Recruitment Selection Process at Tata Teleservices LTD Tata DOCOMO

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The report discusses the recruitment and selection process at Tata Teleservices Ltd. and measures the effectiveness of different recruitment sources. It provides details about the recruitment process, selection process, documents required at different stages and a conclusion.

The report is about studying the recruitment and selection process at Tata Teleservices Ltd. and finding the effectiveness of various recruitment sources.

The report discusses the different stages of recruitment like sourcing candidates, screening and selection. It provides details about the different sources of recruitment used by the company.

Recruitment & Selection Process at Tata Teleservices Ltd.

(Tata DOCOMO) and measure the effectiveness of Recruitment Process

A final summer internship report

Tata Teleservices Ltd.

The Guman 1, Amrapali Circle, vaishali Nagar, Jaipur 302021.

A Report on

Recruitment & Selection at Tata Teleservices Ltd. (Tata DOCOMO) and measure the effectiveness of Recruitment Process

Submitted To: Ms. Monica Sharma Mr. Manmeet Arora

Submitted By: Vallari Sharma Fall 09 PGP + MBA (2009-11)

PROTON business school


Yeshwant Plaza, Opp. Railway station, Indore

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I hereby declare that the project entitled Recruitment & Selection process at Tata Teleservices and find out the effectiveness of various recruitment sources is submitted as a part of my summer internship for PGP and MBA Program at PROTON business school. The Project has been done under the able guidance of Ms. Monica Sharma, Assistant Manager HR (company mentor) and Mr. Manmeet Arora (faculty mentor). This report is not submitted anywhere else for completion of any degree or award. The source of detailed study material which is used to prepare this report is mentioned in bibliography.

Vallari Sharma Batch Fall 2009-11

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First of all I would like to place on record my gratitude to respectable Mr. Amit Agarwal, HR- Head of Tata Teleservices Ltd. for giving me this opportunity of internship in his organization which has been a pure learning experience and which has enlightened my knowledge and skills about the telecom industry. I am specially thankful to my company mentor Ms. Monica Sharma, Assistant Manager, HR and my faculty mentor Mr. Manmeet Arora for their guidance and cooperation during this summer internship and in fact without their support its been very difficult to structure this project and to complete it successfully. I am sure the knowledge imparted will go in a long way in enriching my career. Lastly I would like to thank the HR dept for inducting the module of internship programme at Tata Teleservices ltd. without which I should not have learnt what I had during my internship.

Vallari Sharma Batch Fall 2009 -11

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Table of Content
Page no. 1. DECLARATION............................................................................................................................................3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................................................4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................7 CHAPTER 1 RECRUITMENT & SELECTON THEORY 1.1 Recruitment..................................................................................................................................9 1.1.1 Definition.................................................................................................................9 1.1.2 Purpose & Importance of Recruitment........................................................9 1.1.3 Recruitment process.........................................................................................10 1.1.4 Sources of manpower supply.........................................................................12 1.2 Selection.......................................................................................................................................14 1.2.1 The difference between Recruitment & Selection.................................14 1.2.2 Goals of selection...............................................................................................15 1.2.3 Selection Process...............................................................................................15 1.3 Induction.....................................................................................................................................17

2. CHAPTER 2 COMPANY PROFILE 2.1 Introduction of TATA group................................................................................................20 2.2 Introduction of Ratan Tata...................................................................................................21 2.3 TATA Teleservices Ltd...........................................................................................................22 2.4 Tata DOCOMO............................................................................................................................23 2.5 Organizational Chart of Tata DOCOMO...........................................................................24 2.6 Hierarchy Pyramid of Tata DOCOMO...............................................................................25 2.7 Board of Directors....................................................................................................................26 3. CHAPTER 3 RECRITMENT & SELECTION AT TATA TELESEVICES (TATA DOCOMO) 3.1 Recruitment Policy..................................................................................................................29 3.2 Objective......................................................................................................................................29 3.3 Recruitment Strategy.............................................................................................................30 3.4 Initiation of Recruitment......................................................................................................30 3.4.1 Manpower Budget............................................................................................30 3.4.2 Drivers of Recruitment....................................................................................31 3.4.3 Job descriptions.................................................................................................31 3.5 Recruitment Sources..............................................................................................................33 3.5.1 Internal Source..................................................................................................33 3.5.2 External Source.................................................................................................36 3.6 Selection Process.....................................................................................................................40 3.6.1 Screening.............................................................................................................40 3.6.2 Interview.............................................................................................................41 3.6.3 Evaluation of Candidate...............................................................................41 3.7 Salary Fixation.........................................................................................................................41 3.8 Offer.............................................................................................................................................42 Page 5 of 80

3.9 Pre Employment Activities..............................................................................................44 3.9.1 Reference Check.................................................................................................44 3.9.2 Medical Check up............................................................................................44 3.9.3 Relocation............................................................................................................44 3.10 Joining Formalities...........................................................................................................45 3.11 Trainee Program...............................................................................................................46 3.11.1 Management Trainee scheme......................................................................46 3.11.2 Executive Trainee Scheme.............................................................................46 3.11.3 Graduate Engineer Trainee Scheme..........................................................46 3.11.4 Diploma Engineer Trainee Scheme............................................................46 3.12 Inter Circle Hiring.............................................................................................................46 3.13 Process Review..................................................................................................................47 4. CHAPTER 4 INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT & RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 Project Scope..............................................................................................................................49 4.2 Research methodology...........................................................................................................49 4.3.1 Definition..............................................................................................................50 4.3.2 Research Design.................................................................................................50 4.3.3 Descriptive Research Design.........................................................................50 4.3.4 Data Collection...................................................................................................51 4.3.5 Research Instrument........................................................................................51 4.3.6 Tools for Analysis...............................................................................................51 5. CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION 5.1 No. of estimated new hires..................................................................................................55 5.2 Table 1..........................................................................................................................................55 5.3 Table 2..........................................................................................................................................57 5.4 Table 3..........................................................................................................................................58 5.5 Table 4..........................................................................................................................................59 5.6 Table 5..........................................................................................................................................60 5.7 Table 6..........................................................................................................................................61 5.8 Table 7..........................................................................................................................................62 6. FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS, & CONCLUSION 6.1 Findings from the study.......................................................................................................64 6.2 Recommendations.................................................................................................................66 6.3 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................67 QUESTIONNAIRE....................................................................................................................................68 ANNEXURES.............................................................................................................................................73 BIBLIOGRAPHY.....................................................................................................................................80

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In every organisation Employment & Personnel Planning as an activity is necessary because Personnel planning embrace all future positions in the organizations. Human Resource Planning is a vital ingredient for the success of the organisation in the long run. There are certain ways that are to be followed by every organisation, which ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at the right place and right time, so that organisation can achieve its planned objective. Human Resource Management is a process of acquiring, training, appraising, training, and compensating employees and of attending to their labour relations, health, and safety and fairness concerns. Each objective needs special attention and proper planning and implementation. Employees should be a vital part of the efficient and effective functioning of your business; therefore the aim of recruitment is to encourage applications from people with the skills and qualifications necessary to meet the organisations needs. Shortage of skills and the use of new technology are putting considerable pressure on how employers go about recruiting and selecting staff. It is recommended to carry out a strategic analysis of recruitment and selection procedure. With reference to this context, this project is been prepared to put a light on Recruitment and Selection process of Tata Teleservices. This report includes Meaning and Definition of Recruitment and Selection, Objectives and need of Recruitment, Evaluation of Recruitment Process, sources of recruitment through which an Organisation gets suitable application. Job Analysis, which gives an idea about the requirement of the job through which job descriptions & job specifications is prepared. Next is Selection process, which includes steps of Selection, Types of Test and Interviews. This project more emphasizes on Effectiveness of recruitment sources and whole process of Recruitment and Selection at Tata Teleservices.

