SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: 10 SP2 Architecture-Specific Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: 10 SP2 Architecture-Specific Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: 10 SP2 Architecture-Specific Information
10 SP2
Architecture-Specific Information
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A Appendix
A.1 A.2 A.3 Network Connection Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The parmfileAutomating the System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . Using the vt220 Terminal Emulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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This book describes the procedure for preparing the installation of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM System z systems. It provides all information needed to prepare the installation on the LPAR and z/VM side.
1 Structure
Basically, this manual is divided in two parts. General Information and Requirements This part provides information about the requirements both on the hardware and the software side that need to be met to install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server successfully on your machine. Preparing for Installation This part covers the preparation procedure for the installation of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM System z. Learn which basic preparations need to be performed on the LPAR and z/VM side. It guides you to the point where YaST, the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation and configuration tool, takes over. Additionally, the appendix contains a chapter featuring an overview of possible network connection types. The second chapter in the appendix focuses on automated system configuration using the parmfile. TIP: Further Information about SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM System z Find a short introduction to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM System z in Start-Up Guide of which you received a printed copy. Find a detailed description of the installation procedure and the administration of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server in Installation and Administration, which you can find in the local directory /usr/share/doc/manual/ or on the first installation medium in the directory /docu.
2 Required Background
Several assumptions have been made concerning your background knowledge when writing this document. You are familiar with IBM System z terminology. You have a good knowledge of the IBM System z devices attached to your system, especially its network environment. You have a basic understanding of handling a Linux or Unix system.
3 Documentation Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this manual: /etc/passwd: filenames and directory names placeholder: replace placeholder with the actual value PATH: the environment variable PATH ls, --help: commands, options, and parameters user: users or groups Alt, Alt + F1: a key to press or a key combination; keys are shown in uppercase as on a keyboard File, File > Save As: menu items, buttons This paragraph is only relevant for the specified architectures. The arrows mark the beginning and the end of the text block. Dancing Penguins (Chapter Penguins, Another Manual): This is a reference to a chapter in another manual.
Architecture-Specific Information
4.1 Hardware
For a first glance at the technical details of some systems, refer to: IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Introduction (SG24-6863) IBM eServer zSeries 900: Technical Guide (SG24-5975) Technical Introduction: IBM eServer zSeries 800 (SG24-6515) Linux on zSeries Fibre Channel Protocol Implementation Guide (SG24-6344)
Architecture-Specific Information
Linux on IBM zSeries and S/390: High Availability for z/VM and Linux (REDP0220) Saved Segments Planning and Administration Linux for zSeries and S/390: How to Improve Performance with PAV .html How to Improve the Performance of Linux on z/VM with Execute-in-Place Technology .html
5 Acknowledgments
The history of Linux is a success story about countless developers all around the world contributing to what originally started as a one-man show by Linus Torvalds. Thanks to all of them for their tremendous efforts. Especially we would like to thank all the people involved in the Linux for IBM System z project at IBM and SUSE. Thanks to the (information) developers at SUSE and IBM, the test team at SUSE, and all beta-testers and proofreaders at IBM. Thank you for making SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM System z possible.
1.1.1 Hardware
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server has run successfully on the following platforms: IBM eServer zSeries 800 (z800) 2066 IBM eServer zSeries 890 (z890) 2086 IBM eServer zSeries 900 (z900) 2064 IBM eServer zSeries 990 (z990) 2084 IBM eServer Series z9 (z9-EC) 2094
Memory Requirements
Different installation methods have different memory requirements during installation. After installation is completed, the system administrator may reduce memory to the desired size. SUSE recommends using: 512 MB For installation from NFS, FTP, or SMB installation sources or whenever VNC is used. For installation under z/VM. For installation under LPAR.
