Amoco - Wellbore Stability

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The document discusses factors affecting wellbore stability including rock stress, rock strength, pore pressure, drilling fluid properties, and formation lithology. It also mentions some potential consequences like hole collapse, tight holes, stuck pipe if stability is not maintained.

Factors mentioned include changes in tension, compression and shear loads after drilling; exposure to drilling fluid leading to chemical reactions; excessive rock stress; squeezing of mobile formations; and cavings from failing formation.

Potential consequences mentioned are hole collapse resulting in stuck pipe; tight hole problems and stuck pipe from squeezing mobile formations; increased mud and cementing costs due to cavings from failing formation.


Drilling Handbook
Formation Tensile Failure Shear Failure Pore Pressure Active Tectonics


Rock Strength Rock Stress

Lost Circulation

Hole Enlargement Poor Hole Cleaning

Drill String Fatigue Tight hole /Stuck Pipe

Hole Caving /Collapse

Wellbore Stability



INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 Wellbore Stability Mission Drilling Handbook Objectives 2 3


BEFORE THE WELLBORE 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 In Situ Conditions In Situ Earth Stress Effective Stress Rock Strength 1 4 5 6


AFTER THE WELLBORE 3.1 3.2 3.3 Near Wellbore Stress-State Mechanical Stability Chemical Stability 1 4 11


PROVIDING A STABLE WELLBORE 4.1 4.2 Planning a Stable Wellbore Warning Signs/Corrective Actions 1 3

APPENDIX A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 Leak-off Tests Lithology Factor (k) Wellbore Stress Equations Nomenclature


1.1 Wellbore Stability Mission 1.2 Drilling Handbook Objectives

- Wellbore Stability Maintaining the Balance of Rock Stress and Rock Strength

Formation Shear Tensile Failure Failure

Pore Pressure Active Mud Tectonics

Rock Strength Rock Stress

MW High Time Exposed ECD

MW Low Hole Cleaning

Reaming Mobile Salt

Trip Speed Shale

Sand Strike Slip

Tensile Failure
Reverse Fault



Wellbore Stability 1.0 INTRODUCTION

Wellbore stability is the prevention of brittle failure or plastic deformation of the rock surrounding the wellbore due to mechanical stress or chemical imbalance. Prior to drilling, the mechanical stresses in the formation are less than the strength of the rock. The chemical action is also balanced, or occurring at a rate relative to geologic time (millions of years). Rocks under this balanced or near-balanced state are stable. After drilling, the rock surrounding the wellbore undergoes changes in tension, compression, and shear loads as the rock forming the core of the hole is removed. Chemical reactions also occur with exposure to the drilling fluid. Under these conditions, the rock surrounding the wellbore can become unstable, begin to deform, fracture, and cave into the wellbore or dissolve into the drilling fluid. Excessive rock stress can collapse the hole resulting in stuck pipe. Holesqueezing mobile formations produce tight hole problems and stuck pipe. Cavings from failing formation makes hole cleaning more difficult and increases mud and cementing costs. Estimated cost to the drilling industry for hole stability problems range from 600 million to 1 billion dollars annually. Stuck Pipe Hole Problems Loss Of Circulation Well Control

Relative Costs Of Unscheduled Events Caused By Wellbore Stability Problems

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Wellbore Stability 1.1 Wellbore Stability Mission

The mission of the Wellbore Stability Team is twofold.

Minimize the "learning curve" when developing new reservoirs so that optimal well costs are obtained early on. Identify potential drilling problems during the well planning stage so that prevention and operational planning can be developed to minimize costs associated with wellbore stability problems.

Wellbore Stability Problems

Chemical Instability
Reactive Shale

Mechanical Instability
Overburden Stressed Geopressured Hydro-Pressured Unconsolidated Fractured Tectonics

Failure Mechanisms

Fractures Loss of Circulation

Cavings Tight Hole Stuck Pipe

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Wellbore Stability 1.2 Handbook Objectives

Identify and define wellbore stability problems. Suggest consistent terminology. Associate warning signs with stability problem. Suggest corrective actions. Provide the background for preventive planning.

! ! ! ! !

Incorrec t Mud


or Pl We an ll

g Drillin Poor ices Pract


Incorr Well Tr ect ajecto ry


Ex Reactive We cessiv shale Pre llbor e ssu e xcessive ss re E Stre ck

Clean ing
e Holle t e n emen n rg Enlla



Cementi ng Prob Stuck Pipe lems Drill String Fatigue

Understanding the conditions that cause stability problems provides for:

! ! !

More effective planning. Earlier and easier detection of warning signs. Contingency plans to avoid the progression of the problem.

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Hole Collapse Hole Collapse

lation Lost Circu gs Well Control Poor lo

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Before The Wellbore

2.1 In Situ Conditions 2.2 In Situ Earth Stress 2.3 Effective Stress 2.4 Rock Strength



Wellbore Stability 2. 0 2.1 BEFORE THE WELLBORE

In Situ Conditions

Porosity is the percent of void space within the rock. The rocks of sedimentary basins always exhibit some porosity. As porosity increases, the percent of fluid volume increases while the rock matrix volume decreases. Increasing porosity weakens the rock. Shale, for example, will change from brittle rock to ductile clay with sufficient water content. The figure below shows typical porosity change with depth due to compaction and cementation.
Porosity (%) Fluid Filled Pores Rock Matrix Depth (ft) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Shale 10 20 30 40 50 60

Permeability is the ability of a rock to flow fluids; measured in units of darcies. Permeability acts to weaken the rock as the loss of water base mud filtrate dissolves the grain-to-grain cement bond. Also, hydrostatic overbalance forces water filtrate to penetrate the pores of the rock; which also weakens the rock.

