Primary Production of Milk: Dairy Processing Handbook/Chapter 1

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Primary production of milk

Milk production began 6 000 years ago, or even earlier. The dairy animals of today have been developed from untamed animals which, over thousands of years, have lived at different altitudes and latitudes, at times exposed to natural and, many times, severe and extreme conditions. Practically everywhere on earth man started domesticating animals. As a rule, herbivorous, multipurpose animals were chosen to satisfy his need of milk, meat, clothing, etc. Herbivorous animals were chosen because they are less dangerous and easier to handle than carnivorous animals. The former did not compete directly with man for nourishment, since they ate plants which man could not use himself.

Dairy Processing Handbook/Chapter 1

The herbivorous animals used were all ruminants with the exception of the mare and ass. Ruminants can eat quickly and in great quantities, and later ruminate the feed. Today, the same animals are still kept for milk production, milk being one of the essential food components for man. The most widespread milking animal in the world is the cow, which is found on all continents and in nearly all countries.

Table 1.1

Composition of milk from various animals.

Animal Protein total % Casein % Whey protein % Fat % Carbohydrate % Ash %

Human Horse Cow Buffalo Goat Sheep

1,0 2,2 3,5 4,0 3,6 4,6

0,5 1,3 2,8 3,5 2,7 3,9

0,5 0,9 0,7 0,5 0,9 0,7

4,5 1,7 3,7 7,5 4,1 7,2

7,0 6,2 4,8 4,8 4,7 4,8

0,2 0,5 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8

However, we should not forget the other milking animals, whose milk is of great importance to the local population, as a source of highly valuable animal protein and other constituents. Sheep are of exceptional importance among this group, especially in the Mediterranean countries and in large areas of Africa and Asia. The number of sheep in the world exceeds one billion, and they are thus the most numerous of all milk- and meatproducing domestic animals. Sheep are often accompanied by goats, whose contribution to milk and meat production in the poorest areas should not be overlooked. Both sheep and goats are a source of cheap, high-quality protein and are mainly kept in conditions where climatic, topographical, economic, technical or sociological factors limit the development of more sophisticated protein production systems. Table 1.1 shows the composition of milk from different species of animals. It should be noted that the figures given are only averages, as the composition for any species is influenced by a number of factors such as breed, feeding, climate, etc.

Cow milk
The heifer is bred (naturally or by insemination) before the age of two years. The gestation period is nine months and one week. After calving, the cow gives milk for 10 months. 1 2 months after calving the cow will again be bred. Milk is the only food of the young mammal during the first period of its life. The substances in milk provide both energy and the building materials necessary for growth. Milk also contains antibodies which protect the young mammal against infection. A calf needs about 1 000 litres of milk for growth, and that is the quantity which the primitive cow produces for each calf. There has been an enormous change since man took the cow into his service. Selective breeding has resulted in dairy cows which yield an average of more than 6 000 litres of milk per calf, i.e. six times as much as the primitive cow. Some cows can yield 14 000 litres or more. Before a cow can start to produce milk, she must first have a calf. Heifers reach sexual maturity at the age of seven or eight months but are not usually mated until they are 15 18 months old. The period of gestation is 265 300 days, varying according to the breed of the cow, so a heifer produces her first calf at the age of about 2 2,5 years.

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Secretion of milk
Milk is secreted in the cows udder, which is a hemispherical organ divided into right and left halves by a crease. Each half is divided into quarters by a shallower transverse crease. Because each quarter has one teat with its own separate mammary gland, it is theoretically possible to get milk of four different qualities from the same cow. A sectional view of the udder is shown in Figure 1.1. The udder is composed of glandular tissue which contains milkproducing cells. The external layer of this tissue is muscular, thus giving cohesion to the body of the udder and protecting it against injury from knocks and blows. The glandular tissue contains a very large number (about two billion) of tiny bladders called alveoli. The actual milk-producing cells are located on the inner walls of the alveoli, which occur in groups of between 8 and 120. Capillaries leading from the alveoli converge into progressively larger milk ducts which lead to a cavity above the teat. This cavity, known as the cistern of the udder, can hold up to 30 % of the total milk in the udder.

