Green Sample Preparation Methods

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The text discusses the importance of applying green chemistry principles to analytical chemistry processes in order to reduce their environmental impact. Sample preparation is highlighted as an area that can be improved based on green chemistry.

Principles 1, 5, 6, 8, 11 and 12 of green chemistry are directly related to analytical chemistry according to the text. These include prevention of waste, use of safer solvents and auxiliaries, energy efficiency, reduction in use of derivatives, real-time analysis and inherently safer design.

The text mentions that the Green Chemistry Institute of the American Chemical Society has proposed criteria to establish 'greenness' profiles for analytical chemistry methods based on whether they are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic, hazardous, corrosive or generate waste.


Green Sample Preparation Methods

Analytical and Food Chemistry Department; Faculty of Chemistry; University of Vigo, Campus As Lagoas-Marcosende s/n, 36310 Vigo, Spain

4.1 Greening in Sample Preparation

Since the introduction of the 12 principles of green chemistry more than 10 years ago,1 awareness has arisen among scientists and engineers worldwide concerning the ways to reduce/eliminate the use or generation of feedstock, products, by-products, solvents, etc. Although activities in the analytical laboratory intrinsically involve small-scale chemical processes, their continuous repetition on a routine basis represents a real risk to humans and the environment. From the point of view of the green chemistry goals, analytical chemistry can be considered in two dierent ways. On the one hand, analytical processes serve the purpose of controlling chemical processes, being a tool for giving information about chemical substances, occurrence in the environment, foods, etc., which helps decision-making about human and environmental health. On the other hand, performing analytical methods constitutes itself a potential risk by repetition of operations that need solvents, chemicals, and energy and yield wastes. Then, as pointed out by Anastas and Warner,1 the tools needed to guarantee the accomplishment of green chemistry principles can turn into the source of the problem themselves. In this sense, analytical chemistry should become the object of application of the 12 principles of green
RSC Green Chemistry No. 13 Challenges in Green Analytical Chemistry Edited by Miguel de la Guardia and Salvador Garrigues r Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry,



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chemistry, in a similar manner to other areas of chemistry and chemical technology. Principles directly related to analytical chemistry are: (1) prevention (principle 1); (2) safer solvents and auxiliaries (principle 5); (3) design of energy eciency (principle 6); (4) decreased use of derivatives (principle 8); (5) realtime analysis for pollution prevention (principle 11); and (6) inherently safer chemistry for accident prevention (principle 12). Progress in analytical methodology has been driven by the need to improve analytical characteristics such as accuracy, precision, detection limits, sample throughput, etc., through the enhancement of features such as automation, miniaturization and acceleration of analytical processes. It means that analytical chemists have long been aware of the benets of those trends, which in many cases include a decrease in hazardous wastes, minimum sample consumption, less energy requirements and use of safer chemicals and procedures. Modern analytical methods usually address features related to clean or green characteristics, and these words appear increasingly in the analytical literature. It is clear that a revaluation of many old analytical procedures used on a routine basis is required to meet the green chemistry requirements. The term green analytical chemistry (GAC) was rst coined by Namiesnik,2,3 and includes both design of new analytical methods under the auspices of green chemistry and modications of existing methods so that they approach this concept more closely. GAC principles can be implemented at each stage of the analytical process. Some review articles have been published on this topic highlighting the role of GAC.4,5 Some initiatives have aimed at the comparison of greenness proles of analytical methods. The main diculties have stemmed from the lack of clear discriminatory criteria for comparison, making it clear that the rst criteria for the choice of an analytical method should concern its analytical characteristics (sensitivity, detection limit, acceptable bias, precision, etc.). Recently, the Green Chemistry Institute of the American Chemical Society (ACS) has proposed greenness criteria for more than 1000 environmental analytical methods included in the National Environment Methods Index (NEMI) database so that greenness proles can be established.6 The choice of a particular method can be facilitated on the basis of these proles. Greenness proles are characterized by four key criteria: (1) persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT); (2) hazardous; (3) corrosive; (4) waste. In this chapter, we focus on sample preparation, which is typically considered the bottleneck of analysis. Sample preparation operations are characterized by their diversity, complexity, slowness and diculty of automation. It should be kept in mind that the choice a particular sample preparation procedure considering greenness issues is not always easy to make. Often, sample preparation is conditioned by the detection technique to be used. As an example, for trace element analysis in biological solid samples, much more intensive organic matter decomposition is needed when electroanalytical techniques are employed than for atomic spectrometric techniques. In the latter case, sample decomposition can be overcome using approaches for direct analysis of the solid material, without resorting to concentrated mineral acids and drastic reaction conditions (i.e. high temperature and pressure).

Green Sample Preparation Methods


Figure 4.1

Schematic diagram showing the relevant greenness indicators of sample preparation procedures as well as possible paths for their enhancement.

Figure 4.1 shows the relevant greenness indicators for solvents, apparatus, and procedures, along with possible ways of enhancing the greenness prole of sample preparation methods. Examples of green sample preparation methods based on those premises will be discussed in the following sections.

4.2 Microwave-Assisted Sample Preparation: Digestion and Extraction

Nowadays, microwave energy plays a vital role in sample preparation. Microwave heating is a more ecient and rapid method, without temperature gradients, than conventional systems, saving energy consumption and therefore cost. Microwaves (MWs) are electromagnetic waves with a frequency in the range 300300 000 MHz. Microwave energy is a non-ionizing radiation consisting of an electric and a magnetic eld, though only the electric eld transfers energy to the medium. The theory of microwave irradiation was predicted in 1864 and physically demonstrated to exist in 1888.7 Microwave energy interacts with matter, causing migration of ions and rotation of dipoles, but it does not cause changes in the molecular structure. Therefore, there are two fundamental


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mechanisms for transferring energy from the electric eld of the MWs to the substance to be heated: dipole rotation and ionic conduction. Dipole rotation is an interaction in which polar molecules try to align themselves with the rapidly changing electric eld of MWs. The rotational motion of the molecules when they try to orient with the eld results in an energy transfer. As the electric eld decreases, thermal disorder is restored with release of thermal energy. At 2450 MHz (a common frequency used in commercial systems), the alignment of the molecules followed by their return to disorder occurs 4.9 109 times per second, which results in rapid heating. Ionic conduction occurs when there are free ions or ionic species present in the substance being heated.8,9 The dissipation factor of the sample, tan d, is a measure of how eciently microwave energy is converted into thermal energy and can be expressed as tan d e00 /e 0 , where e00 is the electric loss factor, which measures the ability of a sample to convert electromagnetic energy into heat, and e 0 is the dielectric constant or relative permittivity, which is related to the ability of a sample to obstruct the passage of microwave energy through it.9 Microwave-assisted sample preparation has undergone an impressive growth in analytical chemistry procedures since Abu-Samra et al. published the rst application of microwave technology for biological sample mineralization in 1975.10 Since then, microwave energy has shown a potential as an ecient tool for sample preparation. Principles, important developments, microwave equipment and applications of microwave-assisted techniques have been described in many comprehensive reviews1116 and book chapters.9,17,18 Although microwave energy can activate many processes, the discussion here focuses on the most extensive uses in solid sample treatments such as digestion and extraction.

4.2.1 Microwave-Assisted Digestion

The term acid digestion or wet digestion refers to an attack on the matrix by mineral acids at high concentration, which entails the release of the analytes bound to it. This denition is widely accepted17 and is recommended in the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) guidelines,19,20 although many others terms can be seen in the literature describing the same concept, e.g. wet-ashing, mineralization, decomposition, etc. Wet digestion with oxidizing acids is in widespread use for sample decomposition prior to trace element analysis. With traditional heating systems (e.g. sand bath, hot plate, Bunsen burner, etc.), convective heating occurs. The use of microwave heating allows the speeding up acid digestion procedures and increases the eciency of digestion. Old methods for acid digestion were performed in open vessels, which have several disadvantages such as risk of analyte volatilization (e.g. Hg, Cd, Se, etc.), use of large amounts of acids as a result of continuous replacement, and limited oxidizing power of acids used at the maximum temperature allowable at atmospheric pressure (i.e. boiling point). This last issue makes it necessary to use HClO4 for applications with poorly oxidizable matter.

Green Sample Preparation Methods


The risks inherent to the use of HClO4, due to its explosive reaction with easily oxidizable organic matter, need to be considered. Addition of H2SO4 is required in order to increase the boiling point of the sample solution, thereby achieving higher digestion temperature at atmospheric pressure. Another issue when dealing with trace element analysis is contamination by reagents, which should be kept as low as possible. One way to reduce the amount of acids and increase their oxidizing power is to operate under pressure in closed reactors. Although acid attack in highpressure closed vessels heated by thermal convection (digestion bombs) leads to very complete digestion products, the main problem is the long time required to accomplish the dissolution process (e.g. 43 h).21 MWs have largely improved these methods, since direct heating of the sample occurs without previous heat transfer through the vessel walls, and fast and ecient digestions can be performed. MWs only heat the liquid phase; the gas phase does not signicantly absorb this energy. As a result, very high temperatures can be reached at relatively low pressures, thus enhancing the acid reactivity. The digestion eciency depends on the nature and mass of the sample, the acid(s) used, pressure setting, temperature, time, and output power. Among these parameters, the right choice of the acid mixture is essential. The oxidizing power of a digestion reagent shows a marked dependence on temperature. Both low-pressure and high-pressure digestion can be employed in microwaveassisted digestion (MAD).17 The best reagent for MAD is HNO3 but combinations of oxidizing acids (H2SO4, HClO4), non-oxidizing acids (HCl, HF, H3PO4) and H2O2 are also used, depending on the MW system (closed-vessels heated in MW ovens, focused-MW systems, high-pressure MW systems or ow systems). The current composition of liners and cups employed for the construction of closed-vessels heated in MW ovens is a uorinated polymer, such as polytetrauoroethylene (PTFE) or peruoroalkoxy (PFA). With these systems, HNO3 alone or mixed with HCl or H2O2 is typically employed for digestion of biological matrices. Addition of HF is needed for digestion of silicate-bearing materials. PTFE closed-vessels with volumes of 50120 ml are typically employed. Apart from relevant analytical advantages such as low blanks, several greenness-related issues, such as time required for sample decomposition, energy required, volume of acids and safety considerations are remarkably improved. However, the temperature reached in these closed vessels is not always high enough to eciently decompose very thermoresistent materials. For instance, digestion of samples with high fat content requires temperatures higher than those possible in PTFE closed vessels. High-pressure MW digestion (focused MWs) systems facilitate digestion of these materials, still avoiding in many cases the use of extremely oxidizing acids such as HClO4, but safety requirements due to the high pressure and temperature are increased with these systems.22,23 In focused-MW heated systems, MW irradiation occurs over a restricted area where the sample is placed, so that it is subjected to a much stronger electric eld.15 Non-pressurized MW-assisted digestion in open vessels using focused MWs is limited to ecient digestion of simple matrices, and