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Wellbore Stability
The figure below shows typical permeability changes relative to depth for shale and sandstone. Shales may have high porosity, but have very little permeability.
1 Shale 5 Depth (ft) 10 15 20 25 Permeability (Darcies) 3 2 Sandstone 4

Fluid Filled Pores Connected Porosity


Rock Matrix

Formation Pore Pressure - p

Formation pore pressure is the pressure of the naturally occurring fluid(s) in the pores of the rock. As long as the increase in overburden load from the rate of deposition does not exceed the rate at which fluid can escape from the pore, a fluid connection exists from surface to the depth of interest. Pore pressure is then equal to the hydrostatic pressure of formation water (normal pressure). Normal formation pressure is equal to the hydrostatic pressure of formation water at a vertical depth of interest.

.465 p

Formation Water Migrating to Surface

verage si/ft A


Transition Shale


3720 psi


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Wellbore Stability
If the fluid cannot escape the pore, pore pressure begins to increase at a faster-than-normal rate (abnormal pressure). Abnormal formation pressure is greater than normal for the vertical depth of interest.

Transition Shale

Abnormal Pressure

Formation Water Migrating to Sand

Depleted Zone


Normal Trend Line Sub normal Pressure

3720 psi


Pore pressure of a permeable formation can be depleted below normal by production operations (subnormal pressure). Subnormal formation pressure is less than normal for the vertical depth of interest. Estimating Formation Pore Pressure Formation pore pressure prediction is a highly specialized process. Prior to drilling, qualitative geophysical methods are available to qualify the presence of abnormal pressure at an approximate depth. Offset logs also help estimate pore pressure. Enhancements in geophysical interpretations have recently been made to quantify the value of abnormal pressure prior to spudding the well. Before development of this quantitative method, only qualitative information was possible prior to drilling. While drilling, several MWD/LWD logs provide real time evaluation of formation pore pressure. "D" exponent plots can also indicate changes in pore pressure. Higher than normal porosity and sonic travel time (tc) indicate abnormal pore pressure.

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Wellbore Stability 2.2 In Situ Earth Stress

Prior to drilling, subsurface rocks are exposed to a balanced or near balanced stress environment. The naturally occurring stress in place is called the in situ stress. In situ stress is normally compressive due to the weight of the overburden. For this reason, in rock mechanics compressive stress is defined to be positive.

Overburden Stress - sv
Overburden stress is the pressure exerted on a formation at a given depth due to the total weight of the rocks and fluids above that depth.


Weight of over lying rocks & water applies stress to the rock layer at a vertical depth of interest




Most formations are formed from a sedimentation/compaction geologic history. Formations may vary significantly from the earth's surface to any depth of interest. Shallow shales will be more porous and less dense than shales at great depths. Estimating Overburden Stress Typically a value of 1 psi/ft is attributed to the overburden gradient, but at shallow depths the actual value is much less and at greater depths somewhat higher. A density log can be used to determine the weight of the overburden. In the absence of a density log, the overburden stress may be estimated from alternatives such as Eaton's variable density curve or the Wylie time average equation using sonic travel time, bulk density and porosity.

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Wellbore Stability
As the overburden squeezes the rock vertically, it pushes horizontally. Constraint by surrounding rock creates horizontal stress.

Horizontal Stress - sh , sH
In most drilling areas, the horizontal stresses are equal. When drilling near massive structures such as salt domes or in tectonic areas, the horizontal stresses will differ and are described as a minimum (sh) and a maximum (sH). Estimating Horizontal Stress The minimum horizontal stress (sh) is normally determined from leak-off tests. It is difficult to determine the maximum horizontal stress from field measurements. Its value can be estimated using rock mechanics equations.


Effective Stress

The rock matrix does not support the full load of overburden and horizontal stress. Part of the load is supported by the fluid in the pore (pore pressure). The net stress is the effective stress felt by the rock matrix. Effective stress is used in rock mechanics to determine the stability of the wellbore.

Effective Overburden Stress - v

The overburden stress that effectively stresses the rock matrix.
Effective Overburden Stress = Total Overburden Stress - Pore Pressure

v = sv - p

Much like air pressure in a car tire supports the weight of the car, fluid pressure in the pore supports a portion of the overburden load. The remaining portion of overburden stress is the load effectively stressing the rock matrix.


5000 PSI Pore Pressure

Effective OBS

4000 psi

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Wellbore Stability Effective Horizontal Stress - h, H

Similarly, the effective horizontal stresses can be determined. Usually the horizontal stresses are equal and the effective horizontal stress is equal to the effective overburden stress times a lithology factor, k. The lithology factor (k) is equal to 1 for fluids but is less than 1 for more rigid material such as formation rock. h = H = k x v

Noncompressible fluids like water have a k factor of 1. Stiffer materials like putty have a lower k factor (.7 .9 for example.)


Very stiff materials like formation rock have a much lower k factor (.37 is common for shale.)


1000 psi

900 psi

500 psi

In tectonically active areas, the horizontal stresses are not equal. The maximum horizontal stresses will be higher, or lower depending on tectonic movements, by the additional tectonic stresses, th and tH. In these areas, the effective horizontal stresses are described by a maximum and minimum value. h = k x v + th and H = k x v + tH In extreme tectonic environments, tH may be sufficient to make the horizontal stress higher than the vertical stress.


