Spectrum Knowledge

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Spectrum of Knowledge


Key to the Art of Living

Complete Works of
Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

(Samagra V³ngmaya)
A Brief Resume
Spectrum of Knowledge


Second Edition

Price : Rs. 70/-

Published by :
Yug Nirman Yojna,
Mathura, U.P. (India), 281 003
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Spectrum of Knowledge


he life of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya reflects the nitid glow
of divinity indwelling in the eternal origin of spirituality. His
personality was a harmonious conjugation of a devoted saint,
spiritual scientist, yogi, eminent scholar and visionary. His
contributions in the freedom movement of India and in social
reformation from the religious platform stand as the monuments of
dedication to truth, love and justice.

His enlightened wisdom and spirituality had a reach into the deepest
depth of human mind. He had felt the pains of humanity through
heart. He could therefore identify the root cause of the ailing state of
the world today as the crisis of faith, people's ignorance of the
powers of the inner self, and the lack of righteous attitude.

Realising the potential of literature and its relevance in the present

era of intellectual evolution, he had chosen writing as the principal
mode towards uprooting the vices and illusions of human mind and
simultaneously awakening its pure intellect, hidden strength and
spiritual radiance. His distinct qualities as eloquent writer and
inspiring orator had helped natural expansion of his noble mission
of ethical, intellectual and social reformation and elevation with
viable impact.

Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya wrote a record number of over 2700

books in Hindi on almost all aspects of human life. This covered
wide-ranging topics pertaining to in-depth analysis of Spirituality,
Psychology and Religion in scientific light; Yoga, as an Art of Living;
Foundational Elements of Indian Culture; Science and Philosophy of
G³yatrº and Yagya; the Science of Tantra and Mantra; Evolution of
vital energy; Activation of extrasensory power centres in the
endocrine system; Unconscious and Superconscious domains of
Mind; Total Psychology; Power of Intrinsic Faith and Sentiments…;
Science of Entertainment; Total Health, Bioelectricity and
Biomagnetism, Ancient and Modern Sciences of Alternative
Medicine; Education and Initiation of True Knowledge; Absolute
Spectrum of Knowledge

Education in the Laboratory of Life; Personality Development and

Refinement of Talents; Self-reliant education; Viable Economics
linked with Welfare and Progress; Agriculture and Non
conventional sources of energy; Reinvestigation of scriptures with
modern perspectives; Vedic sciences of Astrology and Astronomy;
Moral, Cultural and Social revolutions; Ascent of Women in the 21st
Century; Origin and expansion of divine culture for new world
order; Future of the world in the next millennium and beyond;

Some erudite reviewers opine that the perception, conception and

realisation of different dimensions of Science, Philosophy, Religion
and Spirituality are expressed most vividly in Gurudev Shriram
Sharma's literature. The depth and expansion of his knowledge
seem to have a natural coherence with every impulse of human mind
and the subliminal cores of sentiments charged with divine force.….

This book by Prof. Rajani Joshi, is an attempt to present a brief

introduction to his monumental works published in "Pandit Shriram
Sharma Acharya Vangmaya" series of 108 volumes. Although it is
difficult to preserve the soul-intimacy and lucidity of the original in
the translations, it is hoped that the glimpses of the Vangmaya
volumes given here would guide the minds and hearts of the readers
to what they were looking for in their quest for completeness and
would also provide a key to the art of living a fulfilling life.

Pranav Pandya

Dr. Pranav Pandya, MD

Chancellor, Dev Sanskriti University, Hardwar
Director, Brahmvarchas Centre, Shantikunj, Hardwar
Spectrum of Knowledge

(Yug DraÌht³ K³ Jºvan Darïan ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


(Jºvana Devat³ Kº S³dhan³ Ar³dhan³). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


(Up³san³ Samarpana Yoga) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


(S³dhan³ Paddhatiyon K³ Gy³na - Vigy³na ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

( S³dhan³ Se Siddhi - 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

(S³dhan³ Se Siddhi - 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48


(Prasupti Se J³grati Kº Or) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52


(Iïhwara Kauna Hai, Kah³n Hai, Kaisa Hai ?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58


(G³yatrº Mah³ vidy³ K³ Tatva Darïhan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


(G³yatrº S³dhan³ K³ Gahan Vivechana) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67


(G³yatrº S³dhan³ Ke Pratyakïa Chamatk³r). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Spectrum of Knowledge


(G³yatrº Ki Dainik Evam ViïiÌtha AnuÌth³n Paraka S³dhan³yen) . . . 75


(G³yatrº Kº Pancha Ko̺ S³dhan³ Evam Uplabdhiy³n).. 80


(G³yatrº S³dhan³ Kº Vaigy³nika PraÌthabh¿mi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84


(S³vitrº, KuñÃalini Evam Tantra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88


(Maranottara Jivana - Tathya Evam Satya) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94


(Pr³ña Ïhakti: Eka Divya Vibh¿ti) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99


(Chamatk³rº ViïeÌat³on Se Bhar³ M³navº MastiÌka)..103


(Ïabda Brahm - N³da Brahm). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107


(Vyaktitva Vik³sa Hetu Uccha Starºya S³dhan³yen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112


(Aparimita Sambh³van³on K³ Âdh³ra M³navºya Vayktitva) . . . . . . 116


(Chetana, Achetana Evam Supara Chetana Mana) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Spectrum of Knowledge


(Vigy³na Aur Âdhy³tma, Paraspara P¿raka) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124


(BhaviÌya K³ Dharma -Vaigyanika Dharma) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128


(Yagya K³ Gy³n aur Vigy³na) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131


(Yajna - Eka Samagra Upch³ra Prakriy³) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135


(Yug Parivartan : Kaise Aur Kaba?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139


(S¿kïmºkaraña Evam Ujjawala BhaviÌya K³ Avataraña-) . . . . . . . . . 144


(S¿kïmºkaraña Evam Ujjawala BhaviÌya K³ Avataraña-2) . . . . . . . . 148


(Mary³da Pur¿shottama R³ma) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153


(Sanskrati - Sanjºvani: Shrimadbh³gawat Evam Gºt³) . . . . . . . . . . . . 157


(R³m³yaña Kº Pragatiïºla Prerañ³yen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162


(ÏodaÌa Sansk³ra Vivechana) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166


(Bh³ratºya Sanskrati Ke Âdh³rabh¿ta Tatva). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Spectrum of Knowledge


(Samasta Viïva Ko Bh³rata Ke Ajastra Anud³na) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179


(Dharma Chakra Pravartan Evam Lokam³nas K³ Ïikïaña) . . . . . . 184


(Tirtha Sevan : Kyon Aur Kaise ? ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190


(PragyopaniÌada) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196


(Niroga Jºvan Ke Mahatvap¿rña S¿tra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202


(Chikits³ Upach³ra Ke Vividha Ây³ma) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
(Jºvem Ïardah Ïatam) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212


(Chira Yauvan Evam ϳïwata Saundarya) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218


(Hamarº Sanskrati Itih³sa Ke Kºrti Stambha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223


(Mara Kar Bhº Amara Ho Gaye Jo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229


(S³nskratik Chetan³ Ke Unn³yaka: Sev³ Dharma Ke Up³saka). . . . .232


(Bhavya Sam³ja K³ Abhinava Nirm³ña) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Spectrum of Knowledge


(Yatra N³ryastu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devat³) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243


(Sam³ja K³ Merudanda Saïakta Pariv³ra Tantra). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249


(Ïikï³ Evam Vidy³) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257


(Mah³puruÌon Ke Avismarñºya Jºvan Prasanga - I). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261


(Mah³puruÌon Ke Avismarñºya Jºvan Prasanga - II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265


(Viïwa Vasundhar³ Jinakº Sadaiva Riñº Rahegº) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279


(Dharma Tatva K³ Darïan Aur Marma). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274


(ManuÌhya Me Devatva K³ Udaya) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279


(Draïya Jagata Kº Adraïya Paheliy³n). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284


(Iïwara Viïw³sa Aur Usaki Falïrutiy³n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288


(Manasvit³, Prakharat³ Aur Tejasvit³). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292


(AtmotkarÌa K³ Âdh³ra - Gy³na). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297


(Pratig³mit³ K³ Kuchakra Aaise Tuteg³). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Spectrum of Knowledge


(Viv³honm³da: Samasy³ Aur Sam³dh³na) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306

(Grahastha : Eka Tapovana) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311


(Ikkºsavºn Sadº: N³rº Sadº). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315


(Ham³rº Bh³vº PºÃhº Aur Usak³ Nava Nirm³ña) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320


(R³Ìtra Samartha Aur Saïakta Kaise Bane?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326


(S³m³jika, Naitika Evam Bauddhika Kr³nti Kaise?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332


(Yuga Nirm³ña Yojan³ - Darïana Swarupa Va K³ryakrama) . . . . . . 338


(Prerñ³prada DraÌt³nta). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343


(Pujyavara Kº Amratav³ñº - I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347


(Vich³ra S³ra Evam S¿ktiy³n - I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352


(Vich³ra S³ra Evam S¿ktiy³n - II) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Spectrum of Knowledge


(Yug DraÌt³ K³ Jºvan Darïan)

andit Shriram Sharma Acharya was a rishi of the present age
whose heart pulsated with divine love for all. Every moment of
his life was devoted to the welfare of people and refinement of
the moral and cultural environment of life. He also pioneered
renaissance of spirituality and creative integration of modern and
ancient sciences and religion -- in a manner, most relevant and
necessary in the present circumstances of human life.

His writings carry the force of his enlightened inner self and have the
power to let his thoughts reach deep into the minds and hearts of the
readers. Each of his books is a milestone, a guiding pillar in the
corresponding discipline of knowledge. His eloquence, logical
arguments, authentic references, illustrations and experiences, and
comprehensive discussions intimately engaging the readers'
psychology are indeed remarkable. Perhaps this is the reason why
his literature has been well received by people from all walks of life
possessing different intellectual and psychological backgrounds.
His literature also serves as an effective means of collective

Be that the decipheration of the esoteric aspects of the subtle science

of KuñÃalinº Yoga and Ïaktip³ta, ….etc; research directions on
brain and consciousness…etc, discussions on child psychology and
family institutions etc; or, information on healthy food and modes of
cheerfulness in routine life…, etc, Acharya Sharma's spontaneity
and lucidity make every topic interesting and comprehensible.
There is no place for illusion or misconception in his perspicuous
analysis and guidance. His oral deliberations too manifest similar
perfection of eloquence. The simplicity of language in his orations
and his ability to set an enlive linkage with the audience has a

Spectrum of Knowledge

hypnotizing effect on the listener's mind. The spiritual charge and

integrity of his character, consonance of his words with his deeds
and purity of his sentiments add to the motivating power of his pen
and voice.

The Vangmaya series of 108 volumes is an attempt to present a

compilation of his unique contributions to different disciplines of
knowledge -- through his writings and discourses, encompassing
almost every dimension of human life and guiding righteous path of
prosperity and progress with peace and happiness for all….. The
volumes also give details on the reformative and constructive
activities and achievements of his noble mission. Adept knowledge
for refinement of the personal, professional, familial and social
spheres of our lives and gradual escalation of virtuous tendencies
and talents is available here with immense guidance and

The first volume sketches the life of Acharya Sharma. It gives us the
rare opportunity to sharing his experiences in the great Himalayas,
experiences of his spiritual endeavors, his devotion, his encounters
with the ups and downs and ever-new challenges of an austere and
duty-bond married life dedicated to social welfare…. Above all, the
volume would allow us to share with him, his serene love and
compassion for all beings…., which grew and expanded with every
breath of his pious life. This volume also introduces the subject
matter, focus and scope of the successive volumes of the Vangmaya

Gurudev Shriram Sharma was born on 20th September 1911 in

Anvalkheda, Agra district in India. He scrupulously carried out the
biddings of his Guru, a great Himalayan yogi, since he was 15 years
old. He had lived in arduous places in the Himalayas several times
for varied duration of time ranging from few days to several years
(vols. 1 and 93).

Spectrum of Knowledge

Science and Philosophy of Gayatri Mantra, Meditation, Yoga and

Sadhanas of Spiritual Transmutation of Personality:

Acharya Sharma was a great devotee of G³yatrº. He had successfully

practiced and mastered the highest kinds of s³dhan³s (spiritual
endeavors) of G³yatrº, S³vitrº and KuñÃalini. He had completed 24
mah³purashcharañas of G³yatrº meditation with ascetic
disciplines while also sincerely transacting his familial, social and
national responsibilities. There is no parallel to this kind of s³dhan³
ever performed by any one on this earth. He deciphered absolute
knowledge of the philosophy and science of the G³yatrº Mantra and
hence that of the entire gamut of yoga and spirituality. He
propagated this knowledge for the enlightenment of people across
the globe without any discrimination of religion, caste, creed, sex, or
social status.

Acharya Sharma had also pioneered experiments on simple

s³dhan³s, which could be easily pursued by the people today. He
had guided spiritual and intellectual refinement of millions of people
by initiating such s³dhan³s of G³yatrº. The nectar extracted by him
from the gigantic ocean of the knowledge of G³yatrº Mantra and the
yoga s³dhan³s associated with it is presented in the volume nos. 4-6
and 9-15 of the Vangmaya series. These volumes also present the
'occult' or 'latent' treasure of knowledge on - the s³dhan³s of
sublimation of the five levels (sheaths) of consciousness and divine
attainments through G³yatrº s³dhan³; the S³vitrº-s³dhan³ of
G³yatrº and transmutation of the serpentine power (KuñÃalini);
Scientific basis of s³dhan³s, ….., etc. The myths and realities of
supernormal attainments through G³yatrº s³dhan³ - are also
thoroughly analyzed by him in these volumes. Authentic
experiences of thousands of people are presented to illustrate how
G³yatrº S³dhan³ illuminates the worldly, mental and spiritual
domains of life and initiates righteous progress. The intensive
reviews and experiences cited here include those of erudite scholars,
great personalities and noted talents of different ages from different
parts of the world.
Spectrum of Knowledge

The above volumes would serve as eminent source of guidance for

all aspirants of spiritual attainments through G³yatrº meditation
and for the scholars of vedik mantras and ancient sciences. These
volumes also highlight the special training programmes of
elementary and higher level G³yatrº s³dhan³s, spiritual refinement
and personality development offered in the spiritually charged
center of the Gayatri Pariwar mission at Shantikunj, Hardwar

Mantraa and Music Subtler Dimensions of Sound:

The science of music, tantras, mantras and the cosmic and spiritual
dimensions of sound are discussed in volume no. 19, 95 and 96 of the
vangmaya series. These volumes also report and review the findings
of scientific research in modern laboratories on ultra- and infra- sonic
waves and beyond…., and give new directions to advanced research.
Multifarious aspects of sound and the science of mantras are covered
here. These range - from the harmonious configuration of syllables in
the mantras, the psychological and physical impact of the specific
sonic pattern generated by their repeated enunciation…., to …. the
origin and expansion of music…; importance of collective chanting
of mantras …. to … the state-of-art and scope of music therapy….;
genesis and perennial expansion of the universe in the eternal sound
of Omk³ra….., to …. the realisation of Shabda-Brahm and Nada-
Brahm and attainment of ultimate bliss and divine culmination
through Nada yoga…, etc.

Science and Spirituality New Experiments:

Acharya Sharma had pioneered renaissance of the science of

spirituality and established the foundation for its creative
integration with the modern sciences. It was indeed a Herculean task
given the trends of intellectual and scientific evolution since the past
millenium and almost simultaneous deterioration of the institutions
of religion and culture, which had resulted in a near total neglect of
spirituality in human life and had led to all kinds of blind faiths,
misconceptions, and prejudices…... The Brahmvarchas research
centre established by Acharya Sharma in 1978 at Shantikunj
Spectrum of Knowledge

Hardwar (India) stands as a live example of how his ideas could be

implemented and researched in the modern laboratories.

Absolute Health, Longevity of Youth and Beauty:

This centre has pioneered, under the noble guidance of Acharya

Sharma, research in yagyopathy - cure by herbal medicines
sublimated in the sacred fire of Yagya. It has re-investigated the
methods of performing Yagya, which were experimented and
propagated by the rishis of yore towards the ideal maintenance of
the eco-system and healthy environment of life. Volume nos. 25 and
26 throw light on the integrated science and philosophy of Yagya.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma had also inspired in-depth research in

Ayurveda - especially on the phytochemical, botanical and
pharmaceutical analysis of the herbal (plant) medicines vis-à-vis the
descriptions in ancient scriptures on this Indian science of medicine.
A botanical garden of over 400 Himalayan herbs is planted in
Brahmvarchas and Shantikunj premises. About fifty ayurvedic
medicines are prepared here based on the research findings. These
have been found to be effective in curing many chronic and
otherwise declared incurable diseases. These are supplied by
Shantikunj-Pharmacy at low costs and are in great demand within
and outside India. For the first time in the modern history of
Ayurveda, an expiry date is identified for the dry powders too.

The volume nos. 39 and 40 give detailed information on the above

research and the herbal medicines along with a thorough review of
the scientific basis and scope of the alternate systems of medicine.
These volumes also offer practical guidance for preventive cure and
maintenance of healthy and vigorous life today, when the external as
well as the internal spheres of life are subjected to unprecedented
pollution and mental and emotional aberrations. Secrets of -
"Absolute Health" and "Longevity of Youth and Beauty", are
elucidated by Acharya Sharma in the volume nos. 41 and 42.
Psychological health is an essential component of "Total Health". The
volume nos. 71-73 analyze the gamut of psychological and

Spectrum of Knowledge

psychiatric problems and disorders being faced by increasing

number of people today. Absolute remedies and preventive
measures are discussed here…. Right from practical guidance on
stress management in day-to-day life to the principles and practices
of cultivating positive thinking and perfect psychological health are
presented here.

The knowledge extracted from the scriptures, and the new directions
cited for research on the esoteric components like the endocrine
system, ….etc, and interdisciplinary studies of neuro-biochemistry,
bioelectricity, hormonal secretions, psychology, yoga and the
science of spirituality, add to the invaluable contributions of these

Conscious, Unconscious and Superconscious Mind:

Acharya Sharma viewed spirituality as an evolution of human

psychology. He realised divinity as evlved culmination of
spirituality. He affirmed intellectual purity, prudence and piety of
the sentiments of love, compassion and altruist service as spiritual
virtues reflecting the presence of thee in the human self. His research
on the astonishing potentials of human brain and miraculous powers
of mind (volume no. 18 ), bioelectricity, bio-magnetism and
elevation of vital energy (vols. 17-18), total psychology and
conscious, subconscious and super-conscious cores of human mind
(vols. 20-22) also elucidates those horizons of neuro-sciences,
endocrine system and psychology, which are still beyond the reach
of the 'conventional' modern sciences. These volumes seem to form
the basis for comprehensive scientific research on human brain and
mind in the years to come….

The above volumes together with the volume nos. 4-6, 20-21, 57-58,
73-75 and 80 will apprise us with the source of immense power
hidden in our own body and mind and motivate ideal evolution of
our personality with practical guidance. Acharya Sharma has
envisaged awakening of divinity in man (vol. 54) as the natural
process of evolution of consciousness which can be initiated by
spiritual refinement. Quest for decipheration of the interrelation

Spectrum of Knowledge

between the human mind, Nature and the Omnipresent Conscious

ness Force is investigated by him in scientific light (vol. 55). The
illusions and the facts about "Life After Death" - discussed by him in
the volume 16 appear to be the best piece of scientifically sound
works on this topic of common curiosity.

Scientific Religion and Theism:

Acharya Sharma had envisaged scientific religion (vol. 24) as the

religion of future. His logical arguments, in-depth analysis of the
philosophy of religion vis-à-vis human psychology (vol. 53) would
enlighten us with the true meaning, relevance and necessity of
religion in human life. His discussions on refinement of the present
state of religious systems and on the mutual complementarity of
religion and science (vol. 23) and adept guidance on viable
interaction of the two streams of true knowledge (vol. 58), would
convince us why his seemingly 'imaginary' vision should be, and
could be, realised for happy survival of human civilization and
resurrection of cultural values. How this would gradually
materialize in the forthcoming decades is described in the volume
nos. 27, 65-66, 101, 106.
Gurudev Shriram Sharma advises worshiping the deity of life (vol. 2)
and total surrender to adoption of the piety and radiance of divine
virtues (vol. 3), as the best modes of worshiping God. His answers to
the multifarious doubts and queries like - "who or what is God…?",
"where to find thou….?", etc, would open up the minds of all -
including the ardent theists and devotees as well as the 'rational'
atheists, scientists and intellectuals. His trenchant discussions would
enlighten each one of us with the brilliance of truth about the
existence, manifestations and realisations of God (vol. 8) and
expression of the roots and reflections of theism (vol. 56) in human

Reinvestigation of Vedic Literature:

It was sometimes in 1960 when he had translated all the 4 Vedas, 108
Upnishadas, 6 Darshanas, 18 Puranas, Yogavashishtha, and
hundreds of Ârañyakas and Brahmanas in Hindi with lucid
Spectrum of Knowledge

commentaries to enable the masses get an idea of what this ancient

treasure of knowledge contained. It was also aimed at eliminating
the misconceptions, superstitions and blind customs which were
propagated in the medieval era by deliberate misinterpretations of
the vedik hymns and scriptures. This precious contribution to the
world of knowledge and to human culture was reverenced by noted
scholars and saints like Dr. S. Radhakrishana and Vinoba Bhave; The
distinguished title of "Vedamoorti" was conferred upon him for this
recognition….. The nectar of Arsh Sahitya (vedik literature)
extracted by him is presented in the volume nos. 102-104.

Integration of Science and Religion and Mass Education from

Religious Platform :

His deliberations on the teachings of the holy Gita and Ramayana

stand as masterpiece of works on these monuments of cultural
culmination and divine philosophy of life. His perspicuous
explanations have also made these contributions (volume nos. 30-32
and 36) most vivid mediums of mass education.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma was a rishi of the present era. Knowing the
psychology of people today, and recognizing the non-relevance, in
the present times, of the allegoric characters and the background of
life depicted in the Puranas, he endeavored substituting the latter by
eloquent literature - written in similar narrative and conversational
style, which would preach the eternal principles of happy,
progressive and ideal life in scientific light with practical guidance of
special relevance in modern age. He wrote the "Pragya Purana" for
this purpose. Volume 38 of this Vangmaya series introduces the first
six parts of this Purana of our century. The volume nos. 68, 91-92, 94
and 105 contain compilation of his recorded speeches, letters,
selected thoughts and poem and songs. These provide an excellent
mode for self-learning and contribute to enlightenment of the masses
by setting a lively interaction between the readers and the noble
guru, Acharya Sharma.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The volume nos. 43-45, 50-52, 67, and 97-99 also contribute in the
above sequence where Acharya Sharma has compiled the inspiring
episodes of many great people of the ancient and the modern times,
encompassing almost all circumstances and different walks of
human life. The lives and works of the elevators of culture, devotees
of altruist service, glories of world history, great men and women
whom the world will owe for ever…., are also described here. The
volumes 69 and 70 together present an encyclopedia of quotable
quotes from different scriptures of almost all religions of the world,
and the thoughts and sayings of great personalities and
distinguished talents of immortal glory. The author's explanation on
the unified purpose and teachings here, make these volumes more
useful and remarkable.

Revival of Indian Culture:

As part of his intensive study of the Indian culture and religious

philosophy, he has recovered the sociological and psychological
importance of pilgrimage (vol. 37). He has discussed how the ancient
glory and the real purpose of the tºrthas (sacred places of pilgrimage)
could be revived in the present times for the welfare of the masses….
The immortal contributions of the divine culture of India to the rest of
the world are reviewed in volume no. 35. The foundational elements
of the Indian culture and the secrets of its divine nature are
deciphered in the volume no. 34.
It is indeed inspiring to know how the sixteen sacred ceremonies
(Shodash Sansk³ras) devised here constituted a perfect system for
ideal development, psychological conditioning and training…, since
the post embryonic stage of one's existence…. Description and
scientific basis of these Sansk³ras is presented in volume no. 33.
Acharya Sharma also presents a modified system of such Sansk³ras,
which is more suitable and required in the present circumstances of
life. The volume also highlights how the different types and
initiation-timings of these Sansk³ras help inculcation of righteous
attitude, courage, talents and virtuous tendencies -- keeping in
harmony with the changing psychology of a person at different
stages of life….

Spectrum of Knowledge

The Yug Nirm³ö Yojan³ Advent of Ethical, Spiritual,

Intellectual and Social Transformation :

Gurudev Shriram Sharma attributes the power of thinking as the

greatest of all the powers of Nature and its conscious component
(vol. 73, 81). He emphasizes awakening of pure, discerning intellect
to enable ideal use of this unique power bestowed on humans.
Because, it is the advent of righteous thinking, which educes the
spark of life in the otherwise 'dead' bookish education (shiksh³) and
thus illuminates the mind and inner self with the initiation of true
knowledge (vidy³). The nectar of vidy³ induces the vital charge of
divine values in the 'materialistic' and self-centered intellect of man
and activates the hidden force of his soul. Then, there remains no
place left for any vices, malices, mistakes, fear, tension, sorrow,
despair, weakness or scarcity in any horizon of life…. Every domain
of life blossoms with immense bliss and brilliant success thereafter.

How the ideal concept of total education - comprising of constructive

combination of shiksh³ and vidy³, could materialize in the modern
times, is discussed by him in volume no. 49 of the Vangmaya series.
His deliberations on the journey of intellect from ignorance to
wisdom (vol. 7) and his guidance on total education system for the
adolescent and the matured minds (vol. nos. 58, 76-78, 84), emanate
from deep understanding of human psychology and the influence of
external circumstances of life and the subtle world of consciousness
on it. This is why his ideas seem to give rise to what might be
considered a perfect system of education today. The symphony of
self-reliant and moral education orchestrated by his organization at
Shantikunj, Hardwar and Gayatri Tapobhumi, Mathura, have been
very successful and have demonstrated how his ideas could be
implanted in reality (vols. 66, 89, 106 of the vangmaya series).

Acharya Sharma's approach is comprehensive and down-to-earth.

Most importantly, it encourages collective participation of people
from all walks of life. He envisaged social, ethical and intellectual
revolution (vol. 65) by elevation of people's life in associated
dimensions on personal, familial and social horizons. On this basis
he had conceptualized, planned and initiated " Yug Nirm³ñ Yojan³"
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(vols. 66, 106) to help ushering into a bright era of moral, cultural and
spiritual evolution. The boons of scientific and technological
advancement would then be used righteously to embark upon
progress with peace and happiness for all and resurrection of the
divine dignity of humanity.

The foundation of organizational structure necessary for the

implementation of the Yug Nirm³ñ Yojan³, was laid by propagation
of the knowledge of G³yatrº and Yagya in scientific light. This had
also made possible, endeavoring, the revival of the Indian Culture in
its original glorious form…. G³yatrº s³dhan³ is the universal source
for purification of the inner self, illumination and righteous
orientation of intellect, and evolution of spirituality (volume nos. 9 to
15). The philosophy of Yagya teaches the altruist mode of living a
creative and enlightened life. Scientific experiments on Yagya serve
the dual purpose of purification of environment and total cure by
natural herbs (volumes 25-26).

Organizational Structure for Yug Nirm³ö Yojan³ :

The unique experiment of "Vich³ra Kr³nti" - gradual refinement of

thoughts, righteous transformation of attitude and sublime
transmutation of human psychology up to the divine realms of
spirituality - was initiated by Acharya Sharma from the day he had
organized a grand G³yatrº Yagya in Mathura (India) in 1958. The
saintly life of Acharya Sharma and his wife Smt. Bhagavati Devi
Sharma, the spiritual charge of their personalities and the inner
power of their sacred love for all beings, had attracted all those who
had attended this Yagya to work for the noble cause of his great
mission. This is how the "larger family" like organization - called
"Gayatri Pariwar", came into existence. This has now expanded
across the globe beyond the barriers of religion, creed, caste, sex,
socioeconomic status or educational background.

Spectrum of Knowledge

National Development:

Acharya Sharma was a dedicated freedom fighter, who had sincerely

participated in the movement of India's independence. In that phase
of his life he was trained in the noble company of Pt. Madan Mohan
Malviya, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Sri Aurobindo
and other revered national heroes of India. A postal stamp was
released by the Govt. of India in 1992 to honor his great services to the
nation. Right since he was a young volunteer in the non-violent
freedom-struggle, this great patriot envisaged that - "if India were to
be independent and progressive in the truest sense of the words, an
absolute revolution would be necessary on the cultural front too.…".
The state of the nation today - after more than half a century of
political independence, evinces that his vision was indeed real.

His sagacious deliberations, vision and accomplishments would

convince us why his approach is most effective in making the nation
strong and self-reliant (vols. 64, 90). That his saintly heart pulsated
for the welfare of all living beings was clearly expressed, since his
childhood, by his altruist service of the poor, weaker and down
trodden ones around him (vol. 1). After India's independence, he
had, unlike many other freedom- fighters, chosen to dedicate his life
for social and cultural reformation from the religious rather than
political platform. His definition, philosophy, and realisations of
religion (vols. 23-24, 36, 53, 89) are scientific and universal as they
emanate from an absolute understanding of human mind and
realisation of the inner self.

Social Reformation:

As part of the social reformation programmes of the Yug Nirm³ñ

Yojan³, he had given maximum importance to eradication of blind
faith, superstitions and untoward customs and traditions prevailing
in the Indian society in the name of religion. Details on some of these
social reformative activities and their successful expansion are
presented in the volume nos. 36, 59, 100-101 and 106-107 of this
series. Emancipation of the glory of marriage institution from the
clutches of the social evils of dowry, child marriages, exploitation of

Spectrum of Knowledge

women, etc., were propagated (vol. 60, 82-84) by Acharya Sharma

from the religious platform too. This bears significant impact in the
Indian context where blind customs in the name of religion appear to
dominate the convictions and attitudes of the masses.

21st Century Women's Century:

Acharya Sharma had pioneered effective program of women's

welfare and rising of the power and honor of womanhood under the
banner of "N³rº J³garañ Abhiy³n" of his mission since 1940s. The
predominant role of a woman, as the first teacher of her child,
developer of the future generations, architect of the family
institution and hence of the society and the nation too…., is given
high recognition under the reformative and educative programs of
the Yug Nirm³ñ Yojan³ (vol. 47, 85-86). Thanks to his inspirations
that the glory of women has begun to re-shine in India first time after
the Vedic Age; women have been conducting grand Yagyas and
religious programs in large number under the auspices of Gayatri

He foresees the 21st century as women's century (vol. 62). The earlier
the human society learns this and helps elevation of the status of its
oppressed and so-called 'weaker' half, the better it would be… The
above volumes also cite comprehensive reviews of women's
contributions to the world history, their revered status in the
(original) Indian Culture. The history of deterioration on the
socioeconomic and religious fronts and the negative psychological
trends, misconceptions and misdeed, which led to discrimination
between man and woman, are also discussed trenchantly. The
reviews also include those of the past, present and future of the
women liberation movements, which sprouted with the intellectual
civilization and the advent of liberal thinking and democratic

Reformation of the family institution and the marriage institution is

given maximum importance by Acharya Sharma as these constitute
the building blocks of the edifice of a progressive society and nation
(vols. 48, 60, 78-79). He taught (vols. 61, 87-88) and set live examples

Spectrum of Knowledge

to demonstrate that married life is indeed the ideal phase for ascetic
practices and spiritual refinement and also for contributing to the
worldly progress of the society. His guidance on child development
and eminent training of the younger generation (vols. 63, 76-77)
should be also read and followed by all those who care for the future
of human society.

Architect of New Society:

The global welfare activities under the Yug Nirm³ñ Yojan³ are not
confined to providing external help to the needy and deprived ones.
Rather, this mission aims at finding viable solutions to improve the
status of people's life forever. It aims at enabling people solve their
own problems and help educe confidence and positive thinking in
others too. The personality development programmes (vols. 20, 80)
of this mission focus at arousing the inner potentials of the
individuals and giving positive and creative orientation to their
talents…. The programmes of self-reliant education, coupled with
moral elevation and spiritual refinement - initiated under the banner
of this mission since 1971, have set shining examples of what is an
ideal service of the human society (vol. nos. 66, 100-101, 106-107).

The comprehensive planning of Yug Nirm³ñ Yojan³ encompasses

simultaneous materialization of ethical, intellectual and social
reconstruction in day-to-day life. Systematic action for this purpose
begin with the objective of maintaining healthy body, pure mind and
practice of industrious co-operation…. at the individual and familial
levels, and gradually lead to the development of a culturally
civilized ideal society….

The All World Gayatri Pariwar:

It is remarkable to note, how the determined pledge of a single

person (Acharya Sharma), Yug Nirm³ñ Yojan³ , has brought billions
of people together in Gayatri Pariwar for the same purpose…. This
grand organization has grown and is expanding without the support
of any governmental or non-governmental funding or donations by
rich bigwigs. The small sums and pennies contributed by millions of

Spectrum of Knowledge

its members on regular basis have played remarkable role in

strengthening its financial resources. Generous devotion of talents
and labors by these true followers of Acharya Sharama, ensure the
successful progress of Yug Nirm³ñ Yojan³.

The mission's fraternity at Shantikunj, Hardwar - an academy for

moral and spiritual awakening and training…, Brahmvarchas
research centre (also in Hardwar) for creative integration of the
modern science with spirituality, other major establishments -
Gayatri Tapobhumi, Mathura, Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura,
Janmbhumi Sthan at Anvalkheda, Agra, and over 3000 distributed
social reform centres (called Shakti Pithas or Pragya Mandalas) are
engaged in making Acharya Sharma's dream of "revival of divine
culture and global welfare" come true.

The activities of this mission rebuilt our faith in the miraculous

strength of collective endeavors for altruist purposes. The details
given in this volume would further educe our hopes in the
possibilities of resurrection of human dignity even in the present
times of - deterioration of cultural and social system and a near total
crisis of faith in moral values.

The distinct excellence of Acharya Sharma's approach lies in the fact

that he encourages natural escalation of people's bodily, mental,
intellectual and spiritual potentials by inspiring their conscious and
unconscious minds…. This way, every man and woman can rise
consistently from whatever his present level is, by adopting what
Acharya Sharma calls - "the art of living", and by sincerely following
the simple disciplines and practices of self-analysis, self-restrain,
self-evaluation and Pragy³ Yoga taught by him in several volumes
of the Vangmaya series.….

As the collective and continuous motion of waves in an ocean

expands beyond every limit, similarly, the collective and progressive
endeavors of refinement and elevation pursued by the individuals
can lead to the grand awakeningl and transmutation of collective
consciousness along the limitless grandeur of the divine origin of
humanity. This is how the currently "unimaginable" objective of

Spectrum of Knowledge

resurrection of a bright era, is expected to be achieved in the next


Evolution of Humanity Dawn of a Bright Era:

Gurudev Shriram Sharma Acharya gives us a glimpse of the new

world order and bright future in the next millenium and beyond - in
the Vangmaya volume nos. 27-29, 68, 92 and 108, where he also cites
the visions of great prophets and visionaries of the world. His great
shadhnas of subtlizaiton and spiritual sublimation of his
counsciousness (refer vols. 28-29 for details on these unique spiritual
experiments of the present era) were focused at contributing to
creation of ideal environment in the subtle world towards entelechy
of bright future of the world…. As part of this sukshmikarana
sadhana, he had voluntarily shed his physical sheath on Gayatri
Jayanti, 2nd June 1990.

The last message of Gurudev (refer vols. 1, 108) unfolds the divine
purpose of his incarnation….. Part of it reads -"The light of which I have
been an instrument a medium will not extinguish with my withdrawal from
the physical realm. I assure all my parijans that I will continue living and
working with them at Shantikunj and elsewhere in my astral-causal body
……. and guide, help and inspire them in their efforts to lead humanity into
the Golden Era of Truth, Light and Immortality. I will finally merge into the
Blissful Luminous causal self ……., after humanity has taken decisive leap
into the cosmic consciousness and attained the light of the New Era of
spiritual Unity, Harmony and Peace…….

My blessings, love and prayer-filled wishes to all….. I will always be with

them in their selfless and noble endeavors in this divine work…"

May this Vangmaya series educe the afflatus of his spiritual charge in
our souls and motivate each one of us to arouse and realise the high
realms of humanity under his divine guidance.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 1, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Jºvana Devat³ Kº S³dhan³ Ar³dhan³)

uman life is bestowed on us as an invaluable treasure of
physical, intellectual, mental and spiritual powers. Every
domain of our life is endowed with such astonishing potentials
which are beyond our imaginations. In ordinary case, most of us
remain unaware of the capabilities and the mental powers hidden in
our own self…. Awakening and creative use of these resources leads
to enormous successes and supernormal attainments in every
dimension of life.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya has described a human being as a 'fallen

God' who has declined because of diversion from the ideal path of
divinity and lost his originality. Man today is living as a social
animal. Despite being the crown prince of the Almighty, he lives with
scarcities, animal instincts, sufferings and pains because he has
forgotten his identity and not paid due attention to know himself and
to understand his own life. He does not know the possibilities of
living an absolutely progressive and blissful life.

The art of living a totally healthy, happy, creative and illuminated

life with righteous attitude and self-realization is taught in what
could be termed as a practical science of spirituality. The endeavors
of - refinement of the bodily, mental and sentimental cores of life,
gradual inculcation and eventual culmination of moral tendencies,
creative talents and virtues, and realization and accomplishment of
the divine purpose of life - constitute what could be defined as
"jºvana s³dhan³" or as the true devotion and worship of the God
living in oneself…..

Great personalities of all ages have campaigned that "Man is an

architect of his destiny". Their own lives stand as remarkable
examples of the reality of this phrase. Every human being is given the
freedom to select the path of his life… He may fall pray to the vices of
egotistic atrocities, avarice, sensual pleasures and immoral activities
driven by selfishness and untoward ambitions of power and

Spectrum of Knowledge

possession…., and thus decline and fall for ever…. On the contrary,
he can touch the highest realms of success and divine elevation if he
so desires and accordingly adopts the path of righteous evolution of
his conscious faculties. It is the collective impact of our own attitudes,
our own aspirations and efforts which shapes the course of our
development and directs the fate of our life too. No one, not even the
divine powers of Thou could ever change the fortunes of the person
who refuses to change his attitude and wants to seek excuses in the
adversities of circumstances.

In the words of Acharya Sharma - "There could be a doubt about the

existence of Gods of heaven or uncertainty about when and how the
grace of Thee would be bestowed upon somebody……? But,
³tmadeva - the God living in the inner self of each one of us, is so near
to us…., so real and receptive….., so affectionate….., always keen to
enlighten our lives by divine boons….! Jºvana s³dhan³- the worship
of ³tmadeva, is certain to accelerate the overall progress of our lives
and eventually lead to what could be likened to miraculous successes
(riddhi-siddhi) in the materialistic and spiritual domains of life". If
we realize this fact and sincerely endeavor to make the best use of
every moment of our life, we all can enjoy a vigorous, cheerful and
glorious life….. It is a pity that most of us lose this golden
opportunity either because of ignorance, carelessness,
misconceptions, or lack of courage, zeal and righteous attitude.…

Other kinds of spiritual endeavors demand endurance and

perseverance. But, jºvana s³dhan³ offers instant results…. As we
proceed with sincere practice of jºvana s³dhan³ we simultaneously
get two folded benefits of - gradual elimination of evil tendencies or
weaknesses and cultivation of what is required for evolution from
the state of 'social animal' to that of a 'divine person'……

Whenever one introspects himself and resolves to improve his

nature, behavior or personality in some respect, that very moment he
feels energized from within. If he continues to sincerely strive for
what he resolved and creatively engages all his free time in finding
feasible ways of progressing towards the decided goal and

Spectrum of Knowledge

implements the same in action….., he gains a lot at a gradually

increasing pace, in terms of avoidance of untoward instincts which
used to dominate his 'empty mind' during the free moments; better
management of time, escalation of mental trenchancy, and
illumination of thoughts are other natural attainments eventually
leading to elevation of personality along with accomplishment of the
resolution. This is an example of the immediate and definite returns
of any endeavor of jºvana s³dhan³.

The present volume teaches us the basics of the meaning, philosophy

and purpose of jºvana s³dhan³. It also gives the details on how to
train ourselves for this great endeavor. Whatever be our
circumstances, worldly engagements and daily routine, each one of
us, as we will see in this volume, should and can start practising it
from today instant. The adept guidance of a perfect master - Gurudev
Shriram Sharma, is available here in comprehensive form and lucid
style of presentation. Gurudev writes that - all problems of today
would be solved if people understand the philosophy of jºvana
s³dhan³ in its true perspective.

Towards the end of the twentieth century, humanity too seems to be

sitting at an edge of extinction. The ailing state of human life is
pathetic despite excellent development of comforts and materialist
means of progress. At individual levels, people seek the solutions to
the problems of their lives in extrovert activities - ranging from
possession of wealth and power…. to …..'somehow' adjusting the
astrological movements in favor of their zodiac by way of religious
rituals or worship of planets…. etc. All such attempts are unscientific
and prove to be incomplete, unreasonable or futile because of the
negligence of the fundamental principles of human life.

It should be noted that the consciousness, the inner world of a human

being is as vast as his external world. The feasibility and viability of
the solutions of any problem of human society, any attempt of
progress, development and creation of peace and happiness
depends on how it deals with and affects the external as well as the
internal domains of human life….. Behavior, talents and actions of a
person fall in the external domains of his life while his nature,
Spectrum of Knowledge

intrinsic tendencies, thoughts, faith and sentiments correspond to his

internal character…..

Refinement and amelioration of the internal sphere of life forms the

basis of cultural development and that of the external component
leads to civilization….. Culture cannot expand without civilization
and decline in cultural values leads to devastation of civilization….
Both have crucial place in human life and its evolution. Human
Psychology - encompassing behavior, conduct, attitude, thoughts,
innermost sentiments and spirituality - plays an inevitable role in
shaping both.

The limitless power of thoughts and sentiments is clearly reflected in

the saying of saint Emerson - "Send me to hell, I will create a heaven
for me there too….". It is indeed true…. In fact, how the world around
us or the circumstances respond or affect us depends a lot on how we
consider them….. It is said that, our own convictions and attitude
and the state of our mind in a given condition influence the effects of
the latter on our life…. For example, excessive depression or tension
in an adverse or tragic situation - is a sign of negative thinking or
weakness of the mind; lack of self-confidence due to ignorance about
the power of the soul and the dormant or maligned state of the inner
self are the root causes of such psychological aberrations.

Although religious philosophies, especially those emanated from

the science of spirituality, have an intimate relationship with Human
Psychology, people often think that religion simply deals with
conceptualization and worship of God…. They often think that
performing specific rituals of worshiping a God according to the
'instructions' of some religious scriptures - is sufficient for fulfillment
of a desire, rectification of a mistake or elimination of a weakness….
etc. Their 'religious efforts' result in a vain unless they realize the
need for the refinement of their own character, behavior and overall
personality and then endeavor worshiping the God living in

Worship of the God living in human self - the deity of life requires
cultivation of righteous attitude and adoption of disciplined and

Spectrum of Knowledge

virtuous mode of life. This world is like a school of practical training

which offers enormous opportunities for refinement and
development of talents and potentials. This world is a 'battle field' for
jºvana s³dhan³ where victory means culmination of virtues and
absolute welfare of life.

The volumes in this Vangmaya series are of unique importance

because, among other things, the depth and expansion of knowledge
here also has a live coherence with every impulse of human mind
and inner self. Acharya Sharma's deliberations on difficult and
esoteric topics of philosophy and consciousness are lucid and
constitute an Applied Science of Spirituality which can be adopted
and practised in day to day life.

The present volume in particular would serve the purpose of a noble

guide, an ideal parent or an intimate friend for the readers…. While
reading this volume, one would feel as if all attention and affection of
the author is focused at his (the reader's) life in particular…. On
several occasions, Acharya Sharma's expressions would point out
our own mistakes or weaknesses and at the same time, would give us
immense moral support, courage and enlightenment to - solve the
associated complexities in the worldly, intellectual, sentimental and
spiritual domains of our life and improve it in a righteous way.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 2 , An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


( Up³san³ Samarpana Yoga)

p³san³ of the Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent
Supreme source of Consciousness Force is said to be of
fundamental importance in human life. Literally, the Sanskrit
word "Up³san³" (=Upa + ³san³ ) means "siting near…." . Its
implications in the Indian Philosophy and Science of Spirituality are
far more deeper… Here, the word "Up³san³" is always used to
imply - a devotional practice, a mode of activating the linkage
between the individual and the cosmic consciousness, between the
soul and its eternal divine origin….. Up³san³ is therefore also
referred as a yoga. Up³san³ - is a core component of the Bhakti

The meaning of "up³san³ of God" as "siting near God" implies

endowing oneself with divine virtues. As any good conductor of heat
becomes hot if connected to a source of heat….; electrical devices
connected with a power generator get charged by the electrical
current…, similarly, a true devotee starts receiving the grace and
glow of divinity by up³san³. Swami Ram Krishna Paramhans used
to advice the disciples - "clean and shine the carrier of your life by
regular up³san³". The practice of up³san³ as described by Gurudev
Shriram Sharma is like giving a spiritual bath to the inner self. It helps
refinement of the deeper domains of mind and charging the intrinsic
faith and devotional sentiments by the orgulous force of afflatus.

Today, we are living in a world of terrible pollution where the inner

domain of thoughts and sentiments has also been maligned, that too
in greater proportions than the external environment…. The 'glow'
of the soul appears to be shrouded in the thick smog of declining
moral values, the crisis of faith in divine disciplines, diminishing
principles of humanity and near total disappearance of altruism….
Increasing influence of selfish passions, possessive attitude,
eroticism, lust and ego…etc, has put a question mark on the very
foundation of the human dignity. No remedy, no action, no law, no
Spectrum of Knowledge

system, no revolution could help reversal of the declining trends

unless the original nature of humanity is brought back to life with its
values reflected in every individual self.… A treatment at the
deepest depth of the inner self thus seems to be inevitable.
Devotional practices of up³san³ and spiritual refinement are
therefore of significant importance today.

Does up³san³ mean only worshiping a deity or prophet, or,

performing some rituals or uttering some prayers with or without
meditation…? Certainly not. Rituals are only some 'tools' which help
initial training of the ever agile mind…. These external modes of
practising up³san³ are lifeless without the driving force of internal
devotion that inspires the feeling of samarpana - total sacrifice of
ego, selfish desires, self-identity - in the limitless ocean of divine
love…., in the unlimited expansion and eternal expressions of the
Supreme ….

Up³san³ cannot progress for long without the emergence of true

devotion through the deep core of sentiments or intrinsic faith in the
up³sya (the 'object' of up³san³)….. The subtle connection between
the up³saka (devotee) and the up³sya does not get linked or
activated without the feeling of samarpana. Acharya Sharma
excellently illustrates the importance of samarpana as - "when a
drop of water sacrifices its existence into the ocean, it unifies with the
gigantic expansion of the latter in no time….; water of a dirty drain
becomes pious once it is immersed in the waters of the Ganges….; a
tiny piece of wood, which could be broken by just any body…., glows
bright and cannot even be touched if it burns itself and become a part
of fire….".

Shraddh³ -- intrinsic sentiment of pious devotion for divine ideals

and thy-love, absolute faith in moral disciplines, and serene love for
the manifestation of Thou in all beings…, an internal urge of
samarpana - of the devotee is said to be the sole supporter and
eternal guide along the righteous path of up³san³..….. Prayer
without shraddh³ is 'begging', worship without shraddh³ is

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'hypocrisy', samarpana without shradd³ is nonexistent - nothing

more than emotional excitement and lunatic illusion….. Shraddh³
inspires courage to dedicate one self for high ideals of humanity as
the latter are manifestations of divine disciplines.

In bhakti yoga or samarpana yoga one nullifies the difference

between "I" and "Thou" with the help of shraddh³… "Love is God
and God is love…" becomes a reality in every aspect of life for a true
devotee. Love for God means love for all His creations….., for all
beings…. It is the level of one's shraddh³ which is reflected in the
glory of up³san³. Godliness represents - supreme ensemble of
virtues, highest realm of humane ideals and divine potentials. In its
truest sense, shraddh³ in any form of God or in any manifestation of
Thy power in the universe, indeed implies the absolute orientation of
devotion for realization of Godliness in above respect.

Scriptures of Indian Philosophy state - "Shraddh³ mayoaya®

Pur¿Ìa¡, Yoyacchadra¡, Sa Eva Sa¡". Implying - the human self,
his desires, deeds and character, his overall spiritual and
psychological makeup is shaped by his sharddh³. One gradually
adopts the characteristics of the up³sya to whom he devotes his
shraddh³ . The up³sya, in physical terms, could be an inanimate
object such as an idol or a picture in front of which one practices
regular up³san³; it is the attribution of shraddh³ which makes 'it'
realizable by the devotee as the latter conceptualizes….

The purer and higher the level of one's shraddh³ in divinity, the
greater will be the endowment of the conceptualized divine virtues
in his personality…. and the stronger and more radiant will be his
inner self.

The expansion of Indian philosophy and the development of the

science of spirituality revolves around the central themes of up³san³
and shraddh³ . The understanding, realisation and adoption of
up³san³ with divinely pure shraddh³ - is the most challenging
phase of any endeavor of spiritual elevation. Success of this phase
Spectrum of Knowledge

ensures accomplishment of the basic purpose: progress towards

spiritual transmutation and evolution of consciousness.

Deciphering the basis, implications, methods of practice and effects

of up³san³ and explaining the subtle science of inculcation,
realization and attribution of shraddh³ - is an arduous task which
demands something higher than intellectual sagacity and erudite
scholarly knowledge… Even those who have attained success in
spiritual endeavors find it difficult to elucidate these aspects which
may be realized in the inner cores of sentiments but cannot be
expressed in words…. Acharya Sharma's splendid contributions are
truly exceptional in this regard. It appears to be some kind of extra
sensory power of this great spiritual master which enabled him
describe these 'esoteric' topics so eloquently and perfectly in this
volume. His interpretations, analysis and explanations are so
convincing and inspiring that the text seems to become 'alive' for the
readers and conveys the author's thoughts and sentiments right into
their minds and hearts….

Among the methods of practising up³san³, the author recommends

japa - rhythmic enunciation of a mantra or a prayer with deep
shraddh³; and dhy³na - meditation with a feeling of samarpana.
Japa could be performed loudly, by silent recitations - where the lips
and tongue may move but voice is not heard, or mentally by
unperturbed contemplation. The G³yatrº Mantra is supposed to be
ideal for japa; any other mantra (Vedic hymn) may also be selected
as per the shraddh³ of the devotee. Dhy³na is more important in
up³san³ as it helps - focussing the thoughts and sentiments and
creatively attributing the devotee's shraddh³ to the up³sya…. As the
feeling of samarpana becomes more real with deeper meditation,
the process of 'linkage' and 'communication' between the devotee
and the devat³ (divine power manifested in the up³sya) becomes
more active and continuous.

Details on japa - dhy³na and other methods of up³san³ are

Spectrum of Knowledge

perspicuously described in this volume with adept guidance.

Experiences of great saints and devotees are also cited along with
references from the scriptures at several places. The topics of sonic
power generated by japa, impact of sublimated voice and other
scientific aspects are discussed by the author in volume no. 19 of this
series. The topic of dhy³na - as a yoga s³dhan³ is covered in the
volume no. 20. Specific methods of japa and dhy³na of the G³yatrº
Mantra are presented in volume nos. 12 and 13. The scientific aspects
of G³yatrº up³san³ are covered in volume nos. 14 and 15.

Prayers emanated from the heart through pure devotion are also
equivalent to up³san³ based on japa and dhy³na. The warmth of
sentiments generated during such a prayer melts the devotee's ego
and transmits his inner call to the cosmic centers of Thy expression….
and brings back divine blessings…. In the moments of tragedy,
severe adversities and helplessness, one prays to the Almighty
through the deepest depth of his heart; he remembers nothing accept
the eternal kindness of the Omnipotent… All ego, selfish desires,
ambitions, …., etc vanish in no time….. A similar state of selflessness
is a prerequisite in up³san³. If one prays in this state, for the welfare
of all beings, for healthy development of the world, for collective
progress and righteous evolution of intelligence….., his prayer
indeed becomes so powerful that it conjugates his consciousness
with the divine consciousness of the up³sya. Continuity and
consistency of this samarpana yoga inculcates divine virtues in the
devotee and bestows Thy blessings upon him.

Cultivating courage to fight against the ego and sacrifising self-

identity is almost impossible for most of us. No scientific principle,
no intellectual argument or advice of wisdom could help in this
regard. It is only the power of shraddh³ manifested in the inner
sentiments, earnest urge and prayers that makes it possible for a
devotee to pursue a samarpana yoga. "….How does it happen?
What helps inculcation of shraddh³? What are the characteristics of a
true devotee? How to judge the level of one's shraddh³?……" These
and similar quests of most readers would find satisfactory solutions

Spectrum of Knowledge

in the scientifically rational and eloquent deliberations of Acharya

Sharma in the present volume.

The bhakti yoga, up³san³ or samarpana yoga aims at the absolute

realization of - "Jºvo Brahm N³ parah" - eternal unity between the
individual self and the cosmic Thy-self….. Transmutation of an
ordinary mortal being into the absolute divine being, sublimation of
all malice and selfishness into altruist compassion, immersion of ego
into ultimate expansion of pure love…., spiritual elevation and
unification of the individual consciousness with the omnipresent,
supreme consciousness - is the ultimate goal of devotional lifee and
also the eternal desire of the Supreme Creator. Up³san³ -
samarpana yoga is a blessed opportunity for all of us to achieve this
goal in the present life itself….


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 3, An Introduction

It is rather a sad irony that people these days mistakenly assume that
they have embarked on the path of self-realisation merely by uttering
some words, performing certain rituals or making certain offerings
to the Deity. They never try to transform their thoughts, character
and attitudes in the light of the Indwelling Spirit which is a must for
spiritual progress. I have always been cautious not to allow this
falsity to enter into my way of s³dhan³. This path is realistic,
practical and easy to be followed by and beneficial to the common
mass of humanity. My way of life should be studied keeping this in

–– Excerpts from “My Life Its Legacy and Message”

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(S³dhan³ Paddhatiyon K³ Gy³na - Vigy³na )

he treasure of Indian Culture is endowed with invaluable
pearls. The philosophy and science of yoga is an ageless jewel
among these whose glow has been illuminating, since the times
immemorial in human history, the internal and external world of all
those who have adorned it in the crown of their lives…. The yoga
s³dhan³s - methods of practising yoga in an orderly and scientific
way, have been devised by the seers of yore who had perfected the
knowledge of human body and mind and experienced the eternal
relationship between the individual consciousness and the
omnipresent cosmic consciousness.

The mechanism of yoga works on scientific principles. There is

nothing esoteric or imaginary in the development, practices and
effects of yoga s³dhan³s. Positive effects of several practices of yoga
on physical, biological and mental health have been verified in the
modern laboratories as well. Yoga- research is a respectable
discipline in the faculties of Medicine, Psychology and Philosophy in
many reputed institutions and universities across the globe at
present. However, on the other side of its popularity, practicing
some kind of physical fitness exercises in the name of 'yoga' has also
become a fashionable hobby and business these days….. It therefore
appears important to make people aware of the fact that -
applications of yoga are not confined to physical fitness, clinical
health and behavioral management only….., nor is it a discipline of
abstract philosophical discussions by intellectuals….; rather, it
encompasses all activities and works in multiple dimensions of
human life.

The science of yoga is much deeper than any other branch of science.
The s³dhan³ procedures designed here also work at the level of

Spectrum of Knowledge

extrasensory, subtle and astral bodies. Sincere and disciplined

practices of yoga involve maximum use of the power of intrinsic
faith, courage, earnest desire and determination. These aim at
gradual arousal and activation of the enormous potentials of human
body, mind and the inner sentiments. The nectar of yoga s³dhan³s
helps the tree of life blossom like a Kalpavraksha - the heavenly tree
which fulfills all desires of the divine beings..….

The philosophy of yoga aims at the "yoga" (literally meaning

"conjunction") of the soul with the supreme eternal consciousness….
Importance of yoga has been glorified by Lord Krishna in the holy
Gita (6| 46) as -

Tapasvibhyo Adhiko Yogº, Jn³nibhyo Apimato Adhikah|

Karmibhyashca Adhiko Yogº, Tasm³d Yogº Bhava Arjuna|

Meaning: "Yogº - a devotional expert of all practices and knowledge

of yoga, is superior to those who refine the self by adopting ascetic
disciplines and penance; much as knowledge is superior to the
knowledgeables. The success of a yogº is greater than that of the
people engaged in creative activities and dedicated actions aimed at
preeminent results. Therefore, you (addressing to Arjuna) must try
becoming a true yogº".

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya has reinvestigated the philosophy of

"Raj Yoga" founded by Maharshi Patanjali in the ancient times. He
has analyzed the feasibility and applications of the practices of
Yama, Niyama, Âsana, Pr³n³y³ma, Praty³h³ra, Dh³rana,
Dhy³na, Sam³dhi in the modern times taking into account the
attitudes, modes of living and circumstances prevailing in the world
today. He has deciphered and presented the gamut of yoga
s³dhan³s in a easy-to-understand, lucid style. He has also
introduced some new s³dhan³s of special relevance to the bodily
and psychological wellbeing in the present times.

Spectrum of Knowledge

In Acharya Sharma's words - "s³dhan³ is essential for accomplishing

righteous success in every walk of life…. Be that materialistic
progress or spiritual evolution…., none could be achieved without
sincere endeavors of refinement and escalation of one's abilities and
virtues….". In the context of yoga, s³dhan³ procedures are devised
focusing at purification and strengthening of the internal world of
the body and mind. These endeavors are like those of arduous
hunting for hidden treasures; attainment of the treasures of
marvelous potentials of the human body and miraculous functions
of the human mind indeed makes one rich like Kuber who is
allegorically described to be the wealthiest and most prosperous
being of the heavens….

The ancient rishis had described the inner faculties of a human being
as extrasensory sources of divine powers and referred them by
different names of God. The successive stages of yoga and the
disciplines of s³dhan³s are devised for gradual purification and
strengthening of the body and mind and eventual awakening of
inner potentials. These work at the external level of the gross body by
way of specific physical exercises and pr³ñ³y³mas and energize
every component of the body - from organs to muscles and nerves
and from cellular to molecular systems.

This particular volume is devoted to the detailed description of the

first three components of Maharshi Patanjali's Asht³nga yoga -
namely, Yama, Niyama and Âsana. The remaining five together
with the description of all other aspects - ranging from the mudr³s
and bandhas associated with the ³sanas to the state of trance and
attainment of absolute peace and beatitudeous bliss…. - have been
covered in the volume no. 20 which deals with the methods of
enlightenment and ideal evolution of personality.

The practices of yama, niyama, ³sanas, are very important as they

help conditioning the gross body for successively higher level
s³dhan³s and prepare the mind for the same. As the gross body and
conscious mind are the only tools used in most of the experiments of
yoga, it is essential to keep them in excellent order. Healthy body and
Spectrum of Knowledge

healthy mind are essential for creative materialization of any

endeavor. Yama, Niyama and Âsana are necessary disciplines,
which help formidably in laying the foundation for further progress
in yoga s³dhan³s.

The purpose of all yoga s³dhan³s is three folded and accordingly,

their modes of actions too are three phased. The first phase focuses at
improvement of the strength and healthy functioning of the gross
body. This aims at purifying the body from within and harmonious
conditioning of its components followed by enhancing the vitality.
The second phase deals with refinement and charging of the subtle
body - pertaining to the thought process, sagacity, foresightedness
and other intellectual and mental faculties. The last phase
corresponds to spiritual transmutation of the astral body - the core of
consciousness, sentiments, intrinsic values, inspirations, devotional
realizations,…. etc.

How the sincere practices of yama, niyama, ³sanas contribute to

healthy maintenance and harmonization of the natural tendencies of
the three - gross, subtle and astral - bodies of the human self has been
discussed in the present volume with scientific interpretations,
reasoned justifications and evidential examples. The central theme of
yoga viz., "Yogash Cittavratti Nirodhah" - is also explained here
with practical guidance in respect of the above practices.

The definition of the five yamas imply - observance of nonviolence,

truth and chastity and avoidance of avarice and possessive attitude.
Those of the five niyamas correspond to - external and internal
purity; endurance and natural satisfaction; ascetic refinement of
personality; self-analysis and enlightenment of mind by noble
thoughts; contemplation on divinity exiting within the self and
pervaded in the every being, every where in Nature…. The Yama-
Niyama lay the foundation for gradual refinement of the body and
mind and devotional illumination of consciousness. The wide
varieties of ³sanas are devised according to the in-depth
understanding of the complex network of nerves, muscles, knots and
extrasensory power nuclei in the human body. These harmonize the
Spectrum of Knowledge

intra-body and brain functions and help activation of the otherwise

dormant vital energy centers as one progresses in the s³dhan³s of
Asht³nga Yoga.

The original definitions and methods of specific practices of the

above components of yoga - as invented by Maharshi Patanjali - are
presented in this volume with detailed discussions on their
implications, relevance and feasibility in modern modes of life. The
author has also effectively guided on how to observe the disciplines
of yama-niyama in daily chores of ordinary life. Aspirants of getting
authentic exposure to the great science and philosophy of yoga
would find this volume as a comprehensive guide-book…. This
volume along with others on the related topics - namely, volume nos.
5 to 7 and 20, will make a complete text for in-depth knowledge,
implementation and higher level research on yoga s³dhan³.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 4, An Introduction

A combination of determination, patience and devotion creates the

firm background for spiritual awakening. Earning such merit is
true discipleship, after which it takes no time to attain fulfilment.
It is the attainment of merit which takes time. No time is taken in
finding the Guru. Eklavya’s Dronacharya, prepared out of clay,
proved more effective than the real one.

–– Excerpts from “My Life Its Legacy and Message”

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


( S³dhan³ Se Siddhi - 1 )

he methods of s³dhan³s (spiritual endeavors) devised,
practised and advocated by the ancient Indian scientists of
spirituality appear to most people as part of some kind of
mystical knowledge and magical practices. More esoteric and
adventurous seem to be the supernormal attainments (siddhis)
associated with the success of these s³dhan³s. The detailed
knowledge of the original philosophy and science of s³dhan³s and
siddhis cannot be collected and accessed by people today because of
the vast expansion and depth of the field and the destruction and
deformation of most scriptures that took place during the long span
of intermediate periods of history - especially the medieval era….

Gurudev Shriram Sharma is among the most revered spiritual

masters and saintly social reformers of the modern times who have
dedicated their lives for in-depth study and investigations of the
ancient scriptures and who deciphered and explained the true
meanings and important aspects of s³dhan³ and siddhi. Acharya
Sharma brought this knowledge into scientific light after conducting
long term experiments on himself to experience the truth and the
scientific basis of the claims of "Siddhis from S³dhan³s". He had also
devoted his sagacity and spiritual excellence to the noble purpose of
presenting the essence of this ancient knowledge for the benefit of
people across the world. Several volumes in the Vangmaya series
have emerged as part of his endeavors in this regard.

The present volume focuses on the basic philosophy, meaning,

origin and objectives of the s³dhan³s in a very simple and
comprehensive way. The gamut of potential siddhis associated with
different kinds of s³dhan³s is also elucidated here with the main
objective of eliminating the misconceptions and suspicions and to

Spectrum of Knowledge

apprise the reader of - "What is a true s³dhan³ ? Who is an authentic

s³dhaka, who has been blessed by the siddhis and how….?"

The author explains the importance of s³dhan³ as a natural necessity

because it deals with refinement, control and ideal training of the
mind and body in human life. Restraining the agility of mind is the
most essential requirement for s³dhan³ in any phase of life. But, as
we all might have experienced, it is the most difficult task too.
Acharya Sharma has meticulously analyzed the influence of inherent
tendencies, internal desires, sentimental makeup, external
environment and circumstances of life on the activities of the
conscious and subconscious mind. He has identified four major
methods of control and refinement of mental tendencies which are of
specific relevance today. These also include adoption of sw³dhy³ya
and satsanga in day-to-day life to inculcate illuminating thoughts
and piet sentiments.

He has elaborated each method with live examples to illustrate how

it helps purification of mind, cultivation of righteous tendencies and
creative use of enormous mental powers…..

It is highlighted that -- apart from the refinement of character,

behavior and attitude and ascetic control over the agile mind,
purification of the inner self and spiritual escalation at the levels of
the subtle and astral bodies, is also important for the realization of
siddhis from s³dhan³s. The importance of faith, devotion and
impact of subtle vibrations of mantras has therefore been elucidated
with special reference to the nature and spiritual role of the
unconscious mind…..

The influence of the impulses of consciousness pervaded in the

surrounding environment has been described by the author as quite
significant in the progress of specific s³dhan³s….. The ambience of a
graveyard or crematory suits the low level t³ntirka s³dhan³s
whereas the serene, priestine and spiritually charged atmosphere of
the Himalayan region -- where great saints and sages of all ages have
performed devout s³dhan³s and offered altruist service to the
Spectrum of Knowledge

Nature and to all beings -- inspires immense peace and

enlightenment which is most suitable for arousing divine tendencies
and hence for practising mantra based sacred s³dhan³s of spiritual

The institution named Shantikunj has been established by the author

himself in Hardwar as a live example of -- what used to be the special
nature of the Âshramas and Gur¿kuls of the ancient rishis that could
be regarded as an ideal ambience for righteous and rapid progress of
a pious s³dhan³. The cosmic vibrations, generated by the
uncountably large number of japas (rhythmic enunciation with
meditation) of the G³yatrº Mantra ongoing for twenty four hours
every day since nearly past thirty-five years, have charged the
atmosphere of Shantikunj with so much spiritual energy that the
minds of the s³dhakas automatically get divinely inspired here….
The Himalayan surrounding and vicinity of the holy Ganges add to
the liveliness, beauty and purity of this place.

Yagya is also performed in Shantikunj everyday by thousands of

devotees. This offers multiple benefits of the Himalayan herbs
sublimated in the sacrificial fire in terms of the cure of psychological
disorders and expansion of the domain of influence of the vibrations
of the mantras…. Detailed knowledge on G³yatrº, Yagya, the
Science of Mantras and associated higher level s³dhan³s is
presented in volume nos. 9 to 15 and 25 to 26 of the vangmaya series.
Some of these volumes also contain the information on the scientific
experiments and s³dhan³ camps and training programmes
conducted at Shantikunj, Hardwar.

How our mode of life, daily routine and quality of food-intake affects
our physical, mental and spiritual health is also discussed in the
present volume in the context of "Âh³ra Shuddhi-Satva Buddhi"
with substantial practical guidance. Basic disciplines of s³dhan³s
are presented here with focus on elementary s³dhan³s. Successively
higher levels of tapa s³dhan³s and yoga s³dhan³s are dealt in the
next volume.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Pt. Shriram Sharma has discussed here the significant role of the gur¿
(spiritual master) in any s³dhan³. While he emphasizes the
importance of sacrifice of ego in the feet of a revered gur¿ and
describes how the blessings of a noble gur¿ ( satgur¿) may help
transmutation of the disciple's personality and inculcation of siddhis
in the latter, he has also warned against the fake `gurus' who exploit
the faith of innocent devotees in the name of yoga, s³dhan³ and
spirituality. He has brought into light how the much advertised
'siddhis' like - extracting specific material substances from air or
empty space; or, producing desired items in the fist…., etc. - are
nothing better than magic shows which can be mastered by way of
special effects of light, mesmerism or some t³ntrika practices….
Exposition of such 'siddhis' reflects the immature or mean mentality
of the so-called 'yogºs' who are greedy for cheap popularity or are
driven by ego….

A person cannot reach high in spiritual progress or attain the true

siddhis of a s³dhan³ unless he gets rid of ego, avarice, erogenous
character and selfish attachments. Simplicity, integrity, chastity and
purity of thoughts and sentiments coupled with serene love,
compassion, generosity and qualities of industriousness and altruist
attitude, etc, are first signs of the spiritual elevation of a s³dhaka. No
one should think of acquiring siddhis by some 'shortcut path' or
'magical effects'…… This will lead to nothing more than
disappointment, exploitation, illusions or loss of time and efforts….

Often people think of the t³ntrika s³dhan³s as some kind of 'black

magic' and get attracted towards varieties of superstitions in that
illusion. The scientific basis, purpose and other details of this class of
s³dhan³s are highlighted in the volume 15 of the series. In the
present volume, the focus rests on giving the readers a glimpse of the
vast domain of s³dhan³s and introducing the fundamental
principles and certainty of enormous attainments through success of
righteous s³dhan³s.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The supernormal siddhis of anim³, mahim³, laghim³, ºshatva, etc

are discussed by Acharya Sharma in a separate chapter of this
volume. Here he has deciphered the limitless powers of
consciousness indwelling in the subtle layers of human self and
explained how the otherwise dormant potentials and talents could
be awakened by stepwise consistent progress along the righteous
path of s³dhan³ under the experienced guidance of a satgur¿ .

All of us - including those having blind faith in siddhis and those

'rational' thinkers or 'scientific minded' persons who discard the
possibilities of siddhis as vague imaginations of lunatics - should
read this volume to know the facts in the light of reality and
understand the meaning, mode of action, scientific basis and
relevance of s³dhan³s and siddhis in a truly progressive way of

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 5, An Introduction

.... the grace of divine souls is granted only for public good, for the
growth of righteous attitudes and tendencies in humanity and it is
not showered on anyone who hankers after fame or material
prosperity. These enlightened souls have no kith or kin, opponent or
rival. The all-pervading Spirit, manifested as Soul of Humanity, is
their Deity and they yoke their chosen and beloved souls in the service
of the Divine in humanity. In the light of this new insight, I at once
recollected the master- disciple relationship of Ramkrishna-
Vivekananda, Samarth Ramdas-Shivaji, Chanakya-Chandragupta,
Gandhi-Vinoba, Buddha-Ashoka. Where, however, the relationship
is based on mere exhibition of funny and frolicsome miracles, it
should be construed that a reprehensible tendency like jugglery is
going on between the so-called Guru and his disciple.
–– Excerpts from “My Life Its Legacy and Message”
Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(S³dhan³ Se Siddhi )

f s³dhan³ - determined endeavor of spiritual refinement, and
up³san³ - devotional practice aimed at excelling inner faith in
divinity, are performed sincerely while systematically following
the associated disciplines, there is no reason why any one should not
attain remarkable success. Often people get attracted towards
up³san³ in order to get rid of the adversities or scarcities of life or to
get instant peace of mind…. Many people want to perform s³dhan³s
to attain supernormal talents and potentials, some also choose this
path because of internal urge. However, no one can become a true
s³dhaka (devotee) in a matter of few days, months or even years,
unless he has dedication, deep faith and perseverance and has
conditioned his body and mind for the specific s³dhan³s.

