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Edited by Jae-Jin Kim

Virtual Reality
Edited by Jae-Jin Kim
Published by InTech
Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
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Virtual Reality, Edited by Jae-Jin Kim
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-307-518-1
free online editions of InTech
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Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Preface XI
Human-computer Interaction 1
Brain-Computer Interface Systems
used for Virtual Reality Control 3
Gert Pfurtscheller, Robert Leeb, Josef Faller and Christa Neuper
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors
in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings 21
Fabio De Felice, Floriana Renna,
Giovanni Attolico and Arcangelo Distante
Collaborative 3D Interaction in Virtual
Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach 49
Samir Otmane, Christophe Domingues,
Frdric Davesne and Malik Mallem
Advanced Virtual Reality Technologies 69
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual
Tasks for Robotic Systems 71
Manuela Chessa, Fabio Solari and Silvio P. Sabatini
Development of a Finger Pad Force
Display for a Hand Haptic Interface 93
Haruhisa Kawasaki, Shinya Koide, Tetuya Mouri and Takahiro Endo
Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial
Expression Technique of Avatar Based
on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game 107
Ahmad Hoirul Basori, Abdullah Bade,
Mohd. Shahrizal Sunar and Daut Daman
VR Development with InTml 127
Pablo Figueroa
Contents VI
Evaluation of Cognition and Behavior 147
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual
Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection)
to Improve User Experience in VR 149
Bernhard E. Riecke
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment 177
Sarig Bahat Hilla
Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System
Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology 203
Masanao Koeda, Mako Matsuyama,
Munetaka Sugihashi and Tsuneo Yoshikawa
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship
between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments 223
Chieh-Hsin Tang, Chin-Wei Chang,
Ying-Ji Chuang and Ching-Yuan Lin
VR as a Therapeutic Tool 245
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications 247
Giovanni Saggio and Carlo Alberto Pinto
Simulation of Subject Specific Bone
Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization 273
Ajay Sonar and James Carroll
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer
Assisted Technologies in Computer Assisted Surgery
and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology 291
Ivica Klapan, Pero Raos, Tomislav Galeta, Ljubimko imii,
Juraj Lukinovi, eljko Vranje, Josip Male,
Stanko Belina and Vieslav uk
Development of a Medical Training System
with Integration of Users Skills Assessment 325
Ronei M. Moraes and Liliane S. Machado
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective
Evaluation on Laparoscopic Surgery:
Current Trends and Benefits. 349
Ignacio Oropesa, Pablo Lamata, Patricia Snchez-Gonzlez,
Jos B. Pagador, Mara E. Garca,
Francisco M. Snchez-Margallo and Enrique J. Gmez
Part 3
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Part 4
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Contents VII
Neuroscience and Neuro-rehabilitation 375
Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality 377
Beatriz Rey and Mariano Alcaiz
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality
for the Elderly and People with Disabilities 395
Felix Kamieth, Patrick Dhne, Reiner Wichert,
Juan Luis Villalar, Viveca Jimenez-Mixco,
Antonella Arca and Maria Teresa Arredondo
Common Issues of Virtual Reality
in Neuro-Rehabilitation 419
Man, D.W.K.
Application of Virtual Reality in
Neuro-Rehabilitation: an Overview 429
Lucia F Lucca, Antonio Candelieri and Loris Pignolo
Psychiatric Evaluation and Therapy 443
Virtual Reality
in Evidence - Based Psychotherapy 445
Aurora Szentgotai, David Opri and Daniel David
Application of Virtual Realities in Psychotherapy:
Possibilities, Limitations and Effectiveness 469
Christiane Eichenberg
Virtual Reality-Based Assessment
of Social Skills and Its Application to Mental Illnesses 485
Jae-Jin Kim, Joseph Kim
Emotions and the Emotional Valence
Afforded by the Virtual Environment 501
Stphane Bouchard
Serious Games for Serious Problems:
from Ludicus to Therapeuticus 515
Pedro Gamito, Jorge Oliveira, Diogo Morais,
Pedro Rosa and Tomaz Saraiva
Educational and Industrial Applications 537
Integrating Low-Cost Virtual Reality
into Engineering Design Curricula 539
Shana Smith
Part 5
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Part 6
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Part 7
Chapter 26
Contents VIII
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part 8
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Virtual Reality and Computational Design 547
Michael S. Bittermann and I. Sevil Sariyildiz
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education:
Virtual Simulation of Construction Works 579
Alcnia Z. Sampaio, Carlos O. Cruz and Octvio P. Martins
Application of Augmented Reality
to Evaluate Invisible Height for Landscape Preservation 599
Nobuyoshi Yabuki
Virtual Reality Simulation System
for Underground Mining Project 615
Keping Zhou and Mingming Guo
Virtual Worlds and Human Society 633
The Otherness of Cyberspace,
Virtual Reality and Hypertext 635
Turul lter
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality
A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need? 647
Katalin Parti
Even though virtual reality techniques and their applications have been present for
only two decades, a lot of various interactive methods and applications have been
introduced. In its inception, buton boxes or joysticks were used as virtual realitys sole
interface mechanism. However, input devices have increasingly become more multi-
faceted and intuitive by taking advantage of numerous developing technologies such
as haptic interface, motion capture, eye-gaze tracking, camera marker tracking, and
position tracking. Moreover, enhancement of visual display qualities and increased
computational capacity and e ciency of personal computers have contributed to
dramatic improvement in providing a realistic and interactive experience of virtual
environments. Research in virtual reality have gradually broadened its scope from
primarily focusing on the hardware and technology itself to including more func-
tional aspects of various possible virtual reality applications. Recently, virtual reality
applications have widely expanded to accommodate their usage in scientic research,
manufacturing, business, medicine, education, sports, video games, art, and military
training and operations.
Our goals in writing this book were to provide a comprehensive volume on the medi-
um of virtual reality, introduce how it can be used, and how compelling virtual reality
applications can be created. In this book we mainly introduce rapidly developing tech-
nology of virtual reality which includes new developments in hardware, sofware and
applications, particularly in the eld of medicine and engineering. We additionally ad-
dress relevant ethical concerns in the community regarding the current trend in scien-
tic research that utilize virtual reality. First two sections Human-computer inter-
action and Advanced virtual reality technologies - discuss sofware and hardware.
Various interaction techniques and their simple applications are presented. Next four
sections Evaluation of cognition and behavior, VR as a therapeutic tool, Neuro-
science and neuro-rehabilitation, and Psychiatric evaluation and therapy are about
the-state-of-the-art virtual reality applications in medicine. Moreover, applications in
other elds - Educational and Industrial applications - are also illustrated in the next
section. Last section Virtual worlds and human society is about intention in vir-
tual reality and ethical issues in virtual communities.
Our reviews regarding virtual reality as an important medium ranges from discussion
of its design and implementation of the hardware that enables virtual reality systems
to be built, to how the medium can be used as a new tool, and also on how to provide
beter understanding and interest in virtual reality. For the later of aforementioned
goals, we briey discuss the types of virtual reality systems and their dierences
XII Preface
without going into in-depth technical details on the hardware technology. While new
advances in the eld of virtual reality technology may be too vast and rapid to be
covered exhaustively in this volume - and other additional resources may supplement
information provided here - we hope this book will help readers understand and ap-
preciate the utility of VR systems and their applications.
Part 1
Human-computer Interaction
Brain-Computer Interface Systems used for
Virtual Reality Control
Gert Pfurtscheller
, Robert Leeb
, Josef Faller
and Christa Neuper

Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI-Lab), Institute for Knowledge Discovery,
Graz University of Technology,
Chair on Non-Invasive Brain-Machine Interface, School of Engineering,
Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne,
1. Introduction
A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a non-muscular communication channel for connecting
the brain to a computer or another device. Currently, non-invasive BCIs transform thought-
related changes in the electroencephalogram (EEG) online and in real time into control
signals. In such an EEG-based BCI, specific features are extracted from brain-signals,
transformed into a control signal, and used to restore communication to patients with
locked-in-syndrome or to control neuroprosthesis in patients with spinal cord injuries
(Birbaumer et al., 1999; Pfurtscheller et al., 2008b; Wolpaw et al., 2002). In addition to these
applications, which focus on communication and control, the related field of neurofeedback
supports feedback training in people suffering from epilepsy, autism, stroke, and emotional
or attentional disorders (Birbaumer & Cohen, 2007).
Today the world of BCI applications is expanding and new fields are opening. One new
direction involves BCIs to control virtual reality (VR), including BCIs for games, or using VR
as a powerful feedback medium to reduce the need for BCI training (Leeb et al., 2007b; Scherer
et al., 2008). Virtual environments (VE) can provide an excellent testing ground for procedures
that could be adapted to real world scenarios, especially for patients with disabilities. If people
can learn to control their movements or perform specific tasks in a VE, this could justify the
much greater expense of building physical devices such as a wheelchair or robot arm that is
controlled by a BCI. BCIs are more and more moving out of the laboratory and becoming also
useful for healthy users in certain situations (Nijholt et al., 2008).
One of the first efforts to combine VR and BCI technologies was Bayliss and Ballard (2000)
and Bayliss (2003). They introduced a VR smart home in which users could control different
appliances using a P300-based BCI. Pineda et al. (2003) showed that immersive feedback
based on a computer game can help people learn to control a BCI based on imagined
movement more quickly than mundane feedback, a finding we later validated with other
immersive feedback (Leeb et al., 2006; 2007b). Lalor et al. (2005) used a steady-state visual
evoked potential (SSVEP)-based BCI to control a character in an immersive 3-D gaming
environment. Recently, Leeb et al. (2007b) have reported on exploring a smart virtual
Virtual Reality

apartment using a motor imagery-based BCI, and Holzner et al. (2009) in an experiment for
P300-based BCI for smart home control.
This short overview about BCI applications in VR shows that there are many different types
of BCIs. The next section provides a short introduction to BCIs.
2. Definition and basic principles of a BCI
Wolpaw et al. (2002) defined a BCI as a ...new non-muscular channel for sending messages
and commands to the external world. Here, we clarify this definition to emphasize that any
BCI must have the 4 following components (Pfurtscheller et al., 2010a):
1. Direct recording: The BCI must rely at least partly on direct measures of brain activity,
such as through electrical potentials, magnetic fields, or hemodynamic changes.
2. Real time processing: The signal processing must occur online and yield a
communication or control signal.
3. Feedback: Goal-directed feedback, about the success or failure of the control, must be
provided to the user.
4. Intentional control: The user must perform an intentional, goal-directed mental action
to control, such as imagining movement or focusing on a stimulus.
These definitions implicate that each BCI is a closed-loop system with two adaptive
controllers: the users brain, which produces the signals and provides the input to the BCI;
and the BCI itself, which analyses the brain signals and transforms them to a control signal
as the BCI output (Figure 1).
The EEG is the most widely used brain signal in BCIs (Mason et al., 2007), and is also the
most common signal when using a BCI system for VR control. Two types of changes can be
extracted from the ongoing EEG signals: one change is time and phase-locked (evoked) to an
externally or internally-paced event, the other is non-phase-locked (induced). Evoked
signals include event-related potentials (ERPs), including the P300 and SSVEPs (Allison et
al., 2008). Induced signals include the dynamic amplitude changes of oscillations in different
frequency bands (Pfurtscheller & Lopes da Silva, 1999; Pfurtscheller & Neuper, 2010). Thus,
we can differentiate between 2 types of BCI systems. One is based on predefined mental


Fig. 1. Principles of BCI systems without (a) and with external stimulation (b). Motor
imagery is the most common mental strategy in BCIs which do not rely on external
stimulation to generate the necessary brain activity. BCIs that do rely on external
stimulation to elicit brain activity typically involve spatial visual attention.
Brain-Computer Interface Systems used for Virtual Reality Control

tasks and classifying induced brain activities (Figure 1a), while the other is based on sensory
stimulation (e.g. visual) and classifying evoked potential changes (Figure 1b).
Three different BCI approaches have received the most attention in recent years:
P300-based BCI (P300 BCI): The P300 is the positive component of the evoked potential that
may develop about 300 ms after an item is flashed. The user focuses on one flashing item while
ignoring other stimuli. Whenever the target stimulus flashes, it yields a larger P300 than the
other possible choices. P300 BCIs are typically used to spell (Allison & Pineda, 2006; Donchin
et al., 2000; Farwell & Donchin, 1988), but have been validated with other tasks such as control
of a mobile robot (Bell et al., 2008) or a smart home control (Holzner et al., 2009).
SSVEP-based BCI (SSVEP BCI): Steady-state evoked potentials (SSEPs) occur when
sensory stimuli are repetitively delivered rapidly enough that the relevant neuronal
structures do not return to their resting states. In a BCI application, the user focuses on one
of several stimuli, each of which flicker at a different rate and/or phase. Flickering light
sources are typically used to trigger steady-state visual evoked potentials. Gao et al. (2003)
described a BCI with 48 flickering lights and a high information transfer rate of 68 bits/min.
This was the fastest BCI reported in the published literature until recently, when the same
group described some improved approaches (Bin et al., 2009). Like P300 BCIs, SSVEP BCIs
require no training and can facilitate rapid communication (Allison et al., 2008; Krusienski et
al., 2006). SSVEP BCIs have also recently expanded to tasks beyond spelling, such as
controlling a virtual character (avatar) in a computer game (Faller et al., 2010; Lalor et al.,
2005; Martinez et al., 2007) or controlling an orthosis (Pfurtscheller et al., 2010b).
ERD-based BCI (ERD BCI, SMR BCI): Brain rhythms can either display an event-related
amplitude decrease or desynchronization (ERD) or an event-related amplitude increase or
synchronization (ERS) (Pfurtscheller & Lopes da Silva, 1999). The term ERD BCI describes any
BCI system that relies on the detection of amplitude changes in sensorimotor rhythms (mu and
central beta rhythms) and/or other brain oscillations, also including short-lasting post-
imagery beta bursts (beta ERS, beta rebound) (Blankertz et al., 2007; Pfurtscheller et al., 2006a;
2008b; Pfurtscheller & Solis- Escalante, 2009). The term SMR BCI is frequently used when only
sensorimotor rhythms are classified (Birbaumer & Cohen, 2007). In the standard protocol, the
user performs a motor imagery task to consciously modify brain rhythms. Motor imagery
results in a somatotopically organised activation pattern, similar to that observed when the
same movement is really executed (Lotze et al., 1999; Pfurtscheller & Neuper, 2010). In
particular, hand and feet motor imagery affect sensorimotor EEG rhythms in ways that allow a
BCI to detect such changes online and generate a reliable control signal.
The ERD BCI can operate in two different modes: the input data are either processed in a
predefined time windows of a few seconds each following cue stimuli (synchronous or cue-
based BCI), or continuously sample-by-sample (asynchronous or self-paced BCI). In a
synchronous protocol, the user performs a mental task after each cue; the EEG processing is
time-locked to externally-paced cues that are repeated in intervals of several seconds
because the onset of motor imagery is precisely known. No cue is presented in the
asynchronous mode. Hence, the system is continuously available for control, allowing users
to freely decide when they wish to generate a control signal. The output (control) signal of a
BCI can be either the result of the users intended control (IC) or intended non-control
(INC). In the latter case, during the resting state, undefined mental tasks (thoughts) or
artifacts may be erroneously classified as control signals. Such an asynchronous BCI is more
complex and demanding for developers, even though it may be easier for the user.
Virtual Reality

However, asynchronous BCIs have been validated even in advanced situations, such as
navigating in a virtual environment (Leeb et al., 2007a; 2007d; Scherer et al., 2008).
3. Virtual Reality system
In order to carry out the VE experiments, two different and complex systems had to be
integrated: the BCI and the VR system. Figure 2 shows that both systems run on two
different machines (hardware) and different platforms (software). The interaction between
them is realized via a network connection (usually TCP/IP).
The participant is placed in the middle of a multi-projection based stereo and head-tracked
VR system commonly known as a CAVE (Cruz-Neira et al., 1993). The surround
projection system consists of three rear-projected active stereo screens (left, right and front
wall on which the images are projected from outside) and a front-projected screen on the
floor (image for the floor is projected from above), as shown in the right part of Figure 2. It
generates three-dimensional stereoscopic representations of computer animated worlds,
depending on the current viewing position and direction of the visitor.
The projections on the screens are continuously adapted to the movements of the visitor by
re-computing the projected images for the respective current viewing position and direction
(update rate of 30 50 times per second). The position of the subject is determined using
four infrared cameras that keep track of a number of highly retro-reflective balls that are
attached to the shutter glasses. This makes it possible to compute images for every screen
that accurately fit the visitor's view on the simulated scene.
A special feature of any multi-wall VR system is that the images on the adjacent walls are
seamlessly joined together, so that participants do not see the physical corners but the
continuous virtual world that is projected with active stereo (Slater et al., 2002). The basic
idea is to let a user become immersed in a 3-D scene (Slater & Usoh, 1993). Therefore, the
subject has to wear shutter glasses (CrystalEyes, StereoGraphics Corporation, San Rafael,
USA) to see the two separate stereoscopic images generated for each eye of the observer.
The creation of the 3-D virtual environment entails two consecutive steps: first, the creation
of a 3-D model of the scene; and second, the generation of a VR-application that controls and
animates the modeled scene.

Fig. 2. System diagram of the hardware setup. The BCI system on the left analyses the EEG
signals, and the extracted control commands are transferred into movements with the VE
projected in the CAVE system. On the right bottom side is the physical CAVE installation
with indicated projection screens. Modified from Leeb (2008).
Brain-Computer Interface Systems used for Virtual Reality Control

4. Setup of an EEG-based BCI
The first step is always the same. The computer (classifier) has to learn how subject-specific
EEG data (trials) look during execution of a predefined mental task. In general, each trial
starts with a warning stimulus followed by a cue stimulus, indicating the type of mental
task. The task depends on whether the BCI requires external stimulation to generate the
necessary brain signals. P300 BCI and SSVEP BCIs do require such stimuli, while ERD BCIs
do not. In the former BCI approaches, the user typically must pay attention to one out of 2 or
more flickering lights or to flashing letters, numbers, and/or other symbols or commands.
In the latter case the user has to perform a motor imagery task (e.g. hand or foot movement
imagery) as indicated by the cue stimulus. During this training, about 80 trials of EEG data
(each lasting several seconds) are recorded without any feedback to the user and used to set
up the classifier. In a second step, the user has to perform the cue-paced mental task, and
real-time feedback informs the user about success or failure of the online classification. P300-
based and SSVEP-based BCIs have an apparent advantage in that both require no or only
minimal user training. In contrast, ERD-based BCIs often need extensive user training,
sometimes lasting many weeks (for details see Pfurtscheller et al., 2000; 2006a).
The experimental procedure commonly used with ERD-based BCI research can be divided
into the following steps:
1. The (new, naive) subject must be instructed on what exactly is going to be done. It is
crucial that the subject performs kinesthetic motor imagery (Neuper et al., 2005).
2. Training without feedback is done to acquire subject specific data for the imagery task
3. The most discriminative features (e. g., frequency bands) are extracted from this data.
4. The classifier is set up based on the features from step 3. If the classification accuracy is
above 70 %, move on the next step, otherwise continue with step 2. This involves the
selection of the best mental strategy, the localization of the best electrode recording sites
and the optimal frequency bands.
5. Training with feedback; that is, online processing of EEG signals.
6. Classifier update, if the frequency bands have been modified or the EEG patterns have
been changed.
7. Online applications like virtual environments can be controlled.
In general, multi-EEG channel recordings using various mental strategies can be performed
at the beginning of step 2. Furthermore, offline optimization can be applied to determine the
best mental strategies, electrode positions and frequency bands.
A BCI-system is, in general, composed of the following components: Signal acquisition,
signal processing (which includes preprocessing, feature extraction, classification /
detection, and post processing), application interface and an output device or application
(left part of Figure 2; see also Wolpaw et al., 2002). For the experiments reported here, the
Graz-BCI system was used (for details see Pfurtscheller et al., 2006c). It consisted of a
biosignal amplifier (gBSamp, g.tec medical engineering, Graz, Austria), one data acquisition
card (E-Series, National Instruments Corporation, Austin, USA), and a standard personal
computer running Windows XP operating system (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA)
The recording was handled by rtsBCI (Scherer, 2004), based on MATLAB 7.0.4 (MathWorks,
Inc., Natick, USA) in combination with Simulink 6.2, Real-Time Workshop 6.2 and the open
source package BIOSIG (BioSig, 2010). In the case of an ERD BCI band power (BP) features
were estimated from the ongoing EEG by digitally band-pass filtering the EEG recordings
Virtual Reality


Fig. 3. General workflow of an experiment with a motor imagery-based BCI.
(Butterworth IIR filter of order 5) and squaring and averaging the samples over the past
second. Finally, the logarithm was computed from this time series. To distinguish between
the two motor imagery tasks, Fisher's linear discriminant analysis (LDA, Bishop, 1995) was
applied to the BP estimates (sample-by-sample).
In the case of a SSVEP BCI, after calculation of the power spectrum, the first, second and
third harmonic components are individually defined for each target frequency. For selecting
one class, the sum of all its harmonic frequency components need to be larger than that of
the other classes (for details see Mller-Putz et al., 2005).
The philosophy of the Graz-BCI is to use as few electrodes as possible for online
experiments, which makes the BCI both, more comfortable and easier to apply, especially
for subjects out of laboratory (e.g. at home or in working space). In all of the 4 experiments
reported, EEG was recorded with an electrode cap (Easycap, Germany) fitted to the subject's
head. EEG electrodes were mounted bipolarly over the sensorimotor cortex (ERD BCI) or
over the occipital cortex (SSVEP BCI). The EEG was amplified (power-line notch filter was
activated), band pass filtered between 0.5 and 100 Hz (EEG acquisition and preprocessing
block, see Figure 2, left part) and recorded with a sampling frequency of 250 Hz.
5. Walking from thought - impact of immersive environments
The goals of the first study were: (i) to demonstrate that it is possible to move forward to
walk within a VE (e.g. a virtual street) without any muscular activity, using only the
imagination of movements recorded with a BCI and (ii) to compare the influences of
different feedback types (common BCI feedback versus VE feedback (HMD and CAVE)) on
Brain-Computer Interface Systems used for Virtual Reality Control

the BCI performance. Therefore, the results from three different feedback (FB) conditions
were compared: First, the results of the standard BCI with a simple bar graph; second, using
a head-mounted display (HMD) as a FB device; and finally, using a highly immersive
CAVE projection environment (see Figure 4a). In case of the HMD and CAVE conditions,
the idea was to use the imagination of foot movement to walk through the VE, based on a
synchronous BCI paradigm. The subject was instructed by a cue to imagine a right hand
movement (single beep) or a foot movement (double beep). Three healthy volunteers
participated several times over 5 months in this study. The task given to each participant
was to walk to the end of a virtual street (see Figure 4a), and only in the case of successful
foot motor imagery would a motion occur (for further details see Leeb et al., 2006;
Pfurtscheller et al., 2006a). Correct classification of foot motor imagery was accompanied by
forward movement at a constant speed in the virtual street, whereas a correct classification
of hand motor imagery stopped the motion. Incorrect classification of foot motor imagery
resulted in halting, and incorrect classification of hand motor imagery in backward motion
(same speed). The walking distance was scored as cumulative achieved mileage (CAM,
Leeb & Pfurtscheller, 2004; Leeb et al., 2006), which was the integrated forward/backward
distance covered during foot movement imagination and was used as the performance
measurement. So the BCI output of the online classification was either used to control the
length and orientation of the bar graph feedback (control condition) or to move through a
virtual street (HMD or CAVE condition). The CAM performances of the bar graph feedback
experiments were simulated offline to enable comparison.

Fig. 4. (a) Participant in the virtual main street with shops and animated avatars. The subject
wears an electrode cap and shutter glasses. (b) Examples of task performances displayed in
the theoretical possible CAM (dashed line) and the real CAM (full line) of one run of one
subject. The cue class indicated is written above the line. Due to the random cue sequence,
each participant had a different theoretical pathway (dashed line). (c) Boxplot of all achieved
CAMs of all subjects and feedback types. The diagram consists of 3 groups, each
corresponding to a subject. Within these groups the left plots corresponds to standard bar-
graph feedback (B), the middle to HMD feedback (H) and the right one to CAVE feedback
(C). Modified from Leeb et al. (2007c).
Virtual Reality

The CAM of an example result of subject S1 (session 2, run 4) is plotted in Figure 4b. Both
the theoretically possible CAM (dashed line) and the real achieved CAM (full line) are
plotted. A CAM of 100 % corresponds to a correct classification of all 40 imagery tasks over
the entire feedback time. A random classification would result in an expected CAM of 0 %.
It is almost impossible to achieve the maximum attainable CAM of 100 %, because even a
small procrastination or hesitation reduces mileage.
All the subjects were able to walk through the virtual street, and the resulting BCI
performance in the VR tasks was comparable to standard BCI recordings. The use of VR as
feedback stimulated the participant's performances and provided motivation. All the
subjects achieved their best results within the CAVE and the worst in the standard BCI
conditions. The mean achieved CAM of all participants and condition is plotted in Figure 4c.
Two participants showed an increase over the condition, but participant S1 achieved worse
results with the HMD (for further details see Leeb et al., 2006).
These data indicate that foot motor imagery is a suitable mental strategy to control events
within the VEs. Imagination of feet movement is a mental task which comes very close to
that of natural walking. In the CAVE condition (highest immersion) the performance of two
participants was especially outstanding (up to 100 % BCI classification accuracy of single
trials), although we observed a variability in the classification results between individual
6. Exploring a virtual apartment using an ERD-based BCI
The second study shows that ten naive subjects can be trained in a synchronous paradigm
within 3 sessions to navigate freely through a virtual apartment (see Figure 5a), whereby, at
every junction, the subjects could decide on their own how they wanted to explore the VE.
The very important and crucial step away from a synchronized or cue-based BCI and from
laboratory conditions towards real world applications is performed in this experiment. The
virtual apartment was similarly designed to a real world application, with a goal-oriented
task, a high mental workload and a variable decision period for the subject. All the subjects
were able to perform long and stable motor imagery over a minimum time of two seconds
(for further details see Leeb et al., 2007b).
In this paradigm, only the start of the decision period was indicated with a neutral cue
consisting of two arrows (see Figure 5b). The subject could decide for him/herself which
motor imagery he/she wanted to perform and therefore which direction he/she wanted to
select, but walking was only possible along predefined pathways through the corridors or
rooms. The subject received feedback by viewing the size of the arrows, which were
modulated depending on the BCI classification output. In this case, the corresponding arrow
was huge and the subject was turned to the right/left/straight. Afterwards, the system
automatically guided the subject to the next junction. As stated above, a neutral cue was
used to indicate the starting point of the decision period (similar to the cue-based BCI), but
the neutral cues were completely embedded in the given task and the duration of the
decision periods (similar to trials) was variable, depending only on the performance of the
subject. The subjects were instructed to go to a predefined target room. A small flag pole on
the map indicated the destination which should be reached by using the shortest route
through the maze-like apartment (see Figure 5a). The performance error was calculated by
dividing the number of wrong decisions by the total number of junctions.
Brain-Computer Interface Systems used for Virtual Reality Control

Each of the ten participating subjects performed 12 runs of variable duration in the virtual
apartment. All the runs started at the same point (entrance door). During the first run, no
instructions were given to the subjects, so they could walk freely through the apartment for
5 minutes to become familiar with the VE. In all the other runs, the subjects were instructed
to go to a predefined target room. A small flag pole on the map indicated the destination
which should be reached by using the shortest route through the maze-like apartment (see
Figure 5a). Only one target was given in the first two runs, but in further runs, the number
of targets was increased and only one target was visible each time. If this target was
reached, either the follow-up target was inserted or the run was finished. Each run was
limited to 5 minutes in total.
For comparison, synchronous BCI sessions with a standard bar-graph feedback were
performed before and after the sessions with the virtual apartment, whereby the
experiments with the virtual apartment were performed in front of a normal TFT monitor
(TFT) and within an immersive virtual environment (iVE). In Figure 5c, the mean and
standard error over all subjects is given and the statistical differences between the sessions
are marked. All the subjects were able to deal with the variable trial length (the duration of
the trial depended on how fast or slow the subject could perform a decision) and the
variable inter-trial interval. The subjects noted that the task in the virtual apartment was
much harder compared to the prior feedback training, because it was not only necessary to
perform the correct imagination, but also the shortest way through the apartment had to
be found. Therefore, the cognitive load was much higher compared to the standard BCI
paradigm (for further details see Leeb et al., 2007b). According to our hypothesis, we found
that the performance improves (that is, reduced error) over the sessions, and the lowest
error was found during the sessions with virtual feedback. The slight but stable
performance improvement of all subjects is very well known as the training effect
(Pfurtscheller & Neuper, 2001; Wolpaw et al., 2002).

Fig. 5. (a) View into the virtual apartment, with one possible pathway plotted in white. The
target room is marked with a small flag pole (in this example, the room at the upper end of
the apartment). (b) First-person view of the virtual apartment with two arrows indicating
the possible directions to go (neutral cue). (c) Mean standard error (SE) over all subjects
of the integrated classification error and performance error. The asterisk (* p<0.05) shows
statistically significant post-hoc differences. Cb_1 and cb_2 are the two sessions with
standard BCI feedback before and after the VR sessions. TFT is the session with VR feedback
presented on a normal TFT monitor and iVE in an immersive environment. Modified from
Leeb (2008).
Virtual Reality

7. Exploring a virtual apartment using an SSVEP-based BCI
Another study involving seven healthy participants (see Faller et al., 2010) presented an
even more flexible, asynchronous navigation paradigm within the same apartment scenario
as in Leeb et al. (2007b) using an SSVEP-based BCI. The participants were instructed to
navigate an avatar to two waypoints (see Figure 6a) along a given path in two runs, by
alternately focusing attention on one of three visual stimuli that were flickering at the
different frequencies 12, 15 and 20 Hz. Successful classifications of the according classes
triggered the associated commands (i) turn 45 left (ii) turn 45 right and (iii) walk one step
In contrast to the work presented in Chapter 6, this system requires minimal setup and
training time and offers faster, more accurate control, with the trade-off that it requires the
user to visually fixate certain stimuli in order to communicate a control signal. The stimuli
were presented directly within the 3D environment (see Figure 6b). Compared to systems
that rely on external stimuli (e.g. LEDs), this approach is more dynamic and allows the user
to better focus on goal-directed interactions and deal with a higher mental workload in the
Six out of seven subjects were able to navigate to the first waypoint in the first run halfway
through the apartment. Five participants successfully reached the second waypoint in the
second run. The average positive predictive value (precision, PPV = TP/(TP+FP), whereby
TP stands for true positive and FP for false positive detections) over all participants was 91.7
9.9 %, which resulted in an average of 6.5 2.3 TP and 0.4 0.4 FP activations per minute
given a dwell-time of 1.5 s and a refractory period of 4s. These fixed temporal restrictions do
of course limit the number of possible control commands per minute. However, some
factors other than speed may be more important for the user. For instance, choosing a higher
refractory period (Townsend et al., 2004) makes the SSVEP BCI easier to use, more likely to
provide effective communication for a broader population of users, more reliable, and less
fatiguing. This system demonstrates a virtual feedback environment that allows both
disabled and healthy users to seamlessly communicate and interact through an intuitive,
natural and friendly interface.


Fig. 6. (a) Overview of the apartment showing the path along the two waypoints (marked by
the arrows) that the participants are supposed to reach in the runs 1 and 2 respectively. (b)
Screenshot of an in-game scene, showing the avatar in third person perspective along with
the three navigation stimuli on the left, the right and over the avatars head.
Brain-Computer Interface Systems used for Virtual Reality Control

8. Moving a wheelchair in VR
Finally, we report on a 35 year old male tetraplegic subject. After a traumatic injury of the
spinal cord in 1998, he has a complete motor and sensory lesion below C5 and an incomplete
lesion below C4. During an intensive training period of approximately 4 months, he learned
to control the cue-based Graz-BCI (details about this training are reported elsewhere
(Pfurtscheller et al., 2000). Specifically, the midcentral focused beta oscillations with a
dominant frequency of approximately 17 Hz allowed a brain-switch like application and
control of a VE (recorded close to Cz, foot representation area). Only one single EEG channel
was recorded bipolarly at Cz (foot representation area). One single logarithmic band power
feature was estimated from the ongoing EEG (see Figure 7b-c). A simple threshold (TH) was
used to distinguish between foot movement imagination (IC) and rest (INC). For further
details see Leeb et al. (2007a).
The tetraplegic participant was placed with his wheelchair in the middle of a multi-
projection based stereo VR system (CAVE). The VE used was a virtual street with shops
on both sides (Leeb et al., 2006) and populated with 15 avatars, who were lined up along the
street (see Figure 7a). The participant was instructed to move from avatar to avatar
towards the end of the virtual street (65 length units) by movement imagination of his
paralyzed feet. Only when foot MI was detected (IC) did the subject move forward (see
Figure 7d, walking speed 1.25 units/second). Every time he was about to pass an avatar, he
had to stop very close to it. The avatar started talking to the subject if he was standing close
and still to it for one second. Each avatar was surrounded by an invisible communication

Fig. 7. (a) Picture sequence before, during and after the contact with an avatar. (b) Band-pass
filtered (1519 Hz) EEG and (c) logarithmic band power time course with threshold. (d)
Indicated periods of moving and stopping. The contact with the avatar occurred at second
11.4. Modified from Leeb (2008).
Virtual Reality

sphere (0.5 2.5 units) and the subject had to stop within this sphere. The size of the sphere
approximated the distance for a conversation in the real world. The avatar started talking to
the subject if he was standing still for one second within this sphere. After finishing a
randomly chosen short statement (like: Hi, My name is Maggie, It was good to meet
you), the avatar walked away. Communication was only possible within the sphere; if
the subject stopped too early or stopped too close to the avatar, nothing happened. After a
while, and with his own free will, the subject could imagine another foot movement and
started moving again towards the next avatar, until the end of the street was reached.
The tetraplegic subject performed ten runs on two days, and he was able to stop at 90 % of
the 150 avatars and talk to them. In four runs, he achieved a performance of 100 %. In 11 of
the 15 missed avatars (of all runs), the subject stopped within the communication range, but
the stopping time was too short (between 0.08 to 0.88 s mean SD = 0.47 s 0.27 s).
In an interview after the experiment, the patient confirmed that moving occurred only
during periods of foot motor imagery, but he reported that it was hard to stop precisely.
When the avatars were placed very laterally, it was especially hard to find the correct
distance to the avatar. Concerning the experience with the interaction, he mentioned that It
has never happened before, in the sense of success and interaction. I thought that I was on the street
and I had the chance to walk up to the people. I just imagined the movement and walked up to them.
However, I had the sensation that they were just speaking but not talking to me... He said that he
had the feeling of being in that street and forgot that he was in the lab and people were
around him. Of course the image on the CAVE wall didnt look like you or me, but it still felt as if I
was moving in a real street, not realistic, but real. I checked the people (avatars). We had 14 ladies
and 1 man. The subject stated that he felt surprised as one avatar walked through him; he
wanted to get out of the way, to go backwards. This suggests that the subject felt very
absorbed in the virtual reality environment.
This work demonstrated for the first time that a tetraplegic subject, sitting in a wheel chair,
could control his movements in a VE by the usage of a self-paced (asynchronous) BCI based
on one single EEG recording (for further details see Leeb et al., 2007a). The mentally induced
beta oscillation in our patient is a unique phenomenon and probably the result of the
intensive and long-lasting BCI feedback training with the goal of achieving control over
brain waves. The use of visually rich and stimulating VE, involving avatars that were
interacting with the subject, accounted for a diverse and challenging experimental
paradigm. The simulation power of the VE ensured that he had the sense of being in the
street and going to the people; therefore the experiment was similar to a task in a real street.
VEs are especially attractive for a person who is wheelchair-bound. First, simply using a VE
can give such persons access to experiences that may be long forgotten (or which they have
never had). The fact that the subject could still perform feet motor imagery, years after an
injury that rendered him unable to use his feet, is a testament to the plasticity of the human
brain (see also Kbler et al., 2005). Another advantage here is that VEs can be used to create
virtual prototypes of new navigation or control methods, and give potential users
experience of them in a safe environment before they are ever physically built.
9. Importance of VR feedback in BCI research
The increasing availability of VR technology has generated a high interest in studying BCI
interaction with VEs.
Brain-Computer Interface Systems used for Virtual Reality Control

Compared to traditional, abstract interfaces like mouse or keypad, BCI systems could
potentially promise a more direct and intuitive way of interacting and thereby overcome
some limitations of navigating within VEs (Usoh & Slater, 1995). This is especially obvious
for stimulus-dependent BCI-VR systems (Figure 1b), where users can control appliances in the
VE by simply directing their eye gaze and/or focus of attention towards the desired element
(e.g., looking at the TV to switch it on, looking at the door to open it; Allison et al., 2008). In
a typical independent BCI paradigm (Figure 1a) as described above, users learn to direct, e.g.,
a computer cursor towards a highlighted target via certain changes of specific EEG features.
To accomplish this task, each participant develops a specific mental strategy to modify the
relevant brain signals and use a BCI effectively. As ERD BCIs mostly rely on motor imagery,
the mental process of imagining different types of movements offers an intuitive way of VE
control like, for example, imagining foot movements for moving forward in a VE (Leeb et
al., 2007a; Pfurtscheller et al., 2006a). A further advantage of using sensorimotor rhythms in
BCI-based VE control is that they are typically modulated by motor activity (including both
actual and imagined movements), but unaffected by changes in visual stimulation.
Therefore people can use an ERD BCI while performing other visual tasks. Indeed, we have
successfully shown that people can use an ERD BCI (based on motor imagery) at the same
time as an SSVEP BCI (based on visual attention) (Allison et al., 2010; Brunner et al., 2010;
Pfurtscheller et al., 2010a; 2010b).
Furthermore, research that explores BCI training in VEs is important for many reasons. VEs
can help focus the training on the specific target application. For example, different training
settings and paradigms may be more or less efficient, depending on whether the users task
is to select certain characters or icons for communication, control a neuroprosthesis to
restore grasping, or navigate a wheelchair in a realistic environment. Moreover, it is a matter
of ongoing research whether BCI training in stimulus-rich virtual environments is more
effective than the standard training procedure using simple, more or less abstract, visual
cues and feedback stimuli. The literature suggests that a realistic VE enhances the feeling of
presence, task performance and also cortical activation (Jncke et al., 2009; Lee and Kim,
2008; Slater et al., 2002). Combining BCI and VR technologies can lead to highly realistic and
immersive BCI feedback scenarios that make participants more engaged and motivated.
Thus, it is not unexpected that a rich visual representation of the feedback signal, such as a
3-dimensional video game or VE, may facilitate learning to use a BCI (Leeb, 2008; Pineda et
al., 2003; Ron-Angevin et al., 2005).
The feedback is a very important component of the BCI as it provides the user with
information about the efficiency of his/her strategy and enables learning. The studies
mentioned above support realistic and engaging feedback scenarios which are closely
related to the specific target application. However, the processing of such a realistic
feedback stimulus may also interfere with the mental motor imagery task, and thus might
impair the development of BCI control (Neuper et al., 2009). This could be the case when the
realistic feedback presentation showing (for instance) a moving visual scene is not
compatible with the specific mental action the user creates to induce the relevant brain
signals. Therefore, the mutual interaction between a mentally simulated movement (for BCI
control) and simultaneous watching of a moving scene should be further investigated in
future studies.
Another interesting aspect is that mental simulation of movement (motor imagery) results in
cardiovascular changes explained by two factors, i.e. function of anticipation of movement
and central preparation of movement (Damen & Brunia, 1987; Oishi et al., 2000). The heart
Virtual Reality

rate (HR) generally decreases during motor imagery in laboratory conditions without VR
feedback (Leeb, 2008; Pfurtscheller et al., 2006b), but can be increased during effortful
imagery and/or enhanced mental effort (Decety et al., 1991), such as during VR feedback in
BCI experiments (Pfurtscheller et al., 2006b; 2008a). This underlines the importance of VR
feedback in modifying emotional experiences and enhances autonomic and visceral
responses. The HR changes can be in the order of several beats per minute and therewith
used to increase the classification accuracy of an ERD-based BCI when both the EEG and the
HR are analyzed simultaneously.
10. Concluding remarks
One important component of a BCI system is feedback. VR offers a powerful possibility not
only to rehearse scenarios that are otherwise too dangerous or expensive to set up, such as
simulation of wheel chair movement, but also to modify emotional experiences and enhance
therewith autonomic responses as e.g. heart rate changes. This opens a new way to improve
the performance of a BCI by simultaneously analyzing and classifying brain and heart rate
changes and to realize a hybrid BCI (Pfurtscheller et al., 2010a). Furthermore, VR
environments may offer numerous other benefits, such as reduced training time, improved
classification accuracy, increased sense of immersion/presence in an artificial setting, and
reduced boredom or fatigue.
11. Acknowledgment
This work was carried out as part of the PresenCCia project, an EU funded Integrated
Project under the IST program (project no. 27731) and the EU funded project BrainAble
(project no. ICT-2010-247447). The authors are grateful to Brendan Allison for proofreading
the manuscript.
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Virtual Reality

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Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D
Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings
Fabio De Felice
, Floriana Renna
Giovanni Attolico
and Arcangelo Distante

Computer Science department, Universit degli studi di Bari A. Moro
Institute of Intelligent Systems for Automation, National Research Council
1. Introduction
Three-dimensional Virtual Environments (VEs) enable the acquisition of knowledge on a
given domain through the interaction with virtual entities. The flexibility of a VE allows to
represent only the part of the world that is considered relevant for the final user: the proper
choice of the information, representation and rendering included in the virtual world can
strongly simplify the perception and interpretation efforts required to the users. Moreover,
VE can provide data that would be difficult or impossible to appreciate in the real world in
an easily and simply perceivable way: domain experts can communicate specific views and
interpretations of the reality in a way accessible to final users. A properly designed virtual
experience can significantly improve and simplify several learning tasks.
Organizing information in three dimensions and designing techniques to interact with them
require a complex effort: interaction metaphors have been introduced to facilitate the access
and interaction with VEs (Bowmann, 2001). A metaphor is the process of mapping a set of
correspondences from a source domain to a target domain (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980).
Metaphors help designers to map features of the interaction techniques to concepts more
immediately accessible to final users. Interaction can be made more immersive and
engaging by multi-modality. A multimodal system coordinates the processing of multiple
natural input modalitiessuch as speech, touch, hand gestures, eye gaze and head and
body movementswith multimedia system output (Oviat, 1999). The interaction is carried
out with advanced input/output devices involving different sensorial channels (sight, hear,
touch, etc.) in an integrated way. Spatial input devices (such as trackers, 3D pointing
devices, gesture and vocal devices) and multisensory output technologies (head mounted
displays, spatial audio and haptic devices) are increasingly being used as common
components of Virtual Reality applications. Each device addresses a particular sense and
exhibits a different interface: (Bowmann et al., 2004) offers a broad review of multimodal
interaction while (Salisbury, 2004) is a good introduction to haptics. A multimodal
interaction requires data to be redundant and polymorphous to address different sensorial
modalities at the same time (Jacobson, 2002).
Metaphors effectiveness strongly depends on the sensory channels they refer to and on the
users characteristics. Therefore this presentation will correlate and compare hapto-acoustic
Virtual Reality

metaphors in visual and non-visual settings, evaluating their relevance when used alone or
to support and complement vision. The multimodal interaction allows VE applications to
address users with sensorial impairments that can rely on the particular interaction
modalities they feel comfortable with. Many researches have proved hapto-acoustic VR
applications to represent valid tools for visually impaired users in organizing hapto-acoustic
perceptions into a mental schema of reality.
Sight is a parallel sense that allows a top-down approach to perception and cognition: it
makes possible to catch a global and coarse idea of the scene in a very fast and easy way
leaving to further explorations the detection, interpretation and integration of details in the
mental schema of the scene. Blind mainly use touch and hear to perceive the surrounding
world. Touch is a serial sense and generates a long spatio-temporal sequence of data that the
user mind must integrate to build a globally meaningful mental model through a bottom-up
process. Moreover, touch is ineffective or even useless when dealing with objects that are
very large or that cannot be touched (far in space, sensible to damages, etc.).
Contextualization can be improved by the use of acoustic cues.
Sight allows a multi-resolution approach: by using proper lenses it is easy to perceive details
at scales beyond the capacity of the human eye. Touch is tied to a single level of detail
(depending on the dimension of the fingertips) and cannot appreciate details that are smaller
than a specific threshold. Building several proper physical artifacts (offering different enlarged
versions of the objects) is expensive and can be less productive. VEs offer an easier and more
effective manipulation and understanding of many kinds of information. Digital models allow
the dynamic change of scale and resolution of the context to investigate with a positive impact
on the human haptic perception of objects (Klatzky & Lederman, 1995) (Okamura & Cutkosky,
1999). Details of VE can be dynamically highlighted or hidden, to focus visually impaired
people attention on the most relevant information.
The design of multimodal rendering must account for current technological limitations:
haptic technology does not allow a stable interaction using both hands, the acoustic
simulation cannot completely reproduce the richness of sounds occurring during an
experience in the real world, smell and taste simulation are still far from being effective. To
be preferred to tactile maps or scaled models or to the direct exploration of environment the
virtual experience must be complementary with respect to the experience of reality. It must
be properly created to make clear the perception and the comprehension of the desired
informative content and tailored to the interests and capabilities of the user to enhance his
knowledge and comprehension of the world. This poses criticism to haptic and acoustic
because the combined display has to make up the lack of visual information. The limited
bandwidth of haptic must be compensated by well defined interaction metaphors. This
alternative way of perceiving VEs must supply a quick acquisition of the overall meaning of
a scene that vision provides at a glance. Computer haptics in VEs for visual impaired is
quite a recent research activity but despite to this, many different guidelines have been
proposed to make hapto-acoustic interaction more effective. However there are no works
reporting a taxonomy of interaction metaphors based on user tasks, as reported in the area
of classic VE interaction for sighted users in (Bowmann, 2004) and (De Boeck et al., 2005).
This chapter gives an overview of the current interaction techniques in the field of
multimodal VEs for non-visual interaction. The term non-visual will be used throughout the
chapter to refer, further than blind users interaction, the possibility that these techniques
could be used even by sighted users to support and integrate vision, when visual feedback
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

is not available, or unpractical, or when they cooperate with blind subjects. The proposed
overview will correlate the designed non-visual interaction techniques with the well known
visual interaction metaphors according to classical users tasks in VEs (navigation, selection
and manipulation of virtual entities). This will make more straightforward for the reader to
understand each technique and how tasks normally carried out by vision can be completed
with sensorial substitution. Some of the metaphors identified as effective, integrated with
new features, have been used as a conceptual framework to develop a general-purpose
multimodal interaction software framework: this framework has been applied to the
development of different applications experimentally verified with several blind users.
The chapter is organized as follows. In the next paragraph some reviews are analysed to
better situate the taxonomy used by this presentation; then a survey of non-visual
interaction metaphors will be presented and compared to visual interaction metaphors from
literature. For each user task the differences between visual and non-visual setting will be
outlined and the non-visual metaphors will be motivated. In section four our software
interaction metaphors will be presented and in the fifth section several experiences with
blind users will be reported with their subjective feedbacks.
2. Related works
In literature there are several works that propose different taxonomies of multimodal
interaction techniques. In (Panels & Roberts, 2010), (Roberts & Panels, 2007) an overview
on Haptic Data Visualization (HDV) based on data representation is presented. HDV
represents the virtual model as an abstraction, encoding numerical values or an abstract
mathematical concept rather a physical environment. Haptic and audio cues are used to
convey analytic information in a non-visual way. This can be useful for blind users but even
for sighted users in contexts where the visual feedback is not available. The taxonomy
reports the following topics: charts, maps, signs, networks, diagrams, tables and images.
This review outlines how most research has been performed to render charts. Other areas
intensively investigated are maps, diagrams and signs.
(Nesbitt, 2005) defines a framework to support the design of multimodal displays for HDV
and presents the MS Taxonomy divided in spatial, direct and temporal metaphors. Spatial
metaphors describe concepts involving our perception of space and are related to spatial
features such as position, size and structure. Direct metaphors describe concepts that
explain the way our individual senses detect information. Temporal metaphors refer to the
way we perceive occurring events in time and influence the other two metaphor types.
Despite the paper proposes an articulated taxonomy, it does not go into details about
possible interaction techniques.
A broad review on multimodal human-computer interaction can be found in (Jaimes & Sebe,
2007) where an overview of the field is given from a computer vision perspective. The paper
focuses on the possibility of creating intelligent systems able to recognize the emotional state
of the user analyzing different input sources such as facial expression and vocal recognition. In
spite of the fact that haptic is just mentioned but not related systems are described, this work
could help in understanding the role of haptics in affective human-computer interaction.
(Coomans & Timmermans, 1997) gives a taxonomy of human-computer communication in
VR systems, focused on categorizing multimodal communication channels occurring during
user virtual experiences, types of interaction and ways to display retrieved data. No
classification of adoptable techniques according to user task is given.
Virtual Reality

This chapter addresses interactions metaphors according the user tasks and the metaphors
proposed to effectively accomplish them. User tasks, in our opinion, are a more general and
straightforward way to ground interaction techniques; they can be considered as events
occurring in time therefore they can be linked with temporal metaphors (Nesbitt, 2005). In
particular navigation metaphors can be applied to maps as described in the works of
Panels and Roberts. We can refer to selection and manipulation as general interaction tasks,
with which the user picks up an object and manipulates it both in a physical sense
(translating, rotating or scaling it) and in a semantic sense (extracting enclosed information).
The latter manipulation technique is particularly related to techniques for data visualization
therefore manipulation metaphors can fall inside spatial and direct metaphors and can be
connected to techniques used for charts and maps.
3. Hapto-acoustic interaction with Virtual Environments
The classification of users tasks in VEs we refer to comes from the works of Gabbard,
(Gabbard, 1997) and Esposito (Esposito, 1996) that organize them in:
Object Selection
Object Manipulation, Modification and Querying
Based on this classification many interaction metaphors have been designed and
implemented. The majority of them are based on vision as the main feedback channel.
In this section, a survey of the most used metaphors for each task will be given, their hapto-
acoustic version, if possible, will be described with their relevance in non-visual settings.
3.1 Navigation metaphors
The navigation task refers to how users move inside the VE. Many works (Bowmann, 2005),
(Shermann & Craig, 2003) agree in distinguishing two main components of the navigation
task: travel and wayfinding. The former is the navigation physical component: the user
moves through a series of locations exploring the environment, investigating its structure
and the position of virtual entities. Other travel sub tasks can be the search tasks (moving to
a specific target location) or manoeuvring tasks (highly precise small movements place the
user viewpoint in the position/attitude most suitable to a specific goal). Wayfinding is the
cognitive component of navigation: it involves the synthesis of the information acquired
while travelling into a mental representation of the space and its use to plan paths in the VE.
3.1.1 Physical movement based metaphors
A group of travel metaphors is based on user physical movements. These metaphors use the
body motion to drive the user movement inside the VE: most of them are intended for
immersive VEs (such as CAVE applications). Types of physical metaphors are:
Walking in Place
Devices Simulating Walking
Walking is the most direct form of travelling in a 3D world. It is a natural technique and
provides vestibular cues but technological and spatial limitations make it not always
feasible. It can be used when the VE size is smaller than the tracker working area. Other
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

solutions (Welch et al., 1994) use an optical tracking system that enables the use of a wider
area by using a scalable tracking grid on the ceiling. Walking is more important for 3D
applications such as mobile Augmented Reality (Hllerer et al., 1999). Walking in place is a
natural alternative to walking: users move their feet to simulate walking always remaining
in the same place. It does not have spatial limitations and still allows users to drive the
movement with their body but it does not provide vestibular cues and gives a lower sense of
presence in the VE. Devices Simulating Walking metaphors can be applied in very large
VEs: they simulate the real walking with various types of treadmills allowing a more
effective walking but they are expensive and do not provide the perception of a natural
walking. Rather, user learns how to adapt his walking motion to the device characteristics.
Finally, Cycles devices can be applied to simulate walking: they are less effective in
providing a real walking sensation but are less complex and expensive than treadmills.
Body based haptic devices, such as vibrotactile gloves, belts or suits (Piateski & Jones, 2005),
can be integrated in the walking metaphor and can define useful tactile cues to convey
information even for blind users. In particular, vibrotactile solutions for non-visual
autonomous mobility are currently investigated inside the (HaptiMap European project).
Ground based haptic devices, such as the PHANToM or the CyberForce, could be suitable
for integration with other physical metaphors both in contexts of visual and non-visual
feedback. The whole hand haptic interaction can be useful to feel the grasping of virtual
objects while stylus based haptic devices can simulate the blind cane. However, to our
knowledge, there is no literature in this direction.
3.1.2 Steering based metaphors
Steering is the continuous specification of absolute or relative direction of travel in different
ways and with different devices. These metaphors share a direct camera manipulation
approach. The techniques we will describe are:
Flying Vehicle
Scene in Hand
Eyeball in Hand
When a head tracker or an eye tracker is available the most natural choice for travelling in
the VE is the Gaze-directed steering (Mine, 1995). With this metaphor, the direction the user
is looking at specifies the direction of motion. In spite of its simplicity, this solution can
become inefficient because whenever the user looks around to explore the environment he
changes the motion direction. To avoid this problem the Pointing technique has been
introduced in (Mine, 1995). It is based on two separate trackers: one used to look around in
the VE while the other one, generally held in the user hand, specifies the direction of travel.
(Lcuyer et al., 2003) presents a system for blind people based on the egocentric navigation:
travelling is constrained by a predefined path where the user moves using a wireless
gamepad while a haptic device simulates a cane used to feel the VE. The exploration is
integrated with auditory and thermal feedbacks (providing a perception of the sun position)
besides the visual one, that allows sighted people to follow the navigation. This system can
be Considered as using the Pointing Metaphor, where the trackers are respectively the
gamepad, used to navigate the VE, and the cane used to look around. Criticisms mainly
concern the constraint posed on the route and the constant speed of navigation; moreover
the thermal effect needed additional work and the virtual cane was not always perceived.
Virtual Reality

In (Ware & Osborne, 1990) three metaphors are described and compared. The first is the
Flying Vehicle metaphor where the virtual camera is represented as mounted on a virtual
vehicle and the user can move the vehicle specifying its direction of motion. This is the most
used travel technique applied in immersive and desktop solutions whose major drawback is
the time required to travel between two far apart points in large VEs, depending on the
maximum allowed speed. In the Scene in Hand metaphor, a virtual object is taken as an
anchor around which the user can orbit: the direction of movement is related to the object
position. This is useful for manoeuvring tasks while it results less effective for exploration
and search tasks. The third metaphor is the Eyeball in Hand: the user holds a 6DOF tracker
in his hand as if he would really hold his eyeball in the hand whose movements are directed
coupled with the camera motion in the virtual space.
The Flying Vehicle metaphor can be extended to haptic display in the context of visual
feedback (Anderson, 1998). Haptic feedback allows feeling objects through vibration and
bump, according to the type of haptic device at hand.
In (De Boeck et al., 2001) and (De Boeck et al., 2002) the Camera in Hand metaphor is
presented as a hapto-acoustic extension to the Eyeball in Hand technique. This technique
uses the PHANToM haptic device to allow the user to combine Pointing and travel tasks in
a single device avoiding the use of any further distracting tools. The virtual camera is
directly coupled with the stylus of the haptic device and the user can specify camera
direction and orientation in an absolute manner by moving the haptic stylus. Further
enhancement to this technique (Extended Camera in Hand) allows switching from the
absolute mode to a relative mode of direction specification to explore VEs larger than the
physical haptic workspace. Acoustic feedback is used to highlight the hardness of pushing
and the subsequent navigation velocity.
Although Flying Vehicle and Camera in Hand metaphors allow the use of haptic and
acoustic cues in visual setting, they are not effective in non-visual setting. For sighted users,
the point of view of the VE is the perspective from the position of the virtual camera. In
hapto-acoustic applications addressing blind or eyes busy users, the point of view can be
defined as the perspective from the position of the haptic probe. Directly coupling the haptic
stylus with the virtual camera enables an egocentric point of view of the VE and a subjective
navigation. In this type of navigation, the point of view continuously changes depending on
the user hand movements and this can confuse blind users that lack the stable references
points provided by vision (Sjstrm, 2001). Indeed, this missing visual feedback makes more
difficult to match information acquired from different point of views and very hard to
construct a global schema of the VE.
Steering metaphors with direct camera manipulation, involving a continuously changing
point of view, can be integrated with hapto-acoustic cues to enhance the sense of immersion
of sighted users. In case of visually impaired or eye busy users, the use of Steering
metaphors with haptics as the main feedback channel can be confusing.
3.1.3 Route planning and Target based metaphors
Another way of travelling is through the specification of a travel route or of the given target.
Both these approaches have in common an indirect camera manipulation because the
viewpoint is automatically manipulated by the system after the specification of the route or
of the final destination made by the user. Route Planning metaphors constraint the
navigation along the path specified by the user: the system handles the sequence of
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

movements. The user has a minimum control on the travel and can pay attention to other
tasks. Described metaphors are:
Drawing a Path
Marking Points
The Drawing a Path metaphor allows the user to draw a 2D path that is then projected into
the 3D space. In (Igarashi et al., 1998) the 2D line is specified using the mouse. The Marking
Points metaphor requires the placement of markers along a path of the VE: the system is
responsible for creating a continuous path through this sequence of points. In (Bowmann et
al., 1999) the user places markers using a 3D map of the VE; points marked on the map are
then projected on the VE and connected by straight segments. An advantage of this
technique is the possibility of changing the precision of the path by placing a greater or
lower number of markers.
If the entire route is not relevant, it is possible to directly move the viewpoint to a target
specified by the user. Some target based metaphors are:
Small Scene Manipulation
Map-based Specification
With Teleportation users are instantly brought into a given position in the scene. This
approach can easily disorient sighted users (Bowmann et al., 1997) because jumping from
one place to another significantly decreases spatial orientation. A gradual movement from
the starting point to the target is always recommended to reduce this effect. The Small Scene
Manipulation metaphor has been introduced in (De Boeck et al., 2004): the camera smoothly
zooms in a particular part of the world chosen by the user. Map based specification employs
a 2D map depicting the entire world over the 3D VE and users can trace markers
everywhere in the scene without being constrained by the viewpoint. The World in
Miniature (WIM) metaphor (Mine, 1996) implements this approach allowing the user to
place markers by manipulating a 3D miniature version of the VE. This metaphor can be
considered more than a navigation metaphor because users can even select and manipulate
distant objects through their miniature representation.
Haptic integration in Route Planning and Target based techniques is not well documented
for visual settings. Moreover it is judged not useful for indirect camera manipulation in
visual feedback context (De Boeck et al., 2005). Something analogue to a haptic route
planning approach can be found in (Vidholm et al., 2004). This paper investigates how
stereo graphics and haptics can be combined to facilitate the seeding procedure in semi-
automatic segmentation of magnetic resonance angiography images. A force feedback based
on local gradients and intensity values generates constraint forces allowing users to trace
vessels in the image by placing in the 3D data set the seed points that will guide a region
based segmentation algorithm.
On the other hand, planning routes and defining targets in VE are very useful techniques
that designers can employ to develop hapto-acoustic metaphors for virtual navigation of
visual impaired. For this kind of users, the combination of attractive forces and magnetic
paths can implement a sort of haptically guided tour through the VE (Sjstrm, 2001), very
useful to support non-visual wayfinding.
Different solutions are available for the haptic guided exploration. (De Felice et al., 2007) and
(Pokluda & Sochor, 2005) propose an exploration based on free movements with guide: the
user can freely explore the VE, asking for being guided to a known point whenever he feels
lost. Other applications fully constrain user movements to follow a predefined path (Roberts et
Virtual Reality

al., 2002), (Pokluda & Sochor, 2003). In (De Felice et al., 2005), blind can switch from a free
exploration of a 3D reconstruction of an ancient pillory to a guided tour through the most
interesting features of the model (Figure 1). Whenever to user is brought in a target, a synthetic
speech informs him with historical data of that feature. The guiding force must be gently
enough not disturbing the user attention but sufficiently strong to be perceived and followed.
In this work the following logarithmic force feedback has been used:
= Log(D) - (1)
where D is the current distance between the haptic probe and the target, while is an offset
taking into account the fact that the 3D position of the target is placed inside the object
mesh. The force direction is given by the vector connecting the haptic probe to the target.
The force decreases as the haptic probe comes closer to the used feature: the user can freely
orbit around the target being always haptically advised to come closer to it whenever he
moves too far. In non-visual navigation, routes and markers are needed to supply the haptic
experience with tools that enhance the construction of the global schema of the VE. These
types of planning must be predefined by designers in the non-visual contest while they can
be dynamically specified during the navigation by sighted users.

Fig. 1. A haptic guided tour on a 3D model. The sphere is attracted by the salient portions of
the model (rectangles) while a synthetic speech gives information on historical data. Black
arrows depict the attractive force, while the green arrows describe the contact force.
The World in Miniature metaphor offers an effective starting point to describe the most
diffuse approach for navigating VE in application with non-visual display. As stated above,
a subjective navigation involving a continuous change of the viewpoint is not suitable for
blind navigation, and VE to result effective must overcome the traditional difficulties that
blind subjects experience in the real life. For these reasons, many applications propose the
entire VE as a world in miniature that fits the workspace of a one-point haptic device. In this
way, the blind user has the entire world below his hand and can navigate rapidly and safely
from one point to another (Figure 2). The movement of the stylus does not affect the
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

reference system of the VE, that keeps its absolute position and orientation in relation to the
desk. The avatar moves in a physical workspace, depending on the haptic device, that the
user explores in an exocentric way.
Many works refers to this setting when VE helps blind users to navigate in real
environments (Magnusson & Rassmus-Grhn, 2004), (Lahav & Mioduser, 2008), (De Felice
et al., 2007), (Murai, 2006) or to acquire geographical data from virtual maps (De Felice et al.,
2007), (Parente & Bishop, 2003), (Moustakas et al., 2007). Experiments with VE representing
real environments investigate the possibility that a preliminary virtual exploration can
support the construction of an effective cognitive map, helping blind to navigate the real
counterpart in a more autonomous and secure way. (Magnusson & Rassmus-Grhn, 2004)
used the PHANToM to virtually navigate a complex traffic VE. The study shows that most
of the users were able to understand and navigate the VE and that users with better
performances in the VE were very good at moving with a cane. Moreover, it outlines that
blind users require detailed and articulated 3D virtual worlds so that it is important to find
more automatic ways to create such environments. (Lahav & Mioduser, 2008) developed a
3D multimodal indoor VE that can be navigated with the Microsoft Force Feedback Joystick.
They compared the performance in the real environment of people trained on the VE with
those of the control group that directly explored the real one. They state that VE allows
users to navigate real environments better than people belonging to the control group
because virtual navigation allows a comprehension of all the parts, even the inner ones, that
is faster and safer. (Murai et al., 2006) used the PHANToM Omni to explore an indoor
environment. The use of a virtual simulator can offer some remarkable features such as
guidance by using two haptic devices, one for the trainer and one for the user. It also
reported that an extended training with the application enhances users performances and
the system efficacy compared to traditional media. In (Yu & Brewster, 2002) a system
designed to improve visually impaired people access to graphs and tables is presented.

Fig. 2. The hapto-acoustic version of the World in Miniature metaphor used to navigate VE.
The user pilots the avatar through the haptic stylus of a PHANToM Desktop
Table 1 reports an overview of the described metaphors highlighting their compatibility
with haptics in visual and non-visual setting. Their typologies are reported as pm (Physical
Movement), s (Steering), rptb (Route planning and Map Target based).
Virtual Reality

Metaphors Metaphor
Other tasks
with haptic
with haptic
Walking in
pm no yes possible
Treadmills pm no yes possible
Cycle pm no yes possible
Gaze Directed s no no no
Pointing s no no no
Flying Vehicle s no possible possible
Scene in Hand s no possible yes
Eyeball in
s no no no
Camera in
s no yes no
Teleportation rbtb no no no
Small Scene
rbtb no no yes
World in
rbtb selection/
possible yes
Table 1. Navigation metaphors overview. Compatibility is possible if haptic can be useful
but little or no related literature is available.
3.2 Selection metaphors
Selection, also called target acquisition task (Zhai et al., 1994), refers to the acquisition or
identification of a particular object in the virtual scene. Selection techniques, that require the
indication of a particular object and the confirmation of its selection, can be grouped in:
Virtual Hand
Virtual Hand, the most intuitive and used selection technique, allows the user to directly
select and manipulate an object with his hand. Ray-casting metaphors allow the object
selection by pointing a ray at it. These mentioned metaphors have hapto-acoustic extension
for visual and non-visual settings, and will be described in the following sub sections.
Aperture-based metaphors (Forsberg et al., 1996) provide users with an aperture cursor
sliding over a cone shaped pointer that enables the dynamic control of the cone width
whose apex is at the user eye and of the central axis whose direction is specified by the hand
tracker movement. At our knowledge, no works have addressed the multimodal
enhancement of these metaphors in non-visual settings.
The Speech metaphor (De Boeck et al., 2003) is a very natural and intuitive solution when
selectable objects can be univocally named but in complex environments disambiguation
can be required and the Automatic Voice Recognition applications are still error-prone. The
integration with force feedback is difficult. Sound cues can be used to confirm selections.
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

3.2.1 Virtual Hand
With the Virtual Hand metaphor, the user moves a virtual cursor by using a tracker such as
the Cyber Glove or any 3 DOF input device. The virtual cursor can have different shapes,
typically it is a human hand 3D model. The user hand motion is directly mapped to the
virtual hand motion by calculating its 3D position p
and orientation R
in the VE:
= p
; R
= R
where is a scaling factor while p
and R
are position vector and orientation matrix of the
user hand respectively. Whenever the virtual hand intersects a virtual object, it becomes
selected. The movements of the selected object are directly coupled with the user hand
motion, making this metaphor also a useful technique for manipulation tasks (for details see
section 3.3). This metaphor results very intuitive and natural because allows a behaviour
similar to touch an object in every day life. Its major drawback is the limited workspace into
which objects can be selected, due to the limited range of user limb, making a distant object
only selectable after a navigation task. To overcome this limitation, in (Poupyrev et al., 1996)
the Go-go metaphor has been proposed, which provides to the user a way to interactively
and non-linearly change the length of the virtual arm.
3.2.2 Ray-casting
Ray-casting is by far the most popular distant selection metaphor that allows the user to
select objects by directing a virtual ray. In immersive solutions the ray can be attached to the
user virtual hand, while in desktop solutions can be attached to a 3D widget controlled by a
mouse. The basic version of the metaphor allows to select the closest object intersecting the
ray, resulting in a very effective and simple local selection technique while its precision
significantly decreases selecting far objects (Poupyrev et al., 1998), (Bowmann et al., 1999),
(De Boeck et al., 2004). Indeed, when the ray operates over large distances it results in a
lower accuracy due to the hand jitter amplification; moreover small angular motion of the
input device causes large movements of the ray. Objects occluded or in high dense
arrangement are difficult to be selected (Liang & Green, 1994). The Cone-casting enhances
the basic technique involving the use of a cone shaped selection volume with the apex
placed at the virtual input device 3D position (Liang & Green, 1994), (Zhai et al., 1994). By
increasing the activation area, multiple targets can be selected and a more stable pointing is
allowed but this approach, due to the need of a disambiguation mechanism, leads to a more
complex interaction (Hinkley et al 1994).
(Vanacken et al., 2009) presents and compares the 3D Bubble cursor, Depth ray and Haptic
Lock ray techniques trying to overcome the ray-casting metaphor limitations; the visual and
multimodal versions of each metaphor are tested in environments with different degrees of
density. To highlight selection and confirmation of targets, 3D Bubble cursor and Depth ray
multimodal versions introduce short sinusoidal bumps and earcons (Cockburn & Brewster,
2005). The multimodal feedback for Haptic Lock ray is dynamically activated when the user
disambiguates multiple selected targets: the haptic probe behaves as a depth marker,
haptically constrained along the ray vector and whenever it intersects an object, the user
feels a haptic bump and an earcon. Experiments showed that the added multimodal
feedback did not provide any real improvement in planning the selection of occluded
objects in dense scenes while the advantage of hapto-acoustic cues is in increasing the user
awareness of the target capturing operation. The use of haptic with stereo graphics for the
Virtual Reality

selection task is reported in (Wall et al, 2002). Users had to select targets in a 3D VE in
different experimental setups switching from 2D visual feedback to stereo visual feedback,
with and without haptic feedback. Results suggested that the haptic feedback provides
insignificant benefits in enhancing target selection time especially when stereo graphics is
used and are consistent with (Akamatsu et al., 1995), (Cockburn & Brewster, 2005) works.
In non-visual setting, the selection task is a quite passive procedure due to the lack of global
knowledge of the whole scene; active non-visual selection techniques should provide both a
way to show the user the objects available for the selection and tools to select them and to
confirm the choice. (Magnusson & Rassmus-Grhn, 2005) compares a set of hapto-acoustic
tools to help users in selecting objects within a memory game. In particular, attractive forces
and Linear Fixture (Prada & Payandeh, 2005) have been compared. Linear Fixture constrains
the haptic probe on a magnetic line pointing towards the selected object where the user can
move. Results showed no preferences between the two haptic techniques and that user
ratings depend on the type of interaction. Moreover, 3D positional sound was preferred
chosen among the proposed acoustic designs. In (Mnlas et al., 2010) hapto-acoustic
metaphors are used to enhance target selection in non-visual VE with multiple and occluded
objects. The Virtual Magnet metaphor is used: an attractive sphere placed around targets
attracts the haptic probe with a force decreasing as long as the probe approaches the target.
The positional information (via spatialisation) and distance (via repetition rate and level
variations) are the two proposed acoustic cues. Comparisons are made between acoustic
only, haptic only and multimodal conditions resulting in a lower selection time with haptic
only and multimodal conditions.
An approach to increase the activation area allowing multiple selection candidates is
presented in (Pokluda & Sochor, 2005): the selection area is a 3D sphere (Navigation Sphere)
centred in the user avatar position that limits the haptic device movements to a small radius.
Objects in the scene are projected on the sphere surface and the user can perceive distal
virtual objects by haptic effects (vibrations). In our opinion, this is a very useful technique
for selection in non-visual setting because it allows the acquisition of a global haptic view of
the available objects at any distance. Unfortunately the paper lacks detailed blind users
feedback. An interesting extension could be obtained integrating the Navigation Sphere
technique with a guiding force moving the user hand toward the object.
In table 2 an overview of the selection metaphors is reported highlighting compatibilities
with hapto-acoustic cues in visual and non-visual settings.

Other tasks
with haptic
with haptic
Virtual Hand no Manipulation yes possible
Go-go yes Manipulation yes possible
Ray-casting yes Manipulation yes yes
Cone-casting yes Manipulation yes yes
yes no possible possible
Speech yes no no no
Table 2. Selection metaphors overview
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

3.3 Manipulation metaphors
Manipulation in VEs consists in translating, rotating and scaling the selected objects to
acquire, through sight, a full knowledge of their shape and geometry for general interaction
purposes. According to (Poupyrev et al., 1998), the manipulation task can be divided into
exocentric and egocentric manipulation. In the former the user manipulates objects acting
from outside the world with a god eyes view while, in the latter, he acts from inside the
world and manipulates objects with a subjective point of view. Multimodal manipulation
allows an enhanced examination of VE in visual settings because more properties can be
acquired: shape and geometry with sight, material and weight with haptic, acoustic
properties with hearing. In non-visual settings, touch is the main feedback channel and
manipulation must supply features to make effective haptic examination of objects for a
complete comprehension of their features. Egocentric manipulation metaphors includes:
Virtual Hand
Object in Hand
Image Plane
while exocentric manipulation are:
World in Miniature
Scaled World Grab
Voodoo Dolls
3.3.1 Egocentric manipulation
Egocentric manipulation metaphors allow to interact with the world from a first person
viewpoint. In visual settings, these techniques are well suited for manipulation tasks such as
object deformation, texture change and 3D menu interaction. In nonvisual settings,
egocentric manipulation can help as long as the examined object is not moved, otherwise
reference points are missed confusing the user.
Direct manipulation metaphors such as the Virtual Hand and Object in Hand can be
integrated with haptics and acoustic feedbacks. HOMER (Hand-centred Object
Manipulation Extending Ray Casting) metaphor (Bowmann & Hodges, 1997) allows to
select objects as in Ray-casting technique; then the user virtual hand moves to the object
position where a direct manipulation can be applied. Despite the lack of works specifically
addressing the integration of this technique with hapto-acoustic cues, it is plausible that
multimodal versions of this metaphor could be obtained mixing the Ray-casting hapto-
acoustic version and the virtual hand metaphor haptic version. Image Plane technique
(Pierce et al., 1997) allows the user to select, move or manipulate objects indicating their
projection on a 2D screen with a 2D mouse; since this is a 2D interaction technique for a 3D
world, it is not possible to have a 6 DOF manipulation so haptic is not an added value. Virtual Hand
As already stated in 3.2, Virtual Hand allows users to directly select and manipulate objects
in the VE. Once the object has been selected, virtual hand movements are directly applied to
the object in order to move, rotate and scale it.
This metaphor is well suited for the integration with the haptic feedback. It can be used with
one-point haptic devices, such as the PHANToM Desktop from the (Sensable), and whole
hand devices such as the Haptic Workstation from the (Immersion). Whole hand haptic
Virtual Reality

manipulation in visual environments can be very useful in application of virtual
prototyping and CAD design. (Ott et al., 2010) addresses the possibility for the user to
interact with objects with both hands and the Haptic Workstation is used. The enhanced
realism and effectiveness in VEs allowed by the haptic feedback require a greater
complexity in computing forces for one or two whole hands manipulation with respect to a
one point interaction. They propose a haptic hand model based on the God-object method of
(Zilles & Salisbury, 1995), a proxy-based method largely used for one-point interaction
devices. The virtual hand is decomposed in a Tracked Hand, directly coupled to the user
real hand data; the Proxy that is a mass-spring-damper system connected to the Tracker
hand by a set of viscoelsatic links and, the Visual Hand that is the only visible one. As long
as the user moves into free space, the Proxy follows the Tracked Hand and the Visual Hand
reflects the Proxy configuration. Whenever a virtual object is intersected, the Tracked Hand
is allowed to penetrate its geometry, while the Proxy and consequently the Visual Hand are
constrained to remain on the object surface. The viscoelastic links, connecting the Tracked
Hand and the Proxy, determine the force feedback magnitude and directions to be applied
to the device. Other works addressing the haptic rendering of the whole hand are (Garre &
Otadui, 2009) for the manipulation of deformable objects and (Tzafestas, 2003) that also
investigates the problem of torques rendering. They do not refer to any acoustic feedback.


Fig. 3 Haptic manipulation techniques: a) zooming in and out, b) PHANToM dragging and
Box dragging.
Haptic manipulation in non-visual settings aims at understanding objects rather than
moving them around changing their position and orientation. Applications are mainly
based on one-point interaction devices, that are more stable and effective if compared to
whole hand armatures that resulted still not very effective in contexts where haptic is the
only feedback channel. Moreover, one-point devices allow to easily add different haptic
effects such as vibration and attraction using SDKs as Chai3D (Conti et al, 2005) or H3D
(H3Dapi) while whole hand devices need to program these effects from scratch. Simulating
special haptic effects, further than the basic contact force, supplies different ways to acquire
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

knowledge about shape, geometry and details. In (Kolcrek & Sochor, 2005) a velocity
driven LOD is introduced to allow blind users to directly manipulate and examine 3D
virtual objects at different level of details. The algorithm is based on the assumption that fast
movements of the haptic probe correspond to a user intention of acquiring a coarse idea of
the object, while slow movements correspond to user intention of obtaining more details.
Consequently, the 3D mesh is rendered at a simplified version for fast probe movements,
while more detailed versions are dynamically rendered as speed slows down. Seven out of
ten subjects participating in the test stated that the method effectively helps to better
recognize global shape and details of the virtual objects. Other type of features, that can be
added to object in order to better comprehend them, are dragging and scaling techniques. In
(Magnusson & Rassmus-Grhn, 2003) dragging and scaling functionalities are provided to
dynamically change the part of a large model to be shown in the workspace and its scale.
Three types of dragging are given. The PHANToM dragging technique gives the user the
sensation of moving the whole model of the VE (according to the movements of the stylus)
with respect to the position of a containment Box. In the box dragging technique the user
seems to move the containment box (by pushing on its walls) with respect to the VE. Both
these techniques are depicted in Figure 3b. Finally, the keyboard technique allows users
moving the world pressing the arrow keys. The scaling functionality, depicted in Figure 3a,
dynamically changes the sizes of scene details according to the dimension of the user avatar.
All these operations are highlighted by a suitable sound (a sliding rock for dragging,
increasing and decreasing sounds for zooming in and out). Users used without preferences
the three dragging techniques and judged intuitive the zoom technique. Object in Hand
The Object in Hand metaphor has been developed by (De Boeck et al, 2004) in order to exploit
both user hands during the interaction with virtual objects: the non dominant hand can be
used to grab and bring directly selected objects into a comfortable position to be better
manipulated by the dominant hand. This metaphor is directly implemented with haptics
enabled, indeed a CyberGrasp is used to grasp the virtual object. When the manipulated object
is released, it comes back to the initial position. The main advantage of this technique is its
intuitiveness that allows users to manipulate objects as in every-day life while its main
drawback is the duplication of devices with their burden of cables. Its use in a non-visual
settings is not documented, although it could be interesting to investigate how blind users can
take advantage from this type of interaction taking into account that the returning of the
manipulated object to its initial position after the manipulation can confuse them.
3.3.2 Exocentric manipulation
With exocentric manipulation, users are able to manipulate objects from a god-eye
viewpoint, selecting and manipulating them everywhere in the VE, without being
constrained to the local area as with egocentric techniques.
World in Miniature metaphor can be used for selecting and manipulating tasks further than
navigation. Users can reach very quickly any object in the environment without navigation
efforts. Haptics and acoustic cues provide direct and intuitive feedback on the accomplished
task; this can be especially useful for blind or eye-busy users. The main drawback is the lack
of accuracy due to the small scale of the miniature representation.
With the World-scaled grab metaphor (Mine & Brooks, 1997) the user can select and
manipulate distant objects by pointing them with the Ray-casting, then the entire VE can be
Virtual Reality

scaled with respect to the user viewpoint in order to make the remote selected object
reachable by the user hand. The manipulation is then possible as with the virtual hand
metaphor but with the disadvantage of having smaller object dimensions and a less accurate
manipulation. The scaling factor
is calculated as follows:

where D
is the distance between the user viewpoint and the position of the virtual hand
and D
is the distance between the user viewpoint and the selected object.
The Voodoo Dolls metaphor (Pierce et al, 1999) allows manipulating distant objects in an
exocentric frame of reference. It is a two hands interaction technique usually implemented
with hand trackers such as the Pinch Glove or the CyberGlove. The user can select an object
and create a miniature version of it, called doll, with the non-dominant hand. This doll
represents a stationary frame of reference, meaning that if the user moves the doll, the
corresponding distant object does not move. The user can select another object with his
dominant hand while its position and the orientation in the stationary frame of reference are
defined by the created doll.
Consideration about hapto-acoustic integration for these techniques are analogue to those
reported for the Virtual Hand metaphors because they both allow a direct manipulation. No
relevant literature can be found about manipulation techniques in non-visual settings. It is
plausible that much work must be done to systematically observe the behaviour of blind or
eye-busy users engaged in articulated multimodal manipulation tasks based on these

Other tasks
with haptic
with haptic
Virtual Hand no Manipulation yes possible Egocentric
HOMER yes Selection yes possible Egocentric
Object in
yes no yes possible Egocentric
Image Plane yes Selection no no Egocentric
World in
yes yes Exocentric
HOMER yes Selection yes possible Exocentric
Voodoo dolls yes no possible possible Exocentric
Table 3. Manipulation metaphors overview
4. The OMERO framework
The most effective techniques to accomplish user tasks, taken from literature and
experimented in our past works (De Felice et al., 2005) and (De Felice et al., 2007), have been
chosen and integrated to develop a multimodal interaction framework called OMERO
(Organized Multimodal Experience of Relevant virtual Objects) that supports haptic devices
characterized by one-point interaction and kinesthetic feedback and users tasks as
navigation, objects selection, objects manipulation and scene querying. We introduced the
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

Scene Querying as a task to dynamically display the scene informative contents in response
to particular user queries. This task is supported by the Scenarios metaphor. Moreover, we
defined Active Objects as a metaphor to support object selection and manipulation. A
conceptual framework has been developed to integrate the interaction techniques, (Figure
4). Based on this conceptual model a set of multimodal applications, described in the
following section, has been developed and tested with groups of blind and low vision
4.1 The Active Object metaphor
A VE can be defined as a set of virtual objects (Figure 4). A given virtual object is described
through its name, geometry and haptic material. A distinction is made between Active and
Background objects. The former are objects with which users can interact by means of
selection and manipulation while the latter convey to the user only their shape. Active
Objects can be associated with simple behaviors (haptic, acoustic or dynamic) or complex
behaviors that are combinations of the simple ones. Haptic behaviors are given by haptic

Fig. 4. The OMERO interaction conceptual model
Virtual Reality

effects such as vibration, attraction, viscosity or any given force field. Acoustic behaviors
associate sounds and/or synthetic speech. Dynamics behaviors allow active objects to be
manipulated in a strictly physical sense. Active Objects can act as targets in a route planning
interaction belonging to a given Guided Path. In non-visual settings (section 3.1.3) targets
are predefined by the designer to make easier to acquire particular information enclosed in
the scene. Active Objects can be useful metaphors for designer and users. They give to
designers an intuitive model to encapsulate selection and manipulation metaphors
described in terms of their behavior.
4.2 The scene querying task
A rich in details virtual world generates a long sequence of local perceptions. Integrating all
these data into a coherent and meaningful mental schema by means of touch, that does not
provide a quick and global perception of the scene as sight does, is often a real challenge for
blind. A VE can be seen as a database containing different kinds of information represented
in the form of 3D objects shapes, together with their multimodal interface. Therefore, a user
can explore a VE querying the scene to display different type of information. To better
comprehend this task, we organize the scene using the Scenarios metaphor. Scenarios are
sets of semantically related active objects that encapsulate informative contents. The user, at
each specific time, can query the scene asking for a particular scenario and can focus his
attention only on the information associated with it, temporarily discarding all the other
data. This feature can reduce the discomfort that even seeing people may experience when
faced with complex environments. Each Scenario of the model can be turned on and off
(being touchable and visible or not). In this way, the scene can be tailored to focus on the
data of interest having a progressive access to information.
5. Hapto/Acoustic interaction evaluation
Different applications of the OMERO system have been designed and proposed to visually
impaired users to navigate VEs with the main aim of acquiring knowledge about particular
domains, constructing their cognitive map and to exploit them, when it is possible, in
navigating the corresponding real environments. The flexibility of digital models and
multimodal interaction have been used to design VEs that allow blind to overcome some of
the difficulties they encounter in acquiring spatial information in the every day life. Very
different navigation contexts have been proposed to blind in several occasions. Their 3D
virtual models, the related multimodal features and some details of the experimentation
with blind people will be described in the following paragraphs.
5.1 Navigation task
The navigation of VEs in the applications we have designed for blind users is mainly based
on the World in Miniature metaphor. Users first virtually navigate the most simple VE for a
given context to construct the mental schema of the whole environment where then they can
locate further objects. During the navigation they can interact with active objects, such as
door or speaking walls. Experimental results validate the implemented approach.
The proposed approach is especially useful to navigate VEs reproducing sites characterized
by large extension, complex topology and a huge amount of information to be conveyed to
the user. This is the case of the visitable part of the ground floor of the Norman-Svevian
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

Castle located in Bari (Italy) whose virtual plant has been constructed from its detailed
planimetry. The basic model includes: the entry area and the ticket office, the external and
internal courtyards, the gallery of plaster casts, the chapel, the bathrooms and some
connecting places (Figure 5a). Some doors can be opened and are defined as haptic-acoustic
dynamic objects while doors to inaccessible environments are modelled as static objects with
associated vocal explanatory messages. Transit areas without doors are modelled by bumps,
defined as haptic-acoustic static objects.
Three sessions of tests have been accomplished on three different groups of users during
two different events. The two groups tested during the first event were composed by four
visually impaired people each, while the third group tested during the second event was
composed by twelve blind. Any of them had previous knowledge of the castle.
The task they had to accomplish during the first two test sessions was to navigate the VE to
acquire information on disposition and dimension of the castle environments and on the
location of some objects. In the subsequent real visit they exploited knowledge coming from
the virtual experience to consciously move in the castle. Models who they interacted with
during the two test sessions were different. During the first test session, the model included
most of the objects located inside the reproduced environments (trees, hedges, pots, ...) that
were represented by simple solid shapes and defined as acoustic active objects (touching
them, users automatically received vocal messages clarifying their identity). During the
second one, the VE was modified removing any object different from doors and bumps and,
after a first navigation of this model, users could explore zoomed models of some
environments they required, with all the corresponding objects, to integrate the new pieces
of information within the overall schema (Figure 5b).

Fig. 5. (a) The 3D plant of a part of the Swebian castle (b) A blind finds the well in the
internal courtyard of the real castle after the exploration of the corresponding zoomed VE.
All the people in the two groups were able to accomplish the proposed tasks in a
satisfactory way, but those belonging to the first one had to overcome some difficulties due
to the large number of objects placed in the model, the vocal messages frequently activated
touching them and the small size of some environments of the castle with respect to the
haptic device workspace. Users in the second group could better focus on shape and
disposition of the rooms and on the haptic-acoustic interaction with doors and bumps
Virtual Reality

without being annoyed by the objects and the related vocal messages. The main strategy
used to explore the VE was following its borders, in order to understand the related shape.
Both the test sessions with the multimodal system were followed by a real visit; visually
impaired people could verify the mental schema of the environments they had constructed
during the virtual experience. Each blind person accomplished the real visit assisted by the
most congenial support (companion, cane or guide dog) to ensure its safety: in all cases, the
blind was able to decide autonomously the path across the castle without any help. Users
had some difficulties during the real exploration of the largest areas in the castle due to the
fact that in this case it is not simple to recognize references and correctly match real and VEs
in a short time. In any case, they outlined that all the implemented features (haptic/vocal
synchronization, change of the scale of the model, insertion/removal of details, ) allowed
them to construct an effective mental representation of the real environment and to navigate
it in a conscious way. Some users stated to be interested in a new virtual visit, following the
real one, to definitely assess their castle mental schema.
During the second test session, users were able to explore the virtual model in a faster and
more effective way with respect to those of the first one; also their capacity to recognize the
disposition of the environments in the real visits was enhanced. This could be probably due
to the more intuitive and direct interaction with a simpler model, characterized by a much
smaller amount of details and automatic vocal messages.
The task users had to accomplish during the third test session was to navigate the VE to
acquire information not only about the topology of the castle but also about its history.
Moreover users could virtually train for a little exhibition dedicated to blind people
prepared in the gallery of plaster casts, with the aim of integrating information acquired
from virtual and real visit. In this case, the VE presented a guided path (Figure 5a) that by
means of 17 attractive target points placed along the predefined route, realized by means a
sort of pipe, allowed blind to fast identify the salient portions of the castle. Whenever they
remained trapped in a target they could activate a vocal message giving information on the
place where they were. Then they could free navigate the virtual plant without objects
inside enriched with respect the previous tests by means of on demand messages about
dimensions of the environments, materials used for their construction and historical
information. Finally they could experience the enlarged model of the gallery of plaster casts
where some objects that they could explore during the real visit were located; their presence
was highlighted by a suitable attraction effect that was noticeable whenever the avatar was
into their neighbourhoods.
Users 1, 2 and 8 started their navigation moving too fast along the path and losing some
targets but after few minutes they were able to move with the right speed. User 3, a guy
with low vision, was able to reach each target by exploiting his residual sight. User 4
claimed that the experienced guided path should be integrated with vocal messages
informing to the next direction to be taken. User 5 paid attention to ask for vocal messages
whenever he reached a new target, and stated that this type of functionality can be really
useful when exploring unknown environments. User 9 followed the path in a systematic
way and he could feel every target; during the free exploration his movements followed the
direction dictated by the guided path. He claimed that more experience with the VE could
enhance the comprehension of the targets displacement. Users 10 and 12 had analogous
results. Users, in spite of some difficulties due to their first approach with multimodal
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

interaction, judged the system to be very effective in making them able to move in unknown
environment and acquiring different kinds of information that can be added as a useful
complement to those provided by the real exploration.
Another example of guided path is the support function introduced in the Apulia model
that pushes the avatar toward the nearest town when pressing the spacebar on the
keyboard, helping the user to find the closest place of interest. This facility proved to be very
useful and was intensively used especially during the first phases of the VE exploration.
5.2 Scene querying task
A virtual scene reproducing a complex environment can contain a big amount of
information to be conveyed to users. Providing all the contents at the same time can
overburden the blind user, making hard an effective navigation and comprehension of the
VE. To simplify the user interaction with the virtual scene and organizing information on
the basis of their semantic meaning, VEs can be designed exploiting the scenarios metaphor.
Based on this metaphor the virtual model of the Apulia region has been realized and tested
with blind users. It has been constructed starting from GIS data to allow visually impaired
users to acquire a proper knowledge of the territory from different points of view (Figure 6).
It is multi-layered and, simply pressing the function keys on the keyboard, it is possible to
navigate among four different scenarios each reproducing data related to a particular
semantic view of the region, progressively building a structured and complete mental
schema of the territory and its peculiarities.
A first scenario of the region model concerns the shape and the disposition of provinces,
their borders and the borders between Apulia, the neighborhood regions and the sea. All the
borders and the provincial areas have been defined as acoustic active objects. A second view
reports the hydrographic network of the region: rivers and lakes have been respectively
realized as canyon and ditches in which the avatar can fall and move to provide perceptions
about their course and shape. All these objects have been defined as acoustic active objects
associated with vocal messages telling their names. Another level includes the location of
the major towns. The last view shows the main connections between towns. Roads are
haptically represented as canyons connecting two towns and are acoustically active: on
demand, they provide a vocal message about name, kind of the road and connected towns.
The described model has been proposed to twenty visually impaired users. Some of them
did not have any previous knowledge of the region features. Users started their test
exploring the first view of the model, to construct the cognitive map of the shape of the
whole region and of each province, their borders, names and the relative position. Then they
went through the next scenarios to increase their knowledge of the VE. The scene querying
interaction modality helped them during the VE exploration and it was quite transparent;
users were informed on the informative content of the scenario so they were not confused
by comparing and disappearing objects in the different scenes but they were able to
organize the information in an effective learning. Only a user complained loosing the
reference points when changing scenario and suggested the possibility of merging scenarios
information. Most of the users were able to correctly locate rivers, lakes and towns with
respect to the regional and/or provincial territories and with respect to each other. Almost
all the users judged the proposed interaction a valid and more flexible alternative to tactile
maps and found the haptic-acoustic interaction really stimulating.
Virtual Reality


Fig. 6. The hydrographic network (a) and the main road scenarios (b) of the Apulia region
5.3 Selection/Manipulation task
While navigating VEs, users interacted with active objects such as doors, speaking walls or
attractive objects. Doors, modeled as hapto-acoustic active objects, have been associated to a
vibration effect that allows users to distinguish them from walls; they can be opened on
demand by clicking the stylus button while the probe is in touch with them, listening at the
same time to the opening/closing sound that makes more realistic the action in the virtual
world. Few trials were usually sufficient to allow users to correctly interact with doors and
to usefully exploit automatically triggered and on demand messages. Some users had
problems in opening doors, due to the fact that sometimes the pressing movement can bring
the probe from the modeled door down to the pavement, failing the opening command.
Other users, after the door was opened, remained still without going in the other room.
Other type of active objects can be only acoustic: they tell the name of the touched object, the
place where the avatar is in the VE or can act as informative points giving the user more
structured information about geometrical formulas, definitions, materials, history Vocal
messages can be triggered on touch or on demand. Experiences with blind users suggested
that vocal messages triggered on touch can be confusing if the activation is due to an
accidental collision between avatar and active object. Sometimes, the pressing movement
can influence the right placement of the avatar with respect to the active object to prevent
from activating the message. Haptic active objects, exerting an attractive force onto the
avatar whenever it comes close, were inserted in some rooms of the castle to highlight the
presence of artefacts or were used to easily find towns in the Apulia model. In general the
active objects interaction resulted effective for users that moving with slow movements were
able to feel the attraction and to correctly interact with them listening to messages on the
object nature. Users that moved fast in the VE often failed to feel the attraction and found
objects only when accidentally collided with them. Some users outlined that objects located
along the borders of the VE can act as effective reference points, while the most central
objects are not important to this aim even if they allow a complete comprehension of the
site. The most active users were really intrigued by finding them both in the virtual and
when possible in the real visit.
Often blind users judged multimodal displays in different ways. For this reason, in (De
Felice et al., 2009) a method for a fast multimodal authoring of VE has been proposed based
on decoupling the geometric scene representation from its multimodal rendering. Designers
Hapto-Acoustic Interaction Metaphors in 3D Virtual Environments for Non-Visual Settings

can easily change hapto-acoustic cues using a visual editor in order to fit users feedback. A
didactical application conveying information on plane geometry has been realized to test
this feature. It has been first tested on a visually impaired user that had never used haptic
interfaces (PHANToM Omni) before. User feedback highlighted that haptic cues such as
vibration and magnetic forces can be hard to appreciate if associated with tiny features such
as the circle radius line as in (Yu & Brewster, 2002). The system facility was used to find in
real time the configuration of haptic effects that allowed the user a better understanding of
the geometrical VE. Moreover, synthetic speeches helped him in integrating information
coming from the haptic feedback with higher level information on the related concepts.
To face with the problem of the limited physical workspace that constrains models
dimension, Dragging and Scaling functionalities have been implemented as in (Magnusson
& Rassmus-Grhn, 2003). The dragging technique allows to make always available a part of
any VE in the workspace for the virtual exploration. To simplify the perception of details
that would be too small in a complete view of the environment and simplify the
understanding of spatial data, the model can be presented at a larger scale changing the
relative size of the models with respect to the avatar. Moreover, in addition to what
implemented in (Magnusson & Rassmus-Grhn, 2003), if the user requires the scaling while
touching an object, the VE is scaled according to the position of this contact point, otherwise
the scaling is made according to the position of the centre of the scene. This meaningful
reference prevents the user from being confused by uncontrolled movements of the VE. A
10% scale factor has been applied for each zoom in/out step. Preliminary experimental tests
with blind users showed no preferences between the two dragging techniques: the choice of
the most comfortable method seemed to be influenced by subjective user characteristics.
However, further studies are needed to better ground these conclusions.
6. Conclusion
In this chapter an overview of interaction techniques in the field of multimodal 3D VEs for
non-visual interaction has been presented, based onto classic users tasks in VEs (navigation,
selection and manipulation of virtual entities). For each of them and where possible a
comparison between hapto-acoustic versions in visual and non-visual settings has been
accomplished. This will facilitate the understanding of each technique and the way tasks
normally carried out by vision can be completed with sensorial substitution.
Navigation tasks refer to strategies used to move in VEs. Direct camera manipulation
techniques for blind or eye busy users should be avoided preferring an exocentric viewpoint
with world in miniature metaphors. Guided paths and attractive targets techniques aid
blind to compensate the lack of a global glance of the scene.
Selection task refers to the acquisition or identification of an object in the VE. Visual settings
propose the integration with hapto-acoustic feedbacks such as bumps, magnetic lines,
attractive forces, earcons and spatial sounds. Experimental results show that in visual
settings hapto-acoustic cues do not provide significant benefits in improving the selection
time and in disambiguating multiple selected and occluded targets. Users heavily rely on
the visual feedback while the multimodal feedback helps to highlight the selection
confirmation. In non-visual settings, selection is a quite passive procedure and attractive
forces can be applied to objects in order to highlight their presence. To realise an active
selection, a coarse haptic glance of the virtual scene is necessary. To this aim vibration tips
Virtual Reality

help locating objects for selection while attractive forces can guide the user to the selected
object. Positional sounds highlight the object position and the confirmation of its selection.
Manipulation task allows to acquire the knowledge of selected objects though their
translation, rotation and scaling or can refer to a more general concept of interaction. Few
works exist for non-visual multimodal manipulation of virtual objects. In non-visual
contexts, objects cannot be moved around but must remain fixed to define reference points.
Egocentric viewpoint could be investigated to exploit the proprioceptive subsystem.
The most effective techniques for user tasks taken from literature and experimented in our
past works have been chosen and integrated to build the OMERO multimodal interaction
framework. The Scene Querying user task has been introduced for a gradual access to scene
information based on the scenarios metaphor that decomposes the virtual world in sets of
semantically related objects. Moreover, the Active Object metaphor has been developed to
support selection and manipulation tasks allowing to encapsulate multimodal behaviours to
better design selection and manipulation metaphors. Based on these features different
applications have been developed and a large number of experiments with blind people
have shown the effectiveness of the implemented interaction techniques for user tasks such
as Navigation, Object Selection\Manipulation and Scene Querying. Virtual guided tours
have proved to help blind users to acquire a first coarse schema of the salient areas of the VE
while vocal messages provided useful cues to support way finding. Active Objects have
been able to convey information in a effective and compact way. The scenarios mechanism
has been well accepted and exploited for acquiring a better knowledge of Ves. Future works
aim to develop scenarios mixing information to answer more complex user queries.
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Samir Otmane, Christophe Domingues,
Fr ed eric Davesne and Malik Mallem
IBISC Laboratory, University of Evry
1. Introduction
Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) are complex environments where multiple users
share the same objects to act together. The complexity of these environments is related to the
interaction of the user group with shared items. In a shared world, several constraints appear,
including those related to coordination and communication of users and user interaction
management in virtual world towards objects and other users. The existing single or multiuser
3D interactions in Virtual Reality (VR) are currently far from providing suitable solutions.
Indeed, the 3Dinteraction suffers froma lack of models and formalisms to manage and control
the actions and intentions of users in the virtual environment. The interaction of multiple
users with the virtual environment is limited and many researches are in progress. The main
objective of the research in the eld of multiuser 3D interaction is to instruct users to evolve
in CVEs, and to interact together efciently and easily with virtual entities.
Currently, there are two types of synchronous multiuser 3D interaction techniques. A rst
category separates the degrees of freedom (DoF) for the object to manipulate. In this case,
users operate single user techniques by acting on the degrees of freedom which are assigned
to them. For the second category, a function will determine the nal movement from the
position and orientation of the user object in the CVE. This involves using a new technique in
multiuser situations. However, all of these techniques do not take into account the constraints
of coordination and communication between users and focus exclusively on manipulation
tasks with two users. However, the design of a CVE requires considering multiuser
interactions from Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) point of view, as well
as the management of group interactions. Another aspect to consider is the heterogeneity
of virtual reality platforms used by participants as well as the disparity between users for
providing new models and systems supporting efcient collaborative work and enhancing
presence in CVEs.
This chapter presents a useful workow-based approach to manage 3D interactions and
enhance presence in CVEs. This approach combines astutely different concepts from two
research domains: CSCW and VR. The second section outlines and discusses the background
of recent contributions concerning collaborative 3D interaction techniques. Section three
presents some fundamental concepts relevant to the management of group interactions in
a CVE. Section four describes and details our contribution concerning a workow-based
approach to design collaborative 3Dinteractions. Experimentations and evaluations are given
Collaborative 3D Interaction in Virtual
Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach
2 Virtual Reality
and discussed in section ve. The last section concludes the chapter and presents some future
2. Background and related work within collaborative 3D Interaction
In the literature there are two approaches to describe a collaborative 3D interaction. The
rst approach, allows a simultaneous action on an object by separating data (for example
degrees of freedom: DoF) as rotations and translations to assign themto different users. In this
approach, users can act together on the same object but when one user performs translations
the other user does only rotations. Pinho and associates Pinho et al. (2002) classied this
approach in two sub-categories:
Homogeneous cooperative metaphors: users manipulate the object by using a unique
single-user technique;
Heterogeneous cooperative metaphors: in this case, users manipulate the object by using
different single user techniques.
In the second approach, users have access to all available data (for example DoF). During
manipulation the movement of the object is a combination of different movements of all users.
Noma and associates Noma & Miyasato (1997) presented work on multiuser manipulation
and interact with a shared object via haptic arms. Users are represented by simple virtual
hands. The nal movement of the object is the result of balance of forces applied by users.
However, it may lead to inconsistency between virtual hand position and real hand. Indeed,
when a user is going to apply a force to the object to move it, simple virtual hands of
other participants attached to the object will also follow the moving object, which may seem
inconsistent for users, because they have not activated their haptic arm.
A 3D cursor or SkeweR Duval et al. (2006) is another technique designed to keep the history
of interaction and allow the correct representation of simultaneous interactions. It allows
the simultaneous manipulation of an object by multiple users. Users control a 3D cursor
that acts as a virtual simple hand, except that the selection is carried out automatically when
approaching the shared object. If a user is available to manipulate the object, only rotations
can be communicated to the object. If two users are available for the manipulation, the object
is controlled as a rod from the translation and rotation movements.
Duval Duval & Tenier (2004) have proposed a technique that derives from a RayCasting
technique Bolt (1980) for manipulating object with two users. This technique is based on the
following observation: if a user manipulates its ray to move a shared object, the ray of another
user attached to the same object will also move. However, the hand of the second user has
not moved which creates a mismatch between the real movement and the virtual movement.
Authors proposed to change direction of the ray in function of the force that is applied. They
proposed three forms of rays (elastic, elbow or deformable).Another similar technique using
a virtual ray (Bent Pick Ray technique) is also proposed by Riege and associates Riege et al.
More recently, the Three virtual hands technique Aguerreche et al. (2009) which determines
the motion (position and rotation) of an object from three points (position) associated to three
virtual hand. In this technique only translations of virtual hands are taken into account.
Duval and associates Duval & Fleury (2009) proposed an asymmetric 2d pointer /3d rays
technique for 3D interaction within CVE. The avatar is represented by a 3D object in the CVE
but is controlled via a simple 2D pointing device (for example a mouse). This technique
allows an asymmetric collaboration between a user immersed in a virtual reality platform
62 Virtual Reality 50 Virtual Reality
Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workow-Based Approach 3
and another user using a simple PC.
Designing and using of collaborative 3D interaction techniques is not an easy task for
developers and users respectively. Indeed, there are no mathematical models and formalisms
for easy developing of generic and usable techniques yet. The design approach of most
collaborative 3D interaction techniques (selection or manipulation) is considered as local.
However, this design approach is focussed generally on how objects are to be selected or
manipulated and often forget the principal players who are the users. It is necessary to
consider a new design approach of collaborative 3D interaction from the global point of view
by taking into account objects, 3D interaction tasks and users. Indeed a global approach to
design collaborative 3D interaction techniques must take into account all of these parameters
needed for interacting in CVE.
Therefore, it is necessary to nd a way to manage and coordinate all these parameters to
provide users with easy and intuitive interactions while enhancing the sensation of presence
in a CVE. In the following section we present some fundamental concepts relevant to the
management of group interactions in a CVE. These concepts are the basis of our contribution
based on the design of a workow for collaborative 3D interaction presented in section 4.
3. Managing interactions in CVEs
The best-known work performed for the management of interactions in the CVEs includes the
spatial model of interactions proposed by Benford & Fahlen (1993). It was developed in the
1990s as a method of data transmission control in the CVEs. This model uses the properties
of space as a basis to negotiate interactions and communications between communicating
objects. The basic concept of this model is based on a breakdown of the virtual space. A
metric space is dened and used to measure the positions and directions of different objects.
From the position and orientation settings, objects have the ability to modify their interaction
and communication. Objects interact with each other via a combination of media transmission
such as audio, text or visual data through specic interfaces.
This model denes a set of interesting concepts such as the aura, the focus, the nimbus and
the awareness. These concepts used separately or combined astutely can produce different
interactions between objects in the virtual environment. In the following a brief presentation
to these concepts is given:
Aura: It represents an area in which an object can interact with another object. Objects are
surrounded by their auras and move in the virtual world. When two auras are in collision
the interaction becomes possible. Therefore, the aura may be considered as a fundamental
interaction technology tool. The aura can take any shape or size. Typically, objects will
bring up different auras (size, colour).
Focus: It can be seen as a tool for direct attention and therefore lter information based on
the boundaries delimited by the aura. It can be considered in some way as the user point of
Nimbus: It represents a subspace in which an object makes many of its aspects available to
other objects. These can be its presence, identity, activity, or a combination of these aspects.
The Nimbus allows objects to draw attention of other objects to them.
Awareness: It calculates the quality of interaction between two objects. The awareness
calculation between two objects is not symmetrical (the awareness of an object A against
the object B does not equal to awareness of B against A). This computation is performed by
63 Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach 51 Collaborative 3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach
4 Virtual Reality
using the focus and the nimbus. The awareness levels are calculated from a combination of
nimbus and focus of the objects.
This model was subjected to numerous extensions during the years. We can cite the Sandor
work with the AETHER system Sandor et al. (1997), the Greenhalgh work Greenhalgh (1997)
and Greenhalgh & Benford (1999). In AETHER system, authors use focus, nimbus, and
awareness concepts on semantic networks objects and relations. This allows building a history
of objects and relations between objects that have been updated or deleted. Greenhalgh
integrates third-party objects that provide support for contextual factors in awareness
calculations and that enhance scalability. Third parties can have two effects on awareness:
attenuation or amplication of existing awareness relationships, and the introduction of new
aggregate awareness relationships.
The model of presence for cooperative applications Rodden (1996) represents an awareness
model of interaction for multiuser applications. The main objective of the model of presence is
to allowthe sharing workspace of a cooperative application based on the notions of awareness
and presence. This model is mainly based on the spatial model of interaction Benford &
Fahlen (1993). The model of dynamic management of interests Ding & Zhu (2003) deals with
the problem of presence management in collaborative virtual environments between different
users. This model is focused on a dynamic interaction of environments. The model describes
users behaviours and more specically the changes of their centre of interest over time.
More recently Bharadwaj et al. (2005) have proposed a model to ensure the awareness in
heterogeneous environments, especially in environments with different interfaces. This model
is based on the spatial interaction model discussed above. This model allows a user to have
more focus to allow an easy choice of sources. Access rules are used to allow or reject certain
An other recent model is proposed by Otmane and associates Otmane et al. (2007). This
model is fully dedicated to collaborative 3D interaction. The authors have established a
conceptual framework based on the functional aspect of 3D interaction (navigation, selection
and manipulation) called functional clover of 3D interaction. This model gives to users an
ability to have knowledge about the system state and on the other hand provides information
needed by the systemto assist users to interact together. The navigation set contains functions
for management of the users position and orientation in the CVE. Selection and manipulation
sets include respectively dedicated functions for selection and manipulation of an object or
group of objects. This allows users to be aware of selections and manipulations that are
performed in the CVE.
4. A workow-based approach
In virtual reality the perception/cognition/action loop describes the relationship between
a user and the virtual world (Fuchs et al. (2003)). We proposed to disrupt this loop by
incorporating the concept of workow (see gure 1). The workow manages all the tasks to
be performed and all actors involved in the collaboration process. Therefore it can be used on
one hand for the coordination of 3Dinteraction tasks (navigation, selection and manipulation)
and on the other hand for the communication of users in the CVE.
This functional framework allows users to have knowledge about the system state and other
users activities: who navigates? who interacts? who communicates? who has difculty?. On
the other hand, the system must provide information to assist users to interact (easy selection,
intend detection when moving towards an object) and communicate with others and more
generally to work together.
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Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workow-Based Approach 5
Fig. 1. Integrating the workow in the perception/cognition/action loop
Workow is a component ensuring coordination of users that can produce together
(manipulate an object by several users, navigate, communicate, etc.). The proposed workow
consists of two components: a shared component and a motor component. The shared
component represents the shared data space that symbolizes the behaviour of users and sources
in the CVE. This component in someway can be considered as a collective memory in the
CVE. This collective memory will give information about actions of the users. The second
component of the workow (motor component) represents the set of functions that deal with
data processing from the shared space and provides tools to assist the users during the
4.1 Shared component
The shared component consists of two state matrixes representing respectively the state of all
users and all sources in the CVE. These two matrixes dene the overall state of the systemand
are used to characterize the CVE at any time. The gure 2 illustrates this shared component.
These state matrixes are constructed from information of users and sources. A source is an
object that generates sensory information (virtual object and data media) that can be perceived
by the users.
4.2 Motor component
The second component of the workow corresponds to features dedicated to tasks and roles
assignment during different interaction processes. It uses the shared data and applies them
on particular sources in the CVE via assistance functions. Particular sources are objects that can
be changed during the interaction process by different assistance functions dedicated to 3D
interaction tasks. They act as a support tools for 3D interaction tasks coordination. Assistance
functions are functions that help manage 3D interaction. They can act on particular sources to
provide support to coordination.
The two following sections present particular sources and assistance functions used in the
workow motor component.
4.2.1 Particular sources
Particular sources are associated with functions that can be used by the motor component of
the workow to detect actions of the participants, or inform users about actions performed by
other users in the CVE. Based on the spatial interaction model Benford &Fahlen (1993) and the
functional clover of 3D interaction model Otmane et al. (2007). These particular sources are
used to coordinate 3D interaction tasks in order to predict users interactions thanks to aura,
65 Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach 53 Collaborative 3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach
6 Virtual Reality
Fig. 2. Illustration of the shared component
focus and nimbus concepts. The coordination process is based on positions and orientations
of the users in the CVE.
The workow engine (motor component/space) receives information from the shared
component that contains state vectors of users and sources. It acts on the aura, the focus
and the nimbus to change the perception of users in the CVE (see gure 3).
Concretely we dened ve particular sources: 3DIFocus, 3DIAura, 3DINimbus, 3DIAssistant
and 3DIAvatar. Other sources are virtual objects in the virtual environment. These particular
sources are used by the workow, and they are exclusively dedicated to 3D interaction tasks.
3DIFocus: This particular source corresponds to all other sources (virtual objects) with
which the user can interact. They are sources that belong to the users eld of view. The
intersection of two focus returns a common viewed sources of two users. This allows for
example two users to interact on the same viewed sources. The 3DIFocus source can be
considered as a tool for direct intention and will therefore enable lter sources that are not
in the users eld of view. For example, the focus of user3 (see gure 3) corresponds to the
source S2.
3DINimbus: This particular source represents all users with the intention to interact on
a single source. It represents the group of users who might select the source for possible
manipulation in the future. For example the nimbus of the source S1 (see gure 3)
represents the set user1, user2.
3DIAura: It represents a 3D zone that surrounds a virtual object and allows single or
multiuser selection. The selection is possible only if the avatars of users are in the aura
of the source. This aura determines users who potentially want to select the source. This
aura can also be used to surround the users avatar in order to start conversations between
3DIAssistant: This particular source enables a user to be assisted on specic actions that it
performs. For example in the case of the selection of a source, the assistant can be activated
66 Virtual Reality 54 Virtual Reality
Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workow-Based Approach 7
Fig. 3. Illustration of the workow running in a CVE. Cylinders represent users focus and the
nimbus of the source S1 represents a set of two users (user 1 and user 2)
as a multimodal (audio, visual and haptic) virtual guide Otmane et al. (2000), Ullah et al.
(2009), Ullah et al. (2008) and Prada & Payandeh (2009). The assistant source as a virtual
guide will enable an easier and precise selection of an object.
3DIAvatar: The avatar source is a virtual representation of the user. It may take the form of
a humanoid or a simple recognizable 3D object. It represents the position and orientation
of the user in the collaborative virtual environment.
4.2.2 Assistance functions
Assistance functions are functions that operate on particular sources that can be used by the
workow engine. These functions operate with different 3D interaction tasks (navigation,
selection and manipulation). By acting on these particular objects, the system is able to
provide assistance to users and therefore coordinate their interactions in the CVE. Navigation and selection functions
The navigation function will act on the aura colour using matrixes state data to indicate to the
user his position towards the sources (see gure 4). This will inform the local user that he/she
is close or away from the sources. For remote users, this function can for instance change the
colour of the avatar of the other participants.
In our implementation example, the colour of the aura varies fromred to green; red (see gure
5(a)) means a far distance while green (see gure 5(b)) means that the user is near the object.
67 Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach 55 Collaborative 3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach
8 Virtual Reality
Fig. 4. The assistance function during the navigation task. In this example the navigation
function updates the aura of the source S1 that is in the focus of the user2.
The user will see the changes of the aura colour depending on his movements.
The selection function is dedicated to manage selection of objects by the users. It becomes
active when it enters the aura of the source. An assistant appears as a virtual guide (a cone
which contains the users avatar) to help the user in selecting the object (see gure 6). When
the selection is validated, the manipulation may be possible.
The selection function acts on the colour of the virtual assistant (see gure 7). Once the user
is in the aura of the object, the assistants (virtual guides) appear and guide the user towards
the target (attachment point). The virtual guide colour modication is based on the distance
between the user position (inside the assistant) and the object attachment point. This function
gives the user the capability to know the position of his avatar to correctly validate the
selection. Additionally, this function can act on the control of user interaction by prohibiting
certain movements when the users avatar belongs to the geometric shape of the assistant. Manipulation function
As discussed in the related works, multiuser object manipulation is often limited to two users
per object. In addition, dedicated techniques are usually proposed in multiuser manipulation
making more laborious learning of users. Consequently, the transition from single-user
to multiuser manipulation requires the change of technology and/or interaction technique.
Indeed, if a user manipulates an object with a simple virtual hand technique, it is not
conceivable that when a second user will select the same object, it needs to change his initial
manipulation technique.
We want to allow multiuser manipulation of objects through any single-user interaction
technique. In this way, the transition from the single-user to multi-user manipulation can
be a natural and intuitive way. Indeed, this avoids the learning of a new metaphor and
an additional cognitive load for users. Our approach is to integrate concepts of classical
mechanics to modelling multiuser manipulation via a mechanical system composed by
mechanical joints. In the following section we only presented the concepts of our multiuser
manipulation. Technical details are not given in this chapter.
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Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workow-Based Approach 9
(a) The user is far from the sources, the aura is red
(b) The user is close to the sources, the aura is green
Fig. 5. Implementation example of the inuence of the assistance function on the aura during
the navigation task
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10 Virtual Reality
Fig. 6. The assistance function during the selection task. In this case the source S1 can be
selected by the user1.
In the eld of mechanics, a mechanism is the combination of several pieces, whereas in our
case it will apply to multiple objects and avatars. These elements are linked together by
contacts called mechanical joints. A mechanical joint is the description of the relationship
between the different elements using mathematical models. When selecting an object via a
single-user interaction, the avatar of the user becomes the parent itemand therefore inherits
the movements of the avatar. However, in the multiuser case, this principle may not apply.
For example, in the real world, when two users move a board, the resulting movement
dependents on simultaneous users actions (users are related to the board by joints). We can
model this by introducing virtual joints between avatars and objects (see gure 8). These joints
will act as an adapter to allow a transition from single-user to multiuser manipulation.
In our case, joints between users and the object can be modelled by xed or ball joint (see
gure 9) links. This ball joint has three degrees of freedom on its three rotation components.
Transmissible efforts will be on translation components.
To determine the object movement, we use forces that users perform on the attachment points
of the object. The movement of the object is calculated from forces provided by users. In
fact, by solving laws of dynamics relationship, we can determine accelerations in translation
and rotation of the object. The gure 10 introduces the principle of the manipulation function
when two users manipulate a source together. Figure 11(b) presents implementation of the
Fig. 7. Implementation example of inuence of the assistance function on the assistant
during the selection task.
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Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workow-Based Approach 11
Fig. 8. Principle of our proposal to allow multiuser manipulation (adapters are represented
between the users avatar and the source).
Fig. 9. Kinematic modelling of our cooperative manipulation problem.
Fig. 10. The assistance function during the manipulation task. In this example a source S1 is
manipulated by two users.
manipulation assistance function. In this case, the assistance function is activated (the colour
of avatars become red).
During the manipulation of the object, the workow system can also manage other virtual
guides (see gure 11(a)) by displaying newdirections to the users to enhance the coordination
of the manipulation task.
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12 Virtual Reality
(a) Displaying visual guides during multiuser
(b) Activation of the manipulation assistance
function (avatars become red)
Fig. 11. The two kinds of assistance used to help the coordination of multiuser manipulation.
5. Experimentation and evaluation
In order to investigate the effect of the proposed workow approach on human performance
in a collaborative virtual environment, we developed two experiments. The rst one is in a
single user mode and tests the effect of assistance function on human performance during the
navigation and selection tasks (activation and updating of the aura and the assistant sources).
The second experiment is in a multiuser mode and investigates the effect of the manipulation
assistance function (activation and updating of visual assistances and the command guide) on
human performance during a manipulation task.
For these two experiments we used a human scale virtual reality platform (EVR@ platform
see gure 12. It is a large scale semi-immersive environment equipped with a retro-projected
large screen (3m x 2.5m) for stereoscopic images, viewed with polarized glasses. In addition
we have an ART optical tracking system with two Flysticks devices for 3D interaction.
Fig. 12. The EVR@ platform with a user using a Flystick to interact in the virtual
5.1 Experiment I
In this experiment the navigation and selection tasks were carried out in a single user setup.
For this purpose one Flystick device and a simple virtual hand interaction technique were
72 Virtual Reality 60 Virtual Reality
Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workow-Based Approach 13
Fig. 13. The virtual environment used to conduct the rst experiment.
For this experiment we used a collaborative virtual environment as presented in the gure
13. It is composed of an avatar, and multiple objects (sphere, cube, cylinder, ring, etc.). These
objects can be selected and are surrounded by their aura. All objects have the same colour.
Users are represented by avatars with cylindrical shape. The colour of the aura varies as
explained in the previous section and disappears when the user is inside (to do the selection).
Virtual guides are conical shape and have a blue colour.
This experiment was performed by ten volunteers consisting of eight male and two female.
Each subject was given a pre-trial along with a short brieng. Here the task for each user
was to navigate in the virtual environment following the control points and to select the
attachment point of the object cube (see gure 14). The test ends when the user validates
the selection of the attachment point. In our model, the attachment points are points used to
create mechanical joints described in the previous section that will allow users to manipulate
a common object. They also specify the number of participants required for manipulating the
selected object (in this case four users can manipulate the object)
For the objective evaluation, we test only the effect of the Selection Assistance Function (SAF)
on the selection task performance, while the navigation assistance function is still activated
during all the tests. Two conditions A and B are tested. In the Condition A (CA) the SAF is
not activated (there is no assistance for the selection) and in the Condition B (CB) the SAF is
activated (the selection is still assisted by the activated virtual guide). There were four trials
under each condition and the evaluation is based on task completion time, errors and users
response collected through questionnaire.
Fig. 14. Attachment points to reach with a simple virtual hand technique to validate the
73 Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach 61 Collaborative 3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workflow-Based Approach
14 Virtual Reality
Fig. 15. Task completion time under conditions A and B in the selection task
5.1.1 Task completion time
Figure 15 illustrates the average task completion time for condition CA (SAF is not activated)
and CB (SAF is activated) . For task completion time the ANOVA (F = 14,86, p < 0.01) is
signicant. Comparing the task completion time of CA and CB, we have 3.25 sec and 2 sec
respectively with a signicant ANOVA. This result shows that the SAF has an inuence on
task performance in the selection task.
5.1.2 Error in task completion
Figure 16 illustrates the average error rate for condition CA an CB. Here we present a global
error analysis for each condition. For errors in task completion, the ANOVA (F= 4,69, p <
0.01) is signicant. Tests without assistance (when SAF is not activated) have caused more
errors (38%) opposing to tests with assistance (25% when the SAF is activated). The presence
of errors made by the subjects is highly dependent on the conditions corresponding to the
presence of virtual guides in the selection task.
These results are not surprising as the simple virtual hand technique is difcult to use when
the object to select are small, which is the case here for cube attachment points. Virtual
guides (in CA) improve signicantly the perception of the distance between the avatar and
the attachment point, which reduces both the selection error and the selection time comparing
to the CB.
5.1.3 Subjective evaluation
For subjective evaluation users responded to the questionnaire after task completion. Here
is a summarized result of the analysis of the answers. Users appreciate the presence of the
particular source (aura) as well as the colours change according to the proximity of the avatar
to the object. This allows users to have a better approach to reach objects.
However some users did not understand the purpose of the aura despite explanations before
the beginning of the experience. Thus, for the question I think that I understand the role of the
aura quickly?, we got only 60% Yes. Indeed, we saw that the use of the aura needs some
user learning. However, we got 90% Yes and 10% of Probably Yes to the question Is the
variation of the aura colours useful?.
We found that changing colours of the aura helped users to move towards objects and to
follow the given path. Users have therefore taken advantage of colours variation and the
74 Virtual Reality 62 Virtual Reality
Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workow-Based Approach 15
Fig. 16. Inuence of the selection assistance function (SAF) on error rate during the selection
assistance they provide. However, they did not necessarily understand the role of the aura.
But, users have quickly understood the role of virtual guides in the selection phase and they
found them very helpful and efcient.
5.2 Experiment II
The second experiment is dedicated to cooperative manipulation while in the rst experiment
the task was performed by users in a single user setup to achieve only navigation and
selection. This multiuser experiment enables us to analyze the reaction of participants towards
the use of our model and especially to study the inuence of the Manipulation Assistance
Function (MAF) on a performance of cooperative manipulation task.
In this experiment, a cooperative manipulation task was carried out with a couple of users.
For this purpose two Flystick devices and a simple virtual hand interaction technique were
used. Figure 17 illustrates this second experiment where two users manipulate a common
object (a board) using two Flysticks.
Fig. 17. The EVR@ platform where two users manipulate a virtual board via their Flysticks.
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16 Virtual Reality
Fig. 18. The virtual environment used to conduct the second experiment
As in the rst experiment, we have developed a simple collaborative virtual environment to
focus on the study of the inuence of the MAF on performance of a cooperative manipulation
task. The aim is to compare the performances of multiuser manipulation task when the MTF
is not activated (no assistance is given for coordination), partially (only visual aides are used)
or fully activated (visual aides and manipulation control aides are used).
The collaborative virtual environment used for this second experiment is illustrated in the
gure 18. This CVE consists of two avatars (for both users) and one board which support
a free cylinder object. Users must move a board up to a drop area that will be used to
validate the end of manipulation, avoiding the fall down of the cylinder that is setting above
it. Two avatars (cubic shape) have the same size but with different colours. The yellow colour
represents the rst user, and the second user is in blue. The drop zone is in a blue colour.
Access to the drop zone is located behind a wall.
User avatars are linked to the attachment points of the object board via a xed (ceiling)
mechanical joint (no degrees of freedom). This means that the avatar of each user is still xed
with the board (no translation and rotation are possible) between the avatar and the board as
illustrated in gure 19.
This experiment was performed by twenty volunteers (ten couples) consisting of eighteen
male and two females. Each couple was given a pre-trial along with a short brieng. For the
objective evaluation, we tested the effect of the MAF (Manipulation Assistance Function) on
the manipulation task performance. Three conditions A, B and Cwere tested. In the Condition
A(CA) the MAF is not activated (there is no assistance at all), in the Condition B (CB) the MAF
is partially activated (only visual aides are given during the manipulation). In the Condition
C (CC) the MAF is fully activated (visual aides and manipulation control assistance are used).
Fig. 19. Illustration of links between two user avatars and the board
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Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workow-Based Approach 17
Fig. 20. Task completion time under various conditions in the multiuser manipulation task
There were two trials under each condition and the evaluation is based on task completion
time, errors and users response collected through questionnaires.
5.2.1 Task completion time
Figure 20 illustrates the average task completion time for CA, CB and CC conditions.
On average, tests on condition C are faster than those of the condition B. Indeed, visual
assistances can certainly avoid falling objects while viewing how to correct the board
movement more easily, but assistance is done at the expense of the manipulation time. Indeed,
we observed that in the tests under the condition B when the visual aides appears (which
means a future possible fall), users take more time to talk and discuss policy to correct and
avoid falling, consequently they spend more time to achieve the task.
Without assistance (in condition A), users are not informed of a possible fall down of the
cylinder and discover it only when it starts to roll on the board, which generally causes the
fall of the cylinder. However, in the condition A, users do not stop working but try to avoid
falling and communicate more.
This result shows that the MAF has an inuence on a task performance in the cooperative
manipulation setup. The full activation of the MAF (in the condition C) provides a best time
performance (a mean of 39,2 sec) comparing to 45,2 sec and 41,4 sec in condition B (MAF is
partially activated) and C (MAF is not activated) respectively.
5.2.2 Error in task completion
The CVE is decomposed into three sectors up to the drop zone (see gure 21). Sector 1
corresponds to the taking up step of the board; section 2 corresponds to horizontal movement
of board to jump on top of the wall and the sector 3 corresponds to the go down step.
Figure 22 illustrates the error rate for CA, CB and CC conditions. The manipulation error rate
corresponds to the average number of falls of cylinder of all users and for all tests.
Generally, we notice that when the MAF is activated, fully or partially (Conditions C
and B respectively), thus may limit the number of falls. Indeed, the visual aid is a tool
for anticipating the fails; it therefore allows users to correct their manipulation strategy.
Besides adding correction movements (full assistance in CC) carried out by two users allows
stabilizing the board to avoid as far as possible the fall of the cylinder.
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18 Virtual Reality
5.2.3 Subjective evaluation
For subjective evaluation users responded to the questionnaire after task completion. Here is
a summarized result of the analysis of the answers. Almost a ten couples users have found
using the ystick is simple for the requested task (90% Yes, 5% Probably Yes and 5% No).
The use of assistant tools doesnt cause additional difculties for users. Indeed, visual guides
are comprehensible for all subjects and are found to help much during the coordination (80%
Yes and Probably Yes 20%).
Subjective analysis revealed us the preference of users for the condition C in which the two
kinds of assistance are available (the MAF is fully activated). This mode of operation facilitates
the board movement in sectors 1 and 3. However in sector 2, it produces cylinder falling (this
requires a modication of the MFT to take into account the immediate stop of the board).
Concerning involvement and awareness aspects Gerhard et al. (2001), which give us
information about the feeling of users during the experience; users were generally all involved
during the experience, 90% responded Yes and 10% No to the question: Do you enjoy
working with your partner?. This showed that users are involved in the common task. This
makes sense because the experiment is quite fun and presents a challenge. For the question: I
was a very active participant in the dialogue phases?, we obtained 80% Yes and 20% Probably
Yes. This subjective result conrms the involvement of users in the task. However, it also
highlights that users of the same couple have probably felt they were involved more than the
other partner.
6. Conclusion
In this chapter, we presented a workow-based approach to assist the coordination of 3D
interactions in CVE. Principles as well as main concepts were presented and discussed. The
goal was to provide a workow system that helps users to interact together in a CVE. We
highlighted the ability of the system to provide assistance to improve performances as well as
in single-user interaction (to navigate and select) and in multiuser setup (in the case of more
users manipulate the same object).
The proposed workow consisted of two components: a shared component and a motor
component (component engine). The shared component is presented as the shared data space
that symbolizes the behaviour of users and sources in the CVE. The second component is
presented as a set of assistance functions that deal with data processing from the shared space
and provides tools to assist the users during the 3Dinteraction process. It uses the shared data
Fig. 21. Three sectors to determine the number of fails during the experiment II
78 Virtual Reality 66 Virtual Reality
Collaborativey3D Interaction in Virtual Environments: a Workow-Based Approach 19
Fig. 22. Inuence of the manipulation assistance function (MAF) on error rate during the
cooperative manipulation task
and applies them via assistance functions (navigation, selection and manipulation functions)
on particular sources (focus, aura, nimbus, assistant and avatar) in the CVE. Particular sources
are objects that can be changed during the interaction process by different assistance functions
dedicated to 3D interaction tasks. The proposed conceptual model can be used as a basis in
many implementations and experimentation by developers of CVE.
In order to assess the relevance of our concept we have developed two CVEs and conducted
two experiments. The rst experiment (in the single-user setup) was intended to study the
inuence of the selection assistance function (SAF) when users navigate and select an object.
The results are very encouraging because they showed that the presence of particular sources
like aura and the assistant (when STF is activated) reduces signicantly selection time and
errors. The second experiment (with two users) studied the inuence of the manipulation
assistance function (MAF) when two users manipulate a common object. The obtained results
were also encouraged because they highlight the importance of the presence of visual cues
and manipulation control assistance (when MAF is fully activated).
Future work will be carried out to integrate the force feedback modality and examine its effects
on cooperative task. Furthermore we will evaluate and implement the systemon long distance
network (i.e internet) and investigate the inuence of network delay on it.
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The International Journal of Virtual Reality, Vol. 8, pp. 7986.
80 Virtual Reality 68 Virtual Reality
Part 2
Advanced Virtual Reality Technologies
Manuela Chessa, Fabio Solari and Silvio P. Sabatini
Department of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering, University of Genoa
Via allOpera Pia 11/A - 16145 Genova
1. Introduction
Virtual reality (VR) can be used as a tool to analyze the interactions between the visual system
of a robotic agent and the environment, with the aim of designing the algorithms to solve the
visual tasks necessary to properly behave into the 3D world. The novelty of our approach lies
in the use of the VR as a tool to simulate the behavior of vision systems. The visual system of
a robot (e.g., an autonomous vehicle, an active vision system, or a driving assistance system)
and its interplay with the environment can be modeled through the geometrical relationships
between the virtual stereo cameras and the virtual 3D world. Differently from conventional
applications, where VR is used for the perceptual rendering of the visual information to a
human observer, in the proposed approach, a virtual world is rendered to simulate the actual
projections on the cameras of a robotic system. In this way, machine vision algorithms can be
quantitatively validated by using the ground truth data provided by the knowledge of both
the structure of the environment and the vision system.
In computer vision (Trucco & Verri, 1998; Forsyth & Ponce, 2002), in particular for motion
analysis and depth reconstruction, it is important to quantitatively assess the progress in the
eld, but too often the researchers reported only qualitative results on the performance of
their algorithms due to the lack of calibrated image database. To overcome this problem,
recent works in the literature describe test beds for a quantitative evaluation of the vision
algorithms by providing both sequences of images and ground truth disparity and optic ow
maps (Scharstein & Szeliski, 2002; Baker et al., 2007). A different approach is to generate
image sequences and stereo pairs by using a database of range images collected by a laser
range-nder (Yang & Purves, 2003; Liu et al., 2008).
In general, the major drawback of the calibrated data sets is the lack of interactivity: it
is not possible to change the scene and the camera point of view. In order to face the
limits of these approaches, several authors proposed robot simulators equipped with visual
sensors and capable to act in virtual environments. Nevertheless, such software tools are
capable of accurately simulating the physics of robots, rather than their visual systems. In
many works, the stereo vision is intended for future developments (Jrgensen & Petersen,
2008; Awaad et al., 2008), whereas other robot simulators in the literature have a binocular
vision system (Okada et al., 2002; Ulusoy et al., 2004), but they work on stereo image pairs
where parallel axis cameras are used. More recently, a commercial application (Michel, 2004)
and an open source project for cognitive robotics research (Tikhanoff et al., 2008) have been
developed both capable to xate a target, nevertheless the ground truth data are not provided.
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for
Robotic Systems
2 Virtual Reality
2. The visual system simulator
Figure 1a-b shows the real-world images gathered by a binocular robotic head, for different
stereo congurations: the visual axes of the cameras are kept parallel (Fig. 1a) and convergent
for xating an object in the scene (the small tin, see Fig. 1b). It is worth noting that both
horizontal and vertical disparities have quite large values in the periphery, while disparities
are zero in the xation point. Analogously, if we look at the motion eld generated by an
agent moving in the environment (see Fig. 1c), where both still and moving objects are present
the resulting optic ow is composed both by ego-motion components, due to motion of the
observer, and by the independent movements of the objects in the scene.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 1. Binocular snapshots obtained by real-world vision systems. (a)-(b): The stereo image
pairs are acquired by a binocular active vision system (http://www.searise.eu/) for
different stereo congurations: the visual axes of the cameras are (a) kept parallel, (b)
convergent for xating an object in the scene (the small tin). The anaglyphs are obtained with
the left image on the red channel and the right image on the green and blue channels. The
interocular distance is 30 cm and the camera resolution is 1392 1236 pixels with a focal
length of 7.3 mm. The distance between the cameras and the objects is between 4 m and 6 m.
It is worth noting that both horizontal and vertical disparities are present. (c): Optic ow
superimposed on a snapshot of the relative image sequence, obtained by a car, equipped
with a pair of stereo cameras with parallel visual axes , moving in a complex real
environment. The resolution of the cameras is 1392 1040 pixels with a focal length of 6.5
mm, and the baseline is 33 cm (http://pspc.dibe.unige.it/drivsco/). Different
situations are represented: ego-motion (due to the motion of the car) and a translating
independent movement of a pedestrian (only the left frame is shown).
The aim of the work described in this chapter is to simulate the active vision systemof a robot
acting and moving in an environment rather than the mechanical movements of the robot
itself. In particular, we aim to precisely simulate the movements (e.g. vergence and version)
of the two cameras and of the robot in order to provide the binocular views and the related
ground truth data (horizontal and vertical disparities and binocular motion eld). Thus, our
VR tool can be used for two different purposes (see Fig. 2):
1. to obtain binocular image sequences with related ground truth, to quantitatively assess the
performances of computer vision algorithms;
2. to simulate the closed loop interaction between visual perception and action of the robot.
The binocular image sequences provided by the VR engine could be processed by computer
vision algorithms in order to obtain the visual features necessary to the control strategy of the
robot movements. These control signals act as an input to the VR engine, thus simulating the
72 Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 3
Fig. 2. The proposed active vision system simulator. Mutual interactions between a robot and
the environment can be emulated to validate the visual processing modules in a closed
perception-action loop and to obtain calibrated ground truth data.
robot movements in the virtual environment, then the updated binocular views are obtained.
In the following, a detailed description of the model of a robotic visual system is presented.
2.1 Tridimensional environment
The 3D scene is described by using the VRML format. Together with its successor X3D,
VRML has been accepted as an international standard for specifying vertices and edges for
3D polygons, along with the surface color, UV mapped textures, shininess and transparency.
Though a large number of VRML models are available, e.g. on the web, they usually have
not photorealistic textures and they are often characterized by simple 3D structures. To
overcome this problem, a dataset of 3D scenes, acquired in controlled but cluttered laboratory
conditions, has been created by using a scanner laser. The results presented in Section 6 are
obtained by using the dataset obtained in our laboratory.
It is worth noting that the complex 3D VRML models can be easily replaced by simple
geometric gures (cubes, cones, planes) with or without textures at any time, in order to use
the simulator as an agile testing platform for the development of complex computer vision
2.2 Rendering
The scene is rendered in an on-screen OpenGL context (see Section 5 for details). Moreover,
the SoOffScreenRenderer class is used for rendering scenes in off-screen buffers and to
save to disk the sequence of stereo pairs. The renderer can produce stereo images of different
resolution and acquired by cameras with different eld of views. In particular, one can set the
following parameters :
resolution of the cameras (the maximum possible resolution depends on the resolution of
the textures and on the number of points of the 3D model);
horizontal and vertical eld of view (HFOV and VFOV, respectively);
distance from camera position to the near clipping plane in the cameras view volume, also
referred to as a viewing frustum, (nearDistance);
73 Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems
4 Virtual Reality
distance from camera position to the far clipping plane in the cameras view volume
distance from camera position to the point of focus (focalDistance).
2.3 Binocular head and eye movements
The visual system, presented in this Section, is able to generate the sequence of stereo image
pairs of a binocular head moving in the 3D space and xating a 3D point (X
, Y
, Z
). The
geometry of the system and the parameters that can be set are shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the geometry of the binocular active vision system.
The head is characterized by the following parameters (each expressed with respect to the
world reference frame (X
, Y
, Z
cyclopic position CCC = (X
, Y
, Z
nose orientation;
xation point FFF = (X
, Y
, Z
Once the initial position of the head is xed, then different behaviours are possible:
to move the eyes by keeping the head (position and orientation) xed;
to change the orientation of the head, thus mimicking the movements of the neck;
to change both the orientation and the position of the head, thus generating more complex
motion patterns.
These situations imply the study of different perceptual problems, from scene exploration to
navigation with ego-motion. Thus, in the following (see Section 6), we will present the results
obtained in different situations.
For the sake of clarity and simplicity, in the following we will consider the position CCC =
, Y
, Z
) and the orientation of the head xed, thus only the ocular movements will be
74 Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 5
considered. In Section 3.3.1 different stereo systems will be described (e.g. pan-tilt, tilt-pan,
etc.), the simulator can switch through all these different behaviours. The results presented
in the following consider a situation in which the eyes can rotate around an arbitrary axis,
chosen in order to obtain the minimum rotation to make the ocular axis rotate from the initial
position to the target position (see Section 3.3.1).
2.4 Database of ground truth data
In the literature several database of ground truth data can be found, to quantitatively assess
optic ow and disparity measures.
One of the best known and widely used is the Yosemite sequence, that has been used extensively
for experimentation and quantitative evaluation of the performances of optical ow
computation techniques, camera motion estimation, and structure from motion algorithms.
The data was originally generated by Lynn Quam at SRI and David Heeger (Heeger, 1987)
was the rst to use it for optical ow experimentation. The sequence is generated by taking
an aerial image of Yosemite valley and texture mapping it onto a depth map of the valley. A
synthetic sequence is generated by ying through the valley.
Other simple, but widely used, image sequences with associated ground truth data are the
Translating tree and the Diverging tree by (Fleet & Jepson, 1990). Moreover, it is possible to nd
the Marbled-Block sequence, recorded and rst evaluated by (Otte & Nagel, 1995), a polyhedral
scene with a moving marbled block and moving camera.
A large number of algorithms for the estimation of optic ow have been benchmarked,
by using these sequences. Unfortunately, it is difcult to know how relevant these
results are to real 3D imagery, with all its associated complexities (for example
motion discontinuities, complex 3D surfaces, camera noise, specular highlights, shadows,
atmospherics, transparency). To this aim (McCane et al., 2001) have used two methods to
generate more complex sequences with ground-truth data: a ray-tracer which generates
optical ow, and a Tcl/Tk tool which allows them to generate ground truth optical ow from
simple (i.e. polygonal) real sequences with a little help from the user.
Nevertheless, these sequences are too simple and the needs of providing more complex
situation leads to the creation of databases that include much more complex real and synthetic
scenes, with non-rigid motions (Baker et al., 2007). The authors rather than collecting a
single benchmark dataset (with its inherent limitations), they collect four different sets, each
satisfying a different subset of desirable properties. A proper combination of these datasets
could be sufcient to allow a rigorous evaluation of optical ow algorithms.
Analogously, for the estimation of binocular disparity, synthetic images have been used
extensively for quantitative comparisons of stereo methods, but they are often restricted
to simple geometries and textures (e.g., random-dot stereograms). Furthermore, problems
arising with real cameras are seldom modeled, e.g., aliasing, slight misalignment, noise,
lens aberrations, and uctuations in gain and bias. Some well known stereo pairs, with
ground truth, are used by researcher to benchmark their algorithms: the Tsukuba stereo
pair (Nakamura et al., 1996), and Sawtooth and Venus created by (Scharstein & Szeliski,
2002). Though these sequence are widely used also in recent papers, in the last years the
progress in the performances of stereo algorithms is quickly outfacing the ability of these
stereo data sets to discriminate among the best-performing algorithms, thus motivating the
need for more challenging scenes with accurate ground truth information. To this end,
(Scharstein & Szeliski, 2003) describe a method for acquiring high-complexity stereo image
pairs with pixel-accurate correspondence information using structured light.
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6 Virtual Reality
Nevertheless, databases for the evaluation of the performances of active stereo systems are
still missing. The stereo geometry of the existing database is xed, and characterized by
parallel axis cameras. By using the software environment we developed, it is possible to
collect a large number of data in different situations: e.g. vergent stereo cameras with different
xation points and orientation of the eyes, optic ow maps obtained for different ego-motion
velocities, or different gaze orientation. The true disparity and optic ow maps can be stored
together with the 3D data from which they have been generated and the corresponding
image sequences. These data can be used for future algorithm benchmarking also by other
researchers in the Computer Vision community. A tool capable of continuously generating
ground truth data can be used online together with the visual processing algorithms to
have a continuous assessment of their reliability. Moreover, the use of textured 3D models,
acquired in real-world conditions, can solve the lack of realism that affects many datasets in
the literature.
2.5 Computer vision module
Visual features (e.g. edges, disparity, optic ow) are extracted by the sequence of binocular
images by the Computer Vision module. It can implement any kind of computer vision
algorithm. The faithful detection of the motion and of the distance of the objects in the visual
scene is a desirable feature of any articial vision system designed to operate in unknown
environments characterized by conditions variable in time in an often unpredictable way.
In the context of an ongoing research project (EYESHOTS, 2008) we aimed to investigate
the potential role of motor information in the early stages of human binocular vision,
the computation of disparity and optic ow has been implemented in the simulator by a
distributed neuromorphic architecture, described in (Chessa et al., 2009). In such distributed
representations, or population codes, the information is encoded by the activity pattern of
a network of simple and complex neurons, that are selective for elemental vision attributes:
oriented edges, direction of motion, color, texture, and binocular disparity (Adelson & Bergen,
1991). In this way, it is possible to use the simulator to study adaptation mechanisms of the
responses of the neural units on the basis of the relative orientation of the eyes.
2.6 Control module
This module generates the control signal that is responsible for the camera/eye movements,
in particular for version and vergence, and for the movement of the neck (rotation and
position). By considering the neck xed, and thus focusing on eye movements only, the
simulator has been exploited to study a model of vergence control based on a dual-mode
paradigm (Gibaldi et al., 2010; Hung et al., 1986). The goal of the vergence control module
is to produce the control signals for the eyes to bring and keep the xation point on the
surface of the object of interest without changing the gaze direction. Since the task is to nullify
the disparity in fovea, the vergence control module receives inputs from the same disparity
detector population response described in Section 2.5 and converts it into the speed rotation
of each eye. Other control models can be easily adopted to replace the existing one, in order
to achieve different behaviours or to compare different algorithms and approaches.
3. Geometry of the stereo vision
In the literature the most frequently used methods to render stereo image pairs
are (Bourke & Morse, 2007; Grinberg et al., 1994): (1) the off-axis technique, usually used
76 Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 7
to create a perception of depth for a human observer and (2) the toe-in technique that can
simulate the actual intensity patterns impinging on the cameras of a robotic head.
3.1 Off-axis technique
In the off-axis technique, the stereo images are generated by projecting the objects in the scene
onto the display plane for each camera; such projection plane has the same position and
orientation for both camera projections. The model of the virtual setup is shown in Figure
4a: F represents the location of the virtual point perceived when looking at the stereo pair
composed by F
and F
Fig. 4. (a) Geometrical sketch of the off-axis technique. The left and right camera frames:
, Y
, Z
) and (X
, Y
, Z
). The image plane (x, o, y) and the focal length Oo. The image
points F
and F
are the stereo projection of the virtual point F. The baseline b is denoted by
. (b) Geometrical sketch of the toe-in technique. The left and right camera frames:
, Y
, Z
) and (X
, Y
, Z
). The left and right image planes: (x
, o
, y
) and (x
, o
, y
The left and right focal lengths: O
= O
, named f
. The camera optical axes O
F and
F are adjusted to xation point F. The baseline b is denoted by O
, the pan angles by

