The Jde Ini File Settings

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JDE.INI File Settings

for Clients
and Servers

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2 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

he JDE.INI file is a powerful tool that helps control how your system will behave.
The better you understand this file and how it affects your system, the more
you will be able to do with OneWorld. Settings in this file can help you debug
problems through advanced logging features, and other settings can help you
tune your system for performance to meet your business’s needs.

Overview of the JDE.INI File

The JDE.INI files are located throughout your system. These files are initialization files,
and they give the system the location of specific required tables. These tables, such as
the F986101 (Object Configuration Manager), F98611 (Data Source Master), F00941
(Environment Detail), F00945 (Release Master), and F00942 (Path Code Master), are
referred to as bootstrap tables. These tables are required for the system to start up
correctly. This is one reason why the JDE.INI file is important. This file also controls
several features of the system, including replication, unified logon, and sign-on security.
The JDE.INI file resides on workstations, servers, and Windows Terminal Servers.
Each fat client workstation will have its own copy. Also, each instance of OneWorld on
the enterprise server will have its own copy of the JDE.INI file. You will need to keep
this in mind when you review the values of this file. The only exception to this is on
Windows Terminal Server. Each user will have his or her own profile on a Windows
Terminal Server. This profile is a directory that contains a copy of the JDE.INI file for
each user. Remember, on a Windows Terminal Server you are sharing specification
files for multiple users. These users will need their own JDE.INI files to control logging
and other functionality.

Values for JDE.INI Files

In the following table, we will cover the valid values for JDE.INI files. Some of these
values are “hidden” values, meaning they do not show up in the standard shipped
JDE.INI files. In the past, you needed a senior CNC consultant to tell you what these
values were. Just in case you don’t have one of these consultants in your back pocket,
we have documented all the current JDE.INI file values for you. These values will help
you maintain, tune, and administer your OneWorld system.
You will notice that some of these settings are shown as internal only. This means
they were designed to be used by J.D. Edwards developers only. You will need to be
extremely careful if you plan to use these settings. In fact, you probably should not

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 3

modify these settings unless directed to by J.D. Edwards development. If you modify
these settings on your own, you run the risk of having unpredictable results. The
following table contains some settings that are not documented in the current J.D.
Edwards manuals.

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

“BSFN BUILD” This section in the JDE.INI file tells the
package build where the path is to the
package directory and the link flags to
build the business function.
(“BSFN BUILD”, “DoCompression”, 0) “Turns Compression On/Off” Used to compress Server Packages
[Default 0 – Do Not Use Compression] for re-deployment to other servers
[!=0 Use Compression] of the same platform type, i.e., the
package would not have to be built
on each server.
[Default 0 – Do Not
Use Compression]
[!=0 Use Compression]
(“BSFN BUILD”, “BuildArea”, ““) “Sets Base Build Area” The path where the “package name”
Any valid path directory will get created and the
package will be built.
(“BSFN BUILD”, “DebugFlags”, ““) “Machine and Compiler Specific” /Gz /Od /Zi /MDd /Yd /W4 /GX /Gy
(“BSFN BUILD”, “OptimizationFlags”, ““) “Machine and Compiler Specific” /Gz /O2 /MD /W4 /GX /Gy
(“BSFN BUILD”, “OSReleaseLevel”, ““) “Machine and Compiler Specific”
(“BSFN BUILD”, “DefineFlags”, ““) “Machine and Compiler Specific” /D “WIN32” /D “_WINDOWS” /D
(“BSFN BUILD”, “CompilerFlags”, ““) “Machine and Compiler Specific” /nologo /c
(“BSFN BUILD”, “LinkFlags”, ““) “Machine and Compiler Specific” /DLL /DEBUG
(“BSFN BUILD”, “LinkLibraries”, ““) “Machine and Compiler Specific” JDEKRNL.LIB JDEL.LIB JDENET.LIB
(“BSFN BUILD”, “SimultaneousBuilds”, “Sets the amount of simultaneous builds” The number of processes that are
DEFAULT_BUILD_COUNT) [0 – Sets all DLLs to be built at the started for the business function build.
same time]
**AS400 (“BSFN BUILD”, “Machine and Compiler Specific”
“CompileOutput”, ““)
**AS400 (“BSFN BUILD”, “Machine and Compiler Specific”
“InliningFlags”, ““)

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4 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

**AS400 (“BSFN BUILD”, “Compiler”, “Machine and Compiler Specific”
**AS400 (“BSFN BUILD”, “QName”, ““) “Sets the queue to be used for the
compiler on AS400 only!”
“BSFN Builder” (For internal use only)
(“BSFN Builder”, “User”, “JDE”) “OneWorld user ID used to run OneWorld user ID used to run
BSFN builds” BSFNBuilder.exe.
[Default JDE]
(“BSFN Builder”, “Pwd”, “JDE”) “OneWorld user password for user, OneWorld user password for user,
used to run BSFN builds” used to run BSFNBuilder.exe.
[Default JDE]
(“BSFN Builder”, “PathCode”, “OneWorld path code installed on OneWorld path code under which
“DEVB733” ) this server used to run BSFN builds” BSFNs will be built.
(“BSFN Builder”, “BuildArea”, ““) “Sets Base Build Area” The path to the parent directory of
The path to the base installation the path code for the BSFNs that
of the OneWorld Software. you are building. Most times this
will be the same as the base
installation directory.
(“BSFN Builder”,”DBSFNFlags”,””) “Machine and Compiler Specific, Do Not Compiler flags for debug builds:
Change!” /Gz /Zp1 /Od /MDd /Yd /W3 /Gz /Od /Zi /MDd /Yd /W4 /GX /Gy
/D \”_DEBUG\” /D \”_WINDOWS\” /D /D “_DEBUG” /D “_WINDOWS” /D
**NOTE on Alpha include /Gt0 /nologo /c
(“BSFN Builder”,”RBSFNFlags”,””) “Machine and Compiler Specific, Compiler flags for release builds:
Do Not Change!” /Gz /O2 /MD /W4 /GX /Gy
/Gz /Zp1 /MD /Od /W3 /GX /Fp$(PRECOMPHDR) /D “WIN32” /D
\”KERNEL\” /D \”IAMASERVER\” /nologo /c
/nologo /c
(“BSFN Builder”,”DLinkFlags”,””) “Machine and Compiler Specific, Link flags for debug builds:
Do Not Change!” /DLL /DEBUG

