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QEMU and Kernel-based Virtual Machine - Wiki - qemu-kvm & libvirt


QEMU and Kernel-based Virtual Machine - Wiki

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Introduction Basics Installation Quick Start QEMU-Monitor Storage Media Virtual Hardware Network Options Special Options Management Tools Host-Systems QEMU QEMU QEMU QEMU QEMU QEMU QEMU and KQEMU under Linux ist running not only on Linux. under Microsoft Windows and Wine under OS/2 Warp 4 and eComstation under DOS under Mac OS X under BSD (Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD)
Warnke, Ritzau qemu-kvm & libvirt 4. Edition 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8370-0876-0 276 Pages, 27,27 EUR Order

Guest Systems Appendix Archive of the old unofficial Wiki of QEMU Order (print version) | Recommendation | The Authors | Imprint, Contact Von http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Book/_Content Diese Seite wurde bisher 50.097 mal abgerufen. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 30. Juli 2010 um 06:08 Uhr gendert. Inhalt ist verfgbar unter der GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

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1/29/2011 8:40 PM

Emulation virtualization computer literature training materials - libvirt qe...


Emulation virtualization computer literature training materials

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / General / Introduction]])
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Virtual machines provide defined system environments. For templates with a specific version of an operating system and a desired patch level virtual machines are generated. Snapshots save states of a virtual machine. When an unwanted change can be restored to their former condition. Virtualization and emulation allow the independence of the hardware. Thus, for example, to run old versions of an application to develop new hardware or software for non-existing hardware. These are the strengths of QEMU. QEMU is free and runs on many systems (Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, eComStation or DOS). Virtualization brings a number of advantages, depending on the type are weighted differently. Given that several guest systems can run on a parallel computer, increases hardware utilization is possible. Previously, for critical applications used in each case a physical computer. The result is a large machine park with a correspondingly high cost (acquisition, maintenance, power, air conditioning). If, however, individual applications running in a virtual machine, the applications are decoupled from each other and the hardware is better utilized. Besides security, the availability is increased, because virtual machines can be transferred in case of hardware problems on a different hardware. This optimization of the data center through virtualization solutions are called server consolidation. The Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is an appropriate virtualization solution. KVM is open source and runs on Linux. The management of virtual machines is done under different virtualization solutions is very different. In a heterogeneous data center, it is often impossible to control with a tool more virtualization solutions. To solve this problem, the C library is designed libvirt. It provides standard interfaces for managing different virtualization solutions.

The print edition

QEMU, the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) and the C library in the libvirt wiki http://qemu-buch.de described in detail. All text is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. The lyrics of this Wiki have been adjusted for this book. This book is both a workbook and a reference book. It is aimed at (Linux) system administrators, software developers, software testers, and students interested in technology. The many examples of applications and the license used, it is particularly suitable as training material. It uses the following notations. Courier font For console commands and source code. ~ # Command For Unix console commands as system administrator (root). ~ $ Command For Unix console commands as normal user. Host ~ # command For Unix console commands as system administrator (root) on the host computer. ~ $ Host command

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1/29/2011 6:27 PM

Emulation virtualization computer literature training materials - libvirt qe...


For Unix console commands as normal user on the host computer. Host C: \> command For DOS / Windows console commands on the host computer. As the options regardless of the operating system, here is usually the spelling for the Unix console uses. Host ~ # command For Unix console commands as system administrator (root) on the host system. Guest ~ $ command For Unix console commands as a normal user on the host system. Guest C: \> command For DOS / Windows console commands on the host computer. (Qemu) command For orders of the QEMU monitor. virsh # command For instructions of the program virsh (libvirt library). Host A long ~ $ command, \ the line can not be listed in a. If a command can not be represented in a line, the line break is represented by a backslash. The command is entered in one line. In http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools KVM are some useful tools for working with QEMU and explained. This overview also serves to get along with less well-known guest systems. Most of the described tools are easy to use as a command-line commands, and come from the Unix environment. They are also on other platforms such as Microsoft Windows released. | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Allgemeines/_Einleitung " This page has been accessed 25,187 times. This page was last updated on 23 March 2010 at 14:11 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:27 PM

QEMU-KVM libvirt virtualization hardware emulation Native virtualizatio...


QEMU-KVM libvirt virtualization hardware emulation Native virtualization, paravirtualization, full virtualization, hypervisor, Single Kernel Image
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1/29/2011 6:29 PM

QEMU-KVM libvirt virtualization hardware emulation Native virtualizatio...


OS / 2 and Microsoft Windows 98 to run in QEMU on Solaris 10 on SPARC processor architecture.

The graphical front end AQEMU.

Microsoft Windows 7 as a guest system under QEMU / KVM.

The Virtual Machine Manager.

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1/29/2011 6:29 PM

QEMU-KVM libvirt virtualization hardware emulation Native virtualizatio...


Contents 1 Basics 1.1 Virtualization 1.1.1 Hardware Emulation 1.1.2 Native Virtualization 1.1.3 paravirtualization / Full Virtualization 1.1.4 operating system level virtualization 2.1 Emulation 1.2.1 Hardware Emulation 1.2.2 API emulation 1.3 The versatile QEMU 1.4 The Kernel-based Virtual Machine on the rise 1.5 The libvirt library

The Qemu Manager for Windows on Mac OS X. WineBottle

The primary goal of virtualization is the decoupling of software from the available hardware resources to allocate them optimally to the isolated individual systems. It is all about the core components of CPU, memory, disk space and network connectivity. Virtualization allows the placement of specific virtual machines, each containing only the necessary services for their task. Thus, for although on a physical machine both a Web server, a mail server and an FTP server running simultaneously, but for security reasons it is not recommended. If one of the three services is compromised, the entire machine is affected. however, these services are in each virtual machine isolated from each other on the system operated, only the affected virtual machine to be replaced. Another advantage is the server consolidation. The virtual machines are assigned exactly the resources needed for a particular task. If the requirements will be modified as resources without changing the hardware.

Warnke, Ritzau qemu-kvm and libvirt 4. Edition 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8370-0876-0 276 pages, 27.27 EUR Order

Hardware Emulation
In hardware emulation, the entire hardware of a computer is simulated. It is possible to install and run on operating systems that are designed for other processors. This is simulated including the full instruction set of the host processor via the host processor. The emulation but has a cost. Since each CPU instruction of the host system CPU into corresponding commands on the host system must be translated, the execution speed of programs is low. Another disadvantage is the lack of a dynamic resource management. That is, during the term can host systems resources are not allocated variable. Without QEMU accelerator is a hardware emulator.

Native Virtualization
The Native Virtualization, also known as hardware virtualization, the guest operating system parts of the physical hardware is in the form of virtual hardware. To ensure that only guests are served that are compatible with the CPU of the host. The privileged CPU instructions, the guest systems are directly managed by the kernel while the host system. In contrast hits on devices (video card, network card, etc.) made via emulated standard components. Known members of this virtualization approach is VirtualBox, VMware Player, VMware Server, VMware Workstation and Parallels Desktop / Workstation. The execution speed of the guest systems, this method is high. QEMU supports up to version 0.11 the optional accelerator KQEMU and thus the Native Virtualization.

paravirtualization / Full Virtualization

In contrast to hardware emulation and the Native Virtualization offers paravirtualization only similar interface as the physical hardware. The critical CPU commands that directly address the hardware, must first be rewritten in the host system and therefore need not be intercepted and replaced by more complicated procedures. A sleek program, the hypervisor (virtual machine monitor), does the scheduling

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1/29/2011 6:29 PM

QEMU-KVM libvirt virtualization hardware emulation Native virtualizatio...


tasks for the resources of virtual machines. The disadvantage is that the guest operating systems must be adapted. Only processors with hardware virtualization technology (Intel's Vanderpool, AMD Pacifica) enable you to run unmodified guest systems. This is called the Full Virtualization, or the hardwareassisted virtualization. The latter is not to be confused with the hardware emulation. One advantage of paravirtualization and full virtualization is the much higher execution speed. Another advantage is the live migration, which is transmitted to the virtual machines on the fly from a host system to another. The host systems are continuously available, even if one of the hosts are shut down for maintenance work. There are two types of hypervisor: Type 1 hypervisor: The hypervisor runs directly on the hardware and provides the guest systems, the resources available. Typical examples are Xen (open source) and VMware ESX (i). With Xen and VMware ESX Hypervisor is above a privileged virtual machine (Linux) to control. Type 2 hypervisor: The hypervisor runs on an operating system that the I / O resources provide. A typical example of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is. KVM supports full virtualization. Further support VirtualBox, VMware Player, VMware Workstation and VMware Server Full Virtualization.

OS-level virtualization
When virtualization at the OS level, divide the host and guest systems with kernel (single kernel image SKI). Here, the virtualized operating system and not the hardware. The host operating system generates more instances of itself this reason only guest systems with the same kernel as the host system supported. Since the overhead is low, the execution speed is high. Typical representatives of this category, the Solaris Zones, BSD jails, Linux Containers (LXC) are OpenVZ and Linux-VServer. QEMU does not have this type of KVM virtualization are assigned.

In connection with virtualization is often called the term emulation. As emulation is referred to in computing the functional simulating a system by another. Recreate the system receives the same data, executes the same programs and achieve the same results as the original system. An emulator is a system that imitates another. the emulated system is operated isolated present, it is not a virtualization.

Hardware Emulation
In the section virtualization has already described the hardware emulation. Since the emulated computers are isolated from each host system, this type of emulation virtualization. The hardware emulation is not to be confused with the hardware-assisted virtualization. QEMU without acceleration, is described as a hardware emulator. KVM can not be assigned to the hardware emulation.

API emulation
and libraries of another operating system modeled - In this type of emulation interfaces (API Application Programming Interface). This can run programs of the other operating system. This type of emulation is not necessarily isolated to running programs. They run along with emulation libraries directly in the host system. This is not a virtualization. A typical example is Cygwin. Cygwin on Windows provides the API functions of Linux. Under Cygwin you have full access to the host system. Cygwin is therefore not a virtualization solution. The versatile QEMU under Linux, BSD and Mac OS X / Darwin also an OS API emulation. The user space emulation allows execution of programs (binaries) that are compiled for other libraries. The user space emulation QEMU is used by the software Darwine under the PowerPC architecture. Darwin, now WineBottle is a port of Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator, see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang /_Ntzliche_Tools/_Wine ) on Mac OS X. The goal is to run Windows applications on Mac OS X.

The versatile QEMU

Websites: http://wiki.qemu.org The free, open-source QEMU emulates the entire hardware of a computer's CPU (hardware emulation). QEMU is not, such as VMware, on the x86 architecture is limited. QEMU achieved by the Dynamic translation is a good speed. QEMU accelerator 0.11.x to the optional KQEMU was supported (Native Virtualization). The development of KQEMU has been set. 12:12 From QEMU building on the advantages

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1/29/2011 6:29 PM

QEMU-KVM libvirt virtualization hardware emulation Native virtualizatio...


of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (see below). QEMU runs on many operating systems (Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, eComStation, DOS) and processor architectures and is easy to install. To install QEMU accelerator without any administrator privileges. Thus, a virtual machine, including QEMU be burned to a DVD and started on another computer. QEMU allows you to save states of the virtual machine several times. These VM snapshots, changes to the system can be reversed. QEMU has features not found in other virtualization software. For example, QEMU supports live migration, debugging the system and boot from older disk formats. It can emulate hardware failure. It is also possible to set the system time of the host system as desired. Live-CD/DVDsand boot floppy to start with QEMU, without restarting the computer. For QEMU package includes the powerful tool qemu-img. It is used to create, convert, and encrypt an image file (virtual hard disks) in various formats. QEMU can boot a virtual machine image files directly from other virtualization software. Using QEMU, you can move virtual machines for the Kernel-based Virtual Machine. It is thus possible in hardware on the Kernel-based Virtual Machine is not running. Furthermore, part of the package, the tool QEMU qemu-nbd. It is used to export of image files over the network using the NDB Protocol (Network Block Device). Under Linux, BSD and Mac OS X QEMU also supports user-space emulation. This API emulation that allows executable programs compiled for other dynamic libraries, operate in user space. Here, the processors x86, PowerPC, ARM, MIPS 32-bit, Sparc32/64, ColdFire (m68k), ETRAX CRIS support and MicroBlaze. QEMU is developed under Linux and open source software. There are ports for many operating systems. Many other virtualization (KVM, Sun xVM VirtualBox, Xen, FAUmachine, Win4BSD, Win4Solaris, Win4Lin, and Darwin) use parts of the source code of QEMU. In return, the source code of these products will be re-integrated into QEMU. Thanks to the openness of the source code and configuration options start with the development of additional tools is problematic.

Kernel-based Virtual Machine on the rise

Websites: http://www.linux-kvm.org http://www.linux-kvm.com The Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is considered to whiz in the virtualization solutions. One reason for this is that KVM consistently on the benefits of processors with hardware virtualization technology (AMD Pacifica, Intel's Vanderpool) sets. The Kernel-based Virtual Machine that is used in the Full Virtualization (type 2 hypervisor). KVM support usually is not the paravirtualization. There is a patch that enables the paravirtualization of Linux guests. This patch was not included in the Linux kernel. The use of paravirtualized device drivers for guest systems, however, is possible. The advantage of this driver is the lower overhead and higher performance. KVM supports other CPU extensions such as page tables (Nested Page Tables - AMD Extended Paging Tables - Intel) and IOMMU (I / O Memory Mapping Unit). Page tables are used for translation of guest in host addresses. Thus, the hypervisor is the task of each address request from a host system relieves a shadow page table to be determined. For KVM, the Kernel Merging Same Page (KSM) in the Linux kernel has been integrated as of version 2.6.32. KSM consolidates identical memory areas. This is more memory to virtual machines made available as a physical memory available. KVM and this CPU extensions enable the Nested Virtualization. That is, in a virtual environment in turn virtualization solutions. A Kernel-based Virtual Machine can therefore under a Kernel-based Virtual Machine to be started and contain virtual machines. Components of the KVM kernel modules kvm.ko, the hardware-specific modules or kvm-kvm-intel.ko amd.ko and the device file / dev / kvm. After loading the modules of the Linux kernel itself works as a hypervisor. The KVM kernel modules prevent the execution of other virtualization solutions, such as Sun xVM VirtualBox and VMware Server, Workstation and Player. Xen is an advantage over the use of only a privileged system. Xen privileged requires two systems: the hypervisor and the special guest system domain 0 (Linux). First, because the installation of KVM is easier than Xen, the other is a privileged system to secure more than two. KVM is not a virtual hardware. This does QEMU. The development of KVM and QEMU is merged. Why KVM is described here together with QEMU. Many Linux distributions include QEMU and KVM KVM) as a

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1/29/2011 6:29 PM

QEMU-KVM libvirt virtualization hardware emulation Native virtualizatio...


package (one of qemu. Unlike QEMU KVM only supports host systems with x86 processors. KVM is open source and runs on Linux kernel version 2.6.20. KVM Qumranet is developed by Israeli companies. Qumranet has since been bought by Red Hat, the KVM said the focus of its virtualization strategy. Based on KVM, Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise complete virtualization solution for Server Virtualization developed. The operational area of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine, the Server Consolidation (Data Center Virtualization) is. However, KVM used on the desktop and replaces KQEMU.

The libvirt library

Website: http://libvirt.org While many virtualization solutions are now free, appropriate management tools are usually expensive. Furthermore, in a heterogeneous data center management tools are often several different virtualization solutions are required. To solve these problems, the library developed libvirt. Libvirt, a virtualization layer between software and management tools. Building on this layer manage appropriate management tools (Virtual Machine Manager virsh) the different virtualization solutions. already supports QEMU, KVM, Xen, VirtualBox, VMware ESX, LXC Linux container system, OpenVZ Linux container system, and Mode Linux. libvirt is released as open source users. For various Linux distributions are applicable software packages. The library can be Cygwin and MinGW under Microsoft Windows to compile. <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Grundlagen " This page has been accessed 32,978 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 17:40 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:29 PM

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KVM QEMU download installation: qemu-kvm qemu-kvm-extras build Linux, Kernel Same Page Merging KSM
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / installation]])
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Contents 1 Installation of QEMU 1.1 QEMU on Linux 1.1.1 Software packages 1.1.2 compile from source QEMU on Ubuntu 0.13.0 1.1.3 KVM kernel modules 1.1.4 Problems

The installation of QEMU can be tested in a virtual machine.

Installation of QEMU
The installation of QEMU is easy for the major operating systems and is made with the usual methods. Installation instructions can be found at each of the specified URL. Microsoft Windows and Wine OS / 2 Warp 4 and eComStation DOS Mac OS X (x86) FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris http://qemu-buch.de /d/QEMU_unter_Microsoft_Windows http://qemu-buch.de /d/QEMU_unter_eComstation http://qemu-buch.de/d/QEMU_unter_DOS http://qemu-buch.de /d/QEMU_unter_Mac_OS_X http://qemu-buch.de/d/QEMU_unter_BSD
OpenSuSE - software sources. Debian / Ubuntu - Use Synaptic to install software packages.

QEMU on Linux
The support for the QEMU accelerator KQEMU ends with 12:11 .*. From QEMU 0.12.0, only the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is supported. On computers without hardware virtualization technology is KVM but not used. Who would not buy any new hardware and accelerate QEMU will still need to install QEMU 00:11 .* or older. A guide can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/QEMU+KQEMU_unter_Linux . The support of the hardware virtualization is disabled in the BIOS usually. This prevents rootkits that use the hardware virtualization. be activated for use of the KVM kernel modules must support hardware virtualization (example): Advanced 1 of 1

OpenSuSE - software that is installed with YAST.

1/29/2011 6:32 PM

KVM QEMU HOWTO Quick Start Manual Documentation Documentation ...


KVM QEMU HOWTO Quick Start Manual Documentation Documentation is qemu, kvm one, computer literature
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Quick Start
When you create a virtual machine the following steps: 1. First, a virtual disk (disk image) is generated. 2. Then QEMU or KVM is started with this virtual hard disk and the installation media. The virtual machine is configured with boot options. 3. The operating system, as installed in a real machine. It is only on the support of the emulated hardware respected. Special driver must not be installed in the host system. The QEMU boot options are on all operating systems equal. To demonstrate the key options in the example below, a virtual machine using shell commands will be generated. The call to QEMU on the command line has the advantage that error messages are displayed immediately. For this example, the operating system ReactOS ( http://www.reactos.org/de/ ) selected as the host system. To install the operating system a virtual disk is created. This is done with the package contained in the QEMU qemu-img tool and create the parameters. In some distributions this tool is called kvm-img. It is the name and size of the virtual harddisk. With the-f format, the preset. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 ReactOS.img 1G From the ReactOS website is the image of the installation CD to download and unpack. Host ~ $ unzip ReactOS *- iso.zip Is called QEMU, or the Kernel-based Virtual Machine normally qemu with the command. Some distributions call is made with the kvm, qemu-systemx86_32, qemu-system-x86_64 qemu or kvm-. To install the virtual machine is started from the installation CD. Whose name is entered after the option-cdrom. The name of the created virtual hard drive on the option-typed hda. This virtual computer from the CD will boot the virtual, the option-boot d used. Host ~ $ qemu-hda ReactOS.img-cdrom-boot d ReactOS.iso If the error message appear at startup that the file was not found bios.bin must additionally with the QEMU start option-L is the path to this file will be given. If the file bios.bin in the current path point is indicated.
ReactOS under QEMU. ReactOS boot.

The virtual PC is booted.

bios.bin may need to be made when starting QEMU to the directory containing the file.

Host $ qemu-hda-cdrom ReactOS.img ReactOS.iso-boot c-L. It will start the virtual PC in a window. Installing ReactOS is started by clicking in the window and pressing any key. First, the German keyboard is selected. Thereafter, the virtual disk is partitioned and formatted. The target directory for the installation of the ReactOS files need not be changed. After the

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1/29/2011 6:33 PM

KVM QEMU HOWTO Quick Start Manual Documentation Documentation ...


boot loader is installed, the default option Install bootloader on the harddisk (MBR) holds. Then the virtual machine must be restarted and the installation continues graphically. In order to boot from the hard disk, c is the option-boot to apply. Host ~ $ qemu-hda ReactOS.img-cdrom-boot c ReactOS.iso To boot without the CD image but with a supported network card, the command applies. This QEMU configured via the integrated DHCP server, the network settings of the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-net user-net ReactOS.img nic, model = PCnet In older QEMU / KVM card is the network versions ne2k_pci to use. Host ~ $ qemu-net user-net ReactOS.img nic, model = ne2k_pci

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1/29/2011 6:33 PM

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QEMU-/KVM-Instanzen control, QEMU monitor, CD / DVD switch

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / The QEMU monitor]])
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The QEMU monitor

Controlling a virtual machine (instance) whose term is done with keyboard shortcuts and the QEMU monitor. Keyboard shortcuts Function [Ctrl] + [Alt] [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [1] [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2] [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [3] [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [4] [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [H] [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F] [Ctrl] + [Alt] [U] Release the mouse and keyboard. Changing the display of the guest operating system. Switch to console 2: QEMU monitor. Switching to console 3: Serial output. Switch to console 4: Parallel output. Provides help in the-Oceanographic. Toggle between full screen and windowed mode. Where the original window size restore.

The QEMU monitor.

The QEMU monitor has the following functions: Changing or eject removable media (CD / DVD-ROMs, floppy disks). The freezing and further run a virtual machine. Backing up and restoring various states of the virtual machine. Inspecting the state of a virtual machine. The migration of a virtual machine to another host. Changing the hardware (USB, PCI, ...). The injection of emulated hardware failures. With the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2] leads to the QEMU monitor. The precepts of the QEMU monitor on the help command lists. (Qemu) help The info command gives status information on the current instance. If you give info only, parameter is a list of possible output. The QEMU version is version info to determine. (Qemu) version info 0.13.0 The kvm command info shows if the KVM hardware virtualization is enabled or not. (Qemu) info kvm kvm support: enabled The command-line history, the parameter of history. (Qemu) info history

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1/29/2011 6:35 PM

QEMU-KVM-Buch / Memory - qemu-kvm and libvirt


QEMU-KVM-Buch / Storage Media

For qemu-kvm and libvirt - QEMU + Kernel-based Virtual Machine - Wiki
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As a storage media here are hard disks, floppy disks, CD / DVDs, USB memory sticks, called on-board Flash memory, Secure Digital cards, and parallel flashes. For virtual machines instead of real disks usually use image files that are stored in the file system of the host. Access to storage media Image formats Creating Images Convert images, compress, encrypt and enlarge Images and other virtualizer Emulators Physical to virtual VM snapshots Virtual FAT disk Network Block Devices Images in the host system include Tools for computer forensics <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien " This page has been accessed 12,969 times. This page was last updated on 26 Amended in February 2010 at 15:18 clock. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:38 PM

Hard disks floppies DVDROM CDROM Memory Cards Flash Memory s...


Hard disks floppies DVDROM CDROM Memory Cards Flash Memory snapshot netboot.me
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / media / access to storage media]])
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Contents 1 Access to media 1.1 Solid slabs CD / DVD 2.1 1.3 floppy 4.1 Memory Cards and Flash Memory 1.5 boot sequence 1.6 Write Protection 1.7 Definition of drives with the option-drive

A CP/M-86-Diskette boots in QEMU.

access to storage media

The names and states of the storage media lists in QEMU monitor, the command info on block. Here is an example. The first column shows the name of the storage medium. Use this name to the media in QEMU monitor is addressed.
The option-boot order =

(Qemu) info block ide0-hd0: type = hd removable = 0 file = os2w4.img ro once = d, menu = on. floppy0: dcn, = 0 = drv qcow2

Hard Drives
Requests to (virtual) hard drives via the options-file hda, hdb-file,-hdc file, and file-hdd-drive show. This file is usually an image file, as this example: Host ~ $ qemu-hda-hdb Platte.img second-Platte.img With a single virtual hard disk, the option-hda be omitted. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img It is possible, a hard disk of the host system to provide the guest system. HTTP-charged image of This file is the full path to the device specified. In unix-like systems (BSD, netboot.me. Mac OS, Solaris, Linux and others) are the appropriate device files in / dev. The specific names of the devices are, however, vary on the systems. If the host is a Linux system, these are such as / dev / hda (first disk on the IDE controller), / dev / sda (first SCSI disk on controller or SATA controller). Mac OS X addresses the first record / dev/disk0 with. In Microsoft Windows versions are driven real physical disks with the syntax \ \. \ Involved, where N is the number of the drive is (0 is the first hard disk). When you install Microsoft Windows 2000 as guest operating system is the option-win2k-hack needed because the bug hard drive when you install a fully characterizes the. After installation, this option is removed. aged hard drives that are up to a few hundred megabytes of storage capacity includes the case,] the optionhdachs c, h, s, [, t interesting. It defines the physical geometry of the first virtual hard drive. It is possible the number of cylinders (1 <= c <= 16 383), heads (1 <= h <= 16) and the sectors (1 <= s <= 63) set the. Optional is the BIOS translation mode (t = none, lba or auto) set. The BIOS translation was used to overcome the 524-MB limit on older hard drives and older BIOS versions.


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1/29/2011 6:41 PM

Hard disks floppies DVDROM CDROM Memory Cards Flash Memory s...


Requests to (virtual) CD-/DVDs enable the options and file-cdrom-drive, where file is an image file or an actual device is. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom Platte.img cd.iso A CD / DVD device system to the host system to make available the host, is to file the full path to the CD / DVD device indicated. If the host is a Linux system, these are such as / dev / cdrom or / dev / dvd. The following example will boot a system from a DVD disc. Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom / dev / dvd On Microsoft Windows CD / DVD drives on the host system are integrated by specifying its drive letter. This is certainly familiar to Windows users than the Linux-writing, which is also valid. The following command will boot a CD / DVD from the D: drive. Host C: \> qemu-L. Cdrom-d:

A CD / DVD to remove or replace it alternates with [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2] in the QEMU monitor. First, the name of the CD / DVD drive is to be determined. (Qemu) info block ide1-cd0: type = cdrom removable = 1 locked = 0 file = os2-warp ro = 0 drv = raw In this example, cd0 is the CD / DVD drive to ide1-known. A CD / DVD release, the command eject. (Qemu) eject ide1-cd0 A CD / DVD is changing with the change command. In this example, a real CD in Linux is changed. (Qemu) change ide1-cd0 / dev / cdrom Was QEMU / KVM support with curl compiled, protocol, access is possible through HTTP. In this example image is the instance with the CD-www.netboot.me HTTP started from. This can be installed several Linux and BSD distributions. Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom http://static.netboot.me/gpxe/netbootme.iso

Requests to (virtual) disks allow the options-fda file (drive A),-fdb file (drive B) and-drive. The following example uses a disk image. Host ~ $ qemu-fda Diskette.img Under Linux, disk drives are their real devices (/ dev/fd0, / dev/fd1) integrated over. Subsequently, the boot process from the first floppy drive is initiated. Host ~ $ qemu-fda / dev/fd0 To remove a floppy disk or replaced as you change the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2] in the QEMU monitor. First, the name of the drive is to be determined. (Qemu) info block floppy0: type = floppy removable = 1 locked = 0 file = d.dsk ro = 1 drv = raw In this example, drive is the floppy-floppy0 designated. A floppy disk, the command eject freely. (Qemu) eject floppy0 Change is a floppy disk with the command change. In this example, a real disk in Linux is changed. (Qemu) change floppy0 / dev/fd0 Was QEMU / KVM support with curl compiled, protocol, access is possible through HTTP. In this example

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image is the instance with the floppy www.netboot.me HTTP started from. This can be installed several Linux and BSD distributions. Since HTTP is no write access is possible, a write protection is necessary (see below). Host ~ $ qemu-fda http://static.netboot.me/gpxe/netbootme.dsk \ -Snapshot In the currently used formats, such as introduced by the MS-DOS FAT file system, the master boot record (MBR) for BIOS-based computers of the x86 architecture, the first data block (512 bytes). Is marked by the signature of the MBR 0xAA55. this signature is present, the BIOS assumes that it is a valid MBR. If the signature is not found, the boot process is interrupted and an error message such as non-system or Non-Bootable Disk appears. In older disk formats that signature was still unknown. These disks are thus not recognized as bootable, although they may contain an operating system. Nevertheless, to allow a boat, the option-no-fd-bootchk apply. They disabled the boot signature test. This makes it possible to boot a CP/M-86-Diskette. Host ~ $ wget http://www.gaby.de/ftp/pub/cpm/sysdisks/cpm86/86raw144.zip Host ~ $ qemu-fda 144cpm86.img-no-fd-bootchk \ Rtc-base = localtime-m 2

Memory Cards and Flash Memory

With the option-sd card file is a Secure Digital emulated. The file specified file serves as a Secure Digital card image. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-sd file The option-mtdblock file memory is an on-board flash emulated. The file specified file serves as an on-board flash memory image. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img mtdblock file The option-file pflash a flash emulates parallel. The file specified file serves as a parallel flash image. Host ~ $ qemu-system-arm-Platte.img pflash file

Boot sequence
The option-boot device from which regulates or image of the boot process is initiated. If more than one after the boot disks are used, the drives, the parameter order = apply. The following example will first try to boot from the floppy disk. This is not possible, it tries to CD / DVD-ROM to boot. If still unsuccessful, the boot process will start from the hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-fda Diskette.img-hda-cdrom Platte.img cd.iso \ Boot-order = adc once with the parameter = drives is the first time just trying to boot from the media. In the following example, only the boot from the CD / DVD drive is initiated. After rebooting the host system the hard drive as a boot medium is used. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom Platte.img cd.iso-boot once = d A boot menu to select the boot devices will be activated on the parameter menu =. This menu is called in the starting instance using the [F12]. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom Platte.img cd.iso-boot menu = on In older versions of QEMU followed the-boot only one letter (a, c, d, n, o or p). If this option after a given, u is the operating system tries from the first disk to start. B with the second floppy drive is specified. Host ~ $ qemu-fda Diskette.img Platte.img-hda-boot a A c defines the first hard drive as a boot medium (default). The letter d enabled CD / DVD drive. With the letters n, o, or p booting is configured on the network (see network services). Here is an example of booting

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from the hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-hda Platte.img-cdrom-boot c cd.iso The QEMU monitor to change a new boot sequence with the command boot_set. This overrides the values of boot. The values correspond to the parameters of-boot, but may vary according to machine type. In the following example, c-media set as boot. (Qemu) boot_set c

ReadStorage media can be protected from changes. This causes the-snapshot. The name of the option is misleading snapshot. With this option, not just a snapshot of the system is generated, but all media is provided with a read-only. Snapshots of the system are created with the other hand, VM snapshots. In the application of be-snapshot, the changes actually written to the storage media, temporary files stored in. Example: Host ~ $ qemu-snapshot Platte.img With [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [s] at any time save the changes to the disk is possible. Likewise, stores the commit command in QEMU monitor the changes. The commit command all causes all devices to be secured. This represents the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [s]. (Qemu) commit all The following command saves only the first disk (hda Device). (Qemu) commit hda

Definition of drives with the option-drive

From version 0.9.1 QEMU with its option-drive options for flexible definition of virtual drives. -Drive [, [, [, [, [file = file] [, if = type] [, bus = n] [, unit = m] [, media = d] [, index = i] \ Cyls = c, heads = h, secs = s [, trans = t]] [snapshot = on | off] \ Cache = write through | writeback | unsafe | none] [, format = f] \ Serial = s] [, addr = A] [, id = name] [, aio threads = | native] \ Readonly = on | off]

Possible options are: file = file This option defines which image is used for this drive. If the file name by a comma, it should be double this. if = type This option defines what kind of interface the drive is connected. Options are: ide, scsi, sd (Secure Digital Card), mtd (on-board flash memory), floppy, pflash (parallel Flash), virtio (paravirtualized block device). bus n = unit = m These options define by specifying the bus number and unit ID as the drive is connected. media = d This option sets the media type (disk or cdrom). index = i Defines an interface on which connector is connected the drive. With Connectors, the index number of the specified.

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cyls = c, heads = h, secs = s [, trans = t] These options have the same meanings as in-hdachs. snapshot = on | off The option can be set on or off and allows the (de) activation of the snapshot function for the specified drive (see option-snapshot). cache = none | write through | writeback | unsafe The cache option can be none, write back, write through (default) or unsafe to be set. It controls the use of the cache for the specified drive. With the contact of the parameter write through write requests, the host cache for read and used. The confirmation of the write operation is sent to the host system only when the storage subsystem has confirmed the writing process. In the write back option is already writing the confirmation sent when the data of the host are stored in the cache. Crashes the host, it can cause loss of data. With unsafe contents of the cache never written to the disk. For problems with the host thereby threatening loss of data. At the start snapshot default option is unsafe as a set. When none option cache, the host is not used. QEMU and KVM can cache the data internally. The performance can be certain drivers in combination with the option to write through and the image size be less qcow2. If more emphasis on speed to put as security, is to apply the write back option. format = f Specifies the image format (eg format = raw). serial = s Defines the number for the allocation of the device. addr = A Defines the PCI device address of the controller (virtio). boot = on | off If the option is set boot = on, boot the drive is made possible by. aio threads = | native Allows you to choose from Pthread based disk I / O and Native Linux AIO. readonly = on | off With readonly = on the drive is read-bear. Instead of the option-cdrom, it is possible to use the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = cd.iso, index = 2, media = cdrom The options-hda-hdb,-hdc and hdd are replaced as follows: Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = Platte.img, index = 0, media = disk Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = Platte.img, index = 1, media = disk Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = Platte.img, index = 2, media = disk Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = Platte.img, index = 3, media = disk The options include CD-ROM drive as a slave of ide0 a: Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = cd.iso, if = ide, index = 1, media = cdrom If the option file does not define drive is created without an inserted medium. Host ~ $ qemu-drive if = ide, index = 1, media = cdrom

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The following options define a SCSI hard disk with unit ID 6 on the bus 0: Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = Platte.img, if = scsi, bus = 0, unit = 6 Instead of the-fda fdb or can be used the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = a.img, index = 0, if = floppy Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = b.img, index = 1, if = floppy The index value is incremented automatically. Host ~ $ qemu-drive file = c.img-drive file = d.img This corresponds to the following command line. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-hdb c.img d.img In the QEMU monitor, add the command drive_add the running virtual machine a virtual PCI-drive added. In this example, the image is connected daten.img. (Qemu) drive_add dummy if = none, id = mydisk, file = daten.img The options are similar to those of drive_add-drive. The syntax is: (Qemu) drive_add [[<domain>:] <bus>:] <slot> \ [File = file] [, if = type] [, bus = n] \ [, Unit = m] [, media = d] [index = i] \ [, Cyls = c, heads = h, secs = s [, trans = t]] \ [Snapshot = on | off] [, cache = on | off] <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien /_Zugriff_auf_Speichermedien " This page has been accessed 17,999 times. This page was last updated on 17 January 2011 at 16:59 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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KVM QEMU qemu-img convert, image, image formats sparse qcow2 raw...


KVM QEMU qemu-img convert, image, image formats sparse qcow2 raw cow qcow cloop vmdk vpc bochs dmg nbd parallels vvfat
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / media / image formats]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 Supported image formats 1.1 raw 2.1 host_device 1.3 qcow2 4.1 qcow 1.5 cow 1.6 vmdk 1.7 vdi 1.8 cloop 09.01 nbd 1:10 parallels 1:11 vvfat 1:12 vpc 1:13 bochs 1:14 dmg

Supported image formats

QEMU and KVM can not only create new virtual storage devices, storage media but also other virtualization programs, such as VMware convert. This tool is described below, the qemu-img. QEMU / KVM following image formats are supported.

The raw format is the default format. It is simple and can easily convert. a new, blank image in raw format to a certain size, for example, produced 10 GB, it occupies in older file systems exactly this size (10 GB). Newer file systems support more effective management of files, containing the uncovered blocks. Such files occupy in these file systems such as just the space they occupy on blocks. A file of unused blocks is sparse file. Images in raw format files can be created as sparse.

For block or other devices, the effective management of unused blocks in files do not support, the format host_device apply.

The format is the most versatile qcow2 format and replaces the old format from qcow. Images in qcow2 format are dynamic. Their size depends on their level. When qcow2 format file size is independent of whether the file system for efficient management of sparse files supported. Qcow2 supports multiple storage of system states of the virtual machine (VM snapshot). Furthermore, encryption (AES) and compression (zlib) is possible. In qcow2 content is stored in the clusters. Each cluster contains a number of 512 byte sectors. There are options of qemu-img (-o) supports the following: backing_file = filename Filename of the base image (see-img create qemu).

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backing_fmt = fmt Image format of the base image (see-img create qemu). encryption = on | off Encrypted image. The encryption is done with AES (128 bit key), making it very safe. For maximum security, a password must be used with 16 characters. cluster_size = alue Changes the default cluster size (512 bytes). There are values between 512 and 2MByte possible. Smaller values optimize the file size. Larger values result in better performance. preallocation = off | metadata An image with assigned meta-data is initially larger, but has a better performance when zooming.

qcow is the old QEMU image format. Images in qcow format are dynamic. Their sizes depend on their level. In qcow is the file size does not depend on whether the file system for efficient management of sparse files allowed. Still supported qcow encryption and compression. There are options of qemu-img (-o) supports the following: backing_file See qcow2. encryption See qcow2.

The old format copy-on-write is available only because of compatibility with older versions of QEMU. It does not work under Microsoft Windows.

vmdk is the standard format of VMware Workstation. There are options of qemu-img (-o) supports the following: backing_fmt See qcow2. compat6 Forces at the vmdk format compatibility level 6 for the destination image file.

vdi is the standard format of VirtualBox.

The format Compressed loop is compressed CD-ROM images used, for example Knoppix-CD/DVD-ROMs.

nbd), the format of the NBD protocol (Network Block Device.


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Parallels is the standard format of virtualization solutions from Parallels, Inc.

With vvfat disks are virtual FAT meant.

VPC is the standard format for images of Microsoft Virtual PC.

bochs is the format of the free and AMD64 x86 emulator Bochs.

dmg is a disk image file format under Mac OS X and is used mostly for distribution of software over the Internet. These images can be uncompressed or compressed. Uncompressed dmg files can be read directly from qemu img. Compressed dmg files can be unpacked dmg2img the tool with.

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Images create qemu-img create, kvm-img dd iso raw qcow qcow2 overlay...


Images create qemu-img create, kvm-img dd iso raw qcow qcow2 overlay ovl, sparse image, sparse files, genisoimage
(Link [Create [QEMU-KVM-Buch / Media / Images]] to this page)
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents Creating an image 1.1 Creating images with qemu-img 2.1 Creation of raw images and sparse files dd 1.3 Effective Copying Sparse files 4.1 overlay images to create 1.5 CDs, DVDs and floppy image as import 1.6 Creating a CD image from a directory

Creating Images
Virtual machines typically use image files as virtual media. These can be transferred to other computers, making them more versatile than the also possible use real hard drives. After creation, these image files, such as real media, partitioned and formatted. This can be done through programs of guest systems.

Creating images with qemu-img

The QEMU / KVM supplied command line tool qemu or kvm-img-img is the parameter to create image files for the generation of times. According to this parameter, the file name and the virtual image size is specified. Host ~ $ qemu-img create Platte.img 1G Formating 'Platte.img', fmt = raw, size = 1048576 kB Here, the virtual size is specified with a GB. In the file system of the host system, the generated file is recorded with a size of a GB. The reason is that without explicit specification of an image format created automatically the image in raw format. The size of the file is determined by the tools of the operating system. On Microsoft Windows does this command you, or the file manager. In these examples Unix-/Linux-Befehle be applied. Host ~ $ ls-lh -Rw-r - r - I 1 I 1,0 G 2007-06-23 11:11 Platte.img For more information on image files with qemu-img is obtained and the parameter info. As a result of the file name, image format, the virtual size and stored in the file system size is output. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte.img image: Platte.img file format: raw virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes) disk size: 0 Below is an image in qcow2 format can be created. Is defined in the image qemu-img-format with the-f parameter and specify the desired format. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 plate qcow2.img 1G Formatting 'plate qcow2.img-', fmt = qcow2 size = 1073741824 encryption = off cluster_size = 0 With qemu-img and the parameter check you check images in the format qcow2. Host ~ $ qemu-img-plate check qcow2.img No errors were found on the image. With qemu-img and the info parameter is allowed to view information about this image. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte qcow2.img image: top-qcow2.img FileFormat: qcow2 virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes) disk size: 140K cluster_size: 65536 In the file system a file size of only 256K KByte appears, although a GB was set as a virtual size. Host ~ $ ls-lh plate qcow2.img -Rw-r - r - 1 256K 2009-11-14 13:32 I I-Drive qcow2.img It seems the image file in qcow2 format is much smaller than the image file in raw format. Is that really so? To this end an experiment on a Linux machine. In this example, the / tmp directory as an extra with a size of 1.9 GB partition involved. This shows the command df. Host ~ $ df-h | grep "/ tmp" Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on / Dev/hda3 1.9 G 6.1 M 1.9 G 1% / tmp The mount command determines the file system. Host ~ $ mount | grep "/ tmp" / Dev/hda3 on / tmp type ext4 (rw, commit = 0) The underlying file system supports EXT4 effective management of sparse files. For a test is placed in this directory a large image file in raw format. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f raw / tmp / GrosseImageDatei.img 1000G Formating '/ tmp / GrosseImageDatei.img', fmt = raw, size = 1048576000 kB The file with a size of a TB is created without error. Host ~ $ ls-lh / tmp / GrosseImageDatei.img -Rw-r - r - 1 I I 1000G 2007-06-23 12:53 / tmp / GrosseImageDatei.img Also qemu-img info is generous to them. Host ~ $ qemu-img info / tmp / GrosseImageDatei.img image: / tmp / GrosseImageDatei.img file format: raw virtual size: 1.0T (1,073,741,824,000 bytes) disk size: 0 While a file was created with the size of a TB in a partition with 1.9 GB, the level of that partition has not changed.

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Host ~ $ df-h | grep "/ tmp" Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on / Dev/hda3 1.9 G 6.2 M 1.9 G 1% / tmp This file will grow in size when it is filled with content. A host system that uses this image has stored any information about the size of the embedded partition of the host system in which this image. If the image is too large for this partition, there is no warning Write error in the host system. In addition there arises another problem. If you copy this image to a file system that does not support effective management of sparse files, the copy process stops with an error message when the target medium, the image can include in its full size. This can be confusing if not as a backup is successful, although the target medium has a higher capacity. For example, the failed attempt also suggests that image on a USB flash drive or to copy a disk, for these are usually in the vfat file system created.

Images of raw and sparse files created with dd

The following examples of creating files with dd help to understand how raw images and sparse files are structured. Dd is a tool to redirect data streams. This standard tool is available on almost all Unix / Linux systems. Dd is also available for Microsoft Windows. This dd image files can be created just like the part with qemu-img files. a data stream will be diverted from all zeros with a defined length in a file that creates a raw image. The following command creates an image in raw format with a size of one GB. It will be out of the device / dev / zero zeros got there and the file written in Platte.img. The block size of data is set at 1024 KB. count in this case indicates how many of these blocks, the parameters are written. A thousand units this translates as a GB. Host ~ $ dd if = / dev / zero of = Platte.img bs = 1024k count = 1000 1000 +0 records in 1000 +0 records out 1048576000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 59.4961 seconds, 17.6 MB / s The command qemu-img shows that it is really a raw-image concerns. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte.img image: Platte.img file format: raw virtual size: 1.0G (1048576000 bytes) disk size: 1.0G Since this image has been filled with zeros, it is not a sparse file. To generate a sparse file parameter is the required seek, the end of the file determines the. Thus, only a certain number of blocks is written in the beginning of the file and record the real end of file. In between, no blocks are written. The actual area occupied by the file space in the file system is correspondingly smaller. The following example will block only a written (count = 1) and file the end of 1024 set the blocks. Host ~ $ dd if = / dev / zero of = bs = 1024k count Sparse.img = 1 seek = 1024 1 +0 records in 1 +0 records out 1048576 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.003086 seconds, 340 MB / s The command qemu-img shows the virtual and the real size of this file. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Sparse.img image: Sparse.img file format: raw virtual size: 1.0G (1074790400 bytes) disk size: 1.0M

Effective Copying Sparse files

On Unix / Linux supports the command cp effective copying sparse files. Default command sparse files from the recognized cp and the target files are also created as sparse files. This behavior is with the-selected sparse = auto. It is one-sparse = always to file a sparse file to generate a target if the source file long enough sequence of zero bytes contains a. We used-sparse = never to a sparse file to prevent the production. To test these options, shall we dd a sparse file with. Host ~ $ dd if = / dev / zero of = bs = 1024k count Platte.img = 1 seek = 1024 With qemu-img info you can get information to show that image. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte.img image: Platte.img file format: raw virtual size: 1.0G (1074790400 bytes) disk size: 1.0M The actual file size here is a MB. The volume of contrast, is a GB. This file is cp and the - sparse = never copied. Host ~ $ cp - sparse = never Platte.img plate never.img The copy is with qemu-img info investigated. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte never.img image: top-never.img file format: raw virtual size: 1.0G (1074790400 bytes) disk size: 1.0G As expected, the real size is now a GB. In the next example, the original sparse file with the - sparse = always copied. Host ~ $ cp - sparse = always Platte.img plate always.img The real size of the file has been reduced since the first MB was all zeros. These zeros are converted to holes. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte always.img image: top-always.img file format: raw virtual size: 1.0G (1074790400 bytes) disk size: 0 The file-disk never.img holes were in the copy process is converted into the zeros, so the file size of the real one GByte obtained. With the - sparse = always, the copy of this file as a sparse file created will be again. Host ~ $ cp - sparse = always disk-drive-never-never.img always.img host ~ $ qemu-img info plate-never-always.img image: Plate-never-always.img file format: raw

Images Create overlay

QEMU and KVM support overlay images. These are based on a previously created image file. An overlay image saves the changes to the original image file. The base image is not altered, except in the QEMU monitor, the command is applied commit. Contains the base image a complete installation of an operating system, it can serve as a template for additional virtual machines. This save your changes into the corresponding overlay images. When you create the overlay file size must not be defined. The path and name of the base-image is specified with the-b. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b Platte.img qcow2 Platte.ovl The command qemu-img info shows an overlay image of the virtual size and the path name of the base images on to. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte.ovl image: Platte.ovl FileFormat: qcow2 virtual size: 650M (681,574,400 bytes) disk size: 4.0K

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cluster_size: 512 backing file: Platte.img (actual path: Platte.img) The overlay image is embedded as a normal image. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.ovl The image stored in the overlay changes can be written qemu-img in the base image with it. The overlay image and the base image may not be in a virtual machine use. Host ~ $ qemu-img-f commit qcow2 Platte.ovl Image committed. Overlay files make it possible to boot simultaneously from a base image multiple virtual machines. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b Platte.img qcow2 Platte1.ovl Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b Platte.img qcow2 Platte2.ovl Host ~ $ qemu Platte1.ovl Host ~ $ qemu Platte2.ovl The following is a script to start when an overlay file from a base image (Variable BASE_IMG) port. The name of the overlay image is formed from the name of the base image and a time stamp. Optional when calling the script as parameters a word (without spaces or special characters). This word is integrated by the script in the name of the overlay file. # / Bin / sh BASE_IMG = "Platte.img" DATE_TIME = `date '+% Y-% m-% d-% H% M'` OVL_NAME = "$ BASE_IMG $ 1 - $ DATE_TIME.ovl" qemu-img create-b "$ BASE_IMG" qcow2 f "$ OVL_NAME" qemu-hda "$ OVL_NAME" These lines are as a script file named qemuovl.sh the directory that contains the image contains, stored in base. Then gives you the script file execute permission. Host ~ $ chmod + x qemuovl.sh When you call this script, a parameter can be specified to indicate this overlay images, such as: Host ~ $. / Qemuovl.sh testSP2

DVDs and floppy disks as image import CDs

It is possible to generate any modern CD-/DVD-Brenn-Programm image files from CDs and DVDs. Importing an installation media as an image is evaluated from a legal point of view as making a copy of software. It should be therefore subject to the licensing provisions. On Unix / Linux, it is easy to image files from CDs, DVDs, floppy disks and partitions to create on the command line. This command is the Unix dd. Since the names for the floppy, CD and DVD devices in each system may differ, these names are first determined. A look at the file / etc / fstab or / etc / vfstab (Solaris) provides information on the system used with the devices. Host ~ $ cat / etc / fstab / Dev / hdc / media/cdrom0 udf, iso9660 user, noauto 0 0 / Dev/fd0 / media/floppy0 auto rw, user, noauto 0 0 In this example, hdc is the floppy drive on the device / dev/fd0, and the CD drive on the device / dev / addressed. When importing the devices may not be integrated by the system. The following command imports a disk: Host ~ $ dd if = / dev/fd0 of = floppy-image.img This command imports an inserted CD. Host ~ $ dd if = / dev / hdc of = cd-image.iso In some versions of Unix, like FreeBSD, the block size be specified. Host ~ $ dd if = / dev/acd0 file.iso of = bs = 2048 And Mac OS X, there is the dd command. An inserted CD / DVD is the system to / Volumes / <name> included automatically. The name of the CD in the Finder displays it. In this example, the W2P_DE. To read the CD first the appropriate device is to be identified. In Mac OS X files are the device appears dev / under. Interestingly, the devices / dev / disk *, since these disks and CD drives used to be. No CD is inserted, for example, the following entries are related to: Host ~ $ ls / dev / disk * / Dev/disk0 / dev/disk0s1 / dev/disk0s2 This is the first hard drive disk0. This here contains two partitions, disk0s1 and disk0s2. If a CD is to be / dev automatically inserted a new device. Host ~ $ ls / dev / disk * / Dev/disk0 / dev/disk0s1 / dev/disk0s2 / dev/disk1 / dev/disk1s0 The CD drive is here / dev/disk1s0 raised with. Involved in the state program the system refuses the dd to access the drive. So first, the drive will hang out again. Host ~ $ sudo umount / Volumes/W2P_DE Thereafter, dd the contents of the CD and read out the image written to. Host ~ $ dd if = / dev/disk1s0 of = / pdb / data / cd-image.iso At the end you should mount the CD again, otherwise the ejection of the CD for the desktop still located or icon with the finder not on the work. Host ~ $ sudo mount_cd9660 / dev/disk1s0 / Volumes/W2P_DE The importing of CDs, DVDs and floppy disks in Microsoft Windows is possible only with additional software. The QEMU Manager for Windows allows you to import from floppy disks, CDs and DVDs as image files with a wizard. This will be started in Qemu Manager for Windows on an icon. It will ask if you want to import a CD / DVD or floppy disk. In the next window will ask for the source drive and it must be a file name for the image file can be specified. The program dd there is not only on Unix and Linux, but it is also available for Microsoft Windows. Dd can be used under Cygwin. But you can also install a separate tool dd. It is from the URL http://www.chrysocome.net/downloads/dd-0.5.zip downloaded, unpacked and called directly. The following description refers to the latter variant. At first, the internal name of the CD drive is detected. Host C: \ tools \ bin> dd.exe - list \ \. \ Volume {c7ef4360-d6e9-11d8-ab2a-005056c00008} \ link to \ \? \ Device \ CdRom0 CD-ROM Mounted on w: \ The CD is here in drive W: and the internal name is \ \ CdRom0? \ Device \. This device can be read in a file. Host C: \> dd.exe if = \ \: \ Device \ CdRom0 of = c \ cd-image.iso

Creating a CD image from a directory

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Images create qemu-img create, kvm-img dd iso raw qcow qcow2 overlay...


On Linux, from a directory with contents a CD image can be generated. The necessary tool genisoimage (former mkisofs) allows the cdrkit suite ( http://www.cdrkit.org or be installed separately). On Debian or Ubuntu installation is done with a command line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install genisoimage The creation of the CD image made with the following command. Host ~ $ genisoimage-R-J-o CD-image.iso Directory This CD image can be used normally. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom CD-Platte.img image.iso <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_Images_anlegen " This page has been accessed 16,893 times. This page was last updated on 22 January 2011 at 13:59 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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qemu-img convert, encrypted, gparted live cd, converting images compress...


qemu-img convert, encrypted, gparted live cd, converting images compress, encrypt and enlarge
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / media / Convert Image Files]])
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Images compress, convert, encrypt and enlarge

The tool qemu-img can convert images into different formats. The purpose of the parameter convert. The format of the target system is specified with the-o. The source format is used by qemu-img usually automatically detected, it can also be specified with the parameter f. Here is example of a virtual disk in raw format in the format qcow2 converted to. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-f raw-O qcow2 Platte.img plate dyn.img The image formats qcow qcow2 and can be personalized with qemu-img and the compress-c parameter. If, after compressing sectors rewritten these are not compressed. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-c-O qcow2 Platte.img komprimiert.img The image formats qcow qcow2 and can be personalized with qemu-img and the parameter-e encrypt with a password. The encryption is done with AES (128 bit key), making it very safe. For maximum security, a password must be used with 16 characters. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-e-O qcow2 Platte.img encrypted.img Disk image 'encrypted.img' is encrypted. password: ***** This image is included as usual. The authority is waiting in the stop state. Host ~ $ qemu encrypted.img In the QEMU monitor, the command c the stop state of the instance is terminated and it is the password. (Qemu) c ide0-hd0 (encrypted.img) is encrypted. Password: ****** The QEMU monitor to change the password for the device with the command block_passwd. Previously, the name of the device is determined. In this example, it is the device ide0-hd0. (Qemu) info block ide0-hd0: type = hd removable = 0 backing_file encrypted.img = ro = 0 = drv qcow2 encrypted = 1 (Qemu) block_passwd ide0-hd0 ***** If an image file is too small, enlarge it can be. First, the host system to be shut down. Since only images in raw format can be enlarged format is the first to identify and, if necessary, convert the image. Qemu-img info determines the format. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte.img FileFormat: qcow2 In this example, the image format Platte.img qcow2 in front. It must be converted. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O raw-disk Platte.img raw.img 12:13 From QEMU is the command-img qemu resize support. With resize format, the capacity of a virtual disk in raw changed. In the following example, the capacity of the image is enlarged by 2 GB. In the host system, this new memory is to partition and format (see below). Host ~ $ qemu-img-resize disk raw.img +2 G In older versions of QEMU the magnification of an image is done by attaching a second image in raw format. If the image can be enlarged for example, 500 MB, another image is to be applied with a size of 500 MB. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f raw temp.img 500M In Linux, files are merged with several cat. Host ~ $ cat plate raw.img temp.img> disk-size-raw.img On Microsoft Windows b files in the DOS command prompt using the copy command and the / merged. Host C: \> copy / b Platte raw.img + temp.img plate-size-raw.img qemu-img info shows changes in the size. Host ~ $ qemu-img info-plate-size image raw.img: plate-size-raw.img file format: raw virtual size: 1.1g (1,205,862,400 bytes) disk size: 1.1g The additional area on the virtual hard disk is partitioned nor formatted. An increase in the first partition to these areas enables the Gnome Partition Editor GParted short ( http://gparted.sourceforge.net ). You start QEMU or KVM with the enlarged image and boot from the GParted live CD. Host ~ $ qemu-hda disk-size-raw.img \ -Cdrom gparted-livecd-0.3.4-8.iso std-vga-boot d After startup, the GNOME Partition Editor, the partitions and free areas on the disks. To enlarge a partition, choose it and click on the icon / size change and move. A window will appear. There one moves to increase the partition of the arrow on the right or sets the size you want with the numbers. Then you click on the button / size change and move. Then, you press Apply icon to link to the hard disk to write the changes. To finish the GParted live CD with a click on the icon Exit. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_Konvertieren_von_Image-Dateien " This page has been accessed 13,679 times. This page was last updated on 22 January 2011 at 14:18 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .
The Gnome Partition Editor with the enlarged partition. Enlarge a partition in the Gnome Partition Editor. The Gnome Partition Editor. An encrypted image.

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1/29/2011 6:46 PM

convert qemu, qemu virtualbox, vmdk, bochs, photos and other virtualizer...


convert qemu, qemu virtualbox, vmdk, bochs, photos and other virtualizer emulators, physical-to-Virtual, V2V migration
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / media / disk images of other virtualization software]])
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www.easyvmx.com (1).

www.easyvmx.com (2).

ReactOS in VMware Player.

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Contents 1 Images and other virtualizer Emulators 1.1 QEMU and KVM VirtualBox 2.1 VMware Player 1.3 VMware Workstation 4.1 1.5 Parallels Desktop / Workstation 1.6 Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 Xen 1.7 Bochs 1.8 1.9 FAUmachine 1:10 gxemul
Warnke, Ritzau qemu-kvm and libvirt 4. Edition 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8370-0876-0 276 pages, 27.27 EUR Order

Images and other virtualizer Emulators

QEMU and KVM virtual machines can use images of many other virtualizer and emulators. When booting from external image is important to note that other virtualization solutions emulate other hardware. You must also install the appropriate driver in the host system. The conversion of virtual machines is also called V2V migration.


Since the Kernel-based Virtual Machine one QEMU emulates the hardware, the images are mutually compatible. Using QEMU, you can move virtual machines for the Kernel-based Virtual Machine. This is thus also possible on the hardware, the Kernel-based Virtual Machine is not running. It can be started with the Kernel-based Virtual Machine but only guest systems with x86 architecture. Further on is the version of the of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine QEMU to respect, since different versions differ QEMU emulated hardware components can. Host ~ $ qemu-hda Platte.img Host ~ $ kvm-hda Platte.img

http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VirtualBox VirtualBox by Oracle operates on the principle of Native Virtualization. VirtualBox source code used by QEMU. Converting images is possible over the raw format. To this end, a tool used by VirtualBox. Here is an example for a Linux convert a QEMU-/KVM-Images in the VirtualBox format. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O raw-disk Platte.img raw.img Host ~ $ VBoxManage internalcommands converttoraw \ Disk-drive-hd.vdi raw.img From version 2.1 supports the VirtualBox disk image formats VMDK (VMware) and VHD (Microsoft), including snapshots. 12:12 From QEMU can use the tool qemu-img to convert the format vdi. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O qcow2 Platte.vdi Platte.img Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O vdi Platte.img Platte.vdi QEMU, the Virtual Disk Images (VDI) VirtualBox use directly. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.vdi

VMware Player
http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware-Player The tool qemu-img supports vmdk format from VMware.

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convert qemu, qemu virtualbox, vmdk, bochs, photos and other virtualizer...


Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O qcow2 Platte.vmdk Platte.img Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O vmdk Platte.img Platte.vmdk QEMU can use the images directly from VMware. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.vmdk The free VMware Player is version 3 allows virtual machines to generate. Alternatively, you can move virtual machines with QEMU. The first is for the virtual machine directory to create and change to that directory. In the virtual machine to run ReactOS. Host $ mkdir ~ ReactOS VMPlayer Host $ cd ~ ReactOS VMPlayer With qemu-img ReactOS is an existing QEMU-/KVM-Image of converts. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O vmdk ReactOS.img ReactOS.vmdk The virtual machine for VMware Player in addition to the virtual disk configuration file (. Vmx). There are free Internet tools that help to generate this file. For this example, EasyVMX ( http://www.easyvmx.com /easyvmx.shtml serve). You give us the information necessary to configure the virtual machine in the Web form, which will output the contents of the configuration file. First you need to decide the name of the virtual machine and selects the type of the host system. Then we define the size of memory and the number of virtual CPUs. In Section Description Comments on the virtual machine can be entered. Under Network Configuration Ethernet0 is the virtual network card is already activated. When selecting NAT subnet is a separate formed the Network Address Translation to the network of the host communicates. The device vlance is supported by most operating systems. Behind this device network card conceals a pcnet32 based on the AMD Ethernet controller. In the Disk Configuration section, you define the virtual floppy, CD / DVD drives and hard drives. The floppy disk is in this example, to disable and configure AutoDetect to. The first CD-ROM drive to activate and configure AutoDecect. The size of the image file for this example is set to 500 MB. All options under Sound and I / O ports configuration is disabled in this example. Virtual Machine Name: ReactOS Select GuestOS: Memory Size: # Of CPUs: Windows XP Home Edition 128 MB 1 CPU

Virtual Machine Description: ReactOS Virtual Machine Long Name: ReactOS Virtual Machine URL: Device Device Floppy Disk Drive: Device Device CDROM # 1 x Disk # 1: x 500MB Ethernet0: x NAT www.reactos.org vlance Auto Detect Auto Detect Disk Mode Disk Image (. Vmdk) Persistent Enabled Connection Type virtual device Enabled Floppy Device Enabled File Name Device Type Enabled Disk Size SCSI? Device Type

Then you click on the button Create Virtual Machine. The output is copied into a text editor and save as a vmx configuration file in the directory created from them. In this example, the file called ReactOS.vmx. It is VMware player with this vmx file is run the.

VMware Workstation

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convert qemu, qemu virtualbox, vmdk, bochs, photos and other virtualizer...


VMware Workstation is a paid product and works on the principle of Native Virtualization. QEMU and KVM virtual machines can start with the image files from VMware Workstation to Version 4 directly. Host ~ $ qemu vmware-hd.vmdk Host ~ $ kvm vmware-hd.vmdk VMware knows two basic formats for virtual hard drives: flat and sparse. An image from a file type is flat, the total size of the disk includes. A 10-gigabyte hard drive is here represented by another 10 GB large file. Is the image contrast from the sparse type, is the actual disk space used in the file shown only. Large virtual hard disks on VMware products, often multiple image files (. Vmdk), each with a maximum size of two gigabytes divided on. In addition, there is another file (. Vmdk) is created which, however, contains meta-data. The best way to understand the structure of a virtual disk for the example of a VMware virtual machine with an 8-gigabyte hard drive. Case 1: The entire hard disk to an image file is located, for example win.vmdk. It contains all the necessary data and can easily convert to other virtualization solutions. However, was a snapshot in VMware made, this file contains only the state of the file system until the time of the snapshot. All changes made to another file (win-000001.vmdk) stored in. Possibly other snapshots are counted (000002.vmdk win, win-000003.vmdk ...). Before converting the data from the base file and snapshots are back together. Case 2: The image file is divided into slices. In this example, next to the file in addition to files win.vmdk win-win-s005.vmdk s001.vmdk to present hard drive. Win.vmdk contains meta-data to build the virtual: # Disk DescriptorFile version = 1 CID = 793c1936 parentCID = ffffffff create type = "twoGbMaxExtentSparse" # Extent description RW 4192256 SPARSE "win-s001.vmdk" RW 4192256 SPARSE "win-s002.vmdk" RW 4192256 SPARSE "win-s003.vmdk" RW 4192256 SPARSE "win-s004.vmdk" RW 8192 SPARSE "win-s005.vmdk" # The Disk Data Base # DDB ddb.virtualHWVersion = "4" ddb.geometry.cylinders = "1024" ddb.geometry.heads = "255" ddb.geometry.sectors = "63" ddb.adapterType = "BusLogic" Also in this case, snapshots are possible. Then the files are also 000001.vmdk win and win-000001s001.vmdk to win-000001-s005.vmdk before. Again, in win-only meta-data contains 000001.vmdk. To this for QEMU or KVM to produce usable images vdiskmanager used the vmware-tool that came with the freely available VMware Server ( http://www.vmware.com/products/server/ ). It is called both Microsoft Windows and Linux on the command line. Host ~ # vmware-vdiskmanager-r-t 0 000001.vmdk win-win-export.vmdk This command converts the file win-win in the export file 000001.vmdk export.vmdk. In this case, a complete file, starting from the first snapshot of type sparse (-t 0) is generated. This export file can be used by QEMU or KVM. Conversion of the VMware configuration files (. Vmx) in the configuration files for libvirt is the tool vmware2libvirt (see 'libvirt).

Parallels Desktop / Workstation

Website: http://www.parallels.com Parallels Desktop is a commercial virtualization software that is available in Mac OS X. On Microsoft Windows and Linux, the software is offered as Parallels Workstation. Parallels uses a proprietary,

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undisclosed format for their virtual disks. This standard format, the image grows with increasing content of the file system until the prescribed maximum value. There is also a raw format. To use images of Parallels under QEMU or KVM, they must be present in raw format. The images always have the extension. Hdd. It can be the guy on Unix / Linux command file to determine. Host ~ $ file *. hdd w2k3.hdd: data w2k3_plain.hdd: x86 boot sector the raw file, in this example, the file w2k3_plain.hdd in, the tool detects a boot sector file. These raw file can be converted with qemu img. The file contains nothing recognizable w2k3.hdd and is therefore qualified as data. This file must be converted first into a raw file. This is done with the Parallels Image Tools. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O qcow2 w2k3_plain.hdd w2k3.qcow2 The return of QEMU / KVM to Parallels also works. This image must be converted into a raw file. This is either directly or previously included by Parallels Parallels Image Tools to a file format changed with variable size. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O raw w2k3_plain.hdd w2k3.qcow2

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007

http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Microsoft_Virtual_PC Microsoft Virtual PC is offered as a virtualization software for Microsoft Windows and as a x86 emulator for Mac OS X. With Virtual PC, a complete PC is virtualized or emulated. QEMU and KVM can run image files from Virtual PC 2007 directly. Host ~ $ qemu-VirtualPC Festplatte.vhdk

http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Xen Xen is a type 1 hypervisor that runs directly on x86 hardware. Xen uses source code from QEMU. Xen images in raw format can be integrated in a virtual machine under QEMU or KVM. It should be noted that these images contain only one partition. In the following example, an image of a Xen host system is included as a second hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-hda hdb Ubuntu.img-xen-gast.disk QEMU or KVM images can be utilized for Xen. First you have to convert to the image in the raw format. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O raw hd.img hd.raw Because the virtual disks of QEMU and KVM usually consist of several partitions, the partition will be extracted. These partitions with fdisk to determine. Host ~ # fdisk-lu hd.raw Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System hd1 * 63 32 129 16 033 + 83 Linux 32 130 305 234 136 552 HD2 + 82 Linux swap hd3 305 235 10,474,379 5,084,572 + 83 Linux To extract a partition, one must calculate the number of blocks, the formula is: end - start + 1 In this example, the third partition to be read. It is a block number is 10474379 to 305,235 + 1 = 10,169,145th With these values and the dd command partition is the third extracted. The calculated value is the parameter count and the start value is the skip parameter. Host ~ # dd if = of = hd.raw xen.img bs = 512 skip = 305 235 count = 10,169,145

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With xenner ( http://kraxel.fedorapeople.org/xenner/ ) it is possible Xen-guest systems under the Kernel-based Virtual Machine to run.

http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Bochs Bochs is an x86 emulator (Open Source), which on many operating systems, and among other processors, running. The QEMU project uses parts of the source code of the Bochs project, such as the PC BIOS. One image for Bochs bximage program is created with the. It generates image files in the formats flat, sparse or growing. QEMU and KVM can read these formats and embed directly. Here is an example. Host ~ $ bximage Do you want to create a floppy disk image or a hard disk image? Please type hd or fd. [Hd] [Return] What kind of image should I create? Please type flat, sparse or growing. [Flat] sparse Enter the hard disk size in megabytes [10] [Return] What should I name the image? [C.img] [Return] The program recognizes qemu-img that format. Host ~ $ qemu-img info c.img image: c.img file format: raw virtual size: 32K (32768 bytes) disk size: 32K On the website of the point Bochs disk images are images with pre-installed operating systems offered under. These can be used in QEMU and KVM.

http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_FAUmachine FAUmachine is both a hardware emulator and a virtualization solution. FAUmachine is open source and runs as a normal user process under Linux (x86). Ports on OpenBSD and Windows are currently being developed. FAUmachine uses parts of the source code of QEMU. The advantages of FAUmachine are: It can be emulated hardware failure. For automated experiments, tests and installations is an experiment controller. The start script faum can only manage a virtual machine itself. The configuration of the virtual machine, the file ~ /. Faumrc stored in. FAUmachine can only read images in raw format. Host ~ $ source ~ /. Faumrc Host ~ $ qemu-img info $ IMAGE_PATH/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media image: / VMS/faumachine/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media file format: raw virtual size: 2.0G (2147483648 bytes) disk size: 2.0G This image can be in the QEMU or KVM used directly. Host ~ $ qemu $ IMAGE_PATH/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media It is also possible with qemu-img for FAUmachine to create images or convert it. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O raw Platte.img \ $ IMAGE_PATH/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media


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http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_GXemul Gxemul emulates the following computer architectures: ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, and SuperH. Gxemul is open source and can be installed on most Unix-like operating systems. Gxemul used only images in raw format. Other image formats must be converted img gxemul with qemu-by. With KVM gxemul of images can not boot process must be started as KVM only supports the x86 architecture. QEMU can embed images of gxemul While booting will fail, but by differences in the emulated hardware in most cases. Gxemul QEMU MIPS has a special mode, can be used to run virtual machines emulated by QEMU MIPS architecture. By following the procedure in the boot gxemul guest systems, MIPS processor architecture described Debian. Host-e ~ $ gxemul qemu_mips-M 128-d DebianEtch_on_MIPS.img \ -O 'console = ttyS0 rd_start = 0x80800000 = 10000000 rd_size init = / bin / sh' \ 0x80800000: initrd.gz vmlinux-2.6.18-4-qemu <<< | # # # | >>> http://www.qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_FestplattenImages_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware " This page has been accessed 26,582 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 18:02 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:47 PM

Physical-to-Virtual, P2V Migration, p2v converter, p2v assistant - qemu-...


Physical-to-Virtual, P2V Migration, p2v converter, p2v assistant

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / media / physical-to-Virtual]])
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Physical to virtual
Old computers not only consume space and power, they must be serviced more often, and the probability of failure increases. A move to a new hardware can be problematic if the old operating system on modern hardware is not running. A clean installation on a virtual machine can be time consuming or even impossible when the media and documentation for installation and configuration is incomplete. Then I transfer the contents of the hard disk of the old computer's operating system, applications and transfer data to an image. This method is also applied to the evidence and investigation after a system break-in. The transfer of an operating system of a real machine on a virtualized machine is called physical to virtual (P2V). There are solutions to commercial. However, these solutions are only available for some operating systems. Here is the installed operating system independent open source solution is described. The necessary steps are: The old computer is started with a Linux live CD. With the tools dd, netcat and gzip is a dump of the old hard drive and creates compressed over the network to another computer with enough hard drive space transfer. On the target computer, the transmitted data stream is decompressed and saved as an image. QEMU or KVM with the operating system can be started directly on this image. But you can with qemu-img the image for another virtualization program convert. After this brief review now for the precise description of the steps. You start the old computer with the Linux LIVE. This is necessary to ensure that no write operations take place on the hard disk. When choosing a Linux-Live-CD/-DVD is to make sure that the tools dd, gzip and netcat available. In addition, the network card and hard drives are recognized. This will be done, for example the Knoppix live DVD or grml ( http://www.grml.org ) in question. The latter can run on older hardware. Is not even a CD-ROM drive available, disk is to use a live store ( http://mulinux.dotsrc.org ). After the system is booted from Live-CD/-DVD, it is important to fdisk the device names of hard disks to be determined. ~ # Fdisk-l As / dev / hda is the first IDE drive specifically and / dev / hdb marks the second IDE drive. SCSI disks on Linux with / dev / sda, / dev / sdb, and continue to appear Sun If, for example on the hard disk / dev / hda to virtualize the system, you have to create an image of it. This requires the program dd. The precise statement is in this example: ~ # Dd if = / dev / hda of = hda.raw The parameter defines if the file to read (in this case the hard disk device), the parameter of the write file (here the image). Since this image is probably no place on the old computer has to copy it right over the network to another computer, which in this example has the IP address If no DHCP server automatically assigns IP addresses, the old computers still get an IP address. This is done with the ifconfig command. ~ # Ifconfig eth0 netmask up The computer, which should save the image, this can be received. The old computer, however, must send this file. The data transfer enables the program netcat on both sides. Gzip-compressed at the transmission, where the parameter c to standard output writes. Decompressed with the-d. Gzip checks the correct transfer and check-sums. The computer to store the image is switched to receive. Host ~ # netcat-w30-vvnl 3333 | gzip-dc> hda.raw On the old computer with the live CD will be the transfer of the hard drive.

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1/29/2011 6:48 PM

Physical-to-Virtual, P2V Migration, p2v converter, p2v assistant - qemu-...


~ # Dd if = / dev / hda | gzip-c | netcat-w 30 VVN 3333 dd / reading this, the hard disk dev / hda and sent to standard output through gzip to compress. The compressed data stream from the IP address netcat to port 3333 sent to. the receiving computer takes the data stream to netcat on port 3333, contrary to. gzip decompresses this data stream. The output is redirected to the file hda.raw. If the transmission to end, this image directly in QEMU or KVM to be used. It is recommended that before a backup of this file to create. Host ~ $ qemu-snapshot hda.raw Perhaps the system will recognize the start of other hardware. That is, you may need to install the appropriate drivers. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_Physicalto-Virtual " This page has been accessed 17,413 times. This page was last updated on 4 January 2011 at 11:58 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:48 PM

VM snapshots, snapshot savevm drive backup, system snapshot, qcow2 - l...


VM snapshots, snapshot savevm drive backup, system snapshot, qcow2

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / media / VM snapshot]])
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VM snapshots
VM snapshots to save the states of the entire virtual machine (CPU, memory, devices and recordable discs). In this way, changes can be made to the system back. Older versions of QEMU save VM snapshot in separate files. From the QEMU version 0.9.0 is the storage of the VM virtual snapshots directly on the hard drives. The prerequisite for this is that at least one of the included disk images in the format qcow2 present. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte.img image: Platte.img FileFormat: qcow In this example, the image before the qcow format. Therefore, it must be converted into the qcow2 format. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O qcow2 Platte.img plate qcow2.img The information about the VM snapshots are written to the first virtual hard drive. The VM snapshots themselves are stored on each image, are present in qcow2 format. The option-snapshot but can VM snapshots are generated, but these go to the end of the virtual machine lost after. The-snapshot option has nothing herein VM snapshots to do with. For generating a VM snapshot is used in QEMU monitor the command savevm. A VM snapshot should be provided with a name (tag) to identify these later. In addition, each VM snapshot automatically a progressive number (ID). Access to VM snapshot is possible through this ID, as well as his name. There is already a VM snapshot with the same name or with the same number, it will be overwritten. (Qemu) savevm vor_PatchDay After creating the VM snapshots, changes can be made to the system. After that, another VM snapshots are created. (Qemu) savevm nach_PatchDay If it is unwanted changes have come to this command loadvm be reversed with the. It restores the state of the specified VM snapshots. (Qemu) loadvm vor_PatchDay No longer needed VM snapshots should be deleted because they take up space. (Qemu) delvm vor_PatchDay Information on existing VM snapshot shows the QEMU monitor, the command info snapshots. (Qemu) info snapshots Snapshot devices: hda Snapshot list (from hda): ID TAG VM SIZE DATE VM CLOCK 1 vor_PatchDay 41M 2006-08-06 12:38:02 00:00:14.954 2 nach_PatchDay 40M 2006-08-06 12:43:29 00:00:18.633

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1/29/2011 6:49 PM

VM snapshots, snapshot savevm drive backup, system snapshot, qcow2 - l...


It is possible for a virtual machine with the state of a VM snapshot start. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-Platte.img loadvm nach_PatchDay The tool qemu-img can VM snapshots for inactive virtual machines to manage. The following command stores a VM snapshot with the name vor_update qcow2 on the image. Host ~ $ qemu-img disk-snapshot-c vor_update qcow2.img With the command qemu-img info you can find information about the image stored in the VM's snapshots. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte qcow2.img image: top-qcow2.img FileFormat: qcow2 virtual size: 230M (241,172,480 bytes) disk size: 98m cluster_size: 4096 Snapshot list: ID TAG VM SIZE DATE VM CLOCK Vor_update 1 0 2009-05-19 18:58:33 00:00:00.000 The state of the specified VM snapshot provides you with qemu-img-a snapshot restore. With the command qemu-snapshot-d img do you delete a VM snapshot. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_VM-Snapshots " This page has been accessed 11,625 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:06 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:49 PM

Virtual FAT hard drives - qemu-kvm and libvirt


Virtual FAT disk

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Media / Virtual FAT hard drives]])
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Virtual FAT disk

QEMU and KVM can provide a list of the host computer directly as a virtual hard drive in FAT format to the guest. This option allows the fat. To this end, create a directory and issue the corresponding access rights (eg on Unix). Host ~ $ sudo mkdir / exchange Host ~ $ sudo chown-R `whoami` / exchange Now you start QEMU or KVM use this directory as a second hard disk (hdb-). This is the absolute path is specified. Simultaneous requests from the host and the guest system to this directory should be avoided. It may in the virtual disk Fat-only file names are used, which also supports the guest. The-loadvm should not be a virtual FAT disk to be used together. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-hdb fat Platte.img: / exchange The virtual FAT disk is write protected. Write access allows the parameters: rw:. This parameter is used with snapshot-together. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-hdb Platte.img fat: rw: / exchange Virtual FAT floppy diskette can be emulated with the parameters. Host ~ $ qemu-hda Platte.img-fda fat: floppy: / exchange Again, the parameters: rw: to be applied. Host ~ $ qemu-hda Platte.img-fda fat: floppy: rw: / exchange

<<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_Virtuelle_FATFestplatten " This page has been accessed 7498 times. This page was last updated on 27 Amended in February 2010 at 19:49 clock. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:50 PM

Network Block Devices qemu-kvm-nbd nbd-client nbd nbd-server - libvir...


Network Block Devices qemu-kvm-nbd nbd nbd-client nbd-server

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Storage / Network Block Devices]])
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Network Block Devices

Network Block Devices ( http://nbd.sourceforge.net ) are virtual storage devices, the NBD server over TCP / IP to be provided by one. As a Network Block Device (NBD) can be used hard drives, hard disk partition, CD / DVDs, floppy disks or image files on the NBD server. Other computers can connect over a TCP / IP connection to the NBD server and use the Network block devices such as its own local disks. The access speed is limited by the transmission rate in the network, not high. From kernel 2.6.26, Linux supports the Network block devices. The NBD kernel module sets to the devices / dev / nb * to. On Linux, qemu-kvm package includes the specific NBD server qemu or kvm-nbd-nbd. With these tools, network block devices are provided. With the-k socket is a Unix-used. The-t option causes the program when the connection is terminated not abort. Here is an example of the call qemu-nbd. For kvm-nbd options are the same applied. Host ~ $ qemu-nbd-t-k / var / lock / qemu-nbd Platte.img On a second console of the host-guest system, a system of this network block device is started. Host ~ $ qemu-hda nbd: unix: / var / lock / qemu-nbd If a network block device over TCP / IP export, the port is specified. If the default port used 1024, this may be omitted. In the following example, port is the image file Platte.img via TCP / IP over the 1025 network block device as a courtesy. Host ~ $ qemu-nbd-t-p 1025 Platte.img On a second console of the host system can boot an instance of that image. Host ~ $ qemu-hda nbd: localhost: 1025 Should be accessed from another computer on that network block device, the name or IP address of the NBD server is specified. Host2 ~ $ qemu-hda nbd: my_nbd_server: 1025 The option - shared = num allows multiple guest systems can use a network block device access to. The maximum number defines the value of num (Default = 1). Host1 ~ $ qemu-nbd-t-p 1025 - share = 2 Platte.img On another computer can boot up an instance with the Network Block Device. Host2 ~ $ qemu-hda nbd: my_nbd_server: 1025 On another computer, a second instance to start. Host3 ~ $ qemu-hda nbd: my_nbd_server: 1025 With the-s or - snapshot will not change the image, but in writing the temporary files. For the guest system seems the image is described. These changes will be lost when you shut down the instance. This option slows down the access. Host ~ $ qemu-nbd-s-t-p 1025 Platte.img A complete write protection enabled the option-r (- read-only). Many operating systems can not boot from a read-only media. Therefore, this option is more likely to live CDs or additional memory media is interesting. In the following example, two network block devices are placed simultaneously on different ports. The image Daten.img is protected. Host1 ~ $ qemu-nbd-s-t p-1025 drive Host1 ~ $ qemu-nbd-r-t-p 1026 Daten.img Both Network block devices can be integrated by an instance. Host2 ~ $ qemu-hda nbd: my_nbd_server: 1025 \ -Hdb nbd: my_nbd_server: 1026 Besides images can also CDs, DVDs and floppy disks as a network block device to export. Thus, different installation media provided on a central server. Host1 ~ $ qemu-nbd-t-p 1025 / dev / cdrom The Network Block Device is integrated by an instance on another machine. Host2 ~ $ qemu-cdrom nbd: my_nbd_server: 1025 With the - connect = DEV Image can directly to a specific network block device assigned. The parameter identifies the device DEV. Host ~ $ qemu-nbd - connect = / dev/nbd0 Platte.img It is possible that device or partition to mount. Host ~ $ sudo fdisk-l / dev/nbd0 Host ~ $ sudo mount / dev/nbd0p1 / mnt All options of qemu-nbd shows the option - help.

Host1 ~ $ qemu-nbd-help Usage: qemu-nbd [OPTIONS] FILE QEMU Disk Network Block Device server-p, - port = PORT port to listen on (default '1024 ')-o, - offset = O As a faster alternative to qemu-nbd package under Linux, the nbd-server or cluster using the-server package gnbd be used for the. Nbd-server provides better protection than access qemu-nbd. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install nbd-server To set an image as a network block device available, the port and the image must be indicated by its path. We recommend using the-a option to specify a timeout in seconds. This prevents the unnecessary processes remain in memory during periods of inactivity. Host1 ~ # nbd-server 1025 / path / Platte.img-A 100 From a second computer system a guest of the Network Block Device is started. Host2 ~ $ qemu-hda nbd: my_nbd_server: 1025 After finishing the instance to check whether the process still of the NBD server is active. Host1 ~ $ ps aux | grep nbd-serve [s] Processes are no longer needed to quit. Host1 ~ $ killall nbd-server

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1/29/2011 6:51 PM

Network Block Devices qemu-kvm-nbd nbd-client nbd nbd-server - libvir...


A complete write protection for the image enables the-r option. ~ $ Host nbd-server 1025 / path / Platte.img-r-a 100 With the-c (copy on write) the changes are not written to the image, but in temporary files (*. diff). For the guest system seems the image is described. These changes will be lost when you shut down the instance. This option slows down the access. ~ $ Host nbd-server 1025 / path / Platte.img a 100-cAll options shows the Man-in page. Host ~ $ man nbd-server To access network block devices can be used in the package-client nbd-client or gnbd under Linux. This NBD clients do not support booting from a network block device. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install nbd-client If a network block device with qemu nbd nbd-server or made available, which can be accessed on nbd-client with. For this, the IP address or hostname of the server, the port and the local device is indicated. Host ~ $ sudo nbd-client my_nbd_server 1025 / dev/nbd0 An installed guest system can be started with QEMU / KVM. Host ~ $ sudo chmod 777 / dev/nbd0 Host ~ $ qemu-hda / dev/nbd0 All options shows the Man-in page. Host ~ $ man nbd-client <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_Network_Block_Devices " This page has been accessed 7713 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 18:04 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:51 PM

embed images in the host system, mount, umount fdisk lomount - libvirt qe...


embed images in the host system, mount, umount lomount fdisk

(Link [include [QEMU-KVM-Buch / media / QEMU images in the host system]] to this page)
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embed images in the host system

Image-files that are used by a host system, the host system must not write (data loss). On Unix / Linux images that contain only one file system, are directly involved through the loopback device. The virtual hard disk has to be present in raw format, partition and the mount command with a known file system to be formatted. First, the image format is determined. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte.img FileFormat: qcow2 In this example, the image before the format qcow2. It must be converted. Host ~ $ qemu-img Platte.img-O raw-disk raw.img Then we tested with the fdisk partitions of the new image file. The-l option shows the partition table. The option-u causes that sectors are used as a unit. Host ~ $ sudo fdisk-lu Disk-raw.img Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System Platte * 63 409 247 204 592 raw.img1 + 6 FAT16 This image contains only one partition. being calculated, the mount operation, the offset. It is clear from the start sector, here 63, multiplied with the byte sector size, this 512th The offset is thus 32256th As a type, this must be vfat. Host ~ # mount plate raw.img / mnt-o loop, offset = 32 256-t vfat Unmount with umount is done as usual. Host ~ # umount / mnt In this example, the image of one partition. Host ~ # fdisk-lu Disk-raw.img Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System Platte raw.img1 * 63 32 129 16 033 + 83 Linux 32 130 305 234 136 552 plate-raw.img2 + 82 Linux swap Platte raw.img3 305 235 10,474,379 5,084,572 + 83 Linux To mount the third partition, an offset is required by 512 * 305,235th Host ~ # mount plate raw.img / mnt-o loop, offset = $ ((512 * 305 235)) For mounting and manipulating virtual media library is developed libguestfs (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Managementtools/_libguestfs ). <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_QEMUImages_im_Host-System_einbinden "

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1/29/2011 6:52 PM

embed images in the host system, mount, umount fdisk lomount - libvirt qe...


This page has been accessed 9806 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:09 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:52 PM

IT forensics, computer forensics, forensic data recovery, Advanced Forens...


IT forensics, computer forensics, forensic data recovery, Advanced Forensic Format (AFF), Expert Witness Format (EWF) afflib, aimag, xmount
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / media / Forensics Tools]])
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Tools for the IT Forensics

In the IT forensics digital tracks in computer systems to determine facts are analyzed. Of evidence to backup files are created in storage media. The steps to copy the hard drives are in the section-to-Virtual Physical described (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Physical-to-Virtual ). These images are analyzed with special programs.

Website: http://www.afflib.org The package contains afflib tools for the Advanced Forensic Format (AFF). The installation on Ubuntu is done with a command line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install afflib To as an image format AFF to import a disk, use the command aimag. In this example, / dev / sda read the name and image Platte.aff written. Host ~ $ sudo aimag / dev / sda Platte.aff It can be imported with a command of different media. Host ~ $ sudo aimag / dev / sda Platte1.aff / dev / sdb Platte2.aff For verifying an image of the AFF is the command afinfo with option-v to apply. ~ $ Host-v afinfo Platte.aff To convert an image on the Advanced Forensic Format in an image in RAW format is the command used AFCAT. Host ~ $ AFCAT Platte.aff> Platte raw.img For review of conversions, use the command afcompare. Host ~ $ afcompare Platte.aff plate raw.img Platte.aff and plate-raw.img: compare files okay

Download: https: / / www.pinguin.lu / index.php In computer forensics Images are usually in the Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) or Expert Witness Format (EWF) is stored. To convert these formats is the Linux tool xmount. This tool creates virtual images to mount points. These virtual images can, QEMU and other virtualization solutions are used by KVM. Xmount file system uses this in userspace (FUSE). Xmount stands as Debian-/Ubuntu-Paket available. Furthermore, this tool can be compiled from source. To compile the following packages are required (eg Ubuntu): Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libfuse libfuse2-dev fuse-utils Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libecryptfs-dev The sources are downloaded, unpacked and compiled. Host $ mkdir ~ xmount Host $ cd ~ xmount Host ~ $ wget - no-check-certificate \ https: / / files.pinguin.lu/projects/xmount-0.4.0-src.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf xmount-0.4.0-src.tar.gz Host $ cd ~ xmount-0.4.0 Host ~ $. / Configure & & make Host ~ $ sudo make install The list of options on xmount-h. Host ~ $ xmount-h xmount can image in the raw format (dd), Forensic Format (AFF) and Expert Witness Format (EWF) Advanced Reading. To specify the input format is the - in. With - out to virtual images in the RAW format (dd), VirtualBox) and VMware (vmdk) to be generated vdi (. To illustrate the operation of qcow2 is an image format an image in raw format (dd) as shown. Host ~ $ qemu-img info Platte qcow2.img FileFormat: qcow2 not read the format qcow2 xmount As can with this image qemu-img convert. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O raw-disk-drive-qcow2.img raw.img It is a directory as a mount point for the file system in userspace (FUSE) to create. Host $ mkdir ~ fusemp xmount is with the - formats of the call and - out in the statement. Then, the name of the to-read image and mount point to be indicated. With the - cache file is an overlay set. Thus, the original image is not changed. All changes are written to the specified overlay file. Host ~ $ xmount - cache Platte.ovl - in dd - dd out Platte.img fusemp The mount point is the virtual image now available. Host ~ $ qemu-img info fusemp / Platte.dd image: fusemp / Platte.dd file format: raw virtual size: 230M (241,172,480 bytes) disk size: 0 With QEMU or KVM can boot the operating system on this virtual image.

