Archer Spec Script - Infection

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Written by Charley Todd

Based on Archer

210 E 68 St 10D, New York, New York 10065 239-233-2540

ARCHER INFECTION CAST LIST Sterling Archer..............................H. John Benjamin Lana Kane....................................Aisha Tyler Malory Archer................................Jessica Walter Cyril Figgis.................................Chris Parnell Cheryl Tunt..................................Judy Greer Pam Poovey...................................Amber Nash Doctor Krieger...............................Lucky Yates Ray Gillete..................................Adam Reed Woodhouse....................................George Coe Brett Buckley................................Neal Holman

2. COLD OPEN EXT/ESTAB. ISIS HEADQUARTERS - DAY INT. MALORYS OFFICE Cyril is bringing new accessories into Malorys office. Archer is having a cocktail and inspecting his mothers new purchases. CYRIL Thats the last of it. Im still uneasy about these expenses. They seem a bit self-indulgent and dare I say, unnecessary for a spy agency. MALORY Oh calm down Cyril, youre an accountant, just write it all off as corporate re-investment. CYRIL Umm, considering some of your purchases... Archer puts on a diamond Encrusted helmet. ARCHER Whats this thing do? I hope its one of those massage helmets. CYRIL Im not sure re-investment would be the correct label ARCHER Ha-ha, its a massage helmet! (Points to other accessory). Is that a Foot Tanner? MALORY Made of pure rhodium, yes. ARCHER Its like Sky Mall for the absurdly rich! (places feet into tanner) Ahhhh, best ISIS re-investment plan ever.

3. MALORY Sterling, those items are for ISIS Executives only. And since Im the only executive... CYRIL Ok, see, thats what makes this reinvestment label seem a little unethical. ARCHER Youre lecturing on ethics? Thats like the pot calling the kettle (distracted by helmet and tanner)...uhh... the thing it calls it. PAM (from the other room) BURN CYRIL (To Malory, an attempt at being discreet) That (air quotes) Government Contract for that (air quotes) top secret research experiment still hasnt made payment. It might be prudent to (air quotes)reinvest... ARCHER Oh My God Cyril. Enough with the Air Quotes. We get it. I just better system do air CYRIL think ISIS funds could be spent on a new security that isnt (raises hands to quotes)

Archer Stares menacingly at Cyril with gun in his hand. Cyril ARCHER

Cyril drops his hands. CYRIL ...touch-tone.

4. MALORY Not to worry, the Department of Defense has finished installing their most innovative security system yet as a bonus for winning their contract. ARCHER Finally! ISIS is moving out of the dark ages. Seriously, its been embarrassing. What did we get? Lasers? Automated Gunfire? Tell me we got gunfire. MALORY (Proudly) Better. Voice activation. Archer spits out his drink. ARCHER Seriously Mother? Thats it? Thats like, the one perennial piece of technology that never works. While were at it maybe we should just install a clap-on security system. PAM (From other room)


MALORY Oh it works. Computer, put ISIS on lockdown for the weekend, starting at 5 P.M. COMPUTER Affirmative. Please confirm the security passcode. MALORY Dammit, isnt this thing supposed to just recognize my voice? COMPUTER Invalid passcode, you have 2 more attempts. Uh oh... CYRIL

5. MALORY (shouting to her in the other room) Cheryl! Whats the security passcode? COMPUTER Invalid passcode, you have 1 more attempt. CHERYL I dont know, thats not my job! You dont tell me those things! (To Herself) Maybe if you did, then you wouldnt be a slave to some dumb computer. (Quieter) Burnnnnnn PAM

MALORY (Yelling) I watched you write it down! You may be the worst secretary COMPUTER Invalid Passcode. You are now locked out of security control. You may attempt access again in 12 hours. Archer claps twice. Power goes out, emergency lights kick in. Bars go down on the doors and windows. CHERYL (noticing the sticky note on her computer that reads SECURITY PASSCODE) Oh, would you look at that. (shouting) Its Duchess! (beat) ARCHER (to Malory) So... Half Day? END OF COLD OPEN