768 MB 1 GB
Network Connection
A network connection is needed to communicate with your SUSE Linux Enterprise Server system. This can be one or more of the following connections or network cards: OSA-2 (Token Ring and Ethernet, only available on z900) OSA Express Ethernet (including Fast and Gigabit Ethernet) OSA Express High-Speed Token Ring (only available on z800, z900, z890, and z990) HiperSockets or Guest LAN 10 GBE, VSWITCH The following interfaces are still included, but no longer supported: CTC (or virtual CTC)
Architecture-Specific Information
IPL Options
For an LPAR installation, the Load from CD-ROM or Server option is the preferred way to IPL the installation kernel and initrd (initial RAM disk). If this option is not available and you cannot use z/VM for installing the system, you need to IPL from a channel attached tape with the tapeipl kernel, the parmfile, and the initrd. Thus, you need access to a tape unit (3480, 3490, or 3590, for example).
OSA-Express QDIO
zSeries 990 Driver 52G, EC, J12558 at level 116 or later zSeries 890 Driver 52G, EC, J12558 at level 116 or later zSeries 900 Driver 3G, OSA microcode level 3.0A
MCLs: J11204.007 and J11204.008 (available May 3, 2002) zSeries 900 Driver 3C, OSA microcode level 2.26 MCLs: J10630.013 and J10630.014 (available May 20, 2002) zSeries 800 Driver 3G, OSA microcode level 3.0A MCLs: J11204.007 and J11204.008 (available May 3, 2002)
1.1.3 Software
To install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server via non-Linuxbased NFS or FTP, you might experience problems with NFS or FTP server software. Especially the Windows standard FTP server can cause errors, so installing via SMB on these machines is generally recommended. To connect to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation system, one of the following methods is required: SSH with Terminal Emulation (xterm compatible) SSH is a standard Unix tool that should be present on any Unix or Linux system. For Windows, there is an SSH client called Putty. It is free to use and is included 4 Architecture-Specific Information
on CD 1 in the directory /dosutils/putty. Get more information about Putty at VNC Client For Linux, a VNC client called vncviewer is included in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server as part of the XFree86-Xvnc package. For Windows, a VNC client is included in the present SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Find it in /dosutils/ tightvnc of CD 1. Copy the tightvnc-1.2.9-setup.exe file to the hard disk of your Windows machine and install it. Alternatively, use the VNC Java client and a Java-enabled Web browser. X Server Find a suitable X server implementation on any Linux or Unix workstation. There are many commercial X Window System environments for Windows and Macintosh. Some of them can be downloaded as free trial versions. A trial version of the Mocha X Server from MochaSoft can be obtained at freeware/x11.htm. TIP: Additional Information Consult the README located in the highest directory of CD 1 of your SUSE Linux Enterprise Server before installing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM System z. This file completes the documentation presented in this book.
1.2.1 LPAR
If you install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM System z into a separate logical partition (LPAR), allow SUSE Linux Enterprise Server to use a special part of physical memory in your system. Also decide how many processors are used by SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. In this mode, you can run different operating systems simultaneously on your IBM System z system.
1.2.2 z/VM
Running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM System z in z/VM means that SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is a guest system within z/VM. An advantage of this mode is that you have full control over SUSE Linux Enterprise Server from z/VM. This is very helpful for kernel development or kernel-based debugging. It is also very easy to add or remove hardware to and from Linux guests. Creating additional SUSE Linux Enterprise Server guests is simple and you are able to run hundreds of Linux instances simultaneously.
Architecture-Specific Information
1.3.2 VM Reader
To IPL from a VM reader, transfer the necessary files into the reader first. Then multiple IPLs are easily done. This is the preferred way on z/VM. For comfortable administration, it is recommended to create a user linuxmnt that owns a minidisk with the files and scripts needed for IPL. This minidisk is then accessed read-only by the Linux guests.
This function can be performed from the HMC. Do this by accessing the Defined CPCs icon in the Groups Work Area on the HMC desktop. From there, access the Defined CPCs Work Area. Select a system image and initiate CPC Recovery. Use Single Object Operations to access the service element remotely.
Figure 1.2 Specifying the Load Option on the SE's Groups Work Area
Access the service element's Groups Work Area. Select the LPAR to perform the load from CD-ROM or server and initiate CPC recovery for that LPAR. Start Load from CD ROM or Server from the action menu. Provide information as requested on subsequent windows.
