Learn One-Time But Use For A Life-Time: Celebrate Exploding Your Business and Your Bank Account With Valuable Education

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Celebrate exploding your business and your bank account with valuable education

Learn One-time but Use for a Life-time

Table of Contents

Finding Prospects.3

Benefactoring, Why and How.6

How to Find and Approach Groups..8

Developing Interest..10

Convincing the Prospect.12 Building Desire..13

Lead, Follow, or Get Out of The Way15

All Businesses Are Based On Numbers18

Most of All, Be A Friend21

Finding Prospects
The first thing youll need to do to grow your new Business to its maximum is to find a list of prospects that will listen to your story, or rather, to the story of the company behind your new business. Usually, the plan is simple and there are videos or conference calls (sometimes recorded) to do all of the selling for you. All that is necessary is for you to come up with people to whom you can show the simple idea. Many of you reading this will react by thinking or saying: Oh No! Not another scheme to extract money from my friends and relatives. This is a natural reaction, however, think back about those schemes that you have encountered in the past. Usually the cost to each person joining is $100.00 to $5,000.00No wonder it was so difficult to find people eager to risk that kind of money on a scheme that has a marginal, at best, chance of success. Remember, many business opportunities today are very low cost to enter, some even free, and the potential rewards are HUGE! Finding prospects is not complicated. It starts with making a list of everyone you know, or that know you, or even know of you. These are people like: Friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors, people with whom you belong to a civic organization, social club, or even church members. Remember, this is not some expensive multi-level program that will hurt anyones budgetWere talking about under three bucks to earn a substantial financial rewardAnd it can easily lead to even greater things down the road.

So, how do you begin making your list? Start with a screen on your computer with an open blank word processing document. Just start typing a list of sources: Work School Church (Does your Church have a directory or an online contact list?) Kiwanis Club Neighborhood (in some neighborhoods there is an association with a list) Childhood friends Former co-workers Etc.

Next, start filling in names in each category dont worry about how to contact them yet, just get a list of names you should easily fill up a list of 250 people. Next decide how you will contact each person on the listSome by phone, some in person, and some by email or even snail (USPS) mail. Then collect the necessary contact data for each prospect. You will notice the availability of numerous aids in your back office for most on-line businesses videos, recorded calls, etcBe sure to make use of these tools for they will do most of the selling for you. If you have difficulty coming up with 250 names, you may want to use a list service such as Sales Genie to give you enough prospects to cause the growth you seek. (If you go to http://salesgenie.com/ you will find an opportunity to try out their service for FREE!) There is one absolutely Sure-Fire way to bring in tons of people

into your new business and it will be discussed in lesson number two: Benefactoring Why and How! Your initial target should be to recruit or benefactor at least ten people into any new business and teach them to do the same. This will assure maximum exposure and youll watch your business grow by leaps and bounds. However you decide to proceed, take the first steps immediately. The quicker you begin, the quicker youll see $$$$ in your account. However you decide to proceed, take the first steps immediately. The quicker you begin, the quicker youll see $$$$ in your account.

Benefactoring, Why and How

Without any doubt, the single quickest and surest way to kickstart ANY new networking business is by a method called to as Benefactoring. This is the process of paying the entry costs for some or all of your prospects. Can this get expensive? Yes! Does it reap great rewards? Yes! Why would it work? Simply because it takes away the fear of loss from the prospects mind. Unlock the door with the key to benefactoring.

How many people should one benefactor for a networking business? This is a good question and the answer is complicated. There are several things to consider. 1) What is the entry cost? 2) What is your affordable budget? 3) How many people must you sponsor to begin earning from the program? 4) How quickly is it probable for your investment in benefactoring to be recouped? 5) Is the program one that your benefactored prospects will see the value in duplicating what you have done? Several things must be evaluated before you jump in and begin benefactoring prospects. When you are looking at a new business, consider the entry costThere are literally thousands of networking opportunities available with a wide variety of entry costs. Recently, there are a number of extremely low-cost programs popping up, some for less than a ten-dollar entry fee. These low-cost entry programs often lead to much richer rewards down the road, but some have excellent profitability all on their ownIt is this type of program that best lends itself to the use of benefactoring. Contact your sponsor and ask if the company has any tools

available for benefactoring. Often they will be available from your back-office in the program. Sometimes, if enough people ask for tools from a company they will have benefactoring tools added to the programming. Check periodically in your back office for new additions. If no tools are available, simply contact your prospect, telling them, There is a new program that shows great potential for financial gain. Id like to help you understand the program, and if you like what you see, my offer to you is that Ill pay your entry fee. You can pay me back once youve earned twice the entry feeSo, youll truly have no risk in joining me in this company. If your prospect is still not ready to join, simply tell him, I respect your decision, but please know that if you decide later to join I cannot guarantee my offer to pay your entry fee may not be available. Then immediately move to the next prospect. It is very likely that it will take you less than a day to find your list of prospects to benefactor filledDont hesitate, time is of the essence in bringing this recruiting method to its fruition.

