. Fiscal expansion shifts the IS curve
outwards from IS0 to IS1 with the intersection of curves IS1 and LM0 at point B
above BP0. This is equivalent to a balance of payments surplus under fixed
exchange rates and causes the exchange rate to adjust to eliminate the excess
demand for domestic currency. In contrast to the situation where the BP curve
is steeper than the LM curve, the exchange rate appreciates, causing both the
IS1 and BP0 curves to shift to the left. Equilibrium will be established along the
LM curve to the left of point B, for example at point C. In this situation fiscal
policy will be less effective in influencing output and employment as exchange
rate appreciation will partly offset the effects of fiscal expansion on aggregate
demand. As noted above, panel (b) is more likely to represent the true situation.
In the limiting case of perfect capital mobility illustrated in panel (c) of
Figure 3.12, fiscal policy becomes completely ineffective and is unable to
affect output and employment. In the case of perfect capital mobility the BP
curve is horizontal; that is, the domestic rate of interest is tied to the rate
ruling in the rest of the world at r*. If the domestic rate of interest were to rise
above the given world rate there would be an infinite capital inflow, and vice
versa. Fiscal expansion (that is, a shift in the IS curve to the right from IS0 to
IS1) puts upward pressure on the domestic interest rate. This incipient pres-
sure results in an inflow of capital and leads to an appreciation of the exchange
rate. As the exchange rate appreciates net exports decrease, causing the IS
curve to move back to the left. Equilibrium will be re-established at point A
only when the capital inflows are large enough to appreciate the exchange
rate sufficiently to shift the IS curve back to its original position. In other
words fiscal expansion completely crowds out net exports and there is no
change in output and employment. At the original income level of Y0 the
current account deficit will have increased by exactly the same amount as the
government budget deficit.
Finally we consider the effects of monetary expansion on the level of
income and the exchange rate under imperfect and perfect capital mobility.
The orthodox Keynesian school 133

The case of imperfect capital mobility is illustrated in panel (a) of Figure

3.13. The economy is initially in equilibrium at point A, the triple intersec-
tion of curves IS0, LM0 and BP0. Monetary expansion shifts the LM curve
from LM0 to LM1. Under fixed exchange rates this would result in a balance
of payments deficit. With flexible exchange rates the exchange rate depreci-
ates to maintain balance of payments equilibrium and both the BP and IS
curves shift to the right until a new equilibrium is established along the
curve LM1 to the right of point B, such as point C, the triple intersection of
curves IS1, LM1 and BP1. The effect of monetary expansion is reinforced by
exchange rate depreciation, leading to a higher level of income. In the
limiting case of perfect capital mobility illustrated in panel (b) monetary
expansion (which shifts the LM curve from LM0 to LM1) will put downward
pressure on the domestic interest rate. This incipient pressure results in
capital outflows and a depreciation of the exchange rate, causing the IS
curve to shift to the right (from IS0 to IS1) until a new equilibrium is
established at point C, the triple intersection of curves LM1, IS1 and BP at
the given world interest rate r* and a new income level Y1. In this limiting
case monetary policy is completely effective and contrasts with the position
of fiscal policy discussed above.
In summary, under a regime of fixed exchange rates with imperfect capital
mobility, while fiscal expansion will result in an increase in income, its
effects on the overall balance of payments (assuming sterilization takes place)
are ambiguous (depending on the relative slopes of the LM and BP curves).
In contrast, there is no ambiguity following a change in monetary policy.
Monetary expansion will result in an increase in income and always lead to a
deterioration in the balance of payments. However, in the absence of sterili-
zation, monetary policy is completely ineffective in influencing the level of
income. Furthermore, in the limiting case of perfect capital mobility fiscal
policy becomes all-powerful, while monetary policy will be impotent, having
no lasting effects on aggregate demand and the level of income. Under a
regime of flexible exchange rates, with imperfect capital mobility, while
fiscal expansion will result in an increase in income, it could (depending on
the relative slopes of the LM and BP curves) cause the exchange rate to
depreciate or appreciate, thereby reinforcing or partly offsetting the effect of
fiscal expansion on aggregate demand and income. In contrast, monetary
expansion results in an increase in income, with the effects of monetary
expansion on aggregate demand and income being reinforced by exchange
rate depreciation. In the limiting case of perfect capital mobility fiscal policy
becomes impotent and is unable to affect output and employment, while
monetary policy becomes all-powerful.
In concluding our discussion it is important to note that there are a number
of limitations of the above IS–LM model for an open economy. These limita-
134 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 3.13 Monetary expansion under (a) imperfect and (b) perfect
capital mobility
The orthodox Keynesian school 135

tions include: restrictive assumptions (for example fixed wages and prices,
and static expectations about exchange rate changes); specification of the
capital account (where net capital flows between countries depend solely on
the differential between domestic and foreign interest rates) which is incon-
sistent with portfolio theory where perpetual capital flows require continuous
interest changes; the implicit assumption that a country is able to match a
continuous deficit on the current account with a surplus on the capital ac-
count whereas, in reality, the nature of the balance of payments objective is
likely to be much more precise than just overall balance of payments equilib-
rium; and adopting comparative statics rather than considering the dynamics
of adjustment following a disturbance (see Ugur, 2002). For a discussion of
the origin and subsequent refinements of the Mundell–Fleming model the
reader is referred to Frenkel and Razin (1987); Mundell (2001); Obstfeld
(2001); Rogoff (2002); Broughton (2003).
Having analysed the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy in the
context of the fixed-price Keynesian models of both a closed and open
economy we next discuss the original Phillips curve analysis and comment
on the importance of the curve to orthodox Keynesian economics.

3.6 The Phillips Curve and Orthodox Keynesian Economics

The Phillips curve is concerned with the controversy over the relationship
between inflation and unemployment and is one of the most famous relation-
ships in macroeconomics (see Smithin, 2002). It should be noted that the first
statistical study investigating the relationship between unemployment and
inflation was carried out by Irving Fisher in 1926 (see Fisher, 1973). How-
ever, the curve that bears A.W. Phillips’s name was derived from a statistical
investigation published in 1958 into the relationship between unemployment
(U) and the rate of change of money wages (W˙ ) in the UK over the period
1861–1957. As depicted in Figure 3.14, the estimated average relationship
was found to be non-linear and inverse. For example, at an unemployment
level of approximately 5.5 per cent, the rate of change of money wages was
zero per cent, while at an unemployment level of approximately 2.5 per cent
the rate of change of money wages was 2.0 per cent.
Remarkably, Phillips found that the data for the period 1948–57 fitted very
closely to the curve fitted for the earlier period, 1861–1913, given by equa-
tion (3.6).

W˙ = −0.9 + 9.638(U ) −1.394 (3.6)

To some, this finding suggested the possible existence of a stable long-run

negative relationship between wage inflation and unemployment.
136 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 3.14 The Phillips curve

Although the original Phillips paper (1958) was an empirical investigation

into the relationship between money wage inflation and unemployment, Phillips
opens his paper with an outline sketch of the underlying theoretical reasoning
that could be used to explain why we might expect to observe a negative
relationship between these two variables. He opens with these words:

When the demand for a commodity or service is high relative to the supply of it
we expect the price to rise, the rate of rise being greater the greater the excess
demand. Conversely, when the demand is low relative to the supply we expect the
price to fall, the rate of fall being greater the greater the deficiency of demand. It
seems plausible that this principle should operate as one of the factors determin-
ing the rate of change of money wage rates.

Following Phillips’s pioneering work, there developed two strands to the

literature, one theoretical, the other empirical. On the empirical front, econo-
mists were interested to establish whether a stable relationship between
inflation and unemployment prevailed in other market economies (for a dis-
cussion of the empirical literature, see Santomero and Seater, 1978). As far as
the simultaneous achievement of low inflation and low unemployment was
concerned, the discovery of a possible stable trade-off between these two
objectives implied a policy dilemma, one which might be overcome if the
curve could be shifted to the left by appropriate economic policies. However,
The orthodox Keynesian school 137

the design of effective policies to achieve this objective would first necessi-
tate a coherent theoretical explanation of the economic forces which lay
behind the relationship.
The first major attempt to provide a robust theoretical underpinning to the
curve was provided by Lipsey (1960) through the combination of two postu-
lated relationships: (i) a positive linear relationship between the rate of increase
in money wages and the excess demand for labour (XL), and (ii) a negative
non-linear relationship between excess demand and unemployment. These
postulated relationships are given in equations (3.7) and (3.8).

W˙ = α( X L ) = α[( DL − SL )/SL ] (3.7)

X L = β(U ) (3.8)

where DL is the demand for labour, SL is the supply of labour, α is a positive

coefficient of wage flexibility, and β is a variable negative parameter such
that when XL → 0, U = U* and U* > 0; and when XL → ∞, U → 0. By
combining these two postulated relationships, Lipsey was able to provide an
economic rationale for Phillips’s observed non-linear inverse relationship
between the rate of change of money wages and unemployment shown in
Figure 3.14.
The relationship between wage change and excess demand for labour is
illustrated in Figure 3.15. Panel (a) shows that at any wage rate below We ,
wages will rise as a result of excess demand in the labour market. Panel (b)
shows that the rate of increase in money wage rates will be greater the larger
the excess demand for labour. For example, at a wage rate W1 in panel (a)
there is an excess demand for labour of aa. This excess demand is equal to 0a
in panel (b) and results in a rate of increase in money wage rates of W˙1 . The
relationship between excess demand for labour and unemployment is illus-
trated in Figure 3.16. Even when the labour market clears (that is to say, there
is neither excess demand nor excess supply) there will be some positive
amount of unemployment due to frictions in the labour market as people
change jobs and search for new employment, that is, 0e in Figure 3.16.
Lipsey argued that, although unemployment would fall in response to posi-
tive excess demand (for example, jobs become easier to find as vacancies
increase), unemployment would only asymptotically approach zero. In other
words, steadily increasing excess demand would be accompanied by increas-
ingly smaller reductions in unemployment.
In summary, Lipsey’s rationale suggests that, in its simplest form, the rate
of change of money wages depends on the degree of excess demand (or
supply) in the labour market as proxied by the level of unemployment. This
can be expressed by the equation:
138 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 3.15 The relationship between wage change and excess demand for
The orthodox Keynesian school 139

Figure 3.16 The relationship between excess demand for labour and

W˙ = f (U ) (3.9)

Referring back to Phillips’s opening statement in his 1958 paper, it is clear

that he viewed the high correlation between money wage inflation and unem-
ployment as strong evidence in favour of the ‘demand pull’ explanation of
In Lipsey’s model, due to labour market frictions, equilibrium in the labour
market occurs when U = U* > 0 (see Lipsey, 1960, pp. 470–71). When U = U*,
the number of job vacancies (V) is equal to the number of unemployed who
are actively seeking work. Since SL equals the total number employed (E) and
unemployed (E + U), and DL equals the total number of vacancies (V) plus
the number employed (V + E), we can express the proportional excess
demand for labour as follows:

X L = [( DL − SL )/SL ] = [(V − U ) /( E + U )] (3.10)

Letting v = V/SL and u = U/SL, we can express the excess demand for labour
in terms of variables that can be measured, that is the vacancy rate (v) and the
unemployment rate (u).
140 Modern macroeconomics

XL = v − u (3.11)

Over the business cycle the vacancy rate will be positively related to XL and
unemployment will be negatively related to XL, assuming the quit rate does
not exceed the hiring rate as XL increases.
Later, Hansen (1970) refined Lipsey’s analysis by assuming that vacancy
and unemployment rates are related in a hyperbolic form, that is, h = vu
where h = coefficient of friction in the labour market (with no friction in the
labour market h = 0 and either v or u = 0). The relationship between XL, u
and v when there are frictions present in the labour market is shown in Figure
In panel (a) we can see that even when excess demand for labour is zero,
both the unemployment and vacancy rates are positive, reflecting friction in
the labour market. In a frictionless labour market the relationship between XL,
v and u will be a 45° line, as shown by AB. Panel (b) of Figure 3.17 shows all
the combinations of vu tracing out a hyperbolic curve. Anywhere along the
45° line indicates equilibrium in the labour market since with XL = 0, we also
have v = u. The existing degree of friction illustrated in Figure 3.17, panel
(b), is indicated by the position of the hyperbolic curve at F. With increasing
friction in the labour market this curve will shift out. In turn this will cause
the Phillips curve to shift to the right since the level of unemployment
consistent with XL = 0 increases as labour market friction increases. There is
strong evidence, for example, that such a shift occurred in the UK economy
in the late 1960s and early 1970s (Gujarati, 1972; see also Taylor, 1972).
Given Hansen’s refinements, the Phillips relationship can now be expressed
in the following form:

W˙ = α(h/u − u) + w * = αh/u − αu + w * (3.12)

where w* is exogenously determined wage inflation (for example, brought

about by trade union power). In (3.12) we can see that the slope of the
Phillips curve is dependent on the coefficient of wage flexibility, α, and the
position of the Phillips curve will be influenced by w* and also the degree of
friction in the labour market, h. The more inflexible the labour market the
higher the degree of friction, and the higher will wage inflation be for any
given level of unemployment (see Rothschild, 1971; Frisch, 1977; Lipsey,
During the 1960s the Phillips (1958) curve was quickly taken on board as
an integral part of the then-dominant orthodox Keynesian paradigm, not least
because it was interpreted by many orthodox Keynesians as implying a stable
long-run trade-off which provided the authorities a menu of possible infla-
tion–unemployment combinations for policy choice. Within academia the
The orthodox Keynesian school 141

(a) XL

45° v
+ 0 +



v XL = 0

XL > 0

XL < 0
√h F

√h u

Figure 3.17 The relationship between excess demand for labour, vacancy
and unemployment rates
142 Modern macroeconomics

textbook interpretation of the Phillips curve came to be presented as a propo-

sition that permanently low levels of unemployment could be realistically
achieved by tolerating permanently high levels of inflation. As James Galbraith
(1997) points out, in 1968 mainstream American Keynesians were ‘commit-
ted to Samuelson and Solow’s (1960) version of the Phillips curve’. According
to Robert Leeson (1994a, 1997a, 1999), this is not how Bill Phillips himself
ever viewed the relationship he had discovered. In Leeson’s view, Phillips’s
1958 paper was an attempt to locate the level of unemployment consistent
with price stability. Richard Lipsey has confirmed that Phillips had ‘no toler-
ance for accepting inflation as the price of reducing unemployment’ (Leeson,
1997a). However, up to at least the late 1960s the prevailing Keynesian
economic orthodoxy used the Phillips curve to predict the rate of inflation
which would result from different target levels of unemployment being at-
tained by activist aggregate demand policies, with particular emphasis on
fiscal instruments. As DeLong (1998) points out, once those target rates of
unemployment kept falling, the inflationary outcome of this approach to
macroeconomic policy was inevitable and duly arrived with a vengeance with
the ‘Great Peacetime Inflation’ of the 1970s.
One of the main reasons why the Phillips curve was quickly adopted by
orthodox Keynesians was that it seemed to provide an explanation of infla-
tion which was missing in the then-prevailing macroeconomic model. The
reader will recall from the discussion contained in section 3.3 that within the
IS–LM model the price level is assumed to be fixed at less than full employ-
ment, with the result that up to full employment, changes in aggregate demand
affect the level of real income and employment. Up to full employment
money wages are assumed to be fixed and unresponsive to changes in aggre-
gate demand. Only when full employment is reached will changes in aggregate
demand affect the price level. The Phillips curve allowed the orthodox
Keynesian theory of output and employment determination to be linked to a
theory of wage and price inflation. Following Lipsey (1978), this is illustrated
in Figure 3.18. The top panel of Figure 3.18 depicts the standard IS–LM
model, while the bottom panel shows the Phillips curve with the modified
axes of price inflation ( P˙ ) and output/income (Y). Panel (b) is derived by
assuming (i) that the level of output depends on the level of employment and
that the level of unemployment is inversely related to the level of employ-
ment, and (ii) a hypothesis that prices are set by a mark-up to unit costs of
production, the main component of which is wages. Put in its simplest form,
the mark-up pricing hypothesis suggests that price inflation depends on money
wage inflation minus productivity growth. In this context it is interesting to
note that the estimated Phillips curve (Figure 3.14) showed that an unem-
ployment level of approximately 2.5 per cent was compatible with stable
prices because at this level of unemployment the rate of change of money
The orthodox Keynesian school 143

Figure 3.18 The link between the Keynesian model and wage and price
144 Modern macroeconomics

wages was approximately equal to the then average growth of productivity of

2 per cent. Suppose the economy is initially operating at a full employment
level of income (YFE), that is, the intersection of IS0 and LM0 in panel (a) of
Figure 3.18. Reference to panel (b) reveals that the full employment level of
income is compatible with stable prices; that is, Ṗ = 0. Following a once-
and-for-all expansionary real impulse, the IS curve shifts outwards to the
right, from IS0 to IS1, and real income rises above its full employment level of
YFE to Y1. Reference to panel (b) reveals that as income rises above its full
employment level, price inflation increases to P˙1 . As prices increase, the real
value of the money supply is reduced, causing the LM curve to shift to the
left, from LM0 to LM1, and the economy returns to full employment, that is,
the intersection of IS1 and LM1 in panel (a). At full employment stable prices
prevail, that is, Ṗ = 0 in panel (b).
Following the influential contribution from Samuelson and Solow (1960),
the Phillips curve was interpreted by many orthodox Keynesians as implying
a stable long-run trade-off which offered the authorities a menu of possible
inflation–unemployment combinations for policy choice (see Leeson, 1994b,
1997a, 1997b, 1997c). Following the Samuelson–Solow paper the trade-off
has generally been expressed in terms of price inflation rather than wage
inflation. However, by the late 1960s/early 1970s, both inflation and unem-
ployment had begun to increase, as is evident from Tables 1.4 and 1.5. As we
will discuss in the next chapter, the notion of a stable relationship between
inflation and unemployment was challenged independently by Milton Fried-
man (1968a) and Edmund Phelps (1967), who both denied the existence of a
permanent (long-run) trade-off between inflation and unemployment.

3.7 The Central Propositions of Orthodox Keynesian Economics

Finally in this chapter we draw together the discussion contained in sections

3.2–3.6 and summarize the central propositions of orthodox Keynesian eco-
nomics as they were in the mid- to late 1960s.

First Proposition: Modern industrial capitalist economies are subject to an

endemic flaw in that they are prone to costly recessions, sometimes severe,
which are primarily caused by a deficiency of aggregate (effective) demand.
Recessions should be viewed as undesirable departures from full employment
equilibrium that are generally caused by demand shocks from a variety of
possible sources, both real and monetary. As we will discuss in Chapter 6, this
view stands in marked contrast to the conclusions of real business cycle theory,
which emphasizes supply shocks as the major cause of aggregate instability.
Second Proposition: Orthodox Keynesians believe that an economy can be in
either of two regimes. In the Keynesian regime aggregate economic activity
The orthodox Keynesian school 145

is demand-constrained. In the classical regime output is supply constrained

and in this situation supply creates its own demand (Say’s Law). The ‘old’
Keynesian view is that the economy can be in either regime at different points
in time. In contrast, new classical economists, such as Robert Lucas and
Edward Prescott, model the economy as if it were always in a supply-
constrained regime. In the Keynesian demand-constrained regime employment
and output will respond positively to additional real demand from whatever
Third Proposition: Unemployment of labour is a major feature of the Keynesian
regime and a major part of that unemployment is involuntary in that it
consists of people without work who are prepared to work at wages that
employed workers of comparable skills are currently earning (see for exam-
ple, Solow, 1980; Blinder, 1988a). As we will discuss in subsequent chapters,
this contrasts sharply with the view of many monetarist, new classical and
real business cycle economists who view unemployment as a voluntary phe-
nomenon (Lucas, 1978a).
Fourth Proposition: ‘A market economy is subject to fluctuations in aggre-
gate output, unemployment and prices, which need to be corrected, can be
corrected, and therefore should be corrected’ (Modigliani, 1977, 1986). The
discretionary and coordinated use of both fiscal and monetary policy has an
important role to play in stabilizing the economy. These macroeconomic
instruments should be dedicated to real economic goals such as real output
and employment. By the mid-1960s the early ‘hydraulic’ Keynesian empha-
sis on fiscal policy had been considerably modified among Keynesian thinkers,
particularly Modigliani and Tobin in the USA (see Snowdon and Vane, 1999b).
However, supporters of the ‘New Economics’ in the USA were labelled as
‘fiscalists’ to distinguish them from ‘monetarists’. But, as Solow and Tobin
(1988) point out, ‘The dichotomy was quite inaccurate. Long before 1960 the
neo-Keynesian neoclassical synthesis recognised monetary measures as co-
equal to fiscal measures in stabilisation of aggregate demand’ (see Buiter,
Fifth Proposition: In modern industrial economies prices and wages are not
perfectly flexible and therefore changes in aggregate demand, anticipated or
unanticipated, will have their greatest impact in the short run on real output and
employment rather than on nominal variables. Given nominal price rigidities
the short-run aggregate supply curve has a positive slope, at least until the
economy reaches the supply-constrained full employment equilibrium.
Sixth Proposition: Business cycles represent fluctuations in output, which are
undesirable deviations below the full employment equilibrium trend path of
output. Business cycles are not symmetrical fluctuations around the trend.
Seventh Proposition: The policy makers who control fiscal and monetary
policy face a non-linear trade-off between inflation and unemployment in the
146 Modern macroeconomics

short run. Initially, in the 1960s, many Keynesians thought that this trade-off
relationship was relatively stable and Solow and Tobin (1988) admit that in
the early 1960s they ‘may have banked too heavily on the stability of the
Phillips curve indicated by post-war data through 1961’ (see Leeson, 1999).
Eighth Proposition: More controversial and less unanimous, some Keynesians,
including Tobin, did on occasions support the temporary use of incomes
policies (‘Guideposts’) as an additional policy instrument necessary to obtain
the simultaneous achievement of full employment and price stability (Solow,
1966; Tobin, 1977). The enthusiasm for such policies has always been much
greater among European Keynesians than their US counterparts, especially in
the 1960s and early 1970s.
Ninth Proposition: Keynesian macroeconomics is concerned with the short-
run problems of instability and does not pretend to apply to the long-run
issues of growth and development. The separation of short-run demand fluc-
tuations from long-run supply trends is a key feature of the neoclassical
synthesis. However, stabilization policy that combines tight fiscal policy with
easy monetary policy will ‘bring about an output mix heavier on investment
and capital formation, and lighter on consumption’. This mix will therefore
be more conducive to the growth of an economy’s long-run growth of poten-
tial output (see Tobin, 1987, pp. 142–67, Tobin, 2001). ‘Taming the business
cycle and maintaining full employment were the first priorities of macroeco-
nomic policy. But this should be done in ways that promote more rapid
growth in the economy’s capacity to produce’ (Tobin, 1996, p. 45).
The orthodox Keynesians reached the peak of their influence in the mid-
1960s. In the UK Frank Paish (1968) concluded that on the basis of Phillips’s
data, if unemployment were held at around 2.5 per cent, then there would be
a good chance of achieving price stability. In the USA, reflecting on the
experience of 20 years of the Employment Act of 1946, the 1966 Annual
Report of the Council of Economic Advisers concluded on the following
optimistic note with respect to the effectiveness of Keynesian demand man-
agement policies (emphasis added):

Twenty years of experience have demonstrated our ability to avoid ruinous inflations
and severe depressions. It is now within our capabilities to set more ambitious
goals. We strive to avoid recurrent recessions, to keep unemployment far below
rates of the past decade, to maintain essential price stability at full employment,
to move toward the Great Society, and, indeed, to make full prosperity the normal
state of the American economy. It is a tribute to our success under the Employ-
ment Act that we now have not only the economic understanding but also the will
and determination to use economic policy as an effective tool for progress.

As we now know, this statement turned out to be far too optimistic with
respect to the knowledge that economists had about macroeconomics and the
The orthodox Keynesian school 147

ability to target the economy toward increasingly lower unemployment tar-

gets (see DeLong, 1996, 1997, 1998).
Does this mean that Keynesian economics is dead (Tobin, 1977)? Certainly
not. Paul Krugman (1999) has warned economists that the 1990s have wit-
nessed ‘The Return of Depression Economics’. Krugman’s argument is that
‘for the first time in two generations, failures on the demand side of the
economy – insufficient private spending to make use of available productive
capacity – have become the clear and present limitation on prosperity for a
large part of the world’. Krugman sets out to remind economists not to be
complacent about the possibility of economic depression and deflation, par-
ticularly in view of what happened in the Japanese, Asian Tiger and several
European economies during the 1990s. DeLong (1999a, 1999b, 1999c) has
also emphasized that the business cycle and threat of deflation are far from
dead. Several economists have argued that the Japanese economy appears to
be caught in a ‘liquidity trap’ (Krugman, 1998). Krugman (1999) writes:

Even now, many economists still think of recessions as a minor issue, their study
as a faintly disreputable subject; the trendy work has all been concerned with
technological progress and long-run growth. These are fine important questions,
and in the long run they are what really matters … Meanwhile, in the short run the
world is lurching from crisis to crisis, all of them crucially involving the problem
of generating sufficient demand … Once again, the question of how to keep
demand adequate to make use of the economy’s capacity has become crucial.
Depression economics is back.

So even given that there were significant deficiencies in the orthodox Keynesian
framework that required new thinking, the issues that concerned Keynes have
not disappeared.
In the next chapter we discuss the development of the orthodox monetarist
school which, over the period of the mid-1950s to the early 1970s, high-
lighted a number of weaknesses both at the theoretical and empirical levels of
the then-prevailing orthodox Keynesian framework.
148 Modern macroeconomics



Photograph courtesy of T. Charles Erickson,

Yale University, Office of Public Information

James Tobin was born in 1918 in Champaign, Illinois and obtained his BA,
MA and PhD from Harvard University in 1939, 1940 and 1947, respectively.
He began teaching while a graduate student at Harvard University in 1946. In
1950, he moved to Yale University where he remained, until his death in
2002, as Professor of Economics, with the exception of one and a half years
in Washington as a member of President Kennedy’s Council of Economic
Advisers (1961–2), and academic leaves including a year as Visiting Profes-
sor at the University of Nairobi Institute for Development Studies in Kenya
James Tobin was one of America’s most prominent and distinguished
Keynesian economists. He was a longstanding advocate of Keynesian
stabilization policies and a leading critic of monetarism and the new classical
equilibrium approach. He made fundamental contributions to monetary and
macroeconomic theory as well as important contributions to the links be-
tween cyclical fluctuations and economic growth. In 1981 he was awarded
the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics: ‘For his analysis of financial mar-
kets and their relations to expenditure decisions, employment, production and
Among his best-known books are: National Economic Policy (Yale Uni-
versity Press, 1966); Essays in Economics: Macroeconomics (Markham, 1971;
North-Holland, 1974); The New Economics One Decade Older (Princeton
James Tobin 149

University Press, 1974); Essays in Economics: Consumption and Econometrics

(North-Holland, 1975); Asset Accumulation and Economic Activity (Basil
Blackwell, 1980); Policies for Prosperity: Essays in a Keynesian Mode (Har-
vester Wheatsheaf, 1987) edited by Peter Jackson; and Full Employment and
Growth: Further Keynesian Essays on Policy (Edward Elgar, 1996).
Among the numerous articles he wrote, the best-known include: ‘The Inter-
est-Elasticity of Transactions Demand for Cash’, Review of Economics and
Statistics (1956); ‘Liquidity Preference as Behaviour Towards Risk’, Review of
Economic Studies (1958); ‘Money and Economic Growth’, Econometrica (1965);
‘A General Equilibrium Approach to Monetary Theory’, Journal of Money,
Credit, and Banking (1969); ‘Money and Income: Post Hoc, Ergo Propter
Hoc’, Quarterly Journal of Economics (1970); ‘Inflation and Unemployment’,
American Economic Review (1972); ‘How Dead is Keynes?’, Economic In-
quiry (1977); ‘Are New Classical Models Plausible Enough to Guide Policy?’,
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking (1980); and ‘The Monetarist Counter-
Revolution: An Appraisal’, Economic Journal (1981).

We interviewed Professor Tobin in his office on 17 February 1993 and subse-

quently corresponded in January/February 1998.

Keynes and Keynesian Economics

You began your study of economics at Harvard the very year that the General
Theory was published. What attracted you to economics?
It was an unbelievably happy combination of a subject that promised to save
the world and was fascinating from an intellectual puzzle-solving point of
view. I was also very much worried about the Great Depression and had every
reason to think that the massive failure of our economies was the key to many
other of the world’s ills, political as well as economic.

The General Theory is a very difficult book and reflects Keynes’s ‘long
struggle to escape’ previous ideas. What were your first impressions of the
General Theory?
I didn’t know enough to know it was a difficult book, which I had no business
reading. I was 19 years old. My tutor at Harvard, who had been in England
for a year, just said at our first one-on-one tutorial meeting ‘Why don’t you
and I read this new book I’ve heard about for our tutorial this year?’ I didn’t
know any better so I read it, and I didn’t feel it was that difficult. One of the
exciting things, of course, for a 19-year-old was the sense of intellectual
revolution, overturning the obsolete wisdom encrusted in the past, especially
when the new theory was on the side of promising to do something construc-
tive about the main problems that concerned me and people of my generation.
150 Modern macroeconomics

Skidelsky [1992] in his biography of Keynes [Volume 2] has argued that

‘Keynes’s inspiration was radical but his purpose conservative’. How did
Keynes reconcile these two opposing forces?
I think that what Skidelsky says is essentially right. Compare Keynes’s rem-
edies for the problems of the world at the time to those of Marxians and
Spengler’s Decline of the West – all those apocalyptic warnings of the death
of capitalism, because capitalism can’t ever succeed. Keynes comes along
and says that the basic problem is not really the organization of the economy
but rather the way that aggregate demand is controlled. Keynes had no great
complaint about the way the economy allocates the resources that it does
employ, just that it doesn’t employ them all.

It only took about twelve years for the General Theory to capture the hearts
and minds of the vast majority of the economics profession. Why did Keynes’s
ideas spread so quickly?
Well, because it did look as if they would work to remedy the problems of the
Great Depression. There was a lot of anxiety in all countries that after the
Second World War we would revert to the depression conditions of the pre-
war period. Keynes’s ideas looked like a pretty good way to avoid that
possibility. In the USA, consider the spending for mobilization even before
we got in the war, and what it did to GNP and employment. That was a
dramatic living vindication of Keynes’s ideas.

You are widely recognized as being America’s most distinguished Keynesian

economist. Are you happy with the label Keynesian and what does being a
Keynesian mean to you?
If you’d asked me that, let’s say 25 years ago, I would have said that I don’t
like any label and that I’m just an economist working on problems that I
happen to be interested in; macroeconomic problems, monetary–fiscal policy
and all those things. There appeared to be a considerable practical consensus
about these matters. A lot of my work had been fixing up Keynes in various
ways where I found theoretical problems or a lack of ‘micro foundations’. In
fact the first thing I wrote and got published [in 1941] was a piece of anti-
Keynesian theory on his problem of the relation of money wage and
employment. So at that time I would have said let’s not label people, let’s just
do our work. After the counter-revolutions, when all these schools and labels
arose, I certainly would be proud to be regarded as a Keynesian, considering
the alternatives [laughter].

What are the fundamental propositions which Keynesians adhere to?

One way to put it is to say that there is a two-regime model of the economy.
Sometimes the economy is in a classical situation where markets are clearing
James Tobin 151

(demand equals supply) and the economy’s ability to produce output is sup-
ply-constrained. You can’t produce any more because there are essentially no
idle resources (I exaggerate to simplify). Therefore the constraint on output is
capacity. That capacity constraint results in a price and income structure that
equalizes demand and supply at those prices. At other times the economy is
in a Keynesian situation in which the constraint on actual output is demand –
aggregate spending. Extra output would be produced if there were extra
aggregate real demand, and the inputs to make it are available at real returns
which won’t exceed what the factors of production could earn by their pro-
ductivity if they were employed. That situation obtains lots of the time, not
always, and there are then demand-increasing policies that will eliminate the
social waste involved. That I think is the distinction. Whereas for the real
business cycle theorists (like Ed Prescott) and new classical guys (like Robert
Barro) you are always supply-constrained. There is just one regime, and the
observed cyclical fluctuations are fluctuations in voluntary willingness to be

Some interpretations of the neoclassical synthesis which emerged in the late

1950s and early 1960s suggest that the General Theory represents a special
case of a more general classical model. What is your view on that particular
I wouldn’t interpret it that way. Rather there was a consensus on the two-
regime model just mentioned. I thought there was also a normative consensus,
in the sense that you shouldn’t regard any output that you get from putting
unemployed resources to work as free, because you have alternative ways of
putting unemployed resources to work. The same classical opportunity cost
considerations that determine allocation of resources in a classical equilib-
rium determine the allocation of resources as among different ways of returning
to that supply-constrained regime. So I think in that sense there is no excuse
for wasteful projects to increase employment, like digging holes in the ground,
because you can arrange to employ people by investments or other projects
that are socially beneficial. In that sense the classical opportunity cost consid-
erations apply in either regime. But that’s only if you’re prepared to do
something to get out of the wasteful situation that you’re in.

Has too much been made of the Pigou effect as a way of diminishing Keynes’s
contribution to economic theory?
Of course. I’ve said that all the time in print. It’s a very slender reed on which
to assert the efficacy of self-adjusting mechanisms. For one thing the ac-
counting aggregation of credits and debts doesn’t necessarily imply behavioural
netting out of credits and debts. I believe that the effects of deflation on
aggregate demand can be perverse if debtors have a bigger propensity to
152 Modern macroeconomics

spend from wealth than creditors do – a reasonable expectation. Then there’s

the whole issue of how you get to the lower price level from where you are.
The immaculate conception effect of getting there suggests there’s no real
time involved – it’s just the static comparison of one price level to another
price level. As Keynes himself observed, although he didn’t make of it a point
of theoretical principle, the process of deflation – or disinflation for that
matter – involves an increase in the real interest rate and certainly produces
perverse effects.

Do you think that if Keynes had still been alive in 1969 (aged 86) he would
have been awarded the first Nobel Prize in economics?
Very likely. He would have got my vote. As for Keynes versus Tinbergen and
Frisch, the actual recipients, I don’t know. The prize says for economic
science. In some senses they might have been considered to have made
identifiable innovations more similar to those of Nobel-winning natural sci-
entists. But JMK would have been an early award-winner.

How do you feel about your award of the Nobel Prize in 1981? What do you
consider to be your most important contributions to macroeconomics?
I never thought I was going to get it. I was interested in straightening out
macroeconomics and the neoclassical synthesis as I understood them, in
generalizing monetary models to take account of the variety of assets, in
portfolio theory and its macroeconomic implications – that’s what I was
trying to do.

Why do you think there are so many conflicting interpretations of the General
Well, I suppose one reason is that the book is ambiguous in many ways and
has a number of strands that could be cited to support different messages.
They allow people a variety of views about the world, in particular, on the
one hand, since people interpret the General Theory as a kind of general
equilibrium model of the determination of output, employment and interest
rates that could be used in both of the two regimes I referred to above. That’s
what J.R. Hicks was doing in his famous article. On the other hand you have
Chapter 12 on long-run expectations, which suggests that maybe there is not
an investment function at all. In the Hicks general equilibrium model you
have got to have an investment function. The second approach, stressing the
conventionality of expectations and animal spirits, may be seen as opening
the way to a different kind of model. This would be supported by Keynes’s
own tentative advocacy of the socialization of investment, his suspicion that
maybe investment wouldn’t be adequately stabilized by monetary and fiscal
policy, his feeling that you need some central planning to get it right. I guess
James Tobin 153

those ambiguities allow us to interpret it one way or the other. Of course,

some people hoped to extract from Keynes a much more radical position with
regard to the social and political institutions than he had explicitly expressed.
I have in mind Mrs Robinson and others who claim to be the true heirs of
Keynes. I never could get that excited about this kind of battle over Keynes’s
mantle, so to speak. The central part of the book, the central core of the
modelling, is on the other side, Hicks’s side, in my opinion. Certainly that’s
in practice the model that has been taught and has influenced policy making
and macroeconomic theorizing for more than 50 years.

Do you think teaching the IS–LM model is still an important part of an

undergraduate’s understanding of the macro economy given the criticisms of
the IS–LM model by people like Robinson, Clower and Leijonhufvud?
Yes I think the IS–LM model is the tool of first resort. If you’re faced with a
problem of interpretation of the economy – policy or events – probably the
most useful first thing you can do is to try to see how to look at it in these
terms. Since students are in that position, yes they need to know it. It’s not
the end of the matter by any means. I don’t say that it’s enough. I doubt if
Keynes or Hicks would have thought it enough. But it’s a start and lots of
times it’s exactly right.

Critiques of Keynesianism

Would you accept that many of the theoretical changes made in the 1970s,
and inspired by people like Lucas, were the inevitable consequence of defects
in the Keynesian model?
No I wouldn’t accept that. I do think the idea of model-consistent expecta-
tions is a good idea. It would be a bad feature of any equilibrium model that
people chronically perpetuate mistaken expectations about variables, mis-
taken in the sense that they are different from those that the model persistently
creates itself. But I think that applying that idea to dynamic situations where
learning is going on and people can have a lot of different opinions about the
world is carrying it too far.

How important do you think it is for macroeconomics to have neoclassical

choice-theoretic foundations?
Well, I think it’s important for the behavioural equations of a macroeconomic
model not to contradict choice-theoretic considerations, to be in principle
consistent with them. But I think the stronger version of ‘micro foundations’
is a methodological mistake, one that has produced a tremendous amount of
mischief. I refer to the now orthodox requirement of postulating representa-
tive agents whose optimizations generate ‘macroeconomic’ behavioural
154 Modern macroeconomics

equations. That is a considerable sacrifice of the essence of much of macr-

oeconomics. Suppose you have a lot of different types of agents, who are all
maximizing. Then it’s their aggregation into a behavioural equation that you
want for a macro model. That aggregation won’t necessarily be the solution
for any single agent. To insist that it must be seems to me very wrong-headed.
It has put us on the wrong track in macroeconomics or what passes for

In the late 1960s you had a considerable debate with Friedman who at one
stage argued that the main differences between macroeconomists were over
empirical matters. Surely the 1970s demonstrated that there were some fun-
damental theoretical differences between macroeconomists?
What Friedman was saying was disingenuous. He had a theory of the demand
for money which put a lot of variables in the demand function including
various interest rates, and yet his monetary policy propositions were based on
the assumption that interest rates were not in the function. He asserted em-
pirical results that he was unique in finding – that the interest elasticity of the
demand for money was negligible. When he was really stuck by the weight of
evidence, he then wrote that the question of the size of interest elasticity of
the demand for money had nothing to do with anything. The only way one
could make sense of that particular proposition was that you were going to be
at full employment anyway, no matter what the stock of money was, and so
the interest rate would have to be what was consistent with the demand and
supply of savings at full employment. But that was a complete evasion of the
original issues of our debate. He had never before said that monetary policy
would have no effects on real variables. He said they have a lot of effects on
real variables. He had some kind of Phillips curve (although he didn’t call it
that) in his mind, and even when he invented the natural rate he still did. He
didn’t deny that monetary policy would have some effects on real output
during cyclical fluctuations – so he was caught between being a true new
classical economist, in which case he was going to have to say that money
doesn’t ever matter, or being a pragmatic monetarist, where he didn’t have a
good theoretical or empirical basis for what he had been saying.

What exactly is the difference between Friedman’s concept of the natural rate
of unemployment and NAIRU – the non-accelerating inflation rate of unem-
ployment? Is there some important difference between these two concepts?
I don’t think there is a big practical difference. Maybe what was in the mind
of Modigliani when he started that acronym was that Friedman said that the
natural rate was the amount of unemployment that was the solution to Walrasian
general equilibrium equations – a proposition that neither he nor anybody
else ever proved as far as I know – complete speculation. I mean, why would
James Tobin 155

Walrasian equations have any unemployment at all in their solution? [laugh-

ter]. That identification of the natural rate doesn’t make any sense, and it’s
certainly not true. When Modigliani and others started talking about NAIRU,
they were talking more about a pragmatic empirical idea.

At the end of the day politicians make economic policy. The public choice
school, as well as the work of your colleague William Nordhaus on political
business cycles, suggests that politicians may actually use economic policy
for their own gain. Do you think that Keynes was perhaps naive in thinking
that we could hand over policy making to politicians and they would follow
the advice of economists?
I won’t quote the last paragraph of the General Theory, which says that in the
long run ideas matter. I think that’s true, but I think my point would be a little
different. If we are advising government officials, politicians, voters, it’s not
for us economists to play games with them. It’s not for Keynes to say, I am
not going to suppress the General Theory and not tell the House of Com-
mons, the Labour Party, the Tories, whomever, that it would be possible to
reduce unemployment by public works expenditure. If I am giving advice to
them about war finance – or whatever else my advice will be not to do bad
things – I am not going to decide myself that they are so evil and irresponsi-
ble that I don’t give them advice about what actions will do what. I don’t
think that Jim Buchanan has, or I have, the right to withhold advice from
Presidents of the United States or Members of Congress or the electorate on
the grounds that if they knew what we know, they would misuse it. I don’t
think that is for us to decide.

You have said that good papers in economics contain surprises and stimulate
further work. On this criterion the 1970s contributions of people like Lucas,
Sargent, Wallace and Barro were good. Do you feel that new classical macr-
oeconomics has changed macroeconomics for the better?
In some respects I think Lucas’s ideas about policies being anticipated by
actors, so you can’t be sure that behaviour will stay put when you change
policy, is an important idea, one we have to worry about. I don’t think it is as
important an idea as he seemed to think it was. I thought his ingenious
explanation of how you can have observations that look like Phillips curves
yet have none of the operational policy implications of the curve – that was
neat. However, I think it turned out not to be a good idea. It didn’t survive
because of the implausible notion that people are confused about what the
money supply is. If they’re confused, why don’t we publish the money supply
data every Friday afternoon – which in the USA we do of course and have
been doing for a long time. I observe that the new classicals no longer pay
any attention to this misperception story. They have become much more
156 Modern macroeconomics

extreme. Barro’s [1974] paper was provocative and stimulated a lot of theo-
retical and empirical work. I had a paper in my Jahnsson lectures [Tobin,
1980a] that gave, I don’t know, say 15 reasons why Barro’s neutrality propo-
sition doesn’t work, and I think there have been numerous articles since on
each of them.

We have seen a lot of contributions recently from what are called new
Keynesian economists. What is the central difference between your view of
Keynesian economics and the new Keynesian contributions? Is it that they
accept rational expectations and a lot of monetarist ideas?
Yes, they accept rational expectations. Moreover they accept the methodol-
ogy of choice-theoretic foundations and representative agents, much more
than I would. They accept market clearing, except as it is modified by imper-
fect competition, much more than I would. They regard their task as to give a
rationale for the alleged rigidity of money wages and money prices, a ration-
ale that allows nominal shocks to create real consequences. I think that was
not Keynes’s idea. Keynes was primarily concerned not with nominal de-
mand shocks but real demand shocks, which would create problems even if
prices were flexible. They have said that all they are going to do is show how
it is rational for nominal prices to be inflexible and derive unemployment
results from that. I don’t find it extremely convincing – and I’m sure Keynes
wouldn’t have – that the whole effective demand problem is that there are
real costs of changing nominal prices on the menu at the restaurant. I think
Keynes would have laughed at the idea that menu costs are a big enough
resource-using problem to cause the Great Depression or any other substan-
tial losses of economic activity. It’s not credible. If I had a copyright on who
could use the term Keynesian I wouldn’t allow them to use it [laughter].

What do you think of the real business cycle approach?

That’s really the enemy at the other extreme of macroeconomics. Real busi-
ness cycle theory suggests that society is a moving equilibrium responding
continuously to technological–productivity–supply shocks all the time, and
that the economy is doing the best job possible in responding to them. It’s
those benign responses that generate the fluctuations we call business cycles.
There isn’t any unemployment in the Keynesian sense. There are simply
intertemporal substitutions of employment now and employment later, which
are rational responses to the stochastic environment in which people live. I
don’t see any credibility to the idea that people are doing a lot of intertemporal
substitution as to how much they want to work. To interpret the rise in
unemployment in this country from 5.7 per cent in 1978 to 11 per cent in
1982 as a desire on the part of workers to take leisure in preparation for
working when real wages will be higher – that is ridiculous (laughter).
James Tobin 157

Should we take Lucas’s [1978a] advice and abandon the concept of involun-
tary unemployment?
Certainly not. Any time that you don’t have supply and demand equal at
existing prices then there is involuntary something. Some people would like
to supply more, or some people might like to demand more, at those prices
but are not able to do so. The only way you can say that everything must be
voluntary is to assume market clearing all the time – that at every moment in
time the economy is in market-clearing equilibrium.

In new classical models full employment is equated with actual unemploy-

ment. How should we define full employment?
I would define it, as Keynes did, in a classical way at the point where people
are on the supply curve for labour, getting all the work they are willing to
accept at real wages that employers can and will pay for them. Keynes
himself allows for intersectoral flux and frictional unemployment, but essen-
tially I wouldn’t define equilibrium full employment any differently from a
classical model.

There seems to be more consensus amongst economists on microeconomic

issues than macroeconomic issues. Why do you think this is the case?
Let’s go back to what Keynes said. He didn’t have any big reservations about
the way the market economy allocates the resources it does employ. I think
myself, and many microeconomists and economists in general would say,
that Keynes gave away too much. He should have recognized more externali-
ties in the ordinary market allocation of resources, and he should have worried
more about the possible social wastes of monopolistic competition than he
did. In many areas of microeconomics like rent control and minimum wages,
choice-theoretic opportunity-cost methodology is being used the way we are
trained to use it. That’s the secret that we know, and sociologists and other
social scientists don’t know. We are a more scientific discipline, but I don’t
think that all is well in those respects. What rational expectations has done to
macroeconomics is what game theory has been doing to microeconomics.
Game theory has the problem that it leads to multiple solutions all the time,
so it doesn’t seem to get results. It’s got the same fascination for people
looking for ways to use their mathematical and puzzle-solving prowess as
rational expectations has, and that comes at the expense of more pragmatic,
and empirical, and institutional industrial organization studies. So, I am not
so sure that all is well in microeconomics either. A lot of good policy work
continues in more applied areas.

Do you see any signs of an emerging consensus in macroeconomics?

It may be coming, but I don’t see it. There is still great conflict.
158 Modern macroeconomics

Economic Policy

When in office Mrs Thatcher repeatedly stated that in her view inflation was
the most important target for macroeconomic policy. How do you react to this
Well, that’s substituting a subordinate target for a real target. To the extent
that inflation is damaging to real standards of living now or in the future, then
inflation is something to worry about. But you could easily make greater
sacrifices of real output and real consumption in the name of inflation than
the benefits of reducing inflation are worth.

Structural budget deficits have been a feature of the US economy in the 1980s
and indeed at the moment there is a lot of talk of the problem of growing
budget deficits. Are budget deficits damaging? Do you think that the struc-
tural budget deficit of the US economy is a real problem, and what should be
done about it?
Well, again you have to keep your eye on the ball and not confuse ends and
means. When you think about the objectives to which fiscal policy may be
relevant, it is the growth of our capacity to provide higher standards of living
to people in the future. For the USA we are talking about a deficit that is in
dollars, a debt that is in the currency that we print. It’s not a debt in sterling,
in yen, or anything else. It’s largely an internally held debt and when you
think about international wealth balance sheets it’s not important whether
foreigners hold our federal public debt, or hold other assets. There is a
burden, however, in that the public debt diverts some private wealth that
could be placed in privately owned productive capital to holding government
paper that was generated to finance private or collective consumption. In that
sense deficits which increase the debt have been using savings that could
have been used for productive investments in capital that would have raised
real wages that our grandchildren would earn. But that doesn’t mean we need
a deficit reduction this year, when the economy is in a slump. Today GDP is
not supply-constrained; the amount of investment in the economy is not
constrained by the supply of saving. In fact deficit reduction in a weak
economy would be counterproductive, reduce GDP, reduce investment. We
would be doing not as well for our children and their children as we would if
we did some spending on public investment or cut taxes in ways that stimu-
late private investment. All this is terribly mixed up in the political discussion
about deficits. I have been one of the principal opponents of the kind of fiscal
policy that the Reagan and Bush Administrations ran for 12 years. And at the
same time, to rush into a blind policy of deficit reduction that begins too
soon, before we are out of the slump – I wouldn’t do that either. It all gets
back to trying to suit the medicine to the circumstances of the patient.
James Tobin 159

Are you still an advocate of incomes policies? Some Keynesians like Alan
Blinder have little enthusiasm for such policies, whereas you seem to think
that incomes policy has a role to play in addition to demand management.
Well I thought incomes policy did have a role in the 1970s, and especially in
the disinflation that was going to take place beginning in 1979. I think we
could have done that disinflation with less loss in output and employment if
we’d used some kind of incomes policy then. Right now, I’m not very excited
about incomes policy. One thing that has come out well in the 1980s, partly a
matter of good fortune, is that we haven’t had any more oil shocks. Wage
pressures are also very moderate. In 1979/80 there were very few economists
who would have said it was possible to get unemployment down to almost 5
per cent in 1988 and have virtually no inflationary consequences. I wouldn’t
have said that ten years earlier – yet it happened. We don’t have an inflation
problem right now. If it comes back, then incomes policy may be a possible
thing to do, but I wouldn’t muddy the waters and get excited about it right

Why has Keynesian economics experienced something of a restoration in the

last decade?
Well, it’s because you have had Keynesian problems for the last five years.
Keynesian economics got a bum rap in the 1970s. I see it all the time. People
say ‘Why do you want to go back to the failed policies of the 1970s and the
late 1960s?’ Keynesian policies were thought to be responsible for inflation
and stagflation – people never mention, or erase from the memory, the oil
shocks and the Vietnam War. Now we are back to a more normal environment
and the new classical ideas are not so appealing to a new generation of
economists, who have grown up subsequent to the high tides of the counter-

If you were advising Clinton about the economic strategy to be pursued over
the next four years, what are the important things you think he should do?
Well, that’s a tricky thing for reasons we already discussed. The problem he
has right now is to pep up the economy and the recovery. The economy is
doing a little better than it was six months ago, but it is still not doing great.
At the same time there is all this pressure to do something about the federal
deficit. He is trying to do both. Since one really requires more deficit while
the other requires less deficit, it’s rather difficult. I’m afraid the stimulus he is
going to give is not very big, and it’s not going to last long enough. There is
going to be a deficit-increasing phase of his programme this year and maybe
next year [1994] his budget is going to be deficit-neutral. Thereafter tax
increases and cuts in entitlements and other outlays are going to be phased in,
so eventually for the fiscal year 1997 he will be able to say that he will have
160 Modern macroeconomics

done what he said. He is asking for both these things at once. It’s sort of like
saying we’re going to have to perform some surgery on this patient but right
now the patient is a little weak, so we’ll have to build the patient up first.
There are two difficulties. One is that the dual approach is a rather subtle
point to explain – why we do one thing now when we are going to do the
opposite later. In fact, he hasn’t even explained it yet.

Maybe he doesn’t understand it.

Oh he does, this is a smart guy. This is as smart a politician as I have ever met
– he understands it.

Additional Questions Answered by Correspondence January/February


In your 1995 paper ‘The Natural Rate as New Classical Economics’ you
suggested that Friedman’s [1968a] paper ‘The Role of Monetary Policy’ is
‘very likely the most influential paper ever published in an economics jour-
nal’. In what important ways did that paper change macroeconomics and do
you regard the natural rate hypothesis as part of the ‘core’ of mainstream
Perhaps that was hyperbole, but the article was certainly very influential in
the profession and, in its implications for policy all over the world, far
beyond. If, as I argued in my 1995 paper, the article was a giant step towards
new classical macro and real business cycle theory, then the initial impact of
the Friedman paper was greatly multiplied. If those doctrines are now the
core of mainstream macroeconomics, then the natural rate idea is likewise.
While this may be true of academic macro theory, I think it is not true of
practical macro as used in government policy and business practice. There
the NAIRU is the preferred concept, and as I have argued in the 1995 paper
and elsewhere it is not the same as the natural rate. Both concepts have
suffered from the empirical surprises of the last few years, when previous
estimates of the NAIRU turned out to be wrong. Moreover, the idea that there
is a vertical Phillips curve in the long run has lost ground relative to my own
idea that a trade-off persists at low rates of inflation, a proposition recently
supported by Akerlof, Dickens and Perry [1996] in Brookings Papers.

The US economy currently [January 1998] has an unemployment rate of 4.7

per cent and an inflation rate of just over 2 per cent. Given that most
estimates of the natural rate of unemployment for the US economy are around
6 per cent, how would you account for this current situation?
Indicators of labour market tightness other than the unemployment rate sug-
gest that labour markets are considerably less tight than the unemployment
James Tobin 161

rate itself would suggest, given the experience since the mid-1970s. Vacan-
cies (proxied in the USA by help-wanted indexes) are more plentiful, quitting
jobs less frequent relative to losing jobs, and persons counted as out of labour
force more available for work. The Beveridge curve seems to have shifted
back to its location in the 1950s and 1960s. Other factors include the decline
in trade union membership and power vis-à-vis private business employers,
the increased acceptability of downsizing employment to improve the bottom
line and stock prices, even at the expense of long-time employees, import
competition, yes, but especially domestic competition, and of course the
absence of supply shocks, which has more to do with the stagflation of the
1970s than new classicals want to remember. It very well may be possible to
reduce unemployment to 4 per cent, the target of the Kennedy administration
in the 1960s, while keeping inflation below 3.5 per cent.

Although unemployment in the US and UK economies is relatively low at the

moment, the average rate of unemployment in the European Union econo-
mies is relatively high. How can we explain the considerable unemployment
differentials that exist at the moment between the USA and countries such as
France and Germany? Do you think that EMU is likely to exacerbate the
unemployment problem in Europe?
I am incorrigible. I still believe that wilfully bad macro policy is responsible
for much of the excess unemployment in Europe. It can’t be that the natural
rate keeps rising along with the actual rate, from single to double digits. The
Europeans conclude that if they don’t see significant deflation at whatever
actual U-rate, then that rate must be equal to or less than the natural rate, so
that any expansionary monetary or fiscal policy will cause inflation to in-
crease. But it may be that the short-run Phillips curve is pretty flat, so that
this inference is not justified. Anyway they never try the experiment of
expansionary policy. I can believe that there are more structural obstacles to
reducing unemployment in continental Europe than in America and Britain. I
can believe that Thatcher’s bashing of labour unions helped, although I didn’t
see UK wages and prices tumbling when sterling was pegged to the DM. I
think some of the structural problems on the continent reflect hysteresis. The
governments and central banks never tried to recover from the 1979–82
recessions, unlike the USA, so the cyclical unemployment achieved by those
recessions became ‘structural’. Whatever the nature and cause, European
unemployment is a disgrace and should be within the power of European
governments to correct in some way, rather than complain about, as if it has
been imposed on them by the USA.
I don’t expect EMU to change the unemployment situation much either
way. If anything, it will get worse. EU members haven’t done much under the
EMS to improve their own macro outcomes. But to the extent they have done
162 Modern macroeconomics

anything individually, they won’t have any macro policy tools once they are
in EMU. Nor will the new central bank act differently from the Bundesbank,
and the Union has no fisc with which to conduct fiscal policy.

Do you feel that there has been any move towards greater consensus in
macroeconomics since we last talked to you in 1993?
Maybe there’s more consensus in macro theory, in the sense that Keynesian
theory is just ignored and graduate students don’t learn anything about it.
Maybe there’s more consensus in practical macroeconomics, because it can’t
help having large Keynesian elements and because mechanical monetarism is

Many prominent macroeconomists (for example Barro and Sala-i-Martin,

1995; Lucas, 1987) have argued that the part of macroeconomics that really
matters is growth. Do you agree with this view and have the endogenous
growth theories of the past decade improved our understanding of growth
Yes, without doubt increasing the productivity, health and life expectancy of
billions of people in poor and underdeveloped countries throughout the world
adds more utility than reducing the unemployment in Western Europe by
three or four points. I don’t think the macroeconomists studying growth have
answers on how to do that. Aggregate demand problems are a luxury avail-
able to advanced industrial capitalist countries. The basic problem of poor
countries is poverty of supply. It’s possible that aggregate demand shortage –
the social disorganization of unnecessary poverty in the midst of potential
plenty in the Great Depression – is no longer a high-priority problem because
macroeconomics solved it, not because it never was a problem and the macro
theory and policy it evoked was wrong. The fact that there are few auto
accidents at intersections doesn’t suggest that traffic lights are unnecessary.
Barro and Lucas, it seems to me, trashed demand-oriented macroeconomics
and then left the field, saying it’s not interesting anyway. The endogenous
growth theories, which interestingly enough rely on externalities of one kind
or another to overcome diminishing returns, are intriguing but not as yet
convincing to me.
4. The orthodox monetarist school
the drastic change that has occurred in economic theory has not been the result of
ideological warfare. It has not resulted from divergent political beliefs or aims. It
has responded almost entirely to the force of events: brute experience proved far
more potent than the strongest of political or ideological preferences. (Friedman,
1977, p. 470)

4.1 Introduction

During the 1950s and up to at least the mid- to late 1960s Keynesian econom-
ics, which came to be epitomized by the Hicks–Hansen IS–LM model, was
the dominant force in the development of macroeconomics in terms of both
theorizing and policy prescriptions. As one leading critic of Keynesian eco-
nomics has admitted, in the late 1960s the Keynesian model ‘seemed to be
the only game in town in terms of macroeconomics’ (see Barro, 1984). A
central theme of Keynes’s General Theory is the contention that capitalist
market economies are inherently unstable and can come to rest at less than
full employment equilibrium for prolonged periods of time. This instability
was, in Keynes’s view, predominantly the result of fluctuations in aggregate
demand. In the mid- to late 1940s and the 1950s the then-prevailing Keynesian
orthodoxy emphasized real disturbances (notably fluctuations in investment
and autonomous consumption) as the main cause of fluctuations in money or
nominal income, predominantly in the form of changes in real income. To the
early Keynesians, the Great Depression had resulted from a sharp fall in the
level of investment with the associated severe unemployment reflecting a
state of deficient aggregate demand. This contrasted with the earlier quantity
theory of money (QTM) tradition that viewed changes in the money stock as
the predominant, though not the only, factor explaining changes in money
During the 1950s and 1960s, Milton Friedman, more than any other econo-
mist, was responsible for reviving the fortunes of the quantity theory of money.
In 1968 Karl Brunner famously gave the label of ‘monetarism’ to the ideas of
those economists, particularly Friedman, who adhered to the quantity theory of
money. The quantity theory of money is the central plank to monetarism and
this idea is, according to Mark Blaug, ‘the oldest surviving theory in econom-
ics’ Blaug et al. (1995). In a reasonably coherent form, the quantity theory of

164 Modern macroeconomics

money stretches back over at least 300 years to John Locke’s Some Considera-
tions of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and Raising the Value of
Money published in 1692 (see Eltis, 1995). However, David Hume’s classic
essay, Of Money, published in 1752, is widely recognized as perhaps the most
sophisticated early statement of the quantity theory of money. According to
Mayer (1980), most of the fundamental propositions of monetarism date back
to this essay. Thereafter, the quantity theory of money was accepted and devel-
oped throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by many notable
economists, including David Ricardo, Alfred Marshall, Irving Fisher and, at
least up until 1930, Keynes himself. As Blaug notes, ‘Keynes began by loving
it but ended up by hating it’ (see Blaug et al., 1995).
The main purpose of this chapter is twofold. First, to trace the historical
development of orthodox monetarism (see Figure 4.1) beginning with the
quantity theory of money approach (section 4.2) as it evolved from the mid-
1950s to the mid-1960s; through to the expectations-augmented Phillips curve
analysis (section 4.3) which was absorbed into monetarist analysis after the
mid- to late 1960s; finally to the monetary approach to balance of payments
theory and exchange rate determination (section 4.4) which was incorporated
into monetarist analysis in the early 1970s. Second, in the light of this
discussion, to summarize the central distinguishing beliefs commonly held
within the orthodox monetarist school, especially with respect to the role and

Figure 4.1 The evolution of orthodox monetarism

The orthodox monetarist school 165

conduct of stabilization policy (section 4.5) and to reflect on what remains

today of the monetarist counter-revolution.
Before examining the QTM approach to macroeconomic analysis we should
note the key role played by Friedman in what came to be known as the
‘monetarist counter-revolution’ (see Johnson, 1971; Snowdon and Vane, 1996,
1997b). Unlike the majority of economists, Friedman is well known outside
academic circles, a characteristic he shares with Keynes. Together with Keynes,
Friedman has probably influenced macroeconomic theory and policy making
more than any other economist in the twentieth century. This can be attrib-
uted not only to the quality and quantity of his research output, but also to his
artistry and rhetoric in promoting a cause. In recognition of his academic
work, Friedman was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in
1976 for ‘his achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary
history and theory, and for his demonstration of the complexity of stabilisation
policy’. There is no doubt that Friedman’s monetary analysis and his demon-
stration of the limitations and dangers of discretionary stabilization policies
in a dynamic and uncertain world have influenced a whole generation of
eminent macroeconomists, most notably Robert Lucas Jr, who freely admits
his intellectual debt to his former teacher whom he describes as a ‘superb
economist’ (Klamer, 1984). Particularly influential to the generation of econo-
mists educated in the USA since the early 1960s was the publication of the
Friedman and Schwartz (1963) volume A Monetary History of the United
States which for Lucas (1994b) played an important, ‘perhaps decisive’, role
in the 1960s debate over stabilization policy. In reflecting on the longevity of
this ‘classic’ text Lucas has commented that it would be the first book in his
suitcase if he is ever invited to Washington ‘for some reason other than
viewing cherry blossoms’. According to Lucas, Friedman was also ‘by far’
his ‘most important teacher’, suggesting that he is sure that he has read
everything that Friedman has ever written (see Lucas, 1994a). In this chapter
we shall explore many of Friedman’s achievements.

4.2 The Quantity Theory of Money Approach

The first stage in the development of orthodox monetarism can be traced

from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s, and involved an attempt to re-establish
the quantity theory of money approach to macroeconomic analysis, which
had been usurped by the Keynesian revolution. Within the quantity theory of
money approach (see also Chapter 2, section 2.5) changes in the money stock
are regarded as the predominant, though not the only, factor explaining changes
in money or nominal income (see Laidler, 1991).
Orthodox Keynesian analysis (see Chapter 3, section 3.3) emphasized real
disturbances (notably fluctuations in investment and autonomous consump-
166 Modern macroeconomics

tion) as the main cause of fluctuations in money income, predominantly in

the form of changes in real income. In terms of the stylized quantity theory
outlined in Chapter 2, section 2.5, Keynes’s General Theory was interpreted
as implying that in conditions of underemployment (which could prevail for
protracted periods) income velocity (V) would be highly unstable and would
passively adapt to whatever changes occurred independently in the money
supply (M) or money income (PY). In these circumstances money was re-
garded as being relatively unimportant. For example, in the two extreme
cases of the liquidity and investment traps, money does not matter inasmuch
as monetary policy would be completely ineffective in influencing economic
activity. In the liquidity trap case, an increase in the money supply would be
exactly and completely offset by an opposite change in velocity. The increase
in the money supply would be absorbed entirely into idle/speculative bal-
ances at an unchanged rate of interest and level of income. In the investment
trap case, where investment is completely interest-inelastic, an increase in the
money supply would again have no effect on the level of real income. The
money supply would be powerless to influence real income because invest-
ment is insensitive to interest rate changes. Velocity would fall as the demand
for money increased relative to an unchanged level of income. Readers should
verify for themselves that, in either of these two extreme Keynesian cases
where money does not matter, any change in autonomous consumption, in-
vestment or government expenditure would result in the full multiplier effect
of the simple Keynesian cross or 45° model. Under such conditions, although
the quantity theory relationship (equation 2.16) would be valid, orthodox
Keynesians argued it would be useless in terms of monetary policy prescrip-

4.2.1 The quantity theory as a theory of the demand for money

It was against this orthodox Keynesian background that Milton Friedman
sought to maintain and re-establish across the profession what he regarded as
the oral tradition of the University of Chicago, namely the quantity theory of
money approach to macroeconomic analysis (for a criticism of this interpre-
tation, see Patinkin, 1969). Although the traditional quantity theory is a body
of doctrine concerned with the relationship between the money supply and
the general price level, Friedman (1956) initially presented his restatement of
the quantity theory of money as a theory of the demand for money, rather
than a theory of the general price level or money income.
Friedman postulated that the demand for money (like the demand for any
asset) yields a flow of services to the holder and depends on three main
factors: (i) the wealth constraint, which determines the maximum amount of
money that can be held; (ii) the return or yield on money in relation to the
return on other financial and real assets in which wealth can be held; and (iii)
The orthodox monetarist school 167

the asset-holder’s tastes and preferences. The way total wealth is allocated
between various forms depends on the relative rates of return on the various
assets. These assets include not just money and bonds but also equities and
physical goods. In equilibrium wealth will be allocated between assets such
that marginal rates of return are equal. Although Patinkin (1969) has sug-
gested that Friedman’s restatement should be regarded as an extension of
Keynesian analysis, there are three important differences worth highlighting.
First, Friedman’s analysis of the demand for money can be regarded as an
application of his permanent income theory of consumption to the demand
for a particular asset. Second, he introduced the expected rate of inflation as a
potentially important variable into the demand for money function. Third, he
asserted that the demand for money was a stable function of a limited number
of variables.
A simplified version of Friedman’s demand function for real money bal-
ances can be written in the following form:

= f (Y P ; r, P˙ e ; u) (4.1)

where YP represents permanent income, which is used as a proxy for wealth,

the budget constraint;
r represents the return on financial assets,
Ṗ e represents the expected rate of inflation; and
u represents individuals’ tastes and preferences.
This analysis predicts that, ceteris paribus, the demand for money will be
greater (i) the higher the level of wealth; (ii) the lower the yield on other
assets; (iii) the lower the expected rate of inflation, and vice versa. Utility-
maximizing individuals will reallocate wealth between different assets
whenever marginal rates of return are not equal. This portfolio adjustment
process is central to the monetarist specification of the transmission mecha-
nism whereby changes in the stock of money affect the real sector. This can
be illustrated by examining the effects of an increase in the money supply
brought about by open market operations by the monetary authorities. An
initial equilibrium is assumed where wealth is allocated between financial
and real assets such that marginal rates of return are equal. Following open
market purchases of bonds by the monetary authorities, the public’s money
holdings will increase. Given that the marginal return on any asset diminishes
as holdings of it increase, the marginal rate of return on money holdings will
in consequence fall. As excess money balances are exchanged for financial
and real assets (such as consumer durables), their prices will be bid up until
portfolio equilibrium is re-established when once again all assets are will-
ingly held and marginal rates of return are equal. In contrast to orthodox
168 Modern macroeconomics

Keynesian analysis, monetarists argue that money is a substitute for a wide

range of real and financial assets, and that no single asset or group of assets
can be considered a close substitute for money. A much broader range of
assets and associated expenditures is emphasized and in consequence mon-
etarists attribute a much stronger and more direct effect on aggregate spending
to monetary impulses.

4.2.2 The quantity theory and changes in money income: empirical

The assertion that there exists a stable functional relationship (behaviour)
between the demand for real balances and a limited number of variables that
determine it lies at the heart of the modern quantity theory of money ap-
proach to macroeconomic analysis. If the demand for money function is
stable, then velocity will also be stable, changing in a predictable manner if
any of the limited number of variables in the demand for money function
should change. Friedman (1968b, p. 434) has postulated the QTM as

the empirical generalisation that changes in desired real balances (in the demand
for money) tend to proceed slowly and gradually or to be the result of events set in
train by prior changes in supply, whereas, in contrast, substantial changes in the
supply of nominal balances can and frequently do occur independently of any
changes in demand. The conclusion is that substantial changes in prices or nomi-
nal income are almost invariably the result of changes in the nominal supply of

In this section we discuss various empirical evidence put forward in sup-

port of the quantity theory of money approach to macroeconomic analysis,
beginning with the demand for money function. Constraints of space pre-
clude a detailed discussion of the empirical evidence on the demand for
money. Nevertheless two points are worth highlighting. First, although Fried-
man (1959) in his early empirical work on the demand for money claimed to
have found that the interest rate was insignificant, virtually all studies under-
taken thereafter have found the interest rate to be an important variable in the
function. Indeed, in a subsequent paper Friedman (1966) acknowledged this.
Buiter (2003a) recounts that Tobin, in his long debate with Friedman, ‘con-
vinced most of the profession that the demand for money has an economically
and statistically significant interest rate-responsiveness’ (that is, the LM curve
is not perfectly inelastic). This argument was a crucial part of Tobin’s case in
support of discretionary fiscal policy having a role to play in stabilization
policy. Furthermore, in the 1950s and 1960s there also appeared little evi-
dence that the interest elasticity of the money demand increased as the rate of
interest fell, as the liquidity trap requires. This means that both the extreme
quantity theory and Keynesian cases of vertical and horizontal LM curves,
The orthodox monetarist school 169

respectively, could be ruled out. The static IS–LM model can, however, still
be used to illustrate the quantity theory approach to macroeconomic analysis
if both the real rate of interest and real income are determined by real, not
monetary, forces and the economy automatically tends towards full employ-
ment (see Friedman, 1968a). Second, although the belief in a stable demand
for money function was well supported by empirical evidence up to the early
1970s, since then a number of studies, both in the USA and other economies,
have found evidence of apparent instability of the demand for money. In the
USA, for example, there occurred a marked break in the trend of the velocity
of the narrow monetary aggregate, M1, in the early 1980s and subsequent
breaks in the velocities of the broader monetary aggregates, M2 and M3, in
the early 1990s. A number of possible explanations have been put forward to
explain this apparent instability, including institutional change within the
financial system which took place in the 1970s and 1980s. The reader is
referred to Laidler (1993) for a detailed and very accessible discussion of the
empirical evidence on the demand for money, and the continuing controversy
over the question of the stability of the demand for money function.
Friedman (1958) sought to re-establish an important independent role for
money through a study of time series data comparing rates of monetary
growth with turning points in the level of economic activity for the USA. On
the average of 18 non-war cycles since 1870, he found that peaks (troughs) in
the rate of change of the money supply had preceded peaks (troughs) in the
level of economic activity by an average of 16 (12) months. Friedman con-
cluded that this provided strong suggestive evidence of an influence running
from money to business. Friedman’s study was subsequently criticized by
Culbertson (1960, 1961) and by Kareken and Solow (1963) on both meth-
odological and statistical grounds. First, the question was raised as to whether
the timing evidence justified the inference of a causal relationship running
from money to economic activity (see also Kaldor, 1970a; Sims, 1972).
Second, statistical objections to Friedman’s procedure were raised in that he
had not compared like with like. When Kareken and Solow reran the tests
with Friedman’s data using rates of change for both money and economic
activity, they found no uniform lead of monetary changes over changes in the
level of economic activity. Later, the issue of money to income causality was
famously taken up by Tobin (1970), who challenged the reliability of the
timing (leads and lags) evidence accumulated by Friedman and other mon-
etarists. Using an ‘Ultra Keynesian’ model Tobin demonstrated how the timing
evidence could just as easily be interpreted in support of the Keynesian
position on business cycles and instability. Tobin accused Friedman of falling
foul of the ‘Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc’ fallacy. He also went further by
criticizing Friedman for not having an explicit theoretical foundation linking
cause and effect on which to base his monetarist claims. The claim was
170 Modern macroeconomics

frequently made that much of Friedman’s work was ‘measurement without

theory’ and that monetarism remained too much a ‘black box’. As Hoover
(2001a, 2001b) has recently reminded economists, correlation can never prove
causation. This problem of ‘causality in macroeconomics’ has led to, and will
continue to lead to, endless arguments and controversy in empirical macr-
oeconomics (see also Friedman, 1970b; Davidson and Weintraub, 1973; Romer
and Romer, 1994a, 1994b; Hoover and Perez, 1994; Hammond, 1996).
In 1963, Friedman and Schwartz (1963) presented more persuasive evi-
dence to support the monetarist belief that changes in the stock of money
play a largely independent role in cyclical fluctuations. In their influential
study of the Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960, they found
that, while the stock of money had tended to rise during both cyclical expan-
sions and contractions, the rate of growth of the money supply had been
slower during contractions than during expansions in the level of economic
activity. Within the period examined, the only times when there was an
appreciable absolute fall in the money stock were also the six periods of
major economic contraction identified: 1873–9, 1893–4, 1907–8, 1920–21,
1929–33 and 1937–8. Furthermore, from studying the historical circum-
stances underlying the changes that occurred in the money supply during
these major recessions, Friedman and Schwartz argued that the factors pro-
ducing monetary contraction were mainly independent of contemporary or
prior changes in money income and prices. In other words, monetary changes
were seen as the cause, rather than the consequence, of major recessions. For
example, Friedman and Schwartz argued that the absolute decline in the
money stock which took place during both 1920–21 and 1937–8 was a
consequence of highly restrictive policy actions undertaken by the Federal
Reserve System: for example, reserve requirements were doubled in 1936
and early 1937. These actions were themselves followed by sharp declines in
the money stock, which were in turn followed by a period of severe economic
Even more controversial was the reinterpretation of the Great Depression
as demonstrating the potency of monetary change and monetary policy. Fried-
man and Schwartz argued that an initial mild decline in the money stock from
1929 to 1930 was converted into a sharp decline by a wave of bank failures
which started in late 1930 (see also Bernanke, 1983). Bank failures produced
an increase in both the currency-to-deposit ratio, owing to the public’s loss of
faith in the banks’ ability to redeem their deposits, and the reserve-to-deposit
ratio, owing to the banks’ loss of faith in the public’s willingness to maintain
their deposits with them. In Friedman and Schwartz’s view, the consequent
decline in the money stock was further intensified by the Federal Reserve
System’s restrictive action of raising the discount rate in October 1931,
which in turn led to further bank failures. In this interpretation the depression
The orthodox monetarist school 171

only became great as a consequence of the failure of the Federal Reserve to

prevent the dramatic decline in the money stock – between October 1929 and
June 1933, the money stock fell by about a third. By adopting alternative
policies the Federal Reserve System, they argued, could have prevented the
banking collapse and the resulting fall in the money stock and severe eco-
nomic contraction. Friedman and Schwartz further justified their view that
changes in the stock of money play a largely independent role in cyclical
fluctuations from the evidence that cyclical movements in money had much
the same relationship (both in timing and amplitude) as cyclical movements
in business activity, even under substantially different monetary arrange-
ments that had prevailed in the USA over the period 1867–1960 (for further
discussion of these issues, see Temin, 1976; Romer and Romer, 1989; Romer,
1992; Hammond, 1996).
A more intense exchange was triggered by the publication of the study
undertaken by Friedman and Meiselman (1963) for the Commission on Money
and Credit. Although the ensuing Friedman–Meiselman debate occupied
economists for a lengthy period of time, the debate itself is now generally
regarded as largely only of interest to students of the history of economic
thought. In brief, Friedman and Meiselman attempted to estimate how much
of the variation in consumption (a proxy variable for income) could be
explained by changes in (i) the money supply, in line with the quantity theory
approach, and (ii) autonomous expenditure (investment), in line with Keynesian
analysis. Using two test equations (one using money and the other autono-
mous expenditure as the independent variable) for US data over the period
1897–1958, they found that, apart from one sub-period dominated by the
Great Depression, the money equation gave much the better explanation.
These results were subsequently challenged, most notably by De Prano and
Mayer (1965) and Ando and Modigliani (1965), who showed that a change in
the definition of autonomous expenditure improved the performance of the
autonomous expenditure equation.
On reflection it is fair to say that these tests were ill devised to discriminate
between the quantity theory of money and the Keynesian view, so that they
failed to establish whether it was changes in the supply of money or autono-
mous expenditure that were causing changes in income. This can be illustrated
by reference to the IS–LM model for a closed economy. In general, within
the Hicksian IS–LM framework, monetary and fiscal multipliers each depend
on both the consumption function and the liquidity preference function.
Equally good results can be obtained using the two equations when income
determination is either purely classical or Keynesian. The classical case is
illustrated in Figure 4.2, where the demand for money is independent of the
rate of interest. The economy is initially in equilibrium at a less than full
employment income level of Y0 and a rate of interest r0, that is, the intersec-
172 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 4.2 The classical case

Figure 4.3 The Keynesian case

The orthodox monetarist school 173

tion of LM0 and IS. An increase in the money supply (which shifts the LM
curve from LM0 to LM1) would result in a lower rate of interest (r1) and a
higher level of income (Y1). As the interest rate falls, investment expenditure
is stimulated, which in turn, through the multiplier, affects consumption and
income. In the classical case, empirical studies would uncover a stable rela-
tionship between autonomous expenditure and the level of income, even
though the direction of causation would run from money to income.
The Keynesian case is illustrated in Figure 4.3. The economy is initially in
equilibrium at an income level of Y0 and a rate of interest of r*, that is, the
intersection of IS0 and LM0. Following an expansionary real impulse (which
shifts the IS curve outwards to the right, from IS0 to IS1), the authorities could
stabilize the interest rate at r* by expanding the money supply (shifting the LM
curve downwards to the right, from LM0 to LM1). In the Keynesian case,
empirical studies would uncover a stable relationship between the money sup-
ply and the level of income, even though in this particular case the direction of
causation would run from income to money. In conclusion, what the Friedman–
Meiselman tests appeared to demonstrate was that (i) the marginal propensity
to consume had been relatively stable and (ii) contrary to the extreme Keynesian
view, the economy had not been in a liquidity or investment trap because if it
had the tests would not have found such good fits for the money equation.

4.2.3 An assessment
At this point it would be useful to draw together the material presented in this
section and summarize the central tenets that proponents of the quantity
theory of money approach to macroeconomic analysis generally adhered to
by the mid-1960s (see Mayer, 1978; Vane and Thompson, 1979; Purvis,
1980; Laidler, 1981). The central distinguishing beliefs at that time could be
listed as follows:

1. Changes in the money stock are the predominant factor explaining changes
in money income.
2. In the face of a stable demand for money, most of the observed instabil-
ity in the economy could be attributed to fluctuations in the money
supply induced by the monetary authorities.
3. The authorities can control the money supply if they choose to do so and
when that control is exercised the path of money income will be different
from a situation where the money supply is endogenous.
4. The lag between changes in the money stock and changes in money
income is long and variable, so that attempts to use discretionary mon-
etary policy to fine-tune the economy could turn out to be destabilizing.
5. The money supply should be allowed to grow at a fixed rate in line with
the underlying growth of output to ensure long-term price stability.
174 Modern macroeconomics

The Keynesian–monetarist debate, relating to the importance of changes in

the money stock as the predominant factor explaining changes in money
income, reached a climax in 1970, when Friedman, in response to his critics,
attempted to set forth his ‘Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis’.
Until the publication of Friedman’s 1970 paper there existed no explicit,
formal and coherent statement of the theoretical structure underlying mon-
etarist pronouncements. In opening up the monetarist ‘black box’ for theoretical
scrutiny, Friedman intended to demonstrate that ‘the basic differences among
economists are empirical not theoretical’. His theoretical statement turned
out to be a generalized IS–LM model which helped to place the monetarist
approach within the mainstream position (see Friedman, 1970a, 1972; Tobin,
1972b; Gordon, 1974). This debate represented the ‘final big battle between
Friedman and his Keynesian critics’ before the rational expectations revolu-
tion and new classical economics ‘swept both Keynesianism and monetarism
from center stage’ (see Hammond, 1996). According to Tobin (1981), the
central issue for both macroeconomic theory and policy is the supply re-
sponse of the economy to monetary impulses. The division of such impulses
between prices and quantities was referred to by Friedman as ‘the missing
equation’. In Tobin’s view, Friedman’s solution to this problem ‘was not
different in spirit from the wage/price/output mechanisms of mainstream
eclectic Keynesian theory and econometrics’ (Tobin, 1981, p. 36).
In retrospect we can now see that Friedman’s debate with his critics dem-
onstrated that their differences were more quantitative than qualitative, and
contributed towards an emerging synthesis of monetarist and Keynesian ideas.
This emerging synthesis, or theoretical accord, was to establish that the
Keynesian-dominated macroeconomics of the 1950s had understated (but not
neglected) the importance of monetary impulses in generating economic
instability (see Laidler, 1992a). This was perhaps especially true in the UK in
the period culminating in the Radcliffe Report (1959) on the working of the
monetary system in the UK. According to Samuelson, a leading US Keynesian,
‘the contrast between British and American Keynesianism had become dra-
matic’ by 1959 because many of Keynes’s admirers in Britain ‘were still
frozen in the Model T version of his system’ (see Samuelson, 1983, 1988;
Johnson, 1978).

4.3 The Expectations-augmented Phillips Curve Analysis

The second stage in the development of orthodox monetarism came with a

more precise analysis of the way the effects of changes in the rate of mon-
etary expansion are divided between real and nominal magnitudes. This
analysis involved the independent contributions made by Friedman (1968a)
and Phelps (1967, 1968) to the Phillips curve literature (see Chapter 3,
The orthodox monetarist school 175

section 3.6). The notion of a stable relationship between inflation and unem-
ployment was challenged by Friedman and Phelps, who both denied the
existence of a permanent (long-run) trade-off between inflation and unem-
ployment (Phelps’s analysis originated from a non-monetarist perspective;
see Cross, 1995). The problem with the original specification of the Phillips
curve is that the rate of change of money wages is determined quite inde-
pendently of the rate of inflation. This in turn implies that workers are
irrational and suffer from complete money illusion, in that they base their
labour supply decisions on the level of money wages quite independently of
what is happening to prices. In what follows we focus on the highly influen-
tial arguments put forward by Friedman (1968a) in his 1967 Presidential
Address to the American Economic Association. Before doing so we should
recognize just how important Friedman’s paper proved to be for the develop-
ment of macroeconomics after 1968. While A Monetary History has
undoubtedly been Friedman’s most influential book in the macroeconomics
sphere, his 1967 Presidential Address published as ‘The Role of Monetary
Policy’ has certainly been his most influential article. In 1981 Robert Gordon
described this paper as probably the most influential article written in macr-
oeconomics in the previous 20 years. James Tobin (1995), one of Friedman’s
most eloquent, effective and long-standing critics, went even further, describ-
ing the 1968 paper as ‘very likely the most influential article ever published
in an economics journal’ (emphasis added). Paul Krugman (1994a) describes
Friedman’s paper as ‘one of the decisive intellectual achievements of post-
war economics’ and both Mark Blaug (1997) and Robert Skideksky (1996b)
view it as ‘easily the most influential paper on macroeconomics published in
the post-war era’. Between 1968 and 1997 Friedman’s paper has approxi-
mately 924 citation counts recorded by the Social Sciences Citation Index
and it continues to be one of the most heavily cited papers in economics (see
Snowdon and Vane, 1998). Friedman’s utilization of Wicksell’s concept of
the ‘natural rate’ in the context of unemployment was in rhetorical terms a
‘masterpiece of marketing’ (see Dixon, 1995), just as the application of the
term ‘rational’ to the expectations hypothesis turned out to be in the rise of
new classical economics during the 1970s. The impact of Professor Fried-
man’s work forced Keynesians to restate and remake their case for policy
activism even before that case was further undermined by the penetrating
theoretical critiques of Professor Lucas and other leading new classical econo-

4.3.1 The expectations-augmented Phillips curve

The prevailing Keynesian view of the Phillips curve was overturned by new
ideas hatched during the 1960s and events in the 1970s (Mankiw, 1990). A
central component of the new thinking involved Friedman’s critique of the
176 Modern macroeconomics

trade-off interpretation of the Phillips curve. This was first provided by Fried-
man (1966) in his debate with Solow (1966) over wage and price guideposts
and had even been outlined much earlier in conversation with Richard Lipsey
in 1960 (Leeson, 1997a). However, the argument was developed more fully
in his famous 1967 Presidential Address. According to Friedman, the original
Phillips curve which related the rate of change of money wages to unemploy-
ment was misspecified. Although money wages are set in negotiations, both
employers and employees are interested in real, not money, wages. Since
wage bargains are negotiated for discrete time periods, what affects the
anticipated real wage is the rate of inflation expected to exist throughout the
period of the contract. Friedman argued that the Phillips curve should be set
in terms of the rate of change of real wages. He therefore augmented the
basic Phillips curve with the anticipated or expected rate of inflation as an
additional variable determining the rate of change of money wages. The
expectations-augmented Phillips curve can be expressed mathematically by
the equation:

W˙ = f (U ) + P˙ e (4.2)

Equation (4.2) shows that the rate of money wage increase is equal to a
component determined by the state of excess demand (as proxied by the level
of unemployment) plus the expected rate of inflation.
Introducing the expected rate of inflation as an additional variable to ex-
cess demand which determines the rate of change of money wages implies
that, instead of one unique Phillips curve, there will be a family of Phillips
curves, each associated with a different expected rate of inflation. Two such
curves are illustrated in Figure 4.4. Suppose the economy is initially in
equilibrium at point A along the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC1) with unem-
ployment at UN, its natural level (see below) and with a zero rate of increase
of money wages. For simplification purposes in this, and subsequent, analysis
we assume a zero growth in productivity so that with a zero rate of money
wage increase the price level would also be constant and the expected rate of
inflation would be zero; that is, W˙ = P˙ = P˙ e = 0 per cent. Now imagine the
authorities reduce unemployment from UN to U1 by expanding aggregate
demand through monetary expansion. Excess demand in goods and labour
markets would result in upward pressure on prices and money wages, with
commodity prices typically adjusting more rapidly than wages. Having re-
cently experienced a period of price stability ( P˙ e = 0), workers would
misinterpret their money wage increases as real wage increases and supply
more labour; that is, they would suffer from temporary money illusion. Real
wages would, however, actually fall and, as firms demanded more labour,
unemployment would fall, with money wages rising at a rate of W˙1 , that is,
The orthodox monetarist school 177

point B on the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC1). As workers started slowly to

adapt their inflation expectations in the light of the actual rate of inflation
experienced ( P˙ = W˙1 ), they would realize that, although their money wages
had risen, their real wages had fallen, and they would press for increased
money wages, shifting the short-run Phillips curve upwards from SRPC1 to
SRPC2. Money wages would rise at a rate of Ẇ1 plus the expected rate of
inflation. Firms would lay off workers as real wages rose and unemployment
would increase until, at point C, real wages were restored to their original level,
with unemployment at its natural level. This means that, once the actual rate of
inflation is completely anticipated ( P˙1 = P˙ e ) in wage bargains (W˙1 = P˙ e , that is
to say there is no money illusion), there will be no long-run trade-off between
unemployment and wage inflation. It follows that if there is no excess de-
mand (that is, the economy is operating at the natural rate of unemployment),
then the rate of increase of money wages will equal the expected rate of
inflation and only in the special case where the expected rate of inflation is
zero will wage inflation be zero, that is, at point A in Figure 4.4. By joining
points such as A and C together, a long-run vertical Phillips curve is obtained
at the natural rate of unemployment (UN). At UN the rate of increase in money
wages is exactly equal to the rate of increase in prices, so that the real wage is
constant. In consequence there will be no disturbance in the labour market.
At the natural rate the labour market is in a state of equilibrium and the actual
and expected rates of inflation are equal; that is, inflation is fully anticipated.

Figure 4.4 The expectations-augmented Phillips curve

178 Modern macroeconomics

Friedman’s analysis helped reconcile the classical proposition with respect to

the long-run neutrality of money (see Chapter 2, section 2.5), while still
allowing money to have real effects in the short run.
Following Friedman’s attack on the Phillips curve numerous empirical
studies of the expectations-augmented Phillips curve were undertaken using
the type of equation:

W˙ = f (U ) + βP˙ e (4.3)

Estimated values for β of unity imply no long-run trade-off. Conversely

estimates of β of less than unity, but greater than zero, imply a long-run
trade-off but one which is less favourable than in the short run. This can be
demonstrated algebraically in the following manner. Assuming a zero growth
in productivity so that W˙ = P˙ , equation (4.3) can be written as:

P˙ = f (U ) + βP˙ e (4.4)

Rearranging equation (4.4) we obtain:

P˙ − βP˙ e = f (U ) (4.5)

Starting from a position of equilibrium where unemployment equals U* (see

Figure 4.5) and the actual and expected rates of inflation are both equal to
zero (that is, P˙ = P˙ e ), equation (4.5) can be factorized and written as:

P˙ (1 − β) = f (U ) (4.6)

Finally, dividing both sides of equation (4.6) by 1 – β, we obtain

f (U )
P˙ = (4.7)
1− β

Now imagine the authorities initially reduce unemployment below U* (see

Figure 4.5) by expanding aggregate demand through monetary expansion.
From equation (4.7) we can see that, as illustrated in Figure 4.5, (i) estimated
values for β of zero imply both a stable short- and long-run trade-off between
inflation and unemployment in line with the original Phillips curve; (ii)
estimates of β of unity imply no long-run trade-off; and (iii) estimates of β of
less than unity, but greater than zero, imply a long-run trade-off but one
which is less favourable than in the short run. Early evidence from a wide
range of studies that sought to test whether the coefficient (β) on the inflation
expectations term is equal to one proved far from clear-cut. In consequence,
The orthodox monetarist school 179

Figure 4.5 The trade-off between inflation and unemployment

during the early 1970s, the subject of the possible existence of a long-run
vertical Phillips curve became a controversial issue in the monetarist–
Keynesian debate. While there was a body of evidence that monetarists could
draw on to justify their belief that β equals unity, so that there would be no
trade-off between unemployment and inflation in the long run, there was
insufficient evidence to convince all the sceptics. However, according to one
prominent American Keynesian economist, ‘by 1972 the “vertical-in-the-
long-run” view of the Phillips curve had won the day’ (Blinder, 1992a). The
reader is referred to Santomero and Seater (1978) for a very readable review
of the vast literature on the Phillips curve up to 1978. By the mid- to late
1970s, the majority of mainstream Keynesians (especially in the USA) had
come to accept that the long-run Phillips curve is vertical. There is, however,
still considerable controversy on the time it takes for the economy to return to
the long-run solution following a disturbance.
Before turning to discuss the policy implications of the expectations-aug-
mented Phillips curve, it is worth mentioning that in his Nobel Memorial
Lecture Friedman (1977) offered an explanation for the existence of a posi-
tively sloped Phillips curve for a period of several years, which is compatible
with a vertical long-run Phillips curve at the natural rate of unemployment.
Friedman noted that inflation rates tend to become increasingly volatile at
higher rates of inflation. Increased volatility of inflation results in greater
180 Modern macroeconomics

uncertainty, and unemployment may rise as market efficiency is reduced and

the price system becomes less efficient as a coordinating/communication mecha-
nism (see Hayek, 1948). Increased uncertainty may also cause a fall in investment
and result in an increase in unemployment. Friedman further argued that, as
inflation rates increase and become increasingly volatile, governments tend to
intervene more in the price-setting process by imposing wage and price con-
trols, which reduces the efficiency of the price system and results in an increase
in unemployment. The positive relationship between inflation and unemploy-
ment then results from an unanticipated increase in the rate and volatility of
inflation. While the period of transition could be quite long, extending over
decades, once the economy had adjusted to high and volatile inflation, in
Friedman’s view, it would return to the natural rate of unemployment.

4.3.2 The policy implications of the expectations-augmented Phillips


The scope for short-run output–employment gains The monetarist belief in

a long-run vertical Phillips curve implies that an increased rate of monetary
expansion can reduce unemployment below the natural rate only because the
resulting inflation is unexpected. As we have discussed, as soon as inflation is
fully anticipated it will be incorporated into wage bargains and unemploy-
ment will return to the natural rate. The assumption underlying orthodox
monetarist analysis is that expected inflation adjusts to actual inflation only
gradually, in line with the so-called ‘adaptive’ or error-learning expectations
hypothesis. Interestingly, it seems that Friedman was profoundly influenced
by ‘Phillips’s adaptive inflationary expectations formula’ (Leeson, 1999). The
adaptive expectations equation implicit in Friedman’s analysis of the Phillips
curve, and used in Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money (1956), appears
to have been developed by Friedman in conjunction with Philip Cagan fol-
lowing a discussion he had with Phillips which took place on a park bench
somewhere in London in May 1952 (Leeson, 1994b, 1997a). In fact Fried-
man was so impressed with Phillips as an economist that he twice (in 1955
and 1960) tried to persuade him to move to the University of Chicago
(Hammond, 1996).
The main idea behind the adaptive expectations hypothesis is that eco-
nomic agents adapt their inflation expectations in the light of past inflation
rates and that they learn from their errors. Workers are assumed to adjust their
inflation expectations by a fraction of the last error made: that is, the differ-
ence between the actual rate of inflation and the expected rate of inflation.
This can be expressed by the equation:

P˙t e − P˙t e−1 = α( P˙t − P˙t e−1 ) (4.8)

The orthodox monetarist school 181

where α is a constant fraction. By repeated back substitution expected inflation

can be shown to be a geometrically weighted average of past actual inflation
rates with greater importance attached to more recent experience of inflation:

P˙t e = αP˙t + α(1 − α ) P˙t −1 …α(1 − α ) n P˙t −n (4.9)

In this ‘backward-looking’ model, expectations of inflation are based solely

on past actual inflation rates. The existence of a gap in time between an
increase in the actual rate of inflation and an increase in the expected rate
permits a temporary reduction in unemployment below the natural rate. Once
inflation is fully anticipated, the economy returns to its natural rate of unem-
ployment but with a higher equilibrium rate of wage and price inflation equal
to the rate of monetary growth. As we will discuss in Chapter 5, section 5.5.1,
if expectations are formed according to the rational expectations hypothesis
and economic agents have access to the same information as the authorities,
then the expected rate of inflation will rise immediately in response to an
increased rate of monetary expansion. In the case where there was no lag
between an increase in the actual and expected rate of inflation the authorities
would be powerless to influence output and employment even in the short

The accelerationist hypothesis A second important policy implication of

the belief in a vertical long-run Phillips curve concerns the so-called
‘accelerationist’ hypothesis. This hypothesis implies that any attempt to main-
tain unemployment permanently below the natural rate would result in
accelerating inflation and require the authorities to increase continuously the
rate of monetary expansion. Reference to Figure 4.4 reveals that, if unem-
ployment were held permanently at U1 (that is, below the natural rate UN), the
continued existence of excess demand in the labour market would lead to a
higher actual rate of inflation than expected. As the actual rate of inflation
increased, people would revise their inflation expectations upwards (that is,
shifting the short-run Phillips curve upwards), which would in turn lead to a
higher actual rate of inflation and so on, leading to hyperinflation. In other
words, in order to maintain unemployment below the natural rate, real wages
would have to be kept below their equilibrium level. For this to happen actual
prices would have to rise at a faster rate than money wages. In such a
situation employees would revise their expectations of inflation upwards and
press for higher money wage increases, which would in turn lead to a higher
actual rate of inflation. The end result would be accelerating inflation which
would necessitate continuous increases in the rate of monetary expansion to
validate the continuously rising rate of inflation. Conversely, if unemploy-
ment is held permanently above the natural rate, accelerating deflation will
182 Modern macroeconomics

occur. Where unemployment is held permanently above the natural rate, the
continued existence of excess supply in the labour market will lead to a lower
actual rate of inflation than expected. In this situation people will revise their
inflation expectations downwards (that is, the short-run Phillips curve will
shift downwards), which will in turn lead to a lower actual rate of inflation
and so on. It follows from this analysis that the natural rate is the only level of
unemployment at which a constant rate of inflation may be maintained. In
other words, in long-run equilibrium with the economy at the natural rate of
unemployment, the rate of monetary expansion will determine the rate of
inflation (assuming a constant growth of output and velocity) in line with the
quantity theory of money approach to macroeconomic analysis.
Undoubtedly the influence of Friedman’s (1968a) paper was greatly en-
hanced because he anticipated the acceleration of inflation that occurred during
the 1970s as a consequence of the repeated use of expansionary monetary
policy geared to an over-optimistic employment target. The failure of inflation
to slow down in both the US and UK economies in 1970–71, despite rising
unemployment and the subsequent simultaneous existence of high unemploy-
ment and high inflation (so-called stagflation) in many countries, following the
first adverse OPEC oil price (supply) shock in 1973–4, destroyed the idea that
there might be a permanent long-run trade-off between inflation and unemploy-
ment. Lucas (1981b) regards the Friedman–Phelps model and the verification
of its predictions as providing ‘as clear cut an experimental distinction as
macroeconomics is ever likely to see’. In the philosophy of science literature
Imre Lakatos (1978) makes the prediction of novel facts the sole criterion by
which theories should be judged, a view shared by Friedman (1953a). While
Blaug (1991b, 1992) has argued that the principal novel fact of the General
Theory was the prediction that the size of the instantaneous multiplier is greater
than one, he also argues that the prediction of novel facts emanating from
Friedman’s 1968 paper were enough to make Mark I monetarism a progressive
research programme during the 1960s and early 1970s. As Backhouse (1995)
notes, ‘the novel facts predicted by Phelps and Friedman were dramatically
corroborated by the events of the early 1970s’.

The output–employment costs of reducing inflation Friedman (1970c) has

suggested that ‘inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon
in the sense that it can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the
quantity of money than in output’. Given the orthodox monetarist belief that
inflation is essentially a monetary phenomenon propagated by excessive mon-
etary growth, monetarists argue that inflation can only be reduced by slowing
down the rate of growth of the money supply. Reducing the rate of monetary
expansion results in an increase in the level of unemployment. The policy
dilemma the authorities face is that, the more rapidly they seek to reduce
The orthodox monetarist school 183

Figure 4.6 The output–employment costs of reducing inflation

inflation through monetary contraction, the higher will be the costs in terms
of unemployment. Recognition of this fact has led some orthodox monetar-
ists (such as David Laidler) to advocate a gradual adjustment process whereby
the rate of monetary expansion is slowly brought down to its desired level in
order to minimize the output–employment costs of reducing inflation. The
costs of the alternative policy options of gradualism versus cold turkey are
illustrated in Figure 4.6.
In Figure 4.6 we assume the economy is initially operating at point A, the
intersection of the short-run Phillips curve (SRPC1) and the long-run vertical
Phillips curve (LRPC). The initial starting position is then both a short- and
long-run equilibrium situation where the economy is experiencing a constant
rate of wage and price inflation which is fully anticipated (that is, W˙1 = P˙ = P˙ e )
and unemployment is at the natural rate (UN). Now suppose that this rate of
inflation is too high for the authorities’ liking and that they wish to reduce the
rate of inflation by lowering the rate of monetary expansion and move to
position D on the long-run vertical Phillips curve. Consider two alternative
policy options open to the authorities to move to their preferred position at
point D. One (cold turkey) option would be to reduce dramatically the rate of
monetary expansion and raise unemployment to UB, so that wage and price
inflation quickly fell to W˙3 ; that is, an initial movement along SRPC1 from
point A to B. The initial cost of this option would be a relatively large increase
in unemployment, from UN to UB. As the actual rate of inflation fell below the
expected rate, expectations of future rates of inflation would be revised in a
downward direction. The short-run Phillips curve would shift downwards and a
184 Modern macroeconomics

new short- and long-run equilibrium would eventually be achieved at point D,

the intersection of SRPC3 and LRPC where W˙3 = P˙ = P˙ e with unemployment
at UN. Another (gradual) policy option open to the authorities would be to begin
with a much smaller reduction in the rate of monetary expansion and initially
increase unemployment to, say, UC so that wage and price inflation fell
to W˙ 2 , that is, an initial movement along SRPC1 from point A to C. Compared
to the cold turkey option, this gradual option would involve a much smaller
initial increase in unemployment, from UN to UC. As the actual rate of inflation
fell below the expected rate (but to a much lesser extent than in the first option),
expectations would be revised downwards. The short-run Phillips curve would
move downwards as the economy adjusted to a new lower rate of inflation. The
short-run Phillips curve (SRPC2) would be associated with an expected rate of
inflation of W˙ 2 . A further reduction in the rate of monetary expansion would
further reduce the rate of inflation until the inflation target of Ẇ3 was achieved.
The transition to point D on the LRPC would, however, take a much longer
time span than under the first policy option. Such a policy entails living with
inflation for quite long periods of time and has led some economists to advo-
cate supplementary policy measures to accompany the gradual adjustment
process to a lower rate of inflation. Before we consider the potential scope for
such supplementary measures as indexation and prices and incomes policy, we
should stress the importance of the credibility of any anti-inflation strategy (this
issue is discussed more fully in Chapter 5, section 5.5.3). If the public believes
that the authorities are committed to contractionary monetary policies to reduce
inflation, economic agents will adjust their inflation expectations downwards
more quickly, thereby reducing the output–employment costs associated with
the adjustment process.
Some monetarists (for example Friedman, 1974) have suggested that some
form of indexation would be a useful supplementary policy measure to ac-
company the gradual adjustment process to a lower rate of inflation. It is
claimed that indexation would reduce not only the cost of unanticipated
inflation incurred through arbitrary redistribution of income and wealth, but
also the output–employment costs that are associated with a reduction in the
rate of monetary expansion. With indexation, money wage increases would
automatically decline as inflation decreased, thereby removing the danger
that employers would be committed, under existing contracts, to excessive
money wage increases when inflation fell. In other words, with indexation
wage increases would be less rapid and unemployment would therefore rise
by a smaller amount. Further some economists (for example Tobin, 1977,
1981; Trevithick and Stevenson, 1977) have suggested that a prices and
incomes policy could have a role to play, as a temporary and supplementary
policy measure to monetary contraction, to assist the transition to a lower rate
of inflation by reducing inflationary expectations. In terms of Figure 4.6, to
The orthodox monetarist school 185

the extent that a prices and incomes policy succeeded in reducing inflationary
expectations, the short-run Phillips curves would shift downwards more
quickly. This in turn would enable adjustment to a lower rate of inflation to
be achieved both more quickly and at a lower cost in terms of the extent and
duration of unemployment that accompanies monetary contraction. However,
one of the problems of using prices and incomes policy is that, even if the
policy initially succeeds in reducing inflationary expectations, once the policy
begins to break down or is ended, inflationary expectations may be revised
upwards. As a result the short-run Phillips curve will shift upwards, thereby
offsetting the initial benefit of the policy in terms of lower unemployment
and wage inflation. For example, Henry and Ormerod (1978) concluded that:

Whilst some incomes policies have reduced the rate of wage inflation during the
period in which they operated, this reduction has only been temporary. Wage
increases in the period immediately following the ending of policies were higher
than they would otherwise have been, and these increases match losses incurred
during the operation of the incomes policy.

In summary, within the orthodox monetarist approach the output–employ-

ment costs associated with monetary contraction depend upon three main
factors: first, whether the authorities pursue a rapid or gradual reduction in
the rate of monetary expansion; second, the extent of institutional adaptations
– for example, whether or not wage contracts are indexed; and third, the
speed with which economic agents adjust their inflationary expectations down-
The monetarist view that inflation can only be reduced by slowing down
the rate of growth of the money supply had an important bearing on the
course of macroeconomic policy pursued both in the USA (see Brimmer,
1983) and in the UK during the early 1980s. For example, in the UK the
Conservative government elected into office in 1979 sought, as part of its
medium-term financial strategy, to reduce progressively the rate of monetary
growth (with pre-announced target ranges for four years ahead) in order to
achieve its overriding economic policy objective of permanently reducing the
rate of inflation. Furthermore, the orthodox monetarist contention that infla-
tion cannot be reduced without output–employment costs appears to have
been borne out by the recessions experienced in the US and UK economies in
1981–2 and 1980–81, respectively (see Chapter 5, section 5.5.2). For well-
written and highly accessible accounts of the background to, and execution
and effects of what the media dubbed ‘Thatcher’s monetarist experiment’, the
interested reader is referred to Keegan (1984) and Smith (1987).

The role and conduct of monetary policy The belief in a long-run vertical
Phillips curve and that aggregate-demand management policies can only
186 Modern macroeconomics

affect the level of output and employment in the short run has important
implications for the role and conduct of monetary policy. Before discussing
the rationale for Friedman’s policy prescription for a fixed monetary growth
rule, it is important to stress that, even if the long-run Phillips curve is
vertical, arguments justifying discretionary monetary intervention to stabilize
the economy in the short run can be made on the grounds of either the
potential to identify and respond to economic disturbances or the length of
time required for the economy to return to the natural rate following a
disturbance. Friedman’s policy prescription for a fixed rate of monetary growth
(combined with a floating exchange rate), in line with the trend/long-run
growth rate of the economy, is based on a number of arguments. These
arguments include the beliefs that: (i) if the authorities expand the money
supply at a steady rate over time the economy will tend to settle down at the
natural rate of unemployment with a steady rate of inflation, that is, at a point
along the long-run vertical Phillips curve; (ii) the adoption of a monetary rule
would remove the greatest source of instability in the economy; that is, unless
disturbed by erratic monetary growth, advanced capitalist economies are
inherently stable around the natural rate of unemployment; (iii) in the present
state of economic knowledge, discretionary monetary policy could turn out to
be destabilizing and make matters worse rather than better, owing to the long
and variable lags associated with monetary policy; and (iv) because of igno-
rance of the natural rate itself (which may change over time), the government
should not aim at a target unemployment rate for fear of the consequences
noted earlier, most notably accelerating inflation.
We finally consider the implication of the belief in a natural rate of unem-
ployment for employment policy.

The natural rate of unemployment and supply-side policies As we have

discussed earlier, the natural rate of unemployment is associated with equi-
librium in the labour market and hence in the structure of real wage rates.
Friedman (1968a) has defined the natural rate as:

the level that would be ground out by the Walrasian system of general equilibrium
equations provided there is embedded in them the actual structural characteristics
of the labor and commodity markets, including market imperfections, stochastic
variability in demands and supplies, the cost of gathering information about job
vacancies and labor availabilities, the costs of mobility and so on.

What this approach implies is that, if governments wish to reduce the natural
rate of unemployment in order to achieve higher output and employment
levels, they should pursue supply-management policies that are designed to
improve the structure and functioning of the labour market and industry,
rather than demand-management policies. Examples of the wide range of
The orthodox monetarist school 187

(often highly controversial) supply-side policies which were pursued over the
1980s both in the UK (see for example Vane, 1992) and elsewhere include
measures designed to increase: (i) the incentive to work, for example through
reductions in marginal income tax rates and reductions in unemployment and
social security benefits; (ii) the flexibility of wages and working practices, for
example by curtailing trade union power; (iii) the occupational and geo-
graphical mobility of labour, for example in the former case through greater
provision of government retraining schemes; and (iv) the efficiency of mar-
kets for goods and services, for example by privatization.
Following the Friedman–Phelps papers the concept of the natural rate of
unemployment has remained controversial (see Tobin, 1972a, 1995; Cross,
1995). It has also been defined in a large variety of ways. As Rogerson (1997)
shows, the natural rate has been equated with ‘long run = frictional = average =
equilibrium = normal = full employment = steady state = lowest sustainable =
efficient = Hodrick–Prescott trend = natural’. Such definitional problems have
led sceptics such as Solow (1998) to describe the ‘doctrine’ of the natural rate
to be ‘as soft as a grape’. When discussing the relationship between unemploy-
ment and inflation many economists prefer to use the ‘NAIRU’ concept
(non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment), a term first introduced by
Modigliani and Papademos (1975) as ‘NIRU’ (non-inflationary rate of unem-
ployment). While the majority of economists would probably admit that it is
‘hard to think about macroeconomic policy without the concept of NAIRU’
(Stiglitz, 1997), others remain unconvinced that the natural rate concept is
helpful (J. Galbraith, 1997; Arestis and Sawyer, 1998; Akerlof, 2002).

4.4 The Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments Theory and

Exchange Rate Determination

The third stage in the development of orthodox monetarism came in the

1970s, with the incorporation of the monetary approach to balance of pay-
ments theory and exchange rate determination into monetarist analysis. Until
the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates against the
United States dollar in 1971, the US economy could be treated as a reason-
ably close approximation to a closed economy. The monetary approach was
particularly important in that it made monetarist analysis, which had been
implicitly developed in this closed economy context, relevant to open econo-
mies such as the UK.

4.4.1 The monetary approach to the balance of payments under fixed

exchange rates
During the 1970s, a large number of different monetary models of the bal-
ance of payments appeared in the literature. However, common to all monetary
188 Modern macroeconomics

models is the view that the balance of payments is essentially a monetary

phenomenon. As we will discuss, the approach concentrates primarily on the
money market in which the relationship between the stock demand for and
supply of money is regarded as the main determinant of balance of payments
flows. Furthermore, despite different specifications, in most of the monetary
models of the balance of payments four key assumptions are generally made.
First, the demand for money is a stable function of a limited number of
variables. Second, in the long run output and employment tend towards their
full employment or natural levels. Third, the authorities cannot sterilize or
neutralize the monetary impact of balance of payments deficits/surpluses on
the domestic money supply in the long run. Fourth, after due allowance for
tariffs and transport costs, arbitrage will ensure that the prices of similar
traded goods will tend to be equalized in the long run.
The most influential contributions to the development of the monetary
approach to balance of payments theory have been made by Johnson (1972a)
and Frenkel and Johnson (1976). Following Johnson (1972a) we now con-
sider a simple monetary model of the balance of payments for a small open
economy. Within this model it is assumed that: (i) real income is fixed at its
full employment or natural level; (ii) the law of one price holds in both
commodity and financial markets, and (iii) both the domestic price level and
interest rate are pegged to world levels.
The demand for real balances depends on real income and the rate of

Md = Pf (Y , r ) (4.10)

The supply of money is equal to domestic credit (that is, money created
domestically) plus money associated with changes in international reserves.

Ms = D + R (4.11)

In money market equilibrium, Md must be equal to Ms so that:

Md = D + R (4.12)


R = Md − D (4.13)

Assuming the system is initially in equilibrium, we now examine the conse-

quence of a once-and-for-all increase in domestic credit (D) by the authorities.
Since the arguments in the demand for money function (equation 4.10) are all
The orthodox monetarist school 189

exogenously given, the demand for money cannot adjust to the increase in
domestic credit. Individuals will get rid of their excess money balances by
buying foreign goods and securities, generating a balance of payments defi-
cit. Under a regime of fixed exchange rates, the authorities are committed to
sell foreign exchange for the home currency to cover a balance of payments
deficit, which results in a loss of international reserves (R). The loss of
international reserves would reverse the initial increase in the money supply,
owing to an increase in domestic credit, and the money supply would con-
tinue to fall until the balance of payments deficit was eliminated. The system
will return to equilibrium when the money supply returns to its original level,
with the increase in domestic credit being matched by an equal reduction in
foreign exchange reserves (equation 4.11). In short, any discrepancy between
actual and desired money balances results in a balance of payments deficit/
surplus which in turn provides the mechanism whereby the discrepancy is
eliminated. In equilibrium actual and desired money balances are again in
balance and there will be no changes in international reserves; that is, the
balance of payments is self-correcting.
The analysis can also be conducted in dynamic terms. To illustrate the
predictions of the approach, we again simplify the analysis, this time by
assuming that the small open economy experiences continuous real income
growth while world (and hence domestic) prices and interest rates are con-
stant. In this case the balance of payments position would reflect the
relationship between the growth of money demand and the growth of domes-
tic credit. A country will experience a persistent balance of payments deficit,
and will in consequence be continually losing international reserves, when-
ever domestic credit expansion is greater than the growth in the demand for
money balances (owing to real income growth). Clearly the level of foreign
exchange reserves provides a limit to the duration of time a country can
finance a persistent balance of payments deficit. Conversely a country will
experience a persistent balance of payments surplus whenever the authorities
fail to expand domestic credit in line with the growth in the demand for
money balances. While a country might aim to achieve a balance of payments
surplus in order to build up depleted international reserves in the short run, in
the long run it would be irrational for a country to pursue a policy of
achieving a continuous balance of payments surplus, thereby continually
acquiring international reserves.

4.4.2 The policy implications of the monetary approach under fixed

exchange rates

Automatic adjustment and the power of expenditure switching policies The

monetary approach predicts that there is an automatic adjustment mechanism
190 Modern macroeconomics

that operates, without discretionary government policy, to correct balance of

payments disequilibria. As we have discussed, any discrepancy between ac-
tual and desired real balances results in balance of payments disequilibria as
people try to get rid of or acquire real money balances through international
markets for goods and securities. The adjustment process operates through
balance of payments flows and continues until the discrepancy between ac-
tual and desired real money balances has been eliminated. Closely linked to
the belief in an automatic adjustment mechanism is the prediction that ex-
penditure-switching policies will only temporarily improve the balance of
payments if they induce an increase in the demand for money by raising
domestic prices. For example, devaluation would raise the domestic price
level, which would in turn reduce the level of real money balances below
their equilibrium level. Reference to equation (4.12) reveals that, assuming
there is no increase in domestic credit, the system will return to equilibrium
once the money supply has increased, through a balance of payments surplus
and an associated increase in the level of foreign exchange reserves, to meet
the increased demand for money.

The power of monetary policy From the above analysis it will be apparent
that, in the case of a small country maintaining a fixed exchange rate with the
rest of the world, the country’s money supply becomes an endogenous variable.
Ceteris paribus, a balance of payments deficit leads to a reduction in a coun-
try’s foreign exchange reserves and the domestic money supply, and vice versa.
In other words, where the authorities are committed to buy and sell foreign
exchange for the home currency at a fixed price, changes in the money supply
can arise not only from domestic sources (that is, domestic credit) but also from
balance of payments intervention policy to maintain a fixed exchange rate.
Reference to equation (4.11) reveals that domestic monetary policy only deter-
mines the division of the country’s money supply between domestic credit and
foreign exchange reserves, not the money supply itself. Ceteris paribus, any
increase in domestic credit will be matched by an equal reduction in foreign
exchange reserves, with no effect on the money supply. Monetary policy, in a
small open economy, is completely impotent to influence any variable, other
than foreign exchange reserves, in the long run. For an open economy operat-
ing under fixed exchange rates, the rate of growth of the money supply ( M ˙ ) will
equal domestic credit expansion ( D˙ ) plus the rate of change of foreign ex-
change reserves ( R˙ ), reflecting the balance of payments position. Domestic
monetary expansion will have no influence on the domestic rate of inflation,
interest rates or the rate of growth of output. Monetary expansion by a large
country relative to the rest of the world can, however, influence the rate of
world monetary expansion and world inflation.
The orthodox monetarist school 191

Inflation as an international monetary phenomenon In a world of fixed

exchange rates, inflation is viewed as an international monetary phenomenon
which can be explained by an excess-demand expectations model. Excess
demand depends on world, rather than domestic, monetary expansion. An
increase in the world rate of monetary expansion (due to rapid monetary
expansion by either a large country or a number of small countries simultane-
ously) would create excess demand and result in inflationary pressure
throughout the world economy. In this context it is interesting to note that
monetarists have argued that the acceleration of inflation that occurred in
Western economies in the late 1960s was primarily the consequence of an
increase in the rate of monetary expansion in the USA to finance increased
spending on the Vietnam War (see, for example, Johnson, 1972b; Laidler,
1976). Under the regime of fixed exchange rates that existed up to 1971, it is
claimed that the inflationary pressure initiated in the USA was transmitted to
other Western economies via changes in their domestic money supplies origi-
nating from the US balance of payments deficit. In practice the USA
determined monetary conditions for the rest of the world. This situation
eventually proved unacceptable to other countries and helped lead to the
breakdown of the Bretton Woods system.

4.4.3 The monetary approach to exchange rate determination

The monetary approach to exchange rate determination is a direct application
of the monetary approach to the balance of payments to the case of flexible
exchange rates (see Frenkel and Johnson, 1978). Under a system of perfectly
flexible exchange rates, the exchange rate adjusts to clear the foreign ex-
change market so that the balance of payments is always zero. In the absence
of balance of payments deficits/surpluses there are no international reserves
changes, so that domestic credit expansion is the only source of monetary
expansion. In contrast to a regime of fixed exchange rates where, ceteris
paribus, an increase in domestic credit leads to a balance of payments deficit
and a loss of international reserves, under flexible exchange rates it leads to a
depreciation in the nominal exchange rate and an increase in the domestic
price level. In the flexible exchange rate case of the monetary approach, ‘the
proximate determinants of exchange rates … are the demand for and supply
of various national monies’ (Mussa, 1976).
The monetary approach to exchange rate determination can be illustrated
using the simple monetary model first introduced in section 4.4.1. Assuming
the system is initially in equilibrium, we again examine the consequence of a
once-and-for-all increase in the domestic money supply (that is, domestic
credit) by the authorities which disturbs the initial money market equilib-
rium. Reference to equation (4.10) reveals that, with real income fixed at its
full employment or natural level, and the domestic rate of interest pegged to
192 Modern macroeconomics

the world rate, the excess supply of money can only be eliminated by an
increase in the domestic price level. The discrepancy between actual and
desired money balances results in an increased demand for foreign goods and
securities and a corresponding excess supply of domestic currency on the
foreign exchange market, which causes the domestic currency to depreciate.
The depreciation in the domestic currency results in an increase in the do-
mestic price level, which in turn leads to an increased demand for money
balances, and money market equilibrium is restored when actual and desired
money balances are again in balance. In this simple monetary model, the
nominal exchange rate depreciates in proportion to the increase in the money
supply. In other words the exchange rate is determined by relative money
supplies. For example, in a two-country world, ceteris paribus there would be
no change in the (real) exchange rate if both countries increased their money
supplies together by the same amount.
The analysis can also be conducted in dynamic terms using slightly more
complicated monetary models which allow for differential real income growth
and differential inflation experience (due to different rates of monetary ex-
pansion). These models predict that the rate of change of the exchange rate
depends on relative rates of monetary expansion and real income growth.
Two examples will suffice. First, ceteris paribus, if domestic real income
growth is lower than in the rest of the world, the exchange rate will depreci-
ate, and vice versa. Second, ceteris paribus, if the domestic rate of monetary
expansion is greater than in the rest of the world, the exchange rate will
depreciate, and vice versa. In other words the monetary approach predicts
that, ceteris paribus, a slowly growing country or a rapidly inflating country
will experience a depreciating exchange rate, and vice versa. The important
policy implication that derives from this approach is that exchange rate
flexibility is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for the control of the
domestic rate of inflation via control of the domestic rate of monetary expan-
sion. In the case of perfectly flexible exchange rates, the domestic rate of
inflation is held to be determined by the domestic rate of monetary expansion
relative to the domestic growth of real income.

4.5 The Orthodox Monetarist School and Stabilization Policy

In conclusion it would be useful to assess the development of orthodox

monetarism and how this school influenced the ongoing debate on the role
and conduct of stabilization policy. The development of orthodox monetar-
ism can be appraised in a positive light, given that it displayed both theoretical
and empirical progress over the period of the mid-1950s to the early 1970s
(see, for example, Cross, 1982a, 1982b). The reformulation of the quantity
theory of money approach (QTM), the addition of the expectations-aug-
The orthodox monetarist school 193

mented Phillips curve analysis (EAPC), using the adaptive expectations hy-
pothesis (AEH), and the incorporation of the monetary approach to the balance
of payments theory and exchange rate determination (MTBE), generated a
large amount of real-world correspondence and empirical support (see Laidler,
1976). We can therefore summarize the main characteristics of orthodox
monetarism (OM) as:


In contrast to orthodox monetarism, towards the close of this period, in the

early 1970s, the orthodox Keynesian position was looking increasingly de-
generative given (i) its failure to explain theoretically the breakdown of the
Phillips curve relationship and (ii) its willingness to retreat increasingly into
non-economic explanations of accelerating inflation and rising unemploy-
ment (see for example, Jackson et al., 1972).
We can draw together the discussion contained in sections 4.2–4.4 and
seek to summarize the central distinguishing beliefs within the orthodox
monetarist school of thought (see also Brunner, 1970; Friedman, 1970c;
Mayer, 1978; Vane and Thompson, 1979; Purvis, 1980; Laidler, 1981, 1982;
Chrystal, 1990). These beliefs can be listed as follows:

1. Changes in the money stock are the predominant, though not the only,
factor explaining changes in money income.
2. The economy is inherently stable, unless disturbed by erratic monetary
growth, and when subjected to some disturbance, will return fairly rap-
idly to the neighbourhood of long-run equilibrium at the natural rate of
3. There is no trade-off between unemployment and inflation in the long
run; that is, the long-run Phillips curve is vertical at the natural rate of
4. Inflation and the balance of payments are essentially monetary phenom-
5. In the conduct of economic policy the authorities should follow some
rule for monetary aggregates to ensure long-run price stability, with
fiscal policy assigned to its traditional roles of influencing the distribu-
tion of income and wealth, and the allocation of resources. In the former
case, Laidler (1993, p. 187) has argued that the authorities must be
prepared to adapt the behaviour of the supply of whatever monetary
aggregate they chose to control (that is, in response to shifts in the
demand for money resulting from, for example, institutional change)
rather than pursue a rigid (legislated) growth rule for a chosen monetary
aggregate as suggested by Friedman.
194 Modern macroeconomics

The monetarist aversion to activist stabilization policy, both monetary and

fiscal policy (and prices and incomes policy), which derives both from the
interrelated theoretical propositions and from empirical evidence discussed in
sections 4.2–4.4, is the central issue which distinguishes orthodox monetar-
ists from Keynesians.
Throughout the period 1950–80, a key feature of the Keynesian–monetar-
ist debate related to disagreement over the most effective way of managing
aggregate demand so as to limit the social and economic waste associated
with instability and also over the question of whether it was desirable for
governments to try to ‘fine-tune’ the economy using counter-cyclical policies.
In this debate Friedman was one of the earliest critics of activist discretionary
policies. Initially he focused on some of the practical aspects of implement-
ing such policies. As early as 1948 Friedman noted that ‘Proposals for the
control of the cycle thus tend to be developed almost as if there were no other
objectives and as if it made no difference within what framework cyclical
fluctuations take place’. He also drew attention to the problem of time lags
which in his view would in all likelihood ‘intensify rather than mitigate
cyclical fluctuations’. Friedman distinguished between three types of time
lag: the recognition lag, the action lag, and the effect lag. These inside and
outside lags, by delaying the impact of policy actions, would constitute the
equivalent of an ‘additional random disturbance’. While Friedman argued
that monetary policy has powerful effects and could be implemented rela-
tively quickly, its effects were subject to a long outside lag. Discretionary
fiscal adjustments, particularly in a political system like that of the USA,
could not realistically be implemented quickly. In principle, accurate fore-
casts could help to overcome this problem by enabling the authorities to
adjust monetary and fiscal policy in anticipation of business cycle trends.
However, poor forecasts would in all probability increase the destabilizing
impact of aggregate demand management. As Mankiw (2003) emphasizes,
‘the Great Depression and the (US) recession of 1982 show that many of the
most dramatic economic events are unpredictable. Although private and pub-
lic decision-makers have little choice but to rely on economic forecasts, they
must always keep in mind that these forecasts come with a large margin of
error’. These considerations led Friedman to conclude that activist demand
management policies are more likely to destabilize than stabilize a decentral-
ized market economy.
Another important contribution made by Friedman, not directly related to
his theoretical and empirical work on monetary economics, but with impor-
tant implications for stabilization policy, is his book A Theory of the
Consumption Function, published in 1957. An important assumption in the
orthodox Keynesian theory of fiscal policy is that the fiscal authorities can
stimulate aggregate demand by boosting consumption expenditure via tax
The orthodox monetarist school 195

cuts that raise disposable income (or vice versa). This presumes that current
consumption is largely a function of current disposable income. Friedman
argued that current income (Y) has two components, a temporary component
(YT) and a permanent component (YP). Since people regard YP as their average
income and YT as a deviation from average income, they base their consump-
tion decisions on the permanent component. Changes in Y brought about by
tax-induced changes in YT will be seen as transitory and have little effect on
current consumption (C) plans. So in Friedman’s model we have:

Y = YT + YP (4.14)

C = αYP (4.15)

If consumption is proportional to permanent income, this obviously reduces

the power of tax-induced changes in aggregate demand. This further weakens
the Keynesian case for activist fiscal policy.
Friedman has also always been very sympathetic to the public choice
literature that suggested that structural deficits, with damaging effects on
national saving and hence long-run growth, would be the likely result of
discretionary fiscal policy operating within a democracy (see Buchanan and
Wagner, 1978). Politicians may also deliberately create instability when they
have discretion since within a democracy they may be tempted to manipulate
the economy for political profit as suggested in the political business cycle
literature (Alesina and Roubini with Cohen, 1997; see Chapter 10).
Although theoretical and empirical developments in economics facilitated
the development, by Klein, Goldberger, Modigliani and others, of the highly
aggregative simultaneous-equation macroeconometric models used for fore-
casting purposes, many economists remained unconvinced that such forecasts
could overcome the problems imposed by the problem of time lags and the
wider political constraints. Friedman concluded that governments had neither
the knowledge nor the information required to conduct fine-tuning forms of
discretionary policy in an uncertain world and advocated instead that the
monetary authorities adopt a passive form of monetary rule whereby the
growth in a specified monetary aggregate be predetermined at some stated
known (k per cent) rate (Friedman, 1968a, 1972). While Friedman (1960)
argued that such a rule would promote greater stability, ‘some uncertainty
and instability would remain’, because ‘uncertainty and instability are una-
voidable concomitants of progress and change. They are one face of a coin of
which the other is freedom.’ DeLong (1997) also concludes that it is ‘difficult
to argue that “discretionary” fiscal policy has played any stabilising role at all
in the post-World war II period’ in the US economy. However, it is generally
accepted that automatic stabilizers have an important role to play in mitigat-
196 Modern macroeconomics

ing the impact of economic shocks. The debate over the role and conduct of
stabilization policy as it stood in the 1970s is neatly summarized in the
following passage, taken from Modigliani’s (1977) Presidential Address to
the American Economic Association:

Nonmonetarists accept what I regard to be the fundamental practical message of

The General Theory: that a private enterprise economy using an intangible money
needs to be stabilized, can be stabilized, and therefore should be stabilized by
appropriate monetary and fiscal policies. Monetarists by contrast take the view
that there is no serious need to stabilize the economy; that even if there were a
need, it could not be done, for stabilization policies would be more likely to
increase than decrease instability.

Despite its considerable achievements, by the late 1970s/early 1980s, mon-

etarism was no longer regarded as the main rival to Keynesianism within
academia. This role was now taken up at the theoretical level during the
1970s by developments in macroeconomics associated with the new classical
school. These developments cast further doubt on whether traditional
stabilization policies can be used to improve the overall performance of the
economy. However, monetarism was exercising a significant influence on the
policies of the Thatcher government in the UK (in the period 1979–85) and
the Fed in the USA (in the period 1979–81). Of particular significance to the
demise of monetarist influence was the sharp decline in trend velocity in the
1980s in the USA and elsewhere. The deep recession experienced in the USA
in 1982 has been attributed partly to the large and unexpected decline in
velocity (B.M. Friedman, 1988; Modigliani, 1988a; Poole 1988). If velocity
is highly volatile, the case for a constant growth rate monetary rule as advo-
cated by Friedman is completely discredited. Therefore, there is no question
that the collapse of the stable demand for money function in the early 1980s
proved to be very damaging to monetarism. As a result monetarism was
‘badly wounded’ both within academia and among policy makers (Blinder,
1987) and subsequently ‘hard core monetarism has largely disappeared’ (Pierce,
1995). One important result of the unpredictability of the velocity of circula-
tion of monetary aggregates has been the widespread use of the short-term
nominal interest rate as the primary instrument of monetary policy (see Bain
and Howells, 2003). In recent years activist Taylor-type monetary-feedback
rules have been ‘the only game in town’ with respect to the conduct of
monetary policy. As Buiter notes, ‘Friedman’s prescription of a constant
growth rate for some monetary aggregate is completely out of favour today
with both economic theorists and monetary policy makers, and has been for
at least a couple of decades’ (see Buiter, 2003a and Chapter 7).
Finally, it is worth reflecting on what remains today of the monetarist
counter-revolution. As a result of the ‘Great Peacetime Inflation’ in the 1970s
The orthodox monetarist school 197

many key monetarist insights were absorbed within mainstream models (see,
for example, Blinder, 1988b; Romer and Romer, 1989; Mayer, 1997; DeLong,
2000). According to DeLong, the key aspects of monetarist thinking that now
form a crucial part of mainstream thinking in macroeconomics are the natural
rate of unemployment hypothesis, the analysis of fluctuations as movements
about trend rather than deviations below potential, the acceptance that under
normal circumstances monetary policy is ‘a more potent and useful tool’ for
stabilization than fiscal policy, the consideration of macroeconomic policy
within a rules-based framework, and the recognition of the limited possibili-
ties for success of stabilization policies. Therefore, although within academia
monetarism is no longer the influential force it was in the late 1960s and early
1970s (as evidenced by, for example, the increasing scarcity of journal arti-
cles and conference papers on monetarism), its apparent demise can, in large
part, be attributed to the fact that a significant number of the insights of
‘moderate’ monetarism have been absorbed into mainstream macroeconom-
ics. Indeed, two leading contributors to the new Keynesian literature, Greg
Mankiw and David Romer (1991), have suggested that new Keynesian eco-
nomics could just as easily be labelled ‘new monetarist economics’ (see
Chapter 7 for a discussion of the new Keynesian school).
Monetarism has therefore made several important and lasting contributions
to modern macroeconomics. First, the expectations-augmented Phillips curve
analysis, the view that the long-run Phillips curve is vertical and that money
is neutral in the long run are all now widely accepted and form an integral
part of mainstream macroeconomics. Second, a majority of economists and
central banks emphasize the rate of growth of the money supply when it
comes to explaining and combating inflation over the long run. Third, it is
now widely accepted by economists that central banks should focus on con-
trolling inflation as their primary goal of monetary policy. Interestingly, since
the 1990s inflation targeting has been adopted in a number of countries (see
Mishkin, 2002a and Chapter 7). What has not survived the monetarist coun-
ter-revolution is the ‘hard core’ belief once put forward by a number of
leading monetarists that the authorities should pursue a non-contingent ‘fixed’
rate of monetary growth in their conduct of monetary policy. Evidence of
money demand instability (and a break in the trend of velocity, with velocity
becoming more erratic), especially since the early 1980s in the USA and
elsewhere, has undermined the case for a fixed monetary growth rate rule.
Finally, perhaps the most important and lasting contribution of monetarism
has been to persuade many economists to accept the idea that the potential of
activist discretionary fiscal and monetary policy is much more limited than
conceived prior to the monetarist counter-revolution.
198 Modern macroeconomics


Milton Friedman was born in 1912 in New York City and graduated from
Rutgers University with a BA in 1932, before obtaining his MA from the
University of Chicago in 1933 and his PhD from Columbia University in
1946. Between 1946 and 1977 (when he retired) he taught at the University
of Chicago and he has lectured at universities throughout the world. He is
currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution (on War, Revo-
lution and Peace) at Stanford University, California. Along with John Maynard
Keynes he is arguably the most famous economist of the twentieth century.
Professor Friedman is widely recognized as the founding father of monetar-
ism and an untiring advocate of free markets in a wide variety of contexts. He
has made major contributions to such areas as methodology; the consumption
function; international economics; monetary theory, history and policy; busi-
ness cycles and inflation. In 1976 he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize
in Economics: ‘For his achievements in the fields of consumption analysis,
monetary history and theory and for his demonstration of the complexity of
stabilization policy’.
Among his best-known books are: Essays in Positive Economics (Univer-
sity of Chicago Press, 1953); Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money
(University of Chicago Press, 1956); A Theory of the Consumption Function
(Princeton University Press, 1957); Capitalism and Freedom (University of
Chicago Press, 1962); A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960
Milton Friedman 199

(Princeton University Press, 1963), co-authored with Anna Schwartz; Free to

Choose (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980), co-authored with his wife Rose
Friedman; Monetary Trends in the United States and the United Kingdom
(University of Chicago Press, 1982), co-authored with Anna Schwartz; and
Monetarist Economics (Basil Blackwell, 1991).
Among the numerous articles he has written, the best-known include: ‘The
Methodology of Positive Economics’ and ‘The Case for Flexible Exchange
Rates’ in Essays in Positive Economics (University of Chicago Press, 1953);
‘The Quantity Theory of Money: A Restatement’, in Studies in the Quantity
Theory of Money (ed. M. Friedman) (University of Chicago Press, 1956);
‘The Role of Monetary Policy’, American Economic Review (1968a) – his
presidential address to the American Economic Association; ‘A Theoretical
Framework for Monetary Analysis’, Journal of Political Economy (1970a);
and ‘Inflation and Unemployment’, Journal of Political Economy (1977) –
his Nobel Lecture.

We interviewed Professor Friedman in his study at his apartment in San

Francisco on 8 January 1996, while attending the annual conference of the
American Economic Association.

Background Information

What first attracted you to study economics and become an economist?

I graduated from college in 1932. As a college student I had majored jointly
in economics and mathematics and when I graduated I was offered two
postgraduate scholarships. At that time there weren’t any such things as our
current generous fellowships; graduate scholarships consisted of somebody
offering to pay for your tuition, period. I was offered one in mathematics at
Brown and one in economics at Chicago. Now put yourself in 1932 with a
quarter of the population unemployed. What was the important urgent prob-
lem? It was obviously economics and so there was never any hesitation on
my part to study economics. When I first started in college I was very
ignorant about these matters because I grew up in a rather low-income family
which had no particular understanding of the broader world. I was very much
interested in and pretty good at mathematics. So I looked around to see if
there was any way I could earn a living by mathematics. The only way I
could find before I went to college was to become an actuary, and so my
original ambition when entering college was to become an actuary. I did take
some of the actuarial exams in my first two years at college, but I never
continued after that.
200 Modern macroeconomics

Keynes’s General Theory and Keynesian Economics

When you were a graduate student at Chicago, what interpretation did your
teachers put forward to explain the Great Depression?
Well that’s a very interesting question because I have believed for a long time
that the fundamental difference between my approach to Keynes and Abba
Lerner’s approach to Keynes, to take a particular example, is due to what our
professors taught us. I started graduate school in the fall of 1932 when the
Depression wasn’t over by any means. My teachers, who were Jacob Viner,
Frank Knight and Lloyd Mints, taught us that what was going on was a
disastrous mistake by the Federal Reserve in reducing the money supply. It
was not a natural catastrophe, it was not something that had to happen, it was
not something which had to be allowed to run its course. There were things
which should be done. Jacob Viner, from whom I took my first course in pure
economic theory as a graduate, had given a talk in Minnesota in which he
very specifically called for expansive policy on the part of the Federal Re-
serve and the government. Therefore the Keynesian revolution didn’t come as
a sudden light from the dark showing what you could do about a situation
that nobody else seemed to know how to do anything about.

Can you recall when you first read the General Theory [1936] and what your
impressions were of the book?
I can’t really answer that; I don’t recall. I may be able to tell you if I look in
my original copy of the General Theory as I sometimes had a habit of
marking in my books the date when I bought them and how much money I
paid for them. Yes, here it is. I bought it in 1938 and paid $1.80 cents for it
[laughter]. That’s probably when I first read it but I can’t remember my
impressions, it’s a long, long time ago, but I do remember that in the early
1940s I wrote a book review in which I was very critical of the Keynesian
analysis contained in the book that I reviewed.

Why do you think Keynes’s General Theory captured the minds of such a
large percentage of the economics profession in such a relatively short period
of around a decade following its publication in 1936?
I don’t think there is any problem in explaining that at all. If you took the
economics profession as a whole, what I have described as the teaching at
Chicago was very much an exception. The bulk of the teaching in schools of
economics went more nearly along the lines of a Mises–Hayek view. If you
take the London School of Economics, that’s where the contrast with Abba
Lerner was most obvious because he, and most of the people who were
studying economics, were taught that the Depression was a necessary purga-
tive for the economy to cure the ills that had been produced by the prior
Milton Friedman 201

expansion. That’s a terribly dismal approach. Then all of a sudden out of the
blue comes this attractive doctrine from Cambridge, Keynes’s General Theory,
by a man who already has an enormous reputation primarily because of The
Economic Consequences of the Peace [1919]. He says: look, we know how to
solve these problems and there is a very simple way. Given a hypothesis
which tells you why we got into this trouble you would surely grasp at that
when the only alternative you had was the dismal Austrian view [laughter].

How important was Paul Samuelson’s [1948] introductory textbook and Alvin
Hansen’s [1953] intermediate textbook in contributing to the spread of
Keynesian economics?
They were very important. I think Hansen was really important in the USA; I
can’t say about the rest of the world, partly because he had undergone such a
sharp conversion. If you look at his early work before Keynes, it was strictly
along the Mises–Hayek line. Hansen was very much a believer that this was a
necessary purgative but then he suddenly saw the light and he became a
convinced exponent of Keynesianism. He was at Harvard at the time, whereas
he had been at Minneapolis when he expressed the earlier view. He was a
very good teacher, a very nice human being. He had a great deal of influence,
I don’t have any doubt at all. Samuelson’s influence comes later. Unless I’m
mistaken, Hansen converted by 1938 or 1939 but Samuelson’s elementary
text only came after the war so he was a much later influence. Hansen was
extremely important because of his effect on the people at Harvard. There
was a very good group of economists at Harvard who played a significant
role at the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and in Washington who were re-
cruited during the war. So I think Hansen had a very important influence.

A prominent real business cycle theorist, Charles Plosser [1994] has sug-
gested that in the absence of John Hicks’s IS–LM framework Keynes’s General
Theory would have been much less influential. Do you agree with this view?
I believe that there is a great deal to that because later Samuelson was able to
use his cross diagram that came entirely out of Hicks’s IS–LM framework. I
think that’s a correct observation.

If Keynes had lived to have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics,
what do you think the citation would have been?
It depends on when it would have been awarded. If it had been awarded at the
beginning in 1969 the citation would undoubtedly have been ‘the man who
showed us how to get out of depressions and how to pursue a policy that
would lead to reasonably full and stable employment’. But if the citation had
been in 1989, let’s say, I think it would have been written differently. It would
have said ‘an economist whose continued work beginning with his Treatise
202 Modern macroeconomics

on Probability [1921], and right on through, has had a major influence on the
course of the economics profession’. But you know that’s just conjecture,
who knows what it would have been? [laughter]. Let me make clear my own
view about Keynes. I believe that he was a great economist, one of the great
economists of our time and that the General Theory is a remarkable intellec-
tual achievement. We had a phenomenon that needed an explanation. How
could you have widespread unemployment in the midst of an economy with
such large productive capacity? That was a phenomenon in search of an
explanation and he produced an explanation for it which, in my opinion, was
the right kind of explanation. What you need to do is to have a very simple
theory that gets at the fundamentals. No theory is successful if it’s extremely
complicated and difficult, because most phenomena are driven by a very few
central forces. What a good theory does is to simplify; it pulls out the central
forces and gets rid of the rest. So Keynes’s General Theory was the right kind
of theory. Science in general advances primarily by unsuccessful experiments
that clear the ground and I regard the General Theory as having been an
unsuccessful experiment. It was the right kind of a theory; it had content
because it enabled you to make predictions, but when you made those predic-
tions they were not confirmed and as a result I regard it as an unsuccessful

What do you think has been the main contribution that the new Keynesian
literature has made to the development of macroeconomics?
Well, I’m not going to comment on that because I really haven’t followed it
carefully enough. Since our Monetary Trends [Friedman and Schwartz, 1982]
came out and particularly since my book on Money Mischief [1992] came out
I really haven’t been doing any work on issues like that. In the past three or
four years I have rather been working on my wife’s and my memoirs.


Do you regard your [1956] restatement of the quantity theory of money as a

more sophisticated elaboration of the Keynesian theory of liquidity preference?
Not at all. I regarded it, as I said then, as a continuation of the general
monetary theory that I had been taught as a student before Keynes’s theory
came out. One component of it is consistent with liquidity preference analy-
sis. But if you are asking me whether at the time that was my motivation, or
my understanding of it, I have to say no.

Do you view your restatement then as a distinct break with Keynesian analysis?
No. I didn’t look at it in that way at all. I was just trying to set down what I
thought was a reformulation of the quantity theory of money. Remember
Milton Friedman 203

Keynes was a quantity theorist. Look at his Monetary Reform [1923], for
example, which I believe is one of his best books, a much under-appreciated
and more useful book than the General Theory. Unlike the General Theory it
was not an attempt to construct a new theory. It involved an application of the
existing theory to a set of interesting phenomena, the immediate post-war
inflations. It’s a very good piece of work, which is straight quantity theory,
and I was a quantity theorist. So if you ask in what way was Keynes’s
liquidity preference theory different from the quantity theory that he had
adopted in his Monetary Reform, it was different only in the idea of having a
liquidity trap. That was the only essential different idea. In my reformulation
I don’t have a liquidity trap, a liquidity trap is possible but that’s not a part of
the analysis.

Although the belief in a stable demand for money function was well sup-
ported by empirical evidence up to the early 1970s, since then a number of
studies have found evidence of apparent instability. Does this undermine the
case for a fixed monetary growth rule?
Yes and no. If you have a stable money demand function that’s not the same
as saying that it’s never going to shift, never going to be affected by anything
else. Let’s take the case of the USA which I know best. If you take the period
after the Second World War to let’s say 1980, you have a very stable money
demand function and it doesn’t matter whether you use the base, M1, M2 or
M3, you’ll get essentially the same result. In the early 1980s there was a
series of structural changes in the system, in particular the payment of inter-
est on demand deposits which had the effect of changing the money demand
function, particularly for the base and M1. There’s a period of about five
years when it is very hard to know what’s going on because of these struc-
tural shifts. Then from about 1985 on the earlier demand function with M2 is
re-established, but not with M1 or the base; they are very unstable. If you
plot, as I have done, the rate of change of these various aggregates year over
year against year over year changes in inflation two years later, up to 1980 it
doesn’t matter, they are all pretty good. After 1980 M1 and the base go
haywire completely. On the other hand the relationship with M2 stays pretty
much the same. So there is a real problem there because if, as many people
were (I was not), you were thinking in terms of M1 as the major monetary
aggregate it would have been a mistake to have continued this steady rate of
growth. But if you had continued a steady rate of growth of M2 you would
have been all right.

How do you react to Robert Lucas’s [1994b] suggestion that the 1970s were
a time of prosperity for the Friedman and Schwartz [1963] volume The
Monetary History of the United States, while the 1980s must be viewed as a
204 Modern macroeconomics

time of mild recession? Has this been due to the influence of real business
cycle theorists?
I’m not sure how to answer that. I really have never looked at the history of the
volume itself in terms of prosperity or recession [laughter]. There were three
reviews in all on what was the thirtieth anniversary of the volume. I must say
that the review I like best is the one by Jeffrey Miron because it emphasized
what I think is really important and is relevant, not merely to monetary issues
but to the economics profession as a whole, namely the importance of testing
your theories on historical and empirical material. It seems to me that in many
ways one of the contributions of the Monetary History was methodological. I
don’t mean it didn’t make a substantive contribution, but there was also a
methodological contribution and Miron emphasized that, if I remember rightly,
in his review. But now to your question. There is the problem of keeping
science distinct from politics. The 1980s was the Reagan period. I was known
as a close adviser to Reagan. The academic community was almost wholly
anti-Reagan, although that was probably less true of economics than it was of
any other academic discipline you can name. I’m talking here about the social
sciences and the humanities, not the natural sciences. I may be entirely wrong
on this, I hope I am, but I believe that the fact that I was connected with the
Reagan administration had something to do with the desire on the part of the
economics profession to separate themselves from my work. There’s one other
thing that has to be said. The interesting thing in any science, whether it’s
economics or mathematics or anything else, is not repeating the past but going
ahead to new things. Every science every ten or twenty years has to have a new
fad or it goes dead. I think that the emphasis on real business cycle theory did
provide a new fad for a while which has had a great deal of influence on the
work that economists have done.

Would you agree that your [1968a] paper on ‘The Role of Monetary Policy’
has perhaps turned out to be your most influential paper?
As to that, I don’t doubt that it had a great deal of influence. But when you
talk about comparisons it is hard for me to decide between that and ‘The
Methodology of Positive Economics’ [1953a] which had as much influence
in a different direction, not on the substance but on the methodology.

How far do you think that the influence of your [1968a] paper was greatly
enhanced because it anticipated the events of the 1970s and in particular
predicted accelerating inflation?
On that I don’t think there is any doubt whatsoever. It was a major reason for
the shift in attitude. As I said earlier, the right kind of a theory is one that
makes predictions that are capable of being contradicted. The Keynesian
theory made a prediction that was capable of being contradicted and it was
Milton Friedman 205

contradicted. The theory I was describing also made predictions; in this case
it made predictions that we would experience accelerating inflation and it was
not contradicted.

In the same year as your Presidential Address to the American Economic

Association, Edmund Phelps in his [1967] Economica article also denied the
existence of a long-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. Are
there are significant differences between your Phillips curve analysis and
that of Edmund Phelps?
There are enormous similarities and tremendous overlaps. The main differ-
ence is that I was looking at it from the monetary side whereas Edmund
Phelps was looking at it from the labour market side. But the theories are the
same, the statements are the same, there is no difference there.

Is there any significant difference between your definition of the natural rate
of unemployment and Keynes’s definition of full employment?
That’s a tough one. His definition of full employment is simply a situation in
which there is no unsatisfied employee, in which anybody who is willing to
work for the current wage has a job. I think I’m quoting it reasonably
correctly. My definition of the natural rate of unemployment is that rate at
which demand and supply are equal so there is no excess supply or demand
and in which people’s expectations are satisfied. I think both of these are
related to Wicksell’s natural rate of interest. I don’t think there is much
difference between us.

In your [1968a] paper on ‘The Role of Monetary Policy’ you highlighted the
implications of introducing inflationary expectations into the Phillips curve.
Since then adaptive expectations has gone out of fashion following what
could be described as a rational expectations revolution. Which hypothesis
do you favour as a way of modelling how economic agents form such expec-
I’m not sure how to answer that. The theoretical principle has always been
the same, that what matters is what the expectations are and that they play a
very important role. That’s an old idea, that’s not anything new. I’m sure you
can find it in Marshall. I know you can find it in Schumpeter. In fact you can
find it everywhere. The adaptive expectations approach was simply a way to
try to make that empirically observable and in many cases it seemed to work.
The most obvious case was Philip Cagan’s [1956] study of hyperinflation in
Germany and other European countries and there adaptive expectations worked
up to the point at which you had reform. Then it didn’t work at all. The best
studies along that line were Tom Sargent’s [1982] later studies about the
effect of the monetary reforms.
206 Modern macroeconomics

Rational expectations, Bob Lucas’s approach, in a way is obvious and well

known. Everybody knew in the past that a rational man would not base his
expectations simply on what had happened in the past. If there was a major
change or any significant changes in public policy, he would also look at
what he knew about that. The contribution of Lucas was partly to give that
notion a name and I don’t think you want to underestimate the importance of
naming things. You know nobody can take everything into their head at one
time, as Marshall used to say; you can’t do it. You have to have ways of
simplifying things and showing how things fit together. Bob Lucas’s real
contribution was showing how you might be able to mathematize and empiri-
cally design studies that would give you some way to get an empirical
counterpart of the hypothetical and unmeasurable rational expectation. That
was his real contribution.
I have always had great difficulties with the basic notion that there is some
sense in which you can say expectations are correct or not correct. Let me
explain what I mean. At the moment it is perfectly rational to suppose that
there will be a major inflation some time in the next 20 years. There have
been lots of major inflations. Suppose I have an expectation that there is a 10
per cent chance of there being a major inflation and no major inflation occurs.
All along I have been betting that there might be a major inflation and I have
been buying real assets, rather than nominal assets, in order to protect myself.
If a major inflation doesn’t occur, in what sense can you say I was wrong?
There was always a chance. In a way the probability of anything happening
ex post is always one. How do I judge whether someone’s so-called rational
expectations were correct? You might say that you have to get a distribution
of what happened. Do I have to take 1000 years, 100 years, 50 years? What is
the right basis? Moreover, every rational expectation notion recognizes that
in advance what you have is a probability distribution, not a single point, and
that gets to the question of whether there is such a thing as objective prob-
ability. The only probability notion I can make sense of is personal probability
in the spirit of Savage and others. Keynes’s degree of belief is in the same
family. In fact I believe that Keynes’s contribution in his Probability book has
been underrated and overlooked. The whole Bayesian movement today in
statistics, which has had a great deal of influence on statistical methods, is
based on the idea of personal probability, of degree of belief. It is based on
the kind of idea that Keynes was putting forward in his [1921] Treatise on
Probability volume.

Should we worry about moderate rates of inflation when the evidence seems
to suggest that they don’t have strong effects on real variables?
No, we should not worry about moderate inflation except as a breeder of
larger inflation, and that’s a big exception [laughter]. My summary of the
Milton Friedman 207

evidence on that, and I really can’t pretend this is authoritative because I

haven’t followed the research in that area for the past few years, is that there
is a short-term relation between unexpected inflation and unemployment. But
there is no long-term relation and even the short-term relation is very weak.
The main case that I cite on the long-term relation is the USA from 1879 to
1896 and from 1896 to 1913. From 1879 to 1896 prices fell at about 3 per
cent per year, not regularly of course but on the average, and from 1896 to
1913 they rose at about 3 per cent per year. Yet the rate of real growth is
roughly the same in the two periods.

Over the years monetarism has often been associated with conservative
politics. Is this alleged association inevitable?
The alleged association is not inevitable. Karl Marx was a quantity theorist.
The Bank of China (communist China) is monetarist. Moreover, I am not
myself a conservative. I am a liberal in the classical sense or, in the terminol-
ogy that has become common in the USA, a libertarian in philosophy. In any
event, monetarism properly interpreted is an objective set of propositions
about the relation between monetary magnitudes and other economic vari-
ables. Conservative, radical, communist, socialist, any ruling authorities can
only achieve their objectives if they can predict what the consequences of
their actions will be. A correct body of monetarist propositions is as neces-
sary to authorities of one stripe as of another.

New Classical Macroeconomics

It can be argued that one of the most difficult things in economics is to create a
new vision. Is this one of the most important features of Robert Lucas’s impact?
No, because I think that vision was present in a way before. Everybody knew
that you ought to be forward-looking. What he did was to develop a method
whereby you could make that vision operational. Once I got together some
quotations on expectations. One particularly good one from Schumpeter just
stated out and out the notion of rational expectations in the sense of the
vision, but it wasn’t operational. I think Lucas’s big contribution was to make
it operational. Everybody understood that people behaved on the basis of
what they anticipated in the future and the question is how you approximate
that. Of course the real start of rational expectations was John Muth’s [1961]
piece in Econometrica.

Why do you think new classical macroeconomics proved to be so attractive to

the younger generation of economists in the USA?
The policy ineffectiveness proposition was very popular for a while but it’s
another one of those theories which is the right kind of a theory but is
208 Modern macroeconomics

contradicted by its predictions. Nobody in the face of the experience of the

early 1980s can believe the policy ineffectiveness proposition is a valid
prediction of what will happen in the short term. The 1980–82 recession
completely contradicted it. I don’t know how popular the approach was. It
was popular with a small group. The beauty of it is that it brings you back to
a pure theoretical analysis. It’s not sort of besmirched by any complexities,
any complications, any friction, anything else [laughter]. It hangs together as
a theoretical matter if people correctly anticipate the future, but the situation
will be wholly different if they don’t.

Kevin Hoover [1984] has drawn a methodological distinction between your

work as a Marshallian and that of Robert Lucas as a Walrasian. Is that
distinction valid?
There is a great deal to that. On the whole I believe that is probably true. I
have always distinguished between the Marshallian approach and the Walrasian
approach. I have always been personally a Marshallian. That doesn’t mean
that the Walrasian approach is not a useful or appropriate approach. People’s
temperaments and attitudes are different, I guess. I yield to no one in my
admiration for Marshall as an economist, but he had real flaws as an indi-
vidual. The way he treated his wife was disgraceful. We found out about it
way back in the 1950s when we spent a year at Cambridge in 1952–3. We
spent a lot of time at the Marshall library and read a good deal of the
Marshall documents. It seemed that Mary Paley, his wife, was a very able,
competent woman. I won’t go into that story; it will take us too long.

How important has the Kydland–Prescott time inconsistency argument been

in the rules v. discretion debate?
That has been quite influential in the debate and is a very nice and entirely
valid point.

Since the demise of the monetary-surprise version of new classical macr-

oeconomics in the early 1980s the new classical approach has been revitalized
by real business cycle theory. Has this, in your opinion, been a fruitful line of
I have some hesitancy in answering that question because I have not followed
or investigated that literature as much as I should in order to give a consid-
ered answer. I don’t believe that there is a business cycle; it is a misleading
concept. The notion of a business cycle is something of a regularly recurring
phenomenon that is internally driven by the mechanics of the system. I don’t
believe there is a business cycle in that sense. I believe that there is a system
that has certain response mechanisms and that system is subject over time to
external random forces (some large, some small) that play on it and it adapts
Milton Friedman 209

to those forces. The adaptation process has certain regularities that in a way
go back to the basic Slutsky idea of an accumulation of random forces. Some
of those forces are unquestionably real and in so far as the real business cycle
people emphasize that the disturbances come from outside, that’s all to the
good. On the other hand the mechanism that reacts to the real disturbances is
largely monetary, and by underplaying the monetary role in the process the
so-called real business cycle theory has not been very helpful. You probably
know my own little piece on what I call the ‘plucking model’ in Economic
Inquiry [1993]. It was written many years earlier in an annual report of the
National Bureau of Economic Research and it’s also in the collection of
papers contained in The Optimum Quantity of Money [1969] though I modi-
fied it a little for the Inquiry version, but not much. To quote: ‘consider an
elastic string stretched taut between two points on the underside of a rigid
horizontal board and glued lightly to the board. Let the string be plucked at a
number of points chosen more or less at random with a force that varies at
random, and then held down at the lowest point reached. The result will be to
produce a succession of apparent cycles in the string whose amplitudes
depend on the force used in plucking the string’ and so on. For me personally
I find that a much more useful model than the model of a self-generating

With the growth in the popularity of real business cycle models in the 1980s
many new classical macroeconomists have turned to the calibration method
rather than conventional econometric techniques to test the performance of
their models. How do you view the calibration method?
I believe that it is evading the issue. It isn’t enough to show that the character-
istics of the time series can be duplicated in a model. If the model has any
meaning it is going to make predictions about things that can be observed and
contradicted. You can match any set of data precisely with a least squares
regression if you have enough variables in it.

