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Maurice Carroll, Director, Quinnipiac University Polling Institute (203) 582-5334 Rubenstein Associates, Inc.

Public Relations Contact: Pat Smith (212) 843- 2011 FOR RELEASE: DECEMBER 21,

An independent commission with no ties to the New York State Legislature should draw district lines from which legislators are elected, 52 percent of voters say in a Quinnipiac University poll released today. This is up slightly from 48 percent in an October 26 survey. Another 27 percent support a commission with some legislative input and 11 percent support the current system where state legislators create election districts. Gov. Andrew Cuomo should veto any legislative districting plan that is not created by an independent commission, voters say 45 37 percent in the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uhpe-ack) University poll. Drawing new legislative and congressional district lines will be high on Albanys 2012 agenda. Quinnipiac University has been tracking this sleeper issue for some time and we see support for an independent commission to draw the lines is edging up, said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. By a decisive 56 36 percent, New York State voters say keep legislators away from this so-called independent commission. New York State voters are split like a hydro-fracked rock on the issue of drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale: 44 percent support drilling because of the economic benefits and 45 percent oppose drilling because of environmental concerns. Opposition to drilling is 48 43 percent among upstate voters and 49 40 percent among New York City voters while suburban voters support drilling 53 34 percent. Voters support 57 31 percent a tax on companies drilling for gas in the Marcellus Shale and say 75 18 percent that drilling will create jobs. All groups agree strongly about jobs. But voters say 55 13 percent, with 31 percent undecided, that hydro-fracking will cause environmental damage. Again, all groups agree on the risk of damage. -more-

Quinnipiac University Poll/December 21, 2011 page 2 Another big 2012 issue hydro-fracking has New Yorkers split right down the middle. Overwhelmingly, voters think it would produce jobs. A smaller majority worries that it would damage the environment, Carroll said. New York State voters support 64 31 percent Atlantic City or Las Vegas style casinos in the Empire State. Support for casinos is strong among all groups and in all areas of the state. There is a gender gap as men support casinos 68 28 percent while women say roll the dice 60 34 percent. Support ranges from 57 37 percent among voters making less than $40,000 per year to 71 26 percent among people making $100,000 to $150,000 per year. New casinos would be good for the economy, New York State voters say 68 27 percent. All groups share this view. Casinos also will lead to an increase in gambling addiction, voters say 58 36 percent with similar findings among men and women. Casino gaming requires a constitutional amendment, and the State Legislator must act soon to get the process started. New Yorkers say shuffle and deal, Carroll said. Obama, Schumer, Gillibrand Approval New York State voters approve 50 45 percent of the job President Barack Obama is doing, a number that hasnt changed in three months. In an early look at the 2012 presidential race, President Obama tops two leading Republican challengers: 53 35 percent over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney; 55 32 percent over former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Gingrich leads the GOP primary pack at 29 percent, followed by Romney at 26 percent. Voters approve 50 23 percent of the job U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is doing, with 27 percent undecided. This is down from her all-time high of 54 22 percent in a June 29 Quinnipiac University poll. U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer gets a 62 27 percent approval rating. From December 12 18, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,143 registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones. There are 352 Republicans with a margin of error of +/- 5.2 percent. The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and the nation as a public service and for research. For more data or RSS feed http://www.quinnipiac.edu/polling.xml, call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter.

1. (If Registered Republican) If the 2012 Republican primary for President were being held today, and the candidates were: Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman, for whom would you vote? REGISTERED REPUBLICANS Tot Men Wom Perry Gingrich Romney Bachmann Santorum Paul Huntsman SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 1% 29 26 4 3 9 5 2 4 16 1% 33 26 1 3 12 5 1 5 12 23 26 8 3 5 5 4 3 22

2. If the 2012 election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Barack Obama the Democrat and Mitt Romney the Republican, for whom would you vote? Tot Obama Romney SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 53% 35 3 2 7 Rep 8% 84 3 2 3 Dem 86% 8 1 1 4 Sub 39% 46 3 4 9 Ind 42% 38 7 3 11 Men 47% 42 3 2 5 Wom 58% 29 3 2 9 Wht 42% 43 4 2 8 Blk 94% 1 3 2 Hsp 62% 27 2 1 8

