TQM 1 - 5 Units Notes

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TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT BA 913 UNIT-1(introduction to quality management) Definition: Total Whole, entire, complete Quality Excellence, class,

ss, meeting expectation Management organising, administering, art of getting things done TQM is defined as both philosophy and a set of guiding principles that represent the foundation of continuously improving organisation. It is the application of quantitative methods and human resources to improve all the process within the organisation and exceed customer needs now and in the future. Total Quality Management is an effective system for integrating the quality development, quality maintenance and quality improvement efforts of various groups in an organization continuously, so as to enable marketing, engineering, production and service at the most economic levels which allow for full customer satisfaction. Historical Review of TQM Industrialisation led to mass production in which it led to the concept of one product at a time to the assembly line of production. Though workmanship was affected but mass production led to more job and reduction in cost of the product and increase in quality, reduction of defects etc. 1924 After WWI, W.A. Sherwat of Bell Telephone statistical chart for the control of various. Concept of sample tests were followed. It was a failure in the initial stages. 1946 ASQC American Society for Quality Control, now ASQ. Frequent meetings, conferences and publications were made to public. 1950 W.Edwards Demings his guidance and lecture to Japan engineers transformed quality concepts in the organisation. His cycle ACT-PLAN-DO-CHECK 1954 Joseph M.Juran Concept of efficient and productive. Juran Trilogy Quality planning Quality Control Quality Improvement 1960 Quality control circles was formed. Zero defects concepts 1970 Reactive approach to proactive approach. Shift from Japan to USA 1980 SPC Statistical Process Control. Concepts of parameter and tolerance. Experiments 1990 Concepts of certification of ISO, CMM etc 2000 six sigma concept - Six Sigma stands for Six Standard Deviations (Sigma is the Greek letter used to represent standard deviation in statistics) from mean. Six Sigma methodology provides the techniques and tools to improve the capability and reduce the defects in any process. TQM Basic Concepts 1. Management Involvement Participate in quality program, develop quality council, direct participation 2. Focus on customer who is the customer internal and external, voice of the customer, do it right first time and every time. 3. Involvement and utilisation of entire work force All levels of management 4. Continuous improvement Quality never stops, placing orders, bill errors, delivery, minimise wastage and scrap etc. 5. Treating suppliers as partners no business exists without suppliers. 6. Performance measures creating accountability in all levels Barriers in TQM Implementation 1. Lack of commitment from top management avoiding training for self and employees, meetings 2. Lack of employee involvement particularly at managerial level, supportive attitude, trust 3. Lack of team work Co-operation and co-ordination within workers. 4. Lack of customer oriented approach Know the customer need, demand, taste, shortcomings 5. Lack of attention to feedback and complaints 6. Supplier control in terms of materials, cost, quality, delivery etc 7. Review quality procedures up gradation, correct past errors. Learn from experience

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Five Pillars of TQM are, Product Process System People Leadership Benefits of TQM : Customer satisfaction oriented benefits : 1. Improvement in product quality 2. Improvement in product design 3. Improvement in production flow 4. Improvement in employee morale and quality consciousness 5. Improvement in product service 6. Improvement in market place acceptance Economic improvement oriented benefits : 1. Reduction in operating costs 2. Reduction in operating losses 3. Reduction in field service costs 4. Reduction in liability exposure Principles of TQM : Visionary leadership Customer-driven excellence Organizational and personal learning Valuing employees and partners Agility Focus on the future Managing for innovation Management by fact Public responsibility Focus of results and creating values Systems perspective Quality When a product or service meets or exceeds expectation considering the intended use and the selling price. Quality = performance / expectation Definition by ISO 9000:2000 It if defined as the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirement. Degree good, excellent, bad Inherent existing, within, natural Requirement need or expectation Dimensions of quality 1. Performance 2. Features 3. Conformance 4. Reliability 5. Durability 6. Service 7. Response 8. Aesthetics 9. Reputation

Fulfilment of primary requirement Additional things that enhance performance Meeting specific standards set by the industry Consistence performance over a period of time Long life and less maintenance Ease of repair, guarantee, and warranty Dealer customer relationship, human interface exteriors, packages Past performance, ranking, branding

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Vision Statement: It is a short declaration of what an organization aspires to be tomorrow. It is the ideal state that might never reached but which you continuously strive to achieve. Example : We will be the preferred provider of safe, reliable, and cost-effective products and services that satisfy the electric-related needs of all customer segments. FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Mission Statement : The mission statements answers the following questions : Who we are ? Who are the customers ? What we do ? and How we do it ? It is the usually a one paragraph statement which describes the function of the organization. It provides a clear statement of purpose for employees, customers and suppliers. Example : To meet customers transportation and distribution needs by being the best at moving their goods on time, safely and damage free. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Quality Policy: The Quality Policy is a guide for everyone in the organization as to how they should provide products and service to the customers. The common characteristics are Quality is first among equals. Meet the needs of the internal and external customers. Equal or exceed the competition. Continually improve the quality. Include business and production practices. Utilize the entire work force Customer perception of quality Before 1988 Performance, Prize and service After 1989 Performance, service and prize ASQ American Society for Quality 1. Performance availability (ready for use), reliability (free from failure), maintainability 2. Features psychological and technical. Added feature along with main usage 3. Service intangible, made up of many small things 4. Warranty Vs guarantee. Customer feels comfortable with this 5. Price value for money, ready to pay at the same time comparative study to be done 6. Reputation Branding merges with quality. Good exp reaches 6 bad reaches 15 Service Quality Shift in focus from manufacturing industry to service industry and the services involved in manufacturing organization. Customer service is the set of activities an organization uses to win, attract and retain customers. It can be provided before, during and after the sale of the product. Elements of customer service Organization 1. Identify each segment where the organization needs to concentrate on quality 2. Write down requirement Proper documentation of quality policy in the form of a handbook 3. Communicate requirements Inform its importance to all levels in the organisation 4. Organize process create a systematic process as it is ongoing and never ending process 5. Organize physical spaces aesthetics, atmosphere, room space, recreation, wifi etc Customer Care Henry Ford The boss just handles the cash it is the customer who pays your salary 1. Meet the customers expectation treat all customers alike, respond quickly 2. Get the customers point of view think in the point of view of a customer 3. Deliver what is promised keep up promise at any cost 4. Make the customer feel valued customer must feel that due respect and importance is given to him 5. Respond to all complaints minimize complaints and eradicate similar and repeated complaints

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6. Over-respond to customer make him feel he is cloud nine 7. Provide clean and comfortable reception area cleanliness, spacious, dress code, weather etc Communication All forms of communication written, verbal, advt, web site must prove quality 1. Optimize trade off between time and personal attention 2. Minimize the number of contact points channels and levels 3. Provide pleasant and knowledgeable enthusiastic employees 4. Write document in customer friendly language simple and point blank Front-line people The people who have first and direct contact or interaction with the customer 1. Hire people who like people train groom them 2. Challenge them to develop better methods small changes in packing, billing etc 3. Give them authority to solve problems give discounts, free gifts etc 4. Serve them as internal customers 5. Make sure they are adequately trained written and oral communication, body language etc 6. Recognize and reward performance - Nordstorm example obsess with the customer Leadership 1. Lead by example spend time with all level, dealers and suppliers. Like having food , using co product 2. Listen to front line people 3. Strive for continuous process improvement Customer Retention - It is the final result of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty - Most cases what customer says or feels may vary from actual consumption or purchase - Customer must refer more customers and increase the revenue - External research must be done to feel the pulse of the customer - Employee retention is proportional customer retention Quality cost: During the 1950s the concept of Quality Cost emerged. Different people assigned different meanings to the term. Some people equated quality cost with the cost of attaining quality; some people equated the term with the extra incurred due to poor quality. But, the widely accepted thing is Quality cost is the extra cost incurred due to poor or bad quality of the product or service. Categories of Quality Cost : Many companies summarize quality costs into four broad categories. They are, a) Internal failure costs - The cost associated with defects that are found prior to transfer of the product to the customer. b) External failure costs - The cost associated with defects that are found after product is shipped to the customer. c) Appraisal costs - The cost incurred in determining the degree of conformance to quality requirement. d) Prevention costs - The cost incurred in keeping failure and appraisal costs to a minimum. Analysis technique for Quality Cost The term "trend analysis" refers to the concept of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or trend, in the information. In some fields of study, the term "trend analysis" has more formally-defined meanings. Although trend analysis is often used to predict future events, it could be used to estimate uncertain events in the past, such as how many ancient kings probably ruled between two dates, based on data such as the average years which other known kings reigned. Pareto Analysis This fact gave rise to the Pareto effect or Paretos law: the vital few and the trivial many. The Pareto effect is named after Vilfredo Pareto, an economist and sociologist who lived from 1848 to 1923. Originally trained as an engineer he was a one time managing director of a group of coalmines. Pareto analysis is a statistical technique in decision making that is used for selection of a limited number of tasks that produce significant overall effect. It uses the Pareto principle - the idea that by doing 20% of work you can generate 80% of the advantage of doing the entire job. Or in terms of quality improvement, a large majority of problems (80%) are produced by a few key causes (20%).

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Pareto analysis is a formal technique useful where many possible courses of action are competing for your attention. In essence, the problem-solver estimates the benefit delivered by each action, then selects a number of the most effective actions that deliver a total benefit reasonably close to the maximal possible one. Use of Pareto principle in prioritizing or ranking a range of items which have different levels of significance. Its objective is to separate the 'vital few' from the 'useful many.' Steps to identify the important causes using Pareto analysis

Step 1: Form a table listing the causes and their frequency as a percentage. Step 2: Arrange the rows in the decreasing order of importance of the causes (i.e, the most important cause first) Step 3: Add a cumulative percentage column to the table Step 4: Plot with causes on x- and cumulative percentage on y-axis Step 5: Join the above points to form a curve Step 6: Plot (on the same graph) a bar graph with causes on x- and percent frequency on y-axis Step 7: Draw line at 80% on y-axis parallel to x-axis. Then drop the line at the point of intersection with the curve on x-axis. This point on the x-axis separates the important causes (on the left) and trivial causes (on the right)

UNIT-2(PRINCIPLES AND PHILOSOPHIES OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT) Demings 14 Points Summarised 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Create constancy of purpose and continual improvement Adopt the new (Japanese) philosophy by management and workers alike. Do not depend on (quality) inspection build quality into the product and process Choose quality suppliers Improve constantly to reduce variation in all aspects Training on the job for workers and management. Leadership not supervision to get people to do a better job, not just meet targets. Eliminate fear encourage two-way communication, encourage employees Break down internal barriers departments are internal customers Eliminate slogans (exhortations) processes make mistakes not people. Eliminate numerical targets management by objectives not numbers Remover barriers to worker satisfaction including annual appraisals Encourage self improvement and education for all Everyone is responsible for continual improvement in quality and productivity particularly top management