Methodological and General Issues

You commented earlier that your [1953a] essay on the ‘Methodology of Posi-
tive Economics’ has been one of your most influential papers. Did you in any
way anticipate the controversy that your paper would subsequently generate?

Is the philosophy of science and formal methodology an area that still inter-
ests you?
It was an area that interested me at the time but after I wrote that paper I
decided I really would rather do economics than tell people how to do
210 Modern macroeconomics

economics. I found out that my views were very similar to Karl Popper’s and
I followed his writings in a sort of a vague way, but not very seriously. One of
the major reasons why that article led to so much controversy is that I
decided early on that I wasn’t going to answer attacks on it [laughter]. I am
serious. If you want to get controversy about one of your articles, write
something which will be attacked and then don’t answer the attackers be-
cause it opens a field day.

Why do you think there is more consensus among economists over micro-
economic issues compared to macroeconomic issues?
Primarily because there has not been in the microeconomic area anything
comparable to the Keynesian revolution in the macroeconomic area. For a
time it looked as if the imperfect competition developments of Chamberlin
and Robinson would play the same role in the microeconomic area, but they
turned out to be more readily absorbed in the traditional classical body of
microeconomic theory as presented in Marshall’s Principles. A second rea-
son, indeed the one that gave rise to the Keynesian revolution, was that the
issues of employment/unemployment and business cycles became major po-
litical issues.

How important do you think it is for macroeconomic models to have choice-

theoretic microfoundations?
It is less important for macroeconomic models to have choice-theoretic
microfoundations than it is for them to have empirical implications that can
be subjected to refutation. Choice-theoretic microfoundations may provide
hypotheses for improving macroeconomic models, but the key macroeco-
nomic models have been of long standing and have had a great deal of
success without the more recent emphasis on choice-theoretic micro-

Do you think that attempts to try to understand the reasons for wage and
price rigidities are a fruitful line of research?
I don’t believe that you can tell people what is a fruitful line of research.
Everything is a fruitful line of research. I remember very well when I was
advising doctoral students about their theses, they would come in and say
well, a lot’s been done on that subject. There is no subject on which there
isn’t more to be done, building on what’s gone before. I don’t have any doubt
that there are wage rigidities because obviously there are; it’s a fact of life,
it’s hard to deny it. The question is whether they are important or not, in what
ways they are important and in what kind of phenomena are they important.
As I said before, the essence of a successful theory is that it extracts the key
elements from the whole host of attendant circumstances. So I wouldn’t want
Milton Friedman 211

to discourage anybody from doing research in that area. Moreover I wouldn’t

want to discourage anybody from doing research in any area. What people
have to do is to do things that interest them, follow up their own insights and
their own ideas.

Robert Lucas [1994a, p. 226] has argued that ‘Professional economists are
primarily scholars … [whose] responsibility is to create new knowledge by
pushing research into new, and hence necessarily controversial, territory’.
Where do you see macroeconomic research heading?
Economists are scholars but they are going to be influenced by developments in
the world around them. There is no doubt that the great interest in business
cycles was partly a consequence of the phenomenon of the Great Depression.
We have in the world today the most striking phenomena: on the one hand there
is the worldwide technological revolution, and on the other hand there is the
political revolution – the collapse of the Soviet Union and the independence of
its satellites. Both influences have had one common effect – what has been
called the globalization of the economy, a term I hate. Both revolutions have
led to a situation in which a producer can produce a product anywhere in the
world, sell it anywhere in the world, use resources located anywhere in the
world and be himself located anywhere in the world. So it is no longer mean-
ingful to talk about the domestic content of things. Is a car made in America
when parts of it come from Japan and parts come from another country? That’s
always been true, but it’s a much more important phenomenon today. In addi-
tion there are also issues relating to the so-called underdeveloped or backward
countries which are now coming into the modern stream for the first time.
Those are phenomena of major importance and they need to be discussed and
analysed. It is appropriate that economists should move to see how they can
understand those phenomena and what can contribute to those phenomena. I
have no doubt that this will be a major focus of research over the coming years.

In your [1991] Economic Journal paper you drew attention to major im-
provements in the ‘engine of analysis’ but seemed to suggest that the quality
of much economic research had declined. Can you elaborate on this view?
I don’t believe I was saying that. What I would say is that economics has
become increasingly an arcane branch of mathematics rather than dealing
with real economic problems. There is no doubt that that has happened. I
believe that economics has gone much too far in that direction, but there is a
correction on the way. Take the Economic Journal. It has introduced a section
on current controversies which is a real departure from the kind of thing it
had before. There is no doubt that it’s become harder for anybody to keep up
with the literature, except in his or her own special field, and I believe that’s a
very bad feature of the developments in economics. In that sense, what you
212 Modern macroeconomics

said about the decline and deterioration in economic research is true. But the
engine of analysis as a technical, theoretical structure has certainly improved
over the period a great deal.

Why do you think the leadership in macroeconomic research passed from the
UK to the USA after the Second World War?
The answer is simple. If you have too strong an orthodoxy you are not going
to have any leadership. What happened was that Britain was a leader in the
1930s, no question. But that became solidified into a rock of orthodox opin-
ion which was not going to be a breeding ground for leading the future. Of
course this is a complicated question because it is all tied up with the change
in the role of Britain as a whole in the world as a result of the Second World
War. The First World War reduced the influence of Britain a great deal as a
world leader and the Second went further. But I think fundamentally the
problem was that the leadership in economics at Cambridge, England became
hardened into an orthodoxy, which is not a good breeding ground for revolu-
tionary or innovative work.

Economic Policy

Some economists, perhaps most, would argue that the fundamental difference
between monetarists and Keynesians is not so much their respective views on
the influence of the money supply but their differing views on the equilibrat-
ing powers of the market mechanism. Whereas monetarists have faith in the
equilibrating tendencies of market forces, Keynesians argue that there is
substantial market failure requiring some sort of activist intervention at the
macro level. Would you agree with this view?
I do not agree with this view. There are monetarists of all kinds, some who
stress market failure and some who do not. All economists – monetarists,
Keynesians, or what-not – recognize that there is such a thing as market
failure. I believe that what really distinguishes economists is not whether
they recognize market failure, but how much importance they attach to gov-
ernment failure, especially when government seeks to remedy what are said
to be market failures. That difference in turn is related to the time perspective
that economists bring to various issues. Speaking for myself, I do not believe
that I have more faith in the equilibrating tendencies of market forces than
most Keynesians, but I have far less faith than most economists, whether
Keynesians or monetarists, in the ability of government to offset market
failure without making matters worse.

You have argued [American Economic Review, 1968a] that most disagree-
ments appear not to be concerned with the major goals of economic policy but
Milton Friedman 213

rather are over the choice of appropriate instruments to achieve the goals. In
the light of your work on the consumption function and monetary economics in
general, what role do you see for fiscal policy in a macroeconomic context?
None. I believe that fiscal policy will contribute most if it doesn’t try to offset
short-term movements in the economy. I’m expressing a minority view here
but it’s my belief that fiscal policy is not an effective instrument for control-
ling short-term movements in the economy. One of the things I have tried to
do over the years is to find cases where fiscal policy is going in one direction
and monetary policy is going in the opposite. In every case the actual course
of events follows monetary policy. I have never found a case in which fiscal
policy dominated monetary policy and I suggest to you as a test to find a
counter-example. There are two possible explanations for that. One which I
believe to be true is that the Keynesian view that a government deficit is
stimulating is simply wrong. A deficit is not stimulating because it has to be
financed, and the negative effects of financing it counterbalance the positive
effects, if there are any, on spending. But that may not be the reason because
there is the other reason: it is much harder to adjust fiscal policy in a sensitive
short-term way than it is to adjust monetary policy. So I don’t believe that
there is any role for fiscal policy in the short term. There is an enormous role
for fiscal policy in terms of the long-term allocation of resources among
different uses and that is where the argument needs to be.

Are you saying that even in the case of the 1930s you would not have
advocated expansionary fiscal policy?
It wasn’t fiscal policy, it was monetary policy that dominated. There was
nothing you could do with fiscal policy that was going to offset a decline of a
third in the quantity of money. Let me show you a current example. Take
Japan right now. They are wasting their time and money in trying to have an
expansive fiscal policy without an expansive monetary policy. I’m exaggerat-
ing a little about Japan because in the last year or so, mostly since the
appointment of the new Head of the Bank of Japan, they have been starting to
follow an expansive monetary policy. I believe that Japan is going to show a
considerable degree of improvement and that they will start to come back up.
It’s a very interesting phenomenon because the behaviour of the Japanese
central bank in the past five years duplicates the behaviour of the Federal
Reserve after 1929.

Persistent high unemployment has been a feature of European economies

since the early 1980s. A variety of explanations has been put forward includ-
ing hysteresis theories. How do you explain such persistent unemployment?
I believe it is a consequence of the extensive welfare state and rigidities in the
system. I have just read a very interesting working paper of the Federal
214 Modern macroeconomics

Reserve Bank of Chicago co-written by Lars Ljungqvist and Tom Sargent

[1998]. I agree with their conclusion. They start out by saying one obvious
explanation is the welfare state arrangements and the change in the incentives
that people have. But then an obvious answer to that is why didn’t that have
the same effect on unemployment earlier. Their explanation is that the earlier
period was a more nearly stationary period in which it was not necessary to
make rapid and extensive dynamic adjustments to the changes in circum-
stances. But in the last ten or twenty years, what with the technological
revolution and the political revolution, it has been necessary to make major
changes and the European system is rigid. It’s OK if everything goes along
smoothly but it’s not very good at adapting to major dynamic change. It
seems to me that that makes a great deal of sense. You might ask the question
why is it that the USA hasn’t had the same experience. I’m not sure that my
answer now will be valid in the future because we have been going in the
same direction although we haven’t gone nearly as far. We have a much more
flexible wage system. It’s much easier to fire people although it is getting
harder and harder to hire people. There are more and more disincentives to
employers to hire people because of affirmative action and all the rules and
regulations involved. But still we are better off than the European economies.

In another highly influential paper published in 1953[b], only nine years

after the establishment of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rates system, you
presented the case for flexible exchange rates. In the light of experience since
the breakdown of the system in the early 1970s, how do you respond to the
issue of variability or instability, which critics of flexible exchange rates have
The variability has been much larger than I would have expected. I don’t have
any doubt about that, but there are two propositions. Number one, the reason
for the high variability is the highly variable forces that have been playing
upon the international market which derive in my opinion from the fact that
beginning in 1971 the world had a monetary system that had no predecessor,
no precedent whatsoever. For the first time in the history of the world no
current major currency, or minor currency for that matter, in the world was
linked to a commodity, however indirectly. To begin with, everybody was
sailing on an uncharted sea and on that uncharted sea some went one way and
some went another. So you had a much wider variability in the rates of
inflation in different countries than you were accustomed to and that led to a
greater variability in exchange rates. The second proposition is that the vari-
ability in exchange rates was a good thing. If you had tried to maintain fixed
exchange rates under those conditions it would have required major interfer-
ences in the freedom of trade among various countries. So that while the
variability of exchange rates was much greater than I would have anticipated,
Milton Friedman 215

I believe it was a necessary reaction, maybe overreaction, to what was going

on and that if you look at the experience over that time it did not have any
serious negative effects. I don’t doubt that any exchange rate adjustment is
going to be overdone. If you need a large change it’s going to be too large and
then it’s going to come back again because of the influence of (a) expecta-
tions and (b) speculation. But I don’t believe you have any examples of
destabilizing speculation. The speculators have on the whole performed a
positive function. The European Exchange Rate Mechanism was fundamen-
tally unstable and in so far as the speculators broke it in September 1992,
earlier than otherwise, it was a desirable thing. Britain made a great mistake
by linking its currency to the Exchange Rate Mechanism; it should never
have done that and it paid dearly for doing so.

What are your views on the desirability of forming a single currency in

There are two different questions, the desirability and the possibility. I be-
lieve that it is an impossible thing to do and this is something that I have been
saying over and over again everywhere. It seems to me that you must distin-
guish between a unified currency and currencies linked by a fixed exchange
rate. You can only have a unified currency if you have only one central bank,
one locus of authority. I cannot believe that you are going to be willing to
close down the Bank of England, that France is going to be willing to close
down the Bank of France and so on. So it seems to me political unification
has to come first. How many times do we have to see the same phenomenon
repeat itself? After the war there was the Bretton Woods system and it broke
down, in the 1970s the ‘Snake’ broke down and so on. How many times do
you have to repeat an experience before you realize that there must be some
real problem in having fixed exchange rates among countries that are inde-
pendent? The period of the nineteenth century, which is always pointed to,
can be distinguished from the current period in a very simple way. Govern-
ment spending of the major countries in the pre-1913 period was around 10
per cent of the national income. A system that could operate when govern-
ments were spending 10 per cent of the national income cannot operate when
governments are spending 50 per cent of the national income. There is a
sense in which a single currency is desirable, but what does it mean to say
something unachievable is desirable?

It is interesting that you say political unification is needed before economic

union, as many critics in Britain suspect that monetary union is being used as
a way of moving towards political union.
I don’t doubt that. I don’t doubt that the Germans and the French are trying to
do that, but I don’t believe that they will succeed.
216 Modern macroeconomics

Macroeconomics is not a laboratory science; we learn from events. What did

we learn from the so-called ‘monetarist experiments’ in the USA and UK at
the start of the 1980s?
You have got to distinguish between two different things. The so-called
monetarist experiment was in 1979 when Volcker [Fed Chairman] announced
that he was going to take the quantity of money and not the interest rate as his
guide. But he didn’t do it! If you look at the monetary aggregates, they were
more variable during the Volcker period than at any previous time in history.
So he did not follow a monetarist course. On the other hand if you eliminate
the perturbations and you look at the general direction over the period from
1980 to 1995 in every country in the world aggregate, monetary growth has
come way down and with it has come inflation. So I think that the experiment
in all of the countries of the world has been enormously confirmatory of the
proposition that inflation is a monetary phenomenon.

Why do governments create inflation?

They create inflation in order to get the revenue from it, and the reason it has
come down is not because governments have become more noble but because
you can’t get much revenue out of it. I gave a talk at the Bank of Japan in
1985, on which I based the last chapter of my book Money Mischief [1992]. I
entitled it ‘Monetary policy in a fiat world’. To quote, ‘inflation has become
less attractive as a political option. Given that the voting public is very
sensitive to inflation it may currently be politically profitable to establish
monetary arrangements that will make the present irredeemable paper stand-
ard an exception to Fisher’s generalization’. In Fisher’s Purchasing Power of
Money [1911] he says that every attempt at a paper money standard has been
a disaster. How do governments get money from inflation? Number one, there
is the direct value of the high-powered money base. That’s a very small
source, it’s trivial. Much more important are two other sources. One is that if
your tax system is expressed in nominal terms, inflation raises taxes without
anyone having to vote for higher taxes. The second is that if you have been
able to issue securities at an interest rate that is lower than the rate of
inflation, you can expropriate those securities. The expropriation of past debt
plus the automatic increases in taxes were undoubtedly the major source of
revenue for the USA from the inflations of the 1970s. There is no doubt about
that. I remember having breakfast on some occasion with the then Senator
Long from Louisiana who was on the Finance Committee. He said, you know
we never could have passed these rates of tax on current incomes if it hadn’t
been that they were automatically brought up there by inflation. It would
have been politically impossible. The adjustment of tax rates for inflation,
indexing the tax rates, has eliminated one source of revenue. The fact that
bond markets have become so much more sensitive to inflation has elimi-
Milton Friedman 217

nated the second. So how much revenue can you now get out of inflation? It
isn’t worth inflating. If you have inflation in the future, my prediction is that
it will only be as an attempt for full employment purposes and not as a way to
raise revenue. That’s why I’m pretty confident that there will not be a major
inflation in the future.

Do you think that disinflation can ever be achieved without significant real
output/employment costs?
I doubt it very much. That’s why you don’t want to let inflation get started –
because it’s so hard to bring it down.

Personal Information

What importance do you personally attach to being awarded the Nobel Prize
in Economics?
Obviously it is extremely rewarding. However, when I first learned of the
award from a reporter in a parking lot in Detroit who stuck a microphone in
my face and asked, ‘Do you regard this as the high point of your career?’, I
answered, ‘I care more what my successors fifty years from now will think
about my professional work than I do about the judgement of seven people
from Sweden who happen to be serving on the Nobel Committee.’ I do not
mean to denigrate the Nobel Committee. They have been doing a very con-
scientious and good job on the whole, but at the same time what really
matters to a scientist is the long-run effect of his work on his science.

The number of books and refereed articles you have had published is prodi-
I don’t know what it is. It is very large, yes.

How have you found the time to write so much and has this impinged on your
family and social life?
[Laughter] No. For much of our married life and the first part when we were
at Chicago in particular, we typically spent three solid months in the country
at our second home in New Hampshire to begin with and later on in Vermont.
Then later on I split my life 50–50: we spent six months a year in Chicago
and six months a year in Vermont. Almost all of my writing was done in
Vermont or in New Hampshire, relatively little during the actual school year.
I managed pretty much to keep down outside activities. I didn’t go away from
Vermont or New Hampshire to make speeches or to address committee meet-
ings or hearings. There were occasional exceptions but for the most part I
made it an absolute rule. When I look at my remaining diaries from that
period I am shocked by how full the pages are when I am in Chicago and how
218 Modern macroeconomics

empty they are when I’m up in Vermont or New Hampshire [laughter]. So

that’s the only reason I was able to write as much as I did.

Do you find it ironic that many of your views, once the subject of intense
debate and controversy, are now firmly embedded as part of the established
mainstream orthodoxy in macroeconomics?
I find it very satisfying but not ironic at all. Why should it be ironic? New
ideas have to fight a battle to get accepted. If you are against the conventional
wisdom, the course of reaction from your critics is very simple. The first
reaction is that it’s all a bunch of nonsense, it’s just so extreme it can’t
possibly be right. The second reaction is, well, you know, there is something
to it. The third reaction is it gets embedded in the theory and nobody talks
about it any more.

Don’t you need to be thick skinned and have great strength of conviction in
your views in such circumstances?
I don’t think the question is one of having a thick skin. I think the question is
one of belief in what you are doing. Conviction is strong. I have never been
bothered by intellectual attacks; that hasn’t been a problem. I’ve always had
very good personal relations with people whose views are different from
mine. With very very rare exceptions, I never had any personal problems.
Paul Samuelson and I, for example, are good personal friends.

Have you any as yet unfulfilled academic ambitions?

No I don’t think so. My main ambition now is to get our memoirs finished.
We’ve been working on them too long. Over the last year and a half I’ve had
health problems which have slowed down our progress on our memoirs.

One final question. John Burton [1981] has described you as the Adam Smith
of the twentieth century. Is that a description you would be happy to have?
[Laughter.] Sure, I’d be happy to have that. Adam Smith was the great father
of modern economics, there’s no question. I’d regard it as a great compliment
to be regarded in that way. But I believe that view is based not on my
scientific work but on my outside activities propagandizing for free markets.
5. The new classical school
existing Keynesian macroeconometric models are incapable of providing reliable
guidance in formulating monetary, fiscal and other types of policy. This conclu-
sion is based in part on the spectacular recent failure of these models, and in part
on their lack of a sound theoretical or econometric basis … on the latter ground,
there is no hope that minor or even major modification of these models will lead
to significant improvement in their reliability. (Lucas and Sargent, 1978)

5.1 Introduction

During the early 1970s there was a significant renaissance of the belief that a
market economy is capable of achieving macroeconomic stability, providing
that the visible hand of government is prevented from conducting misguided
discretionary fiscal and monetary policies. In particular the ‘Great Inflation’
of the 1970s provided increasing credibility and influence to those econo-
mists who had warned that Keynesian activism was both over-ambitious and,
more importantly, predicated on theories that were fundamentally flawed. To
the Keynesian critics the events of the Great Depression together with Keynes’s
theoretical contribution had mistakenly left the world ‘deeply sceptical about
self-organising market systems’ (Sachs, 1999). As we have seen in Chapters 3
and 4, the orthodox Keynesian insistence that relatively low levels of unem-
ployment are achievable via the use of expansionary aggregate demand policies
was vigorously challenged by Milton Friedman, who launched a monetarist
‘counter-revolution’ against policy activism during the 1950s and 1960s.
During the 1970s another group of economists provided a much more damag-
ing critique of Keynesian economics. Their main argument against Keynes
and the Keynesians was that they had failed to explore the full implications of
endogenously formed expectations on the behaviour of economic agents.
Moreover, these critics insisted that the only acceptable way to incorporate
expectations into macroeconomic models was to adopt some variant of John
Muth’s (1961) ‘rational expectations hypothesis’.
Following Thomas Sargent’s (1979) contribution, rational expectationists,
who also adhered to the principle of equilibrium theorizing, became known
collectively as the new classical school. As the label infers, the new classical
school has sought to restore classical modes of equilibrium analysis by as-
suming continuous market clearing within a framework of competitive markets.

220 Modern macroeconomics

The assumption of market clearing, which implies perfectly and instantane-

ously flexible prices, represents the most controversial aspect of new classical
theorizing. According to Hoover (1992), the incorporation of this assumption
represents the classical element in their thinking, namely a firm conviction
‘that the economy should be modelled as an economic equilibrium’. Thus, to
new classical theorists, ‘the ultimate macroeconomics is a fully specified
general equilibrium microeconomics’. As Hoover notes, this approach im-
plies not only the revival of classical modes of thought but also ‘the euthanasia
of macroeconomics’!

5.2 The Influence of Robert E. Lucas Jr

Professor Robert E. Lucas Jr is widely acknowledged as the originator and

central figure in the development of the new classical approach to macroeco-
nomics and has been described by Michael Parkin (1992) as ‘the leading
macro mountaineer of our generation’. In recognition of Lucas’s seminal
research in macroeconomics, in October 1995 the Royal Swedish Academy
of Sciences announced its decision to award him the Nobel Memorial Prize in
Economics ‘for having developed and applied the hypothesis of rational
expectations, and thereby having transformed macroeconomic analysis and
deepened our understanding of economic policy’. The award of this prestig-
ious prize to Lucas came as no surprise to economists since, without doubt,
his important contributions have made him the most influential macroeconomist
during the last quarter of the twentieth century (see Fischer, 1996a; Hall,
1996; Svensson, 1996; Hoover, 1988, 1992, 1999; Snowdon and Vane, 1998).
While some commentators see Lucas’s contributions to business cycle analy-
sis as ‘part of the natural progress of economics’ (Chari, 1998), or as ‘part of
the steady accumulation of knowledge’ (Blanchard, 2000), others make fre-
quent reference to ‘revolution’ or counter-revolution when discussing the
influence of Lucas’s contributions to macroeconomics (Tobin, 1996; Snow-
don and Vane, 1999b; Woodford, 2000).
Although Lucas made explicit use of the rational expectations hypothesis
in analysing optimal investment policy as early as 1965, it was not until he
began to wrestle with aggregate supply issues, within a Walrasian general
equilibrium framework, that the real significance of this hypothesis for macr-
oeconomics became clear (Fischer, 1996a). While the Lucas and Rapping
(1969) paper is perhaps the first ‘new classical’ paper in spirit, because of its
emphasis on the equilibrium (voluntary) nature of unemployment and its
utilization of the intertemporal labour substitution hypothesis (see Hoover,
1988 and Chapter 6), it was the series of papers written by Lucas and
published in the period 1972–8 that established the analytical base of the
rational expectations equilibrium approach to research into aggregate eco-
The new classical school 221

nomic fluctuations (business cycles). Collectively these papers had an im-

mense influence on the direction of macroeconomic research during the last
quarter of the twentieth century. One objective measure or indication of the
impact/influence that certain papers have on the development of macroeco-
nomics is provided by citation counts as recorded by the Social Science
Citations Index. In Table 5.1 citation counts are provided for the three most
heavily cited papers written by Lucas (1972a, 1973, 1976) in the area of
mainstream macroeconomics, together with one example taken from the field
of economic growth (Lucas, 1988). In order to help place the influence of
these papers in context we also provide information on citation counts for
three other well-known and heavily cited papers, namely those by Friedman
(1968a) and Kydland and Prescott (1977, 1982).

Table 5.1 Citation counts: 1966–97

Article 1966–70 1971–75 1976–80 1981–97 Total Average

citations per
year since

Friedman (1968a) 30 148 238 508 924 31

Kydland and – – 25 499 524 25
Prescott (1977)
Kydland and – – – 443 443 28
Prescott (1982)
Lucas (1972a) – 12 112 503 627 24
Lucas (1973) – 10 122 583 715 29
Lucas (1976) – – 105 654 759 35
Lucas (1988) – – – 568 568 57

Source: Snowdon and Vane (1998).

As Table 5.1 suggests, the influence of Lucas has been tremendously

important for the direction of macroeconomics since 1970. However, other
influential American exponents of new classical macroeconomics during the
1970s included Thomas Sargent, Robert Barro, Edward Prescott and Neil
Wallace. In the UK the new classical approach, in particular the need to
incorporate the rational expectations hypothesis into macroeconomic analy-
sis, was mainly championed by Patrick Minford (see interviews with Professors
Barro and Minford in Snowdon et al., 1994).
Building on the insights developed by Milton Friedman (1968a) and Edmund
Phelps (1968) concerning the neglect of endogenous expectations in Keynesian
macro models, the work of Lucas (1972a, 1972b, 1973, 1975, 1976) was
crucial in introducing macroeconomists to Muth’s (1961) rational expecta-
222 Modern macroeconomics

tions hypothesis, together with its enormous implications for theoretical and
empirical work (Lucas, 1981a). In particular, with the introduction of rational
expectations the standard Keynesian models seemed unable to deliver their
traditional policy conclusions. It soon became apparent that what Alan Blinder
refers to as the ‘Lucasian revolution’ represented a much more powerful and
potentially damaging challenge to the Keynesian mainstream than the mon-
etarist critique, which was of longer standing (see Snowdon, 2001a). Lucas
recalls that he was ‘raised as a monetarist in the 1960s’ and that Friedman
‘has been an enormous influence’. Indeed, during the 1990s, Lucas still
thought of himself as a ‘monetarist’ (Lucas, 1994b; Snowdon and Vane,
1998). But while orthodox monetarism presented itself as an alternative to
the standard Keynesian model, it did not constitute a radical theoretical
challenge to it (see Laidler, 1986). Thus while the mark I 1970s version of
new classical macroeconomics initially evolved out of monetarist macroeco-
nomics, and incorporates certain elements of that approach (such as the
monetarist explanation of inflation), it is clear that new classical economics
should be regarded as a separate school of thought from orthodox monetar-
ism. While the new classical school during the 1970s was undoubtedly
‘monetarist’ in terms of its policy prescriptions, according to Hoover (1984)
the more radical tone to new classical conclusions stems from key theoretical
differences between Lucas and Friedman, and the roots of this theoretical
divide are methodological: while Friedman is a Marshallian, Lucas is a
Walrasian. Despite their methodological differences, De Vroey (2001) is
undoubtedly correct in arguing that ‘Friedman and Lucas have probably been
the most influential economists of the second half of the twentieth century:
between them they were able to throw the Keynesian paradigm off its pedes-
tal’. In his review of Tobin’s (1980a) book, Asset Accumulation and Economic
Activity: Reflections on Contemporary Macroeconomic Theory, Lucas (1981b)
declared that:

Keynesian orthodoxy or the neoclassical synthesis is in deep trouble, the deepest

kind of trouble in which an applied body of theory can find itself. It appears to be
giving seriously wrong answers to the most basic questions of macroeconomic

Why and how Lucas and other new classical economists came to this nega-
tive view of Keynesian economics during the 1970s is the main theme of this
In the remainder of this chapter we have four main objectives. First, to
discuss the central theoretical propositions which underlie new classical models
(section 5.3). Second, in the light of this discussion, to consider the new
classical theory of the business cycle (section 5.4). Third, to examine the
main policy implications that derive from the new classical approach to
The new classical school 223

macroeconomics (section 5.5). Finally (section 5.6) we assess the impact that
the new classical school has had on the development of macroeconomics.

5.3 The Structure of New Classical Models

The new classical school emerged as a distinctive group during the 1970s
and, as we have already noted, the key figure in this development was Robert
E. Lucas Jr. However, the roots of the new classical research tradition are
diverse. For example, the emphasis in early new classical models on informa-
tion and expectations provides a link to the Austrian tradition best represented
by the work of Hayek (see Chapter 9). The distinction made by Lucas
between impulse (shocks) and propagation mechanisms when analysing busi-
ness cycles has its origins in the pioneering research of Frisch (1933). The
important role given to monetary disturbances in generating aggregate insta-
bility is solidly in the classical and Friedmanite monetarist traditions; indeed,
Tobin (1981) refers to the early new classical contributions as ‘monetarism
mark II’. The work of Phelps et al. (1970) on the Microfoundations of
Employment and Inflation Theory inspired Lucas to utilize the insights gleaned
from Phelps’s use of the ‘island parable’ and search theory to analyse labour
market dynamics. Finally the methodological approach of Lucas is heavily
influenced by the general equilibrium tradition of Walras, Hicks, Arrow and
Debreu (see Zijp, 1993; Beaud and Dostaler, 1997).
The new classical approach as it evolved in the early 1970s exhibited
several important features:

1. a strong emphasis on underpinning macroeconomic theorizing with neo-

classical choice-theoretic microfoundations within a Walrasian general
equilibrium framework;
2. the adoption of the key neoclassical assumption that all economic agents
are rational; that is, agents are continuous optimizers subject to the
constraints that they face, firms maximize profits and labour and house-
holds maximize utility;
3. agents do not suffer from money illusion and therefore only real
magnitudes (relative prices) matter for optimizing decisions;
4. complete and continuous wage and price flexibility ensure that markets
continuously clear as agents exhaust all mutually beneficial gains from
trade, leaving no unexploited profitable opportunities.

Given these assumptions, changes in the quantity of money should be neutral

and real magnitudes will be independent of nominal magnitudes. However,
empirical evidence shows that there are positive correlations (at least in the
short run) between real GDP and the nominal price level (an upward-sloping
224 Modern macroeconomics

aggregate supply curve), between changes in the nominal money supply and
real GDP, and negative correlations between inflation and unemployment (a
Phillips curve); that is, empirically money does not appear to be neutral in the
short run. Solving this puzzle between the neutrality of money predicted by
classical/neoclassical theory and empirical evidence showing non-neutralities
would be a considerable intellectual achievement (Zijp, 1993, refers to this as
the ‘Lucas problem’). Lucas’s (1972a) seminal paper, ‘Expectations and the
Neutrality of Money’, was just such an achievement. Lucas’s key insight was
to change the classical assumption that economic agents have perfect infor-
mation to an assumption that agents have imperfect information.
We can sum up the main elements of the early new classical approach to
macroeconomics as the joint acceptance of three main sub-hypotheses in-
volving (i) the rational expectations hypothesis; (ii) the assumption of
continuous market clearing; and (iii) the Lucas (‘surprise’) aggregate supply
hypothesis. In the discussion of these hypotheses individually in what fol-
lows, the reader should bear in mind that although new classicists accept all
three hypotheses (see Figure 5.1), it is possible for economists of different
persuasions to support the rational expectations hypothesis without necessar-
ily accepting all three together (see Chapter 7).

Figure 5.1 The structure of new classical models

The new classical school 225

5.3.1 The rational expectations hypothesis

One of the central tenets underlying new classical macroeconomics is the
rational expectations hypothesis (REH) associated with the work of John
Muth (1961) initially in the context of microeconomics. It is, however, inter-
esting to note that Keuzenkamp (1991) has suggested that Tinbergen was a
precursor to Muth, having presented a model of rational expectations nearly
30 years earlier. We should also note that it was Alan Walters (1971) who first
applied the idea of what he called ‘consistent expectations’ to macroeconom-
ics. However, it was John Muth’s (1961) seminal paper that proved to be most
influential on the research of the young new classical Turks during the early
1970s. In his seminal article, Muth suggested ‘that expectations since they
are informed predictions of future events are essentially the same as the
predictions of the relevant economic theory’.
Expectations, which are subjective, are fundamental to the behaviour of
economic agents and all economic activities have an informational/expectational
dimension. For example, expectations of the future value of economic variables
will clearly influence demand and supply decisions. As Carter and Maddock
(1984) note, ‘since virtually all economic decisions involve taking actions now
for uncertain rewards in the future, expectations of the future are crucial in
decision making’. An obvious example where expectations of inflation will
influence behaviour concerns wage negotiations between trade unions and
employers. Should a trade union negotiator underestimate the rate of inflation
prevailing over the period of the negotiated wage contract, then workers are
likely to find that they have suffered a nominal wage increase, but a real wage
An expectation of the future value of some key economic variable need not
be confined to a single predicted value but can more realistically take the
form of a probability distribution of outcomes. Therefore, there are two key
questions facing macroeconomists with respect to incorporating expectations
into macroeconomic models:

1. how do individuals acquire, process and make use of information in

order to form expectations of key variables?
2. what form of expectations hypothesis should we use in macroeconomic

During the 1970s, the rational expectations hypothesis replaced the adaptive
expectations hypothesis as the dominant way of modelling endogenous ex-
pectations (in his General Theory, published in 1936, Keynes had stressed the
importance of expectations for understanding macroeconomic instability, but
in Keynes’s theory expectations were exogenous, being driven by ‘animal
spirits’; see Chapter 8 and Keynes, 1937). One great appeal of the rational
226 Modern macroeconomics

expectations hypothesis is that alternative (non-rational) hypotheses of ex-

pectations formation involve systematic errors, a situation that does not sit
comfortably with the rational calculating agents that populate orthodox neo-
classical models.
The rational expectations hypothesis has over the years been presented in
the literature in a number of different forms and versions (see Redman,
1992). At the outset it is important to note the distinction between weak and
strong versions of the hypothesis. The main idea behind the weak version of
the hypothesis is that, in forming forecasts or expectations about the future
value of a variable, rational economic agents will make the best (most effi-
cient) use of all publicly available information about the factors which they
believe determine that variable. In other words, expectations are assumed to
be formed ‘rationally’ in line with utility-maximizing behaviour on the part
of individual economic agents. For example, if economic agents believe that
the rate of inflation is determined by the rate of monetary expansion, they
will make the best use of all publicly available information on rates of
monetary expansion in forming their expectations of future rates of inflation.
The strong version of the rational expectations hypothesis is captured in the
above quotation taken from Muth’s (1961) article and it is the Muthian
version that has been taken up by leading exponents of the new classical
school and incorporated into their macroeconomic models. In the Muthian
‘strong’ version, economic agents’ subjective expectations of economic vari-
ables will coincide with the true or objective mathematical conditional
expectations of those variables. Using the example of economic agents’ ex-
pectations of inflation ( P˙t e ), the rational expectations hypothesis may be
expressed algebraically in the following way:

P˙t e = E( P˙t | Ω t −1 ) (5.1)

where Ṗt is the actual rate of inflation; E( P˙t | Ω t −1 ) is the rational expectation
of the rate of inflation subject to the information available up to the previous
period (Ω t−1 ). It is important to emphasize that rational expectations does not
mean that agents can foresee the future exactly. Rational expectations is not
the same as perfect foresight. In order to form a rational expectation of
inflation, agents will need to take into account what they believe to be the
‘correct’ macroeconomic model of the economy. Agents will make errors in
their forecasts, since available information will be incomplete. Indeed, this is
an essential element of Lucas’s monetary surprise model – see sections 5.3.3
and 5.5.1. However, such forecast errors will be unrelated to the information
set at the time the expectation (for example of inflation) was formed. With
rational expectations, agents’ expectations of economic variables on average
will be correct, that is, will equal their true value. Furthermore, the hypoth-
The new classical school 227

esis implies that agents will not form expectations which are systematically
wrong (biased) over time. If expectations were systematically wrong, agents
would, it is held, learn from their mistakes and change the way they formed
expectations, thereby eliminating systematic errors. More formally, the strong
version of the rational expectations hypothesis implies that:

P˙t e = P˙t + ε t (5.2)

where Ṗt e = expected rate of inflation from t to t + 1; Ṗt = actual rate of

inflation from t to t + 1; and εt = random error term, which (i) has a mean of
zero, and (ii) is uncorrelated with the information set available at the time
when expectations are formed, otherwise economic agents would not be fully
exploiting all available information. In summary, the forecasting errors from
rationally formed expectations will (i) be essentially random with a mean of
zero; (ii) be unrelated to those made in previous periods, revealing no dis-
cernible pattern: that is, they will be serially uncorrelated over time; and (iii)
have the lowest variance compared to any other forecasting method. In other
words, rational expectations is the most accurate and efficient form of expec-
tations formation.
The rational expectations hypothesis contrasts with the adaptive expectations
hypothesis initially used by orthodox monetarists in their explanation of expec-
tations-augmented Phillips curve (see Chapter 4, section 4). In the adaptive
expectations hypothesis, economic agents base their expectations of future
values of a variable (such as inflation) only on past values of the variable
concerned. One of the main problems with this ‘backward-looking’ approach to
forming expectations is that, until the variable being predicted is stable for a
considerable period of time, expectations formed of it will be repeatedly wrong.
For example, following the discussion of Chapter 4, section 4.3.2, on the
accelerationist hypothesis, if unemployment is held below the natural rate,
inflation will accelerate and inflation expectations will be biased in a downward
direction. This problem results from (i) the assumption that economic agents
only partially adjust their expectations by a fraction of the last error made; and
(ii) the failure of agents to take into consideration additional information avail-
able to them other than past values of the variable concerned, despite making
repeated errors. In contrast, in the ‘forward-looking’ approach, rational expec-
tations are based on the use of all publicly available information, with the
crucial implication of the strong version of the hypothesis being that economic
agents will not form expectations which are systematically wrong over time;
that is, such expectations will be unbiased.
A number of criticisms have been raised against the rational expectations
hypothesis and we now consider three common ones. The first of these
concerns the costs (in time, effort and money) of acquiring and processing all
228 Modern macroeconomics

publicly available information in order to forecast the future value of a

variable, such as inflation. It is important to note that the weak version of the
hypothesis does not require, as some critics have suggested, that economic
agents actually use ‘all’ publicly available information. Given the costs in-
volved in acquiring and processing information, it is unlikely that agents
would ever use all publicly available information. What proponents of the
weak version of the hypothesis suggest is that ‘rational’ economic agents will
have an incentive to make the ‘best’ use of all publicly available information
in forming their expectations. In other words, agents will have an incentive to
use information up to the point where the marginal benefit (in terms of
improved accuracy of the variable being forecast) equals the marginal cost (in
terms of acquiring and processing all publicly available information). In this
case, expectations would be less efficient than they would be if all available
information were used. Furthermore, the weak version of the hypothesis does
not require, as some critics have suggested, that all individual agents directly
acquire and process available information personally. Economic agents can
derive information indirectly from, for example, published forecasts and
commentaries in the news media. Given that forecasts frequently differ, the
problem then arises of discerning which is the ‘correct’ view.
A far more serious objection concerns the problem of how agents actually
acquire knowledge of the ‘correct’ model of the economy, given that econo-
mists themselves display considerable disagreement over this. The issue of
whether individual agents operating in decentralized markets will be able to
‘learn’ the true model of the economy has been the subject of considerable
debate (see, for example, Frydman and Phelps, 1983; Evans and Honkapohja,
1999). With regard to this particular criticism, it is important to note that the
strong version of the hypothesis does not require that economic agents actu-
ally know the correct model of the economy. What the hypothesis implies is
that rational agents will not form expectations which are systematically wrong
over time. In other words, expectations, it is suggested, will resemble those
formed ‘as if’ agents did know the correct model to the extent that they will
be unbiased and randomly distributed over time. Critics of the hypothesis are
not, however, convinced by arguments such as these and suggest that, owing
to such problems as the costs of acquiring and processing all available infor-
mation, and uncertainty over which is the correct model, it ‘is’ possible for
agents to form expectations which are systematically wrong. There is some
evidence that agents do make systematic errors in expectations (see, for
example, Lovell, 1986).
A third important criticism, associated in particular with the Post Keynesian
school, relates to the problems of expectations formation in a world of funda-
mental uncertainty. To Keynesian fundamentalists, a major achievement of
Keynes was to place the problem of uncertainty at the centre stage of macr-
The new classical school 229

oeconomics. In the Post Keynesian vision, the world is non-ergodic; that is,
each historical event is unique and non-repetitive. In such situations the rules of
probability do not apply. We are in a world of ‘kaleidic’ change and fundamen-
tal discontinuities (Shackle, 1974). Accordingly, Post Keynesians argue that it
is important to follow both Keynes (1921) and Knight (1933) and distinguish
between situations involving risk and situations involving uncertainty. In situa-
tions of risk the probability distribution is known. In contrast, in situations of
uncertainty there is no possibility of formulating any meaningful probability
distribution. Because the rational expectations hypothesis assumes that eco-
nomic agents can formulate probability distributions of outcomes of various
economic changes and situations, it belongs to the world of risk. In new
classical models the problem of fundamental uncertainty is ignored since Lucas
(1977) interprets business cycles as repeated instances of essentially similar
events. Hence, in Lucas’s ergodic world, meaningful probability distributions
of outcomes can be gauged by intelligent and rational economic agents. Unfor-
tunately, according to Post Keynesians, the real world is one characterized by
fundamental uncertainty and this means that conclusions built on models using
the rational expectations hypothesis are useless. Likewise, the Austrian school
are also very critical of the rational expectations hypothesis (see Snowdon et
al., 1994, and Chapters 8 and 9).
The various influences on expectations have recently been investigated by
the Bank of England (2003). Reporting the results of a recent ‘inflation
attitudes survey’ the Bank of England finds the following interesting results:

1. disaggregating the data reveals that different people and groups have
different attitudes to inflation;
2. the expectations of ‘professional’ groups cluster around the mean expec-
3. younger respondents have lower expectations of inflation than older
4. mortgage holders have lower inflation expectations than respondents
who rent accommodation;
5. people in the south of Britain have higher expectations of inflation than
those living in the north; and
6. lifetime experience of inflation influences expectations of inflation.

Thus expectations of inflation are influenced by age, geographical location,

education and occupation, and housing status. Clearly those old enough to
have lived through the ‘Great Inflation’ of the 1970s have not been entirely
able to remove that experience from their judgement.
Notwithstanding these criticisms, during the 1970s there was undoubtedly
a ‘rational expectations revolution’ in macroeconomics (Taylor, 1989; Hoo-
230 Modern macroeconomics

ver, 1992). However, it should be noted that Muth’s idea was not immediately
taken up by macroeconomists, maybe because during the 1960s the orthodox
Keynesian model was ‘the only game in town’. It took almost ten years
before Lucas, Sargent and other leading new classical economists began to
incorporate the hypothesis into their macroeconomic models.
Evidence of this lag can be gleaned from citation counts for Muth’s (1961)
paper. In an interesting comparison of the relative influence of Muth’s paper
with that of Axel Leijonhufvud’s (1968) famous book, On Keynesian Eco-
nomics and the Economics of Keynes (see Chapter 2), Backhouse (1995) has
shown how during the 1970s and 1980s citations of Muth’s paper exploded
while citations of Leijonhufvud’s book declined as interest in Keynesian
economics waned (see Snowdon, 2004a). While Leijonhufvud’s book had an
immediate impact, but ultimately failed to transform macroeconomics in the
direction of coordination failure stressed by Leijonhufvud, in contrast, Muth’s
paper got off to a slow start but ultimately played a key role in transforming
macroeconomics (see Leijonhufvud, 1992, 1993, 1998a, 1998b on the need
for macroeconomics to reconsider, among many other things, the coordina-
tion question in macroeconomics).
One final point is worth making. The use of the word ‘rational’ in the
presentation of the hypothesis proved to be an important ‘rhetorical’ weapon
in the battle to win the minds of macroeconomists during the 1970s. As Barro
(1984) has pointed out:

One of the cleverest features of the rational expectations revolution was the
application of the term ‘rational’. Thereby, the opponents of this approach were
forced into the defensive position of either being irrational or of modelling others
as irrational, neither of which are comfortable positions for an economist.

For a more detailed discussion of the rational expectations hypothesis and its
application in macroeconomics, the reader is referred to Begg (1982); Carter
and Maddock (1984); Shaw (1984); Attfield et al. (1985); Redman (1992);
Sheffrin (1996); and Minford (1997). On the use of rhetoric in new classical
economics, see Backhouse (1997a).

5.3.2 Continuous market clearing

A second key assumption in new classical models is that all markets in the
economy continuously clear, in line with the Walrasian tradition. At each
point of time all observed outcomes are viewed as ‘market-clearing’, and are
the result of the optimal demand and supply responses of economic agents to
their perceptions of prices. As a result the economy is viewed as being in a
continuous state of (short- and long-run) equilibrium. New classical models
are in consequence often referred to as ‘equilibrium’ models, where equilib-
rium is interpreted to mean that all economic agents within a market economy
The new classical school 231

have made choices that optimize their objectives subject to the constraints
that they face.
In market-clearing models economic agents (workers, consumers and firms)
are ‘price takers’; that is, they take the market price as given and have no
market power that could be used to influence price. Firms are operating
within a market structure known as ‘perfect competition’. In such a market
structure firms can only decide on their optimal (profit-maximizing) output
(determined where marginal revenue = marginal cost) given the market-
determined price. In the absence of externalities the competitive equilibrium,
with market prices determined by the forces of demand and supply, is Pareto-
optimal and leads to the maximization of total surplus (the sum of producer
and consumer surplus). In Figure 5.2(a) we can see that a competitive
market-clearing equilibrium (P*, Q*) maximizes the total of consumer and
producer surplus (equal to area BCE) whereas non-market-clearing prices
(output), such as P1(Q1) or P2 (Q2 ), indicated in Figure 5.2(b), result in a
welfare loss indicated by the areas FEI and GEH respectively (see Dixon,
In Figure 5.2(a) all the mutual gains from trade have been exhausted by
economic agents and there are ‘no dollar bills left on the sidewalk’ (see
Barro, 1979). It is important to note that the position of supply and demand
curves, and hence market-clearing prices and equilibrium output, will be
influenced by the expectations of economic agents. Since even rationally


P1 F
Consumer G
P* E P*
surplus P2 H


Q* Q1 Q* Q2

(a) Competitive equilibrium (b) Welfare loss if output is

above or below the
competitive price

Figure 5.2 The welfare implications of equilibrium in a competitive market

232 Modern macroeconomics

formed expectations can turn out to be wrong due to incomplete information,

this means that, at least until agents acquire more accurate information, a
currently observed market-clearing equilibrium will differ from a full infor-
mation equilibrium. Nevertheless, since agents are doing the best they can
with the information they have acquired, they are seen to be in a state of
equilibrium at all times, as illustrated below.


The assumption of continuous market clearing is the most critical and contro-
versial assumption underlying new classical analysis and is highly contentious,
as it implies that prices are free to adjust instantaneously to clear markets (see
Tobin, 1993, 1996). The assumption stands in bold contrast to the approach
adopted in both orthodox Keynesian and monetarist models. As we have
discussed in the two previous chapters, orthodox Keynesians and monetarists
disagree about the time it takes for markets to clear. Keynesian models
incorporate the assumption that markets may fail to clear because of the slow
adjustment of prices, so that the economy is viewed as being in a possible
state of continuous disequilibrium. In contrast, orthodox monetarist models
incorporate the assumption that prices adjust fairly rapidly to clear markets
and, while accepting that the economy may be in disequilibrium in the short
run, monetarists assume that the economy will automatically return to a state
of macroeconomic equilibrium in the long run at the natural rate of output
and employment.
The assumption of continuous market clearing is far more controversial
than the rational expectations hypothesis. As we shall discuss in Chapter 7,
new Keynesians have put forward a number of arguments to explain why
both prices and wages will be slow to adjust to clear markets following a
disturbance. Serious objections can be raised as to the reality of the new
classical assumption, especially with respect to the labour market, where new
classicists hold that anyone wishing to work can find employment at the
market-clearing equilibrium wage; that is, the new classical equilibrium ap-
proach treats unemployment entirely as a voluntary phenomenon (Lucas,
1978a). However, given efficiency wage considerations (see Chapter 7) it can
be argued that it is both profitable and rational for a firm to pay an efficiency
wage above the market-clearing wage. In such a situation equilibrium in the
labour market can occur where supply exceeds demand, with the existence of
involuntary unemployment as an equilibrium phenomenon.
We now consider the final main tenet of new classical macroeconomics,
the aggregate supply hypothesis.
The new classical school 233

5.3.3 The aggregate supply hypothesis

As with the rational expectations hypothesis, various explanations of the
aggregate supply hypothesis can be found in the literature. Having said this,
two main approaches to aggregate supply can be identified. Underlying these
approaches are two orthodox microeconomic assumptions: (i) rational deci-
sions taken by workers and firms reflect optimizing behaviour on their part;
and (ii) the supply of labour/output by workers/firms depends upon relative
The first new classical approach to aggregate supply focuses on the supply
of labour and derives from the work of Lucas and Rapping (1969). This
analysis is discussed more fully in Chapter 6 and in what follows we merely
outline the essence of the approach. During any period, workers have to
decide how much time to allocate between work and leisure. Workers, it is
assumed, have some notion of the normal or expected average real wage. If
the current real wage is above the normal real wage, workers will have an
incentive to work more (take less leisure time) in the current period in the
anticipation of taking more leisure (working less) in the future, when the real
wage is expected to be lower. Conversely, if the current real wage is below
the norm, workers will have an incentive to take more leisure (work less) in
the current period in the anticipation of working more (taking less leisure) in
the future, when the real wage is expected to be higher. The supply of labour
is postulated, therefore, to respond to perceived temporary changes in the real
wage. This behavioural response of substituting current leisure for future
leisure and vice versa is referred to as ‘intertemporal substitution’. Within the
intertemporal substitution model, changes in employment are explained in
terms of the ‘voluntary’ choices of workers who change their supply of
labour in response to perceived temporary changes in the real wage.
The second new classical approach to aggregate supply again derives from
the highly influential work of Lucas (1972a, 1973). In what follows we
illustrate the spirit of Lucas’s arguments by focusing on the goods market and
the supply decisions of firms. An important element of Lucas’s analysis
concerns the structure of the information set available to producers. It is
assumed that, while a firm knows the current price of its own goods, the
general price level for other markets only becomes known with a time lag.
When a firm experiences a rise in the current market price of its output it has
to decide whether the change in price reflects (i) a real shift in demand
towards its product, in which case the firm should respond (rationally) to the
increase in the price of its output relative to the price of other goods by
increasing its output, or (ii) merely a nominal increase in demand across all
markets, producing a general increase in prices which would not require a
supply response. Firms are faced by what is referred to as a ‘signal extrac-
tion’ problem, in that they have to distinguish between relative and absolute
234 Modern macroeconomics

price changes. Indeed, the greater the variability of the general price level,
the more difficult it will be for a producer to extract a correct signal and the
smaller the supply response is likely to be to any given change in prices (see
Lucas, 1973).
The analysis of the behaviour of individual agents in terms of the supply of
both labour and goods has led to what is referred to as the Lucas ‘surprise’
supply function, the simplest from of which is given by equation (5.3):

Yt = YNt + α[ Pt − Pt e ], α > 0 (5.3)

Since in new classical models expectations are formed rationally, we can

replace (5.3) with (5.4):

Yt = YNt + α[ Pt − E( Pt | Ω t −1 )] (5.4)

Equation (5.4) states that output (Yt) deviates from its natural level (YNt) only
in response to deviations of the actual price level (Pt) from its (rational)
expected value [ E( Pt | Ω t −1 )], that is, in response to an unexpected (surprise)
increase in the price level. For example, when the actual price level turns out
to be greater than expected, individual agents are ‘surprised’ and mistake the
increase for an increase in the relative price of their own output, resulting in
an increase in the supply of output and employment in the economy. In the
absence of price surprises, output will be at its natural level. For any given
expectation of the price level, the aggregate supply curve will slope upwards
in P–Y space, and the greater the value of α, the more elastic will be the
‘surprise’ aggregate supply curve and the bigger will be the impact on real
variables of an unanticipated rise in the general price level (see Figure 5.3
and section 5.5.1).
An alternative specification of the Lucas surprise function states that out-
put only deviates from its natural level in response to a deviation of actual
from expected inflation (that is, in response to errors in inflation expecta-

Yt = YNt + α[ P˙t − E( P˙t | Ω t −1 )] + ε t (5.5)

In equation (5.5) Ṗt is the actual rate of inflation, E( P˙t | Ω t −1 ) is the rational
expectation of rate of inflation subject to the information available up to the
previous period, and εt is a random error process. According to Lucas, coun-
tries where inflation has been relatively stable should show greater supply
response to an inflationary impulse and vice versa. In his famous empirical
paper, Lucas (1973) confirmed that:
The new classical school 235

In a stable price country like the United States … policies which increase nominal
income tend to have a large initial effect on real output, together with a small
positive effect on the rate of inflation … In contrast, in a volatile price county like
Argentina, nominal income changes are associated with equal, contemporaneous
price movements with no discernible effect on real output.

Equation (5.4) can be reformulated to include a lagged output term (Yt–1 –

YNt–1) and this version was used by Lucas (1973) in his empirical work to deal
with the problem of persistence (serial correlation) in the movement of eco-
nomic aggregates. The surprise aggregate supply function now takes the form
shown in equation (5.6):

Yt = YNt + α[ Pt − E( Pt | Ω t −1 )] + β(Yt −1 − YNt −1 ) + ε t (5.6)

By invoking ‘Okun’s law’ (Okun, 1962), that is, that there is a stable and
predictable negative relationship between unemployment and GDP, the Lucas
surprise aggregate supply equation can be seen as simply an alternative
representation of the rational expectations-augmented Phillips curve shown
in equation (5.7):

P˙t = E( P˙t | Ω t −1 ) − ϕ(Ut − U Nt ), ϕ > 0 (5.7)

where Ut is the current rate of unemployment, and UNt is the natural rate of
unemployment. Rearranging (5.7), we get equation (5.8):

Ut = U Nt − 1/ϕ[ P˙t − E( P˙t | Ω t −1 )] (5.8)

In this formulation an inflation surprise leads to a temporary reduction of

unemployment below the natural rate. In equations (5.6) and (5.8) a real
variable is linked to a nominal variable. But, as Lucas demonstrated, the
classical dichotomy only breaks down when a change in the nominal variable
is a ‘surprise’. Indeed, Lucas himself regards the finding that anticipated and
unanticipated changes in monetary growth have very different effects, as the
key idea in post-war macroeconomics (Snowdon and Vane, 1998). Further-
more, Lucas (1996) notes that this distinction between anticipated and
unanticipated monetary changes is a feature of all rational expectations-style
models developed during the 1970s to explain the monetary non-neutrality
exhibited in short-run trade-offs.
236 Modern macroeconomics

5.4 Equilibrium Business Cycle Theory

Before Keynes’s (1936) General Theory many economists were actively en-
gaged in business cycle research (see Haberler, 1963). However, one of the
important consequences of the Keynesian revolution was the redirection of
macroeconomic research towards questions relating to the level of output at a
point in time, rather than the dynamic evolution of the economy over time.
Nevertheless, within mainstream macroeconomics, before the 1970s, the main
approach to the analysis of business cycles after 1945 was provided by
Keynesians and monetarists (see Mullineux, 1984). During the 1970s a new
approach to the study of aggregate fluctuations was initiated by Lucas, who
advocated an equilibrium approach to business cycle modelling (Kim, 1988).
Lucas’s equilibrium theory was a significant departure from Keynesian busi-
ness cycle analysis where fluctuations of GDP were viewed as disequilibrium
phenomena. Keynesian macroeconomic models are typically characterized
by various rigidities and frictions that inhibit wage and price flexibility.
Consequently, in the short run, markets fail to clear and GDP can depart
significantly from its potential level for extended periods of time. Milton
Friedman also criticized Keynesian models for their downplaying of the
importance of monetary disturbances as a major source of aggregate instabil-
ity. The Friedman and Schwartz (1963) study proved to be highly influential
to a whole generation of economists. In particular Friedman and Schwartz
argued that the Great Depression was ‘a tragic testimonial to the importance
of monetary factors’. While Lucas was very much influenced by Friedman’s
monetarist ideas, he preferred to utilize a Walrasian research methodology
rather than build on Friedman’s Marshallian approach when analysing busi-
ness cycles (see Hoover, 1984).
The foundations of Lucas’s approach to business cycle modelling can be
found in his seminal Journal of Economic Theory paper (Lucas, 1972a),
where his objective is clearly stated in the opening paragraphs:

This paper provides a simple example of an economy in which equilibrium prices

and quantities exhibit what may be the central feature of the modern business
cycle: a systematic relation between the rate of change of nominal prices (inflation)
and the level of real output. The relationship, essentially a variant of the well-
known Phillips curve, is derived within a framework from which all forms of
‘money illusion’ are rigorously excluded: all prices are market clearing, all agents
behave optimally in light of their objectives and expectations, and expectations
are formed optimally … In the framework presented, price movement results from
a relative demand shift or a nominal (monetary) one. This hedging behaviour
results in the nonneutrality of money, or broadly speaking a Phillips curve, similar
in nature to that we observe in reality. At the same time, classical results on the
long-run neutrality of money, or independence of real and nominal magnitudes,
continue to hold.
The new classical school 237

Lucas demonstrated that within this Walrasian framework, monetary changes

have real consequences, but ‘only because agents cannot discriminate per-
fectly between monetary and real demand shifts’ so ‘there is no usable
trade-off between inflation and real output’. In Lucas’s 1972 model ‘the
Phillips curve emerges not as an unexplained empirical fact, but as a central
feature of the solution to a general equilibrium system’.
Building on this insight, Lucas proceeded to develop an equilibrium ap-
proach to the analysis of aggregate fluctuations. Lucas (1975) defines business
cycles as the serially correlated movements about trend of real output that
‘are not explainable by movements in the availability of factors of produc-
tion’. Associated with fluctuations in GDP are co-movements among different
aggregative time series, such as prices, consumption, business profits, invest-
ment, monetary aggregates, productivity and interest rates (see Abel and
Bernanke, 2001). Such are the regularities that Lucas (1977) declares that
‘with respect to the qualitative behaviour of co-movements among series,
business cycles are all alike’ (the Great Depression being an exception). To
Lucas the ‘recurrent character of business cycles is of central importance’. As
Lucas (1977) explains:

Insofar as business cycles can be viewed as repeated instances of essentially

similar events, it will be reasonable to treat agents as reacting to cyclical changes
as ‘risk’, or to assume their expectations are rational, that they have fairly stable
arrangements for collecting and processing information, and that they utilise this
information in forecasting the future in a stable way, free of systematic and easily
correctable biases.

Building on his path-breaking 1972 and 1973 papers, Lucas (1975, 1977)
provides a ‘new classical’ monetarist explanation of the business cycle as an
equilibrium phenomenon. As Kevin Hoover (1988) observes, ‘to explain the
related movements of macroeconomic aggregates and prices without recourse
to the notion of disequilibrium is the desideratum of new classical research
on the theory of business cycles’. As Lucas (1975) puts it, ‘the central
problem in macroeconomics’ is to find a theoretical framework where mon-
etary disturbances can cause real output fluctuations which at the same time
does not imply ‘the existence of persistent, recurrent, unexploited profit
opportunities’ such as occur in Keynesian models characterised by price
rigidities and non-rational expectations.
Hayek (1933) had set forth a research agenda where ‘the crucial problem
of Trade Cycle Theory’ was to produce a solution that would allow ‘incorpo-
ration of cyclical phenomena into the system of economic equilibrium theory,
with which they are in apparent contradiction’. By equilibrium theory Hayek
meant that which had been ‘most perfectly expressed by the Lausanne School
of theoretical economics’. While Keynesian economists regarded the quest
238 Modern macroeconomics

for an equilibrium theory of the business cycle as unattainable, it is one of

Lucas’s most notable achievements to demonstrate that it is possible to de-
velop an equilibrium account of aggregate instability. Although initially Lucas
claimed some affinity, via the notion of equilibrium theorizing, with the work
of Hayek on business cycles, it is now clear that new classical and Austrian
theories of the business cycle are very different. While the Austrian theory
views business cycles as an equilibrating process, in new classical models the
business cycle is viewed as a ‘continuum of equilibrium’ (Kim, 1988; see
also Chapter 9; Lucas, 1977; Hoover, 1984, 1988; Zijp, 1993).
Lucas’s monetary equilibrium business cycle theory (MEBCT) incorpo-
rates Muth’s (1961) rational expectations hypothesis, Friedman’s (1968a)
natural rate hypothesis, and Walrasian general equilibrium methodology.
With continuous market clearing due to complete wage and price flexibility
the fluctuations in the MEBCT are described as competitive equilibria. But
how can monetary disturbances create fluctuations in such a world? In the
stylized classical model where agents have perfect information, changes in
the money supply should be strictly neutral, that is, have no impact on real
variables such as real GDP and employment. However, the leading and pro-
cyclical behaviour of money observed empirically by researchers such as
Friedman and Schwartz (1963), and more recently by Romer and Romer
(1989), suggests that money is non-neutral (ignoring the possibility of
reverse causation). The intellectual challenge facing Lucas was to account
for the non-neutrality of money in a world inhabited by rational profit-
maximizing agents and where all markets continuously clear. His main
innovation was to extend the classical model so as to allow agents to have
‘imperfect information’. As a result Lucas’s MEBCT has come to be popu-
larly known as the ‘misperceptions theory’, although the idea of instability
being the result of monetary-induced misperceptions is also a major feature
of Friedman’s (1968a) analysis of the Phillips curve. In Lucas’s (1975)
pioneering attempt to build a MEBCT his model is characterized by: prices
and quantities determined in competitive equilibrium; agents with rational
expectations; and imperfect information, ‘not only in the sense that the
future is unknown, but also in the sense that no agent is perfectly informed
as to the current state of the economy’.
The hypothesis that aggregate supply depends upon relative prices is cen-
tral to the new classical explanation of fluctuations in output and employment.
In new classical analysis, unanticipated aggregate demand shocks (resulting
mainly from unanticipated changes in the money supply) which affect the
whole economy cause errors in (rationally formed) price expectations and
result in output and employment deviating from their long-run (full informa-
tion) equilibrium (natural) levels. These errors are made by both workers and
firms who have incomplete/imperfect information, so that they mistake gen-
The new classical school 239

eral price changes for relative price changes and react by changing the supply
of labour and output, respectively.
In neoclassical microeconomic theory the supply curve of an individual
producer in a competitive market slopes upward, indicating that the supplier
will produce more in response to a rise in price. However, this profit-maxi-
mizing response is a reaction of producers to a rise in their relative price.
Therefore, individual suppliers need to know what is happening to the gen-
eral price level in order to make a rational calculation of whether it is
profitable to expand production in response to an increase in the nominal
price of the good they supply. If all prices are rising due to inflation, suppliers
should not increase production in response to a rise in price of their good
because it does not represent a relative (real) price increase. And yet the data
reveal that aggregate output increases as the general price level increases; that
is, the short-run aggregate supply curve slopes upwards in P–Y space. This
must mean that the aggregate response of thousands of individual suppliers to
a rise in the general price level is positive and yet profit-maximizing individu-
als should not be reacting in this way. How can that be? Rational agents
should only respond to real variables and their behaviour should be invariant
to nominal variables. The answer provided by Lucas relates to agents (work-
ers, households, firms) having imperfect information about their relative prices
(Lucas, 1972a). If agents have been used to a world of price stability, they
will tend to interpret an increase in the supply price of the good (or service)
they produce as a relative price increase and produce more in response.
Therefore an unexpected or unanticipated increase in the price level will
surprise agents and they will misinterpret the information they observe with
respect to the rise in price of their good and produce more. Agents have what
Lucas (1977) refers to as a ‘signal extraction problem’, and if all agents make
the same error we will observe an aggregate increase in output correlated
with an increase in the general price level. Since Lucas’s model is ‘monetar-
ist’, the increase in the general price level is caused by a prior increase in the
money supply and we therefore observe a positive money-to-output correla-
tion, that is, the non-neutrality of money.
Consider, for example, an economy which is initially in a position where
output and employment are at their natural levels. Suppose an unanticipated
monetary disturbance occurs which leads to an increase in the general price
level, and hence individual prices, in all markets (‘islands’) throughout the
economy. As noted above, firms are assumed to have information only on
prices in the limited number of markets in which they trade. If individual
firms interpret the increase in the price of their goods as an increase in the
relative price of their output, they will react by increasing their output.
Workers are also assumed to have incomplete information. If workers mistak-
enly perceive an increase in money wages (relative to their expected value) as
240 Modern macroeconomics

an increase in real wages, they will respond by increasing the supply of

labour (Lucas and Rapping, 1969). In contrast to Friedman’s model (see
Chapter 4), where workers are fooled, Lucas’s model does not rely on any
asymmetry of information between workers and firms. Both firms and work-
ers are inclined to make expectational errors and respond positively to
misperceived global price increases by increasing the supply of output and
labour, respectively. As a result aggregate output and employment will rise
temporarily above their natural levels. Once agents realize that there has been
no change in relative prices, output and employment return to their long-run
(full information) equilibrium (natural) levels.
The Lucas model emphasizes monetary shocks as the main cause of aggre-
gate instability and the whole story is based on a confusion on the part of
agents between relative and general price movements (Dore, 1993; Arnold,
2002). In the MEBCT, the supply of output at any given time (Yt) has both a
permanent (secular) component (YNt) and a cyclical component (Yct) as shown
in equation (5.9):

Yt = YNt + Yct (5.9)

The permanent component of GDP reflects the underlying growth of the

economy and follows the trend line given by (5.10):

YNt = λ + φ t (5.10)

The cyclical component is dependent on the price surprise together with the
previous period’s deviation of output from its natural rate, as shown in equa-
tion (5.11):

Yct = α[ Pt − E( Pt | Ω t −1 )] + β(Yt −1 − YNt −1 ) (5.11)

The lagged output term in (5.11) is to recognize that deviations in output

from the trend will be more than transitory due to the influence of a variety of
propagation mechanisms, and the coefficient β > 0 determines the speed with
which output returns to its natural rate after a shock. Because the combina-
tion of the rational expectations hypothesis and the surprise supply function
implies that output and employment will fluctuate randomly around their
natural levels, further assumptions are required to explain why during the
business cycle output and employment remain persistently above (upswing)
or below (downswing) their trend values for a succession of time periods.
The observed serially correlated movements in output and employment (that
is, where output and employment levels in any one time period are correlated
with their preceding values) have been explained in the literature in a number
The new classical school 241

of ways. These explanations (propagation mechanisms) include reference to

lagged output, investment accelerator effects, information lags and the dura-
bility of capital goods, the existence of contracts inhibiting immediate
adjustment and adjustment costs (see Zijp, 1993). For example, in the field of
employment firms face costs both in hiring and in firing labour: costs associ-
ated with interviewing and training new employees, making redundancy
payments and so on. In consequence their optimal response may be to adjust
their employment and output levels gradually over a period of time following
some unanticipated shock.
By combining equations (5.9), (5.10) and (5.11) we get the Lucas aggre-
gate supply relationship given by equation (5.12):

Yt = λ + φ t + α[ Pt − E( Pt | Ω t −1 )] + β(Yt −1 − YNt −1 ) + ε t (5.12)

where εt is a random error process.

Although the actions of agents in Lucas’s model turn out ex post to be non-
optimal, they are in a rational expectations equilibrium doing the best they
can given the (imperfect or incomplete) information they have acquired. As
Lucas (1973) demonstrated, this implies that monetary disturbances (random
shocks) are likely to have a much bigger impact on real variables in countries
where price stability has been the norm. In countries where agents are used to
inflation, monetary disturbances are unlikely to impact in any significant way
on real variables. Let θ represent the fraction of total individual price vari-
ance due to relative price variation. Thus the larger is θ, the more any
observed variability in prices is attributed by economic agents to a real shock
(that is, a change in relative price) and the less it is attributed to purely
inflationary (nominal) movements of the general price level. We can therefore
modify equation (5.12) and present the Lucas aggregate supply curve in a
form similar to how it appeared in his 1973 paper ‘Some International Evi-
dence on Output–Inflation Trade-Offs’:

Yt = λ + φ t + θα[ Pt − E( Pt | Ω t −1 )] + β(Yt −1 − YNt −1 ) + ε t (5.13)

According to (5.13) an unanticipated monetary disturbance that takes place in

a country where agents are expecting price stability will lead to a significant
real output disturbance. In (5.13) we observe that output (Yt ) has:

1. a permanent component = λ + φt;

2. a component related to the impact of a price surprise = θα[Pt – E(Pt | Ωt–1)];
3. a component related to last period’s deviation of output from permanent
output = β(Yt–1 – YNt–1); and
4. a random component = εt.
242 Modern macroeconomics

Thus, in the Lucas model business cycles are generated by exogenous mon-
etary demand shocks that transmit imperfect price signals to economic agents
who, in a world of imperfect information, respond to price increases by
increasing supply. The greater is the general price variability (the lower the
variation in price attributed to relative price variation), the lower will be the
cyclical response of output to a monetary disturbance, and vice versa. A
major policy implication of the MEBCT is that a benign monetary policy
would eliminate a large source of aggregate instability. Thus new classical
economists come down on the side of rules in the ‘rules versus discretion’
debate over the conduct of stabilization policy.
We now turn to consider the main policy implications of the new classical
approach to macroeconomics in more detail.

5.5 The Policy Implications of the New Classical Approach

The combination of the rational expectations, continuous market-clearing

and aggregate supply hypotheses produces a number of important policy
conclusions. In what follows we discuss the main policy implications of the
new classical approach, namely (i) the policy ineffectiveness proposition; (ii)
the output–employment costs of reducing inflation; (iii) dynamic time incon-
sistency, credibility and monetary rules; (iv) central bank independence; (v)
the role of microeconomic policies to increase aggregate supply; and (vi) the
Lucas critique of econometric policy evaluation.
We begin with a discussion of the strong policy conclusion that fully
anticipated changes in monetary policy will be ineffective in influencing the
level of output and employment even in the short run, that is, the super-
neutrality of money.

5.5.1 The policy ineffectiveness proposition

The new classical policy ineffectiveness proposition was first presented in
two influential papers by Sargent and Wallace (1975, 1976). The proposition
can best be illustrated using the aggregate demand/supply model shown in
Figure 5.3. Those readers unfamiliar with the derivation of this model should
refer to any standard macroeconomics text, such as Mankiw (2003). In Figure
5.3, the economy is initially operating at point A, the triple intersection of
AD0, SRAS0 and LRAS. At point A, in line with equation (5.3), the price level
(P0) is fully anticipated (that is, the actual and expected price levels coincide)
and output and employment are at their long-run (full information) equilib-
rium (natural) levels. Suppose the authorities announce that they intend to
increase the money supply. Rational economic agents would take this infor-
mation into account in forming their expectations and fully anticipate the
effects of the increase in the money supply on the general price level, so that
The new classical school 243

Figure 5.3 The effects of anticipated and unanticipated changes in the

money supply on the level of output and the price level

output and employment would remain unchanged at their natural levels. The
rightward shift of the aggregate demand curve from AD0 to AD1 would be
offset by an upward shift to the left of the positively sloped aggregate supply
curve from SRAS0 to SRAS1, as money wages were increased following an
immediate upward revision of price expectations. In this case the economy
would move straight from point A to C, remaining on the vertical long-run
aggregate supply curve with no change in output and employment even in the
short run; that is, money is super-neutral.
In contrast, suppose the authorities surprise economic agents by increasing
the money supply without announcing their intentions. In this situation firms
and workers with incomplete information would misperceive the resultant
increase in the general price level as an increase in relative prices and react
by increasing the supply of output and labour. In other words, workers and
firms would mistakenly perceive this as a real (as opposed to a nominal)
increase in the demand for their services/goods and respond by increasing the
supply of labour/output. In terms of Figure 5.3, the aggregate demand curve
would shift to the right from AD0 to AD1 to intersect the positively sloped
aggregate supply curve SRAS0 at point B. In line with equation (5.3), output
(Y1) would deviate from its natural level (YN) as a consequence of deviations
of the price level (P1) from its expected level (P0), that is, as the result of
244 Modern macroeconomics

expectational errors by agents. Any increase/decrease in output/unemploy-

ment would, it is argued, only be temporary. Once agents realized that there
had been no change in relative prices, output and employment would return
to their long-run equilibrium (natural) levels. In terms of Figure 5.3, as agents
fully adjusted their price expectations the positively sloped aggregate supply
curve would shift upwards to the left, from SRAS0 to SRAS1, to intersect AD1
at point C. It is interesting to note that the former new classical adjustment
process discussed above (from A to C) corresponds to the orthodox monetar-
ist case in the long run, while the latter adjustment process (from A to B to C)
corresponds to the orthodox monetarist case in the short run, regardless of
whether the increase in the money supply is anticipated or unanticipated. To
summarize, the new classical analysis suggests that (i) an anticipated increase
in the money supply will raise the price level and have no effect on real
output and employment, and (ii) only unanticipated monetary surprises can
affect real variables in the short run.
This strong policy ineffectiveness proposition has major implications for
the controversy over the role and conduct of macroeconomic stabilization
policy. If the money supply is determined by the authorities according to
some ‘known’ rule, then the authorities will be unable to influence output and
employment even in the short run by pursuing a systematic monetary policy
as it can be anticipated by agents. For example, the authorities might adopt a
monetary rule which allows for a given fixed rate of monetary growth of 6 per
cent per annum. In forming their expectations of inflation, rational economic
agents would include the anticipated effects of the 6 per cent expansion of the
money supply. Consequently the systematic component (that is, 6 per cent) of
the monetary rule would have no effect on real variables. If, in practice, the
money supply grew at a rate of 8 per cent per annum, the non-systematic
(unanticipated) component of monetary expansion (that is, 2 per cent per
annum) would cause output and employment to rise temporarily above their
long-run equilibrium (natural) levels, owing to errors in inflation expecta-
tions. Alternatively the authorities might allow the money supply to be
determined by a feedback rule (for example, in response to changes in unem-
ployment and output). Again changes in the rate of monetary growth which
arise from a known feedback rule will be anticipated by agents, making the
feedback policy rule ineffective. Only departures from a known monetary
rule (such as policy errors made by the monetary authorities or unforeseen
changes in policy) which are unanticipated will influence output.
The policy ineffectiveness proposition can be expressed algebraically in
the following way (see Gordon, 1976). We begin by rewriting the Friedman–
Phelps equation in modified linear form as:

P˙t = P˙t e − φ(Ut − U Nt ) + φθSt (5.14)

The new classical school 245

where θSt represents an ‘exogenous’ supply shock (with zero mean) and Ut –
UNt represents the deviation of unemployment from its natural rate. Equation
(5.14) can be rewritten as:

Ut = U Nt − 1/φ( P˙t − P˙t e ) + θSt (5.15)

The structural relationship between inflation Ṗt and the rate of monetary
growth Ṁt is given by:

P˙t = M˙ t + θDt (5.16)

where θDt represents ‘unpredictable’ demand shocks (such as shocks from

the private sector) which also have a zero mean. If Ṁte is the expected rate of
growth of the money supply, the rational expectation of inflation will be:

P˙t e = M˙ te (5.17)

Suppose a Keynesian-inspired monetary authority attempts to control mon-

etary growth so that it grows at some constant rate (λ0) plus some proportion
(λ1) of the previous period’s deviation of unemployment from its natural rate.
In this case the actual rate of monetary growth will be:

M˙ t = λ 0 + λ1 (Ut −1 − U Nt −1 ) + θM˙ t (5.18)

where θṀt signifies a random or unanticipated element in monetary growth.

Equation (5.18) indicates that the monetary authorities are operating a sys-
tematic feedback monetary rule which can be predicted by rational economic
agents as it becomes part of their information set (Ωt–1) in equation (5.1).
Rational economic agents will therefore have expectations of inflation based
on the expected rate of monetary growth, shown in equation (5.19).

M˙ te = λ 0 + λ1 (Ut −1 − U Nt −1 ) (5.19)

By subtracting (5.19) from (5.18) we obtain:

M˙ t − M˙ te = θM˙ t (5.20)

Subtracting (5.17) from (5.16) and substituting from (5.20) we derive equa-
tion (5.21):

P˙t − P˙t e = θM˙ t + θDt (5.21)

246 Modern macroeconomics

Finally substituting (5.21) into (5.15) gives us:

Ut = U Nt − 1/θ(θM˙ t + θDt ) + θSt (5.22)

The important point to notice about equation (5.22) is that the systematic
component of monetary growth, (λ0 + λ1(Ut–1 – UNt–1)), which the government
was attempting to use in order to prevent unemployment from deviating from
its natural rate, does not enter into it. The only component of equation (5.22)
that the monetary authorities can influence directly is θM˙ t , the random com-
ponent of monetary growth. Therefore equation (5.22) tells us that, in a
Sargent and Wallace world, unemployment can deviate from its natural rate
as the result of unpredictable demand (θDt) and supply (θSt) shocks or unan-
ticipated monetary surprises (θM˙ t ). Any systematic feedback monetary rule,
by becoming part of economic agents’ information set, cannot cause inflation
to deviate from its expected rate. Only departures from a known monetary
rule (such as policy errors made by the monetary authorities or unforeseen
changes in policy) which are unanticipated will influence output and employ-
In summary, the approach predicts that, as rational economic agents will
take into account any known monetary rule in forming their expectations, the
authorities will be unable to influence output and employment even in the
short run by pursuing a systematic monetary policy. Furthermore, any at-
tempt to affect output and employment by random or non-systematic monetary
policy will, it is argued, only increase the variation of output and employment
around their natural levels. It can be seen, therefore, that the argument ad-
vanced by new classicists against policy activism is subtly different from
those put forward by orthodox monetarists (see Chapter 4, section 4.3.2 on
the role and conduct of monetary policy).
The policy ineffectiveness proposition that only unanticipated monetary
surprises have real output effects (or what is sometimes referred to as the
‘anticipated–unanticipated money debate’) has been the subject of a number
of empirical studies. Early work, in particular the seminal papers by Barro
(1977a, 1978), seemed to support the proposition. Using annual data for the
US economy over the period 1941–76, Barro used a two-stage method in first
estimating anticipated and unanticipated money growth before regressing
output and unemployment on unanticipated money growth. In general, Barro’s
studies provided support for the view that, while output and unemployment
are significantly affected by unanticipated money growth, anticipated money
growth has no real effects. However, subsequent studies, most notably by
Mishkin (1982) and Gordon (1982a), found evidence to suggest that both
unanticipated and anticipated monetary policy affect output and employment.
Overall, while the empirical evidence is mixed, it does not appear to support
The new classical school 247

the view that systematic monetary policy has no real effects. Moreover, as
Buiter (1980) pointed out, theoretical models can be constructed where even
fully anticipated changes in the rate of monetary growth can have real affects
by altering the rate inflation and hence the rate of return on money balances
that have a zero nominal rate of return. This in turn will affect the rate of
capital accumulation by changing the equilibrium portfolio composition. It
also goes without saying that fully anticipated fiscal changes, such as changes
in tax rates that alter labour supply and saving behaviour, will have real
effects. ‘Clearly fiscal policy is non-neutral in even the most classical of
systems’ (Buiter, 1980). In non-market-clearing models, where prices are
fixed, anticipated changes in monetary policy will have real effects via the
normal IS–LM–AD–AS mechanisms. In response to the Sargent and Wallace
papers, Fischer (1977), Phelps and Taylor (1977) and Taylor (1980) produced
models incorporating multi-period wage contracts and rational expectations
where monetary policy is non-neutral (see Chapter 7).
In addition, many Keynesians find this whole approach misguided, prefer-
ring instead to explore the possibility that non market clearance can be
compatible with maximising behaviour on the part of all market participants
(Akerlof, 1979). In addition, the idea of stimulating aggregate demand when
the economy is already in (full employment) equilibrium would have been
anathema to Keynes. Why would such a policy ever be considered necessary?
As Frank Hahn (1982, p. 75) has commented, ‘Keynesians were concerned
with the problem of pushing the economy to its natural rate, not beyond it. If
the economy is there already, we can all go home.’

5.5.2 The real costs of disinflation

The second main policy implication of the new classical approach concerns
the output–employment costs of reducing inflation. New classical economists
share the monetarist view that inflation is essentially a monetary phenomenon
propagated by excessive monetary growth. However, substantial disagree-
ment exists between economists over the real costs of disinflation. Here we
will compare the new classical view with that of Keynesians and monetarists.
The amount of lost output that an economy endures in order to reduce
inflation is known as the ‘sacrifice ratio’. In Keynesian models the sacrifice
ratio tends to be large, even if agents have rational expectations, owing to the
sluggish response of prices and wages to reductions in aggregate demand.
Given gradual price adjustment, a deflationary impulse will inevitably lead to
significant real losses which can be prolonged by hysteresis effects, that is,
where a recession causes the natural rate of unemployment to increase (see
Cross, 1988; Gordon, 1988; and Chapter 7). Some Keynesians have advo-
cated the temporary use of incomes policy as a supplementary policy measure
to accompany monetary restraint as a way of increasing the efficiency of
248 Modern macroeconomics

disinflation policies (see, for example, Lipsey, 1981). It should also be noted
that Post Keynesian economists regard incomes policy as a crucial permanent
anti-inflationary weapon. Monetary disinflation alone will tend to produce a
permanently higher level of unemployment in Post Keynesian models (see
Cornwall, 1984).
The orthodox monetarist view, discussed in Chapter 4, section 4.3.2, is that
unemployment will rise following monetary contraction, the extent and dura-
tion of which depend on the degree of monetary contraction, the extent of
institutional adaptations and how quickly people adjust downwards their
expectations of future rates of inflation. The critical factor here is the respon-
siveness of expectations to the change of monetary regime and this in turn
implies that the credibility and reputation of the monetary authority will play
a crucial role in determining the sacrifice ratio.
In contrast to both the Keynesian and monetarist models, the new classical
approach implies that announced/anticipated changes in monetary policy will
have no effect on the level of output and employment even in the short run,
provided the policy is credible. An announced monetary contraction which is
believed will cause rational agents immediately to revise downwards their
inflation expectations. The monetary authorities can in principle reduce the
rate of inflation without the associated output and employment costs pre-
dicted by Keynesian and monetarist analysis; that is, the sacriflce ratio is
zero! As one critic has noted, ‘in a Sargent–Wallace world the Fed could
eliminate inflation simply by announcing that henceforth it would expand the
money supply at a rate compatible with price stability’ (Gordon, 1978, p. 338).
In terms of Figure 4.6, the rate of inflation could be reduced from A to D
without any increase in unemployment. In such circumstances there is no
necessity to follow a policy of gradual monetary contraction advocated by
orthodox monetarists. Given the absence of output–employment costs, new
classicists argue that the authorities might just as well announce a dramatic
reduction in the rate of monetary expansion to reduce inflation to their pre-
ferred target rate.
With respect to the output–employment costs of reducing inflation, it is
interesting to note briefly the prima facie evidence provided by the Reagan
(USA) and Thatcher (UK) deflations in the early 1980s. Following the re-
strictive monetary policy pursued in both economies during this period, both
the US economy (1981–2) and the UK economy (1980–81) experienced deep
recessions. Between 1979 and 1983, inflation fell from 11.2 per cent to 3.2
per cent in the US economy and from 13.4 per cent to 4.6 per cent in the UK
economy, while over the same period unemployment rose from 5.8 per cent
to 9.6 per cent in the USA and from 4.7 to 11.1 per cent in the UK (see Tables
1.4 and 1.5). In commenting on the UK experience, Matthews and Minford
(1987) attribute the severity of the recession in this period primarily to
The new classical school 249

adverse external and supply-side shocks. However, the monetary disinflation

initiated by the Thatcher government was also a factor. This disinflation was
unintentionally severe and as a result ‘expectations were quite unprepared for
it’. Because initially the Thatcher government had a credibility problem, the
‘accidental shock treatment’ produced painful effects on output and employ-
ment. An important influence on credibility in new classical models is the
growth path of government debt. New classical economists insist that in order
to engineer a disinflation without experiencing a severe sacrifice ratio, a fiscal
strategy is required which is compatible with the announced monetary policy,
otherwise agents with rational expectations will expect a policy reversal (‘U-
turn’) in the future. As Matthews and Minford (1987) point out, ‘A key
feature of the Thatcher anti-inflation strategy was a parallel reduction in
government budget deficits.’ This ‘Medium Term Financial Strategy’ was
aimed at creating long-run credibility (see also Minford et al., 1980; Sargent
and Wallace, 1981; Sargent, 1993, 1999) .
In the USA a ‘monetary policy experiment’ was conducted between Octo-
ber 1979 and the summer of 1982. This Volcker disinflation was also associated
with a severe recession, although the influence of the second oil shock must
also have been a contributory factor. In commenting on this case, Milton
Friedman (1984) has argued that the relevant economic agents did not have
any widespread belief in the new disinflationary policy announced by the Fed
in October 1979. In a similar vein, Poole (1988) has observed that ‘a reces-
sion may be necessary to provide the evidence that the central bank is serious’.
For a discussion of the US ‘monetarist experiment’, the reader is referred to
Brimmer (1983) and B. Friedman (1988). Useful surveys relating to the issue
of disinflation are provided by Dalziel (1991), Ball (1991, 1994) and Chadha
et al. (1992).
From the above discussion it is clear that, for painless disinflation to occur,
the public must believe that the monetary authority is prepared to carry
through its announced monetary contraction. If policy announcements lack
credibility, inflationary expectations will not fall sufficiently to prevent the
economy from experiencing output–employment costs. Initially the argu-
ments relating to the importance of credibility were forcefully presented by
Fellner (1976, 1979). A second line of argument, closely related to the need
for policy credibility, is that associated with the problem of dynamic time
inconsistency. This matter was first raised in the seminal paper of Kydland
and Prescott (1977) and we next examine the policy implications of this
influential theory.

5.5.3 Dynamic time inconsistency, credibility and monetary rules

The ‘hard core’ monetarist case for a constant monetary growth rate rule was
well articulated by Milton Friedman during the 1950s and 1960s. Friedman’s
250 Modern macroeconomics

case is based on a number of arguments, including the informational con-

straints facing policy makers; problems associated with time lags and
forecasting; uncertainty with respect to the size of fiscal and monetary policy
multipliers; the inflationary consequences of reducing unemployment below
the natural rate; and a basic distrust of the political process compared to
market forces. The Lucas–Sargent–Wallace policy ineffectiveness proposi-
tion calls into question the power of anticipated monetary policy to influence
real variables, adding further weight to Friedman’s attack on discretionary
policies. While the Walrasian theoretical framework of the new classical
economists differed markedly from Friedman’s Marshallian approach, the
policy conclusions of Lucas, Sargent and Wallace were ‘monetarist’ in that
their models provided further ammunition against the Keynesian case for
activist discretionary stabilization policies. For example, in his highly theo-
retical paper, ‘Expectations and the Neutrality of Money’, Lucas (1972a)
demonstrates the optimality of Friedman’s k per cent rule.
In 1977, Kydland and Prescott provided a reformulation of the case against
discretionary policies by developing an analytically rigorous new classical
model where the policy maker is engaged in a strategic dynamic game with
sophisticated forward-looking private sector agents. In this setting, discre-
tionary monetary policy leads to an equilibrium outcome involving an ‘inflation
bias’. As Ball (1995) notes, models based on dynamic consistency problems
have now become the leading theories of moderate inflation.
The theory of economic policy which Kydland and Prescott attack in their
paper is that which evolved during the 1950s and 1960s. The conventional
approach, inspired by Tinbergen (1952), consists of three crucial steps. First,
the policy maker must specify the targets or goals of economic policy (for
example, low inflation and unemployment). Second, given this social welfare
function which the policy maker is attempting to maximize, a set of instru-
ments (monetary and fiscal) is chosen which will be used to achieve the
targets. Finally, the policy maker must make use of an economic model so
that the instruments may be set at their optimal values. This normative ap-
proach to economic policy is concerned with how policy makers should act
and, within the context of optimal control theory, economists sought to iden-
tify the optimal policy in order to reach the best outcome, given the decision
takers’ preferences (see Chow, 1975). Kydland and Prescott argue that there
is ‘no way’ that ‘optimal control theory can be made applicable to economic
planning when expectations are rational’. Although optimal control theory
had proved to be very useful in the physical sciences, Kydland and Prescott
deny that the control of social systems can be viewed in the same way. Within
social systems there are intelligent agents who will attempt to anticipate
policy actions. As a result, in dynamic economic systems where policy mak-
ers are involved with a sequence of actions over a period of time, ‘discretionary
The new classical school 251

policy, namely the selection of that decision which is best, given the current
situation, does not result in the social objective function being maximised’
(Kydland and Prescott, 1977, p. 463). This apparent paradox results because
‘economic planning is not a game against nature but, rather, a game against
rational economic agents’. This argument has very important implications
both for the conduct of monetary policy and for the institutional structure
most likely to generate credibility with respect to the stated objective of low
The fundamental insight provided by Kydland and Prescott relating to the
evaluation of macroeconomic policy is that when economic agents are for-
ward-looking the policy problem emerges as a dynamic game between
intelligent players – the government (or monetary authorities) and the private
sector (see Blackburn, 1987). Suppose a government formulates what it con-
siders to be an optimal policy which is then announced to private agents. If
this policy is believed, then in subsequent periods sticking to the announced
policy may not remain optimal since, in the new situation, the government
finds that it has an incentive to renege or cheat on its previously announced
optimal policy. The difference between ex ante and ex post optimality is
known as ‘time inconsistency’. As Blackburn (1992) notes, an optimal policy
computed at time t is time-inconsistent if reoptimization at t + n implies a
different optimal policy. Kydland and Prescott demonstrate how time-incon-
sistent policies will significantly weaken the credibility of announced policies.
The demonstration that optimal plans are time-inconsistent is best illus-
trated in the macroeconomic context by examining a strategic game played
between the monetary authorities and private economic agents, utilizing the
Lucas monetary surprise version of the Phillips curve trade-off between
inflation and unemployment to show how a consistent equilibrium will in-
volve an inflationary bias. In the Kydland and Prescott model discretionary
policies are incapable of achieving an optimal equilibrium. In what follows
we assume that the monetary authorities can control the rate of inflation
perfectly, that markets clear continuously and that economic agents have
rational expectations. Equation (5.23) indicates that unemployment can be
reduced by a positive inflation surprise:

Ut = U Nt + ψ( P˙t e − P˙t ) (5.23)

Equation (5.23) represents the constraint facing the policy maker. Here, as
before, Ut is unemployment in time period t, UNt is the natural rate of unem-
ployment, ψ is a positive constant, Ṗt e is the expected and Ṗt the actual rate
of inflation in time period t. Kydland and Prescott assume that expectations
are rational as given by equation (5.24):
252 Modern macroeconomics

P˙t e = E( P˙t | Ω t −1 ) (5.24)

where, as before, Ṗt is the actual rate of inflation; E( P˙t | Ω t −1 ) is the rational
expectation of the rate of inflation subject to the information available up to
the previous period (Ωt–1). Kydland and Prescott then specify that there is
some social objective function (S) which rationalizes the policy choice and is
of the form shown in equation (5.25):

S = S( P˙t , Ut ), where S ′( P˙t ) < 0, and S ′(Ut ) < 0 (5.25)

The social objective function (5.25) indicates that inflation and unemploy-
ment are ‘bads’ since a reduction in either or both increases social welfare. A
consistent policy will seek to maximize (5.25) subject to the Phillips curve
constraint given by equation (5.23). Figure 5.4 illustrates the Phillips curve
trade-off for two expected rates of inflation, Ṗtoe and P˙tce . The contours of the
social objective function are indicated by the indifference curves S1 S2 S3 and
S4. Given that inflation and unemployment are ‘bads’, S1 > S2 > S3 > S4, and
the form of the indifference curves implies that the ‘socially preferred’ rate of
inflation is zero. In Figure 5.4, all points on the vertical axis are potential
equilibrium positions, since at points O and C unemployment is at the natural
rate (that is, Ut = UNt) and agents are correctly forecasting inflation (that
is, Ṗt e = P˙t ). The indifference curves indicate that the optimal position (con-
sistent equilibrium) is at point O where a combination of Ṗt = zero and Ut =
UNt prevails. While the monetary authorities in this model can determine the
rate of inflation, the position of the Phillips curves in Figure 5.4 will depend
on the inflationary expectations of private economic agents. In this situation a
time-consistent equilibrium is achieved where the indifference curve S3 is at a
tangent to the Phillips curve passing through point C. Since C lies on S3, it is
clear that the time-consistent equilibrium is sub-optimal. Let us see how such
a situation can arise in the context of a dynamic game played out between
policy makers and private agents.
In a dynamic game, each player chooses a strategy which indicates how
they will behave as information is received during the game. The strategy
chosen by a particular player will depend on their perception of the strategies
likely to be followed by the other participants, as well as how they expect
other participants to be influenced by their own strategy. In a dynamic game,
each player will seek to maximize their own objective function, subject to
their perception of the strategies adopted by other players. The situation
where the game is between the government (monetary authorities) and pri-
vate agents is an example of a non-cooperative ‘Stackelberg’ game. Stackelberg
games have a hierarchical structure, with the dominant player acting as leader
and the remaining participants reacting to the strategy of the leader. In the
The new classical school 253

Figure 5.4 Consistent and optimal equilibrium

monetary policy game discussed by Kydland and Prescott, the government is

the dominant player. When the government decides on its optimal policy it
will take into account the likely reaction of the ‘followers’ (private agents). In
a Stackelberg game, unless there is a precommitment from the leader with
respect to the announced policy, the optimal policy will be dynamically
inconsistent because the government can improve its own pay-off by cheat-
ing. Since the private sector players understand this, the time-consistent
equilibrium will be a ‘Nash’ equilibrium. In such a situation each player
correctly perceives that they are doing the best they can, given the actions of
the other players, with the leader relinquishing the dominant role (for a non-
technical discussion of game theory, see Davis, 1983).
254 Modern macroeconomics

Suppose the economy is initially at the sub-optimal but time-consistent

equilibrium indicated by point C in Figure 5.4. In order to move the economy
to the optimal position indicated by point O, the monetary authorities an-
nounce a target of zero inflation which will be achieved by reducing the
growth rate of the money supply from Ṁc to M˙ o . If such an announcement
is credible and believed by private economic agents, then they will revise
downwards their inflationary expectations from Ṗtce to P˙toe , causing the Phillips
curve to shift downwards from C to O. But once agents have revised their
expectations in response to the declared policy, what guarantee is there that
the monetary authorities will not renege on their promise and engineer an
inflationary surprise? As is clear from Figure 5.4, the optimal policy for the
authorities to follow is time-inconsistent. If they exercise their discretionary
powers and increase the rate of monetary growth in order to create an ‘infla-
tion surprise’, the economy can reach point A on S1, which is clearly superior
to point O. However, such a position is unsustainable, since at point A
unemployment is below the natural rate and Ṗt > P˙t e . Rational agents will
soon realize they have been fooled and the economy will return to the time-
consistent equilibrium at point C. Note that there is no incentive for the
authorities to try to expand the economy in order to reduce unemployment
once position C is attained since such a policy will reduce welfare; that is, the
economy would in this case move to an inferior social indifference curve.
To sum up, while position A > O > C in Figure 5.4, only C is time-
consistent. Position A is unsustainable since unemployment is below the
natural rate, and at position O the authorities have an incentive to cheat in
order to achieve a higher level of (temporary) social welfare. What this
example illustrates is that, if the monetary authorities have discretionary
powers, they will have an incentive to cheat. Hence announced policies
which are time-inconsistent will not be credible. Because the other players in
the inflation game know the authorities’ objective function, they will not
adjust their inflationary expectations in response to announcements which
lack credibility and in the absence of binding rules the economy will not be
able to reach the optimal but time-inconsistent position indicated by point O.
The non-cooperative Nash equilibrium indicated by point C demonstrates
that discretionary policy produces a sub-optimal outcome exhibiting an infla-
tionary bias. Because rational agents can anticipate the strategy of monetary
authorities which possess discretionary powers, they will anticipate inflation
of P˙tce . Hence policy makers must also supply inflation equal to that expected
by the private sector in order to prevent a squeeze on output. An optimal
policy which lacks credibility because of time inconsistency will therefore be
neither optimal nor feasible. Discretionary policies which emphasize select-
ing the best policy given the existing situation will lead to a consistent, but
sub-optimal, outcome. The only way to achieve the optimal position, O, is for
The new classical school 255

Figure 5.5 Game played between the monetary authorities and wage

the monetary authorities to pre-commit to a non-contingent monetary rule

consistent with price stability.
The various outcomes which can arise in the game played between the
monetary authorities and wage negotiators has been neatly captured by Taylor
(1985). Figure 5.5, which is adapted from Taylor (1985), shows the four
possible outcomes in a non-cooperative game between private agents and the
central bank. The time-consistent outcome is shown by C, whereas the opti-
mal outcome of low inflation with unemployment at the natural rate is shown
by O. The temptation for a government to stimulate the economy because of
time inconsistency is indicated by outcome A, whereas the decision not to
validate a high rate of expected inflation and high wage increases will pro-
duce a recession and is indicated by outcome B.
The credibility problem identified by Kydland and Prescott arises most
clearly in the situation of a one-shot full information non-cooperative
256 Modern macroeconomics

Stackelberg game where the government has discretion with respect to mon-
etary policy. However, in the situation of economic policy making, this is
unrealistic since the game will be repeated. In the case of a repeated game (a
super-game) the policy maker is forced to take a longer-term view since the
future consequences of current policy decisions will influence the reputation
of the policy maker. In this situation the government’s incentive to cheat is
reduced because they face an intertemporal trade-off between the current
gains from reneging and the future costs which inevitably arise from riding
the Phillips curve.
This issue of reputation is taken up in their development and populariza-
tion of the time-inconsistency model by Barro and Gordon (1983a, 1983b).
They explore the possibilities of substituting the policy maker’s reputation
for more formal rules. The work of Barro and Gordon represents a significant
contribution to the positive analysis of monetary policy which is concerned
with the way policy makers do behave, rather than how they should behave. If
economists can agree that inflation is primarily determined by monetary
growth, why do governments allow excessive monetary growth? In the Barro–
Gordon model an inflationary bias results because the monetary authorities
are not bound by rules. However, even a government exercising discretion
will be influenced by reputational considerations if it faces punishment from
private agents, and it must consequently weigh up the gains from cheating on
its announced policy against the future costs of the higher inflation which
characterizes the discretionary equilibrium. In this scenario, ‘a different form
of equilibrium may emerge in which the policymaker forgoes short-term
gains for the sake of maintaining a long-term reputation’ (Barro and Gordon,
1983b). Given this intertemporal trade-off between current gains (in terms of
lower unemployment and higher output) and the future costs, the equilibrium
of this game will depend on the discount rate of the policy maker. The higher
the discount rate, the closer the equilibrium solution is to the time-consistent
equilibrium of the Kydland–Prescott model (point C in Figure 5.4). If the
discount rate is low, the equilibrium position will be closer to the optimal
zero inflation pre-commitment outcome. Note that it is the presence of pre-
commitment that distinguishes a monetary regime based on rules compared
to one based on discretion.
One problem with the above analysis is that private agents do not know
what type of government behaviour they face since they have incomplete
information (see Driffill, 1988). Given uncertainty with respect to govern-
ment intentions, private agents will carefully analyse various signals in the
form of policy actions and announcements. In this scenario it is difficult for
private agents to distinguish ‘hard-nosed’ (zero-inflation) administrations from
‘wet’ (high-inflation) administrations, since ‘wets’ have an incentive to mas-
querade as ‘hard-nosed’. But as Blackburn (1992) has observed, agents ‘extract
The new classical school 257

information about the government’s identity by watching what it does, know-

ing full well that what they do observe may be nothing more than the
dissembling actions of an impostor’. Backus and Driffill (1985) have ex-
tended the Barro and Gordon framework to take into account uncertainty on
the part of the private sector with respect to the true intentions of the policy
maker. Given this uncertainty, a dry, hard-nosed government will inevitably
face a high sacrifice ratio if it initiates disinflationary policies and engages in
a game of ‘chicken’ with wage negotiators. For detailed surveys of the issues
discussed in this section, the reader should consult Barro (1986), Persson
(1988), Blackburn and Christensen (1989) and Fischer (1990).
More recently Svensson (1997a) has shown how inflation targeting has
emerged as a strategy designed to eliminate the inflation bias inherent in
discretionary monetary policies. The time-inconsistency literature pioneered
by Kydland and Prescott and Barro and Gordon assumes that monetary
authorities with discretion will attempt to achieve an implicit employment
target by reducing unemployment below the natural rate, which they deem to
be inefficiently high. This problem has led economists to search for credible
monetary frameworks to help solve the inflation bias problem. However, the
‘first-best’ solution is to correct the supply-side distortions that are causing
the natural rate of unemployment to be higher than the monetary authorities
desire, that is, tackle the problem at source. If this solution is for some reason
politically infeasible (strong trade unions), a second-best solution involves a
commitment to a monetary policy rule or assigning the monetary authorities
an employment target equal to the natural rate. If none of these solutions is
feasible, then policy will be discretionary and the economy will display an
inflation bias relative to the second-best equilibrium. Svensson classes the
discretionary (time-inconsistent) outcome as a fourth-best solution. Improve-
ments on the fourth-best outcome can be achieved by ‘modifying central
bank preferences’ via delegation of monetary policy to a ‘conservative central
banker’ (Rogoff, 1985) or by adopting optimal central bank contracts (Walsh,
1993, 1995a). Svensson argues that inflation targeting can move an economy
close to a second-best solution.

5.5.4 Central bank independence

The debate relating to central bank independence (CBI) has been very much
influenced by new classical thinking, especially with respect to inflationary
expectations, time inconsistency, reputation and credibility. If we accept the
Kydland–Prescott argument that discretionary policies lead to an inflation
bias, then it is clearly necessary to establish some institutional foundation
that will constrain discretionary actions. Many economists are persuaded that
some form of CBI will provide the necessary restraint. The theoretical case
for CBI relates to the general acceptance of the natural rate hypothesis that in
258 Modern macroeconomics

the long run the rate of inflation is independent of the level of unemployment
and that discretionary policies are likely to lead to an inflation bias. Hence
with no long-run exploitable trade-off, far-sighted monetary authorities ought
to select a position on the long-run Phillips curve consistent with a low
sustainable rate of inflation (a point near to O in Figure 5.4). The dynamic
inconsistency theories of inflation initiated by Kydland and Prescott and
developed by Barro and Gordon, and Backus and Driffill, provide an expla-
nation of why excessive (moderate) inflation will be the likely outcome of a
monetary regime where long-term commitments are precluded. Such discre-
tionary regimes contrast sharply with monetary regimes such as the Gold
Standard, where the underlying rules of the game revolve around a pre-
commitment to price stability. The emphasis of these models on the importance
of institutions and rules for maintaining price stability provides a strong case
for the establishment of independent central banks whose discretion is con-
strained by explicit anti-inflation objectives acting as a pre-commitment device.
Since the problem of credibility has its source in the discretionary powers of
the monetary authorities with respect to the conduct of monetary policy, this
could be overcome by transferring the responsibility for anti-inflationary
policy to a non-political independent central bank. In addition, an independ-
ent central bank will benefit from a ‘credibility bonus’, whereby disinflationary
policies can be accomplished at a low ‘sacrifice ratio’ (Cukierman, 1992;
Goodhart, 1994a, 1994b).
In the debate over CBI it is important to make a distinction between ‘goal
independence’ and ‘instrument independence’ (see Fischer, 1995a, 1995b).
The former implies that the central bank sets its own objectives (that is,
political independence), while the latter refers to independence with respect
to the various levers of monetary policy (that is, economic independence).
The recently (May 1997) created ‘independent’ Bank of England has instru-
ment independence only. Initially, an inflation target of 2.5 per cent was set
by government, which formed the Bank’s explicitly stated monetary policy
objective. Therefore, in the UK, the decisions relating to goals remain in the
political sphere (Bean, 1998; Budd, 1998).
As noted above, Svensson (1997a) argues that the inflation bias associ-
ated with the time-inconsistency problem can be improved upon by
‘modifying central bank preferences’ via delegation of monetary policy to a
‘conservative central banker’ (for example Alan Greenspan) as suggested
by Rogoff (1985) or by adopting optimal central bank contracts, as sug-
gested by Walsh (1993, 1995a). Rogoff’s conservative central banker has
both goal and instrument independence and is best represented by the
German Bundesbank, which before European Monetary Union remained
the most independent central bank in Europe (Tavelli et al., 1998). In
Rogoff’s model an inflation-averse conservative central banker is appointed
The new classical school 259

who places a higher relative weight on the control of inflation than does
society in general (for example President Jimmy Carter’s appointment of
Paul Volcker as Chairman of the Fed in 1979). This is meant to ensure that
the excessive inflation associated with the time-inconsistency problem is
kept low in circumstances where it would otherwise be difficult to establish
a pre-commitment to low inflation. Overall, lower average inflation and
higher output variability are predicted from this model (Waller and Walsh,
1996). However, the research of Alesina and Summers (1993) shows that
only the first of these two predictions appears in cross-sectional data. In
contrast, Hutchison and Walsh (1998), in a recent study of the experience of
New Zealand, find that central bank reform appears to have increased the
short-run output–inflation trade-off. In Rogoff’s model the conservative
central banker reacts less to supply shocks than someone who shared soci-
ety’s preferences, indicating a potential trade-off between flexibility and
commitment. In response to this problem Lohmann (1992) suggests that the
design of the central bank institution should involve the granting of partial
independence to a conservative central banker who places more weight on
inflation than the policy maker, but ‘the policymaker retains the option to
over-ride the central bank’s decisions at some strictly positive but finite
cost’. Such a clause has been built into the Bank of England Act (1998),
where the following reserve power is set out: ‘The Treasury, after consulta-
tion with the Governor of the Bank, may by order give the Bank directions
with respect to monetary policy if they are satisfied that the directions are
required in the public interest and by extreme economic circumstances.’ It
remains to be seen if such powers are ever used.
The contracting model, associated with Walsh (1993, 1995a, 1998), uti-
lizes a principal–agent framework and emphasizes the accountability of the
central bank. In Walsh’s contracting approach the central bank has instrument
independence but no goal independence. The central bank’s rewards and
penalties are based on its achievements with respect to inflation control. The
Reserve Bank of New Zealand resembles this principal–agent type model. An
important issue in the contracting approach is the optimal length of contract
for a central banker (Muscatelli, 1998). Long terms of appointment will
reduce the role of electoral surprises as explained in Alesina’s partisan model
(see Chapter 10). But terms of office that are too long may be costly if
societal preferences are subject to frequent shifts. Waller and Walsh (1996)
argue that the optimal term length ‘must balance the advantages in reducing
election effects with the need to ensure that the preferences reflected in
monetary policy are those of the voting public’.
The empirical case for CBI is linked to cross-country evidence which shows
that for advanced industrial countries there is a negative relationship between
CBI and inflation. During the last 15 years a considerable amount of research
260 Modern macroeconomics

has been carried out which has examined the relationship between central bank
independence and economic performance (see Grilli et al., 1991; Bernanke and
Mishkin, 1992; Alesina and Summers, 1993; Eijffinger and Schaling, 1993;
Bleaney, 1996; Eijffinger, 2002a, 2002b). The central difficulty recognized by
researchers into the economic impact of central bank independence is the
problem of constructing an index of independence. Alesina and Summers
(1993) identify the ability of the central bank to select its policy objectives
without the influence of government, the selection procedure of the governor of
the central bank, the ability to use monetary instruments without restrictions
and the requirement of the central bank to finance fiscal deficits as key indica-
tors that can be used to construct a measure of central bank independence.
Using a composite index derived from Parkin and Bade (1982a) and Grilli et al.
(1991), Alesina and Summers examined the correlation between an index of
independence and some major economic indicators. Table 5.2 indicates that,
‘while central bank independence promotes price stability, it has no measurable
impact on real economic performance’ (Alesina and Summers, 1993, p. 151).

Table 5.2 Central bank independence and economic performance

Country Average index Average Average Average

of central bank inflation unemployment real GNP
independence 1955–88 rate growth
1958–88 1955–87

Spain 1.5 8.5 n/a 4.2

New Zealand 1 7.6 n/a 3.0
Australia 2.0 6.4 4.7 4.0
Italy 1.75 7.3 7.0 4.0
United Kingdom 2 6.7 5.3 2.4
France 2 6.1 4.2 3.9
Denmark 2.5 6.5 6.1 3.3
Belgium 2 4.1 8.0 3.1
Norway 2 6.1 2.1 4.0
Sweden 2 6.1 2.1 2.9
Canada 2.5 4.5 7.0 4.1
Netherlands 2.5 4.2 5.1 3.4
Japan 2.5 4.9 1.8 6.7
United States 3.5 4.1 6.0 3.0
Germany 4 3.0 3.6 3.4
Switzerland 4 3.2 n/a 2.7

Source: Alesina and Summers (1993).

The new classical school 261

Source: Alesina and Summers (1993).

Figure 5.6 The relationship between average inflation and central bank

The ‘near perfect’ negative correlation between inflation and central bank
independence is clearly visible in Figure 5.6. However, as Alesina and Sum-
mers recognize, correlation does not prove causation, and the excellent
anti-inflationary performance of Germany may have more to do with the public
aversion to inflation following the disastrous experience of the hyperinflation in
1923 than the existence of an independent central bank. In this case the inde-
pendent central bank could be an effect of the German public aversion to
inflation rather than a cause of low inflation. Indeed, the reputation established
by the German Bundesbank for maintaining low inflation was one important
reason given by the UK government for joining the ERM in October 1990. The
participation of the UK in such a regime, where monetary policy is determined
by an anti-inflationary central bank which has an established reputation and
credibility, was intended to tie the hands of domestic policy makers and help
lower inflationary expectations (see Alogoskoufis et al., 1992).
Considerable research has also been conducted into the role played by
politics in influencing economic performance. The ‘political business cycle’
or ‘monetary politics’ literature also suggests that CBI would help reduce the
problem of political distortions in macroeconomic policy making. What is
now known as the ‘new political macroeconomics’ has been heavily influ-
262 Modern macroeconomics

enced by the research of Alberto Alesina. His work has shown that the
imposition of rational expectations does not remove the importance of politi-
cal factors in business cycle analysis and in general the political business
cycle literature provides more ammunition to those economists who favour
taking monetary policy out of the hands of elected politicians. Excellent
surveys of the monetary politics literature can be found in Alesina and Roubini
with Cohen (1997) and Drazen (2000a); see Chapter 10.
While CBI might avoid the dynamic time-inconsistency problems identi-
fied by Kydland and Prescott and produce lower average rates of inflation,
many economists doubt that, overall, a rules-bound central bank will perform
better than a central bank that is allowed to exercise discretion given the
possibility of large unforeseen shocks. A central bank which could exercise
discretion in the face of large shocks may be a more attractive alternative to
rule-based policies. This is certainly the view of Keynesians such as Stiglitz,
Solow and Tobin (see Solow and Taylor, 1998; Tobin, 1998; Stiglitz, 1999a).
Other economists who have worked on the inside of major central banks,
such as Blinder (1997b, 1998) at the US Fed, and Goodhart (1994a) at the
Bank of England, are not convinced of the usefulness or realism of the game-
theoretic approach to central bank behaviour. The research of Bernanke and
Mishkin also confirms that ‘Central banks never and nowhere adhere to strict,
ironclad rules for monetary growth’ (Bernanke and Mishkin, 1992, p. 186).
One of the most important theoretical objections to CBI is the potential for
conflict that it generates between the monetary and fiscal authorities (Doyle
and Weale, 1994; Nordhaus, 1994). It is recognized that the separation of
fiscal and monetary management can lead to coordination problems which
can undermine credibility. In countries where this has led to conflict (such as
the USA in the period 1979–82) large fiscal deficits and high real interest
rates have resulted. This monetary/fiscal mix is not conducive to growth and,
during the early period of Reaganomics in the USA, came in for severe
criticism from many economists (Blanchard, 1986; Modigliani, 1988b; and
Tobin, 1987). The tight-monetary easy-fiscal mix is hardly a surprising com-
bination given the predominant motivations that drive the Fed and the US
Treasury. Whereas independent central banks tend to emphasize monetary
austerity and low inflation, the fiscal authorities (politicians) know that in-
creased government expenditure and reduced taxes are the ‘meat, potatoes
and gravy of politics’ (Nordhaus, 1994). To the critics CBI is no panacea. In
particular, to say that inflation should be the primary goal of the central bank
is very different from making inflation the sole goal of monetary policy in all
circumstances (Akhtar, 1995; Carvalho, 1995/6; Minford, 1997; Forder, 1998;
Posen, 1998). As Blackburn (1992) concludes, ‘the credibility of monetary
policy does not depend upon monetary policy alone but also upon the macr-
oeconomic programme in its entirety’.
The new classical school 263

5.5.5 Microeconomic policies to increase aggregate supply

The next policy implication of the new classical approach we consider con-
cerns what policies the authorities should pursue if they wish to increase
output/reduce unemployment permanently (the role of monetary policy is not
to try to reduce unemployment permanently but to keep inflation low and
stable). As we have already seen, microeconomic policies to reduce distor-
tions in the labour market have been recommended as the ‘first-best’ solution
to the inflation bias problem identified by Kydland and Prescott (1977).
Unemployment is regarded as an equilibrium outcome reflecting the optimal
decisions of workers who substitute work/leisure in response to movements
in current and expected future real wages. The labour market continuously
clears, so that anyone wanting to work at the current real wage can do so.
Those who are unemployed voluntarily choose not to work at the current real
wage (Lucas, 1978a). Changes in output and employment are held to reflect
the equilibrium supply decisions of firms and workers, given their percep-
tions of relative prices. It follows from this view that the appropriate policy
measures to increase output/reduce unemployment are those that increase the
microeconomic incentives for firms and workers to supply more output and
labour (examples of the wide range of often highly controversial supply-side
policies which have been pursued over recent years can be found in Chapter
4, section 4.3.2; see also Minford et al., 1985; Minford, 1991). The impor-
tance of supply-side reforms has recently been taken up by Lucas. In his
Presidential Address to the American Economic Association in January 2003,
Lucas focused on ‘Macroeconomic Priorities’ (Lucas, 2003). In an analysis
using US performance over the last 50 years as a benchmark, Lucas con-
cluded that the potential for welfare gains from better long-run, supply-side
policies far exceeds the potential gains to be had from further improvements
in short-run stabilization policies.
To some economists the unemployment problem in Europe is not fundamen-
tally a monetary policy issue but a suppy-side problem, often referred to as
‘Eurosclerosis’. During the 1950s and 1960s the European ‘welfare state’ OECD
economies experienced lower unemployment on average than that experienced
in the USA. Since around 1980 this experience has been reversed. Many
economists have attributed the poor labour market performance in Europe to
various institutional changes which have adversely affected the flexibility of
the labour market, in particular measures relating to the amount and duration of
unemployment benefit, housing policies which limit mobility, minimum wage
legislation, job protection legislation which increases hiring and firing costs,
the ‘tax wedge’ between the cost of labour to firms (production wage) and the
net income to workers (consumption wage), and ‘insider’ power (Siebert, 1997;
Nickell, 1997). In the face of an increasingly turbulent economic environment,
economies require ongoing restructuring. Ljungqvist and Sargent (1998) argue
264 Modern macroeconomics

that the generous entitlement programmes in the European OECD welfare

states have generated ‘a virtual time bomb waiting to explode’ . That explosion
arrives when large economic shocks occur more frequently. The welfare state
programmes hinder the necessary restructuring of the economy and this shows
up as high and prolonged rates of unemployment.
While accepting the validity of some of the supply-side arguments, Solow
(1998) and Modigliani (1996) see a significant part of the rise in European
unemployment as having its origin in the tight anti-inflationary monetary
policies which have been a characteristic of the past two decades. The solu-
tion to the unemployment problem in Europe therefore requires micro-oriented
supply-side policies combined with more expansionary aggregate demand

5.5.6 The Lucas critique of econometric policy evaluation

The final implication of the new classical approach for the formulation of
macroeconomic policy concerns what is popularly known as the ‘Lucas cri-
tique’, after the title of Lucas’s seminal paper in which the proposition first
appeared. Lucas (1976) attacked the established practice of using large-scale
macroeconometric models to evaluate the consequences of alternative policy
scenarios, given that such policy simulations are based on the assumption
that the parameters of the model remain unchanged when there is a change in
policy. The Keynesian macroeconometric models developed during the 1950s
and 1960s consisted of ‘systems of equations’ involving endogenous vari-
ables and exogenous variables. Such models, following Koopmans (1949),
contain four types of equation referred to as ‘structural equations’, namely:

1. identities, equations that are true by definition;

2. equations that embody institutional rules, such as tax schedules;
3. equations that specify the technological constraints, such as production
4. behavioural equations that describe the way in which individuals or
groups will respond to the economic environment; for example, wage
adjustment, consumption, investment and money demand functions.

A good example of this type of ‘system of equation’ model is the famous

FMP model (named after the Federal Reserve–MIT–University of Pennsylva-
nia model) constructed in the USA by Ando and Modigliani. Such models
were used for forecasting purposes and to test the likely impact of stochastic
or random shocks. The model builders used historical data to estimate the
model, and then utilized the model to analyse the likely consequences of
alternative policies. The typical Keynesian model of the 1960s/early 1970s
was based on the IS–LM–AD–AS framework combined with a Phillips curve
The new classical school 265

relationship. Obviously the behaviour of this type of model will, among other
things, depend on the estimated value of the coefficients of the variables in
the model. For example, such models typically include a consumption func-
tion as one of the key relationships. Suppose the consumption function takes
the following simple form: C = α + β(Y – T). That is, consumption is
proportional to disposable (after tax) income (Y – T). However, in this simple
Keynesian consumption function the parameters (α, β) will depend on the
optimal decisions that economic agents made in the past relating to how
much to consume and save given their utility function; that is, these param-
eters were formed during an earlier optimization process directly influenced
by the particular policy regime prevailing at the time. Lucas argues that we
cannot use equations such as this to construct models for predictive purposes
because their parameters will typically alter as the optimal (consumption)
responses of rational utility-maximizing economic agents to the policy changes
work their way through the model. The parameters of large-scale macro-
econometric models may not remain constant (invariant) in the face of policy
changes, since economic agents may adjust their expectations and behaviour
to the new environment (Sargent, 1999, refers to this as the problem of
‘drifting coefficients’). Expectations play a crucial role in the economy be-
cause of the way in which they influence the behaviour of consumers, firms,
investors, workers and all other economic agents. Moreover, the expectations
of economic agents depend on many things, including the economic policies
being pursued by the government. If expectations are assumed to be rational,
economic agents adjust their expectations when governments change their
economic policies. Macroeconometric models should thus take into account
the fact that any change in policy will systematically alter the structure of the
macroeconometric model. Private sector structural behavioural relationships
are non-invariant when the government policy changes. Thus, estimating the
effect of a policy change requires knowing how economic agents’ expecta-
tions will change in response to the policy change. Lucas (1976) argued that
the traditional (Keynesian-dominated) methods of policy evaluation do not
adequately take into account the impact of policy on expectations. Therefore,
Lucas questioned the use of such models, arguing that:

given that the structure of an econometric model consists of optimal decision rules
of economic agents, and that optimal decision rules vary systematically with
changes in the structure of series relevant to the decision maker, it follows that any
change in policy will systematically alter the structure of econometric models.

In other words, the parameters of large-scale macroeconometric models are

unlikely to remain constant in the face of policy changes, since rational eco-
nomic agents may adjust their behaviour to the new environment. Because
the estimated equations in most existing Keynesian-style macroeconometric
266 Modern macroeconomics

models do not change with alternative policies, any advice given from policy
simulations is likely to be misleading. When trying to predict the impact on the
economy of a change in policy it is a mistake, according to Lucas, to take as
given the relations estimated from past data.
This weakness of Keynesian-style macroeconometric models was particu-
larly exposed during the 1970s as inflation accelerated and unemployment
increased. The experiences of the 1950s and 1960s had led some policy makers
and economic theorists to believe that there was a stable long-run trade-off
between inflation and unemployment. However, once policy makers, influ-
enced by this idea, shifted the policy regime and allowed unemployment to fall
and inflation to rise, the Phillips curve shifted as the expectations of economic
agents responded to the experience of higher inflation. Thus the predictions of
orthodox Keynesian models turned out to be ‘wildly incorrect’ and a ‘spectacu-
lar failure’, being based on a doctrine that was ‘fundamentally flawed’ (Lucas
and Sargent, 1978). Lucas’s rational expectations version of the Friedman–
Phelps natural rate theory implies that policy makers cannot base policy on the
apparent existence of any short-run Phillips curve trade-off. The monetary
authorities should aim to achieve low inflation, which has significant welfare
gains (see Sargent, 1999; Lucas, 2000a, 2003).
The Lucas critique has profound implications for the formulation of macro-
economic policy. Since policy makers cannot predict the effects of new and
different economic policies on the parameters of their models, simulations
using existing models cannot in turn be used to predict the consequences of
alternative policy regimes. In Lucas’s view the invariability of parameters in
a model to policy changes cannot be guaranteed in Keynesian-type disequi-
librium models. In contrast, the advantage of equilibrium theorizing is that,
by focusing attention on individuals’ objectives and constraints, it is much
more likely that the resulting model will consist entirely of structural rela-
tions which are invariant to changes in policy. Lucas identified the treatment
of expectations as a major defect of the standard large-scale macroeconometric
models. With rational expectations, agents will react quickly to announced
policy changes. The underprediction of inflation during the late 1960s and
early 1970s seemed to confirm Lucas’s argument. In 1978 Lucas and Sargent
famously declared that ‘existing Keynesian macroeconometric models are
incapable of providing reliable guidance in formulating monetary, fiscal and
other types of policy’.
The Lucas critique implies that the building of macroeconometric models
needs to be wholly reconsidered so that the equations are structural or behav-
ioural in nature. Lucas and Sargent (1978) claim that equilibrium models are
free of the difficulties associated with the existing Keynesian macroeconometric
models and can account for the main quantitative features of business cycles.
Ultimately the influence of the Lucas critique contributed to the methodo-
The new classical school 267

logical approach adopted in the 1980s by modern new classical theorists of

the business cycle, namely ‘Real Business Cycle’ theory (see Figure 5.7).
Such models attempt to derive behavioural relationships within a dynamic
optimization setting.
With respect to macroeconomic stabilization policy, the Lucas critique also
‘directs attention to the necessity of thinking of policy as a choice of stable
“rules of the game”, well understood by economic agents. Only in such a
setting will economic theory help us to predict the actions agents will choose
to take’ (Lucas and Sargent, 1978).
However, some economists, such as Alan Blinder, believe that the ‘Lucas
critique’ had a negative impact on progress in macroeconomics (see Snow-
don, 2001a). In addition, direct tests of the Lucas critique have not provided
strong support for the proposition that policy changes lead to shifts of the
coefficients on behavioural equations (see Hoover, 1995a). Blanchard (1984)
has shown that ‘there is no evidence of a major shift of the Phillips curve’
during the change of policy regime adopted during the Volcker disinflation.
Other economists have pointed out that the Volcker disinflation involved a
lower sacrifice ratio than would have been expected before October 1979,
when the policy was implemented (see Sargent, 1999). Finally, it should be
noted that even the structural parameters of new classical ‘equilibrium’ mod-
els may not be invariant to policy changes if economic agents’ tastes and
technology change following a shift in the rules of economic policy. In
practice it would seem that the significance of the Lucas critique depends
upon the stability of the parameters of a model following the particular policy
change under consideration.

5.6 An Assessment

The contributions made by leading new classicists such as Lucas, Barro,

Sargent and Wallace dominated macroeconomics discussion throughout the
1970s, particularly in the USA. In particular the business cycle research of
Lucas during the 1970s had an enormous methodological impact on how
macroeconomists conducted research and looked at the world (Lucas, 1980a,
1981a; Hoover, 1992, 1999; Chapter 6). For example, although the idea that
all unemployment should be viewed as voluntary remains controversial, econo-
mists after the ‘Lucasian revolution’ have been much less willing to accept
uncritically Keynes’s idea of ‘involuntary unemployment’ (see Solow, 1980;
Blinder, 1988a; Snowdon and Vane, 1999b).
However, by the close of the 1970s, several weaknesses of the new classi-
cal equilibrium approach were becoming apparent. These deficiencies were
mainly the consequence of utilizing the twin assumptions of continuous
market clearing and imperfect information. By 1982 the monetary version of
268 Modern macroeconomics

new classical equilibrium models had reached both a theoretical and empiri-
cal impasse. For example, on the theoretical front the implausibility of the
assumption relating to information confusion was widely recognized (Okun,
1980; Tobin, 1980b). With sticky prices ruled out on methodological grounds,
new classical models were left without an acceptable explanation of business
cycles involving money-to-output causality. Furthermore, the doubts cast by
Sims (1980) on the causal role of money in money–output correlations raised
questions with respect to monetary explanations of the business cycle. On the
empirical front, despite some early success, the evidence in support of the
proposition that anticipated money was neutral did not prove to be robust (see
Barro, 1977a, 1978, 1989a). According to Gordon (1989) the influence of the
first phase of new classical theorizing peaked in the period 1976–8. Gordon
also dates the downfall of this phase ‘precisely at 8.59 a.m. EDT on Friday
13th October, 1978, at Bald Peak, New Hampshire’ for it was here that
Robert Barro and Mark Rush (1980) began their presentation ‘of an empirical
test of the policy-ineffectiveness proposition on quarterly US post-war data
that was not only severely criticised by three discussants, but also contained
dubious results that seemed questionable even to the authors’ (see Hoover,
1992, Vol. 1). Thus the early 1980s witnessed the demise of the mark I
(monetary surprise) version of the new classical approach in large part due to
the implausibility of supposed information gaps relating to aggregate price
level and money supply data, and the failure of empirical tests to provide
strong support for the policy ineffectiveness proposition (Barro, 1989a). The
depth of the recessions in both the USA and the UK in the 1980–82 period
following the Reagan and Thatcher deflations provided the critics with fur-
ther ammunition. As a consequence of these difficulties the monetary surprise
model has come to be widely regarded as inappropriate for modern informa-
tion-rich industrial economies.
Meanwhile Stanley Fischer (1977) and Edmund Phelps and John Taylor
(1977) had already shown that nominal disturbances were capable of produc-
ing real effects in models incorporating rational expectations providing the
assumption of continuously clearing markets was abandoned. While accept-
ing the rational expectations hypothesis was a necessary condition of being a
new classicist, it was certainly not sufficient. Following the embryonic new
Keynesian contributions it was quickly realized that the rational expectations
hypothesis was also not a sufficient condition for policy ineffectiveness. As a
result the policy-ineffectiveness proposition was left ‘to die neglected and
unmourned’ and ‘Into this vacuum stepped Edward Prescott from Minnesota,
who has picked up the frayed new classical banner with his real business
cycle theory’ (Gordon, 1989). Thus Lucas’s MEBCT has been replaced since
the early 1980s by new classical real business cycle models emphasizing
technological shocks (Stadler, 1994), new Keynesian models emphasizing
The new classical school 269

monetary disturbances (Gordon, 1990), and new neoclassical synthesis mod-

els combining insights from both approaches (see Lucas, 1987; Goodfriend
and King, 1997; Blanchard, 2000).
Economists sympathetic to the new classical approach (such as Finn Kydland
and Edward Prescott) have developed a mark II version of the new classical
model, known as real equilibrium business cycle theory (REBCT, see Figure
5.7). While proponents of the REBCT approach have abandoned the mon-
etary surprise approach to explaining business cycles, they have retained
components of the equilibrium approach and the propagation mechanisms
(such as adjustment costs) used in mark I versions. Responding to the Lucas
critique was also a major driving force behind the development of REBCT
(see Ryan and Mullineux, 1997).
Despite the controversy that surrounds the approach, new classical eco-
nomics has had a significant impact on the development of macroeconomics
over the last decade and a half. This impact can be seen in a number of areas.



Sargent & Wallace (1975, 1976) THEORY
Lucas (1975, 1977)
Barro (1977a, 1978); LUCAS
Mishkin (1982); CRITIQUE
CREDIBILITY Gordon (1982a) Lucas (1976)
Fellner (1976, 1979)


Kydland & Prescott (1977);
Barro & Gordon (1983a and b)
e.g. tax and regulatory policies THEORY

Figure 5.7 The evolution of new classical macroeconomics

270 Modern macroeconomics

First, it has led to much greater attention being paid to the way that expecta-
tions are modelled, resulting in a so-called ‘rational expectations revolution’
in macroeconomics (Taylor, 1989). For example, the rational expectations
hypothesis has been widely adopted by new Keynesians and researchers in
the area of the ‘new political macroeconomics (see Chapters 7 and 10). It also
formed a crucial input to Dornbusch’s (1976) exchange rate overshooting
model (see Chapter 7). Second, the insight of rational expectations that a
change in policy will almost certainly influence expectations (which in turn is
likely to influence the behaviour of economic agents) is now fairly widely
accepted. This in turn has led economists to reconsider the role and conduct
of macroeconomic stabilization policy. In particular, the modern emphasis on
‘policy rules’ when discussing the stabilizing role of monetary policy has
been heavily influenced by the idea of rational expectations.
Much of the controversy that surrounds new classical macroeconomics is
directed, not at the rational expectations hypothesis per se, but at the policy
implications that derive from the structure of new classical models. In this
context it is interesting to note that Keynesian-like disequilibrium models
(where markets do not clear continuously) but which allow agents to have
rational expectations, as well as incorporating the natural rate hypothesis,
still predict a role for demand management policies to stabilize the economy.
If, in the face of random shocks to aggregate demand, the government is able
to adjust its policies more quickly than the private sector can renegotiate
money wages, then there is still a role for aggregate demand management to
stabilize the economy and offset fluctuations in output and employment around
their natural levels. As Buiter (1980) summed it up, ‘in virtually all economi-
cally interesting models there will be real consequences of monetary and
fiscal policy–anticipated or unanticipated. This makes the cost–benefit analy-
sis of feasible policy intervention the focus of the practical economist’s
concern.’ There should therefore be no presumption that ‘a government that
sits on its hands and determines the behaviour of its instruments by the
simplest possible fixed rules is guaranteed to bring about the best of all
possible worlds’. Furthermore, given the gradual adjustment of prices and
wages in new Keynesian models, any policy of monetary disinflation, even if
credible and anticipated by rational agents, will lead to a substantial reces-
sion in terms of output and employment, with hysteresis effects raising the
natural rate of unemployment (see Chapter 7).
Finally, in trying to come to an overall assessment of the impact of new
classical macroeconomics on the debate concerning the role and conduct of
macroeconomic stabilization policy, three conclusions seem to suggest them-
selves. First, it is fairly widely agreed that the conditions necessary to render
macroeconomic stabilization policy completely powerless to influence output
and employment in the short run are unlikely to hold. Having said this, the
The new classical school 271

possibility that economic agents will anticipate the effects of changes in

economic policy does imply that the authorities’ scope to stabilize the economy
is reduced. Second, new classical macroeconomics has strengthened the case
for using aggregate supply policies to stimulate output and employment.
Lastly, new Keynesians have been forced to respond to the challenge of new
classical macroeconomics and in doing so, in particular explaining why wages
and prices tend to adjust only gradually, have provided a more sound micro-
theoretical base to justify interventionist policies (both demand and supply
management policies) to stabilize the economy.
Before discussing new Keynesian economics we first examine in the next
chapter the evolution of the Mark II version of new classical economics, that
is, real business cycle theory.
272 Modern macroeconomics


Permission to reprint from the University of

Credit: Lloyd De Grane

Robert Lucas was born in 1937 in Yakima, Washington and obtained his BA
(History) and PhD from the University of Chicago in 1959 and 1964 respec-
tively. He was a lecturer at the University of Chicago (1962–3), Assistant
Professor (1963–7), Associate Professor (1967–70) and Professor of Eco-
nomics (1970–74) at Carnegie-Mellon University, Ford Foundation Visiting
Research Professor (1974–5) and Professor (1975–80) at the University of
Chicago. Since 1980 he has been John Dewey Distinguished Service Profes-
sor of Economics at the University of Chicago.
Best known for his equilibrium approach to macroeconomic analysis, and
his application of rational expectations to the analysis of macroeconomic
policy, Robert Lucas is widely acknowledged as being the leading figure in
the development of new classical macroeconomics. In addition to his highly
influential work on macroeconomic modelling and policy evaluation, he has
made a number of important contributions to other research fields including,
more recently, economic growth. In 1995 he was awarded the Nobel Memo-
rial Prize in Economics: ‘For having developed and applied the hypothesis of
rational expectations, and thereby having transformed macroeconomic analy-
sis and deepened our understanding of economic policy’.
Among his best-known books are: Studies in Business Cycle Theory (Basil
Blackwell, 1981); Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice (Univer-
sity of Minnesota Press, 1981), co-edited with Thomas Sargent; Models of
Robert E. Lucas Jr 273

Business Cycles (Basil Blackwell, 1987); Recursive Methods in Economic

Dynamics (Harvard University Press, 1989), co-authored with Nancy Stokey
and Edward Prescott; and Lectures on Economic Growth (Harvard University
Press, 2002).
Among the numerous articles he has written, the best-known include:
‘Expectations and the Neutrality of Money’, Journal of Economic Theory
(1972a); ‘Some International Evidence on Output–Inflation Tradeoffs’,
American Economic Review (1973); ‘Econometric Policy Evaluation: A
Critique’ in The Phillips Curve and Labor Markets (North-Holland, 1976);
‘On the Mechanics of Economic Development’, Journal of Monetary Eco-
nomics (1988); ‘Nobel Lecture: Monetary Neutrality’, Journal of Political
Economy (1996); and ‘Macroeconomic Priorities’, American Economic Re-
view (2003).

We interviewed Professor Lucas in New Orleans, in his hotel room, on 3

January 1997 while attending the annual conference of the American Eco-
nomic Association.

Background Information

As an undergraduate you studied history at the University of Chicago and

you also started graduate school as a student of history at Berkeley. Why did
you decide to switch to study economics as a postgraduate student back at
I was getting more interested in economics and economic history as a history
student. The work of Henri Pirenne, the Belgian historian, who stressed
economic forces influenced me. When I was at Berkeley I started taking some
economic history classes and even attended an economics course. That is
when I first learned what a technical field economics is and how impossible it
would be to pick it up as an amateur. I decided then that I wanted to switch to
economics. I didn’t have any hope of financial support at Berkeley to study
economics so that was what led me back to Chicago.

Did you find the techniques and tools used by economists difficult to master
when you did make the switch?
Sure, but it was exciting for me. I had no idea that people were using
mathematics for social science questions before I got into economics. Once I
became aware of that I enjoyed it enormously.

Was mathematics a strong subject for you when you were in high school?
In high school it was and in college I took a little bit, but dropped out. I was
not interested in hard science. I wasn’t really motivated to keep going in
274 Modern macroeconomics

maths, but when I learned how maths was being used in economics it rekin-
dled my interest in the field.

Which economists have had the most influence on your own work?
Dozens and dozens of people. Samuelson’s Foundations was a big influence
when I started graduate school. His book was just a bible for my generation
of economists. Friedman was a great teacher, really an unusual teacher.
Anyone from Chicago will tell you that.

In what respect? Was it his ability to communicate complex ideas?

That’s a hard question to answer. I think it was the breadth of problems he
showed that you could address with economic reasoning. That’s what Fried-
man emphasized. No single problem was analysed all that deeply but the
range of problems included everything. So we got the impression, and rightly
so, that we were getting a powerful piece of equipment for dealing with any
problem that came up in human affairs.

To what extent did the work of the Austrians (Hayek and so on) influence your
I once thought of myself as a kind of Austrian, but Kevin Hoover’s book
persuaded me that this was just a result of my misreading of Hayek and

David Laidler [1992b] has drawn attention to what he described as ‘the

appalling low standards of historical scholarship amongst economists’. Is it
important for an economist to be a competent historian?
No. It is important that some economists be competent historians, just as it is
important that some economists be competent mathematicians, competent
sociologists, and so on. But there is neither a need nor a possibility for
everyone to be good at everything. Like Stephen Dedalus, none of us will
ever be more than a shy guest at the feast of the world’s culture.

Keynes’s General Theory and Keynesian Economics

You were born in 1937. The Great Depression was a huge influence on
economists such as Friedman, Samuelson and Tobin in stimulating their
interest in economics in the first place. Do you regard the Great Depression
as the premier macroeconomic event of the twentieth century?
I think that economic growth, and particularly the diffusion of economic
growth to what we used to call the Third World, is the major macroeconomic
event of the twentieth century. But the Great Depression is a good second. I
was too young to know what was going on at the time, but the Depression
Robert E. Lucas Jr 275

was the main influence on my parents. They became politically aware during
the 1930s. Politics and economics were issues that were always talked about
in my house when I was growing up.

How important do you think historical events are for theoretical develop-
ments? For example it is generally recognized that the Great Depression led
to the General Theory.

Do you think they are crucial?

Yes, I like that example.

What about the influence of increasing inflation in the 1970s? Do you think
that event played the same kind of role in the move away from Keynesian
economics, just as the Great Depression led to the development of Keynesian
The main ideas that are associated with rational expectations were developed
by the early 1970s, so the importance of the inflation that occurred was that it
confirmed some of these theoretical ideas. In a way the timing couldn’t have
been better. We were arguing that there was no stable Phillips curve relating
unemployment and inflation. You could go either way on that question given
the available post-war data up to the early 1970s, but by the end of the 1970s
it was all over.

How do you view Keynes as a macroeconomist?

I suppose Keynes, via Hicks, Modigliani and Samuelson, was the founder of
macroeconomics, so one has to view him as a leading figure in the field!

Robert Solow [1986] has described the General Theory as ‘the most influen-
tial work of economics of the twentieth century, and Keynes as the most
important economist’. Yet the impression one gets from your various com-
ments on Keynes is that you find the General Theory almost incomprehensible.
You certainly don’t seem to regard it in the same light as Solow.
If you look through Solow’s collected writings for evidence of intellectual
indebtedness, evidence that scholars look for – citations and transfer of
ideas – you would find almost no influence of Keynes. So I think such
comments are somewhat disingenuous, unless he is thinking simply of
ideology. Of course Keynes is an extremely important figure in twentieth-
century history, but I think his major influence was ideological. The
Depression followed soon after the Russian revolution, and there was a lot
of idealism about socialism as a way of resolving economic problems,
especially as the Soviet Union had no depression. Keynes went to great
276 Modern macroeconomics

lengths to disassociate himself from the rest of the economics profession in

the General Theory, making almost no references to mainstream econo-
mists in the entire book, compared to the Treatise on Money which is full of
references to mainstream economists. The message of the General Theory,
in which he emphasized the seriousness of depressions, is that they can be
solved within the context of a liberal democracy without having to resort to
centralized planning. That was a highly important message which certainly
sustained defenders of democracy in countries like yours and mine that
maintained it. It helped to organize the entire world after the war and was
the flag around which liberal democracies rallied. The General Theory was
an unusually important book in that sense. Maybe more important than
economic theory. But that seems to be a different question from that of the
influence of Keynes’s theoretical ideas on the way we practise economics,
which I think is now very slight.

Should students of macroeconomics still read the General Theory?


Had Keynes still been living in 1969, do you think he would have been
awarded the first Nobel Prize in Economics? Would he have received your
I thought Joan Robinson would get the first one, so my credentials as a Nobel
forecaster have been dubious from the start. But certainly Keynes would have
got one early on. Since I am not a member of the Swedish Academy, I do not
have a vote to cast.

Do you find it puzzling that both Keynes and Marshall started off as math-
ematicians and yet both of them in terms of their methodology seemed to
downplay the use of mathematics in economics, not regarding it as an impor-
tant way of setting down economic ideas? Why do you think they turned away
from what was becoming a major trend in economic science?
When Marshall was educated, and even when Keynes was educated, England
was a mathematical backwater. If they had been educated in France, Ger-
many or Russia, working with people like Kolmogorov, Borel or Cantor, they
would have thought differently. Walras, Pareto and Slutzky thought differ-
ently. The people who were giving birth to mathematical economics were
mainly on the continent at that time.

Is it your view that the traditional approach of distinguishing between

short-run and long-run forces in macroeconomics has been misconceived
and counterproductive? Did Keynes send everyone off down the wrong
Robert E. Lucas Jr 277

The short-run–long-run distinction is Marshall’s, not Keynes’s. Indeed, Keynes

is quite explicit in the General Theory that he thinks that permanent stagna-
tion can result from demand deficiencies. Samuelson’s neoclassical synthesis
reclaimed the long run for neoclassical analysis, at least here in the USA.
Now Samuelson’s students – my whole generation – are trying to get the
short run back, too! It’s hard going, I know, but Samuelson already did the
easy part, and we have to make a living somehow.
The 1930s sent all of us off on the wrong track, starting with Keynes. Even
today, 50 years after the Depression ended, public figures talk about every
little wiggle in the GNP figures as though it were the end of capitalism. If
Keynes were alive today, he would take pride in his role in setting up the
system that permitted the recovery of Europe and the Japanese miracle, and
he would be excited about the prospects for integrating the second and third
worlds into the world economy. I think he would be as impatient with the
overemphasis on short-term fine-tuning as I am.


What were the major factors which contributed to the rise of monetarism
both in academia and policy circles during the 1970s?
It is hard for me to say because I was raised as a monetarist in the 1960s

Well, in the UK circumstances were very different, monetarist ideas came as

much more of a shock to many British economists who were steeped in what
Coddington [1976] has labelled ‘hydraulic Keynesianism’ and Samuelson
[1983] has referred to as the ‘Model T’ version of Keynes’s system.
Our leading Keynesian theorists, people like Tobin and Modigliani, always
had a role for money in their models and the models that I learnt as a graduate
student. Isn’t it true that in England monetarism is used as a much broader
label for the whole Thatcher programme?

The UK media has certainly tended to think of supply-side economics and

monetarism as being the same. Sometimes any belief in the market mecha-
nism and laissez-faire philosophy is also classified as being a part of
You can take the various elements separately and mix them any way you like.

Do you see Friedman as almost single-handedly having engineering a mon-

etarist counter-revolution?
Friedman has been an enormous influence. It is hard to say what would have
happened without him.
278 Modern macroeconomics

We know from our own experience as undergraduate students of economics in

the late 1960s in Britain that Friedman was often portrayed as some sort of
strange crank in Chicago.
Well, that was the way people tried to deal with him here too in a way, but not

Moving on to Friedman’s 1968a AER article. In 1981 Robert Gordon de-

scribed it as probably the most influential article written in macroeconomics
in the previous 20 years, while more recently James Tobin [1995] has gone
much further when he described it as ‘very likely the most influential article
ever published in an economics journal’. What importance do you attach to
that particular article?
It had a huge influence on me. Leonard Rapping and I were doing economet-
ric work on Phillips curves in those days and that paper hit us right when we
were trying to formulate our ideas. Our models were inconsistent with Fried-
man’s reasoning and yet we couldn’t see anything wrong with his reasoning.
It was a real scientific tension of trying to take two incompatible points of
view and see what adjustments you can make to end up in a coherent posi-
tion. Edmund Phelps was pursuing similar ideas. Phelps spelled out the
theory a little more clearly than Friedman did and he had an enormous
influence on me as well.

Was this with respect to the need for microfoundations?

Yes. I always think of the proposition that there is no long-run Phillips trade-
off as the Friedman–Phelps proposition.

What do you feel remains of the monetarist counter-revolution today?

It has gone in so many different directions. Rational expectations macroeco-
nomics has gone in many different directions. There is real business cycle
theory which assigns no importance to monetary forces. This work has been
hugely influential, on me as well as on others, although I still think of myself
as a monetarist. Then there are those whom Sargent calls fiscalists, people
who think that government deficits are crucial events for the determination of
inflation and whether they are financed by bond issues or money issues is
secondary, or maybe not relevant at all. Then there are old-fashioned mon-
etarists, which is where I would class myself, with people like Friedman and
Allan Meltzer. One of the things that people are coming to agree on, although
not too many come right out and say it, is that econometrically it seems to be
hard to account for more than a quarter to a third of US real variability in the
post-war period to monetary forces, no matter how you look at the data.
People from very different points of view have come up with that as a kind of
upper bound. I used to think that monetary shocks were 90 per cent of the
Robert E. Lucas Jr 279

story in real variability and I still think they are the central story in the 1930s.
But there is no way to get monetary shocks to account for more than about a
quarter of real variability in the post-war era. At least, no one has found a
way of doing it.

One of the consensus propositions now is that monetary forces cause infla-
tion, certainly in the long term. That still leaves open the question, if we know
what causes inflation, why do governments insist on increasing the money
supply too rapidly? What are the forces which lie behind monetary expan-
Well, to be fair, since the 1970s the advanced capitalist countries have what I
would regard as a fantastic record on inflation. Every central bank has shifted
its focus exclusively, or almost exclusively, on price stability. They have done
a great job. I like the idea of going from 3 per cent to 0, but the big thing is
going from 13 per cent to 3. Everyone would agree with that. So the record in
the advanced countries has just been tremendous, although there are a few
outliers in some Latin America countries where inflation is still a persistent
problem. Chile, though, has dealt with inflation forcefully and they have had
a solid record for ten years. Country after country is coming around to deal
with inflation by restricting money growth. But there is still ignorance and
there is always going to be a temptation to generate surprise inflation in order
to default on obligations.

Do you think that Democratic governments will tend to generate in the long
term more inflation than Republican governments because of their greater
announced commitment to employment targets?
Easy money and tight money have been an issue in the USA since the
nineteenth century. I guess it is a pretty good generalization that the Republi-
cans on the whole have been a tight money party.

According to Alberto Alesina’s [1989] rational partisan model it should

generally be better.
I think of Nixon and Ford as having been fairly inept at monetary policy

Alan Blinder [1986, 1988b, 1992b] has argued that during the 1970s Ameri-
can Keynesianism absorbed the Friedman–Phelps proposition and that after
allowing for the effects of the OPEC supply shock, a modified Keynesian
model was quite capable of explaining the 1970s macroeconomic phenom-
ena. Do you think he is wrong?
The direct effect of the OPEC shock was minor in my opinion. I like to be
more explicit about which models are being discussed and what properties
280 Modern macroeconomics

are being boasted about. I don’t know what ‘modified Keynesian model’ Alan
is referring to.

In his view the expectations-augmented Phillips curve had become part of

mainstream macroeconomics by the mid-1970s and by then Keynesianism
had become ‘less crude’, having absorbed some of Friedman’s monetarist
arguments. However, rational expectations models remained controversial.
I don’t know how you would separate those two. But again I don’t know
whether Alan is referring to some body of research, or whether he just means
to say that he thinks he is pretty much on top of things [laughter].

New Classical Macroeconomics

Did you regard your work and that of your associates in developing new
classical macroeconomics as having created a separate school of thought
from monetarism?
I don’t like the collective, me and my associates [laughter]. I am responsible
for my work just as Sargent, Barro and Prescott are responsible for their own
work. When you are in the middle of doing research, it’s a paper-by-paper,
problem-by-problem kind of thing. You don’t say ‘I am a school and here is
what my school is going to do’. These labels get pasted on after the fact; they
don’t play much of a role. My most influential paper on ‘Expectations and the
Neutrality of Money’ [1972a] came out of a conference that Phelps organized
where Rapping and I were invited to talk about our Phillips curve work.
Phelps convinced us that we needed some kind of general equilibrium set-
ting. Rapping and I were just focusing on labour supply decisions. Phelps
kept on insisting that these labour suppliers are situated in some economy,
and that you have to consider what the whole general equilibrium looks like,
not just what the labour supply decision looks like. That’s what motivated
me. I didn’t think of it as being monetarist but I didn’t think of it as a new
school either.

Do you regard the new classical approach as having resulted in a revolution

in macroeconomic thought?
Sargent once wrote that you can interpret any scientific development as
continuous evolution or discontinuous revolution, at your pleasure. For my-
self, I do not have any romantic associations with the term ‘revolution’. To
me, it connotes lying, theft and murder, so I would prefer not to be known as
a revolutionary.

One of the policy implications of new classical analysis is that there will be
no trade-off between inflation and unemployment even in the short run fol-
Robert E. Lucas Jr 281

lowing announced anticipated monetary expansion. How do you now view

this policy ineffectiveness proposition in the light of the disinflationary expe-
rience of both the UK and the US economies in the early 1980s?
It is nearly impossible to tell what was and was not anticipated in any
particular episode, so the 1980s did not offer a crucial test of anything.
Sargent’s two essays on disinflation in his book Rational Expectations and
Inflation [1993] provide the best analysis of this issue, and a serious discus-
sion of what is meant by an ‘anticipated’ policy change.

The early 1980s witnessed the demise of your monetary surprise version of
the new classical model. On reflection, how do you view this work and what
do you think remains of that first phase of the new classical revolution?
I discuss this in my Nobel lecture [1996]. My models stress the distinction
between anticipated and unanticipated inflation and I arrived at that distinc-
tion through an information-processing model. But other people have arrived
at the same distinction by thinking about contracts. There are many ways to
motivate that distinction. At the time I guess I thought my way of looking at it
was just a lot better than other people’s ways of looking at it [laughter]. Now
they all seem pretty similar to me. I think this distinction between anticipated
and unanticipated money, and how different their effects are, is the key idea
in post-war macro. I would like to see it embodied in better theoretical
models. I hope it doesn’t get forgotten or lost.

What do you regard as being the most serious criticisms that have been
raised in the literature against new classical equilibrium models?
To me the most interesting debates are not about classes of models but
about particular models. For example, Mehra and Prescott’s [1985] paper
on ‘The Equity Premium’ highlighted the failure of any neoclassical model
that we know about to account for the enormous differential between the
return on equity and the return on bonds. Now they certainly didn’t view
this fact as a failure of neoclassical economics as a body of thought, but on
the other hand it is undeniably a failure of a particular neoclassical model.
I think that is a much more fruitful way to proceed. I think general discus-
sions, especially by non-economists, of whether the system is in equilibrium
or not are almost entirely nonsense. You can’t look out of this window and
ask whether New Orleans is in equilibrium. What does that mean? [laugh-
ter]. Equilibrium is just a property of the way we look at things, not a
property of reality.

Many critics of new classical macroeconomics have argued that there is a

lack of available supporting evidence of strong intertemporal labour substi-
tution effects. How do you react to this line of criticism?
282 Modern macroeconomics

I’m not at all sympathetic to it. I don’t know what you mean by the ‘available
evidence’. The degree of intertemporal substitution of labour assumed in real
business cycle models is selected to generate employment fluctuations of the
magnitude we observe, which is to say, to be consistent with some of the
‘available evidence’. Economists who have used survey data on individuals
have been unsuccessful in explaining employment fluctuations at the indi-
vidual level – we just haven’t learned anything about preferences from their
work. This is a disappointment, but no good purpose is served by reinterpret-
ing this failure as though it were a successful attempt to estimate something.

Do you consider your 1972 Journal of Economic Theory paper on ‘Expecta-

tions and the Neutrality of Money’ to be your most influential paper?
It seems to be, or maybe the paper on policy evaluation [1976].

How important do you think the ‘Lucas critique’ has been?

I think it has been tremendously important, but it is fading. It used to be that
you could hold that up, like a cross to a vampire, and defeat people simply by
saying ‘Lucas critique’. People have gotten tired of that and I think that is fair
enough. If you want to criticize work effectively you have to get into it and
criticize its details. But I think it is basic that you can’t get economic conclu-
sions without putting in some economic theories, some economic structure.

Your 1978 paper with Thomas Sargent ‘After Keynesian Macroeconomics’

seemed to be pronouncing the death of Keynesian macroeconomics. Do you
now think that this was perhaps premature given its revival in the form of new
Keynesian economics?
Well, the label ‘Keynesian’ is a flag a lot of people salute, so it’s not going to
lie around unused. Of course Sargent and I were talking about a particular set
of models which we were completely clear about.

You were talking about 1960s-style Keynesian models?

The Wharton model, the Michigan model, the MPS model, models which
existed and were in some sense Keynesian. If a completely different class of
models comes up which people like to call Keynesian, of course our criti-
cisms can’t apply. You can’t write a paper in 1978 criticizing work done in
1988 [laughter].

That [1978] paper contains a lot of powerful rhetorical statements. Were you
conscious of this at the time of writing?
Yes. We were invited to a conference sponsored by the Boston Fed. In a way
it was like being in the enemy camp and we were trying to make a statement
that we weren’t going to be assimilated.
Robert E. Lucas Jr 283

Real Business Cycle Theory

In your 1980 paper ‘Methods and Problems in Business Cycle Theory’ you
seem to be anticipating in some respects the next decade’s work. You appear
to be asking for the kind of methodological approach which Kydland and
Prescott were about to take up. Were you aware of what they were doing at
the time?
Yes. But I wasn’t anticipating their work.