UpStat NYC Obama Romney SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 50% 38 3 2 7 64% 25 4 1 6

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 52% 36 4 1 7 51% 34 4 3 9 56% 37 2 1 5

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Obama Romney SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 59% 27 8 5 57% 33 2 1 6 50% 40 1 2 6 49% 36 2 4 9

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 59% 26 2 3 9 52% 38 4 1 5 47% 42 5 2 5 55% 41 1 3

3. If the 2012 election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Barack Obama the Democrat and Newt Gingrich the Republican, for whom would you vote? Tot Obama Gingrich SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 55% 32 3 3 8 Rep 10% 82 3 2 3 Dem 86% 7 1 1 6 Sub 41% 45 3 4 7 Ind 47% 33 6 5 10 Men 50% 40 3 2 5 Wom 59% 25 3 3 10 Wht 46% 39 4 3 8 Blk 93% 2 1 4 Hsp 58% 25 2 4 10

UpStat NYC Obama Gingrich SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 52% 35 3 3 8 66% 21 3 1 9

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 57% 32 4 3 5 51% 33 3 3 10 61% 30 3 2 4

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Obama Gingrich SMONE ELSE(VOL) WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) DK/NA 61% 23 5 1 9 60% 31 2 2 5 50% 40 2 3 5 53% 32 1 4 10

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 56% 26 1 2 13 57% 35 3 2 4 51% 35 6 5 3 61% 35 1 2 1

4. Do you feel that Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected? Tot Yes/Deserves No/Does not DK/NA 50% 44 6 Rep 7% 88 6 Dem 80% 14 6 Sub 39% 56 6 Ind 40% 54 6 Men 44% 51 5 Wom 55% 38 7 Wht 41% 53 6 Blk 97% 2 2 Hsp 50% 44 7

UpStat NYC Yes/Deserves No/Does not DK/NA 48% 48 5 58% 34 8

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 53% 42 5 49% 45 6 52% 43 5

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Yes/Deserves No/Does not DK/NA 51% 43 6 52% 44 4 48% 48 5 52% 41 6

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 56% 36 7 47% 48 6 44% 53 3 54% 42 4

TREND: Do you feel that Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected? Dec 21 2011 Yes/Deserves No/Does not DK/NA 50 44 6 Oct 26 2011 50 44 6 Sep 20 2011 51 43 6 Aug 12 2011 48 46 6 Jun 29 2011 56 39 5 June 01 2011 57 36 6

6. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Charles Schumer is handling his job as United States Senator? Tot Approve Disapprove DK/NA 62% 27 11 Rep 38% 53 9 Dem 79% 11 10 Sub 61% 32 7 Ind 58% 30 12 Men 58% 35 7 Wom 66% 20 14 Wht 60% 30 11 Blk 77% 11 13 Hsp 55% 31 13

UpStat NYC Approve Disapprove DK/NA 58% 27 14 66% 24 10

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 66% 28 6 59% 27 14 67% 26 7

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Approve Disapprove DK/NA 51% 31 18 66% 24 10 68% 25 7 60% 29 12

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 57% 25 18 65% 27 8 62% 33 5 73% 22 5

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Charles Schumer is handling his job as United States Senator? (*High also 69% Oct 2001) APPROVE....... High Low Dec 08 Apr 15 2004* 1999 69 16 15 51 22 28

Dec 21 2011 Approve Disapprove DK/NA 62 27 11

Oct 26 2011 61 28 11

Sep 20 2011 59 31 9

Aug 12 2011 56 32 12

Jun 29 2011 64 24 12

7. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Kirsten Gillibrand is handling her job as United States Senator? Tot Approve Disapprove DK/NA 50% 23 27 Rep 34% 35 31 Dem 63% 11 26 Sub 48% 21 31 Ind 46% 28 25 Men 46% 26 27 Wom 52% 20 27 Wht 51% 23 26 Blk 56% 17 27 Hsp 32% 26 42

