Project 2 Update: CS 1412-002 Fall 2011
Project 2 Update: CS 1412-002 Fall 2011
Project 2 Update: CS 1412-002 Fall 2011
Updates to Project 2
Only use srand() once from the main function.
Can call rand() from the class methods
Updates (continued)
Allow 2 answers per question
Both answers must be distinct
Use of <sstream>, <fstream>, and <string> To ID students, their ID # from testTaker[instructor#][section#][student#] is student# + 16 * section# + 64 * instructor# 4 students / section / instructor / key 16 students / section / instructor
Instructor Class
There needs to be counts of the overall correct answers to each question for each instructor And, those counts need to be drilled down per section (i.e. list counts per section)
Course Class
Sums up the counts in the Instructor class. Writes a report at a summary level covering all instructors and sections.