PDCA Cycle PLAN > DO > CHECK > ACT The PDCA (or PDSA) Cycle was originally conceived by Walter Shewhart in 1930's, and later adopted by W. Edwards Deming. The model provides a framework for the improvement of a process or system. It can be used to guide the entire improvement project It can be used to develop specific projects once target improvement areas have been identified. Plan - a change or a test, aimed at improvement. In this phase, analyze what you intend to improve, looking for areas that hold opportunities for change. The first step is to choose areas that offer the most return for the effort you put in-the biggest bang for your buck. To identify these areas for change consider using a Flow chart or Pareto chart Do - Carry out the change or test (preferably on a small scale). Implement the change you decided on in the plan phase. Document the procedure and observation

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Use tools to collect information Check or Study - the results. What was learned? What went wrong? This is a crucial step in the PDCA cycle. After you have implemented the change for a short time, you must determine how well it is working. Is it really leading to improvement in the way you had hoped? You must decide on several measures with which you can monitor the level of improvement. Run Charts can be helpful with this measurement. Act - Adopt the change, abandon it, or run the cycle again. After planning a change, implementing and then monitoring it, you must decide whether it is worth continuing that particular change. If it consumed too much of your time, was difficult to adhere to, or even led to no improvement, you may consider aborting the change and planning a new one. However, if the change led to a desirable improvement or outcome, you may consider expanding the trial to a different area, or slightly increasing your complexity. This sends you back into the Plan phase and can be the beginning of the Ramp of Improvement. Juran Trilogy The Trilogy consists of three sequential and logical groups of activities: Quality Planning Quality Control Quality Improvement All three processes are universal Applied to a particular process Performed by top management or by middle management Juran Trilogy: A systematic and comprehensive system for break-through quality improvements Quality Defined: meet customer needs and freedom from deficiencies Trilogy Components Quality Planning discover customer needs and deficiencies and design adequate processes Quality Control -- compare actual performance to goals and take action on the differences Quality Improvement -- the attainment of unprecedented levels of performance Cause-and-Effect Diagrams - 1943 by Mr. Kaoru Ishikawa at the University of Tokyo Purpose: One important part of process improvement is continuously striving to obtain more information about the process and it's output. Cause-and-effect diagrams allow us to do not just that, but also can lead us to the root cause, or causes, of problems.

Constructing the Cause-and-Effect Diagram: Step 1: Select the team members and a leader. Team members knowledgeable about the quality. Team members focus on the problem under investigation. Step 2: Write the problem statement on the right hand side of the page, and draw a box around it with an arrow running to it. This quality concern is now the effect.

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Step 3: Brain-storming. The team members generate ideas as to what is causing the effect. Step 4: This step could be combined with step 3. Identify, for each main cause, its related sub-causes that might affect our quality concern or problem (our Effect). Always check to see if all the factors contributing to the problem have been identified. Start by asking why the problem exists. Step 5: Focus on one or two causes for which an improvement action(s) can be developed using other quality tools such as Pareto charts, check sheets, and other gathering and analysis tools. Conclusion: Improvement requires knowledge. The more information we have about our processes the better we are at improving them. Cause-and-effect diagrams are one quality tool that is simple yet very powerful in helping us better understand our processes Ten Principles of Customer/Supplier Relationship 1. Customer and supplier fully responsible for quality control 2. Customer and supplier must be independent and interdependent 3. The customer must provide clear information to the supplier 4. Proper understanding in quality, quantity, price, delivery and payments 5. Supplier must satisfy the customer need 6. Both must accept the evaluation in terms of quality and service 7. Contracts must be signed so the disputes can be settled amicably 8. Both must have exchange of information to improve quality and service 9. Both should strive for mutual satisfaction and good relationship 10. Both should think in the shoes of the end user. Partnering Benefits 1. Improved Quality 2. Increase efficiency 3. Lower cost 4. Increase the opportunity for innovation 5. Continuous improvement of product and service Key Elements in Partnering 1. Long-term commitment 2. Trust 3. Shared vision CONTRIBUTIONS OF CROSBY: Crosby's approach to quality was unambiguous. In his view, good, bad, high, and low quality are meaningless concepts in the abstract; the meaning of quality is "conformance to requirements." What that means is that a product should conform to the requirements that the company has itselfestablished based on its customers' needs. He also believed, that the prime responsibility for poor quality lies with management, not with the workers. Management sets the tone for thequality initiative from the top. Nonconforming products are ones that management has failed to specify or control. The cost of nonconformance equals the cost of not doing it right first time, and not rooting out any defects in processes. "Zero defects" does not mean that people never make mistakes, but that companies should notbegin with "allowances" or substandard targets with mistakes as an inbuilt expectation. Instead,work should be seen as a series of activities or processes, defined by clear requirements andcarried out to produce identified outcomes. Systems that allow things to go wrong and thatresult in those things having to be done again can cost organizations between 20% and 35% of their revenues, in Crosby's estimation. His seminal approach to quality was set out in Quality is Free, and is often summarized as the "Fourteen Steps." 1. Management commitment it: the need for quality improvement must be recognized and accepted by management, who then draw up a quality improvement program with an emphasis on the need for defect prevention. Quality improvement equates to profit improvement. A quality policy is needed which states that "...each individual is expected to perform exactly like the requirement or cause the requirement to be officially changed to what we and the customer

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really need." 2. The quality improvement team: representatives from each department or function should be brought together to form a quality improvement team. Its members should be people who have sufficient authority to commit the area they represent to action. 3. Quality measurement: the status of quality should be determined throughout the company. This means establishing and recording quality measures for each area of activity in order to show where improvement is possible and where corrective action is necessary. Crosbyadvocated delegation of this task to the people who actually do the job, thus setting the stagefor defect prevention on the job, where it really counts. 4. The cost of quality evaluation: the cost of quality is not an absolute performance measurement, but an indication of where the action necessary to correct a defect will result in greater profitability. 5. Quality awareness: this involves making employees aware of the cost to the company of defects, through training and information, and the provision of visible evidence of the results of a concern for quality improvement. Crosby stresses that this sharing process is a key, or even the key, step in the progress of an organization toward quality. 6. Corrective action: discussion of problems will result in the finding of solutions and also bring to light other elements that are in need of improvement. People need to see that problems are regularly being resolved. Corrective action should then become a habit. 7. Establishing an ad hoc committee for the zero defects program: zero defects is not a motivation program: its purpose is to communicate and instill the notion that everyone should do things right first time. 8. Supervisor training: all managers should undergo formal training on the Fourteen Steps before they are implemented. Managers should understand each of the Fourteen Steps well enough to be able to explain them to their people. 9. Zero defects day: it is important that the commitment to zero defects as the performance standard of the company makes an impact, and that everyone gets the same message in the same way. Zero defects day, when supervisors explain the program to their people, should make a lasting impression as a "new attitude" day. 10. Goal setting: all supervisors ask their people to establish specific, measurable goals that they can strive for. Usually, these comprise 30-, 60-, and 90-day goals. 11. Error cause removal: employees are asked to describe, on a simple, one-page form, any problems that prevent them from carrying out error-free work. Problems should be acknowledged and begin to be addressed within 24 hours by the function or unit to which th begin to grow more confident that their problems will be attended to and dealt with. 12. Recognition: it is important to recognize those who meet their goals or perform outstanding acts with a prize or award, although this should not be in financial form. The act of recognition itself is what is important. 13. Quality councils: the quality professionals and team leaders should meet regularly to discuss improvements and upgrades to the quality program. 14. Doing it over again: during the course of a typical program lasting from 12 to 18 months, turnover and change will dissipate much of the educational process. It is important to set up a new team of representatives and begin the program again from the beginning, starting with zero defects day. This "starting over again" helps quality to become ingrained in the organization CROSBYS four absolutes of quality: 1. The definition of quality is conformance to requirements. 2. The system of quality is prevention. 3. The performance standard is zero defects. 4. The measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance CONTRIBUTIONS OF MASAAKI IMAI: Masaaki Imai is Founder of KAIZEN Institute (KI), which was established in Switzerland (1985) to help companies introduce KAIZEN concepts, systems, and tools. KI (also now known as KAIZEN Institute Consulting Group- KICG) has offices in over 30 countries around the globe. Over the last 30+ years, Mr. Imai has held lectures on KAIZEN, Lean and other related management subjects, as well as having

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consulted with global companies (outside of Japan) and assisting them in their process of introducing change and continual improvement. KAIZEN Institute dispatches both local and global consultants, who are corporate managers and academics and considered experts in the various technicalities of KAIZEN, to various assignments to work closely with the local KAIZEN consultants. Mr. Imais role has been oneof integrating various KAIZEN management practices, such as Just-in-time, TQM, and TPM,into the cultural environment of client companies. KAIZEN Institute regularly sponsors KAIZEN Tours, within Japan, Europe and other strategic locations where best practices can be found. . Kaizen is defined as making continuous improvement - slow, incremental but constant. Western way of pragmatic approach why-fix-it-if-it-aint-broke Kaizen extends a more optimistic philosophical view: Everythingeven if it aint brokecan be made better! "kai > Means "change" or "the action to correct" "zen > means "good Importance is given to the process not the results, as Japanese believe that good process will deliver good results. CONTRIBUTION OF FEIGENBAUM: Armand Vallin Feigenbaum (born 1922) is an American quality control expert and businessman. He devised the concept of Total Quality Control, later known as Total Quality Management (TQM). Feigenbaum received a bachelor's degree from Union College, and his master's degree and Ph.D. from MIT. He was Director of Manufacturing Operations at General Electric (1958-1968), and is now President and CEO of General Systems Company of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, an engineering firm that designs and installs operational systems. Feigenbaum wrote several books and served as President of the American Society for Quality (1961-1963). His contributions to the quality body of knowledge include:

"Total quality control is an effective system for integrating the quality development, quality maintenance, and quality improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization so as to enable production and service at the most economical levels which allow full customer satisfaction." The concept of a "hidden" plantthe idea that so much extra work is performed in correcting mistakes that there is effectively a hidden plant within any factory. Accountability for quality: Because quality is everybody's job, it may become nobody's jobthe idea that quality must be actively managed and have visibility at the highest levels of management. The concept of quality costs

TAGUCHIS CONTRIBUTION: Genichi Taguchi is a Japanese quality expert, known for the Quality Loss Function and for methodologies to optimise quality at the design stage robust design. Taguchi received formal recognition for his work including Deming Prizes and Awards. Genichi Taguchi considers quality loss all the way through to the customer, including cost of scrap, rework, downtime, warranty claims and ultimately reduced market share. Genichi Taguchi's Quality Loss Function The Quality Loss Function gives a financial value for customers' increasing dissatisfaction as the product performance goes below the desired target performance. Equally, it gives a financial value for increasing costs as product performance goes above the desired target performance. Determining the target performance is an educated guess, often based on customer surveys and feedback.