ACT ONE INT. ISIS HQ, KRIEGERS LAB DAY Emergency lights are still on as well as bars on doors and windows. Krieger, Ray, Cyril, and Malory are briefing Archer on an emergency mission. There is a hologram of Dr. Kriegers missing clone displayed from Kriegers watch and it resembles a zombie-like version of Krieger. RAY Dammit Archer! Pull yourself together! Lana is out sick so youre all we have here. ARCHER Are you looking at that thing! I think Im gonna be sick too... KRIEGER For the last time, he doesnt have a contagious virus, he didnt come back from the dead, and hes not a Zombie! ARCHER Fine, infected or whatever. It doesnt matter what you label them, it only matters what they do! Which is eat flesh. Relentlessly. (shudders) KRIEGER No! Hes a clone. Of me. He went missing from the lab earlier today and with security off-line Im having trouble tracking him. ARCHER First. Why would anyone ever clone you!? Well KRIEGER

ARCHER Second, a walking corpse capable of ending humanitys entire existence escapes your lab and you dont even think to tell someone?! (MORE)

7. ARCHER (CONT'D) Oh my God, we are living out Romeros nightmare. What?! KRIEGER

ARCHER And this is just the prologue MALORY (Interrupting) Sterling shut up! We need that clone to fulfill the largest contract ISIS has had in years. I dont think I need to re-state our fragile financial circumstances? Cyril walks in carrying stack of financial reports and a flashlight in his mouth. CYRIL Actually, maybe we should. What? MALORY

CYRIL Ive been crunching some numbers and we might want to return some of the more extravagant purchases youve, err, ISIS has recently made. MALORY Cyril, what are you doing here? CYRIL Umm, you got locked out of security control, thereby locking the entire staff in. Remember? This all happened like, 5 minutes ago. MALORY My God, does your whining have a point? CYRIL We still havent received payment from the department of defense, and seeing that our part of the deal is missing

8. ARCHER And is a fucking ZOMBIE! (points to image of clone) Seriously, how are you guys not seeing this? MALORY Quiet! The government has asked us for a clone to clone demonstration and thats what theyre going to get. Especially since they think its already done. RAY Well who the hell told them that? FLASHBACK- INT. MALORYS OFFICE. Malory is video conferencing with a representative from the department of defense. SEARGENT MAJOR THOMPSON ODIN has guaranteed delivery months ahead of your (looks at report in front of him) Dr. Kriegers estimations. MALORY Listen Major Tom SEARGENT MAJOR THOMPSON Its Seargent Major Thompson. Please dont call me Major Tom. MALORY Well I dont know what lies ODIN has been feeding you, but ISIS can more than guarantee a quality product and delivery by the end of the week. SEARGENT MAJOR THOMPSON Really? That seems MALORY Impressive? SEARGENT MAJOR THOMPSON Impossible. MALORY Check your ignition Major Tom, Impossible is what ISIS does best.

9. SEARGENT MAJOR THOMPSON Please dont call me that. CUT BACK TO PRESENTRAY So, let me get this straight. Our bonuses you promised us rely on an unpaid contract for an unfinished clone thats escaped its lab. ARCHER Wait. Bonuses? I didnt hear anything about a bonus MALORY Maybe you should all be a little less concerned with money and a little more concerned with our mission! KRIEGER Yeah! And you know, the sooner the better because little krieglette isnt the strongest of my creations. ARCHER No shit Sherlock, theres no such thing as a strong zombie! Thats why theyre so deadly. They kill you with their subtlety. And their endless amount of endurance. They just keep walking. Relentlessly. (shudders) MALORY Will you shut up and get Lana! She should be here by now. RAY Again, courtesy of your new security system, no one can get in or out. And again, Lana took a sick day. ARCHER Sick or infected? (Groans from the room)

