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The document provides instructions for texture hacking DLC files in Dissidia and Dissidia Duodecim. It explains that DLC texture hacking is the same process as normal texture hacking, which involves decrypting the DLC files, finding the relevant GMO file, renaming it to a .gmo, editing it, renaming it back, and using a plugin to load the modified DLC. It also includes GMO lists for the base games that show the GMO IDs for characters.

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The document provides instructions for texture hacking DLC files in Dissidia and Dissidia Duodecim. It explains that DLC texture hacking is the same process as normal texture hacking, which involves decrypting the DLC files, finding the relevant GMO file, renaming it to a .gmo, editing it, renaming it back, and using a plugin to load the modified DLC. It also includes GMO lists for the base games that show the GMO IDs for characters.

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Shinethatlight wrote: ATTENTION: Okay guys, sorry bout this.

In the vid I forgot to mention that when saving in GGS your interlace needs to be set to BGR, mine was set to that, but I forgot to type it into the notes. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused. Well guys! Welcome to the video, ShineThatLight here. This video should help you get familiar with the general workings of the Dissidi a Modding Suite. I wrote in the notes when I recorded this, because I am none to familiar with th e annotations on Youtube. If you have trouble seeing, try going full screen. I will upload the txt files I used if you still can't see. Another thing to mention is that Paint.NET won't l oad the TGA files properly. You can edit in PNG but it is ill-advised, so just g o download GIMP/Photoshop. Downloads needed: Modding Suite- http://www.mediafire.com/?d6konrsevl6gtaf Graphic Game Studio- http://ifile.it/edhf0sz GMO# List- **NEEDS TO BE RE-UPLOADED** Steps (requested) - **NEEDS TO BE RE-UPLOADED** ***As of 9/30/10 I've made a all-in-one package that includes all four of the ab ove links, so you can just download one link instead of 4, mirrors are here: Mirror 1: http://www.multiupload.com/IT1WQ9YHZD (seven different sites) Mirror 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?5dbex7e3srofbnc *** Ask any questions you have in either the comments on this video, or in the threa d on Dissidia Forums. Here is a link to the section there http://dissidiaforums. com/forumdisplay.php?f=99 Sorry for the lack of music, guess I just didn't feel any need for it hah.. Thanks again go to SkyBladeCloud for all his effort that goes into making this p ossible. Be sure to give DissidiaForums.com a visit and get familiar with the pe ople there Best of luck! Remember guys, stay creative and fun with your textures, make em l ook cool This is kinda my first time doing a tutorial, and if I didn't make anything clea r enough please let me know and I will address it via comment. A few things to note, in Graphic Game Studio, have your interlace set to BGR unl ess working with a stage, then have it on PSP. Don't use the previewer to see yo ur TM2 files, they will always look messed up. Only use GGS for that. You can pr eview a GIM in the previewer, this will let you see what should and shouldn't be invisible in case you need to fix something later. "I think you forgot to mention that running gmoprw.exe and selecting Yes will ma ke it so that you can preview GMOs and GIMs by doubleclicking them." Thanks Shinryuu. Guys, if you run the .exe for the gmoprw you can hit the yes bu tton which allows you to double-click GIMs and GMOs to run them. Pretty handy im o. PS: We will not help you pirate the ISO, you can get that on your own. Links last checked on 9/30/10. Please let us know if any link is down.