Rock Strength

Rock mechanics is the study of the mechanical behavior of subsurface rocks. Core samples (removed from in situ conditions) are usually tested in compression with specialized laboratory equipment. To better simulate subsurface conditions, core samples tested are also subjected to a confining pressure (stress). The rock responds to the stress by changing in volume or form (deformation) or both. The change in the rock volume or form due to the applied stress is called strain. Rocks subjected to compressive (+) or tensile (-) stress can go through three stages of strain deformation. In elastic deformation, the rock deforms as stress is applied but returns to its original shape as stress is relieved. In elastic deformation, the strain is proportional to the stress (Hooke's Law).

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Wellbore Stability
Elastic Ultimate Strength Limit Ultimate Failure

Axial Load
Axial Load (Compressive Stress)

50 40 30

Confining Pressure

Stress (x1000 psi)

Plastic Deformation
Elastic Deformation
0 1 2 3 4

20 10 0

Strain (% of Deformation)

When applied stress reaches the elastic limit, the rock begins to exhibit plastic deformation. In plastic deformation, the rock only partially returns to its original shape as stress is relieved. If continued stress is applied, fractures develop and the rock fails (ultimate failure). Rocks can fail in a brittle manner, usually under low confining stress, or in a ductile manner under higher confining stress.

Shear Strength and Shear Failure

Under compression rocks actually fail in shear - it is easier to slide rock grains past each other than to crush them.
Axial Load (psi) Shear Plane Shear Failure

Confining Pressure

High confining pressure resists sliding on the shear plane and the rock appears stronger. If the confining pressure and axial load were equal, there would be no shear stress on the rock and no shear failure. Equal stresses promote stability and unequal stresses promote shear stress and possible shear failure.

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Wellbore Stability
It is not possible to accurately reproduce the effects of pore pressure on rock strength when testing core samples from the field. In actual borehole conditions, pore pressure exerts a force that tends to push the rock grains apart. This is why the effective stress is used in rock mechanics when applied to wellbore stability studies.
Cohesive Strength Bonded Grains (Cement)

Overburden Stress (sv)

Pore Pressure

Horizontal Stress (sh)

Horizontal Stress (sH)

Increased Pore Pressure Reduces the Effective Stress

Rock mechanics uses failure models to predict wellbore stability. One such model considers all three effective stresses to calculate the resultant shear stress. The "mean" effective stress is used by this model to describe the stress state of the rock. Mean Effective Stress = v + h + H 3

The failure model used in the illustrations (Mohr-Coulomb) neglects the intermediate stress and considers only the greatest and least effective stress.The greatest shear stress on the rock occurs on the two-dimensional plane consisting of the greatest and least stress. The greatest/and or least stress could be any of the three depending on in situ environment and well conditions.
Greatest Effective Stress (v, h, or H) Least Effective Stress (v, h, or H)

(Intermediate stress acts perpendicular to the figure)

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Wellbore Stability
The shear stress that fails the rock must overcome the cohesive strength, S0 (bonding together of the grains), and the frictional resistance between the grains (). The frictional resistance between the grains is the product of the coefficient of friction () and the effective compressive stress ().
Shear Stress = Cohesive Strength + Frictional Resistance

= S0 + The shear strength is defined as the shear stress that fails the rock. The coefficient of friction is also expressed in terms of an angle of internal friction (). = tan The cohesive strength (S0) and the angle of internal friction () are obtained from conducting compression tests on core samples (or estimated from logs) from the field. Several tests on cores are necessary to determine these values. The shaded area shown below indicates the "stress-state" of one such core sample at failure. The compression stress (f) that fails the core sample (greatest stress) is plotted on the horzontal axis along with the confining pressure (c) used for that test (least stress).

Shear Stress ()

Failure Shear Stress From Test 2 & 3 Failure Shear Stress From Test 1

Stress-State 1

Stress-State 3 Stress-State 2

Effective Compressive Stress ()

Compression Pressure (Stress) That Fails Core Sample (f)

Confining Pressure (c)

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Wellbore Stability
The higher the confining pressure, the greater the compressive stress necessary to fail the sample. Several tests at increasing confining pressures produce successive stress-states of increasing shear strength. The "shear strength line" is approximated by the line giving the best fit to the maximum shear stress points on the failure plane from several such tests. The equation for this line is given below. = S0 + tan A "shear strength line" or failure envelope shown below is produced from such core tests (a similar stability chart is used when considering the mean effective stress, (v + h + H ) / 3). The greatest and least effective stress on the wellbore are also calculated using in situ stress, pore pressure, hole inclination, etc., and indicated on the chart. If the stress-state produces a shear stress that falls beneath the shear strength line, the wellbore is stable. If the shear stress falls outside the stability envelope, the wellbore is unstable and formation failure will occur.

Failure Shear Stress, S0 Stress-State

Least Effective Stress


t ar S

th reng


Stability Envelope

Greatest Effective Stress

Effective Compressive Stress,

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Wellbore Stability Tensile Failure

Tensile Failure results from stresses that tend to pull the rock apart (tensile stress). Rocks exhibit very low tensile strength.
Tensile Stress

Tensile Stress Exceeds the Tensile Strength and the Rock Fails

Geological processes have great lengths of time in which to operate. Although geologic time is impossible to duplicate in a laboratory, it is possible from experiments to make some deductions concerning the influence of time. One analysis of special interest to drilling operations is that of creep. Creep is a slow continuous deformation of rock with the passage of time, even though the stress may be above or below the elastic limit.