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1/29/2011 6:53 PM

IT forensics, computer forensics, forensic data recovery, Advanced Forens...


Host ~ $ kvm fusemp / Platte.dd The virtual image can be converted to. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O qcow2 fusemp / Platte.dd plate qcow2.img With qemu-img and the parameter check can check the image format qcow2. Host ~ $ qemu-img-plate check qcow2.img No errors were found on the image. If the virtual image is no longer needed, unhook the FUSE mount. Host ~ $ sudo umount fusemp An image of the Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) with the option - as a virtual image shown aff. Host ~ $ xmount - in aff - out dd Platte.aff fusemp / Order from existing image files in several formats Expert Witness (EWF) as a virtual image in raw format to make one, is the - ewf adopted. The names of the EWF files with the wildcard *. E? Addressed. Xmount recognizes the files automatically. Host ~ $ xmount - cache Platte.ovl - in ewf - out dd *. E? <<< | # # # | >>> http://www.qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_Forensik-Tools " This page has been accessed 8230 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:09 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 . fusemp

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1/29/2011 6:53 PM

Virtual hardware, emulated hardware - qemu-kvm and libvirt


Virtual hardware, emulated hardware

(Link [Customize [QEMU-KVM-Buch / Virtual Hardware]] to this page)
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Virtual Hardware
QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine support variable adaptation of the virtual hardware. Processor architectures Hardware Components Paravirtualized device drivers (KVM) <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Virtuelle_Hardware_anpassen " This page has been accessed 9797 times. This page was last updated on 28 October 2009 at 11:52 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:54 PM

SMP processor architectures QEMU x86 x86_64 PPC SPARC MIPS pent...


SMP processor architectures QEMU x86 x86_64 PPC SPARC MIPS pentium3 ARM PowerPC SuperH Cold Fire
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / virtual hardware / processors]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 processor architectures 1.1 x86 2.1 SPARC 1.3 ARM 4.1 MIPS 1.5 Cold Fire 1.6 PowerPC 1.7 SuperH 1.8 ETRAX CRIS 1.9 MicroBlaze 2 multi-processor systems 2.1 SMP 2.2 NUMA 3 x86 virtualization 3.1 KVM hardware-supported virtualization 3.2 The Accelator KQEMU

The emulation of multiple CPUs under QEMU.

OpenBIOS in the SPARC emulation.

processor architectures
As a hardware emulator QEMU emulates different architectures. Some Linux distributions do, the package qemu-kvm-extras installed. PC (x86 or x86_64 processor) ISA PC (old PC without PCI bus) PREP (PowerPC processor) Beige G3 PowerMac (PowerPC processor) Mac99 PowerMac (PowerPC processor) Sun4m/Sun4c/Sun4d (32-bit Sparc processor) Sun4u/Sun4v (64-bit Sparc processor) Malta board (32-bit and 64-bit MIPS processors) MIPS Magnum (64-bit MIPS processor) ARM Integrator / CP (ARM) ARM Versatile baseboard (ARM) ARM RealView Emulation baseboard (ARM) Spitz, Akita, Borzoi, Terrier and Tosa PDA (PXA270 processor) Luminary Micro LM3S811EVB (ARM Cortex-M3) Luminary Micro LM3S6965EVB (ARM Cortex-M3) Freescale MCF5208EVB (ColdFire V2). Arnewsh MCF5206 evaluation board (ColdFire V2). Palm Tungsten | E PDA (OMAP310 processor) N800 and N810 tablets (OMAP2420 processor) MusicPal (MV88W8618 ARM processor) Gumstix Connex motherboard and Verdex (PXA255/270). Siemens SX1 Smartphone (OMAP310 processor) Syborg SVP base model (ARM Cortex-A8) AXIS Devboard88 (CRISv32 ETRAX-FS) Petalogix Spartan 3aDSP1800 MMU Ref Design (MicroBlaze).

Most PC operating systems use the x86 architecture. The x86 architecture is based on a CISC instruction set. The acronym CISC stands for Complex Instruction Set Computing (computing with complex instruction set). Intel's first 16-bit CPU, which was 8086, the x86 architecture introduced in 1978. Due to the enormous success of the IBM PC and its clones, the x86 architecture in a few years one of the most successful processor architectures. Besides Intel and other manufacturers produce x86 compatible CPUs such as the company AMD. With the 80386, Intel introduced 1985 the first x86 CPU with 32-bit architecture. 2003 began for the x86 64-bit era, this time on the initiative of AMD. The 64-bit standard is called AMD64 and was incorporated under the name EM64T by Intel. For the x86 architecture, the following hardware is emulated: SeaBIOS (from QEMU 0.12.0), PC-BIOS from the Bochs project (up QEMU 0.11) Plex86/Bochs LGPL VGA BIOS Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) with up to 255 CPUs PC-Bus: PCI or ISA system (i440FX Host PCI Bridge and PCI to ISA Bridge PIIX3) two PCI IDE interface with support for up to four (virtual) hard drives or CD / DVD-ROMs two floppy drives CD / DVD drive Graphics card (Cirrus CLGD 5446 PCI VGA card or standard VGA graphics card with Bochs VESA BIOS Extension) PS / 2 mouse and keyboard PCI UHCI USB controller and virtual USB hub PCI-/ISA-Netzwerkadapter Network cards (Intel E1000 and others) Parallel port Serial Ports Sound card (Creative Sound Blaster 16, ENSONIQ AudioPCI ES1370 PCI, Intel 82801AA AC97, Yamaha YM3812 OPL2 Adlib, Gravis Ultrasound GF1, CS4231A) The 32-bit version of the x86 processor architecture used by QEMU by default. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img The-M option allows the selection of the emulated machine type (PC bus architecture). If it is omitted or the default option-M PC, and a bus today's standard PC with a PCI-emulated. The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-M? Supported machines are: PC Standard PC (alias of pc-0.13) pc-0.13 standard PC (default) pc-0.12 standard PC pc-0.11 standard PC, qemu 12:11 pc-0.10 standard PC, qemu 12:10 isapc ISA-only PC Para-virtualized Xen xenpv PC With newer QEMU / KVM versions will change the emulated hardware. QEMU is replaced or the Kernel-based Virtual Machine have an update, some guest systems problems with

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1/29/2011 6:55 PM

SMP processor architectures QEMU x86 x86_64 PPC SPARC MIPS pent...


the changed hardware. For example, some Microsoft Windows systems must then be reactivated. Thus, the emulated hardware does not change the machine type to the QEMU version is bind. In the following example, the PC machine type set by the QEMU version 0.11.0. Host ~ $ qemu-M pc-0.11 Platte.img With the-M isapc), a PC model with the older ISA bus (Industry Standard Architecture emulated. This can be for older operating systems, be useful in the emulation of industrial PCs and embedded systems. Host ~ $ qemu-M Platte.img isapc The option-cpu allows you to select the processor type (CPU - Central Prozessing unit). The possible types of shows-cpu?. Host ~ $ qemu-cpu? x86 [n270] x86 [athlon] x86 [pentium3] x86 [pentium2] x86 [pentium] x86 [486] x86 [Core Duo] x86 [kvm32] x86 [qemu32] x86 [kvm64] x86 [core2duo] x86 [phenom] x86 [qemu64] A 486-processor with cpu-486 emulates. Host ~ $ qemu-cpu Platte.img 486 To emulate 64-bit processors used to command qemu-system-x86_64. If a 32-bit host with qemu-system-x86_64 64-bit architecture emulates below, are neither KVM KQEMU still available. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64 Platte.img The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-M? Supported machines are: PC Standard PC (alias of pc-0.13) pc-0.13 standard PC (default) pc-0.12 standard PC pc-0.11 standard PC, qemu 12:11 pc-0.10 standard PC, qemu 12:10 isapc ISA-only PC Para-virtualized Xen xenpv PC The possible types of CPU as the CPU at?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-cpu? x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 x86 Opteron_G3 Opteron_G2 Opteron_G1 Nehalem Penryn Conroe [n270] [athlon] [pentium3] [pentium2] [pentium] [486] [Core Duo] [kvm32] [qemu32] [kvm64] [core2duo] [phenom] [qemu64]

Additional CPU the CPU type definitions can be passed by a comma. With the CPU definition + svm virtualization techniques are processors with hardware-emulated. That is, the host system can serve as the host system for further KVM instances. This requires that the actual host system via AMD processors. The kernel module kvm-amd see is the option with nested = 1 to enable ( http://qemu-buch.de/d/Installation ). If a virtualization solution within operated another virtualization solution, it is called nesting. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-cpu Platte.img qemu64, + svm

SPARC (Scalable Processor Architecture) by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation) developed in 1985. SPARC processors are mainly found in products from Sun. In addition to SunOS or Solaris can be used on SPARC Linux and BSD variants. In 1995, the original 32-bit architecture to 64-bit extended and marketed under the name of UltraSPARC. The QEMU package is the program sparc qemu-system emulation of 32-bit SPARC systems to contain. The following Sun4m architectures are emulated: SPARCstation 4 SPARCstation 5 SPARCstation 10 SPARCstation 20 SPARCserver 600MP SPARCstation LX SPARCstation Voyager sparc classic SPARCbook The emulations of SPARCstation 2 (sun4c) SPARCserver SPARCcenter 1000 and 2000 (sun4d) also possible. The following Sun4m, Sun4c and Sun4d hardware is emulated: IOMMU and IO-UNIT TCX frame buffer Lance (Am7990) Ethernet network card NVRAM M48T02/M48T08 Slave I / O: timer, interrupt controller, Zilog serial ports, keyboard and power / reset logic ESP-SCSI controller with hard-disk and CD-ROM Support Floppy drive (not for SS-600MP) CS4231 sound device (only for SS-5)

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The maximum amount of memory (RAM) depends on the type of machine. In SS-5 of the RAM can be a maximum of 256 MB, or 2047 MB. The machine types of shows-M?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-sparc-M? Supported machines are: SS-5 Sun4m platform, SPARCstation 5 (default) SS-10 Sun4m platform, SPARCstation 10 SS-600MP Sun4m platform, sparc server 600MP SS-20 Sun4m platform, SPARCstation 20 Sun4m Voyager platform, SPARCstation Voyager Sun4m LX platform, SPARCstation LX SS-4 Sun4m platform, SPARCstation 4 sparc classic Sun4m platform, sparc classic SPARCbook Sun4m platform, SPARCbook SS-1000 Sun4d platform, sparc Server 1000 SS-2000 Sun4d platform, SPARCcenter 2000 SS-2 Sun4c platform, SPARCstation 2 Para-virtualized Xen xenpv PC qemu-system-sparc emulates up to 16 CPUs. Linux is limited but the number to a maximum of four CPUs. The possible types of CPU as the CPU at?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-sparc-cpu? Sparc Fujitsu MB86900 IU FPU 00.08 million 00 million 00 million MMU NWINS 7-swap-mul-div-flush-fsqrt-FMUL Sparc Fujitsu MB86904 For the SPARC emulator is the OpenBIOS ( http://www.openbios.org ) implemented. Goal of OpenBIOS is a complete compatibility with the standard EEE 1275-1994 at the firmware. In QEMU, it is currently not possible to boot Solaris, NetBSD and OpenBSD. The SPARC32-system emulator has these additional options: -G WxHx [xDEPTH] Defines the initial graphics mode (default = 1024x768x8). It can also be set 1024x768x24 mode. String-prom-env This option is given to OpenBIOS variables in the NVRAM. In the following example, the automatic boot process is interrupted and the prompt appears OpenBIOS. Host ~ $ qemu-system-sparc-M sparc classic Platte.img \ 1024x768x24-g-prom-env 'auto-boot? = False' Assistance to the OpenBIOS commands to get help with. 0> help The boot process will start the boot command with. Should be CD-ROM is launched, enter boot cdrom. Examples of virtual machines with SPARC architecture are discussed in the section guest systems. The program qemu-system-sparc64 serves to emulate the following 64-bit SPARC: sun4u (UltraSPARC PC-like), sun4v (T1 PC-like), or generic Niagara Machine (T1) sparc64. Qemu-system- is still under development and is currently only a few kernel boot. The following sun4u architectures are emulated: UltraSPARC IIi APB PCI Bridge PCI VGA compatible graphics card with VESA Bochs Extensions PS / 2 mouse and keyboard M48T59 NVRAM PC-compatible serial ports two PCI IDE interfaces with hard disk and CD-ROM Support Floppy Drive The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-sparc64-M? Supported machines are: sun4u platform sun4u (default) sun4v sun4v platform Sun4v platform Niagara, Niagara Para-virtualized Xen xenpv PC The possible types of CPU as the CPU at?.

Host ~ $ qemu-system-sparc64-cpu? Fujitsu Sparc64 Sparc IU 0004000200000000 FPU MMU 00 million 00 million NWINS 4 Fujitsu Sparc64 Sparc III IU 0004000300000000 F The SPARC64-system emulator has the same options as the SPARC32 system emulator.

The ARM architecture in 1983 by the British computer manufacturer Acorn Computers Ltd. started as a development project. Instead of relying on the company's Intel and Motorola processors, they developed their own processor, the ARM (Acorn RISC Machine). Tests showed that these computers at virtually the same clock speed was about eight times faster than the computers of competitors Commodore Amiga and Atari ST. After 1989, the ARM2 to ARM3 had been developed and as more and more companies had expressed an interest in these processors, Acorn, founded in 1990 with Apple and VLSI Technology, the company Advanced RISC Machines Ltd.. (ARM). The ARM RISC architecture follows the concept (Reduced Instruction Set Computing). A RISC instruction set dropped in favor of a lower decoding complexity consistently to complex commands, allowing the individual commands are easier to execute. In addition, the commands for RISC processors are hardwired. Every operation is thus represented by conductors on the processor. Because of their low power ARM processors are used in many embedded systems, such as mobile phones, PDAs and routers are used. In QEMU Package program is the qemu-system-containing arm. The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-arm-M? The ARM Integrator / CP emulation supports the following hardware: ARM926, ARM1026E, ARM946E, ARM1136 and Cortex-A8 CPU two PL011 UARTs SMC 91c111 Ethernet adapter PL110 LCD controller PL050 KMI with PS / 2 keyboard and mouse PL181 MultiMedia Card Interface: SD Card. The ARM Versatile baseboard emulation supports the following hardware: ARM926, ARM1136 and Cortex-A8 CPU L190 Vectored Interrupt Controller four PL011 UARTs SMC 91c111 Ethernet adapter PL110 LCD controller PL050 KMI with PS / 2 keyboard and mouse PCI Host Bridge with access to PCI memory. Since no access to PCI IO is possible, some devices (ne2k_pci NIC) is not supported and other devices (rtl8139 NIC) function to apply only if these memory-mapped control register. PCI OHCI USB controller. LSI53C895A PCI SCSI host bus adapter with hard disk and CD-ROM drives PL181 MultiMedia Card Interface: SD Card.

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The ARM RealView Emulation baseboard supports the following hardware: ARM926, ARM1136, ARM11MPCORE (x4) or Cortex-A8 CPU ARM AMBA Generic / Distributed Interrupt Controller four PL011 UARTs SMC 91c111 Ethernet adapter PL110 LCD controller PL050 KMI with PS / 2 keyboard and mouse PCI Host Bridge PCI OHCI USB Controller LSI53C895A PCI SCSI host bus adapter with hard disk and CD-ROM drives PL181 MultiMedia Card Interface: SD Card. The emulation of the XScale-based clamshell PDA models (Spitz, Akita, Borzoi and Terrier) supports the following hardware: Intel PXA270 System-on-chip (ARM V5TE Core) NAND Flash Memory IBM / Hitachi Microdrive DSCM in a PXA PCMCIA slot - not in "Akita" On-Chip OHCI USB Controller On-chip LCD controller On-chip Real Time Clock TI ADS7846 touchscreen controller on SSP bus Maxim MAX1111 analog-digital converter to I ^ 2C bus GPIO-connected keyboard controller and LEDs Secure Digital Card connected to the PXA MMC / SD host three on-chip UARTs WM8750 audio CODEC to I ^ 2C bus and I ^ 2S bus. The emulation Palm Tungsten | E PDA (code-named "Cheetah") supports the following hardware: Texas Instruments OMAP310 system-on-Chip (ARM 925T core) ROM and RAM memory. The ROM firmware image can be loaded-option-rom with the. On-chip LCD controller On-chip Real Time Clock TI TSC2102i Touchscreen controller analog-digital converter / audio CODEC connected to micro wire and I ^ 2S-Bus GPIO-connected matrix keyboard Secure Digital Card connected to OMAP MMC / SD host three on-chip UARTs The emulation of the Nokia N800 and N810 Internet Tablet (RX-34, RX-44/48) supports the following hardware: Texas Instruments OMAP2420 system-on-chip (ARM 1136 core) RAM and non-volatile OneNAND Flash Memories Display with EPSON Remote Frame Buffer chip and OMAP-on-chip display controller and a LS041y3 MIPI DBI-C Controller TI TSC2301 (in N800) and TI TSC2005 (in N810) touch screen controller with SPI bus National Semiconductor LM8323-controlled Qwerty keyboard with I ^ 2C bus Secure Digital Card connected to OMAP MMC / SD host OMAP three on-chip UARTs and On-chip debugging console STI a Bluetooth (R) Transceiver and UART HCI-related Mentor Graphics' Inventra "dual-role USB controller embedded in a TI TUSB6010 chip - only USB host mode is supported TI TMP105 temperature sensor on the I ^ 2C bus TI TWL92230C power management with an RTC on the I ^ 2C bus Nokia RETU Tahvo and multi-purpose chip to an RTC on the CBUS The Luminary Micro Stellaris LM3S811EVB emulation supports the following hardware: Cortex-M3 CPU core 64K Flash and 8K SRAM Timers, UARTs, ADC, and I ^ 2C interface OSRAM Pictiva 96x16 OLED with SSD0303 controller on the I ^ 2C bus. The Luminary Micro Stellaris LM3S6965EVB emulation supports the following hardware: Cortex-M3 CPU core 256K Flash and 64K SRAM Timers, UARTs, ADC, I ^ 2C and SSI interfaces OSRAM Pictiva 128x64 OLED with SSD0323 controller connected via SSI. The Freecom MusicPal Internet Radio emulation supports the following hardware: Marvell MV88W8618 ARM core. 32 MB RAM, 256 KB SRAM, 8 MB Flash. up to two 16550 UART MV88W8xx8 Ethernet Controller MV88W8618 audio controller, WM8750 CODEC and Mixer 128 x 64 display with brightness control 2 buttons, 2 navigation wheel with button function. The emulation of the Siemens SX1 models v1 and v2 (default) supports the following hardware: Texas Instruments OMAP310 system-on-Chip (ARM 925T core) ROM and RAM memory (ROM firmware image can be loaded with option-pflash) V1 1 flash 1 Flash 16MB and 32MB Flash 8MB V2 1 On-chip LCDController On-chip Real Time Clock Secure Digital Card connected to OMAP MMC / SD host three on-chip UARTs The emulation of Symbian Syborg Virtual Platform supports the following hardware: ARM Cortex-A8 CPU Interrupt Controller Timer Real Time Clock Keyboard Frame Buffer Touchscreen UARTs The possible types of CPU as the CPU at?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-arm-cpu? The ARM emulation supports this additional option:

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Semi-hosting Enables Hosting Semi syscall emulation. In the ARM architecture, the "Angel" is implemented interface. In this case the host system direct access to the host file system is allowed. It is only with trusted host systems used. The problem is the replication of the boot process in this architecture. First, there are significant differences to a normal PC. On the other difficult-licensing provisions, a replica of the hardware and firmware. Booting Linux is possible with the special Linux boot options. Example: Host ~ $ qemu-system-arm-kernel zImage.integrator \ Initrd-arm_root.img

The MIPS architecture (Microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages) is a RISC processor architecture developed in 1981 at Stanford University. MIPS was originally a 32-bit architecture, extended in 1991 with the R4000 to 64 bits. MIPS processors were used by Silicon Graphics in Unix machines. Previously offered other manufacturers, such as Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) and Siemens and SNI, machines with MIPS processors. MIPS processors are also found commonly in embedded systems (Cisco routers, Sun Cobalt server to RaQ/Qube2, BMW navigation systems, Fritz Box, Satellite Receiver, Dreambox, Konica Minolta and Sony DSLRs and Nintendo game consoles). The QEMU package, the programs are system-mips qemu, qemu-system-mips64, qemu-system-mipsel qemu-system-and mips64el (MIPSEL order is a MIPS-architecture with a different byte) included. The following machines can be emulated. Generic ISA PC-like machine, "mips" MIPS Malta prototype board "Malta" Acer Pica pica61 "(requires 64-bit emulator) MIPS emulator pseudo-board mipssim " MIPS Magnum R4000 machine "magnum" (requires 64-bit emulator). The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-mips-M? The generic emulation (mips) allows the installation of Debian on a virtual hard disk. The generic emulation supports the following hardware: several different MIPS CPUs (default 24Kf) PC-compatible serial port PC-compatible IDE hard disk NE2000 network card The Malta-emulation supports the following hardware: Core board with MIPS CPU and 24Kf Galileo system controller PIIX4 PCI / USB / SMBus Controller Multi-I / O chip's serial device Pcnet32 PCI Network Card Malta serial FPGA Device Cirrus (default) and other PCI VGA graphics cards The ACER-Pica emulation supports the following hardware: MIPS R4000 CPU PC-compatible IRQ and DMA controller PC keyboard IDE Controller The MIPS emulator pseudo-board emulation (mipssim) supports similar hardware as the generic emulation (mips): Several different MIPS CPUs (default 24Kf) PC-compatible serial port MIPSnet network emulation The MIPS Magnum R4000 emulation supports the following hardware: MIPS R4000 CPU PC-compatible IRQ controller PC keyboard SCSI Controller G364 framebuffer The possible types of CPU as the CPU at?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-mips-cpu? Host ~ $ qemu-system-mips64 cpu? The problem is the replication of the boot process in this architecture. Booting Linux is possible. An example of a virtual machine with MIPS architecture is explained in the section guest systems.

Cold Fire
The ColdFire processor architecture is a CISC architecture based on the Motorola 68000 family. These processors are designed specifically for the embedded market. The QEMU package is program qemu-system-m68k contain. Boot a uClinux kernel is supported. The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-m68k-M? The M5208EVB emulation supports the following hardware: MCF5208 ColdFire V2 microprocessor (ISA A + with EMAC). three two-on-chip UARTs. Fast Ethernet Controller (FEC) The AN5206 emulation supports the following hardware: MCF5206 ColdFire V2 microprocessor. Two-on-chip UARTs. It will support this additional option. Semi-hosting Enables Hosting Semi syscall emulation. For the M68K architecture, the "ColdFire GDB" interface is implemented. In this case the host system direct access to the host file system is allowed. It is only with trusted host systems used. The problem is the replication of the boot process in this architecture. Booting Linux is possible. Example: Host ~ $ qemu-system-m68k-kernel vmlinux-2.6.21-uc0-Oceanographic

The PowerPC (PPC) is a 1991 by a consortium of Apple, IBM and Motorola (now Freescale) specified CPU architecture on RISC-based. PowerPC processors include the use in Apple Macintosh computers, from IBM pSeries (RS/6000) and the IBM BladeCenter JS20, the Motorola power stack machines, the Nintendo GameCube and Wii, in the form of the Cell in the Playstation 3 from Sony and the Xbox 360 from Microsoft, and in many embedded systems. The operating systems Apple Mac OS X, Apple Mac OS versions 7.5 through 9.0, respectively OpenDarwin Darwin and Linux (LinuxPPC) are available for this architecture.

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QEMU emulates the following PowerPC hardware: UniNorth or Grackle PCI Bridge PCI VGA compatible graphics card with VESA Bochs Extensions Two PMAC IDE interfaces with hard disk and CD-ROM Support NE2000-PCI Adapter NVRAM (Non Volatile Random Access Memory) VIA CUDA with ADB keyboard and mouse. QEMU emulates the following hardware PREP: PCI Bridge PCI VGA compatible graphics card with VESA Bochs Extensions 2 PMAC IDE interfaces with hard disk and CD-ROM Support Floppy Drive NE2000-PCI Adapter Serial Port PREP NVRAM (Non Volatile Random Access Memory) PC compatible keyboard and mouse. QEMU uses the OpenBIOS for the emulation of the G3Beige and Mac99 PowerMac machines. The QEMU package programs, the-system-ppc qemu-system-ppc64 and qemu-system-mentioned ppcemb qemu. The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-ppc-M? The possible types of CPU as the CPU at?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-ppc-cpu? The following example starts a virtual machine with PowerPC architecture: Host ~ $ qemu-system-ppc-g 800x600 Platte.img qemu-system-ppc has the following additional options: -G WxH [xDEPTH] The start-g option is resolution and color depth to the. The default is 800x600x15. String-prom-env The option-prom-env is OpenBIOS variables in the NVRAM. Example: Host ~ $ qemu-system-ppc-prom-env 'auto-boot? = False \ -Prom-env 'boot-device = hd: 2, \ yaboot' \ -Prom-env 'boot-args = conf = hd: 2, \ yaboot.conf The problem is the replication of the boot process in this architecture. Booting Linux is possible.

The SuperH processor architecture (SH) is developed by Renesas Technology. This RISC-like processor architecture is very common in Japan. Worldwide SuperH is used in many embedded systems, since this architecture has low power consumption and relatively inexpensive. The HP Jornada series of used SH processors. The QEMU package are the programs qemu-system-sh4 and qemu-system-sh4eb to emulate the 4th Generation (SH-4) included. The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-sh4-M? The possible types of CPU as the CPU at?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-sh4 cpu? The problem is the replication of the boot process in this architecture. Booting Linux is possible. Example: Host ~ $ qemu-system-sh4-M r2d-hda sh-linux.img-kernel zImage \ Zero-serial-serial stdio-Oceanographic

ETRAX CRIS means a family of processors the company Axis Communications. These processors are based on the Code Reduced Instruction Set (CRIS). The QEMU package is program qemu-system-cris contain. The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-cris-M? The possible types of CPU as the CPU at?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-cris-cpu?

The microcontroller is defined as the MicroBlaze soft-core in hardware description languages like VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) or Verilog HDL. This 32-bit RISC microcontroller is implemented by FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) from Xilinx. In addition to the paid version of Microblaze there are open source replicas that can be used on FPGAs from other manufacturers. For example, is the aeMB-MicroBlaze clone under the LGPL license. MicroBlaze is supported by the operating systems Clinux, Linux and FreeRTOS. The possible types of machines as the M-to?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-microblaze-M? Supported machines are: petalogix-s3adsp1800 Petalogix Linux for Xilinx Spartan refdesign 3ADSP1800 (default) The possible types of CPU as the CPU at?. Host ~ $ qemu-system-microblaze-cpu?

Multi-processor systems
A symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) has a multi-processor architecture in which the current processes can be distributed across all available processors. In the asymmetrical multiprocessing other hand, each CPU will be assigned tasks. KVM and QEMU can emulate SMP with up to 255 CPUs. This is configured using the-smp followed by a number (1 to 255). Host ~ $ qemu-hda Platte.img-smp 2 The QEMU monitor cpu informs the command info on the CPUs. (Qemu) info cpus * CPU # 0: pc = 0xc0127365 (halted)

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CPU # 1: pc = 0xc0127365 (halted) The CPU marked with an asterisk is the default CPU. The following command will be # 1 for the default CPU CPU. (Qemu) CPU 1 (Qemu) info cpus CPU # 0: pc = 0xc0127365 (halted) * CPU # 1: pc = 0xc0127365 (halted) With the command cpu_set can switch on a CPU offline. (Qemu) cpu_set 0 Offline Use the following command, the CPU # 0 online. (Qemu) cpu_set 0 online For x86 architectures can specify the number of cores per socket, the threads per core and the number of sockets. The total number of CPUs can be omitted. Host ~ $ qemu-hda Platte.img-smp cores = 2 threads = 1, = 2 sockets (Qemu) info cpus * CPU # 0: pc = 0x00008bdb (halted) CPU # 1: pc = 0x000ff0a2 (halted) CPU # 2: pc = 0x000ff0a2 (halted) CPU # 3: pc = 0x000ff0a2 (halted) Furthermore, the maximum number of hot-pluggable CPUs are defined. Host ~ $ qemu-hda Platte.img \ -Smp cores = 2 threads = 1, Socket = 2, maxcpus = 8

NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) is a memory architecture for multi-processor systems. Each processor has a separate, local memory. Other processors in the system is made possible through a common address space, direct access to this memory (Distributed Shared Memory). NUMA architectures are implemented such as AMD Opteron multiprocessor systems on base. In simplified terms, a NUMA node, a memory region in which each byte the same distance (hops) to each CPU. To configure a NUMA node serves the-node NUMA. In the following example, a multi-node NUMA system is simulated. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64 disk \ Node-numa, numa-cpu = 0 node, cpus = 1-smp 2 The QEMU monitor informs the command info about the NUMA NUMA node. (Qemu) info numa 2 nodes node 0 cpus: 0 node size 0: 64 MB node 1 cpu: 1 node 1 size: 64 MB The COMPLETE syntax is: Numa-node [, mem = size] [, cpu = cpu [-cpu]] [, nodeid = node] The option mem = size defines the size of the memory. The default value is 128 MB. If this option is not specified, the resources are shared equally. The option cpus = cpu [-cpu] addressed the CPU (s) for configuration. If this option is not specified, the resources are shared equally. The option nodeid = node defines the node ID.

x86 virtualization
The KVM hardware-supported virtualization
As described above, the Kernel-based Virtual Machine is a type 2 hypervisor that supports the Full Virtualization. Instead of the command qemu is the Kernel-based Virtual Machine often used the kvm command. Some distributions call to the with-system-x86_32 qemu, qemu-system-x86_64 qemu or kvm-. Host ~ $ kvm Platte.img If the use of the KVM hardware-assisted virtualization is to be prevented, the option-no-kvm specify. When you install Microsoft Windows as guest system, the KVM hardwareassisted virtualization is disabled. Once installed, the KVM hardware-enabled virtualization are supported on all versions of Windows. Host ~ $ kvm-no-kvm Platte.img In the QEMU monitor, the command info kvm whether the KVM hardware-assisted virtualization is active. In this case, it was with-no-kvm disabled. (Qemu) info kvm kvm support: disabled If the KVM kernel modules are loaded, the command info kvm kvm support the message: from enabled. Host ~ $ qemu-monitor stdio (Qemu) info kvm kvm support: enabled If a virtualization solution within operated another virtualization solution, it is called nesting. The option-enable-nesting allows the operation of a KVM KVM instance. For this, the host system must have an AMD processor. It is necessary to emulate the 64-bit CPU. Example: Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64 Platte.img \ Qemu64-cpu, + svm-enable-nesting The option-kvm-shadow-memory storage size is the KVM MMU-shadowing the predetermined assigned. With the option-no-kvm-irqchip disable the KVM kernel mode PIC / IOAPIC / Lapic. The option-no-kvm-pit off the KVM kernel mode PIT. The option-no-kvm-pit-reinjection off the KVM kernel mode PIT interrupt reinjection.

The Accelator KQEMU

From QEMU 0.12.0 KQEMU is no longer supported. For instructions on installing QEMU with kqemu-support can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de /d/QEMU+KQEMU_unter_Linux . If the host and guest system available in x86 processor architecture, QEMU can use with the optional accelerator KQEMU the Native Virtualization. It goes KQEMU most commands directly to the real CPU. Only the CPU commands that directly address the hardware are intercepted and replaced with custom routines. For Linux guest systems the best Acceleration with the 2.4 kernel is reached. The 2.6 versions work, but are slower. To enable the full KQEMU virtualization is the option-kernel-kqemu apply. Host ~ $ qemu-kernel-kqemu Platte.img The QEMU monitor shows info kqemu command the use of the KQEMU. (Qemu) info kqemu kqemu support: enabled for user and kernel code

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Another option-enable-kqemu. This KQEMU is activated only in the user code. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img enable-kqemu The QEMU monitor shows info kqemu command the use of the KQEMU. (Qemu) info kqemu kqemu support: enabled for user code If the use is to be prevented from KQEMU, the option-no-kqemu specify. When you install Microsoft Windows as guest system KQEMU should be disabled. After installation, KQEMU be enabled on all versions of Windows. Host ~ $ qemu-no-kqemu Platte.img In the QEMU monitor, the command info kqemu whether the accelerator KQEMU is active. (Qemu) info kqemu kqemu support: disabled In this case KQEMU has been disabled. In the example below KQEMU QEMU compiled without support. The-kernel-kqemu-no-kqemu and are not available. (Qemu) info kqemu kqemu support: not compiled <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Virtuelle_Hardware/_Prozessoren " This page has been accessed 16,209 times. This page was last updated on 26 January 2011 at 16:54 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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Hardware RAM ACPI BIOS clock local time utc Graphic Keyb USB Sou...


Hardware RAM ACPI BIOS clock local time utc Graphic Keyb USB Sound System Clock USB PCI lspci lsusb
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Virtual Hardware / RAM bus ACPI Clock Graphic Keyb USB Sound]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 Hardware components 1.1 RAM ACPI 2.1 1.3 System Clock USB 4.1 PCI 1.5 1.6 graphics output, keyboard and mouse 1.7 Sound 1.8 Network Cards 1.9 The Option-device 1:10 Character Devices

The-rtc base = 2006-01-01 the system time is at 1 January 2006.

Hardware components
Depending on the used processor architecture different hardware components are emulated. By default, standard components can be adjusted. If no default devices are generated, the option to apply nodefaults. The QEMU monitor then shows no info command network devices on the network. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img nodefaults In the QEMU monitor, the command displays info on qtree the device tree.

(Qemu) info qtree bus: main-system-type bus system dev: i440FX pcihost-id, "" bus: PCI pci.0 type dev: PIIX3-ide, id "" bus-prop: addr = 01.1 class IDE controlle

The amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) defines the-m option followed by a number This is the number the amount of RAM in MB. The default value is 128 Optional can be specified using M or G is the size in megabytes or gigabytes. QEMU and KVM support to 2047 MB. For older operating systems, this value is reduced. Newer systems usually require more memory. Here's an example with 16 MB of RAM: Host ~ $ qemu-m 16 Platte.img In the following example the host system on GB RAM is made available. Host ~ $ qemu-m Platte.img 1G Will be allocated on Linux as the host system the host system, a large memory, there can be problems if there is insufficient shared memory. QEMU or KVM then complain about insufficient space in / dev / shm. It is better to extend this file system. For a permanent configuration) is the file / etc / default / tmpfs (Ubuntu adapt. Host ~ # umount / dev / shm Host ~ # mount-t tmpfs-o remount, size = 144m none / dev / shm The adaptation of memory at run time, Linux as guest system with the memory ballooning possible for (see Section paravirtualized device drivers). Information about the memory management to get the QEMU monitor. The info command shows active mem, virtual memory mapping to the. The info command lists tlb mapping of virtual to physical memory on that.

The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is an open industry standard for power management in computers. The control of the energy management lies entirely with the operating system. ACPI is the default QEMU and KVM. Should the guest operating system any problems, disable ACPI with-no-acpi. All versions of Windows 2000 and install different kernel versions, depending on whether ACPI is available. Why can not disable ACPI later if it was enabled during installation. Host ~ $ qemu-no-acpi Platte.img A special ACPI configuration allows the option-acpitable. The ACPI table is thereby filled with the specified header fields and contents of the files. -Acpitable [sig = str] [, rev = n] \ [, oem_id = st] [, Oem_table_id = str] [, oem_rev = n] [, asl_compiler_id = str] \ [, Asl_compiler_rev = n] [, data = file1 [: file2 ]...]

System Clock
The System Clock (Real Time Clock) is defined with the-rtc. Here's the syntax. -Rtc [base = utc | local time | date] [, clock = host | vm] [, driftfix = none | slew] To configure the system clock is by default the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Some operating systems such as DOS and Microsoft Windows versions, require the local time as setting the system time. In Central Europe would mean a difference of one hour in winter (UTC +1 corresponds to the MDGs) and two hours in summer (UTC +2 corresponds to the BST) result. The attitude of the local time option allows rtc-base = localtime the. In older versions of QEMU, the local option local time with time-defined. Host ~ $ qemu-rtc Platte.img base = localtime The-rtc base = date, the system clock when you start the virtual machine. In older versions of QEMU, the start time option start date specified. Possible values are 2008-04-17T16: 01:21 and 2008-04-17. Below the clock is set to 31.12.1999. Host ~ $ qemu-rtc Platte.img base = 1999-12-31 By default, the system of the instance to the system of the host system is provided. With the option clock = vm instance is running the system in isolation from the host. Host ~ $ qemu-rtc Platte.img base = utc, clock = vm For problems with time-drift in Microsoft Windows with ACPI HAL option is to apply slew driftfix = (only for x86 architectures). It is determined how many timer interrupts are not processed by the Windows guest system and attempts to apply it again. In older versions of QEMU hack was for the option-rtc-td-applied. Host ~ $ qemu-rtc Platte.img base = localtime driftfix slew = The BIOS on motherboards that are suitable for multi-core processors, is often the High Precision Event Timer (HPET) is implemented. This very precise timer triggers interrupts with a very high temporal resolution (quantization) from. Especially multimedia applications benefit from HPET. New operating systems support the High Precision Event Timer. In the QEMU monitor, the command info hpet use of the HPET. (Qemu) info hpet HPET is enabled by QEMU

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The option-no-HPET HPET is the support for disabled. Host ~ $ qemu-no-Platte.img hpet (Qemu) info hpet HPET is disabled by QEMU

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a bus system for connecting a computer with accessories. With USB-equipped devices can be connected together during operation (hot plugging). The connected devices and their properties are automatically recognized. Activates the USB emulation with USB option. Emulates a PCI UHCI USB controller. USB devices are the-USBDevice device configured with. Does the host system via USB support can be accessed on the USB device. the USB tablet device with the mouse pointer is in both the guest and the host system as used. The mouse pointer leaves the window of the instance is automatically switched to the hands of the host system. You have to leave so that window without having to enter the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt]. This option overrides the PS/2-Maus-Emulation. Host ~ $ qemu-usb-Platte.img USBDevice tablet In the QEMU monitor, the command displays info on this usb USB device. (Qemu) info usb Device 0.2, speed 12 Mb / s, USB Tablet Product For older operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows 98 CD is indeed a new driver for the USB Device Tablet installed from the installation, but the right mouse button does not work. It is a virtual USB device to add the Mouse. (Qemu) usb_add mouse the possibilities of option-USBDevice tablet addition, the pressure on the pointing device evaluation, if the option-USBDevice wacom-tablet is used instead. Here, a virtual Wacom Tablet PenPartner is emulated. This requires the Tslib library. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img USBDevice wacom-tablet A virtual USB memory stick to tie with the-USBDevice disk: a disk file. File is an image of a formatted virtual. Here's an example with an image (usb stick.img) as a virtual USB memory stick. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img USBDevice disk: usb stick.img The QEMU monitor can check with info usb, whether the device was added. (Qemu) info usb Device 0.2, speed 12 Mb / s, USB Product MSD (usb stick.img) USB device is removed with the command usb_del this device, with the example of the combination device is in 0.2. Previously, the USB device in the guest system is logging off. (Qemu) usb_del 0.2 With the following option, a USB-serial converter is emulated. USBDevice-serial: [VendorID = vendor_id] [, product_id = product_id]: dev The default values for the vendor and product ID are 0403 and 6,001th It is FT232BM FTDI chip and emulates a device connected to the host dev. Available character devices are similar to those of the serial option. The following example tmp output to the file / / redirected My.Log. Host ~ $ qemu-disk-01.img USBDevice serial:: file: / tmp / My.Log QEMU Manager is in the command information from the following info usb. (Qemu) info usb Device 0.2, speed 12 Mb / s, USB Serial Product QEMU (file: / tmp / My.Log) The option-USBDevice bt [: hci-type] dongle is a Bluetooth emulated. The possible values for hci-type are described in the Bluetooth section. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img USBDevice bt QEMU Manager is in the command information from the following info usb. (Qemu) info usb Device 0.2, speed 480 Mb / s, Product QEMU BT dongle With the-net USBDevice: options can be a USB network adapter to emulate, the CDC and RNDIS support the protocols. Options for the parameters of the option-net nic-users. Currently, this option may not be used with PCI network cards. For example, the user mode network stack is defined with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-net user Platte.img, vlan = 0-USBDevice net: vlan = 0 QEMU Manager is in the command information from the following info usb. (Qemu) info usb Device 0.2, speed 12 Mb / s, Product QEMU USB Network Interface The direct access to a USB device to the host system is still in the experimental stage and force from the QEMU and KVM. Under Linux host system lists the command lsusb on the available USB devices. Host ~ $ lsusb QEMU monitor is in the USB host info command the host device to check availability of the. (Qemu) info USB host Device 0.1, speed 480 Mb / s Class 00: USB device 090c: 1000, USB DISK In this example, host device with the Vender ID 090c and the product ID 1000 to be accessed on the. This allows the QEMU monitor, the command usb_add. (Qemu) usb_add host: 090c: 1000 If the access rights in the host system prohibit access, an error message. Warning: could not add USB device host: 090c: 1000 / Dev/bus/usb/000/001: Permission denied The access rights in Linux using the following line. Host ~ $ sudo chmod-R 777 / dev / bus / usb Host ~ $ sudo chmod-R 777 / proc / bus / usb Now, in the QEMU monitor, the command will be successfully applied usb_add. To access the USB device to the host system may also allow the option-USBDevice. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img USBDevice host: 090c: 1000

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To remove the USB device is used in QEMU monitor the command usb_del. Previously, the USB device in the guest system is logging off. (Qemu) usb_del host: 090c: 1000

PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) is a bus standard for connecting peripheral devices with the processors. Unlike the ISA bus supports PCI, the dynamic configuration of a device without user intervention. Nearly all from 1994, built IBM-compatible PCs equipped with two to seven slots for PCI cards. Also, newer computers from Apple and Sun workstations have a PCI bus. In the PCI slots can accommodate cards of different manufacturers are used, for example, network cards, modems, sound cards and (older or second) graphics cards. The QEMU monitor displays the command info pci PCI devices connected to the virtual. (Qemu) info usb The QEMU monitor command adds the pci_add hotplug devices launched the host system (Linux) is added. This requires the host system, the kernel modules are loaded and pci_hotplug acpiphp. In this example, a virtual PCI network interface card (NIC) of the type connected to the e1000 slot 0. (Qemu) pci_add auto nic model = e1000, id = NIC1 OK domain 0, bus 0, slot 4, function 0 The following command adds the file daten.img a virtual SCSI disk as added. (Qemu) pci_add auto storage file = daten.img, if = scsi OK domain 0, bus 0, slot 5, function 0 The syntax of the command is pci_add: (Qemu) pci_add auto | [[<domain>:] <bus>:] <slot> nic | storage \ [[Vlan = n] [, macaddr = addr] [, model = type]] \ [File = file] [, if = type] [, bus = n] Connected virtual PCI devices with the command pci_del away. It is at a minimum, the slot number indicated. With this command, the device in PCI slot 4 is removed. (Qemu) pci_del 4 The syntax of the command is pci_del: (Qemu) pci_del [[<domain>:] <bus>:] <slot> Still in development, access to PCI devices on the host system. There are still many limitations. The The The The host system is a Linux kernel, version 2.6.28 is required. host system must be no drivers on the PCI device access. PCI device may be no IRQ sharing with another device. kernel module raw_io is necessary.

The-host = pcidevice busaddresse binds a PCI device of a host system. The possible PCI bus addresses lists the command lspci. Host ~ $ lspci 06:00.0 ... The following command sets the device to the PCI bus address of 06:00.0 at guests' disposal. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img pcidevice host = 06:00.0 The syntax of option-pcidevice is: Pcidevice-host = bus: dev.func [, dma = none] [, name = string] Dma = none is specified, no DMA translation. Otherwise IOMMU is the default value applied. The parameter is the string used for logging output.

graphics output, keyboard and mouse

The type of graphics card is from QEMU 0.10.1 vga option-type defined. The following types are available: std Simulate a standard VGA card with VESA Bochs Extensions. Does the host system, the VESA 2.0 VBE extensions, this option for higher resolutions (> = 1280x1024x16) are selected. cirrus It emulates a CL-GD5446 PCI VGA card. This option is set as the default. All versions starting from Microsoft Windows 95 recognize this graphics card. For optimal performance in the host and guest system in each set a color depth of 16 bits. vmware Simulates a VMware SVGA II adapter compatible. This option can be used for guest systems with installed video drivers, the VMware Tools. xenfb Xen emulates a frame buffer. For a Linux guest system module, the corresponding command modprobe with xenfb loaded. none Disables the VGA card. The following example enables the standard VGA card with VESA BIOS Extensions 2.0. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img std-vga If the screen output of the host system in text mode can be applied to-curses option. Instead of the VGA output with the DirectMedia Layer (SDL), the VGA output through the Curses / Ncurses interface. In graphical mode at this option, no output. Host ~ $ qemu-curses Platte.img The-activated sdl Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) for graphics output. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-vnc: 1-sdl An instance in full screen mode starts the option-fullscreen. To switch between full screen and windowed mode is the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F]. Host ~ $ qemu-full-screen Platte.img The-Oceanographic disabled the graphical output and QEMU or KVM to be command-line tools. The emulated serial port is redirected it to the console. This can be controlled using special keyboard shortcuts. An overview of the shortcut shows the key combination [Ctrl] + [A] and [H]. The instance is terminated, for example, [Ctrl] + [A] and [X]. What kind of desktop computers not make much sense, can be interesting for server applications and kernel developers. The lack of interaction of the graphical output can be substituted for another communication. In initial tests, the snapshot option recommended. Is no communication with the host system possible, the instance with [Ctrl] + [A] and [X] be ended

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without harm to the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-snapshot-Platte.img Oceanographic The option-no-frame off the window frame of the instance. With-no-quit to disable the window close button (top right). Terminating the instance is the command to quit the QEMU monitor still possible. With the-old-grave +, the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] instead of [Ctrl] Alt] to release the mouse used [. The option-ctrl-grave] the right [Ctrl button instead of [Ctrl] + [Alt] to release the mouse uses. Normally, the keyboard layout is not specified. The-k option is only required if in recognition of the PC keyboard layouts are problems. The available layouts are ar, de-ch, it, for. fr-ca, hu, yes, mk, no, pt-br, sv, da, en-gb, et, fr, fr-ch, is, lt, nl, pl, ru, th, en, en-us; fi, fr-be, hr, it, lv, nl-be, pt, sl, tr. Default is en-us. Host ~ $ qemu-vnc Platte.img 1-k de The default is for the x86 architecture emulates a PS / 2 keyboard. The option-USBDevice keyboard is a USB keyboard emulates. Host ~ $ qemu-usb-Platte.img USBDevice keyboard The default is for the x86 architecture emulates a PS / 2 mouse. The QEMU monitor informs the command info on mice, the mice. (Qemu) info mice * Mouse # 0: QEMU PS / 2 Mouse If a USB mouse to be emulated mouse is the option-USBDevice apply. Host ~ $ qemu-usb-Platte.img USBDevice keyboard-mouse USBDevice The QEMU monitor lists the command info on the usb USB devices. (Qemu) info usb Device 0.1, speed 12 Mb / s, Product QEMU USB Keyboard Device 0.0, speed 12 Mb / s, USB Hub Product QEMU Device 0.0, speed 12 Mb / s, Product QEMU USB Mouse The option-chardev msmouse, id = id be the guest system, the events of a Microsoft mouse to emulate. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img chardev msmouse, id = Speedy-Gonzalez The QEMU monitor informs the command info on mice, the mice. (Qemu) info Mouse mice # 0: QEMU * Microsoft Mouse Mouse # 1: QEMU PS / 2 Mouse

To enable the emulation of one or more sound cards or the PC speaker is the option-soundhw. The emulation of the Adlib sound card, Gus and cs4231a are only available when compiling the option-audio-card-list the desired sound card was listed with. The following command lists the available sound hardware: Host ~ $ qemu-soundhw? pcspk PC speaker sb16 Creative Sound Blaster 16 cs4231a CS4231A adlib Yamaha YM3812 (OPL2) gus Gravis Ultrasound GF1 AC97 Intel 82801AA AC97 audio es1370 ENSONIQ AudioPCI ES1370 Several sound cards are separated by commas. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img soundhw pcspk, sb16 In emulation of the sound card Intel 82801AA AC97 audio under Linux as guest system requires the kernel module i810_audio the following option: modprobe i810_audio clocking = 48000th The all parameter activates all supported sound cards. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img soundhw all Information to the audio subsystem shows the option-audio-help. Host ~ $ qemu-audio-help By orders of the QEMU monitor can record the sound output of the host system. The following command starts the recording and writes it to the specified file: (Qemu) wavcapture mitschnitt01.wav Other parameters control the sample rate, Samplebits and the number of channels. Information about active recordings, the command info capture. (Qemu) info capture The first column shows the index number. The first active recording gets the number 0 To stop recording, stop the capture command from the index number is entered followed. (Qemu) stop capture 0 QEMU was with the --card-list = adlib, gus, cs4231a compiled audio, CS4231A are Yamaha YM3812 sound cards, Gravis Ultrasound GF1 and Crystal emulated. For the emulation of the sound card Gravis Ultrasound (GUS) is GUSemu ( http://www.deinmeister.de/gusemu/ ) was used. By default, the CIS uses IRQ7. This IRQ is also claimed by parallel ports. disabled to avoid conflicts to the parallel port. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img soundhw gus-parallel none Alternatively, to set IRQ to the CIS. Host ~ $ qemu-device Platte.img gus, irq = 5

To be emulated NIC (Network Interface Card - NIC) option-net nic configured with. The exact description is in the Network options.

A more flexible configuration of hardware components enables the-device option. The syntax is: -Device driver [, prop [= value ][,...]] Adds the device driver added. prop = value Defines the properties of the device. A list of possible devices is device-? Issued. This command lists the devices for the x86 architecture (64-bit).

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Host ~ $ qemu-device?

name "virtio-balloon-pci" PCI bus name "virtio-serial-pci", PCI bus, aka "virtio-serial" name "virtio-net-pci" PCI bus name "virtio-blk-pci, bus PCI name "sysbus A standard VGA card with sample-device emulates the VGA. This corresponds to the option-vga std. Host ~ $ qemu-device Platte.img VGA With-device driver? Get a list of possible properties for the specified device. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img VGA-device? VGA.bios-offset = hex32 VGA.bios-size = hex32 The QEMU monitor command adds the device_add a device run time the virtual machine to add. The options are similar to those of device. It should be added only hot-pluggable devices during operation, otherwise there is a crash of the host system. In the following example, the image is daten.img as a USB storage added. This USB is activated. Host ~ $ qemu-usb Platte.img The QEMU monitor the following commands are called: (Qemu) drive_add 0 id = mein_usb_drive, if = none, file = daten.img (Qemu) device_add usb-storage, id = mein_usb_storage, drive = mein_usb_drive The info command shows usb USB device to it. (Qemu) info usb Device 0.2, speed 12 Mb / s, Product QEMU USB MSD Removed, this USB device with the command device_del. (Qemu) device_del mein_usb_storage

Character Devices
Character device (character device) is transmitted only one character or one byte at a time (serial data transmission). The data is usually unbuffered, so transferred immediately. This distinguishes them from the block devices. These transmit the data in data blocks. The option-chardev devices are character-defined. Depending on the type of devices (backend) options are certain to apply. Any device with a string id must be assigned. This is used for unique identification. The general syntax is: Chardev backend-id = id [, options] The Device Device zero is an empty created. It does not send data and discarding received data. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img chardev null, id = nothing The QEMU monitor info lists the command chardev character devices on. (Qemu) info chardev nothing: filename = null Monitor: filename = vc serial0: filename = vc parallel0: filename = vc The stdio Device connection is a standard input and output QEMU instance on the. After the start of the instance you change the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [3] to the standard input and output. This option is not host systems running Microsoft Windows. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img chardev stdio, id = hans The device connects vc text console to QEMU ago. At that text console with the key combination [Ctrl] + switch [Alt] + [2]. Host ~ $ qemu-snapshot-Platte.img chardev vc, id = knut Other ways the-chardev be listed in the Annex. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Virtuelle_Hardware/_Bus_RAM_ACPI_Clock_Graphic_Keyb_USB_Sound " This page has been accessed 15,508 times. This page was last updated on 17 January 2011 at 17:25 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:56 PM

Paravirtualized device drivers virtio, virtio_pci, virtio_ring, virtio_net, vi...


Paravirtualized device drivers virtio, virtio_pci, virtio_ring, virtio_net, virtio_blk, virtio_balloon, Memory Balloning
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Virtual Hardware / paravirtualized device drivers]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents A paravirtualized device drivers for the guest systems 1.1 driver for Microsoft Windows 2.1 Virtio modules for Linux 1.2.1 paravirtualized network cards 1.2.2 paravirtualized block devices 1.2.3 Memory Ballooning

paravirtualized device drivers for the guest systems

The Kernel-based Virtual Machine support usually is not the paravirtualization. The use of paravirtualized device drivers is possible. The advantages of these drivers are lower overhead and higher performance. Only the availability of hardware enhancements such as IOMMU make the use of paravirtualized device drivers redundant.

Drivers for Microsoft Windows

Download: http://www.linux-kvm.com/content/tip-how-setup-windows-guest-paravirtual-network-drivers For Microsoft Windows 2000/XP is a special network driver is available. This is to be installed in the host system. In the options-net nic virtio is the parameter model = add. Host ~ $ kvm-net nic Platte.img, model = virtio ....

Virtio modules for Linux

Virtio is a paravirtualization interface that only one set of host drivers are developed. These drivers can be used by multiple virtualization solutions. This para virtual catalyzed device drivers are available for Linux guest systems with kernel version 2.6.25. paravirtualized network cards In the guest system, the following modules are loaded: virtio, virtio_pci, virtio_ring, virtio_net and virtio_blk. This requires the-net nic parameter model = virtio be added. Host ~ $ kvm-net nic Platte.img, model = virtio-net tap, ifname = TAP01 paravirtualized block devices Para-virtualized block devices with the option-drive ... if = virtio enabled. Host ~ $ kvm-drive file = Platte.img, if = virtio, boot = on In the host system through testing as to whether these modules were loaded. Guest ~ $ lsmod | grep virtio virtio_blk 16 392 17 668 0 0 virtio_pci virtio_ring 12 928 14 336 3 1 virtio_pci virtio virtio_blk, virtio_net, virtio_pci When using Virtio block devices should be in the Linux guest, the ext3 file system can be used. The XFS file system is not recommended because it operates an intense writecaching. In case of sudden failure of the virtual machine can cause problems. Memory Ballooning With memory ballooning is defined as the change in size of memory in the current host system. QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine support the Memory Ballooning only for Linux guests. be installed on the host system has a kernel of version 2.6.27. To activate the memory ballooning with the-balloon virtio [, addr = st]. Addr can optionally with the PCI device address can be specified. Host ~ $ qemu-balloon Platte.img virtio On the host system virtio_balloon the kernel module to load. Host ~ # modprobe virtio_balloon The QEMU monitor identified and change the amount of RAM. Increasing the memory of the-m option with a predetermined value is not possible. In the following example, the amount of memory of 512 MB of RAM to 256 MB of RAM is reduced. (Qemu) info balloon balloon: actual = 512 (Qemu) balloon 256 (Qemu) info balloon balloon: actual = 256 The amount of RAM in the host system can use the command to control free. Guest ~ $ free total ... Mem: 252 292 ... The option-none balloon Ballooning is the memory disabled. Host ~ $ qemu-balloon Platte.img none <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Virtuelle_Hardware/_Paravirtualisierte_Ger% C3% A4tetreiber " This page has been accessed 21,296 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:16 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:57 PM

Network options, networking - qemu-kvm and libvirt


Network options, networking

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / network options]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Network Options
Configuring Virtual Networks Network Services Network Protocol Analysis Bluetooth <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Netzwerkoptionen " This page has been accessed 10,923 times. This page was last updated on 26 Amended in February 2010 at 12:11 clock. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:58 PM

KVM QEMU Internet network bridging bridge nat, virtual networks, Slirp...


KVM QEMU Internet network bridging bridge nat, virtual networks, Slirp TUN / TAP, bridge-utils
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Network options / configure Virtual Network]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English Contents 1 Virtual Network 1.1 Network Card 2.1 User mode network stack 1.2.1 Port-redirect from the host system (hostfwd) 1.2.2 Redirects from the host system (guestfwd) 1.3 TUN / TAP network interfaces 1.4 More instances with network sockets 1.4.1 TCP Socket 1.4.2 UDP multicast socket 1.5 Bridging and Switching 1.5.1 bridge-utils 1.5.2 Proxy ARP bridging with parprouted VDE 1.5.3 Switch 1.6 The option-netdev

Virtual Networks
QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine support network connections between the host and the host system. Running multiple instances are also network connections between the host systems possible.

Warnke, Ritzau qemu-kvm and libvirt 4. Edition 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8370-0876-0 276 pages, 27.27 EUR Order

A virtual NIC (Network Interface Card) is the-net nic configured with. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic Platte.img The QEMU monitor info informs the command network of VLANs (Virtual Local Area Network) of the instance and the associated devices. In this example, the instance is a virtual network (VLAN 0) combined. Given a virtual network interface card (NE2000 PCI) is made with the MAC address 52:54:00:12:34:56 available. (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: user.0: net =, restricted = n e1000.0: model = e1000, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 The option-net nic is enabled by default and can be omitted. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img In the QEMU monitor, the command, the virtual network cable for the specified network card removed set_link (off) or connected (on). The following command pulls out the virtual network cable. (Qemu) set_link e1000.0 off The connection is restored. (Qemu) set_link e1000.0 on If no network card to emulate, is none the-net use. Host ~ $ qemu-net none Platte.img The syntax for the-net nic is as follows: -Net nic [, vlan = n] [, macaddr mac =] [, model = type] \ [, Name = str] [, addr = str] [, vectors = v] The parameter vlan = n when using multiple network cards to provide and define the VLAN. The default value is 0 With the model parameters can be adjusted network cards. Depending on the processor architecture of different network interface cards are emulated. All available network cards-net nic, model =? Listed with. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic, model =? qemu: Supported NIC models: ne2k_pci, i82551, i82557b, i82559er, rtl8139, e1000, PCnet, virtio The Kernel-based Virtual Machine are partially listed different network cards. Host ~ $ kvm-net nic Platte.img, model =? qemu: Supported ISA NICs: ne2k_isa qemu: Supported PCI NICs: i82551 i82557b i82559er ne2k_pci PCnet rtl8139, e1000 virtio

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KVM QEMU Internet network bridging bridge nat, virtual networks, Slirp...


In this example, the card is emulated RTL8139. Host ~ $ qemu-net Platte.img nic, model = rtl8139 The parameter macaddr is a MAC address (Media Access Control), which uniquely identifies your device on the network is used for. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic Platte.img, macaddr = 00:80: AD: 3B: 3E: 4F Some operating systems manage tables in which MAC addresses to network interfaces are assigned. a MAC address is changed, no longer works, the associated network card. Then the mapping table is updated. In Ubuntu, identify the MAC addresses in the file and SuSE in / etc/udev/rules.d/30-net_persistent_names.rules adapt etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. Older Ubuntu versions store the MAC addresses in / etc / iftab. This file can be deleted. The network card can be better addressed with the name parameter to be named = st. The QEMU monitor info with this name is displayed network. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic Platte.img, name = NIC1 (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: NIC1: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 With the parameters and vectors addr = str = v can be at PCI network cards, the PCI device address and the number of MSI-X vectors (Message Signaled Interrupts) set. This specification has currently no effect on virtio cards. With vectors X = 0 MSI disabled. In addition to one or more virtual network cards you need a virtual network infrastructure (cables, hubs, switches, bridges, routers, firewalls, network services ,...).

User mode network stack

A virtual network that is implemented without administrator rights in user mode of the host computer is easy to configure. If QEMU or Kernel-based Virtual Machine without entering a network option or with the options-net nic-net user called default, is a virtual network (, firewall and DHCP server ( generates. The DHCP server assigns the host system automatically assigns an IP address from The routing of which was provided by QEMU gateway ( is defined. A network configuration is, therefore, in most operating systems do not need and access from the host system to the outside is now available. That is, if the host system has access to the Internet, has also the host system to automatically access the Internet. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-net Platte.img user If neither for nor-net nic-net user additional parameters are necessary, they can be omitted, since these options are enabled by default. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img If more than one network card connected to a network, each with is with the-net nic, vlan = n the VLAN for the network card and the user mode network stack state. Here's an example with two network cards and two VLANs. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic Platte.img, vlan = 0-net user, vlan = 0 \ -Net nic, vlan = 1-net user, vlan = 1 The QEMU monitor informs the command info about network VLANs to the instance and the associated devices. (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: user.0: net =, restricted = n ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 VLAN 1 devices: user.1: net =, restricted = n ne2k_pci.1: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:57 The QEMU monitor VLANs can be removed with the command host_net_remove. In this example, the VLAN 1 will be removed. (Qemu) host_net_remove a user.1 (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: user.0: net =, restricted = n ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 VLAN 1 devices: ne2k_pci.1: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:57 The command host_net_add user can add VLANs. (Qemu) host_net_add user vlan = 1 (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: user.0: net =, restricted = n ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 VLAN 1 devices: ne2k_pci.1: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:57 user.1: net =, restricted = n For better distinction can be summed up VLANs. In this example, the VLANs and user.0 user.1 VLANextern and VLANintern but not named.

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Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img \ -Net nic, vlan = 0-net user, vlan = 0, = VLANextern \ name -Net nic, vlan = 1-net user, vlan = 1, name = VLANintern The QEMU monitor these names are displayed to the network with command info. (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: VLANextern: net =, restricted = n ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 VLAN 1 devices: VLANintern: net =, restricted = n ne2k_pci.1: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:57 By default, the host system, the network segment / 8 is provided. With-net user, net = addr [/ mask], the network address and optional network mask to be adjusted. In this example, the host system on the network segment is given. DHCP gives the host system's IP address Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-Platte.img net user, net = (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: user.0: net =, restricted = n ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 The host system is responsive to the host system via the second IP address (xxx2) in the host network. In the default network segment (, this is the IP address This IP address can be tested with ping. Furthermore, one can log on the host system via this IP address. With the-net user, host = addr can be the IP address of the host system to adapt. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-net Platte.img user, host = The firewall blocks all incoming instance of connections to this virtual network. Therefore it can not be accessed from outside the virtual machine. The host system is protected. By the way, QEMU and KVM block the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) to the outside. That is, a ping from the host system is not functioning to the Internet. If the host system are completely isolated, is the-net user, y = restrict use. Log in to the host system via the internal IP address is not possible. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-net Platte.img user, restrict = y In the QEMU monitor, the command info to network, whether activated restrict. (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: user.0: net =, restricted = y ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 The-net user, restrict = y does not affect the forward rules described below (-net user, and hostfwd-net user guestfwd). Other parameters the-net user are described in the section of network services. Port-redirect from the host system (hostfwd) Since the VLAN is protected by the built-in firewall, the host system from the outside can not be reached. In order to access certain services of the host system, you must have the appropriate ports open in the firewall. This can be in the user mode network stack the-net user =... hostfwd be configured to redirect port-by. In each case, a port of the host system to a mapped port of the host system. This means that is open on the host system, a port that is a port of the host system. The use of privileged ports (0 - 1024) of the host system is only the user root. The following example can be on port 12345 of the host system to SSH (port 22) on the host system. This must of course run on the host system on SSH server. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-Platte.img net user hostfwd = tcp:: 12345 -: 22 With an SSH client to log on here 12 345 port of the host system. The-p option defines the port. It is also a login from another computer on the network in this guest-mode operation. There must be local host's IP address or host name of the host system can be specified. On Microsoft Windows, a log with putty or with Cygwin is possible. The Cygwin commands are like their counterparts on Unix / Linux. Host ~ $ ssh-p 12 345 root @ localhost With SCP or WinSCP on Unix and Linux Microsoft Windows files with the host system to be replaced. The following example uses the file / etc / fstab of the host system (Linux) on the host system (Linux) scp copied. Host ~ $ scp-P 12 345 root @ localhost: / etc / fstab file. To a Remote Desktop Protocol (see # http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools Remote_Desktop_Protocol a guest system running Microsoft Windows log-on) can do is to unlock each of the Port 3389th Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-Platte.img net user hostfwd = tcp:: 3389 -: 3389 With rdesktop or another RDP client connects you to the guest. Host ~ $ rdesktop-g 800x600-k de localhost You can configure multiple port redirects. If you want, for example, the HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) of a guest system running on the webserver effect is available, the following options. On the host system in the Web browser using the URL http://localhost:8080

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the HTTP port and using the URL https: / / localhost: 8081 port of the host system continues to be the HTTPS. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic Platte.img \ -Net user, hostfwd = tcp:: 8080 - 80, hostfwd = tcp:: 8081 - 443 The QEMU monitor informs the command info on the Usenet defined forward rules. (Qemu) info Usenet VLAN 0 (user.0): Protocol [State] FD Source Address Port Port Dest.Address recvq SendQ TCP [HOST_FORWARD] 6 * 8080 80 0 0 TCP [HOST_FORWARD] 5 * 8081 443 0 0 Furthermore, the QEMU monitor rules with the new forward command will be added hostfwd_add. The following example can be on port 12345 of the host system to SSH (port 22) on the host system. (Qemu) hostfwd_add tcp:: 12345 -: 22 The command hostfwd_remove rules Forward deleted. (Qemu) hostfwd_remove tcp:: 12345 The general syntax for the Port Redirect by option-net user, hostfwd is as follows. -Net user, hostfwd = [tcp | udp]: [hostaddr]: host port [guestaddr]: guest-port If neither tcp or udp as the connection type specified, the TCP protocol is used. By specifying hostaddr, the forward rule defined in the host network interface bound to be one. If not specified guestaddr, whose address is the first value from the internal DHCP server default IP assigned (xxx15). The general syntax for the command hostfwd_add QEMU monitor is in the following. In addition to the parameters of-net user, hostfw VLAN ID can be specified. This is more virtual network cards required at (see-net nic, vlan = n). (Qemu) hostfwd_add [vlan_id name] \ [Tcp | udp]: [hostaddr]: host port [guestaddr]: guest-port The general syntax for the command hostfwd_remove is: (Qemu) hostfwd_remove [vlan_id name] [tcp | udp]: [hostaddr]: host port In older QEMU-/KVM-Versionen is for port-to redirect the use redir option. Redirects from the host system (guestfwd) With the-net user, guestfwd = [tcp]: server: port-dev is a TCP connection from the host system to the IP address (server) and port (port) on the character device (dev) of the host system passed. This option can be specified multiple times. In the following example, port is a TCP connection from the host system to the IP address and the stdio redirected to 80th Will host system, an HTTP request to the IP address sent in, this request appears to stdio. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img \ -Net nic-net user, guestfwd = tcp : GET / HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: Wget/1.11.4 Accept: * / * Host: Connection: Keep-Alive

/ TUN TAP-Network-Interfaces
The user mode network stack has some limitations. As the guest system is in a different network than the host system and behind a firewall, is a complete access to the host system is not possible. This gives the host and guest system, a common network, an additional network interface in the host system is required. This additional network interface will do a / TAP adapter allows. TUN and TAP are virtual network kernel drivers that simulate network devices through software. DO simulates a point-to-point network device, whereas TAP is an Ethernet device. Only by / TUN TAP adapter of the host system the host system receives a full TCP / IP connection. The Linux kernel version 2.1.60 offers from TUN / TAP support. It is necessary to ensure that the device / dev / net / do for the user under the QEMU or KVM runs accessible. Host ~ $ sudo chmod go + rw / dev / net / do What is needed is the script / etc / qemu-ifup, the call to QEMU with the-net tap in the DO / TAP adapter assigns an IP address. This file is as following: # / Bin / sh sudo-p "Password for $ 0:" / sbin / ifconfig $ 1 The script in the specified IP address must be on the same network segment as the IP address of the host system are located, but may not match an existing IP address. Configures interface is a network with ifconfig. This requires root privileges, which are awarded with the sudo command in the script. Furthermore, the script / etc / qemu-ifdown necessary. You lay it with the following contents: # / Bin / sh sudo-p "Password for $ 0:" / sbin / ifconfig $ 1 down

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QEMU or KVM is the-net nic-net tap, and its parameters and start with. Host ~ $ qemu-hda Platte.img-net nic, vlan = 0-net tap, vlan = 0, ifname = tap0 Password for / etc / qemu-ifup: ***** The host system receives a TAP-device with the IP address Host ~ $ ifconfig eth0 tap0 Protocol: Ethernet ... inet addr: ... The QEMU monitor lists the command info this network configuration. (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: tap.0: ifname = tap0 script = / etc / qemu-ifup, down script = / etc / qemu-ifdown ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 In the QEMU monitor, the command host_net_remove this interface removed. (Qemu) host_net_remove 0 tap.0 Password for / etc / qemu-ifdown: ***** (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 To activate a TUN / TAP network interface can in QEMU monitor the command used to tap host_net_add. After this command, the parameters as in tap-net state. (Qemu) host_net_add tap vlan = Password for / etc / qemu-ifup: (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, tap.0: ifname = tap0 script = This is the full syntax for the-net tap: -Net tap [, vlan = n] [, name = name] [, fd = h] [, ifname = name] \ [, Script = file] [, script = dfile down] [, sndbuf = nbytes] Here, the TAP network interface of the host system with the VLAN N. It is the script file (default = / etc / qemu-ifup) for the activation and the script dfile (Default = / etc / qemu-ifdown) used for the deactivation. Where the performance of the scripts are prevented, is no script = script or down to set no =. With fd is a handle to an existing TAP network interface to be specified. With the option sndbuf buffer is the size of the send-limited. The default value of sndbuf = 1048576 can be deactivated with sndbuf = 0. Under Linux, it is possible for the program tunctl with TAP interfaces or manually generate. This is necessary to move virtual machines from other virtualization solutions networked. This package is the uml-utilities needed. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install uml-utilities The following command sets TAP interface tap0 to the user and makes the hans of the owner. Host ~ $ sudo tunctl-t tap0-u hans The command ifconfig interface on this list. Host ~ $ ifconfig eth0 Microsoft Windows versions do not offer / TUN TAP support. This will only be established by the installation of the TUN / TAP adapter OpenVPN. A tutorial is located at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/QEMU_unter_Microsoft_Windows . 0, ifname = tap0 *****

macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 / etc / qemu-ifup, down script = / etc / qemu-ifdown

Multiple instances Sockets network with

With the-net socket, it is possible to connect with each other several instances. Is also a link desired to the outside, a virtual machine can be configured as a router. Communication is done via sockets. A socket is a bi-directional software interface for inter-process or network communication. TCP socket A variation to allow multiple guest systems communicate with each other is connected through a TCP socket (Transmission Control Protocol). The configuration is similar to the configuration of the UDP multicast socket. If instance-net socket with the specified parameter list one for, instance waits for incoming connections on the specified port. In the second instance, connects you to connect with the first instance. Here is an example of waiting on connection instance. Host ~ $ qemu-disk 01.img-net nic, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 \ -Net socket, listen =: 1234 The second example is an instance that connects to the first instance. Host ~ $ qemu-disk 02.img-net nic, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:57 \

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-Net socket, connect = In both instances, each in QEMU monitor console with info network availability of the socket to be tested. In the instance list displays the following output: (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: NE2000 PCI macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 socket: connection from the instance to connect to this information is displayed. (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: socket: connect to ne2000 macaddr pci = 52:54:00:12:34:57 Now the IP addresses in the host systems are configured. In these examples, Linux is the guest. The first system receives the IP address This is the command ifconfig defined with. Guest 1 ~ # ifconfig eth0 The second host system receives the IP address Guest 2 ~ # ifconfig eth0 Here is the complete syntax for generating a TCP socket: -Net socket [, vlan = n] [, name = name] [, fd = h] \ [, Listen = [host]: port] [, connect = host: port] These options connect to the VLAN to another VLAN n over a TCP socket connection. Indicated listen, instance waits for incoming connections on the specified port (host is optional.) In the second instance, connects you to connect with the first instance. With fd is a handle of an existing TCP socket can be specified. UDP multicast socket Another option to connect multiple host systems with each other, is a VLAN via UDP multicast socket. Via multicast to be sent in TCP / IP network data to many recipients at the same time. This is a special multicast address in the range to The protocol UDP (User Datagram Protocol). There is a minimal, connectionless network protocol that is part of the transport layer of the Internet protocol suite. To a UDP multicast socket to connect instances, each of the startup options nic-net showing the MAC address of the virtual network card and net-socket joint, indicating the multicast address and port to use. In this example, the multicast address is addressed with the port 1234. Host ~ $ qemu-disk 01.img-net nic, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 \ -Net socket, mcast = The second instance is started with a different MAC address. Host ~ $ qemu-disk 02.img-net nic, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:57 \ -Net socket, mcast = It can have instances are called. Host ~ $ qemu-disk 03.img-net nic, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:58 \ -Net socket, mcast = In the instances in each case shows the QEMU monitor, the command info socket to the network used. For example, here the first instance: (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: socket.0: socket: mcast = ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 Now the IP addresses in the host systems are configured. In these examples, Linux is the guest. The first system receives the IP address This is the command ifconfig defined with. Guest 1 ~ # ifconfig eth0 The second host system receives the IP address Guest 2 ~ # ifconfig eth0 The third host system receives the IP address Guest 3 ~ # ifconfig eth0 In the current instance does it with the command host_net_remove remove a socket. (Qemu) host_net_remove 0 socket.0 (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56

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The command generates host_net_add socket is a socket. The parameters correspond to those of net-socket option to generate a UDP multicast socket. (Qemu) host_net_add socket mcast = (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 socket.0: socket: mcast = Here is the complete syntax for generating a UDP multicast socket: -Net socket [, vlan = n] [, name = name] [, fd = h] [, mcast = Maddren: port] This generates one VLAN, the n, which together with other instances of the same multicast address and port can be used Maddren port. Multiple instances can run on different hosts and use the same bus. The multicast Supportt is compatible with User Mode Linux (eth n = mcast). With fd is a handle to an existing multicast UDP sockets can be specified.

Bridging and Switching

Bridging refers to a technique for coupling two networks, usually LAN segments on the layer 2 of the OSI model. This technique can be used to crosslink virtual machines. This makes it possible to make the virtual machines have full network access. On the virtual machines can also be accessed from outside the host system. When switching, the incoming Ethernet frame is analyzed. Here, the MAC addresses of the sender and receiver in the MAC table will be saved. Thus, packages can be quickly routed to the switch port on which depends the recipient. Since the wiring of the ports can be changed, old entries in the MAC table will be deleted regularly. There are Layer 2 and Layer 3 switches. The latter have usually have management functions. Switches are also known as intelligent hubs and how they work is a bridge very similar. Bridges have usually had only two ports. Switch between four, however, feature, 12 to 48 ports. Switches control more functions than Bridges. To put it simply: Each switch is a bridge, but not every bridge is a switch. However, there are bridges that can also link protocols such as Token Ring and Ethernet (MAC bridge or LLC-Bridge). This is not possible using switches. bridge-utils Virtual Bridges are Unix / Linux with the package bridge-utils under realized. The Bridging the package bridge-utils does not work with wireless devices. For WLAN Devices Bridging the proxy ARP parprouted apply to (see below). The installation of the package bridge-utils is Debian / Ubuntu the command line: Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install bridge-utils To view existing bridges, and its configuration, the command is brctl show. Host ~ $ sudo-i Host ~ # brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces pan0 8000.000000000000 no A Bridge to delete the command brctl delbr. Host ~ # brctl delbr pan0 To create a new bridge option is to apply addbr. In the following example, the applied Bridge's name bri0. Host ~ # brctl addbr bri0 With brctl show you check whether the bridge was built. Host ~ # brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces bri0 8000.000000000000 no Since only one bridge is used, the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is not necessary and disable. The Spanning Tree Protocol is used to avoid redundant network paths (loops) on the LAN. Host ~ # brctl stp off bri0 Host ~ # exit Host ~ $ In this example, the TUN / TAP network interfaces of two virtual machines to scale Bridge can be connected. This allows the virtual machine to the network of the host computer are connected. The address of this network is First, two instances are TUN / TAP network interfaces restart. For the clear need to address the MAC addresses can be different. Otherwise there will be dropouts. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic Platte1.img, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56-net tap Password for / etc / qemu-ifup: ***** Host ~ $ qemu-net nic Platte2.img, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:57-net tap Password for / etc / qemu-ifup: ***** The host system interfaces, the virtual network and tap1 created tap0. This can be checked ifconfig command with the. The IP addresses of the virtual network interfaces must be deleted. Host sudo ifconfig tap0 up Host ~ $ sudo ifconfig tap1 up

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The virtual network interfaces are then assigned to the Bridge bri0. Host ~ $ sudo brctl addif bri0 tap0 Host ~ $ sudo brctl addif bri0 tap1 This assignment is with the command to control brctl show. Host ~ $ sudo brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces bri0 8000.76674ec80764 no tap0 tap1 The bridge gets a free IP address in the network of the host system. Host ~ $ sudo ifconfig bri0 up The availability of these IP address will be another computer on that network with ping tested. Host 2 ~ # ping The virtual machines, free IP addresses of the host network are assigned. Runs on Linux guest systems, the following commands are used. Guest 1 ~ # ifconfig eth0 netmask up Guest 2 ~ # ifconfig eth0 netmask up Thus the network card of the host system can be connected to the bridge, his IP address is deleted and then assigned to the Bridge. The host is then no longer available at the old IP address. Host ~ $ sudo ifconfig eth0 up & & brctl addif bri0 eth0 In order for the bridge even after a restart is available, the appropriate network configuration file is to be adapted. For Debian / Ubuntu, this is the file / etc / network / interfaces. In this example, the previous entries are deleted to eth0. The bridge and thus the computer in this example are accessible via the IP address auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual auto bri0 bri0 iface inet static address network netmask broadcast gateway bridge_ports eth0 bridge_fd 9 bridge_hello 2 bridge_maxage 12 bridge_stp off If an address by DHCP server should assign to this configuration is used: auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual auto bri0 iface inet dhcp bri0 bridge_ports eth0 bridge_fd 9 bridge_hello 2 bridge_maxage 12 bridge_stp off Then, the network service is restarted. Host ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / networking restart With many desktop distributions that network configuration is done using network manager. For the configuration shown here, this must be removed. On Debian / Ubuntu this is done with one line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get remove network-manager In Fedora several steps to uninstall the network manager are necessary: Host ~ $ su Host ~ # yum remove NetworkManager Host ~ # chkconfig network on Host ~ # echo "DEVICE = eth0"> / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Host ~ # echo "ONBOOT = yes">> / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Host ~ # system-config-network

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proxy ARP bridging with parprouted Another possibility is to use the proxy ARP bridging. Unlike standard bridging, proxy ARP allows the bridging and connecting via a wireless connection. Package is needed to the parprouted. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install parprouted To bridge between the interfaces eth0 and tap0 to create one that serves the following command. Host ~ $ sudo parprouted eth0 tap0 VDE Switch Switch to VDE (Virtual Distributed Ethernet) supports the development of complex virtual network connections. This package is the vde2 necessary. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install vde2 This package contains the program vde_switch for creating virtual switches. After his call, and another pressing the Return key will get a prompt. The help command shows commands at all. The shutdown command stops the virtual switch. Host ~ $ sudo vde_switch [Return] vde vde $ $ help shutdown With the - daemon is started as a daemon vde_switch. The option - defines the socket sock, and with the - mgmt is the connection to the management of the virtual switch created. Host ~ $ sudo vde_switch - daemon - sock / tmp / myswitch \ - Mgmt / tmp / myvde.mgmt unix term with the program can manage the switch itself. The command port vde / print lists the active ports. With the key combination [Ctrl] + [d] to log off. Host ~ $ sudo unix term / tmp / myvde.mgmt vde $ port / print 0000 DATA END WITH '. " . 1000 Success vde $ [Ctrl] + [d] Host ~ $ Was QEMU / KVM support for VDE compiled with, the option-net vde available. With this command, the instance with the applied virtual switch is connected. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-net Platte.img vde, sock = / tmp / myswitch Was QEMU / KVM VDE compiled without support for, the program included in the package vde2 vdeq be used. It is before the command or enter kvm qemu. Host vdeq ~ $ qemu-net nic-net Platte.img vde, sock = / tmp / myswitch As a control can be the active virtual switch ports on the list. In this example, a virtual machine is connected to the switch. Host ~ $ sudo unix term / tmp / myvde.mgmt vde $ port / print 0000 DATA END WITH '. " Port 0001 untagged_vlan = 0000 ACTIVE - Unnamed ALLOCATABLE IN: 75 bytes 7103 pkts OUT: 0 bytes 0 pkts - Endpoint ID 0003 module unix prog: QEMU user = knut PID = 1740 SOCK = / tmp/myswitch/.01740-00000 In the host system, this is for Linux, an IP address is configured. Host ~ # ifconfig eth0 netmask up A virtual router can also be set up with slirpvde. Slirpvde is also part of the package vde2 and requires no administrative rights. If not yet done is to create a virtual switch earlier. Host ~ $ sudo vde_switch - daemon - sock / tmp / myswitch \ - Mgmt / tmp / myvde.mgmt Now is called slirpvde. The option dhcp-server is a DHCP-enabled. This gives the virtual machines on virtual switch access to the outside. Host ~ $ sudo slirpvde - daemon - sock / tmp / dhcp-myswitch It can start a virtual machine and connected to the virtual switch. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-net Platte.img vde, sock = / tmp / myswitch If a second instance of the virtual switch are connected, ensure that they used a different MAC address.

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KVM QEMU Internet network bridging bridge nat, virtual networks, Slirp...


Host ~ $ qemu-drive \ zwei.img -Net nic, macaddr = 00:80: AD: 3B: 3E: 4F-net vde, sock = / tmp / myswitch As a control to list the active ports of the virtual switch. Host ~ $ sudo unix term / tmp / myvde.mgmt vde $ port / print Here is the complete syntax for the-net vde. -Net vde [, vlan = n] [, name = name] [, sock = socketpath] \ [, Port = n] [, group = groupname] [mode = octalmode] The VLAN port n is the n switches connected with a VDE. This virtual switch is installed on the host system and waits for incoming connections on the socket socketpath. With the group groupname and the mode octalmode it is possible to obtain ownership and access rights to adapt.

QEMU with 0.12.0, the option to define virtual networks introduced netdev. Depending on the type of virtual network (user, tap, vde, socket) are certain parameters apply. must be a string that uniquely identifies id assigned to this case. In this example, with-net nic a network interface card (e1000) and with the user-mode network stack defined netdev. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img \ -Net nic, model = e1000, netdev = netdev net0-user, id = net0 The definition of the network card with the option-device also take place. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img \ E1000-device, netdev = netdev net0-user, id = net0 <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Netzwerkoptionen/_Virtuelle_Netzwerke_konfigurieren " This page has been accessed 39,629 times. This page was last updated on 7 January 2011 at 12:31 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 6:59 PM

dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD, BKO, certtool
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Network Options / Network Services]])
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1/29/2011 7:00 PM

dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


A samba share for a guest.

The built-in TFTP server allows the host system (in this case Linux) to download files from the host system.

The TFTP client from Microsoft Windows.

QEMU is trying to boot over the network.

Installing Ubuntu via PXE over the network.

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dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


Contents 1 network services 1.1 DHCP and DNS 2.1 Samba 1.3 TFTP PXE 4.1 1.5 VNC

Network Services
The built-in QEMU / KVM DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) supports automatic network configuration of the guest systems in the user mode network stack. This is with almost any network-enabled guest operating systems for an immediate network connection possible to the outside. If the options-net nic-net user specified, the virtual network (, an internal DHCP server ( and DNS server ( enabled. The guest systems are assigned IP addresses from Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-net Platte.img user As the options-net nic-net user by default are enabled, they can be omitted. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img -Net user, hostname = host, a system with the integrated DHCP server assigned DNS name for the host-defined. In this example, the IP address of the host system's DNS entry knut. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-Platte.img net user, hostname = knut The option addr = dhcpstart defines the first address of the IP range, DHCP server can assign the. This area includes 16 IP addresses. By default, this region lies between xxx16 xxx31 and. For example, with dhcpstart = set by DHCP to the host system an IP address from Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-Platte.img net user dhcpstart = The option addr = dns defines the visible to the host system IP address of the integrated DNS server. By default, this is the third IP address in the guest network, for example xxx3. In this example, the DNS server is assigned the IP address This address is communicated to the host system via DHCP. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-net Platte.img user, dns = In addition to automatic configuration via DHCP is in the host system's network configuration done manually. As a gateway, the IP address can be set The IP address of the virtual network adapter can be configured in the network segment from Also, other or additional DNS servers are entered. For example, to configure a DNS server according to the instructions at http://www.opennicproject.org/migrate in the host system, the top-level domains. glue. indy. geek. zero. oss and . OpenNIC parody of the project are resolved.
The Terminal Server Client in Ubuntu.

The VNC Viewer TightVNC.