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 5

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“BSFN Builder”,”RLinkFlags”,””) “Machine and Compiler Specific, Link flags for release builds:
Do Not Change!” /DLL /DEBUG
(“BSFN Builder”, “KeepMake”, 0) “Sets Compiler option to keep Status of make files after build:
make files” [0 = do not keep; default]
[Default 0 – Do not keep make files] [1 = keep]
[!=0 Keep make files in Build Area]
**Obsolete (“BSFN Builder”, “Sets the Build Area Error directory Subdirectory under the directory
“BFDir”, “bsfnerr”) created by the build area variable in path listed in the Base Install
this section of the INI file” variable of the INI file
[Default BSFNERR]
**Obsolete (“BSFN Builder”, “Turns logging on for BSFN Turns logging on for BSFN
“KeepLogs”, “FALSE”) Builder process” Builder process.
[Default FALSE do not keep logs] [Default FALSE do not keep logs]
[TRUE Keep logs] [TRUE Keep logs]
**Obsolete (“BSFN Builder”, “Sets the Build Area Log directory Directory to store build logging
“BFLDir”, “bsfnlog”) created by the base install variable information; will be created if it
in this section of the INI file.” does not exist.
[Default BSFNLOG]
(“DB System Settings”, “Version”,0) “A version number used to prevent This function was never
mismatch of the JDE.INI when implemented and the only
running multiple versions of valid value is [43].
J.D. Edwards OneWorld”
[Default 43]
(“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “OneWorld user ID used to access OneWorld user ID used to
“Default User”, ““) the bootstrap tables” access the bootstrap tables.
(F986101, F98611)
(“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “OneWorld user password for user,
“Default Pwd”, ““) used to access the bootstrap tables”
(“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “The default environment for OCM This denotes the default
“Default Env”, ““) cache for the server” environment that will be used
to look up the OCM table.
(“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “The default path code used for spec This denotes the default path code.
“Default PathCode”, ““) files to start the OneWorld host The specification files will then be
services and run the client software.” read from the spec subdirectory of
the path code folder.

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6 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Server on which the database resides” This denotes the server where
“Server”, ““) the bootstrap tables are located.
This value is ignored except when
JDBNet is used.
(“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Type”, ““) “Database type where bootstrap This denotes the database type
tables reside” where the bootstrap tables reside.
[O = Oracle] [O = Oracle]
[S = SQL Server] [S = SQL Server]
[I = Client Access] [I = Client Access]
[A = MS Access] [A = MS Access]
**Internal (“DB System Settings”, “Used for SQL Server connections and
“ODBCCursors”, 1) sets up ODBC cursors connections;
do not change! This setting is ignored
for Oracle.”
[Default 1 ODBC cursors are set up
for use.]
**Internal (“DB System Settings”, “Sets the default cursor type for The default should not be changed
“CursorType”, ODBC connections. Currently unless specifically directed by
JDBODBC_CURSOR_DEFAULT) only supported using SQL Server development. Not all cursor types
and is version specific!” are supported.
“SQLSERVER 6.X DEFAULT Default values for SQL 6.5 [3].
DRIVEN] [1 =
[2 =
“SQLSERVER 7 DEFAULT Default values for SQL 7.0 [6].
DRIVEN] [1 =
[4 = [2 =
ONLY] [3 =

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 7

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

**Internal (“DB System Settings”, “Turn off ODBC connection pooling” The default should not be
“ConnectionPooling”, 1) [Default 1 = Turn on ODBC Pooling] changed unless specifically
[0 = to turn off ODBC Pooling] directed by development.
Turn off ODBC connection
pooling[Default 1 = Turn on
ODBC Pooling]
[0 = to turn off ODBC Pooling]
**Internal (“DB System Settings”, “Used for multi-row fetches” The default should not be changed
“Rowset Size”, 0) [Default 0 – Rowset size is either unless specifically directed by
the default or application specified.] development.
[If greater than 0 value equals
Rowset size]
**Internal (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “The maximum amount of attempts This is an optional setting and is
“LockMaxTries”,10) to read a locked record” used to configure the number of
[Default 10] times we would attempt to read a
record that is locked by another user.
If the record is still locked after this
number of retries, OneWorld would
report a failure to fetch the record.
**Internal (“DB System Settings”, Optional This is an optional setting and is
“EnableCrossDSJoin”,1) used to turn on or off cross data
source join processing in JDB.
If different tables in a join reside on
different data sources, OneWorld
has the ability to enforce join logic
in JDB. Putting in a value of 1
(or default) turns on this logic.
**Internal (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Internal use only! Do not change!”
**Internal (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Internal use only! Do not change!” Time interval to check on the status
“DatabaseProgramCheckInterval of each existing database program
Seconds”,10) and see if it is available or not.
**Internal (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Internal use only! Do not change!” The number of programs to be
“DatabaseProgramInitial”,10) started when OneWorld is up.
**Internal (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Internal use only! Do not change!” **Obsolete**
**Internal (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Internal use only! Do not change!” This option is set to indicate the
“DatabaseProgramThreshold”,5) minimum number of database
programs that should be available
in the system. If the limit is reached,
more database programs are created.
**Internal (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Internal use only! Do not change!” When the threshold of database
“DatabaseProgramAdditional”,20) programs is reached, this number of
additional programs will be created on
the fly.

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8 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

**Internal (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Internal use only! Do not change!” This is an optional setting and is used
“StartupCreate”,0) to re-create JDEKRNL specifications
on the fly during initialization of
OneWorld. Default is to not re-create
these specifications. Re-creating
these specs is required when the
data dictionary specifications of any
columns that are part of the bootstrap
tables are changed.
**AS400 (“DB System Settings”, “AS400 only!” Enables the 32K blob chaining
“32KBLOB”,1) function in JDB for DB2/400 for
both ODBC and native database.
**AS400 (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Sets the library used for SQL
“SQL Package Library”,0) packages – AS400 only!”
**AS400 (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Sets the journal and library used –
“Default Journal”, DFT_JOURNAL) AS400 only!”
**AS400 (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Sets the journal and library used –
“Default Journal LIBRARY”, defaultLib) AS400 only!”
**AS400 (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Sets the journal and library used –
“Default Journal Receiver”, AS400 only!”
**AS400 (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Sets the journal and library used –
“Default Journal Receiver LIBRARY”, AS400 only!”
**AS400 (“DB SYSTEM SETTINGS”, “Sets the journal and library used –
“Size of Journal Receiver”, “6000”) AS400 only!”
(“DEBUG”, “DebugFile”,””) “The path and name of the debug file The path and name of the debug
used to write debug tracing information.” file used to write debug tracing
[Default Base Installation information. The Process ID will be
Path\System\Bin32\jdedebug.log] appended to the end of this filename
on enterprise servers.
[Default Base Installation
Path\System\Bin32\jdedebug.log] or
/JDEB733X/jdedebug.log for AS/400.
(“DEBUG”, “JobFile”, ““) “The path and name of the job The path and name of the job file
file used to write job error and used to write job error and warning
warning information.” information. The Process ID will be
[Default Base Installation appended to the end of this filename
Path\System\Bin32\jde.log] on enterprise servers.
[Default Base Installation
Path\System\Bin32\jde.log] or
/JDEB733X/jde.log for AS/400.

