HTML Cheatsheet

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XHTML Cheat Sheet v. 1.

%attrs BLOCK ELEMENTS deprecated
%coreattrs elements
address information on author %attrs
%i18n applet
%events blockquote long quotation %attrs, cite center
div generic container (block) %attrs, align* menu
id dl definition list %attrs, compact* basefont
class font
style fieldset form control group %attrs isindex
title form interactive form %attrs, action, method, enctype, accept, s
name*, onsubmit, onreset, accept-charset, strike
%i18n target* u
lang h1-h6 six levels of headings %attrs, align* entities
dir " "
hr horizontal rule %attrs, align*, size*, width*, noshade*
& &
%ev ents noframes* alternate content for non %attrs < &lt;
onclick frame-based rendering > &gt;
ondblclick ' &apos;
noscript content when scripts disabled %attrs
onmouseup ol ordered list %attrs, type*, start*, compact* (space) &nbsp;
onmouseover ¡ &iexcl;
p paragraph %attrs, align* ¢ &cent;
onmouseout pre preformatted text %attrs, width* £ &pound;
onkeypress ¤ &curren;
onkeydown ul unordered list %attrs, type*, compact* ¥ &yen;
onkeyup ¦ &brvbar;
§ &sect;
%focus a anchor (or link) %attrs, charset, type, name, rel, rev, href, ¨ &uml;
accesskey hreflang, target*, shape, coords, %focus © &copy;
tabindex ª &ordf;
abbr abbreviation %attrs
onfocus « &laquo;
onblur acronym acronym (UNO, NATO,...) %attrs ¬ &not;
- (cond.) &shy;
b bold text %attrs ® &reg;
input types
text bdo I18N BiDi over-ride %coreattrs, %events, xml:lang, lang, dir ¯ &macr;
password ° &deg;
checkbox big large font %attrs ± &plusmn;
radio ¹ &sup1;
br forced line break %coreattrs, clear*
submit ² &sup2;
image button push button %attrs, name, value, type, disabled, %focus ³ &sup3;
reset ´ &acute;
cite citation or reference %attrs
button µ &micro;
hidden code computer code %attrs ¶ &para;
file · &middot;
dfn definition %attrs ¸ &cedil;
link types em emphasis %attrs º &ordm;
(rel, rev ) » &raquo;
alternate i italic text %attrs ¼ &frac14;
stylesheet ½ &frac12;
iframe* inline subwindow %coreattrs, londesc, name, src, frameborder,
start ¾ &frac34;
marginwidth, marginheight, scrolling, align*,
next ¿ &iquest;
height, width
prev À &Agrave;
contents img embedded image %attrs, src, alt, longdesc, name, height, Á &Aacute;
index width, usemap, ismap, align*, border*, Â &Acirc;
glossary hspace*, vspace* Ã &Atilde;
copyright Ä &Auml;
input form control %attrs, type, name, value, checked, disabled,
chapter Å &Aring;
readonly, size, maxlength, src, alt, ismap,
section Æ &AElig;
usemap, onselect, onchange, accept, %focus,
subsection Ç &C cedil;
appendix È &Egrave;
help kbd text to be entered by the user %attrs É &Eacute;
bookmark Ê &Ecirc;
label form field label text %attrs, for, accesskey, onfocus, onblur Ë &Euml;
media descriptors map client-side image map %i18n, %events, id, class, style, title, name Ì &Igrave;
screen Í &Iacute;
tty object generic embedded object %attrs, declare, classid, codebase, data, type, Î &Icirc;
tv codetype, archive, standby, height, width, Ï &Iuml;
projection usemap, name, tabindex, align*, border*, Ð &ETH;
handheld hspace*, vspace* Ñ &Ntilde;
print q short inline quotation %attrs, cite Ò &Ograve;
braille Ó &Oacute;
aural samp sample output from scripts %attrs Ô &Ocirc;
all Õ &Otilde;
select option selector %attrs, name, size, multiple, disabled,
Ö &Ouml;
tabindex, onfocus, onblur, onchange
&times; × small small font %attrs ⊆ &sube;
&Oslash; Ø ⊇ &supe;
span generic container (inline) %attrs
&Ugrave; Ù ⊕ &oplus;
&Uacute; Ú strong indicates stronger emphasis %attrs ⊗ &otimes;
&Ucirc; Û ⊥ &perp;
&Uuml; Ü sub subscript %attrs ⋅ &sdot;
&Yacute; Ý sup superscript %attrs ◊ &loz;