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additionally, very oxidizing acid mixtures have to be employed, as in conventional acid digestions. On-line digestion in ow systems is attractive since some of the limitations inherent to MAD using closed vessels are eliminated. From the GAC point of view, an advantage of on-line MW-assisted digestion is the drastic decrease in the time required for sample preparation and the possibility of handling with reactions that would be too dangerous in closed vessels.17 However, on-line digestion is appropriate only in cases where mild conditions can be applied for digestion (e.g. liquids and slurries).24 As mentioned previously, MW digestion vessels usually have a capacity of 50120 ml. A further strategy for decreasing the acid volume in MAD is the use of small-volume vessels (7 ml) placed inside conventional PTFE closed-vessels. This strategy has been used for organic and biological samples with only 1 ml of HNO325 and even as little as 0.3 ml.26 Small-volume polystyrene and glass liners have been also proposed for low-volume MAD.27 In comparison with conventional MAD, low-volume MAD has clear advantages from a green perspective: (1) it uses small volumes of acids; (2) three samples can be simultaneously treated in each conventional MW digestion vessel when small-volume vessels are placed inside; (3) short heating programs with low MW power can be used. In short, the evolution of MW laboratory systems and their automation have provided new and better tools for acid digestion in a greener, safe, and reliable way. Needless to say, inorganic trace analysis does not always require total matrix decomposition, and this will ultimately depend on the analytical technique used for detection. Very matrix-sensitive techniques such as anodic stripping voltammetry will require the most complete sample decomposition so that residual carbon is negligible. Likewise, vapour generation techniques in atomic spectrometry are quite matrix sensitive, and many samples contain the analyte in a form that is not amenable to the reduction reaction (e.g. certain organometals). With techniques such as ame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) or inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), a simple MAD procedure may be enough, since complete decomposition will occur in the sample cell. At the opposite end, some techniques will require little or no sample decomposition, and even solid samples can be directly analysed (sampling of direct solid or slurry) by techniques such as electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) or totally reecting X-ray uorescence spectrometry (TXRF). Therefore, the greenness of the sample digestion procedure will depend to some extent on the nal stage of detection. The use of mineral acids at extreme conditions in terms of temperature and pressure, inherent to acid digestion, makes it dicult to meet the GAC principles. That said, digestion strategies that avoid the most oxidizing acids (e.g. HClO4) as well as extremely high pressure and temperature, and minimize the consumption of acids in both batch and ow systems, should full those principles in a better way. Microwave heating has been also used for accelerating Kjeldahl digestion. Conventional Kjeldahl digestion involves boiling the sample in sulfuric acid in the presence of a catalyst (which can be Hg, Se or Cu). Kjeldahl nitrogen is converted to ammonium (sulfate) that is subsequently distilled as ammonia.

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Conventional Kjeldahl digestion is time-consuming (24 h) and as a result it is costly, especially when the number of samples to be analysed is large, and entails an enormous drain on resources and manpower.18 MW energy has been used to develop rapid, compact and safe Kjeldahl digestions.28 Feinberg et al. introduced sophisticated open-vessel focused MW digestion systems for Kjeldahl digestion of food.29 They found that using a mixture of H2SO4 and H2O2 for decomposition, the catalyst (generally toxic) was unnecessary. Mason et al. combined a MW Kjeldahl system with a ow injection manifold, hence increasing the sample throughput.30 Kjeldahl MAD is considered as a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional Kjeldahl digestion since it oers some greener advantages: (1) the use of a catalyst and the subsequent hazardous waste can be avoided; (2) reduced digestion time (up to 20 times faster); (3) reduced energy consumption; (4) increased automation capability.31 Another important process involving digestion is the acid hydrolysis of proteins or peptides. Classical protein hydrolysis has been the rate-determining step in amino acid analysis.32 Usually, classical protein hydrolysis is performed by heating the sample in 6 M HCl under vacuum at 110 1C for 24 h.33 Microwave-assisted hydrolysis (MAH) allows fast heating of samples, thus obtaining a total protein hydrolysis in less than 30 min, i.e. more than two orders of magnitude faster.34 Moreover, the concentration of HCl used as hydrolysing agent can be decreased from 6 M to 3 M when using MAH.35 MAH also reduces the racemization that usually occurs with traditional protein hydrolysis.35,36

4.2.2 Microwave-Assisted Extraction

Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) is considered one of the milestones in the development of sample preparation strategies from a greener point of view.37 Although the use of MW energy in sample treatment was initially applied to the mineralization of samples, as previously noted, there is growing interest in the use of MWs to assist the extraction of organic and organometallic compounds from dierent matrices.8 In MAE, an extractant (usually a liquid organic solvent) in contact with solid or liquid samples is heated by MW energy. The heating is localized and therefore the temperature increases rapidly near or above the boiling point of the solution, leading to very short extraction times. This process is quite dierent from classical solvent extraction since the solvent diuses into the matrix and analytes are extracted by solubilization. The main parameters inuencing MAE are the nature of the solutes (polar or non-polar), extraction parameters (temperature and time) and the nature of the matrix (particle size and water content). For extraction of most organic compounds, organic solvents are used. However, most MAE applications involve mixtures of non-polar solvent and water. It is common to perform MAE with the same solvent as is prescribed for traditional extraction, but ionic liquids (ILs), considered as green solvents, have also been successfully applied in MAE.38


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Compared with Soxhlet extraction (i.e. the method typically used as reference), MAE has the following advantages:3941  It requires shorter extraction times (330 min); in Soxhlet extraction, typically operation times are 348 h  The amount of solvent required is decreased to 1040 ml, in contrast to 100500 ml used in Soxhlet  Sample throughput is high, so multiple samples can be extracted simultaneously  Waste generation is reduced  Automation is possible. MAE can be developed in two modalities: pressurized MW-assisted extraction (PMAE) and focused MW-assisted extraction (FMAE). PMAE is performed under controlled pressure and temperature and employs a MWtransparent closed extraction vessel and a solvent of high dielectric constant. The solvents can be heated above their boiling point under standard pressure conditions since boiling does not occur because the vessel is pressurized. FMAE is performed at atmospheric pressure and employs open vessels and solvents with low dielectric constants. As solvents are essentially MWtransparent, they absorb very little energy, and extraction can therefore be performed in open vessels. The temperature of the sample increases during extraction, because it usually contains water and other components with high dielectric constants. Extraction procedures can be developed either on-line or o-line. This mode of operation can be used to extract thermolabile analytes and it is usually preferred for extraction of organometallic compounds since the precise control of the energy delivered to the sample prevents destruction of the carbonmetal bonds.42 Atmospheric and pressure systems have been compared for the extraction of organic compounds. No signicant dierences were found using both extraction systems but PMAE had advantages over FMAE in terms of eciency, solvent consumption, extraction time and labour.43,44 Apart from extraction of organic compounds, MAE has been widely used in speciation of organometals. The preservation of the organometallic moiety is a necessary requirement in the extraction of these species from the solid material. For this purpose, focused-MW systems have proved very ecient.42 Thus, fast extractions of compounds such as organotin,45 organomercury,46 etc. have been reported in the literature. Extraction times for the above compounds were shortened to less than 3 min.

4.3 Ultrasound-Assisted Sample Preparation: Digestion and Extraction

Ultrasound has been used in sample preparation for dierent processes such as extraction, dissolution, and digestion. The use of this energy allows designing

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greener analytical methodologies. In general, acceleration of the above processes along with the use of less concentrated reagents can be achieved. Sound waves are made up of high and low pressure pulses that propagate through a solid, liquid or gas (i.e. mechanical waves).47 Sound waves with a frequency greater than 20 kHz constitute the region of ultrasound. In turn, the ultrasound region can be divided into two parts; one where the cavitation phenomenon takes place (20100 kHz), called power ultrasound, and the other where no cavitation occurs (510 MHz), used for diagnostics. Generally, ultrasound for sonochemical applications extends up to 2 MHz. Sonochemical eects depend on the cavitation phenomenon. According to the hot spot theory, each cavitation bubble behaves like a microreactor, which, in aqueous systems, generates instantaneous temperatures of several thousand degrees and pressures in excess of 1000 atmospheres.48 When water is subjected to ultrasound irradiation, a series of radicals, such as Hd and OHd, are formed at the gas-phase interface of the cavitation bubbles, and to a lesser extent, in the bulk solution, which are responsible for the enhanced reactivity. The shock wave arising at the collapse of the cavitation bubble can, in turn, enhance some processes when ultrasound is transmitted in heterogeneous media (e.g. particulate solids suspended in liquid media), which benet extraction and dissolution processes. A variety of ultrasonic processors can be employed for implementation of ultrasound in laboratory applications, e.g. ultrasonic bath, ultrasonic probe and cup-horn sonoreactor, each with a different performance.49 Ultrasound can promote extraction, dissolution and digestion when applied to solid materials as a result of the following conditions: (1) high local temperatures occurring in the microbubbles on cavitation in the liquid medium, which improve analyte solubility and diusivity of solvent inside the solid particles; (2) high pressure occurring during microbubble implosion, which improves solvent penetrability and transport; (3) particle fragmentation, which causes surface renewal so that more analyte comes in contact with the solvent; (4) for biological samples, cell disruption, fragmentation of cell membranes and subsequent release of encapsulated analytes present inside the cells occur; (5) formation of oxidizing radicals (e.g. OHd) and H2O2, which helps organic matrix oxidation. Conditions 24 are mainly eective when cavitation occurs near the particle surface or in the surface itself. Ultrasound-assisted sample pretreatment for both organic and inorganic trace analysis constitutes a greener approach than more classical pretreatments that use large amounts of solvents and long operation times. In short, ultrasoundassisted sample preparation provides the following advantages:  A dramatic acceleration of the extraction processes, with consequent saving in energy  Use of smaller amounts of solvents and/or at lower concentration  Safer procedures, since operations are performed at almost room temperature and atmospheric pressure  Fewer opportunities for contamination and/or analyte losses during treatment


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 Achievement of ecofriendly and low-cost methods with increased productivity. Ultrasound-assisted treatment of solid samples allows shortening operating procedures for sample pretreatment for organic and inorganic trace analysis and also for speciation analysis. Apart from the increased sample throughput achieved, this means a saving in energy from the perspective of green chemistry. In many cases, a signicant reduction of solvents or their use at lower concentration is also feasible. Depending on the goal pursued, dierent methodologies can benet from the application of ultrasound to solid samples prior to analysis. Several reviews,5052 books,53,54 and book chapters55,56 have been published on the use of ultrasound for sample pretreatment.

