Primarch Rules

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By Thomas Rhodes

Lion eljohnson
Legendary formation 1st legion: dark angels


Lion eljohnson Dragonfire rounds Unique, infantry Vengeance rounds Kraken bolts
WS 7 BS 6 S T 6(7) 7 W 4 I 6 A 5(6) LD 10 SV 2+

24 18 30 24 24 4 4

5 3 4 5 2

rapid fire, ignores cover rapid fire, gets hot rapid fire rapid fire, poisoned (2+) rapid fire, gets hot

Hellfire rounds Plasma gun

X 7

Artificer armour Master crafted combi-plasmagun with special issue ammo The lion sword Frag grenades Defensive grenades The lion helm

Options: An army with lion eljohnson may take a single squad of Sternguard veterans as troops. Maybe joined by a watcher in the dark. The watcher blocks danger from the lion. Giving lion el'johnson the feel no pain USR for 25pts

Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Independent character Grand strategy The lion sword: the lion sword is a master crafted power sword which confined +1 strength and +1 attacks The lion helm: gives lion eljohnson and any squad he joins a 4+ invulnerable save Tactician: an army including lion eljohnson may re-roll the dice for deciding the deployment type and mission type if applicable. He also seizes the initiative on a 4+.

Legendary formation 2nd legion: unknown


unknown unknown Unique









Options: unknown

Legendary formation 3rd legion: emperors children


Fulgrim Dragonfire rounds Unique, infantry Vengeance rounds Kraken bolts

WS 9 BS 6 S 6 T 5 W 5 I 9 A 7 LD 10 SV 2+

12 9 15 12 4 4

5 3 4 5

pistol, ignores cover pistol, gets hot pistol pistol, poisoned (2+)

Hellfire rounds

Artificer armour Master crafted bolt pistol with special issue ammo glaive encarmine Frag grenades Defensive grenades

Options: An army with fulgrim in it may take a single honour guard squad, all members of the unit gain relic blades for free

Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character A league apart (see dark eldar codex for details)

Dodge (4+/3+)
Duel master: fulgrim may re-roll all failed rolls to wound Honour in perfection: all emperors children units with line of sight to fulgrim may choose to automatically pass moral tests and will automatically re-group, Ignoring all criteria.

Legendary formation 4th legion: iron warriors


perturabo Dragonfire rounds Unique, infantry Hellfire rounds

WS 7 BS 6 S 7 T 6 W 5 I 6 A 5 LD 10 SV 2+

24 24

4 X X

5 5 1

assault 2, ignores cover assault 2, poisoned (2+) assault 1, haywire

Anti-amour rounds 12

Artificer armour Master crafted storm bolter with special issue ammo Master crafted thunder hammer Frag grenades Defensive grenades Melta bombs Servo arm Orbital strike relay (may fire if moved)

All ordnance and flame weaponry and all grenades used against targets with armour values in an iron warriors army which includes perturabo count as twin linked

Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character Tank hunter Master of siege: perturabo may re-roll armour penetration against terrain and all non-vehicle objects. In addition, if the orbital strike relay is aimed at a terrain feature, then the shot will not scatter.

Jaghatai khan
Legendary formation 5th legion: white scars


Jaghatai khan Longbow of khan1 48 Unique, infantry Plasma pistol 12 6 7 2 2 assault 1/heavy 2 pistol

WS 8

BS 6

S 7

T 6

W 5

I 6

A 6

LD 10

SV 2+

The longbow of khan, causes instant death on a to wound roll of a six, this represents him getting a head shot.