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 9

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“DEBUG”, “OUTPUT”, “NONE") “Controls how the tracing information Program debugger.
is written.”
[Default NONE No trace information
is written to the DebugFile.]
[FILE Database and runtime information
is written to the DebugFile.]
[AUX Tracing information is output to
the program debugger.]
[BOTH All trace information is written
to both the jdedebugFile and program
(“DEBUG”, “ClientLog”, “0”) Log information will be sent to the
client and merged with the client’s
JDE and JDEDEBUG logs.
[Default: 0 = Do not send log
information to client.]
[1 = Send log information to client.]
(“DEBUG”, “JDETSFile”, “The path and name of the job file used
JDETRACKLOGFILENAME) to write Lock Manager tracing files.”
[Default C:\JDETS.LOG]
(“DEBUG”, “KeepLogs”, ““) “Keeps logs for UBEs in the Print Keeps logs for UBEs in the Print
Queue directory.” Queue directory.
[1 = Keep the logs created when [1 = Keep the logs created when
UBEs are run.] UBEs are run.]
[2 = Delete the UBE logs when the [2 = Delete the UBE logs when the
UBE is finished processing.] UBE is finished processing.]
(“DEBUG”, “RepTrace”, 2) “Controls replication message tracing”
[Default 0 Replication tracing information
is not written to the DebugFile.]
[!=0 Replication Tracing information is
written to the DebugFile.]
(“DEBUG”, “TAMTraceLevel”, 0) 0-10 Controls the amount of TAM
“0 is no logging. The detail of logging will information logged to JDEDEBUG
increase the higher you set this value.” log. Ranges from 0-10 with higher
numbers increasing the amount
of information being logged.
[Default: 0 = no information output.]
(“DEBUG”, “TamTrace”,0) “Controls TAM file trace information”
[Default 0 TAM tracing information is
not written to the DebugFile.]
[1 TAM trace information is written
to the DebugFile.]
(“DEBUG”, “QKLog”, 0) “Controls JDE queue trace information”
[Default 0 Queue Message information
is not written to the DebugFile.]
[!=0 Queue Message information is
written to the DebugFile.]

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10 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“DEBUG”, “Row Security Tracing”
“TraceRowSecurityFetch”,”FALSE”) [Default FALSE Row Level Security
Tracing is off.]
[TRUE Row Level Security Tracing
is on.]
(“DEBUG”, “WTSLogs”, “TRUE”) “Creates logs in the User Profile
directory for TSE installations.”
[Default FALSE Log file paths are
set by JobFile and DebugFile]
[TRUE Log files are written to
(“DEBUG”, “jdelibFatal”, “FALSE”) [1 Fatal TAM Error Messages Controls if TAM error messages
are written to a message box] open a message box.
[0 Fatal TAM Error Messages
are not written to a message box]
(“DEBUG”, “TAMMultiUserOn”, 0) [Default: 0 or -1 = Not allowed. ] Whether or not multiuser access
[1 = Allowed.] to TAM files is allowed.
(“DEBUG”, “TAMErrorMsgBox”, 1) [1 Fatal TAM Error Messages Controls if TAM error messages
are written to a message box] open a message box.
[0 Fatal TAM Error Messages
are not written to a message box]
**Client (“DEBUG”, “ServerLog”, 0)
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “The path and name of the job file to
“MemFile”,JDEMEMFILENAME) write memory tracing information.”
[Default C:\JDEMEM.LOG]
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “UbeFile”,
**Internal (“DEBUG”,
“CloseFileInterval”, 32)
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “DebugServer”, [0 Output is only written to tracing files.] Controls whether memory tracing
0) information will be written to file or
also the program debugger and in
a message box.
[0 Output is only written to tracing files.]
**Internal (“DEBUG”,
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “WinDebug”,1) [0 Memory tracing is enabled.] Enables memory tracing.
[1 Memory tracing is disabled.]
**Internal (“DEBUG”, The number of memory
“Frequency”,10000) allocations that will occur
between memory checks.

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 11

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

**Internal (“DEBUG”, “The number of memory allocations
“StartFrequency”,0) that must occur before memory
checks will begin.”
**Internal (“DEBUG”, "Internal use only! Do not change!"
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “Internal use only! Do not change!”
“CopyFile”,JDECOPYFILENAME) Used to assign PID to log files.
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “Turns on Cache Manager
“CMTrace”, FALSE) trace information”
[Default FALSE Cache Manager Tracing
is off.]
[TRUE Cache Manager Tracing is on.]
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “Internal use only! Do not change!”
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “Internal use only! Do not change!”
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “Internal use only! Do not change!”
“OldMathDivide”, ““)
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “Internal use only! Do not change!”
“runprintDelay”, 0)
**Internal (“DEBUG”, “Internal use only! Do not change!”
“RunBatchDelay”, 0)
“Install” Defines environment variables for the
OneWorld installation.
(“INSTALL”, “B733”, ““) “The path to the OneWorld installation “The path to the OneWorld
Base directory” installation Base directory”
Z:\JDEdwardsOneWorld\B7333 Z:\JDEdwardsOneWorld\B7334
This variable is blank for the AS/400.
(“INSTALL”, “LocalCodeSet”, “Sets the character code set used by
“WE_ISO88591”) OneWorld”
[Default WE_ISO88591]
/* Supported Code
Window, HP/UX, AIX:
WE_ISO88591 (1252 – Englishcode
JA_SJIS (932 – Japanese code
TC_BIG5 (950 – Traditional Chinese.
SC_GB (936 – Simplified Chinese.
KO_KSC (949 – Korean.

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12 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

USRPRF – Get from User Profile
US_EBCDIC (37 – English code
JA_EBCDIC (939 – Japanese code
DE_EBCDIC (273 – German code
FR_EBCDIC (297 – French code
ES_EBCDIC (284 – Spanish code
IT_EBCDIC (280 – Italian code
WE_EBCDIC (500 – Multi-National
code set.
IC_EBCDIC (871 – Iceland code
SC_EBCDIC (935 – Simplified
KO_EBCDIC (933 – Korean.
US_EBCDIC (1047 – English code
JA_EBCDIC (939 – Japanese code
DE_EBCDIC (273 – German code
FR_EBCDIC (297 – French code
ES_EBCDIC (284 – Spanish code
IT_EBCDIC (280 – Italian code set.
WE_EBCDIC (500 – Multi-National
code set.
TC_EBCDIC (937 – Traditional
SC_EBCDIC (935 – Simplified
KO_EBCDIC (933 – Korean.
(“INSTALL”, “StartServicePrefix”, ““) Prefix used to uniquely identify
OneWorld services to a single
installation. This is primarily used to
tag OneWorld services when running
parallel releases on a single server.

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 13

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“INSTALL”, “bCacheLocalCodeSet”, jdekrnl\port\cnvtchra.c(552) Used to get the code page for the
1) current process (default = 1)
< 0 – Use 1252 (English)
= 0 – Use the code page found
in [INSTALL] LocalCodeSet in
the JDE.INI.
> 0 – Use the code page that is
already in effect.

LocalCodeSet – Code page

that is currently in effect.
(default = 1252; English)
(“INSTALL”, “DefaultSystem”, jdekrnl\callobj\LANCHUBE.C(2281)
(“INSTALL”, jdekrnl\gentext\Gt_misc.c(595) The current base release (B733)
CURRENT_RELEASE_LEVEL,””) installation path.
(“INSTALL”, “Double_Byte”, 0) “Used to indicate Double Byte Used to indicate Double Byte
installation.” installation.
(“INSTALL”, “POSTSCRIPT_ONLY”, “Used in conjunction with Double_Byte
0) to force Post Script only.”
**UNIX (“INSTALL”, “DataPath”, jdekrnl\jdeknet\JDEKNUBE.C(3123)
**UNIX (“INSTALL”, jdekrnl\misc\ENVAPI.C(661) The default name of the
“PackagePath”,”package”) “Package” directory found
in the Path Code directory.
[Default package]
(“JDE_CG”, “TARGET”, ““) [Default RELEASE – Build using The type of build used to
Release mode.] compile objects.
[DEBUG Build using Debug mode.]
(“JDE_CG”, “INCLUDES”, ““) The Extended Include path. The
path to the MSVC Compiler,
the OneWorld System and
Pathcode Include directories.
(“JDE_CG”, “LIBS”, ““) The Extended Library path. The
path to the MSVC Compiler,
the OneWorld System and
Pathcode Library directories.
(“JDE_CG”, “MAKEDIR”, ““) The path to the MSVC Compiler
Make directory.
(“JDE_CG”, “STDLIBDIR”, ““) The path to the MSVC Compiler
Library directory.