In the Irish village of Blackwater, Big Bertha died on 31 December 1993. She was probably the oldest cow in the world when she died at an age of 49 years. The owner, Mr Jerome OLeary, announced that Big Bertha would have been 50 years of age on 15 March 1994.

1 4 2 3
Fig. 1.1 Sectional view of the udder. 1 Cistern of the udder 2 Teat cistern 3 Teat channel 4 Alveolus

Large quantities of blood flow through the udder every day. Approx. 800 900 l of blood is needed for formation of one litre of milk.

The cistern of the udder has an extension reaching down into the teat; this is called the teat cistern. At the end of the teat there is a channel 1 1,5 cm long. Between milkings, the channel is closed by a sphincter muscle which prevents milk from leaking out, and bacteria from entering the udder. The whole udder is laced with blood and lymph vessels. These bring nutrient-rich blood from the heart to the udder, where it is distributed by capillaries surrounding the alveoli. In this way, the milk-producing cells are furnished with the necessary nutrients for the secretion of milk. Spent blood is carried away by the capillaries to veins and returned to the heart. The flow of blood through the udder very high. It takes between 800 and 900 litres of blood to make one litre of milk. As the alveoli secrete milk, their internal pressure rises. If the cow is not milked, secretion of milk stops when the pressure reaches a certain limit. Increase of pressure forces a small quantity of milk out into the larger ducts and down into the cistern. Most of the milk in the udder, however, is contained in the alveoli and the fine capillaries in the alveolar area. These capillaries are so fine that milk cannot flow through them of its own accord. It must be pressed out of the alveoli and through the capillaries into the larger ducts. Muscle-like cells surrounding each alveolus perform this duty during milking, see Figure 1.2.

Fig. 1.2 Squeezing of milk from alveolus.

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The lactation cycle

Secretion of milk in the cows udder begins shortly before calving, so that the calf can begin to feed almost immediately after birth. The cow then continues to give milk for about 300 days. This period is known as lactation. One to two months after calving the cow can be serviced again. During the lactation period, milk production decreases, and after approx. 300 days it may have dropped to only 25 50 % of its peak volume. At this stage milking is discontinued to give the cow a non-lactating period of up to 60 days prior to calving again. With the birth of the calf, a new lactation cycle begins. The first milk the cow produces after calving is called colostrum. It differs greatly from normal milk in composition and properties. See further in Chapter 2. Milk production is somewhat lower during the first lactation period. A cow is normally productive for 3 5 years.










Fig. 1.3 Milking takes 5 8 minutes.

Fig. 1.4 The milk should be poured through a strainer and then chilled.



A hormone called oxytocin must be released into the cows bloodstream in order to start the emptying of the udder. This hormone is secreted and stored in the pituitary gland. When the cow is prepared for milking by the correct stimuli, a signal is sent to the gland, which then releases its store of oxytocin into the bloodstream. In the primitive cow, the stimulus is provided by the calfs attempts to suck on the teat. The oxytocin is released when the cow feels the calf sucking. A modern dairy cow has normally no calf present during milking. Stimulation of the milk let-down is done by the preparation of milking, i.e. the sounds, smells and sensations associated with milking. The oxytocin begins to take effect about one minute after preparation has begun and causes the muscle-like cells to compress the alveoli. This generates pressure in the udder and can be felt with the hand; it is known as the let-down reflex. The pressure forces the milk down into the teat cistern, from which it is sucked into the teat cup of a milking machine or pressed out by the fingers during hand milking. The effect of the let-down reflex gradually fades away as the oxytocin is diluted and decomposed in the bloodstream, disappearing after 5 8 minutes. Milking should therefore be completed within this period of time. If the milking procedure is prolonged in an attempt to strip the cow, this places an unnecessary strain upon the udder; the cow becomes irritated and may become difficult to milk.