4.3.1 Ultrasound-Assisted Digestion

In spite of being very ecient, extended methods for sample decomposition prior to element analysis such as MAD in closed vessels demand high inertness of the vessel walls because impurities can be leached from the walls at high temperatures. Vessel materials transparent to MWs such as PTFE cannot be used with H2SO4 (b.p. 330 1C) at temperatures above 200 1C and others such as quartz are not compatible with HF. New possibilities for acid digestion can arise when ultrasound is applied, and several papers have been published on this subject.5760 Ultrasound irradiation aimed at matrix decomposition allows mild conditions (room or nearly room temperature, atmospheric pressure) to be used. Moreover, acid digestion is carried out in open vessels in a safer way as compared to acid attacks under pressure. However, concentrated acids or their mixtures are still needed. Since probe sonication is not recommended with HF, samples requiring this acid to destroy the silicate matrix have usually been digested in ultrasonic baths, which provide much lower sonication power than ultrasonic probes. For many matrices, a pseudodigestion (i.e. partial matrix decomposition) is achieved.61 Analytical techniques include mainly atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and ICP-OES. In general, when using ultrasonic baths, longer digestion times (around 1 h) are reported than for MW-assisted digestion in closed vessels. Other interesting applications regarding the use of ultrasound to assist the sample digestion have also been reported. A greener determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen in milk without inorganic salts can be carried out in 30 min.62 Conventional chemical oxygen demand (COD) methods involve long treatments (i.e. 2 h) in the presence of toxic oxidants (e.g. Cr(VI)) in strong acid media (H2SO4) and toxic catalysts (e.g. Hg(II), Ag(I)). Thus, the digestion time can be decreased from 2 h to 2 min by the use of ultrasound delivered through a glass sonotrode immersed in an open vessel.63,64 The replacement of traditional chemical oxidants and acids employed in the COD determination by a green oxidizing agent such as Mn(III) has been recently published.65 In this method, the greenness of the COD determination is dramatically enhanced since apart

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from an environmentally friendly oxidizing agent, a shortening of the total digestion time is achieved. Enzymes have been involved in sample pretreatment for determination of total element contents and also for speciation analysis.66 In the context of GAC, digestion using hydrolytic enzymes is attractive, since mild conditions can be employed such as pH close to 7 in most cases, room temperature, and atmospheric pressure. However, long treatments (i.e. several hours) are generally needed to achieve an ecient digestion and subsequent element release from solid samples. In recent years, a few papers have addressed the increase in enzymatic kinetics by high intensity ultrasound (i.e. ultrasonic probe systems).67

4.3.2 Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction

The use of ultrasound for speeding up solidliquid extraction from dierent matrices has been exploited in dierent ways: (1) for determination of total element contents using diluted acids; (2) for determination of organic compounds; (3) for speciation analysis using suitable extractants; (4) for dissolution of dierent solid phases in environmental samples, such as organic matter, oxides, carbonates, etc., with the aim of obtaining information about the potential element mobility and bioavailability. A variety of acid media have been employed for ultrasound-assisted metal extractions depending on the matrix. Studies have pointed out that highly ecient sonication such as that provided by probe systems make it possible to use very diluted acids, hence allowing low cost and environmentally friendly methods. For instance, HNO3 at a concentration of only 3% v/v is enough for quantitative extraction from many biological samples.68 Ultrasonic baths used for this purpose generally lack sucient sonication power to achieve fast extractions, and consequently, higher acid concentrations, close to those employed for digestion, are typically recommended.69 Ultrasonic baths are suitable for those situations where extractions can be accomplished with soft extractants in a short time. This is particularly true for many environmental and industrial hygiene samples (e.g. airborne particles, dust, lters, etc.) where pollutants can bind onto the surface.70 Therefore, from the standpoint of GAC, powerful probe and cup-horn sonication systems more closely meet the conditions required for green applications. In this context, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) is advantageous over other techniques discussed in this chapter such as MW- and ultrasound-assisted digestion. UAE is carried out at atmospheric pressure and room temperature, with small amount of acids and at low concentration. Analyte separation from the matrix may occur, which would facilitate the removal of interfering eects. A distinction between digestion and extraction processes assisted by ultrasound is sometimes dicult to establish and it depends on the type of extractant and its concentration, the equipment employed for ultrasound irradiation, and the nature of the substrate. Thus, with acids such as HCl at low concentration, the possibilities of matrix decomposition are minimal, and then extraction predominates.


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However, the use of HF even at low concentration in the extractant solution can easily attack the crystal lattice of silicates, causing matrix decomposition to some extent, so this is more likely to be a digestion process. A signicant number of applications have arisen during the last decade concerning metal extraction by ultrasound using acidic extractants. Several applications have been also reported using continuous ultrasoundassisted extraction for food,71 clinical samples,72 etc. with good performance and low acid concentration. Despite the lower ultrasonic energy reaching the sample inserted in a minicolumn as compared to direct insertion of an ultrasonic probe into a suspension of the powdered material, the repeated passage of the acidic extractant through the column containing the solid material allows ecient extractions with minimum acid consumption and high sample throughput in an automated way. Apart from metals, specic applications of ultrasound to the extraction of anions have also been reported.73 For solidliquid extraction of organic analytes, Soxhlet extraction is the reference method for comparison.74 As in other modern extraction techniques addressed in this chapter, such as pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) and supercritical uid extraction (SFE), the amounts of solvents required to accomplish the process are much smaller, but extraction eciency is sometimes less than that obtained with the other techniques and a clean-up step is generally required. Extraction occurs generally at room temperature and no pressure is involved, which makes this technique very favourable in the context of GAC. When UAE is compared to Soxhlet extraction, the operation time is much shorter. With probe sonication, the extraction time can be as short as 3 min. A possible risk in the application of ultrasound waves for assisting the extraction of organics is the potential degradation that can occur on sonication.75 Application of soft extractants under mild conditions is generally a necessary requirement in speciation analysis. The main goal in sample preparation in this eld is to preserve the species distribution while achieving an acceptable recovery.76 Ultrasound has been tried for speeding up extraction of metal species from solid samples.7779 Greener extraction methods for speciation analysis have developed in parallel with a substantial improvement of other features such as shortening and/or elimination of some pretreatment steps, simplication, and automation. As hyphenated techniques between chromatography or electrophoresis and specic detection (atomic or mass spectrometries) are typically applied, clean-up of extracts is generally needed.80 Then, sample preparation is similar to that for typical organic trace analysis applications using this methodology. Sequential extraction schemes (SESs) are typically applied for establishing the metal content associated with relevant geochemical phases in a variety of environmental samples (e.g. sediments, soil, y ash, sewage sludge, etc.). An important issue limiting the application of SESs is the time required to accomplish extraction procedures. SESs such as those provided by Tessier81 and by the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) (now the Standards, Measurement and Testing Programme, SM&T),82 extensively used in many studies, need an overall operation time of 18 and 51 h, respectively. Application

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of ultrasound by means of a probe makes it possible to decrease these times to only 2030 min.83 The slurry technique allows the analysis of nely powdered samples for elemental determinations without the need for an intensive decomposition method such as acid digestion.84 Slurries are prepared by suspending an amount of the solid material, previously ground and sieved, in an appropriate diluent. Although the benets of this technique from the point of view of GAC are evident, other features of the analytical procedure are enhanced, such as decreased risk of sample contamination and analyte losses and increased sample throughput. Among the dierent approaches available for the mixing and stabilization of slurries, ultrasonic slurry sampling (USS) has proved very ecient in combination with analytical techniques such as ETAAS, since apart from a fast slurry homogenization, solidliquid extraction of analytes occur to some extent.85 A comparison of several sample pretreatment methods addressed to trace element analysis is shown in Table 4.1; both analytical and greenness-related considerations are taken into account. Ultrasound-assisted sample preparation shows improved greenness proles in comparison with other well-established methods based on the use of concentrated mineral acids at extreme conditions of pressure and temperature, since operations are performed using mostly dilute acids at atmospheric pressure and room temperature.