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The quality loss function allows financial decisions to be made at the design stage regarding the cost of achieving the target performance. Quality through Robust Design Methodology Taguchi methods emphasised quality through robust design, not quality through inspection. Taguchi breaks the design process into three stages: 1. System design - involves creating a working prototype 2. Parameter design - involves experimenting to find which factors influence product performance most 3. Tolerance design - involves setting tight tolerance limits for the critical factors and looser tolerance limits for less important factors. Taguchis Robust Design methodologies allow the designer through experiments to determine which factors most affect product performance and which factors are unimportant. The designer can focus on reducing variation on the important or critical factors. Unimportant or uncontrollable noise factors have negligible impact on the product performance and can be ignored. Robust Design of Cookies This is easier explained by example. If your business makes cookies from raw ingredients, there are many possible factors that could influence the quality of the cookie - amount of flour, number of eggs, temperature of butter, heat of oven, cooking time, baking tray material etc. With Genichi Taguchis Robust Design methodologies you would set up experiments that would test a range of combinations of factors - for example, high and low oven temperature, with long and short cooking time, 1 or 2 eggs, etc. The cookies resulting from each of these trials would be assessed for quality. A statistical analysis of results would tell you which the most important factors are, for example oven temperature affects cookie quality more than the number of eggs. With this knowledge you would design a process that ensures the oven maintains the optimal temperature and you would be able to consistently produce good cookies. 5S PRINCIPLES: The 5S framework was originally developed by just-in-time expert and international consultant Hiroyuki Hirano. The 5S framework is an extension of Hirano's earlier works on just-in-time production systems. The 5Ss represent a simple "good housekeeping" approach to improving the work environment consistent with the tenets of Lean Manufacturing System. It promotes daily activity for continuous improvement. It fosters efficiency and productivity while improving work flow. It encourages a proactive approach that prevents problems and waste before they occur. It provides a practical method for dealing with the real problems that workers face every day. And it fits with a facility's other efforts, such as total preventive maintenance, just-in-time manufacturing, pollution prevention, safety initiatives, and lean manufacturing efforts. SEIRI / SORT / CLEANUP: The first step of the "5S" process, Seiri, refers to the act of throwing away all unwanted, unnecessary, and unrelated materials in the workplace. People involved in Seiri must not feel sorry about having to throw away things. The idea is to ensure that everything left in the workplace is related to work. Even the number of necessary items in the workplace must be kept to its absolute minimum.

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There are two main objectives of Seiri; first is the simplification of tasks and effective use of space. In performing Seiri, this simple guideline is a must: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Separate needed items from unneeded items. Remove unneeded items from working areas. Discard the items never used. Store items not Item not needed now. Remove all excess items from working areas, including work pieces, supplies, personal items, tools, instruments, and equipment. Use red tag to get rid of unneeded items. Store items needed by most people in a common storage area. Store items only needed by each individual in his/her own working area. Organize working / storage area.

SEITON / SET IN ORDER / ARRANGING: Seiton, or orderliness, is all about efficiency. This step consists of putting everything in an assigned place so that it can be accessed or retrieved quickly, as well as returned in that same place quickly. If everyone has quick access to an item or materials, work flow becomes efficient, and the worker becomes productive. Every single item must be allocated its own place for safekeeping, and each location must be labeled for easy identification of what it's for. Its objective includes; the needed items can be easily found, stored and retrieved, supports efficiency and productivity, First-in first-out (FIFO), and save space and time. In performing Seiton, follow these guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A place for everything and everything in its place. Place tools and instructional manual close to the point of use. Store similar items together. Different items in separate rows. Don't stack items together. Use rack or shelf if possible. Use small bins to organize small items. Use color for quickly identifying items. Clearly label each item and its storage areas (lead to visibility). Use see-through cover or door for visibility. Use special designed cart to organize tools, jigs, measuring devices, etc., that are needed for each particular machine.

SEISO / SHINE / NEATNESS Seiso, the third step in "5S", says that 'everyone is a janitor.' Seiso consists of cleaning up the workplace and giving it a 'shine'. Cleaning must be done by everyone in the organization, from operators to managers. It would be a good idea to have every area of the workplace assigned to a person or group of persons for cleaning. Seiso is not just cleaning, but a whole attitude that includes ensuring everything is in perfect condition. Everyone should see the 'workplace' through the eyes of a visitor - always thinking if it is clean enough to make a good impression. Its objective includes; cleanliness ensures a more comfortable and safe working place, cleanliness will lead to visibility so as to reduce search time and cleanliness ensures a higher quality of work and products. Follow these guidelines in performing Seiso: 1. Use dust collecting covers or devices to prevent possible dirt or reduce the amount of dirt.

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2. Investigating the causes of dirtiness and implement a plan to eliminate the sources of dirt. 3. Cover around cords, legs of machines and tables such that dirt can be easily and quickly removed. 4. Operators clean their own equipment and working area and perform basic preventive maintenance. 5. Keep everything clean for a constant state of readiness. SEIKETSU / SYSTEMIZE / DISCIPLINE: The fourth step of "5S", or seiketsu, more or less translates to 'standardized clean-up'. It consists of defining the standards by which personnel must measure and maintain 'cleanliness'. Seiketsu encompasses both personal and environmental cleanliness. Personnel must therefore practice 'seiketsu' starting with their personal tidiness. Visual management is an important ingredient of seiketsu. Colorcoding and standardized coloration of surroundings are used for easier visual identification of anomalies in the surroundings. Personnel are trained to detect abnormalities using their five senses and to correct such abnormalities immediately. The guidelines include: 1. Removing used, broken, or surplus items from the work area 2. Making safety a prime requirement by paying attention to noise, fumes, lighting, cables, spills, and other aspects of the workplace environment 3. Checking that items are where they should be 4. Listening to the "voice" of the process and being alert to things such as unusual noises 5. Ensuring that there is a place for everything and that everything is in its place 6. Wearing safe working apparel and using safe equipment 7. Minimizing all waste and the use of valuable resources such as oil, air, steam, water, and electricity

SHITSUKE / SUSTAIN / ON-GOING IMPROVEMENT: The last step of "5S", Shitsuke, means 'Discipline.' It denotes commitment to maintain orderliness and to practice the first 4 S as a way of life. The emphasis of shitsuke is elimination of bad habits and constant practice of good ones. Once true shitsuke is achieved, personnel voluntarily observe cleanliness and orderliness at all times, without having to be reminded by management. The characteristic of 5S tends to overlap significantly rather than cover very different subjects. Rather than worry about what fits into Seiri and what fits into Seiton, use them to reinforce each other and implement the whole thing. QUALITY CIRCLE Quality Circle is a small group of 6 to 12 employees doing similar work who voluntarily meet together on a regular basis to identify improvements in their respective work areas using proven techniques for analysing and solving work related problems coming in the way of achieving and sustaining excellence leading to mutual upliftment of employees as well as the organisation. It is "a way of capturing the creative and innovative power that lies within the work force". CONCEPT The concept of Quality Circle is primarily based upon recognition of the value of the worker as a human being, as someone who willingly activises on his job, his wisdom, intelligence, experience, attitude and feelings. It is based upon the human resource management considered as one of the key factors in the improvement of product quality & productivity. Quality Circle concept has three major attributes:

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a. Quality Circle is a form of participation management. b. Quality Circle is a human resource development technique. c. Quality Circle is a problem solving technique. OBJECTIVE The objectives of Quality Circles are multi-faced. a) Change in Attitude. From "I dont care" to "I do care" Continuous improvement in quality of work life through humanisation of work. b) Self Development Bring out Hidden Potential of people People get to learn additional skills. c) Development of Team Spirit Individual Vs Team "I could not do but we did it" Eliminate inter departmental conflicts. d) Improved Organisational Culture Positive working environment. Total involvement of people at all levels. Higher motivational level. Participate Management process. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE A Quality Circle has an appropriate organisational structure for its effective and efficient performance. It varies from industry to industry, organisation to organisation. But it is useful to have a basic framework as a model. The structure of a Quality Circle consists of the following elements. i. A steering committee: This is at the top of the structure. It is headed by a senior executive and includes representatives from the top management personnel and human resources development people. It establishes policy, plans and directs the program and meets usually once in a month. Co-ordinator: He may be a Personnel or Administrative officer who co-ordinates and supervises the work of the facilitators and administers the programme. Facilitator: He may be a senior supervisory officer. He co-ordiates the works of several quality circles through the Circle leaders. Circle leader: Leaders may be from lowest level workers or Supervisors. A Circle leader organises and conducts Circle activities. Circle members : They may be staff workers. Without circle members the porgramme cannot exist. They are the lifeblood of quality circles. They should attend all meetings as far as possible, offer suggestions and ideas, participate actively in group process, take training seriously with a receptive attitude.The roles of Steering Committee, Co0rdinator, Facilitator, Circle leader and Circle members are well defined.

ii. iii. iv. v.

The Quality Circles also are expected to develop internal leadership, reinforce worker morale and motivation, and encourage a strong sense of teamwork in an organisation. A variety of benefits have been attributed to Quality Circles, including higher quality, improved productivity, greater upward flow of information, broader improved worker attitudes, job enrichment, and greater teamwork.

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Problem quality circles often suffer from unrealistic expectations for fast results, lock of management commitment and support, resistance by middle management, resentment by non participants, inadequate training, lack of clear objectives and failure to get solutions implemented 8D Methodology 8D is a problem-solving methodology for product and process improvement. It is structured into eight disciplines, emphasizing team synergy. The team as whole is better and smarter than the quality sum of the individuals. Each discipline is supported by a checklist of assessment questions, such as "what is wrong with what", "what, when, where, how much 1. Use Team Approach Establish a small group of people with the knowledge, time, authority and skill to solve the problem and implement corrective actions. The group must select a team leader. 2. Describe the Problem Describe the problem in measurable terms. Specify the internal or external customer problem by describing it in specific terms. 3. Implement and Verify Short-Term Corrective Actions Define and implement those intermediate actions that will protect the customer from the problem until permanent corrective action is implemented. Verify with data the effectiveness of these actions. 4. Define and Verify Root Causes Identify all potential causes which could explain why the problem occurred. Test each potential cause against the problem description and data. Identify alternative corrective actions to eliminate root cause. 5. Verify Corrective Actions Confirm that the selected corrective actions will resolve the problem for the customer and will not cause undesirable side effects. Define other actions, if necessary, based on potential severity of problem. 6. Implement Permanent Corrective Actions Define and implement the permanent corrective actions needed. Choose on-going controls to insure the root cause is eliminated. Once in production, monitor the long-term effects and implement additional controls as necessary. 7. Prevent Recurrence Modify specifications, update training, review work flow, improve practices and procedures to prevent recurrence of this and all similar problems. 8. Congratulate Your Team UNIT-3(STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL AND PROCESS CAPABILITY) Definition of Statistical Process Control (SPC) : A method of monitoring, controlling and, ideally, improving a process through statistical analysis. Its four basic steps include measuring the process, eliminating variances in the process to make it consistent, monitoring the process, and improving the process to its best target value. Control Charts: Control charts, also known as Shewhart charts or process-behaviour charts, in statistical process control are tools used to determine whether or not a manufacturing or business process is in a state of statistical control. A control chart is a statistical tool used to distinguish between variation in a process resulting from common causes and variation resulting from special causes. It presents a graphic display of process stability or instability over time. Every process has variation. Some variation may be the result of causes which are not normally present in the process. This could be special cause variation. Some variation is simply the result of numerous, ever-present differences in the process. This is common cause variation. Control Charts differentiate between these two types of variation.