, and the tilt angles by
77 Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems
8 Virtual Reality
To produce a perception of depth for a human observer, it is necessary to pay attention
to some specic geometrical parameters of the stereo acquisition setup (both actual and
virtual) (Grinberg et al., 1994):
the image planes have to be parallel;
the optical points should be offset relative to the center of the image;
the distance between the two optical centers have to be equal to the interpupillary distance;
the eld of view of the cameras must be equal to the angle subtended by the display screen;
the ratio between the focal length of the cameras and the viewing distance of the screen
should be equal to the ratio between the width of the screen and of the image plane.
This is the correct way to create stereo pairs that are displayed on stereoscopic devices for
human observers. This technique introduces no vertical disparity, thus it does not cause
discomfort for the users (Southard, 1992).
However, it is difcult to perceptually render a large interval of 3D space without a visual
stress, since the eye of the observer have to maintain accommodation on the display screen
(at a xed distance), thus lacking the natural relationship between accommodation and
vergence eye movements, and the distance of the objects (Wann et al., 1995). Moreover, the
visual discomfort is also due to spatial imperfections of the stereo image pair (Kooi & Toet,
2004). The main factors yielding visual discomfort are: vertical disparity; crosstalk, that is a
transparent overlay of the left image over the right image and vice versa; blur, that is different
resolutions of the stereo image pair.
3.2 Toe-in technique
Since our aim is to simulate the actual images acquired by the vergent pan-tilt cameras of a
robotic head, the correct way to create the stereo pairs is the toe-in method: each camera is
pointed at a single target point (the xation point) through a proper rotation. The geometrical
sketch of the optical setup of an active stereo system and of the related toe-in model is shown
in Figure 4b.
It is worth noting that, for specic application elds, the toe-in technique is also used for
the perceptual rendering of the stereo image pair to a human observer. In the eld of the
telerobotic applications (Ferre et al., 2008; Bernardino et al., 2007), it is important to perceive
veridical distances in the remote environment, and the toe-in technique allows choosing
where the stereo images are properly fused and the optimal remote working area. However,
the parallel axes conguration is again effective when a large workspace is necessary, e.g. for
exploration vehicles. The toe-in method is also helpful in the eld of stereoscopic television
(Yamanoue, 2006), since the perception of the 3D scene is more easily manipulated, and the
objects can be seen between the observer and the display screen, i.e. it is possible to render
the crossed, zero, and uncrossed disparity.
The disparity patterns produced by the off-axis and toe-in techniques are shown in Figure 5a
and Figure 5b, respectively.
3.3 Mathematics of the toe-in technique
Our aim is to formally describe the toe-in technique in order to generate stereo image pairs
like in a pan-tilt robotic head. To this purpose, the skewed frustum (see Fig. 6a) (necessary
to obtain the off-axis stereo technique) is no longer necessary. Accordingly, we introduced
the possibility of pointing the left and the right optical axes at a single 3D target point, by
78 Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 9
rotating two symmetric frustums (see Fig. 6b), in order to obtain the left and the right views
both xating a point F.
In general, the two camera frames X
and X
are related by a rigid-body transformation in
the following way:
= RX
+T (1)
where R and T denote the rotation matrix and the translation, respectively. The coordinate
transformation described by Eq. 1 can be converted to a linear transformation by using
homogeneous coordinates (Ma et al., 2004). In the following, we use the homogeneous
coordinates to describe the coordinate transformation that brings the cameras from a parallel
axes conguration to a convergent one.
The translation for the left and the right view volume can be obtained by applying the
following translation matrix:

1 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

Then the azimuthal rotation (
) and the elevation (
) are obtained with the
following rotation matrices:

0 sin
0 1 0 0
0 cos
0 0 0 1


1 0 0 0
0 cos
0 sin
0 0 0 1

The complete roto-translation of the view-volumes is:


= R




(a) (b)
Fig. 5. The projections of a fronto-parallel square onto the image planes, drawn in red for the
left image and blue for the right. The texture applied to the square is a regular grid. (a) The
projection obtained with the off-axis technique: only horizontal disparity is introduced. (b)
The projection obtained with the toe-in technique: both vertical and horizontal disparities are
79 Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems
10 Virtual Reality
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. (a) The two skewed frustums for the off-axis technique. (b) The two view volumes of
the stereo cameras for the toe-in technique.
Thus, the projection direction is set to the target point F, then the left and the right views
project onto two different planes, as it can be seen in Figure 4b.
In this way, it is possible to insert a camera in the scene (e.g. a perspective camera), to obtain
a stereoscopic representation with convergent axes and to decide the location of the xation
point. This emulates the behavior of a couple of verging pan-tilt cameras.
3.3.1 Camera rotations
In general, the frame transformation can be described by consecutive rotations (and
translations), the specic rotation described by Eq. 5 is the Helmholtz sequence (neglecting the
torsion of the camera, i.e. the rotation around the visual axis). This rotation sequence is related
to the gimbal systemof the actual camera (we are simulating). In particular, the horizontal axis
is xed to the robotic head, and the vertical axis rotates gimbal fashion around the horizontal
axis (Haslwanter, 1995). That is, rst we rotate through
around the horizontal axis, then
we rotate through
around the new updated vertical axis.
We can simulate a different gimbal system by using the Fick sequence (i.e., the vertical axis is
xed to the robotic head), described by:


= R




It is worth noting that the xation point is described by different values of the angles.
For non conventional cameras, e.g. (Cannata & Maggiali, 2008), it is also possible to describe
the camera rotation movements from the initial position to the nal one through a single
rotation by a given angle around a xed axis a


= R
(, a



In this way, we can study how the additive degrees of freedom of non conventional (e.g.
bio-inspired) systems may have effects on the computational processing of visual features.
3.3.2 General camera model
A simple and widely used model for the cameras is characterized by the following
assumptions: the vertical and horizontal axes of rotation are orthogonal, through the nodal
points, and aligned with the image planes. However, the commercial cameras without a
80 Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 11
careful engineering can violate the previous assumptions, and also the cameras equippedwith
a zoom, since the position of the nodal point changes with respect to the position of the image
plane as a function of focal length. A general camera model (Davis & Chen, 2003; Jain et al.,
2006; Horaud et al., 2006) takes into account that the pan and tilt can have arbitrary axes, and
the image plane are rigid objects that rotate around such axes. The actual camera geometry is
described by:


= T


where R denotes a rotation around the tilt/pan axis, and T denotes a translation from the
origin to each axis. In particular, the following steps are performed: rst a translation T to
the center of rotation, then a rotation R around the respective axis, and eventually a back
translation for allowing the projection.
Figure 7 and 8 show the horizontal and vertical disparity maps for the different gimbal
systems and for the general camera model. The stereo virtual cameras are xating nine targets
on a fronto-parallel plane, the central target is straight ahead and the other eight targets are
symmetrically displaced at 14

. The baseline of the cameras is 6.5 cm with a eld of view of


, and the plane is at 65 cm from the cameras. For the general camera model, we simulated
a displacement of the nodal points of 0.6 cm, and a misalignment of the tilt and pan axes with
respect to the image plane of 3

4. Geometry of the motion ow
In many robotic applications it is important to know how the coordinates of a point and
its velocity change as the camera moves. The camera frame is the reference frame and
we describe both the camera motion and the objects in the environment relative to it. The
coordinates of a point X
(at time t = 0) are described as a function of time t by the following
relationship (Ma et al., 2004):
X(t) = R(t)X
+T (t) (9)
where R(t) and T (t) denote a trajectory that describes a continuous rotational and
translational motion.
From the transformation of coordinates described by Eq. 9, the velocity of the
point of coordinates X(t) relative to the camera frame (see Fig. 9) can be derived
(Longuet-Higgins & Prazdny, 1980):

X(t) = (t) X(t) +v(t) (10)

where denotes the cross product, (t) and v(t) denote the angular velocity and the
translational velocity of the camera, respectively.
Figure 10 shows the motion elds for different kinds of camera movements. For the sake of
simplicity, the visual axes are kept parallel and only the left frame is shown. The virtual set-up
is the same of Fig. 7 and 8.
5. Software implementation
The virtual reality tool we propose is based on a C++ / OpenGL architecture and on the
Coin3D graphic toolkit (www.coin3D.org). Coin3D is a high level 3D graphic toolkit for
developing cross-platform real time 3D visualization and visual simulation software. It is
portable over a wide range of platforms, it is built on OpenGL and uses scene graph data
81 Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems
12 Virtual Reality
structures to render 3D graphics in real time. Coin3D is fully compatible with SGI Open
Inventor 2.1, the de-facto standard for 3D visualization in the scientic and engineering
communities. Both OpenGL and Coin3D code co-exist in our application.
In order to obtain a stereoscopic visualization of the scene useful to mimic an active stereo
system, rather than to make a human perceive stereoscopy (see Section 3 for further details),
we have not used the stereo rendering of the SoCamera node in the library, since it adopts
the off-axis geometry. We have created our own Cameras class, that contains a pointer to a
SoPerspectiveCamera, which can be moved in the left, right and cyclopic position. The
class stores the status of the head:
3D position of the neck;
projection direction of the cyclopic view;
Fick rotation
Helmholtz rotation
general camera model
minimum rotation
Fig. 7. Horizontal disparity patterns for different kinds of rotations and camera models. For
each panel nine different gaze directions are shown. The disparity values are coded from red
(uncrossed disparity) to blue (crossed disparity).
82 Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 13
Fick rotation
Helmholtz rotation
general camera model
minimum rotation
Fig. 8. Vertical disparity patterns for different kind of rotations and camera model. Same
notation of Fig.7
direction of the baseline, computed as the cross product between the projection direction
and the up vector;
and the status of each view:
3D position and rotation (R
and R
) computed with respect to the (0, 0, 1) axis;
values of the depth buffer with respect to the actual position of the camera.
The left and the right views are continuously updated after having computed the rotation R
and R
necessary to xate the target. Also the position of the neck, the projection direction,
and the direction of the baseline can be updated if the neck is moving.
The scene from the point of view of the two stereo cameras is then rendered both in the
on-screen OpenGL context and in the off-screen buffer. At the same time the depth buffer
is read and stored. It is worth noting that, since Coin3D library does not easily allow the
users to access and store the depth buffer, the SoOffscreenRender class has been modied
in order to add this feature. After such a modication it is possible to access both the color
buffer and the depth buffer.
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14 Virtual Reality
Fig. 9. Viewer-centered coordinate frame. The relative motion between an observer and the
scene can be described at each instant t as a rigid-body motion, by means of two vectors (i.e.,
kinetic characteristics): the translational velocity v = (v
, v
, v
, and the angular velocity
= (
The ground truth maps can be then generated and stored.
5.1 Ground truth data generation
To compute the ground truth data it is necessary to exploit the resources available from the
graphics engine by combining them through the computer vision relationships that describe a
3D moving scene and the geometry of two views, typically used to obtain a 3D reconstruction.
5.1.1 Stereo cameras
Formally, by considering two static views, the two camera reference frames are related by a
rigid body transformation describedby the rotation matrix Rand the translation T (see Eq. 1),
thus the two projections (left and right) are related in the following way (Ma et al., 2004):

= R
+T (11)
where x
and x
are the homogeneous coordinates in the two image planes, and
are the depth values.
In order to dene the disparity, we explicitly write the projection equations for Eq. 5
(Helmholtz sequence). The relation between the 3D world coordinates X = (X, Y, Z) and the
homogeneous image coordinates x
= (x
, y
, 1) and x
= (x
, y
, 1) for the toe-in technique
is described by a general perspective projection model. A generic point X in the world
coordinates is mapped onto image plane points x
and x
on the left and right cameras,
respectively. It is worth noting that the xation point F in Figure 4b is projected onto the
origins of the left and right image planes, since the vergence movement makes the optical
84 Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 15
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Fig. 10. Motion elds for different camera movements: (a) the v
camera velocity produces
an expansion pattern with the focus of expansion in the center; the superposition of a v
velocity moves the focus of expansion on the left (b) or on the right (c) as a function of its
sign; (d) the cameras move with v
and a rotational velocity
. (e) The color-coding scheme
used for the representation: the hue represents the velocity direction, while its magnitude is
represented by the saturation.
axes of the two cameras to intersect in F. For identical left and right focal lengths f
, the left
image coordinates are (Volpel & Theimer, 1995):
+ Zsin
+ Ycos
where X
= X + b/2. Similarly, the right image coordinates are obtained by replacing
and X
in the previous equations with
and X

= X b/2, respectively. We can dene

the horizontal disparity d
= x
and the vertical disparity d
= y
, that establish
the relationship between a world point X and its associated disparity vector d.
5.1.2 A moving camera
Considering the similarities between the stereo and motion problems, as they both look for
correspondences between different frames or between left and right views, the generalizations
of the two static views approach to a moving camera is in principle straightforward. Though,
the description of the stereoscopically displaced cameras and of the moving camera are
equivalent only if the spatial and temporal differences between frame are small enough,
since the motion eld is a differential concept, but not the stereo disparity. In particular, the
following conditions must be satised: small rotations, small eld of view, and v
small with
respect to the distance of the objects from the camera. These assumptions are related to the
analysis of video streams, where the camera motion is slow with respect to the frame rate
(sampling frequency) of the acquisition device. Thus, we can treat the motion of the camera
as continuous (Ma et al., 2004; Trucco & Verri, 1998; Adiv, 1985).
The relationship that relates the image velocity (motion eld) x of the image point x to the
angular () and the linear (v) velocities of the camera and to the depth values is described by
the following equation (see also Eq. 10):
x = x +

x (13)
where and

are the depth and its temporal derivative, respectively.
85 Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems
16 Virtual Reality
For planar perspective projection, i.e. = Z, we have that the image motion eld x is
expressible as a function of image position x = (x, y) and surface depth Z = Z(x, y) (i.e., the
depth of the object projecting in (x, y) at current time):



0 x
0 f

v +


+ x

+ y


To apply the relationship described by Eqs. 11 and 13 we rst read the z-buffer (w) of the
camera through the method added in the SoOffScreenRenderer class, then we obtain the
depth values with respect to the reference frame of the camera in the following way:
f n
w( f n) f
where f and n represent the values of the far and the near planes of the virtual camera,
Finally, from Eq. 11 it is possible to compute the ground truth disparity maps d, and from
Eq. 13 it is possible to obtain the ground truth motion eld x.
6. Results for different visual tasks
The proposed VR tool can be used to simulate any interaction between the observer and the
scene. In particular, in the following two different situations will be considered and analyzed:
1. Scene exploration, where both the head and the scene are xed, and only ocular movements
are considered.
2. Robotic navigation, by considering monocular vision, only.
6.1 Active vision - scene exploration
By keeping xed the position and the orientation of the head, the described tool is active
in the sense that the xation point F of the stereo cameras varies to explore the scene. We
can distinguish two possible scenarios: (1) to use the system to obtain sequences where the
xation points are chosen on the surfaces of the objects in the scene; (2) to use the system
in cooperation with an algorithm that implements a vergence/version strategy. In the rst
case, it is not possible to xate beyond or in front of the objects. In the second case, the
vergence/version algorithmgives us an estimate of the xation point, the systemadapts itself
looking at this point and the snapshots of the scene are then used as a new visual input for
selecting a new target point.
To compute the xation point in 3D coordinates, starting from its 2D projection, the
SoRayPickAction class has been used. It contains the methods for setting up a ray from
the near plane to the far plane, from the 2D point in the projection plane. Then the rst hit,
the one that corresponds to the rst visible surface, is taken as the 3D coordinates, the system
should xate.
Figure 11 shows the active explorationof an indoor scene, representinga desktopand different
objects at various distances, acquired by using a laser scanner. The simulator aims to mimic
the behavior of a human-like robotic system acting in the peripersonal space. Accordingly,
the interocular distance between the two cameras is set to 6 cm and the distance between
the cameras and the center of the scene is about 80 cm. The xation points have been
chosen arbitrary, thus simulating an active exploration of the scene, and in their proximity
the disparity between the left and the right projections is zero, while getting far from the
86 Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 17
Left frame Right frame Horizontal disparity Vertical disparity
Fig. 11. Active exploration of a scene. The position and the orientation of the head is xed,
whereas the eyes are moving in order to explore the scene. The scenario mimics a typical
indoor scene. The disparity values are coded from red (uncrossed disparity) to blue (crossed
87 Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems
18 Virtual Reality
xation point both horizontal and vertical disparities emerge, as it can be seen in the ground
truth data.
Instead of directly computing the 3Dcoordinates of the xation points, it is possible to analyze
the sequence of images and the corresponding disparity maps, while performing vergence
movements. In Figure 12 (left) it is possible to see the red-cyan anaglyph of the stereo
pairs, before having reached the xation point (upper part of the gure) and when xation
is achieved onto a target (bottom). The plots on the right show the variation of the disparity
in the center of the image at each time step (upper part) and the variation of the actual depth
of the xation point with respect to the desired value (bottom).
6.2 Robotic navigation
In this Section, the simulator is used to obtain sequences acquired by a moving observer. The
position and the orientation of the head can be changed, in order to mimic the navigation in
the virtual environment. For the sake of simplicity, the ocular movements are not considered
and the visual axes are kept parallel. It is worth noting that the eye movements necessary to
actively explore the scene, consideredin the previous Section, could be embeddedif necessary.
Figure 13 shows the sequence of images and the related ground truth optic ow elds for the
different movements of the observer.
7. Conclusion
In conclusion, a tool that uses the VR to simulate the actual projections impinging the
cameras of an active visual system rather than to render the 3D visual information for a
stereoscopic display, has been developed. The simulator works on the 3D data that can
Fig. 12. (left) The anaglyph images before and after a vergent movement of the cameras in
order to correctly fuse the left and right images of the target object. (right) The plots show the
variation of the disparity in the center of the stereo images and the related depth of actual
and desired xation point. It is worth noting that the vergence movements are synthetically
generated (i.e., not driven by the visual information).
88 Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems 19
be synthetically generated or acquired by a laser scanner and performs both cameras and
robot movements following the strategies adopted by different active stereo vision systems,
including bio-mimetic ones.
The virtual reality tool is capable of generating pairs of stereo images like the ones that can
be obtained by a verging pan-tilt robotic head and the related ground truth data, disparity
maps and motion eld. To obtain such a behavior the toe-in stereoscopic technique is
preferred to the off-axis technique. By proper roto-translations of the view volumes, we can
create benchmark stereo sequences for testing vision algorithms under convergent-camera
conditions. In more general terms, by exploiting the full knowledge of the 3D structure
of the scene the proposed VR tool can be used to model active vision systems interacting
with the scene. A data set of stereo image pairs and the related ground truth disparities and
motion elds are available for the Robotics and Computer Vision community at the web site
Although the main purpose of this work is to obtain sufciently complex scenarios for
benchmarking an active vision system, complex photo-realistic scenes can be easily obtained
by using the 3D data and textures acquired by laser scanners, which capture detailed, highly
accurate, and full color objects to build 3D virtual models at an affordable computational
cost. In this way improving the photo-realistic quality of the 3D scene does not endanger the
First frame Middle frame Last frame Motion ow
Fig. 13. Robotic navigation in an indoor scenario. Different situation are taken into account.
First row: the robot has v
velocity, only. Thus the focus of expansion is in the center. Second
and third row: positive and negative v
are introduced, thus the focus of expansion move to
the left and to the right, respectively. Fourth row: a rotation around the Y axis is combined
with a translation aking v
. Same color-coding scheme of Fig.10.
89 Virtual Reality to Simulate Visual Tasks for Robotic Systems
20 Virtual Reality
denition of a realistic model of the interactions between the vision system and the observed
scene. As part of a future work, we plan to modify the standard pan-tilt behaviour by
including more biologically plausible constraints on the camera movements (Schreiber et al.,
2001; Van Rijn & Van den Berg, 1993) and to integrate vergence/version strategies in the
system in order to have a fully active tool that interacts with the virtual environments.
8. Acknowledgements
We wish to thank Luca Spallarossa for the helpful comments, and Andrea Canessa and
Agostino Gibaldi for the acquisition, registration and post-processing of the 3D data.
This work has been partially supported by EU Projects FP7-ICT 217077 EYESHOTS and
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92 Virtual Reality
Development of a Finger Pad Force Display
for a Hand Haptic Interface
Haruhisa Kawasaki, Shinya Koide, Tetuya Mouri and Takahiro Endo
Gifu University,
1. Introduction
Most human interfaces in virtual environments use information of visual sensation and
auditory sensation. By adding tactile sensation to these human interfaces, the human
operator can handle objects with a realistic tactile sense and can perform complex tasks in
the virtual reality environment. Haptic interfaces that present force and tactile feeling to the
fingertips of a human operator have been investigated extensively over the last two decades
[1]-[12]. Although some of these interfaces [9]-[12] provide three-dimensional force feeling
to the human fingertip, few haptic interfaces cover the workspace of the human arm. These
interfaces are classified into two types: wearable type interfaces [9], which are mounted
firmly to the human hand, and opposed type interfaces [12], which are mounted in a
position opposed to the human hand. These interfaces apply three-dimensional (3D) forces
only to the human fingertips.
Medical doctors must use palpation in examining patients, and the force and tactile
sensation on both the fingertips and the finger pads are important in such palpation.
However, training doctors to perform palpation is difficult, because this requires the
cooperation of the patient. Thus a breast palpation training system in a virtual reality
environment [13] would be useful as a training tool for palpation. However, due to the
limitation of human finger length, developing a haptic interface that displays 3D force
feeling to both the fingertips and the finger pads is not easy.
The density of tactile sense organs in the human finger [14] is high in the fingertip and low
in the finger pad. Hence, the human finger has a high sensitivity to 3D force at the fingertip
but a low sensitivity at the finger pad. This suggests that a haptic interface that consists of
1D finger pad force display devices and a 3D fingertip force device would be effective for
use in a virtual environment such as a virtual breast palpation training system.
The present paper describes a hand haptic interface for use in a virtual training system in
which not only fingertip force display but also finger pad force display is required. The
hand haptic interface consists of novel finger pad force display devices and a 3D fingertip
haptic interface, known as HIRO II [12], which was developed by our group. The developed
finger pad force display device is driven by a flat-type brushless DC motor and is easy
attachable to the finger pad. The applied force is controlled by a time interval control, which
is an open-loop control. Here we present the design concept of the hand haptic interface, the
control method and specifications of the finger pad force display device, and the results of
an experimental evaluation of manipulating a virtual object. We also provide a comparative
Virtual Reality

evaluation between a case of using one force finger pad force display device and a case of
using two force finger pad force display devices on an index finger when touching a
rotating polyhedron.
2. Hand haptic interface
Humans manipulate objects using force and tactile feeling at the fingertip and the finger
pad. For example, medical doctors search for tumors during breast palpation and
manipulate internal organs during surgery using the fingertips and finger pads. To practice
such medical procedures in a virtual environment, a hand haptic interface is required to
apply forces to both the fingertips and finger pads.
The density of tactile sensory organs in the human finger is high in the fingertip and relatively
low in the finger pad [14]. Hence, the human hand has a high sensitivity to 3D force at the
fingertip [15] but a relatively low sensitivity at the finger pad. This suggests that a hand haptic
interface that applies 3D force feeling to the finger tip and 1D force feeling to the finger pad
would be effective for palpation training in a virtual reality environment, as shown in Fig. 1. In
this figure, the human fingertip shows 3D force from the 3D fingertip force display device and
the human finger pad shows 1D force, the direction of which is normal with respect to the
surface of finger pad, from the 1D finger pad display device. The finger pad force display
devices are attached to the proximal phalanges of the thumb and fingers and to the middle
phalanges of the fingers. The total number of displayed points of the finger pads is nine.
The multi-fingered haptic interface robot HIRO II [12] shown in Fig. 2 is used to apply 3D
fingertip forces. The haptic interface is described in detail in a previous report [8]. The
mechanism of the haptic interface is outlined briefly herein to clarify the proposed hand
haptic interface.
HIRO II can present force and tactile feeling at the five fingertips of the human hand. HIRO
II is designed to be completely safe and is similar to the human upper limb both in shape
and mobility. The mechanism of HIRO II consists of a six-degrees-of freedom (DOF) arm
and a 15-DOF hand with a thumb and four fingers. Each finger has three joints, allowing
three DOF. The first joint, relative to the base of the hand, allows abduction/adduction. The
second joint and the third joint allow flexion/extension. The thumb is similar to the fingers
except for the reduction gear ratio and the movable ranges of joint 1 and joint 2. To read the
finger loading, a six-axis force sensor is installed in the second link of each finger. The user
must wear finger holders over his/her fingertips to manipulate the haptic interface. Each
finger holder has a ball attached to a permanent magnet at the force sensor tip and forms a
passive spherical joint. This passive spherical joint has two roles. First, it adjusts for
differences between the human finger orientation and the haptic finger orientation. Second,
the operator is able to remove his/her fingers from the haptic interface in case of a
malfunction. The suction force generated by the permanent magnet is 5 N.
3. Finger pad haptic display device
A. Mechanical design
A haptic device for the finger pad should be small and lightweight, so that it can be attached
to the finger pad. The magnitude of the applied force must be sufficiently large, so that it
can present realistic sensations during virtual object manipulation. The device should be
easy to wear and should not obstruct the movement of the hand. Previously developed
Development of a Finger Pad Force Display for a Hand Haptic Interface

haptic devices for the finger tips or finger pads [16]-[19] have been problematic in that forces
could not be applied to two finger pads of a finger simultaneously because of the size of the
device or because the applied forces were insufficient. Therefore, we developed a novel
finger pad force display device, as shown in Fig. 3(1), which can be attached to a finger at
two points. This finger pad force display device consists of a body and a hook-and-loop
fastener, which is wrapped around the finger pad. The mechanical structure of the device is
shown in Fig. 3(2). The finger pad force display device is driven by a flat-type brushless DC
motor (EC10, Maxon Motor) with a maximum torque of 0.176 mNm, a maximum rotational
velocity of 22,000 rpm, a mass of 0. 81 g, and a diameter of 10 mm. Reduction gears with a
reduction ratio of 3.67 are attached to the rotor of the motor, and a screw mechanism with a
pitch of 0.5 mm is attached to the output gear axis of the reduction gears. The nut of the
screw mechanism moves up and down with the rotation of the motor with a range of
movement of 4 mm and contacts the finger pad. The mass and output force are 4.8 g and 2.6
N, respectively. Note that, in order to realize compactness and light weight, the finger pad
force display device does not contain a force sensor. Hence, the contact force is open-loop

Fig. 1. Concept of proposed hand haptic interface

Fig. 2. Multi-fingered haptic interface robot HIRO II
Virtual Reality


Fig. 3. Developed finger pad force display
B. Measurements of the displayed force
To determine force on the finger pad of the human hand, we measure the force responses on
a rigid plate and a gel plate [20] (Exseal Co.). The measurement system for the case of the gel
plate is shown in Fig. 4. The force is measured by means of a six-axis force sensor (NANO
sensor, Nitta Co.). The gel plate, which has a thickness of 5 mm and a hardness of 5, as
measured using an ASKER durometer (Type C) [20], is wedged between the sensor and the
force display device. We selected this plate because it has a hardness that is similar to that of
human skin. Fig. 4(1) shows the initial state, and Fig. 4(2) shows the end state after applying
a force.
The step responses of the measured force are shown in Fig. 5. The displayed forces are 2.26
N for the rigid plate and 0.71 N for the gel plate, which is approximately 31% of the rigid
plate case. This reduction is caused by the deformation of the gel plate, as shown in Fig. 4(2).
A similar phenomenon will likely occur in the case of the finger pad of the human hand.

Fig. 4. Force measurement system
Development of a Finger Pad Force Display for a Hand Haptic Interface


Fig. 5. Force responses by step input in case of rigid and gel plates
C. Time interval control
We adopt a time interval control in which the time interval of the input is controlled to
adjust the applied force, because the finger pad force display device is not equipped with a
force sensor. To confirm the effectiveness of the time interval control, we set the time
interval of the input from 0.1 s to 0.5 s with intervals of 0.1 s, which yields five levels of
applied force. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 6. The root-mean-square of the
measured forces at each time interval control are 0.13, 0.26, 0.39, 0.56, and 0.71 N with
standard deviations of 0.013, 0.01, 0.011, 0.013, and 0.011 N, respectively. Input of a longer
time interval results in a higher level of force. These results reveal that the developed
fingertip force display device can present a stepwise force to the finger pad of the human
D. Experiment testing force sensation at the finger pad
We examined whether the human hand can distinguish the five levels of force applied by
the finger pad force display device after nominal force (level 3) was applied. Ten subjects in
their twenties, including eight male subjects and two female subjects, all right handed,
tested the device. Each subject wore the finger pad force display device on the middle
phalanx of the index finger and was asked to indicate whether the applied force was
strong, the same as, weak, or unknown compared to the nominal stimulus of level 3.
The nominal stimulus and the comparison stimulus were presented alternately. The level of
the comparison stimulus, i.e., from level 1 to level 5, was randomized, and the number of
times each level of the comparison stimulus was presented was set to be 10 times. The
results of the experiment are shown in Table I. When the difference between the nominal
stimulus and the comparison stimulus was two levels, the correct answer rate was 98%.
However, the correct answer rate was reduced to 62~78% when the difference between the
nominal stimulus and the comparison stimulus was at the zero or one level. Note that there
are significant differences between individuals. One of the subjects answered weak for 90%
of the comparison stimuli, whereas another subject answered weak for only 10% of the
comparison stimuli.
Next, we examined whether the human hand could distinguish the force level when the
nominal force level had not been applied. The subjects were the same as those of the
Virtual Reality

previous experiment. First, subjects were presented with five forces, from level 1 to level 5.
The subjects were then presented with a comparison stimulus of a random level and asked
to answer two questions. First, the subjects were asked to state the force level (levels 1
through 5, or unknown) of the presented stimulus. Second, the subjects were asked to state
whether the force level of the stimulus was small, the same as, large, or unknown as
compared to the previously applied stimulus. The results are shown in Table II. The average
correct answer rate for the first question was 49.6%, with a standard deviation of 17.6%, and
that for the second question was 84.4%, with a standard deviation of 13.4%. Although there
were individual differences in the correct answer rate, we can say that the correct answer
rate of the exact force level was not high and that the correct answer rate for the differences
between the comparative stimuli was relatively high.
The results indicate that the stepwise force display device with the five-level time interval
control can produce a recognizable force sensation.

0 2 4 6 8

Time (s)

Fig. 6. Force responses by the time interval control in case of the gel plate

Displayed force
Weak Same Strong Unclear
Correct answer
rate [%]
1 98 2 0 0 98
2 62 35 3 0 62
3 2 74 22 2 74
4 2 16 78 4 78
5 0 2 98 0 98
Note: Each subject wore the finger pad force display device on the middle phalanx of the index finger
and was asked to indicate whether the applied force was strong, the same as, weak, or unknown
compared to the nominal stimulus of level 3.
Table 1. Correct Answer rates for Comparisons with Nominal Stimulus
Development of a Finger Pad Force Display for a Hand Haptic Interface

Subject No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
32 20 40 68 60 40 68 72 56 40
60 76 68 84 100 92 92 92 100 80
Note: Subjects were presented with five forces, from level 1 to level 5. Then, they were presented with a
comparison stimulus of a random level and asked to answer two questions. First, the subjects were
asked to state the force level (levels 1 through 5, or unknown) of the presented stimulus. Second, the
subjects were asked to state whether the force level of the stimulus was small, the same as, large, or
unknown as compared to the previously applied stimulus.
Table 2. Results Of Correct Answer rates
4. Virtual reality system
We have developed a hand haptic interface that incorporates a 3D fingertip force display
device (HIRO II) and 1D finger pad force display devices, as shown in Fig. 7. The hand
orientation of the operator is measured by a 3D orientation-tracking sensor (InertiaCube
made by InterSense, Inc.), which is mounted on the back of the operator's hand. The hand
position is measured by a 3D position-tracking sensor (Optorack Certus, Northern Digital
Inc.). The operator wears five finger holders over the fingertips, for the connection with
HIRO II, and nine finger pad force display devices on the middle phalanges of the fingers
and the proximal phalanges of the thumb and fingers, as shown in Fig. 8.
The finger joint angles of the operators hand are calculated using the inverse kinematics of
the finger based on the positions of fingertips, measured by HIRO II, and the wrist point,
measured by the 3D position tracking sensor. The solution of the inverse kinematics is not
unique, because the human finger has three joints (distal interphalangeal joint, proximal
interphalangeal joint, and metacarpophalangeal joint), each of which has four DOF.
However, the fourth (distal interphalangeal) joint angle,
, depends on the third (proximal
interphalangeal) joint angle,
, and can be approximated as
i i
q q
4 3
= [21], where the index
i indicates the order of the fingers. Using this relation, the inverse kinematics has a unique
solution. The results of the calculations are shown in Fig. 9, in which the large balls indicate
the fingertips and the small balls indicate the locations of the finger pad force display
The control system of the hand haptic interface consists of a haptic interface control PC
(HPC) and a virtual environment modeling PC (VPC). The constrained forces at the contact
points between the hand and the virtual object are computed in the VPC and are sent to the
HPC with a sampling cycle of 1 ms through a local LAN. HIRO II is controlled by a hybrid
control comprising a finger force control and an arm position control, in which the haptic
hand attitude is controlled such that the hand manipulability is optimized in real time [12].
The finger pad force display device is controlled by the time interval control with five levels.
5. Experimental evaluation
We examined the effectiveness of the haptic interface through two psychological tests. One
involved grasping a cylindrical virtual object and the other involved touching a rotating
Virtual Reality

polyhedron. Ten subjects in their twenties, including nine male subjects and one female
subject, all right handed, participated in the evaluation.

Fig. 7. Developed hand haptic interface

Fig. 8. Layout of the finger holders and the finger pad force display devices

Fig. 9. Human hand model in computer graphics
A. Grasping of a cylindrical object.
In the experiment, the subjects were asked to grasp a virtual cylindrical object with an
enveloping grasp and to move the object laterally for a distance of 300 mm. Trials were
conducted using the newly developed hand haptic interface and using the fingertip force
Development of a Finger Pad Force Display for a Hand Haptic Interface

display device only. The diameter and mass of the cylindrical object were 100 mm and 50 g,
respectively. After manipulation of the virtual object, the subjects were asked to rate the
following criteria on a five-point scale, in which 1 was the lowest rating and 5 was the
highest rating:
(a) Comfort while wearing the device
(b) Heaviness of the device
(c) Annoyance associated with wearing the device
(d) Existence of force feeling at the finger pad
(e) Operability
(f) Applied force consistency with virtual reality (VR)
The results of the questionnaire are shown in Fig. 10. The subjects rated the developed
haptic interface as being less comfortable to wear, heavier, and more annoying to wear than
the fingertip force display device only. However, the subjects rated the developed haptic
interface higher in regard to the existence of force feeling at the finger pad, operability, and
applied force consistency with VR as compared to the finger tip force display device only.
This evaluation was the result of experiencing force display at the finger pads of the hand.
We analyzed the statistical significance of evaluation items (e) and (f). A t-test with a 10%
significance level indicated no significant difference between the trials conducted using the
newly developed hand haptic interface and those conducted using the fingertip force
display device only for evaluation item (e), and a t-test with a 5% significance level indicated
a significant difference between the trials conducted using the newly developed hand haptic
interface and those conducted using the fingertip force display device only for evaluation
item (f).
Subjects indicated that grasping the virtual object with an enveloping grasp when using the
newly developed hand haptic interface, was easy and that the shape of the object could be
sensed based on the contact force applied to the hand. Subjects pointed out that it was not
easy to put on the hand haptic interface by oneself.

Fig. 10. Questionnaire results of cylindrical object handling in cases of with and without
finger pad force display devices
Virtual Reality

B. Touching of rotating polyhedron
We made comparative evaluations of subjects experiences when touching a rotating
polyhedron by using the index finger only for the following three cases:in case A, subjects
used a HIRO II with finger pad force display on the distal and proximal interphalangeal
finger pads as shown in Fig.11 (a); in case B, subjects used a HIRO II with finger pad force
display on the proximal interphalangeal finger pad, as shown in Fig.11 (b); and in case C,
subjects used a HIRO II without finger pad force display. The object in a virtual
environment was a polyhedron with 50 plates consisting of isosceles triangles and
trapezoids, as shown in Fig. 12. The polyhedron was rotating at a rate of about 3 rad/s
around an axis that was orthogonal with respect to the flexion/extension axis of the index
finger. After contacting the virtual object, the subjects were asked to rate the following
criteria on a five-point scale, in which 1 was the lowest rating and 5 was the highest rating:
(a) Comfort while wearing the device
(b) Heaviness of the device
(c) Annoyance associated with wearing the device
(d) Existence of force feeling at the distal interphalangeal
(e) Existence of force feeling at the proximal interphalangeal
(f) Operability
(g) Consistency between force and computer graphics (CG)

Fig. 11. Two cases of experiment condition
The results of the questionnaire are shown in Fig. 13. Case A received the highest score in
regard to the consistency between force and CG, but the lowest score in regard to the
comfort, heaviness, annoyance, and operability. Case C received the highest score in regard
to the comfort, heaviness, annoyance, and operability, but the lowest score in regard to the
consistency. Case B received an intermediate score in all criteria. We analyzed the statistical
significance of evaluation items a) to g). A Tukey test with a 5% significance level indicated
no significant difference between case A and case B for evaluation items (a) and (e) and
between case B and case C for evaluation item (d), and indicated a significant difference for
the other times.
Most of the subjects mentioned that case B was better than case A for touching the rotating
object, because this task was simple, it was easier to move the index finger, and the time
Development of a Finger Pad Force Display for a Hand Haptic Interface

needed to set up the finger pad display was smaller. These observations indicate that the
finger pad force display contributes to enhancing the sense of reality in a virtual
environment, but it generates a feeling of irritability in the subjects. This is a trade-off

Fig. 12. Rotating polyhedron with 50 plates
6. Conclusions
We have presented a hand haptic interface for use in a virtual reality environment such as
virtual palpation training. The hand haptic interface consists of novel finger pad force
display devices and a 3D fingertip haptic interface (HIRO II). The developed finger pad
force display device is driven by a flat-type brushless DC motor and can be attached at two
points on the finger pads. The design concept of the hand haptic interface, the control
method of the finger pad force display device, and results of an experimental evaluation
have been presented. Questionnaire results revealed that the developed hand haptic
interface is useful in virtual object manipulation. For a simple task such as touching a
rotating polyhedron with an index finger, our evaluation showed that the use of HIRO II
with one finger pad force display is better than that with two finger pad force displays to
achieve both enhancement of reality in a virtual environment and reduction of discomfort
when handling the haptic interface.
7. Acknowledgments
The present study was supported in part by the Strategic Information and Communications
R&D Promotion Program (SCOPE) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
and by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from JSPS, Japan ((B) No. 19360190).
Virtual Reality


Fig. 13. Questionnaire results of rotating polyhedron object handling in three cases; Case A
is HIRO II with finger pad force display devices on distal and proximal interphalangeal
finger pads, Case B is HIRO II with finger pad force display devices on proximal
interphalangeal finger pad, and Case C is only HIRO II.
8. References
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Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial Expression
Technique of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration
in Virtual Reality Game
Ahmad Hoirul Basori, Abdullah Bade,
Mohd. Shahrizal Sunar and Daut Daman
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
1. Introduction
Nowadays we can see that avatar expresses their emotional expressions only by using facial
animation, gesture and voice. In this research, we present an avatar in a creative way that
can attract user attention while they play game and use computer. Human representations
like virtual Assistants or virtual humans in the virtual environment are considered as an
interface that can make harmonious relationships between human and computer (Wang et
al., 2005). A virtual representation of human is expected to become a guideline in the virtual
environment. Therefore, studies of artificial psychology have been conducted to create an
interface that is able to comply with human satisfaction while they interact with computer.
Considering this situation, we can see numerous applications such as Second Life or games
like the SIMS manipulates a lot of avatars in their systems. If we look at this matter
carefully, the substance of presence, which is the ultimate features for virtual environment
application, requires further improvement. The root of the problem is caused by several
factors such as: the complexity of virtual human model itself, emotional expression (Wang et
al., 2005), or incoherent animation reaction(Rojas et al., 2008). Usually emotion is expressed
by facial expression, voice intonation or even using hand gesture.
Researchers in image processing and computer graphics fields tried to combine facial
expression with voice expression and hand gesture. Recently Haptics or sense of touch
attracted attention to be explored - especially Haptics that is related to emotional expression
(Bailenson et al., 2007, Hashimoto and Kajimoto, 2008). In this study, our major concern is to
grasp the ways to utilise haptic tactile vibration as an emotional expression of virtual human
or avatar that can give the user more sensation during the interactions process. The
procedure starts by mapping the human emotion colour diagram into several vibration
frequencies. Considering this scenario, a group of frequencies are initiated as a magnetize
stimulation to express particular emotional expression such as anger or happiness.
2. Literature review
Virtual environments are becoming more interesting and complex. Previous research like
(Fabri et al., 1999) stated that non verbal communication in Collaborative Virtual
Virtual Reality

Environments (CVEs) can be conducted via face, gaze, gesture or even body posture. Now,
researchers are making several improvising to human representation by means to increase
the interaction and communication level between computer and human. (Wang et al., 2005)
has created a virtual assistant that acts according to human emotion rules. He also mentions
that there are two main problems with creating a virtual human: Construction of emotion
and Generation of affection model. The avatar does not only represent human as physical
representation, it also needs some believability context. According to (Rojas et al., 2006) the
current avatars need to be improved due to believability setback. He proposed an
individualisation method by putting personality, emotion and gender into the avatar. Other
research such as (Zagalo and Torres, 2008) created additional features that can turn the
avatar into unique character which improves the avatar capability to express their emotions
through the involvement of touching process among two characters (Zagalo and Torres,
2008). Meanwhile ((Melo and Paiva, 2007) made some innovations in expressing the emotion
of virtual character by putting aside body parts. They used element like light, shadow,
composition and filter as tools for conveying the Characters emotion. The basic human
emotions have been recognised and formatted into standard form. For example, the
emotional facial expression can be detected from the eyes and lips of a human face (Ekman,
1982). Researchers like the following tried to recognise emotions from several ways such as:
Colour(Farbenlehre, 1808-1810, Melo and Gratch, 2009, Nijdam, 2006, Sucontphunt et al.,
2008), Haptic device(Bailenson et al., 2007, Salminen et al., 2008, Hashimoto and Kajimoto,
2008), Acoustic (Dai et al., 2009), Music (Shan et al., 2009), dance movement(Camurri et al.,
2.1 Motivation and main contribution
The motivation of our study is inspired by haptic ability that can give different sensation
compared to visual stimulation and acoustic stimulation. Haptic is widely used in games
such as: to give impact sensation on racing game or fighting game. As we mentioned before,
most users are much not affected by facial expression of avatar because they can only see
the changes of avatar facial expression and various tone of voice intonation. These situations
motivate us to make a bridge between avatar and user (human) when they communicating
each other. See our illustration on Fig.1. Fig.1 explains that user able to see the car crashes
with street barrier however, they cannot immerse with strong feeling about the situation.
Therefore researcher tends to add vibration to the haptic device to give strong impression of
impact. We simulate the same concept by conducting surveys to our students. As we expect,
most of them did not impressed with the avatar expression through visual and acoustic. So,
we proposed a unique avatar equipped with various range of haptic vibrations to creates
better emotional expression than the previous avatar. The avatar has the following features:

Visual and brain sense: Provide user a sensation of facial expression based on Facial action
coding system, data glove and brain activity.
Touch Sense: Stimulating user by creating particular tactile vibration frequency which is
connected and synchronized with facial expression of avatar.
The problem on expressing emotion for avatar using vibration is less explored because
previous researcher almost concentrates producing facial expression. To our concern, we
then mapped the vibration values into emotion appearance followed by synchronizing the
avatar facial expression as well as synchronizing the external control system like hand glove
and mind controller. In other words we tried to create link between facial appearance and
Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial Expression Technique
of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game

tactile vibration. What we proposed here is straightforward and can be reproduced by using
cheap and commercial joystick.

Impact sensation
through touch
Impact sensation through visual sense

Fig. 1. Tactile and visual representation on demonstrating car crash (collision) with barrier
3. Face-Touch construction method
Face-Touch is an integration of three human senses: visual, acoustic and haptic. Haptic is
requiring preprocessing to classify the magnitude force into suitable range for emotion
expression. The classification is based on colour theory which is mapping the human
emotion characteristic into RGB mode, and then RGB property will be converted into
magnitude force of vibration. The complete diagram of Face-Touch system can be viewed as
3.1 Calculating constant factor (f)
In term of color, emotion has been divided into certain color since long time ago. According
to (Nijdam, 2006, Farbenlehre, 1808-1810) human emotion can be divided into areas of color
like shown in Fig.3.
Shirley Willett (Nijdam, 2006), creates a circle that represent emotion classification into
certain color. The outside circle gives positive impression, the inner circle represents six
basic emotions and the centre of circle reassembles all negative impression. See Fig.4 for the
Sucontphunt et.al(2008) propose 3D solid cube technique to convertemotion into color
representation (Sucontphunt et al., 2008). Its said that Red equivalent to Anger, green
symbolize Happiness and Blue is sadness. Other researcher like Melo also support that
certain color, saturation and brightness are carry some emotion information like joy or
sadness feeling (Melo & Gratch, 2009). In this pre-processing stage, several parameters
Virtual Reality


Fig.2. E-FACETIC System Architecture


Preprocessing Stage

Calculate constant Factor (f),
from Colour RGB to Magnitude Force
Mapping Magnitude Force according to
constant factor
Compare Colour from mapping result to
emotion characteristic
Create classification table for Magnitude
Force according to emotion behaviour

Nia Mind
5DT Glove
Acoustic Effect Generator
Prepare .wav file for anger and happiness
Control Sound Volume Intonation according
to emotion situation
Avatar with Facial
Expression, Acoustic
intonation and Haptic
Magnitude Force

Facial Expression Generator
Combine each Action Units to perform
particular emotion expression
Render Facial Expression
Divide region of face into several Action Units

Fig. 2. Face-Touch System Architecture
Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial Expression Technique
of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game


Fig. 3. Emotion-Color Classification(Farbenlehre, 1808-1810)

Fig. 4. Shirley Willett -Color mapping (Nijdam, 2006)
according to the previous researches are being considered when we convert the emotional
expressions into vibration. Anger has the characteristics of negative and high, red and raise.
This parameter is interpreted into high and long vibration. Happiness in the Circumplex
model is represented as positive value but not high. In colour theory, happiness is being
suggested as pink color, and also increases the heart rate. To justify our mapping process,
the happiness mode is converted into low to medium vibration with short and long
duration. High vibration in long duration usually will cause people uncomfortable feeling,
anger, frustration and other negative feelings, while low vibration can cause relaxation, joy
and even enthusiasm emotion (Griffin, 1990, Hashimoto & Kajimoto, 2008). The detail of
emotion characteristic is described in Fig.5.
Virtual Reality


Fig. 5. Flow for mapping color to vibration
In this paper, the emotion value is transferred through red colour. Why red colour?, this is
due to red colour has strong and close relationship with anger and happiness (Farbenlehre,
1808-1810, Melo & Gratch, 2009, Nijdam, 2006, Sucontphunt et al., 2008). In this case, each
vibration from 0-1000 Hz will be segmented into red colour intensity from 0-255. In
implementation, Hue of the colour is set to 0 and R (red) value hold in 255. The G (green)
and B(blue) will run from 0-255 and colour will change from full red then degrade until
close to white. From conducted experiment, we found out that the RGB values (1-255) can
easily be mapped into given magnitude force (1-1000 Hz) as suggested by vibration
frequency classification(Griffin, 1990, Hashimoto & Kajimoto, 2008). To plot the given
vibration frequency into emotion we used the following equation where the constant factor
(f) denoted for colour and vibration. When intensity of red colour need to be changed, this
mean RGB value of red hold in 255, hue=0, saturation move from 100% to 0%, and RGB
value green and blue move from 0-255.

255 ) = Vcolour f x RGBblue
i i
f = variable for constant
Vmax = maximum value for vibration (10000)
RGBmax = maximum RGB value for Red, Green or Blue Colour (255)
= f = 39.21
This conversion process can be illustrated like in Fig.6, where vibration magnitude power
increase or decrease linearly according to colour intensity.
Heart Rate
Long or
Red with low
Heart Rate
Long or
Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial Expression Technique
of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game

Vibration is
change along
with color

Fig. 6. Flow for mapping colour to vibration
3.2 Mapping magnitude force and create classification table
Based on mathematics formula in (1) and (2), the classification of emotion according to
magnitude force can be described like in Table 1.

RGB Colour Value
Magnitude Force
Based on Colour
(Vcolour f x R
i i
= )
Colour Emotion value
0 8 100 255 234 234 823.536

0 16 100 255 215 215 1568.64

0 26 100 255 190 190 2549.04

0 37 100 255 162 162 3647.088

0 46 100 255 137 137 4672.488

0 57 100 255 110 110 5686.32

0 66 100 255 85 85 6666.72

0 77 100 255 60 60 7647.12

0 86 100 255 35 35 8627.52

0 100 100 255 0 0 10000.08

Table 1. Conversion from emotion into vibration power based on colour theory
Data on Table 1 have proved that emotion can be mapped into magnitude force value by
transferring the emotion in colour perception into magnitude force. High magnitude force
more than 5000 is potential for carrying the anger emotion and magnitude force lower than
5000 similar to emotion happiness characteristic. This finding is very useful for foundation
Virtual Reality

of synchronizing vibration tactile with facial expression and acoustic. By applying the
formula, we successfully create the conversion procedure from colour value into vibration
power. We found as well that the speed of motor rumble increases linearly with vibration
frequency. For example, anger emotion will trigger high speed which is proving the initial
experiment conducted by (Bailenson et al., 2007).
4. Facial expression generator
4.1 Facial region partition and combination
In this paper, FACS is also adopted to create facial expression by changing the eyebrow,
eyes and the lips. The position of the face offset in 3D face model is set by using blender. The
face offset of 3D face is created in x, y, z vertex in 3D virtual environment. This pose offset is
implanted to FACS elements in our 3D face model to create a particular expression of
emotion. The detailed illustration FACS in this research system can be described in detail in
Fig.7. AU1 and AU2 are responsible to manage the eye brow area and generate wrinkle in
forehead in order to show particular emotions. By creating an emotional expression, this
means combining each action units (AU). This combination also shows the strength of
certain emotion expressions. For example, in this study, an anger emotion is created by
AU1+AU2. However, when the level of anger gets higher it also involves AU4. Furthermore,
emotional expression is also expressed by the changing of the lips shape as well.

Fig. 7. 3D humanoid model
According to FACS, certain facial avatar expressions such as anger and happiness were
created. In this study, we focus only on two emotions which are anger and happiness.
According to the previous emotion theories, anger is usually related to something that
makes people feel uncomfortable. This kind of feeling is represented in many ways such as:
high speed of movements, high temperature, red colour, high heart rate, high blood
Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial Expression Technique
of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game

pressure and high vibration frequency (Hashimoto & Kajimoto, 2008, Russell, 1980, Rollin
McCraty, 1993, Rollin McCraty, 1995, Nijdam, 2006, Nasoz et al., 2003, Bailenson et al., 2007,
Basori et al., 2008). The facial expression computation is based on calculation of each
Auction point as shown in Fig.7. Every action units is responsible to the strength and type of
the emotion that has been expressed. In this study, the expression of anger is more complex
than happiness. The complexity will increase accordingly when the level of anger rises up.

AU1 and AU2 are used to control the expres-sion near to the eyebrow, while AU4 and Level
generates the wrinkle and rise up the area near the nose. On the other hand, expression of
happiness has different characteristics. It involves 4 controls to express the emotional

AU1 and AU1 hold the role to manage the eyebrow muscle and together with AU4 to per-
form expression of happiness. Lip control manages lip movement while emotion is being
generated. All elements work together to perform a happy appearance while Level is used
as power control that determines how strong the expression of happiness needs to be made.
Fig.8 shows happiness in facial expression of avatar in various level of happiness.

Fig. 8. Happiness mode of 3D humanoid model based on combination of Action Units(AUs)
4.2 Avatar rendering and controller synchronization
This study is run on PC Pentium 4 with RAM 2 GB and VGA card 512 MB. Three haptic
devices that are commonly used by people such as XBOX windows controller and Wii mote
were connected. In order to obtain the optimum functionality of haptic devices, the grip of
haptic device is designed according to (Griffin, 1990). Fig.9 and Fig.10 illustrates the user
interaction with avatar. Avatar model that we used is modified model of dr.headBunsen
from OgreGameEngine (OGRE, 2010). Fig.9 and Fig.10 shows the interaction between user
and avatar through haptic glove and mind controller to interact with 3D facial expression of
humanoid model and Xbox joystick to feel touch sensation. 3D humanoid model will create
AngryE= AU1+AU2+(Level*AU4)
HappyE= AU1+AU2+(Level*AU4)+(Level*lip Control)
Virtual Reality

emotional expression based on user current behaviour. Like in Fig. 9, user tried to show
their anger by creating fist in his hand and it change facial expression of 3D humanoid
model. The face of avatar will be changed to anger and the strength of anger is depending
on glove and mind controller intensity. The magnitude force of this Xbox joystick is
controlled by level of avatar emotion.

Fig. 9. User Interaction with avatar through XBOX windows controller and 5DT Data Glove-1

Fig. 10. User Interaction using NIA Mindcontroller
Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial Expression Technique
of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game


Fig. 11. Brain activity of users during interaction
Activity of user brain is illustrated in Fig.11.Glance sensor record eye muscle movement,
Muscle responsible for forehead muscle activity, Alpha 1,2,3 and Beta 1,2,3 tell us whats
going on brain activity. This neural impulse actuator is used to record the user activity
during their interaction with the avatar. The result of this recording is utilized as benchmark
parameter to user testing. The constructed avatar is produced based on facial expressions
and mapping vibration parameters. Facial expressions of the avatar are used as the
supporting visual element to the vibration frequency. Therefore, when the avatar is smiling,
user will able to see their facial expressions and feel their emotions through haptic vibration.
Nia mind controller will control the facial expression of avatar or it can be said as that nia
mind controller is synchronized with facial expression of avatar. The anger emotion will
increase brain activity and it will change the facial appearance as well.
The joystick that used in this experiment has two motor rumbles which are able to produce
certain magnitude force and frequency. This subsection will proved empirically the effect of
magnitude vibration power of joystick. Joystick has magnitude force, this force able to
produce certain rotational speed or velocity (V) and acceleration (A). Based on (Griffin,
1990) there are several physic formulas that very important to this experiment .
Velocity (V) = 2f=

Acceleration (A) = (V)2 X (4)
= (2f)2 X
r.m.s Magnitude ()=
f = frequency of joystick
T = duration or period
X=displacement, the distance from rotational source
Virtual Reality

V in SI unit is symbolized with metre per second (ms-1)
A in SI unit is symbolized with metre per second (ms-2)
is r.m.s Magnitude in symbolized with root mean square metre per second
In the conducted experiment the velocity, acceleration and frequency of joystick in several
magnitudes can be seen in Table 2, 3, 4.

Velocity (ms-1) Magnitude
0.1s 0.2s 0.3s 0.4s 0.5s 0.6s 0.7s 0.8s 0.9s 1s
10000 63.333 73.333 63.333 62.292 60.833 60.972 60.833 59.792 58.889 58.750
9000 61.667 57.917 63.333 61.042 58.500 58.889 58.214 58.021 57.222 56.583
8000 53.333 56.667 58.056 57.500 55.833 56.250 55.119 56.875 53.241 53.167
7000 40.000 47.917 52.500 52.917 52.667 53.611 52.619 53.125 51.204 49.583
6000 32.500 39.167 40.833 39.792 40.333 40.417 39.643 40.417 39.907 38.750
5000 21.667 25.417 28.333 32.708 36.500 36.528 36.310 37.396 36.667 36.833
4000 0.000 13.333 20.278 21.250 24.667 25.139 27.381 30.521 31.574 30.333
3000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.667 8.333 9.063 10.278 9.667
2000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
1000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Table 2. Velocity of joystick based on conducted experiment
The graph representation of this velocity of motor rumble joystick vibration can be viewed
as Fig.12.

Fig. 12. Velocity of motor rumble joystick
Fig 12 shows that highest magnitude force will cause peak velocity that increase rapidly
along with the magnitude force power level.
Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial Expression Technique
of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game

Frequency(f) in Hz
Magnitude Force\
f0.1 f0.2 f0.3 f0.4 f0.5 f0.6 f0.7 f0.8 f0.9 f0.10
10000 31.67 36.67 31.67 31.15 30.42 30.49 30.42 29.90 29.44 29.38 28.18
9000 30.83 28.96 31.67 30.52 29.25 29.44 29.11 29.01 28.61 28.29 26.74
8000 26.67 28.33 29.03 28.75 27.92 28.13 27.56 28.44 26.62 26.58 25.14
7000 20.00 23.96 26.25 26.46 26.33 26.81 26.31 26.56 25.60 24.79 22.83
6000 16.25 19.58 20.42 19.90 20.17 20.21 19.82 20.21 19.95 19.38 17.65
5000 10.83 12.71 14.17 16.35 18.25 18.26 18.15 18.70 18.33 18.42 14.58
4000 0.00 6.67 10.14 10.63 12.33 12.57 13.69 15.26 15.79 15.17 9.71
3000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.33 4.17 4.53 5.14 4.83 1.72
2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 3. Frequency of joystick based on conducted experiment
The frequency of joystick also has been measured as seen in Table 3, with graph
representation like show in Fig.13 faverage ca be viewed as linear function with f(x)=0.003x-

Fig. 13. Average frequency of joystick motor rumble
The acceleration of joystick has shown promising result like the further discussion. This
acceleration is able to show particular emotion information. In Fig.14 Aaverage has function
y=0.01x-3.217 while r.m.sA has function y=0.01x-2.275. Table 4 has listed all acceleration
result for various magnitude force and duration.
These results have been compared with previous result to prove the similarity behaviour of
vibration effect and emotion classification. Derived from Griffin (1990) there are numerous
previous researchers have described the implication of vibration to human. (Oborne &
Clarke, 1974) have classified the vibration based on mean magnitude and semantic scales:
Virtual Reality

Acceleration (ms-2)
Magnitude Force
Aaverage r.m.s A
10000 12.03 16.13 12.03 11.64 11.10 11.15 11.10 10.73 10.40 10.35 11.67 8.25
9000 11.41 10.06 12.03 11.18 10.27 10.40 10.17 10.10 9.82 9.61 10.50 7.43
8000 8.53 9.63 10.11 9.92 9.35 9.49 9.11 9.70 8.50 8.48 9.28 6.57
7000 4.80 6.89 8.27 8.40 8.32 8.62 8.31 8.47 7.87 7.38 7.73 5.47
6000 3.17 4.60 5.00 4.75 4.88 4.90 4.71 4.90 4.78 4.50 4.62 3.27
5000 1.41 1.94 2.41 3.21 4.00 4.00 3.96 4.20 4.03 4.07 3.32 2.35
4000 0.00 0.53 1.23 1.35 1.83 1.90 2.25 2.79 2.99 2.76 1.76 1.25
3000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.21 0.25 0.32 0.28 0.12 0.08
2000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 4. Acceleration of joystick based on conducted experiment

Fig. 14. Joystick acceleration
Mean magnitude (ms-2r.m.s): >2.3 very uncomfortable
Mean magnitude (ms-2r.m.s): 1.2-2.3Uncomfortable
Mean magnitude (ms-2r.m.s): 0.5-1.2 Fairly Uncomfortable
Fairly Comfortable
Mean magnitude (ms-2r.m.s): 0.23-0.5 Comfortable
Mean magnitude (ms-2r.m.s):<0.23 Very Comfortable
According to result on Table 2 until 4, we have found an interesting finding that magnitude
force above 5000 potential to represent anger emotion and below 5000 has characteristic for
happy emotion due to magnitude force more than 5000.
Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial Expression Technique
of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game

4.4 Acoustic effect generator
Acoustic is an element of human sense that affect human through ear. The sound effect will
stimulate user from two aspects: Emotional word and intonation volume level that heard
from sound. In term of sound environment the angle of sound position also determine user
reaction for example surround system has better effect to user rather than normal stereo
sound. The intonation of acoustic is consist of some parameters that related to emotion
condition such as pitch, loudness and length (Banziger & Scherer, 2005).
In the paper, acoustic will focus on loudness level to increase the realism and
synchronization process with facial expression through windows API by changing the
master volume according to emotion that occur Face-Touch. The sound effect is based on
emotion word that has been chosen before sound file is created. For example anger.wav that
consists of word Annoy or for happy Nice or Good.
5. Result analysis and discussion
Two analyses on measuring the systems were conducted. These three steps are designed to
investigate the emotional characteristics and how strong is the impression that has been
given to user through facial expression of avatar and haptic-tactile. Besides, this research
also aims to make a comparison with the previous existing avatar like Alfred and Xface.
5.1 Analysis on emotion based on vibration characteristic
Earliest, we have evaluated our technique by measuring the speed and wave length based
on joystick motor rumble characteristic. According to Microsoft MSDN one cycle is
equivalent into full one wavelength. During our experiment, we have found that speed of
motor rumble increase while vibration is rising up. Angry emotion will trigger high speed is
similar with the result of previous research that conducted by (Bailenson et al., 2007). We are
able to produce certain data to measure the characteristic of joystick from their period and
speed. The vibration will follows the color intensity transformation as well like shown in
Table 5 and Fig.15. The Fig.15 also shows that speed will rise linearly with the growth of

Magnitude Force based on
color intensity
VAverage faverage Aaverage r.m.s A
10000.08 62.23611 28.18 11.67 8.25
8627.52 59.13879 26.74 10.50 7.43
7647.12 55.60403 25.14 9.28 6.57
6666.72 50.61422 22.83 7.73 5.47
5686.32 39.17586 17.65 4.62 3.27
4672.488 32.83581 14.58 3.32 2.35
3647.088 22.44759 9.71 1.76 1.25
2549.04 4.400694 1.72 0.12 0.08
1568.64 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
823.536 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 5. Data relationship between Velocity,Acceleration,r.m.s Acceleration, frequency and
Magnitude force
Virtual Reality


Fig. 15. Vaverage, faverage, average and vibration to colour relationship
5.2 Statistical analysis on usability testing

This study has recruited: 8 male and 13 female that comes from undergraduate, Post
graduate student (Master and PhD). Each student is required to make interactive interaction
with system and after interaction student will be asked to answer some questions in
questionnaire. Question will base on data profile, emotion background, experience emotion,
interaction, and benchmarking. This study conducts two user interactions. First, user will
interact with Face-Touch system, and secondly, user will interact with Alfred and Xface
(Balc et al., 2007, Bee et al., 2009) system as our benchmarking system. Alfred initiated by
Nikolaus, Bee in (Nikolaus et al., 2009) from university of Augsburg. While Xface was
initiated by Balci from University of Trento (Balc et al., 2007).
All participants are trained to interact with this studys application and Alfred for a certain
period of time. During the interaction, user activity and expression through figure were
gathered. Participants need to conduct interaction with this studys system and Alfred
system for a certain period of time. The interactions with Alfred system and Xface system is
to investigate whether users satisfied or not with current emotion expression (facial
expression). See Fig.16A and Fig.16B for the task completion. This comparison has a goal to
measure how realistic is the created avatar expression compares to Alfred system itself. In
this section, statistic analyses have been computed to compare whether Alfred system or
this studys system is more exciting for user.
In Fig.17, studys system obtains significant result. XFace able show emotion by facial
expression and voice intonation while Alfred only capable by showing facial expression.
This result is very interesting when user get more excited when they stimulated by
combination of facial expression, voice intonation and magnitude fore vibration. Most of
users are feel something different when they were triggered by numerous vibration
frequencies. Some of Participants feel relax in particular low vibration and feel inconvenient
when shocked by high vibration. Fig.17 and Table 6 show user rating on recognizing and
ranking emotion.
Face-Touch: An Emotional Facial Expression Technique
of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game


(a) (b)
Fig. 16. Task Completion by interacting with Alfred Sytems(A) and Xface(B)(Balc et al.,
2007, Bee et al., 2009)

Fig. 17. Questioner Summary on usability user testing

Level of
Alfred and Xface
% Alfred and
% Face-
0(None) 0 0 0% 0%
1(Weak) 1 1 5% 5%
2(Medium) 3 6 14% 29%
3(Strong) 11 12 52% 57%
4(Very Strong) 6 2 29% 10%
Mean 4.2 4.2
Variance 15.76 19.36
STDev 4.438468204 4.91934955

Table 6. User rating on recognizing and ranking emotion representation strength
Virtual Reality

From the graph that shown in Fig.17, the experiment give significant positive result which is
able to drive avatar to give more realistic expression. All users have strong confidence rate
on differentiate and recognizing emotion of users. From the user testing, we obtain 67% user
give strong and very strong impression that our system gives stronger emotional expression
than Alfred systems. 29 % user give medium values to our system compare to Alfred
system. Finally, around 5% users said that our system provide a little impression than
Alfred system. Furthermore, we have found an interesting finding that all users agree that
high vibration of joystick equivalent to anger emotion
6. Conclusion
The aim of this research is to integrate three element of human sense (visual,acoustic and
haptic) to increase the realism of virtual reality game. Our conducted experiments proved
that user manages to have strong feeling and impression while they interact and
communicate with Face-Touch. The study has proved that high magnitude force of haptic
device like joystick capable to create emotional sensation which is classified by intensity of
RGB colour. Furthermore, it is able to be synchronized with facial expression of 3D
humanoid model as well. From user study, the feedback from user is very exciting while
67% user give strong and positive response to Face-Touch system. In addition, 15 users from
21 participant (71%) agree with classification of magnitude force into emotion
representation, they said high magnitude force create similar sensation when they feel
anger. While low magnitude force is more relaxing to them. This integration between facial
expression, acoustic and magnitude force is believed to bring strong impression and
believability to user in real world and even strengthen the interactivity and immersiveness
of virtual reality or serious game it self.
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of Avatar Based on Tactile Vibration in Virtual Reality Game

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VR Development with InTml
Pablo Figueroa
Universidad de los Andes
1. Introduction
Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming. Brian Kernighan
VR applications are very interesting pieces of technology, not only from the point of view
of nal users who are immersed in a compelling experience, but also to developers. VR
applications are a real challenge in terms of development constraints: they gather information
from users through several and possibly redundant input devices, they have to compute
a simulation in the order of miliseconds, and they have to deliver output through several
devices and modalities at interactive rates. In terms of APIs, VR applications are built on top
of a wide variety of software technologies in order to accomplish their goals: from low level
drivers that communicate with devices to specialized 3D render APIs, from sockets to real
time geometrical algorithms, fromXML readers to streaming technologies. Developers should
also know about several elds related to computing such as networking, data mangling,
simulation, computer graphics, haptics, and human factors. There are several toolkits,
libraries, and frameworks that developers could use in this endeavor, so applications can
benet from previous solutions.
However, to this date, VR development is still a challenge. On top of the steepy learning
curve of most VR development toolkits, nal applications may be unstable, prone to errors,
hard to customize to particular user needs and features, difcult to deploy, and technology
dependent, among other concerns. Part of these issues are related to the inherent complexity
of the technologies involved in development, where the lack of standards and the wide variety
of providers make work harder. Part is also related to the inherent focus of a particular VR
application, which usually concentrates resources in certain goals (i.e. a particular user study),
while treating others as not as important (i.e. code reusability).
Common solutions in VR development are VR toolkits and APIs, which may offer standard
solutions to certain problems. Although there are examples of mature tools in the eld,
some of these may be either too difcult, too limiting, or too low level for novices. Some
researchers such as Trenholme & Smith (2008) have tried to use tools and techniques from the
game industry, which by far exceeds the size and economic force of its VR ancestor. Most of
the success of the game industry is due to the vast amount of resources dedicated to improve
gamers experience, but it is also important to notice the availability of powerful game engines
which help developers to handle complexity. A game engine allows developers to create
compelling results in a short time, by hiding complex parts of a solution under specialized
APIs. However, some solutions, shortcuts, and workarounds in games are not adequate for
VR, where simulation delity and device support are very important.
2 Virtual Reality
Our long term goal is to facilitate VR and Mixed Reality (MR) development, by dividing
its complexity among several people with different roles. For this reason we created the
Interaction Techniques Markup Language (InTml) and a set of tools around this concept.
InTml allows us to divide concerns in two main categories, one directed to architectural
design, and the other related to code; one high level abstraction, and the other low
level implementation. InTml offers an abstraction for the description of VR applications,
independent from a particular set of device drivers, VR toolkits, libraries, and programming
languages; an abstraction powerful enough to describe a wide variety of applications in the
VR domain. This could make VR applications more portable in the future, since their abstract
description in InTml may be ported to several technologies. Finally, InTml makes easier
to identify particular devices and interaction techniques in an application, so they can be
replaced if it is important to port an application to a new hardware environment. We call this
process application retargeting, and we hope that in the future it will be an important element
of VR application maintenance and evolution.
This chapter is organized as follows: First, we present some introductory examples and
several relevant aspects in InTml development. Next, our development process and
variability factors are presented. Later we present more examples of use and relevant related
work. Finally, we describe future work.
2. An introduction to InTml
An InTml application is basically a set of components connected between them. Such
components are called lters, which may represent devices, content, or behavior in an
application. There is a library of available lter classes, and it is possible to add new classes
to the system. This system can be executed in several runtime implementations, based on
generic programming languages. We show rst an abstract example of an InTml application
and later we describe the concept of a lter class. Then, we show how such applications are
created and executed in our IDE. Finally, we present the InTmls abstract execution model
and an example of an execution, which can be implemented in both a parallel or sequential
fashion. In general, InTml hides from designers certain elements of complexity, which will be
described in Section 3.1, so developers can use or improve technologies behind the scene.
2.1 An InTml application
Our rst example is shown in Figure 1, an application that allows a user to move a virtual hand
with a tracker and touch virtual objects. In this example, a device (handTracker) gives position
and orientation information to an object (handRepr). The behavior lter SelectByTouching
receives the actual handRepr and scene objects, and any changes in position or orientation
from handRepr. Once a collision is detected the selected objects are passed to Feedback, which
activates a white bounding box around such objects. At the end of each execution step, console
will render all objects in the scene (both handRepr and objects inside scene).
An InTml application is composed of instances of lter classes, constants, and object holders.
Constants can give initial values to selected input ports in the system, and object holders are
used as an indirection mechanism. Filters can also be sent as events through the dataow,
which is shown as an output port with a special decoration (two examples are handRepr and
scene in Figure 1). We also use a special decoration for an output device (i.e. console), in order
to avoid line cluttering of connections from all objects to the output device.
As we have mentioned, object holders are an indirection mechanism inside InTml. They are
placeholders that can hold any piece of content in an application, i.e. any lter that represents
128 Virtual Reality
VR Development with InTml 3
Fig. 1. Simple Application. Touching Objects with a Virtual Hand
content. They have an special input port that is used to change the contained object, and
an output port that informs interested lters about changes in the contained object. Other
lters can connect to and from an object holder, and those connections will be attached to
the contained object during execution. Figure 2 shows examples of object holders inside
a composite lter. GoGoIT, a composite lter that models the Go Go selection technique
by Poupyrev et al. (1996), consists of three object holders (cube, current, previous) and three
behaviors (gogo, SelectByTouching, FeedbackOne). gogo takes two conguration parameters
(K,D) plus position and orientation of the users head and hand in order to compute a virtual
hands position and orientation plus the visibility of a cube, that represents a users real hand.
SelectByTouching takes a computed virtual hand position, a virtual hand geometry, and a set
of selectable objects in the scene in order to compute a selected object. Finally, FeedbackOne
uses two object holders in order to modify color and bounding box of the current and
previous selected objects. These two last object holders are a good example of the indirection
mechanism: no matter which object is selected at any time, FeedbackOne can refer to it and
send it events.
gogo cube
Fig. 2. GoGoIT, a Composite Filter
129 VR Development with InTml
4 Virtual Reality
2.2 Filter classes
Each lter class denes a type of component that can be instantiated in an InTml application.
A lter class instance is a particular element in an application that receives the required
information for its computation and produces certain information. Both required and
produced information are modeled as a set of ports, which dene the set of chunks of
information the lter can receive or produce. Each port is dened in terms of a unique name
and the type of information it may receive or produce. At any particular time, a lter can
receive zero or more events in each one of its input ports, and produce zero or more events in
its output ports.
Simple lter classes should encapsulate just one of the following elements: a piece of content,
a behavior, or a device. A piece of content could be an interactive object in the 3D scene, a
widget in the interface, a sound effect, or a haptic effect, with ports that allow developers to
congure its initial state of modify such content during execution, i.e. activating an effect or
changing an objects color. A behavior could be either the core algorithm for an interaction
technique or an animation effect, with input ports for receiving the required information for
its computation and output ports that carry the result of its computation. A device represents
a physical device that users can see and manipulate, i.e. a joystick or a tracking system,
with input ports for device conguration and output ports that capture and discriminate the
information produced.
Instances of simple lters can be used to create applications or composite lters. A composite
lter is a special type of lter class that can be used to hide complexity, and it can contain a set
interconnected instances of simple or composite lters.
2.3 Abstract execution model
The abstract execution of an InTml application follows a pipeline model, with the following
stages per execution frame:
Data gathering. All data from input devices are gathered during a certain period of time.
All events gathered during that period are considered simultaneous.
Data propagation. Gathered information is propagated through the dataow. All lters
compute their output data from events in their input ports. Filters that represent content
accumulate changes without affecting the objects state. This is to assure that any read
operation over content will read a consistent state during an execution frame.
Object holders execution. If required, object holders change their contained objects rst.
After, they propagate received events to their contained lters.
Changes in content. All content lters collect input events, compute their new state, and
propagate changes through their output ports. Those changes will be received by interested
lters in the coming frame of execution.
The computation of a lter, which occurs inside the data propagation stage or inside the
changes in content stage, is divided in three main stages:
Data gathering. All information generated in a certain time interval is collected. This stage
is considered a preprocessing stage, in which lters select and manipulate the information
they have received, in order to prepare for the next stage.
Processing. In this stage a lter executes, given the collected input information and its
internal state. Output information is generated, but not propagated
Output propagation. Output information is propagated to all interested lters.
130 Virtual Reality
VR Development with InTml 5
This model allows the parallel execution of lters, if the required computational resources are
available, as we will show in Section 2.6.
2.4 Design and execution of InTml applications
By means of our IDE, an application is created by instantiating the appropriate lter classes.
Filters may come from the predened libraries of classes, organized by the three main
categories: objects, devices, and behaviors. Developers can also add their own libraries
of lter classes, if necessary, by creating the abstract description of each lter class (name,
input and output ports). Figure 3 shows the application view the InTml IDE, that allows
designers to load new libraries, create new lter instances, constants, lter holders
, or links
between lters. Figure 4 shows the library editor that allows the denition of new lter
classes, by means of the specication of its input and output ports. This editor also allows
code generation for each lter class in each one of the runtime environments
Fig. 3. Application View in the InTml IDE.
Applications can be run inside the IDE with the common method in eclipse, by the Run
As... wizard.
The library of lter classes has been designed with reusability in mind, from a subset of
interaction techniques presented in Bowman et al. (2004). However, this requires to rethink
applications to an order that maximizes reuse. For example, Figure 5 shows a version of the
application in Figure 1, with maximum reuse and extra functionality in mind. The tracker
Object holders are called Filter holders in this interface, although they can only hold lters that
represent objects. The creation of a lter holder involves the denition of its input and output ports.
The IDE does not support yet composite lters.
Currently, there are independent runtimes in C++, Java, and Actionscript.
131 VR Development with InTml
6 Virtual Reality
Fig. 4. Library View in the InTml IDE.
device receives a conguration string and outputs streams of positions and orientations, from
all tracker elements it may have. The handSelector and headSelector lters separate from these
streams the trackers with ids 0 and 1, and values from those devices can be transformed
(i.e. moved, rotated, or scales) at handOffset and headOffset. The output of these two lters
transform a virtualHand object and the systems camera. The scene lter loads and separates
objects from an input le, and some of them are identied for selection at objectsForSelection.
Finally, collision receives the virtualHand and the objects for selection and outputs objects that
are collided by the virtual hand, which are visually enhanced by feedback. This diagram may
be reduced to the one in Figure 1, by encapsulating tracker, handSelector, and handOffset into
a composite lter, by eliminating the lters involved in camera movement, and by making
explicit the console lter.
Fig. 5. Library Based Version of Touching Objects with a Virtual Hand.
132 Virtual Reality
VR Development with InTml 7
2.5 IDE development
Our current IDE is based in the concepts of Model Driven Architecture by Stahl & Veolter
(2006) and Software Product Lines by Clements & Northrop (2002); and it uses technologies
such as The Eclipse Foundation (2007)s IDE for the basic but extendable environment, EMF
and GMF as frameworks inside eclipse for the visual programming environment and the
openArchitectureWare.org (2008)s oAW for code generation in Java, ActionScript, and C++.
This IDE has been developed as follows: rst, an eCore
model of InTml is developed. Such
model includes model constraints that help designers to identify errors during development.
Then, graphic elements, graphic tools, and interface code are dened for the core model, as
it is required by GMF. Based on this output, oAWs templates and constraints are dened in
order to generate code for the targeted platforms. It is interesting to notice that both GMF and
oAW provide mechanisms for constraint description, which provide a better interface and
error feedback to designers. A side effect of this last development is a change in the nal XML
format for an InTml application: Initially we had dened our own format and DTD. With this
nal development, we have to use the XML format generated by GMF. This is a minor issue,
since the visual programming environment provides a much better experience to designers
than our previous XML editor.
During development we have performed two usability tests, the rst one with VR developers
and the second with non-programmers. In the rst test we showed our IDE to 4 students with
previous experience in VR development. Subjects received a short introduction to the IDE, see
how a small example was developed, and were asked to answer some questions regarding
the interface. Those comments were used in order to produce and improved version. In
the second experiment 26 graduate students in an extension course of our Arts Department
received training in InTml, and produced two designs in which they could optionally use
our IDE. Finally, they were asked to ll a questionnaire about InTmls ease of learning,
IDEs feedback, restrictions, consistency, and functionality. After 9 hours of exposure, they
found InTml easy to learn, although some problems in understanding the execution model
were detected. We believe this is due to the lack of experience they had with the actual
application in execution, since they were required to design an application, not to execute
it. In terms of the IDE they found issues with feedback, which are part of further changes to
the environment.
2.6 An example of InTmls operational semantics
We have developed in the Z formal notation by Spivey (1992) a language and platform
independent description of the InTml model. We describe in such a notation the concept
of a lter, how lters can be composed of lters that hide complexity, how lters process
information at any time step, how information gets propagated thoughout a dataow of
lters, and controlled ways to change the dataow at runtime. The details of the formal
description are mentioned in Figueroa et al. (2004). Although this description requires a good
understanding of Z as a formal language and in consequence it may not be suited for general
communication of the InTml capabilities, it is very precise and programminglanguage
neutral. In particular, it has been used as blueprints for both C++ and Java implementations.
Here we show with an example the main features that such a model gives to our VR
applications. In Figueroa (2008) it is possible to nd this description plus some motivations
for this model.
An eCore model is a UML class model with limited syntax.
133 VR Development with InTml
8 Virtual Reality
Fig. 6. A Time Step in an InTml Application. By convention, events are propagated from left
to right.
Figure 6 shows an example of a the state of an InTml application in a particular time step, in
which we consider H an object holder, E and F two content objects. This example shows the
following features of an InTml application during execution:
A lter can have several input and output ports, which may or may not be connected
to other lters. In this way, lters can be reused in different scenarios without common
restrictions imposed by standard function calls, which parameters are always mandatory.
Different lter types such as devices, interactive content, and behavior are rst class citizens
of this description. Appart from the details already described in the execution of object
holders and content objects, all lters seem equal from the design point of view.
A time step denes a lapse of time in which all events from input devices are considered
simultaneous. If A, B, and C are devices, all events they generate during such a small
lapse of time will be processed together, no matter the particular generation rates fromeach
device. In this example, A has generated three events in one of its output ports, B just one,
and C outputs ve events in total.
Cycles are allowed in the description of an application, but they are broken for the execution
of a time step. In the case of this example, the cycle DGD is broken and treated in a special
way, i.e. delaying events from G to D to the next time step.
Filters execute at most once in a time step, and the information they produce is considered
simultaneous. A topological sort can be used in order to nd a sequential execution order,
i.e. ADBCEGHFI in the example. Such an order could be paralelized in the subsets
[{A,B,C},{D,E,F},{G,H},{I}], without any effect on the inputs and outputs of each lter.
In this regard, InTml guarantees a consistent execution no matter the number of execution
An object holder has a special input port that allows to replace the contained object (i.e. the
connection from D to H will provide objects to be contained in H). Events received in other
134 Virtual Reality
VR Development with InTml 9
ports are propagated to the contained object (i.e. events fromC to H), and events generated
from the contained object are propagated to registered lters (i.e. events from H to I).
Since content objects can be related in structures that are not evident from the InTml
dataow (i.e. in a scene graph), which may require rule checking and change validation,
and since content objects can be queried by several lters in the dataow, all changes in
objects are queued until the end of a time step. For example, E, F, and the object inside
H could be parts of the same animated avatar, which have to fulll certain rules and
restrictions in its movements. Again in our example, this means that although all lters
will execute at most once in a time step, output events from E and H will be delayed one
. and the entire dataow will require two frames of execution in order to execute each
lter at least once.
3. Development process
Our development process is depicted in Figure 7. We divide tasks between two roles: a
designer and a developer. A designer is a novice or non programmer that is interested
in developing novel applications based on a set of predened lters. A developer is a
programmer that knows how to create novel lters and novel applications, or it could also
be a support asset for a designer that requires to implement novel lter classes. We show
here how we used this process from a designers point of view for a family of applications
described at Figueroa et al. (2005), a matching test that shows three objects and three copies of
such objects, to be executed in four VR hardware setups.
Identify application goals We identify the set of use cases that the application has to fulll:
In this example it could be to select an object, move an object to the position and
orientation of its copy, remove matched objects, dene an initial state for objects, and
save chronology of interesting events.
Describe application requirements in InTml documents For this stage we dene a dataow
that fullls all goals. We have found that it is more readable for designers to make one
dataow per goal, with cross references between them. Each dataow is a subset of the
entire application, and it is called a Task View. We do not show here the task views for
this application, but examples of Task Views can be seen in Section 4.1.
Are current libraries enough? Members of this family of applications were consecutively
developed. The rst application of this family was developed from scratch, so there
was no library at that time and all lters were application dependant. Fromthis version
on, each new application adapted existing lters in order to make them more reusable,
or created new ones when necessary. In this case, the entire set of tasks for developers
were performed as part of this step.
Check correctness in InTml documents Basic checking of InTml documents can be
automatically done by tools: types and names of ports in instanced lters, type
correspondence in port connections, or validity of lter classes, among other things.
We have developed some tools in order to identify initial problems.
Execute/Test InTml application Once lter classes are implemented by developers,
designers can run their design and test its usability. In our case we tested our
prototypes with users from our staff, in order to identify improvements in their user
This example is not interested in the output of F, which is also delayed
135 VR Development with InTml
10 Virtual Reality
Are current
Can the library be
reorganized for
additional filters
Are the user requirements
Designer Development Tasks
requirements in
InTml documents
Describe application
Check correctness
Develop media
in InTml documents
InTml application
concepts in the
InTml library
Yes No
No Yes
Developer Development Tasks
Fig. 7. InTmlBased Development Process
Develop media If required, specic application media should be developed in this step.
Since it is possible to use basic models as surrogates in initial stages of development,
it is possible to delay this task until the end, or even make this task in parallel. In the
case of our example, 3D objects were obtained from public repositories.
Are the user requirements met? Once usability tests are performed, it is possible to identify
improvements. Here such improvements are dened in terms of new goals, which are
input for the new cycle in the development process.
3.1 Variability in application families
Variability is what makes different a set of applications with the same functionality
but in different hardware setups. Variabilitys description in novel applications is very
complex, due to the big variety of user types, devices, interaction techniques, visualization
aids, frameworks, and libraries that may be used. We decided to ease development of
nonprogrammers by dividing the variability spectrum in issues at the level of InTml
language and issues at the level of the InTml implementation. An InTml family of applications
consists of the following elements:
A common set of basic types. Basic types in InTml are the equivalent of basic types in
common programming languages, such as int or oat. They have to be instantiated to
available types in a particular InTml implementation.
Alibrary of lter types. Filter classes are reuse units. Such classes can use qualiers in order
to group them, in a similar way as packages can group Java classes.
136 Virtual Reality
VR Development with InTml 11
Applications. As we have seen, an InTml application is a set of interconnected instances of
lter classes, constants and object holders. An application is divided in tasks, a subset
of the applications dataow. Each application can copy and redene tasks from other
applications in the family.
These elements allow us to address the following types of variability among applications in
the same family:
Devices. Each input and output device is represented by a lter in InTml, which may be
instantiated or replaced in an application as desired.
User types. Support for several user types is represented as different applications in the
family, which may share common tasks.
Interaction techniques. Developers can (and should) change the interaction techniques of
a particular application depending on the type of user and devices in use. Such a change
consists in the replacement of devices, behavior, or content related to a particular technique
fromone application to another. This replacement is feasible because lters clearly separate
interaction techniques from the rest of the application.
Although also important, the following variation points in a MRapplication family are hidden
from the InTml designer, and should be implemented one level below by an experienced
Levels of detail and performance. A particular content could be shown at different levels
of detail, depending on the capabilities of the available hardware. In the same way,
a particular behavior could be adapted to the particular computational power of the
underlying hardware.
Context awareness. Devices could adapt their behavior to environmental factors, such as
light conditions.
Runtime adaptation. Several InTml applications can be combined in just one executable,
which may switch between implementations depending on external factors such as user
Particular APIs and frameworks. InTml can be implemented on top of a wide variety of
APIs and frameworks, depending on the desired functionality at the high level and how
convenient is to reuse a particular piece of software. A programmer should take into
consideration reuse tradeoffs and integrate new elements when feasible.
This separation of variation points allows nonprogrammers to dene by themselves their
own prototypes, without special considerations about the InTml implementation. It is up to
programmers at the InTmls implementation level to exercise low level variations.
4. Examples
We show now examples of how application families can be designed by highlighting three
main concepts: The design of an application in terms of Task Views, the variability of a task
among several applications in a family, and the basic software support for a prototype of a
MR platform. The examples below show only the most important elements, which should be
complemented as shown in Section 2.4
The InTml IDE does not support yet Task Views, so examples are shown in the abstract style.
137 VR Development with InTml
12 Virtual Reality
Fig. 8. CAVE Navigation in VWT
4.1 A client for a virtual steering application
We are collaborating in the development of heterogeneous and distributed clients for a virtual
wind tunnel (VWT), that uses massive paralelism and fast algorithms for computational
uid dynamics by Boulanger et al. (2006). Figures 8, 9, and 10 show InTml diagrams for the
following tasks: navigation in a CAVE environment, sharing viewpoints between clients, and
control from a bluetoothenable device. This application is going to be implemented in the
following environments: a personal environment with a HMDand a Phantom, a Geowalllike
environment, and a CAVElike environment. Figures 9, and 10 apply to all implementations,
while Figure 8 denes the navigation technique in a CAVE.
Navigation in a CAVE environment (Figure 8) uses a simple ying metaphor, in which a head
tracker denes move direction, and wand buttons move backwards and forwards.
Fig. 9. Sharing a Viewport in VWT
138 Virtual Reality
VR Development with InTml 13
Fig. 10. VWT Control from a Bluetooth device
Shared Viewpoint in Figure 9 describes the task of sharing a representation of a users
viewpoint to all clients in a simulation. It shows the local viewpoint (SharedViewport) and
how it is added to a pull of viewports, managed by ViewportManager. The implementation of
this last lter handles the required networking, and the avatars representation.
Finally, we have a PDA with a bluetooth connection, that allows us to send commands to the
control of the application, represented by GUIAppControl in Figure 10.
4.2 Navigation tasks in a family
Lets assume we are interested in navigating and showing information about objects in a small
but complex VR ofce, in three hardware platforms: a CAVE, a PC with a joystick, and a cell
phone with graphics acceleration. If we concentrate on the navigation task, it is possible to
think on interesting and different implementations for such a task in each platform, as follows:
In a CAVE, a user can navigate to an interesting object by pointing to such an object and
selecting it. The system should compute a path from the current viewpoint position to a
position in front of such an object. This technique is similar to FixedObject Manipulation
in (Bowman et al., 2004, p.215), with extra behavior for path planning.
In a PC with a joystick, a navigation technique that resembles the WALK mode in VRML
could be used (P2D2NavInPlane). This mode features collision detection between the avatar
and objects in the environment.
In a cell phone, due to computation restrictions and limitations on the input device, it
is more convenient to select prerecorded viewpoints and paths than using the previous
navigation techniques. It could be also important to reduce the complexity of the scene as
Figures 11 and 12 show the InTml diagrams of such navigation techniques.
:SelectByRay wand:
Fig. 11. Navigation in a Cave
139 VR Development with InTml
14 Virtual Reality
P2D2NavInPlane viewport:
Fig. 12. Navigation in a PC and a Cell Phone
4.3 Software support for a new MR platform
We are developing an integrated MR platform based on the ARToolkit and VRPN, and we are
designing a set of reusable lter classes as an API for developers. Such an API will facilitate
development to a family of applications in that particular domain, and corresponds to the
concept of core assets in the Software Product Line literature such as Clements & Northrop
(2002). Figures 13 and 14 show some of the current set of platform-independent lter types,
which correspond the following functionality:
MappedVRPNTracker, which gives 6DOF data from an identied pattern and a denition of
its local coordinate system.
Switch, which sends as output one of the predened inputs once a signal is received.
Scene, which allows to select and copy an object by giving an id.
Map2DtoTerrain, which outputs a 3D position over a terrain from a 2D one.
Collision, which identify a collision between two objects.
Fig. 13. A Tracker for ARToolkit Patterns and a Switch Filter
These lters were identied in a study of three concepts in interior design, and we plan to
validate this API with other applications.
5. Related Work
There are many toolkits for VR development with different scope and complexity, even game
engines that can be used for this purpose. Some allow developers to congure a wide
Fig. 14. A Scene and Terrain objects, plus A Colision Detection Filters
140 Virtual Reality
VR Development with InTml 15
spectrum of aspects, while others hide some decisions in order to reduce complexity. Some
environments are tailored to a particular hardware platform, and others allow developers
to use a wide range of input and output devices. By reviewing the way VR programs
are developed in several toolkits such as Shaw et al. (1992); VRCO (2003); SGI (2003);
Blach et al. (1998); Sense8 (2000); CMU (1999); Bierbaum et al. (2001); Web3D Consortium
(2003); Taylor et al. (2001); Sastry et al. (2001); Allard et al. (2004), it can be seen that most
environments with wide coverage of hardware platforms require developers to take decisions
on many detailed aspects at the same time, and to learn rather complex APIs in a general
purpose programming language. Environments with easier to learn environments tend to
limit support for devices and novel behavior, precluding the evolution of VR applications.
However, there are some environments that offer a high level programming paradigm with a
library of high level constructs and at the same time allow developers to create new high level
constructs by writing code in a generic programming language. Such environments are at the
same time easy to learn for novices and powerful enough for expert developers. Our solution
follows this approach, and incorporates novel solutions related to application code structure,
device management, and a scalable execution model.
One of the main problems of current environments, APIs and toolkits for VR development
is the proposed structure for application-specic code. Developers should be able to easily
incorporate novel devices, interaction techniques, or content to VR applications. However,
this is not the case. Some environments such as the ones in Shaw et al. (1992); CMU (1999);
Taylor et al. (2001) organize application-specic code around isolated callbacks, which process
one event at a time. Each callback should include code related to parts of interaction
techniques, event correlation, and modications to output data structures. This scheme
is difcult to scale to complex applications, since isolated callbacks are not enough as an
organization scheme for an entire application and developers have to struggle in order to
incorporate more advanced architectural styles. Other environments such as Bierbaum et al.
(2001); SGI (2003) add new behavior around the main rendering loop. In this case, code with
the new functionality can be written in specic callbacks, which are called at specic stages,
usually before or after rendering. Again, this structure intertwines code related to interaction
techniques, application behavior, or gathering input devices data. Finally, other environments
allow developers to read as many devices as they want in a particular point of code, which is
very convenient for event correlation, but can lead to coincidental coupling between devices.
There are also limitations related to the core APIs in use and the way they handle novel input
devices. Current environments usually dene a xed set of input types, for example, keyboard
events and mouse events, with extra information fromspecial keys on the keyboard (i.e. shift,
alt, and ctrl). Events from other devices are usually translated to available ones. For example,
joystick events can be translated to mouse events. This limits the number of devices that can
be simultaneously used and the type of input events that an application can receive. Some
toolkits provide extension mechanisms for new devices or new events, but these capabilities
target senior developers, and are rarely used.
Despite their success with standard interfaces, traditional architectures have the following
limitations for VR applications:
There are no provisions for more complex structures between callbacks, and their
interactions are difcult to model. Generally, all callbacks are just at one level from the
dispatcher, without relations between them. Java3D by Sun Microsystems (1997) allows
passing control from one callback to another, but the scheme is limited to relationships
141 VR Development with InTml
16 Virtual Reality
between two callbacks, and the code inside each callback has the same reusability problems
mentioned here.
Since all events are queued and serialized, there is no provision for treatment of
simultaneous events from different devices with different generation rates.
Addition of new events from novel input devices is a difcult task, so it is usually avoided
by reusing events fromstandard devices that are not presently in use. This creates problems
due to usability differences between devices, and conicts if new and old devices are used
at the same time.
There are limited possibilities for composition and reuse of third-party components due to
the lack of an interface standard, and a notion of composition. It is difcult to compose
callbacks that were previously developed for other purposes.
Our proposal uses data ow as the high level model for passing control and data between
components, similar to the one in Allard et al. (2004). With such a structure it is possible
to model complex dependencies between tasks and interaction techniques. In contrast, the
callback model does not scale well to more complex structures, where dependencies among
callbacks are required. A model based on dataow can better dene relationships between
different behavior components in the system, and it clearly exposes component dependencies.
Some systems such as Carey & Bell (1997); Web3D Consortium (2005); Ava (2000); Blach et al.
(1998); Virtools (2007) have used a similar structure, but they usually take the very simple
execution model of propagating one event at a time. Our approach differs from the one in
Allard et al. (2004) in the way we have adapted the traditional execution models frompipeline
processing, such as Synchronous Data Flow architectures presented by Battacharyya et al.
(1996), to the following characteristics of VR applications:
Not all information from input devices needs to be processed in any given period of
time. Depending on the computation speed and the refresh rate of output devices, some
information from input devices could be irrelevant or outdated. We allow components to
dene an interval of time where all received information is considered simultaneous, so
redundant information inside the interval can be eliminated. Such information does not
affect successive intervals, so discarded information do not affect future executions. The
model in Allard et al. (2004) uses extra control connections in order to handle computation
distribution, and only allows one output per interval of time in each module.
New input and output devices are common in new applications. It should be simple to
add new devices to an application. Moreover, simultaneous events from different devices
should be easy to detect. Filters with several input and output ports are our solution to
this problem. They can model any type of device in an uniform way, and it is easy to
create new types of lters for new types of devices. On the other hand, a lter interested in
simultaneous events from different devices just needs to include them as input and read all
events received in a time interval from all its inputs.
Some intrinsic characteristics of VR applications are still not directly addressed by the present
proposal, such as the desirable xed refresh rate for output devices. However, it is possible
to integrate the work by Shaw et al. (1992) that decouple device reading from simulation
execution and even distributed solutions such as Allard et al. (2004), with some limitations.
A dataow architecture also allows us to consider dynamic and static scheduling algorithms
for machines with several CPUs. This approach cannot be implemented in current
dataow-based solutions such as VRML and X3D, due to intrinsic limitations on the order
142 Virtual Reality
VR Development with InTml 17
of execution of their components in a program. Kwok & Ahmad (1999) discuss several
algorithms for static scheduling, and solutions for arbitrary graph structures with arbitrary
computational costs per node, such as CP/MISF and DF/IHS, are promising for high
performance solutions in VR.
Our work in InTml differs from previous approaches in several ways:
InTml provides a way to both hide implementation details and allow changes in any
behavior that the application may provide. There are some development environments
with high level, user-friendly languages (e.g. Web3D Consortium (2003); CMU (1999)),
but they assume some interaction techniques that are either impossible or very difcult
to override.
InTml provides a formally described language and a component-based development
environment suitable for reuse on different hardware platforms. Some component-based
solutions are available in Blach et al. (1998); Web3D Consortium (2003); Dachselt et al.
(2002), but without a formal description of their semantics.
InTml can be implemented on top of a wide variety of existing libraries and toolkits, so it
can provide a unied and executable description for VR applications.
InTml takes a novel approach to the treatment of simultaneous, multimodal events from
several devices. We dene a dataow model with a periodic execution that handles several
events as simultaneous. Such a model is an evolution of the traditional single-threaded, one
event at a time model, inherited from traditional WIMP interfaces.
InTml is a domain specic language for dening the architecture of VR applications. Some
languages in the eld such as Web3D Consortium (2003); Autodesk (2006) concentrate
mostly on geometry and on the PC-based interaction environment. Others, such as
Wingrave & Bowman (2005) use state machines as a design abstraction, which we believe
is very powerful although more complex for non-programmers. The same is true of
hybrid languages such as the one in Smith & Duke (1999), which proposes a way to
combine notations for discrete and continuous signals, using extensions to Petri Nets and
state machines. InTml allows unsophisticated developers to model devices, behavior and
content, all of them as rst-class concepts that are easy to understand and present in any
VR hardware platform.
Some authors such as Mass o et al. (2005); Dachselt et al. (2002) have proposed portable
ways for describing VR applications, but they have been used on a subset of VR
applications, usually Desktop VR.
From the point of view of VR development methodologies, there are some options such
as the one by Tanriverdi & Jacob (2001), the user-centered approach in Neale et al. (2002), a
UML-based approach in Kim (2005), and a methodology in Sastry et al. (2001) based on a
hybrid language. While such alternatives have similarities with, and are extensions to the one
presented here, our approach introduces and depends on the key concepts of retargeting and
separation of roles.
There have been some attempts to dene a concept similar to VR retargeting but restricted
to computer graphics. Scalable graphics is a eld that studies methods for parallel
rendering of scenes. Several authors such as Humphreys et al. (2001); Eldridge et al. (2000);
Nishimura & Kunii (1996); Molnar et al. (1992) have proposed algorithms for load balancing
of the rendering task over several computers. Application retargeting in VR requires this
type of rendering solution, in order to use the capabilities of clusters and parallel machines.
143 VR Development with InTml
18 Virtual Reality
However, retargeting also involves changes in other important elements of a VR application,
as we have shown. IBM presented similar ideas in its interpretation of Scalable Graphics by
Boier-Martin (2003), but too few details are presented. In summary, our proposal describes
how to retarget devices and interaction techniques in VR applications, as opposed to changes
in graphic content only.
More details about InTml and its implementation can be found at Figueroa et al. (2008) and
Figueroa (2010).
6. Future work
Supporting VR and MR development is a complex task, that requires an important effort
in several directions. We believe InTml might be an interesting solution, that allows both
developers and designers to construct new applications that can survive despite changes in
particular technologies. We need to offer a more friendly environment for both developers
and designers, and more functionality in order to make their work easier. In particular, we are
improving the support for rapid prototyping from the point of view of a designer, by means
of more functionality at the IDE and a more complete library of lter classes. The work of a
developer is by no means easier, so we need to nd out ways to facilitate the creation of code
attached to lter classes, and ways to make the overall architecture clearer for debugging and
understanding purposes.
InTml code is published under several open source licenses at Figueroa (2007)
7. References
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Shaker Verlag, pp. 8588.
146 Virtual Reality
Part 3
Evaluation of Cognition and Behavior
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual
Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to
Improve User Experience in VR
Bernhard E. Riecke
Simon Fraser University
1. Introduction
While modern computer graphics and virtual reality (VR) simulations can have stunning
photorealism, they are often unable to provide a life-like and compelling sensation of
moving through the simulated world. This is in stark contrast to our real-world experience,
where locomotion through the environment is naturally accompanied by the embodied
sensation of self-motion, even when we are not actively walking but using other
transportation devices like bicycles, cars, or buses. This fundamental difference in which we
perceive simulated versus actual motions might negatively impact the perceived realism,
behavioural effectiveness, user acceptance, and commercial success of virtual reality
technology and applications. In this chapter, I propose and discuss how investigating,
utilizing, and optimizing self-motion illusions (vection) might be a lean and elegant way
to overcome such shortcomings and provide a truly moving experience in computer-
mediated environments without the need to physically move, thus reducing overall cost and
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the state of the art in research on
visually-induced self-motion illusions in real and virtual environments. Specific focus will
be on a topic that is of particular interest in the context of VR but has not been thoroughly
reviewed before: Namely how self-motion illusions are not only affected by physical
stimulus parameters themselves via bottom-up perceptual processes (as discussed in section
3), but also by the way we look at, perceive, and interpret the stimulus, how it is integrated
into the overall display setup, and whether or not actual motion might be possible (see
section 4). Knowledge of these factors can not only deepen our understanding of the
complex processes underlying self-motion perception, but might also be of particular
interest for VR simulations and other immersive/multi-media applications like gaming or
movies, as these factors can often be manipulated with relatively little effort. Section 5 will
provide a brief overview on recent studies on multi-modal contributions and interactions for
vection. These indicate significant cross-modal benefits, which could, together with the
results presented in earlier sections, be employed to design more effective-yet-affordable VR
interfaces, as will be discussed in the final section and throughout this chapter. Possible
side-effects of vection in VR are discussed in section 6.
Virtual Reality

2. Self-motion illusions (vection)
Self-motion illusions induced by moving visual stimuli that cover a large part of the visual
field have been first described more than a century ago (Mach, 1875; Wood, 1895), and were
termed circular and linear vection for rotational and translational self-motion illusions,
respectively (Fischer & Kornmller, 1930; Tschermak, 1931). Many readers might have
experienced the compellingness of visually-induced self-motion illusions themselves, as
they can easily occur under natural conditions for example, when sitting in a train waiting
to depart from the station and looking out of the window where a train on the adjacent track
starts moving, many people experience a rather convincing illusion that there own train
started moving (train illusion). Similarly, when waiting in a car in front of a red light and
a large truck slowly pulls up on the side, many of us instinctively hit the break as for a
moment we believed that our own car was moving. One of the earliest occurrences of
vection might have been when our ancestors were gazing at fast-moving clouds or looking
down on a river and fixating onto a stationary object (like a rock) in the river and
experienced a tilting sensation in the direction opposite of the visual (river) motion. More
recently, large-screen theme park rides and cinemax or I-Max theatres utilize self-motion
illusions to provide more compelling experiences to their audience, as was already done
more than a century ago with the haunted swing illusion described by Wood (1895).
Why might we want to care about self-motion illusions in the context of VR and other
immersive media? As mentioned above, most VR and immersive media setups and
applications do not provide a compelling and believable sensation of moving through the
simulated environments; despite often impressive visual realism, perceptual and
behavioural realism is often lacking. That is, seeing a simulated self-motion does not
necessarily imply experiencing and believing it, thus reducing overall believability and
simulation quality. So what conditions are conducive to experiencing believable self-motion
There is more than a century of vection research investigating under what precise conditions
moving visual and non-visual stimuli can induce embodied sensations of self-motion. I
propose that revisiting, utilizing, and extending this body of knowledge can provide both
inspiration and guidance for improving VR and other immersive media from the
human/user perspective. In a nutshell, if we could provide users with a compelling illusion
of moving through simulated worlds, we would not have to go through the effort of
allowing for large-scale physical locomotion or could at least relax the requirement of those.
One of the biggest challenges in self-motion simulation is that some modalities simply
cannot (yet) be simulated easily or switched off noninvasively: In particular, vestibular and
most somatosensory cues cannot be simply turned off like visual cues (closing ones eyes)
or auditory cues (wearing earplugs and/or listening to masking noise). Hence, whenever
self-motions are only simulated and not physically performed, there is a conflict between
those cues suggesting self-motion (e.g., the visual simulation) and other cues indicating
stationarity (e.g., vestibular cues indicating that there was no acceleration and we should
thus still be stationary, or somatosensory cues from our feet touching solid ground). So how
is this conflict and ambiguity resolved by the human system to form a coherent percept of
ones current state of motion?
Indeed, self-motion perception is a complex phenomenon that includes multiple sensory
and motor systems as well as both bottom-up processes and higher-level, cognitive
influences, as will be discussed in the subsequent sections. There are several mathematical
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

frameworks modelling how the different sensory and motor inputs might be integrated to
form a coherent percept of self-motion despite conflicting or ambiguous information (e.g.,
Mergner & Becker, 1990; Mergner et al., 2000; Wertheim, 1994; Zacharias & Young, 1981).
While vestibular motion cues immediately yield a sensation of self-motion, large-field visual
motion can be interpreted as either object motion (where the observer is stationary) or self-
motion (where the visual stimulus is stationary) or a combination thereof. When presented
with coherent large-field visual motion, the observer typically perceives object motion
during the first few seconds after motion onset (1-30s, depending on various stimulus
parameters), followed by a sometimes very brief period of mixed object and self-motion,
and finally exclusive self-motion and saturated vection (Dichgans & Brandt, 1978). During
saturated vection, the moving stimulus is typically (but not always) perceived as earth-
stationary, and vection occurs in the direction opposite of the visual motion (just as if we
would be physically moving).
There is a long history of investigating how different stimulus parameters affect the onset,
strength, and velocity of vection. General reviews on self-motion illusions can be found in
(Andersen, 1986; Dichgans & Brandt, 1978; Howard, 1982, 1986; Mergner & Becker, 1990;
Warren & Wertheim, 1990). Auditory vection has recently been reviewed by (Riecke et al.,
2009; Vljame, 2009). Neurophysiological correlates of vection have been described in, e.g.,
(Hettinger, 2002; Kovacs et al., 2008) and references therein. Vection with a specific focus on
motion simulation, virtual environments, and undesirable side-effects has been reviewed in
(Hettinger, 2002).
The goal of the following section is to provide a current review on different stimulus
parameters affecting visually-induced vection, and how these factors might be utilized in
the design of VR and other immersive applications. Section 4 will focus on recent findings
indicating that vection is not only affected by physical stimulus parameters themselves, but
also by how we look at, perceive, and interpret the stimulus, by what is beyond the display
itself, and by our sensation/knowledge whether actual motion might or might not be
possible. The presented research findings lead to a number of possible applications and
implications for VR and other immersive applications. Instead of summarizing them in a
separate section, I decided to integrate them with the respective research findings to provide
a stronger link and an improved understanding of their origin and underlying processes.
3. Stimulus parameters affecting visually-induced vection
Vection induced by moving visual stimuli has clearly received the most research attention
so far and will thus be discussed in more detail below. Self-motion illusions can, however,
also be induced by other modalities including auditory (see reviews by Riecke et al., 2009;
Vljame, 2009), tactile (Dichgans & Brandt, 1978), or biomechanical cues (Bles, 1981; Brandt
et al., 1977) or from direct galvanic stimulation of the vestibular system (Cress et al., 1997;
Lepecq et al., 2006). In the following, I will review different factors that have been shown to
facilitate vection, and how they might be utilized in VR and other immersive situations.
Note that this information can, of course, equally be used to inhibit self-motion illusions
were desired to avoid possible undesired side-effects, as discussed in section 6.
3.1 Up to an optimal velocity, higher stimulus velocities yield stronger vection
Higher stimulus velocities in general enhance vection, indicated by earlier vection onset,
higher perceived self-motion velocity, and increased intensity and convincingness of the
Virtual Reality

self-motion illusion (Allison et al., 1999; Brandt et al., 1973; Dichgans & Brandt, 1978;
Schulte-Pelkum et al., 2003; Howard, 1986). For example, Brandt et al. (1973) showed that
circular vection velocity increased linearly with increasing stimulus movement up to 120/s
and roughly matched the stimulus velocity. Further increasing stimulus velocity did not
increase perceived self-rotation velocity further, such that the moving stimulus was no
longer perceived to be earth-stationary. In terms of VR applications, this suggests that there
might be maximum movement and/or optic flow velocities beyond which simulation
effectiveness could deteriorate and the simulated world might no longer be perceived as
3.2 Larger stimulus sizes increase vection
One major factor determining the onset and strength of vection is the solid angle (field of
view, FOV) subtended by the moving visual stimulus. Although stimulus sizes as small as
7.5 have been shown to induce linear vection under carefully designed lab conditions
(Andersen & Braunstein, 1985), larger stimulus sizes generally enhance vection in all
measures, and full-field stimulation results in the strongest vection to a point where it
cannot be suppressed any more and can be indistinguishable from actual self-motion
(Berthoz et al., 1975; Brandt et al., 1973; Dichgans & Brandt, 1978; Held et al., 1975).
3.3 Central and peripheral vision is equally effective in inducing vection
While earlier studies reported that peripheral visual motion is more effective in inducing
vection than central motion (Brandt et al., 1973; Dichgans & Brandt, 1978; Johansson, 1977),
later studies demonstrated that peripheral and central motion have similar influences on
vection when their display areas are equated (Andersen & Braunstein, 1985; Howard &
Heckmann, 1989; Nakamura, 2008; Post, 1988; Wolpert, 1990). In fact, the peripheral
dominance effect observed earlier was likely caused by peripheral stimuli being perceived
as farther away than central stimuli. When perceived depth is held constant, vection
strength linearly increases with increasing stimulus size, independent of stimulus
eccentricity (Nakamura, 2008).
3.4 Optimal spatial frequency for vection depends on stimulus eccentricity
There is, however, an interaction between optimal frequency for central versus peripheral
stimulation: Palmisano & Gillam (1998) showed that the most compelling circular vection is
achieved when lower spatial frequency patterns are presented peripherally (where the eyes
spatial resolution is also lower) and higher-spatial frequency stimuli are presented to central
vision (where acuity is higher). From an applied perspective of improving self-motion
simulations, the decreased peripheral sensitivity to high-frequency stimuli relaxes the need
for high-resolution displays or imagery in the periphery unless the user needs to focus there
(see also discussion in Wolpert, 1990). Even without a central display, vection can be reliably
induced by peripheral stimulation: Brandt el al. (1973) demonstrated that circular vection
was hardly reduced when the central 120 of the human visual field was blocked and
participants saw motion only in the far periphery. Similar amounts of vection were achieved
when visual motion was restricted to a horizontal streak of 60 height and full-field width.
These results suggest that adding affordable low-resolution displays in the periphery of VR
or other immersive setups might have surprisingly strong effects on perceived self-motion
(and likely also presence and immersion).
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

3.5 Density of moving contrasts enhances vection
While single moving dots or objects can hardly induce vection, increasing their number and
density can eventually induce vection, and vection strength seems to generally increase with
the density of moving contrasts (Brandt et al., 1975; Dichgans & Brandt, 1978). Thus, care
needs to be taken for simulations where there are only few objects (e.g., for flight, space, or
diving simulations), especially if they are also far away (and thus have low image velocity
for translations). If compelling vection is desired, it might thus be necessary to carefully add
nearby objects to increase overall optic flow and relative motion with respect to stationary
foreground objects. Ideally, this should be done in the context of the simulation scenario to
ensure ecological validity. For flight simulations, this could, e.g., be achieved by adding
clouds or haze.
3.6 Linear vs. circular vs. curvilinear vection
Trutoiu et al. (2009) demonstrated that linear vection in a panoramic projection setup was
less convincing than circular vection, whereas curvilinear vection was perceived to be as
convincing as circular vection. This has interesting implications for motion simulations,
suggesting that even slight curvatures in the path might be able to increase the
convincingness of the motion percept. Linear vection could be enhanced by adding a floor
projection, though, possibly due to the special role that a perceivable moving ground plane
seems to play in vection (Sato et al., 2007).
Overall, however, up-down (aka elevator) vection tends to be more compelling and occur
earlier than left-right or forward-backward vection, likely because up-down movements do
not change the direction of the gravito-inertial vector, such that accelerational and
gravitational forces are parallel (Giannopulu & Lepecq, 1998; Trutoiu et al., 2009). Similarly,
continuous circular vection around the earth-vertical axis can be induced more easily than
vection around earth-horizontal axes (roll or pitch). The latter can lead to paradoxical
sensations of limited body tilt despite continuous sensations of tilting (Allison et al., 1999;
Held et al., 1975; Young et al., 1975). This has been attributed to the conflict between the
visually-suggested tilt in the gravitoinertial vector and the actual gravitoinertial vector
(sensed by the otoliths in the vestibular system and the somatosensory system) which does
not tilt. Without full-field stimulation and a naturalistic visual stimulus, it seems difficult to
obtain pitch or roll vection that includes head-over-heels orientations. As most real-world
situations do not include those extreme orientations, this might not be a major limitation for
most VR and immersive media applications, though.
3.7 Simulated viewpoint jitter facilitates vection despite visuo-vestibular conflict
Traditionally, it was often believed that vection should be facilitated if the sensory conflict
between visual cues (simulating motion) and vestibular cues (indicating stationarity) was
reduced. This view is supported by findings that bilaterally labyrinthine defective
participants perceive visual vection much earlier and more intense (Johnson et al., 1999),
and can perceive unambiguous roll or pitch vection through head-over-heels orientations
(Cheung et al., 1989). In a series of studies, Palmisano and colleagues challenged this notions
by showing that forward linear vection occurred earlier, lasted longer, and was more
compelling when coherent viewpoint jitter was added to the expanding optic flow display
(Palmisano et al., 2000), whereas incoherent jitter impaired vection (Palmisano et al., 2003).
Moreover, viewpoint jitter alone induced weak vection sensations, without any overall
radial or lamellar optic flow (Palmisano et al., 2003).
Virtual Reality

3.8 Perceived rigidity of optic flow field enhances vection
Nakamura (2010) extended these findings in showing that coherent visual jitter can facilitate
linear vection even when the stimulus does not contain any depth cues and appears flat,
whereas incoherent jitter impaired vection. Nakamura proposed that coherent jitter
increasing the perceived rigidity of the random dot display, which in turn facilitated
vection. Increasing the perceived rigidity of a vection-inducing stimulus seems, however,
not to be the only mechanism underlying the vection-facilitating effect of stimulus jitter, as
the effect can also be observed for naturalistic stimuli, which are arguably readily perceived
as inherently rigid: Using videos of translations along a hallway, Bubka & Bonato (2010)
showed that adding image oscillations induced by walking motions considerably enhanced
linear forward vection strength while reducing vection onset latencies. Similar facilitation of
forward linear vection when including slow viewpoint oscillations has been reported for
more abstract optic flow displays (Palmisano et al., 2007). Surprisingly, it did not matter
whether the viewpoint oscillations were caused by active head oscillations or just passively
viewed without any head motions (Kim & Palmisano, 2008).
While it is tempting to suggest to add coherent image jitter or oscillations to VR simulations
in order to enhance self-motion perception and perceptual realism, this should be carefully
evaluated on a case-by-case basis, as adding image jitter/oscillations has also been shown to
increases motion sickness (Palmisano et al., 2007), likely due to the increased sensory
conflict between visual and non-visual cues.
4. Beyond physical stimulus parameters: How we look at, perceive, and
interpret the stimulus can also affect vection
As described above, previous vection research mostly focussed on how various physical
parameters of the moving stimulus like the stimulus contrast or field of view affect vection
via lower-level, bottom-up perceptual processes. As I will argue in this section, there is,
however, increasing evidence that vection can also be affected by what is outside of the
moving stimulus itself, by the way we move and look at a moving stimulus, our pre-
conceptions, intentions, and how we perceive and interpret the stimuli. Vection might even
be directly or indirectly affected by higher-level and cognitive/top-down processes
(Andersen & Braunstein, 1985; Lepecq et al., 1995; Mergner & Becker, 1990; Riecke et al.,
2005). While many of these findings are exploratory in nature and await further careful
experimentation, they provide a fascinating glimpse into the complex processes and
interactions underlying the phenomenon of perceived self-motion without actual self-
motion. Apart from its theoretical relevance, potential higher-level/cognitive/intentional
contributions to vection might be of considerable interest for many applications, as these
factors can often be manipulated with relatively small effort and cost.
4.1 Eye movements and relative motion perception
Intent and eye movements: Fixation and staring facilitate vection, as compared to smooth
In the following, I will review research demonstrating that vection is not only determined
by the physical parameters of the moving stimulus (i.e., strictly bottom-up perceptual
processes), but also strongly influenced by our intent and specifically the way we look at a
moving stimulus. When viewing a moving visual stimulus without explicit viewing
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

instruction, our eyes smoothly follow the stimulus (optokinetic nystagmus). Likely one of
the first observations on vection-facilitating factors was that fixating on a stationary
foreground object (like our outstretched hand) facilitated vection (Fischer & Kornmller,
1930; Mach, 1875; Wallach, 1940; Warren, 1895). However, fixation is not necessarily
required, and inattentively staring at a moving pattern can also facilitate vection (Fischer &
Kornmller, 1930). Careful experimentation by Becker et al. (2002) showed that suppressing
the optokinetic reflex by fixating a stationary fixation point yields higher perceived vection
velocities and lower vection onset latencies, as compared to trying to suppress the
optokinetic reflex without a fixation point or merely staring at the stimulus. Attentively
following the moving pattern yielded the lowest vection velocity and highest onset
latencies, although eye movements were similar to the staring condition. This suggests that
not only retinal slip and the pattern of eye movements, but also ones intent (e.g., to follow
vs. stare) can affect self-motion illusions, as has been shown and mathematically modeled in
a series of studies (Becker et al., 2002; Mergner et al., & Becker, 2000; Mergner et al., 2000).
In terms of applications like motion simulations, differences in the user task, instructions,
and intentions could thus have a considerable effect on the perceived self-motion and
consequently on the overall believability and effectiveness of a simulation. For instance,
instructions that require users to fixate on foreground objects moving with the observer
instead of the simulated outside scene (e.g., checking the speedometer or operating the radio
in a car or aircraft cockpit instead of looking at the surrounding outside environment) might
somewhat surprisingly enhance self-motion perception and thus potentially overall
simulation realism and effectiveness.
Note, however, that the combination of fast-moving stimuli and a limited update rate
(typically 60Hz) of VR displays can induce undesirable perceptual artifacts like flicker and
ghost images, especially when observers fixate or stare at the display and thus do not follow
the visual motion with their eyes. Moreover, color-sequential displays like 1-chip dlp
projectors or the commonly-used LCoS head-mounted displays (HMDs) can induce color
separation for fast-moving sharp contrast edges, even without fixation or staring. Thus,
applications where fast object or observer motion is required should be carefully tested and
tuned to limit display artifacts.
Increasing retinal slip, local image velocities, and relative motion between moving
stimulus and observer-fixed reference frame facilitates vection
Apart from fixation and staring, peripheral looking and gaze shifts between central and
peripheral regions can also improve forward linear vection (Palmisano & Kim, 2009).
Potential factors underlying this effect include faster local image velocities and increased
retinal slip (local image velocity is higher in the periphery for radially expanding flow
fields) as well as screen boundary effects as described in the following. Several studies
demonstrated that vection depends not only on characteristics of the moving visual stimulus
itself, but also on the relative motion between the moving visual stimulus and stationary
reference objects. For example, circular vection was facilitated when the moving visual
stimulus was surrounded by a stationary rectangular foreground viewing window (Howard
& Heckmann, 1989). Merely adding two vertical thin bars as stationary foreground objects
also enhanced vection, in particular for slowly (5/s) moving stimuli where vection is
otherwise hard to achieve (Howard & Howard, 1994). Howard and colleagues argued that
the effect originated from the relative motion signal between the stationary foreground
objects and the moving stimulus, although it seems that perceived object-background
Virtual Reality

separation might also have contributed (Seno et al., 2009, see also subsection below). Even
without physical depth separation, stationary objects can facilitate vection, as was shown by
Lowther & Ware (1996) when adding a rectangular 55 grid to a projection screen
displaying the moving stimulus or by Riecke et al. (2005, exp. 2) when adding hardly
noticeable marks (scratches) to the projection screen.
This opens up interesting avenues and future research areas for facilitating vection in non-
obtrusive ways, without the need for fixation or other restrictions of eye movements.
Especially for slow image motions, adding a stationary (foreground) reference frame can
provide relative motion cues that facilitate motion detection and vection. This can be achieved,
e.g., though the frames of multi-monitor setups, through real or simulated window frames
(like the windscreen pillar in driving or flight simulators), or through other means that should
ideally be inspired by and match the motion metaphor and application scenario. Ironically,
although large-FOV spherical or cylindrical projection setups have many advantages, they
typically provide only limited relative motion cues due to the lack of visible screen boundaries
or other foreground objects, which can reduce their vection-inducing potential.
4.2 Perceived background motion, not just physical depth determine vection
Already in 1975, Wist et al. (1975) demonstrated that the perceived self-rotation velocity
(which is often used as a measure of the strength of circular vection) increases not only with
the angular velocity of the visual stimulus as one might expect, but also linearly increases
with the perceived distance of the moving stimulus. However, later research demonstrated
that not only the absolute perceived distance, but in particular the relative depth structure
and figure-ground (or object-background) separation seems critical, in that the stimulus that
is perceived to be further away typically determines the occurrence, direction, and strength of
vection (Brandt et al., 1975; Howard & Heckmann, 1989; Ito & Shibata, 2005; Nakamura,
2008; Nakamura & Shimojo, 1999; Ohmi & Howard, 1988; Ohmi et al., 1987). Several of these
studies used perceptually bistable displays and demonstrated that not only physical
stimulus parameters themselves, but in particular how the stimulus is perceived and
interpreted at any moment in time can modulate or even determine self-motion perception.
For example, monocular viewing of two optic flow displays in Ohmi et al. (1987) caused
spontaneous reversals in their perceived depth order, without any physical stimulus
changes. Results showed that the display that was currently perceived to be the further
away dominated the self-motion percept, irrespective of the physical depth order and
irrespective of which of the two displays was fixated or pursued.
Importance of perceived object-background relation for vection
As our visual system readily organizes visual stimuli into figure versus ground (i.e.,
perceptual objects versus background), the findings by Ohmi et al. (1987) could be
interpreted as the perceived background dominating vection, whereas figures (e.g.,
objects in the foreground) having less, if any, effect on vection (Kitazaki & Sato, 2003; Ohmi
et al., 1987). This hypothesis was confirmed and extended in a clever series of experiments
by Seno et al. (2009), who used two independently moving luminance-defined gratings
organized to form perceptually bistable displays like a Rubins vase that show spontaneous
reversals of the figure-ground (i.e., the object-background) relationship. When a moving
stimulus was currently perceived as an object, its vection-inducing potential decreased to
a point where it could no longer induce vection. Conversely, the part of the stimulus that
was currently perceived as the ground or background determined vection responses, even
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

if it was stereoscopically defined to be closer than the object. Moreover, Experiment 5 of
Seno et al. (2009) showed that upright shapes (face, apple, or human figure) produced
stronger vection than inverted (upside-down) shapes, arguable because the inverted shapes
were less likely to be perceived as an object.
Object-background and rest frame hypothesis provide a unifying framework
Seno et al. (2009) proposed that the object versus background hypothesis could provide a
unifying framework for investigating and better understanding vection and vection-inducing
stimuli. In particular, many factors that have been shown to facilitate vection are also typical
properties of the perceived background, like occupying a large field of view, peripheral
stimulation, lower spatial frequencies, rigidity and coherent visual motion, being a ground
plane, being unattended, or being further away than other parts of the display. For example,
paying particular attention to one of the two motion components in Kitazaki & Sato (2003)
might have emphasized its object or foreground status, such that other aspects of the
stimulus were more likely to be perceived as a background and thus dominated vection.
Similarly, fixating a stationary part of the display might have perceptually enhanced its object-
likelihood, such that the other (now background) stimulus dominated vection.
Note that the object-background hypothesis bears similarity with the rest frame hypothesis
proposed earlier by Prothero (1998) and Prothero & Parker (2003). This hypothesis states
that a particular reference frame, the rest frame, is selected as the comparator for spatial
judgments (Prothero & Parker, 2003, p. 47). In this sense, spatial presence as well as vection
are proposed to be (in part) determined by the extent to which a presented stimulus is
accepted and selected as a primary reference or rest frame, which in turn is related to the
likelihood of it being perceived a as background (see also theoretical framework by von der
Heyde & Riecke, 2002; Riecke, 2003, chap. IV).
The findings by Riecke et al. (2006) could also be interpreted in the context of the object-
background hypothesis and rest frame hypothesis: They observed that vection was reduced
when the naturalism of the visual stimulus was decreased by inverting the presented scene
or making it globally inconsistent via scene scrambling (see section 4.6 for details). Both
stimulus inversion and scrambling decreased spatial presence and arguably might also have
reduced the likelihood that the moving stimulus was perceived as a background and
accepted as a stable reference frame with respect to which visual motion is more likely to be
interpreted as self-motion rather than object-motion. In particular, I propose that spatial
presence and immersion in a real or simulated environment are tightly linked to the
likelihood of the stimulus being perceived and accepted as a background or scene. That is,
in order for strong spatial presence and immersion to emerge, the visual stimulus should
not be perceived as an object, but instead as a scene or background that can act as a stable
reference or rest frame (von der Heyde & Riecke, 2002; Prothero, 1998; Prothero & Parker,
2003; Riecke, 2003, chap. IV). Although further research is needed to explore the concept of
perceptual object-background separation and rest/reference frames for vection, the
simplicity and unifying nature of these concepts if promising and might ultimately enable a
deeper understanding of the underlying processes and allow us to better predict how
vection and other phenomena like spatial presence depend on various stimulus parameters.
Stationary foreground vs. background
In agreement with the object-background hypothesis and the rest frame hypothesis, adding
stationary background stimuli has been found to reduce or even inhibit circular vection,
Virtual Reality

especially when presented peripherally, whereas stationary foreground stimuli can facilitate
circular vection, especially if centrally presented (Brandt et al., 1975; Howard & Howard,
1994; Nakamura, 2006). Moreover, stationary foreground stimuli in front of a moving
background are typically perceived to be moving with the observer, suggesting they are
localized in body coordinates (Brandt et al., 1975; Fischer & Kornmller, 1930), whereas
during saturated vection the moving background stimulus is perceived as stationary in
external coordinates and thus might act like an allocentric reference frame or rest frame.
This situation is similar to riding a vehicle, where close-by objects (being part of the vehicle)
move with the observer and are thus likely represented in an egocentric (body-centered)
reference frame, whereas the more distant (outside) stimuli are likely to be part of the
stationary environment. This can easily be utilized in motion simulator design and other
applications (Nakamura, 2006). If the goal is to enhance perceived self-motion and overall
realism, providing centrally located physical foreground objects like a cockpit, instruments,
or other objects that match the overall simulation/application metaphor would be
instrumental. This way, the simulated scene (outside of the cockpit) will be more easily
perceived as the background, thus facilitating vection and enhancing overall simulation
effectiveness. Conversely, if desired, vection (and potentially also motion sickness) can be
reduced or even suppressed by providing peripheral static backgrounds (Prothero & Parker,
2003). Incidentally, this mimics typical desktop VR/gaming situations, where the static
visible background of the room typically suppresses self-motions that might otherwise
occur from the visual motions presented on the centrally located monitor in the foreground.
4.3 Consistent stereoscopic depth cues facilitate vection
Displaying the vection-inducing stimulus stereoscopically has been shown to facilitate both
circular and linear vection (Lowther & Ware, 1996; Palmisano, 1996). Furthermore, consistent
stereoscopic cues can increase the speed and travelled distance for optic flow-induced linear
forward vection, which might have mediated the vection-enhancing effect of stereoscopic cues
(Palmisano, 2002). Palmisano argued that the vection-enhancing effect of stereoscopic
presentation goes beyond merely increasing the perceived distance of the visual stimulus.
With stereoscopic presentation becoming increasingly available and affordable, this opens up
new opportunities for increasing vection and the overall simulation experience by not only
providing stereoscopic information of the simulated scene, but also purposefully enhancing
object-background separation, providing unobtrusive stationary foreground object that
increase the relative perceived motion between the stationary (observer-fixed) foreground and
background movement through the simulated scene, or by providing a more realistic and
believable scene that can more easily be accepted as a primary reference or rest frame.
4.4 Head-tracking can facilitate vection for moving observers
Lowther & Ware (1996) demonstrated that vection occurs later when observers moved in
front of the stationary display used to present the vection-inducing motion, possibly because
of the increased cue conflict between visual and vestibular/somatosensory cues. Using head
tracking to couple the simulated perspective to the observers motion mitigated most of the
motion-induced vection deterioration.
This highlights the importance of including head tracking whenever observer head position
is not fixed, such as to provide a simulated scene that behaves like the real world and can
be perceived as stable in 3D space despite head movements. Head tracking might have
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

facilitated vection by stabilizing the simulated scene, thus making it more believable and
increasing the likelihood that it is selected and accepted as a primary reference frame or rest
frame with respect to which scene relative motions are more easily perceived as self-motion
instead of object-motions (von der Heyde & Riecke, 2002; Prothero & Parker, 2003; Riecke,
2003, chap. IV).
4.5 Attention and cognitive demand can modulate vection
To investigate potential attentional biases in visual vection, Kitazaki & Sato (2003) presented
participants with vertically moving patterns of red and green dots moving in opposite (up
vs. down) direction, and asked participants to attend to either the red or the green dots. The
perceived direction of vection was largely determined by the non-attended stimulus, both
when the red and green dots were spatially separated (exp. 1) or superimposed (exp. 2).
When the upward and downward moving patterns were presented in different depth
planes, however, the far stimulus dominated the attentional modulation, although there was
still some attentional contribution. Apart from a direct effect of attention on vection, it is also
conceivable that the attended stimulus was perceived to be closer, such that perceived depth
ordering and not attention per se determined vection (see discussion in Seno et al. 2009).
Furthermore, the attended stimulus might have become the perceptual object or figure,
such that attention might have modulated the perceptual object-background relationship,
which in turn might have determined vection. Recently, Trutoiu et al. (2008) showed that
forward linear visual vection occurs earlier if participants were performing an attention-
demanding working-memory task (counting specific targets moving by in the visual
stimulus). This suggests that vection can be enhanced if one does not pay particular
attention to the vection-inducing stimulus.
In summary, although it seems likely that attention can modulate vection, it remains to be
determined if attention can directly affect vection or whether the effect is mediated by other
factors like eye movement patterns or changes in the perceived depth structure or object-
background relationships. No matter what the underlying processes, it is clear that we can
modify the vection experience intentionally to some degree, which is relevant for both
fundamental research, where task instructions should be carefully phrased, and for
applications, where task requirements and expectations can likely affect the effectiveness of
a motion simulation and the overall user experience.
4.6 Reference frames, naturalism, and ecological validity of vection-inducing stimuli
Already in 1954, Gibson put forth that Perceived motion occurs in a perceptually stable
space or environment. Another way of saying this is to assert that the perception of stability
is part and parcel of the perception of motion; you cannot have the latter without the
former (Gibson, 1954, p. 310). Thus, when we see environmental motion, (illusory) self-
motion might be inferred due to our conscious or unconscious assumption of a stable
environment (Dichgans & Brandt, 1978; Prothero & Parker, 2003). If this were the case, one
might posit that moving visual or auditory stimuli that depict objects that normally do not
move (e.g., houses or the sound of church bells) should enhance vection, compared to
moving objects where our experience does not suggest stationarity (e.g., the sight or sound
of a moving car). In the following, I will review studies that explicitly tested this hypothesis
for visual vection. Note that auditory vection can also be facilitated when the moving sound
sources represent objects that normally do not move (so-called acoustic landmarks like
Virtual Reality

church bells) as compared to objects that move (e.g., the sound of a driving car) or are
ambiguous (e.g., pink noise) (Larssonet al., 2004; Riecke et al., 2005; Vljame et al., 2009).
While most of the classic visual vection studies used abstract stimuli like polka-dotted or
striped patterns, several researchers stressed that complex, naturalistic, and ecologically
relevant stimuli should instead be used for studying self-motion perception (Gibson, 1954;
Wann & Rushton, 1994). Indeed, when using naturalistic stimuli projected on a wide (142
110) FOV dome projection of a flight simulator, van der Steen & Brockhoff (2000) observed
surprisingly rapid vection buildup with saturated linear (forward) and circular (yaw)
vection after only 2.7s and 3s, respectively. This is considerably faster than for abstract, non-
naturalistic stimuli, where vection takes between 10s (Brandt et al., 1973) to 20-30s (Howard
& Howard, 1994) until reaching saturation. This led van der Steen & Brockhoff (2000) to
propose that the natural scene might have contributed to the unusually fast vection buildup.
Unfortunately, this hypothesis was not directly tested, and a multitude of differences in the
experimental setup, procedure, and response measures compared to classic vection studies
makes direct comparisons problematic.
Naturalistic, globally consistent stimuli facilitate vection
To provide a more conclusive answer and assess if naturalistic stimuli do indeed enhance
vection, we performed a series of experiments that directly manipulated the degree of
naturalism and global scene consistency (i.e., higher-level factors) within one experimental
paradigm (Schulte-Pelkum et al., 2003; Riecke et al., 2006). In a first study, circular yaw
vection was induced by seating participants behind a curved projection screen (8463
FOV) displaying a rotating virtual environment created from either a naturalistic roundshot
photograph (see Figure 1b) or a mosaic-like scrambled version of the same photograph (see
Figure 1c)(Schulte-Pelkum et al. 2003, see also Schulte-Pelkum 2007, exp. 1). While the
globally consistent scene was rendered perspectively correct and contained ample pictorial
depth cues and might thus facilitate vection by providing a reference frame of a naturalistic
environment on could feel spatially present in, the scrambled stimulus contained the same
local image information and statistics, but could not be interpreted as a naturalistic scene
one could feel present in. In addition, the scene scrambling procedure introduced additional
high-contrast edges, which are known to increase perceived motion and facilitate vection
(Dichgans & Brandt, 1978; Diener et al., 1976; Palmisano & Gillam, 1998). These lower-level
factors thus worked against our higher-level hypothesis that naturalistic stimuli might
enhance vection. Nevertheless, the naturalistic stimulus resulted in earlier vection onset and
higher perceived vection intensity and convincingness than the scrambled stimulus.

Fig. 1. (a): Participant seated behind curved projection screen showing the naturalistic
circular vection stimulus based on a panoramic image (b). A globally inconsistent scene was
created by mosaic-like scrabbling of the panoramic image (c).
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

Riecke et al. (2006) replicated and extended these results by systematically varying the
degree of stimulus degradation and global inconsistency (see Figure 2, a-f). Results showed
enhanced vection and presence for the naturalistic stimulus as compared to any of the sliced
or scrambled stimuli, and hardly any influence of the type or degree of stimulus
degradation. Figure 2, g-i contrasts the vection measures for the intact versus the least
degraded stimulus. Together, these results suggest that higher-level factors related to scene
consistency dominated over lower-level factors (more high-contrast edges for the scrambled
stimulus) that would have predicted the opposite result.

Fig. 2. 5445 view of the different horizontally sliced (a-c) and mosaic-like scrambled (d-f)
vection-inducing stimuli as seen by participants in (Riecke et al., 2006) in addition to the
globally consistent stimulus (cf. Figure 1, a & b). (g) (i): Circular vection measures for the
comparison of the globally consistent stimulus (left bar) and one of the globally inconsistent
stimuli (the sliced version depicted in (a)). Note the vection impairment for the globally
inconsistent (less naturalistic) stimulus, suggesting higher-level/cognitive influences.
Depicted are mean one standard error of the mean, re-plotted from a subset of the original
data of Riecke et al. (2006) for 40/s stimulus velocity without data normalization.

There are at least three underlying mechanism that might explain the observed vection-
facilitating effect of globally consistent, naturalistic stimuli:
1. The globally consistent stimulus contained ample pictorial depth cues arranged in a
consistent, naturalistic environment. This might have increased the perceived distance
of the stimulus, which is known to increase perceived vection velocity (Wist et al.,
1975), which in turn is associated with enhanced vection. In fact, increasing stimulus
velocities in (Schulte-Pelkum et al., 2003) from 20/s to 40/s to 60/s reduced vection
onset latencies and increased vection intensity and convincingness.
2. Previous studies showed that perceived foreground-background separation can affect
vection: When vection-inducing stimuli are comprised of multiple parts (e.g.,
superimposed or spatially separated), vection is dominated by the motion of the
perceived background (Howard & Heckmann, 1989; Nakamura & Shimojo, 1999; Ohmi
et al., 1987; Seno et al., 2009). In our study, the naturalistic scene stimulus and pictorial
depth contained therein might have resulted in a perceived foreground-background
separation between the physical screen and setup acting as the foreground and the
Virtual Reality

projected scene being perceived as further away and thus acting as a moving
background, thus indirectly facilitating vection.
3. Presence ratings were significantly higher for the naturalistic stimulus than any of the
sliced or scrambled stimuli, and were consistently correlated with vection measures.
Thus, the naturalistic scene might have provided a more believable and convincing,
stable reference frame and primary rest frame than the globally inconsistent stimuli,
such that stimulus motion might be more easily perceived or interpreted as self-motion
than image or object motion (Dichgans & Brandt, 1978; Gibson, 1954; Prothero, 1998).
In sum, the data suggest that not only lower-level factors, but also higher-level factors like
the interpretation of the stimulus as a believable and ecologically valid scene can affect self-
motion perception.
Natural stimulus orientation enhances vection and presence
In a second experiment, Riecke et al. (2006) showed that inverting the naturalistic scene such
that it appears upside-down reduced both the convincingness of vection and rated presence
in the scene. Note that lower-level factors (e.g., image statistics) and scene consistency were
identical between the upright and upside-down stimulus. This corroborates the relevance of
higher-level/cognitive factors like the ecological validity and naturalism of the stimulus and
the existence of optic flow from a believable ground surface, which has been shown to
facilitate vection (Sato et al., 2007).
Naturalistic stimuli induce stronger vection than abstract geometric patterns
Further indication of potential higher-level influences stem from Richards et al. (2004), who
investigated how postural stability during linear treadmill walking is affected by different
moving visual stimuli presented on a projection screen (FOV: 6548). Body sway in roll
and pitch direction was more pronounced for a simple textured room display that contained
intrinsic upright orientation cues (i.e., visual polarity defined by room geometry and clearly
distinguishable ceiling, walls, and floor) as compared to a black and white polka-dotted
cylindrical room that had no intrinsic upright cues. Furthermore, the room environment
were rated as perceptually more compelling and resulted anecdotally in more frequent and
intense vection experiences and reduced vection drop-outs. This supports findings by
Riecke et al. (2006) and Schulte-Pelkum et al. (2003) that consistent, naturalistic visual cues
enhance vection. Similarly, Wann & Rushton (1994) observed stronger circular vection for a
naturalistic 3D environment presented via HMD as compared to the 2D texture stripes of a
simulated optokinetic drum. Note, however, that the room versus polka-dotted stimuli in
Richards et al. (2004) and the 3D environment versus texture stripes in Wann & Rushton
(1994) differed not only in terms of naturalism and inherent upright-direction, but also with
regards to other factors that are known to affect vection and could thus have contributed to
the observed effects, including their spatial frequency content and the number of moving
contrasts (Diener et al., 1976; Palmisano & Gillam, 1998; Hu et al., 1997) or perceived depth
and foreground-background separation (Howard & Heckmann, 1989; Seno et al., 2009).
Tumbling sensation (roll vection) is facilitated by cue-rich, naturalistic environment
Additional support for the importance of naturalistic 3D environments comes from
tumbling room studies, where stationary observers are surrounded by an (empty or fully
furnished) room that can be rotated around the observers roll axis. The perception of body
tilt and roll vection was facilitated by a number of factors including the availability of a
visual frame of reference, objects with clear visual polarity (i.e., intrinsic up direction),
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

rotation velocity of the tumbling room, and field of view (Allison et al., 1999; Howard &
Childerson, 1994). With 30/s rotation of a fully furnished room with ample visual polarity
cues and unrestricted FOV, up to 80% of observers experienced strong tumbling sensations
including head-over-heels (cartwheel) roll vection. Tumbling (roll vection) occurred less
frequently for smaller rotational velocities (15/s instead of 30/s) and reduced field of
views. These results highlight the vection-inducing power of naturalistic full-field visual
motion. Further, carefully conducted research is, however, needed to more deeply
understand what parameters of the visual stimulus make it more effective, and to
disambiguate lower-level, bottom-up factors (like number of moving contrasts and edges)
from higher-level perceptual and cognitive factors (like the known visual polarity of
objects or the familiarity of rooms). Using wide-FOV VR simulators would give us the
flexibility to more easily investigate these issues without the need to equip physical
tumbling rooms with different objects and having to secure them for roll rotations.
4.7 Does the possibility of actual motion affect the illusion of self-motion?
Whenever self-motions are only simulated (e.g., through visual cues or a motion platform)
and not actually performed, there is a conflict between some cues suggesting self-motion
and others indicating stationarity. Apart from sensory cues directly indicating motion or no-
motion, there are typically also other factors that might affect perceived self-motion. In
particular, we are typically aware whether actual motion is, in fact, possible (e.g., when
sitting on a moveable platform or vehicle) or not (e.g., when we stand/sit on solid ground).
Thus, in order to provide compelling sensations of (illusory) self-motion, we might not only
need to overcome the sensory conflict between sensory information suggesting self-motion
versus stationarity, but potentially also convince us that actual motion is indeed possible.
Theme parks have long recognized the importance of providing a cognitive-perceptual
framework of movability, e.g., by guiding users of a star wars fun ride (at Disneys
Hollywood Studio theme park) through a (fake) space-craft airport before entering the
space-craft, which is a motion platform carefully disguised as a space ship such that users
are unaware of the actual motion limitations of the system. Apart from being entertaining
and avoiding that visitors get bored while waiting for the next ride, providing such a
scenario and suggesting movability of the space craft might help to prime visitors to expect
actual motion and more easily accept and believe the motion simulation. Although such
suspension of disbelief is frequently used in consumer-market applications like theme parks
and video arcades, there is surprisingly little published research investigating whether
providing a cognitive-perceptual framework of movability can not only increase user
enjoyment and fun but also enhance the effectiveness and believability of self-motion
As providing a cognitive-perceptual framework of movability can often be created at much
lower cost and effort than increasing the actual motion range of VR simulations, pursuing
this question could be of considerable interest for many applications. In addition, it can
extend our understanding of higher-level influences on vection, and in particular on the
integration of multi-modal sensory cues with higher-level cognitive/perceptual
information. In the following, I will review and discuss research that explicitly investigated
whether the perceived possibility of actual self-motion can enhance vection, for example by
designing for situational awareness of movability by providing a cognitive-perceptual
framework suggesting the possibility of actual self-motion.
Virtual Reality

Participants are often seated on movable devices to facilitate vection
In order to suggest movability and facilitate vection, a number of vection researchers have
seated participants on rotating chairs when investigating circular vection (Lackner, 1977;
Vljame, 2009) or on moveable carts when studying linear vection (Berthoz et al., 1975;
Lackner, 1977; Pavard & Berthoz, 1977; Andersen & Braunstein, 1985) and demonstrated the
possibility of motion prior to the actual vection experiments. Andersen & Braunstein (1985,
p. 124) stated, for example, that several subjects in pilot studies and other observers had
previously reported that the experience of self-motion was inhibited by the observation that
they were in an environment in which they could not be physically moved. Surprisingly,
however, none of the above-mentioned studies provided actual data that vection was
indeed facilitated when participants were seated on a moveable chair or cart.
Children experience vection earlier when sitting on moveable platform
To the best of our knowledge, the first study that explicitly addressed this issue was
conducted by Lepecq et al. (1995) with children of seven and eleven years. Half of the
participants were seated on a chair with rollers (movement possible condition) and were
demonstrated prior to the actual experiment how the chair could move. The other half of the
participants were seated on a stationary chair (movement impossible condition) and
shown that the chair could not be moved. Although participants were always stationary
during the subsequent backward linear visual vection experiment, knowledge about the
possibility of motion reduced vection onset latencies. The frequency of vection occurrences
remained unaffected by this cognitive manipulation, though. Nevertheless, Lepecq et al.
(1995) provided first evidence that the knowledge and prior experience that actual motion is
possible could facilitate vection, suggesting higher-level, cognitive contributions.
Is there a similar effect of perceived movability on vection in adults, or are they less easily
fooled to believe? There are only a few studies that investigated this issue in adults, and
the results provide somewhat mixed evidence.
Self-motion-bias versus object-motion-bias instructions affect vection reporting
Palmisano & Chan (2004) used adult participants and a similar overall procedure as Lepecq
et al. (1995) to investigate if linear forward linear vection induced by an optic flow display is
modulated by creating situations were physical movements are possible vs. impossible.
While the movement possible (or self-motion-bias) group was instructed to report the
onset and offset of self-motion as in Lepecq et al. (1995), the movement impossible (or
object-motion-bias) group in Palmisano & Chan (2004) was instructed to report the onset
and offset of object motion, and vection was inferred when no object motion was reported.
This object-motion-bias reduced the occurrence of vection reports as compared to the self-
motion-bias, although vection onset latencies were unaffected by the cognitive
manipulation. Note that these results differ from Lepecq et al.s findings, where the
cognitive manipulation affected the onset latency, but not the occurrence of vection. It is
conceivable that the object-motion-bias introduced a criterion shift and response bias in
favor of reporting object-motion. Moreover, trials with only partial vection, where object-
and self-motion co-exist, would have been identified as vection trials for the self-motion-bias
group but as no-vection trials for the object-motion-bias group. Hence, it remains unclear
whether the cognitive manipulation in Palmisano & Chan (2004) did indeed affect perceived
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

Elevator vection occurs earlier if actual motion is possible
In a vertical oscillatory (elevator) vection study with adults, Wright et al. (2006) showed
that participants who were seated in a vertical oscillator and shown prior to the actual
experiment how they could be moved reported more compelling vection than participants
who saw the same vection stimulus, but were sitting on a stationary chair in a different
room. Vection amplitudes and onset latencies remained unaffected by the cognitive
manipulation, though. To explain their data, Wright et al. (2006) proposed two dissociable
factors underlying vection: One process determining the compellingness of vection that is
susceptible to cognitive manipulations, and a second process primarily driven by visual
(bottom-up) cues that mainly affects vection onset latencies and the extend of the self-
motion illusion. Note that this distinction does not fit the data by Lepecq et al. (1995), where
the cognitive manipulation affected the onset latency, but not the occurrence of vection.
Visual circular vection not facilitated if actual motion is possible
While by Lepecq et al. (1995) and Wright et al. (2006) found a significant facilitation of linear
visual vection when participants were previously demonstrated that actual motion is
possible, circular visual vection might be less affected by such cognitive manipulations
(Schulte-Pelkum, 2007; Schulte-Pelkum et al., 2004): When participants were seated on a 6
degree of freedom Stewart motion platform and previously shown how the platform can
move, 2/3 of them did indeed believe that they were physically moving in at least some of
the trials where the platform was switched on (see Figure 3, middle), and many of them
were fairly certain that actual motion occurred (see Figure 3, right). Nevertheless, vection
reports were unaffected by this cognitive manipulation, and vection onset times, intensity,
and convincingness were identical between movement-possible and movement-impossible
trials. As discussed in detail in Riecke (2009) and Schulte-Pelkum (2007), the lack of a clear
vection-facilitating effect of the cognitive manipulation might be due to a number of
differences in experimental procedures, as compared to Lepecq et al. (1995) and Wright et al.