&szlig; ß textarea multi-line text field %attrs, name, rows, cols, disabled, readonly, ⌈ &lceil;
&agrave; à onselect, onchange, %focus ⌉ &rceil;
&aacute; á ⌊ &lfloor;
tt teletype or monospaced text %attrs
&acirc; â ⌋ &rfloor;
&atilde; ã var instance of a variable or %attrs 〈 &lang;
&auml; ä program argument 〉 &rang;
&aring; å
&aelig; æ ← &larr;
&ccedil; ç caption table caption %attrs, align* ↑ &uarr;
&egrave; è → &rarr;
&eacute; é col table column %attrs, span, width, valign, align, char, charoff
↓ &darr;
&ecirc; ê colgroup table column group %attrs, span, width, valign, align, char, charoff ↔ &harr;
&euml; ë ↵ &crarr;
&igrave; ì table table element (block) %attrs, summary, width, border, frame, rules, ⇐ &lArr;
&iacute; í cellspacing, cellpadding, align*, bgcolor*  &uArr;
&icirc; î tbody table body %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign ⇒ &rArr;
&iuml; ï  &dArr;
&eth; ð td table data cell %attrs, abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan, ⇔ &hArr;
&ntilde; ñ colspan, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor*,
&ograve; ò nowrap*, width*, height* • &bull;
&oacute; ó ′ &prime;
tfoot table footer %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign
&ocirc; ô ‾ &oline;
&otilde; õ th table header cell %attrs, abbr, axis, headers, scope, rowspan, ⁄ &frasl;
&ouml; ö colspan, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor*, ℘ &weierp;
&divide; ÷ nowrap*, width*, height* ℑ &image;
&oslash; ø ℜ &real;
&ugrave; ù thead table header %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign
™ &trade;
&uacute; ú tr table row %attrs, align, char, charoff, valign, bgcolor* € &euro;
&ucirc; û ℵ &alefsym;
♠ &spades;
&yacute; ý area image map area %attrs, shape, coords, href, nohref, alt, ♣ &clubs;
&thorn; þ target*, %focus ♥ &hearts;
&yuml; ÿ ♦ &diams;
base document base URI href, id, target*
&forall; ∀ &ensp;
body document body %attrs, onload, onunload, background*,
&part; ∂ &emsp;
bgcolor*, text*, link*, vlink*, alink*
&exist; ∃ &thinsp;
&empty; ∅ dd definition description %attrs &zwnj;
&nabla; ∇ &zwj;
&isin; ∈ del deleted text %attrs, cite, datetime
&notin; ∉ dt definition term %attrs &rlm;
&ni; ∋ – &ndash;
&prod; ∏ frame subwindow %coreattrs, longdesc, name, src, frameborder,
— &mdash;
&sum; ∑ marginwidth, marginheight, noresize, scrolling
‘ &lsquo;
&minus; − frameset window subdivision %coreattrs, rows, cols, onload, onunload ’ &rsquo;
&lowast; ∗ ‚ &sbquo;
&radic; √ head document head %i18n, id, profile “ &ldquo;
&prop; ∝ ” &rdquo;
html root element xmlns="", id,
&infin; ∞ „ &bdquo;
%i18n, version*
&ang; ∡ † &dagger;
&and; ∧ ins inserted text %attrs, cite, datetime ‡ &Dagger;
&or; ∨ … &hellip;
legend fieldset legend %attrs, accesskey, align*
&cap; ∩ ‰ &permil;
&cup; ∪ li list item %attrs, type*, value* ‹ &lsaquo;
&int; ∫ › &rsaquo;
&there4; .˙. link media-independent link %attrs, charset, href, hreflang, type, rel, rev,
&sim; ~ media, target*
&cong; ≅ meta generic metainformation %i18n, id, http-equiv, name, content, scheme
&asymp; ≈ * deprec ated or
&ne; ≠ optgroup option group %attrs, disabled, label not allowed in
&equiv; ≡ Stric t DT D if
option selectable choice %attrs, selected, disabled, label, value
&le; ≤ allowed in
param named property value id, name, value, valuetype, type T rans itional DT D
&ge; ≥
&sub; ⊂ script script statements id, charset, type, src, defer, language* fixed value
&sup; ⊃
&nsub; ⊄ style style info %i18n, id, type, media, title attribute required
title document title %i18n, id
boolean attribute
or empty element
© Florian Schmitz 2005 (comments to [email protected])

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