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One goal of using a Control Chart is to achieve and maintain process stability. Process stability is defined as a state in which a process has displayed a certain degree of consistency in the past and is expected to continue to do so in the future. . There are two main categories of Control Charts, those that display attribute data, and those that display variables data. Attribute Data: This category of Control Chart displays data that result from counting the number of occurrences or items in a single category of similar items or occurrences. These count data may be expressed as pass/fail, yes/no, or presence/absence of a defect. Variables Data: This category of Control Chart displays values resulting from the measurement of a continuous variable. Examples of variables data are elapsed time, temperature, and radiation dose. A control chart consists of:

Points representing a statistic (e.g., a mean, range, proportion) of measurements of a quality characteristic in samples taken from the process at different times [the data] The mean of this statistic using all the samples is calculated (e.g., the mean of the means, mean of the ranges, mean of the proportions) A center line is drawn at the value of the mean of the statistic The standard error (e.g., standard deviation/sqrt(n) for the mean) of the statistic is also calculated using all the samples Upper and lower control limits (sometimes called "natural process limits") that indicate the threshold at which the process output is considered statistically 'unlikely' are drawn typically at 3 standard errors from the center line

Types of charts Chart and R chart and s chart p-chart np-chart c-chart u-chart Process observation Quality characteristic measurement within one subgroup Quality characteristic measurement within one subgroup Fraction nonconforming within one subgroup Number nonconforming within one subgroup Number of nonconformances within one subgroup Nonconformances per unit within one subgroup Process observations relationships Independent Independent Independent Independent Independent Independent Process observations type Variables Variables Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes

Construction of control chart for variables: Step 1 - Determine the data to be collected. Decide what questions about the process you plan to answer. Refer to the Data Collection module for information on how this is done. Step 2 - Collect and enter the data by subgroup. A subgroup is made up of variables data that represent a characteristic of a product produced by a process. The sample size relates to how large the subgroups are. STEP 3 - Calculate and enter the average for each subgroup. Use the formula below to calculate the average (mean) for each subgroup and enter it on the line labeled Average in the data collection section

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Step 4 - Calculate and enter the range for each subgroup. Use the following formula to calculate the range (R) for each subgroup. Step 5 - Calculate the grand mean of the subgroups average. The grand mean of the subgroups average (X-Bar) becomes the centerline for the upper plot. Step 6 - Calculate average of subgroup ranges Step 7 - Calculate UCL and LCL for subgroup averages Step 8 - Calculate UCL for ranges Step 9 - Select scales and plot Step 10 - Document the chart Control Charts for attributes When the quality controls have to focus on a quality characteristic hard or expensive to measure on a numerical scale, the control chart for attributes are a useful alternative. Attributes concern quality characteristics which are able to be classified in two types, conform and not conform to specifications. What is called nonconforming means that the unit controlled is not conformed to standard on one or more of examined quality characteristics. The goal of control charts for variable is still to control mean and variability of a process but here, we focus of number of nonconforming units or nonconformities in a population. Three types of charts exist. Their use depends on the production (which quality characteristic to control, how many to examine), the characteristic of controls (constant or variable sample size): The p-chart: it is a control chart for fraction nonconforming The c-chart: it is a control chart for number of defects or nonconformities The u-chart: it is a control chart for number of nonconformities per unit It is so to choose the best adapted control chart to the production. The p-chart: Control chart for fraction nonconforming The focus of the chart is the ratio of the number of nonconforming units in a population over the total number of units in this population. This fraction is called p.

where p : fraction of nonconforming D : number of nonconforming units in the ith sample n : sample size of the ith sample In general, m samples of n units are tested but the sample size can be either constant or variable. In
the following, we study both cases. 1. For a constant sample size Mathematical notions If the sample size is constant, the formula for the value plotted on the p-chart is:


Di ni

Di n The central line and control limits are computed as shown bellow: pi

Central line

i 1



UCL p 3

p (1 p)

LCL p 3

p (1 p ) n Einstein College of Engineering

To construct the p-chart, we plot the fraction nonconforming for each sample. The c-chart: Control chart for number of nonconformities observed The focus of the chart is the number of nonconformities in a population. This number is called c and is directly plotted on a c-chart. In this case again, m samples of n units are controlled and the sample size can be constant or not. For a constant sample size Mathematical notions The central line and control limits are computed as shown bellow:

Central line

i 1


UCL c 3 c
LCL c 3 c

The u-chart: Control chart for number of nonconformities per unit

The u- chart is often used for controls where the sample size is variable. It consists plotting the number of nonconformities per unit tested.


xi ni

where u : average nonconformities per unit x : number of total nonconformities in a sample n : sample size

Mathematical notions Here are formulas for control chart characteristics:


Central line

i 1 i m i 1

xi ni


UCL u 3

u ni

LCL u 3

u ni

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Process Capability: Process capability can be defined as the ability of a process to produce more uniform products with little variations. Process capability compares the output of an in-control process to the specification limits by using capability indices. The comparison is made by forming the ratio of the spread between the process specifications (the specification "width") to the spread of the process values, as measured by 6 process standard deviation units (the process "width"). Six Sigma concepts: Six Sigma has evolved over the last two decades and so has its definition. Six Sigma has literal, conceptual, and practical definitions. Features that set Six Sigma apart from previous quality improvement initiatives include A clear focus on achieving measurable and quantifiable financial returns from any project. An increased emphasis on strong and passionate management leadership and support. A special infrastructure of "Champions," "Master Black Belts," "Black Belts," etc. to lead and implement the Six Sigma approach. A clear commitment to making decisions on the basis of verifiable data, rather than assumptions and guesswork. At Motorola University, we think about Six Sigma at three different levels: As a metric As a methodology As a management system Essentially, Six Sigma is all three at the same time. Six Sigma as a Metric The term "Sigma" is often used as a scale for levels of "goodness" or quality. Using this scale, "Six Sigma" equates to 3.4 Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO). Six Sigma started as a defect reduction effort in manufacturing and then applied to other business processes for the same purpose. Taking the 1.5 sigma shift into account, short-term sigma levels correspond to the following long-term DPMO values (one-sided): One Sigma = 690,000 DPMO => efficiency 31% Two Sigma = 308,000 DPMO => efficiency 69.2% Three Sigma = 66,800 DPMO => efficiency 93.32% Four Sigma = 6,210 DPMO => efficiency 99.379% Five Sigma = 230 DPMO => efficiency 99.977% Six Sigma = 3.4 DPMO => efficiency 99.9997% Six Sigma as a Methodology As Six Sigma has evolved, there has been less emphasis on the literal definition of 3.4 DPMO, or counting defects in products and processes. Six Sigma is a business improvement methodology that focuses an organization on: Understanding and managing customer requirements Aligning key business processes to achieve those require][plkvcments Utilizing rigorous data analysis to minimize variation in those processes Driving rapid and sustainable improvement to business processes At the heart of the methodology is the DMAIC model for process improvement. DMAIC is commonly used by Six Sigma project teams and is an acronym for: DMAIC - The basic methodology consists of the following five steps: Define process improvement goals that are consistent with customer demands and the enterprise strategy. Measure key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data. Analyze the data to verify cause-and-effect relationships. Determine what the relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered. Improve or optimize the process based upon data analysis using techniques like Design of Experiments.

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Control to ensure that any deviations from target are corrected before they result in defects. Set up pilot runs to establish process capability, move on to production, set up control mechanisms and continuously monitor the process.

Total Productive Maintenance Total = Overall features for production Productive = production of goods and services that meet expectation Maintenance = Keeping the equipments and plant as good as new and working condition Goals of TPM Maintaining and Improving equipment capacity Maintaining equipment for longer life Using support from all areas of operation Encouraging input from all employees Continuous improvement Improvement needs Machines expected to fail at one point or another minimise that risk Employees who use and work that machine give the first hand information

Six major loss areas in terms of time Downtime loss 1. Planned i) start ups ii) Shift change iii) tea / lunch breaks iv) planned maintenance 2. Unplanned i) Equipment breakdown ii) changeovers iii)lack of materials 3. Idling and minor stoppages 4. Slow downs 5. Process change 6. Scraps Calculating Equipment Effectiveness Downtime loss measured by equipment availability A = (T/P) X 100 A availability, T operating time (P D), P Planned operation time D- Downtime Performance efficiency E = (CXN/T) X 100 E Performance efficiency, C Theoretical cycle time, N Processed amount (qty) Rate of quality products R = (N-Q/N)X 100 R Rate of quality products, N = Processed amount Q nonconformities


Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a way of making the 'voice of the customer' heard throughout an organization. It is a systematic process for capturing customer requirements and translating these into requirements that must be met throughout the 'supply chain'. The result is a new set of target values for designers, production people, and even suppliers to aim at in order to produce the output desired by customers. QFD is particularly valuable when design trade-offs are necessary to achieve the best overall solution, e.g. because some requirements conflict with others. QFD also enables a great deal of information to be summarized in the form of one or more charts. These charts capture customer and product data