Samba is a free software suite that makes the Server Message Block protocol (SMB) for Unix systems available. Which means that Samba will be Windows shares on Unix / Linux produced. QEMU and KVM allow Samba to exchange data between the host and guest systems. Was on the host system is already installed Samba server, and configured, the host system which shares the URL \ \ \ accessed. Since neither QEMU KVM still own Samba Server is on the host system is a Samba server installed. On Debian or Ubuntu installation is done with a command line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install samba Furthermore, a directory on the host system is required as a share. The Samba server must have read / write permissions for that directory. With the-net user, smb = directory of the Samba server (/ usr / sbin / smbd) with its own configuration started. Thus, the Samba server can be accessed, the user must run under the QEMU or

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dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


KVM is supposed to have permission to start the Samba server. A variant is QEMU with sudo access. Host ~ $ sudo qemu-net nic-Platte.img net user smb = / tmp / Password: ***** The Samba server has the IP address In Microsoft Windows guest system one uses the File Manager to this share to (Tools menu, Map Network drive: \ \ \ qemu). If you prefer to use a host name for the Samba server can assign the IP address of a name. This is the host system, depending on the version of Windows in one of the files C: \ WINNT \ SYSTEM32 \ DRIVERS \ ETC \ LMHOSTS, C: \ WINDOWS \ LMHOST S or C: \ WINNT \ SYSTEM32 \ DRIVERS \ ETC \ HOSTS the following to add a row. smbserver Optionally, the IP address of the Samba server with the option to change smbserver. In this example, the Samba server, the address is assigned. Host ~ $ sudo qemu Platte.img \ -Net nic-net user, smb = / tmp /, smbserver =

The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple file transfer protocol. It only supports reading and writing files. Not present many features of the powerful FTP such as rights issue, the ads are existing files or user authentication. Motivation for developing TFTP was the loading of operating systems or configurations on the network. This is the connection-oriented TCP and FTP based on it way too cluttered. TFTP, however, is deliberately kept simple. The built-in QEMU / KVM TFTP server (IP address allows a simple way to put the files in the host system the host system to download. be configured on the host system to be installed and a TFTP client in binary mode. Enables the TFTP server with the-net user, followed by the path to tftp download directory. For this, the Unix convention is applied. If the host is a Microsoft Windows system, instead of C: Users \ User01 spelling / Users/Users01 apply \. A switch of drives is not possible. The following example is used to download files in directory / tmp on the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-net nic-Platte.img net user tftp = / tmp / If not present, the host system or a TFTP client to be installed. If the host system on Debian derivative, the package is to use tftp. Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get install tftp Downloading a file from the TFTP host is done with these commands: Guest ~ $ tftp tftp> binary tftp> get foo.txt tftp> quit On Microsoft Windows NT, 2000 and XP already have a TFTP client from the DOS command prompt is available. Guest C: \> tftp-i GET foo.txt

The Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) allows a network-based boot process. PXE uses the TCP / IP, UDP, DHCP, TFTP and the concepts GUID / UUID, UNDI (Universal Network Device Interface) and a client-side software extension of defined APIs. With a PXE-enabled computer, it is possible to boot over the network from a boot server. This is necessary if installed on a computer without adding storage media is an operating system or a thin client system should be established. The network boot process is initiated by an installed on the network card BIOS. The boot process works as follows: The firmware provides a DHCP request to determine the PXE boot server. After receiving a reply, they contacted the appropriate boot server to get from him the path to download the NBP (Network Bootstrap Program) submitted. This boot loader is then loaded into memory and executed. QEMU was in version 0.12.0 of the network Booloader gPXE ( http://etherboot.org ) integrated. PXE gPXE supplemented with additional functions. For example, only supports FTP, HTTP, and iSCSI. The option-boot n | o | p booting over the network will allow. With n being the first Network card, o the 2nd NIC and the 3rd p Network card is addressed. For booting over the network the appropriate PXE ROM images of the network cards are required.

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dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


Host ~ $ qemu-boot n No valid PXE rom found for network device In that case, QEMU no PXE ROM image. To load PXE ROM images on the URLs http://etherboot.org and http://rom-o-matic.net down. In Linux they are in the / usr / share / kvm / or / usr / share / qemu / copy to. Elegant is the installation of the parcel. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install kvm-pxe These are distinguished by the PXE ROM images only in the directory / usr / share / kvm or copied. Host ~ $ dpkg-L kvm-pxe | grep. "Bin" / Usr/share/kvm/pxe-e1000.bin / Usr/share/kvm/pxe-ne2k_pci.bin / Usr / share / kvm / pxe-pcnet.bin / Usr/share/kvm/pxe-rtl8139.bin / Usr / share / kvm / pxe-virtio.bin QEMU investigated the PXE ROM images under / usr / share / qemu /. You have to path with the optionoption-rom specify the. Host ~ $ qemu-boot-option-rom / usr/share/kvm/pxe-ne2k_pci.bin n It is better in the / usr / share / qemu / to the appropriate PXE ROM images in the / usr / share / kvm / symlinks to point to. Host $ cd / usr / share / kvm Host ~ $ sudo for i in `ls` * pxe; do \ ln-s / usr / share / kvm / $ i / usr / share / qemu /; done Host ~ $ qemu-boot n With PXE, it is possible to install operating systems on the network. In this example it is Ubuntu. First, a directory must be created. Then the netboot archive download and extract.

Host ~ $ sudo mkdir netboot / Host $ cd ~ / netboot Host ~ $ sudo wget \ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.g Host ~ $ sudo tar xzvf netboot.tar.gz In any directory is generated for the virtual disk to install QEMU or KVM and then run with the appropriate options. The boot-file parameter defines the BOOTP file. Installing Ubuntu is listed in the guest systems ( http://qemu-buch.de/d/Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur/_Linux described). Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 ubuntu.img 10G Host ~ $ qemu-hda-boot ubuntu.img n \ -Net nic-net user = tftp / netboot / boot file = pxelinux.0 The options for booting over the network, it is still possible diskless clients for the Linux Terminal Server Project ( http://www.ltsp.org ) to emulate. For example, use the Linux distribution Eubuntu an LTSP server to support diskless clients. Requires the package ltsp-server. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install ltsp-server This package contains tools to make a LTSP environment ( http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LTSP install). The following command installs an LTSP environment in / opt/ltsp/i386. Host ~ $ sudo ltsp-build-client By Network Block Device (NBD), the LTSP image is provided. The command sudo ltsp-update-image generates this in the / opt / ltsp / images. It requires that the services are restarted. Host ~ $ sudo ltsp-update-image - arch i386 Host ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / dhcdbd restart Host ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / tftpd-hpa restart Host ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / openbsd-inetd restart

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dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


QEMU is started with the following options. Host ~ $ sudo qemu-net nic-net tap-n-vga std boot-monitor stdio

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) allows the screen of a computer (on which the VNC server running) to another computer (on which the VNC viewer is running) show in exchange for keyboard and mouse movements to send back. In order for a remote access is possible on the desktop of another computer. Since there are VNC server and viewer for nearly all major operating systems, remote access to computers with other operating systems are possible. Another advantage of VNC is that programs started continue to run independently of the VNC session. When re-logging in via VNC you can find the desktop back in front just as you left it. QEMU and KVM contain an internal VNC server of a remote access to the host system allows. The guest system does not need to VNC server installed. To connect to the VNC server VNC Viewer is required. For the Linux distribution Ubuntu desktop is already installed as such. He is called the Applications menu, Internet, Terminal Server Client. If there is no VNC Viewer is available on the system, (is TightVNC http://www.tightvnc.com ) installed. The call on Microsoft Windows via the Start menu, Programs, TightVNC, TightVNC Viewer (Fast Compression). For example, my installation on a Linux Debian derivative. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install xtightvncviewer The VNC server activates the-vnc followed by the host name and a number. The number indicates the VNC server on the host computer, as several VNC servers can be accessed simultaneously. The-k us on the German keyboard. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-k de-vnc localhost: 1 In the option-vnc seems no video. It starts a VNC viewer. Running VNC server and VNC viewer on the same machine, there is an option for the VNC Viewer localhost: a 1. Is the VNC server on a different computer, the computer name or IP address to be indicated. You can also start a second instance of an enabled VNC server. To do this, after the-vnc entered a second Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-k de-vnc localhost: 2 The option-sdl SDL is also enabled with the graphic output. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-k de-vnc localhost: 1-sdl Useful in conjunction with the-vnc option USBDevice the tablet. This provides a special mouse emulation, the mouse pointer no longer holds in the window of the instance. If you quit the window with the mouse pointer to control the mouse pointer is again taken over by the host system. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-k de-vnc: 1-USBDevice tablet The lossy option (from QEMU 0.13.0) allows a lossy compression method (gradient, JPEG, ...). If this option is enabled, there may be lossy updates the screen layout. It will be taking a much lower bandwidth. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-k de-vnc: 1, lossy In the QEMU monitor, the command info vnc information from status. (Qemu) info vnc VNC server active on: No client connected The activation of the VNC server can option-vnc none are prevented with the. The configuration of the VNC server is then in QEMU manager with the command change vnc. The parameters are the same as option-vnc. Host ~ $ qemu-k en-vnc Platte.img none-monitor stdio (Qemu) info vnc VNC server disabled (Qemu) change vnc localhost: 1 Also, a reverse VNC connection is possible. To this end a VNC viewer in listen mode is to start. An instance can then select reverse with the VNC viewer to connect the. This example is run on a Windows PC and a VNC client TightVNC in listen mode. Then, an instance on a Linux machine, with the option of reverse start here. This is the host name, Windows PC, and the port to be declared here. The default value for the port is 5500th If everything

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dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


is configured correctly, the VNC issue will appear on the target computer. Host ~ $ qemu-vnc Platte.im windows-pc: 5500, reverse A VNC connection should be secured. A simple way is to restrict access with a password. The VNC protocol limits the length of the passwords to eight characters, and offers little protection. The password protection is enabled the password parameter with. Host ~ $ qemu-monitor stdio Platte.img-vnc: 1, password The password is QEMU monitor with the command change vnc password set in the. (Qemu) change vnc password Password: ******** A further protection, the authentication with x509 certificates and encryption of the session with TLS (Transport Layer Security). These parameters are the x509 and tls. The required certificates must be in the specified directory, here / / pki / qemu, etc are located. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-hd-monitor stdio image.img \ -Vnc: 1, tls, x509 = / etc / pki / qemu The parameter x509verify server asks the client in addition to the valid certificate. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-hd-monitor stdio image.img \ -Vnc: 1, tls, x509verify = / etc / pki / qemu The highest security is achieved by the additional definition of a password. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-hd-monitor stdio image.img \ -Vnc: 1, password, tls x509verify = / etc / pki / qemu To generate the certificate program is the certtool. The installation on Ubuntu is done with a command line. Host ~ # apt-get install gnutls-bin Alternatively, to load from the site certtool http://www.gnu.org/software/gnutls/ download and install it. The Windows version of the URL http://josefsson.org/gnutls4win/ to belong. These instructions are for the Linux version. It is recommended for the certificates to create a separate directory. These can be either user root in the / etc / pki / qemu or other user in $ HOME / .pki / qemu are stored. Host ~ # mkdir-p / etc / pki / qemu Host ~ # cd / etc / pki / qemu For signing the Keys is a Certificate Authority (CA) is necessary. This may be an official or a self-signed CA CA. In this example, a self-signed CA is generated. This unique private key for the CA must be created. This key must be kept secure. No way he can get into the wrong hands. Host ~ # certtool - generate-privkey> ca-key.pem This key is set to read only for the owner. Host ~ # chmod 0600 ca-key.pem Based on the private key and configuration information for the organization and a public key is created. The information is written to a text file. The name of the file is ca.info. Here is an example for their content. cn = name of their organization ca cert_signing_key It is certtool the public key created with. Host ~ # certtool - generate-self-signed \ Load-ca-key.pem privkey \ Template ca.info \ Outfile ca-cert.pem

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dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


Public Key (ca-cert.pem) must be on all servers and VNC clients are copied. The hosts with installed QEMU or KVM are referred to as a server. Furthermore, each server needs a private key and certificate. The private key is generated with the command. Host ~ # certtool - generate-privkey> server-key.pem This private key is only port on the designated server. There he is set to read only for the owner. Host ~ # chmod 0600 server-key.pem Also, each server needs a certificate. The necessary information is written to a text file. The name of the file is server.info. Here is an example for their content. organization = name of their organization cn = server.foo.example.com tls_www_server encryption_key signing_key It is certtool the certificate generated. Host ~ # certtool - generate-certificate \ Load-ca-certificate ca-cert.pem \ Load-ca-ca-key.pem privkey \ Load-privkey server-key.pem \ Template server.info \ Outfile server-cert.pem

The certificate server-cert.pem is provided on the server just created. It must still receive the VNC client your keys and certificates. The private key is created with this command. Host ~ # certtool - generate-privkey> client-key.pem This key is only created on the intended client. There he is set to read only for the owner. Host ~ # chmod 0600-client-key.pem If the option is x509verify used in the server, the client needs a certificate. The necessary information is written to a text file. The name of the file is client.info. Here is an example for their content. country = DE state = Berlin locality = Berlin organization = name of their organization cn = client.foo.example.com tls_www_client encryption_key signing_key It is certtool the certificate created with and on the VNC client provided copies only. Host ~ # certtool - generate-certificate \ Load-ca-certificate ca-cert.pem \ Load-ca-ca-key.pem privkey \ Load-privkey client-key.pem \ Template client.info \ Outfile client-cert.pem

QEMU and KVM support the authentication of the VNC access with the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). SASL provides the application protocol is a standard way of negotiating communication parameters between the server and client. It can be used including authentication methods, PAM, GSSAPI / Kerberos, LDAP, SQL database and one-time keys. By configuring the SASL implementations, a method is defined. Was QEMU / KVM support for SASL compiled with this is done by the SASL configuration file / etc/sasl2/qemu.conf. Alternatively, another configuration file with the variable SASL_CONF_PATH be referred to one. For a simple encryption of passwords, the file / etc/sasl2/qemu.conf following content.

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dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


# / Etc/sasl2/qemu.conf mech_list: digest-md5 sasldb_path: / etc/sasl2/qemu.db To define SASL passwords is the package sasl2-bin install (eg Ubuntu). Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install sasl2-bin The program saslpasswd2 database, the respective access to the SASL-written. Here, the user I created the password secret with. Host ~ $ sudo saslpasswd2-f / I etc/sasl2/qemu.db Password: secret Again (for verification): secret By the way, do you delete a user in the SASL database with the-d option. Host ~ $ saslpasswd2-f / etc/sasl2/qemu.db-I d The scale displayed on one list with the following command. Host ~ $ sasldblistusers2-f / etc/sasl2/qemu.db [email protected]: user password QEMU or KVM is with the-vnc: 1, start sasl. Host ~ $ qemu-drive-vnc: 1, sasl Unfortunately, not all VNC clients dominate the SASL protocol. In addition to the virt-viewer and the virt-manager (see Section libvirt) version vinagre 2.26.1 dominated the SASL protocol. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install vinagre Host ~ $ vinagre Additional security from the use of ACLs (Access Control Lists - ACL). have been given QEMU / KVM also be compiled with support for ACL. In x509 client certificates is testing the Distinguished Name. This, for example, the form C = DE, O = BLA, L = London, CN = I. When the SASL user name is checked. Depending on the type SASL plugin user can, for example, in the forms I [email protected] be specified, or. If the acl flag is set, the access control list is empty and only has the Deny policy. This will prevent anyone from unauthorized access is replaced as long as the VNC server has not loaded any ACL. Enabled option is to use ACL with the ACL. Host ~ $ qemu-drive-vnc: 1, sasl, acl To view the access control list acl_show used commands in QEMU monitor. This lists all the rules of the ACL and the default policy. There are two named access control lists: the Distinguished Name tests reviewed during vnc.x509dname vnc.username to the SASL user name. (Qemu) acl_show vnc.username policy: deny With the following command will list the vnc.username access is granted. (Qemu) acl_policy vnc.username allow acl: policy set to 'allow' (Qemu) acl_show vnc.username policy: allow I The user has access permission. (Qemu) I acl_add vnc.username allow acl: added a rule at position (Qemu) acl_show vnc.username policy: allow 1: I allow The user can I be a VNC client with SASL support of the instance to connect to. The access we closed with the

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dhcp, dns, VNC, SASL, x509, TLS, TFTP Server, PXE boot, gPXE, NBD...


following command. (Qemu) I acl_remove vnc.username acl: removed rule at position 1 With the following command will list the vnc.username access rights revoked. (Qemu) acl_reset vnc.username acl: removed all rules (qemu) acl_show vnc.username policy: deny <<< | # # # | >>> http://www.qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Netzwerkoptionen/_Netzwerkdienste " This page has been accessed 14,213 times. This page was last updated on 18 January 2011 at 16:43 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:00 PM

Network Protocol Analysis IT forensics computer forensics honeypots ...


Network Protocol Analysis IT forensics computer forensics honeypots QEMU Kernel-based Virtual Machine tcpdump wireshark libpcap
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Network Options / Network protocol analysis]])
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Network protocol analysis

Network protocol analysis is needed, among other in the following cases: In the IT Forensics the communications of the seized computers to determine facts are examined. With honeypots, which are not protected at the network related (virtual) computer criminals are lured. Programs that communicate over the network can be tested for errors. Undocumented protocols and "phone home" undesirable can be analyzed. QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine support the network-protocol analysis by storing the network traffic. The file format is used libpcap. This data can be analyzed with the tools tcpdump or Wireshark. To an instance of a dump in a file to save the network traffic, is the-net dump. Host ~ $ qemu-net Platte.img dump In the QEMU monitor console with info, this configuration appears network. (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: user.0: net =, restricted = n dump.0: dump to qemu-vlan0.pcap (len = 65536) ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 It will dump the network traffic in the file qemu-wrote the vlan0.pcap. This is the default setting. QEMU monitor can be set with the command host_net_remove the dump be shut down. (Qemu) host_net_remove 0 dump.0 (Qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: user.0: net =, restricted = n ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 The command will dump the dump host_net_add enabled.
Network Protocol Analysis with Wireshark.

(Qemu) host_net_add dump (qemu) info network VLAN 0 devices: user.0: net =, restricted = n ne2k_pci.0: model = ne2k_pci, macaddr = 52:54:00:12:34:56 dum The complete syntax for dump-net is: Net-dump [, vlan = n] [file = f] [, len = n] Here, the data of the network traffic from VLAN s in the f file (Default = qemu-vlan0.pcap) written. It can with n the maximum number of bytes per packet is set (default = 64k).

Analysis with Wireshark

To evaluate the dump data, the tool Wireshark ( http://www.wireshark.org/download.html ) are used. The installation is done in Debian / Ubuntu using a command line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install wireshark It calls on Wireshark. Host ~ # wireshark The QEMU / KVM qemu-written file will vlan0.pcap from the File menu, Open round. Reload this icon on the capture file to recent entries in the file-vlan0.pcap displayed qemu. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Netzwerkoptionen/_Netzwerk-Protokoll-Analyse " This page has been accessed 3532 times. This page was last updated on 9 December 2010 at 10:46 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:01 PM

Bluetooth USB adapter driver software, Host Controller Interface HCI, B...


Bluetooth USB adapter driver software, Host Controller Interface HCI, BlueZ L2CAP SDP hciconfig hcitool FHSS
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Network Options / Bluetooth]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

The industry standard is the Bluetooth wireless networking devices (cell phones, PDAs, computers and peripherals) for short distance, where both data and voice transfer. The main goal is to replace cable connections between devices. Bluetooth requires special hardware that is built on some computers already. Bluetooth hardware is attached in the form of USB flash drives or PCMCIA cards. Every Bluetooth device has a unique address (Bluetooth Device Address), comparable to the MAC address of a network component. Bluetooth uses a transmission method, the FHSS (Frequency Hopping Fast. This is 1600 times per second, changed the frequency. This makes Bluetooth less sensitive to interference and unauthorized access.

Simplified representation of the Bluetooth protocol stack.

Networks that connect only over a short distance, called the Personal Area Network (PAN). When the Bluetooth piconet is the simplest form of communication link. A Bluetooth device takes the role of the master and the other the role as a slave. The role allocation is random and can be changed during a connection. In a piconet, up to seven active Bluetooth devices are included as a slave. Further still, up to 247 passive slaves exist in a piconet. These slaves listen only to the data of the master. Communication takes place via the master. Slaves can not communicate directly with each other. For several piconets, a scatternet can be formed. It communicate with Bluetooth devices of different piconets on their respective master. While one may have only one piconet master, a slave can participate in multiple piconets. It is possible that a Bluetooth device works in a piconet as a slave and the other piconet as master. Bluetooth provides for different applications, different transmission paths. This allows a protocol stack that offers a variety of different layers of protocols. The lower layers provide access to higher layers on the radio medium. The Host Controller Interface (HCI) is the command interface for higher layers to access the lower layers. The Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) provides several logical channels are available and segmented great news for the transport. The Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) allows the identification of services of other Bluetooth devices. The transmission of audio signals directly by the lower classes are available. Software packages with drivers to connect to Bluetooth called Bluetooth stack. Starting with Microsoft Windows XP SP2, it is no longer required a specific Bluetooth driver installed. Opportunities are also using the Bluetooth stack of others. Other operating systems (Linux, Mac OS X) have their own Bluetooth stack.

Website: http://www.bluez.org In current Linux distributions is the standard BlueZ Bluetooth stack. In many Linux distributions BlueZ is installed. It is recommended to install these packages (eg Ubuntu). Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez bluez-utils \ bluez-hcidump btscanner grml-btnet libbluetooth3 libbluetooth-dev First, check that, if the Bluetooth daemon is active. Host ~ $ ps aux | grep Bluetooth [d] root 8010 0.0 0.0 3488 1680? Ss 20:02 0:00 / usr / sbin / bluetoothd

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By connecting to a Bluetooth device, you check with the command hciconfig hci0 the newly created interface. ~ $ Host-a hciconfig hci0: Type: USB ... If the Bluetooth device is not detected, messages to help the entries in the log file / var / log / for debugging. For example, the following messages appear when inserting a Bluetooth USB stick. Host ~ $ tail-f / var / log / messages ... usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3 ... usb 4-1: configuration # 1 chosen from 1 choice The names of the physical HCI are the command hcitool dev identified with. Host ~ $ hcitool dev Devices: hci0 XX: XX: XX: XX: XX: XX It seems the Bluetooth device with its Bluetooth Device Address. The compound is tested with l2ping. Host ~ $ l2ping XX: XX: XX: XX: XX: XX With hcidump btscanner or monitored to the HCI packets of a connected Blutooth devices. Host ~ $ sudo hcidump-X With the command hcitool scan to determine whether available Bluetooth devices in range. Host ~ $ hcitool scan Scanning ... XX: XX: XX: XX: XX: XX Bluetooth device

0.10.0 started with QEMU support Bluetooth emulation. The-bt hci defines the functions of the corresponding Bluetooth Host Controller Interface (HCI). The parameters of the HCI bt be assigned in the host system. If in a virtual machine is just a example to emulate HCI is only the first definition given by bt hci [...] valid. The transport layer is determined by the machine type. Currently available only from the Nokia N800 and N810 emulated Internet Tablets (qemu-system-arm-M n800, qemu-system-arm-M n810) an HCI. In the default setting-bt hci, null, the corresponding host Bluetooth HCI no internal logic and thus not responding to commands or events. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img bt hci, null If the option-bt hci, host [: id] events forwarded to the corresponding host Bluetooth HCI commands and to and from the physical HCI named id (default = hci0) the host system to continue. The option is only available on systems with BlueZ (Linux Bluetooth protocol stack) is available. From the instance to the device hci0 be addressed in this case. Host ~ $ qemu-system-arm-M-Platte.img bt hci, host-n800: hci0 Since hci0 the default device is, this information may be omitted. Host ~ $ qemu-system-arm-M-n800 Platte.img bt hci, host With the-bt hci [, vlan = n] a, standard HCI created virtual, the Bluetooth scatternet n (default = 0) takes part in the. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img bt hci, vlan = 0 The-bt vhci [, vlan = n] is only available on Linux, and places in HCI Bluetooth Scatternet n (default = 0). The HCI is connected to the Bluetooth stack of the host system. This communication between host and guest systems enables a common scatternet. This must be installed the Linux driver VHCI (Virtual Host

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Controller Interconnect). Example: Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img bt hci, vlan = 5-bt vhci, vlan = 5 With the-bt device: dev [, vlan = n] is a Bluetooth device on the network and emulate dev n (default = 0) placed. QEMU supports only the device keyboard. It emulates a virtual wireless keyboard with the Human Interface Device Protocol (HIDP). Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img bt device: keyboard The option-USBDevice bt [: hci-type] dongle is a USB Bluetooth emulated. The parameters correspond to those of-bt hci. If hci type not specified, the default setting-bt hci, vlan = 0. This USB Device USB implements the Transport Layer of HCI. Example: Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img USBDevice bt: hci, vlan = 3 \ Bt-device: keyboard, vlan = 3 <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Netzwerkoptionen/_Bluetooth " This page has been accessed 5812 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:18 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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Debug and expert options, live migration, kernel debugger GDB software breakpoint, logging, vmlinuz initrd boot, user-space emulation chroot runas
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Special QEMU options]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 special features 1.1 Live Migration 1.1.1 Test on a host system Example 1.1.2 Live-CD 1.1.3 Example NBD-Storage 1.1.4 Copy of the virtual disks in the migration 2.1 Debug and expert options 1.2.1 Redirection of the QEMU monitor 1.2.2 redirect serial port 1.2.3 Redirection of the parallel interface 1.2.4 Logging 1.2.5 Communication with the GDB debugger 1.2.6 Pause, Single Step 1.2.7 Watchdog 1.2.8 Fault Injection 1.3 Special Linux boot options 4.1 User Space Emulation 1.4.1 On Linux 1.4.2 Mac OS X / Darwin 1.4.3 Under BSD Unix 1.4.4 Analysis of suspected system intrusion 1.5 Other Options


Special Options
Live Migration
During the live migration of running virtual machines on a host system are transmitted to another. The host systems are continuously available, even if one of the hosts are shut down for maintenance work. It is recommended that the source and destination hosts have the same architecture. However, it is possible, for example, to migrate between hosts guest systems with AMD and Intel architecture or between Linux and Windows hosts. If the images used for the live migration can not be copied to the source and destination host can access the same image bit-level accuracy. This may be with network file systems, such as to ensure, for example, NFS, iSCSI or NBD. Cheaper access to a highly available Storage Area Network (SAN) with fiber optics. Continue to source and destination host use the same network segment. It is beneficial to use the same paths for each virtual machine on the source and destination host. The-snapshot option is not applicable. For the live migration of the following steps: 1. The instance is run on the source host. 2. The destination host is the host instance with the same options as on source start, adding the option-incoming tcp: ip: port is indicated. The ip parameter specifies the IP address for reception of migration. If a 0 is specified, listening on all interfaces. The port parameter defines the port. The instance started waiting in a frozen state. 3. the source host is on the QEMU monitor instance of the command of the migrate-d tcp: ip: input

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port. The option-d migration is not the end of the wait for the prompt again to release. The parameter ip is the IP address of the destination host dar. If the migration is successful, the source instance and it can be frozen instance on the target host is working with the.

test on a host system

Live migration can also be tested on a host. This will start an instance in a console. Qemu host $ Platte.img On a second console is a second instance with the additional option-incoming tcp: 0:1234 called. This waiting for that instance on port 1234 on a migration. Qemu host $ Platte.img-incoming tcp: 0:1234 In the first instance you switch to the QEMU monitor, and there are the following command. (Qemu) migrate-d tcp: localhost: 1234 After a few seconds, the virtual machine has changed instances. Information on the status of migration, the command info to migrate. (Qemu) info migrate The command migrate_cancel breaks from the current migration. (Qemu) migrate_cancel The command migrate_set_speed value limits the maximum speed of migration in bytes. (Qemu) migrate_set_speed 1g The command migrate_set_downtime second defines the maximum tolerable downtime for the migration in seconds. In this example, the instance may not be attainable maximum of 2 seconds. (Qemu) migrate_set_downtime 2

Example Live CD
The condition that the source and destination host must have access to the same bit-level accuracy image true to in live CD / DVD. This is a common storage is not necessary. In each case, a copy of the live CD / DVD be present on the source and destination host. For certain applications, the use of a custom live CD / DVD is useful as a virtual machine. This started on the source host the live CD / DVD. Source host $ qemu-cdrom live-cd.iso-boot d The destination host is the instance with the additional option-incoming tcp: 0:1234 called. Target host $ qemu-cdrom live-cd-boot d-incoming tcp: 0:1234 The QEMU monitor the source instance is the command to migrate the IP address or host name of the destination host and port to use the. (Qemu) migrate-d tcp: host-target: 1234

Example NBD-Storage
The tool qemu-nbd can be an image as a network block device on the network available to make. On the machine where the image is to start qemu-nbd. The option - shared = num allows multiple instances of network block device can access an on. The maximum number defines the value of num (Default = 1). Storage host ~ $ qemu-nbd-t-p 1025 - share = 2 Platte.img On the source host, the instance is started by accessing the Network Block Device.

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Source host ~ $ qemu-hda nbd: storage host: 1025 The destination host is the start of the instance in addition, the option-incoming. Target host ~ $ qemu-hda nbd: storage host: 1025-incoming tcp: 0:1234 The QEMU monitor the source instance is the command to migrate the IP address or host name of the destination host and port to use the. (Qemu) migrate-d tcp: host-target: 1234

Copy of the virtual disks in the migration

The-b option enables the copying of the virtual disks to the destination host. This is useful if the image is not on a common storage (shared storage). The option-i is only a copy of the overlay files. This is useful if the same base images are the source and destination hosts. The destination host is a blank image with at least the same capacity as the image on the source host is created. Target host ~ $ qemu-img create Platte.img 1G QEMU, with this blank image and the option-start incoming. Target host ~ $ qemu-hda Platte.img-incoming tcp: 0:1234 On the source host to QEMU starts to copy the image. Source host ~ $ qemu Platte.img The QEMU monitor the source instance to start the live migration and copying of the image. (Qemu) migrate-b tcp: host-target: 1234

Debug and expert options

redirect the QEMU monitor
In the default setting of the QEMU monitor on the second console of the instance is run. The key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2] switches on this console. This default setting is the startup option-monitor vc. Host ~ $ qemu-monitor Platte.img vc The QEMU monitor, the option-monitor and the subsequent indication of a target devices redirected to. He will then no longer on the second console. In this example, the Linux QEMU monitor stdio redirected to (stdio is the standard input and output of the host system). That is, the QEMU monitor is redirected to the console of the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-monitor stdio Platte.img (Qemu) It is possible the QEMU monitor on a port to redirect the host system. In this example, the QEMU monitor on port 4444 of the host system as the Telnet protocol will be offered. The nowait parameter causes that instance without a Telnet connection also starts. Host ~ $ qemu-monitor Platte.img tcp:: 4444, server nowait With a Telnet client connects you to the port 4444 of the host system. Host ~ $ telnet localhost 4444 Escape character is'^]'. (Qemu)

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redirect the serial port

In the default setting, the virtual serial port on the third console is run. The key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [3] switches on this console. The default setting corresponds to the QEMU start option-serial vc. Host ~ $ qemu-serial vc Platte.img The output of the virtual serial port, the option-serial and the subsequent indication of a target devices redirected to. You will then no longer on the third console. In this example, is redirected to the serial port of the Linux host system to the first serial port on the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img serial / dev/ttyS0 On Microsoft Windows as the host system interface is the first serial COM1 designated. Host C: \> Platte.img qemu-serial COM1 To redirect to a file, use the parameter file: followed by a file name. Host ~ $ qemu-serial Platte.img file: Seriell.log Disabled interface is the virtual serial-serial none with. Host ~ $ qemu-serial none Platte.img The-serial can be specified once in four to. Other configurations of the serial interface are listed in the Annex.

Redirect parallel port

In the default setting, the virtual parallel port is set to the fourth console. The key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [4] switches on this console. The default setting corresponds to the QEMU start option-parallel vc. Host ~ $ qemu-parallel Platte.img vc The output of the virtual parallel port is the option-parallel and the subsequent indication of a target devices redirected to. You will then no longer on the fourth console. In this example, will be diverted to the parallel port of the Linux host system to the second serial port on the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img parallel / dev/ttyS1 On Microsoft Windows COM2, the second serial interface means. Host C: \> qemu Platte.img parallel-COM2 To redirect to a file, use the parameter file: followed by a file name. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img parallel file: Parallel.log On Linux host system, the parallel ports / dev/parport0 up / dev/parport2 be addressed directly. You need to account under QEMU its rights or the Kernel-based Virtual Machine is running, read and write permissions are assigned. Here is the example of the device / dev/parport0: Host ~ $ sudo chmod o + rw / dev/parport0 QEMU the Kernel-based Virtual Machine or the option-parallel / dev/parport0 started. Host ~ $ qemu-rtc Platte.img base = local time-parallel / dev/parport0 In the host system so that the parallel port, a host of connected printers are used. Interface is disabled, the virtual parallel-parallel with none. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-parallel none

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The parallel option can be given once in three to.

The-d option enables the writing of log data in the file / tmp / qemu.log. Possible log entries shows the-d option?. Host ~ $ qemu-d? Log items (comma separated): out_asm show host generated assembly code for each compiled TB in_asm show target assembly code for each compiled TB op show micro ops for each compiled TB op_opt show micro ops int show interrupts / exceptions in short format exec show trace each executed before TB (lots of logs) show cpu CPU state before block translation pcall show protected mode far calls / returns / exceptions cpu_reset show CPU CPU state before resets There are multiple entries possible. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-d, int cpu With the command tail can view the log data. Host ~ $ tail-f / tmp / qemu.log

Communication with the GDB debugger

The most common debugger in the open source world is the GDB (GNU debugger). With it, programs written with different programming languages test. The call is made with the program to be tested and further arguments. GDB is able to remotely access programs and processes. In addition to the historically used for serial interfaces like this can be done via a TCP / IP connection. This is on the remote system to start the program gdbserver. GDB you call as usual on the host computer. Host ~ $ gdb (Gdb) In GDB then the connection to the remote system. The default port for remote debugging is 1234 (Gdb) target remote <remotehost>: 1234 Remote debugging using: 1234 0x901a7a4d in? () Would like to use the GDB, the KVM is necessary to gdbserver in QEMU or integrated. It is activated with the-s option. Host ~ $ qemu-s Platte.img If the option-s not specified, gdbserver is activated in the QEMU monitor. (Qemu) gdbserver Optionally, a different port to be defined. (Qemu) gdbserver 4321 Gdbserver was activated, the guest system is stopped and the control is carried out by the debugger. The command c (continue) wakes up the host system. It can be a QEMU or KVM instance in the debugger GDB control and start. With the option-gdb dev instance expects a GDB connection on the device to dev. Typical compounds are based on TCP. Possible but also UDP, TCP and pseudo-stdio. In the following example, a QEMU instance is started in the GDB and

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controlled. Host ~ $ gdb (Gdb) target remote | exec qemu-gdb Platte.img stdio Remote debugging using | exec qemu-gdb Platte.img stdio [New Thread 1] 0x0000fff0 in? () (Gdb) help ... (Gdb) c Continuing. ^ C Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt. 0x800c7058 in? () (Gdb) stop (Gdb) quit The program is running. Exit anyway? (Y or n) y Systems that are compiled without debugging information, can be most difficult. There is no information about the program status is available. One sees the contents of processor registers, without information about the program benefits not that much. Given, however, specially prepared systems for debugging source code together, you have a powerful tool at hand.

Pause, Single Step

The-S freezes the CPU (s) Start at the instance of a. Host ~ $ qemu-S Platte.img The QEMU monitor status information about the status of the command info. (Qemu) info status VM status: paused Aroused the instance with the commands c or cont. (Qemu) cont (Qemu) info status VM status: running The stop command can pause the instance again. (Qemu) stop With the option-single step mode, the instance for debugging in single-step start. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-single step The QEMU monitor informs the command info status if the single step mode is enabled or not. (Qemu) info status VM status: running (single step mode) In the QEMU monitor, the command single step [on | off], the single step mode during the term of the instance (de-) activated. In this example, the single step mode is disabled. (Qemu) single step off

A Watchdog (watchdog) is used to monitor a system. When detected malfunctions a certain action is triggered. Usually a hardware watchdog is used. If the host system, an agent for the watchdog is

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activated, the agent must make periodic requests to the watchdog. If these questions from, so will the watchdog of a given action. With the option-watchdog watchdog model is a virtual hardware-enabled. The parameter model selects the model to be emulated. The models available lists on-watchdog?. The choice depends on the support of the model by the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-watchdog? i6300esb Intel 6300ESB ib700 iBASE 700 In the following example, the watchdog hardware iBASE 700 is emulated. Host ~ $ qemu disk-watchdog ib700 If the watchdog timer alert, is raised by default to reset. With the option-watchdog-action suits to the action on. Possible actions are reset (default), shutdown (graceful shutdown), poweroff, pause, debug (output a debug message) or none (no action). The following example is the action set debug. Host ~ $ qemu disk-watchdog ib700-watchdog-debug action The action is changed in the QEMU monitor with the command watchdog_action. (Qemu) watchdog_action none

Fault Injection
QEMU supports the simulation of hardware failure. The QEMU monitor the nmi command injected a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) for the specified CPU. An NMI is an interrupt, the system can not be ignored. NMI usually work from very fundamental and critical routines. (Qemu) nmi 0 The QEMU monitor the injected command) a mce Machine Check Exception (MCE. A machine check exception is a report of recent CPU (s) from Intel and AMD hardware problems. For the example we emulate two 64-bit CPU Type AMD Phenom. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64 Platte.img-snapshot \ -Cpu phenom-smp 2-monitor stdio If the host system Linux, so can be tested using the following commands the support of MCE. Guest ~ $ grep-i mce / proc / kallsyms Guest ~ $ ls-l / dev / mcelog Is the device / dev mcelog not exist, if you hold it with mknod. Guest ~ $ mknod / dev / mcelog c 10 227 The QEMU monitor is an MCE is injected. (Qemu) mce 0 4 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xbe0000001008081f The syntax of mce is: (Qemu) mce cpu bank status mcgstatus addr misc The MCE is the specified CPU (cpu) for injection. If only one CPU is emulated specify level 0. Each CPU is four or five banks (bank) is assigned. A bank is a group of error registers. This error registers can each be activated or deactivated. Normally all error register of all banks are activated. The number and content of the benches depends on the CPU. Each bank has four registers. In an AMD CPU, the banks have the following meanings: Bank 0: Date cache Bank 1: Instruction cache Bank 2: Bus Unit,

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Bank 3: Load Store Unit Bank 4 North Bridge and DRAM. With status), the bank status register (64-bit is set. The Global Status Register (mcgstatus) contains information whether a MCE was reported. Bit 0: RIPV - Restart IP valid flag, Bit 1: EIPV - Error IP valid flag, Bit 2: MCIP - Machine check in progress, Bit 3 to 63: Reserved. With addr exception is the memory address of the defined. For additional description of the MCE is misc.

Special Linux boot options

With the help of special Linux boot options, a kernel is loaded, without having to be installed on a virtual hard disk. The kernel can be either a Linux kernel, or a multi-boot kernel. This is useful for example to test a compiled kernel. These options for the emulation of other processor architectures are necessary because they use other boot methods. Host ~ $ qemu-kernel vmlinuz-initrd initrd.gz-append "..." The startup option is kernel-kernel to boot in the one-initrd allows the inclusion of an initial RAM disk. An initial ramdisk (initrd) is a temporary filesystem that the kernel during the boot process is used by. It contains the image of a file system mounted with the files needed to boot the system and is used by Linux kernel or other Unix-related operating systems at boot time as root. For embedded systems, all the functionality included in the initrd are the system. In a multi-boot kernel-initrd kernel modules and their parameters are passed behind. Kernel boot options to define with-append. As an example system is used here to boot one of a virtual disk to the script qemu-make-debian-root has been created with. This script creates a virtual hard disk and installed the packages for Debian-based system. A kernel is not generated. The script qemu-make-debian-root is in Debian distributions such as Ubuntu, the package qemu. It requires the packages debootstrap and sharutils. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install debootstrap sharutils qemu When calling the script qemu-make-debian-root is the size of the virtual disk in MB, the install Debian or Ubuntu version, the download URL and name of the virtual hard disk to be created to. To run this script requires root privileges. To avoid that the image of the user is root, place the virtual disk previously shipped with the touch command as normal user. Host ~ $ touch Platte.img Host ~ $ sudo qemu-make-debian-root 500 sid \ http://ftp.debian.org/debian Platte.img As already described, a kernel available for this virtual disk. To load appropriate kernel and the corresponding initial ramdisk down one, for example, ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/main/installeri386/current/images/hd-media/ . With these options, the instance is started. Host ~ $ qemu-kernel vmlinuz Platte.img \ -Initrd initrd.gz-append "root = / dev / ram"

User Space Emulation

In contrast to kernel space that is reserved only for the execution of the kernel and its extensions for drivers that run in user space all user applications. With the user-space emulation software can run in user space, which actually runs in the kernel space. This is useful for the development of such software. If this software is tested directly in kernel space, the stability of the system is compromised. When the user space emulation, which stands for Linux, Mac OS X / Darwin and BSD available, not a full PC is emulated, but it will not support the use of other dynamic libraries. Thus, programs can be started, which were actually compiled libraries of other architectures. This enables developers to test software for other architectures and programming. Since the user space emulation QEMU the started processes is not forecloses, this emulation is not virtualization. In user space can x86, PowerPC, ARM, MIPS 32-bit,

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Sparc32/64, ColdFire (m68k), CRISv32 and MicroBlaze CPUs are emulated.

To better understand the user-space emulation program is useful outputs the information about the system used. On Unix / Linux is used to the command uname. If you give command uname-a in the command line, the so obtained in this example, the kernel name (Linux), the host name (kissing), the kernel version (2.6), the creation date of the kernel (# 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57 : 35 UTC 2008), the architecture (i686) and the operating system (GNU / Linux). Host ~ $ uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 UTC 2008 i686 GNU / Linux QEMU package is included in the user space emulator qemu-i386 for the x86 architecture. The option-L libraries, the search path to the dynamic defined. Is specified as a search path to the root directory, the native libraries in the host operating system is used. The second option defines the path to the executable. In the following example, the command uname of the host system in user space emulator with the native libraries on the host operating system is called. Host ~ $ qemu-i386-L / bin / uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 UTC 2008 i686 GNU / Linux Since both the libraries and the binary from the host system is used, the same information from the uname here, as if called directly. For illustrative demonstration of the user space emulation you need examples of libraries and binaries for various architectures. These can range from the QEMU website http://wiki.qemu.org/Download point QEMU Linux user mode emulation tests on the downloaded. We unpacked this tarball and go into the created directory. Host ~ $ wget http://wiki.qemu.org/download/linux-user-test-0.3.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf linux-user-test-0.3.tar.gz Host $ cd linux-user-test-0.3 In the subdirectory gnemul are the libraries of different architectures. The binaries of these architectures are in subdirectories. Sun are versions of the command uname for multiple architectures. Host ~ $ ls * / uname alpha / uname arm / hppa uname / uname m68k/uname mipsel / uname mips / uname ppc / sparc sh4eb/uname uname / uname x86_64/uname The command file can you check whether it is really the binaries for other architectures involved. In this example, the command uname of the ARM architecture studied. Host ~ $ file arm / uname arm / uname: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (ARM) for GNU / Linux 2.2.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU / Linux 2.2.0, stripped This binary for ARM architecture can not run in an x86 architecture. Host ~ $ arm / uname-a bash: arm / uname: can not execute binary file To execute these binaries you need the appropriate user-space emulator and libraries for each architecture. Interesting architecture is what information each of the different displays of the command uname. For the user space emulation of the ARM architecture, the program requires qemu-arm. The option-L architecture is the path to the libraries of ARM-configured. Subsequently, the desired sub-directory called binary in the arm. Host ~ $ qemu-arm-L gnemul / qemu-arm / arm / uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 unknown UTC 2008 armv5tel Looking at the information that the command uname displays, it appears in the following:

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Debug and expert options, live migration, kernel debugger GDB software ...


The kernel is identical to the host system. The architecture is shown armv5tel and not i686. The operating system is unknown) does not recognize (. It is emulated with the same kernel a different architecture. The user-space emulator qemu-arm makes it possible, using the specified libraries, the execution of the command arm / uname, although this ARM processor architecture has been compiled for. The user-space emulation is no virtualization, the started processes are not isolated from the host system. For example, it is possible to use the dd command of the ARM architecture in userspace emulator, a CD to import. Host ~ $ qemu-arm-L gnemul / qemu-arm / arm / dd if = / dev / cdrom of = cd.iso For the user space emulation of the x86 architecture programs are the qemu-i386 (32-bit) or qemu-x86_64 (64-bit) is required. They are the respective libraries x86 and x86 binaries indicated.

Host ~ $ qemu-i386-L gnemul/qemu-i386 / i386/ls host ~ $ qemu-x86_64-L gnemul/qemu-x86_64 / x86_ For the user-space emulation of the SPARC architecture programs are the qemu-sparc (32-bit), or qemu qemu-sparc32plus-sparc64 (64-bit) is required. Host ~ $ qemu-sparc-L gnemul / qemu-sparc / sparc / uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 UTC 2008 sun4 unknown Host ~ $ qemu-L-sparc32plus gnemul / qemu-sparc / sparc / uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 UTC 2008 sun4 unknown Host ~ $ qemu-sparc64-L gnemul / qemu-sparc / sparc64/ls For the user space emulation of the ARM architecture are the programs or qemu-arm qemu armebapply. Host ~ $ qemu-arm-L gnemul / qemu-arm / arm / uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 unknown UTC 2008 armv5tel Host ~ $ qemu-L-armeb gnemul / qemu-armeb / armeb / ls For the user-space emulation of the MIPS architecture, the programs and qemu-mips qemu-mipsel responsible. Host ~ $ qemu-mips-L gnemul / qemu-mips mips / uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 UTC 2008 mips unknown Host ~ $ qemu-mipsel-L gnemul / qemu-mips / mipsel / uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 UTC 2008 mips unknown For the user-space emulation of the Coldfire processor architecture, the program requires qemu-m68k. Host ~ $ qemu-m68k-L gnemul/qemu-m68k / m68k/uname-a For the user space emulation of the PPC architecture programs are the qemu-ppc-qemu-ppc64 ppc64abi32 or to use qemu. Host ~ $ qemu-ppc-L gnemul / qemu-ppc / ppc / uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 UTC 2008 ppc unknown Host ~ $ qemu-L-ppc64abi32 gnemul / qemu-ppc / ppc / uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 UTC 2008 ppc unknown Host ~ $ qemu-ppc64-L gnemul/qemu-ppc64 / ppc64/ls For the user-space emulation of the Alpha processor architecture program is the qemu-alpha responsible. Host ~ $ qemu-alpha-L gnemul / qemu-alpha / alpha / ls For the user-space emulation of the SH4 architecture programs are the sh4-or-qemu qemu sh4eb apply.

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Debug and expert options, live migration, kernel debugger GDB software ...


Host ~ $ qemu-sh4-L gnemul/qemu-sh4 / sh4/ls Host ~ $ qemu-L-sh4eb gnemul/qemu-sh4eb / sh4eb/uname-a Knut Linux 2.6 # 1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:57:35 UTC 2008 sh4 unknown More User-Space emulators qemu-cris (ETRAX CRIS processor architecture) and qemu-MicroBlaze (MicroBlaze processor architecture).

Mac OS X / Darwin
The user space emulation on Mac OS X / Darwin in the same way as under Linux. In addition, the FAT libraries are needed. This may need from the Mac OS X CD to install or compile. The following example starts the PPC version of the binaries: Host ~ $ qemu-ppc / bin / ls In a PPC architecture, QEMU is to specify the path to the x86 libraries. Host ~ $ qemu-i386-L / opt/x86_root / bin / ls

Under BSD Unix

Still in development is the user-space emulation for BSD Unix. In QEMU, version 0.10.0 can be used on a Sparc64 host system, the libraries of Sparc64 for binaries. Host ~ $ qemu-sparc64 / bin / ls The user space emulation on BSD Unix also has the option-type with the possible parameters bsd FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD (default). In order to emulate the BSD is set.

Analysis of suspected system intrusion

Besides the advantages for software development is a different application of the user space emulation is interesting. In the case of a break in a system first tries to disguise this. These are both manipulated binaries and libraries of the victim system. That is, for example, the ls command shows incorrect information. The system shut down and investigate is not always possible. If only a suspicion before, would lead to shut down a critical server downtime. Also, it could disappear important clues, because the content is lost of memory. Cheaper would be the analysis of system-independent tools. With the user-space emulation such tools can be started with its libraries from a CD or DVD. To the condition that the system under investigation can not be shut down. The following simplified steps demonstrate how to create such a CD / DVD for Linux. First QEMU is to compile from the sources, the last step (make install) is not performed where. Furthermore, the files for the user-space emulation of the QEMU web site to download and unpack. The QEMU binaries and files for the user-space emulation be burned to a CD. On the suspicious computer is mounted the CD and changed the mount point. The-o exec allows programs to start from the CD. ~ # Mount / dev / cdrom / mnt-o exec ~ # Cd / mnt It starts the user-space emulator from the CD. In this example, under the i386 architecture, the command ls its libraries from the CD used. Perhaps, on the hard drive manipulated commands and libraries are not required. The command can not be manipulated, because it is stored on a read-only CD. This enables IT forensics is the system in operation. ~ # ./qemu-0.11.0/i386-softmmu/qemul \ L-l-usr/local/gnemul/qemu-i386 i386/ls

Other Options
The option-name one defines a name for the instance. This name appears in the title bar of the SDL window. In the following example, the instance name Testuslongus. Host ~ $ qemu-name Platte.img Testuslongus

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Debug and expert options, live migration, kernel debugger GDB software ...


The QEMU monitor can be called this name. (Qemu) info name Testuslongus Furthermore, can be specified for the instance under Linux, the process name. This process-name shows, for example, the program at top. Host ~ $ qemu-name Platte.img Testuslongus, process = Hamster Host ~ $ top ... 7257 I 20 0 215m 177m 6252 R 98 8.8 0:39.75 Hamster ... The instance is replaced with-uuid UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-uuid-083e-45a4-571bba42 abc6-f15821718453 The QEMU monitor can UUID to query. (Qemu) info uuid 571bba42-083e-45a4-abc6-f15821718453 The-pidfile file activates the writing of a PID file. A PID-file contains the Process Identification Number (PID) of the process. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-pidfile / tmp / qemu.pid Using the Process Identification Number can uniquely identify the process. Host ~ $ ps a | grep `cat / tmp /` qemu.pid 15 342 pts / 1 R + 1:14 Platte.img qemu-pidfile / tmp / qemu.pid The PID can be, for example, determine whether the process is still running and you can process with the UNIX command kill to finish this. Host ~ $ kill -9 `cat / tmp /` qemu.pid A reboot of the host system to prevent with-no-reboot. Instead, the instance is terminated. Host ~ $ qemu-no-reboot Platte.img Terminating the instance to shut down the guest system with the-no-shutdown prevented. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-no-shutdown The option-daemonize instance is not as long as the Standardein-/ausgabe separated from, to the devices of QEMU / KVM are able to accept connections. This option is useful for avoiding race conditions during initialization of QEMU / KVM. Host ~ $ qemu Platte.img-daemonize The-runas user is on the QEMU-/KVM-Prozess the specified user. This is useful if, for example an instance in which the root user must be started without root privileges should be operated, but then. The option-you chroot when you start QEMU / KVM to switch to the specified directory chroot. Host ~ # qemu Platte.img-k de-vnc localhost: 1 \ Runas-robert-chroot / VMs / qemu / The option-writeconfig file configuration settings of the instance in a text written. Host ~ $ qemu-Platte.img writeconfig Konfiguration.txt

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Debug and expert options, live migration, kernel debugger GDB software ...


The text file in this example has this content: # Qemu config file [Drive] "0" index = media = "disk" file = "Platte.img" The option-readconfig instance, the options from the configuration file starts with. Host ~ $ qemu-readconfig Konfiguration.txt <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Spezielle_QEMU-Optionen " This page has been accessed 14,263 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:19 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:03 PM

KVM QEMU GUI management tools AQEMU libvirt - libvirt qemu-kvm &


KVM QEMU GUI management tools AQEMU libvirt

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools]])
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Management Tools
The configuration of virtual machines on the command line is all well and quickly carried out by experts but unfavorable for the occasional user. In order to facilitate the work with QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine Management tools are being developed. Microsoft Windows is the Qemu Manager for Windows. A description can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/QEMU_unter_Microsoft_Windows . QEMU on Mac OS X usually operated with the graphical user interface Q. A description can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/QEMU_unter_Mac_OS_X . AQEMU - A GUI for QEMU and KVM The library libvirt Installation The Management Tools Virtio modules Language Bindings oVirt The library libguestfs OpenQRM More Tools for QEMU and KVM <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools " This page has been accessed 8899 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:19 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:05 PM

AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Kernel-based Virtual Machine
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / AQEMU]])
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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


AQEMU - Tab "Display".

AQEMU - Rider Info.

AQEMU - General Tab.

AQEMU - Rider "HDD".

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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


AQEMU - Rider "CD / DVD / Floppy.

AQEMU - tab "Device Manager".

AQEMU - window "New Storage Device".

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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


AQEMU - tab "Network" "cards" - "Basic".

AQEMU - tab "Network" "cards" - "Nativ".

AQEMU - tab "Network" "Additional Settings".

AQEMU - Tab "Ports".

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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


AQEMU - tab "Advanced".

AQEMU - tab "Other" "Hardware Virtualization".

AQEMU - tab "Other" "VNC".

AQEMU - tab "Other" "Optional Images".

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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


AQEMU - tab "Other" "Boot Linux kernel".

AQEMU - Settings.

AQEMU - Advanced Settings.

AQEMU - Emulator Control.

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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


Contents 1 AQEMU 0.8.1 1.1 The main window 1.2 Windows General Settings 1.3 Advanced Settings window 04/01 Window Create HDD Image Convert Image window 1.5 HDD 1.6 Create Template window 1.7 Window management VM snapshots 1.8 Menus of the VM window (emulator-Control)

AQEMU 0.8.1
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/aqemu/files/ AQEMU is a powerful front end for QEMU and KVM. AQEMU can be installed on Linux, FreeBSD and PC-BSD. For Linux distributions with the Debian package management (Debian, Ubuntu) is the Debian package download and install it with dpkg. Host ~ $ sudo dpkg-i *. deb-aqemu Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install-f For Gentoo Linux installation is performed with the ebuild. Host ~ # emerge-av app-emulation/aqemu For FreeBSD you are installing with the following commands. Host ~ # cd / usr / ports / emulators / aqemu Host ~ # make install clean On FreeBSD it is also possible AQEMU to install as a package. Host ~ # pkg_add-r aqemu

Warnke, Ritzau qemu-kvm and libvirt 4. Edition 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8370-0876-0 276 pages, 27.27 EUR Order

For other Unix-/Linux-Versionen AQEMU is to compile. This is the Qt library (version 4.2.1) with the extensions needed for the development and the GCC compiler from version 3. For example, my installation on 64-bit Ubuntu. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools sudo apt-get install g + +-dev libvncserver The sources have to be decompressed after downloading and compiling. Then the script is run install_script.sh. Host ~ $ tar-*. tar.bz2 xjvf aqemu Host $ cd ~ aqemu * Host ~ $. / Configure.sh Host ~ $ make Host ~ $ sudo make install Host ~ $ sudo. / Install_script.sh / usr / local / In Gnome AQEMU is the Applications menu, Accessories, AQEMU called on. On the console command is started the GUI with the aqemu. Host ~ $ aqemu The first call AQEMU to configure. This is supported by a wizard (File menu, Run First Start Wizard). First,

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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


the language must be selected. The next step will be adjusted preferences. The guidelines can be adopted. Then, the paths to the programs QEMU and KVM are determined. This is to click the search button. After finishing the Wizards, the main window of AQEMU. New virtual machines I create with a wizard. To do this click on the icon with the wand. For this example (which was the operating system ReactOS http://www.reactos.org/de/ ) selected as the guest. From the ReactOS website is the image file of the installation CD to download and unpack. Host ~ $ unzip ReactOS *- REL iso.zip The first step is prompted for the configuration mode. As a beginner to using Typical. Then choose the type of emulator (QEMU or KVM) from.

Figure: AQEMU - Wizard Step 01

The next step you choose a template for the virtual machine. There are several templates for Windows, Linux and BSD versions are available. For this example, the Windows Template _XP the right choice.

Figure: AQEMU - Wizard Step 02

The next step in the name of the virtual machine is set: "ReactOS".

Figure: AQEMU - Wizard Step 03

Subsequently, the size of the virtual disk is defined. For ReactOS submits GB.

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Figure: AQEMU - Wizard Step 04th

Then the virtual network is set up. For the first test ranges of the user mode network stack. To ensure that all steps of the wizard is called. The name of the new virtual machine appears to the left of the list. To install ReactOS is under the General tab, the Boot Priority to CD-ROM set. The tab CD / DVD / Floppy Disc is the path to the downloaded ISO image of installation indicated. With the Apply button to save the changes. To start the virtual machine, choose its name in the list and press the start button.

Figure: AQEMU - Wizard Step 05th

The main window

On the left side of the created virtual machines are listed. To configure a virtual machine, this is to be selected. Subsequently, the desired settings are made under the rider or the context menu (right mouse button on the name). For the most frequently used commands (create, start and stop) are the icons in the toolbar. The tab is displayed only if the selected virtual machine is running and the File menu, General settings, select Show in Main AQEMU With Windows Embedded Display is enabled. The display tab allows communication with the host system in the virtual machine. Alternatively, the output will appear in the host system in a separate window. In case of any problems VNC is the menu item View, Reinit call. Under the Info tab machine, information about the selected virtual display. The selection of the information displayed can be adjusted (File menu, Advanced Settings, information in the Info tab). Practical) is the display of this configuration used QEMU-/KVM-Optionen (show QEMU / KVM argument. Under the General tab to configure the name of the virtual machine, the emulator type (QEMU, KVM), the emulator version, the computer type ( CPU architecture ), the machine type, the boot sequence , the CPU type, the number of emulated CPUs and video card . Furthermore, you the keyboard layout and set the size of the memory defined. In audio cards to define what sound support fixed. In addition, here, the options Full Screen Mode, Snapshot Mode and Use Local Time de-) activated (. The tab HDD images are the paths to the disk set. A maximum of four image files are included. With the green plus on the right with a new disk image qemu-img create. You can also overlay files based on an existing image to create. Furthermore, this is the size and image format adjustable. The button size can convert the image itself. The tab CD / DVD / Floppy drives are the paths to the CD-/DVD-/Floppy-Images or configured. If use the Device Manager enables the (File menu, General settings, Use Device Manager by default),

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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


shows the Device Manager tab. The riders HDD and CD / DVD / Floppy are hidden. It can set parameters for the option -drive can be specified. The icons under Add devices allow the creation of new storage devices. The tab of the Network, you can network settings to adjust. Under Network cards, one or more network cards configured. Here, the relevant type of card and the connection can be set. Desktop Network Settings GUI type can be considered from Basic to convert native. The Rider Network Cards on changes to Network Settings. Desktop Connection Type can then include the options-net nic,-net user-net tap, net-net-socket and dump choose from. Under Additional settings are port redirects , a TFTP prefix and a Samba share configured. Under the Ports tab to debug and Expert options given. This includes the redirection of serial and parallel ports. Furthermore, Linux USB Device configured. Only on Linux, the USB devices to the guest-host systems are provided. AQEMU scans the host system to the presence of USB devices and displays them under the tab ports, USB ports. Requirement is the support in / proc / bus / usb / by the kernel. Under the Advanced tab, Additional Options can be special options select: RTC TD Hack , No Shutdown , No Reboot , start CPU at startup and Start Date . Additional argument behind QEMU can enter options that AQEMU not supported. These options are appended in addition to those generated by AQEMU options. Will Send Only User Arguments Without AQEMU argument activated, only the options entered here are used. If the command line defines are completely free to use emulator binary is deactivated. Under the Info tab in the QEMU command line argument you can check. Under QEMU / KVM Window Options, the properties of the window affect the virtual machine. The initial options Graphical Mode is available only with PowerPC - and the Sparc -emulation. The tab may be under Other Hardware Virtualisation special options for KVM and KQEMU pretend. In VNC with the access to the virtual machine VNC defined. Under Optional images are optional images , such as ether-boot image included. Under boot Linux kernel special Linux boot options specified. The main window is the File menu, VM, and Help. File menu Create HDD Image: Opens the Create HDD image. Convert HDD Image: Opens the Convert HDD image. General Settings: Opens the General Settings. Advanced Settings: Opens the Advanced Settings. First Run Wizard Start: Starts the Configuration Wizard AQEMU. Exit: Exits AQEMU. Still running virtual machines is a security check. VM menu New VM Add New VM: Creating a new virtual machine. Wizard: Create a new virtual machine with the Wizard. VM Load From File: load the configuration file of a virtual machine. AQEMU stores the configuration in XML files with the extension. Aqmu in ~ / aqemu. VM Delete: Removes the configuration for the selected virtual machine from the list. The image files are not deleted. Delete Files And VM: Deletes the selected virtual machine with their image files. Save as Template: Opens the Create Template. Copy: Copies the selected virtual machine. Start: Boots the selected virtual machine. Save: Saves the state of the virtual machine as a VM snapshot with the name aqemu_save. This image must be present in qcow2 format and select the snapshot can not be activated. You can start the virtual machine in snapshot manager with the VM snapshot. Pause: pause the virtual machine fails again or continue. Stop: off the virtual machine. This can cause data loss. Reset: Performs a reboot. This can cause data loss. Manage Snapshots: Opens the Manage VM snapshots. Show emulator Control: Opens the emulator control a running virtual machine for. Show QEMU / KVM Arguments: Shows the QEMU / KVM-start options. Create Shell Script: Generates a shell script to call the selected machine.

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Show QEMU / KVM Error Log Window: Opens the Error Log to display error messages. Change Icon: Changes the icon of the virtual machine. Help menu About AQEMU: Displays information about the program and its developers. The tab links interesting links listed. About Qt: Displays information about the Qt library.

General Settings window

AQEMU VM Folder: It is the set list, in which the virtual machines are stored. If there is not the directory it is created. Default VM Template: This template as default template selected a. AQEMU Interface Language: This language will be adjusted. GUI Icons Theme: It is possible to select the icon themes. VM Icon Size: The sizes of the icons for the VMs are einstelbar. Screenshot for use in OS icon Save Mode: When enabled, screenshot is an icon for the virtual machine uses as. Use Device Manager by Default: The tab Device Manager tab replaces the HDD and CD / DVD / Floppy. Emulator Control Show Mode: These options control the emulator is configured. This allows the QEMU monitor commands are used.

Advanced Settings window

Normally in this window, no changes are necessary. Only when errors or specific requirements here should be adapted. General tab Screenshot Settings: In the emulator window, you can control the VM menu, Save Sreenshot Screenshot generate about. These options configure how the screenshots are saved. Installed Emulators: Here are the binaries QEMU and KVM administers the programs. It is possible to configure each multiple QEMU and KVM versions. Advanced tab AQEMU Logging: These options determine whether and how the logging is to take place. qemu-img path: This path to qemu-img the specified. VM Network Card MAC Address: This specifies how MAC addresses are generated. Not Use Default Audio Driver: Here, the default audio driver or the sound system of the host will be selected between the. Other riders Execute Before / After Start / Stop QEMU: Here are given commands that start and after you quit QEMU will run the front. In each case the full path is specified. Recent CD-ROM images Count: This is maximum number of CD-ROM images stopped, Connect, CD ROM, Recent Files Emulator Control of the window showing the menu. First VNC Port for Embedded Display: Defines the VNC port for the embedded display (default = 6000). Additional CD / DVD Devices: This can be additional CD / DVD drives integrated. Reiter information in Info Tab The tab information in the Info tab is selected, the information under the Info tab in the main window will appear.

Window Create HDD Image

These options allow you to create virtual disks.

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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


Use Base HDD Image: Enable this option can overlay images to create. New Image File Name: This is the filename of the image defined. Format: There are those of QEMU / KVM supported image formats to choose from. Size: Except for overlay files is the size of the image file set. Image Must be Encrypted: When qcow or cqow2 format, the image is encrypted to.

Convert HDD window Image

These options allow you to convert virtual disks. Input Image File Name: This is the name of the converted image to enter. Input Format: This is the image format to convert the image to select. Output Image file name: It is the name of the destination image to enter. Output format: It is the image format of the destination image to select. Must be Compressed Image: When qcow or cqow2 format, the image is compressed to be. Image Must be Encrypted: When qcow or cqow2 format, the image is encrypted to.

Create Template window

AQEMU supports the creation of configuration templates. These templates allow complex configuration for new virtual machines are taken. New VM Template Name: Specifies the name of the template set. Virtual machine file: The configuration file of an existing virtual machine is selected as the template. Use default folder for new template: It may Directory for the template files used to be a default. Creating Options: You choose the configuration of the areas that should be taken.

VM snapshot window manager

In this window VM snapshots managed. VM snapshots are the only image format qcow2 possible. Snapshot List: All VM snapshots are listed here. Create: Allows the creation of a VM snapshot. Delete: Allows you to delete a VM snapshot. Start: virtual machine in the state of the selected VM snapshots to start the Allows. Properties: Allows you to change the name and description. Update Information: Updates the display of the list.

menu of the VM window (emulator-Control)

These menus appear depending on the settings in the File menu, Deneral Settings, Control Emulator fashion show in a separate window or embedded in AQEMU main window. These menu items, check that the instance of its term. There are commands called the QEMU monitor. This exchange is from removable media, creates screenshots and virtual machines to freeze (suspend). VM menu Save Screenshot: Saves a screenshot in the AQEMU Settings defined in directory. Save screenshot as: Saves a screenshot. A file selection window. Save VM: Saves the state of the virtual machine. Manage Snapshots: Opens the Manage VM snapshots. Commit: The option -snapshot protects the storage media of change. If the virtual machine is started with this option, the command ensures commit the changes anyway. Pause: pause the virtual machine fails again or continue. Power Off: Turns off the virtual machine. This can cause data loss. Reset VM: Performs a reboot. This can cause data loss. Qemu Monitor: Opens a window for entering commands in the qemu monitor. Quit: Closes the emulator control. You can open it again from the menu VM, Show Control Emulator main window. Connect Menu Access to removable media and USB devices it controls these functions.

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AQEMU 0.8.1 - a graphical frontend (Linux, BSD) and the QEMU for Ker...


Floppy A Floppy B CD-ROM USB Send Keys menu This menu-points can determine key combinations to the host system will be sent. View Menu Display Scaling: Allows resizing of the window of the virtual machine. Full Screen Mode: Switch to Full Screen mode. Reinit VNC: Reinitializes the VNC access. Help menu About Emulator Control: Displays information about the program appears. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_AQEMU " This page has been accessed 18,114 times. This page was last updated on 10 January 2011 at 17:13 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:05 PM

libvirt, virsh, Virtual Machine Manager console virsh, virt-manager, eucal...


libvirt, virsh, Virtual Machine Manager console virsh, virt-manager, eucalyptus

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / libvirt-Tools]])
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The libvirt library

Website: http://libvirt.org The management of virtual machines is different under the different virtualization solutions. In a heterogeneous data center, it is often impossible to control with a tool more virtualization solutions. To solve this problem, the C library developed libvirt. It provides standard interfaces for managing different virtualization solutions. There are drivers for QEMU, KVM, VirtualBox, VMware ESX, Xen, LXC Linux container system, OpenVZ, User Mode Linux, OpenNebula and storage systems. This is the library with their libvirt API provides a layer between virtualization software and management tools. Thus, the development of management tools for all virtualization solutions that support this library possible. However, not all virtualization solutions support the ability of libvirt libvirt or does not support all functions of any virtualization solution. In addition to managing the virtual machines are also the management of virtual storage devices, virtual networks and devices of the host system. These configurations are stored as XML files. Among other management tools are the virsh (command line) and the Virtual Machine Manager (GUI). In addition to these tools for managing the virtual machines can write to their own programs. The libvirt library provides only the interface for the C programming language interfaces for the languages C #, Python, Perl, OCaml, Ruby and Java. For communication between the host systems (nodes) daemon is used to libvirtd. This daemon on all nodes must be started and is higher than the API of libvirt. The daemon determines libvirtd local hypervisor and provides the appropriate drivers. The management tools also communicate to the daemon. These specific protocols are used. When the protocol ends with QEMU QEMU monitor. Communication can be encrypted. It supports the SASL authentication with Kerberos and SSL client certificates. The Virtual Machine Manager saves the VNC connection using SSH.

The Virtual Machine Manager is connected to the dummy hypervisor.

The QEMU driver supports software that uses QEMU options. In addition to QEMU and KVM includes xenner. Xenner allows Xen-guest systems running under KVM. The QEMU driver looks in the directory / usr / bin under the QEMU binaries qemu and qemu-system-*. In addition, the KVM device / dev / kvm reviewed. For xenner is the binary / usr / bin / xenner and the device / dev / kvm investigated. The QEMU driver is a multi-instance driver. The connection type system requires privileged rights (root) and allows full access. The session connection type other hand, requires no privileged rights. The user can only manage resources for which he has access rights. That is, he can manage as virtual machines that are stored by them in their home directory. This connection type is suitable for virtualization on the desktop. This is a management tool can connect to the driver, each represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is indicated. This indicates QEMU or a hypervisor. In addition QEMU is the connection type (system or session) input. In a remote administration in the URI to be checked and the address of the host system must be indicated. Optional is the type of connection as SSH tunnel to pretend. To connect to the hypervisor on the remote host must be running the daemon there libvirtd. Examples of URIs:

Warnke, Ritzau qemu-kvm and libvirt 4. Edition 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8370-0876-0 276 pages, 27.27 EUR Order

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test: / / / default This URI connects you with the local dummy hypervisor. This simulates a running domain. It is recommended that the first orders in this fake hypervisor try. qemu: / / / session This connects you to the local URI QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor (connection type session) is normal as a user. qemu + unix: / / / session This connects you to the local URI QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor (connection type session) is normal as a user. qemu: / / / system This URI connects you as user root with the local QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor (connection type system). qemu + unix: / / / system This URI connects you as user root with the local QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor (connection type system). qemu + ssh: / / [email protected] / system This URI connects you as user root on the node with a QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor example.com. The connection is made through an SSH tunnel. qemu + tcp: / / example.com / system This connects you with a URI QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor on the example.com node. Protection is provided with SASL / Kerberos. xen: / / / This URI connects you with the local Xen hypervisor. This is the default setting. vbox: / / / session This URI connects one as a normal user with the local VirtualBox hypervisor. esx: / / example.com / no_verify = 1? This URI connects you as user root to an ESX hypervisor on the example.com node. It is used for https protocol but not the certificate is verified. gsx: / / example.com / This URI connects you as user root with a VMware server. The documentation at the URL http://libvirt.org/uri.html and http://libvirt.org/drivers.html listen to the supported values. Installation The Management Tools Virtio modules Language Bindings oVirt <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools " This page has been accessed 23,380 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 18:23 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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Libvirt installation, virsh, Virtual Machine Manager console virsh virt-manager

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / libvirt Tools / Installation]])
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Contents 1 installation of the library libvirt 1.1 The package 1.2 Source compile 2 Installing the Management Tools 2.1 The Software Packages 2.2 Source compile 3 Configuration 3.1 Access Rights 3.2 Network

Installing the libvirt library

As a package From Ubuntu 8.10, there is the meta-package ubuntu-virt-server. It contains kvm, libvirt-bin and openssh-server. This meta-package is installed when you install Ubuntu the Virtualization host selects at (tasksel). Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-virt-server ubuntu-virt-mgmt Meta-standing packages none available or you need the package libvirt-bin is only, enter the following command line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin compiling sources Libvirt is not current package before, compile it from source. Given these packages are necessary: Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libdevmapper-dev Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libxml + +2.6-dev libgnutls-dev Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libssh2-1-dev gettext autoconf Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libtool git-core checkinstall Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libnl-dev For the same group is a daemon libvirtd necessary. For QEMU QEMU driver is the user to create. Furthermore, the current user group is incorporated into the libvirtd. Host ~ $ sudo groupadd libvirtd Host ~ $ sudo useradd-g libvirtd qemu Host ~ $ sudo adduser `id-un` libvirtd It needs to get in and then log back on. If after that is still different access rights helps to reboot. Test command is one's own group membership with the groups. Host ~ $ groups ... libvirtd There are source packages for libvirt downloaded, unpacked and compiled. The autogen.sh script calls the script to configure. Possible options are the command -. / Configure help appears. These options are added to the autogen.sh script to. More information can be found in the INSTALL file. Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source Host $ cd ~ / source Host ~ $ wget http://libvirt.org/sources/libvirt-0.8.7.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf libvirt-0.8.7.tar.gz Host $ cd libvirt-0.8.7 Host ~ $ -. / Autogen.sh with-qemu qemu-user = - with-qemu-group = libvirtd

configure: Configuration summary configure: ===================== configure: configure: Drivers configure: configure: Xen: yes configure: Proxy: yes configure: Q Host ~ $ sudo make recommend software package is to generate a check to install. It is called instead of make install. A support can be obtained with checkinstall - help. The program provides checkinstall some questions that the specifications can be answered with mostly default. Clearly, the package name is to pretend as libvirt to-self-compiled. In the current directory the package is created and installed. On Debian / Ubuntu it lists the command dpkg-l and dpkg-r uninstall it if necessary. Host ~ $ sudo checkinstall - fstrans = no - pkgname = libvirt-self-compiled The package is built according to these specifications: 0 - Maintainer: [root @ knut] 1 - Summary: [libvirt-self-compiled] 2 - Name: [libvirt-self-compiled] Alternatively, the software with make install to install it. Host ~ $ sudo make install It is the list of installed shared libraries to be updated. Host ~ $ sudo ldconfig The compiled library is / usr / local / lib stored in. Tested the installation with the following command. Host ~ $ virsh version Compiled against the library: libvir 0.8.7 Use Library: libvir 0.8.7 Use API: QEMU 0.8.7 Running hypervisor: QEMU 0.13.0 The QEMU driver libvirt looks in the directory / usr / bin under the QEMU binaries qemu and qemu-system-*. The KVM driver also checks the device / dev / kvm. The result is output with the following command in the XML format. Host ~ $ virsh capabilities If the QEMU binaries in a different directory, an adaptation of links is possible. In this example, the binaries are in / usr / local / bin / Host ~ $ sudo ln-sf / usr / local / bin / qemu / usr / bin / qemu

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Installing the Management Tools

The management tools need not be installed on the host running the hypervisor. As software packages the management tools are there for the meta package ubuntu-virt-mgmt with management tools, python-vm-builder, and virt-manager virt-viewer. The tools can be installed separately. The tools virt-install and virt-clone is contained in the package python virtinst. For the GUI virt-manager ( http://virt-manager.org ) packages are the virt-manager and virt-viewer to install. The installation of virt-top is made with the same package. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-virtinst virt-manager Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install virt-viewer, virt-top For the Python script vmbuilder need the package python-vm-builder. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-vm-builder A collection of tools for libvirt virt-goodies, the package containing ( https: / / launchpad.net / virt-goodies ). Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install virt-goodies compiling sources If these tools do not present as current packages, they are compiled. Management tools for compiling the following additional packages are needed. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install intltool rarian compatHost ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-libvirt python-gtk2 Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-dbus python-glade2 python-gconf Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-libxml2 python-urlgrabber Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install dbus-x11 python-gtk vnc-python-vte Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libgtk-vnc-1.0-dev gawk Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install checkinstall libglade2-dev Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-rsvg The tools virt-viewer, virt-manager virtinst and from the site http://virt-manager.org downloaded, unpacked compiled and installed.

Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source host ~ $ cd ~ / source host ~ $ wget http://virt-manager.org/download/sources/virt-viewer/virt-viewer-0.2.0.tar.gz Host $ tar xzvf *. Host $ cd ~ / source Host ~ $ wget http://virt-manager.org/download/sources/virtinst/virtinst-0.500.4.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf *. tar.gz virtinst Host $ cd ~ virtinst * Host ~ $ sudo python setup.py install Host ~ $ sudo python setup.py sdist Host ~ $ sudo python setup.py refresh_translations Host $ cd ~ / source Host ~ $ wget http://virt-manager.org/download/sources/virt-manager/virt-manager-0.8.5.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf virt-manager-*. tar.gz Host $ cd virt-manager * Host ~ $. / Configure & & make Host ~ $ sudo checkinstall - fstrans = no The package is built according to these specifications: 0 - Maintainer: [root @ knut] 1 - Summary: [virt-manager-self-compiled] 2 - Name: [virt-manager-self-compiled]

Permissions The package libvirt-bin contains the virsh management tool. As a first test to connect to the dummy hypervisor is made. The list command lists running on virtual machines. The dummy Hyperviser shows by default in a fictional virtual machine. Host ~ $ virsh-c test: / / / default list Id Name Status ---------------------------------1 test running The next step is to qemu: / session to / / test. Host ~ $ virsh-c qemu: / / / session list Id Name Status ---------------------------------When using the connection type system, an error message when a lack of corresponding rights. Host ~ $ virsh-c qemu: / / / system list libvir: Remote error: Permission denied Error: Connection failed to the hypervisor First, check whether the daemon is running libvirtd. Host ~ $ ps aux | grep libvirt [d] If no output is to start to test the daemon manually on a different console. The-v option generates more verbose output. Host ~ $ sudo / usr / local / sbin / libvirtd-v Since the connection type requires privileged rights system, is used to test sudo. Host ~ $ sudo virsh-c qemu: / / / system list Id Name Status ---------------------------------With the launch of libvirtd driver was even the QEMU start, access rights to the socket but do not allow use by other users. Host ~ $ ls-l / usr / local / var / run / libvirt / libvirt-sock srwx ------ 1 root root 0 2010-01-27 17:39 / usr / local / var / run / libvirt / libvirt-sock The daemon is started manually to end with [Ctrl] + [C]. The access rights by matching the files qemu.conf to change and libvirtd.conf. Libvirt was without the option - prefix = compile these files are in / usr / local / etc / libvirt /. Before editing backups should be located.

Host ~ $ sudo cp / usr / local / etc / libvirt / libvirtd.conf \ / usr / local / etc / libvirt / libvirtd.conf.bak host ~ $ sudo cp / usr / local / etc / libvirt

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This configuration is for the first test. A further adjustment shall be made with the well-documented configuration files. This applies particularly to the improvement of safety. The file is libvirtd.conf adjusted as follows: # Libvirtd.conf unix_sock_group = "libvirtd" unix_sock_ro_perms = "0777" unix_sock_rw_perms = "0770" unix_sock_dir = "/ usr / local / var / run / libvirt /" The configuration file for the QEMU driver receives qemu.conf Content: # Qemu.conf user = "qemu" group = "libvirtd" The ownership of these directories should be adjusted. Host ~ $ sudo chown-R qemu.libvirtd / usr / local / var / run / libvirt / qemu Host ~ $ sudo chown-R qemu.libvirtd / usr / local / var / lib / libvirt / qemu Host ~ $ sudo chown-R qemu.libvirtd / usr / local / var / cache / libvirt / qemu On the second console to restart libvirtd. Host ~ $ sudo / usr / local / sbin / libvirtd-v The connection to qemu: / / / system is now successfully without sudo. Host ~ $ virsh-c qemu: / / / system list Connecting to uri: qemu: / / / system Id Name Status ---------------------------------To automatically start libvirtd after a reboot script is a suitable init necessary. When compiling, the init script for Red Hat distributions generated. Although one can the command to start in the file / etc / rc.local add, a clean exit is not so reached. On Ubuntu, it is possible the init script / etc / init.d / libvirt-bin from the package libvirt-bin copy and adapt. Alternatively, write your own script based on the file / etc / init.d skeleton. Network A kind of virtual machines to network is the bridging with the bridge-utils. The installation on Debian / Ubuntu is done with the command line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install bridge-utils To configure the network service is to stop. Host ~ $ sudo invoke-rc.d networking stop It is also advisable to secure the network configuration file before editing. Host ~ $ sudo cp / etc / network / interfaces / etc / network / interfaces-bak In this example, the interface eth0 of the host system's IP address The gateway has the IP address The file / etc / network / interfaces does the following contents: # / Etc / network / interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway For Briding interfaces is the file / etc / network / adapt. It should be noted that the interface no longer has IP address eth0. The former IP address of eth0 is assigned to the br0 interface. # / Etc / network / interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual auto br0 iface br0 inet static address network netmask broadcast gateway bridge_ports eth0 bridge_fd 9 bridge_hello 2 bridge_maxage 12 bridge_stp off Then, the network service is restarted. Host ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / networking restart If all goes well, the computer is available again under the old IP address. However, this is not the interface eth0 addressed, but the newly created interface br0. To check the ifconfig command is used. Host ~ $ ifconfig br0 ... inet addr: Bcast: Mask: ... eth0 ... lo ... Restarting the computer is recommended to test the correct network configuration after boot. Host ~ $ sudo reboot dnsmasq uses libvirt to host systems using DHCP to assign IP addresses. dnsmasq is a simple DNS and DHCP servers for small networks. The names from the local network according to the file / etc / hosts resolved. Unknown name requests are forwarded to another DNS server and stored in the cache. In order to use dnsmasq to libvirt, is in the file / etc / resolv.conf on the host system's IP address as a first name server to insert. The previously existing entries for name servers are not deleted. The name resolution, it is possible to address scale virtual machines with their name on the network. In each case, a point is to be appended to the name. # / Etc / resolv.conf

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nameserver NameServer ... <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools/_Installation " This page has been accessed 5599 times. This page was last updated on 27 January 2011 at 12:41 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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libvirt, virsh, Virtual Machine Manager console virsh, virt-manager, virt-top

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / libvirt Tools / The Management Tools]])
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vmbuilder - Step 1

vmbuilder - Step 2

The installation of Microsoft Windows Vista on KVM with virt-install.

The tool virt-viewer.

The Virtual Machine Manager.

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The Virtual Machine Manager Wizard to create a new virtual machine - Step 1

The Virtual Machine Manager Wizard to create a new virtual machine - Step 2

The Virtual Machine Manager Wizard to create a new virtual machine - Step 3

The Virtual Machine Manager Wizard to create a new virtual machine - Step 4

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The Virtual Machine Manager Wizard to create a new virtual machine - Step 5

The Virtual Machine Manager: The virtual machine is created.

The Virtual Machine Manager: Installation of the host system.

The Virtual Machine Manager: Settings of the virtual machine.

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libvirt, virsh, Virtual Machine Manager console virsh, virt-manager, virt-t...


The Virtual Machine Manager: Add Hardware Step 1

The Virtual Machine Manager: Add Hardware Step 2

The Virtual Machine Manager: Add Hardware Step 3

The Virtual Machine Manager performance graphs of the virtual machine.

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The Virtual Machine Manager: Cloning a virtual machine.

The Virtual Machine Manager: live migration.

The Virtual Machine Manager: Create an image.

The Virtual Machine Manager: Create Network Step 1

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The Virtual Machine Manager: Create Network Step 2

The Virtual Machine Manager: Create Network Step 3

The Virtual Machine Manager: Create Network Step 4

The Virtual Machine Manager: Create Network Step 5

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Contents 1 libvirt management tools 1.1 virt-install 2.1 virt-clone 1.3 vmbuilder 4.1 virsh 1.5 virt-top Virt-goodies 1.6 Virt Manager 1.7 1.7.1 The main window 1.7.2 Wizard "create new virtual machine" 1.7.3 The Virtual Machine window 1.7.4 Wizard Add new virtual hardware " 1.7.5 The preferences window 1.7.6 The Host Details 1.7.7 Wizard "create new virtual network" 1.7.8 Wizard "to add storage pool"

The Virtual Machine Manager: Create Network Step 6

libvirt management tools

Command tables (man pages) to the management tools are in the Appendix ( http://qemubuch.de/d/Anhang/_libvirt ). virt-install Virt-install the tool used for creating virtual machines, the ISO images to install the operating systems. Virt-install supports both text based and the graphical installer. In this case, a serial console, SDL or VNC can be used. It is also possible from installation media provided to NFS, HTTP or FTP servers to boot. The many options for this tool lists the option-h. Host ~ # virt-install-h The following example is Microsoft Windows Vista installed as a guest. For this, the installation DVD is imported. Example: Host ~ $ dd if = / dev/scd0 of = vista.iso With these options you start virt-install. It will automatically be virt-viewer tool (see below) is called and you install the guest system. Host ~ $ sudo virt-install - connect qemu: / / / system - hvm \ - Name fritz - ram 1024 \ - File vista.img - file-size 10 \ - Cdrom vista.iso \ - Vnc \ - Os-type windows - os-variant vista Starting install ... Creating storage file ... 100% |================| 10 GB 00:00 Creating domain ... 0 B 00:00 virt-clone
The Virtual Machine Manager: Information on the host system - an overview.

The Virtual Machine Manager: Information on the host system - virtual networks.

The Virtual Machine Manager: Information on the host system - memory.

in the package python-virtinst The tool included with virt-clone of clones enables the virtual machines. This must have driven down the virtual machine. The following example machine, the cloned knut. The new machine is named Bruno and their image is here brunos-hd-image.qcow2. Host ~ # virt-clone - connect = qemu: / / / system-o knut \ Bruno-n-f-hd-brunos image.qcow2 vmbuilder The vmbuilder is a tool for creating virtual machines with Ubuntu JeOS as the guest system for KVM, QEMU, VMware Server, VMware Workstation, VMware Player, and Xen. Support for VirtualBox is still under development. Ubuntu JeOS (Just Enough Operating System) is a customized version of the Ubuntu Linux distribution for virtual appliances. It has to be created for each virtual machine its own directory. This directory is generated by the script a subdirectory with the necessary files. In the following example, a virtual machine with Ubuntu is created. Host ~ $ mkdir test

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Host ~ $ cd test Host ~ $ sudo kvm ubuntu vmbuilder To start the new virtual machine, change to the created subdirectory and calls the script run.sh. Host ~ $ cd ubuntu-kvm Host ~ $. / Run.sh In the following example, a virtual machine is created with Ubuntu Jaunty. The kernel should be optimized for virtual appliances for (- flavor virtual). It is bit version to install the 32 (- arch i386). The 64-bit version requires the - arch amd64 and - flavor server. With the-o Appliance is overriding the previously generated possible. Host ~ $ sudo kvm ubuntu vmbuilder \ - Suite intrepid - flavor virtual - arch i386-o The partitioning is with the - set part. As a parameter is a file named. In this example vmbuilder.partition is the file to create. The sizes of the partitions are specified in Mbytes. Three hyphens separate partitions on separate virtual disks. In this case, / var on a second virtual hard disk. root 6000 swap 1000 --/ Var 8000 Host ~ $ sudo vmbuilder kvm ubuntu - suite intrepid - flavor virtual \ - Arch i386-o - part vmbuilder.partition The numerous options enable tools vmbuilder the better configuration of the virtual machine to be created. The option help explains the options of vmbuilder. Host ~ $ vmbuilder - help More information can be obtained with the input for the hypervisor and the desired distribution. Host ~ $ vmbuilder kvm ubuntu - help The options of typing do not have to hand, the information contained in this web form to be entered: http://people.ubuntu.com/ ~ kirkland / ubuntu-vm-builder.html . After pressing the button Generate Command command line is the corresponding display. This need only copy still in the console. To be noted is that generated options for ubuntuvm-builder apply. This is the predecessor of vmbuilder. If you want the created virtual machine with the libvirt tools administer, so the option is - libvirt qemu: / / system to hang. Here is an example of how to generate a virtual machine named "knut". It is thereby the configuration file / etc / libvirt / qemu / create knut.xml.

