Top 10 Lessons Learned From Deploying Hadoop in A Private Cloud

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Top 10 Lessons Learned from Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

Rod Cope, CTO & Founder OpenLogic, Inc.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Introduction The Problem The Solution Top 10 Lessons Final Thoughts Q&A

OpenLogic, Inc.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rod Cope
CTO & Founder of OpenLogic 25 years of software development experience IBM Global Services, Anthem, General Electric

Open Source Support, Governance, and Scanning Solutions Certified library w/SLA support on 500+ Open Source packages Over 200 Enterprise customers

OpenLogic, Inc.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Problem
Big Data
All the worlds Open Source Software Metadata, code, indexes Individual tables contain many terabytes Relational databases arent scale-free

Growing every day Need real-time random access to all data Long-running and complex analysis jobs
OpenLogic, Inc. 4

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Solution
Hadoop, HBase, and Solr
Hadoop distributed file system, map/reduce HBase NoSQL data store column-oriented Solr search server based on Lucene All are scalable, flexible, fast, well-supported, used in production environments

And a supporting cast of thousands

Stargate, MySQL, Rails, Redis, Resque, Nginx, Unicorn, HAProxy, Memcached, Ruby, JRuby, CentOS,

OpenLogic, Inc.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Solution Architecture
Web Browser Scanner Client Ruby on Rails Resque Workers Stargate Nginx & Unicorn MySQL Live replication Live replication Solr

Redis Maven Client Maven Repo Live replication

Internet Application LAN Data LAN

Live replication (3x)


Caching and load balancing not shown

OpenLogic, Inc.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hadoop Implementation
Private Cloud
100+ CPU cores 100+ Terabytes of disk Machines dont have identity Add capacity by plugging in new machines

Why not Amazon EC2?

Great for computational bursts Expensive for long-term storage of Big Data Not yet consistent enough for mission-critical usage of HBase

OpenLogic, Inc.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Top 10 Lessons Learned

Configuration is key Commodity Hardware is not an old desktop Hadoop & HBase crave bandwidth Big Data takes a long time Big Data is hard Scripting languages can help Public clouds are expensive Not possible without Open Source Expect things to fail a lot Its all still cutting edge
OpenLogic, Inc. 8

Monday, September 20, 2010

Configuration is Key
Many moving parts Pay attention to the details
Operating system max open files, sockets, and other limits Hadoop max Map/Reduce jobs, memory, disk HBase region size, memory Solr merge factor, norms, memory

Minor versions are very important

Use a good known combination of Hadoop and HBase Specific patches are critical The fine print matters
OpenLogic, Inc. 9

Monday, September 20, 2010

Configuration Tips & Gotchas

Follow all HBase configuration advice here: Yes, thats a whole lot of configuration Skip steps at your own peril!

If you really need HA Hadoop

If you hit datanode timeouts while writing to sockets:

dfs.datanode.socket.write.timeout = 0 Even though it should be ignored

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Configuration Tips & Gotchas (cont.)

Linux kernel is important affects configuration switches, both required and optional
Example: epoll limits required as of 2.6.27, then no longer required in newer kernels such as 2.6.33+

Upgrade your machine BIOS, network card BIOS, and all hardware drivers
Example: issues with certain default configurations of Dell boxes on CentOS/RHEL 5.x and Broadcom NICs
Will drop packets & cause other problems under high load

Disable MSI in Linux & power saver (C-states) in machine BIOS

OpenLogic, Inc. 11

Monday, September 20, 2010

Configuration Debugging Tips

Many problems only show up under severe load
Sustained, massive data loads running for 2-24 hours

Change only one parameter at a time

Yes, this can be excruciating

Ask the mailing list or your support provider

Theyve seen a lot, likely including your problembut not always Dont be afraid to dig in and read some code

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Comment found in Hadoop networking code

Ideally we should wait after transferTo returns 0. But because of a bug in JRE on Linux (, which throws an exception instead of returning 0, we wait for the channel to be writable before writing to it. If you ever see IOException with message "Resource temporarily unavailable thrown here, please let us know. Once we move to JAVA SE 7, wait should be moved to correct place.