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Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. A formal definition states, It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected. In this, the available vacancies are given wide publicity and suitable candidates are encouraged to submit applications so as to have a pool of eligible candidates for scientific selection. In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For this different source such as newspaper advertisement, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc. are used. In the recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most suitable candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees.

1.1.1 Definition:
According to EDWIN FLIPPO, Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

1.1.2 Purpose and importance of Recruitment:

1. Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on conjunction with its personnel-planning and job analysis activities. 2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

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3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. 4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time. 5. Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its work force. 6. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. 7. Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term. 8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

Recruitment is a positive function in which publicity is given to the jobs available in the organization and interested candidates are encouraged to submit applications for the purpose of selection. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees. It is through recruitment that many individuals will come to know a company, and eventually decided whether they wish to work for it. A wellplanned and well-managed recruiting effort will result in high quality applicants, whereas, a haphazard and piecemeal efforts will result in mediocre ones.

1.1.3 Recruitment Process:

Manpower planning: Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization. Human Resource Planning has got an important place in the arena of industrialization. Human Resource Planning has to be a
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systems approach and is carried out in a set procedure. The procedure is as follows: Analyzing the current manpower inventory Making future manpower forecasts Developing employment programs Design training programs Analyzing the current manpower inventory: Before a manager makes forecast of future manpower, the current manpower status has to be analyzed. For this the following things have to be noted1. Type of organization 2. Number of departments 3. Number and quantity of such departments 4. Employees in these work units Once these factors are registered by a manager, he goes for the future forecasting. Making future manpower forecasts: Once the factors affecting the future manpower forecasts are known, planning can be done for the future manpower requirements in several work units. The Manpower forecasting techniques commonly employed by the organizations are as follows: i. Expert Forecasts: This includes informal decisions, formal expert surveys and Delphi technique. ii. Trend Analysis: Manpower needs can be projected through extrapolation (Projecting past trends), indexation (using base year as basis), and statistical analysis (central tendency measure). iii. Work Load Analysis: It is dependent upon the nature of work load in a department, in a branch or in a division. iv. Work Force Analysis: Whenever production and time period has to be analyzed, due allowances have to be made for getting net manpower requirements. v. Other methods: Several Mathematical models, with the aid of computers are used to forecast manpower needs, like budget and planning analysis, regression, and new venture analysis.
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Developing employment programs- Once the current inventory is compared with future forecasts, the employment programs can be framed and developed accordingly, which will include recruitment, selection procedures and placement plans. Design training programs- These will be based upon extent of diversification, expansion plans, development programs, etc. Training programs depend upon the extent of improvement in technology and advancement to take place. It is also done to improve upon the skills, capabilities, knowledge of the workers.


An organization can fill up its vacancies either through promotion of people available in the organization or through the selection of people from outside. Thus, there can be two sources of manpower external and internal. For all recruitment, a preliminary question of policy considers the extent to which it will emphasize external and internal sources. Vacancies through internal sources can be filled up either through promotion or transfer; recruiters tend to focus their attention on outside sources. Therefore, the first problem is to identify outside sources. Normally, following outside sources are utilized for different positions. 1). Advertisement -: Advertisement is the most effective means to search potential employees from outside the organization. Employment advertisement in journals, newspaper, bulletins, etc, is quite common in our country. An advertisement contains brief statement of the nature of jobs, the type of people required, and procedure for applying for these jobs. 2). Employment Agencies -: Many organizations get the information about the prospective candidates through employment agencies. In our country, two types of agencies are operating: public employment agencies and private employment agencies. Public Employment Agencies: There are employment exchanges run by the government almost in all districts. The employment seekers get themselves registered with these agencies. Normally, such exchanges provide candidates for lower position like semi-skilled and skilled workers, and lower-level operations like clerks, junior supervisors, etc.
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Private Employment Agencies : There are many consultancy and employment agencies like ABC consultants, Personnel and productivity services, etc., which provide employment services particularly for selecting higher level and middle level executives. These agencies also undertake total functions personnel on behalf of various organizations. They charge fees for this purpose. 3). On campus Recruitment -: Many organizations conduct preliminary search of prospective employees by conducting interviews at the campuses of various institutes, universities and colleges. This source is quite useful for selecting people to the posts of management trainees, technical supervisor, scientist, and technicians. The organizations hold preliminary interviews on the campus on the predetermined date and candidates found suitable are called for further interviews at specified. 4). Employee recommendations -: Employee recommendation can be considered to the lower levels. The idea behind employee recommendations as a source of potential applicants is that the present employees may have specific knowledge of the individuals who may be their friends, relatives, or acquaintances. If the present employees are reasonably satisfied with their jobs, they communicate these feelings to many persons in their communities. 5). E Hiring -: Many organizations conduct preliminary search of prospective employees through the internet service. There are many job portals available on internet like, etc. Candidates register their cvs on the different job portals which are searched by the recruiters who are looking for the candidates. The candidates whose profiles match with the recruiters requirement are contacted through email or by telephone for further interview process. 6). Gate Hiring -: The concept of gate hiring is to select people who approach on their own for employment in the organization. Gate hiring is quite useful and convenient method at the initial stage of the organization when large number of such people may be required by the organization. It can be made effective by prompt disposal of applications, by providing information about the organizations policy and procedures regarding such hiring and providing facilities to +such gate callers. It is not necessary that a particular organization will utilize all sources to employ people of all types. Some of the sources are more useful for a particular category of employees.
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Selection is defined as the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. Selection is basically picking an applicant from (a pool of applicants) who has the appropriate qualification and competency to do the job.

1.2.1 The difference between recruitment and selection:

Recruitment is identifying n encouraging prospective employees to apply for a job. And Selection is selecting the right candidate from the pool of applicants.

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To systematically collect information about to meet the requirements of the advertised position. To select a candidate that will be successful in performing the tasks and meeting the responsibilities of the position. To engage in hiring activities that will result in eliminating the under utilization of women and minorities in particular departments. To emphasize active recruitment of traditionally under represented groups, i.e. individuals with disabilities, minority group members, women, and veterans.