On many farms all around the world, milking is still done by hand in the same way as it has been done for thousands of years. Cows are usually milked by the same people every day, and are quickly stimulated to letdown just by hearing the familiar sounds of the preparations for milking. Milking begins when the cow responds with the let-down reflex. The first jets of milk from the teats are normally rejected. A careful, visual inspection of the first milk enables the milker to detect the status of the udder health. Two opposed quarters are milked at a time: one hand presses the milk out of the teat cistern, after which the pressure is relaxed to allow more milk to run down into the teat cistern from the udder cistern. At the same time milk is pressed out of the other teat. In this way the two teats are milked alternately. When two quarters have been emptied in this way, the milker then proceeds to milk the other two until the whole udder is empty. The milk is collected in pails and poured through a strainer, to remove coarse impurities, into a churn holding 30 50 litres. The churns are then chilled and stored at low temperature to await transport to the dairy. Immersion or spray chillers are commonly used for cooling.

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Fig. 1.5 Preparing the cow for milking by cleaning and massaging the udders before the teat cups are placed on the udders.

Fig. 1.6 Machine milking equipment.

Machine milking
The basic principle of the milking machine is shown in Figure 1.6. The milking machine extracts the milk from the teat by vacuum. A vacuum pump, a vacuum vessel, a vessel for collecting milk, teat cups and a pulsator are essential parts of the milking machine. The teat cup unit consists of a teat cup containing an inner tube of rubber, called the teat cup liner. The inside of the liner, in contact with the teat, is subjected to a constant vacuum of about 50 kPa (50% vacuum) during milking. The pressure in the pulsation chamber (between the liner and teat cup) is regularly alternated by the pulsator between 50 kPa during the suction phase and atmospheric pressure during the massage phase. The result is that milk is sucked from the teat cistern during the suction phase. During the massage phase, the teat cup liner is pressed together allowing a period of teat massage. This is followed by another suction phase, and so on, as shown in Figure 1.7. Relief of the teat during the massage phase is necessary to avoid accumulation of blood and fluid in the teat. Such congestion in the teat can be painful to the cow, and milk let down and milking performance can be affected. Repeated congestion at successive milking sessions can even have an influence on the udder health. The pulsator alternates between suction and massage phases about 50 to 60 times per minute. The four teat cups, attached to a manifold called the milk claw, are held on the cows teats by suction and the friction between the teat and the teat cup liner. Vacuum is alternately (alternate pulsation) applied to the left and right teats or, in some instances, to the front teats and rear teats. The applying of vacuum to all four teats at the same time (simultaneous pulsation) is less common. The milk is drawn from the teats directly to the milk pail or via a vacuumised transport pipe to a receiver unit. An automatic

a + + + + + + +

1 2 3 4

Vacuum pump Vacuum pipeline Milk cooling tank Milk pipeline

Fig. 1.7 The phases of machine milking. a Teat cup liner

4 1 3

Fig. 1.8 General design of pipeline milking system.

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shut-off valve operates to prevent dirt from being drawn into the system if a teat cup should fall off during milking. After the cow has been milked, the milk pail is taken to a milk room where it is emptied into a churn or a special milk tank for cooling. To eliminate the heavy and time-consuming work of carrying filled pails to the milk room, a pipeline system may be installed for direct transport of the milk to the milk room (Figure 1.8). Such systems are most common today. It allow milk to be conveyed in a closed system straight from the cow to a collecting tank in the milk room. This is a great advantage from a hygienic point of view. Regardless if the milking system is of bucket, pipeline or automatic type it is important that it is designed to prevent air leakage during milking. Excessive air leakage can influence the quality of the milk and cause elevated levels of free fatty acids. The machine milking plant is also provided with Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) facilities.

Automatic milking systems

Automatic milking systems, Figure 1.9, have been installed on commercial farms at an increasing rate in recent years. The potential benefits are reduced labour requirements, higher milk quality, improved animal health and increased yield. Figure 1.11 shows a typically dairy farm layout including an automatic milking system.

Fig. 1.9 The heart of an automatic milking system. The cow goes when she wants into the milking station where the teats are cleaned and milked.

Fig. 1.10 Teat-cup for cleaning, drying and pre-milking. The teat is flushed with tepid water for cleaning and finally dried with air. The pre-milk goes together with cleaning water to drain.