Hadoop stresses every bit of networking code in Java and tends to expose all the cracks This bug was fixed in JDK 1.6.0_18 (after 6 years)
OpenLogic, Inc. 13

Monday, September 20, 2010

Commodity Hardware
Commodity hardware != 3 year old desktop Dual quad-core, 32GB RAM, 4+ disks Dont bother with RAID on Hadoop data disks
Be wary of non-enterprise drives

Expect ugly hardware issues at some point

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

OpenLogics Hadoop Deployment

Dual quad-core and dual hex-core Dell boxes 32-64GB RAM
ECC (highly recommended by Google)

6 x 2TB enterprise hard drives RAID 1 on two of the drives

OS, Hadoop, HBase, Solr, NFS mounts (be careful!), job code, etc. Key source data backups

Hadoop datanode gets remaining drives Redundant enterprise switches Dual- and quad-gigabit NICs
OpenLogic, Inc. 15

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hadoop & HBase Crave Bandwidth and More

Map/Reduce jobs shuffle lots of data Continuously replicating blocks and rebalancing Loves bandwidth dual-gigabit network on dedicated switches 10Gbps network can help

Needs 5+ machines to stretch its legs Depends on ZooKeeper low-latency is important Dont let it run low on memory
OpenLogic, Inc. 16

Monday, September 20, 2010

Big Data Takes a Long Time

to do anything
Load, list, walk directory structures, count, process, test, back up Im not kidding

Hard to test, but dont be tempted to skip it

Youll eventually hit every corner case you know and dont know

Backups are difficult

Consider a backup Hadoop cluster HBase team is working on live replication Solr already has built-in replication
OpenLogic, Inc. 17

Monday, September 20, 2010

Advice on Loading Big Data into HBase

Dont use a single machine to load the cluster
You might not live long enough to see it finish

At OpenLogic, we spread raw source data across many machines and hard drives via NFS
Be very careful with NFS configuration can hang machines

Load data into HBase via Hadoop map/reduce jobs

Turn off WAL for much better performance put.setWriteToWAL(false)

Avoid large values (> 5MB)

Works, but may cause instability and/or performance issues Rows and columns are cheap, so use more of them instead

Be careful not to over-commit to Solr

OpenLogic, Inc. 18

Monday, September 20, 2010

Advice on Getting Big Data out of HBase

Think hash table, not relational database

How do find my data if primary key wont cut it? Solr to the rescue
Very fast, highly scalable search server with built-in sharding and replication based on Lucene Dynamic schema, powerful query language, faceted search, accessible via simple REST-like web API w/XML, JSON, Ruby, and other data formats

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Query any server it executes the same query against all other servers in the group Returns aggregated result to original caller

Async replication (slaves poll their masters)

Can use repeaters if replicating across data centers

Solr farm, sharded, cross-replicated, fronted with HAProxy
Load balanced writes across masters, reads across slaves and masters

Billions of lines of code in HBase, all indexed in Solr for real-time search in multiple ways Over 20 Solr fields indexed per source file
OpenLogic, Inc. 20

Monday, September 20, 2010

Big Data is Hard

Expect to learn and experiment quite a bit
Many moving parts, lots of decisions to make You wont get them all right the first time

Expect to discover new and better ways of modeling your data and processes
Dont be afraid to start over once or twice

Consider getting outside help

Training, consulting, mentoring, support

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Scripting Languages Can Help

Scripting is faster and easier than writing Java Great for system administration tasks, testing Standard HBase shell is based on JRuby Very easy Map/Reduce jobs with J/Ruby and Wukong Used heavily at OpenLogic
Productivity of Ruby Power of Java Virtual Machine Ruby on Rails, Hadoop integration, GUI clients