UpStat NYC Approve Disapprove DK/NA 53% 24 23 47% 23 30

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 54% 21 25 47% 23 31 55% 24 22

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Approve Disapprove DK/NA 36% 26 38 49% 27 24 57% 20 23 55% 20 26

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 45% 23 31 55% 22 23 49% 27 24 58% 19 23

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Kirsten Gillibrand is handling her job as United States Senator? (*High also 54% Feb 2011) APPROVE....... High Low Jun 29 Feb 17 2011* 2009 54 22 24 28 10 62

Dec 21 2011 Approve Disapprove DK/NA 50 23 27

Oct 26 2011 50 24 26

Sep 20 2011 52 23 24

Aug 12 2011 49 27 24

Jun 29 2011 54 22 24

8. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? Tot Approve Disapprove DK/NA 50% 45 5 Rep 12% 85 3 Dem 81% 15 4 Sub 39% 56 5 Ind 38% 56 6 Men 44% 54 2 Wom 56% 37 7 Wht 42% 53 5 Blk 94% 3 4 Hsp 51% 46 2

UpStat NYC Approve Disapprove DK/NA 48% 47 5 59% 36 5

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 52% 44 3 49% 45 6 52% 45 3

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Approve Disapprove DK/NA 53% 43 4 55% 43 1 48% 47 5 48% 45 7

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 57% 36 7 45% 50 4 47% 53 53% 43 4

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? APPROVE...... High Low Feb 19 Aug 12 2009 2011 72 17 10 45 49 6

Dec 21 2011 Approve Disapprove DK/NA 50 45 5

Oct 26 2011 50 45 5

Sep 20 2011 50 45 6

Aug 12 2011 45 49 6

Jun 29 2011 57 38 5

30. Some people say there should be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the economic benefits. Others say there should not be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the environmental impact. Which comes closer to your point of view? Tot Drilling No drilling DK/NA 44% 45 11 Rep 71% 21 8 Dem 31% 57 12 Ind 45% 48 8 Men 49% 44 7 Wom 40% 46 14 Wht 49% 42 10 Blk 32% 52 16 Hsp 41% 46 13


30. (contd) Some people say there should be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the economic benefits. Others say there should not be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the environmental impact. Which comes closer to your point of view? Union COLLEGE DEG HsHlds No Yes 45% 47 8 46% 40 14 41% 53 6 HEARD OF FRACKING. Yes No 42% 52 6 48% 36 17

UpStat NYC Drilling No drilling DK/NA 43% 48 9 40% 49 11

Sub 53% 34 13

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Drilling No drilling DK/NA 39% 54 7 43% 46 10 46% 45 9 47% 39 14

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 42% 45 13 46% 45 9 52% 43 5 42% 52 7

TREND: Some people say there should be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the economic benefits. Others say there should not be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the environmental impact. Which comes closer to your point of view? Dec 21 2011 Drilling No drilling DK/NA 44 45 11 Oct 27 2011 44 43 12 Sep 21 2011 45 41 13 Aug 11 2011 47 42 12

31. Do you support or oppose a new tax on companies drilling for natural gas in the state's Marcellus Shale? Tot Support Oppose DK/NA 57% 31 12 Rep 41% 47 12 Dem 66% 23 10 Ind 58% 30 11 Men 59% 34 7 Wom 56% 28 16 Wht 57% 31 11 Blk 52% 33 14 Hsp 60% 30 10

UpStat NYC Support Oppose DK/NA 62% 30 8 57% 29 13

Sub 49% 35 16

Union COLLEGE DEG HsHlds No Yes 58% 34 8 52% 34 14 66% 26 9

HEARD OF FRACKING. Yes No 63% 29 8 50% 34 16

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Support Oppose DK/NA 61% 32 7 61% 29 9 59% 29 12 49% 32 19

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 51% 32 17 63% 28 10 60% 32 8 62% 26 11

TREND: Do you support or oppose a new tax on companies drilling for natural gas in the state's Marcellus Shale? Dec 21 2011 Support Oppose DK/NA 57 31 12 Oct 27 2011 55 32 13 Sep 21 2011 51 36 12 Aug 11 2011 59 29 12