The class of s³dhan³s of personality development and illumination

of talents my be divided into two categories : ( i ) Tapa s³dhan³s -
pertaining to observance of penance, expiation, arduous ascetic
practices of internal and external purification and transformation of
personality; ( ii ) Yoga s³dhan³s - intensive training and
strengthening of body, mind and inner self by specific practices of
³sanas, pr³ñ³y³mas, japa, dhy³n, dh³rana, etc. under prescribed
disciplines. Both are mutually complementary and equally
important. Gradually higher level s³dhan³s of either type may lead
to ultimate success (siddhi) if performed with unperturbed devotion,
faith, sincerity and disciplines.

"Tapa" literally means heating; as gold is purified in fire at extremely

high temperatures, the body and mind of a tapaswi are also purified
by the 'heat' of self-restrain and self-imposed hardships…. A
tapaswi, because of his excellent control of the activities of the body
and mind might develop egotistic attitude unless he is a dedicated
Spectrum of Knowledge

yogi too. A yogi has to always maintain a learner's attitude in order to

master stepwise procedures of yoga s³dhan³s. In this context, Lord
Krishna states in the holy Gita - "Tapaswibhyoadhiko Yogi"
(meaning: a yogi is greater than a tapaswi). But he, the greatest yogi
of all times, has also emphasized that no yogi can be successful
without tapa.

Literally, yoga means conjunction, confluence. Its true meaning in

the context of s³dhan³s is - unification of the inner self with the
supreme divine consciousness. As Lord Krishna has described :
Bhakti (pure devotion, sacrifice of ego), Karma (actions, creative
deeds) and Gy³na (prudent knowledge), all combined make a
complete yoga….

The details of different sytems of Tapa and yoga s³dhan³s , their

prerequisites, principles, disciplines, effects, etc are explained by Pt.
Shriram Sharma Acharya in three volumes of the vangmaya series.
Volume no. 5 sets the background highlighting the misconceptions
and illusive propaganda spread in the Indian society since the
medieval era in the name of tapa and yoga s³dhan³s. Rational
interpretations of the scriptures are also presented here to elucidate
the true meanings and importance of these s³dhan³s. Volume no. 7
presents some higher level s³dhan³s of tapa and yoga which are
harder and of greater importance - in terms of spiritual elevation,
than the s³dhan³s described in the present volume.

In the present volume, many scientifically viable s³dhan³

procedures for refinement of talents are described along with those
aimed at increasing the vitality and resistance of the body and
enhancing mental concentration and inner strength. Some important
pr³n³y³ms and mudr³s are introduced with specific details on their
need and impact on improvement of mind - body health.

How the devotional practices of bhajana- kºrtan and the dedicated

attempt of self-analysis and self-realization coupled with focused

Spectrum of Knowledge

thinking and contemplation could be easily performed by every one

in an otherwise busy schedule of daily chores - is excellently
illustrated by the author leaving no possibility for any confusion or
excuse from the reader's end. Several methods of auto-suggestion
have been discussed with practical guidance. It is also highlighted
how these simple practices could lead to the soul-realization of
"Soha®" or "Aym³tm³ Brah®" - the eternal unity of the soul with the
supreme consciousness. This is the ultimate "siddhis" and
beatitudious accomplishment of the highest level spiritual

The 'most popular but least understood' yoga practices of

mesmerism, hypnotism, transmigration, etc, are also described here
in scientific light. Questions regarding - "What is the truth behind
such practices?", "Can anybody hypnotize anyone else at any time?",
"How to go about learning these methods?", etc, are answered in a
lucid style with scientific justifications so that the 'laymen' as well as
those having substantial knowledge and experience in the related
fields could benefit from it.

Awakening of the ' ³jn³ chakra' or the 'sixth sense' by tr³taka and
bindu yoga s³dhan³ is also discussed in this volume. The
interpretation of the allegorical representations in the Puranas -
concerning the third eye of lord Shiva , is deciphered here to show
how the light of discerning prudence enables one control the
downward flow and loss of vital force and helps refinement of sex-
element. (The latter aspect is discussed at length in the context of
KuñÃalini S³dhan³ in vol. 15 of the vangmaya series.)

The different types of tr³takas and the modes of practising them are
discussed in the present volume in detail. Every body can practice
these…. Gradual improvement of eyesight, mental concentration
and memory indicate proper progress of these yoga s³dhan³s.
Ultimate success endows the s³dhaka with intellectual sagacity,
discreet and thorough reasoning and supernormal faculties such as -
clairvoyance, premonition, supernormal memory, etc.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The last Chapter is devoted to some special s³dhan³s of dhy³na -

dh³ran³ which include samarpana yoga; japa with payap³na, pr³ñ
sansk³ra s³dhan³, savit³-s³dhan³, etc. This volume also introduces
the Anushth³na based s³dhan³s for elimination of adversities and
the s³dhan³s for activation of extrasensory power centers in the
human body and refinement of the Pancha Mah³koshas (subtle
layers of successive evolution of the consciousness). Details of these
higher level s³dhan³s are given in the context of G³yatrº and S³vitrº
in volume nos. 9 to 15 of the vangmaya series.

It is hoped that the present volume would remove the mists of doubts
and misconceptions and guide the illuminated path of s³dhan³s
leading to glorious success and divine attainments (siddhi).


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 6, An Introduction

A detailed description about my pilgrimage to the Him³layas is given

in my book titled “Colleagues in Solitude” (Suns³n-ke-Sahacar).
This book is a literary travelogue. One gets a clue from it how desires,
fear and adverse circumstances can be overcome through will-power.
A person who has to take to the spiritual path has to make his mind
and soul strong. I have explained in it why the Him³layas and the
banks of the Ganga are most suited for s³dhan³. The main factor
behind the fear of loneliness is the unstable mind. If the mind is
steadfast and strong, there is no need of companions; and man, like
animals, need not be afraid of loneliness.

–– Excerpts from “My Life Its Legacy and Message”

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Prasupti Se J³grati Kº Or)

dhy³tma -- the field of knowledge and experiments of
spirituality, is a deeper science based on realizations, reasoned
thoughts and logically established and verified principles.
Though, its principal focus lies in the domains of Cosmic and
Individual Consciousness and deeper cores of Human- Psychology,
it is as scientific in its methods as Physics or any other branch of
material based Natural Sciences.

The philosophy and science of Adhy³tma was developed by the

rishis - ancient Indian experts of every aspect of life and nature - with
a major objective of deriving practical modes of chiseled refinement
and virtuous transformation of personality up to divine heights. This
on the one hand teaches the art of living to the masses and helps ideal
development of the society and culture and, on the other hand,
provides adept guidance and methods of experimentation to the
aspirants of awakening the otherwise dormant divine virtues and
potentials hidden in the individual self.

The 'edifice' of Adhy³tma stands on the two strong 'pillars' of tapa

and yoga. Understanding the meaning and adopting the practices of
tapa and yoga in every dimension of life - make possible the
transmutation of an ordinary mortal being into an enlightened ,
glorious, great personality, equivalent to a divine being in human
body. Adhy³tma deals with evolution of consciousness and hence
has intimate relationship with inner sentiments and spirituality. It
has been the center of attraction of the thinkers of all eras. The
scientific approach to spirituality practised and propagated by Pt.
Shriram Sharma Acharya since past few decades has offered new
and comprehensive ways of - (a) in depth understanding of human
psychology and culture vis-à-vis the evolution of consciousness; (b)
integrating modern sciences with the science of spirituality in a
creative manner.

Spectrum of Knowledge

He successfully endeavored eliminate the smudge of doubts,

misconceptions, superstitions and fears associated with Adhy³tma
and presented it in new light for enlightenment of the human society
today. The present volume is a compilation of his deliberations on
the principles and practical implementation of Adhy³tma derived
from his in-depth studies of scriptures and his experiments and
experiences with the spiritual endeavors (s³dhan³) of tapa and

It is said that the s³dhan³ of Adhy³tma lead to K³y³kalpa. The word

"K³y³kalpa" literally means - transformation of an old body into a
new one…. But, that is only an allegoric description. The true
meaning in the context of Adhy³tma corresponds to - activation and
elevation of the vital force, illumination of the intellect and the inner
self and hence an overall refinement and sublime transformation of

Tapa s³dhan³ deals with ascetic disciplines, penance and

determined self-restrain to diminish the influence of existing evil
tendencies, habits and the misdeeds of the past. Progress in tapa
gradually results in purification of the inner self and activation of the
intrinsic strength of the soul. Yoga s³dhan³ plays supportive role in
removing the weaknesses and deficiencies of the body and in
controlling the agility of mind. Its sincere practice gradually
improves one's physical and mental potentials and eventually helps
realization of the immense power of consciousness…. If tapa is like
washing the 'cloth' of the individual self, yoga may be likened to
'coloring and ironing' it….

The present volume describes most of the important s³dhan³s -

ranging from Ch³ndr³yana Vrata to Pr³ña Praty³vartana - which
can be performed under adept guidance by every aspirant of
righteous development of personality, refinement of talents and
overall ent of elevation of life. These s³dhan³s, if practised
sincerely, can effectively materialize into k³y³kalpa. Increased glow

Spectrum of Knowledge

of the aura around the body, good health, impressive personality and
eminence are some of the easily visible attainments of initial success
in these s³dhan³s.

The practice of the above s³dhan³s is generally three phased : (i)

sa®yama s³dhan³ -- self restrain, self-analysis and healing of past
sins; (ii) ar³dhan³ - altruist service with an optimistic attitude to see
the good that dwells everywhere in the world; (iii) up³san³ -- self-
realization with devotional faith in the divine origin of the soul….
Specific disciplines, modes of purification and methods of practising
sa®yama, ar³dhan³ and up³san³ associated with the tapa and
yoga s³dhan³s are devised based on deep realization and
understanding of the inner world of activities and subtle variations
in the human body and mind. Details of specific s³dhan³s for
specific purposes as per the condition of one's physical, mental and
spiritual health are also available in this volume.

Experiments on the effects of the special s³dhan³ of Ch³ndr³yana

Vrata and Pr³n Praty³vartan have been conducted on thousands of
people since past two decades in the Brahmvarchas research centre
of Shantikunj - an institute established by the author in Hardwar,
India. Thousands of devotees have also benefited from these
s³dhan³s in the spiritual training programs at Shantikunj and at
Gayatri Tapobhumi, Mathura - another centre founded by Pt.
Shriram Sharma Acharya.

Each practice of Ch³ndr³yana Vrata lasts for thirty days. This

involves a controlled and orderly pattern of fasting where the
s³dhaka -- the person performing the s³dhan³ is given measured
quantities of kalk (special food with herbal preparations) once a day
in successively reducing and increasing order as per thelunar
variation….. Confession, in front of an authentic spiritual master, of
the sins and misdeeds committed by the S³dhaka and ascetic follow-
up of penance and atonement - are also parts of this s³dhan³. Those
who have performed this Vrata along with G³yatri Anusth³na
under the adept guidance of Acharya Sharma have experienced
Spectrum of Knowledge

immense relief and peace and escalation of vital energy and intellect
coupled with remarkable changes in their attitude towards life in a
short span of forty days.

The s³dhan³ of Pr³n Praty³vartan focuses at transmutation of vital

energy and refinement of the subtle body with the help of the
spiritual energy - extracted from the cosmic centers of divine powers
or transmitted by a satgur¿ (spiritually elevated noble guide). The
elementary practices as well as the highest level spiritual endeavors
associated with different s³dhan³s are elucidated in different
chapters of this volume. Scientific aspects are also highlighted here in
the context of the tests and experiments conducted at Brahmvarchas,
Shantikunj, Hardwar.

Shantikunj, Hardwar and Gayatri Tapobhumi, Mathura are

spiritually vibrant centres. Regular training programmes for
spiritual refinement of personality by specific Japa, Anushth³na
based s³dhan³s of G³yatri are conducted in Shantikunj. The details
of different aspects and modes of practice of the concerned s³dhan³s
are described in volume nos. 12 to 14 of the vangmaya series.

The present volume also introduces some new yoga s³dhan³s which
are not there in Patanjali's Yoga Sharstra. These include - the Atma
J³garana yoga, Samyakatva yoga, Âtma vik³sa s³dhan³ upw³sa,
Kriy³ yoga and Pragy³ yoga. These help past healing, improvement
in bodily and mental health and awakening of the inner self. The
s³dhan³s, based on the sublime powers of eternal sound and its
manifestations in the 'music' pervaded in the nature and inside the
human body…., such as - the Laya yoga, Nada yoga, Swara yoga,
Granthi yoga, S¿rya yoga, Shakti yoga, Vishwa yoga etc, are also
covered here. These s³dhan³s penetrate the deeper domains of
consciousness and lead to the enlightenment of the astral (causal)
body too…..

The Indian scriptures emphasize the importance of Satgur¿ in

understanding and adoption of the principles of Adhy³tma. A
Spectrum of Knowledge

Satgur¿ is the one who has attained real knowledge and beatified
success in in devout s³dhan³s of spiritual elevation and who has the
power to see the inner character and personality of a devotee and
provide adept guidance for s³dhan³s suitable to the latter's level.
Shraddh³ and Vishw³sa - pure devotion and intrinsic faith in the
central theme, ideology and mode of practice of the s³dhan³ are
described as essential as the sincerity of endeavor and unperturbed
observance of the necessary disciplines for viable success of any
experiment in Adhy³tma. Presence of the three - Shraddh³,
Vishw³sa and Satgur¿ with availability of pure, peaceful and
spiritually empowered atmosphere ensures the ultimate success of
the dedicated endeavors of the s³dhaka.

A Satgur¿ guides the righteous path of truth and absolute welfare

and helps creative use of the S³dhaka's Shraddh³ and Vishw³sa. It
is very difficult to find such an authentic spiritual master these days.
Equally difficult is to find a serene, spiritually charged atmosphere.
In ancient times, the places of pilgrimage (tirtha) used to serve this
purpose. The interested readers will find detailed information and
examples of Satgur¿ and Tirthas of the ancient times in this volume.
They will also get a glimpse of how and where these traditions have
been or being revived in the present times.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma has made unparalleled contributions to

the resurrection of the divine culture of ancient India. Because of his
s³dhan³s of the highest kind devoted to the above cause, Shantikunj,
Hardwar stands today as a live example of a spiritually vibrant
tirtha. He has indeed been a satgur¿ who has elevated millions of
devotees from the dark 'dens' of ignorance and enlightened their
lives with righteous knowledge and wisdom. Millions of people -
including modern scientists, rational thinkers and the so called
'atheists' have been inspired by the spiritual glow of his saintly
personality and have realized the source of spiritual refinement and
evolution of consciousness through the s³dhan³s performed in
Shantikunj under his auspicious guidance.

Spectrum of Knowledge

May this volume serve to transmit the divine impulses of the

supreme intellect of Satgur¿ Shriram Sharma into the minds and
inner-selves of all readers and excel their progress along the glorious
path of awakening and attainment of righteous knowledge and pure

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 7, An Introduction

..... Explaining the importance and philosophy of up³san³, which is

the first essential pre-requisite for spiritual upliftment, Gurudev
said, “God cannot dance to your tune. You will have to become his
devotee and act according to His will. If you are able to do so, you will
become identical with God. Fuel has no worth except when it
embraces fire and becomes fire itself. Fire does not become fuel. It is
fuel which has to be transformed into fire. A drain meets a river and
becomes as purifying and great as the river itself. But it never
happens that a river flows in reverse, meets the drain and becomes
dirty like it. Iron comes in contact with p³ras, (the mystical stone
which is said to convert iron into gold by mere touch), and turns into
gold. It does not become p³ras. It is the s³dhak who has to dance to
the tune of God like a puppet. God does not fulfil the wishes of the
s³dhak. A s³dhak has to surrender himself to God and fulfil His will.
A drop of water merges into and becomes one with the ocean. The
ocean does not become a drop. This is the philosophy of up³san³. If a
person wants to do up³san³, he has to sit near God, do His will and
become His follower.”
–– Excerpts from “My Life Its Legacy and Message”
Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Iïhwara Kauna Hai, Kah³n Hai, Kaisa Hai ?)

aith in God forms the very basis of all religious developments
and has intimate relationship with Human Psychology. Despite
this, nobody, not even the theists and scholars of Theology have
been able to define Thy- realization. Each one of us has his or her
own imaginations, perceptions and understanding of God. This
somewhat depends on our intrinsic make-up, training and
environment of life and mental conditioning…. Whatever be our
imagination of His 'forms', if our faith is true and piet, our 'God'
certainly offers us immense love, courage and motivation to live with
moral dignity…..

Understanding and absolute realization of - "Who is God, Where

and How is God…?", has been the quest of all spiritual devotees,
religious scholars, seekers of Nature, and many others since the
origin of mankind…. This type of questions, of fundamental
importance in human life, reflecting the eternal inquisitiveness of
human self…., have been dealt by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya in
this volume in most non-prejudiced, authentic and universally
acceptable manner.

The existence of the cosmic order of the Almighty, the reflections of

omnipresent Supreme Consciousness and the scientific roles of faith
and devotion, etc. have been excellently discussed by Acharya
Sharma. He also analyses ancient scriptures and philosophical
transactions on these topics in scientific light with rational logic --
leaving no room for ambiguity, blind faith or misinterpretations. His
supramental knowledge and acumen in Human Psychology and
his serene love for all beings empower his words with unique
personal touch and spiritual force which take his views to the inner
cores of our hearts. His writings penetrate far beneath the surface of
intellectual deliberations or philosophical expressions and enable us

Spectrum of Knowledge

think, realize and feel through the deeper core of our sentiments, the
truth in what he explains.

The word "God" is referred as "Ishwara" in Sanskrit language. Literal

meaning of this word expresses - " That, whose glory is reflected in
every direction, everywhere, in every component of Nature…..,
within and beyond the limits of the cosmic whole…. That whose
piety, power and expansion is unlimited….." . Comprehensive
decipheration of "What is God?" - is regarded impossible for human
intellect. HE exists every where. Every activity of Nature is governed
by HIS universal laws…. HIS discipline makes the existence of every
thing possible -- ranging from subtle energy flows to the infinite
expansion of the cosmos…. . The eternal order of "Time"
originates and ends in Thee. Time, space and subtler as well as higher
dimensions of existence are HIS expressions…. The presence of God
can be felt in every breath of vital force. The grand unification of all
souls, the universal force of ultimate evolution of collective
consciousness may be 'defined' as the Supreme Soul - Param³tm³.

Because of our extrovert attitude, we usually search for the existence

and expression of God in Nature. As the activities of Nature and its
visible forms lie within the domain of our perception or have been
deciphered through scientific and technological developments, we
often tend to seek Thou presence by similar means and try to prove
HIS existence by the scientific principles and logic known to us or
with the help of some established theories acceptable to most
people…. But, such attempts hardly lead us to any conclusion. How
could THAT which is - Omnipresent, eternal, beyond the grasp of
intellect, source of conscious, unconscious and super-conscious
faculties, Self-existing Creator of - Nature, ecosystem, cosmos and all
the tangible as well as the extrasensory forms of existence, be
realized, explained or analyzed by materialistic means or by using
the principles of yet incomplete domains of scientific knowledge…?
When we are not sure of the ultimate goal of the 'search of truth' in
Science, how can we apply the present developments of Science to
elucidate the absolute truth…?

Spectrum of Knowledge

The best way, as discussed by the author here, to search for the
existence of God - is to try realizing HIS presence in the deep cores of
our own inner selves. In Acharya Sharma's words - "If we ought to
assign a definition to God…., we may identify HIM as an absolute
ensemble of - preeminent virtues, divine tendencies of serene love,
compassion and altruist service…., piet sentiments, pure intellect
and divine culmination of inner strength and morality….. As the
level and extent of these qualities increases in the individual self, the
latter gets more and more illuminated by Godliness and the presence
of God in the inner self becomes more real and transparent….." .

The readers would find the devotional sentiments of rasovaisa¡ --

reflection of God in everything; Thou love for all beings; everything
existing as per thy- will for expansion of eternal light -- being alive
in the eloquent expressions of the author. At the same time, they
would see that the reflection of the Vedant Philosophy of
Ayam³tm³ Brah® - the soul is Brah® (the absolute, eternal,
omnipresent, supreme consciousness force) -- has also been
discussed by him with equal ease and impact.

He emphasizes that the overall refinement of personality - through

sincere endeavors, gradually leading to - good conduct, adoption of
high human values in day-to-day life, integrity of character,
balanced attitude, elimination of ego and selfish desires, rise of
righteous intellect and pure sentiments of love and compassion, is
the key to spiritual elevation of the self up to levels of "Parama
Hansa , Sthita Pragya", when, despite being an ordinary and
normal person in worldly terms, one lives in the liberated state of
absolute peace and beatitude… This is what is described by the
author as "meeting God" or "realizing Thee"…….. In this divinely
refined state of spiritual culmination, one realizes the truth of "Jºvo
Brahmaiva N³para¡" - the individual soul and the Brahm are one
originally .

Acharya Sharma has justified the need of faith in God or in the

presence of HIS eternal order and disciplines and warned that
without its cultivation, the "Charvaka" type atheistic philosophy of -

Spectrum of Knowledge

"whatever is present, accessible and usable for selfish motives….is

true…", or the so called dogmas of "survival of the fittest….." would
lead to social anarchy where "might is right" would be the law of the
day and "exploitation of the weaker ones" and "uncontrolled
consumption of natural resources…." would become the honored
principles of success….. What would then preserve human-values or
ensure the survival of humanity and precious life on the earth….? He
describes the universal message of Gita - "sincere performance of
duties leaving results in God's hands…."- as the source of happy
coexistence and ideal progress of all beings in all ages…..

The author's views would inspire the so called atheists or rationalists

too to do little introspection and see the linkage of science,
psychology, spirituality and theism in the new and truly realistic
perspectives realizing the inevitable role of human sentiments in
every dimension of life. His critical analysis also takes those people
to tough task who spread spiritual misconceptions, emotional
corruption, fundamentalism, illusions and superstitions in the name
of God and religion. According to him, the path to reach Thee is
unique and straight. There is no place for 'short cuts' or 'jumps' there.
No ritual or mode of worship can ever lead to HIS realization
without the refinement of self at physical (worldly), mental,
sentimental and spiritual levels and without dedicating the talents,
potentials, resources and sentiments to elevation of others…. He
considers the entire world as a manifestation of the existence of God
and defines the sincere service and sacrifice for righteous
development of the world, of all beings…., as the ideal worship of

Acharya Sharma recommends an excellent yoga s³dhan³ for overall

refinement, righteous development and spiritual enlightenment of
personality which is most suitable in today's circumstances. It can be
practised by every body along with daily chores of the duty-bond,
busy schedule of life. This "Pragy³ yoga" is based on practically
implementable science of spirituality advocated by the author. It
broadly comprises of three phased practice in daily life; viz.,
up³san³- simple spiritual practices of meditation and devotional
prayers to adopt the divine virtues, the godliness subtly pervaded
Spectrum of Knowledge

within and around us; s³dhan³ - ascetic attitude of self-restrain and

control of thoughts, ambitions and actions to train oneself for an
eminent and progressive life free from the vices of ego, anger, lust,
and selfish attachments; and ar³dhan³ - creative utilization of at
least a fraction of one's time, potentials and resources for altruist
service aimed at betterment of the human society…..

Regular contact - through personal interaction or through reading or

discussions and contemplation - with the lives and works of great
personalities and trenchant thoughts of authentic persons who
live(d) for high ideals and welfare of all struggling against the
adversities and hardships of life, provides excellent support in
conditioning of the mind for the above practices.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma's own life stands as a witness and shining

example of how the dedicated adoption of, up³san³, s³dhan³ and
ar³dhan³ leads to the arousal of divinity in human self….. His vast
knowledge, sagacity, super eloquence, simplicity, spirituality,
selfless service of humanity, limitless love for all beings, greatness of
character….., do give a glimpse of divine incarnation in human life.
The highly esoteric, inexplicable and unlimited topics pertaining to
the existence and realization of God have been so perfectly dealt by
him that the present volume could also serve as a guiding light and
supporting linkage towards connecting the reader's consciousness
with pristine reflections of divinity…..


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 8, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(G³yatrº Mah³ vidy³ K³ Tatva Darïan)

he self-existent eternal power of Supreme Consciousness - the
source of all existence and activity, was realized by the Indian
sages of yore as G³yatrº. It is defined as Vedm³t³- the genesis of
all Vedas. The four Vedas - Rik, Yaju, S³ma and Atharva and hence
all streams of knowledge are said to have originated from G³yatrº.
The absolute knowledge described in the Vedas is fundamental to
the expression of consciousness, to all activities of living beings and
the Nature through the four major components of life pertaining to -
Rik (religion, spirituality, auspiciousness and peace), Yaju
(potentials of physical and intellectual progress), S³ma (creativity,
play and enjoyment) and Atharva (materialistic development). The
Indian scriptures describe that Lord Brahma - the eternal creator,
had created the cosmos with the help of the knowledge emanated
from G³yatrº in the Vedas.

The manifestation of the omnipresent power of G³yatrº in the cosmic

expansion of eternal sound was discovered by Maharshi
Vishwamitra as the G³yatrº Mantra. This mantra is glorified as the
smallest and universal religious scripture for all ages. In terms of
knowledge, this mantra is the root, representing the essence of
Indian Philosophy and its divine culture. In terms of acoustic effects
and the science of mantras, the G³yatrº Mantra is the source of
limitless powers of consciousness and a perfect compilation of the
cosmic and spiritual reflections of eternal sound.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya is recognized as the Vishwamitra of the

present era for his dedicated endeavors of eliminating the
misconceptions associated, since the medieval times of religious
corruption and cultural deformation ….., with the devotional
practices of the G³yatrº Mantra and for his success in reestablishing

Spectrum of Knowledge

the glory of this great knowledge. He propagated the true

knowledge of G³yatrº in scientific light and took it to the people
across the world without any discrimination of religion, caste, creed,
sex, social status, etc….

Acharya Sharma's vast knowledge, life-long devout experiments in

spirituality and experiences of ultimate success in realization and
divine attainments through the s³dhan³ - spiritual endeavor under
ascetic disciplines and with absolute devotion - of G³yatrº are
reflected in the successive volumes written by him on the meaning,
philosophy, science, devotional practices and higher level s³dhan³s
of G³yatrº and the miraculous benefits - ranging from those in day-
to-day life to supernormal spiritual endowments…, attainable by
successful completion of G³yatrº s³dhan³…..

In this volume, he has presented the essence of what had been

expressed by the rishis in the ancient scriptures on the great
knowledge of G³yatrº. Excerpts (in Sanskrit language) from the
scriptures are cited here with literal meaning and elaborate
explanations. Acharya Sharma has also described the worldly and
spiritual powers associated with each of the twenty four syllables of
the G³yatrº Mantra and elucidated the presence of corresponding
extrasensory energy centers within the human body and brain
which are activated by the vibrations generated by rhythmic
enunciation (japa) of this mantra.

How the rishis had devised and practised the methods of G³yatrº
s³dhan³ and what have been the views and experiences of the
spiritual saints, eminent scholars and great personalities of the later
ages - is also highlighted in this volume. G³yatrº is defined in the
Vedas as the source of all spiritual powers. It enlightens the soul and
educes immense strength in the s³dhaka (devotee). What makes a
person a true devotee? How do ordinary people engaged in worldly
chores proceed along the path of self-restrain and spiritual
refinement? Detailed answers to such queries and doubts are
provided in this volume emphasizing the importance of intrinsic
Spectrum of Knowledge

faith, inner sentiments of devotion, and purity of character and

deeds….. Illustrative live examples of people from all walks of the
society are presented with authentic information on how they
improved their mode of life and attitude and got blessed by
performing G³yatrº s³dhan³ in a duty-bond ordinary life.

The vibrations of G³yatrº Mantra generate physical, mental and

spiritual energy in and around the S³dhaka who recites this mantra,
under proper discipline, with sincere faith and devotional
meditation on rising sun….. In the state of deep meditation, the
S³dhaka's consciousness gets linked to the divine impulses
emanated from the subtle body (Savit³) of the Sun. At physical level
as well, the vital energy of the S³dhaka attracts the cosmic energy
waves and empowers the S³dhaka's body and mind. The readers
might also like to know what is the proper mode of recitation (japa)
of the G³yatrº Mantra , what are the essential disciplines and how to
condition the mind for meditation with unperturbed
concentration….? This volume together with volume no. 12 of the
Vangmaya series would serve the purpose of practical guidance on
these issues.

Despite excellent progress in science and technology and

progressive experiments on socioeconomic fronts, the state of the
world today is far away from being happy and peaceful. Rather, the
decline in human values, the suppression of morality by selfishness,
ego, thirst for power and the perversion of thoughts and debauch of
desires by lust for sensual and materialistic pleasures…, etc, have
even put a question mark on the very survival of humanity..... In this
period of "crisis of faith", refinement and transmutation of mentality,
attitude and intrinsic sentiments of the people seem to be the only
hopes for permanent solutions. Spiritual and devotional practices
devised by the visionaries of yore offer the key to success in
achieving this change in feasible duration of time.

The s³dhan³ of G³yatrº stands atop all spiritual endeavors in above

respect as well. Because, it is universal, risk-less and unanimously
recommended by all spiritual saints and erudite scholars of Indian
Spectrum of Knowledge

Philosophy as the best s³dhan³ for total removal of the negative

effects and mal-impressions of past sins and simultaneous
refinement of the unconscious and conscious mind…. G³yatrº is
referred in the scriptures as amrat, p³ras and kalpvraksha because it
bestows the nectar of spirituality, illuminates the inner self of every
devotee with divine glow and fulfils all righteous desires. A true
devotee of G³yatrº does not face any scarcity or danger in life….

G³yatrº is also the source of all the par³ - manifested in the tangible
world, and apar³ - subtle, branches of absolute knowledge. The
Chhandogya Upanishad states "G³yatrº V³ Idam Sarva Bh¿tam
Yadidam Kincha " implying that - "the entire universe is a reflection
of G³yatrº power…". There is nothing in the world which cannot be
accomplished by G³yatrº s³dhan³. The up³san³ (devotional
meditation) of G³yatrº is indeed the simplest and best way of
worshiping all divine powers of Thou.

The present volume is the first in the set of seven volumes (nos. 9 to
14) - of the Vangmaya series, which are devoted to the great
knowledge - encompassing philosophy, science, spiritual
experiments, supernatural attainments and boons…., of G³yatrº
s³dhan³. The scientific and philosophical aspects are briefly
introduced in this volume with greater emphasis on the
deliberations on the G³yatrº s³dhan³ as glorified in the ancient
scriptures. The readers are advised to read all the successive volumes
of this set to get maximum details and authentic and convincing
answers to their queries. Gurudev Shriram Sharma has gifted this
treasure to the modern age. Now, it is up to us how we all benefit
from it.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 9, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge

(G³yatrº S³dhan³ K³ Gahan Vivechana)

nyone who has ever had an exposure to the Indian Philosophy
and the Science of Spirituality must have heard of the G³yatrº
Mantra. That the spiritual endeavors (s³dhan³) of G³yatrº
transmute the personality and awaken divine sentiments and talents
- must have been experienced or noticed by every one who has
sincerely devoted himself to G³yatrº s³dhan³ or has had an
opportunity to study the life of a true S³dhaka (devotee) of this
spiritual experiment of the highest kind…..

The G³yatrº Mantra is considered to be a universal prayer. The glory

of G³yatrº S³dhan³ as elucidated by spiritual masters and scholars
of religious philosophy and the science of mantras raises a natural
question - "what is so special about the G³yatrº Mantra? The secrets
are deciphered in the present volume where Pt. Shriram Sharma
Acharya, an authority on the knowledge and spiritual experiments
of G³yatrº meditation, has analyzed the subtle science of this
mantra, its interpretations, teachings, philosophy and spiritual
aspects in detail.

The visible world is said to be created using the five basic elements
(the pancha mah³bh¿tas) - prathvº, jala, agni, v³yu and ³kasha.
The S³nkhya Darshan - one of the six principal schools of ancient
Indian Philosophy, affirms the existence of twenty four other
'elements' which constitute the complete expansion of the subtle
world and spiritual realization. These twenty four subtle elements
are said to be perfectly configured by the Indian rishis of yore in the
twenty four specific syllables (words) of the G³yatrº Mantra. Each
of these twenty four syllables is a seed of a distinct stream of divine
power. These twenty four powers are described as twenty four
deities in the rhetoric representation of the ancient scriptures.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The harmonic compilation of each of these special syllables in the

G³yatrº Mantra has made it extremely powerful in terms of the
superimposed vibrations generated by the rhythmic recitation of this
mantra. The activation of the twenty four subtle elements of
consciousness consequently stimulates the otherwise dormant
'currents' of vital force and sublimates the inner strength and
sentimental cores.

The scientific aspects - including sonic patterns and impact of the

vibrations of this mantra on human mind and body have been
covered by the author in volume no. 14 of the vangamaya series.
The discussions in the present volume pertain to deeper folds of
human psychology.

The G³yatrº Mantra - compiled in the script of ancient form of

Sanskrit language reads as follows:

Om || Bhur Bhuva¡ Sva¡ || Tat Saviturvareñyam,

Bhargo Devasya Dhº mahi, Dhiyo Yona¡ Prachoday³t ||

Here "Om" represents the eternal, self-existent, omnipresent sound

which is regarded as the realization of the absolute origin and
ultimate end of the cosmos. The syllables (sounds) Bhuh, Bhuvah,
Svah correspond to the physical, subtle and astral (causal) domains
of existence - emanated from the supreme cosmic consciousness of
the Brahma. The ancient philosophical deliberations, practical
implications, spiritual aspects and interpretations associated with
human psychology - of each of these syllables as well as the others till
the last letter 't ' of "prachoday³t" have been eloquently analyzed by
the author with authentic references and illustrative discussions. The
implications of the thousand names of G³yatrº and the nine layers of
different reflections of the expansion of the divine powers of G³yatrº
are also dealt with excellently.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Understanding of the meanings and teachings of each component of

the G³yatrº Mantra strengthens the s³dhaka's faith and devotion
and helps him realize the impact of rhythmic enunciation of the
mantra at the levels of gross body, mind and the inner self.

For example, the contextual meaning of the Sanskrit word

"prachoday³t" is - educe and elevate the element "dhiya¡" (=
intellect) towards the righteous path of divine illumination…..
Significantly, each letter of this word also offers important guidance
to the ideal philosophy of life: "pra" implies - be strict to yourself and
humble to everyone else; this corresponds to cautious self-analysis,
refinement of the self and generous and respectful attitude for the
others. The word "cho" indicates the importance of friendship and
association with morally refined, wise and duty-bond people; in
other words it also reflects the importance of moral thoughts and
contemplation on the ideologies of great personalities which support
high human values.

The syllable "da" reminds of self-respect and cautions that integrity

of character and virtuous elevation of personality is more important
than wealth or power. Here "y³" teaches maintains of affectionate
and mutually honorable social relationships and apprises one of his
social responsibilities. The last syllable "t" implies the true meaning
of religion as - " have love and respect for all beings….; do not treat
others in a manner in which you would not like or accept to be
treated…". Thus, a single word "prachoday³t" itself contains the
essence of psychological, social and religious development in a
righteous way….

The simplified analysis and explanations of Acharya Sharma make

the rather difficult field of literature and philosophy, quite
interesting and perspicuous. His expressions seem to carry the force
of his inner sentiments for the welfare of every being….and have the
power to penetrate our hearts and enlighten our minds with the
divine glow of G³yatrº .

Spectrum of Knowledge

Understanding how the twenty four divine powers subtly

'contained' in the G³yatrº Mantra affect the physical, mental and
spiritual domains of life and influence the external world around,
……up to cosmic levels - inspires the s³dhaka to unite his
consciousness with the eternal vibrations of the mantra. This in
practical terms corresponds to sincere adoption of the teachings
implied in the meaning of this mantra and cultivation of auspicious
progress and peace in life. The philosophy of life shaped according to
the universal meaning of this mantra is indeed a source of complete
success and beatitudeous bliss.

Acharya Sharma has expressed the essence of the meaning of the

G³yatrº Mantra as a universal prayer for collective awakening of
the consciousness and divine illumination of human intellect
towards the righteous path. May all people be enlightened by the
knowledge and afflatus of the great G³yatrº Mantra and all witness
the revival of the divine culture.
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acahrya Vangmaya Vol. 10, An Introduction

....Accumulation of worldly possessions and riches is automatically

reflected in a person’s nature attitude and conduct. A healthy person
looks strong and beautiful. Affluent persons are full of pomp and
show. Intelligence of a man is reflected in his speech, conduct and
behaviour. In the same way, when spiritual treasure is amassed, its
impact becomes apparent. S³dhan³ is bound to result in siddhi which
means extraordinary achievements. Even ordinary persons attain
success by dint of their industriousness and resources but the success
attained in the spiritual field is exemplary and unique and it cannot
be attained by solitary efforts of an ego-centred person.
–– Excerpts from “My Life Its Legacy and Message”
Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge

(G³yatrº S³dhan³ Ke Pratyakïa Chamatk³r)

he G³yatrº Mantra inspires righteous intellect and elevates
prudence and devotion. It is a universal prayer and the supreme
mantra of all ages. Chhandogya Upnishada describes the
existence, expansion and activities of the world as a reflection of the
eternal vibrations of G³yatrº (Mantra). According to Adi
Shankaracharya , "G³yatrº represents the limitless Brahm - eternal,
omnipresent, absolute existence of Thy .Consciousness Force...". As
per the Vrahadaranyakopanishada - "One, who realizes and attains
the essence of the knowledge of G³yatrº in life, becomes Omniscient
and Omnipotent". The s³dhan³ of (grand spiritual endeavor) of
realization of G³yatrº bestows immense boons on a true devotee
and activates the divine element imbibed in his individual self.

The origin of the divine culture and philosophy of ancient times has
been attributed to the G³yatrº Mantra. The Indian rishis of yore -
who are honored as perfect beings, had devoted their lives to the
s³dhan³ of G³yatrº Mantra for the ultimate realization and spiritual
refinement of the inner self and attainment of divine potentials.
G³yatrº s³dhan³ has also been an integral part of the lives of the
spiritual saints and sages of the later ages.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya is known to be the most eminent

devotee and spiritual master of G³yatrº s³dhan³ in the recent times.
Every dimension of his life had unified with this sacred spiritual
endeavor of the highest kind. The divine sentiments, saintly
compassion, sagacious intellect, absolute knowledge, superb
eloquence, perfect creativity and enormous altruist services of this
great sage appeared to be in tune with the vibrations and
inspirations of the G³yatrº Mantra. He dedicated the supernormal
attainments of the G³yatrº s³dhan³ for the welfare and spiritual
elevation of millions of other people and pioneered propagating the
Spectrum of Knowledge

knowledge of G³yatrº to enlighten the masses.

That G³yatrº s³dhan³ indeed bestows miraculous blessings and

boons - was authentically advocated by him in scientific light. The
present volume is a compilation of his thorough study, experiments,
experiences and conclusions on this aspect. In his words - "During
my long term efforts of expanding the knowledge of devotional
practices (Up³sana) of G³yatrº s³dhan³, I have had interactions
with many great devotees who have been blessed by its divine grace.
Thousands of people have been encouraged and guided by me along
this path; those who sincerely continued their s³dhan³ with
unperturbed devotion and determination have been endowed with
miraculous benefits. They regard these as the boons of the divine
mother G³yatrº. Although, the positive effects and astonishing
attainments by G³yatrº s³dhan³ occur through the subtle scientific
process at deeper domains of consciousness, the devotional
sentiments of gratitude towards Thy power are advisable in order to
maintain humility and dedicated sincerity of mind - which are
necessary for the consistent advancement of the s³dhan³".

Acharya Sharma has cited authentic examples of divine attainments

through G³yatrº s³dhan³ with the help of excerpts from ancient
scriptures and by reporting the live experiences - during different
time periods of human history, of the spiritual masters, great
personalities and many ordinary people from different walks of the
society. Incidents of miraculous transmutation of the personalities of
Gautam, Dhruva, Mahatma Anand Swami, Kathiyawadi Baba,
Siddha Booti Baba, Madhavacharya, etc., by G³yatrº s³dhan³ and
the experiences and views of Swami Ramakrishna Paramhansa,
Vivekanand, Ravindra Nath Tagore, Lokamanya Tilaka, Mahatma
Gandhi, William Magnere, Arthur Koestler, etc, are worth
mentioning in this context. The volume covers all these in detail.

The revered head of the Arya Samaja, Anand Swami has expressed
his experiences and accomplishments during G³yatrº s³dhan³ in a
book entitled "Anand Gayatri Katha". Acharya Sharma has
elucidated his own experiences and spiritual attainments through
Spectrum of Knowledge

G³yatrº s³dhan³ in his autobiography and several of his books on

the Super Science and Philosophy of G³yatrº Mantra. Readers
would also find the essence of the first-hand experiences of both
these great personalities in the present volume.

Immediate effects of G³yatrº Up³sana include - cultivation of self-

confidence and fearlessness in the S³dhaka (devotee) and gradual
illumination of his intellect, power of decision-making and sense of
responsibility and purification of the emotional and inner cores of
mind. As a result, the devotee's worldly life also begins to progress
well at personal, professional and social levels. Further advancement
of the s³dhan³ with increasing devotion awakens the hidden talents
and divine sentiments and opens the doors for materialistic as well as
spiritual development. This implies the eternal validity of the
following vedic hymn -

Om Stut³ May³ Varazd³, Vedam³t³ Prachodayant³m |

P³vm³ni Dwij³n³m, Âyu¡, Pr³ñam, Praj³m, Païum,
Kºrtim, Draviñam, Brahmvarchasam |
Mahyam Dattv³ Brajata Brahmlokam || "

That "G³yatrº bestows good health, vitality, longevity, wealth with

grace, glorious success, co-operation, love, intellectual elevation and
divine culmination of the self" - can be verified by everybody by
sincerely practicing G³yatrº s³dhan³ in day-to-day life with
intrinsic faith….. Nothing could be more authentic then self-

The highest level spiritual endowments described as ashta siddhi

and nava nidhº are natural consequences of progress in G³yatrº
s³dhan³. At initial stage, the righteous progress of this s³dhan³ is
reflected in the serene charm, impressive voice, brilliance of eyes,
glow of the aura around the face and the body. Clarity of thoughts,
trenchancy of wisdom, intellectual talents, creativity and prudence
sprout and grow in the s³dhaka as he (or she) matures in the
s³dhan³. Most importantly, the s³dhaka (devotee) begins to feel the
Spectrum of Knowledge

presence of divine power in the inner self which educes immense

strength and peace in his mind to face all adversities and ups and
downs of life with stable faith and patience. His inner voice forcibly
cautions him against every immoral activity and thought and guides
ideal path in the moment of difficulty and dilemma.

The japa (rhythmic enunciation with deep meditation) of G³yatrº

Mantra is an integral part of G³yatrº s³dhan³. This helps refine the
s³dhaka's voice and leads to its subtle transmutation into the
extrasensory divine voice. Boons or curses expressed in this sublime
voice indeed come true. Further awakening of the inner potentials
gradually bestows the supernormal powers of premonition, afflatus,
telepathy, clairvoyance and prophecy. Activation and sublime
transformation of unconscious and super conscious minds of such a
s³dhaka links his conscious mind with divine impulses….

In the above state, the s³dhaka whether awaken, asleep or in trance,

can receive cosmic signals and divine messages. Transmission of his
vital energy or mental vibrations into other beings becomes as easy
for him as if one is handing over some physical items to someone
across the table. The atmosphere surrounding these spiritually
empowered personalities also becomes serene and remains charged
with some kind of divine influence.

Sincere and determined efforts in the appropriate direction take one

closer to the goal. Spiritual endeavors are no exceptions. This seems
to be more true and certain in case of G³yatrº s³dhan³. The present
volume serves as an authentic evidence for this cause. This will
acquaint the readers with the apparent boons of G³yatrº s³dhan³ -
experienced and acquired by thousands of ordinary persons. The
nectar of the eternal divine power of G³yatrº is for every body. Each
one of us can be blessed by enormous attainments in materialist,
mental, intellectual and spiritual domains of life with the help of
devoted G³yatrº s³dhan³.
Pt. Shriram Sharma Vangmaya Vol. 11, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(G³yatrº Ki Dainik Evam ViïiÌtha AnuÌth³n Paraka
S³dhan³yen )

he Indian rishis - saints, sages and scholars of yore had realized
the origin of the presiding power of the universe through
absolute devotion and perfect spiritual experiments. They had
described the eternal source of time, knowledge, pure intellect,
prudence, foresight, creation, welfare and ultimate peace as - the
deity, divine mother G³yatrº . The eternal source of omnipresent
divinity was discovered by them in the form of the G³yatrº Mantra
which is glorified as - the essence of the Vedas and the origin of the
ancient Indian Philosophy and its divine culture.

The up³san³ (devotional practice with meditation) and s³dhan³

(spiritual endeavor of self-elevation) of realization of G³yatrº are
unanimously attributed by the spiritual masters and great saintly
personalities of all ages as the perfect sources of purification,
escalation and sublime transformation of personality and life as a

The scriptures describe G³yatrº up³sana as essential for every

human being because, it begins the process of refinement at the level
of sentiments and cultivation of true virtues of humanity in every
dimension of personality. Be that the righteous development in day
to day life, illumination of intellect or spiritual transmutation of the
highest kind, all can be accomplished by sincere practice of G³yatrº
Up³sana. The s³dhan³ of G³yatrº is of utmost importance for
spiritual evolution as it burns out the past sins and associated
intrinsic infirmities of the s³dhaka (devotee).

G³yatrº has been allegorically referred as a "K³madhenu" - a divine

Spectrum of Knowledge

'cow', whose 'milk' is a nectar of all spiritual powers which removes

all agonies, scarcities and weaknesses of life, eliminates the evil
effects of sins and bad omen and induces blissful liveliness and
absolute enlightenment…..

G³yatrº up³sana maintains an ideal balance of the three basic

tendencies (gunas) of Nature - sat, raj and tam in the s³dhaka. It
gradually enhances the presence of sat-guna which educes pure
love, compassion, inner strength, eminence and intellectual
prosperity and creative talents. It empowers the raj-guna to elevate
physical and mental potentials ensuring righteous success in the
battle of life against all adversities and complexities of the world. The
spiritual refinement initiated by this s³dhan³ diminishes the
tamoguna and as a result, destroys the ignorance, lethargy and evil
tendencies. A true devotee of G³yatrº can never face any scarcity or
adversity in life because of his awaken prudence, inner strength and
righteous character.

The illusive propagations of the medieval era and the cynical

mentality of the so-called masters of religion at that time had brought
all kinds of misconceptions in Indian philosophy of yore. Whence the
G³yatrº Mantra was being described as an esoteric mantra which
can be 'taught' secretly only by some special gur¿s (spiritual masters)
to a special class of 'deserving' devotees…. Similar
misinterpretations and distortions had kept the original science and
philosophy of G³yatrº beyond sight for a long time…. The dedicated
efforts of the great saints, social reformers and sagacious spiritual
experts like Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya have brought the true
knowledge of G³yatrº in light in the modern age. Acharya Sharma
had successfully practised the highest kinds of spiritual endeavors of
G³yatrº up³sana. He shared his experiences with millions of
devotees and propagated the divine knowledge of G³yatrº in
scientific light for the welfare of all beings.

Narrating his own experiences, Acharya Sharma writes that - "the

Spectrum of Knowledge

omnipresent sovereign power of G³yatrº bestows divine grace on

every devotee. In no case, its up³sana and s³dhan³ can ever be
harmful or risky. Every human being is free to perform G³yatrº
up³sana. No one should have any suspicion in this regard. Devoted
pursuits of spiritual practices always return blessed effects provided
associated disciplines are obeyed sincerely. G³yatrº s³dhan³ is
more special in the sense that even in the case of some mistake on part
of the devotee, there is no possibility of any negative effect or
harm…. The divine mother always looks after all her children with
immense love and care".

Commenting on the so-called 'secret initiation' of the mantra by the

gur¿s, the author says - "fake gur¿s simply blow air by chanting
mantra in the ears of the devotees, while a truly noble gur¿ (satgur¿)
inspires the life force of G³yatrº in the inner self….". The ideal
combination of G³yatrº- knowldge and satgur¿ is like a perfect
combination of Savit³ - the subtle body of Sun God, the source of
absolute prudence, eminence and energy, and Brahaspati - the
divine gur¿ who guides all manifestations of God.

The first-hand experiences of Gurudev Shriram Sharma and his

erudite deliberations on the vast knowledge of G³yatrº are
eloquently penned by him in seven volumes of the Vangmaya series.
The present volume describes the objectives, disciplines and
methods of performing G³yatrº s³dhan³ in detail.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma assures that "sincere devotion with purity

of sentiments and righteousness of character never goes wrong"
quoting Lord Krishna in the holy Gita -

Neh³bhikrama N³shoasti Pratyav³yo Na Vidyate |

Swalpamupyasya Dharmasya Tr³ yate Mahatobhay³t ||

Meaning: "Dedicated endeavor commenced along the righteous

path is never lost; it continues (against all hindrances). It can never
bring negative or untoward outcomes. The truth and purity of the
Spectrum of Knowledge

objective, which is inspired by the inner self protects the nobility of

the path. Such an endeavor can not end without auspicious

When every effort devoted to truly religious objectives protects the

devotee from severe dangers and fears….., then why should there be
any doubt about the success of the great s³dhan³ of G³yatrº which is
devoted to collective awakening of the intellect of all beings along the
righteous path…?

The up³san³ of G³yatrº can be performed daily by meditation on

rising sun and japa (rhythmic enunciation) of the G³yatrº Mantra
for a fixed duration of time. Austerity, purity of body, thoughts and
sentiments, regularity of time and place, etc., are some simple
disciplines required to be followed here. Mental recitation and
contemplation on the G³yatrº Mantra can be continued throughout
the day whenever and wherever calmness and concentration of
mind can be maintained naturally. Practice of the above kind could
also be pursued by writing this mantra a fixed number of times every

The higher level s³dhan³ (called Anusth³na) of G³yatrº include -

Laghu anusth³na of 9 days, Anusth³na of 40 days and
Purascharaña of one to several years. These involve specific number
of japas of the G³yatrº Mantra and gradually higher levels of ascetic
disciplines. Details of each type of up³san³ and s³dhan³ of G³yatrº
are presented in this volume. The prescribed ³sanas (siting
postures), types of rosaries, number of japas, best timings and
methods of up³san³ and meditation, requirement of noble gur¿,
modes of commencement and completion, observance of essential
disciplines of chastity, fasting, altruist service….., etc. - all are
explained here in great detail with illustrations leaving no room for
any doubt…. Excerpts from ancient scriptures and views of
authentic spiritual masters are also cited with elaborate discussions.

The method of Pragy³ yoga- a special practice of yoga and G³yatrº

Spectrum of Knowledge

s³dhan³ , is also presented in this volume. The method was

introduced by Gurudev Shriram Sharma in 1980 for mass
implementation - keeping in mind the attitudes and life-styles in the
modern times. Every body can practise it without any difficulty or
major adjustment in his or her busy routine and can benefit from the
boons of G³yatrº up³san³.

The author's adept guidance offered in this comprehensive volume

would teach the readers how to proceed with G³yatrº up³san³ and
would also give necessary support at every step in marching towards
the ultimate s³dhan³ of G³yatrº Purashcharaña…. May this nectar
of eternal knowledge inspire all minds and hearts and enlighten
every life by the divine blessings of G³yatrº …..

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 12, An Introduction

The fundamental principles of tapaïcary³ are self-restraint (sanyam)

and proper utilisation of resources. By observing restraint of sense
organs (indriya-sanyam), a man remains healthy and the store of his
willpower never gets exhausted. By observing restriction in respect of
spending money (artha-sanyam), a man has to lead a simple life of an
average citizen and maintain himself on his self-earned, honest
earnings. Best utilisation of one's own time is known as samaya-
sanyam, in which a set work-routine has to be followed and body and
mind are applied to specific useful pursuits. This leaves no time for
indulging in evil deeds. By exercising restraint in respect of thoughts
(vic³r-sanyam) the outlook of a person becomes devout, spiritual and
religious and it becomes easy for him to perform s³dhan³ of Bhakti-
yog, Gy³n-yog and Karma-yog.
Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"
Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(G³yatrº Kº Pancha Ko̺ S³dhan³ Evam Uplabdhiy³n)

G³yatrº - the deity of time, knowledge, pure intellect, prudence

foresight, creation, progress, welfare and ultimate evolution is
described in the rhetoric representations of the Indian scriptures as
having five faces and ten arms. Idols and pictures of G³yatrº also depict
the same. This is not a mythological characterization, rather, the five
faces of G³yatrº symbolize the Pancha kosha (five 'sheaths' of the
consciousness force or the five 'realms' of its different manifestations
and expansion). The ten arms of the Goddess indicate her powers
which can completely destroy and eliminate the ten major causes of
the vices, decline and consequent pains and agony of life.

The gross, subtle and astral bodies of individual self are said to be
subtly covered by the Pancha kosha - annamaya kosha (body cell),
pr³ñamaya kosha (life cell), manomaya kosha (mind cell), vigy³namaya
kosha (knowledge cell) and ³nandamaya kosha (beatitudious bliss cell).
These are also described as five doors successive opening of which
leads the soul towards absolute liberation from all bonds and ultimate
unification with its eternal divine origin.

The word "kosha" in Sanskrit and Hindi languages also means treasure.
The pancha kosha contain five secret treasures of enormous potentials
endowed on the human self attainment of which removes all
deficiencies, complexities, stresses, worries, sufferings and agonies
and successively transmutes human life into divine one. The Bhragu
Valli section of Tattiryopanishad and Shatpatha Brahmana (15|17|31)
and Vrhadaranyaka Upanishda mention these aspects in detail.

The knowledge of the s³dhan³ (spiritual endeavors and disciplined

practices) of penetration and activation of the Pancha koshas lies at the
Spectrum of Knowledge

deepest core of the science of yoga and spirituality. Acharya Shriram

Sharma's "G³yatrº Manjarº" and "G³yatrº Mah³vigy³na" present the
nectar of the Vedas, Upanishadas and other scriptures on G³yatrº Yoga-
describing the s³dhan³s of activation, refinement and evolution of
consciousness for opening of the Pancha koshas and attainment of
supernormal potentials associated with them..... The present volume is
based on these books and compilation of his other articles on this topic.

The first in the hierarchical manifold (from gross to successively

subtler) of the five 'shells' is the annamaya kosha. The state of this kosha
determines the structure, strength and overall health of the gross
(physical) body. The nutritional quality of what we eat affects the
development of the gross body. But, the innermost characteristics,
subtle properties and purity of the food-intake influences the
evolution of the annamaya kosha. For example, food prepared with the
help of resources earned by unfair means or prepared by hurting some
living being in some way would have obnoxious subtle properties and
therefore exert negative effects on this kosha and hence on the health of
the body too. Disorderly, maligned or weak state of this kosha is
considered to be the root cause of all diseases and deficiencies of the

Specific practices of vrata, upaw³sa (fasting), ³sanas (physical exercises

of yoga), tatva shuddhi and tapa - titºksha (refinement by penance, self-
restrain, endurance and ascetic disciplines) are prescribed for healthy
maintenance and purity of this kosha. Higher level s³dhan³s of G³yatri
meditation and yoga can be practised only in a vigorous state of the
annamaya kosha. Detailed information and guidance of the day-to-day
practices and s³dhan³s of refinement and opening (spiritual activation)
of this kosha are provided in three chapters of the present volume.
Successive refinement of this kosha increases the vitality, resistance
and charm of the body and brightens the glow of the aura around it.
Awakening of this kosha opens up the way to enter the next kosha - the
pr³ñamaya kosha.

The pr³ñamaya kosha constitutes what is defined as the 'etheric double'

by the Theosophists. It refers to the reservoir of vital energy - the
source of liveliness, activity, eminence and inner strength. Disorder,

Spectrum of Knowledge

maligning or deficiencies at this source gives rise to psychosomatic

diseases, mental weakness and complexities. This kosha is maintained
in order by harmonizing the level of pr³ña (vital force) by the yoga
exercises of pr³ñ³y³ma.

Several types of pr³ñ³y³mas including those aimed at activation of the

s¿rya chakra and upthrust of pr³ña through the sushumñ³ n³dº are
described in the volume no. 17 of the Vangmaya series. Details on the
higher level G³yatrº s³dhan³ of arousal and spiritual transmutation of
the vital force are present in the volume no. 16. One chapter of the
present volume focuses on these in brief. Opening and refinement of
this kosha gradually increases creativity, enthusiasm, youthfulness -
longevity and sharpens mental talents and inner strength too. Its
linkage with KuñÃalini opens up the ways of supernatural

The manomaya kosha enfolds the domain of subtle layers of mind. It

governs the intelligence, intrinsic tendencies and continuous activities
of the mind at conscious and unconscious levels. The first phase of the
s³dhan³s of control and purification of this kosha deals with restraining
the agility of mind and enhancing mental concentration by meditation.

The yoga practices of japa, dhy³na, tr³taka and tanm³tr³ siddhi

prescribed for this purpose have been discussed in detail in one
separate chapter of the present volume along with the higher level
s³dhan³s like the gandha s³dhan³ and swara s³dhan³ which unlock the
latent treasure of supernormal intellectual and mental potentials.
Purity and awakening of the manomaya kosha is essential for spiritual
sublimation of the individual consciousness.

The fourth kosha in the successively subtle domains of human

consciousness is the vigy³namaya kosha which is the source of ultimate
knowledge and self-realization of the soul. The true existence of the
self is experienced as different from the body, virtues, intellect and
mind in the refined state of this kosha. Upon success of the associated
s³dhan³s, the soul realizes its eternity and divine nature. These
s³dhan³s include ajap³ japa, ³tm³nubh¿ti yoga and soaham s³dhan³ of

Spectrum of Knowledge

Activation of the vigy³namaya kosha also helps activation of the

supreme vital force (KuñÃalini ) and opening of the extrasensory knots
(granthis) and hence liberates the self from the thraldoms of ignorance,
pains, fears and attachments. One chapter of this volume is devoted to
the detailed explanation of these s³dhan³s. Specific knowledge of the
spiritual practices of ajap³ japa and soaham s³dhan³ is discussed in-
depth in volume no. 19 of the vangmaya series.

The ³nandamaya kosha contains the source of divine bliss -

beatitudiousness experienced after unification of the soul with its
eternal origin. The state of absolute trance (turºy³vasth³) achieved by
Shabda Brahm s³dhan³, N³da yoga s³dhan³ and Bindu yoga etc leads to
this ultimate spiritual realization and sublime transformation and
divine expansion of the self as unified with the omnipresent impulses
of the supreme consciousness. The science, philosophy and methods
of practising the Shabda Brahm and N³da yoga s³dhan³s are described in
detailed in volume no. 19 of this series. In the present volume, the
reader will find decipheration of what is ³nandamaya kosha and how
this can be awaken by the above s³dhan³s in day-to-day life.

Details on initiation of G³yatrº s³dhan³s and different modes of

disciplined practices under adept guidance of a noble spiritual master
are also presented here for ready reference. The secretes of the Pancha
Koshº S³dhan³ of G³yatrº are eloquently deciphered by the author
because of his life-long experiences and success with these spiritual
endeavors of the highest kind..... It is hoped that the light of his
sagacious intellect and knowledge reflected in this volume would
inspire readers to march ahead in the direction of spiritual refinement
of life.... the readers to march ahead towards spiritual refinement of
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 13, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(G³yatrº S³dhan³ Kº Vaigy³nika PraÌthabh¿mi)

amk³ra - the eternal, omnipresent, self-originated sound of
"Oa®" is said to be the sublime source of existence of the
cosmos. The G³yatrº Mantra - the first Mantra known since
the origin of time and creation of nature, is said to have emanated
from this self-existent n³da (eternal sound). The essence of the
ancient Indian philosophy and its glorious human-values is said to
have generated from this Mantra. This Mantra, a unique compilation
of twenty four syllables and vowels in Sanskrit language, is
described as the source of creation of the four Vedas and hence of all
dimensions and ultimate expansion of knowledge.

Many religious scriptures are compiled by enormous types of

Mantras each with specific effects and implications but the G³yatrº
Mantra stands superior to all. It is a Mantra which can also be chanted
as a chanda (hymn). It is regarded as the sonic representation, a coded
formula, of the absolute divine power of Thee. Lord Krishna has also
identified Himself as "G³yatrº Chandsamham" in the Bhagvata Gita
(Shloka 35, Chapter 10); meaning: "among all the chandas, I am
G³yatrº ".

The knowledge of the s³dhan³s (spiritual endeavors) of realization of

the powers of this Mantra and its philosophical and scientific
decipheration is so vast that seven volumes of the Vangmaya series
are devoted to it. The present volume elucidates the scientific aspects
of this Mantra some of which have been analyzed in the modern
research laboratories too.

Mantras are specific configurations of sonic patterns coded as

interweaving of syllables and phonetic symbols to produce specific
vibrations. At a gross level in general, sound serves as a medium
Spectrum of Knowledge

for communication but, at the subtler and the higher dimensions of

its existence, it plays the role of energy. Literally, Mantra (= manan +
tr³na) means a source of awakening and liberation of mind and
therefore has intimate relationship with psychology and spirituality
too. Vibrations in the gigantic 'ocean' of consciousness fall in the
sublime domains of sound. The cosmic and spiritual dimensions of
sound are scientifically deciphered in the context of - ultrasonic and
infrasonic applications, origin, expansion and impact of music and
the science of Mantras and Oamk³ra, in volume no. 19 of the
Vangmaya series. In the present volume, the specific features and
significance of G³yatrº Mantra are discussed in detail.

Indian spiritual masters and devotees of all ages have practised the
japa - anushth³nas (spiritual endeavors of meditation and disciplined
enunciations) of the G³yatrº Mantra. This Mantra has been recited
infinitely many times since the time of yore. Its vibrations are
pervaded in the subtle world and penetrate the aura of vital energy
and the ideosphere of the s³dhaka (devotee) whenever the latter is
engrossed in the japa of this mantra with deep meditation on the
glow of rising sun and having inner faith in its divine origin. These
cosmic vibrations influence the s³dhaka's brain-waves and eliminate
the deficiencies and disorder in the mental domains too.

As the s³dhan³ of the devotee progresses along with corresponding

refinement of his personality, the vibrations produced in and around
his body due to the japa of G³yatrº Mantra begin resembling the pre-
existent vibrations of this Mantra in the cosmos and generate greater
influence and expansion because of superimposition with the latter.

According to the science of acoustics, the patterns of sound waves

produced by each of the twenty-four letters of the G³yatrº Mantra are
very special and their combined effect is a source of immense energy.
Repeated japa (rhythmic enuncitation) of this mantra in multiples of
108 results in cyclic superimposition of the associated vibrations and
creates a field of force inside and around the body of the devotee. The
continuous movement of the tongue and its impact on the palate
during the recitations of this mantra produces specific vibrations in
the inter-connecting nerves as well.
Spectrum of Knowledge

The connection and movements of specific fingers used for holding

and moving the rosary (of 108 beads) for the purpose of counting of
japa adds to the soothing excitation of the nervous system.
Significantly, the nerves connected with the components of vocal
cord, tongue, palate and fingers used in the japa have more than 60 %
representation in the cerebral cortex. The bioelectrical currents
generated by the excitation of the nerve cells complete one "neuronal
cycle" per recitation and activate the brain with fresh energy.
Continuity of japas maintains the mind in a totally awaken state
charged with vital power of consciousness.

The bioelectrial impulses generated in the neuronal system sensitize

the endocrine glands and activate specific neuro-hormonal
secretions which play principal role in harmonizing the healthy
functions of the body, creativity of mind and emotional peace and
cheerfulness. The subtle vibrations generated in the inner core of
brain also exert positive effects on the extrasensory power centers in
the human body.

Acoustic analysis of the Science of Mantras - also known as the

"science of harmony of symbols and sounds" shows that the G³yatrº
Mantra has been given a 'crown status' because of its unique manifold
vibrations and power to influence the physical, subtle and spiritual
bodies simultaneously. Because of the impact of these vibrations on
the aura (of vital energy) around the body, the surrounding
atmosphere also gets affected coherently. The effects in the
surroundings are found to be most significant if this mantra is
chanted mentally or chanted loudly and collectively.

It should be noted that positive effects of any kind would be realized

only if the mantra is recited with unperturbed mental concentration
and serene sentimental conjugation (devotion). Without either of
them the "neuronal cycle" will not be complete or would be disturbed
by other bioelectrical flows excited by the agile movements of the
conscious mind.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The spritiual practises (s³dhan³s) of G³yatrº Mantra have inherent

relation with Yagya, shikh³ and yagyopavita. The philosophy and
science of Yagya are discussed in volume nos.25 and 26 of this series.
The implications and importance of shikh³ and s¿tra are
highlighted in the present volume. Shikh³ refers to the hair knot at
the central top of the head at a position regarded important in the
central nervous system and for the practices of yoga. Yagyopavita
or s¿tra is the sacred thread wore on the upper half of the body (its
structure symbolizes the philosophy of life the disciplines
associated with its use support psychological elevation). G³yatrº³,
Yagya, Shikh³ and S¿tra are integral parts of the Indian culture
which is developed on strong footing of the science of human
psychology and spirituality. Pt. Shriram Sharma is honored as an
authority on these subjects because of his unparalleled erudite
knowledge, his own experiences and successful experiments and
s³dhan³s of the highest kind.

Acharya Sharma has discussed each of the above mentioned aspects

of G³yatrº Mantra in detail. It is only possible for a super brain like
his to present these in a manner which makes the scientific analysis
interesting and within the grasp of the readers who might not have
any scientific background and at the same time gives directions for
innovative research on G³yatrº and unification of Neurosciences
and the Science of Spirituality.

The volume would serve as an eminent source of guidance for all -

including aspirants of spiritual attainments, devotees of G³yatrº
s³dhan³, scholars of ancient sciences and scientists and researchers
etc. and propagate the fundamental knowledge and immense scope
of the science of spirituality in new light promising revival of the
divine culture.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 14, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(S³vitrº, KuñÃalini Evam Tantra)

he ancient Indian scriptures mention that Lord Brahma - the
omnipresent supreme creator had attained the supreme
knowledge of G³yatrº which is said to be the origin of all the
spiritual, conscious, unconscious and super conscious faculties,
cosmic energy and material existence. The cosmic power of G³yatrº
used for the creation and perceptible realization of this universe is
named as S³vitrº. The philosophy and subtle science of G³yatrº
aims at the collective awakening of the righteous intellect, divine
sentiments, altruist creativity and eminence. The science of S³vitrº
deals with the origin and proper utilization of matter and energy.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma Acharya had successfully practised the

highest kind of spiritual endeavors (s³dhan³s) of G³yatrº and
S³vitrº. He had performed 24 Mah³ Purashcharañas each of 24
hundred thousands japa - anushth³na of G³yatrº Mantra while
observing ascetic disciplines for twenty four consecutive years. He
also endeavored specific spiritual experiments of S³vitrº s³dhan³ -
involving activation and extraction of the subtle power and vital
energy of the Sun God along with the arduous s³dhan³s of G³yatrº

Details of the origin, knowledge and spiritual science of G³yatrº and

his s³dhan³s of this unique are presented in the volumes numbered
9 to 14 of the vnagmaya series. Volume 1 of this series presents a
sketch of his life, his experiences in the Himalayas and the great
mission accomplished by him after successful completion of these
s³dhan³s which are defined in the Indian scriptures as the epochal
endeavors of spiritual transmutation.
Spectrum of Knowledge

The present volume focuses on Gurudev's S³vitrº s³dhan³ which

also incorporated his unique spiritual experiments on activation and
transmutation of the supernormal force -KuñÃalini, the 'serpentine
power'. These s³dhan³s, popularly known as KuñÃalini J³garana
s³dhan³s, correspond to the time-testing, devout spiritual
endeavors of successive penetration of the shat chakras (extra
sensory power nuclei in the endocrine system) and opening of the
three granthis (sublime knots along the spinal column) to activate
the eternal source of immense vital power and pull it upwards to
charge the sahastr³ra. This s³dhan³ is supposed to be risky and is
attempted only by experienced s³dhakas under authentic guidance.
The success of KuñÃalini J³garana sublimates the vital force into a
source of supernatural potentials and opens up the ways of spiritual
culmination of the self up to the highest realms of divinity.

Ancient scriptures of yoga describe the sushumn³ n³di - an

extrasensory channel of vital energy which is described to be spread
subliminally in the inner core of the spinal column in the shape of a
serpent having its 'tail' coiled in three and a half turns of a spiral
inside the m¿l³dh³ra chakra (the bottom most of the shat chakras)
and has thousand 'hoods' in the sahastr³ra (extrasensory region in
the reticular activating system of the human brain above the
endocrine system). The id³ and pingl³ n³dis - subtle canals within
the sensory and motor control columns lying parallel to the
sushumn³ n³di, along its left and right sides respectively, help
harmonize and control the upward flow of the currents of pr³ña (life

Three latent knots (granthis) of supernatural sources of power are

also described to exist along the sushumn³ n³di; these are - Brahma
Granthi near the m¿l³dh³ra chakra (extra sensory power center in
the inner region of pelvic plexus); Vishnu Granthi near the s¿rya
chakra (extra sensory power center in the middle region, above the
navel, of the spinal column); and the Rudra Granthi in the inner core
of the central region of the brain.
Spectrum of Knowledge

There is also a mention of pancha mah³kosha - five extrasensory

'shells' which cover the gross, subtle and astral bodies of an
individual and bring the existence of the soul into being.... The six
chakras (shata chakras), three granthis and the five (pancha)
mah³koshas together are the fourteen eternal sources of the streams
of spiritual powers hidden in the gigantic ocean of consciousness; the
activation of these is described in the scriptures as the discovery of
fourteen eternal pearls after "Samudra Manthan" - churning of the
self-existing, limitless `ocean' of absolute divine existence.

The success of KuñÃalini J³garana s³dhan³ arouses the otherwise

dormant source of vital force and also results in unwinding and
refinement of the two outermost layers of the pancha mah³koshas
namely, the annamaya kosha and the pr³ñamaya kosha. Activation
and illumination of the sahastr³ra by this s³dhan³ followed by
specific s³dhan³s of G³yatrº to sublimate the remaining three
koshas - manomaya kosha, vigynamaya kosha and ³nandamaya
kosha virutally transmutes the s³dhaka (devotee) into an
omnipotent, omniscient being and liberates his soul in the
ultimate state of beatified eternal bliss.

In this volume, the readers will find authentic information,

illustrative explanation and guidance on the serpentine power -
KuñÃalini and on the yoga s³dhan³s of its awakening and
consequent sublimation of the vital force, illumination of intellect
and empowering of the inner self up to supernatural levels. The
details presented here would remove all illusions and
misconceptions and provide clear answers to their queries on this
'much heard of but little understood' topic of mystic spiritual
knowledge. Scientific interpretations in terms of the association of
the shat chakras with the endocrine glands; bioelectrical flows and
sex-element with pr³ña shakti and hypothalamus and reticular
activating system with the sahastr³ra etc, and elucidation of the
relevant research works are also presented here. Views and
experiences of several great personalities, spiritual masters and
modern scientists are cited for ready reference.
Spectrum of Knowledge

The contents of this volume may be broadly classified into three

parts. The first few Chapters deal with the knowledge of "S³vitrº"
and its relation with "G³yatrº" and the cosmic and spiritual powers
of the Sun. The second part deals with "KuñÃalini". The author, Pt.
Shriram Sharma, describes it as a "dynamite of spiritual energy".
Physical manifestation of this power is called pr³ñ³gni - vital
energy, which makes possible all the activities and sensations of the
physical body and the conscious mind. This is what is reflected in the
'aura' around the body and in the varieties of creative talents and
enormous potentials of mind..... Volume no. 17 of the Vangmaya
series is devoted to the topic of "Pr³ñ³gni ….".