1.2.3 Selection process

A selection process involves a number of steps. The basic idea is to solicit maximum possible information about the candidates to ascertain their suitability for employment. Since the type of information required for various positions may vary, it is possible that selection process may have different steps for various positions. For example, more information is required for the selection of managerial personnel as compared to workers. A standard selection process has the following steps: 1).Screening of Applications -: Prospective employees have to fill up some sort of application forms. These forms have variety of information about the applicants like their personal bio-data, achievements, experience, etc. Such information is used to screen the applicants who are found to be qualified for the consideration of employment. Based on the screening of applications, only those candidates are called for further process of selection who are found to be meeting the job standards of the organization. 2). Selection Tests -: Many organizations hold different kinds of selection tests to know more about the candidates or to reject the candidates who cannot be called for interview, etc. Selection tests normally supplement the information provided in the application forms. Such forms may contain factual information about candidates. Selection tests may give information about their aptitude,
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interest, personality, etc., which cannot be known by application forms. Types of selection tests areas follows: Achievement test, Intelligence test, Personality test, Aptitude test, Interest test. 3). Interview -: Selection tests are normally followed by personnel interview of the candidates. The basic idea here is to find out overall suitability of candidates for the jobs. It also provides opportunity to give relevant information about the organization to the candidates. In many cases, interview of preliminary nature can be conducted before the selection the selection tests. For example, in the case of campus selection, preliminary interview is held for short listing the candidates process of selection. 4). Checking of References -: Many organizations ask the candidate to provide the names from whom more information about the candidates can be solicited. Such information may be related to character, working, etc. The usual referees may be previous employers, persons associated with the educational institutions from where the candidates have received education, or other persons of prominence who may be aware of the candidates behavior and ability. 5). Physical Examination -: Physical examination is carried out to ascertain the physical standards and fitness of prospective employees. The practice of physical examination varies a great deal both in terms of coverage and timings. Some organizations only have general check up of applicants to find out the major physical problems which may come in the way of effective discharge of duties. In the context of timings also, some organizations locate the physical examination near the end of the selection process, others place it relatively early in the process. This latter course is generally followed when there is high demand for physical fitness. 6). Approval by appropriate Authority -: On the basis of the above steps, suitable candidates are recommended for selection by the selection committee or personnel department. Organizations may designate the various authorities for approval of final selection of candidates for different categories of candidates, Thus, for top level managers, Board of directors may be approving authority; for lower levels, even functional heads concerned may be approving authority. When the approval is received, the candidates are informed about their selection and asked to report for duty to specified persons.

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7). Placement -: After all the formalities are completed, the candidates are placed on their jobs initially on probation period may range from three months to two years. During this period, they are observed keenly, and when they complete this period successfully, they become the permanent employees of the organization.

Introducing the new employee who is designated in a job, job location, surrounding, organization, organizational surrounding, introducing him to his relevant group is the final process in recruitment. Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins the company and giving him basic information he needs to settle down quickly and happily and stars work. The significances of Induction are as follows: To give new comer necessary information such as location of a caf, rest period etc. To build new employee confidence in the organization. It helps in reducing labor turnover and absenteeism. It reduces confusion and develops healthy relations in the organization. To develop among the new comer a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization. A formal induction programme should provide following information: Brief history and operations of the company. The companys organization structure. Policies and procedure of the company. Products and services of the company. Location of department and employee facilities. Safety measures. Grievances procedures. Benefits and services of employee. Standing orders and disciplinary procedures. Opportunities for training, promotions, transfer etc. Suggestion schemes. Rules and regulation.
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Merits of Induction: Exposes new managers to all kinds of businesses Prevents inductees from being over-specialized Makes a recruit productive to the company quickly Familiarizes new entrants with corporate culture Imparts training on the job rather than theoretically

Demerits of Induction: Throws trainees into the thick of action too soon Mistakes made by raw recruits can damage company Allows no time to gauge individual strength and weaknesses Daunts people who prefer structured work environment Small periods spent in each job can create wrong perceptions

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Introduction of TATA group

Tata group believes in Leadership with Trust. Tata companies operate in seven business sectors: communications and information technology, engineering, materials, services, energy, consumer products and chemicals. They are, by and large, based in India and have significant international operations. The total revenue of Tata companies, taken together, was $70.8 billion (around Rs325,334 crore) in 2008-09, with 64.7 per cent of this coming from business outside India, and they employ around 357,000 people worldwide. The Tata name has been respected in India for 140 years for its adherence to strong values and business ethics. Every Tata company or enterprise operates independently. Each of these companies has its own board of directors and shareholders, to whom it is answerable. There are 28 publicly listed Tata enterprises and they have a combined market capitalization of some $60 billion, and a shareholder base of 3.5 million. The major Tata companies are Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Tata Tea, Indian Hotels and Tata Communications. Tata Steel became the sixth largest steel maker in the world after it acquired Corus. Tata Motors is among the top five commercial vehicle manufacturers in the world and has recently acquired Jaguar and Land Rover. TCS is a leading global software company, with delivery centers in the US, UK, Hungary, Brazil, Uruguay and China, besides India. Tata Tea is the second largest branded tea company in the world, through its UK-based subsidiary Tetley. Tata Chemicals is the worlds second largest manufacturer of soda ash and Tata Communications is one of the worlds largest wholesale voice carriers. Founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868, Tatas early years were inspired by the spirit of nationalism. Tata companies have always believed in returning wealth to the society they serve. Two-thirds of the equity of Tata Sons, the Tata promoter company, is held by philanthropic trusts that have created national institutions for science and technology, medical research, social studies and the performing arts. The trusts also provide aid and assistance to non-government organizations working in the areas of education, healthcare and livelihoods. Tata companies also extend social welfare activities to communities around their industrial units. The combined development-related expenditure of the trusts and the companies amounts to around 4 per cent of the net profits of all the Tata companies taken together.

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Introduction of Chairman - Ratan Tata

Ratan N Tata has been the Chairman of Tata Sons, the promoter company of the Tata group, since 1991. He is also the Chairman of the major Tata companies, including Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Power, Tata Tea, Tata Chemicals, Indian Hotels and Tata Teleservices. During his tenure, the groups revenues have grown nearly 13-fold. Mr. Tata also serves on the board of directors of Fiat SpA and Alcoa. He is also on the international advisory boards of Mitsubishi Corporation, the American International Group, JP Morgan Chase and Rolls Royce. Mr. Tata is associated with various organizations in India and overseas. He is the Chairman of two of the largest private-sector-promoted philanthropic trusts in India. He is a member of the Prime Ministers Council on Trade and Industry, the National Hydrogen Energy Board, and the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council. He is the president of the Court of the Indian Institute of Science and Chairman of the Council of management of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. He also serves on the UK Prime Ministers Business Council for Britain and the International Advisory Council of Singapores Economic Development Board. He is also a member of the Global Business Council on HIV / Aids and the Programme Board of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations India Aids initiative. Mr. Tata joined the Tata group in 1962. After serving in various companies, he was appointed director-in-charge of The National Radio and Electronics Company in 1971. In 1981 he was named Chairman of Tata Industries; the groups other promoter company. Mr. Tata received a BS degree in architecture from Cornell in 1962. He worked briefly with Jones and Emmons in Los Angeles before returning to India in late 1962. He completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School in 1975. The Government of India honoured Mr Tata with its second-highest civilian award, the Padma Vibhushan, in 2008. He has also received honorary doctorates from Ohio State University, the Asian Institute of Technology, the University of Warwick and the Indian Institutes of Technology of Kharagpur and Madras, and an honorary fellowship from the London School of Economics.

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Tata Teleservices Limited spearheads the Tata Group's presence in the telecom sector. The Tata Group had revenues of around US $75 billion in financial year 2008-09, and includes over 90 companies, over 350,000 employees worldwide and more than 3.5 million shareholders. Incorporated in 1996, Tata Teleservices Limited is the pioneer of the CDMA 1x technology platform in India. It has embarked on a growth path since the acquisition of Hughes (India) Ltd [renamed Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited] by the Tata Group in 2002. It launched mobile operations in January 2005 under the brand Tata Indicom and today enjoys a pan-India presence through existing operations in all of India's 22 telecom Circles. The company is also the market leader in the fixed wireless telephony market with its brand Walky. The company has recently introduced the brand Photon to provide a variety of options for wireless mobile broadband access. Tata Teleservices Limited now also has a presence in the GSM space, through its joint venture with NTT DOCOMO of Japan, and offers differentiated products and services under the TATA DOCOMO brand name. TATA DOCOMO arises out of the Tata Group's strategic alliance with Japanese telecom major NTT DOCOMO in November 2008. TATA DOCOMO has received a pan-India license to operate GSM telecom services-and has also been allotted spectrum in 18 telecom Circles. The company has rolled out GSM services in 14 of India's 22 telecom Circles in a quick span of under six months. The company plans to launch pan-India operations by the end of FY 2009-10. Today, Tata Teleservices Limited, along with Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited, serves over 58 million customers in more than 410,000 towns and villages across the country, with a bouquet of telephony services encompassing mobile services, wireless desktop phones, public booth telephony, wire line services and enterprise solutions. In December 2008, Tata Teleservices Limited announced a unique reverse equity swap strategic agreement between its telecom tower subsidiary, Wireless TT Info-Services Limited, and Quippo Telecom Infrastructure Limitedwith the combined entity kicking off operations in early 2009 with 18,000 towers, thereby becoming the largest independent entity in this space-and

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with the highest tenancy ratios in the industry. The WTTIL-Quippo combine is targeting over 50,000 towers by the end of FY 2010-11.


