S.K. Bhatnagar Mohan Sharan
S.K. Bhatnagar Mohan Sharan
Permit to Work System is a standard procedure designed to ensure that potentially Hazardous
PTW is a document which sets out; The Work to be done. The precautions to be taken against all foreseeable Hazards. PTW records the state of equipment / machine when it was handed over. PTW does not make the job safe. PTW makes the work method foolproof.
know everything
about the site and the process around
PTW is issued to supervisor or contractor who is to carry out the required job under the known hazardous conditions
PTW can be signed & issued after ensuring that;
- work area has been inspected and/or monitoring done by all concerned responsible persons.
- relevant information of PTW has been communicated to everyone involved in the work. - Necessary PPE are available at site in good working condition for personal protection. The PTW should be closed and surrendered after completion of work and removing all tools, men and materials from the site to restore normal working.
A Space that;
is large enough and so configured that an employee can enter bodily and perform work; have risk to life or health due to the atmosphere in the work area and limited or restricted means of entry or exit. is not designed occupancy for continuous human
Sewer Line Pipelines Trenches Tunnels Ducts Pit
Acetylene etc. Chlorine CO H2S etc.
Toxic Materials
To isolate the equipment / vessel from all sources through which any energy or harmful substances can get introduced by disconnecting supply, blinding etc.
To drain, clean, wash and purge the equipment / vessel to make it free from toxic / flammable gases and other harmful substances To test the air inside the vessel to determine presence of explosive mixture, oxygen content etc. 13
As far as practicable two man ways or other openings on the equipment / vessel should be kept open for cross ventilation Lamp to be used in the vessel should be of 24 Volt supply PPE required for personal protection are available at site in good working condition. Employees who will work have knowledge in safe use of PPE and also there limitations. 14
CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT Location and description of confined space: Reason for entry: Permit issued to: Supervisors Name:
Attendants name:
Permit issuers name:
CAUTION Opening in Ground Keep Out !
Emergency Rescuer Continuous Gas Monitor Yes Yes No No
Yes Yes Yes
No No No
Safe Work Permit Permit # Type: (Hot Work, Confined Space, etc. Location:
Valid XX / XX/ XXXX __ AM/PM From: D M Y time XX / XX / XXXX ___ AM/PM to D M Y time
Issued to: _____________________ Work Description: _________________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________________________ Atm. Combustible vapors or gases (< 5 %) Toxic Material Concentration Tests: Any other precautions required: Supervisors Name & Signature 17
Head Injuries from materials falling from overhead surfaces, Rupture of high pressure hydraulic lines used on backhoes, shovels, and drills.
Excessive noise from concrete breaking and cutting equipment, and collapse of excavation walls and piles due to poorly secured soil, sudden weather changes, or other factors
EXCAVATIONS Poorly planned excavations can result in damage to underground services, such as Electrical Lines, Natural Gas Lines, Water Lines, Sewers and Drains. The consequence of damaged service lines is often complete shutdown of operations resulting in major business losses.
Permits are written to prevent damage to underground equipment and services.
Movement of large pieces of equipment, especially while other personnel are working nearby, can result in employee injury.
Abandoned tanks, pipe lines, drums, and vessels may contain hazardous vapors and gases. Permits may be issued to prevent toxic or corrosive exposures to workers when working on abandoned equipment, complementing hot work and confined space permits.
Many processes create noise levels high enough to cause hearing loss. Permit may be issued to reduce noise to acceptable limits, or to provide both construction and other employees with required hearing protection.
Boilers, High Pressure Vessels, Tanks, and Reactors can undergo sudden failure resulting in disastrous consequences. Permits may be issued requiring precautions and equipment to prevent system failures.
Permits may be required where the consequence of noncompliance with fall protection requirements is severe, or where dropped materials may endanger
near energized HT
lines which cannot be shut off.
- The Contractor / Supervisor who is receiving the permit have competency to perform the job safely.
- Is he/she has under stood the work to be done and the potential hazards associated with the job.
Permits must be signed after reviewing the following essential information; (Contd.)
- Essential isolations like Lockout/Tagout, chemical or other isolations as the case may be are done and there is no possibility of accidental intrusion of any energy.
- Standby arrangement of Fire or Rescue team is made wherever required.
To be displayed only where imminent danger or hazard exists. Black Background of the Box, Circles Background RED and Letters in White Colour on a White Colour Card.