The serpentine power (KuñÃalini) of the vital force is described in

spiritual literature as a unique 'vital electrical power' of life-source.
The hymn "Tadillat³ Samar¿- Chirviddullekheva Bh³svar³"
defines it as "glowing like an electric spark". Sublimated power of
KuñÃalini is said to be the source of the grand vital force which is the
medium of expression of the cosmic consciousness in the living
being...., the reservoir of spiritual energy..... Excerpts from the
treatises of yore and from the scholarly works of the saints and
spiritual masters of the later times - e.g., "Saundarya Lahari" of Adi
Shankaracharya, are also cited here with excellent deliberations and
logical interpretations of the rhetoric representations.

The third and the last part of the volume mentions about the t³ntrika
methods. This branch of spiritual s³dhan³s has been most
misleading and ill-understood because of the maligned influences of
the medieval era. The v³ma-m³rgº or t³ntrika s³dhan³s are short-
cut methods like.... 'jumping from the top of the hill in order to come
down', or that of 'atomic energy explosion', .... as compared to the
'slow and time-testing elevaion process' of the dakshina-m³rgº or
m³ntrika yoga s³dhan³s.

The Indian scientists of yore - the rishis had conceptualized the

spiritual and cosmic dimensions of sound as Shabda. They had
realized the manifested gigantic expansion of Consciousness Force
Spectrum of Knowledge

and all forms of energies as originated from Shabda and hence

developed the science of mantra and tantra to discover and make
ideal use of the sublime powers of Shabda pervaded in the
universe. The relationship between shabda and mantra or tantra
can be thought of as that of the soul and the body.... While mantras
deal with consciousness, sentiments, thoughts and subtle domains
of life and nature, the science of tantras focuses at activity, motion
and forces expressible in the physical world.

Literally, the word "tantra" refers to any system which possesses

energy and activity. A tantra used for specific purpose in the
t³ntrika s³dhan³s may be described as a system encompassing the
specific features and forces via extraction and active representation
of the appropriate power currents of shabda. Such a tantra is
represented as a design or sonic tool made up of a combination of
certain symbols, schema of planetary arrangements and harsh
sounds arranged to attract different streams of natural powers
and superimpose different energy currents.

In t³ntrika s³dhan³s, the hidden potentials within the living body

and matter are awakened forcefully against the normal nature of the
latter. Specific tantras are used for specific purposes. Almost
torturing postures and conditioning of the body are used before
practising with a tantra .... This path of s³dhan³s is usually chosen
for magic like effects in the physical world or using tantra as a tool
for selfish gains or demonstration of power.….

The t³ntrika s³dhan³s are highly risky like ' using hydrogen
bombs' and were therefore kept secrets by its inventors of yore.
Only deserving disciples were taught these principles and practices
after ensuring that the latter would use these with due care and only
for altruist purposes as per the dire needs of time.

The cultural corruption of the medieval era even brought the

practices of 'black magic', 'torturous exploitation of the weaker ones',
etc, under the banner of t³ntrika experiments. Such misdeeds and
Spectrum of Knowledge

illusions spread during this dark period of human history had even
maligned the image of spiritual sciences and yoga at large. In order to
eliminate these misconceptions and fears, Acharya Sharma has
clearly explained the difference between the mantra based yoga
s³dhan³s and the t³ntrika s³dhan³s.

He has also highlighted the nature, principles and disciplines of the

t³ntrika s³dhan³s of G³yatrº and S³vitri to illustrate the vast
dimension of research in the Science of Consciousness and Nature
carried out in the ancient times. He has cited the excerpts from
scriptures like "Sharda Tilaka" on these aspects with scrupulous
comments and clear indications of the precautions and moral
disciplines associated with the t³ntrika s³dhan³s. Disobeying the
disciplines or misusing a tantra brings back disastrous reactions and
severe harms to the user himself which often lead to his tragic
sufferings and sinner's death.

Gurudev has clearly warned the eager or impatient aspirants of

spiritual attainments that the t³ntrika way (v³ma-m³rga) is
dangerous and should not be pursued without adept and authentic
guidance and purity of purpose. He emphasizes that the m³ntrika
yoga s³dhan³s (dakshina-m³rga) are compatible with nature and
are safe and suitable for everyone.

In-depth knowledge of the highest kind of mantra based yoga

s³dhan³s of spiritual transmutation is presented here by the most
authentic and experienced spiritual master, dedicated saint,
sagacious scholar and scientifically oriented social reformer of the
modern age. His trenchant deliberations in this volume in
particular, and the vangmaya series in general, also give new
directions to experiments and research in the science of spirituality.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 15, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Marañottara Jivana - Tathya Evam Satya)

ndian philosophy and culture is developed around the central idea
of continuity of life. Living body is described here as an 'inn' and
the soul as a 'voyager'. The gross body made up of physical
substances is mortal but the soul - an eternal expression of the
absolute supreme consciousness, is immortal. It can never be
destroyed, damaged or injured.... The holy Gita quotes (2|20) -
Na J³yate Mriyate V³ Kad³cinn³yam Bh¿tv³ Bhavit³ V³ Na Bh¿yah|
Ajo Nityah Sh³shvatoayam Pur³ño Na Hanyate Hanyam³ne Sharºre ||

Meaning: The soul is never born nor does it ever die. It does not come
into being in any age. It is self-existant and eternal. It does not get
hurt or die even after the body, in which it is manifested, dies....

Experiences of the event of death, knowledge of life after death,

reality of rebirth or reincarnation, the principle of karmaphala -
destiny based on deeds, and provisions for atonement, etc form the
basis of the edifice of Hindu Philosophy and Culture. Scriptures of
yore and saints and visionaries of the later ages too define death as a
transition process....; as we replace dirty, old or torn cloths by new
ones, similarly, the soul changes old or diseased body and acquires
new body after death....

The present volume of Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya

elucidates the above issues with reasoned logic, rational arguments
and evidential examples and deals with spiritual, psychological and
scientific aspects of death and life after death. Specific topics covered
here focus at - "What is death?", "Do ghosts exist?", "What is the subtle
world of different invisible forms of life after death?" Thorough
attempt is made to eliminate misconceptions, superstitions and
illusions about the existence of ghosts and experiences of life after

Spectrum of Knowledge

The author focuses on the impact of psychological nature, emotional

character and intrinsic desires of a person on his subtle body in which
the soul resides after departing from the gross body in the event of
death. Emotional excitation of unfulfilled desires and impacts of
negative thoughts, inhumane deeds and maligned sentiments do not
leave the individual self after death and motivate the subtle body to
fulfil its desires through the medium of the gross bodies of other
people.... Individuals lacking in inner strength may fall 'pray' to such
'ghostly' influences.

People having the strength of character, strong willpower and self-

confidence will never get affected by such 'psychic' disturbances.
There also exists a category of people who become `living ghosts'
because of their audacious atrocities or sarcastic and cruel mentality.

The subtle bodies of saintly, altruist , compassionate people carry the

influence of their pious sentiments and even after death help the
deserving and needy persons by way of - premonition, appearance in
dreams, ....., or, by educing inspiration in the latter's minds. The
subtle forms - of life after death - of this category are termed "pitars"
in the Indian scriptures. The history of the world has witnessed
ample examples of the aids and unprecedented guidance of such
souls in preventing a disastrous accident, resolving a mystery,
materialization of a discovery through flashes of mind or intuitive
reflections, .....etc.

The souls of great personalities and spiritually refined saints and

sages are always keen to bestow their blessings and help the weaker
ones. As clouds shower on a thirsty land, the pitars too want to
generously offer their guidance and support to all deserving people.
As the mode of linkage and communication with them happens to be
the subtle body - in the inner core of the mind and the inner self, we
must purify our thoughts and sentiments and be devoted to divine
virtues in order to be able to receive and understand the messages of
the souls of our kind ancestors, the pitars... Views and experiences of
reputed scientists and scholars of the modern times are also cited in
the volume in this context.
Spectrum of Knowledge

The truth and possibilities of reincarnation, transmigration and yoga

experiments of transmission of vital energy and transfer of
individual self in multiple bodies are highlighted here with logical
explanation and authentic examples in support. Collections and
reports - on verified instances of reincarnation (rebirth) and
transmigration, prepared and published by modern researchers are
also referred here which show the changing trends of scientific views
on these issues. Scientific decipheration of the cycle of Nature with
respect to the subtle domains of life has brought the views of modern
researchers much closer to the Indian philosophy of continuity of

More important and noteworthy is the principle of karmaphala

because this is the only principle by which the relevance of religion,
social ethics and morality in human life could be justified without
any ambiguity or prejudice. Pr³rabdha (destiny) is a consolidated
'account' of our deeds conducted in the present and previous lives....
The quote "as you sow, so you must reap" applies to every aspect of
life. Every action - be that physical, mental or emotional - has a
natural reaction. The duration and extent of the latter depend upon
the characteristics of the former and upon the conditions under
which either is materialized. How long a pendulum in simple
harmonic motion will take to come back to its initial position
depends upon its amplitude and air resistance etc. But that, it will
come back - is certain like the law of gravity. Same is the case with the
results of our actions in the human life.

If the outcome or reaction of every action was instantaneous, e.g.,

immediate punishment for sins and reward for noble deeds...., there
would not have been any need for a system of justice or social order
etc.; prudence, reasoning, vision, hope, aspirations, etc too would
have lost relevance in such a 'mechanical' life! The complexity of
human life, the infinite domains of encounters, interactions and
activities at the level of physical body, conscious mind and the inner
world of sentiments, ...... and the role of unconscious mind make the
consequences of one's actions delayed by even a life-time or more....
Thus, despite its eternal validity, the principle of karmphala often
appears to be false or imaginary to most people - especially during
Spectrum of Knowledge

the testing times of adversities or due to excessive ego coupled with

successes through immoral means.....

The complexities associated with decipheration and verification of

this "law o f karma" are clearly stated by Lord Krishna in the holy
Gita as - "Karman³ Gahano Gatih"; meaning: it is impossible for one
to know or analyze his karmas (actions) and their impact. This topic
is so vast that many erudite scholars of Gita and the philosophy of
life have written huge volumes on it. Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya
has also written several books explaining this principle. The present
volume compiles the essence in the context of continuity of life and
how one can shape his present and future life......

Whatever we do, think, aspire or feel through heart gets recorded in

the deeper layers (chitta ) of the unconscious mind. The chitta
regulates our destiny accordingly. The effects assimilated since the
past birth influence our inherent tendencies and intrinsic character in
the present life too. Human life happens to be the rarest opportunity
in which the supreme creator has endowed the freedom of action
(karma). It is only in this life that one can wipe out the malice of sins
by expiation (pr³yashchitta) through appropriate noble actions,
altruist service, penance and ascetic endeavors and create his future
destiny in the desired way by determined actions in the present.

Acharya Sharma has analyzed the applicability of the provisions of

pr³yashchitta by the spiritual endeavors of Hem³dri Sankalpa,
Ch³ndr³yana Vrata, etc, as advised by the rishis - the ancient seers
of human life. He has also suggested practical methods which are
easy to follow in today's circumstances..... He describes a four step
procedure: (i) systematically review the present life by unwinding
the memory backwards from today until the childhood and take an
unbiased stock of the misdeeds, immoral desires, actions or mistakes
committed so far....; also infer the harms caused by these to the others
at materialistic, social or emotional levels....; (ii) accept the sins or
misdeeds committed so far before an authentic guide or revered
well-wisher and pledge with determination - not to repeat those
mistakes; implement this healing process in action; (iii) give a

Spectrum of Knowledge

spiritual bath to the inner self by suitable disciplined practices of

yoga and meditation; observe fasting and other forms of penance
and perform, with sincerity, devotion and faith, anushth³ns and
other religious practices which are aimed at emotional purification
and internal refinement; and (iv) compensate for the harms or pains
given to others; this can be achieved by offering selfless service to
help the weaker or needy ones and dedicating creative efforts for
altruist endeavors for the welfare of the human society and other
living beings. Readers will find more details on each of the above
aspects and receive inspiring guidance on how to improve their

The nature of the karmas of the past life and their consequences is
unknown.... It is only the present which lies in our hands. Noting the
continuity of life and the reality of the principle of karmaphala, we
must start the process of self-analysis, self-refinement and ideal
shaping of our destiny from today instant.

This volume (no. 16) deals with a topic which belongs to the hidden
and complex domains of spiritual science and philosophy.
Nevertheless, the lucid style of writing and mastery of the author in
the subject and his thorough understanding and realization of
human psychology through depth has made it an interesting,
informative and thought- provoking book for everybody.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 16, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Pr³ña Ïakti: Eka Divya Vibh¿ti)

r³ña Shakti (the vital power or source of life-force) is
manifested as some kind of bioelectrical energy which is
pervaded in the world like air, sky, heat, light, ether and
plasma..... Higher amounts of this power in a living being is reflected
in greater courage, alacrity, vitality and brilliance. This is a source of
vitality and vigor in the body and of sagacity and talents in the mind.
It accounts for the ojas (splendor or of energy and strength) of the
gross body and tejas (eminence and creativity) of the subtle body

The beauty and charm of external appearance, eloquence and

melody of voice, artistic talents and mental trenchancy etc are all
expressed through the power of pr³ña. Eroticism and licentious
indulgence are major causes of loss of this vital energy. Excitements
triggered by the negative sentiments and pressures of wrath, jealous,
ego etc. also amount to disrupting its harmonious flow in the mind
and body. Supernatural talents and miraculous potentials may be
acquired by protection (conservation), balanced use and spiritual
transmutation of this astonishing power.

Five subtle streams (called, pancha pr³ña) of pr³ña shakti flow in a

human being. These are described in the Indian scriptures as five
divine powers (pancha deva) manifested in the human body. The
extrasensory 'serpentine power' center (KuñÃalini) is said to be
subtly containing an unlimited repository of pr³ña shakti. The
higher level endeavors of Pr³ña yoga attempt stimulation, stirring,
upthrust and elevation of the flow of pr³ña. The success of this
spiritual endeavor, called, "KuñÃalini J³garana S³dhan³", is
superior to the attainment of all potentials, all talents and prosperity
of the world.....

Spectrum of Knowledge

The power of pr³ña in a human being is divided into ten categories

according to its manifestation in different regulatory and vital
activities. Five major types, called pancha pr³ña under this
classification are - Ap³na, Sam³na, Pr³ña, Ud³na and Vy³na; the
five subtypes (upa- pr³ñas) are - Devadatta, Vrakala, K¿rma, N³ga
and Dhananjaya.

Each stream of the five major pr³ñas activate specific physiological

and bodily process and is also associated with the extra-sensory
centers (ESC) governing the endocrine system. Ap³na regulates
excretion of waste and obnoxious substances from the body. It is
linked with the M¿l³dh³ra Chakra (ESC in the pelvic plexus).
Sam³na activates the metabolic process and is regarded as the
source of power in the Manip¿rita Chakra (ESC in the epigastric
plexus). Pr³ña is the source of respiration and is associated with the
An³hata Chakra (ESC in the cardiac plexus). Ud³na regulates the
processes of acceptance and absorption of desired elements in the
body and is also used in upward motion. It is the source of activation
of the Vishuddhi Chakra (ESC in carotid plexus). Vy³na regulates
blood circulation and is described as the source of power for the
Sw³dhishth³na Chakra (ESC in hypognistric plexus).

Among the upapr³ñas, Devadatta is a subsidiary of Ud³na;

Vrakala is associated with Sam³na, K¿rma with Ap³na and N³ga
with Pr³ña. Similarly, Dhananjaya is linked with Vy³na as a sub-
component. The pr³ñamaya kosha (life 'shell'), second in the
hierarchy of five successively subtler layers (Pancha Mah³ Koshas)
- of human entity from gross body to the subtle and astral bodies....
and to.... the ultimate spiritual self, is the absolute ensemble of the
pancha pr³ñas and the upa pr³ñas.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma has finely elucidated the complex

anatomy and functions of the Pancha Pr³ñas, Pancha Devas and
Pancha Mah³ Koshas and analyzed the corresponding difficult
spiritual topics in scientific light. Be that the science of consciousness
Spectrum of Knowledge

discussed in the Upanishadas, that of Pancha Koshº G³yatrº

s³dhan³, ....., or, relation of pr³ña shakti with energy and quantum
mechanism, ....etc, the author deals with every topic in detail with
equal ease and eloquence. His depth of knowledge and excellent
command over Hindi language has made the present volume
(originally in Hindi), a masterpiece of authentic dissertations on
Pr³ña Vidy³ - deep knowledge of the origin, manifestation and
sublime expansion of vital force.

This volume also presents Acharya Sharma's adept guidance on -

"How to improve vitality ?" "How to elevate the level of pr³ña ?",
"What is KuñÃalini J³garana?" ....etc. The author has cited
evidential examples to illustrate how in the extreme cases, the
extrasensory power of pr³ña results in electrifying the body or
inducing magnetic currents in it… He has also presented practically
viable methods of harmonizing and exalting the level of pr³ña
shakti which can be easily practised in day-to-day life.

Revered Acharya Sharma has written several books on bioelectricity,

biomagnetism and the secrets of mesmerism, hypnotism and
spiritual healing. He explains how the creative linkage of mental
concentration and pr³ña shakti endows one with such potentials
which appear to be extrasensory or supernatural....

Scientific developments on measurement of the levels of pr³ña and

photo-recording of the "psychic auras" around different parts of the
body are also reported in this volume. Author's rational
deliberations and detailed analysis give new directions to the
aspirants of spiritual development and also show the possibility of
innovative scientific research on astonishing powers of subtle
energies of human body.

Some people are found to be endowed with supernormal talents or

potentials without an apparent spiritual endeavor or practices of
yoga. This is attributed to the augmented level of their pr³ñas
resulting from the assimilated effects of their virtuous deeds,
devotion and disciplined spiritual endeavors of the past lives. These
Spectrum of Knowledge

aspects of the eternal existence and evolution of the subtle body and
the pr³ñamaya kosha are highlighted here with live examples.

The author has brilliantly described the modern scientific and

spiritual facets of the supernormal powers of premonition,
clairvoyance, prophesy, telepathy, transformation of matter in
empty space, discoveries by intuition, ....etc. Most importantly, he
has emphasized that presence of such powers alone is not a sign of
greatness of personality. These powers are natural consequence of
activation of the otherwise dormant or unused pr³ña shakti. In his
views, praiseworthy are the sincere endeavors to prevent the
onward flow or loss of this power and gravitate it for creative
refinement of the self devoted to the altruistic welfare of all. Success
of such endeavors may lead to the transmutation of the vital force up
to the highest realms of divinity..... Aspirant readers would find
practical guidance in this regard as well....


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 17, An Introduction

One thing that I have intensely desired is to be able to give away my

all to those who have overwhelmed me with their priceless gifts of
love, so that at the time of withdrawal to the invisible astral realm I
could put the dust of their foot-prints on my head and say: "This is
what has been possible for me to do for you in this life. I wish I am
given the opportunity of going through the whole cycle of 84-lakh life-
forms again so that I could serve you all to my utmost capacity and
thus gladly repay the debts I owe you for the gifts of love and
cooperation that you have gratefully and unconditionally showered
on me."

Spectrum of Knowledge

(Chamatk³rº ViïeÌat³on Se Bhar³ M³navº MastiÌka)

umanbody is the most evolved and marvellous creation of
nature. Every component - from organs to nerves, muscles,
tissues, cells, molecules and subtler functional units of this
living system reflects the limitless excellence and absolute perfection
of the Omnipotent eternal creator. The crown organ - brain is the sole
regulator of this arcane automatic system. Because of its wonderful
memory system, nonstop multiple activities of information
processing, learning, computing and decision making, etc. almost
instantly, the human brain is often referred as the supreme computer
which is the most remarkable 'product' of nature's eternally
advanced technology. The intellectual and sentimental domains of
consciousness pertain to its subtle counterpart - the mind.

The existence, activity, beauty and evolution of human life emanate

from the adept functioning of the brain and righteous creativity of
the mind. Strong and trenchant mind enables even the physically
handicaps attain significant success in almost every dimension of
progressive life. The entire gamut of talents and materialistic,
intellectual and spiritual developments depends upon the alacrity,
sagacity, innovative creativity, sentimental purity and inner strength
of the mind. Human brain (mind) is indeed endowed with immense
potentials to fulfil all aspirations and elevate human-life up to divine

The present volume is devoted to the an in-depth study of the

neuroscientific, psychological and spiritual aspects of human brain
and mind. Bioelectrical activities of the neuro-synaptic connections
between million billions of neurons, information processing through
the nervous system and the neuronal network and the mechanism of

Spectrum of Knowledge

storage and retrieval of memory are discussed along with the

anatomy of human brain in the first few chapters. Major sections of
these deal with detailed analysis of the endocrine system and the
interrelationship of hormonal secretions and physiological,
biochemical, mental and emotional variations.

Trends and achievements of research in neurosciences are also

highlighted with relevant reference to the experimental findings.
The subtle connections between the endocrine glands and the
extrasensory power centers - described as shat chakras and granthis
in the Indian scriptures - are elucidated and guidance towards
spiritual endeavors (s³dhan³s) of activating these centers is

Awareness about the immense potentials of brain and miraculous

powers of controlled mind and corresponding change in the attitude
and mode of living can help escalation of our talents and lead to
sublime transformation of the personality as a whole... It is a pity that
we use only about 7 percent of the potentials of our mind on an
average. The supernatural potentials hidden in the inner cores
(mana, buddhi, chitta and ahank³ra) of the conscious and
unconscious mind remain dormant and unused. Specific s³dhan³s
of yoga aim at stimulating the associated functional centers in the
brain which activate the otherwise unnoticed powers of the human

Existence of supernatural memory and manifestation of exceptional

talents, beyond the barriers of educational qualification, age,
biological health and circumstances, is not rare in human society.
The author, Gurudev Shriram Sharma Acharya presents authentic
examples to illustrate different facets of intelligence and mental
talents. He points out the effects of the sansk³ras (intrinsic
tendencies) assimilated in the inner cores of unconscious mind since
the earlier lives and emphasizes the possible impact of sincere
endeavors of the present life. He argues that the key to self-
development lies in one's own mind.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Does our brain possess specific functional regions or centers for

memory, reasoning, intellectual sagacity, creative talents, oral and
written eloquence, artistic excellence, etc? What is the role of brain in
the limitless variations of the sentiments? Can we activate the
development of specific talents and sentimental strength or lay the
architect of our own destiny? How can one become a living
computer or acquire exceptionally sharp memory? Do their exist
some natural brain tonics? How to cultivate and improve intellect by
simple practices in day-to-day life? Answers to these and similar
questions of wider interests are provided by Acharya Sharma in a
simple, logical, scientific and comprehensive manner.

Few people seem to know that the left and right components of the
human brain largely work independently and complementarily. The
principal role of the left side brain consists of motor control and
regulations of other bodily activities. The right side brain - also called
the "philosophical or religious brain", conducts the sensory functions
and the sensitive mental processes pertaining to - thinking,
imagination, artistic creativity and the soft sentiments like
compassion and devotion, intrinsic faith and emotional inclination

Perfect development of emotionally balanced and intellectually

trenchant personality by strengthening and activation of the corpus
callusam - linking the two halves of the human brain - is achieved by
specific s³dhan³s of pr³ña yoga, japa yoga, dhy³na yoga, etc. If
understood and adopted righteously in routine life, the principles
and practices of these s³dhan³s can transform a large number of
ordinary people into brilliant citizens of high integrity having
altruist and compassionate attitude in every walk of human society
and thus illuminate the future of humanity itself.

Study of human mind is incomplete without analyzing the dreams.

Reality, origin, reflections and implications of dreams are discussed
in great detail in two separate chapters of this volume. The myths
and facts about acquisition of extra sensory knowledge, premonition
and psychological analysis and study of the unconscious mind and
the unknown subtle world of inner self through dreams are
Spectrum of Knowledge

elucidated here along with a review of Freud's and contemporary

psychological theories vis-a-vis the relevant aspects of the ancient
science of spirituality.

It is said that the 'time-capsule' existing in the inner cores of

unconscious mind contains the key to realization of supernormal
faculties like - clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, intuition,
audio-visual perceptions beyond the constraints of time and space,
complete knowledge of the past and future and of the esoteric
features of nature....

Gurudev Shriram Sharma's unique acumen, deeper knowledge and

first-hand experience of the ultimate expansion and sublime cores of
the human mind is clearly reflected in his deliberations on
psychological and spiritual aspects of human life. A separate chapter
is devoted to discuss the powers of spiritually refined mind. The
volume would offer new directions for advanced research in
Neurosciences and Gestalt Psychology. It would help the readers
realize the enormous capabilities of their brains and give them
intmate practical guidance for best use of this boon of Almighty. This
volume would also serve as a source of enlightenment to the
aspirants of intellectual and spiritual eminence.
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 18, An Introduction

My inner being has been moulded in a peculiar mould and I will

consciously keep it so moulded. Goodwill, affection, love, universal
sense of spiritual affinity, have become the stuff of my cells. This
experience is profoundly blissful and nectar-sweet and it is so well-
grounded in the deepest depths of my being that there is no question of
my slipping down from it.

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Ïabda Brahm N³da Brahm)

he knowledge of Shabda Brahm N³da Brahm is an important
branch of the Indian school of spirituality. The science and
philosophy of the Shabda Brahm encompasses the
methodology and effects of mantra-japa, prayers, collective
chanting and s³dhan³s of the veda mantras and that of the N³da
Brahm deals with the origin, expansion and influence of music. This
is a broad classification. The s³dhan³ of Shabda Brahm enables a
s³dhaka (devotee) to send his or her prayers and calls via the
medium of mantras up to the divine cosmic centers and thereby
connect the individual consciousness with Thee. The s³dhan³s of
N³da Brahm complete the communication cycle by bringing
'cosmic-signals' (divine messages and inspirations) to the s³dhaka
via the realization of the sublime sounds (an³hata N³da) in the
inner self.

Mantra is that compilation of sonic patterns - coded in syllables and

vowels of ancient Sanskrit language, contemplation on which
liberates the mind from ignorance, illusion and evil instincts. The
linguistic composition of the Sanskrit word "mantra" = manana
(contemplation) + tr³na (liberation), also implies the same meaning.
The specific configurations of syllables and the corresponding
combinations of phonemes in the mantras make the latter powerful
'carriers' of the cosmic energy of sound. The domain of the
knowledge of mantras is infinite. A wide variety of the methods of
rhythmic enunciation (japa) and spiritual practices (s³dhan³s) of
mantras are described in the scriptures. Enormous types of sonic
patterns are associated with the veda-mantras. At the root of the
development and expansion of the science of mantras lies the
eternal, omnipresent sound of "Oa®". This Oamk³ra is indeed the
origin of Shabda Brahm - N³da Brahm.
Spectrum of Knowledge

Shabda Brahm forms the basis of the science of mantras and the
realization of the Nada Brahm is the major objective of the s³dhan³s
of N³da yoga. The self-existing cosmic vibrations of the subtle sound
of Oamk³ra are regarded to be the eternal source of energy and
motion and hence of the creation of the universe and the existence of
nature.... Shabda and N³da manifested in the cosmic energy of
sound give rise to the energies of heat, light and other basic streams
of powers existing in the universe. The N³da (cosmic vibration) of
the Shabda (eternal sound) is the originator of everything that exists
in nature. It is indeed the source of the omnipresent manifestation of
the supreme consciousness - the Parabrahm. Therefore, Shabda
and N³da are regarded as the reflections of Brahm.

Realization of Shabda Brahm - N³da Brahm is the ultimate aim of all

the yogas and s³dhan³s - it is the source of absolute realization of
God and the power of linking the soul with the Parabrahm. How to
attain this state? What are the scientific and spiritual aspects of the
the s³dhan³s of Shabda Brahm - N³da Brahm? What are the
deliberations and implications of the ancient Indian scriptures on
this gigantic ocean of knowledge? What is its relevance in the
modern life? Such issues are thoroughly discussed in a
comprehensive and lucid style by revered Pt. Shriram Sharma
Acharya in this volume entitled "Shabda Brahm - N³da Brahm".

The author has also discussed in detail the deep aspects of the science
of mantras and the associated s³dhan³s. He describes mantra yoga
as the endeavor to master the generation and utilization, without any
external means or instruments, of the immense power of sound for
specific noble purposes. He investigates N³da yoga as a dedicated
practice for the inculcation of supernatural faculties of realizing the
subtle sounds indwelling in the cosmos and attaining the knowledge
of the unknown.

Mantra yoga largely corresponds to the transmission and N³da yoga

to the reception of cosmic signals of sound for setting the
communication link between the soul and the Parabrahm. The
Spectrum of Knowledge

s³dhan³s of mantra yoga and n³da yoga together lead to the absolute
realization of Shabda Brahm - N³da Brahm and attainment of the
ultimate state of beatitude and divinity. Shabda Brahm and N³da
Brahm are described in the Indian scriptures as the eternal and
omnipresent subtle bodies of the Parabrahm. The s³dhan³s of shabda (
mantra) yoga and n³da yoga are integral parts of the spiritual
experiments on awakening of the KuñÃalini - the extrasensory
'serpentine power' or the latent 'coil' of vital force existing in every
human being. This book also focuses on such high realms of
spirituality and presents the relevant information with clarity and
necessary guidance.

The author, Pt. Shriram Sharma, has discussed the paramount role of
v³k (absolute, spiritually refined voice) in mantra yoga. He describes
the four successively subtler levels of human voice (v³nº) and
presents the methods, for the control and refinement of the v³nº and
normal mental faculties, which can be practised by everybody
everyday to gradually lead to the spiritual elevation of the v³nº up
to the highest level - the v³k He further writes on - how the latent
power of a mantra is activated if it is enunciated through such a
refined v³nº which incorporates the devotees's vital spiritual energy
and inner strength.

Immense faith, unperturbed emotions and mental concentration and

the power of the inner self associated with the v³k energize the sonic
vibrations of the recited mantras and thus result in sending the latter
up to the specific cosmic targets. The materialization of the blessings
and curses also becomes possible because of the power of v³k.
Authentic examples and scientific evidences from the modern times
are presented in this book with relevant excerpts from the scriptures
to support and illustrate the power of refined v³nº. The v³k is termed
by the scholars of yore as - the origin of natural swaras and s³ma
(divine musical sounds) and the power of Goddess Saraswati.

When the baikharº v³nº (ordinary human voice) is refined - along

with the awakening of its subtler forms of the madhyam³, pashyanti
Spectrum of Knowledge

and par³ v³nºs - up to the sublime level of v³k, thefields of its

transmission and perception expand far beyond the limits of the
audible sound and become cosmic. V³k works like a divine power.
Its support in the s³dhan³ of Shabda Brahm leads to ultimate
success and offers everything that is worth attaining in the highest
realms of spirituality.

The s³dhan³ of N³da Brahm is a super level spiritual experiment

which, upon success, results in the realization of the eternal sound of
Oamk³ra and sublimates the individual consciousness and enables
its confluence with the cosmic impulse of Brah® . One complete
chapter is devoted to the topic of N³da yoga in this book. The
manifestation of N³da in the swaras (notes of natural music) and its
expansion in the Indian classical music has been a divine boon for the
human society. Different effects of the r³gas (classical tunes) of
music and their applications are presented in the following two

The applications of music cited here range from those in agricultural

production and music therapy to social improvement. Reports on
some organizations, across the world, which are contributing to
enhance the constructive applications of music in future, are also
presented. The readers will find substantial information on the types
of swaras and r³gas and the effects of different compositions of the
classical and modern systems of music.

The hansa yoga or soaham sadhana is discussed in the last chapter in

the context of the ajap³ japa of the G³yatrº Mantra and the KuñÃalini
s³dhan³. Meditation on the sounds of "soa" and "ham" produced
continuously by the controlled infusion and expulsion of air in each
breathing cycle during a pr³ñ³y³ma - is practised in the initial phase
of the hansa yoga. The hak³ra (sound of "ha") is regarded as a
manifestation of God Shiva in the flow of the pr³ña and the sakra
(sound of "sa") represents the existence of His eternal power, Shakti,
in the conscious energy of pr³ña.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The s¿rya swara is awaken by hak³ra and the chandra swara by

sak³ra. These swaras are harmonized in the high level pr³n³y³ma
of the hansa yoga. The contemplation phase of this s³dhan³ deals
with total sacrifice of the ego and dissolution of the identity of the
individual "Self" in the eternal supreme "Self " -- Brah®.

As Pt. Sharma has described here, the soaham s³dhan³ is the

simplest kind of s³dhan³ which can be practised by every
individual. The effects of this s³dhan³ are equivalent to those of the
highest kinds of spiritual practices.

Acharya Sharma's elucidation of the esoteric and complex subject

matter of spirituality are presented very clearly in a logical and
scientific manner. He has deciphered this knowledge up to the
subtlest level and given practical guidance for all aspirants of the
realization and transmutation of the individual self. The
fundamental importance of the subject and detailed and authentic
knowledge presented in a easy-to-grasp language make this volume
a precious asset in the scholarly disciplines of spiritual,
psychological as well as the biomedical and physical sciences. This
would also serve as a source of guidance for the refinement of
people's mentality and sentiments for the escalation of the human

This volume offers excellent guidance to the readers to attempt

realize the subtle sound of "Oam" in their inner self and thereby
awaken their divine potentials. This is a unique treatise which
presents the entire spectrum of the philosophy and science of
Shabda Brahm - N³da Brahm.- encompassing the gross perceivable
and spiritual realms of sound and music. Reading this volume would
open up new dimensions of spiritual knowledge before the readers
and also give them practical guidance to illuminate the physical,
intellectual, emotional and spiritual horizons of their lives.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 19, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Vyaktitva Vik³sa Hetu Uccha Starºya S³dhan³yen)

pecific ascetic endeavors (s³dhan³s) pertaining to the
knowledge, realization and spiritual culmination of life are
described in the ancient Indian scriptures in philosophical and
subtle scientific terms. Philosophy of spiritual s³dhan³s identifies the
demarcation between animals and humans to remind and guide the
human beings of the rare opportunity available to them in this life.
Even divine powers would aspire to attain human form which is
regarded as the best creation of thee.

The fundamental knowledge part of philosophy and spirituality

deals with the principles and ideologies of refinement of life and
adoption of moral ideals. It elucidates the necessity of self-restrain
and elevation of intellect in the righteous direction and enlightens
the mind with perspicuous guidance on what and how to think and
cultivate the high ideals of humanity in present life.

The science of spirituality deals with the vast domain of yoga

s³dhan³s which involve vigorous training and disciplined activities
at the level of physical body and mind with creative linkage of
corresponding sentiments and inner faith and excel human life
towards the highest realms of spiritual success. The gamut of
experiments of this science was described by Maharshi Patanjali, a
great spiritual scientist of yore, as the asht³nga yoga consisting of
eight branches of yoga namely, yama, niyama, ³sana, pr³n³y³ma,
praty³h³ra, dh³ran³, dhy³na and sam³dhi.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma Acharya has presented the difficult

science of asht³nga yoga in a lucid style so that everybody could
understand and attempt practising some of these s³dhan³s in day-to-
day life as per his or her suitability and spiritual level. The present
Spectrum of Knowledge

volume is a compilation of his deliberations on the elementary and

successively higher level s³dhan³s of this field of yoga.

The basics of yama, niyama, ³sanas with detailed guidance and

examples on their practice have been presented in the vol. 4 -
entitled "S³dhan³ Paddhatiyon K³ Gy³na Vigy³na" - of the vangmaya
series. The present volume is the next on this subject. Here, different
types and methods of practising ³sanas, bandha, mudr³, pr³n³y³ma,
praty³h³ra, dh³rañ³ and dhy³na are presented along with important
aspects in scientific light.

The higher level topics of sam³dhi (trance) and siddhi (attainment of

spiritual success) are also discussed. Emphasis is laid on overall
refinement of personality and elevation of divine virtues in the inner
self by the yoga s³dhan³s. Sincere adoption of the prescribed
disciplines and adept practice of these s³dhan³s gradually endow the
s³dhaka (devotee) with successively greater potentials and lead to the
ultimate realization of beatitudeous blissfulness in the same life.

Âsanas are designed to fine-tune the s³dhaka's body. They serve the
dual purpose of physical exercise and conditioning the internal
components of the body which are associated with the extrasensory
power centers (chakras) of the endocrine system and specific bundles
and knots (n³dº gucchaka and granthis) of the nerves. ³sanas also help
focusing the agile mental tendencies and thus condition the mind for
greater concentration. Sukh³sana, Vajr³sana, Sulabh³sana, Padm³sana,
Siddh³sana etc are practised in sitting postures.

Some ³sanas, practised under S¿rya Namask³ra and Pragy³ Yoga and
the ³sanas like Ardhamatsyendr³sana, Pashcimott³n³sana,
Bhujang³sana, May¿r³sana, Sarv³ng³sana, Chakr³sana, Trikon³sana,
etc, stretch and create pressure on different organs and affect the
spinal column and nerve-muscle network and are recommended for
specific effects on the intra-body processes. Shav³sana is performed
after all other ³sanas, as it offers soothing relaxation to the body and
pacifies all stresses.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Different types of mudr³s and bandhas (postures of hand, face etc, and
pressure controlling activities) are associated with some ³sanas to
excite specific energy centers or regions within the body which
otherwise remain dormant. Of the 84 original ³sanas the author has
focused only on those which can be performed by most people
without any difficulty or risk and induce positive effects on the gross
(physical), subtle (mental) and astral (spiritual) bodies of the s³dhaka.

Pr³ñ³y³ma, as the name suggests, is an exercise of enhancing and

harmonizing the flow of pr³ña (vital energy) within the body.
Discussions on deeper aspects of pr³ñ³y³ma is given in the context of
pr³ñmaya kosha in the vol.13 of this series. The present volume deals
with the elementary aspects and positive effects of pr³ñ³y³ma in
dhy³na yoga. The author recommends some pr³ñ³y³mas such as -
pr³ñ³karshana, loma-viloma, s¿rya-vedhana, n³dº shodhana, etc, in
modified form so that even the beginners could easily practise and
benefit from these yogic exercises.

Praty³h³ra implies requital of evil tendencies. It deals with

continuous watch and struggle in the battlefield of mind to prevent
untoward thoughts and check out immoral instincts. Purity and
strength of the inner self and strong will power are key factors for
success in this endeavor. Dh³rañ³ corresponds to refinement of
conviction and faith and linking them with the deeper layers of pure
sentiments. Belief in the eternal power and absolute justice of God
and deep devotion for His presence in every living being, every
thing.... lay the foundation for the progress of dh³rañ³ followed by
dhy³na (meditation).

Dhy³na is some kind of spiritual bath in the ocean of divinely pure

thoughts by way of - meditation on serene and edifying objects or
conceptualization of pious sentiments. Objects like rising sun, idol or
picture of a God or divine character, bright flame of a candle or lamp,
ocean, glowing mountain, etc are usually recommended in the initial
practices of meditation. Dhy³na can also be performed through subtle
perceptions or realization of the deeper domains of the inner self. The
n³da bindu yoga falls in the latter category of dhy³na.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Controlling the agility of mind and concentrating it on the focused

idea or object is the most arduous phase of the above s³dhan³. It calls
for immense patience and unperturbed faith in oneself. Practices of
self-restrain and orientation towards adoption of ascetic tendencies
are found to be most supportive in training of mind for this
purpose.Japa (rhythmic enunciation of mantras in specific order) and
dhy³na are mutually complementary; this combination is an integral
part of many s³dhan³s of spiritual refinement. Purity of the inner self
and nobiliity of character are essential for success of these endeavors.

Sam³dhi (trance) is the successful state of deep meditation in which

the existence of conscious mind is completely unified with its
absolute origin - the soul. Pt. Shriram Sharma's sagacity and spiritual
attainments of the highest kind have made his descriptions of the
difficult facets - including those pertaining to the subtle and
transcendental realizations more authentic, clear, logical and

Bioelectrical, physiological, psychological and other scientific

aspects of the s³dhan³s of asht³nga yoga are presented in this volume
as effectively as those associated with the sublime domains of
spirituality. There is also a mention of the research projects on
scientific study of the effects of these s³dhan³s undertaken by
Brahmavarchas - research wing of Shantikunj, an institution
established by the author at Hardwar in India.

It is hoped that this volume would wane out all apprehensions and
misconceptions and myths about yoga s³dhan³s and educe self-
confidence in the readers to realize their own potentials and dignity
as human beings and come forward to refine and elevate their
personalities accordingly. Aspirants of demonstrative practical
guidance and training are welcome to the s³dhan³ camps of
Shantikunj, Hardwar.
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 20, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge

(Aparimita Sambh³van³on K³ Âdh³ra M³navºya Vayktitva)

urudev Shriram Sharma Acharya considers that a human
being is an astray child of God who has lost his identity. If
awaken and activated, the divine powers existing in his
inner self in a dormant state, can indeed lead to his sublime
transmutation into an omniscient and omnipotent person. It is a pity
that unaware of his divine origin and astonishing potentials, he lives
in a state of ignorance and hunts for progress, peace and happiness
only in the external means.

Gurudev accepts the principle of evolution but not the theories of

Darwin and others which affirm a human being as an animal - a
highly evolved descendent of apes or monkeys. According to him -
"evolution is an expression of the higher levels of cetan³
(consciousness); the evolution in the physical bodies or faculties of
the living beings is a manifestation of the evolution of consciousness.
The original nature of every human being is spiritual. Higher
dimensions of human consciousness emanate from the culminated
layers of divinity....". He established the principle of evolution of
consciousness on the grounds of the Science of Spirituality.

Every human being is a descendent of divinity but, has forgotten his

righteous path. Human life is bestowed on the individual self after a
long journey of over 84 lakhs birth cycles so that - he could rectify the
mistakes and remove the vices of the past lives by noble, altruistic
deeds in the present life, realize the ultimate goal and attain his
divine originality by sincere endeavors. In concordance with the
Indian Philosophy - which describes human life as a Kalpa Vraksha
(a 'heavenly tree' of boons which can fulfil all wishes), Acharya
Sharma reminds us in this volume of our hidden potentials and

Spectrum of Knowledge

talents. He advocates the power of thoughts and sentiments as

superior to any other power existing in this world.

Thoughts and sentiments are the means by which the individual

consciousness gets linked with the sublime waves of cosmic
consciousness. The nature of one's inner sentiments and thoughts
shapes his character. Positive thinking - unalloyed, optimistic and
creative thoughts, play a major role in progressive development of
personality. Negative thinking or perversion of ideology may
convert a sagacious intellectual into a disgraced character and
gradually malign and weaken his talents too. Consistent positive
thinking and the creative endeavors triggered by it, on the contrary,
can endow an ordinary, helpless person with excellent personality
and bestow immense success in the successive stages of his life.

Today, when the world is facing the severest crisis of faith and falling
moral values, the creative ideology and edifying deliberations of Pt.
Sharma inspire optimism and offer viable solutions towards happy
and graceful survival of humanity. His first book entitled "Main Ky³
H¿n?" ("What am I?") was published in 1940. This book was written
in the self-analyzing style of the ³tmopanishad and makes the
readers realize why and what to know about themselves. It was sold
in record number and several editions were brought out till 1948. It
was reprinted in 1989-90 and is in constant demand and circulation
since then. Translations in English and several Indian languages are
also published and have guided thousands of people towards
righteous development of personality together with a progressive
and happy life.

Every matured person certainly asks this question - "what am I ?" to

himself at some point of time in his life when circumstances compel
him to introspect himself. Knowing "what am I?" is the main goal of
the aspirants of spiritual development....The present volume offers
detailed answers to everybody and also educes motivating force and
gives adept guidance for knowledge of the self and chiseled
refinement of personality.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The author emphasizes the need of giving greater importance to the

soul and the inner self than to the extrovert mind. He teaches the art
of living a fulfilling life by understanding the "Science of Thoughts
and Sentiments". In his views, the inner sentiments and intrinsic faith
inspire the thought process. The sentiments associated with the
purity of soul would certainly educe eminent thoughts which will
illuminate the intellect and lead to the creative endeavors of the
righteous transrmutation of the individual self and his world. We
should therefore listen to the voice of our soul. This will strengthen
our inner self and maintain our faith in morality, humanity and
divine values alive and thus keep the source of precious thoughts
enriched and active. Positive thoughts generated thereby would
inspire our mind and deeds towards the noble direction of ascent
and dignity of life.

The author also provides practical methods which can be adopted in

daily life without any difficulty for consistent development of
personality. He cites the live examples, works and teachings of the
great personalities of all times and also describes the methods of self-
management with respect to personal, social and professional life as
well. Highlighting the fact that - "man is an architect of his own
destiny", he mentions that - if human mind is trained to face the ups
and downs of life with stable and balanced attitude and is kept away
from negative thoughts and sentiments of despair, it would never
fail in accomplishing what it resolves to do.

In his views, all adversities of the world could be eliminated if every

individual determines and sincerely attempts discarding his own
vices and untoward tendencies and begins improving his own
personality. Refinement of individuals leads to consequent
upliftment of the families, societies, nations and brightens the
environment of life favorably to shape an era of peace, progress and

It should be recalled that human life is a boon of the Supreme Creator

which is bestowed upon us for a noble purpose. We should realize
this fact and pay attention to elevate and channelize the unlimited
potentials of our inner self. Acharya Sharma's great mission of

Spectrum of Knowledge

'architecuring a new era...., a bright future in the 21st century....' - is

based on the central theme of enlightening the thoughts of people
and edifying their faith....

This spiritual saint, sagacious scholar and dedicated social reformer

devoted his life for this noble mission. His glorious endeavors have
brought revolutionary changes in the mentality of millions and
transformed them into better human beings in all respects.... May
every reader be inspired by the driving force of his spiritually
radiating thoughts and motivating guidance and contribute to
transform this world - into a paradise where humanity would smile
with its eternal divine glow.....


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 21, An Introduction

S³dhan³ which leads to siddhi, means undertaking specific tasks

which are related to the overall welfare of mankind and which are so
great and extensive that a person cannot accomplish them single-
handed through his own strength and efforts. Still, there are people
who have enough courage, who go ahead and ultimately accomplish
aims which initially appeared to be unattainable. In due course they
get people's participation also. Spiritually awakened souls move
ahead even in the absence of resources and cooperation and believe in
rowing alone their boat across the river with the help of self-
confidence and faith in God.

Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Chetana, Achetana Evam Supara Chetana Mana)

n its living state, the human body is said to be a miniature of the
universe. It is an ensemble of astonishing powers. Decipheration of
the mysterious activities of consciousness in this marvellous
creation and adoption of the philosophy and concurrent mode of life
lead to supernatural attainments in physical, mental and spiritual
dimensions of life. Understanding the Anatomy and Physiology of
the human body and activities of the brain - has been an active area of
research in the modern age. It has now been realized that elucidation
of the brain functions and mind-body relationships is not possible
without deeper research in human psychology.

A thorough study of all aspects of human psychology - in particular,

and human life - in general, becomes feasible by a comprehensive
study of the interrelationship between the human mind, Nature and
the Omnipresent Consciousness. A quest for revealing this
relationship has been the center of attraction for the great thinkers of
all eras. The dedicated scientific approach to spirituality, pioneered
by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya, has offered new directions for
comprehensive and practically implementable research in this area
and for the realization and elevation of collective consciousness.

The state of mind directs the thoughts and actions and thus
determines, in a major way, the course of the life of an individual.
Everybody experiences the immense power of mind in day-to-day
life. It is indeed the mind, which, depending upon its sansk³ras
(inherent tendencies), leads the individual self towards a life bonded
by the materialistic attachments and agony of unlimited desires or
towards a liberated life glowing with divine blissfulness....

Be that the vices of animosity, anger or jealousy, or the soothing

Spectrum of Knowledge

sentiments of love and compassion, the origin and growth of all is

manifested in the domain of mind. The inherent qualities and
tendencies of the mind are indeed reflected in the character of a
person and make it agreeable or disdainful as per their original
instincts. Nothing could be analyzed or edjudged about the human
personality without deciphering the human mind and elucidating
its latent science. Intensive research into different aspects of this
science is essential for an in-depth understanding and glorious
ascent of life. The present volume is an excellent contribution in this

It is said that the jºv³ (soul in the astral body) manifests itself in
human form through the subtle layers of innerself - mana
(conscious mind), buddhi (intellect), chitta (unconscious mind) and
ahank³ra (sense of self existence). Whatever we feel and think, so we
express in our behavior through our speech and deeds. Impressions
of the nature of our deeds are continuously assimilated in the chitta -
as sansk³ras. The sansk³ras (inherent tendencies) accumulated
since the earlier lives and the past phase of the current life shape one's
intrinsic character. The conscious mind and intellect are
transcendentally directed by the unconscious mind. It is this sublime
core of mind - chitta , that needs to be refined for successive progress
in elevation from ordinary mortal being to great personalities, form
conscious to para-conscious, super-conscious and angelic levels....

Ancient developments in psychology had emerged from the

realization of the innerself and spirituality was the principal focus
there. After several centuries, the subject matter of soul was
discarded as being a part of religious philosophy alone. Then
onwards, psychology became a science of behavioral activities of
mind alone without any basis or comprehensive idea of the origin
and the evolution of mind.

Amongst the external - dealing with the physical world, and the
internal - pertaining to emotions, inner convictions and latent
tendencies - domains of human life, the ancient Indian experts of
psychology had given importance mainly to the internal ones.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Whereas the western psychologists had concentrated on the external

- behavioral part, alone. Acharya Sharma has recognized the
relevance of both.

He always considered philosophy as a field of realization and

attainment of spirituality in all walks of life rather than just a subject
matter of intellectual deliberations. Adoption of ideal behavior and
altruistic deeds in day-to-day life are given equal importance by him
as compared to the spiritual experiences of self realization and
awakening of innner powers... etc. He has shown that as the inner
self of a person gets pious, balanced and uplifted, so does his external
life, reflected in his dedicated generous contributions for the
progressive welfare of the family, society and the world as a whole....

Gurudev Shriram Sharma had acquired the true knowledge and

experience of even the subtlest aspects of human consciousness
through his dedicated and absolute sadhan³s (experiments in
spirituality) throughout his life and had successfully awakened the
divine potentials of the eternal component of life. The present
volume compiles his intriguing analysis of the origin, anatomy and
expansion of the conscious and the unconscious mind. Rational
arguments and illustrations are available here to avoid illusions and
to provide logical and practical guidance for the benefit of the

The sublime core of unconscious mind is described by the author as

an ensemble of assimilated sansk³ras of the egotist instincts of the
jºv³ and of the divine sentiments inspired by the eternal purity of the
soul. The flow of emotional thought process of either kind in the
background is reflected via dreams or extrasensory experiences from
time to time. Conscious mind is an ocean of the continuous currents
of those thoughts and mental expressions that are motivated by
intellect and ego.

Introvert study of the self and critical analysis of our own behavior,
habits and aspirations give us an idea of our inherent nature.
Determined endeavors to eliminate the weaknesses and enhance the
piety of sentiments and thoughts begins the process of refinement of
Spectrum of Knowledge

the unconscious mind too. Ascetic practices of self-restrain and

earnest desire for improvement of the self provide necessary courage
and strength to fight the age-old tendencies of mind.

Altruist service with compassion and love indicates righteous

progress towards sublime transformation of the individual self.
Lives and works of the great personalities stand witness to this fact.
Every one who realizes the need of enlightening the inner self and
who is confident of self development can proceed along this path of
spiritual transmutation of the unconscious and conscious faculties of

Acharya Sharma opined that the original nature of every human

being is spiritual and that the higher dimension of evolution of
consciousness begins at the level of divine humanity. In order to keep
pace with this natural evolution, the human society today will have
to adopt those value-systems, ideals and deeds in life which would
suit the dignity of divine children.

Escalation and sublimation of the individual consciousness links it

with the cosmic consciousness and makes possible its evolution into
what is described by Sri Aurbindo as - the grand descent of Super
Divine Mind. This super mind guides the human intellect towards
the righteous path and elevates the individual self up to its ultimate
goal of slavation and unification with the Omnipresent Supreme

Every human being is endowed with immense power in the inner

self to awaken his super-conscious mind... Comprehensive
knowledge and authentic deliberations and guidance presented in
this volume should inspire every reader to think, realize and march
towards the ultimate evolution of his mental powers.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 22, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge

(Vigy³na Aur ³dhy³tma, Paraspara P¿raka)

he misconception that 'science and spirituality are mutually
exclusive' - has been prevailing in the minds of many people
since long.... At a superficial level, the two streams of knowledge
aimed at decipheration of the ultimate truth appear to be
contradicting and nullifying each other's principles. The early period
of modern scientific development cultivated a visible or tangible
evidence driven reasoning and logic. This advocated a general belief
that all progress and intellectual civilization of mankind has been
possible only because of the material based scientific investigations
and developments.

The misdeeds of the medieval era in the name of religion and the
misinterpretation of the ancient sciences of spirituality fueled the
simultaneous propagation of the so called rational thinkers and
modern scientists that - "religion and spiritual philosophy are tools of
the dull day-dreamers which drive people's credulous minds into an
'intoxicated state' of halucination and superstitions and thereby
revert the direction of intellectual progress..." . Nevertheless, saintly
schoalrs and sages of human psychology and spirituality of all ages
have shown disagreement with such superficial and prejudiced
conclusions. Same have been the views of the founder fathers of the
modern science who had the acumen to see the facts beyond the
perceivable existence of the world.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya happens to be among the great thinkers

of the modern times who elucidated multiple dimensions of
Science, Spirituality and Religion vis-a-vis the limitless expansion of
nature and endless depth of human life. He defined spirituality as the
source of -- expansion of the individual self into cosmic self;
immersion of ego and selfishness into selflessness, altruism and

Spectrum of Knowledge

unalloyed love for all . For him, the science of spirituality is that of
ultimate evolution of human psychology and absolute knowledge.
The material based modern science and the science of consciousness
were described by him as the two sides of the same coin. Both are
mutually complementary. The existence of either is incomplete
without the other. The edifice of a truly progressive and happy world
would rest on the strong foundation of these two pillars. In his
views, if science is the mind then spirituality is the heart of human

Acharya Sharma has presented detailed analysis, rational arguments

and evidential examples in support of his views. Present volume is a
collection of his related writings. He has elucidated multifaceted
aspects of - deep ecology, cosmic order, esoteric events and yet
unresolved secrets of Nature, existence of extraterrestrial life,
scientific basis of astrology, etc and eventually proved how every
activity and every form of existence - from microsubtler to cosmic
levels and the eternal cycle of Nature reflect the order of an
omnipresent sole controlling power - the invisible Supreme
Consciousness which manifests itself in every vibration of energy
and impulse of life......

He has also cited authentic reviews and scientific studies which

illustrate that - as modern science is advancing from subatomic to
subtler forms of matter and venturing into gigantic expansion of
cosmic energy, it is becoming clearer that the existence of universe
and orderly activities of nature is not a mere coincidence rather, it
appears to be planned under the control of a super intelligent, self-
existing, eternal 'regulatory mechanism'.

Starting from our solar system to its surrounding clusters and the
ensemble of their respective galaxies, the author gives a glimpse of
orderly movements in the cosmos. Emissions of the energy
radiations from the sun - the center of our solar system and the
appropriately controlled reception of the same by the earth make life
on this planet possible. Similar perfection of gravitational balance
and mutual transmissions exist among other stars, planets and
planetary systems in the universe. By giving reviews of the scientific

Spectrum of Knowledge

research findings, it is shown here - in an easy-to-grasp style that the

cosmic expansion is neither disorderly nor an outcome of totally
random phenomena.

More arcane are the functions of the cellular, molecular, atomic and
smaller entities - each of which contains an orderly 'universe' of its
enormous components at gradually subtler levels. These also
demonstrate the marvellous self-organizing eternal system of the
supreme, self-existing power. We all live in the limitless ocean of
consciousness.... The same Consciousness Force is vibrating within
us, within every being, every component of life.... The difficult
subject matter of (bio)physical sciences and the fields of
consciousness in above context are dealt with excellent clarity and
continuity by the author. This ease with in-depth analysis of complex
topics and lucid style of presentation is indeed rare to find. It makes
the present volume unique in many respects.

Mysterious manifestations of Nature in different parts of the world

are also described here highlighting the recent investigations and
challenges posed before the scientific researchers in terms of
identification of causes and justification for how such things happen
in the visible three dimensional world against the yet established
laws of science....? Inquisitiveness of the readers will also get
enlightened on the ever exciting issues of - "Are we alone in the
cosmos? Is there existence of life on any other planet? How are the
extraterrestrial living beings? UFOs - Facts and myths....?"

The reviews of Vedic spiritual literature show that the science of

spirituality begins where the advancement of material based
scientific investigations ends.... As the science of spirituality deals
with consciousness and its manifestation in visible forms and also in
the intrinsic domains of thoughts, emotions and deeper sentiments
...., it can decipher everything which is within or beyond the reach of
any other branch of science. We can peep into the depths of cosmic
consciousness by creative integration of modern sciences with the
ancient science of spirituality.

Spectrum of Knowledge

One of the chapters of this volume is focused on the scientific basis of

Astrology and the effects of planetary movements on human
psychology. It points out the causes of mistakes and misleading
trends of practices in this mathematically derived field of knowledge
and offers new directions for collaborative research - in Astronomy
and Astrology and other branches of (bio)physical sciences - which
would offer superb benefits as were acquired and used by the Indian
rishis ages ago for the absolute welfare, progress and peace of the
entire world.

Integration of the science of spirituality with the modern sciences

would help elimination of misconceptions and illusions attached
with the former and liberate it from the clutches of superstitions and
blind faith in the name of religion. The necessity of adoption of the
principles of spirituality would on the other hand serve the noble
purpose of orienting scientific developments towards the path of
true welfare and happiness and prevent the destructive and
suppressive use of science and technology - by selfish and
aristocratic intellectuals and 'rulers of world economy' - in the name
of technological advancement. This will also save the glory of
humanity which appears to be lying at an edge of extinction in
today's consumerized and commercialized world.

The central theme of the author is to guide mutually co-operating

development of natural and social sciences and spirituality and
related domains of human life so that the complementarity of the two
would lead to viable ascent in the righteous direction. Hope the
present volume would serve this purpose to make "21st century -
bright future" a reality in all respects.....


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 23, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge

(BhaviÌya K³ Dharma Vaigyanika Dharma)

ost of us know only what is perceivable through the physical
senses. Though some information about the subtle activities
of the invisible world is available from the scriptures and
deliberations on the experiences of spiritual saints, many people
refuse to accept its truth because it is not visible or provable by
modern scientific methods.... Little do they know that their
perception of science - limited to tangible experiences or
mathematically derivable logic, narrows down the very definition of
science. If the true meaning of science is understood - as search of
truth beyond any barriers of matter and visible world, there would
be no difficulty in accepting the fact that spirituality also falls in its
periphery which pertains to sublime domains of realizations.... This
attitude widens the scope of knowledge and search of ultimate truth
through perfect integration of modern sciences and the ancient
science of spirituality and religion. Why it should and how it can be
achieved is the central theme of this volume....

Scriptures describe even the visible world as 'm³y³' - illusion, then

what exactly is true? How to know it? Do modern sciences and
religious philosophies contradict each other with respect to the
definition of truth? What are the spiritual realizations and what are
mythological and allegoric representations in the gamut of ancient
treatises and philosophical teachings? These queries and doubts are
responded in the present volume with rational discussions and
authentic evidences.

The author, Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya emphasizes the need for
reviewing the present form of religious philosophies and practices in
scientific light with prudent acumen to eliminate baseless,
preposterous convictions, blind faith, superstitions and mindless
rituals/customs. As far as possible, the commonality between
scientific and religious approaches to social upliftment and welfare
and the similarities and mutual complementarity of the findings of
Spectrum of Knowledge

the two streams should be presented jointly. This would remove the
prejudices from each sides and accelerate healthy progress of both.

Acharya Sharma cites the views and conclusions of the experts of

different disciplines of natural and social sciences to indicate the
untoward outcomes of scientific developments without the control
of ethics - principles of morality, peaceful co-existence and altruistic
welfare.... Scientific and technological advances without humane
values would not be able to restrain destructive developments that
might prove to be disastrous in the end and devastate the grand
civilization and expression of life on our beautiful planet. Blind race
for technological advancement triggered by passion for more
comforts and more power - which is seen across the globe today
makes his views more relevant and worth pursuing in reality.

Intrinsic faith in high ideals of humanity and serene sentiments of

love and compassion are perennial constituents of the core of all
religious philosophies. These are also essential for awakening of
spirituality in the inner self.... Before venturing into the 21st century,
we will have to review the status of spirituality in human society
today with respect to the convictions, ideologies and purity and
depth of emotional character of the people in general.... .

Gurudev Shriram Sharma conceptualizes God as - an ensemble of the

highest and purest realm sof ideal virtues; an eternal discipline,
driving force of cosmic order; and the omnipresent Consciousness
Force. He defines the science of spirituality as that of divine
transmutation of the inner self. He discusses the origin and
expansion of religions in these respects as the basis for continuous
refinement and escalation of human self. In this volume, he also
considers the topics of cosmic creation and life in the universe and
presents evidential examples to prove the scientific validity of the
manifestation of omnipresent cosmic consciousness in every form of
existence and every kind of activity within and beyond the
dimensions of space and time.... Readers would find an essence of
deliberations from large number of scriptures and authentic writings
on different aspects of religion in the above context.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Author's eloquence and erudite explanations on spirituality make

deep impact up to the inner core of our sentiments and educe the
inner self for realization of the soul and its eternal origin - the
Omnipresent Supreme Consciousness.... The gamut of topics
ranging from humane sentiments to the liberated state of ultimate
beatitudiousness are smoothly covered by him without any break in
the continuity of the flow of thoughts. The principles of linkage of
the apparently limited peripheries of individual life with the
unbounded collective consciousness are specificified here on
scientifically justified grounds, leaving no place for confusion,
illusion or doubt.

Modern scientific research on microsubtler forms of matter and

energy has reached a state where further advancement in the
righteous direction of search for absolute truth would translate its
fields of investigation from that of matter and energy to the vast
domains of consciousness. This will set an active connection between
science and philosophy of spirituality and hence between science
and religion. Research areas of neurosciences and human
psychology have a more natural relation with the science of

Religion would not serve its real purpose unless naturally adopted as
an integral part of human life. This will be possible only if its
authentic and rational relevance is proved in true scientific light with
an open mind considering all aspects of human life - ranging from
social to psychological and developmental to ecological...etc.
Consistent control of universal ethics or religion is necessary to
maintain moral values and healthy and happy survival of the world.

The present volume gives comprehensive guidance for review of the

religious and scientific disciplines and for the unification of both in
refined form. It declares the scientific religion thus formed as the
foundation of bright future in the new millenium....
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 24, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Yagya K³ Gy³n Aur Vigy³na)

ll activities in the limitless expansion of the universe are said to
have generated from a grand eternal yajna (Yagya). Atharva
Veda (9.15.14) describes Yagya as: "Ayam Yajna Vishvasya
Bhuvanasya N³bhih" - implying Yagya as the fundamental process
of manifestation of nature. Lord Krishna quotes in the holy Gita

Sahayajn³¡ Praj³¡ SraÌÚ³ Purov³cha Praj³ pati¡ |

Anena PrasaviÌyadhvameÌa VoastviÌÚa K³madhuk ||

Meaning: Before the existence of the cosmos, Prajapati Brahma - the

Supreme Creator, the eternal source of existence, had originated
Yagya and commenced the process of generation and growth of
cosmic powers and their unlimited expressions resulting in the
creation of Nature.....

The YajurVeda contains the knowledge of the principles and

methods of performing Yagyas as part of spiritual and scientific
experiments for global welfare. The S³maVeda focuses on the
musical chanting patterns of the mantras and deals with the subtle
form of Yagya by defining the latter as the process of mental oblation
on the surface of emotions....

Literally speaking Yagya means - selfless sacrificing for noble

purposes. In physical terms, Yagya (homam, havan or agnihotra) is a
process of herbal sacrifices in holy fire aimed at the finest utilization
of the subtle properties of sacrifised matter with the help of the
thermal energy of fire and the sound energy of the mantras .

The knowledge of Yagya as realized and deciphered by the Indian

rishis is indeed a boon bestowed on mankind which encompasses all
dimensions of divine human culture. The methods of performing
Spectrum of Knowledge

Yagyas as experimented and propagated by these ancient scientists

and seers contain the key to ideal maintenance of the ecosystem and
the environment of life....

The science and philosophy of G³yatrº and Yagya were thoroughly

practised and propagated by the saints and sages of yore. Because of
their direct impact on the physical, mental and spiritual
development of human life, the principles and practices of these
fundamental components of the Vedic Indian culture have
relevance in the modern times as well. Thanks to the dedicated
efforts of some sacred souls and eminent scholars like Guru
Gorakshnath and Swami Dayanand Saraswati, that the glory of the
ancient knowledge of Yagya has not lost its glow despite traversing
through the dark period of misinterpretations, aberrations and
maligning during the medieval era.

The noble contributions of Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya have been

most significant in reinvestigating Indian cultural values and
implementing the practices of G³yatrº and Yagya as scientific
experiments aimed at the welfare of all living beings. This spiritual
saint, social reformer, scholar and scientist par excellence is
renowned as an authority on the in-depth knowledge of G³yatrº and
Yagya . His inspirations have revived the tradition of G³yatrº -
Yagyas among the masses as part of his great Yug Nirm³ñ mission of
revival of divine culture on this globe.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma conveyed that adoption of the philosophy

of Yagya - sublimation of creative potentials, knowledge, pious
virtues, intellect and strength and limitless expansion of altruist
service with eminence - in every walk of life is a true Yagya . In
concordance with the quote (from Gita ) - " Yajó³rth³
Karmañoanyatra Lokoaya® Karmabandhana¡", he viewed that
only those actions (karmas) are noble which are performed with
heartiest sentiments inspired by the philosophy of Yagya. Other
actions become the cause of thraldoms preventing the awakening of
the soul and retarding its march towards unification with its divine
Spectrum of Knowledge

He gave logical explanation of the implication of the rituals

associated with the process of performing Yagya (havan or homam)
in the sacrificial hloy fire: each step of this process corresponds to
refinement, sublimation and expansion.... In his views, true worship
of divinity is that which results in gradual refinement and virtuous
elevation of personality and rise of associated divine qualities in the
inner self.

Manusmriti defines - "Mah³yajnaiïcha Yajnaiïcha Br³hmºya® Kriyate

Tanu¡", meaning, "Best Yagya is that in which one lives a serene,
altruist life devoted to continuous refinement of the body, mind and
the inner self up to divine levels". Acharya Sharma lived an ideal life
as per this philosophy of Yagya and offered practical guidance in this
regard which is most suitable in today's circumstances. He
propagated the eternal philosophy of Yagya by organizing G³yatrº
Havanas and inspiring collective participation of large number of
people from all walks of the society without any barrier of caste,
creed or gender, etc.....

Ancient scriptures of Hindu philosophy affirm Yagya as one of the

twenty-four divine incarnations. Performing Yagya on small scale as
homam, agnihotra or havan is an integral part of every religious ritual
and social rite of auspicious nature. Acharya Sharma studied the
scientific basis and reasoning behind performing the ritual of Yagya
in sacrificial fire and explained how this simple experiment is useful
for maintaining the ecosystem.

The sacrifices of herbal preparations, cow-dunk and healthy

products of cow-milk made in the Yagya -fire in the names of
different gods correspond to enriching the natural powers which
balance cosmic order. These sacrifices are like paying 'taxes' or
offering acknowledgement in return of the enormous boons
bestowed by the divine powers in the form of natural resources,
energies and environment of life. Excessive and unbalanced
consumption of natural resources and powers disturbs the
harmonious order in Nature and results in occurrence of natural
calamities, obnoxious diseases, etc. - this is what is termed as the
"punishment of Gods against negligence of regular sacrifices made to
Spectrum of Knowledge

The Indian tradition of performing homam (Yagya at a small scale)

every day in every house is an excellent and most natural way of
upkeeping pure and healthy environment of life. The collective
chanting of mantras during Yagya has soothing impact on
psychological and spiritual health. Acharya Shriram Sharma has
given substantial evidences in support of such effects along with
detailed interpretations and references on what is said about Yagya
in the Vedas, Upnishadas, Gita, Ramayana, Shrimad Bhagwata,
Mahabharata, Puranas, Guru Grantha Sahiba and authentic treatises
of many ancient and modern scholars of the philosophy of Yagya.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya had also suggested modern scientific

investigation on - (i) effects of fumigation of specific herbal
preparation in the sacrificial fire of Yagya along with collective
recitation (chanting) of mantras and (ii) the interrelationship between
G³yatrº Mantra, Yagya and the cosmic radiation - especially from the
rising Sun. The research laboratory of Brahmvarchas established by
him at Shantikunj, Hardwar (India) has given pioneering direction to
research in Yagyopathy. The present volume gives a comprehensive
view of his interpretations and analysis of ancient scriptures on
philosophy of Yagya along with his ideas and deliberations on the
need and possibilities of scientific research. Details on the scientific
methods and experiments in Yagyopathy are compiled in volume
number 26 of this Vangmaya series.

Yagya is also glorified as "Yajóoaya® Sarvak³mdhuk" meaning,

"Yagya is the source of fulfilling all desires". This appears to be true
in view of the positive effects, at physical, mental and spiritual levels,
of performing Yagya and ideal elevation of life by adopting the
universal philosophy of Yagya in action. The present volume
proposes to offer extensive knowledge and guidance on the
philosophy of Yagya so that the entire human society could be
blessed by this nectar of divine culture.
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 25, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Yajna - Eka Samagra Upch³ra Prakriy³)

he first hymn - "Agni Mºde Purohitam" of RigVeda generated in
Thy-voice is said to have given knowledge of kindling fire to the
first man on the earth. The knowledge of other powers of Nature
is said to have descended afterwards. Fire and thermal energy are
also the key sources of materialistic development. "Fire worship" is
prevalent in one form or the other in almost every religion or cult. In
Hindu religion and Indian culture, the sacrificial fire of Yagya is of
auspicious importance. The philosophy of Yagya, its implications in
human life and scientific and logical perspectives are discussed in
volume number 25 of Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya series.
The present volume is devoted to the scientifically viable aspects of
Yagya - especially the effects of Yagya on mental and physical health
and environment.