TATA DOCOMO is Tata Teleservices Limited's (TTSL) telecom service on the GSM platform-arising out of the Tata Group's strategic alliance with Japanese telecom major NTT DOCOMO in November 2008. Tata Teleservices has received a pan-India license to operate GSM telecom services, under the brand TATA DOCOMO and has also been allotted spectrum in 18 telecom Circles. TTSL and has already rolled out its services in various circles. The launch of the TATA DOCOMO brand marks a significant milestone in the Indian telecom landscape, as it stands to redefine the very face of telecoms in India. Tokyo-based NTT DOCOMO is one of the world's leading mobile operators-in the Japanese market, the company is clearly the preferred mobile phone service provider in Japan with a 50 per cent market share. NTT DOCOMO has played a major role in the evolution of mobile telecommunications through its development of cutting-edge technologies and services. Over the years, technologists at DOCOMO have defined industry benchmarks like 3G technology, as also products and services like the i-modeTM, mobile payment and a plethora of lifestyleenhancing applications. Today, while most of the rest of the industry is only beginning to talk of LTE technology and its possible applications, DOCOMO has already started conducting LTE trials in physical geographies, not just inside laboratories. DOCOMO is also a global leader in the VAS (Value-Added Services) space, both in terms of services and handset designs, particularly integrating services at the platform stage. The Tata Group-NTT DOCOMO partnership will see offerings such as these being introduced in the Indian market under the TATA DOCOMO brand. TATA DOCOMO has also set up a 'Business and Technology Cooperation Committee, comprising of senior personnel from both companies. The committee is responsible for the identification of key areas where the two companies will work together. DOCOMO, the world's leading mobile operator,

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will work closely with the Tata Teleservices Limited management and provide know-how on helping the company develop its GSM business. Despite being a late entrant, Tata Indicom, TTSL's CDMA brand, has already established its presence and is the fastest-growing pan-India operator. Incorporated in 1996, Tata Teleservices Limited is the pioneer of the CDMA 1x technology platform in India. Today, Tata Teleservices Limited, along with Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Ltd, serves over 37 million customers in more than 320,000 towns and villages across the country offering a wide range of telephony services including Mobile Services, Wireless Desktop Phones, Public Booth Telephony and Wire-line Services.




Marketing Head

Sales Head
Zonal Manager

Commercial Head

Finance Head

HR Head

CSD Head

Technology Head

Usage & revenue

Commercial manager


Employee Engagement



Customer care

Radio frequency




Core operations


Business Cordinator

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Senoir Vice president Vice president Assisstant Vice President General manager

Deputy general manager

Senior Manager Manager Deputy manager Assistant manager Senior Executive Executive

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MR. RATAN N. TATA Designation: Chairman Company: Tata Teleservices Ltd.

MR. K. A. CHAUKAR Designation: Managing Director Company: Tata Industries Ltd.

MR. ANIL KUMAR SARDANA Designation : Managing Director Company : Tata Teleservices Limited

MR. I. HUSSAIN Designation: Director Company: Tata Sons Ltd.

MR. N. S. RAMACHANDRAN Designation: Director, Company : Tata Teleservices Ltd.

MR. N. SRINATH Designation: CEO & MD Company: Tata Communications Ltd.

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DR. MUKUND GOVIND RAJAN Designation: MD Company: Tata Teleservices Maharashtra Ltd.

MR. ANUJ MAHESHWARI Designation : Director Company : Temasek Holdings Advisors India Pvt Ltd., ("THAIPL")

MR TOSHINARI KUNIEDA Designation: Senior Vice President Managing Director Global Business Division Company: NTT Docomo, INC.

MR. KIYOSHI TOKUHIRO Designation: Senior Vice President Managing Director of Network Department Company: NTT Docomo, INC.

MR. KAZUTO TSUBOUCHI Designation: Executive Vice President Chief Financial Officer Company: NTT Docomo, INC.

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3.1.1 To actualize the organizational vision of providing Trusted services to 100 million happy customers by 2011. Acquiring and retaining high quality talent is the key to an oragnizations success. The recruitment strategy of Tata Teleservices limited(TTSL) adopted for the same will mirror our corporate image and enhance its brand value. 3.1.2 The recruitment process is the most visible and dynamic way of projecting an organizations objectives & image outside.

Systematically hire competent human resource inline with HR Strategies derived from business goals, future growth plans & evolving roles and responsibilities of employees to keep pace with the changing dynamics of the organization. Hire Human resource with values similar to those advocated by the organization to ensure the right culture fit. Adopt a continuous and conscious practice of exploring newer channels for sourcing the best talent in a cost effective manner.

Provide opportunities to employees to apply for vacant positions in the company through internal job-postings, with a view to enable career growth for them. Implement merit based hiring practices that provides equal opportunity to all.

Hire CRISP talent with requisite competence, skill set, knowledge and attitude to deliver business results today and tomorrow.
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3.3.1 While hiring a TTSLite, they look for the following attributes:C - Customer Focus R - Result Orientation I - Initiative and Speed S - Self Confidence P - Passion for achievement 3.3.2 Sourcing Strategy The following sources will be used for identifying the potential Human Resources for TTSL: Recruitment consultants, Employee Referrals, Job portals, Internal Resume Database, Direct Recruitment-Walk Ins, News Paper Ads, Campus Recruitment, Data bank, Voluntary application, Referral from Tata ecosystem, Voluntary referrals from professional Agencies, NGOs facilitation, etc .

3.4 INITIATION OF RECRUITMENT 3.4.1 Manpower Budget

The organizations business plans for the fiscal year originates from the long term business objectives of TTSL. Each function defines its manpower requirements based on the strategic objectives set down for achieving the annual business objectives for the function. The finance function analyses the cost incurred in the hiring of manpower. Corporate HR with circle HR discusses the manpower requirement with the heads of each function to rationalize the manpower to control additions and cost. Hiring Plan Following this, the hiring plan for entire year is charted out. This plan lays down the Number of employees to be hired on a monthly basis
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at each level, location and function. The manpower budget is reviewed if any revision in business plan takes palace. There is no carry forward of budgeted manpower from one year to another year. Thus, there may be a change in the manpower needs projected initially, and the same gets changed on changes in business plans during the course of the year. 3.4.2 Drivers of Recruitment In addition to the budgeted requirement for manpower, there may be some other drivers of recruitment i.e. Reorganization/Restructuring which arises from merger, acquisition or expansion can stimulate a need for recruitment. 3.4.3 Job Descriptions

A key input for recruitment is an inventory of all skill sets and competency levels for existing positions in all functions. These prerequisites for a position are translated into job descriptions (for format see annexure 1). Job Descriptions (JDs) describe the work performed, responsibilities involved, experience profile, skill. JDs give an understanding of the tasks performed and the type of qualification required to perform them.