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14 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“JDE_CG”, “ServerPackageSleep”, “This sets the wait time between This defines the wait time for server
60) server package builds.” package build status checks during
jdekrnl\package\spkgeng.c(174) the server package build process.
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “USER”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “CGSRC”, ““) “Code Generation Information” The following Code Generation keys
jdekrnl\misc\JDECGSC.C(1541) are client only. These paths are used
to set paths for generated files.
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “CGDIR”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “OBJDIR”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “SRCDIR”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “RESDIR”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “LIBDIR”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “DEFDIR”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “TPLNAME”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “ERRNAME”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
**Client (“JDE_CG”, “DATABASE”, ““) “Code Generation Information”
(“JDEIPC”, “ipcTrace”, 0) “Controls IPC Tracing information” This entry is used to control
the amount of trace messages
generated by the jdeipc routines
The valid values are:
[0 = no trace messages will be
written to the jdedebug.log]
[1 = general ipc trace messages will
be written to the jdedebug.log]
[2 = ipc handle state trace
messages will be written to the log
(only valid in cum3)]
[3 = general ipc and ipc handle
state trace messages will be written
to the log (only valid in cum3)]

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 15

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“JDEIPC”, “CLSID”, szDefaultID) “Class ID used for IPC communications” This class ID string is used by the
ipcsrv process for registry settings.
The ipcsrv process only runs on
Windows NT. To generate the
identifier value to a filename you need
to use the uuidgen.exe –filename,
where filename is the file that will
contain the unique identifier. Set
the CLSID to this value in your
JDE.INI file. You will only need to
perform this step for Windows NT
enterprise servers.
(“JDEIPC”, “startIPCKeyValue”, 5000) “The integer value that identifies the This integer value is necessary to
IPC resource” run multiple instances of OneWorld
jdeipc\ipcinit.c(248) on the same machine. On NT, each
OneWorld instance simply needs to
have a different value for
startIPCKeyValue. On the other
platforms, each OneWorld instance
must have a startIPCKeyValue value
that is separated by at least the
value of maxNumberOfResources.
(“JDEIPC”, jdeipc\ipcinit.c(238) This entry is used to determine the
“maxNumberOfResources”, 1000) maximum number of IPC resources
that the OneWorld instance will use.
When this value is reached, no more
IPC resources can be created.
(“JDEIPC”, jdeipc\ipcinit.c(240) This entry is used to determine the
“maxNumberOfSemaphores”, 100) maximum number of semaphore
resources that the OneWorld instance
will use. When this value is reached,
no more semaphore resources can
be created. On NT, two semaphore
resources are used to implement
each message queue. On UNIX,
one semaphore resource is used to
implement a mutex resource, and
one semaphore resource is used to
implement a SWMR lock. On AS400,
one semaphore resource is used to
implement a SWMR lock.
(“JDEIPC”,”maxMsgqMsgBytes”, “Internal use only! Do not change!” This entry is used to determine the
2 *1024) “Determines the maximum size maximum number of bytes in a
any given message can be.” message to be put on a message
jdeipc\ipcwnt.c(341) queue. This entry is for NT only.

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16 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“JDEIPC”,”maxMsgqEntries”,1024) “Internal use only! Do not change!” This entry is used to determine the
“Determines the maximum number of maximum number of messages that
entries to allow on a queue at a given can be on a message queue at one
time.” time. This entry is for NT only.
(“JDEIPC”,”maxMsgqBytes”, “Internal use only! Do not change!” This entry is used to determine the
64 * 1024) “Determines the sum of the sizes of all maximum number of bytes that can
the messages on a queue.” be on a message queue at one
jdeipc\ipcwnt.c(346) time. This entry is for NT only.
**Internal (“JDEIPC”, jdeipc\ipcinit.c(242) This entry is used in an algorithm to
“hashBucketSize”, 53) efficiently store and look up the IPC
resource names in shared memory.
It also affects the size of shared
memory that the OneWorld instance
uses. The default value is 53 and
should not be changed. This is a
good value because it is a
medium-sized prime number (which
is necessary for an efficient
store/lookup algorithm).
**Internal (“JDEIPC”, jdeipc\ipcinit.c(244) This entry is used to determine how
“avgResourceNameLength”, 15) much shared memory is needed to
store the IPC resource names. The
default value should be sufficient.
(“JDEMAIL”, “mailServer”, “mail”) The name of an SMTP server.
(“JDEMAIL”, key, ““) jdekrnl\gentext\jdesmtp.c(2492) These are SMTP e-mail
configuration rules taken from the
F90005 table. Each entry must be
of the form:
“RuleN=HANDLER:DATA” where N
is a positive integer starting at 1.
Any empty or invalid entry is
considered the end of the list. See
more info on these rules in the
documentation for how to set up
SMTP e-mail.
(“JDEMAIL”, “mailProfile”, jdekrnl\jdb\JDB_CTL.C(5464) The mailProfile is used only on the
JDB_GetUser(NULL)) client. It is the name of a valid
MAPI profile for Outlook, Exchange,
or Lotus Notes. It is used for
OneWorld client e-mail applications
such as Employee Work Center.
(“JDENET”, “serviceNameListen” , “TCP/IP port number used for This port number will default
6003) receiving communications packets.” based on the release. If you
are running different CUM or
update levels, they will need to
use different port numbers.

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 17

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“JDENET”, “serviceNameConnect”, TCP/IP port number used for sending
“jde_server”) communications packets.
(“JDENET”, “maxNetConnections”, The maximum number of connections
100) for each JDENET kernel process that
is running.
(“JDENET” , “maxKernelRanges”, “0”) The maximum of kernel types and
ranges that will be used, i.e., if
maxKernelRanges=4 then only
four kernel definitions will be read
for messages received.
(“JDENET”, “netHostName”, ““) Used to specify which IP address to
use if there are multiple network
cards used on the server.
(“JDENET”, “ServiceControlRefresh”, jdesctrl\jdesctrldlg.cpp Rate in seconds at which the Jdesctrl
1) program refreshes its status of the
services. (Jdesctrl can be used
instead of the Services applet to start,
stop, pause, and continue OneWorld
net and queue services on NT
enterprise servers.)
(“JDENET”, “enablePredefinedPorts”, [0 = Do not use a predefined range Allows OneWorld net to use a
0) of ports.] predefined range of TCP/IP ports.
[1 = Use a predefined range of ports.] This is required to permit the
OneWorld Java server to be outside
a firewall. This port range starts
at the port number specified by
serviceNameListen and ends at
the port calculated by the equation
(serviceNameListen +
maxNetProcesses - 1).