But your statements in that paper seem to be calling for the kind of methodol-
ogy that they have used.
Well, Prescott and I have been very close for years and we talk about every-
thing. But if you’re asking whether at the time I wrote that paper I had an idea
that you could get some sort of satisfactory performance out of a macroeco-
nomic model in which the only disturbances were productivity shocks, then
the answer is no. I was as surprised as everybody else when Kydland and
Prescott showed that was possible [laughter].

Is it fair to say that you, Friedman, Tobin and other leading macroeconomists
up until 1980 tended to think of a long-run smooth trend around which there
are fluctuations?

Basically differences of opinion concerned what caused these fluctuations

and what you could do about them. Then Kydland and Prescott [1982] came
along and changed that way of thinking.
Well, they talk about business cycles in terms of deviations from trend as
well. The difference is that Friedman, Tobin and I would think of the sources
of the trend as being entirely from the supply side and the fluctuations about
trend as being induced by monetary shocks. Of course we would think of
very different kinds of theoretical models to deal with the long-run and the
short-run issues. Kydland and Prescott took the sources that we think of as
long term to see how well they would do for these short-term movements.
The surprising thing was how well it worked. I am still mostly on the side of
Friedman and Tobin, but there is no question that our thinking has changed a
lot on the basis of this work.

In an article in Oxford Economic Papers Kevin Hoover [1995b] has sug-

gested that ‘the calibration methodology, to date, lacks any discipline as
stern as that imposed by econometric methods … and above all, it is not clear
on what standards competing, but contradictory models are to be compared
and adjudicated’. Does this pose a problem?
284 Modern macroeconomics

Yes, but it is not a problem that’s resolved by Neyman–Pearson statistics.

There the whole formalism is for testing models that are nested. It has always
been a philosophical issue to compare non-nested models. It’s not something
that Kydland and Prescott introduced. I think Kydland and Prescott are in
part responding to the sterility of Neyman–Pearson statistical methods. These
methods just don’t answer the questions that we want to answer. Maybe they
do for studying the results of agricultural experiments, or something like that,
but not for dealing with economics.

Would you agree with the view that a major contribution of the real business
cycle approach has been to raise fundamental questions about the meaning,
significance and characteristics of economic fluctuations?
I think that is true of any influential macroeconomics. I don’t think that
statement isolates a unique contribution of real business cycle theory.

In commenting on recent developments in new classical economics Gregory

Mankiw [1989] has argued that although real business cycle theory has ‘served
the important function of stimulating and provoking scientific debate, it will [he
predicts] ultimately be discarded as an explanation of observed fluctuations’.
What are your predictions for the future development of macroeconomics?
I agree with Mankiw, but I don’t think he understands the implication of his
observation. We are now seeing models in the style of Kydland and Prescott
with nominal rigidities, imperfect credit markets, and many other features
that people thinking of themselves as Keynesians have emphasized. The
difference is that within an explicit equilibrium framework we can begin to
work out the quantitative implications of these features, not just illustrate
them with textbook diagrams.

New Keynesian Economics

When we interviewed Gregory Mankiw in 1993 [see Snowdon and Vane,

1995] he suggested that ‘the theoretical challenge of Lucas and his followers
has been met’ and that Keynesian economics is now ‘well founded on
microeconomic models’. Do you think that new Keynesians such as Mankiw
have created firm microeconomic foundations for Keynesian models?
There are some interesting theoretical models by people who call themselves
‘new Keynesians’. I don’t know who first threw out this challenge but I
would think it was Patinkin. When I was a student this idea of microfoundations
for Keynesian models was already on everyone’s agenda and I thought of
Patinkin as the leading exponent of that idea.
Keynesian models in the 1960s, and this is what excited people like Sargent
and me, were operational in the sense that you could quantify the effects of
Robert E. Lucas Jr 285

various policy changes by simulating these models. You could find out what
would happen if you balanced the budget every year, or if you increased the
money supply, or changed fiscal policy. That was what was exciting. They
were operational, quantitative models that addressed important policy ques-
tions. Now in that sense new Keynesian models are not quantitative, are not
fitted to data; there are no realistic dynamics in them. They are not used to
address any policy conclusions. What are the principal policy conclusions of
‘new Keynesian economics’? Ask Greg Mankiw that question the next time
you interview him [laughter]. I don’t even ask that they prove interesting
policy conclusions, just that they attempt some. Everyone knows that Fried-
man said we ought to expand the money supply by 4 per cent per year. Old
Keynesians had similar ideas about what we ought to do with the budget
deficit, and what they thought the effects of it would be. New Keynesian
economics doesn’t seem to make contact with the questions that got us
interested in macroeconomics in the first place.

In Europe, where currently unemployment is a much bigger problem com-

pared to the USA, some new Keynesian work has tried to explain this
phenomenon in terms of hysteresis effects. This work implies that Friedman
[1968a] was wrong when he argued that aggregate demand disturbances
cannot affect the natural rate. So in that sense some new Keynesian econo-
mists are trying to address the problem of unemployment, suggesting that
aggregate demand management still has a role to play.
When Friedman wrote his 1968 article the average rate of unemployment in
the USA was something like 4.8 per cent and the system always seemed to
return to about that level. Since then the natural rate has drifted all over the
place. It looked much more like a constant of nature back in those days than
it does now. Everyone would have to agree with that. That is not a theory but
an observation about what has happened. Now in Europe the drift upwards
has been much more striking. Unemployment is a hugely important problem.
But I don’t want to call anyone who notes that that is a problem a Keynesian.
Ljungqvist and Sargent (1998) have done some very exciting work on this,
trying to make the connections between the European welfare state and
unemployment rates. I don’t know whether they have got it right or not.

That has also been a theme of Patrick Minford et al.’s [1985] work in the UK.
It is a tough theme to defend though, because the welfare state has been in
place for 30 years more or less in its present form in most European coun-

Perhaps the best way is to identify changes within the incentive structure
rather than the level of benefits.
286 Modern macroeconomics

Yes, that is what you have got to do. Ljungqvist and Sargent try to address
that issue as well.

General and Methodological Issues

Do you think it is healthy to subject students to a breadth of perspectives at

the undergraduate level?
I don’t know. I teach introductory macro and I want my students to see
specific, necessarily pretty simple, models and to compare their predictions
to US data. I want them to see for themselves rather than just be told about it.
Now that does give a narrowness to their training. But the alternative of
giving them a catalogue of schools and noting what each says without giving
students any sense of how economic reasoning is used to try to account for
the facts is not very attractive either. Maybe there is a better way to do it.

Have you ever thought of writing a basic introductory textbook?

I have thought a lot about it, but it would be hard to do. I sat down once with
my course notes, to see how far the notes I had been using over the years
were from a textbook, and it was a long long way [laughter]. So I have never
done it.

Is the philosophy of science and formal methodology an area that interests

Yes. I don’t read very much in the area but I like to think about it.

You acknowledge that Friedman has had a great influence on you, yet his
methodological approach is completely different to your own approach to
macroeconomics. Why did his methodological approach not appeal to you?
I like mathematics and general equilibrium theory. Friedman didn’t. I think
that he missed the boat [laughter].

His methodological approach seems more in keeping with Keynes and

He describes himself as a Marshallian, although I don’t know quite what that
means. Whatever it is, it’s not what I think of myself as.

Would you agree that the appropriate criterion for establishing the fruitful-
ness of a theory is the degree of empirical corroboration attained by its
Something like that. Yes.

You are Friedmanite on that issue of methodology?

Robert E. Lucas Jr 287

I am certainly a Friedmanite. The problem with that statement is that not all
empirical corroborations are equal. There are some crucial things that a
theory has to account for and if it doesn’t we don’t care how well it does on
other dimensions.

Do you think that it is crucial for macroeconomic models to have neoclassical

choice-theoretic microfoundations?
No. It depends on the purposes you want the model to serve. For short-term
forecasting, for example, the Wharton model does very well with little in the
way of theoretical foundations, and Sims, Litterman and others have had
pretty good success with purely statistical extrapolation methods that involve
no economics at all. But if one wants to know how behaviour is likely to
change under some change in policy, it is necessary to model the way people
make choices. If you see me driving north on Clark Street, you will have
good (though not perfect) predictive success by guessing that I will still be
going north on the same street a few minutes later. But if you want to predict
how I will respond if Clark Street is closed off, you have to have some idea of
where I am going and what my alternative routes are – of the nature of my
decision problem.

Why do you think there is more consensus among economists over micro-
economic issues compared to macroeconomic issues?
What is the microeconomic consensus you are referring to? Does it just mean
that microeconomists agree on the Slutsky equation, or other purely math-
ematical propositions? Macroeconomists all take derivatives in the same way,
too. On matters of application and policy, microeconomists disagree as vehe-
mently as macroeconomists – neither side in an antitrust action has any
difficulty finding expert witnesses.
I think there is a tremendous amount of consensus on macroeconomic
issues today. But there is much that we don’t know, and so – necessarily – a
lot to argue about.

Do you see any signs of an emerging consensus in macroeconomics, and if

so, what form will it take?
When a macroeconomic consensus is reached on an issue (as it has been, say,
on the monetary sources of inflation) the issue passes off the stage of profes-
sional debate, and we argue about something else. Professional economists
are primarily scholars, not policy managers. Our responsibility is to create
new knowledge by pushing research into new, and hence necessarily contro-
versial, territory. Consensus can be reached on specific issues, but consensus
for a research area as a whole is equivalent to stagnation, irrelevance and
288 Modern macroeconomics

In what areas, other than the monetary sources of inflation, do you think
there is now a consensus in macro? Do you think, for example, that there is a
majority of economists who are now anti fine-tuning?
Yes. Fine-tuning certainly has come down a few pegs. Paul Krugman has
been doing a lot of very effective writing attacking non-economists writing
about economic matters. Paul is speaking for the whole profession in a very
effective way and addressing the most important questions in social science.
Economists have a lot of areas of agreement, partly due to the fact that we
look at numbers. If somebody says the world is breeding itself into starva-
tion, we look at numbers and see that per capita incomes are rising in the
world. It seems to be that on a lot of questions there is a huge amount of
consensus among economists. More and more we are focusing on technol-
ogy, supply-side, long-run issues. Those are the big issues for us now, not on
depression prevention.

Economic Growth

In their recent book on economic growth Robert Barro and Xavier Sala-i-
Martin [1995] express the view that ‘economic growth is the part of
macroeconomics that really matters’. In your Yrjo Jahnsson lectures [1987]
you seem to be saying something similar, that macroeconomists have spent
too much time on stabilization and neglected growth, which is a far more
important issue for macroeconomics to look at.
Yes. That is becoming the consensus view. David Romer’s new textbook,
which we use in our first-year graduate macro course at Chicago, begins with
growth. Romer would call himself a new Keynesian and he is perfectly
entitled to call himself that. But his book shows a shift in emphasis towards
long-run growth questions. Quite rightly, I think.

So it’s back to the classics and the grand issues of the long run?
Yes. OK [laughter].

What in your view was the stimulus to the new endogenous growth econom-
ics? Was it the lack of convergence which people were observing empirically
between rich and poor countries, apart from maybe a ‘convergence club’?
No. What is new about the new growth theory is the idea that what we
ought to be trying to do is get a single neoclassical model that can account
for rich and poor countries alike in the same terms. This contrasts with the
view that we had in the 1960s that there was one theory for the advanced
countries and some other model was needed for the Third World. The whole
presumption in the 1960s was that some explicit policy, perhaps based on
the Russian model, was needed to promote development in poor countries.
Robert E. Lucas Jr 289

We didn’t think of economic growth as something that just happened through

market forces.

What do you see as being the important policy implications of the work that
has been done so far on endogenous growth? Some economists have inter-
preted the work as suggesting that there is a more positive role for government
than, say, was the case with the Solow model.
Yes. An implication of the Solow model was that the long-term growth rate of
an economy was dictated by technological change and there wasn’t anything
we could do about it. Some of the endogenous growth models have the
property that the long-term growth rate is endogenously determined and that
changes in the tax structure, for example, can influence what that growth rate
is. We can now use these new models to analyse the growth effects of
changes in tax policy. That is something we couldn’t do before. But these
effects I think are pretty small. Even where you have a model where growth
rates can be changed by policy the effects seem to be pretty modest.

What in your view is the reason why the ‘Tiger’ economies of South East Asia
have been so successful? While the Tiger economies have been catching up
with the West with 8 or 9 per cent growth rates, in Africa the 1980s was
almost a completely lost decade as far as economic growth was concerned.
Well, you know Africa has had awful politics.

Do you think African countries generally lack the necessary institutional

framework required for successful development?
No. There has been much too much socialist influence. The common feature
of countries like Taiwan, Korea and Japan is that they have had some kind of
conservative, pro-market, pro-business, economic policies. I mean I wouldn’t
exactly call them free trade because Japan and Korea at least are very mer-
cantilist in their trade policies, which I don’t approve of. But it is better than
socialism and import substitution by a long, long way.

While they have been outward-looking, some development economists would

argue that within many of the South East Asian Tiger economies there has
been quite a lot of government intervention. As such they see it as being an
example of successful government intervention.
Right. That is how everybody in Japan and Korea sees it [laughter].

You don’t see it that way?

Even Chicago Korean students think that the Korean growth rates have been
engineered by government manipulation. I don’t agree with that view. I don’t
see any evidence for that at all. But it is hard to refute. There is no question
290 Modern macroeconomics

that governments have been extremely active in doing things that they think
promote economic growth.

Economic Policy

In your 1978 AER paper on ‘Unemployment Policy’ you suggested that

macroeconomic analysis would make better progress if the concept of invol-
untary unemployment were abandoned. Many economists, for example Kevin
Hoover [1988, 1995c], have criticized you for this and question whether you
can regard unemployment as simply voluntary.
There is both an involuntary and a voluntary element in any kind of unem-
ployment. Take anybody who is looking for a job. At the end of the day if
they haven’t found one, they are unhappy about it. They did not choose to
find one in some sense. Everyone wishes he has better options than he does.
But there is also obviously a voluntary element in unemployment when there
are all these jobs around. When we are unemployed it is because we think we
can do better.

I suppose this is something that bothers Europeans more because aggregate

unemployment is much more of an issue in Europe. It doesn’t seem to be as
much of an issue in the USA.
It should be.

Many European economies including Germany, France and Italy are cur-
rently experiencing unemployment rates in excess of 10 per cent.
Well, if you go into the neighbourhoods within a mile of my university you
will find 50 per cent unemployment rates. So it is an issue here too.

The Bank of England is less independent than the German Bundesbank. Do

you see that as a possible reason why Britain’s inflation performance has
been less successful than that of Germany?
I don’t know, it could be. I don’t feel I have much understanding of the
political sources of differences in monetary policy across countries.

Economic policy doesn’t seem to have been guided by new classical theoreti-
cal developments in the same way as it has by Keynesianism and monetarism.
Why has its impact been less influential in economic policy making?
Why do you say that? We have talked about the increasing focus of central
bankers on inflation and the de-emphasis of everybody on fine-tuning. That is
an important trend in the last 20 years in the USA and Europe, and to my
mind a very healthy one.
Robert E. Lucas Jr 291

Would this not have come about in any case as a result of Friedman’s
influence, without rational expectations and equilibrium theorizing?

Have you ever been invited to be an economic adviser in Washington? Is that

a role you see for yourself?

You once made a comment [Lucas, 1981c] that ‘as an advice-giving profes-
sion we are in way over our heads’. Is that the reason you haven’t considered
such a role more seriously?
No. Not at all. I believe economists ought to run everything [laughter].

So did Keynes.
I know. I don’t think I personally have any particular talent or liking for that
kind of role. But I am glad that other people like John Taylor or Larry
Summers do. For example, I think that the whole reason the Clinton health
insurance reform fell on its face was that not enough economists were in-
volved. I like economics and I think economics is hugely relevant on almost
any issue of national policy. The more good economists are involved the
happier I am. But I don’t personally feel drawn to doing it.

What are your views on European Monetary Union?

Again I don’t know enough about the politics, which has to be central.

Does it make economic sense to you?

Well, it’s an issue in inventory theory. The cost of dealing with multiple
currencies is that if you are doing business in Europe you, or people you hire
to help you, have to have stocks of inventories of a lot of different currencies
because payments are coming due in a lot of different currencies. The inven-
tory cost of holding money is the interest foregone you could have earned by
holding interest-bearing assets. If you have a common currency you can
consolidate your cash inventories so that there is a saving involved. That is a
very modest saving, but it is positive. But obviously multiple currencies are
not inconsistent with a huge amount of prosperity. If you can consolidate, all
the better, but those purely economic gains are pretty modest. If you don’t
trust somebody else to run your monetary policy, maybe you want to oppose
monetary union. For myself, I would be happy to turn my monetary policy
over to the Germans any day [laughter].
292 Modern macroeconomics

Personal Information

When we interviewed Milton Friedman [see Snowdon and Vane, 1997b] he

commented that he had experienced three reactions to many of his views, to
quote: ‘the first reaction is that it’s all a bunch of nonsense, the second
reaction is that there is something to it and the third reaction is that it gets
embedded in the theory and nobody talks about it anymore’. How well does
this parallel with new and controversial ideas you have fought to get ac-
A little bit. But you know Milton is like Keynes. He goes directly to the
public, to the voters, with ideas. The reactions he is talking about are the
reactions of non-economists, of politicians, of a huge range of people, to the
changes in policies he is advocating. My career hasn’t really taken that form.
My influence has been very much more inside the profession and for that
matter on a technical subset of the profession. In so far as I have had any
influence on the larger world you can’t really identify it because my influence
is contained with the influence of many others. How do you tell my influence
from Tom Sargent’s influence? Nobody other than professional economists
would even have heard of me. No one in the US Congress is going to say ‘I
favour Lucas’s policy’. The reply would be, ‘who is Lucas?’! [laughter].

Turning to the award of the Nobel Prize. When we interviewed James Tobin in
1993 and asked him how he felt about being awarded the Prize his reaction
was somewhat defensive along the lines that he didn’t ask for it; the Swedish
Academy gave it to him. In correspondence we asked Milton Friedman a
similar question and he acknowledged that it was extremely rewarding. He
also told us that he first learned of the award from a reporter who stuck a
microphone in his face when he was in a parking lot in Detroit. We were
wondering what importance you attach to having been awarded the Nobel
Oh, it was a tremendous thing for me. I don’t know what else I can say. I
don’t know what Jim could possibly have had in mind. He was certainly
pleased when it happened and he certainly merited the award. Reporters will
ask you, and this annoys me too after a while, ‘what did you do to deserve
this prize?’ They should look up what the Swedish Academy said on the
Internet. I don’t want to have to defend it. If that is what Jim meant, then I
have been through the same thing and I am just as irritated by it as he is.

What issues or areas are you currently working on?

I’m thinking about monetary policy again, actually. In particular all central
banks now want to talk about the interest rate as being the immediate variable
they manipulate. I don’t get it and yet their record on controlling inflation is
Robert E. Lucas Jr 293

pretty good. Talking in terms of interest rate targets as opposed to monetary

targets seems to me just the wrong way to think about it, but if so, why does it
work so well?

Finally, is there any question that you would have liked to have been asked in
this interview?
I don’t know [laughter]. Your questions are interesting to me. You guys are
economists and it’s a lot more fun being interviewed by an economist than
being interviewed by a journalist who is completely ignorant of economics
6. The real business cycle school
If these theories are correct, they imply that the macroeconomics developed in the
wake of the Keynesian revolution is well confined to the ashbin of history. (Sum-
mers, 1986)

6.1 Introduction: The Demise of New Classical Macroeconomics

Mark I

The dramatic statement by Lawrence Summers concerning real business

cycle theory is no exaggeration. The reason has to do with the striking
implications of developments in business cycle theory associated with the
real business cycle school that initially took place in the early 1980s. We
have already seen in the previous two chapters how the influence of both
monetarism and new classical economics called into question the desirabil-
ity and effectiveness of activist discretionary stabilization policies. Such
policies were founded on the belief that aggregate demand shocks were the
main source of aggregate instability. But rather than advocate the persistent
use of expansionary aggregate demand policies in an attempt to achieve
some target rate of (full) employment, both Friedman and Lucas advocated
the use of supply-side policies in order to achieve employment goals (Fried-
man, 1968a; Lucas, 1978a, 1990a). During the 1960s and 1970s, both
Friedman and Lucas, in their explanation of business cycles, emphasized
monetary shocks as the primary impulse mechanism driving the cycle. The
real business cycle theorists have gone much further in their analysis of the
supply side. In the model developed during the early 1980s by Kydland and
Prescott (1982) a purely supply-side explanation of the business cycle is
provided. This paper marked the launch of a ‘mark II’ version of new
classical macroeconomics. Indeed, the research of Kydland and Prescott
represented a serious challenge to all previous mainstream accounts of the
business cycle that focused on aggregate demand shocks, in particular those
that emphasized monetary shocks.
Particularly shocking to conventional wisdom is the bold conjecture ad-
vanced by real business cycle theorists that each stage of the business cycle
(peak, recession, trough and recovery) is an equilibrium! As Hartley et al.
(1998) point out, ‘to common sense, economic booms are good and slumps
are bad’. This ‘common sense’ vision was captured in the neoclassical syn-

The real business cycle school 295

thesis period with the assumption that ‘full employment’ represented equilib-
rium and that recessions were periods of welfare-reducing disequilibrium
implying market failure and the need for stabilization policy. Real business
cycle theorists reject this market failure view. While recessions are not de-
sired by economic agents, they represent the aggregate outcome of responses
to unavoidable shifts in the constraints that agents face. Given these con-
straints, agents react optimally and market outcomes displaying aggregate
fluctuations are efficient. There is no need for economists to resort to disequi-
librium analysis, coordination failure, price stickiness, monetary and financial
shocks, and notions such as fundamental uncertainty to explain aggregate
instability. Rather, theorists can make use of the basic neoclassical growth
model to understand the business cycle once allowance is made for random-
ness in the rate of technological progress (the neoclassical growth model is
discussed in Chapter 11). In this setting, the business cycle emerges as the
aggregate outcome of maximizing decisions made by all the agents populat-
ing an economy.

6.2 The Transition from Monetary to Real Equilibrium Business Cycle


As we have seen in Chapter 5, the dominant new classical theory of the

business cycle during the period 1972–82 was the monetary surprise model
(MEBCT) initially developed by Lucas (1975, 1977). Since the early 1980s
the leading new classical explanation of aggregate instability has focused on
real rather than monetary shocks, and after the contribution of Long and
Plosser (1983) became known as real (equilibrium) business cycle theory
(REBCT). The best-known advocates or contributors to this approach are
Edward Prescott of the University of Minnesota, Finn Kydland of Carnegie-
Mellon University, Charles Plosser, John Long and Alan Stockman of the
University of Rochester, Robert King of Boston University, Sergio Rebelo of
Northwestern University and Robert Barro of Harvard University (see inter-
views with Robert Barro and Charles Plosser in Snowdon et al. 1994).
In the early 1980s, in response to recognized weaknesses in the MEBCT
some new classical theorists sought to provide a rigorous equilibrium account
of the business cycle which is both free from the theoretical flaws of earlier
new classical models and would, at the same time, be empirically robust. The
result has been the development of REBCT, which replaces the impulse
mechanism of the earlier models (that is, unanticipated monetary shocks)
with supply-side shocks in the form of random changes in technology. The
propagation mechanisms of the earlier new classical models are, however,
retained and developed. Ironically it was Tobin (1980b) who was one of the
first to recognize this unlikely escape route for equilibrium theorists. In
296 Modern macroeconomics

criticizing the monetary misperception stories of Lucas, Tobin noted that the
‘real equilibrium of a full information model could move around, driven by
fluctuations in natural endowments, technologies and tastes’ and, if such
fluctuations were seriously persistent random processes, the observations
generated ‘may look like business cycles’. Meanwhile, around 1980, Kydland
and Prescott were working on just such a model and two years after Tobin
made his comments Econometrica published Kydland and Prescott’s paper
containing their prototype non-monetary equilibrium model.
Before moving on to consider real business cycle theory in more detail, it
is interesting to note the reaction to this second phase of equilibrium theoriz-
ing of two of the leading pioneers of the new classical mark I approach. In
Robert Lucas’s view, Kydland and Prescott have taken macroeconomic mod-
elling ‘into new territory’ (Lucas, 1987). However, Lucas’s initial reaction to
REBCT was to suggest that the exclusive focus of such models on real as
opposed to monetary considerations was ‘a mistake’ and argued the case for a
‘hybrid’ model as a fruitful way forward. Nevertheless Lucas warmly ap-
proved of the methodology adopted by real business cycle theorists who have
followed his own earlier recommendation that an understanding of business
cycles is best achieved ‘by constructing a model in the most literal sense: a
fully articulated artificial economy which behaves through time so as to
imitate closely the time series behaviour of actual economies’ (Lucas, 1977).
Such artificial economic systems can serve as laboratories ‘in which policies
that would be prohibitively expensive to experiment with in actual economies
can be tested out at much lower cost’ (Lucas, 1980a). This is exactly what
real business cycle theorists established as their research agenda during the
1980s, and Lucas’s (1980a) paper is the reference point for the modern era of
equilibrium theorizing. As Williamson (1996) points out, ‘in Lucas one finds
a projection for future research methodology which is remarkably close to
the real business cycle program’.
By 1996 Lucas admitted that ‘monetary shocks just aren’t that important.
That’s the view that I’ve been driven to. There is no question that’s a retreat
in my views’ (see Gordon, 2000a, p. 555). Meanwhile Lucas has put forward
the view several times that he considers the business cycle to be a relatively
‘minor’ problem, at least at the level experienced since 1945 (Lucas, 1987,
2003). In his view it is far more important to understand the process of
economic growth if we are really interested in raising living standards, rather
than trying to devise ever more intricate stabilization policies in order to
remove the residual amount of business cycle risk (see Lucas, 1988, 1993,
2002, 2003, and Chapter 11).
By the late 1980s Robert Barro (1989a, 1989c) also declared that the
emphasis given by new classical economists during the 1970s to explaining
the non-neutrality of money was ‘misplaced’ because the ‘new classical
The real business cycle school 297

approach does not do very well in accounting for an important role for money
in business fluctuations’. By the mid-1980s, Barro regarded the contributions
of real business cycle theorists as ‘especially promising’ and representing
‘real progress’ (Barro, 1984). Furthermore, his own work had provided a
bridge between the mark I and mark II versions of new classical macroeco-
nomics (see Barro, 1981). In any case the lack of robust empirical success of
the earlier models does not invalidate the achievements of the new classical
theorists in the 1970s which in Barro’s view led to ‘superior methods of
theoretical and empirical analysis’ (Barro, 1984).
The three main new classical achievements identified by Barro (1989a) are
(i) the application of equilibrium modelling to macroeconomic analysis, (ii)
the adoption and promotion of the rational expectations hypothesis, and (iii)
the application of game theory to policy making and evaluation. The first two
contributions satisfy the objectives of building macro models on choice-
theoretic microfoundations, as well as providing an analytical framework
which can better withstand the Lucas (1976) critique. The third area relating
to dynamic games has drawn out the importance in policy analysis of the
roles of commitment, credibility and reputation as well as clarifying the
distinction between rules and discretion. The insights gained relating to the
time inconsistency of policy have now been applied to a wide variety of areas
other than the conduct of monetary policy. Although Barro remains enthusi-
astic about real business cycle theory, he, like Lucas, began to redirect his
research work in the late 1980s primarily towards issues related to economic
growth (see Barro, 1991, 1997; Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1995).
For detailed surveys of the evolution and development of REBCT, the
reader is referred to Walsh (1986), Rush (1987), Kim (1988), Plosser (1989),
Mullineux and Dickinson (1992), McCallum (1992), Danthine and Donaldson
(1993), Stadler (1994), Williamson (1996), Ryan and Mullineux (1997), Snow-
don and Vane (1997a), Hartley et al. (1998), Arnold (2002), and Kehoe and
Prescott (2002).

6.3 Real Business Cycle Theory in Historical Perspective

Real business cycle theory, as developed by its modern proponents, is built on

the assumption that there are large random fluctuations in the rate of techno-
logical progress. These supply-side shocks to the production function generate
fluctuations in aggregate output and employment as rational individuals re-
spond to the altered structure of relative prices by changing their labour
supply and consumption decisions. While this development is in large part a
response to the demise of the earlier monetary misperception models and
Lucas’s call to construct ‘artificial economies’, it also represents a general
revival of interest in the supply side of the macro equation.
298 Modern macroeconomics

The idea that business cycles might be driven by real rather than monetary
forces is certainly not an entirely new idea. The real business cycle models
inspired by Kydland and Prescott’s (1982) seminal paper belong to a long
line of analysis which was prominent in the literature before Keynes’s (1936)
General Theory (see Haberler, 1963, for a superb survey of the interwar
business cycle literature). Whereas some economists such as Ralph Hawtrey
held to the extreme monetary interpretation of the business cycle, the work of
others, in particular Dennis Robertson, Joseph Schumpeter and Knut Wicksell,
emphasized real forces as the engine behind business fluctuations (see
Deutscher, 1990; Goodhart and Presley, 1991; T. Caporale, 1993). While the
work of Robertson was not as dismissive of monetary forces as modern real
business cycle theory, according to Goodhart and Presley there is a great deal
of similarity between the emphasis given by Robertson to technological
change and the recent work of the equilibrium theorists. Technological change
also played a pivotal role in Joseph Schumpeter’s analysis of the short-run
instability and long-run dynamics of capitalist development. Since the intro-
duction of new technology influences the long-run growth of productivity as
well as causing short-run disequilibrating effects, Schumpeter, like modern
real business cycle theorists, viewed cycles and growth as inseparably inter-
related (see Schumpeter, 1939). Caporale (1993) argues that Knut Wicksell
was also an early expositor of real business cycle theory. Caporale shows that
Wicksell attributed ‘trade cycles to real causes independent of movements in
commodity prices’. To Wicksell the main cause of the trade cycle is a supply-
side shock that raises the natural rate of interest above the loan rate of
interest. This is equivalent to a reduction in the loan rate of interest since the
banking system will typically fail to adjust the loan rate immediately to
reflect the new natural rate. Loan market disequilibrium acting as a propaga-
tion mechanism leads to endogenous money creation by the banking system
in response to entrepreneurs’ demand for loans to finance investment. The
investment boom, by distorting the time structure of production, thereby
creates inflationary pressures. Eventually the money rate of interest catches
up with the natural rate and the boom comes to an end. While this story had a
major influence on later Swedish and Austrian monetary theories of the trade
cycle, Caporale highlights how the Wicksell trade cycle story begins with a
real shock to the marginal product of capital. Wicksell’s real shocks plus
endogenous money account of the trade cycle is therefore remarkably similar
to the modern versions of REBCT provided by, for example, King and
Plosser (1984); see below, section 6.12.
Following the publication of Keynes’s (1936) General Theory, models of
the business cycle were constructed which emphasized the interaction of the
multiplier–accelerator mechanism (Samuelson, 1939; Hicks, 1950; Trigg,
2002). These models were also ‘real’ in that they viewed fluctuations as being
The real business cycle school 299

driven by real aggregate demand, mainly unstable investment expenditures,

with monetary factors downgraded and supply-side phenomena providing the
constraints which give rise to business cycle turning points (see Laidler,
1992a). Whatever their merits, multiplier–accelerator models ceased to be a
focus of active research by the early 1960s. To a large extent this reflected the
impact of the Keynesian revolution, which shifted the focus of macroeco-
nomic analysis away from business cycle phenomena to the development of
methods and policies which could improve macroeconomic performance.
Such was the confidence of some economists that the business cycle was no
longer a major problem that by 1969 some were even considering the ques-
tion: ‘Is the Business Cycle Obsolete?’ (Bronfenbrenner, 1969). Similar
conjectures about ‘The End of the Business Cycle’ appeared during the late
1990s, often framed in terms of discussions of the ‘new economy’; see, for
example, Weber (1997). We have already seen that during the 1970s and
1980s the business cycle returned with a vengeance (relative to the norm for
instability post 1945) and how dissatisfaction with Keynesian models led to
monetarist and new classical counter-revolutions.
The most recent developments in business cycle research inspired by equi-
librium theorists during the 1980s have proved to be a challenge to all the
earlier models relying on aggregate demand fluctuations as the main source
of instability. Hence real business cycle theory is not only a competitor to the
‘old’ Keynesian macroeconomics of the neoclassical synthesis period but also
represents a serious challenge to all monetarist and early MEBCT new classi-
cal models.
In addition to the above influences, the transition from monetary to real
theories of the business cycle was further stimulated by two other important
developments. First, the supply shocks associated with the two OPEC oil price
increases during the 1970s made macroeconomists more aware of the impor-
tance of supply-side factors in explaining macroeconomic instability (Blinder,
1979). These events, together with the apparent failure of the demand-oriented
Keynesian model to account adequately for rising unemployment accompanied
by accelerating inflation, forced all macroeconomists to devote increasing re-
search effort to the construction of macroeconomic theories where the supply
side has coherent microfoundations (see Chapter 7). Second, the seminal work
of Nelson and Plosser (1982) suggested that real shocks may be far more
important than monetary shocks in explaining the path of aggregate output over
time. Nelson and Plosser argue that the evidence is consistent with the proposi-
tion that output follows a path, which could best be described as a ‘random
Before examining the contribution of Nelson and Plosser in more detail it
is important to note that the desire of both Keynesian and new classical
economists to build better microfoundations for the supply side of their
300 Modern macroeconomics

models should not be confused with the emergence during the late 1970s and
1980s of a distinctive ‘supply-side school’ of economists, particularly in the
USA during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Writing in the mid-1980s,
Feldstein distinguished between ‘traditional supply-siders’ and the ‘new sup-
ply-side economics’ (Feldstein, 1986). Traditional supply-siders base their
analysis on mainstream neoclassical economic analysis and emphasize the
efficiency of markets, the importance of incentives for economic growth, and
the possibility of government failure. A large consensus of economists would
subscribe to this form of supply-side economics, including Keynesians, mon-
etarists and new classicists (see Friedman, 1968a; Tobin, 1987; Lucas, 1990a).
In contrast, the new supply-siders, such as Arthur Laffer, Jude Wanniski and
President Reagan himself, made ‘extravagant claims’ relating to the impact of
tax cuts and deregulation on the rate of economic growth. While supply-
siders claimed that the incentive effects of the Reagan tax cuts were responsible
for the US recovery after 1982, Tobin (1987) argued that Reagan’s policies
amounted to ‘Keynesian medicine, demand tonics masquerading as supply-
side nostrums, serendipitously administered by anti-Keynesian doctors’. For
discussions of ‘Reaganomics’ and the influence of ‘new supply-siders’ during
the 1980s see Samuelson (1984); Blanchard (1986); Feldstein (1986); Levacic
(1988); Modigliani (1988b); Roberts (1989); and Minford (1991).

6.4 Cycles versus Random Walks

During the 1970s, with the rebirth of interest in business cycle research,
economists became more involved with the statistical properties of economic
time series. One of the main problems in this work is to separate trend from
cycle. The conventional approach has been to imagine that the economy
evolves along a path reflecting an underlying trend rate of growth described
by Solow’s neoclassical model (Solow, 1956). This approach assumes that
the long-run trend component of GNP is smooth, with short-run fluctuations
about trend being primarily determined by demand shocks. This conventional
wisdom was accepted by Keynesian, monetarist and new classical econo-
mists alike until the early 1980s. The demand-shock models of all three
groups interpret output deviations from trend as temporary. If business cycles
are temporary events, then recessions create no long-run adverse effects on
GDP. However, whereas Keynesians feel that such deviations could be severe
and prolonged and therefore justify the need for corrective action, monetar-
ists, and especially new classical economists, reject the need for activist
stabilization policy, having greater faith in the equilibrating power of market
forces and rules-based monetary policy.
In 1982, Nelson and Plosser published an important paper which chal-
lenged this conventional wisdom. Their research into macroeconomic time
The real business cycle school 301

series led them to conclude that ‘macroeconomic models that focus on

monetary disturbances as a source of purely transitory fluctuations may
never be successful in explaining a large fraction of output variation and
that stochastic variation due to real factors is an essential element of any
model of macroeconomic fluctuations’. If real factors are behind aggregate
fluctuations, then business cycles should not be viewed as temporary events.
Recessions may well have permanent effects on GDP. The much-discussed
‘productivity slowdown’ after 1973 represents one such example (see Fischer
et al., 1988). Abel and Bernanke (2001) note that GDP in the USA re-
mained below the levels consistent with the 1947–73 trend throughout the
1980s and 1990s. In an analysis of the UK economy in the interwar period
Solomou (1996) finds that the shock of the First World War, and further
shocks in the immediate post-war period, had a permanent effect on the
path of equilibrium output.
Nelson and Plosser reached their important conclusion because in their
research into US data they were unable to reject the hypothesis that GNP
follows a random walk. How does this conclusion differ from the conven-
tional approach? The view that reversible cyclical fluctuations can account
for most of the short-term movements of real GNP can be represented by
equation (6.1):

Yt = gt + bYt −1 + zt (6.1)

where t represents time, g and b are constants and z represents random shocks
which have a zero mean. In equation (6.1) gt represents the underlying
average growth rate of GNP which describes the deterministic trend. Suppose
there is some shock to zt that causes output to rise above trend at time t. We
assume that the shock lasts one period only. Since Yt depends on Yt–1, the
shock will be transmitted forward in time, generating serial correlation. But
since in the traditional approach 0 < b < 1, the impact of the shock on output
will eventually die out and output will return to its trend rate of growth. In
this case output is said to be ‘trend-reverting’ or ‘trend-stationary’ (see
Blanchard and Fischer, 1989).
The impact of a shock on the path of income in the trend-stationary case is
illustrated in Figure 6.1, where we assume an expansionary monetary shock
occurs at time t1. Notice that Y eventually reverts to its trend path and
therefore this case is consistent with the natural rate hypothesis, which states
that deviations from the natural level of output caused by unanticipated
monetary shocks will be temporary.
In contrast to the above, Nelson and Plosser argue that most of the changes
in GNP that we observe are permanent, in that there is no tendency for output
to revert to its former trend following a shock. In this case GNP is said to
302 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 6.1 The path of output in the ‘trend-reverting’ case

Figure 6.2 The path of output where shocks have a permanent influence
The real business cycle school 303

evolve as a statistical process known as a random walk. Equation (6.2) shows

a random walk with drift for GNP:

Yt = gt + Yt −1 + zt (6.2)

In equation (6.2) gt reflects the ‘drift’ of output and, with Yt also being
dependent on Yt–1, any shock to zt will raise output permanently. Suppose a
shock raises the level of output at time t1 in Figure 6.2. Since output in the
next period is determined by output in period t1, the rise in output persists in
every future period. In the case of a random walk with drift, output is said to
have a ‘unit root’; that is, the coefficient on the lagged output term in equa-
tion (6.2) is set equal to unity, b = 1. The identification of unit roots is
assumed to be a manifestation of shocks to the production function.
These findings of Nelson and Plosser have radical implications for busi-
ness cycle theory. If shocks to productivity growth due to technological
change are frequent and random, then the path of output following a random
walk will exhibit features that resemble a business cycle. In this case, how-
ever, the observed fluctuations in GNP are fluctuations in the natural (trend)
rate of output, not deviations of output from a smooth deterministic trend.
What looks like output fluctuating around a smooth trend is in fact fluctua-
tions in the natural rate of output induced by a series of permanent shocks,
with each permanent productivity shock determining a new growth path.
Whereas, following Solow’s seminal work, economists have traditionally
separated the analysis of growth from the analysis of fluctuations, the work of
Nelson and Plosser suggests that the economic forces determining the trend
are not different from those causing fluctuations. Since permanent changes in
GNP cannot result from monetary shocks in a new classical world because of
the neutrality proposition, the main forces causing instability must be real
shocks. Nelson and Plosser interpret their findings as placing limits on the
importance of monetary theories of the business cycle and that real distur-
bances are likely to be a much more important source of output fluctuations.
If there are important interactions between the process of growth and busi-
ness cycles, the conventional practice of separating growth theory from the
analysis of fluctuations is illegitimate. By ending the distinction between
trend and cycle, real business cycle theorists began to integrate the theory of
growth and fluctuations (see King et al., 1988a, 1988b; Plosser, 1989).

6.5 Supply-side Shocks

Cyclical instability can arise because of shocks to aggregate demand or

shocks to aggregate supply, or some combination of the two. On the demand
side, the shocks may originate from instability in some component of the IS
304 Modern macroeconomics

curve, as stressed by Keynes and most of the earlier Keynesian models, or

they may originate from instability on the monetary side, as described by the
LM curve and emphasized by monetarists. On the supply side, we can imag-
ine a variety of shocks which could result in significant changes in productivity:

1. Unfavourable developments in the physical environment which adversely

affect agricultural output. This type of shock would include natural dis-
asters such as earthquakes, drought and floods.
2. Significant changes in the price of energy, such as the oil price ‘hikes’ of
1973 and 1979 and the subsequent reduction in 1986. James Hamilton
(1983, 1996) has argued that most US recessions since 1945 have been
preceded by energy price increases.
3. War, political upheaval, or labour unrest which disrupts the existing
performance and structure of the economy, as with the disruption experi-
enced in the former Yugoslavia and Soviet Union, and more recently in
Iraq, or the strikes and labour unrest in the UK during the 1970s and
4. Government regulations, such as import quotas, which damage incen-
tives and divert entrepreneurial talent towards rent-seeking activities.
5. Productivity shocks generated by changes in the quality of the capital
and labour inputs, new management practices, the development of new
products and the introduction of new techniques of production.

While some or all of the above will be important at specific points in time and
space, it is the fifth category, which we can broadly define as ‘technological
shocks’, which we can expect under normal circumstances to be the driving
force on the supply side over the longer term for advanced industrial econo-
mies. It should not be forgotten that politically stable economies, which are
normally free from natural disasters, are still characterized by aggregate
Before examining the main features of REBCT we will first review the
main features and ‘stylized facts’ that characterize fluctuations in aggregate
economic activity (business cycles).

6.6 Business Cycles: Main Features and Stylized Facts

As we noted earlier, the main objective of macroeconomic analysis is to

provide coherent and robust explanations of aggregate movements of output,
employment and the price level, in both the short run and the long run. We
have also drawn attention to the major research programmes, or schools of
thought which attempt to explain such movements, that emerged following
the publication of Keynes’s (1936) General Theory (Snowdon and Vane,
The real business cycle school 305

1997a). Any assessment of a particular theory must take into account its
ability to explain the main features and ‘stylized facts’ which characterize
macroeconomic instability (see Greenwald and Stiglitz, 1988).
By ‘stylized facts’ we mean the broad regularities that have been identified
in the statistical property of economic time series. The identification of the
major ‘stylized facts’ relating to business cycle phenomena is a legitimate
field of enquiry in its own right (see Zarnowitz, 1992a, 1992b). In the USA
the National Bureau of Economic Research, founded in 1920, pioneered
research into business cycle phenomena, the landmark work being Measuring
Business Cycles by Arthur Burns and Wesley Mitchell, published in 1946. In
this book Burns and Mitchell provide their classic definition of business

Business cycles are a type of fluctuation found in the aggregate economic activity
of nations that organise their work mainly in business enterprises. A cycle consists
of expansions occurring at about the same time in many economic activities,
followed by similarly general recessions, contractions, and revivals which merge
into the expansion phase of the next cycle; this sequence of changes is recurrent
but not periodic, in duration business cycles vary from more than one year to ten
or twelve years.

The identification by Burns and Mitchell and subsequent research of co-

movements of economic variables behaving in a predictable way over the
course of the business cycle led Lucas (1977) to claim that ‘with respect to
the qualitative behaviour of co-movements among series (economic vari-
ables) business cycles are all alike’. This is an attractive characteristic for the
economic theorist because ‘it suggests the possibility of a unified explanation
of business cycles grounded in the general laws governing market economies,
rather than in political or institutional characteristics specific to particular
countries or periods’ (Lucas, 1977, p. 10). Although many economists would
not go this far, it is obvious that theoretical explanations of business cycle
phenomena must be generally guided by the identified statistical properties of
the co-movements of deviations from trend of the various economic aggre-
gates with those of real GDP. The co-movement of many important economic
variables in a predictable way is an important feature of business cycles.
While business cycles are not periodic (that is, they vary in their length and
do not occur at predictable intervals), they are recurrent (that is, they repeat-
edly occur in industrial economies). How well a particular theory is capable
of accounting for the major stylized facts of the business cycle will be a
principal means of evaluating that theory. As Abel and Bernanke (2001,
p. 284) have argued, ‘to be successful, a theory of the business cycle must
explain the cyclical behaviour of not just a few variables, such as output and
employment, but of a wide range of key economic variables’.
306 Modern macroeconomics

Business cycles have been a major feature of industrialized economies for

the last 150 years. The textbook description of a typical business cycle
highlights the phases of a business cycle, from trough through the expansion-
ary phase to peak, followed by a turning point leading to a recessionary phase
where aggregate economic activity contracts. Within this general cyclical
pattern, what are the key business cycle ‘stylized facts’ which any viable
macroeconomic theory must confront? Here we present only a brief summary
of the research findings (for a more detailed discussion see Lucas, 1981a;

Table 6.1 The ‘stylized facts’ of the business cycle

Variable Direction Timing

Industrial production* Procyclical Coincident

Consumption Procyclical Coincident
Business fixed investment Procyclical Coincident
Residential investment Procyclical Leading
Inventory investment ** Procyclical Leading
Government purchases Procyclical Undesignated

Labour market variables

Employment Procyclical Coincident
Unemployment Countercyclical No clear pattern
Average labour productivity Procyclical Leading
Real wage Procyclical Undesignated

Money supply and inflation

Money supply Procyclical Leading
Inflation Procyclical Lagging

Financial variables
Stock prices Procyclical Leading
Nominal interest rates Procyclical Lagging
Real interest rates Acyclical Undesignated

* Durable goods industries are more volatile than non-durable goods and services.
** Investment expenditures are more volatile than consumption expenditures.

Source: Abel and Bernanke (2001, p. 288).

The real business cycle school 307

Blanchard and Fischer, 1989; Zarnowitz, 1992a; Danthine and Donaldson,

1993; Simkins, 1994; Els, 1995; Abel and Bernanke, 2001; Ryan, 2002).
Within macroeconomics there is a great deal of controversy about the
causes of aggregate fluctuations in economic activity. However, according to
Abel and Bernanke (2001), there is a reasonable amount of agreement about
the basic empirical business cycle facts. Even though no two business cycles
are identical, they do tend to have many features in common. The main
‘stylized facts’, as summarized by Abel and Bernanke, are classified accord-
ing to both direction and timing relative to the movement of GDP. With
respect to the direction of movement, variables that move in the same direc-
tion (display positive correlation) as GDP are procyclical; variables that
move in the opposite direction (display negative correlation) to GDP are
countercyclical; variables that display no clear pattern (display zero correla-
tion) are acyclical. With respect to timing, variables that move ahead of GDP
are leading variables; variables that follow GDP are lagging variables; and
variables that move at the same time as GDP are coincident variables.
Table 6.1 indicates that the main stylized facts, as set out by Abel and
Bernanke (2001), show that output movements tend to be correlated across
all sectors of the economy, and that industrial production, consumption and
investment are procyclical and coincident. Government purchases also tend
to be procyclical. Investment is much more volatile over the course of the
business cycle than consumption, although spending on consumer durables is
strongly procyclical. Employment is procyclical and unemployment counter-
cyclical. The real wage and average labour productivity are procyclical,
although the real wage is only slightly procyclical. The money supply and
stock prices are procyclical and lead the cycle. Inflation (and by implication
the price level) and nominal interest rates are procyclical and lagging while
the real interest rate is acyclical. As we shall see, this ‘agreement’ about the
stylized facts has implications for our assessment of the competing theories.
However, deciding what are the ‘facts’ is certainly not uncontroversial (see
Ryan and Mullineux, 1997; Ryan, 2002).

6.7 Real Business Cycle Theory

The modern new classical research programme starts from the position that
‘growth and fluctuations are not distinct phenomena to be studied with separate
data and different analytical tools’ (Cooley, 1995). The REBCT research pro-
gramme was initiated by Kydland and Prescott (1982), who in effect took up
the challenge posed by Lucas (1980a) to build an artificial imitation economy
capable of imitating the main features of actual economies. The artificial
economy consists of optimizing agents acting in a frictionless perfectly com-
petitive environment that is subject to repeated shocks to productivity. Although
308 Modern macroeconomics

the second phase of new classical macroeconomics has switched emphasis

away from monetary explanations of the business cycle, the more recently
developed equilibrium models have retained and refined the other new classical
building blocks.
Following Frisch (1933) and Lucas (1975, 1977), real business cycle theo-
rists distinguish between impulse and propagation mechanisms. An impulse
mechanism is the initial shock which causes a variable to deviate from its
steady state value. A propagation mechanism consists of those forces which
carry the effects of the shock forward through time and cause the deviation
from the steady state to persist. The more recent brand of new classical
equilibrium theories have the following general features (Stadler, 1994):

1. REBCT utilizes a representative agent framework where the agent/house-

hold/firm aims to maximize their utility or profits, subject to prevailing
resource constraints.
2. Agents form expectations rationally and do not suffer informational
asymmetries. While expected prices are equal to actual prices, agents
may still face a signal extraction problem in deciding whether or not a
particular productivity shock is temporary or permanent.
3. Price flexibility ensures continuous market clearing so that equilibrium
always prevails. There are no frictions or transaction costs.
4. Fluctuations in aggregate output and employment are driven by large
random changes in the available production technology. Exogenous shocks
to technology act as the impulse mechanism in these models.
5. A variety of propagation mechanisms carry forward the impact of the
initial impulse. These include the effect of consumption smoothing, lags
in the investment process (‘time to build’), and intertemporal labour
6. Fluctuations in employment reflect voluntary changes in the number of
hours people choose to work. Work and leisure are assumed to be highly
substitutable over time.
7. Monetary policy is irrelevant, having no influence on real variables, that
is, money is neutral.
8. The distinction between the short run and the long run in the analysis of
economic fluctuations and trends is abandoned.

It can be seen from the above that the major changes from MEBCT are with
respect to: (i) the dominant impulse factor, with technological shocks replac-
ing monetary shocks; (ii) the abandonment of the emphasis given to imperfect
information as regards the general price level which played such a crucial
role in the earlier monetary misperception models inspired by Lucas; and (iii)
the breaking down of the short-run/long-run dichotomy in macroeconomic
The real business cycle school 309

analysis by integrating the theory of growth with the theory of fluctuations.

The lack of clear supporting evidence from econometric work on the causal
role of money in economic fluctuations was generally interpreted as provid-
ing a strong case for shifting the direction of research towards models where
real forces play a crucial role. As we have already seen, this case was further
strengthened by the findings of Nelson and Plosser (1982) that most macr-
oeconomic time series are better described as a random walk, rather than as
fluctuations or deviations from deterministic trends. Real business cycle theo-
rists also claim that their theories provide a better explanation of the ‘stylized
facts’ which characterize aggregate fluctuations. Indeed, they have challenged
much of the conventional wisdom with respect to what are the stylized facts
(see section 6.14 below).

6.8 The Structure of a Real Business Cycle Model

In the typical real business cycle model, aggregate output of a single good,
which can be used for both consumption or investment purposes, is produced
according to a constant returns to scale neoclassical production function
shown by equation (6.3):

Yt = At F( Kt , Lt ) (6.3)

where Kt is the capital stock, Lt is the labour input, and At represents a

stochastic productivity shift factor (shocks to technology or total factor pro-
ductivity = TFP). The evolution of the technology parameter, At, is random
and takes the form shown in equation (6.4):

At +1 = ρAt + ε t +1 , where 0 < ρ < 1, (6.4)

Here ρ is large but less than 1, and ε is a random disturbance to technology.

Equation (6.4) tells us that the level of technology in any given period
depends on the level prevailing in the previous period plus a random distur-
bance (Kydland and Prescott, 1996). In real business cycle models it is
usually assumed that the typical economy is populated by identical individu-
als. This allows group behaviour to be explained by the behaviour of a
representative agent (Plosser, 1989; Hartley, 1997). The representative agent’s
utility function takes the general form given by (6.5):

Ut = f (Ct , Let ), where f ′(Ct ) > 0, and f ′( Let ) > 0 (6.5)

Here Ct is units of consumption and Let hours of leisure for our representative
agent. It is assumed that the objective function of the representative agent
310 Modern macroeconomics

(Robinson Crusoe) is to maximize the expected discounted sum of their

current and future utility over an infinite time horizon. This maximization
problem is given by equation (6.6):

 ∞ 
 j =0
[ ]
Ut = max Et ∑ β t + j u Ct + j ,1 − Lt − j | Ω t , 1 > β > 0

where Ct is the representative agent’s level of consumption, Lt is the number

of hours of work, 1–Lt is the hours of leisure consumed, Et {·} is the math-
ematical expectations operator, Ωt is the information set on which expectations
are based, and β is the representative agent’s discount factor. Equation (6.6)
provides a specification of a representative agent’s willingness to substitute
consumption for leisure. Thus the choice problem for the representative agent
is how to maximize their lifetime (infinite) utility subject to resource con-
straints shown in equations (6.7) and (6.8):

Ct + It , ≤ At F( Kt , Lt ) (6.7)

Lt + Let ≤ 1 (6.8)

Equation (6.7) indicates that the total amount of consumption (Ct) plus in-
vestment (It) cannot exceed production (Yt), and equation (6.8) limits the total
number of hours available to a maximum of 1. The evolution of the capital
stock depends on current investment (= saving) and the rate of depreciation,
δ, as given in equation (6.9):

Kt +1 = (1 − δ ) Kt + It (6.9)

In this setting a disturbance to the productivity shift factor At (technological

shock) will result in a dynamic response from the utility-maximizing repre-
sentative agent such that we will observe variations in output, hours worked,
consumption and investment over many periods.
To illustrate how a ‘business cycle’ can occur in a world without money
or financial institutions, let us take the extreme case of Robinson Crusoe on
a desert island. Suppose an exogenous shock occurs (a change in At in
equation 6.3), raising Robinson Crusoe’s productivity. In this particular
example we can think in terms of an unusual improvement in the weather
compared to what Crusoe has been used to over the previous years. With
the same number of hours worked Crusoe can now produce much more
output given the more favourable weather. Because Crusoe is concerned
about consumption in the future as well as the present (see equation 6.6), it
is likely that he will choose to reduce current leisure and work more hours
The real business cycle school 311

in the current period; that is, Crusoe will engage in intertemporal labour
The incentive to save and work longer hours will be especially strong if
Crusoe believes the shock (better-than-normal weather) is likely to be short-
lived. Because some of the increase in output is saved and invested, according
to equation (6.9), the capital stock will be higher in the next period, and all
future periods. This means that the impact of even a temporary shock on
output is carried forward into the future. Moreover, the response of the
representative agent to the economic shock is optimal, so that Crusoe’s
economy exhibits dynamic Pareto efficiency. When the weather returns to
normal the following year Crusoe reverts to his normal working pattern and
output declines, although it is now higher than was the case before the shock.
Remember, Crusoe now has a higher capital stock due to the accumulation
that took place during the previous year. As Plosser (1989) argues, the out-
comes we observe in response to a shock are ones chosen by the representative
agent. Therefore the social planner should in no way attempt to enforce a
different outcome via interventionist policies. Note that throughout this hy-
pothetical example we have just witnessed a fluctuation of output (a business
cycle) on Crusoe’s island induced entirely by a supply-side shock and Crusoe’s
optimal response to that shock. At no time did money or financial variables
play any part.
In the Crusoe story we noted how our representative agent engaged in
intertemporal labour substitution when the price of leisure increased (in
terms of lost potential current output) due to more favourable weather. Ac-
cording to real business cycle theorists, the large response of the labour
supply to small changes in the real wage, resulting from the intertemporal
substitution of labour, acts as a powerful propagation mechanism. According
to this hypothesis, first introduced by Lucas and Rapping (1969), households
shift their labour supply over time, being more willing to work when real
wages are temporarily high and working fewer hours when real wages are
temporarily low. Why should this be the case?
Since the aggregate supply of labour depends on the labour supply deci-
sions of individuals, we need to consider the various factors which influence
the amount of labour individuals choose to supply. The benefits of current
employment relate primarily (but obviously not entirely) to the income earned
which allows the individual worker to consume goods and services. In order
to earn income, workers will need to allocate less of their time to leisure, a
term used to encapsulate all non-income-producing activities. The utility
function for the representative worker indicates that consumption and leisure
both yield utility. But in making their labour supply decisions workers will
consider future as well as current consumption and leisure. In taking into
account the future when deciding how much labour to supply in the current
312 Modern macroeconomics

period, workers will need to consider how much the current real wage offers
are above or below the norm. The substitution effect of a higher real wage
offer will tend to increase the quantity of labour supplied. However, since
higher real wages also make workers feel wealthier, this will tend to suppress
the supply of labour. This wealth or income effect works in the opposite
direction to the substitution effect. The impact of an increase in the current
real wage on the amount of labour supplied will clearly depend on which of
the above effects predominates. Real business cycle theorists distinguish
between permanent and temporary changes in the real wage in order to
analyse how rational maximizing individuals respond over time to changes in
their economic circumstances that are brought about by technological shocks.
The intertemporal labour substitution hypothesis suggests two things. First, if
a technological shock is transitory, so that the current above-normal real
wage offers are temporary, workers will ‘make hay while the sun shines’ and
substitute work for current leisure. Less work will be offered in the future
when the real wage is expected to be lower and hence the decision to supply
more labour now is also a decision to consume more leisure in the future and
less leisure now. Therefore real business cycle theory predicts a large supply
response from temporary changes in the real wage. Permanent technological
shocks, by raising the future real wage, induce wealth effects which will tend
to lower the current labour supply.
Second, some theorists have stressed the importance of real interest rates
on labour supply in flexible price models (see Barro, 1981, 1993). An in-
crease in the real interest rate encourages households to supply more labour
in the current period, since the value of income earned from working today
relative to tomorrow has risen. This effect would show up as a shift of the
labour supply curve to the right.
We can therefore express the general form of the labour supply function in
the real business cycle model as equation (6.10), where r = real interest rate:

SL = SL (W / P, r ) (6.10)

The appropriate intertemporal relative price (IRP) is given by (6.11):

IRP = (1 + r )(W / P)1 /(W / P) 2 (6.11)

According to (6.11) any shocks to the economy that cause either the real
interest rate to rise or the current real wage (W/P)1 to be temporarily high
relative to the future real wage (W/P)2, will increase labour supply and hence
The real business cycle school 313

6.9 Technology shocks

Although some versions of real business cycle theory allow for real demand
shocks, such as changes in preferences or government expenditures, to act as
the impulse mechanism, these models are more typically driven by exog-
enous productivity shocks. These stochastic fluctuations in factor productivity
are the result of large random variations in the rate of technological change.
The conventional Solow neoclassical growth model postulates that the growth
of output per worker over prolonged periods depends on technological progress
which is assumed to take place smoothly over time. Real business cycle
theorists reject this view and emphasize the erratic nature of technological
change which they regard as the major cause of changes in aggregate output.
To see how aggregate output and employment vary in a real business cycle
model, consider Figure 6.3. Panel (a) of Figure 6.3 illustrates the impact of a
beneficial technology shock, which shifts the production function from Y to
Y*. The impact of this shift on the marginal product of labour and hence the
demand for labour is shown in panel (b). By increasing the demand for labour
a productivity shock raises employment as well as output. How much em-
ployment expands will depend on the elasticity of labour supply with respect
to the current real wage. The ‘stylized facts’ of the business cycle indicate
that small procyclical variations in the real wage are associated with large
procyclical variations of employment. Thus a crucial requirement for real
business cycle theory to be consistent with these facts is for the labour supply
schedule to be highly elastic with respect to the real wage, as indicated in
panel (b) by SL2. In this case a technology shock will cause output to expand
from Y0 to Y2 with the real wage increasing from (W/P)a to (W/P)c, and
employment increasing from L0 to L2. If the labour supply schedule is rela-
tively inelastic, as shown by SL1, large variations of the real wage and small
changes in employment would result from a technology shock. However, this
does not fit the stylized facts.
It is clear that, in order for real business cycle theories to explain the
substantial variations in employment observed during aggregate fluctuations,
there must be significant intertemporal substitution of leisure. Since in these
models it is assumed that prices and wages are completely flexible, the labour
market is always in equilibrium. In such a framework workers choose unem-
ployment or employment in accordance with their preferences and the
opportunities that are available. To many economists, especially to those with
a Keynesian orientation, this explanation of labour market phenomena re-
mains unconvincing (Mankiw, 1989; Tobin, 1996).
314 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 6.3 Output and employment fluctuations due to a technology shock

The real business cycle school 315

6.10 A Real Business Cycle Aggregate Demand and Supply Model

The model presented above to illustrate the impact of a technology shock is

incomplete because it neglects the impact of supply shocks on the real rate of
interest. In this section we present a more complete ‘real aggregate demand
and supply’ model to illustrate the impact of technology shocks that does
include the influence of changes in the real interest rate on the supply of
labour as specified in the intertemporal labour substitution hypothesis. How-
ever, in this example we will ignore the impact that a technology shock may
have on real aggregate demand via wealth effects.
In a world of rational expectations, perfect price flexibility and full informa-
tion relating to the money supply, the neutrality of money is guaranteed. Since
nominal variables do not influence real variables, output and employment are
entirely determined by the real forces which underlie the production function
and supply of factors of production. An IS–LM model which conforms to such
a world is shown in Figure 6.4. The IS curve shows that real aggregate demand
(RAD) is a declining function of the real interest rate. The LM/P curve will
always shift so as to intersect the IS curve at the full employment level of
output, providing prices are perfectly flexible. The position of the real aggre-
gate supply curve (RAS) is determined by the position of the production function
and the willingness of workers to supply labour (see Figure 6.3). A technology

Figure 6.4 The IS–LM model with flexible prices

316 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 6.5 The real business cycle aggregate demand and supply model

improvement that shifts the production function will cause the RAS curve to
shift to the right and any point on RAS represents a position of equilibrium
(full) employment; that is, the RAS curve is a labour market equilibrium curve.
Because the price level will automatically adjust so that the LM/P curve will
always intersect the RAD curve at the full employment level of output, we need
only consider the RAD and RAS curves. However, in Figure 6.4 no account has
been taken of the impact of the real interest rate on the supply of labour. A real
business cycle aggregate demand and supply model which does incorporate
real interest rate effects on the labour supply is shown in Figure 6.5.
The RAS curve is now shown to have a positive slope because an increase
in the real rate of interest will also increase the current real wage relative to
the expected future real wage, thereby increasing the supply of labour (shift-
ing the labour supply curve to the right), and hence output. Equation (6.11)
indicates that the current supply of labour will increase if the real interest rate
rises. Several important points are worth noting:

1. This model is entirely real, since the quantity of money and the aggre-
gate price level have no impact on aggregate output or employment.
2. The distinction between the long-run and short-run aggregate supply
curves which play an important role in monetarist, early new classical
and new Keynesian models is abandoned.
The real business cycle school 317

3. The RAS schedule traces out a range of equilibrium positions which are
all consistent with ‘full employment’.
4. The assumption of price flexibility allows the real interest rate to equili-
brate the goods market, so that RAD = RAS.
5. In explaining fluctuations in output, real business cycle theorists have
emphasized shifts of the RAS curve due to technological shocks (see
Kydland and Prescott, 1982; Plosser, 1989).
6. Some equilibrium theorists have shown that real aggregate demand shocks
can also be important during some periods as an explanation of aggre-
gate fluctuations. For example, Barro has shown how a temporary increase
in government expenditure can cause output to expand (see Barro, 1993,
chap. 12). He concludes that ‘variations in government purchases play a
major role during wartime but not in peacetime business fluctuations’
(see below, Figure 6.7).

In Figure 6.6 we illustrate the impact of a favourable technology shock,

taking into account the impact of such a shock on real output (Y), the real rate
of interest (r), and the real wage (W/P). In Figure 6.6 we re-label the RAD
and RAS curves as Cd and Ys respectively. The initial equilibrium position is
at point a in all four quadrants of Figure 6.6. A favourable technology shock
shifts the Ys curve from Ys1 to Ys2 in quadrant (d) and the production function
up from AF(K,L) to A*F(K,L) in quadrant (b). A favourable technology shock
increases the marginal productivity of labour, thereby shifting the labour
demand curve (DL) to the right in quadrant (a); that is, from DL1 to DL2.
However, the labour supply curve also shifts from SL1 to SL2 in quadrant (a),
this decrease in labour supply being a rational intertemporal response to the
fall in the real interest rate (from r1 to r2). The new equilibrium taking into
account all of these effects is given by point b in all four quadrants of Figure
6.6. Thus a favourable technology shock increases real output (from Y1 to Y2),
lowers the real rate of interest (from r1 to r2), increases labour productivity
and the real wage (from (W/P)1 to (W/P)2). That is, the real wage and labour
productivity are procyclical, as the stylized facts suggest.
Figure 6.7 shows the likely impact of an increase in government purchases.
As before the initial equilibrium position is at point a in all four quadrants of
Figure 6.7. An increase in government purchases shifts the real aggregate
demand curve from Cd1 to Cd2. In this case real output increases (from Y1 to
Y2), the real rate of interest rises (from r1 to r2) and the real wage falls (from
(W/P)1 to (W/P)2) in response to an increase in labour supply, with the labour
supply curve shifting from SL1 to SL2 in quadrant (a). The new equilibrium
taking into account all of these effects is given by point b in all four quad-
rants of Figure 6.7. In the old classical model aggregate supply is perfectly
inelastic, as in Figure 6.4, and an increase in government purchases has no
318 Modern macroeconomics

(b) (c)
Y Y* = A*F(K,L) Y

Y = AF(K,L)
b b
Y2 Y2

a a
Y1 Y1

L 1 L2 L Y1 Y2 Y

(a) (d)
(W/P) r
SL2(r2) YS2
SL1(r1) r1 a
(W/P)2 r2 b

L1 L2 L Y1 Y2 Y

Figure 6.6 The impact of a technology shock

effect on real output. In contrast, in REBCT, an increase in government

purchases leads to an increase in real output because the induced rise in the
real rate of interest encourages an increase in labour supply, thereby increas-
ing employment and real output.
Finally, we can use the Cd–Ys model to examine the impact of temporary
v. permanent technology shocks. In this case we simply reproduce the Cd–Ys
diagram on its own, but we also allow for possible wealth effects on the Cd
Figure 6.8 represents the basic market-clearing diagram which is central to
the modern new classical equilibrium approach to macroeconomic analysis.
Following Barro (1993), the market-clearing condition is given by (6.12):

Cd (r, …) = Ys(r, …) (6.12)

The real business cycle school 319

(b) (c)
Y = AF(K,L)

Y2 b
Y2 b
Y1 a Y1 a

L 1 L2 L Y1 Y2 Y

(a) (d)
(W/P) r
r2 b
(W/P)1 a
r1 a
(W/P)2 b

DL Cd1
L 1 L2 L Y1 Y2 Y

Figure 6.7 The impact of a government expenditure shock

In equation (6.12) variables omitted and indicated by … include the various

wealth and substitution effects which result from shocks to the production
function or government expenditure and so on. The response of Cd and Ys to
changes in the real rate of interest is illustrated by movements along the
aggregate demand and supply curves. The Cd and Ys curves will shift if any
of the other variables which influence Cd and Ys change, as with a shock to
the production function or an increase in government expenditure.
To see how a technology shock will influence aggregate output in this
model, consider Figure 6.8, where, starting from point a, we assume a benefi-
cial technology change takes place of the type considered in Figure 6.3. Such
a shock will clearly shift the Ys curve to the right from Ys1 to Ys*. If the
technology shock is seen to be temporary, the impact on consumer demand of
the wealth effect is likely to be small and the resultant rightward shift of Cd
320 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 6.8 The impact of temporary and permanent technology shocks in

the real business cycle model

will be less than the shift of Ys: a movement from point a to b. Output rises
from Y1 to Y2 and the real interest rate falls to r2. If the technology shock is
seen to be permanent, then the wealth effect of the shock on consumption is
more powerful. In this case the rightward shifts of Ys and Cd are likely to be
of a similar magnitude, leading to a rise in output from Y1 to Y* but with the
real interest rate remaining at r1: a movement from point a to c. According to
Barro, this model does reasonably well in accounting for the stylized facts of
business fluctuations. For a detailed discussion of these issues, see Barro
(1993), especially pp. 232–41.

6.11 Calibrating the Model

It was Kydland and Prescott (1982) who first demonstrated that a general
equilibrium real business cycle model, driven by exogenous technological
shocks, was capable of generating time series data that possessed the statis-
tical properties of US business cycles over the period 1950–79. However,
real business cycle theorists have not generally attempted to provide mod-
els capable of conventional econometric testing but have instead tended to
focus on providing numerical examples of a more general theory of
fluctuations. In order to examine the quantitative implications of their mod-
The real business cycle school 321

els, real business cycle theorists have developed a method known as ‘cali-
bration’ or ‘computational experiments’. Cooley (1997) defines calibration
as ‘a strategy for finding numerical values for the parameters of artificial
economies’ and involves a ‘symbiotic relationship between theory and meas-
urement’. The calibration strategy consists of the following steps (see
Kydland and Prescott, 1982, 1991, 1996; Plosser, 1989; Backhouse, 1997b;
Abel and Bernanke, 2001):

1. Pose a question relating to a specific issue of concern, for example an

important policy issue such as ‘What is the quantitative nature of
fluctuations caused by technology shocks?’
2. Use a ‘well-tested’ theory, where ‘theory’ is interpreted as a specific set
of instructions about how to build the imitation economy.
3. Construct a model economy and select functional forms. Kydland and
Prescott (1982) utilize the basic stochastic neoclassical growth model as
the cornerstone of their model.
4. Provide specific algebraic forms of the functions used to represent pro-
duction and consumption decisions. For example, a specific Cobb–Douglas
production function is used by Plosser (1989).
5. Calibrate the model economy using data from pre-existing microeconomic
studies and knowledge of the ‘stylized facts’. Where no information
exists select values for parameters so that the model is capable of mim-
icking the real-world behaviour of variables.
6. The calibration exercise then involves simulating the effect of subjecting
the model to a series of random technology shocks using a computer.
7. The impact that these shocks have on the key macroeconomic variables
is then traced out so that the results can be compared with the actual
behaviour of the main macroeconomic time series.
8. Run the experiment and compare the equilibrium path of the model
economy with the behaviour of the actual economy. Use these types of
simulations to answer questions relating to the important issues initially
identified under (1).

In their seminal 1982 paper Kydland and Prescott use the neoclassical growth
model and follow the calibration/simulation procedure to see if the model can
explain aggregate fluctuations when the model economy is subject to technol-
ogy shocks. As Prescott (1986) recalls, ‘the finding that when uncertainty in
the rate of technological change is incorporated into the growth model it
displays business cycle phenomena was both dramatic and unanticipated’.
The simulations carried out by Kydland, Prescott and Plosser produced some
impressive results in that their models are able to mimic an actual economy
with respect to some important time series data. These simulations indicate
322 Modern macroeconomics

that a competitive economy hit by repeated technology shocks can exhibit the
kind of fluctuations that are actually observed.
On the negative side, one of the problems with calibration is that it cur-
rently does not provide a method that allows one to judge between the
performance of real and other (for example Keynesian) business cycle mod-
els. As Hoover (1995b) notes, ‘the calibration methodology, to date, lacks
any discipline as stern as that imposed by econometric methods … Above all,
it is not clear on what standards competing, but contradictory, models are to
be compared and adjudicated.’ Nevertheless calibration has provided an im-
portant new contribution to the methodology of empirical macroeconomic
research. While initially the calibration methodology was focused on busi-
ness cycle research, more recently calibrated models have been used to
investigate issues in public finance, economic growth, industry, firm and
plant dynamics and questions related to the choice of economic policy (Cooley,
1997). For more detailed discussions and critiques of the calibration method-
ology see Kydland and Prescott (1991, 1996); Summers (1991a); Quah (1995);
Hoover (1995b); Wickens (1995); Hansen and Heckman (1996); Sims (1996);
Cooley (1997); Hartley et al. (1998).

6.12 Real Business Cycle Theory and the Neutrality of Money

Real business cycle theorists claim that recent research relating to the styl-
ized facts of the business cycle support the general predictions of ‘real’ as
opposed to ‘monetary’ theories of fluctuations. But, as we noted earlier, the
correlation between money and output is an accepted stylized fact. How do
real business cycle theories deal with the apparent causal influence of money?
Monetary neutrality is an important property of real business cycle models.
In such models neutrality applies to the short run as well as the long run. In the
late 1970s, leading representatives from the other major schools of thought,
such as Tobin, Friedman and Lucas, all agreed that the rate of growth of the
money supply has real effects on the economy and plays an important role in
any explanation of output fluctuations. There was of course considerable disa-
greement on the nature and strength of the relationship between money and
output and on the relative power of monetary and fiscal policy, but economists
of all persuasions took it for granted that monetary phenomena were crucial to
business cycle research. The accepted business cycle stylized fact that money
and output exhibit positive correlation, with money leading output, was taken
by many as strong evidence of causality running from money to output (Sims,
1972). The research of Friedman and Schwartz (1963, 1982) added further
weight to the monetarist claim that monetary instability lies at the heart of real
instability. However, the well-established positive association between money
and aggregate output may simply indicate that the money supply is responding
The real business cycle school 323

to economic activity rather than the reverse. In such a situation money is

endogenous and the money-to-output correlations that we observe are evidence
of reverse causation; that is, expectations of future output expansion lead to
current increases in the money supply. According to real business cycle theo-
ries, the demand for money expands during business expansions and elicits an
accommodating response from the money supply, especially if the monetary
authorities are targeting interest rates (see Barro, 1993, chap. 18). The impetus
to downgrade the causal role of money was also given support from the evi-
dence emerging from vector autoregression analysis which indicated that, once
interest rates were included among the variables in the estimated system,
money ceased to have strong predictive power. The contributions from Sims
(1980, 1983) and Litterman and Weiss (1985) provided important evidence
which advocates of the real business cycle approach point to in support of their
preference for a non-monetary approach to business cycle modelling (see also
Eichenbaum and Singleton, 1986).
Initially real business cycle models were constructed without monetary
features. Kydland and Prescott (1982) originally set out to construct a model
which included only real variables but which could then be extended to take
into account nominal variables. But after building their real model Kydland
and Prescott concluded that the addition of a monetary sector may not be
necessary since business cycles can be explained almost entirely by real
quantities (see Prescott, 1986). Although the Long and Plosser (1983) model
contains no monetary sector, King and Plosser (1984) explain the historical
association between money and output as reflecting an endogenous response
of money to output. Building on the work of Black (1987) and Fama (1980),
King and Plosser reject the orthodox monetarist interpretation of money-to-
output causality. In their model, ‘monetary services are privately produced
intermediate goods whose quantities rise and fall with real economic devel-
opments’. King and Plosser view the financial industry as providing a flow of
accounting services that help to facilitate market transactions. By grafting a
financial sector on to a general equilibrium model of production and con-
sumption, King and Plosser show how a positive correlation between real
production, credit and transaction services will arise with the timing paths in
these co-movements dependent on the source of the variation in real output.
Their model implies that the volume of inside money (bank deposits) will
vary positively with output. Furthermore, the fact that financial services can
be produced more rapidly than the final product means that an expansion of
financial services is likely to occur before the expansion of output. The stock
of bank deposits is therefore highly correlated with output and a leading
indicator in the business cycle.
The money–output correlation noted above corresponds with the evidence
presented by Friedman and Schwartz (1963) but from an entirely different
324 Modern macroeconomics

perspective. Whereas in monetarist models exogenous changes in the quantity

of money play an important role in causing movements in output, King and
Plosser stress the endogenous response of deposits to planned movements in
output. In effect the output of the financial sector moves in line with the output
of other sectors. However, by the end of the 1980s, despite the progress made
by REBCT in explaining the money–output correlation, Plosser’s (1989) view
was that ‘the role of money in an equilibrium theory of growth and fluctuations
is not well understood and thus remains an open issue’.
Paradoxically the REBCT argument that money is endogenous is also a
major proposition of the Post Keynesian school (see Kaldor, 1970a; Davidson,
1994). For example, with respect to this very issue of money-to-output cau-
sality, Joan Robinson (1971) suggested that the correlations could be explained
‘in quantity theory terms if the equation were read right-handed. Thus we
might suggest that a marked rise in the level of activity is likely to be
preceded by an increase in the supply of money.’ In an unholy alliance, both
Post Keynesian and real business cycle theorists appear to agree with Robinson
that the quantity theory equation (MV = PY) should be read in causal terms
from right to left. Orthodox Keynesians have also raised the issue of timing
in questioning money-to-output causality. Tobin (1970) showed how an ultra-
Keynesian model could be constructed where the money supply is an
endogenous response to income changes. In this model changes in real eco-
nomic activity are preceded by expansions of the money supply as firms
borrow funds from the banking sector in order to finance their planned
expansions. Tobin demonstrated that to infer from the timing evidence that
changes in the money supply are causing changes in real economic activity
was to fall foul of the post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this therefore because
of this) fallacy. However, although Tobin used this argument to challenge
what he considered to be the exaggerated claims of monetarists relating to the
power of monetary forces, he certainly did not conclude that money does not
matter for business fluctuations (see also Cagan, 1993).
Kydland and Prescott (1990) have questioned the whole basis of this
debate on timing and causality by rejecting one of the ‘established’ stylized
facts of the business cycle relating to monetary aggregates. They argue that
‘there is no evidence that either the monetary base or M1 leads the cycle
although some economists still believe this monetary myth’. Clearly such
claims represent a serious challenge to conventional views concerning the
role of money. This ‘blasphemy’ has been rejected by Keynesian and mon-
etarist economists alike who, as a result of real business cycle analysis, have
been thrown into an alliance which would have seemed unthinkable during
the intense debates that took place between Tobin and Friedman during the
1960s and early 1970s. (For a defence of the earlier Friedman and Schwartz
research, see Schwartz, 1992.)
The real business cycle school 325

6.13 Measuring Technology Shocks: The Solow Residual

If technology shocks are the primary cause of business cycles, then it is impor-
tant to identify and measure the rate of technological progress. Given the
structure of real business cycle models, the key parameter is the variance of the
technology shock. Prescott (1986) suggests that Solow’s method of measuring
this variance is an acceptable and reasonable approach. Solow’s (1957) tech-
nique was to define technological change as changes in aggregate output minus
the sum of the weighted contributions of the labour and capital inputs. In short,
the Solow residual measures that part of a change in aggregate output which
cannot be explained by changes in the measurable quantities of capital and
labour inputs. The derivation of the Solow residual can be shown as follows.
The aggregate production function in equation (6.13) shows that output (Y) is
dependent on the inputs of capital (K), labour (L) and the currently available
technology (A) which acts as an index of total factor productivity:

Y = AF( K , L) (6.13)

Output will change if A, K or L change. One specific type of production

function frequently used in empirical studies relating to growth accounting is
the Cobb–Douglas production function, which is written as follows:

Y = AK δ L1−δ , where 0 < δ < 1 (6.14)

In equation (6.14) the exponent on the capital stock δ measures the elasticity of
output with respect to capital and the exponent on the labour input (1 – δ)
measures the elasticity of output with respect to labour. The weights δ and 1 – δ
measure the income shares of capital and labour, respectively (see Dornbusch
et al., 2004, pp. 54–8 for a simple derivation). Since these weights sum to unity
this indicates that this is a constant returns to scale production function. Hence
an equal percentage increase in both factor inputs (K and L) will increase Y by
the same percentage. By rearranging equation (6.14) we can represent the
productivity index which we need to measure as equation (6.15):

Solow residual = A = δ 1−δ

Because there is no direct way of measuring A, it has to be estimated as a

residual. Data relating to output and the capital and labour inputs are avail-
able. Estimates of δ and hence 1 – δ can be acquired from historical data.
Since the growth rate of the product of the inputs will be the growth rate of A
plus the growth rate of Kδ plus the growth rate of L1–δ, equation (6.15) can be
326 Modern macroeconomics

rewritten as (6.16), which is the basic growth accounting equation that has
been used in numerous empirical studies of the sources of economic growth
(see Denison, 1985; Maddison, 1987).

∆Y ∆A ∆K ∆L
= +δ + (1 − δ ) (6.16)

Equation (6.16) is simply the Cobb–Douglas production function written in a

form representing rates of change. It shows that the growth of output (∆Y/Y)
depends on the contribution of changes in total factor productivity (∆A/A),
changes in the weighted contribution of capital (δ∆K/K) and changes in the
weighted contribution of labour (1 – δ)(∆L/L). By writing down equation
(6.15) in terms of rates of change or by rearranging equation (6.16), which
amounts to the same thing, we can obtain an equation from which the growth
of total factor productivity (technology change) can be estimated as a re-
sidual. This is shown in equation (6.17).

∆A ∆Y  ∆K ∆L 
= − δ + (1 − δ ) (6.17)
A Y  K L 

In equation (6.17) the Solow residual equals ∆A/A. Real business cycle theo-
rists have used estimates of the Solow residual as a measure of technological
progress. Prescott’s (1986) analysis suggests that ‘the process on the percent-
age change in the technology process is a random walk with drift plus some
serially uncorrelated measurement error’. Plosser (1989) also argues that ‘it
seems acceptable to view the level of productivity as a random walk’. Figure
6.9 reproduces Plosser’s estimates for the annual growth rates of technology
and output for the period 1955–85 in the USA. These findings appear to
support the real business cycle view that aggregate fluctuations are induced,
in the main, by technological disturbances. In a later study, Kydland and
Prescott (1991) found that about 70 per cent of the variance in US output in
the post-war period can be accounted for by variations in the Solow residual.
We will consider criticisms of the work in this area in section 6.16 below. In
particular, Keynesians offer an alternative explanation of the observed
procyclical behaviour of productivity.

6.14 Real Business Cycle Theory and the Stylized Facts

The rapidly expanding business cycle literature during the 1980s provoked
considerable controversy and discussion with respect to the ability of differ-
ent macroeconomic models to explain the ‘stylized facts’. As Danthine and
Donaldson (1993) point out, the real business cycle programme ‘has forced
The real business cycle school 327

Source: Plosser (1989).

Figure 6.9 The annual growth rates of technology and output in the USA,

theorists to recognise how incomplete our knowledge of business cycle phe-

nomena actually was’, and a major achievement of this literature has been to
‘free us to reconsider what we know about the business cycle’. Research in
this area has called into question much of the conventional wisdom with
respect to what are the established stylized facts. Controversy also exists over
which model of the business cycle best explains the agreed stylized facts. For
a detailed discussion of this debate, the reader is referred to Greenwald and
Stiglitz (1988), Kydland and Prescott (1990), Hoover (1991), Blackburn and
Ravn (1992), Smith (1992), Zarnowitz (1992b), Danthine and Donaldson
(1993); Judd and Trehan (1995); Ryan and Mullineux (1997); and Ryan
(2002). Here we will briefly discuss the controversy relating to the cyclical
behaviour of real wages and prices.
In both orthodox Keynesian and monetarist macroeconomic theories where
aggregate demand disturbances drive the business cycle, the real wage is
predicted to be countercyclical. In Keynes’s General Theory (1936, p. 17) an
expansion of employment is associated with a decline in the real wage and
the Keynesian models of the neoclassical synthesis era also assume that the
economy is operating along the aggregate labour demand curve, so that the
real wage must vary countercyclically.
328 Modern macroeconomics

Referring back to Figure 2.6 panel (b) in Chapter 2, we can see that for a
given money wage W0 the real wage must vary countercyclically as aggregate
demand declines and the economy moves into a recession. The fall in aggre-
gate demand is illustrated by a shift of the AD curve from AD0 to AD1. If
prices are flexible but nominal wages are rigid, the economy moves from e0
to e1 in panel (b). With a fall in the price level to P1, and nominal wages
remaining at W0, the real wage increases to W0/P1 in panel (a) of Figure 2.6.
At this real wage the supply of labour (Ld) exceeds the demand for labour (Lc)
and involuntary unemployment of cd emerges. With the money wage fixed, a
falling price level implies a countercyclical real wage.
The theories associated with Friedman’s monetarism, as well as some early
new classical and new Keynesian models, also incorporate features which
imply a countercyclical real wage (see Fischer, 1977; Phelps and Taylor,
1977). In Gordon’s (1993) view, apart from the big oil shocks of the 1970s,
there is no systematic movement of real wages but, if anything, ‘there is
slight tendency of prices to rise more than wages in booms, implying coun-
ter-cyclical real wages’. However, Kydland and Prescott (1990) find that the
real wage behaves in a ‘reasonably strong’ procyclical manner, a finding that
is consistent with shifts of the production function. The current consensus is
that the real wage is mildly procyclical, and this poses problems for both
traditional monetary explanations of the business cycle and real business
cycle theory (see Fischer, 1988; Brandolini, 1995; Abraham and Haltiwanger,
1995; Snowdon and Vane, 1995). If the real wage is moderately procyclical,
then shocks to the production function can significantly influence employ-
ment only if the labour supply curve is highly elastic (see panel (b) of Figure
6.3). However, the empirical evidence does not offer strong support for the
significant intertemporal substitution required for real business cycles to
mimic the large variations in employment which characterize business cycles
(see Mankiw et al., 1985; Altonji, 1986; Nickell, 1990).
While the behaviour of the real wage over the cycle has been controversial
ever since Dunlop (1938) and Tarshis (1939) debated this issue with Keynes
(1939a), the assumption that prices (and inflation) are generally procyclical
was accepted by economists of varying persuasions. The procyclical behav-
iour of prices is a fundamental feature of Keynesian, monetarist and the
monetary misperception version of new classical models (Lucas, 1977).
Mankiw (1989) has argued that, in the absence of recognizable supply shocks,
such as the OPEC oil price rises in the 1970s, the procyclical behaviour of the
inflation rate is a ‘well documented fact’. Lucas (1977, 1981a) also lists the
procyclical nature of prices and inflation as a basic stylized fact. In sharp
contrast to these views, Kydland and Prescott (1990) show that, in the USA
during the period 1954–89, ‘the price level has displayed a clear counter-
cyclical pattern’. This leads them to the following controversial conclusion:
The real business cycle school 329

‘We caution that any theory in which procyclical prices figure crucially in
accounting for postwar business cycle fluctuations is doomed to failure.’ This
conclusion is supported by Cooley and Ohanian (1991) and also in a study of
UK data by Blackburn and Ravn (1992), who describe the conventional
wisdom with respect to the procyclical behaviour of the price level as ‘a
fiction’. In their view the traditional presumption that prices are procyclical is
overwhelmingly contradicted by the evidence and they interpret their find-
ings as posing a ‘serious challenge’ for monetary explanations of the business
cycle. The evidence presented by Backus and Kehoe (1992), Smith (1992)
and Ravn and Sola (1995) is also supportive of the real business cycle view.
(For a defence of the conventional view, see Chadha and Prasad, 1993.)
To see why evidence of a countercyclical price level is supportive of real
business cycle models, consider Figure 6.10. Here we utilize the conventional
aggregate demand and supply framework with the price level on the vertical
axis. Because prices and wages are perfectly flexible, the aggregate supply
curve (AS) is completely inelastic with respect to the price level (although it
will shift to the right if technology improves or the real rate of interest
increases, leading to an increase in labour supply and employment; see Jansen
et al., 1994). The economy is initially operating at the intersection of AD and
AS0. If the economy is hit by a negative supply shock which shifts the AS
curve from AS0 to AS2, the equilibrium level of output falls from Y0 to Y2 for a

Figure 6.10 Supply shocks and the price level

330 Modern macroeconomics

given money supply. Aggregate demand and supply are brought into equilib-
rium by a rise in the price level from P0 to P2. A favourable supply shock
which shifts the AS curve from AS0 to AS1 will lead to a fall in the price level
for a given money supply. The equilibrium positions a, b and c indicate that
the price level will be countercyclical if real disturbances cause an aggregate
supply curve to shift along a given aggregate demand curve. Referring back
to panel (b) of Figure (2.6), it is clear that fluctuations brought about by shifts
of the aggregate demand curve generate observations of a procyclical price
level. Keynesians argue that the countercyclical behaviour of the price level
following the clearly observable oil shocks of the 1970s does not present a
problem for the conventional aggregate demand and supply model and that
such effects had already been incorporated into their models by 1975 (see
Gordon, 1975; Phelps, 1978; Blinder, 1988b). What Keynesians object to is
the suggestion that the business cycle is predominantly caused by supply
shocks. The consensus view that prices are sometimes procyclical and some-
times countercyclical indicates to an eclectic observer that both demand and
supply shocks are important in different periods. Judd and Trehan (1995) also
show that this debate is further complicated by the fact that the observed
correlations between prices and output in response to various shocks reflect
complex dynamic responses, and it is ‘not difficult to find plausible patterns
that associate either a demand or a supply shock with either negative or
positive correlations’.

6.15 The Policy Implications of Real Business Cycle Theory

Before 1980, although there was considerable intellectual warfare between

macroeconomic theorists, there was an underlying consensus relating to three
important issues. First, economists viewed fluctuations in aggregate output as
temporary deviations from some underlying trend rate of growth. An impor-
tant determinant of this trend was seen to be an exogenously determined
smooth rate of technological progress. Second, aggregate instability in the
form of business cycles was assumed to be socially undesirable since they
reduced economic welfare. Instability could and therefore should be reduced
by appropriate policies. Third, monetary forces are an important factor when
it comes to explaining the business cycle. Orthodox Keynesian, monetarist
and new classical economists accepted all three of these pillars of conven-
tional wisdom. Of course these same economists did not agree about how
aggregate instability should be reduced. Neither was there agreement about
the transmission mechanism which linked money to real output. In Keynesian
and monetarist models, non-neutralities were explained by adaptive expecta-
tions and the slow adjustment of wages and prices to nominal demand shocks.
In the new classical market-clearing models of the 1970s, non-neutralities
The real business cycle school 331

were explained as a consequence of agents having imperfect information.

When it came to policy discussions about how to stabilize the economy,
monetarists and new classical economists favoured a fixed (k per cent) mon-
etary growth rate rule, whereas Keynesian economists argued in favour of
discretion (see Modigliani, 1986; Tobin, 1996). The main impact of the first
wave of new classical theory on policy analysis was to provide a more robust
theoretical case against activism (see Kydland and Prescott, 1977). The po-
litical business cycle literature also questioned whether politicians could be
trusted to use stabilization policy in order to reduce fluctuations, rather than
as a means for maximizing their own interests (see Nordhaus, 1975 and
Chapter 10).
During the 1980s everything changed. The work of Nelson and Plosser
(1982) and Kydland and Prescott (1982) caused economists to start asking
the question, ‘Is there a business cycle?’ Real business cycle theorists find the
use of the term ‘business cycle’ unfortunate (Prescott, 1986) because it sug-
gests there is a phenomenon to explain that is independent of the forces
determining economic growth. Real business cycle theorists, by providing an
integrated approach to growth and fluctuations, have shown that large fluctua-
tions in output and employment over relatively short time periods are ‘what
standard neoclassical theory predicts’. Indeed, it ‘would be a puzzle if the
economy did not display large fluctuations in output and employment’
(Prescott, 1986). Since instability is the outcome of rational economic agents
responding optimally to changes in the economic environment, observed
fluctuations should not be viewed as welfare-reducing deviations from some
ideal trend path of output. In a competitive theory of fluctuations the equilibria
are Pareto-optimal (see Long and Plosser, 1983; Plosser, 1989). The idea that
the government should in any way attempt to reduce these fluctuations is
therefore anathema to real business cycle theorists. Such policies are almost
certain to reduce welfare. As Prescott (1986) has argued, ‘the policy implica-
tion of this research is that costly efforts at stabilisation are likely to be
counter-productive. Economic fluctuations are optimal responses to uncer-
tainty in the rate of technological progress.’ Business cycles trace out a path
of GDP that reflects random fluctuations in technology. This turns conven-
tional thinking about economic fluctuations completely on its head. If
fluctuations are Pareto-efficient responses to shocks to the production func-
tion largely resulting from technological change, then monetary factors are
no longer relevant in order to explain such instability; nor can monetary
policy have any real effects. Money is neutral. Since workers can decide how
much they want to work, observed unemployment is always voluntary. In-
deed, the observed fluctuating path of GNP is nothing more than a continuously
moving equilibrium. In real business cycle theory there can be no meaning to
a stated government objective such as ‘full employment’ because the economy
332 Modern macroeconomics

is already there! Of course the real business cycle view is that the government
can do a great deal of harm if it creates various distortions through its taxing
and spending policies. However, as we have already noted, in real business
cycle models a temporary increase in government purchases will increase
output and employment because the labour supply increases in response to
the higher real interest rate brought about by higher (real) aggregate demand.
If technological change is the key factor in determining both growth and
fluctuations, we certainly need to develop a better understanding of the fac-
tors which determine the rate of technological progress, including institutional
structures and arrangements (see Chapter 11). To real business cycle theorists
the emphasis given by Keynesian and monetarist economists to the issue of
stabilization has been a costly mistake. In a dynamic world instability is as
desirable as it is inevitable.
Finally, Chatterjee (1999) has pointed out that the emergence of REBCT is
a legacy of successful countercyclical policies in the post-Second World War
period. These policies, by successfully reducing the volatility of GDP due to
aggregate demand disturbances compared to earlier periods, has allowed the
impact of technological disturbances to emerge as a dominant source of
modern business cycles.

6.16 Criticisms of Real Business Cycle Theory

In this section we will review some of the more important criticisms of real
business cycle theory. For critical surveys of the literature, the reader is
referred to Summers (1986), Hoover (1988), Sheffrin (1989), Mankiw (1989),
McCallum (1989), Phelps (1990), Eichenbaum (1991), Stadler (1994), and
Hartley et al. (1997, 1998).
The conventional neoclassical analysis of labour supply highlights two
opposing effects of an increase in the real wage. A higher real wage induces
an increase in labour supply through the substitution effect, but at the same
time a higher real wage also has an income effect that induces a worker to
consume more leisure. In real business cycle models the substitution effect
must be very powerful compared to the income effect if these models are to
plausibly explain large variations of employment induced by technology
shocks. But, as we have already noted, the available micro evidence relating
to the intertemporal elasticity of substitution in labour supply indicates a
weak response to transitory wage changes. If the wage elasticity of labour
supply is low, then technological shocks that shift the labour demand curve
(see Figure 6.3) will produce large variability of real wages and lower vari-
ability of employment. However, the variations in employment observed over
the business cycle seem to be too large to be accounted for by intertemporal
substitution. In addition, Mankiw (1989) has argued that the real interest rate
The real business cycle school 333

is not a significant consideration in labour supply decisions. How, for exam-

ple, can agents be expected to accurately predict future interest rates and real
wages in order to engage in intertemporal substitution?
A second major criticism of real business cycle theory relates to the reli-
ance of these models on mainly unobservable technology shocks. Many
economists doubt whether the technology shocks required in order to gener-
ate business cycle phenomena are either large enough or frequent enough. In
these models large movements in output require significant aggregate distur-
bances to technology. Muellbauer (1997) argues that the kind of technological
volatility implied by REBCT is ‘quite implausible’ for three reasons, namely:
(i) technological diffusion tends to be slow; (ii) aggregation of diffusion
processes tends to produce a smooth outcome in aggregate; and (iii) the
technical regress required to produce recessions cannot be given plausible
microfoundations. In relation to this issue, Summers (1986) rejects Prescott’s
use of variations in the Solow residual as evidence of significant shocks to
technology. Large variations in the Solow residual can be explained as the
outcome of ‘off the production function behaviour’ in the form of labour
hoarding. Whereas real business cycle theorists interpret procyclical labour
productivity as evidence of shifts in the production function, the traditional
Keynesian explanation attributes this stylized fact to the quasi-fixity of the
labour input. The reason why productivity falls in recessions is that firms
retain more workers than they need, owing to short-run adjustment costs. In
such circumstances it will pay firms to smooth the labour input over the
cycle, which implies the hoarding of labour in a cyclical downturn. This
explains why the percentage reduction in output typically exceeds the per-
centage reduction in the labour input during a recession. As the economy
recovers, firms utilize their labour more intensively, so that output increases
by a larger percentage than the labour input.
In general many economists explain the procyclical movement of the Solow
residual by highlighting the underutilization of both capital and labour during
periods of recession. Following Abel and Bernanke (2001), we can illustrate
this idea by rewriting the production function given by (6.13) and (6.14) as

Y = AF(µ K K , µ L L) = A(µ K K )δ (µ L L)1−δ (6.18)

where µK represents the underutilization rate of the capital input, and µL

represents the underutilization rate of labour input. Substituting (6.18) for Y
in (6.15) we obtain a new expression (6.19) for the Solow residual that
recognizes that the capital and labour inputs may be underutilized.

Solow residual = A(µ K K )δ (µ L L)1−δ / K δ L1−δ = Aµ K δ µ L1−δ (6.19)

334 Modern macroeconomics

Equation (6.19) shows that the Solow residual can vary even if technology
remains constant. If the utilization rates of capital and labour inputs are
procyclical, as the empirical evidence suggests is the case, then we will
observe a procyclical Solow residual that reflects this influence (for discus-
sions of this issue see Fay and Medoff, 1985; Rotemberg and Summers,
1990; Bernanke and Parkinson, 1991; Burnside et al., 1995; Braun and Evans,
1998; Millard et al., 1997).
A third line of criticism relates to the idea of recessions being periods of
technological regress. As Mankiw (1989, p. 85) notes, ‘recessions are impor-
tant events; they receive widespread attention from the policy-makers and the
media. There is, however, no discussion of declines in the available technol-
ogy. If society suffered some important adverse technological shock we
would be aware of it.’ In response to this line of criticism, Hansen and
Prescott (1993) have widened the interpretation of technological shocks so
that any ‘changes in the production functions, or, more generally, the produc-
tion possibility sets of the profit centres’ can be regarded as a potential source
of disturbance. In their analysis of the 1990–91 recession in the USA, they
suggest that changes to the legal and institutional framework can alter the
incentives to adopt certain technologies; for example, a barrage of govern-
ment regulations could act as a negative technology shock. However, as
Muellbauer (1997) points out, the severe recession in the UK in the early
1990s is easily explained as the consequence of a ‘massive’ rise in interest
rates in 1988–9, an associated collapse of property prices, and UK member-
ship, at an overvalued exchange rate, of the ERM after October 1990. Few of
these influences play a role in REBCT.
An important fourth criticism relates to the issue of unemployment. In real
business cycle models unemployment is either entirely absent or is voluntary.
Critics find this argument unconvincing and point to the experience of the
Great Depression, where ‘it defies credulity to account for movements on this
scale by pointing to intertemporal substitution and productivity shocks’ (Sum-
mers, 1986). Carlin and Soskice (1990) argue that a large proportion of the
European unemployment throughout the 1980s was involuntary and this rep-
resents an important stylized fact which cannot be explained within a new
classical framework. Tobin (1980b) also questioned the general approach of
new classical economists to treat all unemployment as voluntary. The critics
point out that the pattern of labour market flows is inconsistent with equilib-
rium theorizing. If we could explain unemployment as the result of voluntary
choice of economic agents, then we would not observe the well-established
procyclical movement of vacancy rates and voluntary quits. Recessions are
not periods where we observe an increase in rate of voluntary quits! In
Blinder’s view, the challenge posed by high unemployment during the 1980s
was not met by either policy makers or economists. In a comment obviously
The real business cycle school 335

directed at real business cycle theorists, Blinder (1988b) notes that ‘we will
not contribute much toward alleviating unemployment while we fiddle around
with theories of Pareto optimal recessions – an avocation that might be called
Nero-Classical Economics’. Although the intersectoral shifts model associ-
ated with Lilien (1982) introduces unemployment into a model where
technology shocks motivate the need to reallocate resources across sectors,
the critics regard the neglect of unemployment in real business cycle theory
as a major weakness (see Hoover, 1988).
A fifth objection to real business cycle theory relates to the neutrality of
money and the irrelevance of monetary policy for real outcomes. It is a matter
of some irony that these models emerged in the early 1980s when in both the
USA and the UK the monetary disinflations initiated by Volcker and Thatcher
were followed by deep recessions in both countries. The 1990–92 economic
downturn in the UK also appears to have been the direct consequence of
another dose of monetary disinflation. In response to this line of criticism,
real business cycle theorists point out that the recessions experienced in the
early 1980s were preceded by a second major oil shock in 1979. However,
the majority of economists remain unconvinced that money is neutral in the
short run (see Romer and Romer, 1989, 1994a, 1994b; Blanchard, 1990a;
Ball, 1994; and Chapter 7).
A sixth line of criticism relates to the important finding by Nelson and
Plosser that it is hard to reject the view that real GNP is as persistent as a
random walk with drift. This finding appeared to lend support to the idea that
fluctuations are caused by supply-side shocks. The work of Nelson and
Plosser (1982) showed that aggregate output does not appear to be trend-
reverting. If fluctuations were trend-reverting, then a temporary deviation of
output from its natural rate would not change a forecaster’s estimate of output
in ten years’ time. Campbell and Mankiw (1987, 1989), Stock and Watson
(1988) and Durlauf (1989) have confirmed the findings of Nelson and Plosser.
As a result, the persistence of shocks is now regarded as a ‘stylised fact’ (see
Durlauf, 1989, p. 71). However, Campbell, Mankiw and Durlauf do not ac-
cept that the discovery of a near unit root in the GNP series is clear evidence
of real shocks, or that explanations of fluctuations based on demand distur-
bances should be abandoned. Aggregate demand could have permanent effects
if technological innovation is affected by the business cycle or if hysteresis
effects are important (see Chapter 7). Durlauf has shown how, in the presence
of coordination failures, substantial persistence in real activity can result
from aggregate demand shocks. This implies that demand-side policies can
have long-lasting effects on output. Stadler (1990) has also shown how the
introduction of endogenous technological change fundamentally alters the
properties of both real and monetary theories of the business cycle. REBCT
does not provide any deep microeconomic foundations to explain technologi-
336 Modern macroeconomics

cal change and innovative activity. But the plausible dependence of techno-
logical progress on economic factors such as demand conditions, research
and development expenditures and ‘learning by doing’ effects (Arrow, 1962)
implies that changes on the supply side of the economy are not independent
of changes on the demand side. Hence an unanticipated increase in nominal
aggregate demand can induce technology changes on the supply side which
permanently increase output. In such a model the natural rate of unemploy-
ment will depend on the history of aggregate demand as well as supply-side
factors. A purely monetary model of the business cycle where technology is
endogenous can also account for the Nelson and Plosser finding that output
appears to follow a random walk.
A seventh criticism relates to the pervasive use of the representative agent
construct in real business cycle theory. Real business cycle theorists sidestep
the aggregation problems inherent in macroeconomic analysis by using a
representative agent whose choices are assumed to coincide with the aggre-
gate choices of millions of heterogeneous individuals. Such models therefore
avoid the problems associated with asymmetric information, exchange and
coordination. To many economists the most important questions in macr-
oeconomic theory relate to problems associated with coordination and
heterogeneity. If the coordination question and the associated possibility of
exchange failures lie at the heart of economic fluctuations, then to by-pass the
problem by assuming that an economy is populated only by Robinson Crusoe
is an unacceptable research strategy for many economists (see Summers,
1986; Kirman, 1992; Leijonhufvud, 1992, 1998a; Akerlof, 2002; Snowdon,
A final important criticism relates to the lack of robust empirical testing
(see Fair, 1992; Laidler, 1992a; Hartley et al., 1998). As far as the stylized
facts are concerned, both new Keynesian and real business cycle theories can
account for a broad pattern of time series co-movements (see Greenwald and
Stiglitz, 1988). In an assessment of the empirical plausibility of real business
cycle theory, Eichenbaum (1991) finds the evidence put forward by its propo-
nents as ‘too fragile to be believable’.

6.17 Great Depressions: A Real Business Cycle View

As noted above, REBCT has been criticized for its lack of plausibility with
respect to explaining the Great Depression. However, during recent years
several economists have begun to investigate economic depressions using
neoclassical growth theory.
Cole and Ohanian (1999) were the first economists to study the Great
Depression from this perspective and they attempt to account not only for the
downturn in GDP in the period 1929–33, but also seek to explain the recov-
The real business cycle school 337

ery of output between 1934 and 1939. In their analysis they do not deny the
contribution of real and monetary aggregate demand shocks in initiating the
Great Depression. However, conventional models predict a rapid recovery
from such shocks after 1933 given the expansionary monetary policies adopted
after abandoning the Gold Standard constraint, the elimination of bank fail-
ures and deflation, and the significant rise in total factor productivity. Given
these changes, output should have returned to trend by 1936, but US output
remained up to 30 per cent below trend throughout the 1930s. Cole and
Ohanian argue that the weak recovery process was mainly due to the adverse
consequences of New Deal policies, particularly policies related to the Na-
tional Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) of 1933. The NIRA, by suspending
anti-trust laws in over 500 sectors of the US economy, encouraged carteliza-
tion and reductions in price competition. Firms were also encouraged to grant
large pay increases for incumbent workers. Cole and Ohanian claim that it
was the impact of NIRA that depressed employment and output during the
recovery, thereby lengthening the Great Depression. Prescott (1999) provides
a similar perspective for the US economy, arguing that the Great Depression
was ‘largely the result of changes in economic institutions that lowered the
normal steady-state market hours per person over 16’. Thus, for Prescott, the
Keynesian explanation of the slump is upside down. A collapse of investment
did not cause the decline in employment. Rather employment declined as a
result of changes in industrial and labour market policies that lowered em-
ployment! (see also Chari et al., 2002). While arguing that a liquidity preference
shock rather than technology shocks played an important role in the contrac-
tion phase of the Great Depression in the USA (providing support for the
Friedman and Schwartz argument that a more accommodative monetary policy
by the US Federal Reserve could have greatly reduced the severity of the
Great Depression), Christiano et al. (2004) also agree with the Cole and
Ohanian view that the recovery of employment in the USA during the 1930s
was adversely affected by President Roosvelt’s ‘New Deal’ policies.
In a subsequent paper, Cole and Ohanian (2002b) focus on why both the US
and UK Great Depressions lasted so long, with output and consumption in both
economies some 25 per cent below trend for over ten years. Such a duration in
both countries cannot be ‘plausibly explained by deflation or other financial
shocks’. Instead, Cole and Ohanian focus on the negative impact of the NIRA
(1933) and the NLRA (National Labour Relations Act, 1935) in the USA, both
of which distorted the efficient working of markets by increasing monopoly
power. In the case of the UK, their analysis follows the lead given in earlier
research by Benjamin and Kochin (1979) that a generous increase in unem-
ployment benefits lengthened the Great Depression.
This new approach to explaining depressions has not convinced the major-
ity of economists, who mainly continue to highlight the importance of
338 Modern macroeconomics

aggregate demand shocks and monetary and financial factors in their expla-
nations of the Great Depression (see Chapter 2). Nevertheless, Prescott’s
(2002) Ely Lecture focused on using supply-side explanations of ‘Prosperity
and Depression’ for the interwar experience of the USA, UK and Germany,
the recent depression in France and the post-war record of Japan. In each
case the most important factor causing output to be below trend is supply-
side, rather than demand-side in origin (see also Kehoe and Prescott, 2002).
Crucial to the maintenance of prosperity are policies that focus on enhancing
total factor productivity. Given this perspective, Prescott recommends sup-
ply-side policies that will:

1. promote the establishment of an efficient financial sector to allocate

scarce investment funds;
2. enhance competition, both domestic and international; and
3. promote international integration, including the establishment of trading
clubs such as the EU.

6.18 An Assessment

In his Yrjo Jahnsson lectures, given in 1978, James Tobin noted that ‘there is no
economic business cycle theory, new or old, involved in assuming that waves of
economic activity simply mirror waves in underlying technology and taste’
(Tobin, 1980a, p. 37). This state of affairs was to change dramatically during
the 1980s when, following the widespread rejection of the monetary misper-
ception version of equilibrium theory, real business cycle models proliferated.
The research initiated by Nelson and Plosser provided substantial support for
the view that shocks to aggregate output tend to have long-lasting effects.
Output does not appear to revert to a deterministic trend. This finding has had a
profound influence on business cycle research, in that it suggests that much of
the disturbance to aggregate output that we witness is caused by supply-side
influences. By demonstrating that equilibrium models are not inconsistent with
aggregate instability, real business cycle theorists have challenged the conven-
tional wisdom and forced theorists on all sides to recognize just how deficient
our knowledge is of business cycle phenomena. The real business cycle ap-
proach has therefore performed a useful function in raising profound questions
relating to the meaning, significance and characteristics of economic fluctuations.
We have seen in this chapter how REBCT is a continuation of the research
programme, stimulated in the modern era by Lucas, that aims to explore the
general equilibrium intertemporal characteristics of macroeconomics (Wickens,
1995). In doing so, REBCT has integrated the theory of growth and fluctuations
and irreversibly changed the direction of business cycle research. New insights
have been gained, along with innovative modelling techniques.
The real business cycle school 339

More than 30 years ago, Harry Johnson (1971), in his lecture to the 1970
meeting of the American Economic Association, attempted to provide rea-
sons for the rapid propagation of the Keynesian revolution in order to better
understand the monetarist counter-revolution which during the late 1960s and
early 1970s had begun to fill the intellectual vacuum created by the retreat of
the Keynesian orthodoxy in the face of accelerating inflation. In Johnson’s
highly perceptive article, attention was drawn to the shared characteristics of
both the Keynesian revolution and the monetarist counter-revolution which
appear important in explaining the success of these developments. According
to Johnson, there are two types of factor which can help explain the rapid
acceptance and propagation of new ideas among professional economists.
The first factor relates to the ‘objective social situation in which the new
theory was produced’. The second important factor encompasses the ‘internal
scientific characteristics of the new theory’. We would argue that these fac-
tors can help in understanding the rapid propagation of new classical ideas,
both the MEBCT and the REBCT (see Snowdon and Vane, 1996).
Although an established orthodoxy, such as trend-reverting cycles, which
is in apparent contradiction to the ‘most salient facts of reality’ is the ‘most
helpful circumstance for the rapid propagation of a new and revolutionary
theory’, Johnson also identified five internal scientific characteristics which
in his view were crucial because it was these aspects of the new theory which
appealed to the younger generation of economists. In summary, the five main
characteristics Johnson identified involved:

1. ‘a central attack, on theoretically persuasive grounds, on the central

proposition of the orthodoxy of the time’;
2. ‘the production of an apparently new theory that nevertheless absorbed
all that was valid in the existing theory’;
3. a new theory having an ‘appropriate degree of difficulty to understand’
that would ‘challenge the intellectual interest of younger colleagues and
4. ‘a new more appealing methodology’ than that prevailing;
5. ‘the advancement of a new and important empirical relationship suitable
for determined estimation’ by econometricians.

To what extent have these five internal scientific characteristics played an

important role in explaining the success of new classical macroeconomics, in
particular the REBCT?
The first characteristic (that is, an attack on a central proposition of the
established orthodoxy) can be straightforwardly identified in REBCT. Before
1980 the established consensus regarded business cycles as socially undesir-
able. In sharp contrast, the main policy implication of real business cycle
340 Modern macroeconomics

theory is that because the existence of fluctuations in aggregate output does

not imply the failure of markets to clear, the government should refrain from
any attempt to reduce such fluctuations not only because such policies are
unlikely to achieve their desired objective, but also because reducing instabil-
ity would reduce welfare!
The application of Johnson’s second internal characteristic (that is, the
ability of a new theory to absorb as much as possible of the valid components
of the existing orthodox theory) can also be applied to REBCT, which has
pioneered the use of the orthodox neoclassical growth model as a framework
for the quantitative analysis of aggregate fluctuations as well as absorbing
much of the methodology advocated by Lucas in the 1970s.
Johnson’s third characteristic (that is, an intellectually challenging new
theory with appeal to the younger generation of economists) is one that again
can be readily applied to REBCT. There is no question that the new classical
revolution pushed macroeconomic theory into new, more abstract directions
involving the introduction of techniques not found in the ‘kit bags of the
older economists’ (Blinder, 1988b). Being better trained mathematically, the
younger generation has been able to absorb the new techniques, such as
calibration, giving them a ‘heavy competitive edge’ over the ‘older’ econo-
Turning to the fourth characteristic (that is, a new methodology), the
REBCT programme has wholeheartedly embraced a methodological frame-
work involving a formal general equilibrium approach. Responding to the
‘Lucas critique’ has fostered an emphasis on a return to first principles in the
quest to establish sound microfoundations for general equilibrium macroeco-
nomic models. Since real business cycle methodology is in principle
ideologically neutral, it has the capability of fostering models with enormous
The fifth characteristic (concerning a ‘new and important empirical rela-
tionship’ for estimation) is more difficult to apply to REBCT developments.
Rather than attempting to provide models capable of conventional economet-
ric testing, real business cycle theorists have instead developed the ‘calibration
method’ in which the simulated results of their specific models (when hit by
random shocks) in terms of key macroeconomic variables are compared with
the actual behaviour of the economy. Unfortunately calibration does not
provide a method that allows one to judge between the performance of real
and other (for example Keynesian) business cycle models.
From the above discussion it should be evident that while Johnson put
forward five main ‘internal’ characteristics to help explain the success of the
Keynesian revolution and monetarist counter-revolution, the first four of these
same characteristics also help in understanding why REBCT has made such
an important impact on the development of macroeconomics since the early
The real business cycle school 341

1980s. In assessing whether or not REBCT has constituted a ‘fashion’ or a

‘revolution’ in macroeconomics, Kirschner and Rhee (1996) conclude from
their statistical analysis of the spread of scientific research that data on
publications and researchers in the REBCT field exhibit ‘mini-revolution’
A distinguishing feature of the early REBCT is the downplaying of mon-
etary influences as a major cause of business cycles. Instead random shocks
to technology play the major role in creating disturbances, and the desire of
economic agents for consumption smoothing and ‘time to build’ constraints
acts as a major propagation mechanism leading to persistence. While the
early REBCT models had too narrow a focus, more recent work has also
begun to add monetary and financial variables into the model, as well as to
extend this line of research to include government and open economy influ-
ences (see Mendoza, 1991; Backus et al., 1992; Hess and Shin, 1997). Going
further and adding market imperfections to REBCT will provide a bridge
between new classical and new Keynesian approaches to business cycle re-
search (Wickens, 1995). We should also note that the real business cycle
approach has furthered the cause of those economists who insist that macro
models need to be based on a firmer microeconomic base. This in turn has
strengthened the general move to improve our understanding of the supply
side. If anyone seriously questioned it before, no one now doubts that macr-
oeconomics is about demand and supply and their interaction. As Blinder
(1987b) notes, ‘events in the 1970s and 1980s demonstrated to Keynesian
and new classical economists alike that Marshall’s celebrated scissors also
come in a giant economy size’.
While recognizing the achievements of the real business research pro-
gramme, the critics remain convinced that this approach has serious
deficiencies. A majority of economists believe that the short-run aggregate
demand disturbances that arise from monetary policy can have significant
real effects because of the nominal price and wage rigidities which character-
ize actual economies (see Chapter 7). This important line of criticism
challenges the new classical assumption that markets continuously clear,
even in a recession. If markets do not clear quickly and the world is charac-
terized by both aggregate demand and aggregate supply disturbances, the
actual fluctuations that we observe will consist of a stochastic trend around
which output deviates as the result of demand shocks. This view is well
represented by Blanchard and Quah (1989) where they ‘interpret fluctuations
in GNP and unemployment as due to two types of disturbances: disturbances
that have a permanent effect on output and disturbances that do not. We
interpret the first as supply disturbances, the second as demand disturbances.’
Clearly the role of stabilization policy in such a world is immensely compli-
cated, even if we accept that demand disturbances are important. How, for
342 Modern macroeconomics

example, can a government make the requisite distinction between demand

and supply shocks, especially when such shocks are not independent but
interdependent? (see Friedman, 1992).
Further support for keeping an open mind on the causes of aggregate
instability is provided by G.M. Caporale (1993). In an investigation of busi-
ness cycles in the UK, France, Finland, Italy, Norway, Sweden and West
Germany, Caporale found that that neither demand nor supply shocks alone
could account for economic fluctuations. Recent empirical research by Temin
(1998) also finds a variety of causes responsible for US business cycles.
Temin suggests a four-way classification of the causes of US business cycles
over the twentieth century, namely Domestic Real, Domestic Monetary, For-
eign Real and Foreign Monetary. According to Temin’s data it appears that
domestic causes far outweigh foreign shocks (16.5 v. 7.5), and real distur-
bances dominate monetary disturbances (13.5 v. 10.5). The real domestic
shocks are diverse and include all manner of real demand disturbance. Temin
concludes that ‘all four types of shock have acted as a source of the American
business cycle’ and the dominant conclusion of his enquiry is that ‘the sources
of instability are not homogeneous’. In his study of large recessions in the
twentieth century, Dow (1998) discusses three major findings. First, major
recessions and growth slowdowns are mainly due to aggregate demand shocks.
Second, these demand shocks can be identified, for example, the 1979–82
recession in the UK was largely the result of a decline in exports brought
about by an appreciation of the exchange rate in response to the new mon-
etary and fiscal regime under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Third,
recessions are not predictable given economists’ present state of knowledge.
A balanced conclusion from the above discussion would seem to point
towards the advantage of taking an eclectic approach when analysing the
causes of business cycles. There is no evidence that the business cycle is dead
or that governments now have the ability and knowledge to offset the various
shocks that buffet every economy. While governments can never hope to
eliminate the business cycle, they should have the knowledge and capacity to
avert another Great Depression or Great Inflation.
In a recent assessment of the contribution of REBCT to twentieth-century
macroeconomics (see Snowdon, 2004a), Axel Leijonhufvud commented:

I think the legacy of Ed Prescott’s work will be in terms of the analytical machin-
ery available to technically minded economists, although those techniques are not
always appropriate and you cannot always apply them. In particular, you cannot
meaningfully run these dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models across the
great catastrophes of history and hope for enlightenment.

Even taking into account these important deficiencies, there is no doubt that
the REBCT research programme has been ‘extremely influential’ and current
The real business cycle school 343

work in the field is ‘a far cry’ from the initial representative agent competitive
(and unique) equilibrium model constructed by Kydland and Prescott in the
early 1980s (Williamson, 1996). However, while noting that new and contro-
versial ideas are often the most fruitful, even when false, Hartley et al. (1998)
conclude that ‘real business cycle models are bold conjectures in the Popperian
mould and that, on the preponderance of the evidence, they are refuted’.
However, for those economists who reject the real business cycle view that
stabilization policy has no role to play, there remains the theoretical difficulty
of explaining in a coherent way why markets fail to clear.
Beginning in the late 1970s, and continuing thereafter, many economists
have taken up this challenge of attempting to explain why the adjustment of
prices and wages in many markets is sluggish. ‘The rationality of rigidities’
theme is a major feature of the research of new Keynesian economists and it
is to this work that we turn in the next chapter.
344 Modern macroeconomics


Edward Prescott was born in 1940 in Glens Falls, New York and obtained his
BA (Maths) from Swarthmore College in 1962, his MS (Operations Re-
search) from Case Institute of Technology in 1963 and his PhD from
Carnegie-Mellon University in 1967. He was Assistant Professor of Econom-
ics at the University of Pennsylvania (1966–71), Assistant Professor (1971–2),
Associate Professor (1972–5) and Professor of Economics (1975–80) at
Carnegie-Mellon University, and Regents’ Professor at the University of Min-
nesota (1980–2003). Since 2003 he has been Professor of Economics at
Arizona State University.
Professor Prescott is best known for his highly influential work on the
implications of rational expectations in a variety of contexts and more
recently the development of stochastic dynamic general equilibrium theory.
He is widely acknowledged as a leading advocate of the real business cycle
approach to economic fluctuations. In 2004 he was awarded, with Finn
Kydland, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for ‘contributions to
dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the
driving forces behind business cycles’. Among his best-known books are:
Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics (Harvard University Press, 1989),
co-authored with Nancy Stokey and Robert E. Lucas Jr, and Barriers to
Riches (MIT Press, 2000), co-authored with Stephen Parente. His most
widely read articles include: ‘Investment Under Uncertainty’, Econometrica
Edward C. Prescott 345

(1971), co-authored with Robert E. Lucas Jr; ‘Rules Rather Than Discre-
tion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans’, Journal of Political Economy
(1977), co-authored with Finn Kydland; ‘Time to Build and Aggregate
Fluctuations’, Econometrica (1982), co-authored with Finn Kydland; ‘Theory
Ahead of Business Cycle Measurement’, Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis Quarterly Review (1986); ‘Business Cycles: Real Facts and a
Monetary Myth’, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review
(1990), co-authored with Finn Kydland; ‘The Computational Experiment:
An Econometric Tool’, Journal of Economic Perspectives (1996), co-authored
with Finn Kydland; and ‘Prosperity and Depression’, American Economic
Review (2002).

We interviewed Professor Prescott in Chicago, in his hotel room, on 3 Janu-

ary 1998, while attending the annual conference of the American Economic

Background Information

Where and when did you first study economics?

I first studied economics as a graduate student at Carnegie-Mellon in 1963,
which was then the Carnegie Institute of Technology. As an undergraduate I
initially started out as a physics major – back then it was the Sputnik era and
that was the glamorous field. I had two boring laboratory courses, which I
didn’t enjoy, so I transferred into math.

What was it about economics that attracted you?

Having transferred from physics to math I first considered doing applied math
– I got my degree in operations research. Then I went to an interdisciplinary
programme and it seemed to me that the smartest, most interesting people were
doing economics. Bob Lucas was a new assistant professor when I arrived at
Carnegie-Mellon. My mentor, though, was Mike Lovell, a wonderful person.

Apart from Bob Lucas and Mike Lovell, did any of your other teachers stand
out as being particularly influential or inspirational?
Sure. Morie De Groot, a great Bayesian statistician.

With respect to your own research which economists have had the greatest
I would say Bob Lucas. Also Finn Kydland, who was a student of mine –
perhaps my two most important papers were written with Finn [Kydland and
Prescott, 1977, 1982].
346 Modern macroeconomics

For over 20 years you have had a very productive relationship with Finn
Kydland. When did you first meet him?
My first position after leaving Carnegie-Mellon was at the University of
Pennsylvania. When I came back to Carnegie-Mellon Finn was an advanced
graduate student there, ready to work on research. We had a very small
economics programme with approximately seven faculty members and seven
students. It was a good programme where students worked quite closely with
faculty members. Bob Lucas and I had a number of joint students – unlike
Bob I didn’t scare the students [laughter].

Development of Macroeconomics

You have already mentioned that Bob Lucas was very influential on your own
thinking. Which other economists do you regard as being the most influential
macroeconomists since Keynes?
Well, if you define growth as being part of macroeconomics Bob Solow has
to be up there. Peter Diamond, Tom Sargent and Neil Wallace have also been
very influential.

What about Milton Friedman?

Well, I know Bob Lucas regards Friedman as being incredibly influential to
the research programme in the monetary area. Friedman’s work certainly
influenced people interested in the monetary side of things – Neil Wallace,
for example, was one of Friedman’s students. But I’m more biased towards
Neil Wallace’s programme, which is to lay down theoretical foundations for
money. Friedman’s work in the monetary field with Anna Schwartz [1963] is
largely empirically orientated. Now when Friedman talked about the natural
rate – where the unit of account doesn’t matter – that is serious theory. But
Friedman never accepted the dynamic equilibrium paradigm or the extension
of economic theory to dynamic stochastic environments.

You were a graduate student at a time when Keynesianism ‘seemed to be the

only game in town in terms of macroeconomics’ [Barro, 1994]. Were you ever
persuaded by the Keynesian model? Were you ever a Keynesian in those
Well, in my dissertation I used a Keynesian model of business cycle fluctua-
tions. Given that the parameters are unknown, I thought that maybe you
could apply optimal statistical decision theory to better stabilize the economy.
Then I went to the University of Pennsylvania. Larry Klein was there – a
really fine scholar. He provided support for me as an assistant professor,
which was much appreciated. I also had an association with the Wharton
Economic Forecasting group. However, after writing the paper on ‘Invest-
Edward C. Prescott 347

ment under Uncertainty’ with Bob Lucas [Econometrica, 1971], plus reading
his 1972 Journal of Economic Theory paper on ‘Expectations and the Neu-
trality of Money’, I decided I was not a Keynesian [big smile]. I actually
stopped teaching macro after that for ten years, until I moved to Minnesota in
the spring of 1981, by which time I thought I understood the subject well
enough to teach it.

Business Cycles

The study of business cycles has itself gone through a series of cycles.
Business cycle research flourished from the 1920s to the 1940s, waned during
the 1950s and 1960s, before witnessing a revival of interest during the 1970s.
What were the main factors which were important in regenerating interest in
business cycle research in the 1970s?
There were two factors responsible for regenerating interest in business cy-
cles. First, Lucas beautifully defined the problem. Why do market economies
experience recurrent fluctuations of output and employment about trend?
Second, economic theory was extended to the study of dynamic stochastic
economic environments. These tools are needed to derive the implications of
theory for business cycle fluctuations. Actually the interest in business cycles
was always there, but economists couldn’t do anything without the needed
tools. I guess this puts me in the camp which believes that economics is a
tool-driven science – absent the needed tools we are stymied.

Following your work with Finn Kydland in the early 1980s there has been
considerable re-examination of what are the stylized facts of the business
cycle. What do you think are the most important stylized facts of the business
cycle that any good theory needs to explain?
Business cycle-type fluctuations are just what dynamic economic theory
predicts. In the 1970s everybody thought the impulse or shock had to be
money and were searching for a propagation mechanism. In our 1982
Econometrica paper, ‘Time to Build and Aggregate Fluctuations’, Finn and I
loaded a lot of stuff into our model economy in order to get propagation. We
found that a prediction of economic theory is that technology shocks will
give rise to business cycle fluctuations of the nature observed. The magnitude
of the fluctuations and persistence of deviations from trend match observa-
tions. The facts that investment is three times more volatile than output, and
consumption one-half as volatile, also match, as does the fact that most
business cycle variation in output is accounted for by variation in the labour
input. This is a remarkable success. The theory used, namely neoclassical
growth theory, was not developed to account for business cycles. It was
developed to account for growth.
348 Modern macroeconomics

Were you surprised that you were able to construct a model economy which
generated fluctuations which closely resembled actual experience in the
Yes. At that stage we were still searching for the model to fit the data, as
opposed to using the theory to answer the question – we had not really tied
down the size of the technology shock and found that the intertemporal
elasticity of labour supply had to be high. In a different context I wrote a
paper with another one of my students, Raj Mehra [Mehra and Prescott,
1985] in which we tried to use basic theory to account for the difference in
the average returns on stock and equity. We thought that existing theory
would work beforehand – the finance people told us that it would [laughter].
We actually found that existing theory could only account for a tiny part of
the huge difference.

How do you react to the criticism that there is a lack of available supporting
evidence of strong intertemporal labour substitution effects?
Gary Hansen [1985] and Richard Rogerson’s [1988] key theoretical develop-
ment on labour indivisibility is central to this. The margin that they use is the
number of people who work, not the number of hours of those that do work.
This results in the stand-in or representative household being very willing to
intertemporally substitute even though individuals are not that willing. La-
bour economists using micro data found that the association between hours
worked and compensation per hour was weak for full-time workers. Based on
these observations they concluded that the labour supply elasticity is small.
These early studies ignore two important features of reality. The first is that
most of the variation in labour supply is in the number working – not in the
length of the workweek. The second important feature of reality ignored in
these early studies is that wages increase with experience. This suggests that
part of individuals’ compensation is this valuable experience. Estimates of
labour supply are high when this feature of reality is taken into account. The
evidence in favour of high intertemporal labour supply elasticity has become
overwhelming. Macro and micro labour economics have been unified.

Many prominent economists such as Milton Friedman [see Snowdon and

Vane, 1997b], Greg Mankiw [1989] and Lawrence Summers [1986] have
been highly critical of real business cycle models as an explanation of aggre-
gate fluctuations. What do you regard as being the most serious criticisms
that have been raised in the literature against RBC models?
I don’t think you criticize models – maybe the theory. A nice example is
where the Solow growth model was used heavily in public finance – some of
its predictions were confirmed, so we now have a little bit more confidence in
that structure and what public finance people say about the consequences of
Edward C. Prescott 349

different tax policies. Bob Lucas [1987] says technology shocks seem aw-
fully big and that is the feature he is most bothered by. When you look at how
much total factor productivity changes over five-year periods and you assume
that changes are independent, the quarterly changes have to be big. The
difference between total factor productivity in the USA and India is at least
400 per cent. This is a lot bigger than if in say a two-year period the shocks
are such that productivity growth is a couple of per cent below or above
average. This is enough to give rise to a recession or boom. Other factors are
also influential – tax rates matter for labour supply and I’m not going to rule
out preference shocks either. I can’t forecast what social attitudes will be, I
don’t think anybody can – for example, whether or not the female labour
participation rate will go up.

In your 1986 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis paper, ‘Theory Ahead of

Business Cycle Measurement’, you concluded that attention should be fo-
cused on ‘determinants of the average rate of technological advance’. What
in your view are the main factors that determine the average rate at which
technology advances?
The determinants of total factor productivity is the question in economics. If
we knew why total factor productivity in the USA was four times bigger than
in India, I am sure India would immediately take the appropriate actions and
be as rich as the USA [laughter]. Of course the general rise throughout the
world has to be related to what Paul Romer talks about – increasing returns
and the increase in the stock of usable knowledge. But there is a lot more to
total factor productivity, particularly when you look at the relative levels
across countries or different experiences over time. For example, the Philip-
pines and Korea were very similar in 1960 but are quite different today.

How important are institutions?

Very. The legal system matters and matters a lot, particularly the commercial
code and the property rights systems. Societies give protection to certain
groups of specialized factor suppliers – they protect the status quo. For
example, why in India do you see highly educated bank workers manually
entering numbers into ledgers? In the last few years I have been reading quite
a lot about these types of issues. However, there seem to be more questions
than answers [laughter].

When it comes to the issue of technological change, are you a fan of

Schumpeter’s work?
The old Schumpeter, but not the new [laughter]. The new suggests that we
need monopolies – what the poor countries need is more competition, not
more monopolies.
350 Modern macroeconomics

In your 1991 Economic Theory paper, co-authored with Finn Kydland, you
estimated that just over two-thirds of post-war US fluctuations can be attrib-
uted to technology shocks. A number of authors have introduced several
modifications of the model economy, for example Cho and Cooley [1995].
How robust is the estimate of the contribution of technology shocks to aggre-
gate fluctuations to such modifications?
The challenge to that number has come from two places. First, the size of the
estimate of the intertemporal elasticity of labour supply. Second, are technol-
ogy shocks as large as we estimated them to be? You can have lots of other
factors and they need not be orthogonal – there could be some moving in
opposite directions that offset each other or some moving in the same direc-
tion that amplify each other. Are the shocks that big? Marty Eichenbaum
[1991] tried to push them down and came up with a 0.005 number for the
standard deviation of the total factor productivity shocks. My number is
0.007. I point out to Marty that Ian Fleming’s secret agent 005 is dead. Agent
007 survives [laughter].

How do you view the more recent development of introducing nominal

rigidities, imperfect credit markets and other Keynesian-style features into
RBC models?
I like the methodology of making a theory quantitative. Introducing monopo-
listic competition with sticky prices has been an attempt to come up with a
good mechanism for the monetary side. I don’t think it has paid off as much
as people had hoped, but it is a good thing to explore.

The new classical monetary-surprise models developed in the 1970s by Lucas,

Sargent, Wallace and others were very influential. When did you first begin to
lose faith in that particular approach?
In our 1982 paper Finn and I were pretty careful – what we said was that in
the post-war period if the only shocks had been technology shocks, then the
economy would have been 70 per cent as volatile. When you look back at
some of Friedman and Schwartz’s [1963] data, particularly from the 1890s
and early 1900s, there were financial crises and associated large declines in
real output. It is only recently that I have become disillusioned with monetary
explanations. One of the main reasons for this is that a lot of smart people
have searched for good monetary transmission mechanisms but they haven’t
been that successful in coming up with one – it’s hard to get persistence out
of monetary surprises.

How do you now view your 1977 Journal of Political Economy paper,
co-authored with Finn Kydland, in which monetary surprises, if they can be
achieved, have real effects?
Edward C. Prescott 351

Finn and I wanted to make the point about the inconsistency of optimal plans
in the setting of a more real environment. The pressure to use this simple
example came from the editor – given the attention that paper has subse-
quently received, I guess his call was right [laughter].

What do you regard to be the essential connecting thread between the mon-
etary-surprise models developed in the 1970s and the real business cycle
models developed in the 1980s?
The methodology – Bob Lucas is the master of methodology, as well as
defining problems. I guess when Finn and I undertook the research for our
1982 piece we didn’t realize it was going to be an important paper. Ex post
we see it as being an important paper – we certainly learnt a lot from writing
it and it did influence Bob Lucas in his thinking about methodology. That
paper pushed the profession into trying to make macroeconomic theory more
quantitative – to say how big things are. There are so many factors out there –
most of them we have got to abstract from, the world is too complex other-
wise – we want to know which factors are little and which are significant.

Turning to one of the stylized facts of the business cycle, does the evidence
suggest that the price level and inflation are procyclical or countercyclical?
Finn and I [Kydland and Prescott, 1990] found that in the USA prices since
the Second World War have been countercyclical, but that in the interwar
period they were procyclical. Now if you go to inflation you are taking the
derivative of the price level and things get more complex. The lack of a
strong uniform regular pattern has led me to be a little suspicious of the
importance of the monetary facts – but further research could change my

What is your current view on the relationship between the behaviour of the
money supply and the business cycle?
Is it OK to talk about hunches? [laughter]. My guess is that monetary and
fiscal policies are really tied together – there is just one government with a
budget constraint. In theory, at least, you can arrange to have a fiscal author-
ity with a budget constraint and an independent monetary authority – in
reality some countries do have a high degree of independence of their central
bank. Now I’ve experimented with some simple closed economy models
which unfortunately get awfully complicated, very fast [laughter]. In some of
those models government policy changes do have real consequences – the
government ‘multipliers’ are very different from those in the standard RBC
model. Monetary and fiscal policy are not independent – there is a complex
interaction between monetary and fiscal policy with respect to debt manage-
ment, money supply and government expenditure. So I think that there is a
352 Modern macroeconomics

rich class of models to be studied and as we get better tools we are going to
learn more.

One of the main features of Keynesianism has always been the high priority
given by its advocates to the problem of unemployment. Equilibrium business
cycle theory seems to treat unemployment as a secondary issue. How do you
think about unemployment?
When I think about employment it is easy because you can go out and
measure it – you see how many hours people work and how many people
work. The problem with unemployment is that it is not a well-defined
concept. When I look at the experience of European economies like France
and Spain, I see unemployment as something to do with the arrangements
that these societies set up. Unemployment, particularly among the young, is
a social problem. Lars Ljungqvist and Tom Sargent [1998] are doing some
very interesting work on this question and that is something I want to study

Given that your work has provided an integrated approach to the theory of
growth and fluctuations, should we perhaps abandon the term ‘business
cycle’ when we refer to aggregate economic fluctuations?
Business cycles are in large part fluctuations due to variations in how many
hours people work. Is that good language or not? I think I’ll leave that for you
to decide [laughter]. I’m sympathetic to what your question implies, but I
can’t think of any better language right now.


You are known as a leading real business cycle theorist. Are you happy with
that label?
I tend to see RBC theory more as a methodology – dynamic applied general
equilibrium modelling has been a big step forward. Applied analyses that
people are doing now are so much better than they used to be. So in so far as I
am associated with that, and have helped get that started, I am happy with
that label.

Do you regard your work as having resulted in a revolution in macroeconom-

No – I have just followed the logic of the discipline. There has been no real
dramatic change, only an extension, to dynamic economics – it takes time to
figure things out and develop new tools. People are always looking for the
revolutions – maybe some day some revolution will come along, but I don’t
think I’ll sit around and wait for it [laughter].
Edward C. Prescott 353

What role have calibration exercises played in the development of real busi-
ness cycle models?
I think of the model as something to use to measure something. Given the
posed question, we typically want our model economy to match reality on
certain dimensions. With a thermometer you want it to register correctly
when you put it in ice and in boiling water. In the past economists have tried
to find the model and that has held them back. Today people don’t take the
data as gospel; they look at how the data are collected. So it has forced people
to learn a lot more about government statistics on the economy.

How important was Lucas’s [1980a] paper on ‘Methods and Problems in

Business Cycle Theory’ in your development of the calibration approach?
It’s hard to recall exactly – I saw his vision more clearly later on. Back then I
kept thinking of trying to find the model, as opposed to thinking of economic
theory in terms of a set of instructions for constructing a model to answer a
particular question. There never is a right or wrong model – the issue is
whether a model is good for the purpose it is being used.

Kevin Hoover [1995b] has suggested that ‘the calibration methodology, to

date, lacks any discipline as stern as that imposed by econometric methods’.
What happens if you have a Keynesian and a real business cycle model which
both perform well? How do you choose between the two?
Well, let’s suppose you work within a Keynesian theoretical framework and it
provides guidance to construct models, and you use those models and they
work well – that’s success, by definition. There was a vision that neoclassical
foundations would eventually be provided for Keynesian models but in the
Keynesian programme theory doesn’t provide much discipline in construct-
ing the structure. A lot of the choice of equations came down to an empirical
matter – theory was used to restrict these equations, some coefficients being
zero. You notice Keynesians talk about equations. Within the applied general
equilibrium approach we don’t talk about equations – we always talk about
production functions, utility functions or people’s ability and willingness to
substitute. We are not trying to follow the physicist in discovering the laws of
motion of the economy, unlike Keynesians and monetarists. Keynesian ap-
proaches were tried and put to a real test, and to quote Bob Lucas and Tom
Sargent [1978], in the 1970s Keynesian macroeconometric models experi-
enced ‘econometric failure on a grand scale’.

To what extent is the question of whether the computational experiment

should be regarded as an econometric tool an issue of semantics?
It is pure semantics. Ragnar Frisch wanted to make neoclassical economics
quantitative – he talked about quantitative theoretical economics and quanti-
354 Modern macroeconomics

tative empirical economics, and their unification. The modern narrow defini-
tion of econometrics only focuses on the empirical side.

Lawrence Summers [1991a] in a paper on ‘The Scientific Illusion in Empiri-

cal Macroeconomics’ has argued along the lines that formal econometric
work has had little impact on the growth of economic knowledge, whereas the
informal pragmatic approach of people like Friedman and Schwartz [1963]
has had a significant effect. Are you sympathetic to Summers’s view?
In some ways I’m sympathetic, in others I’m unsympathetic – I think I’ll
hedge (laughter). With regard to representing our knowledge in terms of the
likelihood of different things being true, so that as we get more observations
over time we zero in on the truth, it doesn’t seem to work that way.

Growth and Development

Since the mid-1980s many eminent economists have turned their attention to
the issue of economic growth. Are we any closer to explaining why there has
been a lack of convergence between rich and poor countries?
The new growth and development literature, which was touched off by Paul
Romer [1986] and Bob Lucas [1988], is very exciting. We now know that
standards of living were more or less constant from the beginning of civiliza-
tion until the industrial revolution; then something changed. When I compare
countries in the East (China, India, Japan and so on) with those in the West
they were about the same in 1800 in terms of per capita GDP – by 1950 the
West was almost ten times richer, now it is only about four times richer. So I
do see signs of convergence. Divergence occurred when modern economic
growth started. In China, for example, the peasants were equally well off in
AD 2 as they were in 1950 – today they are a lot better off. The process of
modern economic growth started earlier in Japan – even so, they didn’t do all
that well until the post-war period. Japan’s relative position to England or the
USA in 1870 was about the same as it was in 1937. Even per capita income
growth in Africa is now taking place at the same rate as in the rich countries –
they should be growing much faster and I expect that they soon will start to
catch up. Furthermore, when you look at countries like India, Pakistan,
Indonesia and the Philippines, they are now growing faster than the rich
industrial countries. So I believe that there will be a lot of convergence over
the next 50 years, in the same way that there has been a lot of convergence
over the last 50 years – it all depends upon how you look at the data.

The endogenous growth literature has led to a reopening of the debate relat-
ing to the role of government in promoting economic growth. What role do
you see for the government?
Edward C. Prescott 355

My interest is in the problem of the poor countries, like India. In those

countries it is important to let things happen and not protect the status quo.
For example, there are some bizarre licensing practices in India. Once things
start happening, they can happen pretty fast and there can be rapid develop-

How do you account for the revival of interest in development economics?

People pushed the paradigm as far as the old tools would allow it to go. Now
a new generation has come along and has sought to advance it a little bit
further. Exciting theoretical developments as well new data sets are key to the
revival of interest. People like Kravis, and more recently Summers and Heston
[1991], have done a major service to the profession by providing new data.


If you were asked to teach macroeconomics to intermediate undergraduates,

how would you go about the task?
Basically I concentrate on the Solow growth model, with factors paid their
marginal product and consider the two key decisions: consumption–saving
and labour–leisure. In discussing monetary issues I follow some basic simple
intertemporal model with people holding assets – Neil Wallace and his stu-
dents have developed some pretty good material that can be used. The hard
thing about teaching macro to undergraduates is that the textbooks are not
that good – there is a need for a Paul Samuelson. Samuelson is an artist; he
brought undergraduates pretty well up to the level of the state of knowledge
in the profession. Now there is a big gap.

Most of your work has involved research which has pushed back the frontiers
of knowledge in economics. Have you ever thought about writing a basic
principles of economics textbook or an intermediate macro textbook?
Writing this type of book requires a special talent – if I had this talent I would
give it some serious thought. I don’t [laughter].

Have you ever been asked to be an economic adviser in Washington?

No [laughter]. I get too excited – you have to be calm and have the right
style. You also have to be a good actor as well as being a good economist. So
again I’ve never been tempted – maybe if I had the ability I might have been

Are you optimistic about the future of macroeconomics?

Yes – I think a lot of progress has been made and will continue to be made.
356 Modern macroeconomics

What issues or areas are you currently working on?

I always work on a variety of issues in the hope that one will break [laugh-
ter]. I’ve recently completed a couple of papers [Parente and Prescott, 1997;
Prescott, 1998]. One paper is on economic development for a monograph on
barriers to riches – I use game theory to construct an explicit model economy
where a particular set of monopoly rights can give rise to large differences in
total factor productivity. The other paper is on financial economics, consider-
ing why there occurs such a big jump in the value of firms associated with
mergers. I also want to look more fully at the issue of the relationship and
interaction between monetary and fiscal policy I hinted at earlier.
7. The new Keynesian school
It is time to put Keynes to rest in the economists’ Hall of Fame, where he certainly
belongs, and to proceed with integrating the most relevant contributions by Keynes
and his early and late followers with other strands of macroeconomic theory.
(Lindbeck, 1998)

7.1 The Fall and Rise of Keynesian Economics

Dennis Robertson, one of Keynes’s most articulate critics, once wrote that
‘high brow opinion is like the hunted hare; if you stand in the same place, or
nearly the same place, it can be relied upon to come around to you in a circle’
(Robertson, 1956). Good examples that illustrate Robertson’s observation
have been provided by the revival of both classical and Keynesian ideas in
their ‘new’ guise. In Chapters 5 and 6 we have seen how classical ideas have
been given new form through the technically impressive and imaginative
contributions inspired, in particular, by Robert Lucas and Edward Prescott. In
this chapter we survey how Keynesian economics has also undergone a
‘renaissance’ during the last 20 years.
We have seen in the previous chapters how the orthodox Keynesian model
associated with the neoclassical synthesis came under attack during the 1970s.
It soon became apparent to the Keynesian mainstream that the new classical
critique represented a much more powerful and potentially damaging chal-
lenge than the one launched by the monetarists, which was of longer standing.
Although orthodox monetarism presented itself as an alternative to the stand-
ard Keynesian model, it did not constitute a radical theoretical challenge to it
(see Laidler, 1986). While Lucas’s new classical monetary theory of aggre-
gate instability had its roots in Friedman’s monetarism, the new classical real
business cycle school represents a challenge to Keynesianism, monetarism
and Lucas’s monetary explanations of the business cycle. The poor perform-
ance of Keynesian wage and price adjustment equations, during the ‘Great
Inflation’ of the 1970s, based on the idea of a stable Phillips curve, made it
imperative for Keynesians to modify their models so as to take into account
both the influence of inflationary expectations and the impact of supply
shocks. This was duly done and once the Phillips curve was suitably modi-
fied, it performed ‘remarkably well’ (Blinder, 1986; Snowdon, 2001a). The
important work of Gordon (1972, 1975), Phelps (1968, 1972, 1978) and

358 Modern macroeconomics

Blinder (1979), all of whom are ‘Keynesians’, was particularly useful in

creating the necessary groundwork which has subsequently allowed the
Keynesian model to adapt and evolve in a way that enabled monetarist
influences to be absorbed within the existing framework (Mayer, 1997;
DeLong, 2000). Moreover, this transition towards a synthesis of ideas did not
require any fundamental change in the way economists viewed the economic
machine. For example, Gordon (1997) argues that his ‘resolutely Keynesian’
model of inflation, introduced in the mid-1970s and based on inertia, demand
and supply shocks, within an expectations-augmented Phillips curve frame-
work, performs very well in explaining the behaviour of output, unemployment
and inflation during the ‘Great Inflation’ period. By introducing supply shocks
into the Phillips curve framework, Gordon’s ‘triangle’ model proved capable
of explaining the positive correlation between inflation and unemployment
observed during the 1970s. Meanwhile, debate continues on the relative
importance of demand and supply shocks as causes of the ‘Great Inflation’
(see Bernanke et al., 1997; Barsky and Kilian, 2001).
Despite these positive developments within Keynesian economics, by 1978
Lucas and Sargent were contemplating life ‘After Keynesian Macroeconom-
ics’. In their view the Keynesian model could not be patched up. The problems
were much more fundamental, and related in particular to: (i) inadequate
microfoundations which assume non-market clearing; and (ii) the incorpora-
tion in both Keynesian and monetarist models of a hypothesis concerning the
formation of expectations which was inconsistent with maximizing behav-
iour, that is, the use of an adaptive rather than rational expectations hypothesis.
In an article entitled ‘The Death of Keynesian Economics: Issues and Ideas’,
Lucas (1980b) went so far as to claim that ‘people even take offence if
referred to as Keynesians. At research seminars people don’t take Keynesian
theorising seriously anymore; the audience starts to whisper and giggle to
one another’ (cited in Mankiw, 1992). In a similar vein, Blinder (1988b) has
confirmed that ‘by about 1980, it was hard to find an American academic
macroeconomist under the age of 40 who professed to be a Keynesian. That
was an astonishing intellectual turnabout in less than a decade, an intellectual
revolution for sure.’ By this time the USA’s most distinguished ‘old’ Keynesian
economist had already posed the question, ‘How Dead is Keynes’? (see
Tobin, 1977). When Paul Samuelson was asked whether Keynes was dead he
replied, ‘Yes, Keynes is dead; and so are Einstein and Newton’ (see Samuelson,

7.2 A Keynesian Resurgence

Lucas’s obituary of Keynesian economics can now be seen to have been

premature because Robert Barro’s ‘bad guys’ have made a comeback (Barro,
The new Keynesian school 359

1989a). By the mid-1980s Howitt (1986) was commenting on ‘The Keynesian

Recovery’, and Blinder was discussing ‘Keynes After Lucas’ (1986) and ‘The
Fall and Rise of Keynesian Economics’ (1988b). By the early 1990s Blinder
had announced that ‘A Keynesian Restoration is Here’ (1992b), Mankiw
(1992) proclaimed that Keynesian economics had been ‘reincarnated’ and
Thirlwall (1993) enthusiastically discussed the ‘Keynesian Renaissance’. While
in the late 1980s the Keynesian promised land was not yet in sight, Blinder
(1988a) believed that ‘we may at long last be emerging from the arid desert
and looking over the Jordan’.
In answering his own (1977) question about the ‘death’ of Keynesian
economics, Tobin (1987) later provided an unequivocal answer in his essay,
‘The Future of Keynesian Economics’:

One reason Keynesian economics has a future is that rival theories of economic
fluctuations do not … I hazard the prediction that neither of the two species of
business cycle theory offered by new classical macroeconomics will be regarded
as serious and credible explanations of economic fluctuations a few years from
now. Whatever cycle theory emerges in a new synthesis will have important
Keynesian elements … Yes, Keynesian economics has a future because it is
essential to the explanation and understanding of a host of observations and
experiences past and present, that alternative macroeconomic approaches do not

Tobin (1996) was particularly critical of the ‘elegant fantasies’ of the ‘Robinson
Crusoe macroeconomics’ of real business cycle theory because it ignores the
coordination question in macroeconomics (see Chapter 6). To economists
such as Akerlof, Stiglitz, Tobin and Leijonhufvud, an essential task for macr-
oeconomic theory is to explain in what circumstances the invisible hand
does, and does not, efficiently coordinate the economic behaviour of numer-
ous diverse agents. Leijonhufvud (1992) has succinctly summed up this

The co-ordination question, simply stated, is this: Will the market system ‘auto-
matically’ co-ordinate economic activities? Always? Never? Sometimes very well,
but sometimes pretty badly? If the latter, under what conditions, and with what
institutional structures, will it do well or do badly? I regard these questions as the
central and basic ones in macroeconomics.

Certainly the persistence of high unemployment in Europe during the 1980s

and 1990s also called into question the plausibility of equilibrium explana-
tions of the business cycle while also providing increasing ‘credibility to
Keynesian theory and policy’ (Tobin, 1989; Arestis and Sawyer, 1998).
We have seen in Chapter 5 and 6 how new classical macroeconomists
resolved the tension between neoclassical microeconomics and Keynesian
360 Modern macroeconomics

macroeconomics by abandoning the latter. An alternative approach to this

problem has been put forward by those economists who feel that the neoclas-
sical synthesis contained some fundamental truths and that, suitably modified,
Keynesian economics could once again dominate macroeconomics. The cen-
tral analytical message of the orthodox Keynesian school comprised the
following main propositions (Greenwald and Stiglitz, 1987, 1993a; Tobin,
1996; Lindbeck, 1998):

1. an unregulated market economy will experience ‘prolonged’ periods of

excess supply of output and labour in contradiction to ‘Say’s Law’ of
markets; that is, in Keynes’s terminology, market economies will exhibit
‘unemployment equilibrium’;
2. aggregate macroeconomic instability (business cycles) are mainly caused
by aggregate demand disturbances;
3. ‘money matters’ most of the time, although in very deep recessions
monetary policy may be ineffective (Blanchard, 1990a; Krugman, 1998);
4. government intervention in the form of stabilization policy has the po-
tential to improve macroeconomic stability and economic welfare.

While ‘new’ Keynesian economists would agree with these ‘old’ Keynesian
propositions, we shall see that the new Keynesian models are very different
in many aspects from their distant (1960s) cousins. While new Keynesians
disagree with the new classical explanations of instability, they do share two
new classical methodological premises. First, macroeconomic theories re-
quire solid microeconomic foundations. Second, macroeconomic models are
best constructed within a general equilibrium framework. However, as
Greenwald and Stiglitz (1993a) point out, real business cycle theorists adopt
microfoundations that describe a world of perfect information, perfect com-
petition, zero transactions costs, and the existence of a complete set of markets.
Problems associated with asymmetric information, heterogeneous agents and
imperfect and incomplete markets are assumed away. The essence of the new
Keynesian approach is to recognize the importance of a whole variety of real-
world imperfections (Stiglitz, 2000; 2002). By rebuilding the microfoundations
of Keynesian economics utilizing the findings of modern microeconomic
theory, new Keynesian theorists have established a research programme aimed
at rectifying the theoretical flaws which permeated the supply side of the
‘old’ Keynesian model (see Snowdon and Vane, 1995). Because the typical
market economy is riddled with numerous imperfections, aggregate supply
does respond to changes in aggregate demand.
For a detailed and critical discussion of the new Keynesian literature, we
refer the reader to McCallum (1986); Greenwald and Stiglitz (1987, 1993a);
Rotemberg (1987); Fischer (1988); Barro (1989a); Blanchard (1990a); Gordon
The new Keynesian school 361

(1990); Phelps (1990); Colander et al. (1992); Hargreaves-Heap (1992, 2002);

Stiglitz (1992); King (1993); D. Romer (1993); Tobin (1993); Davidson
(1994); Dixon (1997); Snowdon and Vane (1997a); Lindbeck (1998). Most of
the important papers are collected in the twin volumes edited by Mankiw and
Romer (1991), who also provide an excellent tour of the early literature in
their introductory survey.