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Flowchart of recruitment process

Manpower plan/ replacement need Approved manpower requisition

Internal job postings/(Tata world)

Sourcing- internal/ external source

Screening of CVs Inputs from hiring managers Selection process

No Candidate selected

Salary fixation Process Improvisation E - Offer

Offer accepted Medical check up Do ref. check


Commencement of sourcing activity

Not ok If ok Issue formal offer with undertaking

Joining & completion of SAP HR hiring process Review process

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Once the requirement for hiring is justified and manpower requisition is approved, applications for specific positions are generated through various sources. Following sources are used for recruitment:

3.5.1 Internal Sources 3.5.1.i Internal Job Postings/External Job Postings (TATA WORLD) This method is used for identifying qualified internal candidates. It has the advantage of redeploying people already acquainted with the companys business processes and culture and hence, job training can be reduced. It provides opportunity for promotion and employee development. This procedure applies to all budgeted vacancies as well as vacancies created due to replacement requirements in levels M4 to M8. Input SLA Approved manpower requisition/job description(JD) Post the vacancy on the Intranet, within 1 day of receiving a requisition. Receive CVs from internal candidates within 7 days of job posting. The manpower requisition should be signed & forwarded by the function head and mailed to the GM HR corporate. Check JDs for level & location and post it to the intranet Collect the applications received from the hiring manager on the 7th day of job posting. Applicants have been in the current assignment for a min. of 6 months period & are confirmed employees. If candidate selected make offer.
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If offer is accepted update personal file, Update SAP, inform Finance, inform reporting manager about candidates date of joining.

Input Approved manpower requisition/Job description If candidate is not selected; o File CV and Interview Assessment sheet in rejected candidates folder o Begin sourcing Activity


CV databank

The internal databank of CVs is an important source of profiles, specifically with regard to local candidates. After the applications are received, they are screened and short-listed for further processing. Inputs SLA Activities CVs received from various sources Ongoing activity Segregate CVs received through email, post, walk-in candidates, employee referrals Classify CVs as per function and date of receipt File CVs in a function wise manner

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Employee Referral Scheme Bring buddy

Employee referral is an efficient and cost effective way of attracting qualified candidates. Employees not only get the referral fee but also they play a role in shaping the companys future. Any employee who wants to refer an individual can forward to the HR function either through email or by submitting a hard copy. inputs SLA Activities CVs from employees Ongoing activity All CVs received are to be placed in the databank Maintain record of the name of the employee and date of receipt of CV If the CV is short-listed, organize interview/if rejected tell referee Informed the employee about the outcome if refer candidate attends interview Update personal file Update recruitment Tracker Off- roll employees


Hiring an outsourced employee simplifies the induction process as the employee is acquainted with the job complexities and the organization culture. The term off role employees refers to the employees working on the rolls of an agency providing results and services to TTSL. These employees are on the payroll of an external agency. Appointment on TTSL rolls It is based purely on the availability of a vacancy and suitability of the outsourced employee as an applicant.

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Criteria The applications are for entry level positions only (M8 M7) The applicant has served for a minimum period of 12 months continuously with an agency providing services to TTSL. The application is screened by dept. head 3.5.2 External sources 3.5.2.i Recruitment through Consultants Recruitment consultants are used to assist in the hiring of qualified candidates. They help in identifying job seekers and are a good and efficient source for obtaining pre screened candidates. TTSL employs Recruitment Consultants on a contingency basis implying that they are paid a fee only when a position is closed through them. Selection of RCs The list of consultants along with the applicable terms and conditions is finalized by Corporate HR at the beginning of each year. Each RC is required to sign a contract with Corporate HR before commencing work with TTSL. Evaluation of RCs The list of consultants is revised only at the beginning of each financial year, on the basis of relative performance of the consultants.

Input Timeline Activities

Recruitment MIS & CV databank In the beginning of financial year Quantitative & qualitative assessment undertaken Evaluation done by recruitment dept. in each circle
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Prepare list of consultants to be retained for the year and those that nee to be terminated Head HR approve the above list

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Following flowchart shows the sourcing procedure through Recruitment Consultants

Inputs on manpower consultants profiles Identification of new consultant

Signing of the contract with the approved list of RCs Circulation of contract to Circles and to RCs

Final List of RCs Forwarding of requirements to RCs Receipt of CVs & shortlistings Process improvisation Feedback to Rcs Test /interview & selection of candidate Inform RC about CTC details & joining date Payment to RC after candidate joins Annual evaluation of performance of RCs Renewal/ termination of contract Review process Hiring of consultants

Sourcing through consultants

Evaluation of consultants

Qualitative & quantitative criteria

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Placing advertisements in the newspaper is a method of recruiting external applicants, to be used in specific cases such as walk ins, special positions etc. Since potential candidates are first introduced to the company through advertisements, this helps in building a positive image. Either TTSL or the vendor can release an advertisement for vacancies. When TTSL releases the advertisement This source is used for hiring for M5 & above levels. For this an advertisement copy should be prepared jointly and been approved by both the hiring function and HR. All advertisements to be approved and ratified by Corporate HR & Corporate MARCOM prior to release. The advertisement should: a. Meet the criteria set by the company for release in the print media. b. Be brief, precise and consistent with job specifications and the selection criteria. It must specify the e-mail address/fax number/address where applicants can send their CVs. c. Attract the interest of potential and suitable applicants. d. Have the following details: Summary of TTSLs business Level/Title and location of position Position code for each job Job specifications in terms of skills, experience and qualifications required Closing date of applications

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Job Portals

Leading job portals like Naukri, Times job, Monster etc. Should be used to get CVs for closing positions at the level of M2 to M8. corp TA will maintain an annual matrix of usage of these portals by circle & will also circulate usage on a quarterly basis. 3.5.4 TTSL Website

Open positions up to M2 level should be put on the TTSL website for seeking profile from interested applicants from external world. All open positions which are to be put on TTSL website will be done so on approval of Corporate TA head.


Having received the applications, the next step is to evaluate applicants experience and qualifications and make a selection. 3.6.1 Screening Its purpose is to evaluate the application and eliminate applicants whose profiles do not match the job requirements. Short-listing of CVs The CVs received from various sources are screened by the HR function within 7 day of commencement of sourcing activity. Knowledge & Aptitude Test for campus It is conducted for all trainees and laterals recruits in the level of M6 & M8 through a testing agency of repute decided and finalized from corporate office. The result of test will be criteria for short listing / screening candidates for the purpose of interview.
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Psychometric Test: This test is done to find out the CRISP fit. 3.6.2 Interview This is powerful technique used to assess the capabilities/skills of the candidate and to understand the softer aspects that a difficult to measure from resumes. After finalizing a date and time, short-listed candidates are invited for an interview. 3.6.3 Evaluation of candidate The candidate interviewed are evaluated against the various parameters indicated in the Interview Assessment Sheet (see Annexure 2), which has to be filled-in and signed by all members of the interview panel.


The selected candidates are required to furnish Documents prior to an offer being made. Salary comparator An appropriate salary fitment is generated giving three possible options, based on qualification, age, experience and compensation details of the selected person and basic salary of existing employees at the same level.

Approval & signature The authority for finalization of salary for salary for levels M4 and below (for all circle positions) shall rest with the Head HR in each circle. All decisions pertaining to salary determination for level M3 & above rest with corporate HR.