In contrast to conventional milking, in which people bring the cows to be milked, automatic milking places emphasis on the cows inclination to be milked in a self-service manner several times a day. The idea that cows like being milked is very attractive, and one of the main financial benefits from automatic milking is the increase in milk yield from more frequent milking. When the cow wants to be milked, she walks to the milking station. A transponder on the cow identifies it, and if the cow was milked recently, she is directed back to the resting or feeding area. The cow enters the automatic milking station and an individual amount of concentrate is served.

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1 2 3 4 Automatic milking station Control room Milk cooling and storage Smart gate for preselecting the cows attempting the milking station 5 Living area 6 Feeding station 7 Calf section

4 2 3

Fig. 1.11 Layout of a modern dairy farm with an automatic milking system.

In an automatic milking system the teats can be detected by a laser and vision camera. As an example, the teats can be cleaned separately by means of a teat-cup-like device, Figure 1.10, using tepid water applied intermittently at a certain pressure and turbulence to ensure efficient cleaning. Drying of the teats is carried out by compressed air in the same teat-cup. Foremilking is carried out by the cleaning teat-cup, which applies vacuum at the end of the cleaning cycle. The cleaning teat-cups are finally flushed with water. Sensors can detect whether foremilking has been carried out. Foremilking is applied for a few seconds to ensure that sufficient milk is evacuated and the let-down reflex is activated. The teat-cups for milking are automatically attached sequentially. Milk from the four teats is kept separate until the milk meter records the amount from each quarter. Spraying each individual teat with disinfectant is the final stage of milking. Milk yield, milking duration, milk flow rate, and certain characteristics of the milk are recorded during milking. In addition, data on cow movements, time of milking and time of concentrate feeding may also be available. Milk leaving the milking station can be divided into different categories and being collected separately from the normal milk. The categories can be: 1 Treated cow 2 Freshly calved cow (colostrum) 3 Cow with less than one milking in the last 24 hours 4 A cow which, although healthy, has cell counts above a certain level The fresh milk is forwarded to a buffer tank for cooling before being pumped to the storage tank.

Cooling of milk
Efficient cooling of the raw milk after milking is the best way to prevent bacterial growth. Various cooling systems are available; the choice depends on the produced volume of milk. An in-can cooler, shown in Figure 1.13, is suitable for small producers. It is much favoured by users of chilled water units and producers using directto-can milking equipment. An immersion cooler is designed for direct cooling of the milk in churns

Fig. 1.12 Milk must be cooled to 4 C as soon as possible.

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Fig. 1.15 The insulated farm tank can be filled in the field and easily transported to the chilling unit.

Fig. 1.13 An in-can cooler is placed on top of the milking bucket or any type of milk can.

Fig. 1.14 The immersion cooler is placed directly on the transportation churn.

Fig. 1.16 Direct expansion tank used for cooling and storage of milk.

as well as in tanks. The condensing unit is mounted on a wall, Figure 1.14. The evaporator is located at the lower end of the immersion unit. The immersion cooler can also be used for indirect cooling, i.e. for cooling water in insulated basins. The milk is then cooled in transport churns immersed in the chilled water. Insulated farm tanks for immersion coolers are available in both stationary and mobile types (Figure 1.15). When road conditions prevent access by tanker truck, a mobile tank can be used to bring the milk to a suitable collection point. Mobile tanks are easy to transport and thus suitable for milking in the fields. Direct expansion tanks as shown in Figure 1.16 can as well be used for cooling and storage of the milk.

Cleaning and sanitising

Manual cleaning with brushes is a common method where hand milking or bucket machine milking systems are used. Circulation cleaning is commonly performed in pipe line milking plants. The cleaning solution is circulated through the plant by vacuum and/or a pump. Detergents, sanitisers, liquid temperatures and other cleaning conditions recommended by the milking machine supplier should be applied.

Cooling of milk on the farm

Milk leaves the udder at a temperature of about 37 C. Fresh milk from a healthy cow is practically free from bacteria. It must be protected from

Fig. 1.17 Milking equipment on a large farm with heat exchanger (1) for rapid cooling from 37 to 4 C.