Host ~ $ sudo vmbuilder kvm ubuntu - suite intrepid \ - flavor virtual - arch i386-o - host name 'knut'-o \ - m The many options are very cumbersome, especially with repeated use. It is better to file to write the specifications and this file with the-c option must be indicated. Here is an example of a configuration file called myappliance.cfg. [DEFAULT] arch = i386 part = vmbuilder.partition user = knut name = Bruno Knut pass = secret [Ubuntu] suite = hardy flavor = virtual addpkg = openssh-server [Sqm] = libvirt qemu: / / / system The call vmbuilder reduced from themselves: Host ~ $ sudo vmbuilder kvm ubuntu-c-o myappliance.cfg For more information about the vmbuilder obtained at the URL https: / / help.ubuntu.com / community / JeOSVMBuilder . a virtual machine with libvirt order to manage generated, it must be defined as a domain (see virsh). virsh The program serves virsh for managing virtual machines on the command line. It is part of the package libvirt-bin. With

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the-c option, the specified hypervisor on which you want to connect. Virsh shell with a series of commands. If you want to enter only one command, it can be added immediately as an option. In this case, list the domains listed with. Host ~ $ virsh-c qemu: / / / system list Connecting to uri: qemu: / / / system Id Name Status ---------------------------------1 knut continuously A remote access to another computer, in this example, pluto, is possible with the following options. Host ~ $ virsh-c qemu + unix: / / pluto / system list With the variable VIRSH_DEFAULT_CONNECT_URI we define the default URI. This option is the same format as used in the connect. If the variable as in the example set, connects to the URI virsh test automatically: / / / default if they have no connect string is specified. To test the command is called virsh uri. Permanently store this variable in the file ~ /. Bashrc. Host ~ $ export VIRSH_DEFAULT_CONNECT_URI = test: / / / default host ~ $ uri virsh test: / / / default Virsh command is not passed, you get into the shell. The commands are listed with help. Host ~ $ virsh-c qemu: / / / system Connecting to uri: qemu: / / / system virsh # help To manage a virtual machine-generated, this must be defined as a domain. Define the command must be applied even if the XML file for the domain has changed. The configuration files of virtual machines are usually under / etc / libvirt / qemu / or / usr / local / etc / libvirt / qemu. virsh # define / etc / libvirt / qemu / knut.xml Knut domain from / etc / libvirt / qemu / defined knut.xml To list the domains, use the command list. The parameter - all lists and inactive domains. The parameter - inactive lists only the inactive domains. virsh # list - all Id Name Status ---------------------------------- Horst off - Knut off The start command starts the specified domain. virsh # start knut Domain knut started This can be achieved with list - test all. virsh # list - all Id Name Status ---------------------------------6 horst continuously - Knut off The migrate command moves a domain to another host. With - live is live migration enforced. In this example, the virtual machine to the host pluto knut migrated. virsh # migrate - live knut qemu + tcp: / / pluto / system The command can suspend a domain pause. virsh suspend knut # Domain knut stopped virsh # list-all Id Name Status ---------------------------------6 paused knut - Horst off The command resume domain, the re-awakened. virsh # resume knut

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libvirt, virsh, Virtual Machine Manager console virsh, virt-manager, virt-t...


Domain knut continued To shut down a domain, use the shutdown command. virsh # shutdown knut Knut domain is shut down Brutal is the command to destroy. This moves the virtual power cord from the virtual socket. virsh # destroy knut With quit, leave this shell. virsh # quit The QEMU / KVM options for configuring a virtual machine with the command domxml-from-native to an XML configuration transformed domain. This allows you to machines that were configured with options, QEMU with the tools to manage the virtual library libvirt. The source format is specified with the format. Conversion of the QEMU qemu options for the use-argv. The configuration data is defined with config. Here's a simple example of domxml-from-native: Host ~ $ echo "/ usr / bin / qemu-hda Platte.img-m 256 'q.txt> Host ~ $ virsh domxml-from-native-argv q.txt qemu> q.xml Host ~ $ cat q.xml The command domxml-to-native converts an XML-domain configuration in a native host configuration. The target format is to format and XML file defines the xml. This can convert the settings from an XML configuration file into the appropriate QEMU options. Using the URL http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/QEMUSwitchToLibvirt find a comparison between QEMU options and libvirt configurations. Host ~ $ virsh domxml-to-native-argv q.xml qemu virt-top The program virt-top displays statistics about the virtual machines (domains) to. The operation (options, keyboard shortcuts) similar to the top command. The program is called with vir-top. A help you get the option virt-top - help. A URI with the-c option. Host ~ # virt-top-c test: / / / default 19:50:13 virt-top - i686 16/16CPU 1400MHz 3072MB 6.2% 6.2% 1 Domain, 1 active, 1 running sleeping, 0, 0 paused, 0 inactive D: 0 O: 0 X: 0 CPU: 6.2% Mem: 2048 MB (2048 MB by guests) ID S RDRQ WRRQ RXBY TXBY% CPU% MEM TIME NAME 1 R 6.2 66.0 14641d18: 50 test By default, the domains are listed. Use the following keys to change the statistics display: [1] show the CPUs. [2] show the network interfaces. [3] show the block devices. With the [q] the program is terminated. The man page gives more information about the program. virt-goodies Package virt-goodies in the program is included vmware2libvirt. It is used to convert VMware configuration files (. Vmx) the XML configuration files in libvirt. To convert the VMware virtual machine is shut down under and files (. Vmx and. Vmdk) to a new directory to copy the appropriate. Subsequently, these commands are used. Host ~ $ vmware2libvirt-f. / File.vmx> file.xml Host ~ $ virsh-c qemu: / / / system define file.xml It converts only the configuration file. The image files remain unchanged. The conversion of images is at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Festplatten-Images_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware described. Virt Manager An example of a GUI libvirt anabolic on Virt is the manager. With the Virt Manager can manage virtual machines that are operated under different hypervisor types. In addition to the creation, startup, shutdown, backup and cloning it is possible to provide virtual machines (domains) with additional virtual hardware. The live migration of a virtual machine from one host to another host is possible. Furthermore, let storage pools and virtual networks set up and display performance data. The start is the Virt Manager command virt-manager. The options of the tool virt-manager-h are shown with. An overview can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_libvirt . Host ~ # virt-manager-h With the-c URI is the connection to the hypervisor to specify. To test the Virtual Machine Manager with the dummy

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hypervisor will be connected. Under the dummy hypervisor can be managed fictitious virtual machines. Host ~ # virt-manager-c test: / / / default To local QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor (connection type system) to combine with the serves the following command. Host ~ # virt-manager-c qemu: / / / system If the option-c is omitted, the connection can be later in the main window File menu, Add Connection in the manufacture. It is the hypervisor QEMU / KVM and select the connection. If a remote connection is selected, the host name and a security protocol must be reported.
The main window

The main window shows an overview of the available virtual machines (domains). These are displayed under the hypervisor and the connection type. If you click on the small triangle next to the hypervisor, the domains are shown. Right next to the names of a domain are performance data shown as CPU consumption. In each case, under the name of the domain, you can whether it is on or off. Please click with the right mouse button on a domain name in the list opens a context menu. This menu can be commands (Run, shutdown, pause, etc) settle virsh. By opening or double-click the domain name), the virtual machine window (see below. The menus of the main window includes the following points: File menu Restore Saved machine ...: Provides a previously saved virtual machine for the selected URI restore. A file selection window. Add Connection ...: Added another link to QEMU or add a hypervisor. A window appears for selection of the hypervisor and the connection. If a remote connection is selected, the host name and a security protocol must be reported. Close: Closes the main window. All other windows of the virt-manager to stay open. Quit: Exits the virt-manager. Edit menu Host Details: Opens the host details. Virtual Machine Details: Opens the virtual machine. Delete: Deletes a selected link (URI) or a virtual machine. Preferences: Opens the Preferences window. Show menu Graph: Configures the display of performance data. CPU consumption. Hard Drives I / O. The statistics is published on the Edit menu, settings are enabled in statistics. Network I / O. The statistics is published on the Edit menu, settings are enabled in statistics. Help menu About: Displays information about the program and its developers. The icons below the menu bar have the following meanings: New: Starts the wizard for creating a new virtual machine. Open: Opens the virtual machine. Run: Starts the selected virtual machine. Pause: pause the virtual machine fails again or continue. Shutdown Reboot: Reboot Runs through. Shut Down: Shuts down the virtual machine. For paravirtualized guest systems (Xen domains) a graceful shutdown is initiated. For fully virtualized guests without a special driver made an uncontrolled exit the system. Forced off: Pull the virtual appliance from the virtual socket.
New Virtual Machine Wizard "create

In order to generate a new virtual machine, is chosen in the main window, the hypervisor, for example localhost (QEMU). Then click on the icon New. It opens a wizard. This requested the following information: 1. Step: Name: The virtual machine is to be clearly identified. It may contain letters and numbers are used. At least one letter be present. Spaces are not allowed. The length must not exceed 50 characters. Connection: There are associated hypervisor available. Installation Method: select whether local CD, the network (HTTP, FTP, NFS) or PXE installed from a. For paravirtualized guest systems, the network installation (HTTP, FTP, or NFS) must be selected. It is also possible to kickstart URL. Virt Manager remembers the last five URLs for further use.

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2. Step: Depending on the chosen method of installation, the installation media or a URL to be indicated. Furthermore, the operating system type (Linux, Windows, ...) and select the appropriate version. 3. Step: Memory (RAM): It is the amount of memory to specify. CPUs: It is the number of CPUs set. 4. Step: In this step, you choose a place, whether a virtual disk is used. If a disk image (image file) are used, the size is set. If the entire hard drive reserved for when creating the domain, generating the virtual machine takes a little longer. The accesses to the virtual disk by the host system are then faster. There is no reservation is another disadvantage. Image only grows with the level, it comes with space problems in the host system to access unexpected errors in the host system. Alternatively, instead of an image and another to select programs. It can consider all the disks (eg / dev / sdc) mode. 5. Step: Under Advanced options, which enable the network connection and the MAC address assigned in one. With virtualization type is only KVM selectable. Furthermore, the CPU architecture (i686, x86_64, mips, mipsel, sparc or ppc) to pretend.
The virtual machine window

To connect to the virtual machine can, click on their name in the main window. The window virtual machine with the graphics or text console. If not done, the guest system to be installed. Clicking one in this console, the mouse and keyboard in this window caught. Serves to break the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt]. The menus support these functions: File menu Manager: Displays the main window. Close: Closes the window. All other windows of the virt-manager to stay open. Quit: Exits the virt-manager. Virtual Machine menu Run: Starts the selected virtual machine. Pause: pause the virtual machine fails again or continue. Shutdown Reboot: Reboot Runs through. Shut Down: Shuts down the virtual machine. Forced off: Pull the virtual appliance from the virtual socket. Save: Save the memory of the virtual machine to disk and then runs them down. Restore can only state the domain with the menu item File, Restore Saved this machine .... This is not a VM snapshot. Therefore, after the virtual machine is started, the menu item File, Restore Saved machine ... no longer applied. Cloning: Clone the virtual machine powered down. It is the name of the new virtual machine to pretend. The network card is assigned a different MAC address. This can be adjusted in detail. Further cloning and sharing of storage media can be configured. ... Migrate: Migrates virtual machine to another host. This is the URI to specify the Zielsytems. If off-line migration disabled, migration is a live possible. Screenshot record: set a screenshot in PNG format. Show menu Console: switching to the console view. Details: Change in the detail view for configuring the virtual hardware (see below). Full screen mode: Enables full-screen mode. Resize VM: Adjusts the size of the console window to the graphics output of the host system on. Display scale: changes the size of the display. Text consoles: Configures the text console. Toolbar: Display of icons to control the virtual machine. Menu button to send It is possible to send keystrokes to the host system. About the View menu, Details, the console version in the detail view of change. In Overview allows machine settings, such as ACPI, APIC and specifications for the system clock (utc local time,) to make. Under the heading of performance are performance data (CPU, memory, disk I / O, network I / A). Among the other points, the corresponding virtual hardware components are set up. Appropriate privileges are required. To virtual machine with new hardware to provide the, click on the Add Hardware icon. You will see the Add New Hardware Wizard virtual. For paravirtualized guest systems (Xen domains), virtual hardware components (CPUs, RAM) change on the fly.
Wizard Add new virtual hardware "

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The steps of this wizard vary depending on the nature of the new hardware. The first step is prompted for the type of hardware. In this example, a virtual hard disk to be added. This type of storage is indicated as. The next step is to select the source. It is block device or disk image (Image) to choose from. For this, appropriate information shall be supplemented.
The preferences window

In this window you need to decide the behavior of the Virt Manager. General tab Enable icon in Benachrichtigungsfesld: If this option is enabled, an icon appears on the panel of the desktop for quick access to the Virt Manager. Reiter Statistics Statistics Options: Allows to configure how often the statistics display is updated and how long the history is preserved. Statistics collection enable: Enables you to statistics surveys for hard drives I / O and network I / O, they can on the View menu, graph are shown in the main window. Reiter VM Detail Consoles: These points defined the behavior of the virtual machine console. New VM: the audio devices installed are as defined. Reiter Feedback Confirmations: If this option is activated, respectively, a security query.
The Host Details

The window details will host the Edit menu, host details accessed through. File menu Manager: Displays the main window. Close: Closes the window. All other windows of the virt-manager to stay open. Quit: Exits the virt-manager. Reiter Overview Basic details: It is shown for the selected URI. Further information about the hypervisor, memory usage, the logical CPUs and the processor architecture will be displayed. Automatic connection is activated, connects the Virt Manager automatically at startup with this URI. Performance: There are the CPU utilization and memory usage graphs shown. Reiter Virtual Networks In this tab, virtual networks are configured. By default, a local bridge is created (network default). Existing networks, such default will be selected by clicking on the list and edited. New virtual networks are created by clicking on the icon with the plus sign. It appears Wizard to create the new virtual network (see below). Reiter memory This tab storage pools are configured. Existing pools, for example, default-pool to be selected by clicking on the list and edited. New pools are created by clicking on the icon with the plus sign. It seems the wizard to add storage pool (see below).
"New Virtual Network Wizard" to create

With this wizard, a new virtual network is created. Example 1. 2. 3. 4. Network name: internal Select IPv4 address space: DHCP scope select: Enable DHCP, Start: 192 168 100 128, end: 192 168 100 254 physical network with: isolated virtual network to physical network or pass, target: eth0 mode: NAT or routed.

Wizard Add Storage Pool "

With this wizard, a new storage pool is created. It supports the following types: dir: File System Directory disk: Physical Disk Device fs: Pre-Formatted Block Device

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iSCSI: iSCSI Target logical: LVM volume group netfs: Network Exported Directory scsi: SCSI host adapter <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_libvirtTools/_Die_Managementtools " This page has been accessed 6199 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:21 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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libvirt Virtio modules virtio virtio_pci virtio_ring virtio_net virtio_blk - ...


libvirt Virtio modules virtio virtio_pci virtio_ring virtio_net virtio_blk

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / libvirt-tools / modules Virtio]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Virtio modules for guest systems

Virtio is a paravirtualization interface that only one set of drivers for guest systems to be developed (see Section paravirtualized device drivers). These drivers can be used by multiple virtualization solutions. This para virtual catalyzed device drivers are available for Linux guest systems with a kernel version 2.6.25. For the following examples vmbuilder a virtual machine created with. Host ~ $ sudo kvm ubuntu vmbuilder \ - Suite intrepid - flavor virtual \ - Arch i386-o - host name 'holiday'-o \ - Mirror ' http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ' \ - Components 'main, universe' - addpkg 'openssh-server' \ - Name 'I' - user 'I' - password 'secret' \ - Libvirt qemu: / / / system paravirtualized network cards In the host system to the following modules loaded: virtio, virtio_pci, virtio_ring, virtio_net and virtio_blk. This must KVM or QEMU with the-net nic and the parameter model = virtio start. The corresponding configuration file is to be adapted. In this example, the virtual machine vacation the file / etc / libvirt / qemu / urlaub.xml <model type='virtio'/> line with the supplement, if it does not exist. Host ~ $ sudo vi / etc / libvirt / qemu / urlaub.xml <interface type='network'> <MAC address='52:54:00:1d:2c:86'/> <source network='default'/> <model type='virtio'/> </ Interface> This configuration has the library libvirt be made known. Host ~ $ sudo virsh-c qemu: / / / system \ define / etc / libvirt / qemu / urlaub.xml Connecting to uri: qemu: / / / system Domain vacation from / etc / libvirt / qemu / defined urlaub.xml Booting the guest system, for example with the virt-manager, and logs on. In the guest system to check if the modules were loaded. Host ~ $ ssh me @ vacation. I @ vacation.'s password secret Guest ~ $ lsmod | grep virtio virtio_blk 16 392 0 virtio_net 18 432 0 virtio_pci 17 668 0 virtio_ring 12 928 1 virtio_pci virtio 14 336 3 virtio_blk, virtio_net, virtio_pci paravirtualized block devices To block devices to use a paravirtualized follows is the configuration file / etc / libvirt / qemu / urlaub.xml how to adjust. The line is line <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/> <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/> replace it by. <disk type='file' device='disk'> <source file='/VMs/test/ubuntu-kvm/disk0.qcow2'/> <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/> </ Disk> This configuration change must be made known to the libvirt library. Host ~ $ sudo virsh-c qemu: / / / system \ define / etc / libvirt / qemu / urlaub.xml Connecting to uri: qemu: / / / system Domain vacation from / etc / libvirt The virtual machine is started. In the host system through testing as to whether these modules were loaded. Host ~ $ ssh me @ vacation. I @ vacation.'s password secret Guest ~ $ lsmod | grep virtio virtio_blk 16 392 0 virtio_pci 17 668 0 virtio_ring 12 928 1 virtio_pci virtio 14 336 3 virtio_blk, virtio_net, virtio_pci <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools/_Virtio-Module " This page has been accessed 3317 times. This page was last updated on 7 March 2010 at 20:10 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:11 PM

Language bindings libvirt Python Perl CPAN Sys-Virt OCaml Ruby Java or...


Language bindings libvirt Python Perl CPAN Sys-Virt OCaml Ruby Java org.libvirt SharpLibVirt Toolbox
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / libvirt Tools / Language Bindings]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 Language Bindings 1.1 C 1.2 C # Python 1.3 4.1 Perl 1.5 OCaml Ruby 1.6 1.7 Java

The MonoDevelop IDE.

Languages Bindings
URL: http://libvirt.org/bindings.html Downloads: http://libvirt.org/sources/ The C library libvirt offers the interface for the C programming language interfaces for the languages C + +, Python, Perl, OCaml, Ruby and Java. Are required to show the corresponding binding of the programming library and A started libvirtd. C C is a procedural programming language. C is widely available for almost all computer systems. C was standardized on several occasions (C89, C95, C99, ISO-C). Most PC-/Server-Implementierungen adhere closely to the standard. A complete implementation of current standards is rare. C programs that do not include hardware-related programming can be ported to other target systems. C was developed in the early 1970s for the Unix operating system. Many other languages such as C + +, Objective-C, C #, Java, PHP and Perl are based on the syntax and other properties of C. A Wikibook on C is at the URL http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/C programming available. It must be installed following packages. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential make It tests the availability of the C compiler. Host ~ $ gcc - version gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu9) 4.4.1 The documentation for libvirt-Binding can be found at the URL http://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt.html . The corresponding package libvirt-dev. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libvirt-dev The following example program shows the started virtual machines. This is the file domains.c show-create with the following content. # Include <stdio.h> # Include <stdlib.h> # Include <libvirt/libvirt.h> static void show domain (virConnect * conn, int id)

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{ virDomain * domain; domain = (conn, id) virDomainLookupByID; printf ("% s:% d \ n", domain virDomainGetName (domain), virDomainGetID ()); } static void show domains (virConnect * conn) { int number_of_domains, id, * ids; number_of_domains virConnectNumOfDomains = (conn); ids = malloc (number_of_domains * sizeof (int)); if (ids) Return; virConnectListDomains (conn, ids, number_of_domains); for (id = 0; id <number_of_domains; id + +) show domain (conn, ids [id]); free (ids); } int main () { virConnect * conn; virConnectOpen conn = ("test: / / / default"); if (conn) return -1; show domains (conn); virConnectClose (conn); return 0; } The source code is to compile and run the program. Host ~ $ gcc-o lvirt-show-show-domains domains.c Host ~ $. / Show-domains test: 1 C# The object-oriented language C # (C Sharp) was developed by Microsoft for the. NET strategy. C # support is based on concepts of Java, C + +, SQL, Delphi and C and both the development of languageindependent. NET components and COM components for use with Win32 applications. A Wikibook about C # is at the URL http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Programmierkurs_C-Sharp available. It will need the following packages. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install mono-complete mono-gmcs Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install mono-devel monodevelop It tests the availability of the compiler. Host ~ $ gmcs - version Mono C # compiler version The MonoDevelop IDE is invoked as follows. Host ~ $ monodevelop & Using the URL http://svn.i-tux.cz/listing.php?repname=SharpLibVirt find the libvirt-binding. Python Website: http://www.python.org

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Python is a high-level programming. Features include high performance and clear syntax. The standard library included is extensive. Unusually, the use of indentation on the limitation of blocks. A Wikibook is under the URL http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Python-Programmierung available. Python is available on most Linux distributions have a package installed python. With the following command tests to availability. Host ~ $ python - version Python 2.6.4 The documentation for the libvirt-binding is under the URL http://libvirt.org/python.html . You need the package python-libvirt. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-libvirt The example show-domains.py shows running domains. import libvirt conn = libvirt.open ('test: / / / default') for id in conn.listDomainsID (): domain = conn.lookupByID (id) print "% s:% s"% (domain.name () domain.info () [0]) The script is called as follows. ~ $ Python-show host domains.py test: 1 Perl Website: http://www.perl.org Perl is a free, platform-independent, interpreted scripting language. Perl was originally developed for the manipulation of text files. The strengths of Perl, the processing of data streams of various news sources, and to prepare documents using regular expressions. There are many freely available modules that are placed in a central location (CPAN) is available. CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) is an online repository ( http://www.cpan.org ) for Perl modules. A Wikibook about Perl is available at URL http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Perl-Programmierung available. Perl is available on most Unix-like systems (* BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, Linux) pre-installed. With the following command tests to availability. Host ~ $ perl - version This is perl, v5.10.0 built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi Many Perl modules are available as software packages (lib *- perl). If there is not a Perl module as a package that you can install it with CPAN. This package is the perl modules needed. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install perl-modules As root you call cpan. Host ~ $ sudo-i Host ~ # cpan The first call to configure cpan are some questions to put. The default answers are acceptable. When asked about the mirror server is a server near you is to be selected. The configuration is Debian / Ubuntu in / etc / perl / CPAN / Config.pm saved. After successful configuration of CPAN prompt waits for commands. cpan> quit The Perl module Sys:: Virt provides the Perl bindings for libvirt. Documentation is available at URL http://search.cpan.org/dist/Sys-Virt/lib/Sys/Virt.pm available. Is there no such package to install this module via CPAN. With the following command searches to the Perl module Sys:: Virt.

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Host ~ # cpan cpan> i / Sys:: Virt / Installing a Perl module is to install. cpan> install Sys:: Virt cpan> quit Host ~ # exit With the following command tests to the successful installation of the Perl module. If no output appears, everything is correct. Host ~ $ perl-MSys:: Virt-e exit For example, create the file show-domains.perl with the following content. # / Usr / bin / perl-w use Sys:: Virt; my $ con = Sys:: Virt-> new (uri = "test: / / / default">); my @ domains = $ con-> list_domains; for my $ domain (@ domains) { printf "% s:% s \ n", $ Domain-> get_name, $ domain-> get_info-> {state}; } The file is made executable and called. Host ~ $ chmod + x domains.perl show host ~ $. / Show-domains.perl test 1 OCaml Website: http://caml.inria.fr OCaml (Objective CAML) is based on the ML family of languages (Meta Language) programming language. In addition to the functional and imperative features of ML OCaml supports object-oriented concepts. OCaml has a compiler for the generation of byte code and machine code. OCaml is available for many platforms, including Unix and Windows. How you can find the URL for OCaml http://www.ocamltutorial.org/de . It will need the following packages: Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install ocaml ocaml-interp It tests the availability. Host ~ $ ocaml-version The Objective Caml toplevel, version 3.11.1 Host ~ $ ocamlopt-config version: 3.11.1 The libvirt-Binding can be found at the URL http://libvirt.org/ocaml/ . It will need the following packages: Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libvirt-ocaml-libvirt-ocaml-dev For example, create the file with the following content list_domains.ml. module C = Libvirt.Connect module D = Libvirt.Domain let name = "test: / / / default" let conn = C.connect_readonly ~ name () open Printf let doms = let n = C.num_of_domains in conn let ids = n C.list_domains in conn let domains = Array.map (D.lookup_by_id conn) ids in

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Array.iter ( fun dom -> printf "% s% 8d \ n%!" ) Domains;

(D.get_name dom) (D.get_id dom)

The source code is to compile and run the program. Host ~ $ ocamlopt-I + libvirt mllibvirt.cmxa list_domains.ml \ -O list_domains Host ~ $. / List_domains test 1 Ruby Website: http://ruby-lang.org Ruby is a powerful, object-oriented language. All data types, including numbers and strings are objects. Ruby was designed as a multi-paradigm language. That is, it is open to other programming paradigms to the developer to create its programs to use. A quick start is at the URL http://www.ruby-lang.org /de/documentation/quickstart/ . A Wikibook about Ruby is at the URL http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/RubyProgrammierung available. It must be installed following packages. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install ruby-full rubygems rake irb It tests the availability. Host ~ $ ruby - version ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86_64-linux] Host ~ $ irb irb (main):> quit 001:0 The libvirt-Binding can be found at the URL http://libvirt.org/ruby/ . The accompanying documentation is licensed under http://www.libvirt.org/ruby/api/ published. It is the package libvirt-ruby install. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libvirt-ruby For the first steps to provide interactive ruby shell to the. With require you have to use the library. Then the object is defined connect. Puts serves to output information to the screen. In this case, the document is an XML output that properties of the currently associated describes the hypervisor (see virsh capabilities). Host ~ $ irb irb (main): 001:0> require 'libvirt' => True irb (main):> connect Libvirt 002:0 =:: open ("test: / / / default") => # <Libvirt::Connect:0xb77c4554> irb (main): 003:0> puts connect.capabilities ... irb (main):> quit 004:0 For a sample script create the file show-domains.rb this content with. # / Usr / bin / env ruby require 'libvirt' connect = Libvirt:: open ("test: / / / default") Connect.list_domains @ domains = () @ Domains.each do | id | domain = connect.lookup_domain_by_id (id) puts "# {domain.name}: # {} domain.id" end The file is made executable and called.

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1/29/2011 7:12 PM

Language bindings libvirt Python Perl CPAN Sys-Virt OCaml Ruby Java or...


Host ~ $ chmod + x show-domains.rb Host ~ $. / Show-domains.rb test: 1 Java Web site: http://java.sun.com Java is an object-oriented, platform-independent programming language. Java programs are translated into bytecode and then executed in the Java runtime environment. Whose main component is the Java Virtual Machine. Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation). Sun offers the Java VM for Linux, Solaris and Windows. Other manufacturers have their Java VM for your platform certification, such as the Apple for Mac OS X. A Wikibook on Java under the URL http://de.wikibooks.org /wiki/Java_Standard available. In addition to the package sun-java6-jdk packages are the ant, libjna-java and junit necessary. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk java-junit ant libjna Host ~ $ sudo update-alternatives - config java It tests the availability. Host ~ $ javac-version javac 1.6.0_16 Host ~ $ ant-version Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on October 19 2009 The documentation for the libvirt-Binding can be found at the URL http://libvirt.org/sources/java/javadoc/ . The files of the libvirt-binding, you charge by the URL http://libvirt.org/sources/java/ down and starts the build process with ant. Then the built jar archive should be copied into the directory containing the Java libraries. The CLASSPATH of the current directory and the directory containing the files and libvirt.jar jna.jar must face. The variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the path of the file libjnidispatch.so. Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source Host $ cd ~ / source Host ~ $ wget \ http://libvirt.org/sources/java/libvirt-java-0.4.2.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf libvirt-java-0.4.2.tar.gz Host $ cd libvirt-java-0.4.2 Host ~ $ ant build Host ~ $ sudo cp target/libvirt-0.4.2.jar / usr / share / java / Host ~ $ sudo ln-s / usr/share/java/libvirt-0.4.2.jar \ / Usr / share / java / libvirt.jar Host ~ $ export CLASSPATH =.: / usr / share / java / * Host ~ $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / usr / lib / jni / For example ShowDomains.java is the file the following content to mess with. import org.libvirt .*; public class show {domains public static void main (String [] args) { Connect conn = null; try { conn = new Connect ("test: / / / default", true); } Catch (LibvirtException e) { System.out.println ("Exception caught:" + e); System.out.println (e.getError ()); } try { int [] domains = conn.listDomains (); for (int i = 0; i <Domains.length; i + +) {

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Language bindings libvirt Python Perl CPAN Sys-Virt OCaml Ruby Java or...


Domain = dom conn.domainLookupByID (domains [i]); System.out.println (dom.getName () + ":" + dom.getID ()); } } Catch (LibvirtException e) { System.out.println ("Exception caught:" + e); System.out.println (e.getError ()); } } } This file is compiled and called. Host ~ $ javac ShowDomains.java & & java show domains test: 1 <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_libvirtTools/_Languages_Bindings " This page has been accessed 3732 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:21 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:12 PM

oVirt libvirt - libvirt qemu-kvm &


oVirt, libvirt
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / libvirt tools / oVirt]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Website: http://ovirt.org oVirt allows the management of virtual machines through a web interface. This company Red Hat open source project sponsored to use the library libvirt. oVirt provides the hardware resources (CPUs, RAM and disk storage) of several hosts of the pool available to virtual machines. The assignment of resources to the pools is flexible. Booting the hosts (oVirt nodes) are each from a CD, a USB stick or PXE. Local hard disks are not necessary. The oVirt-node image contains a minimal Fedora with kernel-based Virtual Machine and the libvirt library. The processors that hosts must support hardware virtualization. The current version of the management system is available as a special KVM appliance available. Therefore, for this virtual machine, a host system with hardware virtualization is necessary. Continue to be required for the productive use of at least two network cards. The storage is provided via iSCSI or NFS. For a separate iSCSI network is set up.

Installing the Management Appliance

It is necessary to ensure that support for hardware virtualization is enabled in the BIOS of the computer (example): Advanced CPU Configuration Virtualization Technology [Enabled] On Linux, it is determined whether the processors used the hardware virtualization (hardware virtual machine - HVM) support. Host ~ $ grep "vmx" / proc / cpuinfo If lines vmx output is Processor type Intel VT. Host ~ $ grep "svm" / proc / cpuinfo When rows svm plotted, it is of type processors AMD-V. No output will not support hardware virtualization. oVirt can not be used. oVirt For at least two network cards are required. The operating system is Fedora to install version 11 (64-bit) on that host. It is set to U.S. English as the language system. is given in the file / etc / environment LANG = C write the row. It is to update the system. Host ~ # yum check-update Host ~ # yum update A reboot is recommended. Host ~ # reboot After updating the system repository, the following RPM packages from rawhide to install. Host ~ # yum install - enablerepo rawhide = \ ovirt ovirt-server-server-installer-image ovirt ovirt-node-node-image-pxe OVirt the installer to call. Host ~ # ovirt-installer This installer will configure the installation based on a series ovirt of questions. When complete, you will be asked to install or oVirt do the installation manually. Would you like to continue? | Y | Return SELinux enforcing, would you like to set it permissive? Setting SELinux permissive | Y | Return

Below are the active networking devices, if there are any missing devices Ensure they are active and have an ip address before running the installer mac address interface ip address 00:24: e8: 68:02:74: eth0: Enter the interface for the Guest network: | eth0 | Return Enter the admin interface for the network (this may be the same as the Guest network interface): | eth0 | Return Enter the hostname of the oVirt management server (example: management.example.com): management.example.com The following DNS servers were found: nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX If your dns server container above the A records for your management server select "y" otherwise select "n" and a dns server will be Use this system's dns servers? Y an in with a DHCP server should be tested if oVirt network, is the following question must be answered with y. A wrongly configured DHCP server provides network problems. Does your network admin already have dhcp? Y Do you have a cobbler server already that you wish to use? No

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1/29/2011 7:13 PM

oVirt libvirt - libvirt qemu-kvm &


We will setup a cobbler instance, please provide the following information Enter your username cobbler: cobbleruser Enter your cobbler user password: ***** Confirm your cobbler user password: ***** Enter a password for the postgres account ovirt: ***** Confirm your password postgres ovirt ***** Enter your realm name (example: example.com): ovirt.example.com NOTE: The following password will then be your ovirtadmin password for the web management login Enter an administrator password for FreeIPA: ***** Confirm your FreeIPA admin password: To start the installation run: ace install ovirt oVirt by a bug in the package dependencies of the following steps are necessary.

Host ~ # rpm-qi 389-ds-base host ~ # rpm-e 389-ds-base - nodeps host ~ # yum install perl-Mozilla-LDAP nss-tools-tools mozldap lm_sen Then installed oVirt. Host ~ # ace-d-l / tmp / install ovirt ace.log Command Failed with return code 1 Ignore error? https: / / bugzilla.redhat.com / show_bug.cgi 518 544 id = Post Install Host ~ # cobbler distro add - name F11-i386 - kernel = / tmp / isolinux / vmlinuz - initrd = / tmp / isolinux / initrd.img URL: https: / / your server / cobbler /

Im_Aufbau <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools/_oVirt " This page has been accessed 8570 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:22 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:13 PM

libguestfs guest virt-cat fish virt-edit virt-df, virt-p2v - libvirt qemu-kvm &


libguestfs guest virt-cat fish virt-edit virt-df, virt-p2v

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / libguestfs]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Under construction Contents 1 The library libguestfs 1.1 Installation 1.1.1 Fedora, RHEL with EPEL 1.1.2 Compile 1.2 Linking

The Library libguestfs

Website: http://libguestfs.org The C library libguestfs (Open Source) is an API for working with virtual media (images), the virtual machines are used to. With the tools in this library (virt-cat, virt-edit, virt-df, virt-p2v) can be in host systems edit files, compile statistics and the file systems and change registry entries (Microsoft Windows). Other features are: backup, cloning, and migration. Support will include the file systems ext2/3/4, btrfs, FAT and NTFS, LVM, and different image formats, such as qcow2 and vmdk. It allows virtual machines, edit the libvirt library to be managed (see Section Managementtols). The library uses libguestfs features Kernel-based Virtual Machine. The C library provides libguestfs APIs for C, C + +, OCaml, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, Haskell, C # and shell scripts.

Fedora, RHEL with EPEL Under Fedora since version 11 and RHEL with REPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) to install the necessary packages with these commands. Host ~ $ su Host ~ # yum install '* * guestf' The installation will be tested with an actual image. Guest host ~ # fish - ro-a disk.img Compiling To compile the following software is required: QEMU / KVM from version 0.10 and there must vmchannel support. The package febootstrap version 2.7. The package fakeroot. The package fakechroot version 2.9. ? XDR, rpcgen (on Linux these are provided by glibc) The program mksquashfs of package squashfs-tools. Either the package or the package genisoimage mkisofs. ? (Optional) hivex> = 1.2.1 to build support Windows Registry Optional fuse is needed for the build of fuse modules. Optionally Augeas ( http://augeas.net ) are required. To generate the documentation, programs, and the pod2man pod2text of the Covenant perldoc necessary. For a nicer command line in guest fish can be installed readline optional. Optional is to validate the RELAX NG schema from the virt-inspector requires xmllint. Optionally, the packets libocamlnet-ocaml-bin and library xml-light for the Ocaml-Binding installed ( http://tech.motion-twin.com/xmllight.html ). Optionally, a local Fedora mirror is configured. Optional Perl for Perl bindings to install. Optional Python bindings for the Python is installed. Optional Ruby for Ruby bindings to install. Optional Java for the Java bindings to install. GHC is an option to install the Haskell bindings. Optional Perl modules XML:: XPath and Sys:: Virt-Support for the libvirt virt-inspector in Ireland to install. . Optional but recommended the installation of perl-libintl. Installing QEMU / KVM is at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Installation described. Host ~ $ qemu - version QEMU PC emulator version 0.12.4, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard Packages debootstrap and debirf. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install debootstrap debirf Host ~ # debootstrap - help Host ~ $ debirf help For the packages fakeroot fakeroot and install fakeroot-ng. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install fakeroot fakeroot-ng Host ~ $ fakeroot - version fakeroot version 1.12.1 The package must fakechroot in the present at least Version 2.9. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install fakechroot Host ~ $ fakechroot - version fakechroot Version 2.9 Fakechroot is not available in version 2.9, it is compiled. Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source host ~ $ cd ~ / source host ~ $ wget \ http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/f/fakechroot/fakechroot_2.9.orig.tar.gz host ~ $ ? XDR, rpcgen (on Linux these are provided by glibc) Host ~ $ xdrmem_create ? Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libc6 libc6-dev

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libguestfs guest virt-cat fish virt-edit virt-df, virt-p2v - libvirt qemu-kvm &


Host ~ $ rpcgen Package squashfs-tools Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools Host ~ $ mksquashfs version mksquashfs version 3.3 (10/31/2007) Package genisoimage Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install genisoimage Host ~ $ genisoimage version genisoimage 1.1.9 (Linux) Optional: hivex - Windows registry hive "extraction library http://libguestfs.org/hivex.3.html http://packages.debian.org/de/source/sid/hivex FUSE Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install-dev libfuse libfuse2 Augeas Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libaugeas augeas-dev-tools Readline Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libreadline5-dev readline-common xmllint Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils Host ~ $ xmllint-version xmllint: using libxml version 20 632 OCaml bindings Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install ocaml ocaml-interp ocaml-libocamlnet-bin Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libvirt-ocaml-libvirt-ocaml-dev libxml-light-ocaml-dev It tests the availability. Host ~ $ ocaml-version The Objective Caml toplevel, version 3.11.1 Host ~ $ ocamlopt-config version: 3.11.1 Optiopnal: local Fedora mirror Python Bindings Host ~ $ python - version Python 2.6.4 Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-libvirt Ruby bindings Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install ruby-full rubygems rake irb It tests the availability. Host ~ $ ruby - version ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86_64-linux] Host ~ $ irb irb (main):> quit 001:0 Java Bindings Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk Host ~ $ sudo update-java-alternatives - jre - set java-6-sun Host ~ $ export JAVA_HOME = "/ usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun" It tests the availability. Host ~ $ javac-version javac 1.6.0_20 Optionally you need for the GHC Haskell bindings. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install haskell-utils ghc6 Perldoc package Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install perl-doc Host ~ $ pod2man - help Host ~ $ pod2text - help Optional XML, the Perl Module:: XPath, Test:: More, ExtUtils:: MakeMaker, Pod:: Usage, Getopt:: Long Sys:: Virt, Data:: Dumper, Locale:: text domain, XML:: Writer , Win:: Hivex and Win:: Hivex:: Regedit needed. Many Perl modules are available as software packages (lib *- perl). Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libextutils-autoinstall-perl Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install build-perl-libmodule libtest-pod-perl Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libxml-writer-perl libxml-xpath-perl ? Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install perl-libwine-hivex If there is not a Perl module as a package that you can install it with CPAN. This package is the perl modules needed. Perl bindings Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install perl-modules

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libguestfs guest virt-cat fish virt-edit virt-df, virt-p2v - libvirt qemu-kvm &


As root you call cpan. Host ~ $ sudo-i Host ~ # cpan The first call to configure cpan are some questions to put. The default answers are acceptable. When asked about the mirror server is a server near you is to be selected. The configuration is Debian / Ubuntu in / etc / perl / CPAN / Config.pm saved. After successful configuration of CPAN prompt waits for commands. cpan> quit The Perl module Sys:: Virt provides the Perl bindings for libvirt. Documentation is available at URL http://search.cpan.org/dist/Sys-Virt/lib/Sys/Virt.pm available. Is there no such package to install this module via CPAN. With the following command searches to the Perl module Sys:: Virt. Host ~ # cpan cpan> i / Sys:: Virt / Installing a Perl module is to install. cpan> install Sys:: Virt cpan> install Win:: Hivex cpan> install Win:: Hivex:: Regedit cpan> quit Host ~ # exit With the following command tests to the successful installation of Perl modules. If each issue: no, everything is correct. Host ~ $ perl-MXML:: XPath-e exit Host ~ $ perl-MXML:: Writer-e exit Host ~ $ perl-MTest:: More-e exit Host ~ $ perl-MExtUtils:: MakeMaker-e exit Host ~ $ perl-Mlocal:: text-domain-e exit Host ~ $ perl-MDATA:: Dumper-e exit Host ~ $ perl-MGetopt:: Long-e exit Host ~ $ perl-Mpod:: Usage-e exit Host ~ $ perl-MSys:: Virt-e exit Host ~ $ perl-Mwin:: Hivex-e exit Host ~ $ perl-Mwin:: Hivex:: regedit-e exit (Optional, but highly recommended) perl-libintl perl code for translating. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install perl-libintl Collect and compile from source: Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source Host $ cd ~ / source Host ~ $ wget http://libguestfs.org/download/libguestfs-1.5.0.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf libguestfs-1.5.0.tar.gz Host $ cd ~ libguestfs-1.5.0 Host ~ $ less REAM Host ~ $ -. / Configure help Host ~ $ -. / Configure with-repo = sarge ... Daemon .............................. Appliance ........................... QEMU ................................ OCaml bindings ...................... Perl bindings ....................... Python bindings ..................... Ruby bindings ....................... Java bindings ....................... Haskell bindings .................... virt-inspector ...................... virt-* tools ........................ supermin appliance .................. FUSE filesystem ..................... Host ~ $ make Host ~ $ make check Host ~ $ sudo make install Problems make ... + Debirf make-debian n Loading profile 'debian' ... debirf: clearing old debirf root ... debirf: creating debirf root ... I: Retrieving Release E: unknown location / dists / sarge / Release make [2]: *** [.. / initramfs / fakeroot.log] Error 1 make [2]: Leaving directory `/ home/ich/source/libguestfs-1.5.0/appliance ' make [1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make [1]: Leaving directory `/ home/ich/source/libguestfs-1.5.0 ' make: *** [all] Error 2 yes yes / Usr / bin / qemu yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

http://libguestfs.org/FAQ.html http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2010/02/15/ubuntu-9-10-packages-for-libguestfs/ http://www.annexia.org/tmp/debian/ <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_libguestfs "

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This page has been accessed 2560 times. This page was last updated on 23 July 2010 at 10:51 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:14 PM

openQRM - Cloud computing, systems management for heterogeneous data...


openQRM - Cloud computing, systems management for heterogeneous data center, Xen KVM VMware ESXi, howto
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / OpenQRM]])
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1/29/2011 7:15 PM

openQRM - Cloud computing, systems management for heterogeneous data...


openQRM under a virtual machine KVM.

Activate the plugin in openQRM installed web interface.

openQRM - Creating Storage, Step 1

openQRM - Creating storage, step 2

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openQRM - Cloud computing, systems management for heterogeneous data...


openQRM - Create image.

openQRM - Create appliances, Step 1

openQRMM - Create appliances, Step 2

openQRM, KVM Plugin Create new virtual machines, Step 1

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openQRM - Cloud computing, systems management for heterogeneous data...


Website: http://www.openqrm.com openQRM a developed since 2006 as a versatile open source systems management suite. With a central management console (web interface), the management of a heterogeneous data center is possible. The standard features include software distribution, maintenance of system images, and monitoring with Nagios. Further the Admin Tool Set and manage high-availability systems. OpenQRM can be both physical and virtual machines (VMware Server, VMware ESX, Xen, Linux-VServer, Qemu and Kernel-based Virtual Machine) manage. OpenQRM runs on Linux and can be extended by plugins.

openQRM, KVM Plugin Create new virtual machines, step 2

test in a virtual machine

Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=153504 (32-bit) For a first test openQRM can be installed in a virtual machine. In this example, the vmbuilder a virtual machine with Ubuntu 8.04 JeOS created with and under the Kernel-based Virtual Machine operated (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools/_libvirtTools/_Die_Managementtools ). Host ~ $ sudo vmbuilder kvm ubuntu - suite hardy-o \ Arch 'i386' \ Mem '512 '\ Rootsize '8192 '- '1024 swapsize' \ Kernel-flavor 'server' \ Mirror ' http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ' \ Components 'main, universe' \ Addpkg 'openssh-server' \ Addpkg wget \ Hostname 'openQRM-test' \ Name 'openQRM-test' \ User 'openQRM' \ Password 'secret'

openQRM, KVM Plugin Create new virtual machines, step 3

The directory is created to rename and to boot the virtual machine with KVM or QEMU. Access to SSH and HTTP made possible with port redirects.

openQRM, KVM Plugin Create new virtual machine, step 4

Host ~ $ mv ubuntu-kvm / openQRM-test Host $ cd ~ openQRM-test Host ~ $ kvm-m 512-drive file = disk0.qcow2 \ -Net nic-net user, hostfwd = tcp:: 12345 -: 22, hostfwd = tcp:: 8080 - 80 It logs in to the host system. Host ~ $ ssh-p 12 345 openQRM @ localhost Password: secret Guest ~ $ The package openQRM-server-4.4-ubuntu804.i386.deb is to download and install it with dpkg-i. A subsequent apt-get install-f to solve package dependencies and install the missing packages. Guest ~ $ sudo dpkg-i openQRM-server-4.4-ubuntu804.i386.deb Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get install-f It is to be set after the installation password for the MySQL root user asked for the. For the test we used a secret. In the file / usr / lib / openQRM / etc / openQRM server.conf are the MySQL user and password specify which.

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openQRM - Cloud computing, systems management for heterogeneous data...


Guest ~ $ sudo vi / usr / lib / openQRM / etc / openQRM server.conf OPENQRM_SERVER_BASE_DIR = / usr / lib OPENQRM_SERVER_INTERFACE = eth0 ############## ############## Start of database setup # Default LAMP setup OPENQRM_DATABASE_TYPE = "mysql" OPENQRM_DATABASE_SERVER = "localhost" OPENQRM_DATABASE_NAME = "openQRM" OPENQRM_DATABASE_USER = "root" OPENQRM_DATABASE_PASSWORD = "secret" OpenQRM is then to reboot. Guest ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / openQRM-server restart The following script, the tables for the MySQL database to be created. Guest ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / openQRM-server init In addition, log into into the web interface. the web browser is located on the same machine as the virtual machine with openQRM, will log you in with these credentials. The 8080 results are used here port redirect. http://localhost:8080/openqrm/ User: openQRM Password: openQRM To install the plug-ins URL, the appropriate packages from the http://sourceforge.net/projects/openqrm /files/ download in a directory,-i to install it with dpkg, and then the package dependencies with apt-get install-f dissolve. Guest ~ $ for i in `ls -1 *. deb`, Thu sudo dpkg-i $ i; sudo apt-get install-fy; done Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get-y autoremove OpenQRM is then to reboot. Guest ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / openQRM-server restart In the Web Interface plug-ins that are installed under - PlugIn Manager. The plug-ins are required to activate the Enabled button. In this example, the KVM ins LVM storage and necessary.

Creating virtual machines

The first step is to configure a storage. This is the web interface on the left at the base point unfold Storage and select Overview. The tab is behind Deployment of New Storage Type Lvm Storage Server to activate. In the afternoon Recource machine is its own menu. In the new dialog is behind Storage name: "testus-storage" to enter. The button ensures you save these settings. In the second step, an image must be created. This is the web interface on the left at the base point unfold images and select Overview. The tab is in the New Image Storage Storage library of previously created "testus-storage" option. In the new dialog is behind name "testus-image" to enter. The button ensures you save these settings. To check it works with base point on the events and check the Events List. In the third step, an appliance must be created. This is the web interface on the left at the base point unfold appliances and select Overview. The tab list is New appliances in the Recource own machine "openQRM-test" option. Name is behind you "testus-apliances" and turned behind Resource KVM VM ". The button ensures you save these settings. In the fourth step, the virtual machine is created. This is the Web interface of the left side of the plug-in point and managers choose to unfold KVM KVM. As a KVM host is activate "testus-apliances. In Kvm Server Admin is the green plus sign in the left column of the line "testuslongus to click. In the new dialog KVM server Create VM is behind VM name "testuslongus" enter. Please click on the button Create new

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openQRM - Cloud computing, systems management for heterogeneous data...


virtual machine to the sets. To check it works with base point on the events and check the Events List. The new virtual machine is on VMs resource 0/openQRM-test listed below. This may take some time. The button renewed refresh the display. In the virtual machine can use these buttons Start, Stop, Config, Reboot and Delete are controlled by the. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_OpenQRM " This page has been accessed 10,546 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:22 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:15 PM

KVM QEMU GUI, Cloud Computing, qemulator, qtemu, JQEMU, Qemu L...


KVM QEMU GUI, Cloud Computing, qemulator, qtemu, JQEMU, Qemu Launcher, qemuctl, QEMU Server Tools, Open QEMU Manager qemubuilder, QWebMon, Libguestfs, xenner convirt, Proxmox Virtual Environment
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Management Tools / More]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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1/29/2011 7:16 PM

KVM QEMU GUI, Cloud Computing, qemulator, qtemu, JQEMU, Qemu L...


The qemulator.

The JQEMU is a program written in Java GUI for QEMU.

JQEMU The network configurations.

JQEMU The tab "Debug / Expert".

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KVM QEMU GUI, Cloud Computing, qemulator, qtemu, JQEMU, Qemu L...


Contents 1 More Tools for QEMU and KVM Archipelago 1.1 2.1 Proxmox Virtual Environment 1.4 1.3 Enomalism 4.1 qemulator 1.5 qtemu 1.6 JQEMU Qemu Launcher 1.7 1.8 qemuctl QEMU Server Tools 1.9 1:10 Open QEMU Manager 1:11 qemubuilder 1:12 QWebMon 1:13 xenner 1:14 convirt

The Qemu Launcher with a virtual machine.

Other tools for QEMU and KVM

Website: http://www.archipelproject.org Archipelago is an open source project that aims to bring push notifications to virtualization orchestration using XMPP. Archipelago Relies on open source technologies like Python, ejabberd, cappuccino, disaster, nginx, libvirt, even KVM and more. All of these technologies are mixed together to create a realtime orchestration solution for virtualization.
The Qemu Launcher The VM configuration - Disk and memory.

Proxmox Virtual Environment 1.4

Website: http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Main_Page Proxmox Virtual Environment is a Debian based 64-bit Linux distribution, which serves as a virtualization platform. This distribution includes KVM, OpenVZ and a web interface for managing virtual machines. Will this open source solution installed on multiple machines, so that clusters can be built up (Cloud Computing). Live migration is supported. For instructions on installation can be found at the URL http://www.howtoforge.com/kvm-andopenvz-virtualization-and-cloud-computing-with-proxmox-ve .

Website: http://www.enomalism.com Enomalism ECP (Elastic Computing Platform) is a web interface for managing virtual machines on one or multiple hosts (cluster, cloud computing). For instructions on installation can be found at the URL http://www.howtoforge.com/kvm-virtualization-with-enomalism-2-on-anubuntu-8.10-server .

Qtemu .

Download: http://qemulator.createweb.de/de/ The qemulator is a graphical user interface for QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine on Linux. On Debian / Ubuntu package is to install qemulator.

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KVM QEMU GUI, Cloud Computing, qemulator, qtemu, JQEMU, Qemu L...


Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install qemulator For other Linux distributions is the tar file to download and unpack. Host ~ $ tar xzvf qemulator-0.5.tar.gz Host $ cd ~ qemulator-0.5 The directory is part of the graphical installer as administrator (root) starts: Host ~ #. / Setup.py The program is called with qemulator or via the Applications menu. Host ~ $ qemulator To also virtual machines of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine can manage with the qemulator, KVM is to configure the qemulator. In the menu settings in the Qemu programs for all platforms we are behind each name and path "kvm" and then click the Add button. Thereafter, the qemulator is to reboot. You choose when configuring a virtual machine under the Hardware tab the system type "kvm" from. A new virtual machine I create by clicking on the icon with the plus. A wizard helps you configure. If the virtual machine set up, it will appear in the list. To start choose it from the list and click on the green icon with the triangle. The configuration of the virtual machine's settings can be changed the button afterwards. A new image is the menu system, create new images created over the.

Website: http://qtemu.org Qtemu is another graphical user interface for QEMU. It is based on Trolltech's Qt development environment in the version 4 In Ubuntu package is the installation of a command line does qtemu. Host ~ # sudo apt-get install qtemu For FreeBSD and its derivatives, such as PC-BSD, the installation is performed using the following commands. Host ~ # cd / usr / ports / emulators / qtemu Host ~ # make install clean It is also possible qtemu to install as a package. Package are ready-compiled software packages for FreeBSD. Here are the installation as a package: Host ~ # pkg_add-r qtemu If an appropriate package available to the libraries and tools (libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools and g + +) to install to compile. Thereafter, the source package of qtemu (qtemu-1.0.4.tar.gz2) downloaded from the website and unpacked. Host ~ $ tar-*. tar.bz2 xjvf qtemu It is qtemu-1.0.4 directory to change to that and to generate qtemu. Host $ cd ~ qtemu * Host ~ $ qmake Host ~ $ make Qtemu will start the command with qtemu. Host ~ $. / Qtemu To install on Microsoft Windows, the file qtemu-1.0.5.exe from the project site to download and run. First, the language for the installation shall be determined. Then the components to install are selected. In the

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default setting, all components are enabled. This setting is to take over. The last step is the installation directory for the defined (C: \ Program Files \ qtemu). The start is qtemu from the Start menu, qtemu. When you first start you must set the language. This is done via the File menu, Configure under the Language option. In this dialog box is under MyMachine the path where the virtual machines to be stored, modified. Also can be adapted to the QEMU start command. Additionally you can define commands to be executed before the start and after you exit QEMU. For the changes to take effect, qtemu shall cease and re-enter.

It starts the wizard to create a new virtual machine. It will open an existing virtual machine. It will start the virtual machine. It turns off the virtual machine without shutting down. It is the virtual machine without shutting down starts again. Table: qtemu - the toolbar. On Linux, qtemu also be used for the Kernel-based Virtual Machine. This is the File menu, Configure QEMU after start command: "kvm" box. To create a new virtual machine is new icon to click on the machine. It starts a wizard. First choose an operating system. If desired operating system not listed, choose Other. Then the name for the new virtual machine is defined. Depending on the name, the path where the virtual machine is stored, adapted. The next step, the size of the virtual disk is defined. Qtemu generated images in raw format. Please click on the Finish button closes the wizard. The configuration of the new virtual machine is an XML file (. QTE) saved as. You will see a tab with the name of the virtual machine. To switch from one CD / DVD to install the operating system, is under the field of CD-ROM, the path to the CD / DVD image and provide CD-ROM to boot from the Enable option. The snapshot mode option enables the-snapshot option. In the area of cache memory is the size of the changeable. A floppy disk can be integrated in the area. In network, it is only possible mode network stack to enable the user. Others in the field can be a transitional option-enable wireless mouse usb tablet device enable. Furthermore, the number of processors and the system clock can be configured. To start a virtual machine, the icon to click on Start.

Download: http://www.exprofesso.com/jqemu/ JQEMU is developed in Java on Linux and on platforms that QEMU and Java (JRE / JDK 1.4 +) support, fully functional. Currently dominated JQEMU only the options of the QEMU version 0.8.0. After downloading and unzipping JQEMU is called with the following command. Host ~ $ java-jar jqemu.jar JQEMU manages the QEMU options via GUI and saves the settings in the XML file ~ /. Jqemu from. JQEMU needs a few adjustments. Options from the Tools menu to set the paths to and QEMU qemu-img to a. To display errors and other issues can be called JQEMU Console from the Console icon or via the View menu, to console. In the Tools menu, or convert images generated images. This calls JQEMU tool qemu-img to. A new configuration for a virtual machine puts you add the icon with. Alternatively, this is achieved via the File menu, Add. The options are set under the relevant tabs. To save, click on the Save icon or select File, Save. Under the General tab to configure the name of the virtual machine, memory, the boot sequence, the keyboard layout and the paths to the storage media. In the Advanced area to enable the sound support and lays down the number of emulated CPUs. There is the possibility to create a PID file. To protect against changes to the images, to enable the protection (option-snapshot). The graphics output can be disabled. The full-screen mode can be activated. To install Microsoft Windows 2000 W2K is the option to activate hack. DOS-/Windows-Versionen Local time for all must be configured.

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The tab can Network the network settings to adjust. For adding a network setting, click on the Add icon. On the tab Debug / Expert to debug / experts and special Linux boot options configured. The tab allows the USB USB support and you set USB device name. After all settings are made and stored, you start the virtual machine by clicking on the icon launch.

Qemu Launcher
Download: http://download.gna.org/qemulaunch The Qemu Launcher manages the QEMU options through a GUI. It should be installed at least version 1.8.0. On Debian and Ubuntu package is the qemu-launcher available. Host ~ # apt-get install qemu-launcher For FreeBSD and its derivatives are installing with the following commands. Host ~ # cd / usr / ports / emulators / qemu-launcher Host ~ # make install clean In many Unix-/Linux-Distributionen, this package is not available or not current. It is then download the program, unpack and install. Host ~ $ tar xzvf qemu-launcher-1.8.0-pre0.tar.gz Host $ cd qemu-launcher-1.8.0-pre0 It is possible to call directly without installing Qemu Launcher. Host ~ $ perl qemu-launcher.pl Qemu Launcher is installed as the system administrator (root). Host ~ # make install After complete installation of the call is as follows: Host ~ $ qemu-launcher The program is configured using the Settings icon. Alternatively, this is accomplished via the menu Tools, Options. Here is behind the Path to qemu / usr / bin / kvm specified, the Kernel-based Virtual Machine use. In default action is defined, indicating a name of a virtual machine in the list is to be effected by a double. The appearance of the toolbar with the Toolbar icons will be set below. Important setting is under the Data directory. This is the directory where the images are typically stored. A new configuration for a virtual machine is created the new icon with. Alternatively, this is accomplished using the Configuration menu, New. First, after the name of the configuration is required. Then the window to configure the virtual machine is opened. The first tab defines the QEMU disk and memory options for the image and memory. In this example, the options to install ReactOS be applied. It starts from the virtual CD-ROM drive, the image of the installation CD to be indicated. There will be a common virtual hard disk. If such an image does not exist, it is the icon Create New disk image created with. The icon is located far right of the line to configure the hard disk. The format qcow2 is not adjustable. After clicking the button Save Images is the name of the new requested. With the icons to the right of the settings for the floppy and the CD-ROM you call a dialog for importing of installation media. The Hardware tab in the Configuration window defines the hardware to be emulated. In this example, apply the default settings. Under the Network tab matches a set of network settings to the. In this example, the default settings are applied. The tab Redirections changes are not made. The tab emulator settings in this example, the default assumed. Even under the last tab Debug changes are not made in this example. After clicking on the icons Save and close the virtual machine appears in the list. By selecting a virtual machine in the list and click on the icon launch this virtual machine is started.


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Download: http://qemuctl.sourceforge.net qemuctl exists only in version 0.2 and is designed for practical use is not recommended. Furthermore, this version only the QEMU versions up to 0.8.4. qemuctl the instance checks to their maturity. That is, qemuctl is a GUI for the QEMU monitor. With it, you swap from removable media, creates screenshots and virtual machines to freeze (suspend). It is only supports the x86 emulation. qemuctl is written in Perl and works as a wrapper script for QEMU. On Debian and Ubuntu installation is done with a command line. Host ~ # apt-get install qemuctl In many distributions this package is not available. It is therefore advisable to download the program from the project website, to unpack and as a system administrator (root) to install. Note here the installation instructions at this URL. Host ~ # tar xvf qemuctl0.2.tar.gz Host ~ # cd qemuctl0.2 Host ~ # make install In the simplest case, qemuctl qemu when starting a virtual machine specified instead. The options-serial stdio-monitor and can not be applied with qemuctl because they qemuctl communication with QEMU uses. Host ~ $ qemuctl Platte.img It appears next to the QEMU window a small window with the qemuctl menu bar. The QEMU monitor is turned off, as its functions are accessible via the menus of qemuctl. Menu Function About the File menu allows Screenshots (. Ppm) and include states of virtual machines or secure the load (. Vm). Qemuctl Quit exits and the virtual machine. It is cheaper at the start of qemuctl with-suspend-dir directory for the files provide a Suspend, as these are stored in the directory home otherwise and each other to write. Also, a suspend file with the-suspend-file be loaded at startup to saved state the virtual machine to load the inside. The file is no extension. Specify vm. Access to removable media, USB, serial and parallel ports, you can control the functions in the menu on Connect.



Macros menu are managed. It is the macro Suspend available. It stops the emulation and submit Macros a screenshot (. Ppm). Thereafter, the state of the virtual machine in a file (. Vm) secured and QEMU ended. Signal Debug Help The menu commands signals send signals to the virtual machine. The menu item sent Send Keys Keys for instance. Furthermore, it freezes there a virtual machine, or can continue to run it again. In addition, we switched here from the virtual machine, or restarts. With Commi t save you changes in the snapshot mode. About the Debug menu, Shell is a window with a shell for QEMU monitor commands open. The help menu, Help is not implemented. Help you get the man pages.

QEMU Server Tools

Download: http://qemu-server.sourceforge.net The QEMU Server Tools were developed with the aim to manage multiple instances running permanently on a Linux host. For each virtual machine its own directory is created. In it are next to one or more image files, other files to control and configure the virtual machine. Sorry, no clean shutdown of the guest systems is implemented, as for example in VMware ESX Server with VMware Tools possible. This is necessary for a shutdown of the host. For host systems that do not have to store the data (for example, printer server, or honeypots) would be option-snapshot a way to circumvent this problem. The instances running in the background and a VNC remote access is enabled. The inputs to the QEMU monitor via a named pipe. Named Pipes are used for communication between processes that are not related and, moreover, may reside on different computers within a network. The expenses of the QEMU monitor can be saved to a log file. The QEMU written in Perl Server tools are released under the GNU General Public

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License. To install QEMU be provided (version 0.8.1) and Perl (version 5.8.x). You are advised to KQEMU (version 1.3.0pre9 from) and the bridge-utils. For a live performance is still a slim Linux distribution to recommend, for example, Ubuntu Server or Debian. After downloading, unpack the archive and change to the directory created. Host ~ # tar xzvf qemu-server-0.2a.tar.gz Host ~ # cd qemu-server Installation is done with two commands. Host ~ # make Host ~ # make install The call of the QEMU Server Tools should not be the root user under. Therefore, the following directories should be located and then transfer them to the user under which the QEMU Server Tools should be started. The directory / var / run qemu / is to store the PID file. Host ~ # mkdir / var / run / qemu Host ~ # chown USER: GROUP / var / run / qemu In the / vm machines are the directories for virtual created. This directory should be for a live performance on a separate partition. Host ~ # mkdir / vm Host ~ # chown USER: GROUP / vm The tool qemu-server-createvm helps to create a virtual machine. It creates a directory with two files. First, it uses qemu-img to image (disk1.raw) in raw format to generate a disk. Second, this is a configuration file (qemu.conf) written. The general syntax is: Host ~ $ qemu-server-createvm [vmdir] [size] vmdir defines the path of the directory and size sets the size of the virtual disk. Here is an example of ReactOS: Host ~ $ qemu-server-createvm / vm / reactos / 1G The directory of the virtual machine from the QEMU Server Tools qemu.conf requires a configuration file. This file must be in accordance with the desired QEMU options to be adjusted. Each line in this file corresponds to a QEMU-boot option. Here is an example of ReactOS: hda = ReactOS.img boot = c net = nic net = user kernel-kqemu local time snapshot vnc = localhost: 1 To start the instance script is the Perl-qemu-server with the start option and the path to the virtual machine. The use is similar to vmrun VMware Server. Host ~ $ qemu-server start / vm / reactos / Since the instance is running in the background and VNC is a remote access to the desktop of the virtual machine is not much to see. An overview of the current instance, the tool qemu-server with the option list. Host ~ $ qemu-server list vmdir vnc pid --------------------------------------------------

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/ Vm / ReactOS / 0 21 727 Total running VMs: 1 This example is an instance. It can create and launch more instances. It connects to a VNC viewer to the virtual machine. Host ~ $ vncviewer localhost: 1 The virtual machine will have the option to stop. Host ~ $ qemu-server stop / vm / reactos / The tool qemu-server continues to reset the options, pause, resume and suspend callable. Host ~ $ qemu-server reset / vm / reactos / Host ~ $ qemu-server pause / vm / reactos / Host ~ $ qemu-server resume / vm / reactos / ~ $ Qemu-server host suspend / vm / reactos / The following command saves the state of the virtual machine are located in qemu.state (up QEMU 0.8.2). Requirement is the option-snapshot. Host ~ $ qemu-server commit / vm / reactos / The following command loads the state from the file qemu.state the virtual machine (QEMU to 0.8.2). Host ~ $ qemu-server restore / vm / reactos / The following command runs the QEMU monitor command info from network. Host ~ $ qemu-server exec / vm / reactos / 'info network'

Open QEMU Manager

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openqemumanager/ Open QEMU Manager is a web application to manage virtual machines. Host ~ $ tar xzvf openqemumanager-0.4.tar.gz Host $ cd ~ openqemumanager Host ~ $ less README.txt

Website: http://wiki.debian.org/qemubuilder

Website: http://research.xlab.si/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=107&Itemid=142 QwebMon is a web application to manage virtual machines. Host ~ $ wget http://research.xlab.si/download/qwebmon-0.1.0.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf qwebmon-0.1.0.tar.gz Host $ cd ~ qwebmon-0.1.0 Host ~ $ less README

Website: http://kraxel.fedorapeople.org/xenner/ Xen guest machines can be operated under the Kernel-based Virtual Machine use the tool xenner.

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Website: http://www.convirt.net <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Managementtools/_Weitere " This page has been accessed 9456 times. This page was last updated on 6 May 2010 at 17:21 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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QEMU QEMU KQEMU Support Download 0.11.1, invalid option-kernel...


QEMU QEMU KQEMU Support Download 0.11.1, invalid option-kernel-kqemu

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / QEMU + KQEMU on Linux]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 KQEMU QEMU and Linux 1.1 Software packages 1.2 Source compile 1.2.1 Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04 KQEMU 1.4.0 pre1 QEMU 0.11.1 1.2.2 Fedora 14 1.3 Special commands and options for KQEMU 4.1 Quick Start

QEMU and Linux KQEMU

The support for the QEMU accelerator KQEMU ends with 0.11. Under Ubuntu 9.10 (GNOME) package provides the QEMU qemu-kvm with 0.11.0 KQEMU not already support. From QEMU 0.12.0, only the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is supported. On computers without hardware virtualization technology is KVM but not used. Who would not buy any new hardware and wants to accelerate QEMU still need to install QEMU 12:11 .* or older. In parallel, you can also use a newer version of QEMU KQEMU without support. For example, installed the Ubuntu package the QEMU binaries in / usr / bin /. The compiled version is under / usr / local / bin /. Specifying the full path in each case, the version you wish to call.

Software packages
When you install QEMU with software packages can support the KQEMU not be guaranteed. Even if the current package still offers KQEMU support, this may be different for an update. recommend, therefore, is compiling QEMU. KQEMU can be installed as a package. It should be noted that the packages will be obsolete in a newer version of the distribution can. For Red Hat and Fedora to Load the RPM packages from the URL http://atrpms.net /name/kqemu/ down. Around the accelerator KQEMU to install Ubuntu on, packets are the kqemu-common, kqemu-source and module-assistant to install. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install kqemu-common kqemu-source In versions prior to Ubuntu 9.10 the following steps are necessary. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install module-assistant Host ~ $ sudo module-assistant prepare Host ~ $ sudo module-assistant auto-install kqemu The lsmod command shows whether the module was successfully loaded by the operating system kqemu. Host ~ $ lsmod | grep kqemu kqemu 123 940 0

compiling sources
Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04
KQEMU 1.4.0 pre1 The sources of KQEMU are to compile as usual. Before packages are gcc, make and install wget. On Debian / Ubuntu package, the tools to compile the combined build-essential. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install make gcc build-essential wget

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recommend to check the package continues to install. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install checkinstall The sources are downloaded, unpacked and compiled. Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source Host $ cd ~ / source Host ~ $ wget http://qemu-buch.de/download/kqemu-1.4.0pre1.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf kqemu-1.4.0pre1.tar.gz Host $ cd kqemu-1.4.0pre1 Host ~ $. / Configure Host ~ $ make recommend software package is to generate a check to install. It is called instead of make install. A support can be obtained with checkinstall - help. The program provides checkinstall some questions that the specifications can be answered with mostly default. Clearly, however, the package name to specify, for example kqemu-self-compiled. In the current directory the package is created and installed. On Debian / Ubuntu it lists the command dpkg-l and dpkg-r uninstall it if necessary. Host ~ $ sudo checkinstall - fstrans = no - pkgname = kqemu-self-compiled You can alternatively install the software in a conventional manner. Host ~ $ sudo make install The compiled kernel module is loaded with the modprobe command. Host ~ $ sudo modprobe kqemu This is the device / dev / kqemu. Host ~ $ ls-l / dev / kqemu crw-rw-rw-1 root root 250, 0 2009-03-17 14:24 / dev / kqemu On that device with virtual machine communicate with the kernel module kqemu. To test QEMU is the optionkernel-kqemu and-monitor stdio called with. It may receive the error message qemu: invalid option does not appear. With the QEMU monitor command info kqemu you check the support of KQEMU. Host ~ $ qemu-kernel-kqemu-monitor stdio (Qemu) info kqemu kqemu support: enabled for user and kernel code Sometimes when you start QEMU output this error message: Could not open '/ dev / kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated Then the following commands are run: Host ~ $ sudo mknod / dev / kqemu c 250 0 Host ~ $ sudo chmod 666 / dev / kqemu Thus, the module at startup of the host is automatically loaded, Debian derivatives a line with kqemu in / etc / modules must be entered. That the access rights of / / kqemu also restart properly be set according to the dev, is the command chmod 666 / dev / kqemu the file / etc / rc.local entered into. If / dev / kqemu even after the computer has been restarted, the installation was successful. Newer Linux distributions with kernel 2.6 instead of the elderly use the new udev devfs to manage the kernel device files. This makes it possible hotplug devices at run time to integrate automatically. The configuration of udev is using configuration files in / etc / udev. If the Linux distribution supports udev is the device / dev kqemu not automatically created when booting. These are in a boot script as / etc / rc.local the following lines to write. mknod / dev / kqemu c 250 0 chmod 666 / dev / kqemu QEMU 0.11.1 0.11.1 to compile QEMU these packages are necessary:

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Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install make gcc wget Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libsdl-dev gfx1.2 recommend the package checkinstall. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install checkinstall The following packages are not strictly necessary but can extend the functionality of QEMU. For the security of VNC sessions are the packages devel cyrus-sasl-devel and gnutsl-install. The VDE VDE Library creating virtual switches is possible. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev libgnutls-dev Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libvdeplug2-dev The library curl-devel supports booting via web protocols. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install gnutls-dev-libcurl4 For Bluetooth support packages will and bluez-dev libbluetooth needed. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install bluez-dev libbluetooth Support for Xen, the compiler expects the library libxen3-dev. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libxen3-dev To generate the documentation qemu-doc.html package is the texi2html. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install texi2html If the sparse checker (CGCC) is needed, the package is to install sparse. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install sparse The library-dev libbrlapi is used for the braille edition. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libbrlapi-dev First, the source packages for QEMU be downloaded and unpacked. Compile it with normal user rights with. / Configure & & make. Initial installation requires root privileges. With checkinstall or make install the files created in the / usr / local / bin and / usr / local / share / qemu copies.

Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source host ~ $ cd ~ / source host ~ $ wget \ http://download.savannah.gnu.org/rele recommend software package is to generate a check to install. Clearly, the package name is to specify, for example qemu-kqemu-support-with-self-compiled. Host ~ $ sudo checkinstall - fstrans = no - pkgname = qemu-self-compiled You can alternatively install the software in a conventional manner. Host ~ $ sudo make install A look at the file qemu-doc.html is recommended. Ubuntu QEMU package was previously installed, this is the path / usr / bin /. The compiled version is under / usr / local / bin /. Specifying the full path in each case the version is called. Host ~ $ / usr / bin / qemu QEMU PC emulator version 0.13.0, Copyright (c), Fabrice Bellard Host ~ $ / usr / local / bin / qemu-version QEMU PC emulator version 0.11.1, Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Fabrice Bellard

Fedora 14
To compile these packages are installed: Host ~ $ su Host ~ # yum install wget gcc-devel texi2html zziplib Host ~ # yum install kernel-headers kernel-devel

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Host ~ $ exit The sources of KQEMU be downloaded, unpacked and compiled. Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source Host $ cd ~ / source Host ~ $ wget http://qemu-buch.de/download/kqemu-1.4.0pre1.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf kqemu-1.4.0pre1.tar.gz Host $ cd kqemu-1.4.0pre1 Host ~ $. / Configure & & make The installation is the user under root. Then the compiled kernel module is loaded with the modprobe command. Host ~ # make install Host ~ # modprobe kqemu In the file / etc / rc.local the following lines are indicated: modprobe kqemu chmod 666 / dev / kqemu The sources of QEMU 0.11.1 be downloaded, unpacked and compiled.

Host $ cd ~ / source host ~ $ wget \ http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases-noredirect/qemu/qemu-0.11 The installation is the user under root. Host ~ # make install

Specific options and commands for KQEMU

If the host and guest system available in x86 processor architecture, QEMU can use with the optional accelerator KQEMU the Native Virtualization. It goes KQEMU most commands directly to the real CPU. Only the CPU commands that directly address the hardware are intercepted and replaced with custom routines. For Linux guest systems the best Acceleration with the 2.4 kernel is reached. The 2.6 versions work, but are slower. To enable the full KQEMU virtualization is the option-kernel-kqemu apply. The QEMU monitor shows info kqemu command the use of the KQEMU. Host ~ $ qemu-monitor stdio-kernel-kqemu (Qemu) info kqemu kqemu support: enabled for user and kernel code Another option-enable-kqemu. Only KQEMU is enabled in the user code. Host ~ $ qemu-monitor stdio-enable-kqemu (qemu) info kqemu kqemu support: enabled for user code So you do not always command qemu-kernel-kqemu enter the must submit an alias in ~ /. Bash_aliases (Ubuntu), and ~ /. Bashrc (Fedora) to. One need then only enter kqemu. aka kqemu = "qemu-kernel-kqemu" If the use is to be prevented from KQEMU is in older versions of QEMU-the-kqemu indicate no. When you install some guest operating systems, such as, for example, Microsoft Windows, KQEMU not apply. That is, when the deactivation of the KVM hardware virtualization kvm-no recommended is-is here KQEMU disable. After installation, KQEMU be enabled on all versions of Windows. Host ~ $ qemu-monitor stdio-no-kqemu (Qemu) info kqemu kqemu support: disabled In this case KQEMU has been disabled. In the example below KQEMU QEMU compiled without support. The-kernelkqemu-no-kqemu and are not available. (Qemu) info kqemu kqemu support: not compiled

Quick Start
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A Guide to Getting Started with QEMU can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Quickstart . <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_QEMU% 2BKQEMU_unter_Linux " This page has been accessed 10,218 times. This page was last updated on 25 January 2011 at 07:53 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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QEMU running Microsoft Windows, Qemu Manager for Windows version...


QEMU running Microsoft Windows, Qemu Manager for Windows version 7.0 with 0.11 and Qemu KQEMU Support, Download QEMU, QEMU under Wine
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / QEMU on Microsoft Windows]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 QEMU on Microsoft Windows Qemu Manager 1.1 for Windows 1.1.1 Installation 1.1.2 Quick Start 1.1.3 Command Summary Hardware tab Reiter Drives Advanced tab Console tab CD / DVD Drive Floppy Disk Drive Send Ctrl + ALT + DELETE to guest Pause / Restart the Virtual Machine Snapshots Shutdown / Reset Options Quit QEMU session Monitor tab File menu VM menu Tools Menu Help Menu 2.1 QEMU without GUI QEMU 1.2.1 and KQEMU 1.2.2 WinQEMU 1.2.3 compile from source Cross-compilation on Linux 1.3 MobaLiveCD 4.1 Tools 1.4.1 / TUN TAP devices 1.4.2 libusb-win32 1.5 Creating Virtual Machines QEMU 1.6 on older versions of Microsoft Windows 2 QEMU under Wine

The QEMU manager for Windows.

The QEMU Manager for Windows - Integrating the installation CD.

The Qemu Manager for Windows - Advanced tab.

QEMU on Microsoft Windows

On Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 can install QEMU in two ways. The actual components of QEMU do not need a graphical user interface (GUI). Who better bring a complete package with a graphical user interface and accelerator KQEMU want to install the qemu manager for Windows. It can run both versions simultaneously. For older versions of Microsoft Windows QEMU older versions are used (see below). In Wine can also run the Microsoft Windows version of QEMU (see below).

Qemu Manager for Windows

Download: http://www.davereyn.co.uk/download.htm The Qemu Manager for Windows is an easy-to-use graphical user interface for QEMU. The version 7.0 supports QEMU versions up to 0.11.
The QEMU manager for Windows with a virtual machine.

The installation of the file is opened by clicking setupqemuk70.exe. The First Run Wizard helps you configure. Automatically check for updates when new Qemu Manager Qemu Manager starts: This option should be enabled for the Qemu Manager is kept up to date. Launch Qemu Manager Maximized: The window of Qemu Manager will start maximized. Enable per-VM Memory tab: This option should be enabled to allow the Qemu Manager the last used tab of a virtual machine notes. Minimize to System Tray on Dock: After minimizing the window, the Qemu Manager icon to the right as the Windows status bar stored in. Advanced Options: If the Qemu Manager is not portable application on a USB drive installed, this option is activated. This support is activated KQEMU Accelerator. Install & Enable KQEMU accelerator support: Enabling this option is recommended as KQEMU the execution speeds of the virtual machines much faster. However, QEMU supports only up to version 0.11 this accelerator. Newer versions use QEMU KVM on Linux. Install Qemu Manager Monitor Terminal_Hex font to the local computer: This option is enable, that the scripture read in the QEMU monitor is better.

Quick Start
Below are the steps to machine up a virtual instance on ReactOS ( http://www.reactos.org/de/ as a guest operating system described). ReactOS should be compatible with the kernel of Microsoft Windows NT. The operating system is released under the GPL. Thus, it would be possible to get independent from Microsoft and free alternative to Windows. The project is currently in alpha stage and so ReactOS is not recommended for everyday use. First, it invites the image of the installation CD from the Web site and unzip it into the Media directory of Qemu Manager (C: \ Program Files \ QemuManager \ media). For Windows Vista / 7 you need to administrator privileges. The call of the Qemu Manager via the Start menu (All) Programs, Qemu Manager. After starting the QEMU Manager window appears. To create a new virtual machine, click on the red icon with the plus sign on the left in the toolbar. A wizard helps you configure the virtual machine. First there is the name of the new virtual machines: ReactOS. As the location for the virtual machine, choose Default VM Store, as standard x86/x64 platform PC and operating system Microsoft Windows XP. As QEMU version 0.11.1 is to be specified. The next step of the memory is defined. ReactOS is set for a memory of 128 MB. After that item, select Create New Virtual Disk Image and sets up new virtual disk to a. As the size of the disk defined to 1 GByte. When type is recommended to qcow2. Encrypt and Compress Disk Disk remain disabled. The next step is Virtual Machine Manager output to the default value Qemu leave. Click Finish to complete the wizard. Image to integrate the installation CD, click on the tab to open the drives and CD-ROM settings by double-clicking the icon CD-ROM. You select the image file of the downloaded installation CD. Then you open by double the settings for boot order. In the dialog box to set order CD / DVD Drive, Hard Drive to one. Under the Hardware tab choose the Network Card 1 Network card PCI NE2000 As. If the virtual machine generated, its name appears in the list. By selecting the name and clicking on the green icon to start the virtual machine. The QEMU window (tab Console) is Ctrl] + [Alt] need to leave [for. When you install ReactOS first the German keyboard is selected. Thereafter, the virtual disk is partitioned and formatted. The default for the destination directory for the bootloader to take effect. Then the virtual machine must be restarted. After successful installation, booting from CD is deactivated. This one changes in qemu manager for rider drives and shall, in the boot order first boot Mediaum Hard Disk-proof. Booting the installed system from the virtual hard disk. The network configuration is done automatically via DHCP.
The Qemu Manager for Windows - The import of a disk. The Qemu Manager for Windows - Monitor tab.

Cheat sheet
On the left side of the Qemu Manager is the list of configured virtual machines. If a virtual machine selected to appear on the right side of the current settings of this virtual machine. The settings are adjusted by double-clicking. The icons have the following meanings. Create a new virtual machine. Delete the configuration of a selected virtual machine. Its virtual disks are not deleted. This icon, a virtual machine is started. Given before the virtual machine is to be selected in the list. By selecting a virtual machine from the list, they will be terminated abruptly (data loss). Floppies and CD / DVD import with a wizard. It asked for the source drive and it has a name for the image file can be specified. Customizing the VM stores. VM stores are directories with the files of the virtual machines. Adding or removing hardware components. Managing multiple versions of QEMU. Adjust the options of Qemu Manager. Hardware tab This tab is the configuration of the emulated hardware and network options for the selected virtual machine is possible (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Virtuelle_Hardware_anpassen ). Double-clicking on a displayed hardware component to change its properties. By right-clicking I add new components. Virtual Machine Name: Defines the name of the virtual machine. Machine Type: Defines the machine type. CPU Type: Defines the type of CPU (32 - or 64-bit). CPU Model: Defines the CPU model. No. of CPUs: Sets the number of CPUs. Operating system: Indicates the host system. Ram (Memory): Defines the memory. Enable Sound Card: Activates the sound support. Sound Card: Select one or more sound cards. Enable Networking: Enables the network support. Network Card x: To configure the network card and the virtual network (See http://qemu-buch.de/d/Netzwerkoptionen ). Video Card: Choosing a graphics card. USB Support: Enables the USB support. Main Display: Configures the output of the host system (Reiter Console, Windows, VNC, full screen). Serial Port x: Configures the number and redirection of the serial interfaces (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Spezielle_QEMU-Optionen ). Parallel Port x: Configures the number and redirection of the parallel interfaces. Enable Bluetooth: Bluetooth Enabled (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Netzwerkoptionen/_Bluetooth ). Store VM: Selection of a VM Stores. Last Run: The date and time of the last execution in the virtual machine. Rider Drives In this tab, the management of the storage media is configured (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien ). Hard Disk X: Managed virtual hard disks. Floppy Drive X: Managed virtual disks. CD-ROM: Managed virtual CD / DVDs. Boot Order: order of the boot disks. Snapshots: Managed system stored states (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_VM-Snapshots ). Advanced tab In this tab, special configurations are possible. Qemu executable: Shows channel names of the QEMU. CPU Affinity: Allows you to perform on a defined CPU with multiple CPUs in the host system. Kernel Image: Allows you to boot a separate Linux kernel (see # http://qemu-buch.de/d/Spezielle_QEMU-Optionen Spezielle_Linux boot options ). Initial RAM disk image (initrd): Defines an initial RAM disk. Kernel command line append: Defines boot options separate the Linux kernel. Bios File Name: Allows files to use other bios. This option should normally not be changed. Sound Library: Selection of a Sound-Library: Direct Sound, SDL, Wave renderer, FMOD or None. Close VM when rebooted: Completed the virtual machine when you reboot the host system. Enable SDL output: Enables the use of the SDL library. QEMU Window Title: This is the name of the window of the instance. The default setting for the virtual machine name is used. This is stored in the variable {NAME} VM. Do Not Start on Startup CPU: The CPU is the virtual machine failed during startup. The QEMU monitor can start with the command c is the CPU of the host system. Use Local Time: Local Time is UTC instead used (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Virtuelle_Hardware/_Bus_RAM_ACPI_Clock_Graphic_Keyb_USB_Sound ). Specify Start Date and Time of VM: The system clock will start the virtual machine to a specific time set at. KQEMU: Configures the use of KQEMU: Disabled, full acceleration or User Mode. Enable WIN2K Hack: This option is installation of Microsoft Windows 2000 to activate the at. Enable ACPI HAL Time Drift Hack: Enables the ACPI HAL Time drift hack. Disable boot signature checking: Disables testing the boot signature from floppy disks. Disable HPET: Disables the High Precision Event Timer. Disable ACPI Support: Disabled ACPI. Do Not Apply Changes to VM Session: Protect the virtual disks before changes caused by the running virtual machine. Qemu Process Priority (CAUTION): If QEMU uses too much CPU time, reducing this value. It can be the normal idle levels, and real-time high set. For most users, setting the standard to recommend. Run VM in debug mode: In Debug mode, a second window information on the current virtual machine. This option should not be co Qemu Manager client option be used with the. Additional QEMU Parameters: Allows you to enter additional QEMU options. Use Additional QEMU only parameter: deactivate all other settings when you use the QEMU Additional parameter. Console tab The rider Console enables communication with the host system in the virtual machine. This console is built by the special option-hwnd of the adapted version allows QEMU QEMU.
If the Windows version of QEMU run under Wine, KQEMU be disconnected. The installation options of OpenVPN. The QEMU Manager for Windows - The display of the last options.

QEMU under PowerShell.

QEMU under Cygwin.

The TestLibUSB displays a USB device.


The icons in the toolbar activates the following functions when running virtual machine:
CD / DVD Drive

This menu CD / DVD media can be managed. Eject CD / DVD media from drive: eject the virtual CD / DVD. Load CD / DVD disk image: Choose from a new ISO image. Load CD / DVD disk image and restart VM: Choosing a new ISO image and starts the virtual machine. This is useful for operating system installations. Use Physical CD / DVD Drive: Provides access to the physical CD / DVD drive on the host system.
Floppy Disk Drive

This menu disk media be managed. Eject Floppy Disk 0 Media from drive: eject the virtual disk from the drive A from. Eject Floppy Disk 1 Media from drive: eject the virtual disk from the drive B. Load floppy disk 0 image: selects new disk image to drive A from one. Load Floppy Disk 1 Image: Choosing a new disk image for drive B from one. Floppy Disk 0 Load Image & Restart VM: Choosing a new disk image and starts the virtual machine. This is useful for operating system installations. Use Physical Floppy Disk Drive as Floppy Drive 0: Provides access to the physical floppy drive on the host system.
Send CTRL + ALT + DELETE to guest

The Qemu Manager for Windows 6.0 on Linux with Wine.

This icon will send you the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Enf].
Pause / Restart the Virtual Machine

Wine of the command processor.

This icon lets you pause the virtual machine and then continue.

This menu VM snapshots are maintained. The system states are stored in the virtual machine (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_VM-Snapshots ). It is possible to create multiple VM snapshots. VM snapshots of virtual disks in the format qcow2 only. Create snapshot: a new VM snapshot of Sets. Load snapshot: snapshot restores the system state restore of the specified VM. Delete snapshot: Deletes a VM snapshot.
Shutdown / Reset Options

Reset virtual machine: the virtual presses reset button. This can cause data loss. Power down virtual machine: Sends a shutdown command to the virtual machine. The host system must evaluate this shutdown command properly, so that a proper shutdown occurs.
Quit QEMU session

The Qemu Manager for Windows on Mac OS X. Winebuttler

Presses the virtual off button. This can cause data loss. Monitor tab About the Monitor tab of the QEMU monitor is achieved. This is used to control the virtual machine (instance) for their duration (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Der_QEMU-Monitor ). The inclusion of the QEMU monitor in the Qemu Manager via a TCP connection. The key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + work [2] is not here. File Menu Create New Virtual Disk: Creates a new virtual hard disk. Exit: Exits the program. Running virtual machines are not finished there. menu, VM These functions are also available through the icons in the main window. New Virtual Machine: Creating a new virtual machine. Delete Selected Virtual Machine: Delete the configuration of a selected virtual machine. Its virtual disks are not deleted. Start Selected Virtual Machine: It started a virtual machine. Given before the virtual machine is to be selected in the list. Stop Selected Virtual Machine: Selecting a virtual machine in this list it is terminated abruptly (data loss). Add / Remove Hardware: adding or removing hardware components. VM Control: These functions are the icons in the Console tab is also available. Tools menu (Un) Install KQEMU Accelerator: Allows the (de) installation of KQEMU. Show Last Run Command: Practically, the display of recently used QEMU options. Here is the complete command line, based on the configuration shown in Qemu Manager. Configure Operating System Defaults: The Qemu Manager allows you to configure default settings for different operating systems. The windows default operating system displays a list of specifications. For each system, the name, the recommended amount of memory (RAM) and the recommended hard drive size are fixed. New requirements are added to the plus icon. Configure TAP Networking Devices: To host and guest system will have a common network, additional network interface in the host system needs a. This additional network interface will be a DO through / TAP adapter allows (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Netzwerkoptionen/_Virtuelle_Netzwerke_konfigurieren ). Install Qemu Manager Console Font: For better readability in the tab display is to install a special font. Create Image From DiskT Removable media: floppies and CD / DVD will be imported with a wizard. It asked for the source drive and it has a name for the image file can be specified. Qemu version management, enables you to manage different versions of QEMU. VM Stores: Custom VM Stores. Browse Default Media Folder Image: Displays contents of the directory for the installation media to the. Change Language: Changes the language setting. Qemu Manager Options: Customize the options from the Qemu Manager. Menu Help View User Manual: Display the user manual. Check for updates: Tests for program updates. About: Information about the program.
Warnke, Ritzau qemu-kvm and libvirt 4. Edition 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8370-0876-0 276 pages, 27.27 EUR Order

QEMU without GUI

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1/29/2011 7:22 PM

QEMU running Microsoft Windows, Qemu Manager for Windows version...