32. Do you think that drilling for natural gas in the state's Marcellus Shale will create jobs or not? Tot Yes No DK/NA 75% 18 7 Rep 87% 8 5 Dem 74% 19 7 Ind 71% 24 6 Men 81% 17 3 Wom 70% 19 10 Wht 78% 15 6 Blk 73% 20 7 Hsp 62% 28 10

UpStat NYC Yes No DK/NA 79% 18 3 71% 21 8

Sub 76% 14 9

Union COLLEGE DEG HsHlds No Yes 74% 19 7 74% 18 7 77% 18 6

HEARD OF FRACKING. Yes No 76% 19 4 75% 17 8

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Yes No DK/NA 79% 18 3 73% 19 7 77% 18 5 73% 16 11

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 71% 20 9 78% 17 5 81% 14 4 74% 20 7

TREND: Do you think that drilling for natural gas in the state's Marcellus Shale will create jobs or not? Dec 21 2011 Yes No DK/NA 75 18 7 Oct 27 2011 73 19 9 Sep 21 2011 74 19 7 Aug 11 2011 75 17 8

33. Have you heard or read anything about hydro-fracking? Tot Yes No DK/NA 59% 39 1 Rep 65% 35 1 Dem 54% 45 1 Sub 58% 40 2 Ind 63% 35 2 Men 71% 28 1 Wom 49% 49 2 Wht 69% 29 1 Blk 31% 69 Hsp 36% 60 4

UpStat NYC Yes No DK/NA Contd 76% 24 1 43% 55 2

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 63% 36 2 49% 49 2 76% 23 1

33. (contd) Have you heard or read anything about hydro-fracking? AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Yes No DK/NA 46% 54 55% 43 2 72% 27 1 63% 35 2 ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 45% 54 1 67% 31 1 67% 32 1 71% 27 2

TREND: Have you heard or read anything about hydro-fracking? Dec 21 2011 Yes No DK/NA 59 39 1 Oct 27 2011 54 44 2 Sep 21 2011 53 46 1 Aug 11 2011 57 42 1

34. Natural gas drilling companies want to practice hydro-fracking in New York State. Hydro-fracking is the process of pumping water and chemicals into the ground under high pressure to fracture rocks. This releases natural gas trapped in the rocks which is then collected. Do you think hydro-fracking will cause environmental damage or not, or don't you know? Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp Yes/Will damage No/Won't damage DK/NA REFUSED 55% 13 31 1 40% 24 35 62% 5 32 58% 15 27 52% 19 28 57% 8 34 1 54% 17 28 1 52% 5 43 54% 3 40 3

UpStat NYC Yes/Will damage No/Won't damage DK/NA REFUSED 57% 16 25 1 57% 7 36 -

Sub 47% 18 34 1

Union COLLEGE DEG HsHlds No Yes 61% 10 28 1 53% 12 34 1 59% 15 26 1

HEARD OF FRACKING. Yes No 62% 19 19 1 46% 5 49 -

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Yes/Will damage No/Won't damage DK/NA REFUSED 59% 11 29 1 55% 9 35 1 56% 16 27 51% 14 35 -

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 55% 9 36 1 56% 14 30 1 53% 17 30 56% 13 29 2

TREND: Natural gas drilling companies want to practice hydro-fracking in New York State. Hydro-fracking is the process of pumping water and chemicals into the ground under high pressure to fracture rocks. This releases natural gas trapped in the rocks which is then collected. Do you think hydro-fracking will cause environmental damage or not, or don't you know? Dec 21 2011 Yes/Will damage No/Won't damage Don't Know REFUSED 55 13 31 1 Oct 27 2011 50 14 35 1 Sep 21 2011 51 13 35 Aug 11 2011 52 15 33 -


35. As you may know the MTA is the agency which provides rail and bus service in the New York Metropolitan area. Do you think the state government should provide additional funds to the MTA or not? Tot Yes No DK/NA 43% 50 7 Rep 25% 71 4 Dem 54% 38 8 Sub 43% 52 5 Ind 41% 52 7 Men 41% 55 5 Wom 46% 46 8 Wht 40% 51 9 Blk 59% 37 3 Hsp 42% 55 3

