Nanotechnology and Bio Materials

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Presented By: Name: K.Deepthi Reddy Contact id: [email protected] Department of Biomedical Engineering, Padmasri Dr.B.V.Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Medak (DIST) P.Subhashini Ph. No : 9397111120

Abstract :
Nanotechnology will one day revolutionize the biomedical field by providing smaller, efficient, and biocompatible biomaterials for use within the body. The field of biomaterials has already been ongoing for quite some time. Additional goals include hearing and vision implants that could restore lost senses. In all of these respects, nanotechnology has something to offer. Some of the applications areNanostructured tissue scaffolds and biomaterials are being applied for improved tissue design, reconstruction, and reparative medicine. Point-of-care (POC) diagnostic devices, which enable diagnostic testing at the site of care, can enhance patient outcomes by substantially abbreviated analysis times as a result of the intrinsic advantages of the miniature device and by eliminating the need for sample transport to an on-site or off-site laboratory for testing. Additionally, nanoscale science and engineering have accelerated the development of novel drug delivery systems and led to enhanced control over how a given pharmaceutical is administered, helping biological potential to be transformed into medical reality. In addition to advances in polymer nanotechnology for sensing and recognizing changes in micro-environments, advances have been made concerning tissue regeneration on ceramic and metallic nanomaterials. There has already been some effort on incorporating nanotechnology into orthopedic applications, it is clear that this is only the beginning for the incorporation of nanotechnology into biology. On looking at the wide areas of applications of very minute nanomaterials, it seems to be very surprising. In the field of biomedicine, its applications are vast. So if a strong attempt is made towards producing these very minute things, it can prove out to be a new

revolution avoiding less the efficient conventional methods hence can improve the treatment methods, because, there is nothing called impossible.

1. Introduction:
Biomaterials have received a considerable amount of attention over the last 30 years as a means of treating diseases and easing suffering. The focus of treatment is no longer a conventional pharmaceutical formulation but rather a combination of device-integrated biomaterial and the necessary therapeutic treatment. Biomaterials have found applications in approximately 8000 different kinds of medical devices, which have been used in repairing skeletal systems, returning cardiovascular functionality, replacing organs, and repairing or returning senses. Even though biomaterials have had a pronounced impact in medical treatment, a need still exists to be able to design and develop better polymer, ceramic, and metal systems. Polymeric biomaterials originated as off-the-shelf materials that clinicians were able to use in solving a problem. However, these materials did not possess the chemical, physical, and biological properties necessary to prevent further complications. Nanotechnology describes, further adds to the ability of chemically tailoring polymeric materials to provide more opportunities for revolutionary breakthroughs in the science and technology associated with developing novel devices. Undoubtedly, nanoscale science and engineering has the potential to have a profound impact on medical science and technology, which will lead to improved diagnostics and enhanced therapeutic methods.

2. Properties:
2.1. STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Hydrogel networks are prepared via chemical cross-linking, photopolymerization, or irradiative cross-linking with the behavior of the materials dependent on their equilibrium and dynamic swelling behavior in water. Various parameters have been employed to define the equilibrium-swelling behavior. The

volume degree of swelling, Q, is the ratio of the actual volume of a sample in the swollen state divided by its volume in the dry state and q, the weight degree of swelling, is the ratio of the weight of the swollen sample to that of the dry sample. Advances in nanotechnology have afforded the ability to refine further the structure by molecularly engineering the hydrogel to impart a recognitive capacity. Domains within the molecularly designed hydrogel are able to recognize specific molecules through highly select noncovalent interactions between the building blocks of both the hydrogel network and the recognizable molecule. 2.2. SURFACE PROPERTIES : In addition to the bulk structural characteristics of the biomaterial, the surface plays a key role in the ability of the material to function as designed. A surface provides a low-energy barrier to mobility, a high accessibility for reaction, enhanced reaction turnover rates, and ultimately allows for molecular recognition. Poly ethylene glycol (PEG) has received considerable attention for its use at the biomaterialhost interface to prevent protein fouling. Castner and Ratner list other strategies in addition to PEG that have been employed in biomaterials to prevent protein adsorption. The surface of the material must be designed so as to provide components inherent to the natural wound healing process. This is an important contribution nanotechnology can make to improve biomaterial performance.