The version without GUI is suitable to burn a DVD with a virtual machine and the QEMU software. The virtual machine on this DVD can be started on another computer without installing QEMU.


Download: http://vpsland.superglobalmegacorp.com/install/ http://wiki.qemu.org/Download (KQEMU) http://homepage3.nifty.com/takeda-toshiya/qemu/index.html To install QEMU without a GUI and without KQEMU no administrator rights are required and it is not the Windows Registry changes. First, the latest version is downloaded and unpacked. QEMU supports up to version 0.11.1 the optional accelerator KQEMU. To install KQEMU file is first to unpack the 1.4.0pre1.tar.gz kqemu. Right-click on the file kqemu.inf With the installation begins. Then, the computer is restarted. After that the command can be entered: Host C: \> net start kqemu With net start on Microsoft Windows service started. This line should be inserted in a startup script so that they will not have to type after every reboot. Quick Start section in the application of a virtual machine is the command line described (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Quickstart ). It must first change to the directory with the QEMU binary. It is also possible to include this directory in the PATH variable. The PATH variable is Microsoft Windows XP in the Control Panel under System Properties, Advanced, Environment variables defined in. A comfortable console supported on Cygwin or Windows PowerShell (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ).

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/winqemu/ WinQEMU is a native Windows version of QEMU. The source code of QEMU for Visual C + + 2008 ported. The installation of WinQEMU is simple, does not modify the Windows registry and they need not have administrative privileges. To install the latest version of WinQEMU is downloaded and unpacked. In the DOS command prompt, change to the directory created. Instead qemu.exe WinQemuTest.exe to call.

compiling sources
Cross-compilation on Linux Linux brings not only the necessary tools to compile it, it also supports compiling for other architectures. In this example, the generation of the Windows binaries under Linux distribution Fedora 14th In addition to the required packages to compile (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Installation ) Windows is a cross-compiler is necessary. This is the package mingw32-gcc posted about. Furthermore, the MinGW versions of the SDL and the zlib library is required. MinGW stands for Minimalist GNU for Windows. With the package patch Patches can be. With Wine, the Windows binaries from Linux under QEMU first test subject to one (see below). The installation of necessary software packages is done with a command: Host ~ $ su-c "yum-y install mingw32 mingw32-gcc mingw32-zlib-SDL patch wine" As newer versions of the Windows QEMU support mostly with patches of the source code is available at (see http://dietpc.org/windows/qemu/ ), is in this example, the cross-compilation for QEMU 0.11.0. First, the archive containing the source code downloaded and unpacked in a new directory. Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source host ~ $ cd ~ / source host ~ $ wget \ http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases-noredirect/qemu/qemu-0.11.1.tar.gz host ~ $ tar xzvf qemu host-0.11.1.tar.gz $ cd qemu-0.11.1 The path variable PATH is part of the MinGW tools to expand the. Host ~ $ export PATH / usr/i686-pc-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin =: $ PATH The configuration of the compiler is run as usual, configure with the command, here the cross-compiler and defines the installation path. Then start using make to compile. Host ~ $ -. / Configure cross-prefix = "i686-pc-mingw32 '- prefix =" / tmp / qemuinstall / " Host ~ $ make The installation path is created. Host $ mkdir ~ / tmp / qemuinstall / Make install the files necessary to run the installation path copied. Host ~ $ make install Furthermore, manually copy these DLLs. Host $ cd ~ / tmp / qemuinstall / Host $ cp ~ / usr/i686-pc-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/SDL.dll. Host $ cp ~ / usr/i686-pc-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/zlib1.dll. Wine binaries with the first test subject. Host ~ $ cmd wineconsole Z: \ tmp \ qemuinstall> qemu.exe Z: \ tmp \ qemuinstall> exit The files in this folder are copied to a Windows machine in a directory.

Download: http://mobalivecd.mobatek.net/en/ A to boot from live CDs and USB sticks used restricted version of QEMU MobaLiveCD. This tool will be downloaded to any directory and start zustarten to ISO images of live CDs. Comfortable, booting the ISO image by right-clicking the ISO file. This menu is before this function with the button right-click to activate. QEMU launch options can not pretend to. The QEMU monitor is used.

To use all possibilities of the Windows version of QEMU is to install additional tools. Other useful tools are described in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ).

/ TUN TAP devices

Microsoft Windows versions do not offer / TUN TAP support. This will only be established by the installation of the TUN / TAP adapter OpenVPN. In the delivery of Qemu Manager is the 32-bit version of TUN / TAP adapter (C: \ Program Files \ QemuManager \ TAPDriver \ InstQemuTAP32.exe). To install the original TUN / TAP adapter OpenVPN Windows installation file from Microsoft http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html downloaded and displayed. In the setup, all components, Tap-Win Virtual Ethernet Adapter, Add OpenVPN to PATH and Add to Start Menu shortcuts, except disabled. A TAP interface is generated in the Start menu to All Programs, OpenVPN, Add a new TAP-Win32 virtual ethernet adapter. To check you are in the DOS command prompt openvpn-show-adapter. Host C: \> openvpn-show-adapters Available TAP-WIN32 adapters [name, GUID]: 'Local Area Connection 2' {xxx-yyy-zzz} In this example 2, an adapter named Local Area Connection created. In the Control Panel gives you this one simple name, such as my-tap. The success of the renaming of tests following command: Host C: \> openvpn-show-adapters Available TAP-WIN32 adapters [name, GUID]: 'My-tap' {xxx-yyy-zzz} It is assigned to this interface an IP address. This is in the Control Panel Network Connections select the adapter. Under the item Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) is the button to click Properties. The IP address must be on the same network segment as the host of the system are and must not already assigned. Host C: \> qemu-net nic-net Platte.img tap, ifname = my-tap When calling QEMU with these options, the network connection my-tap the specified IP address ( is assigned (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Netzwerkoptionen/_Virtuelle_Netzwerke_konfigurieren ). Some host systems may need the network configuration from DHCP to a static IP address to be changed, for example, If a Windows Firewall active, this for the TAP adapter is disconnected.

Download: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/libusb-win32/wiki The USB support for QEMU on Microsoft Windows is still in an experimental phase and supports USB hard-disk images, virtual USB mice and USB virtual keyboards. Access to the USB devices on the host system slows from QEMU. It is the library libusb-WIN32 necessary. This has been ported from Linux to Microsoft Windows. To install the Library invites you to the file libusb-win32-filter-bin- down and start it. As usual on Windows, is to click Next several times. With the included test program to determine the product name, the vender ID and product ID of the USB devices on the host. In Qemu Manager under the Hardware tab to enable the USB support, and with information obtained (product names, Vender ID and product ID) as a host device to the USB devices one. The QEMU monitor can be reviewed with info USB host availability of the host device. (Qemu) info USB host Device 0.1, speed 480 Mb / s Class 00: USB device 090c: 1000, USB DISK

Creating virtual machines

The creation of virtual machines at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Gast-Systeme described.

QEMU on earlier versions of Microsoft Windows

On Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 QEMU 0.9.1 or QEMU to install 0.11.0. Under older versions of Microsoft Windows QEMU older versions are used. http://qemu-buch.de/download/qemu-0.11.0-windows.zip http://qemu-buch.de/download/qemu-0.10.1-windows.zip http://qemu-buch.de/download/qemu-0.9.1-windows.zip http://qemu-buch.de/download/qemu-0.8.2-windows.zip

QEMU under Wine

Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator) is a Windows-compatible runtime environment for POSIX-compatible operating systems such as Linux. This makes it possible for Microsoft Windows operating systems, programs compiled under BSD Unix (* BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X) to run Linux (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools/_Wine ). Also Windows version of QEMU can run under Wine without KQEMU. Requests to the host in QEMU Devices Manager should be avoided. As Wine is not an emulator is a virtualizer still, the execution speed of QEMU under Wine is hardly less than QEMU without KQEMU under Microsoft Windows. However, the graphics output on Microsoft Windows is usually faster. QEMU is useful to include tests under Wine. Is compiled as QEMU for Windows on Linux with Wine, the result must be treated first. Continue to use the Windows Clone ReactOS ( http://www.reactos.org ) source code from Wine. The Qemu Manager for Windows 6.0 is installed under Wine with the same steps as in Microsoft Windows. The installation of KQEMU must be disabled here. When QEMU version without GUI, only the archive with the QEMU binaries downloaded into a directory under ~ / .wine / drive_c / unpacked. QEMU can be run in Wine console. Host $ cd ~ / .wine / drive_c / qemu Host ~ $ cmd wineconsole C: \ qemu> qemu-L. -Hda linux.img QEMU can also be accessed directly in the Unix shell. Host ~ $ wine c: \ qemu \ \ qemu.exe-L c: \ \ qemu-hda c: \ qemu \ \ linux.img The 64-bit version starts with the following command. Host ~ $ wine c: \ qemu \ qemu-system-x86_64.exe-L c: \ \ qemu-hda c: \ qemu \ \ linux.img For problems file, the error messages in the written stderr.txt. Host ~ $ cat ~ / .wine / drive_c / qemu / stderr.txt A simplification of the call of the QEMU binaries under Wine is available by defining aliases. This werdeb for example in ~ /. Bashrc mentioned as follows. After re-login there are the aliases available. wqemu alias = 'wine $ HOME / .wine / drive_c / qemu / qemu.exe-L $ HOME / .wine / drive_c / qemu /' alias wqemu-system-x86_64 = 'wine $ HOME / .wine / drive_c / qemu / qemu-system-x86_64.exe-L $ HOME / .wine / drive_c / qemu / 'alias wqemu-img =' wine $ HOME / .wine / drive_c / qemu / qemu-img.exe 'alias wqemu-io =' wine $ HOME / .wine / drive_c / qemu / qemu-io.exe ' It is 32-bit emulator wqemu and the 64-bit emulator wqemu-system-x86_64 started the. <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_QEMU_unter_Microsoft_Windows " This page has been accessed 31,899 times. This page was last updated on 23 January 2011 at 19:40 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:22 PM

QEMU 0.11.0 OS / 2 port - QEMU for OS / 2 Warp 4 and eComStation 2.0...


QEMU 0.11.0 OS / 2 port - QEMU for OS / 2 Warp 4 and eComStation 2.0 - Virtualization and Emulation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / QEMU under eComstation]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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1/29/2011 7:23 PM

QEMU 0.11.0 OS / 2 port - QEMU for OS / 2 Warp 4 and eComStation 2.0...


Contents 1 QEMU for OS / 2 Warp 4 and eComStation 2.0 1.1 QEMU 0.11.0 OS / 2 port 2.1 Quick Start 1.3 Additional options of QEMU OS / 2 ports

QEMU for OS / 2 Warp 4 and eComStation 2.0

QEMU 0.11.0 OS / 2 port
Download: http://www.os2site.com/sw/emulators/qemu/index.html This port for OS / 2 Warp 4 and eComStation is in development and still experimental. Not yet implemented include the accelerator KQEMU, the emulation of other processor architectures and the sound output. Also, management tools have not been ported. The configuration of the virtual machines should be issued from the command line. System requirements are at least a Pentium CPU, OS / 2 V4.50 (Warp V4 + FP13, WSeB, MCP, ACP), or eComStation, and the library TCPIP32 klibc 0.6.3. It recommends that the CONFIG.SYS file to the line CLOCK SCALE = 4 is added. In Warp4/WSeB an update of the kernel is necessary. Scitech SNAP is a favorable or GRADD-based graphics driver for SDL. An installation of QEMU is not necessary. It will only download the archive with the latest version of QEMU and unpacked. That is all. It can also be different versions of QEMU running simultaneously. In command prompt, change to the created directory and start qemu.exe. Host [C: \] qemu-version SYS1804: The system can not find the file LIBC063. This error message is that the library from the URL LIBC063 ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/gcc/libc-0_6_3-csd3.wpi download and double click to install one. Host [C: \] qemu-version SYS1804: The system can not find the file KSDL12. This error message appears when the library is missing KSDL12.dll on the system. This is according to Hobbes, the appropriate archive zusuchen: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/h-search.php?button=Search&key=SDL-1.2.14os2-gcc44-20091106 . After downloading the file archive is unpacked and KSDL12.dll from the dll path to copy the. After successful installation shows qemu-version and the version of QEMU qemu-help options to the.

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 as a QEMU guest systems under eComstation.

CP/M-86 and OS / 2 Warp 4 as a QEMU guest systems under eComstation.

ReactOS as a QEMU guest system under eComstation. The network configuration of the host system is provided by the built-in DHCP Server QEMU.

Host [C: \] qemu-version QEMU PC emulator version 0.11.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard Host [C: \] qemu-help ...

Quick Start

ReactOS in the 32 - and 64-bit emulation QEMU.

For the establishment of a virtual machine at least one image file and an operating system is required as a guest. With the QEMU virtual machine is configured options. When installing the guest systems is to support the hardware emulated by QEMU

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1/29/2011 7:23 PM

QEMU 0.11.0 OS / 2 port - QEMU for OS / 2 Warp 4 and eComStation 2.0...


respected. For this example (which was the operating system ReactOS http://www.reactos.org/de/ ) selected as the guest. For the following reasons: The installation complies with the Microsoft Windows systems and is therefore well known. ReactOS is Open Source and freely available. The image of the installation CD is downloaded quickly. To install the operating system a virtual disk is created. This is done with the package contained in the QEMU qemu-img tool and its parameters create (see also http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien /_Images_anlegen ). Given the name and size of the virtual disk to be indicated. With the-f format, the set (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Image-Formate ). Host [C: \] qemu-img create-f qcow2 ReactOS.img 1G From the ReactOS website is the image of the installation CD to download and unpack. Host [C: \] unzip ReactOS *- iso.zip Is called QEMU qemu with the command. The configuration of the virtual machine is in options on the command line. To install the host system, the virtual machine is started with the image of the installation CD. Whose name is entered after the option-cdrom. The name of the created virtual hard disk is hda-entered (see also on the option http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien /_Zugriff_auf_Speichermedien ). This virtual computer from the CD will boot the virtual, d is the option-boot responsible. The-L refers to the directory containing the BIOS files. When QEMU for OS / 2 and eComStation is also the option to use priority (see below). Host [C: \]-L qemu pc-bios-hda-cdrom ReactOS.img ReactOS.iso-boot d-priority idle It will start the virtual PC in a window. Installing ReactOS is started by clicking in the window and pressing any key. First, the German keyboard is selected. Thereafter, the virtual disk is partitioned and formatted. The target directory for the installation of the ReactOS files need not be changed. After the boot loader is installed, the default option Install bootloader on the harddisk (MBR) holds. Then the virtual machine must be restarted. The installation continues graphically. To the hard drive to boot from, c is the option-boot to enter. The QEMU window is left [Alt] [Ctrl] +. Host [C: \]-L qemu pc-bios-hda-cdrom ReactOS.img ReactOS.iso-boot c-priority idle To boot without the CD image, the command applies. Host [C: \]-L qemu pc-bios-hda ReactOS.img-local time-priority idle It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay to create files to image to make changes to protect the base (see # http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien /_Images_anlegen Overlay Images_anlegen ). In this example, two overlay files can be created. Host [C: \] qemu-img create-f-b ReactOS.img qcow2 ReactOS 01.ovl Host [C: \] qemu-img create-f-b ReactOS.img qcow2 ReactOS 02.ovl It is now possible to connect two QEMU instances, each with an overlay file to start. The base image with the default installation remains unchanged. Host [C: \]-L qemu pc-bios-hda ReactOS 01.ovl-local time-priority idle Host [C: \]-L qemu pc-bios-hda ReactOS 02.ovl-local time-priority idle ReactOS to 64-bit processor architecture to test under is, qemu-system-x86_64 apply. Host [C: \] qemu-system-x86_64-pc-bios-hda L ReactOS 01.ovl-local time-priority idle So you do not always command line to start a virtual machine must complete the type, file, the command line in a with the. Written cmd. This file is clicked, starts the virtual machine. For manipulating the running virtual machine is used to QEMU monitor (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Der_QEMU-Monitor ). With

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QEMU 0.11.0 OS / 2 port - QEMU for OS / 2 Warp 4 and eComStation 2.0...


the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2] leads to the QEMU monitor, with [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [1] back. The creation of virtual machines with different host systems at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Gast-Systeme described. Some useful tools for working with QEMU be explained in the Appendix (see http://qemubuch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems.

Additional options of QEMU OS / 2 ports

In addition to the numerous QEMU options (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang /_Startoptionen_von_QEMU_und_KVM ) eComstation has the QEMU version for OS / 2 Warp 4 and the priority option. For a convenient GUI operation, idle-priority option is recommended. -Priority yet been No change / use the current priority (default). -Priority idle Idle (PRTYC_IDLETIME). Normal-priority Normal / Regular (PRTYC_REGULAR) High-priority High (PRTYC_FORGROUNDSERVER) <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_QEMU_unter_eComstation " This page has been accessed 6039 times. This page was last updated on 1 November 2010 at 10:27 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:23 PM

libvirt qemu-kvm & - QEMU for DOS, FreeDOS HX DOS Extender


QEMU for DOS, FreeDOS HX DOS Extender

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / QEMU for DOS]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English


QEMU can run under DOS extender with the HX DOS. The HX DOS Extender ( http://www.japheth.de/HX.html ) allows some Microsoft Windows 32-bit programs written for DOS to run. The HX DOS Extender subject to any specific software license, but is freely available. are a result of the limited possibilities of DOS, there are many restrictions on QEMU. Neither DOS nor the HX DOS Extender support swap files. This virtual memory is at most as large as the physical memory. For example, if a guest system 128 MB of RAM required, it is the host system at least over 170 MB of RAM. The execution speed of QEMU is not under DOS high for several reasons. First, the accelerator KQEMU is not supported, the other is no graphics acceleration. In addition, the DOS is usually run on tired hardware. Using QEMU for DOS can therefore operate only guest systems with very low resource requirements. Since DOS does not support multitasking, QEMU can launch only one instance. Many options of QEMU ( http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Startoptionen_von_QEMU_und_KVM ) are not or only partially available. DOS is certainly not an ideal host system for QEMU. What are we to such a gift with old laptop with just 300 MB of RAM do otherwise? ;-) For these examples, FreeDOS 1.0 ( http://www.freedos.org/freedos/files/ ) installed. The HX DOS Extender also works on other versions of DOS such as DR-DOS 7.03 ( http://www.drdos.net/download.htm ). Descriptions to install FreeDOS and DR-DOS can be found at http://qemu-buch.de/d/Gast-Systeme /_x86-Architektur/_DOS-% 2C_Windows_und_Verwandte . The support for long file names (DOSLFN) must be enabled. FreeDOS 1.0 DOSLFN is loaded via autoexec.bat. C: \> DOSLFN lh FreeDOS 1.0 contained in the HX DOS Extender is not current. Therefore HXGUI are the latest version of the ZIP archives from the URL and HXRT http://www.japheth.de/HX.html download. Both archives will be in C: unpacked hx \. Furthermore, the msvcrt.dll file from http://www.dll-files.com download and in C: hx \ bin \ store. the autoexec.bat file in C is the PATH variable with the path: \ hx \ bin added. set PATH = c: \ hx \ bin,% PATH%

QEMU for DOS: The virtual machine boots.

QEMU from DOS to Linux as a guest.

QEMU for DOS: The QEMU monitor.

QEMU 0.9.1
Download: http://qemu-buch.de/download/qemu-0.9.1-windows.zip According to the compatibility list ( http://www.japheth.de/HX/COMPAT.TXT ) QEMU can only up to version 0.9.1 the HX DOS Extender to operate. This is not a great disadvantage, since many options anyway QEMU can be used under DOS. The ZIP archive of the Windows version of QEMU is to download and in C: \ qemu to unpack. Then is to change the directory to qemu. In order to start QEMU, qemu command is always dpmild32 indicate to the front. The options of QEMU can you get the list with the following command. C: \> dpmild32 qemu - help To scroll the display one page, the following command is used. C: \> dpmild32 qemu - help | more

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libvirt qemu-kvm & - QEMU for DOS, FreeDOS HX DOS Extender


Since QEMU launch a graphical output needed for is dpmild32 with the option to add-g. In the ZIP archive of QEMU is the image linux.img with minimal Linux system included. The guest system on this image is started with the following QEMU options. The-L refers to the directory containing the BIOS file. Since the accelerator KQEMU not available in DOS, use the no-kqemu is to disable. With-no-reboot will prevent the instance to shut down the host system reboots again. As a VGA graphics card is emulated (-std-vga). The-hda defines the image as a virtual hard disk. With m-MB, the memory for the virtual machine defined. C: \> cd qemu C: \>-g dpmild32 qemu-L. -No-kqemu-no-reboot-std-vga-hda-m 8 linux.img

With Linux, the minimum exit end. Host ~ # exit This is always the type does not have many options, you can batch-file named Q. BAT and create a following content. The value after-m is determined experimentally and is about 3 / 4 of the memory of the host system amount. FreeDOS under the program can determine the free space of the mem help. set QEMU = C: \ QEMU dpmild32 QEMU-g%% \ qemu-L%% QEMU-no-kqemu-no-reboot-std-vga-m 8% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9 The call is then reduced. C: \> q-hda linux.img Using only one image need not be specified, the hda case. C: \> q linux.img For QEMU package includes the powerful tool qemu-img. It is used to create, convert, and encrypt an image file (virtual hard disks) in various formats (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_qemu-img ). Img is to call-without-qemu dpmild32 g) before the command to specify (. Without options, displays qemu-img to a support. C: \> dpmild32 qemu-img This is always the type does not have many options, you can batch-file called Q-IMG.BAT content and create a following. set QEMU = C: \ QEMU QEMU dpmild32%% \ qemu-img% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9 With qemu-img, you can get information about an image's leave. This is the option info. C: \> q-img info linux.img image: linux.img file format: raw virtual size: 10M (10485760 bytes) disk size: 10M

For manipulating the running virtual machine is used to QEMU monitor (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Der_QEMU-Monitor ). With the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2] leads to the QEMU monitor, with [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [1] back. The creation of virtual machines at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Gast-Systeme described. Some useful tools for working with QEMU be explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_QEMU_unter_DOS " This page has been accessed 3758 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:24 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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libvirt qemu-kvm & - QEMU for DOS, FreeDOS HX DOS Extender


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0.13.0 QEMU Mac OS X, Q, QEMU Download build MacPorts macports ...


0.13.0 QEMU Mac OS X, Q, QEMU Download build MacPorts macports install, configure make install
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / QEMU on Mac OS X]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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Mac OS X with open disk image.

The graphical user interface Q Control.

Windows Sharing, disable it in Mac OS X.

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Q - Quick Start (Step 1).

Q - Quick Start (step 2).

Q - Quick Start (step 3).

Q - Quick Start (Step 4).

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Q - Quick Start (Step 5).

Q - The virtual machine is completed.

The Q-menu - Menu Q.

The Q-menu bar Dialogue with the settings.

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The selection of virtual machines via the Finder.

The Q-menu - Menu host PC.

The Q-menu bar Download complete virtual machines.

Export a virtual machine on a USB stick.

The Q-menu bar Upgrading a virtual machine on qcow2.

The Q-menu - Tools menu.

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The Q-menu bar - menu window.

The Q-Menu Bar - Help menu.

Q - The settings under the "General" tab.

Q - The settings under the tab "Hardware".

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Q - The settings under the tab "Network".

The configuration of the firewall.

Q - The settings under the Advanced tab.

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Q Control with a running virtual machine.

Mac OS X - The Fink Commander.

Winebuttler - Wine on Mac OS X.

If the Windows version of QEMU run under Wine, KQEMU be disconnected.

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Contents 1 QEMU on Mac OS X (x86) 01.01 Q - QEMU with a GUI 1.1.1 Installation 1.1.2 Quick Start (Q) 1.1.3 Command Summary The Menu Bar Dialog Q Control Preferences dialog The virtual machine window 2.1 QEMU without GUI 1.2.1 Installation via dmg Image 1.2.2 Installation using Darwin Ports QEMU 1.2.3 from source compile 0.13.0 1.2.4 Quick Start (command line) 1.3 CDs, DVDs and floppy image as import 4.1 User Space Emulation 1.5 Useful Tools 1.5.1 Fink 1.5.2 WineBottle

The Qemu Manager for Windows on Mac OS X. Winebuttler

QEMU on Mac OS X (x86)

Q - QEMU with a GUI
Download: http://www.kju-app.org QEMU on Mac OS X most of the graphical user interface powered by Q. Q based on QEMU version 0.9.1.

The following remarks refer to current Apple hardware based on Intel processors. There can be two versions, namely the stable known as Q-0.9.0a89 and a current development version Q-0.9.1d118 download. Installation is done with the following steps: Download the disk image and appending Q-*. dmg. Confirm the license conditions. Moving the software package Q in the program folder Applications.

Quick Start (Q)

After the start of Q is the control center for virtual machine open. To create a new virtual machine, click the Plus (New PC) file icon with the one at the. Then you see a Wizard that asks all the relevant options. In the first dialog of the virtual machine name and the type of the host system is set. In this example, Microsoft Windows XP to be the guest operating system. As a name with one WinXP the intended entry field in. As a type of Windows XP is selected from the list. After pressing PC to create a dialog window with the tabs General, hardware, networking, and Advanced. Under the General tab appears in the previous dialogue assigned name of the virtual machine. In emulation host (the host's time with Clock rate) of the host system with the time alignment and the network (network enabled) enabled. File sharing between host and guest system is integrated in the Q Samba server. In SMB file sharing system, the Q Shared Files folder on the Exchange host selected. This folder is used by Q on the desktop of the logged in user created automatically. This can be accessed in the host system on that folder, a driver in the host system is installed. The folder is drive Q in the host system as integrated. The installation file is placed on a drive in the host system. This disk with Windows drivers to enable Q's. Once installed, this setting is again to disable. At this point, take a look at the system settings of Mac OS X is required. It is under the Sharing tab in the Windows Services off sharing. The Mac OS X's built-in Samba server is not compatible with the Q's built-in Samba server.

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The Hardware tab is used to define the hardware components to be emulated. Below deck is to be selected x86PC. The number of emulated CPUs is altered. The example should suffice a CPU. Memory should the virtual machine with Microsoft Windows XP attributed abundant, less than 512 MB are not recommended. In graphics card is a Cirrus Logic GD5446 PCI VGA selected. The available sound and network cards are accepted. In USB Tablet is activated. On a floppy disk drive is dispensable (no floppy drive). The hard drive is a new, four gigabytes of image must be created. The installation of the host system from a real CD is due to a bug of Q not possible. Therefore, an ISO image of Windows XP Boot CD can be used. To install the guest system is starting CD-ROM set on. After the installation is switched back to hard drive on. Under the Network tab settings are set to leave. Under the Advanced tab there is no need to change. With PC create the virtual machine is completed. It appears in the list of available virtual machine and is started by double clicking on the name. The new virtual machine boots from the image of the installation CD and performs the usual operating system installation.

Cheat sheet
The user interface consists of a menu bar, and some dialogs. The menu bar The menu Q corresponds to a typical Mac OS X application. Here) is information about the program (over Q, the basic settings (settings. ..), the call of some Mac OS services (Services), functions to control windows on the desktop (Q Hide, Hide Others, Show All) and exit the program (Exit Q) is housed. Of particular interest are the settings. Sub-display to permit the type of graphics output set of virtual machines. Choose from OpenGL, Quartz and QuickDraw. OpenGL is a platform-independent programming interface for 3D graphics in the graphics card driver is able to implement. As a result, large parts of the calculation of the graphics output are directly done by the processor on the graphics card. OpenGL assumes some of the graphics card emulation of the host PC directly to the graphics processor of the host system. This requires hardware OpenGL support each of these. All modern graphics cards that is the case. The CPU of the host system is from the tasks of the graphics output of the host system relieves. Quartz is the graphics layer of Mac OS X. It is abstracted from the possibility of actually built-in graphics hardware and provides a uniform application programming interface. Capabilities of the hardware, such as OpenGL, transparently embedded there. This type of graphical output is all computers with Mac OS X from. QuickDraw as graphics layer of Mac OS 9 is not recommended. For existing Internet access Q will automatically at program start site (When the program starts checking for updates) to versions on the new project. Log in to write console is activated, messages are useful debug output to the system console. The console program (found under the utilities) messages makes them visible. The virtual machines in Q are mapped to multiple files. In addition to the disk images of the host PC to the preference files are the options for QEMU. These files are stored by default in a directory structure below the home directory. The default path is / Users / <user> / Documents / QEMU is the Finder of documents accessible. For a single user this may well be sufficient. Every other user has access only to its own virtual machine. In order to avoid this, files can be the location of the file system folder with Q score freely defined. Also, the virtual machines are stored on a central server on the network. Menu Guest PC can create new virtual machines (New Guest PC) and edit existing virtual machines (guest editing PC) or delete (Delete host PC). These functions are also directly accessible via Q Control, where they are explained in more detail. Download the complete virtual machines from the internet supported (PC host of new free.oszoo.org download). Although only affects operating systems, their licensing conditions, this type of use and disclosure of the permit, the selection is still considerable (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Gast-Systeme/_FreeOsZoo ). It's Q, as the software tool package USB-Stick to export (to host PC USB Stick export) to a possible virtual machine, with one and QEMU. The scale package can run on any Intel-based Mac. The installation of QEMU is not needed. Only an emulated in the virtual machine CD-ROM drive is causing problems. the drive in the virtual machine is included, this does not start. Therefore, you should disable before exporting the CD-ROM drive in the hardware settings of the virtual machine. Since version 0.9.0 the format qcow2 dominated QEMU virtual hard disks. With guest PC and compress will update previous versions created virtual machines on the current state to be related to. From the Tools menu, virtual hard disks created. In the dialog under the menu item New Image ... create the file size and type of image set. As a type qcow are raw or optional (see http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php /QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Speichermedien/_Image-Formate ). Furthermore, virtual machines from Virtual PC 7

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and QemuX be imported. QemuX project is the predecessor of Q and is no longer being developed. The import of an exported virtual machine on a USB stick is possible here. The Window menu contains no specific functions of Q, there are just some window management features of Mac OS X included. In the Help menu, Q is the integrated help of reach. This is the Help Viewer in Mac OS X appears in the. The help is in English only and not on the actual state of the program. Dialogue Q Control At program startup dialog opens Q Control. About the icons can be controlled by the virtual machines.

Wizard to generate a new virtual machine. Settings of a virtual machine. Start a virtual machine. Deleting a virtual machine. Import virtual machines from Virtual PC. Import virtual machines from QemuX. The appearance of the icons (image only, image and text, text only) can be changed. This is done with [Ctrl] + click or right-click on the icon bar, the desired change. In the list all available virtual machines. Started virtual machines have a small preview. By clicking on the plus icon to a wizard called Q, which creates a new virtual machine. The first dialog prompts you to name the new virtual machine and selecting the desired guest operating system. Guest operating systems here are DOS, various Windows versions and a standard Q unspecified guest selected. After the activation of PC to create dialog is automatically displayed for the other settings General. Settings dialog Here, the name and basic settings of the virtual machine can be changed. Name Time with the clock rate of the host Network Enable Name of the virtual machine. Especially with Microsoft Windows as guest system taking over the system time from the host system is recommended. Unix-like guests get their system better time with an NTP server. Releases the network functionality. To make the access from the host system to the Internet. Q also allows it to share files between host and guest. If no Internet access on the host system exist, this option will automatically disappear.

Stopping in the To save resources on the host system, the emulation of the host system is stopped background while when other applications are running on the host system in the foreground. On modern guests multi-processor systems, this option is off, as enough computing power is available. Q offers the possibility of file sharing between host and guest on an integrated Samba Server (SMB). Q This sets the default user's desktop to a folder on Q Shared Files. Used the built in QEMU Samba server is only when the built-in Mac OS X Samba server is disabled. In the system settings to the service to disable Windows Sharing under Sharing. This option appears in a Windows guest up a drive that contains a driver for data exchange between host and guest.

SMB file sharing

Disk with Q's Windows drivers

Table: Q - The settings under the "General" tab. Below deck, the processor is chosen to be emulated. At present, the x86 PC is stable. The x86-64 PC is experimental. Also adjusted the number of emulated CPUs.


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Memory Video Card Sound Card USB NIC

The memory for the host system is configured here. This option can be set to the emulated video card. For host systems with graphical user interface, the Cyrus Logic card to be selected. For pure console systems sufficient standard VGA. Here, three different models of sound maps. The support of USB devices, the host is not possible. Only the support for the virtual tablet is activated. There are three emulated network cards to choose from.

Floppy / hard This mass storage can be defined. In addition to the existing host devices (floppy / CD / disk / CD-ROM DVD-ROM) image files are selected. Hard drives get mounted as image files. Starting The BIOS of the emulated PC supports booting from the hard disk, floppy disk or CD / DVD-ROM. In the version 0.9.0.d82 does booting from the CD / DVD-ROM is not the host. It is therefore the disc to import as an image.

Table: Q - The settings in the Hardware tab. The network settings are based on QEMU's built-in firewall. About New protocols are enabled. This service is to add a label to indicate the type of communications (TCP, UDP or both) and the ports for host and guest (Port-redirect).

Hard drive 2 .. 4 Windows 2000 Installation Help Settings for Linux guest systems QEMU options

With these options up to three disk images into the virtual machine can be integrated. The installation of Microsoft Windows 2000 fails because of an allegedly full hard disk. This can be achieved with the hack-around win2h. After installation, this option is to disable it. These options Linux kernel will be launched directly (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Spezielle_QEMU-Optionen ). Additional options for QEMU that in Q are not adjusted to be involved.

Table: Q - The settings under the Advanced tab. The virtual machine window The started virtual machines are each displayed in a window. It is possible to switch to full screen mode. This is to click on the appropriate icon in the toolbar or the [Ctrl] + [Alt] to activate + [F]. In full screen mode you can switch to the shortcut keys [Cmd ]+[<] or [Cmd ]+[>] between the virtual machine and the Mac OS X desktop.

This allows both the CD drive of the host, as well as various CD images show in the current guest. Switches from window to full screen mode. Creates a screenshot of the virtual machine and present it in PNG format from the desktop. Here are images of floppy disks can be in the running guest system show. There are two drives (floppy A, disk B) are involved. Stops execution at the virtual machine. The next push execution continues. Performs a reset (cold start), the virtual machine.

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Sends the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Del] to the virtual machine.

Off the virtual machine, regardless of declines. Show the CPU utilization and I / O activity (disk, CD / DVD-ROM).

QEMU without GUI

These versions are configured via the command line and Q can be installed in addition. The command line is provided through the Terminal (Macintosh HD, Applications, Utilities).

Installation by dmg Image

Download: http://www.puredarwin.org/downloads The installation image qemu-*. dmg is down load and under / opt / local / bin / qemu to install.

installation via Darwin ports

Download: http://qemu.darwinports.com MacOS X is based on Darwin. Darwin is a Unix BSD roots. Similar to the ports of FreeBSD (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/QEMU_unter_BSD ) is software for MacOS X, Darwin ports are also installed. Necessary to the installation of the Darwin Ports. The installation package can do so by the URL http://darwinports.com download and install. Subsequently, the Darwin Ports to be updated. Host ~ $ sudo port-d selfupdate After ports are examined with the command port search. The following command lists all ports on qemu to. Host ~ $ port search qemu The port is the qemu with the following command to / opt / local / bin / qemu. Host ~ $ sudo port install qemu Password :*****

QEMU 0.13.0 compile the sources from

Downloads: http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases-noredirect/qemu/ Compiling from source allows you to install the latest version of QEMU. In the Mac user tinkers with a Unix BSD roots. Apple has indeed rebuilt in some places strong, but the adaptation of many open source projects on Mac OS X is possible. As compiler uses Apple for example, the gcc suite. The Xcode development environment, the resources required to produce their own programs contains all heard with Mac OS X. However, it is not installed by default. To install the package XcodeTools.mpkg that on the Mac OS X Install Disc 1 in the Xcode Tools folder is located. To compile the terminal is to start (Macintosh HD, Applications, Utilities). Compile it with normal user rights. Initial installation requires root privileges. First, the source packages for QEMU be downloaded and unpacked. Make install directories are the files created in the appropriate copies. Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / source Host $ cd ~ / source Host ~ $ wget \ http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases-noredirect/qemu/qemu-0.13.0.tar.gz

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Host Host Host Host Host

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

$ $ $ $ $

tar xzvf qemu-0.13.0.tar.gz qemu-0.13.0 -. / Configure-disable-darwin-user - disable-bsd-user - enable-cocoa make sudo make install

A look at the Date qemu-doc.html is recommended. The compiled version is under / usr / local / bin /. To test QEMU is called. Host ~ $ / usr / local / bin / qemu-version QEMU PC emulator version 0.13.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard

Quick start (command line)

The QEMU boot options are on all operating systems equal. To demonstrate the key options in the example below, a virtual machine using shell commands will be generated. The call to QEMU on the command line has the advantage that error messages are displayed immediately. When creating a virtual machine the following steps: 1. First, a virtual disk (image file) is created. 2. After that QEMU is started with this virtual hard disk and the installation media. The virtual machine is configured with boot options. 3. The operating system, as installed in a real machine. On the support of the emulated hardware is respected. For this example (which was the operating system ReactOS http://www.reactos.org/de/ ) selected as the guest. There is created a virtual hard disk. This is done with the package contained in the QEMU qemu-img tool and create the parameters. Given the name and size of the virtual disk to be indicated. With the-f format, the preset. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 ReactOS.img 1G From the ReactOS website is the image of the installation CD to download and unpack. Is called QEMU qemu with the command. The configuration of the virtual machine is in options on the command line. To install the virtual machine is started from the installation CD. Whose name is entered after the optioncdrom. The name of the created virtual hard drive on the option-typed hda. This virtual computer from the CD will boot the virtual, d is the option-boot responsible. Host ~ $ qemu-hda ReactOS.img-cdrom-boot d ReactOS.iso It will start the virtual PC in a window. Installing ReactOS is started by clicking in the window and pressing any key. First, the German keyboard is selected. Thereafter, the virtual disk is partitioned and formatted. The target directory for the installation of the ReactOS files need not be changed. After the boot loader is installed, the default option Install bootloader on the harddisk (MBR) holds. Then the virtual machine must be restarted and the installation continues graphically. In order to boot from the hard disk, c is the option-boot to apply. Host ~ $ qemu-hda ReactOS.img-cdrom-boot c ReactOS.iso To boot without the CD image but with the right system time, the command applies. This QEMU configured via the integrated DHCP server, the network settings of the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-localtime ReactOS.img See also http://qemu-buch.de/d/Quickstart .

DVDs and floppy disks as image import CDs

A CD is loaded by the system to / Volumes / <name> included automatically. The name of the CD will be indicated in the Finder. In this example, the W2P_DE. To read the CD first the appropriate device is to be identified. In Mac OS X Device files are displayed dev / under. Interestingly, the devices / dev / disk *, since these disks and CD drives used to be. No CD is inserted, for example, the following entries on the

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1/29/2011 7:26 PM

0.13.0 QEMU Mac OS X, Q, QEMU Download build MacPorts macports ...


subject. Host ~ $ ls / dev / disk * / Dev/disk0 / dev/disk0s1 / dev/disk0s2 This is the first hard drive disk0. This here contains two partitions, disk0s1 and disk0s2. If a CD is to be / dev automatically inserted a new device. Host ~ $ ls / dev / disk * / Dev/disk0 / dev/disk0s1 / dev/disk0s2 / dev/disk1 / dev/disk1s0 The CD drive is here / dev/disk1s0 raised with. Involved in the state program the system refuses the dd to access the drive. So first, the drive is again suspended. The necessary administrative rights gives it with sudo. Host ~ $ sudo umount / Volumes/W2P_DE Thereafter, dd the contents of the CD to read and write in the ISO image. Host ~ $ dd if = / dev/disk1s0 of = / pdb / data / cd-image.iso To conclude, one should embed the CD again, otherwise the ejection of the CD is no longer located on the desktop icon or use the Finder works. Host ~ $ sudo mount_cd9660 / dev/disk1s0 / Volumes/W2P_DE

User Space Emulation

In Mac OS X QEMU is also the user-space emulation supported (see # http://qemu-buch.de /d/Spezielle_QEMU-Optionen userspace emulation ).

Useful Tools
Fink is a port of the comfortable package tools dpkg and apt-get from the Debian world. In addition to the command line tools with the Fink Commander is a graphical user interface included in the package too. Fink is based on the URL http://sourceforge.net/projects/fink/files/ . To install the following steps are necessary. Download the disk image and appending Fink-*- Intel Installer.dmg. Confirm the license conditions. Select the hard disk. The installation package is run. The programs end up where in the applied tree / sw. The shell variable $ PATH is set automatically to / sw / bin and / sw / sbin added. Thus the installed via Fink programs are found automatically by the system. Installing packages is as for Debain / Ubuntu. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install wget unzip

WineBottle is the port of Wine ( http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools/_Wine ) for Mac OS X. Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator) is a Windows-compatible runtime environment for POSIX-compatible operating systems. This makes it possible for Microsoft Windows operating systems, programs compiled under BSD Unix (* BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X) to let run, and Linux. Wine is not an emulator or a virtualization solution. Wine with the system to the appropriate Windows APIs will be extended. Wine is open source (GNU LGPL) and does not require a Windows license. A WineBottle documentation can be found at the URL http://wiki.winehq.org/WineBottler . WineBottle used to be called Darwin. Darwine under the PowerPC architecture uses the userspace emulation QEMU. To install on Mac OS X WineBottle), the image (. Dmg downloaded and integrated the software package in the Applications folder (Applications) moved. More information can be obtained at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang

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0.13.0 QEMU Mac OS X, Q, QEMU Download build MacPorts macports ...


/_Ntzliche_Tools/_Wine . <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_QEMU_unter_Mac_OS_X " This page has been accessed 8985 times. This page was last updated on 17 October 2010 at 17:11 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:26 PM

QEMU in BSD (Solaris, OpenSolaris, Illumos, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Ne...


QEMU in BSD (Solaris, OpenSolaris, Illumos, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD), Win4BSD, KQEMU
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / BSD under QEMU]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents QEMU under a BSD (Solaris, OpenSolaris, Illumos, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD) 1.1 Installation 1.1.1 Solaris, OpenSolaris and Illumos x86/64-Architektur SPARC FreeBSD 1.1.2 PC-BSD 1.1.3 NetBSD 1.1.4 2.1 Quick Start 1.3 User Space Emulation 4.1 Win4BSD and Win4Solaris

OS / 2 and Microsoft Windows 98 to run in QEMU on Solaris 10 on SPARC processor architecture.

QEMU on BSD (Solaris, OpenSolaris, Illumos, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD)

Solaris, OpenSolaris and Illumos
x86/64-Architektur For the x86/64-Architektur package is a QEMU on the website http://www.thoughtwave.com/downloads.html the point QEMU v0.9.1 with MTools 3.9.10 for Solaris 10 for download at. After the download unpack the file. Host ~ # bzip2-d-0.9.1-THOTqemu 20,080,113-universal-solaris10.bz2 Subsequently the tool of this package installed pkdadd. Host ~ # pkgadd-d THOTqemu-0.9.1-20080113-universal-solaris10 It is to put the following link so that the library is found 1.2.so.0-libSDL. Host ~ # ln-s / opt/thoughtwave/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0 \ / Lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0 After the installation is called QEMU, indicating the path. Host ~ $ / opt / thought wave / bin / qemu So you do not specify the path must be accessible, the search path is extended as follows. Host ~ $ export PATH = $ PATH: / opt / thought wave / bin / The optional accelerator KQEMU 0.11.1 can be used to QEMU. KQEMU is to compile from source. This requires only the tools are installed. A simple installation is possible with the tool pkgutil. This tool to load from the URL http://www.blastwave.org download and install it with pkgadd. Host ~ # pkgadd-d pkgutil_sparc.pkg Host ~ # cp-p / opt / csw / etc / pkgutil.conf.CSW / etc / opt / csw / pkgutil.conf So you do not specify the path to pkgutil must, you can expand the search path. Host ~ # export PATH = $ PATH: / opt / csw / bin / First, the package list is updated. Host ~ # pkgutil - catalog Host ~ # pkgutil - install gnupg textutils It will install the necessary tools. Host ~ # pkgutil - gmake install gcc4 gnustep_make wget Now site is the tar archive with the accelerator of the KQEMU http://opensolaris.org/os/project/qemu/downloads/ downloaded and unpacked. Host ~ # bzip2-d \ kqemu-1.3.0pre11__sol10FCSplus_20070214_src_and_bins.tar.bz2 host ~ # tar xvf \ kqemu-1.3.0pre11__sol10FCSplus_20070214_src_and_bins.tar In the created directory compile the sources. Host ~ # cd kqemu-1.3.0pre11__osol20070214 Host ~ #. / Configure Host ~ # qmake The generated module kqemu-solaris-i386 is to rename the kernel. Host ~ # mv kqemu-solaris-i386 kqemu Comprising the steps of the kernel module is installed. Host ~ # / usr / sbin / install-f / usr / kernel / \ drv 755-m-u root-g sys kqemu new owner is root kqemu installed as / usr / kernel / drv / kqemu Host ~ # / usr / sbin / install-f / usr / kernel / \ drv 644-m-u root-g sys kqemu.conf new owner is root kqemu.conf installed as / usr / kernel / drv / kqemu.conf Module is activated with the add_drv. Host ~ # add_drv kqemu As a control, the modinfo command applied. Host ~ # modinfo | grep kqemu 215 f9c67000 1a608 207 1 kqemu (kqemu accelator v0.2) SPARC For the SPARC architecture is a package on the QEMU website http://www.thoughtwave.com/downloads.html the point QEMU v0.9.1 with MTools 3.9.10 for Solaris 10 for download at.
Win4BSD - Microsoft Windows XP as a guest. AQEMU - A GUI for QEMU. On Solaris 10 running Windows NT in QEMU.

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1/29/2011 7:28 PM

QEMU in BSD (Solaris, OpenSolaris, Illumos, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Ne...


After the download unpack the file. Host ~ # bzip2-d-0.9.1-THOTqemu 20,080,113-universal-solaris10.bz2 Subsequently the tool of this package installed pkdadd. Host ~ # pkgadd-d THOTqemu-0.9.1-20080113-universal-solaris10 It is to put the following link so that the library is found 1.2.so.0-libSDL. Host ~ # ln-s / opt/thoughtwave/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0 \ / Lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0 After the installation is called QEMU, indicating the path. Host ~ $ / opt / thought wave / bin / qemu So you do not specify the path must be accessible, the search path is extended as follows. Host ~ $ export PATH = $ PATH: / opt / thought wave / bin /

Software is available for FreeBSD ports and packages. Ports include the source code of the software. They are compiled during installation. Ports are often more current than packages. See the FreeBSD Handbook at the URL http://www.freebsd.org/doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ . QEMU to relevant ports are located in the emulators in the port tree. In the subdirectory qemu and the installation directory of QEMU kqemu-kmod KQEMU started the installation of the. From QEMU 0.12.0 KQEMU is no longer supported. Host ~ # cd / usr / ports / emulators / qemu Host ~ # make install clean Host ~ # cd / usr / ports / emulators / kqemu-kmod Host ~ # make install clean It is also possible to install QEMU as a package. Package are ready-compiled software packages. Click to install QEMU and KQEMU as packages: Host ~ # pkg_add-r qemu Host ~ # pkg_add-r kqemu-kmod KQEMU is loaded as a kernel module. Host ~ # kldload kqemu Host ~ # kldload aio With the command kldstat is checked whether the modules were loaded, too. Host ~ # kldstat | grep kqemu Thus after each restart the modules and loaded kqemu aio, rc.conf is this line in the startup script / etc / write. kqemu_enable = "YES" As GUI AQEMU is recommended (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools/_AQEMU ). Host ~ # cd / usr / ports / emulators / aqemu Host ~ # make install clean On FreeBSD it is also possible AQEMU to install as a package. Host ~ # pkg_add-r aqemu On the console command is started the GUI with the aqemu. Host ~ $ aqemu

Download: http://pbidir.com/bt/pbi/77/qemu Installing QEMU under FreeBSD derivative PC-BSD is possible with the PBI System (Push Button Installer) with a few mouse clicks. It is downloaded, the PBI package for QEMU and installed with the PBI launcher. The PBI package also includes QEMU AQEMU. The files are / usr / Programs / QEMUx.xx_x / stored in. If the message .PBItmp .pbistart / not found, you have a PBI package for the wrong PC-BSD version downloaded.

NetBSD source software in package (pkgsrc) available for. If not already have the package source system to be installed. This simplifies the download of the packages of the current industry as a tar archive is described. The package system can use the Software Update Protocol (SUP) or Concurrent Versions System (CVS), downloaded and be kept up to date. Host ~ # cd / usr Host ~ # ftp ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc.tar.gz Host ~ # tar xzvf pkgsrc.tar.gz QEMU is installed. Host ~ # cd / usr / pkgsrc / emulators / qemu Host ~ # make install clean

Quick Start
Quick Start section in the instructions is the creation of a virtual machine using shell described (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Quickstart ). In the section AQEMU AQEMU the GUI described (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools/_AQEMU ).

User Space Emulation

BSD supports QEMU, version 0.10.0 the userspace emulation (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Spezielle_QEMU-Optionen # userspace emulation ).

Win4BSD and Win4Solaris

Win4BSD and Win4Solaris are commercial products of Virtual Bridges, Inc., based on QEMU. This means that the Microsoft Windows versions 2000 and XP or run individual Windows applications. The non-commercial use of Win4BSD is free. Since this version is only a 32-bit application is for 64-bit hosts the original version of QEMU (64-bit) recommended. A description can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Win4 . <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_QEMU_unter_BSD " This page has been accessed 7755 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 18:37 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:28 PM

Guest systems under QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine - qemu...


Guest systems under QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Guest Systems
Official QEMU OS Support List: http://www.claunia.com/qemu/ KVM Guest Support Status: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Guest_Support_Status In this chapter some sample installations of guest systems are described. Other examples can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Gast-Systeme . The information for the examples Information on memory and disk size are recommendations and can be adjusted according to personal preference. For older operating systems often have the RAM and hard drive size will be limited. Also, additional options have to be that emulate the old hardware. Newer operating systems require more resources. Note the relevant provisions of the license to install a guest system. FreeOsZoo x86 DOS, Windows and Related BSD Unix systems Linux Unix-like operating systems OpenVMS-like operating systems Exotics Hypervisor SPARC ARM processor architecture MIPS processor architecture Coldfire processor architecture PowerPC architecture SuperH architecture <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme " This page has been accessed 6511 times. This page was last updated on 3 March 2010 at 17:15 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 8:30 PM

libvirt qemu-kvm & - FreeOsZoo download the virtual machine, Free OS...


FreeOsZoo download the virtual machine, Free OS Zoo Live Virtual Machines in Web Browser
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / FreeOsZoo]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

FreeOsZoo - Download Virtual Machines

Website: http://www.oszoo.org The FreeOsZoo will not be updated. installed and configured virtual machines for QEMU and KVM, the project FreeOsZoo available. Although this only affects operating systems, their licensing conditions, this type of use and disclosure of stipulate the selection at the URL http://www.oszoo.org/ftp/images/ is still considerable. The download of virtual machines is possible with BitTorrent. We choose to Image from one and loads the appropriate file (. Torrent) down. For most desktop systems, while the BitTorrent client starts automatically. The BitTorrent protocol is blocked by some firewalls. The archives with the images, therefore, as a zip or tar file again. Windows users can unpack with 7-zip archives. In the archive are located next to the image of a README file, the information about the options for using the system and provides passwords to the host system. Anyone can add their own virtual machines and help the FreeOsZoo that the selection is expanded. First, create a large image in a compressed format qcow and install the guest system. Alternatively, to convert an image with an installed operating system in a compressed format qcow. As an example, here is a ReactOS image. The filename of the image should identify the installed operating system and version. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-c-O qcow \ ReactOS.img ReactOS 0.3.11.img It is to create a directory, see its name, the operating system and version does. Host $ mkdir ~ ReactOS 0.3.11 The image file is to move to the directory. Host ~ $ mv 0.3.11.img ReactOS ReactOS 0.3.11 Furthermore, in the directory is a README.txt file to write to, the information includes the following: Name, Author, QEMU command, login, and Description. The name is the name of the image file after login are given when required user name and password. Name: ReactOS 0.3.11.img Author: Robert Warnke QEMU command: qemu-hda ReactOS 0.3.11.img Login: no password Description: ... www.reactos.org Thereafter, a zip or a tar archive is to create this directory. Host ~ $ tar cvf 0.3.11.tar ReactOS ReactOS 0.3.11 To this archive is a torrent file with the URL http://www.oszoo.org:6969/announce as trackers produce.
The Free Live OS zoo with ReactOS.

Free Live OS Zoo operating systems without installing the Web-browser testing.

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1/29/2011 7:30 PM

libvirt qemu-kvm & - FreeOsZoo download the virtual machine, Free OS...


Here is an example of the BitTorrent client on Ubuntu Linux (packages bittorrent and bittornado). Host ~ $ btmakemetafile http://www.oszoo.org:6969/announce \ ReactOS 0.3.11.tar The file is 0.3.11.tar.torrent ReactOS Marinelli (Marinell AT cs.unibo.it) to send to Stefano. In response you get the confirmation that the torrent file has been released on the tracker. The upload is done with a BitTorrent client. First, this is the torrent file and then select the tar or zip archive. To make known to the newcomer, with a note http://www.oszoo.org/blog/ write.

Free Live OS Zoo - Virtual Machines in Web Browser

Website: http://connessi.v2.cs.unibo.it:8880 In the experimental stage is the project Free Live OS Zoo ( http://www.oszoo.org/wiki/index.php /Free_Live_OS_Zoo ) that testing of operating systems in the Web browser supports it. This is run on the servers of this project, request a virtual machine under QEMU. A VNC client as a Java applet that allows communication with the machine. In the URL you choose from a virtual machine and the keyboard layout. Please click on the button Load image A QEMU starts on the server. About the web browser log into into the system. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_FreeOsZoo " This page has been accessed 5954 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 18:38 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:30 PM

Guest systems x86 architecture - qemu-kvm and libvirt


Guest systems x86

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / x86]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Some host systems to connect with the installation if KQEMU or KVM is active. These problems are avoided by installing the option-no-kqemu (QEMU older versions) or-no-kvm uses. After installation, KQEMU (-kernelkqemu) or usually be re-enabled KVM. Not all x86-guest systems that can be run under QEMU boot, even under KVM. Many x86 operating systems can be installed www.netboot.me with the service. This is the CD image download and integrate as a boot device. In the boot menu, you simply select the desired operating system. Host ~ $ wget http://static.netboot.me/gpxe/netbootme.iso Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom Platte.img netbootme.iso DOS, Windows and Related BSD Unix systems Linux Unix-like operating systems OpenVMS-like operating systems Exotics Hypervisor <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur " This page has been accessed 4420 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 18:39 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .
The CD image from netboot.me.

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1/29/2011 7:38 PM

Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, download iso installation 0x800703e6
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / x86 / DOS, Windows and relatives]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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1/29/2011 7:32 PM

Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


CP/M-86 under QEMU.

DR-DOS under QEMU.

The Web browser Arachne under FreeDOS.

FreeDOS with OpenGEN.


OS / 2 Warp 4 in QEMU window.

Microsoft Windows 3.1 under QEMU.

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1/29/2011 7:32 PM

Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Microsoft Windows 3.1 with Calmira as a GUI.

Microsoft Windows 95 on QEMU.

Microsoft Windows 98 on QEMU.

In this case, Microsoft Windows NT QEMU runs on a QEMU instance, was started in the mini-Linux.

Microsoft Windows 2000 under QEMU.

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1/29/2011 7:32 PM

Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Contents 1 DOS, Microsoft Windows and related 1.1 CP/M-86 2.1 DR-DOS 7.03 FreeDOS 1.3 1.0 4.1 DESKWORK 1.5 OS / 2 Warp 4 1.6 Microsoft Windows (for Workgroups) 3.xx 1.7 Microsoft Windows 95 1.8 Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Windows NT 1.9 1:10 Microsoft Windows 2000 1:11 Microsoft Windows XP 1:12 Microsoft Windows Home Server 1:13 Microsoft Windows Vista 1:14 Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise (32 -, 64-bit) 1:15 ReactOS 0.3.12

Microsoft Windows XP as a guest system under Q (Mac OS X).

DOS, Microsoft Windows and related

MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) took over many of the concepts of CP / M and some of the concepts of Unix. It was in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the dominant operating system for a single computer. The now obsolete and withdrawn from the market Windows versions 1.0-3.11, 95, 98 and Me were dependent on DOS. Microsoft Windows NT and Microsoft operating systems based on them not to build on MS-DOS and DOS software can only run limited. It is found only a 16-bit compatibility layer. Direct access to real hardware is prevented for reasons of system stability. Microsoft DOS and Windows versions are commercial products. A free download is not possible. Note the respective license. QEMU emulates the video card Cirrus Logic GD5446. All Windows versions from Windows 95 to recognize this graphics card. For higher resolutions (> 1280x1024x16) is Microsoft Windows XP, the option to use std-vga. For optimum performance, a 16-bit color depth can be configured in the host and guest. In a slow host system using Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows 2000 is recommended as a guest. For data exchange with a Unix-/Linux-Host Samba is used. With newer QEMU / KVM versions will change the emulated hardware. QEMU is replaced or the Kernel-based Virtual Machine upgrade, some Microsoft Windows systems must be reset. Thus, the emulated hardware does not change the machine type to the QEMU version is bind. 0.11.0 For example, the machine type of the QEMU version pc-0.11-M set to. DOS versions use the CPU HLT commands correctly. This host CPU cycles can be claimed even if the host CPU to do nothing. To avoid this problem, the tool should dosidle ( ftp://ftp.volftp.tiscali.it/pub/pc/msdos/utility /dosidle210.zip ) system to be installed in the guest. Due to a bug in QEMU, it occurs in some mouse and keyboard drivers for DOS problems. The-rtc base = localtime is DOS and Windows for the time required for proper system. For problems with time synchronization is Tardis ( http://www.kaska.demon.co.uk ) to install, time synchronization with a time server is managing the. Free application software is among the URLs http://www.webi.org , https: / / ninite.com , http://portableapps.com/de/apps , http://www.lupopensuite.com , http:// www.freewaregeeks.com and http://www.opensource-dvd.de/isodownload.htm to find. Web designers can from the URL http://spoon.net/browsers/ browser as executable files more. These browsers run without installation. Images of boot disks can be found at http://www.bootdisk.com . CP/M-86 Download: http://www.gaby.de/ftp/pub/cpm/sysdisks/cpm86/86raw144.zip Recommendation: Standard PC (standard), 2 MB RAM, hard disk: up to 8 MB. The operating system CP / M (Control Program for Microcomputers) was developed in 1974 by Digital Research Inc.. During this time, the memory is specified in Kbytes, floppy drives were not self-evident and hard drives almost prohibitive. CP / M was the first platform-independent operating system for 8-bit machine. only the lowest level of CP / M, the Basic Input Output System (BIOS) had adapted to the hardware. The upper layers (BDOS Basic Disk Operating System and CCP - console command processor) could be ported without major changes. With the start of the 16-bit era CP / M was on 8086 - and 8088-ported CPUs from Intel. This port was called CP / M 86. As a standard operating system for the IBM PC could not CP/M-86 prevail. Microsoft MS-DOS made it to market better. In 1988, a highly evolved, fully MS-DOS-compatible version of CP / M 86 released as DR-DOS and Microsoft once again made a number of years serious competition. By the way, are used in Windows inflexible addressing of drives and hard disk partitions with drive letters not superseded heritage of CP / M. The operation of a floppy disk CP/M-86 enough. The disk image is to download and unpack. Next, the system is started from the image. It is necessary to use the-no-fd-bootchk (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien /_Zugriff_auf_Speichermedien ). Host ~ $ wget \ http://www.gaby.de/ftp/pub/cpm/sysdisks/cpm86/86raw144.zip Host ~ $ unzip 86raw144.zip Host ~ $ qemu-fda 144cpm86.img-no-fd-bootchk-boot a \ Rtc-base = localtime-m 2-vga cirrus CP/M-86 can address a hard disk with up to 8 MB. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 cpm86.img 8M Host ~ $ qemu-fda 144cpm86.img-no-fd-bootchk-boot a \ Rtc-base = localtime-m-M 2-vga cirrus isapc-no-acpi \ -Drive file = cpm86.img, if = ide, index = 0, media = disk In CP/M-86 HDMAINT.CMD used the program for partitioning hard drives. The operation of HDMAINT.CMD done with the function keys.
Microsoft Windows 7 as a guest system under QEMU / KVM.

Microsoft Home Server as a guest system under QEMU.

Microsoft Windows Vista in the Kernel-based Virtual Machine.

ReactOS under QEMU.

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1/29/2011 7:32 PM

Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Guest A> hdmaint [F1] Display or change disk partitioning [F6] Change or create CP / M partition Enter starting cylinder: 000 For reading the partition table part of the system is restarted. The drive is shipped with B: addressed. Files to copy using the tool below CP/M-86 PIP.CMD. Guest A> pip b: = a: *.* A guest> dir b: DR-DOS 7.03 Download: http://www.drdos.net/download.htm Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 16 MB RAM, hard disk: 0.5 GB. DR-DOS is compatible with MS-DOS operating system. It was developed by Digital Research CP / M 86 from their operating system. Because of its qualities and its stability, DR-DOS was already after its release as an equal competitor to MS-DOS. The installation requires a virtual hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 drdos.img 512M To download from five floppy images available (disk01.144 to disk05.144). After downloading, you start the virtual machine. Host ~ $ qemu-hda drdos.img disk01.144-fda-boot a \ Rtc-base = localtime-m 16 To replace the floppy with the key combination [Ctrl] + Switch to [Alt] + [2] in the QEMU monitor. In this example, the floppy drive, the name floppy0. (Qemu) change floppy0 disk02.144 The host system brings you back with [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [1]. The restart is done with this command: Host ~ $ qemu-rtc drdos.img base = localtime-m 16 It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b drdos.img qcow2 DRDOS-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-DRDOS 01.ovl-rtc base = localtime-m 16 FreeDOS 1.0 Download: http://www.freedos.org/freedos/files/ (fdfullcd.iso) Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 16 MB RAM, hard disk: 0.5 GB. As Microsoft had discontinued the development of MS-DOS, developed the project FreeDOS. The software is very advanced and provides functions and features that MS-DOS can miss. At the beginning of the installation is the creation of a virtual disk. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 freedos.img 500M You start the virtual machine with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom freedos.img fdfullcd.iso-boot d \ 16-m-rtc base = localtime When you start the mouse focus should remain in the window of the instance, otherwise the mouse is not detected properly. You select the option to install to the hard disk. Then asked to select the language and keyboard layout. In the next steps the hard disk is partitioned with XFDisk. It creates a primary partition with the overall size of the hard disk. Then install the boot manager. Required is an entry in the boot menu, for example, "FreeDOS". With [F3], leave XFDisk and the instance is to reboot. After the reboot, we again chose the option to install on your hard drive. After formatting the hard drive is started with the installation of FreeDOS. The installer of FreeDOS has a simple package management system, which is called automatically after formatting the disk. As a network driver should QEMU-compatible drivers are selected. After installation, network configuration is by modifying the C: FDOS \ BIN \ Wattcp.cfg \. my_ip = dhcp netmask = gateway = domain_list = your.domain.com In order for the network under FreeDOS, QEMU or KVM is to start with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-m 16-freedos.img rtc base = localtime \ -Net user, hostname = freedos-vm-net nic, model = ne2k_isa For network support, the network card NE2000 ISA bus (ne2k_isa) are required. Furthermore, a host name, in this freedos-vm configured. Due to network support, the Arachne web browser can be used. Guest C: \> arachne For there is the FreeDOS GUI OpenGEN that is installed via package management. The start is the command in accordance with OpenGEN. Guest C: \> gem It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes.

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Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b freedos.img qcow2 freedos-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu freedos-01.ovl-m 16-rtc base = localtime \ -Net user, hostname = freedos-vm-net nic, model = ne2k_isa DESKWORK Download: http://www.deskwork.de/DOWNLOAD Recommendation: Standard PC (default), from 8 MB RAM, hard disk: 0.5 GB. DESKWORK is an extension to DOS. It supports long file names and meta information. Files can be filtered by type of content. Directories are not available. Go to a DOS installation is required, in this example it is FreeDOS ODIN 0.7. A virtual disk is under http://www.nongnu.org /qemu/download.html downloaded. Host ~ $ wget http://odin.fdos.org/odin2005/odin1440.img With qemu-img create a virtual hard drive. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 DESKWORK.img 500M You start the virtual machine with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-fda odin1440.img DESKWORK.img-hda-boot a-no-kvm In the host system, the virtual disk is partitioned. Guest A: \> fdisk Do you want to use large disk (FAT32) support (Y / N). [Y]? 1st Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive 1st Create Primary DOS Partition Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a Primary DOS Partition and make the partition active (Y / N)? [ESC] [ESC]


Then a restart is required. Then, the virtual hard disk in the host system is formatted. Guest A: \> format c: The virtual machine is shut down again and it loads the DESKWORK files from the site in a subdirectory of the host system. Host $ mkdir ~ DESKWORK inst Host $ cd ~ DESKWORK inst Host ~ $ wget http://www.deskwork.de/DOWNLOAD/CURRENT/APPS.DW Host ~ $ wget http://www.deskwork.de/DOWNLOAD/CURRENT/MAIN.DW Host ~ $ wget http://www.deskwork.de/DOWNLOAD/CURRENT/PATCHES.DW Host ~ $ wget http://www.deskwork.de/DOWNLOAD/CURRENT/SETUP.EXE Host ~ $ wget http://www.deskwork.de/DOWNLOAD/CURRENT/SYSTEM.DW Host ~ $ wget http://www.deskwork.de/DOWNLOAD/CURRENT/HARDWARE.TXT Host $ cd ~ This directory is mounted as a virtual FAT disk. Host ~ $ qemu-fda-hda odin1440.img DESKWORK.img \ -Hdb fat: DESKWORK-inst-boot a-no-kvm In the guest system is changed to the second virtual hard drive and start the setup. Guest A: \> d: Guest D: \> setup After installing DESKWORK starts. Guest C: \ DW> dw The options allow for better hardware emulation for DESKWORK. Host ~ $ qemu-fda odin1440.img DESKWORK.img-hda-boot a \ Std-vga-soundhw es1370-rtc base = localtime-no-kvm It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b DESKWORK.img qcow2 DESKWORK-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-fda-hda odin1440.img DESKWORK 01.ovl-boot-a \ Std-vga-soundhw es1370-rtc base = localtime-no-kvm OS / 2 Warp 4 Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 64 MB RAM, hard disk: 1 GB. OS / 2 is a multitasking-capable, stable operating system for PCs. It was originally jointly developed as a successor to MS-DOS from IBM and

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Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Microsoft. After Microsoft withdrew in 1991, IBM developed it further. OS / 2 can run alongside the specially developed programs and MS-DOS programs and Windows 3.1 programs. OS / 2 is still occasionally in banks, insurance companies and airlines to be found. It is used by IBM or not formally developed. New installations are usually the eComStation distribution ( http://www.ecomstation.de realized). IBM advises customers to switch to Linux. The virtualization of OS / 2 is problematic, since this system uses rarely used commands of the processor. To install a virtual machine first, an image of the installation CD is to be generated. Furthermore, the image of the boot disks are required. These are located in diskimgs/os2/35 on the installation CD. The floppy images are disk2.dsk and disk0.dsk disk1_cd.dsk hard disk of the host system to copy the. With qemu-img create a virtual hard drive. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 os2w4.img 1G The virtual disk is initially under DOS partition and format. This example is used FreeDOS ODIN 0.7. This is the virtual disk from http://www.nongnu.org/qemu/download.html downloaded. Host ~ $ wget http://odin.fdos.org/odin2005/odin1440.img You start the virtual machine with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-fda odin1440.img os2w4.img-hda-boot a-no-kvm In the host system, the virtual disk is partitioned. Guest A: \> fdisk Do you want to use large disk (FAT32) support (Y / N). [Y]? 1st Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive 1st Create Primary DOS Partition Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a Primary DOS Partition and make the partition active (Y / N)? [ESC] [ESC]


A reboot is necessary. Then, the virtual hard disk in the host system is formatted. Guest A: \> format c: You start the virtual machine and performs the installation according to the instructions in the manual. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-fda os2w4.img disk0.dsk \ Cdrom-os2-warp4.iso-boot a-m 64-rtc base = localtime-no-kvm Since OS / 2 Warp 4 a bit older, legacy hardware must be emulated. As the virtualization of OS / 2 Warp is problematic, the option-no-kvm apply. To replace the floppy with the key combination [Ctrl] + Switch to [Alt] + [2] in the QEMU monitor. In this example, the floppy drive, the name floppy0. (Qemu) change floppy0 disk1_cd.dsk With the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [1] you go back. The third disk is replaced with the following command: (Qemu) change floppy0 disk2.dsk After the restart following options are entered: Host ~ $ qemu-m 64-rtc os2w4.img base = localtime-no-kvm Notes on configuration can be found in the manuals of OS / 2 Warp 4th It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b os2w4.img qcow2 os2w4-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-m 64 01.ovl os2w4-rtc-base = localtime-no-kvm Microsoft Windows (for Workgroups) 3.xx Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 16 MB RAM, hard disk: 0.5 GB. Microsoft Windows 3.x is not a separate operating system. It is an extension to DOS to some of its drawbacks (poor memory management, lack of GUI) to minimize. Microsoft Windows for Workgroups supports network functionality. From Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1 and with the package winsocks protocol is to use the TCP / IP is possible. Here is an example of the described installation of Windows 3.1 with DR-DOS. One to copy the image with DR-DOS (example Unix-/Linux-Befehlen). Host $ cp ~ drdos.img win31.img Microsoft Windows 3.1 was shipped on multiple discs. floppy disk as an image not import any order must name the contents of the floppy disk in a directory with the copied win31inst. This directory is mounted as a virtual FAT disk. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-hdb fat win31.img: win31inst \ Rtc-base = localtime-m 16-soundhw sb16-no-kvm In the guest system you switch to the D: drive and run the setup program. Guest C: \> d: Guest D: \> setup Further details of the installation can be viewed in the Windows 3.x manuals. After installation, you start the virtual machine with the following options:

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Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Host ~ $ qemu-rtc win31.img base = localtime-m 16-soundhw sb16 Tips and software for Windows 3.x can be found at the URLs http://www.win31.de and http://wiki.oldos.org . Those who prefer a more modern GUI for Windows 3.x will use an install Calmira ( http://www.calmira.de ). It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b win31.img qcow2 win31-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-win31-rtc 01.ovl base = localtime-m 16-soundhw sb16 Microsoft Windows 95 Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 16 MB RAM, hard disk: 0.5 to 2 GB. Microsoft Windows 95 is a system based on MS-DOS operating system. In terms of stability, it is not sufficient approach to Windows 3.11 or Windows versions based on NT. Windows 95 was either delivered on multiple disks or on an installation CD with a boot disk. At the time PCs were that could boot from CD-ROM, not a given. The following example describes an installation boot diskette and CD. First imported to the installation CD and boot floppy. Furthermore, I create a virtual hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 win95.img 500M You start the instance with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-hda win95.img-fda-startfloppy.img win95 \ Cdrom-win95-install-cd.iso-boot a-no-acpi-isapc M \ 16-m-rtc-base = localtime soundhw sb16-no-kvm \ -Net user, hostname = win95-vm-net nic, model = ne2k_isa You start the virtual machine and performs the installation according to the instructions in the manual. After installation, the following options apply: Host ~ $ qemu-M win95.img isapc-no-acpi-m 16 \ -Net user, hostname = pc-qemu-net nic, model = ne2k_isa \ Rtc-base = localtime-soundhw sb16 \ Installing the latest service pack is recommended. You find it under http://www.treiber-forum.de/servicepacks/ . It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b win95.img qcow2 win95-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-win95-M 01.ovl isapc-no-acpi-m 16 \ -Net user, hostname = pc-qemu-net nic, model = ne2k_isa \ Soundhw-rtc-sb16 base = localtime Microsoft Windows 98 Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 64 MB RAM, hard disk: 1 GB. Microsoft Windows 98 is based on MS-DOS 7.1. Innovations were the better support of AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) and USB and ACPI. Windows 98 SE (Second Edition) contains, among other things, DirectX 6.1, Internet Explorer 5.0, Windows Media Player 6.1 and better networking support. First imported to the installation CD as an image and creates a virtual hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 win98.img 1G You start the virtual machine and performs the installation according to the instructions in the manual. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom win98.img win98inst.iso-boot d \ -No-acpi-m 64-rtc base = localtime-usb-soundhw sb16-no-kvm When the installation is finished, the instance is started with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-no-acpi win98.img-m 64-rtc base = localtime-usb-soundhw sb16 The installation of the service pack is recommended. They are found under ftp://ftp.dfn-cert.de/pub/vendor/microsoft/win98/ and http://www.treiber-forum.de/servicepacks/ . It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b win98.img qcow2 win98-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-win98 01.ovl-no-acpi-m 64-rtc base = localtime-usb \ Soundhw-sb16 Microsoft Windows NT Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 32 MB RAM, Hard Drive: 2 GB Microsoft Windows NT is completely detached from MS-DOS. The DOS prompt is only available as an emulator. It also supports Windows NT file system NTFS (New Technology File System). NT was originally designed for different processor architectures and dominated preemptive multitasking with memory protection. Direct hardware access programs are not covered by the strict enforcement of a layered model allows. From NT 4.0 does the GDI graphics subsystem performance reasons in part directly in the operating system kernel, which video driver bug in NT versions may crash. To install the installation CD is imported as an image. Furthermore, I create a virtual hard disk.

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Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 win nt.img 2G You start the virtual machine and perform the installation as derAnleitung in the manual. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom win nt.img winNTw-insCD.iso-boot d \ Rtc-base = localtime-m 32-soundhw sb16-no-kvm When the installation is finished, the instance is started with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-win nt.img-rtc base = localtime-m 32-soundhw sb16 The installation of the service pack is recommended. They are found under ftp://ftp.dfn-cert.de/pub/vendor/microsoft/ and http://www.treiberforum.de/servicepacks/ . It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b-f nt.img win-win-nt-qcow2 01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-win-nt-rtc 01.ovl base = localtime-m 32-soundhw sb16 Microsoft Windows 2000 Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 128 MB RAM, hard disk: 5 GB. Microsoft Windows 2000 (NT 5.0), a technical development of Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, dar. New in this version, including the Active Directory. In addition, access other open standards, such as the MIT developed Kerberos to authenticate and authorize users and network services. USB mass storage devices are supported without driver installation. All versions of Windows from Microsoft Windows 2000 install different kernel versions, depending on whether ACPI is available. Therefore should not be disabled later in QEMU or KVM ACPI, when it was enabled during installation. When you install Windows 2000, the option-win2k-hack needed because a bug in Microsoft Windows 2000, the hard drive when you install a fully characterized by a will. Once installed, this option is not necessary. To install the distribution media is imported as images. Furthermore, I create a virtual hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 win00.img 5G You start the virtual machine and performs the installation according to the instructions in the manual. Host ~ $ qemu-hda win00.img-fda-win00-rtc dsk01.img base = localtime \ Win00.iso-cdrom-boot a-soundhw all-no-kvm-win2k-hack To replace the floppy with the key combination [Ctrl] + Switch to [Alt] + [2] in the QEMU monitor. In this example, the floppy drive, the name floppy0. (Qemu) change floppy0 win00-dsk02.img For the emulator window you go with [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [1] back. When the installation is finished, Windows will start 2000 with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-rtc win00.img base = localtime-soundhw all The installation of the service pack is recommended. They are found under ftp://ftp.dfn-cert.de/pub/vendor/microsoft/ and http://www.treiberforum.de/servicepacks/ . Microsoft Windows 2000 does not close automatically after shutting down the instance. The cause lies in the non-activated APM driver. Comprising the steps of the APM driver is installed. Control Panel, Hardware, Add / Troubleshoot a device, Add a new device, further No, the hardware components to choose from the list NT APM / Legacy support, Next, Next, Finish It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b win00.img qcow2 win00-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-win00-rtc 01.ovl base = localtime-soundhw all Microsoft Windows XP Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 256 MB RAM, hard disk: 5 GB. Microsoft Windows XP (NT 5.1) is the successor to Windows 2000. Microsoft Windows XP, there is, among other things in these versions: The Professional Edition for enterprise use, the Home Edition as a low cost option and the very limited Starter Edition. Unlike in previous versions of Windows NT Server, there is no version of XP. All versions of Windows 2000 and install different kernel versions, depending on whether ACPI is available. Therefore should not be disabled later in QEMU or KVM ACPI, when it was enabled during installation. To install the distribution media is imported as images and creates a virtual hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 win xp.img 10G You start the virtual machine and performs the installation according to the instructions in the manual. Host ~ $ qemu-hda win-win-xp xp.img-cdrom-boot d-cd.iso \ -M 256-localtime-rtc base = soundhw es1370-vga std-no-kvm When the installation is complete, the following options are necessary.

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Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Host ~ $ qemu-win xp.img-m 256-std-vga soundhw es1370 It is recommended that you install Service Pack 3. It is also necessary for the operation of a current anti-virus program. It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b-f xp.img win-win-xp-qcow2 01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-win-xp-m 256-01.ovl soundhw es1370 \ Std-vga-rtc base = localtime-usb-tablet USBDevice In KVM following options are applicable. Host ~ $ kvm-win xp.img-m 256-std-vga soundhw es1370-rtc-base = localtime \ -Net nic, model = rtl8139-net user-usb-tablet USBDevice It is possible, via Remote Desktop Protocol (see # http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools Remote_Desktop_Protocol on the host system log). Microsoft Windows Home Server Download: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0960c088-c539-4265-9c5c-84fb6b2dadca&displaylang=en (test version for 120 days) Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 512 MB RAM, Hard Drive: 70 GB. The Microsoft Windows Home Server is based on the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (Small Business Edition) and is designed for the home network. The actual home server is a tower. First, a virtual hard disk must be created. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 WindowsHomeServer.img 70G Then QEMU or KVM starts. Carry out the installation by following the instructions in the manual. Host ~ $ qemu-hda WindowsHomeServer.img \ -Cdrom Windows \ Home \ Server \ DVD.iso \ -Boot d-m 512-rtc base = localtime-usb-vga std \ -Base = 2009-01-12 rtc-no-kvm It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b WindowsHomeServer.img \ -F qcow2 windows home server 01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu windows home server 01.ovl-m 512-rtc base = localtime-usb \ Std-vga-usb-tablet-rtc USBDevice base = 2009-01-12 Microsoft Windows Vista Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 2048 MB RAM, hard disk: 20 GB. Microsoft Windows Vista (NT 6.0) is the successor of the operating system Microsoft Windows XP. Microsoft Windows Vista is available on DVD in six versions: Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise and Ultimate. The versions differ in functionality and price. Microsoft Windows Vista will not boot on older versions of QEMU and KVM. First, a virtual hard disk must be created. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 win vista.img 20G Then QEMU or KVM starts. Carry out the installation by following the instructions in the manual. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom win vista.img Windows_Vista_RC1_32Bit.iso \ -M 1024-smp 2-base = 2006-01-01 rtc-boot d-no-kvm It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b-f vista.img win-win-vista-qcow2 01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-win-vista 01.ovl-m 1024-smp 2-net nic, model = e1000 \-net user-usb-tablet-rtc USBDevice base = 2006-01-01 It is possible, via Remote Desktop Protocol (see # http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools Remote_Desktop_Protocol on the host system log). Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise (32 -, 64-bit) Download: http://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/evalcenter/cc442495.aspx?ITPID=wtcfeed (90-day trial) Recommendation: Standard PC 64-bit, 1024 MB RAM, Hard Drive: 16 GB. Microsoft Windows 7, the successor to Windows Vista. Development takes place on a common code base with Windows Server 2008 R2. It is a virtual hard drive to create. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 win7.img 20G For the 32-bit version of QEMU or KVM starts with the following options. For problems with older versions of QEMU verwednet one additional option-no-kvm.

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Guest systems: x86, DOS, Windows and relatives, Microsoft Windows 7 U...


Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom win7.img windows7.iso-m 1024-boot d \ USBDevice-usb-tablet-rtc base = 2009-05-05 For the 64-bit version of the following options are applicable. The option-cpu qemu64, + svm is only necessary if the host system on AMD processors, and a nested virtualization is desired. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-cpu qemu64, + svm-enable-kvm-hda win7.img \ -Cdrom-7000.0.081212 1400_client_de-de_Ultimate-GB1CULFRE_DE_DVD.iso \ D-m 1024-boot-usb-tablet-rtc USBDevice base = 2009-05-05 Since the system time host system is synchronized with the time server time synchronization via Control Panel, date and time, time to turn off the Internet in. It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b win7.img qcow2 win7-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-m 01.ovl win7-1024-std-vga usb USBDevice tablet \-rtc base = 2009-05-05 For the 64-bit version of the following options are applicable. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-cpu qemu64, + svm-enable-kvm-hda-win7 01.ovl \ D-m 1024-boot-usb-tablet-rtc USBDevice base = 2009-05-05 Windows 7 is running without having to enter the license key for 30 days. This period can use the following command with administrative privileges extend up to three times. Guest C: \> slmgr-rearm ReactOS 0.3.12 Download: http://www.reactos.org/de/download.html Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 512 MB RAM, hard disk: 5 GB. ReactOS should be compatible with the kernel of Microsoft Windows NT. This makes it possible to use programs and drivers for NT and its successor, 2000, XP, Vista and 7. This is working on the reproduction of the programming interface (API), Win32, Win16, OS / 2, Java and DOS. The operating system is released under the GPL. Thus, it would be possible to get independent from Microsoft and free alternative to Windows. The project is currently in alpha stage and so ReactOS is not recommended for everyday use. To install the operating system a virtual disk is created. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 ReactOS.img 5G From the ReactOS website is the image of the installation CD to download and unpack. Host ~ $ unzip ReactOS *- iso.zip QEMU / KVM is started with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom ReactOS.img ReactOS.iso-boot d \ -M 512-net user-net nic, model = PCnet Installing ReactOS is started by clicking in the QEMU window and pressing any key. First, the German keyboard is selected. Thereafter, the virtual disk is partitioned and formatted. The target directory for the installation of the ReactOS files need not be changed. After the boot loader is installed, the default option Install bootloader on the harddisk (MBR) holds. Then the virtual machine must be restarted. The installation continues graphically. Host ~ $ qemu-net user-net ReactOS.img nic, model = PCnet \ M-512-rtc base = localtime It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b ReactOS.img qcow2 ReactOS 01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-net user ReactOS 01.ovl-net nic, model = PCnet \ M-512-rtc base = localtime To compile ReactOS is the ReactOS Build Environment (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Diverses/_RosBE ). <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur/_DOS-% 2C_Windows_und_Verwandte " This page has been accessed 16,046 times. This page was last updated on 27 January 2011 at 21:13 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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BSD Unix systems, Solaris 10 OpenSolaris Illumos, FreeBSD 8.0 manual...


BSD Unix systems, Solaris 10 OpenSolaris Illumos, FreeBSD 8.0 manual, PC-BSD 8.1, OpenBSD 4.8, NetBSD 5.0, Nexenta OS, Darwin, download iso installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / x86 / BSD Unix systems]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 BSD-Unix systems 1.1 FreeBSD 8.0 1.2 PC-BSD 1.8 Hubble Edition 1.3 OpenBSD 4.8 4.1 NetBSD 5.0.2 1.4.1 Installation CD Image 1.4.2 Mini Appliance Solaris 10 01/05 - 10/08 (Intel), OpenSolaris, Illumos Nexenta 1.6 2.0 Darwin 1.7 8.01 (Intel)

Under the FreeBSD Kernel-based Virtual Machine.

BSD Unix systems

Unix systems are multi-user operating systems. Unix has been programmed in the early 70s of the twentieth century by Bell Laboratories in support of software development. Unix called in common language, operating systems that either originated in the Unix system, where AT & T (formerly Bell Laboratories) or have implemented the concepts. Because Unix is a registered trademark of The Open Group, only certified systems use the name Unix. For all these systems, which can be divided into Unix systems and Unix-like operating systems include, for example, the BSD systems, Mac OS X, HP-UX, AIX, IRIX and Solaris. Some other systems such as GNU Linux or QNX are in the historic sense, no Unix derivatives. BSD was originally based on Bell Labs source code, but these were completely removed by mid-90s. A "hit parade" of the BSD systems located at the URL http://www.bsdstats.org . FreeBSD 8.0 Website: http://www.freebsd.org/de Recommendation: Standard PC, 256 MB RAM, 10 GB hard drive. FreeBSD is a free Unix-derivative of the BSD family, focusing on the x86 architecture. FreeBSD is popular among Internet providers, because it is robust. Parts of the source code of FreeBSD are also used in various proprietary operating systems such as Mac OS X,. This supports the BSD license. There are several FreeBSD distributions, such as PC-BSD. FreeBSD Handbook can be found at the URL http://www.freebsd.org /doc/de_DE.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ . For a lean server installation wealthy few GB of hard drive capacity. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 freebsd.img 10G Further invites the image file you downloaded from the site and start the virtual machine. Host ~ $ wget \ ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/8.0/8.0-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso host ~ $ qemu-hda-m 256 freebsd.img -boot d \-cdrom The installation is done in text mode. First, the land and the keyboard layout is selected. Then drive in the breakdown of the slices with fdisk. A (Use Entire Disk) you use the entire virtual hard disk. It marked the slice ads0s1 and press the S key to a boot-able to define this slice. This is an A in the column marked with flags. To exit fdisk, press the Q key. Then the boot manager is configured. This manager is the default boot selected. On FreeBSD two layers are used in the partitioning. The lower layer is similar to the partitioning in other systems and is visible to those systems. This step has already been processed with fdisk. The second layer is divided into the first layer further individual file systems. To this end, the tool disk label with the FreeBSD partition divided. To make the distribution of partitions automatically, A is the key to press. Then we ended the program with Q. The next step is to select the distribution. installed depending on the distribution and intended use (server, desktop, ...) are different software packages. Is chosen with all of everything. To install software with ports collection is the FreeBSD ports to install. Because the software is downloaded over the Internet, the download is configured. One chooses a passive protocol and a mirror server from FTP. The network settings are configured via DHCP. After the system was installed, the virtual machine is restarted. The configuration of the system is the command sysinstall with. This means, for example, network services and set up User. The command shutdown-h now halt command or the system, the shut down. The virtual machine is started. Host ~ $ qemu-m 256 freebsd.img It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b freebsd.img qcow2 freebsd-hd-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu freebsd-hd-01.ovl-m 256 In KVM options are possible: Host ~ $ kvm freebsd-hd-01.ovl-m \ 256 -Net user-net nic, model = ne2k_pci PC-BSD 8.1 Edition Website: http://www.pcbsd.org German Portal: http://www.pcbsd.de Recommendation: Standard PC, 256 MB RAM, 10 GB hard drive. PC-BSD is a free, open-source operating system based on FreeBSD. The project has set itself the goal of an easy to install and to develop easy-to-use operating system for end users. PC-BSD uses a graphical installer and a graphical software installation program with PC-BSD Packages (. Pbi). Parallel continue the ports system of FreeBSD is available. To install I create a virtual hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 pcbsd.img 10G Now you start the virtual machine. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom pcbsd.img PCBSD8.1 bootonly.iso x86 \ -Boot d-m 256-usb-soundhw all PC-BSD 8.1 has a new installer that can be used to either FreeBSD and PC-BSD install. First, the language, keyboard and time zone are selected. After that, the installation version, desktop or server, select it. Furthermore, the installation method to install from the network set. Your networking setting is queried. Here are the specifications (RealtTek 8029, DHCP) are to take over. For the server installation, the default setting is confirmed. In step system accounts is the root password is set and leave it in or create multiple user accounts. In the partitioning step selects from the entire hard disk and can install the bootloader. Then the software packages will be selected. After Instatllation a restart is necessary: Host ~ $ qemu-hd.img PCBSD-m 256-localtime-rtc base = soundhw all
Solaris 10 on QEMU. NetBSD under QEMU. OpenBSD under QEMU.