UpStat NYC Yes No DK/NA 37% 53 10 51% 46 4

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 43% 51 7 46% 47 7 40% 54 6

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Yes No DK/NA 58% 39 3 38% 56 5 40% 55 5 39% 47 14

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 45% 46 9 46% 48 6 41% 56 3 38% 58 4

TREND: As you may know the MTA is the agency which provides rail and bus service in the New York Metropolitan area. Do you think the state government should provide additional funds to the MTA, or not? Dec 21 2011 Yes No DK/NA 43 50 7 Oct 27 2011 42 51 7 Aug 11 2011 44 48 8

36. Currently, employers in New York City and the suburban areas served by the MTA pay a special tax to help the transit agency. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to reduce this tax? Tot Agree Disagree DK/NA 53% 37 9 Rep 58% 32 10 Dem 50% 38 12 Sub 66% 26 8 Ind 54% 39 7 Men 51% 41 8 Wom 55% 34 11 Wht 48% 41 11 Blk 59% 33 9 Hsp 69% 29 2

UpStat NYC Agree Disagree DK/NA 42% 47 11 58% 34 8

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 49% 41 10 58% 33 9 46% 43 10

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Agree Disagree DK/NA 62% 30 8 52% 40 8 51% 41 7 48% 38 14

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 57% 36 8 52% 37 11 50% 43 7 51% 43 6


37. Do you think reducing this tax will leave the MTA with insufficient funds for rail and bus service or not? Tot Yes No DK/NA 35% 47 18 Rep 38% 44 19 Dem 36% 45 19 Sub 32% 52 16 Ind 32% 54 14 Men 41% 42 17 Wom 30% 51 19 Wht 38% 41 20 Blk 24% 70 6 Hsp 32% 58 10

UpStat NYC Yes No DK/NA 39% 39 22 32% 53 15

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 35% 49 16 31% 51 18 41% 41 18

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Yes No DK/NA 38% 48 14 43% 44 13 37% 45 18 24% 48 28

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 32% 49 20 37% 47 16 38% 46 16 38% 45 17

38. Who do you think should draw the district lines by which members of the state legislature and Congress are elected: The state legislature or a commission that has no connection to the state legislature or an independent commission with some legislative input? Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht Blk Hsp State legislature Commissn/No connect Commissn/Legis input DK/NA 11% 52 27 10 9% 53 31 8 14% 51 26 9 Sub 10% 49 32 10 10% 53 28 9 11% 59 25 5 12% 45 29 14 8% 54 29 8 22% 43 26 9 13% 50 25 12

UpStat NYC State legislature 11% Commissn/No connect 53 Commissn/Legis input 30 DK/NA 6 12% 52 22 13

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 7% 55 33 6 14% 47 26 13 8% 58 29 5

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ State legislature Commissn/No connect Commissn/Legis input DK/NA 18% 44 24 13 9% 55 32 5 8% 60 27 6 11% 46 27 15

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 16% 43 25 16 11% 53 30 6 6% 67 21 6 2% 53 38 7

TREND: Who do you think should draw the district lines by which members of the state legislature and Congress are elected: The state legislature or a commission that has no connection to the state legislature or an independent commission with some legislative input? Dec 21 Oct 26 Sep 20 Aug 11 Jun 28 Jun 02 Apr 14 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 State legislature Commissn/No connect Commissn/Legis input DK/NA 11 52 27 10 11 48 28 13 10 50 27 13 13 50 26 11 14 42 34 10 13 46 31 10 12 51 29 7


39. Do you think Governor Cuomo should veto a redistricting plan that is not created by an independent commission, or not? Tot Yes/veto No DK/NA 45% 37 17 Rep 47% 36 17 Dem 40% 44 16 Sub 47% 35 18 Ind 54% 31 15 Men 52% 36 12 Wom 39% 39 22 Wht 48% 35 17 Blk 34% 50 16 Hsp 36% 49 15