10. ARCHER (CONTD) What? That is a pivotal question from here on out people, especially if you want to make it to the epilogue. MALORY When I was a spy, there was no such thing as sick days! Damm that Pam, letting agents do as they please. How does she still even work here? ARCHER She still works here? What does she do other than gossip and eat donuts? RAY Human Resources and she can hear you. PAM (Appears in the room, was there all along, eating donut) Burn. MALORY Obviously, our money train is still somewhere in the building. We need to focus on finding it immediately... ARCHER Ok fine, Ill take care of it, but first things first: how many body parts can it be brought back as? One! KRIEGER, MALORY, CYRIL, RAY, PAM

ARCHER Lets be reasonable people. Were talking at least two pieces, because at minimum, Im going to have to detach the head. MALORY Youll do no such thing Sterling! So help me if you dont bring back this ungodly freakish creation... Hey... KRIEGER

11. MALORY If you dont bring it back in one piece, BREATHING, your expense account will be suspended until Ive made back every penny thats gone into this... KRIEGER Be nice... MALORY Abomination. KRIEGER (weakly) ohhh Brett walks in with two other random ISIS employees. BRETT Weve done a full sweep of the ISIS Interior, Dr. Kriegers clone, how do I say this? ARCHER Dammit Brett, you just say it! BRETT Its not in the building. Collective surprise from the crowd. CYRIL How is that even possible? FLASHBACK- EARLIER THAT DAY, CHERYL IS IN MALORYS OFFICE WITH PAM. CHERYL Its called Voice activation. Basically you tell it what to do, and it does it. PAM Yeah, I got that. CHERYL Computer, MAKE ME COFEE! PAM. I dont think it works like that CHERYL I thought you understood it Pam

12. COMPUTER Laboratory Access Granted CHERYL (Unimpressed) Thats not what I asked you for, stupid computer. CUT TO LAB DOORS OPENING. Kriegers copy meanders out of the room, making indecipherable noises. CUT BACK TO PRESENT CONVERSATION ARCHER Well. Seeing as the apocalypse is out there and were stuck in here I guess Ill just have to sit this one out. Archer puts on the massage helmet. Everyone stares at him incredulously. ARCHER (CONTD) Ha-ha, man if youre gonna experience the Armageddon, this is the only way to do it. RAY You are, and please take this personally, a worthless human being. INT. LANA KANES HOME. SHE IS LYING IN BED ILL. SFX. PHONE RINGS. HITS VOICEMAIL VOICEMAIL (In Lanas Voice) Hey, voicemail, leave a message. If its an emergency, Im probably already there. ARCHER Lana, hey, so how you feeling? RAY Give me the phone Jackass

13. ARCHER Cool it Ray. So Lana, theres this emergency, potentially global, and, oddly enough, youre not here. Any other time Id just take care of the mission myself, you know, being ISIS Top Agent, but mother went and screwed up the security system so were kind of all umm, locked in tight here. You know classic mother, always... VOICEMAIL You have 5 seconds left to record your message. ARCHER Dammit, these things never give you enough time to say anyth.. Call Ends SFX. PHONE RINGS. HITS VOICEMAIL VOICEMAIL Hey, Voicemail, leave a message. If its an emergency, Im probably already there. RAY Hey baby, I know youre not feeling well, but we have a little bit of a situation. ARCHER Yeah, that situation? Its called a zombie. And youre still not here, so seriously, time to change your recording. RAY Dammit, give me that. Lana, that creepy little clone of Krieger is walking around town and if we dont get him back that government contract goes bye-bye. Which Im sure youll remember is the key to us all getting our.. VOICEMAIL You have 5 seconds left to record your message

14. RAY Five seconds? Why dont these damn things ever give you long enough to... Call Ends. SFX. PHONE RINGS. HITS VOICEMAIL VOICEMAIL Hey, voicemail, leave a message. If its an emergency, Im probably already there. RAY Yeah honey, its time to change that recording, you come off a little bitchy. Also, main point here, if you dont get your fine ass out of bed and find Kriegers clone, then we dont get our bonuses. Lana suddenly sits up in bed LANA (sickly)


ARCHER Bonuses? Will someone please tell me whos getting a bonus? Is Lana getting a... Lana hangs up the phone. Sneezes. Shit LANA

INT. INTELLIGENCE ROOM - DAY. RAY AND KRIEGER ARE PROVIDING INTEL REGARDING THE RESCUE MISSION FOR LANA OVER THE PHONE. LANA IS OUTSIDE ISIS LOOKING FOR A TRAIL TO FOLLOW. RAY Ok, lets go over the facts. We have a very expensive research experiment that is wandering the streets of New York. Is he dangerous to others? KRIEGER No. Well. Maybe?