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Java (27 lines)

public class Filter { public static void main( String[] args ) { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add( "Rod" ); list.add( "Neeta" ); list.add( "Eric" ); list.add( "Missy" ); Filter filter = new Filter(); List shorts = filter.filterLongerThan( list, 4 ); System.out.println( shorts.size() ); Iterator iter = shorts.iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { System.out.println( ); }

} public List filterLongerThan( List list, int length ) { List result = new ArrayList(); Iterator iter = list.iterator(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { String item = (String); if ( item.length() <= length ) { result.add( item ); } } return result; }
OpenLogic, Inc. 23

Monday, September 20, 2010

Scripting languages (4 lines)

list = ["Rod", "Neeta", "Eric", "Missy"] shorts = list.find_all { |name| name.size <= 4 } puts shorts.size shorts.each { |name| puts name } -> 2 -> Rod Eric


list = ["Rod", "Neeta", "Eric", "Missy"] shorts = list.findAll { name -> name.size() <= 4 } println shorts.size shorts.each { name -> println name } -> 2 -> Rod Eric
OpenLogic, Inc. 24

Monday, September 20, 2010

Public Clouds and Big Data

Amazon EC2
EBS Storage
100TB * $0.10/GB/month = $120k/year

Double Extra Large instances

13 EC2 compute units, 34.2GB RAM 20 instances * $1.00/hr * 8,760 hrs/yr = $175k/year 3 year reserved instances
20 * 4k = $80k up front to reserve (20 * $0.34/hr * 8,760 hrs/yr * 3 yrs) / 3 = $86k/year to operate

Totals for 20 virtual machines

1st year cost: $120k + $80k + $86k = $286k 2nd & 3rd year costs: $120k + $86k = $206k Average: ($286k + $206k + $206k) / 3 = $232k/year

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Private Clouds and Big Data

Buy your own
20 * Dell servers w/12 CPU cores, 32GB RAM, 5 TB disk = $160k
Over 33 EC2 compute units each

Total: $53k/year (amortized over 3 years)

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Public Clouds are Expensive for Big Data

Amazon EC2
20 instances * 13 EC2 compute units = 260 EC2 compute units Cost: $232k/year

Buy your own

20 machines * 33 EC2 compute units = 660 EC2 compute units Cost: $53k/year Does not include hosting & maintenance costs

Dont think system administration goes away

You still own all the instances monitoring, debugging, support
OpenLogic, Inc. 27

Monday, September 20, 2010

Not Possible Without Open Source

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Not Possible Without Open Source

Hadoop, HBase, Solr Apache, Tomcat, ZooKeeper, HAProxy Stargate, JRuby, Lucene, Jetty, HSQLDB, Geronimo Apache Commons, JUnit CentOS Dozens more Too expensive to build or buy everything
OpenLogic, Inc. 29

Monday, September 20, 2010

Expect Things to Fail A Lot

Power supplies, hard drives

Operating System
Kernel panics, zombie processes, dropped packets

Hadoop and Friends

Hadoop datanodes, HBase regionservers, Stargate servers, Solr servers

Your Code and Data

Stray Map/Reduce jobs, strange corner cases in your data leading to program failures
OpenLogic, Inc. 30

Monday, September 20, 2010

Its All Still Cutting Edge

SPOF around Namenode, append functionality

Backup, replication, and indexing solutions in flux

Several competing solutions around cloud-like scalability and fault-tolerance, including ZooKeeper and Hadoop integration

OpenLogic, Inc.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Final Thoughts
You can host big data in your own private cloud
Tools are available today that didnt exist a few years ago Fast to prototype production readiness takes time Expect to invest in training and support

Public clouds
Great for learning, experimenting, testing Best for bursts vs. sustained loads Beware latency, expense of long-term Big Data storage

You still need Small Data

SQL and NoSQL coexist peacefully OpenLogic uses MySQL & Redis in addition to HBase, Solr, Memcached
OpenLogic, Inc. 32

Monday, September 20, 2010


Any questions for Rod?

[email protected] Slides:
* Unless otherwise credited, all images in this presentation are either open source project logos or were licensed from OpenLogic, Inc.

Monday, September 20, 2010

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