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After selection of the best candidate, email compensation offer is made to him/her. Only if the candidate accepts this & due verification of Ref. Check/medically fit clearance is obtained, an appointment letter detailing the terms of employment is given to him/her. Annexure indicating the list of documents to be submitted at the time of joining is to be given with the appointment letter (Annexure 3). It is mandatory for the selected candidate to sign and return the duplicate copy of the letter. The signing authority for offer letters is indicated below: - CHRO - Corp TA Head. - Corp TA head (for corp. Office) - Regional HR head for region. M4 & below - Corp TA head or representative not below M3 level for offers in corp. office. And regional HR head/ Circle HR Head ( not below M5 level) for offers in region & circle respectively. M1 & above M2 & M2A M3A & M3

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The Following Flowchart shows the offer and follow up Process:

Details of existing compensation break-up

Finalization of salary

Verbal offer/ E-mail

Is the offer accepted?


Commence sourcing activity

yes Pre employment medical check up & Authbridge Verification

Relocation/ notice pay as per policy Submission of documents

Joining Review Process

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Once the selected candidate accepts the offer, the recruitment team communicates this information to be concerned units within and outside the organization. There are various pre-employment activities which are as follows: 3.9.1 Reference Check Background verification is required for appointment. This is done through third party of repute. Following points may be considered during reference check: For group transfer it is not required Verification on qualification and last 3 employers Termination due to any disciplinary issues


Medical Check-up Medical fitness is also required for the eligible candidate, if he is found unfit; HR reserves the right to withdraw the offer. Medical bills are also reimbursed. (Annexure 4)


Relocation If an employee is an outstation candidate, he/she is reimbursed travel expenses for him/herself. For outstation candidate they also provide temporary accommodation.

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The employee is required to fill in his /her personal details in a joining report and submit supporting documents related to academic qualification, date of birth, relieving letter and salary details of last employment along with medical fitness reports. A welcome note signed by the Circle HR Head is placed in a joining docket. The candidate is permitted to join without a relieving letter from last employer provided he/she submits proof of acceptance of resignation. After completion of joining formalities, at M0 to M2 an organization announcement is displayed and the same is circulated to all Circles by Corp.HR. At levels M3A-M8, a welcome note is displayed as the same is circulated to other offices in the circle. (Joining checklist Annexure 5) Induction The new employee then joins the induction program organized by HR. The induction Program is normally held in the last week of the month. It includes a formal welcome by the Circle COO/Designated representative of CHRO in corporate and presentations made by different function representatives on business operations of the company. The employees are also introduced to the basics of telecom through a separate training programme.

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TTSL has got four broad training schemes for the expertise of its manpower, these are as follows: 3.11.1 Management Trainee Scheme The objective of management trainee scheme is to recruit bright and competent young professionals from reputed management institutes to assume management roles after due training and experience. Executive Trainee Scheme Management professionals from tier II management institutes are trained under this scheme to assume lot of implementation roles in the company. Graduate Engineer Trainee Scheme In this young and bright professionals of BE/ B.Tech from premier Engineering Colleges is trained to assume roles in technology, network, IT, operations etc. Diploma Engineer Trainee Scheme Bright and young Diploma holders are trained in this to assume roles in technology, network and operation support, etc.






Through this process employee may move from one Circle to another or from/to corporate. This may be on account of the employees personal request or on account of business reasons.

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All the processes that form part of the recruitment cycle need to be monitored on a regular basis. Any deviation from the sequence laid down in this manual should be recorded. A periodic process review is to be undertaken to rationalize processes and to minimize the deviations in actual activities as compared to the norms. A process review is undertaken both at the Circle level and the corporate level.

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How does right recruitment process helps in creating overall efficiency, cost reduction, on time delivery with reference to external customer. To collect the findings, information & analyze to draw conclusion of recruitment process. To explain the documentation used at the various stages of the recruitment & Selection process. To involve employees in creating an environment of openness, trust, fun & pride. To highlight the area where recruitment and selection programs needs improvement. Is the current recruitment process in line with the employees future career planning and his potential?



To understand the complete Recruitment & Selection process at Tata Teleservices Ltd. Study and analyze the recruitment season 2010. Find out the efficiencies of recruitment sources.

Find out the effectiveness of Recruitment Process through various metrics. To help the company to determine how they make their recruitment and selection programs more effective.

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To determine various parameters to collect information through questionnaire of employer.





Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. The advanced learners dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as a careful investigation of enquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. The systematic approach concerning generalization and the formulation of a theory is also research. The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. 4.3.2 Research Design

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. - JOHN.W.BEST Research may be defined as any organized inquiry designed and carried out to provide information for solving a problem. - EMORY Research is essentially an investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge. - ROBERT ROSS 4.3.3 Descriptive Research Design

Descriptive research design studies are those studies, which are concerned with describing the character of a group. The researcher makes a plan of the study his research work. That will enable the researcher to save and resources such a plan of study or blue print or study is called a research design.

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Data Collection

The study was based on questionnaire method. The study was about the Recruitment and Selection System at Tata Teleservices Ltd. and find out the effectiveness of recruitment. There are two types of data collection: Primary data Secondary data Primary data The primary data are those, which are collected a fresh and for the first time happen to be original in character. It has been collected through a Questionnaire and personal interview. Secondary data Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the stratified process. It has collected through the manuals, journals & Internet. 4.3.5 Research Instrument

Questionnaire containing both closed and open ended questions


Tools for Analysis

Along with the usual statistical tools such as tables, percentages, bar
charts, I have used Recruiting Metrics for analyzing the efficiency of recruitment process and arriving at the conclusion.

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4.3.6.i Recruiting Metrics Recruiting Metrics should be defined as: A quantifiable measurement that can be compared to established benchmarks AND encourages behaviors focused on candidate quality and client experience. Most often, metrics are designed to measure only the outcome or production of a recruiter regardless of the manner in which those specific metrics are attained. In order to be effective, metrics must measure the correct results and drive the right recruiting behaviors. 4.3.6.ii Metrics of Today In Recruiting, the measurement of success is very analytical. The general metrics that need to be focused while recruiting are: quantity, cost, time and quality. I. Efficiency metrics

There is way by which we can measure the Quality of the results of the recruiting process using three great Efficiency Metrics. The efficiency measures in a recruitment process are carried out on the basis of the recruiters work and the productivity of the entire recruitment process. The Basic three metrics are as follows: Submittal efficiency The submittal efficiency is measured on the basis of the candidates qualification as per requirement of the job profile. It is measured by dividing the number of applicants interviewed by the number of applicants who submitted their profiles. This number is expected to be really high but it is relatively average. If the efficiency seems to be below average, then there may appear be some poor actions being conducted by the recruiters, perhaps spending a lot of time while going through resumes or insufficient specification of the job profile. When the efficiency reaches a very low percentage then ordered are delivered to certify the problem areas.