Architecture-Specific Information
WARNING: Sharing Devices (DASD) Do not share DASD writable among LPARs because this might result in data loss. Consider the definition of the necessary resources in advance when planning the setup for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM System z. This example shows how to dedicate a DASD to one specific LPAR. This LPAR is referred to as LPAR1. Example 1.1 Dedicating DASD to One LPAR
To share a DASD among LPARs, delete the PART=LPAR1 part in the IOCDS definition. This might be useful for high availability reasons or for sharing data among LPARs read-only. Several Linux systems can use the same network device if you share it among LPARs or z/VM guests. This reduces the number of network devices that must be provided to the Linux system. On the other hand, you might provide more than one network device to one Linux system to make it more available in case one connection fails. Network cards like OSA-Express can be used in two different modes. These modes are known as QDIO and non-QDIO mode. Define these modes in the IOCDS by using the TYPE statement. QDIO mode is much faster than non-QDIO mode, but uses three device addresses instead of two in non-QDIO. Consider the limited number of device addresses when planning the setup of your IBM System z Linux environment. Example 1.2 Sharing OSA Express Card among LPARs (non-qdio) on z900
Example 1.3 Sharing OSA Express Card among LPARs (qdio) on z900
Over NFS
Use NFS (network file system) to make the installation media available. IMPORTANT: Exporting Mounted Devices with NFS Exporting the file system root (//) does not imply the export of mounted devices, such as CD-ROM. Explicitly name the mount point in /etc/exports:
/media/cdrom *(ro)
After changing this file, restart the NFS server with the command rcnfsserver restart.
Over FTP
Setting up an FTP server on a Linux system involves the installation of the server software itself, such as wuftpd or proftpd, as well as other possible configuration tasks. Using YaST, the installation step is straightforward: select the package to install and start the installation. Skip the configuration of the FTP server if no anonymous FTP should be used for the installation. Instead, use FTP login with a valid username and password. You might want to create a user account for this task only. The FTP daemon itself does not need to be started by hand. It can be started by inetd if an FTP connection is requested. To activate the new settings, enter rcinetd restart or rcxinetd restart for SUSE Linux 9.0 and later.
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With SMB
To make the installation media available with SMB, just insert the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server CD 1 into the CD drive of the Windows workstation. Then create a new share using the CD-ROM drive's letter and make it available for everyone in the network.
TIP: SMB Installation Path for YaST Consult the README from the highest directory of CD 1 for detailed information about the syntax of the installation path for YaST.
With NFS
Refer to the documentation provided with the third party product that enables NFS server services for your Windows workstation. The CD-ROM drive containing the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server CDs must be in the available NFS path.
With FTP
Refer to the documentation provided with the third party product that is enabling FTP server services on your Windows workstation. The CD-ROM drive containing the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server CDs must be in the available FTP path. The FTP server that is part of some Microsoft Windows releases implements only a subset of the FTP command set and is not suitable for providing the installation data. However, other products, such as the FTP server that is part of Hummingbird Exceed or WAR-FTPD, have been reported as functional.
Architecture-Specific Information
accomplished, follow the installation overview of the desired installation mode to install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on your system. As described in Section 2.1, Making the Installation Data Available (page 11), there are two different installation modes for Linux on IBM System z: LPAR Installation z/VM Installation Procedure 2.1 Installation Overview of LPAR Installation 1 Prepare the devices needed for installation. See Section 2.3.1, LPAR Installation (page 16). 2 IPL the installation system. See Section 2.4.1, LPAR Installation (page 19). 3 Configure the network. See Section 2.5, Network Configuration (page 24). 4 Connect to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation system. See Section 2.6, Connecting to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Installation System (page 26). 5 Start installation using YaST and IPL the installed system. See Chapter 3, Installation with YaST (Installation and Administration). Procedure 2.2 Installation Overview of z/VM Installation 1 Prepare the devices needed for installation. See Section 2.3.2, z/VM Installation (page 17). 2 IPL the installation system. See Section 2.4.2, z/VM Installation (page 21). 3 Configure the network. See Section 2.5.1, z/VM Installation (page 25). 4 Connect to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation system. See Section 2.6, Connecting to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Installation System (page 26). 5 Start installation using YaST and IPL the installed system. See Chapter 3, Installation with YaST (Installation and Administration).