7.3 New Keynesian Economics

Although the term ‘new Keynesian’ was first used by Parkin and Bade in
1982 in their textbook on modern macroeconomics (1982b), it is clear that
this line of thought had been conceived in the 1970s during the first phase of
the new classical revolution. The burgeoning new Keynesian literature since
then has been primarily concerned with the ‘search for rigorous and convinc-
ing models of wage and/or price stickiness based on maximising behaviour
and rational expectations’ (Gordon, 1990). New Keynesian economics devel-
oped in response to the perceived theoretical crisis within Keynesian economics
which had been exposed by Lucas during the 1970s. The paramount task
facing Keynesian theorists is to remedy the theoretical flaws and inconsisten-
cies in the old Keynesian model. Therefore, new Keynesian theorists aim to
construct a coherent theory of aggregate supply where wage and price rigidities
can be rationalized.
Both the old and new versions of classical economics assume continuous
market clearing and in such a world the economy can never be constrained by a
lack of effective demand. To many economists the hallmark of Keynesian
economics is the absence of continuous market clearing. In both the old (neo-
classical synthesis) and new versions of Keynesian models the failure of prices
to change quickly enough to clear markets implies that demand and supply
shocks will lead to substantial real effects on an economy’s output and employ-
ment. In a Keynesian world, deviations of output and employment from their
equilibrium values can be substantial and prolonged, and are certainly inter-
preted as damaging to economic welfare. As Gordon (1993) points out, ‘the
appeal of Keynesian economics stems from the evident unhappiness of workers
and firms during recessions and depressions. Workers and firms do not act as if
they were making a voluntary choice to cut production and hours worked.’ New
Keynesians argue that a theory of the business cycle based on the failure of
markets to clear is more realistic than the new classical or real business cycle
alternatives. The essential difference between the old and new versions of
Keynesian economics is that the models associated with the neoclassical syn-
thesis tended to assume nominal rigidities, while the attraction of the new
Keynesian approach is that it attempts to provide acceptable microfoundations
to explain the phenomena of wage and price stickiness.
362 Modern macroeconomics

The reader should be aware that new Keynesian economists are an ex-
tremely heterogeneous group, so much so that the use of the term ‘school’ is
more convenient than appropriate. Nevertheless, economists who have made
significant contributions to the new Keynesian literature, even if some of
them may object to the label ‘new Keynesian’, include Gregory Mankiw and
Lawrence Summers (Harvard); Olivier Blanchard (MIT), Stanley Fischer
(Citigroup, and formerly at MIT); Bruce Greenwald, Edmund Phelps and
Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia); Ben Bernanke (Princeton); Laurence Ball (Johns
Hopkins); George Akerlof, Janet Yellen and David Romer (Berkeley); Robert
Hall and John Taylor (Stanford); Dennis Snower (Birkbeck, London) and
Assar Lindbeck (Stockholm). The proximity of US new Keynesians to the
east and west coasts inspired Robert Hall to classify these economists under
the general heading of ‘Saltwater’ economists. By a strange coincidence new
classical economists tend to be associated with ‘Freshwater’ academic insti-
tutions: Chicago, Rochester, Minnesota and Carnegie-Mellon (see Blanchard,
1990b; Snowdon and Vane, 1999b; Snowdon, 2002a).
At this point it should be noted that some writers have also identified a
‘European’ brand of macroeconomic analysis which has also been called
‘new Keynesian’. The European variant emphasizes imperfect competition in
the labour market as well as the product market, reflecting the higher unioni-
zation rates which characterize European economies (Hargreaves-Heap, 1992).
The appropriateness of a bargaining approach to wage determination, as a
microfoundation to Keynesian macroeconomics, is much more contentious in
the USA, where a minority of workers belong to a union. The use of the
imperfect competition macro model to examine the problem of unemploy-
ment is best represented in the work of Richard Layard, Stephen Nickell and
Richard Jackman (LSE), Wendy Carlin (University College, London) and
David Soskice (Duke). These economists provide the most comprehensive
introduction to the European brand of new Keynesianism (see Layard et al.,
1991, 1994; Carlin and Soskice, 1990). There is of course considerable
overlap between the two brands of new Keynesianism, especially when it
comes to the issue of real wage rigidity (see section 7.7.3). Economists such
as Bénassy, Drèze, Grandmont and Malinvaud have also developed general
equilibrium models where non-market-clearing and price-making agents give
such models Keynesian features. In a survey of this literature Bénassy (1993)
suggests that ‘it would certainly be worthwhile to integrate the most relevant
new Keynesian insights’ into this general equilibrium approach.
At the beginning of the 1980s, three alternative explanations of the busi-
ness cycle were on offer within mainstream economics (there were others
outside the mainstream such as Austrian, Post Keynesian and Marxian; see
Chapters 8 and 9, and Snowdon and Vane, 2002b). The mainstream alterna-
tives were (i) flexible price, monetary misperception equilibrium business
The new Keynesian school 363

cycle theories developed and advocated by Lucas (see Chapter 5); (ii) sticky
price expectational models emphasizing some element of wage and price
rigidity (for example, Fischer, 1977; Phelps and Taylor, 1977; Taylor, 1980);
and (iii) real business cycle models which increasingly became the main
flagship of the new classical equilibrium theorists during the 1980s (see
Chapter 6). By the mid-1980s the ‘Saltwater–Freshwater’ debate was essen-
tially between the sticky price and real business cycle varieties, given the
demise of the new classical monetary models. However, a major concern of
new Keynesian theorists has been to explain how nominal rigidities arise
from optimizing behaviour. Ball et al. (1988) consider the decline of Keynesian
economics during the 1970s to have been mainly due to the failure to solve
this theoretical problem.
In the remainder of this chapter we will examine the main elements of the
very diverse new Keynesian literature. First we identify the essential charac-
teristics of what is commonly understood to be the new Keynesian approach.

7.4 Core Propositions and Features of New Keynesian Economics

New Keynesian economics emerged mainly as a response to the theoretical

crisis facing Keynesian economics that emerged during the 1970s. In their
brief survey of new Keynesian economics Mankiw and Romer (1991) define
new Keynesian economics with reference to the answer a particular theory
gives to the following pair of questions:

Question 1 Does the theory violate the classical dichotomy? That is, is
money non-neutral?
Question 2 Does the theory assume that real market imperfections in the
economy are crucial for understanding economic fluctuations?

Of the mainstream schools only new Keynesians answer both questions in the
affirmative. Non-neutralities arise from sticky prices, and market imperfec-
tions explain this behaviour of prices. Thus, according to Mankiw and Romer,
it is the ‘interaction of nominal and real imperfections’ that distinguishes new
Keynesian economics from the other research programmes in macroeconom-
ics. In contrast, the early real business cycle models gave a negative response
to both questions.
The disequilibrium Keynesian models of the 1970s (for example, Barro
and Grossman, 1976) imposed wage and price rigidities on a Walrasian
system, whereas more traditional Keynesian and monetarist models did not
regard the explanation of nominal rigidities as a priority. The latter two
groups tend to regard empirical evidence as being far more important than
theoretical purity; for example, speaking from a monetarist perspective, Laidler
364 Modern macroeconomics

(1992b) has argued emphatically that ‘better and more explicit micro-
foundations do not guarantee more accurate empirical predictions about the
outcome of any macropolicy experiment’. However, as Mankiw and Romer
(1991) highlight, new Keynesians are not protagonists in the old 1960s-style
monetarist–Keynesian debate. This is for two reasons. First, there is no unified
new Keynesian view of the role of fiscal policy although new Keynesians do
give much greater weight to the stabilizing role of monetary policy compared
to the old Keynesian view (see Mankiw, 2002, and Chapters 3 and 4). For this
reason Mankiw and Romer argue that much of new Keynesian economics
could just as easily be renamed ‘new monetarist economics’ (see also DeLong,
2000). Second, new Keynesians do not hold a unified view on the desirability
and feasibility of activist (discretionary) stabilization policy. While most new
Keynesians accept the thrust of Friedman’s critique relating to the problems
that arise from uncertainty, time lags and the potential for political distortions
of policy, they also reject the ‘hard core’ monetarist argument relating to the
need for a strict monetary growth rate rule. Their views relating to Fried-
man’s natural rate hypothesis also vary from extreme scepticism to modified
acceptance in terms of a ‘time-varying NAIRU’ (see Gordon, 1997, 1998;
Galbraith, 1997; Stiglitz, 1997; Phelps and Zoega, 1998; Mankiw, 2001;
Akerlof, 2002; Ball and Mankiw, 2002; Mankiw and Reis, 2002).
During the 1980s new Keynesian developments had a distinctly non-em-
pirical flavour. Those younger-generation economists seeking to strengthen
the Keynesian model did so primarily by developing and improving the
microfoundations of ‘Fort Keynes’ which had come under theoretical attack
(see Blinder, 1992a). This is recognized by Mankiw and Romer (1991), who
note that the reconstruction of Keynesian economics has ‘been part of a
revolution in microeconomics’. Those Keynesian commanders who allocated
scarce research resources to the theoretical, rather than empirical, front in
defence of ‘Fort Keynes’ did so because they felt that the modified Keynesian
model incorporating both the Phelps–Friedman expectations-augmented
Phillips curve and the impact of supply shocks was sufficiently resilient to
hold its own on the empirical front. Once the theoretical defences had been
reinforced, resources could gradually be reallocated to the empirical front in
order to test the new Keynesian models.
A crucial difference between new classical and new Keynesian models
arises with regard to price-setting behaviour. In contrast to the price takers
who inhabit new classical models, new Keynesian models assume price-
making monopolistic, rather than perfectly competitive, firms (Dixon, 1997).
Although the theory of monopolistic competition had been developed inde-
pendently by Robinson (1933) and Chamberlin (1933) before the publication
of Keynes’s General Theory, it is only recently that mainstream Keynesian
theorists have begun seriously to incorporate imperfect competition into non-
The new Keynesian school 365

market-clearing models. In this matter Post Keynesians were first off the
mark (see Chapter 8, and Dixon and Rankin, 1994).
Most new Keynesian models assume that expectations are formed ration-
ally. This is clearly one area where the new classical revolution of the 1970s
has had a profound effect on macroeconomists in general. However, some
prominent Keynesians (Blinder, 1987b; Phelps, 1992), as well as some econo-
mists within the orthodox monetarist school (Laidler, 1992b) remain critical
of the theoretical foundations and question the empirical support for the
rational expectations hypothesis. Hence, although the incorporation of ra-
tional expectations in new Keynesian models is the norm, this need not
always be the case.
Although new Keynesian economists share an interest in improving the
supply side of Keynesian models, they hold a wide diversity of views relating
to policy issues such as the debate over the importance of discretion, rather
than rules, in the conduct of fiscal and monetary policy. New Keynesians
regard both supply and demand shocks as potential sources of instability (see
Blanchard and Quah, 1989) but part company with real business cycle theo-
rists particularly when it comes to an assessment of a market economy’s
capacity to absorb such shocks so that equilibrium (full employment) is
maintained. Many new Keynesians (but not all) also share Keynes’s view that
involuntary unemployment is both possible and likely.
New Keynesian economists inhabit a brave new theoretical world charac-
terized by imperfect competition, incomplete markets, heterogeneous labour
and asymmetric information, and where agents are frequently concerned with
fairness. As a result the ‘real’ macro world, as seen through new Keynesian
eyes, is characterized by the possibility of coordination failures and macr-
oeconomic externalities. One problem with new Keynesian developments is
that the research programme has proved to be so ‘article-laden’ (Colander,
1988) that there is no single unified new Keynesian model; rather there is a
multiplicity of explanations of wage and price rigidities and their macroeco-
nomic consequences. Different elements within the new Keynesian school
emphasize various aspects and causes of market imperfections and their
macroeconomic effects. However, the numerous explanations are not mutu-
ally exclusive and often complement each other. In short, as Leslie’s (1993)
comment captures so well, ‘New Keynesianism throws bucketfuls of grit into
the smooth-running neoclassical paradigms.’
Because the literature reviewed here is so wide-ranging, it is convenient to
divide the explanations of rigidities between those that focus on nominal
rigidities and those that focus on real rigidities. A nominal rigidity occurs if
something prevents the nominal price level from adjusting so as exactly to
mimic nominal demand disturbances. A real rigidity occurs if some factor
prevents real wages from adjusting or there is stickiness of one wage relative
366 Modern macroeconomics

to another, or of one price relative to another (see Gordon, 1990). First we

shall examine the impact of nominal rigidities.

7.5 Nominal Rigidities

Both orthodox and new Keynesian approaches assume that prices adjust slowly
following a disturbance. But, unlike the Keynesian cross or IS–LM approaches,
which arbitrarily assume fixed nominal wages and prices, the new Keynesian
approach seeks to provide a microeconomic underpinning for the slow adjust-
ment of both wages and prices. In line with the choice-theoretical framework of
new classical analysis, the new Keynesian approach assumes that workers and
firms are rational utility and profit maximizers, respectively.
As we have seen, new classicists adopt the flexible price auction model and
apply this to the analysis of transactions conducted in all markets, including
the labour market. In contrast, new Keynesians argue that it is important to
utilize the Hicksian (1974) distinction between markets which are essentially
fix-price, predominantly the labour market and a large section of the goods
market, and markets which are flex-price, predominantly financial and com-
modity markets. In fix-price markets price setting is the norm, with price and
wage inertia a reality. In order to generate monetary non-neutrality (real
effects) Keynesian models rely on the failure of nominal wages and prices to
adjust promptly to their new market-clearing levels following an aggregate
demand disturbance. Keynesians have traditionally concentrated their atten-
tion on the labour market and nominal wage stickiness in order to explain the
tendency of market economies to depart from full employment equilibrium.
However, it is important to note that for any given path of nominal aggregate
demand it is price, not wage, stickiness which is necessary to generate fluc-
tuations in real output. Providing profits are sufficiently flexible, nominal
prices could adjust to exactly mimic changes in nominal aggregate demand,
leaving real output unaffected (see Gordon, 1990).
Nevertheless the first wave of new Keynesian reaction to the new classical
critique concentrated on nominal wage rigidity.

7.5.1 Nominal wage rigidity

In traditional Keynesian models the price level is prevented from falling to
restore equilibrium by the failure of money wages (costs) to adjust (see
Figure 2.6). In the new classical models developed by Lucas, Sargent, Wallace
and Barro during the 1970s, any anticipated monetary disturbance will cause
an immediate jump of nominal wages and prices to their new equilibrium
values, so preserving output and employment. In such a world, systematic
monetary policy is ineffective. Initially it was widely believed that this new
classical policy ineffective proposition was a direct implication of incorpo-
The new Keynesian school 367

rating the rational expectations hypothesis into macroeconomic models. Fischer

(1977) and Phelps and Taylor (1977) showed that nominal disturbances were
capable of producing real effects in models incorporating rational expecta-
tions, providing the assumption of continuously clearing markets was dropped
(see also Buiter, 1980). Following these contributions it became clear to
everyone that the rational expectations hypothesis did not imply the end of
Keynesian economics. The crucial feature of new classical models was shown
to be the assumption of continuous market clearing, that is, perfect and
instantaneous wage and price flexibility. But, as Phelps (1985) reminds us, it
is often through the rejection of a theoretically interesting model that a
science progresses and ‘even if dead wrong, the new classical macroeconom-
ics is still important because it demands Keynesians to fortify their theoretical
structure or reconstruct it’.
The early Keynesian attempts to fortify their theoretical structure concen-
trated on nominal wage rigidities and the models developed by Fischer (1977)
and Taylor (1980) introduced nominal inertia in the form of long-term wage
contracts. In developed economies wages are not determined in spot markets
but tend to be set for an agreed period in the form of an explicit (or implicit)
contract. The existence of these long-term contracts can generate sufficient
nominal wage rigidity for monetary policy to regain its effectiveness. It
should be noted, however, that neither Fischer nor Phelps and Taylor pretend
to have a rigorous microfoundation for their price- and wage-setting assump-
tions. Instead they take it for granted that there is a ‘revealed preference’ for
long-term wage contracts reflecting the perceived disadvantages that accom-
pany too frequent adjustments to wages and prices (for an innovative attempt
to explain nominal wage inflexibility, see Laing, 1993).
Fischer’s analysis has the following main features and involves the construc-
tion of a model similar to the Lucas–Sargent–Wallace policy ineffectiveness
models discussed in Chapter 5. The output supply equation is the standard
rational expectations Lucas ‘surprise’ function (7.1), where Ṗt and Ṗt e are the
actual and expected rates of inflation respectively:

Yt = YNt + α( P˙t − P˙t e ), α > 0 (7.1)

Fischer assumes that inflation expectations are formed rationally, P˙t e = E( P˙t |
Ωt–1), so we can write (7.1) as (7.2):

Yt = YNt + α[ P˙t − E( P˙t | Ω t −1 )] (7.2)

Fischer’s model abstracts from growth, so wage negotiators are assumed to

aim for constancy of the real wage by setting nominal wage increases equal
to expected inflation. This is given by (7.3):
368 Modern macroeconomics

W˙ t = E( P˙t | Ω t −1 ) (7.3)

Substituting (7.3) into (7.2) yields equation (7.4), which shows that aggregate
supply is a decreasing function of the real wage (note this implies a
countercyclical real wage).

Yt = YNt + α[ P˙t − W˙ t ], and α > 0 (7.4)

For the multi-period contract nominal wage increases are fixed at W˙ t = W˙ t* .

Fischer (1977) makes the ‘empirically reasonable’ assumption that economic
agents negotiate contracts in nominal terms for ‘periods longer than the time
it takes the monetary authority to react to changing economic circumstances’.
Because the monetary authorities can change the money supply (and hence
inflation) more frequently than overlapping labour contracts are renegotiated,
monetary policy can have real effects in the short run although it will remain
neutral in the long run.
The argument presented by Fischer can be understood with reference to
Figure 7.1. The economy is initially operating at point A. Suppose in the
current period an unexpected nominal demand shock occurs (such as a fall in
velocity) which shifts the aggregate demand curve from AD0 to AD1. If prices

Figure 7.1 Nominal wage contracts, rational expectations and monetary

The new Keynesian school 369

are flexible but nominal wages are temporarily rigid (and set = W0) as the
result of contracts negotiated in the previous period and which extend beyond
the current period, the economy will move to point B, with real output falling
from YN to Y1. With flexible wages and prices the short-run aggregate supply
curve would shift down to the right from SRAS (W0) to SRAS (W1), to re-
establish the natural rate level of output at point C. However, the existence of
long-term nominal wage contracts prevents this and provides the monetary
authorities with an opportunity to expand the money supply which, even if
anticipated, shifts the AD curve to the right and re-establishes equilibrium at
point A. Providing the authorities are free to react to exogenous shocks at
every time period, while workers are not, there is scope for demand manage-
ment to stabilize the economy even if agents have rational expectations. In
effect, if the monetary authorities can react to nominal demand shocks more
quickly than the private sector can renegotiate nominal wages, there is scope
for discretionary intervention. The fixed nominal wage gives the monetary
authorities a handle on the real wage rate and hence employment and output.
The non-neutrality of money in the Fischer model is not due to an unantici-
pated monetary surprise. Anticipated monetary policy has real effects because
it is based on information that only becomes available after the contract has
been made.
Wage contracts are an important feature in all major industrial market
economies. However, there are significant differences between countries with
respect to both contract duration and the timing of contract renegotiations.
For example, in Japan nominal wage contracts typically last for one year and
expire simultaneously. The synchronized renegotiation of contracts (the shunto
system) in Japan is consistent with greater macroeconomic stability than is
the case in the US economy, which has a system of non-synchronized over-
lapping (staggered) contracts, many of which last for three years (see Gordon,
1982b; Hall and Taylor, 1997). In the UK contracts are overlapping but are
typically shorter than in the USA, usually lasting for one year. When con-
tracts are staggered, nominal wages will exhibit more inertia in the face of
shocks than would be the case if existing contracts were renegotiated in a
synchronized way so as to accommodate new information. Taylor (1980)
demonstrated that if workers are concerned with their nominal wage relative
to others, then staggered contracting will allow the impact of monetary policy
on real variables to persist well beyond the length of the contracting period.
Taylor (1992b) has shown that the responsiveness of wages to supply and
demand conditions is much greater in Japan than in the USA, Canada and
other major European countries, and this accounts for the more stable macr-
oeconomic performance in Japan during the 1970s and early 1980s.
An immediate question arises from the above discussion. Why are long-
term wage agreements formed if they increase macroeconomic instability?
370 Modern macroeconomics

According to Phelps (1985, 1990) there are private advantages to both firms
and workers from entering into long-term wage contracts:

1. Wage negotiations are costly in time for both workers and firms. Re-
search must be carried out with respect to the structure of wage relativities
both within and outside the negotiating organization. In addition, fore-
casts are required with respect to the likely future paths of key variables
such as productivity, inflation, demand, profits and prices. The longer the
period of the contract, the less frequently are such transaction costs
incurred and in any case management will always tend to prefer a pre-set
schedule for dealing with the complex issues associated with pay nego-
2. There always exists the potential for such negotiations to break down,
with workers feeling that they may need to resort to strike action in order
to strengthen their bargaining position. Such disruption is costly to both
firms and workers.
3. It will not be an optimal strategy for a firm to ‘jump’ its wage rates to the
new ‘ultimate’ equilibrium following a negative demand stock because if
other firms do not do likewise the firm will have reduced its relative
wage, which would be likely to increase labour turnover, which is costly
to the firm.

Thus the responsiveness of wage rates during a recession does not follow the
new classical ‘precision drill process’; rather we observe a ‘ragged, disor-
derly retreat’ as new information becomes available (Phelps, 1985, p. 564).
Another important question raised by this discussion relates to the absence
of indexing. Why are labour contracts not indexed to the rate of inflation?
Full cost of living agreements (COLAs) are simply too risky for firms (see
Gordon, 2003). The danger for firms is that not all shocks are nominal
demand shocks. If a firm agreed to index its wage rates to the rate of inflation,
then supply shocks, such as occurred in the 1970s, would drive up the price
level and with it a firm’s wage costs, so preventing the necessary fall in real
wages implied by the energy shock.
Finally, we should also note that the staggering of wage contracts does
have some microeconomic purpose even if it causes macroeconomic prob-
lems. In a world where firms have imperfect knowledge of the current economic
situation, they can gain vital information by observing the prices and wages
set by other firms. According to Hall and Taylor (1997), staggered wage
setting provides useful information to both firms and workers about the
changing structure of wages and prices. In a decentralized system without
staggering, ‘tremendous variability’ would be introduced into the system.
Ball and Cecchetti (1988) show how imperfect information can make stag-
The new Keynesian school 371

gered price and wage setting socially optimal by helping firms set prices
closer to full information levels, leading to efficiency gains which outweigh
the costs of price level inertia. Thus staggered price adjustment can arise
from rational economic behaviour. In contrast, the case of wage setting in a
synchronized system would seem to require some degree of active participa-
tion from the government.

7.5.2 Nominal price rigidity

Keynesian models based on nominal wage contracting soon came in for
considerable criticism (see Barro, 1977b). Critics pointed out that the exist-
ence of such contracts is not explained from solid microeconomic principles.
A further problem relates to the countercyclical path of the real wage in
models with nominal wage contracts. In Fischer’s model, a monetary expan-
sion increases employment by lowering the real wage. Yet, as we have seen,
the stylized facts of the business cycle do not provide strong support for this
implication since real wages appear to be mildly procyclical (see Mankiw,
1990). Indeed, it was this issue that persuaded Mankiw (1991) that sticky
nominal wage models made little sense. A combination of price-taking firms,
neoclassical production technology and sticky nominal wages implies that
aggregate demand contractions will be associated with a rise in the real wage,
that is, real wages move countercyclically. As Mankiw notes, if this were the
case then recessions would be ‘quite popular’. While many people will be
laid off, most people who remain employed will enjoy a higher real wage! ‘If
high real wages accompanied low employment as the General Theory and my
Professors has taught me, then most households would welcome economic
downturns’. So ‘it was thinking about the real wage puzzle that originally got
me interested in thinking about imperfections in goods markets, and eventu-
ally, about monopolistically competitive firms facing menu costs’ (Mankiw,
1991, pp. 129–30).
As a result of these and other criticisms, some economists sympathetic to
the Keynesian view that business cycles can be caused by fluctuations of
aggregate demand switched their attention to nominal rigidities in the goods
market, rather than continue with research into nominal wage inertia (Andersen,
1994). Indeed, the term ‘new Keynesian’ emerged in the mid-1980s as a
description of those new theories that attempted to provide more solid
microfoundations for the phenomenon of nominal price rigidity (see
Rotemberg, 1987). From this standpoint, the ‘fundamental new idea behind
new Keynesian models is that of imperfect competition’ (Ibid.). This is the
crucial innovation which differentiates new Keynesians from Keynes, ortho-
dox Keynesians, monetarists and new classicals.
If the process of changing prices were a costless exercise and if the failure to
adjust prices involved substantial changes in a firm’s profitability we would
372 Modern macroeconomics

certainly expect to observe a high degree of nominal price flexibility. A firm

operating under conditions of perfect competition is a price taker, and prices
change automatically to clear markets as demand and supply conditions change.
Since each firm can sell as much output as it likes at the going market price, a
perfectly competitive firm which attempted to charge a price above the market-
clearing level would have zero sales. There is also no profit incentive to reduce
price independently, given that the firm’s demand curve is perfectly elastic at
the prevailing market price. Thus in this world of perfect price flexibility it
makes no sense to talk of the individual firm having a pricing decision.
When firms operate in imperfectly competitive markets a firm’s profits will
vary differentially with changes in its own price because its sales will not fall
to zero if it marginally increases price. Price reductions by such a firm will
increase sales but also result in less revenue per unit sold. In such circum-
stances any divergence of price from the optimum will only produce
‘second-order’ reductions of profits. Hence the presence of even small costs
to price adjustment can generate considerable aggregate nominal price rigid-
ity. This observation, due to Akerlof and Yellen (1985a), Mankiw (1985) and
Parkin (1986), is referred to by Rotemberg (1987) as the ‘PAYM insight’.
The PAYM insight makes a simple but powerful point. The private cost of
nominal rigidities to the individual firm is much smaller than the macroeco-
nomic consequences of such rigidities. A key ingredient of the PAYM insight
is the presence of frictions or barriers to price adjustment known as ‘menu
costs’. These menu costs include the physical costs of resetting prices, such
as the printing of new price lists and catalogues, as well as expensive man-
agement time used up in the supervision and renegotiation of purchase and
sales contracts with suppliers and customers. To illustrate how small menu
costs can produce large macroeconomic fluctuations, we will review the
arguments made by Mankiw and by Akerlof and Yellen.
In imperfectly competitive markets a firm’s demand will depend on (i) its
relative price and (ii) aggregate demand. Suppose following a decline in
aggregate demand the demand curve facing an imperfectly competitive firm
shifts to the left. A shift of the demand curve to the left can significantly
reduce a firm’s profits. However, faced with this new demand curve, the firm
may gain little by changing its price. The firm would prefer that the demand
curve had not shifted but, given the new situation, it can only choose some
point on the new demand curve. This decline in demand is illustrated in
Figure 7.2 by the shift of demand from D0 to D1. Before the decline in
demand the profit-maximizing price and output are P0 and Q0, since marginal
revenue (MR0) is equal to marginal cost (MC0) at point X. For convenience
we assume that marginal cost does not vary with output over the range
shown. Following the decline in demand, the firm suffers a significant reduc-
tion in its profits. Before the reduction in demand, profits are indicated in
The new Keynesian school 373

Figure 7.2 Price adjustment under monopolistic competition

Figure 7.2 by the area SP0YX. If the firm does not initially reduce its price
following the decline in demand, profits fall to the area indicated by SP0JT.
Because this firm is a ‘price maker’ it must decide whether or not to reduce
price to the new profit-maximizing point indicated by W on the new demand
curve D1. The new profit-maximizing level of output is determined where
MR1 = MC0. With a level of output of Q1, the firm would make profits of SP1
WV. If there were no adjustment costs associated with changing price, a
profit-maximizing firm would reduce its price from P0 to P1. However, if a
firm faces non-trivial ‘menu costs’ of z, the firm may decide to leave price at
P0; that is, the firm moves from point Y to point J in Figure 7.2.
Figure 7.3 indicates the consequences of the firm’s decision. By reducing
price from P0 to P1 the firm would increase its profits by B – A. There is no
incentive for a profit-maximizing firm to reduce price if z > B – A. The loss to
society of producing an output of Q* rather than Q1 is indicated by B + C,
which represents the loss of total surplus. If following a reduction of demand
B + C > z > B – A, then the firm will not cut its price even though doing so
would be socially optimal. The flatter the MC schedule, the smaller are the
menu costs necessary to validate a firm’s decision to leave the price un-
changed. Readers should confirm for themselves that the incentive to lower
prices is therefore greater the more marginal cost falls when output declines
(see Gordon, 1990; D. Romer, 2001).
374 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 7.3 Menu costs v. price adjustment

In the Akerlof and Yellen (1985a, 1985b) model, inertial wage-price be-
haviour by firms ‘may be near rational’. Firms that behave sub-optimally in
their price-setting behaviour may suffer losses but they are likely to be
second order (small). The idea of near rationality is illustrated in Figure 7.4.
As before, the profit-maximizing price following a decline in demand is
indicated by P1. The reduction in profits (π1 – π*) that results from failure to
reduce price from P0 to P1 is small (second order) even without taking into
account menu costs (that is, in Figure 7.3, B – A is small). Akerlof and Yellen
(1985a) also demonstrate that, when imperfect competition in the product
market is combined with efficiency wages in the labour market, aggregate
demand disturbances will lead to cyclical fluctuations (see Akerlof, 2002).
Although the firm may optimally choose to maintain price at P0, the impact
of their decision, if repeated by all firms, can have significant macroeconomic
effects. Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1987), in their interpretation of the PAYM
insight, show that the macroeconomic effects of nominal price rigidity differ
from the private costs because price rigidity generates an aggregate demand
externality. Society would be considerably better off if all firms cut their
prices, but the private incentives to do so are absent. As before, assume that a
firm’s demand curve has shifted left as a result of a decline in aggregate
demand. If firms did not face menu costs, then profit-maximizing behaviour
would dictate that all firms lowered their prices; that is, in terms of Figures
The new Keynesian school 375

Figure 7.4 Near rationality

7.2 and 7.3, each firm would move from Y to W. Because all firms are
lowering their prices, each firm will find the cost of its inputs are falling,
including money wages. Hence each firm will find that its marginal cost
curve begins to shift down. This allows firms to reduce prices further. In
Figure 7.3, as MC0 shifts down, output will expand. Since all firms are
engaged in further price reductions, input prices will fall again, producing
another reduction of MC. Since this process of price deflation will increase
real money balances, thereby lowering interest rates, aggregate demand will
increase. This will shift the demand curves facing each firm to the right, so
that output will return to Q0.
If the presence of menu costs and/or near rational behaviour causes nomi-
nal price rigidity, shocks to nominal aggregate demand will cause large
fluctuations in output and welfare. Since such fluctuations are inefficient, this
indicates that stabilization policy is desirable. Obviously if money wages are
rigid (because of contracts) the marginal cost curve will be sticky, thus
reinforcing the impact of menu costs in producing price rigidities.
We noted earlier that there are several private advantages to be gained by
both firms and workers from entering into long-term wage contracts. Many of
these advantages also apply to long-term agreements between firms with
respect to product prices. Pre-set prices not only reduce uncertainty but also
economize on the use of scarce resources. Gordon (1981) argues that ‘persua-
376 Modern macroeconomics

sive heterogeneity’ in the types and quality of products available in a market

economy would create ‘overwhelming transaction costs’ if it were decided
that every price was to be decided in an auction. Auction markets are efficient
where buyers and sellers do not need to come into physical contact (as with
financial assets) or the product is homogeneous (as with wheat). The essential
feature of an auction market is that buyers and sellers need to be present
simultaneously. Because time and space are scarce resources it would not
make any sense for the vast majority of goods to be sold in this way. Instead
numerous items are made available at suitable locations where consumers
can choose to conduct transactions at their own convenience. The use of
‘price tags’ (goods available on fixed terms) is a rational response to the
problem of heterogeneity. Typically when prices are pre-set the procedure
used is a ‘mark-up pricing’ approach (see Okun, 1981).
As is evident from the above discussion, the theory of imperfect competi-
tion forms one of the main building-blocks in new Keynesian economics.
Therefore, before moving on to consider real rigidities, it is interesting to
note one of the great puzzles in the history of economic thought. Why did
Keynes show so little interest in the imperfect competition revolution taking
place on his own doorstep in Cambridge in the early 1930s? Richard Kahn,
author of the famous 1931 multiplier article and colleague of Keynes, was
fully conversant with the theory of imperfect competition well before Joan
Robinson’s famous book was published on the subject in 1933. Given that
Keynes, Kahn and Robinson shared the same Cambridge academic environ-
ment during the period when the General Theory was being written, it is
remarkable that Keynes adopted the classical/neoclassical assumption of a
perfectly competitive product market which Kahn (1929) had already argued
was unsound for short-period analysis (see Marris, 1991)! As Dixon (1997)
notes, ‘had Kahn and Keynes been able to work together, or Keynes and
Robinson, the General Theory might have been very different’. In contrast to
the orthodox Keynesian school, and inspired by the work of Michal Kalecki,
Post Keynesians have always stressed the importance of price-fixing firms in
their models (Arestis, 1997).

7.6 Dornbusch’s Overshooting Model

As we have already seen, the sticky-price rational expectations models put

forward by Fischer (1977) and Phelps and Taylor (1977) analyse the role of
monetary policy in the context of a closed economy. Before considering the
importance of real rigidities in new Keynesian analysis we briefly examine
Dornbusch’s (1976) sticky-price rational expectations model of a small open
economy. This exchange rate ‘overshooting’ model has been described by
Kenneth Rogoff (2002) ‘as one of the most influential papers written in the
The new Keynesian school 377

field of International Economics since World War II’, a paper which Rogoff
suggests ‘marks the birth of modern international macroeconomics’.
Before discussing the main predictions of Dornbusch’s model it is helpful
to place the model in the context of earlier discussion of aspects of interna-
tional macroeconomics. In Chapter 3, section 3.5.4 we discussed how in the
fixed price (IS–LM–BP) Mundell–Fleming model of an open economy oper-
ating under a regime of flexible exchange rates monetary expansion results in
an increase in income, with the effects of monetary expansion on aggregate
demand and income being reinforced by exchange rate depreciation. Further-
more, in the limiting case of perfect capital mobility monetary policy becomes
‘all-powerful’. In contrast, in Chapter 4, section 4.4.3 we considered how in
the monetary approach to exchange rate determination, where real income is
exogenously given at its natural level, monetary expansion leads to a depre-
ciation in the exchange rate and an increase in the domestic price level. In
what follows we outline the essence of Dornbusch’s (1976) sticky-price
rational expectations model in which monetary expansion causes the ex-
change rate to depreciate (with short-run overshooting) with no change in
real output.
In his model Dornbusch made a number of assumptions, the most impor-
tant of which are that:

1. goods markets are slow to adjust compared to asset markets and ex-
change rates; that is, goods prices are sticky;
2. movements in the exchange rate are consistent with rational expecta-
3. with perfect capital mobility, the domestic rate of interest of a small open
economy must equal the world interest rate (which is given exogenously),
plus the expected rate of depreciation of the domestic currency; that is,
expected exchange rate changes have to be compensated by the interest
rate differential between domestic and foreign assets; and
4. the demand for real money balances depends on the domestic interest
rate (determined where equilibrium occurs in the domestic money mar-
ket) and real income, which is fixed.

Given these assumptions, what effect will monetary expansion have on the
exchange rate? In the short run with fixed prices and a given level of real
income an increase in the (real) money supply results in a fall in the domestic
interest rate, thereby maintaining equilibrium in the domestic money market.
The fall in the domestic interest rate means that, with the foreign interest rate
fixed exogenously (due to the small-country assumption), the domestic cur-
rency must be expected to appreciate. While short-run equilibrium requires
an expected appreciation of the domestic currency, long-run equilibrium
378 Modern macroeconomics

requires a depreciation of the exchange rate. In other words, since long-run

equilibrium requires a depreciation of the domestic currency (compared to its
initial level), the exchange rate depreciates too far (that is, in the short run it
overshoots), so that it can be expected to appreciate back to its long-run
equilibrium level. Such short-run exchange rate overshooting is fully consist-
ent with rational expectations because the exchange rate follows the path it is
expected to follow.
A number of points are worth noting with respect to the above analysis.
First, the source of exchange rate overshooting in the Dornbusch model lies
in goods prices being relatively sticky in the short run. In other words, the
crucial assumption made in the model is that asset markets and exchange
rates adjust more quickly than do goods markets. Second, the rate at which
the exchange rate adjusts back to its long-run equilibrium level depends on
the speed at which the price level adjusts to the increase in the money stock.
Finally, in the long run, monetary expansion results in an equi-proportionate
increase in prices and depreciation in the exchange rate.

7.7 Real Rigidities

One important criticism of the menu cost literature noted by Ball et al. (1988)
is that models with nominal frictions can in theory produce large nominal
rigidities but ‘do so for implausible parameter values’. However, Ball and
Romer (1990) demonstrated that substantial nominal rigidities can result
from a combination of real rigidities and small frictions to nominal adjust-
ment. Indeed, Mankiw and Romer (1991) identify the interaction between
nominal and real imperfections as ‘a distinguishing feature of the new
Keynesian economies’.
If all nominal prices in an economy were completely and instantaneously
flexible, a purely nominal shock would leave the real equilibrium of an
economy unchanged. As Ball and Romer (1990) note, ‘Real rigidity does
not imply nominal rigidity: without an independent source of nominal
stickiness prices adjust fully to nominal shocks regardless of the extent of
real rigidities.’ However, rigidity of real prices and wages will magnify the
non-neutralities which result from small nominal frictions. The importance
of this point can be seen by considering the impact of a decline in the
money supply. Suppose initially that the presence of menu costs deters
firms from reducing their prices in response to this nominal disturbance.
With the price level unchanged real output will decline. Each mono-
polistically competitive firm will find that its demand curve has shifted to
the left. Because each firm is producing less output, the effective demand
for labour declines (see Abel and Bernanke, 2001). If labour supply is
relatively inelastic, the shift of labour demand implied by the decline in
The new Keynesian school 379

output will cause a large fall in real wages; that is, the nominal wage rate
declines to bring this about (see Ball et al., 1988; Gordon, 1990; D. Romer,
1993). This decline in the real wage rate implies a decline in marginal cost,
a decline which will be strongly reinforced if the marginal product of
labour rises sharply as the labour input decreases. As is evident from Figure
7.2, an upward-sloping marginal cost curve would greatly increase the
incentive to reduce price and would ‘swamp any plausible barriers to nomi-
nal adjustment’ unless the elasticity of demand at the existing price falls as
the firm’s demand curve shifts to the left. The greater the decline in the
elasticity of demand at the existing price as output falls, the more the
marginal revenue curve facing a firm shifts to the left and the less incentive
there is for a firm to reduce its price.
David Romer (1993) sums up the essence of this issue as follows: ‘Thus if
the classical dichotomy is to fail, it must be that marginal cost does not fall
sharply in response to a demand-driven output contraction, or that marginal
revenue does fall sharply, or some combination of the two.’ Real price rigidity
is high the greater is the cyclical sensitivity of the elasticity of demand and
the smaller is the cyclical sensitivity of marginal cost. Hence nominal shocks
have large real consequences the greater the degree of real rigidity (see D.
Romer, 2001).
The points discussed above can be more easily understood by referring to
the familiar mark-up pricing equation facing a profit-maximizing monopo-
listically competitive firm (see Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 1998, p. 340). Profit
maximization requires that the firm produces that level of output where
marginal revenue (MR) equals cost (MC). Marginal revenue can be expressed
in the form shown by equation (7.5):

MR = P + P(1/η) (7.5)

where P is the firm’s price and η is the price elasticity of demand. Profit
maximization therefore requires that:

P + P(1/η) = MC (7.6)

By rearranging equation (7.6) we get equation (7.7):

P − MC
= −1/η (7.7)

This equation can also be rearranged so as to express price as a mark-up on

marginal cost. The mark-up equation is given by (7.8):
380 Modern macroeconomics

P = MC (7.8)
1 + 1/η

Since marginal cost is the nominal wage (W) divided by the marginal product
of labour (MPL), we finally get equation (7.9):

W  1 
P=   (7.9)
MPL  1 + 1/η 

The term inside the brackets represents the mark-up, the size of which varies
inversely with the elasticity of demand (remember η is negative). Equation
(7.9) indicates that P will not fall when MC declines if the mark-up rises
sufficiently to offset this decline (see Stiglitz, 1984). If the elasticity of
demand does not decline, then equation (7.9) also indicates that the incentive
to change price will be small in the presence of menu costs if MPL does not
rise strongly as the labour input is reduced (see Hall, 1991). Rotemberg and
Woodford (1991) suggest that desired mark-ups over marginal cost fall dur-
ing a boom because it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain oligopolistic
collusion; that is, industries become more competitive in periods of high
economic activity. During recessions implicit collusion increases, leading to
a countercyclical mark-up that acts as a real rigidity, magnifying the impact
on nominal rigidity of relatively small menu costs (D. Romer, 2001).

7.7.1 Other sources of real price rigidity

We have already noted that mild sensitivity of marginal cost to variations in
output and procyclical elasticity of demand (implying a countercyclical mark-
up) will contribute towards real price rigidity. The new Keynesian literature
has also identified several other potential sources of real price rigidity.

Thick market externalities In the real world buyers and sellers are not
brought together without incurring search costs. Consumers must spend time
searching the market for the goods they desire and firms advertise in order to
attract customers. Workers and employers must also spend time and re-
sources searching the market. When markets are thick during periods of high
economic activity it seems plausible that search costs will be lower than is
the case in a thin market characterized by a low level of trading activity (see
Diamond, 1982). It may also be the case that people are much more willing to
participate in thick markets where a lot of trade is taking place and this leads
to strategic complementary; that is, the optimal level of activity of one firm
depends on the activity of other firms. If these thick market externalities help
to shift the marginal cost curve up in recessions and down in booms, then this
will contribute to real price rigidity.
The new Keynesian school 381

Customer markets The distinction between auction and customer markets

has been developed by Okun (1975, 1981). The crucial characteristic of a
customer market is a low frequency of search relative to the frequency of
purchase (McDonald, 1992). Most products are sold through a process of
shopping and, providing the costs of searching the market are non-trivial, the
buyer will always have imperfect (limited) information concerning the lowest
price in the marketplace. Because of the search costs associated with the
shopping process, sellers have some monopoly power even though there may
be a large number of firms in the market, each selling a similar product. Since
a large number of customers make repetitive purchases it is in the interests of
any firm to discourage its customers from searching the market in order to
find a better deal. Firms are therefore discouraged from frequently changing
their prices, a practice which will provide an incentive for customers to look
elsewhere. Whereas an increase in price will be noticed immediately by
customers, a decrease in price will produce a much smaller initial response as
it takes time for this new information to reach the buyers at other firms. This
difference in the response rates of customers to price increases and decreases,
and the desire of a firm to hold on to its regular customers, will tend to
produce relative price stickiness (see Phelps, 1985, for an excellent discus-
sion of customer markets).

Price rigidity and the input–output table Gordon (1981, 1990) has drawn
attention to the complexity of decision making in a world where, typically,
thousands of firms buy thousands of components containing thousands of
ingredients from numerous other firms, many of which may reside overseas.
‘Once decentralisation and multiplicity of supplier–producer relationships
are recognised, no single firm can perform an action that would eliminate the
aggregate business cycle’ (Gordon, 1981, p. 525).
Because a firm is linked to thousands of other firms via a complex input–
output table, it is impossible for it to know the identity of all the other agents
linked together in the web of supplier–producer relationships. Because of this
complexity there is no certainty that marginal revenue and marginal cost will
move in tandem following an aggregate demand shock. There is no certainty
for an individual firm that, following a decline in aggregate demand, its
marginal cost will move in proportion to the decline in demand for its prod-
ucts. Many of its suppliers may be firms in other countries facing different
aggregate demand conditions. To reduce price in these circumstances is more
likely to produce bankruptcy for the particular firm than it is to contribute to
the elimination of the business cycle because a typical firm will be subject to
both local and aggregate demand shocks as well as local and aggregate cost
shocks. As Gordon (1990) argues, in such a world no firm would be likely to
take the risk of nominal GNP indexation that would inhibit its freedom and
382 Modern macroeconomics

flexibility of action in responding to the wide variety of shocks which can

influence the position of its marginal revenue and cost curves. Since indexa-
tion is undesirable when there is substantial independence of marginal cost
and aggregate demand, Gordon’s input–output theory not only provides an
explanation of real price rigidity but also translates into a theory of nominal
rigidity. The fundamental reason for the gradual adjustment of prices is that
this represents the safest course of action for firms operating in an uncertain
world where information is inevitably imperfect.
Clearly the informational requirements necessary for rational pricing be-
haviour in every period are enormous for price-setting firms. Not only do
they need to know the position and shape of their demand and cost curves;
they also need to predict the pricing behaviour of all the other firms in the
input–output table. Since the firm’s demand and cost curves are influenced by
aggregate demand, it is also necessary for firms to predict the value of all the
relevant macro variables that influence aggregate demand. In short, the deci-
sion makers within monopolistically competitive firms need to be first-class
general equilibrium theorists with perfect information! Given these compli-
cations, the tendency of firms to follow simple mark-up pricing rules may be
close to optimal. The incentive to follow such rules is reinforced if other
firms do likewise, since this ensures that a firm will maintain its relative
price, which will tend to minimize its losses (see Naish, 1993). Another
simple rule which a firm can follow in a complex input–output world is to
wait until other firms raise or lower their price before initiating a change.
This produces staggering in price setting, which implies that the price level
will take longer to adjust to an aggregate demand shock.

Capital market imperfections An important obstacle to firms seeking exter-

nal finance is the problem of asymmetric information between borrowers and
lenders; that is, borrowers are much better informed about the viability and
quality of their investment projects than lenders. One consequence of this
will be that external finance will be more expensive to a firm than internal
finance. During booms when firms are making higher profits there are more
internal funds to finance various projects. Hence during recessions the cost of
finance rises as the result of a greater reliance on external sources. If the cost
of capital is countercyclical, this too will tend to make a firm’s costs rise
during a recession (see Bernanke and Gertler, 1989; D. Romer, 1993).

Judging quality by price Stiglitz (1987) has emphasized another reason

why firms may be reluctant to reduce price when faced with a decline in
demand. In markets where customers have imperfect information about the
characteristics of the products which they wish to buy, the price may be used
as a quality signal. By lowering price a firm runs the risk that its customers
The new Keynesian school 383

(or potential customers) may interpret this action as a signal indicating a

deterioration of quality.
Having examined several potential sources of real rigidity in the product
market, we will now turn to real rigidities in the labour market. If real wages
are rigid in the face of demand disturbances, this substantially reduces a
firm’s incentive to vary its price as a response to such disturbances.

7.7.2 Real wage rigidity

Economists have been much better at explaining the consequences of nomi-
nal wage rigidity than they have at providing a generally acceptable
theoretical explanation of the causes of such inertia. Nominal rigidities
allow fluctuations of aggregate demand to have real effects and contribute
to a non-market-clearing explanation of business cycles. However, Keynesian
economists are also concerned to explain the persistently high levels of
unemployment that have been a major feature of the labour markets of the
major industrial countries since the early 1970s and particularly in Europe
during the 1980s (see Table 1.4). In new classical monetary and real busi-
ness cycle models all agents are price takers. Perfect and instantaneous
price and wage flexibility ensures that the labour market always clears at a
Walrasian market-clearing real wage. In a new Keynesian world, where
price makers predominate, an equilibrium real wage can emerge which
differs from the market-clearing real wage. Stiglitz (1987) defines a market
equilibrium as ‘a state where no agents have an incentive to change their
behaviour’ and in new Keynesian models of real wage rigidity equilibrium
may not be characterized by market clearing; that is, demand equals supply.
Models involving real wage rigidity are capable of generating involuntary
unemployment in long-run equilibrium, in contrast to new classical models
where, with everyone on their labour supply function, unemployment in
equilibrium is a voluntary phenomenon. Whereas Lucas (1978a) argues for
the abandonment of the idea that a large part of unemployment is involun-
tary, Solow (1980) believes that ‘what looks like involuntary unemployment
is involuntary unemployment’ (see also Hahn, 1987; Blinder, 1988a).
New Keynesian explanations of real wage rigidity fall into three main
groups: (i) implicit contract theories; (ii) efficiency wage theories; and (iii)
insider–outsider theories. Since new Keynesian theorists have been mainly
associated with the second and third of these, we will provide only a brief
comment on implicit contract theory. The reader should consult Rosen (1985)
and Timbrell (1989), who provide comprehensive surveys of the implicit
contract literature. It should also be noted that Phelps (1990, 1994) treats
theories of real wage rigidity as a separate category from new Keynesian
theory, belonging instead to what he calls the ‘Structuralist school’.
384 Modern macroeconomics

Implicit contract models The original implicit (non-union) contract models

were provided by Bailey (1974), D.F. Gordon (1974) and Azariadis (1975).
Following the development of the natural rate hypothesis (Friedman, 1968a;
Phelps, 1968), economists devoted more attention to modelling labour mar-
ket behaviour as the outcome of maximizing behaviour. The main contribution
of the ‘new’ microeconomics literature (Phelps et al., 1970) was to explain
why the natural rate of unemployment was positive. However, there appears
to be much less turnover in the labour market than search theory implies.
Furthermore, wages frequently diverge from marginal productivities. Implicit
contract theory seeks to understand what it is that forms the ‘economic glue’
that keeps workers and firms together in long-term relationships since such
arrangements, rather than the Walrasian auctioneer, dominate the labour mar-
ket. Because firms seek to maintain the loyalty of their workforce they find it
necessary to enter into unwritten (implicit) understandings with their work-
ers. This ‘invisible handshake’ provides each worker with assurances
concerning the terms of the working relationship under a variety of working
circumstances. The models of Bailey, Gordon and Azariadis examine the
consequences of optimal labour contracts established between risk-neutral
firms and risk-averse workers. In these circumstances the wage rate not only
represents payment for labour services but also serves as an insurance against
the risk of variable income in the face of shocks. A constant real wage
smooths the individual worker’s consumption stream and firms provide this
‘insurance’ since they are in a better position than workers to weather eco-
nomic fluctuations, given their better access to capital and insurance markets.
Because firms provide stable wages over time, workers, for their part, accept
a real wage which is lower on average than the highly varying rates that
would be dictated by market forces.
A major problem with this approach is that it predicts work sharing
rather than lay-offs when the economic climate deteriorates. The theory
also fails to explain why the firm does not pay lower wages to new recruits.
In attempting to remedy these and other weaknesses of this explanation of
real wage rigidity, new Keynesian economists have developed efficiency
wage and insider–outsider models of wage inertia (see Manning, 1995).

Efficiency wage models Any acceptable account of involuntary unemploy-

ment must explain why unemployed workers are unable to bid down wages to
a level that will generate full employment. Efficiency wage theories suggest
that it is not in a firm’s interest to lower real wages because the productivity
(effort or efficiency) of workers is not independent of the wage, rather real
wages and worker effort are interdependent, at least over some meaningful
range. Efficiency wage theory, described by Gordon (1990) as the ‘rage of the
80s’, is surveyed by Yellen (1984), Akerlof and Yellen (1986), Katz (1986,
The new Keynesian school 385

1988), Haley (1990), and Weiss (1991); see also Akerlof (1979, 2002), and
Stiglitz (2002).
Solow (1979) provides the basic structure of efficiency wage models. In
Solow’s model, wage stickiness is in the employer’s interest because wage
cutting would lower productivity and raise costs. Because the wage enters a
firm’s short-run production function in a labour-augmenting way, a cost-
minimizing firm will favour real wage rigidity. This can be demonstrated as
follows (see Yellen, 1984; Katz, 1988). Assume an economy with identical
perfectly competitive firms, each of which has a production function of the
form shown in equation (7.10):

Q = AF[e( w ) L], e ′( w ) > 0 (7.10)

Here Q is the firm’s output, A represents a productivity shift factor, e is effort

per worker, w is the real wage and L is the labour input. Effort is assumed to
be an increasing function of the real wage and all workers are assumed to be
identical. The firm aims to maximize its profits (π), which are given by
equation (7.11):

π = AF[e( w ) L] − wL (7.11)

Since effort enters the profit equation as e(w), a cut in the real wage below
that which generates maximum worker effort will lower the firm’s profits. If
the firm can hire all the labour it desires at the wage it offers, it will maximize
its profits by offering an efficiency wage of w* which satisfies two conditions.
The first condition is that the elasticity of effort with respect to the wage is
unity. Restated, this means that the firm should set a wage which will mini-
mize labour costs per efficiency unit of labour. This is illustrated in Figure
7.5. In panel (a) the effort curve indicated by E shows the relationship
between the effort of workers and the real wage. The higher the real wage,
the greater the effort of workers. Initially there is a region of increasing
returns where increases in the real wage rate elicit a more than proportionate
increase in worker effort (productivity). Effort per pound (dollar) of real
wage is measured by e/w. This ratio is maximized at point M, where 0X is
tangential to the effort function. Since the slope of the effort curve (e/w) is
the inverse of wage costs per efficiency unit (w/e), as the slope of E increases
the wage cost per efficiency unit falls and vice versa. The relationship be-
tween w/e and w is shown in panel (b) of Figure 7.5. Since e/w is maximized
at M with an efficiency wage of w*, the wage cost per efficiency unit also
reaches a minimum at a real wage of w* (see Stiglitz, 1987, p. 5).
The second condition for profit maximization is that the firm should hire
labour up to the point where its marginal product is equal to the efficiency
386 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 7.5 The efficiency wage and the Solow condition

The new Keynesian school 387

Figure 7.6 Involuntary unemployment in the efficiency wage model

wage. If the aggregate demand for labour at w* is less than the aggregate supply
of labour, then the market equilibrium will entail involuntary unemployment.
Since the optimal wage rate w* does not depend on either the level of employ-
ment or the productivity shift parameter (A), a shock which shifts the aggregate
demand for labour will lead to a change in employment but no change in the
rigid real (efficiency) wage. These points are illustrated in Figure 7.6. Here DL1
shows the marginal product of labour for a given level of effort (e*). If the
efficiency wage exceeds the market-clearing wage (w), then the market equilib-
rium is consistent with involuntary unemployment shown by U. If a shock
shifts the labour demand curve to DL2, then involuntary unemployment will
increase, since the efficiency wage remains at w*. Only if the market-clearing
(Walrasian) wage exceeds the efficiency wage will involuntary unemployment
be absent (see Abel and Bernanke, 2001). With w > w* firms would be forced to
pay the market-clearing wage but, for reasons discussed in the following sec-
tion, w* is always likely to be greater than the market-clearing wage. If an
increase in unemployment influences the effort of employed workers, then the
effort curve will shift up, which lowers the wage at which e/w is maximized.
This possibility is illustrated in Figure 7.5 by a shift of the effort curve from E
to E1. The e/w ratio is now maximized at M1, with a new efficiency wage of w1*.
So far we have assumed that effort is positively related to the real wage
rate. Now we must examine the reasons that have been advanced by new
388 Modern macroeconomics

Keynesian theorists to explain this relationship. The idea that worker produc-
tivity and real wages might be positively related over some range was clearly
recognized by Alfred Marshall, who observed that ‘highly paid labour is
generally efficient and therefore not dear labour’ (Marshall, 1920). Much
later, the efficiency wage idea reappeared in the literature relating to develop-
ing economies (Leibenstein, 1957; Bardhan, 1993). In this context higher
wages increase the physical well-being of workers through higher nutrition,
and by reducing malnourishment higher real wages improve labour effi-
ciency. In the developed-country context, where most workers have adequate
nutrition, a different rationale is needed.
The modern efficiency wage theories which have been put forward relate
in general to the issues of selection and incentives and four categories of
efficiency wage theory can be identified: (i) the adverse selection model (for
example, Weiss, 1980); (ii) the labour turnover model (for example, Salop,
1979); (iii) the shirking model (for example, Shapiro and Stiglitz, 1984); and
(iv) the fairness model (for example, Akerlof, 1982). We will examine each of
these in turn. The reader should note that the papers referred to above (i–iv)
are all collected in Akerlof and Yellen (1986).

The adverse selection model In the adverse selection model, firms that offer
higher wages will attract the best workers. Because the labour market is
populated by heterogeneous individuals, firms have imperfect information
about the productivity characteristics of job applicants; the labour market is
an excellent example of a market where asymmetric information predomi-
nates. When there is asymmetric information one party to a transaction has
more information than the other party. In this case workers have more infor-
mation about their own abilities, honesty and commitment than employers
before they are hired and will attempt to send signals to potential employers
that convey information about their qualities, such as educational qualifica-
tions, previous employment record and current wage if employed (see Spence,
1974, for a discussion of job market signalling). Because of the non-trivial
hiring and firing costs firms prefer not to hire workers and then find they need
to fire those with low productivity. The firm may also need to invest consider-
able resources in training new employees before it becomes clear that they
are not up to scratch. One way of avoiding this problem is for the firm to send
a signal to the labour market in the form of offers of high wages. In the model
presented by Weiss (1980) the wage offered by a firm influences both the
number and quality of job applicants. If workers’ abilities are closely con-
nected to their reservation wage, then higher wage offers will attract the most
productive job applicants and any applicant who offers to work for less than
the efficiency wage will be regarded as a potential ‘lemon’. Firms will also be
reluctant to lower wage rates even if faced with an excess supply of labour
The new Keynesian school 389

wishing to work at the prevailing wage offer because this would in all likeli-
hood induce the most productive workers to quit voluntarily. As a result of
these influences an underemployment equilibrium is attained. To avoid ad-
verse selection problems firms will attempt to introduce screening devices,
but these measures involve costs, as will the continuous monitoring of work-
ers after they have been appointed.

The labour turnover model A second reason why firms may offer an effi-
ciency wage in excess of the market-clearing wage is to reduce costly labour
turnover. This approach received inspiration from the pioneering work of Phelps
(1968) and Phelps et al. (1970) in the development of explanations of the
natural rate of unemployment and search behaviour. The idea here is that
workers’ willingness to quit a job will be significantly reduced if a firm pays
above the going rate. With quitting rates a decreasing function of the real wage,
firms have an incentive to pay an efficiency wage to reduce costly labour
turnover. In the model developed by Salop (1979), labour market equilibrium
entails involuntary unemployment since all firms need to raise their wages to
deter workers from quitting. In situations where unemployment increases, the
wage premium necessary to deter labour turnover will fall.

The shirking model In most occupations labour contracts are incomplete,

which allows workers to exercise discretion with respect to their effort levels.
Because contracts cannot specify every aspect of a worker’s performance and
duties there is ‘effort discretion’ (see Leibenstein, 1979, for a similar ap-
proach). Since the collection of information relating to the productivity of
individual workers and the continual monitoring of workers is very costly to
the firm, the payment of an efficiency wage in excess of the market-clearing
equilibrium wage can act as an incentive which will deter the worker from
shirking. Such behaviour may be particularly difficult to detect and monitor
when teamwork characterizes the workplace.
The possibility that workers may vary their effort is a further example of
the type of problem that can arise when there is an informational asymmetry
present. Workers know more about their effort levels than do their employers.
This asymmetry creates a ‘principal–agent’ problem. An agency relationship
develops whenever there is a relationship between economic actors and the
welfare of one person depends on the actions of the other party; that is, when
the welfare of the principal is influenced by the action (or inaction) of the
agent. In the labour market case the principal is the owner of an enterprise
and the managers and other workers are the agents. One way of reducing the
problem of shirking in this context is to pay an efficiency wage.
The threat of dismissal is not an effective deterrent in a labour market
where workers can quickly find a new job at the same wage rate. However, if
390 Modern macroeconomics

a firm pays a wage in excess of that available elsewhere, or if there is

unemployment, workers have an incentive not to shirk, since there is now a
real cost to being fired and shirking becomes more risky for each worker. In
the Shapiro–Stiglitz (1984) model, the payment of an efficiency wage acts as
a disincentive to shirking, and involuntary unemployment in equilibrium is
an outcome of the problems firms face when monitoring is imperfect: ‘With
imperfect monitoring and full employment workers will choose to shirk.’ By
being paid more than the going rate, workers now face a real penalty if they
are caught shirking. But, as Shapiro and Stiglitz (1984) note, ‘if it pays one
firm to raise its wage it will pay all firms to raise their wages’. Since a rise in
the general level of real wages raises unemployment, even if all firms pay the
same efficiency wage, workers again have an incentive not to shirk because if
caught they will now face the possibility of prolonged unemployment. The
‘reserve army’ of the unemployed act as a disincentive device. Hence the
effort (productivity) of the worker hired by the ith firm, ei, is a function of the
wage it pays, wi, the wage paid by all other firms, w–i, and the rate of
unemployment, u. This is shown in equation (7.12):

ei = ei ( wi , w− i , u) (7.12)

When all firms pay the same wages (wi = w–i) shirking depends positively on
the level of employment. The no-shirking constraint (NSC) indicates the
minimum wage at each level of employment below which shirking will
occur, and is shown in Figure 7.7. In Figure 7.7 the market-clearing wage is
w. However, as is evident from the diagram, no shirking is inconsistent with
full employment. As an incentive not to shirk, a firm must offer an efficiency
wage greater than w. With all firms offering a wage of w*, workers are
deterred from shirking by the risk of becoming unemployed. The diagram
also shows that the need to pay a wage greater than w decreases as unemploy-
ment increases and that the efficiency wage w* and level of employment L0
are associated with an equilibrium level of involuntary unemployment indi-
cated by LF – L0. As the NSC will always lie above and to the left of the
labour supply curve, there will always be some involuntary unemployment in
The NSC will shift to the left if the firm reduces its monitoring intensity
and/or the government increases unemployment benefit. In each case the
wage necessary to deter shirking at each level of employment is higher. A
change in the NSC brought about by either of the above reasons is shown in
Figure 7.7 as a shift of NSC from NSC0 to NSC1. The equilibrium following
this shift is indicated by E1, showing that the model predicts an increase in
the efficiency wage and an increase in the equilibrium rate of involuntary
unemployment as a result of these changes.
The new Keynesian school 391

Figure 7.7 The shirking model

The fairness model In recent years several economists have examined the
adverse effects of ‘unfair wages’ and wage cuts on worker effort via the impact
such cuts will have on the morale of the workforce. Sociological models stress
such factors as the importance of wage relativities, status, relative deprivation,
loyalty, trust and equity. In a series of papers, Akerlof (1982, 1984) and Akerlof
and Yellen (1987, 1988, 1990) responded to Solow’s (1979, 1980) ‘piece of
home-made sociology’ and developed models where feelings about equity and
fairness act as a deterrent to firms to offer too low wages in the labour market.
Thurow (1983), Blinder (1988a) and Solow (1990) have also indicated that this
socioeconomic line of enquiry could prove fruitful as an explanation of persist-
ent unemployment. Recently, in his Nobel Memorial Lecture, George Akerlof
(2002) presented a strong case for strengthening macroeconomic theory by
incorporating assumptions that take account of behaviour such as ‘cognitive
bias, reciprocity, fairness, herding and social status’. By doing so Akerlof
argues that macroeconomics will ‘no longer suffer from the “ad hockery” of the
neoclassical synthesis which had overridden the emphasis in the General Theory
on the role of psychological and sociological factors’. Since in Akerlof’s view
Keynes’s General Theory ‘was the greatest contribution to behavioural eco-
nomics before the present era’, it would seem that economists need to rediscover
the ‘wild side’ of macroeconomic behaviour in order to begin the construction
of ‘a not too rational macroeconomics’ (Leijonhufvud, 1993).
392 Modern macroeconomics

Many economists share Akerlof’s concerns and are critical of models

where the labour market is modelled in much the same way as a commodity
or financial market. The flexible price–auction model employed by new clas-
sical economists does not seem to resemble observed labour market behaviour.
There are fundamental differences between labour inputs and other non-
human inputs into the production process:

1. Workers have preferences and feelings; machines and raw materials do

2. Workers need to be motivated; machines do not.
3. The productivity of a machine is reasonably well known before pur-
chase, so that problems of asymmetric information relating to quality are
much less significant.
4. Workers can strike and ‘break down’ because of ill health (stress and so
on); machines can break down but never strike for higher pay or more
5. The human capital assets of a firm are more illiquid and risky than its
capital assets.
6. Workers normally require training; machines do not.
7. Human capital cannot be separated from its owner; non-human capital
8. Workers’ utility functions are interdependent, not independent.

Because of these crucial differences, worker productivity is a discretionary

variable; the effort or output of a worker is not given in advance and fixed for
the future, irrespective of changes which take place in working conditions
(see also Leibenstein, 1979). A machine does not get angry when its price
fluctuates, nor does it feel upset if it is switched off. In contrast, workers are
not indifferent to their price, nor are they unmoved by becoming unemployed
against their will. For these and other reasons, the notion of fairness would
seem to be an important factor in determining outcomes in the labour market.
As Solow (1990) has argued, ‘The most elementary reason for thinking that
the concept of fairness, and beliefs about what is fair and what is not, play an
important part in labour market behaviour is that we talk about them all the
time.’ The words ‘fair’ and ‘unfair’ have even been used by neoclassical
economists at university departmental meetings!
The first formal model to bring in sociological elements as an explanation
of efficiency wages was the seminal paper by Akerlof (1982), where issues
relating to fairness lie at the centre of the argument. According to Akerlof, the
willing cooperation of workers is something that must usually be obtained by
the firm because labour contracts are incomplete and teamwork is frequently
the norm. The essence of Akerlof’s gift exchange model is neatly summed up
The new Keynesian school 393

in the phrase ‘A fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay’. Everyday observation
suggests that people have an innate psychological need to feel fairly treated,
otherwise their morale is adversely affected. In Akerlof’s model, workers’
effort is a positive function of their morale and a major influence on their
morale is the remuneration they receive for a given work standard which is
regarded as the norm. If a firm pays its workers a wage above the going
market rate, workers will respond by raising their group work norms, provid-
ing the firm with a gift of higher productivity in exchange for the higher
In subsequent work Akerlof and Yellen (1990) have developed what they
call the ‘fair wage–effort hypothesis’, which is derived from equity theory. In
the workplace personal contact and potentially conflicting relationships within
a team of workers are unavoidable. As a result issues relating to fairness are
never far away. Since there is no absolute measure of fairness, people meas-
ure their treatment by reference to other individuals within their own group.
Fairness is measured by making comparisons with workers similarly situated
(inside and outside the firm). Thus an individual worker’s utility function can
be summarized as equation (7.13):

U = U ( w/ω , e, u) (7.13)

The utility of this worker (U) is dependent on the real wage (w) relative to the
perceived ‘fair’ wage (ω ), the worker’s effort (e) and the unemployment rate
(u). Assuming the worker wishes to maximize this function, the effort ex-
pended will depend on the relationship between w and ω for a given level of
unemployment. Workers who feel unfairly treated ( w < ω ) will adjust their
effort accordingly. ‘The ability of workers to exercise control over their
effort, and their willingness to do so in response to grievances, underlies the
fair wage–effort hypothesis’ (Akerlof and Yellen, 1990, p. 262). Just as firms
face a no-shirking constraint in the Shapiro–Stiglitz model, they face a ‘fair
wage constraint’ in the fairness version of the efficiency wage model. Since
the fair wage exceeds the market-clearing wage, this framework generates an
equilibrium with involuntary unemployment.
The essence of this innovative approach to explaining real wage rigidity is
that the morale of a firm’s human capital can easily be damaged if workers
perceive that they are being unfairly treated. Firms that attach importance to
their reputation as an employer and that wish to generate high morale and
loyalty from their workforce will tend to pay efficiency wages which are
perceived as fair.
It appears that American entrepreneur Henry Ford shared Marshall’s in-
sight that ‘highly paid labour is generally efficient and therefore not dear
labour’. In the autumn of 1908, Henry Ford launched the production of the
394 Modern macroeconomics

famous Model T Ford. During the period 1908–14, he pioneered the intro-
duction of mass production techniques that characterized the ‘American System
of Manufactures’ (Rosenberg, 1994). The assembly line production methods
introduced by Ford required relatively unskilled workers rather than the
skilled craftsmen he had previously needed to assemble automobiles one by
one. The first moving assembly lines began operation in April 1913 but
unfortunately for Ford, the introduction of these mass production techniques
drastically changed the working environment and led to a massive and costly
increase in absenteeism and the turnover of workers. In 1913 the annual
turnover of workers at Ford was 370 per cent and daily absenteeism was 10
per cent. In January 1914 Ford responded to this problem by introducing a
payment system of $5 for an eight-hour day for male workers over the age of
22 who had been with the company for at least six months. Previously these
same workers had been working a nine-hour day for $2.34. For a given level
of worker productivity an increase in the wage paid was certain to increase
unit labour costs and, to contemporary observers, Ford’s policy seemed to
imply a certain reduction in the firm’s profits. However, the result of Ford’s
new wage policy was a dramatic reduction in absenteeism (down 75 per
cent), reduced turnover (down 87 per cent), a massive improvement in pro-
ductivity (30 per cent), a reduction in the price of the Model T Ford, and an
increase in profits. It appears that Ford was one of the first entrepreneurs to
apply efficiency wage theory. Later, Henry Ford described the decision to pay
his workers $5 per day as ‘one of the finest cost cutting moves we ever made’
(see Meyer, 1981; Raff and Summers, 1987). There is no evidence that Ford
was experiencing trouble recruiting workers before 1914 or that the new
wage policy was introduced to attract more highly skilled workers. The most
plausible rationale for the policy is the favourable impact that it was expected
to have on workers’ effort, turnover and absenteeism rates, and worker mo-
rale. Raff and Summers (1987) conclude that the introduction by Ford of
‘supracompetitive’ wages did yield ‘substantial productivity benefits and
profits’ and that this case study ‘strongly supports’ the relevance of several
efficiency wage theories.

Insider–outsider models Why don’t unemployed workers offer to work for

lower wages than those currently paid to employed workers? If they did so,
wages would be bid down and employment would increase. There appears to
be an unwritten eleventh commandment: ‘Thou shalt not permit job theft by
underbidding and stealing the jobs of thy comrades.’ The insider–outsider
theory also attempts to explain why wage rigidity persists in the face of
involuntary unemployment (see Ball, 1990, and Sanfey, 1995 for reviews).
The insider–outsider approach to real wage rigidity was developed during
the 1980s in a series of contributions by Lindbeck and Snower (1985, 1986,
The new Keynesian school 395

1988a, 1988b). In this model the insiders are the incumbent employees and
the outsiders are the unemployed workers. Whereas in efficiency wage mod-
els it is firms that decide to pay a wage higher than the market-clearing wage,
in the insider–outsider approach the focus shifts to the power of the insiders
who at least partially determine wage and employment decisions. No direct
effects of wages on productivity are assumed.
Where does the insider power come from? According to Lindbeck and
Snower, insider power arises as a result of turnover costs (Vetter and Andersen,
1994). These include hiring and firing costs such as those associated with
costs of searching the labour market, advertising and screening, negotiating
conditions of employment, mandatory severance pay and litigation costs.
Other important costs are production-related and arise from the need to train
new employees. In addition to these well-known turnover costs, Lindbeck
and Snower (1988a) also emphasize a more novel form of cost – the insider’s
ability and incentive to cooperate with or harass new workers coming from
the ranks of the outsiders. If insiders feel that their position is threatened by
outsiders, they can refuse to cooperate with and train new workers, as well as
make life at work thoroughly unpleasant. By raising the disutility of work,
this causes the outsiders’ reservation wage to rise, making it less attractive for
the firm to employ them. To the extent that cooperation and harassment
activities lie within the control of workers, they can have a significant influ-
ence on turnover costs by their own behaviour.
Because firms with high rates of turnover offer both a lack of job security
and few opportunities for advancement, workers have little or no incentive to
build reputations with their employers. Low motivation damages productivity
and this represents yet another cost of high labour turnover.
Because it is costly to exchange a firm’s current employees for unem-
ployed outsiders, the insiders have leverage which they can use to extract a
share of the economic rent generated by turnover costs (the firm has an
incentive to pay something to avoid costly turnover). Lindbeck and Snower
assume that workers have sufficient bargaining power to extract some of this
rent during wage negotiations. Although unions are not necessary for insider
power, they enhance it with their ability to threaten strikes and work-to-rule
forms of non-cooperation (For a discussion of union bargaining models and
unemployment, see McDonald and Solow, 1981; Nickell, 1990; Layard et al.,
Although the insider–outsider theory was originally put forward as an
explanation of involuntary unemployment, it also generates some other im-
portant predictions (see Lindbeck and Snower, 1988b). First, insider–outsider
theory implies that pronounced aggregate shocks which shift the demand for
labour may have persistent effects on wages, employment and unemploy-
ment. In countries with large labour turnover costs and powerful unions, this
396 Modern macroeconomics

‘effect persistence’ will be significant. Second, in cases where the shocks are
mild, firms with high turnover costs have an incentive to hoard labour, and
this reduces employment variability. Third, the insider–outsider model can
provide a rationale for many features associated with ‘dual labour markets’.
Fourth, this model has implications for the composition of unemployment.
Lindbeck and Snower (1988b) argue that ‘unemployment rates will be com-
paratively high for people with comparatively little stability in their work
records’. This offers an explanation for the relatively high unemployment
rates which are frequently typical among the young, the female population
and various minority groups.
While the insider–outsider theory and efficiency wage theories provide dif-
ferent explanations of involuntary unemployment, they are not incompatible
but complementary models, since the amount of involuntary unemployment
‘may depend on what firms are willing to give and what workers are able to get’
(Lindbeck and Snower, 1985).

7.8 New Keynesian Business Cycle Theory

New Keynesian economists accept that the source of shocks which generate
aggregate disturbances can arise from the supply side or the demand side.
However, new Keynesians argue that there are frictions and imperfections
within the economy which will amplify these shocks so that large fluctua-
tions in real output and employment result. The important issue for new
Keynesians is not so much the source of the shocks but how the economy
responds to them.
Within new Keynesian economics there have been two strands of re-
search relating to the issue of aggregate fluctuations. The predominant
approach has emphasized the importance of nominal rigidities. The second
approach follows Keynes (1936) and Tobin (1975), and explores the poten-
tially destabilizing impact of wage and price flexibility. We will examine
each in turn. Consider Figure 7.8. In panel (a) we illustrate the impact of a
decline in the money supply which shifts aggregate demand from AD0 to
AD1. If a combination of menu costs and real rigidities makes the price
level rigid at P0, the decline in aggregate demand will move the economy
from point E0 to point E1 in panel (a). The decline in output reduces the
effective demand for labour. In panel (c) the effective labour demand curve
(DLe) shows how much labour is necessary to produce different levels of
output. As the diagram shows, L1 amount of labour is required to produce Y1
amount of output. With prices and the real wage fixed at P0 and w0, respec-
tively, firms move off the notional demand curve for labour, DL, operating
instead along their effective labour demand curve indicated by NKL1 in
panel (d). At the rigid real wage of w0, firms would like to hire L0 workers,
The new Keynesian school 397

Figure 7.8 The impact of an aggregate demand shock in the new Keynesian
398 Modern macroeconomics

but they have no market for the extra output which would be produced by
hiring the extra workers. The aggregate demand shock has produced an
increase in involuntary unemployment of L0 – L1. The new Keynesian short-
run aggregate supply curve SRAS (P0) is perfectly elastic at the fixed price
level. Eventually downward pressure on prices and wages would move the
economy from point E1 to E2 in panel (a), but this process may take an
unacceptably long period of time. Therefore new Keynesian economists,
like Keynes, advocate measures which will push the aggregate demand
curve back towards E0. In the new Keynesian model, monetary shocks
clearly have non-neutral effects in the short run, although money remains
neutral in the long run, as indicated by the vertical long-run aggregate
supply curve (LRAS).
The failure of firms to cut prices even though this would in the end benefit
all firms is an example of a ‘coordination failure’. A coordination failure
occurs when economic agents reach an outcome that is inferior to all of them
because there are no private incentives for agents to jointly choose strategies
that would produce a much better (and preferred) result (see Mankiw, 2003).
The inability of agents to coordinate their activities successfully in a decen-
tralized system arises because there is no incentive for a single firm to cut
price and increase production, given the assumed inaction of other agents.
Because the optimal strategy of one firm depends on the strategies adopted by
other firms, a strategic complementary is present, since all firms would gain
if prices were reduced and output increased (Alvi, 1993). To many Keynesian
economists the fundamental causes of macroeconomic instability relate to
problems associated with coordination failure (see Ball and Romer, 1991;
Leijonhufvud, 1992).
The second brand of new Keynesian business cycle theorizing suggests
that wage and price rigidities are not the main problem. Even if wages and
prices were fully flexible, output and employment would still be very unsta-
ble. Indeed, price rigidities may well reduce the magnitude of aggregate
fluctuations, a point made by Keynes in Chapter 19 of the General Theory,
but often neglected (see Chapter 2 above, and General Theory, p. 269). A
reconsideration of this issue followed Tobin’s (1975) paper (see Sheffrin,
1989, for a discussion of this debate). Tobin himself remains highly critical
of new Keynesian theorists who continue to stress the importance of nominal
rigidities (Tobin, 1993), and Greenwald and Stiglitz have been influential in
developing new Keynesian models of the business cycle which do not rely on
nominal price and wage inertia, although real rigidities play an important
In the Greenwald and Stiglitz model (1993a, 1993b) firms are assumed to
be risk-averse. Financial market imperfections generated by asymmetric in-
formation constrain many firms from access to equity finance. Equity-rationed
The new Keynesian school 399

firms can only partially diversify out of the risks they face. Their resultant
dependence on debt rather than new equity issues makes firms more vulner-
able to bankruptcy, especially during a recession when the demand curve
facing most firms shifts to the left. Faced with such a situation, a risk-averse
equity-constrained firm prefers to reduce its output because the uncertainties
associated with price flexibility are much greater than those from quantity
adjustment. As Stiglitz (1999b) argues, ‘the problem of price-wage setting
should be approached within a standard dynamic portfolio model, one that
takes into account the risks associated with each decision, the non-
reversibilities, as well as the adjustment costs associated with both prices and
Greenwald and Stiglitz argue that, as a firm produces more, the probability
of bankruptcy increases, and since bankruptcy imposes costs these will be
taken into account in firms’ production decisions. The marginal bankruptcy
cost measures the expected extra costs which result from bankruptcy. During
a recession the marginal bankruptcy risk increases and risk-averse firms react
to this by reducing the amount of output they are prepared to produce at each
price (given wages). Any change in a firm’s net worth position or in their
perception of the risk they face will have a negative impact on their willing-
ness to produce and shifts the resultant risk-based aggregate supply curve to
the left. As a result, demand-induced recessions are likely to induce leftward
shifts of the aggregate supply curve. Such a combination of events could
leave the price level unchanged, even though in this model there are no
frictions preventing adjustment. Indeed, price flexibility, by creating more
uncertainty, would in all likelihood make the situation worse. In the
Greenwald–Stiglitz model aggregate supply and aggregate demand are inter-
dependent and ‘the dichotomy between “demand” and “supply” side shocks
may be, at best, misleading’ (Greenwald and Stiglitz, 1993b, p. 103; Stiglitz,
In Figure 7.9 we illustrate the impact of an aggregate demand shock which
induces the aggregate supply curve to shift to the left. The price level remains
at P0, even though output falls from Y0 to Y1. A shift of the aggregate supply
curve to the left as the result of an increase in perceived risk will also shift the
demand curve of labour to the left. If real wages are influenced by efficiency
wage considerations, involuntary unemployment increases without any sig-
nificant change in the real wage.
In addition to the above influences, new Keynesians have also examined the
consequences of credit market imperfections which lead risk-averse lenders to
respond to recessions by shifting their portfolio towards safer activities. This
behaviour can magnify an economic shock by raising the real costs of interme-
diation. The resulting credit squeeze can convert a recession into a depression
as many equity-constrained borrowers find credit expensive or difficult to
400 Modern macroeconomics

Figure 7.9 The risk-based aggregate supply curve

obtain, and bankruptcy results. Because high interest rates can increase the
probability of default, risk-averse financial institutions frequently resort to
credit rationing. Whereas the traditional approach to analysing the monetary
transmission mechanism focuses on the interest rate and exchange rate chan-
nels, the new paradigm emphasizes the various factors that influence the ability
of financial institutions to evaluate the ‘creditworthiness’ of potential borrowers
in a world of imperfect information. Indeed, in the new paradigm, banks are
viewed as risk-averse firms that are constantly engaged in a process of screen-
ing and monitoring customers. In a well-known paper, Bernanke (1983) argues
that the severity of the Great Depression was in large part due to the breakdown
of the economy’s credit facilities, rather than a decline in the money supply
(see Jaffe and Stiglitz, 1990, and Bernanke and Gertler, 1995, for surveys of the
literature on credit rationing; see also Stiglitz and Greenwald, 2003, who
champion what they call ‘the new paradigm’ in monetary economics).
Some new Keynesians have also incorporated the impact of technology
shocks into their models. For example, Ireland (2004) explores the link
between the ‘current generation of new Keynesian models and the previous
generation of real business cycle models’. To identify what is driving aggre-
gate instability, Ireland’s model combines technology shocks with shocks to
household preferences, firm’s desired mark-ups, and the central bank’s mon-
etary policy rule. Ireland finds that monetary shocks are a major source of
The new Keynesian school 401

real GDP instability, particularly before 1980. Technology shocks play only a
‘modest role’, accounting for less than half of the observed instability of
output in the post-1980 period.

7.9 Hysteresis and the NAIRU

Since the early 1970s the natural rate of unemployment ‘seems to have taken
a wild ride’ in OECD countries. For OECD countries in general, unemploy-
ment in the 1980s and 90s was higher than during the ‘Golden Age’ of the
1950–73 period. The steadily rising unemployment rates appear to have their
origins in the two OPEC oil price shocks in 1973 and 1979 respectively
(Phelps and Zoega, 1998) and in the case of the European OECD countries,
unemployment that averaged 1.7 per cent in the early 1960s rose to 11 per
cent by the mid-1990s. This high average also hides the large dispersion of
unemployment rates across the European countries (Blanchard and Wolfers,
2000). Gordon’s (1997, 1998) estimates show that the US natural rate of
unemployment has also varied during this same period although the long-run
unemployment repercussions of the 1980s recessions appear to have been
much more persistent in Europe than in the USA. Figure 7.10 shows the
standardized unemployment rates for the USA and OECD Europe for the
period 1972–98. While unemployment in OECD Europe was less than US
unemployment until the early 1980s, since then European unemployment has
remained stubbornly high while it has fallen in the USA.
While the problem of inflation was a major policy concern during the
1970s and early 1980s, by the mid-1980s economists were once again turning
their attention to the problem of unemployment, in particular the rise in the
estimated NAIRU (see Bean et al., 1986; Fitoussi and Phelps, 1988; Sum-
mers, 1990; Layard et al., 1991, 1994; Bean, 1994; Cross, 1995; Nickell,
1997, 1998; Siebert, 1997; Katz and Krueger, 1999; Blanchard and Wolfers,
2000; Fitoussi et al., 2000; Hall, 2003).
While estimates of the NAIRU are obviously subject to uncertainty given
the broad range of determinants, recent OECD estimates shown in Table 7.1
indicate the much superior performance of the US economy compared to the
euro area and G7 countries.
During the late 1960s, Friedman and Phelps independently put forward
expectations-augmented models of the Phillips curve. In Friedman’s model
the market-clearing rate of unemployment is called the natural rate of unem-
ployment and is associated with a stable rate of inflation. As we noted in
Chapter 4, many economists (especially those sympathetic to Keynesianism)
prefer to use the ‘NAIRU’ concept (non-accelerating inflation rate of unem-
ployment), rather than ‘natural rate’ when discussing long-run unemployment.
The NAIRU terminology was first introduced by Modigliani and Papademos
402 Modern macroeconomics

% 12
North America
11 OECD Europe
1972 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98

Source: ‘Labour market performance and the OECD jobs strategy’, OECD, June 1999,

Figure 7.10 Standardized unemployment rates for North America (USA

and Canada) and OECD Europe, 1972–98

Table 7.1 NAIRU estimates for the G7 countries and the euro area

Country/area 1980 1985 1990 1995 1999

Canada 8.9 10.1 9.0 8.8 7.7

France 5.8 6.5 9.3 10.3 9.5
Germany 3.3 4.4 5.3 6.7 6.9
Italy 6.8 7.8 9.1 10.0 10.4
Japan 1.9 2.7 2.2 2.9 4.0
UK 4.4 8.1 8.6 6.9 7.0
USA 6.1 5.6 5.4 5.3 5.2
Euro area 5.5 7.1 8.8 9.2 8.8

Source: ‘Revised OECD Measures of Structural Unemployment’, OECD, December 2000.

(1975) as ‘NIRU’ (non-inflationary rate of unemployment), defined as ‘a rate

such that, as long as unemployment is above it, inflation can be expected to
decline’. The NAIRU acronym was introduced by James Tobin (1980c) and
The new Keynesian school 403

has since been used to describe estimates of the natural rate of unemployment
(see Cross et al., 1993; Cross, 1995). However, according to King (1999):

the natural rate of unemployment and the NAIRU are quite different concepts. The
former describes a real equilibrium determined by the structural characteristics of
the labour and product markets – the grinding out of Friedman’s Walrasian gen-
eral equilibrium system (modified, if necessary, by non-Walrasian features of
labour markets such as imperfect competition, search behaviour and efficiency
wages). It exists independently of the inflation rate. In contrast, the latter, as well
as being affected by these structural characteristics, is also affected by the gradual
adjustment of the economy to past economic shocks that determine the path of
inflation. Because it is defined as the unemployment rate at which there is no
immediate pressure for a change in the inflation rate, it is a reduced form – not a
structural – variable.

Therefore, the NAIRU concept takes into account inertia in the system which
allows a protracted response of the economy to various economic shocks.
Another way to distinguish between these concepts relates to their
microfoundations. Friedman’s natural rate is a market-clearing concept,
whereas the NAIRU is that rate of unemployment which generates consist-
ency between the target real wage of workers and the feasible real wage
determined by labour productivity and the size of a firm’s mark-up. Since the
NAIRU is determined by the balance of power between workers and firms,
the microfoundations of the NAIRU relate to theories of imperfect competi-
tion in the labour and product markets (see Carlin and Soskice, 1990; Layard
et al., 1991). However, while recognizing these differences between the con-
cepts of the natural rate and the NAIRU, Ball and Mankiw (2002) argue that
NAIRU is ‘approximately a synonym for the natural rate of unemployment’.
Therefore, in the discussion that follows we will assume that the two con-
cepts can be used interchangeably.
According to Friedman’s natural rate hypothesis, fluctuations of aggregate
demand cannot exercise any influence over the natural rate of unemployment,
which is determined by real supply-side influences. The conventional natural
rate view allows monetary and other demand shocks to shift aggregate de-
mand, thereby influencing the actual rate of unemployment in the short run.
But, as inflationary expectations adjust, unemployment returns to its long-run
equilibrium (natural) value. In new classical models, if the change in aggre-
gate demand is unanticipated, the combined effect of perfectly flexible prices
and rational expectations ensures that unemployment will quickly return to
its natural rate.
This conventional view is illustrated in Figure 7.11, where the natural rate
of unemployment (UN) is given by point A. Any decline in aggregate demand
will increase the actual rate of unemployment temporarily to point B, while
an expansion of aggregate demand will lower actual unemployment and will
404 Modern macroeconomics


Falling rate
of inflation

Rising rate
of inflation

Expansionary demand shock O Contractionary demand shock

Figure 7.11 The ‘natural rate’ view of the relationship between actual
unemployment and equilibrium unemployment

move the economy temporarily to point C. However, in the long run, unem-
ployment returns to the natural rate of unemployment at point A.
The dramatic rise in unemployment rates, particularly in Europe during the
1980s, suggested that this conventional view of the natural rate of unemploy-
ment (or NAIRU) must be wrong. It seems that the NAIRU must have risen,
and estimates made by econometricians, such as those presented in Table 7.1,
confirm this view. Several explanations have been put forward to explain
these higher levels of unemployment. One view explains it as a result of
specific policy changes that have reduced the flexibility of the labour market;
more powerful trade unions, higher unemployment compensation and longer
duration of benefits, minimum wage laws, excessive regulations, employment
protection, and higher taxation are, or have been, favourite candidates (see
Minford, 1991; Nickell, 1997; Siebert, 1997; Ljungquist and Sargent, 1998;
Fitoussi et al., 2000; Roed and Zhang, 2003). However, while some of these
factors may account for rising unemployment in the 1970s, many economists
do not believe that they offer a complete explanation of the unemployment
experienced in the 1980s and 1990s (union power, for example, has been
significantly reduced in the UK and has never been a major factor in the US
The new Keynesian school 405

The simultaneous rise in the actual and equilibrium rates of unemployment

has led some new Keynesian economists to explore a second explanation
which allows aggregate demand to influence the natural rate (or NAIRU).
Models which embody the idea that the natural rate depends on the history of
the equilibrium rate are called ‘hysteresis’ theories. It was Phelps (1972) who
first suggested that the natural rate equilibrium will be partly influenced by
the path taken to reach equilibrium. Phelps called this path dependence
‘hysteresis’, a term borrowed from physics, where it is used to describe the
lagging of magnetic induction behind the source of magnetism (see Cross,
In hysteresis models the natural rate of unemployment will increase if the
actual rate of unemployment in the previous period exceeds the former time
period’s natural rate (Hargreaves-Heap, 1980). This can be expressed as

U Nt = U Nt −1 + a(Ut −1 − U Nt −1 ) + bt (7.14)

In equation (7.14) UNt is the natural rate of unemployment at time t, UNt–1 is

the previous period’s natural rate of unemployment, Ut–1 is the previous
period’s actual rate of unemployment and bt captures other influences on the
natural rate such as unemployment compensation. If we assume bt = 0, then
equation (7.14) can be rearranged as (7.15):

U Nt − U Nt −1 = a(Ut −1 − U Nt −1 ) (7.15)

From equation (7.15) it can be seen that UNt > UNt–1 if Ut–1 > UNt–1. In other
words, the shifting actual rate of unemployment acts like a magnet, pulling
the natural rate of unemployment in the same direction. Thus while it may be
reasonable to argue that aggregate demand does not affect UN in the short run,
it is likely that prolonged periods of abnormally high or low economic activ-
ity will shift the natural rate of unemployment.
The impact of hysteresis is illustrated in Figure 7.12. The initial equilib-
rium unemployment rate is represented by point A. If the economy is subject
to a negative aggregate demand shock, output falls and unemployment rises
to point B. When the economy recovers from recession, the unemployment
rate does not return to point A. Instead, because of hysteresis effects, the new
NAIRU is at point C. If the economy is now subject to a positive aggregate
demand shock, unemployment falls to point D. When the economy returns to
equilibrium the NAIRU has now fallen to point E. A further recession traces
out a path for this economy through points F to G. In other words, the
NAIRU is influenced by the actual rate of unemployment which itself is
determined mainly by aggregate demand.
406 Modern macroeconomics


Falling rate
G of inflation
Rising rate
of inflation

Expansionary demand shock O Contractionary demand shock

Figure 7.12 The hysteresis view of a ‘time-varying’ NAIRU

Theories of hysteresis fall into two main categories, namely duration theo-
ries and insider–outsider theories. Duration theories point out that, when Ut >
UNt, the problem of structural unemployment is exacerbated because the unem-
ployed suffer a depreciation of their human capital (skills) and as a result
become increasingly unemployable. A high rate of unemployment also tends to
generate an increasing number of long-term unemployed who exercise little
influence on wage bargaining, which also raises the NAIRU. Insider–outsider
theories emphasize the power of insiders which prevents the downward adjust-
ment of wages in the face of high unemployment. As a result, outsiders are
unable to price their way back into jobs following a rise in unemployment (see
Blanchard and Summers, 1986, 1988). If hysteresis effects are important, the
sacrifice ratio associated with disinflation and recessions is much greater than
is suggested by the original natural rate hypothesis, since high unemployment
will tend to persist (for an extended discussion of the issues raised in this
section, the reader is referred to Cross, 1988; Cross et al., 1993, Layard et al.,
1991; Blanchard and Katz, 1997; Gordon, 2003).
Another distinctive approach to explaining movements in the equilibrium
rate of unemployment over time has been developed by Edmund Phelps and
The new Keynesian school 407

his co-researchers. In a series of books and papers Phelps has sought to

construct an endogenous theory of the natural rate of unemployment where
‘the equilibrium path of unemployment is driven by the natural rate that is a
variable of the system rather than a constant or a forcing function of time …
hence a moving-natural-rate theory holds the solution to the mystery of what
is behind the shifts and long swings of the unemployment rate’ (Phelps, 1994;
see also Fitoussi and Phelps, 1988; Phelps and Zoega, 1998; Phelps, 2000).
While in Friedman’s natural rate model equilibrium unemployment can change
due to supply-side influences, in Phelps’s dynamic intertemporal non-mon-
etary equilibrium model it is real demand shocks that are ‘the great movers
and shakers of the economy’s equilibrium path’, although real supply (en-
ergy) shocks also play an important role. Phelps (1990, 1994) classifies his
approach to explaining unemployment as both ‘modern’ and ‘structuralist’,
although it does contain both neoclassical (the role of real interest rates
determined in the capital market), Austrian (the effect of the rate of interest
on the supply of output) and new Keynesian elements (asymmetric informa-
tion and efficiency wages). Phelps highlights the impact on the path of the
equilibrium unemployment rate of real influences such as technology, prefer-
ences, social values and institutions. As Phelps (1994) recalls, by the 1980s
he had decided that any chance of accounting for the major swings in eco-
nomic activity since the war would require:

abandoning the simplification of a natural rate unemployment rate invariant to

non-monetary (not just monetary) macro shocks in favour of models making the
equilibrium rate an endogenous variable determined by a variety of non-monetary
forces … the longer booms and slumps … must be explained largely as
displacements of the equilibrium path of unemployment itself, not as deviations of
unemployment around an impervious equilibrium path.

In looking for the causes of what Fitoussi et al. (2000) call ‘the great slump’,
that is, the upward shift of equilibrium unemployment rates in the 1980s, the
chief suspects identified are five OECD-wide real shocks to business profit-
ability and worker’s incentives (see Phelps, 1994), namely:

1. reduced expectations of productivity growth, hence increased effective

cost of capital;
2. an increase in the expected real interest rate which also raises the effec-
tive cost of capital;
3. an increase in services from workers private assets (see Phelps, 2000);
4. an increase in social entitlements relative to after-tax real wages result-
ing from the 1970s productivity slowdown and expansion of the welfare
5. the two OPEC oil price shocks in 1973 and 1979.
408 Modern macroeconomics

In the Phelps (1994) model the main driving force behind the rise of the
NAIRU is the increase in real interest rates that occurred across the OECD
countries after the mid-1970s and on into the 1980s (Blanchard and Wolfers,
2000). The rise in world real interest rates, to a large extent induced by US
fiscal expansion in the early 1980s, lowered incentives to accumulate capital,
and, for a given real wage, led to a reduction of labour demand. The high real
interest rate which induced an appreciation of the US dollar (real deprecia-
tion of European currencies) during this period also led to an increase in
European price mark-ups (firms do not lower their export prices in proportion
to the depreciation) and, in consequence, this led to a reduction in labour
demand and a rise in the equilibrium rate of unemployment. For example,
Phelps and Zoega (1998, p. 788) find a very strong correlation between the
world real rate of interest and UK unemployment for the period 1975–95.
Note that in contrast to real business cycle models, where changes in the real
interest rate influence the supply of labour through the intertemporal labour
substitution hypothesis, in Phelps’s model changes in the real interest affect
the demand for labour (for a critique see Madsen, 1998).
While the impact of real shocks as an explanation of increases in the broad
evolution of European unemployment is persuasive, Blanchard and Wolfers
(2000) argue that ‘there is insufficient heterogeneity in these shocks to ex-
plain cross-country differences … Adverse shocks can potentially explain the
general increase in unemployment. Differences in institutions can potentially
explain differences in outcomes across countries.’ Therefore, a more convinc-
ing story of the evolution of the NAIRU in Europe must involve the interaction
of observable real shocks combined with a recognition of the institutional
diversity present across European countries (see Nickell, 1997; and Layard
and Nickell, 1998).

7.10 New Keynesian Economics and the Stylized Facts

The new Keynesian model is relatively successful in explaining many of the

business cycle stylized facts (see Abel and Bernanke, 2001):

1. new Keynesian analysis is consistent with the procyclical behaviour of

employment as well as procyclical consumption, investment and govern-
ment expenditures and productivity (see Chapter 6 for a discussion of
procyclical productivity);
2. the non-neutrality of money in new Keynesian models is consistent with
the stylized fact that money is procyclical and leading;
3. more controversial (see Chapter 6) is the new Keynesian prediction that
inflation will tend to be procyclical and lagging. Procyclical inflation is
consistent with new Keynesian models which emphasize aggregate de-
The new Keynesian school 409

mand disturbances. However, this stylized fact has in recent years been
challenged (see Kydland and Prescott, 1990, and Chapter 6);
4. new Keynesian models, unlike the old Keynesian models, do not imply a
countercyclical real wage. When sticky nominal prices are introduced,
the real wage in new Keynesian models can be procyclical or acyclical
(see Mankiw, 1990). If the efficiency wage is sensitive to the rate of
unemployment, then real wages will tend to be mildly procyclical in
such models (see Shapiro and Stiglitz, 1984).

Greenwald and Stiglitz (1988) in their survey of macroeconomic theories

conclude that no model successfully explains all the data, but the new
Keynesian model does better than either the traditional Keynesian or real
business cycle alternatives. For those economists who see involuntary unem-
ployment as a stylized fact in need of explanation, the new Keynesian models
rooted in imperfect competition are ‘impressively better’ than the new classi-
cal or real business cycle alternatives (Carlin and Soskice, 1990).

7.11 Policy Implications

Following the contributions of Fischer (1977), Phelps and Taylor (1977), it

was clear that the new classical conclusion that government demand manage-
ment policy was ineffective did not depend on the assumption of rational
expectations but rather on the assumption of instantaneous market clearing.
In new Keynesian models which emphasize sticky prices, money is no longer
neutral and policy effectiveness is, at least in principle, re-established. Since
in the Greenwald–Stiglitz model greater price flexibility exacerbates the prob-
lems of economic fluctuations, new Keynesians have also demonstrated the
potential role for corrective demand management policies even if prices are
flexible (but not instantaneously so). In a world where firms set prices and
wages in an uncoordinated way, and where they are uncertain of the conse-
quences of their actions, it is not surprising that considerable inertia with
respect to prices and wages results.
In a market economy endogenous forces can frequently amplify the dis-
turbing impact of exogenous shocks. While new Keynesians tend to be more
concerned with the way an economy responds to shocks than with the
source of the shocks, experience during the past quarter-century has con-
firmed that economies can be disturbed from the supply side as well as the
demand side. Indeed, as Benjamin Friedman (1992) has observed, it is often
practically and conceptually difficult to draw a clear distinction between
what is and what is not the focal point of any disturbance. Because in new
Keynesian models fluctuations are irregular and unpredictable, new Keynesians
are not enthusiastic supporters of government attempts to ‘fine-tune’ the
410 Modern macroeconomics

macroeconomy. Many new Keynesians (such as Mankiw) accept the mon-

etarist criticisms relating to old-style Keynesianism as well as several of the
criticisms raised by new classical economists, such as those related to dy-
namic consistency (see Chapter 5). There is no unified new Keynesian view
on the extent of discretionary fiscal and monetary action that a government
may take in response to aggregate fluctuations (see Solow and Taylor, 1998).
However, most new Keynesians do see a need for activist government action
of some form because of market failure, especially in the case of a deep
recession. For example, Taylor (2000a) argues that while fiscal policy should
normally be used to achieve long-term objectives such as economic growth,
there is a strong case for the explicit use of fiscal expansionary policy in
‘unusual situations such as when nominal interest rates hit a lower bound of
Because of uncertainty with respect to the kinds of problems an economy
may confront in the future, new Keynesians do not support the fixed-rules
approach to monetary policy advocated by Friedman (1968a) and new classi-
cal equilibrium theorists such as Lucas, Sargent, Wallace, Barro, Kydland
and Prescott during the 1970s. If the monetarists and new classicists success-
fully undermined the case for fine-tuning, new Keynesians have certainly
championed the case for what Lindbeck (1992) has referred to as ‘coarse-
tuning’ – policies designed to offset or avoid serious macro-level problems.
Here it is interesting to recall Leijonhufvud’s (1973, 1981) idea that market
economies operate reasonably well within certain limits. Leijonhufvud ar-
gues that

The system is likely to behave differently for large than for moderate displacements
from the ‘full coordination’ time path. Within some range from the path (referred
to as the corridor for brevity), the system’s homeostatic mechanisms work well,
and deviation counteracting tendencies increase in strength.

However, Leijonhufvud argues that outside ‘the corridor’ these equilibrating

tendencies are much weaker and the market system is increasingly vulnerable
to effective demand failures. More recently Krugman (1998, 1999) has also
reminded economists about the dangers of ‘Depression Economics’ and the
potential for a liquidity trap (see Buiter, 2003b).
Echoing this concern, new Keynesian analysis provides theoretical support
for policy intervention, especially in the case of huge shocks which lead to
persistence, because the adjustment process in market economies works too
slowly. An increasing consensus of economists now support the case for
some form of constrained discretion in the form of an activist rule. Indeed,
during the last decade of the twentieth century, macroeconomics began to
evolve into what Goodfriend and King (1997) have called a ‘New Neoclassi-
cal Synthesis’. The central elements of this new synthesis involve:
The new Keynesian school 411

1. the need for macroeconomic models to take into account intertemporal

2. the widespread use of the rational expectations hypothesis;
3. recognition of the importance of imperfect competition in goods, labour
and credit markets;
4. incorporating costly price adjustment into macroeconomic models.

Clearly this new consensus has a distinctly new Keynesian flavour. Indeed,
Gali (2002) refers to the new generation of small-scale monetary business
cycle models as either ‘new Keynesian’ or ‘new Neoclassical Synthesis’
models. This ‘new paradigm’ integrates Keynesian elements such as nominal
rigidities and imperfect competition into a real business cycle dynamic gen-
eral equilibrium framework.
According to Goodfriend and King, the ‘New Neoclassical Synthesis’ mod-
els suggest four major conclusions about the role of monetary policy. First,
monetary policy has persistent effects on real variables due to gradual price
adjustment. Second, there is ‘little’ long-run trade-off between real and nomi-
nal variables. Third, inflation has significant welfare costs due to its distorting
impact on economic performance. Fourth, in understanding the effects of
monetary policy, it is important to take into account the credibility of policy.
This implies that monetary policy is best conducted within a rules-based
framework, with central banks adopting a regime of inflation targeting
(Muscatelli and Trecroci, 2000). As Goodfriend and King note, these ideas
relating to monetary policy ‘are consistent with the public statements of
central bankers from a wide range of countries’ (see, for example Gordon
Brown, 1997, 2001, and the ‘core properties’ of the Bank of England’s
macroeconometric model, Bank of England, 1999; Treasury, 1999).

7.11.1 Costs of inflation

An important element of the growing consensus in macroeconomics is that
low and stable inflation is conducive to growth, stability and the efficient
functioning of market economies (Fischer, 1993; Taylor, 1996, 1998a, 1998b).
The consensus view is that inflation has real economic costs, especially
unanticipated inflation. The costs of anticipated inflation include ‘shoe leather’
costs, menu costs and the costs created by distortions in a non-indexed tax
system. The costs of unanticipated inflation include distortions to the distri-
bution of income, distortions to the price mechanism causing efficiency losses,
and losses due to increased uncertainty which lowers investment and reduces
economic growth. Also important are the costs of disinflation (the ‘sacrifice
ratio’), especially if hysteresis effects are present (Ball, 1999; Cross, 2002).
Leijonhufvud also argues that during non-trivial inflation the principal–agent
problems in the economy, particularly in the government sector, become
412 Modern macroeconomics

impossible of solution. This is because nominal auditing and bookkeeping

are the only methods invented for principals to control agents in various
situations. For example, Leijonhufvud highlights the problems that arise
when the national budget for the coming year becomes meaningless when
‘money twelve months hence is of totally unknown purchasing power’. In
such situations government departments cannot be held responsible for not
adhering to their budgets since the government has lost overall control. ‘It is
not just a case of the private sector not being able to predict what the
monetary authorities are going to do, the monetary authorities themselves
have no idea what the rate of money creation will be next month because of
constantly shifting, intense political pressures’ (Snowdon, 2004a; see also
Heymann and Leijonhufvud, 1995). Other significant costs arise if govern-
ments choose to suppress inflation, leading to distortions to the price
mechanism and further significant efficiency losses. Shiller (1997) has also
shown that inflation is extremely unpopular among the general public al-
though ‘people have definite opinions about the mechanisms and consequences
of inflation and these opinions differ … strikingly between the general public
and economists’. To a large extent these differences seem to depend on the
finding of Diamond et al. (1997) that ‘money illusion seems to be widespread
among economic agents’.
While the impact of inflation rates of less than 20 per cent on the rate of
economic growth may be small, it is important to note that small variations in
growth rates have dramatic effects on living standards over relatively short
historical periods (see Chapter 11, and Fischer, 1993; Barro, 1995; Ghosh
and Phillips, 1998; Feldstein, 1999; Temple, 2000; Kirshner, 2001). Ramey
and Ramey (1995) also present evidence from a sample of 95 countries that
volatility and growth are related; that is, more stable economies normally
grow faster. Given that macroeconomic stability and economic growth are
positively related (Fischer, 1993), achieving low and stable inflation will be
conducive to sustained growth. For example, Taylor, in a series of papers,
argues that US growth since the early 1980s (the ‘Great Boom’) was sus-
tained due to lower volatility induced by improved monetary policy (Taylor,
1996, 1997a, 1997b, 1998a, 1998b, 1999).
Recently, Romer and Romer (1999) and Easterly and Fischer (2001) have
presented evidence showing that inflation damages the well-being of the
poorest groups in society. The Romers find that high inflation and macroeco-
nomic instability are ‘correlated with less rapid growth of average income
and lower equality’. They therefore conclude that a low-inflation economic
environment is likely to result in higher income for the poor over time due to
its favourable effects on long-run growth and income equality, both of which
are adversely affected by high and variable inflation. Although expansionary
monetary policies can induce a boom and thus reduce poverty, these effects
The new Keynesian school 413

are only temporary. As Friedman (1968a) and Phelps (1968) demonstrated

many years ago, expansionary monetary policy cannot create a permanent
boom. Thus ‘the typical package of reforms that brings about low inflation
and macroeconomic stability will also generate improved conditions for the
poor and more rapid growth for all’ (Romer and Romer, 1999).

7.11.2 Monetary regimes and inflation targeting

If a consensus of economists agree that inflation is damaging to economic
welfare, it remains to be decided how best to control inflation. Since it is now
widely accepted that the primary long-run goal of monetary policy is to
control inflation and create reasonable price stability, the clear task for econo-
mists is to decide on the exact form of monetary regime to adopt in order to
achieve this goal. Monetary regimes are characterized by the use of a specific
nominal anchor. Mishkin (1999) defines a nominal anchor as ‘a constraint on
the value of domestic money’ or more broadly as ‘a constraint on discretion-
ary policy that helps weaken the time-inconsistency problem’. This helps to
solve the inflation bias problem inherent with the use of discretionary de-
mand management policies (Kydland and Prescott, 1977). In practice, during
the last 50 years, we can distinguish four types of monetary regime that have
operated in market economies; first, exchange rate targeting, for example the
UK, 1990–92; second, monetary targeting, for example the UK, 1976–87;
third, explicit inflation targeting, for example the UK, 1992 to date; fourth,
implicit inflation targeting, for example the USA, in recent years (see Mishkin,
1999; Goodfriend, 2004). While each of these monetary regimes has advan-
tages and disadvantages, in recent years an increasing number of countries
have begun to adopt inflation targeting in various forms, combined with an
accountable and more transparent independent central bank (see Alesina and
Summers, 1993; Fischer, 1995a, 1995b, 1996b; Green, 1996; Bernanke and
Mishkin, 1992, 1997; Bernanke and Woodford, 1997; Bernanke et al., 1999;
King, 1997a, 1997b; Snowdon, 1997; Svensson, 1997a, 1997b, 1999, 2000;
Artis et al., 1998; Haldane, 1998; Vickers, 1998; Mishkin, 1999, 2000a,
2000b, 2002; Gartner, 2000; Muscatelli and Trecroci, 2000; Piga, 2000;
Britton, 2002; Geraats, 2002; Bernanke and Woodford, 2004; see also the
interview with Bernanke in Snowdon, 2002a, 2002b).
Following Svensson (1997a, 1997b) and Mishkin (2002), we can view
inflation targeting as a monetary regime that encompasses six main elements:

1. the public announcement of medium-term numerical targets for inflation;

2. a firm institutional commitment to price stability (usually a low and
stable rate of inflation around 2–3 per cent) as the primary goal of
monetary policy; the government, representing society, assigns a loss
function to the central bank;
414 Modern macroeconomics

3. an ‘information-inclusive strategy’ where many variables are used for

deciding the setting of policy variables;
4. greater transparency and openness in the implementation of monetary
policy so as to facilitate better communication with the public; inflation
targets are much easier to understand than exchange rate or monetary
5. increased accountability of the central bank with respect to achieving its
inflation objectives; the inflation target provides an ex post indicator of
monetary policy performance; also, by estimating inflationary expecta-
tions relative to the inflation target, it is possible to get a measure of the
credibility of the policy;
6. because the use of inflation targeting as a nominal anchor involves com-
paring the announced target for inflation with the inflation forecast as the
basis for making monetary policy decisions, Svensson (1997b) has pointed
out that ‘inflation targeting implies inflation forecast targeting’ and ‘the
central bank’s inflation forecast becomes the intermediate target’.

The successful adoption of an inflation targeting regime also has certain

other key prerequisites. The credibility of inflation targeting as a strategy will
obviously be greatly enhanced by having a sound financial system where the
central bank has complete instrument independence in order to meet its
inflation objectives (see Berger et al., 2001; Piga, 2000). To this end the Bank
of England was granted operational independence in May, 1997 (Brown,
1997). It is also crucial that central banks in inflation targeting countries
should be free of fiscal dominance. It is highly unlikely that countries with
persistent and large fiscal deficits will be able to credibly implement a
successful inflation targeting strategy. This may be a particular problem for
many developing and transition economies (Mishkin, 2000a). Successful in-
flation targeting also requires the adoption of a floating exchange rate regime
to ensure that the country adopting this strategy maintains independence for
its monetary policy. The well-known open economy policy trilemma shows
that a country cannot simultaneously maintain open capital markets + fixed
exchange rates + an independent monetary policy oriented towards domestic
objectives. A government can choose any two of these but not all three
simultaneously! If a government wants to target monetary policy towards
domestic considerations such as an inflation target, either capital mobility or
the exchange rate target will have to be abandoned (see Obstfeld, 1998;
Obstfeld and Taylor, 1998; Snowdon, 2004b).
As we noted in Chapter 5, Svensson (1997a) has shown how inflation
targeting has emerged as a strategy designed to eliminate the inflation bias
inherent in discretionary monetary policies. While Friedman and Kuttner
(1996) interpret inflation targeting as a form of monetary rule, Bernanke and
The new Keynesian school 415

Mishkin (1997) prefer to view it as a monetary regime that subjects the

central bank to a form of ‘constrained discretion’. Bernanke and Mishkin see
inflation targeting as a framework for monetary policy rather than a rigid
policy rule. In practice all countries that have adopted inflation targeting have
also built an element of flexibility into the target. This flexible approach is
supported by Mervyn King (2004), who was appointed Governor of the Bank
of England following the retirement of Eddie George in June 2003. King
identifies the ‘core of the monetary policy problem’ as being ‘uncertainty
about future social decisions resulting from the impossibility and the unde-
sirability of committing successors to any given monetary policy strategy’.
These problems make any form of fixed rule undesirable even if it were
possible to commit to one because, as King (2004) argues,

The exercise of some discretion is desirable in order that we may learn. The most
cogent argument against the adoption of a fixed monetary policy rule is that no
rule is likely to remain optimal for long … So we would not want to embed any
rule deeply into our decision making structure … Instead, we delegate the power
of decision to an institution that will implement policy period by period exercising
constrained discretion.

The need for flexibility due to uncertainty is also emphasized by Alan

Greenspan, who became Chaiman of the US Federal Reserve in August 1987
(he is due to retire in June 2008). The Federal Reserve’s experiences over the
post-war era make it clear that ‘uncertainty is not just a pervasive feature of
the monetary policy landscape; it is the defining characteristic of that land-
scape’ (Greenspan, 2004). Furthermore:

Given our inevitably incomplete knowledge about key structural aspects of an ever-
changing economy and the sometimes symmetric costs or benefits of particular
outcomes, a central bank needs to consider not only the most likely future path for
the economy but also the distribution of possible outcomes about that path. The
decision-makers then need to reach a judgement about the probabilities, costs, and
benefits of the various possible outcomes under alternative choices for policy.

Clearly the setting of interest rates is as much ‘art as science’ (Cecchetti,

2000). The need for flexibility can in part be illustrated by considering a
conventional form of the loss function (Lt) assigned to central bankers given
by equation (7.16).

Lt = [ P˙t − P˙ ∗)2 + φ(Yt − Y ∗)2 ], φ > 0 (7.16)

In this quadratic social loss function Ṗt is the rate of inflation at time period
t, P˙ * is the inflation target, Yt is aggregate output at time t, and Y* represents
416 Modern macroeconomics

the natural rate or target rate of output. The parameter φ is the relative weight
given to stabilizing the output gap. For strict inflation targeting φ = 0, whereas
with flexible inflation targeting φ > 0. As Svenssson (1997a) notes, ‘no
central bank with an explicit inflation target seems to behave as if it wishes to
achieve the target at all cost’. Setting φ = 0 would be the policy stance
adopted by those who Mervyn King (1997b) describes as ‘inflation nutters’.
Thus all countries that have introduced inflation targeting have built an ele-
ment of flexibility into the target (Allsopp and Vines, 2000).
What should be the numerical value of the inflation target? Alan
Greenspan, currently the most powerful monetary policy maker in the world,
has reputedly defined price stability as a situation where people cease to
take inflation into account in their decisions. More specifically, Bernanke et
al. (1999) come down in favour of a positive value for the inflation target in
the range 1–3 per cent. This is supported by Summers (1991b, 1996),
Akerlof et al. (1996), and Fischer (1996b). One of the main lessons of the
Great Depression, and one that has been repeated in much milder form in
Japan during the last decade, is that it is of paramount importance that
policy makers ensure that economies avoid deflation (Buiter, 2003b;
Eggertsson and Woodford, 2003; Svensson, 2003a). Because the nominal
interest rate has a lower bound of zero, any general deflation of prices will
cause an extremely damaging increase in real interest rates. Cechetti (1998)
argues that the message for inflation targeting strategies is clear, ‘be wary
of targets that imply a significant chance of deflation’. It would therefore
seem unwise to follow Feldstein’s (1999) recommendation to set a zero
inflation target. Akerlof et al. (1996) also support a positive inflation target
to allow for relative price changes. If nominal wages are rigid downwards,
then an alternative way of engineering a fall in real wages in order to
stimulate employment is to raise the general price level via inflation relative
to sticky nominal wages. With a flexible and positive inflation target this
option is available for the central bank.
Following the UK’s departure from the ERM in September 1992 it became
imperative to put in place a new nominal anchor to control inflation. During
the post-1945 period we can identify five monetary regimes adopted by the
UK monetary authorities, namely, a fixed (adjustable peg) exchange rate
regime, 1948–71; a floating exchange rate regime with no nominal anchor,
1971–6; monetary targets, 1976–87; exchange rate targeting (‘shadowing the
Deutchmark’ followed by membership of the ERM), 1987–92; and finally
inflation targeting, 1992 to date (Balls and O’Donnell, 2002). The credibility
of the inflation targeting regime was substantially improved in May 1997
when the Bank of England was given operational independence. This deci-
sion, taken by the ‘New Labour’ government, was designed to enhance the
administration’s anti-inflation credibility by removing the suspicion that ideo-
The new Keynesian school 417

logical or short-term electoral considerations would in future influence the

conduct of stabilization policy (see Chapter 10).
The current UK monetary policy framework encompasses the following
main features:

1. A symmetrical inflation target. The targets or goals of policy are set by

the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
2. Monthly monetary policy meetings by a nine-member Monetary Policy
Committee (MPC) of ‘experts’. To date, current and past membership of
the MPC has included many distinguished economists, including Mervyn
King, Charles Bean, Steven Nickell, Charles Goodhart, Willem Buiter,
Alan Budd, John Vickers, Sushil Wadhami, DeAnne Julius, Christopher
Allsopp, Kate Barker and Eddie George.
3. Instrument independence for the central bank. The MPC has responsibil-
ity for setting interest rates with the central objective of publication of
MPC minutes.
4. Publication of a quarterly Inflation Report which sets forth the Bank of
England’s inflation and GDP forecasts. The Bank of England’s inflation
forecast is published in the form of a probability distribution presented in
the form of a ‘fan chart’ (see Figure 7.13). The Bank’s current objective
is to achieve an inflation target of 2 per cent, as measured by the 12-
month increase in the consumer prices index (CPI). This target was

Percentage increases in prices on a year earlier 5

1999 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06

Figure 7.13 Bank of England inflation report fan chart for February 2004:
forecast of CPI inflation at constant nominal interest rates of
4.0 per cent
418 Modern macroeconomics

announced on 10 December 2003. Previously the inflation target was 2.5

per cent based on RPIX inflation (the retail prices index excluding mort-
gage interest payments).
5. An open letter system. Should inflation deviate from target by more than
1 per cent in either direction, the Governor of the Bank of England, on
behalf of the MPC, must write an open letter to the Chancellor explain-
ing the reasons for the deviation of inflation from target, an accommodative
approach when confronted by large supply shocks to ease the adverse
output and employment consequences in such circumstances (Budd, 1998;
Bean, 1998; Treasury, 1999; Eijffinger, 2002b).

Since 1992 the inflation performance of the UK economy has been very
impressive, especially when compared to earlier periods such as the 1970s

% 7
Implied inflation
from IGsa
RPIX inflation rate

1 Inflation Bank
target independence
Oct. 91 Oct. 93 Oct. 95 Oct. 97 Oct. 99 Oct. 01 Oct. 03
Note: Implied average expectations from 5 to 10 years ahead, derived from index-linked gilts.

Source: Bank of England,

Figure 7.14 UK inflation and inflation expectations, October 1991–

October 2003
The new Keynesian school 419

and 1980s when inflation was high and volatile. Figure 7.14 clearly illustrates
the dramatic improvement in the UK’s inflation performance since 1992,
especially compared to earlier periods (see King, 2004).
While it is too early to tell if this monetary arrangement can deliver lower
inflation and greater economic stability over the longer term, especially in a
more turbulent world than that witnessed during the 1990s, the evidence from
recent years at least gives some cause for optimism, a case of ‘so far so good’
(see Treasury, 1999; Balls and O’Donnell, 2002). However, Ball and Sheridan
(2003) argue that there is no evidence that inflation targeting has improved
economic performance as measured by inflation, output growth and interest
rates. They present evidence that non-inflation-targeting countries have also
experienced a decline in inflation during the same period as the inflation
targeters, suggesting perhaps that better inflation performance may have been
the result of other factors. For example, Rogoff (2003), in noting the fall in
global inflation since the early 1980s, identifies the interaction of globaliza-
tion, privatization and deregulation as important factors, along with better
policies and institutions, as major factors contributing to disinflation.

7.11.3 A new Keynesian approach to monetary policy

In two influential papers, Clarida et al. (1999, 2000) set out what they con-
sider to be some important lessons that economists have learned about the
conduct of monetary policy. Economists’ research in this field points towards
some useful general principles about optimal policy. They identify their
approach as new Keynesian because in their model nominal price rigidities
allow monetary policy to have non-neutral effects on real variables in the
short run, there is a positive short-run relationship between output and infla-
tion (that is, a Phillips curve), and the ex ante real interest rate is negatively
related to output (that is, an IS function).
In their analysis of US monetary policy in the period 1960–96 Clarida et
al. (2000) show that there is a ‘significant difference in the way that monetary
policy was conducted pre-and post-1979’, being relatively well managed
after 1979 compared to the earlier period. The key difference between the
two periods is the magnitude and speed of response of the Federal Reserve to
expected inflation. Under the respective chairmanships of William M. Martin,
G. William Miller and Arthur Burns, the Fed was ‘highly accommodative’. In
contrast, in the years of Paul Volcker and Alan Greenspan, the Fed was much
more ‘proactive toward controlling inflation’ (see Romer and Romer, 2002,
Clarida et al. (2000) conduct their investigation by specifying a baseline
policy reaction function of the form given by (7.17):

rt∗ = r ∗ +β[ E( P˙t ,k | Ω t ) − P˙ ∗] + γE[ yt ,q | Ω t ] (7.17)

420 Modern macroeconomics

Here rt* represents the target rate for the Federal Funds (FF) nominal interest
rate; P˙t ,k is the rate of inflation between time periods t and t + k; P˙ * is the
inflation target; yt,q measures the average deviation between actual GDP and
the target level of GDP (the output gap) between time periods t and t + q; E is
the expectations operator; Ωt is the information set available to the policy
maker at the time the interest rate is set; and r* is the ‘desired’ nominal FF
rate when both Ṗ and y are at their target levels. For a central bank with a
quadratic loss function, such as the one given by equation (7.16), this form of
policy reaction function (rule) is appropriate in a new Keynesian setting. The
policy rule given by (7.17) differs from the well-known ‘Taylor rule’ in that it
is forward-looking (see Taylor, 1993, 1998a). Taylor proposed a rule where
the Fed reacts to lagged output and inflation whereas (7.17) suggests that the
Fed set the FF rate according to their expectation of the future values of
inflation and output gap. The Taylor rule is equivalent to a ‘special case’ of
equation (7.17) where lagged values of inflation and the output gap provide
sufficient information for forecasting future inflation. First recommended at
the 1992 Carnegie-Rochester Conference, Taylor’s (1993) policy formula is
given by (7.18):

r = P˙ + g( y) + h( P˙ − P˙ * ) + r * (7.18)

where y is real GDP measured as the percentage deviation from potential GDP;
r is the short-term nominal rate of interest in percentage points; Ṗ is the rate
of inflation and P˙ * the target rate of inflation; r* is the ‘implicit real interest
rate in the central bank’s reaction function’; and the parameters g, h, Ṗ * and
r* all have a positive value. With this rule short-term nominal interest rates
will rise if output and/or inflation are above their target values and nominal
rates will fall when either is below their target value. For a critique of Taylor
rules see Svensson (2003b).
In the case of (7.17) the policy maker is able to take into account a broad
selection of information about the future path of the economy. In standard
macroeconomic models aggregate demand responds negatively to the real
rate of interest; that is, higher real rates dampen economic activity and lower
real rates stimulate economic activity. From equation (7.17) we can derive
the ‘implied rule’ for the target (ex ante) real rate of interest, rrt∗ . This is
given by equation (7.19):

rrt∗ = rr * + (β − 1)[ E( P˙t ,k | Ω t ) − P˙ * ] + γE[ yt ,q | Ω t ] (7.19)

Here, rrt∗ ≡ rt − [ E( P˙t ,k | Ω t ) − P˙ * ], and rr * ≡ r * − P˙ * is the long-run equilib-

rium real rate of interest. According to (7.19) the real rate target will respond
to changes in the Fed’s expectations about future output and inflation. How-
The new Keynesian school 421

ever, as Clarida et al. point out, the sign of the response of rrt∗ to expected
changes in output and inflation will depend on the respective values of the
coefficients β and γ. Providing that β > 1 and γ > 0, then the interest rate rule
will tend be stabilizing. If β ≤ 1 and γ ≤ 0, then interest rate rules ‘are likely
to be destabilising, or, at best, accommodative of shocks’. With β < 1, an
increase in expected inflation leads to a decline in the real interest rate, which
in turn stimulates aggregate demand thereby exacerbating inflation. During
the mid-1970s, the real interest rate in the USA was negative even though
inflation was above 10 per cent.
By building on this basic framework, Clarida et al. (2000), in their exami-
nation of the conduct of monetary policy in the period 1960–96, find that

the Federal reserve was highly accommodative in the pre-Volcker years: on average,
it let the real short-term interest rate decline as anticipated inflation rose. While it
raised the nominal rate, it did so by less than the increase in expected inflation. On
the other hand, during the Volcker–Greenspan era the Federal Reserve adopted a
proactive stance toward controlling inflation: it systematically raised real as well as
nominal short-term interest rates in response to higher expected inflation.

During the 1970s, despite accelerating inflation, the FF nominal rate tracked
the rate of inflation but for much of the period this led to a zero or negative ex
post real rate. There was a visible change in the conduct of monetary policy
after 1979 when, following the Volcker disinflation via tight monetary policy,
the real rate for most of the 1980s became positive. In recognition of the lag
in monetary policy’s impact on economic activity, the new monetary regime
involved a pre-emptive response to the build-up of inflationary pressures. As
a result of this marked change in the Fed’s policy, inflation was successfully
reduced although as a consequence of the disinflation the USA suffered its
worst recession since the Great Depression. Unemployment rose from 5.7 per
cent in the second quarter of 1979 to 10.7 per cent in the fourth quarter of
1982 (Gordon, 2003).
In their analysis of the change of policy regime at the Fed, Clarida et al.
compare the FF rate with the estimated target forward (FWD) value for the
interest rate under the ‘Volcker–Greenspan’ rule for the whole period. Ac-
cording to Clarida et al. the estimated rule ‘does a good job’ of capturing the
broad movements of the FF rate for the post-1979 sample period.
There seems little doubt that the lower inflation experienced during the past
two decades owes a great deal to the more anti-inflationary monetary stance
taken by the Fed and other central banks around the world. DeLong (1997)
suggests that the inferior monetary policy regime of the pre-Volcker period
may have been due to the Fed believing that the natural rate of unemployment
was lower than it actually was during the 1970s. Clarida et al. (2000) suggest
another possibility. At that time ‘neither the Fed nor the economics profession
422 Modern macroeconomics

understood the dynamics of inflation very well. Indeed it was not until the mid-
to-late 1970s that intermediate textbooks began emphasising the absence of a
long-run trade-off between inflation and output. The ideas that expectations
matter in generating inflation and that credibility is important in policymaking
were simply not well established during that era’ (see also Taylor, 1997a;
Mayer, 1999; Romer and Romer, 2004). To understand the historical perform-
ance of an economy over time it would seem imperative to have an understanding
of the policy maker’s knowledge during the time period under investigation.
Since a great deal of policy makers’ knowledge is derived from the research
findings of economists, the state of economists’ knowledge at each point in
history must always be taken into consideration when assessing economic
performance (Romer and Romer, 2002). Although it is a very important task of
economists to analyse and be critical of past policy errors, we should remember
that, as with all things, it is easy to be wise after the event.
While a consensus among new Keynesian economists would support the
new Keynesian style of monetary policy outlined above, there remain doubt-
ers. For example, Stiglitz (1993, pp. 1069–70) prefers a more flexible approach
to policy making and argues:

Changing economic circumstances require changes in economic policy, and it is

impossible to prescribe ahead of time what policies would be appropriate … The
reality is that no government can stand idly by as 10, 15, or 20 percent of its
workers face unemployment … new Keynesian economists also believe that it is
virtually impossible to design rules that are appropriate in the face of a rapidly
changing economy.

7.11.4 Other policy implications

For those new Keynesians who have been developing various explanations of
real wage rigidity, a number of policy conclusions emerge which are aimed
specifically at reducing highly persistent unemployment (Manning, 1995;
Nickell, 1997, 1998). The work of Lindbeck and Snower (1988b) suggests
that institutional reforms are necessary in order to reduce the power of the
insiders and make outsiders more attractive to employers. Theoretically con-
ceivable power-reducing policies include:

1. a softening of job security legislation in order to reduce the hiring and

firing (turnover) costs of labour; and
2. reform of industrial relations in order to lessen the likelihood of strikes.

Policies that would help to ‘enfranchise’ the outsiders would include:

1. retraining outsiders in order to improve their human capital and marginal

The new Keynesian school 423

2. policies which improve labour mobility; for example, a better-function-

ing housing market;
3. profit-sharing arrangements which bring greater flexibility to wages;
4. redesigning of the unemployment compensation system so as to encour-
age job search.

Weitzman (1985) has forcefully argued the case for profit-sharing schemes
on the basis that they offer a decentralized, automatic and market incentive
approach to encourage wage flexibility, which would lessen the impact of
macroeconomic shocks. Weitzman points to the experience of Japan, Korea
and Taiwan with their flexible payment systems which have enabled these
economies in the past to ride out the business cycle with relatively high
output and employment levels (see Layard et al., 1991, for a critique).
The distorting impact of the unemployment compensation system on un-
employment is recognized by many new Keynesian economists. A system
which provides compensation for an indefinite duration without any obliga-
tion for unemployed workers to accept jobs offered seems most likely to
disenfranchise the outsiders and raise efficiency wages in order to reduce
shirking (Shapiro and Stiglitz, 1984). In the shirking model the equilibrium
level of involuntary unemployment will be increased if the amount of unem-
ployment benefit is raised. Layard et al. (1991) also favour reform of the
unemployment compensation system (see Atkinson and Micklewright, 1991,
for a survey of the literature).
Some new Keynesians (particularly the European branch) favour some
form of incomes policy to modify the adverse impact of an uncoordinated
wage bargaining system; for example, Layard et al. (1991) argue that ‘if
unemployment is above the long-run NAIRU and there is hysteresis, a tempo-
rary incomes policy is an excellent way of helping unemployment return to
the NAIRU more quickly’ (see also Galbraith, 1997). However, such policies
remain extremely contentious and most new Keynesians (for example,
Mankiw) do not feel that incomes policies have a useful role to play.

7.12 Keynesian Economics Without the LM Curve

The modern approach to stabilization policy outlined in section 7.11 above is

now reflected in the ideas taught to students of economics, even at the
principles level (see D. Romer, 2000; Taylor, 2000b, 2001). The following
simple model is consistent with the macroeconomic models that are currently
used in practice by the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England (see
Bank of England, 1999; Taylor, 1999; Clarida et al., 2000). Following Taylor
(2000b), the model consists of three basic relationships. First, a negative
relationship between the real rate of interest and GDP of the following form:
424 Modern macroeconomics

y = − ar + µ (7.20)

where y measures real GDP relative to potential GDP, r is the real rate of
interest, µ is a shift term which, for example, captures the influence of
exogenous changes to exports and government expenditures and so on. A
higher real rate of interest depresses total demand in an economy by reducing
consumption and investment expenditures, and also net exports via exchange
rate appreciation in open economies with floating exchange rates. This rela-
tionship is ‘analogous’ to the IS curve of conventional textbook IS–LM
analysis. The second key element in the model is a positive relationship
between inflation and the real rate of interest of the form:

r = bP˙ + v (7.21)

where Ṗ is the rate of inflation and v is a shift term. This relationship, which
closely mirrors current practice at leading central banks, indicates that when
inflation rises the monetary authorities will act to raise the short-term nomi-
nal interest rate sufficient to raise the real rate of interest. As Taylor (2000b)
and D. Romer (2000) both point out, central banks no longer target monetary
aggregates but follow a simple real interest rate rule. The third key relation-
ship underlying the modern monetary policy model is a ‘Phillips curve’ type
relationship between inflation and GDP of the form:

P˙ = P˙t −1 + cyt −1 + w (7.22)

where w is a shift term. As equation (7.22) indicates, inflation will increase

with a lag when actual GDP is greater than potential GDP (y > y*) and vice
versa. The lag in the response of inflation to the deviation of actual GDP from
potential GDP reflects the staggered price-setting behaviour of firms with
market power inducing nominal stickiness. While this aspect indicates the
new Keynesian flavour of this model, the relationship also allows for expecta-
tions of inflation to influence the actual rate.
From these three simple relationships we can construct a graphical illustra-
tion of the modern approach to stabilization policy. Combining equations
(7.20) and (7.21) yields the following equation:

y = − abP˙ + µ − av (7.23)

Equation (7.23) indicates a negatively sloped relationship between inflation

and real GDP, which both Taylor and Romer call an aggregate demand
(AD) curve. Figure 7.15 illustrates the derivation of the aggregate demand
The new Keynesian school 425











Figure 7.15 Derivation of the AD curve

426 Modern macroeconomics

For simplicity, if we assume that the central bank’s choice of real interest
rate depends entirely on its inflation objective, the monetary policy (MP) real
rate rule can be shown as a horizontal line in panel (a) of Figure 7.15, with
shifts of the MP curve determined by the central bank’s reaction to changes
in the rate of inflation. Equation (7.20) is represented by the IS curve in
Figure 7.15. In panel (b) of Figure 7.15 we see equation (7.23) illustrated by
a downward-sloping aggregate demand curve in inflation–output space. The
intuition here is that as inflation rises the central bank raises the real rate of
interest, thereby dampening total expenditure in the economy and causing
GDP to decline. Similarly, as inflation falls, the central bank will lower the
real rate of interest, thereby stimulating total expenditure in the economy and
raising GDP. We can think of this response as the central bank’s monetary
policy rule (Taylor, 2000b).
Shifts of the AD curve would result from exogenous shocks to the various
components to aggregate expenditure, for example the AD curve will shift to
the right in response to an increase in government expenditure, a decrease in
taxes, an increase in net exports, or an increase in consumer and/or business
confidence that leads to increased expenditures. The AD curve will also shift
in response to a change in monetary policy. For example, if the monetary
authorities decide that inflation is too high under the current monetary policy
rule, they will shift the rule, raise real interest rates and shift the AD curve to
the left (see Taylor, 2001).
The Phillips curve or inflation adjustment relationship, given by equation
(7.22), is represented by the horizontal line labelled IA0 in Figure 7.16. Follow-
ing Taylor (2000b) and D. Romer (2000), this can be thought of as the aggregate
supply component of the model, assuming first that the immediate impact of an
increase in aggregate demand will fall entirely on aggregate output, and second
that when actual GDP equals potential or ‘natural’ GDP (y = y*), inflation will
be steady, but when y > y*, inflation will increase and when y < y*, inflation will
decline. Both of these assumptions are consistent with the empirical evidence
and supported by new Keynesian theories of wage and price stickiness in the
short run (Gordon, 1990). When the economy is at its potential output the IA
line will also shift upwards in response to supply-side shocks such as a rise in
commodity prices and in response to shifts in inflationary expectations. Figure
7.16 illustrates the complete AD–IA model.
Long-run equilibrium in this model requires that AD intersect IA at the
natural rate of output (y*). Assume that the economy is initially in long-run
equilibrium at point ELR 0 and that an exogenous demand shock shifts the AD
curve from AD0 to AD1. The initial impact of this shift is an increase in GDP
from y* to y1, with inflation remaining at P˙0 . Since y1 > y*, over time the rate
of inflation will increase, shifting the IA curve upwards. The central bank will
respond to this increase in inflation by raising the real rate of interest, shown
The new Keynesian school 427


Ṗ1 IA1

Ṗ0 IA0


y* y1 Output

Figure 7.16 Adjusting to long-run equilibrium in the AD-IA model

by an upward shift of the MP curve in the IS–MP diagram (Figure 7.15). The
IA curve continues to shift upwards until the AD and IA curves intersect at the
potential level of output y*, that is, where AD1 and IA1 intersect. The economy
is now at a new long-run equilibrium shown by ELR 1, but with a higher steady
rate of inflation of P˙1 . The central bank has responded to the demand shock
by increasing the real rate of interest from r0 to r1. If the central bank decides
that the new steady rate of inflation is too high (that is, above its inflation
target), then it would have to take steps to shift the AD curve to the left by
changing its monetary policy rule. This would lead to a recession (y < y*) and
declining inflation. As the IA curve shifts down, the central bank will reduce
real interest rates, stimulating demand, and the economy will return to y* at a
lower steady rate of inflation.
The simple model described above gives a reasonably accurate portrayal of
how monetary policy is now conducted. In Taylor’s (2000b) view this theory
‘fits the data well and explains policy decisions and impacts in a realistic
way’. Whether this approach eventually becomes popularly known as ‘new
Keynesian’ (Clarida et al., 2000; Gali, 2002) or as ‘new neoclassical synthe-
sis’ (Goodfriend and King, 1997) remains to be seen. David Romer (2000)
simply calls it ‘Keynesian macroeconomics without the LM curve’.
428 Modern macroeconomics

7.13 Criticisms of New Keynesian Economics

The new Keynesian research programme has been driven by the view that the
orthodox Keynesian model lacked coherent microfoundations with respect to
wage and price rigidities. As a result the new Keynesian literature has been,
until recently, heavily biased towards theoretical developments. Many econo-
mists have been critical of the lack of empirical work, and Fair (1992)
suggests that this literature has moved macroeconomics away from its econo-
metric base and advises new Keynesians to ‘entertain the possibility of putting
their various ideas together to produce a testable structural macroeconometric
model’. Laidler (1992a) also argues forcefully for the reinstatement of em-
pirical evidence as a research priority in macroeconomics.

Table 7.2 Evidence on reasons for price stickiness

Theory of price stickiness Percentage of firms

accepting theory

Coordination failure – each firm waiting for others to 60.6

change price first
Cost-based pricing with lags 55.5
Preference for varying product attributes other than price 54.8
Implicit contracts – fairness to customers necessitates 50.4
stable prices
Explicit nominal contracts 35.7
Costly price adjustment – menu costs 30.0
Procyclical elasticity – demand curves become more 29.7
inelastic as they shift to the left
Psychological significance of pricing points 24.0
Preference for varying inventories rather than change price 20.9
Constant marginal cost and constant mark-ups 19.7
Bureaucratic delays 13.6
Judging quality by price – fear that customers will interpret 10.0
reductions in price as a reduction in quality

Source: Adapted from Blinder (1994).

The new Keynesian school 429

In response, new Keynesians can point to the non-orthodox but interesting

and innovative research by Blinder (1991, 1994) into the pricing behaviour of
firms, the empirical work related to testing the efficiency wage hypothesis
(for example, Drago and Heywood, 1992; Capelli and Chauvin, 1991) and
the influential paper by Ball et al. (1988) testing menu cost models using
cross-country data. In seeking an answer to the important question ‘Why are
prices sticky?’, Blinder’s research utilizes the data collected from interviews
to discriminate between alternative explanations of price stickiness, which is
regarded as a stylized fact by Keynesian economists (see Carlton, 1986, for
evidence on price rigidities). Blinder’s results, reproduced in Table 7.2, give
some support to Keynesian explanations which emphasize coordination fail-
ures, cost-plus pricing, preference for changing product attributes other than
price, and implicit contracts.
In an interview (Snowdon, 2001a) Blinder summarized his findings on
price stickiness in the following way:

of the twelve theories tested, many of the ones which come out best have a
Keynesian flavour. When you list the twelve theories in the order that the respond-
ents liked and agreed with them, the first is co-ordination failure – which is a very
Keynesian idea. The second relates to the simple mark-up pricing model, which I
might say is a very British-Keynesian idea. Some of the reasons given for price
stickiness are not Keynesian at all. For example, non-price competition during a
recession. The Okun (1981) implicit contract idea is also very Keynesian … if you
look at the top five reasons given by firms as to why prices are sticky, four of them
look distinctly Keynesian in character … To the extent that you are prepared to
believe survey results, and some people won’t, I think this research strikes several
blows in favour of Keynesian ideas.

Similar work by Bhaskar et al. (1993), utilizing data collected in the UK

during the 1980s, confirms that most firms tend not to increase prices in
booms or reduce them in recessions, but quantity adjustment responses via
variations in hours, shift work, inventories or customer rationing are ‘over-
whelmingly important’.
A second major problem with the new Keynesian literature is that it has
yielded numerous elegant theories which are often unrelated (Gordon, 1990).
This makes the pulling together of these ideas in order to produce a testable
new Keynesian model all the more difficult. New Keynesians have them-
selves recognized this problem, with Blanchard (1992) reflecting that ‘we
have constructed too many monsters’ with ‘few interesting results’. The
fascination with constructing a ‘bewildering array’ of theories with their
‘quasi religious’ adherence to microfoundations has become a disease. Be-
cause there are too many reasons for wage and price inertia, no agreement
exists on which source of rigidity is the most important (for a critique of
efficiency wage theory, see Katz, 1986; Weiss, 1991).
430 Modern macroeconomics

A third line of criticism also relates to the menu cost literature. Critics
doubt that the small costs of price adjustment can possibly account for major
contractions of output and employment (Barro, 1989a). Caplin and Spulber
(1987) also cast doubt on the menu cost result by showing that, although
menu costs may be important to an individual firm, this influence can disap-
pear in the aggregate. In response to these criticisms, new Keynesians argue
that the emerging literature which incorporates real rigidities widens the
scope for nominal rigidities to have an impact on output and employment
(see Ball and Romer, 1990; D. Romer, 2001). A further weakness of models
incorporating small costs of changing prices is that they generate multiple
equilibria. Rotemberg (1987) suggests that ‘if many things can happen the
models are more difficult to reject’ and ‘when there are multiple equilibria it
is impossible to know how the economy will react to any particular govern-
ment policy’. Golosov and Lucas (2003) also highlight that in calibration
exercises their menu cost model is consistent with the fact that ‘even large
disinflations have small real effects if credibly carried out’.
A fourth criticism of new Keynesian economics relates to the emphasis it
gives to deriving rigidities from microfoundations. Tobin (1993) denies that
Keynesian macroeconomics ‘asserts or requires’ nominal and/or price rigid-
ity. In Tobin’s view, wage and price flexibility would, in all likelihood,
exacerbate a recession and he supports Keynes’s (1936) intuition that rigidity
of nominal wages will act as a stabilizing influence in the face of aggregate
demand shocks. Tobin also reminds the new Keynesians that Keynes had a
‘theoretically impeccable’ and ‘empirically realistic’ explanation of nominal
wage rigidity based on workers’ concern with wage relativities. Since a
nominal wage cut will be viewed by each group of workers as a relative real
wage reduction (because workers have no guarantee in a decentralized sys-
tem of knowing what wage cuts other groups of workers are accepting), it
will be resisted by rational workers. Summers (1988) has taken up this
neglected issue and suggests relative wage influences give rise to significant
coordination problems. Greenwald and Stiglitz (1993b) have also developed
a strand of new Keynesian theorizing which highlights the destabilizing
impact of price flexibility.
A fifth criticism relates to the acceptance by many new Keynesians of the
rational expectations hypothesis. Phelps (1992) regards the rational expecta-
tions hypothesis as ‘unsatisfactory’ and Blinder (1992a) notes that the empirical
evidence in its favour is ‘at best weak and at worst damning’. Until someone
comes up with a better idea, it seems unlikely that this line of criticism will lead
to the abandonment of the rational expectations hypothesis in macroeconomics.
However, with respect to the formation of expectations Leijonhufvud is enthu-
siastic about recent research into ‘Learning’ (see Evans and Honkapohja, 2001;
Snowdon, 2004a).
The new Keynesian school 431

A sixth problem identified with new Keynesian economics relates to the

continued acceptance by the ‘new’ school of the ‘old’ IS–LM model as the
best way of understanding the determinants of aggregate demand. King (1993)
argues that the IS–LM model has ‘no greater prospect of being a viable
analytical vehicle for macroeconomics in the 1990s than the Ford Pinto has
of being a sporty, reliable car for the 1990s’. The basic problem identified by
King is that, in order to use the IS–LM model as an analytical tool, econo-
mists must essentially ignore expectations, but ‘we now know that this
simplification eliminates key determinants of aggregate demand’ (King, 1993).
King advises macroeconomists and policy makers to ignore new Keynesian
advertising because, despite the new packaging, the new product is as un-
sound as the original one (however, see section 7.12 above).
Finally, Paul Davidson (1994) has been very critical of new Keynesian
analysis, claiming that ‘there is no Keynesian beef in new Keynesianism’.
From Davidson’s Post Keynesian perspective, new Keynesians pay no atten-
tion to crucial aspects of Keynes’s monetary theory (see Chapter 8). However,
Mankiw (1992) does not regard consistency between new Keynesian analysis
and the General Theory, which he describes as ‘an obscure book’, as an
important issue.

7.14 An Assessment of New Keynesian Economics

How successful have new Keynesian economists been in their quest to de-
velop coherent microfoundations for sticky price models? Barro’s (1989a)
main conclusion regarding new Keynesian economics (for which he uses the
acronym NUKE) was that, although some of these ideas may prove to be
useful as elements in real business cycle models, NUKE models have ‘not
been successful in rehabilitating the Keynesian approach’. In sharp contrast,
Mankiw and Romer (1991, p. 15) concluded that ‘The new classical argu-
ment that the Keynesian assumption of nominal rigidities was incapable of
being given theoretical foundations has been refuted.’
Keynesian economics has displayed a remarkable resilience during the
past 30 years, given the strength of the theoretical counter-revolutions launched
against its essential doctrines, particularly during the period 1968–82. This
resilience can be attributed to the capacity of Keynesian analysis to adapt to
both theoretical innovations and new empirical findings (see Shaw, 1988;
Lindbeck, 1998; Gali, 2002). Not only has Keynesian economics proved
capable of absorbing the natural rate hypothesis and expectations-augmented
Phillips curve; it has also managed to accommodate the rational expectations
hypothesis and build on the insights and methodology of the real business
cycle school (Ireland, 2004). This fundamental metamorphosis continues,
with new Keynesian theorists rebuilding and refining the foundations of
432 Modern macroeconomics

Keynesian economics in line with modern developments in microeconomic

and macroeconomic theory. By emphasizing a variety of imperfections in the
labour, product and capital markets, new Keynesian economics is viewed by
its advocates as an ‘exciting’ and ‘dynamic research programme’ (Stiglitz,
1992). To the critics, new Keynesians have achieved little more than reintro-
duce ‘old wine in new bottles’.
In his assessment of new Keynesian economics, Lindbeck (1998) argues
that the current ‘sophisticated structure of macroeconomic theory’ has arisen
through numerous contributions from many different strands of economic
analysis. As this process continues and involves the closer integration of real
business cycle analysis with new Keynesian frictions, ‘traditional labels’ on
macroeconomic theories, such as new Keynesian, new classical and real
business cycle, will ‘probably become increasingly irrelevant’.
In his Nobel Memorial Lecture, ‘Behavioural Macroeconomics and Macr-
oeconomic Behaviour’, Akerlof (2002) provides a significant critique of new
classical models and a spirited defence of Keynesian economics broadly
defined. Akerlof argues that the behavioural assumptions of the new classical
models are so ‘primitive’ that they lead to an outright denial of several
important macroeconomic phenomena. These include denying ‘the existence
of involuntary unemployment’, denying that monetary policy, even if antici-
pated, does impact on real variables such as output and employment, and
ignoring the fact that deflation fails to accelerate when unemployment and
output are above their natural rates, as predicted by new classical models.
Akerlof agrees with Lucas that the orthodox Keynesian models of the neo-
classical synthesis era were in need of coherent microfoundations. However,
the orthodox neoclassical microfoundations adopted by the new classical
school ignored, and continue largely to ignore, the tremendous progress that
has been made by economists in modelling the impact of asymmetric infor-
mation, imperfect competition and adopting assumptions ‘grounded in
psychological and sociological observation’. Akerlof believes that future
progress in macroeconomics depends on building a ‘behavioural macroeco-
nomics’ in the spirit of Keynes (see also Stiglitz, 2000, 2002). It remains to
be seen if a ‘Keynesian economics’ will proceed in the direction recom-
mended by Akerlof.
N. Gregory Mankiw 433


Gregory Mankiw was born in 1958 in Trenton, New Jersey and graduated
from Princeton University in 1980 before obtaining his PhD in economics
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1984. Since 1985 he has
been teaching at Harvard University, where he is Professor of Economics.
Gregory Mankiw is best known for his work on price adjustment, the
determinants of consumer spending and the theory and empirics of economic
growth. He is widely recognized as a leading exponent of the new Keynesian
school of macroeconomics. His best-known books include: New Keynesian
Economics. Vol. 1, Imperfect Competition and Sticky Prices (MIT Press,
1991), co-edited with David Romer; New Keynesian Economics, Vol. 2, Co-
ordination Failures and Real Rigidities (MIT Press, 1991), co-edited with
David Romer; Monetary Policy (University of Chicago Press, 1994); and
Macroeconomics, 5th edn (Worth Publishers, 2003).
Professor Mankiw’s best-known articles include: ‘Intertemporal Substitution
in Macroeconomics’, Quarterly Journal of Economics (1985), co-authored
with Julio Rotemberg and Laurence Summers; ‘Small Menu Costs and Large
Business Cycles: A Macroeconomic Model of Monopoly’, Quarterly Journal
of Economics (1985); ‘The New Keynesian Economics and the Output–Inflation
Trade-off’, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (1988), co-authored with
Lawrence Ball and David Romer; ‘Real Business Cycles: A New Keynesian
Perspective’, Journal of Economic Perspectives (1989); ‘A Contribution to the
434 Modern macroeconomics

Empirics of Economic Growth’, Quarterly Journal of Economics (1992), co-

authored with David Romer and David Weil; ‘The Growth of Nations’, Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity (1995); and ‘The Inexorable and Mysterious
Trade-off Between Inflation and Unemployment’, Economic Journal (2001).

We interviewed Professor Mankiw in his office at Harvard University on 18

February 1993 and subsequently corresponded in February/March 1998.

General Issues

Why do you think we have so much controversy in macroeconomics com-

pared to microeconomics?
That is a hard question. It is certainly true that there is more agreement
among microeconomists as to how they approach things. That is, most
microeconomists start off with utility and profit maximization as the underly-
ing motives and go on from there. Macroeconomics is in some ways harder
since you are dealing with the whole economy; the field therefore requires
more simplifying assumptions to make anything manageable, to make the
problem simpler than it really is in the world. I think there is disagreement as
to which simplifying assumptions are the most natural or the most useful.

How important do you think it is for macroeconomics to have neoclassical

choice-theoretic foundations?
Well it is certainly true that all macro phenomena are the aggregate of many
micro phenomena; in that sense macroeconomics is inevitably founded on
microeconomics. Yet I am not sure that all macroeconomics necessarily has
to start off with microeconomic building-blocks. To give an analogy, all of
biology is in some sense the aggregate of particle physics, because all bio-
logical creatures are made up of particles. That doesn’t mean that the natural
place to start in building biology is to start with particle physics and aggre-
gate up. Instead I would probably start with theory at the level of the organism
or the cell, not the level of the sub-atomic particle. We have a lot of models
like the IS–LM model that are very useful for studying the macroeconomy,
even though those models don’t start off with the individual unit and build up
from there.

Which papers or books do you feel have had the biggest impact on the
development of macroeconomics over the last 25 years?
The biggest impact has undoubtedly come from Lucas. He put the cracks into
the Keynesian consensus that existed in the 1960s. He really pulled macro-
economics apart by proposing new and intriguing new ideas. The disagreements
today among macroeconomists have largely arisen from the critiques of
N. Gregory Mankiw 435

Lucas and of his followers. As you know, I don’t agree with Lucas’s solu-
tions, but I take the problems that he pointed out very seriously. A lot of the
work that I and other new Keynesians have done is a response to the prob-
lems he pointed out in the old Keynesian ideas.

To some extent you’ve answered our next question. Where did you draw
inspiration for your own work?
It’s been a combination of influences. Part comes from the older generation
of macroeconomists. I view much of the work I do as building on the work of
Tobin, Modigliani and Friedman. I see a great deal of truth in the views they
were pushing. I also take the problems that Lucas pointed out very seriously.
A lot of new Keynesian work is trying to reformulate the 1960s Friedman–
Tobin view of the world. What is now called the neoclassical synthesis had a
large element of truth in it. On the other hand, it had problems, and Lucas
pointed out those problems very forcefully. We need to fix those problems
and address the concerns of Lucas while still maintaining the element of truth
in the neoclassical synthesis.

Keynes and the General Theory

One interpretation of the neoclassical synthesis which emerged at the end of

the 1950s suggested that the General Theory was a special case of a more
general classical model. Would you agree with that interpretation?
I would say that the classical model and the Keynesian model make different
assumptions about adjustment of prices. I think of the classical model as
being the model that assumes complete price flexibility, and therefore de-
scribes a horizon over which it is plausible to make such an assumption.
Probably a period of years, rather than a period of months. The Keynesian
model applies over a horizon where wages and prices are relatively inflexible
or sluggish. Both models are special cases of a more general model which
allows a varying degree of flexibility and sluggishness in prices depending on
the horizon we want to study. When we study the effect of policies over a
quarter or a decade, we want to make different assumptions about the degree
of flexibility of prices.

Why do you think there are so many conflicting interpretations of the General
There are a great many conflicting interpretations because Keynes had a lot
of different ideas. The ideas don’t necessarily have to be packaged all to-
gether, so some people grab on to one set of ideas and say that this is really
what is central to what Keynes was saying, and other people grab on to
another set of ideas. The question is, when we look at the market imperfec-
436 Modern macroeconomics

tion that we call the business cycle, which set of general ideas from the
General Theory is the most important? There is so much in the General
Theory that it is hard to comprehend it all at once. Some is very important,
but some is not particularly important. Disagreements come by choosing
different pieces of Keynes’s world view and emphasizing those.