SPECIAL RULES Artificer armour The longbow of khan Moonfang Frag grenades Defensive grenades Iron halo Master crafted plasma pistol
Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character Outflank: works as normal, but the khan and D3 units ( including the khan) may re-roll the dice for which board edge they arrive Fleet Furious charge The great hunter: Jaghatai khan may perform a scout move along side D6 extra infantry units. These units do not need to have the scout USR. Grand strategy The hunted: pick an enemy unit with the independent character or monstrous creature special rule. The khan then gains preferred enemy against this unit and my reroll all rolls to wound against him

Options: If an white scars army contains Jaghatai khan, then it may take bike squadrons as both elites in addition to being troops. Also all white scars mounted on bikes or land speeders gain the skilled rider USR while Jaghatai khan is alive

Leman Russ
Legendary formation 6th legion: space wovles


Leman Russ Dragonfire rounds Unique, infantry Vengeance rounds Kraken bolts
WS 8 BS 6 S 8 T 7 W 5 I 6 A 6 LD 10 SV 2+

24 18 30 24 4 4

5 3 4 5

rapid fire, ignores cover rapid fire, gets hot rapid fire rapid fire, poisoned (2+)

Hellfire rounds

Artificer armour Master crafted bolter with special issue ammo Master crafted frost blade Frag grenades Defensive grenades Pelt of Russ Wolf tail talisman

Special rules:
Eternal warrior War howl (covers whole board rather than 12) The high king Living legend Acute senses Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character Pelt of Russ: give leman Russ a 3+ invulnerable save Heavy drinker: all poisoned attacks are at a 1 when directed against leman Russ Saga of the beast slayer

Options: May be accompanied by up to 4 Cyberwovles for 15pts each Wolf guard squads count as troop choices in an army including leman Russ.

Rogal Dorn
Legendary formation 7th legion: imperial fists


Rogal Dorn Dorns arrow Unique, infantry Special rules:

WS 7 BS 6 S 7 T 7 W 5 I 5 A 6 LD 10 SV 2+


assault 4

Artificer armour Dorns arrow Wrath of mars Frag grenades Defensive grenades Digital weapons Master crafted power fist Iron halo

Options: If Rogal dorn is included in your army. Then all imperial fist Sternguard squads are scoring units Rogal dorn is one of the best Primarchs at defending a location. The imperial fist player may deploy up to 24 of aegis defence lines if possible, in their deployment zone.

Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character Bolster defences Wrath of mars: this is a master crafted two handed chain sword which causes rending on a 4+. Bolter drill Tactical genius: Rogal dorn can organise a attack plan with a moments notice, Rogal dorn can re-roll your dice for deciding who picks their deployment zone and who goes first. He may also re-roll the seize the initiative dice (including your opponents) Defensive bombardment: an army with rogal dorn in it, against a defensive bombardment, this is a firestorm (see planet strike) however this is done at the beginning of the imperial fists players shooting phase in a turn of the players choice, this choice must be made before deployment and must be made known to the other player.

Konrad curze (night haunter)

Legendary formation 8th legion: night lords


Konrad curze (night haunter) none Unique, jump infantry Special rules:
WS 8 BS 6 S 6 T 6 W 5 I 7 A 6 LD 10 SV 2+

Armour of haunted dreams Dread talons Corona Nox Frag grenades Defensive grenades Jump pack Defensive grenades

Options: You may take a single vanguard veteran squad as a retinue to konrad curze. This squad must purchase jump packs and gains stealth, infiltrate and move through cover USRs for 5pts per model. This is a compulsory purchase this squad does not take up a FOC slot.

Eternal warrior Fearless Stealth Move through cover Fleet Infiltrate: the enemy must do a spotting test just before kurze is deployed, the distance they can spot is, how far away kurze can deploy away in plain sight Counter attack Independent character Descent of angels Dread talons: these are a pair of master crafted lighting claws which give +2 attacks instead of +1 for having two close combat weapons Lord of night: models wishing to aim at Curze must use night fighting rules with only 2d6 x 2 as the spotting distance this is reduced to 2D6 when night fighting rules are in effect. Corona Nox: this amulet gives Konrad a 3+ invulnerable save Terror: all enemy units must take a moral test at 1LD at the beginning of their first turn.

