Market Survey of Lifebuoy

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Namaste. My name is Nadeem Ahmad. I am from BVDU-AMPLIFY MINDWARE College. We regularly carry out surveys on various products as part of our course completion. Currently, we are conducting a study in your area on Lifebuoy products. The information that we collect is used only for teaching purposes by our college. Could I speak to the person who is the main decision maker with respect to matters regarding the purchase and usage of soap in your House Hold?

RECORD: R1. Age:

25-34 yrs 36-44 yrs 46-55 yrs

1 2 3

3person R2. Gender: Male 1 8 person Female 2 13 person 2 person


Do you use any soap or body wash currently in your household?

Yes No ( yes 13 people) Ques.2 Which brand do you use currently?

1 2


( lux:4 people

Lux Nirma Vivel Lifebuoy If other, please specify vivel :2 people Nirma:1people Lifebuoy:3person other:3 people)


Are you planning to use Lifebuoy for your household?

Yes No

1 2


(Yes:5people ;no: 8 people) Ques.4 Can you tell me which soap do you use currently?

( lux:4 people vivel :1 people Lifebuoy:3people others 5 people) Ques.5 Can you tell me how long have you use this soap?

(1 year or less than 1 year:7people ;more than one year:6people)

Ques.6 Why do you use this soap? Fairness Price Fragrance Hygiene Other, Specify (Price 4 people; Fragrance 5; hygiene 3;fairness;1)


Are you satisfied with your brand?

(Yes 12 people No 1 people Ques.8 You said you have used this soap for ________, can you tell me whether you used any other soap before this soap?

Yes No (Yes 13 people)

1 2

Ques.9 Can you tell me which soap was that? (santoor 2person; cinthol 2; Medimix 3; Lux 2; Nirma 1people; Neem 1; Vivel1 Breeze 1)

Ques.10 What other brands have you heard of? Santoor Medimix Margo Palmolive Other (All the above : 13 people) Ques.11 Could you please tell me whether you are intending to buy a new soap?

Yes No (Yes 8people;No 5people)

1 2

Ques.12 When you purchased the soap, did you seek out information to make a decision? Yes No ( No : 9 people; Yes 4 people) Ques.13 How was your experience at the store from where you purchased the soap?
Soap Information

1 2

It was very good Quite Satisfactory Neither good nor bad Quite Un Satisfactory Very bad

10 3

Ques.14 You said you purchased the soap from Grocery, Please tell us, what were the main reasons for selecting this place to buy the soap? (convenience : 6people Credit:7people)


Thinking about the various soap brands available in the market today, which ones can you think of?

(Medimix 2person Lifebuoy 4 people; Lux 6;santoor 1 people) Ques.16 Can you tell me which brand of soap was fitted to your home earlier? (santoor 2person; cinthol 2; Medimix 3; Lux 2; Nirma 1people; Neem 1; Vivel1 Breeze 1)


So, when you decided on the brand of soap for your house, which of these factors did you think were important to you? Hygiene Fairness Fragrance Price Any other, specify

(Price 4people; Fragrance 4; Hygiene 4; Fairness 1) Ques.18 Can you tell me why you did not consider Lifebuoy soap till now? (Do recommend :6 Melt easily:7)

Ques.19 Can you tell me the reasons why you said so? (Have used previously:3 people Heared from people:4 people)

Ques.20 Can you tell me which soap brand would you recommend to your friends or relatives who may be likely to replace their soap? (Vivel: 1 person Lifebuoy: 4person Chinthol:1person Nirma:1person Breeze:1person Santoor:1person Santoor:1 person Lux: 3 people)

Ques.21 Could you please tell me why?

(Hygiene: 5 person Fragrance:8person) Ques.22 You said that you would definitely NOT recommend Lifebuoy soap, Could you please tell me why? (Will recommend 5 people Will not recommend 8people as melt and fragrance)

Ques.23 Thinking about the soap brand you purchased, how satisfied are you with it on an overall basis?

Completely Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Completely Satisfied



You mentioned that you are NOT satisfied with the soap brand you recently bought. Please tell me why do you say so?
It was very expensive It do not worth money Do not Possess good fragrance Is Not Hygienic Others (Please specify) _____

(only one person was not satisfied with the soap he bought recently) Ques.25 What is your opinion about lifebuoy soap? 1- It is good to use and last long: 8 person 2-Melt down very easily: 5 people


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