15. RAY Dammit Krieger, which is it? ARCHER Jesus Ray, (completely serious) its obviously infected. Have you listened to anything Kriegers said? Have you? RAY

LANA For the love of God, everyone shut up. Im dealing with serious flu symptoms here... ARCHER Specifically what kind of symptoms? You feeling any unnatural urges? Maybe an appetite for something raw? LANA Krieger, I need more information. KRIEGER He wasnt ready to be released yet, his brain activity is severely limited. ARCHER Like a zombie. KRIEGER And his bloods ph levels are too acidic for him to survive on his own. ARCHER Wait, itll die on its own? Thats fantastic! Lets drink to the night of the living bob-omb (pulls out flask). (Letting out huge breath of relief) Way to go Krieger, seriously, I really didnt want this to be how it ended. (as a cheer) Apocalypse averted everyone!

16. EXT. LANA FINDS AN ACID TRAIL OF THE CLONE, FOLLOWS. LANA Archer, If it dies, our new defense contract dies with it and then ISIS goes right back to being the budget rent-a-spy agency. And I for one, am not ready to say goodbye to my bonus. ARCHER I knew it! Youre getting a bonus too!? This is unbelievable. RAY (Archer is on a rant in the background) Listen honey, sedate and drag that weird-ass clone back if you have to. We need it here ASAP.(beat) Because I am definitely not returning my new yacht. ARCHER Yacht? Where did you get money for a yacht. Oh. Son of a LANA Krieger, I found a trail. It seems to be losing a lot of ummwhatever this stuff is. How much time do we have to get it back in one piece? KRIEGER Umm. Somewhere between hours andminutes? CAMERA SHOT OF THE TRAIL LEADING TO A CONVENTION CENTER CUT TO INT. ANNUAL NEW YORK COMIC FESTIVAL- DAY Camera pans over a convention center with people dressed as zombies. Random attendees are arm-in-arm with Kriegers clone taking pictures. ATTENDEE #1 (Wearing I <3 Brains Shirt) Dude, this guys makeup is insane. Kriegers clones arm falls off, dripping acid.

17. KRIEGER CLONE (Indecipherable noises) ACT TWO INT. ISIS HQ, CYRILS OFFICE. Archer and Cyril are playing battleship as ISIS is still in lock-down. The camera does not reveal this yet. CLOSE UP SHOT ON ARCHERS INTENSE FACE ARCHER Yes or No Cyril? Answer me! CLOSE UP ON CYRILS STRESSED FACE. Uhh... BACK TO ARCHER ARCHER Was it a hit or not? This isnt a game cyril! VIEW OF BOTH NOW INCLUDING THE BOARD GAME. CYRIL Fine! You sunk my battleship. Which, clearly, is a game. ARCHER A game you should really stay away from. Seriously, what are you good at? CYRIL Ok I think Im done here ARCHERR No, no, no. We got Yahtzee, Monopoly, and most-unfortunately for you, the game of life. CYRIL Im not playing any more games, I just want to get out of here. CYRIL