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gleaned from many sources, as well as the design parameters chosen for the new product. In this way they provide a solid foundation for further improvement in subsequent design cycles. QFD is sometimes referred to by other 'nicknames' - the voice of the customer (from its use as a way of communicating customer needs), or the House of Quality (from the characteristic house shape of a QFD chart). History The creation of QFD is generally attributed to Mitsubishi's Kobe shipyard in Japan. The original approach, conceived in the late 1960's, was adopted and developed by other Japanese companies, notably Toyota and its suppliers. In 1986 a study by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) revealed that 54% of 148 member companies surveyed were using QFD. The sectors with the highest penetration of QFD were transportation (86%), construction (82%), electronics (63%), and precision machinery (66%). Many of the service companies surveyed (32%) were also using QFD. Specific design applications in Japan range from home appliances and clothing to retail outlets and apartment layouts. In the USA the first serious exponents of QFD were the 'big three' automotive manufacturers in the 1980's, and a few leading companies in other sectors such as electronics. However, the uptake of QFD in the Western world appears to have been fairly slow. There has been no survey comparable to the JUSE study regarding the spread of QFD in North America, and there are relatively few sources of literature and case studies, compared with other methodologies such as Benchmarking. There is also some reluctance among users of QFD to publish and share information - much more so than with other quality-related methodologies. This may be because the data captured and the decisions made using QFD usually relate to future product plans, and are therefore sensitive, proprietary, and valuable to competitors. Benefits of QFD The main 'process' benefits of using QFD are: improved communication and sharing of information within a cross-functional team charged with developing a new product. This team will typically include people from a variety of functional groups, such as marketing, sales, service, distribution, product engineering, process engineering, procurement, and production the identification of 'holes' in the current knowledge of the design team the capture and display of a wide variety of important design information in one place in a compact form support for understanding, consensus, and decision making, especially when complex relationships and trade-offs are involved the creation of an informational base which is valuable for repeated cycles of product improvement The main 'bottom line' benefits of using QFD are: greater likelihood of product success in the marketplace, due to the precise targeting of key customer requirements reduced overall design cycle time, mainly due to a reduction in time-consuming design changes. This is a powerful benefit: customer requirements are less likely to have changed since the beginning of the design project; and more frequent design cycles mean that products can be improved more rapidly than the competition reduced overall cost due to reducing design changes, which are not only time consuming but very costly, especially those which occur at a late stage. reduced product cost by eliminating redundant features and over-design. When to use QFD QFD is a powerful tool that leads to significant improvements in product/process performances. However, it is not a short-term answer to product development problems. The method on which QFD is implemented may have a large impact on benefits derived and companies should take up QFD only after getting the consent and commitment of the team members. QFD provides a systematic approach to build a team perspective on what needs to be done, the best ways to do it, the best order to accomplish the tasks proposed and the staffing and resources required to enhance customer satisfaction. It is also a good format for capturing and recording/documenting decision making. Applied through the Kaizen philosophy under Total Quality Control, QFD is the most highly developed form of integrated product and process development in existence. Strengths and weaknesses of QFD

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Strengths include: 1. Enhanced customer satisfaction Listening to the voice of the customer Robust design 2. Shorter time to market Reduced rework during development Creates team consensus and commitment 3. Reduced costs Competitive benchmarking Concurrent Engineering Weaknesses Targets set based only on the House of Quality, may be unrealistic Customer requirements are a mix of functional requirements and customer attributes Sometimes customer influences may backfire Success with QFD Companies using QFD for product development have on the average, experienced: 50% reduction in costs 33% reduction in product development time 200% increase in productivity Companies that have successfully applied QFD include Toyota, Honda, ICI, Black & Decker, Integrated Design Control Systems and Rover. QFD House of Quality MEANING: The voice of the customer from the market research and various benchmarking is linked to the technicalities of the design and process of the product both new and existing. DEFINITION: It is kind of conceptual map that provides a means of interfunctional planning and communication. FEATURES: - Concept of matrix and its correlation - Plan as per the voice of the customer - Focus on Customers need and technicalities - WHAT the Customer wants and HOW to do it - It is base tool for quality planning managers WHAT - Customer requirement and priority HOW Technical description and priority Relationship with WHAT and HOW the main area Interrelationships Roof the cause of concern and importance

Step I List customer requirement WHAT Decide Primary and secondary needs of the customer Step II List technical descriptions HOW Again primary and secondary is decided Primary Material and Process Subdividing materials and process required Here current materials and process must be considered Step III Relation ship matrix between WHAT & HOW The crucial stage Relating WHAT & HOW Interlinking both primary and secondary No scope for variation Points and grading is done here Gives results of WHAT and HOW Key elements are discussed The Management decides the combination

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Costing and current process must be considered Step IV Interrelation matrix between HOWs The materials and manufacturing is analyzed Ratings are done Enables the decisions in the process Current process to be considered Technical knowledge is a must for the analyst Step V Our product with others Analyzing competitors products customer expectation Difficult to get data Mismatch in requirements is possible Helps in identifying customer trend Step VI Technical Competitive assessment Analyzing how the similar companies are handling To what they give importance. Impact on technical process to meet the customers request. Step VII Prioritize Technical Descriptors Degree of technical difficulty Most needed change is decided Target value Physical attributes to be considered

House of Quality Benefits Orderly way of obtaining information Shorter product development cycle Considerably reduced start up cost

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Fewer engineering changes Reduces design process Leads to teamwork Consensus decision Everything is preserved in writing Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is a procedure for analysis of potential failure modes within a system for the classification by severity or determination of the failures' effect upon the system. It is widely used in the manufacturing industries in various phases of the product life cycle and is now increasingly finding use in the service industry as well. Failure causes are any errors or defects in process, design, or item especially ones that affect the customer, and can be potential or actual. Effects analysis refers to studying the consequences of those failures. Step 1: Severity Determine all failure modes based on the functional requirements and their effects. Examples of failure modes are: Electrical short-circuiting, corrosion or deformation. It is important to note that a failure mode in one component can lead to a failure mode in another component. Therefore each failure mode should be listed in technical terms and for function. Hereafter the ultimate effect of each failure mode needs to be considered. A failure effect is defined as the result of a failure mode on the function of the system as perceived by the user. In this way it is convenient to write these effects down in terms of what the user might see or experience. Examples of failure effects are: degraded performance, noise or even injury to a user. Each effect is given a severity number(S) from 1(no danger) to 10(important). These numbers help an engineer to prioritize. If the severity of an effect has a number 9 or 10, actions are considered to change the design by eliminating the failure mode, if possible, or protecting the user from the effect. A severity rating of 9 or 10 is generally reserved for those effects which would cause injury to a user or otherwise result in litigation. Step 2: Occurrence In this step it is necessary to look at the cause of a failure and how many times it occurs. This can be done by looking at similar products or processes and the failures that have been documented for them. A failure cause is looked upon as a design weakness. All the potential causes for a failure mode should be identified and documented. Again this should be in technical terms. Examples of causes are: erroneous algorithms, excessive voltage or improper operating conditions. A failure mode is given a probability number(O),again 1-10. Actions need to be determined if the occurrence is high (meaning >4 for non safety failure modes and >1 when the severity-number from step 1 is 9 or 10). This step is called the detailed development section of the FMEA process. Step 3: Detection When appropriate actions are determined, it is necessary to test their efficiency. Also a design verification is needed. The proper inspection methods need to be chosen. First, an engineer should look at the current controls of the system, that prevent failure modes from occurring or which detect the failure before it reaches the customer. Hereafter one should identify testing, analysis, monitoring and other techniques that can be or have been used on similar systems to detect failures. From these controls an engineer can learn how likely it is for a failure to be identified or detected. Each combination from the previous 2 steps, receives a detection number(D). This number represents the ability of planned tests and inspections at removing defects or detecting failure modes. After these 3 basic steps, Risk Priority Numbers (RPN) are calculated. Risk Priority Numbers RPN do not play an important part in the choice of an action against failure modes. They are more threshold values in the evaluation of these actions. After ranking the severity, occurrence and detectability the RPN can be easily calculated by multiplying these 3 numbers: RPN = S x O x D This has to be done for the entire process and/or design. Once this is done it is easy to determine the areas of greatest concern. The failure modes that have the highest RPN should be given the highest priority for corrective action. This means it is not always the failure modes with the highest severity numbers that should be treated first. There could be less severe failures, but which occur more often and are less detectable. Timing of FMEA

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The FMEA should be updated whenever: At the beginning of a cycle (new product/process) Changes are made to the operating conditions A change is made in the design New regulations are instituted Customer feedback indicates a problem Uses of FMEA Development of system requirements that minimize the likelihood of failures. Development of methods to design and test systems to ensure that the failures have been eliminated. Evaluation of the requirements of the customer to ensure that those do not give rise to potential failures. Identification of certain design characteristics that contribute to failures, and minimize or eliminate those effects. Tracking and managing potential risks in the design. This helps avoid the same failures in future projects. Ensuring that any failure that could occur will not injure the customer or seriously impact a system. Advantages Improve the quality, reliability and safety of a product/process Improve company image and competitiveness Increase user satisfaction Reduce system development timing and cost Collect information to reduce future failures, capture engineering knowledge Reduce the potential for warranty concerns Early identification and elimination of potential failure modes Emphasis problem prevention Minimize late changes and associated cost Catalyst for teamwork and idea exchange between functions Disadvantages If used as a top-down tool, FMEA may only identify major failure modes in a system. Fault tree analysis (FTA) is better suited for "top-down" analysis. When used as a "bottom-up" tool FMEA can augment or complement FTA and identify many more causes and failure modes resulting in top-level symptoms. It is not able to discover complex failure modes involving multiple failures within a subsystem, or to report expected failure intervals of particular failure modes up to the upper level subsystem or system. Additionally, the multiplication of the severity, occurrence and detection rankings may result in rank reversals, where a less serious failure mode receives a higher RPN than a more serious failure mode. The reason for this is that the rankings are ordinal scale numbers, and multiplication is not a valid operation on them. The ordinal rankings only say that one ranking is better or worse than another, but not by how much. For instance, a ranking of "2" may not be twice as bad as a ranking of "1," or an "8" may not be twice as bad as a "4," but multiplication treats them as though they are. Seven tools of Quality I - Pareto chart: Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto Shows on a bar graph which factors are more significant. This method helps to find the vital few contributing maximum impact. Purpose: The purpose of the Pareto chart is to prioritize problems No company has enough resources to tackle every problem, so they must prioritize. Pareto Principle: The Pareto concept was developed by the describing the frequency distribution of any given characteristic of a population. Also called the 20-80 rule, he determined that a small percentage of any given group (20%) account for a high amount of a certain characteristic (80%). Conclusion: The most important thing in improving quality is to start somewhere, doing something. As you begin using the Pareto chart to decide where your problems are, you will discover many things about your processes and will come because you will know where to improve. II - Flowchart: A technique that separates data gathered from a variety of sources so that patterns can be seen (some lists replace "stratification" with or "run chart"). Purpose: Flow Charts provide a visual illustration of the sequence of operations required to complete a task.

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A picture of the steps the process undergoes to complete it's task. Every process will require input(s) to complete it's task, and will provide output(s) when the task is completed. Flow charts can be drawn in many styles. Flow charts can be used to describe a single process, parts of a process, or a set of processes. There is no right or wrong way to draw a flow chart. The true test of a flow chart is how well those who create and use it can understand it. Input ---------------------Process----------------Output III - Cause-and-Effect Diagrams - 1943 by Mr. Kaoru Ishikawa at the University of Tokyo Purpose: One important part of process improvement is continuously striving to obtain more information about the process and it's output. Cause-and-effect diagrams allow us to do not just that, but also can lead us to the root cause, or causes, of problems.