Acharya Sharma had initiated pioneering research on medical

applications of Yagya and brought into light Yagyopathy, as a new
branch of alternate system of medical therapies which is widely
applicable and promising as an important therapy of future. The
types and combinations of herbs used in the preparation of the
material (havan s³magrº) to be fumigated in the sacrificial fire of
Yagya, the types of woods used in this fire, the selection of mantras,
the timings of Yagya, ....etc. are specific for specific effects. Detailed
study of these is a complete science in itself.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma writes that - among the five basic elements
(pancha mah³bh¿ta), which constitute the gross world and the
gorss and teh suble bodies of living beings, the prathvº tatva
(substances and properties of earth) is most prominent in perceivable
Nature. Absorption of different odors from the atmosphere affects
the subtle properties of this element. Combustion of havan s³magrº
in Yagya produces soothing odors inhalation of which energizes the
prathvº tatva in the bodies of the s³dhakas (y³jakas) who perform
Spectrum of Knowledge

the Yagya. The fumes and vapors of the herbs fumigated in Yagya
are absorbed by the skin-pores and the entire body. This removes the
impurities and deficiencies, if any, of the natural substances of earth
which are essential for health and vigor of the body. Inhalation of the
herbs and other nourishing substances of the havan s³magrº which
are subtlized and sublimated in Yagya-fire takes them directly into
the blood stream and reaches every component, every corner of the
body and thereby improves the body's resistance and vitality.

Yagya generates special energy fields and also increases the amount
of negative ions and ozone in the surrounding atmosphere and thus
activates the flow of vital energy in the y³jakas. Understanding the
interrelationship between the Yagy³gni (fire and energy field of
Yagya) and the power of pr³ña - vital energy, is fundamental to
understanding the principle of total natural cure by Yagya. The
Brahmvarchas research institute founded by Acharya Sharma has
taken up pioneering research projects on scientific study and
applications of Yagya based therapies - Yagyopathy.

Because of the harmonious sonic waves generated by the rhythmic

chanting of mantras, the effects of Yagya reach the endocrine glands
and subtle power centers in the body and help soothing the mental
and emotional conditions also. This is why Yagyopathy is regarded
as most promising in the cure of psychosomatic diseases and
improvement of human psychology in general. How and why this
happens and how to perform scientific experiments on Yagya -
study, analysis and implementation of these issues would open up a
new branch of research for modern scientists. The present volume
would provide necessary inputs and guidelines in this regard in a
simple, illustrative manner within the grasp of all readers including
those without scientific educational background.

Yagya is defined as a mechanism of maintaining the health of the

cosmic body - ecosystem. The positive effects of Yagya on
environment at physical and spiritual levels are also discussed in this

Spectrum of Knowledge

It is stated in the holy Gita (3|14) that -

Ann³dbhavanti Bh¿t³ni Parjany³danna Sambhavah |

Yajó³dbhavati Parjanyo Yajóa¡ Karma Samudbhavah ||

Meaning: All creature survive on food produced by food-crops and

vegetation; Yagyas performed and practised by prescribed methods
bring rainfall and hence the source of existence of life…. Lord
Krishna further states that - the absolute vital force of thee is pervaded
in Yagya....

The above aspects of Yagya-philosophy are elucidated here. The

present volume also introduces the major programmes on Yagya
propagated at large scale by the Gayatri Pariwar mission established
by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya at Shantikunj, Hardwar. These
include - (i) Agnihotras for daily practice to revive the tradition of
sacrificing a part of our food back to Nature with deep gratitude; (ii)
Dipa Yagya - which is a simplified process of Yagya especially
suited for creating general awareness and enlightening people's
thought process according to the basic philosophy of Yagya; and
(iii) Ashwamedha Yagyas - grand Yagyas performed globally to
initiate elimination of evil tendencies, purification of the
environment of life and cultivation of divine values for brightening
the future of humanity and life on the earth.

Special spiritual experiments are conducted during the

Ashwamedha Yagyas for activating and extracting the cosmic
energy of the subtle body of the Sun and for attracting the
beatitudious divine power of Lord Shiva. Over twenty-seven such
Yagyas were organized in different parts of the world during 1992-
1995 followed by hundreds of other grand yagyas.

Excerpts from ancient scriptures and scientific aspects of the

Ashwamedha Yagyas are described in this volume along with details
of their organization and associated effects of social uplifting and

Spectrum of Knowledge

mental refinement of masses. Detailed reports on such programmes

conducted and ongoing under the mission's banner are available in
the mission's center - Shantikunj, Hardwar.

Readers would find innovative information and scientifically

justified explanations on why Yagyas are considered as effective
means of excelling total health of everyone, every natural system,
ranging from individual to cosmic levels. They are invited to come
forward to perform and participate in the Yagyas and related
research experiments.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 26, An Introduction

I had to go to the Himalay³s a number of times in the past on the

direction of my Gurudev for performing s³dhan³ in solitude. People
link these journeys with something miraculous. They believe that the
Himalay³s are the abode of miracle-performing beings and realised
souls. In fact, I had to go to the Himalay³s to become more introvert.
The exterior life of a person is dominated by outer events but his inner
life is influenced by feelings and sentiments. An illumined mind and
a loving heart constitute spirituality. The rat-race for gratification of
desires and amassing of material objects is materialism. Since I have
dedicated my whole life to demonstrate life-affirming spirituality,
while outwardly leading a normal worldly life, it became essential for
me to occasionally retire into solitude with a view to nullify any
influence of materialism on the exterior life. An effort was made
during my agy³tv³s (living in solitude in an unknown place) in the
Himalay³s to bring the soul as close to God as possible.

Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Yug Parivartan : Kaise Aur Kaba?)

he present period of change of a millenium is also a special
juncture of great transition. Prophecies of the seers of the ancient
and the modern times share common views about the critical
circumstances before the dawn of a new era…. The world today is
apparently passing through the most arduous and challenging phase
of crises and calamities. Under the threats of nuclear and star wars,
the existence of life on the earth seems to be lying at an edge of
extinction today… The possibilities of brighter era appear to be
realizable by nothing less than a miracle… Perhaps these are the
moments for which Lord Krishna has assured in the holy Gita as -
"Age after age….., I come into being…., to protect the pious life along
the righteous path of truth and to devastate the evil tendencies,
terrors and disorders……".

The ancient Indian scriptures on Astrology describe the present era -

from 1850 A.D. to 2000 A.D. approximately - as the period of great
change, of transition from Kaliyug (teh Age of moral decline and
darkness of ignorance and evil influences) to Satyug (the Age of
divine values and culmination of human dignity). The Kaliyug is in
its last phase at present and the dawn of Satyug is in the offing….
That is why the present time is also referred as the yug sandhi k³la -
junction of two eras.

Although some fundamentalists and orthodox religious masters

consider that the beginning of Satyug is still away by more than
several million years, this claim appears to be a misconception in
view of the scientifically justified, thoughtful arguments and
authentic references cited by Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya in
the present volume. Excerpts from the scriptures ranging from -
Bhavishya Purana, Harivansha Puran to Shrimad Bhagawat and
Spectrum of Knowledge

Gita are also given here along with the proofs on correct methods of
computation of planetary time according to the ancient Indian
Science of Astrology.

The author, Gurudev Shriram Sharma has described the past twenty
to twenty-five years (1980 to 2005 A.D. approximately) of yug sandhi
as the anti-climax of the darkness of Kaliyug which ought to end
with the glow of the dawn of Satyug…. This period has and will
witness severe destruction, disorder, anarchy, natural calamities,
wars, explosive situations, terror, hunger, epidemics, large scale
disturbance and decline of human values…. Apart from the
poisonous pollution of the atmosphere and disruption of the
ecosystem, the unprecedented occurrences of tragic incidents, steep
rise in aggressive tendencies, massacres, rapes, psychological
disorders, frequency of suicides, ever new diseases….. etc have also
dangerously polluted the environment of life in this transition

Today, every body seems to be somewhat suspicious about his own

health and survival…. But, this allround 'threat' to happy and
peaceful life on the earth also appears to be a part of the 'warnings' of
mother Nature and its divine creator to mankind. The attacks of
sufferings and agonies are bound to induce the sentiments of
compassion and force the comfort-hungry minds of today to rectify
their selfish attitude and change the way of life according to the
crying call of humanity. This is also a time of final and decisive
struggle between the divine and the devil powers. It is a testing time
for the saintly ideologies and virtuous tendencies. Their
miraculous strength is going to arouse and manifest itself on
multiple fronts after this phase of emergency….

The remarkable progress of scientific and technological

advancement has virtually conquerred the Nature and made today's
man 'omnipotent' in terms of materialistic wealth and power….. The
ultra fast air-crafts and speedy automobiles on the one hand, and
rapid communication links through man-made satellite networks
have shrunk the peripheries of the world and brought the people
across the globe in closed contact…. Howbeit, the blind race for
Spectrum of Knowledge

technological innovations and luxury-oriented and commercialized

development has led to excessive exploitation of the natural
resources and has disturbed the natural harmony of the ecosystem
too. The consumerization based and power-hungry policies of the so
called rational thinkers have converted the boons of science into
curses in more than one respect.

Increasing level of poisonous gases in the atmosphere and the

alarming disruption of the ozone layer - are the best known negative
effects of modern 'developments' which have invited harmful
radiations and dreaded diseases in return….. The radiance of sun,
which sends huge stock of energy - of the order of that of seven
hundred thousands megawatt bombs - everyday on our planet is
also disturbed these days… The large number of solar eclipses and
sharp increase in the appearance of the black spots on the sun is going
to have exceptional effects on geo-magnetism, biomagnetism and the
environment of life by the end of 2015 AD.... The one-sided
developments - neglecting the social and psychological dimensions
of human life - has been the worst of the curses of the modern
civilization as it has threatened to uproot the very basis of humanity
by 'evaporating' the streams of human sentiments in the 'heat' of
sensual pleasure, ego and selfish intellect…..

Acharya Sharma was a saintly social reformer and a sagacious seer;

whatever he predicted from time to time about the major events in
the global scenario since 1940 have come true…. He never declared
these predictions as prophecies… Rather, he presented his views in a
convincing manner with authenticity. Readers will get the flavor of
his great vision, wisdom and modesty in this volume….. While
mentioning about the current period of yug sandhi and bright future
ahead in the 21st century, he also cites and explains the foresighted
experiences and prophecies of the august yogi Sri Aurobindo,
celebrity palmist and prophet Cairo, great thinker Romain Rolland
and renowned astrologers and clairvoyant foreseers like
Nostradamus, Shri Gopinath Sharstri, yogi Anandacharya, Madame
Boriska, Jean Dixon, Anderson Gerard Kreisel, Charlse Clark, Prof.
Hatar, George Bavery…. etc.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Be that the excerpts form ancient scriptures - including the holy Bible,
Kalki Purana, Bhavishya Purana etc., or the published utopia based
hypotheses of the thinkers like Alvin Toffler, Fritjof Capra, Prof.
Hamische McRae etc, all have been analyzed thoroughly in this
volume in the context of the future of the world in this new

Gurudev Sharma also elucidates the possibilities of bright future

stating that the supreme source of divinity exists in universal beauty
and order…. He reminds us that even in the critical period of
adversities today, we should not lose faith in thy protection because,
the eternal creator would never allow HIS marvellous creation - the
gigantic world, the enormous variety of living beings and limitless
prosperity of the nature…. - to be ruined in dearth…. Thy powers or
divine incarnations, appear at the right moment as per the need of the
critical time periods and control the circumstances in order to save
the universal order and existence of life and serene flow of beauty
and love in HIS creations….

The inspiring words of Gurudev go deep down in the reader's mind

and heart and the light of his acumen and foresight makes it clear that
thy grace has appeared in the present era as "Pragy³vat³ra" -
incarnation of divine intellect to educe upright change in the attitude
and mentality of the masses, illuminate human-intellect in the
righteous direction and awaken the inner sentiments of pure love
and boundless compassion….

In Acharya Sharma's words - "Divine incarnations come into being in

the critical moments like the present ones…. In all Ages, the
incarnations of God awaken collective consciousness and raise the
inner strength of people. The life-force and enthusiasm thus inspired
indeed conquers all vices and adversities and eventually transforms
the 'impossibility' into a visible reality….. Those having a foresight
can clearly visualize the descent of the holy 'Ganges' of the divine
consciousness (of Pragy³vat³ra) which is going to purify the minds
and intrinsic sentiments of the people and cultivate the serene
environment for the advent of a bright era…." .

Spectrum of Knowledge

The author has initiated a great spiritual experiment of "Yug Sandhi

Mah³purashcharana" since 1980 to help proper conditioning of the
subtle environment for the manifestation and expansion of the
divine inspirations of Pragy³vat³ra. This experiment involves
collective participation of billions of people across the globe. Details
are available in the present volume and some earlier volumes (on
G³yatrº s³dhan³) of this series. Acharya Sharma had also conducted
unique experiements on sublime expansion of his own vital spiritual
force. These are covered in the volume nos. 28 and 29.

In his special address entitled "Mah³kala K³ Sandesha" (Divine

Message of Eternity), delivered in January 1990, he had authentically
warned that refinement of conduct and adoption of virtuous and
altruistic mode of life is essential for everyone for surviving the test
of the present times…. Those who follow the righteous path of divine
disciplines by inculcating the pure sentiments of love, compassion
and mutual respect and by devoting their potentials for the high
ideals of truth and collective welfare would acquire the orgulous
honor of being associated with thedivine force of Pragy³vat³ra.
They would indeed cooperate in making the 21st century a bright era
for all……

The present volume would acquaint the readers with the gamut of
authentic predictions about the future of the world in the new
millenium. It will also warn about the disastrous end of the misdeeds
of today and provide detailed guidance on -"How to go about…?",
"What to do….?",…… in order to march towards the glorious future.

The emblem of "21st Century - Bright Future" is inviting us to rise, join

hands and come forward to revive the dignity of humanity and make
this world a better place to live...

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 27, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(S¿kïmºkaraña Evam Ujjawala BhaviÌya K³ Avataraña-1)

he present volume is an authentic document on the rapidly
changing circumstances at the critical junction of two
milleniums…. It elucidates the nature of the divine force of
spiritual energy working behind the transmutation of the
environment of life…. to venture into a newer and brighter era…..
Until the past several decades, the possibilities of happy future were
dimmed by the thick smog of the apprehension and despair caused
by the threat of nuclear wars, unabated pollution of environment,
population explosion and the likelihood of natural calamities
because of disruption of the harmony of the ecosystem…. It was
impossible to imagine how the course of events of would ever be
diverted well in advance before the 'dead-end'. But, soon there
appeared a silver line of the promising hopes affirmed by Pt. Shriram
Sharma Acharya, who, because of his clairvoyance, could see the
nature of activities of the sublime world…..

Gurudev Shriram Sharma is among the most revered spiritual

masters of the modern age whose sagacious intellect represented a
marvellous combination of a scientist, philosopher and writer of
eminent calibre…. The power of his saintly sentiments and
spirituality could educe the impulses of divinity in the hearts of
millions of people who came in his contact.… He endeavored
S¿kshmºkaraña S³dhan³- spiritual experiments of subtlimation and
expansion of life-force…., to inspire the awaken souls around the
globe and attempt enlightening the minds and hearts of the
architects of the world today and help create righteous environment
for the dawn of a bright future….

This volume gives the background of his S¿kshmºkaraña s³dhan³

and highlights the major objectives, relevance and creative
Spectrum of Knowledge

programmes of his Yug Nirm³ñ mission. Details on the yoga-

disciplines and spiritual experiments of S¿kshmºkaraña are given in
the next volume of the Vangmaya series.

While taking stock of the untoward situations prevailing currently in

almost every domain of life owing to the misdeeds of human society
at large, Acharya Sharma had declared about three decades ago that
all anomalies and evils of the present era will be soon fought by the
omnipotent Mah³k³la - the cause of eternity, the invisible,
omnipresent, savior of cosmic order, the original source of creation,
welfare and ultimate transmutation…..

Call it the influence of divine incarnation or the universal discipline

of thy nature, the power of Mah³k³la has begun to manifest its
activities in the subtle world….; the waves of divine energy
generated thereby will stir the gigantic ocean of consciousness with
grand force resulting in astonishing effects on the visible world and
on the human mind…. "How and when this will take place? What is
our duty in these moments of great change….?" These and similar
queries are answered here with substantial guidance.

Lord Shiva, one of the trinity Gods, is revered in the scriptures of

Hindu religion as the eternal power of thee which controls cosmic
change and thus generates absolute purification before the next
phase of novel creations in the cyclic order of natural existence…..
The allegorical descriptions of the Puranas state that - the majestic
sound of the damar¿ of Shiva generates vibrations in all directions of
the universe and churns the limitless reservoir of cosmic energy…..;
the impact of the t³ndava dance of Shiva shakes the entire universe
and every form of evil or untoward existence is destroyed in the
devastating flames produced by the infinite purifying force so

The author's decipheration of this rhetoric description is indeed an

eye-opener. It tells us how the misdeeds and vices spreading the
world today are going to face disastrous consequences because of the
ultimate discipline of Shiva (divine tendencies). Those engaged in

Spectrum of Knowledge

inhumane activities and those influenced by the vices of evil instincts

are given clear warning to divert their chosen path of life towards
morality and thus protect themselves from absolute destruction….

Those feeling the pains of the ailing state of humanity today will get,
from the author's words, the courage and practical guidance for
elevation of the righteous sentiments and for participation in the
creative programmes of welcoming the new era…. "How the
collective power of divinely pure souls is going to be awakened and
organized to prevent total disaster and instead revive human
dignity with divine glory?" - is also discussed here in detail.

The author has targeted the roots of evil tendencies - viz., ego, avarice
and selfish attachments, which are the basic causes of the crisis of
faith and the maligning of the religious philosophies. In his views,
the 'incarnation of Lord Shiva' implies inculcation of the pure
sentiments of true welfare…. which would 'burn out' the
Tripur³sura (group of three devil powers) of ego, avarice and
selfishness…. His deliberations in the present volume offer adept
information on how this can be realized in ordinary life? How we can
purify ourselves from the evil tendencies and experience the afflatus
educed by the 'incarnation' of Shiva in our own hearts….?

Based on his life-time experiences and successful accomplishment of

the spiritual endeavors of the highest kind, Gurudev Shriram
Sharma had guided the disciplined practice of G³yatrº Anushth³na
as ideal for the mental and spiritual refinement of all men and
women. The Gayatri Pariwar mission and the institutions -
Shantikunj, Hardwar and its branches, founded by him conduct
regular training programmes throughout the year to enable
beginners as well as the experienced devotees perform G³yatrº
Anushth³nas in an ideal environment under expert guidance. The
welfare programmes of this mission serve the complementary
purpose of creative use of refined talents in altruist activities and
collective endeavors of social upliftment. The details presented in
this volume will be informative in this regard as well.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Gurudev lived a life of a true saint according to the ideal philosophy

of Yagya - devoting all his resources, potentials and supernormal
talents for the escalation of human values and progressive welfare of
all beings….. He envisaged a three fold mode of evolution for
architecturing the bright era (yug nirm³ñ) via refinement and
elevation at the personal, familial and social levels. If every
individual is inspired to progress with righteous conduct and with
the altruistic sentiments of sharing and caring, the families, societies,
nations and eventually the whole world is naturally going to become
good in all respects.

Acharya Sharma has affirmed the purity of intellect and refinement

of talents as an urgent need of the present era. He has invited talents
and expertize from the fields of art, culture, literature, education,
politics, finance and social, physical and biological sciences and
technology, etc and called for the leaders, professionals, experts,
scholars, authorities and potential architects of the human society
and the future of the world - to come out of the shells of narrow
interests and 'prejudiced' inclinations and realize their greater
responsibilities in this critical period… Those who will join hands in
this unique venture of "yug nirm³ñ" would be worthy of the
immortal glory of being the associates of Mah³k³la…. The radiance
of their dedicated endeavors would brighten up the dawn of the
divine era in the 21st century.

This volume contains a grand repository of knowledge of the power

of sentiments and inner inspirations of spirituality hidden in each
one of us. Considering the limitless expansion of the domain of
sentiments, thorough study and analysis of the implications of every
section of this volume would also give rise to scholarly theses of great
values in shaping the course of developments in the new era.

It is hoped that the call of Mah³k³la compiled in this volume will

carry the impulses of the pains and compassion of the author's
saintly heart into the receptive cores of the sentiments of all those
who (still) hold the imprints of humanity alive and growing there…..
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 28, An Introduction
Spectrum of Knowledge


(S¿kïmºkaraña Evam Ujjawala BhaviÌya K³ Avataraña-2)

n august spiritual saint can vibrate the whole world by the
power of his thought waves and the force of his sentiments
without even moving out of his chamber or cave… While
sitting in his closed room in any corner of the earth, the charge of his
spirituality can storm the grand expansion of the subtle world and
transmute evil instincts into good will and divine sentiments….
There is no exaggeration or illusive imagination in these expressions.
This possibility has indeed been realized several times in the history
of mankind. The endeavors (s³dhan³s) of Sri Aurobindo and
Maharshi Raman have set evidential examples in this context only a
few decades ago.

Maharshi Aurobindo had performed higher level yoga s³dhan³s

silently in his lonely chamber in Pandichery. As per his resolution,
his spiritual energy had subliminally charged the entire Indian
territory with patriotic sentiments…. This charge was manifested in
the enthusiasm and excitement of millions of freedom fighters in the
movement of the independence of India. What the revolutionary
Aurobindo Ghosh would have only dreamt was easily materialized
by his spiritual transformation after self-realization…..

The endeavors of Maharshi Raman, Madame Blawetski and

Ledbeater also fall in the above category of spiritual experiments. In
this sequence, Yugrishi Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya had
successfully performed the highest kinds of s³dhan³s ; this included
twenty-four Mah³purashcharanas of G³yatrº continued for
twenty-four years. Details on these s³dhan³s are covered in volume
nos. 9 to 14 of the Vangmaya series. The present volume focuses on
his very special s³dhan³ of s¿kshmºkaraña - subtlization and

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sublimation of the life-force. Much before the commencement of this

unique spiritual experiment he had hinted about this venture
through his writings….

In his words - "the last twenty years of the 20th century and the first
decade of the 21st century constitute the period of yug sandhi -
junction between two eras. It is an emergency period when we will
have to dedicate our endeavors to serve the dual purpose of
preventing the decline and destruction of human dignity and
simultaneously establishing the righteous trends of elevation and
development in multiple dimensions of life. We all will have to play
our roles with due responsibility during this critical phase. I will
continue to devote every second of my life, every impulse of my vital
energy without pause until the dawn of the divine era becomes

Gurudev Shriram Sharma had described his s¿kshmºkaraña

s³dhan³ as unique spiritual endeavor to set the foundation of the
edifice of the new and bright era. During the two years period (1984-
1986) of this epochal s³dhan³ he had remained all alsone and
observed absolute silence with arduous ascetic disciplines. This was
equivalent to the esoteric experiments carried out by the ancient
rishis in the caves in the thick forests on the Himalayas. In the present
volume Gurudev has highlighted the devout disciplines and the
practices of yoga and sam³dhi (trance) associated with this s³dhan³
in which the vital force from every cell, every molecule of the body is
extracted and concentrated for sublime transformation of the
individual self into what is termed in the spiritual literature as the
chh³y³ pur¿sha or the etheric double. He has also described the
subtle experiences of support received from the invisible beings in
higher realms.... Readers will get to know how the great souls
receive the inspirations and guidance from the subtle world as help
in their noble endeavors.

The s¿kshmikaraña s³dhan³ of revered Gurudev also incorporated

the S³vitrº s³dhan³ of pancha kosha j³garana in which the five
gradually subtler layers of manifestation of consciousness force -
Spectrum of Knowledge

namely, the annamaya kosha (gross body sheath), pr³ñamaya

kosha (vital-body or energy-body sheath), manomaya kosha (mind
sheath), vigy³namaya kosha (knowledge sheath) and ³nandamaya
kosha (beatitudeous bliss sheath) - are activated and spiritually
transmuted in five different streams of power which can virtually be
like five divine associates…. In simple terms, this would correspond
to a sublime transformation of the individual self into five subtle
beings. Gurudev refers these divine associates as "vºrabhadras".

The authentic information given here on above mentioned occult

aspects of polymerization of the individual consciousness is truly
rare to find. The scientific eloquence of the author and his ease with
balanced decipheration of his extrasensory experiences indeed make
this volume a precious treatise of the mystic science of spirituality.

Acharya Sharma had written from time to time that even after he
leaves the gross body in 1990, his subtle body will continue to work at
a greater pace and in global domains during the next 15 years of yug-
sandhi and in the astral body for 100 more years. He had disclosed
the divine purpose of his life in his autobiography which came out in
1984 after the commencement of his s¿kshmºkaraña s³dhan³. He
writes about this spiritual experiment at one place in his
autobiography as -" My s¿kshmºkaraña s³dhan³, ongoing these
days, is in the process of creating five subtle beings of supernormal
potentials. These will latently enter the inner cores of the minds and
hearts of uncountable number of people and replace the smog of evil
instincts and immorality existing there, by a divine treasure of ideal
thoughts and sentiments which will enrich the awaken souls by
greater potentials and enable accomplishment of the arduous task of
'changing an era…..' with glorious success….".

It would be a thrilling experience to read about his s¿kshmºkaraña

s³dhan³ and get a glimpse of the activities of his vºrbhadras in the
present volume.

A c h a r y a S h a r m a h a d a l s o i n s p i r e d t h e yug sandhi
mah³purashcharañas of collective japa (rhythmic enunciation) of
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2400 crores G³yatrº Mantras by millions of people across the globe.

This Brahm³stra Anushth³na - a super spiritual experiment, the
success of which is eternal and has the potential to create a new world
order - has begun in 1989 and will continue in gross form till 2000 and
subliminally for few more decades. This is a unique experiment of
subtlization of the cosmic and spiritual power of shabda (eternal
sound) contained in the G³yatrº Mantra. This is aimed at awakening
the collective consciousness, elimination of evil tendencies and
emergence of divinity which subtly exists in every living being but
usually remains dormant in most…..

By inviting their participation in the yug sandhi

mah³purashcharaña, Gurudev had bestowed the opportunity on
people across the globe to associate their inner selves with his
spiritual energy and experience the beatifying effects…. How his
arduous s³dhan³s of G³yatrº and S³vitrº would contribute in
realization of this collective endeavor is also described in the present

The "vich³ra kr³nti abhiy³na" has been the core of the "yug
nirm³ña" mission of Acharya Sharma initiated in 1947. This aims at
refining and bringing revolutionary changes in the attitude and
conduct of the people and illuminating their ideologies. Acharya
Sharma had written thousands of books (in Hindi) for enlightening
the masses and orienting people's mentality and faith in the
righteous direction of human dignity. His versatility in all
dimensions of knowledge and his sagacity and acumen in the
deepest depth of human life and psychology had helped his
thoughts reach people from different walks of society with positive
impact. His speeches and writings became the medium of expansion
of his mission into a global family - the Gayatri Pariwar.

Realizing the key role of sentiments and intrinsic faith, he also

devised and propagated the methods of refinement at the level of
inner self as part of his "vich³r kr³nti abhiy³n". He re-investigated
the ancient science of spirituality for this purpose and instituted
special s³dhan³ procedures and training programs most suitable for
Spectrum of Knowledge

day-to-day practice by most of us in our modern life-style….. The

details of the personality development, mass education and social
upliftment programmes under the "vich³r kr³nti abhiy³n" are given
in the other volumes of the Vangmaya series. The present volume
refers to the very special spiritual experiments of utmost importance
in the present moments of transition of world order.

The readers would be convinced about the descent of a divine era in

the 21st century after reading about the s¿kshmºkaraña s³dhan³ and
yug sandhi mah³purashcharaña in this volume. They would also
feel the unique force of the author's subtle inspirations and would
themselves visualize the advent of bright future by participating in
the history-making experiment of "yug sandhi

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 29, An Introduction

In the history of spiritual sciences, tapaïcary³ and s³dhan³ have been

regarded as the only means for higher attainments. This cannot be
done by clinging to a luxurious, comfortable life style. It needs single-
pointed concentration towards the achievement of the noble aim. At
the time of writing eighteen Pur³ñas, Vyas retired to a cave near
Vasodhara in Uttarakhand. Ganesh undertook to help him as his
scribe on the condition that he will not interrupt and will keep totally
silent. Such an important work could not have been accomplished
without this uninterrupted concentration.

Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Mary³da Pur¿Ìottama R³ma)

he holy Ramayana is a unique pearl in the unlimited treasure of
Indian culture which has been lighting the hearts of billions of
people from different parts of this society since ages. This
religious scripture has also been a center of attraction for erudite
studies in Literature and Social Philosophy. It describes the divine
life and ideal character of Lord Ram who is regarded as an
incarnation of God Vishnu - the second of the trinity Gods, who had
appeared in human form in the Tret³ Yug (ancient era after the Vedic
Age) to protect the earth from devil threats and suppressions and to
create heavenly environment of life on this planet.

The "Valmikiya Ramayana" written in ancient Sanskrit verse by

Maharshi Valmiki and the "Ram Charita Manasa" written in a
popular dialect of Hindi by Goswami Tulasidas are regarded as the
most original and complete versions of Ramayana. Every direction of
the righteous human life is covered in these great treatises on the
character and life of Lord Shriram. God's manifestation in human
form as Shriram is a symbol of culmination of human glory. That is
why the character of Lord Shriram is remarked as that of "mary³da
pur¿shottama" - a symbol of supreme glory of mankind.

The lives and works of great personalities, angels or divine

incarnations are described, studied, read and discussed again and
again…. to disseminate the reflection of their virtues and teachings in
more and more people with greater impact. "Shriram Charita
Manasa" or "Tulasi Ramayana", as it is sometimes called, serves this
purpose remarkably. The attribution of the divine image of Lord
Ram, the simplicity of Tulasi's language and the lucid style and
rhythmic arrangement of his words is so beautifully conjuncted here
that it becomes more and more interesting and closer to the heart, as
one repeatedly reads it or listens to its discourses….

Spectrum of Knowledge

The Tulasi Ramayana is perhaps the most read and well received
book in India. Almost every Indian has read or heard it in some form.
It can indeed be an excellent mode of teaching moral conduct and
social and civic responsibilities to the masses in a country like India.
Pt. Shriram Sharma's acumen had realized this fact with an objective
of enlightenment of people in the modern times. He therefore had
made it an integral part of the "vich³r kr³nti" project of his Yug
Nirm³ñ mission - which aims at cultivating suitable environment of
life and culture in today's society by way of refining and elevating
people's thinking and awakening the pure sentiments of humanity in
their hearts.

Acharya Sharma had incorporated the implications and teachings of

"Ram Charita Manasa" in the public-awareness programs of his
mission and elucidated specific qualities and incidents of the ideal
life of Lord Ram in order to set the background for moral education
and social uplifting under the vich³ra kr³nti programme. The
present volume of Vangmaya series discusses important aspects of
Ramayana and character of Lord Ram in new light, emphasizing the
points which are most relevant for the human society today.

The central theme of Ramayana as projected via selected stanzas

called "chaup³is" (metre or verse of four lines) in the "Ram Charita
Manasa" - has also been elaborated here perspicuously…. Lord
Ram's divine personality is that of a true hero, affectionately honored
by the masses through the depth of their hearts. His appearance as a
prince, a citizen, a son, a brother, a husband, a friend, a warrior or a
king,….. etc, is indeed ideal. His serene love and generosity for all
beings, his pains for the downtroddens, his piety, naturally make
him an ideal hero whose duty-bond life and virtuous character
leaves remarkable impressions on the human mind. This along with
the impact of religious faith of people in the holy Ramayana makes
Lord Ram's life as the best example for teaching - what is an ideal
conduct at personal, familial and social levels…. His life is therefore
the best theme for Acharya Sharma's mission - of evolution via
development and elevation at the grass root - which emphasizes
righteous and natural progress of the personal, familial and social
spheres of life.
Spectrum of Knowledge

In the present volume, specific pieces of the "Rama Charita Manasa"

are presented along with literal meaning, implications and detailed
explanations. Emphasis is laid on the aspects pertaining to our day-
to-day life….. Interesting stories and illustrative examples are also
cited to make the reading more lucid and comprehensible.

A significant number of scholars and saints have written or preached

on Ramayana from different angles. Ramayana is like an ocean of
knowledge encompassing the expansion of almost all tendencies and
all varieties of emotions and aspirations of human life although, in
the context of the times of yore. Bringing out real 'pearls' from the
abyssal of this ocean is an arduous task demanding in-depth study of
the earlier works and research to extract the nectar for the benefit of
the world today. More important is the eloquent style of presentation
of this essence to make it useful for all men and women - including
the illiterates and the erudite scholars as well. The present volume
has the confluence of all - the essence of Ramayana and excellence of
expression and the power of engrossing and inspiring people's mind
and heart.

Despite being a divine incarnation, Lord Ram lived like an ordinary

human being and faced the ups and downs of life….. His pious
personality and unperturbed devotion to the highest ideals of
humanity reflect how an ordinary human could rise up to higher
realms of humane glory and eventually awaken the source of
divinity existing in himself. The truth of "Jºvo Brahmaiva N³parah"
(the individual and the Supreme Thy souls are one and the same in
the origin…..) - becomes alive in the life of Lord Ram as a human

Different chapters and sections of the present volume focus at

different aspects of the life of - Mary³da Pur¿shottam Shriram. How
he sets examples of ideal conduct and ideal behavior in his
interactions with his parents, wife, brothers, sisters, children, fellow
beings, teachers, subordinates, etc, is elucidated here giving details
and practical guidance in the context of the circumstance and mode
of living in the present times…… Importantly, the topics of hygiene,
health, education, family planning, financial self-reliance, etc, are
Spectrum of Knowledge

also covered here with other important facets of personal and

familial life. Social issues, of special relevance to the Indian society
are also discussed. These include - the need for equality of man and
woman, ideal system of marriages, eradication of castism and
religious anomalies…., etc.

Explanations along with citations from the "Ram Charita Manas" are
made to enable the reader get a glimpse of the true implications and
impact of the philosophy and religion in original social system of
India. For example, in the context of the topics of Shabari and Kevata,
it is highlighted that - Lord Ram believed in equal respect for all; he
established a happy and progressive social system free from
discriminations due to caste, creed, religion, community, gender or
social status etc….. The prudence, integrity, valor, patience, fairness,
altruism and virtuous deeds of Lord Ram as a king are analyzed here
to highlight what makes one a successful leader, a perfect hero of a

The topics of religion, devotion and God too are focused here in the
context of the life of Lord Ram and associated teachings of the
Ramayana with a major objective to eliminate the misconceptions
and illuminate the readers' minds with the correct meanings and
importance of - the philosophy of religion, impact of devotion on
human psychology and the bhakti yoga for realization of God…..

Those who have not read anything on Ramayana as well as those

who know it by heart all should read this volume to find the solutions
to the problems of their own lives and to the problems faced by the
society at large…. Knowing about Mary³da Pur¿shottama Lord
Shriram, from the author Pt. Shriram (Sharma), who not only shared
the name but also the divine virtues of the former - is indeed a rare
opportunity bestowed by this volume…..

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 30, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Sanskrati - Sanjºvani: Shrimadbh³gawat Evam Gºt³)

hrimadbh³gwat and Shrimadbh³gwat Gºt³ - popularly known as
Bh³gawat and Gºt³ stand as monuments of the Indian spiritual
philosophy. These ancient scriptures are crowns of the glorious
cultural heritage of the human society…. Study, discussions and
contemplation of Bh³gawat and adoption of its teachings in day-to-
day life is supposed to be of significant importance in the present era
(kaliyug) of adversities, cultural darkness, and bathos of morality….
The basic inspiration of this scripture aims at awakening of purity
and virtues in the devotees. Gºt³ on the other hand has been
attributed the honor of being the essence of all religious scriptures of
the world. The knowledge and guidance contained in this great
scripture of all ages educe afflatus for sublime transformation of the
soul, all round elevation of intellect and development of personality
as a whole…. It also offers practical solutions to the multifaceted
problems and complexities of human life….

Acharya Shriram Sharma had presented the knowledge of ancient

Indian scriptures in scientific light with a progressive attitude to
inspire the people of Modern Age by constructive guidance on
deeper understanding and viable adoption of the principles of
spirituality and righteous way of life…… He had devoted his
intellectual sagacity, acumen, adept knowledge and supernormal
spiritual attainments for the revival of divine culture…. He
endeavored towards the multiple goals of: (i) elimination of blind
faith, superstitions and misconceptions associated with religious
practices in the Indian society; (ii) simultaneous establishment of
people's righteous faith in divine nature of the soul; and (iii) creative
implementation of the high ideals of the eternal religion by analyzing
the scriptures and spiritual philosophy in scientific light and by
adopting a rational approach based on thorough study and
experiments on the implications of the original texts and
commentaries of the scriptures.

Acharya Sharma emphasized that religion is for realization and

Spectrum of Knowledge

adoption of righteous disciplines through heart and not meant only

for rituals or for intellectual (philosophical) discussions and
discourses …. At one place he says - "Listening to the story of
Bh³gawat or any portion of a scripture without contemplation and
creative adherence to its teachings with prudence…. - is nothing
better than passing time in listening a speech from one ear and
throwing out from the other….". This is indeed true. Because, we also
see that although, year after year, hundreds of programs of fluent
discourses on Bh³gawat etc are arranged in crowded halls in India
and abroad and thousands of people attend them repeatedly, there
practically appears no improvement in the convictions, behavior and
deeds of most participants. We hardly see truly religious life in the
places within and outside India where number of 'expert orators' of
"Bh³gawat Kath³ " have been giving frequent discourses. Listening
to "Bh³gawat Kath³" is like a get-together or entertainment for some
and is an 'obligation' because of personal (blind) faith for some

In fact, the true manifestation of one's faith in religion or in the

philosophy of a religious scripture is reflected in the way one adopts
it in his character and deeds…. For example, Bh³gawat Kath³ is not
only a collection of stories of allegorical or mythological characters
which any good orator may present in very interesting way….This
type of Bh³gawat Kath³ won't serve any purpose unless the deeper
meaning and implications relevant to human life are explained
perspicuously. Acharya Shriram Sharma had cautiously taken care
of this aspect. His spiritual power, in-depth study of the scriptures
and excellent hold on human psychology had made his writings and
explanations of the formers as unique and perfect in terms of
educative effects.

The present volume would clarify the doubts of the readers about
'Mah³r³sa" and similar allegorically representation of the activities
and phases of the life of the divine incarnation of Krishna in human
form - as described in the Bh³gawat…. Readers would find
authentic references and analysis of the important issues and facts
such as - the words "Br³hmin" and "Sh¿dra" do not correspond to

Spectrum of Knowledge

one's birth, caste or creed, rather, it depends on one's attitude,

qualities and deeds, which of the two 'classes' one belongs…. The
author gives convincing explanations in simple but effective
language and also cites excerpts from scriptures and scholarly works
of the ancient and modern experts in the related areas. Eminent
scholars of Sanskrit language as well as the illiterates would receive
creative guidance and inspiration by reading or listening to his
presentations here.

While there have been misconceptions and illusive propaganda of

the Bh³gwat because of the 'stories' in it, similar misinterpretations
have been associated with the Gºt³ because of the highly 'abstract'
nature of theknowledge assimilated in it. Though many volumes
have been written on Gºt³ in prominent languages of the world and
thousands of scholars have been enlightened by its great
inspirations, its message has not reached the masses in a constructive
way. It often remains at the periphery of intellectual discussions and
even the scholars of Gºt³ often find it difficult to apply this
knowledge in practice…. Howbeit, for a spiritual scientist, saint,
altruist thinker, social reformer and sagacious authority on Indian
philosophy and culture, like Acharya Sharma, there were no
limitations of power of expression and inspiration. He could achieve
the deepest depth of this vast ocean of absolute knowledge and
explain it eloquently for the benefit of all….

It is said that - "Gºt³ Sugºt³ Karttavy³ Kimanyai Sh³stra"; meaning -

"why should there be any need for reading the expansion of other
scriptures, if such a great source of divine guidance on righteous,
duty-bond life is available through the Gºt³?" The holy Gºt³ is said to
be the essence of all Vedas and Upnishadas. It is a confluence of three
streams of knowledge and practices of yoga- viz., the Bhakti yoga,
Karma yoga and the Gy³na yoga. Most importantly, it does not
contain any mythological or figurative description of worldly affairs.
Rather, every sentence enunciated from the divine voice of the
absolute yogi Lord Krishna is recorded here. Whence the eternal
importance of this scripture. In simple terms, it is a treatise of
intensive guidance on perfect management of life. Men and women
Spectrum of Knowledge

of every age-group, under all circumstances, can obtain immense

courage and moral enlightenment from it along the righteous path of
progressive life.

Acharya Sharma had propounded the compilation of "Gºt³

Vishwakosha" - an encyclopedia and comprehensive treatise of
works on Gºt³ under the research programs of his Yug Nirm³ñ
mission. The present volume is a prerequisite to that. He has
analyzed important aspects of Gºt³ in an illustrative style. Examples
from the lives and works of great personalities of the world are
quoted to explain how the teachings of Gºt³ could be inculcated in
every phase and type of human life. The author has excellently
discussed the combination of the s³nkhya yoga and the karma yoga
in this volume which is of significant importance in the modern

The implications of the shlokas like - "Karmany³ny³sah Iti Karma

Sany³sa¡" as presented here give practical guidance on correct
attitude and behavior in day-to-day life taking into account the
varieties of circumstances and complexities of the personal, social
and professional domains….. Higher dimensions of human
sentiments are touched while elucidating different facets of devotion
through the quotes (of Gºt³) such as - "Mayyeva Mana ³dhastswa
Mayi Buddhim Niveshaya Nivasishyasi Mayyeva At¿rdhvam Na
Sanïaya¡", or, "Sarva Dharm³n Parityajya, M³mekam Ïaraña
Braja" …. etc. The literal meanings of these shlokas is quite
transparent - indicating total surrender to God….. But, what does
that mean in reality? How can one accomplish that in normal life,
where one has to fulfill the familial and social responsibiliities too?
Adept guidance of practical use on such natural questions is also
available in this volume….

The grand war of Mah³bh³rata is indeed the war of the evil

tendencies and the divine instincts of our own selves….. The
dilemma and difficulties faced by Arjuna also happen to be those of
our own minds. The perfect preaching of Gºt³ by Lord Krishna to

Spectrum of Knowledge

Arjuna during Mah³bh³rata - is the voice of the eternal core of our

souls. It guides us to refine our convictions and faiths and
illuminates our minds by a divine glow to culminate our character
and virtues in ideal direction and help us live a blissful life like a true

Our extrovert attitude, ignorance and stresses of life do not let our
minds listen to the voice of the soul. The force of our inner voice has
also become meek because of the pressure of our mistakes and vices
of thoughts…. The present volume of the vangmaya series has
brought this voice endowed with a unique force to penetrate our
minds and hearts through the pen of someone who had lived every
moment of his life creatively in perfect consonance with the divine
philosophy of Gºt³.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 31, An Introduction

Rest assured that the debt that I owe to my parijans will be

repaid. I do not desire either Heaven or liberation. I ardently
pray to God that I may be again put through the whole cycle of
84-lakh life-forms as a blade of grass, a blooming flower, a tree, a
sheep, a cow etc., so that I am able to amply discharge the debts I
owe to my parijans, who have showered on me their gifts of love,
affection, reverence, faith, goodwill and understanding.
Sometimes, I wish I become a heavy-laden cloud and could
repay each drop of these gifts with showerful of rain. I do not
know whether, and if so how far, these ardent aspirations of
mine will be fulfilled. I can only assure my parijans that their
love will never be forgotten.

Spectrum of Knowledge


(R³m³yaña Kº Pragatiïºla Prerañ³yen)

his volume is an extension of the volume no. 30 of the Vangmaya
series. The latter presents selected excerpts from the "Ram
Charita Manas" of Goswami Tulasidas with detailed
explanations on the topics of relevance to the awakening and rise at
the personal, familial and social levels as part of the "vich³r kr³nti"
programme of the Yug Nirm³ñ mission established by Pt. Shriram
Sharma Acharya. This programme aims at the refinement and
righteous orientation of people's thinking, value system and
sentimental makeup to architect a new environment of bright and
blissful life for everyone.….

Ramayana is the heart of the body of the Indian scriptures on the lives
and works of divine incarnations. Apart from the original Sanskrit
version of the Ramayana by Maharshi Valmiki and the most popular
"Ram Charita Manasa" by Goswami Tulasidas, many other versions
and commentaries on this holy scripture - describing the life of the
10th divine incarnation of God Vishnu, have been produced by
several scholars of the ancient and modern times. Several saints have
devoted their lives in propagating the teachings of Ramayana
through "R³ma Kath³" (discourses). Reading the "Ram Charita
Manas" as it is - is also quite common part of the religious activities of
an average Indian….

However, there also have been misinterpretations of the rhetoric

representation in the chaup³is (metre or verse of four lines) of the
"Ram Charita Manasa" at some places, which has brought criticism
from those who have not read this scripture thoroughly. A little
careful look makes it clear that at many places the figurative
descriptions or rhetoric reference of one chaup³i are explained in the
other, etc…. In fact every character of Ramayana, every incident
presented in it, teaches us what is righteous and what is not in the
gamut of activities associated with human life.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The present volume cites rare combinations of important excerpts

from the Valmikiya Ramayana and the Tulasi Ramayana.
Introduction of the successive sections (k³ndas) of Ramayana is
presented in chapter 1 of this volume along with original texts and
meanings with brief explanations. Detailed implications and
interpretations in terms of relevance and use in the present
circumstances of the world are given in the remaining chapters.

The B³la K³ñÃa and Ayodhya K³ñÃa highlight the fundamental

principles of happy family life…. Divinely pure souls are born only
to deserving parents whose life is pious and devoted to altruist
service under ascetic disciplines….. The kingdom of Ayodhya was a
symbol of heavenly conditions that prevailed in India during those
days….. The serenity and sincerity of every citizen had contributed
as much to the materialization of this as that of the king and the royal

The Arañya K³ñÃa describes how Lord Ram and his brother
Lakshaman ruined the devil giants during the period of exile in the
forests and saved the saints and sages and protected the very basis of
religious system and the glory of humanity. It teaches us how the
endurance, stability, vision, vigor, prudence and determination can
help accomplish what in normal course would be considered
impossible for human-endeavors.

How the collective endeavors of the most ordinary and helpless

people could also overcome the mighty terrors, evil influences and
adversities - is taught in the Kishkindh³ K³ñÃa and Lank³ K³ñÃa of
the Ramayana. The dedicated and organized efforts of the apes and
monkeys who joined hands with Lord Ram in the historical battle
between him and the Giant Ravana brought immortal glory to them
as contributors to the eternal victory of divinity over the devil

The Sunder K³ñÃa is devoted to the immortal glory of Hanuman

whose thought itself inspires immense courage and inner strength.

Spectrum of Knowledge

This divine character of Ramayana has been the ever eminent symbol
of the highest realms of intellect, sagacity, valor, devotion and
selfless sacrifice for righteous goals and ideals…..

The resurrection of R³ma R³jya after the grand war of Lanka, the
sacrifices of King Ram for the people of Ayodhya and poetic
description of his divine rule - constitute the Uttara K³ñÃa. This last
portion of Ramayana depicts the necessity and importance of
creative endeavors for reconstruction and reestablishment of
righteous environment for progressive and peaceful life at global
level after the devastation of evil tendencies, animosity and adverse
influences of audacious might…..

The definitions and practicalities of the philosophies of divine

brotherhood and ideal marriage institution become alive in the
detailed analysis of the "chaup³is" of Ramayana which focus at the
lives of the four brothers - Ram, Lakshman, Bharat and Shartughn
and their respective wives. This volume will make it clear why there
is no exaggeration in the assertion that - " People's faith and intimacy
with the holy Ramayana has contributed a lot in sustaining the
prestige, serenity and credibility of the marriage institution and the
glory of family system in India despite all diversities and cultural
disturbances.... "

The divine images of Ram and Sita exist in the inner cores of the
minds of most Indians as inspiring source of guidance on righteous
conduct. Their characters in Ramayana are those of ideal man and
woman whose memories educe our intrinsic faith in the dignity of
being born as humans….. Reading about their virtuous lives inspires
our conscience to refine and elevate our own selves…… The
renouncement, surrender and sacrifices made by Bharat and
Lakshaman for noble causes remain unparalleled in human history
and stand as milestones along the path of the evolution of

The present volume is a comprehensive compilation of the best that

could be taught and learnt - for practical implementation in today's

Spectrum of Knowledge

society, from the ever grand treatise of Ramayana….. It would also

serve the purpose of a complete text for those interested in
deliberating R³ma Kath³.

The author, Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya, had found the teaching
based on Ramayana as the best mode for moral education and social
reform of the large number of illiterate and backward people living
in the villages of India. He had advocated that the preaching of
Ramayana is as important for ideal social development as the
disciplined practices of G³yatrº Mantra, Yagya and yoga for
spiritual illumination and divine culmination of human life. The
concerning two volumes (the present and the volume no. 30) of the
Vangmaya series illustrate this view point with good effect.

The readers would gain the joy and inspirations of "R³ma Kath³" in
this volume, eloquently penned by Acharya Sharma who had
creatively adopted the ideals of Ramayana in his own life and
extracted the nectar of the lessons from "Ram Charita Manasa" for the
moral enlightenment, guidance and welfare of people across the
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. No. 32, An Introduction

If one could delve deep into my inner being, encased in this physical
frame, he will find nothing but a gushing fount of limitless love and
compassion for all creation. I have relished only one flavour that of
Love. I have amassed only one treasure that of inexhaustible Love. I
see and feel the same Spirit that dwells in me, indwelling all.
However, I find myself spiritually related in a very special bond of
kinship with those who have been living and working with me for the
fulfilment of the Divine Mission bequeathed to me by my Gurudev.

Spectrum of Knowledge


(ÏodaÌa Samsk³ra Vivechana)

he ancient Indian rishis were scientists of spirituality,
consciousness and Nature. Their acumen into the deepest depth
of human mind had enabled them to develop a perfect science of
systematic refinement and escalation of intrinsic faith and inherent
tendencies of human self…. They had developed the system of
shodash samsk³ras sixteen sacraents in this regard for the benefit
of the masses. These sixteen sacraments are methods of
conditioning /training or specific experiments of purification of
accumulated instincts and inculcation of virtuous tendencies,
performed during specific transitional phases of life. The
combination of powerful mantras and procedures of Yagya
associated with each of these rituals had resulted from long-term
dedicated research conducted by the rishis. This system of shodash
samsk³ras was devised to affect the subtle levels of human
consciousness and hence had an impact on the psychology,
endocrine system and genetic machinery too. The shodash
samsk³ras are integral part of the Indian culture and philosophy of

The high ideals of humanity were evolved and glorified in the

ancient Indian society where the system of shodash samsk³ras was
implemented and followed in its original form. This had helped
maintain the mode of life in total harmony with nature and healthy
development of personality of every individual….. Prosperity had
blossomed in all walks of life because of the original talents and
righteous deeds of the people…. However, in the later years, as the
edifice of divine culture was shaken along with the large scale
devastation of ancient civilization during the disastrous war of
Mah³bh³rata, the global influence of this original system was
waned and got practically lost in the materialistic comfort oriented
dormant phase of Indian history in the medieval era.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The modern age saw a deformed 'short-cut' version of the shodash

samsk³ras propagated and performed by the so-called Hindu
'priests' professionally in the name of religious rituals. Pt. Shriram
Sharma Acharya a sagacious spiritual scholar, devoted saint and
social reformer had pioneered revival of the original tradition of
shodash samsk³ras along with elucidation of different facets of
Indian philosophy in scientific light.

Considering the mode of living, attitude towards life and spiritual

level of an average person in today's society, Acharya Sharma had
found that six out of the sixteen (shodash) samk³ras cannot be
performed in present circumstances. As would be expected from a
foresighted inventor, he, rather than sticking to rigid traditions,
modified the list of shodash samsk³ras to serve the basic purpose
effectively in modern conditions. He added four new methods and
disciplines to this system which are most relevant in the modern age
and which are to be performed regularly throughout the span of
one's life. These new samsk³ras are janma-diwasa, viv³ha-diwasa,
dºksh³ and shikh³. The ten samsk³ras of the ancient system which
were retained by him with their original teachings are punsavana,
n³makaran, annapr³shana, mundana, vidy³rambha, yagyopavºta,
viv³ha, v³naprastha, antyeshti and shr³ddha-tarpana. He had
analyzed the scientific foundation and effects of each of them in
detail and had explained them in simple language for educating the

The punsavan samsk³ra of an individual is performed when he or

she is in the form of a foetus three months old in the mother's womb.
Specific herbal preparations energized in the sacrificial fire of Yagya
are given to the mother to reach the foetus. This special 'treatment'
performed with chanting of mantras during a Yagya strengthens
healthy development of the gross (physical), subtle (mental) and
astral (conscious) body of the child…. The team of scientists at
Brahmvarchas research centre established by Acharya Sharma at
Shantikunj, Hardwar in India has conducted research experiments

Spectrum of Knowledge

in its yagyopathy, haemetology, biochemistry and psychometry

laboratories on the effects of different sansk³ras.

The experiments on the punsavan samsk³ra have revealed startling

results: the mothers, who were prone to abortion or whose earlier
issues were subjected to metabolic system's deficiencies or to some
genetic disorders since birth, had delivered healthy babies after this
samsk³ra. Furher findings indicate that the char¿ or purodashu
(herbal preparation) processed under the vitally charged vapors of
Yagya would affect the cellular and molecular systems too.
The n³makarana samsk³ra (naming ceremony) and the
annapr³shan, mundana and vidy³rambha samksk³ra are
performed successively after the birth of the child from the age of
few days till 3 to 6 years. Each of these is performed with a G³yatrº
Yagya and specific mantras are chanted during the sacrifices of
specific herbal preparations in the sacred fire of Yagya. The
vibrations of the G³yatrº Mantra purify the child's subtle and astral
bodies and effects of this and the other mantras and the inhalation of
the vapors of the sublimated herbs soothingly condition his brain
and body too. This is an excellent pre-school training procedure
established by the rishis for cultivation of ideal tendencies in the

The annpr³shan samsk³ra is performed for healthy growth and

strength of the body; mundana is aimed at harmonious titillation of
the nerves and proper development of the brain. The vidy³rambha
samsk³ra is indeed the righteous initiation of knowledge…. School
and college teaching may make a child 'learned' but true knowledge
comes through the awakening and refinement of the sentimental
core, righteous orientation of thoughts and appraisal and aspiration
of the divine purpose of life attainment of vidy³ meets these
objectives in a natural way.

The Indian sages of yore and many great personalities of the modern
times had, without having any formal education, generated vast

Spectrum of Knowledge

amounts of trenchant knowledge, grasping and studying which had

remained a symbol of honor for the erudite scholars of the later
ages.…. Pt. Shriram Sharma had himself written on almost all aspects
of human life. His eminence and depth of knowledge is perfect like
that of an absolute expert in the associated topics or disciplines.
Though he had not undergone any formal training or education in a
school, his comprehensive vidy³ has made him an eminent writer
and revered thinker of the present times.

The dºksh³ samsk³ra is coupled with initiation of creative use of

vidy³ by afflatus and under auspicious guidance of a spiritually
elevated master. This samsk³ra is essential for the awakening of
intrinsic faith and devotion which are necessary for spiritual
refinement and experiments with mantras.

The yagyopavºta samsk³ra (thread ceremony) performed before

teenage indeed gives 'new birth' to a person. Although each one of us
is born as human being, but that is true only biologically or in terms
of the gross body. The development of personality coherent with the
dignity of humanness begins only after one adopts certain moral
values and disciplines of humanity and enlightens his mind and
inner self for progressive march towards ideal goals in life…. The
yagyopavºta sansk³ra is performed to channelize this development.
The initiation of the G³yatrº Mantra and s³dhan³ experiments of
spiritual development is associated with this sansk³ra.

Acharya Sharma had eliminated all misconceptions and illusions

associated with yagyopavºta and G³yatrº. He had revived the
methods of performing this sansk³ra without elaborate rituals and
ceremonies. He propagated the universalities of yagyopavºta and
G³yatrº and made their knowledge available and attainable for all
humans without any discrimination of sex, caste, religion, creed or
social status….. He also invoked the discipline of maintaining shikh³
(hair-knot) on head along with wearing of yagyopavºta (sacred
thread) both of which stand as symbols of adoption of divine

Spectrum of Knowledge

principles of Indian Philosophy.

On the scientific front, wearing yagyopavºta has excellent

association with psychological evolution. This shikh³ is placed at a
point which is very important for positive impact of yoga and
meditation; it lies at a special junction of many nerves which are
linked with intellectual processing and memory registration in the
brain and is found to have controlling effect on harmonious
functioning of the endocrine system.

The viv³ha samsk³ra is not only a social function or religious

celebration of marriage; rather, it aims at spiritual confluence of the
souls of the individuals who are getting married. The fire in a furnace
helps welding of two metal pieces. The subtle effects of the sacrificial
fire of Yagya performed during viv³ha samsk³ra with collective
chanting of special mantras serves the purpose of joining the lives of
the two individuals. The piety and disciplines associated with ideal
marriage institution are effectively initiated via this sansk³ra.
Marriages performed with this sansk³ra stand on the strong
foundation of faith and religious inspirations associated with the
former and are therefore never broken or subject to untoward

If what the couple pledges during the viv³ha sansk³ra is sincerely

followed by the husband and the wife, the two would rise together
and multiply each other's capabilities and virtues several times and
also cooperatively contribute like 'one and one eleven' to the
development of the society. Today, when 'marriage' for many people
has become a license for sexual pleasure…, a contract for sharing
each other's support and resources…., or a source for collecting
dowry and exploiting the 'weaker' gender, the campaign of ideal
marriages performed without any dowry and without gorgeous
celebrations, and revival of viv³ha sansk³ra by the mission of
Acharya Sharma is a great social service indeed.

The janma-diwas and viv³ha-diwas samsk³ras as propagated by

Acharya Sharma correspond to ideal celebration of the birthday and
Spectrum of Knowledge

wedding anniversary. Rather than spending time and money in

expensive parties and mindless activities in the name of 'fun and
entertainment', one should consider these days as most auspicious
occasions and look at them as milestones of the journey of life.
Thorough review of the achievements and failures, in terms of one's
own deeds and level of refinement of personality, vis-a`-vis what
was resolved for the past year should be given due attention and
time on these days. Feasible resolution for improvement and greater
progress should be pledged for the next year while performing these
samsk³ras with dºpa Yagya.

Acharya Sharma preached what he sincerely adopted and

implemented in his own life too. He had set live example of how a
married couple can, along with happily bearing the responsibilities
of the family, be dedicated to altruist service of the society and the
world at large…. He brought into light the true meaning of
v³naprastha after completion of the phase of duties towards the
dependents in the family, the later phase of life should be spent for
selfless service of others, for the upliftment and welfare of the
deprived and the backward ones….. He inspired thousands of
people towards v³naprastha and enabled them live a more creative
and meaningful life for the ideal cause of resurrection of divine

The antyeshti samsk³ra is performed during the funeral of the body

after death. This is a great Yagya in which Nature's invaluable gift
the gross body, is sacrifised back to the nature in original forms of its
basic constituents…. The shr³ddha-tarpana sansk³ra is performed
for the peace of the departed souls. It is also a ritual for expressing
the sentiments of affection and paying homage to the ancestors and
to the great souls of people who had worked for others' welfare with
compassion and sincerity. This sansk³ra is supposed to set the subtle
linkage between our sentiments and the higher domains of
consciousness… and bestows the blessings of kind souls….

The scientific, psychological and spiritual implications of all the

above mentioned sansk³ras were also reviewed by Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge

Sharma…. These are taught by his disciples during the training

programs (at Shantikunj, Hardwar) on how to conduct the Yagya
procedures and the rituals associated with the shodash sansk³ras.
The present volume gives substantial information on each aspect of
these sansk³ras. The topics covered here also include the original
texts from the scriptures, methods and materials for herbal
preparations and Yagya procedures for different sansk³ras, reports
on scientific experiments and directions for future research and
social impact….., etc.

The system of shodash sanask³ras as presented and used in

practice by the author offers the key to ideal development of the
personality and progress of the successive generation of the
human society. Revival of this integral component of the ancient
Indian culture promises resurrection of the divine era in the years
to come in the new millenium….. This volume will then be
regarded as a monument of "eternal secrets of glorious ascent and
ultimate evolution of life and culture….".

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 33, An Introduction

Love, Love, Love is my Mantra. Soul-kinship, affection,

loving kindness and unshakable faith constitute my 'upasana'. In
future, I will not only share my insights and thoughts with parijans,
but will shower my deep, heart-moving affection on them. May be,
they will then feel a sense of sublime joy and rapture within

Spectrum of Knowledge

(Bh³ratºya Sanskrati Ke Âdh³rabh¿ta Tatva)

he Indian culture is described as "S³ Pratham³ Sanskrati
Vishvav³r³" - the first and the supreme culture in the world. It is
honored as a divine culture. Today, when the country is
undergoing haywire transformations on cultural front and facing
cultural diversion and adulteration - the influence of occidental
civilization and commercialization has over shadowed the way of
life of even those who vaunt for the great cultural heritage of
India…., it has become more important to review the original form
and expansion of the Indian culture, analyze its foundational
principles in scientific light and present in detail its different aspects
which deal with the day to day life of people and are useful for the
righteous progress of the world…..

The global expansion of ancient Indian culture and its contributions

to human civilization and evolution of intellect are discussed in the
next volume of this series. The present volume focuses at the basic
philosophy, original structure, value system, traditions and modes
of practices of up³san³ associated with psychological and spiritual
refinement. Social aspects and relevance of this culture in the modern
circumstances is also highlighted in these two volumes. Both the
volumes together make comprehensive treatise on the Indian

This volume describes in detail, the divine elements of the Indian

cultural values and its linkage with human psychology and
spirituality. The philosophical and scientific foundation of this
culture set the basis of culmination of human life and ultimate
evolution of the conscious faculties of human self….. It encompasses
all possibilities of global welfare and healthy progress of the entire
world - of all beings and everything existing on this earth. The central
theme behind the development of Indian Culture as shaped by the

Spectrum of Knowledge

revered rishis was - "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam", treating the entire

world as our own family - reflecting universality of serene love,
altruism, sharing of responsibilities and caring for all beings…..

The central theme of Indian cultural development has evolved from

the Indian philosophy of continuity of life and realization of the soul
as a manifestation of the divine impulse of Brah® -- the eternal,
omnipresent Consciousness Force. Successive refinement of human
consciousness by elimination of animal instincts and evil tendencies
of the mind and enlightenment of its inner cores was therefore given
maximum importance by the rishis. The system of shodash
sansk³ras was devised by them for this purpose.

The shodash samsk³ras, performed at different stages of human life,

aim at continuous refinement and escalation of the individual self.
The methods of performing these samsk³ras and adoption of
associated disciplines in personal and social life constitute an
important component of Indian cultural system. Comprehensive
description of the philosophy, scientific basis, methods and positive
effects - especially in the present state of the world, of the shodash
samsk³ras is given in the previous volume (no. 33) of this series. The
present volume would focus them in contextual reference to the
eternal conjunction of Indian cultural philosophy with human life.

It is a culture of this type which produces true saints, altruist social

reformers, martyrs, great personalities, intellectuals, scientists and
spiritual masters of the kinds of the rishis, who, like angels, bestow
the world with divine grace through their noble deeds and virtuous
characters….. The purity of intrinsic faith and illumination of inner
sentiments are regarded most important for the realization of
divinity indwelling in the inner self. The methods of up³san³
prescribed under the Indian cultural principles lend excellent
support in this direction. The source of aspirations and happiness
and the ultimate core of sentiments - the inner self too gets refined
and charged by the devotional practices of up³san³ and it
experiences absolute peace and blissfulness.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The principles pertaining to - ascetic control of mental tendencies

and adoption of honesty, generosity, mutual trust, healthy
cooperation, morality, integrity of character and deeds, altruist
service, sincere fulfilment of moral and social responsibilities
towards the family, society, nation and the world, courageous
attitude and endeavors to fight against injustice, immorality,
exploitation, superstition, communalism, castism and similar
tendencies and effects in the personal and social domains,
constructive efforts for healthy maintenance of ecosystem and
purification of the environment of life, etc - are fundamental to the
creative practices propagated under the banner of Indian Culture.

How the above mentioned 'virtual idealism' could be naturally

assimilated in the activities and behavioral transactions of daily life?
This has been the focus of what constitutes the 'traditions' of the
Indian culture. In the present volume, Acharya Sharma has
eloquently guided the practicalities of the above disciplines and
traditions. He has also described the scientifically viable methods of
suitable conditioning of mind for this purpose.

The word "culture" is a literal translation of the word "sanskrati" in

Sanskrit language. According to Sanskrit grammar, the word
"sanskrati" means - that action, method or system which has (or
which pertains to) virtuous tendencies…. Restraining of the agile
mind and cultivation of virtuous tendencies in it is emphasized in the
Bh³rtºya Sanskrati (Indian Culture) because mind is the sole source
of orientation of one's attitude, deeds and character. The subtle
vibrations of consciousness are expressed in the intellect, thoughts
and sentiments via the medium of the four inner layers of mind -
namely, mana, buddhi, chitta and ahamk³ra.

Because of its sound footing on the in-depth knowledge of human

psychology and science of spirituality, the Indian philosophy
adequately deals with unlimited expansion of different aspects of
human life - including those at the most personal to those at the
global levels….. Because, Nature and every form of existence has also
been treated here as a manifestation of Brah®; the material existence
of the world and the Nature, functions and activities of the gross
Spectrum of Knowledge

body too fall within the consideration of this philosophy. The

original structure and relevance of the Indian Culture is therefore
regarded as universal at all times….

The logic behind the traditions of - multiple manifestations of God,

worshiping of idols, wearing sacred thread (yagyopavºt), keeping
hair knot (shikh³), putting a tilaka (sacred mark on the forehead),
using a rosary while chanting mantras, etc, is discussed in the
present volume perspicuously and with the information on the
purpose and educational and social implications of - celebrating
different festivals, fasting, pilgrimages, performing the rituals of
shr³ddha - tarpana for the dead members of the family, etc.

It is possible only for the trenchant intellect of a spiritual saint and

eminent scholar like Acharya Sharma, to present the vast expansion
of the principles and practices of Indian Culture so precisely and
completely in a compact volume. Most importantly, the scientific
basis and nature of above practices and other components of Indian
cultural system are also deciphered here to enable the reader
distinguish between superstitions and devotion and between the
deformed traditions and the original nature of the Indian Culture…;
and help him follow the righteous and scientifically justified mode of
life accordingly.

The systems of varña and ³shram prescribed by the rishis are often
subjected to the criticism of rational thinkers and intellectuals of the
modern age. This is because, the popular interpretations and the
information available on these aspects of Indian culture indicates
them as nurturing castism, social discrimination, evasion from
responsibilities, etc…. Acharya Sharma has paid special attention to
these important issues. He has cited excerpts from the original
scriptures and given authentic references and explanation of what is
exactly meant by the terms Br³hmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and
Sh¿dra described as the four varnas. The fundamentalists, the
orthodox scholars and the advocates of castism will not find any
reasonable counter-argument to reject his unbiased interpretations
and adept analysis.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Acharya Sharma has clearly pointed out that the classification of the
varnas has no connection with one's birth, creed, caste, religion or
social status. He has given adept guidance together with live
examples from the ancient as well as the modern history of the world
to elucidate - "How the varnas are associated with one's attitude,
character and deeds?", "How anyone can become a true
Brahmin?"...., etc.

How the division of average span of life in different ³shramas can be

modified to have creative implications in the modern way of life - has
been impressively guided by the author. After reading his authentic
and reasonable interpretations of the terms v³nprastha and
sany³sa, it will become clear to the readers that these ³shramas have
nothing to do with escaping from the world or evasion of social
responsibilities. On the contrary, these imply expansion of the
interests and efforts beyond the peripheries of selfish attachments to
the wider domains of noble service and welfare; the creative use of
one's knowledge, experience, talents and resources is emphasized
during these later phases of life.

After going through the deliberations of Acharya Sharma, one

would also realize the scientific basis of natural maintenance of
bodily, mental and spiritual health and excellent development of
personality by proper observance of Brahmacharya Âshrama. The
life and works of the author and his wife Smt. Bhagawati Devi
Sharma illustrate that Grahastha Âshrama is the best phase of life
for ascetic training, testing self-restrain, endurance, hard work along
with happy sharing of sentiments and responsibilities in married life
and contributing towards progressive elevation of the family and the
society. Who else could then give a better guidance on righteous
traversal through this phase of life where one gets a rare opportunity
of enjoying serene love and cooperation of the life partner, fulfilment
of worldly duties and simultaneously refining and escalating the
personality at the sentimental and spiritual levels as well.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Gur¿ - spiritual mentor, G³yatrº - the G³yatrº Mantra, origin of all

Vedas, Gang³ - the Ganges, Gau (cow) and the holy scripture Gºt³,
are the five fundamental elements which lie at the core of the
development and practices of the Indian culture. It is through these
roots that the stout tree of divine Indian culture had blossomed in the
Vedic times and has maintained its ' enliven spring' Age after Age in
spite of vicissitudeous tides in people's faith, convictions, cultural
values and modes of living….. Adoption of the divine cultural
principles becomes possible in every dimension of life with the
support of Gur¿, G³yatrº, Gºt³, Gau and Gang³ at the spiritual,
philosophical and worldly levels. Focused discussions on these
aspects in prudent light - keeping in mind the intimate relationship
of the above elements with human life, and the description of the
enormous boons bestowed by them on the world - are other
significant features of this volume.

This volume also gives information on the constructive efforts

inspired by the author for the revival of the divine culture of the
Vedic Age... The programs of his mission for this purpose are being
implemented within and outside India by the members of Gayatri
Pariwar under the auspices of Shantikunj, Hardwar. This volume
together with the volume nos. 33 and 35 would serve as an
encyclopedia of detailed knowledge and a precious treatise for the
researchers of Indian Culture. It should be read by those who care to
know why the Indian culture was attributed such a great honor and
also those who are looking for viable solutions for happy survival
and glorious progress of humanity for ever….

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 34, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Samasta Viïwa Ko Bh³rata Ke Ajastra Anud³na)

nce upon a time India was described as a land of heavenly
life…; every man and woman who lived here was
equivalent to divine beings. The mention of 33 billion
manifestations of Gods in the Indian scriptures refers to these
inhabitants of ancient India. It is a country of golden heritage and
glorious past. All branches of knowledge and civilization are said to
have emanated from the Indian Philosophy and Culture which were
disseminated across the globe through the dedicated altruist
endeavors of the rishis. India was supposed to be the eminent guide
of the entire world in pre and post vedic age. The scientific and socio-
economic development here was so advanced those days that India
was often referred as a "Dimond Bird" - a symbol of immense
prosperity. The periphery of the Indian culture was so vast that
practically the whole world was lying in its domain of influence until
several thousands years ago…..

A large number of scholars and researchers of world-history,

oriental culture and intellectual evolution have elucidated different
aspects of ancient India from time to time… Pt. Shriram Sharma
Acharya had reviewed the foundation and expansion of the culture
and civilization of India and had prepared a comprehensive research
document on contributions of India to the entire world. The
authentic information compiled by him in 1972-73 during a voyage
oversees is like a concise encyclopedia which is presented in this
volume along with some of his other writings on the topic….