Legendary formation 9th legion: blood angels


Sanguinius No ranged weapons Unique, jump infantry

WS 10

BS 6

S 7

T 7

W 5

I 8

A 7

LD 10

SV 2+

Artificer armour glaive encarmine Frag grenades Defensive grenades Wings (jump pack)

May take an squad of sanguinary guard as a retinue. This squad must carry the chapter banner but doesnt count towards the FOC. Sanguinary guard become troops in a force containing Sanguinius,.

Eternal warrior, The far-seeing eye, Avenging angel The sanguinors blessing , Unyielding will Fearless Tactical precision, Counter attack Independent character Aura of fervour: 12 instead of 6 Surgical strike Heroic intervention (includes attached squad) Rapier strike: Sanguinius may choose to instead of attacking normally. Use a rapier strike. This is D3 attacks with attack at invulnerable 10 and has instant death, these attacks override eternal warrior (your fancy clothes, wont stop Sanguinius hacking your head off)

Ferrus Manus
Legendary formation 10th legion: iron hands


Ferrus Manus Dragonfire rounds Unique, infantry Vengeance rounds Kraken bolts
WS 7 BS 6 S 6 T 6 W 5 I 6 A 5(7) LD 10 SV 2+

24 18 30 24 4 4

5 3 4 5

assault 2 ignores cover assault 2, gets hot rapid fire rapid fire, poisoned (2+)

Hellfire rounds

Terminator armour Master crafted storm bolter with special issue ammo Wrench of the Omnissiah Frag grenades Defensive grenades Nercodermis Servo harness Iron halo

Eternal warrior Fearless Blessing of the Omnissiah Counter attack Independent character Nercodermis: Ferrus Manus counts as having melta bombs, and attacks made with the wrench of the Omnissiah are made at his normal initiative Wrench of the Omnissiah: this is a master crafted thunder hammer which gives Ferrus Manus +2 attacks. Brother of the Mechanicus: While Ferrus Manus is on the field, all iron hand vehicles gain The Power of the Machine Spirit special rule

Ironclad dreadnoughts, venerable dreadnoughts and dreadnoughts may be taken in squadrons of up to three of the same in an iron hands army with Ferrus Manus

Legendary formation 11th legion: unknown


unknown unknown Unique









Options: unknown

Legendary formation 12th legion: world eaters


Angron none Unique, infantry

WS 8

BS 6

S 7

T 6

W 5

I 6

A 9

LD 10

SV 2+

Terminator armour The gore reaper Frag grenades Defensive grenades Iron halo Saga of the warrior born

Special rules: Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character Furious charge Blood thirsty: if Angron can charge an enemy unit, then
he must. This special rule applies to any unit he joins. In addition to this, he may always sweeping advance even though he is wearing terminator armour The gore reaper: this massive chain axe counts as a two handed power weapon with allows Angron to re-roll failed rolls to hit. Taste for blood: the displays of violence that Angron inflicts upon his enemies is infamous across the galaxy, and they push the world eaters to perform even more violent acts. Any world eaters unit that can draw line of sight to Angron while he is in close combat gains +1 attacks.

Options: none

Roboute Gulliman
Legendary formation 13th legion: ultramarines


Roboute Gulliman Gauntlets of Ultramar 24 Unique, infantry Special rules:

Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character Orbital bombardment God of war Grand strategy Titanic might (does not apply to orbital bombardment) Master of strategy: you may re-roll all of your reserve rolls (including successful ones). You also seize the initiative on a 4+. Rites of battle (only applies to ultramarines) Battle forged heroes Any tactic needed: Roboute Gulliman is known across the galaxy. At the beginning of each player turn. Pick a USR from the list: Roboute and all ultramarine units gain this rule for the turn

assault 2

WS 8

BS 6

S 7

T 6

W 5

I 6

A 6

LD 10

SV 2+

Mantle of the suzerain Gauntlets of Ultramar Frag grenades Defensive grenades Iron halo

Options: May take up to 3 squads of honour guard as chosen from codex: space marines All Sternguard/vanguard veterans gain preferred enemy: xenos (all non-imperial or chaos) and become troop choices in an ultramarines army with Roboute Gulliman in it. May swap the gauntlets of Ultramar for the talassrian tempest blade and a master crafted power fist

Legendary formation 14th legion: death guard


Mortarion none Unique, infantry Special rules:

WS 8 BS 6 S 6 T 9 W 5 I 5 A 3 LD 10 SV 2+

Artificer armour Manreaper Frag grenades Defensive grenades Reapers cowl Orbital strike relay (may fire if moved)

Options: Mortarion may be accompanied by two deathshroud bodyguards.

Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Feel no pain Independent character Manreaper: the reapers scythe is a master crafted two handed power weapon which causes instead death. Ignoring toughness. However due to its size and design the user does not gain the bonus attack for charging. Reapers cowl: this cloak gives Mortarion a 3+ invulnerable save Hatred of Psykers: Mortarion may re-roll rolls to hit against Psykers due to his disgust of their unnatural abilities. Also if he is in charging range of a psyker or a squad with a psyker in it, then he must charge it. The walking tank: any enemy unit which is in range and has line of sight must shoot at Mortarion and his squad (range done from Mortarion himself) however the unit gets to re-roll failed rolls to hit.

Magnus the Red

Legendary formation 15th legion: thousand sons


Magnus the red Unique, monstrous creature Hellfire rounds 24 X 5 rapid fire, poisoned (2+)

WS 6

BS 5

S 6

T 6

W 6

I 5

A 5

LD 10

SV 2+

Artificer armour Master crafted bolter with hellfire rounds Master crafted runic weapon Frag grenades Defensive grenades

Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Independent character Limited troops: due to the small number of troops available Magnus is resistant to deploy them, so re-rolls successful reserve rolls Psyker: Magnus the red may use up to 4 psykic powers per player turn. When rolling for psykic tests, roll 3D6 and discard the highest roll

Psykic powers The shrouding Vortex of doom Warp rift The summoning Null zone Smite Fear of the darkness Unleash rage (see codex: grey knights) (see codex: grey knights) (see codex: grey knights) (see codex; grey knights) (see codex: space marine) (see codex: space marine) (see codex: blood angels) (see codex: blood angels)

Horus, the Warmaster

Legendary formation 16th legion: luna wolves/sons of horus


Horus, the warmaster Dragonfire rounds 24 Unique, infantry Vengeance rounds Kraken bolts
WS 10 BS 6 S 7 T 7 W 5 I 7 A 7 LD 10 SV 2+

4 4 4 X

5 3 4 5

18 30 24

assault 2, ignores cover assault 2, gets hot assault 2 assault 2 poisoned (2+)

Hellfire rounds

Terminator armour Master crafted lighting claw Hammer of the gorgon Iron halo Storm bolter with special issue ammunition Orbital strike relay -(may fire every turn, doesnt need to be stationary)

Special rules:
Eternal warrior Independent character Counter attack Fearless Living legend Grand strategy (D6 units) The warmaster (the high king) Hammer of the Gorgon: this is a master crafted power maul which gives +2 strength. however it strikes at initiative 1. Fated by the dark gods: Horus is fated to do destroy the Imperium. If Horus loses his last wound. Place him on his side, at the end of the phase roll a D6, on a 3+ he gets back up and regains D3 wounds. In missions using kill points he only counts if he is dead at the end of the game.

May take an squad of assault terminators as a retinue. This squad may carry the chapter banner but doesnt count towards the FOC. Assault terminators become troops in a force containing the warmaster Horus

Legendary formation 17th legion: salamanders


Vulkan Heavy flamer Unique, infantry Hammer of Prometheus

WS 8 BS 6 S 7 T 7 W 5 I 6 A 4 LD 10 SV 2+

template 12

5 10

4 1

assault , ignores cover assault 1, thunder hammer

Special rules Artificer armour The spear of Vulkan The gauntlet of the forge Kesares mantle Frag grenades Defensive grenades Hammer of Prometheus
Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character Orbital bombardment Spear of Vulkan: this is a master crafted power weapon Master of flame: Vulkan can not be harmed by flame weapons Hammer of Prometheus: this is a master crafted