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being contaminated after it has left the udder. Micro-organisms capable of spoiling the milk are everywhere on the udder, on the milkers hands, on airborne dust particles and water droplets, on straw and chaff, on the cows hair and in the soil. It is common to filter the milk before it enters the milk tank. Million bact./ml Careful attention must be paid to hygiene in order to produce milk of 900 high bacteriological quality. However, despite all precautions, it is 20 C 30 C almost impossible to completely exclude bacteria from milk. Milk is an 500 25 C 15 C excellent growth medium for bacteria; it contains all the nutrients they 100 need. Thus, as soon as bacteria get into milk, they start to multiply. On 10 the other hand, the milk leaving the teats contains certain original 3 bactericides which protect the milk against the action of micro2 organisms during an initial period after extraction. It also takes some 1 4 C time for infecting micro-organisms to adapt to the new medium before 0,3 they can begin to grow. 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 h Unless the milk is quickly cooled down after extraction, it may soon Fig. 1.18 The influence of temperature be spoiled by micro-organisms, which thrive and multiply most vigorously at on bacterial development in raw milk. temperatures around 37 C. Milk should therefore be cooled immediately after it leaves the cow. At this temperature the level of activity of the microorganisms is low. It is important to keep the milk at low temperature during storage. The activity of the micro-organisms will easily increase again if the temperature is allowed to rise some few degrees above recommended storage temperature. Figure 1.18 shows the rate of bacterial growth at different temperatures over time. Under certain circumstances, e.g. with limited availability of water and/or electricity or when the quantity of milk is too small to justify the investment in cooling equipment on the farm, co-operative milk collecting centres with cooling facilities may be available.

Farm cooling equipment

Spray or immersion coolers are commonly used on farms, which deliver milk to the dairy in cans. In the spray cooler, circulating chilled water is sprayed on the outsides of the cans to keep the milk cool. The immersion cooler consists of a coil, which is lowered into the can. Chilled water is circulated through the coil to keep the milk at the required temperature (Figure 1.13 to 1.15). Where milking machines are used, the milk is commonly collected in special milk tanks at the farm (Figure 1.16). A wide range of milk tanks of various sizes are available with built-in cooling equipment designed to guarantee cooling to a specified temperature within a specified time. These tanks are often in most cases equipped with equipment for automatic cleaning to ensure uniform high standard of hygiene. On large farms, and in collecting centres where large volumes of milk (more than 5 000 litres) must be chilled quickly from 37 to 4 C, the cooling equipment of the bulk tanks may be inadequate. In these cases the tank is mainly used to maintain the required storage temperature; a major part of the cooling is carried out by means of a heat exchanger in line in the delivery pipeline (Figure 1.17).

Frequency of delivery to the dairy

In former times, milk was delivered to the dairy twice a day, morning and evening. In those days the dairy was close to the farm. But as dairies became larger and fewer, their areas of collection increased and the average distance from farm to processing increased. This meant longer intervals between collections. Collection on alternate days is common practice today in most of the large dairy countries with modern milk production. Collection every three or even four days is not entirely unknown. Milk should preferably be handled in a closed system, to minimise the risk of contamination. It must be cooled to 4 C as soon as it is produced

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Mo/ml 109 108 107 106 19x105 0 1 2 3 4

"The critical age"

Fig. 1.19 Bacteria growth at 4C in raw milk.

and then kept at that temperature until processed. All equipment coming into contact with milk must be cleaned and disinfected. Quality problems may arise if the intervals between collections are too long. Certain types of micro-organisms, known as psychrotrophic, can grow and reproduce below +7 C. They occur mainly in soil and water. Therefore, it is important that water used for cleaning is of high bacteriological quality. Psychrotrophic bacteria will grow in raw milk stored at 4 C. After an acclimatisation period of 48 72 hours, 5 Days growth goes into an intense logarithmic phase (F igure 1.19). This results in breakdown of both fat and protein of the milk. This might be an important reason for off-flavours that may jeopardise the quality of products made from the milk. This phenomenon must be taken into account in the planning of collection schedules.

