The Philippine Charter Change

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The Philippine Charter Change, or the cha-cha, is the changing of the current 1987 Constitution of the Philippines.

There are three different ways the charter change can be revised. First, it can be amended with the peoples initiative which is, in a sense, a national petition. It can also be amended by the constitute assembly which is the assembly of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Finally, it can be amended by constitutional convention which is decided by Congress. For me, making changes in our Constitution for the better is a good thing. Charter Change is the only viable way of putting those necessary changes. I am saying yes to Con-Ass because among the three, Con-Ass is the quickest and most cost effective way of amending or revising the Constitution. Calling a Constitutional Convention would be costly and time consuming. A peoples initiative would be out of the question besides it being impractical and costly as until now no implementing law has been passed by Congress for the exercise of such right. Sadly the public is misled as to the real meaning of Con-Ass and Cha-Cha. Con-Ass and Cha-Cha are often equated to the term extension of President Arroyo. The public should know that such exercises are not only meant for term extensions of any president. Charter Change is definitely good as long as the change will better the lives of the people and Constitutional Assembly is the most practical way of doing it.

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