Do you think that, if Keynes had still been living in 1969, he would have
received the first Nobel Prize in Economics?
Oh, undoubtedly. I think there are a few very very important economists of
the century, and there is no question that Keynes has got to be on anybody’s

New Classical Macroeconomics

Do you regard new classical macroeconomics as a separate school of thought

from monetarism?
I think so. My impression is that monetarism is a school of thought that says
fluctuations in the money supply are the primary cause of fluctuations in
aggregate demand and in aggregate income, whereas new classicism is a
particular theory as to why fluctuations in aggregate demand might matter
through an unanticipated price surprise. This price surprise view proposed by
Lucas is, I think, the next step after monetarism. More recently, new classical
economists have turned their attention to real business cycle theory, which is
the antithesis of monetarism.

Do you think that overall the new classical contributions have had a benefi-
cial effect on the development of macroeconomics?
Debate is healthy, and the new Keynesian school arose largely in response to
the new classical school. In that sense it is a debate leading to greater truths,
and it has been helpful. Many of the specific contributions, especially real
business cycle theory, are probably not going to survive the test of time. The
literature on the time inconsistency of policy is a contribution that will
survive and has probably been one of the most important contributions to
policy analysis in the past two decades.

How important is the rational expectations hypothesis?

It is important in the sense that it has now become the working hypothesis of
all practising macroeconomists. Economists routinely assume that people are
rational when they make decisions: they maximize utility, they rationally
maximize profits, and so on. It would be peculiar for us to assume that people
are rational except when they come to form expectations and then they act
irrationally. I don’t think the rational expectations hypothesis is important in
N. Gregory Mankiw 437

the sense of having all the sweeping implications, as was at first believed. At
first people thought that it had all sorts of properties about policy being

Isn’t that more to do with the market-clearing assumption?

Exactly. People have come to realize that it is other assumptions, like the
market-clearing assumption, that are really important and that rational expec-
tations in itself doesn’t have implications as sweeping as once thought.

You have questioned the argument that the disinflation experience of the early
1980s both in the USA and in Britain provided decisive evidence against the
new classical claim of painless disinflation. Is that because the deflation was
There are two new classical views. The first is the price surprise theory of
Lucas. The second is the real business cycle theory. This second view says
that money anticipated or unanticipated doesn’t matter. My view of that is
that it is completely at variance with the evidence. Larry Ball has a paper that
shows systematically for a large number of countries that whenever you have
a major disinflation it is associated with a period of low output and high
unemployment [see Ball, 1994]. So I think that the evidence is completely
clear on that. The evidence is more favourable to early new classical theory.
You’re right that to a large extent the disinflation was unanticipated even in
the USA, where Volcker said he was going to disinflate. I don’t think people
believed he was going to disinflate as fast as he did. Most measures of
expectations of inflation did not come down until after the recession was well
under way. I am sympathetic to the view that credibility is one determinant of
how costly a disinflation will be.

Keynesianism and the New Keynesians

Do you regard yourself as a Keynesian?

I do, but I’m always nervous about the term because Keynesian can mean
different things to different people, just as different people will read the
General Theory and pull out different elements as being important. People
use the word Keynesian in so many different ways that recently I have
actually tried to avoid using the term at all, on the grounds that it is more
confusing than illuminating. I think of myself as a Keynesian in the sense of
believing that the business cycle represents some sort of market imperfection
on a grand scale. Milton Friedman was also a Keynesian in that sense. My
own views emerged as much from Milton Friedman as they have from John
Maynard Keynes. Some people take the word Keynesian as meaning a belief
in fine-tuning the economy so that the government controls every wiggle of
438 Modern macroeconomics

ups and downs. Other people take it as a belief that deficit spending is not a
bad thing. I don’t subscribe to either of those views. I think that the broad
theme of the General Theory is that the business cycle is something that we
really need to worry about because it is a sign of a market imperfection. In
that way I am a Keynesian, but as I said before, so is Milton Friedman.

Was the breakdown of the Phillips curve fatal for orthodox Keynesianism?
It highlighted the absence of a good theory of aggregate supply. What ortho-
dox Keynesians had was a pretty good theory of aggregate demand. The
IS–LM model has held up pretty well as a general structure for thinking
about how aggregate demand is determined. The problem is once you’ve got
aggregate demand – a downward-sloping curve in P–Y space – you still need
a good story for the aggregate supply curve. The Phillips curve came out of
nowhere. It is really just an empirical description of what was true in the data
without any particular good theories as to why it should look that way, how it
would change in response to policy, and what might make it unstable. So we
never had a good theory of that, and the breakdown of the Phillips curve
made that very apparent and provided room for the more general critique that
Lucas put forward. The deficiency on the supply side was always a weakness,
but it wasn’t given attention until the Phillips curve broke down.

What would you summarize as being the central propositions of new Keynesian
The central propositions are largely theoretical rather than policy-oriented.
New Keynesians accept the view of the world summarized by the neoclassi-
cal synthesis: the economy can deviate in the short term from its equilibrium
level, and monetary and fiscal policy have important influences on real eco-
nomic activity. New Keynesians are saying that the neoclassical synthesis is
not as flawed as Lucas and others have argued. The purpose of the new
Keynesian school has been largely to fix those theoretical problems raised by
Lucas and also to accept Lucas’s argument that we need models supported by
better microeconomic foundations.

So you wouldn’t subscribe to arguments in favour of incomes policies advo-

cated by Post Keynesians?
No, not at all. When the government gets in the business of setting wages and
prices it is not very good at it. The setting of wages and prices should be left
to free markets.

So you are no Galbraithian?

Absolutely not [laughter].
N. Gregory Mankiw 439

How important is the theory of imperfect competition to new Keynesian

A large part of new Keynesian economics is trying to explain why firms set
and adjust prices over time in the way that they do. Firms in a perfectly
competitive environment don’t have any choice over what their prices are
going to be. Competitive firms are price takers. If you want to even talk about
firms setting prices you have to talk about firms that have some ability to do
so, and those are firms that have some market power: they are imperfectly
competitive. So I think imperfect competition is central to thinking about
price setting and therefore central to new Keynesian economics.

This is strange, because if you think of the 1930s, you had Keynes and Joan
Robinson at Cambridge. Joan Robinson developed the theory of imperfect
competition and Keynes developed his General Theory. Why did it take so
long to bring these two ideas together?
I don’t think that Keynes was as worried about building his model based on
microfoundations as we are today. Joan Robinson was building the micro-
economics that would later prove to be very useful for addressing the
macroeconomics of Keynes. Keynes, not having read Robert Lucas yet, wasn’t
worried about building the microeconomics of aggregate supply [laughter].

In a sense haven’t the Post Keynesians been ahead of you here? People like
Paul Davidson have for years taken imperfect competition as their micro-
foundation. So are the new Keynesians simply catching up on what the Post
Keynesians did a while ago?
They have a broad theme of imperfect competition, but the details are not
very similar. My impression is that the new Keynesian economics is much
more in line with the neoclassical synthesis than with the Post Keynesians.

You will obviously be very familiar with Alan Blinder’s recent surveys. Are
they supporting the new Keynesian views? [See Blinder, 1991.]
Alan is providing a way of judging a variety of different new Keynesian
views. There are a lot of new theories about wage and price rigidities. He is
trying to sort out which is right and wrong using a fairly novel perspective of
asking firms how they set wages and prices. This is terrific work, but what we
are going to learn in the end is still unclear. He is still producing the papers
and we haven’t seen all the results yet. The goal is to provide one way of
deciding which theories we like and which we don’t. It’s a very exciting

An important distinction seems to be made by new Keynesians between real

rigidities and nominal rigidities. Why is it important to make this distinction?
440 Modern macroeconomics

The reason is that a real rigidity, which is a rigidity in a relative price, is not a
reason for monetary non-neutrality. Unions, for example, could set rigid real
wages away from equilibrium. A rigid real wage is not going to provide any
reason to believe that money is not neutral, since it does not create any
nominal lever for money to work on. It would cause unemployment, but not
monetary non-neutrality. To get monetary non-neutrality, which is a central
challenge for macro theorists, you need some nominal rigidity, such as sticky
prices. Having said that, there does seem to be a variety of real rigidities in
the world – unions setting wages above equilibrium levels, for example. The
question is whether nominal and real rigidities interact. One of the big themes
of this literature, mainly due to Larry Ball and David Romer, is that real and
nominal rigidities seem to reinforce each other. The real rigidity is actually
going to make the nominal rigidity much more important than it would be

Critics of the menu cost literature have suggested that this is a small peg on
which to hang an explanation of the business cycle. How can small menu
costs have such large real effects on the macroeconomy? [See Barro, 1989a.]
It is clear that menu costs are quite small. Firms don’t bear huge costs when
they change their prices. Yet it is also clear that recessions are very costly
events. The question is whether these relatively small menu costs can be a
key part of understanding this relatively costly business cycle. This literature
shows that price adjustments by firms have external effects. When a firm
decides to keep prices sticky, this could well be costly for the economy in a
way that is not costly for the firm that is making the decision.

How do efficiency wage and insider–outsider theories fit into new Keynesian
Both of these theories provide a particular explanation for real rigidities, such
as why real wages don’t move to the equilibrium level in labour markets. As I
said before, real rigidities and nominal rigidities can complement each other.
That is, the insider–outsider and efficiency wage explanations for rigid real
wages in some senses complement the menu cost story of rigid prices.

Is the idea of hysteresis crucial to new Keynesian macroeconomics?

Actually I don’t think of it as being crucial. It is an interesting idea that a
recession can have long-lived effects on the economy and leave permanent
scars after the initial cause of the recession has gone. For example, the high
unemployment in Europe in the 1980s persisted far longer than anyone could
explain with standard models. But if this idea turned out to be wrong it would
not bring down our theories. This has been an interesting, but relatively
separate, question.
N. Gregory Mankiw 441

Do you see the concept of NAIRU, and Friedman’s natural rate, as being the
same idea or are they different?
I have always thought of them as being basically the same. Most new Keynesian
models involve some sort of natural rate; in that sense Milton Friedman has
won the debate. Most new Keynesians believe in the natural rate hypothesis
except for a small group of people working with hysteresis. The natural rate
hypothesis is pretty well entrenched.

What about the concept of full employment? It was difficult to think of doing
macroeconomics 15–20 years ago without the concept of full employment
being central. What do we do about issues like involuntary unemployment?
Lucas suggests that we should abandon this concept, what are your views on
this? (See Lucas, 1978)
I think there is involuntary unemployment. Part of the new Keynesian litera-
ture has come up with models of the labour market to explain why involuntary
unemployment exists, why real wages don’t adjust to equilibrate labour mar-
kets. There is a lot of truth to the efficiency wage theories and the
insider–outsider theories, for example.

Do new Keynesians think of full employment as the natural rate?

I avoid the term full employment because it suggests that the natural rate is in
some sense desirable. I think there is some natural rate which is the long-run
unemployment rate that the economy tends to, that can’t be influenced by
monetary policy in the long run. That doesn’t mean that it is immutable in
response to any policy intervention. There are things that have been done to
the labour market that either increase or decrease the natural rate, things like
the minimum wage, unemployment insurance laws, labour training policies.
There are all sorts of things that the government can do to change the natural
rate. I don’t like calling it full employment because good labour market
policies might well raise employment beyond that level.

How important do you think it is to take into account fairness when you are
looking at the labour market? We are thinking here of the work of George
Akerlof, Janet Yellen and Robert Solow, who have stressed the idea of fair-
ness. Doesn’t this work suggest that perhaps new Keynesians should start
looking more closely at the psychology and sociology literature? [See Akerlof
and Yellen, 1990; Solow, 1990.]
Some of the papers that they have written have been extremely interesting. I
don’t think there is a lot of compelling evidence yet that we need to abandon
neoclassical assumptions. I’m not doing so yet in my work, but I’m certainly
happy to read the work of others who are doing so [laughter].
442 Modern macroeconomics

In your recent edited volumes of collected papers on new Keynesian econom-

ics you say that ‘new Keynesian macroeconomics could just as easily be
labelled new monetarist economics’. What exactly did you mean? [See Mankiw
and Romer, 1991.]
The challenge raised by the real business cycle school is the question of
whether money is neutral and, if not, why not? Twenty years ago when
Friedman and Tobin were debating, there were some things they agreed on.
They agreed on the proposition that the Federal Reserve was an important
player in the economy, that what it did really mattered. The real business
cycle school has challenged that by writing down models without any real
effects of monetary policy. What the new Keynesian models have tried to do
is establish why money is not neutral, what microeconomic imperfections are
necessary to explain monetary non-neutrality at the macro level. In this sense,
these models are trying to support both traditional Keynesian and monetarist

Would you agree with Stanley Fischer that the views of Friedman, Brunner
and Meltzer are closer to those of Keynesians than they are to equilibrium
business cycle theorists? [See Fischer, 1988.]
Oh yes absolutely. The essence of real business cycle models is the absence
of any role for the Federal Reserve, whereas I think Brunner, Meltzer and
Friedman would agree with Tobin that the Fed is very important. None of
them would ever argue that money is neutral in the way that real business
cycle theorists have.

James Tobin has suggested that good papers in economics contain surprises.
What surprises have new Keynesian papers uncovered? [See Tobin, 1988.]
One of the big surprises is that one can go much further with menu cost
models than people had once thought. A lot of people used to see these
models as a silly way of thinking about price rigidity. What the new literature
is trying to do is to say no, maybe we should take menu cost models seri-
ously. I think the complementarity between real and nominal rigidities is a
surprise. As I mentioned earlier, one of the disappointing features so far of
the new Keynesian literature is that it hasn’t been as empirical as I would
have liked. That is a problem being remedied right now in some research.
Ultimately that is where the literature should go. More empirical work is

Peter Howitt has talked about a Keynesian recovery, Alan Blinder about a
Keynesian restoration; you seem to prefer the term reincarnation. Is there
something important in the different terms used? [See Howitt, 1990; Blinder,
1992b and Mankiw, 1992.]
N. Gregory Mankiw 443

I chose the term reincarnation because it means rebirth into another body.
While there are many similarities between new and old Keynesian economics,
there are also a lot of differences as well, and I wanted to emphasize that. In
some senses the spirit of Keynes has been brought back, but it doesn’t look like
the old Keynes. In fact Keynes might not recognize the new Keynesians as
Keynesians at all. In general, people might not recognize themselves after they
have been reincarnated. So that is why I used the term reincarnation [laughter].

Would you say that your work is, with respect to Keynes, faithful in spirit, but
critical in detail?
I think that is fair. It tries to go beyond Keynes in a sense of taking
microfoundations more seriously. Alan Blinder wrote a paper ‘Keynes after
Lucas’ and I think that title pretty much describes new Keynesians. It takes
some of Keynes’s ideas seriously, and it also takes some of the critiques of
Lucas seriously as well. [See Blinder, 1986.]

Do you think Keynes would have been a new Keynesian?

I don’t know; I think Keynes was a very unpredictable fellow. I guess he
would see some things in it he would like, and some things in it he wouldn’t.

Real Business Cycle Theory

You’ve recently argued that real business cycle theory has served an impor-
tant function in stimulating and provoking scientific debate, but you predict
that the approach will eventually be discarded. What are your main objec-
tions to real business cycle theory? What are the weaknesses, theoretical,
empirical, or both?
My objections are mainly empirical. Theoretically they are very elegant
models, and that is a large part of their appeal. They are very parsimonious
models. But when I look at the real world I see the same things that Milton
Friedman and James Tobin do, which is a very powerful Federal Reserve
board in the USA or the Bank of England in the UK. There is a lot of
evidence across countries that periods of disinflation are periods of low
output and high unemployment. Those effects are completely absent in real
business cycle models. I think the central driving forces for the business cycle
that those models highlight – technology shocks – aren’t very important.

Isn’t the procyclical behaviour of the real wage a strong feature of these
theories? How do new Keynesians explain the movement of real wages over
the business cycle?
The theories do predict procyclical wages. Although I’ve not looked at the
models carefully on this question, my understanding is that they predict very
444 Modern macroeconomics

procyclical, real wages. While it is true that real wages are procyclical, my
reading of the evidence is that they are only mildly procyclical. Therefore,
the fact that these theories predict very procyclical real wages, and the data
show that they are only mildly procyclical, makes it hard to reconcile this
model with the evidence. I think the real wage evidence is not hard to
explain. If you believe in a world where wages and prices are sluggish over
time, the cyclical behaviour of the real wage is really a question of whether
wages or prices are more sluggish. The fact that real wages are roughly
acyclical, maybe slightly procyclical, is some indication to me that wages and
prices are simply equally sticky. This is consistent with Alan Blinder’s evi-
dence, which says that prices change on average once a year, and we know a
lot of wages change on average once a year. So I think that explanation is
consistent with much of the evidence.

How do we explain procyclical productivity? Some Keynesians seem to sug-

gest that it is due to labour hoarding.
The procyclical behaviour of productivity is a puzzle for people who don’t
believe in technology shocks. The traditional explanation for why productiv-
ity is procyclical is labour hoarding. In recessions firms keep on workers they
don’t really need so that they can have the workers still available when the
next boom comes, and that tends to give the appearance of procyclical pro-
ductivity. These theories make a lot of sense to me. I know I work my
secretary harder when I have more work to be done; therefore her productiv-
ity is procyclical. I know I work harder when there is more work to be done
[laughter]. I think there is a great deal of casual evidence that labour hoard-
ing and procyclical effort are important.

Macroeconomic Policy

One of the central ideas of Keynesian economics is that an increase in

aggregate demand will stimulate the economy. Under what circumstances do
you think a government should actually stimulate demand?
There are a couple of questions. First, when should it act? Second, how
should it act? That is, should it use monetary or fiscal policy? On the first
question, one should stimulate aggregate demand when it is too low to
maintain full employment – that is, when you observe very high unemploy-
ment or when there is reason to believe that unemployment is going to rise.
The policy implications of many new Keynesian theories really go back to
the policy implications of the neoclassical synthesis of the 1960s. Some of
the limitations on policy that were then debated are still relevant today. Even
if you accept everything that new Keynesians say about prices being sluggish
and so on, there is still the question of how good the government is at
N. Gregory Mankiw 445

responding in a timely fashion to the shocks. In that debate, I side to a large

extent with Milton Friedman. The government is very bad at recognizing
shocks in a timely fashion, and when they do respond to shocks they often do
so quite late and counterproductively. So while I see the business cycle as a
sign of market failure, I also think that it is a kind of market failure that a
government is very limited in its ability to fix. If we have a very deep
persistent recession, certainly something along the lines of the Great Depres-
sion, there is room for the government to do something. For the relatively
minor wiggles that we have experienced in the post-war economy, it is not
clear that the government can do much better than it has.

Do you think Keynes was politically naive in thinking that politicians would
be advised by technocrats and take the correct action? We are thinking here
of the public choice literature and the political business cycle literature. Can
we actually trust politicians once they have their hands on the fiscal and
monetary levers to use them in the right way?
I think that this is a serious concern, but there are many ways of fixing that
problem. For example, there is a large literature showing that countries with
more independent central banks have lower inflation on average. With less
independence in the central bank, there is more political pressure and therefore
a greater possibility of following a policy of inflating too much. There are ways
around the political problem, like making independent central banks, which to
some extent are staffed by technocrats. For that reason an independent central
bank would be better at fine-tuning the economy, to the extent we fine-tune it at
all, compared to fiscal policy which is always run by politicians.

You’ve said that the literature on time inconsistency has provided a persua-
sive case for a commitment to some sort of rule for monetary policy; do you
also support fiscal rules?
Fiscal rules have to be well crafted. A balanced budget amendment that is too
strict could be a disaster. At certain times, like recessions and wars, it is
appropriate to run budget deficits. So any fiscal rule has to take into account
those special situations where budget deficits are the appropriate policy re-
sponse. A fiscal rule by itself wouldn’t be a bad idea, but it has to be well
crafted and so far I haven’t seen one that is.

Isn’t one of the problems with devising rules that if the economy is hit by an
unforeseen shock, then the government has to renege on that rule and take
some discretionary action? It is difficult to think of a rule which really would
be binding?
There are two parts to the question. First, how might you make the rule
binding? Second, do you want to make the rule binding? One way to make
446 Modern macroeconomics

the rule binding is reputational. Many rules are rules just because long tradi-
tion has established them as rules and people don’t want to break the tradition.
Another more legalistic way of imposing rules is by writing them into the
constitution. I think the harder question you raise is do you want to make
rules binding? The question is whether you can write a rule that works well
even in response to unforeseen events. If it becomes too costly to be tied by
the rule, people will stop abiding by it. What we want to do is write down a
rule that will be good in response to normal kinds of shocks. That is, you
don’t know what the shocks are going to be, but you know what kind of
shocks are possible. You’ve got oil shocks, monetary demand shocks and so
on. You write down a rule that is good in response to the kind of shocks you
expect the economy to experience, based on the shocks experienced in the
past. Therefore, unless something completely unforeseeable happens, you
stick by the rule.

Leijonhufvud once argued that the economy can be thought of as travelling

along a corridor. As long as it stays in the corridor, leave it alone, but if it
gets out of the corridor into a severe recession, that is the time for interven-
tion. Is that what you are saying? [See Leijonhufvud, 1981.]
Well no, because recessions are reasonably foreseeable. Although you don’t
know when a recession is going to occur, you know that one will occur
eventually. A recession is one of the contingencies that you want your rule to
deal with. So I don’t think a recession per se is one of those extraordinary
events that make you want to break the rule. A recession is something you
can plan for in advance. I’m talking about an event that not only can you not
predict when it is going to happen, but you have never even thought that it
might happen. For example, before 1973 people never imagined an OPEC
supply shock. The whole idea of OPEC never even crossed anybody’s mind.
This is the type of situation where you might want to rethink the rule. Now
that we know what OPEC is capable of, we can write down a rule that takes
this into account.

What is the role of fiscal policy in new Keynesian macroeconomics?

To a large extent new Keynesian economics has been about the theory of
aggregate supply and why it is that prices adjust slowly. It has been relatively
neutral on the question of what determines aggregate demand, in particular
whether monetary or fiscal levers are most useful. As I mentioned a moment
ago, I am sceptical personally about the usefulness of fiscal policy in fine-
tuning the economy because, at least in the USA, the Congress acts very
slowly. Even as we are doing this interview [18 February 1993] the Congress
is debating a fiscal stimulus, even though the recovery has been going on for
about a year now. By the time this fiscal stimulus actually has an effect on the
N. Gregory Mankiw 447

economy, my guess is that we will be pretty close to the natural rate again.
This is a perfect example of how the lags can be very long in fiscal policy.
Monetary policy is a more useful tool for stabilizing aggregate demand.

Do budget deficits matter?

I think they matter a lot. The way they matter is not for short-run macroeco-
nomic reasons but for long-run reasons – reasons that are best described not
by Keynesian models but by growth models. The evidence as I see it is that
large budget deficits reduce national saving. And the lesson from growth
theory and growth experience across countries is that low saving leads to low
growth. That is a big problem for the USA today.

If you were advising President Clinton about macroeconomic policy for the
next three or four years, what would be the kinds of policies you feel are
My reaction to President Clinton’s speech [17 February 1993] is that I don’t
think we need the fiscal stimulus that he is proposing. Recovery is already on
its way. It wasn’t a very deep recession to start off with, so I’m not terribly
shocked that there is a mild recovery. It will take the fiscal stimulus a while to
get people employed. I am happy that he is worried about the budget deficit,
as low national saving is an important macro problem in the long term in the
USA. Yet I am disappointed that he is putting so much emphasis on tax
increases rather than spending cuts. That is really a view not so much about
macroeconomics as about the size of government. I am also disappointed that
he is giving no attention to the low rate of private saving in the USA. I would
recommend tax reforms to remove the present disincentives toward saving.
So I give him a mixed review.

Current and Future Progress in Macroeconomics

Much research in the 1980s, your own included, was directed at providing
more rigorous microeconomic foundations for the central elements of
Keynesian economics. Taking an overview of the last decade, how successful
do you think that research has been in providing a more substantial
microfoundation for Keynesian economics?
It has been successful at the theoretical level in the sense that one can now
say that Keynesian economics, the economics of wage and price rigidities, is
well founded on microeconomic models. There are now several microeconomic
models that people can pull off the shelf. The theoretical challenge of Lucas
and his followers has been met. It is less clear whether this line of research is
going to be successful as an empirical matter. That is, to what extent does it
yield new insights to help understand actual economic fluctuations? Does it
448 Modern macroeconomics

give us new ways to look at data and policies? The jury is still out on that
one. There is a small empirical literature, but I can probably count the
number of empirical papers on the fingers of two hands. I hope it is a growth
area, but so far the literature has not been as empirically orientated as I would

Do you think there is some truth to the view that at the moment we have too
many theories?
Yes, I have a lot of sympathy with that view. There is too big a premium for
coming up with clever theories in the profession. Yet I don’t know of any way
to solve this problem. Obviously I believe the things I believe, and I can’t tell
people that they should believe what I believe, just because there are too
many theories [laughter]. It would be nice if macroeconomists reached a
consensus and they could do more work on details and less work on creating
brand new theories of the business cycle. Until we reach a consensus, there is
no way to enforce that by fiat.

Do you see any signs of an emerging consensus in macroeconomics?

That is a good question. I change my mind on that a lot, depending on what
conference I go to [laughter]. There are certainly groups within the profes-
sion that are agreeing with each other. There is much agreement among new
Keynesian people like Olivier Blanchard, Larry Ball, David Romer, George
Akerlof, Alan Blinder and so on. Whether we as a group are coming to
agreement with some of the real business cycle group is hard to say. I’m
delighted that some of the people who previously worked closely with the
real business cycle models are now trying to incorporate monetary effects
into those models. That provides a hope that somewhere down the line the
new Keynesian models and the real business cycle models are going to merge
to some grand synthesis that incorporates the strengths of both approaches.
That hasn’t happened yet; that is just a hope.

Additional Questions Answered by Correspondence: February/March


When we last talked with you in February 1993 you were somewhat hopeful
that ‘somewhere down the line the new Keynesian models and the real busi-
ness cycle models are going to merge to some grand synthesis that incorporates
the strengths of both approaches’. Have developments in macroeconomic
research during the last five years moved in the direction of more consensus,
as you had hoped?
To some extent, yes. Increasingly, there are economists (such as Bob King,
Julio Rotemberg and Mike Woodford) trying to integrate the insights of the
N. Gregory Mankiw 449

new Keynesian and real business cycle literatures. Not surprisingly, this
raises a host of difficult technical issues. We have long known that dynamic
sticky price models are hard to solve except in some special cases. But some
progress has been made.

Your new Principles of Economics textbook [Mankiw, 1997] has generated a

great deal of interest and comment. For example, in his Wall Street Journal
review of your book [October 1997] Mark Skousen interprets your overall
message to be that ‘classical economics is now the “general theory” and
Keynesian economics to be the “special” case’. Skousen also writes that
‘virtually the entire book is devoted to classical economics leaving the
Keynesian model as an afterthought in the end chapters’. Is this an accurate
view of the balance of the book and your own current position?
I have been delighted about the response to my new textbook. Some of the
commentary, such as the Skousen op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal
exaggerated what my book does, and the Journal published a letter I wrote
responding to that article. In the book, I try to present a balance between
Keynesian and classical ideas. The Keynesian analysis is developed over
three full chapters, which explain and apply the model of aggregate demand
and aggregate supply. That is perhaps less coverage than in many traditional
texts, but in no sense is Keynesian economics treated as a mere ‘after-
thought’. I begin with classical ideas – including long-run growth, the quantity
theory of money and so on – but by the end of the book the student is fully
acquainted with the importance and role of Keynesian theory.

In our previous interview you commented that the ‘natural rate hypothesis is
pretty well entrenched’ and that ‘most new Keynesians believe in the natural
rate hypothesis’. How do you account for the remarkably low combination of
inflation and unemployment currently being experienced in the US economy?
It seems increasingly clear that the natural rate of unemployment has fallen in
the USA. At one level, that is not terribly shocking, since in principle there is
no reason to think the natural rate must be constant. Various changes in the
labour market can alter the natural rate. But I have not yet seen a good
explanation of the decline, which is somewhat troubling. Some people might
react by rejecting the whole natural rate framework, but I am not ready to do
so. In part, I remain committed to the natural rate model because I have not
seen a good alternative to it.

Your research interests in recent years have been more focused on economic
growth than the short-run issues of aggregate fluctuations. Unlike Paul Romer
and other endogenous growth theorists, you provide a spirited defence of a
modified Solow model in your [1995] ‘Growth of Nations’ paper. What is
450 Modern macroeconomics

your assessment of the progress that has been made in this burgeoning
research area?
The growth literature has been a very positive development for the economics
profession. After all, long-run growth is at least as important for human
welfare as the business cycle, so it’s great that the issue is being studied
seriously again. In my new principles textbook, as well as in my intermediate
macro text, I introduce the topic of long-run growth quite early. This is in
large part a reflection of the research trend started by Paul Romer and others.
On the question of what progress has been made, I remain somewhat
ambivalent. There are now many theoretical models of growth and more
empirical studies than we have data points. Yet it is hard to find important
questions that we can now answer with confidence that we couldn’t answer
before. Adam Smith once said that ‘little else is requisite to carry a state to
the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism, but peace, easy
taxes, and tolerable administration of justice’. That still seems like the best
policy advice. In that sense, we haven’t made much progress in 200 years. On
the other hand, perhaps we better understand why Smith’s instincts were right
ones, and that is progress.

What are the main differences between your view of technological progress
and Paul Romer’s?
I don’t disagree with Paul Romer about technological progress. It comes
mainly from the creation of ideas that are largely but not completely public
goods. Both of us would agree that this explains why most nations are richer
than they were a century ago.
Where Romer and I seem to disagree is whether this old insight is impor-
tant for understanding cross-country differences. I have argued that much of
the international variation in living standards can be explained by the differ-
ences in the quantities of human and physical capital. As I understand Paul
Romer’s view, he is sceptical of this possibility. He argues that differences in
knowledge across countries are important; in essence, he claims that different
countries have access to different sets of blueprints. One problem in testing
these two theories is that physical capital and human capital (schooling) can
be measured and evaluated, which is what I tried to do in my [1992] Quar-
terly Journal of Economics paper with David Romer and David Weil, while
the ‘ideas’ that Paul Romer emphasizes are harder to measure. I am sure that
there is some truth in both the ‘capital view’ and the ‘ideas view’ and that
other things – trade policy, property rights and so on – matter as well. The
relative importance of these different factors is ultimately an empirical ques-
tion that is very hard to answer conclusively.
8. The Post Keynesian school
Paul Davidson*

human decisions affecting the future, whether personal or political or economic,

cannot depend on strict mathematical expectation, since the basis for making such
calculations does not exist … it is our innate urge to activity which makes the
wheels go round, our rational selves choosing between the alternatives as best we
are able, calculating where we can, but often falling back for our motive on whim
or sentiment or chance. (Keynes, 1936, pp. 162–3)

8.1 Introduction

A heterogeneous group of economists, united solely by their rejection of the

neoclassical synthesis, often claim the same name to their approach to macr-
oeconomic modelling, namely Post Keynesian economics. Unfortunately many
of these heterogeneous models are merely variants of orthodox classical
theory and are not based on the theoretical revolution that underlies Keynes’s
(1936) General Theory. Consequently classifying many of these diverse econo-
mists (for example Michal Kalecki, Piero Sraffa and his neo-Ricardian
followers), who still cling to variants of classical economics as Post Keynesian
economists, merely obfuscates the difference between Keynes (and those
Post Keynesians who use Keynes’s analytical model) and mainstream
macroeconomists who are really putting forth twenty-first-century versions
of classical analytical theory. A consistent, precise definition of Post Keynesian
economics will be presented in the next section.
While Lawrence Klein (1947) described Keynes’s analysis as representing a
‘revolution’ in economic theory, many economists claim that mainstream de-
velopments in ‘Keynesian’ macroeconomics have turned out to be ‘a road to
nowhere’. The development of the ‘hydraulic’ Keynesian model, by economists
such as Hicks, Samuelson, Modigliani and Tobin, represents a ‘retreat back
inside the orthodox citadel’ (see also Gerrard, 1988; Coddington, 1976). Even
worse, the failure of orthodox Keynesian analysis and policy prescriptions
fuelled the monetarist and new classical ‘counter-revolutions’. Furthermore,

* Paul Davidson, Holly Chair of Excellence in Political Economy, Emeritus, University of

Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (USA), is Editor of the Journal of Post Keynesian Eco-

452 Modern macroeconomics

the ‘new’ Keynesian research programme, which emerged as a response to the

critiques of the neoclassical synthesis by the new classical school, contains no
‘Keynesian beef’ (Davidson, 1994). In the light of these developments, from a
Post Keynesian perspective, the ‘Keynesian revolution’, in the sense of repre-
senting a successful and radical break with classical thinking, never took off.
According to Holt (1997), most economists who call themselves Post
Keynesians have traditionally been divided into two broad groups, namely
the ‘European’ and the ‘American’ camps. The ‘European’, or Cambridge
UK, group includes the body of work associated with economists such as
Geoff Harcourt, Richard Kahn, Nicholas Kaldor, Michal Kalecki, Joan
Robinson and Piero Sraffa. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s some of Keynes’s
former Cambridge colleagues, in particular Joan Robinson, consistently and
repeatedly highlighted what they interpreted as the misinterpretation of
Keynes’s main insights by leading mainstream (‘bastard’) Keynesian thinkers
(Robinson, 1972). The second broad camp identified by Holt includes the
work of economists such as Victoria Chick, Alfred Eichner, Jan Kregel,
Hyman Minsky, Basil Moore, George Shackle, Sidney Weintraub and Paul
Davidson. Although Holt labels this latter group as ‘American’, it is the style
and emphasis of analysis, rather than nationality, that matters in deciding
who is in which broad group. For example, George Shackle is English and
Victoria Chick, though born in America, has spent most of her professional
career in England.
As a broad generalization Holt’s ‘European’ group, like all classical econo-
mists, has emphasized the behaviour and functioning of the real economy
while ignoring, or at least downplaying, monetary and financial implications.
Some but not all in Holt’s American grouping have typically concentrated
their attention on the impact of uncertainty, and monetary and financial
influences, on the economy (see Hamouda and Harcourt, 1988; Chick, 1995;
Davidson, 1991, 1996, 2002; Arestis and Sawyer, 1998).
Although Eichner and Kregel (1975) have argued that Post Keynesian
economics represented a coherent alternative school of thought to main-
stream macroeconomic analysis, controversy still surrounds this claim
(Coddington, 1976, and Patinkin, 1990b, have provided excellent surveys of
the various interpretations of Keynes’s General Theory; see also Arestis,
1996; Walters and Young, 1997; and Snowdon and Vane, 1997a). In fact,
there is some basis for this lack of a coherent view because many who claim
to be Post Keynesians among Holt’s European group and at least one in the
American group utilize variants of a classical model rather than Keynes’s
financial and monetary analytical approach. Accordingly, in the remainder of
this chapter, rather than survey the complete body of work created by this
heterogeneous group of economists all wanting to display the label of Post
Keynesians, I argue that only those analytical models that adopt Keynes’s
The Post Keynesian school 453

principle of effective demand and recognize the importance liquidity prefer-

ence plays in the General Theory (Keynes, 1936) are entitled to use the
appellation of Post Keynesians. The main thrust of this argument implies that
the true theoretical legacy of Keynes cannot be found within any branch of
mainstream Keynesianism, old or new.

8.2 The Significance of the Principle of Effective Demand

Post Keynesian economics accepts Keynes’s (1936, chap. 2) ‘Principle of

Effective Demand’ as the basis for all macroeconomic theory that is applica-
ble to an entrepreneurial economy. Keynes was primarily a monetary theorist.
The words money, currency and monetary appear in the titles of most of his
major volumes in economics. Post Keynesian theory evolves from Keynes’s
revolutionary approach to analysing a money-using, entrepreneur economy.
Addressing the General Theory chiefly to his ‘fellow economists’ (Keynes,
1936, p. v), Keynes insisted that:

the postulates of the classical theory are applicable to a special case only and not
to the general case … Moreover, the characteristics of the special case assumed by
the classical theory happen not to be those of the economic society in which we
actually live, with the result that its teaching is misleading and disastrous if we
attempt to apply it to the facts of experience. (Keynes, 1936, p. 3)

Elsewhere I (Davidson, 1984) have argued that all variants of mainstream

macroeconomic theory, whether it be rational expectations (new classical)
theory, monetarism (old classical theory), old (neoclassical synthesis)
Keynesian or new Keynesian theory, are founded on three fundamental clas-
sical postulates and, as Keynes specifically noted:

the classical theory is only applicable to full employment, [and therefore] it is

fallacious to apply it to the problems of involuntary unemployment. … The
classical theorists resemble Euclidean geometers in a non-Euclidean world, dis-
covering that in experience straight lines apparently parallel often meet, rebuke
the lines for not keeping straight – as the only remedy for the unfortunate colli-
sions that are occurring. Yet in truth there is no remedy except to throw over the
axiom of parallels and to work out a non-Euclidean geometry. Something similar
is required today in economics. (Keynes, 1936, p. 16)

Keynes’s principle of effective demand basically overturned three restrictive

classical postulates. Once freed of these postulates, Keynes (1936, p. 26) could
logically demonstrate why Say’s Law is not a ‘true law’ when we model an
economy which possesses real-world characteristics; and until we get our
theory to accurately mirror and apply to the ‘facts of experience’, there is little
hope of getting our policies right. That message is just as relevant today.
454 Modern macroeconomics

To throw over an axiom is to reject what the faithful believe are ‘universal
truths’. Keynes’s revolution in economic theory was therefore truly a revolt
since it aimed at rejecting basic mainstream axioms in order to develop a
logical foundation for a non-Say’s Law model more closely related to the real
world in which we happen to live. In the light of Keynes’s analogy to
geometry, Post Keynesian theory might be called non-Euclidean economics!
The restrictive classical axioms rejected by Keynes in his revolutionary
logical analysis were (i) the gross substitution axiom, (ii) the neutrality of
money axiom and (iii) the axiom of an ergodic economic world. The charac-
teristics of the real world which Keynes believed could be modelled only by
overthrowing these axioms are:

1. money matters in the long and short run; that is money and liquidity
preference are not neutral, they affect real decision making;
2. the economic system is moving through calendar time from an irrevoca-
ble past to an uncertain future. Important decisions involving production,
investment and consumption activities are, therefore, often taken in an
uncertain environment;
3. forward contracts in money terms are a human institution developed to
efficiently organize time-consuming production and exchange processes.
The money-wage contract is the most ubiquitous of these contracts.
Modern production economies are on a money-wage contract based sys-
tem, or what Keynes called an ‘entrepreneur system’; and
4. unemployment, rather than full employment, is a common laissez-faire
situation in a market-oriented, monetary production economy.

8.3 Taxonomy

A precise taxonomy is a necessary precondition for all scientific enquiry. All

too often, common words used in economics have a multitude of connota-
tions. Consequently, many of the arguments among economists often involve
semantic obfuscation where participants are using the same words to connote
different meanings or, even worse, the same participant uses the same word
to suggest different concepts at various points of their argument. Nowhere is
this more obvious than in the use of the word ‘money’ in economic discus-
sions. To avoid such semantic confusion, it is necessary to provide a dictionary
of oft-used, and misused, words up front to explain exactly what the concept
denotes. For example, how many economists have carefully read and com-
prehended Keynes’s definitional Chapter 6 and its Appendix in his General
Theory? Similarly, how many have worked through Chapters 1 and 2 of
Friedman’s (1957) Theory of the Consumption Function and realized that
Friedman defines saving (p. 11) to include the purchase of new durable goods
The Post Keynesian school 455

including clothing and so on while, for Keynes, saving involves the decision
not to purchase durables or non-durables by households? Harrod (1951,
pp. 463–4), with typical lucidity, highlighted the essential nature of Keynes’s
revolution when he wrote:

Classification in economics, as in biology, is crucial to the scientific structure …

The real defect in the classical system was that it deflected attention from what
most needed attention. It was Keynes’ extraordinarily powerful intuitive sense of
what was important that convinced him that the old classification was inadequate.
It was his highly developed logical capacity that enabled him to construct a new
classification of his own.

8.4 Keynes’s Taxonomic Attack on Say’s Law

When Keynes became convinced that the vocabulary of orthodox economics

was not sufficient to explain why an economy might become mired in unem-
ployment, he developed an expanded classification and new definitions to
demonstrate that Say’s Law ‘is not the true law relating the aggregate demand
and supply functions … [and hence] there is a vitally important chapter of
economic theory which remains to be written and without which all discus-
sions concerning the volume of aggregate employment are futile’ (Keynes,
1936, p. 26).
Keynes’s General Theory is developed via an aggregate supply–aggregate
demand function analysis to achieve a point of effective demand (Keynes,
1936, pp. 25–6). The aggregate supply function (Z) relates entrepreneurs’
expected sales proceeds with the level of employment (N) entrepreneurs will
hire for any volume of expected sales receipts. This aggregate supply (Z)
function indicates that the higher entrepreneurs’ sales expectations, the more
workers they will hire. The aggregate demand function relates buyers’ desired
expenditure flows with any given level of employment (see Davidson, 1994).
Say’s Law specifies that all expenditure (aggregate demand) on the prod-
ucts of industry is equal to the total costs of aggregate production (aggregate
supply) including gross profits. Letting D symbolize aggregate demand and Z
aggregate supply, if:

D = fd(N) (8.1)


Z = fz(N) (8.2)

then Say’s Law asserts that:

456 Modern macroeconomics

fd(N) = fz(N) (8.3)

‘for all values of N, i.e. for all values of output and employment’ (Keynes,
1936, pp. 25–6). In other words, in an economy subject to Say’s Law, all
costs of production are always recouped by the sale of output. There is never
a lack of effective demand. The aggregate demand and aggregate supply
curves coincide. In a Say’s Law economy, there is no obstacle to full employ-
The aggregate demand and supply functions will be coincident only if
money is neutral, everything is a good substitute for everything else (gross
substitution) and the future can be reliably predicted in terms of probabilities
(the ergodic axiom).
To challenge the applicability of Say’s Law to the real world in which we
live, Keynes had to develop a model where the aggregate demand and aggre-
gate supply functions, fd(N) and fz(N), were not coincident. Since Keynes
accepted the normal firm short-run flow-supply function developed in
Marshallian economics as the micro-basis for the aggregate supply function,
he could therefore differentiate his approach only via the concept of aggre-
gate demand. Keynes divided aggregate demand into two classes, that is,

D = D1 + D2 (8.4)


D1 = f1(N) (8.5)


D2 f2(N) (8.6)

D1 represents all expenditures which ‘depend on the level of aggregate in-

come and, therefore, on the level of employment N’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 28).
D2, therefore, represents all other expenditures which are not related to in-
come. Even if D2 is related to aggregate income (that is, D2 = f2(N) so long as
f1(N) + f2(N) fz(N) for all values of N, then Say’s Law is not applicable.
Explicit recognition of the possibility of two classes of demand expendi-
tures must make Keynes’s analysis a more general theory than the orthodox
theory since the latter recognizes only a single demand class. Classical theory
is ‘a special case’ (Keynes, 1936, p. 8) where:

D2 = 0 (8.7)
The Post Keynesian school 457


D1 = f1(N) = fz(N) = Z (8.8)

for all values of N.

By proclaiming a ‘fundamental psychological law’ associated with ‘the
detailed facts of experience’ where the marginal propensity to consume was
always less than unity (Keynes, 1936, p. 96), by decree, Keynes declared that
f1(N) would never coincide with fz(N) in the real world, even if D2 = 0. Say’s
Law could not be applicable to ‘the facts of experience’.

8.5 Can Relative Price Changes Induce D2 to Fill the Gap?

Keynes’s primary level of attack on classical theory involved the expansion

of demand into two distinct classes with different determinants. Keynes’s
claim that the classical demand relationship, where all spending was related
and equal to income, is required to validate Say’s Law and this classically
assumed demand relationship was not compatible with ‘the facts of experi-
The next step required Keynes to demonstrate that a change in relative
prices via a gross substitution effect could not resurrect Say’s Law. In classi-
cal theory, all income earned in any accounting period is divided – on the
basis of time preference – between spending income on currently produced
consumption goods and services and spending on current investment goods
that will be used to produce goods for future consumption. In other words, all
income earned in this period is always spent on the current products of
industry. In Keynes’s analysis, however, time preference determines how
much of current income is spent on currently produced consumption goods
and how much is not spent on consumption goods but is instead saved by
purchasing liquid assets. Accordingly, in Keynes’s system, there is a second
decision step, liquidity preference, where the income earner determines in
what liquid assets should his/her saved income be stored in order to be used
to transfer purchasing power of saving to a future time period. Since all
liquid assets have certain essential properties (Keynes, 1936, chap. 17) –
namely they are non-producible and non-substitutable for the products of
industry, the demand for liquid assets does not per se create a demand for the
products of industry.
Keynes developed his theory of liquidity preference in order to demon-
strate that any explanation of involuntary unemployment required specifying
‘The Essential Properties of Interest and Money’ (Keynes, 1936, chap. 17),
which differentiates his theory from old classical, new classical, old Keynesian
and new Keynesian theory, that is, from all mainstream macroeconomic
458 Modern macroeconomics

theories not only in Keynes’s time but in mainstream economics of the

twenty-first century.
These essential properties are:

1. the elasticity of productivity of all liquid assets including money was

zero or negligible; and
2. the elasticity of substitution between liquid assets (including money) and
reproducible goods was zero or negligible.

The zero elasticity of productivity of money means that when the demand
for money (liquidity) increases, entrepreneurs cannot hire labour to produce
more money to meet this change in demand for a non-reproducible (in the
private sector) good. In other words, a zero elasticity of productivity means
that money does not grow on trees! In classical theory, on the other hand,
money is either a reproducible commodity or the existence of money does not
affect, in any way, the demand for producible goods and services; that is,
money is neutral (by assumption). In many neoclassical textbook models,
peanuts are the money commodity or numeraire. Peanuts may not grow on
trees, but they do grow on the roots of bushes. The supply of peanuts can
easily be augmented by the hiring of additional workers by private sector
The zero elasticity of substitution ensures that the portion of income that is
not spent on consumption producibles will find, in Frank Hahn’s terminol-
ogy, ‘resting places’ in the demand for non-producibles. Some forty years
after Keynes, Hahn rediscovered Keynes’s point that Say’s Law would be
violated and involuntary unemployment could occur whenever there are ‘rest-
ing places for savings in other than reproducible assets’ (Hahn, 1977, p. 31).
The existence of non-reproducible goods that would be demanded for stores
of new ‘savings’ means that all income earned by engaging in the production
of goods is not, in the short or long run, necessarily spent on products
producible by labour.
If the gross substitution axiom were applicable, however, any new savings
would increase the price of non-producibles (whose supply curve is, by
definition, perfectly inelastic). This relative price rise in non-producibles
would, under the gross substitution axiom, induce savers to substitute repro-
ducible durables for non-producibles in their wealth holdings and therefore
non-producibles could not be ultimate resting places for savings. As the price
of non-reproducibles rose the demand for these non-producibles would spill
over into a demand for producible goods (see Davidson, 1972, 1977, 1980).
Thus the acceptance of the gross substitution axiom denies the logical possi-
bility of involuntary unemployment as long as all prices are perfectly flexible.
To overthrow the axiom of gross substitution in an intertemporal context is
The Post Keynesian school 459

truly heretical. It changes the entire perspective as to what is meant by

‘rational’ or ‘optimal’ savings, as to why people save or what they save. For
example, it would deny the life cycle hypothesis. Indeed, Danziger et al.
(1982–3) have shown that the facts regarding consumption spending by the
elderly are incompatible with the notion of intertemporal gross substitution
of consumption plans which underlie both life cycle models and overlapping
generation models currently so popular in mainstream macroeconomic theory.
In the absence of a universal axiom of gross substitution, however, income
effects (for example the Keynesian multiplier) predominate and can swamp
any hypothetical classical substitution effects. Just as in non-Euclidean ge-
ometry lines that are apparently parallel often crash into each other, in the
Keynes–Post Keynesian non-Euclidean economic world, an increased de-
mand for ‘savings’, even if it raises the relative price of non-producibles, will
not spill over into a demand for producible goods.

8.6 Investment Spending, Liquidity, and the Non-neutrality of Money


Keynes’s theory implies that agents who planned to buy producible goods in
the current period need not have earned income currently or previously in
order to exercise this demand (D2) in an entrepreneurial, money-using eco-
nomic system. This means that spending for D2, which we normally associate
with the demand for reproducible fixed and working capital goods, is not
constrained by either actual income or inherited endowments. D2 is con-
strained in a money-creating banking system solely by the expected future
monetary (not real) cash inflow (Keynes, 1936, chap. 17). In a world where
money is created only if someone goes into debt (borrows) in order to
purchase goods, then real investment spending will be undertaken as long as
the purchase of newly produced capital goods is expected to generate a future
cash inflow (net of operating expenses) whose discounted present value equals
or exceeds the money cash outflow (the supply price) currently needed to
purchase the asset.
For the D2 component of aggregate demand not to be constrained by actual
income, therefore, agents must have the ability to finance investment by
borrowing from a banking system which can create money. This Post
Keynesian financing mechanism where increases in the nominal quantity of
money are used to finance increased demand for producible goods, resulting
in increasing employment levels, means that money cannot be neutral. Hahn
(1982, p. 44) describes the money neutrality axiom as one where

The objectives of agents that determine their actions and plans do not depend on
any nominal magnitudes. Agents care only about ‘real’ things such as goods …
460 Modern macroeconomics

leisure and effort. We know this as the axiom of the absence of money illusion,
which it seems impossible to abandon in any sensible sense.

To reject the neutrality axiom does not require assuming that agents suffer
from a money illusion. It only means that ‘money is not neutral’ (Keynes,
1973b, p. 411); money matters in both the short run and the long run, in
affecting the equilibrium level of employment and real output. As Keynes
(1973b, pp. 408–9) put it:

The theory which I desiderate would deal … with an economy in which money
plays a part of its own and affects motives and decisions, and is, in short, one of
the operative factors in the situation, so that the course of events cannot be
predicted in either the long period or in the short, without a knowledge of the
behaviour of money between the first state and the last. And it is this which we
ought to mean when we speak of a monetary economy.

Once we recognize that money is a real phenomenon, that money matters,

then neutrality must be rejected. Keynes (1936, p. 142) believed that the ‘real
rate of interest’ concept of Irving Fisher was a logical confusion. In a monetary
economy, moving through calendar time towards an uncertain (statistically
unpredictable) future, there is no such thing as a forward-looking real rate of
interest. In an entrepreneur economy the only objective for a firm is to end the
production process by liquidating its working capital in order to end up with
more money than it started with (Keynes, 1979, p. 82). Moreover, money has
an impact on the real sector in both the short and long run. Thus money is a real
phenomenon. This is just the reverse of what classical theory and modern
mainstream theory teach us. In orthodox macroeconomic theory the rate of
interest is a real (technologically determined) factor while money (at least in
the long run for both Friedman and Tobin) does not affect the real output flow.
This reversal of the importance or the significance of money and interest rates
for real and monetary phenomena between the orthodox and Keynes’s theory is
the result of Keynes’s rejection of a neoclassical universal truth – the axiom of
neutral money. Arrow and Hahn (1971, pp. 356–7) implicitly recognized that
money matters when they wrote:

The terms in which contracts are made matter. In particular, if money is the good
in terms of which contracts are made, then the prices of goods in terms of money
are of special significance. This is not the case if we consider an economy without
a past or future … if a serious monetary theory comes to be written, the fact that
contracts are made in terms of money will be of considerable importance. (Italics

Moreover, Arrow and Hahn (1971, p. 361) demonstrate that, if contracts

are made in terms of money (so that money affects real decisions) in an
The Post Keynesian school 461

economy moving along in calendar time with a past and a future, then all
existence theorems demonstrating a classical full employment equilibrium
result are jeopardized. The existence of money contracts – a characteristic of
the world in which we live – implies that there need never exist, in the long
run or the short run, any rational expectations equilibrium or general equilib-
rium market-clearing price vector.

8.7 What Type of an Economic System is ‘Irrational’ Enough to use

Money Contracts?

A fundamental axiom of neoclassical theory is the neutrality of money.

Hence economic agents in a neoclassical world are presumed to make deci-
sions based solely on ‘real’ valuations; they do not suffer from any ‘money
illusion’. Thus in a ‘rational’ classical world, all contracts should be made in
real terms and are always enforceable in real terms.
The economy in which we live, on the other hand, utilizes money contracts
– not real contracts – to seal production and exchange agreements among
self-interested individuals. The ubiquitous use of money contracts has always
presented a dilemma to neoclassical theory. Logically consistent mainstream
classical theorists must view the universal use of money contracts by modern
economies as irrational, since such agreements, fixing payments in nominal
terms, can impede the self-interest optimizing pursuit of real incomes by
economic decision makers. Hence mainstream economists tend to explain the
existence of money contracts by using non-economic reasons such as social
customs, invisible handshakes and so on – societal institutional constraints
which limit price signalling and hence limit adjustments for the optimal use
of resources to the long run. For Post Keynesians, on the other hand, binding
nominal contractual commitments are a sensible method for dealing with true
uncertainty regarding future outcomes whenever economic activities span a
long duration of calendar time.
In order to understand why there is this fundamental difference in view-
points regarding the use of money contracts, one must distinguish between a
money-using entrepreneur economy and a cooperative (barter) economy. The
distinction between a cooperative economy and an entrepreneur economy
was developed by Keynes in an early draft of the General Theory (see
Keynes, 1979, pp. 76–83). A cooperative economy is defined as one where
production is organized such that each input owner is rewarded for its real
contribution to the process by a predetermined share of the aggregate physi-
cal output produced. Examples of cooperative economic systems include
monasteries, nunneries, prisons, or even an Israeli kibbutz. In each of these
cooperative economies, a central authority or a predetermined set of rules
governs both the production and payments in terms of real goods distributed
462 Modern macroeconomics

to the inputs. There is never any involuntary unemployment of monks, nuns,

prisoners, or workers on a kibbutz. Say’s Law prevails. This is the world of
classical analysis.
An entrepreneur economy, on the other hand, is a system that has two
distinctly different characteristics. First, production is organized by ‘a class
of entrepreneurs who hire the factors of production for money and look to
their recoupment from selling the output for money’ (Keynes, 1979, p. 77).
Second, there is no automatic mechanism which guarantees that all the money
paid out to inputs in the production process will be spent on the products of
industry. Hence entrepreneurs can never be sure that they can recoup all the
money costs of production. As Keynes (1979, p. 78) pointed out, ‘it is obvi-
ous on these definitions that it is in an entrepreneur economy that we actually
live to-day’. In an entrepreneur economy, by definition, Say’s Law cannot be
In our entrepreneur economy, market-oriented managers of business firms
organize the production process on a forward-money contract basis; that is,
they hire inputs and purchase raw materials for the production process by
entering into contractual agreements to pay money sums for delivery of
specific materials and services at exact future dates. These managers of
production processes expect to recoup these money outlays by selling the
resulting output for money on either a spot or forward contracting basis.
When we speak of ‘the bottom line’ in our economy we are essentially
indicating that entrepreneurs are motivated by pursuing cash inflow from
sales that will equal or exceed the money outflows spent on production costs.
In an entrepreneurial economic system, the earning of income (as defined
by Keynes above) is directly associated with the existence of these money
contracts which permit entrepreneurs to ‘control’ both the sequencing of
inputs into production activities and the cash outflows of firms. These con-
tractual money payments give the recipient claims on the products of industry.
The reader should recall that in some economic discourse, the term income is
not only associated with current output, but also with a welfare aspect as
measured by the current services available to the community. Since some
services available to the community in any period will flow from pre-existing
durables, the use of the income term in its welfare garb is not compatible
with the use of income as the value of current output, except if all the goods
produced are always non-durable. Since the term ‘income’ is associated with
contributions to the production of current output in the economy, therefore
aggregate income is equal to the money receipts arising from the contractual
sale of services and current products. (Profits occupy a sort of halfway house,
since they are not directly determined by factor-hire contracts. Instead they
are the residual due to the difference between the contractually determined
receipts on the sale of products and the contractual costs of the hired factors
The Post Keynesian school 463

of production.) Income-in-kind payments should be conceived of as the com-

bination of two separate contractual transactions, namely money income
payments to factor owners from the employer, with a simultaneous purchase
commitment of goods by the factor owner to the employer.
Although Keynes defined the economy that we live in on the basis of the
use of monetary contracts for hire and sale, this definition does not per se
explain the existence and ubiquitous use of this human institution. In order to
provide an explanation for the widespread use of money contracts, we must
delve into how entrepreneurs make decisions, and recognize the difference
between risk and uncertainty – a difference that is essential to Keynes’s
analysis of involuntary unemployment.

8.8 Information, Decisions and Uncertainty

Mainstream perspectives involving uncertainty presume that expectations are

based on either (i) a statistical analysis of past data, with market signals
providing information about immutable objective probabilities, or (ii) a sub-
jective perception of these probabilities founded on the axioms of expected
utility theory. In the mainstream perspective on uncertainty, probabilistic risk
and uncertainty are synonymous.
Post Keynesians (Davidson, 1978, 1982–3) have developed a different
perspective about uncertainty, where probability distributions are not the
basis for comprehending real-world behaviour under uncertainty. According
to this analysis, there are many important situations where ‘true’ uncertainty
exists regarding future consequences of today’s choices. In these cases of true
uncertainty, today’s decision makers believe that no expenditure of current
resources can provide reliable statistical or intuitive clues regarding future
prospects. In terms of the theory of stochastic processes, such an uncertain
future would be the result of a non-ergodic stochastic system that makes
predicting future outcomes on the basis of past or current probability distri-
butions obtained from market data unreliable.
Given this Post Keynesian perspective on uncertainty, decision makers
may, in an uncertain environment, either avoid choosing between alternatives
because they ‘haven’t got a clue’ about the future, or follow their ‘animal
spirits’ for positive action in a ‘damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead’ ap-
proach. This perspective on uncertainty provides a more general theory
explaining long-run decisions regarding liquidity demands and investment
decisions, the existence of long-period underemployment equilibrium, the
long-run non-neutrality of money, and the unique and important role Keynes
assigned to nominal contracts and especially the money-wage contract.
464 Modern macroeconomics

8.9 Classifying Decision-making Environments

Time is a device that prevents everything from happening at once. In every

real-world choice, the prospective pay-off associated with any action is nec-
essarily separated by some period of calendar time from the moment of
choice. The production of commodities requires considerable time; the con-
sumption of capital goods and consumer durables needs even more. Because
of this fundamental fact of elapsing time, all economic decisions can be
conceived of as occurring under one of the following mutually exclusive

1. The objective probability environment

Decision makers believe that the past is a statistically reliable guide to the
future. This is the rational expectations hypothesis, where knowledge regard-
ing future consequences of today’s decisions involves a confluence of subjective
and objective probabilities.

2. The subjective probability environment

In the individual’s mind, subjective (or what Savage, 1954, calls personal)
probabilities regarding future prospects at the moment of choice govern
future outcomes. These subjective probabilities need not coincide with objec-
tive distributions, even if well-defined objective distributions happen to exist.

3. The true uncertainty environment

Regardless of whether objective relative frequencies can be shown to have
existed in the past and/or subjective probabilities exist today, the economic
agent believes that during the time between the moment of choice and the pay-
off, unforeseeable changes will occur. The decision maker believes that no
information regarding future prospects exists today and therefore the future is
not calculable. This is uncertainty (or ignorance about future consequences) in
the sense of Keynes (1937, p. 113). Keynes wrote that by uncertainty he did
‘not mean merely to distinguish what is known for certain from what is only
probable. The game of roulette is not subject, in this sense to uncertainty …
The sense in which I am using the term is that … there is no scientific basis on
which to form any calculable probability whatever. We simply do not know’.
Moreover, Keynes (1937, p. 122) added ‘the hypothesis of a calculable future
leads to a wrong interpretation of the principles of behaviour’. The longer the
lapse between choice and consequence, the more likely individuals are to
suspect that they must decide in an environment of true uncertainty.

The objective probability environment and true uncertainty Keynes (1936,

pp. 148–50, 161) claimed that some future consequences could have no prob-
The Post Keynesian school 465

ability ratios assigned to them. Of course, as a computational matter, me-

chanical use of formulas permits one to calculate a value for an arithmetic
mean, standard deviation, and so on, of any data set collected over time. The
question is what meaning the values calculated in this way should carry. If
economists do not possess, never have possessed, and conceptually never will
possess an ensemble of macroeconomic worlds, then it can be logically
argued that objective probability structures do not even fleetingly exist, and a
distribution function of probabilities cannot be defined. The application of
the mathematical theory of stochastic processes to macroeconomic phenom-
ena would be therefore highly questionable, if not invalid in principle. Hicks
(1979, p. 129) reached a similar judgement and wrote:

I am bold enough to conclude, from these considerations, that the usefulness of

‘statistical’ or ‘stochastic’ methods in economics is a good deal less than is now
conventionally supposed. We have no business to turn to them automatically; we
should always ask ourselves, before we apply them, whether they are appropriate
to the problem at hand. Very often they are not.

Clearly, the objective probability environment associated with the rational

expectations hypothesis involves a very different conception. In the context
of forming macroeconomic expectations, it holds that time averages calcu-
lated from past data will converge with the time average of any future
realization. Knowledge about the future involves projecting averages based
on the past and/or current realizations to forthcoming events. The future is
merely the statistical reflection of the past and economic actions are in some
sense timeless. There can be no ignorance of upcoming events for those who
believe the past provides reliable statistical information (price signals) re-
garding the future, and this knowledge can be obtained if only one is willing
to spend the resources to examine past market data.
For the rational expectations hypothesis to provide a theory of expect-
ational formation without persistent errors, not only must the subjective and
objective distribution functions be equal at any given point of time, but
these functions must be derived from what are called ergodic stochastic
processes. By definition, an ergodic stochastic process simply means that
averages calculated from past observations cannot be persistently different
from the time average of future outcomes. In the ergodic circumstances of
objective probability distributions, probability is knowledge, not uncer-
tainty! Non-stationarity is a sufficient, but not a necessary, condition for
non-ergodicity. Some economists have suggested that the economy is a
non-stationary process moving through historical time and societal actions
can permanently alter economic prospects. Indeed, Keynes’s (1939b, p. 308)
famous criticism of Tinbergen’s econometric methodology was that eco-
nomic time series are not stationary for ‘the economic environment is not
466 Modern macroeconomics

homogeneous over a period of time (perhaps because non-statistical factors

are relevant)’.
However, at least some economic processes may be such that expectations
based on past distribution functions differ persistently from the time average
that will be generated as the future unfolds and becomes historical fact. In
these circumstances, sensible economic agents will disregard available mar-
ket information regarding relative frequencies, for the future is not statistically
calculable from past data and hence is truly uncertain. Or as Hicks (1977,
p. vii) succinctly put it, ‘One must assume that the people in one’s models do
not know what is going to happen, and know that they do not know just what
is going to happen’. In conditions of true uncertainty, people often realize
they just don’t have a clue!
Whenever economists talk about ‘structural breaks’ or ‘changes in regime’,
they are implicitly admitting that the economy is, at least at that stage, not
operating under the assumptions that allow the objective probability to hold.
For example, Robert Solow has argued that there is an interaction of histori-
cal–societal circumstances and economic events. In describing ‘the sort of
discipline economics ought to be’, Solow (1985, p. 328) has written: ‘Unfor-
tunately, economics is a social science’ and therefore ‘the end product of
economic analysis is … contingent on society’s circumstances – on historical
context … For better or worse, however, economics has gone down a differ-
ent path’.
The possibility of true uncertainty indicates that while objective probabilities
and the rational expectations hypothesis may be a reasonable approximation in
some areas where actions are routine, it cannot be seen as a general theory of
choice. Moreover, if the entire economy were encompassed by the objective
probability environment, there would be no role for money; that is, money
would be neutral! In all Arrow–Debreu type systems where perfect knowledge
about the future is provided by a complete set of spot and forward markets, all
payments are made at the initial instant at market-clearing prices. No money is
needed, since in essence goods trade for goods.

The subjective probability environment and true uncertainty In the subjec-

tive probability environment, the concept of probability can be interpreted
either in terms of degrees of conviction (Savage, 1954, p. 30), or as relative
frequencies (von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1953). In either case, the under-
lying assumptions are less stringent than in the objective probability
environment; for example, the Savage framework does not rely on a theory of
stochastic processes. However, true Keynesian uncertainty will still exist
when the decision maker either does not have a clue as to any basis for
making such subjective calculations, or recognizes the inapplicability of to-
day’s calculations for future pay-offs.
The Post Keynesian school 467

This environment of ignorance regarding future outcomes provides the

basis of a more general theory of choice, which can be explained in the
language of expected utility theorists. In expected utility theory, ‘a prospect
is defined as a list of consequences with an associated list of probabilities,
one for each consequence, such that these probabilities sum to unity. Conse-
quences are to be understood to be mutually exclusive possibilities: thus a
prospect comprises an exhaustive list of the possible consequences of a
particular course of action … [and] An individual’s preferences are defined
over the set of all conceivable prospects’ (Sugden, 1987, p. 2). Using these
definitions, an environment of true uncertainty (that is, one which is non-
ergodic) occurs whenever an individual cannot specify and/or order a complete
set of prospects regarding the future, either because: (i) the decision maker
cannot conceive of a complete list of consequences that will occur in the
future; or (ii) the decision maker cannot assign probabilities to all conse-
quences because ‘the evidence is insufficient to establish a probability’ so
that possible consequences ‘are not even orderable’ (Hicks, 1979, pp. 113,
A related but somewhat different set of conditions that will lead to true
uncertainty can be derived from Savage’s observation (1954, pp. 11–13) that
his integration of personal probabilities into expected utility theory ‘makes
no formal reference to time. In particular, the concept of an event as here
formulated is timeless’. Savage develops an ordering axiom of expected
utility theory, which explicitly requires ‘that the individual should have a
preference ordering over the set of all conceivable prospects’ (Sugden, 1987,
p. 2) and that the ordering be timeless. Hence, even if a decision maker can
conceive of a complete set of prospects if the pay-off is instantaneous, as
long as he or she fears that tomorrow’s prospects can differ in some unknown
way, then the decision maker will be unable to order tomorrow’s pay-off
completely, Savage’s ordering axiom is violated, and Keynes’s uncertainty
concept prevails.
Interestingly enough, Savage recognized (although many of his followers
have not) that his analytical structure is not a general theory; it does not deal
with true uncertainty. Savage (1954, p. 15) admits that ‘a person may not know
the consequences of the acts open to him in each state of the world. He might
be … ignorant’. However, Savage then states that such ignorance is merely the
manifestation of ‘an incomplete analysis of the possible states’. Ignorance
regarding the future can be defined away by accepting the ‘obvious solution’ of
assuming that the specification of these timeless states of the world can be
expanded to cover all possible cases. Savage (1954, p. 16) admits that this ‘all
possible states’ specification presumption when ‘carried to its logical extreme
… is utterly ridiculous … because the task implied in making such a decision is
not even remotely resembled by human possibility’.
468 Modern macroeconomics

By making this admission, Savage necessarily restricts his theory of choice

to ‘small world’ states (Savage, 1954, pp. 82–6) in which axioms of expected
utility theory apply, and hence he writes: ‘[T]his theory is practical [only] in
suitably limited domains … At the same time, the behavior of people is often
at variance with the theory … The main use I would make of [expected utility
postulates] … is normative, to police my own decisions for consistency’
(Savage, 1954, p. 20). Any monetary theory that does not recognize the
possibility of non-ergodic uncertainty cannot provide a non-neutral role for
money and hence is logically incompatible with Post Keynesian monetary
theory. In a Keynesian ‘large world’ as opposed to Savage’s small one,
decision makers may be unable to meet the axioms of expected utility theory
and instead adopt ‘haven’t a clue’ behaviour one time and ‘damn the torpe-
does’ behaviour at another, even if this implies that they make arbitrary and
inconsistent choices when exposed to the same stimulus over time.

8.10 Keynesian Uncertainty, Money and Explicit Money Contracts

Individuals in the real world must decide whether past experience provides a
useful guide to the future. Should one presume that economic processes are
uniform and consistent so that events are determined, either by ergodic
stochastic processes or at least by specified and completely ordered pros-
pects? Can the agent completely dismiss any fear of tragedy during the time
between choice and outcome? Does the agent believe he or she is ignorant
regarding the future? No rule can be specified in advance regarding how
individuals decide whether they are in an objective, a subjective, or a true
uncertainty environment. However, their perception will make a difference to
their behaviour.
Keynes laid great stress on the distinction between uncertainty and prob-
ability, especially in relation to decisions involving the accumulation of wealth
and the possession of liquidity. The essence of his General Theory involves
liquidity preferences and animal spirits dominating real expenditure choices.
Money plays a unique role in ‘ruling the roost’ among all assets (Keynes,
1936, p. 223) and it is non-neutral in both the short and long run (Keynes,
1973a, pp. 408–11). These claims, as Keynes made clear in his 1937 restate-
ment (Keynes, 1973b, pp. 112, 114) of where he saw his general theory ‘most
clearly departing from previous theory’, rested on the clear distinction be-
tween the ‘probability calculus’ and conditions of uncertainty when ‘there is
no scientific basis to form any calculable probability whatever. We simply do
not know.’
Liquidity and animal spirits are the driving forces behind Keynes’s analy-
sis of long-period underemployment equilibrium, even in a world of flexible
prices. Neither objective nor subjective probabilities suffice to understand the
The Post Keynesian school 469

role of non-neutral money and monetary policy in Keynes’s underemploy-

ment equilibrium analysis. It is not surprising, therefore, that unemployment
still plagues most twenty-first-century economies, since most economists still
formulate policy guidelines which are only applicable to a limited domain
where agents choose ‘as if’ they had specific and completely ordered knowl-
edge about the future outcomes of their actions.
In Davidson (1978, 1982), I have shown that the existence of the societal
institution of legally enforceable forward contracts denominated in nominal
(not real!) terms creates a monetary environment that is not neutral, even in
the long run. These legal arrangements permit agents to protect themselves to
some extent against the unpredictable consequences of current decisions to
commit real resources towards production and investment activities of long
duration. Legal enforcement of fixed money contracts permits each party in a
contract to have sensible expectations that if the other party does not fulfil its
contractual obligation, the injured party is entitled to just compensation and
hence will not suffer a pecuniary loss. Tobin (1985, pp. 108–9) has written
that the existence of money ‘has always been an awkward problem for neo-
classical general equilibrium theory … [and] the alleged neutrality of money
… The application of this neutrality proposition to actual real world mon-
etary policies is a prime example of the fallacy of misplaced concreteness.’
Tobin then associates Keynes’s rejection of money neutrality presumption
with Keynes’s emphasis on ‘the essential unpredictability, even in a
probabilistic sense’ of the future (Tobin, 1985, pp. 112–13).
The social institution of money and the law of fixed money contracts
enables entrepreneurs and households to form sensible expectations regard-
ing cash flows (but not necessarily real outcomes) over time and hence cope
with the otherwise unknowable future. Contractual obligations fixed in
nominal terms provide assurance to the contracting parties that despite
uncertainty, they can at least determine future consequences in terms of
cash flows. Entering into fixed purchase and hiring contracts of long dura-
tion limits nominal liabilities to what the entrepreneur believes his or her
liquidity position (often buttressed by credit commitments from a banker)
can survive. Entrepreneurs feeling the animal urge to action in the face of
uncertainty will not make any significant decisions involving real resource
commitments until they are sure of their liquidity position, so that they can
meet their contractual (transaction demand) cash outlays. Fixed forward
money contracts allow entrepreneurs (and households) to find an efficient
sequence for the use of and payment for resources in time-consuming
production and exchange processes.
Money, in an entrepreneur economy, is defined as the ‘means of contrac-
tual settlement’. This implies that in the Post Keynesian monetary theory, the
civil law of contracts determines what is money in any law-abiding society.
470 Modern macroeconomics

In the first page of text in his Treatise on Money, Keynes (1930a, Vol. 1, p. 3)
reminds us that money comes into existence in association with contracts!
The possession of money, or any liquid asset (Davidson, 1982, p. 34), pro-
vides liquidity (a liquid asset is one that is resaleable for money on a
well-organized, orderly spot market). Liquidity is defined as the ability to
meet one’s nominal contractual obligations when they come due. In an uncer-
tain world where liabilities are specified in terms of money, the holding of
money is a valuable choice (Keynes, 1936, pp. 236–7). Further, the banking
system’s ability to create ‘real bills’ to provide the liquidity to finance in-
creases in production flows is an essential expansionary element in the
operation of a (non-neutral) money production economy. If tight money
policies prevent some entrepreneurs from obtaining sufficient additional bank
money commitments at reasonable pecuniary cost, when managers (in the
aggregate) wish to expand their production flows (and the liquidity prefer-
ence of the public is unchanged), then some entrepreneurs will not be able to
meet their potential additional contractual payroll and materials-purchase
obligations before the additional output is produced and then profitably sold.
Accordingly, without the creation of additional bank money, entrepreneurs
will not be willing to sign additional hiring and material supply contracts and
long-run employment growth is stymied, even when entrepreneurs feel that
future effective demand is sufficient to warrant expansion. A shortage of
money can hold up the expansion of real output, despite expected profits!
Liquid assets also provide a safe haven for not committing one’s monetary
claims on resources when the threat of uncertainty becomes great, as in
Keynes’s discussion of precautionary and speculative motives. Keynes (1936)
claimed that the attribute of liquidity is only associated with durables that
possess ‘essential properties so that they are neither readily produced by
labour in the private sector nor easily substitutable, for liquidity purposes,
with goods produced by labour’.
When agents’ fear of the uncertain future increases their aggregate demand
for ‘waiting’ (even in the long run), agents will divert their earned income
claims from the purchase of the current products of industry to demanding
additional liquidity. Consequently, effective demand for labour in the private
sector declines. Only in an unpredictable (non-ergodic) environment does it
make sense to defer expenditures in this way, as opposed to spending all one’s
earnings on the various products of industry being traded in free markets.
This liquidity argument may appear to be similar to the view of general
equilibrium theorists like Grandmont and Laroque (1976), who stress an
option demand for money. However, in their model and many others, money
has an option value only because of very unrealistic assumptions elsewhere
in the model. For example, Grandmont and Laroque (1976) assume that (i) all
producible goods are non-storable; (ii) no financial system exists, which
The Post Keynesian school 471

means no borrowing and no spot markets for reselling securities; and (iii) fiat
money is the only durable and hence the only possible store of value which
can be carried over to the future. Of course, if durable producible and produc-
tive goods existed (as they do in the real world) and outcomes associated with
holding producible durables were completely orderable, flexible spot and
forward prices would reflect the multiperiod consumption plans of individu-
als and no ‘optimizing’ agent would hold fiat money as a store of value. Say’s
Law would be applicable, and the nominal quantity of money would be
neutral. Hence Grandmont and Laroque can achieve ‘temporary’ Keynesian
equilibrium via an option demand for money to hold over time only under the
most inane of circumstances. By contrast, Keynes allowed the demand to
hold money as a long-run store of value to coexist with the existence of
productive durables.
Another approach to liquidity is that of Kreps, whose analysis of ‘waiting’
(Kreps, 1988, p. 142) presumes that at some earlier future date each agent
will receive ‘information about which state prevails’ at a later future pay-off
date. Accordingly, waiting to receive information is only a short-run phenom-
enon; long-run waiting behaviour is not optimal in the Kreps analysis –
unless the information is never received! The option to wait is normally
associated with a ‘preference for flexibility’ until sufficient information is
obtained. Although Kreps does not draw this implication, his framework
implies that if agents never receive the needed information and thus remain in
a state of true uncertainty, they will wait forever.
Keynes (1936, p. 210), on the other hand, insisted that decisions not to buy
products – to save – did ‘not necessitate a decision to have dinner or to buy a
pair of boots a week hence or a year hence or to consume any specified thing
at any specified date … It is not a substitution of future consumption demand
for current consumption demand – it is a net diminution of such demand.’ In
other words, neither Kreps’s waiting option nor the Grandmont and Laroque
option demand for money explain Keynes’s argument that there may be no
intertemporal substitution. In the long run, people may still want to stay
liquid and hence a long-run unemployment equilibrium can exist.
This argument has empirical support. Danziger et al. (1982–3, p. 210)
analysed microdata on consumption and incomes of the elderly and have
shown that ‘the elderly do not dissave to finance their consumption at retire-
ment … they spend less on consumption goods and services (save significantly
more) than the non-elderly at all levels of income. Moreover, the oldest of the
elderly save the most at given levels of income.’ These facts suggest that as
life becomes more truly uncertain with age, the elderly ‘wait’ more without
making a decision to spend their earned claims on resources. This behaviour
is irrational according to the life cycle hypothesis, inconsistent with the
Grandmont–Laroque option demand for waiting, and not compatible with
472 Modern macroeconomics

Kreps’s ‘waiting’ – unless one is willing to admit that even in the long run
‘information about which state will prevail’ may not exist, and these eco-
nomic decisions are made under a state of Keynesian uncertainty.
Probabilistic analysis of waiting and option value recognize only a need to
postpone spending over time. However, only Keynesian uncertainty provides
a basis for a long-run demand for liquidity and the possibility of long-run
underemployment equilibrium.

8.11 Conclusions

The fundamental building blocks of Post Keynesian theory are: (i) the non-
neutrality of money; (ii) the existence of non-ergodic uncertainty in some
important decision-making aspects of economic life; and (iii) the denial of
the ubiquitousness of the gross substitution axiom. One way that humans
have coped with having to make decisions where pay-offs will occur in the
unforeseen and possibly unforeseeable future is via the development of the
law of contracts by civilized societies, and the use of money as a chartalist
means of discharging contracts. The abolition of slavery makes the enforce-
ment of real contracts for human labour illegal. Accordingly, civilized society
has decided not to permit ‘real contracting’ no matter how efficient it can be
proved to be in neoclassical economics.
Keynes’s revolutionary analysis, where money is never neutral and liquidity
matters, is a general theory of an economy where the complete unpredictability
of the future may have important economic consequences. By contrast, neo-
classical optimization requires restrictive fundamental postulates regarding
uncertainty and hence expectations regarding future consequences that Keynes’s
analysis does not. The analyst must therefore choose which system is more
relevant for analysing the economic problem under study.
For many routine decisions, assuming the uniformity and consistency of
nature over time (that is, assuming ergodicity) may be, by the definition of
routine, a useful simplification for handling the problem at hand. For prob-
lems involving investment and liquidity decisions where large unforeseeable
changes over long periods of calendar time cannot be ruled out, the Keynesian
uncertainty model is more applicable. To presume a universe of discoverable
regularities which can be expected to continue into the future and where the
neutrality of money is therefore central (Lucas, 1981b, p. 561) will provide a
misleading analogy for developing macro policies for monetary, production
economies whenever money really matters and affects production decisions
in the real economy.
Economists should be careful not to claim more for their discipline than
they can deliver. The belief that in ‘some circumstances’ the world is
probabilistic (Lucas and Sargent, 1981, pp. xi–xii), or that future prospects
The Post Keynesian school 473

can be completely ordered, will tend to lead to the argument that individuals
in free markets will not make persistent errors and will tend to know better
than the government how to judge the future. Basing general rules on these
particular assumptions can result in disastrous policy advice for governmen-
tal officials facing situations where many economic decision makers feel
unable to draw conclusions about the future from the past.
However, if economists can recognize and identify when these (non-ergodic)
economic conditions of true uncertainty are likely to be prevalent, govern-
ment can play a role in improving the economic performance of markets.
Economists should strive to design institutional devices which can produce
legal constraints on the infinite universe of events which could otherwise
occur as the economic process moves through historical time. For example,
governments can set up financial safety nets to prevent, or at least offset,
disastrous consequences that might occur, and also provide monetary incen-
tives to encourage individuals to take civilized actions which are determined
by democratic processes to be in the social interest (Davidson and Davidson,
1988). Where private institutions do not exist, or need buttressing against
winds of true uncertainty, government should develop economic institutions
which attempt to reduce uncertainties by limiting the possible consequences
of private actions to those that are compatible with full employment and
reasonable price stability.
9. The Austrian school
Roger W. Garrison*

Mr. Keynes’s aggregates conceal the most fundamental mechanisms of change.

(Hayek, 1931)

9.1 The Mengerian Vision

The Austrian school is best known for its microeconomics and, in particular,
for its role in the marginalist revolution. In the early 1870s, Carl Menger,
along with French economist Léon Walras and English economist William
Stanley Jevons, reoriented value theory by calling attention to the marginal
unit of a good as key to our understanding the determination of the good’s
market price. With marginality central to the analysis, microeconomics was
forever changed. It is less widely recognized, however, that a viable macr-
oeconomic construction also arises quite naturally out of the marginalist
revolution in the context of Menger’s vision of a capital-using market economy.
Modern macroeconomics makes a distinction between factor markets (in-
puts) and product markets (outputs). Intermediate inputs and outputs are
rarely in play. By contrast, the economics of the Austrian school features a
production process – a sequence of activities in which the outputs associated
with some activities feed in as inputs to subsequent activities. The eventual
yield of consumable output constitutes the end of the sequence. Menger
(1981 [1871]) set out the theory in terms of ‘orders of goods’, the first, or
lowest, order constituting consumer goods and second, third and higher or-
ders constituting producers’ goods increasingly remote in time from goods of
the lowest order. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1959 [1889]) introduced the
similar notion of ‘maturity classes’ to capture this temporal element in the
economy’s production process. He stressed the point that an increase in the
economy’s growth rate must entail an increase in activity in the earlier matu-
rity classes relative to (concurrent) activity in the later maturity classes.

* Roger W. Garrison, Professor of Economics at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (USA),

is the author of Time and Money: The Macroeconomics of Capital Structure (London:
Routledge, 2001). He gratefully acknowledges helpful suggestions offered by Lane Boyte
and Sven Thommesen during the preparation of this chapter.

The Austrian school 475

Böhm-Bawerk was possibly the first economist to insist that propositions

about the macroeconomy have firm microeconomic foundations. In an 1895
essay, he wrote that ‘One cannot eschew studying the microcosm if one
wants to understand properly the macrocosm of a developed economy’
(Hennings, 1997, p. 74). Ludwig von Mises (1953 [1912]), who is generally
credited for using marginal utility analysis to account for the value of money,
was also the first to recognize the significance of credit creation in the context
of a decentralized, time-consuming production process. The capital theory
originated by Menger and the theory of money and credit set out by Mises
were developed by Friedrich Hayek (1967 [1935]) into the Austrian theory of
the business cycle. Lionel Robbins (1971 [1934]) and Murray Rothbard
(1963) applied the theory to the interwar episode of boom and bust. Eventu-
ally, the insights of these and other Austrians gave rise to a full-fledged
capital-based macroeconomics (Horwitz, 2000 and Garrison, 2001; see also
Littlechild, 1990).

9.2 The Intertemporal Structure of Capital

Hayek greatly simplified the Austrian vision of a capital-using economy by

modelling the economy’s production activities as a sequence of inputs and a
point output. Each element in the sequence is designated a ‘stage of produc-
tion’, the number of stages posited being largely a matter of pedagogical
convenience. This simple construction was first introduced as a bar chart with
the individual bars arrayed temporally, their (equal) widths representing in-
crements of production time. The length of the final bar represents the value
of consumable output; the attenuated lengths of the preceding bars represent
the values of the goods in process at the various stages of production.
Figure 9.1 shows ten stages of production arrayed from left to right. (In
the original Hayekian rendition, five stages were arrayed from top to bot-
tom.) The specific number of stages is not intended to quantify any actual,
empirically established detail about the economy’s production process but
rather to capture our general understanding that in many instances the
(intermediate) output of one stage is used as an input to a subsequent stage.
That is, vertical integration – and, certainly, complete vertical integration –
is not the norm. Hayek’s ‘stages’ do not translate cleanly into ‘firms’ or
‘industries’. Some vertically integrated activities may be carried out within
a single firm. An oil company, for example, may be engaged in exploring,
extracting, refining, distributing and retailing. A paper manufacturer, for
another example, may be supplying paper for blueprints and for greeting
cards, thus operating simultaneously in different stages. And there are obvi-
ous deviations from the strict one-way temporal sequence: coal may be
used in the production of steel while steel is used in the production of coal.
476 Modern macroeconomics


Early output

Stages of production
Figure 9.1 The intertemporal structure of production

(This is the supposedly telling counter-example offered by Frank Knight in

his critical introduction to the English translation of Menger’s Principles.)
Still, as with all simple models, this Austrian model of the capital structure
is notable not for its many sins of omission but rather for the essential
truths that are captured by its construction.
Means are employed to achieve ends, and those means are temporally prior
to the corresponding ends. Production moves forward through time. Valua-
tion, however, emanates in the reverse direction. That is, the anticipated value
of an end attaches itself to the means capable of achieving that end. This is
Menger’s Law. The demand for the factors of production and hence for the
outputs of the intermediate stages of production is a derived demand. The
direction of valuation is implicit in Menger’s designation of consumption
goods as ‘goods of the first order’. The market values of goods of the second,
third and higher orders are ultimately derived from the anticipated value of
the first-order goods. But even with the doctrine of derived demand fully in
play, those values entail a systematic time discount consistent with the tem-
poral remoteness of higher-order goods.
The Austrian vision puts the entrepreneur in a key role. At a minimum, the
entrepreneur operating in some particular stage of production must anticipate
the demand for his own output, assessing the profitability of his activities with
due attention to the cost of borrowed funds. Longer-run planning may require
gauging the strength of demand several stages forward, including ultimately
the demand for the consumable output. Speculative activities may consist in
part in the movement of resources – in response to a change in credit conditions
– from one stage to another and possibly in the creation of new stages of
production that are of a higher order than the highest order of the existing
stages. The increasing ‘roundaboutness’, to use Böhm-Bawerk’s term, and the
The Austrian school 477

increasing significance of the time element in the production process, are

characteristic of developing (and developed) capitalist economies.
The attention to the temporal structure of production suggests that the time
element is an important variable in our understanding of how a decentralized
economy works to coordinate production activities with consumer prefer-
ences and hence in our understanding of what might go wrong with the
coordinating mechanisms. The use of multiple stages of production gives full
play to marginalist thinking. Austrian macro is micro-friendly. The pattern of
resource allocation can be modified in systematic ways, changing the tempo-
ral profile of production activities. A marginal decrease in late-stage activities
coupled with a marginal increase in early-stage activities has important im-
plications for the economy’s overall growth rate. Significantly, a related
pattern of marginal changes gives rise to boom and bust. Changes in the
intertemporal pattern of resource allocation have a claim on our attention,
according to the Austrians, even if these marginal changes cancel one another
out in some conventional macroeconomic aggregate such as investment spend-
ing (in all stages) or total spending (by both consumers and the investment
The pattern of resource allocation associated with intertemporal equilib-
rium exhibits a certain uniformity in terms of the value differentials that
separate the stages of production. The difference in the value of the output of
one stage and the value of the output of the next stage reflects, among other
things, the general terms of intertemporal exchange, expressed summarily as
the market rate of interest. With a given rate of interest, excessive stage-to-
stage value differentials would present themselves as profit opportunities
which could be exploited only by reallocating resources toward the earlier
stages of production. In the limit, when all such profit opportunities have
been competed away, the relative prices of inputs used in the various stages
are brought into line with the equilibrium rate of interest. A summary graphi-
cal rendering of the intertemporal capital structure takes the form of a triangle
encasing the sequence of stages that constitute such an intertemporal equilib-
rium. The Hayekian triangle in Figure 9.1 keeps the many complexities of
capital theory at bay while keeping in play the overall time element in the
production process.
The extreme level of simplification warrants some discussion. First, we
note that the triangle’s hypotenuse, which tracks the value of the yet-to-be
completed consumables, rises linearly from no value at all to the full market
value of the consumables. Yet we know that the interest rate is expressed in
percentage terms and, starting from some initial input value, allows for com-
pounding. Clearly – and contrary to the Hayekian triangle – such percentage
value differentials imply that the cumulative value should be tracked by a
curve that rises exponentially from some initial value to some final value.
478 Modern macroeconomics

Here, linearity wins out on the grounds of its being simpler in construction
yet adequate to the task. It is also true to Hayek’s original formulation. We
need to recognize, however, that the triangle would be inadequate for dealing
with any issue for which the compounding effect is critical. Ambiguities
about the precise relationship between the interest rate and the overall degree
of roundaboutness arise when the effects of compound interest are factored
in. These and related ambiguities concerning capital intensity lay at the heart
of the Cambridge capital controversy (see Harcourt, 1972), a protracted and,
ultimately, sterile debate that attracted much attention a few decades ago. But
for dealing with the business cycle and related macroeconomic issues, the
triangle, simple as it is, does just fine.
Second, the horizontal leg of the triangle, which invites us to imagine a
sequence of unit time intervals, does not translate readily into calendar time.
In application, an early stage of production consists only partly in goods in
process – pine saplings that mature over time into lumber or wine that
undergoes an ageing process. Earliness is also implicit in durable capital
goods or even in human capital. These factors of production are categorized
as early-stage because they will have a yield over an extended future. The
heterogeneity of capital warns against trying to create a single metric, such as
some average period of production, or to quantify in some other way the
production time for the macroeconomy. Still, many early-stage activities and
late-stage activities are readily discernible. Inventory management at retail is
a late-stage activity. Product development is an early-stage activity. Increases
in the time dimension of the economy’s capital structure might take the form
of shifting resources from relatively late to relatively early stages, of creating
capital goods of greater durability, or of simply changing the mix of goods
produced in favour of those involving more time-consuming (but higher-
yielding) production processes.
Third, the vertical leg of the Hayekian triangle, which represents the value
of consumable output, implies that consumption occurs at a single point in
time at the end of the production process. This is not to deny the existence of
consumer durables. But expanding the intertemporal aspect of the macro-
economy to include consumption time would complicate matters without
adding much to the analysis. The triangle focuses attention on the particulars
of production and on aspects of the market process that lose much of their
relevance once the goods are in the hands of the consumer. The notion of
‘stages of consumption’ would be contrived if not meaningless.
In application there is a fine line – in Austrian theory as in more conven-
tional theory – between an investment good and a consumer durable.
Residential housing, whether or not owner-occupied, is universally catego-
rized as investment, the rental value (actual or implicit) of its services
qualifying as consumption. Owner-driven automobiles, however, despite their
The Austrian school 479

considerable durability and implicit lease value, are categorized as consump-

tion goods. Instances can be imagined in which a consumable (for example a
light truck purchased new for non-commercial use) is later sold into an early
stage of production (for example as a work truck). But as a general rule,
goods delivered into the hands of consumers stay in the hands of consumers.
Attention to these and related matters may be necessary in particular applica-
tions of the Austrian theory, but the theory itself is based on the vision of a
multi-stage production process that yields a consumable output.
In its simplest interpretation, Figure 9.1 represents a no-growth economy.
Gross investment, financed by saving, is just enough to offset capital depre-
ciation. With given tastes and technology, the macroeconomy settles into an
intertemporal equilibrium and produces consumption goods at an unchanging
rate. More typically, saving and gross investment exceed capital depreciation,
allowing the economy to grow at every margin. If we can assume for the
moment an unchanging rate of interest, the growth can be represented by a
triangle of increasing size, its general shape remaining the same.
The pay-off to Hayekian triangulation, however, comes from allowing for
changes in the triangle’s shape. More conventional macroeconomic construc-
tions make the implicit assumption of structural fixity or structural irrelevance.
In the Austrian theory, changes in saving behaviour have implications for the
allocation of resources within the economy’s capital structure. In turn, the
changing shape of the triangle affects the time profile of consumable output.
The natural focus of the analysis is on intertemporal coordination and possi-
ble causes of intertemporal discoordiantion.

9.3 Saving and Economic Growth

We tend to think of economies as experiencing some ongoing rate of growth.

The growth rate will be positive, negative, or zero, depending upon the
relationship between saving and capital depreciation. In a stationary, or no-
growth, economy, saving finances just enough investment to offset capital
depreciation. Consumable output is constant over time, as depicted in the first
two periods in Figure 9.2.
If saving is in excess of capital depreciation, the economy grows. The
volume of consumable output rises over time, as depicted in the last three
periods of Figure 9.2. The output of each of the stages of production in-
creases as well. The economy grows at every margin, allowing even for a
continual increase in the number of stages. During a period of secular growth,
the Hayekian triangle increases in size but not – or not necessarily – in shape.
An interesting question, one whose answer serves as a prelude to the Aus-
trian analysis of business cycles, concerns the transition from no growth to a
positive rate of growth – or, for that matter, from some initial growth rate to a
480 Modern macroeconomics

Consumable output

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time
saving > depreciation

Figure 9.2 A possible temporal pattern of consumable output

higher growth rate. What must be true about the time profile of consumable
output during the transition? Let’s assume that there has been no change in the
state of technology or in the general availability of resources. We assume,
though, that people’s intertemporal preferences change if favour of future
consumption. If confronted with the simple choice between no growth and
growth, people would surely prefer the latter. The choice, however, is never
quite that simple. The memorable acronym introduced by science-fiction writer
Robert Heinlein (1966) applies. TANSTAAFL: ‘There ain’t no such thing as a
free lunch’. Modifying the acronym to fit the application, we recognize that
TANSTAFG. Free growth is not available for the asking, either.
The relevant trade-off is that between consumable output in the near future
and consumable output in the more remote future. Are people willing to forgo
some current and near-term consumption in order to enjoy increasing con-
sumption over an extended period? It is the forgoing of current and near-term
consumption, after all, that frees up the resources with which to expand the
economy’s productive capacity and make increasing future consumption pos-
sible. In Figure 9.2 the hypothesized preference change occurs at the end of
the second period. In light of this change, the output of consumption goods
during the third period needs to be reduced. The freed-up resources can be
employed in earlier stages of production. So altered, the capital structure will
eventually begin yielding consumables at an increased rate, matching the
initial output level at the end of the sixth period (in this particular example)
and exceeding it in the subsequent periods.
The market economy, in the judgement of the Austrians, is capable of
tailoring intertemporal production activities to match intertemporal consump-
The Austrian school 481

5 Initial
4 consumable
3 output

Stages of production
Initial highest
stage of production

Figure 9.3 Intertemporal capital restructuring

tion preferences. The temporal pattern of consumable output shown in Figure

9.2 requires a capital restructuring, as can be depicted by a change in the
Hayekian triangle’s shape. Figure 9.3 shows the general nature of the re-
quired change. The no-growth periods 1 and 2, which pre-date the preference
change, are depicted by the triangle having a relatively short intertemporal
capital structure. Beginning with the preference change at the end of period
2, consumption falls, reaching a minimum at the end of period 3. The freed-
up resources can be allocated to the early stages of production and to the
creation of still earlier stages, enhancing the ability of the economy to pro-
duce consumable output in the future. The reduced near-term yield of
consumable output and the increased number of stages of production are
depicted by the triangle 3, the smallest of the reshaped triangles.
As goods in process begin to move through the restructured sequence of
stages, the output of consumables begins to rise, and with saving now in
excess of capital depreciation, expansion continues in each of the stages of
production. The economy experiences a positive secular growth rate, as shown
by the triangles 4 through 8, triangle 6 having the same consumable output as
the initial no-growth triangle. Yet to be discussed are the market mechanisms
that actually bring about this capital restructuring. At this point, the focus is
on the correspondence between the intertemporal capital restructuring shown
in Figure 9.3 and the temporal pattern of consumable output shown in Figure
The attention here to a one-time simple preference change resulting in a
transition from a no-growth economy to an economy experiencing a positive
secular growth rate finds justification in analytical and heuristic convenience.
More complex preference changes can easily be imagined. Actual changes in
intertemporal preferences may themselves be gradual, and the preferred time
profile of consumables is undoubtedly not as simply described as is the
intertemporal pattern in Figure 9.2. This is only to say that a decentralized
482 Modern macroeconomics

economy – including its intertemporal dimension – entails much more com-

plexity than can be depicted by our simple pedagogical constructions.
The key feature of Figure 9.2 is the reduction of consumable output during
the transition from no growth to a positive rate of growth. The forgone
consumption is a manifestation of the Heinleinian principle: there ain’t no
such thing as free economic growth. In applications where the initial rate of
growth is positive, there need not be an actual decline in consumable output.
In this circumstance, the Heinleinian principle would manifest itself in a
more subtle way. With consumable output growing initially at a rate of, say, 2
per cent, an increased willingness to save may give rise to a pattern of output
that rises continuously but at changing rates – possibly from the initial rate of
2 per cent to 1 per cent and then subsequently to 3 per cent. During the
transition period, in which the growth rate is only 1 per cent, people are
forgoing consumable output that they could have enjoyed had they not de-
cided to increase their saving.
The explicit recognition of the opportunity costs associated with saving-
induced growth underlies a general proscription relevant to policy making. In
short, the Austrians are not cheerleaders for growth. Many introductory and
intermediate texts introduce the subject matter of macroeconomics with a
short list of policy goals. Invariably, a prominent entry on the list is rapid
economic growth. But is there any basis for including a high growth rate as a
goal for policy makers to achieve? What is needed, according to the Austri-
ans, are institutional arrangements that allow the growth rate of consumable
output to be consistent with people’s willingness to save. Production plans
need to be consistent with consumption preferences. But that consistency
may entail a low growth rate, no growth, or – in unusual circumstances –
even a negative growth rate. The growth rate itself is nothing but a summary
description of people’s willingness to forgo consumption in the near future in
order to enjoy increased consumption in the more remote future. Macro-
economists should not adopt ‘rapid growth’ as one of their goals any more
than microeconomists should adopt ‘plenty of vegetables’ as one of theirs.
Still, there are key macroeconomic issues in play here. Achieving the right
growth rate in macroeconomics has its parallel in microeconomics in achiev-
ing the right quantity of vegetables. As discussed in the following two sections,
both of these goals are achieved if the relevant supply and demand schedules
accurately reflect the fundamentals – the preferences and constraints that
govern the respective market activities.

9.4 The Saving–Investment Nexus

Is there a market mechanism that allows people to actually make the trade-
offs discussed in the previous section? This is a critical question – one that
The Austrian school 483

lies at the heart of macroeconomic debate and one whose answers separate
the different schools of thought. The question can be posed in a way that
highlights the macroeconomic concerns: is there a market mechanism that
brings saving and investment in line with one another without at the same
time having perverse effects (for example widespread resource idleness) on
the macroeconomy? The alternative answers have clear implications for the
viability of market economies and for the proper role of the policy maker.

9.4.1 A detour through monetarism

Some macroeconomists would answer the critical question in the affirmative,
taking the market’s allocation of resources to the production of consumption
goods and the production of investment goods, the latter financed by saving,
to be on a par with the market’s allocation of resources to the production of
fruits and the production of vegetables. In other words, within the overall
output aggregate, the allocation issue – whether among narrowly defined
goods (peaches and potatoes) or among broad-based sub-aggregates (con-
sumption and investment) – is largely the province of microeconomics.
Macroeconomics, in this view, should focus on the overall output aggre-
gate itself as it relates to other macroeconomic variables, such as the general
price level and the money supply. These macroeconomic variables, symbol-
ized as Q, P and M, come together in the familiar equation of exchange:

MV = PQ (9.1)

This equation, of course, was ground zero for the monetarist counter-revolu-
tion against the Keynesianism of the 1950s (see Chapter 4). The velocity of
money, V, is defined by the equation itself, and before the early 1980s its
empirically demonstrated near-constancy in different countries and in differ-
ent time periods established a strong relationship between the money supply
and some index of output prices. What is commonly known as the quantity
theory of money is more descriptively called the quantity-of-money theory of
the price level.
The monetarists argued that the long-run consequence of a change in the
money supply is an equiproportional change in the general level of prices – a
consequence tempered only by ongoing secular changes in real output and in
the velocity of money. Allowances were made for short-run variations in real
output. That is, overall output Q may rise and then fall while P is adjusting to
an increased M. However, the monetarists paid little attention to the relative
movements of the major sub-aggregates (consumption and investment) dur-
ing the adjustment process and no attention at all to the sub-aggregates
(stages of production) that make up aggregate investment. Whether dealing
with long-run secular growth or with short-run money-induced movements in
484 Modern macroeconomics

real output, the focus was on the summary output variable Q. Whatever
change is occurring within the output aggregate – as might be tracked by the
Austrians in terms of the Hayekian triangle – was taken to be irrelevant to the
greater issues of macroeconomics.

9.4.2 The saving–investment perversity of Keynesianism

It was Keynesian economics, of course, that the monetarist counter-revolu-
tion was intended to counter. But on the issue of a saving–investment nexus,
the counter could be more accurately described as a cover-up. In his General
Theory Keynes (1936, p. 21) had explicitly faulted his predecessors and
contemporaries for ‘fallaciously supposing that there is a nexus which unites
decisions to abstain from present consumption with decisions to provide for
future consumption’. According to Keynes, there is no simple and effective
way of coordinating these two decisions. Rather, the mechanisms that do
eventually bring saving into line with investment are indirect and perverse.
The saving–investment perversity, in fact, is central to the Keynesian vision
of the macroeconomy (see Leijonhufvud, 1968).
The equation of exchange can be rewritten in a way that uncovers the
issues on which the Keynesian revolution was based. Aggregate output Q
consists of the output of consumption goods plus the output of investment
goods. That is, Q = QC + QI, the QI reckoned as the ‘final’ output of invest-
ment goods – so as to avoid double counting. The equation of exchange, then,
can be rewritten as:

MV = P(QC + QI) (9.2)

emphasizing that the problem as seen by Keynes (the volatility of QI and its
impact on all other macroeconomic magnitudes) is a problem that is simply
not addressed by the monetarists. Rather, replacing the Keynesian QC + QI
with the monetarist Q served only to cover up the primary locus of perversity.
The question of just how the output of investment goods gets squared with
preferred trade-off between current consumption and future consumption is
not answered by the monetarists – nor is it even asked.
In the Keynesian vision, which will be dealt with at some length in section
9.11, movements in the investment aggregate impinge in the first instance on
incomes, which in turn impinge on consumption spending. That is, QC and QI
move in the same direction, the movements in QI being unpredictable and the
corresponding same-direction movements in QC being amplified by the famil-
iar Keynesian multiplier (see Chapter 2). Similarly, autonomous changes in
current consumption, if any, would tend to affect profit expectations and hence
cause investment spending to change in the same direction. Here, the principle
of derived demand is in play. With the two major sub-aggregates moving up
The Austrian school 485

and down together (though at different rates), the Keynesian theory precludes
by construction any possibility of there being a trade-off of the sort emphasized
by the Austrians. Further, considerations of durable capital and the so-called
investment accelerator imply the absence of a generally binding supply-side
constraint. There is simply no scope in the Keynesian vision for investment to
rise at the expense of current consumption. Similarly, market participants will-
ing to forgo current consumption (that is, to save) in order to be able to enjoy
greater future consumption would find their efforts foiled by the market mecha-
nisms that link saving and investment. Rather than stimulating investment,
increased saving would impinge on overall spending and hence on overall
income. This perverse negative income effect, which Keynes identified as the
paradox of thrift, is discussed at length in section 9.9.

9.4.3 Austrian disaggregation

The Austrian perspective on Keynesianism and monetarism in the context of
the equation of exchange is revealing. Keynesianism adopts a level of aggre-
gation that suggests a potential problem – one of dividing resources
appropriately between consumption and investment – but without allowing
for a non-perverse market solution to that problem. Monetarism, as well as
most strands of new classicism, increases the level of aggregation, obscuring
this central issue and hence relegating the problem as well as its solution to
the realm of microeconomics. Pre-dating both monetarism and Keynesianism,
the Austrians were inclined to work at a lower level of aggregation than either
of these schools, one in which both the problem and a potentially viable
market solution could be identified.
Again, the equation of exchange can serve as the common denominator of
the different schools of thought. For the Austrians, the investment aggregate
in the Keynesian rendition must be disaggregated so as to bring the stages of
production into play. QC is consumable output, or goods of the first order – to
use Menger’s terminology. Investments distributed across the nine preceding
stages are identified as Q2 through Q10. The equation of exchange thus be-

MV = P(QC + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 + Q6 + Q7 + Q8 + Q9 + Q10) (9.3)

Just as QI is reckoned as ‘final’ output in conventional macroeconomic theo-

rizing, the second- and higher-order goods (Q2 through Q10) in equation (9.3)
are similarly reckoned so as to maintain the integrity of the equation of
exchange. Double counting is thus avoided, and the sum of the output
magnitudes (in equations 9.2 and 9.3) is equal to total output and, equiva-
lently, to total income. But with the Austrian disaggregation, the focus of the
analysis is on the relative movements among the Qs as well as on their sum.
486 Modern macroeconomics

In the Keynesian construction, it might well seem implausible that an

increase in saving and a corresponding decrease in spending on QC could
cause QI to increase. If business firms are having problems selling out of their
current inventories, they are unlikely to be inspired to commit additional
resources to an expanded capacity and hence to the further overstocking of
these inventories. The doctrine of derived demand suggests that the demand
for productive capacity will mirror the demand for output. In the Austrian
construction, the doctrine of derived demand is tempered by considerations
of time discount. The multiple stages of production allow for enough degrees
of freedom for the consequences of a fall in consumer spending to be de-
scribed in terms of a change in the pattern of investment spending rather than
exclusively in terms of an opposing movement in an all-inclusive investment
aggregate. The story of how the market can plausibly work can be squared
with the doctrine of derived demand, but as told by the Austrians, the story is
not dominated by it. The analysis draws on microeconomics as well as
macroeconomics and, as indicated earlier, the main character is the entrepre-

9.4.4 Derived demand and time discount

An increase in saving sends two market signals to the business community.
Both must come into play if a change in intertemporal preferences is to get
translated successfully into corresponding changes in the economy’s multi-
stage production process. Changes in output prices together with changes in
the interest rate have consequences that affect the various stages of produc-
tion differentially. A non-perverse reallocation of resources in the face of
increased saving hinges critically on two principles: the principle of derived
demand and the principle of time discount. It is worth noting here that
perceived perversities in the saving–investment nexus of market economies
stem from an implicit denial of the second-mentioned principle. If derived
demand is taken to be the only principle in play, then it follows almost
trivially that the market cannot adapt to an increase in saving.
Increased saving means reduced current demand for consumer goods. (Of
course, for a growing economy in which both saving and consumption are
increasing, we would have to think in terms of changes in the relative rates of
increase. More rapidly increasing saving means a less rapidly increasing
demand for consumer goods.) A decrease in the demand for goods of the first
order – again, Menger’s terminology – has straightforward implications for
the demand for goods of the second order. The demand for coffee beans
moves with the demand for coffee. Menger’s Law prevails. More generally,
the demand for inputs that are in close temporal proximity to the consumable
output moves with the demand for that output. The demand for goods of the
second order is a derived demand. Under strict ceteris paribus conditions,
The Austrian school 487

which would entail no change in the rate of interest, derived demand would
be the whole story.
The more favourable credit conditions brought about by the increase in
saving is the basis for the rest of the story. A lower interest rate allows
businesses to carry inventories more cheaply. But how important is this
change in supply conditions? In gauging the relative changes in the demands
for goods of the first order and goods of the second order (coffee and coffee
beans), the time-discount effect is weak. Inventories of coffee beans are held
for only a short period of time, and consequently, the time-discount effect –
in this case, the reduced costs of carrying inventory – is trivial compared to
the derived-demand effect. The demand for coffee beans falls almost as much
as the demand for coffee. The strength of the time-discount effect is greater –
and increasingly greater – for the higher orders of goods. Consider, say, a
tenth-order good in the form of durable capital equipment. Testing facilities
and laboratory fixtures devoted to product development are good examples.
More favourable credit conditions could easily tip the scales toward creating
or expanding such a facility. In early stages of production, the time-discount
effect can more than offset the derived-demand effect.
Considerations of time discount draw resources into early stages of pro-
duction. Further, in gauging the profitability of early-stage activities, the
derived-demand effect itself can be augmenting rather than offsetting. Here,
the entrepreneurial element comes into play in a special way. What counts as
the relevant derived demand is not based on the current demand for goods of
the first order but rather on the anticipated demand at some future point in
time – a demand that may well be strengthened precisely because of the
accumulation of savings. The increased saving need not be taken as an
indication that the demand for consumables is permanently reduced. Rather,
savers are saving up for something. And entrepreneurs who best anticipate
just what they will be inclined to buy with their increased buying power stand
to profit from the intertemporal shift in spending.
The interplay between derived demand and time discount accounts for the
change in the pattern of resource allocation brought about by an increase in
saving. A judgement might be made that this account saddles the entrepre-
neurs with a greater burden than they can bear. Yet those same entrepreneurial
skills were already in play in maintaining the intertemporal capital structure
before the increase in saving. That is, even in the absence of a change in
intertemporal preferences, market conditions throughout the economy are
continuously changing in every other respect – changes in tastes, in technol-
ogy, in resource availabilities. Entrepreneurs must continuously adapt to those
changes, while maintaining the temporal progression from early-stage to late-
stage activities. An increase in saving simply requires that they make use of
those same skills – but under marginally changed credit conditions. A more
488 Modern macroeconomics

The derived-demand effect

dominates in the late stages

M V = P (QC + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 + Q6 + Q7 + Q8 + Q9 + Q10 )

The time-discount effect

dominates in the early stages

Figure 9.4 Time discount and derived demand

plausible judgement would be that an economy unable to adapt to a change in

saving preferences is most likely unable to maintain a tolerable degree of
economic coordination even in the absence of such changes.
Figure 9.4 reproduces the equation of exchange with the investment sector
disaggregated into nine stages of production. The arrows indicate the direc-
tion and relative magnitude of the change in the output quantities brought
about by an increase in saving. The reduction in the output of first-order
goods (QC) is echoed in the reduction in the output of second-through-fifth-
order goods (Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5), the magnitude of the reduction attenuated
by the time-discount effect for the increasingly higher orders of goods. Start-
ing (in this illustration) with sixth-order goods, the time-discount more than
offsets the derived-demand effect. There are increases in the output levels of
the sixth and earlier stages of production (Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9 and Q10), the time-
discount effect becoming more dominant with increasingly higher-order goods.
The increased saving frees up resources, which are then allocated to the
different stages of production in a pattern governed by the more favourable
credit conditions. Grouping Q2 through Q10 together in Figure 9.4, we see that
overall investment rises as the current demand for consumable output (QC)
falls. Contrary to Keynes’s paradox of thrift, consumption and investment can
move in opposite directions. Attention to the intertemporal pattern of invest-
ment allows us to resolve the paradox and to show how changes in investment
can be consistent with changes in saving behaviour. The wholesale neglect of
the pattern of investment underlay an early judgement by Hayek (1931) that
‘Mr. Keynes’s aggregates conceal the most fundamental mechanisms of
change’. It is significant that those fundamental mechanisms are set into
The Austrian school 489

motion by the supply and demand for loanable funds – because it was
loanable funds theory, a staple in the pre-Keynesians’ toolkit, that Keynes
specifically jettisoned.

9.5 The Market for Loanable Funds

Loanable funds theory has an honourable history. Over the years and across
several schools of thought, theorizing abstractly in terms of ‘loans’ was
simply a way of recognizing that the mechanisms of supply and demand
govern the intertemporal allocation of resources. The macroeconomic impli-
cations of loanable funds theory are best seen by focusing on the resources
themselves rather than on any particular financial instrument that allows the
allocator – the entrepreneur – to take command of the resources.
People produce output in a wide variety of forms. With their incomes they
engage in consumption spending, laying claim to most but not all of the
output that they have collectively produced. The part of income not so spent,
that is, their saving, bears a strong and systematic relationship to the part of
the output that is not currently consumed. These unconsumed resources can
be made available for increasing the economy’s productive capacity. In a
market economy, there are a number of different financial instruments (bank
deposits, passbook accounts, bonds and equity shares) that transfer command
over the unconsumed resources to the business community.
The term ‘loanable funds’, then, refers summarily to all the ways that the
investment community takes command of the unconsumed resources. Fur-
ther, taking command has to include retaining command – in the case of the
undistributed earnings of the business community. Here, the business firm, in
order to expand its own productive capacity, is forgoing some market rate of
return on its retained earnings, a rate that it could have obtained through the
financial sector. For macroeconomic relevance, however, loanable funds ex-
clude consumer loans. Income earned by one individual and spent on
consumption either by that individual or – through saving and the consumer
loan market – by another individual is not the focus of loanable funds theo-
With loanable funds broadly defined to capture the variety of ways that
real investments can be financed, the corresponding interest rate that equili-
brates this market must be understood in terms that are similarly broad. A
full-bodied theory of finance would have to allow for many interest rates, the
variations among them being attributable to differences in risk, liquidity and
time to maturity. But for getting at the fundamental relationships among the
variables of capital-based macroeconomics (output, consumption, saving,
investment, and even the intertemporal pattern of resource allocation), a
summary rate is adequate. As will be noted in subsequent sections, some
490 Modern macroeconomics


i eq


S=I S, I
Figure 9.5 The loanable funds market

considerations that account for a variation among different interest rates may
exacerbate the effects of a change in the summary rate, while other consid-
erations may ameliorate those effects. But in any case, the fundamental
differences that separate capital-based macroeconomics from other schools
of macroeconomics do not hinge in any important or first-order way on
relative movements of different rates of return within the financial sector.
Figure 9.5 represents the simple analytics of the loanable funds market.
The supply of loanable funds is, for the most part, saving out of current
income. In real terms, it is that part of current output not consumed. The
demand for loanable funds reflects the eagerness of the business community
to use that saving to take command of the unconsumed resources. These two
macroeconomically relevant magnitudes of saving and investment are not
definitionally the same thing but rather are brought into balance by equili-
brating movements in the broadly conceived rate of interest.
To feature the supply and demand for loanable funds in this way is only to
suggest that in a market economy the interest rate is the fundamental mecha-
nism through which intertemporal coordination is achieved. Simply put, the
interest rate allocates resources over time. There need be no claim here that
this Marshallian mechanism works as cleanly and as swiftly as the supply
and demand for fish at Billingsgate. Because of the elements of time and
uncertainty inherent in the intertemporal dimension of the loanable funds
market, the interest rate signal can be subject to interpretation.
The Austrian school 491

What if some income is neither spent on consumption nor offered as funds

for lending? That is, what if people – unexpectedly and on an economy-wide
basis – prefer to add to their cash holdings? The increased demand for cash
holdings would constitute saving in the sense of income not consumed but
would not constitute saving in the sense of an increase in the supply of
loanable funds. One important consequence of the Keynesian revolution was
to elevate considerations of liquidity preferences to the point of dwarfing
considerations of intertemporal preferences. The rate of interest was thought
to be dominated by changes in the demand for money. Even in the counter-
revolutionary contributions of the monetarists, the interest rate was featured
on the left-hand side of the equation of exchange – as a parameter that affects
the demand for money – and not on the right-hand side as a key allocating
mechanism working within the output aggregate. (It is precisely because of
this left-handedness of its treatment of the interest rate that Milton Fried-
man’s restatement of the quantity theory is taken by some scholars as a
contribution in the Keynesian tradition; see Garrison, 1992.)
The attention to the loanable funds market as depicted in Figure 9.5 re-
flects the judgement of the Austrians that the rate of interest, though hidden
from view in the monetarists’ equation of exchange, is quintessentially a key
right-hand-side variable. The interest rate’s primary role in a market economy
is that of allocating investable resources in accordance with saving behaviour.
There is no denying that the interest rate can, on occasion, play a role on the
left-hand side of the equation of exchange – as a minor determinant of money
demand or as a short-run consequence of hoarding behaviour. Still, these
monetarist and Keynesian concerns are subordinate ones in the Austrians’
judgement. An exogenous change in money demand is rarely if ever the
source of a macroeconomic disruption. (Here, the Austrians fall in with the
monetarists.) And an occasional dramatic change in liquidity preference is
more likely to be a consequence of an economy-wide intertemporal coordina-
tion failure than a cause of it. (Here, even Keynes agreed that in the context
of business cycles the scramble for liquidity is a secondary phenomenon. His
concern about the ‘fetish of liquidity’, a wholly unfounded concern in the
Austrians’ view, was spelled out in the context of long-term secular unem-
Figure 9.5 (the loanable funds market) and Figure 9.1 (the Hayekian trian-
gle) tell the same story but at two different levels of aggregation. Figure 9.5
shows how much of the economy’s resources are available for investment
purposes. Figure 9.1 shows just how those resources are allocated throughout
the sequence of stages. A change in the interest rate, say, a reduction brought
about by an increase in saving, has systematic consequences that can be
depicted in both figures. The interest rate governs both the amount of invest-
able resources and the general pattern of allocation of those resources. A
492 Modern macroeconomics

rightward shift in the supply of loanable funds would move the market along
its demand curve, reducing the interest rate to reflect the increased availabil-
ity of investable resources. At the same time, that reduced rate on interest
would give a competitive edge to early-stage investment activities. Resources
available for the expansion of long-term projects come in part from the
overall increase in unconsumed resources and in part from a transfer of
resources from late-stage activities, where lower investment demand reflects
the lower demand for current and near-term output.
The effects of increased saving at both levels of aggregation are explicit in
Figure 9.4 and implicit in Figure 9.5. The change in the pattern of resource
allocation is depicted as the systematic changes in the direction and magnitude
of the stage-by-stage output levels. The increase in unconsumed resources is
depicted by the reduction in the output of goods of the first order and in the
corresponding increase in the output of second-through-tenth-order goods. And
all this is implied by a rightward shift in the supply of loanable funds: more
unconsumed resources are being allocated on the basis of lower interest rate.
What is missing in the discussion at this point is any explicit recognition of
an overall resource constraint. Scarcity is implicit in the notion that, for a
given period, output magnitudes as depicted in Figures 9.3 and 9.4 move
differentially, with some increasing and others decreasing. Early-stage activi-
ties are expanded at the expense of current consumption and late-stage
activities. The overall resource constraint can be made explicit by the intro-
duction of a production possibilities frontier that makes the two-way distinction
between current consumption, which is already depicted as the vertical leg of
the Hayekian triangle, and investment, which is already being tracked along
the horizontal axis of the loanable funds diagram. A fully employed economy
can be represented as an economy producing on its production possibilities

9.6 Full Employment and the Production Possibilities Frontier

The existence of an overall resource constraint is inherent in the concept of

full employment. A fully employed economy is one in which the supply-side
constraints are binding. The full employment of labour and other factors of
production gets us full-employment output and full-employment income.
This much is accepted by all schools of macroeconomic thought. But what
constitutes unemployment in the macroeconomically relevant sense? And
what can we make of the conventionally defined categories of frictional,
structural and cyclical components of unemployment? These are the issues
that separate the Austrians from other schools.
For Keynes, unemployment was to be gauged with reference to some
‘going wage’, which itself came into being during a period when the economy
The Austrian school 493

was suffering from no macroeconomic maladies. In subsequent periods the

economy’s actual state of macroeconomic health is determined, in the
Keynesian way of thinking, by comparing the quantity of labour demanded at
the going wage with the quantity of labour offered in supply. If these two
quantities (demanded and supplied) are the same, then labour (along with all
other resources) is fully employed. If, under less favourable market condi-
tions, the quantity demanded is deficient relative to the quantity offered in
supply at the previously established going wage, the discrepancy stands as a
measure of cyclical unemployment.
Central to this Keynesian reckoning was the idea that the going wage kept
going even after the market conditions that underlay it were gone. It was in
this context that Keynes (1936, p. 15) used the term ‘involuntary unemploy-
ment’, the involuntariness deriving from the idea that the workers have fallen
victim to the institutions of capitalism – institutions that do not allow for
some uniform adjustment in the overall level of wages. Involuntary unem-
ployment is used here to mean cyclical unemployment. Here, we should
acknowledge Keynes’s belief, not shared by modern Keynesians, that ongo-
ing secular unemployment of the involuntary variety is inherent in the nature
of the market system.
Both Keynes and modern Keynesians allow for some unemployment even
in the absence of involuntary unemployment, that is, even when the economy
is not in recession. In a healthy economy, the unemployed consist of new
entrants into the labour force who haven’t yet accepted a job offer as well as
members of the labour force who are between jobs. Modern textbooks com-
monly make the distinction between frictional unemployment, meaning simply
that in a market economy job applicants and job openings are not matched up
infinitely fast, and structural unemployment, meaning that there are signifi-
cant mismatches between applicants and openings, such as to require costly
retraining and/or relocation.
Though the difference between frictional and structural unemployment is a
substantive one, the ultimate purpose of this unemployment taxonomy is to
make a sharp distinction between these components of unemployment and
the remaining component, which alone is a measure of the economy’s depar-
ture from its overall, macroeconomically relevant supply-side constraints. As
a rule of thumb, the frictional–structural unemployment may be 5–6 per cent
of the labour force. Hence a measured unemployment in a market economy
of, say, 8 per cent would suggest that the economy is in recession and that the
cyclical component of the measured unemployment, that is, the unemploy-
ment attributable to recessionary conditions, is 2–3 per cent.
This well-known taxonomy of unemployment (frictional, structural and
cyclical) is spelled out here to facilitate an important contrast between the
Austrians’ reckoning of unemployment and this more conventional reckon-
494 Modern macroeconomics

ing. Capital-based macroeconomics features the intertemporal structure of

production. And, as will be seen in section 9.10 below, business cycles entail
a distortion of the structure, a misallocation of labour and other resources
among the stages of production. Hence, cyclical unemployment – or, at least,
an essential part of it – is a special case of structural unemployment. The
Austrians depart from convention, then, in their judgement that structural
unemployment and cyclical unemployment are not mutually exclusive cat-
A second feature of the Austrian’s reckoning of employment levels – and
of resource constraints generally – is illuminated by considering the monetar-
ists’ notion of the natural rate of unemployment (see Chapter 4). Rather than
emphasize the different categories of unemployment as discussed above, the
monetarists make the two-way distinction between the rate of unemployment
that would ‘naturally’ exist even in a healthy market economy and rates of
unemployment that are in excess of this natural rate. (Milton Friedman coined
the term ‘natural rate of unemployment’ to emphasize its kinship with the
‘natural rate of interest’, a similarly defined term introduced by Swedish
economist Knut Wicksell; see Leijonhufvud, 1981.) The difference here be-
tween the monetarists and the Keynesians is terminological rather than
substantive. The natural rate of unemployment is in the range of 5–6 per cent.
And an economy that is experiencing the natural rate of unemployment is
said to be fully employed; see Dixon (1995).
Consistent with this reckoning, an economy experiencing the natural rate
of unemployment can be said to be on its production possibility frontier. The
frontier, then, can allow for deviations in either direction. That is, an economy
in recession would be represented by a point inside its frontier, and an
overheated economy, one in which the unemployment rate has been pushed
temporarily below the natural rate, would be represented by a point beyond
its frontier. This is only to say that the frontier itself is defined in terms of
sustainable levels of output and not in terms of some short-run maximal level
of output.
Figure 9.6 depicts a wholly private economy’s production possibilities
frontier in terms of sustainable combinations of consumable output and in-
vestment. This economy is experiencing full employment, its unemployment
rate being no more than 5–6 per cent. The vertical axis keeps track of
consumables in a way that conforms to final-stage output as represented by
the vertical leg of the Hayekian triangle. The horizontal axis keeps track of
gross investment. Hence, if capital depreciation just happened to be equal to
gross investment, the economy would be experiencing no economic growth.
Typically, depreciation will be something less than gross investment, and the
economy will enjoy a positive growth rate, the frontier itself expanding
outward from period to period. In the unlikely case in which gross investment
The Austrian school 495

output overheated


Figure 9.6 The production possibilities frontier

falls short of depreciation, of course, the economy would be in economic

decline, the frontier shifting inward from period to period.
As one of its critical features, capital-based macroeconomics allows for
movements along the frontier in one direction or the other in response to
changes in intertemporal preferences. A clockwise movement would repre-
sent the sacrifice of current consumption in favour of additional investment.
The initial reduction of consumable output would eventually be offset and
then more than offset as the frontier itself shifts outward at an accelerated
rate. The time path of consumable output would be that depicted in Figure
9.2. A counterclockwise movement would represent a sacrifice in the oppo-
site direction. The initial increase in consumable output would carry the cost
of a decrease in the economy’s growth rate and possibly even a negative
growth rate.
Significantly, these possible clockwise and counterclockwise movements
are the sort of movements precluded by construction in Keynesian theorizing,
as will be shown in sections 9.9 and 9.11, and ignored in monetarist theoriz-
ing, owing to the level of aggregation that characterizes the equation of
exchange. A major focus of Austrian theorizing is on the market mechanisms
that allow for such movements – and on policy actions that lead to a disrup-
tion of these mechanisms. Macroeconomic health entails more than an
unemployment rate that stays within the range of 5–6 per cent. It also entails
a growth rate that is consistent with intertemporal preferences.
496 Modern macroeconomics

Three distinct but mutually reinforcing perspectives on the key relation-

ships of capital-based macroeconomics are provided by the production
possibilities frontier, the loanable funds market and the Hayekian triangle. In
the following section, these three graphical components, which come to-
gether to create a capital-based macroeconomic framework, provide a firm
basis for the Austrian propositions about saving and growth and for the
Austrian theory of the business cycle.

9.7 The Capital-based Macroeconomic Framework

The three components discussed above are assembled in Figure 9.7 to depict
an intertemporal equilibrium in a fully employed macroeconomy. Full em-
ployment is indicated by the locus of this economy on its production
possibilities frontier. The particular location on the frontier is determined by

Stages of production I





S=I S, I

Figure 9.7 A capital-based macroeconomic framework

The Austrian school 497

the loanable funds market, in which the rate of interest reflects the saving
preferences of market participants. The corresponding consumption prefer-
ences are accommodated by the output of the final stage of production in the
Hayekian triangle. Resources are being allocated among the stages of pro-
duction on the basis of the cost of investment funds, such that the rate of
return in the real sector, as reflected in the slope of the triangle’s hypotenuse,
corresponds to the rate of return in the financial sector, as depicted by the
market-clearing interest rate in the loanable funds market. Figure 9.7 and
subsequent figures are adapted from Garrison (2001).
For an economy in a macroeconomic equilibrium as just described, the
rates of return (in both the real and the financial sectors) can be summarily
described as ‘the natural rate of interest’. Parametric changes, such as a
change in saving preferences, can change the natural rate. For instance,
increased saving preferences will cause the market-clearing rate of interest
to be lower and the slope of the triangle’s hypotenuse to be a shallower one.
The capital-based macroeconomic framework is designed to show (i) how
market forces establish a new natural rate in response to some parametric
change and (ii) how the economy reacts to policies aimed at maintaining an
interest rate in the financial sector that is inconsistent with – typically
below – the natural rate. Uses of these analytics to deal with other macr-
oeconomic issues, such as deficit finance and tax reform, are demonstrated
in Garrison (2001); some extensions of Austrian business cycle theory are
suggested by Cochran (2001).
In its simplest interpretation, Figure 9.7 depicts a steady-state, no-growth
economy. There is no net investment. The positive level of saving and invest-
ment shown in the loanable funds market is just enough to offset capital
depreciation. As capital goods wear out and are replaced, the Hayekian
triangle is maintained from period to period in terms of both size and shape.
This is the circumstance that corresponds to the first two periods of Figure
9.2. If, as is ordinarily the case, investment exceeds capital depreciation, the
economy experiences secular growth in all its dimensions. The production
possibilities frontier shifts outward, both the supply and demand for loanable
funds shift rightward, and the Hayekian triangle changes in size but not – or,
at least, not necessarily – in shape. This is the circumstance that corresponds
to the last several periods of Figure 9.2. It should be noted that secular growth
in which there is no change in the shape of the Hayekian triangle presupposes
that the supply of loanable funds and the demand for loanable funds shift
rightward to the very same extent, such that there is no change in the rate of
interest. Ordinarily, we would think of the increased income and wealth that
economic growth makes possible as being accompanied by an expanding
time horizon and hence by an increased inclination to save. Factoring in
increased saving preferences would allow for a reduction in the rate of
498 Modern macroeconomics

interest and a change in the shape as well as of the size of the Hayekian

9.8 Saving-induced Capital Restructuring

Suppose that in circumstances of a no-growth economy and a natural rate of

interest of ieq, people become more thrifty. The increased saving is depicted in
Figure 9.8 as a rightward shift in the supply of loanable funds (from S to S′).
With the resulting downward pressure on the interest rate, the loanable funds
market is brought back into equilibrium. The natural rate of interest falls from
ieq to i′eq. The reduced cost of borrowing motivates the business community to
expand investment activities. Increased saving, of course, means reduced con-
sumption. But the reduced consumption is offset by the increased investment,
allowing the economy to stay on its production possibility frontier. The clock-
wise movement along the frontier in the direction of increased investment is
consistent with the hypothesized change in intertemporal preferences.
The corresponding changes in the Hayekian triangle follow straightfor-
wardly. The currently reduced demand for consumable output (which

Stages of production I



i ′eq

S=I S′= I′ S, I

Figure 9.8 Saving-induced economic growth

The Austrian school 499

depresses investment) is accompanied by reduced borrowing costs (which

stimulate investment). The effects of these changes in market conditions
were discussed in section 9.4.4 above in terms of ‘derived demand’ and
‘time discount’. The derived-demand effect dominates in the late stages; the
time-discount effect dominates in the early stages. Input prices are bid
down in the late stages (reflecting the low demand for current and near-term
output) and are bid up in the early stages (reflecting the low borrowing
costs). The changes in relative prices draw resources out of the late stages
and into the early stages. Further, stages of production temporally more
remote from final consumption than had existed before will have yields that
are attractive in the light of the low borrowing costs. In the absence of any
further changes in saving preferences or in any other data, the new
intertemporal equilibrium will entail a rate of return in the real sector
(consisting of all the stages) that matches the low rate of interest in the
financial sector. The general pattern of resource reallocation is depicted as a
shallower slope of the triangle’s hypotenuse.
In discussing in more concrete terms the nature of these saving-induced
reallocations, the relevant distinction is not between labour and capital but
rather between resources of both kinds that are (relatively) non-specific and
resources of both kinds that are (relatively) specific. Non-specific capital,
such as building materials that can be used for building either retail outlets or
research facilities, will move out of comparatively late stages and into early
ones in response to relatively small price differentials. Specific capital, such
as mining equipment or amusement park attractions, may enjoy a capital gain
(in the first instance) or suffer a capital loss (in the second). Similarly, non-
specific labour will migrate in the direction of the early stages in response to
small wage-rate differentials, while workers who are wedded to particular
stages may experience increased – or reduced – wage rates. Note that the
focus on the allocation of resources among the stages of production in re-
sponse to changes in relative prices and wages warns against theorizing in
terms of the wage rate.
Once the capital restructuring is complete and the earliest saving-induced
investments work their way through the stages of production, the output of
consumables will increase, eventually exceeding the output that characterized
the initial no-growth economy. If we understand the saving that gave rise to
the capital restructuring not as a permanent reduction in consumption but
rather as an increased demand for future consumption, then we see that the
reallocations are consistent with the preference change that gave rise to them.
Further, we see that the clockwise movement along the production possibili-
ties frontier, followed by an outward expansion of the frontier itself, traces
out a temporal pattern of consumption that is wholly consistent with the
pattern depicted in Figure 9.2. By forgoing consumption in the near term,
500 Modern macroeconomics

people’s saving behaviour allows the economy to make the transition from a
no-growth economy to an economy experiencing secular growth.
Two qualifications will help to put in perspective this account of the
market’s reaction to an increase in saving. First, the assumption of an initial
no-growth economy was made purely for pedagogical reasons. In this setting
the changes brought about by an increase in saving are isolated from any
other ongoing changes, such as those associated with secular growth. The
demand for inputs falls in some stages and rises in others. Some stages lose
resources; others gain them. In application, however, where there is already
ongoing secular growth, these same relative effects are expressed not in terms
of absolute decreases and increases but rather in terms of increases at a
relatively slow rate and increases at a relative rapid rate. The market is simply
doing the same things it did before the increase in saving – except for its
doing them under conditions of moderated consumption demand marginally
more favourable credit conditions. As suggested earlier, the plausibility of the
market being able to accommodate itself to the increase in saving is about the
same as the plausibility that it could function reasonably well during the
period of secular growth.
Second, and relatedly, the substantial one-time shift in the supply of loanable
funds shown in Figure 9.8 is not intended to suggest that saving behaviour
sometimes changes that dramatically. Like adopting the assumption of no-
growth, hypothesizing a dramatic change serves a purely pedagogical purpose.
In teaching the basics of supply and demand, professors draw a substantially
shifted curve on the blackboard so that students in the back row can see it.
There is no implication here that actual changes in saving preferences tend to
be dramatic ones or that saving is in some sense unstable. Quite the contrary:
in light of the complexities of the capital structure and the nature of the
market mechanisms that keep it in line with saving preferences, the message
should be that even small and gradual changes in saving preference need to
be accommodated by the appropriate movements of resources among the
stages of production. As in microeconomics, Austrian macroeconomics is
about marginal adjustments to parametric changes.
Because of the explicit temporal element in the capital structure, any inter-
stage misallocations can be cumulative. The avoidance of such misallocations
requires the interest rate to tell the truth about intertemporal preferences. The
consequences of a falsified interest rate (cumulative intertemporal mis-
allocations followed by a crisis) are the subject of section 9.10. But it the
following section we consider the Keynesian view of increased saving in the
context of our capital-based macroeconomic framework.
The Austrian school 501

9.9 Keynes’s Paradox of Thrift Revisited

It is instructive to compare the Austrians’ treatment of increased saving and

consequent market adjustments with Keynes’s treatment of these issues. There
are two important differences. First, pre-empting any extended analysis of
changes in saving preferences was Keynes’s judgement that such changes are
unlikely to occur. Second, any increase in thriftiness, should such a prefer-
ence change actually occur, would in his reckoning have perverse consequences
for the economy.
Saving, in Keynes’s theory, is a residual. It’s what’s left over after people
do their consumption spending, which itself is dependent only (or predomi-
nantly) upon incomes. In the Keynesian framework, the rate of interest has no
effect (or only a negligible effect) on saving behaviour. Hence an extended
analysis of a change in saving preferences was largely uncalled for. Keynes’s
analysis of the interest rate is carried out in terms of the supply and demand
for money (that is, cash balances) and not in terms of the supply and demand
for loanable funds. And to the extent that Keynes did deal with loanable
funds – or, more pointedly, investment funds – his focus was on the other side
of the loanable funds market. The demand for investment funds, in his view,
is subject to dramatic shifts owing to the uncertainties inherent in investment
decisions. A comparison of Keynesian and Austrian theories of the business
cycles, the Keynesian theory featuring a collapse in investment demand, will
be the subject of section 9.11.
Keynes’s judgement that saving behaviour is not subject to change was
accompanied by some degree of relief that this was the case. He argued that
an increase in saving would send the economy into recession. This is Keynes’s
celebrated ‘paradox of thrift’. If people try to save more out of a given
income, they will find themselves saving no more than before but saving that
unchanged amount out of a reduced income. That is, in their effort to increase
their saving rate, S/Y, by increasing the numerator of that ratio, they set a
market process in motion that increases the saving rate by reducing the ratio’s
denominator. What is the essence of this market process that produces results
so different from those envisioned by the Austrians? In summary terms, the
Austrian story about derived demand and time discount becomes, in Keynesian
translation, a story about derived demand alone.
The market adjustments envisioned by Keynes can be revealingly depicted
as an alternative sequence to the one shown in Figure 9.8. In Figure 9.9 the
same initial conditions of full employment are assumed. But in the spirit of
Keynes, the loanable funds market is drawn with relatively inelastic saving
and investment schedules. The initial saving schedule is labelled S(Y0) to
indicate that people are saving out of an initial level of income of Y0. As in the
Austrian story, we show an increase in thriftiness by a rightward shift of the
502 Modern macroeconomics

Stages of production I



S=I S, I

Figure 9.9 A saving-induced recession

supply of loanable funds – from S(Y0) to S′(Y0). And, as before, there is

downward pressure on the interest rate. But in the Keynesian story, the
market process that might otherwise restore an equilibrium relationship be-
tween saving and investment is cut short by a dominating income effect.
More saving means less consumption spending. And less consumption spend-
ing means lower incomes for those who sell these consumer goods. It also
means reduced demand for the inputs with which to produce the consumables,
that is, a reduced demand in factor markets, generally.
The economy spirals downward as spending and incomes fall in multiple
rounds. With reduced incomes, saving is also reduced. As the process plays
itself out, the saving schedule shifts leftward from S′(Y0) to S′(Y1), where Y1 <
Y0. The negative income effect fully offsets the positive increased-thrift effect.
Both saving and investment are the same as before the preference change. But
with reduced consumer spending and no change – and certainly no increase –
The Austrian school 503

in investment spending, the economy has fallen inside the production possibili-
ties frontier. (In Figure 9.9 the upward-sloping line that intersects the frontier
suggests that the level of consumption in the thrift-depressed economy is lower
than it would have been had intertemporal coordination somehow been achieved
without the lapse from full employment. The parameters of this upward-slop-
ing ‘demand constraint’ will be identified in section 9.11.)
The Hayekian triangle changes in size but not in shape. Note that even if
Keynes were to allow for the allocation of resources within the capital struc-
ture to be achieved by changes in the interest rate, no thrift-induced reallocation
would take place – since (abstracting from possible changes in liquidity
preferences, which would only compound the perversities) the interest rate
does not change.
To isolate the consequences of increased thriftiness, it is assumed that
investment spending does not change at all. But, of course, if the recessionary
conditions dampen profit expectations in the business community, investment
spending will actually fall, exacerbating the problems caused by the in-
creased thriftiness.
The paradoxical – and perverse – consequences of an increase in thrifti-
ness are seen by Keynes as the unavoidable outcome of the market process.
In his own words, ‘Every such attempt to save more by reducing consump-
tion will so affect incomes that the attempt necessarily defeats itself’ (Keynes,
1936, p. 84). The economy simply cannot move along its production possi-
bilities frontier, and savers who push in that direction will cause the economy
to sink into recession. Keynes’s paradox of thrift stands as a summary denial
that a market economy has the capability of achieving and maintaining an
intertemporal equilibrium in the face of changing saving preferences. Rela-
tive change in resource allocations within the capital structure are no part of
the story. Again, the wholesale neglect of all such structural changes is what
Hayek (1931) had in mind when he remarked that ‘Mr. Keynes’s aggregates
conceal the most fundamental mechanisms of change’.

9.10 The Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle

The previous two sections provide a stark contrast between Austrian and
Keynesian views. They show how an increase in saving can move the economy
along its production possibilities frontier, allowing for an increase in the
economy’s rate of economic growth (the Austrian view), and how an increase
in saving necessarily throws the economy off its frontier and into recession
(the Keynesian view). Simply put, markets work in one view and don’t work
in the other.
For the Austrians, the idea that markets work is not axiomatic. There is no
claim that markets are always guided only by the underlying economic reali-
504 Modern macroeconomics

ties – no matter what institutional arrangements are in place and no matter

what macroeconomic policies are pursued. In fact, the Austrian theory of the
business cycle is a theory about a policy-induced departure – first in one
direction and then in the other – from the economy’s production possibilities
For Keynes, increased saving leads to recession. This proposition, how-
ever, did not transform his paradox of thrift into an excess-saving theory of
recessions. As already indicated, Keynes believed that saving preferences
were not likely to change. The recession-inducing changes, in his view, were
almost always spontaneous changes on the demand side of the loanable funds
Keynes and Hayek were critical of one another’s efforts to explain reces-
sions, but their assessments of one another’s books generated more heat than
light and failed to produce a head-to-head comparison of the contrasting
views. Despite all the interpreting, reinterpreting and reconstructing of
Keynesian ideas over the last three-quarters of a century, it is instructive to
compare (in this and the following sections) the Austrian and (original)
Keynesian views on the nature and causes of business cycles (see Garrison,
1989, 1991, 2002).
According to the Austrians, the market is capable of allocating resources in
conformity with intertemporal preferences on the basis of a market-determined
(natural) rate of interest. It follows, then, almost as a corollary that an interest
rate substantially influenced by extra-market forces will lead to an intertemporal
misallocation of resources. This latter proposition is the essence of the Austrian
theory of business cycles. The cyclical quality of the departures from the
economy’s production possibilities frontier derives from the self-correcting
properties of a market economy. Misallocations are followed by reallocations.
Note that the market is not judged to be so efficient as to prevent from the
outset all policy-induced misallocations. As Hayek (1945) has taught us, it
cannot allocate resources in accordance with the ‘real factors’ (consumer pref-
erences, technological possibilities and resource availabilities) except on the
basis of information conveyed by market signals, including, importantly, the
rate of interest. It is movements in the interest rate, along with the correspond-
ing movements in input prices and output prices, that give clues to the business
community about what those real factors are and about how they may have
The Austrian theory of the business cycle is a theory of boom and bust with
special attention to the extra-market forces that initiate the boom and the
market’s own self-correcting forces that turn boom into bust. We have already
seen that increased saving lowers the rate of interest and gives rise to a
genuine boom, one in which no self-correction is called for. The economy
simply grows at a more rapid rate. By contrast, a falsified interest rate that
The Austrian school 505

mimics the loan market conditions of a genuine boom but is not accompanied
by the requisite savings gives rise to an artificial boom, one whose artificial-
ity is eventually revealed by the market’s reaction to excessively future-oriented
production activities in conditions of insufficient saving.
As with the graphical depiction of saving and growth, the analytics of
boom and bust is begun with an assumed no-growth economy in an
intertemporal equilibrium. The initial (market-determined) rate of interest (ieq
in Figure 9.10) also qualifies as the natural rate of interest. An artificial boom
is initiated by the injection of new money through credit markets. The central
bank adopts an interest rate target below the rate of interest that otherwise
would have prevailed. Its operational target rate, of course, is much more
narrowly defined than the broadly conceived market rates shown in the dia-
gram. The central bank achieves its interest rate target by augmenting the
supply of loanable funds with newly created credit. The Federal Reserve’s
Open Market Committee buys securities in sufficient volume so as to drive
the Federal Funds rate down to the chosen target. With this action, market
rates generally are brought down to a similar extent – although, of course,
some more so than others. The fact that long-term rates tend not to fall as

Stages of production I
rate Saving

Saving plus
credit expansion


S=I S, I

Figure 9.10 A policy-induced boom and bust

506 Modern macroeconomics

much as short-term rates may mitigate – but cannot eliminate – the general
effects of the credit expansion. Further, these general effects are independent
of which particular policy tool the Federal Reserve employs. Credit expan-
sions brought about by a reduction in the discount rate (now called the
primary credit rate) or by a reduction in reserve requirements could be
similarly described. All of the institutionally distinct monetary tools are
macroeconomically equivalent: they are all means of lending money into
existence and hence have their initial effect on interest rates.
For comparison, the central bank’s augmentation of credit depicted in
Figure 9.10 is set to match the actual shift in the supply of saving depicted in
Figure 9.8. Rather than create a new equilibrium interest rate and a corre-
sponding equality of saving and investment as was the case in a saving-induced
expansion, the credit expansion creates a double disequilibrium at a sub-
natural interest rate. Savers save less, while borrowers borrow more. Note
that if this low interest rate were created by the imposition of an interest rate
ceiling, the situation would be different. With a legislated ceiling, borrowing
would be saving-constrained. The horizontal distance at the ceiling rate be-
tween supply and demand would represent a frustrated demand for credit. A
credit shortage would be immediately apparent and would persist as long as
the credit ceiling was enforced.
Credit expansion papers over the credit shortage that would otherwise
exist. The horizontal distance between supply (of saving) and demand (for
credit) is not frustrated demand but rather demand accommodated by the
central bank’s injections of new credit. It represents borrowing – and hence
investment – that is not accommodated by genuine saving. In the final analy-
sis, of course, real investment cannot be in excess of real unconsumed output.
To say that credit expansion papers over the shortage is not to say that it
eliminates the problem of a discrepancy between saving and investment. It
only conceals the problem – and conceals it only temporarily. In summary
terms we see that padding the supply of loanable funds with newly created
money drives a wedge between saving and investment. The immediate effect
of this padding is (i) no credit shortage, (ii) an economic boom in which the
(concealed) problem inherent is a mismatch between saving and investment
festers, and (iii) a bust, which is the eventual but inevitable resolution to the
problem. (With this summary reckoning, however, we have got ahead of the
The double disequilibrium in the loanable funds market has as its counter-
part the two limiting points on the production possibilities frontier. Saving
less means consuming more. But with a falsified interest rate, consumers and
investors are engaged in a tug-of-war. If, given the low rate or return on
savings, the choices of consumers were to carry the day, the economy would
move counterclockwise along the frontier to the consumers’ limiting point.
The Austrian school 507

Similarly, if, with artificially cheap credit, the decisions of investors were to
carry the day, the economy would move clockwise along the frontier to the
investors’ limiting point. Of course, neither set of participants in this tug-of-
war is wholly victorious. But both consumer choices and investment decisions
have their separate – and conflicting – real consequences. Graphically, the
participants are pulling at right angles to one another – the consumers pulling
upward in the direction of more consumption, the investors pulling rightward
in the direction of more investment. Their combined effect is a movement of
the economy beyond the frontier in the direction of a ‘virtual’ disequilibrium
point that is defined by the two limiting points.
Having defined the production possibilities frontier in terms of sustainable
levels of output, we can allow for the economy to move beyond the frontier –
but only on a temporary basis. People are drawn into the labour force in
numbers that cannot be sustained indefinitely. Additional members of house-
holds may take a job because of the unusually favourable labour market
conditions. Some workers may work overtime. Others may delay retirement
or forgo vacations. Maintenance routines that interrupt production activities
may be postponed. These are the aspects of the boom that allow the economy
to produce temporarily beyond the production possibilities frontier. However,
the increasingly binding real resource constraints will keep the economy
from actually reaching the virtual disequilibrium point – hence the ‘virtual’
quality of that point. The general nature of the path traced out by the economy
– its rotation in the clockwise direction – will become evident once we
consider the corresponding changes in the economy’s structure of production.
The wedge driven between saving and investment in the loanable funds
market and the tug-of-war that pulls the economy beyond its production
possibility frontier manifests itself in the economy’s capital structure as clash-
ing triangles. In the case of a saving-induced capital restructuring, the
derived-demand effect and the time-discount effect work together to reallo-
cate resources toward the earlier stages – a reallocation that is depicted by a
change in the shape of the Hayekian triangle. In the case of credit expansion,
the two effects work in opposition to one another. The time-discount effect,
which is strongest in the early stages, attracts resources to long-term projects.
Low interest rates stimulate the creation of durable capital goods, product
development and other activities whose ultimate pay-off is in the distant
future. The excessive allocations to long-term projects are called ‘mal-
investment’ in the Austrian literature. The derived-demand effect, which is
strongest in the late stages, draws resources in the opposite direction so as to
satisfy the increased demand for consumer goods. The Hayekian triangle is
being pulled at both ends against the middle. Skousen (1990) identifies this
same internal conflict in terms of an early-stage ‘aggregate supply vector’ and
a late-stage ‘aggregate demand vector’.
508 Modern macroeconomics

During the boom, resource allocations among the various stages are being
affected in both absolute and relative terms. As explained above, the economy
is producing generally at levels of output that cannot be sustained indefi-
nitely. And at the same time that the overall output levels are higher, the
pattern of output is skewed in both directions – toward the earliest stages and
toward the latest stages. Middle stages experience a relative decline and some
of them an absolute decline. While this characterization of the boom is
gleaned from Hayek (1967 [1935]) and Mises (1953 [1912] and 1966), there
remain some fundamental doctrinal differences (both terminological and sub-
stantive) in the alternative expositions offered by these early developers of
capital-based macroeconomics (Garrison, 2004).
Richard Strigl (2000 [1934]), writing without reference to the Hayekian
triangle, provided an account of boom and bust consistent with the one
offered here. In his account, production activities are divided into three
broadly conceived categories: current production of consumables (late stage),
capital maintenance (middle stage), and new ventures (early stage). Policy-
induced boom conditions tend to favour current production and new ventures
at the expense of capital maintenance. The economic atmosphere has a ‘make
hay while the sun shines’ quality about it, and the economy seems to be
characterized by prosperity and rapid economic growth. However, the under-
maintenance of existing capital (the sparse allocations to the middle stages)
distinguishes the policy-induced boom from genuine, sustainable, saving-
induced economic growth.
In time, but before the new ventures (the early-stage activities) have come
to full fruition, the under-maintained capital (the attenuated middle-stage
outputs) must impinge negatively on consumable output. This is the essence
of intertemporal discoordination. The relative or even absolute reduction of
consumable output is dubbed ‘forced saving’ in the Austrian literature. That
is, the pattern of early-stage investment reflects a higher level of saving than
was forthcoming on a voluntary basis. The push beyond the production
possibilities frontier towards the virtual disequilibrium point is cut short by
the lack of genuine saving. The downward rotation of the economy’s adjust-
ment path in Figure 9.10 reflects the forced saving.
The forced saving is but one aspect – and not necessarily the first observed
aspect – of the self-reversing process that is characteristic of an artificial
boom. Increasingly binding resource constraints drive up the prices of
consumables as well as the prices of inputs needed to support the new
ventures. The rate of interest rises as overextended businesses bid for addi-
tional funding. Distress borrowing (not shown in Figure 9.10) is a feature of a
faltering boom.
Many of the new ventures and early-stage activities generally are now
recognized as unprofitable. Some are seen through to completion in order to
The Austrian school 509

minimize losses. Others are liquidated. The beginning of the liquidation

phase of the business cycle is depicted in Figure 9.10 by the economy’s
adjustment path turning back towards the production possibilities frontier.
As boom turns to bust, much of the unemployment is associated with
liquidations in the early stages of production. Too much capital and labour
have been committed to new ventures. The liquidations release these factors
of production, most of which can be reabsorbed – though, of course, not
instantaneously – elsewhere in the structure of production. For the Austrians,
this particular instance of structural unemployment is not something distinct
from cyclical unemployment. Quite to the contrary: the cyclical unemploy-
ment that marks the beginning of the downturn has a characteristically
structural quality about it.
Under the most favourable conditions, the bust could be followed by a
recovery in which the structural maladjustments induced by the credit expan-
sion are corrected by the ordinary market forces. The structurally unemployed
resources are reabsorbed where they are most needed, and the economy
returns to a point on its production possibilities frontier. But because of the
economy-wide nature of the intertemporal disequilibrium, the negative in-
come effect of the unemployment may initially propel the economy deeper
into depression rather than back to the frontier. This secondary, or com-
pounding, aspect of the downturn is likely to be all the more severe if the
general operation of markets is countered by macroeconomic policies aimed
at preventing liquidation and at reigniting the boom.
The following section puts the Austrian theory in perspective by using the
capital-based analytics to depict the Keynesian view of economy-wide down-
turns. For Keynes, the negative income effect that can compound the problem
of a discoordinated capital structure becomes the whole problem, the origins
of which are shrouded in the cloud of uncertainty inherent in investment

9.11 A Keynesian Downturn in the Austrian Framework

The level of aggregation that characterizes the Keynesian framework pre-

cludes any treatment of boom and bust as an instance of intertemporal
discoordination. Structural changes in the economy as might be depicted by a
change in the shape of the Hayekian triangle are no part of the analysis. The
triangle can change only in size, increasing with economic growth (but, in
light of the paradox of thrift, not with saving-induced growth) and decreasing
with occasional lapses from full employment.
The interest rate plays no role in allocating resources among the stages of
production and only a minor role in determining the overall level of invest-
ment. Hence investment is treated as a simple aggregate, with the demand for
510 Modern macroeconomics

investment funds taken to be unstable and highly interest-inelastic. Further, to

the extent that investment is self-financing, such that increased investment
leads to increased income, which in turn leads to increased saving, the two
curves (saving and investment) shift together and hence the particular interest
elasticity of investment is irrelevant.
Straightforwardly, the circular-flow equation (the equality of income and
expenditure as an equilibrium condition) together with a simple consumption
function imply a positively sloped, linear relationship between investment
and consumption. Consider a wholly private economy in which income and
expenditures are in balance:

Y=C+I (9.4)

Consumer behaviour is described by the conventional linear consumption


C = c0 + mpc Y (9.5)

where c0 is the autonomous component of consumption spending and mpc is

the marginal propensity to consume. Combining these two equations so as to
eliminate the income variable gives us the relationship between consumption
and investment for an economy in a circular-flow equilibrium.