Buffalo milk
Buffaloes are the most common milk producer in Asia and certain areas of Africa. There are many different species and the dominant type varies from region to region. The world population of buffaloes is some 150 million, of which 145 million live in Asia. Most buffaloes are owned by farmers with small farms and are merely a source of a little extra income. In India, it is common that a family owns one or two buffaloes. In northern India, herd sizes of 10 to 15 animals are common. This area also has a welldeveloped milk collection system. Outside large Indian cities large farms with herds of 100 300 buffaloes are common. Widespread in India, Pakistan and Southeast Asia, buffaloes are also common in Egypt, Romania, Turkey and Italy. In India, Pakistan and Egypt, some 50 65 % of all milk produced is from buffaloes. It is estimated that 17 % of the worlds total milk production comes from buffaloes. Only 6 % of the buffalo milk produced in India is processed, most is used by the farmer or sold untreated as street milk. Milk from buffaloes can be processed like milk from cows. However, its thermal stability is lower, so mixed milk, a mixture of buffalo and cow milk, is preferable for UHT treatment.

Yield and lactation period

The milk produced during a lactation period may differ due to regional and availability of feed. The buffaloes in India and China only produce 450 500 kg per lactation period, while others, i.e. specialised milking farms at Indian university farms produce more than 1 700 kg, and in Italy up to 3 000 kg. The lactation period varies from 217 days in Egypt to 270 295 in India.

Secretion of milk
Lactating buffaloes secrete milk in the same way as other lactating domesticated animals. The anatomy of buffalo teats is slightly different from cow teats. The muscle around the streak channel is thicker, and more force is therefore required to open the canal. This is why the buffaloes are hard milkers. The milk is held in the upper, glandular part of the udder, in the alveoli and small ducts. Between milkings, there is no milk stored in the cistern. Hence, buffaloes have no cisternal milk fraction. The milk is expelled to the


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cistern only during actual milk ejection. The same phenomenon is seen in Chinese yellow cows and yaks. The composition of buffalo milk differs from that of cow milk. The biggest difference relates to fat, as buffalo milk from some breeds may contain up to 13 % fat. Buffalo milk fat has a higher melting point than cow milk, due to its higher proportion of saturated fatty acids. Phospholipids and cholesterol are lower in buffalo milk, and it is more resistant to oxidative changes compared to milk from cows. Buffaloes produce colostrum during the first few days after calving. Colostrum from buffalo has a dry matter content of up to 30 % and contains valuable proteins. The colostral period usually lasts three days, during which the composition of the colostrum gradually changes, becoming more and more like ordinary milk. Colostrum, should not be delivered to dairy.

Some properties of buffalo milk

As can be seen from Table 1.1, buffalo milk is richer in most important constituents than cow milk. The content of protein, lactose and ash is somewhat higher in buffalo milk than in cow milk. Buffalo milk contains vitamin A, but lacks -carotene, which is present in cow's milk.

Buffaloes have been used in milk production for centuries. Milking buffaloes is not a difficult task. One should, however, take care not to simply apply cow-milking techniques, as buffaloes require slightly different milking methods.

Hand-milking is the method most often used on small, family-run farms. It is important to use a smooth and comfortable milking technique. In handmilking, it is necessary to overcome the higher resistance in the teat sphincter.

Machine milking
Buffaloes have been successfully milked with machines for decades, in countries like Italy. Machine milking has during recent years become more interesting also for Asian and African farmers. The udder and teats of buffaloes are different to those of cows, so a heavier cluster, higher operation vacuum and faster pulsation rate are required.

Sheep (ewe) milk

Among the numerous breeds of sheep, it may be difficult to define any particular dairy breeds, except by the purpose for which they are bred. Some breeds are mainly kept for production of meat and wool, but are occasionally also milked. There are breeds considered as dairy breeds, but their production per lactation does not exceed 100 kg due to the conditions under which they are kept. On the other hand, milk production of some meat breeds can be as much as 150 to 200 kg per lactation. There are, however, some breeds that can be classified as dairy breeds due to their high production of milk and good milkability. They include the Lacaune of France, East Friesian of Germany, Awassi of the Near East and Tsigai in the CIS, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria. Production figures of 500 to 1 000 kg of milk per lactation have been reported for East Friesian and Awassi ewes.

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Yield and lactation period

Data on yields and lactation periods given by different authors show wide fluctuation between the various breeds as well as within the same breed. Figures of 0,4 to 2,3 kg per ewe per day for yield and 100 to 260 days for length of lactation should therefore be understood as a rough guide to low and high averages.

