University Level Lab Report Rubric 2010

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Physics Lab Report Checklist Thinking/Inquiry


Name:______________ /25
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States exactly what was studied (Eg Comparing the effect of different lights on the growth of Coleus). No extra words (eg Lab #2, Investigation)

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Use and bold key words. (key materials, concepts) Summarize the entire lab (intro, purpose, methods, results and discussion). Each section should have one or two sentences that state the MAIN IDEA from the section of the lab. Do not use subheadings. Materials and Methods 0 1 2 3 4 5 This should be in past tense. It is a recollection of what was done. Not a plan of what will be done. Describe how you did the experiment so that it can be repeated exactly. Refer to your experimental set up. (Eg. See Figure 1: experimental setup) Refer to the data tables. (Eg See Table 1: Reaction Time) Explain steps you took to minimize error in your lab. Results and Calculations 012345 Describe what happened. Use text to describe results and refer the reader to your data tables. Eg. Table 6 7 8 9 10 1 shows the results obtained after doing <insert step> Answer any questions associated with the lab that requires a calculation. Include data tables and figures of experimental results in this section. Make sure you REFER to them in the text you write. State the answers to calculations. If there are many calculations, show a sample calculation and only the answers to similar calculations. Percent error Slope

Uncertainty (grade 12 only) Do not make any inferences or conclusions here. Literature Cited Use proper notation to list sources of researched information. Imbed references using MLA format. Text or source of lab is referenced.

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Tables and Figures Each table or figure should have a descriptive title. (Eg Table 1: Reaction Time) Draw a figure of your experimental setup that is put together, not individual parts. Label it with the materials used. Appropriate units should be shown in the column name. Tables include at least 10 data points. Overall Format The lab sections are included in the correct order. (as shown in class). Typed not hand written. Essay format. No numbered steps/parts. Use imbedded referencing of research in the introduction and discussion. Spelling and grammar has been checked. Very few mistakes. Headings are used for each section. Correct units and terms are used. The writing is clear and concise. Sentences are connected logically.


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Introduction This is a combination of research, hypothesis and purpose. Give background knowledge or research. Define key terms. Where appropriate include a diagram. States the predicted results and why you expected the results. Link research to the experiment and explain why the experiment was done. Describe careers that would make use of the information in this lab.

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Physics Lab Report Checklist

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Discussion Make conclusions. Compare your conclusion to your hypothesis. Explain your results. (imbed references of researched information, refer to tables and figures) Explain experimental errors (both procedural and instrumental). (Worth 4 marks) Answer text questions associated with the lab in paragraph format, in a logical sequence. State why your findings are useful in the real world. Restate career links and extend your knowledge to real life situations.

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