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After The Wellbore
3.1 Near Wellbore Stress-State 3.2 Mechanical Stability 3.3 Chemical Stability



Wellbore Stability 3.0 3.1 AFTER THE WELLBORE

Near Wellbore Stress-State

Before drilling, rock stress is described by the in situ stresses; effective overburden stress, effective minimum horizontal stress, and the effective maximum horizontal stress. These stresses are designated by (v, h, H).
Before Drilling



After Drilling


















As the hole is drilled, the support provided by the rock is removed and replaced by hydrostatic pressure. This change alters the in situ stresses. The stress at any point on or near the wellbore can now be described in terms of: radial stress acting along the radius of the wellbore; hoop stress acting around the circumference of the wellbore (tangential); axial stress acting parallel to the well path. These stresses are designated by (r, , z) and the additional shear stress components designated by (r, rz, z). These stresses are perpendicular to each other and for mathematical convenience, are used as a borehole coordinate system.
Axial Stress - z
Radial Stress - r

Hoop Stress -

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Wellbore Stability Hoop Stress -

Hoop stress is dependent upon wellbore pressure (pw), in situ stress magnitude and orientation, pore pressure, and hole inclination and direction. Wellbore pressure (pw) is directly related to mud weight/ECD. = [in situ & well parameters] - pw - p For a vertical wellbore with equal horizontal stresses, hoop stress is dependent upon the mud weight and the magnitude of the horizontal stresses and is equally distributed around the wellbore.

Equal Horizontal Stresses

A deviated well creates unequal distribution of hoop stress around the wellbore due to the redistribution of the horizontal and vertical stresses. Hoop stress acting on a cross-section of the wellbore is maximum at the sides of the wellbore perpendicular to the maximum stress. The same is true when drilling a vertical well in an in situ environment of unequal horizontal stress. Hoop stress is maximum at the side of the wellbore perpendicular to the maximum horizontal stress.
Additional Components Of Stress From Overburden And Horizontal Stresses

High Side of Hole

Minimum Hoop Stress

Maximum Hoop Stress

Low Side of Hole

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Wellbore Stability Axial Stress - z

Axial stress is oriented along the wellbore path and can be unequally distributed around the wellbore. Axial stress is dependent upon; in situ stress magnitude and orientation, pore pressure, and hole inclination and direction. Axial stress is not directly affected by mud weight. z = [in situ & well parameters] - p For a vertical well with equal horizontal stress (sh = sH), axial and vertical stress are the same. Axial stress in a deviated well is the resolution of the overburden and horizontal stresses.

Axial Stress is Only the Overburden

Axial Stress is The Resolution of Overburden and Horizontal Stresses

Vertical Well Equal Horizontal Stresses

Deviated Well Equal or Unequal Horizontal

Radial Stress - r
Radial stress is the difference in wellbore pressure and pore pressure and acts along the radius of the wellbore. Since wellbore and pore pressures both stem from fluid pressure acting equally in all directions, this pressure difference is acting perpendicular to the wellbore wall, along the hole radius.
Radial Stress = Wellbore Pressure - Pore Pressure

r = pw - p

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Wellbore Stability 3.2 Mechanical Stability

Hoop (), radial (r), and axial (z) stress describe the near wellbore stress-state of the rock. Mechanical stability is the management of these stresses in an effort to prevent shear or tensile rock failure. Normally the stresses are compressive and create shear stress within the rock. The more equal these stresses, the more stable the rock.

Hoop -

Axial - z


Radial - r

Shear Stress
As shown by the right side drawing above, the radial stress is resisting shear caused by the hoop stress. Hoop, axial, and radial stress can be calculated and the greatest and least of the three indicated by a stress-state semicircle on the stability chart. Shear failure occurs if the stress-state falls outside of the stability envelop. Tensile failure occurs if the stress-state falls to the left of the shear stress axis and exceeds the tensile strength of the rock.

Failure Shear Stress


treng ear S

th L


Least Stress

Stability Envelope

Effective Compressive Stress

Greatest Stress

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Wellbore Stability
Whenever hoop or radial stress become tensile (negative), the rock is prone to fail in tension. Many unscheduled rig events are due to loss of circulation caused by tensile failure. Tensile Failure Due to Negative Hoop Stress

Mechanical stability is achieved by controlling the parameters that affect hoop, axial, and radial stress. Controllable parameters: ! ! ! ! MW/ECD Mud Filter Cake Well Path - Inclination and Azimuth Drilling/Tripping Practices

Uncontrollable parameters: ! ! ! Unfavorable In Situ Conditions Adverse Formations Constrained Wellbore Trajectory

Mechanical stability of the well is also impacted by drilling fluid/formation interaction. Chemical instability eventually results in mechanical failure of the rock in shear or tension. Time is also an important consideration. The longer the formation is exposed to the drilling mud, the more near-wellbore pore pressure increases. The rock looses support provided by the mud weight.

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Wellbore Stability Effect of Mud Weight/ECD

Mud weight, ECD, and pressure surges on the wellbore directly effect hoop and radial stress. An increase in MW decreases hoop stress and increases radial stress. Similarly, a decrease in MW increases hoop stress and decreases radial stress. The result on wellbore stability is dependent upon the magnitude of the mud weight increase/decrease. Increase in MW
eng r Str Shea
Stress-State Before MW Increase

th L


Failure Shear Stress

Stability Envelope

Stress-State After MW Increase

Radial Stress

Hoop Stress

Excessive Increase in MW
Sh treng ear S th L ine

Failure Shear Stress

Stress-State Before MW Increase

Stability Envelope

Stress-State After MW Increase

New Hoop Stress

New Radial Stress

MW Decrease
Failure Envelope Shear Stress

r St Shea


th L

Stability Envelope

Stress-State After MW Decrease


Stress-State Before MW Decrease

Radial Stress

Hoop Stress

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Wellbore Stability Mud Filter Cake and Permeable Formations

The filter cake plays an important role in stabilizing permeable formations. An ideal filter cake isolates the wellbore fluids from the pore fluids next to the wellbore. This is important for hole stability and helps prevent differential sticking as well.