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Interview efficiency The interview efficiency is measured on basis of the hiring managers evaluating process. It works by extracting the results by dividing the number of applicants who are shortlisted and offered the position by the total interviewed number of candidates. This sort of efficiency can measure up to near to and al little below average as compared to the submittal efficiency. But the same determination actions are applied if the efficiency results are very low. Offer efficiency The last of the three basic efficiencies is measured on the basis of the number of candidates who accept your proposal and commence the position. It is evaluated by dividing the number of candidates to accept the offer by the total number of proposals. The same process of analyzing the efficiency is applied, if it is above average then the job is being well done, if average or near to average then there has to be certain actions taken to modify the process and if its below or very less than average then it is certain that the recruit is doing poor job and negotiations are then carried out to eradicate the offers. II. Source of Hire Data is driven by the percentage of new hires from each defined candidate source. Data also driven by percentage of hires per source, with highest on the job performance and tenure rates. Greater focus on Quality of Hire, Quality of Sourcing Strategy, Cost-Per-Hire, and Time-to-Fill. This metric also helps recruiting managers see sourcing channels in terms of outcomes, not just sheer numbers. Referral Rates Data is driven by the percentage of hires from employee referrals generated by the recruiter. Greater focus on Quality of Hire, Cost-Per-Hire, and Time-to-Fill.


Referral rate = No. of candidates hired from employee reference X 100 Total number of hires

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ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION OF DATA 5.1 According to the survey number of estimated new hires in recruitment season 2010 is 25.

5.2 TABLE 1). DETAILS FOR THE RECRUITMENT SEASON 2010. Measuring the effectiveness of recruitment process through metrics: (Quality Metrics) Details of candidates Number of candidates submitted their resumes Number of candidates being interviewed Number of candidates received offers Number of candidates accepted offers Number of candidates 300 250 25 25

From the above data various efficiencies of recruitment can be calculated, which are written below: Submittal Efficiency = No. of candidates interviewed x 100 Total no. of candidates submitted Interview Efficiency = No. of candidates receives offers x 100 No. of candidate interviewed Offer Efficiency

= No. of candidate accepting offer x 100 Total no. of offers

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Result With the use of above formulas, the following results are found: Submittal Efficiency = 83.33% Conditions When Submittal efficiency is 100 % it means recruiters missing good candidates because they are not pushing edges to the requisition specifications. When it is too low that means recruiters spend too much time in reviewing resumes. But Submittal efficiency of TTSL recruitment process is 83.33% . It seems that they are doing well. Interview Efficiency = 10% Conditions This would be expected to lower than the submittal efficiency since most people want to interview several candidates for one offer. The goal is to shoot 30% efficiency but less than this is not good which means your organization is making offers to one out of every three to four interviewed candidates. If less than one in six candidates interviewed actually receives an offer (16% efficiency), it should be an indicator that it is time to investigate again. Offer Efficiency = 100% Conditions If the process yields 80% offer efficiency, or four out of five offers are accepted, you are doing well. Conversely, if less than three in five offers are accepted (60% efficiency), then something in your recruiting processes will need to be modified or addressed. Low offer efficiencies could mean the recruiter is doing a poor job of pre-closing the candidate or negating counteroffers. The offer efficiencies percentage can be too high. If 100% of people accept your offers, perhaps you are offering too much money for the job.

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Sourcing efficiency analysis through pie chart & calculation of referral rate(Quality Metrics) Number of Employees hired 2 3 19 1 25 Percentage of no. of employees hired 8% 12% 76% 4% 100%

Recruitment sources Internal Job postings CV database Employee referral scheme Off role employees Job portals Recruitment consultants Job portals Advertisements Total

Number of candidates hired from various recruitment sources

4% 8% 12% Internal Job postings CV database Employee referral scheme Off role employees


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Referral Rate = No. of hires from employee reference X 100 Total Number of Hires

Result: Referral Rate = 76%

Inference: 8% of candidates hired from Internal Job postings, 12% from CV database, 4% from off role employees 76% of candidates hired from employee. So employee referral scheme is most prominent in this recruitment season.

5.4 TABLE 3). MINIMUM WORK EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR DIFFERENT MANAGEMENT LEVELS. Management level Higher level ( M3 & above) Middle level ( M6 to M4) Lower level ( M7 & M8) Inference TTSL preferred those people at the higher level management who have high work experience i.e. 9 to 15 years. 3 to 8 years of experience is required at middle level of management. Minimum work is required at lower level because they have less responsibilities than higher and middle level management people. Work experience 9 15 years 3 8 years 1-3 years

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5.5 TABLE 4). NUMBER OF CANDIDATES HIRED AT DIFFERENT MANAGEMENT LEVELS IN RECRUITMENT 2010. Analysis of hiring at different management levels Management levels Higher level management Middle level management Lower level management Total Number of candidates hired 4 20 1 25 Percentage of no. of candidates 16% 80% 4% 100%

Analysis through management level



Higher level management Middle level management Lower level management


Inference 16% candidates hired at higher level management. 4% candidates hired at lower level management. But 80% candidates hired at middle level management, it shows that higher number of vacancies found at middle level.
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5.6 TABLE 5). REFERRAL FEE UNDER EMPLOYEE REFERRAL SCHEME Management level M7/M8 M5/M6 M3/M4 M2 & Above Referral fee 5000 10,000 15000 20000



Referral fee



Referral fee


0 M7/M8 M5/M6 M3/M4 M2 & Above Different management levels

Inference If a candidate hired through employee referral scheme in return employee would get some referral amount. The referral amount increases with the increase in the management level at which employee gets selected.

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5.7 TABLE 6). NUMBER OF CANDIDATES HIRED AT VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS IN 2010. Analysis by departments Department Marketing Sales HR Finance Technology CSD Total Number of candidates hired 1 24 25 Percentage of hired candidates 4% 96% 100%

Department wise distinction


no. of candidates sales






Number of candidate hired

Inference In this recruitment 96 % employees are hired in sales department. Only 4% employees are hired in marketing department. There is no hiring in any other department.

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5.8 TABLE 7). NUMBER OF MALE AND FEMALE CANDIDATES HIRED IN 2010. Gender Male Female Total Number of candidates 22 3 25 Percentage 88% 12% 100%

Analysis through gender

0% 0% 12%

male female


Inference There are 88% male candidates are selected in recruitment 2010. 12 % female candidates are selected.

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i. Tata Teleservices Ltd. (TTSL) has a clearly stated Recruitment & Selection Policy. The number of estimated new hires in recruitment 2010 is 25. TTSL prefer internal source of recruitment because employees in the organization get the opportunity within the organization, it has better growth prospects. Effectiveness of recruitment process analyzed through Quality Metrics: Submittal efficiency of TTSL recruitment process is 83.33%. It seems that they are doing well. Interview efficiency is 10%. The offer efficiencies is 100% i.e. all the selected people accept the offers.

ii. iii.


v. vi.

Referral rate at TTSL is 76%. Sourcing efficiency analysis through Quality Metrics: 8% of candidates hired from Internal Job postings 12% from CV database 4% from off role employees 76% of candidates hired from employee referral. So employee referral scheme is most prominent in this recruitment season.


Effectiveness of Recruitment process analyzed through Cost Metrics: TTSL outsourced a company called Authbridge for verification/ reference check of its new hires. It takes 1200 Rs. /candidate. Total expense for verification is 30,000 in 2010. Other cost associated with this recruitment 2010 is Referral amount paid to the employees because 19 out of 25 new hires through employee referral.
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Management level based analysis: 16% candidates hired at higher level management, 4% candidates hired at lower level management, But 80% candidates hired at middle level management, it shows that higher number of vacancies found at middle level in this recruitment season.


If a candidate hired through employee referral scheme in return employee would get some referral amount. The referral amount increases with the increase in the management level at which employee gets selected. Department based analysis: 96 % employees are hired in sales department, Only 4% employees are hired in marketing department. There is no hiring in any other department.



Gender based analysis: 88% male candidates are selected in recruitment 2010. 12 % female candidates are selected.