How to Find and Approach Groups

Not everyone can be a super-star, however, in our daily lives we often encounter such people. Often we dont recognize them nor their ability to enrich our lives in many ways. Just what is a super-star? A super-star is someone who has the ability to influence us as well as many other people. Sometimes the influence is financial, sometimes it is emotional, or spiritual, or maybe it affects our physical well-being. Some of these people are obvious: Ministers, Doctors, and Attorneys, to name a few. What about the president of our condo or homeowners association? How about the president of the Rotary Club or Kiwanis Club to which we belong? There are star athletes, musicians, teachers and professors, and as you can imagine, the list could go on nearly forever. Do you know any of these people? Anyone who has any type of influence over large numbers of people can become a super-star for you in your new networking business. There are also leaders in other networking businesses. If they are truly leaders, they are always open to new ideas and concepts, but to get through to them you must be able to grab their attention with one or two sentences. These sentences must be carefully crafted to raise a positive response and arouse the leaders curiosity. We cant begin to craft those sentences for you, they are dependent upon the business you are promoting and the relationship that you have with the leader. It is best for you to work with your sponsor to develop the specific one-liners that youll use with your prospects. Many companies have help in your back-office. You should start right away building your contact list and then contact your sponsor for help designing your attention grabbers for these prospects. If your sponsor isnt able to help, ask them to introduce you to an up-line leader who has the necessary experience. Thats why we all are in networkingIts all about

helping each other reach our own success for the betterment of everyone. If you havent chosen the business you are going to build as yet, here are a few words about making your choice. 1) Entry fee (purchase) should be under $100 This will maximize the number of people who can afford to buy the product and join you. 2) Do not rule out ANY product unless it offends you morally. 3) A unique and unusual product and one that has a natural demand will enhance your ability to sell it. 4) Some programs have a GREAT product, but their entry level program has something less glamorous. This could still work very well for you as long as you point out the end goal is getting to the more desirable product at a substantially reduced cost. 5) There are MANY entry-level programs with an entry product costing less than ten dollars! It is easy to build these very desirable programs to great numbers, and they lend themselves extremely well to large group recruiting. Another way to find large groups and their leaders is to go through your SPAM folder in your email as well as your in-box every day many of these leaders will send thousands of emails daily to their data-base. Locating and arousing the interest of just one of these super-stars can insure your long-term success in any business. Often a short reply to one of these leaders with a short teaser one-liner will get them to call you! This type of leader is always on the lookout for new programs they can promote to their data base. Start NOW by developing your list of potential s

Developing Interest
Have you ever heard the saying, No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care? This is a perfect description of how you develop interest in your product or service with your prospects. No one wants to hear about another scheme to make money or to buy a new product until you prove that the person presenting it has the prospects best interests at heart. How do you accomplish that task? It really is simple and well walk you through the process in this lesson. The object with this part of the sales process is two-fold. First, you want to show that you care about the prospect and his/her needs, wants, and desires; and secondly to show that this product or opportunity may fill a specific desire or need for the prospect. You can accomplish all of this with questions rather than statements, or sometimes by statements posed as questions. You begin with non-specific questions just asking about the prospect and his/her state of mind. Depending upon how well you know the prospect, you might start with a question about the well-being of a family member. If this is not a prospect that you know personally, the object is to get to know a little about him/her within three or four questions. Then, ask about his/her financial goals, family goals, and spiritual goals. Show genuine interest in their condition in all of those areas. Youll have to develop your own questions that fit your own personality to accomplish that bonding. Then quickly youll want to ask a leading question like: Have you ever considered trying to better yourself financially? Most people will answer yes to that question, so you should then follow with a more direct question such as. If I could show you a way to add $NNNN (insert a realistic number from your business opportunity) to your bottom line this coming year, with very minimal effort on your part, would you give me five minutes of


your time to show you how to accomplish that? It is really just that simple, IF you are believable in showing him/her your interest in them, he/she will be open to hear your proposalYou will have shown him/her that you really do care. That leads directly to the next lesson, which covers convincing him/her that what you are offering will accomplish what you suggested it might. Thats called the conviction step of a sale.