Image Image Image Image EDIT BY ACE: there has been an update to the program, however.... through my exp erience, i needed to use both the older program and the newer program (the older program to insert the new gmo onto the original character gmo, and the newer pr ogram to force the new gmo onto the assist character gmo... this is of course, d ependent on if the first program will work for you when you texture hack both ch aracters or not) the release of the newer version has a few bugs, one of the most common and anno ying bugs is that every virus scanner will think that it is a virii.... this is prolly not true, so if you are to run it, be sure to disable your virus scanners for the time being till you are done, then reactivate it Quote: Time for an all new branch of the suite!! This one has a small story: About one month ago, I recieved a donation from a random guy that added me on MS N, wanted and integrated sharing system for the modding suite. I decided to star t it from the square one, with a much cleaner and more powerful code. Today, Ive finnished a version that I consider its alright to upload as a beta. I ts a completelly new software so I guess Ill try to explain hoe it works (as I did a year ago with the 1 version ^^) For starters, this branch requires internet connection, it is necessary co conne ct to the Dissidia Cloud Store and wont boot if the computer has no internet con nection (dont know what the Cloud Store is? read on...) Then the main window is divided into tabs (just like the "old" version): The first one is "BigFile Packageing": It is used to decompile the PACKAGE.BIN f ile in the game, as well as to recompile it from extracted files. This way you m ay insert bigger files in the ISO, just extract tham all, replace by swapping fi le names, and recompile the bigfile (then just insert it in the ISO with UMDGEN, for example). Ive only tested this with the duodecim demo, but should work on ev ery version but the original japanese one (meh, who cares about that one? :P som eone should probabbly test it with the international tunning version, huhm...). The second tab is "Deep Scanner": This is a generic file scanner to extract pack aged files from any uncompressed package (this is how the "old" suite works). Wh en reinserting a file, you dont have to specify its positions, as it will be got ten from the file name. This is the tam I think its most buggy. Then you have the image conversion TAB: This one is a complete image conversion too, so you dont have to worry about resolutions any more. It supports GIM, TIM2 , and many pother common image formats. When saving, you have three options: -Try index8 color mode: This is the default mode: will try to save the image usi ng the "index8" color scheme, without lowering the image quality. -Direct color mode: this is the mode with most image quality, but the output ima ge will almost alway be bigger than the original one. -Force index8 color mode: if the resut image is too big to reinsert, you can for ce the index8 color scheme to compress it, not that in most cases the quality wi ll be considerably lowered =/ The fourth TAB is the so-called "Cloud Store": This is pretty much an online nav

igator to upload and download models. When uploading, youll have to select the G MO (obvious), plus a preview image and a descriptions (just write there whatever you want :P). Then you can check that by right-clicking a model -> view descrip tion, and, if you like it, download it ^^ The other two TABs are only the "about" and "donate" windows, appart from that, y ou have many other shortcut and features you may test xD Note that the software is still a beta, and may have a lot of bugs, so Ill apprec iate any report. About the cloud store, ill moderate it myself some time before r eleasing a fully stable aplication, it already have some folders for the most ac tive users of the forum (with no uploads so far xD). Anyone can upload/overwrite model in the Cloud Store, but you cannot create folders or delete files (as its not a private application, limited to this forum, I decided not to implement tho se features). TO-DO LIST: No GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo Glitc hNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo Glit chNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo GlitchNo Gli tchNo GlitchNo Glitch--Implement the model tab from the previous versions: This is easy and Ill do it w han I have some free time -Try to implement model extraction/GMO decompiling: Lets see if I can pull it off (would allow easy model-swapping) -Try to remap GMO mesh data: (would make it posible to actually edit the model) -Ad more crap, such as a PMF video decoder... and stuff IDK XD Anyway I hope you guys like it... here is the link! (Requires .NET 3.5) it is also possible to texture hack DLC files, i have video to prove it provided by Renteka-bond **Alternatively, you can go for information on how to texture hack dlc files, an d for more information about texture hacking** double-B wrote: DLC Texture Hacking is actually the same as normal texture hacking. 1.First you have to decrypt the DLC with the npdecrypter. Activate the plugin,start your game and wait while it decrypts. 2.Then search the files for the dlc you want to edit by using the GMO list. 3.I will take WoL for example: His file is "b56d761e.edat" Just rename it to "b56d761e.gmo" and you can edit it like any other gmo (potrait s must be renamed to gim) 4.After you have edited it,rename it back to "b56d761e.edat" and replace your ol d file. 5.Use the nploader plugin to load your dlc Dissidia 1 GMO list from iso : Hide 318 - Warrior of Light Normal Costume 319 - Warrior of Light Alt. Costume 322 - Garland Normal Costume 323 - Garland Alt. Costume 326 - Firion Normal Costume 327 - Firion Alt Costume