PC-BSD under QEMU.

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BSD Unix systems, Solaris 10 OpenSolaris Illumos, FreeBSD 8.0 manual...


It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b PCBSD-hd.img qcow2 PCBSD-f-hd-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu PCBSD-hd-01.ovl-m 256-localtime-rtc base = soundhw all OpenBSD 4.8 Download: http://www.openbsd.org/de/ (cd48.iso) Recommendation: Standard PC, 128 MB RAM, minimum 2 GB hard disk. OpenBSD is a 4.4BSD-based operating system that is freely available from the OpenBSD license. OpenBSD includes a number of security features available in other operating systems are not or only option available. Because of cryptography, security improvements, and the integrated firewall in OpenBSD is particularly suitable for use as a firewall, intrusion detection system and VPN gateway. It is also often used for secure Web and other servers. OpenBSD has some quirks that even many experts are foreign to Unix. For a lean server installation wealthy few GB of hard drive capacity. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 openbsd.img 2G It will download to the image file. Host ~ $ qemu-hda openbsd.img-cdrom-boot d cd48.iso The installation is done in text mode. Default values in square brackets can be taken over by [Enter]. (I) nstall, (U) pgrade or (S) light is I Specify terminal type: [vt220] [Enter] For the selection of the keyboard layout is de or none (U.S. keyboard layout) specified. kbd (8) mapping? ('L' for list) [none] com Proceed with install? [No] y IDE hard drives with OpenBSD as wd0, wd1 and further labeled as such. Available disks are: wd0. Which one is the root disk? (Or done) [wd0] [Enter]

It makes use of the virtual hard disk for OpenBSD, yielding the partitioning with fdisk spared. Do you want to use * all * of wd0 for OpenBSD? [No] y

In OpenBSD, two layers are used in the partitioning. The lower layer is similar to the partitioning in other systems and is visible to those systems. The second layer is divided into the first layer further individual file systems. It has indeed saved fdisk, disklabel tool but must use the. Initial label editor (enter '?' For help at any prompt) >? On the root disk partitions, at least the a and b are generated. For the root file system (/) here is a and b used for swap. The swap partition is replaced by the 300 MB and the rest goes to the root file system. First, can you look at the labels (p) in MB (m) show. > Pm The c partition indicates the way the entire hard disk and can not be changed. It only deletes a partition. > Da You put a partition in the desired size new. > Aa offset: [63] [Enter] size: [20964762] 20349945 FS type: [4.2BSD] [Enter] mount point: [none] / You create the swap partition. > From offset: [20350008] [Enter] size: [614 817] [Enter] FS type: swap To check you can view the labels. > Pm You end the program disk label. > Q Write new label: [y] [Enter] The next step * DESTROYS * all existing data on these partitions! Are you really sure that you're ready to proceed? Y The installation continues and it is the host name set. System hostname? (Short form, eg 'foo') foo (or reasonable)

The network is configured. Configure the network? [Yes] [Enter] Which one do you wish to initialize? (Or 'done') [NE3] [Enter] Symbolic (host) name for ne3? [Foo] [Enter] Do you want to change the default media? [No] [Enter] IPv4 address for ne3 (or 'none' or 'dhcp')? Dhcp IPv6 address for fxp0? (Or 'rtsol' or 'none') [none] [Enter] DNS domain name? (Eg 'bar.com') [my.domain] example.com DNS name server? (IP address or 'none') [] [Enter] Use the nameserver now? [Yes] [Enter] Default route? (IP address, 'dhcp' or 'none') [dhcp] [Enter] Edit hosts with ed? [No] [Enter] Do you want to do any manual network configuration? [No] [Enter] It sets the password for the root user. Password for root account? (Will not echo) *****

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BSD Unix systems, Solaris 10 OpenSolaris Illumos, FreeBSD 8.0 manual...


Password for root account?

(Again) *****

To install the software packages installation media must be provided. Location of sets? (Cd disk ftp http or 'done') [cd] [Enter] Which one contains the install media? (Or 'done') [cd0] [Enter] Pathname to the sets? (Or 'done') [4.1/i386] [Enter] Then the sets are selected. Sets are groups of software packages. [X] bsd.rd Set name? (Or 'done') [done] [Enter] Ready to install sets? [Yes] [Enter] Location of sets? (Cd disk ftp http or 'done') [cd] [Enter] The CD image does not contain all necessary components. The rest will be downloaded over the Internet. Location of sets? (Cd disk ftp http or 'done') ftp HTTP / FTP proxy URL? [None] [Enter] Display the list of known ftp servers? Y We choose the next FTP server. Server? ("IP address hostname, list #, 'done' or '?') 27 Using ftp.bytemine.net / pub / OpenBSD Oldenburg, Germany Does the server support passive mode ftp? [Yes] [Enter] Server directory? [Pub/OpenBSD/4.1/i386] [Enter] Login? [Anonymous] [Enter] Sets are displayed for selection. In this example, choose them all. Set name? (Or 'done') [bsd.rd] all Set name? (Or 'done') [done] [Enter] Ready to install sets? [Yes] [Enter] If everything is installed, you done one. Location of sets? (Cd disk ftp http or 'done') done

The SSH server must be started. The NTP server is not needed here. Start sshd (8) by default? [Yes] [Enter] Start ntpd (8) by default? [No] [Enter]

A graphical user interface is activated. Do you expect to run the X Windows System? [No] y Change the default console to com0? [No] [Enter] The time zone must be indicated accordingly. What time zone are you in? ('?' For list) MET

When the installation was successful and the system will prompt the system is shut down. Host ~ # halt The virtual machine is restarted. Host ~ $ qemu openbsd-hd.img as a system administrator (root) After logging in, the X-server started with startx. Host ~ # startx To install software, first the ports system is configured. Host ~ # cd / tmp Host ~ # ftp ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.3/ports.tar.gz Host ~ # cd / usr Host ~ # tar xzf / tmp / ports.tar.gz It can be searched these ports tree, for example by the browser Firefox. Guest ~ $ cd / usr / ports Guest ~ $ make search key = firefox After the change in the specified directory the installation will start. Host ~ # cd usr/ports/www/firefox-i18n / Host ~ # make install clean It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b-f openbsd-hd.img qcow2 openbsd-hd-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu openbsd-hd-01.ovl NetBSD 5.0.2 Website: http://www.netbsd.org Recommendation: Standard PC, 128 MB RAM, 5 GB hard drive. NetBSD is a Unix, the BSD family and is distributed freely under the BSD license. NetBSD is used because of its good portability to almost any computer: On servers, workstations, desktop PCs, notebooks, PDAs and embedded systems.
Installation CD Image

For a lean server installation wealthy few GB of hard drive capacity. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 netbsd.img 5G Host ~ $ wget \ ftp://iso.ee.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/iso/5.0.2/i386cd-5.0.2.iso Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom netbsd.img i386cd-5.0.2.iso-boot d \ -Net nic, model = ne2k_isa-net user

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BSD Unix systems, Solaris 10 OpenSolaris Illumos, FreeBSD 8.0 manual...


After installing the restart occurs with these options. Host ~ $ qemu-net netbsd.img nic, model = ne2k_isa-net user It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b netbsd.img qcow2 netbsd-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-net netbsd-01.ovl nic, model = ne2k_isa-net user

Download: http://wiki.qemu.org/Download (Small NetBSD Image) It can be used an image with a minimal installed system. Host ~ $ wget http://nopid.free.fr/small.ffs.bz2 Host ~ $ bzip2-d small.ffs.bz2 Host ~ $ qemu small.ffs Solaris 10 - 10/08 (Intel), OpenSolaris, Illumos Download: http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/get.jsp (90 days available) http://www.opensolaris.com/get/index.jsp http://www.illumos.org Recommendation: Standard PC, 512 MB RAM, 15 GB hard drive. The company Sun Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation), has been in decades of experience with hardware and software server area. Developed by Sun Microsystems Solaris operating system based on BSD and is especially high availability systems to be found. Since January 2005 there is the OpenSolaris project, that source code of Solaris as open-source development. In this example, Solaris 10 installed. To install Solaris you need a virtual disk. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 solaris10.img 15G You start the virtual machine with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom solaris10.img solaris10.iso-boot d \ Std-vga-m 256-net nic, model = rtl8139-net user At 256 MB of RAM, the installation is done in text mode, running under QEMU / KVM stable. First, the language is selected, then the network is activated. Turning on DHCP is recommended. Next one comes to the installation steps, each with the [F2]. The steps below name is IPv6, Kerberos security and disable service. It can be queried and the time zone settings for the country or region. The date and time are set and it is password for the user root to the demand. The remote service may be disabled. We choose the manual exchange of DVDs and a manual restart. The software license agreement is to agree and it is the geographical region and the character set selected. The installation program will ask for additional products to install. These options and disable the following query after the installation is answered in the ninth. Press [F4] defines the layout of the partitioning. We choose automatic partitioning by car from the layout. The question of the hanging of software from a remote computer denies it. The software packages will be installed then. After the installation, the virtual machine is started with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu solaris10.img-m 256-usb-soundhw all \ -Net nic, model = rtl8139-net user During the log you will be asked for the desired desktop (CDE or Java). The Java Desktop is based on Gnome. Software packages are installed from multiple sources, such http://www.sunfreeware.com , http://www.opensolaris.org and http://www.blastwave.org . It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b solaris10.img qcow2 solaris10-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-solaris10 01.ovl-m 256-usb-soundhw all \ -Net nic, model = rtl8139-net user Solaris comes with the Solaris Zones already own virtualization solution with the operating system level to which a virtual machine under QEMU is used in the case (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Solaris_Zones ). Nexenta 2.0 Website: http://www.nexenta.org Recommendation: Standard PC, 512 MB RAM, 10 GB hard drive. Nexenta is based on a Solaris kernel. The software packages are managed with the convenient Debian packaging system. As a basis for the system Nexenta uses Debian GNU / Linux and Ubuntu. Host ~ $ wget http://www.nexenta.org/releases/nexenta-core-platform_2.0-b104_x86.iso.zip Host ~ $ unzip Nexenta Core platform_2.0-b104_x86.iso.zip Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 nexenta.img 10G Host ~ $ qemu-hda nexenta.img \ Nexenta-cdrom-core-platform_2.0 b104_x86.iso-boot d-m-512 After installing the restart occurs with these options. Host ~ $ qemu-m 512 nexenta.img It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b nexenta.img qcow2 Nexenta 01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-m 512 Nexenta 01.ovl Darwin 8.01 (Intel) Download: http://www.opensource.apple.com/static/iso/ http://developer.apple.com/Darwin/ Darwin is based on BSD with a Mach kernel and is the basis for Mac OS X. Darwin is open source (Apple Public Source License). The hybrid kernel XNU tried to take advantage of a monolithic kernel, with the advantages of a microkernel to connect. Darwin has been ported to PPC, x86 and ARM processors. All Programs for Darwin to run on Mac OS X. For Mac OS X development programs are not necessarily run on Darwin. To install I create a virtual hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 darwin.img 10G Furthermore, download the image file and extract it. Host ~ $ wget \

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BSD Unix systems, Solaris 10 OpenSolaris Illumos, FreeBSD 8.0 manual...


http://www.opensource.apple.com/static/iso/darwinx86-801.iso.gz Host ~ $ gunzip-darwinx86 801.iso.gz When you install Darwin is to disable kvm or kqemu. You start the virtual machine with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom darwin.img darwinx86-801.iso-boot d The installation is done in text mode. Note the English keyboard. First, the hard drive is partitioned and formatted. The following devices are available for installation: 1

QEMU HARDDISK @ disk0 (10.0GB) Enter 'shell' to drop into a shell Which device would you like to install

After the reboot, the created partition is formatted and installed the system. The following devices are available for installation: 1. QEMU HARDDISK @ disk0 (10.0GB) Enter 'shell' to drop into a shell Which device would you like to install onto Darwin? 1 For partitioning the disk, you have the following choices: 1) Auto-partition the disk (Destroy alls disk contents) 2) Manually partition the disk using fdisk 3) Use existing partitions Choice: 3 The following partitions are available: / Dev/disk0s1 Which will be the root partition? / Dev/disk0s1 Using HFS) HFS + (journaled) file system ufs) UFS filesystem File system type: hfs Would you like to do a clean install? (Yes / no) yes Desired Vulumename: darwin After copying the software packages, the user password for the specified root. Then the computer name is specified. Furthermore, a user can be created. Then a restart with the following options is required. Host ~ $ qemu-rtc darwin.img base = localtime \ -Net nic, vlan = 0, model = rtl8139-net user It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b darwin.img qcow2 darwin-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-darwin-rtc 01.ovl base = localtime \ -Net nic, vlan = 0, model = rtl8139-net user <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur/_BSD-Unix-Systeme " This page has been accessed 8547 times. This page was last updated on 3 November 2010 at 07:01 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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Linux, Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, Debian, Fedora 14, Fedora, Red ...


Linux, Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, Debian, Fedora 14, Fedora, Red Hat Linux, OpenSUSE, download iso installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / x86 / Linux]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 Linux 1.1 Ubuntu Desktop 10:10 2.1 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server (32 -, 64-bit) 1.2.1 Installation with QEMU / KVM 1.2.2 Installation via PXE and QEMU / KVM 1.2.3 Installation with the vmbuilder 1.3 Debian GNU / Linux 5.04 Lenny (32-bit) 1.3.1 Installation with QEMU 1.3.2 Installation with Debian Live Linux 1.3.3 Live-Helper 4.1 Fedora 14 (32 -, 64-bit) SUSE 1.5 1.5.1 Installing OpenSUSE with QEMU 1.5.2 SUSE Studio 1.6 Other Linux distributions

The desktop version of Ubuntu.

Linux is a free multi-platform and multi-user operating system for computers, which is similar to Unix. The modular operating system developed by software developers around the world. Linux is really just the kernel. Free and commercial distributions that build their kernel configuration tools and put together software packages. It is impossible here to discuss all the distributions. A "hit parade" of Linux distributions is located at the URL http://distrowatch.com/index.php?language=DE . In the Linux guest should the ext3 file be used. The XFS file system is not recommended against it because it runs an intense write-caching. In case of sudden failure of the virtual machine, this can cause problems, especially when using Virtio block devices. Is set in the host system, the SVGA mode under X11, the X11 or Cirrus Vesa driver is configured. For optimum performance, a 16-bit color depth can be configured in the host and guest. When using a 2.6 kernel is the kernel option clock = pit to recommend. The 2.6 kernel is testing very strict real-time clock and QEMU does not emulate them exactly. The kernel option clock = pit can, for example, in / boot / grub / menu.lst be specified. Ubuntu Desktop 10:10 Download: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download Recommendation: Standard PC, 512 MB RAM, Hard Drive: 10 GB Ubuntu is a modern operating system based on the free Linux distribution Debian GNU / Linux. It's free and stable. Because of its easy operation and configurability, the support of developers and the community and its design has developed quickly into a popular Linux distribution and Linux beginners recommended. Many advanced Linux users use Ubuntu because of its adaptability. Ubuntu Linux by Canonical Ltd.. (South Africa) sponsored. Ubuntu uses GNOME as desktop environment, which was added later variants Kubuntu and Xubuntu rely on KDE or Xfce. The different variants differ only in the initial selection of the installed software packages and can therefore technically different configurations of a distribution are considered. For the virtual machine, the size of the hard disk is 10 GB. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 d.img ubuntu-10G You start the virtual machine with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-hda ubuntu-d.img-cdrom ubuntu-desktop-i386.iso-10.10 \ -Boot d-m 512-usb-sb16-USBDevice tablet soundhw The desktop version of Ubuntu will start as a live CD. When the desktop appeared, the language is selected and the installation of the Ubuntu install started by clicking buttons. The graphical installer, the usual questions: What time zone should be set? What should be the keyboard layout? When partitioning, the system default will be taken. A special feature of Ubuntu is to establish a user for administrative tasks. In a personal computer can be your own name mentioned. After the security check begins to install the base system. When prompted to reboot to complete the instance and applies the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-ubuntu d.img-usb-m 512-sb16-USBDevice tablet soundhw To install new software from the Internet, one must first select the appropriate software sources. This is done in the menu system, administration, software sources. There you should activate all sources. One searches in the extensive software fundus (menu system, configuration, Synaptic Package Manager). If you have selected the appropriate packages, click on the Apply button. It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b-f ubuntu-d.img qcow2 ubuntu-d-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu ubuntu-d-01.ovl-usb-m 512-sb16-USBDevice tablet soundhw Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server (32 -, 64-bit) Download: http://www.ubuntu.com/server/get-ubuntu/download Recommendation: Standard PC, 128 MB RAM, Hard Drive: 4 GB Ubuntu is also a version for server use. The addition LTS stands for Long-Term Support. This means that is granted for five years, a support with appropriate updates. A server does not need a graphical desktop. Also for security reasons and because of resource consumption, this is not recommended. Therefore, the installation is in text mode.
Installation with QEMU / KVM

Installing Ubuntu via PXE.

QEMU under fedora.

OpenSUSE under QEMU.

SUSE Studio: A generated Appliance with QEMU in the Web browser.

It is a virtual hard drive to create. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 ubuntu-server.img 4G For the installation reaches the default value of 128 MB of RAM. For the 32-bit version of QEMU or KVM starts with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-hda ubuntu-server.img \ -Cdrom ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.iso-boot d For the 64-bit version of the following options are applicable. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-cpu-enable-kvm qemu64 \ -Hda ubuntu-server.img-boot d \ -Cdrom ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.iso It starts the installation in text mode. Initially, the language, country and keyboard will be selected. After the hardware detection by the network DHCP server is configured. After

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Linux, Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, Debian, Fedora 14, Fedora, Red ...


entering the computer name, the disk is partitioned. For simplicity, we assume the default setting. For production use, the partitioning is to plan more accurately, since depend on the security and reliability of the system. The system time must be set to UTC. A special feature of Ubuntu is to define a user with admin rights. After a restart takes place with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-ubuntu server.img For the 64-bit version of the following options are applicable. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-enable-kvm-hda ubuntu-server.img It logs in with the specified user account. prefer a system administrator (root) Who wants to sign, gives the command sudo passwd root user password root. Guest ~ $ sudo passwd root Password: *** Enter new UNIX password: ******** Retype new UNIX password: ******** If you want to change network settings, it fits file / etc / network / interfaces to the. After that, the network setting with / init.d / networking restart to restart / etc. Who wants to install the console software packages, the configuration file / etc / apt / sources.list. These are lines to comment out all the cdrom. For all other lines with deb at the beginning, however, is the # comment characters removed. After which the package list to be read again. Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get update The software packages are updated. Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade The kernel has been updated, a reboot of the system with reboot required. Subsequently, packets, such as ssh is installed. Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get install ssh It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b ubuntu-server.img \ -F qcow2 ubuntu-server-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu ubuntu-server-01.ovl For the 64-bit version of the following options are applicable. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-cpu-enable-qemu64 kvm-hda ubuntu-server-01.ovl If you want a nested virtualization, the option-cpu qemu64, + svm necessary. The host system must adjust to AMD processors. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-cpu qemu64, + svm-smp 2 \ -Hda ubuntu-server-01.ovl
Installation via PXE and QEMU / KVM

The installation of Ubuntu can be made by PXE (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Netzwerkoptionen/_Netzwerkdienste ). First create a directory to download the netboot archive and uncompress. Host ~ $ sudo mkdir netboot / Host $ cd ~ / netboot Host ~ $ sudo wget \ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz Host ~ $ sudo tar xzvf netboot.tar.gz In any directory is generated for the virtual disk to install QEMU or KVM and then run with the appropriate options. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 ubuntu.img 10G Host ~ $ qemu-hda-boot ubuntu.img n \ -Net nic-net user = tftp / netboot / boot file = pxelinux.0
Installation with the vmbuilder

If the host system is Ubuntu Linux, script is the creation of a virtual machine with the Python vmbuilder possible. The installation is done under Ubuntu using a command line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-vm-builder In the following example, a virtual machine with Ubuntu is generated 10:04 Lucid Lynx. In the current directory to the script specifies the subdirectory ubuntu-kvm with the necessary files. Host ~ $ sudo vmbuilder kvm ubuntu - suite intrepid To start the virtual machine, change to the created subdirectory and calls the script run.sh. Host ~ $ cd ubuntu-kvm Host ~ $. / Run.sh The Python script is vmbuilder libvirt in section above (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools/_Die_Managementtools ). Debian GNU / Linux 5.04 Lenny (32-bit) Download: http://www.debian.org/distrib/ Recommendation: Standard PC, 128 MB RAM, Hard Drive: 2 GB (Server) Debian GNU / Linux is a free Linux distribution that is compiled exclusively from free software. Debian is a reliable server operating system and serves as a stable foundation for many other Linux distributions such as Ubuntu. Debian is available for eleven processor architectures.
Installation of QEMU

A virtual hard disk size of 2 GB is sufficient. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 debian.img 2G For the installation reaches the default value of 128 MB of RAM. Host ~ $ qemu-hda debian.img \ -Cdrom debian-504-i386-netinst.iso-boot d At the beginning of the installation language, country and keyboard will be selected. After the hardware detection by the network DHCP server is configured. Then the computer name is entered and it will partition the hard drive. For simplicity, we assume the default setting. The system time is set to UTC. It restarts with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu debian.img

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Linux, Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, Debian, Fedora 14, Fedora, Red ...


If you want to change network settings, it fits file / etc / network / interfaces to the. It is the network setting / init.d / networking restart to restart / etc. Who wants to install the console software packages, the configuration file / etc / apt / sources.list. These are lines to comment out all the cdrom. For all other lines with deb at the beginning, however, is the # comment characters removed. After which the package list to be read again. Host ~ # apt-get update An update of the software packages is recommended. Host ~ # apt-get dist-upgrade The kernel has been updated in this case, a reboot of the system with reboot required. Subsequently, packets, such as ssh is installed. Host ~ # apt-get install ssh It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b debian.img qcow2 debian-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-debian 01.ovl
Installation with Debian Live Linux

With Debian-Live makes it possible to generate a live system based on Debian. Database systems allow it to boot operating systems from CDs, DVDs or USB sticks. This allows operating systems to test without changing the disks. Other applications include forensic analysis, the repair of installed systems and the transfer of a physical operating system installed on a virtual machine (Physical to virtual). Unlike other live systems Debian Live is not limited to the i386 architecture. Debian Live further enables the adaptation of the live system to your needs. It can, for example, the Debian Stable branches, testing and unstable to choose and install different software packages for CDs, DVDs or USB sticks to create images. With Debian Live, it is also for QEMU or KVM virtual machines generate. The installation of the necessary packages is live-helper and cdebootstrap Ubuntu using a command line does under. Host ~ $ apt-get install live-helper cdebootstrap The package includes live-helper shell scripts whose names begin with lh_ and in the / usr / bin / are stored. The main scripts are lh_config, lh_build and lh_clean. The script sets the current directory lh_config the subdirectory config. The files in this directory can be adapted to configure the live system. The script generates lh_build the image corresponding to the configuration. This is the first step (bootstrapping) downloaded the basic system and stored in a directory. It is created based on that directory, a chroot environment. It will install the required additional packages and configure. At the end of the installation directory is compressed, install a boot loader and create the image. This step is called binary. With the script lh_clean cleaned up the results of a build. Since the live system using a chroot environment is generated, can only live systems compatible to the host system architecture can be formed. The generation of live systems for other architectures (SPARC, MIPS, PowerPC, ...) can, in QEMU (qemu-system-*) the virtual machines in place. To build the creation of a subdirectory is recommended. Host ~ $ mkdir ~ / my-debian-live Host $ cd ~ / my-debian-live The following command generates an ISO image with the default settings. Host ~ $ lh_config-a i386 & & sudo lh_build With QEMU or KVM that image is tested. Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom binary.iso The image binary.iso can be burned CD Live as, for example with the following command. Host ~ $ wodim binary.iso Another is to build a place, it must be cleaned up sudo lh_clean with first. Host ~ $ sudo lh_clean The script uses chroot lh_build. For the chroot environment, some subdirectory mount points created in the chroot, the build process to be deleted after the. If the build process is killed, they must mount point with the umount command will be appended. The configuration of the chroot environment is in the subdirectory. Stage saved. If you want to complete the build process, the empty directory, this directory is also deleted. For generating images for USB flash drives or hard drives is lh_config with the-b usb hdd apply. Host ~ $ lh_config-a i386-b usb-hdd & & sudo lh_build The generated image can be used as QEMU or KVM virtual disk. Since the applied file system is squashfs compressed file system, execution speed is low. The use of the generated image in QEMU or KVM is better suited to test the live system. Host ~ $ qemu-hda binary.img Other options can, for example, the work environment xfce the testing branch Lenny install, and configure the German keyboard layout. Host ~ $ lh_config-a i386-b usb-hdd-d lenny xfce-p \ - Boot append keyb = de Host ~ $ sudo lh_build The configuration of the live system on the options of lh_config is cumbersome and inflexible. Better the fit of the configuration files in the directory config between the calls to lh_config and lh_build. Most of the options lh_config have a direct equivalent in one of the configuration files. For example, stores the file config / binary in the variable LH_BOOTAPPEND boot options. To further configuration in the file config / binary, the host name and user-defined name of the. # Config / binary - options for live-helper (7), binary stage ...

LH_BINARY_IMAGES = "usb-hdd" LH_BOOTAPPEND_INSTALL = "keyb = de}" LH_HOSTNAME = "North Pole" L

The file config / cbootstrap stored in the variable LH_ARCHITECTURE the architecture and in the variable LH_DISTRIBUTION distribution. Furthermore, here, the sections of the distribution are defined. # Config / bootstrap - options for live-helper (7), bootstrap stage ... LH_ARCHITECTURE = "i386" LH_DISTRIBUTION = "lenny" LH_SECTIONS = "main contrib non-free" ... The file config / chroot stored in the variable LH_PACKAGES_LISTS the list of installed software packages. # Config / chroot - options for live-helper (7), chroot stage ... LH_PACKAGES_LISTS = "xfce" LH_PACKAGES = "openssh-client openssh-server" The required package lists a new file in config / chroot_local-package lists are also listed. # Config / chroot_local-package lists my_Packages / mc iceweasel qemu If the configuration is complete, a new build process is started.

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Linux, Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, Debian, Fedora 14, Fedora, Red ...


Host ~ $ sudo lh_clean & & sudo lh_build Would like this configuration for the generation of other live systems use one is config directory to secure it. Host ~ $ tar czvf config.tar.gz config Opportunities are also created by adapting the chroot environment before it's image is generated. This is possible because the script lh_build a wrapper script, the script lh_bootstrap, lh_chroot lh_binary and successively calls the. Will take the script the following command line entered lh_build, directory is initially created in the chroot environment chroot. Host ~ $ sudo lh_bootstrap & & sudo lh_chroot The directory contains the chroot directory tree of the future live system. Host ~ $ ls chroot bin boot dev etc home lib initrd.img initrd.img.old media mnt opt proc root sbin selinux srv sys tmp usr var vmlinuz vmlinuz.old It is possible to create files in this chroot environment copy, so they are used in the live system. With the command chroot log into this chroot environment, and it can install additional packages. Host ~ $ sudo chroot chroot Host ~ # apt-get install netcat mc lynx Furthermore, let the configuration files in / etc adapt. With exit, leave the chroot environment. Host ~ # exit Host ~ $ Are all adjustments completed, the image is generated. Host ~ $ sudo lh_binary

Website: http://live-build.debian.net/cgi-bin/live-build Live Helper is a web application for the Debian Live Project. They typically generate binary images for CD / DVDs and hard drives. Fedora 14 (32 -, 64-bit) Website: http://fedoraproject.org Recommendation: Standard PC, 512 MB RAM, Hard Drive: 10 GB The Linux distribution Fedora is Red Hat Linux from the former arose and enjoys great popularity. Fedora is related to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux ( http://www.redhat.de/rhel/ ) and its derivative CentOS ( http://www.centos.org ). For the virtual machine, the size of the hard disk is 10 GB. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 fedora.img 10G For the 32-bit version of the command is applied. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom Fedora fedora.img-14-i686-Live-Desktop.iso \ -Boot d-m 512-net user-net nic, model = PCnet The 64-bit version you start with qemu-system-x86_64. Requires the 64-bit live DVD. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-hda fedora.img-cdrom Fedora-14-x86_64-DVD.iso \ -Boot d-m 512-net user-net nic, model = PCnet The desktop version starts the same as a live CD. Keyboard selection is on the language and the desktop appeared, the installation is clicking on the icon Install to Hard Drive launched by. The installation program provides the usual questions after the speech, after the host name and time zone. When partitioning, the default is assumed. When prompted to reboot to complete the system and launches the virtual machine with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu fedora.img-m 512-net user-net nic, model = PCnet The 64-bit version you start again with qemu-system-x86_64. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64 fedora.img-m 512-net user-net nic, model = PCnet After the first boot from the hard drive is a user to create and set the system time. For newly installed Fedora system to update the software packages is recommended. Host ~ # yum check-update Host ~ # yum update Yum install software packages and information on the package name installed. Host ~ # yum install package If the package name is unknown, we look for packages with yum search. Host ~ # yum search package_name A software package yum remove removed. Host ~ # yum remove package_name The following command lists all installed packages. Host ~ # rpm-qa The management of software packages can also be done with a GUI. This is to install yumex. Host ~ # yum install yumex It is started yumex. Host ~ # yumex A largest package selection allows the integration of RPMFusion repositories. Instructions can be found at http://rpmfusion.org/Configuration . It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b fedora.img qcow2 fedora-01.ovl The start is the 32-bit version of the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu fedora-01.ovl-m 512-net user-net nic, model = PCnet

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For the 64-bit version is used qemu-system-x86_64. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64 fedora-01.ovl-m 512-net user-net nic, model = PCnet SUSE
Installation of OpenSUSE with QEMU

Download: http://de.opensuse.org/Download Recommendation: Standard PC, 512 MB RAM, Hard Drive: 10 GB The roots of OpenSUSE go back to the beginning of the nineties, when Linux will be loaded on about 50 floppy disks from the Internet but had a few users at all had internet access. The former SuSE GmbH (society for software and systems development), Linux disks into one package. SuSE is now a Linux distribution by Novell or its subsidiaries Suse Linux GmbH (Nuremberg). With the OpenSUSE project, the development of SuSE Linux was made public. To install a virtual disk is created. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 opensuse.img 10G You start QEMU, or the Kernel-based Virtual Machine with the virtual hard drive and the installation DVD. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom opensuse.img openSUSE-11.3-DVD-i586.iso \ -Boot d-m 512-usb-soundhw all After the start screen of the OpenSUSE installation are the queries to the language, to accept the license agreement, if there is a new installation and the time zone. This OpenSUSE in the emulation runs faster, a minimum graphical system or the text mode is preferable. The proposal to partition and to the software selection can be assumed. After installing the software, the system is started from the hard disk. Host ~ $ qemu opensuse.img-m 512-usb-soundhw all It is the password for the user to enter root. Furthermore, the computer and the domain name should be specified. The default network settings (DHCP) are unchanged. It is recommended to enable the additional installation sources. Then, the authentication method (/ etc / passwd, LDAP, NIS, Windows Domain) input. Here is the authentication etc / passwd to use /, which the local host application system is on. After this selection, a user can be created. Thereafter, the amendment of the hardware configuration is possible. Other configurations are using the graphical tool YAST. To install software packages, only the on-line sources should be indicated. This is done in YAST Installation Source under. Then you look with Yast software install under or delete the desired software packages and installs them. It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b opensuse.img qcow2 opensuse-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-01.ovl opensuse-m 512-usb-soundhw all
SUSE Studio

Website: http://susestudio.com With SUSE Studio, imagine your own appliance together in the Web browser. To be able to use SUSE Studio, you need an account. This is obtained via an invitation. After configuring the appliance to Load a RAW image for QEMU / KVM or USB stick, as a VMware image, as an ISO image (Live CD) or downloaded as a Xen guest. You can download and test the appliance without the browser. Other Linux distributions http://qemu-buch.de/d/Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur/_Linux/_Weitere <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur/_Linux " This page has been accessed 17,848 times. This page was last updated on 28 January 2011 at 07:22 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:35 PM

Unix-like operating systems, Minix3, Plan 9, download iso installation - ...


Unix-like operating systems, Minix3, Plan 9, download iso installation

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / x86 / Unix-like operating systems]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Unix-like systems
Minix3 Website: http://www.minix3.org Recommendation: Recommendation: standard PC (default), 128 MB RAM, hard disk: 1 GB. Minix is a free Unix-like operating system. It was developed by Andrew S. Tanenbaum at the Free University of Amsterdam as a teaching tool. Minix was a motivation for, among other things, that the source code of Unix was not for teaching purposes at universities. A final system is available for download.
Minix3 under QEMU.

Host ~ $ wget \ http://www.minix3.org/download/minix3_1_1_small_vmware_256MB_1GB.zip host ~ $ unzip minix3_1_1_small_vmware_256MB_1GB.zip host ~ $ qemu minix311_ After starting you logged in as root without a password. The German keyboard is loadkeys / usr / lib / keymaps / german.map set up under. End the system with shutdown-h now. It is recommended that you install and configure the virtual machine to shut down and one or more overlay to create files to image to make changes to protect the base. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b minix311_256MB_1GB/MS-DOS.vmdk \ -F qcow2 minix311_256MB_1GB/MS-DOS-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu minix311_256MB_1GB/MS-DOS-01.ovl Plan 9 Download: http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/ Recommendation: Standard PC (default), from 32 MB of RAM, hard disk: 1 GB. Plan 9 is since 1985 in the AT & T Bell Laboratories. It is an advanced multi-user operating system which is being developed as open source and not on Unix source code builds. The concept is to split it efficiently to the computers on the network. It processes can be mirrored to other computers, to ensure availability even when individual components fail. Plan 9 is particularly suitable for use in distributed network system on different hardware platforms. It is not meant for the end user. It has a few missing drivers and commercial applications. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 plan9.img 1G To download the ISO image of the installation CD is available. You will download this image and unpacked it. Here are the Linux commands. Host ~ $ wget http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/download/plan9.iso.bz2 Host ~ $ bunzip2 plan9.iso.bz2 QEMU is or Kernel-based Virtual Machine started with these options. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom plan9.img plan9.iso boot d-m-32 The CD is both live and installation CD. To install the selected first 1. Install Plan 9 from this CD 2. Plan 9 boot from this CD On most issues with [Enter] accepted the default. use DMA for IDE drives [yes] [Enter] mouse port is [ps2]: [Enter] The resolution is increased to 1024x768. vgasize [640x480x8]: 1024x768x8 monitor is [xga]: [Enter] It starts the graphical user interface Rio with the installer. Task to do [configfs]: [Enter] File system [fossil]: [Enter] Task to do [part disk]: [Enter] It selects the virtual hard disk. Disk to partition: sdC0 Install mbr (y, n) [no default]: y Is then used to partition the program started fdisk. Since the entire hard disk is to be used, w and q enter. >>> W >>> Q Task to do [prepdisk]: [Enter] Plan 9 partition to subdivide [/ dev/sdC0/plan9]: [Enter] Even with the division of the partition and enter q w. >>> W >>> Q Task to do [fmtfossil]: [Enter] Fossil partition to format [/ dev/sdC0/fossil]: [Enter] Task to do [mountfs]: [Enter] Fossil partition [/ dev/sdC0/fossil]: [Enter] Task to do [configdist]: [Enter] Distribution is from (local, net [local]: [Enter] Task to do [mountdist]: [Enter] When asked about the source of the software installation CD must be reported. Distribution disk [no default]: / dev/sdD0/data Lcation of archives [browse]: [Enter] It can be checked using shell commands, the software sources. Terminated with exit to the shell again. % Exit
Plan 9 under QEMU.

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Unix-like operating systems, Minix3, Plan 9, download iso installation - ...


It will install the system on the hard disk. Task to do [copydist]: [enter] Task to do [boot setup]: [Enter] to enable boot method (floppy, plan9, win9x, winnt): plan9 Install the 9 master boot plan record The installation is completed and the system is restarted. Host ~ $ qemu-hda plan9.img-m 32 Plan 9 allows booting over the network and on the local hard disk. local) [local! S/sdC0/fossil #] root is from (tcp: [Enter] As a standard user is entering glenda. user [none]: glenda To operate the graphical user interface Rio is a three-button mouse is necessary. In a two-button mouse middle button is emulated by pressing both mouse buttons. In order to open a shell window, with the right mouse button on the desktop and click on the shortcut menu select New. The cursor becomes a cross and it moves with the right mouse button on the desktop is a rectangle. A window will appear with the rc shell. To configure DHCP to leave via the network, the command is ip / ipconfig apply. Name resolution via DNS is ndb / r enter dns. Host $ ip / ipconfig Guest $ ndb / dns-r Plan 9 is fshalt down with. Guest $ fshalt An Introduction to Plan 9 is at the URL http://www.lulu.com/content/406379 available. It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b plan9.img qcow2 plan9-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-hda-plan9 01.ovl-m 32 <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur/_Unix-% C3% A4hnliche_Betriebssysteme " This page has been accessed 4123 times. This page was last updated on 3 April 2010 at 11:32 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:35 PM

OpenVMS-like operating systems, VMS (Virtual Memory System), 0.4 Fr...


OpenVMS-like operating systems, VMS (Virtual Memory System), 0.4 FreeVMS O3ON, dcl, download iso installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / x86 / OpenVMS-like operating systems]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

OpenVMS-like systems
VMS (Virtual Memory System) is an operating system the computer manufacturer Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). It was at the time of publication (1978) an extremely advanced 32-bit operating system, which was multi-user and multi-tasking. The company DEC was later acquired by Compaq, which in turn was acquired by Hewlett Packard. Meanwhile, VMS was renamed OpenVMS. run on OpenVMS on mobiles and SMS solutions in banking, stock market systems operate. Using the URL http://qemubuch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren /_PersonalAlpha Windows, the installation of OpenVMS on the emulator alpha for personnel described. FreeVMS 0.4 Website: http://www.freevms.net Recommendation: 64-bit PC, 64 MB RAM, hard disk: 1 GB.
O3ON under QEMU. FreeVMS is an OpenVMS-like operating system that is freely available under GPL. It consists of a POSIX kernel and a DCL command line interpreter. The only currently supported architecture is x86_64. On the website of disk images are available for download. After downloading the compressed images unpack them. Here are the Linux commands.

FreeVMS under QEMU.

Host ~ $ wget http://www.freevms.net/IMG/bz2/freevms-img.bz2 Host ~ $ bzip2-d-freevms img.bz2 QEMU is or Kernel-based Virtual Machine started with the image file. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64 freevms-img-rtc base = localtime It is recommended to shut down after installing and configuring the virtual machine and create overlay files to protect the base images to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b freevms-img-img-qcow2 freevms 01.ovl Is started by the overlay files with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-img-freevms 01.ovl-rtc base = localtime If the text console of the instance does not appear in a window, curses is the option to apply. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-img-freevms 01.ovl-rtc base = localtime-curses O3ON Website: http://www.o3one.org Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 32 MB RAM, hard disk: 40 MB. O3ON is an OpenVMS-like operating system with UNIX features. Everything is in the kernel object

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OpenVMS-like operating systems, VMS (Virtual Memory System), 0.4 Fr...


(threads, processes, devices, files, ...). o3zone (also called Ozone) is under the GPL. An image with pre-installed system is available. Host ~ $ wget http://www.o3one.org/downloads/hd40meg.img.gz Host ~ $ gunzip hd40meg.img.gz Host ~ $ qemu hd40meg.img <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur /_OpenVMS-% C3% A4hnliche_Betriebssysteme " This page has been accessed 4373 times. This page was last updated on 23 November 2010 at 11:52 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:36 PM

SkyOS, Syllable Desktop 0.6.6, Haiku, BeOS, Zeta, MenuetOS, AROS, A...


SkyOS, Syllable Desktop 0.6.6, Haiku, BeOS, Zeta, MenuetOS, AROS, Amiga, download iso installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / x86 / Exotic]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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1/29/2011 7:37 PM

SkyOS, Syllable Desktop 0.6.6, Haiku, BeOS, Zeta, MenuetOS, AROS, A...


Haiku is open source and compatible with BeOS.

Syllable Desktop on QEMU.

SkyOS under QEMU.

The one-floppy OS MenuetOS.

AROS under QEMU.

BOS under QEMU.

Cosmos under QEMU.

DexOS under QEMU.

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SkyOS, Syllable Desktop 0.6.6, Haiku, BeOS, Zeta, MenuetOS, AROS, A...


Contents An exotic 01.01 Haiku 2.1 Syllable Desktop SkyOS 1.3 MenuetOS 4.1 (64-bit) 1.5 AROS 06/01 BOS 1.7 Cosmos 1.8 DexOS 1.9 JNode 1:10 loosely thos 1:11 MikeOS 1:12 MonaOS 1:13 SharpOS 1:14 Visopsys 1:15 Whitix

Lose Those under QEMU.

MikeOS under QEMU.

Haiku Download: http://haiku-os.org/downloads Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 128 MB RAM, hard disk: 1 GB. Haiku is an open-source project with the aim that nachzuprogrammieren BeOS operating system and expand. Haiku is still in alpha phase. To test the sleek and user-friendly Haiku, invites you to the download section Download the compressed ISO image and unpacked it. Here are the Linux commands. Host ~ $ wget http://get-haiku.crisu.de/releases/r1alpha2/haiku-r1alpha2-iso.zip host ~ $ unzip-haiku-r1alpha2 iso.zip
MonaOS under QEMU.

A virtual hard disk with two GB is sufficient. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 haiku.img 2G You start QEMU / KVM with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-boot d-hda haiku.img \ Cdrom-haiku-r1alpha2.iso After the voice, and keyboard to start with a click on the button Run Installer to install. After reading the instructions you go to the next step to continue in the Drive Setup window, choose the virtual hard disk (/ dev/disk/ata/0/master/raw) and select the menu item partition, initialize, Be File System . After initializing closes the window and Drive Setup are virtual hard disk as the medium to the target. Start with one begins with the installation. After successful installation, you boot the virtual machine. Host ~ $ qemu-usb-haiku.img soundhw all It is recommended to shut down after configuring the virtual machine and one or create several overlay files. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b haiku.img qcow2 haiku-01.ovl QEMU or KVM will start with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-usb-haiku-01.ovl soundhw all
Visopsys under QEMU. SharpOS under QEMU.

Software for haiku can be found at the URLs http://www.haikuware.com and http://tiltos.com/drupal/ . An installation guide can be found at the URL http://www.haiku-os.org/get-haiku/installation-guide . Syllable Desktop Download: http://web.syllable.org/pages/get-Syllable.html (Basic CD) Recommendation: Standard PC (default), from 32 MB of RAM, hard disk: 1GByte Syllable Desktop is a fast desktop operating system which requires very little resources. It works well for virtual machines. Syllable Desktop is based neither on Unix, Linux or another operating system. The development of the kernel is based on the POSIX standard. Syllable Desktop is released under the GPL. There continues to Syllable Server. This variant is based on a Linux kernel and is not binary-compatible with the Syllable desktop. For Syllable Desktop is a virtual hard drive from a GB is sufficient. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 Syllable.img 1G After downloading the image of the installation CD and unpacked, you start QEMU / KVM with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-boot d-hda Syllable.img-no-kqemu \ -Cdrom-SyllableDesktop 0.6.6.i586.iso The installation program is important to note that an English keyboard is set. The installation begins with the [i]. This is followed by partitioning the hard disk. Press 'i' or 'I' to install now: i Do you need to create a new partition? (Y / n) y

Whitix under QEMU.

In the dialog box is the device / dev / disk / ata / hda / raw activated and the button is clicked partition. In the next dialog box will be under / dev/disk/ata/hda/0 in the columns, the values 63, Syllable - AFS and selected 2097151st Then the disk is formatted. Since only one partition available for selection, the next question with [a] be answered. Enter the full path of the letter or partion that you would like to install Syllable onto, or "ls" To see the partition List Again: a Are you sure? Type "yes" to continue: yes At the end of the installation record is the GRUB boot loader in the master boot set up. The base packet has been installed. [Enter] Auto Generating GRUB menu.lst ... done Press "l" to view the menu.lst file, "e" to edit it manually, "?" for an explanation of the menu.lst file, or ENTER to continue with the installation: [Enter] Press "m" to install GRUB automaticly in the master boot record of disk / dev / disk / ata / hda / raw, Press "p" to install GRUB on partition automaticly / dev/disk/ata/hda/0, or press ENTER to skip this step: m Please press "b" to reboot your computer: b With these options, the system is started.

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1/29/2011 7:37 PM

SkyOS, Syllable Desktop 0.6.6, Haiku, BeOS, Zeta, MenuetOS, AROS, A...


Host ~ $ qemu Syllable.img It logs in as system administrator root with the password root. Preferences under language, the screen resolution, keyboard, and adapted. Since the network was configured by DHCP automatically, for example, the Web browser Webster used immediately. It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b Syllable.img qcow2 Syllable 01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-Syllable 01.ovl SkyOS Download: http://www.skyos.org (fee-Beta Version) Recommendation: Standard PC (default), 512 MB RAM, hard disk: 2GByte At present, the continued development of SkyOS is unclear. There are discussions SkyOS to publish as open source. SkyOS is likely to get a Linux or NetBSD kernel. SkyOS is a graphical operating system for modern x86 PCs that is designed for the desktop. SkyOS is not based on Microsoft Windows, Linux or Unix. It was written from scratch once again and is under a proprietary license. SkyOS has a POSIX-compatible programming interface. At the time of hardware support is limited. Followers of the operating system praise the high speed and the simplicity of the system. Who is on paid beta testing involved will receive the final version later for free. After logging in and pay you get a serial number and download link. Then unpack the RAR archive with the installation CD. Here are the Linux commands. Host ~ $ rar e-B6947.rar SkyOS There is created a virtual hard disk with a size of 2 GB. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 SkyOS.img 2G You start QEMU, or the Kernel-based Virtual Machine with the virtual hard drive and the installation CD. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-cdrom SkyOS.img retail.iso-boot d \ M-512-rtc base = localtime \ Soundhw-es1370-vga std \ -Usb-net nic, model = rtl8139-net user After entering his registration name and serial number, SkyOS boot as a live CD. You logged in as admin without the password. SkyOS to be installed on the hard drive, click on the Install icon on the SkyOS. Then you choose the language and keyboard layout and confirmed the license. The partitioning of the hard disk is done with the disk manager. For this you choose the option Selected harddis k / dev/hd0 As. With the Create Partition button puts you to a new partition. The size shall be selected as the type and SkyOS. Then a restart is required. After logging into the live system, you click again on the icon Install SkyOS and through all the steps again to partition off to. We choose the partition and format it with the file system skyf. It allows software packages will be selected for installation. At the end of the installation, the boot loader is installed. For this you choose as a target MBR (Master Boot Record) from. After installation, the system is rebooted. Host ~ $ qemu-m 512 SkyOS.img net nic, model = rtl8139-net user Rtc-base = localtime-std-vga soundhw es1370-usb-no-kqemu The options are in the Kernel-based Virtual Machine use. Host ~ $ kvm-m 512-rtc SkyOS.img base = localtime-soundhw es1370 \ Std-vga-usb-net nic, model = rtl8139-net user-no-kvm Further configuration of SkyOS is a simple way with the system manager. It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-b SkyOS.img qcow2 SkyOS-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-SkyOS 01.ovl-m 512-localtime-rtc base = soundhw es1370 \ std-vga-usb-net nic, model = rtl8139-net user-no-kqemu MenuetOS (64-bit) Download: http://www.menuetos.net/download.htm Recommendation: Standard PC (default), CPU: x86 64-bit, 512 MB RAM, no HDD The operating system MenuetOS is written entirely in x86 assembly language. It fits on a floppy disk. MenuetOS is not based on UNIX or the POSIX standard. It is based not on a different operating system. The 32-bit version is hardly developed further. Therefore, the 64-bit version is recommended. To download a disk image will be available. You will download this image and unpacked it. Here are the Linux commands. Host ~ $ wget http://www.menuetos.be/download.php?CurrentMenuetOS Host ~ $ unzip *. zip * It is-system-x86_64 qemu started with the following options. Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-fda M64-095Q.IMG-m 512-rtc base = localtime In the default configuration changes are not saved. For permanent storage in the host system, the disk image integrated and edited the configuration file. Here the example of the Unix-/Linux-Befehle that must be executed under the root user. Host ~ $ sudo mount-o loop-M64 094G.IMG / mnt After mounting the file config.mnt with an editor as vi processed. If the space on the disk image does not, this file is to copy to edit in a different directory and write back after editing. Host ~ $ sudo vi / mnt / config.mnt To adjust the screen resolution, screen_resolution the value changed behind. A 3 at the end of the hexadecimal number giving a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. screen_resolution = 0x000003 # 1 = 640x480 2 = 800x600 # 3 = 1024x768 4 = 1280x1024 The network will be activated and configured as follows.

network_card_enable = 0x00000001 # network card enabled network_ip 0x0f02000a = # # network_gateway = 0x0202000a network_subnet_mask = 0x00FFF If any changes occurred, is unmount the disk image. Host ~ $ sudo umount / mnt It is-system-x86_64 qemu started with these options. It is recommended to shut down after configuring the virtual machine and one or create several overlay files. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b-f qcow2 094G.IMG M64 M64-094G-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-fda M64-094G.ovl-m 512-rtc base = localtime

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1/29/2011 7:37 PM

SkyOS, Syllable Desktop 0.6.6, Haiku, BeOS, Zeta, MenuetOS, AROS, A...


AROS Website: http://www.aros.org Download: http://aros.sourceforge.net/download.php # winaros AROS is a desktop operating system to be compatible with AmigaOS 3.1 at the API level. An image with an installed system is downloaded and decompressed with 7-Zip. Host ~ $ wget http://amidevcpp.amiga-world.de/WinAros/WinArosHD.7z Host ~ $ p7zip-d WinArosHD.7z Host ~ $ qemu WinArosHD.img Icaros desktop LIVE! Is a live CD and is from the URL http://vmwaros.blogspot.com/2009/03/icaros-desktop-live-is-complete.html downloaded. After unpacking the following options can be applied. Host ~ $ kvm-m 192-net nic, model = PCnet-net user \ Rtc-base = localtime-cdrom icaros-v110-unknown-i386.iso There are also Icaros Desktop ( http://ve.icarosdesktop.org ). This is a AROS-Appliance for VMware with the OWB Web browser and other software. BOS Website: http://bos.asmhackers.net The aim of BOS is simplicity. BOS is similar to DOS. Host ~ $ wget http://bos.asmhackers.net/downloads/bos_0.04_img.zip Host ~ $ unzip bos_0.04_img.zip Host ~ $ qemu-fda-rtc bos_0.04.img base = localtime-m 4 Cosmos Website: http://gocosmos.org Cosmos is an operating system written in C #. Host ~ $ wget http://gocosmos.org/Vault/Cosmos-Ms1.zip Host ~ $ unzip Cosmos Ms1.zip Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom Cosmos.iso DexOS Website: http://www.dex4u.com DexOS is a small program written in assembly language operating system. Host ~ $ wget http://www.dex4u.com/dexiso.zip Host ~ $ unzip dexiso.zip Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom dexiso / dexiso.ISO std-vga JNode Download: http://www.jnode.org/download_latest JNode is a Java-based operating system. A quick start is at the URL http://www.jnode.org/node/798 and instructions for operating under KVM is at the URL http://www.jnode.org /node/2750 available. Host ~ $ wget \ http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/jnode/jnode-x86-0.2.8.iso.gz Host ~ $ gunzip jnode x86 0.2.8.iso.gz Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom jnode-x86-0.2.8.iso std-vga-m 768 With KVM, the following options are applied. Host ~ $ kvm-m 768-cdrom jnode-x86-0.2.8.iso-no-acpi \ -No-kvm-net none-vga std thos Website: http://www.losethos.com/ thos is a little loose in C-implemented 64-bit operating system. The shell syntax is based on the programming language C. Host ~ $ wget http://www.losethos.com/LTCD.ISO Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64-cdrom LTCD.ISO-m 512 \ -Net none-soundhw pcspk-boot d MikeOS Download: http://mikeos.berlios.de/ # download Doku: http://mikeos.berlios.de/handbook.html MikeOS is a minimalist operating system. It is similar to DOS. Host ~ $ wget http://download.berlios.de/mikeos/mikeos-2.0.0.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf mikeos-2.0.0.tar.gz Host $ cd ~ mikeos-2.0.0/disk_images Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom-rtc mikeos.iso base = localtime MonaOS Website: http://www.monaos.org MonaOS is a simple operating system. Host ~ $ unzip-month 0.3.0alpha9-qemu-0.8.2-windows.zip Host $ cd ~ mona-0.3.0alpha9-qemu-0.8.2-windows-tap Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom-fda mona.iso mona.img-boot d-soundhw pcspk SharpOS Website: http://www.sharpos.org Doku: http://www.sharpos.org/redmine/wiki/3/Howto_Debug_with_QEmu SharpOS is on. NET technologies based operating system. Host ~ $ tar xjvf SharpOS-0.0.1.tar.bz2 Host ~ $ qemu-fda SharpOS-0.0.1/DiskImages/SharpOS.img Visopsys Website: http://www.visopsys.org

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1/29/2011 7:37 PM

SkyOS, Syllable Desktop 0.6.6, Haiku, BeOS, Zeta, MenuetOS, AROS, A...


A small operating system with a partitioning tool and other applications. Host ~ $ wget \ http://visopsys.org/files/visopsys/visopsys-0.7_PRE-iso.zip Host ~ $ unzip-Visopsys 0.7_PRE-iso.zip Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom-Visopsys 0.7_PRE.iso-m 16 Whitix Website: http://www.whitix.org/download.php Whitix is a simple operating system. Host ~ $ wget http://www.whitix.org/downloads/whitix-current.iso Host ~ $ qemu-cdrom-whitix current.iso <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur/_Exoten " This page has been accessed 6682 times. This page was last updated on 5 January 2011 at 06:51 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:37 PM

EISX hypervisor Xen-in, metal, Full Virtualization, download iso installat...


EISX hypervisor Xen-in, metal, Full Virtualization, download iso installation

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / x86 / hypervisor]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

The hypervisor is on the paravirtualization and full virtualization software layer that lies directly between the hardware and operating systems. Full Virtualization hypervisor require processors with hardware virtualization technologies. To emulate this, requires the host system AMD processors. The kernel module kvm-amd is nested = 1 option to activate the (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Installation ). The CPU-definition qemu64 cpu, + svm be 64-bit processors with hardware virtualization technology emulates. EISX Download: http://www.eisxen.org http://www.eisfair.org/home/download/ Recommendation: Standard PC (default),> 256 MB RAM, Hard Drive: 10 GB The software Xen is a hypervisor that is being developed at the University of Cambridge. Xen is to install complicated and expensive. First, a boot loader is needed to start in several steps in the right order and the necessary software components. It must first of the hypervisor and then the customized operating system for the privileged virtual machine to load. This complex configuration is on EISX not necessary. Based on the proven Linux eisfair minimal distribution to install a Xen server in minutes, and virtual machines can be easily set up themselves. The Linux distribution is used here as eisfair privileged virtual machine. The size of the disk depends on the planned number of guest systems. It should be at least 10 GB. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 eisxen hd.img-10G To install you start QEMU, or the Kernel-based Virtual Machine with the hard disk and the downloaded CD image. Here are the options kvm-no-kqemu-or no-state, since neither of these KQEMU still KVM virtualization software within the authority will comply with. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-eisxen hd.img-cdrom-eisxen rc5.iso \ -Boot d-no-kvm First, ask if the entire hard disk to use hda. Use hda for installation (y / n) [yes] [Enter] In test mode is no extra partition for the data necessary. Create extra data partition / data (y / n)? N Create partitions as listed above (y / n) y After the security check will begin the installation. In the end, after the passwords for the root user and asked ice. Users of the ice is used to configure the system by using menus. Setting password for user root: Enter new UNIX password: ***** Setting password for user eis: Enter new UNIX password: The network configuration is done via DHCP. Use DHCP for network card? (Y / n) [yes] [Enter]

EISX - The creation of a guest system.

After installation, the virtual machine without a CD, but start with more RAM. Host ~ $ qemu-hda-eisxen hd.img-m 512-no-kvm To configure the system log into ice as a user. It automatically starts the configuration program. It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b-eisxen hd.img qcow2 eisxen-f-hd-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-hda eisxen-hd-01.ovl-m 512-no-kvm Under the Kernel-based Virtual Machine use the option-no-kvm. Host ~ $ kvm-hda eisxen-hd-01.ovl-m 512-no-kvm can EISX In guest systems can be generated easily from templates. To create a host system from this template you select the menu item Administration Xen, domU Administration, Create new domain from template. The package includes templates for the Linux distribution are eisfair. For the first test you take over the guidelines: eisfair1.tar.bz2 Name of domain [eisfair1]: [Enter]

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1/29/2011 7:38 PM

EISX hypervisor Xen-in, metal, Full Virtualization, download iso installat...


Disk size in MB [512]: [Enter] Memory size in MB [64]: [Enter] Swap space in MB (0 = no swap) [128]: [Enter] Power on when domain 0 boots (y / n) [yes]: [Enter] It is the template select (eisfair1.tar.bz2). Then a name for the guest system is to forgive. More details are the size of the virtual disk, the RAM and the size of the swap area. EISX installed the new system and submit the generated image in the folder / data / xen / images / down. Then the network is configured. Please enter a host name [eisfair1]? Horst Please enter an IP Address? Please enter the subnet mask []: [Enter]] Please enter the default gateway? Please enter the Doamin [lan.home]: [Enter]] Please enter the DNS? For the guest system user credentials for the root obtained. Guest systems are the menu Xen administration, domU administration, management domains managed. This is the guest system (domain) input. List Xen domains: no name order booted 1-50 no horst Enter command ([1] to manage the domain, Enter = Return): 1 It will start the guest system. Please enter command: [B] oot, b [o] ot & connect, [N] ew boot order [D] elete Enter = Return: o The guest system will boot and you will see the login screen. Will leave this console using the key combination [Ctrl ]+[]]. It is possible to generate additional guest systems with the available templates. Furthermore, you can move their own templates. How EISX find on the Web site. A QEMU image with EISX and a template for generating virtual machines with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS server at the URL http://www.oszoo.org/wiki/index.php/EisXEN-beta2a-with-ubuntu-6.06.1 -server-template to be downloaded. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur/_Hypervisor " This page has been accessed 4670 times. This page was last updated on 26 January 2011 at 16:34 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:38 PM

SPARC, Debian, Linux, download iso installation, SPARCstation server - ...


SPARC, Debian, Linux, download iso installation, SPARCstation, server

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / SPARC Architecture]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

The emulation of the 32-bit SPARC architecture allows the command qemu-system-sparc. This makes it possible to create virtual machines that contain as a basis of available processors from the SPARC family.

Debian GNU / Linux 4.0 Etch

Download: http://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/ Recommendation: SPARC architecture, 128 MB RAM, hard disk: from 2 GB. Debian GNU / Linux is a free Linux distribution that is compiled exclusively from free software. Debian is a reliable server operating system and serves as a stable foundation for many other Linux distributions such as Ubuntu. Debian is available for eleven processor architectures. For example, here is the SPARC platform (32-bit). A virtual hard disk size of 2 GB is sufficient. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 DebianSPARC.img 2G From the download URL to Load CD-image for sparc in the section down the business card image. Then you start qemu-system-sparc. Host ~ $ qemu-system-sparc-hda DebianSPARC.img \ -Cdrom debian-40r3-sparc-boot d-businesscard.iso The installation is similar to the Ubuntu server. Once installed, these options are used. Host ~ $ qemu-system-sparc-hda DebianSPARC.img After installation and configuration is recommended to shut down the virtual machine and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b DebianSPARC.img \ Debian-sparc-f qcow2 01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-system-sparc-hda debian-sparc 01.ovl <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_SPARCArchitektur " This page has been accessed 4004 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:31 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:40 PM

ARM processor architecture, arm processor, qemu-system-arm, Linux, do...


ARM processor architecture, arm processor, qemu-system-arm, Linux, download iso installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / ARM processor architecture]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

ARM processor architecture

The emulation of the ARM processor architecture allows the command qemu-system-arm.

Linux kernel with a small file system

Download: http://wiki.qemu.org/Download Recommendation: ARM processor architecture, 128 MB RAM. On the website of QEMU is located in the download section is a small test system for the ARM processor architecture. It includes a Linux kernel and a small file system. It downloads the tarball and unpacked it. Linux Example: Host ~ $ wget http://wiki.qemu.org/download/arm-test-0.2.tar.gz host ~ $ tar xzvf arm-test-0.2.tar.gz ~ $ cd host arm-test After switching to the new directory is called QEMU with the external Linux kernel and initial RAM disk. There are two variants. In the first variant QEMU is open as usual in a window. Host ~ $ qemu-system-arm-kernel zImage.integrator \ Initrd-arm_root.img In the second variant, the output in the console of the host system. With the append-kernel a boot option passed is: console = ttyAMA0 redirects output to the console on. The-Oceanographic causes not have QEMU window opens. Host ~ $ qemu-system-arm-Oceanographic \ -Kernel zImage.integrator \ Initrd-arm_root.img \ -Oceanographic-append "console = ttyAMA0" <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_ARM-Prozessorarchitektur " This page has been accessed 5119 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:32 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:42 PM

MIPS processor architecture, processor mips, mips architecture, qemu-sy...


MIPS processor architecture, processor mips, mips architecture, qemu-system-mips, Debian linux download iso installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / MIPS processor architecture]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

MIPS processor architecture

The emulation of the MIPS architecture allows the command qemu-system-mips.

Debian GNU / Linux 4.0 Etch

Download: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/etch/main/installer-mips/current/images/qemu/netboot/ Recommendation: MIPS architecture (R4000), 128 MB RAM, hard disk: from 2 GB. As an example, the MIPS R4000 processor platform is used with the. This is the platform compiled Linux kernel and initrd file for Debian Etch installer from the download. Furthermore, a virtual disk is created for the installation. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f qcow2 DebianEtch_on_MIPS.img 2G To install the operating system is mips qemu-system-started with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-system-mips-hda-DebianEtch_on_MIPS.img Oceanographic \ -Kernel vmlinux-2.6.18-4-qemu \ -Initrd initrd.gz \ -Append "root = / dev / ram console = ttyS0" Here is the ability of QEMU used externally to boot a Linux kernel without boot media must be used. Root = / dev / ram devices file is the where the root lies. Furthermore, console = ttyS0 output to the console redirected to. The-Oceanographic causes not have QEMU window opens. The output is in the console of the host system was started in the QEMU. The installation is similar to the Ubuntu server. At the end of the installation a warning message that the bootloader could not be installed. A boot loader is here but not required because the Linux kernel will run directly from QEMU. This message can be ignored. After you install QEMU, discontinue use and start with the following new options: Host ~ $ qemu-system-mips-hda DebianEtch_on_MIPS.img \-kernel vmlinux-2.6.18-4-qemu-initrd initrd.gz \-append "root = / dev/hda1 console = ttyS0" Oceanographic After installation and configuration is recommended to shut down the virtual machine and one or more overlay files to create in order to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b DebianEtch_on_MIPS.img \ -F-qcow2 DebianEtch_on_MIPS 01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-system-mips-hda-DebianEtch_on_MIPS 01.ovl \ -Kernel vmlinux-2.6.18-4-qemu-initrd initrd.gz \ -Append "root = / dev/hda1 console = ttyS0" Oceanographic <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_MIPS-Prozessorarchitektur " This page has been accessed 3857 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:32 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:42 PM

Coldfire processor architecture, Freescale ColdFire, qemu-system-m68k, ...


Coldfire processor architecture, Freescale ColdFire, qemu-system-m68k, linux uclinux download iso installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / Coldfire processor architecture]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Cold Fire architecture

The emulation of the Coldfire architecture allows the command qemu-system-m68k. This emulator allows you to boot a uClinux kernel.

Linux kernel with a small file system

Download: http://wiki.qemu.org/Download Recommendation: Coldfire processor architecture, 128 MB RAM. On the website of QEMU is located in the download section is a small test system for the Coldfire processor architecture. It includes a Linux kernel and a small file system. It downloads the tarball and unpacked it. Linux Example: Host ~ $ wget http://wiki.qemu.org/download/coldfire-test-0.1.tar.bz2 Host ~ $ tar xjvf ColdFire-test-0.1.tar.bz2 Host $ cd ~ cold-fire test-0.1 After switching to the new directory is called QEMU. Host ~ $ qemu-system-m68k-kernel vmlinux-2.6.21-uc0-Oceanographic It opens not have a QEMU window. The output is in the console was launched in QEMU. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_ColdfireProzessorarchitektur " This page has been accessed 3207 times. This page was last updated on 7 March 2010 at 08:52 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:43 PM

QEMU PowerPC architecture qemu-system-ppc qemu-system-ppc64, Deb...


QEMU PowerPC architecture qemu-system-ppc qemu-system-ppc64, Debian Linux iso download installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / PowerPC]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

The emulation of the PowerPC architecture commands allow qemu-system-ppc qemu-system-ppc64 and qemu-system-ppcemb.

Debian GNU / Linux 4.0 (Etch)

Download: http://www.oszoo.org/wiki/index.php/Debian_Etch_ppc_ 28PowerPC%% 29_-_Qemu_Ready Recommended: PowerPC, 256 MB RAM, hard disk: from 3 GB. Debian is available for eleven processor architectures. For example, here is the PPC platform. An installed system can be downloaded from FreeOsZoo and unpacked. Here, the corresponding Unix-/Linux-Befehle: Host ~ $ wget \ http://www.oszoo.org/images/qemu-ppc-debian-etch-image.tar Host ~ $ tar xvf qemu-ppc-debian-etch-image.tar Host $ cd qemu-debian-etch-ppc-image Start the virtual machine with the script run-qemu-ssh. Host ~ $. / Run-qemu-ssh After booting, login to the root user and password root. As configured in the script redirect a port to the SSH port, was a login via SSH is possible. Host ~ $ ssh root @ localhost-p 22 000 It is recommended to install and configure the virtual machine shut down and qcow2 format to convert to. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O qcow2 debian-ppc-qemu.qcow \ debian-ppc-qemu.qcow2 Furthermore, to create one or more overlay files to protect the base image to make changes. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-b debian-ppc-qemu.qcow2 \ -F qcow2 debian-ppc-qemu-qcow2-01.ovl The start is from the overlay file with the following options: Host ~ $ qemu-system-ppc-rtc base = localtime-M-m 256 \ prep ZImage.prep-kernel-hda debian-ppc-qemu-qcow2-01.ovl \ -Net nic-net user, hostfwd = tcp:: 22000 -: 22 <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Gast-Systeme/_PowerPCArchitektur " This page has been accessed 4935 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:33 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

Debian under qemu-system-ppc.

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1/29/2011 7:44 PM

QEMU PowerPC architecture qemu-system-ppc qemu-system-ppc64, Deb...


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SuperH architecture QEMU qemu-system-sh4, qemu-system-sh4eb, Supe...


SuperH architecture QEMU qemu-system-sh4, qemu-system-sh4eb, SuperH RISC, Linux iso download installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / guest systems / SuperH architecture]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

SuperH architecture
The emulation of the SuperH architecture enable the commands qemu-system-sh4 and qemu-systemsh4eb.

Linux kernel with a small file system

Download: http://wiki.qemu.org/Download Recommendation: SuperH architecture, 128 MB RAM. On the website of QEMU is located in the download area, a test system (SH-test-0.2.tar.bz2) for the SuperH processor architecture. It includes a Linux kernel and a small file system. It downloads the tarball and unpacked it. Host ~ $ wget http://wiki.qemu.org/download/sh-test-0.2.tar.bz2 Host ~ $ tar xjvf sh-test-0.2.tar.bz2 Host $ cd ~ sh-0.2-test After switching to the new directory is called QEMU. The output is in the terminal, was launched in the QEMU. Host ~ $ qemu-system-sh4-M r2d-hda sh-linux-mini.img \ -Kernel zImage-serial null-serial stdio-Oceanographic Please press Enter to activate this console. # Uname-a Shlinux Linux 2.6.29-07 132-ge2f6d6c # 5 Mon Apr 6 22:45:01 JST 2009 sh4 unknown

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1/29/2011 7:45 PM

QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes - qemu-kvm and libvirt


QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes
For qemu-kvm and libvirt - QEMU + Kernel-based Virtual Machine - Wiki
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Startup options of QEMU and KVM QEMU Monitor qemu-img and kvm-img qemu and kvm-io-io qemu-kvm-nbd and nbd libvirt Spice More virtualizer and Emulators chroot (New root directory as a sandbox under Unix / Linux) Basilisk II (68k Macintosh Emulator) Bochs (x86 emulator) FAUmachine (hardware emulator, virtualization solution) Gxemul (ARM, MIPS, PowerPC and SuperH-Emulator) Solaris Zones (virtualization at the OS level) personal alpha (alpha-Emulator) VirtualBox (Native Virtualization) Microsoft Virtual PC (Native Virtualization) VMware ESXi (type-1 hypervisor) VMWare Player (desktop virtualisation) VMware Server (Native Virtualization, type 2 hypervisor) VMware Workstation (Native Virtualization) Win4Lin, WinBSD, Win4Solaris Xen (paravirtualization and full virtualization, Type-1 hypervisor) Useful Tools Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator) GNU Free Documentation License <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang " This page has been accessed 4179 times. This page was last updated on 5 March 2010 at 06:37 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:48 PM

Options QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine, KVM QEMU short...


Options QEMU and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine, KVM QEMU short and sweet
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-book / notes / start options of QEMU and KVM]])
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Contents Add a QEMU and KVM 1.1 Standard Options 1.2 USB Options 1.3 File System Options 1.3.1 File System Devices 1.3.2 Virtual file systems exported 1.4 Display Options 1.5 Network options 1.6 Character Devices 1.7 Bluetooth options 1.8 x86 1.9 Non-x86 1:10 Special Linux boot options 1:11 debugging / Expert options 1:12 options userspace emulation 1.12.1 Standard Options 1.12.2 Debug Options 1.12.3 Environment Variables 1:13 Spice Options 1:14 shortcuts

options of QEMU and KVM

In support of host systems with x86 processor architecture, QEMU or KVM is called with the following commands. Disk_image denotes the image of the first IDE hard disk (disk 0). Host ~ $ qemu [options] [disk_image] The Kernel-based Virtual Machine is often used with qemu kvm instead of the command invoked with. Some distributions call to the with-system-x86_32 qemu, qemu-system-x86_64 qemu or kvm-. Host ~ $ kvm [options] [disk_image] x86 (32 bit): Host ~ $ qemu-system-i386 [options] [disk_image] x86 (64 bit): Host ~ $ qemu-system-x86_64 [options] [disk_image]

Standard Options
-H, - help Display of support. -Version

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It displays the version and then exits. -M machine Selection of the emulated machine. If this option is omitted, or the default option-M PC, and a bus today's standard PC with a PCI-emulated. With M-PC-0.11 pc, the machine type QEMU version 0.11.0 set by the. With the-M isapc), a PC model with the older ISA bus (Industry Standard Architecture emulated. The indication of the possible types of machines is done with-M?. CPU model Selection of the emulated CPU. The indication of the possible CPU types is done with-cpu?. Additional CPU the CPU type definitions may comma be passed to one, for example-cpu qemu64, + svm. With the CPU definition + svm virtualization techniques are processors with hardware-emulated. That is, the host system can serve as the host system for further KVM instances. This requires that the actual host system via AMD processors. The kernel module kvm-amd see is the option with nested = 1 to enable ( http://qemu-buch.de/d/Installation ). If a virtualization solution within operated another virtualization solution, it is called nesting. \ N-smp [, cores = cores] [, threads = threads] [, sockets = socket] [, Maxcpus maxcpus =] Specifies the number (s) of the emulated CPUs. By default, a CPU is emulated. Up to 255 CPUs for the x86 architecture are supported. For the sparc32 architecture limits Linux host system, the number to four CPUs. For x86 architectures, these options are available. Missing information can be calculated. If values for cores, threads and sockets set, the total number of CPUs are omitted. cores = cores Defines the number of cores per socket. threads = threads Defines the number of threads per core. sockets = socket Defines the number of sockets. maxcpus = maxcpus Defines the maximum number of hot-pluggable CPUs. Numa-node [, mem = size] [, cpu = cpu [-cpu]] [, nodeid = node] Simulates a multi-node NUMA system. NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) is a memory architecture for multi-processor systems. Each processor has a separate, local memory. Other processors in the system is made possible through a common address space, direct access to this memory (Distributed Shared Memory). NUMA architectures are implemented such as AMD Opteron multi-processor systems on base. In simplified terms, a NUMA node, a memory region in which each byte the same distance (hops) to each CPU (see http://lse.sourceforge.net/numa/faq/ ). The QEMU monitor informs the command info about the NUMA NUMA node. mem = size Defines the size of the memory. The default value is 128 MB. If this option is not specified, the resources are shared equally. cpu = cpu [-cpu] Addresses the CPU (s) for configuration. If this option is not specified, the resources are shared equally.

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nodeid = node Defines the Node ID. -fda/-fdb file The file specified file serves as a disk image for drive A or B. On Linux, the device file / dev/fd0 be used for file. -Hda file -Hdb file -Hdc file -Hdd file The specified file each file is used as a disk image. It is also possible for real hard-disks. However, should access the read-only (snapshot) take place. This would cause data loss. On Linux, to be the devices, such as / dev / hda or / dev / sda, given to. On Microsoft Windows is a real drive to \ \. \ Physical drive access. Where N is the drive number (0 is the first drive). -Cdrom file The specified file is used as an image file for the CD-ROM drive (IDE1 Master). It is not possible to use-hdc and-cdrom at the same time. Linux and MacOS X can also real CD-ROM drive, / dev / cdrom, for example file used to be. On Microsoft Windows is to the real CD-ROM drive with \ \ accessed. \ D \. -Drive [, [, [, [, [file = file] [, if = type] [, bus = n] [, unit = m] [, media = d] [, index = i] \ Cyls = c, heads = h, secs = s [, trans = t]] [snapshot = on | off] \ Cache = write through | writeback | unsafe | none] [, format = f] \ Serial = s] [, addr = A] [, id = name] [, aio threads = | native] \ Readonly = on | off]

Defines a new drive. Possible options are: file = file This option addresses the Image for this drive. If the file name by a comma, it should be double this. if = type This option defines with which kind of interface the drive is connected. Options are: ide, scsi, sd (Secure Digital Card), mtd (on-board flash memory), floppy, pflash (parallel Flash), virtio (paravirtualized block device). bus n = unit = m These options define by specifying the bus number and unit ID as the drive is connected. media = d This option sets the media type (disk or cdrom). index = i Defines an interface on which connector is connected the drive. With Connectors, the index number of the specified. cyls = c, heads = h, secs = s [, trans = t] These options have the same meanings as in-hdachs. snapshot = on | off The option can be set on or off and allows the (de) activation of the snapshot function for the

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specified drive (see option-snapshot). cache = none | write through | writeback | unsafe The cache option can be none, write back, write through (default) or unsafe to be set. It controls the use of the cache for the specified drive. With the contact of the parameter write through write requests, the host cache for read and used. The confirmation of the write operation is sent to the host system only when the storage subsystem has confirmed the writing process. In the write back option is already writing the confirmation sent when the data of the host are stored in the cache. Crashes the host, it can cause loss of data. With unsafe contents of the cache never written to the disk. For problems with the host thereby threatening loss of data. At the start snapshot default option is unsafe as a set. When none option cache, the host is not used. QEMU and KVM can cache the data internally. The performance can be certain drivers in combination with the option to write through and the image size be less qcow2. If more emphasis on speed to put as security, is to apply the write back option. format = f Specifies the image format (eg format = raw). serial = s Defines the number for the allocation of the device. addr = A Defines the PCI device address of the controller (virtio). boot = on | off If the option is set boot = on, boot the drive is made possible by. aio threads = | native Allows you to choose from Pthread based disk I / O and Native Linux AIO. readonly = on | off With readonly = on the drive is read-bear. Group.id.arg-set = value Defines the parameter arg for the entry id of type group. For example: Drive-set. Id.file $ = / path / to / image -Global driver.property = value Defines a global default value for a driver property. Mtdblock-file The file specified file serves as an on-board flash memory image. Sd-file The file specified file serves as a Secure Digital card image. Pflash-file The file specified file serves as a parallel flash image. -Boot [order = drives] [, drives once =] [, menu = on | off] Defines start of what device or operating system is the Image (x86 PC). The original format drives will

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boot versions no longer supported in future QEMU. a Disk c Hard drive (default) d CD / DVD-ROM n Etherboot (1 NIC) o Etherboot (2nd NIC) p Etherboot (3rd network card) order = drives Defines the boot sequence. The option-boot order = adc will first try to boot from the floppy disk. This is not possible, it tries to CD / DVD-ROM to boot. Should this fail, start the boot from the hard disk. once = drives It is only attempted when first starting to boot from this device. menu = on | off (De) Activates a menu to select the boot devices. This menu is called in the starting instance using the [F12]. -Snapshot Changes are not written to the storage media, but in temporary files. With the command savevm in QEMU monitor these changes can be saved. -M megs [M | G] Defines the amount of memory in megabytes (megs). The default value is 128 MB. Optionally, or G, the size in megabytes or gigabytes are indicated with M. K-language Sets the keyboard layout. The specification of the keyboard layout is usually not necessary since it is assumed by the host system. If this is not possible, as with some X servers or VNC, is the attitude of the layout to make this option. In these cases, en-us is usually the default. Symbol Language ar as de de-ch Arabic Danish German German (Switzerland)

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en-gb en-us it et fi so Fri fr-be fr-ca fr-ch hr hu is it yes lt lv mk nl nl-be no pl pt pt-br ru sl sv th tr

English (UK) English (U.S.) Hispanic Estonian Finnish Faroese French French (Belgium) French (Canada) French (Switzerland) Croatian Hungarian Icelandic Italian Japanese Lithuanian Latvian Macedonian Dutch Dutch (Belgium) Norwegian Polish Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Russian Slovenian Swedish Thai Turkish

-Audio-help Prints the list of audio devices with their options. -Soundhw card1 [, ,...] card2 Soundhw-all Enables the audio support for the specified sound cards. Several sound cards are separated by commas. -Soundhw? Indication of the supported sound cards. -Soundhw pcspk Emulates the PC speaker. Soundhw-sb16 Emulates the sound card Creative Sound Blaster 16th Soundhw-es1370 Emulates the sound card ENSONIQ AudioPCI ES1370.

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Soundhw-ac97 Emulates the sound card Intel 82801AA AC97 audio. In the Linux guest system requires the kernel module for AC97 i810_audio the following option: modprobe i810_audio clocking = 48000 -Soundhw pcspk, sb16 Emulates the PC speakers and the Creative Sound Blaster 16th Soundhw-all Enables all supported sound cards. -Device driver [, prop [= value ][,...]] Adds the device driver added. With-device? Get a list of possible devices. prop = value Defines the properties of the device. With-device driver? Get a list of possible properties for the specified device. Adds a device added. With-device? Get a list of possible devices. -Name string1 [, string2 process =] Defines a name for the instance. This name appears in the title bar of the SDL window. Furthermore, this name for the VNC server is used. String2 with the process name for the top command established under Linux. Uuid-% 08x-% 04x-% 04x-% 04x-% 012x Defines a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for the instance.

USB options
QEMU emulates a PCI UHCI USB controller. This allows USB devices to virtual and real USB devices to the host system (Linux only) to connect to the virtual machine. QEMU automatically creates if necessary virtual USB hub. Usb Enables the USB support. USBDevice-name Adds an additional USB device. Alternatively, QEMU monitor the command usb_add used. Possible USB devices are: mouse This option enables a virtual USB mouse, overriding the PS/2-Maus-Emulation. tablet With this option, the mouse pointer is used in both the guest and the host system. The mouse pointer leaves the window of the host system is automatically switched to the hands of the host system. This option overrides the PS/2-Maus-Emulation. disk: [format = format] file With this option) is a mass storage (USB stick virtual emulated. File called the image of the storage media. Format is the image format (eg format = raw).

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host: bus.addr With this option, a USB device to the host system through its bus address is directly addressed. This is only possible with Linux and still in the experimental stage. host: vendor_id: product_id With this option, a USB device to the host system is through its vendor and product ID directly addressed. This is only possible with Linux and still experimental. wacom tablet Emulates a virtual PenPartner Wacom Tablet. the possibilities of the tablet option addition, the pressure on the pointing device to be evaluated. This requires the Tslib library. keyboard This option enables a virtual USB keyboard and overwrites the existing PS/2-Tastatur-Emulation. serial: [VendorID = vendor_id] [, productid = product_id]: dev Enables a virtual serial converter at the specified character device dev to the host system. Emulate the FTDI chip FT232BM. The specification vendor ID and product ID will override the default values of 0403:6001. braille Activates the Braille device. This the BrlAPI used to display the Braille edition for the visually impaired or a fake device. net: options Enables a virtual network adapter that supports the protocols CDC Ethernet and RNDIS. The options correspond to the options of-net nic. For example, a user mode network stack with USB is generated with the following command: qemu [... OPTIONS ...]-net user, vlan = 0-USBDevice net: vlan = 0 bt [: hci-type] Enables a Bluetooth dongle. The possible parameters of hci-type correspond to those of hci-bt (see Bluetooth options). If hci type not specified, the default setting-bt hci, vlan = 0. This USB Device USB implements the Transport Layer of HCI.

File System Options

00:13 From QEMU, the options-and-support fsdev virtfs. File System Devices The general syntax for defining file system devices is fsdev-fstype, id = id [, options]. Any device with a string id must be assigned. This is used for unique identification. Depending on the type of devices (fstype), certain options apply. Fsdev-local, id = id, path = path, security_model = security_model Specifies a device for a local file system. local The local file system is only available on Linux. path

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Defines the path to be exported. This information is mandatory. security_model Defines the security model chosen. This information is mandatory. Virtual exported file systems The general syntax for exporting file systems as virtual file systems virtfs-fstype [, options]. Depending on the type of devices (fstype), certain options apply. Virtfs-local, path = path, mount_tag = mount_tag, security_model = security_model Exports a local file system as a virtual file system. local The local file system is only available on Linux. path Defines the path to be exported. This information is mandatory. security_model Defines the security model chosen. This information is mandatory. mount_tag tag with the exported file system is mounted to the Custom. This information is mandatory.

Display options
-Oceanographic Disables the graphic output and directs the serial input and output to the console. This can be controlled using special keyboard shortcuts. -Curses Normally, the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) for the VGA output is used. This option allows the text mode, the VGA output of the host system via the Curses / Ncurses interface. In graphical mode at this option, no output. -No-frame Disables the window frame and thus the instance is the full screen area for the guest system. -Alt-grave Uses the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] instead of [Ctrl] + [Alt] to release the mouse. -Ctrl-grave Uses the right [Ctrl] instead of [Ctrl] + [Alt] to release the mouse. -No-quit Disable the button to close the window of the instance. -Sdl Enables the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) for the VGA output. This option is with the-vnc sense together.

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-Portrait Rotates the graphic output by 90 degrees counter-clockwise (only PXA LCD). -Vga [std | cirrus | vmware | xenfb | none] Select the type of the emulated graphics card. std Simulate a standard VGA card with VESA Bochs Extensions. Does the host system, the VESA 2.0 VBE extensions, this option for higher resolutions (> = 1280x1024x16) are selected. cirrus It emulates a CL-GD5446 PCI VGA card. This option is set as the default. All versions starting from Microsoft Windows 95 recognize this graphics card. For optimal performance in the host and guest system in each set a color depth of 16 bits. vmware Simulates a VMware SVGA II-compatible adapter. This option is used for guest systems with installed video drivers, the VMware Tools. xenfb Xen emulates a frame buffer. For a Linux guest system module, the corresponding command modprobe with xenfb loaded. none Disables the VGA card. -Std-vga (up QEMU 0.9.1) Simulate a standard VGA card with VESA Bochs Extensions. By default, a CL-GD5446 PCI VGA card will be emulated. This option was starting QEMU with the option vga-detached 0.10.0. -Full-screen Starts the emulator in full screen mode. -Vnc display [, option [, option [,...]]] Starts the instance to a VNC server on display number display. Normally used for VGA output, the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL). With the-vnc it is possible to output through a VNC session redirect. Useful it is to apply the option-USBDevice tablet. Furthermore, the keyboard layout with the-k are given. To display syntax is possible: host: d TCP connections are allowed from the host to display d only. The TCP port is 5900 + d. The host parameter can be omitted if the server to connect to all the interfaces. unix: path The connection is made possible by a UNIX domain socket. The path parameter defines the path to the socket. none VNC is initialized but not started. VNC in QEMU monitor is started with the command change vnc. The options are presented in order of display. Multiple options are separated with commas.