The fundamental elements, principles and practices of the divine

Indian culture are presented in the volume nos. 33 and 34 of the
Vangmaya series. The present volume gives details with evidential
information and references on the global expansion and historical
contributions of this most ancient culture to the civilization and
cultural development of the rest of the world. While talking about the

Spectrum of Knowledge

grand glorious past of this orgulous culture, one often wonders -

why then a country like India lost its divine values and is virtually
facing a melange of cultural pollution and rigid traditions coupled
with all round decline of moral tendencies?

This volume does throw light on the past two thousands odd years of
cultural darkness and crises of value system. It deciphers the course
of events in the distant past history which led to practical devastation
of the edifice of the divine culture followed by rapid decline in the
moral values and propagation of misconceptions and
misinterpretations of the philosophy, religion and the science of

Study and evaluation of culture as a whole cannot be completed

without taking into account the psychological makeup of the
concerned societies. Attitudes, convictions and faiths of people play
a crucial role in shaping of cultural developments. The author has
also paid due attention to these aspects.

Because religion deals with intrinsic faith and deeper sentiments of a

person, Acharya Sharma regards revival of human-religion in the
light of wisdom as the best mode of resurrection of divine cultural
values. His trenchant knowledge, authenticity, non-prejudiced
progressive attitude and rational thinking with scientific delineation
and open-mindedness are transparent in his writings on eternal
necessity and impact of religion in human life….. He points out how
the deviation of religious system from its ideal path leads to cultural
devolution and damage…. He also analyzes the state and nature of
religion in ancient India in this context.

The author describes the discerning nature and universality of the

religious principles emerged from the vedas and shows how the
associated establishment of cultural system is also scientific and
useful for the righteous progress of life in the modern age…. Details
on the fundamental elements, disciplines and different methods of
practical implementation of the former in human life are given in
volume nos. 33 and 34. Scientific validity - including information on
research in modern laboratories, of these practices is also discussed

Spectrum of Knowledge

in the above volumes.

The blind followers of any culture as well as those who are charmed
by the occidental culture because of the technologically advanced
civilization and public awareness in the west…., should read these
volumes thoroughly to evaluate what is best and most suitable for
healthy survival with long lasting peace, happiness and consistent
progress of the individuals and the world as a whole in present

The present volume sketches history of cultural civilization with

respect to the enormous contributions of India to the rest of the
world. Be that religion, philosophy, psychology, anthropology,
archeology, sociology, art, architecture, science, technology or any
other horizon of civilization and culture, the seers and sages of India
had generously bestowed their knowledge, guidance and creative
help to the rest of the world. In fact many of them had gone to remote
corners of the earth to elevate the status of life and culture there… In
this effort, many of them had eventually resided in the foreign lands
for ever…

Authentic proofs and references available in the above regard are

cited in this volume with respect to India's contributions in different
countries ranging from - North America (USA), Latin America,
Mexico, Germany, Egypt…..etc to South Africa…, Kampuchia,
Laos, China, Japan, Russia and Australia... Similar details are cited
here for small countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Mauritius, Indonesia,
Fiji, Korea, Mongolia, Burma, etc, where the influence of Indian
Culture is quite evident even today.

The present volume also gives information on some major cultural

organizations of the people of Indian origin living abroad. It
describes the mode of living of these people some of whom have
been away from their roots since several generations. The author has
vividly depicted the warm sentiments of these people for the country
of their origin. Apart from several non resident Indians, some
foreigners who have visited and resided in India have also played the
role of a 'bridge' in linking the oriental and western cultures in more

Spectrum of Knowledge

than one respect. Interesting information and events of history are

cited here along with constructive suggestions on improving this
linkage in a creative way and reviving the propagation of ideal
cultural values….

The author describes the Indians living abroad who have warm
respect and feelings for their alma matre as 'cultural ambassadors'
and reminds them of their distinct responsibilities in this
connection. Ages ago, the seeds and saplings of the Indian Culture
were carried over by their ancestors to different parts of the world.
History is waiting to see the tree of such efforts blossom again….

Once again, the revival of the glorious era of Indian cultural values
and philosophy of life would be seen across the globe through the
creative endeavors of those who have realized the divine origin and
worth of the Indian Culture - including ancient religion, science and
philosophy. This volume will boost their morals and offer
substantial guidance on how to proceed in this direction.

Often people tend to confine the domain of culture to music, dance,

art and literature. This volume together with volume nos. 33 and 34
would be an eye-opener for them too. They would get a glimpse of
the unbounded gamut of culture….. and see that it virtually
encompasses every dimension of human life including the subtle
reflections of liberal thinking, inner sentiments and beliefs. The
present volume will of special use to those engaged in research in the
history of cultural civilization. References given here on
archeological monuments would be of interest to the researchers in
the associated fields.

It is hoped that after reading this volume, some members of the

scientific community would also come forward to study the ancient
Indian scriptures to rediscover the knowledge of the absolute
science enfolded there and use it for the creative welfare of all living
beings as was accomplished by the rishis - the Indian scientists of
yore. The younger generation should also see the silver line of hope
inspired here and get motivated to find a definite way to come out of
the smog of confusion, tension and depression and come forward to

Spectrum of Knowledge

change the adverse circumstances prevailing in the world today.

Today when the very survival of the human race appears to be facing
the unprecedented risk of extinction, the danger of suicidal end of the
'advanced' civilization cannot be avoided without empowering the
force of humanity. Refinement of the value system and purification
of the external and internal environment of life have therefore
become necessary….. The Indian cultural system has all elements
required for the sustenance of progressive life and rise and
culmination of human values up to divine heights. Its resurrection
therefore appears to be the best option in the current scenario. Great
visionaries see this as a certainty…. This volume promises
substantial contribution towards materialization of this vision into a
feasible reality…..


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 35, An Introduction

Leaving apart vicious persons who apply their intellect in

acts like theft, dacoity, cheating etc. persons full of noble
emotions and sentiments can do a lot in changing the era by
their heroic efforts, courage and industriousness. Swami
Dayananda, Sharddhananda, Ramteerth etc. were capable of
changing the course of life of innumerable persons.

Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Dharma Chakra Pravartan Evam Lokam³nas K³ Ïikïaña)

eligion has an intimate relationship with human sentiments and
hence has prominent impact on the course of life…. It deals with
intrinsic faith, inner aspirations, deep psychology,
philosophical intuitions and realizations in the inner world of
consciousness. The basic purpose of religion is arousal of people's
faith in divine values and inculcation of the divine sentiments
existing in the deepest core of their minds and hearts….

Religion, in principle, may be defined as an ensemble of harmonious

combination of spirituality, ethics and metaphysics of collective
consciousness. Religion is not a set of rigid principles or dogmatic
doctrines. Rather, it is a continuous flow of the nectar of ethical
values and spiritual qualities, adoption of which helps keep alive the
linkage of individual consciousness with the omnipresent supreme
consciousness and Nature. Any religious system or school of
religious philosophy which emanates from the springs of this natural
flow must be free from the bonds of rigid traditions, superstitions,
prejudiced principles and narrow outlooks….

Liberal thinking coupled with the eternal sentiments of love,

compassion and service - is essential for sustenance of the roots of
religion in any system. Such a system not only supports the
coexistence and welfare of all living beings, it also possesses the
potential to guide and evolve the future development of the society,
nation and the world as a whole….

Today, when the 'crisis of faith' and the 'epidemic' of declining moral
values have emerged from all directions of life, the need for the
refinement and revival of originality of religion has become all the
more necessary. Realizing this and envisaging the impact of religion
in the human society, Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya had endeavored
both - refinement of the religious system and enlightenment of
masses through this medium. His efforts in this regard remind one of
Spectrum of Knowledge

the vedic era when the eminent scholars (the rishis) of yore had
guided absolute education in the schools of life and Nature through
the system of global religion.

This volume presents a sketch of Acharya Sharma's thorough

reviews of the different disciplines and modes of practices as taught
by the rishis vis-à-vis their status and relevance in today's society.
His deliberations include wide ranging topics covering the purpose
and original forms of the practices of pilgrimage, the festivals and
fasts, the grand religious congregations like Kumbha, etc. Here,
Acharya Sharma has also offered adept guidance on how these
'customs and traditions' could be modified and made useful for the
purpose of progressive management, refinement, education and
elevation on the personal and social fronts.

The S³dhus and Br³hmins (sages and saintly scholars) of the ancient
Indian society used to constantly tour around different parts of the
country for the noble purpose of social welfare and development via
educating the people through the multi-disciplinary system of
religion. Acharya Sharma has highlighted the importance of altruist
service of this kind and emphasized the need of revival of this
tradition. He considers this service as an excellent type of sany³sa
(literally meaning renunciation of worldly attachments for holy
purposes) that could be easily adopted by people who have fulfilled
their responsibilities towards their dependents. He advises all those
in the category or age-group of "grand parents" to come out of the
thraldoms of excessive attachment with their grand children and
also pay attention to the other needy children and people whose
status of life might be improved with the help of their knowledge and

Elimination of blind faith and superstition from the minds of the so

called 'religious' people is itself a great social and religious service
which the scientifically educated and liberal minded people could
easily offer…. Prudent decipheration of the original purpose and
forms of religious teachings is also essential for meaningful value-
education from the platform of religion.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Acharya Sharma's call for people's participation in the above kind of

noble mission was heard by many awakened souls and his own life
had motivated many of the educated and talented people from
different walks of society to join hands with him in this important
task initiated by him some times in the early 1940s. The number of
such dedicated members of his "Gayatri Pariwar" mission has been
increasing constantly since then. These disciples of Acharya Sharma
have indeed become the Purohits (guiding lights for the welfare and
progress of the society) who have contributed towards the revival of
the ideal traditions of the S³dhus and Br³hmins.

It was for the first time in the post medieval era that the teachings of
Yagya and G³yatrº - the foundational elements of the Indian
Philosophy and Religion - were reviewed in scientific light. It was
Acharya Sharma's original thinking and vision that made it
possible. The "purohits" trained by him perform G³yatrYagya and
Shodash Samsk³ras (c.f. vols. 25 and 33 of the vangmaya series ) in
ideal manner free of cost and without imposing any restrictions of
creed, caste, community, gender or social status for participation of
the masses in these religious programmes. Through these
programmes they also teach the philosophy of ideal life and the art of
refinement and escalation of physical, mental and spiritual
potentials and talents.

The creative programmes of mass education aimed at intensive

training for the refinement and development of personality,
progressive management of family and upliftment of the social
system can be successfully implemented from the platform of a
comprehensive religious system. Because, true religion, by its very
nature has the power to reach and enlighten the inner domains of
mind with divine glow and thereby awaken one's inner strength and
potentials in the righteous direction….

Other modes of teaching may serve the purpose of cultivation and

development of specialized skills or talents and expansion of
knowledge in the external domains of life. But, none can reach the
inner world of individual self. Therefore such modes cannot exert the
kind of simultaneous impact in all dimensions of life which religion
Spectrum of Knowledge

can. No system of law, education or externally imposed disciplines

can awaken one's conscience and mold his convictions, attitudes and
mode of life unless an urge of this is educed from his own inner self.
Religion certainly, if propagated and inculcated in its pure divine
form can help ideal culmination of mankind.

Acharya Sharma writes -"In the ancient times, the S³dhus and
Br³hmins used to devote their lives for selfless service of the society.
Whole world was like a family for them. Every living being was dear
to them…. Such was the influence of religious inspirations that the
Grihasthas - married couples engaged in the transaction of worldly
duties, too used to dedicate precious amount of their time and
material resources for altruist purposes and used to participate in the
mass education programmes. Materialistic, mental and spiritual
progress of the fellow beings was desired by every citizen of India….
Selfishness and possessive mentality had no place in the society
those days…. This marvellous inculcation of religious disciplines in
people's minds and sentimental cores had bestowed the honor of
"better than heavens…" on the Indian society of the Vedic Age. This
was the time when every inhabitant of this land was endowed with
divine qualities. Which is why India was described in the scriptures
as the land where 33 billion manifestations of God came into

It is a pity that a sizable fraction of the Indian society today is still

living in the state of ignorance and religious misconceptions
influenced in the medieval era. Over eight million fake 'S³dhus' and
'Sw³mºs' are flourishing on the alms offered by such people in the
name of religion. The word 'Br³hmin' has become a symbol of
castism… The 'S³dhus' have exploited people's faith and abandoned
the liberation and rise of the present state of Indian society from the
sorry state of cultural slavery and religious corruption…. Even many
of the learned and materialistically progressive and forward looking
people are seen wandering around some of the rich and mighty
'S³dhus' of this category….

Spectrum of Knowledge

The above scenario of bankruptcy, communalism and

commercialization of religion had deeply agonized the saintly heart
of Acharya Sharma…. He therefore had decided to create an 'army' of
dedicated volunteers of high integrity and moral character who
would set the live examples of what are true S³dhus and
Br³hmins…. Thousands of men and women - most of whom are
married and are also fulfilling their commitments towards their own
families, have been trained under his mission.

The mass education programme undertaken as part of the "Pragya

Abhiyana" of his mission include ideal celebrations of popular
festivals with emphasis on public awareness on - the purpose of these
festivals, teachings of the symbolic rituals performed with them and
overall benefits of fasting, alms, Yagya and prayers etc associated
with them. Sincere devotion of a small fraction of one's time,
resources and talents for the welfare and enlightenment of others is
propagated as the best charitable contribution here. Elimination of
the weaknesses of one's own character or vices of thoughts and
sentiments and sincere adoption of a virtue - is described as the best
kinds of offerings that should be made during the rituals of
worshiping the God. Detailed analysis of authentic quotes and
excerpts from the religious scriptures are also presented in the
discourses or workshops organized along with above kinds of
religious programmes.

The sessions of public awareness on health, hygiene, literacy,

removal of superstitions, avoidance of social anomalies like castism,
dowry, feasts for the peace of dead relatives, etc, and discussions on
relevant co-operative projects for the concerned village or society,
etc, - are auxiliary to above programmes as part of the social reforms
pursued by Acharya Sharma's mission. Arranging for good books
within the reach of the masses and inspiring them to read the same to
know themselves and the world in scientific and liberal light is also
propagated during the Yagya programmes as part of the "Vich³r
Kr³nti Abhiy³n" of this mission.

Spectrum of Knowledge

How the visibly small efforts pertaining to the day-to-day life of

people can lead to creative implementation of revolutionary changes
in the society and lay the foundation of resurrection of human
religion and divine culture - is guided in the present volume along
with details on different aspects of the above programmes of mass
education from the religious platform. It is an open invitation for all
of us to come orward and participate in this great endeavor of the
millenium and thus contribute our level best in the annals of human


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 36 , An Introduction

Most of the souls living in astral bodies have been described as

malevolent or of a lower order of creation. It is likely that in those days
warriors with unfulfilled desires at the time of their violent death
became such low-level astral souls. But, side by side, ancient
scriptures are full of descriptions about DevarÌis living in astral
bodies. RajarÌis and BrahmarÌis were those who lived in physical
body; but those amongst them who had the capacity to work in astral
bodies also were known as DevarÌis. They could assume ethereal
forms and roam in space and other lokas (subtle cosmic worlds).
They could suddenly appear at any place to give guidance to the
devotees and seekers.

-- Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


( Tºrtha Sevan : Kyon Aur Kaise ? )

he Indian system of religion as established by the rishis - the
scientists and spiritual saints of yore - used to operate through
Dev³layas (temples), Âshramas (hermitages), Ârañyaks and
Gurukuls (school and laboratories along the traditions of VedicAge),
and Tºrthas (sacred places of pilgrimage). These five types of centres
of excellence spread across the globe in the ancient times were the
major sources of expansion of Indian cultural values and the divine
philosophy of life…. Though a large number of temples and Tºrthas
do exist in India even today and the total number of Âshramas and
Gurukuls also is not insignificant, one hardly sees the reminiscence
of the glorious heritage of divine culture and religion in them.

Today, the centres of above kinds have practically become nothing

more than places of symbolic religious activities. Moreover, many of
these even appear as the asylums of orthodox customs and
prejudiced practices in the name of religion…. Why this decline?
Why have these building blocks of most ancient system of education
lost their original purpose? What is their relevance today? Why
shouldn't their activities be creatively reoriented in the righteous
direction; but how? Search for detailed answers to these and related
queries is the focus of the present volume. Sociological and
psychological importance of temples, Tºrthas, Âshramas and
Gurukuls and scientific aspects associated with the effects of the
spiritually charged atmosphere of the Tºrthas have also been
discussed with specific details. The basic purpose and role of each of
the above mentioned establishments is analyzed here in separate

It is a common belief that pilgrimage is a great religious endeavor

and is essential for the true devotees of God and that it helps
liberation of the soul from the past sins. In fact the original purpose of
pilgrimage was - to live in the spiritually refined and sacred
environment of the places where great rishis and saints had
Spectrum of Knowledge

performed long term ascetic s³dhan³s (spiritual endeavors) of the

highest kind and to awaken the divine sentiments in the inner self….
Such places were termed Tºrthas.

Pilgrimage at spiritually energized Tºrthas educes the desire for

spiritual elevation and helps one know the eternal purpose of life….
The temples, Âshramas, Gurukuls and Ârañyaks were originally
established to successively escalate worldly people along the path of
religion. Tºrthas were endowed with highest glory in this sequence
and were supposed to be reached only by spiritually refined, truly
religious persons.…. Local temples (shrines) used to serve this
purpose for the masses, at initial stages.

Apart from being the places of worship, temples are supposed to be

the centres for collective prayers and religious discussions. Once
upon a time these used to be the places for generating public
awareness and disseminating mass education. Several revered saints
and sages of India had advocated construction of temples in every
locality of the villages and towns - within the reach of every
inhabitant there, to meet this objective. The religious atmosphere in
and around a temple naturally soothes the minds and hearts and
nurtures devotional sentiments. As Acharya Sharma has suggested,
millions of small or big temples in India could be used as community
centres for social reforms, literacy and education from religious

Addressing the mighty trusties and chief priests of grand temples

and the fake 'sadhus' who have converted temples into 'professional
institutions' of religion….., Acharya Sharma warns them of their
duties towards the society and the mankind. Religion and temples
both would lose their identity if the present practice of symbolic
'worship' and professional ceremonies of need-based 'devotion' is
continued without any introspection… He had set a live example of
how the dedicated endeavors of true saints can re-establish the glory
of religion and faith in thy disciplines in the scientifically liberated
minds and also show them the righteous path of progress….

Spectrum of Knowledge

In ancient India, Gurukuls used to be schools of complete education

and personality development for the children and the youths. The
Ârañyaks were run for training the elders. Aspirants of spiritual
evolution as well as those desirous of learning the art of living a
fulfilling life - all used to get rigorous training at these places. The
Âshramas originally were designed as residential training schools
for the teachers who used to assist in running of the Gurukuls or
Ârañyaks after successful completion of the training under the adept
guidance of the rishis. The class of noble teachers produced here was
indeed the spine of the system of ideal education and social

The Âshramas, Gurukuls and Ârañyaks were usually located in the

forests at the banks of rivers surrounded by the excellent natural
beauty of the mountains. The reminiscence of several of these ancient
schools have become monuments of pilgrimage today…. The natural
beauty and holy atmosphere of these places still attracts thousands of
devotees and tourists every year. Readers will find in this volume a
rare collection of information on the history and creative activities of
many of the Âshramas, Gurukuls and Ârañyaks and get to know of
the centres which are currently working towards the revival of the
prestige of these landmarks of Indian religious and cultural

Pilgrimage today has been more like a touristic activity or a religious

obligation for most people. Misinterpretation of the scriptures and
superstition has given rise to many laughable customs associated
with pilgrimage. For instance, the quote advising -"Bathing in the
springs of spirituality pervaded in the Tºrthas and consequent
removal of the vices of sinful tendencies…", has been misinterpreted
by most people as bathing in the 'sacred' rivers and springs near the
Tºrthas. Thousands of pilgrims can therefore be seen crowding on
the banks of holy rivers of the Tºrthas and hurrying to somehow take
a dip into it in order to 'magically cleanse' all the dirt of the sins of past
and present lives…..

Acharya Sharma has highlighted several interesting facts about the

Spectrum of Knowledge

visits paid to thousands of such small or big 'recognized' places of

tourism-cum-pilgrimage in India these days. The total of what the
rest of the world would spend in terms of money and man-hours in
different activities pertaining to religion there is much lesser than
what the people of India - especially the Hindus spend on
'pilgrimage'. A significant amount of government machinery,
resources and manpower is also engaged in arranging the mega
events of pilgrimage to some special spots….

It sounds ironical that most people who participate in these sacred

visits remain unaware of the true purpose of pilgrimage. They
hardly gain anything in terms of spiritual refinement and religious
elevation except perhaps a self-satisfying notion of successfully
accomplishing an arduous journey to a 'reputed' holy place….. In
this volume, the author has explained in detail, the original purpose
and glorious foundation of the tradition of pilgrimage and has
highlighted the relevance and importance of these in the present
times….. He has also eloquently taught the disciplines and pre-
requisites of conditioning the body and mind before a meaningful

Highlighting what one can and should aspire to gain from the
Tºrthas, he explains the unique significance of the Himalayas. He
describes the heartland on the grand heights of Himalayas as one of
the richest sources of spiritual energy which naturally educes divine
elevation of the inner self…. The grand beauty and heritage of the
regions from Yamunotri to the original location of Kailash-
Mansarovara, Gomukha, Tapovana, etc, are vividly expressed here
with emphasis on the impact of the great spiritual experiments and
subtle presence of the ancient rishis and other great souls in this

The deliberations here would make it clear why there is a

congregation of maximum number of Tºrthas in the Himalayan
regions. Gangotri, Yamunotri, Badrikasharama, Kedarnath,
Tungnath, Triyuginarayan, Deva Prayaga, Rudra Prayaga, etc and
the origins of the sacred rivers Bhagirathi, Alakananda, Mandakini,
etc are all located in the same belt. The higher and deeper spots which
Spectrum of Knowledge

are arduous to reach are more dense in spiritual powers because

great yogis and s³dhakas of all ages have been residing in these
'hidden' regions of the Himalayas. The present volume also contains
a lot of important and rare information about the Himalayas which
only the yogis like the author could collect during their stay there….

Pilgrimage in the ancient days did include visits and stay in the
Ârañyaks (or Gurukuls) and Âshramas. A near total lack of those
kinds of institutions in the modern age had further added to the
deterioration of the tradition of Tºrthas….. In view of this and in
response to the subtle inspirations received from the Himalayas,
Acharya Sharma had endeavored resurrection of this noble tradition
by establishing a centre for spiritual refinement and intensive
training in the art of living and personality development at
Shantikunj, Hardwar - the doorstep to the Himalayan region.

In consonant with the needs of the modern times and the future of the
world, he also founded the Brahmavarchas research centre in
Hardwar. This centre is devoted to the integration of modern
sciences and the ancient sciences of total health, yoga and
spirituality. Shantikunj, Brahmavarchas and the sister institutions
initiated by this great spiritual master, eminent scientist and saintly
social reformer of the twentieth century have set shining examples of
how Ârañyaks, Gurukul s and Âshramas used to be and what could
be their logical projections in today's world. The branches of
Shantikunj are spread in India and abroad in the form of 2400
"Pragya Pithas" and " Gayatri Shakti Pithas". These tiny centres are
attempting to perform what should ideally be conducted in the
temples - as the centres of inspiration and public awareness on
dignity of human life.

Every man and woman from every part of the world can, without
any barrier of caste, creed, race, religion or social status, participate in
the regular training programmes at Shantikunj and become a part of
the noble mission of Acharya Sharma.

Spectrum of Knowledge

This volume indicates that the seeds of a cultural revolution and

evolution of spirituality in mankind sown by establishment of the
righteous Tºrthas like Shantikunj have begun sprouting… It also
raises hopes that the collective participation of all of us in such
missions would make the 'tree' of human-religion blossom with the
dawn of the next millenium….


Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya Vangamaya Vol. 37, An Introduction

References are available about several RiÌis who were not restricted
to walk on the ground only. Even at present several travellers in the
Him³layan region narrate that on losing their way someone guided
them to their destination. Several persons have seen invisible yogºs
appearing and disappearing in the caves and on the hilltops. Such
stories are prevalent about the l³m³s of Tibet also. The Theosophical
Society is of the view that even at present there is a group of DevarÌis
in the central parts of the Him³layas who are engaged in the task of
achieving universal peace. They have termed them as 'Invisible

-- Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge



he Vedas, Upnishadas, Brahmanas and Aranyakas are regarded
to be the most ancient scriptures of Indian Philosophy, Science
and Culture. All branches of knowledge are said to be
assimilated in this treasure of the first civilization on the earth. The
eighteen Pur³nas had emanated from these scriptures in the pre-
historic times to make common people understand the purpose and
art of living a righteous life with the help of stories and allegorical
descriptions…. There are about twenty thousands mantras
originally compiled in the Vedas. The total number of shloakas in the
Pur³nas are over one billion. While the Vedas encompass pure
knowledge in abstract form with special configuration of the eternal
power of sound in the mantras (refer vol. 18 of the vangmaya series
for details), the hymns in the Pur³nas are poetic narration of
different aspects of life supplemented by illustrations with the help
of stories of some mythological characters.

The characters described in the Pur³nas belonged to the ancient

times and were most suitable to convey specific lessons to the people
of that era…. Though the Pur³nas remained popular among the
people in the later ages too, the descriptions contained there had lost
relevance…. In the modern age, Pur³nas were mostly read either as
part of scholastic studies in ancient literature or because of orthodox
traditions…. Misinterpretations drawn from the myths had rather
reversed their impact and had led to the 'deformation' of the Hindu
religion and Indian culture in several ways.

It was the moral responsibility of the scholars and saints of our times
to have presented the lessons of the ideal philosophy of life in new
light, having similar intimacy with people's psychology today as was
the influence of the Pur³nas in the times of yore. Among the sincere

Spectrum of Knowledge

efforts made in this regard, the recent contributions of Pt. Shriram

Acharya are most remarkable.

It was sometimes in 1960-61 when Acharya Sharma had translated all

the 4 Vedas, 108 Upnishadas, Yogavashishtha, all the Br³hmanas,
Ârañyakas and the 18 Pur³nas in Hindi to enable even the non-
scholastic, common people get an idea of what the ancient scriptures
were like… This was also aimed at eliminating the misconceptions,
superstitions, unreasonable customs and blind faith that were
propagated because of the misinterpretations of the hymns written
in the classic language and rhetoric style of yore.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma was a rishi of the present era. He had felt
the pains of humanity through heart. Every moment of his life was
devoted to the welfare of people and refinement of the environment
of life…. His sagacious wisdom and spirituality had a reach into the
deepest depth of human mind. He could therefore identify the root
cause of the ailing state of human life as - the crisis of faith, ignorance
about the power of the inner self and lack of righteous attitude. He
realized the need for substituting the Pur³nas by eloquent literature
which would present the eternal principles of happy, progressive
and ideal life in scientific light with practical guidance relevant in
modern circumstances…

He wrote on almost all aspects of human life covering thousands of

topics pertaining to - daily chores, familial, social and professional
interactions, personality development, self-reliant education, viable
economy linked with welfare and progress, human psychology,
science of entertainment, ancient and modern systems of medicine,
bio-electricity , bio-magnetism, sociology, philosophy,
comprehensive knowledge of yoga, meditation and spirituality,
integration of science and religion, fundamentals of astronomy and
astrology, origin and expansion of Indian culture, future of the
world, etc….

Acharya Sharma's pen carries the force of his inner self and has the
power to make his thoughts reach deep in the minds and hearts of the
readers. Each of his book is a milestone in the fields of trenchant
Spectrum of Knowledge

knowledge of life. The volumes of "Pragy³ Pur³na" written by him

in the late 1980's are significant parts of this precious contribution.

"Pragy³" literally means pure intellect. The volumes of "Pragy³

Pur³na" as the word suggests are going to be the Pur³nas of the
years to come. These were written by Acharya Sharma in the
introspective style of the Upnishadas and are therefore also referred
as Pragy³-Upnishada. Matching with the style of the Pur³nas there
are shlokas (hymns) in Sanskrit language which address the
important topics by way of question-answers and narration of
stories. The interpretations, stories and implications are all presented
in Hindi, which can be understood by most of the common people
too. The simplicity of presentation and illustrations by way of
realistic stories and rational discussions having relevance in the day-
to-day life, would certainly help the message of these Pur³nas reach
the masses.

The present volume of the vangmaya series compiles the essence of

the first six volumes of the Pragy³ Pur³nas. This mainly focuses on
the views of Gurudev Shriram Sharma on social welfare. His
thought-provoking deliberations on the crisis of faith existing today,
his ideas and constructive planning of the revival of the methods of
teaching of the vedic age and his predictions on the resurrection of
the Age of Truth in this millenium are also presented here as
prologues of these novel Pur³nas. The epilogues as narration of
stories are compiled in some other volumes of the vangmaya series.

The author writes in the preface to the Pragy³ Pur³na that - " The
circumstances, convictions, modes of living, traditions, needs and
expectations, responsibilities and problems of human life keep
changing with the dynamic flow of time. The methods of solution,
guiding principles and forums for expressions of people's voice
should also be relevant to these changes…" His ideas of total
psychology and comprehensive analysis of the science of spirituality
as the science of refinement of thoughts, sentiments and faith are
unique and revolutionary. These correspond to inculcation of
spirituality in human life while maintaining harmonious integration
Spectrum of Knowledge

with scientific logic, liberal thinking and practical implementation in

every dimension of life….

Successive Chapters of this volume are associated with the different

parts of the Pragy³ Pur³na. The first chapter focuses on the
problems and challenges faced by the world today and highlights the
silver line of bright future in this millenium. How the philosophy
and science of spirituality can be brought into practical use and
certainly lead to devastation of the evil tendencies and atrocities in
different walks of life is presented in the second chapter. Adept
guidance on the cultivation and adoption of the virtuous value
system based on truth, prudence, self-restrain, sense of
responsibility, discipline, sincerity, affability, amity, altruist co-
operation, etc is eloquently discussed here in the illustrative
style of questions and answers. Readers would find that every doubt
and query of their mind has been addressed here with detailed
explanation and experienced guidance.

The third chapter covers the important issue of the duties and
problems of family life. Be that the secrets of happy and successful
married life, justification of the equality of men and women, ideal
development of children, family welfare, role of elderly citizens, or
the management of social responsibilities etc, all are covered here in
detail, considering different circumstances and psychological
makeup of the concerned people…. How the righteous progress of
individuals and families leads to social elevation and global welfare
is illustrated here under realistic approach. The author's own family
and the families sincerely associated with the mission founded by the
author have set living examples of how his teachings could indeed be
adopted against all odds….

The fourth chapter is devoted to those facets of the divine ancient

culture of India which have been forgotten and have been practically
out of scene in the present age….. Common men's query on religion,
ancient systems of varna and ³shramas, different festivals, fasts and
rituals, pilgrimage, hermitage, life after death, ….etc, are responded
here with thorough analysis of the original scriptures.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Interpretations given here with the lessons of special relevance in

today's circumstances add to the importance of these descriptions.

The fifth chapter gives a glimpse of the human-religion based on

eternal values of serene love, compassion, co-operation and
collective endeavors of refinement of human self…. Excellent
conjunction of the basic philosophies and teachings of different
religions is considered here in essence. The necessity and promising
benefits of feasible ascetic practices, introspection, self-analysis, self-
refinement, religious disciplines and faith in divine laws and value
system, etc, are eloquently discussed here with logical arguments
and authentic guidance in the "conversational" style of the Pur³nas.

The last chapter comprises of precious information on the subtle

aspects of the science of spirituality. The topics ranging from - the
inspirations (of the great yogis) transmitted from the holy
Himalayas, the unresolved mysteries of Nature, ...etc, to - the
integration of modern and ancient sciences, are covered here in a
comprehensive manner. The questions and detailed answers
presented in this section also elucidate important features of the
science and philosophy of mantras and Yagya, Ayurveda and herbal
medicines and many esoteric aspects of human life….

The first four volumes of the Pragy³ Pur³na were published in

1980s…. Several thousands copies of the same have been sold since
then. The popularity of these among the masses is clearly indicated
by the fact that eight new prints of each were published in a span of a
decade…. Part 5 and 6 of these Pur³nas - which are also covered in
the present volume - are under print. As per the original plans of
Acharya Sharma, and in the tune of the eighteen Pur³nas written by
Maharshi Vyas in the Vedic age, there are expected to be total 18 parts
(volumes) of the Pragy³ Pur³na.

The present volume is precious like the ancient scriptures.

Everybody who feels the need for finding viable solutions to the
manifold challenging problems of the day and who knows that

Spectrum of Knowledge

nothing could be more effective than understanding and adopting

the righteous life and enlightening the masses by this knowledge,
must read and take it to the common people who might not have had
the opportunity to read or listen to such thought- provoking
discourses…. This volume also offers excellent opportunity for
scholastic studies to the researchers of ancient scriptures and
literature of Indian Philosophy and Culture.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 38 , An Introduction

While many prominent and great thinkers are apprehending

annihilation, it is my emphatic prophecy that the Evil, which in
reality is an inverted form of Good, will be reconverted into the
original Good; that which is topsy-turvy at present will be set aright.
Let this statement of mine be taken with the seriousness it deserves.
The dark clouds of evil tendencies created by unbridled scientific
advancement will be blown away by a forceful hurricane of divine
tendencies. Darkness will be dispelled and eternal light will shine
forth. This is possible only through the irresistible and invisible
power of the RiÌis.

- Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Niroga Jºvan Ke Mahatvap¿rña S¿tra)

ealth is the biggest asset of life. Healthy body and healthy mind
is essential for self-reliant, progressive and happy life. Who
does not want a healthy and hearty life? Who would like to
survive on medicines or to run behind the doctors trying one
treatment after another…? Every man and woman, learned or
illiterate, rich or poor, knows the value of health. But, how many of us
are in perfect health? We hardly find people who have never fallen
sick or attacked by some weakness or disorder of the body's
machinery. Whatever be the cause - viral infection, germs,
environmental pollution or artificial mode of living…, at the root of
each lie our own mistakes, carelessness, shortsightedness, or
misdeeds at personal or social levels….. Many of us do not even
know - what to eat and how to eat in order to maintain homeostasis,
metabolic control, resistance and vital power of the body.

The Indian rishis were perfect scientists of health. They had guided
excellent eco-friendly ways of living which ensured ideal function of
the body and mind and also supported spiritual evolution…..
Acharya Sharma had extracted the essence of these teachings after
in-depth study and experiments on the same and had researched its
applicability in the modern times. His research together with
thorough review and analysis of the existing environment of life and
the common modes of living today has offered scientifically justified
and practically implementable guidelines on healthy, hearty and
long life…. The present volume is a compilation of his guidelines on
quality of food, management of eating habits and organization of
daily routine. His trenchant review and guidance on other aspects of
total health are given in the next three volumes of this series.

The present volume exposes a gamut of tips, based on - the ideal

mode of living as recommended by the rishis and the detailed
analysis of nutritious properties of different kinds of food

Spectrum of Knowledge

preparations, fruits, vegetables and herbs, for acquiring and

sustaining good health in general. Elaborate discussions and
suggestions cited here are most relevant today considering the ailing
circumstances and polluting effects prevailing in the world….
Practical guidance applicable and easily adaptable in day-to-day life
makes this volume extremely useful. One would rarely find such a
comprehensive treatise on this subject - covering ancient as well as
modern research on total health, which is written in such a lucid style
for all sections of the human society.

The first chapter of this volume describes the basic need and
fundamental principles of maintaining good health. Ideal balance of
diet and physical exercise with creative use of different faculties of
the body and mind is emphasized here via illustrative examples and
inspiring deliberations.

Many people do not know how to combine taste with nutritious

qualities of food intake. What should be the type of austere and pure
food for vigorous development of children which would increase the
body-strength and help expansion of serene tendencies of mind - is
described in detail in the next few chapters. Scientific reasons and
practical aspects vis-à-vis the type of agricultural products and
natural food-resources available in different parts of the world, the
climates and eating habits of people, etc - are given due consideration
here. Natural compatibility of human body and mind with simple
and pure vegetarian food and negative effects of non-vegetarian or
lavish nourishment are described here in scientific light and with
evidential examples. The findings of biomedical research,
psychological disciplines and the harmonious equilibrium of the
ecosystem are also taken into account.

Readers would find it interesting to see the recipes of a wide varieties

of delicious vegetarian food preparations presented here in the
context of "what should be eaten and how?" Most of the educated and
health-conscious people are well aware of the fact that sprouted
pulses, fibrous and green vegetables and salads should be integral
part of the daily meals. But, only a few can continue with it on regular
basis. Excellent substitutes and varieties of this type of natural and
nutritious food are presented here which will motivate the readers to
Spectrum of Knowledge

avoid eating junked and virtually toxic food (which they often prefer
for taste, style and quick service) and rather adopt the better
substitutes in a natural way. Not only this, the issues of self-reliance
of a society or a nation in food-production by foresighted selection of
diet by its public - are also addressed here with constructive

The habits of drinking tea or coffee have been so deeply imbibed in

the modern way of living that it appears impossible and
unimaginable for most people to get rid of such habits despite
knowing their slow but steady harmful effects on the nervous and
the digestive systems. Acharya Sharma, being and expert of the
innermost domains of Human Psychology has not only warned the
people against these virtually 'inherited' untoward habits but also
suggested healthy substitutes like "Pragy³ Peya". These special
herbal drinks (peya) are not only tasty and capable of inducing
similar feeling of getting charged with energy as tea and coffee do,
rather, they indeed create soothing effects on the brain and body
functions. Details on the herbal preparations, scientific research and
people's experience on these types of hot or cold drinks and natural
brain tonics add to the importance of this volume.

Acharya Sharma's eloquent explanations and scientifically tested

experiments on the feasible ways of practising spirituality in daily
life and on the therapies of Yagyopathy and fresh herbal medicines
initiated by him - have shown significant effects on improving
people's psychology and helped them come out of the clutches of
tobacco, betel-leaf (paana and paana mas³la), cigarette (bºdº) and
liquor etc. No amount of medical advice, family's protest,
prohibitory laws, etc can have the kind of impact which spiritual
treatment has…. Because, spirituality bears upon the core of the
inner self which is the source and ultimate regulator of all mental
tendencies and sentimental instincts.

This volume would provide guiding light, moral support and

courage to people to help them uproot the above kinds of untoward
habits and addictions which they might have adopted by chance,
because of adversities or 'compulsions' of circumstances or merely as
Spectrum of Knowledge

false status symbol…. People having serious addictions or suffering

from mental deficiencies or weaknesses are also advised to
participate in the Yagya programmes and spiritual refinement
training sessions at the centers of the "Gayatri Pariwar" mission
established by Acharya Sharma. Further details on the science of
spirituality, yoga s³dhan³ and yagyopathy - as researched and
propagated by him are presented in separate volumes of the
vangmaya series.

The last few chapters of this volume focus on another fundamental

aspect of healthy life viz., the mode of living. Apart from what and
how we eat, it is equally important to check whether daily routine,
our life-style, our work-habits, hobbies etc are compatible with what
is naturally good for our body and mind….. The types of dresses we
wear, the kinds of make-up we put, the way we sit, walk, work and
sleep, ….etc - all have no less impact on our health than the quality of
water we drink or use for cleansing or the hygienic status of the
surrounding atmosphere…. Detailed discussions on each aspect are
provided here considering the common modes of living adopted by
most people in the rural and urban areas these days.

Such is the depth of knowledge and completeness of details here that

while reading this volume, every reader will find as if the author has
written all this addressing to his/her life only….. It is hoped that all
doubts and queries of all the readers would be satisfied and
ignorance about the largely neglected facets of daily chores will also
be eliminated. The volume contains large number of live examples of
the present times to help the readers realize how it is possible in
today's circumstances to follow the guidelines given here.

When wild animals, without passing through any phase of

intellectual civilization or under going any training, can enjoy
perfect health in their life, why can't humans - the most intelligent
and naturally gifted beings at least endeavor to prevent the attacks of
weaknesses and diseases? Why shouldn't people also reinvestigate
and benefit from the ancient knowledge of enhancing vitality and
resistance of the body to combat the self-created pollution and ever
growing varieties of infections while they are attempting

Spectrum of Knowledge

purification of the environment of life? The intensive deliberations of

Acharya Sharma presented in this volume will motivate the readers
think on these lines and at the same time offer substantial
information and feasible directions on how to go about….?

Maintenance of good health by adapting to righteous mode of living

is an endeavor which offers the dual benefits of lifelong happiness
and progress at individual level and increased strength of healthy
citizens in the society. It is among the most natural, safest and certain
means of conquering the adversities of our times and escalating our
potentials and thus, by above view point, offers altruist service to the
society as well.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 39, An Introduction

No other organisation has as many selfless, trusted and contented

workers of great calibre as are found here. Everyone associated with
this organisation has tested it and firmly believes that the soul of a
br³hmaña is luminously at work here. Millions of people had
abandoned their homes and had become the disciples, parivr³jaks of
Buddha. Those who participated in Gandhi's saty³grah did not ask
for any remuneration. Similarly Pragy³ abhiy³n is the rare
example of an organisation in which thousands of highly qualified
full-time workers are working for the mission merely on food and

It is indeed a unique miracle wrought by the divine energy of siddhi,

through which so much money, manpower, resources and
spontaneous cooperation of people at large are flowing to the
-- Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"
Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Chikits³ Upach³ra Ke Vividha Ây³ma)

he concept of total health is as complex as the origin and
expansion of life. In case of human beings, it encompasses the
physical (bodily), mental and spiritual health in total harmony
with Nature. It would require an absolute system of medicine - as
perhaps was devised by the Indian sages and scientists (rishis) of
yore - to achieve maintenance of total health. The drastic variations in
the environment and living conditions and the gigantic proportions
of the toxic effects of pollution, filth, infections, malnutrition,
addictions and tensions prevailing in the world today however,
make us wonder whether even the ancient system of medicine would
have been feasible and effective these days….?

An intensive look at the status of physiological and mental health of

the people in the present times gives an impression that larger
proportion of the world population is living in unhealthy, diseased
and disorderly conditions these days. The alarming rate of increase
in the varieties and extents of diseases and psychosomatic disorders,
seem to have left the achievements of biomedical sciences and
technology far behind… in this fast moving age of 'advancement'.….

Today, the sufferings associated with the dreaded diseases like

cancer and AIDS and the increasing problems of cardiac disorders,
diabetes, asthma, arthritis etc, and further, the challenges posed by
psychosomatic disorders ranging - from impotency to hysteria; from
depression to virtual insanity, ….etc, have put a question mark on the
vigorous survival of the future generations of the human society. The
need for a comprehensive system of medicine is therefore badly felt
since past few decades. This has also opened up new directions of
research in alternatove and complementary systems of medicines -
including ancient ethano therapies.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The present volume would prove to be a concise encyclopedia for

references and guidance on above kind of research. The eloquence of
Acharya Sharma's writing, his trenchant knowledge of every aspect
of total health and perspicuous discussions with illustrative
examples have also made this volume equally useful for the masses.

Acharya Sharma has suggested twenty-four points formulae of

preventive medicine which would help natural upkeeping of good
health of the body and mind and which are essential for any
endeavor of spiritual refinement. First eight of these twenty-four tips
correspond to quality of food and eating habits and next ten focus at
mode of living, general routine and other habits. Volume no. 39 of
this series discusses these points at length with intensive guidance of
special relevance in present times. Six of these major guidelines
pertain to the disciplines and principles of mental health. These are
also highlighted here and dealt with, in different contexts of total
health, in the next two volumes.

Acharya Sharma's thorough study, deep insight, experience and

successful experiments with the above mentioned twenty-four
points had led him conclude that adoption of the associated
disciplines and practices and reorientation of life-style in the natural
mode implied by them ensures healthy, vigorous and happy life

The blind race for technological advancement and artificial mode of

living in the name of modern civilization has put human life under
the vicious mesh where almost everyone is constantly loosing his
natural vigor and vital power because of excessive mental stress, and
direct or indirect dependence on machinery and luxurious comforts.
Although lot of care is being taken for the fitness of the body by the
health and beauty conscious people, it is not known to many that the
fashionable modes of physical fitness exert excessive pressure on
internal organs and consume lot of body-energy.

The extreme stages of comforts and over- exercise customized in the

daily routine of the above kinds of 'modernized' people are not in
due consonance with the natural system of the body and mind and
usually risk hormonal imbalance, heart attacks, stress born
Spectrum of Knowledge

hypertension, spinal problems, etc. The original practices of yoga-

³sanas and meditation on the contrary, offer a balanced remedy and
preventive cure if performed with proper disciplines and guidance
on what is suitable for whom…. Separate chapters of the present
volume are devoted to the yoga practices for health. Details like -
which ³sana is suitable for which age-group, under what general
conditions of the body and mind, etc, are given here with illustrative

The wide varieties of higher level yoga-s³dhan³s of pr³n³y³ms and

meditation which create soothing effects on the nervous system,
hormonal secretion and extra sensory power centres - are
highlighted by the author as natural therapies for treatment of
psychosomatic and mental problems. Separate sections are devoted
for different kinds of diseases or disorders of mental or bodily health
in the chapters on the therapies based on ³sanas and pr³ñ³y³mas.
Preventive as well as remedial modes of natural treatment through
these practices of yoga are presented here. How the different kinds of
pr³ñ³y³ms and ³sanas help elevation and harmonious distribution
of vital power is also discussed eloquently. Scientific explanations on
interrelationship between vital energy, bio-electricity, aura, mental
trenchancy and mental and bodily strength are further elucidated in
this context.

Among the other major systems and alternate modes of preventive

care or therapies - derived from ancient or natural systems of
medicinal treatment - presented here, the S¿rya Chikits³ (solar
medicine) or chromopathy and the herbal or plant medicine are
given significant importance by the author. Color healing, chromo-
therapy by sun bath, etc are described in the chapter on "S¿rya
Chikits³". Which color is useful and most suitable for which disease
and for what kind of mentality…, etc - is also guided at length along
with details on how to apply color therapy in practice…. The chapter
on herbal or plant medicine specifies the properties of a wide variety
of herbs and cites the methods of preparation and mode of treatment
of different diseases by specific herbal medicines….

Spectrum of Knowledge

Author's deliberations on above topics give a consolidated review of

what best could be made available from the treatises, theses and
reports ever written on these subjects. The author has extracted the
essence of vast knowledge and presented it for the benefit of all -
including those desirous of applying them in practice for natural
cure as well as those interested in conducting scientific research in
related areas of alternate medicine.

He defines health as a natural quality of life and describes weakness,

disorder or diseased state as unnatural. He points out that the roots
of sickness or deficiencies lie in our own self. Even if the cause is
apparently external - e.g. infection, it is the lack of body-resistance
and vitality of a person which allows the negative effect of the
external cause(s) persist within the body or mind. Blissful and
energetic state of mind, purity of the inner self and creative use of
body potentials are advised by him as essential for improvement of
body- resistance and vital power.

Most importantly, perspicuous guidance is provided here on

domestic methods of treatment which can be applied by common
people for the preventive care and treatment of a wide range of
diseases by themselves…. This would save a lot of their running
around after the doctors and spending on purchase of medicines.
The author has covered the following in separate chapters: the
Diseases of Eyes, Pediatric Problems, Gynecological Diseases, Sexual
disorders and diseases and related Psychological complications….
Methods of treatment of the problems ranging - from those of the
pimples and abscess to leucoderma and other skin diseases; from
common cold and cough to colitis and malaria, etc; from the
psychological complexities giving rise to night-discharge,
impotency…., etc to epilepsy, depression, insanity, etc…., are all
explained with substantial details and practical guidance.

One chapter of this volume describes the major principles and

methods of nursing. Be that first-aid or minor injuries, bandage for
spasm or handling of bone fractures… etc, every kind of
occupational therapy is also discussed in another chapter. Thorough

Spectrum of Knowledge

study of this volume and sincere practice on the methods as per the
illustrations would enable one to manage most of his health-care by

Interestingly, the areas of so-called "cosmetic medicine" are also

considered here. One chapter offers guidelines on the modes of
naturopathy and herbal treatment for maintenance and
enhancement of the beauty of the body and charm of personality….

This volume is an excellent collections of dissertations covering

substantial knowledge on different aspects of external and internal
health of the body and mind. How the alternate system of medicine
based on the ancient sciences, which were derived from the in-depth
understanding of human self at spiritual, mental and physical
(biological) levels, could help accomplish the goal of total health - is
remarkably elucidated here…. It would be hard to find another
source of this kind which efficiently combines detailed information
on best of the alternative and complementary systems of medicine
with adept guidance on self-management of health and at the same
time, gives new directions to research of utmost importance today.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 40, An Introduction

He is an ungrateful person indeed, who even remotely thinks

of turning his back on his benefactors - those from whom he has
received love, affection, goodwill and cooperation.

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Jºvem Ïardah Ïatam)

ealth is a natural facet of liveliness - both by definition and
realization. The Indian rishis (sages and scientists of yore) had
attributed the secret of "jºvem shardah shatam" - hundred
years of vigorous, healthy, happy and creative life - to the total
harmony of the mode of living with the Nature and the spiritual
inheritance of life. Longevity and total health were common
observations in the world those days….. Our rishis had investigated
the formulae for ideal maintenance of health and youthfulness and
devised the methods of practising them in day-to-day life…. Their
approach was focused primarily on the science of consciousness and
dealt with the awakening and harmonious use of the vital power in
auto-regulation of the body functions rather than control of the latter
by adjusting the (bio)chemical reactions and physiological activities
as is largely practised in the modern sciences of medicine.

Although the reminiscence of the comprehensive approach of the

ancient times are seen today partly in the dedicated practices of
"swasthya yoga" and in naturopathy or herbal medicine based
therapies, the materialization of "jºvem shardah shatam" is far from
the horizons of reality in the present age. After about two centuries of
dominance of Allopathic and related approaches of medical
treatment, its limitations and incompleteness are by and large being
felt by people from all sections of the society - including the
Biomedical Scientists. The side-effects of antibiotics and near total
inability of the modern system of medicine in combating the
increasing complexities of psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders
have raised major causes of concern.

Despite extensive research and advancement of different disciplines

of biomedical sciences and technology, decipheration of the
endocrine system and treatment of hormonal diseases and disorders
continues to pose challenges…. Noting the influence of mental
Spectrum of Knowledge

conditions on brain functions and on the endocrine secretions, some

researchers have started looking into the ancient system of medicine
more carefully as the latter had intensive bearing upon deeper study
of the human mind…. The inclusion of music and color therapies in
the practices of treatment in several reputed hospitals these days and
increasing interest of researchers in applications of herbal medicine
(Âyurveda) and yoga stand as witness to these trends.

The present volume together with the volume nos. 39, 40 and 42 of
this series will serve like comprehensive reference text for in-depth
research in above direction to devise a new and effective medical
system for total health and longevity. The non-researchers or laymen
also would equally benefit from the knowledge , guidance, modes of
treatment and 'tips' of health-management provided in these

While the methods and materials and details on therapeutic use and
self-practice of the alternate systems of medicine - including yoga,
³yurveda, naturopathy, chromo-therapy, etc, along with similar
details on nursing and preparations of herbal medicines for a wide
range of diseases are covered in the earlier two volumes, the present
volume focuses on the philosophy and science of total health -
encompassing spiritual and mental health too. The topics like "k³y³
kalpa" - transmutation of a diseased and weak body into a healthy
and vigorous one - pertaining to the so called 'esoteric' domains of
the science of spirituality are also included here. The possibilities of
"k³y³ kalpa" in terms of longevity and evergreen youthfulness are
discussed at length in the next volume of the vangmaya series.

Why does one fall sick? Why the same kinds of external causes,
driven by germs, contaminated water, pollution, etc, are reflected at
varied degrees of diseases or negative effects in different people?
What is the role of vital energy in exerting the resistance of the body
against the attack of diseases and in improving its stamina? How
could the levels of vital energy be escalated in routine life…? Do the
auto regulatory activities, immune mechanism, intra-body

Spectrum of Knowledge

functions, metabolism, hormonal secretions, ….etc, depend upon

state of the mind, way of thinking and quality of sentiments?

The philosophy and science of healthy life as discussed in this

volume focus on the above kinds of fundamental questions…. It
elucidates the concept of pancha tatva - the five basic elements,
prithvi, jala, v³yu, agni and ³k³sha - used in the 'creation' of body
and mind… In this context, this volume elaborates upon how the
refinement and harmonious balance of these could result in natural
cure of any disease. The yoga s³dhan³s associated with the
'perception' - of prithvi by the s³dhan³s of smell, jala by those of
taste, agni by expertise in vision of the body's energy aura, v³yu by
extrasensory sensation through touch and ³k³sha by the s³dh³nas
involving subtle power of sound - and 'healing' of the level and
quality of these basic elements as discussed here are rare to find

The practices of upaw³sa (fasting) and yoga-kriy³s on regular basis

are emphasized here as part of the subject matters of "preventive
medicines" and "cure without medicines". The author has also
highlighted the different kinds of diseases in this context. The list
includes - the diseases and problems resulting from or aggravated
because of constipation or due to persistence of the habits of over-
eating, etc; the disorders and deficiencies generated by the
accumulation of mental stress…. etc. It is indeed like an eye-opener
to read how the simple practices of upaw³sa and yoga-kriy³s can
clean the body from inside and also allay the 'heat' of tensions from
the mind.

The guidelines presented here remind us how the otherwise

unnoticed factors like quantity and quality of meals, timings and
modes of eating, amount of water to be consumed by drinking and
absorption through the skin, etc could play extremely important role
in regulation of our health… We will also find illustrative examples
and explanations on how minor changes in the routine, mode of
living and attitude can prove to be of great help in stress-

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Experiments on ancient and alternate systems of medicine - e.g.,

naturopathy, chromopathy (solar and color medicine), music
therapy, yoga-s³dhan³s of ³sana, pr³n³y³m and meditation, herbal
or plant medicines, …. etc, are being conducted separately in some
centres in different parts of the world today. Acharya Sharma had
inspired research on collective as well as separate effects of these
methods of medical treatment in the Brahmvarchas research centre
established by him at Shantikunj, Hardwar in 1979. Descriptions on
the findings of the research conducted in this centre and those
reported by some other laboratories are also highlighted in this

The unique feature of Acharya Sharma's approach is that he has also

linked yagyopathy and mantra- therapy which have proved to be
most effective and accelerating the positive effects of the other
healing methods mentioned above. Even some otherwise 'incurable'
diseases have been cured by the methods suggested by him in the
above connection. His approach to ³yurveda is novel too because he
pioneered chemical, botanical and pharmaceutical analysis of the
fresh herbs from Himalayan region vis-à-vis the descriptions cited in
the ancient scriptures like "Charaka Samhita"….. He also guided
research on - why many of the popular ³yurvedic medicines
available in the market do not show the marvellous effects they were
supposed to be having in the ancient times? Important results have
been derived from these studies at Brahmvarchas laboratories which
would give innovative and significantly important directions to
current practices of preparation and use of ³yurvedic medicines.

The pharmacy at Shantikunj, Hardwar has come out with hundreds

of new and truly effective herbal drugs, brain tonics and healthy
substitutes of tea and coffee… It is perhaps for the first time in the
modern age that an expiry date is labelled on all herbal preparations
emphasizing the freshness of natural plant-extracts. Findings of this
research indicate six months as the maximum period on an average
for several of such products. The scientific aspects of ancient system
of herbal or plant medicine - keeping in mind the drastic changes in
the climatic conditions and living habits in the modern times, along

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with some of the above mentioned research works are also

highlighted in this volume.

Acharya Sharma was a great saint, spiritual master and scientist par
excellence, for whom, the sole purpose of research was - altruistic
service and welfare. He believed in expansion of knowledge to
enlighten every heart and mind. He had not only extracted the nectar
of knowledge from ancient sciences on total health and ultimate
medicine, rather, also arranged for its applications by appropriate
research in the laboratories of Brahmvarchas Centre and generating
public awareness on the same through his "Gayatri Pariwar"
mission. Apart from distributing its herbal products at "no profit no
loss basis", the mission's centre at Shantikunj also provides practical
guidance, seeds and plants to all interested people to help them
maintain their own nurseries or gardens.

Several of the useful plants like those of Holy Basil, Mint, Coriander,
Tomato, Ginger, Fenugreek, etc. can also be grown in pots. These and
other herbs like Turmeric, Aniseed, Stamen, Giloya (Tinospora),
Garden-Thyme, Garlic, Amla (Ambelica), etc, which are frequently
used in Indian cuisine are very useful in curing a number of diseases.
Information on these as given in this volume should inspire the
readers to maintain the "mas³l³ v³tik³s" (domestic herbal gardens)
of such spice-cum-medicinal plants for the benefit of their families
and neighbors…..

Acharya Sharma's sincere efforts for creative integration of ancient

and modern sciences - especially in the context of "total health", are
unique and promising because of the incorporation of spirituality
along with refinement of psychology for activation and perfect use of
the vital power and simultaneous attainment of viable health of the
mind, body and the inner self….

Perspicuous analysis of spirituality in scientific light and

propagation of its practical use and adoption in day-to-day life is
indeed a great contribution of Acharya Sharma's literature and the
constructive programmes of his mission. Recognizing this, the
human society will remain grateful to him for ages….

Spectrum of Knowledge

What Acharya Sharma had written or guided on "Total Health" was

completely practised by him in his own life. His life stood as a shining
example of the fact that "jºvem shardah shatam" can indeed be
realized even today…., if we all learn and endeavor to follow what
has been guided in these volumes.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 41, An Introduction

It should be taken for granted that the collective will of ordinary

people is mighty. Public opinion exercises strong pressure. Those
who are today capable of causing harm will have to yield before
awakened public opinion. Pragy³ abhiy³n has launched the
movement of awakening and energising public opinion. This will go
on increasing and becoming more and more powerful and the minds
of the people will be changed for the better. People will think of
utilising their efficiency and skills for growth rather than for
destruction. Intelligence is a great power. It preforms miracles in
whichever direction it is directed.

-- Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Chira Yauvan Evam ϳïwata Saundarya)

outh and beauty are most prominent desires of most people.
These are natural sources and expressions of joy and attraction in
life. There may be major variations in the human society with
respect to physical appearance, body built-up, intellectual level,
attitude, etc. But, there is practically no difference in the effects and
expectations of youth and beauty among the people. Who does not
want to remain youthful and hence energetic, strong and self-reliant?
Who does not like beauty expressed in different forms and activities
of Nature and life…..? The eternal sentiments of pure love and
friendship too are reflections of beauty of the inner core of mind…

Youth and beauty are integral components of total health. The

concept, science and philosophy of total health, practical methods of
attaining it even in the ailing environment of the present times, novel
research and applications of alternate medicine, etc - are covered in
detail in the earlier three volumes (nos. 39, 40, 41) of this series. The
present volume, as the title indicates, discusses the possibilities and
different ways of maintaining youth and beauty for long…. despite
the biological aging of the body….

Longevity with youth and beauty of life - in all respects, was common
in the Indian society of yore. The rishis were perfect scientists of
Nature, mind and consciousness. They had studied the anatomy,
physiology and biochemistry of the human body as different
manifestations of consciousness in the five eternal elements (pancha
tatva) of Nature. The science of spirituality, yoga and natural
medicine, invented and practised by them and the disciplines and
modes of living advised and followed by them were sufficient to
ensure total health with beauty and youth.

"K³y³ kalpa" - transmutation of physically sick or 'aged' beings into

young and vigorous ones without artificial means like makeup,
plastic surgery or tonics - was indeed a reality in the ancient society
under the supervision of the rishis. Intellectual sagacity and
Spectrum of Knowledge

creativity of average people too was high in those days. Above all,
the purity and beauty of heart was the major source of bliss and
energy in people's life. Relevant information on the latter aspects of
the ancient system of life is elucidated in scientific light in this
volume which also gives substantial guidance on the methods of
implementation of associated disciplines and 'therapies' in day-to-
day life today.

The advancement of medical technology and public awareness on

health have helped improvement of "life-expectancy" in the
developed countries as compared to what was the scenario half a
century ago. Howbeit, one can hardly see any improvement in total
health of people in general. The stresses of life, artificial modes of
living and excessive dependence on synthetic medicines etc. have
worsened the mental health of most of us today. On the somatic front
too, suppressions of one kind of disorder or disease by the heavy
dose of some medicines result in manifestation of other untoward
effects or new variety of health problems. Even during the
biologically young age, people now a days are found suffering from
problems like bone degeneration, spinal deformation,
hypertension, etc., which used to be found in much older people in
their parents' generation. It won't be an exaggeration to conclude that
today, by and large people are somehow 'maintaining' their bodily
youth with the help of synthetic medicine and artificial products
which gradually make them weaker and vulnerable to faster aging.

The scenario is worse on the psychological front. Before entering the

age of youth most people - especially those in the 'rat-race' of
modernization, seem to lose the natural cheerfulness, adventurous
enthusiasm and optimism of youth. Rise in the number of suicides,
addictions to narcotics, nervous breakdowns, depressions, heart
failures, cases of hypertension, instances of cynical attitude leading
to criminal activities, etc, among the youths is witness to this fact. It is
rare to find the natural glow of youthfulness and aura of vital energy
in the people today.

The vicious cycle of single tracked materialistic attitude and lack of

faith in the value system and philosophy of righteous life has added
to the problems on personal, familial and social fronts. Among other
Spectrum of Knowledge

negative effects of moral decline, licentious character and erotic

thinking cause maximum loss of vital energy and thus seriously
harm the biological and mental health…. Mental fatigue, illusions,
lack of memory, dullness and the whole range of sexual problems
and sexually transmitted diseases, which are offshoots of such
harmful effects, have posed alarming threats before the human
society. The real beauty of human life appears to have been lost in the
blind well of sensual pleasures….

Those caring for improvement in the present scenario must recall

that austere and creative thinking, faith in moral values and ideals of
altruistic life and adoption of disciplines of self-restrain with purity
of sentiments, chastity and integrity of character - are eternal
requirements of consistent elevation of vital energy and mental
strength. Soothing effects of this sort are accelerated by positive
thinking free from lust and ego.

What is an austere and progressive life? What are the essential

disciplines and righteous modes of life and why are they so? How we
can adopt the moral disciplines and self-restrain without any
difficulty or forced imposition of acetic practices? A number of such
queries and doubts are eloquently answered in different chapters of
the present volume with scientifically justified rational arguments,
elaborate descriptions, authentic and practical guidelines and
illustrative examples taken from the modern history.

It is said that fresh, natural, vegetarian food helps recharging the life-
force in each cell of the body. Volume no. 40 of the vangmaya series
cites scientific findings on these effects. Details on the quality and the
methods of preparation of ideal food items which maintain natural
regulation of the body-functions are presented in volume no. 39.
Significant information on preparation and use of herbal (plant)
medicines and on different systems of alternative medicines -
especially those derived from the ancient sciences including
"swasthya yoga", solar medicine, chromo-therapy, naturopathy,
sound (through mantra and music) therapy, etc, is also given in these
two volumes.

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The need for austere food and controlled diet is further highlighted
in the present volume in the context of restraining - the greed of
tongue and the influence of taste on it. Emphasis is made on training
the mind and the tongue to adopt this discipline in a natural way.
Substantial practical guidance is provided which would be suitable
for people with different mentality, who are used to different living
conditions and eating habits. While the specific yoga and physical
exercises are illustrated in the above two volumes, the psychological
impact of industriousness is discussed in the present volume.
Regular physical labor, exercises and creative mental occupation are
prescribed here as essential for keeping the body and mind energetic
and for preventing the attack of untoward habits driven by the
animal instincts of sensual pleasures....

Rare information on - (i) how the variations in sentimental tides and

thought process affect the level of the five basic elements (pancha
tatva) - described in the ancient scriptures as the fundamental
constituents of the body and mind ; and (ii) the spiritual methods of
harmonizing the levels and co-operative activities of these basic
elements, is also given here….

The author, Acharya Sharma was a true saint and sagacious scholar
of the science and philosophy of life who had reached the highest
realms of spirituality. He knew all dimensions of human psychology
through the deepest depth and was therefore able to convey his
message with equal force and intimacy to people having different
backgrounds, attitudes and stature of life… He explained that the
eternal youthfulness existing in the inner self can be elated by sincere
efforts under simple disciplines.

His deliberations make it clear that the beauty and joy of life does not
depend so much on external appearance and circumstances as on the
state of mind. A minor change in attitude and proper orientation of
activities changes the effects of the circumstances. The same is true of
attaining total health even in the morally waned and polluted
environment prevailing in the world today. Self-restrain, aimed at
avoiding the misuse or wastage of time, resources, potentials of sense
Spectrum of Knowledge

organs, the marvellous machinery of the body and faculties of

mind…., and honest approach towards cultivation of virtuous
strength - is an indication of harvesting total health.

Acharya Sharma had experienced, experimented and proved that

spirituality emerges as the culmination of the purity of inner
sentiments and internal power of mind and hence endows one with
divine power and virtues. Eternal youth and beauty are natural
consequences of spiritual elevation and attainments of the highest
kind. Detailed guidance on how the fundamental principles and
essential disciplines advocated in the science of spirituality could be
adopted in modern life for sustenance of youth and beauty is
presented in this volume for each one of us. This enlightens our
hopes in a healthy and happy survival of the human society and
motivates us to make it a certainty…..


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vagmaya Vol. 42, An Introduction

My request to all the parijans is that they should not read this work
as a mere narration of a life story. They should deeply ponder over it
and take it as a saga of siddhi (self-realisation) achieved through
s³dhan³ (self-discipline) and Divine Grace. They should also
understand that my steps have advanced in the pursuit of RiÌi
traditions by presenting the path of spiritual awakening worthy of
being followed by others. One should understand what the real
nature of true spirituality is. A person will be benefited by spiritual
realisation to the extent to which he will be able to integrate
idealistically his inner illumination with outer brilliance.

-- Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge

(Hamarº Sanskrati Itih³sa Ke Kºrti Stambha)

he philosophy of life as endowed in the Indian culture inherits all
elements to help culmination of human self up to divine
heights…. This culture, which orients the direction of life - from
ignorance to wisdom, from the narrow path of selfish attachments
and endless worries to the wide horizons of altruist attitude and
limitless happiness….., is often referred as the divine culture. It lays
the foundation of absolute progress of all beings….., of the entire

Annals of history glorify the Indian culture as the eternal source of

generating great personalities. The seeds of divine cultural values
reflected in - sacrifice for high ideals of humanity, sentiments of
welfare and compassion and purity and integrity of character, were
sown by the Indian Rishis of yore…. This had helped expansion of
the ideal values and eventually augmented the rise in number of
great men and women in the other parts of the world too.

History has witnessed ample examples of great personalities born in

the modern era who also had sincerely followed the path shown by
the Rishis and devoted themselves for the altruist service of the
society and revival of the lost values of the divine culture. The lives
and works of some of these glorious monuments of humanity are
thoroughly reviewed here.

Some of these luminous personalities were born in India and had

worked within or outside the country while some others were born
abroad but they had adopted the principles of the divine culture
inspired by the Rishis…. The precious contributions of these people
to the modern world may be classified in three broad categories:

(i) Saintly sacrifices for the enlightenment of mankind and spiritual

elevation and welfare of the masses through the religious platform;

Spectrum of Knowledge

(ii) Courageous endeavors of social reforms to eliminate ignorance,

orthodox practices and suppression of the weaker ones and to
provide a healthy environment of social justice and liberal thinking;
(iii) Dedication for national freedom movements and progressive
development of self-reliant, sovereign society based on democratic

This volume presents before us a grand bouquet of varieties of

flowers of the immortal beauty and ecstatic fragrance of the
invaluable contributions of the great saints, scholars, social
reformers and leaders…. The next volume of the vangmaya series
focuses on the lives of several great men and women whose valor,
scholarly wisdom, creative talents and other virtuous potentials
were absolutely dedicated to the altruist service of humanity.

Swami Ramkrishna Paramhansa was among the most inspiring

saintly spiritual masters of the modern times whose devotion had
laid the foundation for the resurrection of the glory of Indian
culture. He was born in a period of cultural darkness when orthodox
traditions, superstitions and exploitation in the name of religion
were also at the peak. The people of India were largely illiterate,
unaware and economically suppressed under the British rule and
'mentally enslaved' by blind faith, castism and communalism. It was
in such moments of decline and despair, when spiritual philosophy
and cultural developments were considered to be the topics of high
intellectual discussions and had virtually become 'privileged
properties' of some orthodox 'religious masters' and a few 'forward
looking' elite groups of 'rational thinkers', that Ramkrishna's
simplicity, absolute devotion and pure spiritual charge bestowed an
unprecedented spring of divine love and true knowledge for every
man and woman. His miraculous inspirations and internal power
generated a treasure of great devotees including the precious jewels
like Vivekananda.

Swami Vivekananda's eminent contributions to bringing the great

values of ancient Indian culture in true light stand as monuments of
enlightened humanity… His works continue elevating the lives of
people from all parts of the globe through the branches of the

Spectrum of Knowledge

Ramkrishna mission established by him. He has remained a symbol

of pure intellect and spiritual illumination and a noble hero of the
youths since more than a century.

Number of books have been written on the life and works of

Vivekananda and on his great master Ramkrishna. Nevertheless, the
information presented here would be unique as it focuses on the
foundational aspects of Indian culture and spirituality and
eloquently describes the needs and scope of expanding, in the
present moments, the missions of these and several other great
personalities. The author also guides practical ways of mass
education and social welfare from religious platforms along the lines
of our ancestors….

Swami Dayananda Saraswati also was gifted with supernormal

memory and sagacity like Swami Vivekananda. He, after being
blessed by Swami Virajananda, had devoted himself for destroying
the hypocrisies and superstitious bonds posed on the Hindu religion
and culture during the medieval era. He had founded the "Arya
Samaja" as part of his mission of refining the religious system in India
in the post medieval era. He had successfully implemented the
fundamental teachings of Indian culture by expanding the
knowledge of Yagya and G³yatrº among large sections of the
society those days.

Swami Shraddhananda had reestablished the Gurukul system of

education for ideal development of children with inculcation of
virtuous tendencies and escalation and creative orientation of their
natural talents and potentials…, by instituting "Gurukul Kangadi"
near Hardwar in India. Prabhu Jagadbandhu, Thakur Dayananda,
Swami Keshavananda, Swami Sahajananda, Baba Raghawadas, etc
also fall in this category of religious saints who rendered great
service to humanity by educing people's faith in the original
principles and values of the Indian Philosophy.

Sri Aurobindo was a revolutionary freedom fighter, who, upon

realization of the divine power of consciousness had endeavored
great yoga and spiritual experiments of refining the subtle

Spectrum of Knowledge

environment of life. He, like Vivekananda, had inspired people all

over the globe and blessed the world with saintly disciples like "Sri
Maa" of France, and the spiritually charged centres - like "Auroville "
at Pandichery in India.