2.3 Preparing the IPL of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Installation System
2.3.1 LPAR Installation
Configure your IBM System z system to start in ESA mode with an appropriate activation profile and IOCDS. Consult IBM documentation for more about how to achieve this.
Architecture-Specific Information
This example uses minidisk 201 as the guest's home disk. Minidisk 150 with 200 cylinders is the Linux swap device. Disk 151 with 2800 cylinders holds the Linux installation. Now add (as the user MAINT) the guest to the user directory with DIRM FOR LINUX1 ADD. Enter the name of the guest (LINUX1) and press F5. Set up the environment of the user with:
The last command returns a reader file number. This number is needed for the next command:
Architecture-Specific Information
Assign the directories to the guest with DISKMAP USER DIRECT A. You can now log in on the guest as user LINUX1. If you do not have the dirmaint option available, refer to the IBM documentation to set up this user. Proceed with Section 2.4.2, z/VM Installation (page 21).
as binary files from CD 1 (for example, using FTP from a Linux workstation). Name them
Architecture-Specific Information
and write them onto a tape with the REXX from the example. IMPORTANT: Transferring Binaries using FTP Do not upload the files as fixed 80. Store them as fixed 1024. Use the FTP command loc site fix 1024. Example 2.3 REXX Script to Create an IPLable Tape
'REWIND 181' 'FILEDEF IN1 DISK' SLES10 IMAGE A 'FILEDEF IN2 DISK' SLES10 PARM A 'FILEDEF IN3 DISK' SLES10 INITRD A 'FILEDEF OUT TAP1 (RECFM F BLOCK 1024 LRECL 1024 PERM' say 'Writing: ' left(file1,23) 'MOVEFILE IN1 OUT' say 'Writing: ' left(file2,23) 'MOVEFILE IN2 OUT' say 'Writing: ' left(file3,23) 'MOVEFILE IN3 OUT' say 'Done.' 'REWIND 181' exit
The tape in this script is attached as 181. Adjust the script to your needs.
The example shows the steps necessary. In this example, the required files are accessible from an FTP server at the IP address and the login is lininst. It may differ for your network. Example 2.4 Transferring the Binaries via FTP
FTP VM TCP/IP FTP Level 320 Connecting to, port 21 220 ftpserver FTP server (Version wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-18](1) Fri May 07 19:16:59 GMT 2004) ready. USER lininst 331 Password required for lininst PASS ****** 230 User lininst logged in. Command: binary 200 Type set to I Command: locsite fix 80 Command: get /media/cdrom/boot/vmrdr.ikr sles10.image 200 PORT Command successful 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for vmrdr.ikr (1581060 bytes) 226 Transfer complete. 1581060 bytes transferred in 2.065 seconds. Transfer rate 766.70 Kbytes/sec. Command: get /media/cdrom/boot/initrd sles10.initrd 200 PORT Command successful 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for initrd (12194534 bytes) 226 Transfer complete. 12194534 bytes transferred in 15.919 seconds. Transfer rate 766.70 Kbytes/sec. Command: asc 200 Type set to A Command: get /media/cdrom/boot/parmfile sles10.parm 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for parmfile (38 bytes) 226 Transfer complete. 38 bytes transferred in 0.092 seconds. Transfer rate 0.38 Kbytes/sec. Command: quit
Architecture-Specific Information
Transfer the files with a fixed block size of 80 characters. Specify it with the FTP command locsite fix 80. It is important to copy VMRDR.IKR (the Linux kernel) and INITRD (the installation image) as binary files, so use the binary transfer mode.
Save the script with the command FILE. Now you can IPL the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation system with the command SLES10. The Linux kernel then starts and prints its boot messages. To continue the installation, proceed with Section 2.5.1, z/VM Installation (page 25).