Ideal Filter Cake
Thin Strong Impermeable Flexible


Permeable Sand

Well bore

Filter Cake


If there is no filter cake, the pore pressure near the wellbore increases to the hydrostatic pressure; the effective radial stress is zero. The simultaneous decrease in effective hoop stress causes the stress-state to move left in the stability envelope; decreasing the stability of the formation. An ideal filter cake helps provide for a stable wellbore. Example of a Poor Filter Cake
Failure Envelope Shear Stress


treng ear S

th L


Stability Envelope

Stress-State After Filter Cake Failure


Stress-State With Good Filter Cake

r = 0

Radial Stress

Hoop Stress

Effective Compressive Stress

The chemical composition of the mud and permeability of the formation control the filter cake quality and the time it takes to form.

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Wellbore Stability Hole Inclination and Direction

The inclination and direction of the wellbore greatly impacts the stability of the well. Unequal distribution of hoop and axial stress around the circumference of the well tends to make the wellbore less stable. Increased Vertical Stress of the Overburden

For Equal Horizontal Stress Drilling a horizontal well causes the hoop and axial stress distribution around the wellbore to change. Before drilling from vertical, the hoop stress is equally distributed. As angle increases to horizontal, the hoop stress on the high and low side of the wellbore decreases, but the hoop increases greatly on the perpendicular sides.

Minimum Hoop Stress

Maximum Hoop Stress

The change in the stress-state at the wellbore wall is shown below. The radial stress remains fixed but the increasing hoop stress increases the stress-state. Drilling a Horizontal Well
treng ear S th L ine

Failure Shear Stress


Stability Envelope

Stress-State in Vertical Hole Section Stress-State in Horizontal Hole Section


Radial Stress

Minimum Hoop Stress

Maximum Hoop Stress

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Wellbore Stability Bottom-hole Temperature

High bottom-hole-temperature wells can experience stability problems as hoop stress changes because of temperature differences between the mud and formation. If the mud is cooler than the formatio, it reduces the hoop stress as the formation is cooled. This reduction in hoop stress can prevent shear failure and stabilize the hole, if the hoop stress were high due to low mud weight. On the other hand, if the mud weight is too high and close to the fracture gradient, excessive cooling can lower the hoop stress and make it tensile. This could cause tensile failure or fracturing as it effectively lowers the fracture gradient. If the mud is hotter than the formation, exactly the opposite occurs as hoop stress is increased. This could promote spalling or shear failure. Consider what happens during a typical round-trip on a deep high temperature well. During the trip, formation temperature returns to its ambient value. This causes the hoop stress to increase. When back on bottom and circulation resumes, the cooler mud traveling down the drillstring reduces the temperature of the nearby formation, causing hoop stress to decrease. As the hot bottoms-up mud circulates past formations at shallower depths, hoop stress increases as the mud heats up the formations. These variations in hoop stress have the same effect as pressure surges associated with swabbing and surging and can cause both tensile and shear failure downhole. Variations in Hoop Stress in a High Temperature Well
th L ine

Failure Shear Stress


treng ear S

Stability Envelope


Changes in Shear Stress on Formation

Radial Stress

Increased Hoop Stress While POOH Hoop Stress Prior to Trip Decrease in Hoop Stress While Circulating Bottoms-Up

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Wellbore Stability Impact of Mechanical Stability on the Wellbore

Mechanical stability problems directly account for many unscheduled rig events. Stability problems also effect overall drilling efficiency by altering the shape of the hole being drilled. Severe hole deformation occurs when extreme in situ stress environments are penetrated. The drawing below is indicative of such drilling. The drawing is only a slice of the actual wellbore. Consider the path of a typical well, and consider this deformation over several thousand feet of open hole; it is easy to see the impact of such a wellbore on operations.

Tensile Failure Zone

Encroachment of Brittle Sands Cavity Original Hole Size

Shear Failure Zone (Breakouts)

Maximum Horizontal Stress Orientation

Resulting Operational Problems Include:

! ! ! ! !
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Stuck pipe, casing, logging tools, etc. Ineffective hole cleaning. Ledges and breakouts. High torque and severe slip-stick. Drillstring failures.

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Wellbore Stability 3.3 Chemical Stability

Chemical stability is the control of the drilling fluid/rock interaction; usually most problematic when drilling shales. Shales are fine grain sedimentary rocks with very low permeability and composed primarily of clay minerals (gumbo to shaly siltstone).

Clay platelets (2 microns and less) settling to the mud line.

Muddy Water Mud


Mud at mud line, 60 - 90% porosity. Clay platelets maintain a water envelope after burial. Mud readily deforms (much like pudding). Compaction drives pore water back to the sea. Platelets begin to contact forming pliable clay (much like putty).


Further compaction, geologic time, and temperature cements the clay platelets into shale (less than 20% porosity).

One factor that distinguishes shale from other rock is it's sensitivity to the water component of drilling fluids. With time, shale/water interaction will decrease the strength of the shale; making it more prone to mechanical stability failure.

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Wellbore Stability
As shale is drilled, a sequence of events take place that can lead to the stressing, weakening, and eventual failure of the shale. Several parameters, described below, contribute to the chemical stability of shale.