Constructing the Cause-and-Effect Diagram: Step 1: Select the team members and a leader. Team members knowledgeable about the quality. Team members focus on the problem under investigation. Step 2: Write the problem statement on the right hand side of the page, and draw a box around it with an arrow running to it. This quality concern is now the effect. Step 3: Brain-storming. The team members generate ideas as to what is causing the effect. Step 4: This step could be combined with step 3. Identify, for each main cause, its related sub-causes that might affect our quality concern or problem (our Effect). Always check to see if all the factors contributing to the problem have been identified. Start by asking why the problem exists. Step 5: Focus on one or two causes for which an improvement action(s) can be developed using other quality tools such as Pareto charts, check sheets, and other gathering and analysis tools. Conclusion: Improvement requires knowledge. The more information we have about our processes the better we are at improving them. Cause-and-effect diagrams are one quality tool that is simple yet very powerful in helping us better understand our processes. IV - Check Sheets Purpose: Check sheets allow the user to collect data from a process in an easy, systematic, and organized manner. Data Collection: Before we can talk about check sheets we need to understand what we mean by data collection. This collected data needs to be accurate and relevant to the quality problem. The first is to establish a purpose for collecting this data. Second, we need to define the type of data that is going to be collected. Measurable data such as length, size, weight, time,...etc., and countable data such as the number of defects. The third step is to determine who is going to collect that data and when it should be collected. V- Histograms Purpose: To determine the spread or variation of a set of data points in a graphical form. It is always a desire to produce things that are equal to their design values. Histograms: A histogram is a tool for summarizing, analyzing, and displaying data. It provides the user with a graphical representation of the amount of variation found in a set of data.

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Constructing a Histogram: The following are the steps followed in the construction of a histogram: Data collection: To ensure good results, a minimum of 50 data points, or samples, need to be collected Calculate the range of the sample data: The range is the difference between the largest and smallest data points. Range = Largest point - smallest point. Calculate the size of the class interval. The class interval is the width of each class on the X axis. It is calculated by the following formula: Class interval = Range / Number of classes. Calculate the number of data points (frequency) that are in each class. A tally sheet is usually used to find the frequency of data points in each interval. Conclusion: Histogram is simple tools that allow the user to identify and interpret the variation found in a set of data points. It is important to remember that histograms do not give solutions to problems. VI - Scatter Diagrams Purpose: To identify correlations that might exist between a quality characteristic and a factor that might be driving it. Scatter Diagrams: A scatter diagram is a nonmathematical or graphical approach for identifying relationships between a performance measure and factors that might be driving it. This graphical approach is quick, easy to communicate to others, and generally easy to interpret. Interpreting the Results: Once all the data points have been plotted onto the scatter diagram, you are ready to determine whether their exists a relation between the two selected items or not. When a strong relationship is present, the change in one item will automatically cause a change in the other. If no relationship can be detected, the change in one item will not effect the other item. Their are three basic types of relationships that can be detected to on a scatter diagram: 1. Positive relationship 2. Negative relationship 3. No relationship Conclusion: Scatter diagrams allow the user to graphically identify correlations that could exist between a quality characteristic and a factor that might be driving it. It is a quality tool that is simple, easy to communicate to others, and generally easy to interpret. VII - Control Charts Purpose: Process is in control and to monitor process variation on a continuous basis. Identifying the tolerance level in the variations. Control charts is one SPC tool that enables us to monitor and control process variation. Types of variation Common and Special Cause Variation Control charts: Developed in the mid 1920's by Walter Shewhart of Bell labs. There are two basic types of control charts, the average and range control charts. The first deals with how close the process is to the nominal design value, while the range chart indicates the amount of spread or variability around the nominal design value. A control chart has basically three line: the upper control limit UCL, the center line CL, and the lower control limit LCL. A minimum of 25 points is required for a control chart to be accurate. Seven New Management and Planning Tools In 1976, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) saw the need for tools to promote innovation, communicate information and successfully plan major projects. A team researched and developed the seven new quality control tools, often called the seven management and planning (MP) tools, or simply the seven management tools. Not all the tools were new, but their collection and promotion were. The seven MP tools, listed in an order that moves from abstract analysis to detailed planning, are: 1. Affinity diagram: organizes a large number of ideas into their natural relationships. 2. Relations diagram: shows cause-and-effect relationships and helps you analyze the natural links between different aspects of a complex situation. 3. Tree diagram: breaks down broad categories into finer and finer levels of detail, helping you move your thinking step by step from generalities to specifics. 4. Matrix diagram: shows the relationship between two, three or four groups of information and can give information about the relationship, such as its strength, the roles played by various individuals, or measurements.

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5. Matrix data analysis: a complex mathematical technique for analyzing matrices, often replaced in
this list by the similar prioritization matrix. One of the most rigorous, careful and timeconsuming of decision-making tools, a prioritization matrix is an L-shaped matrix that uses pairwise comparisons of a list of options to a set of criteria in order to choose the best option(s). 6. Arrow diagram: shows the required order of tasks in a project or process, the best schedule for the entire project, and potential scheduling and resource problems and their solutions. 7. Process decision program chart (PDPC): systematically identifies what might go wrong in a plan under development. Affinity Diagram This tool takes large amounts of disorganized data and information and enables one to organize it into groupings based on natural relationships. It was created in the 1960s by Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita.

Interrelationship Diagraph This tool displays all the interrelated cause-and-effect relationships and factors involved in a complex problem and describes desired outcomes. The process of creating an interrelationship diagraph helps a group analyze the natural links between different aspects of a complex situation. Tree Diagram This tool is used to break down broad categories into finer and finer levels of detail. It can map levels of details of tasks that are required to accomplish a goal or task. It can be used to break down broad general subjects into finer and finer levels of detail. Developing the tree diagram helps one move their thinking from generalities to specifics. Prioritization Matrix This tool is used to prioritize items and describe them in terms of weighted criteria. It uses a combination of tree and matrix diagraming techniques to do a pair-wise evalutaion of items and to narrow down options to the most desired or most effective. Matrix Diagram This tool shows the relationship between items. At each intersection a relationship is either absent or present. It then gives information about the relationship, such as its strength, the roles played by various individuals or measurements. Six differently shaped matrices are possible: L, T, Y, X, C and roof-shaped, depending on how many groups must be compared. Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC) A useful way of planning is to break down tasks into a hierarchy, using a Tree Diagram. The PDPC extends the tree diagram a couple of levels to identify risks and countermeasures for the bottom level tasks. Different shaped boxes are used to highlight risks and identify possible countermeasures (often shown as 'clouds' to indicate their uncertain nature). The PDPC is similar to the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) in that both identify risks, consequences of failure, and contingency actions; the FMEA also rates relative risk levels for each potential failure point. Activity Network Diagram This tool is used to plan the appropriate sequence or schedule for a set of tasks and related subtasks. It is used when subtasks must occur in parallel. The diagram enables one to determine the critical path (longest sequence of tasks). (See also PERT diagram.) Benchmarking is the process of measuring an organization's internal processes then identifying, understanding, and adapting outstanding practices from other organizations considered to be best-in-class.

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"Benchmarking: A continuous, systematic process of evaluating and comparing the capability of one organization with others normally recognized as industry leaders, for insights for optimizing the organizations processes." Benchmarking is the process of comparing the cost, time or quality of what one organization does against what another organization does. The result is often a business case for making changes in order to make improvements. The systematic process of comparing an organizations products, services and practices against those of competitor organizations or other industry leaders to determine what it is they do that allows them to achieve high levels of performance. (Society for Human Resources Management) Advantages of benchmarking Benchmarking is a powerful management tool because it overcomes "paradigm blindness." Benchmarking opens organizations to new methods, ideas and tools to improve their effectiveness. It helps crack through resistance to change by demonstrating other methods. Allows employees to visualise the improvement which can be a strong motivator for change Helps to identify weak areas and indicates what needs to be done to improve. The Benchmarking process The formal 10-step benchmarking process is shown in outline below.

The benchmarking process consists of following phases: 1. Planning. The essential steps are those of any plan development: what, who and how. What is to be benchmarked? Every function of an organization has or delivers a product or output. Benchmarking is appropriate for any output of a process or function, whether its a physical good, an order, a shipment, an invoice, a service or a report. To whom or what will we compare? Business-to-business, direct competitors are certainly prime candidates to benchmark. But they are not the only targets. Benchmarking must be conducted against the best companies and business functions regardless of where they exist. How will the data be collected? Theres no one way to conduct benchmarking investigations. Theres an infinite variety of ways to obtain required data and most of the data youll need are readily and publicly available. Recognize that benchmarking is a process not only of deriving quantifiable goals and targets, but more importantly, its the process of investigating and documenting the best industry practices, which can help you achieve goals and targets. 2. Analysis. The analysis phase must involve a careful understanding of your current process and practices, as well as those of the organizations being benchmarked. What is desired is an understanding of internal performance on which to assess strengths and weaknesses. Ask: Is this other organization better than we are? Why are they better? By how much? What best practices are being used now or can be anticipated? How can their practices be incorporated or adapted for use in our organization? Answers to these questions will define the dimensions of any performance gap: negative, positive or parity. The gap provides an objective basis on which to actto close the gap or capitalize on any advantage your organization has.

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3. Integration. Integration is the process of using benchmark findings to set operational targets for change. It involves careful planning to incorporate new practices in the operation and to ensure benchmark findings are incorporated in all formal planning processes. Steps include: Gain operational and management acceptance of benchmark findings. Clearly and convincingly demonstrate findings as correct and based on substantive data. Develop action plans. Communicate findings to all organizational levels to obtain support, commitment and ownership. 4. Action. Convert benchmark findings, and operational principles based on them, to specific actions to be taken. Put in place a periodic measurement and assessment of achievement. Use the creative talents of the people who actually perform work tasks to determine how the findings can be incorporated into the work processes. Any plan for change also should contain milestones for updating the benchmark findings, and an ongoing reporting mechanism. Progress toward benchmark findings must be reported to all employees. 5. Maturity. Maturity will be reached when best industry practices are incorporated in all business processes, thus ensuring superiority. Tests for superiority: If the now-changed process were to be made available to others, would a knowledgeable businessperson prefer it? Do other organizations benchmark your internal operations? Maturity also is achieved when benchmarking becomes an ongoing, essential and self-initiated facet of the management process. Benchmarking becomes institutionalized and is done at all appropriate levels of the organization, not by specialists. Types of Benchmarking Process benchmarking - the initiating firm focuses its observation and investigation of business processes with a goal of identifying and observing the best practices from one or more benchmark firms. Activity analysis will be required where the objective is to benchmark cost and efficiency; increasingly applied to back-office processes where outsourcing may be a consideration. Financial benchmarking - performing a financial analysis and comparing the results in an effort to assess your overall competitiveness. Performance benchmarking - allows the initiator firm to assess their competitive position by comparing products and services with those of target firms. Product benchmarking - the process of designing new products or upgrades to current ones. This process can sometimes involve reverse engineering which is taking apart competitors products to find strengths and weaknesses. Strategic benchmarking - involves observing how others compete. This type is usually not industry specific meaning it is best to look at other industries. Functional benchmarking - a company will focus its benchmarking on a single function in order to improve the operation of that particular function. Complex functions such as Human Resources, Finance and Accounting and Information and Communication Technology are unlikely to be directly comparable in cost and efficiency terms and may need to be disaggregated into processes to make valid comparison Poka-yoke is a Japanese term that means "fail-safing" or "mistake-proofing". A poka-yoke is any mechanism in a lean manufacturing process that helps an equipment operator avoid (yokeru) mistakes (poka). Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur. The concept was formalised, and the term adopted, by Shigeo Shingo as part of the Toyota Production System. It was originally described as baka-yoke, but as this means "fool-proofing" (or "idiotproofing") the name was changed to the milder poka-yoke. More broadly, the term can refer to any behavior-shaping constraint designed into a product to prevent incorrect operation by the user.