18. ARCHER What? Where to? The apocalypse? CYRIL Its one clone! ARCHER Famous last words. Try enjoying the little things, like alcohol and board games. CYRIL I had tickets to a comic festival thank you very much. ARCHER Cyril, seriously do yourself a favor and listen to the stuff you say. Its just embarassing. Pamarooskie, step right up. PAM Lets Yahtzee this shit. EXT. ZOMBIE FESTIVAL. LANA IS AT THE ENTRANCE TO GET INTO THE EVENT. THERE IS A SIGN ON A POST THAT READS PLEASE BREAK CHARACTER WHILE PRESENTING TICKETS, PRESENT VALID ID LADY TAKING TICKETS Are you a performer, presenter, or dressed in cosplay? LANA What? Listen, I need to get inside immediately, there is a classified experiment, potentially dangerous, walking around your event. Ticket Lady pokes at aforementioned sign TICKET LADY Are you a performer, presenter or dressed.. LANA Listen hag, (in hushed voice) I am an ISIS secret agent and Im not feeling so well, so I suggest you let me in now or so help me (puts hand on tranquilizer gun)...

19. TICKET LADY Yeah yeah yeah, theres about 2,000 other dangerous experiments walking around, and guess what? They got guns too (Camera pan to other people in line with fake guns). 20 bucks or youll have to play secret agent somewhere else. Little fat kid fake-shoots Lana. KID Pew Pew Pew Lana clinches fist, lets out frustrating noise, gives 20 bucks. INT. ZOMBIE FESTIVAL. Lana is following the clones blood trail. She walks by booths with models showcasing comics and other materials. She is on the phone with Ray as she walks by hundreds dozens of people dressed as zombies. LANA No sign yet of the clone. Were actually really lucky Archer isnt here. He would lose his shit. RAY Hes keeping busy with board games and booze, you just find that thing and get it back. Im on it LANA

Creepy big dude grabs Lana for a picture, mistaking her for a booth babe. CREEPY GUY You are one hell of a booth babe, you a zombie hunter? LANA You have 2 seconds to get your hands off of me before I show you...dammit, sneeze coming...false alarm... CREEPY GUY Oh, so more like an infected zombie hunter? Classic.

20. LANA Last warning bub, (blows nose) this is not going to end well for you. CREEPY GUY Perfect, but this time say that while looking into the camera and try not to blow your nose. (looks to his friend)Gary! Focus on her breasts Gary. CAMERA SHOT IS THROUGH THE VIDEO LENS OF GARYS CAMCORDER. Lana grabs the creepy guys arm and flips him to the groundCREEPY GUY (CONTD) Aghhh, Gary! Focus on the hands, theyre massive! (Groaning in pain) So... Hot. LANA Ok Gary, the smart move here would be to give me the camera. Your move. Lana walks towards camera, punches Gary, camera falls to the ground, we fall with it. More violent noises from Lana beating up the guys ends the scene. INT. ISIS. INTEL ROOM WITH THE MULTIPLE MONITORS. HOBBIT ENTHUSIAST COMPUTER GUY The security System is still on the timer, we simply cannot do anything until it ends. MALORY And that will be? HOBBIT ENTHUSIAST COMPUTER GUY 10 hours, 32 minutes, and six seconds. RAY Yeah thats not going to work. There has to be another way out. Archer enters, appears drunk, and with Cheryl under arm. YAHTZEE! ARCHER

21. MALORY My God Sterling, how much have you had to drink? ARCHER Obviously enough to be captivated by Carol. Who, by the way, has ridiculously good fortune with games. CHERYL Aww thanks, I think thats the nicest thing youve ever said to me. MALORY Well we may just need a piece of that fortune if Lana cant track down that clone. RAY Are you talking about her luck or her inheritance? MALORY One and the same. ARCHER So, I take it Lana hasnt stopped Armageddon then? We should really start boarding up this place, you know, zombie proof the hell out of it. RAY Hey Dumbass, have you taken a look around? This is about the closest thing to Zombie-proof you can get. CHERYL Yeah except for flying zombies. ARCHER BURN! Actually wait, yeah. We should block off the aerial entrance. MALORY What are you talking about Sterling?