C = c0/mps + (mpc/mps) I (9.6)

where mps, of course, is simply the marginal propensity to save: mps = 1–

mpc. This upward-sloping linear relationship was clearly recognized by Keynes
(1937, pp. 220–21) and can be called the Keynesian demand constraint. It has
an intuitive interpretation that follows straightforwardly from our under-
standing of the investment multiplier and the marginal propensity to consume.
The slope of this line is simply the marginal propensity (mpc) times the
multiplier (1/mps). Suppose the mpc is 0.80, implying an mps of 0.20 and a
multiplier of 5. An increase in investment spending of $100, then, would
cause income to spiral up by $500, which would boost consumption spending
by $400. This same result follows directly from the slope of the demand
constraint (mpc/mps = 0.80/0.20 = 4): an increase in investment of $100
increases consumption by $400.
The Keynesian demand constraint appears in Figure 9.11, sharing axes
with the production possibilities frontier. In Keynesian expositions, however,
the downward-sloping supply constraint plays a very limited role. When the
multiplier theory is put through its paces, the frontier serves only to mark the
boundary between real changes in the spending magnitudes (below the fron-
The Austrian school 511

C o c mpc
C = mps + mps I

Stages of production I
Interest S(Y1) S(Y0)


D′ D

S(Y0) = I S, I
S(Y1) = I ′

Figure 9.11 An investment-led collapse into recession

tier) and nominal changes in the spending magnitudes (beyond the frontier).
Significantly, the economy is precluded by the demand constraint from mov-
ing along the frontier.
The constraint itself is as stable as the consumption function – as is clear
from its sharing parameters with that function. Hence the point of intersec-
tion of the constraint and the frontier is the only possible point of full
employment. (In the earlier Figure 9.9, which illustrates the paradox of thrift,
the demand constraint shifts downward, reflecting an increase in saving – and
hence a decrease in the consumption function’s intercept parameter c0. It was
precisely because of his belief that this parameter was not subject to change
that Keynes was not particularly concerned about the implications of in-
creased saving.) Finally, we can note that a more comprehensive rendering of
the Keynesian relationships – one that takes into account the demand for
512 Modern macroeconomics

money (that is, liquidity) as it relates to the interest rate – would alter the
demand constraint only in ways inessential to our current focus.
According to Keynes (1936, p. 315), economy-wide downturns character-
istic of a market economy are initiated by sudden collapses in investment
demand. The constitutional weakness on the demand side of the investment-
good market reflects the fact that investments are always made with an eye to
the future, a future that is shrouded in uncertainty. Here, the notions of loss of
business confidence, faltering optimism and even waning ‘animal spirits’
(Keynes, 1936, pp. 161–2) come into play. In Figure 9.11, the demand for
investment funds collapses: it shifts leftward from D to D′. Reduced invest-
ment impinges on incomes and hence on consumption spending. Multiple
rounds of decreased earning and spending pull the economy below the fron-
tier. The reduced incomes also translate into reduced saving, as shown by a
supply of loanable funds that shifts from S(Y0) to S(Y1). If the shift in supply
just matches the shift in demand, the rate of interest is unaffected.
The solitary diagram that Keynes presented in his General Theory (p. 180) is
constructed to make this very point. Abstracting from considerations of liquid-
ity preference, Keynes tells us, the supply of loanable funds will shift to match
the shift in investment demand. Further, an inelastic demand for investment
ensures that even if the interest-sensitive demand for money allows for a
reduction in the interest rate, the consequences of the leftward shift in invest-
ment demand will be little affected. More to the point of the present contrast
between Keynesian and Austrian views, the economy’s departure from the
production possibility frontier and the leftward shifting of the supply of loanable
funds are but two perspectives on the summary judgement made by Keynes.
The market economy in his view is incapable of trading off consumption
against investment in the face of a parametric change – in this case, an in-
creased aversion to the uncertainties associated with investment activities. The
economy cannot move along its production possibilities frontier.
The reduction in demands all around is depicted by a shrunken Hayekian
triangle. With an unchanged rate of interest, there can be no time-discount
effect. Hence an untempered derived-demand effect reduces the triangle’s
size without changing its shape. But even if, following Keynes, we were to
allow for a change in the rate of interest, the change would be in the wrong
direction, compounding the economic collapse. A scramble for liquidity would
increase the interest rate, with consequences (not shown in Figure 9.11) of
further reduced investment, further reduced incomes, further reduced con-
sumption and further reduced saving.
The Austrians would be on weak grounds if they were to deny even the
possibility of a self-aggravating downward spiral. Markets are at their best in
making marginal adjustments in the face of small or gradual parametric
changes. A dramatic loss of confidence by the business community may well
The Austrian school 513

send the economy into a downward spiral. Axel Leijonhufvud (1981) dis-
cusses price and quantity movements relative to their equilibrium levels in
terms of a ‘corridor’. Price or quantity deviations from equilibrium that
remain within the corridor are self-correcting; more dramatic deviations that
take prices or quantities outside the corridor can be self-aggravating.
The Austrians are on firmer grounds in questioning the notion that such
widespread losses of confidence are inherent in market economies and are to
be attributed to psychological factors that rule the investment community.
Business people’s confidence may instead be shaken by economy-wide
intertemporal discoordination, which itself is attributable to a prior credit
expansion and its consequent falsification of interest rates. If this is the case,
then Keynes’s theory of the downturn is no more than an elaboration of the
secondary contraction that was already a part of the Austrian theory of boom
and bust.

9.12 Inflation and Deflation in the Austrian Theory

The Austrian theory of the business cycle is an account of the credit-induced,

unsustainable boom. The ‘fundamental mechanisms’ mentioned in Hayek’s
assessment of Keynesian constructions are the market forces (time discount
and derived demand) that keep production plans aligned with intertemporal
preferences and that can malfunction when the rate of interest is falsified by
credit expansion. Artificial booms contain the seeds of their own undoing –
hence their fundamental unsustainability.
The reader may well have noticed that the Austrian theory does not feature
the general rise in prices and wages that may be experienced during a credit-
induced boom. Neither price and wage inflation nor the potential misperceptions
of the inflation rate are fundamental to the theory. The focus instead is on the
misallocation of resources during the period of artificially cheap credit.
Intertemporal discoordination can occur on an economy-wide basis, according
the Austrians, even during a period of overall price-level stability. In fact, it is
during just such periods that the conflict between producers and consumers is
likely to be hidden until market conditions in the various stages of production
eventually reveal the boom’s unsustainability. The problem that festers during
the boom is likely to go undetected, all the more so if macroeconomists – and
financial markets – take an unchanging price level to the hallmark of macroeco-
nomic health.
Showing the particulars of saving-induced growth (Figure 9.8) and of
credit-induced booms (Figure 9.10) made use of the simplifying assump-
tion that we begin with a no-growth economy. In application, of course, we
have to allow for some ongoing economic growth – and possibly for some
fairly high real growth rate. In a rapidly growing economy, credit expansion
514 Modern macroeconomics

may be seen by policy makers as simply ‘enabling’ growth or possibly as

‘fostering’ growth. The Austrians take a different view: credit expansion
fosters a little more growth than can be supported by real saving. The
upward pressure on prices attributable to credit expansion may just offset
the downward pressure on prices attributable to the underlying real growth.
Thinking in terms of the equation of exchange, we can say that increases in
M may just about match increases in Q, such that P remains fairly constant.
While the monetarists would see this price-level stability as evidence of a
successful and commendable application of the monetarist rule, the Austri-
ans would see price-level constancy during a period of real economic growth
as a warning sign. The monetary rule does not rule out credit-induced
intertemporal discoordination.
The contrast here between monetarist and Austrian views sheds light on
the issue of the respective theories’ applicability. For the monetarists who
rely on Phillips curve analysis (and for new classicists who set out a mon-
etary misperception theory of the business cycle), booms that lead to busts
must be characterized by inflation. The differential perceptions of inflation
experienced by employers and employees (in the case of Phillips curve analy-
sis) and the general misperceptions of inflation (in the case of new classical
theory) have as a strict prerequisite that there must actually be some inflation
to perceive differentially or to misperceive (see Chapters 4 and 5). These
theories, then, cannot apply to the boom and bust during the interwar period
or to the more recent expansion of the 1990s. In these key cyclical episodes,
the inflation rate was nil (in the former case) and very mild (in the latter). The
inflation-dependent theories apply only to the less dramatic cyclical varia-
tions dating from the late 1960s and extending into the late 1980s. The ability
of the Austrian theory to account for the downturns in 1929 and 2001 would
seem to add to this theory’s credibility.
The Austrian literature does contain much discussion about inflation. But
in connection with business cycle theory, the strong long-run relationship
between the quantity of money and the overall price level serves to answer a
secondary question about the sustainability of the credit-induced boom. Once
the artificial boom is under way, can the bust be avoided by further credit
expansion? The Austrian answer is that there may be some scope for postpon-
ing the market correction, but only by worsening the root problem of
intertemporal discoordination and hence increasing the severity of the even-
tual downturn. In the long run, credit is not a viable substitute for saving.
Further, attempts to prolong the boom through continued increases in credit
can fuel an asset bubble. (Think of the stock market orgy in the late 1920s
and the ‘irrational exuberance’ in the late 1990s.) And, ultimately, increas-
ingly dramatic injections of credit can set off an accelerating inflation
(hyperinflation) that robs money of its utility.
The Austrian school 515

Deflation, like inflation, is a secondary issue in the Austrian literature.

Growth-induced deflation, that is, the decline in some overall price index
that accompanies increases in real output, is considered a non-problem.
Price reductions occur wherever supply and demand conditions warrant.
Here, the microeconomic forces that govern individual markets are fully in
Deflation caused by a severe monetary contraction is another matter. Strong
downward pressures on prices in general put undue burdens on market mecha-
nisms. Unless, implausibly, all prices and wages adjust instantaneously to the
lower money supply, output levels will fall. Monetary contraction could be
the root cause of a downturn – as, for instance, it seems to have been in the
1936–7 episode in the USA. The Federal Reserve, failing to understand the
significance of the excess reserves held by commercial banks, dramatically
increased reserve requirements, causing the money supply to plummet as
banks rebuilt their cushion of free reserves. But what caused the money
supply to fall at the end of the 1920s boom? The monetarists attribute the
monetary contraction to the inherent ineptness of the central bank or to the
central bank’s (ill-conceived?) attempt to end the speculative orgy in the
stock market, an orgy that itself goes unexplained.
In the context of Austrian business cycle theory, the collapse in the money
supply is a complicating factor rather than the root cause of the downturn. In
1929, when the economy was in the final throes of a credit-induced boom, the
Federal Reserve, uncertain about just what to do and hampered by internal
conflict, allowed the money supply to collapse. The negative monetary growth
during the period 1929 to 1933 helps to account for the unprecedented depth
of the depression. But like Keynes’s focus on the loss of business confidence,
the monetarists’ focus on the collapse of the money supply diverts attention
from the underlying maladjustments in the economy that preceded – and
necessitated – the downturn.

9.13 Policy and Reform

The political attractiveness of the policy prescriptions based on the Keynesian

theory (spending programmes, tax cuts, deficit finance and monetary expan-
sion) and the absence of a comparable list of politically attractive policy
prescriptions associated with the Austrian theory go a long way in accounting
for the decisive victory in the 1930s of Keynesianism over Austrianism. Over
the following decades, however, the cumulative effects of the excesses of
Keynesian policy (debt monetization and double-digit inflation) eventually
caused monetarism to be seen as the more responsible alternative. Endorsing
monetarism – though not actually institutionalizing the monetary rule – be-
came politically viable.
516 Modern macroeconomics

Although credit expansion was curtailed in the 1980s, there was never a
sustained period of steady monetary growth at a pre-announced low rate.
Further, monetary reforms enacted in that same period blurred the distinction
between money and other highly liquid assets, making the implementation of
the monetary rule all but impossible. The very definition of money became
problematic, and the once-stable demand for money (as tracked by ‘velocity’
in the equation of exchange) itself became unstable. By default, the Federal
Reserve reverted to managing interest rates, expanding credit to whatever
extent was necessary to achieve its chosen target rate. With a pro-active
central bank dominating credit markets, the natural rate of interest is a strictly
non-observable rate, but to the extent that the central bank is sensitive to
political considerations, the managed rate is more often than not below the
natural rate.
The Austrians’ policy advice to the central bank consists of prevention
rather than cure: do not engage in credit expansion – not even if ongoing
economic growth is causing some index of output prices to fall. Abiding by
this imperative is not only politically difficult but also technically difficult,
because the central bank cannot know what the natural rate of interest is and
how it might be changing. The difficulties (both political and technical) of the
central bank’s avoiding a credit-induced boom suggest that what is needed is
fundamental reform rather than policy prescription. Late in his career, Hayek
recommended the Denationalisation of Money (1976). Subsequent writings
by contemporary Austrians – Lawrence H. White (1989) and George Selgin
(1988) – have made the case that a thoroughly decentralized banking system,
one in which the market rate of interest is an unbiased approximation of the
natural rate, may be the ultimate solution to the problem of boom and bust.
10. The new political macroeconomics
Most economists have now come to the realization that good economic advice
requires an understanding of the political economy of the situation. (Rodrik,

10.1 Introduction: Political Distortions and Macroeconomic


The relationship between the economy and the political system has always
attracted the interest of economists since it is obvious that politics will
influence the choice of economic policies and consequently economic per-
formance. During the last quarter of the twentieth century research into the
various forms of interaction between politics and macroeconomics has be-
come a major growth area, giving rise to a field known as ‘the new political
macroeconomics’, a research area which has developed at the interface of
macroeconomics, social choice theory and game theory. This burgeoning
field makes specific use of the modern technical apparatus of economic
analysis to investigate numerous key public policy issues. Of particular inter-
est to macroeconomists is the influence that the interaction of political and
economic factors has on such issues as business cycles, inflation, unemploy-
ment, the conduct and implementation of stabilization policies, the relationship
between dictatorship, democracy, inequality and economic growth, instability
and conflict, the origin of persistent budget deficits, international integration
and the size of nations. Major contributions to this field of activity, both in
terms of theoretical analysis and empirical investigation, have come from the
research of economists such as Daron Acemoglu, Alberto Alesina, Alan Drazen,
Bruno Frey, Douglass Hibbs, William Nordhaus, Douglass North, Mancur
Olson, Kenneth Rogoff, Fredrich Schneider, and Andrei Shleifer (see Willett,
1988; Persson and Tabellini, 1990; Alesina and Rosenthal, 1995; Keech,
1995; Alesina and Roubini with Cohen, 1997; Drazen, 2000a, 2000b; Gartner,
2000; Olson, 2000; Hibbs, 2001; Besley and Case, 2003; Acemoglu and
Robinson, 2005).
In this chapter we will examine some of the progress that has been made
with regard to the development of the ‘new political macroeconomics’.

518 Modern macroeconomics

10.2 Political Influences on Policy Choice

Keynes (1926) believed that capitalism ‘can probably be made more efficient
for attaining economic ends than any alternative yet in sight’. However, for
that to be the case would necessarily involve an extension of government
intervention in the economy. Classical economists did not deny that fluctua-
tions in aggregate economic activity could occur, but they firmly believed
that the self-correcting forces of the price mechanism would prevail and
restore the system to full employment within an acceptable time period. By
the mid-1920s Keynes was already expressing his disillusionment with this
classical laissez-faire philosophy which presented a vision of capitalist mar-
ket economies where order and stability were the norm. For Keynes the wise
management of capitalism was defended as the only practicable means of
‘avoiding the destruction of existing economic forms in their entirety’. Hence
the orthodox Keynesian view evolved out of the catastrophic experience of
the Great Depression and suggested that market economies are inherently
unstable. Such instability generates welfare-reducing fluctuations in aggre-
gate output and employment (see Chapters 1–3). As a result, ‘old’ Keynesians
argue that this instability can and should be corrected by discretionary mon-
etary and fiscal policies (see Modigliani, 1977; Tobin, 1996). Implicit in this
orthodox Keynesian view is the assumption that governments actually desire
Michal Kalecki (1943) was one of the first economists to challenge this
rather naive assumption by presenting a Marxo-Keynesian model where a
partisan government, acting on behalf of capitalist interests, deliberately cre-
ates politically induced recessions in order to reduce the threat to profits resulting
from the enhanced bargaining power of workers. This increased bargaining
power is acquired as a direct result of prolonged full employment. In Kalecki’s
model it is the dominance of capitalists’ interests which, by generating an
unrepresentative political mechanism, causes the political business cycle (see
Feiwel, 1974). Akerman (1947), anticipating later developments, suggested
that the electoral cycle, by influencing economic policies, would also contrib-
ute to aggregate instability. This of course runs counter to traditional Keynesian
models which treat the government as exogenous to the circular flow of income
and in which politicians are assumed to act in the interests of society. Accord-
ing to Harrod (1951), Keynes was very much an élitist who assumed that
economic policy should be formulated and implemented by enlightened people
drawn from an intellectual aristocracy. These ‘presuppositions of Harvey road’
imply that Keynes thought that economic policies would always be enacted in
the public interest. This benevolent dictator image of government acting as a
platonic guardian of social welfare has increasingly been questioned by econo-
mists. In particular the work of public choice economists has called into question
The new political macroeconomics 519

the assumption that elected politicians will always pursue policies aimed at
maximizing net social benefit (see Buchanan et al., 1978). During the early
days of the Keynesian revolution Joseph Schumpeter also recognized that,
since capitalist democracies are inhabited by politicians who compete for votes,
this will inevitably influence policy decisions and outcomes (see Schumpeter,
1939, 1942). For example, from a public choice perspective Keynesian eco-
nomics is seen to have fundamentally weakened the fiscal constitutions of
industrial democracies by giving respectability to the idea that budget deficits
should be accepted as a method of reducing the risk of recessions. Buchanan et
al. (1978) argue that such a philosophy, operating within a democratic system
where politicians are constantly in search of electoral favour, inevitably leads to
an asymmetry in the application of Keynesian policies. Because voters do not
understand that the government faces an intertemporal budget constraint, they
underestimate the future tax liabilities of debt-financed expenditure programmes,
that is, voters suffer from ‘fiscal illusion’ (see Alesina and Perotti, 1995a).
Instead of balancing the budget over the cycle (as Keynes intended), in accord-
ance with Abba Lerner’s (1944) principle of functional finance, stabilization
policies become asymmetric as the manipulation of the economy for electoral
purposes generates a persistent bias towards deficits. A deficit bias can also
result from strategic behaviour whereby a current government attempts to
influence the policies of future governments by manipulating the debt (Alesina,
Given these considerations, it would seem that macroeconomists ought to
consider the possibility that elected politicians may engage in ‘economic
manipulation for political profit’ (Wagner, 1977). In the neoclassical political
economy literature government is no longer viewed as exogenous; rather it is
(at least) partially endogenous and policies will reflect the various interests in
society (Colander, 1984). This is certainly not a new insight, as is evident
from the following comment taken from Alexis de Tocqueville’s famous
discussion of Democracy in America (1835):

It is impossible to consider the ordinary course of affairs in the United States

without perceiving that the desire to be re-elected is the chief aim of the President
… and that especially as [the election] approaches, his personal interest takes the
place of his interest in the public good.

Although Keynes had an extremely low opinion of most politicians, in the

context of his era it never really crossed his mind to view the political process
as a marketplace for votes. What Keynes had in mind was what can be
described as a linear model of the policy-making process whereby the role of
the economist is to offer advice, predictions and prescriptions, based on
sound economic analysis, to role-oriented politicians responsible for policy
making. In turn, it is assumed that that because politicians are looking for
520 Modern macroeconomics

predictions Policy Choice of Policy action Policy
Economist and policy and outcomes
prescriptions implementation

Society-centred forces State-centred forces

Classes Technocrats
Interest groups Bureaucrats
Political parties State interests

Source: Adapted from Meier (1995).

Figure 10.1 Influences on policy choice

efficient solutions to major economic problems, they will automatically take

the necessary actions to maximize social welfare by following the impartial
and well-informed advice provided by their economic advisers. The tradi-
tional economists view of the policy-making process is illustrated in the
upper part of Figure 10.1.
The conventional approach to the analysis of policy making traditionally
adopted the approach of Tinbergen (1952) and Theil (1956). For example, in
the traditional optimizing approach pioneered by Theil the policy maker is
modelled as a ‘benevolent social planner’ whose only concern is to maximize
social welfare. Thus the conventional normative approach to the analysis of
economic policy treats the government as exogenous to the economy. Its only
interest is in steering the economy towards the best possible outcome. Eco-
nomic policy analysis is reduced to a technical exercise in maximization
subject to constraint.
From a new political economy perspective policy makers will be heavily
influenced by powerful societal and state-centred forces rather than acting
impartially on the advice of economists. Therefore the theoretical insights
and policy advice based on those insights that economists can offer are
mediated through a political system that reflects a balance of conflicting
interests that inevitably arise in a country consisting of heterogeneous indi-
viduals. In the society-centred approach, various groups exert pressure on the
policy maker to ‘supply’ policies that will benefit them directly or indirectly.
While neo-Marxists typically focus on class struggle and the power of the
capitalist class, the new political economy literature highlights the influence
of interest groups (for example farmers), political parties and voters. In the
state-centred approach, emphasis on the role of technocrats is equivalent to
accepting the ‘benevolent dictator’ assumption. In contrast, the new political
The new political macroeconomics 521

economy literature focuses on the impact that bureaucrats and state interests
exert on the policy maker.
The traditional approach to the policy-making process adopted by econo-
mists was neatly summarized by Tony Killick (1976) many years ago, in a
critique of ‘The Possibilities of Developent Planning’:

Economists have adopted a rational actor model of politics. This would have us
see governments as composed of publicly-spirited, knowledgeable, and role-ori-
ented politicians: clear and united in their objectives; choosing those policies
which will achieve optimal results for the national interest; willing and able to go
beyond a short-term point of view. Governments are stable, in largely undifferen-
tiated societies; wielding a centralized concentration of power and a relatively
unquestioned authority; generally capable of achieving the results they desire
from a given policy decision.

In reality, societies are often fragmented and heterogeneous, especially if there

are significant religious, ethnic, linguistic and geographical divides compounded
by extreme inequalities of income and wealth. As a result governments will
frequently be preoccupied with conflict management, representing particular
rather than general interests, responding to a constantly shifting balance of
preferences. In such a world concepts such as the ‘national interest’ and ‘social
welfare function’ have little operational meaning. ‘Decision making in the face
of major social divisions becomes a balancing act rather than a search for
optima; a process of conflict resolution in which social tranquility and the
maintenance of power is a basic concern rather than the maximization of the
rate of growth’ (Killick, 1976).
In modelling politico-economic relationships the new political macroeco-
nomics views the government as standing at the centre of the interaction
between political and economic forces. Once this endogenous view of gov-
ernment is adopted, the welfare-maximizing approach to economic policy
formulation associated with the normative approach ‘is no longer logically
possible’ (see Frey, 1978). Incumbent politicians are responsible for the choice
and implementation of economic policy, and their behaviour will clearly be
shaped by the various institutional constraints that make up the political
system. Accordingly, a politico-economic approach to the analysis of macr-
oeconomic phenomena and policy highlights the incentives which confront
politicians and influences their policy choices.

10.3 The Role of Government

What governments do, or do not do, will obviously have an important impact
on economic growth and stability. Fiscal, monetary and exchange rate poli-
cies, along with policies towards international trade, competition, regulation,
522 Modern macroeconomics

the labour market, education, technology, healthcare and the provision of key
institutions such as property rights, all have a profound influence on eco-
nomic performance. During the nineteenth century the economic role of
government, as measured by government expenditure as a percentage of
GDP, was around 10 per cent. By 1996 the government expenditure/GDP
ratio had risen to an average of 45 per cent in developed OECD countries (see
Tanzi and Schuknecht, 2000). This expanding role of government activity in
all countries during the twentieth century reflects the influence of several
factors, in particular:

1. the impact of two world wars;

2. the Great Depression and subsequent Keynesian revolution;
3. the initial post-1945 influence of the Soviet state-led model of develop-
4. rising military expenditures associated with the cold war and global
ideological competition between the USA and the USSR;
5. the influence of socialist/humanitarian thinking and a growing concern
for greater equity via income redistribution;
6. the rise of welfare state capitalism;
7. the general recognition by economists of a wider range of important
market failures beyond those initially identified by Adam Smith, particu-
larly widespread distortions created by externalities, imperfect information
and the problems of aggregate instability (Stiglitz, 2000, 2002).

At the beginning of the twentieth century the role of the state in the
economic sphere was minimal. However, over the past one hundred years we
have witnessed a dramatic change in the balance of economists’ vision of the
appropriate role of government in economic affairs. For the first 75 years of
the twentieth century the role of the state expanded but during the last quarter
of the twentieth century there has been a marked change in economists’
thinking on the desirability of this trend. This change, in large part, reflects
the fact that over the past 25 years there has been an unmistakable conver-
gence of beliefs among economists in the power of a market economy to
deliver rising living standards compared to any known alternative.
What should be the role of government in an economy? This important
question has been debated throughout history and permeates all important
public policy issues. The current borders of the state have been mainly
determined by historical events combined with developments in economic
analysis that recognized the importance of both market failure and govern-
ment failure.
While the 1950s and 1960s represent the high-water mark of economists’
belief in the capacity of governments to correct market failures, the 1970s
The new political macroeconomics 523

and 1980s witnessed increasing scepticism about the expanding role for
government and saw a return of economists’ faith in markets. Among econo-
mists there was a growing recognition of various forms of government failure.
The state was doing much more, but doing it less well. Even in the case
where a government is attempting to act as a benevolent social planner and
intervenes to correct market failures, it must do so via the use of agents
(bureaucrats) who actually implement the strategy. Because these agents are
likely to be self-interested and difficult to monitor, government interventions
invariably provide opportunities for rent-seeking behaviour and corruption.
From the 1970s onwards, the debate on market failure versus government
failure gathered momentum and became a key feature of the economics
literature. Many economists, influenced by the critiques of economists such
as Peter Bauer, Milton Friedman, James Buchanan, Friedrich von Hayek,
Robert Lucas Jr and Anne Krueger, began to accept that the state was trying
to do too much. In many countries this had deleterious effects on the efficient
functioning of markets, economic growth and stability. The idea of govern-
ment acting as a ‘benevolent social guardian’ and the dubious assumption
that state agencies are populated by ‘selfless bureaucrats’ had been severely
eroded by experience. This does not imply that capitalism is a perfect system,
that markets always work efficiently, or that there is not an important role for
government. But it does mean that throughout the world ‘governments have
come to plan less, to own less, and to regulate less, allowing instead the
frontiers of the market to expand’ (Yergin and Stanislaw, 1999). Markets and
effective accountable government are complementary (see World Bank, 1997;
Snowdon, 2001b; Stiglitz, 2002).

10.4 Politicians and Stabilization Policy

This ‘Downsian’ view of politicians indicates that government should be

viewed as endogenous in macroeconomic models (see Downs, 1957). Ac-
cording to Frey (1978), the traditional Keynesian circular flow model needs
to be modified to take account of self-interested government behaviour. The
politico-economic system resulting from this modification is illustrated in
Figure 10.2. There is no doubt that following the Keynesian revolution voters
have increasingly held governments responsible for the state of the economy.
But in choosing to whom they will delegate decision-making power, voters
are faced with a principal–agent problem since the agent (government) may
have different preferences which it can conceal from the imperfectly in-
formed voters.
As is evident from Figure 10.2, in the politico-economic circular flow
model politicians are seen to be driven by a balance of both ideological and
re-election considerations. Voters evaluate politicians on the basis of how
524 Modern macroeconomics

Source: Adapted from Frey (1978).

Figure 10.2 A politico-economic model

successful they have been in achieving desirable economic goals such as high
employment, low inflation and rapid growth of real disposable incomes. The
state of the economy in the immediate pre-election period is crucial and
politicians are obviously aware that in order to survive in government it is
preferable to have a buoyant economy. If economic conditions are unfavour-
able, voters may well choose to elect the opposition party and the incumbents
lose office. Meanwhile the opposition party makes attractive promises to the
electorate (recall, for example, George Bush Sr’s famous 1988 pre-election
pledge. ‘Read my lips, no new taxes’). Hence economic conditions influence
election results and the incentive to get elected directly influences the choice
and use of macroeconomic policies.
Politicians are also driven by partisan considerations, but ideological pro-
grammes cannot be implemented unless parties first of all win or maintain
power. During the past 25 years a considerable amount of empirical work has
been undertaken to test the importance of key macroeconomic variables
(such as inflation, unemployment and the growth of disposable income) for
the popularity of governments. This work indicates that such macroeconomic
The new political macroeconomics 525

variables are statistically significant and have an important influence on

election outcomes (see Kramer, 1971; Tufte, 1975, 1978; Mosley, 1978; Fair,
1988; Schneider and Frey, 1988). Given that incumbent politicians occupy a
position similar to that of a monopolist with respect to the supply of policies,
it is hardly surprising that they may often succumb to temptation and use
discretionary policies in order to maximize their re-election prospects.
During the past 20 years or so economists have produced a rich array of
politico-economic models which incorporate many of these considerations.
The interdependence between the economy and the polity is now a well-
established area of research for economists interested in identifying the
underlying causes of aggregate instability. This research has attempted to
answer a number of interesting questions, for example:

1. how important are economic factors in influencing voter choice? (Frey

and Schneider, 1978a, 1978b);
2. do opportunistic politicians manipulate the economy for political profit?
(Nordhaus, 1975);
3. do ideological (partisan) considerations lead to political parties produc-
ing a differentiated product? (Hibbs, 1977);
4. can political cycles exist in a world of rational non-myopic voters and
economic agents? (Alesina, 1987; Rogoff and Sibert, 1988);
5. does the empirical evidence provide support for politico-economic mod-
els? (Alesina and Roubini with Cohen, 1997);
6. what are the policy implications of such models? (Alesina, 1989; Drazen,

In what follows we shall show how economists have attempted to answer

these and other questions.

10.5 Alternative Approaches to the ‘Political Business Cycle’: An


In the theoretical literature on the political business cycle, which has devel-
oped since the mid-1970s, we can distinguish four main approaches which
have evolved in two separate phases. The assumptions underlying these four
different approaches are summarized in Table 10.1 (see Alesina, 1988). Dur-
ing the first phase, in the mid- to late 1970s, Nordhaus (1975) reawakened
interest in this area by developing an opportunistic model of the political
business cycle. This was followed by Hibbs (1977), who emphasized ideo-
logical rather than office-motivated considerations. However, both the
Nordhaus and Hibbs models (the ‘old’ political macroeconomics) were swept
aside somewhat during the so-called rational expectations revolution which
526 Modern macroeconomics

Table 10.1 Politico-economic models of aggregate fluctuations

Assumptions about voters and economic agents

Assumptions Non-rational behaviour, Rational behaviour,

about politicians non-rational expectations rational expectations

Non-Partisan Nordhaus (1975) Rogoff and Sibert (1988)


Partisan Hibbs (1977) Alesina (1987)


Source: Alesina (1988).

dominated macroeconomic discussions during the mid- to late 1970s (see

Chapter 5). After a period of relative neglect a second phase of politico-
economic models emerged in the mid-1980s and research in this area has
continued to flourish ever since. Due to the influence of new classical theo-
rists these new models incorporate the assumption of rational economic
agents and voters. While economists such as Rogoff and Sibert (1988) devel-
oped rational opportunistic models, Alesina (1987) produced a rational partisan
theory (the ‘new’ political macroeconomics).
In what follows we shall examine all four of these approaches (plus the
hybrid model of Frey and Schneider, 1978a, 1978b), each of which attempts
to endogenize the influence of political behaviour on the macroeconomy.

10.6 The Nordhaus Opportunistic Model

The modern literature on political business cycles was stimulated by the

seminal paper of Nordhaus (1975). In the electoral model popularized by
Nordhaus the party in power ‘chooses economic policies during its incum-
bency which maximize its plurality at the next election’. Since voters are
influenced by a government’s macroeconomic performance before an elec-
tion, politicians will be tempted to manipulate policy instruments so that
policy outcomes are most favourable around the election period. The impor-
tant consequence of such behaviour is that policies are implemented in
democracies which are biased against future generations (see also Lindbeck,
1976; MacRae, 1977). Thus while elections and electoral competition are
necessary to increase the accountability of government, they are also likely to
The new political macroeconomics 527

introduce potentially damaging distortions into the policy-making process. In

producing this result Nordhaus makes a number of important assumptions,

N1 The political system contains two parties between which there has been
complete policy convergence as predicted by the median voter theorem
of Downs (1957).
N2 Both parties are interested in maximizing political profit rather than
engaging in ideological programmes. Only election outcomes matter to
these opportunistic non-partisan politicians.
N3 The timing of elections is exogenously fixed.
N4 Individual voters are identical and have aggregate unemployment (Ut)
and inflation ( P˙t ) in their preference functions and low inflation and
unemployment rates are preferred. Policy makers are fully informed of
voters’ preferences but have no specific preferences with respect to
inflation and unemployment.
N5 Voters make political choices based on the past performance of incum-
bent politicians in managing the economy during their term of office.
Not only are voters retrospective in their voting behaviour (they have
no foresight); they also have a decaying memory (a high discount rate
on past economic performance), that is, they are myopic.
N6 The macroeconomic system can be described by an expectations-aug-
mented Phillips curve where the short-run trade-off is less favourable
than the long-run trade-off. Voters are ignorant of the macroeconomic
N7 Expectations of inflation ( P˙t e ) are formed adaptively, that is, agents are
N8 Policy makers can control the level of unemployment by manipulating
aggregate demand via fiscal and monetary policies.

Nordhaus assumes (N4) that policy decisions will be based on the observed
aggregate voting function (Vt) which reflects individual preferences; this is
described by equation (10.1):

Vt = g(Ut , P˙t ), where g ′(Ut ) < 0, and g ′( P˙t ) < 0 (10.1)

In equation (10.1) votes are a decreasing function of Ṗ and U. Figure 10.3

shows the contours (iso-vote lines) of the aggregate voting function (V1, V2
and so on), which indicate the percentage of votes acquired by the incum-
bents for a given policy outcome. Since inflation and unemployment are
‘bads’, V1 > V2 > V3 > V4. Voters prefer any point on V1 to any point on V2 but
are indifferent between points on the same contour. Governments seeking to
528 Modern macroeconomics

win elections will endeavour to manipulate the economy towards the highest
feasible vote contour so as to coincide with the election period.
The macroeconomic framework adopted by Nordhaus involves an expecta-
tions-augmented Phillips curve framework summarized by equations (10.2)–

Expectations-augmented Phillips curve:

P˙t = f (Ut ) + λP˙t e (10.2)

Adaptive expectations hypothesis:

P˙t e − P˙t e−1 = α[ P˙t −1 − P˙t e−1 ], and α > 0 (10.3)

Equilibrium condition:

P˙t = P˙t e (10.4)

Long-run Phillips curve trade-off:

f (U )
P˙t = (10.5)
(1 − λ )

Nordhaus assumes that 1 > λ > 0 which yields a long-run Phillips curve
which is less favourable (steeper) than the short-run relationship. In Figure
10.3 the short-run curves are indicated by SG, SW and SM and the position of
each curve depends on the expected rate of inflation. The long-run Phillips
curve is labelled LRPC. If the λ coefficient is unity, the Phillips curve be-
comes a vertical line at the natural rate of unemployment (see Friedman,
1968a). However, as Nordhaus (1975, p. 176) notes, ‘a vertical long-run
Phillips curve makes no difference in principle’ to the substantial conclusions
of the model.

10.6.1 Optimal inflation and unemployment

Given assumption N4, the social welfare function (W) of the policy makers
will be the discounted value of the aggregate voting function. In the absence
of political constraints a social planner will seek to maximize the welfare
function given by equation (10.6) subject to the macroeconomic constraints
given by equations (10.2)–(10.5):

W = ∫ g(Ut , P˙t )e− rt dt (10.6)
The new political macroeconomics 529

Figure 10.3 The Nordhaus political business cycle model

There are several possible outcomes depending on the policy makers’ choice
of discount rate (r). Where future generations are given the same weight as
the current generation (r = 0), the outcome is indicated by G in Figure 10.3.
Here the LRPC is at a tangent to the aggregate voting function (V2) and this
represents the best sustainable combination of inflation and unemployment.
Nordhaus calls this outcome the ‘golden rule’ policy solution, which involves
inflation = ṖG and unemployment = UG. Where the policy makers care only
about the current generation (infinite discount rates are applied) a ‘purely
myopic’ policy results in an outcome indicated in Figure 10.3 by point M,
where SM is at a tangent to V4. In other words, ‘myopic’ policies which ignore
the welfare of future generations lead to higher inflation ( P˙M ) and lower
unemployment (UM) than golden rule policies (Nordhaus, 1975). Where the
policy maker cares about both generations (∞ > r > 0), an outcome Nordhaus
refers to as the ‘general welfare optimum’ (W) results. In this case U = UW
and P˙ = P˙W .

10.6.2 Long-run implications of the Nordhaus model

Where incumbent politicians are concerned about their re-election prospects,
the Nordhaus model predicts that ‘democratic systems will choose a policy
on the long-run trade-off that has lower unemployment and higher inflation
530 Modern macroeconomics

than is optimal’. This outcome is the result of the following behaviour.

Suppose before an election the economy is located at point G in Figure 10.3.
The incumbent government can increase its chances of re-election by engi-
neering an expansion of the economy and move up the short-run trade-off SG
to point E1. This represents the best position that the government can achieve
since SG is tangential to V1 at E1. Since E1 lies to the left of the LRPC,
equation (10.3) indicates that SG will shift up to the right as expectations
adjust to the higher rate of inflation. In contrast, if the short-run electoral
outcome position lay to the right of LRPC, the incumbent party could im-
prove its popularity by policy choices which move the economy back to a
position on the LRPC. The long-run dynamics of the Nordhaus model over
the course of many elections are shown in Figure 10.4, where E0E0 is the
election outcome locus. The long-run equilibrium is determined where E0E0
intersects the LRPC at E* = M. Since M is on both the LRPC and SM, ‘the
incumbent party cannot improve its performance by moving along the short-
run trade-off curve’ because SM is also at a tangent to the iso-vote contour V4
(Nordhaus, 1975). The flatter the short-run Phillips curves, the higher will be
the steady state equilibrium rate of inflation.
The interesting outcome of opportunistic behaviour over many electoral
regimes is that the long-run solution to the model corresponds to the myopic
position M. Thus democratic systems are predicted to produce a steady state
equilibrium with higher inflation and lower unemployment than is optimal,

Figure 10.4 The long-run solution in the Nordhaus model

The new political macroeconomics 531

that is, an inflation bias (with λ = 1 and a vertical Phillips curve, the outcome
involves an inflation bias only).

10.6.3 Short-run outcomes: the ‘political business cycle’

In his analysis of short-run behaviour, Nordhaus introduces the possibility
that voters have a ‘decaying memory’ (assumption N5). Voters place more
weight on recent events than distant events from the past. In this case equa-
tion (10.1) is replaced by (10.7), where T is the length of the electoral period
and z is the decay rate of voters’ memories:
VT = ∫ g(Ut , P˙t )ezt dt (10.7)

The modified vote function (10.7) indicates that although voters hold the gov-
ernment responsible for inflation and unemployment in the current period, their
decaying memory provides the incumbents with the opportunity to systemati-
cally fool the electorate. A typical short-run political business cycle would
progress as follows. As before, suppose the economy is initially located at point
G in Figure 10.3 in the period immediately preceding an election. By expand-
ing aggregate demand the government can lower unemployment and achieve a
position such as E1, which will generate more votes than is possible at G (that
is, V1 > V2). The cost of this manoeuvre is a (delayed) acceleration of inflation
(SG eventually shifts up to the right as expectations adjust). However, this cost
tends to arise after the election has already been won. Even if inflation acceler-
ates just before the election, with adaptive expectations it will take time for
economic agents and voters to realize that inflation has increased. Having
caused higher inflation, the government now needs to reduce it. Therefore,
immediately following an election victory the government will deflate aggre-
gate demand which, by increasing unemployment, will eventually reduce
inflationary expectations, thereby shifting the short-run Phillips curve back
towards SG. Because voters have a decaying memory, this strategy can be
repeated at the next election: recent events are ‘more poignant’ than ‘ancient
ills’. Hence the government can benefit from opportunistic behaviour which
deliberately destabilizes the economy to produce a politically induced business
cycle. This outcome is clearly at odds with the basic Keynesian notion that a
major objective of government is to stabilize the economy.
The Nordhaus model gives clear predictions about the pattern of unem-
ployment and inflation during the electoral cycle. In the first half of an
electoral period unemployment should be rising, GDP falling and inflation
(eventually) falling. In the run-up to an election, the second half of the
electoral period should be characterized by falling unemployment and rising
GDP. In the immediate post-electoral period inflation rises and a recession
sets in. Nordhaus tested this hypothesis for nine countries over the period
532 Modern macroeconomics

1947–72 and concluded that ‘given both casual and formal evidence of eco-
nomic behaviour, and the historical record in the countries examined, it is
clear that a political business cycle is a significant factor in the operation of
some capitalist economies’ (Nordhaus, 1975, emphasis added). Later, Nordhaus
(1989) argued that there can be no monocausal explanation of the political
influences on economic cycles, but in his view the impact of ideological
considerations remained secondary to opportunistic behaviour.
Perhaps the best example of opportunistic behaviour was observed towards
the end of the first term of Richard Nixon’s Presidency in the USA. The
deliberately induced 1970–71 recession was quickly reversed by expansion-
ary policies in the run-up to the 1972 election. According to Tufte (1978),
Nixon ensured that all social security recipients received a letter in the period
just before the 1972 presidential election. With each letter was a cheque
containing a social security benefits increase of 20 per cent. Apparently
Nixon was concerned that his defeat by Kennedy in 1960 was due to the
failure of President Eisenhower to reflate the economy. It is therefore hardly
surprising that Richard Nixon has been described by Rogoff (1988) as the ‘all
time hero of political business cycles’.
Given the potentially serious nature of this phenomenon, Nordhaus sug-
gested a number of possible remedies which included increasing the
information available to voters and entrusting monetary policy to an inde-
pendent central bank (see section 10.13).

10.7 The Hibbs Partisan Model

In the Nordhaus model there is policy convergence in that all governments

behave in the same opportunistic way, and all voters are assumed to have
identical preferences over inflation and unemployment. An alternative ap-
proach is to view voters and politicians as ideological or partisan. Politicians
view winning elections as a means of putting into action their partisan pro-
gramme and heterogeneous voters will clearly have different preferences
over inflation and unemployment. Hibbs (1977) examined the post-war pat-
terns of economic policies and outcomes in 12 advanced capitalist democracies
for the period 1945–69 in order to test the proposition that left- and right-
wing governments have different preferences with respect to the trade-off
between inflation and unemployment. In particular, Hibbs argues that his
evidence supports the proposition that left-wing governments prefer a lower
U, higher Ṗ outcome than right-wing governments. We can represent this
difference in preferences in terms of differences in loss functions. Equations
(10.8) and (10.9) show the loss (cost) functions in terms of unemployment
and inflation for two parties, a right-wing party = CR, and a left-wing party =
CL (see Alesina, 1987).
The new political macroeconomics 533

(U R − U R∗ )2 ( P˙ − P˙R∗ )2
CR = + φR t (10.8)
2 2

(U L − U L∗ )2 ( P˙ − P˙L∗ )2
CL = + φL t (10.9)
2 2

Here U R* and P˙R* are the unemployment and inflation targets of the right
wing party and φR is the relative weight placed on deviations of inflation
from target ( P˙t − P˙R* ) relative to deviations of unemployment from target
(UR – U R* ). The partisan differences can be summed up as follows.

U L∗ ≤ U R∗

P˙L∗ ≥ P˙R∗

φL ≤ φR

Partisan effects are further illustrated in Figure 10.5, where RR and LL indicate
the respective preferences of right- and left-wing politicians. Given the as-
sumption of a stable exploitable Phillips curve trade-off, left-wing governments
will choose a combination of ṖL and UL, indicated by point L*, and right-wing
governments will choose a combination of ṖR and UR, indicated by point R*.

Figure 10.5 The Hibbs partisan model

534 Modern macroeconomics

According to Hibbs, ‘different unemployment/inflation outcomes have impor-

tant class-linked effects on the distribution of national income’. The revealed
preference of policy makers reflects the interests of the social groups who
typically provide support for different parties. Since macroeconomic policies
have distributional consequences, Hibbs rejects Nordhaus’s assumption (N1) of
policy convergence. According to Hibbs, the empirical evidence supports the
partisan view that ‘a relatively low unemployment–high inflation macroeco-
nomic configuration is associated with substantial relative and absolute
improvements in the economic well-being of the poor’. Because tight labour
markets tend to generate income-equalizing effects, we should expect left-wing
governments to favour a point on the Phillips curve trade-off indicated by L*.
Right-wing parties view inflation as more damaging to their constituency of
upper middle-class voters and choose a position such as R*.
According to Hibbs, the empirical evidence supports the ideological view
of macroeconomic policy making. The differing interests of various occupa-
tional groups is reflected in the policy preferences of left- and right-wing
political parties. In an examination of 12 Western European and North Ameri-
can countries over the period 1945–69 Hibbs found strong support for the
proposition that the mean inflation rate is higher and the mean unemployment
rate lower, the greater the percentage of years that labour/socialist parties
have been in office. In addition to the static aggregated evidence, Hibbs also
found that the time series evidence for the USA and the UK supports the
proposition that Democratic and Labour administrations have usually re-
duced unemployment while Republican and Conservative governments have
tended to increase unemployment. Hibbs (1987) also reports significant parti-
san effects on the distribution of income and Bartels and Brady (2003)
conclude that the ‘consistent partisan differences in economic performance
identified by Hibbs remain alive and well two decades later’ and partisan
influences have had a ‘profound influence on the workings of the US economy’.
These influences are summarized in Table 10.2.

Table 10.2 Partisan influence on macroeconomic outcomes, USA, 1948–


Macroeconomic outcomes Republican Democratic Partisan

presidents presidents difference

Average unemployment (%) 6.35 4.84 1.51

Average inflation (%) 3.95 3.97 –0.02
Average annual GDP growth (%) 2.86 4.08 –1.22

Source: Adapted from Bartels and Brady (2003).

The new political macroeconomics 535

Hence there is evidence supporting the Hibbs model that systematic differ-
ences exist in the policy choices and outcomes of partisan governments.
Hibbs argues that this is in line with the subjective preferences of the class-
based political constituencies of right- and left-wing political parties.

10.8 The Decline and Renaissance of Opportunistic and Partisan


The 1970s were a turbulent time for the capitalist democracies as the ‘Golden
Age’ of low inflation, low unemployment and above average growth came to
an end. The stagflation crisis of the 1970s also brought to an end the Keynesian
consensus which had dominated macroeconomic theory and policy making in
the quarter-century following the Second World War. In the wake of the
monetarist counter-revolution, Lucas inspired a rational expectations revolu-
tion in macroeconomics. By the mid-1970s models which continued to use
the adaptive expectations hypothesis were coming in for heavy criticism from
new classical theorists, as the hypothesis implies that economic agents can
make systematic errors. In market-clearing models with rational expectations
the assumption that economic agents are forward-looking makes it more
difficult for the policy maker to manipulate real economic activity. There is
no exploitable short-run Phillips curve which policy makers can use. Pre-
election monetary expansions, for example, will fail to surprise rational agents
because such a manoeuvre will be expected.
The rational expectations hypothesis also implies that voters will be for-
ward-looking and will not be systematically fooled in equilibrium. According
to Alesina (1988), ‘the theoretical literature on political business cycles made
essentially no progress’ after the contributions of Nordhaus (1975), Lindbeck
(1976) and MacRae (1977) because of the ‘devastating’ effect of the rational
expectations critique. The Nordhaus model involves an exploitable short-run
Phillips curve trade-off combined with myopic voters. Once the rational
expectations hypothesis is introduced, however, voters can be expected to
recognize the incentives politicians have to manipulate the economy for
electoral profit. Given that US presidential elections are held on a regular
four-year basis, it is difficult to believe that rational voters and economic
agents would allow themselves to be systematically duped by the macroeco-
nomic manipulations of self-interested politicians. Moreover, it is difficult to
reconcile the predictions of the Nordhaus model with situations where mon-
etary policy is conducted by an independent central bank, unless government
can in some way pressurize the central bank to accommodate the incumbent
government’s preferred monetary policy (on this see Havrilesky, 1993; Woolley,
1994). However, Blinder, in discussing this issue, denies that political pres-
sure was an issue during his period as Vice Chairman at the US Federal
536 Modern macroeconomics

Reserve, 1994–6. In his experience the political influence on monetary policy

was ‘trivial, next to zero’, although he agrees that this was not the case during
the Richard Nixon–Arthur Burns era (see Snowdon, 2001a).
The Hibbs model also has major theoretical shortcomings, especially with
respect to the stability of the Phillips curve trade-off implicit in his analysis.
Remarkably, Hibbs makes no mention of the expectations-augmented Phillips
curve in his 1977 paper even though the Friedman–Phelps theory was a
decade old and by then a well-established idea, even among Keynesians (see
Gordon, 1975, 1976; Blinder, 1988b, 1992a; Laidler, 1992a). The assumption
of rationality also has implications for the Hibbs model. Since the output and
employment effects of expansionary and contractionary demand management
policies are only transitory in new classical models, the identification of
partisan influences on macroeconomic outcomes will be harder to detect (see
Alesina, 1989). Alt (1985) concluded that partisan effects are not permanent
but occur temporarily after a change of government.
In addition to the theoretical shortcomings of the early political business
cycle literature, the Nordhaus model also failed to attract strong empirical
support, with the econometric literature yielding inconclusive results (see
Mullineux et al., 1993). While McCallum (1978) rejected the implications of
the Nordhaus model for US data, Paldam (1979) could only find weak evidence
of a political business cycle in OECD countries. Later studies, such as those
conducted by Hibbs (1987), Alesina (1988, 1989), Alesina and Roubini (1992),
Alesina and Roubini with Cohen (1997) and Drazen (2000a, 2000b), also find
little evidence of a political business cycle in data on unemployment and GNP
growth for the US and other OECD economies. This also applies where the
timing of elections is endogenous (see Alesina et al., 1993). More favourable
results for the Nordhaus model are reported by Soh (1986), Nordhaus (1989),
Haynes and Stone (1990) and Tufte (1978), who found some evidence of pre-
election manipulation of fiscal and monetary policy for the USA. In addition,
Drazen (2000a) distinguishes between empirical predictions that focus on policy
outcomes (inflation, unemployment, growth) and those that focus on policy
instruments (taxes, government expenditure interest rates) and concludes that
‘the evidence for opportunistic manipulation of macroeconomic policies is
stronger than for macroeconomic outcomes’. With respect to policy outcomes
there is more support for the opportunistic political business cycle theory
coming from post-electoral inflation behaviour than can be found in the pre-
electoral movement of real GDP and unemployment. Drazen also concludes
that the evidence in favour of opportunistic manipulation of policy instruments
is much stronger for fiscal policy than it is for monetary policy.
A significant problem for partisan theories in general is the argument and
evidence presented by Easterly and Fischer (2001) that low inflation helps the
poor more than the rich. Inflation acts as a financial tax that hits the poor
The new political macroeconomics 537

disproportionately because they tend to hold more of their wealth in cash

relative to their income than the rich, whereas the rich are more likely to have
access to various financial instruments that allow them to hedge against
inflation. In addition the poor obviously depend more on minimum wages
and state-determined income payments that are not always indexed to protect
against the effects of inflation (see Snowdon, 2004b). Easterly and Fischer
present evidence drawn from an international poll of over 30 000 respondents
from 38 countries and the responses indicate that the poor themselves are
more strongly averse to inflation than those with higher incomes. This under-
mines a key assumption of Hibbs’s model that the rich are more inflation-averse
than the poor.
By the mid-1980s the politico-economic literature had reached a new ebb.
Zarnowitz (1985), in his survey of business cycle research, devotes one
footnote to the idea of an electoral cycle and refers critically to the ‘strong’
and ‘questionable’ assumptions of such models as well as the lack of support-
ing evidence. The same neglect is also a feature of Gordon’s (1986) edited
survey of The American Business Cycle.
Following a period of relative neglect, the literature on the relationship
between politics and the macroeconomy underwent a significant revival since
the mid-1980s (see Willet, 1988). Economists responded to the rational ex-
pectations critique by producing a new generation of rational politico-economic
models. Like the first phase in the 1970s, the second phase of politico-
economic models consisted of opportunistic and partisan versions of the
interaction between politics and the macroeconomy. In the next two sections
we examine the main features of rational political business cycle models and
the rational partisan theory.

10.9 Rational Political Business Cycles

Recent work in the political business cycle tradition has shown that some of
the insights of Nordhaus (1975) can survive even in a model with rational
expectations, providing there is asymmetric information between voters and
policy makers. In other words, voters need not be myopic in order for politi-
cians to generate political business cycles. Optimal policies are only likely in
a world of political competition when there is unanimity about social objec-
tives and symmetric information between agents, voters and politicians. Since
these conditions are unlikely ever to hold, politicians have the opportunity to
follow non-optimal policies. Providing there is some element of imperfect
information, so that forward-looking voters are not fully informed about
some characteristics of the political and economic environment, incumbents
have the opportunity of creating ‘a temporary illusion of prosperity’ (Alesina,
1989) in order to gain favour with the electorate.
538 Modern macroeconomics

In the rational opportunistic models proposed by Cukierman and Meltzer

(1986), Rogoff and Sibert (1988), Rogoff (1990) and Persson and Tabellini
(1990), electoral cycles are created in policy variables such as government
spending, taxes and monetary growth, and such cycles are made possible by
temporary information asymmetries. Although rational voters aim to choose
politicians who they believe can deliver the highest utility, they lack informa-
tion on the competence of different policy makers. Voters acquire information
on competence by observing outcomes. Therefore before elections the in-
cumbents engage in a ‘signalling process’ which aims to persuade voters that
the politicians in power are competent. Such signalling is always observed in
the UK during the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s annual budget speech,
especially just before an election.
Rogoff and Sibert define competence as the ability to reduce waste in the
budget process; that is, competent governments can produce more public
goods and transfers for a given amount of tax revenue. Incumbents have the
potential to create a temporary fiscal boost (or fail to impose necessary tax
increases), which is popular with voters. Because the budgetary process is so
complicated the inevitable post-election tax increases needed to finance the
pre-election boost are not foreseen even by rational voters, due to their
incomplete information. Rather than generating a regular inflation–unem-
ployment cycle as in the Nordhaus model, rational political business cycle
theories predict the manipulation of various policy instruments before and
after the election. The temptation of incumbents to cut taxes and increase
spending before an election in order to appear competent clearly generates
departures from optimality. Hence opportunistic behaviour survives in ra-
tional opportunistic models, although such models give rise to a different set
of empirical predictions compared to the original Nordhaus model. In par-
ticular, because of rational expectations, any cycles resulting from the
manipulation of monetary and fiscal policies will be predicted to be less
regular and of shorter duration.
Finally, we should note that developing-country governments appear to
behave in a similar way to their counterparts in richer countries. In a study of
35 developing countries Schuknecht (1996) found ‘considerable evidence’ in
favour of election-generated fiscal policy cycles although the opportunities
for self-interested political behaviour are less in more open economies.

10.10 Rational Partisan Theory

As noted earlier, Hibbs (1977), in his partisan theory of macroeconomic

policy choices, argued that parties of the left will systematically select com-
binations of unemployment and inflation which differ from those preferred
by right-wing parties. Following the rational expectations revolution, theo-
The new political macroeconomics 539

rists questioned the ability of policy makers to influence real economic activ-
ity using aggregate demand management policies. Alesina, in a series of
publications, has shown that the partisan theory of political business cycles
can survive in models incorporating rational expectations providing (i) voters
are uncertain about election outcomes, and (ii) uncontingent labour contracts
are signed for discrete periods and are not subject to renegotiation after the
election result is declared (see Alesina, 1987, 1988, 1989). In Alesina’s
model economic agents cannot enter into state-contingent nominal wage
contracts that provide insurance against electoral risk. Central to the rational
partisan theory is the idea that the political systems of many industrial de-
mocracies are polarized. Alesina rejects the traditional view of politicians’
behaviour associated with Downs (1957) that vote-maximizing politicians in
a two-party system will generate a convergence of policies, as both parties
choose the policies favoured by the median voter (see also Minford and Peel,
1982). In the partisan theory politicians are ideological and adopt different
policies when in power. ‘There is no presumption that in a multi-party system
with self-interested politicians one should observe policy convergence’
(Alesina, 1989). In the case of the USA, empirical work has shown that
although the degree of polarization has varied throughout American history,
the Republican and Democratic parties have never fully converged (Alesina
and Rosenthal, 1995). This in part reflects the fact that a presidential candi-
date has to appeal to the median voter in his/her own party in order to win the
nomination. ‘Since the platform adopted in the primary is a constraint on the
choice of platform for the presidential elections, even self-interested politi-
cians may have to choose polarized policies’ (Alesina, 1989). Alesina follows
Wittman (1977) and Hibbs (1977) and emphasizes the ideological prefer-
ences of politicians who aim to please their supporters by implementing
policies which are likely to lead to a redistribution of income in their favour.
Hence the rational partisan theory shows how parties follow different macr-
oeconomic strategies because of their impact on the redistribution of income.
It is assumed that voters are well aware of these ideological differences
between the parties. In this framework macroeconomic policies create short-
run aggregate disturbances because rational voters are uncertain about election
results. When Republicans or Conservatives are elected, economic agents are
confronted in the period immediately following the election with a deflation-
ary shock, that is, inflation is lower than expected. When Democratic and
Socialist governments are elected, the opposite occurs. There is a larger than
expected ‘inflation surprise’. It is the combination of election outcome uncer-
tainty combined with ideological differences between the two parties that
leads to aggregate instability in Alesina’s model. If a common macroeco-
nomic policy could be agreed between the two political parties aggregate
fluctuations would be reduced.
540 Modern macroeconomics

The ‘eclectic’ macroeconomic framework adopted by Alesina is based on

Fischer’s (1977) well-known rational expectations model which includes a
labour market where nominal wage contracts are signed and extend for con-
siderable time periods (see Chapter 7). The ‘neutrality’ result or ‘policy
ineffectiveness proposition’ associated with Lucas (1972a) and Sargent and
Wallace (1975) depends on perfect (instantaneous) wage and price flexibility
as well as agents having rational expectations (see Chapter 5). Fischer (1977)
demonstrated that the crucial assumption for new classical results is instanta-
neous market clearing. With nominal wage contracts, an element of price
stickiness is introduced into the model and in a non-market-clearing setting
policy effectiveness is restored with monetary policy having real effects on
aggregate output and employment. When ideological politicians use mon-
etary policy in such a setting a rational partisan business cycle is generated.
How does this come about? Consider equations (10.10)–(10.13) below.

yt = β[ P˙t − W˙ t ] + y Nt , and β > 0 (10.10)

Ignoring capital accumulation, equation (10.10) shows that the rate of output
growth (yt) depends on the natural rate of growth of output (yNt) and posi-
tively on the difference between the rate of inflation ( P˙t ), and nominal wage
growth (W˙ t ), that is, the path of real wages. (By Okun’s Law unemployment
and output are assumed to be inversely related and the natural rate of output
growth is that which is compatible with the natural rate of unemployment.)
Alesina uses output growth rather than the level of output since this is the
variable that empirical research uses to capture partisan effects on the economy.
If we assume that non-indexed nominal wage contracts lasting one period
(for example, two years) are drawn up with the objective of maintaining a
real wage consistent with natural output growth, we derive equation (10.11),
which shows that nominal wage growth is set equal to the current expected
rate of inflation ( P˙t e ) :

W˙ t = P˙t e (10.11)

Unlike the situation in the Nordhaus and Hibbs models, agents form their
expectations rationally. The rational expectations hypothesis is given in equa-
tion (10.12):

P˙t e = E[ P˙t | It −1 ] (10.12)

Here E is the mathematical expectations operator and It–1 indicates the infor-
mation which has been accumulated by economic agents up to the end of
time period t–1. By combining (10.10) and (10.11) we arrive at equation
The new political macroeconomics 541

(10.13), which tells us that output growth will deviate from its natural rate if
there is an inflation surprise, that is, an unexpected change in monetary

yt = β[ P˙t − P˙t e ] + y Nt (10.13)

In rational partisan models it is assumed that the incumbent politicians

have the ability to control the rate of inflation by monetary policy. Since party
preferences with respect to the extent of aversion to inflation differ, with the
right being assumed to be more averse than the left, an election which brings
about a change of government will lead to an inflation surprise, causing
output to deviate from its natural growth path. Agents have rational expecta-
tions but are uncertain about forthcoming election results. Because agents
sign nominal wage contracts before the election result is known, the rate of
inflation forthcoming after the election can differ from the rational expecta-
tion of inflation formed by wage negotiators in the pre-election period. Consider
the following possible sequence of events. Suppose the current administra-
tion is a party of the left (Democrats in the USA, Labour in the UK).
Following Hibbs (1977), we can assume that left-wing governments have a
reputation for wanting to lower unemployment. Wage negotiators, if they
assume that the incumbents will win the election, will sign nominal wage
contracts which have built into them a high expected rate of inflation. Even if
the right-wing party looks like winning the election, risk-averse negotiators
will probably sign contracts involving inflation expectations higher than would
have been the case if agents knew for certain that the right would win. If a
Conservative (inflation-averse) government replaces the left-wing incumbents,
they will begin to tighten monetary policy in order to reduce inflation, thus
creating a surprise which has not been built into the wage contracts. As a
result, following an election victory by a Republican or Conservative party,
the Alesina rational partisan theory predicts a recession in output growth and
a rise in unemployment as inflation declines. The opposite sequence of events
would follow a change in government from right to left (Maloney et al.,
2003). In the period following an election, left-wing governments expand the
economy and reduce unemployment. Eventually, when inflationary expecta-
tions adjust to the new situation, output growth returns to the natural rate but
the economy is locked into an equilibrium with high inflation. The election of
parties of the left will, according to Alesina’s model, be followed by a
cyclical pattern which is the opposite of that predicted by the Nordhaus
model. In both cases expectations are assumed to adjust to the actual rate of
inflation in the second half of a term of office, and from equation (10. 13) we
can see that output growth will settle back to its natural rate for both right-
and left-wing governments during this period of the electoral cycle. Since
542 Modern macroeconomics

there are no election surprises in the second half of an administration’s term

of office, real variables settle down to their natural rates. However, because
left-wing governments will be locked into a high-inflation equilibrium in
Alesina’s model, they may feel obliged to fight inflation before the next
election. President Carter found himself in such a situation in 1979–80.
We can now summarize the predictions of the rational partisan theory of
the business cycle:

A1 A change to a Conservative or Republican government will be followed

by a recession and rising unemployment. Once inflationary expecta-
tions have been reduced, output growth returns to its natural rate. Inflation
is low as the next election approaches.
A2 A change to a Labour or Democratic government will be followed by
an acceleration of inflation as the economy expands more rapidly. Un-
employment will initially fall. Once inflationary expectations adjust,
output growth returns to its natural rate but inflation remains high.
Should a government of the left attempt to fight inflation in the run-up
to the next election, it will create a recession.
A3 The stronger the ideological convictions of the two parties, the greater
will be the disturbance to output and employment following a change of
policy regime after an election.
A4 Unlike the Hibbs model, the rational partisan theory predicts that differ-
ences in unemployment and growth resulting from changes in government
will only be a temporary phenomenon.

10.10.1 Empirical evidence for rational partisan cycles

A considerable amount of empirical work has been done in recent years to
test the rational partisan theory (see Alesina and Sachs, 1988; Alesina, 1989;
Alesina and Roubini, 1992; Alesina and Rosenthal, 1995). These studies have
found supporting evidence for temporary partisan effects on output and em-
ployment and long-run partisan effects on the rate of inflation as predicted.
For the USA systematic differences have been found to occur in the first half,
but not the second half, of a large number of administrations. This evidence is
reported in Table 10.3. Although the rational partisan theory of Alesina and
the political business cycle model of Nordhaus (1975) give similar predic-
tions for Republican and Conservative administrations, the data in Table 10.3
do not show, on average, evidence of opportunistic behaviour. In line with the
predictions of the Alesina model, ‘Every Republican administration in the
post-World War II period except Reagan’s second one has started with a
recession. No recessions have occurred at the beginning of Democratic ad-
ministrations’ (Alesina, 1995). The deep recessions in the US and UK
economies following the elections of President Reagan and Prime Minister
The new political macroeconomics 543

Table 10.3 Rates of growth of GDP in real terms


First Second Third Fourth

Democratic administrations
Truman 0.0 8.5 10.3 3.9
Kennedy/Johnson 2.6 5.3 4.1 5.3
Johnson 5.8 5.8 2.9 4.1
Carter 4.7 5.3 2.5 –0.2a
Average 3.3 6.2 5.0 3.3
Average first/second halves 4.8 4.1

Republican administrations
Eisenhower I 4.0 –1.3 5.6 2.1
Eisenhower II 1.7 –0.8 5.8 2.2
Nixon 2.4 –0.3 2.8 5.0
Nixon/Ford 5.2 –0.5 –1.3a 4.9
Reagan I 1.9 –2.5 3.6 6.8
Reagan II 3.4 2.7 3.4 4.5
Bush 2.5 0.9 –0.7 –
Average 3.0 –0.3 2.7 4.3
Average first/second halves 1.4 3.5
Note: Oil shocks.

Source: Economic Report of the President, 1992 (cited in Alesina, 1995).

Thatcher conform very well to predictions A1 and A3 above. Prediction A2

fits very well the experience in France in the period 1981–3. During the early
part of the French Socialist administration of Mitterand, expansionary poli-
cies were pursued initially, even though many other major economies were in
recession. Both President Mitterand and President Carter in the USA ended
their administrations trying to fight inflation, although it should be recog-
nized that the second OPEC oil-price shock complicates matters in the case
of the Carter administration.
Alesina concludes that the more recent rational versions of politico-eco-
nomic models of cycles have been much more successful empirically than the
earlier models of Nordhaus and Hibbs. In particular, ‘partisan effects’ appear
to be ‘quite strong’ while ‘opportunistic effects’ appear to be ‘small in magni-
544 Modern macroeconomics

tude’ and seem to affect only certain policy instruments, particularly fiscal
variables (see Alesina, 1995). It is also well documented that during the
Reagan and Thatcher administrations the income distribution consequences
of the micro and macro policies were ‘particularly partisan’. Inequality in-
creased under both administrations (see Alesina, 1989).

10.10.2 Criticisms of the rational partisan theory

There are a number of important weaknesses in the rational partisan theory.
First of all, if the cyclical effects are due to the signing of wage contracts
before an election, then one obvious solution is to delay the signing of
contracts until the election result is known. This solution is, of course, not as
applicable where the timing of elections is fixed endogenously. However, in
the USA wage contracts are staggered and overlapping, which means that at
least a significant proportion of wage contracts will inevitably go over the
election date. A second important criticism is that, in line with other models
which assume nominal wage rigidity, the Alesina model implies a counter-
cyclical real wage which is at odds with the stylized facts of the business
cycle. For theoretical purists a third criticism relates to the lack of firm
microeconomic foundations in such models to explain the mechanism of
nominal wage contracting. Alesina (1995) describes this as the ‘Achilles heel’
of the rational partisan theory. A fourth line of criticism originates from the
most recent generation of equilibrium business cycle theories. According to
real business cycle theorists, monetary policy cannot be used to produce real
effects on output and employment, although they agree that monetary growth
determines the rate of inflation. In real business cycle models aggregate
fluctuations are determined mainly by shocks to the production function, and
such shocks are endemic. The pre-electoral behaviour of politicians and post-
electoral monetary surprises are largely irrelevant. A benign monetary policy
would not bring to an end aggregate fluctuations (see Chapter 6). A fifth
criticism relates to hysteresis effects. If the natural rate properties of rational
partisan models do not hold due to persistence effects following an aggregate
demand disturbance, the political business cycle may be turned ‘upside down’
(see Gartner, 1996). A sixth criticism relates to the empirical evidence. In an
extensive survey Carmignani (2003) concludes that monetary policy is not
the source of political cycles in real variables (see also Drazen, 2000a, 2000b).
Finally, some theorists argue that partisan and opportunistic models are not
incompatible and a more complete model should incorporate both influences
(see Frey and Schneider, 1978a, 1978b; Schultz, 1995). It is to this latter
criticism that we now turn.
The new political macroeconomics 545

10.11 Opportunistic and Partisan Behaviour: A Synthesis

We have seen in our earlier discussion that opportunistic theories of the

political business cycle assume that politicians are only office-motivated.
Their macroeconomic policies are designed to win elections. Partisan theo-
ries stress ideological considerations and reject the assumption made in
opportunistic theories that all parties will follow the same policies. Partisan
theory rejects policy convergence. An alternative hypothesis is to follow the
suggestion of Frey and Schneider (1978a, 1978b) that political parties behave
in an opportunistic way when their chances of re-election are perceived to be
low. Governments can use independent surveys to assess their popularity.
When a party is ‘popular’ and confident of winning the next election, it can
afford to indulge in ideological policies. Frey and Schneider (1978a) suggest
that ‘a government’s lead over the opposition is determined by both the state
of the economy and the election cycle’. This latter feature is the tendency of
the incumbents to become less popular between elections (see also Alesina
and Rosenthal, 1995). Incumbent politicians want to be re-elected in order to
implement their ideological programmes, but may face an incentive structure
which varies at each election. Because the temptation to use opportunistic
policies is strongest when governments do not feel confident they can win the
next election, opportunistic behaviour will be an increasing function of the
incumbents’ political insecurity. Such an approach can account for the lack of
systematic evidence in support of opportunistic behaviour. Where political
security is an important factor opportunistic policy manipulations should be
observed before some elections but not all (see Schultz, 1995).
When considering the use of policy manipulations which have as their
objective the maximization of re-election prospects, incumbents need to con-
sider the marginal benefits and marginal costs of such policies. The marginal
benefits of opportunistic behaviour, in the form of extra votes, are greatest
when the government has a large popularity deficit. However, policy manipu-
lations also generate extra costs to the incumbents in the form of loss of
reputation, and this could damage long-term partisan support (see Schultz,
1995). Schultz argues that ‘by engineering a pre-election boom, governments
already open themselves up to charges of irresponsibility and opportunism’.
However, ‘when governments feel insecure in the current election, they can
ill afford the luxury of being far-sighted and hence they discount the future
quite heavily’. From these observations Schultz formulates the following
hypothesis: ‘The degree to which the government manipulates the economy
prior to an election will be negatively correlated with its lead in public
opinion polls at the time.’ Given the potential costs of policy manipulations, it
is also the case that governments should only respond to popularity deficits
close to the next election. Schultz tested this hypothesis for the manipulation
546 Modern macroeconomics

of UK government transfer payments, which have significant and instantane-

ous effects on real disposable income. Schultz found that, with the exception
of the October 1974 election, there is a clearly discernible negative correla-
tion between growth of real transfers and the pre-election poll lead of the
incumbents. These results are suggestive. The strength of the political busi-
ness cycle effect in generating opportunistic behaviour will differ from one
election to the next ‘because the government’s incentives also differ from one
election to the next’ (Schultz, 1995). Clearly more research is needed in this
area. Table 10.4 summarizes the main features of the five main politico-
economic models of aggregate fluctuations.
In his survey of what economists have learned from 25 years of research
into the political business cycle, Drazen (2000b) concludes with a ‘clear
message’ that:

monetary surprises are an unconvincing force for political cycles, either opportun-
istic or partisan; research should concentrate on fiscal policy as the driving force,
especially for opportunistic cycles. Political monetary cycles are more likely the
effect of accommodation of fiscal impulses, that is, are passive while fiscal policy
is active in trying to affect election outcomes.

10.12 Politics, Time Inconsistency, Credibility and Reputation

Following the incorporation of the rational expectations hypothesis into mac-

roeconomic models, the theoretical literature on economic policy has been
dominated by the game-theoretic approach. Policy makers are seen to be
engaged in a complicated dynamic game with private sector economic agents
(who are also voters). This literature was stimulated by the seminal paper of
Kydland and Prescott (1977), who raised the general problem of time incon-
sistency of policy (see Chapter 5). According to Kydland and Prescott,
governments that are free from rules (pre-commitment) so that they can use
discretionary policies will be unable to persuade rational agents that they will
stick to low-inflation policies. Agents know that if they lower their inflation
expectations the government will have an incentive to cheat and, by creating
an inflation surprise, increase employment temporarily. However, because
rational agents are aware of the policy makers’ incentives, the time-consistent
policy involves an inflationary bias. If a government has discretion, low-
inflation declarations are time-inconsistent and are not credible. Therefore a
credible policy announcement can be defined as one which is time-consistent.
Solutions to the time-inconsistency problem include contractual arrange-
ments, delegation of decisions and institutional and legal constraints (see
Drazen, 2000a).
As we have already seen, in industrial democracies subject to regular
democratic elections, politicians have an incentive to deviate from optimal
Table 10.4 Alternative politico-economic models

Politico-economic model Main assumptions Predictions

Non-rational Expectations-augmented Phillips curve. Politicians only All governments, both left and right, behave the same.
opportunistic business care about re-election. Agents are myopic and have non- Output will increase and unemployment will fall before an
cycle theory (Nordhaus, rational expectations. election. Inflation will accelerate as the election approaches
1975) but will peak and be observed by voters after the election.

Strong partisan theory Exploitable Phillips curve trade-off. Policy makers and Governments of different ideological persuasions will have
(Hibbs, 1977) voters are ideological and non-rational. Left-of-centre different macroeconomic objectives with respect to
parties have a strong aversion to unemployment relative to inflation and unemployment. Governments of the right will
inflation. Right-of-centre parties have a strong aversion to tend to have persistently higher unemployment and less
inflation relative to unemployment. inflation than governments of the left.

Rational opportunistic Short-run Phillips curve trade-off. Agents have rational All governments behave the same.
theory (Rogoff and expectations, but imperfect information. Monetary growth and fiscal expansions before elections.

Sibert, 1988) Voters elect the party that they expect to perform best.
Politicians care only about re-election.

Rational partisan theory Short-run Phillips curve trade-off. Agents have rational Left-of-centre governments produce an inflation bias
(Alesina, 1987) expectations, but election outcome uncertain. compared to right-of-centre governments. Output is above
Left-of-centre parties have a strong aversion to (below) the natural rate at the beginning of a left- (right-)
unemployment relative to inflation. Right-of-centre parties of-centre government. The partisan effect of monetary
have a strong aversion to inflation relative to policy on real variables is temporary.

Weak partisan theory. Politicians alternate between partisan and opportunistic If incumbent’s popularity is in deficit (below some critical
Opportunistic–partisan behaviour. Actual behaviour of politicians depends on their level) prior to an election, the incumbent switches from
synthesis. (Frey and ‘popularity surplus’ in the polls. partisan to opportunistic behaviour.
Schneider, 1978a) Incumbents with a popularity surplus behave ideologically.

Source: Adapted from Edwards (1994).

548 Modern macroeconomics

policies and create an inflation surprise. In the Nordhaus model there is an

incentive to expand the economy before an election in order to gain votes.
This is possible in the Nordhaus model because the policy makers never lose
credibility due to the assumption of non-rational economic agents and my-
opic voters. In models with rational expectations and forward-looking voters,
policy makers are under pressure to establish their credibility and reputation
(see Blackburn and Christensen, 1989). By reputation in this context econo-
mists are referring to ‘the actions that policymakers are expected to take’
(Drazen, 2000a). In a game-theoretic context the reputation of a player will
depend on the way they have played and reacted to events in the past.
Rational agents will only believe politicians who make ex ante policy an-
nouncements which are also optimal to implement ex post. However, rational
agents have imperfect information about the real motives of politicians as
opposed to their pre-election promises. Therefore private sector agents will
need to analyse carefully the various signals that politicians give out. In this
scenario it may be difficult for voters to distinguish ‘hard-nosed’ (inflation-
averse) from ‘wet’ (inflation-prone) politicians since the latter will always
have an incentive to masquerade as ‘hard-nosed’ (see Backus and Driffill,
Alesina (1987) has shown that the prediction of the median voter theorem,
that in a two-party system there will be policy convergence, is time-inconsist-
ent. In the period before an election both parties find it in their interest to
announce convergent policies on the assumption that this will appeal to the
median voter. Ideological issues take back stage in order to maximize re-
election prospects. However, because there is no mechanism for holding an
elected government to its promises, these announced convergent policies
must be time-inconsistent. After the election the influence of partisan consid-
erations will predominate as the elected politicians re-optimize and follow a
programme which best fits their ideological stance. Thus the time-consistent
equilibrium involves no policy convergence and the two parties ‘follow their
most preferred policy’ (Alesina and Tabellini, 1988). This inevitably creates
too much volatility in policy making which, in turn, causes politically in-
duced business cycles.
It follows from the above analysis that only those pre-election announce-
ments and promises which are consistent with a party’s ideology should be
taken seriously by voters. Once elected, politicians will tend to follow a more
partisan strategy. This may prove to be a particular problem for parties of the
left that declare themselves to be ‘tough on inflation’. Given the underlying
assumptions of the Hibbs (1977) and Alesina (1987) models that politicians
on the left give a high priority to reducing unemployment, voters may well
look with suspicion at pronouncements claiming an aversion to inflation.
Inflation-prone parties have an incentive to masquerade as ‘hard-nosed’ on
The new political macroeconomics 549

this objective. Rational voters are likely to interpret such signalling as the
‘dissembling actions of an impostor’ (Blackburn, 1992). An implication of
this is that ‘a low inflation policy announced by a government concerned with
unemployment would not be credible; indeed if expected inflation was low,
this government would create an inflation surprise in order to reduce unem-
ployment’ (Alesina, 1989).
These issues were very pertinent in the UK in the run-up to the 1997
election. The ‘New’ Labour Party, led by Tony Blair, declared that it intended
to be ‘tough on inflation’ and that it also aimed to achieve much lower
unemployment. In terms of Alesina’s model, the statement on inflation is
clearly time-inconsistent. However, to give credibility to its anti-inflation
rhetoric, on winning the 1997 election, new Labour immediately granted
operational independence to the Bank of England (see Snowdon, 1997).

10.13 Policy Implications of Politico-Economic Models: An

Independent Central Bank?

In introducing ‘The New Monetary Policy Framework’ for the UK economy

on 6 May 1997, which established ‘operational independence’ for the Bank
of England, Chancellor Gordon Brown, in an official statement, provided the
following rationale for the government’s strategy (Brown, 1997, emphasis

We will only build a fully credible framework for monetary policy if the long-
term needs of the economy, not short-term political considerations guide monetary
decision-making. We must remove the suspicion that short-term party political
considerations are influencing the setting of interest rates.

Chancellor Brown’s decision to grant much greater independence to the Bank

of England had its origins in a 1992 Fabian Society paper entitled ‘Euro
Monetarism’, written by Ed Balls, Brown’s economic adviser. As a former
student of Larry Summers at Harvard, Balls was familiar with the empirical
work on central bank independence produced by Alesina and Summers (1993).
In a visit to the USA in March 1997, Shadow Chancellor Brown and his
economic adviser met both Alan Greenspan and Larry Summers. And so was
born the strategy to go for immediate greater central bank independence if
The general debate on the relative merits of rules versus discretion in the
conduct of fiscal and monetary policy was given a new stimulus by the
research surveyed in Chapters 5 and 7. Since the non-optimal use of mon-
etary and fiscal instruments lies at the heart of the various strands of the
political business cycle literature, most of this work points towards the desir-
ability of establishing a policy regime which curtails the incentives policy
550 Modern macroeconomics

makers have to engage in destabilizing policies. The new classical contribu-

tions of Kydland and Prescott (1977) and Barro and Gordon (1983a), which
highlighted time-inconsistency, credibility and reputational issues, have pro-
vided extra weight to the case for monetary rules associated with the work of
Friedman (1968a). The politico-economic literature has also shown how strong
partisan or opportunistic behaviour can generate a non-optimal outcome for
aggregate variables. However, in order to make policy rules credible, some
sort of enforcement mechanism is required. For this reason many economists
in recent years have argued in favour of institutional reform involving the
establishment of an independent central bank (see Goodhart, 1994a, 1994b).
The assumption lying behind this argument is that such an institution (at least
in principle) is capable of conducting monetary policy in a manner free from
opportunistic and partisan influences. In addition, fiscal policy will also be
subject to a harder budget constraint, providing the independent central bank
is not obliged to monetize deficits (see Alesina and Perotti, 1995a). Greater
central bank independence was also one of the objectives contained in the
Maastricht Treaty, which sought to bring about some fundamental changes in
national banking legislation in anticipation of European monetary union (see
Walsh, 1995a, 1995b).
The case for central bank independence is usually framed in terms of the
inflation bias present in the conduct of monetary policies. Such an inflation
bias is evident from the relatively high rates of inflation experienced in
industrial countries in the 1970s and early 1980s. Because a majority of
economists emphasize monetary growth as the underlying cause of sustained
inflation (see Lucas, 1996), it follows that prolonged differences in countries’
rates of inflation result from variations in their rates of monetary expansion.
Any plausible explanation of these ‘stylized facts’ must therefore include an
understanding of central bank behaviour (Walsh, 1993). In particular, we
need to identify the reasons why monetary policy is conducted in a way that
creates a positive average rate of inflation which is higher than desirable.
There are several reasons why monetary authorities may generate inflation.
These include political pressures to lower unemployment in order to influ-
ence re-election prospects, partisan effects as emphasized by Hibbs and
Alesina, dynamic inconsistency influences and motivations related to the
financing of deficits. The last is particularly important in economies with
inefficient or underdeveloped fiscal systems (see Cukierman, 1994).
The theoretical case for central bank independence in industrial democra-
cies relates to a general acceptance that the long-run Phillips curve is vertical
at the natural rate of unemployment. This implies that although monetary
policy is non-neutral in the short run, it has little effect on real variables such
as unemployment and output in the long run. With no exploitable long-run
trade-off, far-sighted monetary authorities ought to select a position on the
The new political macroeconomics 551

vertical Phillips curve consistent with a sustainable objective of price stabil-

ity (see Goodhart, 1994b; Cukierman, 1994).
The empirical case for central bank independence is linked to cross-coun-
try evidence which shows that for advanced industrial countries there is a
clear negative relationship between central bank independence and inflation
(see Grilli et al., 1991; Cukierman, 1992; Alesina and Summers, 1993;
Eijffinger and Keulen, 1995; Eijffinger, 2002a). It should be noted, however,
that this negative correlation does not prove causation and fails to hold for a
larger sample of countries which includes those from the developing world
(see Jenkins, 1996). Poor countries with shallow financial markets and unsus-
tainable budget deficits are unlikely to solve their inflation problems by
relying on the creation of an independent central bank (Mas, 1995). However,
at least as far as advanced industrial democracies are concerned, the theoreti-
cal and empirical work suggests that monetary constitutions should be designed
to ensure a high degree of central bank autonomy.
Although the success of the independent German Bundesbank in deliver-
ing low inflation over a long period of time inspired other countries to follow
its example, it is also clear that some important problems emerge with the
measurement, form and consequences of central bank independence. First,
the whole question of independence is one of degree. Although before May
1997 the Federal Reserve had much more independence than the Bank of
England, it is clear that legal independence does not (and cannot) completely
remove the influence of ‘monetary politics’ (see Mayer, 1990; Havrilesky,
1993; Woolley, 1994). For example, Chappell et al. (1993) show how partisan
influences on the conduct of monetary policy can arise through presidential
appointments to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Through
these ‘political’ appointments and other forms of presidential signalling (moral
suasion) the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy making can never be totally
independent of political pressures. Nevertheless, considerable research effort
has been made in recent years to measure the extent of central bank inde-
pendence in a large number of countries (see Cukierman, 1992; Eijffinger
and Keulen, 1995; Healey, 1996). According to Cukierman, four sets of
indices can be used to identify the degree of independence of a central bank:
(i) legal indices; (ii) questionnaire-based indices; (iii) the turnover of central
bank governors; and (iv) the political vulnerability of the bank. However,
such studies and their implications have come in for considerable criticism
(see Jenkins, 1996).
In discussing the form of central bank independence, Fischer (1995a,
1995b) introduces the distinction between ‘goal independence’ and ‘instru-
ment independence’. The former implies that the central bank sets its own
policy objectives (that is, political independence) while the latter refers to
independence with respect to the various levers of monetary policy (that is,
552 Modern macroeconomics

economic independence). Using this framework the Bank of England was

granted instrument (economic) independence but not goal (political) inde-
pendence in May 1997. The distinction between goal and instrument
independence can be used to illustrate the difference between the two main
models of independent central banks which have been developed in the
theoretical literature. The first model is based on Rogoff’s (1985) ‘conserva-
tive central banker’. In this model an inflation-averse conservative central
banker is appointed who ensures that inflation is kept low in circumstances
where it would otherwise be difficult to establish a pre-commitment to low
inflation. Rogoff’s inflation-averse central banker has both goal and instru-
ment independence. The result is lower average inflation but higher output
variability. The second model, associated with Walsh (1995b), utilizes a
principal–agent framework and emphasizes the accountability of the central
bank. In Walsh’s contracting approach the central bank has instrument inde-
pendence but no goal independence, and the central bank’s rewards and
penalties are based on its achievements with respect to inflation control.
However as Walsh (1995a) notes:

An inflation-based contract, combined with central bank independence in the

actual implementation of policy, achieves optimal policy outcomes only if the
central bank shares social values in trading off unemployment and inflation. When
the central bank does not share society’s preferences, the optimal contract is no
longer a simple function of inflation; more complicated incentives must be gener-
ated to ensure that the central bank maintains low average inflation while still
engaging in appropriate stabilization policies.

While the New Zealand Federal Reserve Bank, which was set up following the
1990 reforms, resembles the principal–agent model, the German Bundesbank,
before EMU, comes close to the conservative central banker of the Rogoff
model. In Fischer’s (1995a) view, the important conclusion to emerge from this
literature is that ‘a central bank should have instrument independence, but
should not have goal independence’.
In recent years many countries have set about reforming the institutions of
monetary policy. Such countries include those of the former ‘Eastern bloc’ of
communist economies as well as those from Latin America and Western Eu-
rope. Most have adopted some variant of the principal–agent approach whereby
the central bank is contracted to achieve clearly defined goals, provided with
the instruments to achieve these desired objectives, and held accountable for
deviating from the chosen path (see Bernanke and Mishkin, 1992; Walsh
1995a). In the New Zealand model the central bank governor is accountable to
the finance minister. This contrasts with the German Bundesbank, which was
held accountable to the public. In both Canada and the UK, emphasis has been
placed on inflation targeting. Failure to meet inflation targets involves a loss of
The new political macroeconomics 553

reputation for the central bank. In the case of the UK, the approach adopted
since 1992 has involved inflation targeting combined (since May 1997) with
operational independence for the Bank of England (see Chapter 7).
One of the main theoretical objections to central bank independence is the
potential for conflict that this gives rise to between the monetary and fiscal
authorities (see Doyle and Weale, 1994). An extensive discussion of the
problems faced by policy makers in countries where monetary and fiscal
policies are carried out independently is provided by Nordhaus (1994). In
countries where this has led to conflict (for example in the USA during the
period 1979–82) large fiscal deficits and high real interest rates have fre-
quently resulted. According to Nordhaus this leads to a long-run rate of
growth which is too low. The tight monetary–easy fiscal mix is hardly sur-
prising given the predominant motivations driving the ‘Fed’ and the ‘Treasury’
in the USA. Whereas independent central banks emphasize monetary auster-
ity and low stable rates of inflation, the fiscal authorities know that increased
government expenditure and reduced taxes are the ‘meat, potatoes and gravy
of politics’ (Nordhaus, 1994). In this scenario the economy is likely to be
locked into a ‘high-deficit equilibrium’. Self-interested politicians are un-
likely to engage in deficit reduction for fear of losing electoral support. These
coordination problems which a non-cooperative fiscal–monetary game gener-
ates arise inevitably from a context where the fiscal and monetary authorities
have different tastes with respect to inflation. At the end of the day these
problems raise a fundamental issue. Should a group of unelected individuals
be allowed to make choices on the use of important policy instruments which
will have significant repercussions for the citizens of a country? In short,
does the existence of an independent central bank threaten democracy (see
Stiglitz, 1999a)? What is clear is that independence without democratic ac-
countability is unacceptable (Eijffinger, 2002b).
There is now an extensive literature related to the issue of central bank
independence. The academic literature has pointed to the various reasons
why industrial democracies have developed an inflation bias in which gov-
ernments are allowed discretion in the operation of fiscal and monetary
policies. In contrast to Rogoff (1985), Alesina and Summers (1993) point to
the empirical evidence which, for advanced industrial countries, shows that
inflation is negatively correlated with the degree of central bank independ-
ence without this having significant adverse effects on real growth and
employment in the long run. Central bank independence seems to offer a
‘free lunch’! However, this issue is made more complicated by the causes of
output variability. Alesina and Gatti (1995) distinguish between two types of
variability which can contribute to aggregate instability. The first is economic
variability resulting from different types of exogenous shocks to aggregate
demand and/or supply. The second type is political or policy-induced and has
554 Modern macroeconomics

been the subject of this chapter. Rogoff’s conservative central banker does
not react much to ‘economic shocks’. However, Alesina and Gatti (1995)
argue that an independent central bank will reduce policy-induced output
variability. Hence the ‘overall effect of independence on output induced
variability is, thus, ambiguous’. It follows that in cases where policy-induced
variability exceeds that resulting from exogenous shocks, a more independent
central bank can reduce inflation and the variance of output, a result consist-
ent with the Alesina and Summers (1993) data. To the critics, central bank
independence is no panacea and the Alesina–Summers correlations do not
prove causation (Posen, 1995). In addition, the numerous domestic and inter-
national policy coordination problems which independence can give rise to
could outweigh the potential benefits. In the face of powerful ‘economic’
shocks a conservative and independent central bank may not be superior to an
elected government.

10.14 The Political Economy of Debt and Deficits

During the mid-1970s several OECD countries accumulated large public

debts. This rise in the debt/GNP ratios during peacetime among a group of
relatively homogeneous economies is unprecedented and difficult to recon-
cile with the neoclassical approach to optimal fiscal policy represented by the
‘tax smoothing’ theory. While countries such as Greece, Italy and Ireland had
accumulated public debt ratios in excess of 95 per cent in 1990, other coun-
tries such as Germany, France and the UK had debt ratios in 1990 of less than
50 per cent (Alesina and Perotti, 1995b).
In order to explain the variance of country experience and the timing of the
emergence of these rising debt ratios, Alesina and Perotti (1995b) argue that
an understanding of politico-institutional factors is ‘crucial’. In explaining
such wide differences Alesina and Perotti conclude that the two most signifi-
cant factors are:

1. the various rules and regulations which surround the budget process; and
2. the structure of government; that is, does the electoral system tend to
generate coalitions or single party governments?

In the face of large economic shocks weak coalition governments are

prone to delaying necessary fiscal adjustments. While a ‘social planner’ would
react quickly to an economic shock, in the real world of partisan and oppor-
tunistic politics a ‘war of attrition’ may develop which delays the necessary
fiscal adjustment (see Alesina and Drazen, 1991). Persson and Tabellini (2004)
have investigated the relationship between electoral rules, the form of gov-
ernment and fiscal outcomes. Their main findings are that: (i) majoritarian
The new political macroeconomics 555

elections lead to smaller government and smaller welfare programmes than

elections based on proportional representation; and (ii) presidential democra-
cies lead to smaller governments than parliamentary democracies.
Research by Alesina and Perotti (1996b, 1997a) also indicates that the
‘composition’ of a fiscal adjustment matters for its success in terms of its
sustainability and macroeconomic outcome. Two types of adjustment are
identified: Type 1 fiscal adjustments rely on expenditure cuts, reductions in
transfers and public sector wages and employment; Type 2 adjustments de-
pend mainly on broad-based tax increases and cuts in public investment.
Alesina and Perotti (1997a) find that Type 1 adjustments ‘induce more lasting
consolidation of the budget and are more expansionary while Type 2 adjust-
ments are soon reversed by further deterioration of the budget and have
contractionary consequences for the economy’. Hence any fiscal adjustment
that ‘avoids dealing with the problems of social security, welfare programs
and inflated government bureaucracies is doomed to failure’ (see Alesina,
2000). Type 1 adjustments are also likely to have a more beneficial effect on
‘competitiveness’ (unit labour costs) than policies which rely on distortionary
increases in taxation (see Alesina and Perotti, 1997b).

10.15 Political and Economic Instability: Are They Related?

A further related area of research in the politico-economic sphere concerns

the relationship between political and economic stability (see Carmignani,
2003). There are good reasons to believe that economic performance will
suffer if a country is politically unstable. Frequent riots, politically motivated
violence and revolution inevitably have a negative impact on a country’s
economic performance. As Keynes always highlighted, uncertainty has a
depressing effect on investment and productive entrepreneurship.
Alesina’s partisan theory predicts that instability will increase the greater
the partisan effects because widely divergent policies create uncertainty and
destabilize expectations. It is also unlikely that reputational considerations
will be important to a government which feels that it has little chance of
being re-elected. In this situation an incumbent has an ‘incentive to follow
particularly shortsighted policies, since it is not concerned with a future in
which it is likely to be out of office’ (Alesina, 1989).
A further destabilizing influence on policy arising from political instability
derives from the inability of fragile coalition governments to carry through
the tough but necessary economic policies crucial for long-run stability.
Alesina (1989) finds a positive correlation between an index of political
instability and Okun’s misery index (inflation + unemployment) for the pe-
riod 1973–86. An exception in his 20-country sample is the UK, which
managed to combine relatively poor economic performance during this pe-
556 Modern macroeconomics

riod despite having a high degree of political stability. In Alesina and Drazen’s
(1991) analysis of why necessary stabilization policies are frequently de-
layed, they consider a situation where two parties with different ideologies
engage in a war of attrition as they each attempt to pass on the burden of
fiscal reform to the other party’s supporters. The resultant delay and govern-
ment inaction in the reform process leads to debt accumulation and crisis
before one of the parties is forced to accept a larger share of the fiscal burden.
As Drazen (2000a) notes, ‘the failure to adopt socially beneficial economic
reforms or their adoption only after long delays is a leading example of the
divergence between the simple textbook models of economic policymaking
and real world experience’.
Considerable cross-country evidence now exists which indicates that sei-
gniorage (the inflation tax) is positively related to the degree of political
instability. In a study of 79 developed and developing countries for the period
1971–82, Cukierman et al. (1992) found evidence in support of their hypoth-
esis that ‘more unstable countries rely relatively more on seigniorage to
finance the government budget than do stable and homogenous societies’.
These conclusions are also supported by Edwards (1994), who found that the
incentive to use inflationary finance is closely related to the volatility of the
political system. In the extreme, hyperinflation may erupt (see Capie, 1991;
Siklos, 1995; Fischer et al., 2002).

10.16 The Political Economy of Economic Growth

One of the most important adverse effects of political instability is its nega-
tive impact on economic growth. In Chapter 11 we discuss several strands in
the new growth literature that focus on the deeper determinants of growth,
including politics and institutions. Drazen (2000a) argues that the political
economy of growth literature is a natural extension of the research on the
political economy of income redistribution and in this chapter we review
some recent research into the links between inequality, economic growth,
dictatorship and democracy (see Alesina and Perotti, 1994; Alesina and Rodrik,
1994; Persson and Tabellini, 1994; Alesina and Perotti, 1996c; Benabou,
1996; Deininger and Squire, 1996; Aghion et al., 1999; Barro, 2000; Forbes,
2000; Lundberg and Squire, 2003).
In exploring the connection between inequality and economic growth we
first of all need to distinguish between the ‘old’ view and the ‘new’ view. The
old view dominated thinking in development economics throughout the 1960s
and 1970s and is captured in the work of economists such as Arthur Lewis
(1954) and Richard Nelson (1956). The old view is dominated by ‘capital
fundamentalism’; that is, capital accumulation is the key to economic growth.
Capital fundamentalism is associated in particular with the wide acceptance
The new political macroeconomics 557

and use of the Harrod–Domar growth model within the development litera-
ture and development institutions such as the World Bank (see Easterly, 1999,
2001a, and Chapter 11). In order to foster high rates of accumulation, in the
absence of substantial inflows of foreign capital, a country must generate the
necessary resources through high rates of domestic saving. It was assumed
that inequality of income would produce this result since the rich were
assumed to have a higher propensity to save than the poor (see Kaldor, 1955).
This view is encapsulated in the following statement by Harry Johnson (1958):

There is likely to be a conflict between rapid growth and an equitable distribution

of income; and a poor country anxious to develop would be probably well advised
not to worry too much about the distribution of income.

Another reason why inequality may lead to faster growth is linked to the idea
of investment indivisibilities, that is, the setting up of new industries fre-
quently involves very large sunk costs. Meeting these costs in poorly developed
countries with inadequate financial markets requires the concentration of
wealth. Finally, it was also argued that without adequate incentives, invest-
ment rates would remain insufficient to generate sustained growth
That there was a trade-off between growth and equity dominated early post-
Second World War development thinking. In addition, the ‘Kuznets hypothesis’
suggested that as countries develop, inequality will initially increase before
declining (see Kuznets, 1955). Hence the relationship between inequality and
GDP per capita shows up in both time series and cross-sectional data as an
inverted U-shaped relationship. Barro’s (2000) empirical results confirm that
the Kuznets curve remains a ‘clear empirical regularity’.
As economic development spread across the world during the latter half of
the twentieth century it became clear that there was an increasing number of
successful development stories where outstanding rates of economic growth
were achieved without those countries exhibiting high degrees of income
inequality, namely the Asian Tigers. In addition many countries, for example
in Latin America, with high inequality had a poor record of economic growth.
Hence, during the last decade there has been a change in thinking on this
issue. Several economists have begun to emphasize the potential adverse
impact of inequality on growth, an idea that had already been propounded by
Gunnar Myrdal (1973). Aghion et al. (1999) conclude that the old view that
inequality is necessary for capital accumulation and that redistribution dam-
ages growth ‘is at odds with the empirical evidence’.
Various mechanisms have been suggested as possible causes of a negative
association between inequality and subsequent growth performance (see Alesina
and Perotti, 1994). The credit market channel highlights the limited access to
finance that the poor have in order to invest in human capital formation. Since
in this environment most people have to rely on their own resources to finance
558 Modern macroeconomics

education, a reduction in inequality could increase the rate of human capital

formation and economic growth. A second ‘fiscal’ channel highlights the dis-
tortions and disincentive effects of taxation introduced under political pressure
to reduce high inequality. Redistribution of income, by raising the tax burden
on potential investors, reduces investment and consequently economic growth
(Alesina and Rodrik, 1994; Persson and Tabellini, 1994). A third channel
suggests that high inequality leads to a larger number of agents engaging in
rent seeking, corruption and criminal activities. These activities threaten prop-
erty rights and the incentive to invest. Glaeser et al. (2003) develop a model
where inequality adversely influences economic outcomes by threatening prop-
erty rights due to the subversion of legal, political and regulatory institutions by
a rich, powerful élite. The answer to this problem is not to replace ‘King John
redistribution’ with ‘Robin Hood distribution’, that is, not to replace an old
corrupt oligarchy with a bureaucratic socialist oligarchy. Rather, the solution
lies in institutional reform. According to Olson (2000), there are two key
requirements for any society to prosper: first, the establishment of secure and
well-defined individual rights with respect to private property and impartial
enforcement of contracts, as capitalism is first and foremost a legal system; and
second, the ‘absence of predation of any kind’. The empirical evidence sug-
gests that there ‘is no society in the post-war world that has fully met the two
foregoing conditions’. But clearly some economies have come much closer to
the ideal than others and this is generally reflected in their long-term economic
performance (Olson, 1996). Gyimah-Brempong’s (2002) empirical analysis of
corruption, economic growth and inequality in Africa finds that corruption is
positively related to income inequality and hurts the poor more than the rich. To
understand the political roots of economic success is a crucial research area for
social scientists because, as Table 10.5 indicates, sub-Saharan Africa’s ‘Subjec-
tive indictors of governance’ make depressing reading. Fajnzylber et al. (2002)
have also shown that violent crime is positively correlated to inequality and
their results are robust after controlling for the overall level of poverty. Further-
more, Alesina and Perotti (1996c) show that inequality promotes social and
political unrest and the threat of violence and revolution reduces growth-
enhancing activities. These conclusions are empirically ‘quite solid’ (see also
Alesina et al., 1996).
Albert Hirschman (1973) also drew attention to the impact of inequality on
growth via what he labelled ‘the tunnel effect’, which consists of the follow-
ing basic propositions:

1. in the early stages of development and growth there is a high tolerance

for growing inequalities;
2. this tolerance erodes through time if the low income groups fail to
benefit from the growth process;
The new political macroeconomics 559

Table 10.5 Selected indicators of governance: 20 sub-Saharan African


Country Voice and Rule of lawc Government Corruption

and year of accountabilityc –2.5–2.5 effectivenessc indexc
independenceb –2.5–2.5 –2.5–2.5 –2.5–2.5

Angola 1975 –1.26 –1.49 –1.31 –1.14

Burkino Faso 1960 –0.26 –0.79 –0.02 –0.93
Cameroon 1960 –0.82 –0.40 2.0 –1.11
Côte d’Ivoire 1960 –1.19 –0.54 –0.81 –0.71
Ethiopia 1941 –0.85 –0.24 –1.01 –0.40
Ghana 1957 0.02 –0.08 –0.06 –0.28
Kenya 1963 –0.68 –1.21 –0.76 –1.11
Madagascar 1960 0.28 –0.68 –0.35 –0.93
Malawi 1964 –0.14 –0.36 –0.77 0.10
Mali 1960 0.32 –0.66 –1.44 –0.41
Mozambique 1975 –0.22 –0.32 –0.49 0.10
Niger 1960 0.11 –1.17 –1.16 –1.09
Nigeria 1960 –0.44 –1.13 –1.00 –1.05
Senegal 1960 0.12 –0.13 0.16 –0.39
South Africa 1934 1.17 –0.05 0.25 0.35
Sudan 1956 –1.53 –1.04 –1.34 –1.24
Tanzania 1961 –0.07 0.16 –0.43 –0.92
Uganda 1962 –0.79 –0.65 –0.32 –0.92
Zaire 1960 –1.70 –2.09 –1.38 –1.24
Zimbabwe 1965 –0.90 –0.94 –1.03 –1.08

UNDP, Human Development Report, 2002.
Chambers Political Systems of the World, Edinburgh: Chambers.
UNDP (2002). In the scoring range –2.5–2.5, higher is better. The highest scores for each
category are:
Switzerland for Voice and accountability (1.73);
Switzerland for Rule of law (1.91);
Singapore for Government effectiveness (2.16);
Finland for the Corruption index (2.25).
The UK scores 1.46, 1.61, 1.77 and 1.86 respectively for each category.

3. in the long run persistent and growing inequalities in a developing coun-

try are likely to lead to ‘development disasters’ as internal tensions,
fuelled by inequality, lead to political instability.

Hirschman argues that individuals assess their individual welfare in relative

terms, that is, by comparing their own income with that of others. Even if the
560 Modern macroeconomics

poor make some modest gains in terms of real income, the fact that other
groups make spectacular progress will lead to feelings of relative deprivation.
Hirschman uses the analogy of motorists stuck in a traffic jam in a two-lane
tunnel, both lanes heading in the same direction. If the traffic is stationary in
both lanes, drivers will initially show patience in the hope that soon the
blockage will be removed. If the one lane of traffic then begins to move,
those who are not yet moving initially have their hopes raised. Soon they to
expect to be on their way. So initially the ‘tunnel effect’ is strong and the
drivers who are not moving wait patiently for their turn to move. But if one
lane of traffic continues to move, and at an ever-increasing pace, while the
other lane remains blocked, very soon the drivers in the static lane will
become furious at the injustice they are being subjected to and they will be
prepared to engage in ‘foul play’, dangerous acts of driving and maybe even
in severe violence (road rage) towards the drivers in the unblocked lane. In
other words, as long as the ‘tunnel effect’ lasts, everyone feels better off even
though it involves increased inequality. But once the ‘tunnel effect’ wears off
there is potential for revolution and demand for political change. That change
may take place with or without violent disruption. This seems to be an
accurate description of the experience of several developing countries.
A fourth channel is one that derives from Murphy et al.’s (1989b)
reinvigorated version of the ‘Big Push’ theory. Here the idea is that successful
industrialization requires a large market in terms of domestic demand in
order to make increasing-returns technologies profitable. A high degree of
income inequality, by suppressing domestic demand, inhibits the develop-
ment of an economic environment conducive to facilitating a ‘Big Push’ on
economic development.
The various mechanisms whereby inequality impacts on economic growth
are illustrated in Figure 10.6. As Alesina and Perotti (1996c) recognize, some
of these channels work in opposing directions. The distortionary effect of
taxes on the incentive to invest operating through the fiscal channel will tend
to reduce growth, but at the same time may also reduce social tensions and
thereby reduce the threat of political instability. ‘Therefore the net effect of
redistributive policies on growth has to weigh the costs of distortionary
taxation against the benefits of reduced social tensions’.
Is there any way of linking the old view to the new view of the impact of
inequality on growth? In an interview Acemoglu suggests the following
possibility (see Snowdon, 2004c):

One way of linking the ‘old inequality is good for growth’ story with the newer
stories that ‘inequality is bad for growth’ is as follows. Think of a model where in
the early stages of development, by giving resources and political power to the
same group, this leads to higher rates of investment. But suppose also, that in a
dynamic world these people who are rich and powerful are no longer the ones
The new political macroeconomics 561

Credit market
imperfections: the
poor forego
investment in
human capital

tax distortions
reduce work
effort and
entrepreneurship Reduced
promotes rent
seeking, crime
and political

‘Big Push’
requires a large
domestic market
and inequality
represents an

Figure 10.6 How inequality may adversely affect growth

who can take advantage of the changing economic opportunities. The entrenched
groups with political power become an unproductive oligarchy resistant to change.
They utilise their economic and political power to block the entry of new more
dynamic groups of people. This reverses the relationship between inequality and
growth. The high inequality countries are those that begin to stagnate. Of course
this is conjecture squared [laughter]. But it is a story that is consistent with the
history of the Caribbean economy.

It is becoming increasingly clear from economists’ research that institu-

tional failures frequently prevent a country from adopting the most productive
technologies. Some economists have suggested an ‘economic losers’ hypoth-
esis’ whereby powerful interest groups resist the adoption of new technology
562 Modern macroeconomics

in order to protect their economic rents (Parente and Prescott, 2000). In

contrast, Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson in a series of papers advocate
a ‘political losers’ hypothesis’ as an alternative and more plausible explana-
tion of why there emerge institutional barriers to development (see, for
example, Acemoglu and Robinson, 2000a).

10.17 Political Barriers to Economic Growth

Economists have a good idea of the broad requirements that are needed for
economic growth, or rather they at least know what not to do! And yet many
governments continue to choose to maintain what everyone knows to be
disastrous policies and institutions that inhibit or even destroy incentives,
productivity growth and entrepreneurial activity. Such regimes are also char-
acterized by excessive corruption (Aidt, 2003). Since policies and institutions
seem to be ‘first-order’ determinants of the economic performance of coun-
tries, why don’t governments learn from their mistakes and switch to better
policies? What explains the persistent and repeated adoption and mainte-
nance of inefficient institutions and proven bad policies (Robinson, 1998)?
This is clearly one of the most important contemporary questions in political
economy. Is there a rational choice explanation that does not have to assume
that dysfunctional political leaders, such as Mobutu in Zaire, are simply mad
or irrational and ideologically blind to reason?
Acemoglu (2003b) and Acemoglu and Robinson (2000a, 2000b, 2000c,
2001, 2003) provide a political perspective on the origin and persistence of
economic backwardness. Their main line of argument runs as follows:

1. the introduction of new technology that will enhance economic efficiency

and economic growth will also influence the distribution of political
2. groups who feel that their political power will be eroded as a result of the
introduction of new technology will deliberately block such change even
if it is to the overall benefit of society;
3. although new technology will increase future output, and hence the
revenue of the politically powerful groups, the incumbent élite also fear
that new technology will enhance the power of competing groups thereby
threatening the future of the élite;
4. therefore there is a trade-off facing any élite between the potential rents
that can be earned from allowing technological progress and the threat to
the élite’s monopoly of political power;
5. serious commitment problems prevent the élite from supporting growth-
enhancing technological, institutional and policy changes and then
redistributing a part of the gains to themselves;
The new political macroeconomics 563

6. external threats may shock an élite into accepting change, for example,
the programme of ‘defensive modernization’ adopted in Japan in the late
nineteenth century following the Meiji restoration in 1868.

Using this framework, Acemoglu and Robinson examine the history of

political change and industrialization in the USA, Britain, Germany, Austria-
Hungary (the Hapsburg Empire), and Russia. They argue that where political
élites are subject to competition they are forced to accept change or be
replaced. Where an élite is deeply entrenched they are also likely to accept
change more readily. However, where an élite is insecure they will block
change. In the case of both Russia and Austria-Hungary unconstrained
absolute monarchies resisted the forces of industrialization because they
feared that this would lead to a loss of political power. In contrast, in the
USA, where political competition is guaranteed by the constitution and the
opportunity to extract rents is restricted by the separation of powers, change
was encouraged and promoted. In Britain, where the landed aristocracy that
made up the élite were ‘sufficiently entrenched’, incremental political change
accompanied the Industrial Revolution. A similar story characterizes the
German experience in the latter part of the nineteenth century.
Many of the worst cases of development failure have involved countries
that have suffered from the personal rule of ‘kleptocrats’ who use their
political power as a means to control assets and expropriate the wealth of
their citizens on a massive scale, usually for their own (their families’ and
their close supporters’) consumption and glorification. The best-known
kleptocratic regimes include those of Trujillo (Dominican Republic, 1930–61),
the Duvaliers (Haiti, 1957–86), Mobutu (Zaire, 1965–97), Amin (Uganda,
1971–9), the Somozas (Nicaragua, 1936–79) and Marcos (the Philippines,
1965–86). As Acemoglu et al. (2003b) point out, one of the most puzzling
features of kleptocracies is their longevity. Why don’t the oppressed majority
overthrow the kleptocrat? Acemoglu et al. suggest that this longevity is the
result of ‘weakly institutionalised polities’ that allow the kleptocrat to operate
a ‘divide and rule strategy’. The kleptocrat is able to survive by intensifying
the collective action problem, thereby destroying the coalition against him by
bribing the pivotal groups (Bates, 1981, 2001). In turn, the feasibility of a
divide and rule strategy is enhanced if the kleptocrat has easy access to
natural resource rents (oil, diamonds, copper and so on) and foreign aid flows
(see Easterly, 2003; Sala-i-Martin and Subramanian, 2003). Kleptocractic
regimes are also more likely to appear in low-income per capita countries
where bribes are more attractive to pivotal groups.
Where ethnic diversity is a feature of a country, the kleptocrat will use this
as a basis for divide and rule, with certain ethnic groups receiving bribes in
order to buy off their opposition. Mauro (1995) links political instability to
564 Modern macroeconomics

ethno-linguistic fractionalization and the impact that this has on the quality of
institutions. Easterly and Levine (1997) also trace much of sub-Saharan
Africa’s poor economic performance to political instability related to ethnic
diversity (see also Collier, 2001; Alesina et al., 2003).

10.18 The Size of Nations

Since the late 1990s several economists have been using the tools of modern
economic analysis to explore the determinants of the size of nations (see
Alesina and Spolare, 1997, 2003; Bolton and Roland, 1997; Alesina et al.,
2000, 2005). Although historians and other social scientists have studied this
issue, economists ‘have remained on the sidelines’. Of particular interest to
economists is the observation of Alesina et al. (2005) that there has been a
dramatic increase in the number of nations since the end of the Second World
War. In 1948 there were 74 countries, 89 in 1950, and 192 in 2001. They also
note that the world ‘now comprises a large number of relatively small coun-
tries: in 1995, 87 of the countries of the world had a population of less than 5
million, 58 had a population of less than 2.5 million, and 35 less than 500
thousands’. The proliferation of countries has also led to too many separate
currencies (Alesina and Barro, 2002; Alesina et al., 2002). During this same
period the second age of globalization has emerged and the share of interna-
tional trade in world GDP has ‘increased dramatically’ (Snowdon, 2002a,
2003c). Is there a connection? Alesina et al. (2005) make the following
important points:

1. political borders are made by humans and are not exogenous geographi-
cal features;
2. economists should think of the equilibrium size of nations (measured
by total population) ‘as emerging from a trade-off between the benefits
of size and the costs of preference heterogeneity in the population’;
3. the main benefits of size are as follows: economies of scale with respect
to the production of public goods such as defence, maintenance of law
and order, public health and so on; greater safety from foreign aggres-
sion; internalization of cross-regional externalities; better income
insurance to regions subject to specific shocks; transfers of income
across regions to achieve greater equity among the overall population; a
larger internal market increases the potential for greater specialization,
as noted by Adam Smith;
4. in a world of free trade, country size, as measured by population, is no
longer a determinant of market size;
5. it therefore follows that ‘the benefits of country size decline as interna-
tional economic integration increases’;
The new political macroeconomics 565

6. the benefits of international economic integration increase the smaller

is a country;
7. economic integration and political disintegration are positively corre-
8. the costs of size include administrative and congestion costs, but much
more important are problems associated with the heterogeneity of pref-
erences of individuals, which obviously increase with the size of a
9. using ethno-linguistic fractionalization as a proxy for heterogeneity of
preferences economists have found that ethnic diversity is inversely
correlated with economic performance, the quality of governance, and
economic and political freedom (see Alesina et al., 2003);
10. as international economic integration increases, the trade-off between
the benefits of size of a nation and the costs in terms of heterogeneity of
preferences shifts in favour of small nations.

This work has important implication for the future of the European Union
(EU). EU enlargement clearly increases the heterogeneity of preferences and
economic integration lowers the benefits of country size, thereby reducing
the costs of independence for small countries. As Alesina et al. (2005) note,
‘many have argued that Europe will (and perhaps should) become a collec-
tion of regions loosely connected within a European confederation of
independent regions’.
Research by economists on the determinants of the size of nations is in its
infancy. However, many interesting relationships remain to be explored, in-
cluding the interconnection between international integration, democracy, the
size of nations and international conflict.

10.19 Conclusion

Since the late 1980s there has been a major revival of political economy
utilizing the tools of modern economic analysis. A common theme running
throughout this ‘new political economy’ is the need to integrate the political
process into mainstream economics. In the mid- to late 1970s the seminal
contribution of Nordhaus (1975) reawakened interest in the idea of political
business cycles, an idea which can be traced back to the work of Schumpeter
and Kalecki. However, for a period following the rational expectations revo-
lution, interest in politico-economic models lost momentum. The theoretical
shortcomings and inconclusive empirical results of the non-rational oppor-
tunistic and partisan models led to a temporary demise of this line of research.
On the empirical front Alt and Chrystal (1983) declared that ‘no one could
read the political business cycle literature without being struck by the lack of
566 Modern macroeconomics

supporting evidence’. While interest in the politico-economic approach ebbed,

new classical theorists were busy following through the policy implications
of rational expectations market-clearing models. The emphasis in these mod-
els on policy ineffectiveness and rationality was initially interpreted as being
inconsistent with politically motivated policy manipulations. Nevertheless,
new rational politico-economic models have been successfully developed
which incorporate features such as asymmetric/imperfect information, non-
contingent nominal wage contracts and uncertainty over election results. The
policy-making process does not consist of a benevolent dictator taking advice
from economists in order to maximize social welfare; rather it consists of a
complex game played out by various competing groups whose interests do
not coincide.
While the importance given to political influences in causing aggregate
instability in industrial democracies remains highly controversial, few com-
mentators would challenge the view that politicians, faced with a regular election
cycle, will tend to develop short time horizons. The desire to be re-elected or
regain office may lead politicians to pursue or promise an economic policy
package which creates aggregate economic instability. If this line of argument
is accepted, then it follows that what is needed is an institutional framework
which creates an environment conducive to the more frequent implementation
of sustainable economic policies geared to longer-term objectives. The di-
lemma faced in industrial democracies is how to constrain the over-zealous
short-term discretionary actions of politicians through institutional reform with-
out threatening the basic principles of democratic government. Trying to find a
solution to this dilemma will ensure that the relationship between economic
and electoral cycles will remain a rich and fertile area of research for
Not only have economists enhanced our understanding of aggregate insta-
bility by adding a political dimension to their models; they have also explored
the deeper determinants of growth miracles and disasters. In doing so they
have highlighted the important constraint on economic growth imposed by
‘bad’ institutions and policies. Recent research has explored the interaction of
politics and economics, yielding new insights into the political economy of
economic growth and development, and the impact of international economic
integration on the size of nations. These are certainly areas where much more
research is required (see Chapter 11).
Just as economic forces cannot be ignored by political scientists, the mes-
sage coming from the research discussed in this chapter is that economists
interested in positive models of economic policy ‘cannot and should not
ignore the political arena’ (Alesina, 1988).
Alberto Alesina 567


Alberto Alesina was born in 1957 in Broni, Italy and obtained his Laurea
from the Università Bocconi, Milan in 1981 and his PhD from Harvard
University in 1986. His main posts have included: Assistant Professor of
Economics at Carnegie-Mellon University (1986–8); Assistant Professor of
Economics and Government (1988–90) and Associate Professor of Political
Economy (1990–93) at Harvard University. Since 1993 he has been Professor
of Economics and Government at Harvard University.
Professor Alesina is best known for his contributions, in terms of both
theoretical analysis and empirical investigation, to the various forms of inter-
action between politics and macroeconomics; and his influential work on
politico-economic cycles, the origin and implications of fiscal deficits, and
the relationship between political stability and economic growth. Among his
best-known books are: Partisan Politics, Divided Government and the Economy
(Cambridge University Press, 1995), co-authored with H. Rosenthal; Politi-
cal Cycles and the Macroeconomy (MIT Press, 1997), co-authored with N.
Roubini; and The Size of Nations (MIT Press, 2002), co-authored with E.
Spolare. His most widely read articles include: ‘Macroeconomic Policy in a
Two-Party System as a Repeated Game’, Quarterly Journal of Economics
(1987); ‘Political Cycles in OECD Economies’, Review of Economic Studies
(1992), co-authored with N. Roubini; ‘Central Bank Independence and Macr-
oeconomic Performance: Some Comparative Evidence’, Journal of Money,
568 Modern macroeconomics

Credit, and Banking (1993), co-authored with L. Summers; ‘Distributive

Politics and Economic Growth’, Quarterly Journal of Economics (1994), co-
authored with D. Rodrik; and ‘The Political Economy of the Budget Surplus
in the US’ , Journal of Economic Perspectives (2000).

We corresponded with Professor Alesina in March/April 1997.

Background Information

How did you become interested in economics and where did you study as an
undergraduate and postgraduate student?
In high school I was very interested in socio-political problems. I thought that
economics was the most rigorous of the social sciences. As an undergraduate
I studied at Università Bocconi in Milan, Italy [1976–81] and took both my
Masters degree and PhD at Harvard University [1982–6].

Which papers and/or books have influenced your research interests?

I have been much more influenced by ‘facts’ rather than by specific papers or
books and have always been very interested in the policy-making process.
The basic fact which has always impressed me is how different actual policy
making is from the predictions of models which assume social planners and a
representative consumer. I always noted how in politics discourse is about
redistributive conflicts while in most macroeconomic models distributive
issues are absent.

Is there any aspect of the Italian economy and/or political system that stimu-
lated your interest in the link between economics and politics?
Yes: the inability of government after government in Italy to address serious
fiscal problems has been an important influence. More generally, thinking
about Italy made me wonder about the relationship between political frag-
mentation and economic performance.

Do you regard yourself as belonging to any identifiable school of thought in


Keynes and Keynesianism

Was Keynes naive in assuming that economic policy should be, and would be,
carried out in the public interest?
If we can characterize Keynes’s view as such, I would say yes, although I
think that your question oversimplifies his view.
Alberto Alesina 569

In Roy Harrod’s 1951 biography of Keynes he argued that Keynes tended to

think of important decisions being taken by ‘intelligent people’ and gave little
consideration to the political constraints placed on this vision by ‘interfering
If one reads beyond the General Theory, for instance the pamphlet How To
Pay For The War, I think that one can see that Keynes was aware of the
subtleties of policy making. I agree that in his main scientific work he did not
consider the effects of political distortions on policy making. You can’t ex-
pect everything from the same economist. He did quite a lot as it is!

Do you think that Keynesian economics, with its emphasis on discretionary

fiscal policy, has fundamentally weakened the fiscal constitutions of Western
industrial democracies?
No. In my opinion this point has been overemphasized. Italy, for instance, has
accumulated a very large debt for several reasons. The adoption of Keynesian
policies is not one of them.

Have Italy’s fiscal problems stemmed from its political system?

Yes, from its fragmented political system, over-powerful unions, lack of a
strong party committed to fiscal discipline and an overextended and en-
trenched bureaucracy.

Why are some countries more prone to budget deficits than others? Why is
deficit reduction such an intractable problem?
In my paper with Roberto Perotti [1995a] we conclude that it is difficult to
explain these large cross-country differences using economic arguments alone.
Politico-institutional factors are crucial to understanding budget deficits in
particular, and fiscal policy in general. While the economies of the OECD
countries are relatively similar, their institutions, such as electoral laws, party
structure, budget laws, central banks, degree of centralization, political stabil-
ity and social polarization, are quite different. In a companion paper examining
fiscal adjustments in OECD countries [Alesina and Perotti, 1995b] we find
that coalition governments are almost always unsuccessful in their adjust-
ment attempts, being unable to maintain a tough fiscal stance because of
conflicts among coalition members. We also find that a successful fiscal
adjustment is best started during a period of relatively high growth, does not
raise taxes, but rather cuts transfer programme and government wages and
employment. Politicians and their advisers must stop thinking of just about
everything on the expenditure side of the government budget as untouchable.

What do you regard as being the most important contribution made by Keynes
to our understanding of macroeconomic phenomena?
570 Modern macroeconomics

The idea that aggregate demand policy matters because of lack of complete
price flexibility.

The Political Business Cycle

Prior to Michal Kalecki [1943] were there other economists who anticipated
the possibility of a political business cycle?
Not that I know of.

To what extent could the deep UK recession of 1979–82 be viewed as being

politically induced? For example, it can be argued that the then Prime Minis-
ter, Margaret Thatcher, used high unemployment in order to restore the
health of British capitalism, a development consistent with Kalecki’s model.
Thatcher’s recession was the result of the need for disinflation. I am not sure that
unemployment is needed ‘in order to restore the health of capitalism’. Unem-
ployment is in part a cyclical phenomenon, in part the result of supply-side
rigidities. This latter influence is particularly strong in the European economies.

How important are macroeconomic variables for voting behaviour?

In the USA, the rate of GNP growth is extremely important, inflation and
unemployment somewhat less so. In other countries the evidence is less clear
cut, in part due to differences in the electoral systems. In general, the state of
the economy is very important for elections but how this effect manifests
itself may vary dramatically from one country to another.

Nordhaus’s [1975] model is intuitively very appealing. What do you regard to

be its main strengths and weaknesses?
Its main strength is that it makes a simple powerful point which is easily
testable. Its main weaknesses are that it is based on the assumption of ex-
tremely naive behaviour, and also has very weak empirical support.

How can voters (principals) ensure that their agents (the politicians) refrain
from opportunistic behaviour which creates economic inefficiencies?
Mainly with the threat of voting them out of office.

Non-Rational Partisan Theory

What do you regard to be the important contributions of Hibbs [1977] to the

development of politico-economic models?
Hibbs played an important role by introducing ideological–partisan differ-
ences and moved attention away from models in which it was assumed that
all politicians have identical motivations.
Alberto Alesina 571

How strong is the evidence that inflation is more harmful to higher income
than lower income groups?
The evidence on this is not very strong. How harmful inflation is depends on
the level of inflation and various institutional arrangements, such as indexa-

For the post-war period as a whole, is the empirical evidence supportive of

the partisan view that left-of-centre governments favour and achieve lower
unemployment than right-of-centre governments? Have left-of-centre admin-
istrations also been associated with higher inflation than right of centre
To some extent yes. However, the success of left-wing governments in reduc-
ing unemployment has only been temporary. After taking into account
structural breaks such as the break in exchange rate regime in the early
1970s, the oil shocks and so on, it is true that left-of-centre governments have
been associated with higher inflation than those right of centre.

Rational Expectations and Business Cycle Models

Do you attribute the decline of interest in politico-economic explanations of

the business cycle between the late 1970s and mid-1980s to theoretical devel-
opments associated with Robert Lucas and the rational expectations revolution
or was empirical failure a more important factor?
I think that the ‘rational expectations revolution’ was a much more important
contributing factor to the decline of interest in such models. Furthermore,
empirical ‘failures’ have not stopped economists investigating this matter
further in the 1990s.

An important criticism of democratic markets is that voters are, in most

cases, uninformed. For each voter the benefits of gaining more information
will be outweighed by the costs. In this world of imperfect information is it
not inevitable that politicians will engage in opportunistic fiscal behaviour
prior to elections?
To some extent this is the case, but I would not overemphasize this point for
several reasons. First, if this were the main explanation for budget deficits, it
should apply (more or less) to every democracy. Thus one should not observe
such large differences in fiscal policies in OECD democracies. Second, large
deviations from efficient policies, such as huge deficits in election years, are
easily observable, if not by the individual voter, then certainly by the press.
Third, I do not know of any conclusive evidence which shows that larger
deficits favour the re-election of an incumbent. I think that in practice what
happens all the time is that in election years fiscal favours may not be very
572 Modern macroeconomics

large, and may therefore be hard to detect. Nevertheless, the political benefits
may be quite significant. Let me add on this point that I am not a great fan of
models of politics where imperfect information is the critical factor. I person-
ally think that conflict of interest is much more important than asymmetric

In 1988 George Bush told the American electorate: ‘Read my lips, no new
taxes’. Each year in the UK the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his budget
speech emphasizes the competence of the administration in managing fiscal
affairs. Do you regard these examples as typical of the kind of political
behaviour predicted by the Rogoff–Sibert [1988] class of rational opportun-
istic models?
With the caveats discussed in the previous answer, I think that Rogoff and
Sibert have a good point. Their model is also much more consistent with the
empirical evidence than the original Nordhaus model. My empirical research
on the subject is quite supportive of their model. This research is included in
Alesina and Roubini, with Cohen (1997): Political Cycles and the Macro-
economy, MIT Press.

What role does ‘fiscal illusion’ play in politico-economic models?

I think that this concept is oversold. Explanations of excessive fiscal deficits
based on fiscal illusion are not totally convincing because they imply a
systematic bias in the errors made by the electorate concerning their estima-
tion of the costs and benefits of taxes and spending. Fiscal illusion is also
unable to explain the timing of the deficit problem in OECD economies or
the cross-country differences in budget deficits. I prefer models based on
rational behaviour and expectations.

Rational Partisan Theories

How strong is the evidence against the median voter theorem?

It depends. For large elections I would not use it: in fact, its key implication is
that when in office all the parties do the same thing. This is clearly inconsist-
ent with the evidence even of predominantly two-party systems that exist in
countries such as the UK and the USA. In multi-party systems the median
voter theorem proves to be even less applicable. Therefore, for macroeco-
nomic and macropolitical research I would not use it. On the other hand, if I
want to study voting behaviour on one issue in a committee of five people,
then the median voter theorem is a good start!

In the UK Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour Party’ has been moving closer to the
position adopted by the Conservative Party on many economic issues. For
Alberto Alesina 573

example, on 20 January 1997 the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer,

Gordon Brown, promised the electorate that ‘New Labour’ would not in-
crease tax rates if elected. On 21 January 1997 Tony Blair promised not to
reverse the Conservative Party’s industrial relations legislation of the 1980s.
Does this imply that polarization is less important than it used to be?
In the case of the UK we shall have to wait and see! However, on the more
general issue of increasing party convergence, in Political Cycles and the
Macroeconomy [1997] we conclude that ‘the idea that political parties are
becoming more alike when it comes to macroeconomic management is some-
what exaggerated’. Our view is that while the macroeconomic problems of the
1970s and early 1980s ‘have probably made politicians on both sides of the
political spectrum more cautious in terms of macroeconomic management,
they have not completely eliminated ideological differences’. Furthermore, we
also point out that ‘both left-wing and right-wing governments in the next
decade will have to face issues of fiscal retrenchment’ and that ‘partisan conflicts
are very likely to explode on how to achieve this goal’.

In your rational partisan models [1987, 1989] you appear to adopt an

eclectic approach to your theoretical framework based on a variant of the
‘monetary surprise’ rational expectations model associated with Fischer
[1977]. Lucas and other new classical theorists now appear to attach more
importance to real shocks as an explanation of post-war macroeconomic
fluctuations. Does this not undermine the basis of models based on monetary
I do not like the view that macroeconomic fluctuations are due to either
supply or demand shocks. First, an economy can be subjected to both types
of shock. Second, real business cycle models have certainly not been an
empirical success. The rational partisan theory does not imply that real shocks
do not exist. In fact in empirical testing one may want to control for supply

What are the essential predictions of the rational partisan theory and have
they been supported by empirical work?
The basic idea of the model is that, given the sluggishness in wage adjust-
ments, changes in the inflation rate associated with changes in government
create temporary deviations of real economic activity from its natural level.
At the beginning of a right-wing government output growth is below its
natural level and unemployment is above its natural level. The opposite is
predicted for left-wing governments. After expectations, prices and wages
adjust, output and employment return to their natural level and the level of
economic activity should be independent of the party in office. However, the
rate of inflation should remain higher throughout the term of a left-wing
574 Modern macroeconomics

government. These implications of rational partisan theory are consistent

with the empirical evidence particularly for a subset of countries with biparti-
san systems or with clearly identifiable movements from left to right and vice
versa. The rational partisan theory is less applicable, and in fact tends to fail
in countries with large coalition governments with frequent government col-

In the UK the Conservative Party gained power in the four elections between
1979 and 1992. President Clinton has also been re-elected. What does the
rational partisan theory predict will be the effect of the repeated re-election
of a particular party?
Strictly speaking, it depends on how unexpected is the re-election. If the
Conservative Party had been sure to win in the previous four elections, not
much should have happened to the economy. Inflation should have continued
to remain low and growth (ceteris paribus) should have been stable. Presi-
dent Clinton was probably less sure of being re-elected. In this case the
model predicts that growth should slightly increase in the USA.

What is likely to happen according to your model if a left-of-centre party

gains office at the peak of an economic expansion?
According to the model, the left-of-centre party will do as much as possible
to avoid a recession, including increasing inflation. If we speak of the UK in
1997, one has to consider other issues which may influence the outcome,
such as European Monetary Union. This kind of issue is clearly not consid-
ered in the model.

What are the main policy implications of your model for the conduct of
macroeconomic policy and the design of political institutions?
The model in its stripped-down version is ‘positive’ rather than ‘norma-
tive’, thus it does not have any direct policy implications. However, the
model can be used in a normative direction. Let me give a couple of
examples to illustrate the point. First, the model suggests that independent
central banks, by insulating monetary policy from partisan influences, can
reduce the extent of both monetary and real variability. This point is for-
mally derived in my paper with Roberta Gatti [1995]. Second, as for political
institutions, the model points towards a trade-off. Proportional electoral
systems which result in coalition governments lead to ‘compromise’ and
policy moderation. This reduces partisan fluctuations and polarization, but
may induce deadlocks in policy making, particularly with respect to fiscal
issues. Majoritarian systems leading to two-party systems have the opposite
feature, namely more policy polarization but no policy deadlocks. Extreme
versions of the two systems are unlikely to be optimal although I regard the
Alberto Alesina 575

risk of excessive ‘governing by coalition’ to be a particularly significant

problem in the European context.

Which is likely to create the most instability: exogenous or endogenous

timing of elections?
Endogenous elections undoubtedly generate more frequent elections. Whether
that creates more or less instability is less obvious. Italy is a perfect example.
One may argue that in the post-war period Italy has been very unstable
because it has had numerous government changes and many early elections.
On the other hand, one may argue that at least until the early 1990s nothing
much ever changed, because the same parties and individuals were always in

What are the main weaknesses of the rational partisan theory?

I guess I am not the right person to ask that particular question, but elsewhere
[1995] I have pointed out that the Achilles’ heel of the rational partisan
theory is that the mechanism of wage formation is postulated exogenously
rather than derived from optimal individual behaviour.

Would you agree that rational voters will make their voting decision based on
information relating to both the past performance of a political party as well
as expected future performance?
Past information has to be used to form expectations about the future. Even
voters who are forward-looking have to look backward to form expectations.
The question ‘are voters backward or forward-looking?’ is very misleading.
Furthermore, I find the research on this point often both confused and confus-
ing. A different, more useful, question is whether the voters use ‘efficiently’
the past information that they have to form expectations about the future. In
other words, the question is whether voters use ‘rationally’ their past infor-
mation. This is a difficult but well-posed question, which is similar to questions
raised in finance.

To what extent do opportunistic behaviour and partisan behaviour depend on

the confidence of an incumbent administration that it will be re-elected? Is it
the case that the more confident an administration is of re-election, the more
likely it is to behave ideologically?
Possibly, perhaps likely. I have not seen a ‘rational’ model making this point.
Bruno Frey and Freidrich Schneider back in 1978 made this point in their
‘non-rational’ models.
576 Modern macroeconomics

General Macroeconomic Issues

How influential has the literature relating to time inconsistency, credibility

and reputation been to the development of politico-economic models?
In my case these contributions have been very influential. I think that this
literature has been an important driving force behind the new wave of po-
litico-economic models in the 1990s, although it is fair to say that now this
literature has a life of its own.

Why do governments create inflation?

One important reason is to try to reduce unemployment. A second reason
relates to the financing of budget deficits. Also, when inflation becomes
entrenched in the system it is costly to reduce it. These reasons may apply
differently to different countries, and at different points in time.

What is the relationship between political and economic instability? How has
the UK managed to combine political stability with a relatively poor eco-
nomic performance in the post-war period? How does this compare to the
Italian experience?
The UK has been ‘stable’ but very polarized. Conservative and Labour gov-
ernments have had very different programmes. On the other hand Italy has
had the opposite problem, namely frequent government changes but with
always the same people ending up in office. The result for Italy has been a
lack of fiscal discipline. However, concepts such as political stability and
polarization are difficult to measure in practice.

Should central banks have goal independence as well as instrument inde-

pendence? What is your view of the contracting approach suggested by Carl
Legislatures should set, once and for all, price stability (defined as low
inflation, between 0 and 3 per cent) as the sole goal of monetary policy.
Central banks should do whatever they want to achieve that goal. I do not
know whether you want to call this instrument or goal independence. Carl
Walsh [1995a] has produced a good paper but I would like to see further
work in a more political direction. For example, how does Walsh’s contract-
ing approach deal with the fact that in the real world we have partisan and
opportunistic politicians, rather than benevolent social planners?

Are you in favour of monetary and fiscal rules?

My answer to the previous question covers my views on monetary rules.
Personally I am against balanced budget rules for national governments but
in favour of such rules for sub-national governments.
Alberto Alesina 577

Does reducing inflation from moderate rates, say from 10 per cent to 5 per
cent, bring any significant real economic benefits in the form of improved
performance with respect to employment and economic growth?
If inflation remained stable forever at say 10 per cent, with perfect certainty
and everything adjusted, it wouldn’t matter very much. But higher inflation
results in more variable and less predictable inflation, which is costly. Thus,
on balance I believe that there are benefits in reducing inflation.

Where do you stand on the issue of European Monetary Union? For countries
like Italy and the UK do the costs of Monetary Union not outweigh the
The benefits of Monetary Union have been oversold. There are clearly both
pros and cons to such an arrangement. Italy has benefited from the Maastricht
target, otherwise it would have done even less to put its ‘house in order’.
However, this is not sufficient reason to join a monetary union. Although a
full answer to this question would require a whole article, my feeling is that
the economic arguments in favour of European Monetary Union are quite

In your view what are the most important lessons and policy implications to
arise from recent research into the interaction of politics and the macro-
First procedures, namely how policies are determined. This matters for the
outcome. Second, when thinking about ‘optimal institution building’ one
should not ignore conflicts of interests. Third, models based on ‘social plan-
ners’ cannot completely explain the empirical evidence and may be misleading
or useless if used for policy prescriptives.

What kind of political system is most conducive to macroeconomic stability?

For an OECD economy I would choose an electoral system with a majoritarian
emphasis. The American system of presidential–legislative checks and bal-
ances has also worked quite well. Different electoral systems imply different
choices in the trade-off between moderation and gridlock. An English system
is probably at the extreme of the ‘no moderation but no gridlock’ scale. The
current Italian system is at the opposite end. Perhaps the US system is a
happy medium.

At the moment what research are you currently engaged in and what in your
opinion are the important areas of research which macroeconomists should
concentrate on in the future?
I am working on three main areas. The first area is the issue of the political
economy of major fiscal adjustments where I have already published several
578 Modern macroeconomics

papers with Roberto Perotti. I am also interested in what determines the

number and shapes of countries, that is, economic theories of secessions and
mergers and their relationship with factors such as geography and trade and
so on. For example, see my paper with Enrico Spolare [1997]. Third, I am
also researching into the effect of socio-ethnic fragmentation on the choice of
fiscal policy in US cities and localities. Personally, I find issues relating to
fiscal policy more intriguing than those associated with monetary policy,
especially as we know less about the former than the latter. I think that the
political economy of social security reforms and, more generally, reforms of
the welfare state will be the number one item in the policy agenda of OECD
countries during the next decade. The research of economists needs to keep
up with important events.
11. The renaissance of economic growth
No previous episode of enrichment approaches modern economic growth – not
China or Egypt in their primes, not the glory of Greece or the grandeur of Rome.
(McCloskey, 1994)
Of all the policy questions concerning growth, the most fundamental is whether
there are any policies that an omniscient, omnipotent, benevolent social planner
could implement to raise the welfare of all individuals in an economy. (P. Romer,

11.1 Introduction

In 2002 there were 192 internationally recognized independent countries in

the world that included the 191 members of the United Nations plus Taiwan
(Alesina and Spolare, 2003). Among these countries are some that by histori-
cal standards are extremely rich and many more that are relatively poor. Their
size, measured by geographical area, by total population, or by total GDP,
varies enormously. Measured by geographical and population size we ob-
serve large poor countries (India) and large rich countries (USA) as well as
small rich countries (Switzerland) and small poor countries (Sierra Leone).
We also see every other possible combination in between. When we examine
the economic growth performance of these countries we also see a wide
variety of experience, from the high positive rates observed during the last
four decades of the twentieth century among the Asian Tigers (Hong Kong,
South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan) to the negative growth rates experienced in
many sub-Saharan countries during the last couple of decades. Since sus-
tained economic growth is the most important determinant of living standards,
there is no more important issue challenging the research efforts of econo-
mists than to understand the causes of economic growth. In reviewing the
differential growth performances of countries such as India, Egypt, the ‘Asian
Tigers’, Japan and the USA, and the consequences of these differentials for
living standards, Lucas (1988) observed that ‘the consequences for human
welfare involved in questions like these are simply staggering. Once one
starts to think about them, it is hard to think about anything else’.
In this chapter we review many of the important theoretical, empirical and
political-economy issues relating to modern economic growth and the deter-
580 Modern macroeconomics

minants of living standards that have captivated the research interests of both
economists, economic historians and other social scientists during the twenti-
eth century.

11.2 The ‘Great Divergence’

Nothing in human history compares with the impact that the Industrial Revo-
lution has had on the living conditions for the world’s population. Sustained
growth of both total GDP and GDP per capita date from the great transforma-
tion unleashed by this event. While economic historians continue to debate
the origins, timing and quantitative aspects of the Industrial Revolution, there
is no doubt that during the last 250 years the main consequence of this event
has been a distinctive regime change as the world economy began to experi-
ence a new epoch of what Kuznets (1966) called ‘modern economic growth’.
It should also be noted that modern economic growth and capitalism are
synonymous, for as Baumol (2002) writes:

what is clear to historians and laypersons alike is that capitalism is unique in the
extraordinary growth record is has been able to achieve in its recurring industrial
revolutions that have produced an outpouring of material wealth unlike anything
previously seen in human history.

Baumol’s point had been recognized by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels over
150 years earlier in their Communist Manifesto of 1847 when they observed
that ‘the bourgeoisie has created more massive and more colossal productive
forces than have all preceding generations together’.
In contrast to most of human history, the modern epoch has been character-
ized by a population explosion, rising life expectancy, rapid urbanization,
diversified patterns of employment and steadily rising income per capita for
the world as a whole (Easterlin, 1996). However, because the Industrial
Revolution and economic growth have spread unevenly across the world, the
modern era of human history has also witnessed the emergence of unprec-
edented global inequality. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century the
world economy has experienced what Pomeranz (2000) calls the ‘Great Di-
vergence’ and Pritchett (1997) refers to as ‘Divergence, Big Time’. International
differences in living standards, measured by real income per capita, are
enormous even after making adjustments to the estimates that take into ac-
count variations in purchasing power and household production.
The ‘Great Divergence’ of income per capita is a modern phenomenon.
Before the nineteenth century, for the vast majority of the economies and
peoples of the world, the process of economic growth was ‘sporadic and
inconsistent’. It was not until the second half of the twentieth century that
growth spread to many living in the Third World. As Table 11.1 shows, living
Table 11.1 Levela and rate of growthb of GDP per capita: world and major regions, 0–1998 AD

Region 0a 1000a 1820a 1998a 0–1000b 1000–1820b 1820–1998b

Western Europe 450 400 1 232 17 921 –0.01 0.14 1.51

Western off-shoots 400 400 1 201 26 146 0.00 0.13 1.75
Japan 400 425 669 20 413 0.01 0.06 1.93
Average, Group A 443 405 1 130 21 470 –0.01 0.13 1.67

Latin America 400 400 665 5 795 0.00 0.06 1.22

Eastern Europe & former USSR 400 400 667 4 354 0.00 0.06 1.06

Asia 450 450 575 2 936 0.00 0.03 0.92
Africa 425 416 418 1 368 –0.00 0.00 0.67
Average, Group B 444 440 573 3 102 –0.00 0.03 0.95

World 444 435 667 5 709 –0.00 0.05 1.21

Measured in 1990 international dollars.
Annual average compound growth.

Source: Maddison (2001), Table 1.2.

582 Modern macroeconomics

standards across the world, as measured by GDP per capita, did not improve
in any significant way during the first one thousand years AD. However, since
about 1750, beginning in Great Britain, the phenomenon of sustained modern
economic growth has become ‘the defining feature of human history’ and by
1950 embraced a third of the population of the earth.
Contemporary differences in living standards are themselves the product of
differences in growth rates that have been observed during the last 200 years
and are highlighted in Table 11.2. Three important commonly used measures
of living standards are represented, namely gross national income (GNI) per
capita measured in international dollars (PPP – purchasing power parity – $),
life expectancy, and the Human Development Index (HDI). The HDI is a
composite measure of three equally weighted basic components, namely, real
income per capita (PPP US$ = Ypc) adjusted to reflect the assumption of
rapidly diminishing marginal utility of income above the world average;
longevity as measured by life expectancy at birth (L); and educational attain-
ment (E) captured by the adult literacy rate (weighted 2/3) and the combined
gross primary, secondary and tertiary enrolment ratio (weighted 1/3). There-
fore, the HDI estimate for any economy (j) is a simple weighted average of
Ypcj + Lj + Ej. Although there are serious index number problems in using
the HDI as a measure of living standards and the HDI has come in for a
considerable amount of criticism, it has nevertheless proved to be a useful
additional development indicator, complementing, but not replacing, the tra-
ditional ‘commodity’-based measures of progress such as income per capita.
While there has been unprecedented divergence between the income per
capita of the OECD economies and many developing countries, Crafts (1999,
2000) has argued that a more optimistic picture of the progress of human
welfare emerges if we examine long-run trends in the HDI. For example, the
HDI scores for many poor countries in 2002 are well ahead of the estimated
1870 HDI scores for the leading countries of that time (current G7 countries)
as measured by their per capita income. Crafts concludes that by taking a
broader view of progress, it is ‘likely that the growth of living standards since
1870 as measured by real national income per capita is substantially underes-
timated’ (Crafts, 2001; see also Becker et al., 2003; Crafts, 2003).
Data on total population for each country is also included in Table 11.2.
The 40 countries included accounted for 4795.7 million (79 per cent) of the
world’s population of 6054 million in 2000. Important points to note include
the close correlation between income per capita, life expectancy and the HDI;
the underperformance of Botswana and South Africa on their life expectancy
and HDI scores relative to their position in the income per capita ranking; the
ratio of the USA’s GNI per capita to Sierra Leone’s is a staggering 72–1
(note, the highest GNI per capita recorded by the World Bank for 2002 was
Luxembourg, with 51,160 PPP$).
The renaissance of economic growth research 583

Table 11.2 Three indicators of living standards: 40 countries

Country GNI per capita Life expectancy HDI, 2000b Total population
(PPP$), 2002a in years, 2000b (millions), 2000c

USA 35 060 77.0 0.939 282

Canada 28 070 78.8 0.940 31
Australia 26 960 78.9 0.939 19
Hong Kong 26 810 79.5 0.888 4.4d
Germany 26 220 77.7 0.925 82
France 26 180 78.6 0.928 59
Japan 26 070 81.0 0.933 127
UK 25 870 77.7 0.928 60
Italy 25 320 78.5 0.913 58
Singapore 23 090 77.6 0.885 2.3d
Korea, Rep. 16 480 74.9 0.882 47
Czech Rep. 14 500 74.9 0.849 10
Hungary 12 810 71.3 0.835 10
Saudi Arabia 11 480 71.6 0.759 21
Poland 10 130 73.3 0.833 39
Argentina 9 930 73.4 0.844 37
South Africa 9 870 52.1 0.695 43
Chile 9 180 75.3 0.831 15
Mexico 8 540 72.6 0.796 98
Malaysia 8 280 72.5 0.782 23
Russian Fed. 7 820 66.1 0.781 146
Botswana 7 770 40.3 0.572 2
Brazil 7 250 67.7 0.757 170
Thailand 6 680 70.2 0.762 61
Iran 6 340 68.9 0.721 64
Turkey 6 210 69.8 0.742 65
Ukraine 4 650 68.1 0.748 50
China 4 390 70.5 0.726 1 261
Egypt 3 710 67.3 0.642 64
Indonesia 2 990 66.2 0.684 210
India 2 570 63.3 0.577 1 016
Vietnam 2 240 68.2 0.688 79
Zimbabwe 2 120 49.2 0.551 12
Pakistan 1 940 60.0 0.499 138
Bangladesh 1 720 59.4 0.478 130
Kenya 990 50.8 0.513 30
Nigeria 780 51.7 0.462 127
Ethiopia 720 43.9 0.327 64
Tanzania 550 51.1 0.440 34
Sierra Leone 490 38.9 0.275 5
Worlde 7 570 (A) 66.9 (A) 0.722 (A) 4 795.7 (T)

Gross national income per capita, PPP$, World Development Indicators, 2003, World Bank.
Human Development Index and Life Expectancy, Human Development Report 2002, United
Total population, World Development Report 2002, World Bank.
Hong Kong and Singapore data from Human Development Report 2002.
A = Average, T = Total.
584 Modern macroeconomics

11.3 In Praise of Economic History

It is our view that a knowledge of history in general, and economic history in

particular, is important to understand how societies and economies change.
Since contemporary economic historians are primarily interested in the long-
run development of economies, they seek to understand the fundamental
causes of economic growth, the determinants of technological progress, the
evolution and impact of institutions, and the historical origins of current
economic problems. With respect to the determination of technological
progress, which is now at the forefront of endogenous growth theory, Wright
(1997) argues that if economists wish to take technology seriously then
economics ‘will have to become a more historical discipline’ (see also Mokyr,
2002, 2005). In his influential 1986 paper, William Baumol also advises
economists interested in long-run growth to pay more attention to the ‘bril-
liant insights’ and ‘powerful analysis’ of economic historians.
Before the 1960s, even though large amounts of invaluable quantitative
data were produced by economic historians, much of their analysis tended to
be atheoretical. The traditional approach to the study of economic history
was largely descriptive. This situation changed dramatically during the 1960s
as formalization and analytical rigour spread from mainstream economics to
the field of economic history. From the early 1960s scholars such as Nobel
Memorial Laureates Robert Fogel and Douglass North pioneered the ‘new’
quantitative approach to economic history, or ‘cliometrics’, defined as ‘the
application of economic theory and quantitative methods to the study of
history’ (Goldin, 1995).
During the last four decades the ‘cliometric revolution’ has demonstrated
that economic historians have much to gain from a knowledge of economic
theory and methodology. The ‘new’ approach has emphasized the need for
scholars to be precise and explicit about which hypotheses are being tested in
order to connect the historical investigation with quantitative analysis. How-
ever, economists also have much to gain from a greater knowledge of history,
in particular economic history (Snowdon, 2002c). Indeed, one of the main
developments highlighted in this chapter is how in recent years economic
theorists appear to have followed Goldin’s (1995) advice that ‘only the ob-
livious can ignore history in modern economics, and only the unenlightened
would chose to do so’. Goldin’s recommendation is especially relevant to
those economists interested in the long-run issue of economic growth. Not
only does the past provide a gigantic laboratory for testing various hypoth-
eses in economics; history also contains many lessons that can provide useful
information for contemporary policy makers, not least those in the develop-
ing countries and transition economies. Because the past shapes the present it
must also influence the future. As Goldin argues, the ‘remnants of the past,
The renaissance of economic growth research 585

which shape the realm of the possible today, are always with us, norms,
structures, institutions, and even people’. While history rarely repeats itself
exactly, it does offer guidance, broadens our stock of knowledge, highlights
what may be important in determining outcomes, and ‘enables us to identify
and read signals’ (Horrell, 2003). It is worth noting that several prominent
macroeconomists have, in recent years, made important contributions to growth
analysis by engaging in quantitative economic history (see Lucas, 2000b,
2002; Hansen and Prescott, 2002; Parente and Prescott, 2005; and section

11.4 Back to the Long Run

Following the stimulating and important contributions of Abramovitz (1986),

Baumol (1986), P. Romer (1986) and Lucas (1988), the study of long-run
economic growth once again became a very active research area. Increas-
ingly, many economists accept that macroeconomic analysis and policies
resting solely on the short view will be, to quote Viner, ‘a structure built on
shifting sands’ (Baumol, 1986). This reorientation of research emphasis is
regarded as long overdue by many economists. Although the revival of re-
search into the elusive ingredients of growth began in the mid-1980s it was
not until the 1990s that the literature really exploded. Two important surveys
of macroeconomics bear witness to this fact. Mankiw’s (1990) survey of
macroeconomics makes no mention of economic growth whatsoever, while
Fischer’s (1988) survey devotes a mere four sentences to the ‘Theory of
Growth’ and only refers to Paul Romer’s 1986 paper in passing. However, by
1989 Robert Barro and Paul Romer were launching a major joint research
project on economic growth through Harvard University and the National
Bureau of Economic Research and, reflecting this development, in 1996 the
first issue of the Journal of Economic Growth was published. After 1990 a
constant flow of new books and journal survey articles also began to appear,
indicating the much higher profile and new urgency given by economists to
research on economic growth (see, for example, Grossman and Helpman,
1991; Fagerberg, 1994; P. Romer, 1994a; Mankiw, 1995; Crafts and Toniolo,
1996; Aghion and Howitt, 1998; Gylfason, 1999; Temple, 1999; Solow, 2000,
2001; Easterly, 2001a; Easterly and Levine, 2001; Jones, 2001a; Lucas, 2002;
Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 2003; Rodrik, 2003; Aghion and Durlauf, 2005; see
also Snowdon and Vane, 1997a; Snowdon, 2003a).
Given the significant adverse impact that poor growth performance has on
economic welfare and the resultant importance attached to growth by econo-
mists, it is perhaps surprising that during the twentieth century the research
effort in this field has been cyclical. Concern about the sustainability of
economic growth was a major concern of the classical economists, with the
586 Modern macroeconomics

pessimism of Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo contrasting with the opti-
mism of Adam Smith (Rostow, 1990). However, during the period 1870–1929
economists’ research was heavily influenced by the ‘marginalist revolution’
and was therefore predominantly micro oriented, being directed towards
issues relating to the efficient allocation of given resources. For a quarter of a
century after 1929–33, issues relating to the Great Depression and Keynes’s
response to that event dominated discussion as the new science of macroeco-
nomics evolved. In the period 1939–56 growth theory was dominated by the
neo-Keynesian contributions of Roy Harrod (1939, 1948) and Evsey Domar
(1946, 1947, 1948), and in the period 1956–70 by the seminal contributions
of Nobel Memorial Laureate Robert Solow (1956, 1957), who, along with
Trevor Swan (1956), pioneered work on the neoclassical growth model.
However, as Domar commented in 1957, ‘in economic theory growth has
occupied an odd place: always seen around but seldom invited in. It has either
been taken for granted or treated as an afterthought’.
It is certainly the case that research on the theoretical front in this field
ran into diminishing returns and ‘effectively died’ in the 1970–85 period.
This was due mainly to its perceived lack of empirical relevance, the diver-
sion of economists’ research interests towards business cycle analysis in the
wake of the aggregate instability experienced throughout the world in the
1970s, and the impact of the rational expectations ‘revolution’ within
academia (see Chapter 5, and Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 2003). In a survey
of the contents of three leading economics journals Laband and Wells
(1998) found that

during the first half of the twentieth century, there was increasing scholarly output
of papers written about economic growth and development. This scholarly inter-
est/production peaked in the 1950s and then declined markedly throughout the
1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. This trend reversed itself abruptly during the first half of
the 1990s, with a surge in production of articles on economic growth.