Illumination of divine glow in the soul of Tirtharam who was a

professor of Mathematics had transmuted his personality into that of
a saint. He, popularly known as Swami Ramtirtha, was among the
few scholars of the British ruled India whose sagacity and dedicated
attempts towards revival of Indian Culture were recognized world
wide. Among the saintly leaders of the later years, Acharya Binova
Bhave is regarded as an ideal disciple of Mahatma Gandhi who did
not join politics. Rather, he worked till the last breath for the welfare
of the masses through the grand experiment of Bh¿d³na and
Sarvodaya and showed how creative implementation of the
teachings of the true Indian Culture could lead to self-reliant
development of the society and rise of the nation in the present times

The volume further describes several of the great saints of the rest of
the world. The list includes the following: The saintly philosopher
Socrates, whose philosophy is regarded as the medium via which
the waves of ancient Indian cultural developments had reached
Rome and Greece; his teachings had accelerated the expansion of
liberal thinking in the western world and originated the scholarly
innovations which are of relevance even today. Saint Francis, who is
among the most revered saints in Christianity; his thoughts
preaches had motivated a large number of people across the globe to
adopt the ideal principles of Christianity in life and contribute to the
altruistic service of the society. Saint Bahaullah, the founder of the
Bahai religion, who also had taught the righteous principles of divine
culture and guided the lives of people by his saintly teachings and
love for humanity.

Among the great personalities who made excellent contributions to

social reformation during the most critical period of history, the
names of Raja Rammohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagara,
Master Prabhudayal, Keshav Chandra Sen and Shri Ganga Ram sand

Spectrum of Knowledge

as the symbols of human dignity and the live examples of the

limitless potentials of the human intellect when the latter gets linked
with the inner sentiments of compassion and love for all beings….
This volume presents the life-histories of such great humans with
greater emphasis on how they struggled with the adversities and
helped uprooting the 'cancer' of illogical, orthodox and inhumane
convictions and customs that prevailed in the Indian society of the
18th and 19th century…. The contributions of these truly brave social
reformers were perhaps more effective in emancipation of India
than the political or economic freedom movement as they helped
awakening self-prestige and generate awareness towards the lost
and suppressed values of the ancient culture of this country….

In the above context, this volume also describes the revolutionary

efforts of Martin Luther King towards the refinement of the customs
and convictions of the systems of Christian religion which during
his times were captured in orthodox traditions. Readers will also get
an opportunity to see the life of Abraham Lincoln - the founder
president of the USA , as that of a great social reformer who had even
put his life at a stake in order to wipe out the ugly spots of racism and
apartheid from his country…. The immortal works of these great
leaders too correspond to establishing the fundamental elements -
like liberty, justice and equality…, of the divine culture.

The peaceful freedom struggle of India secured unparalleled success

and kindled an ever shining lamp of guidance for the future
generations of human society because of the collective endeavors of
a large number of great saints, patriotic scholars, dedicated social
reformers and martyrs…. The glorious sacrifices and historical
contributions of the latter category of the leaders or heroes of India
are also highlighted in this volume. The distinct descriptions range
from those of Mahatma Gandhi, Lokmanya Tilak, Gopal Krishna
Gokhale, Dada Bhai Nauroji, Chittaranjan Das, Surendra Nath
Banerjee, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, etc, to those of the academicians,
engineers and industrialists like Raja Mahendra Pratap, Shri
Vishveshwaraiya, Radha Mohan Gopal, Jamanalal Bajaj etc.

Spectrum of Knowledge

In essence, the volume presents the gamut of shining examples from

the treatises of modern history of the world and illustrates how the
impetus of the inner strength hidden in the human self leads to the
transmutation of ordinary mortal beings into great personalities who
motivate resurrection of ideal culture on this earth age after age….
The lives of the great saints, leaders and social reformers offer us
eternal guidance to forward our march along the path of escalation of
human glory….


If the two principles of ³tmavat sarvabh¿teÌu (seeing one's own

Âtm³n in all forms of life) and vasudhaiva kuÚu®baka® (to
consider oneself as member of one integrated global family) are
followed, people will immediately be able to know which are
undesirable tendencies and vices lodged inside themselves and how
much struggle and courage is required to get rid of them. Human
capacity for progress and growth is unlimited. Once a person makes
up his mind to work for a high, noble and sublime aim there is nothing
difficult for him to achieve.

-- Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Mara Kar Bhº Amara Ho Gaye Jo)

ature has uniformly bestowed its boons on all human beings.
Human consciousness is originally endowed with enormous
potentials. However, hardly some of us pay any attention to this
fact. Most of us live, though with a difference in living standard and
worldly activities, an average life largely revolving around - feeding
and protection of the gross body, externally stimulated conditioning of
mind, extrovert pleasures, reproduction and looking after the family,
etc…. Only a few are those who sacrifice themselves for the noble
cause of selfless service and elevation of the society, nation, or the
world as a whole. Annals of humanity remain glorified for ever by
such exceptional lives….

The ideals and altruistic works of the great men and women of the
above kind stand as guiding lights to show us the better and brighter
ways of righteous progress in purposeful life worth the dignity of a
human being. The present volume flashes the eternal glow of this
inspiring light before us by describes the distinguished contributions
and major events of some of these glorious lives witnessed by the past
few centuries pertaining to the period of social and intellectual
evolution of the modern world.

Rani Durgawati, Ahilyabai and Lakshmibai were the revered queens

whose patriotism, valor, justice and motherly love for the public
remain unparalleled in the history. Their memories may make every
woman proud of being a woman herself. Today, in the major parts of
the world and especially in India, women by and large are living in a
state of negligence by the society, deprived of and ignorant about even
the fundamental rights granted to them by the law and suffering
oppression and assault by men through different means….

Reviewing the biographies of the intrepid queens of yesteryears in

above circumstances would offer a much needed source of solace and
moral boost to most women today. The simplicity of language and
relevant illustrative discussions in today's context presented in this
volume raise greater hopes in materialization of this possibility.
Simultaneous discussions - on the lives and works of Avantikabai
Gokhale, Sarojini Naidu, Kasturba Gandhi, Janaki Maiya, etc, whose
Spectrum of Knowledge

social service and active participation in the freedom movement have

made special place in the history of India - are also incorporated here
in this context.

Adding to the honor of womanhood, the volume also presents the

glorious contributions of Mrs. Annie Besant and Sister Nivedita (Ms.
Noble) who, although being foreigner by birth, had spent most
important parts of their lives in India. Their inner selves were truly
linked with the Indian philosophy and spiritual teachings…. Both had
worked for social welfare through spiritual elevation of people in the
British ruled India. Mrs. Annie Besant had devoted her life to equality
of all religions during her tenure as the president of the Theosophical
Society. Sister Nivedita had sacrifised herself to the welfare and rise of
women and the weaker sections of the society as per the great mission
of her spiritual guide Swami Vivekananda.

The "Lady with a Lamp", Florence Nightingale, who founded the

noble mission of nursing - is a symbol of human dignity existing in
compassion and altruist service… This volume highlights her life, her
struggles and great boons she offered to humanity to awaken the inner
sentiments of natural love, compassion, generosity and selfless
dedication which seem to have been lost in the artificial, self-centered
lives of people today.

Another section of this volume focuses on the immortal lives who laid
the foundation of the modern history of India. These include great
warriors and ideal kings like Vira Durgadas, Maharana Pratap,
Chatrapati Shivaji, etc. The mutual conflicts and frequent wars
between the large number of small and divided states would have
perhaps removed the great nation of India from the world map, had
the intrepid, foresighted patriots like these great kings not born on this
land. In the later times, the sacrifices of the brave freedom fighters such
as - Lala Lajapat Rai, Sardar Patel, Vira Savarkar, Chandra Shekhar
Azad, Bhagat Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, etc, have made the
sovereign Indian nation stand with pride and salute the ever shining
glory of its great sons and daughters…..

The biographies of Dr. Xan, Lenin and Kamal Pasha are reviewed here
highlighting how these great makers of the history of China, Russia
and Turkey respectively, had succeeded in leading the historical
revolutions - at gross root level aimed at providing social, political and
Spectrum of Knowledge

religious liberation and justice to the masses - which had added new
chapters in the modern history of the world too.

Contemporary to the peaceful freedom movement of India, there also

occurred unprecedented emergence of eminent scholarly
personalities in this country who revolutionized people's thinking
with the help of refined literature and gave new directions to creative
art and culture. Prominent among these contributions are - the "Vande
Mataram…" song by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya, Treatise on
the holy Gita (Gita Rahasya) by Lokmanya Tilak , Gitanjali by noble
laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore and propagation of Hindi as the prime
national language of India by Rajarshi Purushottam Das Tandon.

Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya had given new directions to academics and
higher level scholarly works in India by instituting the Banaras Hindu
University…. around the same time period as of the cultural
developments cited above. All of these great scholars had also
contributed to the liberation of India from political, social and mental
slavery…. How could they devote their talents and time for
awakening the masses along with erudite studies and distinguished
scholarly works - is described here with motivating discussions….

Finding the noble company of elevated personalities or finding the

opportunity of learning via working with them has become almost
impossible today. Contemplation on the thoughts and inspiring
character and deeds of such people appears to be the only way of
bridging this gap as it offers instant enlightenment, moral support and
courage…. This volume would help realization of such positive effects
with promising impact, as a wide range of glorious lives is sketched
here with thought-provoking discussions keeping in mind the
complexities of the present times.

The virtual crisis of ideal values and thoughts in majority of the people
found around us these days has given alarming call for collective
awakening of the virtuous characters and creative orientation of the
talents and potentials of all of us…. The immortal glow of great lives
stands before us as an eternal guide to support sincere endeavors
towards this noble goal…. The present volume bestows a rare
opportunity of illuminating our minds and hearts in this auspicious
light of human glory…..
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 44 , An Introduction
Spectrum of Knowledge


(S³nskratik Chetan³ Ke Unn³yaka: Sev³ Dharma Ke Up³saka)

he present volume is an extension of the volume nos. 43 and 44 of
this series. It presents yet another set of inspiring biographies of
the men and women who contributed from different directions
to the escalation of human-culture. This discusses the lives and
works of - erudite scholars and social reformers as well as the
illiterate saints who gained eminent knowledge through afflatus and
several others, including some noble kings, who deserve gratitude of
the world for ever for their great service of mankind. As a mark of
respect, we must recall their glorious characters and deeds and must
also attempt following the excellent path shown by them for all
human beings.

Prince Siddharta and Prince Vardhamana were not short of valor,

virtues, wealth and support of people in their respective states in
India. But, both had renounced all luxuries and comforts and chosen
the assiduous mode of ascetic endeavors in search for absolute truth
and eternal source of salvation of mankind from the thraldoms of
sufferings and ignorance…..

Siddharta became Gautam Buddha after attaining ultimate

knowledge and awakening of his divine intellect. His righteous
teachings had laid the foundation of Buddhism and helped
sprouting of a new religion for the enlightened expression of
humanity in a culturally darkened period of world history.
Vardhamana too had reached the highest realms of spirituality and
realized the absolute truth of life and its supreme creator. He was
thereafter known as Mahavira and honored as the 24th tºrthankar of
Jainism. Followers of these angelic souls, initially confined to small
regions in north of India, had eventually expanded over almost the
entire Asia and helped the message of peace, non-violence, truth and
purity reach different corners of the world….

Spectrum of Knowledge

The descriptions and discussions presented here on their lives along

with the divine life of Jesus Christ show that the internal urge for
helping out the weaker ones, the poor, the helpless and deprived
people, deep feelings for eliminating the pains and agonies of all
living beings and the spring of pure love and compassion blown
from the inner self - are essential qualities of divinity…. It is the
intense force of these inner sentiments which ultimately transmutes
serene souls into thy incarnations…..

The Indian Culture is said to be the mother of sainthood and divine

values in human life. In concordance with this belief, we find the
incarnation of many great souls on this land in all ages…. After the
period of Buddha and Mahavira (about two to three thousands years
ago) and several generations of their eminent disciples, it was the
time of Adi Shankaracharya whose trenchant intellect was truly
devoted to the enlightenment of the masses by the absolute teachings
of Vedanta.

Shankaracharya rose from the interior of Kerala down in the

southern periphery of India and moved to the east, west and north -
right up to the holy Himalayas to unify the divided cultural and
religious components (fractions) of India at that time. He had
achieved this by adopting the eternal knowledge of the Vedas in real
life. The four major tºrthas (sacred places for pilgrimage) established
by him in the four directions for this purpose indeed prove that he
had successfully helped resurrection of the lost values of the ancient
Indian Culture, that too in a period of sheer confusion and
diversification on the religious front in the Indian society during the
critical phase of the medieval era.

The great cultural heritage of India would have been lost in the
tumultuous tides of illusion, invidious scandals, destabilization and
large scale moral degradation during the peak of the malice of the
medieval era, had there not been the advent of several saintly souls in
different parts of India after Shakaracharya. The lives and works of
most of these revered personalities are also reviewed in this volume
to remind the world of their invaluable endeavors which need be

Spectrum of Knowledge

revived once again in the present times of commercialization of

humane value system and all round of pollution of life…..

The list of above mentioned saintly men and women includes, but is
not limited to - Kabir, the saintly poet who had, despite being
illiterate, made immortal contributions to scholarly literature in the
form of verse generated through his inner sentiments and expressed
in the simple language of the masses. His poems and songs are still
popular and carry the same force of inspirations which during his life
time had emerged as strong source for wiping out the hypocrisies
from the religious system and for reforming the society at the grass-
root levels. The "ulatab³sis" written by him contain deep
philosophical meanings too. Saints Namadev, Chaitanya Maha
Prabhu, Tukarama, etc also belong to the same category of cherubic
souls, the spring of whose devotion had flown the sacred "Ganges" of
"Bhakti-Yoga" to purify people's sentiments and bestow the eternal
love of thee on all living beings….

Guru Nanak Dev, the originator of the Sikh religion, was another
great saintly master whose sacred teachings had shown the
righteous path of duty-bond courageous life and enlightened the
minds and hearts of a large number of followers. Guru Govind Singh
was among the most revered masters of the Sikh Panth who
strengthened and expanded Guru Nanak's teachings of the basic
principles of perfect combination of devotion and valor to fight
against the internal and external evils and live a disciplined, graceful
and happy life. Among the spiritually charged great masters who
also generated the waves of patriotism and immense courage from
the religious platform, the name of Samarth Guru Ramdas deserves
special mention. He had not only blessed the glorious disciples like
the glorious Maratha King Shivaji on the land of India but also served
the great purpose of rising the unity and self-respect of people via the
propagating establishment of temples and community-centres of
sports and physical exercises in every village of Maharashtra and
other parts of southern India….

Those who opened up new schools of thoughts and generated

revolutions which changed the course of modern history are given
Spectrum of Knowledge

special mention in this volume to emphasize the power of pen….

Karl Marx's treatise on "Capital" gave rise to the principles of
Communism and thus initiated a new and bright chapter in the
history of labors and poor sections of people around the world. Lev
Tolstoy was a writer of reality who had a vivid philosophical vision.
His scholarly works broke many untoward traditions of his times
and educed the thinking which could look ahead of that era… The
brief life-sketches and major contributions of such "Warriors of Pen" -
including the revolutionary and bright journalists like Ganesh
Shankar Vidyarthi, etc, as presented here should remind the
thinkers, writers and pressmen of today of their moral duties toward

The volume captures all shadows of the inspiring colors of human

talents by incorporating discussions on large number of trend-setters
and their significant contributions to the history of the world. This
list ranges - from Christopher Columbus, the man of exceptional
zeal, who had discovered America by sailing through the unknown
routes across the Atlantic,… to… the generous industrialists and
businessmen like Shri Jugal Kishor Birla who had played a major role
in economic development of India and in preserving its invaluable
cultural heritage.

The purpose of the volume would have been incomplete without

incorporating the true devotees of the ideal religion of altruistic
welfare of humanity. In this sequence, it describes the noble
contributions of Shri Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Mahadev Govind
Ranade, Thakkar Bapa and Saint Andrews. All of these brilliant
personalities had renounced power and comforts and performed
dedicated social service of the highest kind. Their deeds remain
shining examples for the future generations of scholars and talented
people. Dr. Praffula Chandra Roy and Jagdish C. Bose had set similar
examples of glory for the scientific community. It would be a unique
experience to also read about the sacrifices and courage of Garrie
Baldi, Mezini, Dr. Luther King, etc, along with the detailed note on
the great mission accomplished by Mr. Kagawa - known as
'Mahatma Gandhi' of Japan, and his wife.

Spectrum of Knowledge

A serious look at the lives and works of the men and women who
lived above and beyond the peripheries of routine self-centered
activities and pleasures and reached greater heights of humanity to
realize sainthood directed towards divinity - by the power of their
honesty, pure sentiments, refined intellect, zeal and unperturbed
faith in noble duties towards the entire world…., makes us feel
indebted by their sacrifices which have enabled the dignity of human
culture and religion survive the tests of time….

The general tendencies of human mind pulls it towards sensual

pleasures and selfish desires coupled with ego… The attractions of
external world rarely give it a chance to have introspection and
prevent the negative tendencies and untoward attitude…. Even if in
some moments of intrinsic peace, the inner sentiments inspire it to do
something for others, and even if one begins working accordingly,
the pressures of circumstances and counter arguments of greedy and
self-centered intellect simultaneously force it to return back to the
'usual' and 'safer' mode of life….

The lives of divine incarnations and great personalities - originated

from different backgrounds and circumstances, provide substantial
courage, guidance and motivation in the above moments and help
diminish the negative influences of selfish and coward mentality…
Reading the volumes like the present one is equivalent to being in
contact with such people in several respects… Detailed discussions
and vivid descriptions presented in this volume should make this
'contact' more real and effective to commence the process of gradual
refinement of one's ideology and inculcation of ideal tendencies in
every domain of life…..


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 45, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Bhavya Sam³ja K³ Abhinava Nirm³ña)

he structure and system of human society plays a major role in
creation of ideal circumstances for happy and prosperous life on
the earth. The convictions, traditions and customs of a social
system influence the way of life of majority of its people…. It is a
general tendency of human mind to adapt to the existing
circumstances and contemporary customs and follow whatever
appears to be acceptable as the majority opinion. If a social system is
founded on high ideals of humanity and has maintained certain
principles and values based on prudence rather than by rigidity, the
mental setup of its members would also be molded accordingly and
add to the multifaceted development of that society and its cultural

Mutual respect, co-operating and peaceful coexistence, sharing of

pains and happiness, equality of justice, feelings of sacrifice for noble
causes and devotion to selfless service - among the people, are the
fundamental requirements for generation of what could be
designated as a "divine society". Annals of human history show that
whenever such virtuous tendencies pervade in the social
environment, heavenly conditions of life are bestowed upon the
society. Acharya Sharma has envisaged the advent of such an ideally
civilized, cultured and divinely prosperous human society in the
new era where selfishness would be completely wiped out by altruist
sentiments and every part of our planet will be transformed into
paradise of eternal beauty…. The present volume sketches his
optimism and ideas on the possibilities of turning this 'Utopia' into

The Indian society of yore was ideal in several respects. The flow of
noble tendencies in the society used to help cultivate auspicious
virtues in the people since their childhood…. The system of shodash

Spectrum of Knowledge

sansk³ras (refer volume no. 33 for details) devised by the rishis was
a perfect mode of psychological conditioning for appropriate
nurturing, development and orientation of these tendencies. Thus,
almost every family was producing divinely refined personalities
and every sphere of knowledge and development - ranging from the
science of spirituality to the science of matter, agriculture to
literature, health and education to religion and culture, ….etc, was
blessed by excellent talents.

That was the time when India was recognized as a universal guide,
super civilized and enlightened nation. The treasure of knowledge
and all round prosperity here had attracted people from all corners of
the globe. This land was like the best place of pilgrimage and a global
centre of excellence for the whole world. The principle of
"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" - treating the whole world as a single
large family, was adopted in every walk of life.

Today, the entire human society and the Indian society in particular,
is facing the worst ever crisis of value system, being engulfed in the
state of direction-less development of the people under the pressures
of materialistic power driven progress…. The evil tendencies appear
to have reached the climax….. Corruption, dishonesty and nepotism
born out of selfish attitude have virtually become the rules and tools
for rapid progress and possession of power and wealth. Such is the
influence of cultural pollution and social devaluation that the new
generations too are being born with immorality 'infused' in the

No political, economic, scientific and technological development can

help any civilization - howsoever advanced, survive far too long in
the downtrodden state of its society suffering degradation of religion
and culture. The thinkers and seers of all ages have emphasized the
need for social reformation at war-footing in such alarming
situations as prevailing today. What should and could be the best
remedy in present circumstance is adeptly guided in this volume.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Psychological makeup of people lies at the root of socio-cultural

developments. Realizing this fact and visualizing that the deeper
roots of psychological refinement lie in spirituality, Acharya Sharma
had derived a three fold solution of gradual escalation of value
system at personal, familial and social levels. He had propounded
the practical aspects of spirituality in scientific light and devised the
concept of "Total Psychology" for this purpose.

He emphasized the purification of sentiments and prudent

orientation of people's intrinsic faith in divinity, their convictions
and attitude towards life - as the best remedy for elimination of the
evil tendencies and inculcation of moral values. He thus aimed at
curing the 'epidemic' - of all round decline and maligning of the
moral and social system - through the roots. Without the success of
such endeavors, there appear no hopes of any viable treatment to
protect the human culture from virtual extinction.

His in-depth study and large number of successful experiments on

the refinement and transmutation of personality prove the
authenticity and worth of his ideas. He endeavored large scale
implementation of the associated principles, disciplines and
practices through the "Yug Nirm³ñ Yojn³" and "Pragy³ Abhiy³n"
programmes of his mission.

Those who came in contact with his inspiring literature and sincerely
adopted his guidance in day-to-day life have experienced significant
improvement in their own attitude, inner strength, intellectual
potentials and overall personality at gradually ascending pace. The
"Gayatri Pariwar" - society of such dedicated members of his
mission, stands as living symbol of the feasible possibility of
materialization of his vision of an ideal human society in the new
millenium. The model of large family established by him at
Shantikunj, Hardwar, is an evidential example of how, even in the
present days, a proper blending of faith and prudence, and science,
spirituality and human-religion…. could lay the foundation of an
ideal social system.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Acharya Sharma had initiated creative programmes for elimination

of castism, inequality between man and woman and discrimination
on the basis of race, religion, community or social status….. He had
generated cultural awareness and nurtured prudent thinking among
the masses by reviving the practices of G³yatrº and Yagya coupled
with modern scientific research on related ancient Indian sciences.
His mass education programmes emanated from the religious
platform have helped liberation of a large section of the Indian
society from the clutches of superstitions, blind faith and illogical
traditions and customs.

He is perhaps the only spiritual master of the modern times who has
campaigned from the religious platform, progressive thinking on
family-planning, self-reliant education, co-operative movements -
especially in the villages, collective opposition of liquor and related
addictions, acceleration of women's education and their
participation in important projects of social and national
development, ….etc. As his teachings and training create impact at
the inner cores of mind, he has also been able to engage lots of talents
in dedicated social service….

The revival of the practices of the shodash sansk³ras inspired by

him has set the basis for ideal development of future generations.
The training programmes of spiritual refinement conducted at his
mission's center at Shantikunj, Hardwar, have started showing
positive results and raised the hopes of resurrection of the original
values of the divine culture of ancient India….

The author has also reviewed and analyzed the basic causes of failure
of implementation of the ideologies of "social equality" which were
spread under the banners of socialism and communism and had
gained political support and expansion in sizable portion of the
globe. He has discussed that no ideology, howsoever good, could
ever be imposed upon people…. No revolution could bring long
lasting changes unless the masses naturally accept such changes and
adopt the associated principles through heart….

Spectrum of Knowledge

In his views, liberal thinking is essential for healthy development of

the society in any age… Change is the law of Nature. Therefore, one
cannot think of adopting the activities and the mode of living of the
ancient times in toto. However, the eternal value system - based on
truth, sacred love, mutual co-operation, compassion, altruist service
and serenity of character - being natural expression of the desire of
the soul, has been and will remain equally important and essential
for the survival of divine culture and hence for the healthy
development and viable progress of any society.

Those, who doubt - "how the trends of social and moral declines
which have been in existence since more than a millennium could be
reversed in few decades?", might not have had any opportunity to
experience and apply the power of awakened inner self. They may
read the present volume along with the other volumes of the
vangmaya series on the topics concerning the impact of human
psychology and the bright future of the world. They may also later on
visit Shantikunj, Hardwar to satisfy their inquisitiveness and clear
off the smog of suspicion…..

Purity of sentiments, moral strength of character and natural elation

of the will-power indeed sets the medium for active expression of the
soul. This is manifested in upright transformation in attitude, faith
and direction of thinking…. Nothing is impossible for the immense
source of power endowed in the human self….

"How can the inner powers be activated and used creatively for ideal
refinement and reformation at personal and social levels? What are
the major activities of the "Yug Nirm³ñ" mission? How people with
different backgrounds, faith and training can collectively participate
in the social reformation and cultural awareness programmes of the
Gayatri Pariwar? Is their any supernatural force activated by the
subtle spiritual experiments conducted by Acharya Sharma which is
going to enforce miraculous changes and create divine environment
of morality.…?" A number of questions of this sort are answered in
the present volume.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Acharya Sharma's motto of "Transformation of attitude leads to

change of circumstances…", or, "Elevation of the society and
transmutation of the era by refinement of the individuals…", etc,
should be viewed with an unprejudiced and open mind and with a
feeling of his inner pains for humanity…. After all, who makes the
society? It is a indeed a congregation of individuals who share
something in common which directly or indirectly organizes the
shape of a social system. Only a handful of motivating personalities
orient the thinking of others in a society and set the trends of future
developments. Majority of the people by and large remain

We are fortunate to have a great saint, spiritual master, sagacious

scholar, visionary and social reformer like Acharya Sharma giving us
a glimpse of the future society in this volume and enlightening our
optimism. It is now for us to come forward and share the role of
trend-setters by gravitating our moral strength towards…
participation in his noble mission and making his vision of
"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" a reality in the next millenium….


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 46, An Introduction

He is an ungrateful person indeed, who even

remotely thinks of turning his back on his benefactors - those
from whom he has received love, affection, goodwill and

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Yatra N³ryastu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devat³)

omanhood has been reverenced in the ancient Indian culture
as a manifestation of divine qualities. Womanhood is a
symbol of eternal virtues of humanity expressed in
compassion, selfless love and caring for others…. The Indian
philosophers of yore (the rishis) knew that the seeds of divinity
grow and blossom in a truly cultured society where women are given
due respect and equal opportunities of rise and dignity. The
scriptures and later works on Indian culture and philosophy stand
witness to the fact that women indeed receive high recognition and
respect in the Vedic age. The contribution of women rishis in making
the ancient Indian culture a divine culture were not less than those of
their male counterparts. In the later ages too, women had always
been integral part of cultural, social and intellectual evolution of the
human society.

In spite of the declining phase of medieval era, where suppression

and exploitation of women occurred at a faster pace than moral
devaluation, women continued to prove their existence in every
dimension of life…. Though less in numbers, these endeavors of
valor, bravery, struggle against untoward traditions, dedication for
social welfare, scientific investigations, etc, were significant in terms
of positive contributions.

Altruistic service has been an area where the glory of women always
shines brighter than that of men. Every woman, by nature, offers
great service to her family and thereby to the society too. Her
motherly sentiments are bestowed upon almost everyone who
comes in her contact. Many women have also made extraordinary
contributions against all odds to the service of mankind at the
national and global levels….

Spectrum of Knowledge

As a tribute to the expression of thee in womanhood, this volume

presents a compilation of glorious works during the current
millenium of women across the globe in different domains and
under different circumstance of life.

The first chapter of this volume focuses on the great women whose
revolutionary endeavors are significant in the modern history of
religion, literature, politics, etc. The list of descriptions here includes
- Rani Rasmani, Ma Shardamani, Durgavati, Amrapali, Ahilyabai,
Lakshmibai, Talash Kunwar, Jijabai, Anandibai, Yesubai, Joan of
Arc, Madame Kama, Subhadra Kumari Chauhan, Preetilata, Sarojini
Naidu, Sarah Beanheart, Louis Michelle, Joyo Kosmode, Sophie
Borden, Sokki Pero, Sister Cheval, Jamila, Udosiya, Ms Martha etc.
The second and third chapters encompass the brief biographies and
glorious deeds of the women who had dedicated themselves for the
noble cause of social service.

The second chapter covers a large number of such great personalities

from India such as - Kasturba Gandhi, Muthulakshmi Reddy,
Kamala Nehru, Prabhavati Devi, Dr. Merry Poonam Lucoz, Asha
Devi, Rajkumari Amrat Kaur, Rama Bai Dongare, Mai Harshe,
Ramabai Ranade, Pisanhari, Madame Blawetski, Tara Cheriyan,
Yashodhara Dasappa, Chandravati Rathore, Isabelle Thorben,
Katherine Hellion, Merriam Lester, Margaret Cousins, Mother
Teresa, etc. Those from the rest of the world highlighted in the third
chapter include - Florence Nightingale, Elizabeth Fri, Anna Freud,
Maria Montessori, Henry Clover, Merry Jean, Merry Scott, Ms.
Emily, Sujuko, Dr. Keith Campbell, Doreen Chiang-Chi Chec, Dr.
Sakori, Angela Davis, Donna Lillian, Jayini Marx, Claudia Johnson,

Major contributions to the women liberation movement in the 19th

and 20th century were made by the ladies who, along with looking
after their familial and professional responsibilities had come
forward for emancipation and constructive support of their less
privileged, poor and helpless 'sisters'. Chapter four describes how
the Indian women like Mrs.Kama Devi Chattopadhaya, Tahira, Devi
Mai, Abala Basu, Subbulakshi, Mrs. Savarkar, Urmila Shastri,

Spectrum of Knowledge

Shivdevi, Kamalabai Hospeth, Lalitha Shastri, Anna Chandy, Dr.

Iravati Karve, Jahanara, first woman engineer of India - Ms. Lalitha,
etc, and the foreigners like Mrs. Roosevelt, Sarah Hela, Fillice
Whitely, Emily Greenville, Jean Adams, Sigrid Anisette, Nancy
Ester, Marguerite Mitchell, Evezlene Booth, Harriet Stowe,
Marguerite Sanger, etc, could accomplish this with the strength of
their serene character, devotion of talents and strong will-power.

The glorious biographies of the courageous women presented in the

last chapter make us feel that womanhood, if charged with internal
urge and will-power can indeed prove to be supernormal. The lives
of Helen Keller, Phinavarakini, Alexandra Neil, Sara Fuller, Ms.
Jones, Edith Bone, Kusum Kacchwaha, Dedi Morse, Sheila Scott,
Sevati, Kantaben, Ms. Karlvin, etc, deserve special mention in this
regard. Some of these women were physically handicapped by birth
or were virtually made so by the circumstances. They not only
overcame these adversities by their zeal and mental power but also
made best use of their other faculties for the welfare of many others
and set shining examples even for the healthy and fortunate ones to
excel the available talents and potentials for better purposes worth
the purpose of human life.

This volume gains special weightage in the context of the state of

women in the modern society. Virtually all over the world, the status
of women could be broadly classified - with obvious variation
according to the type and intensity of the effects of different
circumstances of their lives - into two broad categories: liberated and
well off ones and the relatively poor, weak, ignorant and oppressed
ones. By and large, majority of the women in the first category too are
subjected to direct or indirect exploitation. Free-sex,
commercialization of beauty and woman's body in the present age of
advertisements is a curse on womanhood in the name of 'boldness
and forwardness'…. This has added to the social anarchy, sex-
scandals, and psychological perversion in the materialistically
developed countries.

Women in the developing countries and the rest of the world are
facing worst effects of the mushrooming of the 'mixed culture' in the
'civilized' and 'westernized' sections of their societies. The second
Spectrum of Knowledge

category of sufferers is found in majority here. In India alone, the

number of rapes and deaths due to dowry related conflicts has risen
to the extent which would make humanity cry with shame.

Most of the Indian women in the second category are not even aware
of their fundamental rights and equality of justice granted to them by
the constitution. Despite several attempts from the governmental
fronts and constant campaign and creative projects undertaken by
several women's and social welfare organizations, the dawn of total
liberation and justice appears to be far from their sight. Apart from
their literacy and upliftment, a lot more needs to be done towards
educating the male members of their families too.

Acharya Sharma was a great spiritual saint and social reformer who
could feel the pains and agonies of all beings. He and his wife Smt.
Bhagawati Devi Sharma had offered support and help towards
elevating the status of women in the average Indian society. They
had also enlightened the lives of many deprived ladies by inspiring
their family members to give them due respect and affection. They
had donated their own property for the cause of social welfare. The
first Girls' Intermediate College started by them in the interior of
North India in a village (Amalkheda) near Agra stands among the
visible monuments of their generosity and care for women's

Acharya Sharma and his wife had initiated effective programmes of

women's welfare and elevation of the power of womanhood under
the banner of "Nari Jagaran Abhiyan" of their "Yug Nirm³ña"
mission. The present volume is also a part of the awareness
campaign under this noble effort. It should help educe self-
confidence and internal strength in women as most of them would
naturally feel proud of being women after reading or listening about
the inspiring lives and almost miraculous and immortal deeds of so
many great women of the present era….. The eloquent discussions
given in this volume would also make it an important source of
thoughtful guidance for all those who seriously want to do
something for improving the status of women….

Spectrum of Knowledge

Acharya Sharma was among the very few scholarly saints who had
initiated mass education programmes from the religious front,
emphasizing the need for betterment of the condition of women in all
respects. He had warned the leaders of the nation and the supposed
'Architects' of the society that - "no society, no nation could rise and
substantially benefit from any kind of developmental programmes if
half of its population, viz., the women and girls, live in a practically
handicapped and suppressed state… How can one remain healthy if
half of his body is virtually paralyzed or is weakened severely…?"

Man and woman are complementary to each other. Both together

form the family and thus contribute to the making of the society,
nation and the world as a whole…. Gain or loss of one in any form is
that of the other too. The orthodox, egotist or selfish men, who
consider woman as the 'weaker sex' must understand that the rise
and amelioration of women's status is going to be of greater help to
men as well. There is no reason for them to be suspicious of losing
their own power and rights which they deserve because of their own
qualities and contributions in the society….

The seeds of good or bed tendencies are sown in the child's mind by
the mother only. She is the first teacher of the new generation. A
healthy, morally refined and talented mother can train her child
better and therefore also offer better citizens to the society. Noting
the need of refinement of talents and awakening of righteous
intellect in these moments of - 'threat to the very survival of
humanity…..', it becomes all the more important to work on war-
footing to let womanhood blossom in full spring and help turn the
present scenario towards the better side. Deliberations cited in this
volume convincingly make it clear that women can indeed lead the
world towards a bright future because of the natural power of their
zeal, pure sentiments, courage, endurance and determination….

In his arduous attempts towards resurrecting the divine values of the

Indian culture, Acharya Shriram Sharma has pioneered what could
be normally termed as majestic on different horizons for social,
intellectual and spiritual elevation of men and women. On religious
fronts too, he had successfully brought the true knowledge of

Spectrum of Knowledge

G³yatrº and Yagya within the reach of all humans without any
discrimination of caste, creed, gender or social status, etc and revived
the original philosophies of the Vedic age in scientific light. The
clairvoyance of this spiritually empowered sagacious scholar has
assured the world of a bright future in store and has declared the 21st
century as the "Century of Women…"


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 47 , An Introduction

Whether by faith or habit, there is such a strong bond between us that

it is not limited merely to the exchange of thoughts and personal
contacts. Several parijans are facing difficulties. Most of them are
entangled in some problem or the other. Some persons want to be in
better worldly conditions. There may be several reasons, but the fact
remains that people come to me for the fulfilment of some desire or
aspiration and express it, with or without speech. Their faith is
reassured when they find that what they wanted has been fulfilled, if
not fully, at least partially.

-- Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"

Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Sam³ja K³ Merudanda Saïakta Pariv³ra Tantra)

amily-institution is an important component of democratic
societies. It is a cord between the individuals and the society. The
social system is formed by interactions between the families….
The first training school of a child is his family. Sound foundation of
morality and good tendencies in the family naturally endows one
with associated virtues and habits.

Cultivation of the healthy tendencies of mutual respect, co-operation

and sharing of responsibilities, tolerance, creativity,
industriousness, etc in a family ensures happiness of all its members
even in the state of poverty or adversities of circumstances. Mutual
conflicts, clashes of ego and selfish attitudes within the family on the
contrary, make one's life difficult and may lead to psychological
disorders or family-breakups etc, despite abundance of materialistic
comforts, external means of entertainment and wealth. One's overall
personality development also depends on the background set in the

Realising the inevitable role of familial atmosphere in the

development of individuals and the society, ages ago, the Indian
rishis - the experts of the Science of Spirituality, Psychology and
Sociology - had given due importance to family institution in the
Indian Culture. It was perhaps the foundation of ideal family
institution which had generated so many great personalities on this
land and bestowed divine environment of life here.

In its original form, the Indian culture and social system grants equal
importance and share of responsibility to both the parents - the
mother and the father. The married couples, having integrity of
character, maturity, mutual understanding, sense of responsibility
towards the children, family and the society, are termed
sadgrahastha here. In such an ideal pair, the husband and wife, as

Spectrum of Knowledge

true lovers and compatible life-partners, should naturally help

successive refinement and escalation of each other's personality too.

Acharya Sahrma has described sadgrahasthas as the strength of the

society and the nation…. Because, it is these people who are the
architects of the future generations of citizens. His views, driven
from thorough understanding of human psychology and its
interrelation with the cultural and social system, are worth reading
in this context. Every married or 'would be' married couple must
read this volume and get adept guidance on how and why should
they become sadgrahasthas? Single individuals too should read it to
know what are their duties towards the other members of the family
and what the family should offer to them….?

Today, when the social and cultural systems are facing the worst ever
crisis of all round decline and the entire world is suffering from
different kinds of problems, calamities and dangers in several
respects, every thoughtful mind feels somewhat concerned and
suspicious about the future…. Thinkers, experts and policy makers
have carried out thorough discussions and analyzed the situation at
large number of national and international forums. Varieties of
reasons and remedies have been identified and also applied in
actions. The complexities and magnitude of the crisis are so high that
despite sincere efforts from several directions, since several years, no
viable control or solution appears to be in the offing….

If one seriously pays attention to the deeper roots of the volatile

expansion of the multitudes of adversities and irregularities and
traces back the genesis of the problems in any domain of life, there
would appear one predominant cause - evil tendencies and
weaknesses of human mind. Vices of thoughts - generated by selfish
and possessive attitude, passion for power, comfort and sensual
pleasures - though manifested in different forms with varied degrees
of sophistication and support of clever intellect, has infected,
adulterated and spoiled the original environment of healthy and
hearty life.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The inherent qualities of humanity and virtuous tendencies if

assimilated in the inner cores of mind since the childhood, help
control the agility of mind and prevent the pressure of its 'natural'
animal instincts which usually trigger it into untoward passions.
Such pre-conditioning and proper orientation of mental character is
totally missing these days. In the absence of this cultural refinement,
even the highly civilized, intelligent and technologically advanced
man of today has failed in generating strength of character and viable
peace and happiness.

Unchecked tendencies of human mind have put the human society at

an edge of suicidal crisis. Why all this happened? What led to the
cultural and moral decline and psychological complexities which
have practically wiped out the serene sentiments of love, compassion
and altruistic service from the people's hearts? A single and simple
answer would be: "deterioration and negligence of the foundation -
the family institution -has allowed the poisonous root of evil
tendencies grow and manifest itself into above kinds of disasters". It
is this foundation which needs to be refined and strengthened on war
footing… It is the need of the day…. We all, as Acharya Sharma has
guided in this volume, should collectively try our level best to
remove the hurdles in reviving the sacred and prudent traditions of
the family-institution.

As we all know and experience, man is a social animal and cannot

survive absolutely all alone without the direct or indirect support of
others. One learns the first lesson of co-operation and sharing from
his family only. The survival and healthy growth of the youngsters
will not be possible without proper care by his family members…. It
is the responsibility of the grownups to pay as much attention to the
maintenance of proper progress of their families as they pay to their
own bodily and mental comforts. If the elders in the family are
endowed with integrity of character and virtues and also bring the
associated qualities into practical use in day-to-day life, the children
too are most likely to adopt such tendencies by default.

In Acharya Sharma's words, the best kind of social service can be

provided by an individual to the world by sincere endeavors of
cultivating virtuous tendencies in his own family by observing a
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balanced attitude towards affection and necessary disciplines. One,

who truly loves his family and desires a happy and prosperous
future for all his dear and near ones, would always take care that
every member of his family - including himself, becomes a serene
and cultured citizen who is sincerely engaged in continuous
refinement, escalation and creative use of his or her talents. The
family institution is indeed like a laboratory, training school, nursery
or factory for generation and expansion of ideal tendencies and for
setting the background for righteous development of personality.

The author has advised a "panchsheel" (five point formula) for

righteous development of personality (refer volume nos. 2, 20 and 21
of this series). He has also described a "panchsheel" for the ideal
family-institution. The five points here correspond to cultivation of -
(i) industriousness; (ii) sanctity and orderliness; (iii) economic and
creative use of the resources; (iv) modesty and honesty; and (v)
cooperating generosity. Even if a handful of families in every village,
town and city adopt these panchsheels in practice, the associated
positive effects will begin to show in no time and attract ever
increasing number of people towards theses simple but effective
principles and practices. Soon the benefits will be seen at the social
level too.

There is a systematic science of progress and development in the

personal, familial and social domains of our life. This is based on
deeper understanding of the human mind and heart (the core of
sentiments). Likewise in any other scientific discipline, here too one
needs continuous experimentation, innovative research. However,
the research and implementation here should have relevance with
the basic aim of maintaining the steady flow of ideal tendencies
against all odds in the changing circumstances of life….

Acharya Sharma was a perfect scientist of humanity. His original

ideas, experience and long term research on different aspects of
human life have brought new, hitherto unknown facets of
Spirituality and Total Psychology in scientific light and showed their
predominant role in every dimension, every activity of human life.
He has also suggested practical ways of using these findings for the
Spectrum of Knowledge

overall elevation of human society and creating a far better

environment of life in the present times. This volume has emerged
from his related deliberations on family-institution which, as he has
emphasized, is the spine of the body of the human society.

Today, when the concept of joint family has almost lost its existence
and the term "family" is practically seen only as - husband, wife and
their little children, Acharya Sharma has presented the revolutionary
idea of "larger family" - constituted by groups of separate and
independent but mutually co-operating families; each constituent
family maintains virtuous development of its members and
constantly shares experience with the other families. This way, the
relatives' families can also become truly friendly and the elders and
the youngsters of the 'large family' can benefit from each other's
talents, experience and ideas without any direct clash of ego or
conflict of generation-gap.

In the present scenario of the Indian society, the 'obligation' of

mutual respect and tolerance in the joint families is increasingly
becoming difficult for the members to follow. Also, the economic
pressures and narrow attitudes of members often shake the desired
balance in the joint families. This usually results in breakups between
the near and dear ones and also leads to untoward consequences of
serious nature. Such possibilities are avoided in the broader concept
of "larger families" where people willingly co-operate on the basis of
friendly relationship, as per mutual compatibility among the groups
of 'small' families without any 'imposed constraint' of lineage or the
prejudiced notion of 'blood relation'. The training of co-operation,
mutual respect and friendly relationship nurtured at a wider domain
in the members of a "larger family" also gradually makes them
understand and love their relatives with whom they might not have
gotten along well earlier in the joint family…..

Several experiments on the relevance and feasibility of "larger

families" are successfully conducted under the banner of "Gayatri
Pariwar" mission inspired by Acharya Sharma. Hundreds of families
residing in the mission's centre at Shantikunj, Hardwar (India) have

Spectrum of Knowledge

set a live example of what the author has described about this new
expansion of family-institution. These also demonstrate - how the
collective efforts of "larger families" could lead to the development of
a self-reliant, happy and truly progressive society.

In the present circumstances, people across the globe are largely

found suffering the pains of loneliness despite being over-occupied
with large number of 'professional interactions' and having
abundance of entertaining means. Nothing could offer more
soothing relief to such people than the warmth of family-relations.
Shattered married life - licentious attitude and lack of natural love,
trust and respect among married couples, broken families,
constrained development of children, etc, are curse on the modern
human society. This is the reason why, in spite of having the best of
the boons of scientific and technological advancement, people are
facing the worst kinds of sufferings due to varieties of psychological
problems driven by depression, aggression, stress, suspicion,
jealousy, feeling of insecurity, etc.

The natural spring of blissfulness and compassion is fast drying out

from the hearts of people. The best and natural means of saving the
disastrous consequences is - reestablishment of healthy family-
institution. The present volume offers substantial guidelines with
reasoned deliberations and authentic examples for all individuals,
families and societies around the globe to resurrect the glory of the
family-institution using best of their own capabilities. All the
married couples as well as those who are going to be so in near
future, must pay special attention to the author's call for important
role of the sadgrahasthas in maintaining the ideals of the family-
institution. They may also benefit from participation in the special
training programs run at Shantikunj, Hardwar for this noble


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 48, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Ïikï³ Evam Vidy³)

onsolidating the views of eminent scholars, we may
characterize "total education" as - "the system of teaching,
learning and initiation of knowledge which leads to -
complete self-reliance, excellent development of personality and
continuous evolution of virtuous tendencies….".

Education begins with literacy and may successively endow one

with enormous knowledge, analytical thinking, trenchancy of
thoughts and decision making and acumen in specific disciplines of
training. In principle, completion of education should also make one
scholastic, talented and expert in solving worldly problems and
enable one to propagate goodwill in the society. We may review the
present systems of education to check whether they are capable of
offering what is expected of this definition of education. A thorough
evaluation of the present systems vis-à-vis the ancient system of
education devised by the Indian rishis would be inevitable in this
regard if we want to expand this comparison in different dimensions
of what corresponds to "complete or total education".

The Indian rishis - the spirituals masters of yore who are also
reverenced as perfect educationists of all times, had defined "total
education" as a combination of shiksh³ and vidy³. Shiksh³ in their
view was - practical training of literacy, worldly knowledge and
development of specific skills or talents which make one self-
dependent and enable him or her earn respectable means of living.
By this definition, we might say that the component of education
which is generally taught in the schools, universities and centers of
higher learning today, corresponds to shiksh³.

Vidy³, as described by the rishis is that component of "total

education" which inculcates virtuous tendencies, independent
thinking with intellectual and moral illumination of the mind and
Spectrum of Knowledge

the heart and helps perfect refinement of character and development

of personality. Vidy³, which is initiated by a spiritually elevated
noble master and sincerely adopted in every domain of life by a
dedicated disciple, gives rise to an ever expanding source of true
knowledge and gradual escalation of ideal tendencies. Deep
impressions of vidy³ assimilated in the inner cores of the mind are
carried over as sansk³ras (intrinsic tendencies) in next births too …..

Shiksh³ and vidy³ complement each other and together organize a

perfect system of absolute education. Although several centers of
excellence have maintained high standards of shiksh³ with
induction of liberal thinking and intellectual discoveries, we hardly
find any school or righteous mode of propagation of vidy³ any where
in the world today. Even in India, where it was originated and given
inspiring dimensions of global expansion via the "gurukula" system
established by the rishis, it appears to have been confined to the
decipheration of ancient scriptures in some traditional schools of
Indian philosophy and vedic education. People in general, do not
even know the proper meaning of vidy³ and as per their faith, often
misinterpret it either as shiksh³ of ancient subjects or as some kind of
'esoteric knowledge' or 'spiritual power' associated with
consecration by a religious master or guru.

Gurudev Shriram Sharma, a noble rishi of the modern age, has

thoroughly reviewed the genesis, ancient developments, current
status and future of shiksh³ and vidy³ in the present volume and
given eminent directions for the improvement in both in today's
context. He has emphasized the need of revising the existing system
of shiksh³ to make it more rational, dynamic, relevant and useful in
guaranteeing a happy and bright future to the world. He has also
justified the importance of incorporating vidy³ in the updated
system of shiksh³ and given practical guidance for doing so at the
primary, secondary and higher levels of education. He has devised
specialized syllabus for this purpose to suit the gamut of students
having different backgrounds and mental and intellectual levels. The
primary and middle school education offered in the school of his
Spectrum of Knowledge

mission's center at Shantikunj, Hardwar, sets a living example of

how this syllabus could be successfully implemented with the
innovative methods of teachings suggested by him.

The "sw³valamban vidy³" course and training programmes of self-

reliant and moral education with spiritual refinement - initiated by
Acharya Sharma have also been very successful in generating
dedicated, disciplined and talented batches of young men and
women who are committed to altruistic service for cultural elevation
and global welfare. These self-dependent volunteers are also
contributing to the mission's programmes of mass education and
social reformation in the villages and helping out the poor, down
trodden, illiterates to enable them architecture a better and truly
progressive future for the society and the village as a whole. The well
educated but unemployed youths may, rather than suffering
depression and waiting for the government and other bodies for
help, also get new guidance from this kind of self-reliant vidy³.

Acharya Sharma had also revived the traditions of the rishis by

introducing the concept and mode of propagation of "sanjeevani
vidy³" for people from different walks of the society having different
levels of shiksh³ and professional experience….etc. Under this
scheme, specific training programmes of varying durations are
offered at Shantikunj for spiritual refinement, personality
development and cultivation of moral values and ideal tendencies.
Different sessions and types of lectures, practical works, disciplines,
spiritual experiments and yoga exercises etc are designed here so as
to suit the backgrounds, psychology and domestic, social and
professional environments of the trainees. For instance, there are
special course programmes for married people who want to develop
ideal family institution; separate special programmers for the
engineers who should aim at increasing productivity and moral
values in their organizations….; etc.

The "vidy³- ³rambha" and "dºksh³" sansk³ra (refer to volume no. 33

of this series for details on the system of sansk³ras) performed under
the auspices of the "Yug Nirm³ñ Yojan³" and "Gayatri Pariwar"
Spectrum of Knowledge

missions of Acharya Sharma have also been very effective in

generating awareness about the true meaning and importance of
vidy³ and in cultivating its seeds in the minds of people who care for
piety of sentiments and thoughts and integrity of character. People of
all age groups, all educational backgrounds - ranging from the
illiterates to those holding highest possible degrees of erudite
scholastic distinctions, can participate in these programmes (of
initiation of the above mentioned sansk³ras) free of costs and
without any restrictions of sex, caste, creed or social status.

Shiksh³ is essential for every one for better knowledge of the world
and for marching forward along the path of civilization. High
standard of this system of education certainly contributes to
intellectual awakening and materialistic advancement of the society.
Comprehensive education of this kind coupled with real-life
experiences also teaches one the art of efficient management of life.
However, the great efforts towards excelling this system of
education would not serve the real purpose and might even prove
counter-productive unless equipped with viable methods of
simultaneous escalation of integrity of character, moral values and
virtuous tendencies and sentiments of compassion, altruist service
and sense of responsibility - in the students.

Shiksh³ as offered in the modern systems of education is, by and

large, serving only as a means or a supporting tool for earning a
respectable mode of living and accelerating intellectual evolution in
trenchant students. In its most refined form, shiksh³ would be most
effective and useful if it complements for the implementation of
vidy³ in order to fulfil the divine purpose of human life.

The Indian education system of shiksh³ is not at all in good shape

today. In many cases, neither the students nor the teachers have the
desired faith, devotion, sincerity or dignity of character which is
essential for healthy growth of the academic institutions. Mostly, it
may be blamed to the irrelevance and lack of direction of the
structure of the academic course programmes and ineffectiveness of
the methods of teaching, but, the growing trends of 'commercialized'

Spectrum of Knowledge

attitudes and declining moral values of the entire society are no less
responsible for this degradation of shiksh³. In this volume, Achary
Sharma has examined the state-of-affairs right up to the roots of the
concerned problems and he has also given constructive guidance on
how this system could be modified right from the primary level of

This volume highlights possibilities and basis for establishing an

alternate system of (total) education, which would combine shiksh³
and vidy³ in a creative way and which can be easily adopted in the
Indian circumstances. Implementation of such a system would
initiate resurrection of the ancient glory of India and once again set
the example of ideal education before the rest of the world. This
system incorporates special training and continuous refinement
process for the teachers and parents too. The "total education" system
described here may be regarded as a 'prototype' of the
comprehensive scheme for the development of the modern society
and conditioning of people's mind to welcome the 'Age of Truth'
which, as per the clairvoyance of several spiritually elated great
personalities - including the author, is awaiting gradual
manifestation with the dawn of the new millenium….

Gurudev Shriram Sharma finds most people of the modern age as

those living in a 'self-hypnotized' state, being ignorant about their
own selves. In his words - "If a person, howsoever learned and
talented, cannot think in righteous direction and adjust or co-operate
with the fellow beings, cannot make constructive contributions of his
intellect or talents for orderly elevation of the society and cannot
even fight against the adversities of his life on his own……, then, his
education is of what use? The resources and time invested upon his
education too would amount to shear wastage….". These 'so called'
educated people, he continues, "….need sanjeevani vidy³, which
can awaken them from the state of false impressions and
intellectually imposed 'illusions' and subsequently orient their
talents and potentials for the creative purposes of social welfare,
development and intellectual and moral evolution…..".

Spectrum of Knowledge

His vision indeed shows us the silver line of hope when he says - "In
the new era of true knowledge and moral dignity, although the
physical appearance and biological nature of the humans will remain
the same, drastic changes will be noticed in their convictions,
sentiments, attitudes, ideologies, mental tendencies, character and
deeds…." Revival of vidy³ as an integral part of education, in his
views, would serve the purpose of this hitherto unimaginable
transmutation and would make 'the descent of the bright era' - a
feasible reality in the years to come.…. Spirituality will then play a
predominant role in shaping of an individual's personality and in the
developing of a society under this new system of education.

How will the above 'dream' be materialized? Who will disseminate

and implement the "sanjeevani vidy³"? How and why it will be
adopted across the globe? From where will the ideal teachers and the
proper gurukuls arise? What will be the mode of operation of the
gurukuls of the modern age? How will the younger generation
accept this new system of education? Detailed discussions and
authentic guidance is presented on the above issues in this volume
which also cites the views of the great educators and noble gurus
(masters of vidy³) of different times.

It is hoped that all the teachers, students and every one, who is
concerned about improvement in the present system of education,
will get substantial guidance and support from this comprehensive
treatise on perfect education. May the institutions of "shiksh³ and
vidy³" enlighten our minds and initiate the conditioning of our
world for the dawn of the new era of truth, spirituality and divine


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 49 , An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Mah³puruÌon Ke Avismarñºya Jºvan Prasanga I)

very episode of the lives of great personalities showers the
nectar of inspiring guidance, solace and courage to soothe our
minds and heart even in the moments of fury, tension, anguish,
apprehension, depression, tragedy, anxiety, dilemma or
confusion…. The noble company of such persons is described in the
scriptures as of immense help in spiritual, intellectual and moral
refinement and growth of ideal tendencies. Be those the challenges of
unprecedented adversities, contemporary problems of a society,
nation, or of the world as a whole, or those associated with the
'routine' matters of ups and downs in the lives of most people, the
pure intellect and divine sentiments of great persons find amicable
and efficient solutions of every problem. Meeting and discussions
with them offers instant courage and inspirations.

Finding the noble company of the above kinds of people, who

possess absolute integrity and eminence of character and selfless
attitude and purity of heart, appears to be almost impossible in the
present circumstances. Although, a large number of religious
leaders, scholars and dedicated social workers exist in different parts
of the globe, the proportion of those having perfect consonance of
words and deeds is significantly low. Very few of them can create
deeper impulses in the inner minds of their disciples or educe
virtuous tendencies in the people who come in their contact.
Nevertheless, the vivid memories, the biographies, the historical
accounts of the gamut of activities associated with the great lives
continues to serve the purpose of their inspiring company and
guidance even when they are no more with us…..

Biographies of some divinely enlightened saints, altruist social

reformers, immortal leaders and architects of modern history were
reviewed in the volume nos. 43, 44, 45 of this series with thorough
discussions on the philosophies of divine culture resurrected by
them in real life. The major objective there was to awaken the
otherwise dormant virtuous tendencies hidden in every human
being in one form or the other. These volumes also aimed at the same
Spectrum of Knowledge

time at re-orienting the intellectual eminence, valor, endurance,

determination and other talents and potentials of the 'supposed'
architects of the world today towards the righteous path of altruist
service and welfare which would lead to culmination of their own
success and glory along with brightening the chances of happy
future for humanity.

The present volume together with the next in this series compiles
important and interesting episodes and memoirs of the illuminated
lives of all those who have made significant contributions in different
areas of importance in the cultural evolution and civilization of the
world since several thousands years and are of special relevance in
the present times.

The lucid style of presentation and vivid descriptions here would

help each one of us enjoy and enlighten ourselves in the noble
'company' of those who have added to the happiness, hope,
prosperity and peace of our world…..

People of different age-groups and different social, educational, and

psychological backgrounds will all find something preciously useful
in these volumes. Different episodes of the gamut of great lives are
presented here in the style of short stories. These would serve as
excellent teachers of morality for the children too. Reading these will
be no less interesting for the children than the storybooks, which they
eagerly look for! These volumes would also collectively offer rare
information, moral education, entertainment and adept guidance for
solving different problems of human life.

The first two chapters of the present volume describe important

incidents associated with the lives of - Jesus Christ, Gautam Buddha,
Mahaveer Swami, Kumarjeeva, Maharshi Panini, King Ashoka,
Chanakya, Socrates, Confucius, Aristotle, Shankaracharya, Swami
Ramakrishna Paramhansa, etc. Special attention is paid on the
aspects which would encourage the readers to boldly face the
challenges and problems of day-to-day life and inspire them to
overcome all hindrances on the way of achieving higher goals of
human dignity….. Although the biographies of many of the great
personalities are published and might be known to many of us, the
Spectrum of Knowledge

grand collection of the distinct memoirs of such lives at one place is

indeed rare and adds to the significance of these volumes.

The apparently simple narration, without heavy philosophical

discussions and intellectual analysis, presented here is like a 'tiny
arrow' which is light but sharp enough to penetrate our minds and
hearts and vibrate our inner sentiments…. Same is true of the
pathetic descriptions of the struggles, which were smilingly faced by
the spiritually elevated saints and social reformers in their worldly
lives for the noble cause of sharing others' pains and agony and
distributing love, peace and knowledge beyond all barriers. The list
of these monuments of the glory of Indian culture presented here
includes - Saints Raidas, Tukaram, Chaitanya, Namdeva,
Gyaneshwar, Pauhari Baba, Matsyendra Nath, Swami Vivekananda,
Maharshi Arvind, Maharshi Raman, Swami Ramtirtha, Guru
Nanaka Deva and other noble gurus of the Sikh cult, Saints Kabir,
Malookadas, Vasaveshvar, Dadu, Ekanath, Raghavendra Swami,
Swami Virajananda, Acharya Ramdas, etc…...

The next chapter is devoted to the memories of the brilliant

messengers of humanity whose 'self ' had been refined, culminated
and expanded so much that it could encompass the entire world in its
domain of affection…. Swami Sahajanand, Sane Guruji, Vir Haqiqata
Rai, Saint Emerson, Father Damiyen, Pope Pious, Robert Isop, J.
Krishnamurthi, Guru Gorakhanath, Sadhu Waswani, Ravishankar
Maharaj, Swami Tukadoji, Narayana Guru, Jalaram Bapa, Swami
Bhakti Vedanta, Saint Fateha Singh, Mahatma Bhagawan Deen,
Guru Golwalkar, Swami Muktananda, Sir John Woodroffe, etc - are
among those, the inspiring events, teachings and contributions of
whose creative lives are highlighted here.

The fourth chapter describes the shining examples and memoirs

selected from the life-histories of the architects of the progressive
society of India in the modern times. Significant among these are -
Devamitra, Dharampal, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Chittaranjan Das,
Thakkar Bapa, Mahavir Prasad Dwivedi, Lala Hardayal, Raja
Mahendra Pratap, Lokmanya Tilak, Maharshi Karve, Saradar Patel,
Damodar Satawalekar, Dr. Bhima Rao Ambedakar, Dada Bhai
Nauroji, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Raghavdasji, etc.
Spectrum of Knowledge

The last chapter is a tribute to the sincere dedication, unperturbed

endeavors and eminent contributions of the great thinkers, scholars
and scientists like - Romain Rolland, Prince Kropatkin, Voltaire,
Maxim Gorki, Martin Luther King, Binova Bhave, Henry Doona,
Luis Pasteur, Theodore Wilder, Dr. Edward Jenner, Sir Garfield,
Isaac Newton, Openhymer, Max Plank, Ramanujam, Maulana
Mazaharula Haq, Dr. Homi Bhabha, etc, who have laid the
foundation of the prosperous development of the world in the
modern age…..

Sacrifices and miraculous eminence of some ancient rishis - such as

Maharshis Dadhichi, Parashuram, Dhaumya, Nagarjuna, etc are also
cited for relevant comparison and emphasizing the limitless
potentials of human life…

At the present juncture of two milleniums of the flow of time, of the

confluence of two opposite trends of 'materialist advancement' and
'moral decline' in the human society, when the crisis of faith has
reached an alarmingly high level, one naturally feels apprehensive
about the future…. However, even in these moments of despair and
threats to the happy survival of humanity and its original culture….,
the immortal lives and glorious deeds of great personalities do educe
our faith in the divinity existing in the human self and elevate our
inner strength with instant enlightenment.

The present volume offers us this opportunity in an interesting and

inspiring way with multiple reflections of integrity, piety,
generosity, compassion, endurance, dedication, acumen, wisdom,
enthusiasm, foresight, altruism, spirituality, and other virtues and
powers bestowed upon human life, which, if awakened and used the
way the great men and women before us had, can indeed culminate
our lives up to the high realms of divine glory.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 50, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Mah³puruÌon Ke Avismarñºya Jºvan Prasanga - II)

omplete decipheration of the complexities of the human
mind is indeed impossible. The passions for comforts,
pleasures, respect, power and possession seem to dominate
its tendencies in general. With the support of selfish intellect, the
power of mind sometimes even gets engaged in what corresponds to
inhuman, pernicious and heinous activities. Howbeit, a single stroke
of emotional jerk, blow of inspiring thoughts, force of intrinsic
character, spark of wisdom, intuition or afflatus may generate
upright changes in the orientation of its enormous strength and
creativity….., and, may educe it towards realization of spirituality
and divinity.

Noting the crucial role of its normal tendencies of - "learning by

examples" and "following and adopting what it often comes in
contact with", wise men always try to keep it in the noble company of
inspiring interactions, thought-provoking literature, creativity of
talents, ….etc, which helps its illumination and conditioning in the
righteous direction of elevation…. The present volume is an effort to
support such endeavors. This volume aims at psychological
uplifitng of people's mind with the help of selected memoirs of the
lives of great humans who, despite being born as ordinary mortal
beings and facing the adversities of worldly circumstances, could
register their names in the annals of modern history with perennial

It is a common observation that people by and large aspire for selfish

motives. The 'liberal thinking' of human mind gets trapped in the
mesh of ego, attachment and limitless varieties of passions…..
Majority cares for more and more comforts and rights; some care for
the duties too; rare are those, who live with higher objectives of
evolution of consciousness. Most people remain unaware of the
origin and ultimate goal of life…; the voice of their souls lie unheard
within the 'inert' peripheries of their unconscious mind.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Such is the influence of personal interests that even the highly

educated, talented and welloff ones -- including the 'experts' of moral
sciences and religious philosophies -- are often found behaving
contrary to the basic ideals of humanity. Many of them either waste
or misuse their potentials. Their minds remain dormant towards the
welfare of the society and escalation of human values and culture.
Caring for national interests or service of the needy - are beyond
imagination for them; such topics are 'subject matters of laughter' for
them. What more, they even find logical reasons and 'intellectual'
arguments as well as scholarly references in support of their

There is another category, viz., of the 'common people' or the masses,

who presume that they are destined to adjust with the circumstances
and live the life as it is… Their 'weak' mind finds easy excuses in -
'adversities of time', 'non availability of resources or support',
'pressure of circumstances', ….etc. Hopes of righteous development
of personality, viable progress and escalation of thoughts are dim
here too unless inspired by a greater force, which awakens their inner
strength or enlightens their mind with realization of the limitless
potentials and dignity of human life.

While most people are scared of calamities, struggles and hardships

and often lose courage and mental balance in the tragic moments,
what is so special about the great personalities, whose virtues,
courage, determination, prudence and compassion get more and
more refined and stronger after passing through the more and more
difficult phases of life? What is that which leads them to accomplish,
what could never be dreamt by even the more skilled and resourceful

The fact that most of the glorious lives have arisen from different
backgrounds under different circumstances proves that the latter do
not bear much influence on generation or transmutation of great
personalities…. Genetic lineage also does not seem to have any role
to play in such effects because, otherwise, the annals of the history of
human civilization would have been by now flooded by the large
number of 'successive generations' or 'families' of greatness or heroic
Spectrum of Knowledge

endeavors…. Then what it is? Is it the influence of intrinsic

characteristics of the soul inherited from its previous lives? Is there
any thing common in the attitudes, aspirations, thinking or spiritual
levels of the great humans of different ages? The illustrative
narration of selected episodes of the glorious lives presented here
would throw light on some such points with special emphasis on the
presence, transmutation and multifaceted manifestation of virtuous
tendencies in such lives …..

The author has presented a marvellous embroidery of multiple

colors of greatness - associated with the valor, courage, talents,
sagacity, acumen, altruistic sentiments and spirituality - of the
architects of peace and prosperity in the human society at different
times, in a collection of six volumes of the vangmaya series. The
present volume in particular, focuses at the noble lives of the martyrs
and great leaders, for whom, the selfless service of nation, human
society and humane culture - was the sole objective of life. Patriotism
was the highest kind of "worship of thee and devotion to divinity" for
these immortal heroes.

The spirituality of Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma

Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, etc was always linked with
immense patriotism. Although working from different platforms
and with a difference of approach, they all had devoted their
spiritual powers for a common cause of awakening of the lost
prestige of India and its divine cultural values. In fact, the patriotism
of these great souls was the basic source of inspiration, which
transformed the lives of many others in the righteous direction.

The author, Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya, had alsosurrendered every

moment of his life, every impulse of his sagacity and supernormal
powers in the patriotic 'Yagya' (supreme endeavor of sacrifice) and
the 'worship' (altruist service) of the 'deity' of human society. This is
the reason why he could describe the sentiments and thoughts of the
other great personalities so effectively.

The remarkable sacrifices, patriotic endeavors and immortal

contributions of the leaders and national heroes like - King Shivaji,

Spectrum of Knowledge

Maharana Pratap, Bhama Shah, Saradar Patel, Lala Lajapat Rai,

President Kennedy, President Roosevelt, Major Shaitan Singh,
Bankimchandra, Vidyasagar, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Bahadur Shah
'Zafar'….., etc are described here. The common factor of
extraordinary courage, determination and perseverance in these
noted personalities are highlighted here along with those of the
symbols of valor - like, Napoleon and Alexander the Great.

The unique combination of sainthood, spirituality and patriotism

reflected in the inner strength and the revolutionary endeavors of
Mahatma Gandhi is recalled here along with the memories of similar
distinctions in the lives of - Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Abraham
Lincoln, Hemarschold, Marshall Zukob, George Washington,
Winston Churchill, George Popindou, etc.

This volume also presents inspiring episodes of the serene lives of

those who were endowed with exceptional talents, intellectual
creativity, industriousness and adventurous zeal, and who had
directed their gifted faculties towards some constructive endeavors
and duties for the welfare of the fellow beings, society and nation…
The descriptions include but, are not limited to the distinguished
memoirs of - Maharana Raja Singh, Peshava Nana Saheb, Tatya
Tope, Tipu Sultan, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, Hiralal Shastri, Surya
Kant Tripathi 'Nirala', Varindra Ghosh, Balaji Viswanath, etc from
India, and Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, Sheikh Muziburrahman, Henry
Ford, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Izenhover, etc from the other
parts of the globe.

The volume eloquently illustrates how the internal urge of

patriotism coupled with coherence of firm determination, wisdom,
bravery and foresight help transmutation of ordinary mortal beings -
like most of us, into great humans whose lives and works become
shining chapters of the world history. The memoirs described here
should motivate us to introspect our present life and attempt
awakening the altruistic sentiments, piety and power of our inner
selves too.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 51, Brief Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Viïwa Vasundhar³ Jinakº Sadaiva Riñº Rahegº)

iterature has always had a predominant impact on shaping of the
trends of time…. Be those the initiation and expansion of great
revolutions or small attempts of teaching young children or
propagating specific message among the masses, in each case,
thought provoking books - novels, stories, poetry, essays….., etc,
play a crucial role in materialization of the associated objectives.
Thinking, imagination, conceptualization and sentimental
perception are vital elements of both - the life of literature and
liveliness of human mind. Literature therefore has an intimate
relationship with human psychology.

Changing patterns of civilization and culture since the time of yore

have witnessed the gamut of expressions of the voice of soul and the
impulses of mind reflected in the gigantic amount of literature -
assimilated in the form of scriptures, collections of the deliberations
and preaching of great saints, spiritual masters and social reformers
and the written or published prose and verse of diverse nature….
Literature can encompass all possible realizations and expressions of
Nature and life within and beyond the limits of time and space….

Abstract philosophical treatises, highly intellectual discussions and

deliberations do not generally suit to be effective mediums of
teaching or setting communication linkage with the masses. Such
forms of literature are rather 'inert' and beyond comprehension or
interest of most people….. The conversational style and/or the real
or imaginary sketches of life presented in the novels, stories, plays
and poetic narration, on the contrary, easily attract the masses. The
simplicity of language, closeness of the characters (of the story or
play, etc) with the aspirations, imaginations or 'familiarity' of the
readers and the relevance and the proximity of the environment -
describing the 'life' of these characters, with the real life have added
advantage. Depending upon the depth and force of the inherent

Spectrum of Knowledge

motto these can also be significantly effective in specific


The above mentioned vivid forms of literature also support the

natural tendencies of "learning by examples" and are therefore
frequently used as the most common modes of mass-education….
Listening, watching, reading, contemplating or discussing different
representations of these kinds of literary creations also helps
conveying the philosophical principles, ideologies and theories. The
substance of the latter may be brought outside the confinement of
esoteric and abstract domains and transmitted - through the lucid
medium of stories, plays, poetry, songs etc, into the main stream of
people's life.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya had always emphasized the creative

use of the power of pen and strength of voice for effectuating unity,
peace, moral elevation and welfare of the human society. For him, it
was more important that the Vedic ideals like "Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam" - regarding the whole world as one large family - are
materialized in real life rather than merely glorifying the
philosophical literature or being a subject matter of erudite scholarly
works on social sciences etc…. He had devoted his sagacity and
brilliant versatility (in practically all branches of knowledge in
general, and literature in particular) to this noble cause through
sincere endeavors towards resurrection of the divine culture of
ancient India.