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reverse The connection to the VNC client is reverse. In a network connection d is a TCP port number and no display number. password Required for the connection to the client a password-authentication. The password must be in the QEMU monitor with the command change vnc password to be set. tls To increase security, is used for the connection from client to server anonymous Transport Layer Security (TLS). This option should the option be combined with x509 or x509verify. x509 = / path / to / certificate / dir This option is the option to use tls together and requires a x509 certificate to the secured connection. The server will then transmit its x509 certificate to the client. The definition of a password is recommended. After the equals sign specifies the path to the certificate file. x509verify = / path / to / dir certificate This option is the option to use tls together and requires x509 certificates for safe connection. The server will then transmit its x509 certificate to the client and calls from the client to the x509 certificate. Then the server checks the client certificate against the CA certificate. After the equals sign specifies the path to the certificate file. The definition of a password is recommended. sasl The option requires the use of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) for authentication of the VNC client to the VNC server. The SASL framework provides the application protocol is a standard way of negotiating communication parameters between the server and client. It can be used including authentication methods, PAM, GSSAPI / Kerberos, LDAP, SQL database and one-time keys. By configuring the SASL implementations, a method is defined. Was QEMU / KVM support for SASL compiled, this is done through the SASL configuration file / etc/sasl2/qemu.conf. Alternatively, a different configuration file with the variable SASL_CONF_PATH referenced. It is recommended that SASL is always used in conjunction with TSL and x509. Example: qemu [... OPTIONS ...]-vnc: 1, sasl-monitor stdio acl Was QEMU / KVM with support for ACL compiled, this option enables the access control of the x509 client certificate and the SASL against an ACL (Access Control List). In x509 client certificates is testing the Distinguished Name. This, for example, the form C = DE, O = BLA, = London, CN = Robert L. When the SASL user name is checked. Depending on the type SASL plugin, the user in the forms such as robert or appear [email protected]. If the acl flag is set, the initial access control list is empty and only has the Deny policy. This prevents anyone from gaining unauthorized access, as long as the VNC server has not loaded any ACL. To manage the access control list are the commands acl_show, acl_policy, acl_allow acl_remove and the QEMU monitor. lossy Allows a lossy compression method (gradient, JPEG, ...). If this option is enabled, there may be lossy updates the screen layout. It will be taking a much lower bandwidth.

Network Options
-Net nic [, vlan = n] [, macaddr mac =] [, model = type] [, name = st] [, Addr = str] [, vectors = v] Creates a new network card. If the option-net does not use a single network card is emulated.

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vlan = n The NIC is the VLAN associated with n (default n = 0). macaddr = mac Macaddr with a MAC address is specified. model = type parameter model with can be the network cards virtio, i82551, i82557b, i82559er, ne2k_pci (default for x86 PC with older QEMU versions), ne2k_isa, PCnet, rtl8139, e1000 (default for x86-PC), smc91c111, lance and mcf_fec . Setting It does not support all network cards from all host systems. With-net nic, model =? Can the available network card list. name = str The network card is named for better addressing. The QEMU monitor info with this name is displayed network. addr = str Defines the PCI Device Address. vectors v = Optionally, set for PCI network cards the number of MSI-X vectors (Message Signaled Interrupts). This specification has currently no effect on virtio cards. With a value of 0 MSI-X is disabled. -Net user [, vlan = n] [, name = str] [, net = addr [/ mask]] [, host = addr] \ [, RESTRICT = y | n] [, hostname = host] [, dhcpstart = addr] [, dns = addr] \ [, Tftp = dir] [, boot file = f] [, hostfwd = rule] [, guestfwd = rule] \ [, Smb = dir [, smbserver = addr]] Connects the user-mode network stack to VLAN s. This does not have administrator privileges are required. QEMU monitor settings are displayed in the info network. vlan = n The user-mode stack is the VLAN associated with n (default n = 0). name = str A user-mode stack is named for better addressing. The QEMU monitor info with this name is displayed network. net = addr [/ mask] Defines the network address and optional netmask for the host system (Default = / 8). host = addr Defines the visible to the host system IP address of the host system. By default, this is the second IP address in the guest network, for example xxx2. restrict = y | yes | n | no If this option is enabled, the host system is isolated. That is, the guest system can not establish a network connection to the host and the routing through the host is not possible. This option does not affect the forward rules (parameters and hostfwd guestfwd). hostname = host Defined by the integrated DHCP server assigned DNS name for the guest.

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dhcpstart = addr Defines the first address of the IP range can assign the DHCP server. This area includes 16 IP addresses. By default, this region lies between xxx16 xxx31 and. For example, with dhcpstart = DHCP to the host system an IP address from given by. dns = addr Defines the visible to the host system IP address of the integrated DNS server. By default, this is the third IP address in the guest network, for example xxx3. This address does not match the IP address of the host system. tftp = dir Allows the host system via an integrated TFTP server read access to files on the host system, the path begins with you. The TFTP client on the host system must be configured in binary mode. The host IP address is boot-file = file When using the user mode network stack, this option with the file specified as a BOOTP file published in the network. In conjunction with the tftp host system, a local directory of the host system started to be one of. Such as the use of pxelinux: qemu-hda-boot linux.img n-net user, tftp = / path / to / tftp / files, boot-file = / pxelinux.0 smb = dir [, smbserver = addr] Enables data exchange between host and guest system via Samba share (windows share) of the list you in the host system. This is a Samba server requires on the host system. Was on the host system is already installed Samba server, and configured, the guest system shares with the URL \ \ \ be accessed on the. The user, under the QEMU / KVM is running must have the rights to start this Samba server. The parameter smbserver defines the IP address of the Samba server. By default, this is the fourth IP address in the guest network, for example xxx4. In the host system to have a Samba server / sbin / smbd be installed usr / under. hostfwd = [tcp | udp]: [hostaddr]: host port [guestaddr]: guest-port Allows the redirection of TCP or UDP connections from a port of the host system to a port of the host system. This option can be specified multiple times. If neither tcp or udp as the connection type specified, the TCP protocol is used. By specifying hostaddr, the forward rule defined in the host network interface bound to be one. If not specified guestaddr, whose address is the first value from the internal DHCP server default IP assigned (xxx15). The QEMU monitor informs the command info on the Usenet defined forward rules. Furthermore, the QEMU monitor rules with the new forward command will be added hostfwd_add. The command hostfwd_remove rules Forward deleted. guestfwd = [tcp]: server: port-dev Initiates a TCP connection from the host system to the IP address (server) and port (port) to a character device (dev) of the host system in order. This option can be specified multiple times. -Net tap [, vlan = n] [, name = name] [, fd = h] [, ifname = name] \ [, Script = file] [, script = dfile down] [, sndbuf = nbytes] [, vnet_hdr = on | off] \ [, Vhost = on | off] [, vhostfd = h] TAP connects the network interface of the host system with the VLAN s. script = file It is network-script file (default = / etc / qemu-ifup) used to activate it. down script = dfile It is dfile script (default = / etc / qemu-ifdown) used to disable it. Where the performance of the

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scripts are prevented, is no script = script or down to set no =. fd = h Interface with fd is a handle to an existing TAP network specified. sndbuf = nbytes With the option sndbuf limit the size of the send buffer. The default value of sndbuf = 1048576 can be deactivated with sndbuf = 0. vnet_hdr = on | off If the option vnet_hdr = set off, IFF_VNET_HDR, the TUN / TAP-flag disabled. This flag allows you to send and receive large packets or packets with partial checksums. With poor support for IFF_VNET_HDR this option should be disabled. vhost = on Enabled the experimental kernel accelerator. vhostfd = h Connects to an already open network device hours ago. -Net socket [, vlan = n] [, name = name] [, fd = h] [, listen = [host]: port] \ [, Connect = host: port] VLAN connects the n with a different VLAN on a TCP socket connection. Indicated listen, instance waits for incoming connections on the specified port (host is optional.) In the second instance, connects you to connect with the first instance. With fd is a handle of an existing TCP socket can be specified. -Net socket [, vlan = n] [, name = name] [, fd = h] [, mcast = Maddren: port] Creates the VLAN n, with the same multicast Maddren Venue Address and Port port can be used together with other instances. Multiple instances can run on different hosts and use the same bus. The multicast support is compatible with User Mode Linux (eth n = mcast). With fd is a handle to an existing multicast UDP sockets can be specified. -Net vde [, vlan = n] [, name = name] [, sock = socketpath] [, port = n] \ [, Group = groupname] [mode = octalmode] Was QEMU / KVM with support for VDE is compiled with this option, n VLAN to the port n of a VDE switches (Virtual Distributed Ethernet). This virtual switch is installed on the host system and waits for incoming connections on the socket socketpath. With the group groupname octalmode and the mode it is possible to adjust ownership and permissions. -Net channel, port: dev is (replaced by-net user, guestfwd =...) Directs the network connection to the port character device to dev. Net-dump [, vlan = n] [file = f] [, len = n] Stores the data of the network traffic from VLAN s in the f file (Default = qemu-vlan0.pcap). It can with n the maximum number of bytes per packet is set (default = 64k). The file format is used libpcap. This allows the data with the tools to analyze tcpdump or Wireshark. -Net none Disable all network devices. If, however, not given the option-net, is the default Optionnnn-net nic-net user. Netdev-[user | tap | vde | socket], id = str [, option] [, option ][,...]

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QEMU with 0.12.0, the option to define virtual networks introduced netdev. Depending on the type of virtual network (user, tap, vde, socket) are certain parameters apply. must be a string that uniquely identifies id assigned to this case. Tftp-dir is (replaced by-net user, tftp =...) Allows the host system via TFTP server read access to files on the host system whose path begins with you one. This option sets the pre-net user. The TFTP client on the host system must be configured in binary mode. The host IP address is Bootp-file is (replaced by-net user boot file =...) When using the user mode network stack, this option with the file specified as a BOOTP file published in the network. In conjunction with the tftp-host system, a local directory of the host system started to be one of. -Dir smb (to be replaced by-net user, smb =...) Enables data exchange between host and guest system via Samba share (windows share) of the list you in the host system. This is a Samba server requires the host system. The user, under the QEMU / KVM is running must have the rights to start this Samba server. Furthermore, the user-net option provided.

-Redir [tcp | udp]: host-port: [guest-host]: guest-port (to be replaced by-net user, hostfw =.. Allows the redirection of TCP or UDP connections from a port of the host system to a port of the host system. This option sets the pre-net user. This option can be specified multiple times. This option is replaced with-net user, hostfwd.

Character Devices
The general syntax for defining character devices-is chardev backend, id = id [, options]. Depending on the type of devices (backend) options are certain to apply. Any device with a string id must be assigned. This is used for unique identification. The-chardev can be used multiple times. mux = on | off With mux = on mode, the multiplexing enabled. This means that the character device of multiple front-ends are used. With the key combination [Ctrl] [A] and [C] of the input focus between the connected front-end is changed. Chardev-null, id = id [, mux = on | off] With null device is a blank created. It does not send data and discarding received data. Chardev-socket, id = id [, host = host], port = host [, to = to] \ [IPv4], [ipv6] [, nodelay] [, server] [, nowait] [, telnet] \ [, Mux = on | off] With the option socket socket is a two-way created. In this case it is a TCP socket, as defined host. host For a socket in listen mode, optionally, the host address is specified. a socket in the transmit mode, for host with the address of the remote host specified. Will host defined, the value is used by Defaul- port For a socket in listen mode is specified with this option the port. a socket in the transmission mode for the port to port of the remote host specified. can either port number or service name specified are as a port. to

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This option is relevant only for sockets in listen mode. If this option is set and can not connect to port to be prepared, QEMU will have a higher port to connect. With to port is the highest given. ipv4, ipv6 Defines the protocol to use: IPv4 or IPv6. If no protocol is defined, any protocol. nodelay Disables the Nagle algorithm. Chardev-socket, id = id, path = path [, server] [, nowait] [, telnet] \ [, Mux = on | off] With the option socket socket is a two-way created. In this case it is a Unix socket, as defined path. path Defines the local path to the socket. server Defines a connection on the waiting socket (list). nowait QEMU does not necessarily waiting for a connection of the client on the specified socket. telnet It can be interpreted Telnet escape sequences. Chardev-udp, id = id [, host = host], port = port \ [, Localaddr localaddr =] [, local port = local port] [, ipv4], [ipv6] \ [, Mux = on | off] With the option udp traffic is received by the host system on a remote host via UDP broadcast to. host Defines the remote host to connect to. If there is no host localhost. port Defines the port on the remote hosts to which it connects to. localaddr Defines the local IP address to which it connects to. If no IP address is specified, the value is used by Defaul- local port Defines the local port to which it connects to. If no port is defined, any port is used. ipv4, ipv6 Defines the protocol to use: IPv4 or IPv6. If no protocol is defined, any protocol. -Chardev msmouse, id = id [, mux = on | off] With the option msmouse mouse for the host system, the events of a Microsoft-emulated. The QEMU monitor informs the command info on mice, the mice.

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Chardev-vc, id = id [[, width = [width], height = height]] \ [[, Cols = cols] [, rows = rows]] [, mux = on | off] With the option vc QEMU is a connection to the text console produced. At that text console with the key combination [Ctrl] + switch [Alt] + [2]. Optionally, the size in pixels with height and width are adjusted. Alternatively, the size of the text console in characters with defining the cols and rows. Chardev-file, id = id, path = path [, mux = on | off] The option file is the traffic from the host system received a file written to. Path with the path to the file defined. This file exists, it is created. The contents of an existing file is overwritten. Chardev-pipe, id = id, path = path [, mux = on | off] With the option pipe system is a two-way connection to the host created. On host systems with Microsoft Windows \ is a duplex-pipe with the path \ \. Pipe used path. On other host systems, there are two pipes. In the pipe system path.in data written to the guest-submitted. Data from the host system from the pipe path.out read. Since QEMU these FIFOs do not own port, the pipes must already exist. Chardev-console, id = id [, mux = on | off] The console device sends traffic to host system to the standard output of QEMU. This option is not host systems running Microsoft Windows. Chardev-serial, id = id, path = path [, mux = on | off] The serial device connects to a serial device to the host system to her. With path system, the corresponding device of the host specified. This option is not host systems running Microsoft Windows. Chardev pty-id = id [, mux = on | off] The device creates a new pty pseudo terminal on the host system and connects to it. This option is not host systems running Microsoft Windows. Chardev-stdio, id = id [, signal = on | off] [, mux = on | off] The stdio Device connection is a standard input and output QEMU process of her. This option is not host systems running Microsoft Windows. If control signals are activated in the terminal, QEMU can use [Ctrl] + [C] to leave. With signal = off, this is prevented. The default is signal = on. Chardev-braille, id = id [, mux = on | off] The tty device is connected to the server establishes a local BrlAPI. Chardev-tty, id = id, path = path [, mux = on | off] The tty device can host systems with Linux, Sun, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and DragonFlyBSD be applied only in and makes connection to the local TTY device produces a. With path system, the corresponding device of the host specified. Parport-chardev, id = id, path = path [, mux = on | off] The parport device can host systems with Linux, FreeBSD and DragonFlyBSD be applied only and provides for connection to the local parallel port creates a. With path system, the corresponding device of the host specified.

Bluetooth Options
-Bt hci [...] Defines the functions of the corresponding Bluetooth Host Controller Interface (HCI). The parameters of bt are those of the HCI-host system-allocated. If in a virtual machine is just a example to emulate HCI, only the first definition given by-hci [...] used bt. The transport layer is determined by the machine type.

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Currently available only from the Nokia N800 and N810 emulated Internet Tablets with a HCI. The following three species are recognized.: -Bt hci, null This is the default setting. The corresponding Host Bluetooth HCI has no internal logic and respond to any commands or events. -Bt hci, host [: id] The corresponding heads the HCI commands and events to and from the physical HCI named id (default = hci0) the host system to continue. The option is only available on systems with BlueZ (Linux Bluetooth protocol stack) is available. Bt-hci [, vlan = n] A virtual standard HCI is applied, the Bluetooth scatternet n (default = 0) takes part in the. A scatternet is a group of independent and asynchronous piconets. A piconet is a Personal Area Network (PAN), on the viewing devices connected via Bluetooth. As with VLANs can communicate only devices in the same scatternet. Vhci-bt [, vlan = n] The option is only available on Linux, and places in HCI Scatternet n (default = 0). The HCI is connected to the Bluetooth stack of the host system. This communication between host and guest systems enables a common scatternet. But the Linux driver is VHCI required. Bt-device: dev [, vlan = n] Emulates a Bluetooth device dev and placed it on the network n (default = 0). QEMU can emulate the moment only the following device. keyboard Emulates a virtual keyboard with wireless Human Interface Device Protocol (HIDP).

-Win2k-hack This option is for the installation of Microsoft Windows 2000 requires as a guest operating system since its bow indicates the hard drive during installation as full. After installation, this option is removed. -Rtc-td-hack (to be replaced by-rtc driftfix) For problems with time-drift in Microsoft Windows ACPI HAL with this option is used. It is determined how many timer interrupts are not processed by the Windows guest system and attempts to apply it again. -No-fd-bootchk It disables the test of signature boot from floppy disks. This may be relevant for diskettes older operating systems. -No-acpi Disabled the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). -No-hpet Disables support for the High Precision Event Timer (HPET). Balloon-none

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Disables the ballooning device. Balloon-virtio [, addr = st] Enables the ballooning device. This is the default setting. For Linux as host system with the memory ballooning to customize the memory at run time is possible. addr = str Defines the PCI Device Address.

-Acpitable [sig = str] [, rev = n] \ [, oem_id = str] [, oem_table_id = st] [, Oem_rev = n] [, asl_compiler_id = str] [, asl_compiler_rev = n] \ [, data = file1 [: file2 ]. Configures the ACPI table with the specified header fields and contents of the files. SMBIOS binary-file = Invites SMBIOS entry of a Binry file. The SMBIOS specification (System Management BIOS) define data structures and access for system management BIOS level. These specifications are defined by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). DMTF is a standards body for IT companies. SMBIOS-type = 0 [, vendor = str] [, version = str] [, date = str] [, release =% d.% d] SMBIOS fields defined by the type 0 SMBIOS-type = 1 [, manufacturer = str] [, product = str] [, version = str] \ [, Serial = str] [, uuid = uuid], [sku = str] [, family = str] SMBIOS fields defined by the type 1

non-x86 architecture
The emulators of other processor architectures are called as follows. ARM architecture: Host ~ $ qemu-system-arm [options] [disk_image] MIPS architecture (32 bit, 64-bit): Host ~ $ qemu-system-mips [options] [disk_image] Host ~ $ qemu-system-mips64 [options] [disk_image] Mipsel architecture (32 bit, 64-bit): Host ~ $ qemu-system-mipsel [options] [disk_image] Host ~ $ qemu-system-mips64el [options] [disk_image] PowerPC (32 bit, 64-bit): Host ~ $ qemu-system-ppc [options] [disk_image] Host ~ $ qemu-system-ppc64 [options] [disk_image] Host ~ $ qemu-system-ppcemb [options] [disk_image] SPARC architecture: Host ~ $ qemu-system-sparc [options] [disk_image] Coldfire architecture: Host ~ $ qemu-system-m68k [options] [disk_image] ETRAX CRIS architecture:

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Host ~ $ qemu-system-cris [options] [disk_image] SuperH architecture: Host ~ $ qemu-system-sh4 [options] [disk_image] Host ~ $ qemu-system-sh4eb [options] [disk_image] MicroBlaze Architecture: Host ~ $ qemu-system-MicroBlaze [options] [disk_image] Additional options: -G WxH [xDEPTH] Set initial screen resolution and color depth (for qemu-system-*). String-prom-env The SPARC-system emulator also has the option to define a OpenBIOS variables in the NVRAM. Semi-hosting Enables Hosting Semi Syscall Emulation (only for ARM and M68K). In the ARM architecture, the Angel interface is implemented. For the M68K architecture implements the ColdFire GDB interface. In this case the host system to directly access the host file system is allowed. This can only be trusted host systems used.

Special Linux boot options

Using these options on a Linux or multi-boot kernel is loaded, without this installed on a virtual hard disk. -Kernel bzImage Uses the file bzImage as kernel image. The kernel can be either a Linux kernel, or a multi-boot kernel. Initrd-file Uses the file file as initial ram disk. -Initrd "arg = foo file1, file2" This option is only available for multiboot kernels. With file1 and file2 are called modules. Arg = foo is a parameter for the first module. -Append cmdline Cmdline used as a kernel boot options. These options depend on the guest kernel.

Debugging / Expert options

Serial-dev Directs the serial port to the device file to dev. The default is vc in graphical mode and stdio in text mode. This option can be used several times to emulate up to four serial ports. To disable all serial ports, none has the option to apply serial. Possible device files are: vc [: WxH] Defines a virtual console. Optionally, the width and height in pixels (for example, vc: 800x600) or the number of characters (for example, vc: 80Cx24C) specified. pty

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Under Linux, this option is assigned a pseudo-TTY. A new PTY is automatically allocated. none There is no device allocated. null The redirect to an empty device. / Dev / XXX On Linux system with this option, the serial port of the host to a tty device of the host as / dev/ttyS0, redirected to. The parameters correspond to those of the host device. / Dev / parportN On Linux, with this option, the serial port of the host system is redirected to a parallel port N of the host system. For the moment SPP and EPP features are used. file: filename Directs the output of the serial port of the host system to a file. A submission is not possible. stdio On Unix, this is the standard for the input and output (keyboard, screen). pipe: filename Directs the output of the serial port of the host system into a named pipe to. COMn Windows Under this option, the serial port of the host system to the serial port n of the host, such as COM1, diverted. udp: [remote_host]: remote_port [@ [src_ip]: src_port] This option implements UDP Net Console. remote_host or the parameters specified src_ip If not, the default value is used by If no source port) is defined src_port (, a random port number is selected. For a simple console command is used without netcat. This KVM is QEMU or with the-serial udp:: 4555 netcat with options and nc-u-l-p 4555 start. The expenditure of the body appear on the Net console session. To send characters via Net-Console, the source port is set. For example-serial udp:: 4555 @: 4556th tcp: [host]: port [, server] [, nowait] [, nodelay] The TCP Net Console has two modes. A mode is called a location. In the other mode, the instance is waiting for a connection from location. By default, the TCP-net is sent to the console port of the host. When using the optional server expects the instance that the client socket application connects to the port one, it was because nowait specified. The option disables the Nagle buffering nodelay algorithm. If the option is omitted, host address is the IP adopted It is only possible to establish a TCP connection. With a Telnet client connects you to the appropriate device. telnet: host: port [, server] [, nowait] [, nodelay] It uses the Telnet protocol. The options have the same functions as in-serial tcp. The difference is that the connection to the port similar to the Telnet protocol works. This makes it possible to use the MAGIC_SYSRQ sequence. On Unix telnet client, this sequence with the Ctrl key combination []+[]] initiated the command and send break and [Enter] performed. unix: path [, server] [, nowait]

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It uses a Unix domain socket. This option works in the same way as the option-serial tcp with the exception that the Unix domain socket path for the connection uses. mon: dev_string This option allows the QEMU monitor to another serial port forward. The monitor is followed accessed using the key combination [Ctrl] + [A] of [C]. In this example, the monitor will be redirected to a telnet server (port 4444): -Serial mon: telnet:: 4444, server nowait braille Was QEMU / KVM with support brlapi compiled, this option enables the Braille device. This the BrlAPI used to display the Braille edition for the visually impaired or a fake device. msmouse Enables a serial three-button mouse. In the host system, the Microsoft protocol is set. Parallel-dev Directs the parallel port to char device to dev. This option can be used up to three times to simulate multiple ports. With all-parallel none-parallel port disabled. On Linux host system, the parallel ports / dev/parport0 up / dev/parport2 be addressed directly. You have previously received for the account under which rights QEMU or the Kernel-based Virtual Machine is running, read and write permissions are assigned. Monitor [control,] dev Redirects the QEMU monitor to the device file to dev. The device files are similar to those of the serial ports. By default it is vc in graphical mode and stdio in text mode. The option enables the QEMU monitor control protocol. QMP-dev Is equivalent to-monitor control ,..... The QMP communications device file is redirected to the dev. QMP (QEMU Machine Protocol) is an on JASON ( http://www.json.org based management interface that lets applications communicate with the QEMU instance) allows (see http://www.linux-kvm.org/page / monitor protocol ). mon-chardev = [name] [mode = readline | control] [, default] Defines the monitor chardev name on. Debugcon-dev Directs the expenditure of the debug console to the device file to dev. The debug console is an I / O port. It typically uses port is 0xE9. The possible device files correspond to those of serial-dev. The default is vc in graphical mode and stdio in text mode. -Pidfile file Writes the PID file in the file. Single-step The instance is started in single step mode. -S Freezes the CPU during the start. The QEMU monitor can start with the command or c cont execution. With one instance can stop again pause.

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Gdb-dev Waits for a GDB connection on the device dev on. Typical compounds are based on TCP. Possible but also UDP, TCP and pseudo-stdio. -S 1234th waiting on a GDB connection port This corresponds to the option-gdb tcp:: 1234. -P port for the port the GDB connection on port changes. Item1-d ... Writes log data into the log file / tmp / qemu.log. The possible log-d Items lists on?. Hdachs-c, h, s [, t] Forces for the virtual hard drive using the specified physical geometry (1 <= c <= 16383, 1 <= h <= 16, 1 <= s <= 63) and optionally causes the BIOS translation mode (t = none; lba or auto). With modern disks recognize QEMU and KVM chosen values. This option is useful for old DOS disks. -L path Defines the path to the directory containing the BIOS and VGA BIOS files. BIOS file Defines the filename of the BIOS image. -Kernel-kqemu (QEMU to 0.11.x) Unlocks the KQEMU virtualization. KQEMU is no longer supported QEMU 0.12.0. -No-kqemu (QEMU to 0.10.6) Disable the use of kqemu-kernel module. This is the case with the installation of Microsoft Windows as guest system is necessary. KQEMU is no longer supported QEMU 0.12.0. -Enable-kqemu (QEMU to 0.11.x) Enables the use of kqemu-kernel module. KQEMU is no longer supported QEMU 0.12.0. -Enable-kvm Enables the KVM hardware virtualization. -No-kvm Disables the KVM hardware virtualization. This is the case with the installation of Microsoft Windows as guest system is necessary. -No-kvm-irqchip Disables the KVM kernel mode PIC / IOAPIC / Lapic. -No-kvm-pit Disables the KVM kernel mode PIT. -No-kvm-pit-reinjection Disables the KVM kernel mode PIT interrupt reinjection

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Pcidevice-host = bus: dev.func [, dma = none] [, name = string] Put the specified PCI device to the host system the host system. dma = none There is no DMA Translations. By default IOMMU is implemented. name = string The parameter is the string used for logging output. -Enable-nesting If a virtualization solution within operated another virtualization solution, it is called nesting. This option allows the operation of a KVM KVM instance. For this, the host system must have an AMD processor. It is necessary to emulate the 64-bit CPU. Example: qemu-system-x86_64-cpu Platte.img qemu64, + svm. The option-enable-nesting was from QEMU 0.13.0 removed. Instead, CPU, + svm apply. Nvram-FILE Thus, the contents of a ia64-NVRAM is loaded from a file. -Tdf Setup a Time drift compensation for the guest. -Kvm-shadow-memory MEGABYTE The KVM MMU-shadowing is assigned to the given memory size. -Path-mem FILE Provides backing storage for the memory of the host system. -Mem-prealloc Of memory is allocated for the guest. This option is used together with mempath. DOMiD-xen-id Sets the domain ID of the Xen host system. This option is only available when QEMU was configured with Xen support. -Xen-create Generates a domain using Xen Hyper calls and bypassing xend. This option should not be used with xend in combination. This option is only available when QEMU was configured with Xen support. -Xen-attach Adds the XEN virtual machine to an existing domain added. At the start of the instance is used xend. This option is only available when QEMU was configured with Xen support. -No-reboot Suppresses a reboot. Instead, the instance is terminated. -No-shutdown The authority will not end after the shutdown of the host system. -Loadvm [tag | id]

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Starts the instance directly to a previously saved state of the virtual machine. This corresponds loadvm in QEMU monitor. -Daemonize The instance is not so long separated from the Standardein-/ausgabe until the devices are of the instance in a position to accept connections. This option is useful for avoiding race conditions during initialization of the instance. -Option-rom file Loads the contents of the file specified as an optional ROM file for etherboot (see option-boot n). -Clock method Defines the method of the timer alarm. The available methods (dynticks, hpet, rtc, unix) are-clock? Displayed. -Rtc [base = utc | local time | date] [, clock = host | vm] [, driftfix = none | slew] Defines the settings of the system clock (Real Time Clock). base = utc | date | local time With the system clock is utc base = Coordinated Universal Time (Coordinated Universal Time) is set to. This is the default setting. For DOS and Windows guest systems is to specify local time base =. So Local Time will be set. The option base = date, the time of the system at the start of the value of date. Possible values are, for example 2008-04-17T16: 01:21 and 2008-04-17. clock = host | vm By default, the system of the instance to the system of the host system is provided. With the option clock = vm instance is running the system in isolation from the host. driftfix = none | slew This option is only driftfix x86 architectures. For problems with time-drift in Microsoft Windows with ACPI HAL option is to apply driftfix = slew. It is determined how many timer interrupts are not processed by the Windows guest system and attempts to apply it again. -Local time (replaced by base-rtc = local time) Sets the system clock to Local Time. This option allows DOS and Windows host systems, the correct time set. The default setting is UTC. Start-date date (to be replaced by rtc-base = date) This option sets the time of the system clock at the start of the value of date. Possible values are now (now), 2008-04-17T16: 01:21 and 2008-04-17. The default value is now. Icount-[N | auto] Enables the virtual instruction counter. The virtual CPU then executes an instruction every 2 ^ N of ns. Is automatically set, so the CPU speed is automatically adjusted so that the virtual time of a few seconds in real time remains within. Model-watchdog Enables a virtual hardware watchdog device. With this device, the system is monitored. This must have the host system via an appropriate driver. Is activated in the host system, the Watchdog, an agent must make periodic requests to the hardware watchdog. If these questions from, so will the hardware watchdog device from a predetermined action. For example, while the guest system can be restarted (see-watchdog-action). The parameter model selects the model to be emulated. The models available lists

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on-watchdog?. Currently, the models i6300esb (Intel 6300ESB) and ib700 (IBAS 700) emulated. The choice depends on the support of the model by the host system. Action-watchdog-reset | shutdown | poweroff | pause | debug | none Defines the action when the watchdog timer alarm suggests. Possible actions are reset (default), shutdown (graceful shutdown), poweroff, pause, debug (output a debug message) or none (no action). The action is QEMU monitor with the command watchdog_action changed. ECHR-numeric_ascii_value Was given the option Oceanographic, is with the - the ECHR [Ctrl] + [A] change. The default setting is 0x01 and is the letter A. The other letters are coded according to their position in the alphabet. It is possible to provide this information in decimal or hexadecimal notation. If the key combination [Ctrl] + [T] be changed to the example, this is ECHR-0x14 or 20 ECHR stated. C-virtioconsole Sets the Virtio console. This option is virt-device console replaced and is provided for backward compatibility. -Show-cursor Display of the cursor. -Tb-size n Defines the TB size. -Incoming tcp: ip: port Enables the readiness for migration to be received over the network. The ip parameter specifies the IP address for reception of migration. If you specify 0, received on all interfaces. The port parameter defines the port. -Nodefaults Prevents the generation of default devices. Chroot-dir At the start of the instance will chroot to the specified directory with changed. This option is useful in combination with the runas. Runas-user At the start of the process instance to the specified user is transferred. This supports an increase in security. Param-oldFor the ARM architecture mode with the old parameters will be activated. Writeconfig-file Saves the configuration file in the file. Readconfig-file Reads the configuration from the specified file. -Nodefconfig When starting QEMU normally be the settings of the configuration files sysconfdir / qemu.conf and target

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sysconfdir / ARCH.conf used. The-suppressed nodefconfig this.

Options userspace emulation

For the user space emulation, the following programs: qemu-i386 qemu-x86_64, qemu-arm qemu-armeb, qemu-mips, qemu-mipsel, qemu-ppc qemu-ppc64, qemu-ppc64abi32, qemu-sparc , sparc32plus qemu, qemu-sparc64, m68k-qemu, qemu-cris, qemu-sh4, qemu and qemu-sh4eb-alpha. Syntax in Linux as the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-i386 [-h] [-d] [-L path] [-s size] [-cpu model] \ [-G port] program [arguments ...] Syntax for Mac OS X / Darwin as the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-i386 [-h] [-d] [-L path] [-s size] \ program [arguments ...] BSD syntax as the host system. Host ~ $ qemu-sparc64 [-h] [-d] [-L path] [-s size] [bsd-type] \ program [arguments ...] Standard Options -H Prints a help. -L path Linux: Set the x86 ELF interpreter prefix (default = / usr/local/qemu-i386). Mac OS X / Darwin: Sets the library root path (default = /). BSD: Sets the library root path (default = /). -S size Defines the x86 stack size in bytes (Default = 524288). CPU model Selects the CPU model.-Cpu? Is list of possible models from a CPU. Bsd-type This option is only available on BSD and defined to emulate the BSD variants of FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD (default). Debug options -D Enables logging (log-Date = / tmp / qemu.log). -P pagesize Simulates a host page size page size accordingly, in bytes. G-port Waits for connection of the debugger gdb for a port to port. Single-step

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The emulation is started in single step mode. StraceLogs the system calls. Environment variables QEMU_STRACE If this environment variable is assigned a value, the output system calls similar to the strace program.

Spice Options
Website: http://www.spice-space.org Spice is a software and a protocol to support access to remote machines similar to VNC and RDP. Is being developed by the company Red Hat Spice, Inc. as open source. There is an implementation for QEMU / KVM. QXL-num [, ram = megs] QXL Turns one or more devices. Num with the number of devices is defined. Each device can be equipped with the megs of RAM are given in MB (default = 64 Mbyte). The-QXL, together with the-spice used. -Spice [port =''port =''''][, sport sport''][, host =''host''] \ [, Ic = on | auto_glz | auto_lz | quic | GLZ | lz | off] \ [, Sv =''on | off''] \ [, Renderer =''oglpbuf oglpixmap + + cairo''] \ [, Play back-compression =''on | off''] \ [, Disable-ticketing] \ [, Password =''password''] \ [, Sslkey =''''key_file] \ [Sslcert =''''cert_file] \ [, Sslcafile =''''ca_file] \ [, Ssldhfile =''''dh_file] \ [, Sslpassword =''''pem_password] \ [, SSLCipherSuite =''''cipher_suite] \ [, Secure-channels = [all | ch0 + ch1 +...]] \ [, Unsecure-channels = [all | ch0 + ch1 +...]] \ [, Agent-mouse =''on | off''] Enables the use of Spice. The option-spice is combined with the-apply QXL. Information on the current status Spice shows QEMU monitor the command info spice.state. Spice-statistics, the command displays info on spice.stat. [Port = port] [sport, sport =] [, host = host] With the option, the host network interface specified to the Spice listening on. If this option is not specified, Spice listens on all interfaces of the host system. With the options port or the port is given sport. For secure connections is to use sport. It is at least one of the two options specify port or sport. ic = on | auto_glz | auto_lz | quic | GLZ | lz | off The option is the ic Image Compression (Image Compression) configured. Quic SFALIC based on the algorithm. Lz enabled the Lempel-Ziv algorithm. This lossless compression method, sample image in GIF format used for. GLZ algorithm uses the Lempel-Ziv with a global dictionary. This dictionary is generated at run time. The options and auto_glz auto_lz quic is an automatic switching between GLZ or lz and accommodated. It is determined depending on the image properties, the best practice and applied. With the option off the image compression is disabled. The default setting is auto_glz. These settings can monitor the command spice.set_image_compression be changed in QEMU.

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sv = on | off The option sv = on (default value) enables the detection of video streams. It is then the lossy compression used. These settings can monitor the command spice.set_streaming_video be changed in QEMU. renderer = oglpbuf oglpixmap + + cairo With this option selected, one or more renderers. To select oglpbuf stand oglpixma and cairo. If more than one renderer given, specifies the order priority. The default value is cairo. playback-compression = on | off (De) Activates the playback compression. Here, the CELT algorithm (Constrained Energy Lapped Transform) is applied. CELT is a compression algorithm for audio data. The default value is on. In the QEMU monitor, the command spice.set_playback_compression this attitude changed later. disable-ticketing With this option, the ticketing is disabled. This client connections without a password is possible. This setting can monitor the command spice.disable_ticketing be changed in QEMU. password = password With the option of password content, the ticket is password for the client set. This password will not expire. sslkey = key_file This option is referred to the file containing the SSL private key. sslcert = cert_file This option is referred to the file containing the SSL certificate. This certificate may be a self-signed certificate or certificate chain and is not verified by the client. It is used only to send the public key from the server to the client. sslcafile = ca_file This option is made to the file with the CA (Certificate Authority) and the CRL (Certificate Revocation List). ssldhfile = dh_file This option is referred to the file with the symmetric Diffie-Hellman key. sslpassword = pem_password With the option sslpassword format is the passphrase to open the private key in PEM specified. SSLCipherSuite = cipher_suite With the option SSLCipherSuite the desired cipher suite is specified. A cipher suite defines the cryptographic protocol TLS (Transport Layer Security), which algorithms for establishing a data connection can be used. More information can be found at the URL http://www.openssl.org /docs/apps/ciphers.html . secure-channels = [all | ch0 + ch1 +...] unsecure-channels = [all | ch0 + ch1 +...] Used by Spice transmission channels (channels) can be secured or unsecured. With the "securechannels are (all) or some channels encrypted all. With the option-unsecure channels are all) or certain channels not encrypted all (. There is the main channel, display, input, cursor, play back and

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record. The default is supported for all channels of both the secured and the unsecured mode. The particular use of the port is used Spice options and sport from. agent-mouse = on | off The option-mouse defines agent as to whether the Spice Agent mode the client is to be used by the mouse. The default value is on. This setting is the command QEMUMonitor spice.set_agent_mouse changed.

Keyboard Shortcuts
In the window of an instance, the following keyboard shortcuts can be entered: [Ctrl] + [Alt] Release the mouse and keyboard.

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [1] Switch to console 1: Display of the host system. [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2] Switch to console 2: QEMU monitor. [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [3] Switching to console 3: Serial output. [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [4] Switch to console 4: Parallel output. [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [H] Provides help in the-Oceanographic. [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F] Toggle between full screen and windowed mode. [Ctrl] + [Alt] [U] Where the original window size restore.

In the virtual console of an instance are the shortcut keys [Ctrl] + [Cursor Up], [Ctrl] + [Cursor Down] to [Ctrl] + [Page Up] and [Ctrl] + [Page Down] Move in the text. The option-ECHR can be customized keyboard shortcuts. When using the option-key combinations are as follows Oceanographic possible. [Ctrl] + [A] [H] [Ctrl] + [A], [?] [Ctrl] + [A], [X] [Ctrl] + [A], [S] [Ctrl] + [A] [T] [Ctrl] + [A] [B] [Ctrl] + [A], [C] Output of a help. Output of a help. Stops the instance. Saves changes to the virtual hard disk when you use the-snapshot. (De) Activates time marks in the console. Sends a break (Magic Sysrq in Linux). Switch between console and QEMU monitor.

[Ctrl] + [A], [Ctrl] + [A] Sends the key combination [Ctrl] + [A]. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Startoptionen_von_QEMU_und_KVM " This page has been accessed 17,458 times. This page was last updated on 26 January 2011 at 09:15 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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QEMU QEMU Monitor KVM howto, manual, documentation readme

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-book / notes / QEMU Monitor]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

QEMU Monitor
The QEMU monitor supports manipulation of a running instance. With the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [2] leads to the QEMU monitor.

Standard Commands
(Qemu) help [cmd] (Qemu)? [Cmd] Is a help for all commands or the specified command cmd. (Qemu) commit device | all Save the changes to the specified device or all devices. Prerequisite is the use of option-snapshot. (Qemu) info This command provides information about the state of the instance. (Qemu) version info Displays the version of QEMU. (Qemu) info network Displays information on VLANs and the associated devices. (Qemu) info chardev Displays information about the character devices. (Qemu) info block Displays information for the block devices (floppy disks, hard drives, CD / DVD) to. (Qemu) info blockstats Displays statistical information about the block devices. (Qemu) info registers Shows the CPU registers. (Qemu) info cpus Displays information for each CPU. (Qemu) info history Displays the command-line history. (Qemu) info irq

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Shows, if available, statistics for the interrupts to. (Qemu) info pic Displays the status of the i8259 chip (PIC) to. (Qemu) info usb Displays the emulated PCI devices. (Qemu) info tlb Shows the mapping of virtual to physical memory (only i386). (Qemu) info mem Displays the active virtual memory mapping (only i386). (Qemu) info hpet Shows if enabled the High Precision Event Timer (HPET) or not (only i386). (Qemu) info jit Displays dynamic compiler information. (Qemu) info kqemu (QEMU to 00:11 .*) Displays information about KQEMU. (Qemu) info kvm Displays information about the Kernel-based Virtual Machine. (Qemu) info numa Shows information about NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) to. (Qemu) info usb Displays the virtual USB hub score attached USB devices. (Qemu) info USB host Show the USB devices on the host system. (Qemu) info profile Displays information about the internal profiler. (Qemu) info capture Displays information about active sound recordings (see wavcapture) to. (Qemu) info snapshots Displays a list of VM snapshots. (Qemu) info status Displays the state of the instance (running, pausing, Single Step Mode). (Qemu) info pcmcia Displays the status of the PCMCIA expansion (Personal Computer Memory Card International

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Association) in the host system. (Qemu) info mice Indicates the mouse to the host system. (Qemu) info vnc Displays the state of the VNC server. (Qemu) info name Displays the name of the instance. (Qemu) info uuid Displays the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the instance. (Qemu) info cpustat Displays statistical information about the CPUs. (Qemu) info Usenet Displays the status of the User-Network-stack connections (see-net user, hostfwd = rule). (Qemu) info slirp (up QEMU 0.10.6) Indicates if there is any SLIRP statistics. (Qemu) info migrate Displays the status of the migration. (Qemu) info balloon Displays information about ballooning. (Qemu) info qtree Displays the device tree. (Qemu) info qdm Displays the list of QDEV Device Models. (Qemu) info roms Displays information about the used ROM files (for example vgabios-cirrus.bin "," pxe-e1000.bin, "bios.bin") to. (Qemu) q (Qemu) quit Stops the instance. (Qemu) eject [-f] device Ejects removable media (CD / DVD, floppy) from. The-f option is pushing the ejection. (Qemu) change devicesettingdescription Changes the configuration of a device.

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(Qemu) change device filename [format] Swaps removable media (CD / DVD, floppy disk) from. (Qemu) change vnc display, options Changes the configuration of the VNC server. The syntax and options for display are the same as QEMU vnc-start option. (Qemu) change vnc password Changes the password of the VNC server. The password is significant up to 8 characters. (Qemu) Screendump file name Saves a screenshot as an image file in PPM format. (Qemu) logfile filename The expenditure will be written to the file filename. (Qemu) log item1 [,...] Writes log data into the log file / tmp / qemu.log. (Qemu) savevm tag | id Creates a VM snapshot of the entire virtual machine. Condition, at least one image in qcow2 format. This virtual machine snapshot is a name (tag) or a progressive number (id) for each VM snapshot labeled. There is already a VM snapshot with the same tag or with the same id, this is overwritten. to the existing VM snapshot provides information on the QEMU monitor, the command info snapshot s. The optionsnapshot may indeed VM snapshots are created, but these go to the end of the virtual machine lost after. (Qemu) loadvm tag | id Puts the entire virtual machine in the state of the previously saved VM snapshot. This corresponds to the start option loadvm. (Qemu) delvm tag | id Deletes a VM snapshot. (Qemu) single step [on | off] Turns the Single Step mode on or off. (Qemu) stop Can pause the instance (see-S). (Qemu) c (Qemu) cont Lets stop the paused instance by continuing. (Qemu) gdbserver [device] Starts the GDB server on the specified device (default = tcp: 1234). Stopped, the GDB server gdbserver with none. (Qemu) x / fmt addr Creates a dump of the virtual memory address addr.

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(Qemu) xp / fmt addr Creates a dump of physical memory address addr. The fmt parameter defines how the data should be formatted. The syntax is / {count} {format} {size} count Defines the number of entries that are dump. format The format is defined as follows: x (hexadecimal) d (signed decimal) u (decimal without sign) o (octal) c (character) i (assembler instruction). size Size is defined as follows: b (8 bit) h (16 bit) w (32 bit) g (64 bit). In the x86 CPU can h or w with the i-format can be defined to the size of the assembler instruction (16 or 32 bit) set. The following example creates a dump and places the result in the form of assembly language commands instructions of ten from the current execution position (the address in the EIP register) are: (Qemu) x/10i $ eip The following example creates a hex dump of 80 16-bit values from the beginning of the video memory (text mode): (Qemu) xp/80hx 0xb8000 (Qemu) p / fmt expr (Qemu) print / fmt expr Returns the value of the expression expr. It is used to format the result fmt. (Qemu) i fmt / addr Reads an I / O port. (Qemu) o / fmt addr value Returns the value of a value I / O port on. (Qemu) sendkey keys [hold_ms] The command codes sendkey sends the keys-keys. This can be sent via shortcuts that are intercepted by the host system. Several key codes for key combinations are associated with the minus sign. Example: sendkey ctrl-alt-f1 The key codes of the letter keys are shown with the corresponding lower case letters. The key codes of the number keys are encrypted with the corresponding figures. Other key codes are: shift, Shift_R (right shift key), old, Alt_R, ctrl, ctrl_r, menu (Windows key), esc, minus (hyphen), equal (equal sign), backspace, tab, ret (return ), spc (space) and CAPS_LOCK. The function keys are determined by the key codes f1 to f12. The key codes are the numeric keypad num_lock, SCROLL_LOCKS, kp_divide

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(divided by) kp_multiply, kp_substract, kp_add, kp_enter, kp_decimal. The numbers on the numeric keypad are coded as follows: kp_0, kp_1, kp_2, kp_3, kp_4, kp_5, kp_6, kp_7, kp_8 and kp_9. The cursor keys and the keys are also illustrated with the following key codes: print, home, PgUp, PgDn, End, left, up, down, right, insert and delete. The length of the key pressure is hold_ms given by (default 100 ms). (Qemu) system_reset Causes a system reset. (Qemu) system_powerdown Sends a system power-down event. (Qemu) sum addr size Calculates the checksum of a storage area. (Qemu) usb_add device Adds an additional USB device. Examples: host usb_add: and usb_add bus.addr host: vendor_id: product_id (Qemu) usb_del device Removes the USB device from the virtual device USB hub. Bus.addr device has the syntax. The QEMU monitor command shows info usb devices to the USB. (Qemu) device_add driver [, prop = value ][,...] Adds a device added. The options are the-device option. (Qemu) device_del device Removes a device. (Qemu) MOUSE_MOVE dx dy [dz] Move the mouse cursor of the host system to the given coordinates dx and dy. Optional axle is rotated with the scroll-dz. (Qemu) mouse_button val Changes the state of a mouse button (1 = left, 2 = middle, 4 = right) in the host system. (Qemu) mouse_set index Change the active mouse device to the specified index number. Information on available mouse devices and their index numbers, the command info mice. (Qemu) wavcapture file [frequency [bits [channels]]] If the sound output to the host system and stores it in the file specified. More details define the frequency of the sample rate, sample bits and the number of channels (channels). The default values are sample-rate = 44100 Hz (CD quality), and number of bits = 16 Channels = 2 (Stereo). (Qemu) stop capture index Ends the recording of the given index. The index can be calculated with capture info. (Qemu) memsave addr size file Stores a dump of the virtual memory of size size from the address addr in file file.

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(Qemu) pmemsave addr size file Stores a dump of physical memory of size size from the address addr in file file. qemu) boot_set boot device list ( Creates a new boot order set and thus overrides the values of boot. The values correspond to the parameters of-boot, but may vary according to machine type. (Qemu) nmi cpu Injected with a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) to the specified CPU. (Qemu) migrate [-d] [-b] [-i] uri Causes a migration to uri. The virtual machine is transmitted from a host system to another host system. If the option-d is not waiting for the integrity of the migration. The-b option enables the copying of the virtual disks to the destination host. This is useful if the image is not a common storage (shared storage) is located. The option-i is only a copy of the overlay files. This is useful if the same base images on source and destination host is available. (Qemu) migrate_cancel Cancels the current migration from. (Qemu) migrate_set_speed value Limits the maximum speed of migration in bytes. (Qemu) migrate_set_downtime second Defines the maximum tolerable downtime during migration in seconds. (Qemu) drive_add [[<domain>:] <bus>:] <slot> \ [File = file] [, if = type] [, bus = n] \ [, Unit = m] [, media = d] [index = i] \ [, Cyls = c, heads = h, secs = s [, trans = t]] \ [Snapshot = on | off] [, cache = on | off] Adds a virtual drive to the PCI-PCI Storage Controller (see Adding an option-drive). (Qemu) pci_add auto | [[<domain>:] <bus>:] <slot> nic | storage | host \ [[Vlan = n] [, macaddr = addr] [, model = type]] \ [File = file] [, if = type] [, bus = n] ... \ [Host = 02:00.0 [, name = string] [, dma = none] The command pci_add devices allows you to add hot-started the host system (Linux). This requires the host system, the kernel modules are loaded and pci_hotplug acpiphp. Examples: (Qemu) pci_add 0 model = e1000 nic Adds a virtual network card. (Qemu) pci_add 0 storage file = Platte.img, if = scsi Adds a virtual hard disk. (Qemu) pci_del [[<domain>:] <bus>:] <slot> Removes the specified PCI device on the fly. (Qemu) host_net_add tap | user | socket | vde | dump [options]

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Adds a VLAN client added (see option-net user). (Qemu) host_net_remove vlan_id name Removes a VLAN client. (Qemu) host_net_redir (replaced by hostfwd_add) Redirects TCP or UDP connections from host to host system to. This user-net option is required. (Qemu) netdev_add [user | tap | socket], id = str [, prop = value ][,...] Adds a network device added. The options are the same as with option-netdev. (Qemu) netdev_del id Deletes a network device. (Qemu) hostfwd_add [vlan_id name] \ [Tcp | udp]: [hostaddr]: host port [guestaddr]: guest-port Initiates a TCP or UDP connection from host to host system further. Requirement for that is the-net user. In addition to the parameters of-net user, hostfw, the VLAN ID can be specified. This is more virtual network cards required at (see-net nic, vlan = n). (Qemu) hostfwd_remove [vlan_id name] [tcp | udp]: [hostaddr]: host port Removes a port redirect (see-net user, hostfwd = rule). (Qemu) balloon value Calls to change the virtual machine on which the storage allocation (in MB). (Qemu) set_link name [on | off] Connects the virtual network and the network adapter name. (Qemu) watchdog_action [reset | shutdown | poweroff | pause | debug | none] Changes the watchdog action (see option-watchdog-action). (Qemu) acl_show aclname Was QEMU / KVM with support for SASL and ACL compiled, this command lists all the appropriate rules of the ACL (Access Control List) and the default policy. There are two named ACLs: vnc.x509dname the Distinguished Name During tests, checked vnc.username to the SASL user name (see-vnc). (Qemu) acl_policy aclname allow | deny Was QEMU / KVM with support for SASL and ACL compiled, this command sets the default policy of access control list. This uses default policy if no access to the defined rules. The default policy is always at the start set to deny. (Qemu) acl_add aclname match allow | deny [index] Was QEMU / KVM with support for SASL and ACL compiled, this command adds a match rule to the ACL. This allows or denies access. This requires either the user or the x509 distinguished name match. Optional wildcards are possible. For example, * @ EXAMPLE.COM allows all users of the Kerberos realm EXAMPLE.COM access. Normally the rule is appended to the end of the access control list. the index parameter with the rule can be inserted a specific point on. (Qemu) acl_remove aclname match Was QEMU / KVM compiled with support for SASL and ACL, this command removes a rule from the Access

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Control List. (Qemu) acl_reset aclname with QEMU / KVM support for SASL and ACL was compiled, this command will remove all the matching rules from the access control list and sets the default policy back to deny again. (Qemu) mce cpu bank status mcgstatus addr misc Injects a Machine Check Exception (MCE). This is possible only on x86-based CPUs. A machine check exception is a report of recent CPU (s) from Intel and AMD hardware problems. cpu The MCE is injected for the specified CPU. If only one CPU is emulated, 0 specify here. When multiple CPUs (see option-smp) Counting starts with 0. bank Each CPU is assigned to four or five banks. A bank is a group of error registers. This error registers can each be activated or deactivated. Normally all error register of all banks are activated. The number and content of the benches depends on the CPU. Each bank has four registers. In an AMD CPU, the banks have the following meanings: Bank 0: Date cache Bank 1: Instruction cache Bank 2: Bus Unit, Bank 3: Load Store Unit Bank 4 North Bridge and DRAM. status The bank status register is 64 bits long. mcgstatus The global status register contains information whether a MCE was reported. Bit 0: RIPV - Restart IP valid flag, Bit 1: EIPV - Error IP valid flag, Bit 2: MCIP - Machine check in progress, Bit 3 to 63: Reserved. addr Sets the memory address of the exception is defined. misc This option is for additional description of the MCE. (Qemu) getfd fdname Receives a file descriptor via Unix sockets for SCM_RIGHTS and assigns it a name. QEMU monitor commands use this name. Such a file descriptor is for adding and removing network cards during the current host system (hotplug) are required. (Qemu) closefd fdname Includes a SCM_RIGHTS received via file descriptor. (Qemu) block_passwd device password Sets the password for the encrypted device device.

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(Qemu) qmp_capabilities QMP-enabled capabilities. QMP (QEMU Machine Protocol) is an on JASON ( http://www.json.org based management interface that lets applications communicate with the QEMU instance) allows (see http://www.linux-kvm.org/page / monitor protocol ). (Qemu) cpu index Sets the default CPU. (Qemu) cpu_set cpu [online | offline] Changes the status of the specified CPU. The QEMU monitor understands integer expressions for any integer argument. Register name preceded by $ (dollar sign) contain the values of CPU registers.

Spice commands
Website: http://www.spice-space.org Spice is a software and a protocol to support access to remote machines. Is being developed by the company Red Hat Spice, Inc. as open source. There is an implementation for QEMU / KVM. (Qemu) info spice.state Information on the current status Spice. These include the addresses of connected clients, Tickening, image compression, video streaming and playback compression. (Qemu) info spice.ticket The command info spice.ticket informed of possible end times of the tickets (see spice.set_ticket). (Qemu) info spice.stat Spice Displays statistics. (Qemu) info spice.rtt_client Displays statistics (minimum, maximum and average) of client response times (Round Trip Time) (see command spice.ping_client). (Qemu) spice.set_image_compression on | auto_glz | auto_lz | quic | GLZ | lz | off With the command spice.set_image_compression), the Image Compression (Image Compression configured. The options are the spice of-ic. (Qemu) spice.set_streaming_video on | off The command spice.set_streaming_video (de-) activates the detection of video streams and the resulting lossy compression (see Option-spice sv). (Qemu) spice.set_playback_compression on | off (De) Activates the playback compression (see Option-spice-compression playback). (Qemu) spice.set_ticket password \ [Expiration = seconds [, connected = keep | disconnect | fail]] The command spice.set_ticket is the ticket (one-time password). A blank password prevents any connection. Optional can be defined with the expiration of the password expiration time. A value of 0 is the infinite expiration time. Furthermore, it can influence the behavior at the connection set up. = Keep connected with the password, the connection of the end of the hold. With connected = disconnect the connection is terminated. The command info spice.ticket informed about the current expiry times.

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(Qemu) spice.set_ticket64 The command corresponds to the command spice.set_ticket64 spice.set_ticket. However, for the ASCII password using base64. (Qemu) spice.disable_ticketing This command connection is possible without a client password (see-spice disable-ticketing). (Qemu) spice.set_agent_mouse on | off The command spice.set_agent_mouse defines whether the agent of Spice-mouse mode should be used by the client (see option-spice agent-mouse). (Qemu) spice.reset_stat Resets the Spice Statistics. (Qemu) spice.ping_client [on [interval] | off] To check the response time of the client, use the command spice.ping_client. If only one ping allowed, no options are necessary. If the ping to be repeated), the option is on and the interval (default = 1 second indicated. Finished off with the ping. The relevant statistics, the command info spice.rtt_client. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_QEMU-Monitor " This page has been accessed 14,293 times. This page was last updated on 17 January 2011 at 18:51 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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qemu-img convert kvm-img create commit info qcow2 sparse vmdk file, r...


qemu-img convert kvm-img create commit info qcow2 sparse vmdk file, readme manual howto help documentation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-book / notes / qemu-img]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 qemu-img 01.01 check 2.1 create 1.3 convert 4.1 commit 1.5 snapshot 1.6 info 1.7 rebase 1.8 resize 2 Supported image formats 2.1 raw 2.2 host_device 2.3 qcow2 2.4 qcow 2.5 cow 6.2 vmdk 7.2 vdi 8.2 cloop 09.02 nbd 2:10 parallels 2:11 vvfat 2:12 vpc 2:13 bochs 2:14 dmg

qemu-img (kvm-img) is a tool to generate and convert image files. Host ~ $ qemu-img command [options] -H Displays a help. For command, the following commands with the appropriate options are used.

Host ~ $ qemu-img check [-f fmt] filename Verify an image file (file name). Optionally, the format-f are specified. Currently only the format qcow2 is supported. Example: Host ~ $ qemu-img check file.img No errors were found on the image.

Host ~ $ qemu-img create [-e] [-6] [-F base_fmt] [-b base_image] \ [-F fmt] [-o option] filename [size] Generates an image with the file name file name and size of the size. filename Name of the generated image file. size Defines the size of the image file in kilobytes. Optionally, the suffix M (megabyte = 1024 * 1024), Gigabyte = 1024 * 1024 * 1024) or T (terabyte = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) are indicated (G. When the size of the image file specified with the-o size is obsolete with the size. -F fmt Defines the format of the image file. -E Encrypted image. This is only qcow and qcow2 format possible. The encryption is done with AES (128 bit key), making it very safe. For maximum security, a password must be used with 16 characters. -6 Forces at the vmdk format compatibility level 6 for the destination image file. -B base_image If base_image an existing image file specified with, then stores the generated image, only the differences to these existing image file. The generated image is called an overlay file. One size is not for the overlay file is required. The base image (base_image) is not changed unless there is entered commit. F-base_fmt Specifies the format of the base file. Normally, this option is not necessary because qemu-img format normally recognizes that. -O options Allows you to specify additional options. The format is name = value. Multiple options are separated by commas. With-o? Get a list of supported switches. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-o?

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qemu-img convert kvm-img create commit info qcow2 sparse vmdk file, r...


Supported options: size virtual disk size Example: Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-o size = 1G qcow2 file.img 00:13 From QEMU following syntax is supported: Host ~ $ qemu-img create [-f fmt] [-o option] filename [size] The existing options-e, -6,-F and-b are as relevant information behind the option-o. These values depend on the type of image formats. In this example, an overlay file is created. Host ~ $ qemu-img create-f-o qcow2 backing_file = Base Platte.img Platte.img 1G

Host ~ $ convert [-c] [-e] [-6] [-f fmt] [-O output_fmt] [-o option] \'''[-B output_base_image] [filename2 [...]] output_filename file name ''' Copies an image in a new image with a different format. filename Name of the source file. output_filename Name of the generated image file. -F fmt Specifies the format of the source file. Usually recognizes qemu-img format. Therefore, this information is often not necessary. -O output_fmt Defines the target format. B output_base_image It is possible for a base image with the same content in the Image Copy output_base_image to. The path, image format and other original can be changed in base_image to the file. -C Allows compression when qcow and qcow2 format. If, after compressing sectors rewritten, they are not compressed. -E Enables encryption when qcow and qcow2 format. The encryption is done with AES (128 bit key), making it very safe. For maximum security, a password must be used with 16 characters. -6 Forces at the vmdk format compatibility level 6 for the destination image file. -O options Allows you to specify additional options. The format is name = value. Multiple options are separated by commas. With-o? Get a list of supported switches. Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-o? Supported options: size virtual disk size Example: Host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O-o size = 1G qcow file.img \ KonvertierteDatei.img 00:13 From QEMU following syntax is supported: Host ~ $ qemu-img convert [-c] [-f fmt] [-O output_fmt] [-o options] \ filename [filename2 [...]] output_filename''' The existing options-e, -6 and-B as equivalent data behind the option-o. The details depend on the used image formats (see below). File.img KonvertierteDatei.img

Host ~ $ commit [-f fmt] filename Saves changes in the base image. -F fmt Specifies the format of the image. filename Name the image file.

d snapshot] filename ~-l |-a snapshot | snapshot c | $ snapshot [-host Managed VM snapshots. snapshot Is the name of VM snapshots. -A snapshot The state of the specified VM snapshot snapshot restore.

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C-snapshot Creating a VM snapshot with the snapshot name. Snapshot-d Deleting the VM snapshot with the snapshot name. -L List all VM snapshots of an image. filename Name the image file.

Host ~ $ info [-f fmt] filename Display information (size, VM snapshots, ...) to an image. -F fmt Specifies the format of the image. filename Name the image file.

Host ~ $ qemu-img rebase [-f fmt] [-u]-b backing_file [-F backing_fmt] filename 00:13 From QEMU command the rebase supported. Thus, the overlay file a new base image will be assigned. By default, there must be the current and new base image. The new base images is compared with the old base image. If differences are found, the data from the old base image to the new base image is transmitted. -F fmt Specifies the format of the old base image. Usually recognizes qemu-img format. Therefore, this information is often not necessary. -U Enables an insecure rebasing. It is assumed that the old and the new base image match exactly. This is useful for renaming or relocating the base images. -B backing_file Sets the new base image is specified. F-base_fmt Specifies the format of the base file. Normally, this option is not necessary because qemu-img format normally recognizes that. filename By filename is the overlay indicated that the new base image is to be assigned.

Host ~ $ qemu-img resize file name [+ | -] size 00:13 From QEMU command will resize support. With resize format, the capacity of a virtual disk in raw changed. Before you shrink an image that must be shared in the virtual machine a correspondingly large area at the end of the virtual hard disk. This would cause data loss. If an image enlarged to the extent the host system, this new storage area to partition and format. filename With the filename image is shown to scale. size Defines the new size or the change in size in kilobytes. Optionally, the suffix M (megabyte = 1024 * 1024), are given G (gigabyte = 1024 * 1024 * 1024) or T (terabyte = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024).

Supported image formats

The raw format is the default format. It is simple and can easily convert. a new, blank image in raw format to a certain size, for example, produced 10 GB, it occupies in older file systems exactly this size (10 GB). Newer file systems support more effective management of files, containing the uncovered blocks. Such files occupy in these file systems such as just the space they occupy on blocks. A file of unused blocks is sparse file. Images in raw format files can be created as sparse.

For block or other devices, the effective management of unused blocks in files do not support, the format host_device apply.

The format is the most versatile qcow2 format and replaces the old format from qcow. Images in qcow2 format are dynamic. Their size depends on their level. When qcow2 format file size is independent of whether the file system for efficient management of sparse files supported. Qcow2 supports multiple storage of system states of the virtual machine (VM snapshot). Furthermore, encryption (AES) and compression (zlib) is possible. In qcow2 content is stored in the clusters. Each cluster contains a number of 512 byte sectors. There are options of qemu-img (-o) supports the following: backing_file = filename Filename of the base image (see-img create qemu). backing_fmt = fmt Image format of the base image (see-img create qemu). encryption = on | off

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Encrypted image. The encryption is done with AES (128 bit key), making it very safe. For maximum security, a password must be used with 16 characters. cluster_size = alue Changes the default cluster size (512 bytes). There are values between 512 and 2MByte possible. Smaller values optimize the file size. Larger values result in better performance. preallocation = off | metadata An image with assigned meta-data is initially larger, but has a better performance when zooming.

qcow is the old QEMU image format. Images in qcow format are dynamic. Their sizes depend on their level. In qcow is the file size does not depend on whether the file system for efficient management of sparse files allowed. Still supported qcow encryption and compression. There are options of qemu-img (-o) supports the following: backing_file See qcow2. encryption See qcow2.

The old format copy-on-write is available only because of compatibility with older versions of QEMU. It does not work under Microsoft Windows.

vmdk is the standard format of VMware Workstation. There are options of qemu-img (-o) supports the following: backing_fmt See qcow2. compat6 Forces at the vmdk format compatibility level 6 for the destination image file.

vdi is the standard format of VirtualBox.

The format Compressed loop is compressed CD-ROM images used, for example Knoppix-CD/DVD-ROMs.

nbd), the format of the NBD protocol (Network Block Device.

Parallels is the standard format of virtualization solutions from Parallels, Inc.

With vvfat disks are virtual FAT meant.

VPC is the standard format for images of Microsoft Virtual PC.

bochs is the format of the free and AMD64 x86 emulator Bochs.

dmg is a disk image file format under Mac OS X and is used mostly for distribution of software over the Internet. These images can be uncompressed or compressed. Uncompressed dmg files can be read directly from qemu img. Compressed dmg files can be unpacked dmg2img the tool with. <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_qemu-img " This page has been accessed 14,252 times. This page was last updated on 22 January 2011 at 13:51 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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qemu-io, kvm-io - QEMU disk exerciser, manual commands help howto - ...


qemu-io, kvm-io - QEMU disk exerciser, manual commands help howto

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-book / notes / qemu-io]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 qemu-io 1.1 Option 2.1 Commands 1.2.1 aio_flush 1.2.2 aio_read 1.2.3 aio_write 1.2.4 alloc 1.2.5 close 1.2.6 flush 1.2.7 help 1.2.8 info 1.2.9 length 1.2.10 multi-write 1.2.11 Open 1.2.12 quit 1.2.13 read 1.2.14 readv 1.2.15 truncate 1.2.16 write 1.2.17 writev

qemu-io (kvm-io) is a diagnostic and manipulation program (virtual) memory media. qemu-io is still at a very early stage of development. This tool is called with qemu-io and options. Host ~ $ qemu-io [-h] [-V] [-Crsnm] [-c cmd] ... [File]

-C, - create (up QEMU 0.12) Creates a new disk image, should the specified file does not exist. -C, - cmd Runs the specified command qemu-io-shell. -R, - read-only Export the image or read-only device. -S, - snapshot Uses a snapshot file. -N, - nocache Disable the cache of the host system.

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-G, - growable Allows the file may be increased (only for the minutes). -M, - misalign Misalignment in allocations for O_DIRECT. -K, - native-aio Uses the kernel AIO implementation for Linux as the host system. -H, - help It displays a help message and then exits. -V, - version It displays the version and then exits.

With no options specified, you get to command mode. Host ~ $ qemu-io qemu-io> aio_flush Completes all outstanding AIO requests. qemu-io> aio_flush aio_read Asynchronous reading a predetermined number of bytes. qemu-io> aio_read [-CQV] [-P pattern] off Len [len ..] -C Is reporting statistics in machine-readable form. -P Used a data sample to check the read data. -V Outputs the contents of the buffer to standard output. -Q Not seeing any I / O statistics (Quite mode). Example: qemu-io> aio_read-v 512 1k 1k Reads two KByte from the offset of 512 and outputs the buffer to standard output. aio_write In the opened file from the specified offset a pattern (default = 0xcdcdcdcd) in the specified length in bytes written asynchronously. Then the command is applied aio_flush.

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qemu-io> aio_write [CQ] [-P pattern] off Len [len ..] -P There are different patterns used to fill the file. -C Is reporting statistics in machine-readable form. -Q Not seeing any I / O statistics (Quite mode). Example: qemu-io> aio_write 512 1k 1k Writes two KByte from the offset of 512 bytes in the open file. alloc Tests if a given sector is present in the file. qemu-io> alloc off [sectors] close Closes the currently opened file. qemu io-> close flush Writes all the in-core file states on the hard disk. qemu io-> flush help Display a help for a particular or for all commands. qemu-io> help [command] info View information about the current image file. qemu-io> info Length Returns the length of the current image file. qemu-io> length multi write Execute multiple write requests to the open file with a command through. For each write request, to the number of bytes, the offset and the buffer is predetermined. This) is a byte-pattern (default = 0xcdcdcdcd used. qemu-io> multi write [CQ] [-P pattern] off Len Len ..] [[; off Len [len ..]..] -P

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There are different patterns used to fill the file. -C Is reporting statistics in machine-readable form. -Q Not seeing any I / O statistics (Quite mode). Example: qemu-io> MultiWriter 512 1k 1k, 4k 1k In this example, 2 kbytes from an offset of 512 bytes and 1 kbyte from an offset of 4 Kbytes written to the open file. Open Opens an image file to commands from qemu-io to work with. Here, the path specified. qemu-io> open [-pretest] [path] -C Creates a new file when the specified file does not exist. -R Open the file read-only. -S Uses a snapshot file. -N Disable the cache of the host system. -G Allows increasing the file (only for protocols). Example: qemu-io> open-Cn / tmp / data Creates and opens a file read-only. The host cache is deactivated. quit Exit the program. qemu-io> quit read Reads a number of bytes from the specified offset in a buffer. qemu-io:: read [-abCpqv] [-P pattern [s-off] [-l len]] Len off -B First reads the data from the VM state instead of the virtual hard disk.

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-C Is reporting statistics in machine-readable form. -L Length of the pattern for data validation (only with-P). -P Bdrv_pread used to read the file. -P Used a data sample to check the read data. -Q Not seeing any I / O statistics (Quite mode). -S Starts at the specified offset to the data verification (only with-P). -V Outputs the contents of the buffer to standard output. Example: qemu-io: read-v 512 1k Returns the file a range of one Kbytes from the offset of 512 bytes from the standard output. readv Reads a number of bytes from the specified offset. If more than one byte-range is defined, is written in several buffers. qemu-io> readv [-CQV] [-P pattern] off Len [len ..] -C Is reporting statistics in machine-readable form. -P Used a data sample to check the read data. -V Outputs the contents of the buffer to standard output. -Q Not seeing any I / O statistics (Quite mode). Example: qemu-io> readv-v 512 1k 1k Returns the file from two areas of one Kbytes from the offset of 512 bytes to the standard output. truncate

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Cuts the current file at the specified offset. qemu-io> truncate off write Writes a number of bytes from the specified offset from a buffer. This) is a byte-pattern (default = 0xcdcdcdcd used. qemu-io> write [-abCpq] [-P pattern] Len off -B Writes first place the data in the VM status on the virtual hard disk. -P Bdrv_pwrite used to write to the file. -P There are different patterns used to fill the file. -C Is reporting statistics in machine-readable form. -Q Not seeing any I / O statistics (Quite mode). Example: qemu-io> write 512 1k Writes a KB from the offset of 512 bytes in the open file. writev Writes to the file opened a number of bytes from the specified offset of several buffers. This) is a byte-pattern (default = 0xcdcdcdcd used. qemu-io> writev [CQ] [-P pattern] off Len [len ..] -P There are different patterns used to fill the file. -C Is reporting statistics in machine-readable form. -Q Not seeing any I / O statistics (Quite mode). Example: qemu-io> write 512 1k 1k It will be written two KByte from the offset of 512 bytes in the open file.

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Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_qemu-io " This page has been accessed 3445 times. This page was last updated on 19 January 2011 at 17:01 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:53 PM

nbd qemu and kvm-nbd are tools to export of image files using the NBD pr...


nbd qemu and kvm-nbd are tools to export of image files using the NBD protocol (Network Block Device).
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-book / notes / qemu-nbd]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

nbd qemu and kvm-nbd are tools to export of image files using the NDB Protocol (Network Block Device). NDB is a simple protocol for Linux to export a block devices over the network. Qemu-nbd is in the package qemu and kvm kvm-nbd package included. Both have the same functions. Host ~ $ qemu-nbd [OPTION] ... file is the name of the image file. -P, - port = port Defines the port for the NBD server (default = 1024). -O, - offset = offset Defines the offset in the image. -B, - bind = iface Connections are only allowed on the specified interface (default = -K, - socket = path The connection is made possible through a UNIX domain socket. The path parameter defines the path to the socket. -R, - read-only The image is exported read-only. -P, - partition = num It is the partition with the specified number num exports only. -S, - snapshot Changes are not written to the image, but in temporary files. -N, - nocache The host cache is disabled. -C, - connect = dev Connects the image with the device dev. -D, - disconnect Disconnects the specified device. -E, - shared = num The device can be used simultaneously by multiple clients. The maximum number defines the value of file

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nbd qemu and kvm-nbd are tools to export of image files using the NBD pr...


num (Default = 1). -T, - persistent The program will not terminate when the last connection. -V, - verbose It displays additional debugging information. -H, - help Display of support. -V, - version Display version. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_qemu-nbd " This page has been accessed 3969 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:34 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:54 PM

libvirt 0.8.2, virsh, virt-manager, virt-install, virt-clone man page, cloud ...


libvirt 0.8.2, virsh, virt-manager, virt-install, virt-clone man page, cloud computing
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-book / notes / libvirt]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 libvirt 0.8.2 1.1 virsh 1.1.1 Name 1.1.2 Synopsis 1.1.3 Description 1.1.4 Notes 1.1.5 General commands 1.1.6 Commands to Manage Domains 1.1.7 Commands to Manage Devices 1.1.8 Commands to manage Host Devices 1.1.9 Commands for managing storage pools 1.1.10 Commands for managing virtual disks 1.1.11 Commands for managing virtual networks 1.1.12 Commands for security 1.1.13 Environment Variables See also 1.1.14 1.1.15 authors COPYRIGHT 1.1.16 1.1.17 LICENSE 1.1.18 Bugs Referenced by 1.1.19 2.1 virt-install 1.2.1 Name 1.2.2 Synopsis 1.2.3 Description 1.2.4 Options General Full virtualization types of virtualization Installation methods Storage configurations network configurations Configurations for graphics output Other Options 1.2.5 Examples 1.2.6 Authors 1.2.7 Bugs 1.2.8 Copyright 1.2.9 See also Referenced by 1.2.10 1.3 virt-clone 1.3.1 Name 1.3.2 Synopsis 1.3.3 Description 1.3.4 Options General Storage configurations network configurations Other Options 1.3.5 Examples 1.3.6 Authors 1.3.7 Bugs 1.3.8 Copyright 1.3.9 See also 4.1 virt-viewer 1.4.1 Name 1.4.2 Synopsis 1.4.3 Description 1.4.4 Options 1.4.5 Examples 1.4.6 Authors 1.4.7 Bugs 1.4.8 Copyright 1.4.9 See also 1.5-manager virt 1.5.1 Name 1.5.2 Synopsis 1.5.3 Description 1.5.4 Options 1.5.5 Authors 1.5.6 Bugs 1.5.7 Copyright 1.5.8 See also 1.5.9 Referenced by

The tool virt-viewer.

The Virtual Machine Manager.

libvirt 0.8.2
Website: http://libvirt.org Libvirt library to be the case of host-guest systems as nodes and systems referred to as domains.


virsh - User interface for managing


~ # Virsh subcommand [args]

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The program is virsh the general user interface for managing guest domains. The program allows you to create, pause, and shutdown domains. Furthermore, can be listed current domains. The library is one of the libvirt language written in C Toolkit. It supports interaction between virtualization of current versions of Linux and other operating systems. The Open Source Software libvirt under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Virtualization of Linux operating systems is the ability to operate simultaneously to multiple instances of an operating system on hardware, where the resources are controlled by a Linux instance. The aim of the library libvirt is to develop a standard API for Xen, QEMU, KVM, VMware ESX, VMware Server, VirtualBox or other virtualization solutions. The general syntax is: ~ # Virsh command domain-id [OPTIONS] For command is one of the commands listed below use. With domain-id domain is the internal numeric ID or name of the intended. Depending on the OPTIONS command with certain options are specified. There are some exceptions to the syntax for specific commands. These are the commands that manage all the domains that control the host machine, relating to the hypervisor. The program can accurately virsh command command on the command line to run to a pass with. If no command is specified, an interpreter is started. In the shell of this interpreter virsh commands are entered. Exits the command interpreter is to quit.

All virsh operations based on the libvirt library. This library extends the virsh commands to xend, QEMU and other virtualization solutions libvirt support further with. It should start to libvirtd. This is usually done by typing / etc / init.d / libvirt-bin start. Most commands require virsh root privileges to communicate with the hypervisor. Continue to work asynchronously most virsh commands. That is, the command interpreter, the shell of the free again, is the associated action is not necessarily finished. Considerations include execution times of at least 30 seconds at many operations with domains, such as the establishment and shutdown. The virsh-list command shows the status of the command processing. By reopening the display is updated.
General orders

The following commands are not applicable to a specific domain. virsh # help [command] The help command gives brief information about all commands in a. With the help command command is a detailed help on the specified output command. virsh # quit Ends the interactive terminal. virsh # version Provides information on the versions used during the build. Example: ~ # Virsh version Connecting to uri: qemu: / / / session Compiled against the library: libvirt 0.8.2 Use Library: libvir 0.8.2 Use API: QEMU 0.8.2 Running hypervisor: QEMU 0.13.0 virsh # cd [directory] Changes the path of the current directory. The default directory is the home directory. If the variable HOME is not defined, the default directory is the main directory. This command is available only in interactive mode. virsh # pwd Displays the path of the current directory. virsh # connect URI [- readonly] Connects to the specified hypervisor (again) ago. The option - read only allows read-only connection. About the URI parameter in this internal command, the connection is set to hypervisors. The documentation at the URL http://libvirt.org/uri.html and http://libvirt.org/drivers.html listen to the supported values. Often following URIs are used: test: / / / default This URI connects you with the local dummy hypervisor ( http://libvirt.org/drvtest.html ). This simulates a running domain. It is recommended that the first virsh commands to try out this fake hypervisor. qemu: / / / session This connects you to the local URI QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor (connection type session) is normal as a user. qemu + unix: / / / session This connects you to the local URI QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor (connection type session) is normal as a user. qemu: / / / system This URI connects you as user root with the local QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor (connection type system). qemu + unix: / / / system This URI connects you as user root with the local QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor (connection type system). qemu + ssh: / / [email protected] / system This connects you with a URI QEMU-/KVM-Hypervisor on the example.com node. The connection is made through an SSH tunnel. xen: / / / This URI connects you with the local Xen hypervisor. This is the default setting. vbox: / / / session This URI connects one as a normal user with the local VirtualBox hypervisor. esx: / / example.com / no_verify = 1? This URI connects you as user root to an ESX hypervisor on the example.com node. It is used for https protocol but not the certificate is verified. gsx: / / example.com This URI connects you as user root with a VMware server. virsh # uri The command returns the canonical uri URI of the hypervisor. virsh # hostname The hostname command displays the host name-Hypervisor.

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virsh # NodeInfo Displays information about the node. These include the number and type of CPUs and the amount of RAM. virsh # capabilities Returns an XML document that describes the properties of the currently connected hypervisors. This XML document also contains sections on skills of the host system and a set of descriptions for each supported host system. A detailed description can be found at the URL http://libvirt.org/formatcaps.html . To determine the KVM hypervisor checked, the driver of libvirt the directory / usr / bin under the QEMU binaries and the device / dev / kvm. virsh # list [- inactive | - all] Lists information about the domains. If no domain name is specified, information about all active domains output. With - inactive, all domains listed inactive. With - all are shown information for all domains. Here's an example: virsh # virsh list Id Name State -----------------------------0 Domain-0 running 2 fedora paused In the column ID domains, the numeric IDs of the output. In name, the names of the domains. Under the conditions of the State domains are listed. There are six states: r - running The domain is ongoing. b - blocked The domain is blocked. That is, it does not work and can not be started. Perhaps the domain is waiting on input or expenditure (a typical case) or the domain is switched to the sleep state, as it has nothing else to do. p - paused The domain is paused by the pause command xm. In this state, it still consumes resources such as memory. The hypervisor can not take them into account when scheduling domain. s - shutdown The domain goes straight down. That is, the guest system has been the signal for the controlled shutdown received, but is still in the process of shutting down. c - crashed The domain has crashed. Normally occurs in this state if the domain is configured to not restart after a crash (see also xmdomain.cfg). d - dying The domain is in the process of dying. But it is not completely shut down or crashed. virsh # FreeCell [cellno] The free command displays the available free cell space for NUMA cell (non-uniform memory architecture). With cellno, the number of NUMA cell can be specified. virsh # cpu-compare file Compares a host CPU with a file in the XML file described CPU.
Commands to Manage Domains

The following commands manipulate domains directly. Most commands require as a first parameter is the domain-id. The domain-id UUID as a number (short integer), name or complete specified. virsh # auto start [- disable domain-id] Configures the domain that it is started automatically when the host system. The option - disable disables the automatic startup. virsh # console domain-id Connects the console to the virtual guest. virsh # CreateFile Starts a domain using the XML configuration file to file. This command starts the configured in the file domain, but the configuration is not stored in this file. The configuration of the domain is lost if the domain is shut down. The XML file for virsh create XML file must match the one that was generated dumpxml with the command. virsh # define file Defines a domain using the XML configuration file file. The domain will be created but not started. In contrast to the command virsh create the configuration persisted until the command is applied undefine. virsh # destroy domain-id Immediately terminates the domain domain-id. Here, the domain has no chance to respond and the host system is not finished properly. This is equivalent to unplugging the power cable at a real machine. In most cases it is better to use shutdown command. virsh domblkstat # domain-id device The command retrieves statistics domblkstat a block device from a running domain on. With domain-id UUID is the domain name, ID or the indicated. With the block-device Device is marked. virsh domifstat # domain-id interface The command retrieves statistics domifstat a network interface of a running domain from about. With domain-id UUID is the domain name, ID or the indicated. Interface with the network interface is marked. virsh dominfo # domain-id Prints a short information about the domain. virsh domuuid # domain-id Converts a domain name or domain ID to a domain UUID. virsh DOMiD # domain-name Converts a domain name to a domain id using the internal mapping of the libvirt library. virsh domname # domain-id

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Converts a domain id to a domain name. virsh domstate # domain-id Returns the state of a running domain. virsh # domain-id dump file The dump command writes a dump of the core domain for analysis in the file file. For domain-id UUID is the domain name, ID or to specify. virsh dumpxml # domain-id interface Outputs a dump of the domain configuration as an XML file to standard output. The XML file can be used to create and define commands are used. virsh # edit domain-id The command edit to edit the XML configuration file of a domain. With domain-id UUID is the domain name, ID or the indicated. The selected editor is the environment variable $ EDITOR set to. The edit command corresponds to the following sequence of commands: ~ # Virsh dumpxml domain> domain.xml ~ # Edit domain.xml ~ # Define virsh domain.xml virsh # migrate [- live] domain desturi [migrateuri] [dname] The migrate command moves a domain to another host. With - live is live migration enforced. With domain UUID is the domain name, ID or the indicated. The URI of the destination host is with desturi addressed. Optionally, the migration URI be defined with migrateuri. Does the hypervisor to rename the domain during the migration, the new name will be given by dname. virsh # reboot domain-id Starts a new domain. This corresponds to the reboot command in the console of the host system. virsh # restore state-file Represents the state of a domain from the virsh save file created with Restore (see command save). virsh # save domain-id state-file Saves the state of a running domain to a file. This state can later restore the command virsh to be restored. After saving is no longer and been assigned to the memory domain can be used by other domains. This corresponds approximately to the displacement of a real machine into sleep state with similar restrictions, such as time-outs for open network connections. virsh schedinfo # domain-id [- set parameter = value] \ [- Weight number] [- cap number] The command scheduler schedinfo parameters are displayed or set. domain-id Domain Name, ID, or UUID. - Set parameter = value The parameter is passed by value. - Weight number Weight for XEN_CREDIT. - Cap number Cap for XEN_CREDIT. virsh SETMEM # domain-id KiloBytes Immediately changes the current memory allocation for the guest. The memory allocation is specified in kilobytes. virsh setmaxmem # domain-id KiloBytes Changes the maximum memory allocation for the guest. This value has no influence on the current memory usage. The maximum memory allocation is specified in kilobytes. virsh setvcpus # domain-id count Changes the number of virtual CPUs active (count) for the guest. The value of count can be limited by the host, the hypervisor or the original description of the domain. virsh # shutdown domain-id Is the host system, the signal for the correct shutdown. The host system must evaluate this signal correctly, to initiate a proper shutdown. There is therefore no guarantee that the shutdown occurs properly. Continue to need different times for different guest systems to shut down the services. For a Xen guest system is the parameter on_shutdown in the XML file with the domain's behavior on restart fixed. virsh # start domain-id The start command starts the defined, inactive domain domain-id. virsh suspend # domain-id Freezes a running domain. The allocated memory is preserved but the hypervisor into account when scheduling this domain any more. The command resume domain, the thawed. virsh # resume domain-id Ends the frozen state of the domain. The hypervisor into account when scheduling this domain again. virsh ttyconsole # domain-id The command is ttyconsole TTY device for the console. For domain-id UUID is the domain name, ID or to specify. virsh # undefine domain-id Deletes the configuration of an inactive domain. Since the domain is not running, UUID is the domain name or domain to be used for id. virsh vcpuinfo # domain-id Give brief information about the virtual CPUs in the domain. This includes information about the number of CPUs, the term and the memberships of the physical CPUs. virsh vcpupin # domain-id vcpu cpulist

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Maps the virtual CPUs (vcpu) the physical CPUs on the host system. The parameter must be specified vcpu cpulist. Is a list of physical CPU numbers separated by commas are a respectively. virsh vncdisplay # domain-id Displays the IP address and port number of the VNC display. Such information is not available, issues an exit code of 1. virsh # domxml-from-native format config Converts a native host configuration to an XML-domain configuration. The source format is specified with the format. Conversion of options is QEMU qemu for the use-argv. The configuration data is defined with config. This option can be QEMU in a corresponding XML configuration file for libvirt convert. Here is a simple example: Host ~ $ echo "/ usr / bin / qemu-hda Platte.img> q.txt Host ~ $ virsh domxml-from-native-argv q.txt qemu virsh # domxml-to-native format xml Converts an XML-domain configuration in a native host configuration. The target format is to format and XML file defines the xml. This can convert the settings from an XML configuration file into the appropriate QEMU options.
Commands to Manage Devices

The following commands associated to the domains devices are manipulated. The domain-id UUID as a number (short integer), name or complete specified. A documentation of the possible values and formats can be found at the URL http://libvirt.org/format.html (Device section). virsh # attach-device domain-id file Adds a device added to the domain. Here, the device definition is taken from an XML file (see documentation about the libvirt XML format). virsh # attach-disk domain-id source target [- driver driver] \ [- Subdriver Subdriver] [- type type] [- mode mode] Add a new disk device the domain added. The options are source and target paths to files and devices. For drivers, you can file, or inserting physical tap. This depends on the type of access. For type one uses an alternative to the default value or floppy disk, the values cdrom mode is. Shareable set or read only. virsh # attach-interface domain-id type source [- target target] \ [- Mac] [- script script] Adds a new network interface of the domain added. For type) is either network (physical network device) or bridge (Bridge device used. The source option defines the source device and is targeted to the destination device in the host system specified. With Mac interface is a MAC address for the network specified. script with the option it is possible path to a script file specified. This can, in contrast to the default bridge, to build their own bridge. virsh # detach-device domain-id file Removes a device from the domain. The XML definitions correspond to those for the attach-device. virsh # detach-disk target domain-id Removes a disk device of the domain. For the target device is set up, which is the domain of looks. virsh # detach-interface domain-id type [- mac mac] Removes a network interface of the domain. For type) is either network (physical network device) or bridge (Bridge device used. The source option defines the source device and is targeted to the destination device in the host system specified. When multiple network interfaces, it is recommended that the option mac's MAC address that uniquely identifies the interface to pretend with. virsh # nodedev-CreateFile Generates a device on the physical host (node) with the data from the XML configuration file. This device can be assigned to a virtual machine. The XML configuration file file specified. virsh # nodedev-destroy name Clears the Device name on the physical host (node).
Commands for managing host Devices

virsh # nodedev-list [- cap string] The command nodedev-list includes the devices that host on. With - cap the function name is specified. virsh # nodedev-dumpxml device The command is dumpxml nodedev of the node device in XML form to the standard output from the information. With the device key is the device specified. virsh # nodedev-dettach device The command-nodedev dettach removes a device driver from a node device before it is assigned a domain. With the device key is the device specified. virsh # nodedev-reattach device The command-nodedev reattach adds a device-driver device node added one before this one domain is assigned. With the device key is the device specified. virsh # nodedev-reset device nodedev-reset is the node device back before or after this one domain is assigned to the command. With the device key is the device specified.
Commands for managing storage pools

virsh # find-storage-pool-type sources [srcSpec] The command find-storage-pool-sources identified potential sources for the storage pools. The output is a XML file. With type sources, the type of the search set. Optional file may be specified to search an XML srcSpec with. virsh # find-storage-pool-sources-as type [host] [port] The command find-storage-pool-sources-as will potential sources of storage pools. The output is a XML file. With type sources, the type of the search set. As an option to host a particular host and the port are examined port. # virsh pool pool-autostart [- disable] Configures the pool that it is started automatically when the host system. The option - disable disables the automatic startup. For UUID pool is the pool name or state. virsh # pool-build pool The command-build sets pool to a new pool. For UUID pool is the pool name or state.