3. Applications:
3.1. NANOTECHNOLOGY IN BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE : The emergence of micro- and nanoscale science and engineering has provided new avenues for engineering materials with macromolecular and even down to molecularscale precision, leading to diagnostic and therapeutic technologies that will revolutionize the way health care is administered. Nanostructured tissue scaffolds and biomaterials are being applied for improved tissue design, reconstruction, and reparative medicine. Nano- and micro-arrays have been established as the preferred method for carrying out genetic and other biological (e.g.,

drug discovery) analysis on a massive scale. Natural nanopores and synthetic nanopores of tailored dimensions are probing, characterizing, and sequencing biological macromolecules and have demonstrated the possibility to analyze the structure of individual macromolecules faster and cheaper. Self-assembly is being applied to create new biomaterials with well-ordered structures at the nanoscale, such as nanofiber peptide and protein scaffolds. In addition, polymer networks with precisely engineered binding sites have been created via molecular imprinting, where functional monomers are preassembled with a target molecule and then the structure is locked with network formation. In medical diagnostics, the speed and precision with which a condition is detected directly impacts the prognosis of a patient. Point-of-care (POC) diagnostic devices, which enable diagnostic testing at the site of care, can enhance patient outcomes by substantially abbreviated analysis times as a result of the intrinsic advantages of the miniature device and by eliminating the need for sample transport to an on-site or off-site laboratory for testing. The development of micro or miniaturized total analysis systems (-TAS), also referred to as lab-on-a-chip devices, has profoundly impacted the corresponding development of POC diagnostic devices. These -TAS devices integrate microvalves, micropumps, micro-separations, microsensors, and other components to create miniature systems capable of analysis that typically requires an entire laboratory of instruments. Since being introduced as a novel concept for chemical sensing devices, -TAS devices have been applied as innovative biological devices and POC diagnostic devices. With the further development of micro- and nanosensors, POC diagnostic devices will provide for improved medical management, leading eventually to self-regulated POC diagnostic devices that intermittently or continuously monitor the biological molecule of interest and deliver the therapeutic agents as required. Additionally, nanoscale science and engineering have accelerated the development of novel drug delivery systems and led to enhanced control over how a given pharmaceutical is administered, helping biological potential to be transformed into medical reality . Micro- and nanoscale devices have been fabricated using integrated circuit processing techniques and have been demonstrated to allow for strict control over the temporal release of the drug. Silicon microchips that can provide controlled release of

single or multiple chemical substances on demand via electrochemical dissolution of the thin anode membranes covering microreservoirs have been created. The advantages of this microdevice are that it has a simple release mechanism, very accurate dosing, and ability to have complex release patterns, potential for local delivery, and possible biological drug stability enhancement by storing in a microvolume that can be precisely controlled. More recently, multi-pulse drug delivery from a resorbable polymeric microchip device was demonstrated. In particular, the development of polymer systems that are able to interact with their environment in an intelligent manner has led to novel materials and applications. These intelligent materials are attractive options as functional components in micro- and nanodevices, due to the ease with which their recognition and actuation properties can be precisely tailored. In this section, neutral and intelligent polymers and networks based on environmentally responsive hydrogels and bio-mimetic polymer networks will be discussed for application as sensing/recognition elements in novel diagnostic devices, such as microsensors and microarrays, and therapeutic devices, for tailoring loading and release properties. In addition to advances in polymer nanotechnology for sensing and recognizing changes in micro-environments, advances have been made concerning tissue regeneration on ceramic and metallic nanomaterials. Broadly speaking, nanotechnology embraces a system whose core of materials is in the range of nanometers (109 m). The application of nanomaterials for medical diagnosis, treatment of failing organ systems, or prevention and cure of human diseases can generally be referred to as nanomedicine. The branch of nanomedicine devoted to the development of biodegradable or nonbiodegradable prostheses fall within the purview of nanobiomedical science and engineering. Although various definitions are attached to the word nanomaterial by different experts, the commonly accepted concept refers nanomaterials as that material with the basic structural unit in the range 1 to 100 nm. Since nature itself exists in the nanometer regime, especially tissues in the human body, it is clear that nanotechnology can play an integral role in tissue regeneration. Specifically, bone is composed of numerous nanostructures like collagen and hydroxyapatite (HA)

that, most importantly, provide a unique nanostructure for protein and bone cell interactions in the body (Figure 1).