4.4 Supercritical Fluid Extraction

The use of safer solvents for sample pretreatment is one of the main challenges in developing greener analytical processes, in accordance with the GAC principles. In this sense, the use of supercritical uids has become very popular as an environmentally friendly alternative to hazardous organic solvents. A supercritical uid is any substance that is in its supercritical state (i.e. both temperature and pressure are above their critical values). Supercritical uids are characterized by their unique properties, intermediate between those of gas and liquids, depending on the pressure, temperature, and composition of the uid.86 Thus, supercritical uids display density values similar to those of liquids, which enhances their solubilization ability, while showing viscosity and diusivity values closer to those of gases as well as negligible surface tension, which enhance mass transfer processes. These favourable properties make them a powerful alternative to conventional extraction methods such as Soxhlet for solidliquid extraction. Several books,8789 book chapters,90 and review articles91 give an in-depth description of supercritical uids and SFE systems, being highly recommended for interesting readers. In general, the choice of a supercritical uid is based on practical issues, such as its availability at high purity and low cost.92 Water should be therefore the greenest candidate, since it fulls these requirements and it is considered the most benign solvent. However, its supercritical conditions (T 4 374 1C, P 4 22 MPa) makes it unsuitable because of its extreme reactivity and


Table 4.1

Comparison of selected sample pre-treatment methods for element trace analysis according to both analytical and greenness-related criteria.
Stages Ashing; cooling; dissolution of ashes in diluted acid High temperature High energy requirecombustion with air/ ments; use of small O2 at c. 450 1C volume of diluted acids Operating conditions Greenness-related issues Analytical considerations


Reagents and time required


Mg(NO3)2 as ashingaid; 68 h

Wet digestion (open vessel)

Loss and contamination risks; possibility of treating large amounts of sample; very ecient for complete removal of organic matter Loss and contamination risks

Dry-ashing (combustion ask)

HNO3, HClO4, HCl; Acid digestion with Risk of explosion; Predigestion; heating concentrated acids at large amounts of to boiling (use of hot overnight treatment; atmospheric pressure corrosive wastes; plate, Kjeldahl ask, use of catalysts high energy etc.); evaporation (e.g. SeO2, HgSO4, requirements CuSO4) and concentrated acids; several hours High-temperature ash- Low energy requireDiluted HCl typically Combustion in a ments; use of acid at closed vessel; ing in closed system used as absorbent; a low concentration absorption of gases (atmospheric few min required for pressure) complete combustion

Dry-ashing (O2 plasma)

O2 stream; ashing time Attack of the sample 41 h, in general. by highly reactive excited O2

Low-temperature ashUse of a owing ing with O2 as the stream of pure O2 only reagent. High at low pressure, energy requirements which is converted into excited O2 after passing through a high-frequency electric eld

Sample mass limited to the oxygen in the ask; labour-intensive; complex apparatus; risk of incomplete oxidation Low volatilization risks; attack of sample limited to the surface; in general, it is a slow process.

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MW-assisted digestion in closed vessels

Concentrated mineral acids; o1 h

Typically several stages with dierent pressure and temperature

Attack of sample by acids heated above their b.p.

Green Sample Preparation Methods

Ultrasoundassisted extraction

Diluted acids (depend- Ultrasound irradiation Application of ultrasound at the of a nely powdered ing on the ultrasonic appropriate power sample into an acid processor); 1 min1 h diluent depending on matrix and ultrasonic processor

Slurry sample introduction

Diluted acids; slurry homogenization carried out in o1 min with some approaches

Suspension of a nely powdered sample into an acid diluent

Use of mixing or stabilizing agents so that to maintain an homogeneous slurry during sampling

Less corrosive wastes Low loss and contamination risks; and energy requiredrastic reduction of ments than convendigestion time; very tional acid digestion ecient sample in open vessels decomposition heated in hot plate Low risk of losses and Small amounts of contamination; low wastes generated; blanks; elimination low energy requireof interferences due ments; very safe proto the solid-liquid cedure (operation at extraction; careful room temperature optimization of and atmospheric extraction in order to pressure) achieve quantitative results Low risk of losses and Small amounts of contamination; low wastes generated; blanks; possible low energy requireinterferences since ments; very safe neither matrix procedure (operation decomposition nor at room temperature separation is and atmospheric performed; possible pressure) inuence of inhomogeneity for small sample masses



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corrosivity. The low critical temperature (31.1 1C) and moderate critical pressure (7.38 MPa, 72.8 bar) of carbon dioxide makes it the substance of choice for most analytical applications of SFE. Moreover, carbon dioxide is chemically inert, non-toxic, non-ammable, and non-corrosive. However, the non-polar nature of carbon dioxide limits its application to the extraction of non-polar or relatively low polar substances. Two strategies are generally used to facilitate the extraction of polar and ionic compounds: either to increase the polarity of the supercritical uid or to reduce the polarity of analytes.94 In both cases, an enhanced analyte solubility is pursued. In the former case, the addition of a low volume of polar organic solvent, known as a modier, to the supercritical uid increases the polarity of the mixture, thereby allowing a wider range of applications. Methanol is commonly used as modier in the range 110% v/v, although other solvents may be more ecient for some applications. In the latter case, dierent strategies can be carried out to decrease the polarity of the analyte, such as in situ derivatization, complex formation, or ion-pair formation.95 The combination of supercritical carbon dioxide with ILs represents a green technology with tremendous potential for chemical reaction and downstream separation in one system and eective separation of products from ILs. The separation process is based on the solubility of supercritical carbon dioxide in the IL (controlled by pressure) and the insolubility of the IL in supercritical carbon dioxide.9598 The use of polar co-solvents, such as ethanol, acetone, or n-hexane, has been reported to increase the solubility of ILs in supercritical carbon dioxide.99,100 The SFE process consists of two steps, i.e. extraction of target analytes by using a supercritical uid followed by their collection or trapping. The latter step is as important as the former, being responsible for low extraction recoveries when not controlled carefully.101 The collection of analytes can be carried out on-line by coupling SFE to chromatographic techniques, or oline by depressurizing the supercritical uid into a collection device. Choosing the most appropriate collection mode depends on properties of samples and analytes, extraction variables and the analytical technique used for the detection, solvent collection or solid phase trapping of the analytes being the most used o-line collection modes.101 Solid-phase trapping oers higher trapping eciency for volatile analytes than solvent collection, since the trap temperature can be reduced to 30 1C. Moreover, the use of smaller volumes of organic solvents (ca. 2 ml) allows the direct analysis of the extract and makes the solid phase trapping mode greener with respect to solvent collection.101 Apart from being simple and selective, the most signicant advantages of the SFE technique include the preconcentration eect achieved, safety, speed and its quantitative possibilities.102 Furthermore, automated SFE systems are commercially available for unattended performance, and the coupling of the extraction step with gas, liquid, or supercritical-uid chromatography is feasible. However, SFE-based methodologies are not free from drawbacks, mainly relating to the very high investment cost needed, the poor robustness of early

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SFE commercial systems, lack of an SFE method that works for every analyte in every kind of sample, and the inecient sample clean-up.103 SFE processes are energy ecient when compared with conventional Soxhlet extraction, although it is worth highlighting that the energy cost needed to obtain and keep a substance in its supercritical state is pretty high. Thus, SFE-based methodologies are not widespread and their use is currently decreasing, in spite of the great analytical potential shown by supercritical uids as green extractants of target analytes from both solid and liquid matrices.103

4.5 Pressurized Liquid Extraction

The use of pressurized hot solvents for extraction purposes is another alternative to Soxhlet extraction for solid sample preparation. This technique is commonly called PLE and was introduced in the mid 1990s. It can also be found in the literature under other names such as accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), pressurized hot solvent extraction (PHSE), and high pressure solvent extraction (HPSE) among others. From the GAC perspective, the use of water as extractant phase is particularly attractive, this technique then being called subcritical water extraction (SWE), pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE), etc. In this chapter, we will refer to ASE when organic solvents are involved as extractants. ASE involves the use of organic solvents at a high pressure (15002000 psi, 1014 MPa) and temperature (50200 1C), without reaching their critical point, in order to extract the desired analytes from solid samples. The use of liquid solvents leads to enhanced performance as compared to classical approaches carried out at room temperature and atmospheric pressure as a result of solubility, mass transfer eects, and disruption of surface equilibria.104 The increased temperature used in ASE gives rise to enhanced solubility of target analytes in the selected solvent. Faster diusion rates are observed in these conditions when compared with low-temperature extractions. Furthermore, generation of a concentration gradient by introducing fresh solvent during a static extraction step boosts the mass transfer rate according to Ficks rst law of diusion. The use of high temperatures can also disrupt the strong non-covalent interactions (van der Waals, hydrogen bonding, and dipole interactions) produced between analytes and the active sites of the matrix, and leads to decreased viscosity and surface tension of solvents, analytes, and matrix, which, on the whole, allows better contact of the analytes with the solvent. Finally, the use of high pressures facilitates the extraction process since the solvent is forced to be in contact with matrix pores and poorly accessible areas of the matrix where the analyte could be trapped. A number of excellent review articles covering ASE have been published.86,105108 Green aspects of this technique, when compared to classical approaches such as Soxhlet extraction, sonication with non-polar solvents, or


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blending, are its lower consumption of organic solvents (1040 ml) and the speed of determinations for solid matrices.86 Moreover, the reduced time needed to perform the extraction (a complete extraction procedure needs 20 min) has an impact on energy saving as compared to time-consuming conventional procedures. In addition, commercially available ASE systems provide a high degree of automation, thus allowing the sequential extraction of several samples. PLE can also be adapted to other stages of the analytical process, enabling its partial or total automation.109 Nonetheless, clean-up procedures are usually needed after ASE because of the limited selectivity provided by organic solvents, whose consumption is not as low as would be desirable from the point of view of green chemistry. Furthermore, energy requirements to maintain the pressure and temperature conditions are quite high. The SWE approach is identical to ASE, but water replaces organic solvents as extractant. The use of water is a valuable alternative to organic solvents because it is non-ammable, non-toxic, readily available, and environmentally benign. Hawthorne et al. demonstrated the huge potential of superheated water at a pressure high enough to maintain the water at liquid state for sequentially extracting polar, moderately polar, and non-polar organic pollutants.93 SWE takes advantage of the decreased dielectric constant of water when the temperature is increased at moderate pressures due to reduced hydrogen bonding.4 Thus, a sharp decrease of the dielectric constant from about 90 to 20 occurs when the temperature is raised ambient temperature to 300 1C, hence allowing a change in polarity. SWE is therefore a modern sample pretreatment technique suitable for complex matrices that can easily be coupled on-line to chromatographic techniques. However, the use of subcritical water gives rise to dilution of the analytes in the extract (then requiring preconcentration steps prior to the analytical measurement) and lower selectivity in comparison with SFE. Like SFE and ASE, degradation of thermally labile analytes could occur during the hot-water extraction process.86 In order to overcome the latter drawback, the use of binary mixtures of water with miscible organic solvents has been proposed for extraction, giving rise to acceptable extraction eciencies and reduced risks of analyte decomposition. The addition of modiers and additives to water modies its relevant physicochemical properties and the critical temperature and pressure. Quantitative extraction of analytes showing a wide range of polarities is feasible by temperature and pressure tuning, although SWE may not be recommended for the extraction of both non-polar and thermolabile analytes.110 Although SWE is a solvent-free sample preparation technique, the dilute extract obtained and its incompatibility with several analytical techniques, as a result of its aqueous nature, makes a concentration/extraction step necessary before the analytical measurement. Dierent possibilities have been described for this purpose, such as:111  Extraction of the analytes present in the aqueous extract with a small volume of solvent