Advection is the transport of fluid through shale due to pressure differential. Typically, wellbore hydrostatic pressure is greater than formation fluid pressure. When exposed to a permeable formation, the liquid phase of the mud is "pushed" into the pore openings by the pressure differential. In a highly permeable sand, the flow rate of fluid loss is sufficient to form a filter cake that controls fluid loss. With shales, however, the filter cake cannot develop, since the permeability of a typical shale is much less than that of any filter cake. Also, the particle size of a typical filter cake is too large to plug the pore throats of shale (much like trying to plug a shaker screen with beach balls).

Wellbore 5000 psi
Pore Throat 4500 psi Pore Fluid


Well bore
Pore Spaces

Capillary Effects
Drilling fluid must overcome capillary pressure to enter the pore throats of shale. Capillary pressure, developed at the drilling fluid /pore fluid interface, is dependent on several factors; pore throat radius, interfacial tension, and contact angle. When drilling water-wet shales with water base mud; surface tension between the mud's water phase and the pore fluid is very low. Under favorable salinity conditions, the water phase enters the pore throat.

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Wellbore Stability
When drilling water-wet shales with oil base mud, the capillary pressure is very high (i.e., 8000 to 10,000 psi) due to the large interfacial tension and extremely small pore throat radius. The high capillary pressure prevents entry of the oil phase as overbalance pressures are very low in comparison. However, if the salinity of the mud's water phase is not balanced with shale salinity, water transfer through osmosis can still occur.

WBM 5000 psi

Pore Throat 4500 psi Pore Fluid

OBM 5000 psi

Surface Tension

Pore Throat 4500 psi Pore Fluid

Osmosis is caused by the imbalance of salt concentration between the mud's water phase and the pore water. The salinity imbalance is separated by shale which acts as a semi-permeable membrane that allows the transport of water only. Water moves from low salinity to high salinity until the salinity difference (chemical activity) is balanced. If the mud salinity is too low, water moves into the shale increasing the pore pressure. As pore pressure increases, it has an adverse effect on stability. If the mud salinity is too high, pore water flows into the mud system dehydrating the shale. As pore pressure decreases, effective hoop stress increases also promoting shear failure.

Pressure Diffusion
Pressure diffusion is the change in near-wellbore pore pressure relative to time. This occurs as overbalance and osmotic pressures drive the pressure front through the pore throat, increasing pore fluid pressure away from the wall of the hole. This pore pressure penetration leads to a less stable condition at and near the wellbore wall.

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Wellbore Stability


Fluid Front
4500 psi

Pressure Front

5000 psi

Pore Throat

Pore Channel

In Situ Pressure (p )

Time required for the pressure front to penetrate a given depth depends primarily on the permeability of the shale (connectivity of the pores) and the pressure differential between the wellbore (pw) and in situ pore pressure (p).


Day 3 Day 2 Day 1

0 1 2 Distance From Wellbore (Hole Diameters)

As pressure diffusion increases pore pressure near the wellbore, shear strength of the rock is reduced. The time for pressure diffusion to impact shale may result in failure of a shale section exposed for several days.

Swelling /Hydration
Over geologic time, mud/clay solidifies into shale as overburden stress drives off the water envelope (dehydration) and cements the platelets with the minerals left behind after dehydration. After drilling, water enters the shale by advection and osmosis. Negatively charged clay ions attract and hold the polar water. The increasing volume of attached water produces a swelling stress that "wedges" the clay platelets apart.

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Wellbore Stability



Shale Clay Platelets

Natural Cement Pore Water

The swelling pressure and behavior of shales are directly related to the type and amount of clay minerals contained in the shale. Shales with high concentrations of negatively charged ions can produce very high swelling pressure (50,000 psi plus). Swelling pressure decreases the strength of the shale by destroying the natural cement bond between the clay platelets. Brittle shale becomes ductile and is pushed into the wellbore by the compressive hoop stress and the swelling stress.
Wellbore (1 Day) Swelling Stress

Wellbore (1 hour) Adsorbed water




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Providing A Stable Wellbore

4.1 Planning A Stable Wellbore 4.2 Warning Signs /Corrective Action




Wellbore Stability 4.0 4.1 PROVIDING A STABLE WELLBORE

Planning A Stable Wellbore

1. Potential Stability Indicators . If the answer to any of the questions below is "yes", preventive measures should be taken. Indications of tectonic activity in the area? o Sudden pressure transition zones expected? Adverse formations expected (reactive shale, unconsolidated or fractured formations, abnormal or subnormally pressured zones, plastic formations? Is wellbore inclination greater than 30 ? 2. Identify Stress Regime
Normal Fault v = 1 1 = Greatest effective stress 2 = Intermediate effective stress 3 = Least effective stress

h = 3

Reverse Fault

H = 2
v = 3

v = 2 Strike-slip Fault

H = 1
H = 1 h = 2 h = 3

3. Determine Magnitude of In Situ Condition (sv , sh , sH) Overburden - sv Obtained from density logs of offset wells. Formation Pore Pressure -p Estimated by seismic and logs. Minimum Horizontal Stress - sh Determined by LOT and/or logs.

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Wellbore Stability
4. Use Core Tests or Logs to Determine Formation Rock Strength Core Tests
Unstable or Failure Shear Stress


Stability Envelope

Effective Compressive Stress

Logs Rock strength is estimated through correlations with sonic density logs since slow sonic velocity and high porosity generally relate to lower rock strength. 5. Research Offset Wells for Indications of Stability Problems Offset well data is invaluable information for identification of stability problems in the field.