Convincing the Prospect

Now that you have perked the prospects interest in what you have to show him/her, it is time to convince him/her that what you are showing him/her is capable of doing the job that you painted in the interest step. Well call this the Conviction step. Well accomplish this with a series of facts linked to benefits. First, list the facts that you know about your businessNot Claims, just pure facts. This list will vary depending upon the company and product or service that you are promoting. The following facts should be available for every company: 1) Cost of product; 2) Is there a monthly ongoing cost? 3) How long has the company been in business? 4) How quickly is the product available for delivery? 5) How soon are commissions paid on each sale? 6) Are personal sales required for the prospect to earn money? 7) Is it necessary for the prospect to personally sponsor additional people to earn money? 8) Are their bonuses for recruiting and making additional sales? Continue listing positive facts about your company, product, and opportunity. Once you complete your list, prepare to meet with your prospect by building five or six facts linked to benefits for the prospect. Find the proper benefits from their dreams and desires you found from the interest step. Then link the facts to the benefits with a bridge such as: The (name product) costs only $NNN, which means you wont take any bread and butter off you table to get started. In the above example, the cost of the product is the fact, which means is the bridge and the remainder is the benefit Continue with the list creating several sentences that use this formula. As


you near the end youll want to use one similar to this: As you have seen, the potential earnings could easily exceed $50,000 (insert proper number from your opportunity) this next year and because of that, youll be able to afford that great family vacation you want! (insert applicable dream from interest step)You see? It is: fact bridge benefit. Doing it that way shows the prospect why what you are proposing has value to him/her. Try to do all of your convincing is no more than five to six sentences and then move immediately into the Building Desire step!

Building Desire
By now, you have the prospect to a point where he/she sees the value of what you offerNow its time to use concrete language to build his/her desire for what the offer can accomplish. (Concrete language identifies things perceived through the senses (touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste), such as soft, stench, red, loud, or sweet.) It will be based on the prospects desires that you learned from him/her in the interest stepSuppose the prospect told you that he/she wanted to take his/her family on a Caribbean vacation next winter. You might build his/her desire with a story like this: John/Joan (or whatever is the prospects name) just imagine that it is next winter and youve earned enough money for that Caribbean vacation. You step out of your room directly onto the soft sandy beach. You feel the warm sunshine on your face and smell the gentle, salty breeze in your hair. You see the huge smiles on your familys faces. Now you know its all been worth it!


Its just that simple if you complete each step in the process and remember their responses.The prospect will be joining you. Then it is up to you to teach them to do the same. Once this step is complete, closing will be as simple as asking a trial close question like: Do you like the red one, or do you prefer blue? (or any two choices that your product or service offers not Do you want it in red? But rather, Do you LIKE it in red? Then you just execute the sale by filling out the online or in person paperwork!


Lead, Follow, or Get Out of The Way

Going forward in any business always leaves you with several choices in how to proceed. Usually, the choice is yours to make. This is definitely true in any networking business. Whatever your choice, be sure to follow it to its completion. If you choose to LEAD, you must learn every in and out of the business. You must have your followers best interest at heart and be sure that whatever you tell them is going to happen comes true. A basic requirement for leadership is personal vision - the ability to visualize your goal as an accomplished fact; a thing already achieved. Another requirement is the ability to also be a follower. You must be able to follow the organizations overall plan, their goals, and their vision. And you must be able to communicate that with your followers. The next requirement is the realization that the goal cannot be achieved alone, without the help of others. Is there a natural grouping of people from whom you can elicit help? Or do you have to recruit your followers? In the latter, you face a greater challenge. But whatever the situation, the leader must integrate his (or the organization's) goal with his followers personal goals and then communicate this goal in such a way that they embrace it too and the goal becomes a common goal. To be a leader, one must have followers. To have followers, one must have their trust. How do you win their trust? Why would others trust you? Most important, are you worthy of their trust? Why are some individuals more effective than others at influencing people? Effectiveness in leadership has been attributed to (1) persuasion skills (2) leadership styles (3) personal attributes of the leader


For now, consider one critical element of leadership (influence) love for people. Sound like too big of a job to take on, at least in the beginning? Then be a GREAT Follower. To be a great follower one must accept the leaders goals and the organizations goals as their own. In doing this try every day to picture yourself following your leader and achieving the projected rewardsIf you can successfully do this, your rewards will still be great. You will be learning from your leader and in essence, you too will eventually become a leader. Here are some characteristics of a good follower: Self-management: Having the ability to manage yourself and the ability to be productive, organized and efficient. Communication: Great followers listen and learn as well as express their thoughts, suggestions and ideas. Collaboration: A follower's success is tied to the team's success, whether it is a team of two or two thousand. To paraphrase a portion of a speech from the show West Wing, "We win together. We lose together. And we are better for having gone through it together." Loyalty: The best followers are committed to the team, the leader, and the mission and goals of the organization.