To hire higher level management, they prefer advertisement and recruitment consultants. The cost of recruitment consultants is approx. 8% of total CTC at M3 & below levels and approx. 12% of total CTC at M3A & above level. Top 3 recruiting challenges are as follows : Quality recruitment Retention of newly hired candidates Hiring of senior level management employees.




Provide travel entitlement for outstation candidates who are appearing for the interview. Provide medical tests reimbursement to the employees.


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6.2 i.

RECOMMENDATIONS The interview efficiency of TTSLs Recruitment & Selection Process is 10%, which is less than the optimum (16%, selecting 1 out of 6 candidates) interview efficiency so they should investigate their process. It may be possible that recruiters are overly selective. So take care about this efficiency. The offer efficiency is 100%, it can be too high but 100% means perhaps you are giving too much salary to the new hires or any other factor is associated with it so new hires dont deny your offer. Even though you hires from the external source, the main source of recruitment is internal but you should have look towards the external world to hire new pool of talent. So that candidates from external world can also work with you.



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The Recruitment and Selection Process is one of the basic HR processes. Recruitment & Selection is very sensitive as many managers have a need to hire a new employee and this process is always under a strict monitoring from their side. HR management is a part of every managers responsibilities. ese responsibilities include placing the right person in the right job, and then orienting, training, and compensating to improve his or her job performance. Tata Teleservices uses two sources of recruitment internal and external source. But they prefer internal source because it gives opportunity to employees within the organization. After recruitment Selection process takes place. This entails establishing the best fit between job requirements and the candidates profile. Selection process includes screening, interview and various tests. Then offer is made to the candidate if he/she accepts it employee undergone through various pre- employment activities like reference check, medical tests, etc. It is imperative to have an efficient and responsive tracking mechanism to evaluate the impact of recruitment on the topline and bottomline. Metrics not only help in evaluating the robustness of internal processes but also provide inputs on customer satisfaction and vendor evaluation parameters. Various metrics like quality metrics, time metrics, cost metrics & Review process is used to find out the effectiveness of recruitment processes.

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1) Do you have a clearly stated Recruitment & Selection Policy? Yes No 2) What is the quality of Tata Teleservices Recruitment Process? _____________________________________________________ 3) What is the number of estimated new hires in the year 2010? _____________________________________________________ 4) Give the following details for the recruitment season 2010. Number of candidates submitted their resumes Number of candidates being interviewed Number of candidates received offers Number of candidates accepted offers

5) Which source of recruitment do you prefer and Why? Internal External Any Other why_______________________________________________

6) Please write down the number of selected new hires from different recruitment sources in this recruitment season. Selected through Internal Job postings CV database
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Employee referral scheme Off Role employees Recruitment Consultants Job Portals Advertisements Walk Ins

7) Which management level is to be filled with various recruitment sources written below? Internal job posting_________________________________ Off role employees_________________________________ Recruitment consultants_____________________________ Advertisements____________________________________ Job portals_______________________________________ TTSL website_____________________________________ Walk Ins_________________________________________ 8) Write down the number of candidates hired at different management levels in recruitment 2010. Higher level management Middle level management Lower level management

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9) Which is the best recruitment source for hiring higher level management people and why? Advertisement Recruitment consultants Job portals

10) How much cost is associated with the various recruitment sources? Recruitment consultants_____________________________ Job Portals_______________________________________ Advertisements____________________________________ 11) What is the minimum work experience is required for the following management levels? Higher level management____________________________ Middle level management____________________________ Lower level management____________________________ 12) What will be your top priority? Retaining current employees Hiring new ones What is the referral fee under employee referral scheme? M7/M8__________________________________________ M5/M6__________________________________________ M3/M4__________________________________________ M2 & Above______________________________________


14) How many male and female candidate have you hired in recruitment 2010. Number of male candidates Number of female candidates

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Number of candidates hired in various departments. Marketing HR Sales Technology Finance CSD


Do you provide medical test reimbursement? Yes No

17) Do you provide any travel entitlement for outstation candidates coming for the interview? Yes No 18) What are the top 3 recruiting challenges?

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

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JOB DESCRIPTION Date: Position Title: Grade: Reports to: Function BU: Corporate/Circle: Contacts of this position: Internal: Version:

Sub Function: Location: External:

For managers & above only No. of direct reportees: No. of indirect reportees: Budget of area of responsibility ( in lacs Rs.): Job code: Organogram: Job Pupose:

Job responsibilities Activity code: Responsibilities Responsibility 1 Activity 1 Activity 2 Responsibility 2 Activity 1 Activity 2 % time spend Responsibility level Measurement criteria

Competencies: Professional knowledge 1 2 3 Skills 1 2 3 Personal attributes Page 74 of 80

ANNEXURE 3 APPOINTMENT LETTER ( SAMPLE) (Date) Mr. /Ms.(name) Address Dear Mr. Please refer to the interview and discussion s you had with us recently. We are pleased to offer you the position of _______(Designation) in the __________(Function) on the following terms & conditions: 1. You will receive a Basic salary of Rs._____ per month. All other allowances and benefits as applicable to you are detailed as applicable to you are detailed in Annexure A. 2. Your place of posting will be _____(Location) till the company intimates you otherwise.

3. You will be governed by and agree to abide by the General Terms & Conditions of Service of the Company, as enclosed at Annexure B. 4. You will be governed by ana agree to abide by the provisions of the Tata code of Conduct, a copy of which is enclosed with this letter.

5. Your appointment is subject to your behind certified medically fit by a medical practitioner reorganized by us, and on receipt of satisfactory references. 6. You will be on probation for a period of six month from date of your joining the company, subject to the conditions detailed in the General terms & conditions of service.

7. You will furnish to us copies of all relevant certificates, including relieving certificate from your present employer at the time of
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joining. You will also submit to us 4 copies of your recent passport sized and 1 stamp sized photographs on red colour background at the time of joining. Within 3 days of receipt of this letter, you are requested to sign and return the duplicate copy of this letter in token of your acceptance of the terms of appointment, including the general terms & conditions of Service and the provisions contained in the Tata Code of conduct. You are requested to join the services of the company not later than _________(Date) failing which please consider the offer to be withdrawn, unless an extension to the date of joining has been mutually agreed in writing. We take this opportunity to thank you for the interest you have shown in our organization and look forward to welcoming you on board.

Yours faithfully, For Tata Teleservices Limited

________(name) ________(Designation)

I accept the offer of Appointment __________________ (signature)

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SL.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DESCRIPTION CBP SRL ransam or ESR Fasting Blood Sugar UREA CREATININE SGPT X-RAY Chest PA view ECG Blood Group & RH Blood HIV (ELISA) Vision Sight Color Blindness Complete Urine Exam Physicians Consultation TOTAL: Max Limit upto Rs. 1500/-

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JOINING CHECKLIST Pre joining 1 2 Curriculum vitae Interview assessment sheet Salary Fitment Comparator Job Description Pre- joining communication letter Appointment letteracceptance Medical report Reference check letter Any other 1 2 Post joining Joining report Certificates- age of proof Highest education qualification 3 Salary certificate/payslip for last employer 4 Relieving/acceptance of resignation from last employer 5 Photographs 6 Gratuity nomination form 7 P.F. Declaration & Nomination Form 8 Code of Conduct declaration 7 Conflict of interest declaration 9 Welcome on board notice/ organization announcement 10 Payroll information data

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Human resource management, Eleventh Edition Gary Dessler, Biju Varkkey. Essentials of HR Management and Industrial Relations, Fourth Edition Subba rao

Internet Source

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