As part of his consistent endeavor, he had studied, translated and

eloquently presented in people's language, the knowledge of all the
Vedas, Upnishadas, Puranas, Darshanas and other scriptures of
Indian Philosophy. He had written thousands of books on almost all
aspects of human life and its connection with other living beings, the
universal consciousness and Nature. His saintly heart, trenchant
scientific mind and spiritually culminated inner self have enabled his
literature encompass all dimensions of human life and its external
and internal worlds.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The topics pertaining to - deeper aspects of spirituality, yoga-

s³dhan³, psychology and culture, integration of science and
religion, evaluation of ancient and modern systems of human
society, future of the world etc, as well as the subject matters of - total
health, alternate systems of medicine, refinement of talents and
personality-development, mass-education, moral and self-reliant
education, healthy development of children, and, the routine
guidance for day-to-day life on topics such as - 'what to eat how to
eat?'; 'how to interact with family and society?'; 'how to maintain an
upbeat mood and creativity?,'….etc, all are covered with equal depth
and impact in his books.

Because of his exceptional eloquence, intimacy with human mind,

sincere feeling of the pains, aspirations and attitudes of others and
because of his internal urge to enlighten every mind and heart, his
writings and speeches interest and inspire almost every body who
comes in their contact. The simplicity of his language, illustrative
style coupled with inclusion of real life examples and authentic
references make them more effective. His words seem to carry the
force of his soul and the charge of his afflatus.

It is natural for a great scholar, saint, spiritual master and social

reformer like Acharya Sharma, to also recognize the eminent
contributions of others' pens and voice. He has honored creative
works in different fields of knowledge and culture and
acknowledged related contributions with special admiration. Great
thinkers, endowed with immense courage and integrity and having
revolutionary ideas devoted to the service of humanity…., have been
given sincere tribute by him in the present volume.

This volume presents precious collection of the significant

contributions and noble aspects of the revered characters of -
Mahatma Gandhi, Karl Marx, Rousseau, Harriet Stowe, etc, whose
thoughts, speeches and writings could illuminate the world-history
with perennial glow in its darkest phases. As the rows of kindling
lamps and candles converts the dark night of Am³vasy³ ("no moon")
into Deep³wali - the festival of light, similarly, the impulses of
courage, righteous thinking and self-respect triggered by the
Spectrum of Knowledge

dedicated endeavors of these great personalities had turned the

oppressed, weakened, waned and maligned face of humanity into a
clean, healthy, bright and smiling one….

The immortal contributions of glorious men and women of literature

are remembered in the first chapter. The lives, works and greatness
of the scholars like - Kallat, Kahlil Gibran, Rabindra Nath Tagore,
Vishnu Sharma, Dante, Babu Gulab Rai, Shopenhover, William
Shakespeare, etc, are reverenced here. The next chapter remembers
the great poets of all times, ranging from - Kalidas, Tulasidas,
Mirabai, Amir Khusaro, etc, to - Chandra Bardai, Mohammed Jayasi,
'Nirala', Mathilisharan Gupt, Moh. Iqubal, Earnest Jones, Elliot,
Puschkin, Pabloneruda, etc, whose poesy and songs can, on the one
hand, kindle the glow of compassion and divine love and, lit the fire
of protest to burn the roots of malice, exploitation and immorality on
the other.

The noted writers, journalists, painters, musicians and other artists,

whose works had direct contact with larger sections of the society
and whose talents had the power to divert the flow of thoughts and
convictions - capable of bringing historical changes in the socio-
political systems of their times, deserve special mention. Among the
talents of this dignity, the names of John Steanback, Pearl Buck, H.G.
Wells, Lenin, Arnold Tynabi, etc, are referred as highly as, those of
Karl Marx or Harriet Stowe. The readers will get an opportunity to
feel the great moments of the lives of their ideal writers (of this class)
in the third chapter.

This chapter naturally incorporates the sketches of important literary

contributions - reflecting people's voice, of eloquent writers and
journalists like - Chandradhar Sharma Guleri, Ramanand
Chattopadhyaya, Shantinarayan Bhatnagar, Ben Harris, Amratlal
Chakravarti, etc. Lives and characters of Uri Gogrin, Earnest
Hemmingsway, Alfred Noble, Max Muller, Samuel Johnson, Von
Gog, Guestav, Eiffel, Rahul Sanskrutayan, Riche Kalder, etc are also
recalled here to illustrate different spectrums of the talents and
creative engrossment of human mind.

Spectrum of Knowledge

The amazing contributions of distinguished talents in other

disciplines of life including arts, science and culture have indeed
made the world grateful forever…. In the successive chapters, this
volume reminds us of the enormous potentials of human mind by
highlighting the immortal achievements and important episodes of
the biographies of such extraordinary talents. The list includes -
Mathematicians like, Euclid, Voltaire, Pythagoras, etc; Scientists like,
Newton, Einstein, Darwin, J.C. Bose, Birbal Sahani, Hargovind
Khurana, etc; Philosophers and intellectually reputed social
reformers ranging from George Bernard Shaw, Dr. Radhakrishna,
etc to Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar,
Purushottamdas Tandon, etc; Artists, singers and musicians of the
kind - Dada Sahab Phalake, K.C. De, Angelo, Bithoviyan, Fra-
Angiko, Stravinski, Shaishanna, Ustad Allaudin, etc.

Most importantly, all the descriptions here are presented in the

narrative and conversational style of stories. That makes the volume
more suitable for most people. It not only offers a rare collection of
precious information, rather, also contains the power to educe the
greatness existing in each one of us and refine and activate our own
talents too….


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 52, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Dharma Tatva K³ Darïan Aur Marma)

he word "religion" is as vast and deep as the expansion of human
life. It cannot be defined within the known dimensions of mind.
It cannot be encompassed within the narrow peripheries of the
faith and disciplines of any community or school of thought. The
'religious' thoughts and 'faith' associated with a community are often
reflected in specific modes of worshiping, conventional rites and
rituals or the specific ways of living….. in a broader sense.
Traditions, communal faith, convictions and associated practices
may change with the changing circumstances of life in different time
periods and in different regions of the world. But, religion by its very
origin is eternal and limitless.

The perennial philosophy of religion is based on the knowledge and

realization of truth, morality and spirituality. Pt. Shriram Sharma
Acharya had realized the eternal linkage of religion with the inner
self and described the principles and practices of religious
philosophy as a systematic science of refinement of sentiments and
inherent tendencies of mind. Religious philosophy in his view is the
expression of an elevated and broadened attitude and trenchant
intellect, which is illuminated by the purity of the divine sentiments
of - serene love, compassion, unity, generosity, altruist service,

The misinterpretations generated during the dark period of

medieval era had consequently provoked the extreme views, like,
the Marxist logic of - "religion is a dead man's dream", "religion is a
hypocrite's expression of blind faith", "theism is an illusive state of an
intoxicated or emotionally excited mind", or "religion is a tool of
emotional exploitation", etc - which were propagated by some
rational thinkers in the later centuries. However, these extremities of
"blind faith" and "no faith" have had their days….! By now, the
scientifically liberal minds and kind hearts have realized the
eccentricities and limitations of these notions. Those, who
Spectrum of Knowledge

understand the importance of sentiments and impact of psychology

on every act of life, would certainly see the completeness and
righteous direction in Acharya Sharma's view point.

Acharya Sharma had analyzed the deeper aspects of spirituality,

psychology and religion in scientific light. His writings were aimed
at promoting righteous thinking on these subtle but essential
components of human life. The logical arguments, authentic
illustrations and experiences, the depth of reasoning and intimacy of
inner sentiments reflected in his views have enshowered the nectar
of religion on every rational thinker, researcher and sincere seeker of
religion who came in contact with his vivid literature or got an
opportunity to experience his spiritually refined company.

His realistic views presented in this volume will apprise us with the
true meaning of religion. These will also convince and motivate us to
realize that religion is indeed the eternal source of guiding righteous
progress in every walk of life. The volume also presents his ideas on
refinement of the religious system today and creatively use it for the
all round development of the human society in an eco-friendly
manner. Acharya Sharma has described mass-education from
religious platform as the best mode for improving the status of
majority in a society like the Indian. He has also given practical
guidance in this regard. The reality of his vision can be seen in the
enlightened activities of the Gayatri Pariwar inspired by him.

Scriptures proclaim - "Dh³rañ³t Dharma Ity³hu, Dharmo

Dh³ryati Praj³h", Meaning - "People in the society which adopts
religion through faith and action in every dimension of life always
remain protected (from the 'attack' of evil tendencies, adversities and
anomalies….)". How is that possible? How could that be
accomplished in day-to-day life in present circumstances?
Substantial details on these issues are given here.

This volume also highlights how the misdeeds of a few and the
ignorance and evasive attitude of many in the Indian society of the
medieval era - which is also known as the darkest phase of human
history, gave rise to maligning and misinterpretation of the original

Spectrum of Knowledge

philosophy of religion. The prejudiced traditions, illusions,

superstitions, illogical customs and blind faith seen associated with
the religious system in India and in other parts of the world are
largely the offshoots of the pernicious effects of the moral decline and
the cultural and religious deterioration nurtured and accelerated in
the medieval era. How could a society of humans justify the heinous
acts of 'killing' other livings beings - including humans in the name of
"balivaishwa" (religious sacrifice)? Such inhumane acts can by no
means be accepted as religious …..

This is indeed unfortunate to note that the abominable practices of

above kinds were initiated and propagated by some scholarly but
perverted and cruel minds for selfish motives via deliberate
misinterpretations of the Vedik scriptures and of the original treatise
on Indian philosophy of religion….. In spite of dedicated attempts of
great social reformers and saints, the negative effects of the dark era
of religious anarchy persist in one form or the other…. The associated
customs and rites driven by blind faith on the one hand, and the
challenges posed by the cultural pollution and materialistic attitude
of the modern society on the other, cannot be eliminated nay
diminished without revolutionary revival in scientific light of the
original basis and values of religious philosophy.

With the objective of elucidating the true philosophy and relevance

of religion in human life, the author focuses here at refinement of the
currently popular notions and practices of religion. He emphasizes
the need of scientific religion which encourages liberal thinking,
morality and awakening of divine sentiments indwelling in every
human being. Wise men and women who care for the piety of
character and creative orientation of the power of sentiments would
certainly be inspired by his ideas and thought-provoking
discussions. This volume should encourage them to come forward
and propagate the adoption of righteous religion in the modern

The ten fundamental elements and associated five basic principles of

religion described in the ancient Indian scriptures have been
interpreted and analyzed in different forms by different schools of

Spectrum of Knowledge

thoughts over long span of history. These have been propagated as

large number of different systems of religious disciplines and
practices. Acharya Sharma has cited authentic references from these
scriptures and assimilated the essence of different philosophies of
religion in his explanations. He identifies the ten signs of the
existence of religion in one's life as - the active presence of truth,
prudence, self-restrain, sense of responsibility, discipline,
determination for moral elevation, serene love, compassion, courage
and co-operating and altruist attitude.

In his views, the adoption of the above ten virtues is the true "dharma
dh³rana" (adoption of religion) in human life. This interpretation is
in absolute consonance with the definition "Yatoabhyudaya
Nihïreyasa Siddhi Sa Dharma¡" of the eternal religion (of
humanity) advocated in the Indian cultural philosophy.

Religious principles in essence, encompass all the basic disciplines

and essential virtues which set the basis for overall development in
the materialistic, psychological, as well as spiritual domains of life.
Religion provides the basis for evolution of humanity up to high
realms of divinity….. The secret of success of religion lies in the
growth of morality, integrity of character and piety of sentiments.
This cannot be realized without educing serene faith in divinity,
which, in Acharya Sharma's words may be defined as the ultimate
state of culmination of virtuous tendencies, prudent talents and
refined potentials….

Awakening and enlightenment of people's faith can be achieved

even in present times of "crisis of human values" if religion is brought
back in their lives with scientific reasoning and progressive ideology.
This is indeed the need of the day….

Today, when religious, political and social systems have lost their
original glory and have virtually exploited each other along with the
deterioration of the edifice of morality, one wonders whether the
refinement and strengthening of one would ruin the other….? The
deeper understanding of religion affirms the contrary. Refinement of

Spectrum of Knowledge

religious system and resurrection of its original glory would support

simultaneous improvement in the other two if it is given due place to
guide the prudent and honest development of the latter.

In practical terms, religion can control the selfish autocracies of the

political system and give liberal shape to the structure of society on
stout grounds of human values. What cannot be achieved by the
governmental machinery of law and security, in checking out crimes,
can be easily accomplished by inculcating the faith in religions
principles in people's minds and hearts. Because, the latter would
keep one's conscience awaken and naturally prevent his or her
indulgence in the sins of criminal activities…..

The nectar of religious sentiments can revive the life of humanity

with the vital force of spirituality. This volume convincingly
describes that - adoption of religion through heart would naturally
transform the tendencies of possession into that of sharing, greed
into generosity, passion into compassion, ego and hate into altruist
service and love…. Where would then be a place for injustice,
exploitation, crime or moral devaluation? Unity, piety, integrity, and
enlightened humanity will then be the visible manifestations of the
life-deity. The feasibility of this 'virtual utopia' are discussed here
with practical guidance for each one of us to follow right away.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 53, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(ManuÌya Me Devatva K³ Udaya)

ll living beings are children of God. The status of humans
among them is like that of the "crown prince" of thee. Thou has
endowed - in visible and subtle forms - the seeds of HIS
potentials in the inner cores of human self. The amazing functions
and immense power of human body and mind are only minimal
manifestations of the divine faculties blessed upon the human
beings. Spiritual transmutation of the vital force, mental trenchancy
and the inner strength of pure sentiments indeed awakens majestic
powers in one's own self by which he or she can enable desired
culmination of physical, intellectual and mental qualities and
enforce revolutionary changes in the society as well.

Evolution of human self materializes at the level of consciousness. It

does not really depend on the environment or the external means,
rather, emanates from one's own psychology - attitude, thoughts,
sentiments and the intrinsic tendencies. Creative use of the
willpower and the strength of inner self indeed makes one the
architect of his own destiny. This, together with elevated spirituality
also enables gradual evolution of human self up to divine heights…..
Successive transmutation of people from ordinary mental beings to -
refined individuals of exceptional talents, great personalities, saints,
angels and…. divine incarnations ….. is realized along this path of
evolution of consciousness.

The origin and expansion of the philosophy and science of

spirituality and religion revolve around the basic objectives of
refinement of the deep core of mind and sentiments and
enlightenment and righteous orientation of faith, convictions,
intrinsic tendencies and powers of the inner self. The states of
ignorance, illusion, prejudice and immorality reflect dormant or
bleak state of the soul. Persistence of these conditions without any
attempt of improvement invites further assimilation of evil
tendencies and tightens the bonds of "m³y³" - in the forms of selfish

Spectrum of Knowledge

attachments, ego, lust, and varieties of passions. This is against the

original nature of the soul.

As expressed in the universal prayer of "Tamaso M³ Jyotirgamaya",

the awakened soul aspires for the eternal light of absolute truth and
ultimate knowledge. Its perennial desire to evolve up to the greatest
realms of divinity is the motivating force for its endless journey from
one life to another….. The impulse of the inner self, expressing the
voice of the soul, and the influence of the inherent and acquired
untoward tendencies and passions of mind therefore give rise to
mutually conflicting tides of thoughts and emotions and lead to the
subtle struggle of the divine and the devil powers in our internal

The accumulated demands of opposite nature of one's mind and the

inner self set the 'battle field' of the continuous 'war' between the
vices of one's character and the purity of one's soul; between the evil
tendencies of mind and divine aspirations of the inner self…. This
great war is indeed the 'Mahabharata' in which Lord Krishna
motivates and guides the 'Arjuna' existing in our souls. The
preaching of Gita provides eternal enlightenment and moral
strength to fight this 'spiritual war' between the s³twika (pious,
righteous, divine…) and the t³masika (evil, pernicious,
inhumane….) forces present in our own selves. The devout
endeavors aimed at the victory of s³twika virtues over the t³masika
tendencies - are defined as "s³dhan³" in the language of yoga and

Our ignorance, extrovert attitude and passions - driven by the agility

of our mind and its animal instincts often help empowering the evil
side. These if left uncontrolled, eventually diminish the strength of
inner sentiments and shield the subtle glow of the soul…. Those, who
awaken, rise and attain success in the s³dhan³s of spiritual
refinement, gradually move forward on the path of perfection and
ultimate development. This is why a "s³dhan³" is honored as the key
to divine culmination….

Spectrum of Knowledge

Acharya Sharma had devoted his supernormal spiritual attainments

for the orgulous purpose of awakening of divinity lying in human
beings. His "Yug Nirm³ñ" mission of resurrection of divine culture
and creation of heavenly conditions on the earth aims to achieve this
rather 'unimaginable' goal by - inculcating righteous attitude and
virtuous tendencies in the masses and making people realize and
'worship' the God living in themselves. Mass-education, practical
training and propagation of the methods of refinement and spiritual
elevation of personality are among the multiple activities which are
being pursued by his mission in a constructive way.

Acharya Sharma's own life was an eminent example of how an

ordinary man could be transmuted - while living in the same body,
under the same external circumstances of life, into a divine like great
personality. He had emphasized the need for people to know
themselves, realize their own potentials and the distinctions of
human life. He taught, how the s³dhan³ of self-analysis, self-
restrain, self-refinement, selfless service and spiritual enlightenment
of every dimension (especially those associated with the sentiments
and thoughts) of personality could lead to amazing transformations
and ideal progress. Sincere endeavors of this kind, focused at the
emergence and adoption of virtuous tendencies and coupled with
the escalation of vital force and inner strength, eventually transmute
a biologically normal human into what is conceptualized in science-
fiction as "superman" or in the spiritual literature as "divine

The concepts of amrita, p³ras and kalpavriksha cited in the

scriptures are often interpreted respectively as - nectar, the source of
immortality; a supernatural stone, which converts everything into
the precious metal (gold) by mere touch; and, a heavenly tree, whose
shadow fulfils all desires…. In this volume, Acharya Sharma has
elucidated the righteous meanings of these terms and logically
explained how these 'magical entities' are indeed bestowed upon
human life. This volume presents his thorough deliberations and
lucid illustrations on such topics. It also offers his trenchant guidance
on how to enrich our existence with these hidden endowments and
make their creative use in day to day life as well.
Spectrum of Knowledge

The ancient Indian culture is often glorified as the "divine culture".

Once upon a time, this land was regarded superior to what could be
imagined about the heavens. This was because every man and
woman residing here was endowed with divine virtues. The serenity
of their altruist lives, piety of their characters, trenchancy and purity
of their minds and spirituality of their thoughts and sentiments - was
a perfect reflection of the divineness educed in them. The reference of
"33 crores devat³s" in the Indian religious scriptures logically
appears to correspond to these 330 million 'living Gods' who
populated the Indian society of yore.

The Indian Philosophy developed in that age is indeed a perfect

science of cultivation and activation of divinity existing in each one
of us. Refinement and enlightenment of the inner self with the eternal
glow of godliness is regarded as the greatest endeavor of the spiritual
s³dhan³s described here. Transmutation of the individual self into
divine self defines the evolution of human consciousness.

The philosophers and the scientists of different ages in the other parts
of the world have advocated different lines of thoughts and the
methods of modifying and enhancing the potentials of man. Each
one has his own reasoning and arguments to support his ideas. The
theory of Nitsche, which gives importance to the external
circumstances, the Anarchist's propagation in favor of individual
autocracy, the Communists' views of forced brain-washing, and the
scientific research on transforming the brain functions and hence the
personality, by means of medicines, electrical and hormonal
treatments or via the genetic engineering approaches, advancing to
achieve the high-tech goal of cloning 'superman', etc -- each aims, in
its own way, at increasing the 'quality' of life and augmenting the
bodily and mental powers of human species…..

The Indian Culture and Philosophy suggests altogether different

approach and natural methods for viable progress and absolute
evolution in the physical (pertaining to the body and environment),
intellectual, emotional as well as the spiritual domains of life….
Acharya Sharma has presented this philosophy in scientific light

Spectrum of Knowledge

with sagacious analysis in this volume. He eloquently explains how

the disciplines and s³dhan³ procedures propagated here could be
used even today and the resurrection of divine era could be made a

The scriptural descriptions of "Hanuman jumping over the sea" or

"Arjuna's intrepid victory in Mahabharata" - remind us of the
miraculous impact of prudent self-confidence, will-power and
unperturbed courage. These messages of Ramayana and Gita inspire
us to realize our hidden potentials and stand up with dignity to fight
and ruin the evil instincts and untoward tendencies…. These also
teach all of us, the importance of sincere endeavors towards the
awakening of our collective consciousness and divine sentiments.
The present volume would serve as an eye-opener for most of us and
would also be like an adept guide in helping us find suitable ways of
achieving this in the prevailing circumstances of life today.

The in-depth knowledge and realization of spirituality seem to

become alive in the pen of Acharya Sharma when he describes the
origin, purpose and ultimate goal of human life. He shows us the
brightest side of human psychology and motivates divine
illumination of our existence.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 54, Brief Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Draïya Jagata Kº Adraïya Paheliy³n)

he genesis and expansion of the universe is limitless like the
manifestation of its eternal creator. The world we live in is a
marvellous expression of Nature in its visible as well as subtle
forms. Our world has two components - one which is materialistic or
perceivable and the other which is invisible, beyond the normal
limits of perception through our sense organs. The electromagnetic
waves, radio waves and other energy waves, though being integral
part of our life in terms of the splendid applications of sound, heat,
light and electricity etc, cannot be perceived directly…. The activities
of our physical body at the molecular, cellular and organ levels too
are governed by the invisible, intangible, sublime, vital force of
chetana (eternal cosmic consciousness) existing in our 'living' self.

The three dimensional expansion of the space is endowed with

matter, energy and absolute emptiness. Broadly speaking, its
constituents are classified as thala - solid material forms existing on
the earth and other planets; jala - water, liquids and all fluids; and
nabha or ³k³sha - the limitless ensemble of energy waves and the
etheric space of the physical and mental world. What happens deep
beneath the earth's surface or within the depths of an ocean - cannot
be measured or sensed accurately and completely despite the
availability of ultra-sensitive instruments and sophisticated
technology. More difficult it becomes in the case of ³k³sha. The
realization of the vital energy, thought waves and other subtle
reflections of chetana pervaded in this "unlimited hole" is
impossible to be achieved only by means of material based science
and technology. Human intellect and inner self too cannot even get
a 'glimpse' of this sublime world in general….

The existence and importance of the subtle world and the mysteries
of Nature is emphasized in this volume. In view of the author, Pt.
Shriram Sharma Acharya, if the jada (perceivable, materialist)
Spectrum of Knowledge

component of Nature is like a living body then the chetana or subtle

component is like the source of life in this body. Both are essential for
the existence of the world. However, the chetana, being the cause,
the source of universal force and creation and expansion of the jada,
is of perennial significance. The chetana world plays a predominant
role in human life as it inspires the gamut of expressions of mind
including the inner cores of thoughts and sentiments.

Little do we realize the impact of the subtle environment of chetana

upon our psychology. The power of chetana governs our mental
activities and hence orients our deeds and the conditioning of the
circumstances of our life as well. The tendencies of our mind, our
thoughts and emotional impulses also affect the sublime cosmos of
chetana around us…. The latter kind of impact becomes significant if
mutually compatible or synergistic effects are generated by the
collective consciousness of larger number of people…. The vicious
cycle created by maligning of the subtle world because of the
collective malice of people's thoughts and pernicious passions has
given rise to an alarming crisis of faith today. This has resulted in
unprecedented decline in moral values and has virtually driven
humanity near the edge of tragic extinction…..

Man's faith in the truth of visible world has been substantially

strengthened with the support of advanced science and technology
today. But, the loss of ancient literature on spirituality and the lack of
practical guidance on adopting the spiritual disciplines have
minimized the faith of majority in the existence and influence of the
subtle world of chetana. Studies in Human Psychology too have got
narrowed down because of being treated as part of the behavioral
science alone. Sentiments of people seem to have got confined only
to selfish attachments and self-esteem…. The single tracked
evolution of intellect has almost annulled the existence of the subtle
world, which is beyond the reach of scientific laboratories…. This,
rather prejudiced attitude has led to incomplete development and
untoward consequences in terms of - loss of mutual faith,
benevolence, love, healthy co-operation and openness in people's

Spectrum of Knowledge

relationships with each other.

Progress, without due consideration of the softer and subtle domains

of our thoughts and sentiments, has proved to be counter productive
for the modern civilization in more than one respect. The immoral
thoughts, mental eroticism, self centered attitude and near total
absence of spirituality in most people has shaken the order of the
subtle world these days. The subsequent pollution of the chetana
environment is more dangerous than the pollution of the physical
world. Because, the latter may penetrate even the deeper cores of
one's inner self and hence toxically adulterate the internal as well as
external domains of his life. The multitudes of sorrows, tensions,
risks, mistrust, deception, uncertainties and complications seen in
people's life these days, despite desired progress and brilliant
success on the materialistic front…, affirm this fact - leaving no room
for doubt or blind faith about the importance of the subtle world.

Balanced, eco-friendly progress of the materialistic or 'visible' world

would have created heavenly environment of life on the earth if
equal attention was paid to its subtle counterpart. How could that be
achieved in the present circumstances with the help of the science of
spirituality and faith - is eloquently explained in this volume. The
author's reasoned arguments and thorough discussions are as
rational and authentic as those would be in any scientifically justified
discipline of knowledge. He cites several examples of Nature's
mysteries and wonders, present in the visible world, which make us
feel the eternal presence of an omniscient power in every expression
of existence. He motivates us to understand the perfect order of the
absolute creator which is omnipresent and eternal.

The author describes how every single creation, every form of

existence in the visible and in the subtle world is there for some
purpose…. Tiniest of the creatures, plants or any other form of life, is
endowed with suitable potentials, efficiency and specific features,
which reflect the grace of thee…. Every activity of matter, every
material entity - from subatomic and subtler particles to the huge
planets, gigantic oceans and galaxies, etc - existing in the cosmic
expansion is co-operating with the other, under the universal laws of

Spectrum of Knowledge

Nature. Other living beings also follow the disciplines of thee

expressed in the laws of Nature. Why shouldn't then a human being,
the exceptionally blessed child of God, obey these disciplines in a
natural way? Every man and woman should realize his or her extra
responsibilities as the "crown prince" of thee. We, as Acharya
Sharma reminds, should know that God has created us so that we
could contribute towards the betterment of the world and happy and
healthy survival of all living beings.

While mentioning the omnipresent thy-reflections in "añorañºy³n" -

subtlest of the subtle…. and "mahato mahºy³n" - gigantic expansion
of the limitless…., Acahrya Sharma emphasizes the need of unity,
equality and universal love. He explains that every living being,
every activity of Nature is connected to the others by a common
linkage. Though subliminally, each one depends upon the other. In
this context, he also describes the possibilities of understanding the
'voice' and expressions of the animals and birds.

Because of greater evolution of their consciousness, humans have

stronger linkage with the chetana world. They may awaken their
collective consciousness and enlighten the visible world by the
radianceof divinity in their inner selves. This volume would elude
our blind faith and prejudices and at the same time, educe the
acumen, prudence, intrinsic faith and courage which is necessary to
endeavor achieving the above objective by spiritual refinement of of
our lives.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 55, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Iïwara Viïw³s Aur Usaki Falïrutiy³n)

aith is a natural quality and essential requirement of human life.
Philosophy states - "we think because we believe…., we live
because we have faith in life….". But, what is faith in life? Is it the
faith in the eternal existence of life-force or in the origin, growth and
continuity of life? The very definition of faith implies its intrinsic
roots and internal expansion in the deep cores of consciousness and
hence supports the above assumptions in affirmation. Intrinsic faith
in the piety of the soul and its eternal omnipresent source - is a
sublime impulse of spirituality, …., a reflection of inner inspirations
and the basis of inner strength….

Faith in God means faith in divine values - expressed in truth, love,

amity, unity, honesty, purity, austerity, objective creativity,
enthusiastic assiduity, zeal, etc, which maintain the certainty and
dignity of human life….. Lack of faith in thee would mean negligence
of compassion, altruism, integrity and discipline in every sphere of
life…. Total absence of faith would give absolute freedom to selfish
desires, unconsumable passions for sensual pleasures and
materialistic possession and comforts. It would also reduce control
on audacious autocracy driven by ego, lust and avarice in people's
life in general. This impact would sooner or latter result in moral and
social anarchy which might eventually destroy the edifice of
humanity…. What would be the shape of our life and that of our
society then? Will there be any place for peace and happiness?

Great thinkers and propagators of human culture have always

emphasized the need for inculcation of faith in high ideals of
humanity and moral values emanated from conceptualization and
realization of divinity. This has indeed been the basis of religion and
theism….. Acharya Sharma's trenchant literature, eloquent
deliberations and thorough analysis of different aspects of human
life encompasses the decipheration, scientific elucidation and
creative implementation of the reality and psychological impact of
Spectrum of Knowledge

"theism". This volume, in particular, presents the nectar of his

gigantic knowledge, spiritual sagacity and deeply inspiring views on
this topic - derived from his absolute realization of psychology and
inner sentiments. It also presents authentic illustrations of the
implications and positive impact of "theism" in the physical
(worldly), mental and spiritual domains of human life.

In his views, "theism or faith in divinity" is best manifested in self -

confidence, strong willpower and immense strength of the inner
self…. A "theist" should therefore have unflinching faith in his own
reality in the truest sense of the word. The blows of adversities or
cyclones of hardships cannot perturb him from his ideal path. He
would never be lost in the 'eddy currents' of untoward passions. In
the same sense, one who knows his own truth and has firm and non-
prejudiced confidence in himself is a theist in reality. This definition
and interpretation of theism is in perfect consonance with the Vedant
Philosophy of "Ayam³tm³ Brahma" or "Tatwamasi"….. It explains
the meaning of "theism" in the light of prudence and guides the
righteous way of worshiping the deity of life….

The selfish attitude of people today, has narrowed down the

definition of divinity and practices of theism as those pertaining to
some rituals of worships or religious rites as per the customs of their
own community… For most people, the expression of believing thou
power revolves around worshiping a deity or praying at sacred
shrines….. However, as Acharya Sharma's prudent analysis shows,
this kind of faith is nothing more than an illusion or a deception….
Rather than inspiring total surrender (of ego and selfish attitude)
which is an essential condition for true worship, such
misconceptions and blind faith virtually make one a helpless
creature who begs before his imaginary God for petty things as part
of his 'prayers'. The so called 'atheists', who have faith in the
potentials of human mind and who respect the moral dignity of
humanity, are better worshipers or believers of divine order as
compared to the 'theist' of above kind….

The illusions and misconceptions spread in the name of religion and

theism since the medieval era have nurtured orthodox faith and

Spectrum of Knowledge

superstitions in majority of the 'theists' and as a consequence, created

some sort of dejection in the minds of the rational thinkers and
intellectuals for whom 'faith in God' is nothing more than a sign of
ignorance, illusion or emotional excitement. Such a mélange of
extremes of misconceptions has given rise to a crisis of faith. This is
more threatening than any other crisis ever faced by the human

Having blind faith or no faith - both extremes are pernicious for the
human psychology. Morality, prudence, liberty, justice, eco-friendly
mode of life, compassion, mutual trust and co-operation too are
shaken under the subtle but deep effects of these extreme states of
mind. How could the trend be reversed? How could we inculcate
prudent faith in the present and future generations of human
society? Trenchant thoughts of Acharya Sharma provide us
invaluable guidance in this regard along with enlightening our
minds and hearts by the knowledge of the realities and necessities of
having faith in our divine origin and thy disciplines.

Acharya Sharma describes the eternal realization of thee in absolute

consonance with the deeper depths of human mind and core of
sentiments. There is no place for blind faith, ambiguity, confusion or
dejection in his deliberations. In his words - "if it is a must, we may
define God as an absolute ensemble of righteous tendencies, ideal
virtues; as the eternal source of intrinsic enlightenment and ultimate
evolution of consciousness….". Therefore, thy worship or faith in
HIS omnipresent existence is meaningful only if it inspires adoption
of divine virtues and consistently augments the prudence of intellect,
generosity and bliss of the heart and purity and strength of the inner
self of the devotees (theists)….

The views of renowned scientists, thinkers and great personalities of

the modern era are also cited in this volume to support the scientific
reasoning, logical basis and relevance of faith in divinity…. The list
of references in this context includes - Albert Einstein, Heisenberg,
Carl Jung, etc. The author himself represents a remarkable blending
of a sage and a scientist, whose life was a perfect example of what he
defined as absolute faith in God. His eloquent explanation of theism
Spectrum of Knowledge

in scientific light, his character and deeds, have the potential to educe
our faith in divinity and rise our virtuous tendencies accordingly.

The volume does not attempt proving or disproving anything by

arguments, rather, it makes us rethink, introspect, analyze and
realize the ultimate truth ourselves. Most importantly, it offers
unique solution to the unlimited complications of life created by man
today because of his negligence of the sublime world of his
sentiments, intrinsic aspirations and soft mental tendencies…. It
helps us understand how our faith in - the continuity of life,
possibilities of rebirth and the realities of natural punishment in
return of sins and immoral actions and boons in return of altruist
service and other noble deeds…, supports our moral elevation and
adds to the maintenance of the ideal order of Nature. Hence it also
motivates our creative contribution to the progressive and happy
survival of the world.

Faith in God, as Acharya Sharma explains, increases our faith in thy

creation…. To a true theist therefore, the whole world, the entire
expansion of Nature appears as a reflection of Thy Will He therefore
has natural love for all living beings…. Whole world appears to him
as his own and he enjoys the beatitudeous state of "raso vaisa¡".
There is no place for fear, tension, evil tendencies, bitterness of
relations, agonies or scarcities in the life of a true theist.

The nectar of absolute bliss, for which, the soul strives in every life
against ego, avarice and selfish attachments, is naturally enshowered
by the feeling of thy presence in every moment of life….

In essence, faith in God and realization of thy presence, divine

blessings and guidance appear to offer a source of immense bliss,
peace and righteous progress of human life. Foresighted wisdom
should therefore endeavor inculcate and expand true faith in the
eternal disciplines and love of the Almighty.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 56, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Manasvit³, Prakharat³ Aur Tejasvit³)

he amazing potentials of spirituality manifested in the visible
world often appear to be supernormal or mysterious. The
associated phenomena appear as unreal or impossible to most of
us because of non-compatibility of the "cause-effect relationship" vis-
à-vis the known laws of Nature. However, those, who have realised
the deeper depths of human mind see these as the natural effects of
refinement and focused use of the immense powers of firm
determination and intrinsic orientation of the activated vital force of
the subconscious, uncounscious and superconscious layers of mind.

The potentials of human mind - reflected in intellect, sentiments and

inner aspirations, unless channelized creatively towards clearly
focused objectives, remain engaged in imaginary thoughts and
dreams which might serve well the purpose of entertainment, self-
satisfaction or mere time-pass, but are good for nothing else.

Because of the agile tendency of mind and its general nature of

searching joy in comforts, it likes to rove in the colored dreamland of
illusive plans triggered by its ever-new ambitions and
imaginations…. Lots of people around us may be seen engrossed in
the hype of optimism without proper planning or creative
orientation of their ideas and sincere endeavors. Their 'dreams' of
success seldom materialize and hardly offer any thing other than
irritation of failures and feeling of despair….. The major causes of
their failures is lack of - talents, vision and firm determination.

Positive thinking coupled with strong will power naturally

cultivates the creative zeal and helps one endeavor what may lead to
marvellous success in the chosen domain of life…. At the root of
astonishing potentials of human body and mind lies the awakened
force of determination and unperturbed zeal of the inner self.
Acharya Sharma had always encouraged and inspired inculcation
and active elevation of this zeal - Manasvit³. The brilliance of
Spectrum of Knowledge

intellect, excellence of creative talents and sagacity of mind are, in his

views, manifestation of this inner power.

In his words - "firm resolution, before sincere endeavor for aimed

goal…., is like sowing the seeds in a field. Like a farmer works hard,
takes care of the saplings and organizes necessary means for safe
growth of the crops, a determined person too should make best use of
his or her potentials and willpower to steadily proceed towards the
deserving goal…." . He defines samkalpa - sincere pledge with firm
determination, as an expression of Manasvit³ - the vital force of
inner mind.

When one sincerely vows or resolves to endeavor for achieving a

target after thorough evaluation of his own potentials vis-à-vis clear
vision of the likely difficulties along the chosen path…., and sows the
seed of samkalpa in his alert mind, he almost ensures the success
well in advance. Glorious accomplishment of a samkalpa
materializes only if the latter is creatively adopted and followed as
sincerely as an ascetic discipline (vrata). No hindrance, adversity,
passion or avarice could disturb the one who is bond by a true
samkalpa. Eminent success is certainly attainable by such
courageous personalities who are endowed with Manasvit³.

This volume elucidates the meaning, realization, source of expansion

and escalation, and creative use of Manasvit³. It also unfolds the
secrets of supernormal expression of talents and the achievements of
the architects of world history. It illustrates how the intrepid kings,
trenchant scholars, scientists, great social reformers and yogis like -
Alexander the Great, Maharana Pratap, Garrison, Darwin,
Chanakya, Winston Churchill, Paramhans Yogananda, etc, had
attained glorious success because of their Manasvit³ and dedication
to the samkalpa. Added to this, the adept guidance of Acharya
Sharma on the adoption of positive thinking as a virtuous habit and
arousal of willpower make this volume, a masterpiece of
deliberations on "Total Psychology and adept Development of
Personality ".

Acharya Sharma also discusses about collective elevation of 293

Spectrum of Knowledge

Manasvit³ of morally refined talents, which would set the

foundation of the bright era in the offing. The Manasvit³ of
spiritually enlightened saints, foresighted and altruist social
reformers, eminent intellectuals and talented personalities, if
oriented for a common cause, can change the flow of time and
architect the future of mankind. The larger the number of such
people in the society, the faster would be the dawn of the luminous
era of progress, peace and prosperity. The author describes this as an
urgent need of this time.

Realising the importance of people's psychology in motivation of

their zeal and hence in healthy progress of their lives, Acharya
Sharma advocates refinement and creative orientation of people's
thinking. He explains the science of thoughts, sentiments and
intrinsic tendencies, up to the deepest depths of spirituality, which
enlightens and empowers one's zeal and willpower. The mutual
dependence of inner sentiments, aspirations, mental tendencies,
attitude, positive thinking, vital energy and Manasvit³, is
thoroughly analyzed by him along with eloquent guidance
concerning the different aspects of joys, hopes and emotional
immensity of human life. He cites ample examples of relevance in
our day-to-day life and helps us improve our own attitude and
activate the 'currents' of Manasvit³ hidden in our inner self.

The thoughts and aspirations, which have greater impact on the

delicate regions of our sentimental core, create deeper impression on
our unconscious mind. Repeated assimilation of these inculcates
corresponding tendencies, which gradually become integral part of
our nature…. We should therefore avoid negative thinking,
untoward desires and attempt cultivating reasoned optimism,
focused contemplation and noble aspiration of refinement and
elevationt. This volume offers practical guidance on mastering this

Conjunction of positive attitude with zeal enhances the level of vital

energy in the body and activates healthy secretion of hormones. This,
coupled with mental concentration and creativity, synergistically
augments one's enthusiasm, sagacious potentials and strength and
294 287
Spectrum of Knowledge

brightens one's talents as well. Combination of creative enthusiasm

and industriousness of the body with the keen interest and focused
determination and endeavor of mind - is an excellent yoga, for the
escalation of Manasvit³, which is the "magical key" to success in
every walk of life.

Manasvit³ is a manifestation of an evolved state of human

consciousness. Life without it is nothing more than that of any other
mortal being. A physically healthy man or woman would practically
be like a reptile or a parasite if he or she lacks in this power of inner
mind. A severely handicapped person would, on the contrary, may
make significant success and set an example for others with the help
of his Manasvit³. Spontaneous flow of this spring of zeal and inner
strength is essential for enchanting liveliness, progress and excellent

The aura of vital energy around one's body is illuminated by his

Manasvit³. The sagacity of one's brilliant intellect - Prakharat³,
adds to clearer appearance of this aura especially around the head.
Purity of character is reflected in the nitid radiance (tTejasvit³) of
this aura. Different shades of the 'spectrum' of this aura are
associated with different levels of one's inner instincts and overall
personality. Rare information on recognition of one's latent character
and evaluation of one's personality by study of his aura is also
included in this volume….

Subtler facets of the powers of human mind, are elucidated here in

the context of the scriptural quote "Shraddhamayoayam Pur¿Ìa¡
Yo Yacchadra¡ Sa Eva Sa¡" - which indicates the eternal influence
of intrinsic faith upon orientation of Manasvit³, Prakharat³ and

The state of mind directs the thoughts and actions and thereby
determines the ultimate state of the life of an individual. Everybody
experiences the immense power of mind in day-to-day life. It is
indeed the mind, which, depending upon its sansk³ras (inherent
tendencies) and shraddh³ (intrinsic faith), leads the individual self
288 295
Spectrum of Knowledge

towards a life bonded by the materialistic attachments and agony of

unlimited desires, or, to a liberated life glowing with beatified

Piety of inner self and intrinsic faith in divine virtues and thy-
disciplines help Manasvit³, Prakharat³ and Tejasvit³, culminate
up to their absolute levels…. and, reach high realms of divinity. The
Manasvit³ of the devil giants of great bodily and intellectual
potentials and talents, can, on the contrary, lead only to destruction
and decline in the personal and social life.

The source of attainment of orgulous brilliance, exceptional talents

and all round progress lies in our own zeal, willpower, purity of
sentiments, and positive orientation of our thoughts. The secrets of
the powers of mind and the guidance for day-to-day life presented in
this volume would enable us realize this source and enrich our lives
with the treasure of marvellous boons of Manasvit³, Prakharat³
and Tejasvit³.….


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 57, Brief Introduction

296 289
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(ÂtmotkarÌa K³ Âdh³ra Gy³na)

y³na - absolute depth and expansion of righteous knowledge,
contains the source of deciphering the ultimate truth….
Acharya Sharma had devoted his exceptionally bright
intellect, sagacious eloquence and spiritual talents for the noble
purpose of enlightening people across the globe by the pious glow of
Gy³na. He aimed that righteous knowledge be adopted in action, in
every dimension of life, rather than being confined within the
peripheries of philosophical deliberations and abstract intellectual
discussions. For him, propagation of Gy³na was meaningful only if it
could enable the masses learn the art of living a happy, progressive
and serene life and motivate the 'social animal' to rise and gradually
reach the glorious state of a 'divine being'. Different volumes of the
vangmaya series express the gamut of different domains of Gy³na
elucidated by him for this purpose.

The present volume represents the complete meaning, eternal

existence and universal nature of Gy³na. It may be identified as the
foundation stone of the edifice of the "Vichar Kranti Abhiyan" initiated
by Acharya Sharma for creative materialization of his noble purpose of
distributing the nectar of Gy³na to improve the quality of life on the
earth. This volume also gives the details on the programmes
implemented under the above abhiy³n (mission) of refinement and
creative orientation of people's talents and thoughts.

Elimination of evil tendencies of mind, perverted mentality, untoward

thoughts and negative attitude by positive thinking and righteous
knowledge is among the fundamental objectives of this "Vichar
Kranti" mission. It is indeed remarkable to note, how Acharya Sharma
has made this movement perfect in terms of suitability for people with
different psychological, educational and social backgrounds, who are
living under different circumstances of life.

Shiksh³ and vidy³ are the principle modes of propagation of knowledge

(ref. vol. 49 of the vangmaya series). These two are mutually
290 297
Spectrum of Knowledge

complementary components of absolute education. Shiksh³ deals with

school education, which begins with literacy and endows one with the
knowledge, rather information, about the external activities of life and
the visible world. It makes one 'qualified' for self-reliance in earning
his living and developing skilled talents and expertize in specific
disciplines of worldly knowledge.

Vidy³ deals with what could be attributed to the knowledge and

realization of the inner world. It goes far deeper from the behavioral
science of human mind and enables self-analysis, refinement and
development of personality with integrity of character, and
awakening of virtuous tendencies, which set the foundation of human
dignity. There may be little hope of materialistic development and
attainment of worldly comforts of life in the absence of shiksh³. But,
there certainly appears no possibility of viable progress and
persistence of peace and happiness in human life, without vidy³. In
fact, materialistic progress cannot serve its true purpose without being
accompanied by vidy³.

Illumination and escalation of human life at personal as well as social

levels, depends upon inculcation of vidy³. Comprehensive evaluation
of one's personality should therefore be done with respect to his vidy³
rather than shiksh³. Negligence of this aspect in the modern times has
given rise to what Acharya Sharma calls - "a crisis of faith". The rising
heat of this crisis might evaporate the nectar of intrinsic faith in divine
values of humanity and dry up the currents of the soothing sentiments
of love and compassion, if the spring of Gy³na offered by vidy³ is
stopped completely.

Sadgy³na is that stream of righteous knowledge, which awakens the

divine sentiments hidden in our inner selves. It is Sadgy³na, which
inspires the driving force for upward journey along the ideal path of
truth. It also inspires true devotion. It is like a 'p³ras' which illuminates
every sphere of life with divine glow and bestows the boons of
prudence and righteous attitude, which open up the treasures of
peace, happiness and prosperity. Acharya Sharma's words and deeds
illustrate how Sadgy³na can offer realistic solutions to every kind of
problems being faced by the human society today.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Acharya Sharma's literature is unique not only in terms of its

expansion and depth, but also, in its vivid expressions and its intimacy
with the internal and external domains of life and the world as a whole.
His thoughts represent every impulse of knowledge and his
inspirations can penetrate every fold of our minds and hearts. This
visionary had affirmed "propagation and adoption of Sadgy³na" as the
crucial need of the day and had declared it as the motto of the
revolution motivated by Mah³k³la - the Supreme Force and Order of
Time , God o f Eternity and Divine Spirit of Nature - as part of the
resurrection of divine culture in the new era…..

"Nahi Gy³nena Sadrasham Pavitramahi Vidyate" - this quote of the holy

Gita recognizes Gy³na as the most pious source leading to the ultimate
goal of life. This message is recalled in the present volume with
practical guidance on how the piety of righteous knowledge
eliminates the vices of our thoughts. The author emphasizes the
inversion (upright change) or the inverted (untoward) mentality of the
masses by the creative force of sadgy³na, which is presented here in an
easy-to-grasp and inspiring manner.

Acharya Sharma had set live example of the authenticity and

feasibility of the above endeavor - of refining people's faith,
convictions, attitudes and mode of living, by promoting "Gyana Yagya"
as integral part of the creative programmes of altruist service and
social reformation undertaken by his organization at Shantikunj,
Hardwar. This volume gives details on the meaning and methods of
performing Gy³na Yagyas and cites information about the centres,
spread across the globe, which guide, support and implement these
noble activities under the auspices of Gayatri Pariwar, Shantikunj,

The Vedic hymn "Aroha Tamaso Jyotih" inspires us to come out of the
dark well of ignorance and move towards the sacred glow of Gy³na….
One's ignorance about himself is described here as his nearest and
biggest enemy. The term "Âtma Gy³na" refers to the true knowledge
and realization of one's own self, its origin, internal character, eternal
existence and ultimate goal. Âtma Gy³na is affirmed as the highest state
of Gy³na in the science of spirituality.

Spectrum of Knowledge

"How and why to attain Âtma-Gy³na?" - this natural question, existing

in the mind of almost every seeker of knowledge, is adeptly addressed
by Acharya Sharma. Because of his perfect understanding of people's
psychology, value systems and philosophies of life, the methods of
sw³dhy³ya, satsanga and pragy³-yoga, suggested by him for self-
realization, self-analysis, self-evaluation, and self-elevation, are most
suitable for today's society.

The importance of Gy³na cannot be described in words…. Gy³na is the

source of enlightenement and transmutationof the physical, mental
and spiritual domains of life. It penetrates the smog of the evil
tendencies of mind, which gather because of illusion and ignorance.
Gy³na assimilated in one life is said to move in the form of divine
sansk³ras (inherent tendencies) with the individual self in successive
lives of the latter. Sadgy³na is the power of the soul and the basis of
spiritual eminence and evolution of human life.

The edifice of the divine culture of ancient India was built by the rishis
on the stout foundation of Gy³na. The remarkable influence of Gy³na
on the lives of the great personalities is seen in the later ages as well.
Unfortunately, in the modern times, the excessive use of only few
dimensions - namely, those pertaining to the science of matter and
knowledge of the perceptible world, of Gy³na has narrowed down its
impact in people's life. Prejudiced dominance of extrovert attitude and
shiksh³ has waned out the relevance of vidy³ in today's world.
Therefore, Sadgy³na has practically become an abstract philosophical
concept for most of us….

The present volume is like an oasis in the desert of the buried

sentiments, among the mirages of 'wise' ignorance found in our lives
today. Sincere practice of sw³dhy³ya, satsanga and pragy³-yoga, as
described here and attainment of vidy³ would enable us fetch the
nectar of Sadgy³na from this oasis for making the ancient tree of divine
culture blossom again…. .
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 58, An Introduction

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(Pratig³mit³ K³ Kuchakra Aaise Tuteg³)

ealthy traditions and customs which are justified on the
grounds of prudence and unprejudiced relevance and which
have passed the test of changing times, provide stable support,
guidance and continuity to the progress of a society or nation. These
also help establishing perennial norms of discipline in public life and
serving the purpose of training people's minds in specific
directions. However, lots of firmly rooted religious and social
customs prevalent in different societies, appear to be mere
demonstrations of rigidity. People follow them more because of
convention, compulsion or orthodox beliefs.

Orthodox traditions, superstitions and customs followed because of

blind faith deteriorate the foundation of a society and prevent its
progress on economic, political, scientific and technological fronts
too. Post medieval Indian society is the best illustration of this
negative effect….. Acharya Sharma has analyzed the status and
impact of such untoward customs and traditions in the human
society in general. The Indian society of today, has been the major
focus of his "Yug Nirm³ñ" mission of initiating a new era of ideal

Mass education through religious platform and constructive

integration of science and spirituality - are propagated by Acharya
Sharma's mission in consonance with the social reformation
programmes, with special emphasis on improving the day-to-day
life of people…. These also aim at inspiring elevation at personal,
social, professional, intellectual and spiritual levels…. This volume
presents the unique features and details of implementation of his
ideas of comprehensive social reformation via refinement of people's

Although, a significant rise in social awareness is noted in the Indian

society with the increase in literacy, education and scientific
Spectrum of Knowledge

developments, lot more needs to be done here. Despite the dedicated

efforts of some eminent social reformers of the pre- and post-
independence India, the Indian society has not been able to get rid of
the pernicious convictions of orthodox mentality, superstitions and
exploitation in the name of religion. The influence of castism and
communalism is indeed a curse on this society. Inequality between
man and woman, the system of dowry attached with girl's marriage,
extravagant showoff in wedding ceremonies, feast as part of the
'religious' rituals performed after the death of near relatives,
sacrifising animals to 'worship' the imaginary Gods…, etc, are like
the ulcers of leprosy on the body of the Indian society, which has
been weakened and deprived of healthy development since the
medieval era of cultural and moral decline. Eradication of these
social evils through their roots is a must if we want to usher into a
new, bright era.

No economic, political, educational, or even social-revolution can

grant desired and viable changes in a nation or society unless its
people are aware and ready to accept those changes through heart.
Before attempting the elimination of social evils and wrong
traditions in the 'backward' society like the Indian, one must
investigate the causes and depths of their roots in the lives of
common people. Acharya Sharma has adeptly analyzed these
aspects and offered detailed guidance for collective efforts of the
individuals and the organizations, which care and work for the
development and discerning refinement of every unit of this society.

Acharya Sharma's thorough knowledge, acumen, and deeper reach

up to the inner cores of human mind and heart and his sagacious
understanding of the mutual intimacy and interdependence of
religion, spirituality and human psychology, have made his
approach most comprehensive like that of the ancient Indian sages
(rishis). His serene love for all living beings and his intuitive
realization of the divinity existing in each one of us - makes his
deliberations more vivid, prudently reasoned and realistic…

The religious faith and spirituality of Indian mind was the source of
its strength and divine culmination in the ancient times.… The

Spectrum of Knowledge

gradual confinement of the philosophy of religion, and the science of

spirituality, in the narrow peripheries of abstract intellectual
thoughts had over-shadowed the nitid glow and blocked the ever-
expanding flow of religious spirit in the latter ages….

The selfish motives of the mighty 'religious masters' or 'community

leaders' in the medieval era had worsened the situation to the worst
possible levels. Exploitation of the faith and simplicity of the masses,
on the one hand, and the widespread ignorance and near total
absence of wisdom in the minds of the oppressed ones, on the other,
had led to the misuse of religion in this period. Moral decline on the
social front was a natural consequence. The religious hypocrisies,
castism, superstitions and customs nurtured in this dark phase of
Indian history had practically ruined the structure of the social as
well as the religious system.

While discussing the inherent difficulties in achieving social

elevation, the author reviews the complications of the highly
diversified, constitutionally liberal but mentally enslaved, society of
India. He focuses at the root cause - hidden in people's mentality. He
has propounded a three-fold solution targeting refinement and
development at personal, familial, and social levels. For the first
level, he has emphasized change of attitude, inculcation of righteous
thinking, and creative orientation of sentiments by way of self-
analysis, sincere sw³dhy³ya and motivating satsanga. The volumes
numbered 2, 20 and 21 of the vangmaya series cover these aspects in
detail with practical guidance and live examples.

The importance of righteous development of the family institution in

the modern times is described in the volume no. 48 of this series. A
crucial basis for the familial and social development, is the marriage
institution. The evils of dowry, extravagant celebrations and a large
number of absurd customs associated with traditional marriages in
India have been identified by the author as the major obstructions in
proper progress of this society. These untoward customs have
destroyed the high ideals of the marriage institution which were
established under the divine culture of ancient India and have
maligned the inherited glory of this great country. Analysis of the

Spectrum of Knowledge

factors responsible for such aberrations and detailed information

and guidance on the effective programmes for elimination of these
social curses - are covered in detail in the next volume. The other
illogical customs and traditions associated with the marriage
institution, such as - the abominable practices of child marriage, ill
treatment of widows etc, propagated in the name of religion, are
heavily criticized in this volume.

The author's critical analysis and rational discussions are so realistic

and effective that even the ardent supporter or faithful followers of
above kinds of untoward traditions would have to rethink and
realize their ignorance and prejudices…. Implementation of the
social reformation programmes of his mission - aimed at uprooting
such wrong customs and traditions from the religious and social
system, are also highlighted in this volume.

Notably, Acharya Sharma is among the rare saints and spiritual

masters, who had supported the ideas and practices of remarriage of
widows, prohibition of child-marriages, strict control over
population growth, etc, and propagated these progressive trends
from the religious platform. The dowry-less and non-expensive
marriages arranged and conducted under the banner of his mission
have been a great success. These marriages are performed according
to the original vedic traditions and there is no place for
discrimination in terms of caste or social status etc.

The present volume elucidates the evils and dangers of religious

misconceptions and associated rituals and rites followed in the
Indian society. The superstitious practices and blind faith prevalent
among the masses are discussed here with special attention on the
weaknesses and complexities of psychology behind them. Such is
the influence of psychological makeup and assimilated tendencies,
that, even the erudite scholars and scientifically progressive people
are sometimes seen driven by superstitions and insane convictions in
one way or the other.

In the above context, Acharya Sharma has also unmasked the 'skills'
of the so-called 'astrologers', 'swamis', 'religious masters', etc, who

Spectrum of Knowledge

have been exploiting people's faith . The unscientific and illogical

(mis) interpretations propagated by such people have given bad
name to the Hindu religion and the ancient sciences of yoga and

The misinterpretation of religious scriptures and the insane

traditions emanated from there, gravitate the dejection of bright
minds from the ancient streams of knowledge, on the one hand and
add to absurdity in the name of traditions, on the other. The vicious
cycle so generated also widens the distance of the wise and forward
lookers from the so-called backward sections of the society. The latter
thus have less opportunities of coming out of the well of ignorance in
want of proper guidance and learning by interaction with the

The author's prudent arguments, lucid style of presentation, and

intimacy with the people's psychology, make his views and guidance
more effective. He enlightens the mind with the knowledge of - what
is wrong and why? What is true and what is not? Most importantly,
he inspires courage and motivation in us to fight against our own
weaknesses, wrong convictions, halicunating faith and
superstitions which often keep us abide by the wrong traditions and

May this volume inspire each one of us to participate in reversal of

the backward and wrong traditions into forward and righteous ones
on the social and religious fronts of our lives and thus prepare to
welcome the revival of the divine culture.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 59, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Viv³honm³da: Samasy³ Aur Sam³dh³na)

arriage is a sacred relationship. It is supposed to associate
two souls. Marriage institution unites the complementary
potentials of man (husband) and woman (wife) so that both
together, work for mutual elevation and contribute - as
sadgrahastha (ideal married couple), to the healthy development of
the family institution and hence also to the progress of the society.
Marriage institution also supports and strengthens moral
disciplines, which are essential for maintaining social values. In
principle, it sets the stout foundation of the development of a good
society by cultivating a sense of responsibilities among the married
couples (grahasthas).

The union of two would-be life partners for a better future of both - is
naturally an event full of hope, enthusiasm and cheerfulness for the
concerned individuals, their families, relatives and friends.
Collective sharing of the feeling of joy, mutual trust, benevolence and
co-operation on such occasions is the basic motive behind
celebration of weddings. The tradition of celebration of wedding
with friends and relatives is also a formal declaration before the
society of the fact that the concerned couple has tied the nuptial knot
and has thereby accepted the responsibilities and moral disciplines
of married life. Incorporation of religious rites in wedding marks the
piety and righteous structure of marriage institution. The ideal rites
and rituals for such occasions should inspire deeper sentiment of the
divine grace of the linkage being set between the two individuals.

The religious nature, moral disciplines, importance and social and

psychological relevance of the marriage institution in the modern
times are discussed in vols. 48 and 61 of the Vangmaya series. The
present volume focuses on the misconceptions and the untoward
practices and absurd customs associated with the celebration of
weddings - especially in the Indian society today.

Spectrum of Knowledge

Varieties of rituals and modes of celebrating weddings are popular

in different parts of the world. However, the diversities and
absurdities of the associated customs found in India alone appear to
be most significant by every measure. Different components of the
Indian society have their own traditions and modes of wedding-
celebrations. For most people, following these traditions becomes
necessary because of social compulsions, or, as an outcome of
pompous status symbol.

The customs of dowry - given from the bride's side (or the
bridegroom's side, in rare cases) is the worst of the illogical and even
inhumane practices observed in majority of traditional Indian
marriages…. The vicious combination of avarice and ignorance has
worsened the impact of this 'curse' on the Indian society. In many
cases, because of this evil, marriage has practically become
equivalent to 'an auction of the bridegroom'. The demanding side
wants the return of every single penny it has spent on growing the
boy and also wants 'enough' for the future comforts and luxuries of
his family….. The other side too is often seen competing and 'buying'
the best match for the girl by paying maximum price (dowry). The
amount of this deal usually increases with the 'qualities' of the boy
and the 'non-qualities' of the girl.

Educated or illiterate, rich or poor, most people, including those

belonging to the so-called modern and westernized sections of the
civilized society - are party to this shameful act, either as donors or
receivers of dowry. Ironically, even the people, who have faced
severe problems in arranging their daughter's marriage because of
dowry, do not hesitate in making any demand before the family of
the 'would be' daughter-in-law. The average number, per year, of
suicides, murders, and similar attempts, resulting from 'non
fulfillment' of the demands of the boy's (husband's), is so high which
would make any sensible person feel the pains of humanity through
heart. It should make each awakened man and woman furious and
ashamed for the misdeeds of his own society that promotes such
heinous customs….

Despite being abandoned under law and facing the best efforts of
many social organizations, the 'blot' of this immoral, inhumane,
Spectrum of Knowledge

practice has not been wiped out from the face of Indian society. The
custom of dowry coupled with the crazy competition of spending
huge sums in gorgeous showoff, fireworks, lavish food, and other
'celebrations', during wedding - is indeed the biggest barrier on
development of the social and economic systems of India. In Acharya
Sharma's words - "the combination of avarice, cruelty, and stupidity,
seen it the wedding celebrations increases poverty, corruption and
socioeconomic disparities prevailing in our country…. People, who
nurture and propagate such evil 'traditions', should be treated as
traitors of the nation….".

The burden of dowry - especially in the middle and lower economic

classes, and the maddening craze for 'status symbol' - especially in
the affluent section of the society, promote corrupt practices in one
form or the other. How would one who gets limited salary by honest
means and who has no other source of income in possession, marry
his daughter(s)? In average case, he sees only two options - let his
daughters suffer the agony of 'ill-omened' life or, somehow arrange
for sufficient money towards dowry, without caring for the morality
of means…. On the other extreme, "Who would 'burn' hard earned
money in pompous shows of gorgeous weddings? Here too, the
money and other resources earned by dishonest practices make all
the show….

It is pathetic to see that a poor country, where more than half of the
world's second largest population lives below the poverty line, has
been suffering the dual attacks of social and economic degradation
because of the above evils…. The poor become poorer in somehow
arranging the marriages of their daughters. The ignorance and social
pressures continue to deprive the girls of their due rights; as a result,
almost half the population of this nation of great heritage, is found
living like oppressed parasites… Where is the hope for betterment?
What is the effective solution? This volume brings positive answers
with substantial guidance on feasible actions.

In this volume, Acharya Sharma has perspicuously analyzed the

roots and grandeur of the insane practices and unethical customs
incorporated in celebrations of wedding. His eloquent views, on -
how dowry ruins the very purpose of marriage institution and
Spectrum of Knowledge

destroys the ideal basis of family institution, must reach every

would-be married couple. The touching description of the status of
women suffering because of this social evil indeed represents the
inner pains of his divine heart….

Acharya Sharma emphasizes the need to cure the roots of the 'social
disease' of 'wedding-celebrations infected by dowry and extravagant
show'. He prescribes the best remedy as - elimination of ignorance
and fear of the masses, refinement of people's thinking, reorientation
of their convictions and faith, and gives practical guidance with live
examples in this volume. His words have the power to penetrate
people's mind and convince them through heart that future lies in
progressive changes and not in rigid traditions.

He has set shining examples for other social organizations and for the
people, who too want to liberate the Indian society from the clutches
of dowry, orthodox traditions and mindless 'religious' practices
observed during weddings. He has implemented what he suggested
as comprehensive approach towards refinement of marriage
institution in India. The increasing popularity of ideal marriages
propagated by his mission ("Gayatri Pariwar") illustrates his

The concept of "ideal-marriage", proposed by him, appears to be in

perfect consonance with the original glory and great purpose of the
marriage institution. These marriages are performed free-of-cost and
according to the vedic norms, in a matter of few hours. Dowry and
expensive arrangements are strictly prohibited here. Mutual
compatibility - of the bride and the bridegroom and of their
respective families - is given maximum importance here, without
any barrier of caste or social status…. The simplicity of the ceremony
and authenticity of the religious rites has made this method,
popularly known as the "Gayatri Paddhati Viv³ha", widely acceptable
in different classes of the Indian society in a short span of few

The morally charged atmosphere created during above kinds of ideal

wedding-celebrations, enlightens all those who attend those

Spectrum of Knowledge

functions and thus serves the purpose of expanding social

awareness. All those present on the occasion, including ofcourse the
newly wedded couple, are asked to pledge to discard and oppose the
misdeeds of dowry and expensive weddings…. This collective
resolution generates courage among these people as they see that
others, similar to them, are capable of contributing towards the
reformation of marriage institution in a big way.….

It is the collective responsibility of all of us to improve a system,

which is an integral part of our personal, social and national life.
Individually, we may not be in a position to do much on the social
front, but, we certainly can be one among the many, who advocate
the righteous modes guided by the great social reformers of our
times. This volume will serve as a living guide, to enable us
contribute in the collective effort of resurrecting the system of ideal
marriages - which will be the greatest service to our society today.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 60, An Introduction

The work of moulding and preparing vibrant and brilliant workers

was taken in hand at Haridwar and for this Pr³ñ praty³vartan
camps, Yug-shilpº camps, V³nprastha camps of the duration of
one month each were organised. The holy atmosphere of Shantikunj
situated on the banks of the holy Ganga in the lap of the Him³layas
surcharged with spiritual vibrations attracted and inspired hundreds
of persons who participated in the series of small and big G³yatrº-
puraïcarañas which were started here for general category of
s³dhaks. Side by side, the training of self-sacrificing v³nprasthºs,
who had dedicated their entire life in the service of this mission, also
-- Excerpts from "My Life Its Legacy and Message"
Autobiography of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Grahastha : Eka Tapovana)

he grahastha ³shrama is that phase of life in which one is
supposed to enjoy married life, look after the family and
children's development and also contribute to the materialistic
growth of the society. It is in this ³shrama that one has to make best
use of his or her potentials on multiple fronts of the responsibilities of
personal, professional, familial and social life. The importance of this
³shrama has been admired by the rishis - the scholarly sages, experts
of the philosophy and science of human life, as - "dh³nyo
grasth³ïrama¡". All the other ³shramas, associated with the other
three major phases of human life, depend upon this ³shrama , like a
living being depending upon his mother.

The structure and strength of the family institution and hence of the
society also resides on the foundation of grahastha ³shrama. In its
ideal form, this ³shrama shapes the future of the society, the nation,
and the world as a whole by producing ideal citizens of its successive
generations. This phase of married life is like a laboratory for
practical training and experience of cooperative coexistence and co-
development along with collective sharing of love, success,
responsibilities, sorrows, and the gamut of other sentimental
expressions and activities of human life…. It is only in this ³shrama
that one naturally learns to love, care, tolerate, compromise, and
sacrifice for others without any selfish or ascetic motive. The best
lessons of service and sharing are also learnt and brought in practical
use during this ³shrama.

Healthy, happy and progressive coexistence cannot be achieved

without sacrificing the egotist and selfish attitude. The key to
successful married life lies in the hands of both the husband and the
wife. Each one has to respect and understand the other. The glory
attributed to the grahastha ³shrama in the Indian culture can be
realized only if the life-partners care for the health, happiness and
Spectrum of Knowledge

progress of each other and also support mutual elevation in

intellectual, mental and spiritual domains.

The principles and disciplines prescribed for this ³shrama under the
Indian culture and philosophy of life are based on the in-depth
analysis of the complications of human psychology and varied
circumstances of life in general. These, if followed sincerely, ensure
ideal success of married life. How these could be adapted in the
present times, under increasing pressures of the modern
circumstance of life, is guided by Acharya Sharma in this volume.
The meaning, purpose, and necessity of the marriage institution are
also discussed here with elucidation of the enormous boons that
could be offered by disciplined married life, where, sexual desire is
transmuted into serene love, cheerful co-operation and enhanced
vital energy.

If we look at the status of the marriage institution today, we largely

see the contrast of what it is supposed to be by the original definition
of the grahastha ³shrama. Marriage today is mostly viewed as some
sort of a 'contract' for mutual comfort and security, or as a socially
approved license for satisfying uncontrollable concupiscence.
Expression of love between the wife and the husband has, for the
majority of people today, practically become synonymous with
sexual indulgence for physical proximity and carnal pleasure.

In the societies like the post medieval Indian society, 'marriage' often
means a right, granted by the society to the husband and his relatives,
for exploitation of the wife and her family. The weapon of dowry
plays a predominant role in such adversities. The roots and
magnitude of the social problems caused by the social evil of dowry
and its poisonous effects on the delicacy of the marriage institution
are critically discussed in detail in the previous volume of this series
along with adept guidance for eradication of such customs.
Information on the feasibility and popularity of a new mission of
ideal marriages is also cited there in this context.

The attitude of a couple towards the morality, discipline and piety of

the marriage institution has significant, though subtle, impact on the

Spectrum of Knowledge

environment of life of the concerned individuals and the

psychological development of their children too…. The split in
family institution, social anarchy, and the increasing crime rates,
mental and physical abnormalities and weaknesses of one kind or
the other, found in the children today - are the natural consequences
of the ignorance, shaken faith and negligence of people towards the
philosophy and disciplines of grahastha ³shrama.

The ignorance of the married couples about the disciplines of healthy

sex, not only results in uncontrolled growth of population, it also
weakens the physical and mental health of both - the husband and
the wife. The wife has to bear multiple burdens as she also loses her
strength with the delivery of each child…. The pernicious
impressions of the medieval era - where, women were treated as
mere tools of sensual pleasure of the men and thousands of wives
and mistresses were kept like animals in the harems of the lusty kings
and the perverted riches…., have not been wiped out completely…

In many parts of the world, women are still treated as second grade
citizens. How can one expect progressive movement of the
reformation of marriage institution in a society where one wheal of
the 'cart' of married life is smaller and weaker than the other? On the
other extreme, is the case of "women liberation", misinterpreted in
some sections of the ultra modern societies, as the liberty of
exposition of woman's body. Excessive attention to the bodily charm
and looks…., in the crazy world of advertisements and modelling, on
the one hand, and the passion for free-sex in the 'forward' and
'advanced' generations of such societies, on the other, have caused
equal harm to the ideal basis and purpose of the marriage institution.

The social impact of diminishing dignity of the marriage institution

and of the broken families is discussed with authentic reports in
volume 48 of this series. The focus of the present volume rests mainly
on marriage - as a vital relationship, a discipline, a source of reaching
great goals of life vis-à-vis the psychological and social relevance of
the grahastha ³shrama. The thorough views of Acharya Sharma on
"grahastha ³shrama - as a yoga" presented here make this volume
more distinct and precious.
Spectrum of Knowledge

A perspicuous analysis of the multitude of interconnected problems

associated with the marriage institution is presented here with
relevant review of the social, economical, religious, educational and
psychological facets of direct or indirect influence. Possible solutions
are discussed with inspiring guidance on refinement of people's
mentality towards the marriage institution.

The author also trenchantly criticizes the misdeeds of orthodox

traditions, which are based on deliberate misinterpretations of the
religious scriptures and emotional exploitation of the delicacy of the
marriage institution. His perfect hold on human psychology enables
him present the facts with vivid power of expression, which can
penetrate even the rigid minds and stony hearts and inspire the latter
to change their outlook and mode of living in concordance with the
inherent serenity, beauty and responsibilities of married life.

Acharya Sharma's sagacious discussions of - "how a disciplined

married life is a perfect yoga", would enlighten every thoughtful
mind about how a balanced, duty-bound, healthy and progressive
married life is also the best phase of life for psychological and
spiritual refinement and rise. He has cited many real life examples to
illustrate the practicalities. His married life itself stands as a shining
example of how the highest realms of spirituality could be achieved
in the ideal grahastha ³shrama. It is indeed in the fitness of the
things that the essence of the philosophy and modalities of the
grahastha ³shrama are presented here by his lucid pen.

This volume should motivate people to elevate their own potentials,

become better persons in all respects and contribute to the glorious
progress of the society by observing the moral disciplines of the
grahastha ³shrama described here. The deliberations of Acharya
Sharma on "grahastha as yoga", would also add to higher level
interdisciplinary research in the fields of sociology, psychology and
the science of spirituality and yoga.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 61, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Ikkºsavºn Sadº: N³rº Sadº)

he twenty-first century is going to bring many-fold changes in
the world order…. Prophecies of great many visionaries affirm
the grand transformations, in the subtle world, which are going
to write the fate of the world in a new script… Those, who can feel the
eternal impulses of the flow of the perpetual consciousness of
Nature, have predicted revival of the "age of truth". Authentic details
on the scientific reasoning, implications and mode of realization of
such possibilities are presented by Acharya Sharma in volume nos.
28 and 29 of the vangmaya series. This particular volume deals with
upright changes in the social scenario, with special reference to the
status of women in the 'new world' of the new millenium.