22. ARCHER Nothing. Nope. Im drunk and I have to go do something completely unrelated to our current conversation. RAY Theres an exit thats still available? CHERYL How do you guys not know about Mr. Archers 14th floor window escape? ARCHER Because its confidential Carol! Great, just great, do you know how much work has gone into keeping that a secret! MALORY So thats how youve been skipping out of your performance reviews? And you wonder why youre not getting a bonus. ARCHER Oh really, because I thought that was more about you getting off on being withholding! MALORY Thats absurd, when have I ever been withholding? FLASHBACK INT. MALORYS HOME OVER 30 YEARS AGO. Woodhouse is about to give baby sterling a bottle of milk as a drunk Malory cruelly stops him in the name of building independence. MALORY (CONTD) (drunk) Drop it Woodhouse. Who do you think we are? The Red-Cross? Handouts create hoodlums. If he wants milk, he can just go and get some himself. (Crying) BABY ARCHER

23. CUT BACK TO PRESENT SCENE RAY Really? I mean even for you ARCHER Right? Its like you should just give me your bonus to help with all the emotional damage. RAY Are you serious? What the hell is wrong with you people?! CHERYL What do you mean, you people? MALORY Everyone just shut up and listen! Sterling, youre going to take us to your secret exit... What?! ARCHER

MALORY And then youre going to find Lana and that little clone freak... ARCHER Not happening. MALORY And were all going to get paid and go home, and thats that. ARCHER You want to send your son out there into that chaos? Are you crazy? RAY You are such a little bitch sometimes. Cmon lets get you geared up for the apocalypse ARCHER Im not going out there without a fucking tank. INT- ISIS AMMUNITION ROOM - DAY Ray and Krieger are gearing up Archer for his mission.

24. ARCHER Definitely no tank down here and... where the hell is all the real ammunition?! These are just tranquilizers. RAY The mission is to sedate Kriegers clone and bring it back here ASAP. You cant risk doing any real damage to it. ARCHER How do we even know the drugs in these darts will work on this thing? KRIEGER Its almost completely human and therefore should have an almost completely human response to sedatives. ARCHER Famous last words. (sees a machine gun) Holy shit, there are machine guns for tranqs?! RAY You dont need that. Youre only neutralizing one target. ARCHER Unless its already infected someone, or some hundreds... Seriously, guys, we are potentially in way over our head here. (Puts on clear protective eyewear). BRETT (from the hallway) Woah, Bill Nye, whats with the shades? Archer shoots Brett with real gun, hits him in arm, blood splashes on Archers Face. ARCHER Keeps the blood out of my eyes Brett, i.e. keeping me human and not infected. Does no one understand how any of this works? RAY What the fuck Archer!?

25. BRETT (In Pain, groaning). ARCHER OK, in my defense, I thought I was shooting him with a tranquilizer. That cant be the first time thats ever happened. The important thing is that the protective eye-wear works. BRETT God-dammit Archer! ARCHER Stop being such a baby Brett, I just winged you. Plus, workers comp, so...Youre welcome. ACT THREE INT. ISIS 14TH FLOOR, ARCHER IS PREPARING TO JUMP OUT HIS WALL EXIT WITH A PARACHUTE AND A LARGE BAG OF GEAR. HES WEARING HIS BLACK TURTLENECK. ARCHER So Im definitely having second thoughts about this. MALORY Oh dont be such a baby. PAM Is this zip-line just always up and available? ARCHER Dont question the merit of my secret window exit Pam. Its been awesome and confidential for years until Carol here... CHERYL DONT YELL AT ME. ARCHER Fine! But listen, and this is seriously important. If next time you see me, Im not as you remember, You know, not as handsome or naturally athletic, Ive probably been infected.