FIGURE1: Nanocomponents of bone provide a high degree of nanostructured surface roughness for bone cells.

Their special surface properties compared to conventional (or micron constituent component structured) materials. In summary, nanophase material surfaces are more reactive than their conventional counterparts. In this light, it is clear that, proteins which influence cell interactions that lead to tissue regeneration will be quite different on nanophase compared with conventional implant surfaces (Figure2).

FIGURE2: Conventional grain size of currently used orthopedic implants. Bar = 10 and 1 m for the left and right micrograph, respectively

3.2. CERAMIC NANOMATERIALS : Perhaps slightly more mature, is the application of nanophase ceramics in bone tissue engineering applications. The next series of sections will highlight the improvement in bone regeneration that can be obtained through the use of ceramic nanotechnology.

While there has already been some effort on incorporating nanotechnology into orthopedic applications, it is clear that this is only the beginning for the incorporation of nanotechnology into biology. In the following sections some additional avenues are highlighted. 4.1. DRUG DELIVERY : Polymers have found a significant role in the development of novel drug delivery systems. Biomaterials for muco-adhesive drug delivery applications have been improved through the addition of PEG as an adhesion promoter. Nanoporous structures have the ability to allow mass transport of desirable compounds but limit those that are undesirable. Nanodrug delivery systems are quickly evolving in their ability to integrate biologically complex components into a functional nanodevice. Drug discovery and delivery are becoming sciences that encompass skills in nanotechnology, microtechnology, and biology to design systems effectively more capable of achieving efficient and effective therapeutic treatments. Much effort has been dedicated to engineering nanoparticulate drug delivery systems. Surface modification allows the specific targeting of particles and enhances their ability to interact with certain types of cells. Size plays a key role in the ability of particles to participate in intracellular uptake, and biodegradable nanoparticles can be used as sustained-release delivery systems once inside the cytoplasm.

4.2. BIOLOGICAL MICRO-ELECTRO-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (Bio MEMS) : Most research focusing on biological micro-electro-mechanical systems (BioMEMS) is for their use in diagnostic devices and for the detection of DNA, viruses, proteins, and other biologically derived molecules. Nanoscale BioMEMS could allow for the real-time detection and analysis of signaling pathways, which would further our knowledge and understanding of the basic mechanisms and functions of the cell. While nanoscale BioMEMS is at its infancy, it is clear that nanotechnology will play an important role in its development.

5. Advantages over conventional ones:

The fact that such a high percentage of hip replacements performed every year are revision surgeries is not surprising when you consider the life expectancy of the implant versus that of the patient receiving the implant. Since the longevity of implants ranges only from about 12 to 15 years, even the majority of those who receive bone implants at the age of 65 will require at least one revision surgery before the end of their lives. For the dental community the story is not any better. Since dental implants may be necessary for the young and old alike, it is imperative that they are able to last for the duration of the patients life. Nanotechnology is playing an important role in decreasing this failure. This is because, in order to improve biomaterial performance and hence extend the lifetime of bone implants, it is essential to design surface characteristics that interface optimally with select proteins and subsequently with pertinent bone cell types. That is, immediately after implantation, proteins will adsorb from plasma to biomaterial surfaces to control cell attachment and eventual tissue regeneration (Figure 2). Initial protein interactions that mediate cell function depend on many biomaterial properties, including chemistry, charge, wet ability, and topography. Of significant influence for protein interactions is surface roughness and energy, and this represents the promise of nanophase materials in bone implant applications.

The critical factor for the merging of nanotechnology with medicine is the increasingly documented, special, biologically improved material properties of nanophase implants compared to conventional formulations of the same material chemistry. This chapter will highlight a novel property of nanophase materials that makes them attractive for use as implants: increased tissue regeneration. Work is ongoing in the domains of orthopedic, dental, bladder, neurological, vascular, cartilage, and cardiovascular applications. However, only orthopedic applications, which are the closest to clinical applications, will be emphasized here. This contribution will briefly articulate the seeming revolutionary changes and the potential gains nanostructured materials can make for bone implant technology. The first report correlating increased bone cell function with decreased material grain or particulate size into the nanometer regime dates back to 1998 and involves ceramics. Such reports described how in vitro osteoblast (bone-forming cell) adhesion, proliferation, differentiation, and calcium deposition were enhanced on ceramics with particulate or grain sizes less than 100 nm.