Flock size
It is estimated that, other factors equal, 8 to 10 dairy ewes correspond to one dairy cow. Flock sizes of 150 to 200 ewes are appropriate for intensive family farms, while flock sizes of 300 to 400 ewes may be suitable as a production unit. Large-scale enterprises may have many thousands of sheep each. The number of dairy animals kept in one flock, however, should not exceed about 1 200, because of the labour demanding milking. Well-functioning and robust milking equipment and high efficiency of milking are of utmost importance likewise as the quality of the management of the sheep. An ewe is kept four to five years in a flock. The gestation period is about five months, and most breeds average 1,5 to 2 lambs a year in poor areas less than one. Ewe lambs can be bred from the age of 6 to 8 months.

Secretion of milk
Lactating ewes secrete milk in the same way as other lactating domestic animals. Sheep milk is richer in all its important constituents as compared to cow milk (Table 1.1) and with nearly 30 % more dry matter. Variations in sheep milk composition are due to most of the same factors as for dairy cows, i.e. breeds, individuals and stage of lactation. Ewes produce colostrum during the first few days after lambing. Colostrum has a dry matter content of up to 40 % and contains the important proteins, albumin and immunoglobulins. The colostral period usually lasts three to four days, during which the composition of the colostrum gradually changes, becoming more and more like ordinary milk. Colostrum should not be delivered to dairies.

Fig. 1.20 Typical locations of teats on udders of sheep. The ideal position is when the teats are located at the lowest points of the udder halves.

Milk fat
Fat globules in sheeps milk range in size from 0,5 to 25 microns, but the largest fraction is between 3 and 8 microns, i.e. nearly twice as big as the fat globules in cow milk. The fat of sheep milk has a higher content of caprylic and capric acid than fat of cow milk. This is the main reason for the particular taste and aroma of milk products from sheep.

1 2

Sheep milk is typical casein milk. It contains on an average 4,5 % of casein and only around one per cent of whey proteins. The ratio casein/whey protein of sheep milk thus differs somewhat from that of cows milk, viz 82 : 18 versus 80 : 20.

Some properties of sheep milk


Specific gravity is 1,032 1,040. This is due mainly to its high content of solids-non-fat. Acidity is high due to a high percentage of proteins. The pH normally varies between 6,5 and 6,8.

Fig. 1.21 Cross-section of one half of a sheeps udder. 1 Alveolar tissue 2 Milk ducts 3 Teat cistern 4 Teat canal

The anatomy of the udder of the ewe is different to that of the cow. The udder of the ewe consists of two halves with one teat each. While the cow is normally easy to milk, both manually and by machine, sheep are more difficult to milk compared to cows, both manually and by


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4 3 5

2 1
machine. One important reason is that the teats of many ewes are horizontally oriented. An ideal udder is one with the teats at the lowest points of the udder halves. Figure 1.20 shows examples of various udder configurations of sheep. Some breeds have a small percentage of cistern milk (Figure 1.21). The results of milking depend to a large extent of how well the let-down reflex works. As with cows, the release of milk is initiated by a hormone, oxytocin, which causes the muscle-like cells to compress the alveoli. This generates pressure in the udder. The milk let-down of sheep lasts only for a short period, up to two minutes (as against up to 8 minutes for cows) depending on breed and stage of lactation.

Fig. 1.22 Churn milking system. 1 Milk churn with pulsator 2 Vacuum pipeline 3 Milk tank for cooling and storage 4 Vacuum pump 5 Teat cup cleaning unit

Hand-milking is the method of milking most often used in small herds. The efficiency of milking is very much dependent upon the milk let-down. A good milker may be able to milk 20 to 40 ewes with slow milk let-down (the Lacaune breed) in one hour, while the same milker may be able to milk 40 to 100 ewes per hour of sheep having fast milk let-down (the Manech breed).

Machine milking
Dairy farmers with more than 150 ewes generally install machine milking systems to take the hard labour out of milking. The working principle of milking machines for ewes is similar to that described for cows, except that milking vacuum is lower, and the pulsation rates are much higher. The most common types of machine milking installations are churn, mobile and pipeline systems (see Figure 1.22, 1.23 and 1.24).