(“JDENET”, “PreConnectHosts”,0) “Internal use only! Do not change!” Number of enterprise servers which
“Get number of tables to pre-open.” will be initialized. This initialization
allows the enterprise servers listed in
the keys “PreConnectHost1,”
“PreConnectHost2,” etc., to load their
bootstrap tables, hence, improving
the response time when task requests
are actually sent to these servers.

Names of enterprise servers to

be initialized.
**Client (“JDENET”, “DNSName”,0) Sets up the name to be used if a
cluster is running to distinguish
which hostname to use.

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18 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

**Hidden (“JDENET”, “kernelDelay”, “The number of seconds that a
0) kernel will wait before it starts.”
**Internal (“JDENET”, jdenet\NETRCV.C(713) The maximum size for a file packet.
**Internal (“JDENET”, “Internal use only! Do not change!” The wait time net process sleep
“netShutdownInterval”, 5 ) before shutting down.
**Internal (“JDENET”,szStr,” “,szHost, “Internal use only! Do not change!” Used to convert the PreConnectHosts
sizeof(szHost) number from INT to CHAR
**Non-NT Only (“JDENET”, jdenet\setksig.c(20) “Kernel Signal traps” Determines if OneWorld will handle
“HandleKrnlSignals”, 1) incoming kernel signals or if the
OS will. This setting is used on
non-NT systems.
[TRUE OW will handle the signal.]
[FALSE the OS will handle the signal.]
**Non-NT Only (“JDENET”, jdenet\setnsig.c(39) “Net Signal traps” Determines if OneWorld will handle
“HandleNetSignals”, 1) incoming kernel signals or if the
OS will. This setting is used on
non-NT systems.
[TRUE OW will handle the signal.]
[FALSE the OS will handle the signal.]
**UNIX “Internal use only! Do not change! This A working directory used to store
(“JDENET”,”netTemporaryDir”, ““) sets up a temporary working directory.” temporary files.
**AS400 (“JDENET”, “useKeepAlive”,0) This setting concerns socket retention.
(“JDENET”, “MonitorOption”, “0 0 0 0 This setting is obsolete. This sets up monitoring options for
0 0 0 0”) JDENET processes for
RefreshInterval, ShutDown,
GetConfig, Conn, GetStat, GetQueue,
Toggle, HostViewType; which maps
to “0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0” = data types
(“JDENET”, “connectTimeout”, This setting is obsolete. This setting is obsolete.
SERVER_TIMEOUT) “Sets the Server timeout value
for connections.”
(“JDENET”, “netBroadcastAddress”, This setting is obsolete. Sets up the IP Broadcast Address
“INADDR_BROADCAST”) jdenet\NETSOCK.C(435) for communications.

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 19

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“JDENET”, “gdmPath”, “C:”) This setting is obsolete. Guaranteed Delivery Messaging
(“JDENET”, “gdmRetention”, This setting is obsolete. Guaranteed Delivery Messaging
“03:00:00”) jdenet\nettam.c(464) “Guaranteed
Delivery Messaging”
(“JDENET”, “gdmRetryInterval”, 600) This setting is obsolete. Guaranteed Delivery Messaging
“JDENET_KERL_DEF” This section defines kernel process
types and number of processes for
each kernel type.
(“JDENET_KERNEL_DEF”, DEF1 - JDENET RESERVED KERNEL: Kernel name: a short description of
“krnlName”, KRNLNAME[i]) Used for internal purposes. the kernel usage.
DEF2 - UBE KERNEL: Processes
OneWorld batch process requests.
Processes data replication requests.
security server requests.
Processes transaction manager and lock
manager requests.
Used to run business functions on
a server.
JDBNET server-to-server requests.
Processes package installation requests.
DEF9 - SAW KERNEL: Processes SAW
application requests.
Processes Scheduler application
Processes package build requests.
Processes UBE sub-system requests.
Processes Workflow application

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20 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“JDENET_KERNEL_DEF”, DEF1 - jdenet.dll DLL used for kernel process.
“dispatchDLLName”, DEF2 - jdekrnl.dll
DFT_DISPATCH_LIB) DEF3 - jdekrnl.dll
DEF4 - jdekrnl.dll
DEF5 - jdekrnl.dll
DEF6 - jdekrnl.dll
DEF7 - jdekrnl.dll
DEF8 - jdekrnl.dll
DEF9 - jdesaw.dll
DEF10 - jdekrnl.dll
DEF11 - jdekrnl.dll
DEF12 - jdekrnl.dll
DEF13 - jdekrnl.dll
(“JDENET_KERNEL_DEF”, DEF1 - The name of the JDENET function
“dispatchDLLFunction”, _JDENET_DispatchMessage@28 for handling JDENET messages.
DEF3 - _DispatchRepMessage@28
DEF4 - _JDEK_DispatchSecurity@28
DEF5 -
DEF6 -
DEF7 -
DEF8 -
DEF9 -
DEF10 -
DEF11 -
DEF12 -
DEF13 -

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 21

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

“XMLRequest”, XMLNAME[i]) DEF2 - UBE
DEF3 -
DEF4 -
DEF5 -
DEF7 -
DEF8 -
DEF9 -
DEF10 -
DEF11 -
DEF12 -
DEF13 -
DEF14 -
(“JDENET_KERNEL_DEF”, DEF1 - 1 The maximum number of kernel
“maxNumberOfProcesses”,1) DEF2 - 1 processes that can be run on this
DEF3 - 1 server for each kernel type. These
DEF4 - 1 can be modified to tune performance.
DEF5 - 1
DEF6 - 1
DEF7 - 1
DEF8 - 1
DEF9 - 1
DEF10 - 1
DEF11 - 1
DEF12 - 1
DEF13 - 1
DEF14 – 1
(“JDENET_KERNEL_DEF”, DEF1 - 0 The number of kernel processes
“numberOfAutoStartProcesses”, 0) DEF2 - 0 that will automatically start for each
DEF3 - 0 kernel type. If this number is 0, then
DEF4 - 0 no processes will start automatically
DEF5 - 0 for that kernel type. This number
DEF6 - 0 must be less than the maximum
DEF7 - 0 number of processes for that kernel
DEF8 - 0 type (maxNumberOfProcesses).
DEF9 - 0 This setting can be modified to
DEF10 - 0 improve performance.
DEF11 - 0
DEF12 - 0
DEF13 - 0
DEF14 – 0

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22 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“JDENET_KERNEL_DEF”, DEF1 - 0 The beginning message range for
“beginningMsgTypeRange”, DEF2 - 256 each kernel type. Do not change!
DEF4 - 551
DEF5 - 601
DEF6 - 901
DEF7 - 1201
DEF8 - 1501
DEF9 - 2000
DEF10 - 2501
DEF11 - 3001
DEF12 - 3501
DEF13 - 4001
DEF14 – 4512
(“JDENET_KERNEL_DEF”, DEF1 - 255 The ending message range for
“endingMsgTypeRange”, DEF2 - 511 each kernel type. Do not change!
ENDINGMSGTYPERANGE[i]) DEF3 - 550 These values should never
DEF4 - 580 overlap or you will experience
DEF5 - 650 extreme system instability!
DEF6 - 1156
DEF7 - 1456
DEF8 - 1756
DEF9 - 2256
DEF10 - 2756
DEF11 - 3256
DEF12 - 3756
DEF13 - 4256
DEF14 – 4550
**Hidden **Client [Default 0 kernel requests will Requests made to a server kernel
(“JDENET_KERNEL_DEF”, be handled by any available will be handled by a one-user only
“bOneUserOnly”, FALSE) multiuser kernel.] kernel started strictly for this client.
[1 kernel requests will be handled only This description will be the same
by the client’s one-user only kernel.] for all kernel definition types and is
a hidden setting.
*Hidden (“JDENET_KERNEL_DEF”, [Default 1 All one-user only requests Allows server to accept one-user
“bAllowOneUserOnly”, TRUE) will be accepted.] only requests. This description will
[0 All one-user only requests will be the same for all kernel definition
be rejected.] types and is a hidden setting.