How far this burgeoning literature has significantly progressed economists’

knowledge of the causes of growth remains to be seen (see Nelson, 1997;
Abramovitz, 1999; Kenny and Williams, 2001).
During the last 50 years there has been a shift of theoretical focus as neo-
Keynesian growth models were replaced by neoclassical models as the
dominant framework for analysis. Neoclassical theories have in turn been
challenged by endogenous growth theory since the mid-1980s (Snowdon and
Vane, 1997a; Solow, 2001). But what explains the high-profile resurgence of
interest in growth analysis during the last couple of decades? We identify this
resurgence of interest since the mid-1980s to have been stimulated by the
following 12 factors, of which the first three played a crucial role:
The renaissance of economic growth research 587

1. New theoretical insights inspired by the research of Paul Romer (1986,

1987b, 1989, 1990, 1994a) and Robert Lucas (1988, 1990b, 1993,
2002); new theoretical tools have been of paramount importance.
2. The availability of a rich array of new data for a large number of
countries (for example Summers and Heston, 1991; Maddison, 2001).
Economists now have data for most countries which extend back to
1960. Recent empirical research has also focused on patterns of cross-
country growth (Durlauf and Quah, 1999).
3. A growing realization that a large number of developing countries,
particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, were not ‘catching up’ and converg-
ing with the levels of income per capita of the rich OECD economies
(Abramovitz, 1986, Baumol, 1986, P. Romer, 1986, 1989; Lucas, 1988).
4. The sudden and unexpected collapse of the Soviet Union and other
‘Eastern Bloc’ economies at the end of the 1980s focused attention on
the relationship between social, political and economic structures and
an economy’s capacity to sustain economic growth (Fukuyama, 1992;
Snowdon, 2003b).
5. Increasing concern during the 1980s that the economic position of the
USA relative to other major OECD economies, especially Japan and
Germany, was being eroded (Thurow, 1992).
6. Concern relating to the causes of the productivity growth slowdown,
beginning in the late 1960s/early 1970s, but not clearly recognized until
the early 1980s (Fischer et al., 1988; Baumol et al., 1989). Writing in
1988, Fischer described this event as ‘the most significant macroeco-
nomic development of the last two decades’. More recently, in the late
1990s interest in the USA has focused on a productivity acceleration
associated with the emergence of an information-technology-driven ‘new
economy’ (see Gordon, 2000b; Jorgenson, 2001; Jorgenson and Stiroh,
7. Increasing awareness of problems relating to the measurement of eco-
nomic growth and that the true rate of progress is likely to be
‘substantially underestimated’ using conventional estimation techniques
(Fogel, 1999; Nordhaus, 2001). The findings of the Boskin Commission
suggest that US GDP growth has been underestimated by about 0.9 per
cent per annum in the period 1970–96 (Boskin, 1996). In addition, the
rise of information technology and with it the ‘knowledge’ (or ‘weight-
less’) economy, and a potential reversion to non-market production
further increased the need to refine national income accounting tech-
niques (Stafford, 1999).
8. Increasing recognition of the spectacular growth performance displayed
by the ‘East Asian Tiger’ economies as well as the ‘growth disasters’
and disappointments experienced in many developing economies, espe-
588 Modern macroeconomics

cially in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Southern Asia (World

Bank, 1993; Bhagwati, 1993; Bloom and Sachs, 1998; A. Taylor, 1998;
Collier and Gunning, 1999a, 1999b).
9. The increasing influence, during the 1980s, of the real business cycle
approach to the study of economic fluctuations where the Solow neo-
classical growth model is used as the benchmark for studying both
fluctuations and growth (Kydland and Prescott, 1982). Real business
cycle theorists argue that the growth process has a large random ele-
ment and it is this that causes the ‘short-run’ fluctuations of output.
Aggregate instability is simply the ‘manifestation of the process of
stochastic growth’ (Ryan and Mullineux, 1997). Whereas mainstream
macroeconomists treat business cycles and economic growth as largely
independent phenomena, real business cycle theorists view aggregate
fluctuations as the economy’s optimal response to supply-side (produc-
tivity) shocks (see Chapter 6).
10. A much-neglected factor in explaining the growth of interest in a par-
ticular branch of an academic discipline is the influence exerted by
‘internal scientific characteristics’. Because the incentive structure in
academia is related closely to publications, particularly in the USA, a
new idea or research programme which is ‘article-laden’, with a rich
vein of topics to mine, is highly contagious. An article-laden new theory
supported by new data sets, which challenges the existing orthodoxy,
will always prove to be a powerful force within academia (Snowdon
and Vane, 1996).
11. During the last decade there has been an increasing number of papers
devoted to what we would label the ‘new political macroeconomics of
growth’. In addition to the work of Mancur Olson (1993, 2000), the
innovative contributions of Daron Acemoglu and his co-authors have
been particularly important in reawakening interest in the ‘political
barriers’ to growth (see Acemoglu and Robinson, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c,
2001, 2003; Snowdon, 2004c).
12. For some economists, such as Robert Lucas (1987, 2003) and Edward
Prescott (1996), the renewed interest in growth stems from their belief
that business cycle fluctuations ‘are not costly to society’ and that it is
more important for economists to worry about ‘increasing the rate of
increase in economy-wide productivity and not smoothing business
fluctuations’ (Prescott, 1996). Indeed, attempts to stabilize the economy
in the short term could adversely affect long-term growth prospects
(Cooley and Ohanian, 1997; Blackburn, 1999).
The renaissance of economic growth research 589

11.5 Why is Economic Growth So Important?

Since the middle of the eighteenth century human history has been domi-
nated by the phenomenon of modern economic growth. In the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries economic growth had been largely confined to a small
number of countries (Bairoch, 1993; Easterlin, 1996; Maddison, 2001). Gradu-
ally, ‘modern’ economic growth spread from its origins in Great Britain to
Western Europe and initially to overseas areas settled by European migrants
(Landes, 1969, 1998). The dramatic improvement in living standards that has
taken place in the advanced industrial economies since the Industrial Revolu-
tion is now spreading to other parts of the world. However, this diffusion has
been highly uneven and in some cases negligible. The result of this long
period of uneven growth is a pattern of income per capita differentials be-
tween the richest and poorest countries of the world that almost defies
comprehension (see Tables 11.1 and 11.2). The importance of economic
growth as a basis for improvements in human welfare cannot be overstated
and is confirmed by numerous empirical studies (see, for example, Dollar and
Kraay, 2002a, 2002b). Even small inter-country differences in growth rates of
per capita income, if sustained over long periods of time, lead to significant
differences in relative living standards between nations. There is no better
demonstration of this fact than the impact on living standards of the growth
experiences of the ‘miracle’ East Asian economies compared with those of
the majority of sub-Saharan African economies since 1960 by which time the
decolonization process was well under way.
It is worth remembering throughout this discussion that the doubling time
for any variable growing exponentially at an annual rate of 1 per cent is
approximately 70 years. The so-called ‘rule of seventy’ says that if any
variable grows at g per cent per annum, then it will take approximately 70/g
years for that variable to double in value. More formally, this can be demon-
strated as follows (Jones, 2001a). If yt is per capita income at time t, and y0
some initial value of per capita income, then the value of yt is given by
equation (11.1):

yt = y0 e gt (11.1)

Equation (11.1) says that if y0 grows continuously and exponentially at a rate

g, its value at time t will be yt. Let the length of time that it will take for per
capita income to double (that is, for yt = 2y0) be t*. Therefore t* will be the
solution to equations (11.2) and (11.3) below:

2 y0 = y0 e gt∗ (11.2)
590 Modern macroeconomics

t ∗ = log 2/g (11.3)

Since log 2 ≈ 0.7, then for a growth rate of 1 per cent, t* ≈ 0.7/0.01 ≈ 70 years.
We can generalize this relationship and say, for example, that any country
which has per capita income growth of g = 5 per cent will see its living
standards double in 70/g = 14 years. Thus the impact of even small differentials
in growth rates, when compounded over time, are striking. David Romer (1996)
has expressed this point succinctly as follows: ‘the welfare implications of
long-run growth swamp any possible effects of the short-run fluctuations that
macroeconomics traditionally focuses on’. Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2003) also
argue that ‘economic growth … is the part of macroeconomics that really
matters’, a view in large part endorsed by Mankiw (1995), who writes that
‘long-run growth is as important – perhaps more important – than short-run
Table 11.3 illustrates the compounding effect of sustained growth on the
absolute living standards of five hypothetical countries, labelled A–E, each of
which starts out with an income per capita of $1000.

Table 11.3 The cumulative impact of differential growth rates

Period A B C D E
in years g = 1% g = 2% g = 3% g = 4% g = 5%

0 $1 000 $1 000 $1 000 $1 000 $1 000

10 1 100 1 220 1 340 1 480 1 630
20 1 220 1 490 1 800 2 190 2 650
30 1 350 1 810 2 430 3 240 4 320
40 1 490 2 210 3 260 4 800 7 040
50 1 640 2 690 4 380 7 110 11 470

The data show how, over a period of 50 years, variations in growth rates
(g%) between countries A–E, cause a substantial divergence of relative living
The hypothetical data in Table 11.3 are replicated in Figure 11.1, which
clearly highlights how diverging living standards can emerge over what is a
relatively short historical time period of 50 years. Following Galor and
Mountford (2003) in Figure 11.2 we also reproduce the actual growth experi-
ence of different regions of the world using Maddison’s (2001) data.
Figures 11.1 and 11.2 illustrate how economic growth is the single most
powerful mechanism for generating long-term increases in income per capita
as well as divergence in living standards if growth rates differ across the
The renaissance of economic growth research 591

$ 12 000

10 000

8 000

6 000

4 000

2 000

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
1% 2% 3% 4% 5%

Figure 11.1 The impact on per capita income of differential growth rates

25 000 USA
GDP per capita (1990 US$)

20 000
Western Europe

15 000

10 000

5 000 Latin America

1820 1870 1913 1950 1990
Source: Galor and Mountford (2003).

Figure 11.2 The great divergence

592 Modern macroeconomics

regions and countries of the world. Over very short time horizons the gains
from moderate economic growth are often imperceptible to the beneficiaries.
However, over generations the gains are unmistakable. As Rosenberg and
Birdzell (1986) argue:

Over the year, or even over the decade, the economic gains (of the late eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries), after allowing for the rise in population, were so little
noticeable that it was widely believed that the gains were experienced only by the
rich, and not by the poor. Only as the West’s compounded growth continued
through the twentieth century did its breadth become clear. It became obvious that
Western working classes were prospering and growing as a proportion of the
whole population. Not that poverty disappeared. The West’s achievement was not
the abolition of poverty but the reduction of its incidence from 90 per cent of the
population to 30 per cent, 20 per cent, or less, depending on the country and one’s
definition of poverty.

These views, emphasizing the importance of long-run economic growth, have

also featured prominently in policy statements in recent years. For example,
in the concluding section of the introduction to the Council of Economic
Advisers’ (CEA) Economic Report of the President (2004, p. 27) we find the
following statement:

As the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence the great econo-
mist Adam Smith wrote: ‘Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest
degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism but peace, easy taxes, and tolerable
administration of justice: all the rest being brought about by the natural course of
things’. The economic analysis presented in this Report builds on the ideas of
Adam Smith and his intellectual descendants by discussing the role of govern-
ment in creating an environment that promotes and sustains economic growth.

The importance of sustainable growth was also emphasized in providing

justification for the change in monetary policy arrangements made in the UK
in May 1997. Within days of winning the election, the ‘New Labour’ govern-
ment announced that the Bank of England was to operate within a new
institutional framework giving it operational independence with respect to
the setting of short-term interest rates. The economic case for this new
arrangement was provided on 6 May 1997 by the Chancellor of the Excheq-
uer, Gordon Brown, when, in an open letter to the Governor of the Bank of
England, he stated that ‘price stability is a precondition for high and stable
levels of growth and employment, which in turn will help to create the
conditions for price stability on a sustainable basis. To that end, the monetary
policy objective of the Bank of England will be to deliver price stability (as
defined by the Government’s inflation target) and, without prejudice to this
objective, to support the Government’s economic policy, including its objec-
tives for growth and employment’ (Brown, 1997; see also Brown, 2001).
The renaissance of economic growth research 593

The power of economic growth to raise living standards is perhaps best

illustrated by the history of the twentieth century. Despite two devastating
world wars, the Great Depression and collapse of international integration
during the interwar period, and the rise and fall of the socialist experiment,
the majority of the world’s population are better off than their parents and
grandparents in terms of income per capita (PPP$). If life expectancy is taken
into account there has been a remarkable improvement in welfare (see Crafts,

11.6 Modern Economic Growth in Historical Perspective

In addition to the ‘Great Depression’ of the 1930s, and the ‘Great Inflation’ of
the 1970s, the third phenomenon that has dominated the macroeconomic
history of the twentieth century has been the spread of economic growth
among the economies of the world. Indeed, Robert Lucas (see interview at
the end of Chapter 5) believes ‘that economic growth, and particularly the
diffusion of economic growth to what we used to call the Third World, is the
major macroeconomic event of the twentieth century’. As Maddison’s (2001)
data show, before the modern era living standards for the vast majority of the
world’s population progressed at a glacial pace. In reflecting on the ‘Eco-
nomic Possibilities of Our Grandchildren’, Keynes (1930b) commented that
‘From the earliest times of which we have record … there was no very great
change in the standard of life of the average man living in the civilised
centres of the earth … This slow rate of progress, or lack of progress, was due
to two reasons – to the remarkable absence of important technical improve-
ments and to the failure of capital to accumulate.’
Since an increase in the capacity to produce can either be absorbed by an
increase in population or lead to an increase in per capita income, it is
important at the outset to distinguish between extensive and intensive growth.
Reynolds (1985) defines extensive growth as a situation where an increase in
GDP is fully absorbed by population increase with no upward trend in per
capita income. The pre-modern world economy was not characterized by
persistent stagnation. The fact that for thousands of years the world’s popula-
tion increased, even if ‘glacially slowly’, is evidence of extensive growth. If
we assume that for the vast majority of people, subsistence living was the
norm, then a larger population is only possible if total output also rises
(Kremer, 1993). So extensive growth has been ‘fairly common’ throughout
human history (Lal, 1999).
In contrast, intensive growth is where GDP growth exceeds population
growth, allowing a sustained rise in living standards as measured by real
income per capita. As Reynolds shows, periods of intensive growth have
usually been preceded by a long period of extensive growth, often lasting
594 Modern macroeconomics

several centuries, and the significant ‘turning point’ for any economy is the
period of transition from extensive to intensive growth. The ‘turning point is
actually a period of a decade or two around the cited year, during which one
observes a significant and continuing rise in per capita income’ (Reynolds,
1994). In the past, in predominantly agrarian (organic) economies, the possi-
bilities for sustained intensive growth were extremely limited. The availability
and productivity of land determined the amount of extensive growth, but once
the supply of suitable agricultural land was exhausted, diminishing returns
set in. When these forces are combined with Malthusian population dynamics
it is hardly surprising to find that many classical economists predicted the
inevitability of a long-run stationary state involving subsistence standards of
living for the vast majority of humanity.
It is also useful to make a further distinction when discussing intensive
growth. Eric Jones (1988) distinguishes between two forms of intensive
growth, namely, ‘Smithian growth’ and ‘Promethian growth’. Smithian inten-
sive growth relies on the gains to productivity that can be made from the
division of labour, specialization and trade. Such growth must eventually run
into diminishing returns as there are limits to the gains from resource reallo-
cation. In contrast, Promethian intensive growth is sustainable, being driven
by technological progress and innovation. It was in the latter part of the
eighteenth century that we began to see the emergence of Promethian growth
in Britain as during the Industrial Revolution a predominantly organic economy
was replaced by a mineral-based one. Of course, the billion-dollar question
that many economists and economic historians have tried to answer is: why
did Promethian growth begin in a specific geographical location (that is,
Britain) and why at a specific time in history? (See Landes, 1969, 1990,
1998; Crafts, 1983, 1985; E. Jones, 1988; Wrigley, 1988; Mokyr, 1990, 1993,
2005; Diamond, 1997; Lal, 1999; Jay, 2000; Pomeranz, 2000, Jones, 2001b.)
The phenomenon of intensive Promethian growth represents, in Easterlin’s
(1996) view, a distinctive ‘regime change’. Easterlin divides world economic
history into three epochs, each of which possess distinctive characteristics in
terms of the main form of occupation, principal type of population settle-
ment, and the growth rates of population and real GDP per capita. Easterlin’s
epochs consist of first, a prehistoric epoch ending about 8000 BC; second, an
epoch of settled agriculture, initiated by the Neolithic agricultural revolution,
which lasted until the middle of the eighteenth century; and third, an epoch of
modern economic growth involving an enormous transformation in the struc-
ture and character of economic activity. In the modern growth regime, initially,
the positive Malthusian relationship between income per capita and popula-
tion growth persists, leading to a population explosion. Eventually, however,
the modern growth regime ‘is characterised by steady growth in both income
per capita and the level of technology’ and this leads to ‘a negative relation-
The renaissance of economic growth research 595

ship between the level of output and the growth rate of population’ as the
demographic transition kicks in (Galor and Weil, 2000). Several economists
have recently argued that any story of the growth process, in addition to
accounting for the modern experience of sustained growth, should also be
able to account for the long period of Malthusian stagnation (see Galor and
Weil, 1999, 2000; Galor and Moav, 2002; Hansen and Prescott, 2002; Parente
and Prescott, 2005; see also section 11.21).

11.7 The Stylized Facts of Growth

A convincing theory of economic growth obviously needs to be consistent

with the stylized facts of growth that have emerged from historical experi-
ence. It was Kaldor (1961) who first set out what he considered to be the
main empirical observations with which any growth theory needed to be
consistent. Kaldor’s six stylized facts, or broad tendencies, are set out below
(K1–K6), together with the additional ‘facts’ (R7–R11) noted by P. Romer
(1989) and (J12–J14) noted by Jones (2001a).

K1 Output per worker grows continuously, with no secular tendency for

the rate of growth of productivity to decline.
K2 The capital–labour ratio shows continuous growth.
K3 The rate of return on capital is stable.
K4 The capital–output ratio is stable.
K5 The shares of labour and capital in GDP remain stable.
K6 We observe significant variation in the rate of growth of productivity
across countries.
R7 In a broad cross-section of countries the average growth rate is
uncorrelated with the level of per capita income.
R8 Growth is positively correlated with the volume of international trade.
R.9 Growth rates are negatively correlated with population growth.
R10 Growth accounting research always finds a ‘residual’; that is, accumu-
lation of factor inputs alone cannot account for growth.
R11 High-income countries attract both skilled and unskilled workers.
J12 There is enormous variation in income per capita across countries.
J13 Growth rates for the world as a whole, and for individual countries,
vary substantially over time.
J14 The relative position of any country in the world distribution of in-
come can change.

Of course not all of these stylized facts are independent. As Romer (1989)
points out, fact K2 results from facts K1 and K4. Facts K4 and K5 imply fact
K3. Romer also questions the validity of K5 (see also Jones, 2004). With
596 Modern macroeconomics

respect to fact J13, economists have only recently attempted to provide a

comprehensive theory that can explain the evolution of growth rates from
Malthusian stagnation to ‘modern economic growth’ (see Galor and Weil,
1999, 2000; Hansen and Prescott, 2002).

11.8 Proximate v. Fundamental Sources of Growth

In Temple’s (1999) survey of growth empirics he highlights the fact that one
of the important history lessons since 1960 has been that while some coun-
tries have succeeded in ‘making a miracle’, other countries have been ‘growth
disasters’. When analysing the experience of the miracle economies, econo-
mists need to ‘use these events to help in assessing economic policies that
may affect growth rates in other countries’ (Lucas, 1993). However, this
cannot be done without having theoretical structures in place that help re-
searchers make sense of the ‘mass’ of data that is now available to economists.
As Lucas argues, to be able to glean valuable lessons from the East Asian
experience, ‘One needs, in short, a theory’. Echoing this theme, Temple
(1999) reminds economists of what is perhaps the key issue: ‘Why have some
countries grown rich while others remain poor? It is hard to think of a more
fundamental question for economists to answer.’
In analysing developments in growth theory it is useful to begin by distin-
guishing between proximate and fundamental causes of growth. The proximate
causes relate to the accumulation of factor inputs such as capital and labour,
and also to variables which influence the productivity of these inputs, such as
scale economies and technological change. The research of growth account-
ants such as Denison (1967, 1974, 1985), Jorgensen (1996, 2001) and
Maddison (1972, 1987, 1995) has produced a useful taxonomy of the various
proximate sources of growth, and the neo-Keynesian, neoclassical and en-
dogenous growth theories tend to concentrate on modelling these proximate
variables. However, once we have considered the impact of these proximate
determinants of growth we are left with the deeper question: ‘Why are some
countries so much better than others at accumulating human and physical
capital and producing or adopting new ideas and knowledge?’ That is, we
need to investigate the fundamental determinants of growth (see Rodrik,
The fundamental or deep sources of growth relate to those variables that
have an important influence on a country’s ability and capacity to accumulate
factors of production and invest in the production of knowledge. For exam-
ple, Temple (1999) considers the following ‘wider’ influences on growth:
population growth, the influence of the financial sector, the general macr-
oeconomic environment, trade regimes, the size of government, income
distribution and the political and social environment. To this list Gallup et al.
The renaissance of economic growth research 597

(1998) would add the neglected influence of geography. Moving from the
proximate to the fundamental causes of growth also shifts the focus of atten-
tion to the institutional framework of an economy, to its ‘social capability’
(Abramovitz, 1986), ‘social infrastructure’ (Hall and Jones, 1997, 1999) or
‘ancillary variables’ (Baumol et al., 1994). There is now widespread accept-
ance of the idea that ‘good’ governance and institutions and incentive structures
are an important precondition for successful growth and development (World
Bank, 1997, 2002).
In his historical survey of economic growth analysis, Rostow (1990) put
forward a central proposition that ‘from the eighteenth century to the present,
growth theories have been based on one formulation or another of a universal
equation or production function’. As formulated by Adelman (1958), this can
be expressed as equation (11.4):

Yt = f ( Kt , Nt , Lt , At , St ) (11.4)

where Kt, Nt and Lt represent the services flowing from the capital stock,
natural resources (geography) and labour resources respectively, At denotes
an economy’s stock of applied knowledge, and St represents what Adelman
calls the ‘sociocultural milieu’, and Abramovitz (1986) more recently has
called ‘social capability’, within which the economy functions. More sophis-
ticated models distinguish between human and physical capital. Indeed, many
authors regard human capital as the key ingredient of economic growth
(Lucas, 1988; Galor and Moav, 2003). Heckman (2003), for example, argues
that China’s below average spending on investment in education compared to
physical capital accumulation is ‘a serious distortion’ of policy that is likely
to retard progress in China. Goldin (2001) has also attributed much of the US
economic success in the twentieth century to the accumulation of human
According to Rostow (1990), ‘something like the basic equation is embed-
ded equally in Hume’s economic essays, Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations,
the latest neoclassical growth model, and virtually every formulation in be-
tween’. This universal equation encompasses both proximate and fundamental
causes of economic growth and Abramovitz drew attention to the importance
of these factors 50 years ago (see Nelson, 1997). Clearly, St contains the
influence of non-economic as well as economic variables which can influence
the growth potential and performance of an economy including the institu-
tions, incentives, rules and regulations that determine the allocation of
entrepreneurial talent (Baumol, 1990). Hence in recent years economists’
research into the ‘deeper’ determinants of growth has led some to stress the
importance of institutions and incentive structures (North, 1990; Olson, 2000),
trade and openness (Krueger, 1997; Dollar and Kraay, 2003) and the much-
598 Modern macroeconomics

neglected impact of geography (Bloom and Sachs, 1998). It is important to

note that Adam Smith had highlighted all three of these ‘deeper’ determinants
of growth over 200 years ago!
In sections 11.17–11.20 we will examine the ‘deeper’ determinants of
economic growth in more detail, but first, in sections 11.8–11.10, we survey
the three main waves of growth theory that have been influential in the
second half of the twentieth century to date. All three approaches emphasize
the proximate determinants of growth, namely:

1. the neo-Keynesian Harrod–Domar model;

2. the Solow–Swan neoclassical model; and
3. the Romer–Lucas-inspired endogenous growth models.

In each case the ideas developed represent interesting examples of multiple

discovery. The first wave of interest focused on the neo-Keynesian work of
Roy Harrod (1939, 1948) and Evsey Domar (1946, 1947). In the mid-1950s
the development of the neoclassical growth model by Robert Solow (1956)
and Trevor Swan (1956) stimulated a second, more lasting and substantial,
wave of interest, which, after a period of relative neglect between 1970 and
1986, has been reignited (Mankiw et al., 1992; Mankiw, 1995; Klenow and
Rodriguez-Clare, 1997a, 1997b). The third and most recent wave, initiated by
the research of Paul Romer (1986) and Robert Lucas (1988), led to the
development of endogenous growth theory, which emerged in response to
perceived theoretical and empirical deficiencies associated with the neoclas-
sical model (P. Romer, 1994a; Crafts, 1996; Blaug, 2002).

11.9 The Harrod–Domar Model

Following the publication of Keynes’s General Theory in 1936, some econo-

mists sought to dynamize Keynes’s static short-run theory in order to investigate
the long-run dynamics of capitalist market economies. Roy Harrod (1939,
1948) and Evsey Domar (1946, 1947) independently developed theories that
relate an economy’s rate of growth to its capital stock. While Keynes empha-
sized the impact of investment on aggregate demand, Harrod and Domar
emphasized how investment spending also increased an economy’s productive
capacity (a supply-side effect). While Harrod’s theory is more ambitious than
Domar’s, building on Keynesian short-run macroeconomics in order to identify
the necessary conditions for equilibrium in a dynamic setting, hereafter we will
refer only to the ‘Harrod–Domar model’, ignoring the subtle differences be-
tween the respective contributions of these two outstanding economists.
A major strength of the Harrod–Domar model is its simplicity. The model
assumes an exogenous rate of labour force growth (n), a given technology
The renaissance of economic growth research 599

exhibiting fixed factor proportions (constant capital–labour ratio, K/L) and a

fixed capital–output ratio (K/Y). Assuming a two-sector economy (house-
holds and firms), we can write the simple national income equation as (11.5):

Yt = Ct + St (11.5)

where Yt = GDP, Ct = consumption and St = saving.

Equilibrium in this simple economy requires (11.6):

It = St (11.6)

Substituting (11.6) into (11.5) yields (11.7):

Yt = Ct + It (11.7)

Within the Harrod–Domar framework the growth of real GDP is assumed to

be proportional to the share of investment spending (I) in GDP and for an
economy to grow, net additions to the capital stock are required. The evolu-
tion of the capital stock over time is given in equation (11.8):

Kt +1 = (1 − δ ) Kt + It (11.8)

where δ is the rate of depreciation of the capital stock. The relationship

between the size of the total capital stock (K) and total GDP (Y) is known as
the capital–output ratio (K/Y = v) and is assumed fixed. Given that we have
defined v = K/Y, it also follows that v = ∆K/∆Y (where ∆K/∆Y is the incre-
mental capital–output ratio, or ICOR). If we assume that total new investment
is determined by total savings, then the essence of the Harrod–Domar model
can be set out as follows. Assume that total saving is some proportion (s) of
GDP (Y), as shown in equation (11.9):

St = sYt (11.9)

Since K = vY and It = St, it follows that we can rewrite equation (11.8) as

equation (11.10):

vYt +1 = (1 − δ )vYt + sYt (11.10)

Dividing through by v, simplifying, and subtracting Yt from both sides of

equation (11.10) yields equation (11.11):

Yt +1 − Yt = [s/v − δ ]Yt (11.11)

600 Modern macroeconomics

Dividing through by Y t gives us equation (11.12):

[Yt +1 − Yt ]/Yt = ( s/v) − δ (11.12)

Here [Yt + 1 – Yt]/Yt is the growth rate of GDP. Letting G = [Yt + 1 – Yt]/Yt, we
can write the Harrod–Domar growth equation as (11.13):

G = s/v − δ (11.13)

This simply states that the growth rate (G) of GDP is jointly determined by
the savings ratio (s) divided by the capital–output ratio (v). The higher the
savings ratio and the lower the capital–output ratio and depreciation rate, the
faster will an economy grow. In the discussion that follows we will ignore the
depreciation rate and consider the Harrod–Domar model as being represented
by the equation (11.14):

G = s/v (11.14)

Thus it is evident from (11.14) that the Harrod–Domar model ‘sanctioned the
overriding importance of capital accumulation in the quest for enhanced
growth’ (Shaw, 1992).
The Harrod–Domar model, as Bhagwati recalls, became tremendously
influential in the development economics literature during the third quarter of
the twentieth century, and was a key component within the framework of
economic planning. ‘The implications of this popular model were dramatic
and reassuring. It suggested that the central developmental problem was
simply to increase resources devoted to investment’ (Bhagwati, 1984). For
example, if a developing country desired to achieve a growth rate of per
capita income of 2 per cent per annum (that is, living standards double every
35 years), and population is estimated to be growing at 2 per cent, then
economic planners would need to set a target rate of GDP growth (G*) equal
to 4 per cent. If v = 4, this implies that G* can only be achieved with a desired
savings ratio (s*) of 0.16, or 16 per cent of GDP. If s* > s, there is a ‘savings
gap’, and planners needed to devise policies for plugging this gap.
Since the rate of growth in the Harrod–Domar model is positively related
to the savings ratio, development economists during the 1950s concentrated
their research effort on understanding how to raise private savings ratios in
order to enable less developed economies to ‘take off’ into ‘self-sustained
growth’ (Lewis, 1954, 1955; Rostow, 1960; Easterly, 1999). Reflecting the
contemporary development ideas of the 1950s, government fiscal policy was
also seen to have a prominent role to play since budgetary surpluses could (in
theory) substitute for private domestic savings. If domestic sources of finance
The renaissance of economic growth research 601

were inadequate to achieve the desired growth target, then foreign aid could
fill the ‘savings gap’ (Riddell, 1987). Aid requirements (Ar) would simply be
calculated as s* – s = Ar (Chenery and Strout, 1966). However, a major
weakness of the Harrod–Domar approach is the assumption of a fixed capi-
tal–output ratio. Since the inverse of v (1/v) is the productivity of investment
(φ), we can rewrite equation (11.14) as follows:

G = sφ (11.15)

Unfortunately, as Bhagwati (1993) observes, the productivity of investment is

not a given, but reflects the efficiency of the policy framework and the
incentive structures within which investment decisions are taken. The weak
growth performance of India before the 1980s reflects, ‘not a disappointing
savings performance, but rather a disappointing productivity performance’
(Bhagwati, 1993). Hence the growth–investment relationship turned out to be
‘loose and unstable’ due to the multiple factors that influence growth (East-
erly, 2001a). Furthermore, economists soon became aware of a second major
flaw in the ‘aid requirements’ or ‘financing gap’ model. The model assumed
that aid inflows would go into investment one to one. But it soon became
apparent that inflows of foreign aid, with the objective of closing the savings
gap, did not necessarily boost total savings. Aid does not go into investment
one to one. Indeed, in many cases inflows of aid led to a reduction of
domestic savings together with a decline in the productivity of investment
(Griffin, 1970; White, 1992). The research of Boone (1996) confirms that
inflows of foreign aid have not raised growth rates in most recipient develop-
ing countries. A further problem is that in many developing countries the
‘soft budget constraints’ operating within the public sector created a climate
for what Bhagwati calls ‘goofing off’. It is therefore hardly surprising that
public sector enterprises frequently failed to generate profits intended to add
to government saving. In short, ‘capital fundamentalism’ and the ‘aid-fi-
nanced investment fetish’, which dominated development thinking for much
of the period after 1950, led economists up the wrong path in their ‘elusive
quest for growth’ (King and Levine, 1994; Easterly, 2001a, 2003; Easterly et
al., 2003; Snowdon, 2003a). Indeed, William Easterly (1999), a former World
Bank economist, argues that the Harrod–Domar model is far from dead and
still continues to exercise considerable influence on economists working
within the major international financial institutions even if it died long ago in
the academic literature. Easterly shows that economists working at the World
Bank, International Monetary Fund, Inter-American Bank, European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Labour Organiza-
tion still frequently employ the Harrod–Domar–Chenery–Strout methodology
to calculate the investment and aid requirements needed in order for specific
602 Modern macroeconomics

countries to achieve their growth targets. However, as Easterly convincingly

demonstrates, the evidence that aid flows into investment on a one-for-one
basis, and that there is a fixed linear relationship between growth and invest-
ment in the short run, is ‘soundly rejected’.
A further weakness of the Harrod–Domar framework is the assumption of
zero substitutability between capital and labour (that is, a fixed factor propor-
tions production function). This is a ‘crucial’ but inappropriate assumption
for a model concerned with long-run growth. This assumption of the Harrod–
Domar model also leads to the renowned instability property that ‘even for
the long run an economic system is at best balanced on a knife-edge equilib-
rium growth’ (Solow, 1956). In Harrod’s model the possibility of achieving
steady growth with full employment was remote. Only in very special cir-
cumstances will an economy remain in equilibrium with full employment of
both labour and capital. As Solow (1988) noted in his Nobel Memorial
lecture, to achieve steady growth in a Harrod–Domar world would be ‘a
miraculous stroke of luck’. The problem arises from the assumption of a
production function with an inflexible technology. In the Harrod–Domar
model the capital–output ratio (K/Y) and the capital–labour ratio (K/L) are
assumed constant. In a growth setting this means that K and Y must always
grow at the same rate to maintain equilibrium. However, because the model
also assumes a constant capital–labour ratio (K/L), K and L must also grow at
the same rate. Therefore, if we assume that the labour force (L) grows at the
same rate as the rate of growth of population (n), then we can conclude that
the only way that equilibrium can be maintained in the model is for n = G =
s/v. It would only be by pure coincidence that n = G. If n > G, the result will
be continually rising unemployment. If G > n, the capital stock will become
increasingly idle and the growth rate of output will slow down to G = n.
Thus, whenever K and L do not grow at the same rate, the economy falls off
its equilibrium ‘knife-edge’ growth path. However, the evidence is over-
whelming that this property does not fit well with the actual experience of
growth (for a more detailed discussion of the Harrod–Domar model see Hahn
and Matthews, 1964; H. Jones, 1975).

11.10 The Solow Neoclassical Growth Model

Following the seminal contributions of Solow (1956, 1957) and Swan (1956),
the neoclassical model became the dominant approach to the analysis of
growth, at least within academia. Between 1956 and 1970 economists refined
‘old growth theory’, better known as the Solow neoclassical model of eco-
nomic growth (Solow, 2000, 2002). Building on a neoclassical production
function framework, the Solow model highlights the impact on growth of
saving, population growth and technolgical progress in a closed economy
The renaissance of economic growth research 603

setting without a government sector. Despite recent developments in endog-

enous growth theory, the Solow model remains the essential starting point to
any discussion of economic growth. As Mankiw (1995, 2003) notes, when-
ever practical macroeconomists have to answer questions about long-run
growth they usually begin with a simple neoclassical growth model (see also
Abel and Bernanke, 2001; Jones, 2001a; Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 2003).
The key assumptions of the Solow model are: (i) for simplicity it is as-
sumed that the economy consists of one sector producing one type of
commodity that can be used for either investment or consumption purposes;
(ii) the economy is closed to international transactions and the government
sector is ignored; (iii) all output that is saved is invested; that is, in the Solow
model the absence of a separate investment function implies that Keynesian
difficulties are eliminated since ex ante saving and ex ante investment are
always equivalent; (iv) since the model is concerned with the long run there
are no Keynesian stability problems; that is, the assumptions of full price
flexibility and monetary neutrality apply and the economy is always produc-
ing its potential (natural) level of total output; (v) Solow abandons the
Harrod–Domar assumptions of a fixed capital–output ratio (K/Y) and fixed
capital–labour ratio (K/L); (vi) the rate of technological progress, population
growth and the depreciation rate of the capital stock are all determined
Given these assumptions we can concentrate on developing the three key
relationships in the Solow model, namely, the production function, the con-
sumption function and the capital accumulation process.

The production function

The Solow growth model is built around the neoclassical aggregate produc-
tion function (11.16) and focuses on the proximate causes of growth:

Y = At F( K , L) (11.16)

where Y is real output, K is capital, L is the labour input and At is a measure of

technology (that is, the way that inputs to the production function can be
transformed into output) which is exogenous and taken simply to depend on
time. Sometimes, At is called ‘total factor productivity’. It is important to be
clear about what the assumption of exogenous technology means in the
Solow model. In the neoclassical theory of growth, technology is assumed to
be a public good. Applied to the world economy this means that every
country is assumed to share the same stock of knowledge which is freely
available; that is, all countries have access to the same production function.
In his defence of the neoclassical assumption of treating technology as if it
were a public good, Mankiw (1995) puts his case as follows:
604 Modern macroeconomics

The production function should not be viewed literally as a description of a

specific production process, but as a mapping from quantities of inputs into a
quantity of output. To say that different countries have the same production
function is merely to say that if they had the same inputs, they would produce the
same output. Different countries with different levels of inputs need not rely on
exactly the same processes for producing goods and services. When a country
doubles its capital stock, it does not give each worker twice as many shovels.
Instead, it replaces shovels with bulldozers. For the purposes of modelling eco-
nomic growth, this change should be viewed as a movement along the same
production function, rather than a shift to a completely new production function.

As we shall see later (section 11.15), many economists disagree with this
approach and insist that there are significant technology gaps between na-
tions (see Fagerberg, 1994; P. Romer, 1995). However, to progress with our
examination of the Solow model we will continue to treat technology as a
public good.
For simplicity, let us begin by first assuming a situation where there is no
technological progress. Making this assumption of a given state of technol-
ogy will allow us to concentrate on the relationship between output per
worker and capital per worker. We can therefore rewrite (11.16) as:

Y = F( K , L) (11.17)

The aggregate production function given by (11.17) is assumed to be ‘well

behaved’; that is, it satisfies the following three conditions (see Inada,
1963; D. Romer, 2001; Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 2003; Mankiw, 2003).
First, for all values of K > 0 and L > 0, F(·) exhibits positive but diminish-
ing marginal returns with respect to both capital and labour; that is, ∂F/∂K
> 0, ∂2F/∂K2 < 0, ∂F/∂L > 0, and ∂2F/∂L2 < 0. Second, the production
function exhibits constant returns to scale such that F (λK, λL) = λY; that
is, raising inputs by λ will also increase aggregate output by λ. Letting λ
=1/L yields Y/L = F (K/L). This assumption allows (11.17) to be written
down in intensive form as (11.18), where y = output per worker (Y/L) and k
= capital per worker (K/L):

y = f ( k ), where f ′( k ) > 0, and f ′′( k ) < 0 for all k (11.18)

Equation (11.18) states that output per worker is a positive function of the
capital–labour ratio and exhibits diminishing returns. The key assumption of
constant returns to scale implies that the economy is sufficiently large that
any Smithian gains from further division of labour and specialization have
already been exhausted, so that the size of the economy, in terms of the
labour force, has no influence on output per worker. Third, as the capital–
labour ratio approaches infinity (k→∞) the marginal product of capital (MPK)
The renaissance of economic growth research 605

y = f (k)

Figure 11.3 The neoclassical aggregate production function

approaches zero; as the capital–labour ratio approaches zero the marginal

product of capital tends towards infinity (MPK→∞).
Figure 11.3 shows an intensive form of the neoclassical aggregate produc-
tion function that satisfies the above conditions. As the diagram illustrates,
for a given technology, any country that increases its capital–labour ratio
(more equipment per worker) will have a higher output per worker. However,
because of diminishing returns, the impact on output per worker resulting
from capital accumulation per worker (capital deepening) will continuously
decline. Thus for a given increase in k, the impact on y will be much greater
where capital is relatively scarce than in economies where capital is relatively
abundant. That is, the accumulation of capital should have a much more
dramatic impact on labour productivity in developing countries compared to
developed countries.
The slope of the production function measures the marginal product of
capital, where MPK = f(k + 1) – f(k). In the Solow model the MPK should be
much higher in developing economies compared to developed economies. In
an open economy setting with no restrictions on capital mobility, we should
therefore expect to see, ceteris paribus, capital flowing from rich to poor
countries, attracted by higher potential returns, thereby accelerating the proc-
ess of capital accumulation.
606 Modern macroeconomics

The consumption function

Since output per worker depends positively on capital per worker, we need to
understand how the capital–labour ratio evolves over time. To examine the
process of capital accumulation we first need to specify the determination of
saving. In a closed economy aggregate output = aggregate income and com-
prises two components, namely, consumption (C) and investment (I) = Savings
(S). Therefore we can write equation (11.19) for income as:

Y =C+I (11.19)
or equivalently Y =C+S

Here S = sY is a simple savings function where s is the fraction of income

saved and 1 > s > 0. We can rewrite (11.19) as (11.20):

Y = C + sY (11.20)

Given the assumption of a closed economy, private domestic saving (sY) must
equal domestic investment (I).

The capital accumulation process

A country’s capital stock (Kt) at a point in time consists of plant, machinery
and infrastructure. Each year a proportion of the capital stock wears out. The
parameter δ represents this process of depreciation. Countering this tendency
for the capital stock to decline is a flow of investment spending each year (It)
that adds to the capital stock. Therefore, given these two forces, we can write
an equation for the evolution of the capital stock of the following form:

Kt +1 = It + (1 − δ ) Kt = sYt + Kt − δKt (11.21)

Rewriting (11.21) in per worker terms yields equation (11.22):

Kt +1 / L = sYt / L + Kt / L − δKt / L (11.22)

Deducting Kt /L from both sides of (11.22) gives us (11.23):

Kt +1 / L − Kt / L = sYt / L − δKt / L (11.23)

In the neoclassical theory of growth the accumulation of capital evolves

according to (11.24), which is the fundamental differential equation of the
Solow model:

k˙ = sf ( k ) − δk (11.24)
The renaissance of economic growth research 607

where k̇ = Kt+1 /L – Kt /L is the change of the capital input per worker, and
sf(k) = sy = sYt /L is saving (investment) per worker. The δk= δKt /L term
represents the ‘investment requirements’ per worker in order to keep the
capital–labour ratio constant. The steady-state condition in the Solow model
is given in equation (11.25):

sf ( k * ) − δk * = 0 (11.25)

Thus, in the steady state sf(k*) = δk*; that is, investment per worker is just
sufficient to cover depreciation per worker, leaving capital per worker con-
Extending the model to allow for growth of the labour force is relatively
straightforward. In the Solow model it is assumed that the participation rate is
constant, so that the labour force grows at a constant proportionate rate equal
to the exogenously determined rate of growth of population = n. Because k =
K/L, population growth, by increasing the supply of labour, will reduce k.
Therefore population growth has the same impact on k as depreciation. We
need to modify (11.24) to reflect the influence of population growth. The
fundamental differential equation now becomes:

k˙ = sf ( k ) − (n + δ )k (11.26)

We can think of the expression (n + δ)k as the ‘required’ or ‘break-even’

investment necessary to keep the capital stock per unit of labour (k) constant.
In order to prevent k from falling, some investment is required to offset
depreciation. This is the (δ)k term in (11.26). Some investment is also re-
quired because the quantity of labour is growing at a rate = n. This is the (n)k
term in (11.26). Hence the capital stock must grow at rate (n + δ) just to hold
k steady. When investment per unit of labour is greater than required for
break-even investment, then k will be rising and in this case the economy is
experiencing ‘capital deepening’. Given the structure of the Solow model the
economy will, in time, approach a steady state where actual investment per
worker, sf(k), equals break-even investment per worker, (n + δ)k. In the
steady state the change in capital per worker k̇ = 0, although the economy
continues to experience ‘capital widening’, the extension of existing capital
per worker to additional workers. Using * to indicate steady-state values, we
can define the steady state as (11.27):

sf ( k * ) = (n + δ )k * (11.27)

Figure 11.4 captures the essential features of the Solow model outlined by
equations (11.18) to (11.27). In the top panel of Figure 11.4 the curve f(k)
608 Modern macroeconomics

graphs a well-behaved intensive production function; sf(k) shows the level of

savings per worker at different levels of the capital–labour ratio (k); the linear
relationship (n + δ)k shows that break-even investment is proportional to k.
At the capital–labour ratio k1, savings (investment) per worker (b) exceed
required investment (c) and so the economy experiences capital deepening
and k rises. At k1 consumption per worker is indicated by d – b and output per
worker is y1. At k2, because (n + δ)k > sf(k) the capital–labour ratio falls,
capital becomes ‘shallower’ (Jones, 1975). The steady state balanced growth
path occurs at k*, where investment per worker equals break-even investment.
Output per worker is y* and consumption per worker is e – a. In the bottom
panel of Figure 11.4 the relationship between k̇ (the change of the capital–
labour ratio) and k is shown with a phase diagram. When k̇ > 0, k is rising;
when k̇ < 0, k is falling.
In the steady state equilibrium, shown as point a in the top panel of Figure
11.4, output per worker (y*) and capital per worker (k*) are constant. How-
ever, although there is no intensive growth in the steady state, there is extensive
growth because population (and hence the labour input = L) is growing at a
rate of n per cent per annum. Thus, in order for y* = Y/L and k* = K/L to
remain constant, both Y and K must also grow at the same rate as population.

y = Y/L f(k)
y* (n + δ)k
a sf(k)

0 k1 k* k2 k = K/L

0 k* k = K/L

Figure 11.4 The Solow growth model

The renaissance of economic growth research 609

It can be seen from Figure 11.4 that the steady state level of output per
worker will increase (ceteris paribus) if the rate of population growth and/or
the depreciation rate are reduced (a downward pivot of the (n + δ)k function),
and vice versa. The steady state level of output per worker will also increase
(ceteris paribus) if the savings rate increases (an upward shift of the sf(k)
function), and vice versa. Of particular importance is the prediction from the
Solow model that an increase in the savings ratio cannot permanently in-
crease the long-run rate of growth. A higher savings ratio does temporarily
increase the growth rate during the period of transitional dynamics to the new
steady state and it also permanently increases the level of output per worker.
Of course the period of transitional dynamics may be a long historical time
period and level effects are important and should not be undervalued (see
Solow, 2000; Temple, 2003).
So far we have assumed zero technological progress. Given the fact that
output per worker has shown a continuous tendency to increase, at least since
the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the now developed economies, a
model that predicts a constant steady state output per worker is clearly
unsatisfactory. A surprising conclusion of the neoclassical growth model is
that without technological progress the ability of an economy to raise output
per worker via capital accumulation is limited by the interaction of diminish-
ing returns, the willingness of people to save, the rate of population growth,
and the rate of depreciation of the capital stock. In order to explain continu-
ous growth of output per worker in the long run the Solow model must
incorporate the influence of sustained technological progress.
The production function (11.16), in its Cobb–Douglas form, can be written
as (11.28):

Y = At K α L1−α (11.28)

where α and 1 – α are weights reflecting the share of capital and labour in the
national income. Assuming constant returns to scale, output per worker (Y/L)
is not affected by the scale of output, and, for a given technology, At0, output
per worker is positively related to the capital–labour ratio (K/L). We can
therefore rewrite the production function equation (11.28) in terms of output
per worker as shown by equation (11.29):

Y / L = A(t0 )( K / L) = A(t0 ) K α L1−α / L = A(t0 )( K / L)α (11.29)

Letting y = Y/L and k = K/L, we finally arrive at the ‘intensive form’ of the
aggregate production function shown in equation (11.30):

y = A(t0 )k α (11.30)
610 Modern macroeconomics

y = Y/L
A(t1)k α

A(t0)k α


ka k = K/L

Figure 11.5 Technological progress

For a given technology, equation (11.30) tells us that increasing the amount
of capital per worker (capital deepening) will lead to an increase in output per
worker. The impact of exogenous technological progress is illustrated in
Figure 11.5 by a shift of the production function between two time periods (t0
⇒ t1) from A(t0)kα to A(t1)kα, raising output per worker from ya to yb for a
given capital–labour ratio of ka. Continuous upward shifts of the production
function, induced by an exogenously determined growth of knowledge, pro-
vide the only mechanism for ‘explaining’ steady state growth of output per
worker in the neoclassical model.
Therefore, although it was not Solow’s original intention, it was his neo-
classical theory of growth that brought technological progress to prominence
as a major explanatory factor in the analysis of economic growth. But, some-
what paradoxically, in Solow’s theory technological progress is exogenous,
that is, not explained by the model! Solow admits that he made technological
progress exogenous in his model in order to simplify it and also because he
did not ‘pretend to understand’ it (see Solow interview at the end of this
chapter) and, as Abramovitz (1956) observed, the Solow residual turned out
to be ‘a measure of our ignorance’ (see also Abramovitz, 1999). While Barro
The renaissance of economic growth research 611

and Sala-i-Martin (1995) conclude that this was ‘an obviously unsatisfactory
situation’, David Romer (1996) comments that the Solow model ‘takes as
given the behaviour of the variable that it identifies as the main driving force
of growth’. Furthermore, although the Solow model attributes no role to
capital accumulation in achieving long-run sustainable growth, it should be
noted that productivity growth may not be independent of capital accumula-
tion if technical progress is embodied in new capital equipment. Unlike
disembodied technical progress, which can raise the productivity of the exist-
ing inputs, embodied technical progress does not benefit older capital
equipment. It should also be noted that DeLong and Summers (1991, 1992)
find a strong association between equipment investment and economic growth
in the period 1960–85 for a sample of over 60 countries.
Remarkably, while economists have long recognized the crucial impor-
tance of technological change as a major source of dynamism in capitalist
economies (especially Karl Marx and Joseph Schumpeter), the analysis of
technological change and innovation by economists has, until recently, been
an area of relative neglect (see Freeman, 1994; Baumol, 2002).
Leaving aside these controversies for the moment, it is important to note
that the Solow model allows us to make several important predictions about
the growth process (see Mankiw, 1995, 2003; Solow, 2002):

1. in the long run an economy will gradually approach a steady state equi-
librium with y* and k* independent of initial conditions;
2. the steady state balanced rate of growth of aggregate output depends on
the rate of population growth (n) and the rate of technological progress
3. in the steady state balanced growth path the rate of growth of output per
worker depends solely on the rate of technological progress. As illus-
trated in Figure 11.5, without technological progress the growth of output
per worker will eventually cease;
4. the steady state rate of growth of the capital stock equals the rate of
income growth, so the K/Y ratio is constant;
5. for a given depreciation rate (δ) the steady state level of output per
worker depends on the savings rate (s) and the population growth rate
(n). A higher rate of saving will increase y*, a higher population growth
rate will reduce y*;
6. the impact of an increase in the savings (investment) rate on the growth
of output per worker is temporary. An economy experiences a period of
higher growth as the new steady state is approached. A higher rate of
saving has no effect on the long-run sustainable rate of growth, although
it will increase the level of output per worker. To Solow this finding was
a ‘real shocker’;
612 Modern macroeconomics

7. the Solow model has particular ‘convergence properties’. In particular,

‘if countries are similar with respect to structural parameters for prefer-
ences and technology, then poor countries tend to grow faster than rich
countries’ (Barro, 1991).

The result in the Solow model that an increase in the saving rate has no
impact on the long-run rate of economic growth contains ‘more than a touch
of irony’ (Cesaratto, 1999). As Hamberg (1971) pointed out, the neo-Keynesian
Harrod–Domar model highlights the importance of increasing the saving rate
to increase long-run growth, while in Keynes’s (1936) General Theory an
increase in the saving rate leads to a fall in output in the short run through its
negative impact on aggregate demand (the so-called ‘paradox of thrift’ ef-
fect). In contrast, the long tradition within classical–neoclassical economics
of highlighting the virtues of thrift come a little unstuck with the Solow
model since it is technological progress, not thrift, that drives long-run growth
of output per worker (see Cesaratto, 1999)!

11.11 Accounting for the Sources of Economic Growth

Economists not only need a theoretical framework for understanding the

causes of growth; they also require a simple method of calculating the rela-
tive importance of capital, labour and technology in the growth experience of
actual economies. The established framework, following Solow’s (1957) semi-
nal contribution, is called ‘growth accounting’ (see Abel and Bernanke, 2001.
Some economists remain highly sceptical about the whole methodology and
theoretical basis of growth accounting, for example Nelson, 1973). As far as
the proximate causes of growth are concerned we can see by referring back to
equation (11.28) that increases in total GDP (Y) come from the combined
weighted impact of capital accumulation, labour supply growth and techno-
logical progress. Economists can measure changes in the amount of capital
and labour that occur in an economy over time, but changes in technology
(total factor productivity = TFP) are not directly observable. However, it is
possible to measure changes in TFP as a ‘residual’ after taking into account
the contributions to growth made by changes in the capital and labour inputs.
Solow’s (1957) technique was to define technological change as changes in
aggregate output minus the sum of the weighted contributions of the labour
and capital inputs. In short, the Solow residual measures that part of a change
in aggregate output which cannot be explained by changes in the measurable
quantities of capital and labour inputs. The derivation of the Solow residual
can be shown as follows. The aggregate production function in equation
(11.28) shows that output (Y) is dependent on the inputs of capital (K), labour
(L) and the currently available technology (A), which acts as an index of total
The renaissance of economic growth research 613

factor productivity. Output will change if A, K or L change. In equation

(11.28) the exponent on the capital shock α measures the elasticity of output
with respect to capital and the exponent on the labour input (1 – α) measures
the elasticity of output with respect to labour. The weights α and 1 – α are
estimated from national income statistics and reflect the income shares of
capital and labour respectively. Since these weights sum to unity, this indi-
cates that (11.28) is a constant returns to scale production function. Hence an
equal percentage increase in both factor inputs (K and L) will increase Y by
the same percentage. Since the growth rate of the product of the inputs will
be the growth rate of A plus the growth rate of Kα plus the growth rate of L1–α,
equation (11.28) can be rewritten as (11.31), which is the basic growth
accounting equation used in numerous empirical studies of the sources of
economic growth (see Maddison, 1972, 1987; Denison, 1985; Young, 1995,
Crafts, 2000; Jorgenson, 2001).

∆Y /Y = ∆A/ A + α∆K / K + (1 − α )∆L/ L (11.31)

Equation (11.31) is simply the Cobb–Douglas production function written in

a form representing rates of change. It shows that the growth of aggregate
output (∆Y/Y) depends on the contribution of changes in total factor produc-
tivity (∆A/A), changes in the weighted contribution of capital, α∆K/K, and
changes in the weighted contribution of labour (1 – α)∆L/L. By rearranging
equation (11.28) we can represent the productivity index (TFP) which we
need to measure as equation (11.32):

TFP = A = Y / K α L1−α (11.32)

As already noted, because there is no direct way of measuring TFP it has to

be estimated as a residual. By writing down equation (11.32) in terms of rates
of change we can obtain an equation from which the growth of TFP (techno-
logical change) can be estimated as a residual. This is shown in equation

∆A/ A = ∆Y /Y − [α∆K / K + (1 − α )∆L/ L] (11.33)

Data relating to output and the capital and labour inputs are available. Esti-
mates of α and hence 1 – α can be acquired from historical national income
data. For example, in Solow’s original paper covering the US economy for
the period 1909–49 he estimated that the rate of growth of total output (∆Y/Y)
had averaged 2.9 per cent per year, of which 0.32 percentage points could be
attributed to capital (α∆K/K), 1.09 percentage points could be attributed to
labour (1 – α∆L/L), leaving a ‘Solow residual’ (∆A/A) of 1.49 percentage
614 Modern macroeconomics

points. In other words, almost half of the growth experienced in the USA
during this period was due to unexplained technological progress! In Denison’s
(1985) later work he found that for the period 1929–82, ∆Y/Y = 2.92 per cent,
of which 1.02 percentage points were be attributed to ∆A/A. More recent
controversial research by Alwyn Young (1992, 1994, 1995) on the sources of
growth in the East Asian Tiger economies has suggested estimates of rates of
growth of TFP for Taiwan of 2.6 per cent, for South Korea of 1.7 per cent, for
Hong Kong of 1.7 per cent and for Singapore a meagre 0.2 per cent! So
although these economies have experienced unprecedented growth rates of
GDP since the early 1960s, Young’s research suggests that these economies
are examples of miracles of accumulation. Once we account for the growth of
labour and physical and human capital there is little left to explain, especially
in the case of Singapore (see Krugman, 1994b; Hsieh, 1999; Bhagwati,
2000). Going further back in history, Nick Crafts (1994, 1995) has provided
estimates of the sources of growth for the British economy during the period
1760–1913. Crafts’s estimates suggest that ‘by twentieth century standards
both the output growth rates and the TFP rates are quite modest’ (Crafts,
The most obvious feature of the post-1973 growth accounting data is the
well-known puzzle of the ‘productivity slowdown’. This slowdown has been
attributed to many possible causes, including the adverse impact on invest-
ment and existing capital stocks of the 1970s oil price shocks, a slowdown in
the rate of innovation, adverse demographic trends, an increasingly regula-
tory environment and problems associated with measurement such as
accounting for quality changes (Fischer et al., 1988).
In a recent survey of the growth accounting literature Bosworth and Collins
(2003) reaffirm their belief that growth accounting techniques can yield
useful and consistent results. In the debate over the relative importance of
capital accumulation v. TFP in accounting for growth Bosworth and Collins
conclude that ‘both are important’ and that ‘some of the earlier research
understates the role of capital accumulation because of inadequate measure-
ment of the capital input’.

11.12 The Convergence Debate

Since 1945 the economies of what used to known as the Third World have
been viewed as participating in an attempt to achieve economic development
and thereby begin to ‘catch up’ the rich countries of the world in terms of per
capita income. The growing awareness of the wide variety of experiences
observed among developing countries in this attempt has been a major factor
in motivating renewed research into the important issue of economic growth.
The renaissance of economic growth research 615

It is generally accepted that the Third World’s efforts to join the ranks of the so-
called ‘mature industrial countries’ represent one of the major social, economic
and political phenomena of the second half of the twentieth century. This at-
tempted transition to modern economic growth will rank with the taming of the
atom as the most important event of this period. (Fei and Ranis, 1997)

Modern discussion of the convergence issue began with the contribution of

Gerschenkron (1962), who argued that poor countries could benefit from the
advantages of ‘relative backwardness’ since the possibilities of technological
transfer from the developed countries could vastly speed up the pace of
industrialization. However, this debate has much earlier origins, dating back
to 1750, when Hume put forward the view that the growth process would
eventually generate convergence because economic growth in the rich coun-
tries would exhibit a natural tendency to slow through a process of ‘endogenous
decay’ (Elmslie and Criss, 1999). Oswald and Tucker (see Elmslie and Criss,
1999) rejected Hume’s arguments, putting forward an endogenous growth
view that ‘increasing, or at least non-decreasing, returns in both scientific and
economic activity will keep poor countries from naturally converging to-
wards their rich neighbours’. Elsewhere, Elmslie has also argued that in the
Wealth of Nations, Smith (1776) took up an endogenous growth position
since societal extensions to the division of labour will allow the rich countries
to continuously maintain or extend their technological lead over poorer coun-
tries (see Elmslie and Criss, 1999). This argument also lies at the heart of
Babbage’s 1835 thesis that the perpetual advances in science provide the
foundation for further advancement and economic progress. Elmslie and
Criss argue that Babbage’s case against the restrictive laws on the export of
machines is ‘the best statement of endogenous growth in the classical pe-
riod’. For, as Babbage argued, the growth of other countries does not pose an
economic threat because ‘the sun of science has yet penetrated but through
the outer fold of Nature’s majestic robe’.
In more recent times the issue of convergence began to receive a great deal
of attention from the mid-1980s and this growth of research interest stems
mainly from the growing recognition that many poor economies were failing
to exhibit a tendency to close the per capita incomes gap with rich countries
(see Islam, 2003). The conundrum of non-convergence of per capita incomes
across the world’s economies was first clearly articulated by Paul Romer
(1986). The convergence property in the Solow model stems from the key
assumption of diminishing returns to reproducible capital. With constant
returns to scale, a proportional increase in the inputs of labour and capital
leads to a proportional increase in output. By increasing the capital–labour
ratio an economy will experience diminishing marginal productivity of capi-
tal. Hence poor countries with low capital-to-labour ratios have high marginal
products of capital and consequently high growth rates for a given rate of
616 Modern macroeconomics

investment. In contrast, rich countries have high capital-to-labour ratios, low

marginal products of capital and hence low growth rates (see the aggregate
production function A(t0)kα in Figure 11.5). The severity of diminishing re-
turns depends on the relative importance of capital in the production process
and hence the size of the capital share (α) determines the curvature of the
production function and the speed at which diminishing returns set in (see
DeLong, 2001). With a small capital share (typically α = 1/3), the average
and marginal product of labour declines rapidly as capital deepening takes
place. It is obvious from an inspection of the production function in Figures
11.3–11.5 that in the Solow model capital accumulation has a much bigger
impact on output per worker when capita per worker ratios are low compared
to when they are high. In a risk-free world with international capital mobility
this tendency for convergence will be reinforced (Lucas, 1990b). In the long
run the neoclassical model also predicts convergence of growth rates for
economies which have reached their steady state. However, as pointed out by
Romer, the neoclassical hypothesis that low income per capita economies
will tend to grow faster than high income per capita economies appears to be
inconsistent with the cross-country evidence.
In his seminal 1986 paper Romer raised important doubts about the prefer-
ence economists display for a growth model which exhibits diminishing
returns to capital accumulation, falling rates of growth over time, and conver-
gence of per capita income levels and growth rates across countries. Evidence
relating to falling rates of growth can be found by examining the historical
growth record of ‘leader’ economies compared to other economies (where
leader is defined in terms of the highest level of productivity). Maddison
(1982) has identified three leader economies since 1700, namely: the Nether-
lands, 1700–85; the UK, 1785–1890; and the USA, 1890–1979. As the
twenty-first century begins, the USA remains the leader economy. But, as
Romer notes, the rate of growth has been increasing for the leader economies
from essentially zero in eighteenth-century Netherlands to 2.3 per cent per
annum for the USA in the period 1890–1979. Historical data for industrial
countries also indicate a positive rather than negative trend for growth rates.
Hence, rather than modify the neoclassical growth model, Romer introduced
an alternative endogenous theory of growth where there is no steady state
level of income, where growth rates can increase over time, and where
income per capita differentials between countries can persist indefinitely.
The general property of convergence is often presented as a tendency of
poor countries to have higher rates of growth than the average and for rich
countries to grow more slowly than average. In the world as a whole ‘no such
tendency is found’ (Sachs and Warner, 1995). However, there is strong evi-
dence of convergence among the OECD economies as well as between US
states, Japanese prefectures and European regions within the European Com-
The renaissance of economic growth research 617

munity (Baumol, 1986; DeLong, 1988; Dowrick, 1992; Barro and Sala-i-
Martin, 2003). The conflicting evidence led Baumol to suggest that there may
be a ‘convergence club’ whereby only those countries with an adequate
human capital base and favourable institutions can hope to participate in
convergent growth. More recently, DeLong and Dowrick (2002) have shown
that ‘what convergence there has been has been limited in geography and
time’ and, as a result, to use Pritchett’s (1997) words, there has been ‘Diver-
gence, Big Time’ (see Jones, 1997a, 1997b; Melchior, 2001).
The research inspired by Barro (1991) has shown how the prediction of
convergence in the neoclassical model needs considerable qualification. If all
economies had identical savings rates, population growth rates and unlimited
access to the same technology, then relative capital intensities would deter-
mine output per capita differentials between countries. Poor countries with
low capital intensities are predicted to grow faster than rich countries in the
period of transitional dynamics en route to the common steady state equilib-
rium. In this situation there will be unconditional or absolute convergence.
Clearly, given the restrictive requirements, this outcome is only likely to be
observed among a group of relatively homogeneous countries or regions that
share similar characteristics, such as the OECD economies and US states. In
reality, many economies differ considerably with respect to key variables
(such as saving propensities, government policies and population growth)
and are moving towards different steady states. Therefore the general conver-
gence property of the Solow model is conditional. ‘Each economy converges
to its own steady state, which in turn is determined by its saving and popula-
tion growth rates’ (Mankiw, 1995). This property of conditional convergence
implies that growth rates will be rapid during transitional dynamics if a
country’s initial output per capita is low relative to its long-run steady state
value. When countries reach their respective steady states, growth rates will
then equalize in line with the rate of technological progress. Clearly, if rich
countries have higher steady state values of k* than poor countries, there will
be no possibility of convergence in an absolute sense. As Barro (1997) notes,
‘a poor country that also has a low long-term position, possibly because its
public policies are harmful or its saving rate is low, would not tend to grow
rapidly’. Conditional convergence therefore allows for the possibility that
rich countries may grow faster than poor countries, leading to income per
capita divergence! Since countries do not have the same steady state per
capita income, each country will have a tendency to grow more rapidly the
bigger the gap between its initial level of income per capita and its own long-
run steady state per capita income.
This can be illustrated as follows. Abstracting from technological progress,
we have the intensive form of the production function written as (11.34):
618 Modern macroeconomics

y = kα (11.34)

Expressing (11.34) in terms of growth rates gives (11.35):

y˙/ y = αk˙/k (11.35)

Dividing both sides of Solow’s fundamental equation (11.26) by k gives

equation (11.36):

k˙/k = sf ( k )/k − (n + δ ) (11.36)

Therefore, substituting (11.35) into (11.36), we derive an expression for the

growth rate of output per worker given by equation (11.37):

y˙/ y = α[sf ( k )/k − (n + δ )] (11.37)

In Figure 11.6 the growth rate of the capital–labour ratio ( k˙/k ) is shown by
the vertical distance between the sf(k)/k function and the effective deprecia-
tion line, n + δ (see Jones, 2001a; Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 2003). The
intersection of the savings curve and effective depreciation line determines
the steady state capital per worker, k*. In Figure 11.7 we compare a rich


k /k



k* k

Figure 11.6 Transition dynamics

The renaissance of economic growth research 619


a c

b SP e
(n + δ)P
d SR
(n + δ)R

sP f(k)/k sR f(k)/k

kP k*P kR k*R k

Figure 11.7 Conditional convergence

developed country with a poor developing country. Here we assume (realisti-

cally) that the developing country has a higher rate of population growth than
the developed country, that is, (n + δ)P > (n + δ)R, and also that the developed
country has a higher savings rate than the developing country. The steady
state for the developing country is indicated by point SP, with a steady state
capital–labour ratio of k P* . Similarly, the steady state for the developed coun-
try is indicated by points SR and k R* . Suppose the current location of these
economies is given by kP and kR. It is clear that the developed economy will
be growing faster than the developing country because the rate of growth of
the capital–labour ratio is greater in the developed economy (distance c–d)
than the developing country (a–b). Figure 11.7 also shows that even if the
developed country had the same population growth rate as the developing
country it would still have a faster rate of growth since the gap between the
savings curve and the effective depreciation line is still greater than that for
the developing country, that is, a–b < c–e.
Robert Lucas (2000b) has recently presented a numerical simulation of
world income dynamics in a model which captures certain features of the
diffusion of the Industrial Revolution across the world’s economies (see
Snowdon, 2002a). In discussing prospects for the twenty-first century Lucas
concludes from his simulation exercise that ‘the restoration of inter-society
income equality will be one of the major economic events of the century to
come’. In the twenty-first century we will witness ‘Convergence, Big Time’!
In short, we will witness an ever-growing ‘convergence club’ as sooner or
later ‘everyone will join the Industrial Revolution’.
620 Modern macroeconomics

In Lucas’s model the followers grow faster than the leader and will eventu-
ally converge on the income per capita level of the leader, ‘but will never
surpass the leader’s level’. As followers catch up the leader Lucas assumes
that their growth rates converge towards that of the leader, that is, 2 per cent.
The probability that a pre-industrial country will begin to grow is positively
related to the level of production in the rest of the world which in turn reflects
past growth experienced. There are several possible sources of the diffusion
of the Industrial Revolution from leaders to followers, for example:

1. diffusion via spillovers due to human capital externalities (Tamura, 1996),

the idea that ‘knowledge produced anywhere benefits people everywhere’;
2. diffusion via adopting the policies and institutions of the successful
countries thus removing the barriers to growth (Olson, 1996; Parente and
Prescott, 1999, 2000);
3. diffusion due to diminishing returns leading to capital flows to the low-
income economies (Lucas, 1990b).

Lucas’s simulations predict that the diffusion of the Industrial Revolution

was relatively slow for the nineteenth century but accelerated ‘dramatically’ in
the twentieth century, finally slowing down towards the year 2000 ‘because
there are so few people left in stagnant, pre-industrial economies’. In Lucas’s
simulation, by the year 2000, 90 per cent of the world is growing. Given the
rate of diffusion, world income inequality at first increases, peaking some time
in the 1970s, and then declines, ‘ultimately to zero’. According to Lucas, the
long phase of increasing world income inequality, discussed by Pritchett (1997),
has passed. The growth rate of world production is predicted by the model to
peak ‘around 1970’ and thereafter decline towards a rate of 2 per cent sometime
just beyond the year 2100. The predictions of Lucas’s model appear ‘consistent
with what we know about the behaviour of per capita incomes in the last two
centuries’ (Lucas, 2000). However, Crafts and Venables (2002) do not share the
optimism of Lucas. Taking into account geographical and agglomeration fac-
tors, they conclude that the playing field is not level and therefore the convergence
possibilities among the poor countries are much more limited than is suggested
by Lucas. Rather, we are likely to observe the rapid convergence of a selected
group of countries (for detailed and contrasting views on the evolution of
global income distribution see Sala-i-Martin, 2002a, 2002b; Bourguignon and
Morrisson, 2002; Milanovic, 2002).
While Solow’s model predicts conditional convergence and explains growth
differences in terms of ‘transitional dynamics’, an alternative ‘catch-up’ hy-
pothesis emphasizes technological gaps between those economies behind the
innovation frontier and the technologically advanced leader economies
(Gerschenkron, 1962; Abramovitz, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1993). The ‘catch-up’
The renaissance of economic growth research 621

literature also places more emphasis on historical analysis, social capability

and institutional factors (see Fagerberg, 1995).
Whereas in the Solow model the main mechanism leading to differential
growth rates relates to rates of capital accumulation, in the catch-up model it
is the potential for low income per capita countries to adopt the technology of
the more advanced countries that establishes the potential for poor countries
to grow more rapidly than rich countries. In other words, there appear to be
three potential (proximate) sources of growth of labour productivity, namely:

1. growth through physical and human capital accumulation;

2. growth through technological change reflecting shifts in the world pro-
duction frontier;
3. growth through technological catch-up involving movement toward the
world production frontier.

In other words, poor countries have the additional opportunity to grow faster
by moving toward the technological frontier representing ‘best practice’ tech-
nology, or as P. Romer (1993) puts it, poor countries need to reduce their
‘idea gaps’ rather than ‘object gaps’. Kumar and Russell (2002) find that
there is ‘substantial evidence of technological catch-up’ while Parente and
Prescott (2000) have emphasized that in many countries the failure to adopt
‘best practice’ technology is due to barriers that have been erected to protect
specific groups who will be adversely affected (at least in the short run) by
the changes that would result from technological change. Both the neoclassi-
cal and catch-up arguments imply that economic growth rates are likely to be
closely related to per capita GDP, with poor economies benefiting in terms of
economic growth from their relative backwardness. There is also accumulat-
ing evidence that more open economies converge faster than closed economies
(Sachs and Warner, 1995; Krueger, 1997, 1998; Edwards, 1993, 1998; Parente
and Prescott, 2000). While this appears to be true in the modern era, Baldwin
et al. (2001) argue that during the Industrial Revolution international trade
initially contributed to the divergence between rich and poor countries. How-
ever, they also suggest that in the modern era, the huge reduction in the
transaction costs of trading ideas ‘can be the key to southern industrialisa-
tion’ (see also Galor and Mountford, 2003).
Finally, we should note that while there has been ‘Divergence, Big Time’
with respect to per capita GDP, this is in ‘stark contrast’ to what has been
happening across the globe with respect to life expectancy, where there has
been considerable convergence. Becker et al. (2003) compute a ‘full income’
measure for 49 developed and developing countries for the period 1965–95
that includes estimates of the monetized gains from increased longevity. By
estimating economic welfare in terms of the quantity of life, as well as the
622 Modern macroeconomics

quality of life, Becker et al. show that the absence of income convergence is
reversed. ‘Countries starting with lower income grew more in terms of this
“full income” measure. Growth rates of “full income” for the period average
140% for developed countries, and 192% for developing countries’ (see also
Crafts, 2003).

11.13 Beyond the Solow Model

Although the lack of a theory of technological change is a clear weakness of

the basic neoclassical growth model, Mankiw (1995) argues that many gen-
eral predictions from the theory are ‘broadly consistent with experience’. For
example, cross-country data indicate a strong negative correlation between
population growth and income per capita and a strong positive correlation
between income per capita and savings/investment rates (Jones, 2001a). As
predicted by the model, rates of growth in the rich OECD economies are
relatively low while rapid growth rates have been observed in countries
moving from an initial position of relatively low income per capita and low
capital intensity. There is also strong evidence of convergence among rela-
tively homogeneous economies such as the OECD and between regions and
states within the USA, Europe and Japan (Baumol, 1986; Barro and Sala-i-
Martin, 1995). In larger, more diverse data sets there is little evidence of the
expected negative relationship between growth rates and some initial (for
example 1960) level of income per capita, that is, absolute convergence (P.
Romer, 1986, 1989; DeLong, 1988). However, ‘the central idea of condi-
tional convergence receives strong support from the data’ (Barro, 1991, 1997)
and has considerable explanatory power for both countries and regions. The
growth accounting research of Alwyn Young (1992, 1994, 1995) has shown
that the rapid growth of the Asian Tiger economies is easily explicable and
can be attributed mainly to rapid accumulation of factor inputs rather than
unusually high total factor productivity growth. As Paul Krugman (1994b)
argues, an implication of this research is that this rapid growth can therefore
be expected to slow down considerably in the future, as it has already done in
Japan. The Solow model has also been used to provide a plausible ‘recon-
struction’ account of the ‘miracles’ of Japanese and German post-1945 growth,
and also the relatively good growth performance of France and Italy, in terms
of the transitional dynamics towards a high income per capita steady state. It
seems plausible that these economies grew rapidly in the post-war period
because they were ‘reconstructing’ their capital stock following the destruc-
tion resulting from the Second World War.
However, there are a number of important deficiencies and puzzles which
the Solow model finds difficult to overcome and explain. First, in the Solow
model, while economic policy can permanently influence the level of per
The renaissance of economic growth research 623

capita output (for example by raising the savings ratio via tax inducements),
it cannot alter the path of long-run growth. Growth rates can only be in-
creased temporarily during the transitional dynamics en route to the new
steady state. Cross-country growth differentials are also explained in terms of
the transitional dynamics which allow countries to grow faster than their
long-run sustainable growth rates. Sustained growth in the Solow model is
only possible if there is technological progress, since without it per capita
income growth will eventually cease due to the impact of diminishing returns
to capital accumulation. Given that per capita incomes have been rising for
over 100 years in a large number of countries, and growth rates have dis-
played no overall tendency to decline, the role of technological progress in
the Solow model in explaining sustainable growth becomes crucial. But
herein lies the obvious shortcoming of the neoclassical model since ‘the
long-run per capita growth rate is determined entirely by an element – the
rate of technological progress – that is outside the model … Thus we end up
with a model of growth that explains everything but long-run growth, an
obviously unsatisfactory situation’ (Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1995). Further-
more, as P. Romer (1989) highlights, in terms of policy advice for long-term
growth the neoclassical model has little to offer!
A second problem relates to the evidence, which clearly shows that income
per capita differentials across the world are much greater than predicted by
the model. Differences across countries in capital intensities are too small to
account for the observed disparities in real incomes. Using a Cobb–Douglas
production function framework it is possible to allocate differences in the
level of per capita incomes between countries to variations in levels of total
factor productivity growth and the accumulation of factor inputs. In particular
it is possible to estimate how much of the income disparities witnessed
between rich and poor countries can be attributed to different capital intensities
since total factor productivity is common across all countries. Substituting
from equation (11.34) to equation (11.26) gives equation (11.38):

k˙ = sk α − (n + δ )k (11.38)

Setting this equation equal to zero (the steady state condition) and substitut-
ing into the production function yields (11.39):

y * = [s/(n + δ )]α/(1−α ) (11.39)

Equation (11.39) is now in a form that enables a solution to be found for the
steady state output per worker (y*). As Jones (2001a) highlights, we can see
from equation (11.39) why some countries are so rich and some are so poor.
Assuming exogenous technology and a similar value for the capital exponent
624 Modern macroeconomics

(α), countries that sustain high rates of saving, and low rates of population
growth and depreciation, will be rich. According to the neoclassical growth
model the high-income economies have achieved their high living standards
because they have accumulated large per worker stocks of capital. However,
although the model correctly predicts the directions of the effects of saving
and population growth on output per worker, it does not correctly predict the
magnitudes. As Mankiw et al. (1992) and Mankiw (1995) argue, the gaps in
output per worker (living standards) between rich and poor countries are
much larger than plausible estimates of savings rates and population growth
predict using equation (11.39). The crux of the problem is that with α = 1/3
there are sharply diminishing returns to capital. This implies that a tenfold
gap in output per worker between the USA and India would require a thou-
sandfold difference in the capital–labour ratios between these countries! (It
should be noted that this result is highly sensitive to the choice of α = 1/3 for
the share of capital in GDP.)
A third problem with the Solow model is that given a common production
function (that is, exogenous technology) the marginal product of capital
should be much higher in poor countries than in rich countries. Given the
parameters of the Solow model, the observed tenfold differential in output
per worker between rich and poor countries implies a hundredfold difference
in the marginal product of capital if output gaps are entirely due to variations
in capital intensities. Such differentials in the rate of return to capital are
simply not observed between rich and poor countries. As David Romer
(1996) observes, such differences in rates of return ‘would swamp such
considerations as capital market imperfections, government tax policies, fear
of expropriation and so on and we would observe immense flows of capital
from rich to poor countries. We do not see such flows.’ But the rate of return
to capital in poor countries is less than expected and the anticipated massive
flows of capital from rich to poor countries have not been observed across
poor countries as a whole (Lucas, 1990b).
A fourth difficulty relates to the rate of convergence, which is only about
half that predicted by the model. The economy’s initial conditions influence
the outcome for much longer than the model says it should (Mankiw, 1995).
In conclusion, it appears that within the Solow growth framework, physical
capital accumulation alone cannot account for either continuous growth of
per capita income over long periods of time or the enormous geographical
disparities in living standards that we observe. In terms of Figure 11.3, the
data on output per worker (or income per capita) that we actually observe
across the world reveal much greater disparities than those predicted by the
Solow model based on differences in capital per worker.
The new growth models emerging after 1986 depart from the Solow model
in three main ways. One group of models generates continuous growth by
The renaissance of economic growth research 625

abandoning the assumption of diminishing returns to capital accumulation.

To achieve this, Paul Romer (1986) introduced positive externalities from
capital accumulation so that the creation of economy-wide knowledge emerges
as a by-product of the investment activity of individual firms, a case of
‘learning by investing’ (Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 2003). A second approach
models the accumulation of knowledge as the outcome of purposeful acts by
entrepreneurs seeking to maximize private profits; that is, technological
progress is endogenized (P. Romer, 1990). A third class of model claims that
the role of capital is much more important than is suggested by the α term in
the conventional Cobb–Douglas production function shown in equations
(11.28)–(11.30). In their ‘augmented’ Solow model, Mankiw et al. (1992)
broaden the concept of capital to include ‘human capital’. The first two
classes of model constitute the core of endogenous growth theory whereas
the Mankiw, Romer and Weil (MRW) model constitutes what Klenow and
Rodriguez-Clare (1997a, 1997b) call a ‘neoclassical revival’. The central
proposition of endogenous growth theory is that broad capital accumulation
(physical and human capital) does not experience diminishing returns. The
growth process is driven by the accumulation of broad capital together with
the production of new knowledge created through research and development.

11.14 Endogenous Growth: Constant Returns to Capital


During the mid-1980s several economists, most notably Paul Romer (1986,
1987b) and Robert Lucas (1988), sought to construct alternative models of
growth where the long-run growth of income per capita depends on ‘invest-
ment’ decisions rather than unexplained technological progress. However, as
Crafts (1996) notes, the term investment in the context of these new models
refers to a broader concept than the physical capital accumulation reported in
the national accounts; research and development (R&D) expenditures and hu-
man capital formation may also be included. ‘The key to endogenous steady
state growth is that there should be constant returns to broad capital accumula-
tion’. Hence in order to construct a simple theory of endogenous growth, the
long-run tendency for capital to run into diminishing returns needs to be
modified to account for the extraordinary and continuous increases in observed
per capita incomes across the world’s economies. In the early versions of the
new endogenous growth theory the accumulation of capital plays a much
greater role in the growth process than in the traditional neoclassical model. In
many ways the work of Romer revives the earlier seminal contribution of
Arrow (1962) on ‘learning by doing’. Arrow had shown how the productivity
of labour increases with experience, and experience is a function of cumulative
investment expenditures that alter the work environment. That is, a firm’s
626 Modern macroeconomics

accumulation of capital produces external effects on learning. However, as

Blaug (2002) argues, ‘it strains credulity to believe that this could account, not
just for a once-and-for-all increase in output, but also for a constant rate of
increase in total factor productivity year in year out’.
Building on Arrow’s insight, Romer broadened the concept of capital to
include investment in knowledge as well as the accumulation of physical
capital goods. Since the knowledge gained by workers in one firm has public
good characteristics and is at best only partially excludable, then knowledge
spillovers occur such that investment in knowledge (R&D) by one firm in-
creases the production potential of other firms. No individual firm can
completely internalize the positive impact that their investment in physical
and human capital has on the economy-wide stock of knowledge.
Paul Romer’s 1986 model can be illustrated by modifying the production
function. In equation (11.40) the production function includes technology (A)
as an endogenous input:

Y = F( K , L, A) (11.40)

At the micro level, the output of an individual firm (j) depends on its own
inputs of capital (Kj), labour (Lj) and the economy-wide state of knowledge
(A), as indicated in equation (11.41):

Yj = F( Kj, Lj, A) (11.41)

In this formulation the growth of knowledge (technology) is assumed to

depend on the growth of capital because capital deepening fosters technologi-
cal spillovers that raise the marginal productivity of capital across the economy
as a whole. Therefore any increase in aggregate K will improve A and hence
the productivity of all firms. In Romer’s (1986) endogenous growth model
the expansion of aggregate knowledge results from learning externalities
among firms. In effect, the higher the level of the capital stock in an economy,
the more productive each firm will be via a process of ‘learning by doing’. So
while a firm’s production function exhibits constant returns to scale and
diminishing returns to capital accumulation, the aggregate production func-
tion will exhibit increasing, rather than constant, returns to scale.
One of the simplest models of endogenous growth is the AK* model shown
in equation (11.42) below (Rebelo, 1991):

Y = K α H β = AK * (11.42)

Here A is a constant, K* represents a broad measure of capital (Kα Hβ), and α

+ β = 1. As Crafts (1995) points out, ‘models of this kind put investment
The renaissance of economic growth research 627

centre stage and see growth as an investment-driven process. There is no role

for the Solow residual.’ Therefore there is a close similarity between the AK
model and the Harrod–Domar model. In both models there are no diminish-
ing returns and hence no reason for growth to slow down as capital deepening
occurs. If one group of countries has higher average savings rates, lower
depreciation rates and lower capital–output ratios than some other group of
countries, then the first group will grow faster than the second group perma-
nently and ‘divergence, big time’ will be the rule.
The AK class of endogenous growth models has been subject to heavy
criticism, mainly on account of their key assumption of an absence of dimin-
ishing returns to the capital input. The AK model predicts a permanent increase
in the growth rate following an increase in the investment/GDP ratio of an
economy. However, Jones (1995), in a time series analysis of 15 OECD
countries in the post-1945 period, argues that the AK models are inconsistent
with the empirical evidence. Although the investment/GDP ratios increased
significantly in the 1950–89 period, growth rates of GDP per worker re-
mained stable or have fallen. This finding has been challenged by McGrattan
(1998). By considering time series evidence from a larger sample of coun-
tries over a longer time period McGrattan finds the main predictions of AK
theory to be confirmed by the data. Using data from Maddison (1995) for the
period 1870–1989, McGratton finds that ‘higher investment rates correspond
to higher growth rates, with the exception of the US economy where there is
little variation in the growth rate of GDP per capita’. Extending the analysis
to cross-sectional data for 125 economies in the period 1960–85 also reveals
‘a definite positive correlation between investment rates and growth rates’.

11.15 Endogenous Growth: The Economics of Ideas

The issue of convergence has raised as an important question the possible

importance of differences in technology (knowledge) across the economies
of the world. The Solow model attempts to explain per capita income level
and growth differences assuming that technology is a pure public good and is
therefore freely available to all countries irrespective of their level of devel-
opment. An increasing number of economists, and most economic historians
and development economists see significant technology gaps as the crucial
problem facing poor countries. Such an approach emphasizes the need for
policies to be adopted that will close ‘idea gaps’ between nations (P. Romer,
Paul Romer’s 1986 model explains technological progress as an uninten-
tional by-product of capital accumulation by individual firms. Subsequently,
Romer (1990), dissatisfied with his initial approach, proceeded to develop a
second strand of new growth theory. Endogenous innovation models embrace
628 Modern macroeconomics

a neo-Schumpeterian framework of endogenous technological change based

on three premises (Grossman and Helpman, 1991, 1994; Crafts, 1996; Aghion
and Howitt, 1998). First, as in the Solow model, the basic driving force
behind economic growth is technological change, that is, improvements in
knowledge about how we transform inputs into outputs in the production
process. Second, technological change is endogenous, being determined by
the deliberate activities of economic agents acting largely in response to
financial incentives. Third, the defining characteristic of ideas/knowledge is
that ‘once the cost of creating a new set of instructions has been incurred, the
instructions can be used over and over again at no additional cost’ (Romer,
1990). Therefore ideas are non-rivalrous outputs and their use by one firm or
person does not in any way reduce their availability to other firms or persons.
Ideas are also ‘partially excludable’, where excludability is defined as the
ability of the owners of a good to prevent other economic agents from using it
without payment. As Romer (1990) notes, ‘excludability is a function of the
technology and the legal system’. Given Romer’s second premise that tech-
nological change results from the purposeful actions of self-interested
economic agents, improvements in technology (new ideas) must generate
benefits to individuals that are at least ‘partially excludable’, for example by
having patent laws.
Romer’s insights have led to a burgeoning of research into the economics
of ideas (Jones, 2002, 2005). The three premises discussed above have two
important implications for the theory of economic growth. First, because
ideas are non-rivalrous, they can be accumulated without limit on a per capita
basis. Second, because of incomplete excludability (appropriability), knowl-
edge creation involves substantial spillovers of benefits (externalities) which
cannot be entirely captured by the economic agents who produce the ideas.
The ‘unbounded’ growth and ‘incomplete appropriability’ features of the
economics of ideas imply that ‘output cannot be a constant-returns-to-scale
function of all its inputs taken together’. Romer’s analysis implies increasing
returns to scale and by implication microfoundations based on the presence
of imperfect competition (see Romer, 1994a).
While a non-rivalrous good such as a new idea involves a fixed cost of
production, which is often substantial, once the new knowledge has been
created there is zero marginal cost involved with any further use of the new
idea. A new design is costly to produce but once in existence it can be used as
often as desired and in as many contexts as desired. It is for this reason that
legal mechanisms such as patents and copyrights exist in order to grant
investors monopoly rights over a new idea, at least for a time, so that they can
earn a reward for their new ideas (Kremer, 1998; Mazzoleni and Nelson,
1998). The importance of this issue has been illustrated by North (1990), who
argues that the economic development of Western Europe did not seriously
The renaissance of economic growth research 629

begin until the development of property rights ensured that individuals could
reap some of the benefits of their ‘ideas’ and helped to speed up the pace of
technological change (Crafts, 1995). The era of modern economic growth,
beginning with the Industrial Revolution in Britain,

occurred when the institutions protecting intellectual property rights were

sufficiently well developed that entrepreneurs could capture as a private return
some of the enormous social returns their innovations would create … history
suggests that it is only when the market incentives were sufficient that widespread
innovation and growth took hold. (Jones, 2001a)

In the case of the USA the framers of the US Constitution were eager to
‘promote the progress of science and useful arts’. Therefore an intellectual
property clause providing for copyright and patent rights appears in the first
article of the Constitution and by 1810 the USA ‘far surpassed Britain in
patenting per capita’ (Khan and Sokoloff, 2001). The failure of China to lead
the first Industrial Revolution has also been attributed to that country’s inabil-
ity to establish a free market, institutionalize property rights, provide an
environment conducive to emulation and innovation, and to absorb foreign
technology (Landes, 1998). Thus according to the new breed of endogenous
growth models, ‘the government has great potential for good or ill through its
influence on the long-term rate of growth’ (Barro, 1997). Economic growth
can be influenced not only by policies that affect trade regimes, technology
transfer, the provision of infrastructure and financial markets, but also by
policies that affect taxation and incentives, the protection of intellectual
property rights and the maintenance of law and order.
By developing an endogenous theory of technological change Romer has
challenged both the traditional and augmented versions of the Solow neoclas-
sical growth model (see below, section 11.16). In the neoclassical model
technology is assumed to be exogenous and hence available without limita-
tion everywhere across the globe. Romer (1995) rejects this assumption on
the basis of ‘overwhelming evidence’ that technology is not a pure public
good. The neoclassical model emphasizes ‘object gaps’, differences in physi-
cal and human capital, in explaining income per capita differentials across
nations. While Mankiw (1995) believes that much of the variation in living
standards can be explained by differences in the quantities of human and
physical capital, in contrast Romer (1993) emphasizes ‘idea gaps’, productiv-
ity differences resulting from technology gaps, as the main source of divergent
living standards.
Parente and Prescott (1994, 1999, 2000) also attribute differences in inter-
national incomes to technology gaps. In their research they have found evidence
to suggest that these productivity gaps are not caused by fundamental differ-
ences in the stock of available knowledge that developing countries have
630 Modern macroeconomics

access to. Instead, Parente and Prescott argue that there exist barriers in the
form of society-imposed constraints which prevent firms in many developing
countries from adopting better production methods, and many of these con-
straints ‘are put in place to protect the interests of groups vested in current
production processes’. As a result they conclude that most differences in
international incomes ‘are the result of differences in total factor productiv-
ity’. Parente and Prescott (2005) conclude that ‘changes in a country’s
institutions that result in large increases in the efficiency with which re-
sources can be used in production give rise to growth miracles’.
Romer’s position has received recent support from the research of Easterly
and Levine (2001), who find that the ‘residual’ (total factor productivity)
rather than factor accumulation can explain most of the cross-country income
and growth differentials. Their data show that while factor accumulation is
persistent, growth is not. Nelson and Pack (1999), in their discussion of the
Asian miracle and modern growth theory, also stress the importance of the
entrepreneurship, innovation and learning that these economies had to under-
take before they could successfully assimilate new technologies. In their view
the accumulation of human and physical capital is a necessary but far from
sufficient part of this process. What is crucial for success is the establishment
of a policy environment that nurtures learning, and for economists to better
understand the learning process taking place during the assimilation of new
ideas and technologies they need ‘a better theory of firm behaviour in such
Historical experience demonstrates that the creation and transmission of
ideas has undoubtedly been an important determinant of current living stand-
ards (Rosenberg, 1994; Mokyr, 2005). If Romer is correct and the poor
countries do suffer from idea gaps rather than object gaps, then a significant
part of worldwide poverty can be eliminated ‘at relatively low cost’ via
technological ‘catch-up’. A clear implication of this analysis is that nations
which isolate themselves from the free flow of ideas, or erect barriers to the
adoption of new technologies, will suffer relative stagnation since trade poli-
cies and openness affect innovation and growth. Foreign direct investment
can act as a significant channel for the diffusion of new innovations and
ideas, thereby enhancing the growth process (Grossman and Helpman, 1990;
Romer, 1994b; Sachs and Warner, 1995; Proudman and Redding, 1997;
Edwards, 1998; Parente and Prescott, 2000). Therefore, at least potentially,
poor economies have the most to gain from reducing restrictions to interna-
tional trade, encouraging inward FDI flows and investing in human capital
because by doing so they can gain access to the stock of world knowledge
(World Bank, 1998/9). While in the neoclassical model the removal of ineffi-
ciencies caused by trade barriers will produce level effects on production
possibilities but no sustained growth effects, in endogenous growth models
The renaissance of economic growth research 631

the growth effects of increasing economic integration are likely to be much

more important.
A further implication of Paul Romer’s research is that for the USA to
maintain its leadership position, government policies must continue to sup-
port a high level of R&D activities in both private and public institutions.
Given the well-documented large divergence between social and private rates
of return from R&D expenditures, the government has a vital role to play in
preventing underinvestment in this activity. In a recent investigation of the
optimal rate of R&D investment in the USA Jones and Williams (1998)
conclude that the private rate of return to R&D in the USA is of the order of
7–14 per cent, while a ‘conservative estimate’ of the social rate of return is 30
per cent. Therefore Jones and Williams conclude that optimal R&D spending
as a share of GDP is ‘more than two to four times larger than actual spending’
(see also Jones and Williams, 2000).
In contrast to the supply-side view of the growth of knowledge, ideas and
technological change, Schmookler (1966) argues that technological change is
primarily demand-induced. Unlike Romer’s model, where a key input to the
development of new technology is the supply of previous innovations (see
Jones, 2005), Schmookler sees the stimulus to technological change and inno-
vation as the need to solve current technological problems; that is, technological
change is demand-driven and dependent on the usefulness of new ideas. In a
recent discussion of Schmookler’s work, Kelly (2002) concludes that the sup-
ply- and demand-side influences on technology are complementary.
An important deficiency of recent endogenous growth theories is that they
lose the prediction of conditional convergence, a prediction which Barro
(1997) argues has a ‘strong empirical regularity in the data for countries and
regions’. To rectify this flaw Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1997) have developed
a model that combines elements of endogenous growth with the convergence
implications of the Solow model. Their model has the following elements:

1. in the long run the rate of growth in the world economy is driven by
technological discoveries in the leading economies;
2. follower economies share in the new innovations via a process of imita-
3. since imitation is generally cheaper than innovation, ‘most countries
prefer to copy rather than invent’;
4. the relatively low cost of imitation implies that the follower economies
will grow relatively faster than the leader economies and converge, at
least part way, towards the leaders;
5. as the amount of uncopied innovations decreases, the costs of imitation
will tend to rise and therefore the follower’s growth rate will tend to slow
632 Modern macroeconomics

6. therefore, the Barro/Sala-i-Martin model generates a form of conditional

convergence based on the diffusion of technology across countries and
resembles the predictions of the Solow model;
7. in the long run ‘all economies grow at the rate of discovery in the leading

The Barro/Sala-i-Martin hybrid model therefore establishes a framework where

long-run growth is driven endogenously by the discovery of new ideas in the
‘leading-edge’ economies, but also retains the convergence properties of the
neoclassical growth model via the impact of the imitation behaviour of fol-
lower countries.

11.16 An Augmented Solow Model: A Neoclassical Revival?

As it stands, the neoclassical growth model, relying as it does on differences

in capital–labour ratios across countries to explain the wide disparities in
levels of per capita output, cannot satisfactorily explain world income differ-
entials. In response to this deficiency Mankiw et al. (1992) ‘augment’ the
Solow model by including the accumulation of human capital as well as
physical capital. The key to their approach is the argument that the conven-
tional estimate of α, capital’s income share, may not be a good indicator of
the overall contribution of capital. By adding human capital to the model the
production function becomes (11.43):

Y = K α H β ( AL)1−α −β and α + β < 1 (11.43)

Here we now have four factors of production combining to produce output

where H is the stock of human capital and AL is the labour input measured in
efficiency units, which captures both the quantity of labour and the productivity
of labour determined by available technology (see Mankiw, 2003). The pro-
duction function exhibits constant returns to scale and with α + β < 1 there
are diminishing returns to ‘broad capital’. But with a larger capital share (α +
β = 2/3) the average product of labour declines more slowly as accumulation
takes place since the size of the capital share determines the curvature of the
production function and hence the speed at which diminishing returns set in.
Diminishing returns to the broader concept of capital will be much less
severe than in the traditional Solow model where α = 1/3. When α is small,
the curvature of the production function in Figure 11.3 is large. But by
augmenting the model with human capital, the transition to the steady state is
much slower and 80 per cent of international differences in living standards
can be explained by differences in the rate of population growth and the
accumulation of both human and physical capital (Mankiw et al., 1992;
The renaissance of economic growth research 633

Mankiw, 1995). The transitory impact of any increase in the rate of invest-
ment in the MRW model will have prolonged effects. However, because the
exponents on K and H sum to less than one, this ‘neoclassical revival’ in
growth theory does not provide a model of endogenous growth. Per capita
income will eventually settle down in a steady state and grow at the
exogenously determined rate of technological progress.
For some critics the MRW model, by taking the public-good view of
technology, has failed to address the crucial issue of variations in total factor
productivity growth and technical efficiency across nations (Klenow amd
Rodriguez-Clare, 1997a; 1997b). While the augmented Solow model better
explains international differences in living standards, it cannot account for
the persistence of economic growth. Endogenous growth theory attempts to
show how persistent growth may take place without having to resort to
exogenous technological progress (Bernanke and Gurkaynak, 2001).

11.17 Focusing on the Fundamental Causes of Growth

The research of economists shows that successful economies are those with
high rates of accumulation of human and physical capital together with
sustained technological progress. But this conclusion then raises the crucial
question: why do some nations successfully achieve this outcome while
others fail? Olson (1996) has highlighted the fact that high rates of growth
seem to occur in a subset of poor countries rather than in all low-income
countries as the transitional dynamics of the Solow neoclassical growth model
imply. Given that capital and technology can migrate across political bounda-
ries, the persistence of significant differences in the level of output per
worker suggests the presence of persistent barriers to growth and develop-
ment (Parente and Prescott, 2000). An obvious deterrent to the free flow of
capital from rich to poor countries arises from the greater risk involved in
investing in countries characterized by macroeconomic instability, trade bar-
riers, inadequate infrastructure, poor education, ethnic diversity, widespread
corruption, political instability, disadvantageous geography and frequent policy
reversals. To understand why some countries have performed so much better
than others with respect to growth it is therefore necessary to go beyond the
proximate causes of growth and delve into the wider fundamental determi-
nants. This implies that we cannot hope to find the key determinants of
economic growth by using narrow economic analysis alone. To explain growth
‘miracles’ and ‘disasters’ requires an understanding of the history of the
countries being investigated as well as how policy choices are made within an
institutional structure involving political distortions.
Dani Rodrik (2003) has provided a useful framework for highlighting the
distinction between the proximate and fundamental determinants of eco-
634 Modern macroeconomics

GDP = Yt

Factor endowments Productivity
= Kt + Nt + Lt = At

Partly endogenous International Institutions

economic = St

Geography =
Exogenous natural
resources +
climate +
topography +

Figure 11.8 Proximate and fundamental sources of growth

nomic growth. Figure 11.8, adapted from Rodrik, captures the main factors
that determine the size and growth of any economy. Referring back to equa-
tion (11.4), in the upper part of Figure 11.8 we can see the influence of the
proximate determinants of growth, with output being directly influenced by
an economy’s endowments of labour (Lt), physical capital (Kt), natural re-
sources (Nt) and the productivity of these resources (At). The impact of both
technical and allocative efficiency is captured within the productivity vari-
able. In the lower portion of Figure 11.8 we observe the major fundamental
determinants of economic growth, including social capability (St). Rodrik
provides a threefold taxonomy of the fundamental determinants of growth,
namely geography, integration and institutions. These categories highlight
three major research areas, within a voluminous and rapidly expanding litera-
ture, that have dominated growth analysis in recent years. Many social scientists
would argue forcefully that the influence of culture should be added to the list
of important deeper determinants of economic performance. It is certainly the
case that economic historians have given much greater consideration to cul-
ture as a determinant of economic performance than economists. For example,
David Landes argues that ‘Culture Makes Almost All the Difference’ (Harrison
and Huntington, 2000). For other interesting discussions of the influence of
culture on economic growth and development the reader should consult
The renaissance of economic growth research 635

Huntington, 1996; Temin, 1997; Landes, 1998; Lal, 1999; Dasgupta and
Serageldin, 2000; Barro and McCleary, 2003; Grief, 2003.
As Rodrik points out, the central question in growth analysis is: which of
the causal relationships in Figure 11.8 matters most? However, Rodrik also
notes that geography is the only exogenous factor in his threefold taxonomy,
with integration and institutions ‘co-evolving with economic performance’.
The causal interrelationships between the variables in Figure 11.8, indicated
by the two-way direction of some of the arrows, suggest that there are
complex feedback effects at work. Therefore empirical work, in the form of
endless cross-country regressions, that attempts to establish clear lines of
causality must be treated with ‘extreme care’.

11.18 Institutions and Economic Growth

While poor countries have enormous potential for catch-up and convergence,
these advantages will fail to generate positive results on growth in countries
with an inadequate political, legal and regulatory framework. The notion that
institutions profoundly influence the wealth of nations is of course an old idea
first eloquently expressed by Adam Smith. Ever since the publication of Adam
Smith’s Wealth of Nations in 1776 economists have been aware that security of
property rights against expropriation by fellow citizens or the state is an impor-
tant condition for encouraging individuals to invest and accumulate capital.
Given this pedigree, economists have tended to centre their analysis of the
deeper determinants of growth on the role of institutions. Emphasis here is
placed on factors such as the role of property rights, the effectiveness of the
legal system, corruption, regulatory structures and the quality of governance
(North, 1990; World Bank, 1997; Olson, 2000; Acemoglu et al., 2001, 2002a;
Glaeser and Shleifer, 2002). From an institutionalist perspective the search for
the deeper determinants of growth has led to what Hibbs (2001) has called ‘the
politicisation of growth theory’. By ‘politicisation’ Hibbs is referring to the
increasing emphasis given by many growth researchers, in particular the semi-
nal contributions of Douglass North, to the importance of ‘politics, policy and
institutional arrangements’. These factors ultimately determine the structure of
incentives, the ability and willingness of people to save and invest productively,
the security of property rights and the incentive to innovate and participate in
entrepreneurial activity. Political–institutional factors also appear to be robust
determinants of growth in many cross-country regression studies (Knack and
Keefer, 1995, 1997a, 1997b; Sala-i-Martin, 1997; Dawson, 1998; Durlauf and
Quah, 1999; Easterly and Levine, 2003; Rodrik, 2003; Rodrik et al., 2004).
While the presence of technological backwardness and income per capita
gaps creates the potential for catch-up and convergence, Abramovitz (1986)
has highlighted the importance of ‘social capability’ without which countries
636 Modern macroeconomics

will not be able to realize their potential. Social capability refers to the
various institutional arrangements which set the framework for the conduct
of productive economic activities and without which market economies can-
not function efficiently. Temple and Johnson (1998) suggest that indexes of
social development developed in the 1960s by Adelman and Morris (1967)
have ‘considerable predictive power’ (see also Temple, 1998). Temple and
Johnson (1998) show that these measures, after allowing for initial income,
are ‘very useful in predicting subsequent growth’ and ‘if observers in the
early 1960s had given more emphasis to these indexes of social capability,
they might have been rather more successful in predicting the fast growth of
East Asia, and underperformance of sub-Saharan Africa’.

Developing effective institutions

Clearly the major income differentials that we observe around the world have
a lot to do with differences in the quality of countries’ institutions and
economic policies as well as the quality of political leadership. This explains
the rapid growth witnessed in a subset of East Asian developing countries
since around 1960 and the relative stagnation of most of sub-Saharan Africa
over that same period. Many economists believe that the main reasons why
some countries progress and grow rapidly while others stagnate cannot be
found in the area of geography and factor endowments. Countries with poor
natural resources such as Japan, Taiwan and South Korea have experienced
‘miracle’ growth while many natural resource-abundant economies in sub-
Saharan Africa, such as Zaire (from 1997 the Democratic Republic of Congo),
have been growth ‘disasters’. Reynolds (1985) concludes that the single most
important explanatory variable of economic progress is the political organi-
zation and the administrative competence of government (see Herbst, 2000).
Gray and McPherson (2001), in their analysis of the leadership factor in
African policy reform, conclude that ‘a large number of African countries,
perhaps the majority, have been ruled by individuals who had sufficient
power to implement reforms had they been so motivated. However, their
motivation led them in different directions.’ It is also the case that the politi-
cal and economic losers from the changes that economic development requires
will often act as barriers to progress (Acemoglu and Robinson, 2000a; Parente
and Prescott, 2000).
Given the importance of these issues, the recent political economy of
growth literature has focused on such factors as the relationship between
economic freedom, democracy and growth (for example Barro, 1996, 1999;
Clague et al., 1996; Minier, 1998; Benson Durham, 1999; Landman, 1999;
Olson, 2000); property rights and growth (for example North and Weingast,
1989; North, 1990; DeLong and Shleifer, 1993; Acemoglu and Johnson,
2003); ethnic heterogeneity, political conflict and growth (for example East-
The renaissance of economic growth research 637

erly and Levine, 1997; Acemoglu and Robinson, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c, 2001,
2003; Collier, 2001; Easterly, 2001b); the impact of inequality and political
instability on growth (for example Alesina and Rodrik, 1994; Alesina et al.,
1996; Lee and Roemer, 1998; Barro, 2000; Glaeser et al., 2003; see also
Chapter 10); and various measures of social capability/social infrastructure/
social capital and growth, including trust (for example Knack and Keefer,
1995, 1997a, 1997b; Abramovitz and David, 1996; Landau et al., 1996; Hall
and Jones, 1997, 1999; Temple, 1998; Temple and Johnson, 1998; Paldam,
2000; Rose-Ackerman, 2001; Zak and Knack, 2001).
According to the World Bank (2002), there is a growing body of evidence
linking the quality of institutional development to economic growth and
efficiency across both time and space and there is now widespread accept-
ance of the idea that ‘good’ institutions and incentive structures are an important
precondition for successful growth and development. Because economic his-
tory is essentially about the performance of economies over long periods of
time, it has a significant contribution to make in helping growth theorists
improve their ability to develop a better analytical framework for understand-
ing long-run economic change (North and Thomas, 1973; North, 1981, 1989,
1990, 1994; Myles, 2000).
The story that emerges from economic history is one which shows that the
unsuccessful economies, in terms of achieving sustained growth of living
standards, are those that fail to produce a set of enforceable economic rules
of the game that promote economic progress. As North (1991) argues, the
‘central issue of economic history and of economic development is to ac-
count for the evolution of political and economic institutions that create an
economic environment that induces increasing productivity’.
North (1991) defines institutions as ‘the humanly devised constraints that
structure political, economic and social interaction’. The constraining institu-
tions may be informal (customs, traditions, taboos, conventions, self-imposed
codes of conduct involving guilt and shame) and/or formal (laws, contract
enforcement, rules, constitutions, property rights). In an ideal world the in-
formal and formal institutions will complement each other. These institutions
provide a structure within which repeated human interaction can take place,
they support market transactions, they help to transmit information between
economic agents and they give people the incentives necessary to engage in
productive activities. History is ‘largely a story of institutional evolution’ and
effective institutions ‘raise the benefit of co-operative solutions or the costs
of defection’ (North, 1991).
A good example demonstrating the importance of institutions for sustained
economic growth is provided by the post-Second World War reconstruction of
Europe. As DeLong and Eichengreen (1993) argue, ‘the Marshall Plan
significantly sped western European growth by altering the environment in
638 Modern macroeconomics

which economic policy was made’ and by providing support to a recovery

strategy based on the restoration of a market-based economic system, together
with the necessary supporting institutions. In retrospect we now know that the
period 1950–73 turned out to be a ‘Golden Age’ of economic growth in the
‘mixed’ economies of Western Europe, and DeLong and Eichengreen conclude
that the Marshall plan was ‘history’s most successful structural adjustment
programme’. Eichengreen (1996) also extends the institutional based explana-
tion of why Europe was able to enjoy a ‘Golden Age’ of economic growth in
the 25-year period following the implementation of the Marshall Plan. Euro-
pean economic growth during this quarter-century was faster than any period
either before or since (Maddison, 2001). According to Eichengreen, the foun-
dation for this ‘Golden Age’ was a set of domestic (the social market economy)
and international institutions (GATT, the development of free intra-European
trade, the Bretton Woods institutions) that ‘solved problems of commitment
and co-operation that would have otherwise hindered the resumption of growth’.
For individuals living in a typical rich OECD economy in the twenty-first
century it is easy to take most of these market-based institutions for granted
because they have evolved over such a long historical period. But the ‘trials
of transition’ witnessed in the former communist economies remind us just
how difficult it is to make market economies operate effectively without
having the necessary institutional infrastructure in place.

Evidence from ‘natural experiments’

One very important source of divergence in per capita incomes emphasized
by Fukuyama (1989, 1992), Olson (1996, 2000) and DeLong (2001) has
arisen because of political developments which have influenced the choice of
economic system and policies. Those countries which attempted to ‘develop’
behind the ‘Iron Curtain’ now have much lower income per capita than
countries which had a comparable income per capita in 1950 and followed
the capitalist path.

The fact that a large part of the globe was under communist rule in the twentieth
century is one major reason for the world’s divergence … depending on how you
count and how unlucky you are, 40 to 94 per cent of the potential material
prosperity of a country was annihilated if it happened to fall under communist rule
in the twentieth century. (DeLong, 2001)

The most obvious examples involve the comparative development experi-

ences of East and West Germany, North and South Korea, and China with
Taiwan/Singapore/Hong Kong. But comparisons between other neighbouring
countries seems reasonable, for example, comparisons between Russia and
Finland, Hungary and Austria, Greece and Bulgaria, Slovenia and Italy, and
Cambodia and Thailand reveal significant differences in living standards.
The renaissance of economic growth research 639

Of the examples mentioned above, the most dramatic ‘natural experiment’

has occurred in the Korean peninsula during the second half of the twentieth
century. Following the surrender of Japan in August 1945, Korea was divided
at the 38th parallel into two zones of occupation, with armed forces from the
Soviet Union occupying the ‘North’ and American armed forces occupying
the ‘South’. In the summer of 1948, following the May elections, the Ameri-
can zone of occupation became the Republic of Korea, and in September
1948 the northern zone became formally known as the Democratic People’s
Republic of North Korea. Both ‘Koreas’ claimed full political jurisdiction
over the entire Korean peninsula and this disagreement led to the Korean
War, which lasted from June 1950 until the armistice of July 1953. Since then
the 38th parallel has remained the dividing line between the two Koreas, with
the ‘communist North’ adopting a centrally planned economic strategy and
the ‘capitalist South’ putting its faith in a capitalist mixed economy. As the
data in Tables 11.4 and 11.5 make clear, the impact of these choices on living
standards in the two Koreas, made some 50 years ago, could not have been
more dramatic. As Acemoglu (2003b) notes, ‘a distinguishing feature of
Korea before separation was its ethnic, linguistic and economic homogeneity.
The north and south are inhabited by essentially the same people with the

Table 11.4 A tale of two Koreas

Indicator Population GDP GDP per Population GDP GDP per

(’000) PPP $ capita (’000) PPP $ capita
millions PPP $ millions PPP $

Year North North North South South South

Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea

1950 9 471 7 293 770 20 846 16 045 770

1955 8 839 9 361 1 054 21 552 22 708 1 054
1960 10 392 11 483 1 105 24 784 27 398 1 105
1965 11 869 15 370 1 295 28 705 37 166 1 295
1970 13 912 27 184 1 954 32 241 62 988 1 954
1975 15 801 44 891 2 841 35 281 111 548 3 162
1980 17 114 48 621 2 841 38 124 156 846 4 114
1985 18 481 52 505 2 841 40 806 231 386 5 670
1990 20 019 56 874 2 841 42 869 373 150 8 704
1995 21 553 32 758 1 520 45 081 534 517 11 873
1998 21 234 25 131 1 183 46 430 564 211 12 152

Source: Adapted from Maddison (2001).

640 Modern macroeconomics

Table 11.5 Growth rates of per capita GDP (%): the two Koreas

1950–73 1973–98

North Korea 5.84 –3.44

South Korea 5.84 5.99

Source: Adapted from Maddison (2001).

same culture, and there were only minor differences between the two areas.’
Therefore, this natural experiment, of dividing the Korean peninsula into two
countries, each distinguished by very different policies and institutions, ‘gives
a clear example of how, despite the very similar economic conditions, politi-
cal leaders often chose very different policies with very different outcomes’.
As Maddison’s (2001) data indicate, per capita GDP in North Korea in
1950 was $770 (at 1990 international prices). By 1998 this had only risen to
$1183. In sharp contrast, although per capita income in South Korea in 1950
was also $770, by 1998 it had risen to $12 152! This again demonstrates the
powerful effect that differential growth rates can have on the relative living
standards of two countries. While North Korean per capita economic growth
during the 1950–73 period was initially impressive (5.84 per cent per an-
num), during the 1973–98 period the rate of growth collapsed to minus 3.44
per cent. During the 1950–73 period South Korea’s growth rate was also 5.84
per cent. However, during the years 1973–98 South Korea’s per capita growth
rate increased to 5.99 per cent. By 1999, World Bank (2002) data indicate
that the 47 million people living in the South had a life expectancy of 73
whereas for the 23.6 million people living in the North, life expectancy was
60 and in recent years North Korea has been experiencing a famine (Noland
et al., 2001).
These ‘natural experiments’ show that where national borders also mark
the boundaries of public policies and institutions, easily observable differen-
tials in economic performance emerge (Fukuyama, 1992; Olson, 1996). In
DeLong’s (1992) view, ‘over the course of the twentieth century communism
has been a major factor making for divergence: making nations that were
relatively poor poorer even as rich industrial economies have grown richer’.

Democracy, the quality of governance and growth

Does growth promote democracy or does democracy promote growth? Re-
cent research into the link between democracy, dictatorship and growth has
produced support for both of the above linkages. Barro (1996, 1997, 1999)
provides evidence in support of the Lipset (1959) hypothesis which suggests
that prosperity promotes democracy. Barro’s research confirms this hypoth-
The renaissance of economic growth research 641

esis as a ‘strong empirical regularity’. Since the empirical evidence also

supports the hypothesis that economic freedom promotes prosperity, Barro
concludes that policies that promote economic freedom will also promote
greater democracy through the Lipset prosperity effect. It is certainly indis-
putable that there has never been a liberal democracy (free and regular
competitive elections) where there is an absence of economic freedom (see
Friedman, 1962; Kornai, 2000; Snowdon 2003b).
Bhagwati’s (1995) essay on democracy rejects an earlier popular view
highlighted in his 1966 book on The Economics of Underdeveloped Coun-
tries that developing countries may face a ‘cruel dilemma’ in that they must
somehow choose between economic development or democracy. During the
1960s democracy was often portrayed as a luxury that poor countries could
not afford. It was often argued that to achieve rapid growth requires tough
decisions and that in turn necessitates firm political leadership free from
democratic constraints. The balance of opinion has now moved away from
accepting as inevitable this ‘Cruel Dilemma Thesis’.
While prosperity undoubtedly sows the seeds of democracy, the idea that a
stable democracy is good for sustained growth has also been receiving in-
creasing support in the literature. If property rights are the key to reducing
transaction costs and the promotion of specialization and trade, then it should
be no surprise to observe that ‘almost all of the countries that have enjoyed
good economic performance across generations are countries that have stable
democratic governments’ (Olson, 2000; Rodrik, 2000). Whereas good gov-
ernance and economic prosperity are good bedfellows, autocrats, who are
also invariably kleptomaniacs, are a high-risk form of investment. As East-
erly (2001a) notes, ‘governments can kill growth’.
For most of human history the vast majority of the peoples of the world
have been governed by what Mancur Olson (1993, 2000) calls ‘roving ban-
dits’ and ‘stationary bandits’. History provides incontrovertible evidence that
benevolent despots are a rare breed. Roving bandits (warlords) have little
interest in promoting the well-being of the people living within their domain.
A territory dominated by competing roving bandits represents a situation of
pure anarchy and any form of sustainable economic development is impossi-
ble. With no secure property rights there is little incentive for people to
produce any more than is necessary for their survival since any surplus will
be expropriated by force. Stationary bandits, however, can extract more tax
revenue from the territory they dominate if a stable and productive economy
can be encouraged and maintained. In this situation despots have an incentive
to provide key public goods such as law and order. But property rights can
never be fully secure under autocratic forms of governance because the
discretionary powers of the autocrat create a time-inconsistency problem.
That is, the autocrat will always have a credibility problem. History shows
642 Modern macroeconomics

that absolutist princes always find it difficult to establish stable dynasties, and
this uncertainty relating to succession prevents autocrats from taking a longer-
term view of the economy. For example, the monarchy in England between
the rule of William the Conqueror (1066) and the ‘Glorious Revolution’
(1688) was plagued by repeated crises of succession (for example the ‘Wars
of the Roses’). Only in a secure democracy, where representative government
is accountable and respectful of individual rights, can we expect to observe
an environment created that is conducive to lasting property rights (Fukuyama,
1989, 1992).
Acemoglu’s recent research highlights the importance of ‘political barriers
to development’. This work focuses on attitudes to change in hierarchical
societies. Economists recognize that economic growth is a necessary condi-
tion for the elimination of poverty and sustainable increases in living standards.
Furthermore, technological change and innovation are key factors in promot-
ing growth. So why do political élites deliberately block the adoption of
institutions and policies that would help to eliminate economic backward-
ness? Acemoglu and Robinson (2000a, 2000b, 2000c, 2001, 2003, 2005)
argue that superior institutions and technologies are resisted because they
may reduce the political power of the elite. Moreover, the absence of a
‘strong institution’ allows autocratic rulers to ‘adopt political strategies which
are highly effective at diffusing any opposition to their regime … the
kleptocratic ruler intensifies the collective action problem and destroys the
coalition against him by bribing the pivotal groups’ (Acemoglu et al., 2003b).
Often financed by natural resource abundance and foreign aid, kleptocrats
follow an effective power sustaining strategy of ‘divide and rule’. In the case
of Zaire, with over 200 ethnic groups, Mobutu was able to follow such a
strategy from 1965 until he was overthrown in 1997. Acemoglu’s research
reinforces the conclusions of Easterly and Levine (1997), who find that
ethnic diversity in Africa reduces the rate of economic growth (see next
The general thesis advocated by North and Olson is also confirmed by
DeLong and Shleifer (1993), who show that those cities in medieval Europe
that were under more democratic forms of government were much more
productive than those under the autocratic rule of ‘princes’. The incompat-
ibility of despotism with sustainable economic development arises because of
the insecurity of property rights in environments where there are no constitu-
tional restrictions on an autocratic ruler. DeLong and Shleifer assume that the
size of urban populations is a useful proxy for commercial prosperity and
‘use the number and sizes of large pre-industrial cities as an index of eco-
nomic activity, and changes in the number of cities and the sizes of urban
population as indicators of economic growth’. Their city data show how
between the years 1000 and 1500, the centre of economic gravity in Europe
The renaissance of economic growth research 643

moved steadily northward. Although in the year 1000 Western Europe was a
‘backwater’ in terms of urban development, by 1800 it was established as the
most prosperous and economically advanced region of the world. While
London is ranked as the 25th largest European city at the beginning of the
thirteenth century, by 1650 it had risen to second place (after Paris), and by
1800 London was first. DeLong and Shleifer argue that security of property
can be thought of as a form of lower taxation, with the difference between
absolutist and non-absolutist governments showing up as different tax rates
on private property. It has also been argued by Douglass North that the
establishment of a credible and sustainable commitment to the security of
property rights in England required the establishment of parliamentary su-
premacy over the crown. This was achieved following the ‘Glorious Revolution’
of 1688 which facilitated the gradual establishment of economic institutions
conducive to increasing security in property rights (North and Weingast,
1989; North, 1990). The contrasting economic fortunes of the North and
South American continents also bear testimony to the consequences of diver-
gent institutional paths for political and economic performance (Sokoloff and
Engerman, 2000; Acemoglu et al., 2001, 2002a; Khan and Sokoloff, 2001).
The failure in many countries to develop good governance has had serious,
often drastic, economic and political consequences. The case for democracy
rests very much on how regular elections and a free press and media act as
important mechanisms that increase the accountability of politicians. In a
principal–agent model, the scope for rent-seeking activities by politicians,
who have potential access to huge resources, is greatly increased if the
citizens of a country lack information and are denied the opportunity to hold
politicians accountable via regular and guaranteed competitive elections (see
Adsera et al., 2003).
In sum, we think that Winston Churchill had it right when he made his
famous statement defending democracy in the House of Commons (11 No-
vember 1947):

No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all wise. Indeed it has been said that
democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that
have been tried from time to time.

Rent seeking, trust, corruption and growth

In order to foster high levels of output per worker, social institutions must be
developed which protect the output of individual productive units from diver-
sion. Countries with perverse infrastructure, such as a corrupt bureaucracy,
generate rent-seeking activities devoted to the diversion of resources rather
than productive activities such as capital accumulation, skills acquisition, and
the development of new goods and production techniques (Murphy et al.,
644 Modern macroeconomics

1993; Mauro, 1995). In an environment of weak law and contract enforce-

ment, poor protection of property rights, confiscatory taxation and widespread
corruption, unproductive profit- (rent-) seeking activities will become en-
demic and cause immense damage to innovation and other growth-enhancing
activities (Tanzi, 1998).
There is abundant evidence that economic incentives can influence the
productivity and interests of talented individuals who potentially can make a
huge contribution to the accumulation of wealth. For individuals or groups of
individuals to have an incentive to adopt more advanced technology or en-
gage in the creation of new ideas requires an institutional framework which
allows for an adequate rate of return. In an interesting development of
Schumpeter’s theory of entrepreneurship Baumol (1990) has shown that by
extending the model, so that it encompasses the ‘allocation’ of entrepre-
neurial skills, the power of the model to yield policy insights is greatly
enhanced. In Schumpeter’s (1934) analysis he identifies five forms of entre-
preneurial activity in addition to those related to fostering improvements in
technology, namely:

1. the introduction of new goods and/or new quality of an existing good;

2. the introduction of a new production method;
3. the opening of a new market;
4. the ‘conquest’ of a new source of supply of raw materials;
5. the new organization of any industry.

Baumol (1990) argues that Schumpeter’s list is deficient and in need of

extension to include:

6. ‘innovative acts of technology transfer that take advantage of opportuni-

ties to introduce already available technology to geographical locales
whose suitability for the purpose had previously gone unrecognised or at
least unused’;
7. ‘innovations in rent seeking procedures’.

This last category is of crucial importance because it includes what Baumol

calls ‘acts of unproductive entrepreneurship’. Given that Baumol defines
entrepreneurs as ‘persons who are ingenious and creative in finding ways that
add to their own wealth, power, and prestige’, it follows that one of the main
determinants of the allocation of entrepreneurial talent at a particular time
and place will be the ‘prevailing rules of the game that govern the payoff of
one entrepreneurial activity relative to another’. Talented individuals are natu-
rally attracted to activities with the highest private returns. There is no guarantee
that such activities will always have the highest social rate of return. There-
The renaissance of economic growth research 645

fore entrepreneurs can be ‘unproductive’, even ‘destructive’, as well as pro-

ductive from society’s point of view. While in some economies talented
people become conventional business entrepreneurs, in others talent is at-
tracted to the government bureaucracy, the armed forces, religion, crime and
other rent-seeking activities. Since the ‘rules of the game’ can and do change,
we can expect to see a reallocation of entrepreneurial talent appropriate to
any new environment. The forms of entrepreneurial behaviour that we ob-
serve will obviously change over historical time and across geographical
space. Therefore the allocation of entrepreneurship between productive, un-
productive and destructive activities cannot but have a ‘profound effect’ on
the innovativeness, and hence growth, of any economy. For example, Landes
(1969) suggests that the reason why the Industrial Revolution began in Eng-
land rather than in France is linked to the allocation of talent. Any country
interested in growth must ensure that its most able people are allocated to the
productive sectors of the economy. Murphy et al. (1991) argue that a possible
reason for the productivity growth slowdown in the US economy during the
1970s could be the misallocation of human capital because talented individu-
als have increasingly become rent seekers (for example lawyers) rather than
producers (for example engineers). They conclude that the ‘allocation of
talented people to entrepreneurship is good for growth and their allocation to
rent seeking is bad for growth’. In Baumol’s view the predominant form of
unproductive entrepreneurship in economies today is rent seeking, and the
prevailing laws, regulations and structure of financial incentives will inevita-
bly have a major effect on the ‘allocation of talent’.
These insights suggest that a fruitful line of research is to focus on cross-
country differences in incentive structures facing entrepreneurs with respect
to encouragement to create new enterprises, adopt new technologies and
thereby increase growth. If barriers to productive entrepreneurship are delib-
erately created by specific groups who have a clear vested interest in the
status quo, then the task of economists is to offer policy advice about how to
design and establish institutions that minimize this ‘unproductive’ behaviour.
When an environment is created that is conducive to the adoption of new
ideas by entrepreneurs, a type of capital is generated which economists have
referred to as ‘organizational’ or ‘business’ capital, which exists independ-
ently of the entrepreneur. Countries that lack organizational capital will remain
unattractive to foreign direct investment.
Trust between economic agents is a crucial determinant of the cost of
transactions. This idea has a long pedigree (Fukuyama, 1995). For example,
John Stuart Mill (1848) noted that there are counties in Europe

where the most serious impediment to conducting business concerns on a large

scale, is the rarity of persons who are supposed fit to be trusted with the receipt
646 Modern macroeconomics

and expenditure of large sums of money … The advantage to mankind of being

able to trust one another, penetrates into every crevice and cranny of human life:
the economical is perhaps the smallest part of it, yet even this is incalculable.

In a recent paper, Zak and Knack (2001) have taken up this insight and show
that the extent of trust in an economy ‘significantly’ influences growth rates,
and that ‘high trust societies produce more output than low trust societies’. In
economies where there is a high level of trust between transactors, the rate of
investment and economic growth is likely to be higher than in low-trust
environments. This finding supports the earlier empirical research of Knack
and Keefer (1995, 1997a, 1997b), who find a positive relationship between
trust and growth for a sample of 29 market economies. Zak and Knack argue
that trust is lower in countries where: (i) there is an absence of formal (laws,
contract enforcement) and informal (ostracism, guilt, loss of reputation) mecha-
nisms and institutions which deter and punish cheaters and constrain
opportunistic behaviour; (ii) population heterogeneity (ethnic diversity) is
greater; and (iii) inequalities are more pervasive. Easterly and Levine (1997)
find that ethnic diversity in Africa reduces the rate of economic growth since
diverse groups find it more difficult to reach cooperative solutions and scarce
resources are wasted because of continuous distributional struggles, of which
civil war, ‘ethnic cleansing’ and genocide are the most extreme manifesta-
tions (Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, Afghanistan). Collier’s (2001) research
suggests that ethnically diverse societies are ‘peculiarly ill suited to dictator-
ship’ and that providing there is not ‘ethnic dominance’ in the political
system, then democratic institutions can greatly reduce the potential adverse
economic impact of ethnic diversity and the wars of attrition that can take
place between competing groups. Easterly (2001b) argues that formal institu-
tions that protect minorities and guarantee freedom from expropriation and
contract repudiation can ‘constrain the amount of damage that one ethnic
group could do to another’. In Easterly’s framework of analysis the following
relationship holds:

Ethnic conflict = f (ethnic diversity, institutional quality)

Easterly’s research findings show that ethnic diversity does not lower growth
or result in worse economic policies providing that good institutions are in
place (Snowdon, 2003a). Good institutions also ‘lower the risk of wars and
genocides that might otherwise result from ethnic fractionalisation’. Rodrik
(1999a, 1999b, 2000) has also shown how societies with deep social divi-
sions and a lack of democratic institutions of conflict management are highly
vulnerable to exogenous economic shocks (see also Alesina and Rodrik,
1994). The adverse effect of an external shock (S) on economic growth is the
The renaissance of economic growth research 647

bigger the greater the latent social conflict (LSC) and the weaker are a
society’s institutions of conflict management (ICM). Rodrik’s hypothesis can
be captured by the following relationship:

∆ growth = – S(LSC/ICM)

Rodrik (1999a) uses this framework to explain the numerous ‘growth col-
lapses’ that occurred across the world economy after the economic shocks of
the 1970s. In his empirical analysis countries with democratic and high-quality
government institutions demonstrated better macroeconomic management and
as a result experienced less volatility in their growth rates than countries with
weak institutions of conflict management.

11.19 Trade and Economic Growth

Another important strand of the growth literature points to the importance of

increasing international economic integration (‘globalization’) as a major
fundamental determinant of economic growth. It is argued that there are
sound theoretical reasons for believing that more open economies grow faster
than more closed economies. In a recent survey of the literature, Lewer and
Van den Berg (2003) conclude that the ‘impact of trade on economic growth
appears to be very important for human welfare’. Moreover, the proponents
of this view support their case with numerous empirical studies and conclude
that, overall, ‘globalization’ has had a positive effect on economic growth
(Sachs and Warner, 1995; Krueger, 1997; Edwards, 1998; Frankel and Romer,
1999; O’Rourke and Williamsom, 1999; Baldwin, 2000; Bhagwati and
Srinivasan, 2002; Dollar and Kraay, 2003, 2004; Bordo et al., 2002b; Bhagwati,
2004; Winters, 2004; see also Snowdon, 2001c, 2003c).
While economists recognize that freer trade will have a ‘level effect’ in
raising a country’s output once and for all, the likely impact on the rate of
growth of output is much more controversial. For example, Lucas (1988)
suggests that the removal of barriers to trade may induce a series of boosts to
output which are level effects disguised as growth effects. In the standard
open economy version of the Solow growth model, trade liberalization can
have a temporary, but no permanent, effect on the long-run rate of growth. As
Rivera-Batiz and Romer (1991) note, the main problem is that economists do
not have a ‘rigorous model’ to justify their belief that increased economic
integration will tend to increase the long-run rate of growth. Rodriguez and
Rodrik (2000) have claimed that little evidence can be found ‘that open trade
policies – in the sense of lower tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade – are
significantly associated with economic growth’. In response, Bhagwati and
Srinivasan (2001) argue that an open trading regime not only allows the
648 Modern macroeconomics

beneficial level effects to be gained from comparative advantage but also has
a positive influence on growth. But rather than relying on ‘endless’ (and
‘mindless’) cross-county regression evidence, Bhagwati and Srinivasan ap-
peal to the numerous in-depth country case studies which support the
growth-inducing effects of greater openness (Bhagwati, 1978; Krueger, 1978;
Balassa, 1989; Edwards, 1998). Krueger (1997, 1998) is in no doubt that the
developing countries that followed more outward-oriented strategies have
grown faster on a sustained basis than those who ‘blithely abandoned’ the
principle of comparative advantage and adopted, and maintained for long
periods, import substitution (ISI) policies. Krueger links the initial hostility
to outward-oriented strategies after 1945 to the powerful influence of dirigiste
ideas which in turn were a legacy of the Great Depression and the apparent
success of state-led development in the Soviet Union. Bhagwati (1993) re-
calls how India was propelled towards a ‘harmful’ ISI strategy because many
of India’s influential economists during the 1950s, including P.C. Mahalanobis,
took the idea of ‘elasticity pessimism’ with respect to exports too seriously.
In contrast to India, the experience of over four decades of outstanding
economic growth performance achieved by the East Asian ‘miracle’ econo-
mies is also positively linked to their choice of open trade regime. The
empirical work of Sachs and Warner (1995), Ben-David (1996), Edwards
(1993, 1998), and Ben-David and Loewy (1998) adds support to the main-
stream view that there is a strong link between free trade and income
convergence among nations. Lawrence and Weinstein (2001), while provid-
ing support to those who advocate more liberal trade policies, reject the
‘export fetishism’ of some earlier studies and emphasize instead the growth-
enhancing effects of an increasing share of imports in GDP via its effect on
innovation and learning (see Rodrik, 1995). What is certain is that a more
open economy will have access to cheaper imported capital goods from the
world market (see DeLong and Summers, 1993; Jones, 1994).
An important factor influencing convergence identified by Sachs and Warner
(1995) is the degree of openness of an economy:

We suggest that the most parsimonious reading of the evidence is that conver-
gence can be achieved by all countries, even those with low initial level of skills,
as long as they are open and integrated in the world economy … the convergence
club is the club of economies linked together by international trade … In terms of
the conditional convergence hypothesis, we argue that the apparent differences in
long-term income levels are not differences due to fundamental tastes and tech-
nologies, but rather to policies regarding economic integration.

Sachs and Warner identify a ‘closed’ trading regime as one that has at least
one of the following characteristics: (i) non tariff barriers covering 40 per
cent or more of trade; (ii) average tariff rates of 40 per cent or more; (iii) a
The renaissance of economic growth research 649

black market exchange rate that is depreciated by 20 per cent or more relative
to the official exchange rate, on average, during the 1970s and 1980s; (iv) a
socialist economic system (as defined by Kornai, 1992); and (v) a state
monopoly on major exports. An open economy is one where none of the
above conditions hold. The case of China is the only real puzzle. However, as
Sachs and Warner explain, with respect to international trade, the Chinese
economy was essentially liberalized for non-state firms, especially those
operating in the Special Economic Zones in the coastal areas. And the fastest-
growing areas in China in the period 1978–94 were all coastal provinces with
the exception of Xinjiang (Ying, 1999).
The research findings of Sachs and Warner lead them to four important
conclusions: first, ‘there is strong evidence of unconditional convergence for
open countries, and no evidence of unconditional convergence for closed
countries’; second, ‘closed countries systematically grow more slowly than
do open countries, showing that “good” policies matter’; third, ‘the role of
trade policy continues after controlling for other growth factors’; and fourth,
‘poor trade policies seem to affect growth directly, controlling for other
factors, and to affect the rate of accumulation of physical capital’. Therefore,
Sachs and Warner’s reading of the evidence suggests that trade policy should
be viewed as ‘the primary instrument of reform’ where trade policy serves as
a proxy for an entire array of market reforms.
At the theoretical level, work in the endogenous growth literature has
emphasized the importance of the flow of ideas in stimulating technological
innovation (P. Romer, 1990, 1993, 1994b). In this context the greater a
country’s exposure to the world outside the more it is likely to gain from the
research and development activities of other countries, including new ideas
relating to organizational methods. As Paul Romer argues, ‘The key role for
trade is that it lets developing countries get access to ideas that exist in the
rest of the world’. This view also receives support from Robert Solow, who
suggests that ‘The only way you can make sense of trade having an effect on
the long-run growth rate is not so much whether the country is export led, but
whether the country is in contact with the rest of the world’ (see Solow
interview at the end of this chapter). Edwards (1998) provides a simple
framework for considering the relationship between TFP growth and open-
ness. This framework is summarized in equations (11.44) and (11.45).

Yt = At f ( Kt , Lt ) (11.44)

A˙ / A = θ + ω(W − A)/ A (11.45)

Here Yt is GDP, At is the stock of knowledge, or TFP, Kt is physical capital

and Lt is labour measured in efficiency units. Growth will depend on the rate
650 Modern macroeconomics

of change of At, Kt and Lt. Edwards assumes that there are two sources of TFP
growth: first, a domestic source fuelled by innovation and dependent on
domestic human capital (education); and second, an international source
‘related to the rate at which the country is able to absorb (or imitate) techno-
logical progress originating in the leading nations’. Imitation depends on a
‘catch-up’ term. Those countries furthest from the technological frontier have
the greatest potential for imitation. In equation (11.45) A˙ / A is the rate of
growth of TFP, θ is the domestic rate of innovation, ω is the speed at which a
country is able to close its knowledge gap and is influenced by trade policies,
W is the world stock of knowledge assumed to grow at a rate g (where g ≥ θ).
For the world’s technological leader (the USA since the 1890s) g = θ and W
= A. Edwards argues that, in keeping with many ideas-based models of
growth, more open economies ‘have a greater ability to absorb ideas from the
rest of the world and, thus, have a higher ω’ and ‘an important property of
this simple model is that countries that liberalise trade will experience transi-
tional productivity growth that exceeds that of countries that maintain their
trade distortions’. Because trade between nations is likely to act as a conduit
for the dissemination of ideas, inward-looking trade and development strate-
gies which erect barriers to trade will therefore inhibit the transmission of
The extent of North–South R&D spillovers has been investigated by Coe et
al. (1997). Given that almost all R&D activity is carried out in the developed
countries, there are clearly opportunities for developing countries to benefit
from knowledge spillovers, especially from the USA. The empirical evidence
presented by Coe et al. indicates that the total factor productivity of develop-
ing countries is ‘positively and significantly related to R & D in their industrial
country trade partners and to their imports of machinery and equipment from
the industrial countries’.
In the model developed by Ben-David and Loewy (1998) openness creates
greater competitive pressure on domestic firms which, in response, seek to
acquire foreign knowledge relating to production processes and techniques
(see also Parente and Prescott, 2000; Baumol, 2002). Hence trade flows
facilitate the transfer of ideas and stimulate the growth of the economy.
Because many poor countries have adopted protectionist strategies, their
trade barriers act as a ‘buffer that limits knowledge spillovers’. Ben-David
and Loewy argue that so long as such barriers persist, the income gap be-
tween countries will continue to exist.
Remarkably, Adam Smith (1776) anticipated the argument that free trade
facilitated the flow of ideas and knowledge:

Nothing seems more likely to establish this equality of force than the mutual
communication of knowledge and of all sorts of improvements which an extensive
The renaissance of economic growth research 651

commerce from all countries to all countries naturally, or rather necessarily,

carries with it.

In Irwin’s (1996) view, these insights of Smith, relating to technology trans-

fer and the dynamic benefits of openness, ‘were outstanding for the period in
which he was writing’.
While the majority view of economists leans towards the Bhagwati posi-
tion on trade and growth, Rodrik (1995, 1999a) remains critical of those who
place too much emphasis on ‘globalization’ and exports as the easy road to
economic development. He continues to emphasize that policy makers in
developing countries need to formulate a growth strategy that recognizes the
importance of domestic institutions (including democracy) and domestic in-
vestors rather than one that is built solely around a ‘hazardous obsession with
global integration’. Unlike Bhagwati and Krueger, who have provided a
sustained critique of ISI policies, Rodrik (1999a, 1999b) argues that the
wrong lessons have been learned about the growth experiences of countries
that adopted ISI policies. According to Rodrik, ISI policies worked very well
for about twenty years before the late 1970s, and the subsequent growth
collapses and disappointing economic performance of many ISI-adopting
countries ‘had little to do with ISI policies’. The developing countries that
successfully weathered the economic shocks of the 1970s and 1980s were
those that quickly and decisively made the appropriate macroeconomic ad-
justments and also had effective domestic institutions of conflict management.
So the reason that the East Asian economies have been better equipped to
cope with economic turbulence compared to Latin America and sub-Saharan
Africa is not that they were outward-oriented and the others remained closed;
rather it was because Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa ‘did a much
worse job’ in managing and absorbing the shocks. Rodrik does not deny the
potential benefits of openness, but he warns policy makers and fellow econo-
mists that for openness to be a successful component of any development
strategy, it must not be regarded as a substitute for a domestic strategy. The
‘knee-jerk’ globalizers among policy makers mistakenly seem to imply that
globalization, by itself, can work miracles for a developing country’s economy.
Therefore Rodrik remains a strong advocate of the importance of domestic
investment, human and physical capital formation, as the fundamental deter-
minant of economic growth. While empirically the relationship between
investment and growth ‘tends to be erratic in the short run … cross-national
studies have shown that investment is one of the few robust correlates of
economic growth over horizons spanning decades’ (see Rodrik, 1995, 1999a;
see also Vamvakidis, 2002).
A reasonable conclusion from the above discussion is that it appears to be
openness rather than exports per se which seems to matter for enhanced
652 Modern macroeconomics

economic performance, but also that to fully benefit from the potential ben-
efits of openness developing counties need a complementary domestic strategy
that includes building ‘institutions for high-quality growth’ (Rodrik, 2000,
2003, 2005) . Openness is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Interest-
ingly, as the research of Alesina and Spolare (2003) shows, as the world
economy becomes more open, the size of a country’s domestic market be-
comes less important as a positive influence on the level and growth of
productivity. As globalization spreads, the benefits of size diminish. Predict-
ably the number of countries in the world has increased from 74 in 1945 to
192 in 2004.

11.20 Geography and Growth

In recent years several scholars have revived the idea that geography has an
important influence on economic performance. There have been two strands
in this literature. The first, represented by the work of economists such as
Paul Krugman, Anthony Venables and Michael Porter, highlights the role of
increasing returns, agglomeration, size, clusters and location in the produc-
tivity performance of nations and regions (see Krugman, 1991a, 1991b, 1997;
Krugman and Venables, 1995; Martin, 1999; Crafts and Venables, 2002;
Porter, 2003; Yang, 2003). With intellectual roots in the work of Alwyn
Young, Gunnar Myrdal and Nicholas Kaldor, the ‘new economic geography’
models highlight the impact of cumulative causation effects whereby success
breeds success. In these models globalization can initiate cumulative proc-
esses that lead to the persistence of uneven spatial (urban, regional, and
international) development. As Crafts and Venables (2002) point out, in a
world dominated by increasing returns, cumulative causation, agglomerations
effects and path dependency, the prospects that increasing international inte-
gration will lead to convergence are much less certain.
A second strand in the literature emphasizes the direct impact that geogra-
phy can have through climate, natural resources and topography. Such factors
obviously influence the health of a population, agricultural productivity, the
economic structure of an economy, transport costs and the diffusion of infor-
mation and knowledge. Geography, it is argued, plays an important role in
determining the level and growth of income per capita (see Diamond, 1997;
Bloom and Sachs, 1998; Gallup et al., 1998; Bloom et al., 2003). For a
critique of this literature see Acemoglu et al., 2001, 2002a).
An important stimulus to the revival of interest in the impact of geography
on economic performance comes from the increasing recognition that income
per capita and latitude are closely related. Countries nearer to the equator,
with a few exceptions (such as Singapore), have lower income per capita and
HDI scores than countries located in more temperate zones. The strong
The renaissance of economic growth research 653

negative empirical association between living standards and proximity to the

tropical latitudes is strongly influenced by the ‘dismal growth performance of
the African continent’ which has produced the ‘worst economic disaster of
the twentieth century’ (Artadi and Sala-i-Martin, 2003; see also Easterly and
Levine, 1997; Collier and Gunning, 1999a, 1999b; Herbst, 2000). What ac-
counts for the extraordinarily poor economic performance of sub-Saharan
African economies during the second half of the twentieth century, particu-
larly since decolonization?
Bloom and Sachs (1998) have argued that six sets of factors have featured
in various accounts of the poor economic performance of sub-Saharan Afri-
can economies, namely explanations based on:

1. unfavourable external factors related to colonial and cold war legacies;

2. volatility in primary exports terms of trade;
3. internal politics conducive to authoritarianism and corruption;
4. dirigiste economic policies emphasizing import substitution and fiscal
5. demographic trends involving rapid population growth and a ‘stalled
demographic transition’; and
6. ethnic diversity and low levels of social capital (trust).

However, in addition to these factors, which have all played some role,
Bloom and Sachs believe that economists ought to ‘lift their gaze above
macroeconomic policies and market liberalisation’ and recognize the con-
straining influence on sub-Saharan Africa development of its ‘extraordinarily
disadvantageous geography’. By having the highest proportion of land area
(93 per cent) and population (659 million, in 2000) of all the world’s tropical
regions, sub-Saharan Africa, by virtue of its climate, soils, topography and
disease ecology, suffers from low agricultural productivity, poor integration
with the international economy and poor health and high disease burdens
now boosted with the onset of an AIDS epidemic. According to the World
Bank Development Report (2002), sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest per
capita income of all the major regions of the world ($480, and PPP$1560). In
1999 sub-Saharan Africa’s life expectancy of 47 years was also the lowest,
and sub-Saharan Africa’s under-5 mortality rate of 159 per 1000 births the
highest, in the world. Certainly, the evidence supports a positive link between
the health of nations and their ability to accumulate wealth (Bloom et al.,
The influence of geographical factors on economic growth and develop-
ment was not lost on Adam Smith (1776), who recognized that success in
trade was greatly enhanced by having easy access to water transportation.
Smith (1776) noted that
654 Modern macroeconomics

it is upon the sea-coast, and along the river banks of navigable rivers, that industry
of every kind naturally begins to subdivide and improve itself … All the inland
parts of Africa, and all that part of Asia which lies any considerable way north of
the Black and Caspian seas … seem in all ages of the world to have been in the
same barbarous and uncivilised state in which we find them at present.

Recently, Rappaport and Sachs (2003) have shown that economic activity in
the USA is overwhelmingly concentrated along or near its ocean and Great
Lakes coastal regions. As Adam Smith recognized, proximity to coastal re-
gions greatly enhances productivity performance and the quality of life.
Whilst not arguing a new case of geographical determinism, and also
recognizing the crucial role played by economic policies, Bloom and Sachs
believe that ‘good policies must be tailored to geographical realities’. They
conclude that Africa will be well served if economists take advantage in their
research of ‘much greater cross-fertilisation’ from the accumulated knowl-
edge in other fields such as demography, epidemiology, agronomy, ecology
and geography. Thus an important divide in the world does exist, but it is not
between North and South; rather it is between countries located in temperate
latitudes compared to those in the tropics (see also Sachs and Warner, 1997;
Diamond, 1997; Hall and Jones, 1999; Landes, 1990, 1998; Sachs, 2003).
Finally in this section we draw attention to the recent research on the ‘natural
resource curse’, that is, the tendency of some countries that possess abundant
natural resources to grow more slowly than natural resource-poor countries.
While democracies such as the USA, Canada and Norway tend to manage oil
and other natural resources well, this is far from the case in countries governed
by predatory kleptocratic autocrats where the presence of ‘black gold’ stimu-
lates rent-seeking behaviour, political instability and, in the extreme, civil war
(see Sachs and Warner, 2001; Eifert et al., 2003). As Sala-i-Martin and
Subramanian (2003) document, ‘Nigeria has been a disastrous development
experience’ despite having large oil resources. Successive corrupt military
dictatorships have simply plundered the oil revenues. In contrast to Nigeria, the
experience of Botswana, with its lucrative diamond resources, has been com-
pletely different. The economic success of Botswana is mainly due to the
quality of its governance and institutions (see Acemoglu et al., 2003).

11.21 Growth in History: In Search of a Unified Theory

Before considering the ‘ideal conditions’ for economic growth we will briefly
survey the new and exciting literature that attempts to provide a unified
account of the ‘Great Escape’ of leading world economies from ‘Malthusian
stagnation’ to a regime of ‘modern economic growth’. Prominent here has
been the research of scholars such as Daron Acemoglu, Gregory Clark, Rich-
ard Easterlin, Oded Galor, Martin Goodfriend, Gary Hansen, Simon Johnson,
The renaissance of economic growth research 655

Charles Jones, Eric Jones, Michael Kremer, David Landes, Robert Lucas,
Angus Maddison, John McDermott, Omer Moav, Joel Mokyr, Douglass North,
Stephen Parente, Kenneth Pomeranz, Edward Prescott, James Robinson and
David Weil. The main puzzles to explain are these:

1. Why did no country or region of the world, before the eighteenth century
(the Malthusian era), experience lasting intensive growth, that is, sus-
tained increases in per capita GDP?
2. What led to the ‘Industrial Revolution’, and was this ‘Revolution’ inevi-
3. What caused the ‘Great Divergence’ in living standards across the world
that has taken place during the last 250 years?

It is difficult to imagine that there are any bigger or more difficult questions
for economists to answer! At the moment, scholars working on providing
answers to these questions are at the frontiers of growth theory and empirics.
Increasingly, in order to provide plausible answers to such questions, growth
theorists have begun to appreciate the value of economic history and the
previous research carried out by economic historians. Indeed, there has re-
cently emerged a growing synergy between growth theory, economic history
and development economics that has been long overdue. While the Solow
and Romer models may provide convincing explanations of the modern expe-
rience of economic growth in developed economies, they do not account for
the major growth transition that occurred with the onset of the Industrial
Revolution. What is needed is a unified theory that can account for the major
features of the Malthusian era as well as the modern growth regime as
documented in Table 11.1. Currently there are several plausible accounts or
‘stories’ of the evolution of world living standards.

The natural selection, evolution story

Galor and Moav (2001, 2002) highlight the interplay between Darwinian and
Malthusian forces. The struggle for survival during the epoch of Malthusian
stagnation gradually leads to an evolutionary improvement in the quality of
human capital, which in turn stimulates an increase in the rate of technologi-
cal progress. This eventually creates the conditions conducive to a ‘take-off’
of sustained economic growth. Galor and Weil (1999, 2000) carry this story
forward and explain how an endogenous transition takes place with an economy
moving from a ‘Malthusian Regime’ to a ‘Post-Mathusian Regime’ before
finally entering the ‘Modern Growth Regime’. The first two regimes are
separated by an acceleration of technological progress while the latter two
are separated by the demographic transition which is driven by utility-maxi-
mizing fertility behaviour (see Lee, 2003).
656 Modern macroeconomics

The population, ideas and property rights story

Michael Kremer (1993), building on the work of Paul Romer, constructs a
model where technological progress is driven by ideas. In turn the number of
ideas depends on the size of the population. Therefore, during the Malthusian
era, while improvements in living standards are negligible, technological
progress causes the size of the population to increase, which further stimu-
lates technological progress through the creation of more ideas. Kremer’s
model predicts that, historically, the growth rate of population will be propor-
tional to its level, at least before the worldwide spread of the demographic
transition in the latter part of the twentieth century (see Lee, 2003). Charles
Jones (2001b) adds to this story a key requirement that in order for techno-
logical progress to win the race against Malthusian diminishing returns, not
only do there need to be increasing returns to accumulable factors; there also
need to develop ‘innovation-promoting institutions’ as emphasized by North

The Mathus to Solow story

Hansen and Prescott (2002) and Parente and Prescott (2005) build models
where an economy is initially dominated by a land-intensive, low-productiv-
ity ‘Malthus technology’ with low knowledge input. Eventually, as knowledge
grows, driven by the profit motive, the economy gradually switches to one
that is dominated by a much more productive ‘Solow technology’. An earlier
model of Goodfriend and McDermott (1995) emphasizes the transition from
household to market production driven by the increasing returns to speciali-
zation made possible by a growing population.

The institutions and property rights story

North and Weingast (1989) highlight the positive impact that the establish-
ment of more secure property rights had on innovation and entrepreneurship
in Britain before the Industrial Revolution. Acemoglu et al. (2002b), building
on this idea, trace the rise of the colonial ‘Atlantic trader’ economies after
1500 and link their subsequent growth success to the influence of the com-
mercial bourgeoisie who demanded and obtained changes in institutions that
led to greater protection of property rights. This is turn provided a foundation
for the Industrial Revolution to take place in Britain.

The ‘Gifts of Athena’ story

Mokyr (1990, 2002, 2005) surveys the history of technological change and
traces the intellectual roots of the Industrial Revolution to important changes
in the method and culture involved with the creation and dissemination of
new knowledge. ‘The Scientific method that evolved in seventeenth century
Western Europe meant that observation and experience were placed in the
The renaissance of economic growth research 657

public domain’ (Mokyr, 2005) and scientific knowledge became a public

good. ‘Open science’ and verification, rewarded by fame and recognition,
became part of what Mokyr calls the ‘Industrial Enlightenment’. The notion
that economic progress was possible dominated this new enlightenment. The
wave of ‘macroinventions’ and ‘microinventions’ (the ‘wave of gadgets’) that
characterized the Industrial Revolution would not have been possible without
these intellectual roots. As Mokyr notes, ‘knowledge creates opportunities,
but it does not guarantee action’ (2005). Moreover, the ‘emphasis on the
Enlightenment illustrates how economists should think about culture and
cultural beliefs’.

These are just some of the recent stories that attempt to provide a unified
account of the evolution of world income over the very long run. The inter-
ested reader should also consult Jones (1988), Easterlin (1996), Landes (1998),
Lucas (2002), Maddison (2001) and Clark (2003).

11.22 The Ideal Conditions for Growth and Development:

Rediscovering Old Truths

Given our extended discussion of economic growth, it seems appropriate to

conclude by asking the question, ‘what are the ideal conditions likely to
foster significant improvements in living standards?’ In order to generate the
‘ideal conditions’ for material progress, Landes (1998) has argued that the
lessons of history imply the following prerequisites:

1. an environment which fosters initiative, competition and emulation;

2. that job selection be based on merit, competence and performance;
3. financial rewards should relate to effort/enterprise;
4. the economy must be fully exposed to existing technological knowl-
5. that education be widespread amongst the population.

These prerequisites in turn imply:

6. an absence of discrimination based on irrelevant criteria (race, religion,

7. an expressed preference for scientific rationality over ‘magic and super-

The political and social institutions conducive to achieving these goals will
658 Modern macroeconomics

8. providing laws protecting the security of property, personal liberty and

secure rights of contract;
9. reducing rent-seeking behaviour;
10. providing for a more stable, moderate, honest, efficient and responsive
(democratic) government operating within a framework of publicly
known rules (Tanzi, 1999).

The importance of these preconditions for sustainable growth has been increas-
ingly recognized, although frequently deliberately ignored, since the publication
of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations in 1776. While no economy in the world
meets Landes’s ‘ideal’ conditions for material progress, it is obvious that some
come much closer to meeting the above criteria than others.
Along similar lines, Rodrik (2005) identifies certain desirable ‘meta princi-
ples’ that seem to apply across the globe regardless of history, geography and
stage of development. They include the importance of: incentives; security of
property rights; contract enforcement and the rule of law; the power of
competition; hard budget constraints; macroeconomic and financial stability
(low inflation, prudent regulation and fiscal sustainability); and targeted re-
distribution that minimizes distortions to incentives.
To a large extent these ‘meta principles’ are ‘institution free’ in the sense
that they do not imply any fixed set of ideas about appropriate institutional
arrangements. In other words, there are many possible models of a mixed
economy and in practice the capitalist market-oriented economies that we
observe across the world exhibit a ‘diverse range of institutional arrange-
ments’. Every capitalist system consists of an amalgam of public and private
institutions and, as the ‘new comparative economics’ recognizes, European,
Japanese, East Asian and American forms of capitalism differ. However, as
Rodrik argues, in each case there are firmly in place ‘market-sustaining
institutions’ which he divides into four categories:

1. market-creating institutions (property rights and contract enforcement);

2. market-regulating institutions (regulatory authorities);
3. market-stabilizing institutions (monetary, fiscal and financial authori-
4. market-legitimizing institutions ( democracy and social protection).