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 Solid-phase extraction (SPE), solid-phase microextraction (SPME) or stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) of the aqueous extract  In situ trapping of the analytes by adding a trapping agent to the extraction vessel  Direct coupling of the extraction system to the assay procedure. However, when this concentration/extraction step is compulsory, green aspects of SWE, such as the solvent-free nature of the technique, energy, and time saving, as well as simplicity and convenience, are diminished. From the dierent possibilities listed above, the use of microextraction techniques such as SPME or SBSE after SWE could be considered the greenest alternative owing to their solvent-free nature. Thus, a completely solvent-free sample pretreatment may be performed in solid matrices with this combination. The state of the art of SWE is presented in book chapters and reviews, which also discuss a wide variety of applications.106,110,112

4.6 Solid-Phase Extraction

SPE is a mature sample preparation technique used for the isolation of target analytes from a uid phase. The principal goals of SPE are preconcentration of target analytes, sample clean-up, and medium exchange (transfer from the sample matrix to a dierent solvent or to the gas phase).113 Even though experimental trials concerning sample preparation using a solid sorption material (carbon lters) were published almost 60 years ago,114 the expansion and introduction of SPE was produced in the early 1980s as a result of the need to decrease the organic solvent usage in laboratories.115 SPE is currently the most popular sample preparation technique for liquid samples and organic analytes, being used in 22 ocial methods.116 There is an excellent retrospective review dealing with the evolution of SPE.117 When compared with conventional liquidliquid extraction (LLE), SPE reduces the consumption of organic solvents, which has a dramatic eect on the reduction of wastes. In addition, high enrichment factors and elevated recoveries are feasible with SPE using short times. SPE is a widely used sorbent technique that involves a partitioning of solutes between two immiscible phases, i.e. a liquid (sample solution) and a solid (sorbent) phase.118 The eciency of the extraction process is therefore dependent on the type of sorbent material employed. SPE media can be classied as inorganic oxides, low-specicity sorbents, and compound or class-specic sorbents.113 Silica-based, chemically bonded sorbents are by far the most popular for SPE. On the other hand, inorganic oxide adsorbents have limitations derived from their irreversible adsorption and catalytic breakdown of sensitive analytes that could give rise to low recovery values for some analytes. With the main goal of enhancing the selectivity in SPE applications, dierent sorbents based on ion exchange, bioanity, molecular recognition, and restricted access materials have also been proposed in the literature, constituting promising SPE sorbents.


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Several SPE formats (syringe barrels, cartridges, and discs) are commonly used. Although they all use the same sorbent technology, their dierent designs make them useful for dierent applications. Cartridges are generally the preferred option, since they can be easily prepared in the laboratory, making them a cheaper alternative to discs. Nevertheless, discs are recommended for some applications, especially for large sample volumes containing suspended particles. Discs allow higher sample ow rates, hence providing shorter sample processing times than cartridges or syringe barrels. In general, four consecutive steps are needed to accomplish the SPE procedure, regardless of the SPE format:92,118 1. Wetting and conditioning the sorbent. The sorbent must be wetted by an appropriate solvent, followed by its conditioning with a solvent or buer similar to the sample solution. This ensures an appropriate contact between the analytes and the sorbent material. 2. Loading the sample. The sample is then forced through the sorbent material by gravity, pumping or aspiration by vacuum. The analytes of interest will be exhaustively retained by the sorbent. Some compounds present in the sample matrix will pass through the solid sorbent without being retained. Thus, preconcentration of analytes and purication of the sample are achieved in this step. 3. Rinsing the sorbent to elute interferences. Washing of the sorbent material with a suitable solvent allows eliminating matrix compounds retained in the solid sorbent without displacing the analytes. 4. Elution of target analytes. Target analytes are nally eluted from the solid sorbent by using the minimum solvent volume. It is advisable to carry out the elution of the analytes by using two dierent aliquots of the corresponding solvent. In addition, the solid sorbent should be soaked with the solvent before the elution. As can be easily noted, dierent proportions of organic solvents are needed to perform the dierent SPE steps. Although the solvent consumption is on the whole substantially decreased as compared to classical extraction approaches, the use of such solvent volumes (515 ml) make SPE less green than miniaturized extraction techniques (see section 4.7) in relation to solvent consumption, waste generation, and occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals. In this respect, reduced solvent volumes are needed for both conditioning and elution steps when discs are used instead of other SPE formats.119 Automation of SPE systems provides several advantages over manual operation. Reduction of processing time, as well as improvement of accuracy and precision, are the most notable benets of automation. In addition, minimum operator intervention is produced with automated SPE, which gives rise to negligible solvent exposure. Improved sample throughput is obtained with automated parallel-sample processing systems, which are capable of processing up to 400 samples per hour. Among the dierent automated SPE systems available, commercial 96-well workstations have become very popular,

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especially in clinical and pharmaceutical laboratories. Automation of SPE is, however, not free from drawbacks, mainly due to analyte carryover and sample stability. SPE is used as a sample pretreatment technique in many areas of chemistry, including environmental, pharmaceutical, clinical, food, and industrial chemistry. The availability of dierent sorbent materials makes sorptive techniques advantageous over other extraction techniques. However, the nal extract solvent is not always compatible with the corresponding analytical technique, thus involving additional steps.

4.7 Microextraction Techniques

Downsizing the scale of the analytical methods through miniaturization is one of the major challenges of GAC. Chapter 5 is devoted to this aspect. However, microextraction techniques as one of the powerful advantages in green sample preparation are considered here also. Removal or minimization of solvent volumes is a priority towards the development of solvent-free sample preparation approaches, in accordance with the GAC principles.121 In this context, miniaturization and improvement of classical sample preparation techniques such as SPE and liquidliquid extraction (LLE) have given rise to the development of dierent microextraction techniques. Inherent benets derived from the solvent-free character of these techniques include negligible (or non-existent) waste generation, reduced exposure of the analyst to hazardous chemicals, and simplication and promptness of sample preparation. Furthermore, microextraction techniques integrate sampling, extraction, preconcentration, and even derivatization in a single step. A schematic representation of the dierent microextraction techniques discussed in this section is shown in Figure 4.2.

4.7.1 Solid-Phase Microextraction

Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is a sample handling technique characterized as being a real non-solvent technique. It was introduced in 1990 by Arthur and Pawliszyn.122 There is an abundant literature about SPME theory and applications.123128 In SPME, a bre coated with a small amount of polymeric phase (typically less than 1 ml) is exposed to the sample (directly immersed in the bulk sample solution or exposed to the headspace above the sample) in such a way that the analytes present in the sample solution are partitioned between the sample and the coating until equilibrium is reached or the extraction process is stopped. Analytes adsorbed on the coating are then thermally desorbed for analysis, mainly in the injection port of a gas chromatograph. When SPME is combined with liquid chromatography, analytes are eluted from the coating by using a minimum volume of an appropriate organic solvent.


Figure 4.2

Schematic representation of dierent green sample preparation techniques: (1A) direct-SPME; (1B) HS-SPME; (2) SBSE (TwisterTM); (3A) direct-SDME; (3B) HS-SDME; (3C) LLLME; (4) HF-LPME congurations, with one syringe (4A); and two syringe needles (4B). Chapter 4

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Three SPME modes can be described, depending on the properties of the sample and/or the analytes to be extracted: 1. Direct-SPME (Figure 4.2(1A)): The most appropriate SPME coating is directly exposed, by immersion, to the stirred sample solution placed in a vial. This is the mode recommended for extraction of target analytes, regardless of their volatility, present in clean matrices. 2. Headspace-SPME (HS-SPME) (Figure 4.2(1B)): The bre is exposed to the headspace of the sample solution for extraction and preconcentration of volatile or semivolatile analytes. Derivatization reactions could also be carried out for the generation of volatile derivatives of the analytes of interest. HS-SPME allows the use of extreme conditions (such as pH of the sample solution) without damaging the SPME bre. 3. Membrane protected-SPME: Membrane protection should only be used when neither of the rst two modes is applicable. This is the case for nonvolatile analytes present in very complex and dirty samples. The choice of extracting phase is essential in SPME to achieve selective and ecient extraction of the analytes to be determined. Extracting phases covering a wide range of polarities are commercially available, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) being the most commonly used coating. High molecular weight polymeric liquids or solid adsorptive coatings can also be used as SPME extracting phases. Typically, the chemical nature of a target analyte determines the type of coating to be used, in accordance with the rule like attracts like.128 SPME can be considered as a very green sample preparation technique, because of its solvent-free characteristics. SPME allows preconcentrating the analytes in an easy way without the need for solvent evaporation after the extraction process, as typically occurs with conventional extraction techniques. The total removal of organic solvents for sample preparation avoids or minimizes the waste generation derived from the sample preparation step. Moreover, it can be used for the extraction and preconcentration of target analytes present in very small samples because of the convenient dimensions of the SPME system. The amount of extracted analyte depends not on the sample volume but on the concentration of the analyte in the matrix, so direct sampling of the ambient air, water, production stream, etc. is possible. A high degree of automation of SPME systems is nowadays possible with the use of CombiPALTM and TriPlus autosamplers, introduced by CTC Analytics and Thermo Fisher Scientic, respectively. SPME is, however, not free from drawbacks, such as the relatively high cost and fragility of the bres, as well as the possibility of carryover between analyses. Moreover, signicant lot-to-lot variations are typically observed. The low volume of polymeric phase leads to nonexhaustive extractions when the partition coecient of the analytes is not very large and the coating thickness is too thin. In addition, a limited number of SPME bres are commercially available, although a high number of homemade coatings have been proposed in the literature and may be used for specic applications.129