! ! ! !

Identify hole sections with stability symptoms. List the conditions that caused the stability problem. Identify similar problems in offset wells occurring at the same vertical depth. Look for similarity in the conditions that caused the problem. List the drilling parameters effecting the problem (i.e., mud type and weight, hole angle, adverse formations, unusual drilling practices).

CHEMICAL (Hole Enlargement /Hole Cleaning)

Reactive Shale


TENSILE FAILURE (Lost Circulation)

Excessive Wellbore Pressure


Overburden Stress Tectonic Stress Geo-Pressured Shale

PLASTIC DEFORMATION (Tight Hole /Casing Collapse)

Mobile Salt Mobile Shale

Unconsolidated Formation Fractured Formation

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Wellbore Stability
6. Select Mud System and Determine Mud Weight Window Stability spreadsheets and analysis tools are used to determine the mud weight window for each hole section. 7. Avoiding Stability Problems

! ! ! ! ! ! !

Select an inhibitive mud for reactive formations. Casing points should allow for mud weight windows determined from stability analysis. Maintain mud weight/ECD in stability window. Use down hole ECD monitoring tools in critical wells. Optimize well trajectory based on drilling days vs. stability. Plan for effective hole cleaning and stuck pipe prevention. Follow defensive drilling practices. Control ROP, surge pressures. Train drilling team members..

4.2 Warning Signs and Corrective Action

No single action can prevent stability problems. Wellbore stability must be managed by the controllable parameters.

! ! !

Mud type, composition and density. Drilling practices (minimize ECD, swab /surge pressures). Wellbore angle and direction.

Chemical Stability
Chemical stability problems occur when reactive shales are drilled with a non-inhibitive drilling fluid. Chemical stability is time dependent and difficult to quantify. The drilling fluid interaction results in shale hydration and swelling which leads to shale falling into the wellbore causing hole enlargement and tight hole conditions. Warning Signs of Chemical Stability Problems

! ! ! !

BHA balling and slow drilling, flow line plugging, soft mushy cuttings on shaker. Smooth increases in torque/drag Overpull off slips, pump pressure increasing. Increases in mud parameters (mud weight, plastic viscosity, yield point, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and low gravity solids).

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Wellbore Stability
Preventive /Corrective Measures Chemical stability problems are prevented by selecting proper mud type and composition. Initial corrective measures are to use suitable mud additives. If the problem persists, replacing the existing mud with a more inhibitive mud may be necessary.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Addition of various salts (K, Na, Ca) to balance water activity. Addition of glycol to reduce chemical attraction of water to shale. Addition of various "coating" polymers (PHPA, etc.) to reduce water contact with shale. Use of oil base or synthetic oil base mud to exclude water contact and entry into shale. Minimize the open hole exposure time. Plan regular wiper trips. Minimize surge/swab pressures. Ensure adequate hydraulics for bit and hole cleaning. Maintain required mud properties. Use minimum mud weight, if possible.

Mechanical Stability
Mechanical instability is related to incorrect mud weight /ECD and/or well trajectory. Too low mud weight can cause hole cavings or collapse resulting in stuck pipe. Too high mud weight /ECD can cause excessive fluid losses to the formation or total loss of returns. Warning Signs of Mechanical Stability Problems

! ! ! ! ! ! !

Large size and volume of cavings over shakers. Erratic increase in torque/drag. Hole fill on connections or trips. Stuck pipe by hole pack-off /bridging. Restricted circulation /increases in pump pressure. Loss of circulation. Loss/gain due to ballooning shales.

Two indicators of mechanical stability problems are loss of circulation and increased volume of cavings. Partial or total loss of circulation may be due to pressure induced or naturally existing fractures. The reduced hydrostatic associated with loss of circulation may cause formation caving and collapse.

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Wellbore Stability
Preventing Mechanical Stability Problems The constraints on wellbore pressure are dictated by formation pressure on the low end and fracture strength on the high end. Hydraulics planning must also consider minimizing the shock load imposed to the wellbore.




Pore Shear Press Envelope

Collapse Caving

Hydrostatic Pressure
Break Circ Circ Press Swab Press Surge Press Solids Loading

Frac Press
Partial Total Loss Loss

Well Depth

Wellbore Pressure Shock

Measures to prevent/correct mechanical stability problems include:

! ! ! ! ! !

Increase the mud weight (if possible). The mud weight values should be determined using a stability analysis model and past experience if drilling in a known field. If drilling fractured formations, it is not recommended to increase MW. Increase the low end rheology (< 3 RPM Fann reading). Improve hole cleaning measures. Maintain 3-rpm Fann reading greater than 10. GPM for high-angle wells equal to 60 times the hole diameter in inches and half this value for hole angle of less than 350. Circulate on each connection. Use back reaming and wiper trips only if hole conditions dictate. Minimize surge/swab pressures. Monitor torque/drag and the size and amount of cuttings on shakers.

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Wellbore Stability

Controlling Stability Problems

The entire rig team is responsible for detecting stability problems. Once detected, there are many controls to consider that can provide for a stable wellbore. The drilling supervisor, with input from rig team members must be aware of the parameters that restore the balance between rock stress and rock strength.

- Wellbore Stability Maintaining the Balance of Rock Stress and Rock Strength

Tensile Failure

Formation Shear Failure

Pore Pressure Active Mud Tectonics

Rock Strength Rock Stress

MW High Time Exposed ECD

MW Low Hole Cleaning

Reaming Mobile Salt

Trip Speed Shale

Sand Strike Slip

Tensile Failure
Reverse Fault

The drilling team must recognize the warning signs of an unstable wellbore and adjust the drilling program accordingly to maintain the balance of rock stress and rock strength.