Fig. 3. Left: Participant seated on a motion platform that was either switched on (motion
possible condition) or not (motion impossible). Middle: Histogram of participants'
responses. Participants were asked to rate in what percentage of trials they perceived the
platform to be physically moving. 8/24 participants (33.3%) stated that it never moved,
whereas the remaining 66.7% stated that the platform moved in at least 10% of the trials. One
participant stated that it always moved. Right: Participants were asked to rate how certain
they were (on a 0-100% scale) that the platform did move in at least some trials. Only seven
participants were certain that it never moved, and five participants were at least 80% certain
that it moved. Data re-plotted from (Schulte-Pelkum et al., 2004; Schulte-Pelkum, 2007).
Virtual Reality

(2006), and we are currently planning experiments to assess if visual circular vection can
indeed be affected by providing a cognitive-perceptual framework of movability.
Auditory vection can be facilitated by cognitive-perceptual framework of movability
While it remains to be demonstrated if a cognitive-perceptual framework of movability can
affect visually-induced circular vection, there is recent evidence that it can affect auditorily-
induced circular vection (Riecke, Feuereissen, & Rieser, 2009). In order to provide high-
quality recordings of rotating sound fields for the auditory vection experiments, the lab was
equipped with two easily distinguishable and localizable sound sources positioned 90
apart, and participants were seated on a hammock chair mounted above a circular treadmill
(see Figure 4a) and passively rotated. Small in-ear microphones were used to generate
individualized binaural recordings of what participants hear when actually rotating in the
lab. During the subsequent vection experiment, participants sat on the hammock chair with
the circular treadmill switched off while wearing blindfolds and noise-cancelling
headphones displaying the previously recorded rotating sound fields. Participants feet
were either suspended by a chair-attached footrest (see Figure 4b, movement possible
condition) or positioned on solid ground (movement impossible condition). Providing a
cognitive-perceptual framework of movability in the motion possible condition yielded
higher vection intensity ratings (see Figure 4d), and there was a marginally significant trend
(p<.1) towards more frequent occurrence of vection (84% vs. 68%, see Figure 4c), reduced
vection onset latencies (41s vs. 31s, see Figure 4e), and higher perceived realism of actually
rotating in the lab. Hence, the common practice of seating participants on moveable chairs
or platforms (Lackner, 1977; Vljame, 2007, 2009) does indeed seem to benefit auditory

Fig. 4. (a): Participant wearing blindfold and noise-cancelling headphone, seated on a
hammock chair mounted stationary above a circular treadmill. (b) In a feet off ground
condition, participants feet were suspended by a footrest, whereas in a feet on ground
condition (a) participants feet were on solid ground, thus acting as a motion impossible
condition. (c) (e): Auditory circular vection measures show slightly enhanced vection
when participants feet did not touch solid ground. Depicted are mean 1SEM, re-plotted
from a subset of the original data of (Riecke et al., 2009) with no jitter.
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

The exact mechanisms underlying this effect await further experimentation, though: In the
current experiment, both cognitive and perceptual factors might have contributed. On the
one hand, resting ones feet on solid ground provides somatosensory and thus lower-level,
perceptual cues indicating stationarity. On the other hand, it provides higher-level,
cognitive knowledge that could have primed participants to believe that physical motion
was impossible. From the current data, it is not possible to disambiguate between cognitive
and perceptual factors, and they likely contributed both and might even support or depend
on each other.
Touching the floor attenuates visual roll vection in weightlessness
The influence of touching the stationary floor on vection was also investigated by Young et
al. (1983) and Young & Shelhamer (1990): While in weightlessness, visually induced roll
vection was compared between a free floating condition, where only a bite bar fixated
participants orientation and position in space, and a tactile condition, where an
additional shoulder harness pressed participants to the floor using elastic bands. Thus
touching the floor resulted in more vection drop-outs and reduced the strength of roll
vection. Some participants also reported prolonged vection onset latencies. Similar to the
auditory vection study discussed above (Riecke et al., 2009) touching and being restrained to
the floor in Young et al. (1983) and Young & Shelhamer (1990) might have attenuated visual
roll vection via both lower-level perceptual processes, namely somatosensory cues
indicating being tied to a stationary floor, and higher-level, cognitive factors like the
knowledge that actual motion was impossible due to the restraints.
In summary, although it is often difficult to disentangle the possible influence of cognitive
versus perceptual processes, there is converging evidence that providing a cognitive-
perceptual framework of movability can under certain conditions facilitate self-motion
perception. This is consistent with informal reports and common practice of seating
participants on moveable platforms in situations where vection is difficult to achieve, as is
the case for auditory vection (e.g., Lackner 1977; Vljame 2007) or visual vection with small
field of views (Andersen & Braunstein, 1985). Although the above-mentioned results are
promising, further research is necessary to enable us to more deeply understand why, how,
and under which conditions perceptual and/or cognitive information suggesting movability
versus stationarity can affect self-motion perception. While of clear theoretical interest, there
is also a clear applied benefit, as cognitive-perceptual frameworks of movability can often be
implement with relatively little effort, especially compared to the costs involved in allowing
for large-scale physical locomotion or full-fledged motion simulators.
5. Cross-modal facilitation of vection
While an in-depth review of multi-modal aspect of vection would go beyond the scope of
this chapter, it is important to realize that there are a number of cross-modal effects and
facilitations of vection that could help to optimize VR simulations and other immersive
applications. For example, galvanic vestibular stimulation can both directly induce self-tilt
and affect visually simulated self-motions (Cress et al., 1997; Lepecq et al., 2006). Adding
subtle vibrations to the observers seat and footrest has been shown to enhance visual
Virtual Reality

vection (Riecke et al., 2005; Schulte-Pelkum, 2007). Similarly, vibrations can enhance
auditory vection (Riecke et al., 2009), especially if accompanied by a matching simulated
engine sound (Vljame et al., 2006; Vljame et al., 2009). Although moving sound fields by
themselves can only induce vection in about 20-75% of blindfolded listeners, they have been
shown to enhance vection induced by other modalities, including visual circular vection
(Riecke et al., 2009) and biomechanical circular vection induced by stepping along a circular
treadmill (Riecke et al., 2010). Adding small physical motions (simple jerks) to the onset of
visually simulated self-motion has been shown to significant enhance visually induced
vection, both for passive movement (Berger et al., 2010; Riecke et al., 2006; Schulte-Pelkum,
2007; Wong & Frost, 1981) and for simple self-initiated motion cueing (Riecke, 2006). Note
that these jerks facilitated vection despite being only qualitatively correct (i.e., they matched
the direction and precise temporal onset of the visual motion, but not the extent or
acceleration). This suggests that there might be a surprisingly large coherence zone within
which visuo-vestibular conflicts go unnoticed or at least have little detrimental effect (Steen,
1998). Finally, applying vibrations and small physical movements (jerks) together enhanced
visual vection more then either of them alone (Schulte-Pelkum, 2007, exp. 6). Together, these
results suggest considerable cross-modal benefits for self-motion perception, even when
cross-modal stimuli are only qualitatively matched. While proper motion cueing using
6DOF motion platforms is clearly desirable in many applications including flight or driving
simulations, budgets and space are often limited. In such situations, vibrations and
spatialized auditory cues can often be included at moderate cost and effort. Even simple
commercially available motion seats or gaming seats might provide considerable benefits to
self-motion perception and overall simulation effectiveness.
6. Potential undesirable side-effects of vection in VR
For all applications, the potential benefits of providing compelling self-motion illusions
need to be carefully evaluated against potential undesirable side-effects (for a detailed
discussion, see Hettinger 2002; Kennedy et al. 2003 and references therein). The occurrence
of vection can, for example, correlate with undesirable side-effects like motion sickness or
motion after-effects. It is, however, still unclear whether or how vection might be causally
related to motion sickness, as vection generally seems to occur when visuo-vestibular cue
conflicts are small, whereas motion sickness tends to occur for larger cue conflicts (Kennedy
et al., 2003; Palmisano et al., 2007). Moreover, visually-induced motion sickness can occur
without either vection or optokinetic nystagmus (Ji, So, & Cheung, 2009). Vection is also
known to co-occur with body sway in standing observers (Howard, 1982). While small
infants can indeed tip over due to large-field visual stimulation (Lee & Aronson, 1974),
children older than five years and adults seem less affected and sway less. While vection
and visually induced body sway likely share similar pathways and vection strength can be
indicative of body sway, body sway occurs well before the onset of vection and does not
necessarily match the direction of perceived self-motion, again questioning a direct causal
relation between vection and body sway (Guerraz & Bronstein, 2008; Wang et al., 2010). In
sum, further research is needed to carefully assess factors promoting undesirable side-
effects like motion/simulator sickness, postural responses, after-effects, and (re)adaptation
effects, and to what degree there might or might not be any causal relationships to vection.
Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

7. Conclusions and outlook
Self-motion illusions are embodied illusions that can be quite compelling and thus critically
affect the overall experience and effectiveness of VR and other immersive media. Hence, it is
important to better understand the nature of the phenomenon of vection and the different
contributing factors and their interactions, such that the illusion can be purposefully elicited
or suppressed, depending on the specific goals and requirements of a given application.
While this chapter provides a review on different factors that can enhance vection, this
information can, of course, also be used to purposefully inhibit the illusion where desired.
Depending on the goals and user task of an application, different degrees of vection and
overall presence/immersion might be desirable, and it should be carefully evaluated on a
case-by-case basis to what degree vection can or cannot contribute to the overall goal.
Given the increased availability and affordability of large, multi-screen displays setups, care
should be taken that self-motion is only perceived where intended. For example, when
manipulating 3D objects or CAD models on a screen, this should be perceived as object
motion and not self-motion. Especially when users have to quickly switch between different
tasks, screens, or simulated environments, vection as well as spatial presence and immersion
should be avoided. Conversely, for architecture walkthroughs, vehicle simulation,
telepresence, and other applications where perceptual/behavioral realism is of the essence,
simulated observer motions should be perceived as self-motion and not object motion; else,
the 3D model might be perceived as a small toy mockup instead of a full-sized, naturalistic
environment. For disambiguating between perceived object versus self motion,
manipulating the perceived object-background separation might be the most effective
means, as discussed above.
Interestingly, many sought-after attributes in the design of VR systems and other immersive
media seem to also be factors that are known to enhance vection, such as large FOVs,
naturalistic and ecologically valid stimuli, stereoscopic presentation, perceived background
motion, or multi-modal stimulation and consistency. In particular, presence in the simulated
environment frequently correlates with vection, seems to benefit from similar factors as
vection, and might even be mediated by vection (Riecke et al., 2006; Vljame, 2009), as
predicted by the rest frame hypothesis (Prothero & Parker, 2003). I propose that utilizing
and further developing promising comprehensive frameworks like the rest frame
hypothesis (Prothero, 1998; Prothero & Parker, 2003), the object-background hypothesis
(Seno et al., 2009), or the reference frame model (von der Heyde & Riecke, 2002; Riecke,
2003, chap. 4) can foster a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying phenomena
like vection, presence, or spatial orientation and enable us to devise operation definitions
and novel measurement methods (Prothero & Parker, 2003; Riecke, 2003, chapter IV).
Ultimately, being able to integrate seemingly disparate findings into a conceptual
framework will allow us to derive testable hypothesis and predictions that can guide future
research and applications.
In conclusion, a growing body of evidence suggests that vection and overall simulation
effectiveness is not only determined by physical stimulus parameters themselves, but also
by other factors including how we look at, perceive, and interpret the stimulus, the
perceived foreground-background separation, and a variety of higher-level phenomena like
cognitive-perceptual frameworks of movability, naturalism and ecological validity, spatial
presence, and reference/rest frames. Clearly, these factors deserve more attention both in
basic research and applications. These factors might also turn out to be crucial especially in
Virtual Reality

the context of VR applications and self-motion simulations, as they have the potential of
offering an elegant and affordable way to optimize simulations in terms of perceptual and
behavioral effectiveness. Compared to other means of increasing the convincingness and
effectiveness of self-motion simulations like increasing the visual field of view or using a
motion platform, higher-level factors can often be manipulated rather easily and without
much cost, such that they might be an important step towards a lean and elegant approach
to effective self-motion simulation. This is nicely demonstrated by many theme park rides,
where setting up the proper cognitive framework and expectation (both highly cognitive
factors) helps to draw users more easily and effectively into the simulation and into
believing. Thus, I posit that an approach that is centered around the perceptual and
behavioral effectiveness and not only the physical stimulus realism is important both for
gaining a deeper understanding in basic research and offering a lean and elegant way to
improve a number of applications, especially in the advancing field of virtual reality
simulations. This might ultimately allow us to come closer to fulfilling the promise of VR as
a believable window onto the simulated world, such that the virtual reality can be
perceived and accepted as an alternate reality that enables natural and unencumbered
human behavior.
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Compelling Self-Motion Through Virtual Environments without Actual Self-Motion
Using Self-Motion Illusions (Vection) to Improve User Experience in VR

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Neck Motion Analysis Using a
Virtual Environment
Dr. Sarig Bahat Hilla, BPT, M Phys, PhD
University of Haifa,
1. Introduction
Neck pain is common and constitutes a major cause of disability in the western world with
significant ramifications to the injured individuals and to society at large (Hogg-Johnson, S.
et al. 2008). A need exists for an objective evaluation of the impairments and disabilities
associated with this disorder for both diagnostic and prognostic purposes. An objective
assessment is needed in the subgroup of whiplash associated disorders, where secondary
gains (e.g., monetary compensation) may have a significant effect on performance.
The overall purpose of our research project was to develop an objective and functional
assessment of cervical motion. Using this assessment, it was aimed to investigate the effect
of neck pain on cervical motion by kinematic analysis. The future goal is to use the
developed system for treatment purposes.
This chapter will review the literature related to neck pain as a significant health problem,
existing methods for neck assessment and the use of virtual reality (VR) in rehabilitation.
This will be followed by description of the developed VR assessment, outcome measures,
testing procedures, and statistical analyses. This chapter will present reliability, range of
motion (ROM) and kinematic results. It will review the significance of findings in light of
existing research, and will indicate contributions of current results to the understanding of
the effect of neck pain on motion. Clinical applications, limitations and future goals will
conclude this chapter.
1.1 Neck pain- definition, pathomechanisms and epidemiology
Neck pain as described by the Neck Task Force (Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010) is pain
located anywhere inferior to the superior nuchal line and superior to the line connecting the
roots of both scapulae, with or without radiation to the head, and upper limb (Guzman, J. et
al. 2008). The aetiology of neck pain may be traumatic, such as in cases of whiplash
associated disorders (WAD) (Holm, L.W.D. et al. 2008) or may be non-traumatic i.e., of
insidious onset (Hogg-Johnson, S. et al. 2008).
The pathological mechanism causing the symptoms associated with neck pain is mainly
unknown (Childs, J.D. et al. 2008). Imaging is frequently used for primary screening of
traumatic damage in the cervical spine, however the majority of cases of neck pain
complaints are non-traumatic, with no structural damage identified in imaging as the cause
of pain (Stiell, I.G. et al. 2003). Similarly to low back pain research, cervical imaging studies
have been unable to provide answers as to which tissue is responsible for neck pain (Childs,
Virtual Reality

J.D. et al. 2008). The main limitation of imaging research is that it cannot correlate structural
changes such as degenerative changes with symptoms associated with neck pain (Stiell, I.G.
et al. 2003). Therefore, the patho-anatomical cause of neck pain is not identifiable and
clinical assessment of disability and impairment of body function has remained the accepted
approach for evaluation of patients complaining of neck pain (Childs, J.D. et al. 2008).
The incidence rate of neck pain ranges widely between studies with estimates that 22%- 70%
of the western world population will experience neck pain sometime during their lives
(Childs, J.D. et al. 2008; Cote, P. et al. 2001; Hogg-Johnson, S. et al. 2008). The incidence of
neck pain has been constantly growing, and is now second after low back pain in annual
workers compensation (Cote, P.D.C.P. et al. 2008). Epidemiologic evidence showed that
incidence of neck pain increases with age, however it peaks in middle age (45-54 years of
age) and declines afterwards (Cote, P.D.C.P. et al. 2008; Hogg-Johnson, S. et al. 2008).
An important subgroup of neck pain complaints consist of WAD resulting from motor
vehicle collisions (Holm, L.W.D. et al. 2008; Spitzer, W.O. et al. 1995). In spite of this
relatively small proportion of WAD out of general cases of neck pain, it is the subject of
much study due to the economic ramifications involved with WAD claims (Holm, L.W.D. et
al. 2008). Moreover, a 10-fold increase in the number of patients complaining of neck pain
attending an emergency department due to whiplash injuries was reported over the past 20
years (Holm, L.W.D. et al. 2008). A recent epidemiologic study by European insurance
associations emphasised the need for an objective assessment of the cervical spine
(Chappuis, G. and Soltermann, B. 2008). Similar conclusion as to the severity of the problem
were reported based on collected data from the U.S.A, Australia, New Zealand and
Switzerland (Barnsley, L. et al. 1994; Brison, R.J. et al. 2000).
The economic ramifications of these injuries are severe with the total costs related to
whiplash injuries in the U.S.A being $29 billion per year (Spitzer, W.O. et al. 1995). The
average cost for a whiplash injury in Europe was 35,000 (Chappuis, G. and Soltermann, B.
In spite of the difference in aetiology between traumatic WAD and non-traumatic cases with
neck pain, both groups share similar impairments that are of similar severity (Woodhouse,
A. and Vasseljen, O. 2008).
1.2 Impairments due to neck pain
Recognised impairments due to neck pain include range of motion (Childs, J.D. et al. 2008;
Hogg-Johnson, S. et al. 2008), repositioning ability (Heikkila, H.V. and Wenngren, B.I. 1998;
Treleaven, J. et al. 2003), isometric strength (Dvir, Z. and Prushansky, T. 2008), and
endurance of the cervical flexor muscles (Jull, G.A. et al. 2008). The following section will
critically review existing studies in the field of ROM and repositioning impairments due to
neck pain, most relevant to our research topic.
1.2.1 Cervical range of motion
Limitation in cervical ROM is the one impairment most frequently studied and clinically
observed (Chiu, T.T.W. and Lo, S.K. 2002; Dall'Alba, P.T. et al. 2001; Dvir, Z. et al. 2006;
Heikkila, H.V. and Wenngren, B.I. 1998; Youdas, J.W. et al. 1991). In spite of cervical ROM
being such a frequently studied impairment, the accuracy of this measure as a diagnostic
tool has been controversial due to conflicting evidence concerning its specificity and
sensitivity (Dall'Alba, P.T. et al. 2001; De Hertogh, W.J. et al. 2007). ROM assessment
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

methods include eye-balling, (Chen, J. et al. 1999) radiographs, (Lind, B. et al. 1989; Penning,
L. and Wilmink, J.T. 1987) goniometers and inclinometers, (Rix, G.D. and Bagust, J. 2001;
Youdas, J.W. et al. 1991) potentiometer-based tools, (Feipel, V. et al. 1999) as well as more
advanced technologies such as ultrasonic (Dvir, Z. et al. 2006; Dvir, Z. and Prushansky, T.
2000), optic (Marcotte, J. et al. 2002), and electromagnetic (Day, J.S. et al. 2000; Koerhuis, C.L.
et al. 2003) three dimensional (3D) motion tracking devices. While goniometers and
inclinometers are used extensively for clinical purposes, these devices only measure two
dimensional (2D), static ROM (Rix, G.D. and Bagust, J. 2001; Youdas, J.W. et al. 1991). In
contrast, motion tracking devices (Day, J.S. et al. 2000; Dvir, Z. et al. 2006; Dvir, Z. and
Prushansky, T. 2000; Koerhuis, C.L. et al. 2003) measure 3D dynamic ROM, but their use is
limited primarily to research due to cost and technical complexity.
Among the advanced 3D motion tracking devices, the FASTRAK electromagnetic tracking
system (FASTRAK, Polhemus, http://www.polhemus.com/FASTRAK) was selected for
this study. It was investigated for its reliability in evaluating 3D cervical motion (Amiri, M.
et al. 2003; Jordan, K. et al. 2000) in asymptomatic individuals. Inter-tester reliability was
shown to be greater than intra-tester reliability for most measures, suggesting variability of
ROM in asymptomatic individuals over a period of a few days was greater than variability
between repeated measures on the same day by two testers. These findings may indicate
that there are normal physiological or biological changes in the human body which lead to
changes in cervical ROM, representing the normal variability in population. Jordan et al.
(Jordan, K. et al. 2000) additionally found that full-cycle measurements (i.e., flexion
(F)+extension (E), right rotation (RR)+left rotation (LR)) were more reliable than half-cycle
ones (i.e., F, E, RR, LR), recommending the use of full-cycle measures.
1.2.2 Cervical repositioning ability
Cervical repositioning ability, also known as kinaesthetic ability, is commonly measured by
the difference in displacement between an original position and a reproduced position
(Treleaven, J. 2008). Revel et al. (Revel, M. et al. 1991; Revel, M. et al. 1994) in the early 1990's
led this field with 2D distance measurements between points on a cardboard. Participants
wore helmets with a laser pointer attached to it, by which they pointed at a designated sign
on a board in front of them (Revel, M. et al. 1991; Revel, M. et al. 1994). Using this simple set
up, Revel et al.(Revel, M. et al. 1991; Revel, M. et al. 1994) showed that patients with neck
pain presented with increased repositioning error as compared to control individuals
without symptoms.
Three dimensional tracking, which emerged later, enabled measuring angular displacement
of the cervical spine rather than the linear distance between visual targets, and therefore
became more commonly used for cervical motion analysis (Heikkila, H.V. and Wenngren,
B.-I. 1998; Treleaven, J. et al. 2003). Reported increased repositioning error (Heikkila, H.V.
and Wenngren, B.-I. 1998; Revel, M. et al. 1991; Treleaven, J. et al. 2003) may indicated a
deficit in kinaesthetic and/or vestibular sensibility, possibly affected by neck pain.
However, this evidence is controversial for several reasons. First, the reported repositioning
error is small (2-5) (Heikkila, H.V. and Wenngren, B.-I. 1998; Revel, M. et al. 1991;
Treleaven, J. et al. 2003). Second, a group difference in repositioning error was found
significant only for one subgroup (moderately-severely disabled patients with neck pain)
(Sterling, M. et al. 2003). Third, repositioning ability was insufficient for differentiating
patients with neck pain from non-symptomatic individuals due to its low sensitivity and
Virtual Reality

specificity (Treleaven, J. et al. 2006). Forth, contrasting findings by four other studies
(Edmondston, S.J. et al. 2007; Grip, H. et al. 2007; Rix, G.D. and Bagust, J. 2001; Woodhouse,
A. and Vasseljen, O. 2008) showed no significant group difference in repositioning error
between patients with non-traumatic chronic neck pain and non-symptomatic individuals.
Therefore, the value of repositioning error measurement for evaluation of impairment due
to neck pain remains uncertain. Lastly, repositioning assessments, as well as ROM
measurement, are static measurements.
A more dynamic approach to kinaesthesia assessment was attempted in "the fly"
(Kristjansson, E. et al. 2001; Kristjansson, E. et al. 2004) project, where the main task was to
follow a displayed movement pattern with head motion, controlled by a tracking system.
Three movement patterns, represented by closed curved line patterns, were projected on a
computer screen, to be followed by head motion using tracking data (Kristjansson, E. et al.
2001; Kristjansson, E. et al. 2004). The error between the performed trajectory of head
motion and the displayed movement pattern was increased in patients with WAD as
compared to non-symptomatic individuals (Kristjansson, E. et al. 2001; Kristjansson, E. et
al. 2004). The main advantage of the "Fly" is in measuring dynamic cervical motion.
However, a limitation of this study should be noted. The use of a flat screen in front of the
participant restricted the ROM stimulated in this method, and therefore could not assess
maximal cervical ROM.
1.3 Cervical kinematics analysis
Patients presenting with neck pain often report difficulty in performing neck movements,
especially fast movements, in their daily life. As the above literature review demonstrated,
most existing methodologies analyse measures of a static position. Although part of our
daily function is static, we much more frequently move our neck dynamically in response to
multiple stimuli. Very few studies have analysed the dynamic kinematics of neck motion,
(Gregori, B. et al. 2008; LoPresti, E.F. et al. 2003) and specifically in relation to neck pain
(Dvir, Zeevi and Prushansky, Tamara 2000), (Sjolander, P. et al. 2008). The methods and
results of studies that investigated cervical kinematics are presented in Table 1.
Dvir and Prushansky, (Dvir, Zeevi and Prushansky, Tamara 2000) in their reproducibility
study, reported that mean velocity of voluntary neck motion ranged from 200/s to 300/s in
25 individuals without symptoms. A recent pilot study (Sjolander, P. et al. 2008) evaluated
kinematic features of fast cervical motion. Electromagnetic tracking was used for assessment
of 16 individuals with chronic neck pain and 16 control individuals (Sjolander, P. et al.
2008). The results did not demonstrate a significant difference in ROM or in velocity
between the groups, but did show a significant group difference in smoothness of motion
(Sjolander, P. et al. 2008). The lack of group difference in cervical ROM found by Sjolander
et al. (Sjolander, P. et al. 2008) contrasts strong existing evidence for ROM restriction in
patients suffering with neck pain as described above (Chiu, T.T.W. and Lo, S.K. 2002;
Dall'Alba, P.T. et al. 2001; Dvir, Z. et al. 2006; Heikkila, H.V. and Wenngren, B.I. 1998;
Youdas, J.W. et al. 1991).
LoPresti et al. (LoPresti, E.F. et al. 2003) used a head mounted display (HMD) to characterize
how individuals with severe neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis (without neck
pain) control a computer mouse via cervical motion; the requested task was to select
computer icons. The performance of this task and its kinematic characteristics were analysed
and compared between the group of individuals with severe disabilities and a control
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

Sjolander et al.
Gregori et al.
Lopresti et al.
Dvir &
16 patients with
chronic neck
16 control
15 patients
with cervical
13 control
10 subjects with
disorders; 15
25 individuals
without symptoms
25 patients
with chronic
neck pain;
42 control
Lateral Flexion
ROM, Vpeak,
(jerk index)
ROM, Vmean
RT, Vmean,
cut off
5% of Vpeak 10% of Vpeak
50% of Vpeak,
or 3.68 cm/s
Not described
2.5% of
Type of
Verbal request
for cervical
request for
Computer icons
selection task
Verbal request for
cervical motion
Obtaining a
virtual target,
Fast Fast Naturally-paced Naturally-paced Fast
Optic Ultrasonic Ultrasonic
120-130 Not reported Not reported
Flexion-extension ~
Rotation ~ 30
Lateral flexion ~ 20
extension ~
Rotation ~50
Not reported
extension ~
529.2 pixels/s* Not reported
~ 120-130


No group
comparison was
Vpeak, MT,
Table 1. Characteristics of studies of cervical motion kinematic analysis. ROM- range of
motion, MT- movement time, RT- response time, Vpeak- peak velocity, Vmean- mean
velocity, TTP%- time to peak percentage out of movement time, NVP- number of velocity
peaks. * Velocity units were non comparable to deg/s, and were not presented by direction.
Virtual Reality

group. Significant differences were shown in all kinematic features, indicating that the
patient group presented with severe kinematic impairments, as expected in such severe
disorders (LoPresti, E.F. et al. 2003). Gregori et al. (Gregori, B. et al. 2008) investigated
cervical motion kinematics for the purpose of studying the effect of therapy with botulinum
toxin type-A (BTX-A) in patients with dystonia. The values of cervical velocity reported in
non-symptomatic individuals were very high compared to the other reports; no explanation
for this was given. Unlike LoPresti et al. (LoPresti, E.F. et al. 2003), Gregori et al. (Gregori, B.
et al. 2008) did not stimulate task-oriented motion, but simply requested participants to
move their heads as fast as they could.
As indicated in Table 1, cervical motion was most commonly elicited using verbal
instructions for neck motion, (Dvir, Zeevi and Prushansky, Tamara 2000; Gregori, B. et al.
2008; Sjolander, P. et al. 2008) with the exception of LoPresti et al. (LoPresti, E.F. et al. 2003)
who used computer icon selection. Fast cervical motion was requested in two studies,
(Gregori, B. et al. 2008; Sjolander, P. et al. 2008) and naturally-paced motion was recorded in
two others (Dvir, Zeevi and Prushansky, Tamara 2000; LoPresti, E.F. et al. 2003).
The cervical velocity values reported in these studies were inconsistent, possibly due to the
differences in types of populations and methodologies.
The above evidence leaves the issue of neck pain's effect on cervical velocity and
smoothness of motion unresolved and consequently led to the investigation of this subject in
present work, utilizing virtual reality (VR) for this purpose.
1.4 Virtual reality
Virtual reality entails the use of computers and multimedia peripherals, to produce a
simulated environment comparable with real world scenario. VR users interact with images
and sounds that stimulate responses while providing feedback concerning their
performance (Rizzo, A. and Kim, G.J. 2005). Over the past decade, VR technologies have
emerged as valuable tools for clinical assessment and intervention (Riva, G. et al. 1999;
Rizzo, A.A. et al. 2006; Weiss, P.L. et al. 2003). Some of these applications include VR use for
pain distraction, (Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2001) evaluation of cognitive function, (Grealy, M.A.
et al. 1999; Wilson, P.N. et al. 1996) investigation of postural control, (Keshner, E.A. and
Kenyon, R.V. 2000; Keshner, E.A. and Kenyon, R.V. 2004; Keshner, E.A. et al. 2004) and
assessment of attention deficits (Rizzo, A.A. et al. 2006). The latter VR application for
attention deficits assessment is the "virtual classroom" by Rizzo et al. (Rizzo, A.A. et al.
2006). This VR application monitored cervical motion in children with attention deficit
hyperactive disorder, simulating a classroom scenario (Rizzo, A.A. et al. 2006). Auditory
and visual distractive stimuli were programmed to appear unexpectedly, and the response
of the child to the distraction, and his return to focus on the blackboard was monitored via
head motion tracking (Rizzo, A.A. et al. 2006). Results showed significant differences in
several parameters of performance and attention ability in children with ADHD, compared
to children without ADHD (Rizzo, A.A. et al. 2006). The "virtual classroom" (Rizzo, A.A. et
al. 2006) is the closest identified VR application to the present work in its set up as it
involved head motion analysis, however the objectives, developed environment and
population are completely different.
The important assets of using virtual reality for clinical application include interaction,
motivation, and pain distraction. Active interaction within a VR environment has been
previously demonstrated to enhance the effectiveness of exercise interventions in various
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

applications (Holden, M.K. 2005; Mirelman, A. et al. 2009). Bryanton et al. (Bryanton, C. et
al. 2006) compared compliance to lower limb VR exercises with compliance to conventional
exercises in children with cerebral palsy, and found increased dorsiflexion ROM and higher
motivation during the VR session. High motivation to participation in VR was also reported
by Harris and Reid (Harris, K. and Reid, D. 2005) who used VR for exercise purposes,
although they did not compare the VR methodology to other methods. Lee et al (Lee, J.H. et
al. 2003) showed that VR was more effective than conventional methods for cognitive
training purpose, with longer a duration of participation, increased motivation and
prolonged attention as compared with the conventional method.
Clinical applications of virtual reality appear to be effective in reducing pain and anxiety
(Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2001; Sharar, S.R. et al. 2008). A VR application for pain control was
used during burn wound debridement in a hydrotherapy tank for 11 burn unit patients
(Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2008). The use of VR for this purpose was found to be effective in
reducing the reported pain level, and therefore offered a non-pharmacological pain
reduction technique during wound care (Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2008). Recent evidence from
functional magnetic resonance study showed VR distraction to have significant analgesic
efficacy as represented by reductions in pain-related brain activity in the insula, thalamus,
and secondary somatosensory cortex (Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2007).
1.5 Rationale
Most existing methodologies (Chen, J. et al. 1999; Nordin, M. et al. 2008; Sjolander, P. et al.
2008) for cervical assessment evaluated voluntary motion, elicited by instruction. This
common methodology will be referred to as "conventional" throughout this dissertation.
However, in day-to-day life, head movement is generally an involuntary response to
multiple visual, auditory, tactile and/or olfactory stimuli. Therefore, measures obtained via
conventional assessment may not truly represent functional ability. To achieve a more
functional approach to objective cervical motion assessment, the current study aimed to
develop a specialized VR system.
The rationale was that participants would be involved in a simple, yet engaging VR game, in
which head motion is monitored via electromagnetic tracking. Such cervical assessment that
is programmed to enhance performance, would potentially distract the participant from
sensations of pain, and provide dynamic kinematic data. In doing so, such developed
cervical assessment may help in improving screening processes, in evaluating effectiveness
of interventions, in differentiating patients from healthy individuals, and consequently in
improving health care of patients with neck pain, and in reducing financial burden due to
neck pain.
Neck pain has become the focus of increased global attention by various health, research,
and insurance bodies (Chappuis, G. and Soltermann, B. 2008; Childs, J.D. et al. 2008). These
have emphasized the need for objective, reliable and valid method (Lidgren, L. 2008). This
chapter presents an advanced and functional solution to neck assessment.
The overall objective of this research project was to develop an innovative assessment
method for neck disorders, and to utilize it for the investigation of cervical kinematics in
patients with chronic neck pain compared to individuals without symptoms. The new
method took advantage of the unique characteristics of virtual reality to quantify, measure,
and analyse cervical spine mobility. Furthermore, the virtual environment elicits neck
motion in a fashion that is closer to real neck function than existing assessments, and is
gradable and motivating.
Virtual Reality

2. Materials and methods
Upon completion of development of the VR system for cervical motion assessment, the
reliability study commenced. Inter- and intra-tester reliability of range of motion (ROM)
measures taken with the newly developed VR system and by the conventional assessment
method were evaluated. Once the reliability of the new VR assessment was supported, the
VR system was used for assessment of cervical motion in patients with chronic neck pain
and in individuals without neck symptoms.
The first part of the comparative study investigated cervical ROM in the two groups of
participants, by the VR and conventional methods of cervical ROM assessment, and will be
referred to henceforth as the comparative ROM study. In addition to investigation of group
differences, the comparative ROM study explored the differences between the VR and
conventional methods of assessment, and between horizontal and sagittal cervical motion.
The diagnostic ability of ROM measures was evaluated by logistic regression analysis for
both VR and conventional methods of assessment.
The second part of the comparative study investigated kinematic measures representing the
dynamic characteristics of cervical motion, and will be referred to as the comparative
kinematics study. Kinematic outcome measures were assessed only by the developed VR
method. In addition to the investigation of group differences, the comparative kinematic
study explored differences between the four motion directions, as well as differences
between horizontal and sagittal cervical motion.
This study was approved by the University of Haifa Institutional Review Board, and by the
Helsinki Ethical Committee of the Rambam Medical Centre, Haifa. Each participant signed
an informed consent form prior to testing.
2.1 Participants
The research sample included 30 participants without symptoms in the reliability study (22
females and 8 males, mean age SD =28.6 7.5), and 67 participants in the comparative
study. The comparative study population included two groups, 42 individuals without
symptoms in the control group (31 females, 11 males, mean age SD =35.312.4 years), and
25 patients with chronic neck pain in the patient group (16 females, 9 males, mean age SD
=39.012.7 years).
Inclusion criteria of participants with neck pain:
1. Complaint of neck pain for 6 weeks or more, with or without referral to the upper limb.
2. Etiology of either WAD or insidious onset of symptoms without trauma.
Exclusion criteria of participants with neck pain:
1. Neck pain caused by other pathological entities such as diffuse connective tissue
diseases, rheumatic syndromes, metabolic and endocrine diseases, neoplasm, fractures
or dislocations.
2. Regular intake of medication which may affect pain or motor performance, such as
analgesics, relaxants, steroids, and non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs.
Exclusion criteria for asymptomatic participants:
1. Current or past history of neck pain or WAD within the past 10 years.
2. Current history of vertigo, dizziness, or other vestibular disorder.
3. Visual impairment (uncorrected by optical devices).
4. Complaints of altered sensation (e.g., pins and needles), or weakness of the upper
limbs, which can be caused by disorders such as multiple sclerosis, spinal stenosis,
spinal cord injuries, neuropathies.
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

5. Cognitive impairment that could affect ability to follow instructions.
Participants were recruited from a local physiotherapy clinic and from the University of
Haifa, respectively. Exclusion criteria for the control group were identical those presented
2.2 The developed VR cervical assessment system
A customized video game-like virtual environment was developed in order to encourage
and motivate participants to achieve maximal cervical ROM (ROM analysis), and to
stimulate fast cervical mobility (kinematics analysis). The VR system was constructed from
off-the-shelf hardware and was operated using customized software.
Hardware consisted of two main components: an electromagnetic tracker (Fastrak,
Polhemus, http://www.polhemus.com/FASTRAK) and a Head Mounted Display (HMD)
(I-glasses HRV Pro, Virtual Realities, http://www.vrealities.com). The tracker sampled
motion via two sensors at 60 Hz each. Sensors were placed at the back of the HMD, adjacent
to the occipital protuberance, and on the sternal notch in order to differentiate trunk motion
from that of the neck and remove it from the data.
A virtual environment was developed using Game Maker software
(http://www.gamemaker.nl), and tracking data were analysed using Matlab software
(version 12b, http://www.mathworks.com). We have used this system to study cervical
motion charecteristics and compared conventional and VR methods (Sarig-Bahat, H. et al.
2009; Sarig-Bahat, H. et al. 2010). In the conventional method participants were orally
instructed to move their head into flexion, extension, rotation, and lateral flexion. In the VR
method, cervical motion was elicited by interaction with images in a video game that were
displayed on the two monitors embedded in the HMD (Sarig-Bahat, H. et al. 2009; Sarig-
Bahat, H. et al. 2010). The HMD and sensors are shown in Figure 1.
The VR gaming environment developed for this study enabled us to elicit cervical motion by
the participants and to assess its dynamic characteristics. During the game, fly targets were
displayed on the HMD monitors and the participants task was to spray the flies. This was
achieved by aligning each fly with a virtual target sign attached to a virtual spray canister.
The position of the spray canister was controlled by the participants head motion. The
participant was instructed to spray the flies as fast as possible. In the ROM game the
participant moved from one target to the other, and in the velocity game he had to return to
mid-position after hitting each target. Directions of the targets were randomly ordered,
eliciting fast cervical flexion (F), extension (E), right rotation (RR), and left rotation (LR).
Two targets were placed at 100% of ROM and an additional two targets at 80% of ROM, as
measured conventionally at the beginning of the experiment. An example of a fly target
appearing on the left side of the screen to stimulate LR is shown in Figure 2.
The ROM game challenged participants with constantly increasing ROM required to hit
target flies. Flies continued to appear at increasing distances from the central resting
position until the participant failed to point the spray can nozzle at the fly in a given
direction during three consecutive trials. However, in the velocity game there was a set
number of trials at 80% and 100% conventional ROM.
2.3 Procedure
The experimental session commenced with an interview regarding possible exclusion
criteria, and the completion of VAS, NDI, and TSK questionnaires by the participants with
neck pain. A short warm up followed with two repeated cervical movements in all
Virtual Reality

Head Sensor
Sternal Sensor
Head Mounted
Seat belt

Fig. 1. Head Mounted Display with tracking sensors attached.

Fig. 2. A screen capture as viewed via the HMD, during the VR game. The Fly is the target;
the task is to point the target sign (in the top of the spray canister) at the fly via movements
of the head.
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

At the beginning of each assessment, participants were requested to place their head in what
they perceived as mid-position, and this location was recorded and used for data analysis.
Each assessment included the following stages: a conventional ROM assessment (Conv1), a
VR assessment, including the ROM game and the velocity game, and a repeated
conventional ROM assessment (Conv2).
During the reliability study each participant was assessed twice during the first session by
two different testers, randomly ordered. The assessment was repeated by one of the testers
3-7 days later.
In the following comparative kinematic study, each participant was assessed once, and all
by the same tester. Assessments were performed by a musculoskeletal physiotherapist.
2.4 Subjective outcome measures
Participants with neck pain completed three questionnaires, reflecting different aspects of
their disorder:
Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) (Breivik, E.K. et al. 2000; Langley, G.B. and Sheppeard, H. 1985;
Ogon, M. et al. 1996; Wainner, R.S. et al. 2003) is a 10 cm line representing pain intensity.
Patients were requested to indicate on the line the point that best represented their level of
neck pain at the beginning of the assessment. The VAS has been recognized as a valid and
sensitive pain intensity instrument (Breivik, E.K. et al. 2000; Wainner, R.S. et al. 2003) and is
reported to be the most cited pain intensity measure in studies of neck pain (Nordin, M. et
al. 2008).
Neck Disability Index (NDI) is a self-rated instrument assessing disability due to neck pain
(Vernon, H. 2008; Vernon, H. and Mior, S. 1991). It consists of 10 items related to daily living
activities, such as working, reading, and sleeping, with each item rated on a six-point scale
(0-5). The NDI has been widely used and has been shown to have good validity and
reliability (Pietrobon, R. et al. 2002; Vernon, H. 2008).
Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK) (Sullivan, M.J. et al. 2002) is a 17-item questionnaire used
to assess fear of movement or re-injury, in which patients are asked to rate their level of
agreement with each item on a four-point scale (1-4). The TSK has been shown to have
adequate internal consistency and reliability (Cleland, J.A. et al. 2008) and to be associated
with measures of behavioral avoidance and disability (Sullivan, M.J. et al. 2002).
2.5 Objective outcome measures
Objective measures included two main categories, ROM measures and kinematic measures.
ROM measures were analysed in the reliability study and in the comparative ROM analysis.
Kinematic measures were analysed in the comparative kinematic analysis.
Conventional ROM measures included half-cycle (F, E, RR, LR, RLF, LLF) and full-cycle
(F+E, RR+LR, RLF+LLF) cervical ROM. Three repeated measurements were performed for
each direction in the reliability study, and two, in the comparative ROM study. This change
in number of repetitions was due to software adaptation following four cases of side effects
in the reliability study, due to high total number of repetitions in high rate.
VR ROM measures collected included only full cycle measures as there was continuous
motion between targets during the game with no return to a stationary central resting
position between successive trials. The VR game elicited movements in F, E, RR, and LR, but
not lateral flexion. The three greatest scores were collected from the VR assessment for
statistic analysis.
Virtual Reality

Kinematic measures were analyzed from the data collected by the tracker for each of the 16
assessment trials throughout the virtual game. Each trial period was defined as the time
from target appearance to target hit. Data were low pass filtered (Butterworth, 10 Hz, order
= 10), and an angular velocity profile was computed for each trial from angular rotations
(i.e., roll, pitch, and yaw). Mean values of the kinematic outcome measures were calculated
for each of the four directions (flexion, extension, right rotation, and left rotation). The
following variables were analyzed:
Response time extends from target appearance to motion initiation. Motion initiation towards
the target was defined as the point where velocity passes a threshold value set at 2.5% of
peak velocity. Compared to reported thresholds of 10% and more, (LoPresti, E.F. et al. 2003;
Michaelsen, S.M. et al. 2001) 2.5% was preferred in order to prevent significant data loss
during the analysis.
Peak velocity (Vpeak) refers to the maximal velocity value recorded throughout a trial.
Mean velocity (Vmean) refers to the mean value of velocity from motion initiation to target hit.
Time to peak percentage (TTP%) refers to the time from motion initiation to the peak velocity
moment, as a percent of total movement time.
Number of velocity peaks (NVP) refers to the number of velocity peaks from motion initiation
to target hit, indicating motion smoothness. NVP was defined by counting the number of
times that the acceleration curve changed sign, i.e., crossed the zero line.
Impairment percentages were calculated for each kinematic measure in each direction by
the following formula, where value refers to each kinematic measure:
(Mean value for patients Mean value for controls) / Mean value for controls
2.6 Statistical analysis
The following section will discourse statistics methods performed in each part of the study.
Significance was determined at p0.05. JMP statistics software was used (S.A.S Institute,
www.jmp.com), as well as SAS software (Statistical Analysis Software, www.sas.com).
2.6.1 Reliability study
The mean value of three largest ROM results to each direction was used for statistical
analysis. Repeatability was assessed based on methods developed by Bland and Altman
(Bland, J.M. and Altman, D.G. 1986; Bland, J.M. and Altman, D.G. 2007). Repeatability
coefficient r95% was calculated as 1.96 times the standard deviations of the differences
between the two measurements (tester1 and tester2, or day1 and day2) (Bland, J.M. and
Altman, D.G. 1986; Bland, J.M. and Altman, D.G. 2007). The r95% measure, with units of
degrees in our study, represents the value below which the absolute difference between two
repeated test results may be expected to lie with a probability of 95%.
In addition, Bland & Altmans analysis (Bland, J.M. and Altman, D.G. 1986; Bland, J.M. and
Altman, D.G. 2007) was used to evaluate differences between assessment methods,
comparing results from Conv1 and VR. In order to compare between the VR and the
conventional methods, differences between the results of both assessment methods during
each of the three experimental stages (Conv1, VR, and Conv2) were assessed by a mixed-
model ANOVA, with stage as the fixed factor and participant as the random factor. When
the ANOVA indicated significant overall differences between stages, pairwise differences
were assessed by the Tukey-Kramer test.
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

2.6.2 ROM analysis
The mean value of the three largest ROM results in each direction was used for statistical
analysis. Full cycle and half cycle measures were analysed by the conventional method, and
full cycle measures alone were analysed by the VR method. Differences between the results
of the two groups (patients vs. control), the two planes of motion (sagittal vs. horizontal),
and the three experimental stages (Conv1, VR, and Conv2) were assessed by a mixed-model
ANOVA, with group, plane of motion, and experimental stage as the fixed factors and
participant as the random factor. When the ANOVA indicated significant overall differences
between stages, pairwise differences were assessed by the Tukey-Kramer test.
Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses and receiver operating characteristic
(ROC) curves were used to examine the predictive relationship between test parameters and
status (patients vs. control groups). In addition to tests of model significance and ROC area
under the curve, these analyses included determination of odds ratios and their confidence
intervals, and sensitivity and specificity of different model cut-off thresholds.
2.6.3 Kinematic analysis
The mean value of four trials for each kinematic measure to each motion direction (F, E, RR,
and LR) was calculated. Failure-to-hit trials were less than 1% of trials in both groups and
were excluded. Differences between the two groups (patient vs. control), and between the
four motion directions (F, E, RR, and LR) were assessed by a two-way repeated measures
ANOVA (group x direction of motion). When the ANOVA indicated significant interactions
(group x direction of motion), pairwise differences were assessed by the Tukey-Kramer test,
and contrasts were analysed to evaluate differences between the sagittal (combination of F
with E results) and horizontal (combination of RR with RR results) planes of motion.
3. Results
This part will cover results in four main categories: (a) reliability; (b) group differences; (c)
VR vs. conventional methods of ROM assessment differences, and (d) dynamic kinematics
3.1 Reliability
The inter- and intra-tester repeatability analysis using Bland and Altman's method4 resulted
in no bias (p>0.1) in all full cycle measures for both conventional and VR assessments. r95%
of full cycle results ranged from 19.90 to 29.20 by conventional method and from 15.00 to
22.60 by VR method. These results showed an advantage for the VR method compared to
the conventional method, with smaller repeatability coefficient (r95%) values. Inter tester
reliability was found to be higher as compared with intra tester reliability, with smaller
repeatability coefficient (r95%) values.
Half-cycle reliability results (conventional method) were found to be non-biased, with the
exception of RLL and LLF in the inter-tester analysis which demonstrated a trend
(0.05<P<0.1). The r95% of half cycle conventional results ranged between 9.90 and 27.30. In
summary, full-cycle measures were found more reliable than half-cycle measures, and VR
measures were found more reliable than conventional ones, although both methods resulted
no bias. Additional analysis in the reliability study compared between the conventional and
VR methods of assessment with advantage found to the VR method for full-cycle measures
(Sarig-Bahat, H. et al. 2009).
Virtual Reality

3.2 Comparative ROM study results
Following the reliability evaluation, the VR assessment was utilised for assessment of
cervical ROM in patients with neck pain and in control participants without neck
Cervical assessments were performed on all 67 participants. Comparable demographic
baseline values for control and patient groups were found with no significant differences in
age or in gender (p=0.12). Demographic characteristics of both groups are listed in Table 2.
In addition, Table 2 presents the symptoms, function and fear of motion associated with
neck pain as reported by the patients using the VAS, NDI and TSK.

Patient group
Control group
Age in years (Mean (SD), Range)
39.0 (12.7), 22 - 65 35.3 (12.4), 23 - 64
No. of females / males
16 / 9 31 / 11
Duration in months (Mean, SD, Range)
43.40 (53), 1.5 - 240 N/A
No. of cases with right / left / bilateral
12 / 6 / 7 N/A
No. of cases with / without whiplash injury
7 / 18 N/A
Neck Disability Index (Mean (SD), Range)
11.60 (4.88), 3 - 23 N/A
Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (Mean (SD),
35.74 (5.71), 25 - 53 N/A
Visual Analogue Scale (Mean (SD), Range)
3.30 (2.05), 0 - 9 N/A
N/A- not applicable, SD- standard deviation.
Table 2. Characteristics of experimental groups.
Results of mixed-model three-way ANOVA indicated significant overall differences (a)
between groups (F(1,65.3)=15.2, p=0.0002), (b) between experimental stages (F(2,296)=121,
p<0.0001), and (c) between sagittal and horizontal planes of motion (F(1,294)= 487.6,
p<0.0001). All interactions were non-significant (p>0.1) with one trend found in the
interaction between plane and group (p=0.06).
The complementary Tukey-Kramer test for full cycle ROM measures showed significant
differences (p<0.05) for every possible between-experimental stages pairwise comparison.
Figure 3 shows the group difference in ROM, with patient group demonstrating reduced
values. In addition, Figure 3 shows that Conv2 ROMs were significantly greater than Conv1
ROMs and VR-ROMs were significantly greater than both pre- and post VR assessments. In
other words, a single VR session showed a significant motion enhancement effect in both
groups, as demonstrated by greater ROM during the VR game, as compared with
conventional ROM collected before and after the VR game (see Figure 3).
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

Horizontal plane measures of motion (right and left rotation) presented with greater ROM,
compared to sagittal plane measures of cervical motion (flexion and extension).

Pre-VR VR Post-VR
Experimental stage



Fig. 3. Mean SD of cervical range of motion, as maintained in the three experimental
Conv1- first conventional assessment; VR- virtual reality assessment; Conv2- second
conventional assessment; F+E- flexion and extension, RR+LR- right rotation and left
rotation; CG- control group; PG- patient group; ROM- range of motion.
ROM impairment percentage by the conventional method was 13.15% in FE, and 12.32% in
rotation, and by the VR method, 12.15% and 12.60%, respectively.
3.3 Logistic regression results
Results of the logistic regression analysis performed for full cycle measures were found to
be statistically significant diagnostic factors. The diagnostic values in Table 3 are sorted by
sensitivity, from highest to lowest. For each outcome measure the actual predictor value is
given, i.e., the optimal cut-off value based on the best overall accuracy (a trade-off between
sensitivity and specificity). For example, for F+E ROM during VR (first row in Table 7),
every 10 increase above 133.3 reduces the odds of being a true patient by a factor of 0.96.
Thus, the larger the ROM, the more likely it is that the participant is well.
Two very important values reported in Table 3 are sensitivity and specificity. The sensitivity
of VR F+E was found to be 88%, such that 22 out of the 25 patients were identified as true
positive cases (i.e., they were diagnosed correctly). Specificity of VR F+E, however, was low,
43%; that is, only 18 out of the 42 control participants were identified as true negative cases
Virtual Reality

by this single measure. The results of high sensitivity and low specificity of VR F+E are
consistent with the common trade-off between sensitivity and specificity. Good sensitivity
(72%) was found for VR RR+LR, which also showed good specificity of 79%. Henceforth, VR
RR+LR was found to be the most accurate measure. In contrast to the VR measures,
conventional ROM measures demonstrated low sensitivity (<60%) however their specificity
values were higher than those of the VR measures, 88% for conventional R+LR and F+E; i.e.,
37 out of 42 control participants were identified correctly using conventional measures.

Outcome measures F+E VR RR+LR VR RR+LR Conv. F+E Conv.
Model significance 0.002 <0.0001 0.0002 0.009
Predictor significance 0.006 0.001 0.001 0.015
Optimal predictor value 133.3 146 119.3 81.8
Unit Odds Ratio 0.96 0.92 0.94 0.97
Odds Ratio 95% CL 0.93 - 0.99 0.88 - 0.97 0.90 - 0.98 0.94 - 0.99
Sensitivity 0.88 0.72 0.56 0.4
Specificity 0.43 0.79 0.88 0.88
Accuracy 0.31 0.51 0.44 0.28
Area Under Curve 0.7 0.79 0.74 0.66

Sig.- significance; CL-confidence limits, lower limit- higher limit; F- flexion; E- extension; VR- virtual
reality; RR- right rotation; LR- left rotation; Conv- conventional.
Table 3. Diagnostic value of significant outcome measures
3.4 Comparative kinematic study results
VR assessments and kinematic analysis were performed on all 67 participants (25 patients
and 42 controls) in the comparative part of the study.
Results of the mixed model ANOVA indicated significant group differences for (a)
movement time (F(1,65)=16.23, p=0.0001); (b) Vpeak (F(1,65)=22.3, p<0.0001); (c) Vmean (F-
(1,65)=23.91, p<0.0001); and (d) NVP (F(1,65)=9.11, p=0.0036). Results showed that
participants with neck pain performed with lower peak and mean velocities when they
moved towards the virtual fly target, compared to control participants. The velocity curves
of patients with neck pain also showed a greater number of peaks (maxima), indicating
impaired motion smoothness. No significant group differences were found for response
time and for TTP%. There was no significant interaction found between group and motion
direction for most of the measures, except for Vmean and Vpeak where a significant
interaction was found. Tukey-Kramer test and contrast analysis were performed only for the
measures with significant interactions, i.e., Vmean and Vpeak. Group and direction
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

differences are illustrated for peak velocity, and mean velocity in Figure 4 and Figure 5,
respectively. Contrast results indicated significantly higher mean and peak velocities in the
horizontal plane versus the sagittal plane (Figures 4 and 5).

Sagittal Horizontal
Motion plane

Fig. 4. Mean SD of peak velocity for control and patient groups, in sagittal and horizontal
plane of motion. Higher peak velocity is demonstrated in horizontal motion as compared
with sagittal motion, for both patient and control group. The difference between motion
planes was greater in the patient group, as indicated by the interaction effect found.

Sagittal Horizontal
Motion plane

Fig. 5. Mean SD of mean velocity for control and patient groups, in sagittal and horizontal
plane of motion. Higher mean velocity is demonstrated in horizontal motion as compared
with sagittal motion, for both patient and control group. The difference between motion
planes was greater in the patient group, as indicated by the interaction effect found.
Virtual Reality

The presented results showed that the developed VR system for cervical motion assessment
is reliable, is capable of demonstrating ROM and kinematic differences between participants
with neck pain and control participants, with good sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore,
the VR system demonstrated a motion enhancement effect within a single session in both
patient and control groups.
4. Discussion
Neck pain is a common and growing health problem in the western world, causing a heavy
burden on society (Hogg-Johnson, S. et al. 2008). The scope of the problem, the high
expenditure associated with it, as well as the limitations of existing methods for its
assessment emphasise the need for an objective and reliable assessment of impairments due
to neck pain (Chappuis, G. and Soltermann, B. 2008; Nordin, M. et al. 2008).
This chapter introduced a novel method developed to analyze cervical motion, which
provides a more functional, task-oriented method, compared to existing conventional
methodologies. It presented the development of the VR system for cervical assessment,
evaluation of its reliability, and results of cervical motion analysis in patients with neck pain
and in healthy individuals.
Reliability findings demonstrated non biased inter- and intra-tester reliability of the VR- and
the conventional ROM assessments; inter-tester reliability was greater than intra-tester
reliability, and horizontal motion measures were more stable than sagittal motion measures.
The VR assessment was used to investigate cervical motion impairment in patients with
neck pain compared to healthy control individuals. The findings demonstrated significantly
reduced cervical ROM, motion velocity, and movement smoothness in patients with chronic
neck pain. The findings of impaired velocity and smoothness of cervical motion, in
particular, contribute new knowledge to the understanding of the impairments associated
with neck pain, and establish a reference for future kinematic research in the cervical spine.
The diagnostic ability of the VR system was evaluated by logistic regression analysis with
findings of good sensitivity and specificity for many of the studied outcome measures. This
demonstrated their ability to identify correctly patients suffering from neck pain and
individuals without neck pain. In addition to its ecologic validity, reliability and diagnostic
ability, the VR cervical motion assessment was found advantageous as compared to
conventional assessment in its ability to enhance cervical mobility, in both groups of the
study. This enhancement suggests its therapeutic potential.
4.1 Reliability
The non-biased inter- and intra-tester results determined here support the reliability of both
the VR-based and conventional assessment methods tested in this study. Values of
repeatability coefficients (r95%) ranged from 150 to 29.20, which may be considered fairly
large. However, these values are similar to those reported by Assink et al., (Assink, N. et al.
2005) who also used electromagnetic tracking system, evaluated active ROM reliability
using similar statistical method. Assink et al.(Assink, N. et al. 2005) reported repeatability
coefficients ranged from 14.5 to 27. From a clinical point of view, both previous and
current findings show that substantial differences should be expected when measuring
cervical ROM, despite accurate measuring equipment and a rigid measurement protocol.
In agreement with previous studies, (Chen, J. et al. 1999; Jordan, K. et al. 2000; Lantz, C.A. et
al. 1999) the current analysis within the conventional assessment demonstrated that half
cycle measures are less stable than full cycle measures.
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

The results of the reliability analysis indicate that maximal ROM results obtained via VR
were more stable than those obtained via conventional assessments. VR appears to act as an
engaging and motivating modality (Rizzo, A. and Kim, G.J. 2005), directing attention to an
external stimulus rather than to the body motion itself (Wulf, G. et al. 1998; Wulf, G. et al.
2007), resulting in better performance. These unique features of the VR-based assessment
may be responsible for the smaller repeatability coefficients obtained with this
4.2 ROM findings
Various measuring instruments and protocols have been used to characterize cervical ROM
(Chen, J. et al. 1999; Nordin, M. et al. 2008). All reviewed studies reported using
conventional protocols similar to the one used in the current study (Chen, J. et al. 1999). A
very wide variability of ROM results in healthy subjects was documented with largest
differences in between technologies up to 55 in full cycle rotation, 78 in full cycle lateral
flexion, and 64 in full cycle flexion-extension (Chen, J. et al. 1999). Nevertheless, we note
that the results of the present study fell within the ranges reported in the literature using
electromagnetic tracking technology.
4.3 Motion enhancement effect by VR
Results of the comparison between the three experimental stages (Conv1, VR, and Conv2)
demonstrated a significant motion enhancement effect by the developed VR assessment.
ROM of both rotation and flexion-extension movements attained while the participants
were engaged in a task in the virtual environment were significantly higher than those
recorded conventionally, prior to, and post- the VR-based assessment. The phenomenon of
motion enhancement by VR was demonstrated first in the reliability study in participants
without symptoms, and second, in the comparative ROM study, in both patient and control
groups. Future investigation of changes in ROM across trials could help explain the large
intra-rater reliability.
Motion enhancement may be partially explained by the increased motivation obtained while
the participants were involved in an engaging and challenging game. Motivation benefits of
VR have been reported in numerous studies involving subjects with various disabilities
(Bryanton, C. et al. 2006; Harris, K. and Reid, D. 2005; Holden, M.K. 2005; Mirelman, A. et al.
2009). It is likely that the participants with neck pain in the present study also benefited
from pain-distraction induced by involvement in VR (Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2001; Hoffman,
H.G. et al. 2008; Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2007). VR distraction has been shown to have a
significant analgesic effect (Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2001; Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2008) as
demonstrated by significant reductions in pain-related brain activity in the insula, thalamus,
and secondary somatosensory cortex(Hoffman, H.G. et al. 2007).
The difference between VR and conventional results may be further explained by the
difference in focus of attention between the two methods of cervical motion assessment.
Multiple studies have shown the advantage of an external focus of attention over an internal
focus of attention on motor performance and motor learning (McNevin, N.H. et al. 2003;
Wulf, G. 2008; Wulf, G. et al. 1998; Wulf, G. et al. 1999; Wulf, G. and McNevin, N.H. 2001;
Wulf, G. and Su, J. 2007; Zachry, T. et al. 2005). The fact that motion enhancement by VR was
shown in both groups with no interaction effect strengthens the suggestion that the noted
improvements may be due to a changed focus of attention and not to pain distraction. The
Virtual Reality

shift in focus of attention may have contributed to the enhanced motion during VR game.
The VR game seems to have therapeutic potential in improving motor performance and
movement economy of the cervical region.
4.4 Kinematics analysis and neck pain
In the comparative kinematic study, the dynamic characteristics of neck motion, in patients
with neck pain and in control subjects were examined. A dynamic assessment of cervical
motion was needed due to (a) its functional value; (b) lack of existing evidence regarding
kinematics of cervical motion, and (c) clinical experience with patients suffering from neck
pain who often report difficulty in performance of fast neck movements.
In day to day living we normally move our heads in response to multiple sensory stimuli,
such as turning our head when hearing a loud sound or smelling an attractive scent. The
location and timing of these environmental stimuli is unknown and changing, often
requiring head motion that is both fast and accurate. Most existing assessments of
impairment due to neck pain collect measures of a static nature, such as ROM
measurements, (Chen, J. et al. 1999) repositioning ability, (Treleaven, J. 2008) and isometric
muscle strength (Dvir, Z. and Prushansky, T. 2008) evaluation. The VR based methodology
developed in the present study elicited fast cervical motion in response to visual stimuli.
The effect of neck pain on cervical motion control via kinematic analysis has been seldom
studied. Identified studies (Gregori, B. et al. 2008; LoPresti, E.F. et al. 2003) that have
investigated cervical kinematics (described in Table 1, page 11) studied populations with
neurological disorders and severe disabilities very different to neck pain.
Sjolander et al. (Sjolander, P. et al. 2008) was the sole study to have investigated kinematics
of cervical motion in relation to neck pain. Sjolander et al. (Sjolander, P. et al. 2008) reported
higher velocity values than ones reported here (see Table 1). They found that cervical
motion smoothness was impaired in patients suffering from neck pain, whereas ROM and
cervical motion velocity were not. In contrast, current results demonstrated that individuals
suffering from neck pain moved more slowly and less smoothly towards virtual targets. The
lack of ROM restriction in their patient group, no description of severity or disability, and
investigation of rotation alone, are all methodological weaknesses that should be considered
when referring to the study by Sjolander et al. (2008).
The present results play an important role in providing a reference for future research in
cervical kinematics.
The overall impairment percentage in velocity and smoothness of cervical motion in
patients with neck pain ranged from an impairment of 22% to 44%, compared to control
participants. The overall ROM impairment percentage found in the comparative ROM
analysis for the same population with the same VR technology, ranged from an impairment
of 12.15% to 13.5%, compared to control participants. Therefore it seems that in the
examined mildly disabled chronic population, velocity and smoothness of cervical motion
were restricted by a relatively greater proportion to cervical ROM. This may be explained by
the greater degree of difficulty in performance of fast motion compared to naturally-paced
motion. Velocity and smoothness, unlike ROM measurement, reflect dynamic cervical
motion, and therefore may reveal more of the impairment than ROM assessment.
Since the ability to move quickly in response to external stimuli is a necessary function, this
deficit in cervical motion velocity and smoothness is probably meaningful and needs to be
addressed. Further research should investigate if this finding of greater impairment in cervical
velocity and smoothness as compared to ROM exists in more severely affected individuals.
Neck Motion Analysis Using a Virtual Environment

4.5 Limitations and further research
Several limitations were identified in this study, and reflect on future research requirements.
The VR game facilitated motion in F, E, RR, and LR directions; however it was not
programmed to elicit lateral flexion, unless when coupled with rotation. In order to elicit
isolated LF, a separate task or game is needed. From a clinical and functional point of view,
it seemed that isolated LF is of least value compared to other directions of motion.
Reliability was evaluated only in non-symptomatic individuals, and should be evaluated on
patients with neck pain in the future. The patient group assessed in this study was
characterized by mild chronic disability, and a moderate level of kinesiophobia. Therefore
furthere research should investigate a more heterogenic population.
Subjective and objective measures were not correlated in present study. Future research
should assess the correlations between subjective and objective measures. The effect of
subjective measures such as pain intensity and fear of motion on objective kinematic measures
should be evaluated. This would help identify which subjective characteristics restrict
performance. This finding may guide treatment. In addition, prognostic analyses should be
evaluated using a prospective methodology, exploring risk factors for prolonged disability and
poor treatment outcome, and positive predictive factors, for successful treatment outcomes.
The current findings of impaired motion velocity and smoothness in individuals suffering
from chronic neck pain have clinical implications for both the assessment and management
of neck pain.
Investigation of a patient's ability to perform fast and sudden neck movements should be
included in any clinical examination. Subjective examination should include questioning
relating to the ability to perform fast cervical motion.
Present ROM analysis showed a significant cervical motion enhancement effect by a single VR
session. Future study should evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of VR-training for cervical
rehabilitation, using a randomized controlled trial methodology. Future development of VR-
based management strategies may include training regime that challenge fast, task-oriented
exercising, using visual/auditory stimuli, directed at external focus of attention. Further
development is needed for treatment purposes to create a variety of games and tasks that will
maintain motivation and interest in the VR game during several sessions.
The use of VR may play an additional role in overcoming fear of motion via pain distraction,
and therefore VR training should be further studied for its effectiveness in reducing
kinesiophobia and preventing chronicity.
5. Summary
Neck pain has recently drawn international attention as a growing health problem in
western society (Lidgren, L. 2008; Rydevik, B. 2008). Consequently, a need for a reliable,
objective and functional assessment was stressed in existing literature (Chappuis, G. and
Soltermann, B. 2008; Nordin, M. et al. 2008). Qualities of VR technology were utilised in
order to provide a solution for this need.
Our research included development of a novel VR assessment of cervical motion, reliability
evaluation of the developed VR, and comparison of cervical motion kinematics between
patients with chronic neck pain and control individuals without symptoms.
The described advantages of the VR assessment over existing conventional assessments
include the interactive use of external visual stimuli; the VR motion enhancement effect
demonstrated in ROM analysis; and the greater sensitivity found for VR ROM and
kinematic measures compared to existing outcome measures.
Virtual Reality

The validation of the VR assessment was supported by two analyses, first by demonstrating
group differences in range, velocity and smoothness of cervical motion, and second by
showing good diagnostic value for outcome measures used.
As part of the investigation, and in agreement with previous literature, advantageous findings
and better performance were shown for horizontal motion as compared with sagittal motion.
This included differences in reliability, range and velocity of cervical motion.
The developed VR system may serve a platform for future therapeutic modalities, for
training in rehabilitation of patients suffering from neck pain.
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Masanao Koeda, Mako Matsuyama,
Munetaka Sugihashi and Tsuneo Yoshikawa
Ritsumeikan University
1. Introduction
It is considered that the ratio of right-handed to left-handed persons is 9 to 1 approximately,
and most products are created for right-handed persons. Right-handed persons are mostly
unaware of the inconvenience, however, it is a deep problem for left-handed persons.
Quantitative evaluation of handedness of people will be useful in various situations. For
example, handedness is an important factor in designing tools and devices that are to be
handled by people using their hands. It will also be useful for knowing the degree of recovery
of a person in rehabilitation stage suffering from injury or disease.
A well-known method for evaluating handedness of a person is LQ (laterality quotient)-
method (Oldeld,R.C.1971) which is based on the answers to ten questions such as which
hand 1 uses for writing letters. (Matsuda et al.,2003) propose to evaluate handedness based on
the results of tests of tapping, peg-board, and picking up beans using discriminant function
There are many researches trying to nd functional differences between dominant and non
dominant hands. (Fujiwara et al.,2003) use a digital trace method for studying the difference
of upper limb coordination between dominant and non-dominant hands. (Wu et al.,1996)
examine the difference between the behaviors during the operation of touch panel by the
dominant and non-dominant hands. (Bagesteiro et al.,2002) investigate interlimb differences
in coordination through analysis of inverse dynamics and electromyography recorded
during the performance of reaching movements. These studies assume that subjects in their
experiments can be divided into 2 groups: right-handed persons and left-handed persons.
However, there are many persons who are neither 100% right-handed nor 100% left-handed
persons. In order to properly take these persons into consideration in various studies related
to handedness of people, we need to consider the quantitative degree of handedness of each
subject. One possible direction of future research will be to consider the quantitative degree
of handedness of each subject.
We have also proposed a method for evaluating quantitatively the handedness and dexterity
(Yoshikawa et al.,2007). The evaluation method is based on a performance of some test tasks
in the virtual world that are constructed using haptic virtual reality technology. Haptic virtual
reality is a technology which makes it possible for us to see and touch a virtual environment
composed by a computer through a haptic display device. Various researches have been done
so far in this eld (Burdea,G.C.,1996). We have proposed a methodology for displaying the
Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System
Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology
dynamics of virtual objects (Yoshikawa et al.,1995), and developed a system for observing
human skill by using a virtual task space (Yoshikawa et al.,2000). The merits of virtual test
tasks over real tasks in evaluating the handedness are that it is easier to provide a large variety
of tasks, to change the values of parameters of these tasks, and to obtain detailed position and
force data for evaluation. In this method, 3 test tasks were prepared: accurate positioning task,
accurate force control task, and skillful manipulation task. Performance data for these test
tasks taken from a group of subjects are analyzed using the factor analysis. Since the obtained
factor scores for the right and left hands of each subject can be regarded as the skillfulness of
the right and left hand, it was proposed to dene the degree of handedness and dexterity of
the subject based on the difference and average of these factor scores respectively. The results
of the judgment of handedness fromthis method for the ten subjects were consistent with that
from the conventional LQ method. However, these tests had some problems:
The desired position was not indicated clearly in the position control test.
The indication method of desired force was not easily viewable in the force control test.
The grasping position was no specied clearly in the manipulation test, therefore some
subjects were confused.
In this study, the problems of the tests of the previous method were modied, and we describe
the following points:
1. A new test task was added to measure combined dexterity of position and force control of
2. The learning effect of each test was investigated.
3. Three test tasks in the real space were conducted.
By using this system, experiments to measure handedness and dexterity were conducted to
12 subjects, and the performance of the new system is discussed.
2. Outline of handedness and dexterity evaluation system
An experimental system shown in Fig. 1 has been developed for measuring the dexterity of a
nger from the following 4 viewpoints:
1. Position control
2. Force control
3. Manipulation of objects
4. Position-force combined control
The system consists of 2 force display devices (PHANToM OMNI), a display, and a computer
for constructing a virtual task world. The specications of the computer and the force display
device are shown in Table 1, 2. The test task applications which is described in detail in the next
section are all needed to be controlled using ones nger. Therefore, the original attachment
which is shown in Fig. 2 was installed instead of the standard stylus.
204 Virtual Reality
Fig. 1. System conguration
Fig. 2. Original attachment for our test tasks
3. Test tasks in virtual space
3.1 Position control test
This test is intended to measure the dexterity in positioning a ngertip accurately. The subject
is asked to followthe desired point on the screen which moves along a circle with the constant
velocity by using his/her index nger. The desired point turns around the circle 5 times taking
6 seconds for each turn. Fig.3-(a) shows the image on the monitor screen, and Fig.3-(b) shows
the handling style of the attachment. In a right hand test, the desired point rotates in clockwise
direction along the circle and in a left hand test, the desired point rotates in counterclockwise
direction along the circle.
205 Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology
OS Microsoft Windows XP Professional
CPU Intel Xeon 5140 2.33 [GHz]
Memory 2 [GB]
GPU NVIDIA Quadro FX 550
Bus Type PCI Express 16
Table 1. Specications of computer
Force Feedback Workspace 160W x 120H x 70D[mm]
Position Resolution 0.055[mm]
Maximum Exertable Force 3.3[N]
Continuous Exertable Force 0.88[N]
X axis 1.26[N/mm]
Y axis 2.31[N/mm]
Z axis 1.02[N/mm]
Force Feedback x, y, z
Interface IEEE-1394 FireWire
Table 2. Specications of PHANToM OMNI
(a) Image on the monitor (b) Handling
Fig. 3. Position control test
The average of the tracking error during the 5 turns from the 2nd to the 4th turn is taken as
the measure of performance of this task. As is shown in Fig.4, the tracking error e
(t) at time
t is given by
P(t) = [x(t) y(t)]
(t) = [x
(t) y
= [r cos(
t) r sin(
(t) =

||P(t) P
(t)|| (3)
where P(t) is the position vector of the ngertip on the virtual plane shown by a red circle
(t) is the desired position vector of the ngertip shown by a green circle, and
is the
206 Virtual Reality
Fig. 4. Positioning error
rotational velocity of P
(t) (= 2/6[s
] in a right hand test, = 2/6[s
] in a left hand test).
The measure of performance E
is given by the average magnitude of tracking error, that is,


where E
is the performance of the nth trial, N is the number of trial(=3), T is the total time
(=30 [s]). The smaller the value E
is, the more dexterous the subject is regarded in position
3.2 Force control test
This test is intended to measure the dexterity in exerting desired force on a virtual object
by ngertips accurately. The subject is asked to pinch a green virtual object in the screen by
using index and thumb nger. The both sides of the object are concaved to be pinched easily.
Fig.5-(a) shows the image on the monitor screen and Fig.5-(b) shows the handling style of the
attachment in this test. When the subject pinches the box, he/she can feel the reaction force
through the force display device. The reaction force is calculated by using a spring-damper
model of the surface of box. The subject can also watch the relative magnitude of the exerted
force F(t) and the desired force F
(t) by the gauge which is placed in right side of the monitor.
The task continues 30 seconds and the data is obtained during 6 through 24 seconds skipping
the rst and last 6 second.
The average of the force control error during the 18 seconds is taken as the measure of
performance of this task. As is shown in Fig. 6, exerted force and desired force are displayed
207 Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology
(a) Image on the monitor (b) Handling
Fig. 5. Force control test
and the force error is shown clearly to the subject than the previous force test. The force control
error e
(t) at time t is given by
F(t) =
(t)|| + ||F
(t) = 1.5 +sin(
t) (7)
(t) = |F(t) F
(t)| (8)
where F
(t) and F
(t) is the force vector of left and right nger, F
(t) is the desired force,
is the frequency of the desired force(=2/3[s
]). The measure of performance E
is given by
Fig. 6. Force error


208 Virtual Reality
where E
is the performance of the nth trial, N is the number of trial(=3), T is the total time
(=18 [s]). The smaller the value E
is, the more dexterous the subject is regarded in force
Here, we describe the method for generating the contact force between a nger and a virtual
object in this test. To generate virtual space and force to the force display device (PHANToM
OMNI), we used Haptic Library API (HLAPI). HLAPI is distributed from SensAble
Technologies, Inc. (SensAble Technologies,Inc.) and it provides a lot of useful functions to
develop applications for PHANToM OMNI. By using this library, it is easy to measure the
position and orientation of the device and control the force in virtual space in real time. The
control period of the force display device using this library is 1[ms].
Now, let us suppose the situation that is illustrated in Fig. 7, where P
(t) and P
(t) indicate
the measured and current position of a nger in a virtual space respectively.
Measured Finger Position
Friction Force
Current Finger Position
Normal Force
Surface of a Virtual Object
Fig. 7. Virtual object, nger position, and exerted force
Surface of a Virtual Object
(Spring Const.:K)
(Viscosity Coef.:C)
Measured Finger Position
Fig. 8. Spring-damper model
209 Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology
(a) Image on the monitor (b) Size of peg and holes
Fig. 9. Manipulation test
To display the force fromthe virtual object, spring-damper model is estimated shown in Fig. 8,
and normal force vector F
(t) and friction force vector F
(t) is dened as following equations:
(t) =

(t) + C


(t) = F
(t) v
where l
(t) is the depth of measured nger position,

(t) is the velocity of nger motion, v
is the unit normal vector of the surface, v
is the unit tangent vector of the surface, K is the
spring constant, C is the viscosity coefcient, and is the friction coefcient.
3.3 Manipulation test
This test is intended to measure the dexterity of a subject in manipulating objects by his/her
hand. The subject is asked to insert a peg into a hole in virtual world, which is constructed by
using a dynamics simulator: Open Dynamics Engine (Smith,R.,2000). The interaction forces
among the ngertips, peg, and hole are calculated based on the intrusion distance among
them following the approach described in (Yoshikawa et al.,2000).
The gravitational acceleration is assumed to be 9800 [mm/s
]. The task is specied in the
2-dimensional space by constraining the motion of peg in a plane parallel to the monitor
screen. The subject is asked to pick up a peg of 50[mm] wide, 20[mm] wide at handling
position, 100[mm] long, and weighing 75[g], by his/her thumb and index nger. The size
of hole is 50[mm] deep and 51[mm] wide. Fig.9-(a) shows the image on the monitor screen
and Fig.9-(b) illustrates the detail of the size of the peg and holes. The handling style is same
as the force test shown in Fig.5-(b). To specify the grasping position and manipulate easily, the
both sides of the peg are concaved.
The subject is asked to insert the peg into the next hole by 4 times. (see Fig.10). The time E
needed to perform this insertion task is taken as the measure of performance.

210 Virtual Reality
where N is the number of trial(=3). The smaller the value E
is, the more dexterous the subject
is regarded in manipulation control.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
(g) (h) (i)
Fig. 10. Snapshots in manipulation test task
3.4 Position-Force combined test
This test is intended to measure the dexterity of a subject in simultaneous control of position
and force by his/her ngertips. Fig.11 shows the image on the monitor screen of this test, and
the handling style is same as the force test shown in Fig.5-(b). This test was constructed by
combining the 2 tests previously described: position control test and force control test. The
subject is asked to pinch a green virtual object in the screen with the constant force by using
index and thumb nger, and the subject is also asked to follow the marker which indicates
desired nger point. The marker moves along a circle with the constant velocity. The desired
point turns around the circle 5 times taking 6 seconds for each turn. The average of the tracking
error during the 5 turns from the 2nd to the 4th turn is taken as the measure of performance
of this task. The gauge which is placed in center of the monitor indicates the exerted force and
the desired force. The handling style is same as the force test shown in Fig.5-(b).
The measure of performance E
and E
c f
are given by the same method of the position control
test and force control test as previously described. Note that desired force F
(t) is constant
211 Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology
value(=0.93[N]) in this test.

c f

c f
where E
and E
c f
are the performance of the nth trial, N is the number of trial(=3).
Fig. 11. Image on the monitor of Position-force combined test
4. Experimental results
4.1 LQ test
10 male and 2 female subjects of age 2124 have taken the LQ tests. The questionnaire form
of the test is shown in Table. 3. According to the conventional LQ test, 9 subjects (Subject AJ)
were right-handed, 1 subject (Subject L) was left-handed, and subject K was ambidexterity
(see Table 4).
4.2 Test tasks in virtual space
First of all, we investigated learning effect of the proposed test tasks. This investigation was
conducted to subject M. Fig.12 shows learning curves of each test. It seems that all tests except
manipulation test are not affected by learning so much. However, manipulation test is needed
a little training for stable data acquisition.
Then, 1 minute training was imposed before all tests, and tests were repeated 3 times for the
right and left hands of each subject.
Their averages were regarded as the measured performance data denoted as
, E
ih f
, E
, E
, E
ihc f
where subscript i means subject i = A, B, , L, subscript h means left hand (h = l) or right
hand (h = r), and subscripts p, f , m, cp, and c f mean the position control, the force control,
the manipulation, position control in the combined test, and force control in the combined test
respectively. Table 5,6 and Fig.13 show the measured data.
212 Virtual Reality
No. Question Left Hand Right Hand Both
Which hand do you use
when writing?
Which hand do you use
when using chopsticks?
Which hand do you use
when drawing a picture?
Which hand do you use
when throwing a ball?
Which hand do you use
when using scissors?
Which hand do you use
when brushing teeth?
Which hand do you use
when using a spoon?
Which hand do you use
when sweeping by a short broom?
Which hand do you use
when lighting a match?
Which hand do you use
when unscrewing a bottle cap?
Table 3. LQ questionnaire form
Question No.
Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LQ Value
A R R R R R R R R R R 100
B R R R R R R R R R R 100
C R R R R R R R R R R 100
D R R R R R R R R R R 100
E R R R R R R R R R R 100
F R R R R R R R R R R 100
G R R R R R R R R R R 100
H R R R R R R R R R R 100
I R R R R R R R R R R 100
J R R R R R R R R R L 80
K R R R L L R R B R B 40
L L L L L L L L L L L -100
Table 4. Results of LQ value (R: Right Hand, L: Left Hand, B:Both)
5. Test tasks in real space
To investigate the relativity between virtual space and real space, we conducted 3 tests in real
space: Picking up beans, moving pegs, and hitting counter test. Since this research is under
investigation, overview of the experiments and experimental results are just shown in this
213 Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Trial
Left Right
(a) Position control test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Trial

Left Right
(b) Force control test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Trial

Left Right
(c) Manipulation test
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Trial

Left Right
(d) Combined test (Position)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Trial

Left Right
(e) Combined test (Force)
Fig. 12. Learning curves of subject M for the virtual space tests
5.1 Picking up beans test
The subject is asked to pick up a bean (soy bean, about 10[mm] in diameter) and move it to
the next dish by using chopsticks, repeating 5 times for each hand. The size of dish is 100[mm]
in diameter, and the distance between two dishes is 50[mm]. The dishes are xed to the table
by the double-stick tape. The experimental setup of this test and the experimental result are
shown is shown in Fig.14-(a), Table 7, and Fig. 15-(a).
214 Virtual Reality
Position test [mm] Force test [N] Manipulation test [s]
il p
il f
ir f
A 2.805 2.210 0.1463 0.0918 7.686 5.626
B 2.503 1.673 0.1060 0.0702 5.848 5.757
C 2.810 1.801 0.0747 0.0783 10.013 9.035
D 2.137 1.710 0.0848 0.0709 9.880 8.314
E 2.774 2.170 0.0763 0.0931 7.803 6.881
F 2.717 2.571 0.1209 0.0910 8.330 9.358
G 2.946 2.854 0.1122 0.1263 13.523 11.190
H 1.614 1.551 0.0638 0.0770 8.852 8.630
I 2.619 2.462 0.1039 0.0813 8.508 9.613
J 2.301 2.137 0.1014 0.0907 6.747 5.248
K 1.696 1.850 0.0765 0.0789 7.880 8.730
L 2.141 2.177 0.1066 0.0965 7.092 7.930
Table 5. Experimental results of position, force and manipulation test in virtual space (L.H.:
Left Hand, R.H.:Right Hand)
Position [mm] Force [N]
ilc f
irc f
A 8.519 8.108 0.130 0.125
B 11.208 6.833 0.286 0.095
C 6.194 6.193 0.219 0.134
D 8.056 7.175 0.236 0.200
E 5.521 4.798 0.255 0.149
F 8.072 8.125 0.191 0.144
G 13.398 12.293 0.156 0.115
H 5.424 4.811 0.271 0.148
I 8.953 8.530 0.322 0.222
J 6.346 5.517 0.134 0.104
K 7.576 5.586 0.271 0.153
L 6.020 6.334 0.175 0.152
Table 6. Experimental results of the combined test in virtual space (L.H.: Left Hand, R.H.:Right
5.2 Moving pegs test
The subject is asked to pick up a small peg and move it to the hole below, repeating 20 times
for each hand. The size of peg is about 6[mm] in diameter, 10[mm] deep, and the distance
between holes is 12[mm] approximately. The board with holes is xed to the table by the
double-stick tape. The experimental setup of this test and the experimental result are shown
in Fig.14-(b), Table 7, and Fig. 15-(b).
215 Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology
Left Hnad
Right Hnad
(a) Position control test
Left Hand
Right Hnad
(b) Force control test
Left Hand
Right Hand
(c) Manipulation test
Left Hnad
Right Hand
(d) Combined test (position)
Left Hnad
Right Hand
(f) Combined test (force)
Fig. 13. Results of the virtual space tests
5.3 Hitting counter test
The subject is asked to hit counters alternately, repeating 100 times for each hand. The counter
is xed to the table by the double-stick tape. The experimental setup of this test and the
experimental result are shown in Fig.14-(c), Table 7, and Fig. 15-(c).
216 Virtual Reality
(a) Picking up beans (b) Moving pegs (c) Hitting counter
Fig. 14. Experimental setups of real space test
Picking up beans [s] Moving pegs [s] Hitting counter [s]
L.H. R.H. L.H. R.H. L.H. R.H.
A 32.15 12.08 16.62 15.19 26.81 20.75
B 85.40 14.96 18.93 13.00 25.20 19.41
C 100.79 17.97 16.74 16.30 23.02 20.50
D 37.81 14.65 16.17 13.33 21.49 14.97
E 23.92 22.48 16.71 15.63 32.28 22.72
F 71.42 27.54 15.82 13.27 27.28 15.96
G 28.06 16.59 17.10 14.68 24.65 21.85
H 39.12 17.85 20.96 21.72 21.29 20.04
I 51.49 26.14 29.81 19.16 28.86 23.77
J 24.96 12.28 17.28 15.37 29.55 21.78
K 59.14 48.25 22.36 21.96 19.08 18.18
L 17.21 26.68 16.45 22.24 21.69 22.33
Table 7. Experimental results of real space tests (L.H.: Left Hand, R.H.:Right Hand)
6. Denition and evaluation of handedness and dexterity
We have proposed a quantitative denition of the handedness and dexterity based on the
factor analysis in (Yoshikawa et al.,2007). Based on this method, we adapt and apply it for the
new test tasks.
To analyze the obtained data by the factor analysis, we rst standardize the measured
performances for each test as follows. The standardized value z of datum E is given by
, t = p, f , m, cp, c f (16)
where E
and v
are, respectively, the average and the standard variation of the data {E
} of
each test t.
Let the standardized performance data for hand h of subject i for the test t be z
. Then from
the basic formula of the factor analysis we adopt the one-factor model given by
= a
+ e
where d
is the factor score, a
are the factor loading coefcients for the 4 tests, and e
are the
independent errors.
217 Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology
Left Hnad
Right Hand
(a) Picking up beans
Left Hnad
Right Hand
(b) Moving pegs
Left Hnad
Right Hand
(c) Hitting counter
Fig. 15. Experimental results in real space test
In order to calculate the factor score, we rst obtain the values of factor loadings. Let the factor
loading matrix A be
A = [a
c f
then the relation between A and the correlation matrix R is given by
R = AA
where R
is the diagonal covariance matrix of the independent errors. The correlation matrix
R is also calculated from the performance data Table 5, 6,
R =

1 0.670 0.360 0.590 0.078

0.670 1 0.100 0.565 0.212
0.360 0.100 1 0.485 0.114
0.590 0.565 0.485 1 0.097
0.078 0.212 0.114 0.097 1

Using the Principal Factor Method, factor loading matrix A satisfying (19) is given by
A = [0.839 0.690 0.418 0.804 0.022]
218 Virtual Reality
Now we can obtain the factor score d
based on the relation
= [z
ih f
ihc f
A (22)
Note that, although matrix Acan also be a solution of (19), the above solution with negative
components was intentionally chosen. This way, we can obtain the factor score such that the
larger the factor score is, the more dexterous the subject is.
Based on the above considerations, we dene the dexterity d
and handedness h
of a subject
using the factor score of his/her right hand d
and left hand d
+ d
7. Discussion
The factor scores of the right and left hands of each subject are given in Table 8 and in Fig.16.
Factor score Handedness
A -1.104 -0.104 0.500 -0.604 100
B -1.024 0.862 0.943 -0.081 100
C -0.308 0.829 0.568 0.261 100
D 0.093 0.815 0.361 0.454 100
E -0.095 0.640 0.367 0.273 100
F -0.769 -0.537 0.116 -0.653 100
G -2.162 -1.898 0.132 -2.030 100
H 1.373 1.433 0.030 1.403 100
I -0.670 -0.394 0.138 -0.532 100
J 0.121 0.510 0.195 0.316 80
K 0.786 0.910 0.062 0.848 40
L 0.393 0.300 -0.047 0.347 -100
Table 8. Evaluation results of dexterity and handedness
The dexterity is shown in Fig.17. The handedness and the LQ value of each subject are shown
in Fig.18. From the LQ value, subject L was only regarded left-handedness, and our method
conducted the same result. Though, the LQ values of subject AL were in the same value 100,
and the results of the handedness h
were different widely. It can be said that our method can
indicate the handedness in detail than the LQ method. The values of the handedness h
Subject F, G and H make a little difference. However, the values of the dexterity d
are much
different because of the difference of the factor scores d
, d
. Thus, it requires attention when
they have similar handedness value.
Fig.19 shows the result of the factor score, handedness and dexterity, which are analyzed
by using the three test method in the previous paper: position, force, and manipulation test,
excepting the combined test results (this will be call Three-Test Method hereafter). Subject
K was determined as left-handedness based on the Three-Test Method. By contrast, from the
LQ value, he uses right hand mainly in daily life, so he can be regarded as right-handedness
in this time. From an interview after the experiment, he talked that he had been used the left
219 Handedness and Dexterity Evaluation System Using Haptic Virtual Reality Technology

Left Hand
Right Hand
Fig. 16. Factor scores
Fig. 17. Dexterity
hand mainly in childhood. The new method indicates weak right-handedness to subject K. It
may be that the new method can analyze the handedness more precisely.
8. Conclusion
In this paper, a newhandedness and dexterity evaluation systemwas presented. In this system,
for accuracy evaluation of handedness and dexterity, 4 test tasks in virtual space are constructed:
position control, force control, manipulation and position-force combined control. By using
the evaluation method based on the factor analysis which was applied from the previous
work (Yoshikawa et al.,2007), experiments to evaluate the handedness and dexterity were
conducted to 12 subjects. As a result, the judgment of handedness from our method was
consistent with the LQ method, and the new method may analyze the handedness more
precisely. Additionally, for the future investigation, 3 tests in real space were conducted and
shown the experimental results.
220 Virtual Reality
LQ Value/100
Fig. 18. Handedness

Left Hand
Right Hand
(a) Factor scores
(b) Handedness and Dexterity
Fig. 19. Evaluation by Three-Test Method
For future works, much more subjects should be investigated by our evaluation system,
especially, left-handedness and ambidexterity persons. The investigation between virtual and
real space is also needed.
9. References
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[Matsuda et al.,2003] Matsuda, I. and Yamaguchi, M. and Yoshida, K.,Quantitative
Discrimination of Handedness Preliminary Study Using Discriminant Analysis
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Handedness and Non-handedness on Touch Screen Operation, Transactions of Human
Interface Society, Vol. 11, No. 4, p. 441446 (in Japanese), (1996)
[Yoshikawa et al.,1995] Yoshikawa, T. and Yokokohji, Y. and Matsumoto, T. and Zheng, X-Z.,
Display of Feel for the Manipulation of Dynamic Virtual Objects, Journal of Dynamic
Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 117, No. 4, p. 554558, (1995)
[Yoshikawa et al.,2000] Yoshikawa, T. and Yoshimoto, K., Haptic Simulation of Assembly
Operation in Virtual Environment, Proceedings of the ASME, Dynamic Systems and
Control Division2000, p. 11911198, (2000)
[Smith,R.,2000] Smith, R., Open Dynamics Engine, http://www.ode.org/, (2000)
[SensAble Technologies,Inc.] SensAble Technologies, Inc., http://www.sensable.com/,
[Yoshikawa et al.,2007] Yoshikawa, T. and Koeda, M. and Sugihashi, M.A Quantitative
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Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robot & Human Interactive
Communication, p. 298303, (2007)
222 Virtual Reality
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship
between Orientation Map Reading and
Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments
Chieh-Hsin Tang
, Chin-Wei Chang
, Ying-Ji Chuang
and Ching-Yuan Lin

Tungnan University,
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
1. Introduction
There are many ways to familiarize oneself with an unfamiliar environment, but most people
use orientation maps to help them. In more complicated buildings, orientation maps may be
posted everywhere, since they serve as important references for spatial cognition and way-
finding for users. A study on way-finding by Best (1970) identified a positive relationship
between the number of choice points (hallway intersections) within a building and way-
finding difficulty. Weisman (1981) defined a number of environmental variables that people
use to help orient themselves during way-finding, and categorized these variables into four
classes: (1) signs, which provide directional information within a setting; (2) perceptual access,
which provides a view to landmarks within or exterior to a building; (3) architectural
differentiation, which is the ease with which different regions or landmarks within a building
can be recognized; and (4) plan configuration, which is the configuration of a building's floor
plan. Beaumont et al. (1984) interviewed building occupants and found that the layout of floor
plans is equal in importance to other architectural features, such as the availability of signs,
with respect to reported ease of way-finding. O'Neill (1991a) found that incremental increases
in floor plan complexity reduce both the accuracy of ones cognitive map and ones way-
finding performance. O'Neill (1991b) also found that floor plan complexity reduces way-
finding performance, despite the presence of directional signage. Nichols et al. (1992) reported
that the primary cause of way-finding difficulties in transportation centers is the complexity of
possible paths. The accuracy of the information in ones cognitive map can influence ones
way-finding performance (O'Neill, 1991a, 1991b). The cognitive map can store route and survey
representations (Tolman, 1948), where route representations contain knowledge about
individual places and the way in which they are connected through experience; in other
words, the travel-ability that exists between places (Kuipers, 1983). Montello (1991) proposed
that the asymmetric structural design of streets is likely to mislead users: subjects tend to make
more mistakes pointing out the position of an object and direction (east, west, south, and
north) when on asymmetric streets than on intersecting ones. Passini (1999) argued that the
acquisition of knowledge about places plays an important role in way-finding and determines
ones chance of finding ones way successfully. If pedestrians acquire incorrect information
about a place during way-finding, the chances are that they will get lost.
Virtual Reality

As for how environmental design contributes to effective way-finding, Lynch (1960)
pinpointed many concepts from which subsequent researchers can learn. According to
Lynch (1960), an environment should have, among other things, the following elements -
paths, edges, districts, nodes, and landmarks - because they offer environmental clues
during way-finding. Darken (1995) also believed that environments without proper
structures are not preferred, because men normally feel terribly uncomfortable in an
environment in which there are no clues for reference; they rely heavily on any
environmental structures or objects to determine what direction they are pointing and
which direction to take.
Ones cognitive map reflects ones mental image of a place. A distinction must be made
between two concepts - cognitive map and cognitive mapping. The difference between them is
that cognitive mapping is a dynamic process, during which information about individuals
spatial environments are processed, whereas a cognitive map is a network concept that
represents the relative locations between different objects (Johns, 2003). Garling et al. (1984)
used a vivid example to illustrate this difference: a cognitive map is like an end product,
whereas cognitive mapping is similar to the process of acquisition. A cognitive map cannot
reproduce the original environment completely: on the contrary, it is a product constructed
by each humans cognitive system (Tversky, 2000). According to Tversky & Lee (1998), a
cognitive map demonstrates spatial information complementarily, in both illustrative and
descriptive fashions. Elvins (1997) identified three important facets of a cognitive map it
must be identifiable; it must be structural; and it must be meaningful; in other words, the
objects in an environment must be identifiable and comprehensible to be preserved within a
persons cognitive map. Other empirical studies also have shown that individuals will
attempt to seek out whatever reference points they can identify, when trying to find their
way, so as to reorganize information about an unfamiliar environment. The subsequent
storage of these points in the cognitive map indicates that landmarks are visual, cognitive,
and structural, as proposed by Sorrows and Hirtle (1999). Furthermore, Golledge & Stimson
(1997) reported that cognitive mapping is a process that builds understanding about
different environments, and interprets and deals with a series of complex information. This
so-called information is not only spatial; it also refers to the value and meaning of a places
existence. The cognitive map, on the other hand, is concerned with the retrieval and use of
an object from spatial knowledge as an anchor, after the acquisition of spatial knowledge,
and is the linking of all the anchors in an environment to establish an interdependent
network, which is the so-called cognitive map. It can be referred to as a map previously
saved in the human brain, so that one has a clearer picture of the complete layout of a place
(Golledge, 1999). As a result, an accurate and complete cognitive map is a key determinant
of successful way-finding performance. Kitchin (1994) gave direct support to the idea that it
is imperative to formulate a cognitive map. He believed that the main function of a cognitive
map is to tackle spatial problems, which primarily are way-finding and navigating
From the viewpoint of Evans (1980), people are more likely to feel well oriented in buildings
consisting of regular structures (such as a crisscross or a right angle) than in those with
irregular structures and/or angles. The concept of the cognitive map can be dated back to
1913, when Trowbridge conducted a study and concluded that behavioral responses to
environments confirm the existence of image schemas in human cognitive systems. In the
study of Liben (1981), in terms of spatial ability and spatial representation, a cognitive map
contains four types of composition difference which are spatial product, spatial thought, spatial
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments

storage, and memory storage. Montello (1999) defined spatial ability as the ability to use maps,
explore new environments, and describe a surrounding, using words, in a very large space
in the real world. Collins and Quillian (1969) proposed that the knowledge system of human
beings is a hierarchical network. The issue of how human internal cognitive systems interact
with the external environment during way-finding, thereby influencing way-finding
performance, should be addressed (Garling et al., 1984). The information about the
environments in which human beings exist can be subdivided into three categories:
information about location; information about properties; and information about time. The three
categories of information determine the behaviors and activities of men moving between
locations (Krieg-Bruckner et al., 1998). Siegel and White (1975) outlined three learning steps
that occur while one acquires spatial knowledge: landmark recognition; path/route development;
and the coordination of clusters. For Thorndyke and Hayes-Roth (1982), spatial knowledge
comes from paths and from a birds eye view. Passni (1939) stressed that the understanding
of spatial orientation plays a fairly important role as people develop a concept of space, and
it is the generic term for direction and location. Judgment on orientation is closely
interrelated with that for direction, because both represent the ability to continuously move
forward. One can identify his own position based on his location relative to things around
Zeitzer (1994) stated that virtual reality is an advanced user interface which generates real-
time simulations and interactions through many sensory modalities. Wilson (1999) pointed
out that virtual reality enables users to observe simulated worlds from any perspective, and
to further interact with any objects in those worlds. Weyrich (1999) noted that virtual reality,
which is generated by computer models with the integration and application of computers
and peripherals, creates three dimensional (3D) scenes through which users can navigate.
When in virtual reality, users activate their perceptual and cognitive systems, as they do in
the real world, to interact with simulated objects, and the experience is very close to those of
the real world (Stanney, 2003). Considerable research on spatial cognition, like studies on
human beings way-finding performance, has employed virtual reality as a medium through
which to understand navigational behaviors (Darken & Silbert, 1996). Virtual reality is an
appropriate research medium for studying spatial cognition, because the investigators have
total control over operating the variables; and they are able to simulate and represent any
environments, real or hypothetical (Jansen-Osmann, 2002). Since virtual reality is a
computer-simulated environment, computers can conduct real-time calculations, based on
user behaviors, and respond with suitable simulated scenes that users are supposed to see
(Grammenos et al., 2002). Among the benefits brought about by virtual reality is that
researchers can add different environmental variables, on their own terms, to control the
variable that might affect way-finding performance, something which is less likely to be
orchestrated in the real world (Booth, Fisher, Page, Ware, and Widen, 2000). The evidence
provided by Witmer, Bailey, Knerre and Parsons (1996) indicate that the route knowledge
gained by participants in highly-simulated worlds is transferred to and applied in real life
In addition, Tang et al. (2008) once conducted an experiment on reading cognition and way-
finding, using building evacuation plan diagrams without virtual reality, and the result
revealed that different backgrounds do affect diagram-reading and way-finding. As a result,
this study aims to investigate the relationship between the orientation of maps and the
reading cognition of users. Our specific objectives are as follows:
Virtual Reality

1. To probe the time required to read and comprehend orientation maps, in order to
examine the level of descriptiveness of existing maps;
2. To analyze factors that lead to differences in map cognition, so as to reduce the gap in
reading cognition; and
3. To examine the correlation between map-reading and way-finding, in order to measure
the efficacy of maps in way-finding.
2. Methods
2.1 Simulated space
The simulated buildings used in this experiment represented two hospitals, and the
simulated areas included the ground and first floors. On each floor were four emergency
staircases that led to other floors. The building at the front was 15 m tall and 36 m wide; the
other building, at the back, was 20 m tall and 56 m wide, with a ceiling height of 3.2 m. The
area of one floor was roughly 1660 m
. The front building housed the reception and
registration desks; the rear building housed the emergency room and several consultation
rooms. In addition to the four emergency escapes, an additional seven public elevators and
two elevators for sickbeds were arranged in a crisscross pattern. The only corridor, which
was 2.5 m wide, connected the front and rear buildings.
2.2 Experimental facilities
The computer employed to conduct the experiments was an ASUS V6 laptop. A DLP
projector, serving as the user interface for the experiment, was connected to the laptop. The
simulated scenes were presented on an 80 color screen with a screen resolution of
1024768. The ambient illuminance for the experimental environment was measured by
SEKONIC L-508. The design of the simulation workstation is shown in Figure 1. The
monitor was placed above the desk, which was 75 cm tall, and the centre of the screen was
40 cm above the desk, with a screen inclination of 90 degrees. The above-mentioned figures
were fixed and not subject to change. Prior to the experiments, subjects could adjust the
height of their chair accordingly; the visual range was set at 250 cm.
2.3 Design of the experiment
Prior to their participation, subjects were informed that they were to be in a simulated way-
finding experiment. The path of the simulated journey was set to start in the lobby on the
ground floor (starting point), and then proceeded through a corridor and up staircases, to
the final destination (the blood draw room on the first floor). The maps provided are shown
in Figure 2. Since floor plans are posted at elevator lobbies at the scene, the computer also
simulated the floor plans for this experiment (see Figures 3~4). Figures 5~10 demonstrate
the simulated nodes. During the experiment, subjects moved a mouse to simulate the way
they would travel through the buildings. By left clicking and dragging the mouse button,
subjects moved ahead (at a speed of 1 m/sec); conversely, right clicking and dragging the
mouse caused them to step backwards. Subjects could turn left or right simply by moving
the mouse in the desired direction.
2.4 Participants
A total of 45 subjects completed the study. They were comprised of both students and
members of the general public who agreed to participate in the experiment. To be eligible,
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments

an individual had to have a basic working knowledge of computers. Twenty-three of the 45
subjects were male (51.1%) and 22 were female (48.9%); 21 (46.7%) of all participants were
architecture- or design-related professionals. The vast majority of subjects (91.1%) were
between the ages of 20 and 39 years. No subject was color blind or had any eye disease, with
all corrected eyesight between 20/25 and 24/20. All were tested once only. No subject was
permitted to observe other subjects being tested.
Description: the term front building refers to the map posted in the elevator lobby in the
front building; and rear building refers to the map posted in the elevator lobby in the
building behind it. Each map shows the floor plan of the building in which it is located.
Since maps were posted in different locations, the floor plan for the ground floor of the rear
building is rotated 90 degrees.

Fig. 1. Simulation workstation

(a) 1 Floor (b) 2 Floor
Fig. 2. Map adopted in experiments
Virtual Reality


(a) Front Building (b) Rear Building

Fig. 3. Map posted in the elevator lobby on the ground floor

(a) Front Building (b) Rear Building

Fig. 4. Map posted in the first floor elevator lobby
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments


Fig. 5. Simulated node (starting point)

Fig. 6. Simulated node (ground floor elevators)

Fig. 7. Simulated node (#2 staircase on the ground floor)
Virtual Reality


Fig. 8. Simulated node (1
floor elevators)

Fig. 9. Simulated node (1
floor corridor)

Fig. 10. Simulated node (destination)
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments

2.5 Limitations
The core experiment conducted in this study took place in a virtual-simulated hospital, in
which we sought to measure the relationship between orientation maps and reading
cognition. The maps used in the experiment were the same as those in the hospital. As we
focused on the correlation between orientation maps and reading cognition, several
limitations arose in this study.
1. Prior to this study, a pilot study simulated by computer was carried out, based upon
which we concluded that this work was of an exploratory nature. Also, since
participants needed to be familiar with computers, the vast majority of subjects were
between 20 and 39 years old. Most people outside of this age range were excluded.
2. In order to avoid any possible influence of the existence of other objects on spatial
perception, there were no other objects in the simulated areas.
3. Since the simulation was done with a computer, it was hypothesized that the level of
computer literacy would not affect the results of the experiment, and obtained data
outliers were excluded from analysis.
4. It is difficult to control the actual psychological reaction of people in a hospital;
consequently, in the VR experiment, the simulation was predetermined to take place
under normal conditions, instead of under physical duress.
5. Map-reading time and way-finding time were measured and their means calculated
separately. Measurement of map-reading time started off as soon as floor plans
appeared, indicated by a red dot to signify the subjects current position; and stopped
as soon as subjects reported understanding the maps. The measurement of way-finding
time did not start until after subjects understood the maps, determined their current
position, entered the virtual reality world, and started to move their mouse; that first
mouse movement initiated measurement, which ceased as soon as the subjects arrived
at their final intended destination.
3. Reading of orientation maps and analysis
3.1 Reading of orientation maps
When showing the orientation maps, two maps depicting the starting point (ground floor)
and the destination (first floor) were displayed simultaneously on the same screen. Time
measurement began as soon as the maps appeared on the screen and stopped when subjects
realized where the starting point and destination were and completed their route planning.
The mean time required to read the map was 49 seconds (Table 1, Fig. 11~13), but this was
not the median time, as 60% of the subjects finished reading the maps in less than 49
seconds, 42% within 20 to 39 seconds.

time (s)
time (s)
time (s)
time (s)
Entire group 49 26 150 16 14
Male 41 18 79 16 6
Female 57 32 150 18 8
Professional 32 13 63 16 6
Non-professional 63 27 150 29 8
Table 1. Map-reading time
Virtual Reality

The shortest distance between the starting and ending point, with a staircase in between,
was 50 m, in accordance with the actual scale of the physical building. Under this
circumstance, the time required for reading cognition was considerably less for men than for
women (m:f = 1:1.39), and the map-reading time for women was 1.4 times that of men. The
standard deviation for reading time was considerably narrower among men than among
women, also indicating less variability in males. Comparing architecture-related
professionals versus those without such a background, professionals exhibited superior
reading map performance, as well as less variability; professionals used half the time
required by non-professionals for map-reading (professionals:non-professionals = 1:1.97),
indicating that architecture-related education enhanced their map reading skills. This
suggests that there were certain technical symbols in the maps that delayed comprehension
among those not already familiar with the field. If and how different subject backgrounds
influenced reading cognition will be analyzed and reported later.
Subjects were informed prior to the experiment that they could reread floor plans (posted at
certain locations, based on locations in the actual buildings) at the elevator lobbies if they
became lost. Fourteen of 45 subjects (31%) chose to reread the floor plans during way-
finding. One reread the maps twice, while others reread them once. Six of 23 males (26%)
and 8 of 22 females (36%) reread the maps; 6 of 21 professionals (29%) and 8 of 24 non-
professionals (33%) chose to reread the maps. In general, then, irrespective of gender or
background, approximately 30% of the subjects decided to reread floor plans when they
were lost during way-finding.

Map-reading time (s)

Fig. 11. Distribution of map-reading time of all subjects
In addition to the earlier report on differences in map-reading by gender and professional
background, it is clear from Figures 12 and 13 that most men spent 20 to 49 seconds reading
maps, whereas there was a greater range of time requirements for map-reading among
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments

women. Architecture professionals generally spent 20-39 seconds map-reading, while there
was a much greater range among non-professionals and the average in the latter group was
more than 20 seconds longer.

Map-reading time (s)
Male Female

Fig. 12. Distribution of map-reading time of males and females

Map-reading time (s)

Fig. 13. Distribution of map-reading time of professionals and non-professionals
Virtual Reality

3.2 Factors leading to differences in reading cognition
Preliminary analysis of the experimental data suggest that different backgrounds did
influence outcomes; but whether or not these outcomes are statistically different between
groups is yet to be verified. As a result, an attempt was made to determine which factors
might contribute to significant differences in reading cognition in the public. The two
demographic variables gender and professional status - were processed and analyzed by
means of t-tests for independent samples.
In the case of reading cognition, significant differences were apparent both for gender
(p=0.030) and professional status (p=0.014), indicating that there were differences in reading
cognition between men and women; and between those with versus those without
architecture-related professional backgrounds. In other words, men and women, and
professionals and non-professionals require different amounts of time to understand maps.
Assessing the issue of professional status, it already has been shown that there are technical
signs in maps that the public cannot comprehend easily; consequently, removing such
symbols, at least to an appropriate extent, might be advantageous. Furthermore, 52% of
male subjects had been in architecture-related professions, and 48% not; so it is obvious that
having a professional background did not contribute to the difference between men and
women, in terms of reading cognition. What truly makes a difference is the better reading
cognition ability that is inherent in men. We concluded, therefore, that professionals and
males have better map reading comprehension skills than non-professionals and females.
4. Simulation and analysis of way-finding
4.1 Time required for way-finding
In this instance, way-finding time was the time needed for the subject to proceed from the
starting point on the ground floor to the end point on the first floor. The average time
required across all subjects was 90 seconds, with a maximum of 174 seconds (a female non-
professional) and a minimum of 53 seconds (a male professional). The maximum was almost
three times the minimum (see Table 2). Moreover, the way-finding time for men was less
than for women (m:f = 1:1.28) and the standard deviation for men was slightly less, as well.
The times required by professionals and non-professionals, on the other hand, were pretty
close (professionals: non-professionals = 1:1.08), as were the standard deviations. In the
experimental design, the walking speed per second was set at 1 m, and the shortest walking
distance was 50 m, so the shortest time path could not possibly be less than 50 seconds.
Generally speaking, the way-finding time needed was between 50 and 89 seconds (62% of
all subjects), with a steady decline in the numbers of individuals requiring times greater
than 90

seconds (see Figure 14). Based upon the 50-second minimum time requirement, the
following observations can be made: (1) the way-finding time required by men was 1.6
times the reference time; women 2.0 times; professionals 1.7 times; and non-professionals 1.9
times. Standard deviations were the least for men, suggesting an overall consistency in way-
finding skills in males, relative to females.
The overall distributions of times for professionals and non-professionals were quite similar,
mostly falling between 60 and 69 seconds. After the 70
second, the numbers dropped
steadily. Preliminary analysis showed that professionals were not as efficient and effective
in way-finding as expected (see Figures 15 and 16).
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments

time (s)
Maximum time
Minimum time
Entire group 90 33 174 53
Male 79 30 150 53
Female 101 32 174 58
Professional 86 31 155 53
Non-professional 93 34 174 58
Table 2. Way-finding time

Way-finding time (s)

Fig. 14. Distribution of way-finding time of all subjects
4.2 Analysis of way-finding time
The results of way-finding time were analyzed using t-tests for independent samples, as was
done for map-reading time. This analysis failed to identify any statistically significant
differences by either gender (p=0.514) or professional status (p=0.542); in other words,
gender and professional differences did not appear to influence way-finding time. What is
noteworthy here is that professionals in the architecture field normally would be expected to
be equipped with better spatial cognition and comprehension abilities, both of which should
be conducive to way-finding, than those without such a background; but our findings argue
against this. Architectural expertise did not facilitate the way-finding process, which
suggests that difficulties exist in the transfer of knowledge from map-reading
comprehension to the cognition of physical space. Whether or not other factors, like ones
seniority or field of expertise (e.g., design versus engineering), cause these difficulties
should be evaluated in future studies.
Virtual Reality

Way-finding time (s)
Male Female

Fig. 15. Distribution of way-finding time of males and females

Way-finding time (s)

Fig. 16. Distribution of way-finding time of professionals and non-professionals
5. Correlation between cognition and behavior
5.1 Correlation between map-reading and way-finding
This section will discuss map-reading and way-finding, and issues related to the transfer of
reading cognition to spatial perception, in particular. When discussing the correlation between
map-reading and way-finding, demographic data should be analyzed first. In this study, there
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments

are two binomial variables gender, composed of males and females; and professional status,
composed of those with versus those without expertise in the architectural field (see Table 3
for details). The purpose of conducting t-tests was to determine whether different
demographic backgrounds result in correlation between or differences in map-reading and
way-finding. Results indicate that among males (p=0.010) and non-professionals (p=0.008),
map-reading time and way-finding time were correlated; conversely, among females (p=0.263)
and professionals (p=0.395), map-reading time and way-finding time were not correlated. A
correlation coefficient (r) of 0.529, which we considered to be moderate degree of correlation,
was identified for map-reading time and way-finding time among males; and much the same
was observed in non-professionals. Furthermore, looking at the trend line for the entire group,
it is apparent that the slope is positive, meaning that, as map-reading time increases, way-
finding time does, as well (Fig. 17). For details related to the relationships between each
variable and map-reading time and way-finding time, please refer to Figures 18 and 19.

time (s)
Coefficient of
(Map-reading vs. way-finding)
41 79 0.523 0.010*
(Map-reading vs. way-finding)
57 101 0.249 0.263
(Map-reading vs. way-finding)
32 86 0.196 0.395
(Map-reading vs. way-finding)
63 93 0.529 0.008*
Table 3. Correlation coefficient of map-reading and way-finding
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200


Way-finding time (s)

Fig. 17. Correlation between map-reading by all subjects and way-finding
Virtual Reality

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200


Way-finding time (s)
Male Female
regression line (Male) regression line (Female)

Fig. 18. Correlation between map-reading by different genders and way-finding
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200


Way-finding time (s)
Professional Non-professional
regression line (Professional) regression line (Non-professional)

Fig. 19. Correlation between map-reading by non-/professionals and way-finding
A moderate correlation between map-reading time and way-finding time was observed for
men. That is, when map-reading time increased, so did way-finding time. This phenomenon
also was found for non-professionals. Among women and professionals, no such correlation
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments

was identified, and this is worth investigating. During the experimental process, possibly
because professionals were equipped with prior architectural knowledge, they finished
reading their maps more quickly. One assumption is that, in their hurry to complete the
map-reading task, the professional respondents overlooked relevant information on the
maps, because they thought they understood the maps thoroughly. Once they entered the
3D virtual reality world, however, they became unable to apply their spatial knowledge
from the maps to the physical space. Therefore, this author infers that education for
architecture design professionals-to-be should be designed to enhance the students 3D
spatial perceptual abilities, so that consistency between their knowledge of maps and their
physical space can be achieved.
To determine the relative influence of each variable on the total time needed by the entire
subject group, multiple regression analysis was conducted. Here, total time refers to map-
reading time plus way-finding time. The results are shown in Table 4. The p-values for both
map-reading time and way-finding time were less than 0.05, indicating a statistically
significance impact of each on the total time; however, beta coefficients reveal a greater
influence of way-finding time (beta=0.659) than map-reading time (beta=0.532). Both are
positively correlated with total time. All other variables were eliminated during the
regression analysis procedure, indicating that whatever influence they exerted on total time
was overshadowed by the influence of these two previously noted variables.

Variables Standardized coefficient (Beta) Significance
Gender ------ ------
Professional background ------ ------
Staircase choice ------ ------
Map-rereading ------ ------
Subjective sense of direction ------ ------
Map-reading time 0.532 0.000*
Way-finding time 0.659 0.000*
Table 4. Correlation between variables and total time required
5.2 Analysis of subjective sense of direction, maps, and path time
Prior to the virtual reality experiment utilized in this study, subjects were asked to give their
opinion about their sense of direction, using a five-point Likert scale (1 very good, 2 good, 3
fair, 4 bad, 5 very bad) to indicate their response. Among the 45 subjects, 4.4% chose very
good, 40.0% good, 24.4% fair, 22.2% bad, and 8.9% very bad. In other words, roughly half of
the subjects believed that they had at least a good sense of direction, and roughly one quarter
felt their sense of direction was fair. Moreover, self perception of sense of direction was
inversely correlated with way-finding time, such that those with a more positive subjective
sense of direction spent less time on way-finding. What is more, the trend line shown in Figure
20 demonstrates a strong correlation in men, but a weak correlation in women.
Further, correlation analysis (Table 5) found that subjective sense of direction was correlated
with map-reading time (p=0.006), but not way-finding time (p=0.234). In other words,
participants with a positive perception of their sense of direction tended to perform better
understanding maps after reading them, but they failed to exhibit the same degree of way-
finding skill, suggesting that they had over-estimated their way-finding ability.
Virtual Reality

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200



time (s)
Map-reading Way-finding
regression line (Map-reading) regression line (Way-finding)

Fig. 20. Correlation among subjective sense of direction, maps, and path time

Variables Coefficient of correlation Significance
Subjective sense of direction vs. Map-reading 0.401 0.006*
Subjective sense of direction vs. Way-finding 0.181 0.234
Table 5. Correlation of subjective sense of direction
5.3 Analysis of choice of staircase during way-finding
In the virtual model floor plans employed in this study, there were four staircases, two
(#1#2) in the front building, and the other two (#3#4) in the rear building. Their relative
positions are shown in Figure 21. During the experiment, no clues as to which staircase leads
to the first floor were provided. Subjects needed to make their own decisions based upon their
understanding of the maps. As such, 13.3% of the subjects selected staircase #1, 57.8% #2,
22.2% #3, and 6.7% #4 (Table 6). Analyzing the data from the perspective of which staircases
were nearest to the starting and finishing points of the intended path, #1 and #2 were closest
to the starting point, and #3 closest to the final destination. Nevertheless, because of
regulations related to map drawing, only half of staircase #1 was drawn, so it was not easily
detected by subjects. Most subjects, therefore, selected staircases #2 and #3. This proves that
clear and conspicuous representation of staircases exerts an influence on the reading and
understanding of maps. It also shows that there is room for discussion as to whether the
drawing of staircases in orientation maps should comply with the regulations set out by CNS
11567. For instance, if the depiction of staircase #1 was the same as for #2, our results might
have been different. Additionally, approximately 40% of the subjects reported being unable to
locate any staircases or having no idea where they were, suggesting that the representation of
staircases in maps often is incomprehensible to the public. As a result, it may be necessary to
appropriately adjust representations of staircases to reinforce staircase identification, or
provide the lay public with training to establish a staircase schema.
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments

# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4

Fig. 21 Relative position of staircases on floor plan

#1 staircase
#2 staircase
#3 staircase
#4 staircase
Male 8.7 65.2 21.7 4.3
Female 18.2 50.0 22.7 9.1
Professional 14.3 61.9 14.3 9.5
Non-professional 12.5 54.2 29.2 4.2
Average 13.3 57.8 22.2 6.7
Table 6. Preference of staircase choice

Variables Coefficient of correlation Significance
Staircase choice vs. Map-reading -0.044 0.772
Staircase choice vs. Way-finding -0.029 0.849
Table 7. Correlation of staircase choices
We were not able to identify any significant correlations between staircase choice and either
map-reading or way-finding. The choice of staircase did not affect way-finding performance
(p=0.849); nor did it affect map-reading comprehension (p=0.772) (Table 7). Using t-tests to
determine if gender and/or professional background influences stair choice, no significant
influences were uncovered (gender: p=0.225; professional background: p=0.961). In other words,
subjects generally selected the same staircases, irrespective of their gender or profession.
Virtual Reality

6. Conclusions
Tables and figures have to be made in high quality, which is suitable for reproduction and
print, taking into account necessary size reduction. Photos have to be in high resolution.
Tables and figures should be embedded in the text. A short descriptive title should appear
under each table / figure / photo with a clear legend. (Table 1. Title, left justified / Fig. 1.
Title, left justified). All units must be included.
This study employed a virtual reality (VR) approach to measure the time required both to
read and comprehend a map, and to find ones way to a predetermined destination within a
hospital, in an attempt to examine for differences in reading cognition and comprehension
skills. Using VR platforms, simulations involving a variety of environments and signs/cues
can be conducted effectively. In fact, virtual reality simulations have many incomparable
advantages over on-site experiments, and play an important role in the spatial cognition of
unfamiliar environments. Our findings were as follows.
6.1 Time required for reading cognition
The average map-reading time, across all subjects, was 49 seconds. Females were 39%
slower at map-reading than their male counterparts; and those without a professional
background in an architecture-related field were 97% slower (i.e., half as fast) than those
with. This suggests that maps must have certain technical symbols that cannot be
understood by those without some background in architecture, and that appropriate
changes should be made to the representation in maps. Additionally, approximately 30% of
subjects, irrespective of their professional backgrounds, decided to reread floor maps when
they felt lost during way-finding.
6.2 Factors contributing to differences in reading cognition
It can be concluded from the t-test results that professionals and males have better map
reading comprehension than non-professionals and females, the former finding again
supporting the hypothesis that maps generally contain technical symbols that cannot be
understood by most people and that should be considered for removal.
6.3 Results of way-finding
Overall, subjects averaged 90 seconds in finding their way through the VR simulation, but
the range was broad, from a high of 174 seconds in a female non-professional, to a low of 53
seconds in a male professional. However, contrary to the results with map-reading, neither
gender nor professional background appears to significantly influence way-finding time.
This is surprising, given that those with professional backgrounds in an architecture-related
field would be expected to have better spatial cognition and comprehension. One potential
explanation for the lack of superiority of this group of individuals in way-finding is that
they experienced difficulties in the transfer of knowledge derived from map reading
comprehension to spatial cognition in the real world.
7. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank the National Science Council of the Republic of China for
financially supporting this research under Contract No. NSC 99-2221-E-236-010.
An Exploratory Study on the Relationship between Orientation Map Reading
and Way-finding in Unfamiliar Environments

8. References
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Part 4
VR as a Therapeutic Tool
Virtuality Supports Reality for
e-Health Applications
Giovanni Saggio and Carlo Alberto Pinto
University of Rome Tor Vergata
1. Introduction
The virtualization process of the reality is unavoidable and cannot be arrested since it
goes deeply towards the process of dematerialization initiate with the post-industrialization
era. Formerly, in fact, the power and the richness were in the hands of people with large
amounts of goods or lands, but nowadays are in the hands of people who sell intangible
applications (software and firmware) or goods with poor material but highly rich contents
(notebooks, mobile phones, ipods,..) or even only no matter services (telecom, web,
educational,.. companies).
Hence the virtualization is more and more becoming a so powerful tool that can have the
capability to reproduce, augment and even overcome reality.
In this view the virtuality, joined to the know-how, is the successful key for new
fundamental achievement in really many fields, but some in particular deserve special
attention, i.e. the health-focused disciplines, so important because there are highly
concentrated the monetary, political and social interests. In this context our aim is to furnish
an overview on how nowadays the virtuality supports reality for e-health applications.
2. Virtuality reproduces, augments and overcomes reality
Even if the term virtual was born for unreal things, over the time it tends to be more and
more used in reference to things that mimic their real equivalents, especially via pc
applications. So we know of virtual library, virtual earth, virtual work, virtual museum,
virtual tour, and so on.
We can refer the real mimed by the virtual as a virtualization process, which has now
also the aim to enrich, enhance and, in some way, boost the possibilities offered by the
restricted real world.
Limiting, for the moment, out attention to the mere aspect of reproduction of the reality, the
virtuality expresses a virtual vision of the real world. Nowadays this process can be
produced by interesting 3D techniques such as stereoscopy and holography.
Actually the stereoscopy was invented in the remote 1832 by Charles Wheathstone, but did
not present any practical application till now. This technique exploits the human binocular
vision to place virtual objects in a 3D space. An example is reproduced in Fig. 1 where users
with special glasses have the impression of seeing floating planets in the room. The
application in Fig. 1 has been developed by our collaborators of the PFM Multimedia
Company (www.pfmmultimedia.it).
Virtual Reality


Fig. 1. Users donning special glasses see floating planets in the room (Courtesy by PFM
Multimedia Company)
The holography was theorized for the first time in 1947 by Dennis Gabor and the first
practical applications were possible only few years later by the adoption of the laser
technology. One of the latest holography technique has been applied and can be appreciated
in the site of Pompei (Naples, Italy) where in the ancient house of Polibio an hologram
illustrates to the visitors the characteristics of the domus (see Fig. 2). This is a new technique
indeed, being based on ultrasonic transducers which diffuse micro-particles of air mixed
with nebulized water, as a support to the projection of the images. Again, this application
has been developed by our collaborators of the PFM Multimedia Company.

Fig. 2. A 3D holographic virtualization of Polibio in his domus in Pompei (Courtesy by PFM
Multimedia Company)
The reported examples deal not only with the possibility to reproduce reality in a virtual
world, but also demonstrate how virtuality augments reality, giving visibility to ancient
no more existing world.
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications

Among all the virtual pc applications, which copy the reality, one of the most interesting
is more and more becoming the avatar reproduction of measured real human postures,
possible thanks to the current availability of suitable sensors and electronic stuff.
In this view, we can refer to mere shoots of postures by cameras or webcams which can
see the reality from a multi-point-of-view, but one at time. An example of this is
represented by the known gait analysis system, which consists in the systematic study of
human/animal locomotion, augmented by instrumentation for measuring body
movements, but mainly by means of multiple cameras view.

Fig. 3. A schematization of the camera based gait analysis system
But actually here we want to consider the new, more interesting and innovative, wearable
sensorized systems which can accurately measure all the angles of human joints, pointing
out finger, wrist, pelvis, neck, knee,.. movements, and spatial positions of arms, trunk, head,
legs,.. The wearability of these new systems allow the advantage of unnecessity of a
prepared scenario and have the capability to quantitatively measure the movements in
every time and every space without limitations. The wearable systems make it possible to
measure every single pose and movement of a person, so allowing the real time
reproduction in Virtual Reality (VR), by means of complex avatars which can be incredibly
similar to the original. We are here treating of new frontier systems capable to measure all
human postures (or single parts of them) and to reproduce such postures in VR.
These systems have a potential huge number of applications, covering several different
areas: working, sporting, gaming,.. with implications on social, military, medical, musical,
edutainment, .. fields.
In the social area the measure and the subsequent virtualization of human postures can
lead to a process capable to translate the sign language into single words and phrases, in
home automation a real movement can be virtually recognized and an action can be
associated to it, the virtualization of real acts can be very useful for improving the
ergonomics of some stuff, etc.
In the work area the virtualization of real human actions can be useful for simulating
dangerous activities, for verifying off-line the effect of some actions, for simulating the
manipulation of hazardous stuff, for designing assistance, etc.
In the computer science area the virtualized reality can be useful for realizing new input
interfaces or for implementing new automatic programming tools. In particular, within such
frame, we realized a computer interaction system with no necessity of mouse and keyboard
Virtual Reality

inputs, being the commands obtained by the translation of finger movements of the user
(see Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Mouse and keyboard are unnecessary if computer interactions are made by a
sensorized glove capable to accept commands obtained by finger motions.
In the music area the virtualization can reproduce real music instruments with good
accuracy avoiding the expenses and spaces paid in reality, and the virtual instruments can
be played simulating the action of the player or associating a single note/chord to a real
human body posture (Costantini et al., 2010).
Perhaps the army, the navy and the air forces are the more potentially interested in the
virtualization process of human movements, since the necessity of simulating war
scenarios, and the necessity of predicting the consequences of soldier acts in several
potential environments.
So going ahead for all the other previous mentioned fields, virtuality can reproduce
reality for the aims of training, educating, assisting, experiencing people.
But it is in the health-focused areas that the measure of real human postures, and the
subsequent reproduction by means of pc avatars, can lead to the most fascinating and useful
applications. In fact the virtualization process of patients postures can be very useful in
motor therapy, so that doctors can better identify pathologies, in rehabilitation, so to rightly
evaluate pre-post effect of surgery, in functional analysis, so to create a database to classify
the residual movements of the patient, and so on. On the other end not only the measure of
patients postures can be so useful, but even the doctors ones! In fact, measuring the
doctors hand movements can be fundamental for surgical training or skills evaluation for
virtual implementations of new procedures, for realizing minimal invasive surgery
techniques, even for implementing tele-surgery in a way that the doctors movements are
faithfully remotely replayed by robots arms.
In such a frame is the so called augmented reality which plays a winning role (Geisen, 2005).
The concept of Augmented Reality, short AR (sometimes referred as Mixed Reality), comes
from a fusion of digital data together with the human perception of the environment, so that
the virtual objects overlay the reality on a pc screen (see Fig. 5). To the aim of upgrading
performances and accuracies of the overall system and increasing the comfort for the user,
we think here to the digital data obtained by means of the previously mentioned wearable
systems. Augmented and Mixed Reality technology offer seamless visualization of text-
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications

based physiological data and various graphical 3D data onto the patients body. Thanks to
the wearable sensors together with the AR the user can see himself into the real world, with
the virtual objects superimposed upon or composited with it. So AR supplements reality
and, ideally, it would appear to the user that the virtual and real objects coexisted in the
same space. (Azuma, 1997)

Fig. 5. An example of AR imagine. Information about bones are superimposed over the real
Potentials and limits of current AR in surgery have been reported elsewhere (Shuhaiber,
2004) , so here our aim is not to discuss about that, but the introduction of novel possibilities
which comes from different interfaces thanks to the wearable systems, not applied till now,
which can even overcome the, for some aspect, still futuristic AR.
As already mentioned, the AR technology is both for real and for simulate surgery. An
example of the latter comes from the ImmersiveTouch-SENSIMMER

(www.immersivetouch.com), which integrates a haptic device with a head and hand
tracking system and a high resolution high pixel-density stereoscopic display. The haptic
device is in some way merged with the high resolution 3D graphics, giving the user a
more realistic and natural means to manipulate and modify 3D data in real time.
Since the key element in AR for surgery is becoming more and more the exact measure of
doctors hand postures, our argumentation will be especially focused on that in the
following paragraphs.
The virtualization can be even enhanced and extended thanks to 3D visualisation-related
knowledge. Examples come from the 3DVisA (3dvisa.cch.kcl.ac.uk), Altair4 Multimedia
(www.altair4.it), PFM Multimedia (www.pfmmultimedia.it). So virtuality results a key
element even for hidden, inaccessible or alternative reality.
The VR can boost the possibilities of the real world since it can even represents the hidden
reality. Lets think, for instance, to the wearable sensorized system donned by soldiers: even if
no camera pictures are possible, we can have in any case their postures real-time reproduces in
a remote location, so to guarantee information otherwise impossible to obtain (see Fig. 6)
Virtual Reality


Fig. 6. The wearable sensorized system makes it possible to obtain fundamental posture data
of soldiers even if no camera shootings are possible. On the left the real situation, on the
right the visualization of the obtained information from the sensorized garments.
2.1 From reality to virtuality
To reproduce reality in a virtual environment, let's start analyzing the so called Virtual
World and all its components. To transpose reality into a 3D scenario three key topics
should be considered: Models, Textures and Lights.
Modelling is the art and science of creating a surface that mimics the shape of a real object.
Each object of the virtual world has a shape and a size and this entity is called Mesh. In
meshes everything is built from three basic structures: Vertices, Edges and Faces (see Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Vertices, Edges and Faces: C is a vertex, between B and C there is an edge and A is the
mesh center point
A vertex is primarily a single point or a position in a 3D space. A straight line connecting
two vertices is an edge; this is the wire that is seen when a mesh is looked at in wireframe
view. Vertices and edges are usually invisible on the rendered image.
Edges are used to construct faces which are the highest level structure in a mesh and are
used to build the surface of the object. A face locates the area between either three or four
vertices (respectively triangles and quadrangles), with an edge on every side. The
mentioned mesh can be defined as a set of connected vertices and sometimes thousands of
vertices are necessary to built complex objects.
It is possible to assemble the vertices in groups forming the so called Vertex Groups, so to
reusing parts of a mesh for making copies and, eventually, hiding everything else while
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications

details are worked and so on. Vertex Groups identify sub-components of an object, like the
joints of a hand or the hinges of a door. With vertex groups we can easily select and work on
them in isolation without the necessity to create apart objects.
The virtual world, how described till now, produces smooth, uniform objects that can be
animated, but such objects are not yet particularly similar to the real counterpart, because
uniformity tends to be uncommon and out of place. In order to approach a more realistic
scenario, a 3D model Textures can be applied so to modify the reflectivity, specularity,
roughness and other surface qualities of a material (see Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. This image is an example of results obtained from texture application
The third issue, Lighting, is a very important topic in rendering, standing equal to models
and textures. A simple model can become very realistic if a light source is skillfully adopted,
while without a proper lighting scheme the most accurately modeled and textured scene
will yield poor results. We have to apply the same lighting-rules as in the real world,
which is never lit by a single light source, indeed even if a single light is present, its rays can
bounce off objects being re-irradiated all over the scene. In this way every single part of the
image or 3D space is softly shadowed, partially lit and not pitch black.
If it is required to animate a mesh and make it move, we have to define an armature which
is made of a series of invisible bones connected to each other via parenting or constraints,
that allow we to pose and deform the geometry that surrounds it. The armature is used for
building skeletal systems to animate the poses of characters and everything else which
needs to be posed. By adding an armature system to an object, it can be deformed accurately
so that geometry doesnt have to be animated manually. The armature modifier allows
objects to be deformed simply by specifying the name of the virtual bone. As a bone moves,
it deforms or moves the vertices, but not necessarily all of them, only the ones assigned to it.
The mesh surface is analogous to the skin of the human body. The armature is also referred
as Skeleton. In some complex 3D programs there are more complex skeleton systems defined
bipeds. These elements are pre-designed and are customizable in order to fit with the mesh.
An example of biped is in Fig. 9.
Virtual Reality


Fig. 9. Biped: a complex customizable skeleton system
By the 3D software an user can define how many fingers each hand has and how many
phalanxes each finger has or how many sections for the torso and so on. Then the virtual
representation of a real element (an object, a person or whatever) can be defined as a virtual
alter-ego immersed in the virtual space.
In order to represent a human character we need to create a 3D body model, more often
called Avatar (see Fig. 10). In a real-time virtual environment an avatar is a textured mesh
obviously rigged, with a skeleton inside as reported.

Fig. 10. 3D male avatar
There are many ways of creating a 3D model: starting from zero with a software for
graphical applications by modeling a solid, as a sculptor would, or by editing an existing
base model, or by creating a new one with external tools like 3D scanners for surface or
volume acquisition. In any case we have to use a 3D graphic software to edit one or more
meshes in a virtual complete environment, called Scene. There are several interesting
software, freeware or under license, for such a purpose, and the best choice cannot
necessarily correspond to the highest price. Usually the most expensive software is also too
complicate to be utilized by beginner users. Among 3D design packages with commercial
license, the most common and popular are 3DS Studio Max, Maya and Lightwave 3D. Two of
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications

the best freeware solutions are DAZ 3D and Blender. The latter is not only free of charge but
even open source and with a wide available toolset, defining a complete pipeline (from
modeling to sequence editing) controlled by a flexible and consistent user interface. With
Blender it is possible to create a scene that is a way to organize the 3D environment with
objects, textures and lights. Each scene can contain multiple objects, which can contain
multiple materials, which can contain many textures, and so on.
A 3D scene is like a real space with its own coordinate system. In a 3D cartesian coordinate
system, a generic point is referred to by three real numbers (the coordinates), indicating the
positions of the perpendicular projections from the point to three fixed, perpendicular,
graduated lines, called the axes, which intersect at the origin. Stands the several possible
choices among softwares, unfortunately it has not be defined a unique coordinate reference
set yet. 3D graphics applications use two types of Cartesian coordinate systems: right-
handed (Fig. 11B), and left-handed (Fig. 11A).

Fig. 11. A) left handed and B) right handed coordinate systems.
In both coordinate systems, the positive x-axis points to the right, and the positive y-axis
points up. It is possible to remember which direction the positive z-axis points by pointing
the fingers of either left or right hand in the positive x-direction and curling them into the
positive y-direction. The thumb points in the positive z-axis direction for that coordinate
The basic operations performed on objects, defined in a 3D coordinate system, are rotation,
translation and scaling. It is possible to combine these basic transformations to create a
transform matrix, as it will be detailed explained in the next section. Likewise our eyes see
the reality, in the virtual reality the scene is observed by virtual cameras. Just like the
corresponding real cameras, the virtual ones may be located in a three-dimensional space,
capturing the scene from their point of view. Everything located inside the virtual camera
field of view is called viewport.
2.2 Reality-virtuality interactions
The previous section deals with the elements existing in a virtual artificial world in order to
reproduce reality. This section is dedicated to specify how to import a real action or
Virtual Reality

movement in a 3D virtual scene and consequently how reality and virtuality can interact
and the tools devoted to this aim.
As a starting point we need to define the medium of interaction between the real and the
virtual world. In this sense we can utilize several interfaces such as mouse, touchpad,
keyboard, joystick and so on, but the most interesting ones are the devices that allow users to
move naturally within the environment, giving them an immersive experience. These
systems can be based on webcams, capable to track human movements, or can be based on
motion sensors directly sewn on garments (as is the so called data glove detailed afterwards).
Referring the sensors as the key elements capable to reveal the states of the (active or
passive) sources, the commercial human movement tracking systems fit basically into three
different classifications depending on where the sensors and the sources are respectively
placed (Wang, 2005):
Inside-Out Systems: the sensors are positioned on the body while the sources are somewhere
else in the world. The problem with these systems is that they tend to be bulky.
Outside-In Systems: the sources are attached to the body while the sensors are somewhere
else in the world. These systems are less intrusive to the subject but are particularly sensitive
to occlusion problems.
Inside-In Systems: the sensors and sources are on the users body. These systems can be used
to study relative movements between specific parts of the body.
Obviously each system exhibits both advantages and disadvantages: to increase accuracy
and to reduce latency the best choice is an Inside-In System (like wearable devices can be).
On the other hand, a good choice to obtain an intrusion decrease, is an Outside-In System.
As an example, lets consider the acquisition of the human hand movement: the first issue is
to find all degrees of freedom, taking into account that for each fingers joint not all
movements are possible. The distal interphalangeal joint and the proximal interphalangeal
joint have only the possibility to move in the flexion/extension plane (Fig. 12c), so 1 Degree
of Freedom (1 DoF). The metacarpo phalangeal joint has 2 DoF: one on the
flexion/extension plane and the other one on abduction/adduction plane (Fig. 12d). The
first thumb joint and the wrist have 3 DoFs and 2 DoFs respectively.

Fig. 12. a) and b) details of finger joints. c) and d) possible movements.
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications

After DoFs have been identified, we can measure all of them or restrict the interest to the
ones which are strictly necessary to our aims and, consequently, focus on the subset of
sensors, necessary to measure the requested DoFs.
After the most suitable acquisition system has been chosen and an appropriate 3D
reproduction software has been selected, then it is possible to reproduce every recorded
movements in a 3D virtual space with a high and realistic immersion degree.
A data glove, as for instance our Hiteg-Glove (http://hiteg.uniroma2.it), is an example of
Inside-In System. Thanks to this wearable device it is possible to track real hands
movements (1 sensor for each DoF), and converting them into electric signals. Once data are
acquired and converted into digital form, all values are sent to PC with a specific protocol
useful to disambiguate and recognize the exact sensor under investigation and its value. The
data can be tidily stored in a specific database, in such a way each information can be simply
re-called and utilized in a simple numerical format or, more effectively, converted into a
graphical representation useful for replicating the real hand movement by a virtual avatar
on a PC screen. The software converts the digital values into bending values, expressed in
degrees or radians, applying such bending to the corresponding virtual model.