ARCHER Just kill me. I would much rather be dead than alive and eating Pam. Phrasing. RAY

ARCHER What? Oh, cmon Ray, just, wow. Thats disgusting. PAM Hey, I bet Im delicious! Ughhh CYRIL, ARCHER, RAY



MALORY Quit stalling Sterling! ARCHER Sorry, my bad, its only my life mother! You know what, I want a bonus. No. Bonus No BONUS!!! MALORY ARCHER MALORY ARCHER

MALORY Fine! But you have to bring that clone back alive and completely unscathed. ARCHER Thats...unlikely

27. MALORY Lana reported following its tracks to some Geek Festival a few blocks from here. ARCHER No one told me there was a Greek Festival going on, maybe among all the fire and blood theres still some Malory kicks archer out the exit. He is zip-lining towards the street. ...Gyros. ARCHER (CONTD)

Archer uses high-tech goggles to find the track leading to the zombie festival as he is zip-lining. ARCHER (CONTD) A Convention Center. One large enclosed space with thousands of people. Classic Romero. EXT. CONVENTION CENTER FOR ZOMBIE FESTIVAL. Archer walks up to the entrance. Little kid from before turns around and raises fake gun at Archer. ARCHER Woah, hey little man, lower your weapon. I havent been bitten. Little kid cocks the gun, raises it higher. Archer pulls out his tranquilizer gun. ARCHER (CONTD) Listen kid, were on the same side here. We cant afford to start killing our own. LITTLE KID Pew Pew Pew Archer shoots the kid in the chest with the tranquilizer dart, kid falls to the ground, crowd reacts, circles in on Archer. ARCHER Woah Woah, hey now, lets keep this all in perspective... he shot first. (MORE)

28. ARCHER (CONT'D) Plus it was only a tranquilizer, which, now that I think about it... Archer sedates the rest of the crowd outside and moves towards the entrance with the ticket lady TICKET LADY Are you a performer ARCHER HAVE YOU BEEN BITTEN?! Are you a TICKET LADY

ARCHER Dammit woman! Archer shoots the Ticket Lady, she falls to the ground. Archer leans over the body ARCHER (CONTD) Oh, hey, also... do you know where I can find some Gyros? Ticket Lady twitches. ARCHER (CONTD) No? Fine, be that way! A random attendee falls in front of a booth with models after being shot by Archer. Archer approaches. ARCHER (CONTD) Oh hello ladies. You dont look Greek or like zombies. Twins? MODEL #1 (Dutch)Waarom heb je hem neerschieten? (Why did you shoot him?) MODEL #2 Was he bad guy? The models reveal fake vampire teeth in their talking. ARCHER Less bad and more of in my way. I really underestimated these tranquilizers. Nice canines. Thank you MODEL #2

29. ARCHER Listen, Theres a good chance that after this zombie outbreak, the surviving humans will need to repopulate the planet so... Archer? LANA

Archer raises his gun Lana. ARCHER Have you been bitten!? Lana raises her gun at Archer. LANA What? No Archer, I have not been bitten. ARCHER Are you sure? Because you look terrible. LANA I have the flu jackass. Archer lowers his gun. ARCHER Yeah, Im starting to think my zombie theory might be a bit premature. Lana lowers her gun. LANA You think? Not that theyre any better here, Ive been pushed, prodded, groped... ARCHER Whos they? The Greeks? LANA Oh, you know what? You probably shouldnt go any further... ARCHER Are there Gyros? Archer walks into the main convention hall and sees the hundreds of people dressed like zombies.

30. ARCHER (CONTD) Dear God. This is the climax of the story. I dont think I brought enough weapons... LANA Archer, stay focused. Kriegers clone is in there somewhere, theres just a lot of... ARCHER ZOMBIES?! Yeah I can clearly see that now that your bullshit is gone. Archer pulls the machine gun out of the bag. LANA What the hell? ARCHER Right? Didnt even know they made these for tranquilizers did you? Me either. LANA We cant use that Archer. Those people are innocent. ARCHER Were innocent Lana, were. LANA Are those grenades, you brought grenades?! ARCHER You didnt? A big fat, neck-bearded guy comes in for a picture. NECK BEARD Hey baby, can I get a picture? Lana knocks out Neck-Beard guy with an elbow. LANA Im not a fucking booth babe! ARCHER You can say that again, I mean seriously Lana, did you see those Belgian vampires?