6. Current efforts:

PERFORMANCE AT THE NANOSCALE Nanoscale materials currently being investigated for bone tissue engineering applications can be placed in the following categories: ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites thereof. Each type of material has distinct properties that can be advantageous for specific bone regrowth applications. For example, HA, a ceramic mineral present in bone can also be made synthetically. Ceramics, though, are not mechanically tough enough to be used in bulk for large-scale bone fractures. However, they have found applications for a long time as bioactive coatings due to their ionic bonding mechanisms favorable for osteoblast (or bone-forming cells) function. Owing to the numerous materials currently being used and investigated in orthopedics, this review will cover select efforts to create nanoscale surfaces in all of these categories: ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites. Several current and

potential materials that have shown promise in nanotechnology for bone biomedical applications as well as needed future directions will be emphasized.

7. Disadvantages and future research directions:

Although preliminary attempts to incorporate nanotechnology into biomedical applications seem promising, numerous urgent questions still remain with regard to this new field. First and foremost, the question of safety of nanoparticles once in the human body remains largely unanswered both from a manufacturing point of view and when used in full or as a components of an implantable device. Since such particles are smaller than many pores of biological tissues, it is clear that this information will have to be obtained before further consideration of implantable nanomaterials is undertaken. Although preliminary in vitro studies highlight a less adverse influence of nanometer compared to micron particulate wear debris on bone cell viability, many more experiments are needed, especially in vivo to evaluate their efficacy. Specifically for orthopedic applications, additional questions remain. For example, once exact optimal nanometer surface features are elucidated for increasing bone regeneration, inexpensive tools that can be used in industry will be required. In this context, if the only nanofabrication devices that can be used to synthesize desirable nanometer surface features for bone regeneration are e-beam lithography or other equally expensive techniques, industry may not participate in this boom of nanotechnology at the intersection of tissue engineering. Inexpensive but effective nanometer synthesis techniques must continually be a focus of many investigators. The direction of the nanotechnology should be and is geared toward dealing with these issues. For example, according to the U.S. governments research agenda, current and future broad interests in nanobiomedical activity can be categorized into three broad related fronts: 1. Development of pharmaceuticals for inside-the-body applications such as drugs for anti-cancer and gene therapy.

2. Development of diagnostic sensors and lab-on-a-chip techniques for outside-the-body applications such as biosensors to identify bacteriological infections in biowarfare. 3. Development of prostheses and implants for inside-the-body uses. The biological and biomimetic nanostructures to be used as orthopedic implants involve some sort of an assembly in which smaller materials later on assume the shape of a body part, such as hip bone. These final biomimetic, bulk nanostructures can start with a predefined nanochemical (like an array of large reactive molecules attached to a surface) or nanophysical (like a small crystal) structure. It is believed that by using these fundamental nanostructured building blocks as seed molecules or crystals, a larger bulk material will self-assemble or keep growing by itself. In summary, it is now believed that significant evidence exists that highlights the promise nanotechnology has for biological applications, particularly in the bone arena. Clearly, nanomaterials as mentioned here are at their infancy and require much more testing before their full potential can be realized.

8. Concluison:
Undoubtedly, nanoscale science and engineering has the potential to have a profound impact on medical science and technology, which will lead to improved diagnostics and enhanced therapeutic methods. The emergence of micro- and nanoscale science and engineering has provided new avenues for engineering materials with macromolecular and even down to molecular-scale precision, leading to diagnostic and therapeutic technologies that will revolutionize the way health care is administered. Another application is the BIO-MEMS. Micro- and nanoscale devices have been fabricated using integrated circuit processing techniques and have been demonstrated to allow for strict control over the temporal release of the drug. The functions of the bone cells, osteoblasts and osteoclasts were observed to increase considerably. On looking at the wide areas of applications of very minute nanomaterials, it seems to be very surprising. In the field of biomedicine, its applications are vast. So if a strong

attempt is made towards producing these very minute things, it can prove out to be a new revolution avoiding less the efficient conventional methods hence can improve the treatment methods, because, there is nothing called impossible.

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