Fig. 13. A 3D human hand model: A) Mesh with vertex group (yellow selection). B)
Armature: hidden hand bones. C) Final rendering of the rigged model with textures and
In a vectorial virtual space every bone is described by two matrixes: a local one (local
transform) and a combined one (combined transform). The local matrix describes
translations and rotations with respect to its pivot. Obviously the bones are connected in a
way that translation and rotation of one bone influences the others in a cascading way. This
means that for every junction movement the combined matrix of all the junctions is
recomputed in a recursive way:
= L
The combined matrix of the i-th junction (C
) is computed multiplying its local matrix (L
) by
the combined matrix of the father junction (C
By a constant application of these transformations, the virtual model is consistent with the
movements and the postures of the user.
Virtual Reality

Once it has been established the way to move the mesh in the virtual world, it is necessary
to make it interact with the objects or other animated meshes (other avatars) and in general
there are two ways to do it. The first way is to recognize the posture or the action the user is
making and to start a pre-set animation, if the action is known and allowed in that context.
For example, the user indicates or touches an object in the virtual world and the software
moves the object of a default measure, not related to real strength, speed or angle of the
user. The second, more complex, way is to introduce a physical engine in the virtual
world. A physical engine is a computer program that simulates Newtonian physic models
using variables such as mass, velocity, friction, etc.. So it is possible to obtain simulated
occurrences of collisions, rebounds, trajectories. With this engine, each object interacts with
the surroundings according to its own characteristics.
We developed an interesting application just taking advantages of the virtual interaction
possibilities in the virtual world. Actually one of the project carried on by our group named
Hiteg (Health Involved Technical Engineering Group) is oriented to virtual architecture: the
aim is to reconstruct entire monuments starting from pieces of ruins acquired by 3D scanner
(see Fig. 14 and Fig. 15).
In such a way the real reconstruction can be made only after it is well known the exact
location for every single pieces, so saving even a huge amount of money and time.
So far we have seen how you can act in the virtual world, but actually in reality the
interaction is bidirectional: the world also affects the person. In this case it is necessary to
use an haptic device.

Fig. 14. The 3D scanned parts of an ancient pillar are virtually reproduced in a VR
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications


Fig. 15. 3D scanned parts of an ancient pillar are virtually recombined into the original form
utilizing our Hiteg-glove as an interaction tool

Fig. 16. When an object is virtually touched, the haptic device can give the sensation of the
real touch.
The word haptic comes from the Greek verb , haptes, with the meaning of contact
or touch. Haptic technology, or haptics, is a tactile feedback technology that applies
forces, vibrations, and/or motions to the user. This mechanical stimulation may be used to
assist the user in the remote control of machines and devices (tele-operations).
Now we have a world as close as possible to reality, which enjoys some of the fundamental
laws of physics, we have an avatar, that represents the user, and a set of objects that enrich
the environment.
Virtual Reality

2.3 Hiteg glove
Generally speaking, a data glove is intended as the ensemble of mechanical to electrical
transducers, a support (usually Lycra based), a powered conditioning electronic, a (wired or
wireless) transmission system, all useful to measure all the DoFs of wrist and finger joints.
In our laboratory we developed a version of data glove, referred as HITEG glove (stands our
name Health Involved Technical Engineering Group), which is mostly based on bend
sensors capable of measuring bending angles thanks to the piezoresistive effect by means of
which, in correspondence of each angle to which the sensors are subjected, it is measured a
distinct resistance value.
In order to obtain high level performances of our data glove, in the sense of reliability,
reproducibility and sensibility, we measured and characterized several piezoelectric sensors,
manufactured by Flexpoint Sensor System Inc. (www.flexpoint.com) and Image S.I.
(www.imagesco.com), different in length and encapsulation materials.
Sensors resistance variation vs. bending angle was measured thanks to a home-made setup
based on hinges where the sensors lay on, and a stepper motor which provides the rotation
of one wing of the hinge (with respect to the other which is fix constrained) simulating a
human finger joint rotation (see Fig. 17).


Fig. 17. A) A three motor system to measure a sensor array, simulating movements of B) a
real human finger
The motor which rotates the hinges wing is a Trinamic PD-109 two phase hybrid stepper,
microstepping optimized. It is provided with a Trinamic Motion Control Language (TMCL)
which consists of an instruction set of motion control commands. On the basis of a host
computer PC software development environment, the TMCL-IDE, motion control
commands are provided to the motors. A rigid frame provides the necessary stability to the
system. The motor is fixed on an optical bench by angular Newport EQ80-E shores. The
motor motion is transmitted to the hinges axis thanks to an universal rigid joint in order to
obtain an excellent stability.
With the described measurement set-up, each sensor can be characterized in a -90 to 180
(from inward to outward) range with programmable step value of bending angle, number
of measurement repetitions and mechanical actuator speed. At known angles, the resistance
values of the sensors are measured by an Agilent 34405A multimeter.
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications

The investigated piezoelectric sensors or array of sensors, for the specific application of the
data glove, have a large measurement range for chosen outward angles from 0 to 120, and
correspondingly the resistance normally changes from 10 to 170 k. The hysteresis of the
sensors is really negligible and measurement repeatability is exceptional. Among all the
performed measurements, some relevant results are showed in Fig. 18. It reports measurement
results, resistance mean values (including standard deviations), on 6 different 2 inches length
polyimmide encapsulated Flexpoint sample sensors: each sensor is characterized repeating
measurements 10 times, varying bending angle from 0 to 120 and vice versa.

Fig. 18. Resistance variation vs. bending angle: mean on 6 sample sensors and standard
After the characterization, the sensors are sewn on a Lycra based glove, each corresponding
to a single finger joint so to measure flex-extension movements and between fingers to
evaluate abdu-adduction movements. The Fig. 19 shows our Hiteg glove.
The resistance variation vs. bending angle characteristic of each sensors is utilized to
correctly convert the electric resistance value into the corresponding finger joint flexed
3. E-health applications
Healthcare is one of the areas potentially dramatically reshaped by the introduction of the
new virtual tools. In fact, over the past few years there has been a rapid increase in the
application of VR technology for e-health purposes in particular in diagnosis, healing, motor
and neurological rehabilitation, motor therapy, instruction and surgery simulation, study,
even in explanation to patients. With the aim of VR in motor therapy doctors have a multi-
view vision so to better catch pathologies (Saggio et al., 2009), in rehabilitation to
quantitatively, not qualitatively, evaluate pre-post effect of surgery (Castagnaro et al., 2010),
in functional analysis so to create a database to classify the residual movement of the
Virtual Reality


Fig. 19. The Hiteg glove
patient, in doctor training so to evaluate their surgical skills, in understanding the genesis
and treatment of special symptoms (Znyi et al., 2009), in biomechanical evaluation during
work and daily-life activities (Draicchio et al., 2010), in pain reduction treatments
(Shahrbanian et al., 2009), even in developing an additional therapy tool for eating and
impulse control disorders (Jimnez-Murcia et al., 2009), etc.
In the following paragraphs, we will focus our attention on some e-health applications of
VR. In particular we will detail of surgery simulations, neurological and motor
rehabilitations, brain computer interface facilities for severe neuromuscular impaired
3.1 Surgery simulator
Surgery simulator is an excellent example of application of virtuality and reality-virtuality
interaction. Differing from classic computer graphics, with the surgery simulator the user
can touch and interact with objects such as organs or human tissue.
The first historical simulator was invented by Edwin Albert Link in 1929. It was a flight
simulator called the Blue Box or Link Trainer by which it was possible to evaluated the
pilot performances off-line. Many years passed since that date before the idea could be
applied in medicine, but in the latest years it is having an increasing implementation. Just to
refer the importance of the surgery simulator for the market, looking at the U.S. market for
instance, the surgical training systems sold had a value of approximately 9.9M$ in 2004,
over 11M$ in 2005, till more than 26M$ in 2009. It is believed that worldwide sales more
than double U.S. sales. But there is not only a market for the surgery simulator itself: the
system providers can generate percentage on the revenue by providing updates to software,
training, and system support.
The surgery simulator is more and more becoming an important, or somewhat fundamental,
tool useful to train novice surgeons to practice complex operative tasks before entering the
operating room. To practice a procedure or a given gesture repeatedly can dramatically
increase surgical training, so surgery simulator can even become useful for those who are
already practice but want to gain greater proficiency outside the operating room. It is
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications

somewhat ascertained how simulators are helping to accelerate that learning curve, so
improving the fundamental Patient Safety (www.oregonsimulation.com, www.surgical-
science.com). Using VR concepts (navigation, interaction, immersion), surgical planning,
training, and teaching even for complex surgical procedure may be possible. A hypothesis
regards even visionary leaders examining the VR as an educational technique integrated
into traditional curricula of novice surgeons (Dawson, 2006).
At the end, the simulator can record errors and provide an operative efficiency measure, so
functioning both as an educational tool and a skills validation instrument.
Nowadays VR is exploited in some specific surgery simulator applications: hepatic surgery
(Marescaux et al., 1998), arthroscopy trainer (www.insightarthrovr.com), laparoscopic
surgery (Ho, 2006; Schijven & Jakimowicz, 2003), endoscopic procedures (Soler et al., 2009),
virtual cholecystectomy (www.surgical-science.com), thoracic surgery, orthopedics,
urology, and gynecology (Haluck et al., 2002), arterial/duct clipping (Chaudhry et al., 1999),
endovascular procedures (Van Herzeele & Aggarwal, 2008) and so on, but with time it is
reasonable to think that the real most part of surgery will be computer simulated.
Since the peculiar application, for which virtual environments are interactive and reactive,
the interactions which can occur are of unpredictable nature, so it is not possible to pre-
compute images for each of the 20 frames/s that are needed to provide an immersive VR
experience. As if not enough, the physical correct behaviour of objects have to be modelled
in real-time too. So, in practice, at present there is a limit to the desired realism of the
physical models, and it must be balanced against the need for speed. In any case there are
interesting studies and applications which demonstrate surgery simulations with an
acceptable real-time occurrences. Since now modelling deformation in virtual anatomy has
been realized by using surface models (Cover et al., 1993), but more recently the volumetric
mass-spring models (Kuhn, et al., 1996), the Finite Element models (Bro-Nielsen & Cotin,
1996), and the Fast Finite Element models (Bro-Nielsen, 1996), demonstrate a 3D volumetric
deformable patient organs in a more than acceptable real-time modelling.
The other key element is the possibility for a doctor to have a force feedback to his/her
movements/action. In fact to correctly act, it can be fundamental to have in his/her hands a
force feedback that mimics, for instance, how tissue and blood vessels feel and behave or
heart beats in real life. A dissertation on methods and fundamental considerations for
adding force feedback to a surgery simulator has been reported elsewhere, where an
example of the virtual endoscopic surgery trainer VS-One, developed at the
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, is treated (Maass et al., 2003).
3.2 Virtual Reality in rehabilitation
Virtual Reality in rehabilitation treatments is becoming more and more applied. The new
VR technologies can potentiality improve the dynamic posturography for a better
understanding of standing balance in clinical settings, may improve gait for people with
amputations, can visualize how ultrasound and laser treatments may benefit wound
healing, and so on. Within all the possibilities, we will focus our discussion on some of the
most important rehabilitation treatments, especially respect the cognitive/neurological and
postural training/motor rehabilitation.
Cognitive and Neurological Rehabilitation
Only in the U.S., traumatic brain injuries (TBI) resulting from car crashes, falls, gunshot
wounds, and sports injuries is 500,000 to 1.9M persons (Rizzo et al., 1998), and accounts
Virtual Reality

around 200,000 hospitalized cases per year. Over 1.7M persons suffer a mild TBI that results
in a temporary disability (Torner et al., 1999), while 100,000 people suffer varying degrees of
permanent disability from TBI. So, it becomes obvious the importance of the following
rehabilitation which can greatly contribute to reduce impairment, disability and handicap
(Rose, 1996). Since it has been shown that the activity of mental stimulation induced by
virtual reality can change the brain metabolic activity, it follows that exercising in a virtual
environment offers the potential for significant gains in cognitive function (Grealy et al.,
1999) greatly improve the rehabilitation process.
In order to achieve restoration of cognitive functions, a subject must repetitively perform
appropriate retraining exercises. In this view, VR can help people with brain injuries to
regain the ability to do simple activities by retraining damaged brain areas or enabling
patients to learn to use new areas. VR can also prepare people who have lost some sensory
functions for navigation in an unfamiliar place by letting them first experience a virtual (e.g.
audio and haptic) layout of that setting. The fully advantages of VR technology for
rehabilitation of the activities of daily living has been reported (Lee et al., 2003). Among the
advantages of adopting the VR technique, is the fact that it allows to easily vary training
parameters and to explore especially effective scenes that may be difficult or unsafe to
construct in the real world.
The VR can be not necessary intended as a substitute of standard techniques useful for
rehabilitation abilities after brain damage, but novel and standard methods often strictly
coexist together being applied in a parallel or series way (Koenig, 2009). In addiction to VR,
also mixed reality demonstrates its efficacy for the assessment of post-traumatic stress
disorder with (or without) TBI (Fidopiastis et al., 2009).
Postural training and motor rehabilitation
Visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensory information play a key role in postural and
motor effectiveness, and the integration of multisensory information from the environment
is the basis for the control of body spatial orientation and movement (Cinelli & Patla, 2008).
On the other end, the adoption of postural measurements and VR can allow new paradigms
aimed at altering the multisensory information contribution thus opening up many new
research possibilities. These arguments imply that the tools offered by VR can be dangerous
or can produce benefits in postural training and motor rehabilitation (Menegoni, 2009), so
particular attention must be paid and ad-hoc protocols must be carefully developed
(Boechler et al., 2009; Trotti et al., 2009).
Several requirements and long time repetitive practices are necessary for effective postural
training and motor rehabilitation intervention. But the average situation for hospitalized
stroke patients is that they receive half an hour session daily by a therapist, so the healing
time is often too long. The use of the VR technology can drastically reduce this problem by
allowing patients to perform long time and high frequency rehabilitation exercises using a
computer, even simply at home. Last frontier in this field is the Haptic Motor Rehabilitation
since it offers force and tactile feedback which can be crucial for many upper and lower
extremity rehabilitation (Kayyali et al., 2007).
A recent study demonstrates how virtual environments and VR can offer, if correctly
adopted, a valid tool in motor rehabilitation with respect those achieved in real-world
applications (Sveistrup, 2004).
So, many efforts have been paid to develop valid systems based on VR. As an example, the
NeuroVR 1.5 is a cost-free virtual reality platform based on open-source components,
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications

allowing professionals to easily modify a virtual world, to best suit the needs of the clinical
setting (Algeri et al., 2009).
By our side, we developed a complete VR system specific for the upper limb motor
rehabilitation, which is now being tested on hand injured patients at the Hospital structure
of the ASL Viterbo (Italy), Hand Surgery Dept., thanks to Dr. Antonio Castagnaro and Dr.
Anna De Leo (Castagnaro et al., 2010). The overall system consists of a wearable sensorized
device (the data glove), an electronic circuitry for conditioning and A/D converting
electrical signals, a wireless data transmission board based on ZigBee protocol, a database
on SQL platform useful for data storage for further data utilization, a virtualization software
capable to in-line and off-line reproduce the recorded movements by avatars (see a
schematic representation in Figs. 20 and 21).

Fig. 20. A schematization of the overall system made of sensors, Hiteg glove, electronic for
conditioning the signals, wireless communication board based on ZigBee protocol, and
Virtual Reality reproduction

Fig. 21. A schematization of the VR system we adopted for motor rehabilitation. It is made
of a 3D model, a database where recorded user movements are stored and a Graphic User
Interface (GUI).
Virtual Reality

During the post-processing data phase, thanks to the model, it is possible to replay all the
fingers and hand movements in slow / rapid / frame-by-frame motion (see Fig. 22) and to
isolate even just one finger at a time, removing the others from the view, in order to focus
the operators attention only on some important details.
The overall VR system is believed to become, in a near future, fully integrated to the surgery

Fig. 22. A reproduction session: software allows user to see an acquisition session off-line,
and by rotating 3D model in any direction, it is possible to analyze reproduction from
different viewpoints.
3.3 Brain Computer Interface
Many people in the world are affected by severe neuromuscular impairments, which make
them lose the control on their muscular voluntary activities thus isolating them from the
environment. Brain Computer Interface (BCI) systems try to facilitate for these people the
communication of their intents by translating some electrophysiological signals into
commands towards external peripherals without making use of the classical pathways of
nerves and muscles (Wolpaw et al. 2002). Basically BCI is adopted to assist and support
impaired people. BCIs bypass the users peripheral nervous system (nerves) and his/her
muscles, establishing a direct connection between the central nervous system (brain) and the
environment the user operates in. In this interaction paradigms, it is not needed that the
user contracts even a single muscle (e.g. to press a button, to vocalize his/her intent, or to
direct his/her gaze), because the interface is able to recognize specific commands by
recognising his/her brain states (Cincotti et al., 2009).
Virtuality Supports Reality for e-Health Applications

There are different adopted methods to interface brain with computer, and these methods
can be invasive (electrodes implanted directly into the gray matter of the brain, subdural
Electro Cortico Graphy ECoG, Stereotactic Electro Encephalo Graphy SEEG,..) or non
invasive (Electro Encephalo Graphy EEG, Magnetic Resonance Image MRI, Magneto
Encephalo Graphy MEG, functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging fMRI systems, ..).
One of the most fruitful areas of BCI research is the development of devices that can be
controlled by thoughts, so giving to the severely disabled people the possibility to act
Obviously the research look forward in adopting the less possible invasive interfacing
technique, so particular attention is being paid to BCI systems essentially based on EEG
recording (Costantini et al., 2009). But since the performance of BCI strictly depends on the
ability of users to control and modulate their own EEG signals, it is of fundamental
importance to develop a system capable to increase such a control. In this view studies
emphasize how it is possible to improve the EEG control via feedback presentation (Bianchi
et al., 2008). To get this objective, VR technology is becoming a powerful tool by its graphical
possibilities to improve BCI-feedback presentation, with the capability of creating
immersive and motivating environments (Angevin, 2009).
Lets consider an user with upper limb immobility, or affected by a stroke with
consequently motor decreasing. In this case, it can be useful to reproduce the hands of the
user in a virtual environment and to stimulate his/her motor imagery with a visual stimulus
(like a spotlight on a specific arm). The user, connected to a BCI system, holds his/her hands
on a real desk; his/her arms are hidden by a towel or a panel, on which a projector displays
virtual hands reproduced as avatars. It is important that the 3D model is much similar as
possible to the user real counterpart, in order to increase the realism and the positive
response. For the same reason, it is very important that the perspective of the virtual model
corresponds to the users point of view. During a trial, the software creates some visual
stimuli and records the EEG activity of the user. If the BCI system recognises the users brain
state, by means of classifiers (Saggio et al., 2010), then the avatars are animated so to
reproduce the thought movement. A schematization of this feedback path is in Fig. 23,
where the system provides as an output the movements of a robotic arm. At present, the
overall system works thanks to a team we collaborate with, at the Santa Lucia IRCSS
foundation in Rome, Italy.
4. Conclusion
Nowadays the knowledge and understanding of the reality pass through the virtual world.
This is practically true for all the human disciplines, but it is particularly true in e-health
applications, for healing treatment, therapy, rehabilitation, surgery and support for
impaired people. Since health is a widespread top priority, and will remain so in the context
of an ageing society, it appears evident how every possible contribute to the increase of
medical solutions and the decrease of time and cost of healing, are welcome. From this point
of view VR is a really great opportunity within this challenge.
This chapter dealed with the techniques usefully adopted to convert the real into virtual and
the advantages this passage offers having, in some way, assisted and/or enriched the real
world. We treated also of our and our collaborators efforts and results in designing,
developing and applying 3D visualization techniques (stereoscopy and holography), human
Virtual Reality


Fig. 23. The user wear a 61 electrodes cap by which his/her mental status is recorded. When
the BCI system recognizes a closing hand gesture, the virtual hand reproduces the
gesture. The artificial limb can be driven as well.
postures measurements (Hiteg glove), avatar representation, human machine interaction
(virtual mouse and keyboard), virtual interactions (reconstructions of ancient monuments),
motor rehabilitation (for hand injured patients), communication for neuromuscular
impaired people (BCI systems).
Special attention was paid to the basic processes necessary for reproducing reality in a
virtual environment and the methodology for the reality-virtuality interactions. Some e-
health applications have been detailed, especially for surgery simulations and assisted
rehabilitation processes.
We explained how the VR markets can be considered on the application areas of:
rehabilitation and therapy (cognitive/neurological, postural/motor, pain distraction,..),
surgery (simulations, pre-operative planning, assisted surgery), education and training (for
novice surgeons, to practice procedures, to certify experienced surgeons,..), diagnostic tool
also by means of visualization of medical data (2D, 3D modelling).
In conclusion we can state that, if correctly utilized, Virtual Reality can be a really valid
support for e-health applications, especially because it can reduce time and cost for effective
therapy/treatment for health-focused disciplines, and provide doctors an opportunity to
perform tasks in a risk-free environment. In addiction patient acceptance can be quite high
since the VR implementation can have a low invasive impact.
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1. Introduction
Bone is a dynamic tissue. The dynamic nature is the result of the remodeling process, in
which the skeleton is renewed continuously. The external mechanical loading affects the
remodeling process which in turn affects the internal structure. German anatomist Julius
Wolff rst noticed this phenomenon in 1892 (Wolff, 1986). The purpose of remodeling is to
prevent the accumulation of damage, adapt the internal architecture to the external loads and
maintain homeostasis (Van Der Linden et al., 2001; Pivonka et al., 2008; Lemaire et al., 2004).
Compressive fractures caused by osteoporosis are common in the lower vertebrae is a frequent
region for compressive fracture due to osteoporosis (Melton et al.,1989; Melton et al.,1999;
Scane,1994). Figure 1 shows the overall structure of a lumbar vertebrae. The outer dense bone
is called cortical bone and the inner porous bone is called cancellous bone. To understand the
remodeling process it is important to understand the role of the cells involved in the process.
Osteoblasts are the cells responsible for the bone formation. They have a single eccentric
nucleus. Osteoclasts are multi-nucleated cells responsible for bone resorption. Together they
are called the Basic Multicellular Unit (BMU). During bone formation some of the osteoblasts
get trapped in the matrix that they secrete and become Osteocytes. Another type of cells
are lining cells which cover the entire bone surface. These are quiescent osteoblasts. The
osteocytes are connected to each other (Figure 2) and to the lining cells through narrow
channels called the Canaliculi (Partt, 1984).
Remodeling involves the coordinated actions of osteoclasts, osteoblasts, osteocytes and bone
lining cells. The remodeling process involves removal of packets of bone from the surface
followed by formation of newbone within the cavity created. This is a cyclic process involving
ve stages - quiescence, activation, resorption, reversal, formation and back to quiescence.
Remodeling happens in adult animals. In younger animals in which the bone is still growing
the process is called modeling. The fundamental difference between the two processes is that
the remodeling is a cyclic process of erosion and formation on the bone surface, whereas in
modeling, either bone resorption or formation occur continuously for a long period of time
without interruption (Partt, 1984). In adults, bone is continuously remodeled at discrete
locations. The balance between bone resorption and formation determines the bone mineral
Osteoclast activity determines the extent of the depth of resorption and the osteoblast activity
controls the amount of bone formation. The osteocytes, with their interconnected cellular
network, play an important role in communication and transportation between cells within
the bone matrix. When there is a balance between the bone formation and bone resorption
Simulation of Subject Specific Bone
Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization
Ajay Sonar, Laurel Kuxhaus and James Carroll
Clarkson University
2 Virtual Reality
Fig. 1. Transverse view of a lumbar vertebrae (http://biology.clc.uc.edu/Fankhauser/)
there is no bone loss. In younger animals the rate of bone formation is more than bone
resorption, hence the bone mass keeps increasing. In adults this process reaches a steady state
therefore there is no signicant change in the bone mass but the geometry keeps changing. In
older animals the rate of bone resorption is more than bone formation which results in bone
loss. The process of remodeling is illustrated in Figure 3 (Partt, 1984).
The osetocytes and the canalicular network play an important role in the modeling and
remodeling process. Osteocytes act as load sensors. Frost proposed that a minimum
effective strain (MES) is required to trigger remodeling (Frost, 1983). According to the
supporting experiments the range of MES was determined to be 0.0008-0.002 unit bone
surface strain. Strains below MES do not evoke modeling and strains above do. Since the
maximum deformations in bone tissue are relatively small, another theory suggest that bone
cells respond to stress generated ow of interstitial uid through the canalicular network,
which transmit this information to other osteocytes and to the lining cells (Weinbaum et
Fig. 2. Bone cells
274 Virtual Reality
Simulation of Subject Specic Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization 3
Fig. 3. Remodeling cycle in adult bone (Partt, 1984)
al.,1994; Turner et al.,1995). The response to overuse or disuse is formation or resorption
respectively. When the osteocytes sense a mechanical stimulation which is more than the
normal physiological use, they send signals to the lining cells and more osteoblasts cells are
recruited. These osteoblast form new bone on the surface in that area which restores the
normal level of use. Disuse reduces the stress and also transportation of nutrients. This will
cause the death of osteocyte, which is a signal to recruit new osteoclasts (Bronckers et al.,
1996). This process is illustrated in Figure 4(a) (Burger & Klein-Nulend, 1999).
Remodeling also occurs due to fatigue damage. Fatigue damage occur due to repetitive
loading in the normal physiological range. When accumulated over time they result in
microcracks. These micro cracks run through the mineralized matrix, which may disrupt the
canalicular network and the osteocytes. This creates a situation similar to disuse in which
the communication between the osteocytes and the bone lining cells is severed, resulting
275 Simulation of Subject Specific Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization
4 Virtual Reality
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. (a)Schematic representation of bone modeling and (b) Schematic representation of
bone remodeling due to microdamage (Burger & Klein-Nulend, 1999)
in osteocyte recruitment. Osteoclast resorb the damaged bone until the undamaged bone
is reached. The local loss of bone results in local overuse of the remaining bone. The resulting
increased uid ow through the canalicular network triggers the recruitment of osteoblasts.
The osteoblasts build the bone matrix until a steady state is reached. This is illustrated in
Figure 4(b).
The trajectorial hypothesis put forward by Wolff (Wolff, 1986) suggests that the architecture
of the bone is transformed to align the trabeculae with the principal stress orientation.
Remodeling, also called as maintenance, is an adaptive process which is regulated by the
bone cells inuenced by the local state of stress. The proposed hypothesis in this study is
as follows: by appropriately simulating the external loading conditions on the bone a more
realistic change in the geometry of trabecular structure can be estimated.
2. Literature review and present work
The bone is continuously being remodeled. This occurs at multiple spatially and temporally
discrete sites. It happens in both the trabecular bone and the cortical bone. This prevents
the accumulation of damage (Burr, 1993), helps in adapting the architecture to external load
and provides a way for the body to alter the balance of the essential minerals by accessing
the stores of calcium and phosphate (Burr, 2002). Bone goes through a continuous process of
modeling in younger animals. It reaches a peak mass at approximately 30 years of age and
decreases gradually after that (Van Der Linden et al., 2001). This decrease in mass is caused
by the formation decit, the osteoblast formation is less relative to osteoclast resorption.
The remodeling process as described by Partt (Partt, 1984) is illustrated in Figure 3.
Normally 80%of the bone surface is quiescent with respect to remodeling. Activation requires
recruitment of osteoclasts, a means for them to gain access to the bone and a mechanism
276 Virtual Reality
Simulation of Subject Specic Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization 5
to attach to the bone surface. Activation is a function of age, sex and metabolic state. It
occurs partly at random and partly in response to the biomechanical requirement. After
coming in contact with the bone, the osteoclasts begin to resorb the bone. It is referred to
as Howships lacuna in trabecular bone and as cutting cone in cortial bone. The resorption
cavity has a charecteristic shape and dimension. The resorption cavity grows at a rate of
5-10m/day perpendicular to the surface and 20-40m/day parallel to the surface. After
the resorption ends, it enters a reversal phase. The rough surface of the resorption cavity is
smoothed and thin layer of highly mineralized matrix is laid down, preparing the surface
for bone formation. Once the surface is ready, osteoblast cells are recruited. This phase has
two parts, matrix synthesis and mineralization. Mineralization follows matrix synthesis. The
newly laid unmineralized bone matrix is called osteoid. This seperates the osteoblasts and
the newly mineralized bone. Synthesis terminates after the cavity is lled. Mineralization
continues slowly until the osteoid seamdisappears. The osteoblasts that remain on the surface
transform in to lining cells.
Bone adapts its structure much more readily during growth than after skeletal maturation
because it is intrinsically responsive to strain (Frost, 1982). During modeling there is no need
for activation of the surface since it is continuously active from earliest embryonic stage until
growth ceases. Whereas in the adult bone, for the adaptive change to occur, the quiescent
surface needs activation.
Unlike cortical bone which is dense, trabecular bone is porous and extremely anisotropic.
It consists of numerous interconnected struts mostly with thick vertical struts and thinner
horizontal struts. There are two distinct types of struts present in the structure, plates and
rods. As the name suggest the rods are more cylindrical and long whereas the plates are
more at. In a study on the age related change by Mosekilde (Mosekilde, 1988; 1989), on
individuals between the age of 15 to 87, a signicant thinning and disappearance of the
horizontal supporting struts and total removal of some of the vertical struts were observed. A
signicant increase in both the horizontal and vertical trabecular distance was also shown. A
pronounced loss of bone strength was shown in females around the age of 40-50 (Mosekilde,
Many theoretical and computational models have been proposed to investigate and simulate
the dynamic behavior of the bone (Van Der Linden et al.,2001; Lemaire et al.,2004; Thomsen
et al.,1994; Langton et al.,1998). With high resolution imaging methodologies such as CT
becoming more accessible, the study of trabecular remodeling began to take in to account the
inuence of cellular activity in 2 and 3 dimensions (Liu et al., 2008; Van Der Linden et al., 2001;
M uller & Hayes, 1997). Simulation involving effect of metabolic bone formation decit and
the micro structural bone formation decit are also developed (Van Der Linden et al., 2001;
Linden et al., 2003). Effect of trabecular plate thickness and the trabecular plate density on the
age related changes showed that the plate density is more signicant predictor of bone loss
than a decrease in the plate thickness (Partt et al., 1983).
Different mathematical control models of mechanical bone mass regulation have been
proposed (Cowin & Hegedus,1976; Mullender & Huiskes,1995; Huiskes et al.,1987). These
models assumed a continuous feedback loop between the maintenance of bone mass and local
strain values in the tissue. This enabled mathematical predictions of local bone regulation
based on external loads. These models differ in the kind of mechanical signal used to
control the feedback loop. Finite element methods are used to link the external loads to local
mechanical signal. These models were validated to produce accurate prediction of long term
formation and resorption (Van Rietbergen et al., 1993; Weinbaum et al., 1994). The results of
277 Simulation of Subject Specific Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization
6 Virtual Reality
these models showed that the orientation of the trabeculae is directly related to the external
principal stress orientation, and when the orientation of the principal stress is rotated the
trabecular architecture transformed to realign to the new orientation.
Apart from the visual assessment of the structural changes, different structural parameters
are used to characterize these changes (Partt et al., 1987; M uller & R uegsegger, 1996;
M uller & Hayes, 1997; Liu et al., 2008). In the past, these parameters were studied by the
examination of the two dimensional crossections of cancellous bone biopsies. The three
dimensional morphometric parameters are then derived from two dimensional images using
stereological methods (Partt et al., 1987). The bone volume fraction,which is a ratio of bone
volume to the total volume of the structure (BV/TV), and the surface density, which is the
ratio of the bone surface area to the bone volume (BS/BV), can be obtained directly from the
two dimensional images, whereas trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp)
and the trabecular number (Tb.N) are derived indirectly assuming a xed structural model.
Typically an ideal plate or rod model is assumed. The problemwith this method is that, it will
lead to errors in the indirectly derived parameters if the structure deviates from the assumed
model. It has been shown that the error due to deviation could be up to 52% depending
on the method used (Simmons & Hipp, 1997). Cancellous bone structure continuously
changes is structural type. Since the stereological method assumes a certain structural model,
the initial parameters calculated on a trabecular bone undergoing remodeling cannot be
compared with the subsequent calculated parameters because the remodeling changes the
type of the structure from plate-like to rod-like (Hildebrand & Ruegsegger, 1997). Recent
advances in CT have made it possible to acquire these parameters directly from 3D CT
image (Hildebrand et al., 1999) without any underlying model assumptions. The values
obtained by this method were shown to correspond well with the stereological method
(Thomsen et al., 2005). The trabecular thickness is determined by lling maximal spheres into
the structure, then the average thickness of all points in the bone is calculated to give Tb.Th
(Hildebrand & Ruegsegger, 1997). The Tb.Sp is calculated in the same way but the points
representing the non bone region or the marrow region are used to ll the maximal spheres
(Hildebrand et al., 1999). The Tb.N is taken as the inverse of the mean distance between the
midaxis of the trabecular structure. The calculated midaxes of the cancellous structure can
also be used to decompose the bone in to rods and plates (Stauber & M uller, 2006; Ju et al.,
2007). Further, the orientation of the rods can also be calculated. By decomposing the
cancellous bone in to rods and plates, the trabecular thickness can be calculated for the rods
and plates seperately. A comparison between the indirect calculated values assuming xed
model structure and the model independent direct calculation is made in (Hildebrand et al.,
The idea proposed in this research is the use of the realistic mechanical loading data to run
a remodelling algorithm to predict the structure of trabecular bone after real-world loading
conditions are applied. This can be achieved by gathering the motion capture data of an
individual performing different activities (eg., walking, running, lifting weights etc.). These
activities can be grouped into different categories like easy, medium or hard based on their
intensity. This data can be collected with any motion capture system. This data can be used
in virtual human modeling and musculoskeletal simulation software to calculate forces and
displacements at various joint locations or at specied marker locations. This force data is then
used in the remodeling algorithmto accurately predict the modied trabecular structure. This
data could be useful to predict and change the lifestyle/physical habits to avoid severe chronic
damage/injury. The schematic of the proposed method is shown in the Figure 5.
278 Virtual Reality
Simulation of Subject Specic Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization 7
Modified structure
FE Analysis
Vertebral CT
3D geometry
Strain Energy Density
Realistic loads
Trabecular thickness
Trabecular separation
Trabecular number
Bone volume fraction
Surface density
Iterative aging

Fig. 5. Schematic of the proposed method

3. Materials and methods
For this study CT images of fourth lumbar vertebrae (L4) were used. The original CT
images have a resolution of 18 x 18 x 36m. The steps involved in the simulation process
are outlined below.
3.1 Image processing
This step involves reading the images, thresholding, segmentation and 3D geometry
reconstruction. In the initial phase of the project, a core of the vertebra was used instead of the
entire vertebra. The region of interest (ROI) was chosen to be at the center of the vertebra to
avoid artifacts present at the edges during scanning. Because of the physical limitation on the
size of the specimen that can be physically manufactured and tested for another part of the
project, the ROI was chosen to be 480 pixels in diameter. The aspect ratio (diameter/height) of
a single vertebral body is 1.33. To maintain this aspect ratio in the cored sample, a total of 384
images were chosen fromthe entire set. These cored images were then thresholded to separate
the bone matrix form the surrounding marrow. Each image is thresholded individually with
a value of 22.4% of its maximal gray value (R uegsegger et al., 1996).
Once all the images are segmented and thresholded, the next step is to construct the 3D
geometry from them. 3D geometry can be represented in many ways. One way is to store
a list of vertices on the surface and a list of indices that form connected triangular facets from
279 Simulation of Subject Specific Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization
8 Virtual Reality
those vertices. An isosurface algorithm is used to extract this information. The images are
stored in a three dimensional array. The isosurface algorithm connects the points that have a
value equal to the one specied by the user, which is called the isovalue. In this experiment,
the pixels in each image have two values, 0 for marrow or the pixels in the background space
and 1 for the region that represents the bone. Hence an isovalue of 1 would generate a list
of points on the surface of the bone along with a list of combination of indices that form
triangular facets.
3.2 Quantication
The parameters selected to quantify the bone structure are, bone volume fraction which is a
ratio of bone volume to the total volume (BV/TV), surface density which is the ratio of bone
surface area to the bone volume (BS/BV), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular separation
(Tb.Sp) and the trabecular number (Tb.N) (Hildebrand et al., 1999). The bone volume (BV)
is the volume enclosed by the bone surface. Total volume (TV) is the volume of the bone
including the marrow space. The bone surface area is calculated by adding the area of all the
triangles, generated by the isosurface function, forming the surface. The area of a triangle
formed by its vertices a, b, and c is give by equation 1.
A = a b
B = c a
Area = (A B)/2
Since the bone geometry is irregular it is difcult to calculate the volume of it and there are
different ways this can be accomplished. One way to overcome this problem is to chop
the whole geometry in to smaller known geometry and add the volume of each element.
The 3D geometry representing the bone volume is split in to tetrahedral mesh elements
using a tetrahedral mesh generation algorithm (http://iso2mesh.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi,
Nov 2010). The volume of the bone is the sum of the volume of all the tetrahedral elements
(Sommerville, 1959). Another reason to split the geometry in to tetrahedral elements is that
this information can be used in the later stage of the project in the stress analysis using nite
elements techniques. The volume of an irregular tetrahedron is calculated using the following
equation 2
D =

0 u
0 W
0 U
0 1
1 1 1 1 0

Volume =

det (D)/288
where (U,u), (V,v) and (W,w) are opposite edge length pair, illustrated in the Figure 6.
Before calculating the other three parameters, an additional step of calculating the medial axis
of the structure is introduced. A medial axis is a plane for a plate like structure and a line
for a rod like structure (Figure 7). A voxel model of the bone structure is constructed. A
voxel is a three dimensional pixel element, i.e. a cube of user specied dimensions. The voxel
reconstruction is performed by rst building a voxel space that is approximately the same
280 Virtual Reality
Simulation of Subject Specic Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization 9
Fig. 6. Edge lengths for calculation of volume
size as the specimen. The size of the voxel element denes the resolution of the nal model,
i.e., smaller the voxel, higher the resolution. Each layer of the voxel form the voxel space is
projected on to the binary CT scan. The voxels that intersect the cancellous bone region,
i.e., the white region in the binary images, are retained and the rest are discarded. After
this process is repeated on all the images, the remaining voxels represent the volume of the
specimen. The calculation of the medial axis is an iterative algorithm where in each iteration
the boundary voxels of the structure is calculated. Each of these voxels are tested to see if it
is a critical point. If the removal of a particular boundary voxel changes the topology of the
structure then it is tagged as critical. The other non-critical voxels are removed. This process
is repeated until there are no more voxels to be removed. The result of this algorithmis a set of
voxels representing the skeleton of the structure. This can be further broken down in to set of
points representing the skeleton of the rods, called curves, and a set of points representing the
skeleton of the plates, called surfaces. The advantage of this addition step is that, the medial
axis can be used to separate each individual trabecule and to calculate the orientation of these
trabeculae. This information is useful in the simulation because studies have shown that the
orientation of the trabeculae affects the age related thinning process (Mosekilde, 1988; 1989).
The direct 3D method is used to calculate the trabecular thickness (Tb.Th). Maximal spheres
are tted to every point in the structure and take the mean to calculate the mean thickness.
For efcient implementation of the algorithm distance map for every point in the structure is
calculated by the distance transformation, which assigns euclidean distance from that point
to the nearest background point. The mean of these values give the mean trabecular distance.
The trabecular thickness of the rods and plates can be calculated separately to study the effects
Fig. 7. Medial axis: Shaded gray area represent the mid plane of the plate and the red line
represents the mid axis of the rod like structure
281 Simulation of Subject Specific Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization
10 Virtual Reality
of the age related thinning on them. The trabecular separation is calculated in the same
way, but on the background voxels. The background voxels are calculated by nding the
background pixels on each slice of the image. For this, the convex hull of each image slice
is calculated. The pixels representing the bone area are removed from this convex hull. The
remaining pixels represent the background pixels. Once this process is repeated on all the
image slices the voxel model representing the background is constructed. The same process
of calculating the trabecular thickness is repeated on these background voxels which give the
trabecular separation (Tb.Sp). Aslight modication of the process of the trabecular separation
give trabecular number. Maximal spheres are tted to the background voxels, but this time
the boundary of the sphere is not to the surface of the bone, but all the way till the mid-axis
of the trabecular structure. The inverse of this value give trabecular number and is dened as
the number of plates per unit length (Hildebrand et al., 1999).
3.3 Simulation using nite element methods
Osteocytes located within the bone matrix measure the mechanical signal, the strain energy
density rate, which is the result of recent loading history. They stimulate the actor cells
(osteoblasts and osteocytes) within their vicinity to adapt the bone mass depending on the
difference between the measuredsignal and the reference signal. The inuence of the ostecytes
on its environment is decreases exponentially with increase in distance from the actor cells.
This relation is given by the following equation (Mullender & Huiskes, 1995)
(x) = e
where d
(x) is the distance between osteocyte i and location x. The parameter Dis the distance
from osteocyte i to the location where its effect has reduced to e
or 36.8%.
The relative density of the bone at location x is controlled by the stimulus value P(x,t), to
which all the osteocytes within the vicinity contribute, based on the distance relationship.
This is given by the following equation (Mullender & Huiskes, 1995; Huiskes et al., 2000)
P(x, t) =

(t) (4)
is the mechanosensitivity of the osteocyte i, and R
(t) is the strain energy density
rate at osteocyte location i. The local change in the relative density of the bone m is expressed
as (Huiskes et al., 2000),

{P(x, t) k
} r
for P(x, t) > k
for P(x, t) k
where k
is the threshold of bone formation, r
is the relative amount of bone resorbed by
osteoblasts and is the time constant regulating the rate of the process. The relative density of
the bone varies between 0 (for no bone) and 1 (for fully mineralized bone). It is assumed that
the osteocytes disappear at location where the mineral density goes to 0 and new osteocytes
are formed at locations where the density reaches 1. The resorption is regulated by the
presence of micro cracks or by disuse (Huiskes et al., 2000; Ruimerman et al., 2001). In this
work, resorption due to the presence of micro cracks is assumed to be constant.
p(x, t) = d (spatially random) (6)
Resorption due to disuse is dependent on the strain and is given by the following equation,
282 Virtual Reality
Simulation of Subject Specic Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization 11
Bone Structure
Finite Element
SED at nodal
SED at Osteocyte
locations (Linear
recruitment Stimulus
on the surface (P)
Reference Signal
Setpoint, k)
distance relation
Bone formation
density goes
from 0 to 1
density goes
from 1 to 0
Osteoclast recruitment
stimulus (p)
Fig. 8. Regulatory mechanism for Wolffs Law
p(x, t) =

c[a P(x, t)] if P < a,

0 if P a
where c = 12.5 and a = 1.6.
This entire process of regulation of the bone mass and architecture is illustrated in the block
diagram in Figure 8.
The objective is to supply the load information to the algorithm which is representative of
realistic everyday activity by a person. Due to the size of the data and the time consumed to
process it, it is intended to use the parallel computing functionality of the Matlab software on
a cluster of machines.
283 Simulation of Subject Specific Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization
12 Virtual Reality
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a)Original CT scan (b)Enhanced CT scan showing the ROI
4. Results
4.1 Image processing
The original CT scan is shown if Figure 9(a). The region of interest (ROI) is shown in Figure
9(b) by the yellow circle.
Figure 10(a) shows the cored images and Figure 10(b) shows the thresholded core image. The
thresholded core images are stored in a 3D image matrix. An isosurface algorithm is used to
generate the surface geometry of the bone with an isovalue of 1. The result of this is a 3D
surface geometry which is shown in Figure 11.
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. (a)Extracted Core image (b)Binary image after thresholding
284 Virtual Reality
Simulation of Subject Specic Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization 13
Fig. 11. Surface model of the segmented core
5. Quantication
The calculated midaxis is shown overlapped on to the original section of cancellous bone in
Figure 12(a). The blue voxels represent the rods and the red voxels represent the plates. The
midaxis of the rods are segmented in to individual struts and their orientation is calculated.
These are then classied as horizontal strut (if the orientation is less than 45 degrees with
respect to the horizontal plane) or vertical struts (if the orientation is 45 degrees). This is
shown in Figure 12(b).
Several small sections of bone were extracted from the 4th Lumbar vertebra core. The
parameters to quantify the bone were calculated on these sections. These sections were
Fig. 12. (a) Cancellous bone overlapped on the medial axis. (b) Orientation of the rods. Cyan
voxels represent the vertical struts.
285 Simulation of Subject Specific Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization
14 Virtual Reality
Dataset1 Dataset2 Dataset3 Dataset4 Clinical Study (Mean) SD
rTb.Th (mm) 0.1202 0.1121 0.1186 0.0919 0.139 0.028
pTb.Th (mm) 0.1498 0.1262 0.1381 0.1034 0.139 0.028
Tb.Sp (mm) 0.13 0.1126 0.0694 0.0973 0.854 0.143
Tb.N (mm
) 2.788 3.3931 4.9932 2.8502 1.161 0.181
BV/TV (%) 12.1537 33.5976 17.2474 12.3187 8.7 0.033
BS/BV (mm
) 22.0369 9.7129 30.2927 28.1630 21.17 3.59
Table 1. Calculated parameters compared to Hildebrand et al. (Hildebrand et al., 1999)
approximately 3mm
in size. Calculations were done on these smaller sections because of the
computational power neededto do it on the whole core. Tools like the Mathworks Distributed
Computing Server/Parallel Computing toolbox (http://www.mathworks.com/, Nov 2010) can
be used to do the calculations on the whole core. These parameters are listed in Table 1.
The column, Clinical Study, shows the data collected form 52 donars in a clinical study
(Hildebrand et al., 1999). It shows the mean and the standard deviation (SD) of the values
calculated on the whole 4th Lumbar vertebra. The Figure 13 shows the comparison between
the clinical data and the calculated parameters on the sections extracted form the core.
The remodeling algorithm was applied on a section extracted from the core. The load
signal generated by LifeMOD (LifeModeler Inc. San Clemente, California) was used for
this experiment. This illustrates the ability to use the real world motion data to drive the
remodeling algorithm. The results of this simulation are shown in Figure 14. The top
row is the principal stress, middle row is the strain energy density and the bottom row is
the geometry of the trabecular bone. Column (a) is the initial geometry, column (b) is the
conguration after 7 iterations and column (c) is conguration after 14 iterations.
6. Virtual reality visualization
An initial effort has been made to facilitate interactive navigation through the complex 3D
geometry of the cancellous bone structure using human computer interfaces, e.g., gyro mouse
and stereoscopic head mounted display with Intersense-based head tracking. The resulting
visualization facilitates more efcient study of the complex biological structures. For example,
the original and the aged bone can be interactively viewed/navigated, the results of the FEA
can be texture-mapped onto the 3D geometry of the bone to augment the researchers ability
to identify the stress localization in bone structure. Virtools, a virtual reality simulation and
modeling software, was used for interactive visualization and navigation. A screen shot of
the cancellous bone in the virtual environment is shown Figure 15.
7. Conclusion
The proposed method can be used to produce a subject-specic structure. The generated
structure can be used to predict the effect on the overall trabecular bone structure (e.g.,
strength of the bone). Based on these results the loading conditions on the bone can be
changed to produce more desirable results, i.e., stronger or at least not a weak structure. This
can have applications in physiotherapy, help avoid injuries in various sports and study the
effects of different types of bone implants over a period of time.
286 Virtual Reality
Simulation of Subject Specic Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Fig. 13. Comparison of the calculated parameters () in comparison with the clinical data
(blue, red, magenta lines)
287 Simulation of Subject Specific Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization
16 Virtual Reality
Fig. 14. Results of remodeling algorithm simulation (a) initial geometry (b) after 7 iterations
(c) after 14 iterations
Fig. 15. Virtual reality visualization of the cancellous bone
288 Virtual Reality
Simulation of Subject Specic Bone Remodeling and Virtual Reality Visualization 17
8. References
Bronckers, A., Goei, W., Luo, G., Karsenty, G., DSouza, R., Lyaruu, D. & Burger, E.
(1996). DNA fragmentation during bone formation in neonatal rodents assessed
by transferase-mediated end labeling., Journal of bone and mineral research: the ofcial
journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 11(9): 1281.
Burger, E. & Klein-Nulend, J. (1999). Mechanotransduction in bone-role of the
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290 Virtual Reality
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D
Computer Assisted Technologies in Computer
Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer
Assisted Surgery in Rhinology
Ivica Klapan
, Pero Raos
, Tomislav Galeta
, Ljubimko imii
Juraj Lukinovi
, eljko Vranje
, Josip Male
Stanko Belina
and Vieslav uk

Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb,
Faculty of Medicine at University of Osijek,
Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod at University of Osijek,
Department of Physics at University of Zagreb,
ENT Department, Faculty of Medicine at University of Zagreb,
ENT Department, Faculty of Medicine at at University of Osijek,

Division of Radiology and Otorhinolaryngology, General Hospital Zabok,
1. Introduction
Every physician using computer for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes should know that
images are processed by use of graphic and computer systems, as well as by specialized
program systems, in order to better present the anatomy of a particular part of the body
with identified diseased areas (Ecke et al., 1998; Urban et al., 1998).The possibility of exact
preoperative, non-invasive visualization of the spatial relationships of anatomic and
pathologic structures, including extremely fragile ones, size and extent of pathologic
process, and of precisely predicting the course of surgical procedure, allows the surgeon to
achieve considerable advantage in the preoperative examination of the patient and to reduce
the risk of intraoperative complications (Knezovi et al., 2007), all this by use different
virtual reality (VR) methods (Fig.1.).
Beside otorhinolaryngology, this has also been used in other fields (Klimek et al., 1998;
Hassfeld et al., 1998). The more so, in addition to educational applications, virtual
endoscopy (VE), virtual surgery (VS), application of 3D models, etc., has offered us the
possibility of preoperative planning in rhinology (sinus surgery), and has become a very
important segment in surgical training and planning of each individual surgical
intervention. These analyses are becoming routine procedures in other otorhinolaryngology,
oral, maxillofacial and plastic surgery, etc.
Classical endoscopic procedures performed with rigid endoscopes are invasive and often
uncomfortable for patients, and some of them may have serious side effects such as
perforation, infection and hemorrhage (Belina et al., 2008). VE is a new method of diagnosis
Virtual Reality


Fig. 1. 3D models of the human head in different projections. Visualization of the paranasal
sinuses and surrounding regions from different 3D aspects (taken with permission from
Klapan et al., Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg, 2002 and Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic,
Zagreb, Croatia).
using computer processing of 3D image datasets (such as 2D multi slice computed
thomography - MSCT and/or MRI scans) to provide simulated visualizations of patient
specific organs similar or equivalent to those produced by standard endoscopic procedures
(Rob, 2000; Wickham et al., 1994). Development of new computer techniques and fly
through algorithms offer valuable non-invasive additional tools in diagnostics and
preoperative planning in otorhinolaryngology (Fig.2.). Virtual endoscopy visualization
avoids the risks associated with real endoscopy, and when used prior to performing an
actual endoscopic exam can minimize procedural difficulties and decrease the rate of
morbidity, especially for endoscopists in training (Robb, 2000), which was proved in our
first Croatian 3D computer assisted- functional endoscopic sinus surgery (3D-CA-FESS) in
June 3, 1994 (Klapan et al., 1997).
Definitely, the basic goal of 3D-computer assisted (3D-CA) support in diagnostic and
surgical activities is to achieve safer surgical procedure using new computer and medical
technologies in surgical (Anon et al., 1998) and /or telesurgical procedures (Fig.3.), and
provide visualization of the anatomy as well the pathology in the 2D as well as in the form
of 3D-models. Using our own approach in computer assisted-endoscopic surgery, we were
able to "look inside" the patient during the real surgical procedure. According to our
original idea, the computer network, essential for computer collaboration between surgical
sites for telesurgical purposes, has to be built in parallel to the video network. Every
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology


Fig. 2. An example of 3D-computer assisted navigation surgery of the nose and paranasal
sinuses with simulation and planning of the course of subsequent endoscopic operation per
viam VE which overcomes some difficulties of conventional endoscopy, such as standard
FESS or tele-FESS (taken with permission of Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb,
telesurgical site must have compliant collaboration software. On computer workstations, all
sites have computed thomography (CT) images and 3D models with appropriate movies,
and then the consultant, an experienced surgeon, assists the less experienced surgeon to
reach the pathology in the operating field.
This kind of our Tele-3D-computer assisted surgery (Tele-3D-CAS) has to enable less
experienced surgeons to perform critical surgeries using guidance and assistance from a
remote, experienced surgeon. In telesurgery, more than two locations can be involved; thus
less experienced surgeon can be assisted by one, two or more experienced surgeons,
depending on the complexity of the surgical procedure. Our Tele-3D-CAS provides also the
transfer of computer data (images, 3D-models) in real time during the surgery and, in
parallel, of the encoded live video signals. Through this network, the two encoded live
video signals from the endocamera and operation room camera have to be transferred to the
remote locations involved in the telesurgery/consultation procedure (Klapan et al., J
Telemed Telecare, 2002).
The first kind of our Tele-3D-C-FESS took place between two locations in the city of Zagreb,
10 km apart, with interactive collaboration from a third location. A surgical team carrying
out an operative procedure at the alata ENT Department, Zagreb University School of
Medicine and Zagreb Clinical Hospital Center, received instructions, suggestions and
guidance through the procedure by an expert surgeon from an expert center. The third
Virtual Reality


Fig. 3. Our tele-3D-computer assisted surgery of the nose and paranasal sinuses realized
during our 3D computer assisted-FESS in June 3, 1994., proved the main advantage of VE
and/or tele-VE that there are no restrictions on the movement of virtual endoscope prior the
real procedure, and requires no hospitalization (taken with permission from Klapan et al.,
Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg, 2002 and Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb,
active point was the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. The 2
FESS took place between two locations, two cities in Croatia (Osijek and Zagreb, 300 km
apart). The surgical team carrying out an operative procedure at the ENT Department, Osijek
Clinical Hospital, received instructions, suggestions and guidance through the procedure by
an expert surgeon and radiologist from the Expert Center in Zagreb. This Tele-3D-C-FESS
surgery, performed as described above, was successfully completed in 25-30 minutes.
Taking into account the opinion of the leading world authorities in endoscopic surgery, we
believe that each endoscopic operation is a demanding procedure, including those described
in the first two Tele-3D-C-FESS surgeries presented. Nevertheless, we would like to
underline herewith that ordinary, and occasionally even expert surgeons may need some
additional intraoperative consultation (or VE/3D support), for example, when anatomical
markers are lacking in the operative field due to trauma (war injuries) or massive polypous
lesions/normal mucosa consumption, bleeding, etc. Now, imagine that we can substitute
artificially generated sensations for the real standard daily information received by our
senses. In this case, the perception system in humans could be deceived, creating an
impression of another 'external' world around the man (e.g., 3D navigation surgery). In this
way, we could replace the true reality with the simulated reality that enables precise, safer
and faster diagnosis as well as surgery. All systems of simulated reality share the ability to
offer the user to move and act within the apparent worlds instead of the real world.
What do experts think about additional support per viam computer assisted reconstruction
of the anatomy and pathology of the head and neck; what is the truth and level of reliability
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology

of the computer reconstruction of CT images in telesurgery transmission; the question of
availability and very expensive equipment; 3D image reality; control parameters; what is the
use of computer 3D image of the surgical field and isn't a real live video image much better
for telesurgery? Computer simulation by use of the simulated reality system allows for the
medical diagnostic procedure to repeat over and over again on the virtual body, many
functions can be simulated for realistic simulation as it is usually done, the surgeon is
warned if the procedure does not proceed correctly, etc.
Sinus CT scan in coronal projection is a term familiar to every radiologist dealing with CT in
the world. Layer thickness, shift, gantry, and window are internationally standardized and
accepted values, thus being reproducible all over the world. The method is standardized,
reproducible and distinctly defined (Stewart et al., 1999, Kenny et al., 1999), and it is by no
means contradictory. But on the other side, the basic CT diagnostics has also limited
possibilities, first of all because it presents summation images in a single plane (layer) but
cannot present the continuity of structures. This has been solved by 3D reconstruction which
is now available on PCs equipped with Pentium IV processors/2,0 GHz, or better. By
presenting the continuity of structures (0.5-1 mm sections), this reconstruction allows
visualization of the region as a whole, avoiding the loss of images by use of the standard
approach in sinus CT imaging (3-5 mm sections).
During the 3D-CA-telesurgery, the computer with its operative field image allows the
surgeon, by means of up-to-date technologies, to connect the operative instrumentarium to
spatial digitalizers connected to the computer. Upon the completion of the tele-operation,
the surgeon compares the preoperative and postoperative images and models of the
operative field, and studies video records of the procedure itself. Using intraoperative
records, animated images of the real tele-procedure performed can be designed. By means
of computer records labelled coordinate shifts of 3D digitalizer during the surgery, an
animated image of the course of operation in the form of journey, i.e. operative field fly-
through in the real patient, can be designed. Beside otorhinolaryngology (Klimek et al.,
1998; Ecke et al., 1998; Mann et al., 1998), this has also been used in other fields. The more so,
in addition to educational applications, VS offers the possibility of preoperative planning in
sinus surgery, and has become a very important segment in surgical training and planning
of each individual surgical or telesurgical intervention, not only in the region of paranasal
sinuses (Keeve et al., 1998; Hassfeld et al., 1998).
The complex software systems allow tele-visualization of CT or MRI section in its natural
course (the course of examination performed), or in an imaginary, arbitrary course.
Particular images can be transferred, processed and deleted, or can be presented in
animated images, as it was done during our first telesurgery (Fig. 6). Multiple series of
images can be simultaneously observed in different color tables and at various
magnifications, with various grades of transparency, observing them as a unique 3D model
system. The work with such models allows different views, shifts, cuts, separations,
labelling, and animation. The series of images can be changed, or images can be generated in
different projections through the volume recorded, as we have showed in our OR (Klapan et
al., 2001).
Before the development of 3D spatial model, each individual image or the whole series of
images have to be segmented, in order to single out the image parts of interest, because the
basic requirement, in human medicine, resulting from the above mentioned needs refers to
the use of a computer system for visualization of anatomic 3D-structures and integral
operative field to be operated on. Thus, separate models of bones, healthy tissue, affected
Virtual Reality

tissue, and all significant anatomic entities of the operative field can be developed (Klapan
et al., Am J ORL, 2002). The complete tele-3D-CA-procedure planned can be developed on
computer models and a series of animations describing the procedure can be produced.
Comparative analysis of 3D anatomic models with intraoperative finding, in any kind of
telesurgery, shows the 3D volume rendering image to be very good, actually a visualization
standard that allows imaging likewise the real intraoperative anatomy (Burtscher et al.,
1998; Holtel et al., 1999; Thral., 1999)
Mentioned technologies represent a basis for realistic
simulations that are useful in many areas of human activity (including medicine), and can
create an impression of immersion of a physician in a non-existing, virtual environment
(John et al., 2004).
Using routable shared and switched Ethernet connections (Fig. 4), 25 frames were
transferred per second in full PAL (phase alternating line or phase alternation by line)
resolution but with 20% of dropped frames. After some tests, it was found that the routing
protocol between two or more sites could not offer a constant frame rate. Packages sent from
the source travel to the destination using different network paths, thus some packages may
be lost during communication or some may reach the destination with unacceptable delays.
Another problem we faced with video signals was how to transfer multiple video signals to
remote locations. The native, uncompressed video required a bandwidth of about 34Mb/s,
thus the video signals had to be compressed for the transfer of multiple video streams to
remote locations using 155Mb/s.
The video image is critical in tele-endoscopic surgery and must be of the highest quality.
Using software and hardware M-JPEG compression, it was found that one video stream
from the endocamera in full PAL resolution and with audio required a bandwidth of about
20-30Mb/s. Our M-JPEG encoders were upgraded with MPEG1 and later with MPEG2
encoders, because we had a bandwidth of only 155Mb/s for data, video, audio and control
communication. MPEG1 seems very good for conferencing; however, the endoscope video
signal of the operating field required better image quality. The encoded MPEG1 video
stream with audio was transferred to the remote location in full frame resolution using a
bandwidth of about 6Mb/s (multiple T1 lines). When our encoder was upgraded to the
MPEG2 standard, the quality of the video image was adequate for the operating field
endocamera. A bandwidth of 8Mb/s produced a high quality video stream at the remote
site. Using MPEG streams, the video signal could be transferred from the endocamera to the
remote location for consultancy or education.
As known in the circles of telemedicine/telesurgery, the basic cost of the presented system
is known. It includes standard telemedicine equipment which should be mounted at any
institution for the institution to be connected to the telemedicine network. This equipment
allows for transfer of live video image of the operative field, CT images, commentaries,
surgery guidance, etc. In addition, a computer with appropriate volume rendering software
support should be introduced in the operating theater. All these devices are now standard
equipment available on the market at quite reasonable prices. For comparison, the overall
price of these devices is by far lower than the price of a system for image guided surgery,
currently mounted in many hospitals all over the world. Once installed and tested, the
whole system can be used without any special assistance of technical personnel (computer
experts and/or network specialties). Clinical institutions (e.g., Klapan Medical Group
Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia), which have expert clinical work places, employ properly
educated and trained technical personnel who can be readily included in the preparation
and performance of tele-3D-C-FESS surgery as well as in the storage of the procedure itself
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology


Fast Ethernet



Fig. 4. Using routable shared and switched Ethernet connections, 25 frames/sec were
transferred in full PAL resolution (taken with permission from Klapan et al.,
Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg, 2002)
and of intraoperatively generated computer 3D animations. It is of the higher importance,
because if we would like to understand the idea of virtual reality (VR), it is necessary to
recognize that the perception of surrounding world created in our brain is based on
information coming from the human senses and with the help of a knowledge that is stored
in our brain. The usual definition says that the impression of being present in a virtual
environment, such as virtual endoscopy (VE) of the patients head, that does not exist in
reality is called virtual reality. The physician, e.g., any member of our surgical team, has
impression of presence in the virtual world and can navigate through it and manipulate
virtual objects. A VR system may be designed in such a way that the physician is completely
immersed in the VE.
It should be made clear that the main message of the tele-3D-CA-endoscopic surgery, as
differentiated from the standard telesurgeries worldwide, is the use of the 3D-model
operative field, and thus of VE and VS (Fig. 5).
Virtual Reality


Fig. 5. Virtual endoscopy, realized during our tele-3D-C-FESS in 1999 (taken with
permission from Klapan et al., J Telemed Telecare, 2002 and Klapan Medical Group
Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
Research in the area of 3D image analysis, visualization, tissue modelling, and human-
machine interfaces provides scientific expertise necessary for developing successful 3D
visualization of the human head during 3D-CAS (Fig. 6), Tele-3D-CAS (Fig. 7), and other VR
applications. Such an impression of immersion can be realized in any medical institution
using advanced computers and computer networks that are required for interaction
between a person and a remote environment, with the goal of realizing tele-presence.

Fig. 6. Transmission of 3D models as virtual endoscopy (VE) of the human head, realized
during one of the first Croatian 3D-CA-navigation endoscopic surgeries in October 1994
(taken with permission from Klapan et al., J Telemed Telecare, 2002)
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology


Fig. 7. 3D-VE-navigation of the human head during tele-3D-computer assisted-FESS (taken
with permission of Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
In human medicine, extremely valuable information on anatomic relationships in particular
regions while planning and performing endoscopic surgery is provided by high quality CT
or MRI diagnosis (Mladina et al., 1995), thus contributing greatly to the safety of this kind of
surgery (Riavi et al., 1998). Once created from 2D cross-section images with 3D modeling
software, virtual 3D surface models or volume rendered models can be further used in
virtual reality for measuring, operation planning, simulations, finite element analysis.
However, virtual 3D models also can be used in actual reality for tangible models obtained
from rapid prototyping applications. Rapid Prototyping (RP) techniques look most
promising to satisfy medical need for tangible models. While prototyping is a usually slow
and expensive process of building pre-production models of a product to test various
aspects of its design, rapid prototyping techniques are methods that allow quick production
of physical prototypes (Fig. 8.). Nowadays even more often, rapid prototyping techniques
provide to medicine actual products e.g. prosthesis and implants with the important benefit
in significant shortening of the Time to Market (Raos & Galeta, 2004).The mode of computer
visualization of anatomic structures (Elolf et al., 1998) of the human body used to date could
only provide diagnostic information and possibly assist in the preoperative preparation.
Intraoperative use of computer generated operative field 3D-model has not been widely
adopted to date. The intraoperative use of computer in real time requires development of
appropriate hardware and software to connect medical instrumentarium with the computer,
and to operate the computer by thus connected instrumentarium and sophisticated
multimedia interfaces.In rhinology, such an revolutionary approach is of paramount
importance for the surgeon because of the proximity of intracranial structures and limited
operative field layout hampering spatial orientation during the standard operative
Virtual Reality


Fig. 8. Real 3D model produced with Rapid Prototyping technique
2. Methods
2.1 High quality diagnosis (DICOM standard)
High quality diagnostic image is the main prerequisite for appropriate utilization of
computer systems during the preparation, performance and analysis of an operative
procedure (Fig. 9.). Development of a system for data exchange between multiple medical
diagnostic devices as well as between diagnostic devices and computer networks has led to
the establishment of DICOM (digital imaging and communication in medicine) standards
describing the forms and modes of data exchange.
Before the introduction of DICOM standards, image recordings were stored on films, where
the information obtained from the diagnostic device was in part lost (Knezovi et al., 2007).
In ideal conditions, sixteen different image levels could be distinguished on films at the
most. When film images were to be stored in computer systems, films had to be scanned,
thus inevitably losing a part of significant data and probably introducing some unwanted
artefacts. The level setting and window width to be observed on the images could not be
subsequently changed. Visualization of the image on the diagnostic device monitor was of a
considerably higher quality, thus it was quite naturally used for record receipt and storage
in computer media. Video image allows for the receipt of 256 different levels at the most.
Neither it is possible to subsequently modify the level setting and window width to be
observed on the images that have already been stored in the computer system. When stored
in computer systems by use of DICOM protocol, images are stored in the form generated by
the diagnostic device detector. These image recordings can then be properly explored by use
of powerful computer systems. This is of special relevance when data in the form of images
are to be used for complex examinations and testing, or in preoperative preparation where
rapid and precise demarcation between the disease involved and intact tissue is required
(Knezovi et al., 2007). It is also very important for the images to be visualized in various
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology


Fig. 9. MSCT slices of the nose and paranasal sinuses (taken with permission of Klapan
Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
forms and from different aspects and then which is most demanding indeed to develop
spatial models to aid the surgeon in preparing and performing the procedure as well as in
postoperative analysis of the course of the procedure.
The entire operative procedure can be simulated and critical areas avoided during the real
procedure by employing real patient images in the operation preparatory phase using
complex spatial models and simulated operative field entry (VE,VS) (Klapan et al., 2001).
2.2 Preoperative preparation
The real-time requirement means that the simulation must be able to follow the actions of
the user that may be moving in the virtual environment. The computer system must also
store in its memory a 3D model of the virtual environment (3D-CAS models). In that case a
real-time virtual reality system will update the 3D graphical visualization as the user moves,
so that up-to-date visualization is always shown on the computer screen. For realistic
simulations it is necessary for the computer to generate at least 30 such images per second,
which imposes strong requirements to computer processing power.
Use of the latest program systems enables development of 3D spatial models, exploration in
various projections, simultaneous presentation of multiple model sections and, most
important, model development according to open computer standards (Open Inventor)
(Knezovi et al., 2007). Such a preoperative preparation can be applied in a variety of
program systems that can be transmitted to distant collaborating radiologic and surgical
work sites for preoperative consultation as well as during the operative procedure in real
time (telesurgery) (Klapan et al., J Telemed Telecare, 2002) (Fig. 10.).
Virtual Reality


Fig. 10. Our 3D models of the human head in different projections. Virtual reality systems
may be used for visualization of anatomical structures, virtual endoscopy, 3D-image-guided
surgery as well as of pathology and/or anatomy during the planning of therapy (taken with
permission from Belina et al., 2009)
Such a model in medical applications will enable simulation of changes that the tissue
undergoes when compressed, stretched, cut, or palpated. The computer must then generate,
in real-time, an appropriate visualization of the tissue as it is deformed by the user.
Biological tissue modeling represents an important research area with applications in many
medical areas. In this context, physics-based deformable models represent a powerful
simulation tool. In the context of VR applications, 3D visualization techniques in real-time
are particularly important. The goal here is to develop methods for fast and realistic
visualization of 3D objects that are in the VE.Advanced technologies of exploring 3D spatial
models allow for simulation of endoscopic surgery and planning the course of the future
procedure (VE) or telesurgery (Tele-VE). By entering the models and navigating through the
operable regions the surgeon becomes aware of the problems he will encounter during the
real operation. In this way, preparation for the operation could be done including
identification of the shortest and safest mode for the real operation to perform (Klapan, J
Telemed Telecare, 2002; Klapan, Am J ORL, 2002) (Fig. 11).
The two main approaches to visualization are surface rendering and volume rendering
(Burtscher et al., 1998; Vannier, 1996). Surface rendering is a classical visualization method
where object surfaces are approximated using a set of polygonal shapes such as triangles.
Most general-purposed computers use this approach and such wide availability represents
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology


Fig. 11. An example of 3D-CA-FESS of the nose and paranasal sinuses with simulation and
planning of the course of subsequent endoscopic operation (VE) (November 1994) (taken
with permission from Klapan et al., Orbit 2001)
an important advantage of surface rendering. A disadvantage is that surface rendering
cannot represent volume interior. Volume rendering can create very nice visualizations of
volume interiors, but a disadvantage is that a special hardware is required for acceleration
because of computational complexity.
2.3 Virtual endoscopy
Siemens Somatom Emotion 16 MSCT (from 2004) and 64 MSCT (from 2006) scanners were
used for image acquisition from the very beginning of our VE acitivities (2004). CT images
were stored in DICOM format and transferred to Xeon-based workstation running standard
postprocessing software 3D Syngo CT 2006G from Siemens Medical Systems. Initial
postprocessing was performed by radiologist and ENT specialist working together on In-
space and Fly-through software. Working area during fly-through was divided in four
windows showing CT image reconstruction in three major planes and resulting 3D rendered
VE view for current position of virtual endocamera. Fly-through path planning was
performed by moving mouse pointing device. Recordings of VE images together with
appropriate CT images in three major planes during fly-through was performed with
Camtasia recorder in real-time. 3D Syngo CT 2006G is the overall platform for the imaging
workstation of Siemens Medical Systems. VE on the Syngo platform is performed using ray
casting method with space leaping as major acceleration technique, and provides an
automatic navigation mode (Fig. 12.).
Virtual Reality


Fig. 12. An example of VE of the nose and paranasal sinuses with CT image reconstruction
in three major planes and resulting 3D rendered VE view for current position of virtual
endocamera (taken with permission from Belina et al. 2009, and Klapan Medical Group
Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
We performed 644 VEs of the nasal cavity, scull base, and paranasal sinuses of patients with
different pathology of paranasal sinuses as a part of diagnostic or preoperative
management, such as: chronic sinus diseases, maxillary sinus cancer, different head traumas
which involved paranasal sinuses, with multifragment fractures of maxillary sinus walls,
ethmoids and lamina papiracea as well as the fracture of the sphenoid sinus wall.
2.4 Rapid prototyping models
In a rapid prototyping process, the product is firstly designed on a computer and then
created based on the computer data. Therefore an essential prerequisite is the digital
computer representation, usually made in a 3D geometrical modelling computer system like
a CAD system, a 3D scanner, computer tomography, etc. Precision of a computer
representation is a key parameter for controlling the tolerances of the future model. An
important difference between rapid prototyping and traditional techniques is the fact that
most of these new techniques build parts by adding material (e.g. layer by layer) instead of
removing it (Raos & Galeta, 2004).
The first commercial rapid prototyping process - Stereo Lithography was brought on the
market in 1987. Today, there are many different rapid prototyping techniques with high
accuracy and large choices of materials available on the market. However, some of specially
developed rapid prototyping techniques are still not commercialized. The most successfully
developed techniques are: Stereo Lithography, Selective Laser Sintering, Laminated Object
Manufacturing, Fused Deposition Modelling, Solid Ground Curing and nowadays the most
popular 3D Printing.
During last two decades rapid prototyping techniques have been tested and used in many
different areas in medicine (Petzold et al., 1999). Such areas include:
The physical models of human organs that are extremely effective in realizing the
anatomy and enhancing discussion and collaboration among teachers, students,
researchers and physicians;
Virtual planning and simulation of operation for orthopaedic surgery, vascular surgery
and maxilla surgery with complex spatial relationships;
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology

Prosthesis like titanium dental cast crowns, free of porosity, with excellent functional
contour and a smooth surface finish, could be obtained from the first casting trial;
Implants are also very interesting for possible rapid production, therefore many
researches have been;
Biomedical devices like a rapid produced polymeric implant consisted of a drug
embedded in a polymeric matrix that was surgically implanted into the body.
Some of common advantages of rapid prototyping techniques when used in medicine are:
speed; manufacturing flexibility; high degree of control over part microstructure; wide
variety of engineering and medical materials.
Existing rapid prototyping techniques also have some common shortcomings like: lack of
required mechanical properties depending on material combination; low accuracy; high
computational demands and poor bio-compatibility. Yet, most of listed shortcomings can be
successfully avoided in particular case with proper selection of techniques and materials
(Galeta et al., 2008).

Fig. 13. Rapid prototyping models (taken with permission of Klapan Medical Group
Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
Virtual Reality

2.5 Computer assisted navigation surgery

Fig. 14. Computer assisted navigation operations (taken with permission of Klapan et al.,
Orbit, 2001., and Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
2.6 Computer assisted telesurgery
Computer technologies allow for computer assisted surgery to be performed at distance.
The basic form of telesurgery can be realized by using audio and video consultations during
the procedure. Sophisticated endoscopic cameras show the operative field on the monitor
mounted in the operating theater, however, the image can also be transmitted to a remote
location by use of video transmission. The latest computer technology enables receipt of CT
images from a remote location, examination of these images, development of 3D spatial
models, and transfer of thus created models back to the remote location (Klapan et al., 2006).
All these can be done nearly within real time. These procedures also imply preoperative
consultation. During the surgery, those in the operating theater and remote consultants
follow on the patient computer model the procedure images, the 'live' video image
generated by the endoscopic camera, and instrument movements made by the remote
surgeon (Klapan et al., 1999). Simultaneous movement of the 3D spatial model on the
computers connected to the system providing consultation is enabled (Klapan et al., J
Telemed Telecare 2002; Klapan et al., ORL H&N Surg, 2002). It should be noted that in most
cases, intraoperative consultation can be realized from two or more locations, thus utmost
care should be exercised to establish proper network among them.
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology

The extreme usage of computer networks and telesurgery implies the use of robot
technologies operated by remote control. In such a way, complicated operative procedures
could be carried out from distant locations. The main idea considering the use of computer
networks in medicine is: it is preferable to move the data rather than patients (Fig. 15). In the
future, we can expect more applications of VR in medicine. Advances in computer science
will make possible more realistic simulations. VR, 3D-CAS, and Tele-3D-CAS systems of the
future will find many applications in both medical diagnostics and computer-aided

Fig. 15. An example of our tele-3D-CA-surgeries of the nose and paranasal sinuses in
1998/2000., representing the use of 3D imaging of the organ of interest (e.g using CT, or
MRI) (taken with permission from Klapan et al., Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg 2002., and
Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
2.7 Computer networks
Very important factor for realization of 3D-CAS, and Tele-3D-CAS applications which
represent a typical VR philosophy in routine daily diagnostic and surgical practice, and VR
systems is a fast computer network. The network is the basis for any tele-activity. Fast
computer networks are also the basis for telemedical applications, which may also be
viewed as a kind of teleoperation systems.
Following the application of computers in surgery and connecting diagnostic devices with
computer networks by use of DICOM protocol, the next step is directed toward connecting
these local computer networks with broad range networks, i.e. within a clinical center, city,
Virtual Reality

country, or countries. The establishment of complex computer networks of diagnostic systems
across the country offers another significant application of computer networks in medicine, i.e.
telemedicine. Current computer networks using ATM technology allow for very fast and
simultaneous communication among a number of physicians for joint diagnostic or
therapeutic consultation. Textual, image, audio and video communication as well as exchange
of operative field spatial models are thus enabled. Patient images and 3D spatial models can be
simultaneously examined by a number of phyisicans, who then can outline and describe
image segments by use of textual messages, indicator devices, sound or live image. The course
and conclusions of such a consultation can be stored in computer systems and subsequently
explored, used or forwarded to other users of the computer assisted diagnostic system.
The use of computer networks in medicine allows for high quality emergency interventions
and consultations requested from remote and less equipped medical centers in order to
achieve the best possible diagnosis and treatment (e.g., surgery). In addition to this, through
consultation with a surgeon, a physician in a remote diagnostic center can perform
appropriate imaging of a given anatomic region, which is of utmost importance for subsequent
operation to be carried out by the consultant surgeon from the remote hospital center.
2.8 Video technologies
During telesurgical transmission, two video signals have to be transferred from the OR site
and one video signal from every remote site involved in the telesurgery procedure. As about
24 Mb/s of bandwidth are needed for the native video signal, and there are only 155 Mb/s
or multiple 2Mb/s lines of bandwidth, the video signals must be compressed using
standard video compression systems

(Satava, 1996; Klapan et al., 1999). At each of the four
locations involved in the telesurgical procedure

there was a remotely controlled video
switch with 8 video inputs and 8 video outputs. At the expert location, remote from the OR,
there was a video processor for the acquisition of all video signals from all sites involved in
the telesurgery procedure and software for the remote control of all video inputs/outputs
and pan/tilt/zoom cameras of all locations. Thus, from this point in the telesurgery
network, a consultant or conference moderator

(Schlag et al, 1998) can view all the video
signals or just the primary display. For all these possibilities, a bandwidth of at least
155Mb/s asynchronous transfer mode (ATM OC-3) is needed.
2.9 Network technologies
ATM switches and adaptation layer type 5 (AAL-5) were used for video transmission and
native or LANE for TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol) computer
communications in our tele-3D-CAS.
2.10 Collaboration
InPerson teleconferencing software and the native TCP/IP network was used for
communication between all sites in our tele-3D-CAS. Consultations using computer images
and 3D-models were performed using the video network; outputs from the computer were
encoded into video stream and transmitted to the remote locations through video
communication protocols. The advantage is that only standard video equipment, without
any type of computer, needs to be installed at the remote location; the disadvantage is the
image or 3D-model from the local computer can only be viewed at the remote location and
cannot be manipulated with computer software.
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology


StarVision Video Box
Fast Ethernet
Newbridge ATM
Fast Ethernet
Newbridge ATM
StarVision Video Box

Fig. 16. Our Telesurgical equipment in ATM Network (OC-3, 155Mb/s) (taken with
permission from Klapan et al., J Telemed Telecare 2002)
Video records of the procedure, MPEG streams of the procedure in combination with CT
images and 3D models are essential for the creation of a computer database system for
education and the preparation of future surgical procedures (Broadcasting, Tele-education,
DVD-ROM, CD-ROM, www). In the real procedure, 3D computer models (Open Inventor)
can be texture-mapped using the live video signal from the endocamera. The live video
signal can be positioned using a 3D digitizer or any other spatial localizer. The texture
mapped 3D model, with live video signal during the surgery, provides the surgeons with a
more realistic computer presentation of the real surgical field. In our the 1
tele-3D-CAS, we
used the following (Klapan et al., J Telemed Telecare 2002) (Fig. 16):
SGI O2 workstation,
Newbridge ATM Switch,
ATM switched networks,
Video streams over AAL-5,
Computer communications over LANE (TCP/IP),
3Com Inverse Multiplexing (4xT1),
Optivision MPEG1/MPEG2 encoders,
Newbridge M-JPEG/MPEG1/MPEG2 encoders.
Virtual Reality

Network topologies:
point to point T1 lines,
nonroutable/routable shared FastEthernet/Ethernet,
nonroutable/routable switched FastEthernet/Ethernet,
ATM switched networks with AAL-5 and LANE,
multiple T1 lines (today).
Usage of collaboration tools (H.120, H.323):
SGI InPerson (Video, Audio, WhiteBoard),
SGI Meeting (Whiteboard, Application Share/Collaboration),
Microsoft NetMeeting(Video, Audio, Whiteboard, Application Share/Collaboration),
StarVison StarMED, StarED.
From the very beginning of our 3D-CAS (Klapan et al., 2006; Klapan et al., 2008), and tele-3D-
CA-surgeries (Klapan et al., 1997), the modeling was done by use of the VolVis,
Volpack/Vprender, GL Ware programs on a DEC Station 3100 computer

.With the advent of
3D Viewnix V1.0 software, we started using this program, and then 3D Viewnix V1.1 system,
AnalyzeAVW system, T-Vox system and OmniPro 2 system on Silicon Graphics O2, Origin200
and Origin2000 computers. Our team used several standards to encode live video signals in
telesurgery, such as M-JPEG, MPEG1, MPEG2 and MPEG4. For conferencing/consultation
cameras used between two or more connected sites during the surgery, we used JPEG and
MPEG1 stream with audio. Operation rooms (OR) were connected using several computer
network technologies with different bandwidths, from T1, E1 and multiple E1 to ATM-OC3
(from 1Mb/s to 155Mb/s). For computer communications using X-protocol for image/3D-
models manipulations, we needed an additional 4Mb/s of bandwidth, instead of the 1Mb/s
when we used our own communication tools for the transfer of surgical instrument
movements (Table 1.).

First tele-3D-CAS Second tele-3D-CAS
Video technology M-JPEG, H.323 MPEG1/2, H.323
Network technology ATM OC-3 155Mb/s
Inverse multiplexing 4xT1
Collaborative computing N.A.
SGImeeting, NetMeeting,
Consultancy Through video
Collaborative tools T.120
Through video
Preoperative consultancy
Through video
InPerson, H.323
Collaborative computing
T.120, H.323
Number of involved
3 2
Multiple In/Out (8/8)
Quad split
Manually controlled switch
Number of video signals
2 from O.R.
1 from other sites
1 from O.R.
1 from other sites
Hardware SGI O2, PC SGI O2
SGI IRIX, MS Windows,
StarMED, OmniPro,
SGI IRIX, MS Windows,
OmniPro, SGImeeting,
NetMeeting, InPerson
Table 1. Comparison between our first and second Tele-3D-CAS (FESS) (taken with
permission from Klapan et al., J Telemed Telecare, 2002)
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology

3. Discussion
In 1992, when we tried to establish the first system implementation for our CA-surgery, a
scientific research rhinosurgical team was organized at the University Department of ENT-
Head & Neck Surgery, Zagreb University School of Medicine and Zagreb University
Hospital Center in Zagreb, who have developed the idea of a novel approach in head
surgery. This computer aided FESS with 3D-support has been named 3D-CA-FESS. The first
3D-CA-FESS operation in Croatia was carried out at the alata University Department of
ENT, Head & Neck Surgery in June 3, 1994., when a 12-year-old child, was inflicted a
gunshot wound in the region of the left eye. Status: gunshot wound of the left orbit, injury
to the lower eyelid and conjunctiva of the left eye bulb. Massive subretinal, retinal and
preretinal hemorrhage was visible. The vitreous diffusely blurred with blood. The child was
blinded on the injured eye (today, sixteen years after the operation, 29 year old patient
shown in the Fig. 17) (Klapan et al., 1996, 1997, 2002).

Fig. 17. Different 3D models with evidence of the metallic foreign body. Using the static 3D
model elaborated from 2D CT sinus section, we obtained relative relationships of the
borderline areas that are important for the diagnosis of pathologic conditions in the region,
which proved to be a significant improvement in comparison with 2D visualization in the
form of stratified images (taken with permission from Klapan et al., Am J Otolaryngol, 2002.
and Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
Additionaly, with due understanding and support from the University Department of ENT,
Head & Neck Surgery, Zagreb University Hospital Center; Merkur University Hospital; T-
Com Company; InfoNET; and SiliconMaster, in May 1996 the scientific research rhinosurgical
team from the alata University Department of ENT-Head & Neck Surgery organized and
Virtual Reality

successfully conducted the first distant radiologic-surgical consultation (teleradiology)
within the frame of the 3D-C-FESS project. The consultation was performed before the
operative procedure between two distant clinical work posts in Zagreb (alata University
Department of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery and Merkur University Hospital)
(outline/network topology).In October 1998, and on several occasions thereafter, the team
conducted a number of first tele-3D-computer assisted operations as unique procedures of
the type not only in Croatia but worldwide

(www.mef.hr/MODERNRHINOLOGY and
www.poliklinika-klapan.com) (Klapan et al., 1997; Klapan et al., 1999). During the first
telesurgry of this kind, a surgical team carrying out an operative procedure at the alata
ENT Department, Zagreb University School of Medicine and Zagreb Clinical Hospital
Center, received instructions, suggestions and guidance through the procedure by an expert
surgeon from an expert center. The third active point was the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Computing, where ENT specialists, students and residents took an active
part in the entire surgical procedure. This tele-3D-CA-FESS surgery, performed as described
above, was successfully completed in 15 minutes (Fig. 18).

Video 8x8 switch
Echo cancelation
LAN, Video
Cold li ght
Digital video
14 video monitor
20 monitor
17 monitor PC
ATM Switch

Fig. 18. An example of our Tele-3D-C-FESS surgery initially performed in 1998 (taken with
permission from Klapan et al., Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg, 2002)
The complex software systems allow visualization of a 2D CT or MRI section in its natural
course (the course of examination performed), or in an imaginary, arbitrary course.
Particular images can be transferred, processed and deleted, or can be presented in
animated images. The series of images can be changed, or images can be generated in
different projections through the volume recorded.
Before the development of 3D spatial model, each individual image or a series of images
have to be segmented, in order to single out the image parts of interest. 3D-model
completely presents the relative relations of borderline areas that are of utmost diagnostic
importance, which is a considerable advancement compared with standard 2D stratified
imaging. Comparative analysis of 3D anatomic models with intraoperative finding shows
the 3D volume rendering image to be very good, actually a visualization standard that
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology

allows imaging likewise the real intraoperative anatomy (Mann & Klimek, 1998; Hamadeh
et al., 1998).
The technique of examination intended to realize in the proposed study provides, according
to many authors, optimal visualization of the paranasal sinus anatomy. Moreover, by use of
this approach, some substantial advancements are achieved in the diagnosis of the
pathologic state of paranasal sinuses, based on CT analysis, e.g. (a) basic CT diagnostics has
become an important aid in the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis, in terms of the follow-up and
prognosis of the course and treatment outcome; (b) additional axial or coronal sections are
avoided by the development and use of 3D model (so-called volume-rendering technique)
for diagnostic purposes; (c) as indicated in (b), the dose of irradiation to which the patient is
exposed is considerably reduced by the use of volume rendering technique; etc.
Therefore, we made endeavors to implement all these concepts and advantages of the new
mode of 3D visualization not only in daily 3D-CAS performed in our operating theaters but
also as a specific form of telesurgery with 3D computer assisted support, currently a
completely new and original type of telesurgery in the world, with the use of most
sophisticated computer technology in any OR. The surgeon and consultants view four split
video signals (quad split video processing) on the primary video display: one from the
endocamera, one from the OR camera, one from the first remote site and one from the
second remote site. However, during real surgery, all locations involved in such telesurgery
usually view only the video signal from the endocamera procedure on their primary
displays. In real surgery, there is one patient at one location included in the "telesurgical
procedure", with one or more consultants at one or more remote locations (the local location
is where the surgery is performed, and remote locations are the other locations included in
the telesurgery procedure) (Sezeur, 1998). As we already discussed, two video streams (the
endocamera and the conference camera) have to be transferred from the local location
(patient location), and one video stream (the conference camera) has to be transferred from
each remote location (consultants). At each location, video monitors are needed for video
streams from any other location included in the telesurgery procedure (up to four video
streams on one large video monitor, quad-split, can be used). An LCD/TFT video projector
can be put in the OR. Using such tele-CA-system, the possibility of exact preoperative, non-
invasive visualization of the spatial relationships of anatomic and pathologic structures,
including extremely fragile ones (Hauser et al., 1997, Vinas et al., 1997), size and extent of
pathologic process (Elolf et al., 1998; Burtcher et al., 1998), and to precisely predict the
course of surgical procedure (Man & Klimek, 1998), definitely allows the surgeon in any
3D-CAS or Tele-CAS procedure to achieve considerable advantage in the preoperative
examination of the patient, and to reduce the risk of intraoperative complications, all this by
use of VS or diagnosis. With the use of 3D model, the surgeon's orientation in the operative
field is considerably facilitated (Burtcher et al., 1998)

(patient location as well as the
location of the tele-expert consultant), and all procedures and manipulations are
performed with higher certainty and safety (Olson & Citardi, 1999).
As it can be seen, one of their main applications of Tele-3D-C-FESS is 3D-navigation (VE) in
the study of anatomy and surgery (computed journey through the nose and paranasal
sinuses). From this point of view this approach can be compared with similar simulator
systems for the training of endoscopic sinus surgery presently available on the market, but
definitely we have to be aware that it is not the study of or training in anatomy or surgery,
but pure implementation of live surgical procedure with computer support in real time, the
Virtual Reality

prime and foremost aim being the achievement of faster and safer procedure. So, it should
be made clear that the main message of our Tele-3D-C-FESS surgery, as differentiated from
the standard tele-surgeries worldwide, is the use of the 3D-model operative field, and thus
of VS, which in addition to higher safety allows for successful course of operation,
especially in small, detached medical institutions where advanced endoscopic techniques
are not available. This is of paramount importance for emergency surgical interventions
which have to be performed in distant medical institutions where the service of well
known surgical experts (e.g., skull base surgery) is not available.
3.1 Postoperative analysis
Surgical workstation includes 3D vision, dexterous precision surgical instrument
manipulation, and input of force feedback sensory information. The surgeon and/or
telesurgeon operates in a virtual world (Klapan et al., 2006). The use of computer technology
during preoperative preparation and surgery performance allows for all relevant patient
data to store during the treatment. CT images, results of other tests and examinations,
computer images, 3D spatial models, and both computer and video records of the course of
operation and teleoperation are stored in the computer and in CD-R devices for subsequent
analysis (www.mef.hr/MODERNRHINOLOGY). Also, these are highly useful in education
on and practice of different approaches in surgery for surgery residents as well as for
specialists in various surgical subspecialties.
VR has many applications in CA-surgery. Statistical studies show that physicians are more
likely to make errors during their first several to few dozen surgical procedures. Surgical
training may be done on cadavers, but the problem is a chronical shortage of cadavers for
medical research. It would be helpful if medical training could be performed using a
realistic imitation of a human body inside the computer. Such computer-based training can
be used for minimally invasive surgery, and for open surgery. Training on cadavers has
several drawbacks: a) if trainee cuts a nerve or a blood vessel in a cadaver nothing will
happen, b) no action can be reversed on cadavers (what is cut is cut), c) dead tissue is
harder, color is changed, and arteries do not pulsate. Advantages of computer simulations
are that the procedures can be repeated many times with no damage to virtual body, virtual
body does not have to be dead - many functions of living body can be simulated for realistic
visualizations, and organs can be made transparent and modeled. The trainee may be
warned of any mistakes in the surgical procedure using a multimedia-based context-
sensitive help.
In this way, the real surgery and/or telesurgery procedures can be subsequently analyzed
and possible shortcomings defined in order to further improve operative treatment. The use
of latest computer technologies enables connection between the computer 3D spatial model
of the surgical field and video recording of the course of surgery to observe all critical points
during the procedure, with the ultimate goal to improve future procedures and to develop
such an expert system that will enable computer assisted surgery and telesurgery with due
account of all the experience acquired on previous procedures (Klapan et al., ORL H&N
Surg, 2002) . Also, using the computer recorded co-ordinate shifts of 3D digitalizer during
the telesurgery procedure, an animated image of the course of surgery can be created in the
form of navigation, i.e. the real patient operative field fly-through, as it was done from the
very beginning (from 1998) in our telesurgeries.
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology

The real-time requirement means that the simulation must be able to follow the actions of
the user that may be moving in the virtual environment (Belina et al., 2008). The computer
system must also store in its memory a 3D model of the virtual environment, as we did in
our first activities in 1994 (3D-CAS models; Fig. 19). In that case a real-time virtual reality
(VR) system will update the 3D graphical visualization as the user moves, so that up-to-date
visualization is always shown on the computer screen (Belina et al., 2009) (Fig. 20).

Fig. 19. Transmission of 3D-models as VE of the human head, realized during our tele-3D-CA-
endoscopic sinus surgeries in 1998., when we used 3D image analysis to create the model of
the desired anatomical structures (segmentation) (taken with permission from Klapan et al.,
Ear Nose Throat J, 2006. and Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
Upon the completion of the CAS and/or tele-CAS-operation, the surgeon compares the
preoperative and postoperative images and models of the operative field, and studies video
records of the procedure itself. In otorhinolaryngology, especially in rhinology, research in
the area of 2D and 3D image analysis, visualization, tissue modelling, and human-machine
interfaces provides scientific expertise necessary for developing successful VR applications
(Johnson, 2007). The basic requirement in rhinology, resulting from the above mentioned
needs refers to the use of a computer system for visualization of anatomic 3D-structures and
integral operative field to be operated on (Fig. 21). To understand the idea of 3D-CAS/VR it
is necessary to recognize that the perception of surrounding world created in our brain is
based on information coming from the human senses and with the help of a knowledge that
is stored in our brain. The usual definition says that the impression of being present in a
virtual environment, such as virtual endoscopy (VE) of the patients head, that does not exist
in reality, is called VR.
The physician has impression of presence in the virtual world and can navigate through it
and manipulate virtual objects. A 3D-CAS/VR system may be designed in such a way that
the physician is completely impersed in the virtual environment

Virtual Reality


Fig. 20. 3D volume rendering technique can show the surface of the air-tissue interfaces,
using a separate segmentation of air, soft tissue, bone, and pathologic tissue (taken with
permission of Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
4. Conclusions
Different VR applications become a routine preoperative procedure in human medicine, as
we already shown in our surgical activities in the last two decades (from June 03, 1994),
providing a highly useful and informative visualization of the regions of interest, thus
bringing advancement in defining the geometric information on anatomical contours of 3D-
human head-models by the transfer of so-called image pixels to contour pixels (Rubino
et al., 2002).
Telemedicine attempts to break the distance barrier between the provider and the patient in
health-care delivery. VR is able to simulate remote environments and can therefore be
applied to telemedicine. Physicians can have VR produced copy of a remote environment
including the patient at their physical location. One of the simplest telemedical applications
is medical teleconsultation, where physicians exchange medical information, over computer
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology


Fig. 21. Postoperative analysis, done after one our tele-3D-CA-sugreries in rhinology, where
we defined the precise relationships of the borderline areas that are important for the
diagnosis of pathologic conditions in the patients head (taken with permission of Klapan
Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
networks, with other physicians in the form of image, video, audio, and text.
Teleconsultations can be used in radiology, pathology, surgery, and other medical areas.
One of the most interesting telemedical applications is tele-surgery. Telesurgery is a
telepresence application in medicine where the surgeon and the patient are at different
locations, but such systems are still in an early research phase. Patients, who are too ill or
injured to be transported to a hospital, may be operated remotely. In all these cases, there is
a need for a surgeon specialist who is located at some distance. Generaly speaking, the
purpose of a tele-presence system is to create a sense of physical presence at a remote
location. Tele-presence is achieved by generating sensory stimulus so that the operator has
an illusion of being present at a location distant from the location of physical presence. A
tele-presence system extends operators sensory-motor facilities and problem solving
abilities to a remote environment. A tele-operation system enables operation at a distant
remote site by providing the local operator with necessary sensory information to simulate
operators presence at the remote location. Tele-operation is a special case of tele-presence
where in addition to illusion of presence at a remote location operator also has the ability to
perform certain actions or manipulations at the remote site. In this way it is possible to
perform various actions in distance locations, where it is not possible to go due to a danger,
prohibitive price, or a large distance. Realization of VR systems require software (design of
VE) for running VR applications in real-time. Simulations in real-time require powerful
computers that can perform real-time computations required for generation of visual
Virtual Reality

Different goals can be achieved by using different VR applications. These goals range from
teaching, diagnosis, intervention planning, providing insight into the potentially
complicated and non-standard anatomy, as well pathology of the patients, intra-operative
navigation, etc.
VE or fly-through methods which combine the features of endoscopic viewing and cross-
sectional volumetric imaging provided more effective and safer endoscopic procedures in
diagnostics and management of our patients, especially preoperatively, as we already
discussed (Fig.22). This approach can also be applied for training and familiarize the
surgeon with endoscopic anatomic appearance.

Fig. 22. Virtual endoscopy during our 3D-CA-endoscopic surgery (taken with permission of
Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia)
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology

Definitely, the presentation of image data in such a way enables the operator not only to
explore the inner wall surfaces but also to navigate inside the virtual organs extracted
from MSCT and/or MR images of nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and scull base, and in
combination with in-space skull bone rendering, offers plastic and accurate additional 3D
information for head and neck surgeon in combination with classical 2D black and white
CT images (Belina et al., 2008). Interactive display of correlated 2D and 3D data in a four-
window format may assist the endoscopist in performing various image guided
procedures. In comparison with real endoscopy, the VE is completely non-invasive. It is
possible to repeat the same procedure several times, therefore it may be a valuable tool for
training, as well as the interactive control of all virtual camera parameters, including the
field-of-view, and the viewing as opposed to the extend of lesions within and beyond the
wall which gives the potential to stage tumors by determining the location and the extent
of transmural extension (Belina et al., 2008). In the nasal or sinus cavity, VE can clearly
display the anatomic structure of the paranasal sinuses (Di Rienzo et al., 2003),
nasopharyngeal cavity and upper respiratory tract, revealing damage to the sinus wall
caused by a bone tumor or fracture (Tao et al., 2003; Belina et al., 2009), and use the
corresponding cross-sectional image or multiplanar reconstructions to evaluate structures
outside the sinus cavity. A major disadvantage of VE is its inability to make an impact on
operating room performance, as well as the considerable time consumption (Caversaccio
et al., 2003), to evaluate the mucosal surface (Belina et al., 2008), or to provide a realistic
illustration of the various pathologic findings in cases with highly obstructive sinonasal
disease (Bisdas et al., 2004).
Even more, our vision of 3D-CA-navigation surgery and/or tele-3D-CA-navigation surgery
allows surgeons not only to see and transfer video signals but also to transfer 3D computer
models and surgical instrument movements with image/3D-model manipulations in real
time during the surgery (imii et al., 1998) (Fig. 23). Considering the specificities and basic
features of 3D-CA-navigation surgery and tele-3D-CAS, we believe that this type of surgery
would be acceptable to many surgeons all over the world for the following reasons: a) the
technology is readily available in collaboration with any telecom worldwide, b) the
improved safety and reduced cost will allow the inclusion of a greater number of patients
from distant hospital institutions in such a telesurgical expert system, c) the presence of
leading international surgical experts as tele-consultants in any OR in the world will thus be
possible in the near future, which will additionally stimulate the development of surgery in
all settings; and d) the results obtained in the tele-3D-CAS project in Croatia are
encouraging and favor the further development of the method.
The possibility of data analysis and storage in the 3D form and development of 3D centers at
clinical institutions, as well as the development of the surgery using a remote-controlled
robots (Vilbert et al., 2003) should provide a new quality in proper training of future
surgeons in 3D-CAS as well as tele-3D-CAS activities
(www.mef.hr/MODERNRHINOLOGY and www.poliklinika-klapan.com).
Finally, modelling of the biological material and tissue properties is an important field of
research. In the future, we can expect a new generation of diagnostic imaging techniques
that use simulated reality techniques for effective visualization of organ anatomy and
function. Such systems will enable not only better medical diagnosis but also more
appropriate intervention.
Virtual Reality


Fig. 23. Different VR applications can be applied for preoperative analysis, intraoperative
surgery (as well as postoperative training and education), and completely familiarize the
surgeon with endoscopic anatomy and pathology in the real operation (taken with
permission from Klapan et al. Coll Anthrop 2008., and Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic,
Zagreb, Croatia)
Application of Advanced Virtual Reality and 3D Computer Assisted Technologies
in Computer Assisted Surgery and Tele-3D-computer Assisted Surgery in Rhinology

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Development of a Medical Training System with
Integration of Users' Skills Assessment
Ronei M. Moraes and Liliane S. Machado
Federal University of Paraba
1. Introduction
Virtual Reality (VR) joins several areas to produce environments that contain elements with
realistic behaviour. The real-time processing of users interactions is a mandatory
requirement and one or more user senses can be explored in VR systems. Machado &
Moraes (2010) presented the multidisciplinary aspect of the VR systems and pointed out
their importance for training.
Particularly, the training of medical procedures can be improved by VR systems. It occurs
due to the fact that traditional training in medicine is frequently performed with cadavers or
guinea pigs, which do not present the same characteristics of live bodies. Practice
supervised by a tutor, with real patients, is another usual situation used for training. Both
cases present problems: dead bodies, besides the degradation along the time, cannot be
reused if cuts or punctures were done and need to be discarded after some manipulation;
and supervised training can be risky or even uncomfortable for patients. Additionally,
supervised training depends directly on the cases attended, what could not represent the
variability and diversity of cases that students must learn. These observations make VR
powerful to improve training, since it can rebuild digitally the same components of real
procedures and can present virtual bodies with similar features of live bodies. Moreover, it
can allow realistic and interactive simulation, in safe conditions, for users and patients; can
provide variability of cases and offers reusability of the structures.
A very important aspect related to VR for medical simulation is the possibility of monitoring
users actions. Since VR systems are computational applications, all input and output data
can be stored and used to assess users. This feature allows users to know their skills and to
identify the points that must be improved in the execution of the procedure. This is
particularly important in blind procedures in which a videotape of the execution cannot
give possibilities of assessment by an expert. However, only recently this resource has been
explored (Machado et al., 2000; Machado & Moraes, 2010).
This chapter will present the development process of a medical training system for bone
marrow harvest procedure, a minimally invasive procedure. The problem approached will
be described in order to identify the senses involved in the real procedure. Then, difficulties
to assess trainees' skills and problems present in a real procedure, such as risks for donors,
will be discussed allowing the identification of key points in the conception of a simulator
based on VR. Those key points, the project budget and technological limitations will help to
define the main features to be included in the computational architecture of the simulator.
Virtual Reality

The use of a framework that integrates several tools and methods will be introduced to
demonstrate how this kind of software can decrease implementation time and standardize
the development of this kind of application.
2. Development difficulties
There are four aspects related to the development of simulations for medical training: know
the procedure, presence of a multidisciplinary team, presence of methods to assess the
quality of training performed in the simulator and knowledge of computational tools and
technologies for programming the application. It makes challenging the activities of the
researchers to produce advances that could benefit all areas involved, without duplicity of
Know the procedure refers to obtain a detailed description about all elements involved in it:
objects, structures, tools, anatomical parts, ways to perform the procedure and its variations,
senses included (sight, touch, hearing, smell), range of expected time necessary to perform
the procedure, and other aspects necessary to have a complete description. That information
should be analysed according to the project budget and the technology available and can
demand changes in the approach to be adopted. However, any decision must be discussed
among the team: computer scientists and engineers will point out the technological
possibilities and physicians will evaluate the approaches proposed, as example. The method
to be used to assess users in the simulator must also be discussed according to the simulator
subject. The detailed description will provide information that will allow identifying the
type of variables included in the procedure. It must be discussed with a statistician or
mathematician to define an adequate and good assessment method capable to deal with
input and output data of simulator. During the implementation and after it, the
development team will continuously refine and correct the approach adopted. Finally, the
physicians must do the validation of the simulator.
A simulator based on VR must contain the same steps present in a real procedure and can
use volumetric models, stereoscopic visualization, haptic systems, deformation methods
and interactive cut. The use of all those features requires a lot of processing and can
compromise the real-time performance. Thus, a VR simulator for medicine is defined and
developed to deal with specific parts of the human body and present some limitations:
according to the procedure requirements, some VR techniques are more explored than
others. The architecture components could present educational aspects beyond training.
Educational contents include explanations of the procedure, models with transparent view,
attach, detach and other 3D manipulation tools, that only can be present by a VR
application, to help users to solve some doubts about the procedure. Additionally, data
collected during interaction in a VR-based simulation can be used to assess users'
performance in training and to allow them to identify mistakes and improve their skills. An
online assessment tool coupled to the simulator can do it.
A difficulty related to the development of simulators, which explore more than one human
sense, is the integration of the tasks related to each sense and their synchronization. Most of
the simulators found in literature were developed through the implementation and
integration of all routines necessary. Because there are several devices and specific APIs
(Application Programming Interface) dedicated to their programming, a programmer with
experience to deal with each device or API is necessary to develop the VR simulators.
Methods for collision detection, deformation, and stereoscopic visualization also need to be
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment

completely implemented each time an application is developed. Besides, the several
methods need to deal with the same models and interaction devices. Then, all this
information and all application tasks must be synchronized to avoid delays or
inconsistencies that can compromise the realism. Figure 1 presents a diagram with some
tasks that can be present in a simulator for medical training: the tasks can depend on process
from other tasks. Finally, there isnt any guarantee of compatibility among simulators and
codes are not usually shared among groups, fact that causes constant duplicity of efforts and
recoding of the same tasks.

Fig. 1. Tasks that could compose medical simulators based on VR and their relation.
2.1 The framework CyberMed
To programming a simulator it is necessary to know a set of methods and tools: the method
for generation of stereoscopic images and their adequacy to the visualization device chosen
must be considered; the haptic device has specific API for programming; there are different
methods for collision detection between objects in virtual environments; deformation
methods depends on collision detection and can be more or less complex, depending on the
one chosen; assessment is related to the type of input data (interaction) and demand the
knowledge of mathematical or statistical concepts; the models must be readable; and,
finally, all processes must be synchronized.
The use of frameworks was recently adopted to minimize duplicity of efforts, to make
interoperable the simulators and to allow fast development. It means that the stage of
implementation can be accelerated if programmers do not need to learn and develop all
methods and tools related to each task. Examples of frameworks for the development of
medical simulators are the GiPSi, Spring, SOFA, SSVE, Chai3D, ViMeT, and CyberMed
(Machado et al., 2009; Correa et al., 2009). In Table 1 is possible to observe that most of them
are open source, feature that augments the possibilities of discussion and code exchange
among programmers. Support to haptics is also an important component since it allows
Virtual Reality

including routines that provide sense of touch and force feedback for users. However, only
the CyberMed presents support to assessment and can be pointed as a framework for the
development of training simulator capable to provide feedback about users' skills.

Support to
Support to
Spring X X
CyberMed X X X X
Table 1. Comparison among frameworks for medical development based on VR.
CyberMed is a framework to the development of VR simulators based on VR for commodity
computers (Souza et al., 2007). It is composed by a set of open and free libraries that allows
integrating new methods or supporting new devices. It also supports low cost devices as
much as high-end devices, depending on the budget of the project. This flexibility permits to
attend a large group of applications and programmers can select the resources available
according to the goal and public of the final system. It allows programming in high-level but
permit expanding its functionalities in a low-level programming. It is available for
download at http://cybermed.sourceforge.net/. Figure 2 presents CyberMed layers and
their disposition inside the system.

Fig. 2. CyberMed architecture.
The architecture of CyberMed is based on the object-oriented paradigm and follows some
pattern designs to guarantee software reuse and agile development. Then, singleton and
Abstract Factory were patterns applied in CyberMed development: singleton offers a single
instance of a class to allow singleness of information; and Abstract Factory allows the creation
of interfaces to make new objects with common operations.
The framework is composed by a set of layers that provide services for its users. Each layer
abstracts several concepts to facilitate the development of VR applications. Nowadays,
CyberMed offers support to: three different modes of stereoscopy, mass-spring deformation,
two collision detection modes, import 3D meshes, optical and magnetic tracking, haptics,
network collaboration, synchronization, and three different assessment methods.
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment

3. Design of the simulator
The design of the simulator starts with the complete description of the procedure. The bone
marrow transplant is a minimally invasive medical procedure to treat recently considered
incurable diseases, as some specific occurrences of cancer. It is used to replace the cells of the
immune system, mainly after chemotherapy or radiotherapy sessions. To obtain bone marrow
it is necessary to extract it through many material aspirations from the iliac crest bone marrow
(sometimes it includes the sternum bone also) of a donator under general anaesthesia. The
harvest is executed blindly without any visual feedback except the external view of the donors
body. So, the physician needs to touch patients body and identify the position of the iliac
crest. After, he will insert a needle from this position to reach the bone marrow. In order to do
that, he must apply adequate force and feel the tissue layers pierced by the needle.
The knowledge of the anatomic structures of the pelvic region, as well as the physician
ability to find the iliac crest under the skin and the perception of the tissues pierced by the
needle are essential to perform the bone marrow harvest procedure. Thus, it is possible to
observe that the sense of touch is essential to perform the procedure and will be from it that
the physician will decide the correct position to insert the needle and when to stop doing it.
The dexterity of the physician will determine his skills.
The process of learning the bone marrow harvest procedure can be divided in three stages:
understand the anatomy of the pelvis, learn how to identify the iliac crest and acquire
dexterity to insert the needle, with correct force and precision, to reach the bone marrow.
The elements necessary to compose these stages are: anatomical models of structures of the
iliac region; needle for harvest; hand or fingers for palpation; hardness and elasticity
properties of tissues from each structure; colour of structures.
Factors that determine a correct execution are related to the time of harvest, correctness of
place in needle insertion, and adequate application of forces during the piercing. This
information can be used for decision making about users dexterity and their skill level.
3.1 Assessment methodologies
The research area on training assessment for simulators based on VR is recent (Burdea &
Coiffet, 2003). The early works in that area probably were proposed by Dinsmore et al. (1996;
1997) (Langrana et al., 1997) that used a quiz to assess users of a VR environment to identify
subcutaneous tumors. The quiz contained questions related to the diagnosis and hardness of
tumor. Similarly, Wilson et al. (1997) created a minimally invasive system (MIST) in which
each task could be programmed for different difficulty levels. Performance data of each user
could be saved to post analysis (offline) by an expert or statistical methods.
In parallel, methods to assess surgical skills have been developed by several research groups.
Some of them use statistical models to do that offline (Derossis et al., 1998) and others use
statistical methods to show that through VR based systems is possible to discriminate between
expert and novice physicians (Taffinfer et al., 1998; Gallagher et al., 2001). It was showed also
that surgeons trained in VR systems could obtain better results (Gallagher et al., 1999) when
compared to others trained by traditional methods. Additionally, the assessment of
psychomotor skills in VR systems that include haptic devices can quantify surgical dexterity
with objective metrics (Darzi et al., 1999). Thus, VR systems for training can be used to provide
metrics to a proficiency criterion of learning (Darzi et al., 1999; Gallagher et al., 2005). Due to
those reasons, McCloy & Stone (2001) pointed out the assessment of psychomotor skills as the
future of medical teaching and training.
Virtual Reality

The first proposal for online training assessment in VR systems was presented by (Burdea et
al., 1998) and was based on a boolean logic that compared diagnoses provided by users with
correct ones stored in the simulator. However, ordinary computers of that generation were
not able to run simultaneously virtual reality environments/simulators and online
assessment systems if several interaction variables were monitored. After that, more
sophisticated assessment methods were proposed for several training systems (McBeth et
al., 2002; Huang et al., 2005; Mackel et al., 2006; Kumagai et al., 2007; Farber et al., 2008).
Apart from methods for evaluating a user, have also been proposed methodologies for
evaluation of multiple users interacting in the same VR environment (Moraes & Machado,
2007). It is important to note that there are evaluations systems for training systems based
on Web (Moraes & Machado, 2005b; 2006; Machado & Moraes, 2006). Some methodologies,
which cannot be able to run in real time in commodity computers, can be implemented
using embedded systems, coupled to them (Moraes & Machado, 2008).
The choice of an assessment methodology is strongly related to the procedure itself. For
example, in a procedure in which information can be obtained from procedures performed
in simulators based on VR are fully quantitative, numerical methods based on probability
distributions can be most appropriate (Machado & Moraes, 2006). However, one should take
into consideration what types of such information specialists are able to interpret. In cases
where such information coming from specialists are imprecise or vague, modelling from
fuzzy sets (Moraes & Machado, 2009a) or hybrid modelling can be good choices (Moraes &
Machado, 2010). Can still be used in knowledge-based modelling, such as rule-based expert
systems (classical or fuzzy) (Machado et al., 2000). Approaches based on models for discrete
variables or statistical models based on binomial or multinomial distributions are not
indicated, since the need for changes on the original variables that can cause loss of
information (Moraes & Machado, 2009b). In cases where information is qualitative, the use
of expert systems can be a good solution (Machado et al., 2008). Other approaches based on
multinomial probability models (Moraes & Machado, 2009a; 2009b) can also be used for
these cases. There are still cases in which information is obtained from both qualitative and
quantitative variables. In these cases, evaluation method to be used should take into
consideration these aspects and be able to analyse the two types variables simultaneously
(Machado & Moraes, 2009).
Because users can have forgotten some decisions and actions done during the training, the
main problem in this kind of evaluation is the interval between training and evaluation.
Additionally, some performances cannot be classified as good or bad due to procedure
complexity. Thus, the existence of an evaluation system coupled to a simulation allows fast
feedback that can be used improve user performance. However, it demands low
computational complexity in order to not compromise the simulation performance and high
accuracy to do not compromise the quality of evaluation. Figure 3 shows the independence
between simulator and evaluation systems in spite of their simultaneous action.
Theoretically, the system can collect any information related to position, forces, torque,
resistance, velocity, acceleration, temperature, angle of visualization, sound, smells,
temperature, velocity and shape. Spatial position can be captured by tracking devices
attached to some part of users' body or to an object manipulated by them. Those devices can
collect movements in three or more degrees of freedom in constant intervals of time. Such
information allows VR system to calculate object position in the virtual scene, the velocity of
the movement and its acceleration. In a similar way, haptic devices (Burdea & Coiffet, 2003)
also can do the same, but in a limited physical space. In both examples, sampling rates vary
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment

according to the device chosen. The positioning of objects manipulated by users can allow
the identification of collision with other objects of the virtual scene, besides the direction of
contact and its intensity. In order to achieve this, position vectors with last and present
position are used to determine the collision velocity and intensity.

Fig. 3. Assessment and its relation with VR simulator.
Reactions from data processing collected from interaction can be send to users as force
feedback, a new point of view of the scene, deformation of objects, sound, increase or
decrease of temperature, change of objects (as cuts or divisions) and smells. The intensity of
feedback will depend on device capabilities. However, the continuity of reaction is an
important factor in the levels of immersion.
a. Maximum Likelihood
Maximum Likelihood decision rule is the most common statistical technique used in data
classification. Its application for training evaluation based on VR was presented by Moraes
& Machado (2005a). Formally, the classes of performance for an user are done by: w
i=1,...,M, where M is the total number of classes of performance. It is possible to determine
the most probable class of a vector of training data X, by conditional probabilities (Johnson
& Wichern, 2001):
| X), where i=1,...,M. (1)
The probability done by (1) gives the likelihood that for a data vector X, the correct class is
. Classification rule is performed according to
X w
if P(w
| X) > P(w
| X) for all i j. (2)
However, all the probabilities done by (1) are unknown. So, probabilities denoted by P(X |
) can be estimated if there is sufficient information available for each class of performance.
Using the Bayes Theorem:
| X) = [P(X | w
) P(w
)] / P(X), (3)
where P(X) =
i = 1
P(X | w
) P(w
As P(X) is the same for all classes w
, then it is not relevant for data classification. In
Bayesian theory, P(w
) is called a priori probability for w
and P(w
| X) is a posteriori
probability for w
where X is known. Then, the classification rule done by (2) is modified:
X w
if P(w
| X) P(w
) > P(w
| X) P(w
) for all i j. (4)
Virtual Reality

Equation (4) is known as the maximum likelihood decision rule or maximum likelihood
classification. However, it can be convenient to use (Johnson & Wichern, 2001):
g(X) = ln [P(X | w
) P(w
)] = ln [P(X | w
)] + ln [P(w
)] (5)
where g(X) is known as the log-likelihood function and it is known as discriminant function.
Equation (5) can be used to modify the formulation done by (4):
X w
if g
(X) > g
(X) for all i j. (6)
It is important to note that if statistical distribution of training data can assume multivariate
Gaussian distribution, the use of (6) has interesting computational properties (Johnson &
Wichern, 2001). If training data cannot assume that distribution, (6) can provide a significant
reduction of computational cost of implementation. Thus, the user's interactions with the
system are monitored and the information is sent to the evaluation system, where Maximim
Likelihood is in its kernel. This method can produce good results even with small bases
calibration. However it is necessary that these data are able to translate the scope of the
problem addressed.
For the calibration of the evaluation system, an expert executes several times the procedure,
labelling each one into a class of performance among M classes available. For each one, the
vectors of each variable are storage. At the end of calibration, the information of variability
about each one procedure class is acquired by calculate the mean vector and covariance
matrix. These parameters are sufficient to characterize the multivariate Gaussian distribution
for each class of performance. When it is done, the evaluation system is ready to run.
The users perform their training in the VR simulator and the Evaluation Tool based on
Maximum Likelihood collects the data from that manipulation. All probabilities of data for
each class of performance are calculated by evaluation tool and a w
class of performance is
assigned to the user at the end of simulation, according (4) or (6), which is reported to the
b. General Bayesian Network (GBN)
A Bayesian network is a probabilistic model that can represent a set of probabilities
distributions from all variables in a complex process and also establish their relationships
(Neapolitan, 2003). Formally, a Bayesian network is defined as directed acyclic graphs,
denoted by G and a probabilistic distribution denoted by P. The graph G is a set of nodes
and oriented arcs, where nodes represent variables in process and oriented arcs encode
conditional dependencies between variables (Neapolitan, 2003). The dependencies are
modeled by specific conditional probabilistic distributions (Krause, 1998).
Cheng & Greiner (2001) proposed a classification for Bayesian networks, according to their
graph structure, in five classes: Naive-Bayes, Tree Augmented Naive-Bayes, Augmented
Naive-Bayes, Bayesian Multi-net nets e General Bayesian Networks (GBNs). The choice of a
specific structure to knowledge representation depends on dependencies relationship
between variables, which describe that process. That choice is critical, because it changes the
final results. The GBN is a generalized form of Bayesian networks, which allows nodes to
form an arbitrary graph, rather than just a tree. Another important characteristic is that each
child node cannot be connected to the final classes of evaluation.
The General Bayesian Network is convenient to serve as base for a training evaluation due
to its generality. In that network, the dependencies between nodes can adjust itself to real
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment

dependencies. Thus, it is possible to verify dependencies between variables during network
modelling and put them in structure nodes of GBN, which did not occur in other structures.
Formally, let the classes of performance be in space of decision with M classes of
performance. Let be w
, j the class of performance for a user and X
, 1 i n, represents
a node in GBN with n as the number of nodes in a graph. The joint probability distribution
in GBN for an event is done by:
, X
, , X
) =

| X
, X
, , X
) (7)
where P(X
, X
, , X
) is the joint probability distribution and P(X
| X
, X
, , X
) is the
conditional probability of X
conditioned by its predecessor nodes X
, X
, , X
If the conditional independence between variables is verified, this permits simplifications in
(7). Then,
, X
, , X
) = P(X
| w
) P(X
| w
) P(X
| w
) (8)
The node probabilities are associated to probability distribution. For example, a node A can
have a Gaussian distribution and a node B, which depends on A, can have a bivariate
Gaussian distribution, with a mean vector and a covariance matrix (Johnson & Wichern,
The structure of GBN is learned from data, as well as the parameters of conditional
probabilities. By the use of probabilities calculus is possible to find dependencies among
nodes in a Bayesian network. If those dependencies are founding and, if is possible to
assume Gaussian distribution for nodes, dependencies can be estimated using multivariate
linear regression (Neapolitan, 2003). Scores are used to help the estimation of the final
structure of GBN for each class of assessment. In a first moment, a network is created with
all independent nodes and an initial score is calculated. Following, all combinations are
searched and an arc is designed between two nodes to obtain an increment of initial score.
Then, the parameters for that nodes set are re-estimated using linear regression. This cycle is
repeated until the total network score could be less than a predetermined value or a fixed
number of cycles. This methodology has the ability to obtain better results for larger
calibration databases.
Previously, an expert calibrates the system, according M classes of performance. The
information of variability about these procedures is acquired using GBN based method
(Moraes et al., 2009). The users perform their training in the VR simulator and the
Assessment Tool based on GBN collects the data from that manipulation. All probabilities of
data for each class of performance are calculated by GBN and a w
class of performance is
assigned to the user at the end of simulation, according to (7) or (8), depending on the
particular case. At the end of the training, the assessment system reports the classification to
the trainee.
For the calibration of the evaluation system, an expert executes several times the procedure,
labeling each one into a class of performance among M classes available. For each one, the
vectors of each variable are storage. At the end of calibration, the structure of GBN is
learned from data, as well as the parameters of conditional probabilities for each class of
performance. Using probabilities calculus is possible to find dependencies among nodes in a
Bayesian network. If those dependencies are founding and, if is possible to assume Gaussian
distribution for nodes, dependencies can be estimated using multivariate linear regression
(Neapolitan, 2003). Scores are used to help estimate the final structure of GBN for each class
Virtual Reality

of assessment. In a first moment a network is created with all independent nodes and an
initial score is calculated. Next, all combinations are searched and an arc is designed
between two nodes for which an increment of initial score is obtained. Then, the parameters
for that nodes set are re-estimated using linear regression. This cycle is repeated until total
network score is less than a predetermined value or a fixed number of cycles.
The users perform their training in the VR simulator and the Evaluation Tool based on GBN
collects the data from that manipulation. All probabilities of data for each class of
performance are calculated by evaluation tool and a w
class of performance is assigned to
the user at the end of simulation, according (7) or (8), which is reported to the trainee.
c. Expert system based on Fuzzy Rules
As it is possible that some variables in the training system do not present an exactly
correspondence to the real world, some measures cannot be exact. Then we must use fuzzy
sets to measure those variables (Dubois & Prade, 1980).
In classical set theory a set A of a universe X can be expressed by means of a membership
(x), with
: X {0,1}, where for a given a A,
(a)=1 and
(a)=0 respectively
express the presence and absence of a in A. Mathematically:


Zadeh (1965) introduced the fuzzy set theory in 1965. A fuzzy set or fuzzy subset is used to
model an ill-known quantity. A fuzzy set A on X is characterized by its membership
: X [0,1]. We say that a fuzzy set A of X is precise when c
X such that

)=1 and cc
(c)=0. A fuzzy set A will be said to be crisp, when c X,
The intersection and union of two fuzzy sets are performed trough the use of t-norm and t-
conorm operators respectively, which are commutative, associative and monotonic mappings
from [0,1][0,1]. Moreover, a t-norm (respec. t-conorm ) has 1 (respec. 0) as neutral
element (e. g.: =min, =max) (Dubois & Prade, 1988). Thus, we can define intersection and
union of two fuzzy sets as:
The intersection of two fuzzy sets A and B, with membership functions
(x) e
(x) is a
fuzzy set C with membership function given by:
(x)= {
(x)}, x X. (10)
The union of two fuzzy sets A and B, with membership functions
(x) e
(x) is a fuzzy set
C with membership function given by:
(x)= {
(x)}, x X. (11)
The complement of a fuzzy set A in X, denoted by A is defined by:

(x) = n(
(x)), x X. (12)
where: n: [0,1][0,1] is a negation operator which satisfies the following properties:
n(0)=1 and n(1)=0
n(a) n(b) if a>b
n(n(a))=a, x [0,1]
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment

and a negation is a strict negation if it is continuous and satisfies
n(a)<n(b) if a>b.
The main negation operator which satisfies these four conditions is n(a) = 1-a.
The implication function between two fuzzy sets A and B, with membership functions
(x), is a fuzzy set C with membership function given by:
(x,y)= {
(y)}, x X, y Y (13)
where : [0,1]
[0,1] is an implication operator which obeys the following properties: a,
a, b, b [0,1]:

If b b then (a,b) (a,b);

The pure implications obeys too:

If a a then (a,b) (a,b);
(a, (b,c))= (b, (a,c)).

Expert systems (Rich & Knight, 1993) use the knowledge of an expert in a given specific
domain to answer non-trivial questions about that domain. For example, an expert system
for image classification would use knowledge about the characteristics of the classes present
in a given region of the image to classify a pixel of that region. This knowledge also includes
the how to do methods used by the human expert. Usually, the knowledge in an expert
system is represented by rules in the form:
IF <condition> THEN <conclusion>.
Most rule-based expert systems allow the use of connectives AND or OR in the premise of a
rule and of connective AND in the conclusion. From rules and facts, new facts will be
obtained through an inference process.
In several cases, we do not have precise information about conditions or conclusions, then
the knowledge in the rules cannot be expressed in a precise manner. Thus, it can be
interesting to use a fuzzy rule-based expert system (Zadeh, 1988). However, it is important
to emphasize that obtaining rules from an expert can be a long process and eventually must
be done in several stages. This is the major limitation of this methodology.
For example, using a fuzzy expert system coupled to a surgical simulator based on virtual
reality, experts can define, in an imprecise way, regions of tissue and bones in where is
possible to find bone marrow harvest. To evaluate a user, values of variables are collected
by a haptic device and sent to expert system for evaluation. The system must analyse each
step performed by users and classify users, at the end of training, according to predefined
performance classes. Machado et al. (2000) used five performance classes, described by the
following fuzzy sets: you need much more training, you need more training, you need training,
your training is good or your training is excellent, to identify if more training of bone marrow
harvest procedure is or not necessary. The fuzzy rules of expert system are modelled by
membership functions according to specifications of experts. Several types of membership
functions can be used as trapezoidal, triangular and pi-functions and the fuzzy inference
system used is Mamdani-type (Mamdani & Assilian, 1975). An example of rule for this
expert system is:
Virtual Reality

IF Position_x is left_center AND Position_y is up_center
AND Position_needle is acceptable AND Marrow_harvest is yes
THEN Trainee_class is you_need_training
where: Position_x, Position_y are coordinates which the needle touch the patient body;
Position_needle is the angle of needle input to body of patient; Marrow_harvest shows the
success or failure of trainee to harvest bone marrow and Trainee_class is the classification of
In a different way from previous methods, the calibration of an expert system based on
fuzzy rules is made by extraction of knowledge from one or several experts. In general, the
experts explain the procedure and which variables must be taking in account in evaluation
process. From those variables is necessary to know their parameters (which translate by
fuzzy numbers) and as they are related with evaluation process to create rules to express
each one of the M classes of performance. The number of rules depends on the complexity of
procedure. When users perform their training, the Evaluation Tool based on Expert System
collects the data from that manipulation. All rules are applied over data and, according to
the expert system, one class of performance w
is assigned to the user at the end of
simulation, which is reported to the user.
4. Implementation
A simulator based on VR must contain the same steps present in a real procedure and can
use volumetric models, stereoscopic visualization, haptic systems, deformation methods
and interactive cut. The use of all those features requires a lot of processing and can
compromise the real-time performance. Thus, a VR simulator for medicine is defined and
developed to deal with specific parts of the human body and present some limitations:
according to the procedure requirements, some VR techniques are more explored than
others. The architecture components could present educational aspects beyond training.
Educational contents include explanations of the procedure, models with transparent view,
attach, detach and other 3D manipulation tools, that only can be present by a VR
application, to help users to solve some doubts about the procedure. Additionally, data
collected during interaction in a VR-based simulation can be used to assess users'
performance in training and to allow them to identify mistakes and improve their skills. An
online assessment tool coupled to the simulator can do it.
In order to deal with the main points of the learning of bone marrow harvest (BMH), the
three stages described in the design were considered. It was also decided that learning and
practice should be treated in different moments, and the simulator was conceived to present
these two possibilities. When is learning the anatomy and understanding the procedure, the
user should be able to view internally the virtual body and become familiarized with the
tools and tissues properties. However, the practice should reproduce exactly the reality of
the procedure and the user must be assessed in this process. Figure 4 presents how the
different moments were approached in the simulator and the tasks related to each one.
Sight and touch are the two senses identified as fundamental in the procedure. The touch is
necessary for the palpation of the virtual body and for the puncture with the needle. In this
case, the use of a haptic device is mandatory to simulate the tissues properties and provide
touch feedback for users. Haptic devices are special devices that incorporate sensors and
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment


Fig. 4. Learning (I) and practice (II) tasks defined for the bone marrow harvest simulator.
actuators to capture user actions and provide touch and force feedback. The perception of
touch allows identifying texture of objects and force feedback allows feeling sense of
position and movement associated to the interaction with objects. Haptic devices with
permit spatial movements and are the type of device necessary to the simulator for
BMH. If the manipulation will occur in three dimensions, the visualization must follow the
same principle and stereoscopic visualization will also be necessary. Figure 5 presents the
haptic and visualization devices selected for BMH simulator.

Fig. 5. 6DOF haptic device (left) and shutter glasses for stereoscopic visualization (right).
Five models compose the application: three for the human body structures and two for the
interaction object. The interaction objects, finger and needle, were modelled with the
Blender package and saved in VRML 2.0 format. The models of human body structure were
obtained from a previous work (Machado, 2003) and represent the skin of the pelvic region,
the iliac bone and the bone marrow (Figure 6).
The tissues properties are important information for the simulator. They are used to give to
models the same properties of the real tissues. In this case, textures can be acquired or
designed, and colours must be defined. Touch properties, as hardness, elasticity and
roughness must also be acquired. Because several tissues do not have a numerical value to
describe their properties, it is common to acquire them from physicians impressions. A haptic
calibrator was used to do that (Figure 7). Then, some virtual spheres were presented to

DOF = degrees of freedom
Virtual Reality

physicians and they could select and refine their properties according to what they feel when
manipulate the real tissues: first they do for it for skin, after for bone and, finally, for bone
marrow. The properties they could calibrate were: hardness, roughness, friction and viscosity.

Fig. 6. Models conceived to represent the interaction device and pelvic structures (skin, iliac
bone and bone marrow).

Fig. 7. Tool for calibration of material properties from physicians impressions.
There is a last information necessary to make the simulator and it refers to the correct and
wrong ways to perform the bone marrow harvest. However, describe it in natural language
with details is not an easy tasks, even for physicians. Thus, the best way to do that will be
making the physicians use the simulator and perform the procedure in several ways
labelling what is correct and what is not correct. In this case, their interactions can be saved
and used to construct models for users assessment.
4.1 Coding with CyberMed
The application was implemented using the follow CyberMed classes: CybView, CybMouse,
CybParameters, OF, CybInterator, CybHaptics and CybAssess. These classes offer the
functionalities, respectively: visualization, mouse interaction, storage and management of
3D models, interaction control, haptic control and online users assessment.
The five tasks defined in the design process were implemented. The CybView class allowed
choosing the visualization mode of the application. In spite of CyberMed support four
different view modes, the simulator was defined to provide only the monoscopic and
temporal multiplexing visualization modes (using shutter glasses). With this class two light
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment

sources were defined and an illumination model was enable to the visual scene and its objects.
The menu entries were also made in the CybView. The objects used in the visualization are
obtained from the OF and CybParameters classes which store the models topology, the model
used to represent the interaction device and the transformation matrixes of the scene. The
CybInterator class was used to choose the interaction object. The CybAssess will access in real-
time the transformation matrixes and CybInterator to the users assessment. In order to reach
that, it was used the CybAssess with an assessment method based on Maximum Likelihood.
The CybHaptics class allowed setting the material properties of the models and enabling the
haptic device. This class provided an abstract layer for several API used to programming
haptic devices and did not demand knowledge about the device API.
Figure 8 shows parts of the implementation with the CyberMed used to read the models and
set the material properties for the haptic interaction. In that figure, it is possible to observe
the reading of five VRML models in lines 1 to 8. The lines 10 to 16 define the properties of
the first layer, the skin, as being touchable and pierceable. Observe that there isnt any
mention of the haptic device in use. It is done in a single way with the class CybInterator
and is independent of device manufacturer.
The visualization mode chosen does not need any special programming and the only thing
necessary is instance the view mode and start it:

/*instance view mode for shutter glasses */
CybViewShutter view;
/*Initialize visualization*/

Fig. 8. Code of the BMH simulator using CyberMed 1.2.
The menu was implemented to be dynamically modified, according to user choices. A visual
exploration is enable in the Study module and the user can choose which structures he
wants to see and set their transparency. Figure 9 shows the Study module and the menu
options available. The user can also modify the position and orientation of the structures
through mouse interaction. If shutter glasses were available, it is possible to start the
stereoscopy visualization.
Virtual Reality


Fig. 9. Screenshot of the transparent view task and menu options available.
The second module available is the Palpation module. For this step of the training, all
interaction with the objects was disabled and the position of the objects was fixed. In fact,
the only visualization possible is from the backside of the skin model. Because the
visualization of the bone and bone marrow models is not allowed, these models were
disable and will not be rendered. However, they can be identified by touch since the user
starts the haptic interaction (Figure 10). With the haptic device the user will be able to feel
the different material properties throughout the skin and identify a hardest area, located
under the iliac crest (not visible). In this module, the finger model was related to the haptic
device and the point of contact is located on its tip.

Fig. 10. Palpation tasks and the representation of the haptic device by a finger.
In the last module, the Harvest, the user can practice how to harvest the bone marrow. As in
the Palpation module, movements with the body models are not allowed and a needle
represents the haptic device. In this module is possible to penetrate into the models with the
haptic device and all body structures - skin, bone and bone marrow - are haptically
displayed. It allows reaching the bone marrow under the skin and inside the bone.
To the online users assessment the simulation had to be executed several times to calibrate
the assessment tool. This stage allows acquiring the assessment parameters to be used in the
on-line assessment. In order to reach that, an expert executes several times the training and
at the end of that, he/she labels each one into M classes of performance (M=5 in the Figure
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment

8: Well Qualified, Qualified, Need Some Training, Need More Training and
Novice). This procedure is necessary to measure the statistical variability for each class of
performance and improve the accuracy of the assessment method. It was used the
Maximum Likelihood based method (Moraes & Machado, 2005a). Figure 11 shows the
calibration stage of the simulator in the harvest module. The only difference between the
calibration procedure for training assessment and the final training application is the
presence of calibration options in the menu. In the calibration procedure, these options will
be selected by an expert to label the class of performance for each calibration procedure. In
the final application this menu option is replaced by an assessment option which can be
selected by the user to receive his assessment report at the end of the simulation.

Fig. 11. Assess of training: acquisition of the assessment parameters.
5. Results
The bone marrow harvest simulator was designed and developed by Machado (2003). The
present work used the same models and material property parameters of the previous work
to develop a new application, with the same training goal but using a framework in its
development. To compare the applications, the previous simulator will be called
BMHSimulator and the new application CybBMH. Table 2 shows the main differences
between BMHSimulator and CybBMH.
The CybBMH was developed only using free tools: GNU C++ language and the CyberMed
system. The modeling package used to model the needle and the finger was the Blender,
also free. Because the CyberMed integrates and synchronizes visual and haptic routines, it
was not necessary the use of other tools for the development of the CybBMH. In opposite,
the BMHSimulator required the use of several tools that must to be integrated, besides the
necessity of synchronization of the visual and haptic tasks. The use of a single class to store
the models topology allows utilizing the same three objects for visual and haptic scenes in
the CybBMH. Additionally, two models were used to represent the haptic device in the
visual scene. The illumination treatment offered by the CyberMed also allows providing a
better visual quality. The visual quality of the simulators can be observed in the Figure 12.
The BMHSimulator used three models for the visual scene and other three models for the
haptic scene. Due to performance reasons, the haptic models were simplified and the
Virtual Reality

number of vertexes was reduced. Then, visual and haptic scenes did not share the same
object and was necessary to use six different models in the past simulator. The
representation of the haptic device was done through textures applied on crossed plans. In
spite of optimizing the rendering process, this approach presented graphic imperfections.

BMHSimulator CybBMH
Operational system Windows
programming tools
- Visual C++
- OpenGL
- Ghost API
- Microsoft
Foundation Classes
- GNU C++
- CyberMed
Haptic device Phantom Desktop
any Phantom family
Stereoscopy method temporal multiplexing
Number of models 6 5
Time for application
~1 year ~2 months
Table 2. Main differences between the simulator previously developed and the new

Fig. 12. Visual results of a previous application (left) and of the simulator developed with
the CyberMed (right).
Both simulators support the use of shutter glasses and haptic devices. However, in the
BMHSimulator the use of this hardware required a previous study of OpenGL functions to
implement the routines for stereoscopic images generation. The same effort was necessary to
integrate the haptic device and its routines to the application through the device API. In that
simulator, the application window and menus were defined using the Visual C++ IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) and the Microsoft Foundation Classes. The efforts
needed to learn how to use all the tools mentioned above and to the implement the
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment

application demanded approximately one year for the complete development of the
simulator. The CybBMH also demanded efforts to its development. However, it was focused
in the use of the CyberMed classes. By the definition of objects and by the access to their of
methods, it was possible to use methods, already integrated, ready to deal with stereoscopy,
haptic devices and menus. It allowed reducing the time of development of the simulator to
approximately two months. Additionally, the CyberMed classes provided an on-line
assessment method to assess user's performance. This functionality offers a performance
feedback to the user and can be used to know his ability level.
The sequence of the steps of the simulation is the same in both applications. The dissection
and the transparency settings available in the Study module can be equally performed
through menus. However the illumination model provided by the CyberMed classes
allowed to offer better graphic results in the CybBMH, especially in the Study module, due
to the presence of three models composed by thousands of points (skin, bone and bone
Two haptic devices of the Phantom family (Sensable, 2010) were tested and used with the
CybBMH: the Omni and the Phantom Desktop. The exchange of the haptic devices did not
require any change in the final code of the application. The main differences between the
two devices are the size of the workspace, the precision and the amount of force which can
be exerted.
The time consumed in the development of the BMHSimulator and the CybBMH did not
include the acquisition of the simulation parameters or the design of models used in the
5.1 Assessment of users
The framework CyberMed presents a higher level of abstraction, is dedicated to the
development of medical applications and presents methods for on-line assess users'
performance. In the version 2.0 of CyberMed, three evaluation methods are available:
Maximum Likelihood, General Bayesian Network and Expert system based on Fuzzy Rules,
which were described early. All of them can be applied to bone marrow harvest simulator.
When a training system based on VR is implemented, always need to involve experts in the
area object of the system, not only in the design and calibration properties, but also to assess
the final version of the system. The ideal way to evaluate is to perform procedures under
various specific conditions in which the system is able to allow. So, the experts through
questionnaires record their impressions about the system. Another option is doing usability
tests with the experts. At this stage, some problems still can be detected and should be fixed,
after which another round of evaluation is performed. Once the experts qualify the system,
it really becomes useful for the medical community that will use it.
In the case of development of the bone marrow harvest system, experts followed its
conception from the Children Hospital of the University of So Paulo (Brazil). They
calibrated the system properties and tested them. At the end of development, system
qualification tests were performed (Machado, 2003). When redesigning the system using
CyberMed framework, these experiences have been incorporated and the configuration
parameters were reused from the previous system (Souza et al., 2007).
For the problem of bone marrow harvest, it is possible to choose any one of three methods of
assessment in CyberMed. However, in this case was chosen the method of maximum
likelihood, due to limitation of other methods on the size of the database and the expert
Virtual Reality

To verify performance of the method of maximum likelihood and for reasons of general
performance of the VR simulator, the following variables were chosen to be monitored:
spatial position, velocities, forces and time on each layer. Previously, an expert, according to
M classes of performance defined by him, calibrated the system. The calibration process
consists in to execute several times the procedure and to classify each one according to
classes of performance. The number of classes of performance was defined as M=3: 1)
correct procedures, 2) acceptable procedures, 3) badly executed procedures. So, the classes
of performance for a trainee could be: "you are well qualified", "you need some training yet",
"you need more training". Sixty samples of training (twenty of each class of performance)
were used for calibration of evaluation system. After that, users performed 150 procedures.
The information of variability about these procedures was acquired using the maximum
likelihood method. In our case, we assume that the source of information for w
classes is the
vector of the sample data D. The user makes his/her training in the virtual reality simulator
and the evaluation tool collects data from his/her manipulation. All probabilities of data for
each class of performance are calculated and at the end the user is assigned to a w
class of
performance. So, when a trainee uses the system, their performance is compared with each
expert's class of performance and the assessment tool assigns the most appropriated class,
according to the trainee's performance. At the end of the training, the assessment system
reports the classification to the trainee.
The Cohen's Kappa Coefficient was used to perform the comparison of the classification
agreement, as recommended in the literature (Duda et al., 2000) because it is known to be
over conservative. The classification matrix obtained for the method is presented in the
Table 3. The Kappa coefficient was K=81.0% with variance 1.610
%. In 19 cases, the
evaluation tool made mistakes and at least one classification was made incorrectly in all
classes. That performance is good and shows that maximum likelihood method is a
competitive approach in the solution of assessment problems.

Table 3. Classification Matrix for the Evaluation Tool based on Maximum Likelihood.
In statistical terms, the performance of maximum likelihood method is acceptable. About
computational performance the average of CPU time consumed was 0.0160 seconds,
showing the method is qualified as online.
6. Conclusion
The development of applications based on VR for medical training involves knowledge of
several areas and demands a multidisciplinary team. The union of ideas is important in all
stages of the development as: definition of scope, design, modelling, definition of
assessment method, implementation, tests and validation.
Development of a Medical Training System with Integration of Users' Skills Assessment

A simulator based on VR must contain the same steps present in a real procedure and can
use volumetric models, stereoscopic visualization, haptic systems, deformation methods
and interactive cut. The use of all those features requires a lot of processing and can
compromise the real-time performance. Usually, the development team defines the most
important features to integrate the simulator. It will also depend on the budget available.
Several systems were developed to the design and implementation of VR applications. Some
of them are not free and demands specific non-free platforms. There are also, free systems to
allow the development, integration and synchronization of tasks and tools in VR systems. In
particular, the framework CyberMed presents a higher level of abstraction, is dedicated to
the development of medical applications and presents methods for on-line assess users'
A bone marrow harvest simulator was developed with CyberMed, explaining their facilities
when compared to the full implementation of techniques and devices support routines.
Thus, this Chapter showed the challenges and possible solutions related to the development
of VR-based simulators for training. Particularly, was presented the importance of a user
assessment included in the system to allow identifying mistakes and points for
improvement. In this context, CyberMed is the only framework that provides assessment
methods ready for use.
In particular, an assessment tool can, in real-time, to modify simulation aspects, as variables
and functions responsible for feedback. Besides, this information can also be utilized to
verify the degree of accuracy of users when performing the simulation. In the bone marrow
harvest simulator implementation was used an assessment tool based on maximum
likelihood, which achieved good results in a performance test.
Nowadays, there are other simulators been developed with CyberMed. The inclusion of
new classes and methods already allow the development of tutoring applications over
Internet. However, the framework has been expanded with new functionalities for
synchronous collaboration (Sales et al., 2010).
As future works, is intended to make tests and statistical comparisons among the others
assessment methodologies presented in this Chapter, as well as, to make a statistical
comparison between trainees that use the VR system in their training and other trainees that
do not use.
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Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective
Evaluation on Laparoscopic Surgery:
Current Trends and Benefits.
Ignacio Oropesa
, Pablo Lamata
, Patricia Snchez-Gonzlez
Jos B. Pagador
, Mara E. Garca
Francisco M. Snchez-Margallo
and Enrique J. Gmez

Bioengineering and Telemedicine Group, (ETSIT, Technical University of Madrid),
Networking Research Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine,
Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre Jess Usn,
1. Introduction
1.1 Laparoscopic surgery
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) has changed the way surgery is performed in Operating
Rooms (OR). MIS techniques are increasing their relevance in almost all surgical specialities,
and have become the recommended standard in many procedures, displacing open surgery.
Laparoscopy, one of the most common MIS approaches, has been adopted by several
surgical sub-specialties including gastrointestinal, gynaecological and urological surgery
(Fig. 1). It has become the standard technique for certain pathologies, like those associated
with anti-reflux diseases, and procedures such as cholecystectomy (Cuschieri, 2005).