Given this framework, Rodrik concludes that there is ‘no unique correspond-
ence between the functions that good institutions perform and the form that
such institutions take’. There is plenty of room for ‘institutional diversity’
consistent with meeting the broad ‘meta principles’ (see Snowdon, 2002d).
On the basis of the above discussion many developing and transition econo-
mies have a long way to go before they can hope to transform their economies
The renaissance of economic growth research 659

into systems that are capable of generating sustained improvements in living

standards. Without a significant change of direction what hope is there for the
citizens of countries such as North Korea? Thus while growth theory and
empirical research show that poor countries have enormous potential for
catch-up and convergence, these advantages will fail to generate positive
results on growth in countries with an inadequate political, legal and regula-
tory framework. Research also indicates that economic growth does in general
benefit the poorest groups in society, so anyone who claims to care about the
poor should also favour ‘the growth-enhancing policies of good rule of law,
fiscal discipline, and openness to international trade’ (Dollar and Kraay,
As we enter the new millennium liberal democracy is on the increase
across the nations of the world (Barro, 1997; World Bank, 1997). Whether
this ‘world-wide liberal revolution’ constitutes the ‘end point of mankind’s
ideological evolution’, as argued by Fukuyama (1989, 1992), is debatable.
Huntington (1996) offers a more pessimistic scenario with his controversial
argument that the twenty-first century will be characterized by ‘The Clash of
Civilisations’ based on cultural–religious divides! However, if the trend to-
wards increasing democratization continues, and the pessimistic predictions
of Huntington turn out to be wrong, the prospects for peace and ‘spreading
the wealth’ in the twenty-first century are greatly increased. Research indi-
cates that while democracies are just as likely to fight wars in general, and are
also more likely to prevail in conflicts with autocratic regimes, they are also
much less likely to wage war with one another. Compared to dictatorships,
democratic governments are more accountable to their electorates and have
better institutional means of conflict management and resolution (Lake, 1992;
Dixon, 1994). If the twenty-first century turns out to be more democratic and
peaceful than the twentieth century, then we can be much more optimistic
about the prospects for growth and poverty reduction across all the world’s
economies. As suggested by Minier (1998), a useful motto for the twenty-
first century is ‘liberté, egalité, fraternité and prosperité’. In such a world
‘Convergence, Big Time’ is not impossible.
660 Modern macroeconomics


Copyright: Donna Coveney

Robert Solow was born in 1924 in Brooklyn, New York and obtained his BA,
MA and PhD from Harvard University in 1947, 1949 and 1951 respectively.
He began his academic career as an Assistant Professor of Statistics (1950–
54) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), before becoming
Assistant Professor of Economics (1954–8), Professor of Economics (1958–
73) and Institute Professor of Economics (1973–95) at MIT. Since 1995 he
has been Institute Professor Emeritus of Economics at MIT.
Professor Solow is best known for his seminal work on growth theory and
capital theory, and for his development and championing of neo-Keynesian
economics. In 1987 he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
‘for his contributions to the theory of economic growth’. Among his best-
known books are: Linear Programming and Economic Analysis (McGraw-Hill,
1958), co-authored with Robert Dorfman and Paul Samuelson; Capital Theory
and the Rate of Return (North-Holland, 1963); Inflation, Unemployment and
Monetary Policy (MIT Press, 1998), co-authored with John Taylor; and Growth
Theory: An Exposition (2nd edn, Oxford University Press, 2000). His most
widely read articles include: ‘A Contribution to the Theory of Economic
Growth’, Quarterly Journal of Economics (1956); ‘Technical Change and the
Aggregate Production Function’, Review of Economics and Statistics (1957);
‘Analytical Aspects of Anti-Inflation Policy’, American Economic Review
(1960), co-authored with Paul Samuelson; ‘Does Fiscal Policy Matter?’ Jour-
Robert M. Solow 661

nal of Public Economics (1973), co-authored with Alan Blinder; and ‘On
Theories of Unemployment’, American Economic Review (1980).

We interviewed Professor Solow in Chicago, in his hotel room, on 4 January

1998, while attending the annual conference of the American Economic
Association. In what follows we present an abridged version of the interview,
which focuses on Professor Solow’s views on economic growth. The full text
of the interview, including Professor Solow’s views on the development of
modern macroeconomics, can be found in Snowdon and Vane (1999b).

Background information

When did you first decide to study economics?

Well, there is a story to that. I came to Harvard College in 1940 as a 16-year-
old freshman with no intention of studying economics; I did not even know
what economics was. At that point I thought I might be a biologist but I
proved to be no good at that so I started off as a major in general social
science. I studied subjects like elementary economics, psychology, sociology
and anthropology. The reason I was interested in social science was just the
circumstances of the time. Remember it was 1940, the Depression was just
over, and the war had just begun. In 1942, after two years, I quit Harvard
College and joined the army, which seemed more important to me then. In
1945 I returned to education and I said to the girl I left behind and who has
been my wife ever since, ‘You majored in economics; was it interesting?’
When she said yes I decided to give it a try. At the time I was under pressure
to choose something to study because I was discharged in August and the
school term was due to start in September. I was still an undergraduate.
Anyway, it turned out all right. So the reason I studied economics was related
both to my general interest in what was happening – why society was not
working so well in the 1930s and 1940s – and to sheer desperation because I
had to do something in a hurry.

As a student, which of your teachers inspired your interest in economics?

Mainly Wassily Leontief, who taught me for one course, even before I
joined the army. In those days Harvard College had a tutorial system and
every student majoring in economics had a member of the faculty assigned
to him as a tutor. We met once a week and it was obviously an imitation of
the Oxford and Cambridge system. Wassily was my tutor and I really learnt
my economics from him; he was undoubtedly the main person who inspired
my interest in economics. The only other teacher in those days who really
caught my imagination was Dick Goodwin, who had been my teacher in the
elementary economics course that I had taken in 1940–41. I hit it off with
662 Modern macroeconomics

him very well. After the war when I came back I studied more economics
with him.

Which economists have had the greatest influence on the direction that your
own work has taken?
Since I completed my PhD degree, Paul Samuelson and Jim Tobin – both
very good friends – are the people whose way of doing economics I admired
and still admire. They were representatives of what I now (I did not see it
then) think of as the new style of doing economics after the war. Economics
went from being a sort of cultural subject to a model-building subject, and I
liked that. Paul Samuelson and Jim Tobin were the people who for me
exemplified that new approach. The other name I would mention, but not
from a personal contact point of view, only from his work, was Lloyd Metzler.
I read Metzler’s work after I had read Samuelson’s [1939] multiplier–accel-
erator papers. Metzler’s [1941, 1947] papers on inventory cycles and ‘Wealth,
Saving and the Rate of Interest’ [1951] were absolutely splendid. I did not
know Lloyd Metzler very well because he had gone off to Chicago by then
and later he suffered a terrible brain tumour. After that he was no longer the
real Lloyd Metzler.

Economic growth

The whole issue of economic growth has seen a regeneration of interest in

recent years and many prominent economists like Robert Barro and Xavier
Sala-i-Martin [1995] regard it as the part of macroeconomics that really
matters. There seems to have been a neglect of Nobel Prize awards in this
area, so do you anticipate that this relative neglect will be rectified in the
future given the importance of growth for human welfare?
Well, I would not describe it as a relative neglect. I think that what looks like
neglect is actually something quite different. They started the Nobel Prize
awards in Economics in 1969, and, unlike Physics or Chemistry, which had
been going for years, there was a long backlog of people who were clearly of
that calibre, if you have that kind of prize. Therefore it was only natural to
start picking them up in turn. There are exceptions. Some people came out of
order; for example Ken Arrow (deservedly) came early in the awards but even
he was paired with John Hicks who was old by then. In 1987 when I got the
award nobody born later than me had yet been given the prize, so in a way it
is still just rolling up the carpet from the old end. My view is that if growth
theory, the empirical analysis of growth, and ideas connected with them,
continue to be popular, the subject will attract the best people in the profes-
sion. And yes, there surely will be more awards in this area. By the way, I do
not know how you count Arthur Lewis and Ted Schultz, who were interested
Robert M. Solow 663

in economic development – Ted Schultz in a very different way – but Arthur

Lewis contributed that famous 1954 paper on ‘Economic Development with
Unlimited Supplies of Labour’. So I would not say that there has been a
neglect; I would say the timing has been natural. There are likely to be more
surprises, coming at a slightly greater rate than the past, because we are now
getting up to contemporary people, to economists who were doing their work
fairly recently. Since 1987 there has been a real outburst of work on growth
so there will be more awards in that area.

Your 1956 and 1957 papers have clearly had a profound impact on the
direction of research in the area of economic growth. Can you tell us what
were the main influences which led you into that research and which gener-
ated those papers?
Yes, I do recall what led me to that research. I became interested in growth for
three main reasons. First, in the early 1950s everybody was interested in
economic development, for the obvious reason that most of the population of
the world was living in poor economies. I was passively interested in economic
development, but I have never been actively interested – in a research way – in
what happens in underdeveloped countries. But I got to thinking about develop-
ment issues and I had read Arthur Lewis. I knew I was not going to work on
development issues, but it did get me interested in the general area of economic
growth. Then Paul Samuelson and I had started thinking about what later
became Dorfman, Samuelson and Solow [1958], the book on Linear Program-
ming. That was the second factor. In the course of that research we thought
about the Von Neumann and Ramsey models. So from the optimization and
linear programming end and the idea of using programming theory to deal with
intertemporal optimization, I also got interested in growth. The third influence
was my reading of the work of Harrod and Domar; but I guess my reaction to
their ideas was a little different from some other economists. I was suspicious
of the Harrod–Domar model for reasons which I have occasionally explained.
It occurred to me that if the world works in the way suggested by their model,
then the history of capitalism would have been much more erratic than it has
been. If Harrod–Domar was a good macro model for the long run, then it is
impossible to explain, to my mind, how contained economic fluctuations have
been, how you can draw a trend and look at fluctuations around that trend, and
how those fluctuations stay 3–4 per cent either side of trend, except for a few
major depressions. I thought that there must be a way of modelling growth that
does not have the knife-edge property of the Harrod–Domar model. Those
were the influences which led me to the 1956 paper.

You mentioned Arthur Lewis in your answer. His model was described as a
classical rather than neoclassical model. Do you think that the classical
664 Modern macroeconomics

economists made any important lasting insights on the issue of economic

When you say classical economists do you mean Smith, Ricardo and Mill
and so on?

If so, that is not where I got any intellectual help, for a number of reasons.
First, I am not very well read in the history of economic thought. I know the
potted versions of Smith, Ricardo and Mill, but I would never trust myself to
have a deep thought about classical economics. I have looked back to see if
there was anything that I missed, and I would say that apart from Mill on the
stationary state, and Ricardo to a certain extent as Mill’s predecessor, I did
not find much there other than vague ideas. They were obviously interested in
the long run but that does not butter any parsnips really. The relationship of
diminishing returns to the stationary state, especially in Mill, obviously has
some relationship to the work I was doing in the mid-1950s. That paid off a
lot. On the other hand the obvious thing on the negative side is that Ricardo at
the beginning, and Mill a little later on in the course of the Industrial Revolu-
tion, were thinking about the long run and yet the notion that growth can be
maintained by technological improvements did not seem to occur seriously to
either of them.

Was your 1956 paper accepted for publication straight away?

Yes. I can pinpoint when I was working on it; it was in 1955. I sent it to the
Quarterly Journal of Economics and they accepted it right away. Writing
papers is very hard for me; and so throughout my whole career I have only
written papers when I thought that either I had something really serious to
say, or I had to produce a paper for a Festschrift or something like that. In the
latter case anything intellectually respectable would do. But the papers that I
write of my own free will are usually pretty serious, otherwise it is not worth
the effort, because I really do not like doing it.

Earlier you mentioned the growth of interest in development economics which

took off as a research area during the 1950s. Why did development econom-
ics emerge during this period as a separate branch of economics from growth
Why did it happen that way? Well, I am going to offer a suggestion but it is
not original to me. I guess it comes originally from Paul Krugman of MIT.
On the whole the personality types in the profession who became interested
in economic development were not model builders. They were collectors of
data and generalizers from rough empirical data, like Simon Kuznets; or they
were like Ted Schultz, really deeply into underdeveloped agriculture, or they
Robert M. Solow 665

were people interested in history and backwardness for its own sake. That
sort of temperament is not suited to model building. Growth theory, par
excellence, yielded to model building. So even Arthur Lewis, whom I men-
tioned earlier, thought of his 1954 paper as a minor sideline to his book The
Theory of Economic Growth [1955]. The people who got interested in the
theory of economic growth were interested in model building.

When we talked to James Tobin in 1993 he remarked that the really good
papers in economics always contain a surprise. Were you surprised to find
that the steady state rate of growth is independent of the saving rate?
Oh yes. I wrote that up right away and wanted to publish it in spite of my
dislike of writing papers. I thought it was a real shocker. It is not what I
expected at all, and by the way, when I did the 1957 paper on technical
change I also expected a different answer from the one that I found. I
expected that the main source of growth would be capital accumulation
because that is what everyone talked about and I had heard that all my life as
a student. Those were both real surprises.

That 1957 paper inspired a vast literature on growth accounting, with contri-
butions from economists such as Denison, Kendrick, Jorgenson, Maddison
and others. After 40 years of work, what have we learned about the sources
of economic growth?
I think we have learned a great deal, not compared with what might be
learned, but compared to what we have learned in other areas of macroeco-
nomics. The notion that technical change or the residual accounts for much
more of growth than you would expect, much more of productivity increase
than capital accumulation, has stood up. Where it has not stood up – as in
the work of Alwyn Young [1995], Jong Il Kim and Larry Lau [1994], Sue
Collins and Barry Bosworth [1996] on the four Asian Tigers – it has been
fascinating and you actually learn a great deal (assuming it is all true, of
course); they have recorded staggeringly rapid growth but not in the same
way as the historical capitalist economies. That basic distinction between
capital accumulation and the residual has proved to be very informative. We
have also learned a lot about the importance of human capital, as distinct
from tangible capital, but the relative importance of each is still not settled.
You still find what look like perfectly sound empirical papers which come
up with conflicting results about the importance of human capital, depend-
ing on the time period, the model and other factors, especially the way
‘human capital’ is measured. I was delighted to learn after the fact that in
my 1957 paper, at the very beginning, I said that what I called technical
change included a lot of things such as human capital, although I did not
have that language then. But the work on growth accounting, beginning
666 Modern macroeconomics

with Edward Denison and then continuing on, has taught us a great deal
about the nature of growth. I would say that the fact that the growth of the
current advanced industrial economies only owes a little to the exploitation
of natural resources is very interesting and this too has come out of growth
accounting methods.

In 1970 the first edition of your book, Growth Theory: An Exposition, was
published. Following that, for the next 16 years, the interest of macroeconomists
in the issue of economic growth, or more accurately growth theory, went into
relative decline. Why do you think that happened?
I think it happened because the profession ran out of ideas and you cannot
maintain interest in any subject simply on the basis of looking more and more
closely into the existing ideas. Edward Denison was still writing his books
during this period, all of which I read and admired. But there were no new
ideas. The merit of the contributions from Paul Romer [1986] and Bob Lucas
[1988] – I do not know how to divide it up between them – is that they
renewed interest in the subject by bringing in new ideas. That always attracts
people to any branch of economics, and I presume the same thing is true of
chemistry. So it was just a case of intellectual diminishing returns. Around
1970 we simply ran out of new ideas.

The first paper on endogenous growth in the new phase of interest in eco-
nomic growth was Paul Romer’s [1986] ‘Increasing Returns and Long-Run
Growth’. What do you think inspired the new research? Was it the conver-
gence controversy issue which also emerged about the same time with the
contributions of Abramovitz [1986] and Baumol [1986]?
Well, you are going to have to ask Lucas and Romer that question.

OK, we will ask Paul Romer that question when we interview him tomorrow.
I would have said, just from the second-hand evidence of reading their
papers, that the convergence issue was more of a stimulus to Bob Lucas than
it was to Paul Romer. It may have influenced Paul Romer as well, but I do not
remember anything in that 1986 paper which suggests that, though I could
easily have forgotten. I am inclined to think that Paul Romer had an idea,
found it exciting and followed it. But Lucas gave more signs of having been
fascinated by the international comparisons.

What are your views on the convergence issue? Your 1956 model predicts
conditional convergence and this prediction seems to fit reasonably well to a
group of countries, a ‘convergence club’. Yet there are other poor countries
which are showing little sign of catching up with the rich industrialized
Robert M. Solow 667

I have no independent thoughts on this at all. I just read the literature, not all
of it because there is so much. But I read enough of it to develop opinions and
these go roughly like this. First of all I am at heart very suspicious of all this
international cross-section research. I read it, sometimes it is interesting and
sometimes it is not, but in the back of my mind there is always a question as
to whether I should believe it. The fundamental reason why I am dubious
about it is that there is no solution to the inverse causation issue. The more
right-hand-side variables that go into those regressions, the more they seem
to me to be just as likely the consequences of success or failure of long-term
economic growth as the cause. The second reason I am suspicious is that I
learned from Ross Levine at the World Bank a long time ago that most of
those results are not robust. They do not stand up if you make minor varia-
tions. The third reason I am suspicious is that I keep asking myself, do I
really believe that there is a surface out there in space whose axes are labelled
with all the things Robert Barro and company put on them? Do I believe that
there is such a surface, and countries or points on that surface could in
principle move from one place to another on it and then move back to where
they began by changing their form of government or by having more or fewer
assassinations? A small voice says maybe, but I would not bet anything on
the existence of that surface. So I am dubious about that whole line of
research. If you look at it as a pure time series problem, the way Danny Quah
(1993) does, if you look at conditional convergence – and conditional conver-
gence is the only version of this that makes sense – then the evidence does
look more or less as if there really is something to the distinction between
growth and development. There is a group of countries, which for one reason
or another do not catch on to the railroad train as it goes by and I am inclined
to attribute that to their lacking some institutional infrastructure, some socio-
logical infrastructure, whatever. If I had to throw in my lot with one camp or
the other I would support the convergence club.

Another factor which has contributed to the reawakening of interest in the

growth issue has been the so-called productivity slowdown which began in
the late 1960s/early 1970s. Do you believe there was a productivity slowdown
and, if so, what were the possible causes?
Yes, I do believe that there was a productivity slowdown. All the debate
about price indices does not seem to me to produce a convincing case
against the observation that there has been a productivity slowdown. There
is no reason to suppose that if you made the same corrections on price
indices before 1970 you would not have at least as much overstatement of
inflation. So I think there was a productivity slowdown, I think it had an
international character, it happened as much in Japan as it did in the USA,
and I think that as far as anyone can tell at least half or more of it is a
668 Modern macroeconomics

mystery still. But when I say mystery I think we should distinguish be-
tween two senses of the word inexplicable (or mystery, for that matter).
When I say something is inexplicable or a mystery I could mean that I
cannot pin down in detail the causes of the phenomenon. But inexplicable
may also mean that it is utterly shocking! How could such a thing happen? I
think the productivity slowdown is inexplicable only in the first of those
two senses. There is nothing in any piece of growth economics, theoretical
or empirical, which says that the rate of growth of the residual is an
invariant, that it cannot change from one period of time to the next. We
know by the usual backward extrapolation that there cannot have been
productivity growth at 1 or 2 per cent a year forever or else Oliver Cromwell
would have been crawling around in skins. By the way, this goes back to a
significant analytical issue. When I say that in my work in the 1950s I
treated technical change as exogenous, that does not mean that I really
believed at the time that it had no internal economic causes. In the very
same papers I always treated population growth as exogenous, but I did
know about Malthus, and there is clearly a connection between economic
development and demographic patterns. What I meant by saying something
is exogenous was that I do not pretend to understand this; I have nothing
worthwhile to say on this so I might as well take technical change as given
for reasons which are inexplicable in the first sense I mentioned before. I do
not know what the determinants of technical change are in any useful
detail. But technical change is not inexplicable in the second sense. I am
not shocked to learn that productivity growth after 1973 is slower than
before 1973, nor would I have been shocked in this sense if it had been

If we take a longer-term view, going back a hundred years or so, perhaps the
bigger puzzle is the above trend productivity performance of the post-war
period up until the 1970s.
Exactly. I do believe that. It is a hypothesis that makes sense to me; and I can
even tell a story that makes sense to explain it. But keep in mind that I am, so
to speak, estimating one parameter with one degree of freedom, so there is no
real test being made. The story I tell myself is as follows: from 1930 to 1947
or so, a certain amount of technological change and other improvements in
productive knowledge were taking place, but could not be incorporated into
the real economy, first because of the Great Depression and then because of
the war. So beginning around 1950 the world had a 20-year backlog of
technological improvements to incorporate into practice. After 1950 this
began to happen. That seems to make perfectly good sense; but I do not
believe that it is possible to test the hypothesis because there is nothing to
compare it with.
Robert M. Solow 669

Are there any strong theoretical or empirical reasons for believing that mod-
erate inflations of less than 10 per cent have any significant adverse effects
on economic growth?
I am not up on all the literature on this topic. But what I have gathered is that,
at least empirically, the evidence is that rapid inflation is unconditionally bad
for economic growth, but relatively slow inflation, even perhaps averaging 10
per cent annually, has no visible correlation with economic performance. I
doubt that theory compels that view; but I can easily imagine that theory
would be compatible with that view.

The modern phase of endogenous growth theory has now been with us for
just over ten years. What do you think have been the most important develop-
ments or insights which have emerged from this research programme? Have
we learned anything useful?
Less than I had hoped. My own opinion, which I think is now shared by Paul
Romer, is that the early developments – the so-called AK models which
simply amounted to saying let us assume that there are exactly constant
returns to the collection of accumulatable factors of production, human and
physical – all that led nowhere because it was not robust theory. It is very
unlikely that growth could happen that way. If you adopt the AK view, it is
the simplest thing in the world to say: I can show you how reducing a tax on
capital will increase the growth rate, or I can show you how making leisure
less attractive will increase the growth rate. But that sort of stuff went no-
where and added no real insights because it rested entirely on a linearity
which is so unlikely to be true. But then when you start asking questions
about what does govern the accumulation of technical knowledge, how could
you model the accumulation of human capital, then you begin to get into
really interesting issues. That is what I like about all that literature.

The current crisis involving the so-called ‘Asian Tiger’ economies is making
big news. Their success in the past has been identified with, among other
factors, export performance. What in your view is the relationship between
foreign trade and growth? Has the East Asian growth ‘miracle’ been export-
Well, I am uncertain about the relationship between trade and growth. Em-
pirically there does seem to be a relationship. I have lots of friends who have
worked on this empirically and while their results differ, and some of them
come up empty-handed, it appears that openness to trade favours economic
performance. It is a bit less clear, at least in the literature I have read, what
the source of that relationship is. The very important distinction needs to be
made between factors that have growth effects and factors that have level
effects. Imagine exponential growth as a linear trend on semi-log paper. You
670 Modern macroeconomics

can ask: are there forces that take a country’s trend line and lift it without
changing its slope, a level effect, shifting the trend roughly parallel? It is
clear that anything that improves economic efficiency can do that. So trade
which increases economic efficiency can almost certainly do that. If what you
are looking for is something that will change the slope of the trend line, the
rate of growth, then sheer efficiency gains from trade cannot do that except
temporarily, not over a very long period of time. The only way you can make
sense of trade having an effect on the long-term growth rate is not so much
whether the country is export-led, but whether the country is in contact with
the rest of the world.

So the important factor for growth is the degree of openness of an economy?

Yes, openness in general and especially the will and the capacity to pick up
new technology and new ideas from the rest of the world. I am absolutely
clear that a positive impact from trade on efficiency and the level of output
happens, and that those countries that went in for export-led growth rather
than import substitution integrated themselves with the world economy and
learned things. Some of it they learned from transplants, from direct foreign
investment and multinationals. But whether or not there are any cases of
really long-term changes in growth rates as a consequence of trade is I think
very uncertain. I can easily imagine a country breaking out from being an
underdeveloped stagnant economy and getting on the growth train as a result
of trade. That I can easily see. But whether a country that is already growing
at the same sort of rate as the OECD economies can improve its growth rate
over a period of many decades by virtue of openness or trade, that seems to
me to be unproved.

There were some interesting papers published in the first issue of the Journal
of Economic Growth [1996] by Robert Barro, Alberto Alesina and others on
the relationship between democracy and economic growth, and political
instability and economic growth. Barro, for example, suggests that the best
way we can help poor countries is to export our economic system to them and
if, as a result, their economies improve, they will tend to become more
democratic. In other words economic freedom, by promoting economic growth,
will eventually lead to more democratic outcomes in today’s poor countries.
Have you looked at this literature and developed any ideas on these issues?
That gets into questions that are too big for little old me [laughter]. But my
reaction to that kind of literature has always been as follows. I can easily see
that if you compare a democratically organized country with a country which
is really tightly oligarchically organized, then the democratically organized
economy is going to tap the bigger store of entrepreneurship, whereas the
oligarchs in the non-democratic countries pretty soon give up any entrepre-
Robert M. Solow 671

neurial pretensions they ever had in favour of wine, women and song or
whatever [laughter]. There is also the question of whether you can run a
modern economy in a tightly authoritarian regime or whether these are in-
compatible. What happens next in China is going to be the big example of
this dilemma. I can understand this kind of difference. But the notion that if
you could take roughly democratic countries and order them on a scale from
zero to one, that going from 0.5 to 0.6 on a measure of democracy gets you a
big or detectable difference in growth rate or even the level of output, that
seems to be much less likely.

The greens and environmentalists are always warning everyone that the costs
of economic growth will eventually outweigh the benefits. Do you ever worry
about the environmental consequences of growth? Can the world sustain
OECD levels of output per capita for China, South Asia, Africa and Latin
Yes, I worry first of all that rapid population growth will begin to encroach on
the possibilities of improving productivity and on the environment. Further-
more, one of my sons is interested in these issues professionally; he likes to
say that China is made of coal, that China is just one large coal deposit. Now
if they were simply to burn that coal, while it might not have any effect on the
growth rate of GDP as we measure GDP, it would certainly have a big effect
on the growth of some rough welfare equivalent of GDP. Yes, of course I
worry about these things. I worry more about that than I do about resource
exhaustion, simply because we seem to be a lot further from resource exhaus-
tion. By the way, I do think that the issue of the relationship between economic
growth and the environment is, to put it crudely, probably going to boil down
to a race between technology and pollution. We do not have much of a grip
on the likely outcome of that issue and possibly cannot get much of a grip on
it. It is foolish to be a fatuous optimist on these issues, but it is equally foolish
to believe that we have come to the end of our capacity to overcome resource
limitations technologically.

What sort of issues are you currently working on?

Well, not much. I am going on 74 years old and travelling a lot, as you have
noticed. I do not have a long, active research agenda at the moment, although
I would like to get back to one if I can. I still intend to do work in macroeco-
nomics. The main thing that I want to work further on is what macroeconomics
looks like when it takes imperfect competition seriously. Frank Hahn and I
wrote an approximately unreadable book [1995] which was published a
couple of years ago. There we made an attempt to outline how you might
make a macro model that takes imperfect competition seriously, and possibly
also takes increasing returns seriously, because increasing returns to scale are
672 Modern macroeconomics

a standard reason why competition is imperfect. We might have done reason-

ably well in that particular chapter, but we did not carry the model nearly far
enough. In particular we did not develop it to the point where you could
sensibly ask what the appropriate values are for the main parameters, if the
model is to be roughly in the ball park for the US, British or German
economy. I would like to go back and develop that model further. I also have
a couple of ideas on growth theory, but that is another story.
Paul M. Romer 673


Copyright: Anne Knudsen

Paul Romer was born in 1955 in Denver, Colorado and obtained his BS
(Maths, 1977) and his PhD (1983) from the University of Chicago. His
main past posts have included: Assistant Professor at the University of
Rochester, 1982–8; Professor at the University of Chicago, 1988–90; and
Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, 1990–96. Since 1996 he
has been Professor in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford Univer-
Professor Romer is best known for his influential contributions to the
field of economic growth, which have led to the renaissance of economic
growth analysis and, in particular, the development of endogenous growth
models which highlight the importance of ideas in driving economic growth.
His most widely read articles include: ‘Increasing Returns and Long-Run
Growth’, Journal of Political Economy [1986]; ‘Growth Based on Increas-
ing Returns Due to Specialization’, American Economic Review [1987];
‘Endogenous Technological Change’, Journal of Political Economy [1990];
‘Idea Gaps and Object Gaps in Economic Development’, Journal of Mon-
etary Economics [1993]; ‘The Origins of Endogenous Growth’, Journal of
Economic Perspectives [1994] and ‘Why, Indeed, in America? Theory, His-
tory, and the Origins of Modern Economic Growth’, American Economic
Review [1996].
674 Modern macroeconomics

We interviewed Professor Romer in Chicago, in his hotel room, on 5 January

1998 while attending the annual conference of the American Economic Asso-

Background Information

Where and when did you first begin to study economics?

I was a math and physics major at the University of Chicago. I took my first
economics course in my senior year because I was planning to go to law
school. I did well in the class and the professor encouraged me to go on to
graduate school to study economics. Economics offered some of the same
intellectual appeal as physics – it uses simple mathematical models to under-
stand how the world works – and in contrast to physics, it was an area of
academic study where I could actually get a job.
In some ways staying at the University of Chicago was attractive because it
had a very exciting economics department but I had already been there for
four years. Even though I had had very little Chicago economics training I
did not think it was a good idea to spend my whole career as a student in one
place, so I started in the PhD programme at MIT. There I met my wife, who
was just visiting for a year from Queens University in Canada. After two
years at MIT we went back to Queens to finish her final year of training in
medicine. That was when I started working on growth. At the end of that year
I transferred to Chicago, where my wife had a fellowship position, and
completed my PhD. I finished my PhD and entered the job market in 1982 –
my thesis is actually dated 1983 because it took me a year to polish it up.

As a student did you find any of your teachers to be particularly influential or

Well, Sam Peltzman was the professor who encouraged me to switch my
career path from law to economics. I shudder to think what my life would
have been like if he hadn’t asked to talk with me after the mid-term and I had
gone on to law school. It is an episode that I try to keep in mind – that
professors can be very influential, and a little bit of attention to your students
as people can make a big difference in their lives.
Besides having saved me from a life in the law, Sam was also an excellent
teacher. He was the first person to show me that you could take very simple
tools – demand curves or indifference curves – and derive surprising insights
about how the world works. Having mentioned Sam, I should also mention
some other very good teachers that I had. Donald McCloskey, now Deirdre
McCloskey, was the second person I had for economics. Donald, like Sam,
took economics very seriously. Together, they gave me an excellent introduc-
tion to the subject. I should also mention that at Chicago, they did not offer
Paul M. Romer 675

what is known as a ‘principles’ course, the watered-down, mind-numbing

survey course that most universities offer as a first course in economics. At
Chicago, they started right off at the intermediate microeconomics level. So I
had the enormous advantage of starting off with challenging, intellectually
coherent material and first-rate teachers. I was very fortunate.
Later in graduate school, when I was back at Chicago, Bob Lucas and Jose
Scheinkman had a big influence on my style and the way I look at the world.
They set a standard for rigour and discipline – zero tolerance for intellectual
sloppiness – that I have aspired to ever since. But probably the best year of
graduate school was the year I spent at Queens University because I had a lot
of interaction with the faculty there. Normally as a graduate student you do
not really get that much time to sit and talk with members of the faculty as
colleagues. At Queens I had more of that kind of experience. Some of the
people I talked with intensively during that year – Russell Davidson and
James McKinnon – are terrific economists and had a big effect on my career.

Development of Macroeconomics

Are there any particular papers or books that you would identify as having a
major influence on the development of macroeconomics?
For me that’s too broad a question. I could list all the usual suspects, people
like Keynes, and so on. I’d be more comfortable describing the contributions
that have influenced my own work.

Tell us about the influences on your own research interests.

Bob Lucas brought a style to macroeconomics that had a big impact on a
whole generation of people, including me. There are several papers that
exemplify this style. One is his 1972 Journal of Economic Theory paper on
‘Expectations and the Neutrality of Money’. Another would be his 1978
Econometrica paper ‘Asset Prices in an Exchange Economy’. But his 1971
Econometrica paper, ‘Investment under Uncertainty,’ written with Edward
Prescott, is probably the best example because it really brought to the fore-
front and crystallized for macroeconomists the connection between what we
did in macroeconomics and what the rest of the profession had been doing in
general equilibrium theory. In that paper Lucas and Prescott used the connec-
tion between solving optimization problems and equilibria that has become
such a powerful tool in modern macroeconomics. That 1971 paper builds on
the work of people like Cass [1965] and Koopmans [1965], who had been
working in growth theory, and this basic approach for characterizing dynamic
equilibria can be traced all the way back to Frank Ramsey’s [1928] paper.
Still, Lucas and Prescott took this approach much further into the core of
macroeconomics. If all you have seen is the theory of investment as devel-
676 Modern macroeconomics

oped by the macro modellers and presented by the macro textbook writers,
this paper is like a flash of lighting in the night that suddenly shows you
where you are in a much bigger landscape.

You mentioned the influence of Bob Lucas’s work. What do you think has
been the lasting impact of his work, particularly the work he carried out in
the 1970s for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize?
I think the deeper impact of Lucas’s contributions has been on the methodol-
ogy of the profession. He took general equilibrium theory and operationalized
it so that macroeconomists could calculate and characterize the behaviour of
the whole economy. Just as Peltzman and McCloskey took intermediate
microeconomics seriously, Lucas took general equilibrium theory seriously.
Many of the people doing general equilibrium theory for a living did not
really seem to believe in what they were doing. They gave the impression that
it was a kind of mathematical game. Economists working in trade and growth
had shown us how we could use general equilibrium models, but they were
not ready to bring dynamics and uncertainty into the analysis. It was econo-
mists working first in finance, then in macroeconomics, who took the theory
seriously and showed economists that fully specified dynamic models with
uncertainty had real implications about the world. A very important result of
that methodological shift was a much greater focus on, and a much deeper
understanding of, the role of expectations. But this is only part of the deeper
methodological innovation. You still wouldn’t know it from reading text-
books, but to research professionals, it finally is clear that you can’t think
about the aggregate economy using a big supply curve and a big demand
One of the ironies in this revolution in thinking is that the two people who
did the most to bring it about, Lucas and Robert Solow, ended up at swords’
points about the substantive conclusions that this methodology had for macr-
oeconomic policy. Solow’s work has also had a huge impact on the profession,
pushing us in the same direction. His work on growth also persuaded econo-
mists to take simple general equilibrium models seriously. Many people
recognize the differences between Lucas and Solow over macro policy ques-
tions, but fail to appreciate the strong complementarity between their work at
the methodological level. If Joan Robinson had won the day and banished the
concept of a production function from professional discourse, Lucas and
Prescott could never have written ‘Investment under Uncertainty’.

During the 1980s, the real business cycle approach to aggregate fluctuations
developed in parallel with new growth theory. How do you view that work, in
particular the way it has sought to integrate the analysis of fluctuations and
Paul M. Romer 677

A lot of the progress in economics still comes from building new tools that
help us understand very complicated systems. As a formal or mathematical
science, economics is still very young. You might say it is still in early
adolescence. Remember, at the same time that Einstein was working out the
theory of general relativity in physics, economists were still talking to each
other using ambiguous words and crude diagrams.
To see where real business cycle theory fits in, you have to look not just at
its substance and conclusions but also at how it affected the methodological
trajectory I was talking about before. You can think of a hierarchy of general
equilibrium models – that is, models of the whole economy. At the top you
have models of perfect competition, which are Pareto-optimal so that you can
solve a maximization problem and immediately calculate the behaviour of
the economy. Then, at the next level down, you have a variety of models with
some kind of imperfection – external effects, taxes, nominal money, or some
kind of non-convexity. In many cases you can find a way to use some of the
same maximization tools to study those dynamic models even though their
equilibria are not Pareto-optimal. This is what Lucas did in his 1972 paper
‘Expectations and the Neutrality of Money’. Formally it is like an external
effect in that model. It is also what I did in my first paper on growth.
The real business cycle guys went one step further than Lucas or I did in
trying to simplify the analysis of aggregate economies. They said, ‘We can go
all the way with pure perfect competition and pure Pareto optimality. We can
even model business cycles this way. Doing so simplifies the analysis tremen-
dously and we can learn a lot when we do it.’ My personal view – and
increasingly the view of many of the people like Bob King, who worked in
this area – is that at a substantive level real business cycle theory simplifies
too much. It excludes too many elements that you need to understand busi-
ness cycles. This doesn’t mean that the initial work was bad. It just means
that we are now ready to go on to the next stage and bring back in things like
predetermined nominal prices. Methodologically this work helped us refine
our tools so we’ll do a better job of understanding predetermined prices when
we bring them back into the model.
We frequently make progress in economics by seeming to take a step back-
wards. We assume away real problems that people have been working on in
vague and confused ways, strip things down to their bare essentials, and get a
better handle on the essentials using some new tools. Then we bring the
complications back in. This is what Solow was doing, and what drove Robinson
to distraction, when he modelled the production structure of an economy using
an aggregate production function. Later we brought back many of those com-
plications – irreversible investment, limited ex post substitution possibilities,
and so on – back into the model. The real business cycle theorists did the same
kind of thing, and during the simplification phase, they also made people mad.
678 Modern macroeconomics

Economic Growth

In Lucas’s [1988] paper ‘On the Mechanics of Economic Development’ he

comments that once you start to think about growth it is hard to think about
anything else. In the introduction of their textbook Economic Growth Robert
Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin [1995] argue that economic growth is the
part of macroeconomics that really matters. In the light of these comments
by very influential macroeconomists, do you think that, on reflection, econo-
mists have in the past spent too much time trying to understand business
That is almost right. Remember that we experienced major macroeconomic
calamities in the interwar period. These depressions were sufficient to wipe
out 30 to 40 years’ worth of growth. Economists who grew up during this era
certainly didn’t have any trouble thinking about something else besides
long-run growth. They naturally focused on avoiding those calamities.
So I don’t think that you can make the statement that focusing on growth is
more important in some absolute sense than focusing on stabilization. What I
think is correct is that we now know how to avoid the kind of catastrophic
events that we saw in the UK in the 1920s and in the USA in the 1930s.
Those were both major mistakes in monetary policy and we now know how
to avoid them. We also know how to avoid the disruptive hyperinflations of
the interwar era. Recently, we have even developed better monetary rules for
avoiding the less disruptive but still costly inflation of the 1970s. Once you
have learnt to avoid those kinds of problems, growth stands out as the most
important remaining issue on the agenda.
I do believe that there was a period in the 1960s and 1970s when
macroeconomists were spending too much time looking at business cycles –
the smaller cycles and fluctuations which characterized the post-war period –
and too little time on growth. We should have kept working on stabilization
policy, but we should also have worked on the determinants of long-run
growth. Adjusting the balance is what my career has been all about.
When I teach students I try very hard to get them to get this balance right. I
give them an analogy about a runner who is trying to train for a marathon.
Asking whether growth is more important than stabilization is like asking
whether conditioning is more important than putting on a tourniquet when
the runner starts bleeding. In a sense the training and the technique of run-
ning really are what wins races. But if the runner is bleeding to death, it is
pretty silly to lecture her about getting in better shape.
But now, when we look at the allocation of the profession’s intellectual
resources today, we are in a situation where we can learn more about how to
make minor adjustments in the amplitude of cycles or in the trend rate of
growth. Faced with that trade-off, it is very clear that small improvements in
Paul M. Romer 679

the trend rate of growth can have far greater effects on the quality of life, and
this area has been understudied.
Looking back, one of the reasons why economists avoided questions about
growth was that our tools were not sufficiently well developed. Purely techni-
cal or mathematical issues about the existence of a solution to an infinite
horizon maximization problem, transversality conditions, knife-edge behav-
iour and explosive growth deterred economists from asking the right kind of
substantive questions about long-run growth. Now that our tools are better,
we have been able to set those issues aside and make progress on the substan-
tive questions.

The classical economists were very concerned with long-run issues such as
growth. Did you find any inspiration for your work by going back and looking
at the contributions of the classical economists and other early work on
I did spend some time thinking about that, reading Adam Smith and Alfred
Marshall. For example, I read the 1928 paper by Allyn Young, which builds
on Marshall’s work. I think it is in the same issue of the Economic Journal as
Ramsey’s paper. So there was a period where I spent a couple of years trying
to sort out the connections between what Young and Smith were saying and
what I was trying to say. I did that for a while and enjoyed it, then I stopped
doing it. I am not sure I would recommend it as a research strategy for a
young person, but it can be interesting and instructive.
When I started working on growth I had read almost none of the previous
literature. I started very much from a clean sheet of paper and only later went
back to try to figure out what other people had said. I think that in a lot of
cases that is the right way to do it. If you devote too much attention to
ancestor worship, you can get trapped and lose the chance to see things from
a new perspective. Of course, in economics, your ancestors are still around,
occupying positions of power in the profession, and they are not always
happy when someone comes along and tries to take a fresh look at things.

During the whole period from the marginalist revolution in the 1870s through
to the mid-1950s economists were mainly concerned with microeconomic
developments and managing the birth of macroeconomics during the Great
Depression. Then the issue of economic growth came back on to the scene
during the 1950s. One of the puzzles is that during the period when growth
theory made great advances, with the contributions of Solow in 1956 and
1957, the field of development economics seemed to evolve as an almost
separate area of interest. Why did that dichotomy happen?
I am probably going to sound like a broken record here, repeating my mes-
sage over and over, but the divide was methodological. The growth guys
680 Modern macroeconomics

talked math; the development guys still talked words. They diverged further
and further because they could not understand each other. It was less the
differences in the substantive questions they were asking than the tools they
were selecting to try to address them.

Wasn’t it more the case that development economists actually wanted and
needed to say something about policy issues?
There was an element of that. As I said about the real business cycle theorists,
sometimes you have to take a step back and simplify to make progress
developing new formal tools. This is hard to do when you are in the thick of
the process of trying to offer policy advice.
If you go back and read Smith, Marshall or Young, you have to be struck
by what an incredibly wrenching transformation the economics profession
has gone through, from operating as a purely verbal science to becoming a
purely mathematical one. Remember that Allyn Young’s paper came out at
the same time, even in the same issue, as Frank Ramsey’s. Ramsey was using
tools like the calculus of variations that physicists had been using for dec-
ades. But economists were still having trouble with basic calculus. Jacob
Viner needed help from his draughtsman to get the connection right between
long-run and short-run average cost curves. Nowadays economists use math
that is as sophisticated and as formal as the math that physicists use. So we
went through a very sharp transition in a relatively short period of time. As
we learned how to use mathematics we made some trade-offs. You could
think of a kind of production possibility frontier, where one axis is tools and
the other axis is results. When you shift effort towards the direction of
building tools you are going to produce less in the way of results. So the
development guys would look at Solow and say, ‘What you are producing has
no useful content for policy makers in the development world; you guys are
just off in mathematical space wasting time while we are out here in the real
world making a difference.’ The tool builders should have responded by
explaining the intertemporal trade-off between results and tool building and
that as a result of this work we can give better policy advice in the future.
Overall the right stance for the profession as a whole is one where we
approve of the division of labour, where the people who specialize in those
different activities can each contribute and where we do not try to force the
whole profession into one branch or the other. Ideally we should keep the
lines of communication open between the two branches.

Let us turn to Robert Solow’s contributions. What do you see as being the
main strengths and weaknesses of the Solow growth model? Some economists
like Greg Mankiw [1995] would prefer to modify the Solow model rather than
follow the endogenous growth path.
Paul M. Romer 681

When it was introduced, the Solow model made several very important
contributions to economics and progress in this tool-building direction. It was
a very important demonstration of how you could take general equilibrium
theory and apply it and say things about the real world. As I suggested before,
Solow helped persuade us that there are ways to think about the equilibrium
for the whole economy, using simple functional forms and simplifying as-
sumptions, and get some important conclusions out of that. It is a very
different style of general equilibrium theory from that of Arrow and Debreu
and their more abstract work that was going on at the same time. Remember
that Solow and Samuelson had to engage in vicious trench warfare about this
time with Cambridge, England, to make the world safe for those of us who
wanted to use the concept of a production function.
At the substantive level – which I think is where your question was di-
rected – the strength of Solow’s model was that he brought technology
explicitly into the analysis in both his empirical paper and his theoretical
paper. He had an explicit representation for technology, capital and labour.
Those are the three elements that you have to think about if you want to think
about growth. That was the good part. The downside was that because of the
constraints imposed on him by the existing toolkit, the only way for him to
talk about technology was to make it a public good. That is the real weakness
of the Solow model. What endogenous growth theory is all about is that it
took technology and reclassified it, not as a public good, but as a good which
is subject to private control. It has at least some degree of appropriability or
excludability associated with it, so that incentives matter for its production
and use. But endogenous growth theory also retains the notion of non-rivalry
that Solow captured. As he suggested, technology is a very different kind of
good from capital and labour because it can be used over and over again, at
zero marginal cost. The Solow theory was a very important first step. The
natural next step beyond was to break down the public-good characterization
of technology into this richer characterization – a partially excludable non-
rival good. To do that you have to move away from perfect competition and
that is what the recent round of growth theory has done. We needed all of the
tools that were developed between the late 1950s and the 1980s to make that
Let me place the other strand of growth in context, the so-called AK
versions of endogenous growth. In these models, technology is just like any
other good – we might put another label on it and call it human capital or we
can call it generalized capital – but technology is treated as being completely
analogous with physical capital. I think that approach represented a substan-
tive step backwards compared to the Solow model. The AK models are less
sophisticated than the Solow model because those models do not recognize
that technology is a very different kind of input. As I suggested earlier, I also
682 Modern macroeconomics

disagree with the real business cycle methodology that says ‘Let us do every-
thing with perfect competition’. Before, you could argue that there was no
alternative, but that’s no longer true. We have perfectly serviceable dynamic
general equilibrium models with monopolistic competition and there is no
reason not to use them if they capture important features of the world.
There is still a group that says ‘Let’s just treat technology as pure private
good and preserve perfect competition’. Then there is another group of econo-
mists who, like Mankiw, say that technology is different, but we can treat it
as a pure public good just as Solow did. I think that both of these positions
are mistaken. There are incredibly important policy issues where the pure
private-good characterization and the pure public good characterization of
technology are just completely off the mark.

Wasn’t your earlier work, as exemplified in your 1986 paper, more concerned
with increasing returns than the determinants of technology change?
You have to look between the lines of that paper at what was going on at the
methodological level, because remember, methodological and formal issues
had been holding everything up. The logical sequence in my 1986 paper was
to say that as soon as you think about growth, you have to think about
technology. As soon as you think about technology, you have to confront the
fact that there is a built-in form of increasing returns – technically, a non-
convexity. Notice that is all there in Solow’s model. If you look at AF(K, L)
you have got increasing returns in all the relevant inputs A, K and L. So up to
this point, Solow and I are on the same track. You have to think of technology
as a key input and one that is fundamentally different from traditional inputs.
As soon as you think about that, you face increasing returns or non-convexi-
ties. Then you have to decide how to model this from a methodological point
of view. Solow said treat it as a public good. There are two variants of that.
One is that it comes from the sky and is just a function of time. The other is
that the government could publicly provide it. I think Solow had both of
those in mind and it does not really matter which you specify. What I wanted
was a way to have something where there are some increasing returns but
also some private provision. I wanted to capture the fact that private individu-
als and firms made intentional investments in the production of new
technologies. So in this sense, the paper was very much about technological
change. To allow for private provision, I used the concept of Marshallian
external increasing returns. This lets you describe an equilibrium with price
taking but still allows you to have non-convexities present in the model. That
was a first provisional step. It was a way to capture the facts: there is some
private control over technology, there are incentives that matter, and there are
increasing returns in the background. What happened between 1986 and
1990 was that I worked hard at the mathematics of this and persuaded myself
Paul M. Romer 683

that the external increasing returns characterization was not right either – just
as the public-good assumption of Solow was not right.
Whenever you write down theories you make approximations, you take
short cuts. You are always trading off the gains from simplicity against the
losses in our ability to describe the world. The public-good approximation
was a reasonable first step, but we needed to keep working and improve on it.
The external increasing returns approximation was something of an improve-
ment but the later monopolistic competition version [Romer, 1990] was the
one that gets about the right trade-off between simplicity and relevance.

Since Solow’s [1957] paper there has been a huge literature on growth
accounting. What do you think have been the main substantive findings from
this research?
The general progression in that area has been to attribute a smaller fraction of
observed growth to the residual and a higher fraction to the accumulation of
inputs. The way that literature started out was a statement that technology is
extremely important because it explains the bulk of growth. Where we are
now is that technology does not explain, all by itself, the majority of growth.
Initially, we overstated its importance when we claimed that technological
change explained 70 per cent of growth all by itself. But there are some
people who would like to push this further and say there is really no need to
understand technology, because it is such a small part of the contribution to
growth. They argue that we can just ignore it. That is a non sequitur. It does
not follow logically. We know from Solow, and this observation has with-
stood the test of time, that even if investment in capital contributes directly to
growth, it is technology that causes the investment in the capital and indi-
rectly causes all the growth. Without technological change, growth would
come to a stop.

When we spoke to Bob Solow yesterday he explained why he made technol-

ogy exogenous in his model. It was simply due to his lack of understanding of
the causes of technological change.
That is a reasonable provisional strategy when you are dealing with a compli-
cated world.

A great deal of attention during the past decade or so has been focused on
the so-called convergence issue. At the same time as your first important
endogenous growth paper was published in 1986, Moses Abramovitz and
William Baumol also had papers published that drew attention to this catch-up
and convergence debate. This controversy continues to draw research inter-
est, for example, in a recent issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives
Lant Pritchett [summer 1997] has a paper entitled ‘Divergence, Big Time’.
684 Modern macroeconomics

When we talked to Edward Prescott two days ago he was reasonably confi-
dent that convergence would eventually occur. Did this important debate
influence your own thinking about growth and what are your views on this
area of research?
It is very important to keep clear what the facts are. The facts are that over the
time horizon that people have looked at the data, say from 1950 to the
present, there is very little evidence of overall convergence. Everybody agrees
about this, even if it is not always stated up front. People who describe this
tendency for countries to converge are saying that if everything else were the
same – if you hold all the right variables constant – then there would be a
tendency for countries to converge. For example, this is one of the key results
in Robert Barro’s work. This is really just a refined statement of the conver-
gence club interpretation articulated by Baumol. If you look at countries that
have the same values for these variables, then they tend to converge. But it is
also true that in the background, the overall progress towards reduced disper-
sion in per capita incomes has been very modest. Pritchett was making a
useful background point. If you go back before 1950, it must be the case that
there was a period where incomes diverged quite a bit – some countries
moved very rapidly ahead as others were left behind. At that time, the overall
distribution of income widened for a period of time. More recently, in the
post-war years, the overall distribution has been roughly constant.
So why do we care about this issue? First you might care about it from a
human welfare point of view, or an income distribution point of view. On those
grounds there is some reason for pessimism – we really have not made that
much progress in the last 30 or 40 years. You might also care about it because
you think it might help you discriminate between different theories of growth –
which ones are right and which are wrong. Many people have asserted that this
process of conditional convergence – everything else equal, incomes converge
– is consistent with a pure Solow style model, that is, one where knowledge is a
public good, all technology is a public good. So they say the evidence is
consistent with the public-good model of technology. That statement is correct
but the evidence is also completely consistent with a model where technology
is not a public good. In this interpretation, the technology gap model, flows of
technology between countries are what drive the convergence process. In this
explanation, the convergence you see is catching up with technology, not just
catching up in the stock of capital per worker. Under the Solow model as
interpreted by Mankiw and others, technology is already the same everywhere
in the world. It is a public good that is in the air like a short-wave radio
broadcast, so under this model there is no room for technological catch-up. It
still mystifies me that people try to justify this model in the face of direct
evidence about the importance of technology flows. But they certainly use the
conditional convergence evidence to back up their position.
Paul M. Romer 685

So I do not think that the convergence controversy has helped us discrimi-

nate between the different models. As a result, I think a great deal of the
attention that the convergence controversy has generated has been misplaced.
Prescott’s assertion is that he does not think that we are going to see contin-
ued divergence. I think he is probably right about that. I personally think that
these flows of technology between countries are very important forces in the
big convergence episodes that we have seen. If you look at a country like
Japan and ask what lies behind its very rapid convergence with the leading
nations of the world, then the transfer of technology was a critical part of the
process. There are grounds for optimism, looking ahead. If we can get the
right institutions in place in these developing countries, the same process of
flows of technologies could be unleashed and we really could see some
narrowing of worldwide income inequality. If you weight it by countries the
situation looks worse than if you weight it by people, at least during the last
ten years. This is because the process of catching up in China will make a
huge difference to the overall picture. And China is a good illustration of
what is wrong with the public-good model. China had a high savings rate
before the reform era. What’s most different now in the sectors of manufac-
turing where China has been so successful has been the flow of technology
into China via direct foreign investment – reforms that changed the incentives
that foreign firms faced to bring technology and put it to work in China.

Did you ever look at the work of economists such as Gunnar Myrdal (1957)
and Nicholas Kaldor [1970b], who tended to reject the equilibrating proper-
ties of the neoclassical model in favour of the forces of cumulative causation?
In their models a lack of convergence is no surprise.
It interested me in the same way that Allyn Young interested me. I wanted to
see how much there was in common between what I and what they were
thinking. But it is very hard to tell, quite frankly, when you go back and read
economics that is stated in purely verbal terms. There is always the danger
that you read between the lines and say, oh, they had it exactly right – here is
this mathematical model which shows what they were thinking. But that is
usually based on a charitable reading and one that ignores some of the
ambiguities and confusions. I wrote a paper like that at one point interpreting
Allyn Young’s paper, so one could probably do that for some of the other
economists in this area. For example the big push paper by Murphy, Shleifer
and Vishny [1989a] did this for some of this literature. So the right conclu-
sion to make is that these were very smart people and they did have some
good ideas, but they were working with very crude tools. I guess I would
describe ancestor worship as a research strategy as probably an unproductive
one [laughter]. But as a consumption activity it is something that can be fun.
686 Modern macroeconomics

Well, we want to keep you on the topic of ancestors for a moment. Given that
your research has concentrated heavily on the influence and determinants of
technological change and the importance of R&D, has the work of Joseph
Schumpeter ever influenced your ideas?
No, I can honestly say that it has not. Schumpeter coined some wonderful
phrases like ‘creative destruction’ but I did not read any of Schumpeter’s
work when I was creating my model. As I said, I really worked that model out
from a clean sheet of paper. To be honest, the times when I have gone to try to
read Schumpeter I have found it tough going. It is really hard to tell what
guys like Schumpeter are talking about [laughter].

Too many words and not enough math?

Yes, and words are often ambiguous.

That problem has also been the source of confusion and the various conflict-
ing interpretations of Keynes’s General Theory.
Yes, right. Paul Krugman [1994c] has a nice article talking about the big push
idea in development economics. When you state it now in mathematical
terms, the way Murphy, Shleifer and Vishny did, you see how clearly the idea
can be expressed and you wonder why someone had not done it before. I
think that what it shows is that economists now are the beneficiaries of a lot
of development of mathematical modes of thinking and analysis and it seems
very easy to us now because we have those tools to work with. Before these
techniques were available it was really very tough.

Let us go back to the issue of non-rivalry and excludability with reference to

the growth of knowledge and technological change. How do you get the
balance right between encouraging technological change by using incentives
and yet making the new ideas and discoveries available to the rest of society?
There is a trade-off problem here with respect to patent rights.
Sure. What’s interesting about this question is that it is not resolved. If you
take traditional private goods that are excludable and rival, we know what the
best institutional arrangement is: strong property rights and anonymous mar-
kets. That’s all you need. This is a remarkably important insight that economists
must still communicate to the rest of the world. If people understood it, there
would not be so much resistance to pricing roads, pollution or water in
agriculture. Non-economists are still slow to understand how powerful the
price mechanism is for allocating and producing rival goods.
But when you come to non-rival goods, we do not know what the right
institutions are. It is an area that I think is very exciting because there is a lot
of room for institutional innovation. One strategy is to work out a rough
trade-off where you allow patent rights but you make them be narrow and
Paul M. Romer 687

have a finite duration. You would allow partial excludability – less than full
but stronger than zero excludability. We often talk as if that is the general
solution. But in fact, this is not the general solution. You have to break the
question down by type of non-rival good. There are some non-rival goods
like the quadratic formula or pure mathematical algorithms that traditionally
have been given no property rights whatsoever. There are other forms of non-
rival goods like books. You will get a copyright for this book of interviews,
which is a very strong form of protection. The text that you write and my
words – you can take them and put a copyright on them so that nobody else
can reuse them. I can not even reuse my own words without getting permis-
sion from you [laughter]. So that is a very strong form of intellectual property
protection. What we need is a much more careful differentiation of different
types of non-rival goods and an analysis of why different institutional struc-
tures and degrees of property protection are appropriate for different kinds of
Patent rights or legal property rights are only a part of the story. We create
other mechanisms, like subsidies for R&D. We create whole institutions like
universities which are generally non-profit and government supported, that
are designed to try to encourage the production of ideas. The analysis of
institutions for non-rival goods is more subtle than many people realize.
For example, I have argued that it is very important to distinguish human
capital from ideas – they are very different types of economic goods. Human
capital is just like capital or land. It is an ordinary private good. I agree with
Gary Becker on this. I think a lot of claims about human capital externalities
are wrong. Nevertheless, when people conclude that we should not have any
government subsidies for the production of human capital, I disagree. Why is
that? It is because human capital is the crucial input into producing ideas. If
you want to encourage the production of ideas, one way is to subsidize the
ideas themselves. But another way is to subsidize the inputs that go into the
production of ideas. In a typical form of second-best analysis, you may want
to introduce an additional distortion – subsidies for scientists and engineers –
to offset another – the fact that the social returns from new ideas are higher
than the private returns. You create a much larger pool of scientists and
engineers. This lowers the price of scientists and engineers to anybody who
wants to hire their services to produce new ideas.
So in general, the optimal design of institutions is an unresolved problem.
We have seen a lot of experimentation during the last 100 years. I have made
the claim that the economies that will really do well in the next 100 years will
be the ones that come up with the best institutions for simultaneously achiev-
ing the production of new ideas and their widespread use. I am quite confident
that we will see new societal or institutional mechanisms that will get put in
place for encouraging new ideas.
688 Modern macroeconomics

Research into economic growth has extended into a large number of other
interesting areas in recent years. For example Alberto Alesina and Dani
Rodrik [1994] have explored the relationship between inequality and growth,
Robert Barro [1996], Alberto Alesina and others [1996] have explored the
relationships between democracy, political stability and growth. How do you
view this work? Can we help poor countries more by exporting our economic
systems than our political systems, as Barro has suggested?
Let me back up a little here. One of the disciplines that formal economic
theory forces on you is that you must start with an explicit conceptual
framework. For example, Marshallian analysis makes us think about supply
v. demand when we look at the world. General equilibrium theory forces us
to split the world into preferences and the physical opportunities available to
us. That split is really important and I always try to get my students to think
about it when they approach a question. What do people in your model want?
What are the production possibilities that are available to them?
All of growth theory has been operating under the physical opportunities
question side of the model. We describe the physical opportunities as physi-
cal objects like raw materials and then start to think about ideas as recipes for
rearranging these objects. When you start to think about democracy and
politics, you have to start addressing the other side of the model. What is it
that people want? What drives their behaviour? If you expand the concept of
preferences and say that it is everything that is inside of people’s heads, it
includes all kinds of things that sociologists and psychologists talk about:
tastes, values and norms, and so on. When you start to talk about the connec-
tions between economic growth and democracy you really have to start
enquiring into these issues. Barro’s assertions are based on some empirical
generalizations and they are fine as far as they go, but what is missing there is
any kind of theoretical understanding of the connection between economic
development and political structures. This is not just a problem in economics.
It is also a deep problem in political science. There are many fundamental
issues that have not been addressed in political science. To begin with, why
does anybody bother to vote? The standard theory that political scientists
have is that people go and vote because they have a stake in the outcome and
they want to influence the outcome so it goes their way – fewer taxes and
more transfers, and so on. That theory contradicts itself as soon as you state it
because the probability that any one voter will be decisive in an election is so
trivial that the cost of going to the polls just dwarfs any possible expected
gain that anyone could get from going to the polls.
So I would just assert a cautionary note here. There is a little bit of
empirical evidence that suggests a connection between the level of income
and democracy, but we really face an almost total theoretical vacuum in
studying this question. We are unlikely to make much progress until we have
Paul M. Romer 689

some theoretical foundations that force us to think clearly about the issues

Another controversial area that has received much attention in the economic
development literature is the relationship between foreign trade and growth.
This is especially topical given the current crisis, which has spread through-
out the ‘Asian Tiger’ economies that are often held up as prime examples of
export-driven growth. As economists we can easily envisage an effect on the
level of GDP coming from trade, but can trade influence the rate of growth?
There are two mechanisms here. From a development point of view the main
thing you want to think about is this process of catching up. The key role for
trade is that it lets developing countries get access to ideas that exist in the
rest of the world. I tell my students that in the advanced countries of the
world, we already know everything that we need to know to provide a very
high standard of living for everybody in the world. It is not that we lack
physical resources; it is not a lack of mass or matter that makes people in
India and China poor. What makes them poor is that they do not have access
to the knowledge and ideas that we have already worked out in North America,
Europe and Japan for doing all the things that we do in the modern economy.
The trick to make them better off is just to get that knowledge flowing into
those countries. Much of it is very basic knowledge – like how to operate a
distribution system so that clothes get from a factory to a store shelf so that
someone can buy a shirt when they want one. How do you make sure that
food does not spoil and is distributed to the right locations at the right times?
How do you implement quality control systems in a manufacturing process?
This is all basic knowledge but it is the stuff that raises living standards. A lot
of that knowledge can be put to work in poor countries if they allow the right
kinds of trade. Direct foreign investment from multinationals, in particular, is
important for getting quick access to these kinds of ideas.
There is also a second issue. If you take the rich economies, OECD
countries for example, the larger the market the bigger the incentives are to
develop new ideas. So free trade in very large market areas creates greater
incentives for innovation and therefore leads to more technological progress.
If you don’t think that this is true, just ask yourself how much innovation
would be taking place in Silicon Valley if products made there had to be sold
just in the USA, or just in California, or just in Santa Clara County? Some, to
be sure, but a lot less than we see right now.
So trade matters for catching up. It also matters for sustaining growth in
the leading countries.

Since growth is so important to the improvement of living standards, it is

inevitable that governments will try to influence the growth rate. What should
690 Modern macroeconomics

the role of government be with respect to growth? In particular, what role do

you see for monetary and fiscal policy here?
On monetary policy it is a bit like the distinction I talked about before –
stopping the bleeding v. getting in shape. There is a certain amount of
emergency medicine that governments have to be prepared to engage in. A lot
of that amounts to an injunction to do no harm. It helps enormously if policy
makers just keep from screwing up the way they did in the interwar period.
But a sensible monetary policy only creates the opportunity for growth to
happen; it does not make it happen. On the fiscal side, a government has to be
able to pay its bills and it must keep from taxing income at such high rates
that it severely distorts incentives.
There are other policies that also matter. Some of those involve creating a
legal framework. What kind of institutions matter if you are in the USA?
Venture capital, fluid capital markets – think of all the things that help a
company like Intel come into existence and grow into a huge force. The
government did not have to do anything very active but it did have to put in
place structures that permitted venture capital, a new-issue stock market and
so forth. Beyond that there are measures related to human capital. There is a
role for government there. The modern university, as it emerged in the USA
in the last century, is one that is very focused on training and practical
problem solving. It is subsidized by the government. As I said before, subsi-
dizing human capital is a very important way to indirectly subsidize
technological change. So the modern university is an example of the kind of
institution that the government can support.
I should add the caveat that many of the direct roles that people articulate
for the government are not justified. A lot of people see endogenous growth
theory as a blanket seal of approval for all of their favourite government
interventions, many of which are very wrong-headed. For example, much of
the discussion about infrastructure is just wrong. Infrastructure is to a very
large extent a traditional physical good and should be provided in the same
way that we provide other physical goods, with market incentives and strong
property rights. A move towards privatization of infrastructure provision is
exactly the right way to go. The government should be much less involved in
infrastructure provision. So that is one area where I disagree with some of the
wild-eyed interventionists. Another is the notion that the government should
directly subsidize particular research programmes to produce particular kinds
of ideas. If you compare that mechanism with the mechanism of subsidizing
human capital and letting the market mechanism allocate where the human
capital goes and what ideas get developed, the human-capital-based approach
works better. Selecting a few firms and giving them money has obvious
problems. How do bureaucrats get access to all the decentralized information
they need if they are to decide which projects should be supported? How do
Paul M. Romer 691

you keep rent seeking and pork barrel politics from dominating the allocation

A great deal of thought has been given to the design of institutions to avoid
non-trivial rates of inflation. However, the relationship between inflation
performance and growth performance is far from clear, especially at low
rates of inflation. How do you read the evidence on this issue?
Inflation is somewhat damaging and it is probably a non-linear relationship,
so the higher the rate of inflation gets the more damaging it is likely to be.

Is this due to the greater variability of inflation at higher rates?

At least partly. The variability and the higher rates both make the damage
grow more than linearly. There is no trade-off, fundamentally, between growth
and inflation and therefore no reason not to aim at very low levels of inflation
from a growth perspective. The best place to be is at a very low level of
inflation and there is no reason to accept, say, 10 per cent inflation because
we think we can get some benefit in terms of long-run growth. So if you are
trying to do the best job you can on growth, you basically want to aim for
whatever the consensus is on minimal inflation. That will vary between zero
and 2 or 3 per cent at the moment. It may not be too harmful to be up at 6 per
cent instead of 2 or 3, but if it is harmful at all, why accept even that?

During the early 1970s a great deal of interest was stirred up by the book
Limits to Growth [Meadows et al., 1972]. Since then the environmental
movement has become increasingly influential. Do you ever think or worry
about the environmental impact of growth or the possibility of resource
limitations on growth? Can the rest of the world expect to enjoy the same
living standards currently enjoyed in the OECD economies without generat-
ing an environmental catastrophe?
Environmental problems are real problems. They are cases where our current
institutional structures do not put prices on physical objects that should have
prices on them. When you do not have prices on fish in the sea, market
incentives cause fishermen to overfish. We know that we need to institute
either a price mechanism or some regulatory system that has the same effect
as a price mechanism. We will face a big challenge if, for example, human
sources of carbon dioxide prove to be too much for the carrying capacity of
the atmosphere. We are going to have trouble implementing a worldwide
price or a regulatory system to deal with this, but we will need to do it.
However, all this is very different from saying that there are long-run limits
to growth. The way to think about limits is to ask, ‘What does it mean to say
that our standards of living are higher now or that we have more income now
than we had 100 years ago?’ It does not mean that we have more mass, more
692 Modern macroeconomics

pounds or kilos of material. What it means is that we took the finite resources
that are available here on earth and just rearranged them in ways that made
them more valuable. For example, we now take abundant silicon and we
rearrange it into microchips that are much more valuable. So the question is:
how much scope is there for us to take the finite amount of mass here on earth
and rearrange it in ways that people will find more valuable? Here, you can
make a strong case that the potential is virtually unlimited. There is abso-
lutely no reason why we cannot have persistent growth as far into the future
as you can imagine. If you implement the right institutions, the type of
growth might take a slightly different form from what we anticipated. If
carbon dioxide turns out to be a really big problem and we implement
institutions which raise the price of carbon emissions, then cars will get
smaller. Or we might drive cars somewhat less frequently, or we might rely
on video conferencing, instead of driving automobiles, to meet with family
and so on. We could shift to much greater reliance on renewable biomass or
photovoltaics as a primary source of energy. We have the technology to do
this right now. It’s a more expensive way to generate electricity than burning
oil and coal, but if income per capita is five to ten times higher 100 years
from now, paying a bit more for energy will be a minor issue.
The bottom line is that there are pollution and other environmental prob-
lems that we will need to address. But these problems will not stop microchips
from getting faster, hard disc storage densities from continuing to get higher,
new pharmaceuticals from being introduced, new communications technolo-
gies from emerging, new methods for distributing goods like overnight delivery
and discount retailing from emerging. All those processes will continue in the
rich countries and will spread to the poor countries. In the process, the
standards of living will go up for everyone.

In looking at the post-war economic growth performances of Germany and

Japan compared to the UK, do you think there is anything in Mancur Olson’s
[1982] argument, developed in his book The Rise and Decline of Nations,
that societies which have been stable for a long time such as the UK develop
organizations for collective action which are harmful to economic efficiency
and dynamism?
His conjecture is interesting, but to evaluate it we have to come back to the
discussion we had earlier about production possibilities versus preferences.
What Mancur tried to do was bring back into the discussion some theory
about what is going on inside someone’s head. He wanted to do this so he
could understand the political dynamics that influence policy decisions about
universities, regulations, rent seeking and so on. Those are important ques-
tions both from a development perspective and from a long-run growth
perspective for advanced countries like the UK. These are important issues,
Paul M. Romer 693

but when we think about them it is important to distinguish between asser-

tions about the physical world and assertions about what goes on inside
someone’s head. Anytime you bring politics into the discussion you are
crossing that divide. At that point it is always important to remind oneself
that we know very little about this area. Mancur is relying on a few empirical
generalizations. He looks at historical episodes where something like a revo-
lution or a war frees things up and then you see rapid growth. He has also
looked at the general process of the growth slowdown. History is never a
completely reliable guide for these kinds of questions because we do not have
very many observations and the current circumstances are always different
from the past. I always caution someone like Mancur to be honest about the
extent of our ignorance in this area, although I encourage economists to think
about these questions. Just saying that the physical world presents us with
enormous opportunities for growth does not mean that we will necessarily
organize ourselves and take advantage of them as rapidly as we could.

Moses Abramovitz [1986], your colleague at Stanford University, has stressed

the importance of what he calls ‘social capability’ in the catch-up process.
Differences among countries’ productivity levels create a potential for catch-up
providing the follower countries have the appropriate institutions and techni-
cal competence. Can we operationalize a concept like social capability?
Social capability is one of those vague terms like social capital that I think
would benefit from the kind of clarification that you are forced to engage in
when you write down a mathematical model. It could be something that you
understand in this physical opportunity side of the theoretical framework. For
example, you can think of human capital as a key complementary input for
technology. So just as physical capital by itself cannot explain much – neither
land nor labour can themselves produce corn, but the two of them together
can – it could be that human capital is the key complement for ideas or
knowledge just as land is complementary to labour. Just bringing in physical
capital from the rest of the world will not work if you do not have the human
capital there to work with it.
You could also interpret social capability in a broader sense. You could ask
whether a country has a political or social ethic or a set of norms that lets
markets operate, that encourages risk taking, that supports the rule of law as
opposed to either corruption or purely discretionary negotiations. You can
interpret social capability in that broader sense and there are some important
issues there. But when you do this, you have to recognize that you are
theorizing about what goes on in someone’s head.

A great deal of research and effort has been put into investigating the exist-
ence, causes and consequences of the productivity slowdown in the USA and
694 Modern macroeconomics

other advanced industrial countries. What is your personal interpretation of

the findings from this research?
When I talk to students and with people from outside the university, I try to
be honest about our ignorance. It is always very tempting for economists to
claim more than they know. We do not know what happened with the produc-
tivity slowdown in two senses. First, I don’t think we know for sure what the
basic facts are. The quality of the data is such that we cannot speak with
authority and answer the question about what has happened over time to the
rate of growth of productivity. Second, even if there was a slowdown we do
not know the reasons with any confidence. In a recent paper with Kevin
Murphy and Craig Riddell [Murphy et al., 1998] I have started looking at the
labour market evidence which suggests to me that technological change has
proceeded at a pretty rapid but steady pace for the last three or four decades,
neither slowing down nor speeding up. This calls into question some of the
interpretation of the output data that we have, which does suggest that there
has been a big slowdown. But all of the inferences here have to be quite
tentative. You have to be realistic about what you can expect. It could be that
when we get the hard numbers we will conclude that there was a productivity
slowdown and we may never completely understand why it happened. I have
never claimed that endogenous growth theory is necessarily going to be able
to predict or explain precisely all the things that we observe. The economy is
a very complicated beast and the goal for us should not be to predict within a
few tenths of a percentage point the rate of growth, prospectively or retro-
spectively. The real test is, does the theory give us some guidance in
constructing institutions that will encourage growth? Does it help us under-
stand what kinds of things led to difference between the growth performance
of the UK and the USA in the last 100 years? If the theory gives us that kind
of guidance, then it has been successful and can help us design policies to
improve the quality of people’s lives and that is an extremely important

Where do you think the direction of research into economic growth is likely to
go next or where should it go next?
I have referred a couple of times to the process of crossing the divide from
thinking only about the physical opportunities to thinking about what goes on
in someone’s head. Once we do that more systematically, we can begin to
understand the choices that individuals and societies make about growth. I
believe that we already know the policies that would speed up growth in a
country like India. What we need to know is why individual and collective
decision procedures in India keep them from implementing these policies.
This should be the next item on the research agenda.
12. Conclusions and reflections
I have never been able to grasp how one can understand any idea without knowing
where it came from, how it evolved out of previous ideas … Great theories, in
economics as in other subjects, are path dependent … that is, it is not possible to
explain their occurrence without considering the corpus of received ideas which led
to the development of that particular new theory; had the body of received ideas
been different we would have arrived at a different theory at the culmination of that
development. In other words, without the history of economics, economic theories
just drop from the sky; you have to take them on faith. The moment you wish to
judge a theory, you have to ask how they came to be produced in the first place and
that is a question that can only be answered by the history of ideas. (Blaug, 1994)

12.1 Introduction

In this book we have sought to shed light on the origins, development and
current state of modern macroeconomics. In doing so our chosen approach
has been to discuss in Chapters 3–9 the central tenets underlying, and the
policy implications of, seven main competing schools of thought in macr-
oeconomics as they evolved in historical perspective. In addition, in Chapters
10–11 we have discussed important developments associated with the ‘new
political macroeconomics’ and the renaissance of research into the area of
‘economic growth’. From the discussion of the preceding chapters we hope
to have conveyed to the reader that modern macroeconomics is both an
exciting and controversial subject. This is most forcefully demonstrated by
the contrasting answers given in the interviews with leading economists who
have made such a profound contribution to the ever-changing and ongoing
debates witnessed in the field of macroeconomic theory and policy, and the
history and methodology of macroeconomics research. The purpose of this
concluding chapter is to briefly reflect on the broad sweep of those twentieth-
century developments in macroeconomics, which we have surveyed in more
detail in individual chapters in this book.
Before engaging on this task it is interesting to consider the approach taken
by two eminent macroeconomists – Olivier Blanchard, Professor of Econom-
ics at MIT, and Michael Woodford, Professor of Economics at Columbia
University – who have both produced reflective surveys of the development
of short-run macroeconomics (excluding discussion of the new political mac-
roeconomics and economic growth) during the twentieth century.

696 Modern macroeconomics

12.2 Twentieth-Century Developments in Macroeconomics: Evolution

or Revolution?

In his survey Blanchard (2000) acknowledges that:

on the surface, this history of macroeconomics in the twentieth century appears as

a series of battles, revolutions, and counterrevolutions, from the Keynesian revo-
lution of the 1930s and 1940s, to the battles between Monetarists and Keynesians
of the 1950s and 1960s, to the Rational Expectations revolution of the 1970s, and
the battles between New Keynesians and New Classicals of the 1980s.

However, Blanchard argues that viewing progress in macroeconomics in this

way creates the ‘wrong image’ and that instead ‘the right one is of a surpris-
ingly steady accumulation of knowledge’. In surveying the development of
macroeconomics over the course of the twentieth century he identifies three
epochs, namely:

1. pre-1940, an epoch of exploration;

2. 1940–80, an epoch of consolidation; and
3. post-1980, a new epoch of exploration.

Pre-1940, research into what we now call short-run macroeconomics cen-

tred on the two ‘largely disconnected’ fields of monetary theory and business
cycle theory. In the former case, monetary theory was dominated by the
quantity theory of money and concentrated on issues relating to the short-
run non-neutrality, and long-run neutrality, of money. In the latter case,
business cycle theory consisted of a ‘collection of explanations, each with
its own rich dynamics’, as evidenced for example by Haberler’s (1937)
survey of pre-Keynesian views contained in his book Prosperity and De-
pression. According to Blanchard, the methodological contributions of
Keynes’s (1936) General Theory made a ‘crucial difference’ to integrating
the two fields by pulling together all the relevant factors previously used in
their study. By analysing the interplay between the goods, labour and money
markets, Keynes provided a coherent framework that had been missing in
earlier work.
The epoch 1940–80 Blanchard refers to as a period of consolidation. The
foundation for this prolonged period of consolidation was provided by Keynes’s
(1936) integrated framework and Hicks’s (1937) IS–LM interpretation of the
General Theory. This framework was built upon and extended. Among the
‘steady accumulation of knowledge’ that took place over this period it is
possible to identify a number of examples, which include:

1. improvements in the availability of economic data, for example follow-

Conclusions and reflections 697

ing the work of James Meade and Richard Stone (1944) in developing a
system of national accounts;
2. the development of, and improvements in, econometric methods (see
Hoover, 1995a, 2001a, 2001b);
3. more detailed modelling of the behavioural relationships of consumption
(for example Modigliani and Brumberg, 1954; Friedman, 1957), invest-
ment (for example Jorgenson, 1963) and the demand for money (for
example Baumol, 1952; Tobin, 1958);
4. the construction of macroeconometric models of the economy, for exam-
ple Klein and Goldberger (1955);
5. the incorporation of the expectations-augmented Phillips curve analysis
into macroeconomic models and an examination of the implications for
stabilization policy, for example Friedman (1968a);
6. more careful modelling of how expectations are formed, for example
Cagan (1956); Muth (1961); and
7. an examination of the implications of rational expectations for the analy-
sis of policy changes, for example Lucas (1976).

This list is far from being exhaustive and merely illustrates a number of
important developments and breakthroughs achieved during this period, some
of which were recognized by the award of the Nobel Memorial Prize in
Economics (see Blaug and Vane, 2003; Vane and Mulhearn, 2004). However,
by the end of the 1970s Blanchard argues that ‘too casual a treatment of
imperfections’ led to a ‘crisis’ in macroeconomics, which initially resulted in
two different routes of enquiry. In the ensuing post-1980 epoch of new
exploration one group of economists labelled new Keynesians (see for exam-
ple Gordon, 1990; Mankiw and Romer, 1991) concentrated their attention on
market imperfections in goods, labour and credit markets, and their implica-
tions for macroeconomics. Another group referred to as real business cycle
theorists (see for example Kydland and Prescott, 1982; Long and Plosser,
1983; Prescott, 1986) adopted new classical methodology and assumptions
and initially explored how far equilibrium theorizing could go in explaining
aggregate fluctuations without resorting to monetary shocks and without
introducing imperfections in their analysis.
In contrast, in his survey Woodford (2000) agues that the ‘degree to which
there has been progress over the course of the century is sufficiently far from
transparent’ and that macroeconomics ‘has been famously controversial’.
Acknowledging that ‘discussions of twentieth-century developments in macr-
oeconomics make frequent references to revolutions and counter revolutions’
(see for example the titles adopted by Klein, 1947; Clower, 1965; Brunner,
1970; Friedman, 1970c; Johnson, 1971; Tobin, 1981; Begg, 1982; Barro,
1984; Tomlinson, 1984; Booth, 1985; Dimand, 1988; Blaug, 1991b), he
698 Modern macroeconomics

traces the development of macroeconomics in historical perspective. Starting

from Keynes’s (1936) General Theory he tracks progress in macroeconomics
from the Keynesian revolution, the neoclassical synthesis, the Great Inflation
and the crisis in Keynesian economics, monetarism, rational expectations and
the new classical economics, real business cycle theory to a new neoclassical
synthesis. From Woodford’s historical perspective the evolution of econo-
mists’ thinking on macroeconomics has been far from smooth.
It should be immediately apparent that the approach we have taken in this
book more closely parallels that taken by Woodford. There is no dissent that
the birth of modern macroeconomics can be traced back to the publication of
Keynes’s (1936) General Theory or that macroeconomics is a ‘quintessen-
tially twentieth-century development’ (Woodford, 2000). Indeed, Blanchard
(2000) notes that the term ‘macroeconomic’ does not appear in the economics
literature until it formed part of the title of an article by De Wolff which was
published in 1941, while the term ‘macroeconomics’ first appeared in the title
of an article by Klein published in 1946. The central belief which under-
pinned the ensuing Keynesian revolution in macroeconomic thought is the
need for stabilization, the view that the authorities can, and therefore should
use discretionary fiscal and monetary policy to stabilize output and employ-
ment at their full employment levels (see Modigliani, 1977). According to
Gerrard (1996), a unifying theme in the evolution of modern macroeconom-
ics thereafter has been an ‘ever-evolving classical-Keynesian debate’ involving
contributions from various schools of thought that can be differentiated and
classified as being orthodox (the orthodox Keynesian and orthodox monetar-
ist schools), new (the new classical, real business cycle and new Keynesian
schools) or radical (the Austrian and Post Keynesian schools).
The rise and fall of orthodox Keynesian economics owed a great deal to its
problem-solving effectiveness. It appeared to provide a robust explanation of
a severe empirical problem, namely mass unemployment, which had per-
sisted long enough not to be easily explained away as a minor anomaly. In
addition it offered an attractive political action programme for the resolution
of the diagnosed problem. Whilst it contained a number of serious conceptual
problems, for example inconsistencies and ambiguities of presentation along-
side more radical elements, these were effectively submerged by the
neoclassical synthesis process. This synthesis of classical and Keynesian
ideas, captured by the IS–LM AD–AS framework, represented the consensus
view before the 1970s and was the standard approach to macroeconomic
analysis both in textbooks and in professional discussion.
The demise of orthodox Keynesianism was in large part the result of its
failure to deal adequately with the major new empirical problem posed by
stagflation in the 1970s. Conceptually much of its ‘heuristic power’ had
‘petered out’ and ‘run dry’ (Leijonhufvud, 1968). As Klamer (1984) con-
Conclusions and reflections 699

cedes, ‘the 70s were a decade of retreat, defence, and frustration’ for Keynesian
economics. During periods of consensus in macroeconomics divisions among
economists naturally become less intense and less visible in the literature.
The inherent weaknesses and practical failings of both Keynesianism and
economic positivism highlighted in the late 1960s and early 1970s led to the
demise of much of the old orthodoxy without its replacement by any single
dominant new approach. Any continuing ‘submerged’ competition between
rival macroeconomic explanations became more open and pronounced. The
revival of much of the ‘old economics’, in a traditional (Austrian) or new
form (monetarist, new classical and real business cycle approaches), under-
mined much of the ‘new economics’ of orthodox Keynesianism, which in
turn encouraged the development of new Keynesian accounts. The more
radical Post Keynesian interpretation of Keynes’s (1936) General Theory
also continues to offer an alternative vision of how the macroeconomic sys-
tem operates.
Keynesianism was initially faced by a potent rival, monetarism, which was
better able to explain the empirical anomaly of stagflation in a more consist-
ent fashion. As we have discussed, in the orthodox monetarist view (and the
new classical approach) there is no need for stabilization policy, the authori-
ties can’t, and therefore shouldn’t, attempt to stabilize fluctuations in output
and employment through the use of activist aggregate demand management
policies. Monetarism, in turn, experienced a period of progress before being
faced with problems of its own, not least as noted earlier in Chapter 4 the
sharp decline in trend velocity in the 1980s in the USA and elsewhere. The
collapse of a stable demand for money function in the early 1980s was to
seriously undermine monetarism. During the early 1970s a second counter-
revolution took place associated with new classical school which cast further
doubt on whether traditional Keynesian aggregate demand management poli-
cies can be used to stabilize the economy. While new classical macroeconomics
evolved out of the monetarist approach, it in fact provided a sustained chal-
lenge to the monetarist as well as the Keynesian orthodoxies. As we have
seen, the new classical case against discretionary policy activism and in
favour of rules is based on a different set of arguments (most notably the
policy ineffectiveness proposition, the Lucas critique and time inconsistency)
to those advanced by orthodox monetarists.
New classical macroeconomics displayed important conceptual progress
both by nurturing a rational expectations revolution, which was subsequently
widely incorporated into the macroeconomic mainstream, and by highlight-
ing the role of aggregate supply. However, important criticisms were
increasingly directed at new classical macroeconomics concerning certain
conceptual, empirical and policy deficiencies. Its empirical results have been,
at best, somewhat mixed and inconclusive. Contrary to its early claims, both
700 Modern macroeconomics

unanticipated and anticipated policy changes appear to affect output and

employment, while several economies have experienced real costs of an-
nounced disinflation. New classical macroeconomics has certainly left its
mark, and both real business cycle theory and new Keynesian economics can
be viewed as a response to issues raised by Robert E. Lucas Jr and other
prominent new classicists.
During the 1980s a considerable divide emerged between the flexi-price
competitive equilibrium real business cycle models and the sticky-price new
Keynesian models, where monetary influences are viewed as central to any
explanation of the path of real variables in the short run. In the real business
cycle approach there is no need for stabilization policy. Furthermore, as mon-
etary factors are irrelevant in explaining such fluctuations, monetary policy
can’t be used to influence output and employment even in the short run. In
these circumstances governments shouldn’t attempt to reduce fluctuations in
output and employment, which are Pareto-efficient responses to shocks to the
production function. In contrast, new Keynesians argue that there is a need for
stabilization policy as capitalist economies are subjected to shocks from both
the demand and supply side of the economy, which cause inefficient fluctuations
in output and employment. Furthermore, since governments can improve macr-
oeconomic performance, they should pursue stabilization policy. Although there
is no unified view among new Keynesians with respect to the rules versus
discretion debate, new Keynesians do not advocate ‘fine-tuning’ the economy,
but have instead championed the case for ‘rough-tuning’ in response to large
divergences in output and employment from their natural levels. Today the new
Keynesian stance can best be characterized as one which supports the case for
some kind of constrained discretion in the form of an activist rule, along the
lines, for example, of a flexible Taylor-type rule.
As an aside, it is interesting to note that new Keynesian economics could
have been named new monetarist economics (Mankiw and Romer, 1991) in
that it represents a synthesis of certain key foundations of monetarism and
new classical macroeconomics. For example, the new Keynesian school has
absorbed what it regards as valid components of the monetarist and new
classical counter-revolutions, most notably the natural rate hypothesis and the
rational expectations hypothesis. However, responding to the challenge of
new classical macroeconomists, the new Keynesian school has provided rig-
orous microfoundations to explain why markets may fail to clear due to wage
and price stickiness. In so doing it has been able to account for involuntary
unemployment as an equilibrium phenomenon and provide a rationale to
justify interventionist policies to stabilize the economy.
Of course the demise of orthodox Keynesianism also permitted the revival
of interest in such non-mainstream accounts as that of the Austrians and the
salvaging of Keynes’s fundamental ideas by the Post Keynesians.
Conclusions and reflections 701

In Chapters 4–9 we examined the nature and extent of disagreement within

macroeconomics resulting from the dismantling of the Keynesian orthodoxy.
Over the decades macroeconomists have largely been engaged in emphasiz-
ing their differences rather than their similarities. They have often been more
concerned with differentiating their intellectual products in the academic
arena alongside a willingness to display conflicts over policy advice in the
public arena. In short, there has been a tendency to emphasize uniqueness of
identity, which, in turn, has led to both diversity and labelling.
Table 12.1 highlights some of the important features of the schools of
macroeconomic thought explored in Chapters 3–9 of this book. The main-
stream development of macroeconomics can be read from top to bottom, that
is, from orthodox Keynesian to new Keynesian. The Austrian and Post
Keynesian approaches represent the most important non-mainstream ap-
proaches. Two points should be borne in mind when consulting this table.
First, within each school identified, there are differences of opinion and
emphasis: the table merely characterizes the view most commonly held on
particular issues. Second, as is evident from a close scrutiny of the table,
there is a considerable degree of overlap between the various schools on a
number of issues. This suggests that, in practice, the dividing line between
schools is becoming increasingly blurred on many issues. With the benefit of
hindsight, differences between schools have often been exaggerated. Take,
for example, the debate between Tobin and Friedman concerning the trans-
mission mechanism of monetary policy. In commenting on the debate Stanley
Fischer (1994) suggests that:

you can read Friedman’s and Tobin’s statement of the transmission mechanism
and you can’t tell who wrote which. The analogy I use is that when I was a kid I
could tell cars apart coming down the road. Then the differences between say a
Chev and a Ford were enormous. Now if you look at an old car I know it’s a 1950s
model but I don’t have any idea whether it’s a Ford or a Chev because they look
practically identical. In that sense the methods and models they used and the
issues they looked at were very similar.

Ten years ago in the concluding chapter to our book A Modern Guide to
Macroeconomics (Snowdon, Vane and Wynarczyk, 1994), we noted that ‘at
the present moment macroeconomics lacks the degree of consensus it once
had under orthodox Keynesianism’ and that ‘while there does not appear to
be any clearly emerging consensus on the horizon we should not be surprised
if a synthesis develops in the future, possibly even from disparate schools’.
According to Marvin Goodfriend and Robert King (1997), the intellectual
currents of recent years are moving modern macroeconomics towards a ‘New
Neoclassical Synthesis’. The new synthesis ‘inherits the spirit of the old in
that it combines Keynesian and classical elements’. This can be seen by
Table 12.1 Some areas of agreement and disagreement in macroeconomics

Schools in Dominant Expectations Price/wage Market Notion of Dominant Rules v.

macroeconomics source of adjustment adjustment equilibrium time frame discretion

Orthodox Keynesian Fluctuations in Adaptive Emphasis Weak State of rest Short Discretion
autonomous on nominal probably below
expenditure wage full
rigidity employment
Orthodox monetarist Monetary Adaptive Flexible Strong Market clearing Short and Rules
disturbances at natural rate long
New classical Monetary Rational Perfectly Very Market clearing Long = short Rules
disturbances flexible strong at natural rate

Real business cycle Supply shocks Rational Perfectly Very Market clearing Long = short Rules
(mainly flexible strong at moving
technological) natural rate
New Keynesian Demand and Rational Emphasis Slow Consistent with Predominantly Constrained
supply shocks on price involuntary short discretion
(eclectic) rigidities unemployment
Austrian Monetary Reasonable Flexible Strong Tendency Short and long Rules
disturbances towards
Post Keynesian Fluctuations in Reasonable Sticky Very State of rest Short Discretion
autonomous weak probably below
expenditure full employment
Conclusions and reflections 703

noting that the key elements in the new synthesis comprise: intertemporal
optimization; rational expectations; imperfect competition in goods, labour
and credit markets; and nominal rigidities and costly price adjustment. In
their analysis Goodfriend and King conclude that the new neoclassical syn-
thesis suggests several important conclusions about the role of monetary
policy. First, monetary policy has real effects in the short run. Second, there
is little by way of a long-run trade-off between inflation and real activity.
Third, inflation is costly and it is important to eliminate it. Fourth, the
credibility of policy actions has an important impact on monetary policy
outcomes. Goodfriend and King argue that these conclusions point the way to
a rules-based monetary policy framework with inflation targeting acting as
the nominal anchor.

12.3 Is There a Consensus on Key Macroeconomic Issues?

Our discussion has highlighted some of the major trends in the development
of modern macroeconomics and has inevitably focused on areas of contro-
versy and disagreement. However, it would be wrong to conclude that there is
no consensus on a number of key macroeconomics issues. In this final section
we summarize six main areas on which there now appears to be widespread
though by no means unanimous agreement, noting that in some instances this
agreement has only been reached after intense debate and controversy. The
present consensus view among macroeconomists can be characterized as

1. The trend movement of real GDP is primarily driven by supply-side

factors. As such, in the long run, the growth of real GDP depends upon
increases in the supply of factor inputs and improvements in the state of
technology (Solow, 1997). While there are various policies governments
can adopt to influence economic growth – including encouraging educa-
tion and training, capital formation, and research and development –
there is continuing debate over what is the best way to increase the
economy’s productive capacity and what role the government can and
should play in encouraging growth. Economists now are also much more
aware of the importance of undertaking research into the deeper determi-
nants of economic growth and the need for growth theories to account
for the growth experiences of both the Malthusian era and the era of
modern growth.
2. Real GDP fluctuates around a rising long-term trend and short-run
fluctuations in real GDP are primarily caused by aggregate demand
shocks. As we have seen, real business cycle theorists, such as Prescott,
challenge this consensus view, arguing that fluctuations in real GDP
704 Modern macroeconomics

are driven predominantly by persistent supply-side shocks and are

fluctuations in the natural rate of output, not deviations of output from
a smooth deterministic trend. The reason why movements in aggregate
demand can influence real output is linked to the presence of nominal
rigidities. Macroeconomists also debate whether governments cause
instability and what policies they can and should pursue to reduce
short-run fluctuations in economic activity. In attempting to identify
the main cause of cycles emphasis is placed on various sources of
aggregate demand shocks, including fluctuations in autonomous expen-
ditures (for example Keynesians and Post Keynesians); monetary shocks
(for example monetarists, new classicists and Austrians); and political
distortions to macroeconomic policy (for example political business
cycle theorists). Interestingly, compared with the experience of the
Great Depression, fluctuations in real GDP in the post-Second World
War period have been relatively minor – the main exceptions being the
periods following the two adverse OPEC oil price (supply) shocks and
the period of disinflation in the early 1980s in the USA and Europe. As
Solow (1997) comments, ‘fluctuations around trend are contained within
a moderately narrow corridor’.
3. While the authorities face a short-run trade-off between inflation and
unemployment, in the long run the trade-off disappears. As Blinder (1997a)
argues, the expectations-augmented Phillips curve ‘has worked very well’
and along with ‘Okun’s Law’ represents a ‘sturdy empirical relation-
ship’. In the short run it is widely accepted that the authorities can reduce
unemployment below the natural rate by engaging in expansionary ag-
gregate demand policies. Reducing unemployment involves a short-run
trade-off as inflation increases. Alternatively, enacting contractionary
aggregate demand policies which reduce inflation involves a short-run
trade-off as unemployment increases. In the long run, however, there is
no trade-off between inflation and unemployment. A corollary is that in
the long run the authorities can achieve a lower rate of inflation with no
change in the natural rate of unemployment, and that to reduce the
natural rate, which is held to be independent of the level of aggregate
demand, requires microeconomic (aggregate supply management) poli-
cies which improve the structure and functioning of the labour market.
Some new Keynesians would add one important qualification to this
consensus view, namely that in circumstances where the actual rate of
unemployment remains above the natural rate for a prolonged period, the
natural rate (or what new Keynesians would prefer to refer to as NAIRU)
will tend to increase due to hysteresis effects. In other words, some new
Keynesians argue that the natural rate (or NAIRU) can be affected by the
level of aggregate demand (Blanchard, 1997b).
Conclusions and reflections 705

4. In the long run the rate of growth of the money supply determines the
rate of inflation. Friedman has convinced the majority of the profession
and policy makers that sustained inflation is a monetary phenomenon
and that the main aim of monetary policy should be the pursuit of a low
and stable rate of inflation. Indeed, many countries now have a long-run
inflation target with monetary policy directed to keep the growth of
aggregate demand stable in order to create macroeconomic stability.
5. In contrast to the dominant Keynesian view held in the 1950s and early
1960s, it is now widely accepted that governments should not attempt to
‘fine-tune’ their economies in order to keep output and employment
close to, or at, their full employment or natural levels using discretionary
aggregate demand policies. Most economists now accept that the stabi-
lizing potential of activist discretionary fiscal policy is at best limited
and that the stabilizing role of fiscal policy lies embedded in automatic
stabilizers. Furthermore, there has been a marked change of focus away
from fiscal policy towards monetary policy as the main tool of stabilization
policy. The modern discussion over rules versus discretion involves that
between advocates of flexible Taylor-type rules versus those who favour
rough-tuning. With respect to monetary policy there are few remaining
advocates of Friedman’s hard core monetarist prescription for a k per
cent rule for money growth. The empirical evidence also indicates that in
the short run monetary policy has real effects, so both the ‘classic
Keynesian and vintage RBC view about the cyclical ineffectiveness of
monetary policy has been buried’ (Eichenbaum, 1997).
6. Again, in contrast to the 1950s and 1960s when stabilization was re-
garded as a control-theory problem, it is now viewed as a game-theoretic
problem. The insight that the policy regime adopted by the authorities
affects people’s expectations and behaviour is now widely accepted. So
too is the importance given to establishing the credibility of policy and
the design of institutions to conduct credible policy, as evidenced by the
increasing attention given to the issue of central bank independence.
Furthermore, most economists agree that the short-run output/employ-
ment costs of disinflation will be less if policy is credible. While Taylor
(1997b) includes the rational expectations hypothesis in his core of prac-
tical macroeconomics, Solow (1997) remains a sceptic.

To sum up, ‘the good news for policymakers is that there is indeed a core of
usable macroeconomics; the good news for macroeconomic researchers is
that there is a lot of work still to be done’ (Blanchard, 1997b).
As to the future course of macroeconomics, two main pathways immedi-
ately stand out. First, real business cycle models are likely to be integrated
more into the mainstream (Danthine, 1997). Certainly over recent years a
706 Modern macroeconomics

number of real business cycle models have introduced nominal rigidities

which allow for the short-run effects of money on output and employment.
Second, there is likely to be continuing interest shown in new growth theory
and empirics, and especially the now burgeoning research into the deeper
determinants of growth (Temple, 1999; Rodrik, 2003). By providing a better
understanding of the growth process, the renaissance of growth analysis
holds out the prospect of providing insights which may prove invaluable in
helping design policies which could make a significant difference to long-
term growth rates and living standards. In particular, research that integrates
important ideas from economic history, development economics, new politi-
cal economy and modern growth theory literature is likely to provide important
new insights into the growth process (see, for example, Galor and Weil, 2000;
Acemoglu and Robinson, 2003).
David Romer (2003) argues that in many cases the adoption of inefficient
policies that reduce welfare has been due to individuals and policy makers
having biased or irrational beliefs (‘misconceptions’) about how the economy
works. This implies that economists need to ensure that those individuals
who are engaged in making important policy decisions are at least aware of
the major research findings of economists. In turn, economists need to appre-
ciate how strategic interaction among individuals and groups that represent
different interests can distort policy making.
In our broad survey of the development of macroeconomics we have
shown that while the objectives of macroeconomic policy have remained
largely unchanged, there have been significant shifts in policy makers’ views
about how the economy works which in turn have led to major changes in the
conduct of macroeconomic policy. These changes have occurred largely as a
result of improvements in economic understanding driven by the research of
economists. The evolution of thinking on the Phillips curve trade-off between
inflation and unemployment provides an excellent example of how develop-
ments in economic theory and empirical evidence have led to a change in
policy makers’ views concerning the feasibility and sustainability of achiev-
ing low unemployment targets using aggregate demand expansion (see Romer
and Romer, 2002, 2004). Another good example is provided by the decision
in May 1997 to give greater independence to the Bank of England. This move
can be directly traced to the research findings of economists.
However, while there has been progress in macroeconomic analysis, our
existing knowledge will always remain incomplete, for, as Alan Greenspan
(2004) notes:

despite extensive efforts to capture and quantify what we perceive as the key
macroeconomic relationships, our knowledge about many of the important link-
ages is far from complete and, in all likelihood, will always remain so. Every
Conclusions and reflections 707

model, no matter how detailed or how well designed, conceptually and empiri-
cally, is a vastly simplified representation of the world that we experience with all
its intricacies on a day-to-day basis.

While it remains to be seen what the next significant development will be

in macroeconomics, it is clear that macroeconomics will continue to change
and progress by a process of evolution and/or revolution. One thing we can
be sure about, with regard to the future direction of macroeconomics, is that
it will continue to surprise us just as much as it has done in the past. As Lucas
commented in our interview with him:

when a macroeconomic consensus is reached on an issue (as it has been, say, on

the monetary sources of inflation), the issue passes off the stage of professional
debate, and we argue about something else. Professional economists are primarily
scholars, not policy managers. Our responsibility is to create new knowledge by
pushing research into new, and hence necessarily controversial, territory. Consen-
sus can be reached on specific issues, but consensus for a research area as a whole
is equivalent to stagnation, irrelevance and death.

Titles marked with an asterisk are particularly recommended for student


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Author index

Abel, A.B. xiv, 237, 301, 305, 306, 307, Attfield, C.L.F. 230
321, 333, 378, 387, 408, 603, 612 Azariadis, C. 384
Abraham, K.G. 328
Abramovitz, M. 34, 88, 585, 586, 587, Backhouse, R.E. 13, 46, 72, 113, 182,
597, 610, 620, 635, 666, 693 230, 321
Acemoglu, D. 31, 32, 517, 562, 563, Backus, D.K. 257, 329, 341, 548
588, 635, 636, 637, 639, 642, 643, Bade, R. 260, 361
652, 654, 656, 706 Bailey, M.N. 16, 384
Ackley, G. 37, 38 Bain, K. 196
Adelman, I. 597, 636 Bairoch, P. 589
Adsera, A. 643 Balassa, B. 648
Aghion, P. 34, 556, 557, 585, 628 Baldwin, R.E. 621, 647
Aidt, T.S. 562 Ball, L. 249, 250, 335, 363, 370, 378,
Akerlof, G.A. 57, 74, 160, 187, 247, 379, 394, 398, 403, 411, 429, 430,
336, 372, 374, 384, 385, 388, 391, 437
392, 393, 432, 441 Balls, E. 416, 419
Akerman, J. 518 Bardhan, P. 388
Akhtar, M.A. 262 Barens, I. 113
Aldcroft, D.H. 12 Barro, R.J. 22, 32, 34, 72, 112, 156, 162,
Alesina, A. 2, 29, 30, 31, 195, 259, 260, 163, 230, 231, 246, 268, 269, 288,
261, 262, 279, 413, 517, 519, 525, 296, 297, 312, 317, 318, 320, 323,
526, 532, 535, 536, 537, 539, 542, 346, 358, 360, 363, 371, 412, 430,
543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 431, 440, 550, 556, 557, 564, 585,
551, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 586, 590, 603, 604, 610, 612, 617,
560, 564, 566, 567, 569, 572, 579, 618, 622, 623, 625, 629, 631, 635,
637, 646, 652, 688 636, 637, 640, 659, 662, 678, 688,
Allsopp, C. 416 697
Alogoskoufis, G.S. 261 Barsky, R.B. 358
Alston, R. 6 Bartels, L.M. 534
Alt, J.E. 30, 536, 565 Bates, R.H. 563
Altonji, J.G. 328 Baumol, W.J. 13, 34, 46, 580, 584, 585,
Alvi, E. 398 587, 597, 611, 617, 622, 644, 650,
Andersen, T.M. 371, 395 666, 697
Ando, A. 171 Bean, C.R. 258, 401, 418
Arestis, P. 187, 359, 376, 452 Beaud, M. 113, 223
Arnold, L.G. 240, 297 Becker, G.S. 582, 621
Arrow, K.J. 336, 460, 625 Begg, D.K.H. 44, 230, 697
Artadi, E. 653 Benabou, R. 556
Artis, M. 413 Bénassy, J.P. 362
Ashton, P. 263, 285 Ben-David, D. 648, 650
Atkinson, A.B. 423 Benjamin, D.K. 337

792 Modern macroeconomics

Benson Durham, J. 636 Brunner, K. 50, 193, 697

Berger, H. 414 Bruno, M. 21
Bernanke, B.S. xiv, 9, 11, 27, 76, 77, 79, Buchanan, J.M. 23, 90, 111, 195, 519
80, 81, 170, 237, 260, 262, 301, Budd, A. 258, 418
305, 306, 307, 321, 333, 334, 378, Buiter, W.H. 23, 145, 168, 196, 247,
382, 387, 400, 408, 413, 414, 415, 270, 367, 410, 416
416, 552, 603, 612, 633 Burns, A. 16
Besley, T. 517 Burns, A.F. 305
Bhagwati, J. 588, 600, 601, 614, 641, Burnside, C. 334
647, 648 Burton, J. 23, 218, 519
Bhaskar, V. 429
Birdzell, L.E. 592 Cagan, P. 205, 324, 697
Black, F. 323 Cairncross, A. 21
Blackburn, K. 251, 256, 257, 262, 327, Cairncross, F. 21
548, 549, 588 Campbell, J.Y. 335
Blackman, S.A.B. 587 Canning, D. 652, 653
Blanchard, O.J. xiv, 5, 6, 9, 29, 85, 113, Capelli, P. 429
220, 262, 267, 269, 300, 301, 307, Capie, F.H. 556
335, 341, 360, 362, 365, 374, 401, Caplin, A.S. 430
406, 408, 429, 696, 698, 704, 705 Caporale, G.M. 342
Blaug, M. 1, 5, 33, 113, 163, 164, 175, Caporale, T. 298
182, 598, 626, 695, 697 Carabelli, A.M. 75
Bleaney, M. 23, 260 Carey, K. 77, 80, 81
Blinder, A.S. 29, 56, 110, 145, 179, 196, Carlin, W. 334, 362, 403, 409
197, 262, 267, 279, 299, 330, 335, Carlson, K.M. 110
340, 341, 357, 358, 364, 365, 383, Carlton, D.W. 429
428, 429, 430, 439, 442, 443, 536, Carmignani, F. 544, 555
704 Caroli, E. 556, 557
Bloom, D.E. 587, 598, 652, 653 Carter, M. 225, 230
Böhm-Bawerk, E. v. 474, 475 Carvalho, F.J.C.D. 262
Boix, C. 643 Case, A. 517
Bolton, P. 564 Caspari, V. 113
Boone, P. 601 Cass, D. 675
Booth, A. 17, 697 Cecchetti, S.G. 370, 415, 416
Bordo, M.D. 76, 77, 82, 113, 647 Cesaratto, S. 612
Boskin, M.J. 587 Chadha, B. 249, 329
Bosworth, B.P. 614, 665 Chamberlin, E.H. 364
Bourguignon, F. 620 Chappell, H.W. 551
Brady, H.E. 534 Chari, V.V. 220, 337
Brandolini, A. 328 Chatterjee, S. 332
Braun, R.A. 334 Chauvin, K. 429
Brech, M. 249 Chenery, H.B. 601
Brendon, P. 10 Chick, V. 57, 452
Bridel, P. 122 Cho, J.O. 350
Brimmer, A.F. 185, 249 Choudri, E.U. 80, 82
Britton, A. 2, 3, 5, 413 Chow, G.C. 250
Bronfenbrenner, M. 299 Christensen, M. 257, 548
Broughton, J.M. 135 Christiano, L.J. 337
Brown, G. 411, 414, 549, 592 Chrystal, K.A. 193, 565
Brumberg, R. 113, 697 Clague, C. 636
Author index 793

Clarida, R. 27, 419, 421, 423, 427 617, 622, 636, 637, 638, 640, 642,
Clark, G. 657 648
Clower, R.W. 71, 72, 697 Delorme, C.D. 329
Cochran, J.P. 497 Demery, D. 230
Coddington, A. 57, 70, 71, 277, 451, 452 Denison, E.F. 34, 326, 596, 613, 614
Coe, D.T. 650 Deutscher, P. 54, 69, 86, 87, 298
Cohen, G.D. 2, 30, 31, 195, 262, 525, Devarajan, S. 601
536, 572 Diamond, J. 594, 697
Colander, D.C. 23, 56, 72, 113, 361, Diamond, P. 380, 412, 652, 654
365, 519 Dickens, W.T. 160, 416
Cole, H. 15, 76, 79, 336, 337 Dickinson, D.G. 297, 536
Collier, P. 564, 588, 637, 646, 653 Dimand, R.W. 62, 111, 113, 120, 124
Collins, S.M. 614, 665 Dixon, H. 175, 231, 361, 364, 365, 376,
Cooley, T.F. 26, 307, 321, 322, 329, 350, 494
588 Dixon, W. 659
Cornwall, J. 248 Dollar, D. 589, 597, 647, 659
Corry, B.A. 54 Domar, E.D. 33, 586, 598
Crafts, N.F.R. 17, 582, 585, 593, 594, Donaldson, J.B. 297, 307, 327
598, 613, 614, 620, 622, 625, 626, Dore, M. 240
628, 629, 652 Dorfman, R. 49, 663
Criss, A.J. 615 Dornbusch, R. 11, 44, 103, 113, 270,
Cross, R. 28, 175, 187, 192, 247, 401, 325, 376, 377
403, 405, 406, 411 Dostaler, G. 113, 223
Crucini, M.J. 79 Dow, C. 342
Cukierman, A. 258, 538, 550, 551, 556 Downs, A. 523, 527, 539
Culbertson, J.M. 169 Dowrick, S. 617
Cunningham Wood, J. 57 Doyle, C. 262, 553
Drago, R. 429
Dalziel, P.C. 249 Drazen, A. 2, 30, 262, 517, 525, 536,
Danthine, J.P. 297, 307, 326, 705 544, 546, 548, 554, 556
Danziger, S. 459, 471 Driffill, J. 256, 257, 548
Darity, W. Jr. 113 Duck, N.W. 230
Dasgupta, P. 635 Dunlop, J.G. 328
David, P. 637 Durlauf, S.N. 335, 585, 587, 635
Davidson, G. 473
Davidson, P. 55, 57, 76, 113, 170, 324, Easterlin, R.A. 580, 589, 594, 657
361, 431, 452, 453, 455, 458, 463, Easterly, W. 412, 536, 557, 563, 564,
469, 470, 473 585, 600, 601, 630, 635, 637, 641,
Davies, D. 263, 285 642, 646, 653
Davis, M.D. 253 Edwards, S. 547, 556, 621, 630, 647,
Dawson, J.W. 635 648, 649
De Hahn, J. 414 Eggertsson, G.B. 416
De Prano, M. 171 Eichenbaum, M. 29, 323, 332, 334, 336,
De Vanssay, X. 124 350, 705
De Vroey, M. 113, 222 Eichengreen, B. 10, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82,
De Wolff, P. 85, 698 637, 638
Deane, P. 6 Eichner, A.S. 452
Deininger, K. 556 Eifert, B. 654
DeLong, J.B. 3, 17, 21, 77, 88, 142, 147, Eijffinger, S.C.W. 260, 414, 418, 551,
195, 197, 358, 364, 421, 611, 616, 553
794 Modern macroeconomics

Ekelund, R.E. 329 Fukuyama, F. 587, 638, 640, 642, 645,

Elmslie, B. 615 659
Els, van P.J.A. 307
Eltis, W. 164 Galbraith, J. 142, 187, 364, 423
Engerman, S. 643 Galbraith, J.K. 14, 56, 95
Evans, C.L. 334 Gali, J. 27, 411, 419, 421, 423, 427, 431
Evans, G.W. 228, 430 Gallup, J. 596, 652
Galor, O. 34, 590, 591, 595, 596, 597,
Fackler, J.S. 77 621, 655, 706
Fagerberg, J. 585, 604, 621 Garcia-Penalosa, C. 556, 557
Fair, R. 336, 428, 525 Garrison, R.W. 475, 491, 497, 504, 508
Fajnzylber, P. 558 Gartner, M. 413, 517, 544
Fama, E. 323 Gatti, R. 31, 553, 554, 574
Fay, J.A. 334 Gelb, A. 654
Fei, J. 615 Geraats, P.M. 413
Feiwel, G.R. 518 Gerrard, B. 28, 57, 451, 698
Feldstein, M. 23, 112, 300, 412, 416 Gerschenkron, A. 615, 620
Fellner, W. 249, 269 Gertler, M. 27, 358, 382, 400, 419, 421,
Ferguson, J.D. 76 423, 427
Fischer, S. 6, 8, 11, 44, 103, 113, 220, Ghosh, A. 412
247, 257, 258, 268, 301, 307, 325, Glaeser, E. 558, 635, 637
328, 360, 363, 367, 368, 376, 409, Glahe, F.R. 122
411, 412, 413, 416, 442, 536, 540, Goldberger, A.S. 697
551, 552, 556, 573, 585, 587, 614, Goldin, C. 76, 77, 584, 597
701 Golosov, M. 430
Fisher, I. 53, 79, 121, 135, 216 Goodfriend, M. 29, 269, 410, 411, 413,
Fitoussi, J.P. 401, 404, 407 427, 656, 701
Fitzgibbons, A. 75 Goodhart, C.A.E. 258, 262, 298, 550,
Fleming, J.M. 123 551
Fletcher, G. 122 Gordon, D.B. 256, 269, 550
Fogel, R.W. 587 Gordon, D.F. 384
Forbes, K. 556 Gordon, R.J. 9, 11, 27, 78, 113, 174,
Forder, J. 262 244, 246, 247, 248, 268, 269, 278,
Frankel, J.A. 647 296, 330, 357, 358, 360, 361, 364,
Freeman, C. 611 366, 369, 370, 373, 375, 379, 381,
Frenkel, J.A. 135, 164, 188, 191 384, 401, 406, 421, 426, 429, 536,
Frey, B.S. 2, 30, 521, 523, 525, 526, 537, 587, 697
544, 545, 547 Grandmont, J.M. 470
Friedman, B.M. 196, 249, 409, 414 Gray, C. 636
Friedman, M. 7, 21, 23, 25, 44, 79, 82, Green, J. 413
89, 144, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, Greenspan, A. 415, 706
168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 175, 176, Greenwald, B.C. 21, 305, 327, 336, 360,
179, 182, 184, 186, 193, 194, 195, 398, 399, 400, 409, 430
198, 202, 221, 236, 238, 249, 278, Grief, A. 635
285, 294, 300, 322, 323, 342, 354, Griffin, K. 601
384, 410, 413, 454, 528, 550, 641, Grilli, V. 260, 551
697 Grossman, G. 585, 628, 630
Frisch, H. 140 Grossman, H. 72, 363
Frisch, R. 223, 308 Gujarati, D. 140
Frydman, R. 228 Gunning, J. 588, 653
Author index 795

Gurkaynak, R. 633 Hicks, J.R. 22, 37, 57, 70, 102, 113,
Gyimah-Brempong, K. 558 298, 366, 465, 466, 467, 696
Gylfason, T. 585 Hirschman, A. 558
Hoffmaisler, A.W. 650
Haberler, G. 37, 54, 236, 298, 696 Holt, R.P.F. 452
Hadri, K. 541 Honkapohja, S. 228, 430
Hahn, F.H. 247, 383, 458, 459, 460, Hoover, K.D. 25, 27, 28, 61, 170, 208,
602, 671 220, 222, 230, 236, 237, 238, 267,
Haldane, A. 413 268, 283, 290, 294, 297, 322, 327,
Haley, J. 385 332, 335, 336, 343, 353, 697
Hall, R.E. 220, 369, 370, 380, 401, 597, Horrell, S. 585
637, 652 Horwitz, S.G. 475
Hall, T.E. 76 Howells, P. 196
Haltiwanger, J.C. 328 Howitt, P.W. 34, 72, 359, 442, 585, 628
Hamberg, D. 612 Hsieh, C. 614
Hamilton, J.D. 80, 304 Hume, D. 54, 164
Hammond, J.D. 170, 171, 174, 180 Huntington, S.P. 4, 634, 635, 659
Hamouda, O.F. 452 Hutchison, M.M. 259
Hansen, A.H. 70, 102, 113, 201 Hutchison, T.W. 15
Hansen, B. 140
Hansen, G.D. 334, 348, 585, 595, 596, Inada, K. 604
656 Ireland, P.N. 400, 431
Hansen, L.P. 322 Irwin, D. 651
Harcourt, G.C. 452, 478 Islam, N. 615
Hargreaves-Heap, S.P. 361, 362, 405
Harrison, L.E. 634 Jackman, R. 362, 395, 401, 403, 406, 423
Harrod, R. 33, 57, 455, 518, 569, 586, Jackson, D. 193
598 Jaffe, D. 400
Hartley, J.E. 27, 294, 297, 309, 322, James, H. 76, 79, 80
332, 336, 343 Jamison, D.T. 653
Havrilesky, T.M. 535, 551 Jansen, D.W. 329
Hayek, F.A. 23, 55, 89, 180, 237, 474, Jay, P. 594
475, 488, 503, 504, 508, 516 Jenkins, M.A. 551
Haynes, S.E. 536 Jestaz, D. 401, 404, 407
Healey, N. 551 Johnson, E.S. 174
Heckman, J.J. 322, 597 Johnson, H.G. 5, 9, 23, 24, 121, 164,
Heilbroner, R.L. 11 165, 188, 191, 339, 557, 697
Heinlein, R. 480 Johnson, P. 636, 637
Helpman, E. 585, 628, 630, 650 Johnson, S. 635, 643, 652, 654, 656
Henderson, H. 58 Jones, C.I. 34, 585, 589, 594, 595, 597,
Hennings, K.H. 475 603, 617, 618, 622, 623, 627, 628,
Henry, S.G.B. 185 629, 631, 637, 648, 654, 656
Herbst, J. 636, 653 Jones, E.L. 594, 657
Hess, G.D. 341 Jones, H.G. 602, 608
Heston, A. 355, 587 Jorgenson, D.W. 587, 596, 613, 697
Heymann, D. 412 Judd, J.P. 327, 330
Heywood, J.S. 429
Hibbs, D.A. 30, 31, 517, 525, 526, 532, Kahn, J. 79
534, 536, 538, 539, 541, 547, 548, Kahn, R.F. 57, 61, 376
570, 635 Kaldor, N. 169, 324, 557, 595, 685
796 Modern macroeconomics

Kalecki, M. 518, 570 Krugman, P. 76, 147, 175, 360, 410,

Kareken, J. 169 614, 622, 652, 686
Kasper, S.D. 8 Kumar, S. 621
Katz, L.F. 384, 385, 401, 406, 429 Kuttner, K.N. 414
Kearl, J.R. 6 Kuznets, S. 557, 580
Keech, W. 517 Kydland, F.E. 26, 221, 249, 250, 251,
Keefer, P. 635, 636, 637, 646 263, 269, 283, 294, 307, 309, 317,
Keegan, W. 185 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327,
Kehoe, P.J. 297, 329, 337, 341 328, 331, 341, 351, 409, 413, 546,
Kelly, L.C. 631 550, 588, 697
Kenny, C. 586
Keulen, M.V. 551 Laband, D. 586
Keuzenkamp, H.A. 225 Laidler, D.E.W. 9, 17, 50, 51, 99, 165,
Keynes, J.M. 8, 9, 14, 22, 36, 45, 49, 54, 169, 173, 174, 191, 193, 222, 274,
55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 299, 336, 357, 363, 365, 428, 536
66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 77, 79, 83, Laing, D. 367
84, 88, 101, 201, 202, 206, 225, Lakatos, I. 182
229, 236, 298, 327, 328, 396, 430, Lake, D. 659
451, 453, 455, 456, 457, 459, 460, Lal, D. 593, 594, 635
461, 462, 464, 465, 468, 470, 471, Landau, R. 637
484, 493, 503, 510, 512, 518, 593, Landes, D.S. 589, 594, 629, 635, 645,
612, 696, 698, 699 654, 657
Khan, Z. 629, 643 Landman, T. 636
Kilian, L. 358 Laroque, G. 470
Killick, T. 521 Lau, L.J. 665
Kim, J.-I. 665 Laubach, T. 27, 413, 416
Kim, K. 236, 238, 297 Lawrence, R. 648
King, M. 403, 413, 415, 416, 418 Lawson, T. 75
King, R.G. 29, 113, 269, 298, 303, 323, Layard, R. 362, 395, 401, 403, 406, 408,
361, 410, 411, 427, 431, 601, 701 423
Kirman, A.P. 336 Lederman, D. 558
Kirschner, D. 341 Lee, R. 655, 656
Kirshner, J. 412 Lee, S.P. 12
Kiyotaki, N. 374 Lee, W. 637
Klamer, A. 56, 165, 698 Leeson, R. 142, 144, 146, 176, 180
Klein, L.R. 57, 70, 108, 451, 697, 698 Leibenstein, H. 388, 389, 392
Klenow, P.J. 34, 598, 625, 633 Leijonhufvud, A. 37, 57, 71, 72, 73, 74,
Knack, S. 635, 636, 637, 646 75, 99, 113, 230, 336, 359, 391,
Knight, F.H. 229 398, 410, 412, 446, 484, 494, 513,
Kochin, L.A. 80, 82 698
Kontolemis, Z. 413 Lerner, A. 519
Koopmans, T.C. 264, 675 Leslie, D. 365
Kornai, J. 641, 649 Levacic, R. 300
Kraay, A. 589, 597, 647, 659 Levine, R. 564, 585, 601, 630, 635, 637,
Kramer, G.H. 525 642, 646, 653
Kregel, J.A. 452 Lewer, J.J. 647
Kremer, M. 593, 628, 656 Lewis, W.A. 556, 600, 665
Kreps, D.M. 471 Lilien, D.M. 335
Krueger, A.B. 401 Lindbeck, A. 357, 360, 361, 394, 395,
Krueger, A.O. 597, 621, 647, 648 396, 410, 422, 431, 432, 526, 535
Author index 797

Lipset, S.M. 640 Matthews, K. 248, 249

Lipsey, R.G. 23, 137, 139, 140, 142, Matthews, R.C.O. 17, 602
248 Mauro, P. 563, 644
Litterman, B. 323 Mayer, T. 6, 50, 164, 171, 173, 193, 197,
Littleboy, B. 75 358, 422, 551
Littlechild, S. 475 Mazower, M. 10
Ljungqvist, L. 214, 263, 285, 352, 404 Mazzoleni, R. 628
Loayza, N. 558 McCallum, B.T. 297, 332, 360, 536
Lockwood, B. 261 McCleary, R.M. 635
Loewy, M.B. 648, 650 McCloskey, D.N. 579
Lohmann, S. 259 McDermott, J. 656
Long, J.B. 26, 295, 323, 331, 697 McDonald, I.M. 381, 395
Lovell, M.C. 228 McGrattan, E.R. 337, 627
Lucas, R.E. Jr. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, McGregor, R.R. 551
89, 145, 157, 162, 165, 182, 203, McPherson, M. 626
211, 219, 221, 222, 224, 232, 233, Meade, J.E. 697
234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, Meadows, D.H. 691
241, 250, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, Medoff, J.L. 334
269, 272, 294, 295, 296, 297, 305, Mehra, R. 281, 348
306, 307, 308, 311, 328, 348, 353, Mehta, G. 75
354, 358, 383, 430, 441, 472, 540, Meier, G.M. 520
550, 579, 585, 587, 588, 596, 597, Meiselman, D. 171
598, 616, 619, 620, 624, 625, 647, Melchior, A. 617
657, 666, 675, 678, 697 Mellinger, A. 596, 652
Lundberg, M. 556 Meltzer, A.H. 57, 62, 65, 538
Mendoza, E.G. 341
Machin, S. 429 Menger, C. 474
MacRae, C.D. 526, 535 Meredith, G. 249
Maddison, A. 17, 18, 34, 326, 581, 587, Metzler, L.A. 662
589, 590, 593, 596, 613, 616, 627, Meyer, S. 394
638, 639, 640, 657 Micklewright, J. 423
Maddock, R. 225, 230 Milanovic, B. 620
Madsen, J.B. 408 Mill, J.S. 5, 645
Malinvaud, E. 72 Millard, S. 334
Maloney, J. 541 Minford, A.P.L. 89, 230, 248, 249, 262,
Mankiw, N.G. xiv, 7, 24, 27, 33, 36, 263, 285, 300, 404, 539
175, 194, 197, 242, 284, 313, 332, Minier, J. 636, 659
334, 335, 348, 358, 359, 361, 363, Miron, J.A. 204
364, 371, 372, 378, 379, 398, 409, Mises, L. v. 475, 508
431, 433, 442, 449, 450, 585, 590, Mishkin, F.S. 27, 197, 246, 260, 262,
598, 603, 604, 611, 617, 622, 624, 269, 413, 414, 415, 416, 552
625, 629, 632, 633, 680, 697, 700 Mitchell, W.C. 305
Manning, A. 384, 422 Mizen, P. 413
Marris, R. 376 Moav, O. 595, 597, 655
Marshall, A. 388 Modigliani, F. 22, 57, 68, 70, 73, 101,
Martin, P. 621 102, 113, 145, 171, 187, 196, 262,
Martin, R. 652 264, 300, 331, 402, 518, 697, 698
Mas, I. 551 Moggridge, D. 57
Masciandaro, D. 260, 551 Mokyr, J. 584, 594, 630, 656, 657
Masson, P.R. 249 Morgan, B. 122
798 Modern macroeconomics

Morgenstern, O. 466 Parente, S.L. 355, 562, 585, 595, 620,

Morris, C.T. 636 621, 629, 630, 633, 636, 650, 656
Morrisson, C. 620 Parker, R.E. 9, 13, 77
Mosley, P. 525 Parkin, M. 220, 260, 361, 372
Motto, R. 337 Parkinson, M.L. 334
Mountford, A. 590, 591, 621 Passell, P. 12
Muellbauer, J. 333, 334 Patinkin, D. 14, 22, 23, 56, 57, 62, 71,
Mulhearn, C. 697 72, 73, 113, 120, 166, 167, 452
Mullineux, A.W. 236, 269, 297, 307, Payne, M. 643
327, 536, 588 Pearce, K.A. 61
Mundell, R.A. 10, 123, 130, 135 Peel, D.A. 89, 263, 285, 539
Murphy, K.M. 560, 643, 645, 685, 694 Peng, W. 536
Muscatelli, A. 259, 411, 413 Perez, S.J. 170
Mussa, M. 191 Perotti, R. 31, 519, 550, 554, 555, 556,
Muth, J.F. 207, 219, 221, 224, 225, 226, 557, 558, 560, 569
230, 238, 697 Perry, G.L. 23, 160, 416
Myles, G.D. 637 Persson, T. 257, 517, 538, 554, 556,
Myrdal, K.G. 557, 685 558
Pesaran, H. 75
Naish, H.F. 382 Pesek, B. 121
Nelson, C.R. 299, 300, 301, 303, 309, Phelps, E.S. 28, 57, 144, 174, 205, 221,
331, 335 223, 228, 247, 268, 328, 330, 332,
Nelson, R.R. 556, 586, 597, 612, 628, 357, 361, 363, 364, 367, 370, 376,
630 381, 383, 384, 389, 401, 404, 405,
Nickell, S. 263, 328, 362, 395, 401, 403, 407, 408, 409, 413
404, 406, 408, 422, 423 Philippopoulos, A. 261
Noland, M. 640 Philipson, T.J. 582, 621
Nordhaus, W.D. 30, 262, 331, 525, 526, Phillips, A.W. 23, 113, 136, 140
527, 529, 530, 532, 535, 536, 537, Phillips, S. 412
542, 547, 553, 565, 570, 587 Pickering, A.C. 541
North, D.C. 597, 628, 635, 636, 637, Pierce, J.L. 196
643, 656 Piga, G. 413, 414
Pigou, A.C. 120, 122
O’Brien, D.P. 37 Pindyck, R. 379
O’Donnell, G. 416, 419 Plosser, C.I. 26, 41, 89, 201, 295, 297,
O’Donnell, R.M. 57, 75, 76 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 309, 311,
O’Rourke, K.H. 647 317, 321, 323, 324, 326, 327, 331,
Obstfeld, M. 135, 414 335, 697
Ohanian, L.E. 15, 76, 79, 329, 336, 337, Pomeranz, K. 34, 580, 594
588 Poole, W. 196, 249
Okun, A. 235, 268, 376, 381, 429 Porter, M. 652
Olson, M. 517, 558, 588, 597, 620, 633, Posen, A.S. 27, 262, 413, 416, 554
635, 636, 638, 640, 641, 692 Prasad, E. 329
Ormerod, P.A. 185 Prescott, E.C. 26, 27, 33, 76, 79, 80,
Ottaviano, G.P. 621 221, 249, 250, 251, 263, 269, 281,
283, 294, 297, 298, 307, 309, 317,
Pack, H. 601, 630 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326,
Paish, F.W. 146 327, 328, 331, 334, 337, 338, 344,
Paldam, M. 536, 637 348, 351, 355, 356, 409, 413, 546,
Papademos, L.D. 187, 402 550, 562, 585, 588, 595, 596, 620,
Author index 799

621, 629, 630, 633, 636, 650, 656, Roland, G. 564

675, 697 Romer, C.D. 12, 16, 23, 79, 82, 170,
Presley, J.R. 97, 122, 298 171, 197, 238, 335, 412, 413, 419,
Pritchett, L. 34, 580, 617, 620, 683 422, 706
Proudman, J. 630 Romer, D. 23, 27, 32, 33, 170, 171, 197,
Purvis, D.D. 173, 193 238, 335, 363, 364, 373, 378, 379,
380, 382, 398, 412, 413, 419, 422,
Quah, D.T. 322, 341, 365, 587, 635, 423, 424, 426, 427, 429, 430, 431,
667 442, 450, 590, 598, 604, 611, 624,
625, 632, 647, 697, 700, 706
Raff, D.M.G. 394 Romer, P.M. 34, 354, 579, 585, 587,
Ramey, G. 412 595, 598, 604, 615, 616, 621, 622,
Ramey, V.A. 412 623, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630,
Ramsey, F. 675, 679 647, 649, 666, 673, 683, 694
Ranis, G. 615 Rose-Ackerman, S. 637
Rankin, N. 365 Rosen, S. 383
Rappaport, J. 654 Rosenberg, N. 394, 592, 630
Rapping, L.A. 220, 224, 233, 240, 311 Rosenthal, H. 30, 517, 539, 542, 545
Ravn, M.O. 327 Rostagno, M. 337
Razin, A. 135 Rostow, W.W. 10, 586, 597, 600
Rebelo, S.T. 303, 334, 626 Rotemberg, J.J. 328, 334, 360, 371, 372,
Redding, S. 630 380, 430
Redman, D.A. 226, 230 Rothbard, M.N. 475
Reid, G.C. 429 Rothschild, K.W. 140
Reis, R. 364 Roubini, N. 2, 30, 31, 195, 262, 517,
Reynolds, L.G. 593, 594, 636 525, 536, 542, 572
Rhee, W. 341 Rubinfeld, D.L. 379
Riddell, C. 694 Rush, M. 268, 297
Riddell, R. 601 Russell, R.R. 621
Rivera-Batiz, L. 647 Ryan, C. 269, 297, 307, 327, 588
Robbins, L. 475 Rymes, T.K. 113
Roberts, P.C. 300
Robertson, D.H. 97, 357 Sachs, J.D. 21, 31, 80, 82, 88, 219, 542,
Robinson, J.A. 31, 32, 517, 562, 563, 587, 596, 598, 616, 621, 630, 647,
588, 635, 636, 637, 642, 643, 652, 648, 652, 653, 654
654, 656, 706 Sahay, R. 556
Robinson, J. 17, 55, 71, 93, 113, 324, Sala-i-Martin, X. 32, 162, 288, 297,
364, 452 563, 585, 586, 590, 603, 604, 611,
Robinson, S. 640 617, 618, 620, 622, 623, 625, 631,
Rodriguez, F. 647 635, 653, 654, 662, 678
Rodriguez-Clare, A. 34, 598, 625, 633 Salant, W.S. 17
Rodrik, D. 517, 556, 558, 585, 596, 633, Salop, S.C. 388, 389
635, 637, 641, 646, 647, 648, 651, Salyer, K.D. 27, 294, 297, 322, 332,
652, 658, 706 336, 343
Roed, K. 404 Samuelson, P.A. 22, 54, 56, 70, 101,
Roemer, J. 637 142, 144, 174, 201, 277, 298, 300,
Rogerson, R. 187, 348 358, 662, 663
Rogoff, K. 30, 135, 257, 258, 376, 419, Sandilands, R. 77
525, 526, 532, 538, 547, 552, 553, Sanfey, P.J. 394
572 Santomero, A.M. 136, 179
800 Modern macroeconomics

Sargent, T.J. 22, 23, 24, 26, 89, 205, 32, 57, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 77, 113,
214, 219, 242, 249, 263, 265, 266, 145, 165, 175, 220, 221, 222, 229,
267, 269, 281, 285, 352, 353, 404, 230, 235, 267, 284, 292, 295, 297,
472, 540 304, 328, 336, 339, 342, 348, 357,
Savage, L. 464, 466, 467, 468 360, 361, 362, 412, 413, 414, 429,
Saving, T.R. 121 430, 452, 523, 536, 537, 549, 560,
Sawyer, M. 359, 452 564, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 601,
Say, J.B. 46 619, 641, 646, 647, 658, 661, 701
Schaling, E. 260 Snower, D.J. 394, 395, 396, 422
Scheinkman, J. 558, 637 Soares, R.R. 582, 621
Schmookler, J. 631 Soh, B.H. 536
Schneider, F. 2, 30, 525, 526, 544, 545, Sokoloff, K. 629, 643
547 Sola, M. 329
Schuknecht, L. 522, 538 Solomou, S. 301
Schultz, K. 544, 545, 546 Solow, R.M. 29, 33, 110, 142, 144, 145,
Schumpeter, J.A. 298, 519, 644 146, 169, 176, 187, 262, 264, 267,
Schwartz, A.J. 25, 79, 82, 113, 164, 165, 275, 300, 325, 383, 385, 391, 392,
170, 202, 236, 238, 322, 323, 324, 395, 410, 441, 466, 585, 586, 598,
354 602, 609, 611, 612, 613, 660, 663,
Scott, A. 334 683, 703, 704, 705
Seater, J.J. 136, 179 Soskice, D. 334, 362, 403, 409
Selgin, G.A. 516 Sowell, T. 46
Sensier, M. 334 Spence, M. 388
Serageldin, I. 635 Spencer, R.W. 110
Sevilla, J. 652 Spinelli, F. 258
Shackle, G.L.S. 71, 76, 229 Spolare, E. 31, 564, 565, 578, 579, 652
Shafir, E. 412 Sprague, A. 263, 285
Shapiro, C. 388, 390, 409, 423 Spulber, D.F. 430
Shaw, G.K. 112, 230, 431, 600 Squire, L. 556
Sheffrin, S.M. 230, 332, 398 Sraffa, P. 93
Sheridan, N. 419 Srinivasan, T.N. 647
Shiller, R.J. 412 Stadler, G.W. 268, 297, 308, 332, 335
Shin, K. 341 Stafford, G. 587
Shleifer, A. 558, 560, 635, 636, 637, Stanislaw, J. 523
642, 643, 645, 685 Startz, R. 11, 103, 113, 325
Sibert, A. 30, 525, 526, 538, 547, 572 Stein, H. 17
Siebert, H. 263, 401, 404 Stevenson, A. 184
Siklos, P.L. 556 Stewart, M. 16
Simkins, S.P. 307 Stiglitz, J.E. 21, 122, 187, 262, 305,
Sims, C.A. 169, 268, 322, 323 327, 336, 360, 361, 364, 380, 382,
Singleton, K.J. 323 383, 385, 388, 390, 398, 399, 400,
Skidelsky, R. 8, 14, 56, 57, 62, 75, 77, 409, 422, 423, 430, 432, 522, 553
82, 83, 86, 89, 90, 91, 150, 175 Stiroh, K. 587
Skousen, M. 507 Stock, J.H. 335
Smith, A. 7, 13, 615, 635, 650, 653 Stone, J.A. 536
Smith, D. 185 Stone, J.R.N. 697
Smith, R.T. 327, 329 Strigl, R. 508
Smithin, J. 135 Strout, A.M. 601
Smolensky, E. 459, 471 Subramanian, A. 563, 635, 654
Snowdon, B. 5, 10, 17, 23, 25, 30, 31, Sugden, R. 467
Author index 801

Summers, L.H. 17, 31, 259, 260, 261, Trecroci, C. 411, 413
294, 322, 328, 332, 333, 334, 336, Trehan, B. 327, 330
348, 354, 394, 401, 406, 413, 416, Trevithick, J.A. 46, 66, 184
549, 551, 553, 554, 611, 648 Trigg, A. 298
Summers, R. 355, 587 Tufte, E.R. 525, 532, 536
Svensson, L.E.O. 220, 257, 258, 413, Tullio, G. 258
414, 416, 420 Turner, H.A. 193
Swan, T.W. 33, 586, 598, 602 Tversky, A. 412

Tabellini, G. 260, 517, 538, 548, 551, Ugur, M. 135

554, 556, 558
Tallroth, N.B. 654 Vamvakidis, A. 651
Tamura, R. 620 Van den Berg, H. 647
Tanzi, V. 522, 644, 658 Van der Gaag, J. 459, 471
Tarshis, L. 328 Vane, H.R. 5, 23, 25, 30, 68, 70, 73, 75,
Taussig, M. 459, 471 145, 165, 173, 175, 187, 193, 220,
Tavelli, H. 258 221, 222, 229, 235, 267, 284, 292,
Taylor, A. 414, 647 295, 297, 304, 328, 339, 348, 360,
Taylor, A.M. 588 361, 362, 452, 585, 586, 588, 661,
Taylor, H. 255 697, 701
Taylor, J.B. 3, 29, 229, 247, 268, 270, Vaughan, M.B. 6
328, 363, 367, 369, 370, 376, 409, Vegh, C. 556
410, 411, 412, 420, 422, 423, 424, Venables, A.J. 652
426, 427, 705 Venables, T. 620, 652
Taylor, J. 140 Vercelli, A. 29
Taylor, T. 637 Verdier, T. 563, 642
Temin, P. 10, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 171, Vetter, H. 395
342, 635 Vickers, J. 413
Temple, J. 412, 585, 596, 609, 636, 637, Vines, D. 83, 84, 85, 416
706 Vishny, R.W. 560, 643, 645, 685
Tenyero, S. 564 Von Neumann, J. 466
Theil, H. 520
Thirlwall, A.P. 359 Wacziarg, R. 564, 565
Thomas, R. 637 Wagner, R. 23, 90, 195, 519
Thompson, J.L. 173, 193 Wallace, N. 26, 242, 249, 269, 540
Thurow, L.C. 391, 587 Waller, C.J. 259
Timbrell, M. 383 Walsh, C.E. 257, 258, 259, 297, 550,
Tinbergen, J. 250, 520 552, 576
Tobin, J. 5, 14, 16, 22, 23, 32, 55, 112, Walters, A.A. 225
113, 121, 146, 147, 148, 156, 169, Walters, B. 452
174, 175, 184, 187, 220, 222, 223, Wang, T. 640
232, 262, 268, 278, 295, 300, 313, Warming, J. 61
324, 331, 334, 338, 358, 359, 360, Warner, A.M. 616, 621, 630, 647, 648,
361, 396, 398, 402, 430, 442, 469, 654
518, 697 Watson, M.W. 335, 358
Tocqueville, A. de 519 Weale, M. 262, 553
Tomlinson, J.D. 17, 697 Weber, S. 299
Toniolo, G. 17, 585 Weil, D.N. 33, 34, 450, 595, 596, 598,
Townshend, H. 71 624, 625, 632, 655, 706
Trebbi, F. 635 Weingast, B.R. 636, 643, 656
802 Modern macroeconomics

Weinstein, D. 648 Woodford, M. 4, 85, 220, 380, 413, 416,

Weintraub, E.R. 57, 170 697, 698
Weiss, A. 385, 388, 429 Woolley, J.T. 535, 551
Weiss, L. 323 Wright, G. 584, 637
Weitzman, M.L. 423 Wrigley, E. 594
Wells, J. 586 Wynarczyk, P. 25, 75, 221, 229, 295, 701
Wheeler, M. 76
White, E.N. 76, 77 Yang, X. 652
White, H. 601 Yellen, J.L. 372, 374, 384, 385, 388,
White, L.H. 516 391, 393, 441
Wickens, M. 322, 338, 341 Yergin, D. 523
Wicksell, K. 6 Ying, L.G. 649
Wilkinson, F. 193 Young, A. 679
Willet, T.D. 517, 537 Young, A. 613, 614, 622, 655
Williams, D. 586 Young, D. 452
Williams, J.C. 631 Young, W. 113
Williamson, J.G. 647
Williamson, S.D. 296, 297, 343 Zak, P.J. 637, 646
Wilson, T. 122 Zarnowitz, V. 305, 307, 327, 537
Winters, A. 647 Zhang, T. 404
Wittman, D.A. 539 Zijp, R. 223, 224, 238, 241
Wolfe, E.N. 587, 597 Zilberfarb, B.Z. 113
Wolfers, J. 401, 408 Zoega, G. 364, 401, 404, 407, 408
Subject index

accelerationist hypothesis 62 classical model

adaptive expectations 227, 528, 535 output and employment determination
aggregate demand externality 374 in 38–45
aggregate supply Say’s law and the 45–50
models of 53, 67, 78, 233, 243, quantity theory of money and the
315–19, 397, 400 50–54
aggregate supply hypothesis 233–5 Cobb–Douglas production function 609,
agreement/disagreement in 613, 623
macroeconomics 3–6, 695–707 comparative advantage 648
AK growth model 626–7 constant returns to scale 604, 625
animal spirits 102, 225, 463, 468, 512 consumption function 59, 62, 265,
asymmetric information 388, 537 510–12, 606
augmented Solow growth model 625, convergence
632–3 conditional 617, 631, 648
Austrian approach 15, 28, 89, 238, 298, unconditional 617, 649
474–516 convergence club 617, 619
convergence debate 614–22, 659
balance of payments 124–35 coordination failure 73, 74, 230, 336,
automatic adjustment of 189 359, 398
monetary approach to 187–92 corruption 523, 558, 643–6
Bank of England 414–17, 549, 553, 706 Council of Economic Advisers 23, 146
bonds and net wealth 110–12, 121–2 Cowles Commission 22
Bretton Woods 84, 187, 191, 638 credibility 248–9, 262, 546, 548–9
business cycle 1, 3, 9–13, 16, 33, 76–82, credit rationing 400
170, 236–42, 300–320, 396–401, crowding out 61, 69, 107, 110, 132
503–9, 525–46 customer markets 381
business cycle stylised facts 304–7
deflation 77, 120, 416, 513–15
capital accumulation 606–9 demand for money 51, 62, 104
capital deepening 607, 626 and the modern quantity theory
capital fundamentalism 556–7, 601 166–74
capital widening 607 empirical evidence 168–73
calibration 320–22 Keynesian approach 70, 104–6
capital market imperfections 382, democracy 10, 636, 640–43, 658–9
398–400 dictatorship 10, 562–3, 641–3
catch-up hypothesis 88, 614, 620–21, disinflation 247–9, 267, 334, 421, 705
630, 650, 659 Dornbusch’s overshooting model
central bank independence 257–62, 532, 376–8
549–54, 592, 705
classical approach 7, 8, 13, 14, 22, economic growth 1, 18, 32–4, 479–83,
37–54 556–64, 579–659, 706

804 Modern macroeconomics

economic history and 580–82, 593–5, Friedman–Meiselman debate 171–3

654–7 functional finance 519
fundamental causes 596–8, 633–54 fundamentalist Keynesianism 71
geography and 652–4
ideal conditions for 657–9 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
importance of 589–93 84
inequality and 556–62, 637 game theory 250, 252–6, 297, 546, 705
institutions and 562–4, 635–47, non-cooperative 254–5
651–2, 658 repeated 256
intensive 593–4 globalization 647, 651–2
natural experiments and 638–40 Golden Age 17, 18, 21, 88, 535, 638
political barriers and 642 Gold Standard 79–82, 258, 337
Promethean 594 government budget constraint 110–11
proximate causes 596–8, 603, 612 government failure 27, 55, 300, 522–3
renaissance of research in 585–8 government, role of 7–8, 55, 65, 77,
Smithian 594 473, 521–3
stylized facts and 595–6 gradualism versus cold turkey 183
trade and 647–52 Great Depression 2, 8–16, 33, 76–82,
effective demand 14, 58, 63, 69, 70, 102, 88, 170–71, 334, 336–8, 421, 515,
410, 453–5 518, 586, 703
efficiency wage theories Great Divergence 34, 580–83, 655
and adverse selection 388–9 Great Inflation 3, 142, 219
and fairness 391–3 growth accounting 612–14
and labour turnover 389
and shirking 389–91, 423 Harrod–Domar model 33, 557, 598–603,
generalized 384–8 627
endogeneity of money 190, 298, 323 human capital 597, 620–21, 625, 632–3,
Employment Act, US 15 650
entrepreneur economy 461–3, 644 hysteresis effects 247, 335, 405–8, 544,
ethnic diversity 563–5, 635, 642, 646 704
exchange rates 123–35
fixed 187–91 imperfect/monopolistic competition 362,
flexible 191–2, 416 364, 371–6, 382, 411
expectations imperfect information 224, 238, 308,
adaptive 180–81, 227 331
rational 29, 181, 225–30 implicit contract models 384
expenditure switching policies 189–90 incomes policy 247–8, 423
indexation 184, 382
Federal Reserve 79, 81–2, 170, 415, Industrial Revolution 34, 580, 589, 594,
505, 515 609, 619, 620–21, 629, 655–7
First World War 80, 81 inflation 3, 83, 513–14, 549–54
fiscal policy 17, 106–14, 705 and unemployment 135–44, 175–85
power of 107, 109–10, 118, 130, 132, causes of 181–2, 191
194–5 costs of 411–13
Fisher effect 54 costs of reducing 182–5
Fisher equation 52 cure for 413–22
foreign aid 601–2, 642 in the G7 economies 20
Friedman, Milton 7, 25, 163, 175, 194, in the UK economy 3, 182
222 in the US economy 3, 182, 191
interview with 198–218 targeting 257, 411, 413–19, 703
Subject index 805

inside money 323 macroeconometric models 26, 195,

insider–outsider theories 394–6 264–6
International Monetary Fund 84 Mankiw, N. Gregory 27
intertemporal capital restructuring interview with 433–50
475–9 market clearing 224, 230–32, 238, 367
intertemporal labour substitution 233, mark-up pricing 379–80
308, 311–13, 328, 332 Marshall–Lerner condition 124
intertemporal structure of production Marshall Plan 637–8
475–83 menu costs 371–5, 428, 430
investment trap 118–20 microfoundations of macroeconomics
invisible-hand theorem 22, 55 27, 71, 72, 223, 299, 340, 360, 371,
IS–LM model 23, 61, 70, 171–4, 423–4, 403, 431, 700
431, 696, 698 monetarist approach 25, 50, 89, 163–97,
closed economy 102–23, 324, 483, 515
open economy 85, 123–35 monetary policy 25, 26, 106–14, 705
with flexible prices 116–22, 315 power of 107–9, 133, 190, 244–7
role and conduct of 185–7, 196,
Keynes effect 115–16, 118 413–22
Keynes’s monetary rule 196, 246, 420
analysis of the labour market 65–9 money and business cycles 25, 170,
analysis of the quantity theory of 236–42, 322–4, 503–9
money 69–71 empirical evidence on 170, 246, 268
legacy and the classical revival 85–90 money illusion 38, 66, 175, 177, 223,
main propositions 59–65, 144–7 236, 412, 460–61
paradox of thrift 49, 485, 501–3 multiplier 58, 60–62, 73, 103, 298
rejection of Say’s law 69 Mundell–Fleming model 123–35, 377
Keynes’s General Theory 8, 13, 29, fiscal expansion within 128, 131
54–76, 696 monetary expansion within 129, 134
and the ‘new scholarship’ 75–6
interpretations of 57, 70–75, 101–46 NAIRU 27, 187, 401–8
Keynesian approach 7–8, 24–5, 101–47, Nash equilibrium 254
324, 484, 501–13 natural rate of unemployment 25, 44,
Keynesian consensus 15–24 401, 403–7, 494
Keynesian model natural resource curse 642, 654
underemployment equilibrium in the near rationality 374–5
68, 114–22 neoclassical growth theory 313, 321,
labour hoarding 333 neoclassical synthesis 21–4, 70, 74,
learning by doing 336, 625 101,122, 146, 698
liquidity preference 62, 64, 104, neutrality of money 38, 63, 70, 308, 315,
468–70, 491 322–4, 335, 398, 454, 458, 469
liquidity trap 68, 74, 104, 106–8, long-run 236, 696
116–18, 120, 147, 410 short-run 223–4, 235, 696
loanable funds market 47–8, 489–92, new classical approach 25–6, 89,
498, 512 219–71, 294–7
Lucas critique 26, 264–7, 297, 340, 699 New Deal 337
Lucas, Robert E. Jr. 25, 220–23, 707 new Keynesian approach 21, 27, 268,
interview with 272–93 340, 357–432
Lucas ‘surprise’ supply function 224, new neoclassical synthesis 29, 410–11,
234, 340 427, 701, 703
806 Modern macroeconomics

new political macroeconomics 29–32, productivity slowdown 587

517–66 propagation mechanism 240, 308, 311
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics 24, property rights 629, 636, 641–3, 656
148, 165, 198, 272, 344, 660, 697 Public Choice school 519
nominal anchor 413, 416, 703
nominal rigidity 361, 363, 365, 419, 428 quantity theory of money 483, 696
of prices 371–6 Cambridge approach 51
of wages 65–7, 121, 366–71 modern version of 163–74
non-neutrality of money 238–9, 247, traditional 50–54
330, 363, 369, 419, 459–61, 463,
468, 472, 550 random walk 299–303, 309, 335
rational expectations 29, 219, 225–30,
OPEC 299, 401, 407, 543, 703 252, 268, 270, 297, 365, 367, 411,
open economy policy trilemma 414 430, 464–5, 535, 539–41, 705
optimal control theory 250 rationing models 362
Okun’s law 235, 540, 703 Reaganomics 300
outside money 121 real business cycle approach 26–7,
267–9, 294–343, 588
patents 628–9 real business cycle model 307–20
Phillips curve 23, 25, 30, 113, 235–8, real rigidity 365, 378–96
254, 266, 358, 419, 424, 426, 514, of prices 378–83
527–36, 550, 703, 706 of wages 383–96
expectations-augmented 174–87, 697 real wages
original 135–44 countercyclical v. procyclical 327–8,
Pigou effect 120–22 368, 371, 544
policy ineffectiveness proposition reinterpretation of Keynes 70–75
242–7, 268, 699 rent seeking 304, 523, 643–5, 654, 658
political business cycle models 30, 195, representative agent 309–11, 336
261–2, 517–54 reputation 248, 256–7, 546
Hibbs partisan model 532–5 research and development 336, 625–6,
Nordhaus opportunistic model 30, 631, 650
526–32 Ricardian equivalence 111–12
rational opportunistic model 537–8 Romer, Paul M. 587, 625–31
rational partisan model 259, 538–44 interview with 673–94
synthesis model 545–6 rules v. discretion 26, 196–7, 249–57,
political economy 546, 548–9, 700
of debts and deficits 554–5
of economic growth 32, 556–64, sacrifice ratio 247–8, 257–8, 267, 406
635–47 Say’s law 13, 15, 23, 455–8, 471
Post Keynesian approach 28, 228–9, schools of thought 6, 24–9
248, 324, 376, 451–73 Second World War 1, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17,
Prescott, Edward C. 25, 26 22, 76, 83
interview with 344–56 secular stagnation 88
principal agent problem 389, 411, 523, seigniorage 556
552, 643 signal extraction problem 233, 239, 308
procyclical prices 328–30 size of nations 564–5
production function 39–41, 309, Skidelsky, Robert
315–16, 325, 333–4, 603–6, 626, interview with 91–100
632 social capability 597, 634–6
production possibilities frontier 492–6 Solow growth model 602–12
Subject index 807

Solow residual 34, 325–8, 333–4, trend reverting 301

612–13 trend stationary 301
Solow, Robert M. 23, 24, 598, 602 tunnel effect 559–60
interview with 660–72
stagflation 23, 698–9 uncertainty 463–72, 512
steady state 607–8 unemployment 2, 11, 78, 135–44,
strategic complementarity 398 176–87, 235, 244–5, 253, 260, 334,
stylised facts 304–7, 309, 317, 321–2, 383–96, 401–8, 527–42
324, 326–30, 371, 408–9, 429, 544, frictional and structural 44, 140,
595–6 493–4
supply-side 15, 299 involuntary unemployment 8–9, 45,
supply-side school 300 58, 65, 66–7, 71, 73, 145, 232,
supply-side policies 33, 186–7, 263–4, 267, 328, 334, 365, 383, 387,
338 390–91, 393, 396, 398–9, 409,
supply-side shocks 26, 303–4, 311 432, 453, 457–8, 462, 493
in the G7 economies 19
Taylor rule 196, 420, 700, 705 in the UK economy 2, 408
technological change 594, 603, 609–12, in the US economy 2, 11, 408
625, 627–32, 649–51, 655–7 unit root 303, 335
endogenous 625–31
shocks 304, 308, 309, 313–14, wage contracts
317–18, 333 implicit 384
theory, role of 4 staggering of 368–9
thick market externality 380 Wall Street crash 10
time inconsistency 26, 249–57, 546, Walrasian auctioneer 38
641, 699 Walrasian general equilibrium theory
Tobin, James 23, 24, 174 21, 72–3, 222–3, 238
interview with 148–62 wealth effect 319
transitional dynamics 617–19, 620, 623 World Bank 84
Treasury view 58, 69, 107 World Trade Organisation 84

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