What Is A Bus? A Bus Is:: Slow Vehicle That Many People Ride Together A Bunch of Wires..
What Is A Bus? A Bus Is:: Slow Vehicle That Many People Ride Together A Bunch of Wires..
A Bus is:
s s
a shared communication link a single set of wires used to connect multiple subsystems
A bunch of wires...
Processor Input Control Memory Datapath Output
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Advantages of Buses
Disadvantage of Buses
I/O Device I/O Device Processor I/O Device I/O Device Memory Processor
I/O Device
New devices can be added easily Peripherals can be moved between computer systems that use the same bus standard
s s
s s
Low Cost:
A single set of wires is shared in multiple ways
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Control lines:
Signal requests and acknowledgments Indicate what type of information is on the data lines
Data lines carry information between the source and the destination:
Data and Addresses Complex commands
s s
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Types of Buses
Backplane Bus
I/O Busses
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I/O Devices
s s s
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Advantages: Simple and low cost Disadvantages: slow and the bus can become a major bottleneck Example: IBM PC - AT
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A Two-Bus System
Processor Memory Bus Processor Bus Adaptor I/O Bus Bus Adaptor I/O Bus Bus Adaptor I/O Bus Memory Processor
A Three-Bus System
Processor Memory Bus Memory Bus Adaptor Bus Adaptor Backplane Bus Bus Adaptor I/O Bus I/O Bus
I/O buses tap into the processor-memory bus via bus adaptors:
Processor-memory bus: mainly for processor-memory traffic I/O buses: provide expansion slots for I/O devices
Apple Macintosh-II
NuBus: Processor, memory, and a few selected I/O devices SCSI Bus: the rest of the I/O devices
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Processor-Memory Bus
Memory Bus
4*32 00xx 01xx 10xx 11xx Each access transfers 128 bits
Cache Miss STALL, Start Burst read from RAM PA[3:2] 1 32 Release Pipe STALL Continue Burst read from RAM PA[3:2] 4 2 3 00xx 01xx 10xx 11xx Each RAM bank is only accessed every fourth cycle on burst read
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Synchronous Bus
Synchronous bus:
Includes a clock in the control lines A fixed protocol for communication that is relative to the clock Advantage: involves very little logic and can run very fast Disadvantages: s Every device on the bus must run at the same clock rate s To avoid clock skew, they cannot be long if they are fast It is not clocked It can accommodate a wide range of devices It can be lengthened without worrying about clock skew It requires a handshaking protocol
Asynchronous bus:
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Asynchronous Bus
Asynchronous Protocol
s s s
DataReady Ack
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Busses so far
Master Slave Control Lines Address Lines Data Lines
Bus Transaction
s s s
Bus Master: has ability to control the bus, initiates transaction Bus Slave: module activated by the transaction Bus Communication Protocol: specification of sequence of events and timing requirements in transferring information. Asynchronous Bus Transfers: control lines (req, ack) serve to orchestrate sequencing. Synchronous Bus Transfers: sequence relative to common clock.
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Bus Arbitration
s s
s s
Bus Master, (initiator usually the CPU) Slave, (usually the Memory)
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Many request/grant lines Complex controller, may be a bottleneck
Self Selection
Many request lines The one with highest priority self decides to take bus
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s s
s s s
All agents operate syncronously All can source / sink data at same rate => simple protocol
just manage the source and target
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Data Data1 Data1 Data2
Block transfers:
Allow the bus to transfer multiple words in back-to-back bus cycles Only one address needs to be sent at the beginning The bus is not released until the last word is transferred Cost: (a) increased complexity (b) increased response time (latency) for request
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s s
Slave indicates when it is prepared for data xfer Actual transfer goes at bus rate
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Bus parking
master can holds onto bus and performs multiple transactions as long as no other master makes request
CLK Active
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DataReady Ack
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Backplane Bus
Bus Adapter Control 2nd level Cache Physical Addr Data Primary Memory RAM CP0 IM DE EX DM 1st level Cache TLB
Raid controllers Graphics adapter
s s s s
Limited number of devices Data transfer bursts at full rate DMA transfers important
small controller spools stream of bytes to or from memory
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DMA Processor
1) Generates BusRequest, waits for Grant 2) Put Address & Data on Bus 3) Increase Address, back to 2 until finished 4) Release Bus
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We change the RAM contents, but not the cache We write to HD but the RAM holds old information
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All transfers are (unlimited) bursts Address phase starts by asserting FRAME# Next cycle initiator asserts cmd and address Data transfers happen on when
IRDY# asserted by master/initiator when ready to transfer data TRDY# asserted by target when ready to transfer data transfer when both asserted on rising edge
FRAME# deasserted when master intends to complete only one more data transfer
Turn-around cycle on any signal driven by more than one agent
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PCI Optimizations
Push bus efficiency toward 100% under common simple usage
like RISC
Bus Parking
retain bus grant for previous master until another makes request granted master can start next transfer without arbitration
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s s s s
sBus sData
support timesharing, I/O, and MPs
sTransfer sBus
sClocking sProtocol
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