330 - Emperor Normal Costume 331 - Emperor Alt. Costume 334 - Onion Knight Normal Costume 335 - Onion Knight Alt. Costume 338 - Cloud of Darkness Normal Costume 339 - Cloud of Darkness Alt. Costume 342 - Cecil Normal Costume 343 - Cecil Alt. Costume 346 - Golbez Normal Costume 347 - Golbez Alt. Costume 350 - Bartz Normal Costume 351 - Bartz Alt. Costume 354 - ExDeath Normal Costume 355 - ExDeath Alt. Costume 358 - Terra Normal Costume 359 - Terra Alt. Costume 362 - Kefka Normal Costume 363 - Kefka Alt. Costume 366 - Cloud Normal Costume 367 - Cloud Alt. Costume 370 - Sephiroth Normal Costume 371 - Sephiroth Alt. Costume 374 - Squall Normal Costume 375 - Squall Alt. Costume 378 - Ultimecia Normal Costume 379 - Ultimecia Alt. Costume 382 - Zidane Normal Costume 383 - Zidane Alt. Costume 386 - Kuja Normal Costume 387 - Kuja Alt. Costume 390 - Tidus Normal Costume 391 - Tidus Alt. Costume 394 - Jecht Normal Costume 395 - Jecht Alt. Costume 398 - Shantotto Normal Costume 399 - Shantotto Alt. Costume 402 - Gabranth Normal Costume 403 - Gabranth Alt. Costume Dissidia Duodecim GMO list from iso : Hide 360 - Warrior of Light Normal Alt 361 - Warrior of Light Alt 1

362 363 364 365 366 367 368 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421

Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Warrior Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Garland Firion Firion Firion Firion Firion Firion Firion Firion Firion The The The The The The The The The The

of of of of of of of

Light Light Light Light Light Light Light

Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Manikin Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Manikin Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Manikin Story Mode

Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight of of of of of of of of of of

Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud

Darkness Darkness Darkness Darkness Darkness Darkness Darkness Darkness Darkness Darkness

423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463

Cecil Cecil Cecil Cecil Cecil Cecil Cecil Cecil Cecil Kain Kain Kain Kain Kain Kain Kain Kain Kain

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Manikin Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Kains Lance Manikin Kains Lance Kains Lance Story (?) Manikin Kains Lance Story (?) Laguna Ragnarok Canon Manikin Laguna Ragnarok Canon Laguna Ragnarok Canon Story (?) Manikin Laguna Ragnarok Canon (?) Yuna Staff Manikin Yuna Staff ???? Katana ???? Manikin Katana ???? Katana Story (?) ???? Manikin Katana Story (?) Lightning Gunblade Manikin Lightning Gunblade Lightning Gunblade Story (?) Manikin Lightning Gunblade Story (?)

Golbez Golbez Golbez Golbez Golbez Golbez Golbez Golbez Golbez Golbez Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz -

**465 **466 **467 **468 **469 **470 **471 **472 **473 **474 **475 **476 **477 **478 **479 **480 **481 **482

Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz Bartz

**483 - Bartz - Yuna Ifrit **484 - Bartz - Manikin Yuna Ifrit 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 Exdeath Exdeath Exdeath Exdeath Exdeath Exdeath Exdeath Exdeath Exdeath Exdeath Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Asisst Story Mode Manikin Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Story Mode Story Mode Excalibur Excalibur Manikin Excalibur Story Mode (?) Excalibur Manikin Story Mode (?) Excalipoor Excalipoor Manikin Excalipoor Story (?) Excalipoor Manikin Story (?) Masamune Masamune Manikin Genji Blade Genji Blade Manikin Zantetsuken Zantetsuken Manikin Naginata Naginata Manikin Brave Axe Brave Axe Manikin Chicken Knife Chicken Knife Manikin

Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh -

**506 **507 **508 **509 **510 **511 **512 **513 **514 **515 **516 **517 **518 **519 **520 **521 **522 **523 **524 **525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 537 538 539 540 -

Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Gilgamesh

Terra Terra Terra Terra Terra Terra Terra Terra Terra Terra Kefka Kefka Kefka Kefka

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode (Cosmos) Story Mode (Chaos) Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin

541 542 543 544 545 546 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566

Kefka Kefka Kefka Kefka Kefka Kefka Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Tifa Tifa Tifa Tifa Tifa Tifa Tifa Tifa Tifa

Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Manikin Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode

**568 - Aerith Normal Alt **569 - Aerith Alt 1 **570 - Aerith Alt 2 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Sephiroth Squall Squall Squall Squall Squall Squall Squall Squall Squall Laguna Laguna Laguna Laguna Laguna Laguna Laguna Laguna Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Manikin Story Mode

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist

600 - Laguna Story Mode 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 Ultimecia Ultimecia Ultimecia Ultimecia Ultimecia Ultimecia Ultimecia Ultimecia Ultimecia Ultimecia Zidane Zidane Zidane Zidane Zidane Zidane Zidane Zidane Zidane Kuja Kuja Kuja Kuja Kuja Kuja Kuja Kuja Kuja Kuja Tidus Tidus Tidus Tidus Tidus Tidus Tidus Tidus Tidus Tidus Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Manikin Story Mode

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Manikin Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode (Cosmos) Story Mode (Chaos) Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Summons Summons Summons Summons Summons Valefor Valefor Manikin Ifrit Ifrit Manikin Ifrit Story Mode (?)

**655 **656 **657 **658 **659

Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna

**660 **661 **662 **663 **664 **665 **666 **667 **668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 -

Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna

Summons Summons Summons Summons Summons Summons Summons Summons Summons

Ifrit Manikin Story Mode (?) Shiva Shiva Manikin Shiva Story Mode (?) Shiva Manikin Story Mode (?) Ixion Ixion Manikin Bahamut Bahamut Manikin

Jecht Jecht Jecht Jecht Jecht Jecht Jecht Jecht Jecht Jecht

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Manikin Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode

Shantotto Shantotto Shantotto Shantotto Shantotto Shantotto Shantotto Shantotto Shantotto Prishe Prishe Prishe Prishe Prishe Prishe Prishe Prishe Prishe Vaan Vaan Vaan Vaan Vaan Vaan Vaan Vaan Vaan

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode

Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning

720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 730 732 734 736 737 738

Gabranth Gabranth Gabranth Gabranth Gabranth Gabranth Gabranth Gabranth Gabranth Chaos Chaos Chaos Feral Feral Feral

Normal Alt Alt 1 Alt 2 Manikin Normal Alt Assist Alt 1 Assist Alt 2 Assist Manikin Assist Story Mode

1st Form 2nd Form 3rd Form Chaos Normal Alt Chaos Alt 1 (Manikin) Chaos Story Mode (?)

^^^ Also can be downloaded Dissidia Duodecim GMO Stage list from iso : Hide Eurashal wrote: Chaos Shrine = 743 Pandemonium1 = 744 Pandemonium2 = 745 World of Darkness = 746 Lunar Subterrane = 747 The Rift = 748 Kefka's Tower = 749 Planet's Core = 750 Ulti's Castle = 751 Crystal World = 758 Dream's End = 761 Edge of Madness = 762 Order's Sanctuary = 763 Empryeal Paradox = 764 Sky Fortess Bahamut = 770 Orphan's Cradle = 776 Pandemonium - Top Floor = 778 Crystal Tower = 779 Phantom Train = 780 Prima Vista = 781 Cosmos Warrior EX Burst = 893 Chaos Warrior EX Burst = 894 Feral Chaos EX Burst = 895