UpStat NYC Yes/veto No DK/NA 47% 37 16 42% 40 18

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 45% 39 16 34% 44 22 63% 27 11

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Yes/veto No DK/NA 43% 38 20 46% 40 14 53% 36 11 40% 34 25

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 32% 46 22 52% 35 13 62% 29 10 63% 20 17

TREND: Do you think Governor Cuomo should veto a redistricting plan that is not created by an independent commission or not? Dec 21 2011 Yes/veto No DK/NA 45 37 17 Oct 26 2011 45 33 22 Sep 20 2011 47 35 18 Aug 11 2011 49 30 21

40. Do you think an independent commission should have some legislative members or no legislative members? Tot Some None DK/NA 36% 56 8 Rep 30% 59 11 Dem 41% 52 7 Sub 33% 56 11 Ind 32% 62 6 Men 30% 65 5 Wom 40% 49 10 Wht 31% 61 8 Blk 48% 45 7 Hsp 45% 46 9

UpStat NYC Some None DK/NA 34% 61 5 39% 52 9

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 35% 60 5 39% 51 10 30% 64 6

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Some None DK/NA 42% 53 6 37% 57 7 35% 61 4 30% 53 18

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 43% 47 11 33% 61 6 31% 64 5 32% 63 5


41. Do you support or oppose the creation of non-indian casinos in New York State, similar to those in Atlantic City and Las Vegas? Tot Support Oppose DK/NA 64% 31 5 Rep 68% 29 3 Dem 59% 36 5 Sub 70% 27 3 Ind 67% 27 6 Men 68% 28 4 Wom 60% 34 6 Wht 64% 32 4 Blk 71% 24 5 Hsp 44% 46 10

UpStat NYC Support Oppose DK/NA 58% 38 4 65% 27 7

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 65% 30 4 65% 31 4 62% 32 6

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Support Oppose DK/NA 72% 24 5 66% 30 4 61% 35 4 57% 38 6

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 57% 37 6 65% 31 4 71% 26 4 68% 29 3

TREND: Do you support or oppose the creation of non-indian casinos in New York State, similar to those in Atlantic City and Las Vegas? Dec 21 2011 Support Oppose DK/NA 64 31 5 Sep 21 2011 56 37 7

42. Do you think the creation of these casinos would be good for the economy or not? Tot Yes No DK/NA 68% 27 6 Rep 73% 23 3 Dem 63% 32 6 Sub 72% 23 5 Ind 70% 23 7 Men 73% 24 3 Wom 63% 29 8 Wht 69% 26 5 Blk 69% 27 5 Hsp 55% 36 9

UpStat NYC Yes No DK/NA 67% 28 5 65% 27 8

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 69% 26 5 65% 28 7 71% 25 4

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Yes No DK/NA 72% 19 9 71% 26 3 68% 29 3 59% 33 8

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 64% 30 6 67% 26 7 75% 22 3 73% 26 1


TREND: Do you think the creation of these casinos would be good for the economy or not? Dec 21 2011 Yes No DK/NA 68 27 6 Sep 21 2011 64 31 5

43. Do you think the creation of these casinos would lead to an increase in gambling addiction or not? Tot Yes No DK/NA 58% 36 6 Rep 64% 30 6 Dem 61% 34 6 Sub 56% 38 6 Ind 53% 43 4 Men 59% 38 3 Wom 58% 34 8 Wht 60% 35 5 Blk 53% 41 6 Hsp 63% 27 10

UpStat NYC Yes No DK/NA 63% 33 3 55% 38 7

Union COLLEGE DEGREE HsHlds No Yes 62% 31 7 59% 35 6 57% 38 5

AGE IN YEARS............ 18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ Yes No DK/NA 56% 39 5 59% 37 4 61% 36 3 60% 32 9

ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME... 40100<40K 100K 150K >150K 60% 32 7 56% 40 4 58% 40 3 63% 30 7

TREND: Do you think the creation of these casinos would lead to an increase in gambling addiction or not? Dec 21 2011 Yes No DK/NA 58 36 6 Sep 21 2011 63 33 4


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