Fig. 1.23 Mobile milking unit.

5 4 6 1
Fig. 1.24 Pipeline milking system. 1 Milk pipeline 2 Vacuum pipeline 3 Receiver unit 4 Milk tank for cooling and storage 5 Vacuum pump 6 Teat cup cleaning unit

Dairy Processing Handbook/Chapter 1


In a churn installation the vacuum system is fixed and the churn unit is movable. The churn, which holds 20 to 40 litres, is used for manual transport of milk to the storage tank. The pulsator can be mounted on the churn lid. A non-return valve in the lid allows air to be sucked from the pail. A churn plant can have one to three churns per operator. The normal capacity of an operator with two churns is 70 ewes per hour. This type of installation is suitable for small flocks of up to 140 animals. In a pipeline milking installation the milk line can be installed at high or low level in the parlour. Milking capacity depends on the design of the parlour. The mobile milking unit is suitable for small flocks and outdoor milking, and when ewes must be milked in different places. The installation has the same capacity as that of a churn milking installation. The unit consists of a complete vacuum system, power unit (electric motor or combustion engine), cluster assemblies, milk container for 20 to 40 litres and pulsation system, all mounted on a trolley. During milking the trolley is placed behind four to eight ewes. The two pivoted bars are turned outwards behind the ewes, and the cluster assemblies are attached from the rear.

Goat milk
The goat was probably the first ruminant that was domesticated. Goats originate from Asia and are now spread almost all over the globe. Goats are very hardy animals. They thrive in areas where it may be difficult for other animals. Unlike sheep, goats are not flock animals. There are numerous breeds of goat, but no specialised dairy breed. However, Saanen, Alpine, Toggenburg and Chamois breeds have been very successfully selected and bred for increased milk yields. Because of this, they have been exported all over the world for purpose of being crossed with local breeds. Cashmere and Angora are breeds known for the special wool they produce.

Yield and lactation period

In a well-managed milk production herd, a goat can produce between 400 and 1 300 kg milk per lactation. The length of lactation varies from 200 to 300 days. The hard, uncomfortable work of hand milking is eased by milking by machine. However, a certain volume of milk should be produced or a certain number of animals should be kept to justify change to mechanical milking. For a family-sized goat milking operation, depending upon local conditions at least 50 to 150 goats are required to reach an acceptable turnover. A business enterprise requires a larger number of animals, e.g. 200 to 1 000 goats. An intensive and feasible production unit, family sized operation or business enterprise, however, requires not only appropriate milking equipment but also effective management, feeding and breeding programmes.

Secretion of milk
Goats secrete milk in the same way as other lactating domestic animals. The composition of goat milk, like that of other species, is influenced by several factors. From Table 1.1 it appears that gross composition of goat milk is almost similar to that of the cow. However, the ratio of casein to whey proteins in goat milk is narrower, 75:25, as compared to 80:20 for cow milk. The relative higher content of whey proteins may make goat milk more sensitive to heating. The pH of goat milk normally varies between 6,5 and 6,7.

Fig. 1.25 The shape of the goats udders.


Dairy Processing Handbook/Chapter 1

The female goat, like the ewe, has an udder with two halves (Figure 1.25) each with one teat. Compared with the ewe, the teats are in general somewhat longer and located at the lowest point of each half, and most of the milk is stored at the cysternal part of the udder, so both manual as well as machine milking is fairly easy to perform. The duration of milk let-down of the goat may last for 1 to 4 minutes depending on stage of lactation and breed.

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Hand milking
Milking by hand is still a common way of milking goats in many parts of the world, but machine milking is growing very fast.

Machine milking, cooling and storage

Machine milking greatly facilitates the work on large goat farms. Previous information about sheep and equipment for milking, cooling, cleaning and storage applies for the most part to goats as well.

Fig. 1.26 Cross-section of one half of the goats udder. 1 Alveolar tissue 2 Milk ducts 3 Cistern 4 Teat canal

Dairy Processing Handbook/Chapter 1



Dairy Processing Handbook/Chapter 1

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