Upton Sinclair's The Jungle: Revolutionizing The CR (Edibility) of The Meatpacking Industry

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Upton Sinclairs The Jungle: Revolutionizing The Cr(edibility) Of The Meatpacking Industry

Kelsey Cohen Junior Division Individual Website http://sinclairjungleusda.weebly.com/

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Why I Chose This Topic I decided on my topic one night at dinner after my (slightly senile) grandmother commented, Did you know it takes longer for a dead persons body to decompose because of all the preservatives we eat? Along with disgusting me, it made me rethink what protections are in place to insure the food I eat is safe. I realized that just over 100 years ago, there was little dictating how food was processed or prepared. It was a revolutionary idea for the government to institute laws on food safety. I found my topic: How Upton Sinclairs The Jungle caused a wave of outrage that revolutionized the US meat processing industry. How I Conducted My Research After reading The Jungle, I began by searching the internet for primary and secondary sources on my topic. I discovered Dickerson and Harvard Universities had created digital museums of President Theodore Roosevelt and his Presidential Library. I went to the Florida State Library and requested a photo copy of the actual letter Upton Sinclair wrote President Roosevelt demanding reform. From the Library of Congress I was able to request a copy of the infamous Reynolds and Neil Report that confirmed Sinclairs allegations. I knew expert interviews would also be important. I was nervous and excited when I interviewed former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens in person. He actually agreed that the regulation of the food industry was revolutionary and continues to be so today. University of Florida Assistant Professor of Meat Science Chad Carr allowed me to tour the University of Florida Meat Processing Laboratory and taught me much. My interview with national expert Carol TuckerForeman showed how relevant the issue of food safety regulation continues to be today. However, not one slaughterhouse or meatpacking facility would allow a tour or interview. The regional USDA

inspector canceled and told me to contact their media relations department. I realized how politically sensitive the issue of food safety continues to be even today. How I Created And Developed My Website I knew that the multimedia material I had collected as part of my research was perfect for creating a website. I found Weebly easy to learn. I outlined my issue, drew out blueprints of my pages and started writing paragraphs to go into my exhibit. Finally, I created a mini documentary to summarize my thesis statement. How My Project Relates To The Theme Before The Jungles publication in 1906, there were no laws regulating the slaughter and processing of meat in this country. Conditions were so horrifying that Europe stopped allowing the import of American beef. Yet it took Sinclairs graphic descriptions of unsanitary and revolting slaughter and processing conditions to release a national wave of outrage that caused the government to finally intervene. I identified how President Theodore Roosevelt was only the first president caught up in this revolution by signing the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. I was amazed at how the consumers and large food corporations have reacted over the past century. The project also increased my awareness of the need for continued reform to make all of our food safer. (493-content)

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