(“LOCK MANAGER”, “Server”, ““) The server hosting the record
locking services. Any server
running OneWorld services can
host record locking services.

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 23

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“LOCK MANAGER”, [Default NONE no TimeStamping / Transaction service requested,
“RequestedService”, ““) Record Locking Service Requested used for timestamping and record
from a server] locking services.
[TS TimeStamping / Record Locking
is requested]
(“LOCK MANAGER”, [Default NONE no TimeStamping / Transaction service available from
“AvailableService”, ““) Record Locking Service Available this server, used for timestamping
from a server] and record locking services.
[TS TimeStamping / Record Locking
is available]
(“LOCK MANAGER”,”LogServices”,0) jdelib\JDEDEBUG.C(1595) Turns on logging for the
transaction services.
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, Default environment used for
“QEnv”, “TOOLSQALOC”) starting the queue services.
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default JDE ] OneWorld user ID used to start
“QUser”, “JDE”) the queue services.
[Default JDE ]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default JDE ] OneWorld user password for user,
“QPassword”, “JDE”) used to start the queue services.
[Default JDE ]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default QBATCH ] Default queue name if not specified.
“QName”, “QBATCH”) [Default QBATCH ]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default 30] The pool time for queue processes
“QueueDelay”, 5) to search for jobs in a waiting status
in F986110 (Job Master).
[Default 30]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default 60] The minimum amount of time
“JDENETTimeout”, before an unused connection
CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) is dropped, in seconds.
[Default 60]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default 2 Two UBE queues will The total number of UBE queues.
“UBEQueues”, 2) be available.] [Default 2 Two UBE queues will
be available.]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, “The name of the UBE queue(1)” The name of the UBE queue(1).
“UBEQueue”, 1, “QBATCH”) [Default QB7333] You can add additional UBE queues.
This is done by adding entries
UBEQueue1, UBEQueue2, etc.
However, you must ensure that
your UBEQueues setting, above,
is equal to or higher than the number
of queues you set up here.
[Default QB7333]

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24 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default 1 Only one package The total number of package queues.
“PackageQueues”, 1) queue will be available.] [Default 1 Only one package queue
will be available.]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default QB7333] The name of the package queue(1).
“PkgQueue”, “QBATCH”) [Default QB7333]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default 1 Only one spec installation The total number of spec
“SpecInstallQueues”, 1) queue will be available.] installation queues.
[Default 1 Only one spec installation
queue will be available.]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default QB7333] The name of the spec
“SpcQueue”, “QBATCH”) installation queue(1).
[Default QB7333]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, [Default 1 Upon shutdown Sets the action of the
“KillImmediate”, 1) request queue processes are shutdown process.
stopped immediately.]
[0 Queue processes are allowed to
finish their current task after receiving
a shutdown request.]
(“NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS”, The parent directory for the
“OutputDirectory”,””) PrintQueue directory where job
files (PDFs) are located.
**AS400 (“NETWORK QUEUE “Decides the encoding for
SETTINGS”, “ConvertToASCII”, 0) postscript output, AS/400 only.”
**AS400 (“NETWORK QUEUE Sets the default output queue.
**Client (“NETWORK QUEUE Sets the priority for UBEs sent to
SETTINGS”, “UBEPriority”, “5”) the server for processing.
**Client (“NETWORK QUEUE [Default N does not install “Allows the install of specs, but only
SETTINGS”, “InstallSpecs”, “N”) specs if not found locally] after user approval.”
**Client (“NETWORK QUEUE Auto installs specs if not found on
SETTINGS”, “AutoInstallSpecs”, “Y”) [Default Y Auto installs specs client and the client is not a TSE.
if not found locally] [Default Y Auto installs specs if
not found locally]
**Client (“NETWORK QUEUE “Keeps the UBE record”
SETTINGS”, “SaveOutput”, “TRUE”) jdekrnl\jdeknet\JDEKNUBE.C(2257)
**Client (“NETWORK QUEUE Determines if UBEs, after processing
SETTINGS”, “PrintImmediate”, [Default FALSE UBE are not correctly, are printed automatically.
“FALSE”) printed automatically]
**Client (“NETWORK QUEUE Saves the PDL file created after
SETTINGS”, “SavePDL”, “FALSE”) [Default FALSE PDL are not saved] printing job is complete.
[Default FALSE PDL are not saved]

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 25

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“SECURITY”, “SecurityServer”, ““) “Name of your enterprise/application The server hosting the security
server” services. Any server running
OneWorld services can host
security server services.
(“SECURITY”, “User”, “JDE”) [Default JDE] Database account used to access
the Security table (F98OWSEC).
[Default JDE]
The security section of the INI file
is the only section that uses a
database user and password.
(“SECURITY”, “Password”, “JDE”) [Default JDE] Database account password used
to access the Security table
[Default JDE]
(“SECURITY”,”DefaultEnvironment”, The default environment under
”JDEOPT32”) which the security kernel will run.
(“SECURITY”, “DataSource”, ““) [Default System - B733] The data source where the Security
table (F98OWSEC) can be found.
[Default System - B733]
(“Security”, “SecurityMode”, 0) [Default 0 Accept Standard logons] Controls whether standard logon
[1 Accept Unified logons] or unified logon or both logon types
[2 Accept both logon types] are accepted by the server.
(“SECURITY”, “AllowedUsers”, ““)
(“SECURITY”, “NumServers”,1) [Default 1 Only one server is currently The total number of servers running
running the security services.] security services that can validate
a connection. The security server
request will be sent to each security
server in turn until one answers the
request or there are no more
security servers listed.
(“SECURITY”, “History”, 0) “Writes security access history to Turns on sign on security history
table F9312.” logging. This information will be
stored in table F9312.
(“SECURITY”, “ServerPswdFile”, ““) “Enables the use of a password file.”
**Client (“SECURITY”, [Default FALSE Use Standard Logon Specifies that a unified logon server
“UnifiedLogon”, FALSE) process] will be used to authenticate logons.
[TRUE Connect to Unified Logon
Server for user and password]
**Client (“SECURITY”, [Default FALSE If Unified Logon fails, If unified logon fails, use the
“Try_If_Unified_Failed”, FALSE) do not try to use the Standard Logon standard logon process.
[TRUE If Unified Logon fails, try to use
the Standard Logon process]

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26 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