DLC edat list for what file to change extension to edit the gmo : Hide Warrior of Light: b56d761e.gmo - Helmetless Warrior of Light c1e69bc7.gmo - Helmetless Warrior of Light Assist 2d4a7ba7.gim - Helmetless Warrior of Light Icon 10bfa4e2.edat 3fb967fe.edat 3d566b6e.edat

ee40dfcd.edat Emperor: 830afa87.gmo 2ab91fc6.gmo 87534f15.gmo 1b2df73e.gim 5af5d556.gim Onion Knight: 329a947c.gmo 01389029.gmo 879c9be8.gmo aabd99c5.gim eb65bbad.gim Cecil: 46184c89.gmo 8dd3ab79.gmo de3f4130.gim 7376e74c.gim Bartz: bddf3ffc.gmo - Bartz Dancer b6f06e85.gmo - Bartz Dancer Assist 25f83245.gim - Bartz Dancer Icon Terra: 83289311.gmo - Terra Black d28e9248.gmo - Terra Black Assist 0629e499.gim - Terra Black Icon Cloud: 6c0e4346.gmo de92d6c0.gmo 026a4453.gmo d97decc4.gmo f4294eff.gim 16540e48.edat 3b3e0769.edat 40d84704.edat 47c49958.edat 5cec9420.edat 6d318888.edat 719483a8.edat 74696f71.edat 90708b49.edat 9c0c6ab1.edat eac7bf53.edat Tifa: KH KH KH KH KH Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Cloud Assist Cape Wing Icon Cecil Knight of Twin Moons Cecil Knight of Twin Moons Assist Dark Knight Portrait Image Paladin Portrait Image Onion Onion Onion Onion Onion Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Ingus Ingus Black Ingus Black Assist Assist Icon Icon Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor Emperor of of of of of Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Assist Wings Icon Icon

9e0ee920.gmo - Tifa 273e512e.gmo - Tifa Assist 0629e499.gim - Tifa Icon Sephiroth: e97ebe58.gmo d689f3ca.gmo d393fc60.gmo 7159b3e1.gim Squall: 709c2929.gmo - KH Squall/Leon 475f2fd8.gmo - KH Squall/Leon Assist e8bb2490.gim - KH Squall/Leon Icon Laguna: 829c834f.gmo - Laguna Knight bef3a836.gmo - Laguna Knight Assist 1abb8ef6.gim - Laguna Knight Icon Zidane: 971e73f9.gmo a9a708d0.gmo 83ee366b.gmo 0f397e40.gim Kuja: 126e8ee7.gmo - Kuja Treno Noble a1bc2dda.gmo - Kuja Treno Noble Assist 8a49835e.gim - Kuja Treno Noble Icon Yuna: 7d55dc7d.gmo d03dec69.gmo eea67432.gmo e572d1c4.gim Vaan: 0d17dcb5.gmo - Vaan Pirate 9c456609.gmo - Vaan Pirate Assist 9530d10c.gim - Vaan Pirate Portrait Image Lightning: ff1776d3.gmo - Aya Brea Lightning 65e9e1e7.gmo - Aya Brea Lightning Assist 67307b6a.gim - Aya Brea Lightning Icon Shantotto edd795ce.edat = Shantotto Wedding Dress 6bdd7462.edat = Shantotto Wedding Dress Assist 75f09877.edat = Shantotto Wedding Dress Portrait Yuna Yuna Yuna Yuna Gunner Gunner Assist Gunner Cape Gunner Icon Zidane Zidane Zidane Zidane Hooded Hooded Assist Hooded Cape Hooded Icon KH KH KH KH Sephiroth Sephiroth Assist Sephiroth Coat Bottom Sephiroth Icon

Texture-Hack Converting (012 to 013) 1.Extract the gims from the 012 gmo using the modding suite. 2.Extract the gims from the 013 gmo. 3.Now you have to insert the 012 gims into the 013 gmo.You have to insert them i n the right position,so look at your 013 gims (For example it could be that in t he 012 gmo,clouds sword is the first gim,but in the 013 gmo his sword is the thi rd gim,so you have to be careful in which position you insert it.)

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