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Implementation in manufacturing Poka-yoke can be implemented at any step of a manufacturing process where something can go wrong or an error can be made. For example, a jig that holds pieces for processing might be modified to only allow pieces to be held in the correct orientation, or a digital counter might track the number of spot welds on each piece to ensure that the worker executes the correct number of welds. Shigeo Shingo recognized three types of poka-yoke for detecting and preventing errors in a mass production system: 1. The contact method identifies product defects by testing the product's shape, size, color, or other physical attributes. 2. The fixed-value (or constant number) method alerts the operator if a certain number of movements are not made. 3. The motion-step (or sequence) method determines whether the prescribed steps of the process have been followed. Either the operator is alerted when a mistake is about to be made, or the poka-yoke device actually prevents the mistake from being made. In Shingo's lexicon, the former implementation would be called a warning poka-yoke, while the latter would be referred to as a control poka-yoke. Shingo argued that errors are inevitable in any manufacturing process, but that if appropriate poka-yokes are implemented, then mistakes can be caught quickly and prevented from resulting in defects. By eliminating defects at the source, the cost of mistakes within a company is reduced. UNIT-5(QUALITY SYSTEMS ORGANIZING AND IMPLEMENTATION) History of ISO International Organisation for Standardisation Post World War II BS 5750 ISO founded in 1946 Switzerland, Geneva. 1987 - ISO 9000: 1987 - Three models of quality ISO 9001: 1987 Design Development etc ISO 9002: 1987 Production, installation, service etc ISO 9003: 1987 Quality assurance, inspection, testing etc ISO 9000:1994 ISO 9001: 2000 combined the three to one standard. ISO 9000: 2008 latest with technical committee Similar certifications ANSI American National Standard Institute EC European Community ASQ 9000 American Society for Quality DOD Department of Defence FDA Food and Drug Administration ISI Indian Standards Institute BIS Hallmark Bureau of Indian Standards Basic Requirements of ISO 9001 1. Procedure to cover all processes in the business 2. Monitoring process to ensure effectiveness 3. Keeping adequate record 4. Defect verification and appropriate correction 5. Regular review of individual processes 6. Facilitating continual improvement

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Benefits of ISO Registration 1. Increase in internal quality reduction of scrap, rework etc 2. Production reliability measure of breakdowns, time and shift management etc 3. External quality acceptance by customers, less claims, return of goods 4. Time performance marketing, delivery, production time etc 5. Cost of poor quality scraps and rework ISO 9000 Family ISO 9000:2000 QMS Fundamental and Vocabulary - Basic QMS - Guidance document for certification - Revised in ISO 9000:2005 ISO 9001:2000 QMS Requirements - Design, development and installation - Customer satisfaction through products and service ISO 9004:2000 QMS Guidelines for Performance - Continuous improvement - Enhance the mature system Sector Specific Standards Need One system may not cover all industry Sector specific standard work in hand with regular ISO Work in tandem with certifying bodies of such industry AS91000 1997 for Aerospace industry. Boeing was the brain behind it. NASA, DOD, FAA Common in USA, Europe and Japan ISO/TS 16949 March 2002 Technical Specification System for Automotive Suppliers In collaboration with US big 3 Ford, GM, Chrysler with German, French, Italy and Japan Accepted by Asian automakers they benefit a lot. Helps in Continuous improvement, defect prevention, variation reduction and supply chain Levels ISO 9000, sector specific and company requirement TL 9000 - 1998 QuEST Quality Excellence for Supplies of Telecommunications formed TL9000 Standards designed by Motorola, Lucent, Verizon, Southwest bell, AT&T. Along with ISO 9001 they have their own standard to deliver the need of customers Five Layers ISO 9001 Requirement Common TL9000 Requirement QSR Quality Standard Requirement HW Specific SW Specific Service Specific Common TL9000 Measurement QSM Quality Standard Measurement HW Specific SW Specific Service Specific ISO/TS 29001:2007 Petroleum, Petro chemical and Natural gas QMS for the above ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System EMS Focus of Pollution, emission, recycling etc ISO IEC 9003:2004 International Electrotechnical Commission

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Software products and related service AS9100 Aerospace industry ISO/TS 16949 Technical Specification for Automotive Suppliers TL 9000 1998 Telecommunications ISO/TS 29001:2007 Petroleum, Petro chemical and Natural gas ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System EMS ISO IEC 9003:2004 Electrotechnical Software products Implementation of QMS 2. Top management commitment flow of action starts from the top 3. Appointment of management representative qualified, trained, eager, participative 4. Awareness to all employees in the organisation 5. Implementation team constitute a council from all departments 6. Training when new things are implemented then training is must 7. Time schedule process time, change time, implementation, parallel process 8. Review present system how the new is different and better from current 9. Write documents step by step process 10. Install new system implementation, change and acceptance take time 11. Internal audit inspection, check and review 12. Management review report to the top management 13. Registration apply for registration Documentation 1. Policy 2. Procedure 3. Work instructions 4. Records 5. Document Development Internal Audits Objectives determine actual performance, initiate corrective action, follow up, provide continuous improvement through feedback, Auditor trained profs, ASQ updates training, written and oral comm., honesty, unbiased etc Techniques Examine, Observe and interviews. Procedure check list, documentation procedure, priority list etc Registration Selecting a Registrar - ASQ member, Registrar Accreditation Board RAB. 1. Qualification and Experience Track record, client list, industry specific 2. Certificate of Recognition authenticity of the registrar, reference, customer check 3. Registration process structured process, help quality and productivity, efficiency 4. Time and cost constraints period of the process, additional fees etc 5. Auditor qualifications know the industry standard, types of process, knowledge. Interest etc Registration process Application for Registration Basic process with the authorised registrar. With initial supporting docs, fees, time frame etc. Mutuality Document Review Scrutiny of docs and QMS, compare with latest ISO standards Preassessment overview of docs with the process, identify major flaws Assessment Actual doing, certifies audit is compared with internal audit. Less scope for variation Registration verbal summary, audit findings, minor non compliances and feedbacks are recorded. Follow up of surveillance periodicity of future visit. Random checks, registration valid for 3 years Total Quality Management is an approach to the art of management that originated in Japanese industry in the 1950's and has become steadily more popular in the West since the early 1980's. TQM CULTURE: Total Quality is a description of the culture, attitude and organization of a company

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that aims to provide, and continue to provide, its customers with products and services that satisfy their needs. The culture requires quality in all aspects of the company's operations, with things being done right first time, and defects and waste eradicated from operations. Many companies have difficulties in implementing TQM. Surveys by consulting firms have found that only 20-36% of companies that have undertaken TQM have achieved either significant or even tangible improvements in quality, productivity, competitiveness or financial return. As a result many people are sceptical about TQM. However, when you look at successful companies you find a much higher percentage of successful TQM implementation. Some useful messages from results of TQM implementations:

if you want to be a first-rate company, don't focus on the second-rate companies who can't handle TQM, look at the world-class companies that have adopted it the most effective way to spend TQM introduction funds is by training top management, people involved in new product development, and people involved with customers it's much easier to introduce EDM/PDM in a company with a TQM culture than in one without TQM. People in companies that have implemented TQM are more likely to have the basic understanding necessary for implementing EDM/PDM. For example, they are more likely to view EDM/PDM as an information and workflow management system supporting the entire product life cycle then as a departmental solution for the management of CAD data

Important aspects of TQM include customer-driven quality, top management leadership and commitment, continuous improvement, fast response, actions based on facts, employee participation, and a TQM culture. Customer-driven quality TQM has a customer-first orientation. The customer, not internal activities and constraints, comes first. Customer satisfaction is seen as the company's highest priority. The company believes it will only be successful if customers are satisfied. The TQM company is sensitive to customer requirements and responds rapidly to them. In the TQM context, `being sensitive to customer requirements' goes beyond defect and error reduction, and merely meeting specifications or reducing customer complaints. The concept of requirements is expanded to take in not only product and service attributes that meet basic requirements, but also those that enhance and differentiate them for competitive advantage. Each part of the company is involved in Total Quality, operating as a customer to some functions and as a supplier to others. The Engineering Department is a supplier to downstream functions such as Manufacturing and Field Service, and has to treat these internal customers with the same sensitivity and responsiveness as it would external customers. TQM leadership from top management TQM is a way of life for a company. It has to be introduced and led by top management. This is a key point. Attempts to implement TQM often fail because top management doesn't lead and get committed instead it delegates and pays lip service. Commitment and personal involvement is required from top management in creating and deploying clear quality values and goals consistent with the objectives of the company, and in creating and deploying well defined systems, methods and performance measures for achieving those goals. These systems and methods guide all quality activities and encourage participation by all employees. The development and use of performance indicators is linked, directly or indirectly, to customer requirements and satisfaction, and to management and employee remuneration. Continuous improvement Continuous improvement of all operations and activities is at the heart of TQM. Once it is recognized that customer satisfaction can only be obtained by providing a high-quality product, continuous improvement of the quality of the product is seen as the only way to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. As well as recognizing the link between product quality and customer satisfaction, TQM also recognizes that