“Client (“Row Security” [Default value is NO_DEFAULT; this This setting controls how row
means that OneWorld will fetch all of security will be processed on
the records from a table and then the client workstation.
apply row security.] [DEFAULT value
will tell OneWorld to perform row
security through the where clause,
which is more efficient and reliable.]
“SVR” “The following section is used to
specify the pathnames so other
source programs can find source,
headers, specs, etc.”
(“SVR”, “SpecPath”, ““) Spec
(“SVR”, “SourcePath”, “source”) Source
(“SVR”, “ObjectPath”, “obj”) Obj
(“SVR”, “HeaderPath”, “include”) Include
(“SVR”, “HeaderVPath”, “includev”) Includev
(“SVR”, “BinPath”, “bin32”) bin32
(“SVR”, “LibPath”, “lib32”) lib32
(“SVR”, “LibVPath”, “libv32”) libv32
(“SVR”, “MakePath”, “make”) Make
(“SVR”, “WorkPath”, “work”) Work
**Client(“SVR”, “CodeGeneratorPath”,
**Client (“SVR”, “ResourcePath”, ““)
**Client (“SVR”, “LibraryListName”,” “) “Any valid path code installed” This is set when the user
signs into a client with the
chosen environment name.
**Client (“SVR”, “EnvironmentName”, “Any valid environment installed” This is set when the user signs
““) into a client with the path code of
the chosen environment name.
(“SVR”, “EnvType”,0) jdekrnl\misc\JDECGSC.C(250)
(“SVR”, “FontPath”, “res\\Fonts”) “Sets up the path to the fonts directory
for generating PDF files.”
(“SVR”, “SysFontPath”, “Sets up the path to the fonts directory
“c:\\winnt\\fonts”) for generating PDF files.”
**Client (“SVR”,”HelpPath”,”helps”)

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 27

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“UBE”, “UBEDebugLevel”, 0) “Controls the level of UBE debug Controls the level of UBE
information placed in the debug information placed in
jdekrnl\UBE\K2EntryPnt.c(1268)” The levels are cumulative.
[Default = 0 Error Messages only.]
0 Error Messages
1 Informative Messages
2 Section Level Messages
3 Object Level Messages
4 Event Rules Messages
5 SQL Statements
6 UBE Function Messages
(“UBE”, “Exception”, 1) “Sets up exception filter which
determines the exception to
be handled by runtime”
(“UBE”, “UBESubsystemLimit”, 3) [Default = 3] Sets the maximum concurrent
jdekrnl\UBE\K2EntryPnt.c(174) subsystem jobs.
[Default = 3]
(“UBE”, “UBEDebug”,0) “Controls UBE debugging on NT servers Determines whether or not UBE
[Default 0 UBE tracing information is logging information is written to
not written to the debug file or the UBE the UBE log files contained in the
log files.] printqueue directory.
[1 UBE tracing information is written to
the debug files and UBE log files.]
(“UBE”, “UBEVCDebug”, 0) “Turns on compiler debugging of UBEs Determines whether to use
jdekrnl\callobj\LANCHUBE.C(756)” compiler debugging of UBEs.
[Default 0 Compiler debugging
is not turned on.]
(“UBE”, “UBESaveLogFile”, 0) “Saves log file after UBE is complete” This setting tells the system to
jdekrnl\callobj\LANCHUBE.C(1015)” save the UBE log file after UBE
[Default 0 log files are deleted after processing is complete.
UBE processing is complete]
[1 log files are saved after a UBE
completes, even if the UBE ran
(“UBE”, “UBEException”, 1) “Allows UBE exceptions to be processed Controls whether UBE exceptions
jdekrnl\callobj\LANCHUBE.C(1034)” will be handled.
[Default 1 Exceptions that occur for
UBEs will be handled and the debug
dialog will prompt for user interaction.]
[0 OneWorld will exit on error.]
(“UBE”, “UBEShowPDFLink”, 0) “Determines whether to show balance Determines whether to show
auditor links in PDF viewer.” balance auditor links in PDF viewer.
jdekrnl\callobj\LANCHUBE.C(3282) [Deafult 0 balance auditor links are
not shown.]

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28 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“UBE”, “UBEIntelNTInternalPrint”, 0) [Default 1 for IntelNT servers to use Determines which print filters to
internal print filters] use to process PDF files when
[0 Use Adobe Acrobat print filters] printing on Intel NT servers.
(“UBE”, “DBCS_PS_Font”, jdekrnl\UBE\K2PDFUtils.C(2869) Default font name for
“GothicBBB-Medium-RKSJ-H”) PostScript conversion for
Double Byte code pages.
(“UBE”, “DBCS_PCL_Font”, 4101) jdekrnl\UBE\k2pfpdfpcl.c(1686) Default font name for PCL conversion
for Double Byte code pages.
(“UBE”, “UBEFont_FaceName”, jdekrnl\UBE\K2PDFUtils.C(4533) Default font name for PDF generation
“Times New Roman”) for Double Byte code pages.
(“UBE”, “FontEmbedding”, jdekrnl\UBE\PrtPDFGen.C(277) Controls how fonts are embedded in
EMBED_NONTYPE1_SUBSET) the PDF file. The possible values are:
2 for
3 for
4 for
**Client (“UBE”, “WebServer”, 0) [Default 0 business function location Overrides the BSFN location
is not overridden] if OneWorld is running on a
[1 where BSFNs run are overridden] Web server.
**Client (“UBE”, szViewerType, ““) jdekrnl\UBE\pdfview.c(282) If the default viewer for a batch output
(PDF/CSV/XML, etc.) cannot be
found via Windows registry, the
viewer locations can be set using this
key. The key is UBE%sTool, where
%s is PDF, XML, CSV, etc.
**AS400 (“UBE”, “ConvertToASCII”, Used in conjunction with alternate
1) language code sets [non-English
(WE_ISO88591)] to convert PDF
files to ASCII.
**Internal (“UBE”, “UBEChkMem”, 1) jdekrnl\UBE\K2ER.c(849) 0 = disable, 1 = enable calls to
jdeCheckMemory which allows
memory traces on BSFNs.
**Internal (“UBE”, jdekrnl\UBE\K2Obsolete.c(48) (1) Re-enable API functionality that
“UBEEnableObsoleteAPI”, 0) was disabled in the B733.2 release.
(0) Do not use obsolete functionality.
**Internal (“UBE”, “prtCSVExtension”, jdekrnl\UBE\PrtCSVGen.c(110) Gets the file extension for comma
““) separated file formats.