Fig. 1. Operating theatre view during a laparoscopic surgical intervention
MIS techniques bring important advantages to patients, such as less postoperative
complications, faster recoveries or shorter hospitalization periods. However, they also bring
forth considerable limitations and changes for physicians. Specifically, need of high degree
of manual dexterity, complexity of instrument control, difficult hand-eye co-ordination, and
lack of tactile perception, are the major obstacles. These difficulties involve a challenge for
surgeons in getting used to a reduced workspace and to a limited sensory interaction,
Virtual Reality

caused by indirect manipulation and visualization of the patient. They have to acquire new
cognitive and motor skills, and they have to accommodate to the reduced workspace and to
visualizing the intervention through a 2D monitor.
Due to these limitations, acquisition of MIS skills requires a long learning curve. Moreover,
there is also a crescent pressure for safer, transparent and reproducible training programs.
They should also allow for practice anywhere at any time, and make use of structured and
objective training curricula to determine accurately the trainees preparation.
1.2 A historical framework on surgical evaluation
Effective training and assessment of surgeons have become one of the major concerns of
hospitals and clinics in recent decades, fuelled mostly by patients and societys demand for
safer surgeries and prepared professionals. Much focus is thus set on the goal of developing
structured curricula for surgical qualification and excellence.
1.2.1 Theoretical background
In order to understand the implications of designing training and assessment curricula, it is
necessary to bear in mind some of the different pedagogical models and theories for adult
learning. More specifically, we will consider the Bloom taxonomy (Bloom et al., 1956) and
the Miller pyramid (Miller, 1990).
According to the learning objectives of a training program, Blooms taxonomy defines three
categories of learning objectives: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Knowledge refers to
cognitive aspects, the assimilation and transformation of information; skills to psychomotor
competences; and attitudes to the growth in feelings or emotional areas.
Most important in clinical education, however, is Millers pyramid, which establishes four
training levels: (1) Knows (knowledge), (2) Knows How (competence), (3) Shows How
(performance) and (4) Does (action). The first two levels deal with declarative knowledge
(knowing what to do), and thus can be established by means of examinations or essays. The
two top levels are related to procedural knowledge (knowing how to do it), where
establishment of proficiency levels is not so obvious due to the complex mixture of
cognitive, motor, judgment and emotional skills involved.
In a broad sense, these models and theories convey the existence of a double plane of skills
to be acquired: cognitive and motor skills. A third level could be arguably considered,
involving the trainees own judgement and applied knowledge to the problem at hand.
Whilst in surgery cognitive skills evaluation can easily be determined by validated methods
such as examinations, motor and judgement skills are not so easily established. Thus they
have been the focus of attention on recent years, implying the need for standardised and
objective training programs (Tavakol et al., 2008).
1.2.2 Towards objectively structured curricula
Traditionally, training of surgeons has been based on the mentor-trainee relationship known
as Halsteds model (Halsted, 1904). Motor skills evaluation is performed with periodic In-
Training Evaluation Reports (ITERs), along with aspects such as patient care,
communication skills or professionalism (Sidhu et al., 2004). However, these reports are
subjective, expensive, and prone to two undesirable side effects: The first is the halo effect,
which refers to the influence that the relationship with a trainee can have on the mentors
report, for good or bad. Secondly, as these reports are periodically written, they are subject
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.

to the evaluators long term memory, and provide little or none constructive feedback to the
trainee (Fried & Feldman, 2008).
A need for structured, objective curricula was thus detected, and one of the first efforts to
remedy the situation were the Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE), introduced
on 1975 by Harden et al., and developed together between the University of Dundee and the
Western Infirmary of Glasgow (Scotland). OSCE established a report based on trainees
performance on different clinical stations by means of checklists and assessment reports, with
the process and end-product analysis of the task clearly distinguished (Harden et al., 1975).
As successful as OSCEs were, technical skill evaluation is buried between its much more
ambitious examination goals, focused on other aspects such as procedural knowledge or
attitude towards the patient. As a result of this, and in the wake of their popularity, the
Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) were developed (Martin et al.,
1997). Like OSCE, they employ assessment techniques such as operation checklists and end
product-analysis, but always centred on the technical and motor skills of the surgeon. They
are usually employed in laboratory settings, using box trainers or human cadavers, and
ultimately, live animals in the OR (Sidhu et al., 2004). A counterpart of OSATS for
Minimally Invasive Surgery was developed by Vassiliou et al., the Global Operative
Assessment of Laparoscopic Skills (GOALS) (Vassiliou et al., 2005).
OSATS validity has been fully established, for skill training ranging from simple tasks to
advanced chores (Moorthy et al., 2003). However, the resources needed are high, ranging
from the number of experts required at each station to evaluate the trainees, to the marginal
costs of each exam per candidate. Laparoscopic video offline-evaluation has been proposed
to reduce some of these costs (Datta et al., 2002) with good reliability results; but still the
presence of a reviewer is required, and immediate feedback is lost for the trainee.
On the last few years, there has been a been a growing interest on researching automatic
methods for measuring the surgeons motor skills; to provide him precise and immediate
feedback on his performance, without requiring the constant presence of a supervisor.
Training methods are being gradually changed, leaving the traditional ways behind on
behalf of criterion-based curricula (Satava, 2008). This tendency has been boosted thanks to
the development and advances on tracking and computing technologies, which have lead,
for example, to the appearance of Virtual Reality simulators for surgical training. A new
vast research field has opened, were efforts focus not only on the development of training
and assessment systems such as said simulators; but on determining what these systems
should measure and how should that information be handled (Lamata, 2006a). The present
chapter will present an in-depth view on how Virtual Reality simulators have steadily
become a part of motor skill formation programs on Minimally Invasive Surgery.
2. Metrics definition: How is surgical skill defined?
2.1 Difficulties on metrics definition
Since the need for structured and objective assessment programs became apparent, there has
been much research to identify which parameters characterise surgical skills. This research
has been boosted with the availability of automated tracking and registering systems such
as simulators. Number, precision and accuracy of the potential metrics have grown due to
the processing capabilities these systems provide (Satava et al., 2003).
Determination of valid metrics is a complex process where great difficulties arise when
defining quantitatively a surgical motor skill, considering how relative that definition can
Virtual Reality

be. Different validation studies for a given metric may vary on the conclusions obtained;
often, due to the nature and difficulty of the task associated to it. Definition must thus be
carefully considered, as some metrics also require ad hoc characterization for a given task.
Error-related metrics, for example, will be closely associated to that tasks goal.
Metrics must be taken into account in relationship with each other rather than on their own.
For example, time taken on a task is not a valid parameter if the trainee commits many
errors during the exercise. When considering several metrics, it has to be regarded that their
nature may vary, and thus also the means for registering them. One may consider, for
example, a movement tracking device to capture the tools motion for analysis of the path
length; but to combine that information with input on the errors performed, it will be
necessary a supervisor or a post-exercise video-review. In this sense, Virtual Reality
simulators excel themselves, due to their ability to determine qualitative parameters such as
errors committed and perform final-product analysis.
2.2 Metrics taxonomy
Much research has been devoted to the definition of new valid metrics for performance
assessment (Cotin et al., 2002; Lamata, 2006a), as well as on determining the ideal skills,
tasks and parameters to measure (Satava et al., 2003). Metrics can generally be classified into
two main categories: Efficiency and Quality metrics (Fried & Feldman, 2008). Some of the
most important metrics identified in the literature are shown on Table 1.

Metrics for objective skills assessment
Tool tissue forces
(Rosen et al., 2002) Force
Force sensitivity (Lamata, 2006a)
Path Length
Motion Smoothness
Depth Perception
Tool Rotation
(Cotin et al., 2002)
Speed & Acceleration
Optimal Path Deviation
IAV (Energy Expenditure)
(Cavallo et al., 2005)
Angular Area
(Chmarra et al., 2010)
Task Outcome
Manoeuvres Repetitions
Manoeuvres Order
Idle States
(Fried & Feldman, 2008)
Table 1. Metrics for objective skills assessment
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.

For meaningful skill assessment, both efficiency and qualitative metrics should always be
considered on any training curricula. Efficiency metrics are related with measurable
physical parameters, and thus their definition is usually precise and has a strong theoretical
background behind them. These metrics always require the use of some sensor-based device
in order to be acquired, either on physical or virtual simulators; and thus are objective,
reproducible and little prone to misinterpretation. A distinction can be made between
motion- and force- derived metrics. The first ones include all those related with movements
of hands and tools performed during a task: total path length, economy of movements,
speed, motion smoothness, etc. Force related metrics, such as tool-tissue interactions, have
also been studied by Rosen et al. (Rosen et al., 2002), and, more recently, by Horeman et al.
(Horeman et al., 2010).
Quality metrics, on the other hand, relate to the tasks definition and execution. Most
prominent among these metrics are the errors committed, the final product analysis, the
sequence of steps performed in an exercise or procedure, etc. Objective and automatic
measurements of these parameters can be difficult, and usually they call for the presence of
a trained supervisor and the definition of clear structured checklists, such as those provided
by OSATS (Fried & Feldman, 2008).
2.3 Validation of metrics for skills assessment
As shown above, there are many potential metrics to be considered for surgical assessment;
however, not all of them prove to be as decisive for the task. A process of validation must be
carried out in order to determine their relevance and suitability for the evaluation process.
2.3.1 Concepts on validation
In order for a test, or measurement within it, to be considered useful for the determination
of surgical skills, proof of its reliability and validity must be given (Fried & Feldman, 2008).
Reliability is a measure of the consistency of the test; the extent to which the assessment tool
delivers the same results when used repeatedly under similar conditions. It is measured by
a reliability coefficient, quantitative expression of the consistency of the tests ranging
between 0 and 1. A good reliability coefficient has been approximated at values >0.8. Other
useful measures of reliability are , coefficient , Cronbachs , or internal consistency
(Gallagher et al., 2003). Three different aspects are involved:
Inter-rater Reliability: Extent to which two different evaluators give the same score in a
test made by a user. This feature has little interest in Virtual Reality simulators, where
metrics are already automatically acquired.
Intra-rater Reliability: Internal consistency of an evaluator when grading on a given
test on different occasions.
Test-retest Reliability: Extent to which two different tests made by the same person in
two different time frames give the same result.
Validity relates to the property of being true, correct, and in conformity with reality. In
testing, the fundamental property of any measuring instrument, device, or test is that it
measures what it purports to measure. Within the testing literature, a number of
benchmarks have been developed to assess the validity of a test or testing instrument. They
are the following (Gallagher et al., 2003):
Face validity: defined as a type of validity that is assessed by having experts review
the contents of a test to see if it seems appropriate. It is a very subjective type of
Virtual Reality

validation and is usually used only during the initial phases of test construction. For
example a simulator has face validity when the chosen tasks resemble those that are
performed during a surgical task.
Content validity: defined as an estimate of the validity of a testing instrument based
on a detailed examination of the contents of the test items. Experts perform a thorough
examination of the contents of the tests to determine if they are appropriate and
situation specific. Establishing content validity is also a largely subjective operation and
relies on the judgments of experts about the relevance of the materials used. For
example a simulator has content validity when the tasks for measuring psychomotor
skills are actually measuring those skills and not anatomic knowledge.
Construct validity: degree to which the test captures the hypothetical quality it was
designed to measure. A common example is the ability of an assessment tool to
differentiate between experts and novices performing a given task (Schijven &
Jakimowicz, 2003).
Concurrent validity: defined as the extent to which the test scores and the scores on
another instrument purposing to measure the same construct are related. When the
other instrument is considered a standard or criterion, the validity test is called
criterion validity Discriminate validity is defined as an evaluation that reflects the
extent to which the scores generated by the assessment tool actually correlate with
factors with which they should correlate.
Predictive validity: defined as the extent to which the scores on a test are predictive of
actual performance. An assessment tool used to measure surgical skills will have
predictive validity if it can ascertain who will perform surgical tasks well and who will not.
2.3.2 State of the art
Despite all of the metrics stated previously, many of them still require proper validation in
order to be considered representative of surgical skill level. Time, total path length and
economy of movements are considered in general as valid metrics, on the basis that an
expert surgeon will perform a task more swiftly and denoting a more clear perception of the
surgical space and the strategic approach to the task at hand (Thijssen & Schijven, 2010).
Path deviation is also a very popular metric, usually considering the optimal path as the
straight line between two points (although this has been accurately questioned by Chmarra
et al. (Chmarra et al., 2008), pointing out the existence of a retraction movement in the
correct modus operandi). Quality metrics such as end-product analysis and error count,
although much more variable in their definition, are also considered basic for a correct
determination of surgical level (Satava et al., 2003).
New metrics are proposed continuously as the means to acquire and process them become
available. Their validation and study pose as key research aspects in the development of
new objective assessment programs. Analysis of speed profile was studied by (Sokollik et
al., 2004), with inconclusive results. Sinigaglia et al. identified acceleration of movements as
a key factor for determining surgical expertise, studying their power spectra (Sinigaglia et
al., 2005). A related parameter, motion smoothness, has been proposed and used by authors
such as Stylopoulos et al. (Stylopoulos et al., 2004). Chmarra et al. proposed measuring the
angular area and volume of the movements performed (Chmarra et al., 2010) and employed
them for automatic detection of surgical skills. Overall, the clinical significance of these
metrics has yet to be further determined, and thus thorough validation is required before
being clinically adapted to training curricula.
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.

3. Virtual Reality simulators for objective skills assessment
Ethical concern on patient safety has led to a tendency to bring the training and assessment
processes out of the OR as much as possible. Live animals and human cadavers are used as
bench models, which generates a moral debate. Box trainers have also become popular
training means, offering simple but key tasks to develop the necessary basic and advanced
surgical skills. Examples on different box trainers can be found in (Rosser et al., 1997; Scott
et al., 2000; Fichera et al., 2005). However, the real breakthrough came with the first Virtual
Reality simulators, which allowed for controlled training and objective skills assessment, on
exercises ranging from simple tasks to complex laparoscopic procedures.
3.1 Advantages and limitations
Virtual Reality simulators offer some advantages that can add certain value to the training
and assessment of surgical skills. They allow for training on controlled environments, and
are always available for the trainee, without the need of a supervisor (thus reducing
associated costs). They are ideal for monitoring a surgeons learning curve, and offer a wide
range of metrics which can be used for objective assessment, both efficiency and quality
driven. More importantly, they deliver immediate constructive feedback of results and
errors to the trainee, which some authors identify as basic in any effective training program
(Issenberg et al., 2005).
However, some limitations have slowed down their clinical implantation (Lamata, 2006a).
First, there are resource-derived constraints, such as trainees loaded schedules, which leave
them little time for practice; or the costs resulting from the expensive technologies behind
the simulators. There are cases in which these advanced and sophisticated systems are
available in the hospital but residents do not find the time or motivation to train their skills
with them. Secondly, Virtual Reality environments show limitations in realism and
interaction, which might not be critical for their didactic value, but are nevertheless of key
importance to gain the acceptance of physicians. Thirdly, there are mentality-driven
constraints, such as thinking of a surgical simulator as a videogame with no didactic value.
Prior experience with videogames can also be a handicap when facing virtual simulators. It
can even happen that such systems will lull oneself to a false sense of security, built on the
development of incorrect habits while getting used to a virtual environment.
3.2 State of the art
Over the past fifteen years, virtual simulation has become a reference on the field of surgical
training, with many attempts, some more successful than others, to develop, and most
importantly, validate diverse models.
Surgical simulators can be classified according to the interventional procedures they are
aimed for. Thus, we may find examples of arthroscopic simulators for knee and shoulders,
as the InsightArthroVR (GMV Healthcare, Spain); cystoscopy and colonoscopy oriented,
such as UroMentor and GIMentor respectively (Simbionix, Israel); intravascular simulators
as CathSim (Immersion Medical, USA) and VIST-VR (Mentice, Sweden); and even focused
on ophthalmological procedures, as the EYESi simulator (VRMagic, Germany).
In the field of laparoscopic surgery, we can find several well-positioned simulators on the
market. As of this day, the principal laparoscopic simulators currently on the market can be
found in Table 2. To further characterise each of them we can establish (1) whether tasks
Virtual Reality

offered are basic, advanced (motor skill training) or complex (motor and cognitive training);
(2) whether they offer realistic anatomic scenarios for procedures simulation, and (3)
whether they offer force feedback to the trainee.

LapMentor (Simbionix, Lod, Israel Cleveland, USA)
Simple and advanced tasks, surgical procedures
Realistic scenarios
Force feedback
LapSim (Surgical Science Ltd, Gteborg, Sweden)
Simple and advanced tasks, surgical procedures
Realistic scenarios
Optional force feedback
MIST-VR (Mentice AB, Gteborg, Sweden)
Simple tasks
Non-realistic scenarios
Optional force feedback
Promis (Haptica, Dublin, Ireland Boston, USA)
Simple tasks, surgical procedures
Real scenarios (Hybrid Simulator)
Optional force feedback
SIMENDO (DeltaTech, Delft, Netherlands)
Simple tasks
Non-realistic scenarios
No force feedback
Table 2. Main simulators currently on the market
A final mention must be done to the many prototypes, which, without reaching commercial
status, contribute to the validation and recognition of simulators as useful educational tools.
Among the research prototypes we may mention some as Vesta (Tendick et al., 2000),
Kalsruhe (Khnapfel et al., 2000), GeRTiSS (Monserrat et al., 2004), and SINERGIA (Lamata
et al., 2007), which will be thoroughly presented in Section 4.
3.3 Taxonomy of didactic resources for Virtual Reality simulation
Virtual Reality simulators can be conceived as training and evaluation means built using
different didactic resources. These resources are classified into three main categories
(Lamata et al., 2006b) based upon the extent to which simulators (1) emulate reality (fidelity
resources); (2) exploit computer capabilities such as new ways of interaction and guidance
(teaching resources); (3) measure performance and deliver feedback (assessment resources).
Regarding this taxonomy, there are three main directions in the design of a simulator, which
can be taken independently or in a combined fashion (see Fig. 2): (1) the improvement of
Virtual Reality technologies for providing a better fidelity, (2) the enhancement of
simulation by augmenting the surgical scene for providing guidance, and (3) the
development of evaluation metrics for giving a constructive feedback to the trainee. This
framework will now be used to evaluate and compare existing simulators, and to address
the development of an optimal solution by assessing the value of these didactic resources.
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.


Fig. 2. The three conceptions of a Virtual Reality surgical simulator driven by the use of
different didactic resources.
3.3.1 Evaluation and comparison of Virtual Reality simulators
Laparoscopic simulators, from simple box trainers with standardized tasks to advanced
Virtual Reality simulators, are designed to train laparoscopic skills; but they make use of
different didactic resources. A comparative analysis between some of the commercially
available products is provided in Fig. 3.

(basic skills)
(Suture 3.0)
(basic skills
LapMentor Box trainer
Fidelity Use of computer resources Use of assessment resources

Fig. 3. Fidelity and use of computer and assessment resources by laparoscopic simulators.
Approaches to simulator design can be identified after studying how laparoscopic
simulators make use of different didactic resources. The simplest one is an abstract
conception of the surgical workspace focusing attention on the basic psychomotor skills that
have to be developed by the trainee. MIST-VR basic skills was designed in this way, with
an extremely simple interaction, almost no deformation and useful interaction indicators.
The second approach aims at simulating a virtual patient with perfect realism, which is
normally requested by surgeons. Force feedback is incorporated, organs are more realistic
and interaction is enhanced. This is the trend usually followed by research institutions and
companies, a trend lead by LapMentor as the simulator with the highest fidelity in almost
every field (see Fig. 3).
But there is one last approach that might have a great potential: to enhance a simulator with
a virtual instructor to guide the trainee through the procedure and deliver constructive
Virtual Reality

feedback. Simulators make use of computer and assessment resources that build this
virtual instructor capability. MIST-VR Suture 3.0, which has the highest use of
computer resources together with LapMentor (57%), offers an interesting guided interaction
to teach trainees stitching and knotting skills. Reach-In Lap Trainer (nowadays integrated
with MIST-VR), which had the highest use of assessment resources (69%), gave feedback
about surgical performance not with low significant measurements like time or movements,
whereas with what could be the advice of a surgical expert, with messages like too much
tissue bitten. The value of these types of resources has not yet been properly studied.
3.3.2 Towards an optimal design of a surgical simulator
Designing an optimum Virtual Reality surgical simulator for surgical training and
assessment requires a suitable combination of Virtual Reality didactic resources. The value
and importance of each of these didactic resources should therefore be assessed.
An important research question to be answered is to find the relationship between fidelity
and training effectiveness. It would be really useful to assess how an increment in the
realism of a simulation enhances or not the didactic capability. Fig. 4 shows a hypothetical
line that relates these two variables for a given training objective, for example the
acquisition of hand-eye coordination. The shape of this line is driven by three hypotheses.
(1) A low degree of fidelity is enough to provide a good training effectiveness. It could even be the
most efficient alternative, based in the fact that skills acquired with a simple surgical
simulator, MIST-VR, are transferred to the operating room (Seymour, 2002); (2)
Incorporation of force feedback in simulation delivers an increase of training effectiveness in
training; and (3) Stress present in real operating theatres decreases training effectiveness.
Several experiments are needed to figure out the real shape of this relationship between
fidelity and training outcome.

Fig. 4. Hypothetical relationship between simulation fidelity and training outcome. Fidelity
values of commercial simulators are taken from (Lamata et al., 2006b).
On the other hand it is important to assess the value of computer and assessment resources
offered. It could be contrasted if (1) Computer and assessment resources can overcome some lack
of fidelity and result in an even more didactic simulator, based on the fact that many times some
interaction limitation is solved with a virtual interaction paradigm, for example when some
colour code substitutes force feedback (Kitawaga et al., 2005). Other hypotheses are (2)
Growing semitransparent spheres are a good forces substitute in suture training; (3) Suture
training in Virtual Reality is enhanced with a guided training strategy focusing the fidelity resources
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.

on pre-defined ways of interaction compared to a non-guided one; (4) A guided training strategy
with constructive feedback in Virtual Reality can enhance suture training outcome beyond that of
physical trainers despite some fidelity limitations; or even (5) Computer and assessment resources
can substitute an expert teacher behind the surgical trainee.
3.4 Technical development of a Virtual Reality simulator
There are basically three main components in a Virtual Reality simulator: (1) a haptic
interface to emulate the laparoscopic tools; (2) a monitor that simulates the abdominal
cavity; and (3) a computer that manages both interfaces and runs the simulators software,
which in turn comprises four main modules (Fig. 5) (Lamata et al., 2007):

Fig. 5. Main Components in a Virtual Reality simulator
Biomechanical model: Due to their very restrictive conditions, which imply update
rates of at least 25Hz, robustness, satisfaction with visual result and precision, a trade-
off must be achieved between complexity and speed when designing biomechanical
models. There are two main approaches to be adopted (Meier et al, 2005): (1) heuristic
models, (e.g. mass-spring models), or (2) models based on continuum mechanics, (e.g.
finite elements models). There are several difficulties in this modelling process:
biomechanical properties must be correctly acquired and tissue characteristics such as
anisotropy, incompressibility and non-linearity considered (Picinbono et al., 2002). The
models must represent surgical alterations that occur on real interventions, like cuts,
dissections and other topological changes. Simplifications are made to address these
problems, mainly assuming linear elasticity (valid for small deformations) and reducing
the models requirements. These have the drawback of being less realistic and prone to
anomalous deformations (Picinbono et al., 2002).
Collisions detection module: Responsible of detecting overlapping objects and
handling these detected collisions. There are three main types of collisions to manage:
(1) tool-tool, (2) tool-tissue and (3) tissue-tissue. Implementation must consider the time
constraints derived by fast-moving instruments. It is usually addressed with a coarse
remodelling of the objects present in the scene to reduce their complexity. One simple
alternative consists on defining boundary boxes on objects, and detecting any
overlapping between them (Teschner et al, 2005). A recent advance introduces a fuzzy
logic approach for handling tool-tissue collisions (Garca-Prez et al., 2009).
Haptic rendering: Delivering force feedback is still an unripe technology compared to
visual rendering. This sensorial information requires a minimum update rate of 300Hz,
which is technologically much more demanding compared to the 30Hz of visual
display. There are several approaches for implementing it, like using the biomechanical
Virtual Reality

model (Delingette, 1998) or with a simplified geometric constraint force calculation
proportional to the penetration depth of the tool (Balaniuk & Laugier, 2000).
Visual rendering: Thanks to the many advances on computer graphics and the great
deal of open source libraries available, visual rendering is a mature technology.
Advances are focused now on photorealistic rendering and simulation of fumes and
bleeding (Aggarwal et al., 2003).
3.5 Validation and acceptance of Virtual Reality simulators as assessment tools
As explained before, to be considered a suitable assessment tool, a measuring test or device
and its related metrics must comply with a series of validation milestones. Virtual Reality
simulators are not an exception to this, and so we can find in the literature many examples
on the efforts to validate the different models available.
In the beginning, validation as a training means attracted much of the attention, focusing on
concepts such as concurrent validity, skills transfer or the learning curve associated to the
simulator (Lamata, 2006a). It is safe today to assume that Virtual Reality simulators are a
valid supplementary method for surgical training, as effective as that provided by video-
based box trainers. For further information, the reader is referred to (Gurusamy et al., 2009)
for a complete meta-analysis of surgical simulators validation for surgical training.
When it comes to validation as assessment tools however, there are more doubts about their
reliability and fidelity (Thijssen & Schijven, 2010). For one, the limitations exposed
previously still continue to hold sway among many clinicians. Indeed, validation studies up
to today are sometimes inconclusive, and many surgeons are still mistrustful about their
assessment capabilities.
3.5.1 Validation strategies
Different strategies are employed to carry out the validation studies necessary for a simulator
(Fried & Feldman, 2008). Face and content validation, being for the most part subjective
studies, are usually done by means of structured questionnaires and reviews. Face validity
questionnaires usually call for personal opinions on the simulators usefulness at face
value; whilst content validation requires a more thorough and complete review of the tasks,
skills assessed and metrics employed by the expert reviewer, before passing judgment.
Construct validation is usually granted if the simulator is able to determine differences
between groups of surgeons with known different skill levels (as for example, residents and
expert surgeons). The strategy employed is to divide the test population according to these
levels, and measure their performance and the differences observed on the simulator. Some
factors may however dampen the results of a study if not properly considered. Test subjects
should not have prior experience with the simulator, as their learning curve may be
enhanced because of this. Also, some studies have shown the influence of video-gaming
experience as an influential concern (McDougall et al., 2006). Well designed studies, as well
as increasing the test population, may help to mitigate these issues.
Concurrent and predictive validations require an alternative and valid assessment method
to be deployed (a gold standard), in order to compare the results obtained on both scenarios.
Test subjects are usually grouped by levels, and similar tasks performed and measured in
both settings. Finding a gold standard for this comparison is not always easy; usually,
comparison is done via OSATS, motion tracking systems, or employing another virtual
simulator. If the comparison is done in a similar time period, it is considered concurrent
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.

validation; if on the contrary the time lapse between them is considerable, it is predictive
validation which is being measured.
3.5.2 Validation studies on commercial simulators
There are many reports considering assessment validation of surgical simulators in the
literature, especially where construct and concurrent validity are concerned. This is
reasonable if we consider that these two parameters are essential for the automatic and
immediate assessment they intend to carry out. Table 3 briefly summarizes the conclusions
arrived at on the main studies performed on commercial simulators for the last few years.

Simulator as a skill assessment tool
Face validity
Simulator Reference Valid?
MIST-VR (Maithel et al., 2006) Yes
LapSim (Schreuder et al, 2009) Yes
SIMENDO (Verdasdoonk et al., 2006) Yes
(McDougall et al., 2006) Yes
(Ayodeji et al., 2007) Yes
ProMis (Botden et al., 2008) Yes
Content validity
Simulator Reference Valid?
SIMENDO (Verdasdoonk et al., 2006) Yes
LapMentor (McDougall et al., 2006) Yes
Construct validity
Simulator Reference Valid?
MIST-VR (Gallagher et al., 2004) Yes
(Sherman et al., 2005) Yes
(Ro et al., 2005) No at the first exposure to simulator
(Langelotz et al., 2005) Yes, but time and path metrics only
(Hassan et al., 2005) Yes, more patent in second
(Eriksen & Grantcharov, 2005) Yes
(Woodrum et al., 2006) Yes, but only some parameters
(Larsen et al., 2006) Yes
(Schreuder et al., 2009) Yes
SIMENDO (Verdasdoonk et al., 2007) Yes
(McDougall et al., 2006) Yes
(Zhang et al., 2008) Yes
(Aggarwal et al., 2009) Yes
(Broe et al., 2006) Yes
(Neary et al., 2007) Yes


(Pellen et al., 2009) Yes
Concurrent validity
Simulator Reference Valid? / Concurrent with?
MIST-VR (Gallagher et al., 2004) A little, with OR metrics
(Youngblood et al., 2005) Yes, with box trainer
(Newmark et al., 2007) Yes, with box trainer
SIMENDO (Verdasdoonk et al., 2006) Yes
LapMentor (Okrainec et al., 2008) Yes, with GOALS metrics in the OR
ProMis (Ritter et al., 2007) Yes, with OR metrics
(Botden et al., 2007) Yes, with LapSim
Predictive validity
Simulator Reference Valid?
LapSim (Hassan et al., 2008) Yes
LapMentor (Greco et al., 2008) Yes
ProMis (McCluney et al., 2006) Yes
Table 3. Validation studies on commercial Virtual Reality simulators for skills assessment
Virtual Reality

As promising as these results are, they are only but the first milestone on the slow road to
integrating simulators on the design of structured assessment curricula.
4. Designing a Virtual Reality simulator for surgical training and assessment:
The SINERGIA experience
There is little specific literature about how to develop an efficient didactic design for a
simulator. It can be found that an ergonomic task analysis (Stone & McCloy, 2004) was used
for the design of the MIST-VR, but without any further detail. The construction of the
SINERGIA laparoscopic Virtual Reality simulator is one of the best documented examples of
the development process (Lamata, 2006a), and this section highlights its main aspects. For a
more detailed and thorough description of the design and development process of surgical
systems the reader is referred to (Freudenthal et al., 2010).
4.1 Didactic design of simulator tasks
Design of the didactic contents of a simulator is based on a thorough analysis of the training
needs, driven by a surgical training curriculum. Existing solutions and validation studies are
also an important reference for the definition of specifications, which are described with a
suitable use of simulation technologies. The third main pillar in the designing process is
understanding the capabilities and reach of Virtual Reality technologies.
Human beings have perceptual limitations of the sensory, motor and cognitive system.
Laparoscopy is characterised by a loss of sensory stimuli of the surgeon, which leads to the
need of developing new skills. Knowing and understanding how surgeons interact in the
surgical theatre and develop their skills is an important issue in order to address the design
of a surgical simulator. This contributes to the definition of the required degree of
simulation fidelity, a very controversial issue. For example, it is unclear the role of force
feedback in surgical training (Kneebone, 2003). Comprehension of the laparoscopic
interaction leads also to the definition of objective metrics of surgical skill. For example, an
analysis of tissue consistency perception (Lamata et al, 2006c) led to the definition of Force
sensitivity training tasks in the SINERGIA simulator (Lamata et al., 2007).
Training objectives and needs of the SINERGIA laparoscopic simulator were grounded on
the vast training experience of the Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre Jess Usn (MISCJU,
Cceres, Spain). This Centre has a thoroughly validated methodology of training based on
four levels: (1) basic and advanced skills with box trainers, (2) anatomical protocols and
advanced skills with animal models, (3) advanced procedural skills with tele-surgical
applications and (4) practice in the OR (Fig. 6).
The SINERGIA laparoscopic simulator was conceived as a means for training and
assessment on the first level in the pyramidal model. An analysis of the laparoscopic skills
acquired at this stage led to the definition of seven didactic units: handeye coordination,
camera navigation, grasping, pulling, cutting, dissection and suture.
4.2 Technical development
SINERGIA was developed in C++ language, with WTK libraries (WorldToolKit,
Engineering Animation Inc., Mill Valley, CA-USA) and in a Windows environment. The
chosen haptic interface was the Laparoscopic Surgical Workstation (Immersion Medical,
Gaithersburg, USA) (Lamata et al., 2007).
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.


Fig. 6. MISCJU Formation Pyramid
Biomechanical modelling was solved employing T2-Mesh mass spring models for hollow
objects. A T2-Mesh model is a surface model that seeks for simplicity and speediness of
calculi, in detriment of a realistic behaviour. Nodes in the model have a mass assigned to
them. They are linked with linear springs which act as energy storage and react against
deformations. The equations system is relatively small and, therefore, fast in its resolution.
Nevertheless it is an iterative model and consequently mined by the risk of instabilities and
oscillations (Meier et al., 2005). Solid object handling was improved by the use of ParSys,
which are fast and stable models composed by a set of interconnected volumetric elements,
also called particles. Volumetric behaviour is given and guaranteed by its structure and
volume conservation by the constant number of particles in an object (Pithioux et al., 2005).
Collision detection was performed by an ad hoc library built for SINERGIA, which tests
geometrically the interaction between tools (rigid objects) and deformable objects, and
manages topological changes. Assuming that the objects are modelled by means of a
triangular mesh, collision handling is posed as finding the new positions of the vertices of
the triangles involved in the collision. The problem is based on the tool kinematics (the tool
velocity vector) and the normal vectors to the triangles involved in the collision. Therefore,
each of its vertexes are displaced out of the tool bearing in mind the fuzzy nature of the tool
motion, which is modelled as penetration or sliding (Garca-Prez, 2009).
Graphical design of the scenarios was done with Blender (Blender Foundation, Amsterdam,
Netherlands), an open source and multi-platform tool for 3D design and modelling, with a
python-command interface. It provided the advantages of the ability to share 3D scenes
from different platforms, and the feasibility to share models generated from real medical
images. It was employed to design scenes (including exercises) and add the effects of texture
and realism. Fig. 7 shows an example of a pigs abdominal cavity built using these models.
Virtual Reality


Fig. 7. Example of a surgical scene
4.3 SINERGIA objective assessment module
Addressing the needs described for surgical assessment, the SINERGIA Virtual Reality
simulator includes an objective evaluation system, in order to monitor trainees learning
curves (Fig. 8). Objective metrics definition allows trainees to learn from their mistakes by
means of indications when errors are performed (formative feedback) or by visualization of the
global practice score (summative feedback).
This evaluation component can be used by three different groups: (1) trainees, who perform
the tasks and whose metrics are stored and managed by the system; (2) teachers, who
monitor and follow-up the trainees progress by means of the evaluation interface; and (3)
administrators, tasked with system and user management. Security is an important issue in
the evaluation system. Thus, a teacher is only able to follow his pupils results, and a trainee
tracks only his own data, but can compare these results with an average mark of the global
users community.

Fig. 8. SINERGIA Assessment Module
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.

In order to manage all evaluation data, different graphics modalities are implemented for
easy monitoring and understanding of the surgical skills evolution of the trainee.
Comparisons between different individuals or groups of pupils and data exchange for
statistical analysis are possible in the user interface.
Moreover, the system offers an easy to use interface which allows efficient metric
management, while dealing with huge amounts of information. Its design has been
validated by expert surgeons of the Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre Jess Usn.
4.4 SINERGIA face and construct validation
First validation of SINERGIA consisted on two tests to determine face and construct validity
(Snchez-Peralta et al., 2010). Among all tasks provided, five were selected for the study
(hand-eye coordination, camera navigation, navigation and touch, accurate grasping and
coordinated pulling, as shown in Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Tasks performed in the validation process: From left to right: hand-eye coordination,
camera navigation, navigation and touch, accurate grasping and coordinated pulling.
10 novices and 6 expert surgeons took part in the validation experiment. Each subject
performed each task in the SINERGIA Virtual Reality simulator once and filled in
demographic and face validity questionnaires after performance. No external help was
given during the exercises; only a brief explanation of the task prior performance. Results
are shown in Table 4.
Significance was calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test for P<0.05. Statistical analysis
highlighted significant differences between the experienced and non-experienced groups in
60% of the evaluated metrics, which implies a partial construct validity being reached. Face
validity is confirmed in the questionnaires, where there are no significant differences in any
of the evaluated aspects. Results also showed that both groups considered the most
remarkable characteristic in SINERGIA its usefulness as a learning tool for basic
laparoscopic skills, rating it with the highest possible score.
5. Alternative technologies for objective surgical evaluation
In order to give a complete picture of the current state of the art on surgical assessment
technologies, and to understand where Virtual Reality simulators stand in the bigger
picture, we will briefly present other ways for acquiring efficiency measurements for
objective evaluation.
On the last few years several systems have been developed for force and movement analysis
(Moorthy et al, 2003). All these have in common the need for some means to capture the value
of objective metrics. This is usually achieved by active or passive tracking devices. Active
tracking relies on optical, electromagnetic or mechanical sensors mounted on the surgical
tools. Passive tracking relies on the external detection of markers placed on the instruments,
using ultrasound or electromagnetic technologies. The reader is referred to (Chmarra et al.,
2007) for more information behind the technologies behind tracking systems.
Virtual Reality

SINERGIA construct validity
Tasks Metrics Novices (n = 14) Experts (n = 6) P value
Coordination Total time (s) 75.16 9.72 61.97 11.11 0.033
Partial time (s) 2.98 0.49 2.48 0.45 0.062
Fulfilment (%) 75.14 8.18 85.33 8.26 0.051
L-I efficiency (%) 36.80 11.48 46.97 10.67 0.062
R-I efficiency (%) 37.06 8.48 47.27 10.78 0.033
Harms to background (#) 11.43 5.45 4.67 2.88 0.006
Navigation Total time (s) 104.71 10.95 97.50 12.93 0.353
Partial time (s) 7.86 0.73 7.36 0.57 0.207
Fulfilment (%) 76.36 14.48 88.00 8.39 0.076
L-I efficiency (%) 40.93 8.19 47.52 3.89 0.033
Harms to background (#) 0.29 0.61 0.67 0.82 0.353
Navigation and touch Total time (s) 106.79 19.92 85.33 11.36 0.005
Partial time (s) 7.48 1.27 5.97 0.92 0.007
Fulfilment (%) 71.64 15.83 95.50 4.93 0.007
L-I efficiency (%) 40.93 10.03 55.45 3.84 0.014
Harms to background (#) 95.36 94.01 11.33 4.46 0.002
Precise grasping Total time (s) 50.14 12.66 32.50 5.58 0.002
Partial time (s) 5.01 1.30 3.27 0.52 0.002
Fulfilment (%) 100.00 0.00 100 0.00 1

Deviation from central
point (cm)
0.06 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.003
L-I efficiency (%) 6.43 2.62 8.33 2.16 0.091
R-I efficiency (%) 8.21 2.75 10.17 3.54 0.207
Grasps out of the area (#) 4.71 6.39 1.00 1.26 0.02

Grasps with excessive
pressure (#)
3.00 2.08 0.00 0.00 0.002
Coordinate Traction Total time (s) 123.71 45.41 87.00 24.58 0.051
Partial time (s) 41.33 15.24 29.11 8.32 0.062
Fulfilment (%) 69.05 20.52 94.44 13.61 0.026

L-I distance from ideal
line (cm)
836.93 352.73 501.33 201.78 0.02

R-I distance from ideal
line (cm)
748 285.64 504.67 184.19 0.041
L-I efficiency (%) 4.31 1.03 6.61 1.42 0.002
R-I efficiency (%) 5.10 1.66 7.11 2.22 0.062

moments (#)
31.64 36.56 1.33 3.27 0.001
Table 4. Metrics results for novices and experts
The technology behind these devices is all but the same than that employed by the haptic
systems of Virtual Reality simulators (indeed, they can be exchangeable), so the main
difference resides in the tracking systems application: instead of software-based virtual
tasks, they are used as training and assessment means on box trainers and even the OR.
Force sensing has been mainly approached by Rosen et al. (Rosen et al., 2002). They
demonstrated that experienced surgeons apply higher force/torque magnitudes during
tissue dissection than novices, and vice versa for tissue manipulation. Sensing was
performed by a specially built system, the BlueDragon, a bulky device with built-in
mechanical sensors. More recently, Horeman et al. have approached tool/tissue forces
detection by means of a pressure platform placed under the box trainer task (Horeman et al.,
However, movement sensing has been one of the most common approaches followed.
Motion tracking systems register both the position (x,y,z coordinates) and orientation (yaw,
pitch and roll) of the surgical tools. Systems have been developed that place position sensors
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.

on tools or on hands and fingertips, such as ADEPT (Hanna et al., 1998), ICSAD (Datta et al.,
2001), CELTS (Stylopoulos et al., 2004), or TrEndo (Chmarra et al., 2006). Among other
things, measuring trajectories has been used for speed and acceleration calculi, optimal path
and economy of movement determination, depth perception and movement sequences
analysis, and repetitions or idle states detection. Active sensing has the disadvantages of
introducing new elements on the surgical theatre, thus altering it, and also of modifying the
tools ergonomics. Passive sensing systems have thus been also developed for motion
tracking, such as the Zebris (Sokollik et al., 2004).
An interesting approach for passive sensing can be the analysis of the laparoscopic videos,
which allow tracking of movements employing computer vision techniques. This way,
information about position and trajectories can be acquired, which can then be used to
obtain speeds and accelerations, and for metrics calculation such as economy of movements,
efficiency, optimal path, etc. The challenge of this approach is to exploit the 2D information
of the surgical scenario captured by the endoscope in order to assess the laparoscopic tools
3D position. This approach solves the problem of calculating the 3D position and orientation
of a tool with only the 2D information extracted from each frame of a video sequence.
Combining segmentation and edge detection techniques, position of the surgical tools
borders is determined. Knowing the tools cylindrical geometrical dimensions and its 2D
projection as denoted by the detected borders, real 3D tools pose is calculated (Fig. 10). The
mathematical equation for this calculus is a description of the geometrical relations between
the tools, trocars and the optical centre of the camera; its complete description and
explanation can be found in (Cano et al., 2008). Current tracking performance of these
methods, with an accuracy of 9.28mm, is good enough for gesture analysis and objective
evaluation of surgical manoeuvres.

Fig. 10. Video tool tracking: Left, 2D detection of the instruments borders; right, 3D
trajectory determination
6. Discussion
Developing structured training curricula for laparoscopic surgery has become a priority in
the past few decades. There are several reasons behind this: primarily, there is an ever-
growing social concern on patient safety, whether on medical errors or on the ethics behind
Virtual Reality

training on real patients. It has become also necessary to optimize residents timetables, and
evolve efficient training programs around them. Finally, there is a need to maximize the
efficiency/cost ratios of these programs.
Within these new curricula, Virtual Reality simulators, along with the aforementioned
tracking systems, present themselves as useful methods for training and assessing skills in
laboratory settings. In these conditions, the trainee is able to practice his skills in a stress-free
environment and receive objective feedback of his technical performance. A good example
on trying to integrate Virtual Reality simulators on surgical curricula can be found in
(Aggarwal et al., 2009).
However, controversy has surrounded their use since the very first models. Their lack of
realism has been one of the strongest arguments employed against them. Much work is still
required in this field; some authors have even pointed out that surgeons and trainees seem
to prefer training on physical simulators due to the more realistic visual and tactile
sensations involved (Chmarra et al., 2008; Gurusamy et al., 2009). Validation studies have,
however, proved over the last few years that these limitations do not diminish the training
effectiveness; indeed, where the ultimate goal is the acquisition of motor skills such as hand-
eye coordination or depth perception, a realistic scenario does not necessarily add much
value to the training process.
But whilst training effectiveness seems to be generally accepted, the same cannot still be said
of their assessment capabilities (Thijssen & Schijven, 2010). This, however, can be partly
blamed on the difficulties of defining a standardized training curriculum, and its associated
metrics. Although this problem could be extended to other areas of surgical training besides
Virtual Reality simulators, in their case it becomes magnified if considered along their
limitations and their slow acceptance (Liselotte & Dewan, 2009).
The truth is that, no matter what, the possibilities of Virtual Reality simulators as evaluation
tools are potentially great. The fact that they are ever available for training, their
reproducibility and the immediate feedback they provide mean that training and
assessment of skills can be easily accommodated to the trainees schedule. Also, their
unrivalled ability to capture and acquire not only efficiency metrics but also quality based
ones gives them an important advantage over other acquisition devices. The variety of tasks
available, from simple exercises to complex interventions, allows also extending their range
to the field of cognitive knowledge.
No doubt in the future Virtual Reality simulation will focus on the improvement of the
visual and tactic experience for the user; as technologies become available. But it will be
interesting to see their clinical evolution concerning their assessment capabilities. One
promising research area is the automatic determination of surgical level. These techniques
have already been explored by some authors (Rosen et al., 2002, Chmarra et al., 2009; Megali
et al., 2006), applying techniques such as Hidden Markov Models or Linear Discriminant
Analysis. Their inclusion on future generations of Virtual Reality simulators could help
improve their value as objective assessment tools.
To conclude, it is necessary to stress the complimentary role that Virtual Reality simulators
and other tracking devices play in the much larger scope of the surgical structured curricula.
Despite the need for objectivity, the fact remains that final expertise accreditation should
come by the hand of an expert mentor. There will always be a subjective component to the
determination of a surgeons readiness, which will imply judging abilities such as reaction
time, mentality, patient care, handling of stress or group working capability. These are all
Virtual Reality Simulators for Objective Evaluation
on Laparoscopic Surgery: Current Trends and Benefits.

important factors that add a human dimension to the qualification process, and thus should
always be considered.
7. Conclusion
Studies on Virtual Reality simulators over the last few years have focused especially on their
training capabilities, determining whether motor skills acquisition on them is really effective
and if they really translate to the OR afterwards. The present chapter has presented them
from a different, although related, perspective: their usefulness as skills assessment tools.
While acceptance of Virtual Reality simulators is growing by the day as validation studies
prove their usefulness, the development of training curricula to determine surgical expertise
is not being so easy. It has been the authors goals in this chapter to convey to the reader the
actual state of the art of Virtual Reality simulators in the field of skills assessment, in relation
to other devices such as sensor-based tracking systems; to point out to him their limitations
and advantages; and further still, to give him insight on the development and validation
process of a surgical simulator (SINERGIA) in order to prove that, despite their limitations
and the complications surrounding them, we believe that in the near future, Virtual Reality
will play an important role on structured and objective skills assessment.
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Part 5
Neuroscience and Neuro-rehabilitation
Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality
Beatriz Rey and Mariano Alcaiz
Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigacin en Bioingeniera y Tecnologa Orientada al
Ser Humano, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia
1. Introduction
Virtual reality is one of the most challenging applications of computer graphics and is
currently being used in many fields. Participants of immersive virtual environments have
unique experiences which were never before possible. Although they know from a cognitive
point of view that the virtual environment is not a real place, they act and think as if the
virtual environment were real. Virtual environments take advantage of the imaginative
ability of people to psychologically transport them to other places.
In this chapter, we are going to analyze the two-way relationship between virtual reality
and neuroscience.
First, it will be described how virtual reality can be a useful tool in neuroscience research, as
long as it can be used to create controlled environments where participants can perform
tasks while their responses are monitored in order to achieve a more detailed understanding
of the associated brain processes. Previous work and research in this field will be detailed
and discussed.
Secondly, the applications of neuroscience in the virtual reality field will be analyzed. There
are aspects of the virtual reality experience such as presence that can be an object of study
for neuroscientists (Sanchez-Vives & Slater, 2005). Results from neuroscience studies can
help virtual reality researchers to improve their knowledge about the processes that occur in
the brain during the exposure to virtual environments and generate more compelling and
effective versions of the virtual environments that they develop.
At the end of the chapter, some general conclusions and implications that the research in
virtual reality and neuroscience may have for future work will be described.
The different kinds of studies that will be described in this chapter are listed in Table 1.
2. Virtual reality for neuroscience
Virtual reality can be a perfect tool to generate controlled environments that can be used to
observe human behaviour. Different aspects can be analyzed from a neuroscience
perspective, including perception, control of movement, learning, memory, and emotional
Usually, in order to analyze human responses to different kinds of events or tasks, the
participant behaviour has to be monitored in a real situation or during the execution of
experimental tasks designed to analyze the influence of specific variables on human
Virtual Reality

Study of human navigation
with highly immersive
virtual environments
(Warren et al., 2001; Tarr & Warren,
2002; Kearns et al., 2002; Foo et al.,
2004; Foo et al., 2005; Waller et al.,
2007; Richardson & Waller, 2007)
Virtual versions of classical
neuroscience tests to study
navigation and spatial
(Astur et al., 1998; Jacobs et al., 1997;
Jacobs et al., 1998 ; Driscoll et al.,
2003; Astur et al., 2004; Astur et al.,
2005; Duncko et al., 2007; Cornwell
et al., 2008)
Animal navigation
(Astur et al., 2003; Hlscher et al.,
2005; Harvey et al., 2009)
Virtual reality for
Human social interaction
(Bailenson et al., 2001; Schilbach et
al., 2006; Slater et al., 2006)
Presence research
(Schlgl et al., 2002; Baumgartner et
al., 2006; Kober, 2010)
Presence research
functional magnetic
(Hoffman et al., 2003; Baumgartner
et al., 2008; Jncke et al., 2009)
Presence research
Transcranial Doppler
(Alcaiz et al., 2009; Rey et al., 2010)
Neuroscience for
virtual reality
Virtual representation of
the body
(Slater et al., 2008)
Table 1. Classification of previous studies combining virtual reality and neuroscience
Those previous approaches have both positive and negative points that have to be taken
into account when applying them to study human behaviour.
Laboratory experimental tasks allow the controlled study of any of the variables that may be
having an influence on the participants responses. However, the situation presented to the
user is not realistic, and usually the participant has to execute the task in a laboratory setting
and isolated from other contextual factors that are also associated with the situations or
tasks that are being analyzed.
On the other hand, the analysis of human responses in real situations is complicated because
the stimuli that are intervening in the experience cannot be controlled (or, at least, not
completely controlled) by the experimenter.
However, with virtual reality, it is possible to design a virtual environment and situation
with key elements analogous to those of a similar situation in the real world, but, in this
case, the presentation of stimuli to the participant can be controlled in a precise way.
Furthermore, virtual reality can also be used to create virtual versions of classical
neuroscience tests that had only been applied to animals because of their characteristics.
Virtual reality allows that the virtual version of the test can be conveniently applied to
human participants.
In the following subsections, different kinds of studies about human behaviour that have
been conducted up to now with the help of virtual reality settings will be described:
1. Study of human navigation with highly immersive virtual environments. Behavioural
neuroscientists have been interested in analyzing how humans learn routes to get from
one place to another. Highly immersive virtual environments provide a virtual
laboratory where this kind of studies can be conducted and easily controlled.
Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality

2. Virtual versions of classical neuroscience tests to study navigation and spatial memory.
3. Animal navigation. In these cases, neural circuits underlying navigation have been
studied in animals such as mice using specifically designed virtual environments.
4. Human social interaction. There are other aspects, apart from navigation and spatial
memory, that have been analyzed with virtual reality settings. Studies that have
analyzed the neural correlates of social interaction will be described.
2.1 Study of human navigation with highly immersive virtual environments
Human navigation is one of the issues that have been analyzed using virtual environments.
Users can navigate in a virtual reality system with specific goals, while their behaviour is
analyzed to obtain conclusions about how humans learn routes to get from one place to
Tarr & Warren (2002) considered that three sources of information were available for this
learning process: visual information in the form of optic flow (the pattern of visual motion at
the moving), visual information about objects distributed in the environment (which can be
used as landmarks) and body senses including vestibular and proprioceptive information.
In order to analyze the influence of each of those factors, it is necessary that the subject
moves through an environment where the experimenter can manipulate aspects such as the
optic flow and the objects that appear in the environment. Virtual reality can be used to
generate this controlled environment where the participant can navigate freely.

Fig. 1. Subject of a virtual reality experiment wearing a head mounted display
Tarr & Warren (2002) created a highly immersive virtual reality system, which they called
VENLab, in which users visualized the environment using a stereo head mounted display.
A photograph of a subject wearing a head mounted display is shown in Figure 1.
Participants navigated in the VENLab using real walking (a wide-area head tracker was
attached to the head tracker)
In different studies conducted with the VENLab, they analyzed the role of each of these
sources of information while participants navigated in a virtual world where optic flow and
landmarks could be controlled by the experimenter.
Virtual Reality

In one of the studies, Warren et al. (2001) analyzed if optic flow information is actually used
when users have to walk towards a goal. Two different hypotheses had been proposed in
the literature. The optic flow hypothesis indicated that the observer would walk to cancel
the error between the heading perceived from optic flow and the goal navigation. On the
other hand, the egocentric direction hypothesis considered that the observer just walks in
the perceived visual direction of the goal with respect to the body. As the two hypotheses
usually predict the same behaviour, it was fundamental the use of a virtual environment to
be able to dissociate them. The virtual environment that was designed made it possible to
displace the heading direction specified by the optic flow by an angle from the actual
direction of walking. Different experimental conditions with growing levels of optic flow
were analyzed, including an initial condition where no surrounding flow was available. It
was found that subjects walked in the visual direction of a target, but increasingly relied on
optic flow as it was added to the display.
In another study, Kearns et al. (2002) analyzed the role of visual information and body
senses during a homing task. In this kind of tasks, the participant must be able to return to a
home location after following a trajectory in the environment. Path integration is defined in
this context as a navigation strategy in which information about ones velocity or
acceleration is integrated on-line to estimate the distance travelled and the angles turned
from an initial point (Loomis et al., 1999). Both optic flow information and body senses
information (such as vestibular information and proprioception from receptors in muscles,
tendons and joints) can provide information about distances and rotations. In order to
analyze the role of the different variables, three experiments were proposed in the study.
The task was a triangle completion task, in which participants walk two specified legs of a
triangle and then they have to return to the starting position. In the first two experiments,
only optic flow was analyzed, by making users navigate in a virtual environment using a
joystick during the homing task. In the third experiment, the combined influence of visual
and body senses was analyzed, by making the user navigate in the virtual environment with
real walking. Results from the first two experiments showed that optic flow can be used for
path integration in a homing task. Results from the third experiment showed a different
pattern of results. Participants were more consistent, exhibited a pattern of overturning
instead of underturning, and had similar responses independently of the presence of optic
flow. These results seemed to indicate that, even if participants can perform path integration
from optic flow if it is required, they usually rely more on body senses if this information is
Later, Foo et al. (2004) analyzed the influence of landmarks in navigation when compared
with path integration. The task was also a triangle completion one. Four repetitions of the
task with different triangles were conducted. In the first and last repetition, no landmarks
were available. In the intermediate ones, a red post was placed near the starting position,
but slightly displaced, with viewing angles from the final point ranging from 0 to 28
degrees. The participants did not notice the displacement, and followed the direction of the
landmark. In a second experience, they were told that the landmark was unreliable, and in
this case, they used path integration instead. It seems that, even if both systems provide
information for homing tasks, landmarks are the factor that usually dominates navigation.
In a more recent study, Foo et al. (2005) continued the comparison of landmarks with path
integration. In this case, they analyzed if the participant was able to find shortcuts in
different environments during a triangle completion task. The subjects were trained on the
Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality

two legs of the triangle and the angle between them in the context of a specific environment.
After training, they had to find a shortcut between the endpoints of the two legs of a
triangle. The first virtual environment that was used was a virtual desert world, which
contained minimal optical aids. Optic flow and body senses information provided
information for path integration, but no other sources of information were present. It was
compared with a forest environment that contained multicoloured posts, to provide the user
with a landmark strategy that could be used for navigation. Participants could not find
successful shortcuts in the desert environment, but they could find them in the forest with
multicoloured posts. These results seem to support that subjects rely on the potential
landmarks when they are available and use them as a reference to guide navigation.
Apart from the VENLab, other special virtual reality systems have been developed to study
spatial cognition. One of them is the HIVE - Huge Immersive Virtual Environment (Waller
et al., 2007). This system consists of a large tracking area that lets users move through virtual
worlds as they would in the real world, thus allowing the analysis of mental processes that
require extensive movements through an environment. The system makes it possible to
include in the experiments body-based sources of sensory information (such as vestibular
and proprioceptive data), as happened also with the VENLab. Technically, the HIVE is
based on an eight-camera optical tracking system that monitors users position data, which
are sent wirelessly to a rendering computer worn by the user. The environment is shown to
the participant using a head-mounted display. The system is completed with an orientation
tracking device. The HIVE has been used, for example, to analyze the influence of a users
physical environment on distance underestimation in immersive virtual environments.
Previous research has found that egocentric distances are underestimated in immersive
virtual environments (i.e., Lampton et al., 1995; Witmer & Kline, 1998). Using systems like
the HIVE, it is possible to analyze if this underestimation occurs also when navigation is
controlled by real physical walking. Richardson & Waller (2007) conducted an experiment
which showed that the execution of an interaction task in the immersive virtual
environment significantly corrected the underestimation that has been observed in previous
All the studies described in this section have in common two main factors:
The user can navigate using real walking in a wide area. Tracking systems designed to
monitor the user position in large areas are used.
The appearance and responses (such as optical flow) of the virtual environment can be
controlled and changed between the different experimental conditions.
These are issues that should be taken into account when designing a virtual environment for
the study of human navigation.
2.2 Virtual versions of classical neuroscience tests to study navigation and spatial
Virtual reality has also been used by other researchers to create virtual versions of classical
neuroscience tests to study navigation.
In previous non-human research, the gold standard for analyzing place learning ability in
rodents is the Morris water task (Morris, 1981). In this task, the rat has to swim to a fixed
hidden platform (that cannot be seen, heard or smelt) in a circular pool, making use of distal
spatial cues outside the pool. The apparatus used when this task was first applied was a
circular pool with dimensions of 1.30 m diameter by 0.60 m high (Morris, 1981). The platform
Virtual Reality

used in the experiment was put at a specific location in the pool, either visible or invisible
(under water). Research has found that the ability to learn to navigate in this task is highly
influenced by the integrity and plasticity in the hippocampus (Sutherland et al., 1982).
In order to apply the Morris water task in human research about navigation and spatial
learning, practical difficulties appear. One requisite would be that humans and non-human
animals should be tested in comparable spatial domains. A big pool would be required, and
the manipulation of the platforms and monitoring of the experiment in this real pool would
be more difficult than in the small circular container used in the experiments with rats.
Furthermore, participants would probably find the task uncomfortable.
However, with virtual reality, virtual versions of the Morris water task can be prepared and
applied in experiments about the analysis of place learning and spatial memory in humans.
The advantages that virtual reality can provide are the following:
A virtual pool environment with adequate dimensions for human participants can be
generated and applied in the experiments.
Subjects can navigate using virtual reality hardware for navigation. There is no
necessity to physically swim.
As the navigation occurs in a controlled computer system, it is possible to program it to
easily control experimental variables such as the initial position of the participant, the
position of the platforms inside the pool and the position of any visual cues in the
Furthermore, as the instantaneous position of the subject at each moment is known by
the system, it is possible to store the exact trajectories that the participant has followed
until arriving to the platform, allowing posterior analyses about different aspects such
as the required time to find the platform or the length of the followed trajectory.
Astur et al. (1998) developed a computerized version of the test to analyze if the observed
results in experiments with rats would generalize into the human domain. In their
experiment, the virtual environment consisted of a circular pool in a room where several
distal cues were present. No local cues were used. Participants had to swim in the pool
navigating with a joystick. They had to find a platform hidden under the surface of the
water from different initial locations. The fact of starting from different locations requires
that a cognitive map is formed using the distal cues on the surrounding walls. Performance
can be established using objective values that can be calculated, such as the path length or
the required time to reach the platform. Different studies with a virtual version of the Morris
water task have been developed and have shown the feasibility of applying it in human
research (Astur et al., 1998; Jacobs et al., 1997; Jacobs et al., 1998; Driscoll et al., 2003; Duncko
et al., 2007). These studies have shown that it is possible to apply a computerized Morris
water task in human research. Each of them has focused on a different aspect of the
experience. Differences in the performance of the Morris water task have been found
associated to different factors such as sex, age or stress.
Posterior studies have combined the virtual Morris water maze with a virtual analogue of
another task that has been used classically to analyze spatial memory in animals: an eight-
arm radial maze. Radial arm mazes are composed of a central area with a number of
identical arms radiating outwards (Olton & Samuelson, 1974). A schema of the eight arm
radial maze has been represented in Figure 2.
In the eight-arm radial maze, four of the arms have food at the end, but the other four arms
do not have anything. In the first experimental trial, the rat should be able to find the food
that is placed in four of the arms. Afterwards, the animal is removed from the maze. In the
Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality


Fig. 2. Distribution of the eight arm radial maze
following experimental trials, the location of the food is maintained. With training, the
rodents learn to find the food without entering in the empty arms.
Astur et al. (2004) combined the virtual Morris water maze with an eight-arm radial maze.
The virtual eight-arm radial maze consisted of a virtual room that had eight runways
extending out of a round middle area. Participants knew that in four of the runways there
was an award at the end, and that in the other four runways there was not. They had to
retrieve all the awards as soon as possible. Results of the study showed that men performed
significantly better than women when trying to find the hidden platform in the virtual
Morris water task. However, there are no sex differences in working memory errors,
reference memory errors or distance to find the rewards in the virtual radial maze. These
results seemed to indicate that the virtual Morris water task and the virtual eight-arm radial
maze assess spatial memory in different ways.
Other studies with the virtual Morris water task and the radial mazes have monitored brain
activation associated with these tests, specially analyzing the activity in the hippocampus.
Cornwell et al. (2008) recorded neuromagnetic activity using magnetoencephalography
(MEG), which is a technique that records magnetic fields produced by electrical activity in
the brain and that can be used for mapping brain activity. Participants had to navigate to the
hidden platform in a virtual Morris water task. The objective was to determine if
hippocampal / parahippocampal theta activity was related to behavioural performance on
the virtual Morris task. Source analysis of the MEG data captured during the study showed
an increase in the power in the theta band of the spectrum (4-8 Hz) in hippocampus and
parahippocampal structures during goal-directed navigation. It was also found a linear
relationship between these theta responses and navigation performance on the virtual
Morris task.
Astur et al. (2005) conducted an experiment with a radial arm maze to assess the function of
the hippocampus and to see if the results from non-human research could be extrapolated to
humans. Participants of the study had to perform a virtual radial arm task during functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). An image of an fMRI machine can be visualized in Figure 3.
Virtual Reality


Fig. 3. 4T fMRI, part of the Brain Imaging Center, in: Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at
the University of California, Berkeley
fMRI is used for the study of metabolic and vascular changes that accompany changes in
neural activity. The technique is based on the Blood Oxygen Level Dependent method
(BOLD), which measures the ratio of oxygenated to deoxygenated haemoglobin in the blood
across regions of the brain. As oxygen is extracted from the blood, increases in
deoxyhaemoglobin can lead to an initial decrease in BOLD signal. However, this is followed
by an increase, due to overcompensation in blood flow that tips the balance towards
oxygenated haemoglobin. It is this that leads to a higher BOLD signal during neural activity.
fMRI is not a tool that can be easily combined with virtual reality environments. First of all,
a test platform has to be developed to allow the exposition to the virtual environment while
capturing the fMRI images without altering in a significant way any of both technologies.
Moreover, the user has to be inside the magnetic resonance machine in supine position and
with minimum head movement, and devices used to navigate and interact in the virtual
environment have to work inside high magnetic fields with minimum electromagnetic
Astur et al. (2005) used an fMRI-adapted joystick to allow participants to navigate in the
virtual environment. As happened with other previous studies, significant changes were
found in the activity of the hippocampus during the performance of the task. However, a
decrease in activity occurred during the spatial memory component of the task. On the other
hand, frontal cortex activity was also found, which could indicate activity associated to
working memory circuits.
2.3 Animal navigation
Virtual reality has also been used in neuroscience experiments with non-human animals.
There have been some studies that have shown that primates, similarly to humans, can also
interpret interactive two-dimensional projections as a virtual environment in which they can
move (Leighty & Fragaszy, 2003; Nishijo et al., 2003; Towers et al., 2003). Astur et al. (2003),
for example, examined if rhesus monkeys could learn to explore virtual mazes. In their
experiment, four male macaques were trained to locate a target in a virtual environment.
The monkeys controlled the navigation by moving a joystick. They completed successfully
Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality

the task, and were able to locate the target. The search pattern that the animals followed
within the maze was similar to the navigation pattern observed on more traditional two-
dimensional computerized mazes and was in accordance with predictions made from actual
patterns in physical space.
But not only primates have been immersed in virtual reality experiences to analyze
navigation patterns and spatial memory. Recently, it has been proven that rats are also able
to navigate in virtual environments. Hlscher et al. (2005) built a virtual reality set-up and
tested it with rats. It was shown that rodents could learn spatial tasks in this virtual reality
system. One important point that had to be taken into account in the design of the virtual
reality setting was to consider the wide-angle visual system of rats into account. That is
why, while immersed in the virtual environment, the rat was surrounded by a toroidal
screen of 140 cm diameter and 80 cm height. This screen covers a large part of the rats
visual field (360 azimuth, -20 to +60 of elevation).
Recently, Harvey et al. (2009) used this kind of virtual reality system to study the neural
circuits underlying navigation in mice. The purpose was to measure the intracellular
dynamics of place cells during the navigation in a virtual environment. However,
intracellular recording methods require a mechanical stability which cannot be obtained
when the animals can move freely in the real world. In this study, the mouse was allowed to
run on top a spherical treadmill while its head was maintained stable using a head plate.
Regarding the projection of the virtual environment, similarly to the previous study, the
environment was projected on a toroidal screen that surrounded the rodent and that was
designed to cover a wide area according to the large field of view of the animal. The
movements of the mouse were measured as rotations of the spherical treadmill using an
optical computer mouse. The mice were trained to run along a virtual linear track (180 cm
long) with local and distal cues in the walls. Small water rewards were given to the animal
when it has run between opposite ends of the track. The intracellular dynamics of
hippocampal place cells were measured during the navigation with precision, because the
mouse's head was stationary. The observed dynamics in the hippocampal place-cells had
similar properties to those recorded in real environments.
2.4 Human social interaction
Virtual reality can also be a technology that can help to analyze other aspects of human
behaviour. In this subsection, some studies that have been made in the social cognitive
neuroscience field will be summarized.
There are several factors that contribute to make virtual reality a useful technology to
address questions related to human behaviour in social situations. Participants of virtual
reality experiences can feel that they are present in the virtual environment. This means that
they have the sense of being in the virtual environment instead of being in their physical
location, for example, the experimental room (Held & Durlach, 1992; Schumie et al., 2001).
Presence is a multi-dimensional concept, and one of the dimensions that are analyzed when
studying this complex experience is social presence, which occurs when part or all of a
persons perception fails to accurately acknowledge the role of the technology that makes it
appear that s/he is communicating with other people or entities. Virtual characters convey
social information to human participants of virtual reality experiences. Furthermore, they
are perceived by the participants as social agents, who exert social influence on human
subjects that participate in the virtual reality experience (Bailenson et al., 2003).
Virtual Reality

Consequently, virtual reality has started to be applied in social psychological research (de
Kort et al., 2003). In the following paragraphs, different studies that have analyzed several
aspects of human interaction using virtual reality will be described.
Bailenson et al. (2001) analyzed the equilibrium theory specification (Argyle & Dean, 1965),
which specified an inverse relationship between mutual gaze and interpersonal distance. In
order to analyze this theory, participants were exposed to a virtual environment in which a
male virtual character stood. The users were told to remember certain features about the
agents shirt. The participants positions were tracked by the system, so the distance
between participants and the virtual agent were continuously monitored. The results
showed that the space between the participant and the virtual character was higher than the
distance between the participants and objects with similar size and shape, but without
human appearance. On the other hand, the interpersonal distance was higher in the case of
women interacting with agents who did engage them in eye contact than with agents who
did not. This effect was not observed in men. Results seem to indicate that factors such as
non-verbal expressions of intimacy are in the origin of changes in the personal space.
Schilbach et al. (2006) studied the differences between being personally involved in a social
interaction or being just a passive observer of a social interaction between other people,
using virtual characters to generate the social situations. The virtual characters that were
used in the study would gaze directly to the human observer, or look away towards a third
person situated at an angle of approximately 30 (and not visible by the human participant).
The virtual characters would show changing facial expressions similar to the ones that they
would have in real-life social interaction situations or they would show arbitrary and
socially irrelevant movements. fMRI was used to monitor brain activity while the
participants of the study observed the virtual characters. The sequences were projected onto
a screen inside the fMRI scanner. After each repetition of the task, the participant had to
answer two questions about how s/he has interpreted the behaviour of the virtual character.
In order to allow this interaction inside an fMRI scanner, compatible keypads were used.
Eye movements during conditions were also monitored using an infrared video-based eye-
tracking system. The results showed that higher neural activity was found in the anterior
medial cortex when the virtual character was looking at the participant. Furthermore, if
facial expressions were perceived as socially relevant, increased neural activity was
observed in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex. Finally, the perception of arbitrary facial
movements activated the middle temporal gyrus. Globally, the results showed that different
regions of the medial prefrontal cortex contributed differentially to social cognition.
The interaction with a virtual character in an extreme social situation such as the conflict
created within Milgrams paradigm (Milgram, 1963) has also been studied. This paradigm
creates a social dilemma in which participants try to follow the experimenters commands to
administer pain to another person, but at the same time they feel that they have to avoid
causing any harm to that person. This paradigm has been partially replicated within an
immersive virtual environment (Slater et al., 2006). The participants of the virtual reality
experience showed discomfort and increased arousal over the course of the conflict, and
some of them stopped administering pain to the avatar, or expressed that they did not want
to continue with the experience.
3. Neuroscience for virtual reality
In the previous section, a review of studies in which virtual reality has been applied as a tool
for neuroscience has been presented. However, as has already been stated, neuroscience
Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality

tools can also be used in virtual reality studies and can provide useful information for
researchers in this field.
Some of the studies in which neuroscience has been a tool for virtual reality research are
going to be described. They have been grouped in two different fields of application:
1. Presence studies. Neuroscience research can provide useful information to better
understand the concept of presence in virtual environments. Different techniques and
their combinations have been proposed and used to measure presence in virtual
environments (Insko, 2003). These techniques have been classified in two main groups:
subjective tools and objective tools. Subjective techniques have been mainly based on
the application of psychological measurement instruments like rating scales and
subjective reports. On the other hand, objective techniques include behavioural
measures and physiological measures. These measures are usually obtained during the
virtual reality experience rather than following it, so they can be used for real-time
monitoring during the exposure. However, although they are called objective, they do
not generate a direct measure of presence. Instead, presence is assumed to be related in
some way with the degree of change in parameters that can be obtained from
physiological measures or from behavioural observation. It has been only in recent
years that it has been studied applying neuroscience tools. Different neurological
measures have been applied to analyze brain activity during the exposure to virtual
environments in order to look for brain correlates of the presence experience. Three
main neurological measures have been applied:
a. Electroencephalogram (EEG).
b. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
c. Transcranial Doppler (TCD).
In the following subsections, the advances in the presence research field that have been
obtained in recent years using these three different techniques will be described.
2. Virtual representation of the body. Other works have applied neuroscience tools to
analyze the interpretation of participants of virtual reality experiences about the virtual
representation of their own body. For virtual reality researchers, it is necessary to know
the interpretation that the participants of the experience attribute to the virtual
representation of their bodies. The studies in this area will also be summarized in the
following points.
3.1 Presence research: Electroencephalogram
Electroencephalogram (EEG) reflects the brains electrical activity, and in particular
postsynaptic potentials in the cerebral cortex. Scalp-recorded EEG signals are thought to be
generated by the addition of excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials in the cortical
pyramidal neurons (Speckman et al., 1993). EEG signals always represent the potential
difference between two electrodes, an active electrode and the reference electrode. This
technique has a high temporal resolution, which makes it possible to analyze both
fluctuations of EEG dependant of task demand, and differentiate between functional
inhibitory and excitatory tasks.
EEG was proposed as a possible tool for obtaining objective indicators of presence, to detect
brain states and transitions in the user, who can feel present in the virtual world and then
change to feel present in the real world (Schlgl et al., 2002).
Baumgartner et al. (2006) were the first to use EEG to analyze neural correlates of spatial
presence in arousing virtual environments without interaction. The virtual environment
Virtual Reality

used was a virtual roller coaster scenario. Twelve children and eleven adolescents
participated in the study. There was a control session, with a horizontal roundabout track,
and several realistic rides (with ups, downs and loops). EEG and skin conductance were
captured during the experience. It was found in both groups that spatial presence was
higher in the realistic rides (when compared with the control condition). Furthermore, this
was accompanied by increased electrodermal reactions and activations in parietal brain
areas known to be involved in spatial navigation. Parietal processing centres in turn
stimulated the insula as the core region for generating body sensations and the posterior
cingulated which is strongly involved in emotion processing. On the other hand, children
showed higher spatial presence, but less activity in some prefrontal areas than adolescents.
These prefrontal areas are involved in the control of executive functions. The higher increase
in spatial presence observed in children can have its origin on the fact that their frontal
cortex function is not fully developed.
Recently, preliminary results from a study to analyze the parietal activity in interactive
virtual reality were presented (Kober, 2010). The goal of the study was to analyze if the
parietal activity that was found in the study from Baumgartner et al. (2006) would also
appear during a free navigation in a virtual environment. The environment was a virtual
maze in which the participant performed a wayfinding task while EEG activity was
monitored. Results showed that parietal activation also occurred in this interactive virtual
3.2 Presence research: functional magnetic resonance imaging
In the first fMRI study related to virtual reality and presence (Hoffman et al, 2003), subjects
reported experiencing an illusion of presence in virtual reality via a magnet-friendly image
delivery system despite the constraint of lying down with their head immobilized in an
enclosed environment. fMRI results were not reported in the study.
Recent works (Baumgartner et al., 2008; Jncke et al., 2009) have complemented the
previously described study that used the roller coaster scenario as stimulus and EEG to
monitor brain activity. These recent works have analyzed fMRI data captured during the
exposure to the same virtual environment. Each ride lasted 102 s in total, whereas the
different phases where divided into the following time scheme: anticipation phase 30 s,
dynamic phase 60 s and end phase 12 s. In total, eight different roller coaster rides were
presented, four High Presence and four Low Presence roller coaster rides. Results from the
fMRI analysis show that the presence experience evoked by the virtual roller coaster
scenario is associated with an increase in activation in a distributed network, which
comprises extrastriate areas, the dorsal visual stream, the superior parietal cortex (SPL) and
inferior parietal cortex (IPL), parts of the ventral visual stream, the premotor cortex (PMC),
and the brain structures located in the basal and mesiotemporal parts of the brain. The
network is modulated by the dorso lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). The DLPFC activation
strongly correlates with the subjective presence experience (the right DLPFC controlled the
sense of presence by down-regulating the activation in the egocentric dorsal visual
processing stream, the left DLPFC up-regulated widespread areas of the medial prefrontal
cortex known to be involved in self-reflective and stimulus-independent thoughts). In
contrast, there was no evidence of these two strategies in children. This difference is most
likely attributable to the prefrontal cortex that is not fully matured in children.
Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality

3.3 Presence research: Transcranial Doppler
Transcranial Doppler monitoring (TCD) has also been applied recently to analyze cognitive
states related with presence during the exposure to virtual environments in different
immersion and navigation conditions. TCD is a secure and non-invasive ultrasound
diagnosis technique with high temporal resolution which is used to analyze hemodynamic
variations in the brain. It monitors blood flow velocity in the main vessels of the brain: the
left and right Middle Cerebral Arteries (MCA-L and MCA-R), the left and right Anterior
Cerebral Arteries (ACA-L and ACA-R) and the left and right Posterior Cerebral Arteries
(PCA-L and PCA-R). These velocity variations constitute a reliable source of information
about brain activity. When the neurovascular coupling is adequate (Iadecola, 1993), the
velocity variations that are detected by TCD reflect changes in regional cerebral blood flow
due to brain activation in the brain areas supplied by the monitored vessel (Daffertshofer,
2001). Consequently, the spatial resolution of the technique is delimited by the size of the
cortical areas supplied by the vessels selected for a particular study. In order to apply the
measurement, two probes (transducers) are required, one for each cerebral hemisphere. In
functional studies, each probe is placed in its correct location by attaching it to a headpiece
that the user has to wear during the whole experiment.
Alcaiz et al. (2009) used the TCD technique to compare two different navigation conditions
(user-controlled vs. system-controlled navigation) potentially associated with different
levels of presence in the participants of the study. The study was carried out in a CAVE-like
environment with four sides (three walls and the floor), using a wireless joystick and an
optical tracking system to navigate in the environment. The virtual environment that was
used in the study was a maze composed of several rooms and corridors. The virtual maze
was designed specifically for this task. An image of one of the rooms of the virtual
environment can be visualized in Figure 4.
Results from the study showed that it was possible to use TCD to monitor brain activity
during virtual reality studies. The percentage variations between mean blood flow velocity
in the user-controlled navigation and its preceding baseline (repose period), and between
the mean blood flow velocity in the system-controlled navigation and its preceding baseline,
were positive in all the arteries under study (MCA-L, MCA-R, ACA-L and ACA-R).
Significant differences between the percentage variations in the two navigation conditions
were observed in the case of the left arteries: MCA-L and ACA-L. Motor tasks to control the
joystick with the right hand might be the origin of the observed variations in MCA-L blood
flow velocity. However, the variations in ACA-L are not directly related to this issue, and
can only be explained by other factors related to the virtual reality experience, such as
decision making and emotional aspects. In fact, it is expected that the user may be more
emotionally involved in the free navigation condition. Furthermore, during this
experimental condition, more decisions have to be made, specially associated to navigation
factors. All these issues are related with the level of presence that the user is experiencing
during exposure to the different navigation conditions. Presence questionnaires confirmed
that the level of presence was significantly higher during the free navigation condition.
Rey et al. (2010) compared the same navigation conditions (user-controlled vs. system-
controlled), but in two different immersion configurations (corresponding to two different
virtual reality settings: the CAVE-like system and a single projection screen). In this case,
only MCA-L and MCA-R were considered. The navigation factor had a significant influence
on the observed blood flow velocity variations in both monitored vessels. Higher percentage
Virtual Reality


Fig. 4. Image of one of the rooms of the virtual maze that was used in the studies that
analyzed presence in virtual environments using TCD
variations were observed in the free navigation condition than in the automatic navigation
condition. As in the previous study, the observed differences in MCA-L can have their
origin in the motor tasks differences between navigation conditions. On the other hand, a
possible explanation of the differences in MCA-R percentage variations between navigation
conditions could be found in the higher degree of involvement of the user in the creation of
a motor plan in the free navigation condition. Results from questionnaires also found higher
values of presence during the free navigation condition.
3.4 2 Virtual representation of the body
Other works have applied neuroscience tools to analyze the interpretation of participants of
virtual reality experiences about the virtual representation of their own body. Virtual reality
can be used to replace a persons real body by a virtual representation. For example, a
virtual limb can be made to feel part of the participants body if appropriate multisensory
information is provided. Slater et al. (2008) created this illusion on participants of a virtual
reality experience using a tactile stimulation on a persons hidden real right hand while,
simultaneously, a 3D virtual arm was projected out of their shoulder. Questionnaire
responses and behavioural analyses showed that participants were experiencing the virtual
arm as part of themselves. These results open up the possibility that the whole virtual body
could be interpreted by participants as part of themselves in the future.
4. Conclusion
This chapter has summarized the contributions and implications that advances on the
virtual reality field may have for behavioural neuroscience studies. Virtual reality can
provide a virtual laboratory where experiments can be conducted in a controlled way and
with the desired conditions. Applications in neuroscience studies related to spatial
navigation and social interaction have been described. Based on the results of these studies,
Research in Neuroscience and Virtual Reality

it can be foreseen that virtual reality may be the basis to develop further studies about
human behaviour in the following years.
On the other hand, neuroscience tools have provided the virtual reality research field with
new techniques that may contribute to the understanding of human factors and human
responses during the virtual reality experience. Although neurological correlates of virtual
reality experiences have still to be further analyzed, advances in this area may help virtual
reality researchers to design more compelling and effective versions of the virtual
environments that they develop.
The two-way cooperation between virtual reality and neuroscience can be the basis of many
advances in these research areas in the following years. Both fields of research can take
advantage of the results from the studies that combine the use of virtual environments with
neuroscience techniques that study aspects of human behaviour inside these environments.
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Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the
Elderly and People with Disabilities
Felix Kamieth
, Patrick Dhne
, Reiner Wichert
, Juan Luis Villalar
Viveca Jimenez-Mixco
, Antonella Arca
and Maria Teresa Arredondo

Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD (Fh-IGD),Darmstadt

Life Supporting Technologies, Technical University of Madrid (LST-UPM)
1. Introduction
Nowadays society is facing a process where life expectancy is gradually but constantly
increasing. As a result, the group of elderly people is growing to become one of the most
significant in the entire population (Giannakouris, 2008). This also means that the
prevalence of physical and cognitive impairments is increasing in proportion. Elderly
people usually suffer from vision deficiencies (yellowish and blurred image), hearing
limitations (especially at high frequencies) motor impairments (for selection, execution and
feedback) and slight deterioration of their cognitive skills (Lillo & Moreira, 2004). In this
context, providing the elderly and people with disabilities (E&D) with accessible systems
and services that could improve their level of independence and thus enhance their quality
of life has become a must for ICT Information and Communication Technologies
developers such as usability engineers and interaction designers.
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is one of the solutions that are beginning to address this
technological challenge. The AAL concept represents a specific, user-oriented type of
Ambient Intelligence (AmI). It comprises technological and organisational-institutional
solutions that can help people to live longer at the place they like most, ensuring a high
quality of life, autonomy and security (Steg et al., 2006). AAL solutions are sensitive and
responsive to the presence of people and provide assistive propositions for maintaining an
independent lifestyle (De Ruyter & Pelgrim, 2007).
Within this complex and continuously evolving framework, it is very challenging to
technologically meet all users needs and requirements regarding accessibility and usability
along the development process. Accessibility is a prerequisite for basic use of products by as
many users as possible, in particular elderly persons and persons with sensory, physical or
cognitive disabilities. Usability denotes the ease with which these products or services can
be used to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a
specified context of use (Wegge & Zimmermann, 2007). These aspects should be taken into
account during the product design ideally from early stages, following a more interactive
and iterative design-development-testing procedure. The major problem lies in the global
cost of the design and development process, which can be critically increased, since AmI
Virtual Reality

solutions involve complex features such as ubiquity, context awareness, smartness,
adaptiveness and computing embedded in daily life goods.
The continuous advance of ICT is gradually increasing the ability of the E&D to perform
daily activities independently, decreasing the amount of effort required for completing
sensitive tasks. In this sense, Virtual Reality (VR) at a broader scope, Virtual & Mixed
Reality (VMR) is growing to become a very useful tool for the empowerment of a large
number of people. The potential usefulness of VR for these persons were already
summarised in four main points almost two decades ago (Lanier, 1992; Middleton, 1992):
It offers them the possibility to perform tasks and experience situations that they might
not otherwise because of any physical or cognitive limitation, since VR can transform
the sensory information that they cannot perceive into other modalities.
VR can present a world where people may learn in a simplified way, applying
afterwards the skills acquired to more complex real environments.
VR technologies can be adapted to a wide range of individual senses and capabilities of
the user. E.g. blind users can receive more audio information; visual information can be
reinforced for deaf users, etc. Also, individual abilities of the users can be assessed so
that the adaptation is optimal for them.
VR allows people with special needs to interact with other users in the same conditions.
At present, costs of emerging VR technologies are being constantly reduced while becoming
adaptable to a wider range of environments and individual requirements. Therefore they
may offer significant opportunities to support user interaction in technological
environments, while helping to reduce the existing usability gaps. As a consequence, VR has
become the central research issue for a new generation of technologies that may be used to
help E&D.
Since many years, the two research groups responsible of this book chapter Fh-IGD and
LST-UPM have been advancing in the potential of ICT to overcome access limitations to
environments and services, particularly addressing the convergence of VR, domotics and
accessibility. As a natural step in this collaborative process, both groups are exploring the
convenient application of VR technologies in the process of designing and developing
accessible solutions for the E&D. An overview of this complementary work is depicted
2. State of the art
Probably the main advantage of VR is the possibility to create realistic environments. The
experience of feeling immersed in a virtual scenario helps the user to overlook that s/he is
actually in an artificial testing environment, allowing the assessment of the user experience
under more natural circumstances. Another important benefit is the capability for
controlling the type, number, speed and order of stimulus that are to be presented to the
user of the virtual scenario, which enables the specialists to improve their interventions by
personalising the environments, adapting them to the special conditions of each user. In the
same way, trial and error methods can be easily applied into virtual environments; VR may
then be used to analyse the users behaviour in potential dangerous situations without any
risk. Finally, by selecting different sets of stimulus to be presented to the user, the level of
complexity of test exercises can be gradually increased, so the specialist is able to
individualise the treatment or training scenario.
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the Elderly and People with Disabilities

At the moment, the most significant domains for using VR applied to E&D are training,
learning, rehabilitation, leisure or even tele-operation. Most of these systems are designed to
establish a flexible and efficient interface between user and specialist, allowing the latter to
define activities, measurements and protocols to quantitatively evaluate the users progress.
In contrast, a major weakness of VR is that nowadays there are still few applications that
cover all the expectations created. Anyway, there are remarkable products coming out from
laboratories that seem rather close to predictions. Some of them are analysed next.
2.1 VR applied to people with physical, sensorial and cognitive disabilities
VR technologies can be a great help for people with dysfunction or complete loss of specific
interaction functions such as motion or speech. Techniques are progressing, and today
certain applications and devices, which were used at first only to interact with VR, are now
useful in the real world as assistive technologies (e.g. VR gadgets for transforming sign
language into speech).
Furthermore, VR can be applied to rehabilitate specific disorders of people with motor
limitations by training exactly those functions that can be improved. In this field of motion
rehabilitation, force feedback devices like haptic interfaces and exoskeletons are commonly
used (Ghedini et al., 2008). These devices are mainly robots able to apply controlled forces
upon the user, to enable perception of the virtual environment by means of touch. The
therapy may be adapted by calibrating the forces, hindering or facilitating the patients
motion for a specific exercise. There are several types of robots for this purpose, depending
on the functionality required or the interaction mode. Some of them allow either 2D or 3D
movements, some are wearable, others are in contact only with the part of the body that is
going to be rehabilitated, etc.
People with physical disabilities can also use VR to perform the same complex tasks as non-
handicapped people. VR may provide an adaptable mechanism for taking advantage of a
convenient physical ability of one person to operate an input device for a computer program
and, therefore, go around his limitation. E.g. there are systems based on data gloves that
allow users to record custom-tailored gestures and map these gestures into actions (Micelli
et al., 2009). In this way, people with vocal impairments could even enhance their
communication skills by mapping specific hand gestures to speech phrases.
Another area of use is creating simulations for people with sensory impairments like blind
or deaf people. In these applications the focus is helping them to learn the use of new tools
like a walking stick or sign language. VR systems are also used for testing the usefulness
and accessibility of products and environments before they are actually built. Virtual
buildings can be designed in advance and displayed through a head mounted display to a
wheelchair user who will move around and check for potential obstructions or non-
accessible places (Pithon et al., 2009).
Educational inclusion for children with sensorial disabilities is also an important research
goal for VR developers. The overall objective of virtual learning environments is to allow
students to interact physically and intellectually with a new generation of instructional
materials, and the focus of a significant number of researchers is to offer the same
opportunities to users with disabilities to access and take advantage of all these resources.
For example, there are virtual environments for visual impaired or blind children, which
focus on the creation of mental structures of navigable objects using only spatial audible
information and no visual information; there are also virtual environments for the education
Virtual Reality

and training of children with spatial problems caused by movement limitations; hearing
impaired children can also benefit from virtual environments by helping them to improve in
structural inductive processes and flexible-thinking ability (Sik Lnyi et al., 2006).
One type of application is the improvement of training results for people with cognitive
impairments. Here, VR environments provide a safe and completely controlled surrounding
that removes many stresses caused by natural human interactions and thus allows a gradual
development of social abilities that are impossible to attain through real-life interactions.
Work in this area includes the development of special VR scenarios for children with autism
to promote creative activity (Pars et al., 2005). An interactive environment with stimuli of
different modalities like visual, aural and vibrotactile was created for autistic children
without verbal communication abilities, looking forward to providing these children with a
reproducible and ordered environment in which they can expand their underdeveloped
sense of agency, an essential factor of the autistic condition. It means that autistic children
are unconscious of their ability to influence their environment. A virtual environment with
clear input-reaction mappings can isolate this problem and provide a space where sense of
agency can be developed.
Finally, therapeutic leisure is one of the most extended applications of VR for all kind of
users, still offering long-distance research paths. Its ease of use and adaptability makes it a
feasible option for E&D. This way, impaired participants have the experience to control over
their environment and success in activities that are usually inaccessible to them (Yalon-
Chamovitz & Weiss, 2008).
2.2 VR applied to the elderly
VR appears to provide varied and motivating opportunities for the rehabilitation of elderly
people with chronic diseases, like stroke patients. In stroke rehabilitation, animal studies
have suggested that, through the use of intensive therapy which implies the repetition of
individual movements hundreds of times per day, a significant amount of the motor
control lost by the stroke can be recovered. Human therapy approaches supplement this
approach with keeping patients informed about their progress. Since sessions with
therapists usually only cover a small set of motions and significant recovery requires more
effort, patients are required to stick to an extensive home exercise regimen. However, only a
fraction of the patients actually perform these exercises as recommended. Here, VR games
are investigated for improving rehabilitation involvement by increasing patient motivation
and quantifying recovery progress, with a focus on supporting the re-development of
proprioception (Alankus et al., 2010; Cho et al., 2010). In the case of brain damage, VR
approaches not only include direct rehabilitation work but also give the opportunity for
tele-rehabilitation (Flores et al., 2008). A further use of VR in healthcare is the involvement
of so-called virtual humans in elderly assistance scenarios. In this framework, simulated
doctors or healthcare workers are being used to let a system communicate with patients.
Similarly, VR representations of patients are being used by healthcare personnel for bed-
side soft-skills training (Cabrera-Umpierrez et al., 2006).
A further area of use of VMR solutions is in the development of products and services
tailored to elderly people with cognitive issues, in order to support them in their daily lives.
An example for this is an augmented reality approach for helping elder drivers with spatial
recognition problems though a GPS navigation system suited for the needs of elderly people
(Kim & Dey, 2009). Existing navigation systems, while helping with orientation and
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the Elderly and People with Disabilities

navigation, tend to increase the in-vehicle information load, creating problems with divided
attention between the information display on the navigation system and the road itself. The
solution realised is the projection of navigation information directly onto the windshield,
thus requiring no switching between looking at the road and the navigation system since
they are both integrated. As in-vehicle augmented reality displays are being seriously
considered by car manufacturers as a display option, this system has potential to be used in
field once the underlying technological issues of creating reliable high-quality images on the
windshield have been solved. Evaluations show that augmented reality displays are
preferred by elderly and younger drivers alike, supporting them to understand context-
sensitive information and reduce cognitive load.
Further usage of VR solutions in product development takes place in the development of
mobile services for the elderly, for instance through avatar-based VR simulation systems
(Asghar et al., 2009). Real world sensors help to map user movement and interactions to the
virtual scene, running simulating services in parallel, so as to support the adaptation of the
final products to the elderly requirements.
Another area of research for elderly people is the improvement of their access to real
environments through the use of VR interfaces (Pittarello & De Favieri, 2006) by adding a
semantic description of different zones and objects in the environment. This description is
then mapped onto a 3D simulated environment used for navigation and object descriptions,
providing a different level of assistance based on user skills and/or cognitive deficiencies.
A main area to consider is the wide range of solutions developed in the AAL field, such as
the creation of VMR development and simulation environments for debugging AAL
solutions. Some of these initiatives (Arca et al, 2009; Maly et al, 2009; Schfer et al., 2009;
Schtzlein et al., 2009) are developed in the framework of the VAALID project, so they will
be described in more detail in a later section.
3. Experimenting with VR & accessible domotics
The Life Supporting Technologies group (LST-UPM) has a long experience in research on
the application of ICT solutions towards the accessible digital home. The emergence of
accessible and adapted spaces and particularly the development of domotics and
environment control systems holds a key role in supporting the independent living of the
E&D. Since almost two decades, concepts such as Universal Design (Connell et al., 1997) or
Design for All, Assistive Technologies (Tiresias, 2010) or Web Accessibility (WAI, 2010) have
been exploited in this group to advance in the development of accessible approaches to
domotic installations, taking advantage of a fruitful, direct and continuous cooperation with
the E&D. As a result of this research line, a dedicated smart home infrastructure was
arranged as the Laboratory for Domotic Usability Evaluations at the University premises,
providing a preliminary testbed to assess user experience of E&D and their carers in a
controlled home environment. In this framework, emerging VR technologies appears as a
potential next step to offer significant opportunities to support user interaction, helping to
reduce the existing usability gaps in such technological environments (Stanney et al, 1998).
The idea of integrating VR into domotic spaces as a new environment control modality has
implied for a long time the exploration of a very testable research area with promising
perspectives for supporting independent living (Meisel et al, 1993). Following these
arguments, this section describes an innovative VR-based interaction strategy which was
fully integrated within an accessible domotic platform (Jimenez-Mixco et al., 2009),
Virtual Reality

providing an evaluation framework to analyse and extract those applications with better
acceptance for the users by making use of a multimodal approach to adapt the interaction
mechanisms to their needs, skills and preferences.
3.1 Configuration of the smart home demonstrator
The core of the smart home demonstrator is an accessible domotic installation, which is
composed of several home appliances (lights, window blind, door, water tap and heating)
and environment sensors (presence, smoke, gas, flood and temperature) connected through
an EIB
gateway. An open architecture platform derived from an OSGi
middleware allows
software-based environment control, while a set of accessible web-based interfaces enable
both local and remote, secure, personalised access to domotic services (Conde-Alvarez et al.,
A new virtual environment has been aggregated to the demonstrator trying to replicate the
real appearance of the laboratory, using Multigen Creator
for 3D design and EON Studio

for interactivity. Users may interact with the system through a combination of different
displays and devices: 6 m
Stewart retro-projection screen for stereoscopic glasses
; Trivisio
AR-vision-3D stereoscopic binocular display
; 5DT HMD 800 head mounted display
; 5DT
Data Glove 5 for detecting finger motion
; Intersense InterTrax 2 tracking system with 3-
; stereo sound system and different models of tactile screens, mice and keyboards.
The design and implementation of the VR-based solution followed the Design for All
philosophy by taking into account concepts such as usability, adaptability, multimodality or
standards-compliance, going through the following phases: (1) graphical design of the
virtual elements for a realistic 3D representation; (2) compilation of individual components
into the simulated lab; (3) integration and configuration of multimodal visual, tactile,
acoustic and haptic interaction devices; (4) incorporation of animation and interactivity to
the virtual scene; (5) development of a bi-directional communication interface between the
virtual and real environments based on web services; and (6) deployment of the VR solution
over most web browsers, by taking advantage of EON Realitys web plug-in. The resulting
architecture of the system is represented in Fig. 1.
3.2 Virtual design considerations
One of the key factors that support accessibility is the provision of multimodal user
interfaces. Multimodality as the possibility of using in parallel more than one interaction
modalities for communication between user and system has been implemented in four
modes: whereas visual and acoustic modalities are used for system outputs, inputs are
achieved through tactile and haptic methods. Acoustic input (i.e. voice recognition) was left
out for future platform versions. A more detailed description of each modality is included

Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the Elderly and People with Disabilities


Fig. 1. System architecture of the VR demonstrator
Visual: The 3D representation of the virtual lab and its components gives the main
feedback to the user: virtual doors have been provided with open/close motion; lights
change their colour to differentiate between on/off status, conveniently updating the
overall light condition of the virtual environment; water pours from the tap when open;
etc. Interaction options are highlighted through a helping tool, both textual and
graphical, to facilitate users navigation along the scene. Moreover, the user has also the
possibility to visualise the real living lab at any time through an integrated web camera.
The different screens and VR displays allow the customisation of the 2D or 3D
visualisation scenario.
Acoustic: In addition to the visual helping tools, acoustic messages guide the user in the
navigation and interaction with the scene. For instance, when the user faces an
interactive devicee.g. the door, a voice message informs about the different
interaction possibilities i.e. open/close. Virtual elements are also complemented with
acoustic signs to increase the users immersion feeling, like the sounds of the window
blinds that are raising or some water pouring from the tap. This modality is
implemented through a stereo sound system, either integrated in the virtual scenario or
through personal headphones.
Tactile and haptic: These two modalities allow the user to navigate in the virtual scene
and control its elements. Navigation provides the user with a feeling of presence into
the virtual environment, as s/he can move all over the scene (forward, backward and
around), collide with the virtual objects, observe in any direction, make zoom and even
change the point of view. The different interactive devices of the scene (e.g. lights,
doors, webcam) can be controlled too, changing their status through a combination of
these modalities. Complete tactile interaction is possible by pressing keyboard buttons,
moving and clicking the mouse or touching the tactile screen. Haptic communication is
Virtual Reality

implemented by detecting commands from hand-based gesture recognition (using the
VR glove) as well as by aligning user perspective along with head or arm real-time
orientation (through the 3-DOF motion tracker).
Furthermore, the integrated system has been designed according to various guidelines and
recommendations in order to make it accessible and user-adapted (Tiresias, 2010; ETSI,
Users are able to select any of the input and output devices available as any input
device such as mouse, keyboard, tactile screen or data glove can perform the same
tasks effectively.
The virtual environment provides object descriptions that are meaningful to users
(when interactivity is enabled). Visual objects that are primarily decorative and contain
little or no information need not be described.
Users can easily activate a graphical menu to personalise different interaction features
(e.g. acoustic signals).
Users are provided with both acoustic and visual feedback when they interact with the
elements in the scene (including alerts).
Users are allowed to change the point of view and make zoom in the scene so as to find
the most comfortable perspective.
Every interaction has been implemented with at least two modalities: e.g. users can turn
on/off the light either by touch (tactile screen, keyboard, mouse) or haptically (data
glove), whereas feedback is obtained both graphically (screen, VR display) and
acoustically (stereo system, headphones).
Immersiveness can be adapted according to user preferences, from selecting specific
visualisation devices (e.g. head mounted display instead of 2D screen) to simulating the
own users hand in the virtual scene. The inclusion of a virtual avatar is under
consideration for further research.
Users can combine the different interaction devices and modalities as they wish, to
achieve the most usable solution for them. At present, most VR interfacing devices are
wired, presenting tough usability concerns. Emerging wireless gadgets are to provide a
relevant step forward in this sense.
3.3 Outcome of the experiment
The proposed solution has resulted in a running living lab for testing VR applications in the
smart home domain, especially devoted for the E&D. It can be accessed locally or remotely
through the Internet, and enables both real and simulated control of the domotic platform.
Furthermore, it supports multimodal interaction, by means of specific VR devices, such as
head mounted display, position tracker or data glove, and commonly used interaction
gadgets (e.g. mouse, keyboard, tactile screen). This approach permits that users move
around and interact with home appliances in a virtual environment, allowing them to check
and change online the status of real devices directly through the 3D virtual elements (Fig. 2).
To keep consistency between both real and virtual environments, status and orders for each
device are shared by means of continuous feedback through an Internet connection and a
typical web browser. Because of the collection of displays and interactive devices included,
users may play around with different interaction modalities and degrees of immersion. Also
some visual and acoustic guidance and help tools have been provided, to facilitate
navigation within the interface and make it more intuitive.
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the Elderly and People with Disabilities


Fig. 2. Views of the LST-UPM living lab: real picture (left) vs. virtual representation (right)
In addition, by adjusting a number of configuration elements on the user interface, the same
interactive application may be validated for different settings and user profiles. In case the
virtual environment is disconnected from the real lab, the application can be used by elderly
or cognitive disabled to learn how to manage domotic installations in a non-threatening
environment, while those with physical impairments may exploit the system to find the
most convenient combination of modalities and interaction devices. By keeping both labs
interconnected, confident users can go one step further and take the application directly as a
ubiquitous remote control of the smart home, enabling them to check, both indoors and
outdoors, the status of any home alarm or change in advance the temperature of the heating
system. Moreover, carers, relatives or informal assistants are able to monitor in a non-
intrusive way the real environment of any person requiring external supervision.
A preliminary evaluation phase has been carried out to validate the system in terms of
performance, reliability and usability. 25 volunteers were able to assess combinations of the
different displays and interaction mechanisms, both in simulated and real running modes.
The results have been satisfying in terms of system usability, supporting the interest in VR
technologies applied to smart home interaction. Although a complete validation plan was
arranged to assess the whole system considering several user profiles from the E&D,
professional assistants and informal carers, unfortunately some last-minute logistic
problems made it postponed until the new living lab which is actually under construction
becomes available, expected by the last quarter of 2010.
4. VR & AAL environments: the VAALID project
Nowadays, an innovative area of research and development is usability testing to make sure
that special needs of the E&D are taken into account in the design and deployment of AAL
environments. Conducting such tests in a VR environment can save time and money
whereas improving the quality of products and services. In this sense, the above-described
living labs resulted in a useful tool for interaction designers and usability engineers to
immerse users in a virtual environment and assess, through the application, their experience
in terms of interaction devices, modalities and reactions within smart home environments.
Based on this assessment, designers would be able to develop new interaction concepts with
users, improve existing solutions, and explore the potential of innovative AAL products and
Virtual Reality

services. The preliminary encouraging results allowed envisioning multiple possibilities of
VR on the process of providing the E&D with more adapted access to domotic-related
However, current solutions have important limitations, especially as they require a
significant amount of implementation effort to finally address the assessment of user
experience in just one single environment integrating a pre-defined set of products and
services. This section presents an approach proposed in the context of the European-funded
VAALID project (VAALID, 2010) that extends the key concepts applied in these living labs,
providing an easier method to create virtual environments and implement interactivity,
enabling dynamic changes of environment conditions and characteristics, and allowing a
thorough evaluation of user performance with real time interaction techniques. A dedicated
toolkit has been developed in order to enable real rapid prototyping and validation of
accessible and usable AmI solutions, by integrating VR tools and appropriate user
interfaces. This approach will bridge the gap between planning AAL scenarios and their
refinement and assessment in reality from the very beginning in the development process,
reducing the global design and development effort.
4.1 The VAALID concept
VAALID is a European research project that aims to develop advanced computer aid
engineering tools that will allow ICT developers, especially those ones that design AAL
products and services, to optimise and make more efficient the whole process of user
interaction design, and to validate usability and accessibility at all development stages,
following a User Centred Design (UCD) process. The VAALID platform makes use of VR
technologies to provide an immersive environment with 3D virtual ambients, specifically
created for each possible use scenario, where AAL users can experience new interaction
concepts and techno-elements, interactively. The usage of VAALID tools will make feasible,
both economically and technically, the Universal Design of AAL solutions which have the
potential of being acceptable by most persons since their needs are taken into account
proactively during the development phases.
The methodology proposed to address AAL solutions (Naranjo et al., 2009) is based on a
UCD approach, drawing together the practical, emotional and social aspects of people's
experience and bringing on the needed innovation that delivers real user benefit. For that
reason, UCD is particularly useful when a new product or service is to be introduced, as it is
the case of AAL solutions. The methodology consists of four iterative phases (concept,
design, development & validation), where both usability engineers and interaction
designers must participate, while involving AAL users i.e. the E&D all along the process:
Concept. First, AAL solution requirements must be extracted, including the functions
that the proposed solution provides and how it reacts and behaves, as well as the
constraints that should be considered in the design process.
Design. Once the requirements are well-identified, developers define the specifications
of the AAL solution, taking into account all significant facets that may have influence
on the development process. Low-fidelity virtual prototypes of the AAL solution,
including 3D virtual AAL-enabled spaces, are built to reflect all aspects of the
conceptual design, and further evaluated by users. Design iterations are driven by
users feedback in terms of acceptance and accessibility issues until requirements are
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the Elderly and People with Disabilities

Implementation. This phase involves the creation of real and fully-functional high-
fidelity AAL prototypes, with the aim of transforming the validated conceptual design
into a concrete and detailed solution. The components developed at this stage must be
tested against its accessibility features, and improvements or corrective actions must be
addressed accordingly.
Validation. Finally, the implementation of AAL solution prototypes are evaluated and
assessed, detecting usability issues both automatically and with real end-users.
This methodology allows virtually simulating each aspect of an AAL product/service and
validating it before the real implementation. The whole process involves both virtual and
mixed reality elements. The simulation in the design phase requires mainly 3D virtual
environments to reproduce the conceptual design of the solution; the implementation phase
goes a step further and adds the possibility to use mixed reality elements, so that both real
functional prototypes can be tested within virtual environments and product/service virtual
mock-ups may be integrated in a real living lab scenario for final assessment.
In order to permit developers to apply this methodology across all the stages of the design
cycle and thus allow rapid development of AAL solutions and further assessment with
users, the VAALID platform is structured in two complementary frameworks: Authoring
and Simulation. The Authoring Framework provides the ICT designer with the appropriate
components to deal with the three main pillars of an AAL solution: users, environment and
services. In particular it involves the creation of user profiles, the modification of AAL-
enabled 3D spaces (including sensors, networks and interaction devices and functions), the
creation of virtual user-interaction devices (which may be embedded in daily life objects)
and new service concepts. The designer may then interconnect these individual components
to create different evaluation scenarios so as they can be validated afterwards as integrated
simulations. The Simulation Framework is based on the instantreality
framework (from the
Fh-IGD group in Darmstadt, Germany) to run the 3D environment in the available VR
infrastructure and activate the different virtual devices and services, providing the ICT
designer with a number of tools to assess how the user interacts within the virtual scenario.
From the VAALID usage perspective, target users can be divided into three main groups:
Primary users: designers of AAL solutions that will use VAALID as a professional
instrument. This group includes interaction engineers who design the structure of the
simulation, building the seniors profile and defining the interaction modes with the
environment and usability engineers who plan the interface between AAL services
and senior citizens, through the study of their interactions with the VAALID system.
Beneficiaries (or users, by default): the main target group of users who will benefit from
the results of using VAALID tools:
Elderly people over 60 years old that may have light hearing/sight problems,
mobility impairments or the typical declined cognitive and physical abilities
related to age
Young people with hearing/sight/mobility problems
Any other group of users that may profit from accessible AAL solutions
Secondary users: all those users that may benefit indirectly from VAALID, using it as a
consultancy service:

Virtual Reality

Architects, construction planners, care centres, suppliers of interaction devices,
public administration, interior designers and other stakeholders who work for
companies that buy and develop AAL services.
System designers, who implement AAL solutions validating usability and
accessibility of their products, like sensors, actuators or control software.
4.2 The VAALID Authoring Framework
The main purpose of the VAALID Authoring Framework (Villalar et al., 2009) is to support
interaction designers and usability engineers in building the core elements that compose an
AAL simulation context. It follows the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology
(Mackay et al., 2000), enabling a quick iteration between the design, execution and
refinement phases for each individual element that will be integrated and afterwards
executed within the Simulation Framework. One AAL simulation is created from a
conjunction of several models (or Templates) which are stored together in a so-called Project
i.e. the basic component of the VAALID data repository. Every simulation scenario is saved
as a single Project that, according to the VAALID modelling framework, is basically
composed of three main models: User Model, Environment Model and AAL Service Model.
Each of these elements is created by editing pre-existing characteristics described as
properties and behaviours. Properties are defined through ontologies (Mochol et al., 2010)
that represent static features of a single model; behaviours are described as workflows
(Fernndez-Llatas et al., 2010) that define how the element relates with others by means of
interaction. Through this kind of information the designer can build models in a rapid way
trying to cope with the user requirements.
The Authoring Framework workspace is then divided into three tools, one for each type of
model (Fig. 3):
User Model Builder: The User Editor defines the user (i.e. E&D) profile in terms of
interaction capabilities physical, sensory, cognitive according to pre-defined
ontological templates. This information is collected during the design phase and may be
refined while testing the AAL solution. With this tool, the designer may create a new
User Model, import or export an existing one from/to the VAALID library and remove
the User Model associated to the current Project.
Environment Model Builder: The Environment Model holds a virtual representation of
one specific place, similarly to the living lab experiences described above. This tool
allows importing VRML files from any CAD or 3D animation software as the start-up
for the 3D simulation environment where users will be finally immersed. Pre-existing
3D objects can be added defining their relative position and dimensions and deleted
from the Project to complete the desired environment. These objects are the interactive
devices of the scene (i.e. sensors, actuators and a combination of both), which are the
basis for defining the interaction between users and AAL services. The tool enables the
characterisation of these objects by means of defining their properties and behaviours
through the appropriate ontology and workflow editors using a graphical language.
Environments, devices and workflows can be imported and exported from/to the
VAALID library for being reused in other Projects.
AAL Service Compositor: This editor creates an AAL Service Model, which describes the
potential interactions between users and objects in the scene. It is essentially composed
of a workflow that defines how to process information coming from environment
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the Elderly and People with Disabilities

sensors (i.e. active or passive user inputs) to consequently activate the relevant
actuators (e.g. security systems, lighting, automatic phone calls), including those
devoted to give feedback to the user. Services can be also imported and exported
from/to the VAALID library.

Fig. 3. Structure of the VAALID Authoring Framework
Finally, there is a Project Editor that integrates these three tools in a common framework in
order to manage all the files involved in each simulation scenario as one single Project.
Projects can be saved and opened in the traditional way and is the input element for the
Simulation Framework.
Regarding implementation facts, the Authoring Framework (Fig. 4) is based on the
architecture and look-and-feel of Eclipse
so that a highly-familiar user interface could help
developers in rapidly getting managed with the tools. The development framework can
then be personalised, configured to fit the needs of each designer, providing help hints
whenever required along the development process. The following technologies have been
integrated to create the Authoring Framework: Eclipse RCP as main IDE; GForge for
cooperative software development; SWT for user interface components; Java3D/VRML97
for 3D management; Protg, Jena & Jastor for ontologies; jBPM for workflows.

Virtual Reality


Fig. 4. Screenshot of the Authoring Framework prototype
The Authoring Framework will be deployed as open source software so, in case of success, a
kind of development community may grow around it in the near future. This community
may be oriented to: (a) the development of additional tool functionalities, by simply
integrating new Eclipse-based plugins; (b) the creation and exchange of individual elements
though the VAALID library; (c) the cooperative reuse and refinement of VAALID Projects
due to the import and export facilities.
4.3 The VAALID Simulation Framework
The purpose of the VAALID Simulation Framework is to provide the possibility to perform
AAL system evaluations and validations at earlier stages of development in a fast and cost-
effective fashion, thus saving development time and cost while incorporating end-users into
earlier stages of development. The Simulation Framework takes care of displaying the
virtual AAL solution to end-users for validation and evaluation purposes. It consists of
several components which simulate different aspects of the virtual solution (Fig. 5).
From an AAL system designer perspective, the core component is the Simulation Control
Panel (SCP) as it lets the designer setup, configure, run, manipulate and analyse a simulation
session. This module is integrated with the Authoring Framework and distributes the
different output files (3D environment, workflows and ontologies) among the other
components of the Simulation Framework architecture. It has the control for executing and
stopping all these components, each of which simulates an aspect of the developed solution.
Besides, the SCP includes an Accessibility Verifier which allows performing preliminary
checks for the early detection of accessibility constraints depending on the user profile (e.g.
using acoustic outputs for hearing impaired users will automatically raise an alarm for the
AAL designer before the simulation starts).
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the Elderly and People with Disabilities


Fig. 5. Architecture of the VAALID Simulation Framework
The instantreality player is a complete VMR system, which is used for rendering the 3D-
model of the simulated AAL environment, coming as a VRML file from the Authoring
Framework. At the same time it provides the connection framework for the interaction
devices used to navigate through and interact with the scene. The instantreality player
allows the use of common 2D-displays and modern 3D-displays as well as CAVE or other
multi-projector display systems.
In parallel, the Workflow Engine (WE) executes the different workflows created with the
Authoring Toolkit to simulate the functionalities of all functional components within the
scene, like TV screens, stereo systems, ambient displays, doors or windows. The other main
feature of the WE is the simulation of AAL services such as health monitoring, personal
security services or daily life support services which make use of the simulated devices
functionalities. Once the simulation is running, the SCP can be used to intervene in the
execution of these workflows and change some system functions in real time.
The WE is connected to the instantreality player through the Process Choreographer
component. This module facilitates the communication between the Simulation Framework
components by coordinating the exchange of the XML-structured messages previously
The Living Lab Verifier module enables the AAL designer to replace simulated devices and
sensors with their real counterparts, thus including real-world components into the
simulation environment. Following this process iteratively with every simulated device, in
the latter stage of the development cycle for the AAL solution the simulation environment is
fully replaced by a real laboratory for final solution testing.
Finally, the Logger is connected to the Process Choreographer, WE and instantreality player,
capturing all the communication messages between the components as well as all user
inputs to the simulated scene through the instantreality player. The aggregation of these
Virtual Reality

collected data is available in the SCP after the simulation run has been ended and lets the
AAL designer analyse key indicators of the simulation (e.g. task completion, time between
events, number of events of a kind) and perform semi-automatic analyses of the extracted
This way, the Simulation Framework provides a complete system for performing fast and
effective early evaluations with end-users and thus supports the AAL solution designer in
moving through UCD cycles much faster at earlier stages of development. It covers the
entire process from simulation configuration to post-simulation analysis while providing
the designer with complete control over the simulation while it is running.
4.4 Further research on accessible VMR interaction
The interaction with VMR for testing AAL environments poses an extra challenge to the
Simulation Framework. Developing interaction modalities which deal with the impairments
of elderly people, a challenging enough task by itself, is now complemented with a 3D
virtual environment. This adds another layer between the elderly test person and the
simulated environment which should be evaluated. The key to overcoming this problem is
to generate a sense of immersion for the user, so that the inevitable gap between real and
virtual environment can be neglected and the evaluation results of the test in VR can be
transferred meaningfully to the real environment. It should be noted here that the
Simulation Framework is meant for quick feedback in early UCD cycles, so as more detailed
feedback still requires real-world implementation. However, these first results regarding the
feasibility of an AAL service for elderly people can meaningfully complement the early
stages of AAL solution design and lead to a stronger involvement of end users in the
development process.
For the interaction in the VAALID system, the end user can navigate through the scene and
manipulate the environment using different simulation control devices, which range from
standard input devices like a space mouse or a gamepad to specialised devices more suited
for elderly people like wheelchairs, which serve the needs of the elderly in the VR setting.
This wheelchair allows elderly people to sit down in front of the environment, thus
eliminating the strain of standing or the fear of falling down. The interaction with the
wheelchair is quick and intuitive, since there already exists a clear mental model for its
function even among technology-averse people. An aversive response to the wheelchair as
stigmatising was not confirmed in tests. On the contrary, the fact that one could sit down in
front of the wall and have an easy-to-learn interface was regarded as beneficial.
While there are clear limits to the use of VR technology among the cognitive disease
spectrum patients with epilepsy, for example, should not be confronted with a virtual
reality environment, the VAALID system aimed at an extensible interaction system which
allowed the incorporation of a variety of different input modalities for simulation control,
both in terms of navigation and interaction.
For interaction, an abstraction was used which lets the elderly user interact with the system
in an intuitive fashion (Kamieth et al., 2010). A virtual hand (Fig. 6) can be moved through
the scene and be used to touch, grab and interact with objects and devices within the scene.
Opening doors, windows, controlling televisions and touch screens for example, can be
implemented with the virtual hand abstraction. For first evaluations of AAL scenarios, this
metaphor allows a clear and intuitive way for interaction that facilitates end-user immersion
within the scene and thus helps in closing the gap between VR and reality, supporting the
transferability of results from VR testing to real world test outcomes.
Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the Elderly and People with Disabilities


Fig. 6. Virtual hand used for interacting with the simulated environment
For transferability of results an important issue in the development of AAL solutions, the
question of end-user immersion is crucial. Some authors argue that, in the development of a
feeling of presence, scene realism is of secondary importance (Nunez, 2004). Instead, the
support of user expectations needs a high degree of consideration. Thus, the analysis of end-
user expectations in this case, the expectations of elderly people in VR environments
requires extended research for the realisation of better scenario simulations. Especially the
manipulation of cognitive load leads to an improvement of a feeling of presence. Based on
these findings, further research would include the testing of this concept with elderly
people. However, the question of presence is also being approached in the sense of earlier
research focusing on realism and the coverage of different sensory channels.
The literature suggests that immersion is made up of two main components which can be
called Depth of information and Breadth of Information (Steuer, 1995). The term Depth of
information refers to the quality of the signals presented to the user (for example, the sound
quality or the resolution and colour depth of the displays used for the simulation). The term
Breadth of information refers to the variety of sensory data sent to the user during the
simulation. This means that the more senses are stimulated during a simulation, the higher
is its breadth of information. In this area the main focus in the research community has
usually been on visual and auditory stimuli with an even stronger focus on visual display.
This focus has shifted in recent years toward incorporating haptic systems too, which
provide the user furthermore with data in the form of touch.
The VAALID approach takes these requirements for immersion into account. At the pilot
site in Fh-IGD, either the HEyeWall (a high-resolution 3D-projection wall) or the CAVE (a
small room in which five walls are 3D-projector displays) is being used, providing state-of-
the-art solutions in the area of immersive visual displays. Furthermore, the VRML-standard
used for the description of the simulation environment allows a complex modelling of
directional sound sources, which provide the illusion of moving past sound sources through
a change in sound volume and direction. To increase the sense of immersion in the
dimension of breadth of information, the VAALID system incorporates haptic interaction
Virtual Reality

devices like the Novint Falcon
, which enables the user to interact with the scene through a
natural mapping of hand movements to VR interactions. Apart from the abovementioned
wheelchair device, a pressure board is also used for travelling through the scene, which
allows a natural mapping of stepping on a board to travelling through a scene.
Along the VAALID lifetime, the project is exploring the feasibility and accessibility of
integrating other simulation controls to the platform (Fig.7), either based on the Nintendo
Wii remote controller
, head/hand trackers, infrared data gloves, visual hand controls or
smart phone accelerometers. The most suitable simulation controls will be extensively
assessed during the final pilot tests, with the aim of finding the most adapted solutions for
each user.

Fig. 7. Testing VR using a wheelchair and Falcon (left), smart phone (centre) and infrared
data gloves (right)
5. Discussion & conclusion
Accessibility and usability concepts are currently considered within a limited range of ICT
applications and services, mostly constraining its usage to research and development
activities and presenting significant reserves when dealing with production and deployment
phases. Although the seven principles of the Universal Design or Design for All are well-
known and applicable to a wide variety of domains, business stakeholders are still highly
reticent to apply them in practice. This lack of commitment with the elderly and disabled
community, in particular when designing AAL solutions, is mainly due to the high costs
involved in the iterative design-development-testing procedure and the considerable effort
in time and resources needed to meet users needs.
On the other hand, the adoption of VR technologies seems to confront with the purpose of
designing services for the E&D, as rather few initiatives have been carried out in this field
regarding accessibility requirements. Most of them deal with people with cognitive
disabilities (dementia, autism, schizophrenia, Down's syndrome, etc.), proposing simple
virtual worlds where users get immersed in order to learn some tasks, acquire some habits
or recover some capabilities under a controlled scenario. Nevertheless, VR has been proven
to offer significant advantages for persons with all kinds of disabilities. It can present virtual
worlds where users can be trained or learn in a controlled environment, and then apply the
skills acquired to a real context. VR technologies can be adapted to a wide range of
individual requirements and, at the same time, users abilities and experience can be
assessed in order to reach an optimal adaptation. Particularly, the multimodal approach

Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality for the Elderly and People with Disabilities

inherent to VR and the low-effort interaction techniques followed can make VR-based
interfaces especially valuable for users with disabilities or special needs. The conjunction of
these facts may enhance the variety of accessible solutions for addressing the specific
impairments and preferences of each person, especially in terms of interaction limitations.
This involves not only physical, but also cognitive disabilities.
The work described in this chapter brings together all these issues into a technological
approach that will have a beneficial impact for all the involved parts: the ICT designers will
be able to evaluate the suitability of the proposed solutions with a significant reduction of
the global design and development effort; business stakeholders will have a cost-effective
solution and therefore new market opportunities; and finally, the E&D will be provided
with new services to improve their quality of life, and even better, they will be able to active
and critically participate in the creation process of these services.
This chapter has explored the most promising technologies and applications in the field of
VR applied to the E&D. It presents the outcomes of assessing user experience through
innovative approaches, bringing together VR and other technologies such as environment
control systems. The objective is to develop a convenient framework to evaluate the
accessibility and usability of AAL solutions, focusing on their adequacy to increase quality
of life and improve autonomy of different target users. The possibility of performing
assessment phases during the design process of AAL solutions before building up real
living labs has key benefits such as saving of time and costs. In addition, users can
participate in a controlled environment, since VR technologies assure safe and secure
interaction. This does not mean that evaluation in a real living lab has to be avoided, but
that any further interaction experiment will be enriched by the results obtained in the
preliminary design process.
The suitability of different multimodal interaction mechanisms integrated with VR has been
studied, including visual, acoustic, tactile and haptic modalities. Besides, several potential
functionalities of the solutions are explored, such as training, cognitive therapy or domotic
control. Considering the collected data, preliminary results show that users feel comfortable
in using the VR devices and defined the experience as realistic, although there are valuable
suggestions to improve the user interaction (e.g. allow sensitiveness calibration). From a
technical point of view, this can be taken as a good starting point for future work with VR-
based applications, although further research is required concerning its suitability for
elderly users.
The current research work aims at giving answer to a number of open issues such as: (a) the
adequacy of VR for enhancing user experience for the E&D; (b) the chances of VR as
widespread usable human-computer interaction method; (c) the convenience of VR for a
daily handling of smart home environments. In this sense, the addition of other modalities,
like natural language voice recognition or augmented reality, or new interfacing devices
coming from the emerging generation of intuitive wireless gadgets for entertainment or
telecommunication, might be the starting point for definitely spreading VR technologies
while fostering their key role in improving accessibility for people with special needs.
The next evaluation phase of the VAALID project (which will involve dozens of designers
and beneficiaries in three European pilot sites until April 2011) as well as the imminent
finalisation of the new LST-UPM living lab will certainly help to clarify some of the above
open topics. Conclusions will feed and will be afterwards expanded by the VERITAS
project (VERITAS, 2010), the next collaboration initiative where both research groups are
engaged. VERITAS aims at developing an extensive list of VMR tools for supporting
Virtual Reality

accessibility testing at all stages of development of five application domains (automotive,
smart living spaces, workplace design, infotainment, personal healthcare and wellbeing),
moving ahead in the convergence between VMR and accessibility of environments, services
and devices.
6. Acknowledgements
Part of this work has been accomplished under the VAALID and TRAIN-ON projects.
VAALID is a cooperative research project partially funded by the European Union (ICT-
2007-224309). TRAIN-ON is a research initiative partly funded by the Office of Universities
and Research of the Community of Madrid and the Technical University of Madrid.
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Common Issues of Virtual Reality in
Man, D.W.K.
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong, PRC
1. Introduction
Use of virtual reality (VR) has been developing rapidly in the rehabilitation field. The
efficacy and efficiency of VR application in either an immersive or a non-immersive type,
has been demonstrated for different client groups during the last few decades. This book
chapter provides a review of what, how and why of virtual reality application for neuro-
rehabilitation, with a focus on cognitive rehabilitation. Examples of technology transfer to
VR-assessment (such as retrospective and prospective memory assessment) and -
intervention for persons with special needs (for examples, everyday memory, community
living skills and vocational training skills) will be highlighted. The client groups include
persons with stroke, traumatic brain injury, schizophrenia, older adults with mild cognitive
impairment and dementia. Ecological validity of VR-test will be discussed in terms of
transfer ratio from training to real-life task. Hints in better designing, structuring the content
in virtual environment (VE) for navigation, interaction, presence and immersion functions
will be outlined. New development including tele-VR rehabilitation, artificial intelligence
(AI) application in cognitive rehabilitation in neurological patients and vocational
rehabilitation for schizophrenic trainees will be introduced.
2. What is the problem?
Virtual reality has been considered as a cutting-edge technology. Its development is
sporadic and can possibly be used in rehabilitation for persons with neurological conditions
and those with long-hauled cognitive problems. It is clear the VR has its strengths and
room for expansion, its limitations should not be under-estimated. We need to be
cognizant of VRs development in terms of technology advancement, as well as its working
mechanism in order to develop evidence-based practice. To a certain extent, the above
question has been partially answered, but a lot more to be explored. This chapter may serve
as a bridge between what we knew, we know and we will know.
3. What is virtual reality (VR)?
It is a cutting-edge computer technology which has its origins in visually coupled system
(Kalawksy, 1993) and formed the basis of the first flight simulator. VR is a computer
generated environment. It was based on computer simulation and real-time visual, auditory
Virtual Reality

and touch feedback (Katz et al., 2005). Schultheis and Rizzo (2001) defined it as a way for
humans to visualize, manipulate, and interact with computers and extremely complex data.
VR could also be viewed as an advanced form of human-computer interface that allowed
users to interact with and become immersed in a computer-generated environment in a
naturalistic fashion (Riva, 2002). Characteristics of virtual reality systems include navigation
(exploring, orientating), interaction (opportunities to engage in virtual environment or VE),
presence (subjective feeling of being present in a simulated environment) and immersion
(objective measure VR platform, technology-based) (Aguinis et al., 2001; Vince, 1998). VR is
now being widely applied in many fields including engineering, architecture, design,
medicine, education and training. The potential of virtual environments (VEs) in the field of
neurological rehabilitation has been noted (Rose et al., 1998).
4. How VR works?
Virtual reality can be of two types, immersive and non-immersive. In its immersive form the
visual and auditory aspects of the computer generated environment are delivered to the
user via visual display units and speakers situated in a head mounted display while tactile
sensations can be delivered via data gloves or a body suit. In the non-immersive form of VR
the visual aspects of the environment are presented to the user on a PC monitor (or
projected onto a large screen) and the auditory array is presented through speaker. Through
VRs capacity to control dynamic 3-dimensional, ecologically valid stimulus environments
within which behavioral responding can be recorded and measured, it offers clinical
assessment and rehabilitation options that are not available with traditional methods
(Schultheis, 2001). VR has several advantages including cost- effectiveness and a good match
between the current capabilities of VR technology and generalization issues (Rizzo et al.,
1997; 1998). In studying the relative advantages of immersive and non-immersive type of
VR, it was commented that immersive VR (IVR) applications might cause some side-effects
such as motion sickness. It is believed to occur when there is a conflict between perceptions
in different sense modalities, e.g., auditory, visual, vestibular, or proprioceptive (Rizzo et al.,
1997; Galimberti et al., 2001). Morganti and associates (2006) also suggested the benefits and
challenges in VR neurological rehabilitation (See Figure 1).
VR can only work well according to good guidelines in development (Castelnuovo et al., 2003;
Munro et al., 2002; Tarr & Warren, 2002). Fidelity, target client characteristics and purpose of
assessment or treatment are closely considered. Observers must be able to move freely, and
the VR system can respond to his/her actions on close to real time. They will be provided with
significant portion of visual view for a sense of embeddedness, viewing multiple 3D objects
with realistically shaded and textured surfaces. Thus accurate representation of the real world
(physical fidelity) should be provided. Factors contributing to the users sense of presence has
also been proposed (Weiss et al., 2005). Apart from users characteristics (age, gender,
immersive tendencies, prior experience, and disability), the VR system characteristics (e.g.
dimensionality, representation, multimodality, and encumbrance) and VR task characteristics
(meaningfulness, realism, and interaction) also contribute to presence (also see Figure 2).
5. Why VR works?
May be it is more important to provide answers to the key question on Why VR works? In
recent years, several papers on VR efficacy have been published in which the effects of
exposure to VR on the activity of the nervous system have been discussed (Pugnetti et al,
Common Issues of Virtual Reality in Neuro-Rehabilitation

VR Application Benefits Challenges
Neuro-muscular Improve compliance
Fine time resolution
Rehabilitation at home
On-line data gathering
Equipment cost
Technical expertise
Safety at home
Network bandwidth
Post-stroke Engaging/motivation
Repetitive intensive
Adaptable to patient
Usable in chronic phase
Activities of daily living
Clinical acceptance
Technical expertise
Abnormal limb
Upper functional
Cognitive load
Cognitive functions More realistic assessment
Reduced therapy cost
Increased safety
Learning transfer
Equipment cost
Safety at home
Psychological factor
Fig. 1. Benefit/challenges in VR neurological rehabilitation (Adapted from Morganti, 2006 )

Key questions Possible answers
1. Are virtual environments (VEs) useful,
effective and efficient in clinical
Evaluations of possible advantages and
limits , cost-benefit analysis
2. Do VEs reproduce the physical and
perceptual characteristics of real
Attentions to graphics and technical
Focus on realism and technical issues
3. Do VEs allow users to function in an
ecologically valid way?
Attention on cultural and social aspects.
Focus on interaction, importance of
relationships and context
(Adapted from Castelnuovo et al., 2003)
Fig. 2. Possible issues to consider in designing virtual environments (VEs) (Adapted from
Castelnuovo et al., 2003)
1998). Positive effects in functional outcome, transfer of skills and fMRI studies have been
shown (Bertella et al., 2001; Mcgeorge et al., 2001; Rose et al., 1998; Zhang et al., 2003). One
possible explanation would be brain plasticity resulted from environmental stimuli and
essential for therapeutic strategies development and for many cerebral disorders. For
examples, virtual-reality training environment was suggested to induce cortical
organization and associated locomotor recovery in chronic stroke (Sung et al., 2005). VR-
based program was used to conduct motor training of affected upper limb in people with
hemiparetic stroke. Functional improvements in affected limb were showed in VR group,
but not in control group. Cortical reorganization was found in the primary sensorimotor
cortex under fMRI examination. These findings supported that the effect of VR exposure
was not limited to functional gains, but also in the activities in nervous system.
Virtual Reality

The high training effectiveness of VR in neurological (e.g. Burke et al., 2009; Grealy &
Heffernan, 2001) and cognitive rehabilitation (e.g. Dou et al., 2006; Pascoe, 2010; Yip & Man,
2009) had been explained by environmental enrichment (EE; Kolb, 1999) that
environmental effect was very important to patients recovery from brain injury. From
animal studies, enriched VR environments might stimulate neuroplastic change in the
cerebral cortex, enhance learning and problem-solving, and reduce cognitive impairment
caused by brain-damage (Rose et al., 1998).This was further evidenced by neuro-imaging
studies and psychophysiological studies (McComas & Jayne, 1998). Relatively complex and
stimulating environment had better training effect than impoverished environment
(Johansson, 2004; Kolb, 1999). Virtual environment thus could offer rich and vivid visual
and auditory stimulations. Better training effects were expected as compared to other
training strategies on which the application of visual and auditory stimulation was not
focused. In addition, the naturalistic training environment created by VR matched the
principle of learning such as contextual learning (Gordon et al., 2006). The focus on training
in real life situation and day-to-day problem had been found to be more effective than
training isolated cognitive skills. While real life training may impose potential hazard to
both patients and therapists, virtual environment was a good substitution. This is supported
by studies that training in virtual environment yielded equivalent training effect as training
in real environment (Brooks et al., 1999). Moreover, modern functional imaging technology
indicated the activation of hippocampus under functional imaging during virtual navigation
(Astur et al., 2005). It means that virtual environment or tasks may produce a similar
stimulation to corresponding neural structure just like the real environment does. On the
same learning theory vein, constructivist therapy for theory of VR learning also suggested
that people could learn through first-person, non-symbolic experience. VR allows them to
construct knowledge from direct experience by the perceptual illusion of non mediation
between themselves and the computer. People assimilate knowledge more effectively when
they have the freedom to move and engage in self-directed activities within their learning
context. VR facilitates the active process of making sense of new information, by creating
their own version of reality instead of simply receiving others view (Mantovani, 2001).
Another possible explanation would be the transfer of skills to real world. It was
suggested that training established association between physical aspects of the task and
cognitive organization learnt during task performance resulting in a learnt cognitive
response to the task. Thus visual picture may result in more autonomic real world
performance, due to possible freeing up cognitive capacity to deal with interfering tasks
(Rose et al., 2000). In addition, training skill transfer should be best when training mimics
performance as closely as possible virtual reality fulfills the principles for generalization
(Lathan et al., 2002). During the design phase, generalization is already a key issue of
programming: identification of naturalistic reinforcement, selection of appropriate transfer
measurement, use of sufficient examples and repetitions, stimuli common to both the
training environment and the example of repetition (Rizzo & Buckwalter, 1997).
When applying VR to cognitive rehabilitation, VR was proposed to be able to reduce the
required attentional resource and prevent overload by simplifying the tasks (Grealy et al.,
1999). In the learning process, the virtual environment can reduce brains work load by
easier recognition of objects, spatial ordering, large-size environment (Seidel & Chatelier,
1997). Using VR in training may reduce cognitive load by eliminating the need for a trainee
to convert two-dimensional training materials into three-dimensional representation, thus
enable them to utilize more cognitive resources on learning the task (Johnson & Hyde, 1997).
Common Issues of Virtual Reality in Neuro-Rehabilitation

Last but not the least, use of VR may serve as a motivational factor. Usability and
motivational factors seem to be an important reason for the success of computer-based
rehabilitation. VR is considered as the more advanced evolution of the relationship between
man and computers. VR designers typically aim to create a convincing, engaging,
environment in which sense of presence has to be recreated (Priore et al., 2003)
6. VR for assessment and treatment
Presence of an e-supervisor through VR may provide a more valid, reliable and less-
threatening assessment situation, and may better reinforce/ structure the disabled
individuals residual self-management skills in a somewhat familiar, simulated
environment. For instance, executive function deficits are revealed only when the individual
is alone, or fails to maintain awareness when left unsupervised, but being observed by the
VR program. In VR training, responsibility for the activities will be transferred to the
patient, including the generalization to the environment of daily life and sustain training
efforts and bringing about behavioral changes (Trepagnier, 1999). In the context of cognitive
rehabilitation, virtual environment may be valuable when assessment and training in real-
life situations is made difficult. For instance, brain injured patients sensory, motor and
cognitive disabilities may not allow them to threatening real-life situation, or cause danger
by pre-mature exposure. It is also suggested that VR-based tests overcome several
limitations of traditional paper-and pencil tests, and are at least as sensitive to target
cognitive impairments, while providing a richer range of opportunities for measuring
behavior (Pugnetti et al., 1998). VR can thus be a useful tool for assessment and treatment in
neurological and cognitive rehabilitation. Moreover, different cognitive rehabilitation
approaches rest upon the assumption that what is learnt in training transfers to the
equivalent real world task. There have been preliminary findings that a clear positive
transfer effect from virtual and real training suggests that the cognitive strategy elements
and cognitive loads of the training is broadly equivalent (Rose et al., 2000). Moreover, VR
has been used in conjunction with traditional therapeutic techniques to promote cognitive
and visual perceptual functioning (Cunningham & Krishack, 1999). Virtual reality has
proven useful in enhancing human perceptions and thus resulting behaviors, psychological
health and well being (Thomas et al., 1996).
6.1 More examples to illustrate
The potential for VR applicable in neuro-rehabilitation and cognitive rehabilitation has been
found to be great. For instances, VR has been used in unilateral neglect and hemineglect in
stroke (Myers & Bierig, 2000; Tsirlin, et al., 2009), brain injury assessment and rehabilitation
(Pugnetti et al., 1998; Rizzo et al., 2000; Rose et al., 2005), physical rehabilitation in stroke
(Saposnik, et al., 2010) and spinal cord injury (Kizony et al., 2003), functional evaluation and
training (Lee et al., 2003), as well as tele-rehabilitation (Tam et al., 2003; Rizzo, et al., 2004).
There are also precedents for use of VR in memory rehabilitation (Brooks & Rose, 2003),
executive dysfunction (Mendozzi et al., 1998), perceptual disorders and learning difficulties
(Wann et al., 1997). VR has also been proposed for the relearning of community living skills
(Christiansen et al., 1998; Gourlay et al., 2000), as VR environments are precisely controlled,
entirely safe environments within which patients learning outcome and behaviours can be
minutely monitored.
Virtual Reality

More specific examples include the assessment of children with attentional deficits through
a virtual classroom (Rizzo, et al, 2002), spatial and episodic memory of brain damaged
patients through a virtual town (Spier et al, 2001), prospective memory assessment of stroke
through a virtual four-room bungalow (Brooks, et al, 2004), and acquired brain injury
through a virtual shopping mall (Man et al., 2010a, under review), evaluating brain injured
patients daily living skills through a simulated kitchen (Zhang et al., 2003).
Recently, there has been memory training in older adults with mild cognitive impairment
(MCI) using a virtual model home and a convenience shop (Man et al., 2010b, under
review), community living skill training (room crossing, bus-taking, shopping, use of bank
services and meeting friends) through a virtual city and a supermarket (da Costa et al., 2000;
Tam et al., 2005; Yip & Man, 2009), motivation of stroke survivors through VR leisure
program (Reid & Hirji, 2003), virtual play in children with cerebral palsy (Reid, 2004),
driving skills training for persons with brain injury (Schultheis & Peterson, 2000).
Application to persons with schizophrenia for vocational training using a virtual boutique
has also been noted (Tsang & Man, in preparation).
6.2 Artificial intelligence-based virtual reality program
The innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as Case-Based Reasoning has
been proposed (Yip & Man, 2010, under review) to develop the VR system allows some
flexibility to facilitate individual learning. The main advantage in integrating VR systems with
embedded AI software can be the ability of providing instant analysis of the users behavior.
Therefore, immediate feedbacks and assistance can be given to the users in the forms of
additional clues and objects in the virtual world. This will allow for individual styles of
learning and their relative stages of recovery. A recent development would be an AI based VR
system for prospective memory training for shopping skills (Yip & Man, 2010, under review).
By altering three parameters, namely number of items in a shopping list (S), number of
prospective memory task (P) and level of assistance (A). After gathering the training
performance of each trial/session, AI system can plan the level of difficulty in the next session.
7. Conclusion
It is optimistic that application of VR is wide-spreading and feasible for neurological and
cognitive rehabilitation. VR can be especially valuable when training in real life situations
will be impractical, dangerous, logistically difficult, unduly expensive, and too difficult to
control (Rose et al., 2000). VR has the capacity, and greater flexibility, to simulate a greater
range of situations and environments as compared to other simulation-based techniques
(Aguinis et al., 2001). VR holds peoples attention for a longer period of time than other
methods because it is immersive, interactive, imaginable and interesting (Albani et al., 2002).
Limitations of VR might result in a decreased sense of presence due to heavy and
cumbersome headsets, low spatial resolution, narrow field of view that may presently be
available in the headsets, primitive methods of force and tactile feedback, inappropriate
time lags in tracking performance, induction of stimulator/motion sickness/cyber sickness
(Gaggioli, 2001; Priore et al., 2003). Further development depends how we resolve these
problematic issues and reduce the technological and financial demand. The initial
demonstration of VR using commercial games such as Wii game technology in stroke
rehabilitation (Sapnosnik et al., 2010) might be an alternative way to provide VR
rehabilitation in motor recovery and possibly more in rehabilitation arena.
Common Issues of Virtual Reality in Neuro-Rehabilitation

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Application of Virtual Reality in
Neuro-Rehabilitation: an Overview
Lucia F Lucca
, Antonio Candelieri
and Loris Pignolo

S. Anna Institute and RAN - Research in Advanced Neuro-rehabilitation, Crotone,

Laboratory of Decision Engineering for Health Care Delivery, University of Cosenza,
1. Introduction
Virtual reality (VR) collectively refers to the realistic, albeit artificial environments that are
simulated by computer and are experienced by end-users via human-machine interfaces
involving multiple sensory channels. In this respect, comparable technical solutions are
applicable across different domains such as cyberspace, virtual environments, teleoperation,
telerobotics, augmented reality, and synthetic environments. This makes application possible in a
variety of conditions such as (1) design, engineering, manufacturing, and marketing; (2)
medicine and healthcare; (3) online monitoring of children and the elderly at home and accident
prevention; (4) hazardous operations in extreme or hostile surroundings; and (5) training in
military and industrial machine operation, medical teaching and surgery planning/training. An
implement of VR with live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose
elements are purportedly enhanced (augmented) by virtual computer-generated imagery to meet
the viewer needs, Augmented Reality is extensively used in open surgery, virtual endoscopy,
radiosurgery, neuropsychological assessment and medical rehabilitation. Application in
psychotherapy ranked 3
among 38 psychotherapy interventions predicted to increase in use in
the next future (Gorini & Riva, 2008a; Gorini & Riva, 2008b).
Application in rehabilitation is increasing and expanding; innovative technical solutions in motor
and sensory-cognitive rehabilitation result in substantial developments from the available
procedures and in prototypes for clinical testing. The clinical results appear promising.
2. Rationale for VR-mediated neuro-rehabilitation
The rationale for application mainly rests on the available evidence that a functional re-
arrangement of the injured motor cortex can be induced with the mediation of the mirror
neurons system (Eng et al, 2007; Holden, 2005; Rose et al, 2005) or through the subjects motor
imagery and learning (Gaggioli et al, 2006). Intensive training (repetition) facilitating re-
arrangement of cortical function and motivation reinforced by feedback information about the
ongoing improvement are necessary for motor learning to be possible after brain damage.
These conditions are easily made available in VR-mediated neuro-rehabilitation paradigms.
Motor impairment and recovery can be measured in real time (e.g. at the end of each trial or a
series of trials) to give the user the knowledge-of-performance (about his/her movement
patterns) and knowledge-of-results (about the outcome predictable at each time point during
Virtual Reality

rehabilitation) that reinforce motivation and the training procedure itself. VR allows online or
offline feedback, that has been extensively investigated with a general agreement that it
improves learning (Bilodeau & Bilodeau, 1962; Gentile, 1972; Khan & Franks, 2000; Newell &
Carlton, 1987; Winstein, 1991; Young & Schmidt, 1992; Woldag & Hummelsheim, 2002). The
expectation is, that VR-mediated rehabilitation should improve the approach efficacy and the
outcome by making tasks easier, less demanding and less tedious/distractive, and more
informative for the subject. Interactive VR environments are flexible and customizable for
different therapeutic purposes; individual treatments can be personalized in order to facilitate
movement retraining, to force the user to focus on the task key elements, and to facilitate
transfer of motor patters learned in VR environments to the real world.
3. Studies
3.1 VR in the upper limb motor rehabilitation
VR was first applied in the rehabilitation of the paretic upper-limb after stroke in a setting
designed to promote motor (re)learning for different movements (hand, elbow and shoulder)
and functional tasks or goals (Holden et al, 1999). The approach implemented a learning-by-
imitation paradigm through three components: a motion tracking device to record the
trajectories to be performed in the VR environment, a desktop computer display and a VR
editing software specifically developed to create suitable 3D-simulated tasks at varying level
of complexity. Once the scenario had been defined, the programmed motor learning tasks to
be performed within the virtual environment were stored into the motion tracking device.
Patients were then requested to reproduce the trajectories set by the virtual teacher or to devise
appropriate trajectories in the absence of it, while the upper limb movements were monitored
by the virtual teacher, displayed in real time and recorded. The approach also assessed the
degree of matching between the virtual teacher and the patients trajectories and provided
trainer and trainee with a measure of each trial efficency. In a pilot study (Holden et al, 1999),
two chronic patients with massive stroke were trained on a reach-and-grasp task involving
shoulder flexion, elbow extension and forearm supination at six increasing levels of
complexity. Efficacy was assessed through a 3D kinematic reach test performed in the real
world before and after VR-supported rehabilitation; the Fugl-Meyer Test of Motor Recovery
for Stroke test (Fugl-Meyer et al, 1975) and the motor task section of the Structured Assessment
of Independent Living Skills (SAILS) test of UE function (Mahurin et al, 1991) were used for
clinical evaluation. The patients were able to export the abilities learned in VR to the real world
and to similar but untrained activities, but hand orientation proved difficult to learn. In
successive studies (Holden et al, 2001; Holden et al, 2002), information about the specific (as
measured in real tasks designed to evaluate generalization in space, gravitoinertial force,
combined spatial/gravitoinertial force, and in tasks requiring novel recombination of trained
movement elements, and control tasks with untrained elements) and non-specific (as
measured by variations in motor recovery tests after VR-supported training activity) motor
generalization was used to measure in detail the ability to transfer to the real world what
learned in VR. Patients improved in three standard clinical tests of function, even if practicing
in two movements only during VR training. It was suggested that VR-mediated rehabilitation
is an effective and efficient approach to (re)train a set of basic tasks with upgrading to a wide
variety of skilled movements (Holden, 2005).
Piron et al. (2005) replicated these results in a study on 50 patients with impaired upper limb
motion after stroke. The VR-supported rehabilitation system included a virtual environment (a
Application of Virtual Reality in Neuro-Rehabilitation: an Overview

