YALit Portfolio 12

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Sherry YALit12

Many professionals (in business, medicine, teaching, and studio arts to name a few) maintain a portfolio, or collection of their work. Such a portfolio can be used to represent your accomplishments at job interviews, or when applying for research/writing funding. A portfolio can also be used as a learning tool: this is the purpose it will serve in our course. Big Question: How does the work youve done in this course fit into other work youve done in your major at Bloomsburg?

1. During the course of the semester, you will compile at least four pieces, or artifacts, to include in your electronic portfolio (you may use whatever platform you wish). These artifacts need not come exclusively from our courseif you have already created a portfolio for another course you can add to it/repurpose it here. Each of these artifacts should align with standards drawn from your field (if you are a Secondary Education major, see http://seecers.wikispaces.com/SEEportfolios). 2. You will annotate, or add comments near the text, for each of the artifacts youve chosen to indicate how they align with the standards of your field (see the attached example of an annotation). You should also answer the attached questions for each artifact. 3. During finals week, you will meet with me and a significant other (a parent, mentor, spouse, roommateany outsider to our class community) to discuss your portfolio for 30 minutes at a location of your choice. Please use the attached letter to schedule a conference and then sign up on our class wiki at http://yalit12.wikispaces.com/Portfolio+conference+signup. This portfolio conference is a chance to speak about your work with authority to someone who may not yet know you as a professional. This translation and synthesis will provide important learning and practice for similar work in your future career.

Criterion Process Assignment completed fully and on-time in professional manner Purpose uses details/evidence thoroughly and specifically to make point(s) Audience clearly arranges relevant details/evidence for audience Genre adopts perspective, and suits medium and conventions to the task Engagement demonstrates self-awareness and willingness to take risks 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0

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