Being a follower is an important role. It is because of followers that leaders are made. Unfortunately, the term has developed a negative connation over the years; however, there is nothing 16

negative about being the person who helps a leader to become successful. Being a follower means you need to be actively engaged in the success of the leader. Otherwise, the leader could soon fall from grace. So the next time you consider a role as a leader or follower, consider the importance of both. And recognize that not everyone can be a leader. If you still dont think youre up to this task, then please step aside and let the leaders and followers get the job done. Fortunately, in network marketing there is still room for those who, at least at first, just sit back and let things happen!


All Businesses Are Based On Numbers

Every Business of any kind MUST make the numbers work for them to remain in business. There are several facets to that statement but where we will focus in this lesson is on what I call the Next! philosophy.

What is the Next! philosophy? It is based on not being discouraged when someone you just know would be GREAT in your business turns down the opportunity. You could have several reactions. You could stew over it and try to figure out where you went wrong in presenting it. You could take fifteen minutes, fifteen hours, or fifteen days trying to second-guess why that particular prospect said No. Or, you could simply say, Next! and move on to the next prospect on your list. Dont waste time trying to figure it out, just move on from prospect to prospect until someone says, Yes! You must understand that it will happen over and over just that way. Here is a good example from my pre-retirement days as a business to business telemarketer. It was my first day on the job setting appointments for the companys outside reps to visit the businesses. After ten minutes of training from the manager, I hopped on the phone. Within fifteen minutes Id made twentyeight phone calls and the twenty-ninth was my first appointment. I heard grumbling around the room about beginners luck! It didnt slow me down. My job was to make phone calls and 18

hopefully set four appointments in an eight hour day. Twenty appointments a week meant an extra bonus of $100.00 and thirty appointments in a week meant a $250.00 bonus for the week. (In the three years of the companys history no one had ever earned the $250.00 bonus). When the end of the first day came, I had set seven appointments and all of them were confirmed. Immediately there were complaints from some of the other telemarketers. They all said Id been given the choice territory. What did I do? I offered to trade areas with any of them for the next day. The results were similar six appointments and more complaints again. By the end of the week Id worked six different territories and set a total of thirty-three leads, a company record. Did the complaints stop? No. Now they all said, Just wait until the reps run those leads and come back complaining that they are no good. Did that happen? Of course not, in fact the closing percentage for my leads was almost twice the company average. Was it because I had some secret sales technique? Or did I have a Golden Voice? Definitely I didnt have a Golden Voice, however, I did possess a tremendous sales secretStick to the companys prepared presentation and just keep dialing. When call volume was analyzed Id made more than twice as many calls as the closest telemarketer and four times as many as most. All Id done differently was to make the numbers work for me. My success continued and one week I topped forty appointmentsjust make the numbers work for you! Youll be really glad that you did.


Some would call my method, Throwing mud against the wall and hope some of it sticks. I would heartily disagree with that statement. What I did was to follow the plan set up by the company and not waste time talking to other reps about it. Just remember that the number of people/customers you have


Most of All, Be A Friend

When all is said and done, do we really have enough friends? Regardless of how successful financially we become, are our business associates just that, OR are they friends? Are at least some of them friends? If not, why not? It is a sad day when the only people who are around us are there because of financial reasons. Developing friends is accomplished by serving those we know and being there for them even in the worst of times. Let me give you an example from my youthwell call it:

Davids Story
One day, when I was a freshman in high school (in 1956) I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school, His name was David, It looked like he was carrying all of his books, I thought to myself, Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd. I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on. As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt, His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him, He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him, so I jogged over to him. As he crawled around looking for his glasses, I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said, Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives. He looked at me and said, Hey thanks! There was a big smile on his face, It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now. I would have never hung out with a private 21

school kid before. We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books, He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my friends and he said yes. We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know David, the more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of him. Monday morning came! And there was David with the huge stack of books again. I stopped him and said, Boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday! He just laughed and handed me half the books. Over the next four years, David and I became best friends. When we were seniors, we began to think about college. David decided on Indiana University and I was going to Purdue. I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on an athletic scholarship. David was valedictorian of our class. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for graduation and I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak. Graduation day, I saw David and he looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him. Boy, sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about his speech, so I smacked him on the back and said, Hey big guy, you'll be great! He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. Thanks he said.


As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began: Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. Let me tell you a story. I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable. I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its depth. Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life for better or for worse. We are put in each other's lives to impact one another in some way. Look for the good in others. Friends are those who lift us to our feet when we have trouble remembering how to get up by ourselves. Never look away from someone in need They could be your best friend in waiting.


Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. Thats why we call it The Present. Eleanor Roosevelt

Copyright 2011 New Horizons Network, Inc.


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