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product quality is the result of process quality. As a result, there is a focus on continuous improvement of the company's processes. This will lead to an improvement in process quality. In turn this will lead to an improvement in product quality, and to an increase in customer satisfaction. Improvement cycles are encouraged for all the company's activities such as product development, use of EDM/PDM, and the way customer relationships are managed. This implies that all activities include measurement and monitoring of cycle time and responsiveness as a basis for seeking opportunities for improvement. Elimination of waste is a major component of the continuous improvement approach. There is also a strong emphasis on prevention rather than detection, and an emphasis on quality at the design stage. The customer-driven approach helps to prevent errors and achieve defect-free production. When problems do occur within the product development process, they are generally discovered and resolved before they can get to the next internal customer. Fast response To achieve customer satisfaction, the company has to respond rapidly to customer needs. This implies short product and service introduction cycles. These can be achieved with customer-driven and processoriented product development because the resulting simplicity and efficiency greatly reduce the time involved. Simplicity is gained through concurrent product and process development. Efficiencies are realized from the elimination of non-value-adding effort such as re-design. The result is a dramatic improvement in the elapsed time from product concept to first shipment. Actions based on facts The statistical analysis of engineering and manufacturing facts is an important part of TQM. Facts and analysis provide the basis for planning, review and performance tracking, improvement of operations, and comparison of performance with competitors. The TQM approach is based on the use of objective data, and provides a rational rather than an emotional basis for decision making. The statistical approach to process management in both engineering and manufacturing recognizes that most problems are systemrelated, and are not caused by particular employees. In practice, data is collected and put in the hands of the people who are in the best position to analyze it and then take the appropriate action to reduce costs and prevent non-conformance. Usually these people are not managers but workers in the process. If the right information is not available, then the analysis, whether it be of shop floor data, or engineering test results, can't take place, errors can't be identified, and so errors can't be corrected. Employee participation A successful TQM environment requires a committed and well-trained work force that participates fully in quality improvement activities. Such participation is reinforced by reward and recognition systems which emphasize the achievement of quality objectives. On-going education and training of all employees supports the drive for quality. Employees are encouraged to take more responsibility, communicate more effectively, act creatively, and innovate. As people behave the way they are measured and remunerated, TQM links remuneration to customer satisfaction metrics. A TQM culture It's not easy to introduce TQM. An open, cooperative culture has to be created by management. Employees have to be made to feel that they are responsible for customer satisfaction. They are not going to feel this if they are excluded from the development of visions, strategies, and plans. It's important they participate in these activities. They are unlikely to behave in a responsible way if they see management behaving irresponsibly - saying one thing and doing the opposite. Product development in a TQM environment Product development in a TQM environment is very different to product development in a non-TQM environment. Without a TQM approach, product development is usually carried on in a conflictual atmosphere where each department acts independently. Short-term results drive behavior so scrap, changes, work-arounds, waste, and rework are normal practice. Management focuses on supervising individuals, and fire-fighting is necessary and rewarded. Product development in a TQM environment is customer-driven and focused on quality. Teams are

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process-oriented, and interact with their internal customers to deliver the required results. Management's focus is on controlling the overall process, and rewarding teamwork. Awards for Quality achievement The Deming Prize has been awarded annually since 1951 by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers in recognition of outstanding achievement in quality strategy, management and execution. Since 1988 a similar award (the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award) has been awarded in the US. Early winners of the Baldrige Award include AT&T (1992), IBM (1990), Milliken (1989), Motorola (1988), Texas Instruments (1992) and Xerox (1989). LEADERSHIP: Leadership plays a central part in understanding group behavior, for it is the leader who usually provides the direction toward goal attainment. Therefore, a more accurate predictive capability should be valuable in improving group performance. We can define leadership as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals. Six traits on which leaders tend to differ from non leaders are: a. Ambition and energy b. Desire to lead c. Honesty and integrity d. Self-confidence e. Intelligence f. Job-relevant knowledge. Characteristics of Quality Leaders: They continuously evaluate the changing customer needs. They empower, rather than control subordinates. They emphasize improvement rather than maintenance They emphasize prevention. They encourage collaboration rather than competition. They train and coach rather than direct and supervise. They learn from the problems. They continuously improve communication. They continuously committed to quality. They choose suppliers in the basis of quality not price. They establish organizational system to support quality effort. They encourage and recognize team effort. EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT Employee involvement is a means to better meet the organizations goals for quality and productivity at all levels of an organization. Benefits of employee involvement: Employee Involvement improves quality and increases productivity because Employees make better decisions using their expert knowledge of the process. Employees are more likely to implement and support decisions they had a part in making. Employees are better able to spot and pinpoint areas for improvement. Employees are better able to take immediate corrective action. Employee involvement reduces labor management hassle by more effective communications and cooperation. Employee involvement increases morale by creating a feeling of belonging to the organization. Employees are better able to accept change because they control the work environment. Employees have an increased commitment to unit goals because they are involved.

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EMPOWERMENT Empowerment means invest people with authority. Its purpose is to tap the enormous reservoir of creativity and potential contribution that lies within every worker at all levels. Empowerment is an environment in which people have the ability, the confidence, and the commitment to take the responsibility and ownership to improve the process and to initiate the necessary steps to satisfy customer requirements within well-defined boundaries in order to achieve organizational values an goals. The three conditions necessary to create the empowered environment are: i. Everyone must understand the need for change. ii. The system needs to change for the new paradigm iii. The organization must enable its employees.

Quality Council : In order to build quality in the culture, a quality council is established to provide overall direction. It is the driver for the TQM engine. In a typical organization the quality council is composed of the chief executive officer (CEO); the senior managers of the functional areas, such as design, marketing, finance, production, and quality; and a Coordinator or consultant. Duties of the quality council: a) To develop the vision, mission and quality statement of the organization, with the input from all the personnel. b) To develop strategic long-term plan with goals and annual quality improvement program with objectives. c) Create a total education and training plan. d) Determine and continuously monitor the cost of poor quality. e) Determine the performance measures of the organization and monitor. f) Continuously determine those projects that improves and affect external and internal customer satisfaction. g) Establish multifunctional project and work group teams and monitor their progress. h) Establish and revise the recognition and reward system to account for the new way of doing business. The typical quality council meeting agenda of a well established TQM organization : a) Progress reports on teams b) Customer satisfaction report c) Progress on meeting goals d) New project teams e) Recognition dinner f) Benchmarking report Recognition is a form of employee motivation in which the organization publicly acknowledges the positive contributions an individual or team has made to the success of the organization. Reward is something tangible to promote desirable behavior. Recognition and reward go together to form a system for letting people know they are valuable members of the organization.

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INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE QUALITY The definition of the ISO 8204 for quality: Totality of characteristics of an entity that bears on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs. This means that the Software product delivered should be as per the requirements defined. We now examine a few more terms used in association with Software Quality. Quality Planning: In the Planning Process we determine the standards that are relevant for the Software Product, the Organization and the means to achieve them. Quality Assurance : Once the standards are defined and we start building the product. It is very important to have processes that evaluate the project performance and aim to assure that the Quality standards are being followed and the final product will be in compliance. Quality Control: Once the software components are built the results are monitored to determine if they comply with the standards. The data collected helps in measuring the performance trends and as needed help in identifying defective pieces of code. Software Quality Management : Software Quality Management simply stated comprises of processes that ensure that the Software Project would reach its goals. In other words the Software Project would meet the clients expectations. The key processes of Software Quality Management fall into the following three categories: 1) Quality Planning 2) Quality Assurance 3) Quality Control The Software Quality Management comprises of Quality Planning, Quality Assurance and Quality Control Processes. We shall now take a closer look at each of them. 1) Quality Planning : Quality Planning is the most important step in Software Quality Management. Proper planning ensures that the remaining Quality processes make sense and achieve the desired results. The starting point for the Planning process is the standards followed by the Organization. This is expressed in the Quality Policy and Documentation defining the Organization-wide standards. Sometimes additional industry standards relevant to the Software Project may be referred to as needed. Using these as inputs the Standards for the specific project are decided. The Scope of the effort is also clearly defined. The inputs for the Planning are as summarized as follows: a. Companys Quality Policy b. Organization Standards c. Relevant Industry Standards d. Regulations e. Scope of Work f. Project Requirements Using these as Inputs the Quality Planning process creates a plan to ensure that standards agreed upon are met. Hence the outputs of the Quality Planning process are: a. Standards defined for the Project b. Quality Plan

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To create these outputs namely the Quality Plan various tools and techniques are used. These tools and techniques are huge topics and Quality Experts dedicate years of research on these topics. We would briefly introduce these tools and techniques in this article. a. Benchmarking: The proposed product standards can be decided using the existing performance benchmarks of similar products that already exist in the market. b. Design of Experiments: Using statistics we determine what factors influence the Quality or features of the end product c. Cost of Quality: This includes all the costs needed to achieve the required Quality levels. It includes prevention costs, appraisal costs and failure costs. d. Other tools: There are various other tools used in the Planning process such as Cause and Effect Diagrams, System Flow Charts, Cost Benefit Analysis, etc. All these help us to create a Quality Management Plan for the project. 2) Quality Assurance : The Input to the Quality Assurance Processes is the Quality Plan created during Planning. Quality Audits and various other techniques are used to evaluate the performance of the project. This helps us to ensure that the Project is following the Quality Management Plan. The tools and techniques used in the Planning Process such as Design of Experiments, Cause and Effect Diagrams may also be used here, as required. 3) Quality Control : Following are the inputs to the Quality Control Process: - Quality Management Plan. - Quality Standards defined for the Project - Actual Observations and Measurements of the Work done or in Progress The Quality Control Processes use various tools to study the Work done. If the Work done is found unsatisfactory it may be sent back to the development team for fixes. Changes to the Development process may be done if necessary. If the work done meets the standards defined then the work done is accepted and released to the clients. Importance of Documentation: In all the Quality Management Processes special emphasis is put on documentation. Many software shops fail to document the project at various levels. Consider a scenario where the Requirements of the Software Project are not sufficiently documented. In this case it is quiet possible that the client has a set of expectations and the tester may not know about them. Hence the testing team would not be able test the software developed for these expectations or requirements. This may lead to poor Software Quality as the product does not meet the expectations. Similarly consider a scenario where the development team does not document the installation instructions. If a different person or a team is responsible for future installations they may end up making mistakes during installation, thereby failing to deliver as promised. Once again consider a scenario where a tester fails to document the test results after executing the test cases. This may lead to confusion later. If there were an error, we would not be sure at what stage the error was introduced in the software at a component level or when integrating it with another component or due to environment on a particular server etc. Hence documentation is the key for future analysis and all Quality Management efforts. Steps: In a typical Software Development Life Cycle the following steps are necessary for Quality Management: 1) Document the Requirements 2) Define and Document Quality Standards 3) Define and Document the Scope of Work

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4) Document the Software Created and dependencies 5) Define and Document the Quality Management Plan 6) Define and Document the Test Strategy 7) Create and Document the Test Cases Execute Test Cases and (log) Document the Results 9) Fix Defects and document the fixes 10) Quality Assurance audits the Documents and Test Logs

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