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4.7.2 Stir Bar Microextraction

SBSE was rst reported by Baltussen et al. in 1999.130 SBSE is a solvent-free sample preparation technique based on the same principles as those of SPME, i.e. sorptive extraction of analytes on to a polymeric material.131,132 SBSE has been developed as an attempt to circumvent the limitation of SPME to achieve complete extraction eciencies. The bre used in SPME has a bound stationary phase volume (0.5 ml of PDMS) which leads to incomplete extraction of analytes due to the phase ratio between the aqueous and PDMS phase, even when the distribution constant is favourable. Unlike SPME, in SBSE a polymeric material is placed not on a xed bre but as a coating on a magnetic stir bar of 14 cm length. The use of stir bars allows the use of larger amounts of sorbent material (50300 ml of PDMS) as compared to SPME. As a consequence of the signicantly increased coated phase volume, SBSE shows higher recoveries and sensitivity than SPME. PDMS coated stir bars are commercially available (TwisterTM, Gerstel GmbH) with two dierent dimensions, 10 3.2 mm and 40 3.2 mm, for the analysis of 150 ml and 100250 ml sample volumes, respectively. As in SPME, the extraction of the analytes is controlled in SBSE by the distribution constant of the analytes between the polymer coating and the sample matrix and by the phase ratio between the polymer coating and the sample volume.132 Applications of SBSE are commonly carried out by direct immersion of the coated stir bar into the sample solution, although a headspace mode of SBSE (HS-SBSE) may be used for extraction of volatile and semivolatile compounds from liquid and solid samples. Thus, direct-SBSE is performed by simply adding the PDMS-coated stir bar to the sample solution, which is then stirred (10001500 rpm) for the prescribed time, commonly more than 30 min. On the other hand, HS-SBSE is carried out by exposing the coated stir bar to the headspace of a stirred sample. Once the extraction step is nished, the stir bar is removed with tweezers and dried with a soft tissue. The analytes are subsequently desorbed from the coated stir bar either thermally, when gas chromatography (GC) is used, or with a low volume of organic solvent mainly, for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. Figure 4.2(2) shows a basic conguration for Direct-SBSE. Thermal desorption is the preferred, greener option when volatile analytes are determined after GC separation. The desorption process is, however, relatively slow (515 min) owing to the large amount of sorbent used in SBSE. In addition, a special interface is mandatory for thermal desorption of target analytes due to the dimensions of the stir bar used in SBSE. Apart from thermal desorption, liquid desorption with an appropriate organic solvent may also be performed when liquid chromatography is used. This alternative broadens the applicability of SBSE but at the expense of losing the solventfree nature of this sample preparation technique. Both thermal and liquid desorption can be performed using automated systems nowadays marketed by Gerstel.133

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SBSE is mainly useful for extraction and preconcentration of organic compounds in liquid samples. Miniaturization and solvent-free operation are the outstanding characteristics of this sample preparation technique. The main advantage of SBSE is directly derived from the design of the coated stir bars and the volume of sorbent employed, which allows quantitative extractions and therefore provides lower limits of detection when compared with SPME. However, the extraction time required for the complete extraction of analytes is commonly excessive for routine analysis, so non-equilibrium extractions could be performed to achieve a more convenient sample throughput. Some drawbacks of SBSE systems are due to the incompatibility of the coated stir bar design with the injection port of the GC, which makes necessary the use of a thermal desorption unit. Moreover, the limited range of commercial coating polymers, PDMS being the only polymeric material used, limits the applicability of SBSE. In addition, automation of the extraction step is not an easy task, being generally performed by manual handling.

4.7.3 Liquid Phase Microextraction

LLE is a sample preparation technique that has been widely used in analytical labs. It involves the use of organic solvents for the extraction and preconcentration of the analytes present in a given sample on the basis of their relative solubility in the two immiscible phases. LLE is not free from drawbacks, especially relating to the use of large volumes of hazardous organic solvents that results in an excessive waste generation and high exposure risks. Furthermore, LLE is a time-consuming technique that yields small sample-toextractant phase volume ratios which, in turn, can give rise to insucient enrichment factors. In accordance with the rst principle of green chemistry, it is better to prevent waste than to treat to clean up waste after it has been created. Therefore, there is a clear demand for the minimization of solvent consumption in sample preparation. Biodegradable and environmentally benign extractant phases should also be used when possible. Nowadays, dierent alternatives can be found in the literature concerning the minimization of conventional LLE. These developments are included under the generic name liquid-phase microextraction (LPME). Some of the most widely used LPME techniques are single-drop microextraction (SDME), hollow bre liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) and dispersive liquidliquid microextraction (DLLME). Recent reviews134,135 and a book136 dealing with this subject can be consulted for further details.

Single-Drop Microextraction

In SDME, a microdrop of extractant (110 ml) is used as acceptor phase of the analytes present in the sample. A microsyringe is used to hold the drop during the extraction process. There are dierent modes of SDME, which are schematically represented in Figure 4.2.


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1. Direct-SDME (Figure 4.2(3A)): an immiscible microdrop of extractant (organic solvent or IL) is directly immersed into the bulk aqueous solution, which is continuously stirred during the extraction process.137 Both volatile and non-volatile non-charged analytes are likely to be extracted according to the principle like dissolves like. To extract ionic analytes, derivatization can be performed before (in sample) or during (in drop) the microextraction process by addition of the corresponding derivatizing agent to the sample or to the extractant phase, respectively, then forming a non-charged compound that can be extracted and enriched within the extractant phase. 2. Headspace-SDME (HS-SDME) (Figure 4.2(3B)): it is similar to HSSPME.138,139 A drop of extractant phase (organic solvent, IL or even an aqueous drop) is exposed from the needle of the syringe to the headspace above the sample to extract volatile or semivolatile analytes. Since the analyte mass transfer is time dependent, it is advisable to use extractant phases with low volatility (low vapour pressure and high boiling point) in order to minimize drop evaporation losses during the microextraction process. Derivatization reactions can be carried out in order to generate derivatives with suitable properties to be detected by the corresponding analytical technique.140142 3. Liquidliquidliquid microextraction (LLLME) (Figure 4.2(3C)): an aqueous microdrop is immersed into a thin lm of low density organic solvent placed over the aqueous sample.143 This SDME mode is indicated for the extraction of ionizable analytes. The pH of the sample solution must be controlled in such a way that non-charged analytes are formed to allow their transfer into the organic phase. Then, the pH of the aqueous microdrop should allow the ionization of analytes so that they are nally extracted into it. A high degree of sample clean-up can be achieved with this SDME mode, although it requires thorough manipulation of the microdrop. Organic solvents used in SDME must be immiscible with water and show very low water solubility when used in its immersed mode (direct-SDME), and low volatility when used in HS-SDME. Extractant phase volumes of 110 ml are commonly used in SDME, although nanolitre volumes of organic solvents have been reported.144,145 In spite of the virtually solvent-free nature of the SDME technique, the possibility of using ILs and aqueous microdrops as extractants of dierent analytes leads to the employment of certainly clean methodologies which, moreover, oer powerful analytical advantages, such as the excellent enrichment factor that may be achieved in relatively short extraction times.

Hollow Fibre Liquid-Phase Microextraction

In hollow bre liquid-phase microextraction (HF-LPME) the extractant phase is protected by a porous hollow bre attached to the needle of the

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microsyringe. Thus, HF-LPME can be considered more robust than immersed SDME modes (direct-SDME and LLLME), since the hollow bre provides an improved stability to the extractant phase at high stirring rates of the sample. In addition, the use of the hollow bre gives rise to a conguration of the extractant phase (cylindrical instead of spherical) that speeds up the extraction process. To perform a HF-LPME, a microsyringe is used to ll the lumen of the hollow bre with the appropriate extractant phase, as well as to hold it in place during the microextraction process. Once the microextracton process has nished, the extractant phase enriched with target analytes is retracted and incorporated into the corresponding analytical instrument for data acquisition. A new piece of hollow bre is generally used for further extractions to avoid any possible carryover eect. Two dierent HF-LPME modes analogous to direct-SDME and LLLME can be used: 4. HF-LPME (Figure 4.2(4A)): Both the lumen and the pores of the hollow bre are lled and impregnated with the corresponding extractant phase (organic solvent or ionic liquid). The mass transfer of analytes is produced through the pores of the hollow bre. 5. HF-LLLME (Figure 4.2(4B)): This mode is used for the extraction and preconcentration of ionizable compounds. In this case, organic solvents or ILs may be used to impregnate the pores of the hydrophobic hollow bre, while an aqueous solution is used to ll the lumen of the polymeric membrane. As in the case of LLLME, suitable pH adjustment of both the aqueous sample and the aqueous extractant phase is essential. As a result of the controlled size of pores in the hollow bre, this technique provides a high degree of clean-up even when complex matrices such as biological uids are analysed by excluding macromolecules and other compounds that could interfere.148 In addition, extractant phase volumes are commonly between 2 and 25 ml, thus involving negligible solvent consumption.

Dispersive LiquidLiquid Microextraction

In DLLME,149,150 a mixture of an immiscible organic solvent with higher density than water and a solvent miscible with both sample and extractant phase, known as disperser solvent, is used to extract the analytes. The injection of this mixture leads to the formation of tiny drops of extractant phase distributed along the whole sample. After centrifugation, the enriched sedimented phase is used for analysis. This LPME technique is characterized by its ease of operation, expeditiousness, and the possibility of performing several extraction processes simultaneously, hence enhancing the sample throughput. Ionic liquids have been proposed as alternative extractant phases to commonly used chlorinated organic solvents.151 However, the addition of an antisticking agent to the sample solution is needed because of their high viscosity. In addition,


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DLLME with in situ metathesis reaction has been proposed for the extraction and preconcentration of interesting compounds.152 The method is based on the formation of a hydrophobic IL in the sample solution by addition of a hydrophilic IL and an ion-exchange reagent to the aqueous sample. The use of microvolumes of extractant phase, generally in the range 1100 ml, makes LPME a powerful and clean methodology for separation and preconcentration. LPME modes facilitate the reduction of organic solvents needed to perform the separation process, resulting in reduced toxic wastes and minimum exposure risks. Moreover, the reduction of the volume of extractant phase potentially contributes to the achievement of high enrichment factors. Thus, combination of LPME with the most appropriate analytical technique allows trace and ultratrace analysis. Several attempts to automate LPME methodologies have been reported, including a patented system for automation of LPME presented by Kokosa, which makes use of commercial autosamplers and software to control the dierent steps needed to perform the microextraction process.153 However, full automation of the whole microextraction process seems to be dicult to achieve, e.g. in the particular case of HF-LPME, where the bre is commonly attached to the needle of the syringe by hand.