PC workstation with a wall screen), a motion tracking device and the dedicated software for
editing 3D-scenarios in a learning-by-imitation rehabilitation process with a virtual teacher.
Therapists set the virtual scenarios characteristics and the motor training complexity to match
each patients motor impairment and rehabilitation protocol, set the starting position, target
location and orientation, designed simple/complex tasks, added or removed non-pertinent
virtual objects (distractive elements) to increase/reduce the task level of difficulty, recorded
trajectory of the desired movement to be (re)learned by the subject, with the virtual teacher
visible or hidden as advisable. The degree of motor impairment or recovery and the attained
levels of autonomy in daily living activities were measured by the Fugel-Meyer (FM) UE score
and the Functional Independence Measure scale (FIM) before and after the therapy, and by
means of kinematic measures such as the movement morphology and mean duration and
speed. Improvement was observed in the FM UE and FIM mean scores (with 15% and 6%
increases, respectively) and in the movement mean duration (18%) and speed (23%), with
better regularity of trajectories. Improvements do not appear to have been influenced by age,
time since stroke or site of brain damage, as already noted in previous studies (Jeffery & Good,
1995; Johnston et al, 1992; Bagg et al, 2002; Tangeman et al, 1990; Dam et al, 1993). Instead, the
severity of impairment was crucial for the outcome and a severe initial impairment was more
difficult to rehabilitate. Comparison between the degrees of recovery attained after standard or
VR-reinforced learning in two randomly assigned post-stroke patient groups (Turolla et al,
2007) showed significantly increased FM UE scores in all 30 patients, but improvement was
greater after VR-supported therapy. The different outcome was ascribed, at least in part, to the
feedback information about knowledge-of-results and knowledge-of-performance provided
by the system (Todorov et al, 1997; Schmidt & Young, 1991; Winstein et al, 1996) and to the
reinforced learning provided by the VR-based rehabilitation approach (Barto, 1994; Doya,
2000; Fagg & Arbib, 1992; Rummelhart et al, 1986).
3.2 VR in the lower limb motor rehabilitation
Several VR applications were designed to recover efficient walking in patients with lower
limb motor impairment after stroke (Deutsch et al, 2002 and Deutsch et al, 2004). Fung, et al.
(Fung, et al 2004, 2006), performed studies on gait training by using a treadmill mounted on
a 6-degree-of-freedom motion platform with a motion-coupled VR environment. The system
provided the unique feature of simulated turning within the environment; also provided
auditory and visual cues as positive/negative feedback. Subjects were required to wear 3D
stereo glasses to visualize the virtual environment. Test results from this project
demonstrated improved gait speed with training. More recently, Mirelman et al. studied the
effects on impaired gait kinetics of robot-assisted rehabilitation with or without VR support
(Mirelman et al, 2007). Subjects in the two subgroups were trained with the same exercises;
requested movements were inversion and eversion, dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, or
combinations of these. A motion capture system was used to measure movements in
association with a force-feedback system permitting navigation within a virtual
environment displayed on a computer screen. Gait was estimated at baseline, one week after
the training session, and three months after end of the therapy. Feedback information was
provided directly by the system to the patients treated in the VR setting and by the therapist
to those undergoing rehabilitation withouth VR support. Both groups improved, but
patients treated with VR support did better, with increased ankle strenght at the end of
treatment and at follow-up. Patients undergoing robotic- assisted rehabilitation without VR
support reported fatigue earlier.
Virtual Reality

Park and colleagues (Park et al, 2007) developed a VR system for motor rehabilitation with a
PC camera and two markers of movement in a very simple virtual scenario with a crossing-
stepping stone task. The success rate in 9 hemiplegic patients with stiff-knee gait after stroke
was computed as the ratio of successful trials to the total gait cycles, with a ~30% improvement
after treatment.
3.3 VR and telemedicine: the upper limb tele-rehabilitation
VR settings are usable in the transfer of available occupational treatments to a platform for
rehabilitation at home, with remote control by therapist. Broeren and coworkers have
emphasized the reduced labor, logistics and costs of the state-of art web-based video/audio
systems for telemedicine and tested their protocol in a case study, with VR associated to the
haptic force feedback necessary for VR object manipulation. The hand fine dexterity and grip
improved after treatment (Broeren et al, 2002). More recently, Trotti and colleagues proposed
VR-supported training as an integration of the conventional rehabilitation protocols (Trotti et
al, 2009). They used kinematics indexes (such as movement execution time and precision) and
validated clinical scales, such as Nine-Hole Peg Test (NHPT) (Mathiowetz, 1985), Frenchay
Arm Test (FAT) (Heller, 1987), Medical Research Council (MRC) (Florence, 1992), Motricity
Index (MI) (Bohannon, 1999), and the Motor Evaluation Scale for Upper extremity in Stroke
Patients (MESUPES) (Van de Winckel, 2006) to measure the upper limb impairment in a
patient with stroke before and after therapy with VR-supported upper limb rehabilitation.
Kinematic analysis and most clinical scales (MRC of fingers, MESUPES and NHPT time, but
not MI and FAT) showed a decrease in movement execution time and increase in precision,
with improved muscle strenght and movement control (Trotti et al, 2009).
VR-mediated telerehabilitation was further investigated (Piron et al, 2009) by comparing
two groups (18 subjects each) of patients with stroke treated for four weeks by a VR-assisted
rehabilitation program operated through Internet or by conventional therapy. Motor
impairment was assessed one month before, at the beginning and end of therapy, and one
month later by means of the Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity (FM EU), Abilhand (Penta et al,
2001) and Ashworth (Bohannon & Smith, 1987) scales. The setting included a virtual teacher
showing the correct trajectories as set by the therapist in association with the patients actual
movement. The knowledge-of-performance was provided via videoconference. No
differences were observed when comparing the assessments one month before and at
beginning of therapy, but both groups improved after therapy and the improvement was
evident also one month after the end of therapy. The FM UE showed better recovery for
patients treated through VR-based telerehabilitation.
4. Systems and applications
4.1 Systems and applications for VR-supported upper limb rehabilitation
A VR system purported to measure the impairment in speed, strength, fractionation and
range of fingers movements was designed to be distributed over three sites connected via
Internet (for rehabilitation, data storage and data access, respectively) (Boian et al, 2002). At
the rehabilitation site, the system featured a workstation and two sensing (cyber and haptic)
gloves; the data storage site organized the information acquired during the VR-supported
rehabilitation; open access to data was through Internet. An algorithm was implemented to
increase or decrease according to the achieved performance the difficulty of the target task.
The system was tested in a pilot study on 4 patients with stroke. A screen provided the
patients with knowledge-of-results and performance (feedback) through a transparent hand
Application of Virtual Reality in Neuro-Rehabilitation: an Overview

representing the target and numerical scores about the trial execution. Trained patients
achieved various degrees of improvement, with a good retention in gains and a positive
evaluation of the system both by patients and therapists. A virtual tabletop environment for
the upper limb rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury was developed (Wilson et al, 2007)
to measure the residual function and kinematic markers like speed, precision, distance,
accuracy of targeting. The system was innovative because flexible, automated, and relatively
inexpensive, with components specifically designed to be user-friendly: LCD panels easy to
carry and reducing the set-up time were favored; the virtual environment was displayed on
the LCD panel placed horizontally on a tabletop surface, and users could interact with the
system by moving sensing-objects over it; knowledge of results was provided to the patient
via another LCD panel. Distractive elements appeared on the LCD to increase or decrease
the task difficulty. Low-cost implements, such as commercial game controllers and marker
tracking were used. Wilson and coworkers suggested that psychometric measures should be
preferred in the future and predicted broad application in assessing movement impairment
after stroke and ischemic or traumatic brain damage or in movement disorders (e.g.
Parkinson or Huntingtons diseases).
Therapy WREX (T-WREX) was designed by Reinkensmeyer and Housman (2007) for the hand
and arm rehabilitation after stroke to make rehabilitation possible also in the absence of the
therapist, with exercises mimiking the daily living activities in VR environment and a feedback
information procedure. The system featured a passive gravity-balancing orthosis based on the
Wilmington Robotic Esoskeleton (WREX) (Rahman et al, 2007), a hand grip sensor and the
software needed for VR and performance evaluation, but was not a robotics/VR integration
because WREX assisted patients only against gravity and by elastic bands. It focused on the re-
training of function on a plane, therefore displaying the movement on the plane of interest.
The system bypassed the problems of 3D complexity, but limitated the movements to be re-
learned. Most patients nevertheless found T-WREX less boring than conventional therapy and
their progress during rehabilitation easier to track. Reiteration of motor training by T-WREX
reduced motor impairment (as measured by the Fugl-Meyer scale) in a preliminary
randomized controlled study (Reinkensmaeyer & Housman, 2007).
4.2 Low-cost and open source systems for VR-supported tele-rehabilitation
Interest on tele-rehabilitation as a possible alternative to the traditional treatment of
inpatients in hospital increased in recent years with the increment of costs and commitment
by the private and public healthcare. Sugarman and colleagues assumed it is impossible for
the therapist to monitor patients performing rehabilitation at home, emphasized the
therapists role in motivating the patient and the need of efficient communication between
the therapist and patients at any time and place, including home (Sugarman et al, 2006).
Approaches combining VR and mechanical devices for rehabilitation (Fasoli et al, 2004;
Coote & Sokes, 2005; Broeren et al, 2004; Reinkensmeyer et al, 2002; Jadhav & Krovi, 2004)
appear encouraging, but the systems specifically developed for these purposes have high
costs. In alternative, Sugarman and colleagues adopted a commercial feedback joystick in
association with a specifically designed armrest and a PC with Internet connection. Their
proposed VR solution could be operated in two different modes: stand-alone or cooperative.
In the former, patients exercised at home without Internet connection; in the latter, the
patient and therapist were online and the therapist could monitor and tutor the patient
Virtual Reality

Open-source tools stand as inexpensive alternatives to promote the development of user-
friendly, customized VR systems for rehabilitation and are being tested. Riva and colleagues
proposed NeuroVR, a cost-free software platform based on open-source available solutions
(Riva et al, 2009). The platform allows users with no technical background to easily interface
with the virtual environment and modify the scenario according to the specific needs; 2D and
3D objects may be selected from a database and incorporated into the virtual environment by a
user-friendly graphical interface; therapists can supplement the database with pictures of
persons or objects belonging to the patients real life and suitable as stimuli or stressors. A
further improvement of NeuroVR (Algeri et al, 2009) was the integration with the open-source
software CamSpace aimed at developing a cost-free system overcoming some operational
limits related to the joypad, mouse or keyboard use. A further extention was CamSpace 7,
through which patients can interact with the virtual environment simply by hand or body
movements and allowing design both motor and balance rehabilitation exercises (Weiss Tamar
et al, 2004). NeuroVR is also in use in the treatment of a variety of conditions, including obesity
(Riva et al, 2006), alcohol abuse (Gatti et al, 2008), anxiety disorders (Gorini & Riva, 2008a,b),
and in the rehabilitation of cognitive impairment (Morganti et al, 2007).
4.3 VR-based systems for sensory, cognitive and behavioural rehabilitation
The traditional protocols for cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation are mostly based on
imaginary or in-vivo exposure; the Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) is an altered
form of behavioral therapy and may be a possible alternative to standard in vivo exposure,
for example in the therapy of anxiety disorders (Krijn, 2004). VR allows immersive or semi-
immersive interaction with virtual environments incorporating suitable stimuli, therefore
reducing the limits of representing real tools to brain damaged subjects unable to
chategorize (Rizzo et al, 2005). VR systems are today in use in the management of patient
with stroke, to support cognitive rehabilitation by providing logopaedic help and reducing
the somatic effects of paresis though a multi-sensorial brain stimulation approach (Probosz
et al, 2009). Marusan and colleagues (Marusan et al, 2006) and other groups (Rose et al, 1998;
Tomasino & Rumiati, 2004) suggested the use of mental rotation paradigms (Shepard &
Metzler, 1971) in VR neuro-rehabilitation setting, with extention to the brain injured of the
use of mental images that is critical in cognitive tasks involving memory, reasoning and
problem solving in everyday life (Zacks et al, 1999; Podzebenko et al, 2005). Marusan and
coworkers main goal was to develop a VR-based technical solution for neurorehabilitation
of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients; their secondary goal was ease of use for the patient
at home via common technical supports such as PC, mouse and keyboard devices to be
available anywhere and anytime without special equipment (3D glasses, gloves, suits, etc)
requiring expert help.
Koenig and colleagues (Koenig et al, 2009) proposed a VR approach to assess the patients
performance in tasks of way-finding and in the training of spatial orientation skills in brain
injured patients. Several standardized outcome measures were used: Money Road-Map Test
(Money et al, 1965), Zoo Test (Wilson et al, 1996), Object Perspective Taking Test
(Kozhevnikoy & Hegarty, 2001), Virtual Reality Navigation Task, Real-World Navigation
Task, Santa Barbara Sense of Direction Scale (Hegarty et al, 2002), Mental Rotation Task,
Card Rotation Task, and Surface Development Task (Ekstrom et al, 1976). Complexity was
increased with the protocol and subjects progressing in order to promote generalization of
regained abilities, with the addition of naturalistic features or constraints (e.g. locked doors
or detours) and varying conditions of illumination. Performance was evaluated as
navigation errors, timing and orientation behaviour.
Application of Virtual Reality in Neuro-Rehabilitation: an Overview

Interactive multimodal rehabilitation may enhance the efficacy of cognitive rehabilitation after
cerebrovascular brain injury. Salva and co-workers (Salva et al, 2009) have developed a novel
Mixed Reality (MR) approach reportedly promoting neural plasticity. An evolution of classical
VR merging and overlapping virtual and real environments, MR creates an augmented reality
without losing contact with the real setting and preserving sensory feedback and interaction
without any requirement for adaptation. The Mixed Reality Rehabilitation System (MRRS)
was meant to avoid crucial problems in the traditional therapy such as the limitations in
resources and decreasing levels of participation and interest. Pilot studies seem to indicate
remarkable potentialities in neurorehabilitation though MR, mostly by allowing patients to
interact with and experience both the virtual scenario and the real world (Standen and Brown,
2005). Also based on Augmented Reality tools is GenVirtual (Correa et al, 2007), a musical
game helping patients in colors and sounds memorization tasks. The approach proved
acceptable to the patient with cognitive deficits and useful in rehabilitation, inexpensive and
applicable to integrate standard rehabilitation in hospital as well as at home.
5. Comment
VR stands as a potentially useful tool for diagnosis, therapy, education and training.
Application in neuro-rehabilitation is still unsystematic and limited, yet there is evidence
supporting its applicability in a variety of paradigms that can allow the patients avoid the
real world challenges in a secure environment and to freely explore, experiment, feel, live
and experience feelings and thoughts. Motor rehabilitation has been applied in patients with
acquired brain injury with some success, but application in the rehabilitation of these
subjects cognitive deficits remains unsystematic and its potentialities appear high but still
The differences among studies in the design, procedures for data acquisition and analyses,
and criteria of admission do not allow a direct comparison of the efficacy of different VR
setups. VR is a new tool for upper limb stroke rehabilitation, but evidence about its efficacy
is still regarded as weak to moderate (Henderson, 2007). Application of VR procedures in
the rehabilitation of the upper limb emphasizes the lack of agreed criteria to assess the
kinetics and kinetic impairment in neurology and these limitations are only in part
compensated for by the motor scales in use in neuro-rehabilitation (Lucca, 2009). The
training conditions to be favored in the clinical practice and/or in research on large
populations therefore remain unidentified. Systematic neuroimaging research is today
mandatory for the cortical functional re-arrangement to be correlated in full detail with the
neurorehabilitation clinical effects irrespective of the applied rehabilitative procedures. It
would allow document the cortical functional damage as well as the efficacy of training. In
this prospective, todays limits in the long-term efficacy of VR rehabilitation procedures may
challenge physicians, physiatrists, psychologists and bio-engineers without questioning the
potentialities of the approach.
Rehabilitation needs to be intensive over long periods of time and requires dedicated staff,
resources and logistics. The duration of the rehabilitation effects after discontinuing VR
training is crucial and should be determined in controlled follow-up studies, which remain
unsystematic to date. This discrepancy contrasts with the increased availability of advanced
and limited-cost technologies and the need for reliable criteria to help define cost/benefit
ratios and priorities in private and public health facilities. VR would also mediate between
the therapists and the real world and is forseen as possibly promoting the patients earlier
Virtual Reality

Holden et al,
Stroke Learning-by-imitation paradigm.
Holden et al,
Motor generalization: ability to transfer to the real world what
learned in VR.
Boian et al,
VR system and two sensing cyber and haptic gloves) measures
the impairment in speed, strength, fractionation and range of
fingers movements. Difficulty of the target task increases or
decreases according to the achieved performance.
Piron et al,
Different level of difficulty: the motor training complexity to
match each patients motor impairment and rehabilitation
Wilson et al, 2007
brain inj.
A virtual tabletop environment to measure the residual
function and kinematic markers.
and Housman,
Hand and arm rehabilitation in absence of the therapist, with
exercises mimiking the daily living activities in VR
environment. The system featured a passive gravity-balancing
Fung et al, 2004,
Gait training by using a treadmill mounted on a 6-degree-of-
freedom motion platform with a motion-coupled VR
environment. Auditory and visual cues as positive/negative
Mirelman et al,
Robot-assisted rehabilitation with or without VR support
Force-feedback system permits navigation within a virtual
environment displayed on a computer screen.
Park et al, 2007 Stroke
VR system for motor rehabilitation in a very simple virtual
scenario with a crossing-stepping stone task.
Rizzo et al, 2005
VR immersive or semi-immersive with suitable stimuli,
reduces the limits of representing real tools to subjects unable
to chategorize.
Marusan et al,
cbrain inj.
Use of mental rotation paradigms in VR neuro-rehabilitation
Correa et al, 2007
Augmented Reality: a musical game helping patients in colors
and sounds memorization tasks.
Probosz et al,
VR systems support cognitive rehabilitation by providing
logopaedic help and reducing the somatic effects of paresis
though a multi-sensorial brain stimulation approach.
Koenig et
VR approach to assess the patients performance in tasks of
way-finding and in the training of spatial orientation skills.
Table 1. Summary of studies
Application of Virtual Reality in Neuro-Rehabilitation: an Overview

discharge from hospital and transfer to programs for rehabilitation at home, with improved
quality of life and clinical outcome.
In general, the scenario would motivate research to achieve widespread application,
possibly by making home rehabilitation under remote control a realistic option and by
extending VR use to the computer or technology illiterate.
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Part 6
Psychiatric Evaluation and Therapy
Virtual Reality in Evidence - Based
Aurora Szentgotai, David Opri and Daniel David

Babe-Bolyai University,
Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
1. Introduction
In his 1957 Annual Review of Psychology article, Winder defines psychotherapy as an
interpersonal relationship characterized by the following attributes (p. 309): (1) at least one
of the participants (i.e., therapist) is an expert in human relationships; (2) at least one of the
participants (i.e., client) displays intrapersonal or interpersonal adjustment problems; (3) the
objective of the relationship is to change these maladaptive intrapersonal and interpersonal
patterns. Psychotherapy thus circumscribes a group of psychological procedures that are
applicable and delivered to individuals with emotional, behavioral and somatic pathology
severe enough to be included in clinical diagnostic categories (e.g., the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), and more generic strategies targeted at promoting
growth and personal development (David, 2006; Huppert et al., 2006).
Based on their underlying theory of mental health and illness, and on theoretically derived
treatment strategies, there are three major paradigms in psychotherapy: the cognitive-
behavioral approach, the psychodynamic approach and the humanistic-existential
approach; each of these paradigms, in its turn, encompasses a number of theoretically and
procedurally individualized schools. Regardless of paradigm, the therapeutic process
involves several distinct components, generally described as (David, 2006): (1) assessment;
(2) conceptualization; (3) treatment (intervention); (4) therapeutic alliance (relationship).
Over the last years, there has been a dramatic interest in and expansion of psychotherapy
research. A large number of studies have focused on the process and outcomes of
psychotherapy, approaching them either from the point of view of theoretical and practical
elements specific to a particular type of psychotherapy (e.g., cognitive-behavioral
psychotherapy) (see Butler et al., 2005) or from a common factors view, looking at the
non-specific ingredients which make psychotherapy, in general, work (Lambert, 1992;
Lambert & Ogles, 2004).
This focus on research and its results have led to the justification of psychotherapy as a
legitimate practice. Indeed, hundreds of studies show that psychotherapy works better than
no intervention (Kopta et al., 1999), with some forms (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy)
faring somewhat better than others (see, for example, the National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence NICE guidelines for evidence-based treatments).
Virtual Reality

Despite the notable progress, research also systematically points to a segment of patients
who are non-responsive, prompting professionals to advocate for improving the efficacy of
treatments and for exploring and developing new efficient and cost-effective intervention
strategies (David et al., 2008). One such direction has been the integration of new
technological developments (e.g., computer technology) into the therapeutic process.
The current chapter discusses some of the main applications and advantages of virtual
reality (VR) technologies in psychotherapy assessment, intervention and rehabilitation,
using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) as a case example. We have chosen to focus on
CBT for at least two reasons: it is the best researched form of psychotherapy and it is (both
in which research and intervention are concerned) the most likely and frequent host for
VR intervention strategies.
2. Evidence-based psychotherapy
The number of available psychological treatments has grown exponentially during the last
decades; in the field of psychotherapy only, there are over 200 distinct schools and hundreds
of individual techniques (Bergin & Garfield, 1994). In a review of the scientific foundations
of clinical work, published in 1966, Edward Bordin concluded that The present state of our
knowledge is such that strong doubts can be expressed about virtually all psychological practices . . .
none of them rest upon a firmly verified foundation of knowledge (p. 119).
Increasing criticism eventually led to a more firm commitment to research in psychotherapy.
In this context, one of the significant changes in the field has been the development,
validation and dissemination of evidence-based treatments for various clinical conditions.
This movement is consistent with the past 20 years of work in evidence-based medicine,
advocating for improved outcomes by informing clinical practice with research data (Woolf
& Atkins, 2001). Among the factors that have converged in recent years resulting in the
evidence-based movement are an increased understanding of the mechanisms of various
disorders, leading to the need of developing interventions specifically targeted at these
mechanisms, the improvement of clinical research methodologies, resulting in higher
quality data, and the rising costs and inadequacies of health care, prompting governments
to advocate for quality and evidence-based services (Huppert et al., 2006).
During the mid 1990s, the Task Force on the Promotion and Dissemination of Psychological
Procedures (Society of Clinical Psychology, Division 12, American Psychological
Association; APA) published specific guidelines to determine if a treatment was empirically
validated (Anthony & Rowa, 2005). A decade later, the APA Presidential Task Force on
Evidence-Based Practice defined Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology (EBPP) as the
integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient
characteristics, culture and preferences and stated that the purpose of EBPP is to promote
effective psychological practice and enhance public health by applying empirically supported
principles of psychological assessment, case formulation, therapeutic relationship, and intervention."
(APA Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice, 2006). The definition of evidence-
based practice argues for the importance of the harmonious integration of the three
components (i.e., research, clinical expertise, patient characteristics). Many medical and
psychological scientists, however, consider research to be the most important element of this
partnership (Goodheart, 2006).
Although the need for data supporting the accountability, efficacy, effectiveness and cost-
effectiveness of various assessment and intervention strategies is widely recognized, there
Virtual Reality in Evidence - Based Psychotherapy

are differences in the extent to which professionals emphasize the importance of evidence
in psychotherapy (Goodheart, 2006). One approach toward the movement (see Wampold
and Bahti, 2004) cautions against an excessive focus on treatments, draws attention to the
importance of not omitting the therapist and the subjective experience of the client from the
equation, and recommends conceptualizations that focus on common factors in
psychotherapy and broader research perspectives (Goodheart, 2006).
A different approach is illustrated by Barlow (2004) who, based on the recent advancements
and the current status of the field, suggests that a terminological distinction should be made
between psychological treatments (i.e., supported, manualized treatments, addressed to
specific disorders) and psychotherapy (i.e., a more generic term that could be eventually
dropped, or kept to refer to interventions directed at self-development, adjustment and
living problems). David & his colleagues (David, 2004; David, 2006; David & Montgomery,
in press) take this approach a step further, suggesting that for a psychotherapy to be
considered evidence-based it would require a validation not only of its therapeutic
package (by efficacy and effectiveness studies), but also of its underlying theory (i.e., the
mechanisms of change it proposes).
3. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy as a model of evidence-based
Based on the APA established criteria, psychological treatments have been classified into
well-established treatments, probably efficacious treatments and experimental
treatments. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is well-represented as a standard
treatment for many disorders in the APA list of empirically validated treatments. Although
there are several different schools of CBT, they all share the same basic assumptions
(Hollon, 1998).
Cognitive-behavioral therapies are based on Albert Ellis ABCDE model (Ellis, 1962).
According to this model, people experience undesirable activating events (A) about which
they have rational (i.e., adaptive, healthy or functional) and irrational (i.e., maladaptive,
unhealthy or dysfunctional) beliefs (B). These beliefs lead to emotional, behavioral and
cognitive consequences (C). Rational beliefs lead to functional consequences, while irrational
beliefs lead to dysfunctional consequences. Clients who engage in therapy are encouraged
to actively dispute (D) their irrational beliefs and to assimilate more efficient (E) rational
beliefs, with a positive impact on their emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses (Ellis,
1994; David & Szentagotai, 2006).
CBT is an approach to mental health promotion and the treatment of psychological
disorders based on the idea that the way an individual thinks about an event determines, to
a large extent, the way he or she responds to that event, both in terms of emotions and
behavior. According to cognitive theory, dysfunctional beliefs and maladaptive information
processing styles are at the heart of emotional disorders, and the therapeutic process is
focused on helping the patient learn to identify and correct them in order to reduce
unhealthy emotions and behaviors (Hollon, 1998).
The cognitive approach is linked to research in cognitive science, which suggests that
information processes are dominated by strategies and heuristics that are conservative in
nature and structured to maintain existing beliefs, even in the absence of motivation; the
patient therefore suffers as a consequence of these misperceptions, with no underlying
motivation of maintaining them (Hollon, 1998). CBT also assumes that most complex human
Virtual Reality

responses (e.g., emotional, cognitive, behavioral) are cognitively penetrable. Cognitive
penetrability refers to two things: that a response (e.g., behavior) is an outcome of cognitive
processing, be it conscious or unconscious, and that a change in cognition, by various
procedures, will induce a change in the expressed response. It is important to note that the
limits of cognitive penetrability are the limitations of CBT. In other words, because some
basic human responses are not cognitively penetrable (some basic behaviors are genetically
determined), they are not typically considered within the realm of CBT (David &
Szentagotai, 2006).
CBT is an active, directive, collaborative, structured, problem-oriented, solution-focused and
psychoeducational model of treatment (Freeman et al., 2004). Since its development, (Beck,
1972; Ellis, 1962) hundreds of papers examining the theory and practice have been
published. Some of these studies have confirmed the main aspects of the original theory,
while others have made critical contributions to its evolution. Furthermore, meta-analytic
studies substantiate the conclusion that CBT is an empirically supported form of
psychotherapy (Butler et al., 2005). Thus, CBT appears to be a gold standard for
psychological treatments, as it has a well-defined theory and a well-supported effectiveness
(David & Szentagotai, 2006).
Similar to most psychotherapy interventions, CBT involves an assessment (diagnostic)
component, a conceptualization component, and an intervention component, all unfolding
on the background of the therapeutic alliance (David, 2006).
3.1 Assesment and conceptualization
Psychological formulations view medical and psychological diagnostic reasoning as a
process of hypothesis testing; solutions to diagnostic problems are found by generating a
successive number of hypotheses and using them to guide subsequent data collection within
a complex problem-solving process (Elstein & Scwartz, 2002).
The therapeutic process in CBT begins by an assessment phase that provides a diagnosis
and an initial conceptualization, used for treatment planning and clinical decision making.
Data is collected from multiple sources, including the clinical interview, structured clinical
interviews (e.g., Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders; SCID) self-report scales,
self-monitoring forms, reports from family members and other mental health professionals
(Pearson, 2008). Diagnosis is important for various reasons, including establishing a
common language among scientists and practitioners and the fact that most evidence-based
treatments are linked to a diagnosis.
Once a diagnosis has been established, however, the assessment shifts form nomothetic to
ideographic, exploring the way a certain diagnosis is manifested in the case of a particular
client. The role of the therapist is to translate a nomothetic model (e.g., Becks cognitive
theory of depression) into an individualized one. This process includes the development of a
problems list, the evaluation of the patients environment and characteristics, an
individualized analysis of specific problems (e.g., functional analysis of behaviors), of their
origins and of the individuals coping strategies. The information is used to develop the case
conceptualization, a hypothesis about the psychological mechanisms and other factors that
are causing and maintaining the patients problems. A complete case formulation ties the
following elements into a coherent whole (David, 2006; Pearson, 2008):
clinical diagnosis and specific symptoms and problems
hypothesized mechanisms causing the symptoms and problems
Virtual Reality in Evidence - Based Psychotherapy

recent precipitants of current challenges
the origins of these mechanisms
intervention strategies to overcome the disorder.
3.2 Treatment / intervention
One of the main functions of the first phase of therapy is to guide effective treatment by
establishing the targets of intervention, which are generally the mechanisms that the
conceptualization proposes as causing the symptoms (Pearson, 2008). In the case of CBT,
these mechanisms are usually cognitive (e.g., maladaptive schemas, irrational beliefs) or
behavioral (e.g., conditioning processes) in nature.
Cognitive techniques are intended at modifying maladaptive thinking patterns that cause
dysfunctional emotions and behaviors. They address several dimensions of this process: (1)
identification of maladaptive thinking patterns; (2) interrupting automatic information
processing which contains the dysfunctional, habitual and uncritically accepted negative
thoughts; (3) challenging and replacing dysfunctional/irrational cognitions (e.g., self-
downing); (4) altering maladaptive information processing (e.g., overgeneralization).
Behavioral techniques have always been an important part of CBT change can not be
considered complete unless the persons behavioral patterns are modified (Freeman &
Oster, 1998). These techniques include: exposure (in vivo and imaginary), relaxation
training, behavioral rehearsal, contingency management, graded task assignment,
assertiveness training and so on. Although behavioral in nature, the cognitive aspects of
these techniques (e.g., attributions, expectancies) are highlighted and exploited by the
cognitive-behavioral therapist (Freeman & Oster, 1998). For example, in vivo exposure for
phobias is regarded not only as a way of altering conditioning processes that might have led
to the problem, but also as an opportunity of testing, challenging and restructuring the
patients catastrophic interpretations of the feared situation (David, 2006).
Another cluster of strategies employed in CBT rehabilitation strategies is particularly
worth mentioning in the context of this discussion of virtual reality and psychotherapy.
Over the last few decades, this field has undergone substantial growth and development
(Sohlberg & Mateer, 2001), with cognitive-behavioral interventions being among the most
widely used and accepted treatments in rehabilitation psychology (Elliot & Jackson, 2004).
There is significant evidence supporting the fact that people who have social and cognitive
adaptive skills experience better adjustment following disability (Frank & Elliot, 2000),
justifying the need for intervention in the case of patients and their families. The range of
beneficiaries of such interventions is very broad (Elliot & Jackson, 2004), including
individuals with central neurological conditions (e.g., stroke), peripheral neurological
conditions (e.g., spinal cord injury), orthopedic conditions (e.g., fractures), medical
conditions (e.g., major surgery) and psychiatric illnesses (e.g., schizophrenia, dementia,
mental retardation).
Cognitive rehabilitation approaches can be broadly classified into two categories (Rizzo et
al., 2001): restorative approaches, which focus on the retraining of individual cognitive
processes (e. g., attention, memory) and functional approaches, which emphasize the
stepwise training of skills and behaviors. Developments in this field rely significantly on
research in cognitive science, which helps understand cognitive processes at a
computational level and has shown that the brain is a far more plastic organ than it was
thought to be, capable of considerable reorganization following damage and injury
Virtual Reality

(Sohlberg & Mateer, 2001). On the other hand, rehabilitation psychology has been
profoundly influenced by the technological advancements of the last years, with
increasingly complex technologies available for individuals with cognitive and physical
3.3 Therapeutic alliance
The idea that the relationship between the therapist and the client has an important effect on
the therapeutic process can be traced back to Sigmund Freuds writings. Although his
understanding of the therapeutic alliance has been dramatically challenged and modified
over the years by other developments in psychotherapy (e.g., CBT), the interest in it remains
and a variety of ideas have been advanced regarding the essential components of this
relationship and about the mechanisms through which it actually works (Horvath, 2006).
The empirical testing of these ideas has shown that alliance is indeed a predictor of
treatment outcome (Horvath & Luborsky, 1993; Shrik & Carver, 2003). In fact, alliance has
been found to be one of the most robust predictors of positive psychotherapy outcome,
regardless of the type of therapy used or whether assessed by therapist, client or
independent observers (Horvath, 2001). Early alliance is particularly predictive of the
results, and attrition from therapy can also be predicted by the quality of therapist-client
interaction as early as the end of the first session (Robins et al, 2003). These associations are
also consistent across therapies (e.g., cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic) (Creed &
Kendall, 2005). A recent analysis by Hilsenroth and Cromer (2007) of evidence-based
clinician behaviors useful in the initial phase of alliance building, lists several elements
traditionally considered key aspects of the CBT approach: adopting a collaborative stance
toward the client, speaking with emotional and cognitive content, actively exploring
problem issues, maintaining active focus on topic, offering psychoeducation on symptoms
and treatment process, collaboratively developing treatment goals and tasks.
4. Virtual reality and psychotherapy
Despite the obvious strengths and the notable progresses made by psychotherapy during
the last decades, research also systematically points to a segment of patients who are non-
responsive to interventions, prompting professionals to advocate for improving the efficacy
of treatments and for exploring and developing new efficient and cost-effective intervention
strategies (David et al., 2008). Virtual reality (VR) has lately emerged as a promising tool in
several areas of psychological intervention (Rizzo & Kim, 2005).
The first computer programs for CBT were developed in the 1980s in the United Kingdom
and the United States. They relied on written text, checklists, and multiple-choice questions
for communication with the patient (Wright & Small, 2004). Among the benefits of using
computer programs in psychotherapy and the factors motivating the continued
development of computer-assisted cognitive-behavioral therapy (CCBT) are the possibility
of providing unique learning experiences to clients, leading to a faster attainment of
treatment goals, the reduction of therapy costs and increased access to psychological
treatments for people who are unable or unwilling to attend traditional treatment (Wright &
Small, 2004).
Based on the assessment of available data, the National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence (NICE) has included computer-based anxiety (i.e., panic, phobia,) and depression
interventions among its recommended treatments (NICE, 2006; 2009).
Virtual Reality in Evidence - Based Psychotherapy

More recently developed computer tools for CBT have incorporated virtual reality, and
continuing advances in the field have led to the development of VR systems that are
uniquely suited for targeting a variety of psychological conditions. Their main advantage
resides in the potential of creating cost-effective, systematic assessment, training and
treatment environments that allow for the precise control of complex, immersive and
dynamic 3D stimulus presentations and for sophisticated interaction, behavior tracking and
performance recording (Rizzo & Kim, 2005).
VR uses complex computer graphics and a variety of input and output devices to construct a
virtual environment where the observer feels immersed (Peck, 2007). Thus, the person is no
longer mere external observer of the images on the computer screen, but an active
participant in the computer-generated three-dimensional world (Rothbaum, 2000). This
three-dimensional interaction is what generates presence. Presence refers to the
interpretation of the virtual environment as if it were real (Lee, 2004; Price & Anderson,
2006). Although the individual is conscious of his or her experience being produced by the
technology, perception to a certain extent overlooks this aspect and interprets the
environment as if technology were not involved (Krijn et al., 2004).
The main strategies used to immerse subjects into virtual environments and generate
presence are head mounted displays (HMD) and computer automatic virtual environments
(CAVE). HMD systems are for individual use; they are image display systems worn on the
head that remain optically coupled to the users eyes as he or she turns or moves (Schultheis
& Rizzo, 2001). They are often used in combination with tracking systems, earphones,
gesture-sensing gloves and haptic-feedback devices (Schultheis & Rizzo, 2001). The HMD is
typically connected to a computer operated by the therapist, who guides the process. The
CAVE is a multiuser, projection-based VR system. The patient and therapist are surrounded
by computer generated images projected on more sides. Glasses are worn and a tracking
system is attached to them, to generate a correct perspective (Krijn et al., 2004).
VR basically brings the outside world into the clinicians office, and allows for a higher
level of control and the appropriate tailoring of the therapeutic process to the individual
needs of the client, making a valuable addition to all components of the therapeutic process.
4.1 Virtual reality contributions to assessment
An accurate and comprehensive assessment is essential to a coherent conceptualization and
treatment planning. A variety of combined strategies (e.g., clinical interviews, scales,
observation) are typically used by clinicians to get a clear picture of the clients
circumstances and problems before starting intervention. For example, in order to get an
accurate image of the clients specific emotional and behavioral reactions in a given
situation, the therapist can rely on psychological tests/interviews or try to gather the
information by exposing the client to the situation, either imaginary or in vivo. While all
these strategies can lead to valuable information, they also have their downsides.
Clinical tests are employed to measure various constructs (e.g., irrational beliefs,
maladaptive schemas), and their results used to make predictions about the individuals
behaviors and emotions in certain situations (e.g., speaking in front of an audience). Thus, a
particular measure the predictor is used to make predictions of a specific outcome the
criterion. The limitations of this method are related to two factors (Sechrest et al., 1998): (1)
the reliability of the test for the particular population to which the individual belongs and
(2) the fact that predictions are based on a relationship between predictor and criterion, and
Virtual Reality

are limited by the validity of the predictor to the context in question (Sechrest et al., 1998).
Another problem with clinical tests is their lack of ecological validity, for some situations.
Interviews, on the other hand, are post-factum and often biased by memory processes.
Imaginary and in vivo exposure offer direct access to the clients thoughts, emotions and
behaviors in a given context. However, they are not without limitations: while imaginary
exposure may be affected by the inability of the client to recall and relive relevant aspects of
the situation, in vivo exposure may often prove difficult, expensive or impractical to
A discussion of these assessment-related challenges gives us a picture of where virtual
reality fits in into the puzzle. VR offers the therapist the opportunity of observing and
recording cognitive, behavioral, subjective and physiological patterns in environments that
are very much like the real world or where the person acts as in the real world, while
retaining control and eliminating potential confounded variables (Rizzo et al., 2004). This
provides an understanding of human behavior and human cognition that is challenging to
achieve in any other fashion (David, 2010). While the possibility of conducting assessment
as the patient interacts with a relevant environment is important in all cases, it becomes all
the more valuable in situations where exposure to real-life contexts is impossible or
impractical (e.g., due to high costs). For example, VR fear of flying programs are not only
useful for intervention, but also for the assessment of the cognitive, emotional, behavioral,
and physiological responses of patients in a context very similar to the one they fear, and
that is significantly more difficult to access.
One such VR assessment tool, called Virtual Classroom, has been developed by a group of
researchers at the University of Southern California in collaboration with Digital
MediaWorks Inc., Canada (Rizzo et al., 2000). The system is specifically aimed at the
assessment of attentional processes. The scenario consists of a classroom environment,
containing objects (desks, blackboard) and persons (teacher, children) that are normally
found in this context. A window on a side wall looks out onto a playground, and at each
end of opposite walls there is a door through which activity occurs (Schultheis & Rizzo,
2001). The child sits at a desk in the virtual classroom and is given a task to complete.
Attention can be assessed while a series of typical classroom distracters (e.g., noise, people
moving, activity on the playground and at the doors) are controlled and manipulated by the
therapist (Schultheis & Rizzo, 2001).
Virtual environments have also been used to evaluate cognitive functioning in individuals
with various limitations. In a recent study, Josman and colleagues (Josman et al., 2009)
employed VR to evaluate executive functioning in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. The
VR environment simulated shopping activity, and the authors found it highly suitable for the
assessment of executive function deficits in schizophrenia. Although these deficits are well
documented in the literature, they are generally assessed by neuropsychological tests, which
provide important information, but consist of isolated, artificial tasks, with a fairly limited
ability to predict the daily functioning of the patient (Chaytor et al., 2006; Josman et al., 2009).
VR environments, on the other hand, have high ecological validity and cue habitual responses,
thus giving the clinician more insight into the day-to-day behavior of the patient.
With VR technologies becoming more accessible as their price decreases, they can definitely
develop into a valuable addition to the assessment process, providing the therapist
information and an understanding of the clients emotions and behavior that would be
otherwise difficult to access.
Virtual Reality in Evidence - Based Psychotherapy

4.2 VR contributions to intervention and to the understanding of underlying
mechanisms of psychological disorders
It is interesting to note that the technical (r)evolution in psychotherapy was anticipated by
the results of a poll conducted by Norcross and colleagues in 2002, published in an article
entitled The face of 2010: A Delphi poll on the future of psychotherapy. A panel of 62
psychotherapy experts involved in the poll predicted trends in the field for the following
decade. Among the future scenarios that they considered most likely was the expansion of
evidence-based interventions, of practice guidelines and of technology in psychotherapy
(Norcross et al., 2002). These predictions have turned out to be accurate, both in which the
evidence-based movement and computer-based interventions are concerned.
The nature of VR-based interventions makes them highly suitable for integration into CBT
treatment programs. Over the last decade, applications have expanded as costs have
dropped and hardware has improved. VR interventions have been developed for a variety
of clinical conditions ranging from anxiety to eating disorders. In addition to generating
presence, there are other features of VR that make it so appealing to psychotherapy (Glantz
et al., 2003, p. 56): the possibility to precisely control what is presented to the client, the
ability to tailor the treatment to the needs of the patient and the ability to expose the client to
a wide range of conditions that would otherwise be unsafe or unpractical.
In addition, and just as important, recent research points to the potential of VR-based
studies to clarify the mechanisms underlying various psychological disorders, which will
eventually pay off in the development of increasingly efficient treatment packages. To give
just one example, recent studies of acrophobia have pointed out that motion combined with
simulated height, rather that height per se, lead to the phobic response (Coelho et al., 2006;
Coelho et al., 2008), suggesting the need to also explore visuo-vestibular and motion
mechanisms as possible diathesis factors in this disorder (Coelho et al., 2009). Similar
progresses are being anticipated in the case of substance abuse (e.g., the association of
environmental and personal factors leading to drug abuse; Culbertson et al., 2010) and
psychotic disorders (e.g., mechanisms leading to symptom generation; Fornells-Ambrojo et
al., 2008).
Most of the data that is currently available on VR interventions and their efficacy comes
from studies of anxiety. Anxiety disorders are among the most common and frequently
occurring mental disorders and they have been shown to be responsive to both medication
and psychological interventions, CBT being widely employed in their management (Bush,
2008). While for the vast majority of other disorders data regarding VR interventions are
based on case studies and uncontrolled studies, several randomized controlled trials have
already been published for anxiety. This is not surprising considering the importance of
exposure in the treatment of anxiety and the fact that VR environments provide a safe and
controllable way of confronting the patient with the feared stimuli and situations. The first
VR applications for psychotherapy were in fact designed to treat specific phobias (North &
North, 1994; Rothbaum et al., 1995). To date, virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET)
applications have been developed and used for a variety of anxiety disorders including
panic disorder with agoraphobia, acrophobia, spider phobia (arachnophobia), fear of flying,
claustrophobia, fear of driving, social phobia and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Two recent quantitative meta-analyses (both published in 2008) summarize the results of
these studies. One was conducted by Parsons and Rizzo and included 21 studies, based on
the following criteria (Parsons & Rizzo, 2008, p. 252): (1) report of interval or ratio data; (2)
anxiety symptom data presented before and after VRET; (3) use of at least one affect
Virtual Reality

assessment instrument; (4) sufficient report of study results to allow effect size computation.
Effect sizes were calculated for 6 affective domains: PTSD, social phobia, spider phobia,
acrophobia, panic disorder with agoraphobia, fear of flying. An overall effect size across
affective domains was also computed. Results indicated statistically significant large effects
(Cohens ds ranging between 0.87-1.79,) on all affective domains, with the largest effect sizes
for fear of flying (1.59) and panic with agoraphobia (1.79). The overall effect size was also
large (0.95). These are important findings in support of the potential benefits of VR exposure
despite the somewhat limited number of subjects (particularly for certain affective domains)
and the inclusion of uncontrolled studies in the analysis (Parsons & Rizzo, 2008).
Similar results were reported in the meta-analysis of Powers and Emmelkamp, which
included 13 studies, meeting the following criteria (Powers & Emmelkamp, 2008, p. 563): (1)
at least one virtual reality exposure therapy condition; (2) random assignment or matched
condition; (3) either an active or inactive control group. Patients in these studies met the
criteria for various types of specific phobia, social phobia, panic disorder and PTSD. Results
indicated a large overall effect for VRET (assessed by domain specific measures) compared
to control conditions, and medium to large effects for VRET on several other outcome
categories (i.e., general subjective distress, cognitive, behavioral, psychophysiological). An
interesting finding of this study was that, while both VR and in vivo exposure were more
effective than no treatment, VR slightly outperformed in vivo exposure (small effect). The
authors interpret these results as reflecting the higher credibility and expectancy for VRET
and by the patients progressing more rapidly through the hierarchy due to a higher
perception of control and safety (Powers & Emmelkamp, 2008).
The few studies combining VR treatments with cognitive techniques were excluded from
this meta-analysis, due to procedural aspects that precluded the accurate evaluation of the
independent effects of cognitive restructuring. One recent study, not included in this meta-
analysis (Krijn et al., 2007), compared VRET alone to VRET combined with cognitive self-
statements, and found no difference between the two conditions in patients with
acrophobia. It is interesting to mention, however, that the meta-analysis indicated a very
large effect size of VRET for cognitive outcome measures (g=1.30; Powers & Emmelkamp,
2008). This result supports the idea that behavioral techniques, such as exposure, also lead to
cognitive change, affecting the patients attributions and expectancies (David, 2006; Freeman
& Oster, 1998). We believe that studies evaluating the added value of integrating VR
techniques into already established CBT treatment protocols are quite important in order to
clarify the most effective ways of delivering interventions to patients.
The majority of studies addressing VR applications for psychotherapy have focused on
anxiety disorders. However, VR interventions for other psychological conditions have also
been proposed. It is not the scope of this chapter to offer a comprehensive review of these
applications, but we mention some of them as follows (but see Glantz et al., 2003 and Krijn
et al., 2004 for reviews).
Experiential Cognitive Therapy was developed by Giuseppe Riva and his colleagues (Riva,
1998; Riva et al., 1999; Riva et al., 2002) to address obesity and eating disorders, particularly
body image disturbance and the negative emotions associated with it. The VR component is
integrated into a CBT approach and it consists of exposing patients to critical contexts and
stimuli (e.g., kitchen, restaurant, commercials) and helping them deal with their emotional
reactions and develop adaptive coping strategies. Patients false assumptions about their
own body are also confronted in the virtual environment. The authors report positive results
Virtual Reality in Evidence - Based Psychotherapy

of this strategy, particularly in which body dissatisfaction and self-efficacy are concerned
(Riva et al., 2002).
More recently, it has been suggested that VR application could be developed not only for
the assessment (see above), but also for the treatment of patients diagnosed with psychotic
disorders. In a study published in 2008, Fornells-Ambrojo and colleagues used a socially
relevant environment to evaluate the acceptability and safety of using VR with individuals
with persecutory delusions. Their results indicate that brief experiences in VR are both safe
and acceptable to people with psychosis, and that they are also relevant from the point of
view of presence and of eliciting delusional thoughts (Fornells-Ambrojo, 2008).
Acceptability and lack of side effects of VR exposure were also reported by Stinson and
colleagues (Stinson et al., 2010). Future studies are needed, but these data suggest the
potential of VR strategies to be integrated into cognitive behavioral interventions for
psychosis (Fornells-Ambrojo, 2008).
VR technologies have also been explored as potential skills training instruments for
individuals with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). A series of studies have discussed the
viability and utility of VR in developing the social skills of people diagnosed with ASD
(Cobb et al., 2002; Parsons & Mitchell, 2003; Parsons et al., 2004; Parsons et al., 2006). Virtual
environments are considered to be fit for this task, as they can depict complex social
contexts, but they are at the same time controllable and predictable, eliminating the anxiety
that social interactions often elicit in people with ASD (Parsons et al., 2006). As in the case of
psychotic disorders, research on this topic is still at the beginning, but the results so far are
Another promising line of research is related to addictions. Several studies have already
looked at the potential of VR environments to elicit craving and at the possibility of using
these environments as assessment (e.g., Saladin et al., 2006; Culbertson et al., 2010) and
intervention tools (Lee at al., 2007). Saladin and colleagues (2006) evaluated the ability of a
VR environment to generate craving and emotional reactivity in cocaine dependent
individuals. Their results showed that scenes related to cocaine use, compared to neutral
scenes, elicited craving, physiological reactivity (e.g., increased heart rate) and emotional
responses (e.g., anticipatory anxiety and a reduction in positive affect). Similar results were
reported by Culbertson and colleagues (2010) in a group of methamphetamine users. VR
drug cueing systems have also been developed for tobacco, cannabis and heroin (Baumann
& Sayette, 2006; Bordnick et al., 2009; Kuntze et al., 2001). These systems allow an accurate
and individual assessment of factors that induce craving and drug-use behavior and
provide the opportunity of designing and testing treatments for drug addiction (Culbertson
et al., 2010). In which intervention is concerned, exposure to cues eliciting craving (cue-
exposure therapy) has already been assessed and proposed as a strategy of extinguishing
the association between the substance and substance-related cues and contexts (e.g., Lee et
al., 2007).
4.3 VR contributions to rehabilitation
Recent research also points to the broad usability of VR in targeting a range of physical,
cognitive and behavioral rehabilitation issues. Beginning with the early 1990, there has been
an increased interest in the study and promotion of these strategies. According to Rizzo and
Kim (2005) ecological validity, stimulus control and repetitive delivery, real-time feedback,
Virtual Reality

self-guided exploration, the safe environment and the opportunity to tailor the interface to
the individuals impairment are just some of the factors that make VR a feasible intervention
tool in rehabilitation.
Several research teams have already integrated VR in the assessment and rehabilitation
protocols of cognitive processes in patients suffering from developmental disorders,
neurological conditions (e.g., traumatic brain injury) and psychiatric conditions (e.g.,
schizophrenia). VR applications have been developed and tested for attention processes
(e.g., Rizzo et al., 2000; Rizzo et al., 2001), spatial abilities (e.g., Rizzo et al., 1998), memory
(e.g., Brooks, 1999) and executive functions (e.g., Costa & Carvalho, 2004; Pugnetti et al.,
1998). VR scenarios have also been designed to teach patients daily activities such as meal
preparation (e.g., Christiansen et al., 1998), use of public transportation (e.g., Lam et al.,
2005), street crossing (Josman et al., 2008) and shopping (Tam et al., 2005)
The focus of CBT on promoting adjustment, well being and personal health among
individuals with disabling conditions has led to it becoming one of the most widely
accepted treatments in rehabilitation psychology (Elliot & Jackson, 2004). Although clinical
data on VR rehabilitation strategies is still insufficient (particularly in which controlled
studies are concerned), their integration into CBT packages holds significant promise,
considering the documented adequate match between the two (Wright & Small, 2004).
Moreover, CBT rehabilitation protocols are usually complex interventions that, depending
on the patients condition, not only address issues of cognitive and behavioral skills
(re)training and development, but also aspects of coping with the disorder, treatment
adherence, vocational reintegration, lifestyle change, patient and family education (Elliot &
Jackson, 2004).
4.4 VR and the therapeutic alliance
While there are some studies that have looked at the limits (e.g., side effects, costs) and
acceptability of VR strategies by various categories of patients, little attention has been given
to their effects on the therapeutic alliance. A typical VR-related concern regarding alliance
has to do with the reduction of face to face interaction between therapist and client (Chu et
al., 2004). Future research must address this issue in a systematic manner and reconcile the
apparently conflicting data on the importance of the therapeutic alliance on the one hand,
and the effectiveness of treatments that involve limited therapist input on the other hand
(Peck, 2007). According to Chu et al. (2004), technological developments and their inclusion
in therapy challenge the traditional conceptualization of the clinicians role, and the study of
alliance must be extended to take into account a variety of new therapeutic relationship
However, a difference must be made here between entirely computer-based psychotherapy
interventions, where the process takes place without a therapist being involved, and the
integration of VR strategies into traditional CBT protocols. In this latter situation, the four
basic components of the therapeutic process (i.e., assessment, conceptualization,
intervention, alliance) are not altered. In other words, VR strategies are a valuable addition
to the therapy process, which retains and strengthens all its other active ingredients. This
assumption seems to be confirmed by studies that have found high levels of acceptability,
involvement and preference of patients for VR technologies.
Virtual Reality in Evidence - Based Psychotherapy

5. A virtual reality cognitive-behavioral environment and treatment protocol
for attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Based on Anton et al.,
Attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most prevalent
psychiatric childhood disorders, affecting 8% to 10% of children (Baren, 2002). Although it
persists into adolescence in up to 80% of cases (Schubiner et al., 2002), it is considered a
childhood disorder, and largely diagnosed during childhood. The accurate diagnosis and
treatment of ADHD is of significant importance, considering that, when left untreated, it can
lead to school underachievement, affect professional prospects and cause relational
problems (Baren, 2002). Adolescents with ADHD are more likely to display risk-taking
behaviors such as reckless driving, risky sexual activities, substance abuse and criminal
behavior (Barkley et al., 1990).
Over the past few years, clinical research and consensus guidelines have established the
most effective treatment approaches for ADHD. A recent review of evidence-based
psychosocial treatments for children and adolescents with ADHD identifies behavioral
parent training and behavioral school interventions as empirically validated interventions
(Chronis et al., 2006). Both approaches involve teaching parents and educators to use
behavior modification strategies such as praise, positive attention and rewards to increase
positive behavior, and ignoring, time-out and response-cost to decrease unwanted behavior.
Overall, medication and behavioral approaches have been shown to be effective in the
clinical management of ADHD, but they do have limitations that advocate for the need of
developing additional intervention strategies (Anton et al., 2009a). To some extent, the
limitations of behavioral approaches overlap with those of medication as: (1) effects appear
to be short-term; (2) not all children respond to treatment; and (3) data do not support the
long-term benefits of these interventions (Waschbusch & Hill, 2003). Multimodal programs,
such as the one proposed by Dopfner and colleagues (Dopfner et al., 2006) are considered to
be the best alternative (Anton et al., 2009a). Multilevel programs involve work on the
cognitions and behaviors of the child, using a combination of parent training and child-
focused cognitive behavioral intervention. The CBT component of multimodal programs
includes: (1) reinforcement techniques (e.g., positive reinforcement, guidance, shaping) (2)
techniques for eliminating maladaptive behavior (e.g., extinction, response-cost) and (3)
cognitive restructuring techniques (e.g., disputation, hypothesis testing)
5.1 From assessment to treatment - Development of a VR treatment tool for ADHD
The goal of the research project we describe bellow was to develop a VR intervention tool
that could be integrated into a traditional CBT approach for ADHD (Anton et al., 2009a).
Our intention was to create a high ecological validity instrument that would allow us to
conduct intervention in a context simulating the everyday environment of the child. This
instrument is being developed, in collaboration, by the members of the Department of
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Babe-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Romania, Dr.
Albert Skip Rizzo from the Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern
California, San Diego and Digital Media Works (DMW) Canada. The team at Babe-Bolyai
University is led by Dr. Daniel David and its members are Raluca Anton (MA), Anca
Dobrean (PhD), David Opris (MA), and Aurora Szentagotai (PhD).
Our starting point was the Virtual Classroom program, developed by Rizzo and colleagues
(Rizzo et al., 2000). The Virtual Classroom was intended and tested as a study and
Virtual Reality

assessment tool, but its creators had envisioned the possibility of the system being used for
treatment (Rizzo et al., 2000). It is a head mounted display (HMD) system, and the scenario
consists of a classroom environment, containing objects (desks, blackboard) and persons
(teacher, children) that are normally found in this context. A window on a side wall looks
out onto a playground, and at each end of opposite walls there is a door through which
activity occurs (Schultheis & Rizzo, 2001). The child sits at a desk in the virtual classroom
and is given a task to complete. Attention can be assessed through tasks of various
difficulties, while a series of typical classroom distracters are controlled and manipulated by
the therapist (for detailed descriptions see Rizzo et al., 2000; Rizzo et al., 2006).
This objective and reliable evaluation strategy addresses and eliminates some of the
problems of traditional assessment techniques in ADHD (e.g., issues related to low
ecological validity) (Rizzo et al., 2006). An initial clinical trial comparing 6-12 years old
children diagnosed with ADHD (n=8) and non-diagnosed children (n=10) has shown
significant differences between the two groups on a number of variables such as reaction
times under distracting conditions, number of omission and commission errors and levels of
motor activity. No negative side-effects were reported by the participants (Rizzo et al., 2006).
Our aim was to transfer the advantages of using VR with children diagnosed with ADHD
from the assessment to the intervention level. Based on the literature showing that
multimodal interventions are the most efficient in the clinical management of the disorder,
we decided to build on this approach (Dopfner et al., 2006) by implementing some of its
components into a virtual environment. In other words, the program relies on established
behavioral and cognitive techniques, but they are used in a virtual school context.
Focus on school behavior is an important aspect of the program, as it allows clinical work to
be conducted in an environment that normally raises multiple challenges to children with
ADHD. Given the ecological nature of the intervention, our expectation was that skills
acquired during therapy would be easier transferred into the real classroom, improving the
childs functioning in this important area of everyday life. While most parents support the
implementation of newly learned skills at home, this is often not the case at school. Our
intervention was designed to address this problem and give children the opportunity of
practicing new behaviors in the (virtual) classroom as well.
It is important to mention that we do not propose a new therapeutic paradigm. We instead
relocate the intervention from the clinicians office into the virtual classroom. As far as we
know, this is the first VR program that allows the clinician to use relevant CBT techniques in
the treatment of ADHD. A number of features were introduced in the program to support
the CBT intervention:
Graphic display of child performance
Pause button
Self-talk event recording
Distracters/environment control
Reward/punishment system
Feedback component
Tasks difficulty grading component
Head movement tracking.
These features are designed to serve several purposes, such as: (1) give the therapist control
of the virtual environment (pause button; distracters control); (2) offer the therapist
information regarding the childs performance and behavior (graphic display of child
Virtual Reality in Evidence - Based Psychotherapy

performance; head movement tracking); (3) support the application of cognitive (self-talk
event recording; feedback component) and behavioral (reward/punishment system; task
difficulty grading) techniques.
From a technical point of view, the system consists of two computers connected through a
wired or wireless network. One computer (the patients computer) is running the
Classroom, while the other one (the therapists computer) is running the School
Master. An eMagin Z800 head mounted display is used for presenting the virtual
environment to the patient. Using a graphical control interface, the therapist controls the
Classroom and gets real-time feedback on the patients performance.

Fig. 1. ClinicaVR
Classroom adapted for intervention. Patient interface copyright 2010
Digital MediaWorks Inc.

Fig. 2. ClinicaVR
Classroom adapted for intervention. Therapist interface copyright 2010
Digital MediaWorks Inc.
Virtual Reality

5.2 Intervention protocol
The protocol designed to include this modified version of the ClinicaVR
Classroom is
based on the program proposed by Dopfner, Shurmann and Frolich (2006). This is a flexible,
family-based program and the strategy varies from family to family and from child to child.
Flexibility does not refer, however, to modifying cognitive or behavioral techniques but, for
example, to skipping certain phases if they are not considered useful for the client.
A number of studies have shown that family-based interventions are quite efficient for
managing children with defiant behavior (McMahon & Forehand, 1984) and that combining
family intervention with selfeducation techniques significantly improves the childs
behavior. However, one problem during therapy is related to the difficulties of exposing
children and their families to real environments where they can practice newly acquired
skills. We expect the learning and practice process to be much easier in a virtual
environment that simulates real-life situations.
The intervention involves 16 weekly sessions (see Table 1; this protocol is based on Anton et
al. 2009a, republished in Anton et al., 2009b). Each session focuses on teaching the child and
the family cognitive and behavioral techniques that they are required to practice daily. One
part of the intervention is addressed to the parent, and one part to the child. Each session a
story of a boy with ADHD, named Peter, is red and discussed with the child. VR strategies
are not used in all meetings, but only in sessions where they are considerer useful for the
implementation of cognitive and behavioral strategies.

Session number and
Session Content
Initial Assessment Focused on:
behavioral assessment
cognitive abilities evaluation
family diagnostic
Session 1: Defining
behavioral problems
Individualized description of child and family problems
Objectives in terms of behavioral change
Work on problems list
VR assessment I
Session 2: Case
conceptualization I
Integration of material from child and parent into
common conceptualization
Session 3: Case
conceptualization II
Conceptualization at case (general) level and at the
problems (specific) level (continued from Session 2)
Session 4: Intervention
Specific objectives detailed
VR assessment II
Session 5: Focusing on
positive interactions with
the child
Discussion on positive and negative child-parent
Parents helped to focus on positive interactions with their
VR game to model positive interactions
Session 6: Building positive
interactions through games
Games introduced as opportunities for positive
Session 7: Family rules Discussion and assessment of family rules
Formulation of efficient family rules
Virtual Reality in Evidence - Based Psychotherapy

Session 8: Efficient
Parents taught to formulate efficient requirements
Session 9: Social
when requests are followed
Parents taught how to use social reinforcements
Graded difficulty VR task (opportunity to model social
Session 10: Social
reinforcements when child
does not interrupt
Parents taught to give the child the attention he or she
Parents taught to involve the child in independent
Parents taught to reinforce the child when he or she does
not interrupt
Session 11: Efficient
monitoring (only if needed)
Assessment of problem behaviors when the child is on his
or her own
Establishing rules
Reinforcing compliance with rules and managing non-
Session 12: Natural
negative consequences
Analysis of individual situations (if any) where
established rules and principles do not work
Establishing negative consequences for individual
Graded difficulty VR task (opportunity to illustrate
negative consequences)
Session 13: The POINTS
Implementation of token economy principles for
situations where social reinforcements do not work: points
earned are exchanged for rewards
Graded difficulty VR task - points earned for each correct
Session 14: Awarding
Establishing rules for awarding points
Graded difficulty VR task - feedback component is
introduced to teach the child to cope with negative
feedback points earned for correct answers and points
lost for incorrect answers
Session 15: Reinforcement
Parents taught to withdraw benefits
Contest between parent and child started: child gains a
point when he or she follows a rule and parent gains a
point when the child does not follow an established rule
Graded difficulty VR task - points earned for correct
answers and points lost in favor of opponent for incorrect
Session 16: Time-out Time-out principles are discussed and introduced for
managing highly resistant behavior
Session 17: Stabilizing gains Overview of the sessions
Overview of gains
Rehearsal for future situations
Table 1. ADHD intervention protocol illustrating the integration of VR strategies into a CBT
treatment program
Virtual Reality

6. Conclusions
The goal of this chapter was to discuss the applications and advantages of VR technologies
in psychotherapy assessment, intervention and rehabilitation, using CBT as a general
example, and the development of a VR intervention technology for ADHD as a specific
example. We feel it is important to end our endeavor by stressing that VR psychotherapy
(interventions) do not constitute a (new) form of psychotherapy in and of themselves. Even
when playing a key role in therapy, they are basically tools that extend and complement the
skills of well-trained clinicians and lead to the improvement of all components of the
therapy process (David, 2010). Their contribution to the advancement of the evidence-based
movement, through the stimulation of high quality research, the increasing of clinical
expertise, and the tailoring of interventions to patient characteristics and preferences, makes
them highly valuable instruments in the mental health field. Nevertheless, in order to make
the most of their advantages, thoroughly planned studies and careful consideration of
research evidence are needed before recommending them as viable treatment options (Bush,
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Application of Virtual Realities in
Psychotherapy: Possibilities,
Limitations and Effectiveness
Dr. Christiane Eichenberg
University of Cologne (Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Diagnosis)
1. Introduction
In numerous projects, the Internet has proven to be a useful enhancement and a helpful
support to psychosocial and psychotherapeutic methods. Key words such as online-therapy,
e-therapy, and e-mental health are frequently used in this context (for an overview, see
Bauer & Kordy, 2008; Eichenberg, 2008; Eichenberg & Ott, in press; Ott & Eichenberg, 2003;
Bauer & Kordy, 2008). Another tool considered useful is mobile media, which can effectively
be applied to the entire spectrum of clinical-psychological interventions (Dring &
Eichenberg, 2007). Virtual Reality (VR) technologies go one step further by enabling the
creation of computer-based models of the real world that can be interacted via man-machine
interfaces. VR applications can also be accessed via the Internet, but only singular and
stationary programs exist so far. The observation that virtual stimuli trigger real anxiety,
often accompanied by physiological symptoms (elevated blood pressure, sweating and
nausea), has led to the integration of these modern applications into the spectrum of
therapeutic intervention techniques.
Two conditions are necessary in order for people to experience virtual environments as
real and thus render the environments therapeutically useful. These two conditions are
referred to as immersion and presence.
An individuals involvement with the virtual environment due to objective, stimulating
conditions is referred to as immersion. On the one hand, the virtual environments visual,
auditory, and tactile designs create the three-dimensional perception that the VR model is
the real world. On the other hand, the perception of the virtual environment is facilitated by
specific output devices (e.g. data-goggles, monitor) and special input devices (e.g. data
gloves, voice recognition software, geolocation systems, and line-of-sight trackers). These
special devices and systems enable synchronous activity and communication with the
computer generated model using gestures, mimicry, language, body position, etc.
The subjective experience of physically being in a virtual environment and that this
environment is real is referred to as presence. Characteristics of presence are the perception
of the environment being real, blanking out real-world stimuli as well as involuntary and
objectively meaningless body movements. For example, a person might crouch to feel his
feet firmly planted on the real floor while crossing a virtual bridge over a virtual abyss.
Virtual Reality


Fig. 1. Technical requirements of VR applications (source: proprietary graphic)
2. Use in psychotherapy
Initially, VR technologies were applied in various areas of medicine (comp. Kaltenborn,
1994). The development of a three-dimensional visualization system facilitated laparoscopic
surgery. In the field of rehabilitation of physically disabled patients, carrying out everyday
tasks was simplified with the aid of VR devices. Mute patients, for example, could carry on
verbal conversations using a data glove that captures gestures, which are interpreted by the
computer and forwarded to a language system. The language system then translates the
gestures into a synthetic language.
Since 2000, VR applications have been systematically tested in the field of psychotherapy,
particularly in behavior therapy and proven to be effective in the treatment of various
specific phobias, as first studies show. According to the theories of behavior therapy, in
order to treat phobias the anxiety provoking situation must be sought, avoidance amplifies
Application of Virtual Realities in Psychotherapy: Possibilities, Limitations and Effectiveness

the notion that the stimulus is dangerous and thus prevents corrective experiences. Being
able to experience and tolerate anxiety is an essential part of the therapy. The aim of the
treatment is to revise maladjusted concepts and to learn new behavior. There are two
different forms of exposure therapy. Immediate exposure to the feared situation or object in
reality is referred to as in vivo exposure. Exposure to the situation or object in imagination
only is referred to as imaginal exposure. Both methods involve incremental, i.e. graduated
exposure. Starting with stimuli that trigger only low levels of fear, the exposure is
incrementally or massively increased. In the latter case, patients are exposed to their most
extreme fear (flooding or, in imaginal exposure, implosion).
Consequently, exposure treatments that employ VR applications go one step further than
imaginal confrontation because they present a three-dimensional and interactively
explorable environment. As a medium between imaginal and in-vivo exposure to anxiety-
provoking stimuli, the effectiveness of these methods is outlined in the following article.
3. Empirical evidence of the effectiveness of exposures using VR
Most studies of the effectiveness of VR applications have examined their use in treating
specific phobias such as fear of heights, fear of flying, fear of animals, and social phobias. A
few studies have been made using VR to treat other disorders, though some of these
applications are questionable not only ethically but also by current psychotherapeutic
Firstly, two current meta analyses regarding the effectiveness of VR environments in
treating anxiety disorders are summarily presented. Subsequently, exemplary studies of the
treatment of anxiety disorders, including posttraumatic stress disorder, and the therapeutic
VR components used in the treatments are introduced.
3.1 Meta analyses
There are currently two meta analyses that analyze and document the present state of
research on the effectiveness of VR-based exposure treatments for anxiety disorders.
N=21 evaluation studies (N=300 subjects) substantiating the effectiveness of VR-based
exposure therapy were evaluated by Parsons and Rizzo (2008). All studies with pre-post
measurements were included in this study; using a controlled study design was not a
prerequisite for admission to the analysis. Regarding the reduction of symptoms by using
VR therapies, the authors found an average effect size of d=.95 (SD=.02). Aside from fear of
flying (d=1.5; SD=.05), the effect size was largest for the treatment of panic disorder with
agoraphobia (d=1.79; SD=.02). The effect size was nearly identical for the treatment of social
phobia (d=.96; SD=.10), acrophobia (d=.93; SD=.06) as well as arachnophobia (d=.92;
SD=.12), with that of PTSD being the smallest (d=.87, SD=.01). The authors assumed a series
of determining factors (e.g. degree of immersion and presence, duration of the disorder,
socio-demographic aspects), but were unable to make empirically funded statements based
on the data at hand, because too few studies provided information about these aspects.
Powers and Emmelkamp (2008) chose a more rigid design and used only 13 controlled
studies (with N=397 subjects) as a basis. They surmised that VR treatment for anxiety
disorder is highly effective (in comparison to the waiting control group: median d=1.11) and
at least as effective as in-vivo therapy (median d=.34).
Overall, the findings at hand show that VR treatment for anxiety disorders is highly
effective, although it seemed more effective in treating diffuse phobias (e.g. fear of flying)
Virtual Reality

than more complex anxiety disorders (e.g. social phobia, PTSD). However, the weaknesses
common to meta analyses (e.g. publication bias, as studies with insignificant results are less
frequently published, with the consequence that effects tend to be overestimated) need to be
considered. Conversely, the limitations of the studies involved need to be taken into account
in particular (e.g. sample sizes that are too small, partially missing data about the time of the
follow-up ratings and the conjunctive lastingness of a successful treatment). Introducing
varied levels of immersion (e.g. head-mounted display or VR-cave) as independent
variables and generally ensuring that no measurement instruments are used that might
favor one treatment environment over the other (e.g. imaginal vs. VR) is an important
consideration for future studies.
3.2 Exemplary studies of various syndromes
The meta studies on hand reveal that the effectiveness of VR has been studied mainly in
behavior therapy for patients with anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are among the most
frequently diagnosed psychological disorders. In the federal health survey of 1998/99, a 12-
month prevalence was established among 14.5% of the adult German population (Jacobi et
al., 2004). Consequently, comprehensive research efforts to optimize existing treatment
methods come as no surprise. Anxiety disorders lie within the traditional treatment range of
behavioral procedures and lend themselves well to the VR setting due to their concept of
exposure (as opposed to psychodynamic therapy procedures, which center on the
relationship aspect). Thus, anxiety disorders present the first syndrome category for which
the use of modern media such as the Internet or VR technology as a setting for interventions
was scientifically evaluated (Eichenberg & Portz, 2005).
The two major diagnostic classification systems differ in their definition of anxiety
disorders. While the DSM-IV (the American Psychiatric Associations Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; Sa et al., 1998) contains an individual chapter
named Anxiety Disorders, they are included in the chapter Neurotic, Stress and
Somatoform Disorders in the ICD-10 (the World Health Organizations International
Classification of Diseases, 1991). The ICD-10 distinguishes between the subgroups of phobic
disorders (agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, as well as specific phobias) and other
anxiety disorders (panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorders). Posttraumatic stress disorder
is consequently dealt with in the same chapter as anxiety disorders.
Fear of heights
The fear of situations involving heights (acrophobia) is frequently reported among the
public. In a survey of over 8000 adults, 20% admitted to having experienced an exaggerated
fear of heights at least once in their lifetime, but not to the extent that would meet the
clinical criteria of acrophobia (Curtis et al., 1998). In the cited study, acrophobia ranks
immediately behind the fear of animals, which was reported most often (22%). 5.3% of those
surveyed met the criteria for diagnosis of acrophobia. Contrary to the common observation
that women develop a specific phobia more frequently than men, this is not distinctively the
case with acrophobia. While 55-70% of acrophobia sufferers are female, 75-90% of adults
suffering from fear of animals are women (comp. DSM-IV, Sa et al., 1998).
Empirical research of VR-based exposure therapy began with individual case studies of
patients suffering from acrophobia. Rothbaum et al. (1995) described an acrophobic student
who had five therapy sessions after being shown anxiety reducing relaxation techniques.
During these sessions, he was exposed to several virtual environments within which he
Application of Virtual Realities in Psychotherapy: Possibilities, Limitations and Effectiveness

could gradually move up to increasingly higher planes. On each plane, the student used
relaxation techniques to habituate himself to the height. Standardized instruments (e.g.
Avoidance Scale, Attitude Towards Heights) measured an improvement of his symptoms in
a pre-post comparison. Even if these first studies show methodical deficits (effects of
relaxation techniques were not distinguished from effects of exposure techniques), they do
illustrate the fundamental advantages of imaginal confrontation. On the one hand, actual
locations, in this case high bridges, can often only be reached with great effort and
pedestrians can disturb the intervention. On the other hand, the stimulus can be applied in
measured doses and the anxiety-provoking situation can be accessed in a safe and
individually remodelable environment.
The therapeutic potential of VR exposure as part of behavior therapy to treat acrophobic
patients was confirmed in a study series by Emmelkamp et al. (2001). In the first study, a
within-subjects design was used. Ten acrophobic patients were gradually exposed to heights
in VR during sessions and then went in-vivo to heights in the company of the therapist. The
extent of their acrophobia was measured before treatment, after VR exposure, and after in-
vivo exposure. Various scales indicated significant improvement after VR exposure, while
only one variable (Fear of Heights, Cohen) registered additional improvement after in-vivo
exposure. The authors assumed that a blanket effect had happened in the sense that VR
treatment was so effective that no further significant improvement could be achieved after
repeated in-vivo exposures. In a second study (Emmelkamp et al., 2002), VR and in-vivo
exposure were compared in a between-subject design. N=33 acrophobic patients with an
average age of 44 (SD=9.3) and having suffered from the disorder for an average of 31.5
years (SD=11.3) were randomly exposed to both VR and real settings. Each exposure was

Fig. 2. VR-environment used to treat fear of flying (source: A. Mhlberger)
Virtual Reality

graduated over the course of three sessions. In order to increase the comparability of the two
scenarios, the real environment used for in-vivo exposures was replicated in the virtual
environment. Thus, three environments virtual or real had to be visited: A shopping mall
in Amsterdam with four floors, escalators, and bridge railings, a 50 meter high fire escape,
and the roof garden on a universitys grounds (65 feet high). The patients rated their anxiety
levels on the SUDS-scale (Subjective Units of Disturbance) at specified points in time. Each
time patients had habituated themselves to a particular situation, they were encouraged to
switch to a more challenging exercise. The evaluation results demonstrated that both forms
of treatment were equally effective. VR as well as the in-vivo variant lead to equally
significant improvements that continued to last after six months. Krijn et al. (2004) found no
differences in effectiveness regarding the dependence upon different levels of presence, i.e.
operationalized with VR via Cave (high degree of presence) or head-mounted-display (low
degree of presence).
Fear of flying
According to references, phobic fear of flying affects approximately 10% of the population
(e.g. Nordlund, 1983). Another 20% fly with considerable unease (Institute of Demoscopy
Allensbach, 2003). There is a frequent comorbidity with other disorders: According to
Kinnunen (1996), 43% of those suffering from fear of flying also suffer from claustrophobia,
while another 53% suffer from acrophobia. The situations that trigger fear in individuals
suffering from fear of flying differ greatly. In a study with 144 subjects suffering from fear of
flying (Mhlberger & Hermann, 1997), 5% of subjects reported fear of an accident
happening, 29% fear of heights, 26% fear of enclosed rooms, 25% fear of an anxiety attack,
14% fear they might not receive medical attention, 12% fear of being subjected to fear itself,
and just as many were afraid of their fear being noticed by others.
Schubert and Regenbrecht (2002) refer to some of these anxiety-specific characteristics that,
on a conceptual basis alone, support using VR in regard to treating fear of flying. In
particular, they highlight the logistical and financial expenditure that is far lower in
comparison to in-vivo exposure. They also emphasize the privacy and familiarity of the
treatment setting compared to the public exposure during a regular commercial flight.
Mhlberger et al. (2008) add the ease of repeating VR exposure. Rothbaum et al. (2000)
introduced a controlled study comparing VR supported therapy to in-vivo exposure. Forty-
five subjects with fear of flying were randomly assigned to either VR or in-vivo therapy.
Both treatment environments resembled each other in the first four sessions (cognitive
intervention, breathing exercises, and thought stopping training). In the next four sessions of
VR treatment, patients were seated in a virtual airplane that they visualized using data
goggles. The visualization was supplemented with realistic airplane ambiance noises or the
simulation of turbulent weather. The patients were gradually exposed to increasingly
anxiety-provoking situations (from simply sitting in a parked airplane to turbulence during
takeoff, to actual flying or landing). In the in-vivo environment the subjects spent two
double sessions at an airport. First they took part in flight preparation training, then they
entered parked airplanes and visualized takeoff, flight and landing of the plane
(combination of in-vivo and imaginal treatment). A pre-post comparison using several
standardized measuring instruments showed significant improvement of symptoms in both
treatment groups. No significant differences were apparent between the two treatment
groups, even after the follow up rating after six months, and the improvements remained
consistent. The subjects in the waiting condition showed no reduction in symptoms;
however, it should be critically mentioned that the stimuli were not identical in the two
Application of Virtual Realities in Psychotherapy: Possibilities, Limitations and Effectiveness


Fig. 3. Fear of flying: simulator (source: A. Mhlberger)
treatment environments, because an actual flight was not part of the therapy. A further
study conducted by Wiederhold et al. (2003) revealed that graduated VR treatment
combined with the feedback of physiological parameters (breathing, heart frequency, skin
resistance) was most effective in comparison to pure VR therapy and imaginal exposure
using the same graduated exposure to fear. In a randomized study, the authors found that
20% of the patients in the imaginal environment, 80% of the patients in the VR treatment
and 100% of the patients who received VR exposure with additional feedback of biological
parameters were able to fly again after eight weeks of therapy. Study series by German
scientists from the University of Wrzburg also substantiated the effectiveness of VR: Even
short-term VR exposure therapy in only one session is useful for treating fear of flying in the
long run. The authors demonstrated the participation in a completion flight is important for
long-term therapy success, while the attendance of a therapist during this flight has little
influence (Mhlberger et al., 2006). The following pictures show the simulator as well as a
section of the VR (inside of the airplane) the way they were used in the Wrzburg studies.
Fear of spiders
In the ICD-10, fear of spiders (arachnophobia) is assigned to the category of zoophobias,
subgroup of specific phobias. Zoophobias are the most common specific phobias, the
exaggerated fear of small, crawling, scuttling animals like spiders, snakes and rats being
predominant. According to references, the prevalence of arachnophobia is 3.5-6.1% of the
population, a large percentile of them women (Schmitt et al., 2009). A person suffering from
arachnophobia will experience intense fear paired with physical reactions as well as
avoidance and flight behavior when exposed to a spider. This can impede a persons daily
life, such as being limited when choosing an apartment or needing help when confronted
with a spider (comp. casuistic). Since spontaneous recovery is rare, behavior therapy is the
preferred method in treating this disorder.
Single case studies (Carlin et al., 1997) as well as controlled studies have documented
successful treatments of arachnophobia with VR.
Virtual Reality


Fig. 4. VR-environment used for exposure treatment of arachnophobia (source:
Case example (from Carlin et al., 1997)
Mrs. M. (37 years old) had suffered from arachnophobia that severely affected her daily life
for 20 years. Before she drove to work in the mornings, she would search her car for spiders,
spray pesticide, and leave a burning cigarette in the ashtray with the car windows closed,
because she had heard that spiders do not like smoke. She routinely sealed the bedroom
windows with tape and the door with towels before she went to bed to make sure no
spiders could enter the room. After washing her clothes, she would put each piece of
clothing into an individual plastic bags, sealing the bags to make sure the clothing stayed
free of spiders.
Mrs. M. took part in 12 VR sessions of 60 minutes each over the course of three months.
Before the first session, she was exposed to photos and later to plastic models of spiders
over the course of several hours. Despite these preparative exposures, she remained
extremely phobic. The therapist saw the advantage of using VR exposure because it enabled
him to control the anxiety-provoking stimulus. Virtual spiders obey commands and can be
touched without risk and brought to a desired position.
During the first VR sessions, Mrs. M. was exposed to two virtual spiders in a simulated
kitchen one large brown spider and one smaller black one. One month later (5th session),
the visual simulation of one of the spiders was interfaced with a furry toy spider. This
spider carried a sensor so that movement of the toy resulted in the movement of the virtual
spider (tactile augmentation). The addition of a tactile stimulus was supposed to add to a
maximum degree of presence and maximum transfer to the real world.
The combination of tactile and visual stimuli triggered intense fear responses in Mrs. M. She
experienced physical symptoms such as dry mouth, uncontrollable shaking of her hands
and legs, and profuse sweating.
After completion of therapy, however, she showed a visible reduction in fear towards
Application of Virtual Realities in Psychotherapy: Possibilities, Limitations and Effectiveness

While her self-rating of experienced fear during the visual-tactile exposure was 7.9 on a
scale of 1-10, she rated her fear at a level of 3 by the end of therapy and showed no more
physical symptoms. Off the 280 students who, like Mrs. M., completed a self-rating scale of
arachnophobia, 29% were just as afraid or even more afraid of spiders than Mrs. M.
Mrs. M.s improvement is so profound that she is now able to go camping.
The success of the treatment described above was also confirmed in follow-up studies
(comp. Garcia-Palacios et al., 2002). At the same time, these studies revealed that VR
treatments that combine the use of tactile and visual elements are more effective than purely
visual VR exposures (Hoffmann et al., 2003).
Social Phobia
The fear of being critically observed by others, leading to avoidance of social situations, is
referred to as social phobia. More extensive social phobias usually occur in combination
with low self-esteem and fear of criticism. Social phobias symptomatically escalate in form
of blushing, shortness of breath, cramping, speech impediment and frequent slips of the
tongue, shaky hands, nausea, the urge to urinate, and even panic attacks. Typically, those
affected fear that their nervousness or fear could be noticed, which only increases their
anxiety. In an attempt to avoid all of this from happening, individuals with social phobias
often avoid situations that could expose them to being observed by others to begin with.
This can have a negative impact on a persons private and career life and lead to social
isolation. About 11% of the male and 15% of female population suffer from social phobia at
least once in their lifetime (Maggee et al., 1996).
Studies using clinical random samples also exist for the treatment of social phobia using VR
settings. In a randomized design, Klinger et al. (2005) studied the effectiveness of VR
supported therapy in comparison to cognitive behavior therapy with 36 patients who had,
on average, been suffering from social phobia for 15 years. Various rating scales as well as
therapist ratings were used to measure the effectiveness of the treatment after 12 sessions.
Both VR and cognitive behavior therapies were found to be highly effective treatment forms
for this specific phobia as well, successfully reducing fear and avoidance. Distinctions
between the two forms of treatment were insignificant (comp. also Roy et al. 2003). Specific
VR environments have also been developed to treat public speaking fear, a potential
characteristic of social phobia (e.g. Anderson et al., 2003; Herbelin et al., 2002; Pertaub et al.,
The use of VR in therapy to treat further anxiety disorders (e.g. claustrophobia: see single
case study by Botella, 1998) and other psychological disorders (eating disorders: see Riva et
al., 2001, alcoholism: see Lee et al., 2007) was examined as well. Studies on the effectiveness
of VR in treating posttraumatic stress disorder are also available.
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Approximately 30% of individuals who experience a traumatic event suffer from a
psychological disorder as a result. One of these disorders is the posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), which has been recognized as a formal diagnosis since 1980. According to the ICD-
10, PTSD comprises the following symptoms: Those affected were exposed to a short or
long-lasting event or situation of an exceptionally threatening or catastrophic nature, which
is likely to cause pervasive distress in almost anyone. This leads to symptoms such as
intrusions (flashbacks, repeating dreams), avoidance of activities and situations reminiscent
Virtual Reality

of the trauma, the partial or complete inability to recall some important aspects of the event
or situation, or symptoms of hyperarousal (e.g. increased startle reaction, sleeping
disorders). Potentially traumatic events can be divided into two groups: manmade disasters
(war, torture, and exile; sexual abuse, violent crimes, bullying) and natural disasters (e.g.
earthquakes, accidents, life-threatening diseases) (Fischer, Weber & Eichenberg, in print).
There are a handful of studies that examine the utilization and effectiveness of VR in
treating PTSD, in particular PTSD as a result of terrorist attacks and wartime experiences.
Difede and Hoffmann (2002) developed a VR environment for patients suffering from PTSD
as reaction to the events of September 11, 2001 in New York. In their initial case study, the
authors describe the treatment of a 26-year-old woman whose 9/11-related posttraumatic
stress disorder had not responded to traditional imaginal exposure therapy. Having
witnessed the attacks from across the street, she had survived without serious physical
injury, but developed severe PTSD symptoms. She suffered from flashbacks, avoidance,
hypervigilance, and difficulty falling and staying asleep.
The patient was treated with six VR sessions of 45-60 minutes. She was exposed to the
following virtual scenarios:
1. A jet flies over the WTC towers, but doesnt crash, normal New York city street sounds.
2. Then a jet flies over, hits building, but no explosion
3. Then a jet flies over, crashes with explosion, but no sound effects
4. Then a jet flies over, crashes with explosion and explosion sound effects
5. Burning and smoking building (with hole where jet crashed), no screaming
6. Burning and smoking building (with hole where jet crashed) and screaming
7. Burning and smoking building (with hole where jet crashed), screaming, and people
8. Second jet crashes into second tower with explosion and sound effects
9. Second tower collapses with dust cloud
10. First tower collapses with dust cloud
11. The full sequence
According to standardized clinical and self-report measures, the patients symptoms were
reduced immediately following the VR exposure treatments. This result was validated in a
controlled study using a small random sample (Difede et al., 2006).
In Israel, Josman et al. (2008) developed the VR environment BusWorld with the aim of
using VR therapy to help individuals who had experienced terrorist bombings. To test the
functionality of the system, they ran a pilot test with 30 healthy subjects and gradually
exposed them to four levels containing a re-enacted attack. The psychotherapeutic treatment
comprised of ten VR sessions of 90-120 minutes each.
There are several studies about using VR to treat patients suffering from PTSD as a result of
wartime experiences. Rothbaum et al. (2001) examined the effectiveness of VR in a
controlled study with 10 Vietnam veterans. The veterans were exposed to authentically
recreated war scenes (e.g. flight over Vietnam accompanied by auditory and visual effects of
rockets and explosions) in eight VR sessions. While they experienced a reduction in PTSD
symptoms after the sessions, the intrusion-score increased after the 6-month catamnesis.
Gerardi et al. (2008) tested the environment Virtual Iraq in a single case study of a 29-year-
old soldier who had spent a year-long tour in Iraq. He was exposed to Virtual Iraq in four
sessions of 90 minutes each; the exposure included olfactory elements (e.g. the smell of
burnt rubber).
Application of Virtual Realities in Psychotherapy: Possibilities, Limitations and Effectiveness


Fig. 5. BusWorld (source: research.haifa.ac.il)
Overall these study designs give rise to ethical concerns. Exposing Vietnam veterans
suffering from severe PTSD symptoms to authentically recreated war scenarios or exposing
witnesses of the 9/11 attacks to the same, dramatic virtual situation is a form of exposure
that is contra-indicated as far as current research on trauma therapy is concerned. Several
phases (i.a. stabilization, developing a therapeutic relationship, resolution of the traumatic
memory, where the course of the traumatic situation is outlined and thus encapsulated)
must precede re-experiencing and processing the traumatic experience (comp. Fischer, 2000;
2007). None of these phases were considered in the studies referred to here. Therefore, the
risk of re-traumatization in VR exposure therapy is higher than the likelihood of successful
processing of the traumatic experience. (For more critical issues, e.g. risk of renewed
traumatization because the presented stimuli do not exactly depict the traumatic situation
that the patient experienced, see Wagner & Maercker, 2009). At the same time, VR can be
used to educate health professionals about recognizing symptoms by practicing adequate
negotiation using a simulated case (see Kenny et al., 2008).
4. Conclusion
First studies show that virtual realities are an effective instrument within behavior therapy
treatment of anxiety disorders. There are no indications that VR treatment of fear of heights
and fear of flying, for example, are less effective than traditional in-vivo exposure therapy.
Meanwhile several aspects that are immanent to a VR setting seem to accommodate some
patients, for example in their willingness to be exposed to anxiety-provoking stimuli in the
first place. There are also advantages to therapists that are summarized in Table 1.
At the same time, however, VR applications hold a number of restrictions and
disadvantages for patients because of the risk of new or re-traumatization and ethical
considerations and to therapists because VR technology requires technical equipment and
the familiarization with this equipment.
Virtual Reality


Possibilities Limitations / Risks
For the patient
Increased willingness to be confronted
with the anxiety-provoking stimuli
(increased subjective perception of safety
and control over the presented stimuli)
in the first place
A more private atmosphere, lower
logistic and financial expenditure (fear of
For patients with limited ability to
visualize: VR aids the imagination of the
anxiety-provoking situation
For / To the patient
Simulator sickness
Risk of new traumatization if the
specific VR does not reflect the
patients traumatic situation
Risk of re-traumatization if certain
phases (i.a. stabilization) do not
precede re-experiencing and
processing the traumatic experience
Habituation to war and violence:
For the therapist
Exposure is possible in the practice
Possibility of subtler graduation in
progression and intensity
In training: learning by simulated cases
For / To the therapist
Technology-based treatment:
Acquisition is expensive
Training is necessary
Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of using VR in psychotherapy
Overall, the results at hand are definitely in need of additional data if they are to be
considered validated and differential evidence of the effectiveness of VR. The number of
studies and random samples is too small to make general statements; moreover, they have
pilot study character. In addition, long-term catamneses are missing. Examining personality
variables (e.g. attitude towards technology, comprehension of reality and identity, ability to
visualize) as possible moderators in order to develop criteria for the intra- and inter-
individual integration of VR in psychotherapy is advised. With the integration of any kind of
media application in therapy, the effects on therapist and patient variables as well as the
effects on the therapeutic relationship should be examined.
VR exposure should be seen as a media reception, where the individual experiencing it
plays an active and constructive role. The presented stimuli are processed on a cognitive
level and assembled to a mental model that is linked to memories and conceptions. Hence,
the research results of perception and media psychology are important fundaments in the
further development of VR therapy settings. One prerequisite for the effectiveness of VR
treatments is that the virtual world has to reflect the real world in a way that enables
coherent cognitive and emotional processing. This means that the presentations of VR
worlds are enhanced to provide ideal visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli. The VR
applications so far have been prototypes. They have not been widespread enough, nor has
the technical equipment involved been affordable enough so that VR could be used by
behavioral therapists in regular practices to benefit their patients.
Although VR exposure therapy is the traditional domain of behavior therapy, psychodynamic
therapy has been expanded with the conceptual integration of media-based interventions
and training techniques. For an in depth report, refer to Eichenberg (2007). This reference
states that media can also be integrated in psychodynamic therapies as long as the primacy
Application of Virtual Realities in Psychotherapy: Possibilities, Limitations and Effectiveness

establishment of a relationship comes before technology is ensured. (For an example see
the integration of the self-help book New ways out of trauma [Fischer, 2005] in
psychodynamic trauma therapies (refer to Angenendt, 2003).
5. References
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Virtual Reality-Based Assessment of Social
Skills and Its Application to Mental Illnesses
Jae-Jin Kim, MD, PhD
, Joseph Kim, BA

Department of Psychiatry, Yonsei University, Seoul,
Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee,
1. Introduction
Appropriate usage of social skills by individual members ensures the survival of
communities in the human society. Social skills include the cognitive abilities as well as
verbal and nonverbal behaviors indispensable for interpersonal interactions. Abnormal
social skills have been reported in patients with mental illnesses including schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder. Various methods, including self-report, interviews, behavioral
observation, and clinical rating scales, have been used for the assessment of social skills, but
their usefulness has been undermined by subjective or observational biases. Given that a
virtual reality system could provide viable environments for individuals to interact with
social avatars, it may be one of the most promising tools for assessing social skills that can
minimize concerns of assessment related biases.
2. Characteristic and significance of social skills in patients with mental
Social skills encompass a set of cognitive abilities and interactive behaviors that facilitate
efficient social interaction among individuals in a shared environment. Even though social
skills as a whole cannot be claimed as a feature exclusive to human behavior, they
nevertheless constitute an irreplaceable part of human interaction by making social
communication among one another more articulate and intelligible. This is made possible
because social skills can help convey and decode extra information not carried by direct
communication using verbal means. As such, social skills can be likened to adding multiple
layers of communicative information to relevant social messages (Couture et al., 2006). For
example, imagine introducing yourself to someone you have never seen before. In such
occasion, it is certainly not considered unusual to smile at the person you are introducing
yourself to while offering a handshake as a gesture of salutation. You may even add a
cheerful intonation on top of the customary Nice to meet you that one might verbalize to a
stranger. In this example, the ability to initiate an interaction, smile with your face and to
offer your hand to an unfamiliar person can be regarded as non-verbal social skills whereas
ones ability to use the idiomatic expression, Nice to meet you, and aptly topping it with a
cheerful intonation when vocalizing the phrase can be regarded as part of a verbal social
Virtual Reality

skill set. These verbal as well as non-verbal usages of social skills in combination convey a
cogent social message of geniality and hospitality.
As evident from the example above, social skills can take verbal as well as non-verbal forms,
and may be additionally and simultaneously manifested through different sensory channels
(e.g., visual, auditory, or tactile) of conveying the relevant information. By simultaneously
utilizing multiple channels available, individuals involved in social interactions could use
the information to more easily disambiguate others intentions and may also strengthen the
potency of their social communication. In the previous example of introducing oneself to an
unfamiliar person, it would seem quite bizarre to merely offer ones hand for a handshake
without displaying any affect through facial expressions (or worse, make an angry face). In a
similar vein, it would probably seem rather odd to say Nice to meet you in a very
monotonous tone, even with the smiling and the offering of your hand. In fact, such
incongruence in manifestation of social cues may evoke a different interpretation from the
observer and trigger suspicions of an ulterior message beneath the superficial friendliness
This, however, extends the scope of our discussion to a whole another realm of issues relating
to irony and deception in social communication, which will not cover in this chapter.
Social skills usage is not necessarily confined to one specific sensory modality, but can be
embedded in multiple kinds. In fact, simultaneously using a wide array of social skills
through various sensory modalities can be regarded as an indication of the integrative
nature of social skills. Verbal social skills are often received through auditory channels.
But non-verbal social skills such as facial expressions and social gestures are produced via
motor output and received through visual input. Having multiple nodes of social skills
available at ones disposal for interpersonal interactions allows exploiting individuals to
exploit varigated combinations of different social cues and tack subtleties onto relevant
communicable messages. What follows from human kinds such an extraordinary ability to
operate social skills using multiple channels is the complexity of the task to decode social
Depending on the manifested symptoms and their severity, a mental illness can take its toll on
the quality of very different types of social skills. Taking a detailed account regarding the effect
of a mental illness on the affected individuals social skills and vice versa thus becomes all the
more critical in order to fully appreciate a patients mental health status. For example, patients
experiencing depressive episodes from bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder often
lack the interest to initiate and engage in social interaction, whereas patients with
schizophrenia have difficulty in maintaining a meaningful social interaction due to their
abnormal thought content and disorganization of speech (Brne et al., 2010). In both cases, the
quality of social interaction should be greatly reduced, however for disparate reasons. The
former maybe more heavily influenced by the lack of motivation albeit having intact social
skills, whereas the latter should be more affected by aberrant behaviors.
A specific social skills deficit in patients suffering from a mental illness may be an important
indicator of how severely they are affected by the disorder. For example, lack of sustained
eye contact during interpersonal interaction has long been regarded as a hallmark of social
skills deficit in autistic disorders. The degree to which their eye contact is lacking has shown
to correlate with their difficulty in social interaction (Pelphrey et al., 2005). Not surprisingly,
measuring ones competency in social skills has been widely recognized as a critical step for
a comprehensive assessment of a mental illness by scholars across the field of psychiatry
and clinical psychology (Harvey et al., 2007). Moreover, assessment of social skills based on
our knowledge of diverse elements of social interaction could help us trace mentally ill
Virtual Reality-Based Assessment of Social Skills and Its Application to Mental Illnesses

patients ability to recognize and generate socially salient cues, ability to use linguistic
means of producing and comprehending social messages, as well as the ability to recognize
one anothers intentions and emotions through non-verbal means such as gestures, facial
expressions, eye-gaze, and so on.
3. Limitations of conventional methods of social skills assessment
Despite their acknowledgeable contribution to measuring and documenting of social skill
competency in mentally ill patients, traditional measures of social skills have often come
short of the expectation scholars have projected onto them (Bedell et al., 1998). The contexts
in which social skills are used are inherently interactive, since social interaction by definition
involves two or more parties. Naturally, such interactive nature of social skills has
contributed to the difficulty assessing social skills that reflect multi-faceted features of a
real-life social interaction. Even with such difficulty, there still have been different
approaches developed to assess individual social skills. Two conventional measures of
social skill competency come from clinicians assessment and self/peer-reports. Both of
these reports are based on anecdotal and retrospective evidence retrieved from the rote
memory of a patient or a patients peer. Therefore, data acquired using this method may
often not reflect an accurate assessment of the patients social skills, but rather indicate a
record of the memory of social skills being used. This is not to claim that the measure is
entirely useless, however, they still seem at times incomplete and inexact given we would
like as precise assessment of the patients social skills as possible.
Moreover, even though these measures are useful in gauging rough levels of social
functioning in patients, they are not entirely unadulterated measures of social skills as one
might assume. Because these measures are subjectively rated by clinicians or told to them
laden with the personal feelings of patients and patient peers, the assessment can be subject
to at least a moderate degree of human interpretation, if not more. Unless a specific
assessment of patients is based on direct observation of social skills being used in a
naturalistic context, the assessment is only as good as second-hand information filtered
through another individuals interpretation. Clinicians are not free from biases of their own
when meeting with patients for an assessment. Their prior beliefs about specific mental
illnesses or evaluation of the patients previous assessment record can provide a context in
which the assessment can be more thoroughly executed but at the same time unwittingly
engender biases that go along with ones prior experiences. Such clinicians subjective
interpretations and biases can occur against the clinicians best intention and judgment not
to influence the measure with subjectivity.
Additionally, the conventional paper and pencil method of clinician-driven social skills
assessment have limited range of quantifying the acquired data. Needless to say these
measures neglect to reflect the multi-sensory and interactive nature of the context in which
social skills are often used by individuals. But central to the problem is that proper record
keeping of quantitative measurements acquired using human senses is not an easy feat. For
example, one could mention in the clinical report of a child autism patient that she exhibits
very little sustained eye contact. But what if she was to later show slight improvement on
the duration of eye contact after a cognitive behavioral treatment, but then the clinician
might not notice? If there was a way to track the patients eye movement and the duration
while engaging another person, it would provide a more accurate and reliable data that
could be an informative indicator of a tangible improvement.
Virtual Reality

4. Virtual reality-based social skills assessments as complements to
conventional methods
Recent development and technological advances have allowed the use of the virtual reality
system to present socio-affective stimuli to human subjects, thus enabling scholars to
measure behavioral characteristics of participants during social interaction with virtual
avatars. Technological advancements in graphics and other human motion tracking
hardware should be able to promote pushing virtual reality closer to reality, and thus
virtual reality can be used to assess social cognition and behavior in real life-like situations
(Tarr and Warren, 2002). Subjects in a virtual environment tend to treat virtual persons as
actual humans, and respond to them in a naturalistic way regarding personal space, social
presence and affect (Blascovich et al., 2002; Bailenson et al., 2003). Virtual realitys faithful
renditions of the real world provide a tremendous advantage in terms of offering human
subject users a realistic experience.
In particular, virtual reality can provide a more realistic and convincing sensory
environment in which mentally ill patients may be able to engage in social interaction that
clinicians could later base their assessment on. The authors research team performed a pilot
study to examine whether a virtual avatar could be applied to acquiring the patients
behavioral characteristics in a short conversation situation (Ku et al., 2006). Tasks to
approach to a visually presented avatar on a screen using a joystick, initiate a talk, and
answer to avatars questions was assigned to patients with schizophrenia, and one of the
behavioral parameters was the interpersonal distance. The results showed that the
interpersonal distance was negatively correlated with the negative syndrome scale, which
was consistent with a previous research reporting a similar relationship in the interpersonal
distance using a real persons image (Nechamkin et al., 2003). We concluded, therefore, that
the virtual avatar could be perceived as a real human by patients with schizophrenia and
the avatar could draw the patients behavior characteristics. This pilot study suggested that
virtual reality would be useful in investigating the interpersonal behavior of mentally ill
patients when a virtual environment populated by virtual avatars is properly used.
Based on the findings from this pilot study, our works were extended to various assessing
tools evaluating social characteristics on the virtual environment. In another pilot study,
using a morphing technique, we were able to evoke varied perception of emotional faces of
virtual avatars by effectively manipulating affective information on the virtual avatars faces
and to validate the prototype for further use (Ku et al., 2005). In order to further test
hypotheses about social cognition in mentally ill patients, we have developed these virtual
reality based sociality-measuring systems for evaluating communication skills, eye gaze
behavior, social cue perception, social problem solving, and emotional expression (Han et
al., 2009). Using these systems which were set in specially fitted room (Fig 1), we have used
virtual avatars for various applications which need to communicate with other person or to
educate by showing humanlike behavior.
5. Measuring personal space using the virtual reality system
Our main work for social assessment was a system for measuring personal space. Personal
space, an invisible boundary surrounding an individual that others cannot intrude upon, is
an important nonverbal component of social skills (Hayduk, 1983; Bellack et al., 1997). It is a
good, measurable parameter of social cognition in mentally ill patients, and virtual reality
can be a favorable way to objectively study it. In order to investigate personal space, we
Virtual Reality-Based Assessment of Social Skills and Its Application to Mental Illnesses


Fig. 1. Virtual reality presentation chamber. The chamber consists of the meeting room and
the monitoring room. The meeting room is equipped with a head mounted display, a
tracker, a beam projector, a screen, a camcorder, a speaker, and so on. In the monitoring
room, a computer system controls all facilities in the meeting room and a situation in the
meeting room can be observed through a one-way mirror.

Fig. 2. Virtual reality social encounter task for measuring personal space. A participant is
wearing a head-mounted display and enters into a virtual room. A receiver is placed on the
vertex of the participant and represents the position and head orientation from a
transmitter. A computer system calculates the distance and angle of head orientation from
an avatar on the basis of the information from the receiver.
developed a virtual reality social encounter task (Kim et al., 2009; Park et al., 2009a; Park et
al., 2009d). As shown in Fig. 1, the behavioral task assigned to the participant was to talk to
an avatar in a virtual room. To present visual stimuli, participants put on a head-mounted
display (HMD) that included a display monitor over each eye. The receiver that is needed to
compute the position and head orientation in the virtual environment was placed on the
vertex of the participant, and earphones were used for auditory stimuli.
To start the task, participants were instructed to walk in front of the avatar and to say
hello. The avatar was programmed to respond by saying hello, introduce itself by
talking about where it was born, where it lived, what it liked or detested, its hobbies and
family members, and then ask participants to introduce themselves. There were three male
Virtual Reality

and 3 female avatars displaying happy, neutral, and angry facial expressions, and thus the
task consisted of 6 sessions for which six different scripts were prepared. To make the
introduction more naturalistic, an experimenter controlled the timing that the avatars would
start introducing themselves. In order to increase the degree of realism, the avatars were
made to look at participants, blink their eyes seemingly spontaneously, open their mouths in
accordance with the recorded voices, and make gestures that matched their facial
expressions. All avatars displayed a manner of talk, prosodic expressions, facial expressions,
and gestures that were matched in happy, neutral, or angry emotions.
Participants verbal response onset time and duration were measured during each session.
Participants viewpoint in the virtual environment was rendered by tracking the head
position and orientation by the receiver worn on the head. The distance and angle of head
orientation were indexed as the average distance and the average angle during the
conversation with the avatar in each of six task conditions. The angle of head orientation
was used as an indirect measure of the eye gaze of the participant.
In an empirical research for patients with bipolar disorder experiencing manic episodes, the
virtual reality social encounter task permitted us to demonstrate negativistic social cognition
behavior indicated by increased interpersonal distance as measured by how far the patients
were in relation to the avatar in the virtual reality environment, as well as through increased
aversion of eye gaze compared to healthy normal control subjects (Kim et al., 2009). In a
separate study using the same system, we could confirm that patients with schizophrenia
also showed increased personal space, and further their disturbances in personal space had
a close relationship with negative symptoms (Park et al., 2009d). The severity of negative
symptoms had significant inverse correlations with the distance from the angry and neutral
avatars and with the angle of head orientation toward the happy and angry avatars.
A novel finding that patients with bipolar disorders and patients with schizophrenia tended
to show significantly increased personal space in relation to a virtual avatar could only be
properly obtained using the virtual reality system. Even though anecdotal evidence existed,
these studies were the first of its kind to parametrically demonstrate the existence of a
meaningful tangible difference displayed in mentally ill patients social interaction patterns.
Larger personal space of the patients may reflect their discomfort in close situations or
cognitive deficits. Showing these profiles to patients could help them realize the amount of
personal space they need.
In addition, emotional responses including social anxiety are very important factors in a
social situation. By using the virtual reality social encounter task, we tried to elucidate the
relationship between emotional perception and response during social interactions in
patients with schizophrenia (Park et al., 2009a). In this study, emotional valence and arousal
of the avatars were rated after completing the task, and the patients significantly
underestimated the valence and arousal of angry emotions (Fig. 3A). While valence and
arousal ratings of happy avatars were comparable between the patient group and the
normal group, the patients reported significantly higher state anxiety in response to happy
avatars (Fig. 3B). State anxiety ratings significantly decreased from encounters with neutral
to happy avatars in normal controls while no significant decrease was observed in the
patient group. Negative symptoms including anhedonia, blunted affect, emotional
withdrawal, and passive/apathetic social withdrawal items were significantly correlated
with state anxiety ratings of the encounters with happy avatars. These results suggest that
patients with schizophrenia may encounter interference with the experience of pleasure in
virtual social interactions, and their interference may be associated with negative symptoms.
Virtual Reality-Based Assessment of Social Skills and Its Application to Mental Illnesses


Fig. 3. Emotional perception and anxiety response during the virtual reality social encounter
task with angry, happy and neutral emotion-expressing avatars. (A) Significant between-
group difference (*) in both valance and arousal was observed at p < 0.05. (B) The State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory (STAI) score representing the state anxiety experienced during the task.
State-Trait STAI ratio represents the state anxiety experienced during the task divided by
trait anxiety. Group x condition interaction was significant (F=15.2, df=1.67, p<0.001)
without significant anxiety decrease from neutral to happy conditions only in the patient
group (patients t=0.32, df=26, p=0.75; controls t=3.81, df=26, p<0.01).
Virtual Reality

Our next study taking advantage of the customizability of the virtual reality system
examined eye gaze patterns of patients with schizophrenia towards agents involved in
multi-person interpersonal interaction (Song et al., 2010). Presented with two avatars at the
same time, one as the main avatar and the other as the assistant avatar, patients with
schizophrenia or healthy normal controls performed a mock conversation (both listening to
and speaking to) with avatars in both positive and negative affect-related scenarios (Fig.
4A). Eye gaze to both the main and the assistant avatar were measured and compared
between the two groups. Interestingly, for conversation engagement during both scenarios,
the patients showed aberrant distribution of eye gaze manifested by shorter eye gaze
duration spent towards the main avatar and longer duration towards the assistant avatar
compared to healthy controls (Fig. 4B). This pattern of result was more pronounced during
the negative affect related scenario. This research not only once again demonstrated the
possibility of using virtual reality to measure behavioral correlates of social cognition but
additionally exhibited the potential that customizability of the virtual reality system such as
utilizing multiple avatars in this case can be of great service to research methods.

Fig. 4. A virtual reality task for measuring multi-person interpersonal interaction. (A)
Positive emotion provoking scene was a conversation with family members who celebrate of
fathers promotion in the living room, whereas negative emotion provoking scene was a
conversation with friends who make fun with participants nickname at Caf. A sectioned
diagram on the right represents the experimental setting. (B) Proportion of watching time
during listening and expressing showed decreases in staring at the main avatar and
increases in staring at the assistant avatar in patients with schizophrenia when compared
with normal controls.
Virtual Reality-Based Assessment of Social Skills and Its Application to Mental Illnesses

6. Expanded uses of virtual reality-based social skills assessments for
clinical trials
The utility of the virtual reality system as an assessment tool has also been demonstrated for
measuring the effectiveness of therapy or clinical trials of new medications. Such utility has
been particularly noticeable in research programs that test the efficacy of antipsychotics that
supposedly help rehabilitate social competence in schizophrenia. Most clinical trials for social
functioning in patients with schizophrenia have depended on reports from either patients or
caregivers and direct observations of patients, but these measures are likely to be influenced
not only by antipsychotic medication but also by environmental factors that encourage
performance of the skills (McKibbin et al., 2004). On the other hand, performance-based
measures of functional skills seem to occur more closely in time with changes in underlying
cognitive performance, and thus these unbiased measures are considered to be suitable in
clinical trials for schizophrenia to date (Buchanan et al., 2005; Harvey et al., 2007). Using such
performance-based measures, one study indicated that treatment with both risperidone and
quetiapine resulted in medium to large improvement in social competence (Harvey et al.,
2006), whereas another study showed that medication with both clozapine and risperidone
produced only very small improvement in social competence (Bellack et al., 1994). The
contradictory findings on the effectiveness of atypical antipsychotics to social competence in
schizophrenia may be at least in part attributable to the performance-based measures
limitations that rating distributions can vary by the raters ability and the raters may be unable
to discriminate subtle changes of functional skills (Bellack et al., 2006).
In order to avoid such shortcomings, automatic assessment of patients performances is
more likely to be advantageous. Not surprisingly, the authors research team devised the
virtual reality system to provide an automatic assessment of patients performance (Fig. 5),
which was named the virtual reality functional skills assessment (VRFSA) (Park et al.,
2009c). The VRFSA consisted of six virtual reality scenarios that were produced to represent
common conversational situations. Two scenarios included a conversation concerned with a
self-introduction with a stranger, two scenarios included a conversation related to making
an appointment with a friend, and the final two included a conversation about the conduct
of business with a co-worker. Each scenario consisted of two consecutive skills phases: the
receptive skills phase during which the subjects listened to the avatars narration, and the
expressive skills phase during which they expressed their answers after the avatar asked
questions. Four parameters representing a distinct functional skill were obtained; initiation
(the response latency to the avatars voice for the receptive skills phase and to the avatars
question for the expressive skills phase), duration (the percentage of time spent watching
the avatar), proxemics (the average distance from the avatar), and eye contact (the average
angle of head orientation from the avatars eyes).
In a 6-week, randomized, open-label, and flexible dose study for 24 patients with paranoid
schizophrenia and 15 healthy controls (Park et al., 2009c), there was a significant difference
in the VRFSA between the patients and the healthy controls (p < 0.05). Significant treatment
skills phase group interaction effect was found, and particularly, compared with
risperidone, aripiprazole was more effective in improving social skills competency.
This study suggests that the virtual reality based measures are strongly sensitive to changes
in social competence and thus especially well-suited for short-term clinical trials. Here,
utilizing the virtual reality system has other several advantages over other conventional
choices such as self-report and clinicians assessment. Importantly, virtual reality allows
Virtual Reality


Fig. 5. Virtual Reality Functional Skills Assessment. The system consisted of a head-mount
display with a receiver, a transmitter and connections to the computer system. Participants
had a conversation with an avatar in the three-dimensional virtual environments with 6
scenarios, and a therapist monitored them using a video screen image captured by a video
camera and input data of the times that they initiated and ended their response. The receiver
measured the distance between the participants and the transmitter and the angle of the
participants head orientation from the transmitter. Next, the computer system calculated 4
parameters such as initiation, duration, proxemics, and eye contact, based on the
information from the therapists input and the receiver.
raters to present consistent social and affective stimuli, which on the other hand can be very
difficult with human raters due to potential noise from various sources including raters bias
towards a specific experimental condition/group (not being blind to the subject assignment)
or knowledge about the hypothesis (not being blind to the hypothesis). This is an especially
weighty issue for clinical trials because subjectivity during social skills assessment when
using conventional assessment methods can be a strong point of criticism in assessment
involving human raters. Providing consistent social stimuli using virtual reality can adeptly
address the subjectivity issue of effectiveness of a clinical treatment whether it be
medications or behavioral therapy.
7. Assessment of problem-solving ability during a social situation
Our next work was to develop an easily applicable tool for an assessment of problem-
solving function in various social situations using the virtual reality technique. Social
problem-solving is a multidimensional psychosocial variable in the pathogenesis of mental
health problems (Elliott et al., 2004) and a cognitive-behavioral process by which a person
attempts to discover effective solutions for problems encountered during the course of
everyday living (Nezu, 2004). We expected that virtual reality would also be useful for
assessing social problem-solving, and made four virtual reality tasks including decision-
making after the situational change, getting on an appropriate bus, making judgment
against an inadequate request, and coping in the negatively emotional situation. Fig. 6A
showed scenes from a task of getting on an appropriate bus. Using such realistic scenarios
Virtual Reality-Based Assessment of Social Skills and Its Application to Mental Illnesses

that are probable in real life, we could investigate the cognitive inflexibility that mentally ill
patients might show during situations of social interaction.
Actually, a pilot study was performed to investigate characteristics of patients with
schizophrenia for problem-solving in the social situations (Chun et al., 2006). In this study,
30 patients with schizophrenia and 30 healthy normal controls were to make choice
judgments on each of 4 scenarios, and social problem-solving abilities of the patients were
compared to those of the controls. In the results, the patients tended to consider mothers
asking to be less important than meeting with a friend, and to select a deviated choice rather
than a flexible solving. They made significantly less appropriate choices in the task of
getting on the bus, and felt more intense negative emotion than the control group on the
task of copying in the negatively emotional situation. Those results were interpreted to
suggest that the patients with schizophrenia have a deficit of problem-solving function in
the social situations.
Especially, as shown in Fig. 6B, the patients did show patterns of inflexibility subsequent to
situational change. They had a tendency to obsess over the bus a virtual mother proposed in
spite of the existence of more appropriate bus. Concreteness attributed to cognitive
inflexibility is considered to be an important factor for the deficits in patients with
schizophrenia. Providing realistic visual as well as auditory stimuli, this experiment
capitalized on another example of the advantage that virtual reality has on its capacity to
immerse human subjects to the virtual environment as if it were a real situation.
8. Uses of virtual reality for social skills training
Beyond considering virtual reality systems as a mere assessment tool, recent studies suggest
the virtual reality systems potential utility as a therapeutic and social skills training tool.
The authors group reported a novel method of implementing a role playing conversational
skills training program using virtual avatars (Ku et al., 2007). In this study, computer
generated virtual avatars emotional stimuli could complement or even overcome the
shortcomings of conventional role playing approach to social skills training. The strength of
using virtual avatar for role playing training came from taking advantage of the fact that
computer generated avatars can consistently present emotional stimuli at will of the
clinician whereas the efficacy of conventional role playing methods are often limited to the
expressive capacity of the clinician/trainer.
Another strength of using virtual reality and virtual avatars for social skills training of
patients with mental illness is that they provide a safe, harmless, and well-controlled
environment in which to practice social interaction without repercussions of emotional
frustration and feeling of failure expected in the real world. Stigma associated with mental
illness can be detrimental to rehabilitation training in mental health patients (Link et al.,
2001; Rsch et al., 2005). Especially for patients with severe symptoms, utilizing a virtual
environment without the expectation of negative consequences of the real world may be a
favorable method that readily allows behavioral activation which can jump start the social
skills training among other rehabilitation processes that the patients are encouraged to
engage in.
It is also very encouraging to note that the vast majority of patients who underwent social
skills training using the virtual reality based conversation training program evaluated the
program positively after it was finished (Ku et al., 2007). Providing an extra motivation to
the patient is another factor that cannot be ignored when counting the efficacy of social skills
Virtual Reality


Fig. 6. An example of the virtual reality social problem-solving tasks and the experimental
results. (A) In a task of getting on an appropriate bus, participants should get on a bus to site
A. They had three options such as No. 21, 41 and 31. No. 21 bus was firstly arrived but had a
lot of stations because it would use a detour. No. 41 bus was secondly and fourthly arrived
and used the shortest way. No. 31 bus was finally arrived and had more stations to site A
than No. 41 bus. However, participants could give priority to No. 31 bus because a virtual
mother recommended them to get on No. 31 bus at the scene of home before the scene of
getting on a bus. (B) Most normal controls tended to choose the first arrival of No. 41 bus,
whereas most patients tended to choose the finally arrived No. 31 bus that a virtual mother
Virtual Reality-Based Assessment of Social Skills and Its Application to Mental Illnesses

training. In addition, it is rather unrealistic to expect preparing a real world social
interaction in order to help train social skills for a patient, so often time it is the
responsibility of a clinician to help train social skills. Therefore, virtual reality based social
skills training can also be a more cost-effective method in the long run compared to using
clinician-based methods.
9. Integration of virtual reality and neuroimaging methods
One promising future direction in expanding the usage of virtual reality as a social skills
assessment tool is to integrate the virtual reality system with neuroimaging methods such as
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Through the emergence of social
neuroscience, there has been an explosion of neuroimaging research with much of its
concentration on brain-mapping of various social cognition abilities. Based on an on-going
accumulation of extensive neuroimaging research in social cognition and social skills,
integration of neuroimaging methods and virtual reality promises to help form a synergistic
relationship between the two fields whiling building on the past knowledge about the brain
mechanisms involved in social skills.
Recent studies have shown promising trend of such integration. For example, an fMRI study
investigated brain activity evoked by mutual and averted gaze in a compelling and
commonly experienced social encounter (Pelphrey et al., 2004). In this study, subjects
wearing virtual-reality goggles viewed a man who walked toward them and shifted their
neutral gaze either toward (mutual gaze) or away (averted gaze), and the results showed
that the superior temporal sulcus was involved in processing social information conveyed
by shifts in gaze within an overtly social context. Another fMRI study using a virtual reality
task during which subjects experienced themselves walking towards a complex scene
composed of animate and/or inanimate objects also demonstrated strong activity in the
superior temporal sulcus while the observer approached the social scene, but only when the
virtual human was making gestures, suggesting the importance of biological motion in
inferring the intentions of others (Morris et al., 2005).
Using our accumulated knowledge to assess individuals condition relating to the
neurocognitive basis of social skills germane to mental health problems provides new and
exciting possibilities. For example, in order to evaluate attributional style which means how
people typically infer the causes of emotional behaviors, a virtual reality attribution task
was developed, and patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls underwent fMRI
while performing three (happy, angry, and neutral) conditions of the task (Park et al.,
2009b). The results showed that the patients may have functional deficits in mirror neuron
system when attributing positive behaviors, which may be related to a lack of inner
simulation and empathy and negative symptoms. In contrast, the patients may have
increased activation in the precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex related to self-
representations while attributing negative behaviors, which may be related to failures in
self- and source-monitoring and positive symptoms.
Integration of neuroimaging methods and virtual reality systems offers benefits that are
reciprocal in nature between the two methods. First of all, neuroimaging and human brain-
mapping research can benefit from the improvement on the degree of realism depicted via
presentation of social stimuli using virtual reality. On the other hand, behavioral research
Virtual Reality

previously using the virtual reality system could now benefit from an extra layer of measure
that may inform more in-depth neurocognitive mechanisms relevant to mental health
assessment and the evaluation of social skills among other things. This of course is based on
a caveat that the progress on the social neuroscience end of the research provides enough
certainty in order to execute dependable social skills assessment. We cautiously but at the
same time optimistically approach such assertion since advances in neuroimaging research
methods and accumulation of social neuroscience research via in vivo human neuroimaging
research allows for a realistic expectation that in the near future, we may begin using
integrated assessment set up using both virtual reality and neuroimaging methods. Positron
emissions tomography (PET), as well as certain optical imaging methods may also be
considered for integration with virtual reality systems. Such integrative uses will not only
allow collection of more in-depth data. But also provide more extensive data on what
neurological region is involved in the patients social skills deficit or improvement.
In addition to neuroimaging methods, other bio-feedback tools can be integrated with
virtual reality system for assessment and training of social skills. For example, galvanic skin
response measures can readily be used in conjunction with virtual reality methods to
provide real time feedback to participants. Such real-time biofeedback may be especially
beneficial in social skills training setting. With the help of visible feedback on ones own
physiological responses, patients may be able to regulate their own emotion and cognition,
both crucial factors in engaging in orderly social interaction.
10. Conclusion
In summary, virtual reality systems can provide an opportunity for people to experience
interpersonal and social situation. A virtual avatar can be perceived as a real human by the
participants in the virtual environment, and can influence on their behavior, emotion and
memory. Since a virtual reality task using the avatar can draw the participants behavioral
and emotional characteristics and assess those objectively, it provides a potential to be used
for assessing a social ability of mentally ill patients who have deficits in social function.
Because impairment of social skills is often a cardinal feature in most mental illnesses,
virtual reality may play an important role in objectively evaluating symptoms of mental
illnesses and measuring effectiveness of treatments designed to rehabilitate social skills in
patients with mental illnesses. In addition, it can be used to train patients by eliciting
various emotions close to reality as well as to find out the clinical characteristics related to
patients symptoms. It may be expected that the neural basis of various social functions and
their deficits will be able to be elucidated by combined uses of virtual reality and function
neuroimaging techniques.
11. Acknowledgement
This material was based a grant from the Korea Health 21 R&D Project, Ministry of Health,
Welfare and Family, Republic of Korea (A090537), and is based upon work supported by the
National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1015659 awarded to Joseph Kim. Any
opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those
of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Virtual Reality-Based Assessment of Social Skills and Its Application to Mental Illnesses

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Emotions and the Emotional Valence
Afforded by the Virtual Environment
Stphane Bouchard, Ph.D,
Genevive Labont-Chartrand, Psy.D. Candidate
Universit du Qubec en Outaouais,
1. Introduction
For decades, researchers have been concerned about the effectiveness of traditional tools
used by clinicians to treat mental disorders and have been trying to develop more and more
innovative techniques. The emergence of virtual reality presents new clinical and
experimental opportunities in psychology. Virtual reality, as defined as an application
allowing a user to navigate and interact in real time with a computer-generated three-
dimensional environment (Pratt et al., 1995, p.17), can be distinguished from other media
by the real-time interaction with synthetic stimuli. The potential of virtual reality has
encouraged more scientific research exploring the mechanisms involved in the efficacy of
using virtual environments.
Various applications to mental health problems have been the subject of virtual reality
experiments. Virtual realitys usefulness in inducing anxiety for curative purposes has been
reiterated many times (Robillard et al., 2003; Moore, Wierderhold et al., 2002), and the
effectiveness of this tool for psychological treatment of certain anxiety disorders is
documented by numerous studies (Bouchard et al., 2006; Ct & Bouchard, 2008; Gerardi et
al., 2010; Weiderhold & Weiderhold, 2005).
It may seem astonishing that virtual reality would put an end to phobic avoidance even
though virtual scenarios are not totally realistic. The feeling of presence gives users the
subjective impression that the virtual environment in which they are immersed really exists.
Seven dimensions may modulate presence: the realism of pictograms and images, social
interactions in the environment, the ease of interactions, the users power or perception of
control, the duration of exposure, social factors such as relationships with others and,
finally, characteristics related to the virtual reality system (Stanney & Sadowski, 2002). In
addition, some variables such as the participants propensity to be absorbed in an activity,
the tendency to concentrate and to dispose of distractions (Witmer & Singer, 1998) and,
certain data even suggests, the ability to be hypnotized could be involved in an increased
feeling of presence (Wiederhold & Wiederhold, 2000). Ijsselsteijn and Riva (2003) asserted
that the effectiveness of virtual immersion is partly attributable to the degree of presence felt
by the immersed user. Similarly, Wiederhold and Wiederhold (1999) suggested that the
degree of presence could be related to the success of the treatment.
Virtual Reality

The relationship between the feeling of presence and the intensity of the emotions felt in a
virtual environment is especially relevant for clinicians using VR with people suffering
from emotional disorders. Robillard et al. (2003) reported a significant correlation (r = .74,
< p .001) between anxiety and the feeling of presence. To assess the direction of the
relationship between anxiety and presence, Bouchard, St-Jacques, Robillard and Renaud
(2008) manipulated anxiety while participants suffering from a phobia of snakes were
immersed in virtual reality, then evaluated the impact of anxiety on the feeling of
presence. The results showed that the feeling of presence was significantly higher when
the researchers induced anxiety. Changes in the level of anxiety felt and in the feeling of
presence were also strongly and significantly correlated. Using multilevel hierarchical
linear regression analyses, Riva et al. (2007) suggested the existence of a bidirectional
relationship between emotions and presence. Based on these sophisticated analyses, their
study suggests that anxiety is not only a predictor of presence, but the level of presence is
also a significant predictor of the level of anxiety. Such a bidirectional relationship has
been confirmed by an experimental study (Michaud et al., 2004) where presence was
manipulated in a sample of 33 heights phobics. When the immersion in the virtual
environment was conducted in a high-presence setting, the level of anxiety was
significantly higher than when the immersion was conducted in a low-presence setting.
These results all confirmed that emotions, at least anxiety, felt during an immersion have
an impact on the feeling of presence.
Theoretically, one may wonder why the fact of feeling anxiety more intensely would make a
person feel more present in the virtual environment. Can the causal relationship between
emotions and presence be explained simply by a non specific emotional arousal, or does the
emotion has to be consistent with the experience felt during the immersion? Feeling an
emotion while immersed could validate the users impression of the realism of the virtual
stimuli. Post immersion, users of virtual reality systems sometimes say, I fell from the
balcony and was so surprised and nervous that it shows how much your virtual
environment is realistic and how much I felt really there. Their feeling of being present
appears to be strengthened by the emotional arousal. But what if that arousal was not
confirming the realism of the virtual stimuli? Such as being anxious in a relaxing
environment, or depressed in a joyful environment? Would a dissonance destroy the
illusion and perceived realism of the immersion? There is a need to clarify whether people
immersed in a virtual situation feel more present merely because they are feeling an
emotion, or because the emotion feel is congruent with what is to be expected to felt in the
virtual environment (i.e., which emotional valence is afforded by the virtual environment).
In order to sort out the role of emotions and of the message they transmit to the user
immersed in virtual reality, it would be necessary to induce emotions that do not match the
virtual environment. If a user feels an emotion that is not supposed to be felt during the
immersion, we can determine whether it is the emotional arousal itself that foster presence
or if the meaning of the emotional arousal is important as well.
It is worth noting how emotions have been manipulated in previous studies on presence. In
some cases, the virtual environments were carefully designed to induce emotions (Banos et
al., 2004; Robillard & al., 2003). It is hard to see how an experimenter could create a
mismatch between an emotion and the expected valence of a virtual environment by using
procedures from Banos al (2004) or Riva et al. (2007) who used the virtual environment to
induce the emotion. The alternative strategy is to induce the mood prior to the immersion,
Emotions and the Emotional Valence Afforded by the Virtual Environment

as Bouchard et al. (2008) did. However, their strategy was applied with phobics, who are
people already sensitized to react very strongly to specific frightening stimuli. No study has
attempted to induce positive and negative emotions in non-clinical participants without
manipulating the virtual environment.
This chapter reports on two experiments examining the impact of inducing emotions on
the feeling of presence among non-clinical samples. The objective of the studies consisted
of verifying whether feeling an emotion that doesnt match with what the virtual
environment is expected to induce leads to less presence than feeling an emotion that
does match the emotional contents afforded by the environment. In the first experiment, a
virtual environment judged a priori to be pleasant was used to evaluate the impact of
positive and negative emotions on the presence felt by participants. Given the results, a
second experiment was designed with a virtual environment that has a more saddening
2. Experiment 1
In order to examine the match between emotions felt by the user and those that should be
induced by the virtual stimuli, the emotions have to be induced experimentally in vivo. The
in vivo method means that the emotions will be induced in the user before the latter is
immersed in virtual reality (in virtuo). Although the emotion of anxiety is quite easy to
induce intensely among subjects suffering from anxiety disorders (e.g., Bouchard et al., 2008;
Robillard et al., 2003), one may wonder whether it is possible to induce other types of
emotions as intensely as anxiety. For this study, it was decided to induce positive and
negative emotions among healthy subjects during immersion in an attractive virtual
2.1 Sample and procedures
Twenty-eight adults participated in the study (18 women and 10 men). The non-clinical
sample was made up of subjects varying in age from 19 to 53 (M = 28.54, sd = 10.36). The
participants were recruited by ads posted on the universitys campus. The inclusion criteria
required that participants never had a virtual reality experience before and be 18 years of
age or older. A telephone prescreening form was used to exclude participants suspected of
epilepsy, having a physical condition that could exacerbate simulator sickness (diseases of
the inner ear), cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure or diabetes.
The equipment used in the study included an IBM computer (Pentium IV
with an ATI
Radeon 128 MB graphics card) and a CY-Visor virtual headset (field of vision of 31 degrees,
800 x 600 resolution). An Intersense Intertrax
tracker (3 degrees of liberty, angular
resolution of .02 degrees, latency of 4 ms) was attached to the virtual headset. The virtual
environment was an adaptation of the level the Temple of Horus from the game Unreal
Tournament: Game of the year edition, where the user walks in pyramids and into a
mythical temple located in the Egyptian desert. The adaptation was limited and consisted in
removing the violent content of the game, enabling the motion tracker to emulate the mouse
of the player and using the headset to display the images to the user. The environment was
chosen because of its availability and a priori positive features.
The participants who met the study selection criteria were invited to participate in the
experiment and randomly assigned either one of the following conditions: (1) positive
Virtual Reality

emotion (joy) induced or (2) negative emotion (sadness) induced. Each participant filled in
the consent form, was advised of the nature of the research and the overall course of the
experiment. Two pre-test questionnaires (Immersive Tendencies Questionnaire and
Simulator Sickness Questionnaire) were completed to assess and control for
predisposition to feel present and to develop simulator sickness. This step was followed by
a first 5-minute immersion in a neutral / irrelevant virtual environment in order to
familiarize the participant with how to navigate in virtual reality and appraise the concept
of being there in a virtual environment. After inducing emotions experimentally and
taking measures with the Brief Mood Introspection Scale, the participant was immersed in
the positive environment for seven minutes. This experimental immersion was followed by
the completion of a battery of questionnaires. Finally, subjects had to wait fifteen minutes
before leaving the lab to make sure that no significant simulator sickness was induced by
the immersions.
The experimental manipulation of emotions consisted of inducing emotions in vivo prior
to the experimental immersion. The effectiveness of various techniques for inducing
emotions (music, films, facial expressions, autobiographical memories, etc.), including
Veltens technique, varies between 50 and 75% (Gerrards-Hesse et al., 1994; Martin, 1990;
Westermann, Spies, Stahl, & Hesse, 1996). Among these techniques, the procedure
developed by Velten (1968) was used given its popularity and effectiveness (Gerrards-
Hesse et al., 1994; Martin, 1990). The procedure consists of reading short statements that
include emotional dimensions with positive, or negative, valence. Thus the participant
had to read 25 short statements developed by Velten (1968) and expressing an emotional
state of joy or depression/sadness. The person had to try to adopt the emotional state
suggested by the statement. Each statement, written on a card, was read silently at the
participants own pace.
2.2 Measures
The Brief Mood Introspection Scale (Mayer & Gaschke, 1988) measures the intensity of
various 16 emotions. The emotions are divided into two sub-scales and items are rated on a
scale from 1 to 9 (1: does not correspond at all; 9: corresponds perfectly). The first sub-scale
measures the strength of positive emotions (happy, calm, cheerful, etc.) and the second sub-
scale measures the intensity of negative emotions (e.g., melancholy, depressed, sad, angry,
etc.). This measure was used to check for the impact of the manipulation.
The Immersive Tendencies Questionnaire (Witmer & Singer, 1998) measures to what point
the individual succeeds in cutting off outside distractions and concentrating on different
tasks (i.e., watching a video) and thus provides an indication of a subjects capacity to feel
immersed in a virtual environment. It consists of 18 items rated on a Likert scale (1 never,
7: often) assessing four domains: (1) focus: (degree of concentration, capacity to cut off
distractions); (2) involvement: (feeling of being absorbed in a task); (3) emotions: (intensity
of emotions, for example, during or after seeing a film); (4) play: (how often the person plays
video games). The ITQ is used to control for potential pre-experimental differences among
participants randomized in the two conditions.
The Simulator Sickness Questionnaire by Kennedy, Lane, Berbaum and Lilienthal (1993) is
composed of 16 items. It measures on a 4-point scale (0 not at all to 3 severely) the
degree of discomfort felt by the individual (nausea, vertigo, eyestrain, etc.). The
questionnaire includes three dimensions: (1) nausea; (2) oculomotor problems and (3)
disorientation. It should be administered once before the immersion to enable excluding
Emotions and the Emotional Valence Afforded by the Virtual Environment

symptoms that are present before the experiment. This measure is used to document the
potential side effects of the experiment and control for differences in side effects generally
experienced during the study.
A Brief Measure of Presence was used to quantify the feeling of presence using one item and
a rating scale of 0 to 100 by answering the question: On a scale of 0 to 100, how much did
you have the impression of really being there in the virtual environment? The sensitivity of
this brief measurement to changes and experimental manipulations was validated by
Bouchard, Robillard, St-Jacques, Dumoulin, Patry and Renaud (2004). This measure
represents one of the two dependent variables and is used to compare the scores in the
neutral and the experimental immersions.
The Presence Questionnaire (Witmer & Singer, 1998) uses a 7-point Likert scale (1 not at
all to 7 completely) to measure the following dimensions: (1) realism (extent to which
virtual environments appear natural or can be confused with reality); (2) possibility of action
(active exploration and control of events); (3) quality of the interface (delay or awkwardness
of the device); (4) possibility of examination (observation of objects from different angles);
(5) self-evaluation of performance (feeling of competence and adaptation related to carrying
out tasks); (6) auditory and (7) haptic (possibility of touching certain objects). This measure
of presence relates more to the properties of the hardware and the software to induce
presence than it related to the subjective experience of the user (Stanney & Sadowski, 2002).
This is the second dependent variable and is used to compare the scores after the
experimental immersion.
2.3 Results
The descriptive statistics show that scores on the Immersive Tendencies Questionnaire are
comparable to the normative samples (M = 64.11, sd = 13.11), indicating that the participants
seemed adequately predisposed to feel absorbed in the virtual environment (M = 66.43, sd
=13.39). No differences were found between the two conditions. No difference was found on
side effects of the immersion, although participants felt mild simulator sickness during the
neutral immersion (M = 124.56, sd = 151.66) and intensity of the side effects increased at the
second immersion (M = 256.97, sd = 224.47).
The manipulation check (see Figure 1) showed important findings on the Brief Mood
Introspection Scale. As detailed in Table 1, repeated measures ANOVAs on the positive
emotions revealed that a positive mood was induced with success in participants in the
condition where joy was induced. Consistently, the negative mood in that group of
participants was low and remained as such after the experimental immersion. However,
among participants where sadness was induced, the level of positive mood was low post
induction and increased significantly during the experimental immersion. The level of
negative mood was moderate post induction but decreased significantly after the
experimental virtual immersion. The induction procedure was therefore successful in
inducing the expected emotions, but the immersion in the virtual environment was
powerful enough to counter the negative mood.
As shown by the average scores on the dependent measures of presence (see Table 2) and
results of the statistical analyses (see Table 1), the experimental manipulation of mood did
not have a statistically significant effect on presence. The effect-sizes observed for the
interaction on the Brief Measure of Presence (
= .006) and between the conditions on the
Presence Questionnaire (
= .02) were minimal, suggesting that the lack of a significant
difference is probably not explained merely by the size of the sample.
Virtual Reality

Post induction
Positive emotion
Post immersion
Positive emotion
Post induction
Negative emotion
Post immersion
Negative emotion
Induced joy condition Induced sadness condition

Fig. 1. Positive and negative mood after the induction and the immersion in a virtual
environment with a positive valence.

Condition main
Time main
Interaction main
Brief Mood Introspection Scale
Positive emotions 32.36*** 4.30* 8.20***
Negative emotions 26.28*** 8.09** 8.09**

Brief Measure of Presence .02 18.06*** .16

Presence Questionnaire .52

Note: Repeated measures ANOVAs were performed for the first two instruments and a two-way
ANOVA was performed with the Presence Questionnaire. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
Table 1. Statistical analyses for mood and presence in a virtual environment with a positive
Emotions and the Emotional Valence Afforded by the Virtual Environment


Brief Measure of Presence post immersion in the neutral /
irrelevant environment
Brief Measure of Presence post experimental immersion
Presence Questionnaire post experimental immersion
Table 2. Mean (and standard error) for the measures of presence in Experiment 1.
2.4 Discussion for experiment 1
The objective was to verify whether feeling an emotion that matched the valence of a virtual
environment induces a greater feeling of presence than feeling an emotion that does not
match the emotional valance afforded by the same virtual environment. The hypothesis
advanced was that inducing a negative emotion in a virtual environment that was expected
a priori to be attractive would disturb and decrease the feeling of presence. The results first
confirmed that the experimental manipulation was effective: the expected mood state of joy
and sadness were induced. However, the valence of the virtual environment seemed
positive enough to reduce the saddening effect of the mood induction. In addition, the
manipulation did not produce the expected effect on the presence measures and the
hypothesis cannot be confirmed. The effect-sizes suggest that the kind of emotions induced
had no influence on the level of presence during virtual immersions. However, the
induction of emotions in general, no matter whether the valence fits or not with the virtual
environment, was associated with a significant increase in presence on the Brief Measure of
The weak level of negative mood reported after the experimental immersion among
participants in the sadness condition may explain the results on the presence measures. The
discrepancy between the emotional valence of the virtual environment and the induced
negative mood was not that strong. Maybe a stronger discrepancy between mood and
valence of the virtual environment would have had a significant impact. To reach that goal,
the use of a negatively valence environment and the induction of positive emotion may be
more fruitful than trying to induce more sadness in participants.
One possible explanation for the observed decrease in negative mood among participants
where sadness was induced may be the inherent attractiveness of the virtual environment
used for the immersion. Visiting a mythological Egyptian temple may represent a positive
experience for most participants in the sample. It is important to point out however that
virtual environments used by other researchers to induce positive mood (Banos et al., 2004;
Riva et al., 2007) were especially designed to have a strong positive valence. No such efforts
were invested in the current environment and, therefore, it was not expected to have such a
soothing effect. Since the attractiveness of the environment chosen for the experiment may
Virtual Reality

be blurring the results, and given the difficulty to induce a very negative mood that would
be incongruent with the valence of the environment, a second experiment was designed
with a virtual environment that has a negative valence, with the hope to verify whether a
positive emotion which doesnt match the valence of a virtual environment would decrease
the feeling of presence.
3. Experiment 2
This experiment used the same design and procedure for inducing emotions as Experiment
1, but a virtual environment depicting a grayish virtual city with dark building and broken-
down cars was chosen. As well, some additional questions were added to complement the
single-item measure of presence. The hypothesis was still that an emotion that does not
match the virtual environments affective valence would lead to a poorer feeling of presence
than a matched emotion.
3.1 Sample and procedures
The sample was composed of 31 adults (19 women and 12 men) from a non-clinical
population. Three participants were excluded because of excessive simulator sickness
during the experiment. The 28 completers age varied from 18 to 62 (M = 30.55, sd = 11.79).
The recruitment procedures and selection criteria were identical to those described in the
previous experiment.
The computer used was the same as in Study 1, except for the VR equipment. The use of a
high-end headset (nVisor Sx from NVIS; visual field 60 degrees, resolution 1280 x 1024) and
more precise tracker (Inertia cube
from InterSense; 3 degrees of liberty, angular resolution
.05 degrees, latency of 8 ms, angular extent of 360 degrees) were expected to provide a better
immersive experience. The virtual environment used for the experiment was a virtual city
adapted from the 3D game Max Pain and used to treat height phobia (Bouchard et al., 2008).
A pilot study was done to verify the valence of the virtual environment. In total, ten people
who were not part of the experimental groups evaluated on a scale from 0 to 10 the valence
of the Temple of Horus environment (see Experiment 1) and the virtual city. They confirmed
that the virtual environment used in Experiment 2 did indeed had a more negative valence
= 4.54, p < .001) than the Egyptian desert.
As in the previous experiment, emotions were induced using Veltens technique (1968). The
experimenter explicitly reminded participants to try to hold their emotion during the
experimental immersion. Also, participants were requested to complete the Brief Mood
Introspection Scale not only after the emotions were induced but also before the mood
induction, when they arrived at the lab. The addition of a baseline for their mood state was
expected to allow confirming that the mood induction was indeed the cause of their mood
state. The same measures were used in the experiment. Three items were added post-
immersion to broaden the assessment of the subjective feeling of presence. One positively
worded item assessed the perceived realism of the virtual environment and two items were
negatively worded (reverse scoring) to document to what extent the user was aware that the
virtual environment was created artificially and that he or she was in an office and not
there in the virtual environment. An average score was calculated for this Gatineau
Presence Questionnaire.
Emotions and the Emotional Valence Afforded by the Virtual Environment

3.2 Results
The mood of participant was induced with success (see Figure 3 and Table 3). The scores on
the negative emotion scale revealed a significant interaction effect. A more specific repeated-
measures Condition X Time interaction contrast revealed a significant increase in negative
mood from the baseline to after the sadness induction (F
= 16.09, p < .001). The mood
state during the experimental immersion was consistent with the mood induction, with a
significant repeated-measure Condition X Time interaction contrast (F
= 5.09, p < .05) on
the negative mood scale. Therefore, a stronger negative mood was reported in participants
where a sad mood was induced, and the virtual environment had a saddening effect on the
mood of those where a joyful mood was induced. The effectiveness of the mood induction
was also confirmed with similar repeated measures Condition X Time interaction contrast
on the positive mood scale. A stronger positive mood was reported from baseline to post-
induction in participants where joy was induced compared to those where sadness was
induced (F
= 37.74, p < .001). The saddening effect of the virtual environment on the
positive mood scale was not limited to participants where joy was induced, as revealed by
the significant Time effect detected for that contrast (F
= 18.66, p < .001) and the lack of
statistical significance of the repeated measures Condition X Time interaction contrasts
between post-induction and post-immersion (F
= 4.90, ns).