This volume gives historical details on how the glorious state of

womanhood of the vedic era got deteriorated to the present state of
all round exploitation of women. It highlights the multiple
dimensions of the problem encompassing religious, psychological,
social and economical fronts. It reviews the history of woman
liberation movements from different angles and illuminates the
possibilities of the rise and dominant role of women in every walk of
life in the new era….

Acharya Sharma cites authentic proofs of the high recognition of

womanhood in the Indian culture and religious philosophy. It was
mainly due to the misinterpretations of the scriptures propagated in
the medieval era that led to the heinous customs and practices of satº
prath³, polygamy, etc in this society. The moral decline enforced in
this period had accelerated negative trends of social and economical
progress. This had worsened the political instability in the country
and had further fueled the invaders' attacks. The problems of
security of women coupled with the psychological perversions
triggered by the deliberate misinterpretations of religious teachings
had nurtured the untoward customs of dowry, child marriages, etc

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during this dark phase of Indian history. A systematic and trenchant

review of these kinds of negative developments, which took place
the world-over, is recorded here with rare pieces of scrupulous

The changing scenario with democratic developments and scientific

and intellectual evolution, began to show the signs of public
awareness and paved the way for expansion of the social reformation
activities since the past two centuries. The roots of the subsequent
movement of women's emancipation, its progress and scope - are
also discussed in the present volume with foresighted guidance. The
volume also pays due attention on - how the sexual exploitation of
women, ongoing under the fashionable trends of advertising
woman's body in the name of 'recognition' of her beauty and
boldness…., should be and could be stopped? How the idea of
women-lib could be oriented to give constructive boost for the
righteous progress of women as well as the other components of
human society?

Unlimited contributions and sacrifices made by a woman - in her

multiple roles as mother, sister, wife and daughter…, have
continued in spite of the utter negligence, injustice, inequality and
exploitation 'showered' upon her in return by the male dominated
society! Is not her tolerance, endurance, generosity and altruist love
equivalent to what could be attributed as a divine virtue? In Acharya
Sharma's views - "it is because of womanhood that humanity, beauty
and grace of human life and the serenity of the sentiments of love,
service and compassion have survived on this earth. One cannot
dream of viable progress with peace and happiness without
women's participation on fair grounds of equality".

Men should realize that they have lost a lot by not giving women
their due share of rights. It would have added more to their own
benefits, if the 'other half' of the society - the women, were educated,
enlightened and given equal opportunities to progress…. It is
collaboration, not exploitation; mutual trust, not suppression; love,
not compulsion, which wins the partner's faith and sincere
support…. Educated, healthy and cultured wives and mothers
would naturally contribute to better training and development of the
Spectrum of Knowledge

future generations than what they could in a deprived state of

ignorance and despair…. In Acharya Sharma's words - "womanhood
is the strength of human society, the main cause of survival of love
and compassion…. Woman, by nature, is the originator of welfare,
the inspiration of humanity and the protector of moral values…. That
is why she has been conferred the title of "devi" (a manifestation of
goddess), in the Indian culture….".

It is laughable that men live under the false impression of being

superior as compared to women, whom, the society has compelled to
live in inferior conditions…. It is high time that people learn not to
gravitate any more, such imbalances that would destroy the very
foundation of the human society. In Acharya Sharma's words -
"sooner or later, Nature is going to set the clocks of social justice
right…. The oppressors, the culprits of exploitation of women…, will
have to come forward to undo the misdeeds of the medieval times,
and help, as part of sincere atonement, resurrection of women's

Acharya Sharma's sagacious deliberations on the need and

importance of improving the status of women today awaken our
prudence and humanly sentiments…, and also motivate us with
clear guidance on how we could contribute our level best in this
noble endeavor. He and his wife, Smt. Bhagavati Devi Sharma, had
set live example of an ideal couple. Their mission of religious and
social reformation - as part of their dedicated strives towards the
revival of human glory, gave utmost importance to thebetterment
and escalation of women's status. The "N³rº J³garaña" movement
initiated by them for this purpose - is a shining example for other
woman-lib movements and social organizations to follow.

As Acharya Sharma has emphasized with regard to the removal of

other social evils, here too he has inspired total eradication of the root
cause - the wrong convictions, misconceptions, negative and selfish
attitude…. His approach promises viable solutions for the giant
problems of today and also for nullifying the possibilities of the
recurrence of such man-made adversities in future….

Acharya Sharma's saintly heart feels the agony of women through

Spectrum of Knowledge

the inner self… His words reflect this pain and therefore possess the
trenchant power to reach the deeper layers of the reader's mind. The
spiritually charged power of his pen and voice together with his
noble deeds of altruist service of the human society have motivated a
large number of men and women contribute for his noble mission by
elevating the lost confidence and prestige of womanhood.

Apart from attempting propagation of women's education and

escalating their self-reliance on the socioeconomic fronts, the most
important of this mission's achievements is - invoking the ancient
glory of womenhood in the fields pertaining to religious activities.
The latter becomes most significant in the context of the Indian
society. Women, from different parts of the Indian society, having
different familial and educational backgrounds…, are now
conducting - under the auspices of Acharya Sharma's "Gayatri
Pariwar" mission - havans, grand Yagyas and other sacred
ceremonies, which, until the past few decades, were supposed to be
the privileges of only some male priests of special 'Brahmin' class.

The "Gayatri Pariwar" founded by Acharya Sharma, has largely been

successful in eliminating the discriminations of gender, caste and
social status from the religious faith and practices of the Hindus. The
great science and philosophy of G³yatrº Mantra - the origin of the
Vedas and entire knowledge of the Hindu religion and Indian
Culture - is now being taught and propagated by large number of
women in the Indian society, where, until recently, women were not
even supposed to know or read this mantra….. This is indeed a great
revolution and evidence of what the spiritually empowered
foresight of Acharya Sharma has envisaged here about the
predominant role of women in the 21st century.

Here, we will get an opportunity to read in detail on the background,

sound foundation and continuous growth of the noble mission of
Acharya Sharma. The global picture of the visible activities of
women's welfare, directed towards - the liberation and rise of
women, recognition and promotion of their talents…., etc, are also
given in this volume with substantial facts and figures. The logical
arguments, reasoned analysis, and above all, the comprehensive

Spectrum of Knowledge

approach - to social reconstruction, presented here are indeed


The dedicated endeavors and accomplishments of the "N³rº

J³garaña" mission, initiated and directed by Acharya Sharma and
Smt. Bhagavati Devi Sharma, evince and assure us that the
"resurrection of women's lost glory…." is no longer a dream…. That,
the 'golden dream' of "21st century - women's century" would become
a reality… ;the impact of positive changes will get more visible in the
years to come.

Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 62, An Introduction

I may become invisible to the physical sight of the parijans,

but pictures of whosoever have given me a niche in their hearts with
love and affection will be indelibly imprinted in my heart at the time
of my 'leave-taking' and I will worship them all with my tears.
Parijans might forget me, but I will forget none of them.

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(Ham³rº Bh³vº PºÃhº Aur Usak³ Nava Nirm³ña)

hildren of today will be the architects of the society and the
world of the new millenium…. The seeds of proper
development of their personalities need to be sown in right
away…., because, childhood is supposed to be the best phase of life
for inculcation of righteous tendencies (susansk³ras). A child's
tender mind and sentimental core is like soft wet clay, which can be
molded in any desired form.

Giving birth to a child is not so difficult as to bring him up with

proper care of his health and training of his mind and inner self.
While most people are aware of healthcare means, a few know about
how the child should be educated…., still fewer, only countable ones,
are those, who know about the necessity and modalities of ideal
development of a child's future by - understanding his psychology,
refinement of his inner instincts and cultivation of ideal values and
tendencies in him…. This volume brings us detailed guidance on
these less-heard and little-cared aspects of child-development.

Acharya Sharma writes that birds, animals and enormous varieties

of other creatures grow and adapt to the specific modes of life as per
the inspirations of Nature. Their lives revolve around food,
reproduction and defense. So remarkable is the influence of natural
conditions on them that even the new born creatures become self-
dependent in no time; Fish, for instance, starts hunting for its food
soon after birth.…; dogs of hardly one or two days, find their own
place to rest…. But, a child of the intelligent species - the humans, is
quite helpless in this respect. An infant of this highly evolved class
can't even find the breasts of his mother - who is lying besides, to suck
the nectar of her milk….; he hardly does anything on his own except

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A human infant can't grow and survive in good health without the
mother's, or the nurse's help… At every stage of his development, he
needs others' help. Whether it is learning to speak, walk, play, read or
write…, a human child performs this by observing others, and
getting training and support from the members of the family at home
and teachers at school…

In terms of psychology and subtler domains of consciousness, it is

true that the inner instincts (sansk³ras) inscribed in the unconscious
mind from the past births, and the genetic inheritance, do have their
influence on human mind since its childhood. Nevertheless, it is also
true that the environment of present life, influence of parents'
characters, behavior of family members, mode and quality of
teaching at school, etc, play significant role in overall development of
the child. The healthy inherited tendencies driven by the sansk³ras
could be gravitated in ideal directions, and the evil ones could be
waned out, by careful conditioning of the child's mind. This is what
the "vidy³" taught in the Indian Gurukuls of yore used to render.

Indifferent attitude, neglect of child's psychology, or harsh behavior

with the child, hinders the latter's development and might result in
making him dull and duffer, or, aggressive and cruel…. Balanced
attention with love and discipline and careful encouragement and
refinement of his talents, on the contrary, would help his
development into a bright, enthusiastic and creative citizen and
might endow him with sagacious will power too….

The above facts might have been observed by hundreds of experts of

child psychology and gamut of theories might have been developed
and written by researchers on these lines, however, we hardly see
practical implementation of these in any family or any school of
education these days.

The present volume focuses on ideal modes of bringing up the

children, adept methods of their education and training, which
would help revival of the ancient system of gurukuls while keeping
pace with the present circumstances of life…. It also shows us the
practical ways of adopting these ideal modes in today's life style…. A
Spectrum of Knowledge

large number of live examples are cited here to enable us see the
authenticity, practicalities and scope of Acharya Sharma's ideas and

In the ancient times, gurukuls used to bear the responsibilities of

righteous shaping of the disciple's personality since the latter's
childhood. The gurukuls offered excellent shiksha - school and
university education, which gives detailed knowledge of the world
and material components of Nature and sharpens one's talents, skills
and intellect for professional success and worldly progress…., - in
different disciplines of knowledge. What made the gurukuls distinct
and absolute as compared to the best centres of education today, was
the simultaneous inculcation of vidya, which used to refine and
ideally orient a disciple's attitude, inner tendencies and aspirations.

The piety of sentiments and strength of inner self, which are the
architects of great personalities, of the glory of human life…, were
nurtured in the gurukuls by the nectar of vidya. The ascetic
disciplines and training of altruist life educed in the gurukuls, under
the eminent guidance and immense love and attention of the noble
gurus and their wives, were indeed the secrets of what founded the
divine culture of ancient India and made this country a land of

Today, when education has been confined to shiksha alone, and has
been largely commercialized…, the dignity of cultural heritage has
lost its foundation, and cultural values are suffering all round
adulteration and moral decline…., it has become most essential to
review what we are doing for the younger generation. How are we
going to ensure happy and healthy environment of life for them with
a bright and secured future? Acharya Sharma's thorough
discussions, systematic analysis and foresighted guidance presented
here, cover every aspect of these challenging issues….

Acharya Sharma identifies - the family, as the first training school,

and the mother, as the first teacher of a child. He attributes the noble
title of "first guru" to the mother and therefore emphasizes the need

Spectrum of Knowledge

of uplifting her status to enable her bear this great responsibility

efficiently. Right from the birth of a zygote, it is the mother, who
consistently sacrifices her vital elements for the survival and growth
of the embryo. She keeps the foetus in her womb until nine months
and continues feeding the child thereafter for several years from her
own body…

Externally, her blood, her milk and other biochemicals of her body
nurture the child's body. Internally too, her vital energy, flow of her
consciousness, her thoughts, her mental impulses, affect the mental
and subtler development of the child's consciousness since the post
embryonic stage.… When the child begins to perceive through the
sense organs and learn from the surrounding environment, again it is
the mother, who influences him most intimately. The kinds of
thoughts and aspirations she cultivates in the child at this stage,
naturally condition corresponding sensitivity and tendencies in him.
These inscriptions, unless subjected to greater and more powerful
influence of a noble guru, or vital inspirations of others in contact,
significantly affect the child's mental makeup.

The mental tendencies inculcated in the early childhood attract, with

greater intensity and expansion, the thought waves and mental
vibrations of matching characteristics in the later phase of child's
development. This is what lays the foundation of his inclinations,
determination, his desires and his overall character…. Serene
character, brilliant aptitude, righteous thinking and piety of
sentiments of the mother, would thus set the righteous basis for
moral elevation and ideal development of the child's psychology.
Her ignorance, misconceptions, improper development,
misconduct, etc, on the contrary, would delude the child's mind and
might accelerate his development in the negative (untoward)

Acharya Sharma's trenchant views should give substantial food for

thoughts to all those who want solutions for righteous education and
proper development of the future citizens. The men and women, the
entire social system of today, will have to work as per his guidance, to
first educate and develop the mothers of today and tomorrow to

Spectrum of Knowledge

enable them play the role of an adept teacher, an ideal source of

positive inspirations for the child.

A child's mind is like a clean piece of paper…. Whatever is sketched

on it in whichever color, it begins to look like that. The images of
parents, other family members and teachers leave deep impressions
on the mirror of child's mind. His delicate mind and sentimental core
need to be dealt with carefully, till he enters well within the teenage.
The teenagers need altogether different, but equally caring,
approach based on friendly interactions. Acharya Sharma presents
adept analysis, encompassing the multifarious vibrations of
children's psychology through the deepest depth and widest
grandeur of their minds in different stages of adolescence. In this
context, he elucidates the subtle influence of inherited intrinsic
tendencies too. He shows how it is possible to inculcate virtuous
tendencies, talents and righteous attitude in children at the right

He writes that love, encouragement, respect and protection are more

required by the children than the elders. Little care towards
disciplining them along with fulfilling these sentimental
requirements opens their minds for receiving what we want to teach
them. He makes the points clear with live examples of relevance in
the day-to-day life of most of us…. This volume would be an
excellent guide for the parents, teachers, as well as the researchers of
child psychology.

Another distinguished feature of this volume is that, a

comprehensive, foresighted and feasible approach for collective
development of culture and civilization is presented here focussing
at the role of younger generation in particular. How the elementary
training of hygiene, orderliness, punctuality, civic sense, soberness,
modesty, etc, given in the childhood induces these qualities as
natural habits in the youngsters and thus ensures essential support
for their contributions in the civilized society? What is essential for
cultural development of the children? How to deal with their
inquisitive nature? How to activate and enhance their compassion,
altruistic feelings and spiritual sentiments?

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What is the ideal notion of religion and theism in the context of

cultural and moral elevation of the younger generation? How to
recognize and handle the transition in children's psychology? A
gamut of the above kinds of important queries are answered here
with perspicuous discussions and guidance especially suited for
today's circumstances, where the external environment appears to
be highly toxic - both for the biological as well as the psychological
development of the youngsters.

The new millenium is going to bring new hopes, new directions, and
new possibilities. But, we have to face the ever-new challenges of
today and prepare well to welcome the new opportunities of the new
era…... As we all know, our preparations for the future of the society,
nation and the world as a whole, would depend a lot upon how we
prepare the future generations…. This volume offers us the key to do
so in an ideal manner and witness the culmination of human
civilization and culture worth the divine dignity of humanity.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 63, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(R³Ìtra Samartha Aur Saïakta Kaise Bane?)

ndividuals make the families; families constitute the societies; and
societies together form the nations, an ensemble of which is seen as
the world…. This relationship is not hierarchical in nature, rather,
it naturally persists and expands like the mutually supportive
motion of the waves in an ocean. Disturbance in the natural order of
any component, though implicitly, affects the others in
corresponding proportions…. Social anarchy accelerates the law and
order problems at national level… Moral degradation and instability
of the family institution is reflected in similar negative trends at the
social levels too….

Harmony of all musical nodes is necessary for the melody of a tune.

Analogously, when we talk of all round peace, progress and
prosperity of a nation, we will have to ensure harmonious
endowment of these prospects in its constituent social, familial and
personal domains too.

The present scenario at global level depicts an arbitrary melange of

bright and gorgeous as well as dark and dull colors of positive and
negative progress. The national picture - especially in the Indian
context, is equally blurred. After more than half a century of political
independence, it is not clear where the nation is really headed? There
certainly has been significant progress in some fields of science and
technology. Self-reliance in agriculture, decrease in mortality rate,
increase in literacy, are also counted as positive signs of progress.
But, the explosive growth of population, rapidly declining cultural
values, unequal economic progress, social disparity, rising
corruption in almost every walk of national life, decreasing morality
and reduced sense of responsibility in the personal, familial and
social spheres of common man's life, ….etc, show the depressing

Spectrum of Knowledge

Excellent constitutional provisions have not been implemented to

the extent as might have been planned by the architects of sovereign
Indian democracy. Social status of women has not been amended
much as compared to that in the pre independence period. Similar is
the case of the economic exploitation of the weaker and the poor
ones. Wealth of the nation, its economic growth and
industrialization, seem to have made the rich men richer… ; the poor
ones continue to increase in number. The condition is more pathetic
on other facets of social development.

Castism, religious misconceptions, blind faith, superstitions, the

curse of dowry and similar absurdities of the customs and
convictions born out of the disgraceful past of ignorance and slavery
- continue to dominate the Indian mind. The political and economic
systems too are infected by these social evils in one form or the
other…. The large number of literacy campaigns, healthcare projects,
social welfare schemes, etc, appear to have little effect in diverting
the wrong trends.

The egotistic and selfish attitudes of the learned and elite ones -
including many of the journalists, writers, artists, scientists,
philosophers, bureaucrats, industrialists, planners, policy makers
and managers, etc, and, the ambitions and aspirations of the majority
for luxuries and aplomb…, have added to the complications of the
challenging problems associated with national development.

It is surprising to note that even the awareness generated during the

great movement of India's independence could not be channelized
for similar revolution on the social front. Despite significant progress
in agriculture, economy, science and technology, the social and
religious systems have remained the areas of lesser attention.

It is indeed unfortunate that after over 2500 years of slavery, when

we finally got the opportunity to breath in free India, we, rather than
resurrecting our original glory, chose to remain culturally enslaved
and confused. We became the followers of single tracked
materialistic development without bothering about what could be
essential for elevating the status of a diversified and illiterate society
like ours. We hardly cared about the inherent nature, culture,
Spectrum of Knowledge

convictions, and attitudes of our masses, without whose compatible

response, efficient cooperation and justified sharing in the national
progress, our dreams of prosperous development were bound to be
shattered in the long run….

Our democracy and our constitution are indeed the best in the world,
and we have the right to crown ourselves with the pride of the
dignified values these stand for… But, have we ever thought,
whether or how much, do we deserve them?

How can a democracy be healthy and strong unless the voters, who
design its political edifice, are made aware of their rights and
responsibilities? How would we prevent biased voting influenced by
caste, bribery, personal favors or threats and fears in a society, where,
the majority of voters are uneducated, ignorant and deprived of even
the basic necessities of human life? How could we expect efficient,
honest and responsible representatives to be elected from a society,
where, "might is right"; where, social injustice prevails in almost
every family - depriving its female members of the fundament
human rights; where, the impact of 'religion' has been confined to
emotional excitation, blind faith and backward traditions?

Some of us might think that this is not our duty to answer the above
or to search, our level best, for the solutions to accelerate righteous
progress of our beloved nation. But then, we might be either selfish,
coward, irresponsible or cynical in some respect, or, might be
unaware of our duties and ignorant about the facts of - where our
true welfare and progress would lie? Many of us think that the best
we could do is to improve ourselves, increase our own integrity and
efficiency in order to fulfil our immediate duties…; because, after all
we are not leaders, politicians or activists, who could initiate
revolutionary movements. We don't even believe in the purpose and
success of any such movement these days….

We might be correct, but that is neither the end of our duties, nor, do
we get to try best use of the limitless potentials of our lives because of
the above attitude. We may not generate movements, but we can
certainly expand the peripheries of our immediate duties to inspire
all others in our contact to educe greater faith in moral values,
Spectrum of Knowledge

righteous thinking, self-confidence and civic sense of responsibilities

in them too. Some of us do want to contribute in this direction; we do
care for honestly serving the nation, but do not know how to

This volume brings motivating guidance, detailed information and

feasible and creative programmes for each one of us to help
ameliorate our personal, familial and social lives by means of
thoughtful orientation and collective contribution of our own
potentials and talents. The volume also elucidates what is necessary
in terms of policy decisions and planned reformative activities at
national level towards genuine implementation of our constitution
and prestigious progress of our democracy. Guidelines for viable
economic techniques for progress of agricultural sector and small-
scale industries are also presented here along with details on creative
programmes of effective control of population growth, considering
the psychological makeup of the Indian public.

Acharya Sharma was a dedicated freedom fighter, who had sincerely

participated in the movement of India's independence. He was
trained under the noble guidance of Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya,
Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, (Maharshi) Arvindo
Ghosh, and other revered national heroes of India. Right since he was
a young volunteer in the non-violent freedom-struggle, this great
patriot, saint, spiritual master, social reformer, and sagacious scholar
had envisaged that - "an absolute revolution would be necessary on
the cultural front too, if India were to be independent and
progressive in the truest sense of the words…". The state of the nation
today - after more than 50 years of political independence, evinces
that his vision was indeed real.

What Acharya Sharma had warned over sixty years ago, has now
become a reality. His trenchant views concerning the present state of
the nation and its cultural and social system should open the eyes of
the leaders, policy makers, planners and the intellectuals of today….
His guidance for the future development is realistic and takes into
account the multifarious problems and impedance existing in the
present system.

Spectrum of Knowledge

After India's independence, he had, unlike many other freedom-

fighters, chosen to dedicate his life for social and cultural reformation
from the religious rather than political platform. He knew the
psychology of Indian mind and the depth of its religious spirit…..
His definition, philosophy, and realizations of religion (refer vol. 36,
53 of the vangmaya series) are scientific and universal as they
emanate from absolute understanding of human mind and
realization of the purity of inner self. His sagacious deliberations
would convince us that it is religion, which separates animals from
humans; which can eliminate the smog of animal instincts and
unethical passions, and illuminate the intrinsic world by the nitid
glow of pure intellect and divine piety….

Religion is an integral and intimate component of human life. Then,

how could it be separated from the social and national domains? In
fact, cultural and moral rise of a nation becomes possible only when
religion - ideal philosophy of life, is given due place in the lives of its
people. Political anarchy, corruption and autocracy can be controlled
by the righteous disciplines (ethics) of religion. Acharya Sharma
therefore emphasizes the need of compatible integration of ethics,
culture and politics. He critically warns those who propagate
communalism, superstitions and prejudiced principles and
traditions in the name of religion.

His deliberations on the role of religion in national development

should be analyzed by all those who discard religion from the
"prudent modes" of life and who are utterly against the collaboration
between the religious and political systems. His trenchant views
should also be read by all those, who try to politicize the concept of
religion, or who exploit people's faith for their vested interests.
Misconceptions and hypocrisy have no place in Acharya Sharma's
perspicuous explanations.

His thorough discussions encompass comprehensive reviews of

other authentic experts of the concerned topics. With reference to the
reformation of political system, he describes the qualities essential
for a good leader. The leader should be someone who knows the
enormous problems of the socioeconomic system of his nation; who
has the will and experience of solving people's problems and also has
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vision to guide viable solutions. A leader has to be an efficient

manager - of the national system, who is wise, innovative, creative
and determined. Integrity of character, sensitivity of heart and
stability of mind are fundamental requirements in public service. It is
in the context of establishing such virtuous tendencies, that the
linkage of religion with politics is advocated here.

The author also reminds each voter of the latter's duties and rights,
and, at the same time, inspires courage and motivation to enable the
voters come forward and strengthen the democratic system. He has
specially called the awakened talents to feel the pains of the nation
and share the collective responsibility of national development.

Acharya Sharma's mission of cultural and religious revolution and

social reformation and welfare is based on the fundamental elements
and principles of the original Indian Culture - the culture, which had
bestowed divine glory on this nation. In his words - "the enlightened
development of a nation progresses on the strong foundation of the
prudence, piety of sentiments and strength of character of its
citizens…." It is this class of ideal citizens, which has come forward to
contribute in the constructive programmes and reformative
activities of his mission.

Acharya Sharma's mission and its dedicated volunteers stand before

us as guiding light and live evidences of how awakened talents
would design the bright future of the nation. It is by our collective
endeavors and confidence that, as assured by Acharya Sharma, this
country will regain its lost prestige and set shining example before
the world in the twenty-first century.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 64, An Introduction

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(S³m³jika, Naitika Evam Bauddhika Kr³nti Kaise?)

he progress of science and technology since past few centuries
has indeed been revolutionary. It has drastically changed the
shape of our lives. World today is blessed by multifarious
comforts and facilities, which were beyond imagination a century
ago… Science fiction of the past appears to have become a reality
today. If a man of 300 years ago descends here, he may not recognize
whether it is the same world he once inhabited! The enormous boons
of science and technology have helped culmination of human
civilization to ever-new heights… However, despite this enrichment
and advancement, the goal of global peace and happiness still
appears to be far from sight….

Man of today, generally feels more lonely, more privative, more

deprived, more disappointed, more insecure, more worried, more
tensed and weaker than his great grand parents. The human society
today, appears to be challenged by unprecedented challenges and
facing negative evolution of - bodily health, mental stability and
peace, moral development, familial amity, financial security and
satisfaction, social goodwill and cooperation, inner bliss and

Acharya Sharma sees the misconceptions and misdeeds of people's

shortsighted, extrovert thinking at the root of these man-made
threats to the very survival of humanity. "Folly of Wisdom" would be
a more appropriate representation here to summarize the illusions
and mistakes of human intellect. Blind race of single-tracked
materialistic advancement has disturbed the harmony of the
ecosystem on the one hand, and has severely hindered the natural
flow of humane sentiments on the other. This has put the cultural
growth of the highly advanced civilization on a preishing front.

The present volume focuses at the depth and grandeur of the selfish
attitude, prejudiced thinking and evil mentality, and measures their
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adverse consequences in different dimensions of life. It also

discusses the major issues and approaches concerning reversal or
diversion of the morally inverted and ethically perverted thinking of
people and elucidates practical approaches to enforce ideal use of the
power of science and technology…. It sketches the basis, prudent
philosophy and modalities for materialization of intellectual
civilization in perfect consonance with righteous expansion of social
and ethical revolution - emanated from the limitless source of
spiritually refined thoughts and sentiments…

Power of thinking is greatest of all the powers of Nature and its

conscious component. Prudence of pure intellect enables ideal use of
this immense power. It is the sunrise of righteous thinking, which
educes spark of life in the otherwise dead education and thus
enlightens the latter with the glow of vidya (vol. 49 of the
vangmayaseries). The nectar of vidya induces the vital charge of
divine values in the human intellect and activates the hidden force of
the soul. Then, there remains no place left for evils, mistakes, fear,
tension, sorrow, despair, infirmity or scarcity in any domain of life….
Life blossoms with immense bliss and brilliant success there after….

Sagacity is a virtue of spirituality. It rises with the piety of intellect

and sentiments. Revolution of thoughts cannot proceed without its
emergence in people's minds. The fundamental elements of G³yatri
and Yagya, and the gamut of Indian cultural values derived from
them, encompass all that is necessary and sufficient for this
revolution to take place in the present circumstances of life….
Initiation and expansion of this revolution (Vichar Kranti) has been
the major objective of Acharya Sharma's "G³yatri Pariw³r" mission.

The distinctions of the Indian cultural system and the need,

possibilities and scope of resurrection of this culture, are elucidated
in the present volume in the context of the ethical (moral), intellectual
and social revolution by Vichar Kranti. This volume also discusses
the philosophies and impact of other revolutions, which have been
significant in the history of modern civilization.

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Acharya Sharma suggests a comprehensive approach involving

collective participation of people across the globe. In his views, the
process of moral and intellectual refinement should begin at
personal level and expand at familial and social levels in a natural
way. He has guided practical solutions and psychologically
appealing methods -- for prudent refinement of personality, which
can be adopted by each one of us for gradual progress right from
today onwards…. Rather than emphasizing ascetic disciplines of
high spiritual elevation, he advises easily adaptable modes for
changing our attitude and our direction of thinking, which are most
essential for inspiring moral ascent as a natural impulse of our

His analysis of the natural tendencies of human mind, and the

influence of thought waves generated in its internal and external
domains, is so appealing that it would make us feel, as if, it is a
projection of a thorough analysis of our own selves; as though, he has
known every aspect of our lives and sensed every vibration of our
thoughts and sentiments….

While discussing the trends of ethical and intellectual developments

on the social front, the author remarks that - "some misconceptions,
untoward tendencies, and unwise notions, have so firmly entangled
with our social customs, that we don't even notice their influence on
our lives, neither do we realize the need to examine their
applicability or harms in general….".

For a meaningful review of the moral character of a society of the

modern times, we should find out how many of its citizens could be
regarded as morally elevated on an average scale, and why? Even
going by the most 'pragmatic definition' of a morally refined citizen,
we will have to set some norms compatible with the ethics of
humanity. Those, whose selfish intellect sees nothing else except
what suits their vested interest, aplomb, luxuries, lust and ego, and
who never bother to care for the society or anyone other than their
near and dear ones…, cannot fit to be called moral or religious by any

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Those, who choose to live a simple life with minimum necessities, or

having comforts comparable to that of an average citizen of their
nation, and who consistently endeavor for enhancing their virtuous
potentials, integrity, piety of character, refined thinking, and
sagacity, are morally elevated indeed. They cannot live without
contributing their level best for the moral rise and altruist support of
the fellow beings…. Gradual purification of their sentiments, clarity
of mental vision and broadening of attitude naturally expands the
domains of their affection. It is this category of intellectuals, social
reformers and other citizens, who should set the ideals of ethics in the
human society today. They would, as per the prudent deliberations
and foresighted reasoning of Acharya Sharma, be the architects of
the 21st century and receive glorious recognition and honors in the
years to come….

The philosophy of life and mode of living based on the ideals of

humanity is indeed the righteous and foresighted choice in the
present era of ethical crisis. It is pathetic to note that, in today's
advanced society, many of the highly successful industrialists, other
professionals and intellectuals often prove to be failures in their
personal lives. Excellent managers of the external and materialistic
phase of life often perform so miserably in the internal world of
emotions and personal interactions, that depression, tension,
psychosomatic disorders, aggressive and suicidal tendencies, etc.,
become predominant features of their lives…. Increasing trends of
these kinds have raised the alarming need of judging emotional
qualification along with intelligence in the industrially developed,
technologically advanced countries these days. The growing use of
EQ along with IQ is a visible sign of this effect.

The edifice of advanced civilization cannot stand if the foundational

support of human values is shaken….. Acharya Sharma's vast
literature, his oral deliberations, and the creative programmes of
Vichar Kranti inspired by him, aim at awakening the divinely pure,
humane sentiments of love, compassion and altruist service… The
principle objectives of the ethical revolution proposed and
propagated by him include training and generation of morally
refined talents and dedicated, duty-bond citizens, who are endowed

328 335
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with the spiritual serenity and vital charge of the above sentiments.
Precious collection of his distinguished ideas and motivating
guidance on this unique revolution of our times is presented in this

In Acharya Sharma's views, the major cause of India's under-

development and poverty lies, not so much in its poor economic
condition, as in the mental backwardness of its people…. An average
Indian mind is captured by varieties of superstitions, blind faith and
lethargy in the name of religion and 'theism', and by illusory
complexes and artificial life-style adopted under the false notions of
social status and prestige. Narcotic drugs, other kinds of
intoxication, craze for name and fame, fashionable showoff,
excessive possession of luxuries and wealth, tensions, broken
families, licentious practices of free-sex, uncontrolled reproduction,
declining physical and mental health, etc, - are the other visible
offshoots of the anarchy, demoralizaiton and degrading of people's
mentality here, as in the rest of the world…

Uprooting the basic cause of the maligned mentality and unhealthy

tendencies of mind is targeted under what Acharya Sharma refers as
intellectual or mental revolution. This revolution also aims at
simultaneous enlightenment of people's faith and righteous and
creative orientation of their thoughts. Removal of religious
misconceptions and rigid faith, and unification of the prudent
principles and philosophies of all religions - with the noble purpose
of divine ascent of humanity - are the other important facets of this
revolutionary endeavor, which, the author affirms as essential for
progressive survival of the human civilization and its cultural
dignity…. How this should and could be achieved, is eloquently
described here. Authentic examples from modern life are also
presented to illustrate the feasibility of such revolutions today.

Several volumes of thevangamaya" series have discussed different

aspects of Acharya Sharma's ideas and endeavors of social
reformation and reconstruction. The present volume deals with
those pertaining to the notions, philosophies and convictions of -- the
leaders of religious, social and intellectual organizations ,and the

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celebrities who largely influence and shape people's opinions and

social trends. Here, he emphasizes eradication of those
misconceptions and untoward notions and theories, which
propagate inequality, separation, prejudices, social disparity and
nurture the rigid tendencies that are neither just nor suitable in the
interest of the society.

Acharya Sharma suggests excellent substitutes in place of untoward

customs and trends. Because, without doing so, no ideology,
howsoever prudent and useful it might be, can come into practice.
This novelty and practicality of his approach has been among the
secrets of the popularity and success of his mission. … He discusses
feasible projects of co-operative societies and larger families,
constructed on the basis of mutual trust and fair sharing of
responsibilities, benefits and losses. He also advocates propagation
of social culture driven by liberal thinking, foresighted wisdom and
scientifically justified practices.

At the outset, the idea of moral and intellectual refinement of over six
hundred billion people of the world sounds imaginary like a utopia.
But, those, who have witnessed and experienced the supernormal
intellect, divine personality, absolute spirituality and clairvoyance of
Acharya Sharma, and who have participated in the reformative and
constructive activities of his mission, would not have any doubt in
the reality of his visions…. We all would also be convinced of the
possibilities and success of the ethical, intellectual and social
revolution envisaged by him as we move deeper into the details of
this volume….


Spectrum of Knowledge


(Yug Nirm³ñ Yojn³ Darïana Swarupa Va K³ryakrama)

he aspirations, inspirations and attitude of awakened mind play
an important, though subtle, role in the advent, development
and evolution of religious, cultural and social spheres of human
life. Acharya Sharma had realized and studied, up to the deepest
depth, the immense potentials of people's mentality and inner
sentiments, which shape their lives and hence collectively design the
future of their society too…

He had envisaged the possibilities of spiritual refinement of

thoughts and sentiments and creative orientation of the same to
design ideal basis for advent of a new era of enlightened human
glory. He had conceptualized, planned and initiated the "Yug
Nirm³ñ Yojn³" to let his visions materialize in reality. The present
volume highlights the objectives, philosophy and modalities of this
mission and describes the creative programmes undertaken to
accomplish it.

Acharya Sharma had propagated mass education from religious

platform because, in his views, nothing else could be more effective
in refinement of people's faith, convictions, sentiments and
aspirations…. No law, no socioeconomic system, no scientific theory
or technological development could achieve what religious faith
could, in terms of changing one's attitude, character and deeds in a
natural manner. The intimacy of religion with the intrinsic
sentiments makes the former more powerful and effective in the
internal, deeper and subtler domains of human mind, which are
pivotal to the external activities of human life.

His interpretations of the eternity and power of religion and its

righteous adoption in human life - as discussed in vol. 53 of the
vangmaya series, would convince every liberal thinker of the sound
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basis of his foresighted approach. These would also convey why he

had chosen to initiate the great mission of resurrection of ideal
human values, from the religious platform.

As part of the social reformation programmes of the Yug Nirm³ñ

Yojn³, he had given maximum importance to eradication of blind
faith, superstitions and untoward customs and traditions prevailing
in the Indian society in the name of religion. Details on some of these
social reformative activities and their successful expansion are
presented in vols. 36, 48, 59 and 60 of the vangmaya series.

The social welfare activities under the Yug Nirm³ñ Yojn³ are not
confined only to providing external help to the needy and deprived
ones. Rather, this mission aims at finding viable solutions to improve
the status of people's life forever. It aims at enabling people solve
their own problems and also help educe confidence and positive
thinking in others. The personality development programmes of this
mission focus at wakinng the inner potentials of the individuals and
giving positive and creative orientation to their talents…. The
programmes of self-reliant education with moral elevation and
spiritual refinement - initiated under the banner of this mission since
1971, have set shining examples of what is an ideal service of the
human society.

The foundation of organizational structure necessary for the

implementation of the Yug Nirm³ñ Yojn³, was laid bydissemination
of the knowledge of Gayatri and Yagya in scientific light. This had
also made possible, endeavoring, the revival of the Indian Culture in
its original glorious form…. Gayatri Sadhana is the universal source
for purification of the inner self, illumination and righteous
orientation of intellect, and evolution of spirituality (c.f. vols. 9 to 15
of the vangmaya series ). The philosophy of Yagya teaches the
altruistic mode of living a creative and enlightened life. Scientific
experiments on Yagya serve the dual purpose of purification of
environment and total cure by natural herbs (vols. 25-26).

Spectrum of Knowledge

The unique experiment of "Vichara Kranti" - gradual refinement of

thoughts, righteous transformation of attitude and sublime
transmutation of intellect and emotions up to the divine realms of
spirituality - was initiated by Acharya Sharma from the day he had
organized a grand Gayatri Yagya in Mathura (India) in 1958. The
saintly life of Acharya Sharma and his wife, the spiritual aura of their
personalities and the inner power of their sacred love for all beings,
had attracted all those who had attended this Yagya to work for the
noble cause of his great mission. This is how the "larger family" typed
organization - called "Gayatri Pariwar", came into existence. This has
now expanded across the globe beyond the barriers of caste, religion,
creed, gender, socioeconomic status and educational background.

It is remarkable to note, how the determined pledge of a single

person (Acharya Sharma), for "Yug Nirm³ñ Yojn³", has brought
millions of people together for the same purpose…. This grand
organization has grown and is continuously expanding without any
support of any government, non-government funding or donations
by rich bigwigs. The small sums and pennies contributed by millions
of its members on regular basis have played remarkable role in
strengthening its financial resources. Generous devotion of talents
and labors by these true followers of Gurudev Shriram Sharama
Acharya, ensure the successful progress of Yug Nirm³ñ Yojn³.

The activities of this mission rebuilt our faith in the immense strength
of collective endeavors for altruist purposes. The details given in this
volume would further enhance our hopes in the possibilities of
revival of human dignity even in the present times of - deterioration
of cultural and social system and a near total crisis of faith in moral

The comprehensive planning of Yug Nirm³ñ Yojn³ encompasses

simultaneous materialization of ethical, intellectual and social
transformation in day-to-day life. Sincere action for this purpose
begin with the objective of maintaining healthy body, pure mind and
practice of industrious co-operation -at the individual and familial
Spectrum of Knowledge

levels, and gradually lead to expanding the roots of developing a

culturally aware civilized society….

The planning and implementation of Yug Nirm³ñ Yojn³ is three

folded : incorporating - propagative activities for the expansion of
the organization and for generating social awareness; reformative or
revolutionary activities to fight against the malice, misconceptions,
ignorance, evil tendencies and weaknesses prevailing today's
society; and constructive programmes for creative establishment of
social goodwill and transformed social system and inculcation of
righteous and progressive tendencies.

Acharya Sharma has suggested "one hundred formulae" for

successive progress of people's life via implementation of the above
plans of Yug Nirm³ñ Yojn³. These guidelines can be understood and
adopted in daily life by each one of us. The present volume describes
every point in detail and would answer, in his lucid style of writing,
the gamut of queries that might arise in the readers' minds while
glancing through this brief introduction to this volume.

From 'usually known' but 'largely forgotten' principles of hygiene,

proper eating habits… etc, to the spiritual disciplines of married
life….; from "love and cooperation within family…" , to " altruism
and spiritual transmutation of sentiments…"; from "social
reformation…", and "self-reliance…", …., to "future of world
economy…"; from "psychological basis of spirituality…", to
"integration of modern science and religion…"; from "necessity and
relevance of theism….", to "awakening of divinity in man…" -- every
topic, every aspect concerning human life today, is analyzed,
researched and eloquently discussed by Acharya Sharma. The
present volume gives us the essence of his ideas and thoughts with
greater emphasis on how these could be useful to us and could be
creatively applied in the present system of our lives….

Readers would also find detailed information in this volume on

natural queries like - "where and how many centres/branches of the
"Gayatri Pariwar" are there within and outside India,….?", "What are
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their regular activities…?", "How could one attend or participate in

their regular programmes….?", etc.

The distinct excellence of Acharya Sharma's approach lies in the fact

that he encourages natural escalation of people's bodily, mental,
intellectual and spiritual potentials by inspiring their conscious and
unconscious minds…. This way, every man and woman can rise
consistently from whatever his present level is, by adopting what
Acharya Sharma calls - "the art of living", and by sincerely following
the simple disciplines and practices of self-analysis, self-restrain,
self-evaluation and Pragya Yoga taught by him….

As the collective and continuous motion of waves in an ocean

expands beyond every limit, similarly, the collective and progressive
endeavors of refinement and elevation pursued by the individuals
can lead to the grand awakening and transmutation of collective
consciousness along the limitless grandeur of the divine origin of
humanity. This is how the "unimaginable" objective of resurrection
of a bright era, is expected to be achieved under the auspices of "Yug
Nirm³ñ Yojn³".


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 66, An Introduction

Liberation for me means release from the clutches of desires and

cravings. This I have attained. Heaven for me means the mingling
together, as a river, of the triple streams of: moulding one's life in
accordance with sublime and ennobling ideals; seeing only the good
in others behind the facade of appearance to the contrary and loving
others through identity of Spirit. I have been bathing in this blissful
river of heavenly joy for a long time. I have now no desire either to go
to Heaven or attain Liberation.

Spectrum of Knowledge

(Prerñ³prada DraÌt³nta)

xamples serve a great purpose of natural teaching….. In formal
teaching of any discipline of knowledge, simple examples are
constructed or derived to illustrate specific topics or points,
which are otherwise difficult to explain. Beginners also grasp the
subject matter better with the help of examples. Examples have
greater importance in real life. Learning from observation of what
others are or have been doing - is a general tendency of human mind.
This seems to be the most natural mode of learning in the childhood
and continues to be significant in the later ages too….

Because of human nature of following others, we often see common

trends of fashion and mode of living in specific sectors of the society
or among majority of people of a common locality. Even opinions on
issues of general interest seem to be clustered according to this
tendency in most cases. Except for the impact of incisive intellect and
sound reasoning, for most people, the impressions of real-life
phenomena, the examples of others' lives - especially those of direct
or indirect interest or relevance with respect to one's own
circumstance of life, etc, bear deep on their psychology. What is
more, even the aspirations and attitudes of some people are driven
by the instances of the lives of others, especially celebrities - their life-
style, habits, conduct, behavior and reactions, etc.

Commentaries on religious scriptures, in particular, those written or

narrated with an objective to convey and inculcate the preached
thoughts and messages in the minds of the masses, are full of
examples illustrated in the form of short stories and episodes. The
Puranas were written for the purpose of teaching the philosophy
and art of living to those people in the society of yore, who could not
follow the deep knowledge hidden in the hymns of the Vedas or in
the abstract deliberations of the Upnishadas and Darshanas.
Acharya Sharma also had written "Pragya Puranas" (vol. 38 of the

Spectrum of Knowledge

vangmaya series) in similar style of illustrative and inspiring stories

and conversational episodes for the people of the modern times.

Short stories, anecdotes and episodes drawn from the limitless

spectrum of human life are also found to be most effective means of
mass education. The ancient tradition of teaching the children with
the help of the stories of Panchantra and Hitopadesha, etc, and the
elders by those of Ramayana and Bhagawat, etc, on these lines, has
continued till date with obvious changes in the modes of
presentations and plots of the stories…..

Realistic nature of the theme and background of the story and

lucidity of the style of writing or narration are essential for making
this medium of teaching more effective and attractive. Similar is true
with the popularity and impact of the plays and novels too. These
should also focus the interest of the readers and the audiences.

Fiction may be an excellent means of entertainment, time-pass, or

diversion of mind, but, it may not always be useful for righteous
conditioning of people's mind; neither can it be consistently used for
inducing courage and strength in them to fight out the adversities
and design their own destiny…. This is because, it is usually the
objective of entertainment or the rhetoric expression of the
imaginations of mind…., which leads to the creation of a fiction.
While writing a poem, story, play or novel, one is free to give any
color to his mental impulses, imaginations and mold the
circumstances and characters as per his will.

Incorporation of the 'constraints' of - "ideals of human life", "positive

thinking", "righteous and realistic approach", ….., etc, would be
against the liberty of the imaginative minds of the poets and writers
and this would also block the natural flow of a fiction…. Therefore,
we cannot expect fictions to be always good (ideal) and realistic. The
episodes and stories of a fiction might support or project, positive as
well as negative tendencies of mind and might create illusive and
untoward impressions in the adolescent minds; these might even
pervert or deceive the minds of those who lack in reasoning and

Spectrum of Knowledge

It is said that because of their imaginary nature, fictions generally

make only short-lived effects. However, sometimes the unrealistic
notions and psychological reactions projected 'realistically' in the
stories or imaginary instances in fictions create such deep
impressions in a reader's (listener or viewer's) mind which might
trigger the latter - even after a long span of time - to think or react in
an abnormal or inhuman manner.

In view of the above limitations of hypothetical creation of examples,

and noting the general non-reachability of the difficult philosophical
deliberations and the similes derived from them by intellectual
decipherations, Acharya Sharma had advocated the use of inspiring
examples from real life in the teachings under the mass-education
programmes of his "Vichara Kranti"and "Yug Nirman" missions….

The present volume is an exclusive compilation of authentically

reported, inspiring instances of the lives of the great many ordinary
people of the ancient and the modern times. It encompasses almost
all circumstances and different walks of life that are of relevance to
human society today.

The adversities, challenges or difficulties faced by the people cited

here, may, sometime stand before us too. In such situations, the
memories of the concerned instances given here would offer us
instant courage and solutions. How the ordinary humans, who were
suffering from sever diseases, handicaps, poverty, etc, or, who had
been tortured by assault, scorn and exploitation by the society or
even by the near and dear ones…, etc, overcame all hindrances,
agonies and pressures…., and made best use of their potentials…,
and achieved success and happiness while living under the
circumstances worse than ours? Live examples of these sorts are of
great importance in alleviating our worries and awakening our
talents and positive thinking.

We might have been taught or might keep reading or listening about

the great religious principles and the importance and righteous
values of the ideal qualities like - patience, endurance, modesty,
honesty, integrity, courage, bravery, justice, equality, altruist
attitude, creative optimism, etc. Depending upon our upbringing,
Spectrum of Knowledge

education and intrinsic nature, we might have also adopted some or

all of them to some extent…. We might also attempt controlling the
negative tendencies related to anger, ego, erotic thinking, selfish
desires, etc. However, as might be the case with most of us, we
normally remain far from what we should or would like to be in ideal
sense. The examples cited in this volume would inspire and
encourage us to proceed further with greater and greater strength
and success.

Examples and episodes of the glorious lives of great personalities are

presented in the volume nos. 50 and 51 of this series. The present
volume is unique and might be most suitable to most of us because it
deals with ordinary people. Acharya Sharma's vivid discussions - on
how and what the specific episodes convey to us…., make the
teachings more perspicuous, trenchant and impressive.

Many a times we are in a state of dilemma or confusion, and can't

foresee the consequences of our possible actions; we can't even
sometimes analyze what would be a correct decision or reaction… In
such cases, we do look for someone who had experienced similar
situations or who could guide us righteously with substantial moral
support….. The present volume will indeed be the best friend or
advisor in such critical moments too.

The all round tensions, agonies, misdeeds, desperate competitions,

blind ambitions, corruption, mistrust, uncertainties, ….etc,
prevailing in the world today, give a clear indication that majority of
the people have not learnt the art of living a happy & righteous life….

Acharya Sharma has gifted an intimate "well-wisher" and a perfect

guide to us in the form of this volume. This will help each one of us
learn, from the live-examples of the 'fellow beings', the best mode of
living a creative and successful life, bearing all its ups and downs
cheerfully. The volume would also be an excellent source for guiding
sincere self-analysis and refinement and development of
personality, endowed with virtuous potentials, which would set
examples for others to follow….
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 67, An Introduction
Spectrum of Knowledge


(Pujyavara Kº Amratav³ñº - I )

charya Sharma's personality was a rare combination of a great
saint, spiritual master, sagacious scholar, scientist par
excellence, patriot, social reformer, notable writer and an
inspiring orator of distinct qualities. It is indeed surprising how the
same person could express perfect eloquence in writing as well as in
oration…. He wrote a record number of books in Hindi on the topics
concerning all dimensions of the limitless expansion of human life.
His depth of knowledge, lucidity, and ability to penetrate the
reader's mind and core of sentiments, are truly exceptional. His
writings are regarded as masterpiece of literature and precious
theses of different branches of knowledge - ranging from vedic
scriptures, religious philosophy, spirituality and culture, etc., to
psychology, health sciences, sociology, physical sciences,
civilization and future of the world, etc…...

The vangmaya series of 108 volumes gives a collection of his

monumental contributions to different disciplines of knowledge
through his writings. The present volume and volume no. 92 are
distinct in the sense that these contain the nectar of his discourses and
oral deliberations (Amrit V³ñº) on a wide variety of topics. His
speeches and talks are compiled here in their original form from the
audio recordings. This would offer to all those, who might not have
met him or listened to his inspiring discourses, an opportunity to do

The simplicity of language in his orations and his ability to set a live
linkage with the audiences used to have a hypnotizing effect on the
listener's mind. Similar engrossment would be felt while reading this
volume. Such is the flow of his illustrative lectures that the readers
will find spontaneous answers and learn in reality.

Spectrum of Knowledge

This volume covers a spectrum of topics concerning psychological

refinement and spiritual elevation of mankind. These include series
of his lectures and talks, delivered on different occasions, before
heterogeneous gatherings of people - coming from different walks of
society, having different educational, social, psychological and
spiritual backgrounds. The broad class of topics compiled here, may
be grouped as - "G³yatrº and Yagya"; "The foundational elements of
the divine culture of India"; "Principles and methods of spiritual
refinement"; "Myths and Facts of supernormal attainments by
spiritual endeavors"; "Awakening of divinity in human beings -
relevance and experiments in day-to-day life"; "Divine call of eternity
for mankind - preparation and progress towards a new and bright
era"; "The meaning and philosophy of Brahmnism - how people
belonging to any case or creed, having any religious faith, could
become a true Brahmin and enhance their potentials for global
welfare…..?"; …. etc.

The earlier volumes (no. 9 to 14 of this series) on G³yatrº are

invaluable treatises on - Complete knowledge of the philosophy and
science of G³yatrº Mantra; G³yatrº - as the source of genesis and
expansion of the Vedas and all the knowledge of the material,
conscious and super-conscious components of Nature and its eternal
creator; G³yatrº - the power of refinement and righteous
illumination of intellect; Spiritual endeavors of realization and
supreme attainments of G³yatrº Vidya….; etc. The associated topics
covered in the present volume offer complementary support to
clarify the readers' doubts in general.

Here, Acharya Sharma talks about "Tripad³ G³yatrº" and the three
components of - conception, perception and realization of divinity.
Understanding and experiences of theism, religion, spirituality,
intrinsic faith, prudence, creativity, talents, success, and
responsibilities, associated with it are also explained perspicuously
with illustrative examples from ancient as well as modern times. He
openly discusses how he proceeded with the great spiritual
endeavors of G³yatrº Sadhan³ while also fulfilling his familial and
social responsibilities. His eloquent deliberations leave no room

Spectrum of Knowledge

for doubt or suspicion. The kind of live interaction set in his speeches
enables the listener (reader, here) endow his teachings and
inspirations directly within heart. His voice becomes the voice of the
listener's (reader's) inner self.

The topics on yagya covered here will teach us the philosophy of

Yagya and its relevance and scientific importance in our daily life.
The logical basis and scientific process of Yagya is vividly explained
here covering every detail on queries ranging from "how and when
to perform a Yagya?" to "the complementarity of G³yatrº and Yagya
- in materialistic (worldly), psychological and spiritual domains of
human life"….As his speeches were meant to make even the deep
and difficult domains of knowledge, accessible and understandable
to the beginners - including those who can't even read…., Acharya
Sharma has been extremely lucid here. He teaches like a mother, a
perfect trainer. He shares his own experiences with the audience. He
illustrates the points with the help of simple examples and short
stories while also maintaining the spontaneity and focus of the

It is amazing to note that the esoteric topics of the spiritual sciences

and yoga, including - "Shaktip³ta" and "KuñÃalini J³garaña",
could be explained so perspicuously, at such elementary level, by a
great yogi who has reached the highest realms of knowledge and
accomplishments in these sadhan³s? But, as we see here, Acharya
Sharma indeed does that, quite adeptly, leaving no room for illusions
and misconceptions in the minds of the audience and the readers. In
his writings, he elucidates the deeper depths and gigantic grandeur
of the science of spirituality and its practical implementation in
human life. With equal ease and effect he explains in his talks, this
rather 'inexpressible' field of hidden knowledge and subtle

People often limit the meaning and use of religion in narrow

peripheries of - specific expression of faith in thy manifestations,
modes of worshiping, rituals and rites. They think this is how a
religion is to be practised to please the Almighty God….. Acharya

Spectrum of Knowledge

Sharma's teachings have given due importance to eradicating such

misconceptions and illuminating the masses with the righteous
interpretation and knowledge of religion, theism, and spirituality,
and propagating prudent conceptualization and realization of the
eternal, omnipresent existence of God….

The set of his lectures compiled in this volume would be of excellent

use in enlightening the masses - especially in the societies like India,
and teaching them to worship the God existing in humanity. His
conceptualization of thee, as - the perpetual cosmic order…, the
limitless, eternal ensemble of absolute virtues and divine
tendencies…., - is universal and naturally gives righteous direction
to people's faith. His talks convey his ideas more clearly and

What is the practical science of spirituality and how it can be

followed in daily life to attain spiritual refinement of personality,
illumination of intellect and gradually accomplish ultimate success
in life? How to awaken and improve hidden talents and potentials?
How to be graced by the divine blessings of thee? Acharya Sharma's
sagacious discussions here would answer such doubts and queries of
most people and motivate them to read his books and volumes with
greater interest to know more about their own selves and about the
origin and purpose of their lives.

The last section of this volume is devoted to his prophecies and

guidance on the future of the world. It also throws light on the
common curiosities like -" In what form, the divine incarnation, if
any, would descent in the new era?" "What will be the future of
human civilization and humanity in the next millenium?"….
Acharya Sharma highlights the possibilities of revolutionary
changes in the world order and the advent of a bright era, which
would be achieved by the collective genuine efforts of the masses,
dedicated to the needs of the time…. He assures us of an auspicious
future, which will bestow 'divine boons' upon us worth our
endeavors in this critical juncture of change of an era….

Spectrum of Knowledge

Acharya Sharma's verbal guidance, his speeches and discourses had

motivated millions of people and inspired sublime transformation in
their thinking, aspirations and conduct. The present volume has
offered this rare opportunity to us too. Reading it would make us feel
as if, we are siting near him and receiving the nectar of his divine
guidance by listening to him alive….


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 68, An Introduction

One thing that I have intensely desired is to be able to give

away my all to those who have overwhelmed me with their priceless
gifts of love, so that at the time of withdrawal to the invisible astral
realm I could put the dust of their foot-prints on my head and say:
"This is what has been possible for me to do for you in this life. I wish I
am given the opportunity of going through the whole cycle of 84-lakh
life-forms again so that I could serve you all to my utmost capacity
and thus gladly repay the debts I owe you for the gifts of love and
cooperation that you have gratefully and unconditionally showered
on me."

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Vich³ra S³ra Evam S¿ktiy³n - I)

uotable quotes and phrases have a significant place in
literature. These are easy to remember and help conscise
expression of specific points or thoughts. Sayings of great
personalities and opinions of authentic experts of different disciplines
of knowledge are quoted with distinct honor in speeches and essays to
enrich the validity and impact of the concerned topic and expression of

The sayings and quotes, which contain the expression of the inner
feelings and messages of saintly scholars and spiritually elevated
personalities, often generate magical enlightenment and offer instant
guidance in difficult moments. This is why they have been given
special place in religious and philosophical scriptures. They also offer
remarkable help in psychological treatment and counseling.

These quotes also provide excellent food for righteous thinking and
ideal tips for correct actions accordingly. Recalling such sayings and
contemplating on the essence of thoughts of the sagacious minds and
illuminated personalities is also an effective mode of training and
illuminating our minds. The present volume together with the next in
the series offers comprehensive collection of golden sayings and
excerpts from religious scriptures with brief but perspicuous
explanation wherever necessary. These two volumes also enshower
the nectar of Acharya Sharma's teachings.

The contents of this volume include - hymns from the Vedas, quotes
from the scriptures of different religions of the world, prudent
thoughts of the rishis of yore and great personalities of the later ages.
The comprehensive collection here brings us the essence of in-depth
knowledge on almost all topics concerning human life. The
multifarious approaches to - the search of absolute truth, culmination
and sublime transformation of humanity, ethics and secrets of success
in different walks of righteous life, …., etc, presented at one place,
make this volume preciously useful for each one of us. The "easy to
Spectrum of Knowledge

understand", and "ready to follow" style of presentation of the

quotations add to the importance of this volume.

The volume begins with the inspiring sayings of the rishis, yogis,
sagacious saints, noted philosophers and other revered personalities,
on the topics pertaining to self-realization and spirituality. Successive
sections enlighten us by the knowledge of the divine goal of human
life, the origin and limitless expansion of truth, eternal importance of -
the natural sentiments of love and compassion, …., noble tendencies,
self-restrain, righteous behavior, .…,etc. Marvellous representations
of the fundamental elements of the Indian culture are reflected here in
the expressions quoting the experiences and comments of the glorious
men and women of the ancient and the modern times.

Collection of the preaching of different religions is quoted here to

elucidate the realities of "Multiple Paths to Common Goals". This is a
rare compilation evincing the fundamental similarities of the objective
and the coherence of different philosophies on the existence of the
unique, universal, ultimate power of God, decipheration of absolute
truth, and realization of eternal liberty….. This would serve as an
authentic treatise for the ideal human religion, unifying the best
teachings of different religions and schools of thoughts.

Excerpts from the teachings of the Vedas, Upnishadas, Mahabharata,

Manusmriti, Nitisara, Shabdartha Chintamani, Smiriti Grantha,
Bhagawat Purana, Ramacharita Manas, etc, - of the Hindu religion,
Kodhvaggo, Dandavaggo, etc, of Buddhism, Guru Granth Sahib
(Sikh), the Jewish scriptures like Midrash, Yalkuta, etc, Tao, Theh
King, Luca-Matte, etc, the scriptures of Christianity, and the holy
Kuran Sharif, etc, of the Muslim religion, are presented here with short
commentaries. Ethics of humanity, Principles of nonviolence, honesty
and amity, Duties of a person in married life, in the society, etc -- are
conveyed in these sacred quotes, which have remarkable impact on
human psychology.

The essence of the science and philosophy of yoga - in every dimension

of human life is highlighted in the guiding quotations of Sutra
Grantha, Nitishataka, Yoga Vashishtha, Subhashita Ratnabhandagar,
Charaka Samhita, Sushtura Samhita, etc. These would serve as

Spectrum of Knowledge

compact guide book for all those who want to know, learn, and
practice in daily life, yoga - as a perfect art of living.

Illuminated sayings of the spiritually refined great personalities and

eminent thinkers like Swami Ramatirtha, Swami Ram Krishna
Parahamhans, Swami Vivekananda, Lala Hardayal, James Ellen, Lev
Tolstoy, Spinoza, Victor Hugo, Goethe, Johnson, Tenneson, etc, are
cited here which offer us an invaluable source of enlightenment and
motivation. Recalling and following their sayings would be equivalent
to being in the noble company of these great personalities. The
inspiring impulses of these messages and guidelines would inculcate
the seeds of virtuous tendencies in our minds and hearts as well.

The treasure of rishi chintan - "ideal thoughts for the day", is also
presented here. It consists of small paragraphs or guidelines on - How
to react in which situation?, How to activate and use specific potentials
and talents?, How to take right decisions at the right moments?, ….,etc.
These reflect the essence of Acharya Sharma's thoughts, which would
work like afflatus for the awaken minds and also vibrate and
illuminate the otherwise dull and dormant minds….. The topics
covered here, may be classified under the headings - "Scientific
Aspects of Spirituality"; "Practical Science of Spirituality"; "Spirituality
and Yoga in Daily Life"; "Spiritual Power of Thoughts and
Sentiments"; "Spiritual Endeavors of Sublime Transmutation of Vital
Force"; "Scientific Basis, Relevance and Importance of Religion";

The guidelines presented here would be useful for each one of us in

one form or the other….. Because, these would educe righteous
attitude, courage, positive thinking and offer immense moral support
and enliven guidance in different situations and ups and downs of our
lives and under different psychological conditioning of our minds. Be
those the high tides of triumph and joys, the low tides of failures,
agonies and despair, or the steady flow of routine chores….., these
quotable quotes and prudent thoughts would guide the small boats of
our deeds to the righteous destinations through the gigantic ocean of
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 69, An Introduction

Spectrum of Knowledge


(Vich³ra S³ra Evam S¿ktiy³n - II)

his volume is a continuation of volume no. 69 of the vangmaya
series. It contains quotable quotes and sayings of great saints,
thinkers and social reformers. Essence of thoughts and
experiences of other glorious persons, who have achieved ideal
success in different walk of life, are also cited here.

The previous volume cites the quotations, sayings and excerpts on

the philosophy of life, spirituality, and related topics pertaining to
the inner world of sentiments, thoughts, convictions, and intrinsic
tendencies of mind. The topics covered in the present volume deal
with the behavioral aspects and worldly activities. The list includes
those concerning - adoption and practice of chastity, modesty,
integrity of character, mutual cooperation, etc; healthy body and
healthy mind; elimination of evil tendencies and habits; refinement
of talents for viable materialistic progress; ideal modes of using
wealth and prosperity; social development; civilization and culture;

It is interesting to see what the sayings and excerpts of the Vedas,

Upnishadas and other scriptures of the different religions of the
world convey and teach about the gamut of duties, activities and
attainments of life. The unity of objective and essence found here in
the diversities of the different approaches…, enlightens our faith in
the universality of true knowledge.

The quotations, extracted from the ancient treatises and the views of
the erudite scholars and noted personalities of different ages,
presented here, reflect different colors of the eternal glow of
knowledge under different shades of human psychology and
changing patterns of human life - its social prospects, and
civilization, with the flow of time….. Experienced guidelines for

Spectrum of Knowledge

what is most suitable and applicable in the present circumstance of

life, are also available in the selected "thoughts for the day" conveyed
by the author.

Wide varieties of questions, on topics ranging - from "how to eat and

what to eat?" to "medical and psychological aspects of chastity"….;
from "religious conducts in married life" to "management of
family"…..; from "glory of women" to "social and national
progress"….; from "secrets of prosperous life" to "economic
development"….; from "personal elevation" to "culmination of
human culture"…; etc, are trenchantly answered in these short but
precise quotes.

The selection, sorting, and compilation of great many thoughts and

sayings on multifarious aspects of human life is indeed remarkable.
The condensed presentation of the essence of the seemingly limitless
amount of knowledge in this volume together with the previous one
materializes the apparently impossible task of "collecting an ocean
(of knowledge) in a small bucket (of a compact volume)…..".

The two volumes together will serve to be "Concise Encyclopedia" of

the ideas and opinions of the great spiritual masters, erudite
scholars, distinguished experts and glorious personalities. This
would be a precious collection of references for thorough research in
the broad areas like - "Comparative Study of the Ancient and Modern
Schools of Philosophy/ Psychology/ Sociology /….etc"; "Unified
Approaches of Different Religions…."; "History and Trends of
Cultural and Social Developments…."; etc.

The quotations being small are easy to remember. They work like
"pocket guides" extracted from copious treatises of knowledge…
'Food' for righteous and creative thinking is available here in a
'ready-made, delicious and easy-to-digest' form. It is up to us how we
benefit from this nectar.

Be those the problems of day-to-day life, social interactions,

management of personal and professional domains of life, or the

Spectrum of Knowledge

endeavors of enlightened elevation and progress … in specific

direction …., the quotable quotes, sayings, and essence of thoughts
presented here will provide instant solutions and timely
guidance…., which perhaps will not be always available from any
other source.

If we develop a habit of reading, recalling and obeying even a single

quotation per day, our intellect, talents, creativity, mode of working,
and overall conduct, will soon begin to glow with excellence and
open up the doors of success along the righteous path of progress.


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya Vol. 70, An Introduction

Rest assured that the debt that I owe to my parijans will be

repaid. I do not desire either Heaven or liberation. I ardently pray to
God that I may be again put through the whole cycle of 84-lakh life-
forms as a blade of grass, a blooming flower, a tree, a sheep, a cow etc.,
so that I am able to amply discharge the debts I owe to my parijans,
who have showered on me their gifts of love, affection, reverence,
faith, goodwill and understanding. Sometimes, I wish I become a
heavy-laden cloud and could repay each drop of these gifts with
showerful of rain. I do not know whether, and if so how far, these
ardent aspirations of mine will be fulfilled. I can only assure my
parijans that their love will never be forgotten.

Spectrum of Knowledge


Vol. 71 Psychological Basis of Mental Disorders
(Manovik³ron Ki Vagyanik PriÌthabh¿mi)
Vol. 72 Causes and Remedies Of Mental Stress -
Comprehensive Analysis
(Tan³va Ke Karaña Evam Unke Niv³raña Ke Up³ya)

Vol. 73 Projections of Attitude and Thoughts

(Chintan K³ Vidhey³tmak - NiÌedh³tmaka Swar¿pa)

Vol. 74 Immense Potentials of Zeal and Mental Vitality

(Puru̳rtha aur M³navº Jijºvi̳)
Vol. 75 The Unique Force of Determination
(Sankalpa Bala K³ An¿th³ Prabh³va)
Vol. 76 Multiple Facets of Child Development
(B³la-Vik³sa Ke Vividha Sop³na)
Vol. 77 Righteous Orientation of Child Psychology
(B³la Manovigy³na k³ Sahº Upayoga)
Vol. 78 Virtuous Tendencies and Familial Harmony
(P³riv³rikat³ Men Susansk³ron K³ Yogad³na)
Vol. 79 Five Principles of Happy Family
(P³riv³rika Panchshºla Aur Pariv³ra-Nirm³ña)
Vol. 80 The Gradual Process of Evolution of Personality
(Vyaktitva Ke Vik³sa Kº Prakriy³)
Vol. 81 The Science of Thoughts -- Profound Perspectives
(Vichar-Vigy³na K³ Mahatva)
Vol. 82 Viable Solutions to The Social Problems of Today
(S³m³jika Samasy³yen Aur Unk³ S³m³dh³na)
Vol. 83 Stepwise Progress and Developments on Social Fronts
(Sam³ja-Nirm³ña Ke Vibhinna Charaña)
Spectrum of Knowledge

Vol. 84 Intimacy of Ethics and Social Order

(S³m³jika Jºvana Men Sadguño Kº Bh¿mik³)
Vol. 85 People's Solutions to People's Problems
(Nar-N³rº Kº S³m³nya Samasy³yen
Aur Unk³ S³m³dh³na)
Vol. 86 Ascent of Women -- Hurdles and Hopes
(N³rº J³grati Kº B³dh³yen Evam Unke
Nir³karañaKe Up³ya)
Vol. 87 Family Life: Best Phase for Ascetic Endeavors
(P³riv³rika Jºvana : Ek Tapa-S³dhan³)
Vol. 88 Collective Responsibilities of Married Life
(D³mpatya Jºvana Ke Sanyukta D³yitva)
Vol. 89 The Science of Ethics and Morality in Practice
(Nºti Vigy³na Aur Naitikat³)

Vol. 90 Foundational Principles and Progressive

Modes of Agricultural and Industrial Development
(KriÌi, Vyavas³ya Aur Udhyoga Kº Unnati Ke Âdh³ra)
Vol. 91. Sagacious Thoughts of Gurudev
(P¿jya Gurudeva Ke Sfuta Vich³ra)

Vol. 92 Talks and Speeches of Gurudev - II

(P¿jyavar Kº Amritv³ñº - II)
Vol. 93 Divine Experiences of Gurudev
(P¿jya Gurudeva Kº Divya Anubh¿tiy³n)
Vol. 94 Treasure of Inspiration -- Letters from Gurudev
(P¿jya Gurudeva Ke Likhe Smarñºya Patra)
Vol. 95 The Great Science of Tantra -- Elucidation of the
Hidden Forces of Nature
(Tantra M³h³vigy³na Vivechana)
Vol. 96 The Great Science of Mantra -- Evolution
and Illumination of Life
(Mantra M³h³vigy³na Vivechana)
Spectrum of Knowledge

Vol. 97 Enlightening Memoirs of Great Lives

(M³hapuruÌon Ke Preraka Jºvana-Prasanga)
Vol. 98 Inspiring Tales and Biographies
(Prerañ³prada Kath³ Evam G³th³en)
Vol. 99 Stories That Reach Deep In Your Heart
(Marmasparïº Vividha Kath³en)

Vol. 100 Pragya Abhiyan - The Noble Mission of Shantikunj

for Spiritual Transmutation of Intellect
(ϳtikunja k³ Pragy³ Abhiy³na)

Vol. 101 Milestones Of The Yug Nirman Mission

(Yuga Nirmaña Mission K³ Kramika Itih³sa)
Vol. 102 Cognition of The Vedik Philosophy
(Veda- S³ra-Chintana)

Vol. 103 The Essence of Puranas


Vol. 104 The Philosophical Core of The Upnishadas and Aranyakas

(UpniÌada Aur Ârañayakon Kº Darïanika ViÌayavastu)
Vol. 105 A Bouquet of Poesy and Songs

Vol. 106 Constructive Endeavors and Achievements of

The All World Gayatri Pariwar Mission
(Mission Ke Rachn³tmaka K³ryakramon K³
Kramika Itih³sa)
Vol. 107 Code of Conduct for Social Activities of
The Gayatri Pariwar
(Mission Kº Loka-Vyavah³ra Sanhit³)
Vol. 108 Intimate Messages and Affectionate
Guidance of Gurudev
(Gurudeva Kº Apne Âtmºya Jano Se Apnº B³ten)

Note: Vol. nos. 71-108 are in print. The introduction to these is not
covered in this book.
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