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A-1 A-2

Leak-Off Tests Lithology Factor (k)

A - 3 Wellbore Stress Equations A-4 Nomenclature

1 max



Wellbore Stability


Leak-off Tests

LOT data is necessary to determine the maximum mud weight for well control and hole stability and has a direct influence on casing design. LOT field data is also helpful for planning future field drilling and production operations because it measures the minimum horizontal stress (sh). The minimum horizontal stress is important for wellbore stability analysis. Consistency in LOT procedure, accuracy in reading test pressures and proper data reporting all have a direct impact on the quality of this information. Refer to document F96-P-24, Standardization of Leak-off Test Procedure for more detail. Preparation is a key factor in achieving good quality LOT data. Before testing begins: ! Check offset well leak-off data for expected leak-off test pressure, pump rates, test problems or any unusual conditions. ! Check logs for exposed sands to anticipate straight or curved line pressure plot. ! Check for hole washouts to anticipate problems with the cement job. ! Perform a casing integrity test (CIT). Test pressure at any point not to exceed 80% of casing burst. ! Construct a LOT chart. LOT Procedure 1. Drill out the shoe, rathole and 10 to 15 feet of new hole. 2. Circulate the hole clean and condition the mud to a consistent density. 3. Pull the drillstring +/-10 feet above the shoe. 4. Rig up the cement pump on the drillstring and pressure test system. 5. Close the annular BOP and begin the leak-off test. 6. Maintain a constant pump rate during test (1/4 to 1 bbl/min maximum). 7. Plot the pressure every 1/4 barrel pumped.

Appendix A-1
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Wellbore Stability

The initial volume pumped results in fluid compression and expansion of the wellbore. After this initial phase, pressure increases linearly with barrels pumped.
10 to 15 Feet

Test psi

Stop Pump Leak off Initial Shut-in Pressure (ISIP) Min. Horizontal Stress (sh)

Fluid Compression




Shut-in Time (Minutes) Linear Increase Record every min for 20 minutes or until pressure stabilizes 3 4


Leak-off pressure (LOP) is the first point where there is a permanent decrease in the slope (usually equal to or greater than the minimum stress pressure). When the pump is stopped, pressure falls to the initial shut in pressure (ISIP) due to the loss of friction pressure. The minimum horizontal stress (sh) is the first point after a permanent decrease in the slope (usually equal to or less than LOP). Retest to confirm minimum stress measurement. As the formation is either fractured naturally or fractured during the drilling operation, leak-off test pressure should range between 1 to 1.1 times the minimum horizontal stress.

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Wellbore Stability


Lithology Factors

The Lithology Factor (k) Calculated from LOT Data

Stop Pump Initial Shut-in Pressure (ISIP) Min Horizontal Stress - sh

Leak off


sh - p k= s -p v



Shut-in Time (Minutes)


Using Poisson's Ratio () to Calculate the Lithology Factor k=

Poisson's Ratio
Clay very wet Conglomerate Dolomite Limestone: fine, medium medium, calcarenitic porous stylolitic fossiliferous bedded fossils shaley .28 .31 .20 .27 .09 .17 .17 Shale: calcereous dolomitic siliceous silty sandy kerogenaceous Siltstone Slate .14 .28 .12 .17 .12 .25 .08 .13 .17 .50 .2 .21

Sandstone: coarse coarse, cemented fine medium poorly sorted, clayey fossiliferous .05 .10 .03 .06 .24 .01

Poisson's Ratio

From, Weurker H. G.: "Annotated Tables of Strength and Elastic Properties of Rocks", Drilling, reprint Series SPE Dallas (1963)

Appendix A-2
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Wellbore Stability

A - 3 Wellbore Stress Equations

Stress transformation from global to wellbore coordinates: sx = ( sh cos2 + sH sin2 ) cos2 + sv sin2 sy = sh sin2 + sH cos2
2 2 2 2 sz = ( sh cos + sH sin ) sin + sv cos

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

sxy = sin cos cos (sH - sh ) syz = sin cos sin (sH - sh ) sxz = sin cos ( sh cos2 + sH sin2 - sv )

Where is the horizontal angle (azimuth) between sh and the wellbore and is the wellbore inclination. For equal horizontal stresses ( sh = sH ) sx = sh cos2 + sv sin2 sy = sh sz = sh sin2 + sv cos2 (7) (8) (9) sxy = syz = 0 sxz = sin cos ( sh - sv ) (10) (11)

and for a vertical well with = = 0: sx = sh (12) sy = sh (13) sz = sv (14) sxy = syz = sxz = 0 (15)

Effective radial, hoop, and axial stresses at the wellbore wall: r = pw - p = ( sx + sy ) - 2 ( sx - sy ) cos 2 - 4 sxy sin 2 - pw - p z = sz - ( 2 ( sx - sy ) cos 2 + 4 sxy sin 2 ) - p r = rz = 0 z = 2 ( syz cos - sxz sin ) - p (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

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Wellbore Stability



p pw sv sh sH v h H k t S0 r z 1 2 3

formation pore pressure wellbore pressure (hydrostatic/ECD) total overburden stress minimum horizontal stress maximum horizontal stress effective overburden stress effective minimum horizontal stress effective maximum horizontal stress lithology factor Poisson's ratio tectonic stress angle of internal friction coefficient of friction cohesive strength effective radial stress effective hoop stress effective axial stress greatest effective stress intermediate effective stress least effective stress

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