Post induction
i mmersion
Positi ve
Negati ve
emoti on
Post induction
Induced joy condition Induced sadness condition

Fig. 2. Positive and negative mood at baseline, post induction and post immersion in a
virtual environment with a negative valence.
Tables 3 and 4 show descriptive statistics and results of the analyses for the presence
measures. The experimental manipulation had no significant impact on presence, even
Virtual Reality

when measured only with one item, with all four items of the Gatineau Presence
Questionnaire and with the Presence Questionnaire. The effect sizes were all small (
.015). Finally, lets mention that participants felt mild simulator sickness during the neutral
virtual exposure (M = 30.29, sd = 23.55), that the intensity of the sickness increased during
the second virtual immersion (M = 40.59, sd = 25.73) and that immersive tendency was good
(M= 70.03, sd= 17.11) for both conditions.

Condition main
Time main
Interaction main
Brief Mood Introspection Scale
Positive emotions .4 16.42** 8.39***
Negative emotions 2.45 6.77** 5.19*

Brief Measure of Presence .00 .8 .00

Gatineau Presence Questionnaire .34

Presence Questionnaire .19
Note: A 2 X 3 repeated measures ANOVA was performed for measure of mood, a 2 X 2 repeated
measures ANOVA was performed for the Brief Measure of Presence and two-way ANOVAs were
performed for the remaining two instruments. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
Table 3. Statistical analyses for mood and presence in a virtual environment with a negative


Brief Measure of Presence post immersion in the neutral /
irrelevant environment
Brief Measure of Presence post experimental immersion
Gatineau Presence Questionnaire - post experimental
Presence Questionnaire post experimental immersion
Table 4. Mean (and standard error) for the measures of presence in Experiment 2.
Emotions and the Emotional Valence Afforded by the Virtual Environment

3.3 Discussion for experiment 2.
The results of this second experiment suggest, as does the data from the first experiment,
that effectively inducing emotions was possible but it did not has an impact on presence.
The participants were able to use Veltens technique (1968) for inducing a positive or
negative mood, but the immersion counteracted the effect of the positive mood induction.
The mood states of the participants were not different at the end of the experiment. The
hypothesis of the impact of a mismatch between the emotions and the valence of the virtual
environment was not supported. This data replicate findings from Experiment 1, this time
with an environment that has a negative valence. These converging findings raise important
questions about emotions.
4. General discussion
Previous findings have shown a correlation between emotions and presence (Riva et al.,
2007; Robillard et al., 2003) and a bidirectional relationship between these constructs
(Bouchard et al., 2008; Michaud et al., 2004; Riva et al., 2007). Riva et al. (2007) showed that
positive and negative mood could be efficiently induced by immersions in carefully
designed virtual environments. The hopes behind the two experiments reported in this
chapter were to document if the impact of emotions on presence was related to emotional
arousal in general or to the realism of the experience. A mismatch between the emotions felt
by the participant and what should be expected given the emotional valence of the virtual
environment was expected to have a detrimental impact on presence. Both experiments
used a classical method for inducing emotions (Velten, 1968). However, despite the use of
two different virtual environments (one with a positive valence and another with a negative
valence), it was impossible to confirm our hypothesis.
Although these are non significant findings, they deserve to be examined carefully as they
can be interpreted differently whether they are considered from the angle of presence or
emotions. From a presence standpoint, few conclusions could be reached since the
manipulations could not create a mismatch. In Experiment 1, participants where sadness
was induced were not in a negative mood throughout the immersion in the positive valence
environment and in Experiment 2 participants where joy was induced were not in a positive
mood throughout the immersion in the negative valence environment. Even if there was a
slight mismatch in Experiment 1, the difference in mood was certainly too small to have an
impact on presence. The only relevant observation is that immersion in the positive
emotional valence environment lead to an increase in presence when compared to the
training environment and this effect was not observed when comparing the training and the
negative valence environments.
When the results are appraised from an emotion standpoint, one striking finding is that
immersion in a virtual environment can counteract the effect of a mood induction
performed with the classical and popular Veltens (1968) approach. This method has been
extensively used and validated (Gilet, 2008). Immersions in moderately positive and
negative valence virtual environments, as opposed to other environments designed
following carefully planned strategies to impact on emotions (Banos et al., 2004; Bouchard et
al., 2006; Riva et al., 2007), can improve moderately negative mood or reduce positive mood.
This in itself is a significant, and replicated, finding. Experimental mood induction
procedures do not always cause intense emotions (Gilet, 2008) and scores on the Brief Mood
Introspection Scale are supporting this notion especially with the negative mood. The
Virtual Reality

saddening induction did not lead to scores as high as the joyful induction. But the
immersion in the positive emotional valence environment was able to counter very
efficiently the negative induction. The negative emotional valence environment did not
increase the negative mood of the participant but induced a negative mood in joyful people
and reduced positive mood in all users.
Two conclusions can be reached from this chapter: (a) much stronger and long lasting mood
induction techniques have to be found and used to induce in vivo emotions that would not
match with the emotional valence of a virtual environment; (b) even simple virtual
environments can counteract effectively the mood induced by traditional strategies. We
cannot conclude, however, whether to increase presence an adequate fit is needed between
relevance of emotions felt in virtual reality and emotions afforded by the content of the
virtual environment. The question about the role of emotional arousal versus the relevance
of the emotions remains.
Unpublished results on the relevance of olfactory cues on presence suggest that mismatch
may not be that detrimental (Bouchard & Baus, in preparation). For example, in a study
where participants were exposed to odors that match (i.e., smell of apple pie in a kitchen
and of urine in a bathroom) or dont match (i.e., smell of apple pie in a bathroom and of
urine in a kitchen) with the context of the virtual environment, the presentation or not of an
odor had more impact on presence than the effect of a match or a mismatch. In case of
mismatches, participants would fill-in for the irrelevance of odors by commenting, for
example, that the pies must be really well cooked if they smell that strong in the bathroom,
or that the garbage bag is due to be changed because of the awful smell in the kitchen.
Presence should be approached like an advanced perceptual illusion based on the
integration of multisensory information. Emotions felt during an immersion can stem from
the automatic appraisal of the stimuli and their meaning. But once emotional arousal is felt
by the user, it could reinforce the illusion of being there in the virtual environment.
Depending on the strength and meaning given to these emotions, we think they could foster
presence or break the illusion.
5. References
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Serious Games for Serious Problems:
from Ludicus to Therapeuticus
Pedro Gamito
, PhD, Jorge Oliveira
, PhD, Diogo Morais
Pedro Rosa
and Tomaz Saraiva
Universidade Lusfona de Humanidades e Tecnologias,

Clnica S. Joo deDeus,

1. Introduction
Within the primate family, the members of our species are the ones that present the longest
period of immaturity. Originally thought as an adaptive evolutionary strategy, since natural
selection would only opt for the characteristics that are more cost-efficient, the longer
period of dependency from progenitors is now perceived as a spin-off of another trait-
intelligence. As a result of the relative narrow birth canal, humans offspring need longer
time, when compared to other primates, to puff up the cranial volume compatible to the
volume and complexity of the brain from where our intelligence levels arise. This means
that the cost of brightness leans on the necessity of further time to allow the brain to
develop. More specifically, social intelligence seems to be the driving agent. According to
Alexander (1987), as humans accomplished dominance over the other species, competition
was shifted to their fellow members, which boosted the need to cope with the complex
systems of relationships within the group.
The long period of brain development accounts for an increased ability towards the
behavioral flexibility needed to deal with such multidimensional network which, according
to Bjorklund (2007) is responsible for our species success. This flexibility, and the resulting
social, competence are particularly acquired during the time young humans are playing.
Since they are born, babiess senses are stimulated, learn how to use their muscles, learn
how to control their body, and, develop the strategies to interact and cope with other
individuals by playing games (Papalia et al., 2005). In fact (Rakoczy, 2007) states that games
because of the make-believe, in one hand, and of the associate inherent rules, in the other,
are the doorway to the entrance on the structured institutional adulthood reality.
Childrens interaction with the surrounding elements enables them to understand that the
others are potential cooperators which allows them to accept their role as persons and,
specially, the opportunity of sharing the same cultural background with others from which
they acquire new ways of behavior and new ways of thinking (Rakoczy, 2007). Games
enable children to engage more easily in this process.
Playing games is therefore a medium for learning the complexities of human systems.
Huizinga (1971) states on his book Homo ludens, that playing is the basis of all human
Virtual Reality

societies and civilizations. According to this author, civilizations appear and developed
from and through gaming. At this light all human activities emerged from gaming.
Philosophy derives from playing with concepts; the language formation relies on playing
with sounds and meanings; war rests upon strategy and tactics, two pillars of gaming and
art is a form of interacting, or playing, with a perceived reality.
Also, gaming replicate several aspects of a certain reality through a set of pre-established
rules. When playing one obey and incorporate the inherent laws of the game. And because
of its playful character rules are assimilate with minor effort. Even for games that have no
previous standardized rules, the formal guidelines naturally appear along the way with
participant consensus.
Even the production of knowledge process is, according to Huizinga (1971), a game. Like a
childrens game, knowledge production is full with doubts resulting from the uncertain
outcome of ones and others players actions, being, at the same time bound to rules. And it
is this duality that provides the ability for knowledge to be produced. The rules made the
superstructure, defining the pathway. The uncertainty enables the ability of the player to
learn from their attempts and errors, which, is according to Popper the only way to
comprehend and acknowledge a certain reality. So gaming seems to be a propeller of human
intellectual and social activities.
The impact of gaming as a social activity is underlined by the entertainment industry where
the gaming industry is leading the way. The revenues from video games release has relegate
the film industry to a supporting role. Video games industry revenues in 2007 were $ 41.9
billion, whereas the movies industry accounted for $ 27 billion (PWC, 2008). Despite most of
the innovative techniques came from the military and the academy (the internet, motion
detection, artificial intelligence, animation physics and collision detection, among others),
video games companies have picked up from there and open up the Pandoras box to the
general public.
Nowadays, many areas of activity use off-the-shelf video games graphic engines to produce
simulations. Professionals from fields like urban planning
(http://wwics.si.edu/foresight/index.htm), journalism
(http://eciencia.urjc.es/dspace/bitstream/10115/.../texto_final_serious_games.pdf), the
military (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=, the police
(www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/.../SeriousGames4thePolice_AhmedBinSubaih-1.pdf), education
(Ritterfeld et al., 2009), or even, cultural heritage (Anderson et al., 2009) were converted to
the thrilling visual and audio ascendancy of video games.
When the first goal of such games is other than entertainment they are coined as serious
games (SG) (Micheal & Cohen, 2006). SG are upgrades of plain numerical simulations. One
of the main goals of computing was, initially, to make possible, within a reasonable frame of
time, the execution of long iterative calculi for simulation. The simulation of what-if
scenarios was, and still is, a desirable path to follow every time an uncertain outcome arises.
In the 60s of last century the USA Apollo program was an example. The Digital Simulation
for the Verification of Apollo Flight Software was devised to emulate spaceship flight
maneuver (Glick & Femino, 1970). Spaceship trajectory, gravity and sensor errors, among
other features, were displayed as form of numbers and letters that were computed while the
crew replied back by clicking on a 12 button keyboard (Dunbar et al, 1966). The result of
simulations appeared as numerical or alphanumerical data. Nowadays, SG do the same
thing. However, and on account of graphic boards and computer generated imagery (CGI)
Serious Games for Serious Problems: from Ludicus to Therapeuticus

techniques, it is now possible to interact with the computer in a more fashionable way. 3D
computer graphics techniques, invented also in the 1960s, enabled that computer based
simulations could be carry on more user-friendly environments.
SG are one of the most notorious off-springs of these developments. The concept behind SG
rests on the ability of channeling videogames properties like graphic interfaces, animation,
realism, interaction and simulation to a target other than pure entertainment. Zyda (2005,
p.26) defined SG as a mental contest, played with a computer in accordance with specific
rules, that uses entertainment to further government or corporate training, education,
health, public policy, and strategic communication objectives. But, perhaps what
differentiates SG from their videogame ancestry is the ability in producing knowledge and
skills that are focused within the application context (Susi et al, 2007). Under this light,
Yusoff and colleagues (2009) produced a conceptual framework where learning, within a SG
context, is a result of an iterative process that derives from the level of achievement of each
player. According to player performance, the system should produce data or information
that acknowledges every accomplishments and failures by providing feedback to the player.
For each feedback, knowledge is produce enabling to move forward. It is also stressed that
the SG must take into consideration its own game attributes that sustain learning and
engagement, and the intended learning outcomes i.e. the major goals to attain.
As seen, nowadays simulation is, in most cases, made through the help of 3D models. The
3D perspective enables a better comprehension of the phenomenon under simulation,
particularly if the phenomenon presents itself on a 3D fashion, such is the case, of most
aspects of our daily lives. Visual perception on human brain relies on different brain areas in
the cortex that are specialized in processing different aspects of visual information. For
example, color, form and depth are processed on V1 and V2 occipital areas and motion on
the medial temporal cortex. This means that the fully understanding, or cognition, of a real
three dimensional phenomenon summons up different areas of the brain. Consequently, the
cognitive load can be reduced if the object or situation presents itself as much as real as
possible. And that is why one image worse thousand words. More effort is required for
analyzing and comprehending a complex structure if it is described in the form of words.
The same occurs if a 3D reality is displayed in 2D. The load on our brain is higher.
Along with simulation another a pattern arises. Interaction. The user ability to freely
experience the digital world is, along with the meaning of the experience, a decisive
contribution for a full engagement within the gaming context. Meaningfulness and
interaction are therefore responsible for tricking ones brain perception making believe that
the participant is actually in the synthetic set. This sense of being there, also defined as
presence, is responsible for turning a 3D experience into a virtual reality (VR) adventure.
And VR is the keystone of any modern SG.
The ability of the end user to freely and easily interact with the complex synthetic world,
alone, or with others have ignited a modern gold rush. As a consequence, millions are
currently engaged on online 3D/VR games. This fact boosted a brave new world. Interacting
with the PC is no longer a thing for software engineers. In future generations it will be
probably hard to find anyone with no proficiency in computing interaction. And this is the
casus belli for SG. Due to their inherent characteristics, SG are probably the best option when
one needs to replicate a certain reality, real or oniric. Such is the case of the treatment of several
mental health disorders or the case of motor and cognitive rehabilitation.
Concerning mental health disorders, more often than not chemical and pharmacological
strategies do not work. One common way out is to empower patients through cognitive and
Virtual Reality

behavioral therapies. In these therapies the patient is confronted with situations aimed at
reeducating erroneous beliefs. For example, patients with arachnophobia face spider images
or the spider itself as many times needed, until the disruptive fear ceases (Garcia-Palacios et
al, 2002).
Regarding motor and cognitive rehabilitation, traditional exercises are more often than not,
repetitive and boring, causing, after a few sessions, a break on the meaningfulness of the
exercise. Setting games where patients next action is unknown and where interaction is the
keynote may engage more efficiently the patient on the rehabilitation process. Rand et al
(2001), developed an augmented reality SG where paraplegic patients exercise torso posture
by attempting to reach out for balls that randomly appear on a virtual screen.
2. Serious games for neuropsychological rehabilitation
2.1 Neuropsychological rehabilitation
The cognitive consequences of acquired brain injury can be very diverse and differ in their
nature. Lesions can result from infectious or degenerative diseases in the central nervous
system (e.g. Alzheimer, Parkinson disease), brain tumors, stroke (e.g. cerebrovascular
accident) and traumatic brain injury. According to each condition, lesions can be focal or
diffuse, resulting in deficits that range from cognitive impairment or
attention/concentration deficits to motor disability. Cognitive impairment is defined by
Cooper et al. (2008) as a limitation in the capacity for mental tasks and is often associated
with deficit in executive functions. In fact, according to Wang and collaborators (2004)
patients suffering from traumatic brain injuries need, in most cases, to relearn almost all
daily life activities.
Brain injury can affect all human domains, such as cognitive, emotional, behavioral and
social functioning, leading to selective effects in terms of motor or sensory losses, cognitive
disability (e.g. memory deficits) and emotional problems, namely, anxiety and depression.
Neuropsychological rehabilitation is related with the improvement of cognitive and motor
deficits caused by brain injury. In this way, the major goal of cognitive rehabilitation is to
enable patients to overtake cognitive and emotional deficits and to achieve social adjustment
and better quality of life (Wilson, 2003).
The scientific literature is in agreement regarding the development of new
neuropsychological approaches that need to take on board the scientific knowledge from
different areas of psychology. Cognitive rehabilitation can be considered as the use of
cognitive theories in rehabilitation of patients with brain injury. The use of theoretical
models from cognitive psychology has been quite influential on neuropsychological
approaches (Sohlberg & Mateer, 2001). For example, theoretical models for working
memory of Baddeley and Hitch (1974) have been critical for memory recover in cognitive
rehabilitation programs, as well as the models of behavior and theories of learning
(Baddeley, 1993) and cognitive behavior therapy models (Beck, 1976; 1996) for treatment of
emotional consequences that are common in patients who suffer brain injury. The study of
memory and attentional deficits is also important for many patients with acquired brain
injury, even when they are not a primary problem. Once the patient is required to apply
skills in real-world settings, demands on attention and working memory often exceed their
processing and response capabilities. Patients with acquired brain injuries may find it
Serious Games for Serious Problems: from Ludicus to Therapeuticus

difficult to train both a primary task and a simultaneous secondary task. Wilson and
colleagues (2006) suggest that these procedures should be supported by visual and verbal
cues that can signal attention to obstacles and forthcoming events. According to Wilson
(2003) the self-regulation of frustration and loss feelings is another crucial factor in
rehabilitation processes. In this way, the main goals of neuropsychological rehabilitation are
to promote recovery of patients through the complete understanding of the impact of
cognitive and behavioral impairments in their functional disabilities (Ylvisaker et al., 1998).
All validated approaches of cognitive rehabilitation start from a neuropsychological
assessment. The complete neuropsychological assessment is important to determine and
estimate the impact of each intervention. Cognitive rehabilitation has two different
perspectives: internally and externally focused interventions. Regarding the internally
focused protocols, interventions aim at training a specific function, whereas externally
focused interventions are more related to the environmental adjustment of these patients.
Despite the nature of each intervention protocol, meaningful improvement in patients
everyday life activities is one critical aspect of neuropsychological rehabilitation. However,
the focus on function has supported the development of more structured protocols and tools
that may benefit the overall adjustment of these patients.
Sohlberg and Mateer (1989) claim that neuropsychological rehabilitation should be based on
a theoretical background. For instance, cognitive retraining suggested by Sohlberg and
colleagues (2001) is based in the assumption that stimulation of affected functions may help
to recover from disability, which can be the case of using computer games to assist
neuropsychological rehabilitation.
2.2 Serious games and IT in neuropsychological rehabilitation
Serious games (SG) can be defined, as seen, as games that do not have the entertainment as a
primary goal and can contribute to a specific purpose.
Research with videogames has focused mainly in the negative effects of video games at an
individual and social level, while other perspectives suggest that videogame play can help
to develop cognitive abilities, such as visual and spatial skills.
Early in 1984, Greenfield has suggested that video games could enhance visuo-motor and
cognition skills. Later, Green and Bavelier (2003) showed in a controlled study that playing
videogames improves the overall capacity of the attentional system measured by the
number of objects that can be attended in specific task.
Green and Bavelier (2006a) also studied spatial distribution of attention with video game
play. These authors carried out a controlled study to test whether gamers have more
attentional resources than non-gamers. The results showed that gamers attend more
effectively to stimuli presented in the periphery and in central vision, revealing higher
visuospatial attention.
The latest videogames are very challenging and can promote visuospatial attention
resources by training task-related attention or vision skills (Green & Bavelier 2006b). For
example, heavy gamers can train visual skills in an unusually challenging situation, since
they are daily exposed to very demanding visual tasks that require visual processing of
multiple items. Green and Bavelier (2007) also suggest that videogames could require, in a
great extent, the efficient neglect of distracting items, which can enhance visual processing
and, thus allocation of attentional resources.
Virtual Reality

One of the most common procedures in rehabilitation is the repeated and systematic
training of the impaired functions, where patients need to practice and relearn lost cognitive
and motor functions (Allred et al., 2005). In this way, the study of neural mechanisms
involved in learning is a key component for the understanding of video-game practice in
A study of Koepp and collaborators (1998) found that videogame play may change the
release of neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine) in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter
involved in many functions with important roles in cognition and behavior through reward
and learning modulation. The authors studied dopamine levels with positron emission
tomography scans during an action video game play and actually observed an increase in
dopamine levels during videogame play.
In agreement with these assumptions and according to Sohlberg and colleagues (2001)
theory, cognitive retraining is one crucial aspect for neuropsychological rehabilitation.
Virtual environments in terms virtual reality SG can provide training environments where
repetition, visual and auditory feedback can be systematically manipulated according to
each individual differences.
Levin and collaborators (2005) argued that using SG applications in rehabilitation may
benefit training purposes, mainly through the 3D spatial correspondence between
movements in the real world and movements in the virtual worlds, which may facilitate
real-time performance feedback. As stated before, the repetitive practice is an important
aspect in motor and cognitive training as it improves performance in disabled patients
(Chen et al, 2004). For example, these authors used SG environments in children with
cerebral palsy and observed that the repetitive practice of a particular motor aspect enables
the coordination of a specific muscular system. While, repeating the exercises, patients
senses are provided with feedback on the accomplishments achieved during each task.
Another example of SG contribution in rehabilitation is the study of Viau and colleagues
(2004). The authors studied movements performed by participants with hemiparesis with
virtual objects in VR and real objects in real life and found no differences between
conditions, suggesting that this VR can be effective as training technique for rehabilitation
Another important issue with neuropsychological rehabilitation is the patients motivation
to perform the predetermined exercises. Mainly because SG and VR are usually presented
on a multimodal platform with several sorts of immersive cues, such as images and sounds,
patients may be more willing to engage and pursue with the exercise when are performed
within a SG or VR setups. In agreement with this notion, Bryanton and collaborators (2006)
claim that children with cerebral palsy had more fun and tended to repeat more often at
home the exercises in the virtual environments than the conventional exercises.
The wideband technology provides mobile and remote application of the SG virtual
environments and brought about a new area of application, the telerehabilitation. Due to the
disability characteristics or to the distance from the rehabilitation clinic, or both, an
important part of the patients neglect training sessions (Sugarman et al., 2006). The
neuropsychological telerehabilitation may take the cognitive and motor exercises to the
patients. Lewis and colleagues (2006) developed a telerehabilitation application that enables
therapist to communicate, control and monitoring patients exercises remotely. This system
comprises rehabilitation devices such as gloves and head-mounted display on the patients
side and a web camera and headphones on the remote therapist side. Although, it requires
the effective participation of the therapist on rehabilitation procedure, this limitation may be
Serious Games for Serious Problems: from Ludicus to Therapeuticus

overcome by the replacement of the therapist by an avatar. This synthetic person, armed
with artificial intelligence, can coach the patient throughout the rehabilitation exercises
dismissing therapists involvement. However, there is lack of information regarding the
effectiveness of this approach and the results are unclear at this point.
More recently, Gamito and collaborators (in press) have addressed this issue and studied an
online portal to train memory and attention in patients with traumatic brain injury (Figure
1). The study was carried out on single 20 years old male patient with traumatic brain injury
where the he had to complete a set of 10 online VR sessions. The patient was assessed
before, during and after training with neuropsychological measures for working memory
and attention. In this case study, the authors found an improvement in cognitive abilities
suggesting that this online VR platform can be effective for cognitive rehabilitation of TBI

Fig. 1. Online VR platform for cognitive telerehabilitation of TBI patients (Gamito et al. in
The same authors suggest that on a virtual environment, training can be perceived more as a
game and less than a task, engaging the patients in the rehabilitation process more than the
conventional methods.
In the future, the dissemination of these procedures may benefit with the development of
game platforms, such as Wii, Xbox, Playstation that may also contribute to enhanced and
more user-friendly training environments, where systematic training and real-time feedback
can occur, as can be seen on the last section of chapter.
The principles of rehabilitation are grounded in different theories, however, it appears that
the common procedure to all different approaches is that stimulation of impaired functions
can promote faster recovery of the affected cognitive or motor skills and, as consequence,
may contribute also to self-esteem, emotional well being and the overall social adjustment of
these patients. Within the cognitive retraining perspective of (Sohlberg et al., 1989) and with
virtual environments derived from SG and VR applications, training can be more effective
since it provides a more ecologically valid technique which will ensure the transfer of
learned skills to real-life situations.
3. Serious games for mental disorders
3.1 Mental diseases: facts, numbers and traditional treatments
One may think that mental disorders affect just a small part or specific layers of society;
however, they are widespread in the population (Kessler, et al., 2005a), being the leading
cause of disability in the U.S. and Canada (WHO, 2003). It has been shown that around 57.7
Virtual Reality

million people have diagnosable mental disorders (U.S. Census Bureau, 2004), according to
a reliable established criteria (APA, 2000). Around 26 % of the Americans suffer from a
mental disorder in any given year and 45 % of those meet the criteria for two or more
disorders, usually related to co-morbidity (Kessler et al., 2005b).
Under the mundus of mental illness, a wide range of psychopathologies can be found. The
most common type of mental disorders in psychiatric population are the anxiety disorders
(AD) with a 18,1% of incidence and a lifetime prevalence of 28,8%, (Kessler et al., 2005b). AD
is a supra category which include panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-
traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and phobias (social phobia,
agoraphobia, and specific phobia) (APA, 2000). It is estimated that nearly 40 millions of
American adults have an AD in a given year, representing 18 % of the American population
(U.S. Census Bureau, 2004; Kessler et al., 2005b). Furthermore, AD commonly co-occur with
others mental disorders and normally lead to relapses (Kessler et al., 2005b).
Another very common type of mental disorders are the mood disorders, which include the
depression disorders and the bipolar disorders (APA, 2000). The unipolar depression and
bipolar affective disorders are on the top ten of the leading causes of disability worldwide
(Murray & Lopez, 1996). It is estimated that major depression affects approximately 14.8
million American adults (U.S. Census Bureau, 2004; Kessler et al., 2005b ). Moreover, major
depression is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for ages 15-44 (WHO, 2004).
Although, not so common, schizophrenia is known to be a highly disabling disorder. In a
1999 a study conducted in 14 countries, schizophrenia was ranked as the third-most-
disabling condition just after quadriplegia and dementia (stn et al., 1999). A meta-
analyses study conducted by Bhugra (2005) revealed that the median prevalence of
schizophrenia was 4.6/1,000 for point prevalence, 3.3/1,000 for period prevalence and
4.0/1000 for lifetime prevalence.
The typical treatments for mental disorders can be categorized in pharmacological or
nonpharmacological (Gazzaniga & Heatherton, 2006). Pharmacological treatment includes
several main groups. In mood disorders, Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), Selective
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake
Inhibitors (SNRIs) are the mostly employed (Hirschfeld & Vornik, 2004). Anxiolytics are
used, generally shorter-term, for AD (APA, 2000). A sort of anxiolytics, like benzodiazepines
prescribed for short-term relief, azapirones, barbiturates, meprobamate and non-
cardioselective beta-receptor blocker are the mostly applied for AD (Goodman, 2004; ). On
other hand, antipsychotics are usually prescribed in schizophrenia (Davis & Adams, 2001).
However, antipsychotics may provoke extrapyramidal reactions with a range of side effects
like dystonias, akathisia, parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia, tachycardia, hypotension or
even impotence (Bellack, 2006).
Among nonpharmacological treatments, cognitivebehavioural therapy (CTB) is the most
frequent in AD (Hofmann & Smits, 2008) , mood disorders (Gloaguen et al., 1998) and
schizophrenia (Wykes et al., 2008). Interpersonal psychotherapy is also commonly applied,
with positive outcomes in depression (Weissman et al., 2000).
Indeed, a larger body of literature suggests that CBT for AD are the non-pharmacological
most effective approach (Craske, 1999), with an effectiveness relatively similar across AD
and most efficacious that non-CBT treatments (e.g., Abramowitz, 1997; Fedoroff & Taylor,
2001;). These findings are not surprising, since that most treatments consist of therapeutic
techniques of education, self-monitoring, cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy.
Serious Games for Serious Problems: from Ludicus to Therapeuticus

For treatment of AD, exposure therapy is the most common and effective psychotherapeutic
technique (Foa et al., 2000). This efficacy in AD, may be explain by the common
denominator for all AD, that is, a distinctly and abnormal increased fear response. When
fear becomes more disproportionate than what is justified by the external threat and there is
a clearly interference with the ability to function optimally, then the criteria for an anxiety
spectrum disorder is met (APA, 2000).
This fear response has been related to an amygdalar dysfunction (Williams et al., 2006). The
amygdala consists of 13 nuclei located in the anterior medial temporal lobe and has a key
role in fear regulation (Hamm & Weike, 2005). Three of these nuclei, the basal amygdala,
lateral amygdale, and central nuclei, are implicated in the pathways of fear response (Par et
al., 2004). Threatening cues are received by the sensory thalamus, sent to the lateral
amygdale, and subsequently transmitted to the central nucleus. This circuit is known as
short loop pathway. The long information processing circuit (long loop pathway) sends
signals to the lateral amygdale from the sensory cortex, insula, and prefrontal cortex
(LeDoux, 2000). From there, the information is projected to the effector spots in the brain
stem and hypothalamus, which produce the autonomic and behavioral expressions of fear
Similarly, a number of studies reported an increase in amygdalar activity in specific phobias
(Larson et al., 2006). According to Ledoux (2000), a threatening cue representing a potential
danger, causes an automatic, quick protective response that occurs without the need for
conscious thought. Despite the influence of neurobiological aspects, some models refer the
weight of cognitive factors on AD development and maintenance.
Exposure therapy as a therapeutic technique involves the exposure to the feared stimulus or
context without any danger while the psychotherapist relieves patients anxiety (Rothbaum
& Schwartz, 2002). Traditionally, exposure therapy adopts two different paths: imagination
or in vivo. In imagination exposure, the patient will be exposed himself/herself to all the
scary parts of ansiogenic situation but just mentally. In vivo exposure consists on direct
confrontation to feared objects, activities, or situations by a patient (Leahy, 2003). However,
new forms of treatment (with preference low-priced, fast, creative and effective) are being
been wished for not only for patients but for therapists as well. The advance of technology
brought new approaches and new therapeutic techniques.
3.2 Serious gaming: a new iceberg peak is emerging
Exposure therapy, within in CBT context is the most reliable intervention type when it
comes to treat AD. In some of these disorders, in vivo and in imagination exposure fails to
deliver sound results (Parsons & Rizzo, 2008).
For example, imagination exposure is somewhat ineffective in PTSD and in vivo exposure is
far from being cost efficient in fear of flying. It is difficult to
compel patients with PTSD that had suffered traumatic events to re-experience or relive
those events through imagination (i.e. War PTSD, Motor Vehicle Accidents, sexual abuse).
And regarding fear of flying, the amount of time spent and the associated costs of in vivo
exposure narrows down the number of possible patients.
VR-based SG can replicate almost in perfection any of these ansiogenic situations, with less
costs and in less time, given a better solution (ratio cost/efficacy) in AD treatment.
To bypass impediments such as these, SG were developed as a reliable and alternative
therapeutic technological technique (TTT). The increasing accessibility to powerful personal
Virtual Reality

computers and 3D visualization techniques made the development of SG and its use on
psychotherapy, a tool for treating most AD. VR is actually one of the fields that, within the
SG application content, yields a more promising future since it allows an even greater
immersive experience and a more realistic approach.
VR holds a set of important features that, allied to the characteristics of SG, ensure a fruitful
solution for many situations. One of these characteristics is the rich interactive simulation
that VR encloses. The interactivity on a full sensory environment created to a specific end
ensures that the objectives of exposure (in whatever field of application) are met in an easier
and more controlled way than in traditional imagination exposure. In this way, VR-based
SG might be an adequate technique due a better approximation to the real word (Vincelli &
Molinari, 1998; Vincelli & Riva, 2002), inducing higher levels of immersion when compared
to imagination exposure (Botella et al., 2000; Rothbaum et al., 1995; Vincelli & Riva, 2002).
Furthermore, VR allows the development of settings that ensure that ecological validity is
taking in consideration. For instance, in cases of fear of subway, before getting in the railway
carriage, patient should enter in the subway station; buy the traveling ticket, stamp it and
then wait for the train to come (Figure 2).

Fig. 2. Screenshots of VR-based Serious Game for Agoraphobia Treatment developed by the
Psychology Computional Laboratory of the Universidade Lusfona de Humanidade e
Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal.
This element, in conjunction with the increased engagement that VR brings to any (serious
or not) videogame, is an important feature for every multimedia application, and was taken
into consideration since the beginning of the development of these tools. In some situations,
namely psychotherapy, the novelty of the situation in which the participant is involved also
ensures that the objective of SG is pursued in an easier way.
The impact VR-based SG has been felt in a far-reaching range of fields over the last years,
being effective on treatment for anxiety, phobia, PTSD, stress inoculation training, pain and
drug and alcohol addiction (Wiederhold & Wiederhold, 2008). More specifically, VR-based
SG are being used to in clinical populations with acrophobia (Emmelkamp et al., 2001),
arachnophobia (Garcia-Palacios et al., 2002), claustrophobia (Botella, 2000), fear of flying
(Rothbaum et al., 2000), fear of driving (Saraiva et al., 2007) or PTSD (Gamito et al., 2008,
2009, 2010).
The hyper realistic threatening stimuli provided by SG lead to higher attention (Vincelli,
2000), and subsequent encapsulation, which means, once the fear system is activated it is
difficult to control fear response by verbal instructions or stimulus consciousness (Hamm &
Weike, 2005). According to Vincelli and Riva (2002) SG reduce then, the gap between reality
and imagination, by diminishing potential distraction or cognitive avoidance to the
threatening stimuli.
Serious Games for Serious Problems: from Ludicus to Therapeuticus

These and other studies revealed that this type of gaming enables patients to be immersed in
the virtual world creating the so called sense of being there. This sense, also coined as
presence as mentioned in the introductory section of this chapter, allows patient to interact
with virtual world like if he or she were truly in a real environment (Ditton et al. 1997). In
addition, in SG, therapist may also have full control on the virtual world, being able to add,
or withdraw, threatening cues according to patient and treatment requirements (Gamito et
al., 2008).
SG can be thought in the prior terms as a masked exposure therapy technique with specific
features embedded like novelty, playfulness, control and security that rely on the key
process the desensitization (Wolpe, 1973). Controlled studies have continuously shown
that this combination of SG with traditional therapies results in more successful outcomes
(Hoffman et al. 2000; Gamito et al., 2008, 2009, 2010).
The potentialities and benefits of SG have been demonstrated specially in PTSD studies
(Rizzo and et al., 2006; Gamito et al., 2008; 2009). PTSD is a special case of AD, characterized
by unique symptoms (e.g. dissociation, nightmares, flashbacks) which are not present in
other AD, suggesting either different or deep emotion deregulation. (Ethin & Wager, 2007).
PTSD patients typically re-experience the disturbing incident and engage the avoidance to
stimuli linked to the traumatic scenario. These patients also present an impairing recall of
events connected to traumatic scene and an autonomic hyper reactivity (APA, 2004). It has
been also suggested that PTSD patients tend to have abnormal levels of key hormones
implicated in fear response, namely lower cortisol levels and higher levels of epinephrine
and norepinephrine when compared to non-patients (Yehuda, 1998).
Now is possible to reproduce in SG cues of events that are not replicable in a real life
situation (Rizzo et al., 2006). SG appears to promote the visual, auditory and olfactory
memory, activating other related memories and experiences such as cognition, affect, and
physical sensation. Under SG, PTSD patients report physical (sweating, shaking knees) and
emotional symptoms (feeling scared or uncomfortable) associated with the stored memories
of the traumatic events. In general, SG provide a link between the patients reality formed
by his or her memories of the traumatic event and the objective world. The current studies
with VR-based SG revealed that gaming aspect of the treatment also helps to reduce the
stigma associated with getting therapy (Gamito et al., 2008, 2009, 2010).
In the field of specific phobias (e.g. snakes, spiders, dogs, pigeons, etc.), SG may become the
first option for exposure therapy, in the way that is safer, less embarrassing, and less costly
than reproducing the real world situations. The traditional exposure therapy can be, more
often than not, a barrier to treatment. It is known, that only about 20% of phobic individuals
seek treatment because they are too stressed by the thought of being exposed to the
feared/avoiding stimuli (Bender, 2004).
In traditional exposure therapy, patient engagement in the therapeutically process is
sometimes compromised. Phobic individuals tend to have difficulty in imagining,
visualizing or describing the phobic situations, which, eventually, makes it hard to
reproduce in vivo or to assess the level of avoidance in imagination exposure. This is the
point that VR-based SG can be of distinctive help, by immersing phobic patients into a not-
so-virtual world, in which they can live and relive as their own.
Regarding patients with fear of flying (Rothbaum et al., 2000), and acrophobia (Emmelkamp
et al., 2001), SG can offer a superb visual and auditory cuing, allowing simultaneously
therapists to generate and control the entire virtual world via computer. The virtual worlds
Virtual Reality

allows then a simultaneous delivery of trigger stimuli including visual, auditory and tactile
(bass shaker or vibration platform) originating an immersive and multimodal experience
(Gorini & Riva, 2008).
SG has improved the chances of recovery in wide range of AD. Therapeutic benefits of SG
not just take place in PTSD or specific phobias. The effectiveness of SG has been also tested
with non-specific phobias.
A non-specific phobia is a more generalized fear, similar to specific phobias, but where the
fear appears to be associated to something less discrete (APA, 2000), such as the fear of open
spaces or agoraphobia.
Agoraphobics were exposed to VR-based SG, in which virtual open spaces were presented,
revealing that the negative attitudes toward agoraphobic situations decreased significantly
(North et al., 1996, Botella et al., 2004).
Also in claustrophobia, SG proved its efficacy. A VR-based SG was played throughout
several sessions, in which patients were exposed to a customized hierarchy of feared
situations. The results showed that anxiety was reduced and maintained at one month
follow-up (Botella et al., 2004). It is also important to stress, that the previous claustrophobic
related SG were enough real to produce a significant level of anxiety in patients. Another
advantage found in SG derives from the possibility to return to lesser anxiogenic level every
time the anxiety level becomes overwhelming. Similar to a remote control, a gameover order
is at a click distance. The SG also gives an additional benefit to recreate physical sensations
that agoraphobics or claustrophobics feel during their panic attacks, such as shortness of
breath or blurred vision. (Botella et al., 2004). In a gastronomic analogy, SG allows therapists
to serve la carte anxiogenic scenarios, depending on the severity and specificity of each
SG benefits may also be spread to other range of psychopathology like schizophrenia. SG
developed for social phobia, claustrophobia, and other AD are likely to be applicable to
psychosis (Freeman, 2008). VR-based SG can be used with schizophrenic patients, where
some complex deficits are able to be measured. It looks like that SG can be also a promising
TTT for the understanding of schizophrenia and other brain disorders. SG in schizophrenia
is not only a TTT, but a methodology that helps the understanding of functioning of
schizophrenia and a new form of diagnostic as well (Josman et al, 2009). According to
Freeman (2008), there are some SG applied on schizophrenia treatment, which can teach
about the factors that make symptoms better or worse by indicating how emotional state
affects hallucinations, or by helping the schizophrenics to learn about the effects focus of
attention or style of reasoning.
Regarding mood disorders, SG has not been applied as a TTT itself, but rather, as a method
to understand depression. VR-based SG are seen as new tools for assessing the link between
depression and the hippocampus. According to Gould and colleagues (2007), when the
spatial memory is challenged by a VR-based SG, patients with depression perform poorly
on game compared with non-patients, suggesting that their hippocampi were not working
The employment of SG in mental illness does not stop here. The VR-based SG are frequent
applied on eating disorders (Perpia et al., 2003) or in sexual disorders (Optale et al., 2004).
A VR-based SG, including a cognitive behavioral therapy (in order to have an influence on
the sensations of displeasure) and a visual-motor therapy (to mediate the body perception
levels) showed effectiveness in the eating behaviors (Riva et al., 2003, 2004). Furthermore,
Serious Games for Serious Problems: from Ludicus to Therapeuticus

SG cannot be only a TTT, but also can be used as a method in the evaluation process, in
order to assess the body image perception (Riva et al., 1998).
In relation to sexual disorders, SG were applied by Optale and colleagues (1998, 2004) in
several studies. All of them revealed that SG increase the positive outcomes. The results
suggest that SG when combined with psychotherapy may accelerate the therapeutic process,
leading to a satisfactory sexual performance.
Not so related with mental illness, but still an important topic, is pain distraction. It is
common during medical procedures patients feeling excessive pain (Melzack, 1990),
especially during severe burn injuries care (Carrougher et al., 2003). Hoffman and
colleagues (2001) found that VR-based SG can perform as a virtual nonpharmacological
analgesic. The patients who played SG reported significant decreases in their pain ratings
during the game as an important part of the patients attentional focus was shifted away
from the pain. These results are corroborated with large range of studies in pain, which
point out SG as a reliable method for use as an adjunct to medication in pain control (e.g.
Gerson, 2003; Stelle, 2003).
4. A shining and bright new future
The future of SG technology and its fields of applications is intimately related to the
development of traditional videogames, medical science and military industry. SG have
evolved at the same pace traditional videogame industry have, following however some
other strategies to ensure that their specific demands are met.
This is the case, as discussed before, of virtual reality (VR), which has been one of the most
used technologies in SG and constitutes an important leap towards the full implementation
of these type of games as a valuable resource in many issues.
One of the most important technologies associated with VR, the Head Mounted Displays
(HMD), which are supposed to promote an engagement experience through head tracking
and stereoscopy, have been developing at a good pace. In the early days of VR in SG, most
of the fields concerning VR applications were centered along the constraints, such as
cybersickness, equipment ergonomy and image definition of these equipments, in a pursuit
of a fully immersive experience, without compromising comfort and usability.
Recent developments in multimedia industry, such as high definition (HD) and 3D TV sets
may contribute for bridging the gap between reality and the virtual reality exhibit on HMD.
High definition and 3D displays improves the sense of realism and provide stereoscopic
perception, reducing discomfort for the user.
If interactivity in SGs is an important feature, one can state that motion detection is a very
interesting technology concerning SG, and more specifically, neurological/physical
rehabilitation. This technology has suffered a dramatic evolution in the last 10 years, and its
use is now widespread in the videogame industry. Nintendo was the first big company to
tackle this issue, and most of the attention being drawn upon this technology can be
attributed to the Japanese manufacturer. This success had to be met by their competitors,
and both Playstation 3 (Sony) and Xbox 360 (Microsoft) now offer similar solutions on this
engaging technology, that allows that real movements on the user to be recognized as
virtual movements by the console and, therefore, a substantial increase in the level of
interaction and meaningfulness can be achieved. This is an important resource for the
professionals of both motor and neurorehabilitation, and even though some studies have
proven the efficacy of SG as a method of rehabilitation (Rizzo, A. & Kim, G., 2005; Broeren,
Virtual Reality

et al. 2006), there are still some bumps to cross, concerning this technologies. The major
issue is that Wii games (which are the ones currently in sale worldwide) were not created to
this specific end. These games were created to deliver entertainment and in order for them
to work as SG, investments in some of the available applications must be made, or a ground-
up development of new ones, must be done, including, of course, the involvement of
neurorehabilitation professionals. Even though Wii is a closed system, in the sense that all
the development of new applications have to be approved by Nintendo, some game
development tools, like Unity 3D, offer the possibility of developing new products for
neurorehabilitation by third-party development teams. These projects, frequent in the
Personal Computer (PC) scene, would clearly benefit with a parallel development in this
particular system due to its almost unique features.
Another prospective feature that will increase the level of realism in this sort of applications
will be the continuous development of graphic engines used in videogames. In the last five
years, the increased power of both development and end-user equipments has brought up a
surge of more realistic features in most videogames, which can, in the long run, allow for
more sophisticated applications especially in the areas where SG are still unable to achieve
the desired results, such as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (Rizzo et al, in press), depression
(Baos et al, 2006) or autism (Strickland, 1997). It is important however to affirm, that in
some pathologies, the problem is not merely related to technological issues. In fact, and
considering PTSD, the problem may reside much more in the inadequacy of therapeutic
approaches than in the technological development. Nevertheless, the so called new
generation videogames consoles and PC that use Direct X 10.0 and 11.0 still have an
enormous margin for improvement, and the most pressing issue is to create synergies with
the videogame industry, in order to get the most out of current and future videogames in a
more serious perspective.
SG will also amplify its presence in the educational context, as more and more solutions are
being found to increase the appeal and effectiveness of teaching. The main reason is that
traditional formats of teaching find it hard to reach children that are getting more and more
used to rich-media contents. Therefore, SG are a fun and integrated way to maximize the
educational potential at school or at home, giving learning the same resources that
entertainment has for competing for childrens attention. An interesting experience being
implemented using SG is the Magellan Initiative in Portugal, which is a similar project to the
One Laptop per Child (OLPC) initially developed in the US. Both includes a series of
applications that attempt to conjugate the potential of videogames with the learning process
of early years. The initial results where a little off what was initially expected, especially
because of some issues regarding the updates and configuration of the software. However,
most teachers considered it a valuable resource for years to come, if the abovementioned
issues can be resolved quickly. This is just an example of the role that SG can have in
education, but in this case, the development of the application was specifically made to this
Furthermore, online collaborative 3D environments, especially taking into account the
massive success of MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), can also
pose as an excellent tool for online and distance learning. In fact, many universities offer
distance learning solution in some of their courses, and some online 3D communities have
developed far beyond their initial role. One the most compelling examples is Second Life.
Serious Games for Serious Problems: from Ludicus to Therapeuticus

This online community has allowed, in the last few years, a sound display of the potential of
Internet and online communities as places of knowledge and information exchange. Many
universities and even some individuals scholars have used this platform to give some
conferences and lectures, where hundreds and even thousands of people can gather, from
all over the world, and watch is for free. This platform was conceived to work as similar
videogames (like The Sims series, one of the most successful videogame in history), but
allowing oneself to interact fully with others, living a virtual second life.
Some other applications are now being tried. Governments of countries, like USA and the
UK, are turning to SG in order to find a way to make people understand the consequences
of social and political issues that are changing the geopolitical landscape after the financial
crisis that started in 2008. Furthermore, and in a more holistic approach, some of these
games (which are still in development in some of the worlds most well known software
houses) intend to ask players some out-of-the-box solutions for these serious problems.
Therefore, SG are beginning to play an important role as a liaison between politicians and
the people they represent. This can also be seen in the attempt that the British Government
is doing to use Facebook as a tool for feedback and solution discussion for some of the most
pressing issues concerning this financial and economic crisis.
Some other less conventional forms of SG have been developed in the last years. Some of
these games can be employed as propaganda, using an apparent form of entertainment to
get some message across. One of the clearest examples is Full Spectrum Warrior. This is a
war simulation videogame that was used, by the United States Army, to display its military
prowess and technological edge over other nations (Dgansetheman, 2005). This game,
however, was not developed with this objective, but was then adapted to fit the US Armys
agenda. This is just a new way to reach people with a specific political agenda, and it is no
different than other forms used in the past (like comic books or cinema). But the most
prolific example of the extraordinary reach of SGs and the investment being made in this
format is Americas Army (AAs) videogame (Becker D., 2004). As is a videogame developed
by Virtual Heroes for the US Army as a traditional videogame. However, its scope goes far
beyond entertainment since its major goal was to create an online platform for recruitment.
The enormous success of the videogame (even though there are no clear numbers as far as
the efficacy of this recruitment method) is very clear, since there are more than 5 million
registered users and is one of the top five most played online videogames. Results like this
are evidence enough to support similar endeavors in the future and probably other military
forces will develop similar applications for the same end.
SG are also playing a role on a community with a diverse agenda. Advertisements on
videogames is now a reality turning entertainment games into platforms that have other
than the cheerful objective of playing (Susi et al. 2007). Nevertheless, like political
propaganda or army recruitment, advergaming is a strategy being used by many companies
to achieve a greater connection with its audience, but most of all, to ensure that a specific
brand or product builds its base of consumers of the younger generations. The most
troubling issue is that most of these products are very similar to traditional videogames
which can be a bit of a problem to some consumers. Moreover, it is important that the
intrusion of advertisement in videogames, that is becoming a more serious investment for
major companies, does not backfire, as there is still a high level of resistance to these sort
of advertising strategies.
Virtual Reality

5. References
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Part 7
Educational and Industrial Applications
Integrating Low-Cost Virtual Reality into
Engineering Design Curricula
Shana Smith
National Taiwan University
Taiwan, R.O.C.
1. Introduction
One way to enhance students ability to visualize 3-D objects is to make their experience of
the objects, while learning, as realistic as possible. However, in general, it is very difficult to
clearly describe to students a 3-D object and the spatial relationship between the object
components, without using a physical mockup. Physical mockups take a lot of time to
construct, especially for more complex objects. As a result, graphics educators have started
to use 3-D computer-aided design (CAD) tools to help students understand the spatial
relationships between objects. However, CAD tools only allow students to examine 3-D
models from outside flat computer monitors. In other words, the models and the viewers
are in different realms. Using traditional CAD tools, students cannot view models with
natural stereoscopic vision.
Virtual reality (VR) is a computer technology of simulating or replicating a physical
environment to give users a sense of being there, taking control, and physically interacting
with the environment (Ausburn & Ausburn, 2004). VR technology breaks down barriers
between humans and computers by immersing viewers in a computer-generated
stereoscopic environment. With advances in hardware and software, most PC computers
now have the capability to support VR use. Thus, VR has now become an affordable
visualization tool that can be used in classrooms.
As Ausburn and Ausburn (2004) indicated, there is a significant opportunity to expand and
explore the use of VR in classrooms. Research suggests that VR is an effective tool that
enhances learning in areas such as engineering (Sulbaran & Baker, 2000). In addition, VR
engages the intellectual, social, and emotional processes of learners. The impact of VR is due
to its ability to encourage interaction and ability to motivate learners (Winn et al., 1997).
Salzman (1999) found that VR applications in education depends on VR features, class
contents, students characteristics, and students prior experiences.
The emphasis of engineering graphics education has been placed on design, problem-
solving, presentation, and communication skills. Three dimensional spatial visualization
ability is the core requirement for successfully developing those skills. The use of VR may
also represent an effective strategy that supports the development of spatial skills. It is
important to combine exposure to VR models with activities such as sketching or drawing
as a means for developing a capacity for visual imagery and creativity (Deno, 1995; Devon et
al., 1994; Sorby, 1999). Sorby (1999) explained that in most cases, graphics curricula begin
with multi-view sketching/drawing and then move to pictorial sketching. However, this
Virtual Reality

sequence of topics is opposite of how most educational psychologists say that students
Although there are many advantages in VR applications, it is important to consider
challenges in integrating VR into classrooms. There is little guidance regarding the
instructional design and classroom facilitation of VR technologies (Ausburn & Ausburn,
2004). These challenges include lack of necessary computing equipment for testing VR
applications (Riva, 2003), lack of standardization of VR systems (Riva, 2003), and difficulty
in establishing equivalent control groups (Crosier et al., 2000).
This paper examines the use of VR at three higher education institutions, including one
four-year university and two two-year community colleges. This paper considers how the
use of new technology in the classrooms affects faculty and students. Experiences and
survey results are presented for interested practitioners to follow.
2. Project activities
A VR software tool, VRCADViewer, and instructional materials necessary for class use such
as a variety of VR models were developed. The university developed a VR software tool
(VRCADViewer) which utilized an open source from Open SceneGraph
(www.openscenegraph.org). VRCADViewer can separate left-eye images and right-eye
images of a model, so that the model can be viewed stereoscopically. Polarized VR
projectors, Da-Lite silver matte tripod polarized screens, polarized 3-D glasses from 3-D
ImageTek Corp, and Dell computers equipped with dual graphics output were purchased
each of the participating institution.
2.1 Class activities
During the project years, this tool was used for engineering design courses for both first and
second year students. Figure 1 shows a VR model projected on a screen in one of the design

Fig. 1. A VR model was projected on a screen
Integrating Low-Cost Virtual Reality into Engineering Design Curricula

Students were taught about orthographic projection as a part of their drafting studies.
Traditionally, this unit of instruction requires the students to identify surfaces and classify
them (normal, inclined, and oblique). They were also asked to examine a drawing of an
object with a set of orthographic views and to identify and classify surfaces according to
information from the drawing. With the advent of computer technology, VR becomes
another avenue by which the instructors can attempt to reach these students.
During the classes, VR models were projected onto the Da-Lite screen. Students wore
polarized 3-D glasses to view the models stereoscopically. Once students had shown an
understanding of the differences between the surfaces, and their roles within the
orthographic representational system, more complex models were presented for the
students to practice. Through these exercises, students were allowed to develop an
understanding of the process of relating surfaces and edges to their representation in
orthographic views.
2.2 Summer camp
Ninety-five high school students and 8 teachers were invited to attend a 3-day VR4U!
summer camp. During the summer camp, hands-on CAD courses, VR presentations, team
work projects, design competitions, industry tours, and career talks were provided. Figure 2
shows high school students presented their VR models at the end of the summer camp.
During the final presentation, parents were invited.

Fig. 2. High school students presented their VR models
Virtual Reality

After attending the summer camp, most participants demonstrated increased interest in
pursuing careers in science and technology. Approximately 74% of the participants in the
VR4U! summer camp indicated that availability of VR would be a factor in their college
choice. More male students than female students indicated that the availability of VR would
be a more important factor in their college choice. Most high school students also expressed
that learning with VR is more engaging than by traditional teaching methods.
Before students attended the VR4U! summer camp, there was also a significant difference
between male and female students in their responses concerning their interest in pursuing a
career in science and technology. However, the differences in male and female students
attitudes faded away after they were exposed to VR in the summer camps. After they
attended the summer camp, there was no statistically significant difference in their attitudes
concerning STEM careers. In fact, the number of female students who indicated that they
were interested in a science and technology career doubled after they were exposed
to VR.
3. Evaluation
In this project, various tests and surveys were administrated to examine students
conceptual growth and changes in their spatial abilities and class engagement.
Reports from the focus groups conducted in the project years, and comments from the open-
end questions from the student survey supported the quantitative evaluation activities. The
results from the evaluation provided clear evidence on how the use of VR influenced
students understanding of spatial concepts and course contents.
3.1 Influences on spatial ability
Spatial ability has been shown to be positively correlated with retention and achievement in
engineering disciplines (His et al., 1997). Spatial ability has identified several different
spatial domains, including spatial visualization and spatial orientation. Spatial visualization
refers to the ability to image the movements of objects and spatial forms, and involves tests
of mental rotation. Spatial orientation refers to the ability to imagine the appearance of
objects from different orientations of the observers. The improvements of students spatial
abilities were measured with specific measures, such as the Mental Rotation Test (MRT) and
the Picture Test (PT) developed by Hegarty and Waller (2004).
Survey results showed that VR was an efficient instructional method to develop the spatial
ability of students who performed poorly by the traditional instructional method. Students
who performed poorly in the pre-PT were more likely to improve their posttest scores than
those who did better in the pretest. In surveys, students also noted that, with the new VR
tools and learning methods, they were able to better see and understand examples that
related to course content. Students further explained that they were able to see inside
models and to visualize objects. Other survey results concerning students spatial ability are
as follows.
After exposure to VR, students spatial visualization abilities were statistically
significantly improved.
After exposure to VR, students spatial orientation abilities were improved, but the
differences between the pre- and post-tests were not statistically significant.
Integrating Low-Cost Virtual Reality into Engineering Design Curricula

About 80% of the poor performers in the pre-MRT reported their posttest scores
increased by 10% or more.
More than 68% of the students reached the projects goal, improving their spatial
visualization abilities and test scores by 10% or above in the post-MRT.
About one-half (53%) of the students increased their scores in the post-PT.
3.2 Efficiency of VR
Efficiency in the evaluation is about efficiency in learning and teaching, including students
perceptions or experiences with VR as an easy, fun, and motivational instruction method as
well as instructors experiences with VR as an interactive and time-efficient tool for

VR was fun, non-threatening, and interesting
Survey results concering VR was fun, non-threatening, and interesting are as follows.
About 92% of the high school students said that VR was fun.
Students agreed that VR was easy to use and very user-friendly.
More than 90% of the college students said that VR was not frustrating and they did not
consider dropping out of the program.
More than 90% of the students responded that the VR courses were not frustrating.
VR was efficient for students acquisition of advanced concepts or skills in graphic
Survey results showed that VR was an efficient instructional method to increase knowledge
bases of graphic design among those students who performed poorly by the traditional
instructional method. Due to fun, non-threatening, and the interesting nature of VR,
students reported high achievements in mastering the advanced or difficult concepts or
skills in graphic design. Other survey results are as follows.
About 87% of the students indicated that the VR courses improved their abilities in
engineering design, graphics communication, confidence in 3-D visualization, and so
More than 90% of the students reported attainment of the advanced course objectives,
such as 3-D solid modeling.
About 83% of the students perceived VR and the instructional materials positively.
Over 96% of the student did not perceive VR and the materials negatively.
Students comments from focus groups also supported the results stated above.
It was hard to draw and visualize from the textbook. When you see a bunch of lines and
hidden lines, it is hard to understand what it is. It is easier when it is actually shown as
an object. You can spin it and see what it is.
It helps students recognize the views (front, top, right) of objects.
VR was efficient for both male and female students
Female students were more likely to report a lower mean than male students in the pretest;
and were more likely to belong to the poor performer group in the pretest than male
students. However, after female students were exposed to VR in their courses, they were
more likely to have higher mean scores than male students on the posttest. Female students
Virtual Reality

also responded to VR learning methods more positively and less negatively than male
Both male and female students improved in their posttest of MRT and PT.
Female students or students who performed poorly with the traditional instructional
method showed greater improvement after they were exposed to VR.
Time efficiency and increasing interactions in the class
VR was a time-efficient instructional tool for students and instructors. Instead of spending
time trying to understand how parts of a mechanism interact during normal operation, the
presentation of a VR model allows them to move their attention to later phases of the
problem-solving process. Students commented:
Each faculty member used coaching strategies and group activities to encourage self-
directed problem solving.
VR was useful to explain complex concepts to students.
VR allowed students to go inside, zoom in, or go through the part.
Also, it was time efficient for instructors. VR enhances the likelihood of interactions between
teacher-students and among students because the instructors were able to quickly provide
example models through VR. Thus, additional time was available. Rather than focusing on
either the development of physical models or attempting to help students visualize specific
components of an object, instructors are able to concentrate on the learning objective and to
coach students in achieving this goal.
4. Discussions
Survey results showed that students were more confident when sketching projection views
after visualizing VR models. Students gave VR instruction high ratings for stimulating their
interest in learning. Project results also showed that VR instruction stimulates better
interaction between instructors and students because students often have higher
engagement and are more interested in discussing, with their instructors, what they see or
discover during VR instruction.
In one class, students were asked to locate surfaces on objects, identify the type of surface
(e.g., inclined, oblique, or normal), and to identify how edges were formed at the
intersection of surfaces. This exercise requires students to visualize an object in order to
successfully locate and identify characteristics. By using the VR technology, students were
able to concentrate on basic concepts before focusing on the development of their
visualization skills.
In addition, it was discovered that during the summer camp, one of the students was
epileptic. This was unanticipated and was a valuable lesson learned. This realization
informed future participating classes, summer camps, and project activities about VR
regarding precautions needed and potential risk. From this experience, the physical comfort
measures were developed and incorporated into the VR student survey. About 91% of the
students expressed physical comfort in using VR; whereas, 8.6% did not. Female students
were more sensitive and expressed less physical comfort in VR than male students, although
the difference was not statistically significant. These results will provide valuable
information for future VR-related projects.
Integrating Low-Cost Virtual Reality into Engineering Design Curricula

5. Conclusions
VR is an emerging visualization tool in STEM education which can help viewers acquire
better knowledge about data or images. Many major companies or research institutions now
use VR to enhance their visualization activities. It is important to use VR in classrooms, not
only for enhancing visualization, but also for helping students to become familiar with the
important emerging technology before they enter into the workforce.
As demonstrated by this project, VR technology is now readily available, both technically
and financially, for classroom use. This paper describes our experiences in integrating low-
cost VR into design and technical graphics curricula. The project was a collaborative effort
between a four-year university and two community colleges. A low-cost VR tool, consisting
of hardware and software was developed to enhance instructional delivery and students 3-
D visualization skills. Using the innovative tools in teaching will also provide competitive
advantages in recruiting and retaining students interested in design and graphics, and will
promote student engagement in lifelong learning, by stimulating interest in leading-edge
6. References
Ausburn, L. & Ausburn, F. (2004). Desktop virtual reality: A powerful new technology for
teaching research in industrial teacher education, Journal of Industrial Teacher
Education, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 33-58.
Sulbaran, T. & Baker, N. (2000, October). Enhancing engineering education
through distributed virtual reality, The 30
ASSEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education
Winn, W.; Hoffmann, H.; Hollander, A.; Osberg, K.; Rose, H. & Char, P. (1997, March). The
effect of student construction of virtual environments on the performance of high and low-
ability students., The meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
Chicago, IL.
Salzman, M.; Dede, C.; Loftin, R. & Chen, J. (1999). A Model for Understanding How Virtual
Reality Aids Complex Conceptual Learning. Retrieved from
Deno, J. (1995). The relationship of previous experiences to spatial visualization ability,
Engineering Design Graphics Journal, Autumn, pp. 5-17.
Devon, R.; Engel, R.; Foster, R.; Sathianathan, D. & Turner, F. (1994). The effect of solid
modeling on 3d visualization skills, The Engineering Design Graphics Journal, Vol. 58,
No. 2, pp. 4-11.
Sorby, S. A. (1999). Developing 3-D spatial visualization skills, Engineering Design Graphics
Journal, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 21-32.
Riva, G. (2003). Applications of virtual environments in medicine, Methods of Information in
Medicine, Vol. 42, pp. 524-534.
Crosier, J.; Cobb, S. & Wilson, J. (2000). Experimental comparison of VR with traditional
teaching methods for teaching radioactivity. Education and Information Technologies,
5 (4), 329-343.
Virtual Reality

Hsi, S.; Linn, M. & Bell, J. (1997, April). The role of spatial reasoning in engineering and the
design of spatial instruction, Journal of Engineering Education, pp.151-159.
Hegarty, M & Waller, D. (2004). A dissociation between mental rotation and perspective
thinking spatial abilities, Intelligence, Vol. 32, pp. 175-191.
Virtual Reality and Computational Design
Michael S. Bittermann and I. Sevil Sariyildiz
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands
1. Introduction
Virtual reality (VR) has been used for diverse purposes, including medical surgery training,
visualizing metabolic pathways, socio psychological experiments, flight and driving
simulation, as well as industrial and architectural design [1-5]. In these applications the role
of VR is to represent objects for visual experience by a human expert. In engineering and
design applications the purpose is to verify the performance of a design object with respect
to the criteria involved in the task during a search for superior solutions. In computational
design, where this verification and search process are performed by means of computation,
the instantiation of objects in virtual reality may become a necessary feature. The necessity
occurs when the verification process requires the presence of physical object attributes
beyond the parameters that are subject to identification through search. For example, in an
architectural design the goal may be to determine the most suitable position of an object,
while the suitability is verified based on visual perception characteristics of the object. That
is, the verification requires the presence of object features beyond the objects location in
order to exercise the evaluation of the objects performance regarding the perception-based
requirements. These features are provided when the object is instantiated in VR. This way a
measurement process driving the evaluation, such as a virtual perception process in the
form of a stochastic sampling process, can be executed to assess the perceptual properties of
the object concerned.
This paper elucidates the role of VR in computational design by means of two applications,
where VR is a necessary feature for the effectiveness of the applications. The applications
concern a computational design system implemented in VR that identifies suitable solutions
to design problems. The effectiveness of the system has been established in previous work
[6], while the general significance of the role that VR plays in the system has not been
addressed. This will be accomplished in this paper, which is organized as follows. In section
two the computational system is described. In section three the role that VR is playing in the
system is described and demonstrated with two applications from the domain of
architectural design. This is followed by conclusions.
2. A computational design system implemented in Virtual Reality
In several instances during a design process VR enables decision makers to better
comprehend the implications of design decisions. Two aspects can be distinguished in this
Virtual Reality

First, a designs implication in terms of the degree that it satisfies the objectives pursued is
subject to assessment. This process may be termed as verification, as it entails the verification of
the requirements satisfaction during a search to maximize the satisfaction degree. It is noted
that the concept of Pareto optimality plays an important role in the search for optimality.
Namely in general it is problematic for a decision maker to commit himself for a specific
relative importance among the major goals for the design at hand prior to knowing the
implications of such a commitment. This is due to the generally abstract nature of the goals in
design. For example the aims to have high functionality or low cost, clearly are difficult to put
in perspective prior to knowing what solutions may be attained when maximizing the
satisfaction of these goals in the present task. Pareto optimality addresses this issue by
permitting to postpone the commitment on relative importance until a set of equivalent
solutions is obtained that cannot be improved further. This is achieved by establishing those
solutions where no others exist that outperform them in all goals at the same time.
A second process concerns validation of the objectives. That is, the question if the right
objectives are pursued during verification is addressed. The latter process requires insights
beyond knowing how to reach optimality for the given goals at hand. Namely contingent
requirements that have not been put into the play during verification are to be pin-pointed.
It is clear that the latter process requires verification to occur before it, since otherwise there
is no rationale to modify the objectives. That is, based on the Pareto optimal solutions found,
a designer is to compare these solutions against his/her preferences, yielding clues on the
modification of criteria. The relation between the verification and validation process in
design are shown in figure 1.
The reason why VR facilitates validation is that it allows considering the solution in the
physical domain beyond an abstract description of the targeted performance features, so
that a decision maker may become aware of directions for modifying the objectives. The
validation process is especially soft, since it is highly contingent to circumstances so that
potentially a vast amount of desirable objectives may be subject to inclusion in a design task,
and it is generally problematic to have a hint about which ones to include as well as their
relative importance [7]. Therefore it is a challenging issue to provide computational support
for the validation process.
In order to investigate the role of VR in the search for optimality during verification, we take
a closer look at verification and its associated search process. A computational system
accomplishing this task is shown in figure 2. It aims to establish set of Pareto optimal
solutions for a number of requirements, where the requirements are allowed to be soft in
character, i.e. they may contain imprecision and uncertainty.

Fig. 1. Verification and validation in design
Virtual Reality and Computational Design


Fig. 2. Computational design system implemented in virtual reality
From the figure it is noted that the system consists of four components: a multi-objective
genetic algorithm; a neuro-fuzzy model; object instantiation in VR; and instantiation of
Pareto optimal solutions in VR. The genetic algorithm is marked by the red box, the fuzzy
model is marked by the green box. The two components involving VR are shown in the blue
boxes. In order to pin-point the role VR plays in the system, first it is necessary to explain
the evolutionary and the fuzzy system components. The role of VR is described in section
2.1 Evolutionary search for multi-objective optimality
The task of the multi-objective search algorithm in the design system above is to gear the
process towards desirable solutions. Multi-objective optimization deals with optimization
where several objectives are involved. In design generally multiple objectives are subject to
simultaneous satisfaction. Such objectives e.g. are high functionality and low cost. These
objectives are conflicting or in competition among themselves. For a single objective case
there are traditionally many algorithms in continuous search space, where gradient-based
algorithms are most suitable in many instances. In discrete search spaces, in the last decade
evolutionary algorithms are ubiquitously used for optimization, where genetic algorithms
(GA) are predominantly applied. However, in many real engineering or design problems,
more than two objectives need to be optimized simultaneously. To deal with multi-
objectivity, evolutionary algorithms with genetic operators are effective in defining the
search direction for rapid and effective convergence [8]. Basically, in a multi-objective case
the search direction is not one but may be many, so that during the search a single preferred
direction cannot be identified and even this is not desirable. To deal with multi-objectivity
evolutionary algorithms are effective in defining the search direction, since they are based
on a population of solutions. Basically, in a multi-objective case the search direction is not
one but may be many, so that during the search a single preferred direction cannot be
identified. In this case a population of candidate solutions can easily hint about the desired
directions of the search and let the candidate solutions during the search process be more
probable for the ultimate goal. Essential machinery of evolutionary algorithms is the
principles of GA optimization, which are the genetic operations. Genetic operations entail
the probabilistic combination among favourable solutions in order to provoke the
Virtual Reality

emergence of more suitable solutions. Use of these principles is inspired from the
phenomenon of biological evolution. It proves to be effective for multi-modal objective
functions, i.e. problems involving many local optima. Therefore the evolutionary approach
is robust and suitable for real-world problems.
Next to the evolutionary principles, in Multi-objective (MO) algorithms, in many cases the
use of Pareto ranking is a fundamental selection method. Its effectiveness is clearly
demonstrated for a moderate number of objectives, which are subject to optimization
simultaneously. Pareto ranking refers to a solution surface in a multidimensional solution
space formed by multiple criteria representing the objectives. On this surface, the solutions
are diverse but they are assumed to be equivalently valid. The driving mechanism of the
Pareto ranking based algorithms is the conflicting nature of criteria, i.e. increased
satisfaction of one criterion implies loss with respect to satisfaction of another criterion.
Therefore the formation of Pareto front is based on objective functions of the weighted N
objectives f
, f
,, f
which are of the form

( ) ( ) ( ), 1, 2,...,
j N
i i ji j
j j i
F f f i N
= + =

a x x x (1)
where F
(x) are the new objective functions; a
is the designated amount of gain in the j-th
objective function for a loss of one unit in the i-th objective function. Therefore the sign of a
is always negative. The above set of equations requires fixing the matrix a. This matrix has
all ones in its diagonal elements. To find the Pareto front of a maximization problem we
assume that a solution parameter vector x
dominates another solution x
if F(x
) for all
objectives. At the same time a contingent equality is not valid for at least one objective.
In solving multi-objective optimization, the effectiveness of Pareto-ranking based
evolutionary algorithms has been well established. For this purpose there are quite a few
algorithms which are running quite well especially with low dimensionality of the
multidimensional objective space [9]. However, with the increase of the number of objective
functions, i.e. with high dimensionality, the effectiveness of the evolutionary algorithms is
hampered. Namely with many objectives most solutions of the population will be
considered non-dominated, although the search process is still at a premature stage. This
means the search has little information to distinguish among solutions, so that the selection
pressure pushing the population into the desirable region is too low. This means the
algorithm prematurely eliminates potential solutions from the population, exhausting the
exploratory potential inherent to the population. As a result the search arrives at an inferior
Pareto front, and with aggregation of solutions along this front [10]. One measure of
effectiveness is the expansion of Pareto front where the solution diversity is a desired
property. For this purpose, the search space is exhaustively examined with some methods,
e.g. niched Pareto ranking, e.g. [11]. However these algorithms are rather involved so that the
search needs extensive computer time for a satisfactory solution in terms of a Pareto front.
Because of this extensive time requirement, distributed computing of Pareto-optimal
solutions is proposed [12], where multiple processors are needed.
The issue of solution diversity and effective solution for multi-objective optimization
problem described above can be understood considering that the conventional Pareto
ranking implies a kind of greedy algorithm which considers the solutions at the search area
delimited by orthogonal axes of the multidimensional space, i.e. a
in Eq. 1 becomes zero.
This is shown in figure 3 by means of the orthogonal lines delimiting the dominated region.
Virtual Reality and Computational Design


(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Contour lines defining the dominated region in relaxed versus greedy case (a);
implementation of the relaxation concept during the evolutionary search process (b)
The point P in figure 3a is ultimately subject to identification as an ideal solution. To
increase the pressure pushing the Pareto surface towards to the maximally attainable
solution point is the main problem, and relaxation of the orthogonality with a systematic
approach is needed and applied in this work. From figure 3a it is noted that by increasing
the angle at P from the conventional orthogonal angle to a larger angle implies that the
conventional dominated region is expanded by domains of relaxation. This also entails that
theoretically a Pareto front is to be reached that is located closer towards the ideal Point P.
Such an increase of the angle delimiting the search domain implies a deviation from the
conventional concept of Pareto dominance, namely the strict Pareto dominance criterion is
relaxed in the sense that next to non-dominated solutions also some dominated solutions are
considered at each generation. This is seen from figure 3b, where the point P denotes one of
the individuals among the population in the context of genetic algorithm (GA) based
evolutionary search. In the greedy search many potential favourable solutions are
prematurely excluded from the search process. This is because each solution in the
population is represented by the point P and the dominance is measured in relation to the
number of solutions falling into the search domain within the angle =/2. To avoid the
premature elimination of the potential solutions, a relaxed dominance concept is
implemented where the angle can be considered as the angle for tolerance provided >/2.
The resulting Pareto front corresponds to a non-orthogonal search domain as shown in figure
3. The wider the angle beyond /2 the more tolerant the search process and vice versa. For
</2, becomes the angle for greediness. Domains of relaxations are also indicated in Figure
3b. In the greedy case the solutions are expected to be more effective but to be aggregated.
In the latter case, the solutions are expected to be more diversified but less effective. That is
because such dominated solutions can be potentially favourable solutions in the present
generation, so that they can give birth to non-dominated solutions in the following
Although, some relaxation of the dominance is addressed in literature [13, 14], in a
multidimensional space, to identify the size of relaxation corresponding to a volume is not
explicitly determined. In such a volume next to non-dominated solutions, dominated but
potentially favourable solutions, as described above, lie. To determine this volume
optimally as to the circumstantial conditions of the search process is a major and a
challenging task. The solution for this task is essentially due to the mathematical treatment
of the problem where the volume in question is identified adaptively during the search that
Virtual Reality

it yields a measured pressure to the Pareto front toward to the desired direction, at each
generation as follows.
The fitness of the solutions can be ranked by the fitness function

( ) N n
R (2)
where n is the number of potential solutions falling into the search domain consisting of the
conventional orthogonal quadrant, with the added areas of relaxation. To obtain n in Eq. 2,
for each solution point, say P in Figure 3b, the point is temporarily considered to be a
reference point as origin, and all the other solution points in the orthogonal coordinate
system are converted to the non-orthogonal system coordinates. This is accomplished by
means of the matrix operation given by Eq. 3 [15],

1 21 1 1 2
2 12 1 2 2
1 2 2
1 ..... 1 tan( ) ..... tan( )
1 ..... tan( ) 1 ..... tan( )
... ............. ..... .............
..... 1 tan( ) tan( ) ..... 1
n n
n n
n n n n n
F a a f
F a a f
F a a f

= = =


where the angles , , represent the respective relaxation angles between one axis of the
coordinate system and the other axes. After coordinate transformation using Eq 3, all points
which have positive coordinates in the non-orthogonal system correspond to potential
solutions contributing to the next generation in the evolutionary computation. If any point
possesses a negative component in the new coordinate system, the respective solution does
not dominate P and therefore is not counted. This is because otherwise such a solution may
lead the search in a direction away from P. The importance of this coordinate transformation
becomes dramatic especially with greater amounts of objective dimensions. In such cases the
spatial distribution of domains of relaxation becomes complex and is therefore difficult to
implement. Namely, in multidimensional space the volume of a relaxation domain is
difficult to imagine, and more importantly it is difficult to identify the population in such
domains. Therefore many different methods for effective Pareto front formation in the
literature [10, 16] are reported. However Eq. 3 provides a decisive and easy technique
revealed in this work for the same goal. The approach through the coordinate
transformation is a systematic and elegant approach, alleviating the bottleneck of
conventional Pareto ranking dealing with many objectives to some extend, so that the
evolutionary paradigm becomes more apt for applications in design usually containing a
great many requirements.
In order to maximize the effectiveness of the relaxation, the determination of the suitable
relaxation angle is a contingent issue, i.e. it depends on the particular conditions occurring
during the stochastic search process. For instance, during a prematurely developed Pareto
front, applying large relaxation angles may not permit effective distinction among the
solutions regarding their suitability for the ultimate goal. Or during later stages of Pareto
front development, a smaller angle will exhaust the diversity in the population and thus
diminish the selection pressure towards the desirable regions. This means fixing the
relaxation angle in advance may not be able to let the population arrive at a Pareto front as
close to the ideal point compared to a strategy where the angle is adaptively changing
during the search, taking the present conditionality of the Pareto front into account.
Virtual Reality and Computational Design

Adaptively changing the angle implies that the angle used to grade the individual solutions
suitability is considered in perspective with the relaxation angles presently associated to the
other solutions in the population. This is implemented by means of Eq. 4, where the ratio
between the relaxation angle and average relaxation angle is used. N() in Eq. 4 can be
considered as expressing the amount of virtual solutions that are accrued to the counted
number of dominant solutions given by n in Eq. 2, reflecting the fact that when we take the
greedy dominance concept solutions that are dominated by s more solutions may turn out to
be favourable in the search process although they normally would be eliminated due to
greediness of the algorithm.

( )
( )
1 /

Considering Eq. 2 and Eq. 4 together it is clear that the purpose is to reward a chromosome
for affording a wide relaxation angle , relative to the average angle of the population ,
and still having a low dominance count, denoted by n. The wide angle provides more
diversity in the population for the next generation. However, when the relaxation angle
would be excessively big, the population for the next generation can be crowded with trivial
solutions. To prevent that, in Eq. 2 the number of non-dominated solutions with respect to
the particular solution considered denoted by n, is summed up with the function of the
angle N(). This means that between two solutions with the same amount of non-dominated
solutions, the one with the wider angle is preferred. This is done for every solution in the
population. This implies that the average angle is changing for every generation
adaptively. It is noted that the number s appearing in Eq. 4 is a constant number, used to
adjust the relative significance of relaxation angle versus count n. This means the value of s
should be selected bearing in particular the population size in mind, so that for instance
solutions using wide angles are adequately rewarded.
2.2 A fuzzy model for performance evaluation
The fuzzy model marked by the letter m in figure 2 enables the multi-objective search
process to evaluate the solutions it generates and combines genetically, using some human-
like reasoning capabilities. That is, the solutions are evaluated with respect to complex,
vague objectives having a linguistic character. Design tasks, in particular in the domain of
built environment, involve goals with such properties, e.g. functionality, or sustainability.
During the search for optimality in design the suitability of a solution for the goals needs to
be estimated. This means beyond observing the direct physical features of a solution, they
need to be interpreted with respect to the goals pursued. For example, designing a space it
may be desirable that the space is large or it is nearby another space. Clearly these
requirements have to do with the size of the space, and the distance among spaces
respectively, which are physical properties of the design. However, it is clearly noted that
largeness is a concept, i.e. it does not correspond immediately to a physical measurement,
but it is an abstract feature of an object. It is also noted that there is generally no sharp
boundary from on which one may attribute such a linguistic feature to an object. For
instance there is generally no specific size of a room from on which it is to be considered
large, and below which it is not large. Many design requirements have this character, i.e.
they do not pin-point a single acceptable parameter value for a solution, but a range of
Virtual Reality


Fig. 4. Two fuzzy sets expressing two elemental design requirements
values that are more or less satisfactory. This is essentially because design involves
conflicting requirements, such as spaciousness versus low cost. Therefore many
requirements are bound to be merely partially fulfilled. Such requirements characterized as
soft, and they can be modelled using fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic from the soft computing
paradigm [17]. A fuzzy set is characterized via a function termed fuzzy membership function
(mf), which is an expression of some domain knowledge. Through a fuzzy set an object is
associated to the set by means of a membership degree . Two examples of fuzzy sets are
shown in figure 4. By means of fuzzy membership functions a physical property of a design,
such as size, can be interpreted as a degree of satisfaction of an elemental requirement. The
degree of satisfaction is represented by the membership degree.
The requirements considered in figure 4 are relatively simple, whereas the ultimate
requirement for a design - namely a high design performance - is complex and abstract.
Namely the latter one is determined by the simultaneous satisfaction of a number of
elemental requirements.

Fig. 5. The structure of a fuzzy neural tree model for performance evaluation
Virtual Reality and Computational Design


(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 6. Different type of node connections in the neuro-fuzzy model in figure 5
In this work the performance is computed using a fuzzy neural tree. It is particularly
suitable to deal with the complex linguistic concepts like performance of a design. A neural
tree is composed of one or several model output units, referred to as root nodes that are
connected to input units termed terminal nodes, and the connections are via logic processors
termed internal nodes. An example of a fuzzy neural tree for performance evaluation of a
design is shown in Figure 5. The neural tree is used for the evaluation by structuring the
relations among the aspects of performance. The root node takes the meaning of high
sustainability performance and the inner nodes one level below are the aspects of the
performance. The meaning of each of these aspects may vary from design project to project
and it is determined by experts. The model inputs are shown by means of squares in Figures
5 and 6, and they are fuzzy sets, such as those given in Figure 4.
The detailed structure of the nodal connections with respect to the different connection
types is shown in Figure 7, where the output of i-th node is denoted
and it is introduced
to another node j. The weights w
are given by domain experts, expressing the relative
significance of the node i as a component of node j.
The centres of the basis functions are set to be the same as the weights of the connections
arriving at that node. Therefore, for a terminal node connected to an inner node, the inner
node output denoted by O
, is obtained by [18].

( 1) 1
exp( )
2 /
j ij i

where j is the number of the node; i denotes consecutive numbers associated to each input of
the inner node; n denotes the highest number of the inputs arriving at node j; w
denotes the
degree of membership being the output of the i-th terminal node; w
is the weight associated
with the connection between the i-th terminal node and the inner node j; and
denotes the
width of the Gaussian of node j.
It is noted that the inputs to an inner node are fuzzified before the AND operation takes
place. This is shown in Figure 7a. It is also noted that the model requires establishing the
width parameter
at every node.

This is accomplished by means of imposing a consistency
condition on the model [18]. This is illustrated in figure 7b where the left part of the
Gaussian is approximated by a straight line. In figure 7b, optimizing the
parameter, we
Virtual Reality


(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Fuzzification of an input at an inner node (a); linear approximation to Gaussian
function at AND operation (b)

O (6)
for the values and O
can take between zero and one. In any case, for a node in the neural
tree, Eq. 6 is satisfied for =O
=0 (approximately) and for =O
=1 (exact) inherently, while g

and g
are increasing function of
. Therefore a linear relationship between O
in the range between 0 and 1 is a first choice from the fuzzy logic viewpoint; namely, as to
the AND operation at the respective node, if inputs are equal, that is =
then the
output of the node of
is determined by the respective triangular membership
functions in the antecedent space. Triangular fuzzy membership functions are the most
prominent type of membership functions in fuzzy logic applications. For five inputs to a
neural tree node, these membership functions are represented by the data sets given by
Table 1 and Table 2.

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
Table 1. Dataset at neural tree node input

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
Table 2. Dataset at neural tree node output
In general, the data sets given in Table 1 and Table 2 are named in this work as consistency
conditions. They are used to calibrate the membership function parameter . This is
accomplished through optimization. The consistency condition is to ensure that when all
inputs take a certain value, then the model output yields this very same value, i.e.

This is illustrated in Figure 7b by means of linear approximation to the Gaussian. The
consistency is ensured by means of gradient adaptive optimization, identifying optimal

values for each node. It is emphasized that the fuzzy logic operation performed at each node
is an AND operation among the input components
coming to the node. This entails for
instance that in case all elemental requirements are highly fulfilled, then the design
performance is high as well. In the same way, for any other pattern of satisfaction on the
elemental level, the performance is computed and obtained at the root node output. The
fuzzy neural tree can be seen as a means to aggregate elemental requirements yielding fewer
Virtual Reality and Computational Design

requirement items at higher levels of generalization compared to the lower level
requirements. This is seen from Figure 8.

Fig. 8. Degrees of generalization in the neuro-fuzzy performance evaluation
At this point a few observations are due, as follows. If a weight w
is zero, this means the
significance of the input is zero, consequently the associated input has no effect on the node
output and thus also the system output. Conversely, if a w
is close to unity, this means the
significance of the input is highest among the competitive weights directed to the same
node. This means the value of the associated input is extremely important and a small
change about this value has big impact on the node output O
. If a weight w
is somewhere
between zero and one, then the associated input value has some possible effect on the node
output determined by the respective AND operation via Eq. 5. In this way, the domain
knowledge is integrated into the logic operations. The general properties of the present
neural tree structure are as follows: If an input of a node is small (i.e., close to zero) and the
weight w
is high, then, the output of the node is also small complying with the AND
operation; If a weight w
is low the associated input cannot have significant effect on the
node output. This means, quite naturally, such inputs can be ignored; If all input values
coming to a node are high (i.e., close to unity), the output of the node is also high complying
with the AND operation; If a weight w
is high the associated input x
can have significant
effect on the node output. It might be of value to point out that, the AND operation in a
neural-tree node is executed in fuzzy logic terms and the associated connection weights play
an important role on the effectiveness of this operation.
3. The role of VR in the system
3.1 General considerations
From the descriptions of the two components in the previous section, it is clear that in order
for the genetic algorithm to be effective, the suitability of the solutions it generates needs to
evaluated using the fuzzy model. In conventional applications of Multi-objective GA, for
instance maximizing the strength of a structural component and minimizing its weight at
the same time, this evaluation is rather simple. The simplicity is in the sense that the fitness
function is crisp and the parameters of the function, such as geometric parameters of the
beams cross-section, are directly those parameters that are subject to evolutionary
identification. In these cases there is no necessity for instantiation of the beam object during
the search for optimality. However, in other search tasks, as they occur for instance in
architectural design, the problem requires more elaborate treatment, in particular object
instantiation in virtual reality. This necessity arises when the parameters that are subject to
Virtual Reality

identification through the genetic algorithm cannot be used as parameters in a fitness
function because the evaluation of fitness requires the information from other object
features. As an example let us consider a problem, where optimal positions for a number of
design elements are pursued, while the determination of the suitability of the positioning
requires information on the perceptual properties of the objects. A virtual perception
process is needed that obtains the required input information used in the human-like
reasoning during the evaluation process. Obtaining the input information requires the
instantiation of object features beyond the parameters that are subject to identification
through the search.
This is seen from figure 2, where the role of VR in the design system is to permit
instantiation of the candidate solutions, as indicated by the letter i, so that measurements
required for the fuzzy performance evaluation are executed for these solutions. The
measurements deliver input information for the human-like reasoning about the suitability
of a solution using the neuro-fuzzy model marked with the letter m. With this
understanding the role of VR in the search process can be considered as the interface
between the two components evolutionary algorithm and fuzzy performance evaluation. In
particular, referring to figure 8, the instantiation of objects in VR permits the execution of
measurement procedures that deliver input information from the parameter domain for the
interpretations with respect to the abstract goals.
It is noted that for the effective multi-objective optimization in the application below the
relaxation angle is computed adaptively for every chromosome, and at every generation.
This is implemented by having the angle be a part of the chromosome of every solution. The
fitness of a chromosome is obtained by considering two properties of the solution at the
same time. One is the degree of dominance in terms of the amount of solutions dominating
an individual, the second is the relaxation angle used to measure this amount. Based on Eqs.
2 and 4 the fitness in the applications is assessed with s=20, i.e. explicitly

( )
1 /

It is noted that the amount of chromosomes used in the tasks to be described in the
following sections is 80.
Next to the need for object instantiation in VR during the search for optimal solutions there
is a second instance during a design process when virtual reality plays a significant role.
This is indicated by the letter p in figure 2, and concerns the investigation of the Pareto
optimal solutions previously obtained. It is noted that generally multi-objective
optimization involves no information on the relative importance among the objectives. This
is in particular due to the abstract nature of the major goals making such a-priori
commitment problematic. It is emphasized that in the present work this is the reason why
the optimization takes place for the nodes at the penultimate neural level and not for the
root node. Due to the lacking information on the relative importance among the criteria,
generally Pareto optimal solutions cannot be distinguished without bringing into play
higher-order criteria. That is, once a Pareto front is established, the difference among the
solutions is subject to analysis, in order to determine a preference vector grading the
objectives w.r.t. each other. In order for this process to be informative, it is required that the
solutions found through evolutionary search be located at diverse positions on the Pareto
Virtual Reality and Computational Design

front. This is to avoid that potentially interesting regions in objective space remain
unexplored during the analysis of the Pareto front. It is emphasized that this diversity is
obtained through the relaxation of the Pareto angle in this work.
With a diversely populated Pareto front it is possible to explore the front in a way that
allows a decision-maker to intuitively grasp the relation between parameters of the
solutions and corresponding performance characteristics, and in this way a decision maker
is able to approach his most preferred solution among the Pareto optimal ones. Namely, the
very nature of Pareto front implies that the trade-off that is afforded when moving along the
Pareto surface is the inevitable trade-off inherent in the problem. This means, in case one is
moving along the Pareto surface in a certain direction, for example towards better cost
performance, the reduction of performance in the other dimensions, say the loss of
functionality, is as small as possible through the definition of Pareto front. This means when
a decision maker is observing a solution instantiated in virtual reality, i.e. in the parameter
domain, he may decide to move in objective domain into the direction he wishes to
improve this solution, while minimal loss in the other objectives occurs. Clearly, the
consideration whether the former or the latter solution is better matching the decision-
makers preferences requires instantiation of the new solution in VR, too.
However, in complex problems the amount of solutions a decision maker needs to consider
may be high in order to approach to his favourite solution, so that it becomes desirable to
start the exploration from a solution among the Pareto solutions that is preferable in an
unbiased sense. This is possible due to the involvement of fuzzy modelling in this work, as
Although Pareto optimal solutions are equivalent in Pareto sense, it is noted that the
solutions may still be distinguished. From figure 5, at the root node, the performance score
is computed by the defuzzification process given by

1 1 2 2 3 3
w f w f w f p + + = (8)
where f
is the output of the node technical performance; f
of node utility performance; f
node experiential performance. That is, they denote the performance values for these aspects of
the design, which are subject to maximization. The variable p denotes the design
performance which is also requested to be maximized. In (32) w
, w
, and w
denote the
weights associated to the connections from f
, f
and f3 to the design performance. It is
noted that w
In many real-world optimization tasks the cognitive viewpoint plays an important role. This
means it is initially uncertain what values w
should have. Namely, the node outputs f
can be considered as the design feature vector, and the reflection of these features can be
best performed if the weights w
; ; w
define the same direction as that of the feature
vector. This implies that the performance p
for each genetic solution is given by [19]

2 2 2
1 2 3
1 2 3
f f f
f f f
+ +
+ +
Therefore, Eq. 9 is computed for all the design solutions on the Pareto front. Then the
solution having maximal value of p
is selected among the Pareto solutions. This way the
particular design is identified as a solution candidate with the corresponding w
, w
, ., w

weights. These weights form a priority vector w*. If for any reason this candidate solution is
Virtual Reality

not appealing, the next candidate is searched among the available design solutions with a
desired design feature vector and the relational attributes, i.e., w
, w
, ., w
. One should
note that, although performance does not play role in the genetic optimization, Pareto front
offers a number of design options with fair performance leaving the final choice dependent
on other environmental preferences. Using Eq. 9, second-order preferences are identified
that are most promising for the task at hand, where ultimately maximal design performance
is pursued.
To this end, to make the analysis explicit we consider a two-dimensional objective space . In
this case, Eq. 9 becomes [15]

2 2
1 2
1 2
f f
f f
which can be put into the form

2 2
1 2 1 2
0 f f pf pf + + = (11)
that defines a circle along which the performance is constant. To obtain the circle parameters
in terms of performance, we write

2 2 2 2 2
1 2 1 2 1 1
( ) ( ) f f pf pf x x y y R + + + (12)
From Eq. 12 we obtain the center coordinates x
, y
and the radius R of the circle in terms of
performance as

/ 2
x p
y p
R p
The performance circle with the presence of two different Pareto fronts are schematically
shown in figure 9a. From this figure, it is seen that the maximum performance is at the
locations where either of the objectives is maximal at the Pareto front. If both objectives are
equal, the maximal performance takes its lowest value and the degree of departing from the
equality means a better performance in Pareto sense. This result is significant since it reveals
that, a design can have a better performance if some measured extremity in one way or
other is exercised. It is meant that, if a better performance is obtained, then most presumably
extremity will be observed in this design. It is noted that the location of an expected superior
Pareto optimal solution in this unbiased sense depends on the shape of the Pareto front, in
particular on the degree of symmetry the Pareto front has w.r.t. the line passing from the
origin of the objective space through the ideal point. This is illustrated in figure 9b, where it
is seen that for a Pareto front that is asymmetrical w.r.t. to this diagonal a unique location of
a solution with a superior performance may exist.
3.2 Implementation nr. 1
This implementation of the system in VR concerns the design of an interior space. The space
is based on the main hall of the World Trade Centre in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The
aim is to optimally position a number of design objects in this space. The objects are a
Virtual Reality and Computational Design


(a) (b)
Fig. 9. Dependence of the location of desirable solutions on the shape of Pareto front
vertical building core hosting the elevators, a mezzanine, stairs, and two vertical ducts. The
perception of a virtual observer plays a role in this task, because the objective involves a
number of perception-based requirements. The function f
(x) shown in figure 10b is a
probability density function (pdf) and given by Eq. 14 [20]. It models the visual attention of
an unbiased virtual observer along a plane perpendicular to the observers frontal direction.
The unbiasedness refers that the observer has no a-priori preference for any particular
direction within his visual scope over another one. Integral of the pdf over a certain length
domain, i.e. of an object, yields perception expressed via a probability in this approach. The
probability expresses the degree by which the observer is aware of the object.
The implementation of this model in virtual reality using a virtual observer termed avatar is
illustrated in figure 11. From the figure it is noted that the avatar pays attention to the
objects in the space equally in all directions in his visual scope. This is illustrated by means

(a) (b)
Fig. 10. Probabilistic perception model for a basic geometric situation, where the probability
density f
(x) models visual attention along a plane object. Plan view (a); perspective view (b)
Virtual Reality


Fig. 11. Perception measurement by means of an avatar in virtual reality based on a
probabilistic theory of perception
of the rays sent from the eyes of the avatar in random directions and intersecting the objects
in the scene. The randomness has a uniform probability density w.r.t. the angle in figure
10a. In virtual reality implementation the amount of rays impinging on an object are
counted and averaged in real time to approximate the perception expressed by a probability.

( )
2 2
( )
f x
l x

o o
l x l < < (14)
The perception model requires instantiation of objects to obtain the probability quantifying
perception. That is, the GA determines the position of the objects, however their geometric
extent is responsible for the perception of the observer. So, once a candidate scene is
instantiated in virtual reality, the perception computations involving the geometric features
of the scene objects are executed.
The results from the perception measurement are probabilities associated with the objects of
the scene, that indicate to what extend an object comes to the awareness of an observer
paying unbiased visual attention to the scene. This crisp information needs to be further
evaluated with regards to the satisfaction of the goals at hand. The present design task
involves several perceptual requirements. Two of them are shown in figure 12 as examples.
One example is that the stairs should not be very noticeable from the avatars viewing
position, in order to increase the privacy in terms of access to the mezzanine floor. At the
same time the stairs should not be overlooked too easily for people who do need to access
the mezzanine floor. This is seen from the mf in figure 12a, where x
denotes the perception
degree and w
12 denotes the fuzzy membership degree. A second example is that the
elevators should be positioned in such a way that they are easily noticed from the avatars
viewing position, so that people who wish to access the office floors above the entrance hall
easily find the elevators. This requirement is expressed by means of the fuzzy membership
function in figure 12b, where increasing perception denoted by x
yields increasing
membership degree w
Virtual Reality and Computational Design


(a) (b)
Fig. 12. Two requirements subject to satisfaction: perception of the stairs (a) and elevators (b)
It is noted that the perception computation using the probabilistic perception model yields
in figure 12b. The task is to optimally place the design objects satisfying a number of
such perception requirements, and also some functionality requirements. The functionality
requirements concern for instance the size of the space, which is influenced by the position
of the building core object. The elemental requirements and their relation with the ultimate
goal are seen from the fuzzy neural tree structure shown in figure 13. From the structure we
note that the performance of the entrance hall depends on the performance of the design
objects forming the scene. From this we note that the amount of objectives to be maximized
is four, namely the outputs of nodes 4-7, whereas the elemental requirements total an
amount of 12.
Figure 14 shows the results from the relaxed Pareto ranking approach. It is noted that the
objective space has four dimensions, one for the performance of every design object. The
representation is obtained by first categorizing the solutions as to which of the four

Fig. 13. Neural tree structure for the performance evaluation
Virtual Reality


Fig. 14. Pareto optimal designs with respect to the four objective dimensions using relaxed
Pareto ranking
quadrants in the two-dimensional objective space formed by the building core and
mezzanine performance they belong, and then representing in each quadrant a coordinate
system showing the stairs and ducts performance in this very quadrant. This way four
dimensions are represented on the two-dimensional page.
Two Pareto optimal designs are shown in figures 15 and 16 for comparison. The maximal
performance score as well as the performance feature vector for these solutions is shown in
Table 1.

core mezzanine ducts stairs p

D2 0.27 0.73 0.83 0.93 0.78
D4 0.48 0.49 0.78 0.89 0.71
Table 1. Performance of design D2 versus D4
From the table it is seen that design D2 outperforms design D4 with respect to the maximal
performance p
obtained using Eq. 9. It is also noted that the performance of D4 as to its
features varies less compared to D2. The fact that D2 has a greater p
confirms the
theoretical expectation illustrated by figure 9 that solutions with more extreme features
generally have a greater maximal performance compared to solutions with little extremity.
The greatest absolute difference among D2 and D4 is the performance of the mezzanine. In
D2 the mezzanine is located closer to associated functions, and this turns out to be more
important compared to the fact that D4 yields more daylight on the mezzanine. Therefore
D2 scores higher that D4 regarding the mezzanine. Additionally D2 slightly outperforms D4
Virtual Reality and Computational Design


Fig. 15. Pareto-optimal design D2 in Figure 14
regarding the performance of the ducts. This is because the ducts do not penetrate the
mezzanine in D2, whereas in D4 they do. The latter is undesirable, as given by the
requirements. Regarding the building core D2 is inferior to D4, which is because the
spaciousness in D4 is greater and also the elevators are located more centrally. Regarding
the stairs performance, the difference among D2 and D4 is negligible. The latter exemplifies
the fact that an objective may be reached in different ways, i.e. solutions that are quite
different regarding their physical parameters may yield similar scores as to a certain goal. In
the present case the greater distance to the stairs in D2 compared to D4 is compensated by
the fact that the stairs is oriented sideways in D2, so that the final perception degree is
almost the same. It is noted that D2 is the solution with the greatest maximal performance
, so that from an unbiased viewpoint it is the most suitable solution among the Pareto
optimal ones. This solution is most appealing to be selected for construction. This result is
an act of machine cognition, as it reveals that pursuing maximal performance in the present

Fig. 16. Pareto-optimal design D4 in Figure 14
Virtual Reality

task the stairs and ducts are more important compared to the building core from an
unbiased viewpoint. This information was not known prior to the execution of the
computational design process. It is interesting to note that the solution that was chosen by a
human architect in a conventional design process without computational support was also
similar to solution D2. The benefit of the computational approach is that it ensures
identification of most suitable solutions, their unbiased comparison, and precise information
on their respective trade-off as to the abstract objectives. This is difficult to obtain using
conventional means. The diversity of solutions along the Pareto front, which is due to the
relaxation of the Pareto concept is significant especially in order to facilitate the process of
ensuing validation.
3.3 Implementation nr. 2
In the second implementation of the computational design system, object instantiation in VR
is used for evaluation of solutions in a layout problem of a building complex for a
performance measurement involving multiple objectives. In this task the spatial
arrangement of a number of spatial units is to be accomplished in such a way that three
main goals are satisfied simultaneously. These goals are maximizing the buildings
functionality and energy performance, as well as its performance regarding form related
preferences. It is noted that the spheres shown in ensuing figures represent the performance
of a number of alternative solutions for the three objectives of the design task.
The building subject to design consists of a number of spatial units, referred to as design
objects, where every unit is designated to a particular purpose in the building. The task is to
locate the objects optimally on the building site with respect to the three objectives forming
suitable spatial arrangements. The objects are seen from figure 17 and their properties,
which play role during the fitness evaluation of solutions generated by the algorithm, are
given in table 3.

Fig. 17. Design objects subject to optimal positioning on the building site
Virtual Reality and Computational Design


ceiling height
Specific power
of inner heat
surface amount
of glass in
faades (%)
apt_a_1 22000 2.7 2.1 30
apt_a_2 22000 2.7 2.1 30
apt_a_3 18500 3.2 2.1 40
apt_a_4 22000 2.7 2.1 30
apt_a_5 22000 2.7 2.1 30
apt_b_1 45000 2.7 2.1 30
apt_b_2 37000 3.2 2.1 40
apt_b_3 45000 2.7 2.1 30
hotel 74000 3 2.1 40
care 32000 3 2.1 20
shops 34000 5 4 50
offices 115000 3.5 3.5 70
sport 28000 6 3.5 70
Table 3. Properties of the design objects
The attributes given in Table 1 play an important role in particular in the evaluation of the
energy performance of the solutions, which is described in the Appendix A. It is noted that
the site is located in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, so that climate data from this location is
used in the energy computations. It is further noted that the energy computations require
information of the insulation value of the facades expressed by the U-value of the walls, U-
value of windows and glass faade, as well as the g-value of the glass. In this task the U-
value of the walls is 0.15 W/m
K; U-value of windows is 1.00W/m
K; and g-value of the
glass is 0.5.
In order to let the computer generate a building from the components shown in figure 17,
i.e. for a solution to be feasible, it is necessary to ensure that all solutions have some basic
properties. These are that spaces should not overlap, and objects should be adjacent to the
other objects around and above; also the site boundaries should be observed, in particular
on the ground floor to permit pedestrian traffic along the waterfront. This is realized in the
present application by inserting the objects in a particular sequential manner into the site.
This is illustrated in figure 18. Starting from the same location, one by one the objects are
moved forward, i.e. in southern direction, until they reach an obstacle. An obstacle may be
the site boundary or another object previously inserted. When they touch an object they
change their movement direction from the southern to the eastern direction, moving east
until they again reach the site boundary or another object. As a final movement step the
object will move down until it touches the ground plane, which is in order to account for
different heights the objects have. Packing objects in two dimensions in this way is known as
bottom-left two heuristic packing routine in literature, e.g. [21]. After the final object has been
placed in this way, due to the fact that the sum of the objects groundplanes exceeds the
available surface on the site, some objects will overlap the site boundary or be situated
entirely outside the site boundary. This is illustrated in figure 18d, where in the present
example two building units apartments a and sports & leisure are located outside of the
southern site boundary. The boundary is indicated by means of a white line in the figure.
Virtual Reality


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 18. Generation process of a solution through sequential insertion of the design objects in
The objects exceeding the site will be inserted using a second movement procedure, where
first the object is moved forward until it reaches an obstacle; then it is moved upwards until
it reaches an upper boundary for the building, which is set to 140m and not visible in the
figures. Then the object is moved forward again, until it touches an obstacle. Thereafter it is
Virtual Reality and Computational Design

moved in eastern direction until touching an obstacle, and then down, so that it comes to
rest on top the building below it.
It is noted that the decision from which side to insert the building components, and which
location to use as the starting point for insertion is a matter of judgement, and it will
strongly influence the solutions obtained. The insertion used in this application is due to the
preference of the architect is to have the objects line up along the street, which is in northern
boundary of the site.
In this task object instantiation is required for several reasons. One of the reasons can be
already noted considering the above insertion process during the generation of feasible
solutions. Namely, during the movement of an object into the site it is formidable to
establish a formalism that can be used to predict the exact geometric condition of the
configuration that is already found on the site when the object moves into it. The reason is
that the amount of possible geometric configurations is excessive due to the amount of
objects and also due to the fact that two of the objects, namely the offices and the hotel unit
are permitted to have different amounts of floor levels, which is a parameter in the GA. As
the floor surface amount is requested to remain constant, consequently both the objects
height and floor plan is variable for these two objects.
Effectively, the spatial configuration an object will encounter during its insertion into the
scene can only be known through execution of the insertion process, i.e. through
instantiation of the objects on site as well as letting objects move into the site and testing for
collisions during the movement. In this respect it is noted that the accuracy of placement is
subject to determination, where the step length of the movement at every time frame during
object insertion should be set to a small value, however not too small to avoid that the
collision detection routine is called excessively. Next to the need for VR during this solution
generation procedure, the instantiation is needed to execute the measurements indicated by
the letter m in figure 2 as follows.
For the evaluation of the energy performance of the building it is necessary to compute the
transmission heat loss denoted by Q
[22]. Q
quantifies how much energy will be lost
through the facades of every building component over the period of one year due to
temperature difference between inside and outside air temperature. In order to obtain this
value it is necessary to verify for every faade of a building unit, whether it is adjacent to
another building component, or adjacent to outside air. Also it is necessary to compute the
solar gain Q
, which quantifies the amount of solar energy that penetrates into the building
unit through the glazing of the facades. For a certain faade surface, Q
depends, among
other factors, on the distance from another building unit located in front of the facade
causing a shadow. Therefore, to accomplish computation of Q
and Q
it is necessary to
measure if another object is adjacent to the faade in question, located in front of the facade
at some distance close enough to cause a shadow, or if there is no object in front of the
faade causing a shadow on it. For this purpose a test procedure is executed in the virtual
reality, where for every faade the distance to objects in front of it is measured. It is clear
that this test requires object instantiation due to the manifold possible geometric
configurations in the search. The test is executed by means of rays that are emitted from the
centre point of the building component in question and the intersection with other objects is
detected. This is shown in figure 19a. The resulting information is then used in the
computations of Q
and Q
in order to compute

the heat energy Q
required to heat the
building over the period of one year per m
of floor surface area. The output Q
is the result
Virtual Reality

from energy computations using a steady state model given in the Appendix. From the
neural tree in figure 20 it is seen that the energy performance evaluation involves a single
fuzzy membership function, i.e. it does not involve inner nodes.

(a) (b)
Fig. 19. Verification of thermal environment by means of ray intersection tests for heat loss
computation (a); measurement of heights of the building for estimating the satisfaction of
form preferences
The membership function is shown in figure 21a, where it is seen that the input information
for the energy evaluation is the heat energy Q
expressed as energy per m
of floor surface
area and per year. From figure 21a we note that the satisfaction of the energy requirement
increases with decreasing energy, and that the satisfaction, expressed by the membership
degree reaches its maximum for heat energy consumption below 2.2 kWh/m
a, and
satisfaction diminishes for energy amount beyond 4.4 kWh/m
a. It is noted that this range
concerns relatively low amount of energy compared to most contemporary building
projects. This mainly due to the large size of the building units, where the amount of
exterior surfaces with respect to the floor is relatively small.
For the evaluation of the performance regarding form preferences for the building, object
instantiation in VR is required in order to execute other measurements. This is shown in
figure 19b. From the figure it is seen that from 8 locations above the building test rays are
sent downwards to measure the buildings height at these locations. This information is
used to compute to what extend the shape of the building satisfies some form preferences of
the architect. The form preferences are seen from the fuzzy neural tree shown in figure 20.
The evaluation of the form preferences has two major aspects, the first one concerns the
variations of heights in the buildings skyline; the second one concerns the average height of
the building. For both aspects two sub-aspects are distinguished in the model: the situation
along the side facing the street (along the southern site boundary), and the side along the
waterfront (along the northern boundary). For the height variation assessment, the
difference in height measured between two adjacent measurement points S
or W
obtained using the ray-tracing in VR seen from figure 19b. This difference is used as input in
the membership function shown in figure 21b. From the membership function it is seen that
the height variation is demanded to be rather large, i.e. the architect aims for a non-
monolithic shape of the building, so that it is deemed to express what may be termed as a
playful looking shape. This is seen from the maximum of the membership function being
located at about 76m of height difference.
Virtual Reality and Computational Design


Fig. 20. Fuzzy neural tree for performance evaluation of the candidate solutions

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 21. Fuzzy membership functions used for energy performance evaluation (a); for
evaluation of the height variation in the buildings skyline (b); for evaluation of the average
height along the street-side (c); along the waterfront (d)
Concerning the requirements on average height of the building the architect prefers to have
a high average height along the street side, and a low average height at the waterfront. This
is to emphasize the urban character of the street, whereas the lower height along the
waterfront is to give the building a more accessible expression when perceived by people
walking along the waterfront. The requirement for a high average height along the street-
Virtual Reality

side is seen from the membership function in figure 21c, yielding maximum membership
degree at 100m and diminishing as the height reduces. The requirement for a low average
height along the water-front is seen from the membership function in figure 21d, where the
membership degree diminishes with increasing height.
In the same way, during evaluation of a design alternative the tree is provided with input
values obtained from the virtual building instantiated in VR, and the fuzzification processes
are carried out at the terminal nodes. The fuzzification yields the degree of satisfaction for
the elemental at the terminal nodes of the neural tree.
The root node of the neural tree shown in figure 20 describes the ultimate goal subject to
maximization, namely the design performance and the tree branches form the objectives
constituting this goal. The connections among the nodes have a weight associated with
them, as seen from the figure. In the same way as the membership functions at the
terminals, the weights are given by a designer as an expression of knowledge, and the latter
specify the relative significance a node has for the node one level closer to the root node. In
particular the weights connecting the nodes on the penultimate level of the model indicate
how strongly the output of these nodes influences the output at the root node. It is noted
that in the multi-objective optimization case the latter weights are not specified a-priori, but
they are subject to determination after the optimization process is accomplished.
The fuzzified information is then processed by the inner nodes of the tree. These nodes
perform the AND operations using Gaussian membership functions as described above,
where the width-vector of the multi-dimensional Gaussian reflects the relative importance
among the inputs to a node. Finally this sequence of logic operations starting from the
model input yield the performance at the penultimate node outputs of the model. This
means the more satisfied the elemental requirements at the terminal level are, the higher the
outputs will be at the nodes above, finally increasing the design performance at the root
node of the tree. Next to the evaluation of the design performance score, due to the fuzzy
logic operations at the inner nodes of the tree, the performance of any sub-aspect is obtained
as well. This is a desirable feature in design, which is referred to as transparency
The multi objective optimization is accomplished using a multi-objective genetic algorithm
with adaptive Pareto ranking. It is used to determine the optimal sequence of insertion, so
that the three objectives are maximally fulfilled. Every chromosome contains the
information for every object, at which rank in the insertion sequence it is to be inserted, as
well as the information for the relaxation angle to use during the Pareto ranking for the
particular solution. It is noted that the information a chromosome contains in order to
determine the sequence of insertion is in the form of float numbers, where one float number
is assigned to every object. The objects are then sorted based on the size of the float
numbers, so that an object with a higher number will be inserted before one with a lower
number. Using float numbers in the chromosome, as opposed to e.g. an integer number
denoting a unique sequence of insertion, allows a genetic algorithm with conventional
crossover procedure to generate more suitable solutions from the genetic combination of
two successful ones. This is because the float number sequence is unbiased with respect the
objects to be inserted, whereas an integer coding of the sequences has an inherent bias
making it necessary to reflect this bias in the crossover procedure.
The performance evaluation model is used during the evolutionary search process aiming to
identify designs with maximal design performance. In the present case we are interested in
a variety of alternative solutions that are equivalent in Pareto sense. The design is therefore
treated as a multi-objective optimization as opposed to a single-objective optimization. In
Virtual Reality and Computational Design

single-objective case exclusively the design performance, i.e. the output at the root node of
the neural tree, would be subject to maximization. In the latter case, the solution would be
the outcome of a mere convergence and any cognition aspect would not be exercised. In the
multi-objective implementation the outputs of the nodes functionality, energy, and form
preferences, which are the penultimate nodes, are subject to maximization. Their values are
used in the fitness determination procedure of the genetic algorithm. Employing the fuzzy
neural tree in this way the genetic search is equipped with some human-like reasoning
capabilities during the search. The part of the tree beyond the penultimate nodes is for the
de-fuzzification process, which models cognition, so that ultimately the design performance
is obtained at the root node.
3.4 Application results
To exemplify the solutions on the Pareto front, three resulting Pareto-optimal designs D1-D3
are shown in figures 22-24 respectively. In the left part of the figures the location of the
particular solution in the three-dimensional objective space is seen together with the
locations of the other solutions.
The solutions in objective space are represented by spheres. The size of the sphere indicates
the maximal performance value of the corresponding solution. That is, a large sphere
indicates a high maximal design performance, and conversely a small sphere indicates a low
Design D1 is the design among the Pareto solutions having the highest maximal design
performance, as obtained by Eq. 9, namely p=.75. It has a high energy and form performance,
namely .76, and .88 respectively, while its functionality performance is moderate, being only
.50. The high performance as to form is due to the strong variations of building-height along
the buildings skyline and the lower water-front versus higher street side, which match to
the requirements. The low functionality performance is mainly due to low performance of
office and childcare facilities, where the offices are expected to be a tall building-unit and
offer a good view of the waterside.

Fig. 22. Design D1 having a p
of .75 being the highest among the Pareto solutions
Virtual Reality


Fig. 23. Design D2 having a high energy performance

Fig. 24. Design D3 having a high functionality performance
Design D2 has the highest energy performance among the Pareto solutions (.91) while form
and functionality are moderate (.55 and .47). Its maximal design performance is p=.70. The
high energy performance is due to the very compact overall shape, and also due to the fact
that the office building, having a large amount of glazing percentage, has a compact shape
implying few energy loss.
Design D3 has a high functionality performance (.81), while energy performance is low (.23)
and form performance is moderate (.41). Its maximal design performance is p=.61. The
functionality performance is high, because the requirements for office, shops and care are
highly satisfied. The energy performance is low, because the overall building is not compact
Virtual Reality and Computational Design

and most of the envelope of the office building component is exposed to outside air, which
yields undesirably high heat energy consumption of the building.
From the results we note that design D1 has a maximal performance that is higher than for
the other Pareto optimal designs described by factor 1.07 and 1.23 respectively. That is, D1
clearly outperforms the other designs regarding their respective maximal performance. This
means that when there is no a-priori bias for any of the three objectives, it is more proficient
to be less concerned with functionality, but to aim for maximal energy performance and
form qualities in the particular design task at hand. That is, in absence of second-order
preferences, design D1 should be built, rather than the other designs.
4. Conclusions
The role of object instantiation in virtual reality during a computational design process is
described by means of a computational intelligence approach implemented in virtual reality.
The approach establishes Pareto front in a multi-objective optimization involving a
stochastic search algorithm and a fuzzy model of the design requirements. The instantiation
of solutions in VR plays a necessary role in the search process, as it permits evaluating
solutions with respect to abstract object features that are not readily obtained from the
parameters subject to identification through the search. Next to its role during the search for
optimality, VR also facilitates the selection process among the Pareto optimal solutions, and
the process of validating the criteria used in the search, which is also exemplified. The
necessary role of VR during the search for optimality is demonstrated in two applications
from the domain of architectural design, where the object instantiation is needed for the
effectiveness of several procedures during the search process. In one application it is
required for execution of a measurement procedure to quantify perceptual qualities of the
design objects involving a virtual observer. In this task optimal positioning of a number of
interior elements is obtained satisfying perceptual and functionality related requirements. In
the second application instantiation in VR is required to facilitate the solution generation
using a two heuristic packing strategy. Next to that it is needed in this application in order
to permit measurement of functionality, energy, and form related performance of the
solutions. A building consisting of several volumes is obtained, where these objectives are
maximally satisfied. This is accomplished by identifying an optimal sequence of arranging
the volumes, so that the three objectives pertaining are satisfied. In both applications the
linguistic nature of the requirements is treated by using a fuzzy neural tree approach that is
able to handle the imprecision and complexity inherent to the concepts, forming a model.
This model plays the role of fitness function in the adaptive multi-objective evolutionary
search algorithm, so that the search process is endowed with some human-like reasoning
capabilities. The involvement of a fuzzy model requires the crisp input information for
fuzzification and further processing via the fuzzy model. This is provided through the
instantiation of objects and ensuing measurements in virtual reality. With this
understanding VR can be considered to act as interface between the domain of quasi
physical object features and the domain of abstract goals during the search for optimality.
Appendix - Energy Computations
The input of the fuzzy membership function expressing the energy performance shown in
the neural tree in figure 21a requires as input the energy demand for heating over the period
Virtual Reality

of one year and per floor surface area. This value is denoted by Q

given in the unit
a. The size of the floor surface areas are given in Table 1. Q
is computed as follows

Q Q Q = (A1)
where Q
denotes the sum of the energy losses and Q
denotes the sum of energy gains of
the building unit. Let us first consider the losses:

Q Q Q = + (A2)
In Eq. A2 Q
denotes losses through transmission via the building envelope, and Q
losses through ventilation. Q
is computed by for every faade element n delimiting the unit
as given by

T n n t t
Q A U f G =

where A
denotes the surface amount of the n-th faade element in m
; U
denotes the U-
value of the faade element given in the unit W/m
K; f
denotes a temperature factor to
account for reduced losses when a faade is touching the earth (.65) versus the normal
condition of outside air (1.0); G
denotes the time-integral of the temperature difference
between inside and outside air temperature given in the unit kKh/a. In this implementation
=79.8 kKh/a.
is computed for a building unit by

V V air t
Q V n c G = (A4)
where V denotes the air volume enclosed within the unit given in m
; n
denotes the
energetically effective air exchange rate of the ventilation system during the heating period
given in the unit 1/h, which is n
=0.09/h in this implementation; c
denotes the

capacity of air c
=0.33 Wh/m
Considering the energy gain: Q
is obtained by

Q Q = (A5)
is a factor denoting the effectiveness of the heat gains, and Q
denotes the free heat
energy due to solar radiation and internal gains, given by

Q Q Q = + (A6)
where Q
denotes the gain due to solar radiation and Q
denotes the internal gain:

, S r w n w d
Q f g A G =

In Eq. A7 for the n-th faade of a building unit f
denotes a reduction factor

that models the
effect of a shadow on the faade. In the present implementation this factor is computed
online using a measurement in VR. The factor g
in Eq. A7 denotes the g-value of the
window glazing used in the faade. This value expresses the total heat energy flux rate
permitted through the glass. In the present case g
=0.5. A
denotes the amount of window
Virtual Reality and Computational Design

surface in the faade in m
; G
denotes the direction dependent solar radiation energy given
in the unit kWh/m
a. In the present climatic situation G
=321 kWh/m
a; G
a; G
=270 kWh/m
a and G
=187 kWh/m
in Eq. A6 is given by
I I f
Q t q A = (A8)
where the number 0.024 is a conversion factor having the unit kh/d; t denotes the length of
the heating period in days. In the present case t=205d. P
denotes the specific power q
inner heat sources like people, lighting, computers, etc. given in the unit W/m
. For the
different building units subject to positioning in this task the different values for q
are given
in Table 3. The factor
in Eq. A5 is obtained by

( )
( )
1 /
1 /


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Virtual Reality

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Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education:
Virtual Simulation of Construction Works
Alcnia Z. Sampaio, Carlos O. Cruz and Octvio P. Martins
Technical University of Lisbon, Dep. Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lisbon
1. Introduction
Concerning educational tasks, the interaction allowed by three-dimensional (3D) geometric
models could bring an end to passive learner attitudes which are often found in traditional
academic teaching situations. In addition, Virtual Reality (VR) technology could be applied
as a complement to 3D modelling, leading to better communication between the various
stakeholders in the process, whether in training, in education or in professional practice.
This role is particularly relevant to the presentation of processes which are defined through
sequential stages as generally is the case in the learning of new curricular subjects. Besides
this constant updating of training in the new graphic resources available to and in
widespread and frequent use in professions in the fields of engineering or architecture, the
school should also adapt its teaching activities to the new tools of visual communication. In
fact, today, in practical subjects a variety of engineering software is used, but this requires
skills and knowledge to develop economical and feasible solutions.
Educational institutions can use communication technology to access information, as a form
of collaboration and communication with teachers, or as a tool for conveying educational
contents, as well as a means of online teaching. A communication platform allows
participants to exchange information about specific domains and interact and learn
cooperatively, therefore, an aspect that must be improved is the preparation of didactic
materials to support teaching (Gomes & Caldeira, 2004).
Today, 3D models and VR technology are used in engineering schools to aid both the
lecturers and students. They offer students the opportunity to visualize the engineering
concepts they learn in the classroom. Gibbon, in Electrical Engineering, uses laboratories
containing operational amplifiers and a resonant circuit, based in 3D modelling tools in
order to achieve a better understanding of circuit issues presented in formal lectures
(Gibbon, 2008). Other examples of computer simulation and VR projects supporting the
teaching of engineering students are remote physics experiments (Ozvoldova et al., 2006),
simulation control testing (Su et al., 2006) and virtual laboratories (Safigianni & Pournaras,
Techniques of 3D modelling and VR were applied to the development of models related to
the construction process. The 3D models created to support rehabilitation design emerge as
an important tool for the monitoring of anomalies in structures and to assist decisions based
on the visual analyses of alternative solutions. Didactic interactive models showing
Virtual Reality

construction works were also developed. These applications allow the visual simulation of
the physical progression of each type of work and also assist in the study of the necessary
equipment needed and how it functions on site. The introduction of CAD and VR
techniques in school is helpful to students in order to prepare them to consider these
technologies as important supports, later in their professional practice.
The aim of the practical application of the didactic virtual models is to provide support in
Civil Engineering education namely in those disciplines relating to drawing, bridges and
construction process both in classroom-based education and in distance learning based on
e-learning technology. Engineering construction work models were created, from which it
was possible to obtain 3D models corresponding to different states of their shape,
simulating distinct stages of the carrying out processes. In order to create models, which
could visually simulate the progressive sequence of the process and allowing interact with
it, techniques of virtual reality were used. Virtual instruments could complete or replace the
experimental part in various cases. These applications allow users to conduct process and
present briefly fundamental theory of the phenomena or provide full information
concerning the experiments. So, the educational virtual experiments must be well framed in
the lesson context.
In addition VR technology was applied on the development of a model concerning the
management of lighting systems in buildings. It allows the visual and interactive
transmission of information related to the physical behaviour of the elements, defined as a
function of the time variable. The model was created by students involved in a research
project. This kind of work gives the student capacities to develop, after in there professional
activity, software that can help them to resolve engineering problems using the VR
technology. Thats a new tool that they know how to use.
2. VR models in AEC
The use of CAD and VR systems is helpful in areas such as Architecture, Engineering and
Construction (AEC). However, the introduction of these new technologies into designers
actual practice has been anything but smooth (Duarte, 2007). At present, when carrying out
a project, the use of graphic systems and, in particular, those relating to 3D modelling,
makes a very positive contribution towards improving the transmission of rigorously
correct technical information and, in general, to the understanding of spatial configurations
in their environment. This means of expression surpasses a drawing, a picture or a diagram
(Sampaio & Henriques, 2008).
Virtual Reality is a technology that allows users to explore and manipulate, in real time,
computer-generated 3D interactive environment. This technology offers advantages such as:
representational fidelity with a high degree of realism caused by the rendering capacity for
objects; the ability to look at objects from different viewpoints, and the ability to pick up,
examine and modify components within the virtual world; the feeling of presence or
immersion, as a consequence of the realism of the images and a high degree of interaction. It
makes the VR environment motivating and engaging by giving the users the possibility to
be part of the world, and by allowing them to focus entirely on the task in hand.
VR is also seen today as an integrating technology, with great potential for communication
between project participants, and most recently, as a tool for the support of decision-
making, made possible by the integration of specific computer applications in the virtual
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works

2.1 Construction
The results of the architectural design of a building are usually several drawings, which,
lately, are often complemented by 3D models. Architects create 3D models of houses so that
their clients can more clearly understand what the house will look like when built.
Models concerning construction need to be able to generate changes in the project geometry.
The integration of geometric representations of a building together with scheduling data
related to construction planning information is the basis of 4D (3D + time) models. Thus, in
this field, 4D models combine 3D models with the project timeline, and VR technology has
been used to render 4D models more realistic allowing interaction with the environment
representing the construction site. 4D models are being used to improve the production,
analysis, design management and construction information in many phases and areas of
construction projects (Fischer & Kunz, 2004). VTT Building Technology has been developing
and implementing applications based on this technique providing better communication
between the partners in a construction project (Leinonen et al., 2003). Note the contribution
of VR to support conception design (Petzold et al., 2007), to introduce the plan (Khanzode et
al., 2007) and to follow the progress of constructions (Fischer, 2000).
The didactic VR models presented in the text shows the sequence of construction processes
allowing step-by-step visualization. The models concern a wall, as a significant component
of a building, two methods of bridge construction, each with different degrees of detail and
technical information and a roof, namely the graphical process. The target users of these
models are Civil Engineering students. Here, the VR technology was applied for educational
2.2 Maintenance of buildings
The main aim of a research project, which is now in progress at the Department of Civil
Engineering of the Technical University of Lisbon, is to develop virtual models as tools to
support decision-making in the planning of construction management and maintenance.
The virtual models give the capacity to transmit, visually and interactively, information
related to the physical behaviour of materials, components of given infrastructures, defined
as a function of the time variable. In this context, the research project presents the
development of a VR application, involving knowledge of the physical aspects of materials,
particularly those which have a short-term function. This knowledge includes their use and
environmental factors, and the application integrates these items into digital spatial
representations. In this way, the indisputable advantage of the ease of interpretation and
perception of space provided by the visualization of 3D models, and of the technical content
underlying the real characteristics of the observed elements are brought together. The
interactive application allows decisions to be made on conception options in the definition
of plans for maintenance and management.
In farther work, several elements have been studied and implemented in the same virtual
application. Until now, the model includes exterior closure of walls and faades, and, now
in progress is the implementation of the floor element. The characteristics of different
surfaces materials have been implemented as have some strategies of maintenance and
rehabilitation for these construction elements of a building. The goal is to generate a model
that can analyse, from a management perspective, the most important components of the
building, a model which must be interactive.
A first prototype concerning the lighting system was developed (Sampaio et al., 2009). It
integrates VR system and a computer application implemented in Visual Basic (VB)
Virtual Reality

language. The model allows the examination of the physical model, visualizing, for each
element modelled in 3D and linked to a database, the corresponding technical information
concerned with the wear and tear aspects of the material, defined for that period of time. In
addition, the analysis of solutions for maintenance work or substitution and inherent cost
are predicted, the results being obtained interactively and visibly in the virtual environment
itself. In addition the model of lighting management can support analyses of preventive
maintenance, the application in larger building and the study of the effects of lighting
3. Didactic models
The aim of the practical application of the virtual models is to provide support in Civil
Engineering education namely in those disciplines relating to drawing, bridges and
construction process both in classroom-based education and in distance learning based on
e-learning technology. Engineering construction work models were created, from which it
was possible to obtain 3D models corresponding to different states of their shape,
simulating distinct stages of the carrying out processes. In order to create models, which
could visually simulate the progressive sequence of the process and allowing interact with
it, techniques of virtual reality were used. Virtual instruments could complete or replace the
experimental part in various cases. These applications allow users to conduct process and
present briefly fundamental theory of the phenomena or provide full information
concerning the experiments. So, the educational virtual experiments must be well framed in
the lesson context.
Specialist in construction processes and bridge design were consulted and implicated in the
execution of the educational models in order to obtain efficient and accurate didactic
a. In construction, the selected examples are three elementary situations of works, one
concerns the execution of an external wall, a basic component of a building (Sampaio &
Henriques, 2007), the second presents the cantilever method of bridge deck construction
(Sampaio et al., 2006), a frequent construction technique and the last attends the
incremental launching method of bridge deck construction (Martins & Sampaio, 2009).
The developed applications make it possible to show the physical evolution of the
works, the monitoring of the planned construction sequence, and the visualization of
details of the form of every component of each construction. They also assist the study
of the type and method of operation of the equipment necessary for these construction
b. The roof model supports the explanation of subject matter pertaining to elevation
projection representations applied to the design of roofs (Sampaio et al. 2009). This
model presents the method of designing a roof using the usual graphic elements of plan
drawing but displaying them in their 3D form. The model shows in animation the
intersection between two simple roofs in order to explain how to define a more complex
roof. In this way the model supports the learning of the methodology pertaining to the
practical aspects in drawing roofs.
The pedagogic aspect and the technical knowledge are presented on the selection of the
quantity and type of elements to show in each virtual model, on the sequence of exhibition
to follow, on the relationship established between the components of both type of
construction, on the degree of geometric details needed to present and on the technical
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works

information that must go with each constructive step. Further details complement, in a
positive way, the educational applications bringing to them more utility and efficiency.
Namely, the model of the wall shows the information concerning construction activity of
interest for students corresponding to the geometric stage displayed in each moment and
the cantilever deck construction model shows particularly the movement of the equipment
in operation during the progressive activity. So when students go to visit real work places,
since the essential details were previously presented and explained in class, they are able to
better understand the construction operation they are seeing.
When modelling 3D environments a clear intention of what to show must be planned,
because the objects to display and the details of each one must be appropriated to the goal
the teacher or designer want to achieve with the model. For instance, if the objective is to
explain the relationship between construction phases and the financial stages, the 4D model
must represent the correspondent physical situation according to the established
construction diagram and with the degree of detail appropriated. Developing didactic
models for students concerns technical tasks, at a level that could be understood by
undergraduate students, but also demands pedagogical attitudes.
In addition, the use of techniques of virtual reality on the development of these didactic
applications is helpful to education improving the efficiency of the models in the way it
allows the interactivity with the simulated environment of each activity. The virtual model
can be manipulated interactively allowing the teacher or student to monitor the physical
evolution of the work and the construction activities inherent in its progression. This type of
model allows the participant to interact in an intuitive manner with the 3D space, to repeat
the sequence or task until the desired level of proficiency or skill has been achieved and to
perform in a safe environment. Therefore, this new concept of VR technology applied to
didactic models brings new perspectives to the teaching of subjects in Civil Engineering
3.1 Model of the wall
The model of a masonry cavity wall corresponds to one of the basic components of a
standard construction. To enable the visual simulation of the wall construction, the
geometric model generated is composed of a set of elements, each representing one
component of the construction. The definition of the 3D model of an exterior wall of a
conventional building comprises (Fig. 1): the structural elements (foundations, columns and
beams), the vertical filler panels (with the thermal isolation plate placed between the brick
panels and the stone slabs placed on the exterior surface) and two cavity elements (door and

Fig. 1. Steel reinforcements 3D models of the structural elements, the vertical filler panels
and the door and window openings.
Virtual Reality

The complete geometric model was transferred to the VR system EON (EON, 2009). In this
system, the visual simulation of the wall building process was programmed, following a
realistic plan of the construction progress. The order in which components are consecutively
exhibited and incorporated into the virtual model, properly represent the real evolution of
the wall under construction (Fig. 2): (a) During the animation, the student can control the
length of time that any phase is exhibited and observe the model using the most suitable
camera and zoom positions for a correct perception of the details of construction elements;

Fig. 2. Time length control, zoom positions and elements from the global model of the wall.

(b) It is possible to highlight the incorporated component at each new phase and to examine
it in detail; (c) Included, under the window in which the virtual scene is exhibited, is a bar,
which shows the progress of the construction. Throughout the animation, the bar is
progressively filled, with small rectangles symbolizing the percentage of each phase, in
relation to the completed wall construction. Through symbols it represents the diagrams
normally used on construction plans; (d) Simultaneously, with the visualization of each
phase, a text is shown (in the upper right corner of the window), giving data related to the
shown stage, namely, its position within the construction sequence, the description of the
activity and the material characteristics of the element incorporated.
The development of the model was supported by a specialised engineer working in
construction which guarantees that the model shows a valid construction sequence and that
the configuration of each component was defined accurately. The models support CAD and
Construction subjects.
3.2 Model of the cantilever method of bridge construction
The second model created allows the visual simulation of the construction of a bridge using
the cantilever method. Students are able to interact with the model dictating the rhythm of
the process, which allows them to observe details of the advanced equipment and of the
elements of the bridge (pillars, deck and abutments). The sequence is defined according to
the norms of planning in this type of work.
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works

The North Viaduct of the Bridge Farm, in Madeira, Portugal, was the case selected for
representation in the virtual environment. In cross-section, the deck of the viaduct shows a
box girder solution, its height varying in a parabolic way along its three spans. The most
common construction technique for this typology is the cantilever method. A computer
graphic system which enables the geometric modelling of a bridge deck of box girder
typology was used to generate, 3D models of deck segments necessary for the visual
simulation of the construction of the bridge (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. 3D model of a deck segment, the scaffolding and the advanced equipment.
To complete the model of the bridge, the pillars and abutments were modelled. Then
followed the modelling of the advanced equipment, which is composed not only of the form
traveller, but also the formwork adaptable to the size of each segment, the work platforms
for each formwork and the rails along which the carriages run (Fig. 3). As, along with the
abutments, the deck is concreted with the false work on the ground, the scaffolding for
placement at each end of the deck was also modelled (Fig. 3). The 3D model of the
construction environment was then transposed to the virtual reality EON system.
The support of a bridge design specialist was essential in obtaining an accurate model, not
only of the geometry definition of components of the bridge and devices, but also of the
establishment of the progression sequence and of the way the equipment operates (Fig. 4):
(a) This method starts by applying concrete to a first segment on each pillar, the segment
being long enough to install the work equipment on it; (b) The construction of the deck
proceeds with the symmetrical execution of the segments starting from each pillar, using the
advanced equipment; (c) The continuation of the deck, joining the cantilever spans, is
completed with the positioning of the closing segment; (d) Finally, the zone of the deck near
the supports is constructed, using a false work resting on the ground.

Fig. 4. Sequence of the bridge deck construction.
Moving the camera closer to the bridge model and applying to it routes around the zone of
interest, the student, interacting with the virtual model, can follow the sequence
specifications and observe the details of the configurations of the elements involved (Fig. 5).
Virtual Reality


Fig. 5. Camera positioned closer to the model.
3.3 Model of the incremental launching method of bridge construction
Another interactive model concerning construction of deck bridges to support Civil
Engineering education was created. The construction of bridge decks using the method on
incremental launching has existed since the 60s. The incremental launching method consists
of casting 15m to 30m long segments of the bridge deck in a stationary formwork which
push a completed segment forward with hydraulic jacks along the bridge axis.
Every element needed in the virtual scenario was modelled and then the interaction was
programmed using the some software based on the VR technology, the EON Studio. The 3D
model of all elements was generated using AutoCAD: (a) The metal elements supporting the
form and the formwork itself composed by beams and panels, made of wood, were created;
(b) To represent the reinforcements a steel mesh was designed; (c) With the objective of
allowing some immersive capacity to the model, the river was represented by a surface with
mixed colours and the selected panorama simulated a typical environment of river banks.
During the animation, the position of the camera and its movement are synchronized to
show the details of the elements or the assembly type and also an overview of the working
place (Fig. 6): (a) In order to report an overview of the construction site the camera points
initially to the casting yard. At this stage just the abutments, piers and beams of the
foundation of the yard are visible. Next, is the building up the exterior form work composed
of 26 identical elements, and only the assembly of one element being visualized in detail; (b)

Fig. 6. The casting yard and a sequence of the incremental launches of the deck.
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works

After placing the external panels of the shuttering and the reinforcement mesh, starts the
visual simulation of the casting work. The elements that make up the interior false work are
placed incrementally, starting with the metallic support, followed by the longitudinal beams
and finishing with the implementation of shuttering panels; (c) Next, the assembly of the
launching nose is installed. The camera is adjusted to allow the correct visualization of this
work. After casting the first segment the displacement of this element takes place. For that
the temporary support of the nose is removed and the segment is separated from the
shuttering; (d) The arrival of the nose to the first pier is achieved during the advance of the
second segment. In it the small brown parallelepipeds are the launch pads and are placed
manually by workers between the nose and the temporary support placed over each pier
(Fig. 7); (e) Already in the final phase of construction the casting equipment is removed and
the area is covered with soil. Finally the guards along with other finishing elements are
The model was them made accessible to students and teachers of other institutions related
to Civil Engineering using the platform developed by the Lisbon Technical University as
part of their e-school activities. This model presents a great complexity of geometry and
material concerning the different elements used in a real work process. It provides an
immersive capacity inherent in the virtual world and it has a menu of events which allows
the students and teachers to select a specific part (Fig. 7). The user is able to grasp the most
important details of the construction method because of the camera movement which
consistently shows the model throughout all the sequences of events:

Fig. 7. The metallic launching nose, the guards and a menu of events.
3.4 Model of the roof
Following from those examples, a proposal was put forward to generate an educational
model related to the graphic construction of a roof 3D model. Drawings using elevation
projection is one of the topics in the subject of Technical Drawing included in the syllabus of
the module on Computer Assisted Drawing. This representation uses only the view
obtained by horizontal projection, the plan. However, the drawing is complemented by the
relevant data, the elevations value and the graphics related to the three-dimensional space.
As far as the roof drawing is concerned the initial data needed are: the specification of the
geometric outline of the roof and the slope of each of the roof planes of which it is made up.
Based on this information the plan of the corresponding roof is drawn (Fig. 8). So, when
defining drawings and 3D models some geometric elements must be used: the slopes
represented by their corresponding right-angled triangles and the elevation lines. These are
shown traced on a plan but they identify three-dimensional elements (Fig. 8).
Virtual Reality


Fig. 8. Perspective and drawing of a roof.
In order to facilitate the ability to understand the spatial aspect inherent in the process, a
didactic model was created in which all the methodology underlying its construction is
presented in a virtual interactive environment. So, when defining drawings and 3D models
of the roof some geometric elements must be used: the base, the slopes represented by their
corresponding right-angled triangles and the elevation lines. These are shown traced on a
plan but they identify three-dimensional elements. In order to facilitate the ability to
understand the spatial aspect inherent in the process, the didactic model presents, in a
virtual interactive environment all the methodology underlying the construction of a roof.
Two basic blocks of roof composes the selected example. Fig. 9 shows the outline of the roof
under consideration and the slope value for each of the roof planes. When making plan
drawings for roofs made up of more than four planes the initial form has to be subdivided
into quadrangles. In order to define the virtual environment for the simulation a 3D
representation of all its constituent elements was required. The modeling was carried out
using AutoCAD. The components thus generated were rendered by the virtual reality
system EON Studio, leading to the definition of the desired interactive animation.

Fig. 9. Initial outline of the roof and gradient of roof planes and the breakdown into two
The model was programmed to show the detailed construction of the roof over one of the
trapezoidal bases followed by the process of intersecting the two blocks. Thus solid models
had to be used in order to achieve 3D representation (Fig. 10): (a) Two individualized wire-
frame trapezoids (the base of two roofs composed of four planes); (b) Two right-angled
triangles representing the established value for the slopes of each water-plane (1:1 and 2:3);
(c) The unitary elevation roof lines with homogeneous elevation for each of the roof planes,
referring to one of the roof block, forming a closed polygonal line; (d) The surfaces of 4 roof
water planes for each of the block.
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works


Fig. 10. 3D Models of the graphical elements of the roof.
The animation of the model follows the sequence of operations illustrated in Fig. 11: (a)
Presentation of the initial base shape; (b) Subdivision of this shape into two polygons; (c)
Placement of the triangle representing the slope value 2:3 next to one of the edges; (d)
Insertion of the triangles with 1:1 pitch in normal positions for each of the edges; (e)
Introduction of the polygon of the appropriate elevation; (f) Inclusion of the plane surfaces
representing the 4 roof planes; (g) Representation of the second of the two blocks which
make up the roof; (h) Intersection of the two roof blocks.

Fig. 11. A sequence of the construction progress.
The model allows interaction with the building process sequence enabling the user to
backtrack and manipulate the camera position and distance in relation to the model. The
final objective of this model is to show the complete roof constructed on a basis of the
concepts of engineering drawing applied to the plan drawing of that structure. The
Virtual Reality

intersection of the two blocks of the roof clearly illustrates how roofs with more than four
planes must be executed (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Backtracking and different viewpoints.
3.5 Learning aspects
At present, didactic models are used in face-to-face classes of subjects of Civil Engineering
curricula: Computer Aided Drawing (1
year) Construction Process (4
year) and Bridges
year). They are placed on the webpage for each subject thus being available for students
to manipulate. The student should download the EON Viewer application available at,
http://www.eonreality.com/. The traditional way to present the curricular subjects
involved in those virtual models are 2D layouts or pictures. Now, the teacher interacts with
the 3D models showing the construction sequence and the constitution of the modelled type
of work. Essentially, the models are used to introduce new subjects.
As in Computer Aided Drawing, students have to define and draw structural plants over
the architectural layouts, the virtual model of the wall helps to explain the connection
between the architectural drawings and the structural solutions needed to support the
building configuration (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. Details of the virtual model of the wall.
In the discipline of Construction Process, in order to prepare students to visit real work
sites, the teacher shows the construction animation and explains some items of the
construction process of the wall, in particular, the way the iron grid work defined inside a
beam or a column and specially the complexity of the relationship between the distinct
types of ironwork near the zone where the structural elements connect to each other
(Fig. 13). In order to explain this issue related to the structural elements, the iron networks
were created as 3D models with distinct colours. They appear on the virtual scenario
following a specific planned schedule. In addition, the type, sequence and thickness of each
vertical panel that composes a cavity wall are well presented in the virtual model showing,
step by step, the relationship between each other (Fig. 13).
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works

The deck bridge models, in particular, show the complexity associated to the construction
work of the deck and illustrate in detail the movement of the equipment. In class, the
teacher must explain why the process must follow both sequence of steps and the way the
equipment operates (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14. The models show in detail the movement of the equipment.
When the student, of the 5th year, goes to a real work site he can observe the complexity of
the work and better understand the progression of construction previously explained.
The roof model is an educational application to support the discipline Computer Aided
Drawing (1
year). The issues involved require three-dimensional awareness which, in
traditional methods of teaching, transmitted through plane view. This application supports
the explanation of topics related to the construction of both simple roofs and more complex
ones (that is, those that are more difficult for students to grasp). The model shows, in an
animated way, the intersection between two simple blocks defining a more complex roof
(Fig. 15).

