02 Lal Kitab Notes - Devising The Form of Upaya

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The key takeaways are that devising the proper form of an upaya (remedy) according to Lal Kitab requires a deep understanding of the system and experience, as the texts do not always clearly specify the exact form. It is up to the Lalkitabist to determine the appropriate form based on factors like the planet, house position, and intention behind the upaya.

Burying something to destroy a planet's effect is done to weaken its influence for that year, while burying to strengthen a planet is done to support it. The example given is burying vs. establishing a karak (representation) of a planet at home.

Some examples of different forms an upaya can take include immersing karaks in flowing water, gifting karaks at a temple, or establishing/keeping karaks like honey in a silver container at home toward the west.

Devising the form of upaya:

Pt Bhooshan Priya

Lal Kitab 1952 urdu ed page 620 last lines :

Saturn in the 7th house

Khand se bharkar bansari bahar veerane mein dabana mubarik, basharte ki Shanishchar soya na ho; agar soya ho to shahad ke bartan ka upaya madadgar hoga

At the first reading it would appear that if the Saturn is not dormant [ soya hua] then bury in a barren place a flute filled with desi sugar [ khand ] ; if the Saturn is dormant then bury a pot filled with honey. But it is not so. That is not the correct understanding

So much so a well known Lal Kitab scholar made a slip when he wrote in his book for Saturn in 7th: kisi bartan ko shahad se bharkar bahar dabane ka upaya sahayak hoga

The correct upaya is to establish at home in the south west corner a pot filled with honey. Thus the correct upaya is establishing and not burying. Those who are interested in finding the difference between burying some thing to destroy the effect of the planet for that year and burying to establish the planet or to strengthen a planet, should read another write up on the subject. I began by giving this example to show how difficult it is to devise an upaya and more so to decide the form of upaya In most cases, the Lal Kitab does not explain the form of upaya to be done. It just

suggests that the upaya for such-n-such planet be done e.g. mangal ka upaya madadgar hoga. This statement by itself is not very helpful. It is the Lalkitabist who has to decide the form of this mangal ka upaya. He has to decide whether the karaks of mangal are to be immersed in flowing water, or gifted at a temple or buried and so on. The upaya devised has to be correct and effective. This needs a very good understanding of the system and a very wide experience. Let me explain this with an example : For Rahu placed in the Kendra houses, it is advised that the upaya should be done of the planet which gets exalted in that house.

Therefore, if the Rahu is placed in the 1st house and has been identified as malefic then surya ka upaya madadgar hoga. Now what should be the form of this surya ka upaya. Should we immerse the karaks of the Sun in flowing water, or should we bury the karaks of the sun, or should we offer the karaks of the sun at a temple, or any other form of upaya to be devised.

Thankfully in this case it has been indicated that the karaks of the Sun should be gifted at a temple.This is done to strengthen the Sun so that he could withstand the eclipsing ability of Rahu.

But for the same Rahu in the 10th house the book says:

khali mandir se rahu sota, tez swabhav manda ho mitra grah par keechad deta, upaya mangal ka uttam ho

Now in this case no indication has been given as to what will be the form of mangal ka upaya, like the in the case of Rahu in the 1st house where gifting the karaks of Sun has been indicated. Will gifting the karaks of mangal at any temple be a correct upaya?

If not, then what should be the form of the upaya ?

A rahu placed in the 10th can not do any damage to Saturn but it will definitely harm the significations of the 10th house, be it a job or name or fame. Therefore, if the rahu is adjudged as malefic, then an upaya will become necessary. So what would be the form

of the upaya. We know that mangal will help, but in what form? It is the Lalkitabist who has to decide the form of the upaya.

Since the book says:

Rahu ka manda asar teve wale par nahi hoga :jab mangal nek ho

In this case the Rahu has to be brought under control such that it is not able to damage the significations of the 10th house. Since Mangal shubh alone can control Rahu therefore the karak of mangal shubh has to be established at home, keep at home a little honey in a silver dibbi towards the west. This upaya will keep the belligerent Rahu under control.

Now you know the difference. In one case it is gifting the karaks which would be an effective upaya where as in the next case it is establishing a karak would be an effective upaya.

Therefore devising upaya is a science which a Lalkitabist has to learn. It comes with time and experience. That is why upaya suggested through ready reckoners do not work.

Bhooshan Priya

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