4.8 Membrane-Based Extraction

Membrane-based extraction can be considered today as an alternative to miniaturization and automation of traditional extraction procedures,154 especially when it replaces the traditional LLE. The use of small amounts of organic solvents (o1 ml) or their virtual elimination are the main characteristics, as in novel microextraction techniques, for considering membrane-based extraction as a greener tool for isolation and preconcentration of analytes.41 In comparison with SPME and SDME, membrane-based extraction has a greater capability for sample clean-up. The use of membranes for analytical extractions has increased in recent years. Dierent applications in biomedical, environmental, food, and industrial elds have been published. Several reviews,154160 books,161 and book chapters162164 have been published on the use of membrane-based extraction. In general, membranes can be considered as selective barriers between two phases: donor or feed phase and acceptor or stripping phase.159 There are two basic types of membranes: size-exclusion and extraction membranes. In the rst type, the separation occurs as a result of the sieving eect. Then, the goal in the selection of a material for size-exclusion membranes is to minimize chemical interactions between the membrane and the sample matrix or the analytes. On the other hand, membrane-based extraction techniques provide real chemical selectivity. An interaction between the membrane material and the analyte must take place.163 Extraction membranes can be classied according to membrane morphology (quantity, size and distribution of porous through the membrane structure) as:

Green Sample Preparation Methods


 Selective microporous membranes  Homogeneous extraction membranes (nonporous membranes): 1. Liquid membranes 2. Polymeric membranes. With the exception of the membranes called polymeric, which are nonporous, the extraction membranes are porous hydrophobic synthetic organic polymers and they become non-porous when an organic solvent lls their pores. Polypropylene (PP), PTFE, and polyvinylidene diuoride (PVDF) are the polymers most frequently used in their manufacture. Two basic congurations of membrane extraction can be used: at sheet (FS) and hollow-bre (HF) membranes (Figure 4.3). The rst conguration requires the implementation of an extraction module (Figure 4.3A,C) to support the membrane (usually two blocks between which the membrane is placed, with microchannels and typical volumes of 101000 ml).159 FS systems can be easily miniaturized and, when operated in ow, they can be automated and linked with dierent analytical techniques, usually chromatography (HPLC and GC), but also capillary electrophoresis (CE), AAS, spectrophotometry and electrochemical techniques. In on-line conguration, the donor phase (sample) is pumped up to its membrane site. In the other membrane site, the organic solvent can be pumped and used in ow or static mode. According to the phase volumes, peristaltic (with large membranes, channel volumes around 1000 ml) or syringe pumps can be used with this purpose. The HF has capillary shape

Figure 4.3

Schematic representation of membrane based extraction systems: (A) at membrane module (1 ml); (B) bag-shaped membrane; (C) at membrane module (10 ml); (D) on-line hollow bre module (1.3 ml).


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and usually is self-supporting (Figure 4.2(4A), (4B)), though HF units can also be used (Figure 4.3D).157 The lumen of the HF contains the acceptor phase (typically 225 ml of an organic solvent). HF membrane conguration is also used in microextraction (see section A faster mass transfer takes place in HF format as compared to FS format due to its high surface-to-volume ratio. However, the HF format only can withstand small pressure dierences across the membrane. Dierent approaches of HF automation have been published,154 though the in-vial conguration is the most used. Dierent extraction techniques can be associated to the use of membranes: microporous membrane liquid-liquid extraction (MMLLE), supported liquid membrane extraction (SLME), and polymeric membrane extraction (PME). Membrane-assisted solvent extraction (MASE) is a PME modality with an organic acceptor phase. The procedure that combines PME with a sorbent interface is called membrane extraction with sorbent interface (MESI).159 In MMLLE, the microporous membrane acts as a support that allows the contact between the phases without merging them.163 The donor is usually aqueous and the acceptor is a water-immiscible organic solvent. The acceptor phase lls the pores of hydrophobic membranes (making them non-porous), then a two-phase system is formed and one partition reaction occurs. This is equivalent to a single-step LLE and so the eciency of this system is largely dependent on partition coecients.160 It is uncommon to use trapping reactions, so this technique is applied to hydrophobic, preferably uncharged, compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated pesticides, or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). MMLLE with FS (FSMMLLE) is simpler than classical continuous LLE. Fully automated and miniaturized (1 ml) systems, both for FS-MMLLE and for HS-MMLLE, can be obtained with extracting syringe devices. More information about the automation of MLLE can be found elsewhere.154,160 Miniaturization of MMLLE in a chip has been developed. The chip was composed of two microfabricated glass plates with a sandwiched microporous membrane.165 In SLME, membrane pores are lled with an organic liquid dierent from that of the acceptor and donor phases (typically two aqueous phases). This type of membranes allows performing extraction processes without any acceptor or donor organic phase, although the membrane must be previously impregnated in an organic solvent. This supposes introducing the membrane into certain volume of organic solvent, with the consequent generation of wastes. Solvents such n-decane or kerosene (long-chain hydrocarbons) and more polar compounds, i.e. dihexyl ether and dioctyl phosphate, are commonly used in these membranes. In addition, dierent additives can be used in order to increase the eciency and selectivity of the extraction process. SLME can be considered chemically analogous to an extraction followed by a back-extraction in LLE.162 Dierent chemical principles have been used for polar and non-polar analytes, e.g. simple permeation for acids and bases, carrier-mediated transport for metals and organic ions, or even immunological trapping. The kinetics of microextraction across supported liquid membrane (SLM) has been improved using electrokinetic migration.166 High enrichment factors, and especially high

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selectivity, are characteristics of SLME processes. Metal ions, amino acids, surfactants, sugars, herbicides, drugs, etc. are among the analytes determined by means of SLME. HF-SLME congurations without automation are probably now the most used, although microuidic devices with FS allow easy automation and miniaturization of SLME.167 Other micromembrane congurations, e.g. vial devices,168 have been proposed for automation of SLME. An important drawback of these membranes is stability. Pressure dierences between both sides of the membrane must be low enough for the solvent to settle in the pores. PME is a three-phase system that uses nonporous membranes made of silicone rubber (normally PDMS), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), or dense PP. These membranes provide a stable system because their lifetime is longer than that of the SLMs. The dierence in the solubility and diusion of dierent analytes into the polymer is the basis of the selectivity.169 The xed composition of the membranes reduces their applicability because the possibilities of obtaining chemical selectivity diminish. PME is especially troublesome for relatively polar analytes. In these cases, the addition of complex or ion-pair formers is necessary. Two modes can be used in PME, one similar to SLME (aqueous phasepolymeraqueous phase) and other similar to MMLLE (aqueous phasepolymerorganic phase). The latter system is applied in MASE. A fully automated MASE device is commercially available. A bagshaped membrane conguration is used (Figure 4.3B) and only 500800 ml of organic solvent are necessary. However, a preconditioning or cleaning of the membrane is necessary in order to remove co-extractable compounds. This process can consume 1.650 ml of organic solvent. PME processes are slower than SLME or MMLLE because polymeric membranes have smaller diusivity and consequently smaller transport velocity through them. A combination of MASE with PLE allows the reduction of extraction time.170 When PME is used with a sorbent trap on-line, it gives way to MESI. This technique allows enhanced sensitivity in a simple and continuous operation. The donor phase is aqueous or gaseous and the acceptor phase is gaseous. Cryogenic or sorption traps are used. MESI is an interesting green sample preparation system in combination with gas chromathography (MESI-GC). Volatile or semivolatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) in dierent environmental matrices (aqueous and air samples) have been determined. MESI is compatible with portable GC for on-site eld sampling. Other green membrane extraction approaches have been proposed, such as membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS). When the membrane is tted into the inlet of a mass spectrometer, as an integral part of the sampling system, the analytes pass across the membrane depending on their solubility following a pervaporation process (adsorptiondiusionevaporation).159 VOCs are rapidly and directly determined without using organic solvents. In principle, extraction-based membranes seem to full the goal of GAC, i.e. the development of analytical procedures that generate less hazardous wastes, are safer to use and more environmentally friendly.4 However, we should not forget that phenomena occurring in the use of hydrophobic membranes, such


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as soiling, demand a cleaning operation involving organic solvents, with the subsequent generation of wastes. Organic solvents are also required for regeneration of SLMs.

4.9 Surfactant-Based Sample Preparation Methods

Procedures involving surfactants (or surface-active agents) can be considered a milestone in the development of greener sample preparation methods. In comparison with organic solvents, surfactants are non-volatile, non-ammable, non-toxic, and cost-eective. One of the most important properties of surfactants is their good capacity to solubilize water-insoluble or sparingly soluble solutes in water through binding to micelles in the aqueous solution.171 This ability allows surfactants to replace more expensive and dangerous organic solvents. Paleologos et al. consider them as the solvents of the modern era, together with ILs.172 These authors emphasize the privileged selectivity of the micellar microworld versus the macroenvironment of bulk organic solvents. Surfactant micelles have attracted considerable attention in the last few years in analytical chemistry, especially as potential extracting media, and continue to have a broad appeal for dierent applications.173 In this sense, some surfactant-based sample preparation methods can be outlined: cloud-point extraction (CPE), MW-assisted micellar extraction (MAME), ultrasoundassisted micellar extraction (USME), emulsication, and others such as micellar-enhanced ultraltration (MEUF) or reverse micelle-based extraction.