Fig. 15. Definition of a more complex roof based in two simple blocks.
4. The virtual lighting prototype
The first component of the virtual prototype concerns the management of lamps in a
lighting system. In addition, the analysis of solutions for substitution and inherent cost are
predicted, the results being obtained interactively and shown in the virtual environment
itself (Sampaio et al., 2009). Effective integration of advanced visualization capacities is
incorporated into the interactive simulation system. The present project integrates a VR
system and a computer application implemented in Visual Basic (VB) language. The
scholarship holders involved, in this work, are 5
year students of Civil Engineering, who
had, therefore, to learn advanced software of geometric modelling and visualization and to
explore the capacities of a RV technology system, the EON Studio. They had to devise a
Virtual Reality

research bibliography regarding lamp devices usually applied in a building and they also
had to develop their programming skills in order to be able to successfully integrate the
elements needed in the creation of a virtual lighting system.
The characteristics of different types of bulbs were collated in order to create a database. An
adequate database structure had to be implemented, integrating different types of
information, needed to create an efficient and accurate virtual model. The VR model links
the 3D objects of the model to this database. The database concerns the lighting system
management within a collaborative virtual environment and the respective technical data
associated with each component of the model is an integral part of the application, allowing
the consultation of required data at any point in time.
4.1 The database
The visualization of information related to lamps requires an understanding of the essential
characteristics of those elements and of the planning strategy of lighting system
maintenance. The lighting VR model must support the following essential aspects: (a) The
system must include a database containing the characteristics of bulb types, with wattage
and the corresponding compatibility. These data are important parameters in the drawing
up of management schemes. The data base must also include an image of each type of bulb
(Fig. 16);

Fig. 16. Details of the database of the model.
(b) A lamp is a replaceable component in a building. As the light source has a discrete
lifestyle the VR system must incorporate the control of bulb stock (Fig. 17). The model must
include alerts for periodic local inspections of the actual state of each bulb in the building.
After inspection, there is an automatic process in which, the compatibility of the socket of
each broken bulb can be checked on the database, the element replaced, the installation date
and the lighting stock updated;

Fig. 17. Compatibility and stock of bulbs.
(c) The database has other characteristics relating to, light power, energy efficiency and
lighting intensity of each bulb type. Based on these parameters the model can calculate the
luminosity in a room or analyse the energy efficiency of the whole building (Fig. 18).
Company Compatibility Stock
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works


Fig. 18. Some characteristics of bulbs.
The system must calculate as a function of the time parameter the predicted functional life-
time of lamps or the time remaining to the next planed inspection. The database therefore,
must include for each bulb the installation date, the statistics for its average lifetime, the
average number of hours of its predicted functionality and the next periodic inspection date
(Fig. 19).

Fig. 19. Interface used to specify data values.
4.2 The 3D geometric model
A 3D geometric model of a building was created. The building consists of a ground-floor, a
1st floor and an attic allocated as living space. The model was generated based on
architectural design drawings: plans, vertical views and vertical sections (Fig. 20). Some
lighting equipment considered in the building was also modelled and incorporated into the
3D model (Fig. 20). The 3D model was created as 3ds file and exported to EON Studio.
4.3 The interface
The process of developing the prototype interface considers the purposes of defining an
interactive environment. Human perceptual and cognitive capabilities were taken into
account when designing this visualization tool. It uses an interactive 3D visualization
New lighting element
Type of bulb
Installation date
Average functionality
Technical identify. Light power Energetic
Virtual Reality


Fig. 20. 3D models of the building and of the lamp devices.
system based on the selection of elements directly within the virtual 3D world. The model
enables users to pick up lighting elements, associate values to them and modify
characteristics within the virtual world, which makes it easy to use.
First, the lamp is identified as a new element and a bulb is associated to it, together with all
information on the chosen bulb included in the database. At this point, the lamp is properly
identified as a monitored element. For each element the model allows the determination: (a)
Of the predicted break-time for the bulb based on the installation data and the statistic
period of lifetime for that type of bulb; (b) Of the temporal data for a specific date of
interaction with the model, such as the time remaining to the predicted break-time or the
percentage of use (Fig. 21).

Fig. 21. Temporal data.
The percentage of use changes with the date when the model is used. The colour in the
interface that shows this information changes accordingly, from green (less then 20%) to red
(near 100%). Fig. 22 illustrates this capacity of the model. When 100% of use is reached an
alert message (in red) is shown on the interface.
Percentage of use
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works


Fig. 22. Colours associated to percentage of use.
4.4 Expected benefits
The virtual model of lighting management can support analyses of preventive maintenance,
the application in larger building and the study of the effects of lighting intensity.
Preventive maintenance: All elements of the model must be identified. After that, the model
searches by specific characteristics: location within the building (room, kitchen), technical
identification (incandescent, halogen), wattage or energetic efficiency. As a strategy of
preventive maintenance the light bulbs could be replaced when the time of useful life is
nearing its end. In this way, the non-functional period of the lamp left in place can be
minimized. The model can list the elements of the building by predicted break-date order.
Fig, 23 shows a search by predicted break-date.

Fig. 23. List of elements ordered by break-date.
Variation of lighting intensity: The VR model allows the control of the lighting intensity of
each bulb in a room environment. The EON system allows the redefinition of colour
obtained by an algorithm of calculation defined as a function of the value of intensity
associated with each type of light bulb. A colour is defined as a set of values: R (red), G
(green) and B (blue). The algorithm determines a value for each primary colour, defining in
this way the colour of the surfaces of the elements in a room. Fig. 24 illustrates different
colours controlled by RGB values. This capacity allows the luminosity of a room to be
Management support on buildings of great dimensions: The application of the VR
prototype in buildings of great dimensions, such as hospitals or schools brings benefits since
it can support the control of stocks and the management of periodic inspections. Only the
3D geometric model needs to be defined and then this prototype can be automatically
incorporated over it, resulting in a virtual model which allows the management of a great
Updated data
Check replacement of bulb
Research of elements by predicted break-date ID element Installation date Break-date
Virtual Reality


Fig. 24. Intensity of the light bulb related to the degree of luminosity.
amount of elements concerning the lighting system. The 3D geometric model is usually
created by an architect. The link between the 3D model and the management prototype is
defined in exactly the same way as the model presented in this paper was.
Bulbs monitored remotely: Because the model has a user-friendly interface it can be used
by any manager, who can interact with the model in order to select elements from the
building and update the associated information. The system supports the management of
stocks for each type of bulb and alerts to the planning of local visits. Additionally, each lamp
can be monitored remotely. For that a sensor must be fixed to each real lamp and connected
to the virtual model. In this way any anomaly (deficient functionality or rupture) is
transmitted to the virtual model, and the manager is alerted to the occurrence. In a building
with large quantity of elements to be monitored the developed prototype is an important
support in management.
5. Conclusions
It has been demonstrated, through the examples presented here, how the technology of
virtual reality can be used in the elaboration of teaching material of educational interest in
the area of construction processes and to give capacities to students to manage a new
technology that can support later there engineering activity. The advantage of introducing
new technologies into the creation of didactic material suitable for university students and
technical instruction should be made known and applied. It was also focused the
importance of teaching CAD systems at school, not only as a good executer of drawings
but mostly as an helpful tool to be use to develop research work and, as a professional
support in there activity as engineers, and also with the VR technology.
The three first applications represent standard situations of constructions. The student can
interact with the virtual models in such a way that he can set in motion the construction
sequence demanded by actual construction work, observe the methodology applied,
analyze in detail every component of the work and the equipment needed to support the
construction process and observe how the different pieces of a construction element mesh
with each other and become incorporated into the model. The VR technology was also
applied to a roof model in order to create an educational application of interest to the
teaching of CAD. The issue involved requires three-dimensional location of drawing
elements which, in traditional methods of teaching, are putted out using only the horizontal
projection. This application supports the explanation of topics related to the construction of
both simple roofs and more complex ones. These models are used in disciplines involving
RGB values
Didactic Models in Civil Engineering Education: Virtual Simulation of Construction Works

construction and drawing in courses in Civil Engineering and Architecture. The main
objective of the practical application of the didactic models is to support class-based
learning. In addition, it can be used in distance training based on e-learning platform
technology. The involvement of virtual reality techniques in the development of educational
applications brings new perspectives to Engineering education. There are many other
possibilities for the creation of computational models mainly where the subject matter is
suitable for description along its sequential stages of development. The applications with
these characteristics make the advantage of using techniques of virtual reality more self-
evident, especially when compared to the simple manipulation of complete models which
cannot be broken down. The pedagogical aspects and the technical concepts must be
attended on the elaboration of those models.
A virtual model concerning the management of the lighting system of a building was
defined. The presented example concerns only one type of element, the illumination devices,
but it was found to be efficient in the identification of elements, in the promotion of alerts of
inspection and in the management of stock, all activities related to the maintenance and
management of a building. The benefits of using the model are identified as: preventive
maintenance, application in large buildings and control of the lighting intensity effect over
the wall surface. This is an innovative tool that can be used with advantages later in the
engineering activity.
6. Acknowledgments
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Foundation for Science and
Technology, a Governmental Organization for the research project PTDC/ ECM/67748/
2006, now in progress.
7. References
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EON, (2009). Introduction to working in EON Studio, EON Reality, Inc.
Fischer, M. & Kunz, J. (2004). The scope and role of information technology in construction,
CIFE Centre for Integrated Facility Engineering in Finland, technical report #156,
Stanford University.
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Integrated Facility Engineering in Finland, VTT-TEKES, Helsinki, Finland.
Gibbon, G. J. (2008). Combining theory and experimentation to develop inductive learning
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Budapest, Hungary, February 2008.
Gomes, C. & Caldeira, H. (2004). Virtual learning communities in teacher training,
Proceedings of International Conference on Education, Innovation, Technology and
Research in Education. IADAT, International Association for the Development of Advances
in Technology, pp. 82-85, Bilbao, Spain, July 2004.
Virtual Reality

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design and construction technologies for coordination of mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing systems on large healthcare project, Proceedings of CIB 24th W78
Conference, pp. 205-212, Maribor, Slovenia, June 2007.
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4D CAD and Visualization in Construction: Developments and Applications, pp. 75-100,
A.A. Balkema Publishers, ISBN 9058093549.
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Design, Visualization and Engineering, pp. 329332, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg,
September 2009.
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Sampaio, A.Z. & Henriques, P.G. (2007). Building activities visualized in virtual
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Arlington, VA 22205, USA, ISBN 1553-9911.
Application of Augmented Reality to Evaluate
Invisible Height for Landscape Preservation
Nobuyoshi Yabuki
Osaka University
1. Introduction
Landscape is the visible cognition of human environment, including natural objects such as
mountains, rivers, the sea, forests and artificial objects such as buildings, bridges, and other
structures. Landscape can be recognized and evaluated differently, depending on the
viewer. However, people who share the same or similar local culture or aesthetics have the
common recognition and evaluation of the landscape. A landscape can give a strong impact
and make a socially, aesthetically, environmentally, or religiously desired outcome. On the
other hand, if a mismatched object is laid out in the faborable landscape, people may feel
that the good landscape is being destroyed. Recently, many good landscapes from
viewpoint fields have been destroyed by constructing high rise buildings on the background
area of the aesthetically pleasing structure. Figure 1 shows examples which singular
landscapes of a Japanese historical Shinto shrine and a Buddhist temple are impaired by a
modern tall glassy building and a tall broadcasting tower behind, respectively.

(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) A Japanese historical Shinto shrine and a new tall glassy building behind, (b) A
Japanese historical Buddhist temple and a tall broadcasting tower behind
Virtual Reality

In order to prevent such landscape destruction, regulation of height of buildings and other
structures must be enforced not only in the vicinity but also in considerably wide
background area of the interested structure. To properly set the height regulation, it is
necessary to compute the maximum height that does not disturb the landscape from the
viewpoint fields for all the locations in the landscape preservation area. Such maximum
height is called invisible height (Higuchi, 1988) and can be measured by drawing a vertical
cross section as shown in Figure 2. However, it takes much cost and time to measure
invisible height for all locations if we perform manually using a map or make a 3D
computer graphics (CG) urban model, as described in the next section.

Invisible Height
Structure of
Landscape from the Viewpoint
Vertical Cross Section

Fig. 2. Invisible height and regulation of height of structures for landscape preservation
Augmented Reality (AR) technology provides a facility to overlap real video images with
virtual computer graphics images. The author perceived that invisible heights from multiple
and moving points can be evaluated using AR technology without making an expensive and
time-consuming 3D physical or numerical urban model. In this chapter, a new AR-based
methodology for evaluating invisible height to support making regulations to preserve good
landscapes is described.
2. Related work
2.1 Previous methods for measuring invisible height
In order to evaluate the invisible height for all the points behind the specific objects which
make good landscape, the following four methods have been considered or employed in
practice: (1) drawing sections from a map, (2) making a physical model of the area and
buildings; (3) interpreting aerial photographs; and (4) making a numerical 3D terrain and
building model. These methods require much time and cost.
As for the method (1), for each viewpoint, a large number of vertical cross sections must be
drawn, and for each vertical cross section, invisible height must be measured at many points.
Since there are a number of viewpoint fields for the interested structure, above mentioned
work must be done iteratively. Furthermore, there may be other aesthetically pleasing
structures nearby so that the above mentioned work must be done for all such structures and
minimum invisible height must be selected for each location. Moreover, the height of the
Application of Augmented Reality to Evaluate Invisible Height for Landscape Preservation

interested structure is usually not uniform. The background terrain is usually not flat but
uneven. As buildings and structures which already exist can make new hypothetical structure
invisible, existing structures have to be drawn in the vertical cross section.
The method (2) is apparently expensive. The method (3) requires a special device called a
stereophotogrammetry. The method (4) is also expensive and time-consuming.
Recently, Digital Terrain Model (DTM) (Lin et al., 2005), which represents elevations of
terrain surface and Digital Surface Model (DSM), which represents elevations of surface of
buildings, structures, trees, etc., may be available in some areas. If both of these data are
obtained, the process of computing invisible height would be straightforward. However,
such data are usually coarse and thus, not appropriate for this purpose. Even if the Laser
imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) method is used to make the 3D model, it takes
much time and cost for processing the point cloud and making a surface model.
2.2 Virtual reality and augmented reality
VR technology is often used for observation and evaluation of landscape by city planners,
designers, engineers, developers, and administrators (Yabuki et al., 2009). VR and 3D urban
and natural models allow the user to explore various landscape scenes from multiple and
moving viewpoints (Soubra, 2008; Dawood et al., 2009). However, if VR is employed in
order to evaluate the invisible height for wide area behind the historical or valuable
buildings or structures, one must develop a detailed and precise 3D city model with existing
buildings, trees, and other objects. This could take a long time and high cost. If such a city
model has already been built for other reasons, it can be used without additional cost.
Unless otherwise, making a large 3D VR model may not be a suitable choice just for
obtaining the invisible height alone in terms of cost-benefit performance.
On the other hand, AR has attracted attention as a technology similar to but different from
VR (Wang & Wang, 2009). AR technology provides a facility to overlap real video images
with virtual computer graphics images. According to Azuma (Azuma, 1997), AR has three
characteristics, i.e., AR combines the real and virtual worlds, has real-time interaction with
the user, and is registered in a 3D space. There are three types of displays for AR: Head
Mounted Displays (HMDs), hand-held displays, and spatial displays (projection to the real
world). The advantage of HMDs is that they provide the immersive effect to multiple
moving users. There are two types of HMDs, i.e., video see-through type and optical see-
through type. The HMD must be tracked with six degree of freedom (6DOF) sensors for
registering the virtual images to the real world. The sensors can be either 1)
position/posture sensors consisting Ground Positioning System (GPS) and gyroscope
sensors (Feiner et al., 1997; Thomas et al., 1998) image sensors such as charge coupled device
(CCD) cameras with markers (Kato & Billinghurst, 1999), or 3) feature point detection
software (Jiang & Neumann, 2001; Golparvas-Fard et al., 2009). So far, the marker-based AR
seems to be most popular because a free open source AR software package called ARToolKit
(Kato & Billinghurst, 1999) is available. With ARToolKit, all you have to do is to make
markers and purchase a web camera in order to start experiments of AR. Thus, ARToolKit
has been used in this research. The marker in ARToolKit is a square with a black frame and
some letter or shape inside the frame. ARToolKit can detect a marker from a video image
and register the viewers location by measuring the size and distorted shape of the marker
on the video display image. The marker is linked with a virtual CG object and the system
shows the object image on the video screen.
Virtual Reality

AR seems to be more often used indoors rather than outdoors because of the difficulty in
registration of the user in the 3D world. A number of outdoor AR research projects have
been reported (You et al., 1999; Kameda et al., 2004; Reitmayr & Drummond, 2006; Steinbis
et al., 2008; Abawi et al., 2004; Ota et al., 2010). AR has been used for inspection of
constructed objects such as steel columns (Shin & Dunston, 2009) and reinforcing bars
(Yabuki & Li, 2007) in their research.
3. Proposed method for evaluation of invisible height
3.1 Overview of the proposed method
The main idea of the proposed method is when the user observes the landscape object under
consideration from the viewpoint fields, wearing a HMD and a video camera connected to a
PC, the AR system displays gridded virtual vertical scales (Figure 3(a)) that show elevations
from the ground level and that are located behind the landscape object, on the HMD with
overlapped real video images (Figure 3(b)). The user, then, captures the image and observes
the maximum height that does not disturb the landscape for each virtual vertical scale. This
process is iterated for various viewpoints, and appropriate maximum height for each
location behind the landscape object is determined. Then, virtual vertical, maximum height
scale models that should not disturb the landscape are generated and the user confirms
whether the virtual objects are surely invisible, while walking around the viewpoint fields
and wearing the AR system.

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) A color-coded CG scale and (b) Placement of scales
The first step of the proposed method of this research is to set multiple viewpoints of the
interested structure. Viewpoints are usually determined by the advisory panel of academic
experts in architecture, arts, landscapes, history, religions, etc., and representatives of the
citizens. The panel members walk around the interested structure and decide multiple
viewpoints making good landscapes.
Then, the area of the background region of the structure from the viewpoints is determined
on the map. The area is then gridded with a certain interval such as 10m, 50m, 100m. For
Application of Augmented Reality to Evaluate Invisible Height for Landscape Preservation

each grid point, the elevation of the terrain is measured. The terrain data can be borrowed
from DTM provided by public agencies if available. Otherwise, the user can obtain it by
scanning the contour map, converting it to vector data, interpolating the elevation data from
the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) data. In the AR system, a translucent color-coded
vertical computer graphics (CG) scale is placed on each grid point of the background area.
Note that the terrain is usually uneven so that the scales are placed as shown in Figure 3(b).
For each viewpoint, the location of the marker is determined.
Now, the user visits the site and sets the marker at the designated location using surveying
equipment. Then, the user wears a HMD with a video camera and starts the AR system. On
the screen of the HMD, the marker, real video image, and a number of CG scales are shown.
The user can select one row of CG scales for displaying at a time because overlapping scales
may not be readable. For each row, the user captures a screen image and this process is
iterated at all viewpoints.
After returning to the laboratory, the user reads the invisible height for all scales from the
captured images. Then, for each grid point, the minimum invisible height from the data of
multiple viewpoints is determined. Then, upper portions of all the vertical CG scales are cut
out so that the height of each scale is equal to the minimum invisible height. The user visits
the site again and checks whether all the CG scales of invisible height are shorter than the
visible structures at all the viewpoints. The confirmed data is the baseline for making the
height regulation for preserving good landscape.
3.2 Implementation of the proposed method
A prototype system was developed for validating the methodology proposed in this
research. As for the AR, ARToolKit was used because it is commonly and widely used for
AR research in the world. The author used a standard spec laptop PC, SONY VGN-SZ94PS
with RAM of 2.0 GB, VRAM of 256MB, a 1280x800 display, OS of Microsoft Windows XP. A
HMD of eMagin, Z800, 3D Visor and a web camera of Logicool QCam Pro for Notebooks
with 1600x1200 pixels were used. The web camera was attached with the HMD, as shown in
Figure 4. Although the PC and the web camera have high resolutions, the screen size of
800x600 pixels were used for AR due to the limitation of ARToolKit.

(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 4. (a) Head Mounted Display, (b) Web camera, (c) Wearing HMD with Web camera
A marker of the AR system was made for identifying the location and viewing direction of
the user. Markers are usually small, for example, 50x50 mm, for the use of tabletop or
desktop AR. However, as the landscape objects are buildings in this research, the typical
size of the virtual, vertical scale is about 300m, and the distance of the scale from the
Virtual Reality

viewpoint can be up to 5 km, small markers such as 50x50mm may not be visible from the
viewpoints and the numerical errors due to the small size of the marker can be very large.
Thus, a marker of which size is 900x900mm was made (Figure 5). The reason the edge size
was 900mm is that the maximum width of wood plates typically available in Japan is
900mm. Although a larger marker such as 1.8m x 1.8m can be made by bonding four panels,
handling would be very difficult and it could be extremely heavy in order to make it rigid.
Virtual vertical scale was developed as an OpenGL computer graphics (CG) object (Figure
3(a)). The shape of each scale is a rectangular solid which consists of multiple 5m-depth
colored layers. Each layer has different color so that the user can read the height of the scale.
In addition, the scale object must be see-through or very thin. Otherwise the scales would
cover the target buildings and the user could not read the maximum invisible elevation for
each scale.

Fig. 5. Drawings and a photograph of the marker
4. Demonstration experiment and result
To demonstrate the proposed methodology and the developed prototype system, an
experiment was executed. First, Convention Center and adjacent Gymnastic Hall of Osaka
University (Figure 6) were selected as an experimental landscape preservation target
because these buildings have highly evaluated property of aesthetic design and no
permission was necessary to perform the experiment. Then, the horizontally flat and open
square in front of the center and the hall was selected as a viewpoint field. The marker was
installed at the square.
Then, 50m grid was drawn on the map of Suita Campus, Osaka University (Figure 7). The
horizontal axis was named alphabetically, i.e., a, b, c, etc., and the vertical axis was named in
number order, i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc. Each grid cell was named according to the horizontal and
vertical number, e.g., d12, k16, m9, etc. The highest elevation in each grid cell was measured
on the map and was assumed to represent the elevation of the cell. The virtual vertical scale
of rectangular solid was placed so that its bottom elevation is the same as the ground
elevation of the cell. This can be done by measuring the location, including the elevation, of
Application of Augmented Reality to Evaluate Invisible Height for Landscape Preservation

the marker, computing the elevation difference for each cell, and linking the marker and all
the scale objects. Table 1 shows the elevation difference between the marker and all the cells.
Figure 8 shows all the scales on the gridded area. If all the virtual scales are displayed on the
screen, the scale would be invisible or illegible. Thus, for each time, one row is selected and
shown on the screen, and then, the next row is selected and shown, and so forth.

Fig. 6. Convention Center (left) and Gymnastic Hall (right) of Osaka University

Fig. 7. Gridded map of Osaka University
Virtual Reality


Fig. 8. All 3D CG scales placed on the gridded map of Osaka University

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v
1 26.6
2 32.6 29.6 37.1 32.7 13.3
3 43.7 39.5 34.6 33.6 31.6 26.6 10.8
4 36.6 31.7 42.6 45.6 45.6 36.6 41.6 44.6 43.6 44.9 44.9 39.5 24.1 21.1 10 12.5 9.6
5 37.8 34.8 33.6 42.6 46.6 45.6 36.6 42.6 43.6 43.7 32.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 10.1 10.2 10 10.9
6 34.6 36.6 19.7 15.7 32.6 32.6 42.6 40.6 36.6 20.7 34.1 29.6 23.6 16.7 19.9 12 11.2 11.1 11
7 21.9 21.2 21.6 14.8 14.3 32.6 32.6 29.6 17.7 17 16.9 35.7 32.7 16.9 17.1 16.6 16.6 10.2 7.6 8.2
8 16.6 11.7 11.8 11.3 14.1 25.6 20.6 17.5 17.5 10.5 12.9 12.9 25.6 35.2 32.6 16.4 21.6 16.6 13.4 13.4
9 17.9 6.4 5.6 8.9 10 10 9.9 10.7 10.4 10.9 12.4 12.4 15.6 34.6 32.6 19.2 23.9 19.6 12.2
10 3.2 6.6 5.2 6.4 6.3 6.8 6.4 6.5 8.5 8.4 7.5 7.9 11.6 11.6 20.9 22.2
11 3.2 11.2 5.2 6.4 6.5 6.8 6.4 6.5 8.5 8.4 7.5 7.9 11.6 6.9 20.9 22.2
12 1.8 4.9 3.6 5.9 6.5 7 7.5 8.3 8.4 7.8 5 1.6 3 19.6 24.2 18.1
13 0.3 2.7 13.7 10.2 7 9.4 9.5 10.1 12.6 16.6 6.6 2.6 9.6 15.8 17.5
14 6.6 5.8 5.8 5.8 9.3 11.9 20 20.6 13.6 10.6 1.5 2.9 9.7 10.7 7.9
15 -2 6 6 6.4 5.7 9.3 10.7 16.6 15.1 14.6 5.6 -4.6 3.5 16.6 14.4 18.5 11.6
16 -4.5 2.2 11.3 7.2 8.4 22.6 17.6 6.7 6.6 5.2 6.5 5.7 -0.6 4.9 5.7 5.8 6.6 6.1 8.7
17 6.1 6.2 7.4 8.4 22.6 22.6 11.1 3 5.1 5.2 5 4.1 5.9 5.3 5.6 5.8 7.3 11.6
18 -5 5.6 7.4 8.2 8.2 8.4 14 14 6.2 5.8 11.6 16.6 13.1 6.9 6.6 6 6.1 6.2 5.9
19 -5.3 5.1 7.5 7.3 8 7.8 8.9 8.2 10.6 7.2 6.4 11.8 5.4 6.5 6.6 6.6 1.9 1.4 6.2 5.8
20 -5.5 4.7 7.4 6.9 7 7.7 24.6 7.4 6.1 4.7 4 3.2 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.4 1.4 7.2 6.1
21 -5.8 4 4.9 7.1 7 6.6 25.6 10.3 5.8 9.6 1.8 0.6 1.3 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 7.1 1.3
22 -6.1 3.5 4.1 4.3 4.6 4.9 1.9 5 9.8 15.1 15.1 1.7 0.4 1 1 1.2 6.9 7.4 6.6 -3.4
23 -6.9 2.6 2.8 4 4.1 1.2 1.7 1.3 4.7 15.1 15.1 0.5 0 -0.3 -0.8 0.6 3.2 4.7 -1.1 2.7
24 -7.9 1.6 1.8 1.4 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.6 0.7 11.6 0.5 1.4 1.5 0.7 1.4 0.7 -0.4 -0.6 -6 -11.5
25 -9.4 0.3 1.9 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 -1 -1.4 0.1 -0.2 0.5 0 0.3 -0.1 -0.7 -0.2
26 -10.9 -0.3 -0.7 0.9 0.3 -0.1 -0.6 -0.3 0.5 -0.1 -1.1 -0.3 -0.8 -1.1 0.4 -0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.8
27 -12.4 -2.2 0 1.9 1.7 0.3 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -1.8 -0.6 -1.4
28 0.3 0.2 -0.1 -0.2 -0.1 -0.3 -2.5
29 -0.2 0.5 -0.2 -0.2 -3.4
30 3.1 -3.3

Table 1. Elevation differences between the location of the marker and grid points
The experiment was performed by two students (Figure 9). One student wore the HMD and
video camera and looked at the buildings the scales. The other held and operated the AR
system and the PC, and captured images. A sample captured image is shown in Figure 10.
From the captured image, the maximum invisible height for each rectangular solid scale was
measured. They also walked around the square and confirmed that it was possible to view
both the real video image and virtual scales, while walking.
Based on the invisible height measured from the captured images, a sample of height
regulation plan was made. Then, all the scales were arranged so that each height was the
same as the regulated height and linked to the marker (Figure 11). The experiment showed
that the virtual shortened scales looked shorter than the target buildings from the viewpoint
field (Figure 12).
Application of Augmented Reality to Evaluate Invisible Height for Landscape Preservation



Fig. 9. Photographs taken during the experiments at Osaka University

Fig. 10. 3D CG scales in the 16th row registered using AR
Virtual Reality


Fig. 11. 3D CG scales which conform to the height regulation placed on the gridded map

Fig. 12. A screen shot of the video image of the real buildings and marker with 3D CG scales
of the 16th row, of which height are shortened so that they comply with the proposed
regulation plan
Application of Augmented Reality to Evaluate Invisible Height for Landscape Preservation

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v
1 235
2 260 230 210 210 215
3 240 255 235 230 220 210 210
4 175 160 155 160 165 175 200 200 200 200 205 215 225 215 195 190 180
5 205 195 160 150 160 175 195 200 205 210 220 225 225 215 220 205 190 180
6 205 195 200 160 150 160 160 170 180 200 190 190 200 220 190 190 180 180 180
7 220 215 200 200 170 140 145 150 175 195 200 185 185 205 210 195 180 175 165 175
8 210 210 210 200 190 140 135 155 170 190 195 200 185 175 185 185 170 160 175 200
9 200 210 200 185 175 140 145 155 165 175 175 175 175 165 145 150 125 125 170
10 200 200 195 185 175 140 145 155 165 175 180 180 180 190 175 160
11 190 185 185 175 160 135 135 145 155 165 175 175 175 150 140 125
12 175 180 175 160 135 125 130 145 155 160 165 170 160 130 110 100
13 160 160 140 130 110 115 125 135 140 140 150 140 120 105 125
14 140 130 110 110 120 125 125 125 115 110 105 100 110 60 90
15 140 120 95 95 105 115 115 115 110 100 95 105 60 70 75
16 120 120 105 100 80 70 90 105 110 100 85 85 65 80 85
17 105 105 90 75 65 75 90 95 75 75 50 55 45
18 90 90 80 65 65 70 75 80 65 55 15 40
19 65 70 70 60 50 60 65 65 55 45 40
20 55 60 50 25 50 55 45 40 30 35
21 40 10 30 40 30 25 30
22 25 25 25 10
23 15 15 15
24 0 0 0

Table 2. A hypothetical regulation plan of height of buildings and structures to preserve the
5. Experiment for assessment of accuracy
5.1 Accuracy and errors
Since ARToolKit is based on the computer vision technique which depends on the image of
a physical marker on the video display, errors are inevitable. The factors of accuracy include
precision of the camera, form of the marker, tilt angles of the marker, cameras angle against
the marker, the number of pixels reprenting each edge of the marker on the computer
display, computer programs and hardware, etc.
Each camera has its own camera parameters such as coordinates of the center of the camera,
focal length, lenz distortion, etc. The default values of the camera parameters of ARToolKit
must be adjusted to the camera used. This process is called camera calibration. As all
lenzes have distortion, correction of distorted images is very important.
Markers must be made as precise as possible and must be placed accurately because tilt
angles of the marker have impact on the errors. Cameras angle against the marker is also an
important factor. It is widely known that ARToolKit tends to become unstabel and have
large error values if the camera is at the front of the marker, which will be described in the
discussion section.
Markers should be displayed large enough relative to the video image because the precision
depends on the number of pixels representing each edge of the marker. Thus, the size of the
marker should be large enough, and the marker should not be placed far from the video
camera. Since the captured video camera image is binarized and the marker is detected, the
error is generated by whether the edge pixel is included or not. ARToolKit refers to the
pixels on the computer display instead of the video cameras CCD pixels. Therefore, the user
should use a computer with a large and high density display.
Virtual Reality

5.2 Experiment of measuring errors
An experiment was executed to measure the errors prone to the marker orientation and the
distance between the marker and the virtual object. The marker was set at the distance of 7m
from the video camera.
Four existing real buildings which are visible from the experiment site and of which precise
location and dimension data can be obtained were selected. Then, virtual 3D wireframe
rectangular solid models representing the edges of those buildings were made using
OpenGL and linked to the marker. Three node points, A, B, and C, were marked for each
virtual model. The distance between the marker and each building was 124 m, 428 m, 964 m
and 2,851 m (Figure 13). The orientation from the marker to the video camera varied 0, 15,
30, 45, 60 degrees. The 0 degree case means that the camera was just in front of the marker.
A photograph of the site for the case of 964 m is shown in Figure 14.

124m428m964m2,851m 7m
124m428m964m2,851m 7m
video camera
marker 3D object


video camera

Fig. 13. Layout of video camera, marker and 3D objects (actual buildings)

Fig. 14. The marker, actual building, and virtual 3D CG object. Distance between the marker
and the building = 964m.
For each angle of each case, the error of each node between the actual video image of the
existing building and the wireframe virtual CG model located at the building place was
observed in terms of the number of pixels. Then, the error in pixel was converted to height
error in meter. Figure 15 shows the relationship between the average height errors in meter
and the distance between the marker and the existing buildings for 5 different angle cases.
Apparently, the cases of 0 degree indicated large errors of over 15m for the cases of 964m
Application of Augmented Reality to Evaluate Invisible Height for Landscape Preservation

and 2,851m, which suggests the inability. However, for other cases, including the farthest
building, the average errors were less than 7m. Especially, for the cases where the camera-
marker angle is larger than 15 degrees and the distance between the marker and 3DCG
object is less than 1km, the average errors were less than 3m.

Distance between marker and 3DCG object (m) Distance between marker and 3DCG object (m)





Fig. 15. The relationship between the average height errors and the distance between the
marker and the buildings for 5 different marker-camera angle cases.
6. Discussion
The demonstration experiment result at Osaka University showed that the AR-based
method proposed in this research was feasible and practical for determining invisible height
from viewpoints to preserve good landscape. On the other hand, problems of accuracy and
stability particularly related to ARToolKit have been identified.
The camera-marker angle of 0 degrees often produces unstable state or inability to identify
the marker. It was reported the result of extensive accuracy experiments and concluded that
the camera-marker angle between 0 and 30 degrees had low accuracy (Abawi et al., 2004).
This problem has been identified by many AR researchers and is related to the reflection of
The size of the marker should be shown large enough on the computer display. However, if
the marker becomes farther, the marker becomes smaller and thus, the error would become
larger. To solve this problem, the author proposed a new method of using a set of four
markers as a very large marker (Ota et al., 2010). In this method, the size of each marker is
400mm x 400mm. However, the four markers shown in Figure 16 work together as a single
Virtual Reality

large marker of which edge length is equivalent to 2,000mm. As shown in Figure 17, the
new method showed higher accuracy than the single marker method.

Fig. 16. A drawing of the four marker set (left) and a photograph showing the set of four
markers placed on the wall

(a) (b)
Fig. 17. (a) Captured image of the wall and virtual CG structural blue lines in a single
marker usage. Although four markers exist, only one marker was recognized. (b) When the
four-marker method was used, the red lines had good agreement.
In the demonstration experiment at Osaka University, all the invisible heights were
measured manually by reading the vertical scales with the interested structures on the
captured images. Apparently, it takes much time and this process should be automated by
making a program based on the image processing. In this research, translucent color-coded
cubes were employed for representing height scales. If thin color-coded lines had been used
instead, more rows could have been shown on the screen rather than just one row of scales.
7. Conclusion
Good landscape is often a symbol or treasure for the people living in the region. Such good
landscape could be destroyed by constructing a new tall structures. In order to preserve
good landscape, regulation of height of newly designed buildings is necessary. However, it
would take a long time and much cost to evaluate invisible height of the background area
Application of Augmented Reality to Evaluate Invisible Height for Landscape Preservation

from multiple viewpoint fields of the interested structure which makes a good landscape.
Thus, in this research, a new methodology was proposed for evaluating the invisible height
of virtual buildings that may be designed in the future from the multiple viewpoint fields
using AR technology. Then, the prototype system was developed and applied to a sample
good landscape site at Osaka University. To reduce errors, a large marker was made. Based
on the maximum invisible height from the viewpoint field, a sample regulation plan was
produced. The experiments showed the feasibility and practicality of the proposed
In order to evaluate the errors of the proposed method, an experiment was executed at
Osaka University. Although when the marker-camera angle was 0 degrees the system
showed some inability, it showed that necessary accuracy could be obtained through the
proposed method, especially when the marker-camera angle ranges from 15 to 60 degrees.
Currently, more accurate and stable methods are being pursued. One of them is to use a set
of four markers for representing a virtual very large marker. The result of this new method
recently obtained was briefly introduced in the discussion. Future research includes using
point cloud data which can be obtained using laser scanners for the registration of the
camera in the 3D world in order to improve the accuracy and efficiency.
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Virtual Reality

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Virtual Reality Simulation System for
Underground Mining Project
Keping Zhou and Mingming Guo
Central South University,
1. Introduction
Underground mining has the characteristics such as complex mining technology, poor
visibility and sightlines, bad work condition and frequent geological disasters. It is the
inevitable trend for the development of mining to innovate traditional mining industry by
using modern high technologies to mitigate the deficiency. Virtual mine is the main part of
digital mine, it is a new expression of mine and plays an important role in the construction
of mine informatization. Virtual reality (VR for short) technology is considered as one of the
three most promising technologies in the 21st century, and it has three characteristics:
immersion, interactivity and imagination. Virtual reality technology can provide users with
lively virtual mining environment in three-dimension, allowing users to not only immerse
in the virtual mine scene but also interact with the mining equipment real-timely, which the
traditional CAD design and pre-rendering three-dimensional animation cant achieve.
Virtual reality technology has been got a wild range of applications and made remarkable
achievements in many areas, such as virtual city, military simulation, aerospace simulation
etc. It is a kind of innovation to support mine planning, mining design, disaster warning
and disaster inversion by using VR technology in the field of mine.
Currently, the application research of mine VR simulation system has got rapid
development at home and abroad, but only has little research on underground mining
project VR simulation system. VR simulation system for underground mining project will
enable users to get all-around perspective and realtime activity interaction in a virtual
mine. At the main time, it has a positive meaning for virtual mining design, mine safety
education and training, mining technology projects demonstration, mine production
visualization management, disaster simulation and inversion etc. In this paper, Kafang
polymetallic ore deposit in YunNan province of china was taken as the research object, the
development process of VR simulation system for underground mining project was
discussed in detail.
2. System general design
2.1 System analysis
According to the characteristics of virtual reality technology and currently needs of Kafang
polymetallic ore deposit, the VR simulation system is used to realize deep immersion and
achieve real-time interaction with objects in virtual mine, allowing users to roam arbitrary in
Virtual Reality

the virtual scene and interact with the mining equipments. So, VR simulation system is
designed for two parts.
1. Construct virtual mine scene
Virtual scene is the core of the whole virtual reality simulation system. So, not only the
terrain and surface industry field but also the orebody, development and transportation
system under the surface should be displayed. According to the development system form
and mining method of Kafang polymetallic ore deposit, the virtual mine scene must have
mines terrain, mining equipments, orebody, shaft, tunnel, adit, ramp and other objects. The
virtual scene should be lively, and users can feel that they are just like in the real mine.
Virtual scene of Kafang mine is shown in fig.1.
2. Simulate mining process
The mining method of Kafang mine is reconstruct mining environment and continuous
caving afterwards filling mining method. It is a new continuous caving method by
reconstructing the mining environment. That is, using high efficiency, high recovery rate
mining technology, and high performance for trackless mining equipments. The procedure
is to construct new mining environment using backfill body framework constructed by
cemented stone by grouting since the stope is finished for the purpose of the creation of
mining technology on continuous mining. The process of drilling, blasting, ore removal and
filling should be displayed, and the most important is that users can interact with mining
equipments real-timely.

Fig. 1. Virtual scene of Kafang mine
2.2 System development environment
1. Hardware environmentGraphics workstations, three-channel 120 degree passive 3D
display system, single-channel active 3D display system and stereos.
2. Software environmentWindows XP Professional sp2, 3DMine, Surpac Vision V5.2,
OpenSceneGraph (OSG for short) and VS 2005.
OSG is a cross-platform C++ API built on OpenGL for scene management and graphics
rendering optimization, and most important is that it is open source multi-threaded and
multi-display. However, OSG has nothing to do with the window system, providing no
interaction way and interface management, so, the VR simulation system is take the VS
Shafts and tunnels
Dunn bass
Virtual Reality Simulation System for Underground Mining Project

2005 as the development platform, and call the OSG library functions to realize the
system function.
3. Network environment: Gigabit LAN.
2.3 System module analysis
Mining project VR simulation system is divided into five modules:
1. Display modes module: it is used to control the models appearance. For example, to
clearly see the polygonal structure of a model, go to wireframe mode, and disable
texture mapping and lighting. Some of the commonly used commands are listed below:
Polygon modecycle between wireframe, point, and filled polygon rendering
Texture mappingtoggle between textured and nontextured.
Lightingdisable and enable lighting.
Backface cullingtoggle backface culling.
Fullscreen modetoggle between fullscreen and windowed rendering.
2. Special effect module: it is used to enhance the 3D virtual scene realism and simulate
rain, fog, snow and storm by using particle system of OSG platform
3. Roaming module: it includes manual roaming and automatic roaming. Manual roaming
means that users can use mouth and keyboard to adjust the location and direction of
viewpoint. Automatic roaming supplies the function of recording and replaying men-
roaming paths.
4. Mining process simulation module: it is used to simulate the Kafang polymetallic ore
deposit mining process which consists of development, cutting, stoping, filling and
5. Stereoscopic display module: this module is to display the mine scene in 3D way,
inputting it with three-channel passive 3D display +3D stereo mode and single-
channel active 3D display +3D stereo mode. At the mean time, it can be used to
increase or decrease the parallax to ensure the visual comfort of roaming process.
3. System development process
The development process of mining project VR simulation system in underground mine is
shown in Fig.2.
3.1 Data management
Data management which is prepared for the total virtual scene is the foundation of VR
simulation system. There are many kinds of data, terrain data, geological data, shaft and
tunnel data, equipment data are prepared to model terrain, orebody, shaft, tunnel and
mining equipment. They are from CAD design paper, including contour maps, orebody
section line drawings, development system blueprints, equipment structure diagrams etc.
Image data taken by digital camera and high resolution satellite is used to map the texture
on mine 3D geometric model. The texture include of terrain photographs, rocks and mining
equipment pictures, these pictures should be corrected by picture processing software and
converted into .JPEG and .RGBA format. In order to make the virtual mine scene be more
believable, it is necessary to add audio data such as mine environment stereo sound and
mining equipments working sound to virtual mine scene. The sounds are recorded by
Virtual Reality

recording equipment and clipped by professional software. Attribute data includes name
and geographical coordinates of development project, ore grade, location of mining
equipment, size and shape of tunnel cross-section.

Data management
Geometric modeling
Texture mapping
LOD model
Virtual scene
Visualization Roaming Interaction Simulation
Stereoscopic display

Fig. 2. The development process of VR simulation system
3.2 Scene modeling
Scene modelling is used to construct various models for VR simulation system. It is the key
step in the establishment of the whole system and control the success of VR simulation
system or not.
The characteristics of Underground mining scene modelling are in following three aspects:
(a) shapes and types of the models for underground mining scene are different and opulent,
and most of them are irregular. So, plenty of complex and completely different models need
to be constructed. (b) The objects of virtual mine scene are divided into two categories: static
objects and dynamic objects. In underground mining project VR simulation system, there
are terrain models, orebody models, shaft models, tunnel models and ramp models etc,
these irregular models belong to static objects. The main dynamic objects are mining
equipment models such as tramcars models, LHD models and jumbo models. (c) The data of
terrain model and shaft, tunnel models are too big. So, under the premise of meeting the
requirements of project and visual sense, models should to be simplified properly to
increase models display speed in VR system.
Scene modelling process contains three steps of geometric modelling, texture mapping and
LOD models. The modelling process of VR simulation system is shown in fig.3.
Virtual Reality Simulation System for Underground Mining Project

Surpac Vision
CAD software
Texture mapping and make
LOD models
Format conversion
Rock and
equipment photos
Digital cameras Satellite
Terrain images
Texture photographs Format of .flt or.3ds
Virtual mine models library
Solid models
structure diagram
Correction and

Fig. 3. The modelling process of VR simulation system
3.2.1 Geometric modelling
At present, many kinds of commercial software can meet the requirements of modeling
mine models. Mine large project software (such as Surpac Vision, DataMine, Mircomine,
3DMine and DiMine) provides powerful modeling tools and modules based on geological
database in the deposit modeling area. In Surpac Vision software, DTM model of terrain can
be generated directly by contour, orebody model can be formed by connecting orebody
section line, shaft models, tunnel models and ramp models are created by the central line
and section of roadway. Fig.4 shows some solid models of Kafang polymetallic ore deposit
which are created by CAD design paper.

Slope 1900mL

a) CAD design paper b) solid models
Fig. 4. Some solid models of Kafang polymetallic ore deposit
Virtual Reality

The traditional CAD software (such as AutoCAD, 3DMax and Maya) has the characteristics
that are easy to operate, intuitive, easy to learn, make models realistic and so on. So, it was
used to produce mining equipment models which need to be sophisticated and realistic. At
last, all the models should be converted into .3ds or .flt or .x data format for texture
mapping and LOD models production in professional virtual reality software (such as
Multigen Creator). Note that: the format should be to minimize the conversion between
models so that model will have a serious distortion. Table 1 lists the common VR software
and platform and the data format they support.

Data format
Sort Name
Input data format Export data format
Surpac .dwg, .dxf, .dtm, .dm dwg, .dxf, .dm, .dtm, .wrl
Mine large project
.dwg, .dxf, .dtm, .dm, 3dm,
.dwg, .dxf, .dm, 3dm, .stl
AutoCAD .dwg, .dxf .dwg, .dxf
Traditional CAD
.3ds, .dwg, .dxf, .obj, .stl
, .shp, .wrl
.3ds, .dwg, .dxf, .obj, .stl.,
Professional VR
.3ds, .dxf, .obj, .stl .flt, .dxf, .obj, .stl, .wrl
3D model
.3ds, .obj, .geo, .flt, .x, .stl, .wrl, .ma, .mb, .dwg, .dxf
InTouch .dwg, .dxf, .dtm, .dm, .x, .shp
VR system
CyberMaker .3ds, .obj, .geo, .flt, .osg, .ive
VR development
OSG .3ds, .obj, .geo, .dae, .shp, .flt, .osg, .ive
Table 1. The common VR software and platform and the data format they support
3.2.2 Texture mapping
Texture mapping is a technology that maps the pixel value of 2D image bitmaps to the
corresponding peak of 3D solid models. It is used to enhance the realistic and reduce the
complexity of solid models. Three kinds of texture mapping technology are used in this
1. Projection texture mapping: texture image is projected directly onto three-dimensional
geometric model to obtain surface texture coordinates of models, mining equipment
models are mapped by using this technology, texture mapping of tramcars models is
shown in fig.5.
Virtual Reality Simulation System for Underground Mining Project


Fig. 5. Texture mapping of tramcars models
2. Transparent texture mapping: It is achieved by texture technology and integration
technology. For example, the simulation of trees needs only one face. The advantage of
this technology is that speed is fast and visual effects are good when you observe in the
plains. Drawback is that if the rapid rotation around the bulletin board area, the surface
can be seen in turn, and visual effects look bad from the high altitude. Through the
bulletin board technology, roaming system allows users to add plants data in
interactive way. At the main time, based on this idea, you can also increase the figure as
well as that figure pictures are handled by transparent air technology and replaced by
plants texture images.
3. Opaque one-sided texture mapping: it is simple and convenient, the sky ball and terrain
are mainly used this method to map textures. By using satellite picture, texture
mapping of Kafang polymetallic ore deposit terrain is showed in fig.6.

Mine road
Tailings pond

Fig. 6. Texture mapping of Kafang polymetallic ore deposit terrain
4. Texture splicing: texture is spliced continuously and repeatedly by a fundamental
element splicing unit which is a small piece of representative and re-splicing texture
unit. Shaft models, tunnel models and ramp models are taken in this way.
Virtual Reality

3.2.3 LOD model
LOD (level of detail) technology can not only ensure the visual effect of virtual scene, but also
increase the frame rendering speed of scene and change the complexity of scene real-timely.
When the viewpoint comes closer to objects, the object models are changed from simple to
complex. At the main time, it is important to join the smoothing technology to reduce the
mutation of level of detail. There are two main methods to produce LOD model in mining
project virtual reality simulation system development, and one is making continuous
approximation similar geometric models, and the other is reducing texture resolution. The
mining equipment models and the terrain model (as the following fig.7 shows) are taken the
first method, the orebody, shaft and tunnel models are used the second method.

T: 6804 T: 4862

T: 2520 T: 756
Fig. 7. LOD model of terrain (T means the number of the triangle)
3.3 Virtual scene
Virtual scene is the core of the whole virtual reality simulation system and collection of all
visual objects in system. Under the support of virtual reality technology, scene visualization
and interaction are used to build the virtual mine scene which has deep immersion and high
interaction, Virtual mine is a complex system definitely, so the virtual reality simulation
system is developed by object-oriented programming method based OSG and VS 2008
3.3.1 Visualization
Visualization is responsible for building a virtual mine environment of deep immersion. It is
used to realize the functions, such as light, materials, geometry changes, transparent display
and viewpoint attachment. Virtual scene should be set light and materials correctly.
Virtual Reality Simulation System for Underground Mining Project

Geometry change includes translation, rotation, scaling and other geometric operations.
Transparent display can offer a way to users to observe a number of objects at the same
time. For example, if the tunnels are semi-transparent, on one hand, it shows that tunnels
are existent; on the other hand, it also represents the transport scheduling of mining
equipments. Viewpoint attachment can make users have the feeling of driving car in the real
mine when users roam in the tunnels (fig.8).
3.3.2 Scene roaming
Scene roaming can allow users to observe in virtual mine scene freely. Roaming is a process
of moving viewpoints or changing sight line direction continuously to produce three-
dimensional animation.

Fig. 8. Roaming in the tunnel
There are two kinds of roaming way in the virtual reality simulation.
1. Manual roaming: The location and direction of viewpoint are controlled by using the
mouse and keyboard. In this virtual reality simulation, the operation Ctrl+ left mouse
button controls the viewpoint movement of left or right, the operation Ctrl+ right
mouse button controls the viewpoint movement of up or down, the operation Ctrl+
middle mouse button controls the viewpoint rotation.
2. Automatic roaming: Automatic roaming supplies a fixed roaming path to display
virtual mine scene for users. The path is recorded in a notepad file where path
information is interpolated, and then the path is played back. First of all, it is essential
to record the initial viewpoint, rotation angle and elevation of sight line around the Z
axis and so on; then, each continuous keyboard operation command is recorded with
the format of movement type, initial position, incremental movement, duration, and
movement acceleration for the purpose of interpreting the whole manual roaming
process as the roaming command sequence; Thirdly, read the initial parameters from
notepad files and set the system by using these parameters; At last, read the manual
roaming operation command sequence and call the corresponding command
processing functions for processing.
Virtual Reality

3.3.3 Interaction operation
In the system, interaction operation is mainly controlled by using the mouse for the
scheduling of mining equipments. In mining equipments models management module, the
car can be selected out of right-mouse menu and interacted with suspension, opening and
reverse operation. At the same time, the car objects can added in the virtual mine scene.
In addition, it is important to develop a friendly man-machine interface (fig.9). System is
divided into system control program interface and mine virtual reality simulation program
interface. System control program interface is used to set up single-channel and multi-
channel mode, and parameters of parallax, window size, render nodes and three-
dimensional mode. Mine virtual reality simulation program interface is consisted of menu

Fig. 9. One running window of VR simulation for underground mining project
and panel. Menu simulation running, roaming management, view, and help menu; panel
which has the main operation function of the simulation program includes model
management, viewpoint management and safety administration.
3.3.4 Simulation
Mining project simulation is not only a static scene simulation, but also a dynamic mining
working environment for reproduction. There are four steps for mining technology in
underground mine, such as: drilling, blasting, ore loading, ore removal and filling, so
mining project simulation is mainly including the drilling simulation of drilling jumbo, the
blasting simulation of rock, the ore loading process of tramcars, ore removal process of
LHD, and grouting filling simulation. There are two ways to simulate the mining process,
one is manual simulation, and the other is automatic demonstration. Users can drive the
mining machines to control the process of drilling and ore removal in the virtual scene
through manual simulation way. Automatic demonstration use the double buffer
Virtual Reality Simulation System for Underground Mining Project

technology of OSG to set system clock, then order the animation together in accordance with
the time to form the whole mining process. Besides, collision detection system is based on
the level of AABB bounding box and blasting simulation is based on the osgParticle
namespace of OSG platform. The result of mining process simulation is shown in fig.10 and
explosion implementation procedures are as follows:
osg::Group *root= new osg::Group();
//set the speed of wind
osg::Vec3 position(0, 0, 0);
// application of explosive
osgParticle::ExplosionEffect*explosion = new osgParticle::ExplosionEffect(position, 1.0f);
// application of explosion debris
osgParticle::ExplosionDebrisEffect(position, 1.0f);
//set smoke model
osgParticle::SmokeEffect* smoke = new osgParticle::SmokeEffect(position, 0.5f);
//set fire model
osgParticle::FireEffect* fire = new osgParticle::FireEffect (position, 1.0f,5.0);
//set the wind effect
//join in scene node

Fig. 10. Mining process simulation

Zoom in
Virtual Reality

3.4 Stereoscopic display
Stereoscopic display is divided into stereoscopic visual performance and stereoscopic sound
performance. Stereoscopic visual performance can supply two view scenes for left eye and
right eye separately by using virtual reality equipments firstly, such as professional DLP
projector, receive the left eye and right eye video images through left eye and right eye
respectively by drawing on three-dimensional glasses and form three-dimensional scene in
users brains finally. Stereoscopic sound performance can output stereo sound and video
image through three-dimensional sound machine synchronously. In this VR simulation
system, stereoscopic sound is realized by using OpenAL API in OSG platform. First of all,
create a buffer. Second, load WAV data. CreateBufferAndLoadWav member function calls
COpenALBuffer instance member function to create a buffer and load WAV data. In of
CreateSourcemember function, source is created and buffer area is associated by calling
COpenALSource instance member function.
The combine of stereoscopic visual performance and stereoscopic sound performance
support very important deep information for virtual mine scene, and thus to improve its
fidelity, reality and immersion. Three-channel passive 3D display is shown in fig.11 and
single-channel active 3D display is shown in fig.12 and its implementation procedures are as
osg::Group *root= new osg::Group();
//add model nodes
root->addChild( osgDB::readNodeFile("terrain.3ds"));
root->addChild( osgDB::readNodeFile("orebody.3ds"));
root->addChild ( osgDB::readNodeFile ("development. 3ds"));
//set stereo
//set eye separation
osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setEyeSeparation (0.08);
4. Conclusion
The virtual reality simulation system represents the mines terrain, development and
transportation system, orebody occurrence condition and underground mining process
successful in 3D model, and then it can work well in three-channel passive 3D display mode
and single-channel active 3D display mode. The virtual mine scene provide user with a very
lively sense of immersion, and users can roam freely in the scene. At the same time, the
system has a friendly man-machine interface, and users can interact with the mining
equipments. All in all, the system basically meets the requirements of mining management
expectation. Through the development of underground mining project VR simulation
system, the system implementation method and process are studied and the result shows
that this idea is reasonable and feasible.
Nevertheless, the VR simulation system still has the following disadvantages for future
study: firstly, the tool for human-computer interaction which merely using keyboard and
mouse is not enough, further research is necessary to develop professional virtual reality
Virtual Reality Simulation System for Underground Mining Project


Fig. 11. Three-channel passive 3D display

Fig. 12. Single-channel active 3D display
input device (3D mouse, Steering wheel, and data gloves, etc.) interface to enhance the
interaction with the virtual mine scene; Secondly, the system dont have the function for
data query and analysis module for 3D objects to realize the VR GIS function etc. At main
time, virtual reality technology will play a greater advantage and role in mine ventilation
simulation, numerical simulation and mine fire simulation etc. With the continuous
Virtual Reality

development of virtual reality technology, VR is bound to have far-reaching effect to the
mine future modernization.
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Part 8
Virtual Worlds and Human Society
The Otherness of Cyberspace,
Virtual Reality and Hypertext

Turul lter
Eastern Mediterranean University,
North Cyprus
1. Introduction
The techno-cultural developments that are globally re-weaving us within satellite
communication networks, the Internet, and the world wide web have also given us
cyberspace, virtual reality, and hyper-text as new fabrics of culture-space-reality interaction.
Coupled with an exponential growth in technological advances has been a similar
mushrooming of cultural fantasies about altogether different futures.
The adjectives cyber, virtual, and hyper are meant to serve as the markers of this altogether
different future, its different and other space/reality/textile. Even a traditional, calendarical
distinction like a "new" millennium is infused with a magical substance by such references.
We were excited about, and also scared from, the new millennium because it was supposed
to mark the passage from the repetitive and familiar traditions and constraints or securities
of the "old" to the "new" of this altogether different future. The reactions engendered by this
excitement are Janus-faced, or, for those who are more familiar with the Batman mythology,
two-faced, like the character played by Tommy Lee Jones who is called, simply, Two-Face,
in the movie Batman Forever. Like another famous literary character, Robert Louis
Stevensons Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde, Two-Face has both an evil and a good face, and
decides to do good or bad based upon the result of a coin flip. Similarly, our reactions to
these developments are two-faced and contradictory in that we are both excited and scared,
we lay out the welcome mat and start building and reinforcing the retaining wall, we feel
both attracted and repulsed towards these developments. In the vast orientalist literature,
for instance, the Orient is depicted both as an uncivilized, backward place ruled by despotic
rulers, lacking freedom, and whose characteristics are the very opposite of what we in the
West value and uphold, and yet also as an exotic place of attraction, attractive in its
exoticism, both sexualized and found sexually attractive, where one can indulge beyond the
reach of the restraints back home (See Fig. 1).
There is something of the unknown about them which triggers these reactions. Like the terra
incognita of the Europeans during the Age of Conquest and Discovery, cyberspace, virtual
reality, and hypertext represent, in one of their guises, the freedom to break from the restraints
of our known world, the source of much excitement. I find it significant that a very
important US civil liberties group defending [our] rights in the digital world is called the
Electronic Frontier Foundation. The reference here is, of course, to the rapidly expanding

A shorter, earlier version of this chapter was published in Open House International V32, N1, 83-88, 0168-2601.
Virtual Reality

frontier separating the young United States from the Wild West, which was indeed a source
of excitement, and represented boundless freedom to those who were part of this Westward
expansion. By partaking in this boundless freedom, they were doing good, naturally, or so
they thought. But to the natives, this exercise of freedom was sheer hell, wiping their land,
their culture, and their freedom to write their own destiny as peoples with distinct identities
and not just as the exotic backdrop of Wild West shows, and later, moviesout of existence.

Fig. 1. The Orientold and newas an exotic place of attraction, both sexualized and
and found sexually attractive.
Just as the Age of Conquest and Discovery had ushered in the age of colonialism and
(capitalist) imperialism, bringing told and untold misery, including slavery, to many peoples
around the world who were deemed inferior, less than human, and uncivilized with the help
of highly cultivated Eurocentric lenses, this old story was repeated in the expansion of the
new frontier in the US. And in these cases, we dont even have to wait for the delay of a
coin-flip, or the nightfall after the day ends, for the evil face to show up. The good
characters can, it seems, do evil in the very act of doing good. The evil other is not only there
lurking in the shadows waiting for his/her turn after the good one, but is there at the same
time. The self is thus divided both spatially and temporally, and cannot become self-identical
in any fully final sense. So maybe, what we are led to see as our opposite other over there, may
turn out to be mixed up with what is in us here, with what is familiar. We may recall, in this
regard, a slogan from the anti-Vietnam war struggles in the US, which said, we have seen the
enemy, and it is us. In fact, is not the external other over there one such familiar story, but a
story with a strange unfamiliarity, which we cannot quite place, within it? In the early
European maps of the world, drawn during the age of discovery, their terra incognita, the
undiscovered and unknown land, was depicted as populated by supposedly unfamiliar
monster creatures, such as dragons, feeding into the peoples fear of the unknown. However,
these creatures drawn at the edges of their known world on those maps were not creatures
The Otherness of Cyberspace, Virtual Reality and Hypertext

emanating from the unknown, but they were, rather, the fantastic creations of the Europeans
themselves. Thus, their very recognizability as monsters made these creatures familiar and
homely. As the critique of orientalism made abundantly clear (Said, 1979), these fantastic
European creations were subsequently projected onto the lands of discovery.
In this chapter, taking the above observations as my lead, I engage with the question of the
otherness of cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext, and how they are distinguished as
"new" and altogether different. I pose the question: Are cyberspace/virtual
reality/hypertext the opposite others of space/reality/text or are they, rather, the latter's
iterable and itered rearticulation and retranscription?
2. The Modernist othering of cyberspace, virtual reality and hypertext
It is the novelty of cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext that feeds both the idolatry and
the demonization or the excitement and the fear we feel towards them. They are new and
modern (some would say postmodern) creations. Modern, as it is commonly construed, is a
culturally biased, more specifically Euro- or West-centric, teleological concept, representing
the telos of History understood as an unstoppable progressive movement from the old of the
past to the new of the now, as commonly depicted in the replacement of the old year by the
new on the eve of the new year. For the new to be new, it must be radically different from the
old, giving it the aura of the unknown, and it is this aspect that feeds all the cultural fantasies,
both anticipatory and fearful, about cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext.
We could begin by noting how this "new" future is distinguished by familiar binary
oppositions like future vs. past and modern vs. traditional. They rely on the notion of a new
that is uncontaminated by the old. Indeed, that is what the designation "modern" stands for.
It is the modernist imaginary of a unilinear time, animated by a Eurocentric telos, that
defines our opposites of the (advanced) modern and the (backward) traditional. Jacques
Derrida (1982) refers to this mode of thought as a logocentric metaphysics of presence,
which, in trying to banish its own difference or otherness inside, projects it onto a binary
oppositional outside; he further specifies it as Western metaphysics, referring to the
activation of what is called Western thought, the thought whose destiny is to extend its
domains while the boundaries of the West are drawn back (1978, p.4), and as the white
mythology which reassembles and reflects the culture of the West (1982, p. 213). Hence, its
structure and operations are familiar. As Edward Said (1979) and others after him have
shown, positioning oneself as an Oriental does not overcome the sovereignty of this Western
metaphysics, since the founding reference of the Orient, the reference by which it is
identified, is the Occident. Its binary oppositional makeup means that it cannot be opposed
by a binary opposition, which rather sustains it. Derrida poses the problem of the
ethnocentrism of this Western metaphysics from some of his earliest writings (1978, pp.
278-293, 1976 p. 4, 101-140). Much of postcolonial theory is informed by this critique.
As the modernist imaginary led to and was shaped historically by a series of revolutions in
Europe, the notion of "revolution" is used as the exemplary marker of a clean break from the
pre-modern past. Thus, the French Revolution of 1789 was supposed to mark a clean break
with the absolutism of the Ancint Regime; similarly, the Turkish Republic, representing such
a revolutionary break, was supposed to have nothing to do with its less-than-civilized
Ottoman past; we even talked and wrote about "epistemological breaks" that marked the
leaving behind of old problematics or paradigms. Louis Althusser and Etienne Balibar
(1970), for instance, argue that Karl Marxs thought is fundamentally incompatible with its
Virtual Reality

antecedents because of its ground-breaking epistemology. Likewise, Thomas Kuhn (1970)
theorizes scientific advancement not in terms of a cumulative acquisition of knowledge, but
in terms of intellectually violent revolutions in which one paradigm, a conceptual
worldview, is left behind and is replaced by another. The primary reason for these
intellectual revolutions is that paradigms are conceptualized as incompatible, or rather as
incommensurable with each other.
In the orientalist mapping of the modernist imaginary, the Occident and the Orient were
likewise defined in terms of an (external) ontological difference: as Rudyard Kipling put it in
British colonial India, "O, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet"
(quoted in Harlow & Carter, 1999, p. 207). Yet, this is precisely what is problematized in recent
postcolonial and postmodern theory. Gayatri Spivak, for example, reminds us that such a
categorical distinction ignores or tries to forget their inter-implicational existence throughout
the past and ongoing history of imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism. Emphasizing
the international division of labor, Spivak (1988) draws our attention to the epistemic
violence involved in the constitution of the colonial subject as Other, and warns us against
buying into a self contained representation of Europe, as this ignores its production by the
imperialist project (pp. 272, 280-281, 291). Elsewhere Spivak (1993) notes, Europes memory
as itself has colonialism inscribed in it; keeping contemporary Europe pure cannot escape
that memory (p. 113). Hence, the production and sustenance of both the sovereign-self and its
other is dependent on their respective other. Their very being is inter-implicational, making
them hybrid and excessive to any identification identified in terms of a binary opposition.
In the modernist imaginary, however, the oppositions are seen as safely external to each
other. The outside does not contaminate and creolize the imagined purity of the inside.
Their identity as, for example, distinct periods or styles, is uncontaminated by internal
difference, by hybridity, by alterity, by otherness, by each one's other. This imaginary is
what leads us to write about unified and distinct periods, spaced and following each other,
along a unilinear time scale. We read and write about the Middle Ages as a unified period
that is characteristically, uniformly, categorically and thus totally in the dark compared to
the Enlightenment yet to come, the handmaiden of modernity. The modern period is
similarly imagined as a totalized unity in its characterization. This is in defiance of the very
obvious presence of different others, styles, characteristics, figures, who do not properly
"belong" in "our" modern period but whom we designate as belonging to a different period
that then needs to be located in the temporal past of that unilinear, oppositional scale.
Take the designation backward that is used routinely to characterize individuals, peoples,
nations around the world. Those characterized as backward, are then seen and understood as
belonging not to the present time but to the pastas measured on the modernist unilinear,
oppositional scale, they are back in timeand thus, the past becomes their proper place and
time of existence. They become like ghosts visiting from another time, which makes their
presence in the present time of the modern a virtual one. As they are also actually existing, we
could perhaps say that they are actu-virtual. Their actu-virtuality, their existence in our time,
and not in their time, then becomes a problem, which is to say, they become a problem, to be
dealt with by modern means and solutions ranging from expulsion from the ranks of
humanity-proper to outright elimination.
Let us not forget that the Nazi concentration camps

As an example of the rising tide of reactionary sentiments against immigrants and refugees around
Europe, it was reported in the news recently that the French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed to
strip French nationality from those who commit certain crimes, particularly targeting foreign born
nationals (Reuters 30 July 2010).
The Otherness of Cyberspace, Virtual Reality and Hypertext

and the Holocaust are examples of modern solutions to this problem. Zygmunt Bauman
(1996), for example, argues that the Holocaust is not exceptional, representing the acts of a
madman, but that it is the logical outcome of modernist thinking. Similarly, Giorgio Agamben
discusses the Camp as the biopolitical paradigm of the modern in his Homo Sacer:
Sovereign Power and Bare Life (1988), and draws our attention to how the unusual extension of
power under the pretext of a state of emergency or a state of exceptiona notion whose
main reference continues to be Carl Schmitt, who has been called the the crown jurist of the
Third Reichamong Western powers after the attacks of 9/11, has the potential to transform
democracies into totalitarian states in his State of Exception (2005).
As the word modern means contemporary, those who claim modernity for themselves claim
the present for themselves as well. It is their way of making themselves presentthrough
such culturally specific representations involving an epistemic violence toward others. Thus,
those who are deemed categorically different from "us" lose their claim to the present, and
become essentially and epistemologically absent in the teleologically pre-sent time, despite
their physical, material, and contemporary presence. That is why it is important to highlight
the ethnocentrism, or more specifically the Euro- or West-centrism of the modernist
imaginary and the epistemic violence that its ethnocentrism requires (Ilter, 1994). The
history of colonialism and imperialism, and its neo- variants, is also the history of the
attempt to world the world, that is to say, to reshape and reconfigure the world according
to the dictates of this modernist imaginary.

In dealing with this epistemic violence, the least we can do is to note that these different others
did not come to be in our present by traveling in a time machine from the past. Rather, they
are our contemporaries who are epistemologically and representationally projected to the past
by the modernist imaginary, by the modernist worlding of the world. They represent a
difference within that does not add up to complete the full presence of the modern. On the
contrary, their presence in the modern troubles our traditional and conventional conception of
the modern as purely and fully self-present. Ironically, it is to save this traditional conception
that the excessive difference of the modern, its difference-within, is projected to the modern's
outside by means of an ethnocentric and epistemic violence. In other words, what is thereby
represented as new and modern turns out to be traditional itself. The recognition of this
difference-within without recourse to an epistemic violencea prejudicial way of knowing
that erases it from the inside of the present and projects it to the outsiderequires a
deconstructive, post-modern rearticulation of the modern. Provided we rethink the word
"new," we could say that it requires a new way of understanding the modern. The "post" of
this post-modern rearticulation, therefore, does not and cannot refer to another indifferent
period following the modern one, for this vision of successive periods along a unilinear path is
informed precisely by the modernist imaginary. If we recall that the word modern means
contemporary, it becomes clear that one cannot post the modern that way, or to say it
differently, posting the modern that way is perfectly modernist.
Rather the post of post-

I owe the phrase worlding of the world to Gayatri Spivak (1988) who uses it in, among other places,
Can the Subaltern Speak?
4 Hal Foster distinguishes between "a postmodernism that deconstructs modernism" and "a
postmodernism which repudiates the former to celebrate the latter: a postmodernism of resistance and a
postmodernism of reaction" (Foster, 1983, p. xi-xii). I am highlighting the modernist architecture of this
latter "postmodernism of reaction." See also Jean-Francois Lyotard who writes: "This idea of a linear
chronology...in the sense of a simple succession, a diachronic sequence of periods in which each one is
clearly identifiable...is itself perfectly 'modern'" (Lyotard, 1992, p. 76).
Virtual Reality

modern refers us to the modern's excessive difference within that prevents its closure onto
itself and which opens it to further becoming (Ilter, 1994, p. 57-58). This is necessary to prevent
the canonization of modernism's own rebellion and thus the closure of its nascent
incompleteness. As we shall see, this notion of openness, to becoming other and different, is
precisely what is meant by virtuality.
3. Binary oppositional reaction to cyberspace, virtual reality and hypertext
The modernist worlding of the world leaves us with two opposing possibilities in greeting
cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext. As cybertechnophile handmaidens of the future, we
greet them as harbingers of a future that will singularly liberate us from the limits and
constraints of our traditional past, so that our present will cease to be constrained by the past
and will, instead, be shaped and guided by this new, after-the-break future. Accordingly, they
represent "the technology of miracles and dreams," allowing us to "play God," in virtual reality
where "we can make water solid, and solids fluid; we can imbue inanimate objects (chairs,
lamps, engines) with an intelligent life of their own. We can invent animals, singing textures,
clever colors or fairies." Virtual reality alone is greeted as "the hope for the next century" with
the ability to "afford glimpses of heaven" (Sherman & Judkins, 1992, p. 126-7, 134).
The euphoria afforded by this other, virtual existence rests on the promise of transcendence
and liberation from our material and embodied existence in the here-and-now, providing
access to an infinite, transcendent, and perfect other world. In Michael Benedict's words,
"cyberspace is nothing more, or less, than the latest stage in [what Karl Popper designates
as] World 3 [the world of objective, real and public structures which are the not-necessarily-
intentional products of the minds of living creatures] with the ballast of materiality cast
awaycast away again, and perhaps finally" (Benedict, 2000, p. 31). This notion of freedom
based on the transcendence of material and corporeal "constraints" conceives the relation
between virtual- or cyberspace and real space as a relation of mind to body, and rests on the
patriarchal, hierarchical privilege accorded to the mind in Western thought. The often heard
sexist mantra, women are emotional, men are rational, is but one expression of this view
which holds that women are trapped in their bodies and their sensual experience, whereas
men are able to transcend it in the ideal world of thought. Plato held that material,
embodied forms are flawed, and that truth was to be found in the realm of disembodied
Ideas. Here the mental and the physical are clearly separated, and the above mentioned
representation of cyberspace as the intentional products of the minds of living creatures
with the ballast of materiality cast away follows this line of thought. This is ironic, in that
what is touted as new, finally enabling us to cast materiality away, turns out to be not new
but old. It repeats a very old understanding of the relation between mind and body, which
construes that relationship as mind over body, and recycles it as new.
What is also striking is that the projection of such utopian possibilities is not at all unique to
cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext. Similar utopian promises and aspirations, as well
as the fears, anxieties, and panics that I will discuss further down, have accompanied every
major technological innovation since the Renaissance, and, perhaps more markedly, since
the industrial revolution. Johan Gutenbergs printing press, James Watts steam engine, the
railway and its iron horse, and assembly line production based on Taylorist scientific
management principles were all idolizedpromising a wonderful new world full of
possibilities not possible beforeand demonizedfearful of the dangerous consequences
at the same time, eliciting reactions of both kinds. The industrial revolution, and the techno-
The Otherness of Cyberspace, Virtual Reality and Hypertext

cultural innovations that brought it about, was welcomed by the capitalists as a fabulous
means of gaining wealth. This was aided by ideologies of utilitarianism that called for the
capitalists unimpeded pursuit of profit. This, however, brought about the deterioration of
the working peoples lifestyles and standards of living. A number of Charles Dickens
novels, including Oliver Twist, depict the horrible working conditions in the factories in
Britain at the time. Thus, it is not surprising that to many working people, the machine
symbolized submission to a regime that exploited and oppressed them. A well-known
example of workers resistance to such exploitation comes from the so-called Luddites, who
took their name from a Ned Ludd, and took to destroying mechanized looms used in the
British textile industry in the early eighteen hundreds. The movement had grown so strong
for a while that the Luddites clashed in battles with the British army.
When we consider how similarly these earlier techno-cultural innovations were received
compared with the contemporary examples discussed above, and further in this text, these
makein an ironical twistthe newness of the new computer-based technologies in
question a part of a long-standing tradition.
Regarding hypertext, for example, George Landow, writes, in a typically modernist fashion,
of "a paradigm shift" that "marks a revolution in human thought" providing us with "a way
into the contemporary episteme in the midst of major changes" (Landow, 1997, p. 2).
Articulating the insights of designers of computer software like Theodor Nelson, who
coined the word hypertext, and Andries van Dam with those of critical theorists like Roland
Barthes and Jacques Derrida, Landow reaches the following understanding of their work:
"All four...argue that we must abandon conceptual systems founded upon ideas of center,
margin, hierarchy, and linearity and replace them with ones of multi-linearity, nodes, links,
and networks" (Landow, 1997, p. 2). And yet, the commonality of their relationship is
misconstrued here. These related notions of a revolution in human thought, involving a
paradigm shift where old concepts are abandoned and left behind, and are replaced by new
ones, are precisely what are put in question and not warranted in the works of Barthes and,
especially, of Derridabut they do fit the modernist framework outlined earlier. Derrida's
deconstruction is not destruction (of the old, or of what is criticized). The critic is not located
in some metaphysical outside, like God is supposed to be, but is rather located within, and
as part of the very textile weave that s/he is critical of. All her critical resources, including
the language of her criticism, are inheritances that s/he borrows from the very textile that is
put in question. However, as Derrida puts it, inheritance is not a given but a task. In what he
refers to as iterability (repeatability with a difference), what is repeated, the old, changes
and becomes different than what it was previous to the repetition. Everything harbors an
unconditional secret that can never be fully and completely revealed, and is open to its own
becoming different and other. This openness to a different future, always yet to come, this
irreducible potential or secret, is what virtuality is about. By the same token deconstruction
draws it power from the fact that things are always-already in deconstruction. Therefore,
deconstruction is not an operation done by force on things from the outside. Hence, what is
deconstructed is not erased or abandoned and replaced by something else entirely, in an
operation of erasure or destruction, but is, rather, displaced from its privileged hierarchical
position in the binary opposition by showing how it is indeed dependent and founded upon
what it allegedly excludes and does not need.
Continuing with the opposite end of the spectrum of responses to cyberspace, virtual reality,
and hypertext, we see various nostalgic Luddite reactions against their growing influence and
power, a growth that is seen today as threatening our humanity, liberty, and reason.
Virtual Reality

According to Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, "we are living in a decisive historical time: the era
of the post-human" where "virtualization in the cyber- hands of the new technological class is
all about our being dumbed down," thus preventing "a critical analysis of the public situation"
whereby the human species is "humiliated" as the subject of digital culture; indeed, what "we
are talking about [is] a systematic assault against the human species" involving "the harvesting
of human flesh as (our) bodies and minds are reduced to a database for imaging systems"
(Kroker & Kroker, 2000, p. 97- 98, 101-103). The Krokers' attempt to introduce ethical concerns
regarding technological innovation is thus based on an apocalyptic vision of cyber or virtual
reality. Similarly, Kevin Robins quotes approvingly Peter Weibel who describes virtuality and
cyberspace as psychotic, "where the boundaries between wish and reality are blurred," and
continues to mourn how in this "psychotic" space "the reality of the real world is disavowed;
the coherence of the self deconstructed into fragments; and the quality of experience reduced
to sensation and intoxication" (Robins, 1995, p. 143-144). Although not specifically about
cyberspace, Stanley Aronowitz's discussion of computer mediated work points out how
"many corporations have used [computers] to extend their panoptic worldview" and how
"they have deployed the computer as a means of employee surveillance that far exceeds the
most imperious dreams of the panopticon's inventor Jeremy Bentham" (Aronowitz, 1994, p.
27). And indeed, we see many such examples around us.
A friend and colleague who teaches there informs me that the mayor of Balova, who placed
surveillance cameras in this town near zmir, Turkey, put up bilboards in the city a while
ago, which said the Balova residents need not worry (for their safety), for they are watched
over round the clock. In the UK, there are reportedly more surveillance cameras per person
than in any other country in the world (Lewis, 2009). In London alone there are reportedly
more than 500 000 cameras at work (Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2005). We could perhaps
understand the appeal of a remarkable movie like V for Vendetta with this background of a
trend towards a panoptic social order. Based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore and David
Lloyd, and directed by James McTeigue, the movie takes place in London in a near future
dystopian, completely authoritarian and panoptic society. The movie tells the story of a
masked and costumed freedom fighter in this police state, whose attire commemorates Guy
Fawkes, who attempted to destroy the Houses of Parliament in London with a group of
Catholic conspirators in 1605.
4. Common root of the opposing reactions
These two reactions at odds with each other nevertheless share a common outlook. Both
their enthusiasm for the singularly liberating nature of this new future as cyber
technophiles, and their Luddite resistance to its singularly fascistic and panoptic
encirclement are similarly informed by the modernist worlding of the world and the binary
opposition between (advanced) modern and (backward) traditional or simply between
future/present and past. Whether seen as good or bad, it is agreed that cyberspace, virtual
reality, and hypertext herald an otherness defined in terms of an altogether different and
new future to be distinguished categorically from the existing space/reality/textuality.
Within this framework, cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext are portrayed as signifiers
of an altogether different and new future, and yet their otherness in a binary opposition is
always and necessarily a "domestic other" whose otherness is not other to the binary
structure of our knowledge, but one that is defined in its terms. Thus we always-already
know what the other is all about. It is the binary opposite of what we know our world, and
The Otherness of Cyberspace, Virtual Reality and Hypertext

ourselves, to be. Indeed we rely on this supplementary other to define our world and
ourselves. For example, "they are traditional and backward, we are modern and advanced."
Backwardness of the other, then is not an unknown that is then discovered, but it is
projected from within the binary oppositional structure of what we already know. Similarly,
virtual reality becomes a make-believe simulation, such as when student pilots "fly" on the
ground, and not the actual reality of flying. It is by reference to this "real" reality that
"virtual" reality assumes its immediately recognizable, hence domestic, identity as make-
believe, as not-quite- real. It is significant, I think, to recall at this point that Baudrillard's
definition of simulacrum as a copy without an original, together with his depiction of the
real as "not only what can be reproduced, but [as] that which is always already reproduced,"
is undermining precisely this binary opposition: "Whereas representation tries to absorb
simulation by interpreting it as false representation, simulation envelops the whole edifice
of representation as itself a simulacrum" (Baudrillard, 1983, p. 11).
5. The difference that does not add-up
If the otherness of cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext were radically other, on the
other hand, if it were "wild," so to speak, and not "domesticated," I could not give a
recognizable and familiar account of it in the given terms of the binary structure of my
thinking. In that case, the other exceeds my thinking. The otherness of the other is other to
my domesticated, oppositional other. Such alterity then requires another kind of response. It
requires a rethinking, a transformation, a further becoming of how I know the other. Only
then could we speak of "new paradigms" and "new concepts and theories," and not when we
embrace the domestic "new" of the modernist binary.
Furthermore, the difference between this "wild" other and the "domestic" other is not an
external difference but a difference within the same word/term/concept: the other.
Similarly, the differences between cyber and normal (?) space, virtual and actual (?) reality,
hyper and ordinary (?) text also refer to a difference within. This difference does not refer us
to the outside but is radical; it is at the root. This difference-within corresponds to the
becoming of their being: to their becoming different and other to themselves. Hence, they do
not have a complete, final, finished once-and-for-all being either as origin or as telos. The
full presence of their being is always deferred in a ceaseless, an-archic becoming without an
origin or telos. Hence, there is no original and stable reality, space, or text, to be nostalgic
for, and to return to, after the "detour" of their alienation from their "real" selves. That
"detour" is no detour with its sights set on a final return home to satisfy the second reaction,
but, rather, a re-turn, that is, another change in direction, and another future.
Therefore, our
notions of space, reality, and text need to be complicated and rethought to accommodate
what they seem to oppose: cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext. To put it differently,
the attributes that we project onto cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext are already at
work in conventional space, reality, and text.
The latency and potentiality that excites us about cyberspace, virtual reality and hypertext
are not their exclusive characteristics. At least since phenomenology, structuralism and
poststructuralism, as well as psychoanalysis, we know that things are not self-identical and

In discussing metaphor, which "is determined by philosophy as a provisional loss of meaning...a
certainly inevitable detour...with its sights set on...the circular reappropriation of literal, proper
meaning," Jacques Derrida argues that "de-tour is a re-turn" (Derrida, 1982, p. 270).
Virtual Reality

self-coincident, and that there is a generative, irreducible difference within them. This
difference assures that things always differ from, and defer, who or what they are. Who or
what they are is never complete in any final sense, but always provisional, in becoming or in
process, and always to-come, always to be completed. To indicate both the spatial and
temporal aspect of this difference, Derrida (1982) has coined the term differance, spelled with
an a (p. 1-27). This differance is what opens things to the non-determinability of the future
and gives us hope as to the coming of the new. The new is thus based on a repetition, or
rather iteration, that is repetition with difference: New and repetition together. New is never
altogether new, but resides or comes out in/from the old. What ties repetition to the new is
the incalculable excess that Derrida (2001) also calls the absolute and unconditional secret
that can never be fully and finally revealed because it is always to-come (p. 57-59).
Cyberspace, virtual reality, hypertext are not self- sufficient, self-referential entities. Rather,
they are relative and differential concepts that owe their status as cyber-, virtual-, and
hyper- to a reference to and a comparison with the unqualified space, reality, and text. The
qualifying adjectives cyber, virtual, and hyper define them clearly as the products of a
technological intervention involving miniaturized computer chips, digitalization of media
products, computer hardware and software, fiber optic and other cables, satellite
communication networks, Internet, the world wide web, and the like. However, it would be
misleading to think that the unqualified space, reality, and text are not the products of
technological interventions. The ones we designate as traditional space, reality, and text are,
indeed, the outcome of older technological interventions that we have grown accustomed to,
ones that we no longer see as technological, but as given conditions of everyday operations
of the real (Grosz, 1997, p. 109). The border between the two is not sustainable but porous
and mobile. This does not mean that they are not different, but that their difference is not
external and categorical but inter-implicational.
6. Conclusion
What excites and scares us about cyberspace, virtual reality, and hypertext is their obvious
incompleteness. This makes them prone to imaginary and projected futures, and suitable for
dreams, hopes, and fears regarding what is yet to come. Our excitement, for instance, comes
from the idea of an indeterminate, unspecifiable, and open-ended future, and the
precedence of futurity over past and present. But, as Elizabeth Grosz points out, we did not
have to wait for the computer screen, the Internet, and the web to enter virtual space and its
domain of latency and potentiality. "We live in its shadow more or less constantly" (Grosz,
1997, p. 111). As the oxymorons virtual reality, cyberspace, and hypertext imply, virtuality
already resides in reality, and space, and the characteristics attributed to hypertext are
already at work in the ordinary, unqualified text.
The real/space/text are always open to the future, that is to say, open to potentialities and
(re)articulations or (re)inscriptions other than those that are realized at the present, and the
non-sequential, non-hierarchical attributes of hypertext are already found in the unqualified
text. We could say that virtual reality/cyberspace/hypertext derive their seductive power
from this possibility of the real/space/text becoming other than themselves. Therefore, it
should not surprise us too much that even after introducing hypertext in terms of a
"paradigm shift," a "revolution in human thought," and a "new episteme abandoning the
old," that George Landow should refer to the traditional "scholarly article" in the humanities
or physical sciences as the perfect embodiment of hypertext (1997, p. 4) (Fig. 2).
The Otherness of Cyberspace, Virtual Reality and Hypertext


Fig. 2. Landow upholds the traditional scholarly article (example on right) as the perfect
embodiment of hypertext.
The interimplication of both sides of our opposition virtual reality/cyberspace/hypertext
versus reality/space/text calls on us not to be content with, say, the domesticated otherness
of the former as the representative of the emergent future as opposed to the latter's stagnant
traditionality, but rather to rethink the latter to accommodate the excluded features
attributed to the former. In an example of such rethinking, Donna Haraway argues that the
figure of the cyborg is our ontology, that is to say, it does not belong to a future-yet-to-come,
but to the always-already here and now (Haraway, 2000, p. 292). Her thesis, thus, involves a
rethinking, a retranscription, and a reformulation of our ontology. Moreover, the
deconstruction of the modernist teleology means that there is no predetermined teleological
destiny inscribed in these new technologies either as a powerful force of liberation or as
fascistic and panoptic encirclement, but, rather, that they imply the possibility of both
which is to say that they are like the old technologies in this respect as well. Therefore, our
active participation in the orientation and reweaving of the textile fabric of the cyberspace
could mean the difference between one or the other.
7. References
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Virtual Reality

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0252014014, Urbana and Chicago.
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of
Moral Panic or a Justified Need?
Katalin Parti
National Institute of Criminology,
1. Introduction
This study aims to describe those aspects that qualify a form of behaviour as a crime in the
virtual communities, these highly organised societies of the Internet. But the image of
deviances may not be complete without entities watching over them. It is an interesting
question, who could lay down and enforce virtual norms, if not the community itself.
Today, organised crime, drug trafficking, money laundering, trafficking in human beings,
and sexual exploitation of children are such focal issues of criminal law, whose prosecution
does not stop at the boundaries of virtual communities, or the Internet. But what
justification does the real world's jurisdiction have to intervene in the everyday life of
independent virtual communities? If they have the right, who decides on the involvement of
real authorities? What legal regulations does real-life law enforcement apply in a virtual
space? Is there an appropriate response to crimes committed in the virtual world by real-life
jurisdiction, and can different forms of virtual deviance be prevented with the tools of real-
life crime prevention? These are the questions that I wish to answer in the followings.
2. Types of virtual communities
There are several attempts at classifying online communities. Williams believes that online
communities are defined by technical development.
(Williams, 2010) The first phase of
development is web 1.0, where users communicate with each other using electronic mailing
systems, newsgroups and instant messages (e.g. MSN messenger). These platforms are static
websites whose aim is forwarding textual information. Web 2.0 technology goes a little
further than that, involves real-time interpersonal interaction and web content generation
appears. Users may edit the contents of a webpage themselves. The more content there is,
the greater the demand for the democratisation of content (e.g. wikis, blogs, social
networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, eBay, Bebo). The next step, web 3.0 technology
is just taking shape today. This technology makes online interactivity more realistic, life-like
and direct with its 3D graphic surfaces (e.g. Second Life, Habbo Hotel, Active Worlds).
Users may enter these online surfaces represented by their virtual alteregos, the avatars.
Most of these worlds allow their users several activities mimicking reality, such as for

Web is increasingly socialized- notes Williams.
Virtual Reality

example buying a real estate or building a house in the virtual space, and having virtual
movables. (Williams, 2010)
Reynolds classifies todays virtual realities as follows (Four World Theory). There are online
realities whose essence lies in playing together (ludic worlds), based on the rules set by the
maker of the game. These communities can not change their rules, and those who do not
like the given world may leave (e.g. World of Warcraft). But games in a less traditional
sense have also appeared. These communities copy the social order of the real world (social
or civic worlds; e.g. Habbo Hotel, Second Life). The rules in these virtual worlds are laid
down by the operator of the platform, but the users may have a much greater influence on
the rules of civic worlds, and therefore they have more independence. Civic worlds are the
closest copies of the geographical world. (Reynolds, 2005)
Groups of people, who not only support their current offline lives with new technological
developments, but go a step further, and use thechnology to create and live a new life, are
called virtual realities (VR) in Williams theory. (Williams, 2006) VR is a graphically
developed, virtual online social space created in a 3D environment.
In my interpretation, all users of the Internet are part of some online community. These may
be e-mailing communities, but also websites, forums, chatrooms and online games or virtual
communities modelled on reality (social or civic communities). Online communities, just as
offline (geographical) communities are held together by shared interests, sociability,
dialogue and the continuity and regularity of joint action. All Internet users belong to one or
another community at their level, and all users of the Internet have the opportunity to
overstep the limits of communities of various organisational levels, and join new
communities. (For instance, users of Second Life
regularly keep contact with each other and
other communities on other platforms forums, chatrooms, websites and e-mails.
Boellstorff, 2008)
In the following, I wish to discuss those online forms of deviance that occur in highly
organised civic and social worlds. These well-developed online communities are modelled
on reality, both in their technical realisation (3D visualisation), and objectives (making
contact, the experience of being part of a community, and the recreation of the rules of
traditional community life). I will attempt to describe the forms of deviance, the reasons of
crime, the nature of harm, and the legality and effectiveness of the intervention of
geographic jurisdiction.
3. Where does virtual harm begin?
3.1 The concept of harm in virtual worlds
Williams classifies harms occuring in online communities. (Williams, 2006) According to
him, there are 1. cybercrimes, 2. cyber deviances, and 3. cyber harms. While a cybercrime is
a black letter crime procesuted by geographical criminal law and authorities, cyber
deviances and cyber harms are harms caused in VR. Cyber harm is an activity which
damages or offends one particular member of the community, but does not obviously
violate everybody's idea of morals in general. In contrast, cyber deviance is a harmful act
which the whole or the majority of the community but at least its leading personalities

Second Life invented and created by Linden Laboratory Inc. California is a 3D social/civic space on
the Internet. As its name implies, it is a virtual world in which members create an avatar and then use
that character to live out a separate existence.
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

consider to be subversive for the community and as such, intolerable. We can also see that
acts of one category sometimes turn into another. In relation to the spread of all annoying
acts, it is more common for cyber harms to turn into deviances, and deviances into
cybercrimes, than the other way round. The case of online harassment is a good example.
Offline legal regulations already foresee punishment for the online forms of hate speech. Or
let us take ageplay, the sexual exploitation of children
in the virtual world which used to be
an isolated phenomenon with fews cases, but these days acts committed in VR are
prosecuted in line with geographical legal regulations. These responses are justified by
political, legal and social pressure, when the state is of the opinion that they have to do
something against the situation considered to be unbearable by certain interest groups.
More esoteric (not tangible, less clearly outlined) and less grave acts are left to the
judgement of online communities. (Williams, 2006) These are the acts that later turn into
offline criminal acts, which are grave enough to go beyond the limitations of response of
online communites. (Williams, 2006)
The problem is that in many cases it is impossible to decide, whether cyber harm and cyber
deviance qualify as cybercrime, and as such whether it is subject to the states obligation to
enforce criminal law, for the protection of its citizens. To give you a better idea of the
confusion, let us see first what kind of deviances may occur in VR and what sets them apart
from geographical crimes.
There have been many and varied attempts to classify cyber deviances. (See for instance
Williams, 2006; 2010; Wykes, 2010) One of the better known classifications is given by Wall.
(Wall, 2001) According to him, the first group is cyber trespass (information warfare:
invasion of private space on the Internet by a hacker causing data loss and possibly
economic standstill). The second group is cyber theft (spoofing, phishing, pharming,
identity theft, cyber copyright infringement), where the user poses as an avatar of someone
else which is achieved by hacking a users account. (Williams, 2010) The third group is cyber
obscenity (legal pornography and sexual misuse of children). (Rimm, 1995; Mehta & Plaza,
1997; Harmon & Boeringer, 1997) The fourth group is cyber violence (manifests in textual,
visual and audio forms) which can be further divided as follows.
1. Flaming: debates on message boards and e-mails, containing text messages about others
to a humiliating and libeleous effect. (Joinson, 2003)
2. Hate speech digital performances: digital performances inciting hatred, e.g. racist,
homophobic or extremist websites. (Mann et al., 2003)
3. Online stalking: harassment through computer mediated communication (CMC) for the
purpose of gaining information, intimidation, or simply contact with a non-consenting
person. (Reno, 1999; Bocij, 2004; Meloy, 1998)
4. Virtual rape: while the stalker only sends messages, the virtual rapist brings the victim
to act against his or her will.
(MacKinnon, 1997; Reid, 1999; Dibbel, 1998)
In my interpretation, there are two underlying deviances in the virtual world, depending
on whether the actual (psychological or physical) damage is to the affected person or the

The politically correct name of the phenomenon known from the media as child pornographyis child
sexual abuse. Pornography assumes that the parties involved are equal, while a contact of sexual
nature with a child is always abuse.
One form of virtual rape is when the offender animates avatars against the wishes of their owners, and
controls them to do humiliating things, e.g. entering a sexual relationship with another avatar against
their will.
Virtual Reality

property created/represented by him/her. In that sense, slander, defamation, contribution
to suicide, bodily harm, manslaughter, or crimes against sexual morals, among others, are
forms of deviance against persons. Deviances against property are mainly causing financial
damage, e.g. theft, copying without permission, damaging and destruction of objects created
by avatars. Vandalism can belong to any of the two, depending on the nature of the damage
3.1.1 Deviances against the person in virtual worlds
Judging virtual deviances against persons on the basis of geographical law is complicated,
since the person is missing, and the user is only present and contacting others in VR
through his/her virtual alterego, but not in person. (Wall bases his opposites, cybercrime
and meatcrime, on the same logic. Wall, 2010) For this reason, we could possibly treat crimes
in the virtual world as attempts perpetrated on an unsuitable subject or with an unsuitable
instrument. Practice, however, shows that this approach is misleading.
Deviances against persons are particularly dangerous, because the individual may sustain
serious psychological scars even during textual communication. In the virtual world,
textual communication is the substitute of verbal self-expression. Communication plays a
role in identifying a persons place in social hierarchy. Hate speech can be especially
destructive. (Becker et al., 2000; Matsuda et al., 1993; Butler, 1997) Hate speech, slander and
defamation appear in online communities both as illocutionary and perlocutionary acts.
(Austin, 1975) It is possible that a verbal (textual) insult only achieves its effect, when the
addressee reads it. This may be immediate typically in 3D social/civic community spaces
, or delayed, e.g. when the addressee opens the message sent in an e-mail or posted on a
message board. In CMC, real time conversation means that the addressee receives the
message immediately, at the same time as it was written, which has an immediate effect.
This is characteristic of most interactions in online communities. The text is however
supplemented with emoticons, and phatic communication (e.g. using capitals for shouting).
Because online communication is so expressive, it is no coincidence, that terrestrial law has
conquered the online world with a ban on hate speech. The reason for this is that online
texts may cause greater damage than spoken words. Online texts are written, can be re-read,
and therefore get more deeply imprinted on the mind of the victim, moreover they
invariably leave a trace on the Internet. At the same time, it is possible that the defamatory
message is read by others which may unstabilise the individuals position and reputation in
the community. (Markham, 1998; Turkle, 1995; MacKinnon, 1997) The offensive remarks put
the opportunity of change and the control into the hands of the offender, who becomes a
person of authority. (Delgado, 1993)
3.1.2 Deviances against property (of financial nature) in virtual worlds
Users may not only suffer psychological, but also actual financial damage in virtual worlds.
Residents of virtual communities are often looking for opportunities to create themselves.
(Oldenburg, 1999, quoted by Williams, 2006) In the virtual space, residents are free to create.
They may pursue any creative, and at the same time lucrative business activity, like building
houses, writing scripts for furniture, other pieces of home equipment and decorations, and
for the appearance of avatars (scripting, fashion designing, motion design for avatars). Just
like in the geographical world, residents of virtual communities can live on their takings
from services sold. (Boellstorff, 2008) As residents may also trade their goods and services,
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

the creation of goods is not merely a channel for self-expression, but also a job, as it
represents financial value. Residents have no limitations in building, there is no central
power that would limit creative self-expression for political or economic reasons. Virtual
space is therefore also called creationist capitalism, where work is not compulsory, but a
leasure activity, or even the primary form of self expression. This is why Boellstorff calls the
internal structure of online communities playful capitalism, or ludocapitalism, where
production is melting into play. (Boellstorff, 2008: 206) Hence, in virtual worlds, the
development of skills corresponds to the production of goods. This was the ideology that
lead the creators of several virtual spaces to enable users to convert their income from
virtual goods into an offline currency.
The creationist capitalism aspect of virtual worlds is
further strengthened by the migration of business activities into the realm of the Internet.
This is what Yar calls informational economy. (Yar, 2010, referring post-industrial capitalism
at Bell, 1999, and Castells, 2002)
As we can see, virtual space is a free space which enables users to express themselves while
generating financial profit. The larger the profit generated, the higher the risk of the creator.
Financial gain gives a basis to possibly damaging actions. It is therefore indubitable that one
may suffer damage in the virtual space, just as in the real world, through the loss, damage
or destruction of goods created.
3.1.3 Cyber vandalism
The above classification should be completed with cyber vandalism which neither fits into
the category of deviances purely against property, nor those purely against persons.
Virtual vandalism means that the offender damages or destroys objects created and/or
possessed by avatars, but this may cause psychological damage as well. When virtual
objects are vandalised, they are not destroyed for good, as the scripts and codes can be
restored, but there is damage done, of a material or psychological nature, if objects of
sentimental value, such as gravestones, religious artefacts, devotional articles, or souvenirs
are destroyed. (Williams, 2004)
In VR, constructions are a symbol of affiliation, as the act of building is also a symbol of
belonging to the community. The vandalisation of institutions symbolising the community
(buildings, memorial sites or tablets) is a means of renouncing community existance and
breaking down community cohesion. (Williams, 2010) The more such attacks there are, the
more fragmented the community becomes, as people are less happy to participate in
community activities if the symbols of belonging are regularly vandalised. (For avoidance
behaviour of community members see Williams, 2006: 81, 83) If the community is
weakened, online friendships will also weaken, and these are the essence of an online
community. If we accept that online friendships are just as important as offline ones, then
any harm done to online friendships may be just as painful a loss as losing a friend or the
entire community in the offline world. Similarly, if a formal police building is created in the
online world, it reassures the community, can be a means of prevention, and also
strengthens ties to the community.
The umbrella term for the different forms of cyber vandalism that is virtual violence against
persons and objects or put simply causing disturbance to others is griefing.

Sims Online was the first virtual space based on creationist capitalism. In 2004, 99% of objects were
created by residents. (Ondrejka, 2004) Inspired by that, Second Life, launched in 2003, follows the
strategy of a user-created inworld exclusively.
Virtual Reality

(Boellstorff, 2008; Williams, 2010) This may be a criminal or sub-criminal act, that is a crime
or a deviance. For example, sending unsolicited e-mails with obscene, intimidating, or
abusive content, or the publication of the personal data of an individual on a message board
(data theft), which may lead to unsolicited contact, or libel and defamation (personal harm).
But it may also involve the commission of deviant activities under the name of the assumed
personality, and pretended friendships and business relations.
Boellstorff believes that
griefing is 1. an intentional action 2. which is aimed at disturbing others, 3. that the griefer
enjoys. (Boellstorff, 2008; Foo, 2004; Mulligan & Patrovsky, 2003) This stems in the fact that
in online communities people are freed of their inhibitions (disinhibition). A positive
manifestation of this is when people are altruistic, kind, and a negative one if people think
they can shoot and run, they can not be identified anyway. Anonymity makes offenders
unscrupulous, and this also helps them to keep the victim depersonalised, and neutralise
their deeds. (Curtis, 1992) Griefing never harms the victim in his actual physical form, it is
therefore less frightening, less grave than its offline counterpart. The harasser and the
harassed do not meet in person, and in most cases the harassment is in written form, and
not in person. Other senses are not involved (such as smell, touch, vision and hearing).
(Williams, 2010) So people can not be harmed physically by greifing, but on the other hand,
it may cause serious financial damage, if for example griefing is used in business activities.
3.2 Contact points of virtual and geographical deviances
As we see, the concept of harm is somewhat different from the usual norms of the
geographical world. In the VR, the concept of damage and harm is to be viewed in an
abstract sense. There is for example no damage done if a suicide bomber blows himself up,
as it does not endanger the lives of other avatars. It is another question that the users created
the objects destroyed or damaged in such an attack with actual financial investments, and
therefore there may be material damage. The users themselves behind the avatars, however,
do not suffer any personal damage.
According to some research, cyber deviances do not always remain within the realm of
online worlds, but can migrate to offline environments. (Quayle, 2010; Williams, 2006) A
real world manifestation of griefing may be offline bullying, or teasing. (Schechner, 1988)
Online stalking may give rise to offline stalking. John Robinson, who became known in the
online community Cyberworld as Slavemaster was arrested in June 2000 by Kansas State
police. He had several victims offline. The last of them was Susette Trouten, a member on
Cyberworlds. Both of them participated in sado-masochistic rituals in the online
community. Suzette also met the offender, who later killed him, offline. (ABCNews.com,
2000) Cyberworlds created a whole philosophy and phantasy world around sado-maso
games, whose believers also realised their acts offline. Suzette Trouten fell victim to these.
Reno believes that online stalking can be especially dangerous, as it may be a prelude to its
physical manifestation. (Reno, 1999)

Boellstorff presents a whole array of griefing. The amassing of junk in the online community space is a
form of griefing, just like placing provocative objects (e.g. giant dildos) in central community spaces,
but the mobbing of an avatar and talking to him abusively, or sending abusive, threatening, or
intimidating instant messages to several residents are also forms of mobbing. It is particularly
disturbing if the avatars are animated against the wishes of their owners, and are made to perform
humiliating things. (Boellstorff, 2008)
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

According to research, it is not advisable to play down virtual harms. In 3D virtual
communities stronger bonds may develop than in earlier online communities only based
on textual communication (message boards, bulletin boards, etc.) as the virtual
representation of the self appears here, which, together with emote commands deepens
feelings and interactivity. (Bocij, 2004) Other research go even further than that, and claim
that in the virtual world, stronger community bonds than in the geographical world may
develop. In real life, we are constantly busy working and taking care of other important
things, and we are performance oriented. As opposed to that, in the virtual world, we are
more free, have more time, also to pay attention to others, as we are spending our leasure
time at the online community. This makes people in the VR more open, more accepting,
friendly, and even altruistic. (Boellstorff, 2008) An alternative social arena serves the very
purpose of preventing and replacing the dysfunctional social relationships in the offline
world. (Oldenburg, 1999) The bond has a significance in defining the degree of harm. The
stronger the bond to the community, the greater the harm suffered.
We saw now that virtual and actual are not clearly separated. Either because online deeds
may lead to offline ones, or because the online acts may cause actual psychological or
financial damage in the real world. But it is impossible to establish the extent of the harm
done in a virtual world. One of the reasons for this is that geographical harm-conception is
not taken over one-to-one and also due to statistical problems.
4. Legislative trend a shift to the virtual
4.1 The actors of moral panic
There are no reliable statistics for virtual crimes due to their complexity and their
judgement varying from country to country. There are records available, but these mainly
contain data collected primarily for financial and less for criminal law reasons, their data
fields are not always compatible which makes comparisons impossible. (Wall, 2001)
Damage suffered in an online environment very often does not materialise, and if there is
material damage, it is very difficult to assess. (Wall, 2008; Moitra, 2003)
There may be no reporting if the victims are not aware of the attack, (Murff, 2007; Moitra,
2003) or perhaps the given country is not yet prepared for registering attacks carried out in
computer systems, or the given act is not punishable under applicable law, or there is no
forum (administrator or VR community arbitration) where the victim could report to. It is
also possible that the victim has reported an offence, but the party entitled to judge the
complaint believes there is no need for further measures in the case. Cybercrimes are
defined in different ways in the criminal codes of different countries, even though the
Council of Europe and the European Union made considerable efforts to unify legislation
for laying the foundations of international criminal cooperation and the more effective
prosecution of crimes.
The development of technology, however, is far more progressing
than legislation, so acts may occur which have not been defined properly by law. (Lacey,
2002) Such is for example harassment in a virtual environment which according to

The Council of Europes treaty on cybercrimes adopted in Budapest on November 23, 2001 can be
regarded as the first significant global unification agreement. (Convention on Cybercime, CETS. No. 185
23.XI.2001.) At European Union level, Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA of 22 December
2003 on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography is the most significant
effort. (OJ L 13/44-8)
Virtual Reality

geographical law, is not obviously classified as a crime. (Online harassment is very often
only meant to disturb, and does not always contain an intimidation element. Geographical
law, however, almost always demands an emotional effect for the act to qualify as
harassment. See Bocij, 2004) The fact that there is no exact statistical data on the volume of
deviances occurring in virtual spaces, only further increases the panic, as it may give the
impression that virtual deviances are not transparent and uncontrollable. (Wall, 2008)
Overemphasising the negative effects of the Internet and its virtual communities is basically
generating moral panic. This is where the responsibility of traditional media shows (I refer
to the press, radio, and television as traditional media, offering pre-filtered contents to the
audiences). Traditional media are true catalyst of moral panic, because by the very
principles of their operation, it enhances the panic effect. Only shocking, scandalous or scary
information has any newsworthiness. These media present such information in a pre-
filtered manner, lifted out of the original context. Programmes that expressly emphasise the
fact of downfall of morals, of the crisis of values and of the moral crisis further add to this.
(Parti, 2010)
However, not only media news trigger panic. Scientific research on changes of behaviour in
relation to the new medium, the Internet, can also fuel moral panic. Science may be objective
in its principles, but it still can not explain a lot of phenomena, or predict their effects (see
e.g. what an effect the presence in a VR community may have on the personality), and in
such cases resorts to guesswork when looking for arguments and consequences.
Aversions towards cyber-communities are born out of the threat of emerging cyber-
deviances. A cyber-deviance in general means the adjustment to the online environment
coupled with double moral standards. Double moral standard (Michelet, 2003) means that
the majority of users traditionally respects accepted norms, but in VR communities they live
by different standards (e.g. they would not steal a mobile phone or a bag, but they have no
qualms about downloading copyrighted software which is also illegal). These double moral
standards are nourished by peoples faith in anonymity that is the belief that the parties
communicating online are unidentifiable.
Some social scientists even claim that the spread of online communication leads to the
complete decline of existing moral values. The reason for this is the mass appearance of
harmful contents on the Internet and their availability to anyone, especially youngsters.
Such contents like pornography, xenophobia, incitement to hatred or extremist ideas
were not available to anyone before the Internet age and were very difficult to spread. As by
now everybody can potentially access these materials, they are becoming increasingly
extreme due to the competition.
Moral panic is not only societys spontaneous reaction to the spread of a disturbing activity
(deviance) or a new phenomenon. Such are for example todays moral panic reactions to the
Internet as new technology, and the media. Some believe that causing panic is a means of
governments in general to manage new, earlier unknown social symptoms. Panic can
therefore also be an artificially generated balancing power, and as such, a means of
prevention. (Parti, 2009) Moral panic, whatever triggers it, is suitable for repeatedly
developing peoples self-control.
Causing panic at government level can be justified less with the publication of perceived or
actual facts or suppositions, than with intentions of prevention. Frank Fredi in his book on
risk society (Fredi, 1997) elaborates that in a culture of fear our interpersonal relations
become dangerous. Above all, we have to concentrate on maintaining our private sphere, as
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

that is the most likely to be affected. Fredi says that hysterisation keeps appearing in new
This is, however, primarily not related to the dissemination of knowledge and
information, but prevention. For example, The US government did not tell the truth, when
they labelled AIDS as the greatest risk of homosexuals. (Fredi, 1997) Looking back,
however, society tolerates this benign lie, because the government could only move people
to practice self-moderation and self-control with this exaggerated prevention campaign.
With this purpose in mind, it is not so obvious anymore whether in a similar situation we
should tell the truth, or make use of a white lie as a means of prevention. According to
another branch of the consciously caused panic theory which in many respects is similar to
panic triggered by the media, moral panic is a means to maintain political power. This is
similar to panic caused by the media in that both use panic as a means to achieve their own
goals. (Korinek, 2006)
Garland and Simon (Garland, 2001; Simon, 2007) believe that politicians and crime
prevention policy makers use this panic for tactical purposes, for crime prevention and risk
control. They use the same tactics for cybercrime which is not surprising at all. Taipale calls
the fear of technology FrankenTech. (Taipale, 2006) The developers of technology are often
involved in crime prevention policies (including activists and the media), and it is in their
interest to exaggerate the threat of cybercrime, as it sells their products. The gap between the
expected (perceived) threat and the security-measures corresponds to the gap lying between
the numerous cybercrime cases reported by media and the few actually solved by law
enforcement. This is a so called reassurance gap that needs to be bridged. (Innes 2004) A
typical example for the need for reassurance is the publics need for stricter and more
detailed legal regulations and police action. This is obviously impossible to realise, because
it is not only the supposedly large number of crime and their wide-spread nature that is
missing, but also the police forces are more prepared for mass response to crimes already
committed than prevention and monitoring of those in the grey zone. (Wall, 2007)
Legislation on the new medium even though only indirectly also contributes to the
deepening of the moral panic. Legislation is always based on scientific research and
consultation with experts, but it can not shake off the effect of politics either. Political
interests always try to ensure that public opinion prevails, and are certainly under pressure
from the public opinion. For this reason, legislation also can not remain completely
unaffected by the moral trends triggered by the feeling of panic. (Parti, 2010)
Legislation trends in recent times point to the penalisation of an ever wider circle of acts, the
criminalisation of preparatory acts, and the exaggerated regulation of details.
4.2 The reverberations of moral panic in legislation through the example of child
sexual abuse
Of all waves of panic, perhaps the most pervasive is related to the sexual exploitation of
children. (Jenkins, 1998). A research of Carnegie Mellon Univesity (Rimm, 1995) found in the
early 1990s, that about half of all Internet content is of pornographic nature. Even though
since then, this research has been proven to be methodologically flawed, it is still regarded

Such is for example the sincerety of romantic relationships can we believe it will last?; the safety of
single women will men really protect them, or rather bring more danger?; genetic engineering what
effects do genetically modified foods have on our body and environment?; state-of-the-art technologies
is it safe to use air conditioners in the office, or on an airplane?; Internet communication is it safe, or
does it lead to the abuse of our data?
Virtual Reality

as the moral panic genesis of the Internet. The moral panic is, however, not entirely
unfounded, as with the advent of the Internet the online sex industry started to develop
explosively and still has a huge financial potential. (Wall, 2001; Casey, 2004) This created a
never-before-seen competition situation online, so that the pornography industry is forced
to make its products more extreme, just to maintain demand. This extremisation mainly
shows in the increasingly lower age of the actors. (Parti, 2010) Another element of the
pornography panic is that consumers may become immune or indifferent to traditional
pornography. The usual contents are not enough for old consumers, they always want
something new and more exciting. Also, Internet users not consuming pornography are
involuntarily faced with it online with increasing regularity which leads to a gradual
desensitisation towards extreme contents. The following table shows how the nature of
pornography has developed as a cause of the rise of the Internet.

The audience of
General opinion on
Social attitude
Before the Internet
Targeted groups:
marketeers, black market,
news agents, buyers of
erotic literature, visitors of
video rental shops
After the appearance
and spread of the
Groups are not specifically
targeted: everybody with
an Internet connection
Table: The transformation of pornography with the appearance of the Internet (Parti, 2010)
Panic also shows in legislation. The most recent examples for these are the European
Council's Convention on Cybercrime adopted on 23 November 2001 (hereinafter
Cybercrime Convention), Council Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA of 22 December 2003
on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography (hereinafter
Framework Decision), the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of children
against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse adopted on 25 October 2007 in Lanzarote

(hereinafter Lanzarote Convention), and the recommendation of the Committee on Civil
Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs to the EP (hereinafter 2009 proposal for a EP

Council of Europe Convention on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual
abuse (CETS. No. 201 25. X. 2007)
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs report with a proposal for a European
Parliament recommendation to the Council on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child
pornography (2008/2144(INI)) 26.01.2009; See also: European Parliament recommendation of 3
February 2009 to the Council on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography
(2008/2144(INI)) On 29 March 2010 the European Commission adopted a proposal for a new Directive
on combating sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. It follows up a
previous proposal tabled in 2009. The Directive, if approved, will replace the Framework Decision
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

The Cybercrime Convention, the Framework Decision and the Lanzarote Convention regard
all depictions of child sexual abuse as criminal. The objects of commission do not only
include depictions of existing minors, but realistic images representing a minor, and also
depictions of persons appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.

Despite the above, the applicable law of different countries is not unified: not only visual or
graphic depictions, but textual descriptions (Germany, see Sieber 1999), and voice
recordings (answering machines) can be an act of commission too (Switzerland, see Suter-
Zrcher, 2003). Hungary, where the act of commission of child pornography has a narrow
definition only punishes the pornographic depiction of existing minors. At the same time,
mainly in the youngest member states of the EU, such as Slovenia, Romania or Bulgaria,
there is no clearly delineated legal practice concerning the acts of commission. (Parti, 2009)
In the past years, law enforcers have become increasingly interested in virtual child sexual
abuse, the more spectacular, more interactive manifestation of the online sexual exploitation
of children. Virtual child sexual abuse, also called ageplay is a sexual service which is
probably offered by adult users to adult users. Virtual child prostitutes are available in
virtual brothels, where there are playgrounds and childrens rooms in place for the purpose.
The perpetrators, behind whom there are real adults, may enter into a sexual relationship
with virtual children with the help of action balls. The client pays for the virtual sexual
intercourse to the provider of the services (a kind of madam operating a brothel) in virtual
money. The virtual currency is quoted in the stock exchanges of the real world, and it can be
converted to real money. The fact that there are often other avatars present and watching the
virtual act, shows how popular these ageplays are.
In relation to crimes and deviances against persons in the virtual world, the underlying
question is, who and how is harmed by these acts, if the physical body is not hurt, and not
even in any danger? If we apply this question to virtual child sexual abuse, we may ask
what role does the fight against ageplay, if there is no contact crime, and even the user
posing as a child is actually an adult?
The debate is ongoing on what effect exactly the ageplay may have on the participants.
According to some, the participants act out their desires through the game, and would never
touch real children, while others say that it only promotes habituation.
(Clark & Scott,
2009) Quayle & Taylor write that the use of online images of children has several functions.
It is a means of justifying behaviour, a way of making children compliant by blackmailing
them, as trophies, or even as a form of currency for exchange with other paedophiles.
(Quayle & Taylor, 2002; Sullivan, 2007) There is no proof that behaviours practiced in the
virtual world will ever manifest in the real world. On the other hand there is no guarantee
that virtual contact really keeps participants back from committing the same in the
geographical world. The contact between the virtual and real world, however, is shown
undeniably by the fact that ageplay is not an isolated phenomenon. There are also identified
paedophile rings present in virtual communities (e.g. Boy Love Online in Second Life)
which are trading images of real children.

Art. 9 2 of the Cybercrime Convention; Art. 1 b./ of the Framework Decision, Art. 20 3 of the
Lanzarote Convention
Psychologist and psychotherapist Lutz-Ulrich Besser said about ageplay that it breaks down
inhibitions, therefore gets the person closer to an offline act, that is a contact crime. Besser believes that
ageplay is a playful preparation of the contact with a real child and the commission of an offline crime.
Virtual Reality

There are also problems surrounding the definition of child sexual abuse in practice. Neither
the Framework Decision, nor the Lanzarote Convention gives a definition of images that
visually depict children.
Member states prosecuting realistic depictions of non-existent
children could not come at an agreement so far regarding the extent to which the realistic
images should be recognisable. For example, does a hand drawing of a child qualify? To
what an extent should the children in a hand drawing be recognisable? To what an extent
should a computer-generated image be recognisable (e.g. computer animations, child
characters in computer games or avatars appearing in virtual communities)? The question
may be rephrased as where exactly do the boundaries of a virtual child lie. (Parti, 2009) A
German public prosecutor (Peter Vogt, Oberstaatsanwalt, Halle) says that if the action and
the age of the characters intended to be depicted are both clearly recognisable (e.g. in the
computer-animated world of Second Life), then a crime is committed, independent of the
virtual space and the actual age of the users behind the child-avatars. (Second Life Insider,
2007) The reason why virtual depictions are criminalised is that online and offline forms of
abuse can not be separated, since not only the depicted child, but any child can be a victim.
The necessary steps must be taken for the protection of childrens human dignity, and
against the popularisation of sexual exploitation of children. (Quayle, 2010; Williams, 2010)
From the point of view of the criminal theory, criminalisation of depictions of non-existent
children involves anticipatory criminal liability to an early endangering of goods as a means
of prevention. Anticipatory criminal liability is abstract regulation of a societal process,
hence, it is already a risk management tool, because it punishes the possible future
transformation of an act based on a weak causal interdependence. (Zavrsnik, 2007)
The Lanzarote Convention and the 2009 proposal for an EP recommendation would not
only regard the actual sexual abuse, but also its related preparatory behaviours as sui
generis criminal acts. Such behaviour is for example an online chat session with the
intention of sexual exploitation, or any other forms of contacting children online with the
aim of the childs sexual abuse.
The question is, how it can be evidenced that the child was
contacted online in preparation of an actual act of abuse offline, if the actual abuse does not
take place (at least it is not attempted). In some countries for example the United Kingdom
, Austria (2006)
and Bulgaria (2007)
such acts are punishable as sui generis
crimes. In other countries, legal regulations on online child grooming are in preparation.
(For an overview of countries see ICMEC annual reports on Child Pornography: Model
Legislation and Global Review)
There is no general legal practice as regards regulating the possession of images of child
sexual abuse. The Cybercrime Convention does give member states the opportunity to leave
the act of possession unpunished, and therefore fails to create unified conditions for the
prosecution of international child sexual abuse networks. At the same time, it is not clear

Art. 1, b./ of the Framework Decision; Art. 20 2 of the Lanzarote Convention
Art. 23 of the Lanzarote Convention
The Sexual Offences Act (2003, Section 15) introduced the punishemnt of meeting children online (not
in person, but by mobile phone, chatrooms or similar), if such happens with the intention of offline
(physical) sexual abuse. Offenders face up to 10 years of inprisonment. See online at:
16 The Austrian anti-stalking law (107a StGB) punishes grooming with inprisonment of up to one year.
See online at: http://www.internet4jurists.at/gesetze/bg_stgb01.htm#%A7_105
17 Section 155a Subsection (1) Criminal Code of the Republic of Bulgaria (State Gazette 38/2007) See
online at: http://www.legislationline.org/documents/section/criminal-codes
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

whether the temporary storage of data such as cookies, cache or temporary files directory
qualifies as a means of intentionally acquiring the depictions. A further question is, whether
the establishment of criminal liability may be technically dependent on restorability.
Acquiring and possession are also behaviours, whose criminalisation is aimed at the
prevention of an event (sexual abuse) that may occur in the future, which is, in practice, not
always causally linked to acquisition and possession. (Zavrsnik, 2010)
The Lanzarote Convention extends the scope of punishable preparatory behaviours, e.g. the
access without downloading of websites containing child sexual abusive images.
however, a question of proof arises, namely how to distinguish technically between
intentional downloading and unintentional access. At the moment, whether the perpetrator
accessed the child sexual abuse contents out of negligence or intentionally, can only be
proven with indirect evidence. Such indirect evidence may be for instance the magnitude of
further child sexual abuse images recovered from the computer of the accusee, their
classification into galleries, or whether the accusee visited websites containing child sexual
abusive material regularly or not. (Krone, 2004; 2005) By any means, a proof of intentional
access beyond any doubt is at the moment technically not feasible.

Abstract endangering delicts are very difficult to prove. While the abuse is not in at least an
attemptual phase, we can not prove the causal link to online contact. In relation to the
abstract endangering delicts, the danger of a thought police or an authoritarian state which
passes judgement over peoples activities not on the basis of actions, but thoughts, is very
real. A wide array of online surveillance technologies are available today for the control of
criminality, but only at the detriment of private life and human rights. (Wykes & Harcus,
2010) This is why the authors Wykes and Harcus remark that if governments continue this
surveillance, they themselves will become terror governments, and the countries they
govern become terror states.
In recent times, the sphere of persons or institutions that can be made liable in relation to
virtual child sexual abuse has been extended. The liability of not only those making
depictions available, but also that of the Internet service providers arises. The 2009 proposal
for an EP recommendation would regard all persons serving Internet users showing an
interest in child abuse as criminal, among them also those operating online chatrooms and
forums dealing with sexual exploitation of children. The question remains, however, which
chatrooms can be proven to be aimed at the sexual exploitation of children. Is it sufficient for
example for someone to initiate such a conversation in a chatroom and not to be expelled
from the chatroom, or will it be only chatrooms with conversations exlusively of such nature
that meet the criteria, or will there have to be such a chatroom service affiliated with a
website containing child sexual expoitation content?
In the recent years, solutions for the blocking and filtering of illegal content on the Internet
appeared one after the other. These also represent a rather controversial area of crime

Art. 20 1.f/ of the Lanzarote Convention
The Lanzarote Convention entered into force in July 2010. Countries who adopted the regulations of
the convention into their national law include Denmark, the Netherlands, Greece, and the signatories
include member states of the European Union such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom.
These states support the ideas of the Convention on symbolic legislation. For the list of ratifications and
signatories see:
Virtual Reality

prevention. (See e.g. Sieber, 2009 on the debate surrounding German Internet-blocking
efforts.) The government level control of the Internet is usually introduced under the aegis of
the fight against online child sexual abuse, but it may be based on other delicts considered to
be dangerous to the self or the public. The tools of content blocking on the Internet are not yet
really effective, and can be by-passed with basic technical skills. On the other hand, the danger
of overfiltering/overblocking is also realistic. This means that also some legal content is kept
from the Internet users which infringes on such civic liberties as the freedom of access to
information and fundamental rights such as the freedom of expression.
There are also moral, constitutional, debates, reconnaissance, and evidence difficulties
related to abstract endangering crimes committed in an online environment. If the right to
freedom of expression is a fundamental constitutional right, then on what grounds could the
expression of an opinion be restricted which does not, only may pose a direct threat? What
communication of how many users should be recorded for us to be able to prove the future
intentional commission of the crime? If it is difficult to prove the intentional nature of the
acquisition of illegal contents, than how will we prove that the attempts to groom a child
had the final aim of sexual abuse before any actual sexual abuse was attempted?
The international documents on the sexual exploitation of children clearly indicate
legislative trends. They use criminal law to prevent the possible threat preceding the
abstract threat that is the anticipatory act of the crime. Criminal law may be a quick and
simple response to a mass threat posing a great danger to certain layers of society (here
minors) and can therefore be suitable to reassure society. It is another matter, whether this
psychological tool achieves the goal of prevention in practice. Is it a necessary and
proportionate tool for the prevention of such an abstract threat, and is criminal law really
the most suitable means to reduce the threat?
The above mentioned legislative trends are influenced by the concerns communicated by
the traditional media, the need for the protection of citizens (especially children), and the
findings of scientific research. Therefore, legislation is shifting towards a detailed regulation
which carries a couple of risks. Namely, there is a trap of overregulation, casuistic decisions,
redundancy, and lack of transparency. There is also a troubling tendency of criminalising
preparatory behaviours, due to the the fact that these are difficult to prove, and it is difficult
to separate intentionality from negligence. Furthermore, due to overcriminalisation, criminal
law becomes prima ratio instead of ultima ratio. Criminal law becomes the tool of primary
reaction to milder deviances as well. This is a dangerous trend, especially if it is not coupled
with other preventive tools, as information on safe Internet-use is scarce, and even parents
are unaware of how they could prepare their children for the dangers of Internet-use.
(Michelet, 2003; Mitchell et al., 2003; Kiesler et al., 2000; Turow & Nir, 2000)
5. Actual policing in virtual reality
Since in an ideal case, criminal law is only the last resort of regulators, let us see first what
other means there are to fight harm and deviances in VR communities.
5.1 Self-regulation of virtual communities
The regulatory methods and bodies of virtual communities can be summarised as follows.
1. The community itself passes unwritten rules (informal rules: local customary law that
is written law in the making).
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

2. The community itself introduces written regulations (formal rules, such as conduct and
content guidelines, e.g. Terms of Service, End User Licence Agreement).
3. A few members of the community decide on the rules based on authority bestowed on
them by the community (case-by-case judgement, establishment and execution of
sanctions e.g. expulsion from the community).
4. Internet Service Provider (ISP): the user accepts (registration) and regards as binding to
himself the rules of the ISP when joining the community (when these rules are
breached, the ISP may suspend or block the IP-address belonging to the given account,
and in more severe cases may report to the authorities).
5. In the case of the gravest deviances (which cause great harm and are inevitably
punishable under offline legal regulations), an external authority (investigative
authority, jurisdiction) has competence on a national level.
6. Supranational level: the foundations of international cooperation are laid by
international conventions and other documents. (For a general overview see Wall, 2001)
Virtual communities regulate primarily themselves with a set of regulations created from
the bottom up (self-regulation). Self-regulation is a form of informal social control which
the members of the community practice over rule-breakers. In the early stages of virtual
worlds, the only regulator was the system administrator, who suspended or expelled
members with technical means. This rather oligarchic system of regulation did not observe
the interests of the community or the opinion of the community members, and could only
work in smaller communities, where the control through the administrator was still
effective. However, the continuous growth, democratic nature and zero-tolerance approach
towards deviances of virtual communities lead to more mature regulations. This then
resulted in the appearance of self-regulation and vigilante groups. The increasingly
widespread organised activities of vandalistic groups demand a more serious defence and
preparation from the community. One of the possible means of action against such
organised attacks can be the vigilante groups, consisting of volunteering, independent
policemen (such a vigilante group in the virtual space Cyberworlds is Peacekeepers, see
Williams, 2006). The tasks of vigilantes include the qualification of acts, sanctioning, the
temporary ejection from the world, and account suspension or ultimate cancellation. The
vigilantes sheer presence has a preventive role, and increases the sense of security in the
residents. (Crawford & Lister, 2004) If the vigilantes fail to reach their goal, the victim may
report the attack at the ISP, who will warn the attacker to put an end to his behaviour, and
suspend or block him from further participation. Users may also take action against the
attacker individually by reporting him to the service provider (by sending an abuse
If there is a more serious breach of rules, the community may vote the attacker
off from among the residents (ostracism). (Talin, 2003) Voting off from the community is
based on the principle of shaming. Shaming functions as a punishment, and relies on the
principle of conditioning which we learn at a young age. (Braithwaite, 1989) It teaches
people to tell apart good and bad, and to feel guilty, if we think we have done something
wrong. As the feeling of shame is an internal reaction (and not an external command), it has
an immediate, and therefore educational effect. (Hirschi, 1969) Braithwaite says that the

E.g. the Second Life Terms of Service says that big six transgressions, that is intolerance, harassment,
assault, disclosure (of personal information), indecency and disturbing the peace may prompt an abuse
report to Linden.
Virtual Reality

individual usually has the impulse to commit the crimes, but the stronger his ties to the
(virtual) community, the greater the restraining effect. (Braithwaite, 1989)
The system of rules of virtual communities always corresponds to the needs of residents and
is heterogenous. The governing is namely not practiced by a higher body, but the
community based on organic rules, or a by a group of residents appointed by the
community. Boellstorff calls this governance system grassroot governance. (Boellstorff,
2008) Belonging to a virtual community may already in itself have a preventive function.
The humiliation used by virtual communities may have a stronger restraining effect than the
sanctions of geographical communities, since the bonds within a virtual community, as we
have seen, may be stronger. However, community governance is also criticised.
The administrator represents his own selfish interests and not the community by setting the
rules of joining the community, and judging the breaches of rules alone (dictatorship).
(Doctorow, 2007; Chun, 2006) Vigilantes are effective in repelling systematic attacks
destructive for the community, but are less effective in fighting sporadic, ad-hoc individual
actions. The vigilantes are unable to act directly on the scene of the crime which means that
action and sanction are separated in time. (Williams, 2010) Abuse reports sent by residents
to the administrator carry the risk of another abuse, as they may contain false accusations
which may lead to a tarnished reputation, account suspension, or financial losses even if the
accusations are proven to be unfounded. If the reputation is tarnished disproportionately by
the abuse report as compared to the damage caused, the abuse report is deviant,
independent of whether it was at least partly justified or not. (Boellstorff, 2008)
Lessig says that technology is a more effective means of governance than legal regulations,
norms or even community tools. (Lessig, 1999) This is the essence of the Internet, and
regulation should also be based on this. The key to its effectiveness is that it can change the
behaviour of avatars, can stop them from continuing their subversive behaviour, can be
easily adjusted to the communitys needs, can be a means of prevention and more than just
a response to deviances (e.g. if the platform developer does not make certain behaviours
possible). As it is automated, it is an invisible means of control, and does not give residents
the feeling of being constantly watched and controlled. (Williams, 2006) Besides that, only
technology makes immediate response possible. Lessigs main argument, however, is that
technology does not rely on individual judgement, and there are no abuses of power.
Technology is the most effective means of regulation, since it is liberal, equal and can be
developed. Some critics say however, that even technical regulation can not be objective, as
the systems crack-proofness always depends on the creativity of the code writers. Therefore
technical design is also permeated by subjectivity. (Hosein et al., 2003)
5.2 Formal control of virtual communities police presence
Eventhough there are only guesses as to the nature of threats, and estimates for their
volume, and the criminal law assessment of preparatory acts is much debated, the presence
of the police forces in VR communities is very real. While virtual communities solve the
problem of crime prevention with their own internal control (informal control),
geographical authorities carry out their criminal prosecution and preventive activities in a
form approved by the state (formal control).
The presence of police organs in virtual communities on the one hand can raise the sense of
security in virtual citizens, and on the other it is suitable for the surveillance of the life of
virtual alteregos, and thereby for the discovery of crimes in an early stage through covert
investigative measures.
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

Several countries maintain a police unit in virtual communities. One of the biggest both in
terms of scope of action and the number of cooperating partners, is the London-based Child
Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)
which also carries out investigations in
online environments to uncover child sexual abuse. CEOP cooperates with several police
units and foreign police forces in the UK and abroad, because transnational crimes
committed on the Internet demand international cooperation. CEOP has a central role in
receiving and forwarding information. CEOP has the responsibility in the UK for receiving
intelligence and information from overseas on child sexual abuse crimes. CEOPs
Intelligence Faculty analyses and develops the material that they receive from other
organisations and forwards details of individual suspects to local police forces, who in turn
initiate their own investigations. CEOPs officers are technically the officers of the Serious
Organized Crime Agency (SOCA). SOCA also has a Paedophilia Unit, but CEOP is an
independent coordinator of online investigations into paedophilia cases.
CEOP does not only act as an investigative authority, but also makes considerable efforts in
the fields of primary prevention, and informing the population about threats
. It also
maintains a reporting centre, and keeps the knowledge of experts up-to-date with
continuous trainings.
Other countries police authorities are not directly present in virtual communities, that is
they do not monitor communities directly, but may initiate criminal proceedings, if they
acquire information on crimes committed in a virtual space. The German investigative
television channel ReportMainz looked into the child sexual abuse scandal around Second
Life. They found that the German Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt) was
informed by CEOP in early 2007 that in the virtual world of Second Life sexual services of
child avatars are sold at brothels (that is children are forced into prostitution). There were
German citizens among the offenders, who accessed the virtual community through
German servers. The detectives of the Federal Criminal Police Office entered the virtual
community, and together with the undercover detectives of CEOP uncovered the criminal
ring. (Report Mainz, 2007; see also CEOP Center film, 2009) The administrator of Second
Life, Linden Lab agrees to cooperation with investigative authorities, but the users
statement accepted when entering also stipulates that no acts may be committed in Second
Life that would constitute crimes in the geographical world, and they expressly refer to the
ban on abuse against children. What is more, they also ask users to report any such abuse
they encounter to the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC).
They have also announced that they intend to develop a system that would prevent such
abuse. How they would do it, remains a question.
The government bodies and the military of the US are also present in Second Life, where
they possess islands. (Au, 2005) With the spread of the trade with virtual goods, there has
been an extension of state power to virtual communities in recent times. The European
Union levied a tax on its citizens who are residents in Second Life, and have an account in
the virtual world. The residents pay tax after real and movable estate that they directly buy
from the developer of the platform, Linden Lab.
The US Congress discussed a possible tax

CEOP also maintains a website, http://www.ceop.gov.uk
For CEOPs awareness-raising campaign see http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Anything that a resident pays for to Linden Lab has VAT added. This includes premium account
registration, purchases from the Land Store, land use fees (tier), Private Region fees, land auctions,
LindeX transaction fees. (WikiSecondlife on VAT, 2010)
Virtual Reality

on Second Life residents after their income and property there, and also a possible
intervention of the US authorities in the regulation of contents. (NeoWin, 2009) Boellstorff
believes that this is bound to be the most debated issue in relation to VR communities in the
Eventhough most police organs are not directly present in virtual communities, they are
carrying out investigations in relation to crimes in virtual worlds within the framework of
international cooperation. Therefore Europol, the police cooperation organisation of the
European Union, and the coordinator of international cooperation, Eurojust both have a
significant role in uncovering crimes committed online. (See for example Operation Koala:
CEOP press release, 2007)
5.3 Outsourcing of formal control
In recent times, there is a visible trend for state crime prevention activities (formal control)
to be outsourced. More and more, the states crime prevention role is taken over by NGOs,
and the police also involve NGOs in their criminal prosecution activities (thereby
strengthening informal control).
The reason for the outsourcing of state criminal prosecution activities is on the one hand the
continuous specialisation of technical skills related to the Internet, and on the other the
decentralisation of the state. (Yar, 2010) The concept of the traditional economic and social
welfare state failed in the second half of the 20
century. The state is trying to perform these
tasks traditionally in its own sphere of responsibility in that it hires NGOs for the purpose.
Such tasks include containing crime, and also prevention. The decentralisation of the state is
based on a neoliberal philosophy which gradually liberalises and deregulates markets, and
privatises the public sphere. This has the advantage that costs are shared among those in
charge of different tasks, and it also frees public agencies such as the police force from
the burden of responsibility and the tasks in the ever expanding field of crime prevention.
The growing rate of privatisation of the control of online crimes and its acquisition of
economic players is a result of this neoliberal process. It was high time, as the police are not
achieving any apparent results in the field of investigations into and the procesution of
Internet crime against significant financial investments. (Wall, 2001)
Decentralisation not only shows in the outsourcing of criminal prosecution, but also that of
crime prevention activities. The moral panic that the state made good use of and in certain
cases artificially generated to shape the self-protection mechanisms of citizens has backfired.
Citizens fear of crime has become irrational. Fredi even speaks of a fear of fear itself
(Fredi, 1997) which manifests in that citizens are overly afraid, and even panic when it
comes to crimes, irrespective of whether there is an actual threat. (Wall, 2010) This is also
mentioned in Garlands crime complex, where he says that we expect crime on a large scale,
and go into a state of shock if we do not encounter it. (Garland, 2001) The fulfilment of crime
prevention tasks awareness raising, crime and subcrime reporting, victim assisting is
transferred more and more to user communities. User communities are self-regulating
communities, hence they decide themselves what needs protecting and how, and what the
means of protection should be.
According to Yars classification, there are criminal prosecution organs participating in the
regulation of the Internet which belong to the non-governmental area. On the other hand,
commercial players carrying out profit-oriented policing activities have a great role to play
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

in regulation. (Yar, 2010) Such is for example the awareness-raising activity of software
manufacturers, or their contribution to containing online crime. An example for this is the
Child Exploitation Tracking System (CETS) developed by Microsoft Corporations in 2005 for
the tracking of online child sexual abuse offenders. The application based on Microsofts
technology is used by investigative authorities across the world to track the online
movements of suspected offenders and to collect evidence without accidentally performing
the same work twice.
This example shows well that external players are needed in criminal
prosecution not only due to the growing number of tasks, and the insufficiency of state
competencies, but also rapid technical development. The more the investigative authorities
are unable to keep pace with technical development, the greater and more important the
role of business organisations in the field of criminal prosecution.
For investigations in virtual worlds, the cooperation of the platform operator or the Internet
service provider with investigative authorities is very often necessary for technical reasons.
The platform operator, who is actually the system administrator, is the lord over virtual
worlds. He has the log-in and other personal data of the suspected offender, without which
the investigative authorities could never track down the offenders. (In the case of Second
Life, Linden Lab cooperates with the authorities of the geographical world in reconnaisance
activities. They establish who are behind the avatars committing crimes in the sense of
geographical law, and put the user accounts at the disposal of investigative authorities.) A
good example for the cooperation of Internet service providers is the application of solutions
developed for the filtering and blocking of illegal and harmful online content. (Sieber &
Nolde, 2008; Tous, 2009) Governments have the option of several different solutions for
filtering illegal or harmful content. All of them are based on the principle that the main ISPs
active in the given country should filter the content passing through their servers based on
certain considerations, so that these do not get to the users. ISPs however also have an
obligation to report to investigative authorities if they encounter illegal content. The
Cybercrime Convention and the Data Retention Directive of the European Union prescribe a
similar obligation for the ISPs in relation to the storage and forwarding to the investigative
authority of traffic data.
Service provider cooperation plays an important part in each
document, as data from ISPs serve as evidence in criminal proceedings.
The need for the private regulation of the Internet is natural. It is the interest of users and
user communities to protect what they consider valuable and threatened, independent of
priorities defined by the state. (For more on top-down initiative and consensus based
processes see Castells, 2002) Several such citizens initiatives of crime prevention developed
in relation to the fight against online child abuse. Such is for example Internet Watch
Foundation (IWF)
which was established in 1996 in the United Kingdom. IWF is a self-
regulating system consisting of the representatives of content providers and
telecommunication companies. Its method is the monitoring of online content. They are

For more see: http://www.microsoft.com/industry/publicsector/government/cetsnews.mspx
Directive 2006/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on the
retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available
electronic communications services or of public communications and the modification of directive
2002/58/EC (Data Retention Directive) (OJ L 105/54-63)
IWF: http://www.iwf.org.uk
Virtual Reality

primarily fighting online child abuse, hate speech and racist content, and maintain a hotline
for reports by the public. They compile a blacklist of non-desirable contents which several
ISPs have adopted, and on the basis of which they remove content. Working To Halt Online
Abuse (WHOA)
is a similar initiative started in 1997, and fighting against Internet
harassment and assault. The International Association of Internet Hotlines (INHOPE)
established in 1999, and defines and unifies the description of illegal and harmful online
content, maintains reporting hotlines in 42 countries around the world, and also provides
the public with advice adjusted to local conditions (helpline and awareness raising) on safe
surfing. The organisation Cyberangels, mainly involved in awareness raising, was
established in 1995, based on the example of Guardian Angels started in the US to fight
street crime.
Cyberangels draws attention to the latest online crime trends, offers
protection solutions to users in the case of online stalking, helps avoid identity theft and
maintain online privacy. The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP)
a certification association of pornographic websites registered in the US, and has been
watching over the legality and compliance of pornographic content using the labelling
technology since 1996. This organisation also has a hotline to promote the legal awareness of
The investigative authorities also cooperate with several service providers of online
platforms to detect crimes. A recent example to this is a statement made by Facebook in July
2010 that they would add a Facebook Panic Button to the website. Facebook already allows
its users to report online attacks against them, but the Panic Button would expressly be
dedicated to reporting child sex abuse. The user would be able to send his report directly to
CEOP by klicking the Panic Button. (CEOP press release, 2010) Besides child protection,
there are a number of non-governmental organisations working in other fields, such as the
freedom of speech and expression, privacy protection, and the free movement of
A virtual community is ideally regulated and governed from within, by itself (informal
control). Formal (geographical) control is for many reasons not desirable. If the state once
starts to restrict the freedom of speech first only for reasons of fighting illegal and harmful
content , there is no guarantee that the restriction of civic liberties will stop at that. The
states demand for exerting criminal law clashes with civic liberties.
Virtual communities have grassroot governance, and no external, formal control fits into
this system either from a technical, or a social structure point of view. Formal control has an
effect that evolves towards the restriction of members rights and is disruptive of the
community. The rules of geographical authorities do not fit into the decentralised system of
virtual communities. The Internet is transnational, and its nature does not allow any
independent power to impose dedicated rules on it. What is more, the assessment of
contents can be different in different jurisdictions, but the Internet does not distinguish
between users on the grounds of their nationality, or what geographical law is applicable to
any given user. (Williams, 2010; Boyle, 1997)

WHOA: http://www.haltabuse.org/
INHOPE: https://www.inhope.org/
Cyberangels: http://www.cyberangels.org/security/index.php
ASACP: http://www.asacp.org/
Actual Policing in Virtual Reality A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

There may be concerns in relation to the activities of external, non-police organisations that
they represent their own interests better, than those of the community. So for example
manufacturers of content filter software have less interest in protecting consumers than in
generating profit, and responding to the requirements of the marketplace. (Yar calls this
democratic deficit: Yar, 2010)
6. Conclusion
In the 1990s, computer-mediated communication was judged without empirical research.
But even today, we know relatively little about crimes and deviance occuring in the virtual
world. (Williams, 2010)
Virtual worlds are not merely copies of the geographical world. Actual world computers
and flesh and blood bodies are needed for their existence, and they possess a lot of elements
of actual society. Through technology, residents can recreate their world in a way that
nobody today can predict, since it is the first time in history this is happening. (Boellstorff,
There is need for research on the validity of criminological theories online (Williams, 2006)
and how these communities could be regulated more effectively. Further concepts should be
elaborated on what combination of formal, informal and technical control can effectively
curb and give a response to offences.
Moral panic which only intensifies with the development of online communities, has an
effect both on the degree of detail of legislation and the intensity of police intervention. The
action of the authorities of the geographical world is absolutely necessary in relation to the
gravest and most widespread acts. However, imposing rules on the communities is mainly
the task of the comminities themselves. The decentralised technical structures of the Internet
do not make it possible for an external entity to shape the rules to be followed. Attempts
should be appreciated of course, and the states efforts to exert criminal law are also
understandable, as their aim is the protection of national security and the citizens. We
should, however, concentrate on three important expectations.
The first one is that legal regulations should be transparent and easy to follow. In virtual
communities, some activities are not realised as in real space, and the harm or actual threat
they pose are not direct counterparts of geographical harms and threats, for which reason
the prosecution of these acts in the virtual world is questionnable.
The second requirement is that criminal law should remain in its traditional role as ultima
ratio. Criminal law should not be the primary means to curb virtual deviances. Legal
regulations should be supplemented with preventive measures at government level, such as
for example raising awareness of threats, school education, and public information
The third very important criterion is adjusting the approach of law enforcement to the
virtual space. This does not only mean the continuous technical training of law enforcement
officers, but also the learning of an analytical approach which would help law enforcement
understand the events of virtual communities, namely who does what and why in the
virtual world. Knowledge of the virtual community teaches us to identify in what situations
there is a real threat, and identify the preparatory behaviours of actual cimes. We should
however also remember that correlation between events does not equal causality.
Virtual Reality

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