Micriprocessor Interfacing

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MICROPROCESSIRS & INTERFACING ( EC 311 ) UNIT-I Introduction to microcomputers and microprocessors Overview of 8085 p: Architecture,Instruction set,Addressing modes 8086

Microprocessor:Introduction to 8086 p family,internal architecture,system bus structure Addressing modes of 8086,programming 8086 Instruction set descriptions,Assembler directives,Program development steps,writing programs for use with an assembler,ALP development tools,simple programs. UNIT-II Assembly Language programs involving Logical, branch & callinstructions, sorting, evaluation of arithmetic expressions, String manipulation instructions, procedures and macros.8086 pin diagram, Minimum & maximum mode of operation, Timing diagram,8086 interrupts & interrupt responses. UNIT-III An example of minimum mode system:SDK 86,Addressing memory & ports in microcomputer system. Digital interfacing: programmable parallel ports & handshake I/P /O/P,interfacing p to keyboards. Analog interfacing: D/A converter operation,interfacing & applications,A/D converter specifications,types and interfacing. UNIT-IV Programmable peripheral devices: 8237 programmable DMA interface, 8253 programmable interval timer, 8251A programmable communication interface, 8259A PIC, 8279 Keyboard/Display controller, 8275 CRT controller, RS-232C Serial data standard. UNIT-V Introduction to Micro controllers: Introduction to microcontrollers, Microcontroller familiers, Architecture of 8051 micro controller, Register organsisation. Adohering modes, Instruction set, Assemble directives, simple programs on 8051 micro controllers

TEXT BOOKS 1.D.V.Hall Microprocessor And Digital System, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1990. 2.A.K. Ray & K. M Bhurchavdi, Advanced Microprocessors & peripheraos, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company 2002. 3. Mazidi & Mc kinley The 8051 micro controller and embedded systems: using assembles and c, 2nd edition. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.Yu.Cheng Liu & Glenn A Gibson, Microcomputer System, 8086/8088 Family, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1986. 2. Ramesh.S.Gaonkar Microprocessor Architecture ,-Programming & applications with 8085/8080-Penram International-1997. 3.Rafiquzzaman M., "Microprocessor Theory And Applications-Intel And Motorola", PHI, 2002 .

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