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 29

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

**Internal (“UBE”, “prtCSVSeparator”, jdekrnl\UBE\PrtCSVGen.c(117) Sets the separator used for CSV files.
**Internal (“UBE”, jdekrnl\UBE\PrtCSVGen.c(206) Sets the grid size used for CSV files
“UBECSVGridWidth”, 52) stored in twips.
“REPLICATION” **Obsolete**
(“REPLICATION”, “User”, ““) [Default JDE] OneWorld user ID used to
start he replication kernel.
OneWorld’s replication kernel user
name used when the JDE.INI
[SECURITY] User parameter is empty.
[Default JDE]
(“REPLICATION”, “Password”, ““) “OneWorld user ID password used OneWorld’s replication kernel
to start the replication kernel.” password used when the JDE.INI
[Default JDE] [SECURITY] Password parameter
is empty.
[Default JDE]
(“REPLICATION”, “The default environment associated OneWorld’s replication kernel
”DefaultEnvironment”,””) path code that contains the environment used when the JDE.INI
specifications to the replication tables [SECURITY] DefaultEnvironment
(F98DRPUB F98DRSUB F98DRPCN parameter is empty.
(“REPLICATION”, “Expiration Days”, This setting is obsolete. “Sets the retention time for
2) jdekrnl\jdb\JDB_CACH.C(1926) replication: publisher change
notification records.”
(“REPLICATION”, “RetryInterval”, “The retry interval for sending OneWorld’s replication retry interval
7200) replication messages.” which determines whether or not to
jdekrnl\jderepl\jderep.c(3133) send the publisher logs, depending
on the RetryInterval time elapsed
since the last occasion the machine
sent the logs.
(“REPLICATION”, Jdekrnl\TransMon\JTP_TM.C(93) Verifies the correct translation settings
“OverrideTranslationCheck”, 0) (do not translate) for the client’s
machine ODBC data sources.
**Client (“REPLICATION”, “Forces client to re-synch any Forces the machine to synchronize
“ForcedSync”,1) replicated tables on logon.” all its subscribed tables upon logon
to OneWorld.
“TP MONITOR ENVIRONMENT” This section now uses the environment
**Obsolete** listed in the security section of the INI file.
(“TP MONITOR ENVIRONMENT”, “The server hosting the record See Lock Manager section and key.
“Server”, ““) locking services. Any server running This section is no longer used!
OneWorld services can host record
locking services.”

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30 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“TP MONITOR ENVIRONMENT”, “Transaction service requested, See Lock Manager section and key.
“RequestedService”, ““) **Obsolete used for timestamping and record This section is no longer used!
locking services.”
[Default NONE no TimeStamping /
Record Locking Service Requested
from a server]
[TS TimeStamping / Record Locking
is requested]
(“TP MONITOR ENVIRONMENT”, “Transaction service available from See Lock Manager section and key.
“AvailableService”, ““) **Obsolete this server, used for timestamping This section is no longer used!
and record locking services.”
[Default NONE no TimeStamping /
Record Locking Service Available
from a server]
[TS TimeStamping / Record Locking
is available]
(“TP MONITOR ENVIRONMENT”, “Turn on logging for the See Lock Manager section and key.
”LogServices”,0) **Obsolete transaction services.” This section is no longer used!
“OFFLINE DB SYSTEM SETTINGS” Used on workstations in a
detached mode.
**Client (“OFFLINE DB SYSTEM Default environment used when
SETTINGS”, “Default Env”, ““) workstation is in detached mode.
**Client (“OFFLINE DB SYSTEM “A valid path code.” Default path code used when
SETTINGS”, “Default PathCode”, ““) workstation is in detached mode.
**Client (“Everest”, “KeepFilesOpen”, Jdekrnl\jdeddapi\JDEDDAPI.C(1004)
**Client (“EVEREST”, “UseTAMFiles”, “Determines database interface
1) method.”
(“CLUSTER”,”PrimaryNode”,””) “The name of the primary node in
a cluster environment.”
“WORKFLOW” **Obsolete
(“WORKFLOW”, “ESCREPORT”, jdekrnl\workflow\WF_PROC.c(355) The report name for the escalation
“R9000020”) subsystem.
(“WORKFLOW”, “ESCVERSION”, jdekrnl\workflow\WF_PROC.c(356) The report version name for the
“ZJDE0001”) escalation subsystem.

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JDE.INI File Settings for Clients and Servers 31

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

**Client (“WORKFLOW”, jdekrnl\workflow\WF_PROC.c(478) Controls debugging workflow criteria.
“DEBUGCRITERION”, 0) When turned on (by setting to 1), the
workflow engine pops up message
boxes showing the evaluated values
of the conditional rules and
organizational rules, if any, as the
workflow process executes. These
message boxes only show up if the
workflow runs on the client machines.

(“DB REPLICATION”, “Activation “This sets up the start time for the
Time”, 1) replication process but uses table
(“DB REPLICATION”, “Sleep Time”, “This sets up the sleep time for the
10) replication process.”
“PERFORMANCE” (For Internal
Use Only)
(“Performance”, “UBEAutoTest”, 0) “Debugging flag which will turn the
output on or off for UBEs.”
(“PERFORMANCE”, “TestData Path”, “A path set up for output (NT systems).”
szDefaultPath) jdelib\QPFAPI.C(141)
(“PERFORMANCE”, “Test”, 0) jdelib\QPFAPI.C(158)
(“PERFORMANCE”, “Client”, 0) jdelib\QPFAPI.C(159)
“MEMORY DEBUG” **Obsolete
(“MEMORY DEBUG”,”Full”, 0) jdenet\NETPUB.C(1425) Controls the level of memory
[Default 0 Some] debugging information.
[1 Full] [Default 0 Some]
[2 Debug] [1 Full]
[2 Debug]
(“MEMORY DEBUG”,”Frequency”, jdenet\NETPUB.C(1443)
(“MEMORY DEBUG”,”DeferFree”, 0) jdenet\NETPUB.C(1445)
**AS400 (“MEMORY “Sets the memory pool page size.”
DEBUG”,”PageSize”,32) jdbdrv\OS400\DBDRV.C(77)

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32 J.D. Edwards OneWorld: The Complete Reference

(“Section”, “Key”, “Default”) Comment and Valid Values Description

(“NLS”, “RemoteCodeSet”, 1252) “Sets the conversion code page The code page that was in effect
type for the remote server.” when spec files were packed.
jdekrnl\workflow\WF_ER.c(71) (default = 1252; English)
(“NLS”, “LocalCodeSet”, 37) “Sets the conversion code page type The code page that will be
for the local server.” in effect when packed spec
jdekrnl\workflow\WF_ER.c(72) files are unpacked.
****!!!Destination OS type is set (default = 1252; English)
for HPUX in AS400 section!!!****
(For Internal Use Only)
**Internal (“DB CACHE “Sets the maximum number of tables
INFORMATION”, “ODBC Tables”, to be cached.”
MAX_TABLES_DEFAULT) jdbdrv\odbc\ODBC_U1.C(560)
**Internal (“DB CACHE “Sets the maximum number of
INFORMATION”, “Library Cache”, 15) library caches.”
**Internal (“DB CACHE jdekrnl\jdb\JDB_CACH.C(817) This is an optional setting and is
INFORMATION”, “DataCaching”, 1) used to turn on or off caching of
certain database tables as defined
in F98613. A setting of 1 turns on
data caching and after reading the
record from DB for the first time it is
cached and retrieved from cache for
the list of tables defined in F98613.
**Internal (“DB CACHE “Sets the maximum number of cache This is an optional setting and is
INFORMATION”, “Maximum Request requests that are allowed.” used to define the maximum
Cache”, 50) jdekrnl\jdb\JDB_RQ1.C(4154) number of request handles (from
about which information is retained
in the given OneWorld session.
**Internal (“BSFN “Overrides the BSFNs so they do
LOCATION”,”OverrideNoLocal”, not run locally for WTS/TSE.”
”FALSE”) jdekrnl\callobj\JDEOBJ.C(588)
“SERVER ENVIRONMENT MAP” Used to map one environment to
(“SERVER ENVIRONMENT MAP”, When environment[1] is passed
env, newenv) as an argument, it is replaced
by environment[2].

Friday, January 05, 2001 9:17:10 AM

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