Methodology of Science

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The methodology of science is what makes this discipline different from other fields.

The use
of the scientific method to obtain, analyze and evaluate new information is an essential tool
for scientists at any level. To properly appreciate science it is important that you have an
understanding of the scientific method of investigation. To achieve this objective, working in
groups of four, you will design, plan, and carry out an experiment on a current
microbiological problem. This investigative project will be carried on throughout the term
and will be evaluated using criteria such as correctness, thoroughness, and appropriateness.

New scientific knowledge must be communicated to others so that it can be repeated,

analyzed, evaluated and utilized. To meet this objective, the results of your group project
must be submitted on disk (in html format) for inclusion on the class web site. The document
must be written for the general public and contain the following sections: abstract or
summary, purpose, experimental design, results, conclusions and significance, and references.
Class sessions have been scheduled to introduce you to web page construction and scientific

Be able to evaluate scientific material

It is essential that all members of society be able to evaluate the scientific claims that are
made on a daily basis. Class discussions will attempt to explain the difference between
science and pseudoscience.

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