Options: If Vulkan is included in your salamanders army then you may make any sergents weapons master crafted for 5pts per weapon. You may also take a single squad of assault terminators with thunder hammers and storm shield. This squad gains a +1 WS and +1 attacks for free. This squad acts as a retuine for Vulkan and does not take up a FOC slot.

thunder hammer, which can be thrown as a shooting attack , using the above profile. In close combat when using the hammer, Vulkan's attacks are str D.

Legendary formation 18th legion: word bearers


Lorgar Vengeance rounds Unique, infantry 18 4 3 pistol, gets hot

WS 8

BS 6

S 6

T 6

W 5

I 6

A 6(8)

LD 10

SV 2+

Special rules
Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character

Artificer armour Master crafted bolt pistol with vengeance rounds Illuminarum Rosaria (3+ invuln sv.) Frag grenades Defensive grenades

Options: In an word bearers army that includes Lorgar, conscripts squads gain fearless and furious charge USRs for free.

Illuminarum: this is a master crafted crozius Arcanum, which gives lorgar +2 attacks Liturgies of faith: on the turn that lorgar assaults all word bearers gain preferred enemy. And all word bearer units within 18 may re-roll failed rolls to wound. Preacher to the masses: all word bearer units within 12 of lorgar gain +1 attacks. Sermon to the chosen: before either side deploys choice a single word bearers unit, this unit gains +1 Str, Toughness and attack in addition to the feel no pain and rage USRs.

Legendary formation 19th legion: raven guard


Corax Exitus pistol Unique, jump infantry 12 X 1 sniper. Pistol

*Exitus weapons use special ammo. When firing you must declare
which type of ammo your using before rolling any dice.

WS 8

BS 8

S 7

T 6

W 5

I 6

A 6

LD 10

SV 2+

Artificer armour Master crafted extist pistol Master crafted pair of lightning claws Frag grenades Defensive grenades Jump pack Iron halo

Hellfire ammo: shot always wounds on a 2+ Shield breaker: this shot doesnt wound, but removes for the rest of the game any invulnerable saves the model has due to wargear. Turbo-penetrator: this shot causes 2 wounds for each unsaved wound caused. Against vehicles this shot rolls 4D6 for armour penetration.
Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character Infiltrate Scout Grand strategy Stealth Deadshot

May give the command squad attached to Corax stealth and scout USRs for free. All other raven guard units may take these extra USRs for 2pts per model.

Legendary formation 20th legion: alpha legion


alpharius Hellfire rounds Unique, infantry 12 X 5 pistol poisoned (2+)

WS 8

BS 6

S 7

T 6

W 5

I 6

A 6

LD 10

SV 2+

Artificer armour Master crafted pistol with hellfire ammo Master crafted power weapon Frag grenades Defensive grenades Iron halo

Special rules: Eternal warrior Fearless relentless Counter attack Independent character Stealth Infiltrate scout Secrets and lies: alpharius can deceive any and all opponents into moving against an position only to find it empty. After both sides have deployed and infiltrators and scout moves have been made. The controlling player may redeploy D6 units (including your opponents). Operatives: after both sides deploy. Pick a troop choice of your opponents army and roll a D6, 1=3 = this unit has been misdirected by the operative, they are placed back into reserves. 4-5 = the unit has been attacked by hidden saboteurs. The unit takes 2D6 wounds, armour saves allow as normal. 6 = the unit are actually alpha legion spies. The squad is now under the control of the alpha legion player and counts as part of his army for all purposes. Death is deceit: alpharius does not confer a kill point it slain

Options: May add flails to his power weapon, this allows him to re-roll failed rolls to wound in close combat. Scout squads do not take up FOC slots. And may deep strike on turn one, and will scatter only D6. to show that theyre revealing their hiding places.

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