After setting the LOADDEV parameter with the appropriate values, IPL your FCP adapter, for example:
To continue the installation, proceed with Section 2.5.1, z/VM Installation (page 25).
Architecture-Specific Information
The IP address of a gateway to reach the server The IP address of your domain name server (DNS)
Next, enter your IP address, netmask, and default gateway. To install over token ring, iucv, or ctc, enter additional information, like the the peer address (for a point-to-point adapter) or the port name. Finally, the IP address of the DNS server and the MTU size are requested. The MTU size should always match the one used by the network to which to connect.
Now a summary is displayed. Confirm whether your input is correct. Before the network is started, enter a password that is valid only during the installation. After having IPLed the installed system, enter the real root password. With all basic parameters set up, the network is started. Check the output of ifconfig, which should contain two entries: a loopback (lo) connection and one connection (tr0, eth0, ctc0, escon0, iucv0, or hsi0) with correct settings. Example 2.7 Example ifconfig
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 : Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:00:01:00:00:27 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::200:100:100:27/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1492 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 Mb) TX bytes:0 (0.0 Mb)
Architecture-Specific Information
is given here for entry into your Java-enabled browser to connect to the installation system. 2 Start a VNC client application on your client system. Either use vncviewer or the VNC Java client and a Java-enabled Web browser. 3 Enter the IP address and the display number of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation system when prompted to do so. If you connect via a Java-enabled browser, enter a URL containing the IP address of the installation system and the appropriate port number in the format:
http://<IP address of installation system>:5801/
4 After the connection has been established, start installing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server with YaST.
Architecture-Specific Information
A.1 Network Connection Types
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM System z includes network drivers for OSA devices (token ring, ethernet, and gigabit ethernet) and HiperSockets. This chapter describes the configuration within the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation system. WARNING: CTC, ESCON, and IUCV Interfaces No Longer Supported CTC, ESCON, and IUCV interfaces are no longer officially supported. For compatibility reasons, they are still usable, but with the next release of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server the support of these interfaces will be dropped completely.
When prompted, enter the network device read channel number (such as 0.0.fc20), the write channel number (like 0.0.fc21), and the relative port number on this device. Example A.2 Network Device Driver Parameters
+ Device address for read channel> 0.0.fc20 + + Device address for write channel> 0.0.fc21 + + Enter the relative port number> 2
Next, choose manual configuration then enter the IP address, netmask, broadcast address, IP address of the gateway, and IP address of the DNS server.
Architecture-Specific Information
Next, enter the full hostname. Then choose manual configuration and enter the IP address, netmask, broadcast address, IP address of the gateway, and IP address of the DNS server. Example A.5 Network Device Name
Fully qualified hostname> Automatic configuration via DHCP? 1) Yes 2) No > 2 Enter your IP address> Enter your netmask. For a normal class C network, this is usually []> If you need a gateway to reach the server, enter the IP address of the gateway. If you do not need a gateway, enter your own IP address []> Enter the IP address of your name server. If you do not use a name server, press ESC []>
Architecture-Specific Information
The number of lines in the parmfile is limited to 10. Specify more than one parameter on a line. Parameter names are not case-sensitive. Separate the parameters by spaces. You may specify the parameters in any order. Always keep the PARAMETER=value string together in one line. For example: HostIP=
Some of the following parameters are required. If they are missing, the automatic process pauses and asks for the value interactively.