4.9.1 Surfactant-Based Extraction

Since Watanabe and Tanaka introduced CPE to preconcentrate metal ions from aqueous samples in 1978,174 it has been extended and exploited as a versatile and simple extraction method for metal ions as well as organic compounds from environmental, biological, and clinical samples.5,173,175 CPE is based on cloud point and phase-separation phenomena in a surfactant aqueous solution (about 1% w/v). When a micellar solution is heated, it becomes turbid over a narrow temperature range, which is referred to as the cloud-point temperature.176 Above the cloud-point temperature, a turbid solution is formed and separates into two isotropic phases: the surfactant-rich phase, composed almost totally of surfactant (micellar phase), and the aqueous phase, in which the surfactant concentration is approximately equal to the critical micelle concentration of the surfactant.177 The separation of the two phases requires appropriate experimental conditions depending on the nature of the surfactant. Thus, phase separation requires temperature changes for non-ionic and zwitterionic surfactant solutions. For ionic surfactants, changes in pH or addition of ionic salt or of organic solvent can be also necessary.175 Then, the most important factors that can be taken into account for performing CPE are the nature and concentration

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of the surfactant, pH of sample solution, temperature, time to reach equilibrium, and ionic strength. For the ecient extraction of inorganic species, quantitative formation of a hydrophobic complex is an essential prerequisite. In general, CPE is more ecient whether the surfactants or the analytes are more hydrophobic. The range of surfactant concentrations that can be used is narrow, since above the optimal range the analytical signal deteriorates and the preconcentration factor decreases, and below the optimal range accuracy and reproducibility can worsen. pH is perhaps the most critical factor, especially for organic molecules (typically 69). For ionizable species, maximum extraction eciencies are achieved at pH values where the uncharged form of the analyte prevails. For inorganic species, few dierences are observed in the extraction eciencies at dierent pH, with the exception of the pH-dependent reactions, where pH seems to control extraction eciency. Temperature seems to be a key factor in improving preconcentration eciency and enhancement factors (typically o100 1C, 290 1C). CPE should be carried out at a temperature higher than the cloud-point temperature for a given time. This increases the signal by a factor as high as 3.172 As a general principle, CPE at high temperatures cannot be used when thermolabile compounds are determined and acidic solutions are not suitable for weakly basic compounds (ionizable in low-pH solutions). In general, CPE involves ve consecutive operation steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Addition of the surfactant to the sample Maintenance of suitable temperature for some time Centrifugation Decantation of the supernatant Suitable treatment of the surfactant-rich phase.

Decantation of supernatant is the most critical step. Removal of aqueous surfactant phase from the micellar phase is usually performed by cooling the test tube, hence increasing the viscosity of micelles.175 Total removal of water can be attained by evaporation using a neutral gas (i.e. nitrogen, argon, or helium). As the micelle-rich phase is viscous and cannot be injected directly into the apparatus, it should be treated by dilution. When ionic surfactants are used, steps 2 and 5 should be omitted, but additional clean-up of the extract may be necessary. The analytical utility of CPE procedures in the analysis and isolation of organic molecules metal ions and element species has been widely accepted. For instance, the dierentiationspeciation of Cr(VI) vs Cr(III) or As(III) vs arsenobetaine (AsB) and As(V) through CPE could be safely applied for microscale analytical applications.172,173 CPE oers a lower toxicity for the analyst and the environment than some classical extraction methods. In comparison with LLE and SPE, higher preconcentration factors with lower cost are achieved.178 This technique is also attractive for its easy operation and rapidity (extraction times are about


Table 4.2
Organic extractant consumption Greenness-related issues 150500 ml 4050 ml 10200 ml 1040 ml High/moderate Low/low High/lowmoderate Low/low Level of automation/ Cost of investment

Some techniques mainly used for extraction of organic analytes.

Extraction technique

Extraction time/ Operating conditions

Classical extraction techniques Soxhlet 624 h, up to boiling solvent temperature Soxtec 24 h, up to boiling solvent temperature LLE 1525 min

High consumption of solvents. High risk of exposure of laboratory personnel to vapours of organic solvents. High waste generation. Soxhlet is especially time consuming. Simple techniques. Less energy requirements than classical soxhlet or soxtec. Possible problems of safety when closed vessels are used

Microwave-assisted extraction PMAE 1030 min, up to boiling solvent temperature, closed vessel FMAE 1030 min, open vessel 3070 ml 50200 ml High/moderate Low/lowmoderate

Ultrasound assisted extraction UAE 1060 min, with ultrasonic bath 25 ml (solid trap); 3060 ml (liquid trap) High/high

Safe procedure (atmospheric temperature and pressure). Low energy requirements. Very simple technique High energy requirements. Using solid trap only small volumes of organic solvents are necessary

Supercritical uid extraction SFE 1060 min, pressure up to 1100 psi and temperature up to 31.1 1C when CO2 is used

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1040 ml


High energy requirements. More rapid procedures. When SWE is used with SPE, SPME or SBSE a virtually solvent-free technique is achieved

Pressurized liquid extraction ASE 1020 min, pressure up to 2000 psi and temperature up to 200 1C SWE 1020 min, pressure up to 3000 psi and temperature up to 300 1C 1025 ml only when a solvent is used for back-extraction High/high 515 ml (conditioning and elution) 110 ml 225 ml 10100 ml 11000 ml 500800 ml High/low Moderate/moderate High/low High/low High/moderate High/moderate Moderate/moderate Low/low Low/low Low/low High/moderate Low consumption of solvent. Reduced waste generation Virtually solvent free. Miniaturized systems

Green Sample Preparation Methods

Solid phase extraction SPE 525 min


techniques 1060 min 30200 min 560 min 560 min 210 min

Membrane-based extraction MMLLE 1090 min SLME 1090 min MASE 20120 min

Low consumption of solvent or virtually solvent free. Miniaturization. Automation. Simple procedures Solvent free. Simple procedures

Surfactant-based extraction CPE 20 min, up to cloud point temperature (o100 1C) MAME 1030 min, in closed vessel



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20 min). The possibility of automation increases the green character of this technique. The combination of ow injection analysis (FIA) with CPE has been reported for both inorganic and organic analytes.172,173 When MAE is used in combination with the ability of the surfactant to solubilize dierent species, it gives place to MW-assisted micellar extraction (MAME). Since Ganzler et al. introduced the rst application to extract organic compounds from contaminated soils in 1987,179 MAME has been developed for dierent types of matrices and analytes, mainly organic compounds.171,180 MAME entails the MW irradiation of the sample with the surfactant in a closed vessel. After extraction, samples are left to cool. Before analysis, a clean-up might be necessary and for most applications a simple ltration using a membrane syringe lter is necessary.171 The most important parameters that can inuence in the extraction process in MAME are the nature and volume of surfactant, matrix characteristics, extraction temperature, MW power, and duration of extraction. The volume of surfactant must be sucient to ensure that the sample is entirely immersed. If the sample is fully immersed, higher surfactant volume does not inuence the extraction eciency in contrast to conventional extraction techniques. MAME, as a combined technique, combines the advantages of MAE (see section 4.2, MW-assisted sample preparation) and CPE. In addition, considering practical and economical aspects of MAME, the facilities of operation, rapidity, low cost, and the ease of handling, makes this technique very attractive both analytically and from a green perspective. The combination of the surfactant capacity to solubilize and ultrasoundassisted extraction (see section 4.3, ultrasound-assisted sample preparation) is referred as ultrasound-assisted micellar extraction (USME). It has been used for the extraction of organic compounds,181,182 e.g. PAHs have been extracted using 10 ml of an 0.1 M surfactant solution. USME does not require the use of potentially hazardous organic solvents, which provides an important advantage over UAE.

4.9.2 Emulsication
Other surfactant-based procedures such as emulsication have been used for sample pretreatment as an interesting strategy for liposoluble matrixes. Emulsions of dierent samples, especially crude oils, allow the direct and rapid analysis of samples, without resorting to strong acids or large volumes of organic solvents. It can be considered an interesting approach from a green perspective, particularly when emulsication is carried out by ultrasound. In general, mechanical or manual stirring is used for formation of emulsion as well as for maintaining its stability during analysis. In this regard, the use of ultrasound makes it possible to obtain a stable and homogeneous emulsion more quickly, and with smaller amounts of surfactant, than mechanical stirring.183 Ultrasonic emulsication consists of two processes: (1) interfacial instability of the oilwater interface and (2) transient cavitation bubbles that

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generate microstreaming, high-pressure shock waves, and high local temperature during their collapse. These phenomena accelerate the mass-transfer process between two immiscible phases by generating smaller droplets of the dispersed phase.184,185 Ultrasonic emulsication has been mainly focused on trace element determination, but some applications have also been described for organic compounds.186 A comparison of ultrasonic emulsication and MW-assisted digestion has been made for trace metal determination in cosmetic samples.187 Emulsication results in a green approach because of its simplicity (minimal operations involved), rapidity, and low consumption of reagents. Only media that contain diluted acids are needed, thereby avoiding the use of concentrated mineral acids. In contrast to MAD, mild conditions (atmospheric pressure and room temperature) are used in ultrasound-assisted emulsication. Operating conditions, organic extractant consumption, automation level, investment costs, and greenness-related issues for some techniques mainly used in the extraction of organic analytes are shown in Table 4.2.

4.10 Present State of Green Sample Preparation

In this chapter, several analytical methodologies for sample preparation have been discussed and evaluated with respect to the paradigm of green chemistry. Progress in automation, acceleration, miniaturization, and simplication along with the use of green chemicals and new materials have driven the development of many green analytical methods. The greenness reached in some of them is noteworthy. Thus, microextraction techniques such as solid-phase and liquidphase microextraction constitute relevant examples that closely approach the premises of green chemistry. Implementation of energies such as ultrasound in laboratory operations gives rise to accelerated procedures, with low energy consumption and very safe operating conditions. For trace organic analysis, several techniques have been developed making use of fast processes, with green solvents in some cases, e.g. supercritical carbon dioxide, and minimum amount of chemicals. The fullment of green chemistry principles for inorganic trace analysis is more troublesome, since mineral acids at high concentration are generally needed, yet some digestion approaches involving small volume of acids or ow systems have a better greenness prole. Surfactants, membranes, and solid phases allow simple approaches that can diminish or even completely remove the need for organic solvents in the extraction of both organic and inorganic analytes from liquid samples.

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