31. LANA (Frustration is rising) Youre not worried they might turn you into a vampire? ARCHER First off Lana, vampires are immortal, sexy, and they can fly. LANA Oh my God, Im gonna lose it. ARCHER And secondly, (laughing to himself) Seriously Lana? Vampires? Whats next? Werewolves? Should we be worried about a full moon Lana? Should I have Van Helsing on speed dial? LANA So, what youre telling me is that zombies are real, but every other creature in fiction is fake? Seriously? Thats where you draw the line? ARCHER Jesus, Lana, its not in-fiction, its an infection and it spreads like wildfire. LANA Well, you are the master on spreading infections. ARCHER Dammit Lana, this isnt a joke...though, that was pretty good. Thanks LANA

ARCHER The point being, this is really happening, its not Teen Wolf Lana! LANA Im just saying there has to be some ethical discussion about using this much force... A dressed up zombie approaches Lana

32. ARCHER Lana! Behind you! The zombie grabs Lanas ass and then snorts. LANA Yeah, you know what, lets do this shit. Lana shoots the fake zombie. Archer sets up the machine gun. LANA (CONTD) You man the machine gun, Im going in. Archer starts firing the machine tranquilizer gun at everyone and everything. He spots someone in a bob-omb costume walking near a propane tank. ARCHER An actual walking bob-omb. Wow, The irony is palpable. Archer shoots and hits the propane tank and it begins to leek gas. A zombie smoking a cigarette nearby causes an explosion. The fire causes remaining attendees to scream and run out of the convention center. ARCHER (CONTD) Wow, for zombies, thats a surprising display of speed and sense of urgency. Lana is sedating and combat fighting everyone she comes into contact with. CAMERA SHOT FROM A SECURITY TAPE. Archer abandons the machine gun and begins to recklessly toss smoke grenades across the convention hall. Lana finds and closes in on a badly wilting Krieger Clone. Security tape zooms in on the clone. BACK TO REGULAR SHOT. LANA (talking to clone) Ive got to think youve seen better days. Do you think you can make it back to ISIS? Archer approaches.

33. CLONE (Indecipherable noises) Archer takes aim at the clone. ARCHER From whence you came demon, from whence you came. Archer puts a bullet through the head of the clone LANA Archer! What the Fuck!? ARCHER Woah, so that wasnt a tranquilizer. LANA God-Dammit! ARCHER At least now we can say for sure thats not the first time thats ever happened. Lana shoots Archer with multiple tranq darts. LANA Do you realize what you just did!? ARCHER (weakly)Lana. LANA How much money you just lost us!? No bonus, probably docked pay... Lana ARCHER

LANA Not to mention that we completely destroyed the entire convention center CAMERA SHOT OF THE CONVENTION CENTER HALL FULL OF SEDATED CIVILIANS AND SMALL FIRES. Lana! ARCHER

34. LANA


Archer is leaned up against a gyro stand, looks at the stand. Gyros. ARCHER

Archer goes unconscious. INT. ISIS. MALORYS OFFICE. MALORY IS VIDEO CONFERENCING WITH SERGEANT MAJOR THOMPSON. SERGEANT MAJOR THOMPSON We are more than pleased with the result, your payment has already been directly deposited to your account. I have to say, I had my doubts. ARCHER Ground control to Major Tom, were ISIS and we get doubted all the time. SEARGEANT MAJOR THOMPSON I get it, its a David Bowie song. It was very popular. ARCHER And youre major Tom! SEARGEANT MAJOR THOMPSON *sigh* Anyway, Id like to thank Dr. Krieger and Im sure his clone would like to say hi, is he with you? Krieger appears behind Major Thompson pretending to be the clone of himself. KRIEGER Oh no thats fine, Im sure hes busy getting highly highly compensated for the continual outrageous sacrifices he makes for ISIS. MALORY Yes, Yes, his bonus was borderline criminal, but how else do you retain the best and brightest, right Major?

35. SEARGENT MAJOR THOMPSON He is quite the specimen. Thank you again Malory. ARCHER No, thank you Ziggy, seriously, the massage helmet is just SEARGENT MAJOR THOMPSON Im hanging up now ARCHER Wonderful. Ahh. END.

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