For the interfaces of type ctc, escon, and iucv (CTC, ESCON, and IUCV are no longer officially supported), enter the IP address of the peer:
OsaInterface=<lcs|qdio> OsaMedium=<eth|tr> For osa network devices, specify the host interface (qdio or lcs) and the physical medium (eth for ethernet or tr for token ring). Layer2=<0|1> For osa QDIO ethernet devices, specify whether to enable OSI Layer 2 support. Each of the interfaces requires certain setup options:
Architecture-Specific Information
Interfaces ctc and escon (CTC and ESCON are no longer officially supported):
ReadChannel=0.0.0424 WriteChannel=0.0.0425
ReadChannel specifies the READ channel to use. WriteChannel is the WRITE channel. For the ctc interface (no longer officially supported), specify the protocol that should be used for this interface:
Valid entries would be: 0 Compatibility mode, also for non-Linux peers other than OS/390 and z/OS (this is the default mode) Extended mode Compatibility mode with OS/390 and z/OS
1 2
ReadChannel stands for the channel number used in this setup. A second port number can be derived from this by adding one to ReadChannel. Portnumber is used to specify the relative port. Interface iucv:
Enter the name of the peer machine. Network device type osa with interface qdio for OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet and OSA-Express High-speed Token Ring:
ReadChannel=0.0.0524 WriteChannel=0.0.0525 DataChannel=0.0.0526 Portname=FEF400
For ReadChannel, enter the number of the READ channel. For WriteChannel, enter the number of the WRITE channel. DataChannel specifies the DATA channel. For Portname, enter an appropriate port name. Make sure that the READ channel carries an even device number. Interface hsi for HiperSockets and VM guest LANs:
ReadChannel=0.0.0624 WriteChannel=0.0.0625 DataChannel=0.0.0626
For ReadChannel, enter the appropriate number for the READ channel. For WriteChannel and DataChannel, enter the WRITE and DATA channel numbers.
In case of a Samba or CIFS installation, you can also specify the domain that should be used:
Workdomain=<a domain>
UseSSH=1 UseVNC=1 Display_IP= Depending on which parameter you give, a remote X server, SSH, or VNC will be used for installation. UseSSH enables SSH installation, UseVNC starts a VNC server on the installing machine, and Display_IP causes the installing system to try to connect to an X server at the given address. Only one of these parameters should be set at any time.
Architecture-Specific Information
IMPORTANT: X Authentication Mechanism The direct installation with the X Window System relies on a primitive authentication mechanism based on hostnames. This mechanism is disabled on current SUSE Linux Enterprise Server versions. Installation with SSH or VNC is preferred. To allow a connection between YaST and the remote X server, run xhost <IP address> with the address of the installing machine on the remote machine. For VNC, specify a password of six to eight characters to use for installation:
VNCPassword=<a password>
For SSH, specify a password of six to eight characters to use for installation:
SSHPassword=<a password>
Example A.6 Parmfile for Installation with NFS, VNC, and IUCV and AutoYaST with HTTP
ramdisk_size=131072 root=/dev/ram1 ro init=/linuxrc TERM=dumb instnetdev=iucv iucvpeer=ROUTER01 pointopoint= hostip= nameserver= install=nfs:// autoyast= linuxrcstderr=/dev/console usevnc=1 vncpassword=testin
Example A.7 Parmfile for Installation with NFS, SSH, and HSI and AutoYaST with NFS
ramdisk_size=131072 root=/dev/ram1 ro init=/linuxrc TERM=dumb AutoYast=nfs:// HostIP= Gateway= Nameserver= InstNetDev=hsi layer2=0 Netmask= Broadcast=192.168.1..255 readchannel=0.0.702c writechannel=0.0.702d datachannel=0.0.702e install=nfs:// UseSSH=1 SSHPassword=testing linuxrcstderr=/dev/console
Save the file and run telinit q to pass the changes in /etc/inittab to init. The vt220 terminal should then be ready to use. If not, try hitting Enter at the terminal until the login prompt appears. As soon as the vt220 emulation is available, an icon for an integrated vt220 ASCII console appears next to the icon for the 3215 console on the HMC/SE. Make sure that you do not apply the changes as described above to a system that does not support vt220 terminal emulators. Otherwise, login might become impossible on this system and you will be shown the following message:
INIT respawning too fast, disabled for 5 minutes.
To redirect the kernel messages at boot time from the system console to the vt220 terminal, add the following entries to the parameters line in /etc/zipl.conf:
console=ttyS0 console=ttyS1
Architecture-Specific Information
The resulting parameters line would look like the following example:
parameters = "root=/dev/dasda2 TERM=dumb console=ttyS0 console=ttyS1"
Save the changes in /etc/zipl.conf, run zipl, and reboot the system.