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# virsh pool CreateFile Pool-create command generates a pool with the settings from the XML file, the file. virsh # create-pool-as-name [- print-xml] type \ [Source-host] [source-path] [source-dev] [source-name] \ [Target] The command-pool create-generated as a pool with the provisions of the options. name Name of the new pool. - Print-xml Prints the XML configuration. The pool will be defined or generated. type Type the new pool. source-host Source host for the underlying storage. source-path Source Path is the underlying storage. source-dev Source device for the underlying storage. source-name Source name for the underlying storage. target Target for the underlying storage. virsh # define pool-file The command pool-define defines a pool of the XML file. The pool is not started. virsh # define-pool-as-name [- print-xml] type \ [Source-host] [source-path] [source-dev] [source-name] \ [Target] The command define-pool-defined as a pool with the provisions of the options. The pool is not started. name Name of the new pool. - Print-xml Prints the XML configuration. The pool will be defined or generated. type Type the new pool. source-host Source host for the underlying storage. source-path Source Path is the underlying storage. source-dev Source device for the underlying storage. source-name Source name for the underlying storage. target Target for the underlying storage. virsh # pool-destroy pool The command pool-destroy destroy a pool. For UUID pool is the pool name or state. virsh # pool-delete pool The command pool-delete deletes a pool. For UUID pool is the pool name or state. virsh # dumpxml pool pool The command-dumpxml pool is a pool as an XML file to standard output from the information. For UUID pool is the pool name or state. virsh # pool-edit pool The command pool-edit to edit the XML file of a storage pool. For UUID pool is the pool name or state. virsh # pool-info pool The command pool-info provides information on a storage pool. For UUID pool is the pool name or state. virsh # pool-list [- inactive] [- all] The pool command-list is the list of active pools one of them. With - inactive pools are all the inactive list. With - all information will be displayed on all pools. # virsh pool pool-name

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The command converts a pool pool-name-UUID in a pool name. virsh # pool-refresh pool The command-refresh refreshed pool a pool. For UUID pool is the pool name or state. virsh # pool-start pool The command-start pool enabled the previously defined but inactive pool named pool. # undefine virsh pool pool The command deletes the configuration pool undefine an inactive pool. For UUID pool is the pool name or state. virsh # pool-uuid pool The pool-uuid command converts a pool name in a network UUID.
Commands for managing virtual disks

virsh # vol-createpool file The command generated vol-create a volume pool called the settings file from the XML file. virsh # vol-create-as poolname capacity [- allocation string] \ [- Format string] The command vol-create-generated as a disk with the provisions of the options. pool Name of the pool. name Name of the disk. capacity Capacity of the disk. Optionally, the suffix k (kB), M (MB), G (GB) and T (TB) are given. - Allocation string Initially allocated size of the disk. Optionally, the suffix k (kB), M (MB), G (GB) and T (TB) are given. - Format raw | bochs | qcow | qcow2 | vmdk Sets the image format. virsh # vol-delete [- pool string] vol The command-delete deletes a disk volume. For UUID pool is the pool name or state. With volume path is the volume name, key, or defined. virsh # vol-dumpxml [- pool string] vol The command-dumpxml is about the volume vol volume as an XML dump to the standard output from the information. Desktop - UUID pool is the pool name or specify. virsh # vol-info [- pool string] vol The command vol-info is information on the volume of vol. Desktop - UUID pool is the pool name or specify. virsh # vol-list pool The command vol-list lists the volumes of the pool to pool. virsh # vol-path [- pool string] vol The command converts a vol-path volume UUID, a volume name or volume in a volume key path. # virsh vol vol-name The command converts a volume vol-name-UUID, Volume key, or volume path in a volume name. virsh vol # vol-key The command converts a vol-key volume UUID in a volume key. virsh # vol-create-from pool file [- input string pool] vol Generates a volume. In this case an existing volume is used as a template. Pool with the pool name is specified. File defines the XML configuration file. Optionally, with - input a name or a pool UUDI an input pools are defined. With volume key, the input volume or a given. virsh # vol-clone [- pool <string>] vol newname Clone a volume. With volume key, the source volume, or specified. The goal will be surrounded by newname. Optionally, with - a name or a pool UUDI a pool can be specified.
Commands for managing virtual networks

The following commands virtual networks can be manipulated. The library libvirt supports defining virtual networks, and the domains used by network devices can be connected with the real. Detailed information can be obtained at the URL http://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html . Many of the commands for the manipulation of virtual networks are similar to the commands for manipulating domains. When naming virtual networks either the name or UUID is used. virsh # net network-autostart [- disable] Enables the automatic startup of the virtual network on boot. With the option - disable Autostart of the disabled. virsh # net-CreateFile Generates virtual network according to the XML file is a configuration file. virsh # net-define file Defines a virtual network according to the XML configuration file file. The network is defined but not enabled. virsh # net network-destroy Immediately deletes the specified virtual network. For network UUID is the name or the state. virsh # net network-dumpxml

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Provides information about the virtual network as an XML dump to the standard output. virsh # net network-edit Use the command net-edit you have to edit the XML configuration file for the virtual network network. The selected editor is the environment variable $ EDITOR set to. The command net-edit matches the following command sequence: ~ # Virsh net dumpxml network> network.xml edit network.xml virsh define network.xml virsh # net-list [- inactive | - all] Print a list of active networks. With - inactive networks are all inactive lists. With - all information will be displayed on all networks. virsh # net network-name-UUID Converts a network UUID to a network name. virsh # net start-network Start a defined but inactive network. virsh # net-undefine network Deletes the configuration of an inactive network. virsh # network net-uuid-name Convert a network name to a network UUID. virsh # iface-list [- inactive] [- all] Lists the physical interfaces on the host system. - With - with inactive, the inactive and all interfaces are all listed. virsh # iface interface-name Converts a MAC address to an interface name. Interface with the MAC address is specified. virsh # iface-mac interface Converts an interface name to a MAC address. Interface with the interface name is specified. virsh # iface dumpxml interface Is interface information in XML format on standard output. Interface name with the MAC address or the specified interface. virsh iface # define file Defines a physical host interface from the XML file file. The interface is not started it. virsh # iface undefine interface Deletes the configuration of a physical host interfaces. Interface name with the MAC address or the specified interface. virsh # iface-edit interface The command is processed iface-edit the XML configuration file of a physical host interfaces. Interface name with the MAC address or the specified interface. virsh # iface-start interface Enables a physical host interface (if-up). Interface name with the MAC address or the specified interface. virsh # iface interface-destroy Disables a physical host interface (if-down). Interface name with the MAC address or the specified interface.
Commands for security

The following commands manipulate secrets. They are as passwords, digital keys and pass phrases. The library libvirt can save on their use secrets independently. Other objects, such as volumes, or domains, refer to the encryption on these secrets. Secrets are identified by UUID. More information can be found at the URL http://libvirt.org /formatsecret.html . virsh # define secret-file Generates a new secret based the specifications in the XML file to file without the associated value for the secret. If no UUID specified, a UUID is generated. If the XML file is a UUID of an existing use in secret, the existing properties are the secrets overwritten. The secret value is retained. virsh # secret-secret dumpxml Returns the properties of the specified secrets (UUID) XML dump to standard output as a. virsh # secret-set-value secret base64 Sets the secret to (UUID) associated value. With the given value is base64 (Base64 encoding). # Secret-get-value secret virsh To display the secret (UUID) associated value (encoded with Base64) on the standard output. # undefine virsh secret-secret Deletes a secret (UUID), including its value. virsh # secret-list View a list of UUIDs of the known secrets on the standard output.
Environment Variables

VIRSH_DEFAULT_CONNECT_URI Defines the default URI to connect to the hypervisor. This option is the same format as used in the connect. LIBVIRT_DEBUG = LEVEL Sets the debugging level libvirt for all API calls. For more information on debugging options can be found at the URL http://libvirt.org/logging.html .

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LIBVIRT_DEBUG = 1 DEBUG level or higher. LIBVIRT_DEBUG = 2 Level INFO or higher. LIBVIRT_DEBUG = 3 WARNING level or higher. LIBVIRT_DEBUG = 4 ERROR level or higher.
See also

xm (1), xmdomain.cfg (5), xentop (1), http://www.libvirt.org


Andrew Puch <apuch @ redhat.com> Daniel Veillard <veillard @ redhat.com> Based on the XM-manpage Sean Dague Dague at <sean dot net> Daniel at us dot ibm Stekloff <dsteklof dot com> Translation and addition: Robert Warnke, http://qemu-buch.de

Copyright (C) 2005, 2007-2009 Red Hat, Inc.


virsh under the GNU LGPL v2 +.


Bug reports can be used in the Red Hat Bugzilla site https: / / bugzilla.redhat.com be viewed here: https: / bugzilla.redhat.com / bugzilla / buglist.cgi? / product = Fedora + Core & component = & libvirt bug_status = NEW & bug_status = ASSIGNED & bug_status = REOPENED & bug_status = MODIFIED & short_desc_type = allwordssubstr short_desc & = & = long_desc_type allwordssubstr
Referenced by

virt-clone (1), virt-df (1), virt-install (1), virt-manager (1), virt-top (1), virt-viewer (1)


virt-install - Create new virtual machines (domains).


~ # Virt-install [OPTION] ...


The command line tool virt-install is creating new virtual machines using libvirt hypervisor management library for. The tool supports both text based and the graphical installation via serial console, SDL or VNC. The host system, one or more virtual hard disks are made available. Virtual network interface of the virtual machines can be connected to the host system. The installation media can be integrated locally or remotely via NFS, HTTP and FTP. The tool virt-install files does the minimum needed to start the installation and allows the host system to access the rest of the distribution. With appropriate options allows virt-install the automatic installation of guest systems with a kick-start. The tool virt-clone systems can be cloned Guest existing, if automatic installation is not possible.

If no options are given, ask virt-install from the corresponding values. -H, - help Prints a help and exit. - Connect = CONNECT Connects to a hypervisor by URI ago. Default connections based on the following rules: xen Applied to a host with a Xen kernel. It is to / proc / xen tested. qemu: / / / system If in a bare-metal kernel used as root. qemu: / / / session Applied to a bare metal kernel as unprevilegierter users. This URI is only required if it deviates from the default priority.

-N NAME, - name = NAME If the new virtual machine a name. This must be unique. That is, a name can not be given more time. This also applies for inactive machines. If this option is not specified, ask virt-install it. For the new definition is the tool to drive down virsh system and the host to delete. Then, with the guest system is newly installed virt-install. -R MEMORY, - ram = MEMORY With this option, the amount of RAM in MB for the guest system is defined. If the hypervisor does not have enough free memory, it is usually removed from the host system memory. If this option is not specified, ask virt-install it. - Arch = ARCH Is one different from the host system, processor architecture before. This option is only available for guest systems under QEMU available. The use of accelerators (KVM, KQEMU) is not possible. If this option is not used, the processor architecture of the host system is used.

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-U UUID, - uuid = UUID If the new virtual machine is a UUID. This is a hexadecimal number to use with 32 points. This UUID must be unique. That is, they can be awarded only once in the data center or in the world. This is important when manually setting the UUID. If no UUID specified, a random UUID will be generated. - Vcpus = VCPUs Defines the number of virtual CPUs for the new virtual machine. Not all support SMP hypervisor. In these cases, this value is ignored without notice. - Check-cpu Checks the number of virtual CPUs and the number of physical CPUs. If the number of virtual CPUs, the number of real CPUs, a warning is issued. - Cpuset = cpuset physical CPUs the guest system which may use Custom. cpuset is a list of numbers separated by commas are a respectively. It can also be specified from numbers-with a dash. Examples: 0,2,3,5 Use the processors 0,2,3 and 5 1-3,5,6-8 Use the processors 1,2,3,5,6,7 and 8 - Os-type = OS_TYPE Optimizes the configuration of the virtual machine for the type of the host system. These include, inter alia, the optimal settings for ACPI and APIC and mouse drivers. Valid values for OS_TYPE are: Linux (Linux 2.x) Windows (Microsoft Windows 9x or higher) unix (Traditional UNIX BSD or SysV derivatives) other (operating systems that can not fit in any of the above groups.) - Os-variant = OS_VARIANT Allows a further optimization of the configuration of the virtual machine in addition to the - os-type. This option is not mandatory. Possible values are: - Os-type = linux rhel2.1 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1) RHEL3 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3) RHEL4 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4) RHEL5 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5) centos5 (Cent OS 5) fedora5 (Fedora Core 5) fedora6 (Fedora Core 6) fedora7 (Fedora 7) SLES10 (Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10.x) debianEtch (Debian 4.0 Etch) debian etch (Debian Lenny) generic26 (Generic Linux 2.6.x kernel) generic24 (Generic Linux 2.4.x kernel) - Os-type = windows winxp (Microsoft Windows XP) win2k (Windows 2000) win2k3 (Microsoft Windows 2003) vista (Windows Vista) - Os-type = unix solaris9 (Sun Solaris 9) solaris10 (Solaris 10) freebsd6 (FreeBSD 6.x) openbsd4 (Open BSD 4.x) - Os-type = other msdos (Microsoft DOS) netware4 (Novell Netware 4) NetWare5 (Novell Netware 5) netware6 (Novell Netware 6) - Host-device = HOSTDEVS Bind physical devices to the host domain.
Full virtualization

- Sound Enables emulation of sound devices. - Noapic Disabled APIC in host systems with full virtualization. Here, the setting - os-variant and - os-type overwritten. - Noacpi Disable ACPI in host systems with full virtualization. Here, the setting - os-variant and - os-type overwritten.
Virtualization species

-V, - hvm Identifies the host system as a fully virtualized guest. If both para-and full-virtualization is available with this option, the full virtualization is enforced. This parameter is not in the host systems without hardware support used. This option is available when connecting to one based on QEMU hypervisor. -P, - paravirt Identifies the host system as a paravirtualized guest. If both para-and full-virtualization is not available and the option - paravirt nor - given hvm is a Virtualisierungsart asked

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for. - Accelerate Enables a kernel accelerator (KQEMU or KVM) for the QEMU guest. This option should always be used in QEMU / KVM, unless the host system is not compatible with kernel accelerators. If both the KVM and KQEMU are available, use KVM. QEMU version 0.12.0 does not support more KQEMU.
Installation methods

-C cdrom, - cdrom = CDROM Refers to a file to be used as a virtual CD / DVD-ROM drive. This can be a path to an ISO image or a real CD / DVD-ROM device. The ISO image can be addressed via a URL. The URL has the same format as the - location. If - cdrom not specified, the - location or - pxe necessary. LOCATION-l, - location = LOCATION Defines the installation source. For paravirtualized guest systems have this source the kernel and initial RAM disk (initrd) included. For fully-virtualized guest systems can also location source kernel and initial RAM disk to be a reference to. Alternatively, with - cdrom ISO image to install specified. LOCATION has the following formats: DIRECTORY Path to a local directory with the installation media. nfs: host: / path, nfs: / / host / path URL of an NFS server with the installation media. http://host/path URL of an HTTP server using the installation media. ftp://host/path URL of an FTP server with the installation media. - Pxe It is used for the PXE boot protocol to load the initial RAM disk and the kernel to start the installation of the host system. If the option - pxe is not specified, the - location or cdrom necessary. - Import Generates the domain using an existing virtual disk. - Livecd Identifies the installation media as a live CD. In order to boot from CD / DVD drive is set permanently. Usually this option is the option - used nodisks. -X EXTRA, - extra-args = EXTRA Specifying additional kernel options for the installation kernel and initial RAM disk (optional - location). These are passed to the installer of the host system.
Storage configurations

- Disk = DISKOPTS Defined virtual storage for the guest. This option replaces the - file, - file-size and - nonsparse. The general format - disk opt1 = val1, val2 = opt2 ... To define a virtual storage medium, the following options are required: path Defines the path to an image file or block device for use as a virtual storage medium for the guest. This path does not exist or the file, a virtual disk is created. This is also the option to specify the size of size. If this memory device to another computer, it must be released as libvirt storage volume. Does the home directory path to a libvirt storage pool on the host, the new storage is as libvirt storage volume created. remote computer must be specified for the base directory for access to the storage pool. pool Specifies the name of an existing libvirt storage pool for the generation of new storage. Required option is the size. vol Specifies to use the libvirt storage pool. This is poolname / volname be expressed as. Other options: device Defines the type of the device. Possible values are cdrom, disk (default) or floppy. If no option is specified and installation method uses the cdrom is used as an installation media cdrom. bus Defines the type of the bus. Possible values are ide, scsi, usb, or xen virtio. The default setting depends on the hypervisor. perms Sets the access rights. Possible values are RW (Read / Write), RO (Read Only), or sh (Shared Read / Write). The default value is rw. size Defines the size of the new virtual disk. The size of the new virtual disk is given in GB. sparse Possible values are true (default) or false. Usually the size of the virtual hard disk in the file system of the host only about their level. That is, the size of the image file grows with the data that is stored in this virtual hard disk. So when creating the image file, whose full size is allocated option is to apply false. Creating the image file takes a little more time here. Therefore, a speed gain results in the access by the host system. Furthermore, one avoids I / O error in the host system if the virtual hard disk does not fit into the file system of the host. DISK-f FILE, - file = FILE DISK Defines the path to an image file, a disk partition or a logical volume for use as a virtual storage medium for the guest. This path does not exist or the file, a virtual disk is created. This is in addition to the - file-size the size of pretending. The-f or - file can be specified multiple times to add multiple virtual disks. If this option is not specified, ask virt-install it. This option is the - = DISKOPTS replaced disk. DISK SIZE-s, - file-size = DISK SIZE

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Defines the size of the new virtual disk. For a virtual disk is created, is also the option-file needed, using the specified file does not exist. The size of the new virtual disk is given in GB. This fractional numbers are possible. The memory requirements for the new file will only be reserved if the - specified nonsparse. If the option - file-size is not specified, then asks virt-install and puts new file to a. This option is the - = DISKOPTS replaced disk. - Nonsparse Usually the size of the virtual hard disk in the file system of the host only about their level. That is, the size of the image file grows with the data that is stored in this virtual hard disk. So when creating the image file, whose full size is allocated, the option - to apply nonsparse. Creating the image file takes a little more time here. Therefore, a speed gain results in the access by the host system. Furthermore, one avoids I / O error in the host system if the virtual hard disk does not fit into the file system of the host. This option is the - = DISKOPTS replaced disk. - Nodisks Does the new virtual machine no disk, then the option - specify nodisks. This is (iSCSI or NFS root), for example in live CDs or install on network storage need. This option disables all the demands for managing virtual disks.
Network Configuration

-B BRIDGE, - bridge = BRIDGE Defines a bridge device to connect to the network card of the host system. This option is no longer use (deprecated). Instead, the option - to apply network. -W NETWORK, - network = NETWORK Connects the host system to the network of the host system. This option can be specified multiple times to emulate multiple virtual NICs. If this option is not specified, created for the host system on a network card. Does the system host a bridge device with a physical network card as a slave, it is used for the connection. Failing this, the virtual network used the default name with. NETWORK, the following formats accept a. bridge: BRIDGE Connects to the host system in the existing bridge called the Bridge. This option is used if the network configuration is static in the host and the guest system requires both an unrestricted and LAN connections. Furthermore, this option is applied when a live migration of virtual machine is provided. network: NAME Connects to a virtual network in the host named her name. Virtual networks can command line tool virsh, available to be created and deleted. In a no-install libvirt there is usually a virtual network with the default name. Does the system host a dynamic network configuration, for example by the network manager, or it uses a wireless LAN is a virtual network --network = network: use NAME. The host system receives a NAT address outside of the host system when the connection is. user Connect to the LAN with SLIRP ago. This is a restricted version of NAT. This option applies only for QEMU instances that are operated under a unprevilegierten users. -M MAC, - mac = MAC Sets a fixed MAC address for the network interface of the host system. If this option is not specified or the value - = RANDOM used mac, MAC is a random value is calculated. For Xen-guest systems e are the first three pairs of values equal to 00:16:3 set. With virtual machines under QEMU or KVM, however, is to specify 54:52:00. - Nonetwork It is provided to the host system is not a network.
Configurations for graphics output

- Vnc Generates a virtual console in the guest system and export them as a VNC server on the host. If no port with the - set vncport, the VNC server is the first free port from 5900 to connect. The current classification of the VNC display is determined by the command virsh vncdisplay. If neither this option nor the - sdl or - given nographics asks virt-install after VNC configuration. - Vncport = VNCPORT Sets the permanent, static port number for the VNC console of the host system. When assigning the port number is important to note that there is no conflict with VNC consoles are other guest systems. - Sdl Generates a virtual console in the guest system and renders the output to an SDL window in the host system. If the SDL window is closed, the virtual machine is terminated uncontrollably. - Nographics Disables the graphic output of the virtual console of the host system. A text-based console is still on the first serial port or a paravirtualized device consoles available. - Noautoconsole Disable automatic connection to the console of the host system. The normal behavior is about connecting to the graphical console with a VNC client or a text-based console with the command console virsh -. With the option noautoconsole this behavior is disabled. KEYMAP-k, - keymap = KEYMAP Defines the keyboard layout. By default the English keyboard is set.
Other Options

-D, - debug Output of debugging information to the terminal during the installation process. This debugging information is independent from this option in the file $ HOME / .virtinst / virt-install.log written. - Noreboot Disable the automatic restart of the graphical installation. - Wait = WAIT Defines the waiting time in minutes for the complete installation of the host system. Without this option is waiting on the virt-install the panel. If - noautoconsole used virt-install the complete installation of control. A value of 0 has the same effect as - noautoconsole. If the waiting time is exceeded, virt-install completed. - Force Answered all appropriate questions from virt-install with yes. All other questions will be terminated. - Prompt Forces a user's input. The default setting is false.

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In this example, a KVM guest system is installed. Here, a new image is created using a virtual network and the installation of the host system from the CD / DVD-ROM drive of the host system starts. Furthermore, the VNC server is activated. ~ # Virt-install \ - Connect qemu: / / / system \ - Name demo \ - Ram 500 \ - Disk path = / var / lib / libvirt / images / demo.img, size = 5 \ - Network network: default \ - Accelerate \ - Vnc \ - Cdrom / dev / cdrom In this example, Fedora 9 installed as a KVM guest system. The storage medium is an LVM partition. It uses a virtual network and booted via PXE. Furthermore, the VNC server is activated. ~ # Virt-install \ - Connect qemu: / / / system \ - Name demo \ - Ram 500 \ - Disk path = / dev / HostVG / DemoVM \ - Network network: default \ - Accelerate \ - Vnc \ - Os-variant fedora9 In this example, a QEMU guest with a PPC architecture on a real partition of the host system is installed. This SDL graphics is used. The boot process is performed by an external kernel and an initial RAM disk. ~ # Virt-install \ - Connect qemu: / / / system \ - Name demo \ - Ram 500 \ - Disk path = / dev / hdc \ - Network bridge: eth1 \ - Arch ppc64 \ - Sdl \ - Location http://archives.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/core/6/ppc/os/ In this example, boot with the Xen fully virtualized guest system from an image of a live CD with no hard drives. ~ # Virt-install \ - Hvm \ - Name demo \ - Ram 500 \ - Nodisks \ - Livecd \ - Vnc \ - Cdrom / root/fedora7live.iso Installing a paravirtualized Xen guest system with 500 MB of RAM and a 5 GB hard drive: The host system is Fedora Core 6 installed on a Web server. Installation is done in text mode. It is the legacy - file used.

~ # Virt-install \ - paravirt \ - name demo \ - ram 500 \ - file / var / lib / xen / images / demo.img \ - file-size 6 \ - nographics \ - location http://archive

Written by Daniel P. Berrange and Hugh Brock, Jeremy Katz, Cole Robinson and a team. See the AUTHORS file in the sources. Translation and addition: Robert Warnke, http://qemu-buch.de

Bugs to the mailing list http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/et-mgmt-tools or directly to BugZilla http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/ (Fedora, python virtinst) to . Report

Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat, Inc. and other authors. This is free software (GNU General Public License, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ).
See also

virsh (1), virt-clone (1), virt-manager (1), http://virt-manager.org

Referenced by

virt-image (1), virt-image (5)


virt-clone - Clone an existing virtual machine.


~ # Virt-clone [OPTION] ...


virt-clone command line tool is a clone virtual machines using libvirt to the library. Here, the disk image copy of an existing virtual machine and generates a new guest system with identical hardware configuration. Elements that must be unique and unambiguous, such as Mac addresses can be modified to avoid conflict. With these options works virt-clone without manual intervention. Kick-start procedures, the guest systems are supported.

If neither of these options are given, the necessary values can be queried interactively. -H, - help Displays a help and exit. - Connect = CONNECT Connects to a hypervisor by URI ago. Default connections based on the following rules: xen

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Applied to a host with a Xen kernel. It is to / proc / xen tested. qemu: / / / system If in a bare-metal kernel used as root. qemu: / / / session Applied to a bare metal kernel as unpreveligierter users. This URI is only required if it deviates from the default priority.

ORIGINAL_GUEST-o, - original = ORIGINAL_GUEST Name or UUID of the host system to dublizierenden. The host system must be shut down for cloning and off. - Original-xml = ORIGINAL_XML The XML configuration file ORIGINAL_XML is used as the source. NEW_NAME-n, - name = NEW_NAME Name the new virtual machine. This must be unique. That is, a name can not be given more time. This also applies to all inactive machines. If this option is not specified, then asks virt-clone. For the new definition is the tool to drive down virsh system and the host to delete. Then clone will be the guest system using virt-duplicated. NEW_UUID-u, - uuid = NEW_UUID If the new virtual machine is a UUID. This is a hexadecimal number to use with 32 points. This UUID must be unique. That is, they can be awarded only once in the data center or in the world. This is important when manually setting the UUID. If no UUID specified, a random UUID will be generated.
Storage configurations

DISK-f FILE, - file = FILE DISK Defines the path to an image file, a disk partition or a logical volume for use as a virtual storage medium for the guest. If the source instance of multiple virtual disks, this option must be specified more than once. If this option is not specified, then asks virt-clone. - Force-copy = TARGET Forced copying devices. If, for example hdc read-only CD-ROM drive, so with - copy = hdc be forced to copy-force. - Nonsparse when creating the image file for the target instance is already reserved their full size This is the option - apply nonsparse. Creating the image file takes a little more time here. Therefore, a speed gain results in the access by the host system. Furthermore, one avoids I / O error in the host system if the virtual hard disk does not fit into the file system of the host. - Preserve-data Keep a file for use as an image for the new instance.
Network Configuration

-m NEW_MAC , --mac=NEW_MAC Sets a fixed MAC address for the network interface of the host system. If this option is not specified or the value - = RANDOM used mac, MAC is a random value is calculated. Fr Xen-Gast-Systeme sind die ersten drei Wertepaare gleich 00:16:3e zu setzten. Bei virtuellen Maschinen unter QEMU oder KVM ist dagegen 54:52:00 vorzugeben.
Other Options

-D, - debug Output of debugging information to the terminal during the installation process. This debugging information is independent from this option in the file $ HOME / .virtinst / virt-install.log written. - Prompt Forces a user's input. The default setting is false. - Force Answered all appropriate questions from virt-install with yes. All other questions will be terminated.

Klont eine virtuelle Maschine mit dem Namen demo , die eine einzige virtuelle Festplatte besitzt. ~# virt-clone \ --original demo \ --name newdemo \ --file /var/lib/xen/images/newdemo.img Klont ein QEMU-Gast-System mit mehreren virtuellen Festplatten. ~# virt-clone \ - Connect qemu: / / / system \ --original demo \ --name newdemo \ --file /var/lib/xen/images/newdemo.img \ --file /var/lib/xen/images/newdata.img Klont eine virtuelle Maschine auf ein physikalisches Device, welches mindestens die gleiche Gre besitzt wie die originale virtuelle Festplatte des originalen Gast-Systems. Ist das Ziel-Device grer als das Quell-Device, kann das neue Gast-System sein Datei-System vergrern. ~# virt-clone \ - Connect qemu: / / / system \ - Name demo \ --file /dev/HostVG/DemoVM \ --mac 54:52:00:34:11:54

Geschrieben von Kazuki Mizushima und einem Team aus vielen anderen Autoren. Siehe Datei AUTHORS im Quell-Code fr weitere Details. bersetzung: Robert Warnke, http://qemu-buch.de

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Bugs sind an die Mailing-List http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/et-mgmt-tools oder direkt an BugZilla http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/ (Fedora, python-virtinst) zu melden.

Copyright (C) Fujitsu Limited 2007 und weiteren Autoren. This is free software (GNU General Public License, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ).
See also

virsh(1), virt-install(1), virt-manager(1), http://virt-manager.org


virt-viewer Anzeige der grafischen Konsole einer virtuellen Maschine.


~# virt-viewer [OPTIONS] domain-id | id | uuid


virt-viewer ist ein kleines Tool zum Anzeigen der grafischen Konsole einer virtuellen Maschine unter Verwendung des VNC-Protokolls. Die virtuelle Maschine wird ber seinen Namen, seine ID oder seine UUID adressiert. Wenn die virtuelle Maschine nicht luft, kann der virt-viewer so konfiguriert werden, dass er auf den Start der Instanz wartet. Das Tool virt-viewer kann sich zu einem entfernten Host verbinden.

Die folgenden Optionen sind mglich: -H, - help Prints a help. -V, - version Zeigt die Version des Programms an. -V, - verbose Zeigt Informationen ber die Verbindung an. -c URI , --connect=URI Definiert die URI des Hypervisors, zu dem die Verbindung aufgebaut werden soll. -w, --wait Wait boots with the connection to the console of an inactive virtual machine to the host system. -D, - direct Uses an SSH tunnel to connect to the console, even if the URI uses the main connection, the SSH protocol.

Connects to the Xen host system named her demo. ~ # Virt-viewer demo Connects to a QEMU guest system with the ID 7 ago. ~ # Virt-viewer - connect qemu: / / / system 7 Connects to a host system with the specified UUID ago. It will wait for the connection, are the guest system is booted. ~ # Virt-viewer - wait 66ab33c0-6919-a3f7-e659-16c82d248521 Connects to a remote console using TLS (Transport Layer Security) ago. ~# virt-viewer --connect xen://example.org/ demo Stellt eine Verbindung zu einer Remote-Konsole unter Verwendung von SSH her. Danach erfolgt der Verbindungsaufbau zu dem Gast-System ber dem aufgebauten SSH-Tunnel. ~# virt-viewer --connect xen+ssh://[email protected]/ demo

Geschrieben von Daniel P. Berrange, basierend auf dem GTK-VNC-Beispiel-Programm gvncviewer . bersetzung: Robert Warnke, http://qemu-buch.de

Bugs sind an die Mailing-List http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/et-mgmt-tools zu melden.


Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. und weitere Autoren. This is free software (GNU General Public License, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ).
See also

virsh(1), virt-manager(1), http://virt-manager.org


virt-manager Desktop-Tool zum Managen von virtuellen Maschinen.


~ # Virt-manager [OPTIONS]

virt-manager is a desktop tool for managing virtual machines. It enables the control of virtual machines, generating new virtual machines, manage virtual networks, access to the

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graphical console of virtual machines and display of performance statistics.


The following options are supported: -H, - help Displays a help. - Profile = FILE Generates runtime performance profiles and stores them in the file FILE. URI-c, - connect = URI Defines the URI to connect to the hypervisor. - Debug Returns debugging information on standard output. In addition, the option - no-fork indicated. - No-dbus Disables the DBus API for remote control of user interface from the virt-manager. - No-fork Prevent the diversion into the background. - No-conn-autostart Suppresses automatic connections. - Show-domain-creator Starts the wizard for creating new virtual machines. - Show-domain-editor = UUID Display the dialog box to edit the properties of the virtual machine with the specified UUID. - Show-domain-performance = UUID Display the dialog box to monitor the performance of the virtual machine with the specified UUID. - Show-domain-console = UUID View the virtual console of the virtual machine with the specified UUID. - Show-host-summary Display the dialog box to monitor the performance of all virtual machines.

Written by Daniel P. Berrange. Translation and addition: Robert Warnke, http://qemu-buch.de


Bugs must be reported to the mailing list http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/et-mgmt-tools


Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat, Inc. and other authors. This is free software (GNU General Public License, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html .
See also

virsh (1), virt-viewer (1), http://virt-manager.org

Referenced by

virt-clone (1), virt-install (1) <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_libvirt " This page has been accessed 13,699 times. This page was last updated on 17 October 2010 at 17:12 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments, Spice Client -...


Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments, Spice Client

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-book / notes / Spice]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 Spice 1.1 Client 1.1.1 Syntax 1.1.2 Command Options 1.1.3 Keyboard shortcuts

Website: http://www.spice-space.org The Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments (Spice) is a software and a protocol to support access to remote machines. It offers good multimedia support. Media Streaming and VoIP is possible. Spice is a multi-tier architecture, server, client and a driver. On the server side is emulated by a VDI device in the host system, a PCI device. On the client side can be either a browser or a dedicated client application is used. Is being developed by the company Red Hat Spice, Inc. as open source. There is an implementation for QEMU / KVM.

Syntax ~ $ Spicec-h host [-p port] [-s secure-port] [options] Command Options -H, - host host Defines the address of the Spice server. -P, - port port Defines the port of the Spice server. -S, - secure-port port Defines the port of the Spice Secure server. - Secure-channels ch0, ch1 ... - Unsecure channels ch0, ch1 ... Used by Spice transmission channels (channels) can be secured or unsecured. With the - secureencrypted channels, certain channels. With the - unsecure channels, certain channels unencrypted. There is the Spice channels main, display, input, cursor, play back and record. The default is supported for all channels of both the secured and the unsecured mode. The relevant use depends on the applied options secure-port, and - from port. -W, - password password Sets the ticketing password. By default, no password is defined.

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f, - full-screen [= auto-conf] Spice opens the client in full screen mode. Optionally, the automatic configuration with auto-conf enabled. Here, the remote display is adapted to the display of the Spice clients. For this, a host agent installed and running is necessary. - Canvas-type type1, type2 ... With this option selected, one or more renderers. If more than one renderer given, specifies the order priority. For Linux clients is only available to cairo. For Microsoft Windows clients and can be used cairo gdi. The default value is gdi. - Enable-channels ch0, ch1 ... Activates the specified channel. With all (default), all available channels enabled. Possible channels are: display, input, cursor, play back and record. - Disable-channels ch0, ch1 ... Disables the specified channel. With all channels are all available off. Possible channels are: display, input, cursor, play back and record. Per Defaul all channels are enabled. - Help Prints a help. Keyboard Shortcuts [Shift] + [F11] Toggle full screen mode on or off. [Shift] + [F12] Frees the cursor when it is in the window. In debug mode also apply these keys: [Shift] + [F5] Connects to the server. [Shift] + [F6] Disconnect from the server. <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_Spice " This page has been accessed 2693 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:34 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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Toolbox PowerShell Shell Cygwin ssh netcat download bzip2 install 7-Zi...


Toolbox PowerShell Shell Cygwin ssh netcat download bzip2 install 7-Zip RAR chmod chown sudo fdisk mount runas dd dcfldd SSHFS TFTP Synergy dnsmasq
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / Useful Tools]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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The PowerShell.

The Gnome Partition Editor.

The Gnome Partition Editor - Create a new partition.

ipconfig / all.

The ssh client putty.

WinSCP - An SCP client for Windows.

wget on Microsoft Windows (Cygwin).

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Toolbox PowerShell Shell Cygwin ssh netcat download bzip2 install 7-Zi...


Contents 1 Useful Tools 1.1 Command Line Interpreter 1.1.1 Unix shells 1.1.2 DOS Command Prompt Cygwin 1.1.3 - Unix tools for Microsoft Windows 1.1.4 Windows PowerShell 1.2 Help positions 1.3 File and Directory Commands 4.1 Links 1.5 determine file type 1.6 Text Files 1.7 Text files edit 1.8 add files to each other 1.9 Compression and Archiving ZIP 1.9.1 1.9.2 GZIP Bzip2 1.9.3 1.9.4 tar 1.9.5 7-Zip RAR 1.9.6 1:10 user and rights management 1.10.1 Unix / Linux Microsoft Windows 1.10.2 1:11 media 1.11.1 dd dd_rescue and dcfldd 1.11.2 Partitioning 1.11.3 Mounting File Systems 1.11.4 Level of partitions determine 1:12 Network configuration and test 1:13 network services and clients 1.13.1 SSH 1.13.2 putty 1.13.3 SCP 1.13.4 WinSCP 1.13.5 SSHFS 1.13.6 FTP 1.13.7 TFTP Wget 1.13.8 1.13.9 Telnet 1:13:10 netcat 1:13:11 TightVNC 1:13:12 Remote Desktop Protocol 1:13:13 Synergy 1:13:14 dnsmasq 1:14 Compile

The Telnet client on Microsoft Windows.

The VNC Viewer TightVNC.

Useful Tools
In this section some useful tools are explained. This brief review serves to get along with less well-known guest systems. Most of the tools described here are to serve as a command-line commands, and come from the Unix environment. They are often also for other platforms such as Microsoft Windows versions available (see https: / / ninite.com ).

Command Line Interpreter

Unix-Shells Unix servers are usually operated via the command line. This is because the shell (command line interpreter) are very powerful on Unix. In addition, a shell is superior in some tasks of a graphical user interface, such as flow control and program responses may be included. In addition to the interactive use of the shells have to perform the task shell scripts. There are Unix / Linux different shells available, such as sh, csh, ksh, bash, tcsh and zsh. On Linux, bash is used frequently. DOS Command Prompt Under the old DOS-based versions of Microsoft Windows 95, 98 and ME command.com was used to provide a DOS prompt. Microsoft Windows NT and successors and share new, largely backward-compatible command-line shell called cmd.exe one. The start is the DOS command prompt in newer versions of Microsoft Windows on any item on the Start menu. In the appearing command-line specifies the command cmd. To finish the DOS prompt with exit. C: \> exit Cygwin - Unix tools for Microsoft Windows Download: http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe Cygwin is an emulation of the Linux API on various versions of Microsoft Windows. This allows programs that usually run on POSIX systems such as GNU / Linux, BSD and Unix, ported to Microsoft Windows. POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) is a Unix developed for standardized application programming interface. To install you download the setup program and start it. This small program, all necessary files obtained directly from different FTP servers. During installation, three options are offered. Install From Internet The required files are downloaded from the Internet during installation. Download without installing All necessary files are downloaded for later installation but not installed. Install from Local Directory The files necessary for installation previously on the option Download without installing downloaded already. For a one-time installation, select Install From is to use the Internet. In the next dialog, the list is selected to be installed in the Cygwin. The default for this is C: \ cygwin. Furthermore, it is queried whether the logged or all users can start Cygwin. recommend, to all users (All Users) to allow the use of Cygwin. It will be asked to interpret the format in which text files to be. Here is the format recommended Unix. Then the directory for the files is downloaded to pretend. The next step will be prompted for a proxy server. If no proxy is available, the option Direct Connection is the right choice. When selecting a mirror server, it is advisable to select a server close by. The setup program will download a list of available packages and offers them for selection. In the default setting, the bash shell, and some additional tools are installed. At a minimum the package groups Archives, Doc, net, system, text and web are selected for installation. To do this click on the list next to the name of the package group to the default text. Instead Default Install must be in each case. Packages can subsequently be installed by calling setup.exe again, too. After clicking the Next button Cygwin start the download and installation of selected packages. At the end of the installation is the query whether entries in the start menu and an icon to be set up on the desktop. Cygwin is started by clicking the icon. Cygwin provides a Unix environment. On Unix the path separator is a slash (/) and not a backslash (\). The Windows Registry is Cygwin under / proc / registry scans as. Drive letters (C:, D:, ...), as in Microsoft Windows are not available. For example, from the Windows directory C: \ Temp test.txt in the Cygwin path / cygdrive / C / temp /. Test.txt \ The root directory (/) corresponds to the Cygwin Cygwin installation path. If Cygwin in C: \ cygwin is installed, the two paths / cygdrive / C / usr / bin / gzip.exe and / usr / bin / gzip.exe equivalent. A change of the drive is cd followed by the drive letter. For example, the following command changes to the C drive. ~ $ Cd c: Windows PowerShell Download: http://www.microsoft.com/germany/technet/scriptcenter/hubs/msh.mspx A comfortable shell under Microsoft Windows, the Windows PowerShell. PowerShell is a modern alternative to the Windows command line utility for cmd.exe and Windows Script

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Toolbox PowerShell Shell Cygwin ssh netcat download bzip2 install 7-Zi...



On Unix / Linux or Cygwin you get help on the manual pages. It is called by the man command followed by the command that you want to have explained. Example: ~ $ Man qemu If the command is unknown, apropos to list all the manual pages for a specific keyword with. ~ $ Apropos qemu qemu (1) - QEMU Emulator User Documentation qemu-doc (1) [qemu] - QEMU Emulator User Documentation qemu-img (1) - QEMU disk image utility qemu (1) - QEMU Emulator User Documentation qemu-doc (1) [qemu] - QEMU Emulator User Documentation qemu-img (1) - QEMU disk image utility On Microsoft Windows in the DOS window with the help command followed by the command that you want to have explained, help show a. The following example shows a command to help you. C: \> help you On Microsoft Windows, there is still an aid in the Start menu to Help and Support.

File and Directory Commands

To change the directory used on Unix / Linux and Microsoft Windows command cd followed by the name of the destination directory. ~ $ Cd directory A directory higher you get with cd followed by two points. On Unix / Linux must include a space after cd ever. ~ $ Cd .. To determine the current directory path is Unix / Linux under the command pwd. On Microsoft Windows can be applied to the dir command. This lists the contents of the current directory. C: \> dir On Unix / Linux command is used to list the contents of ls. With the-l option, a detailed display. The following information is output to the file: File Rights Ownership Group membership Size Last modified File Name. Example: ~ $ Ls-l -Rw-r - r - 1 robert robert 2007-07-10 20:04 24,264,704 ReactOS.img -Rw-r - r - 1 robert robert 2007-03-09 14:30 25,579,520 ReactOS.iso The option-h displays the command, the size of the files in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes of ls. ~ $ Ls-lh -Rw-r - r - 1 robert robert 24M 2007-07-10 20:04 ReactOS.img -Rw-r - r - 1 robert robert 25M 2007-03-09 14:30 ReactOS.iso Both Microsoft Windows and Unix / Linux can use wildcards to filter the file name. Wildcards are special characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?). The asterisk represents any number of any characters in the filename. A question mark is on the other hand for exactly one character. The following example lists all files under Microsoft Windows with the file extension. On img. C: \> dir *. img The following example lists in Unix / Linux files to all the three character file names are in, the first is a character. ~ $ Ls a? Directories created to Unix / Linux and Microsoft Windows with the command mkdir followed by the name of the new directory. On Microsoft Windows, there is the short form md. Example on Unix / Linux: ~ $ Mkdir directory Example, under Microsoft Windows: C: \> mkdir directory To delete empty directories is Unix / Linux and Microsoft Windows under the command rmdir. C: \> rmdir directory On Unix / Linux can whole directory trees are cleared. This command is used to rm-rf followed by the directory name. The-r option causes the deletion of all subdirectories and files it contains. The-f option will delete without asking. This command should be applied only after careful consideration. He really deletes everything embedded in subdirectories disks. On Microsoft Windows you delete directories that are not empty, rmdir / s. C: \> rmdir / s list Deleting files is done on Unix / Linux with the rm command, followed by the file name. ~ $ Rm file On Microsoft Windows, files with the del command deleted. C: \> del file Renaming of directories and files is done on Unix / Linux with Microsoft Windows with mv and move. In each case, the old and then given the new name. Example, under Microsoft Windows: C: \> move oldname newname Example on Unix / Linux: ~ $ Mv oldname newname

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Continue to serve the commands mv move and also to move files or directories in other directories. Example, under Microsoft Windows: C: \> move old directory name Example on Unix / Linux: ~ $ Mv oldname Directory Copied files under Unix / Linux with cp. Directories will be copied content with, the option-r to specify. ~ $ Cp-r directory directory copy On Microsoft Windows command files with the copied copy. C: \> copy file file copy Complete lists are Microsoft Windows with the command xcopy / e copies under. C: \> xcopy / e directory directory copy

On Unix and Linux, it is possible to reference files and directories with links to several times the file system. A distinction between hard and symbolic links. Hard links can only be applied to each data and use the same inode of the destination file. An inode number uniquely identifies a single file. This means that a hard link still works if the target file has been moved. A symbolic link, and symlink or soft link called, is merely a reference and not a real element. If one moves the target file, and a soft link points to it, the destination file does not know that a link to it, so the symbolic link points nowhere. The advantage of work that these types of links can work partitions and file system-wide and for directories. Unix / Linux is under the command ln-s creates a symbolic link. The following example is a symbolic link to / usr / src / linux to the / usr/src/linux-source-2.6.33 created with. That is, under the path / usr / src / linux is the directory / usr/src/linux-source-2.6.33 mapped the. ~ # Ln-s / usr/src/linux-source-2.6.33 / usr / src / linux The option-f, an existing symbolic link is overwritten. After running the following example shows the symbolic link / usr / src / linux to the / usr/src/linux-source-2.6.36. ~ # Ln-sf / usr/src/linux-source-2.6.36 / usr / src / linux In Microsoft Windows versions, there are links that can not be compared with a link on Unix / Linux. An installed Cygwin environment, it also allows running Microsoft Windows, when using the NTFS file system, symbolic links and hard to put up.

determine file type

In DOS and Microsoft Windows, the file type by the three characters after the dot in the file name is determined. For example, features. Exe programs. Often, the display disappears from these three characters, which is a security risk. On Unix / Linux, the file name indicates not necessarily the file type. the command file with the file type can be determined. After the command file, one or more files or directories are specified. Directories on Unix / Linux and files. The following example determines the file type of the file / etc / fstab file. ~ $ File / etc / fstab / Etc / fstab: ASCII text The file / etc / fstab is a text file.

Text Files
On Microsoft Windows can be text files with the command's type. C: \> type text file On Unix / Linux is the cat command to output text files. Currently held information about the system are many Unix variants under the / proc text form in. The following command displays such information to the CPUs. ~ $ Cat / proc / cpuinfo On Unix / Linux text files can be comfortable with the commands show less. Is less data to the terminal size of cut, with various buttons to scroll with leaves. With q is less complete. ~ $ Less text file For system-error analysis or the analysis of log files is necessary. On Unix / Linux this is usually / var / log / as text files written in. Last entries to a log file to display can be continuously used the tail command. The-f causes that even the entries that match this command in the log file be written to call. It is often used on Linux, the following command to monitor the system log file. ~ $ Tail-f / var / log / messages Line with certain patterns is the pipe) character (| For filtering and the command grep. A pipe causes the redirection of the output of a command to the input of another command. That said, here are all new entries in the file / var / log / messages in the command passed grep. Grep can only lines by, in which the specified pattern occurs. Lines are shown here, the patterns contain the error, with case-sensitive-i option ignored by. In other words, if the system has an error is detected, it is displayed. ~ $ Tail-f / var / log / messages | grep-i "error"

Editing text files

Under Microsoft DOS / Windows, the editor edit to edit files. Is called program with the edit command followed by the name of this text file. With the mouse or pressing the [Alt] Achieving the menus. C: \> edit text file On Unix / Linux powerful text editors are available. This is because all the configuration files under Unix / Linux text files. Therefore, knowledge of the operation of a ubiquitous text editor are inevitable. The powerful editor is vi every unix-like system exists on. Its operation is considered unusual. One reason for its strange use, vi is that the terminals are all to be operated. Not all terminals will have all cursor and special keys. The launch of vi by entering the command vi and the file name of the edited file as an option. ~ $ Vi text file The bottom line is used to display information and communicate with the user. Vi has three modes of operation - a factor that contributes to the fact that this editor is considered difficult to use. After the start is the vi command mode. Here, the cursor using the cursor keys to move anywhere. By pressing [Esc] and [i] will lead to the text input mode. [Esc] [i] This makes it possible to enter text. Then [Esc] must be pressed to exit the entry mode. To save you press the following keys in succession. [Esc] [:] [w] The editor vi can be the following command ends with. [Esc] [:] [q] If you have made a mistake, you should quit the vi editor without saving. Serves the following key sequence: [Esc] [:] [q] [!]

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A big advantage of vi is that multiple commands simultaneously the Alt, Ctrl or other modifier keys may be discontinued without pressing in succession. For experienced users this means a considerable increase in speed.

add files to each other

The command and copy the / b are bound together in several Microsoft Windows files. The following example adds the files raw-hd1. img and raw hd2.img the file raw-hd3. img. C: \> copy / b + hd1.img raw-raw-raw-hd2.img hd3.img On Unix / Linux is the joining of files using the command cat possible. cat is used to output file content. In this example, the content of raw-hd1. img and not hd2.img raw output, but one by one in the file raw-hd3. img redirected. Diversions are defined with the sign>. The principle of Ein-/Ausgabeumlenkung is also found in Microsoft Windows and DOS. ~ $ Cat raw hd1.img hd2.img raw-> raw-hd3.img

Compression and Archiving

As a compression method is called to reduce the memory requirement of data. The data volume is reduced by a more favorable representation is determined. This is called a lossless compression if the coded data correspond exactly to the application of the corresponding Dekodiervorschrift those of the original. ZIP The ZIP file format is an open format for compressed archive files. The archive files usually carry the extension. Zip. In ZIP format, the files are compressed individually. It is also possible to distribute the archive to multiple files or to create self-extracting files. Not all compression program, whose name is the string "ZIP" contains works with the ZIP file format. On Microsoft Windows format, the ZIP the program 7-Zip support (see below). On Unix / Linux command enables the compression of the zip in ZIP format. The following example MeinArchiv.zip is a ZIP archive with the name applied to all files on the file extension. Img compressed with. The file name of the archive is automatically with the extension. Zip expanded. ~ My $ zip archive *. img Unzip this archive with the command unzip. ~ $ Unzip MeinArchiv.zip GZIP The compression program gzip is available for almost all operating systems, offers a good degree of compression and is free of patented algorithms. The usual file extension for gzip-compressed files. Gz. Since gzip only compresses individual files, files are collections of several usually first with tar (see below) before they are compressed with gzip summarized. Such archives have the double extension. Tar.gz or simple. Tgz. On Unix / Linux is the gzip compression with the standard today, because many of the tasks a good compromise between high speed and good data reduction allows for. On Unix / Linux compressed file Platte.img the following example. ~ $ Gzip Platte.img , Uncompress with gunzip takes place. ~ $ Gunzip Platte.img.gz Alternatively, the decompression with gzip-d possible. ~ $ Gzip-d Platte.img.gz bzip2 The free program bzip2 compression is used for lossless compression of files. The bzip2 compression is often more efficient but slower than the compression with gzip. With bzip2 compressed files by file extension. Bz2 characterized. tar files compressed with bzip2 were typically have the extension. tar.bz2. tbz or. tbz2. In this example, the file is compressed Platte.img. ~ $ Bzip2 Platte.img The decompression is done with bzip2-d. ~ $ Bzip2-d Platte.img.bz2 tar tar is the name of the Unix business common archiving utility. The name was changed from tape archiver (tape archiver) which, since the program was originally backed up data to tape drives. Tar offers the possibility of a single sequential file to write to files, or restore files out of that. The resulting file has the extension. Tar and is used as a tarball (Teerklumpen) also referred to. On Microsoft Windows, tarballs are processed with 7-Zip (see below). Many popular archive programs can unpack tar archives, at least. Often, tar files compressed with gzip or bzip2. A compressed tarball is usually from the extension. Tar.gz,. Tgz,. Tar.Z,. Tar.bz2. Tbz2 or. Tbz. On Unix / Linux is the command an archive with the contents of the / etc created with. The c option causes the creation of the archive, v is used to display the archived files and f defined with the following option to the file name of the archive. will end the directory is specified, the one archive. ~ $ Tar cvf etc.tar / etc / Subsequently, this archive with gzip compressed. ~ $ Gzip etc.tar Newer versions of tar support compression using gzip (-z option). That is, the two previous commands are executed with a command: ~ $ Tar czvf etc.tar.gz / etc / Newer versions of tar support compressing with bzip2 (option j). ~ $ Tar cjvf etc.tar.bz2 / etc / For unpacking tar archives option is to x is necessary. ~ $ Tar xvf etc.tar If a gzip compressed tar archive before, this is to decompress before. ~ $ Gunzip etc.tar.gz Newer versions of tar support the decompression with gzip (z option). ~ $ Tar xzvf etc.tar.gz Newer versions of tar support the Decompress with bzip2 (option j). ~ $ Tar xjvf test.tar.bz2 The option-C enables the unpacking of the archive in another directory. ~ # Tar xzvf qemu-0.9.1-i386.tar.gz-C / To view the contents of a tar archive that is used to select t. ~ $ Tar tvf etc.tar

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The tar program does not support effective management of sparse files. That is, sparse files are filing with tar increases the. 7-Zip 7-Zip is a free compression utility for Microsoft Windows. With 7-Zip can be compressed (archive) files 7z (own new format), zip, gzip, bzip2, and tar to create. The graphical user interface is part thanks to drag & drop and context menus seamlessly in Microsoft Windows. Invites you to install the installation file from the site http://www.7-zip.org down and start it. It is automatically installed on the target folder (C: \ Program Files \ 7-Zip) in demand. After installation, the 7-Zip File Manager from the Start menu, programs are started. By clicking the right mouse button on one or more files or directories that you add the item to a 7-Zip archive add on. In the following dialog will be prompted for the type of compression and file name of the archive. To unpack an archive with a click right mouse button is to open this archive from the context menu. In Item 7-Zip to unpack the archive options are available. 7-Zip also fits in the File Explorer in Microsoft Windows. It is possible to use it have the same functions with the right mouse button. are 7-Zip it as a command line tool for Linux. The installation is done in Debian and Ubuntu using a command line. ~ $ Sudo apt-get install p7zip A 7Zip archive is unpacked as follows. ~ $ P7zip-d archiv.7z RAR RAR is an algorithm and file format for compressing files. Several files are compressed together. This will also eliminate redundancies between the files. RAR supports encryption of the compressed data. The ending of this archive file is usually. Rar. Since the Entpackroutinen are freely available, the decompressing RAR archives is now supported by virtually every multi-format archiver. The compression algorithm is not released. Officially, therefore, only support from the manufacturer RAR ( http://www.rarlab.com ) published WinRAR, RAR RAR for DOS and Linux for this functionality. These tools from the site http://www.winrar.de downloaded and installed. On Debian and Ubuntu installation is done with a command line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install rar On Unix / Linux file decompresses the following example, the archiv.rar. Host ~ $ rar e archiv.rar

Users and rights management

Unix / Linux Unix was the beginning of a multi-user operating system. This means that multiple users can simultaneously work on the computer. It is possible to allow other users or prohibit access to certain files. Users are assigned to groups, which collectively specific access rights are granted. A special role played by the root user (System Administrator), the single user full access to the system as. Users typically has its own home directory, in which only he and the root user can create and delete files and Everyone. On Unix file system a file has rights, which are spread in three ways: Ownership Group Other Each of the three user classes may have one or more of the following rights: Read: this right is shown the letter r by. Write: The user can write to the file or subdirectory in the directory and create files, edit, delete, rename and change their file permissions. This right is represented by the letters w. Run: For a file, users must run the program the file as. If a list of the bit to run, may change the user in the directory and get there files or directories. This right is represented by the letter x. The rights of the three user classes are one after the other, the right of each class by a character triplet is represented. In place of the first character in the triplet is an r when reading bit is set. At the second site is a w, if writing is allowed. At the third point is x when running is allowed. The command ls-l can the rights of files to list. In this example, messages are the rights to the file / var / log / display. ~ $ Ls-l / var / log / messages -Rw-r ----- 1 root adm 44 618 2007-07-18 16:07 / var / log / messages The file is owned by root and group adm. The root user can read and write the file (rw). Adm file, the group may only read this (r). All other people can read this file or modify. On Unix / Linux with the command chmod changes the file permissions. These changes are only on the owner of the file or by the users to perform root. In the following example, the file Platte.img for all to read but only the owner, Robert here, may change this file. ~ $ Ls-l Platte.img -Rw-r - r - 1 robert users 2007-07-10 20:04 24,264,704 Platte.img The option-g + w is the command chmod also the group (g), where users, right to write (+ w) permission. ~ $ Chmod g + w Platte.img These rights can command ls-l are listed with the. ~ $ Ls-l Platte.img -Rw-rw-r - 1 robert users 2007-07-10 20:04 24,264,704 Platte.img To all those who lack group of users are in the read access (r) to withdraw the following command is used. ~ $ Chmod or Platte.img ~ $ ls-l-rw-rw ---- 1 robert users Platte.img 2007-07-10 20:04 24,264,704 Platte.img It can be right with u for the owner, with g the group and with o for all other users to adjust. These options can also be combined. The following command assigns the rights to read and write to the user and group. ~ $ Chmod ug + rw Platte.img Whether a file on Unix / Linux executable is not dependent on their file type. They are the respective execution rights for user, group and other necessities. The execution rights are each characterized by an x. For example, to make a self-written shell script executable for all the command applies. ~ $ Chmod + x MeinSkript.sh Widespread is the notation of the file permissions in octal notation. In each case represents an octal number a user class, in the order the owner, group, others. A point is in this case the sum of the three rights together as: 1 for Run, 2 for 4 for writing and reading. In order for writing and reading to award the rights, is the 6 (2 + 4) apply. The following example returns the user to the group and all others read and write privileges. ~ $ Chmod 666 Platte.img Unix / Linux are under the command chown the owner and group memberships change. To give a file the following command is used. ~ # Chown andrew: family Platte.img The file is owned by Andrea and the user group to the family. In order to complete directory trees with subdirectories to change the ownership, used the option-R. ~ # Chown-R robert / home / testus The su command is used on Unix / Linux to the user ID to change. The syntax is as follows.

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~ $ Su - username Is su - username is called without, according to a password prompt users to change root. The dash after the su command causes that a complete login process is carried out. That is, it will read the complete profile of the new user and set the environment variables again. With the exit command to come to the original user and his rights back. ~ $ Su Password: ***** ~ # Exit ~ $ sudo is a command on Unix / Linux, the used, the rights of another user, such as the user root to start with processes. To use sudo to run a sudo command is followed by the command input. ~ $ Sudo chown-R robert / home / testus Password: **** It can use the option-p of the text for the password request to be changed. ~ $ Sudo "p password" enter: chown-R robert / home / testus Please enter your password: ***** Mac OS X and Ubuntu is under the root account is disabled by default, instead of the command sudo su is recommended. Microsoft Windows From Microsoft Windows 2000 programs enables the runas command with the privileges of another user to execute. Here, the password of another user is required. It is also possible in Windows Explorer specific file types (exe.. Msc) with the privileges of another user to start. This is possible by pressing the Shift key and right mouse button. From the context menu, select Run as ....

dd, dd_rescue and dcfldd The classic UNIX tool dd copies data flows between the block device files and / or regular files. It can copy entire partitions, hard disks, floppy disks and CD / DVD byte for byte. Only the existing files will not play, but it will generate an accurate picture. Unix-/Linux-Versionen dd is almost all sold on and there are versions for Microsoft Windows. It can be applied dd under Cygwin. It is possible to dd as a separate tool in Microsoft Windows to install. It is the URL http://www.chrysocome.net/downloads/dd-0.5.zip download, unzip and run directly. If the option describes the file to read. The option of describing the write file. The following example imports an inserted under Linux but not embedded disk. ~ # Dd if = / dev/fd0 of = floppy.img Subsequently, after a disk change that image will be copied to another disk. ~ # Dd if = floppy.img of = / dev/fd0 a data stream of zeros with a defined length will be redirected to a file, creating a raw image. The following command creates an image in raw format with a size of one GB. It will be out of the device / dev / zero zeros got there and the file written in Platte.img. The block size is set at 1024 KB. The count option specifies how many of these blocks, it should be written. To generate a sparse file option, the required seek, the end of the file determines the. In between, no blocks are written. In the following example, a written block (count = 1) and file the end of 1024 set the blocks. ~ $ Dd if = / dev / zero of = bs = 1024k count Platte.img = 1 seek = 1024 1 +0 records in 1 +0 records out 1048576 bytes transferred in 0.002445 seconds (428871465 bytes / sec) dcfldd ( http://dcfldd.sourceforge.net ) is an enhanced version of dd. Designed to be there by the U.S. Department of Defense Computer Forensics Lab. It provides additional features for computer forensics and security: During the transmission of the data can hash functions ensure data integrity. It will be displayed continuously updated information on the amount of data transferred and the date of completion. dcfldd supports secure deletion of volumes. Here, a predetermined pattern can be used. dcfldd can verify that a disk is a bit exact copy of the specified input file or pattern. The output can take place simultaneously on multiple files or disks. The output can be split into several files. It can display graphical AIR ( http://air-imager.sourceforge.net used). The installation is done under Ubuntu using a command line. ~ $ Sudo apt-get install dcfldd The following command reads 5 GB from / dev / sda and writes the output to the files sda.raw.aa, sda.raw.ab, sda.raw.ac, sda.raw.ad and sda.raw.ae. Here are the MD5 and SHA256 hashes calculated and in the files and written md5.txt sha256.txt. The block size is set to 512 bytes. For read errors zeros are written.

~ $ Dcfldd if = / dev / sda hash = md5, sha256 hashwindow = 5G md5log md5.txt = \ = = sha256.txt sha256log hashconv after bs = 512 conv = NOERROR, sync \ 1G spli With dcfldd it is possible to create two images simultaneously. ~ $ Dcfldd if = / dev / sda of = of = image1.img image2.img defective storage media fails at dd and it is dd_rescue apply. The tool is specifically e dd_rescue been developed for data recovery. Dd_rescue has two advantages over dd. First, breaking the copy dd_rescue for read errors does not, but writes instead of the unreadable blocks an equal area zeros in the target file. This is obtained at the end of a complete image of the partition in which only the unreadable sectors are replaced by zeros. For other works dd_rescue with two block sizes for reads: If no error occurs, read large blocks (default: 16384 bytes). After an error, it goes further with smaller blocks (default: 512 bytes). Both values can be changed using options. Unlike dd can not dd_rescue standard output and write to a pipe. Installed, this tool available as a package ddrescue or it invites from the site http://www.garloff.de/kurt/linux/ddrescue/ down. For example, my installation on Ubuntu. ~ $ Sudo apt-get install ddrescue When calling dd_rescue are the typical options dd if = and of = not necessary. The first and second option specify the source and destination. While the program works, it shows how far it has progressed. For read errors, a warning is issued. In this example, a floppy disk dd_rescue imported with. ~ $ Dd_rescue / dev/fd0 bla.img Partitioning In simplified terms, partitioning the division of a physical disk into several logical areas. Many operating systems expect at least one partition per disk. Unix derivatives need at least one partition for the root directory (root). An additional swap partition is recommended. More partitions increase security and simplify administration. BSD operating systems, the division of the hard drive is called slices. Since the use of partitions or slices differently on various operating systems, the programs differ from the partitioning between the operating systems. Image files do not have to be partitioned. You mentioned in this case only one partition. Many partitioning programs are called fdisk. The fdisk version of Linux is dialogue-based and offers many options. To view all available partitions is the fdisk-l command. ~ # Fdisk-l In addition, the option u specify. The size of the partitions not in cylinders, but in sectors is specified. ~ # Fdisk-lu

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It should be noted that all data is lost due to disk partitioning! To partition a disk fdisk is the name of the volume called followed. If the disc is a real hard disk, the device name to be indicated. Linux is under / dev / hda is the first IDE drive specifically with. / Dev / hdb marks the second IDE drive. SCSI disks on Linux with / dev / sda, / dev / sdb, and further symbolizes Sun In this example, the second IDE hard disk (/ dev / hdb) to partition. ~ # Fdisk / dev/hdb1 If a virtual disk is partitioned, the name of the image file must be indicated. The option-C is necessary for fdisk to specify a number of cylinders. Although the number of cylinders for a disk image does not matter, fdisk requires this information. ~ # Fdisk-C 130 Platte.img The lists of commands to fdisk m. N with a new partition is created. Command (m for help): n Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) p From four partitions must be created an expanded (extended) partition. Here are just a partition is created. It is p for a primary partition must be indicated. The number of the partition is 1 Partition number (1-4): 1 The partition size is specified by the first and last cylinder. A partition, the default values are accepted. First cylinder (1-130, default 1): 1 Last cylinder or + size or + or + size m sizeK (1-130, default 130): 130 Using default value 130 To check can you look at the partition table p's with. Command (m for help): p Disk Platte.img: 0 MB, 0 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors / track, 130 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System Platte.img1 1130 1044193 + 83 Linux The system type of partition is set by default on Linux. To change, for example, the system type to FAT32, the following steps are necessary. Command (m for help): t Selected partition 1 Hex code (type L to list codes): L The command L is allowed to list all system types. FAT32 is c selectable. Hex code (type L to list codes): c Changed system type of partition 1 to c (W95 FAT32 (LBA)) As a control we can again show the partition table p with. Command (m for help): p Disk Platte.img: 0 MB, 0 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors / track, 130 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System Platte.img1 1130 1044193 + c W95 FAT32 (LBA) W write changes to disk and exit. Command (m for help): w Partitioning is comfortable from the Gnome Partition editor supports. The Gnome Partition Editor (GParted Live-CD) is not a command line tool, but a complete Linux distribution, the program includes Gnome Partition Editor. This one is independent of the partitioning programs of the individual operating systems. GParted is available as a live CD and Live USB. For the live-CD to Load the ISO file of the live CD from the URL http://gparted.sourceforge.net/index.php down and boot the system. It can create partitions and file systems located therein, enlarged, reduced, moved, copied and reviewed. This one creates such as space for other operating systems, reduced by the previously existing partitions. Furthermore, it is possible to rearrange partitions within a hard drive or move to other hard disks. After starting the live CD is the default boot menu choice GParted-liveCD (auto-configuration) to confirm with Return. Then ask for the keyboard layout. For a German layout is entering 10th The following languages are also entered for the 10 German. After booting seems the Gnome Partition Editor and the partitions and the free areas show the hard disks. In Gnome Partition Editor is chosen in the pull-down list (right above), the hard disk (/ dev / hda) from. Then you click on the icon New to create a new partition. If only one partition to be created, the default values for the size to take it easy. In this example should be used as a FAT32 file system. In Gnome Partition Editor, click on the icon Apply to the hard disk to write the changes. To finish the GParted live CD with a click on the icon Exit. Mounting File Systems When mounting or attaching a file system the operating system at a certain point (mount point) provided. Usually the integration is done automatically at boot. Removable media are often automatically included in access by an automounter. Manually mount may be necessary to load a data CD or floppy disk or connect a USB stick. Only after the data on the mount point is available. In Microsoft Windows, this is another drive letter. For Mac OS X are removable by the automounter / Volumes involved in and appear on the desktop. In Linux is often a subdirectory of / mnt or / media involved in. The opposite of mounting is umount. This is done by ensuring that no files are used by the file system and that all data written to the file system. If a file system without taking away, for example, by removing a USB stick, it can cause data loss. On Unix / Linux, the second partition on the primary hard disk on the first ATA port is mounted manually using the command: ~ # Mount / dev/hda2 / my / directory An unmount command is umount with. Here is an example of the indication of the device. ~ # Umount / dev/hda2 Here is an example of specifying the mount point. ~ # Umount / my / directory A list of mounted file systems is the mount command without options: ~ $ Mount With the-t option, the type of file system are specified. In order to access an NTFS image, for example, used the option-t ntfs. ~ # Mount-t ntfs ntfs.img / mnt Also, a file can be on the loop device in turn incorporated as a file system, most often this is found in ISO images from CD / DVDs using: ~ # Mount-r-t iso9660-o loop DVD.iso / my / directory

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The assignment of the file systems to the device name may change in the operating system. Why a file system is cheaper to integrate with its unique UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). First is the command blkid the UUID to be determined. Blkid ~ # / dev/hda2 / Dev/hda2: UUID = "571bba46-083f-45a4-abc6-f15822718453" SEC_TYPE = "ext2" TYPE = "ext3" The mount command is used as follows. ~ # Mount UUID = 571bba46-083f-45a4-abc6-f15822718453 / my / directory partitions determine the level On Unix / Linux command the level of the involved partitions with the calculated df. The-h used for the size information kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. This serves to improve readability. $ Df-h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on / Dev/hda3 54G 46G 15% 8.0 g / / Dev/hda1 111M 69M 36M 66% / boot

Network configuration and test

Today's networks are mostly based on the TCP / IP. The acronym TCP / IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). TCP / IP is mature and has excellent routing capabilities. These logs are the basis for the Internet. Their application protocols such as HTTP, FTP and SSH, use TCP / IP requires. In addition to TCP / IP, there are other network protocols such as NetBIOS. NetBIOS is still used occasionally in the DOS / Windows world. On Unix / Linux is used for manual network configuration, the ifconfig program. Unfortunately, the options for the Unix / Linux derivatives are not uniform. To display network interfaces to be-all, you call ifconfig with no options. ~ # Ifconfig In some versions of Unix, the-a option to attach. ~ # Ifconfig-a If information is listed only one network interface, the name of the network interface to be indicated. In this example, information is the network interface eth0 to appear. The most important information, this interface is that it even exists and what IP address it has.

~ # Ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:0 B: 6B: 69: E8: 63 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80:: 20b To an existing network interface an IP address, for example, assigned to the command in Linux is required. ~ # Ifconfig eth0 netmask up The eth0 option marks the first network card in the computer. Next the IP address is specified. This IP address may not be awarded on the net. The option netmask defines the network mask. This option adds up that the network interface is enabled. To interface to disable a network option is the use down. ~ # Ifconfig eth0 down On Microsoft Windows, the command / all information on network interfaces on ipconfig. C: \> ipconfig / all With ipconfig / renew network adapter, the IP addresses of all renewed. This only makes sense if the network configuration via DHCP is. With ipconfig / release to be released all the compounds. The command ping is checked whether a particular network interface in a network is reachable. Ping is under many operating systems. As an option, the DNS name or IP address of the tested network interface is specified. This example is Linux, the connection to the host qemu-buch.de tested with ping. ~ $ Ping-buch.de qemu PING qemu-buch.de ( 56 (84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from tr-e.de ( icmp_seq = 1 ttl = 53 time = 9.0 ms 64 bytes from tr-e.de ( icmp_seq = 2 ttl = 53 time = 1.6 ms The answers can be seen that the host is reachable. If the other side does not respond, this does not mean she is not available. The ping command uses Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). It is used in networks to exchange information and error messages via the Internet Protocol (IP). It is expected of every router and every computer to support ICMP. There are computers masquerading and firewalls, which can not by this protocol. For example, blocks the QEMU user mode network stack of the protocol. Ie ping does not work in a QEMU instance. We tried in this case, a telnet www.qemu-buch.de 80th After the prompt you type in the web server / index.php GET and get a Web page in raw format.

Network services and clients

SSH Secure Shell (ssh) ist sowohl ein Programm als auch ein Netzwerk-Protokoll, mit dessen Hilfe man sich ber eine verschlsselte Netzwerkverbindung auf einem entfernten Computer einloggen kann. SSH ermglicht eine sichere, authentifizierte und verschlsselte Verbindung zwischen zwei Rechnern. Mit OpenSSH ist auch eine freie Implementierung von SSH vorhanden, die mittlerweile einen groen Verbreitungsgrad erreicht hat. SSH-Implementationen waren ursprnglich nur unter Unix verfgbar, mittlerweile wurden jedoch sowohl SSH-Server als auch Clients fr andere Plattformen programmiert. Unter Cygwin gibt es einen SSH-Server fr Microsoft Windows, der auf OpenSSH basiert. Dieser ermglicht das Einloggen per SSH auf einer Microsoft Windows-Maschine. Ein weiter SSH-Server fr Microsoft Windows ist freeSSHd ( http://www.freesshd.com ). Um sich zum Beispiel als Systemadministrator (root) auf den Rechner mit dem Namen bibo mit ssh einzuloggen, dient folgender Befehl. ~$ ssh root@bibo Die Option -X ermglicht das X-Forwarding. Dabei werden die grafischen Ausgaben des Rechners, auf den man sich eingeloggt hat, auf den eigenen Rechner umgeleitet. ~$ ssh -X root@bibo Normalerweise lauscht ein SSH-Server auf dem Port 22. Dies kann verndert werden. Um sich mit dem SSH-Client auf einem anderen Port zu verbinden, ist die Option -p gefolgt von der Port-Nummer anzugeben. ~$ ssh -p 12345 root@bibo putty Download: http://www.putty.nl/download.html Fr Microsoft Windows steht mit putty ein SSH-Client zur Verfgung. Dazu ldt man die Datei putty.exe herunter und startet diese. Um sich zum Beispiel als Systemadministrator (root) auf dem Rechner mit dem Namen bibo mit SSH einzuloggen, ist folgende Konfiguration einsetzbar. Mglicherweise muss in der Einstellung der Windows-Firewall auf dem Host dieser Port freigegeben werden. Host Name: bibo Port: 22 Protocol: ssh SCP Secure Copy (SCP) ist ein Protokoll sowie ein Programm zur verschlsselten bertragung von Daten zwischen zwei Computern ber ein Netzwerk. Es gewhrleistet Vertraulichkeit, Integritt und Authentizitt der bertragenen Daten. Dazu nutzt es das Protokoll SSH. Mit OpenSSH steht ein freier Server sowie ein freier Client fr SCP zur Verfgung. Das Programm scp funktioniert in Grundzgen wie der Kopie-Befehl cp . Im folgenden Beispiel werden von dem Rechner mit dem Namen bibo die Datei /etc/passwd in das aktuelle Verzeichnis kopiert.

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~ $ scp root@bibo:/etc/passwd . In diesem Beispiel wird die Datei Platte.img auf den entfernten Rechner mit dem Namen bibo in das Verzeichnis /tmp kopiert. ~ $ scp Platte.img root@bibo:/tmp WinSCP Download: http://winscp.net/eng/docs/lang:de WinSCP is a graphical SCP client for Microsoft Windows and can also be used as an FTP client. WinSCP is available under the GNU General Public License. For the German version you have additional Multi-Language Installation Package download this. The installation will start first in English. You select the installation dialog from the German. The installation of WinSCP is simple and self explanatory. SSHFS Website: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/sshfs.html Das Secure Shell FileSystem (SSHFS) untersttzt unter Linux das Mounten eines Dateisystems eines anderen Rechnners mit der Secure Shell (SSH) durch nichtprivilegierte Benutzer. Dabei wird das Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) angewendet. Auf dem entfernten Rechner ist nur ein SSH-Server notwendig. Auf dem lokalen Rechner ist das Paket sshfs notwendig. Die Installation unter Debian/Ubuntu ist mit einer Befehlszeile erledigt. ~$ sudo apt-get install sshfs Weiterhin wird ein Verzeichnis als Mountpoint bentigt. ~$ mkdir ~/sshfs Folgender Befehl hngt das Verzeichnis /tmp des Rechners bibo ein. ~$ sshfs root@bibo:/tmp/ ~/sshfs Mit dem Befehl fusermount wird der Mointpoint wieder freigegeben. ~$ fusermount -u ~/sshfs FTP Das File Transfer Protocol ist ein Netzwerkprotokoll zur Dateibertragung ber TCP/IP-Netzwerke. Es wird benutzt, um Dateien vom Server zum Client (Download), vom Client zum Server (Upload) zu bertragen. Auerdem knnen mit FTP Verzeichnisse angelegt und ausgelesen, sowie Verzeichnisse und Dateien umbenannt oder gelscht werden. Da FTP ein textbasiertes Protokoll ist, werden sowohl die Daten als auch die Authentifizierungsinformationen im Klartext bertragen. Zum Download wird ein FTP-Client bentigt. Jeder moderne Web-Browser enthlt einen FTP-Client fr den Download. Der FTP-Client ftp ist auf fast jedem Betriebssystem verfgbar. Der ursprnglich fr Unix programmierte Client wurde schon bald auf andere Betriebssysteme, wie zum Beispiel Microsoft Windows, portiert. Das Programm ftp wird als Kommandozeilenbefehl gestartet, oft mit Angabe eines FTP-Servers. Bei erfolgreicher Verbindung fragt das Programm nach Benutzername und Passwort. In diesem Beispiel wird mit dem FTP-Client in der DOS-Eingabekonsole unter Microsoft Windows die Datei bla.txt zum Rechner mit der IP-Adresse bertragen. Gast C:\> ftp Benutzer ( robert Kennwort: ***** Ftp> put bla.txt Ftp> quit Weitere Kommandos sind: Ftp> ascii Einstellen von ASCII als bertragungsmodus. Dies ist der Standardbertragungsmodus. Ftp> binary Einstellen von Binary als bertragungsmodus. Ftp> cd Verzeichnis Wechselt in das Arbeitsverzeichnis auf dem FTP-Server. Ftp> delete Datei Lscht die Datei auf dem FTP-Server. Ftp> dir Zeigt den Inhalt des aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnisses auf dem FTP-Server an. Ftp> get Datei Kopiert eine Datei vom FTP-Server auf den Client. Ftp> lcd Verzeichnis Wechselt das Verzeichnis auf dem Client. Ftp> ls Lists the contents of the directory to. Ftp> mget files Copies multiple files from the server to the client. Wildcards are allowed. Ftp> mkdir directory Creates a directory on the FTP server. Ftp> mput files Copies multiple files from the client to the FTP server. Wildcards are allowed. Ftp> pwd Prints the current working directory on the FTP server. Ftp> quit Close connection to FTP server and exits. Ftp> rmdir directory Deletes a directory on the FTP server.

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TFTP The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple file transfer protocol, and supports only the reading or writing files. Not present many features of the powerful FTP such as rights issue, the ads are existing files or user authentication. Motivation for developing TFTP was the loading of operating systems or configurations on the network. For this, the connection-oriented TCP and FTP based on it far too complex. TFTP was kept deliberately simple, however. Microsoft Windows brings house from a TFTP client (tftp.exe) with. Certain types of computer worms such as W32.Blaster use TFTP server for their dissemination. Therefore tftp.exe when using a personal firewall by default, the Internet access will be denied. A TFTP client for Microsoft Windows versions can also http://www.tftp-server.com/tftp-download.html WinAgents TFTP Client) download and run directly (. C: \> tftp-i GET foo.txt On Unix / Linux a tftp client is often not installed. If the host system on Linux Debian derivative, is to install the package with a command line tftp done. Host ~ # apt-get install tftp Downloading a file via TFTP done with these commands. Guest ~ $ tftp (To) tftp> binary tftp> get foo.txt tftp> quit wget Download: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/ The tool wget is a free command line program to download files. The supported protocols include FTP, HTTP and HTTPS. The program is there for both Unix and GNU / Linux and Microsoft Windows. Wget is included in Cygwin. Wget can resume a broken download sites and download complete. To file from a Web or FTP server to download one, it is sufficient to wget the URL and access the, for example: ~ $ Wget http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/qemu/qemu-0.12.4.tar.gz Telnet Telnet (Teletype Network) is the name of the web to enable wide-spread network protocol and is used to provide users access to computers via the command line. Due to the lack of encryption it is hardly used anymore. It is also the name of a Telnet client program, which links to a remote computer can be built. The Telnet protocol uses TCP and the clients connect through port 23 to the target computer. This port can modify as with most Internet protocols. It is also possible to set up a telnet client, an interactive TCP connection to other Internet services. In the following example, the Telnet client to the host and its port is connected bibo 4444th ~ $ Telnet bibo 4444 Trying ... Connected to localhost. Escape character is'^]'. On Microsoft Windows menu, the Telnet client on the Run in the Start point distance. In the appearing command-line gives you the command telnet. In the menu of the client you are connecting to, the remote system host and port. netcat Download: http://netcat.sourceforge.net/ Das Programm netcat , auch nc genannt, ist ein einfaches Werkzeug, um Daten von der Standardeingabe oder Standardausgabe ber Netzwerkverbindungen zu transportieren. Es arbeitet als Client oder Server mit den Protokollen TCP und UDP. Eine Windows-Version ist in Cygwin enthalten. Diese Version wird mit nc aufgerufen. In dem nachfolgenden Beispiel wird die Datei bla.txt von dem Rechner 1 mit netcat auf den Rechner 2 mit der IP-Adresse bertragen. Dazu wird zuerst der Rechner 2 empfangsbereit geschaltet. Rechner 2 ~$ netcat -w30 -vvnlp 3333 > bla.txt Die Option -w gibt das Timeout an. Das heit, in dem Beispiel wartet netcat maximal 30 Sekunden auf das Zustandekommen der Verbindung. Die Optionen -vv bewirken eine ausfhrlichere Ausgabe, um mgliche Fehler zu erkennen. Die Option -l schaltet netcat in den Lausch-Modus. Die Option - n bewirkt, dass keine DNS-Abfrage erforderlich ist. Es ist die IP-Adresse statt des DNS-Namens anzugeben. Die Option -p definiert den Port (hier 3333). Der empfangene Datenstrom wird in die Datei bla.txt umgeleitet. Auf Rechner 1 startet man die bertragung der Datei bla.txt . Zustzlich ist hier die Adresse des Ziel-Rechners anzugeben. Dieses Beispiel enthlt keinerlei Absicherungen. Rechner 1 ~$ netcat -w 30 -vvn 3333 < bla.txt Viele Hacker/Cracker benutzen Netcat um Backdoors (Hintertren) auf den Rechnern ihrer Opfer zu ffnen. Deshalb stufen einige Anti-Viren-Programme das Windows-Executable nc.exe als Hacking-Tool ein und verhindert dessen Ausfhrung. TightVNC Download: http://www.tightvnc.com/ TightVNC ist ein VNC-Server und -Client der unter der GPL-Lizenz steht. Er ist fr Microsoft Windows sowie fr zahlreiche Unix-Derivate verfgbar. Weiterhin gibt eine plattformunabhngige Implementierung in Java (nur als Client). For example, my installation on a Linux Debian derivative. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install xtightvncviewer Auf der Website des Projekts steht die Software fr viele Betriebssysteme zum Download bereit. Zur Installation unter Microsoft Windows ist die Datei tightvnc-1.3.9-setup.exe herunterzuladen und aufzurufen. Im Wizard fr die Installation gibt man das Ziel-Verzeichnis ein ( C:\Programme\TightVNC ). Danach sind die zu installierenden SoftwareKomponenten (Server, Viewer, Dokumentation) auszuwhlen. Anschlieend ist der Name des Ordners im Start-Men festzulegen ( TightVNC ). Im nchsten Schritt ist anzugeben, ob der VNC-Server als System-Dienst registriert wird und ob der VNC-Server automatisch gestartet wird. Dies ist nur zu empfehlen, wenn dieser Rechner dauerhaft per VNC erreichbar sein soll. Nach der Installation wird TightVNC wie folgt aufgerufen: Men Start, Alle Programme, TightVNC, TightVNC Viewer (Fast Compression) . Remote Desktop Protocol The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) from Microsoft allows the screen of a Microsoft Windows computer on a different computer display, and in turn keyboard and mouse movements to send back. In order for a remote access is possible on the desktop of another computer. This is one of the two systems is working as a terminal server. This terminal server generates screen output on the terminal client. In addition to the expenditure of the screen and the input from the keyboard or mouse to the sound output to the terminal client will be redirected. Furthermore, the use of a printer of the terminal client is possible. RDP is based on the ITU T.128 protocol and uses TCP / IP requires. By default, the port 3389 (TCP) is used. When RDP Server Microsoft Windows Terminal Server 4.0, Microsoft Windows Server 2000, 2003 and 2008, NetMeeting, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows uses 7th The respective Home and Starter Edition are not suitable as an RDP server. RDP clients exist for most operating systems. The virtualization software VirtualBox has its own RDP server. As an example, the configuration of the RDP server on Windows XP. If the computer in a domain, then the following settings via Active Directory may be limited. The login must be done with a password. This is the Start Menu, Control Panel, user accounts, assign a password to an account change. On the Start menu, Control Panel, user accounts, change the way users log options are the Use the Welcome screen and use to enable Fast User Switching. Furthermore, in the control system, remote, select Allow users tab, establish a remote connection to activate. Select Remote Users ... Below are corresponding user specified. In order to speed up the login process, is in the Control Panel under Administrative Tools, Terminal Services Startup Type to Automatic to set the services. The Windows Firewall is open for port 3389. The color depth for the RDP client should be adjusted in the registry. First, to the Registry Editor is open (Start, Run, regedt32). After changing to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Terminal Server \ WinStations \ RDP-Tcp. The value ColorDepth 4 is changed. The color depth is increased to a 24 bit. On Microsoft Windows XP and there is a new RDP client on the Start menu, All Programs, Accessories, Remote Desktop connection. In Unix-like operating systems and OS / 2 and eComStation program is the open source rdesktop ( http://www.rdesktop.org ) was used. On Debian / Ubuntu package is the installation of a command line does rdesktop. ~ $ Sudo apt-get install rdesktop rdesktop for example, called with the following options. The transfer is compressed with-z. The-k option sets the keyboard layout set. With the-g option, the screen resolution is set.

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1/29/2011 7:57 PM

Toolbox PowerShell Shell Cygwin ssh netcat download bzip2 install 7-Zi...


Z ~ $ rdesktop-g 1000x800-k de hostname Should not the entire desktop, but only to an application to be accessed on, the tool can seamlessrdp ( http://www.cendio.com/seamlessrdp/ ) are used. Synergy Website: http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/ The program Synergy (open source) allows the use of a mouse and a keyboard to several computers on the network. A computer is configured as a Synergy server. On the other computers, Synergy is started as each client. When the mouse cursor exceeds the boundary of each desktop, manages Synergy further input from the mouse and keyboard over the network from the host PC to the appropriate clients. The desktops all connected computers are connected to a desktop. Furthermore, similar to Synergy from the contents of the clipboard of the computer. Since Synergy for Microsoft Windows (95/NT) and all Unix-like operating systems (Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris) is available, can the desktops of computers are connected to different operating systems. For Microsoft Windows, the installer can be downloaded from the website and run them. After installation, the configuration of Synergy by GUI is possible. On Debian / Ubuntu installation is done with a command line. ~ $ Sudo apt-get install synergy quicksynergy For a simple configuration is to start quicksynergy ~ $ Quicksynergy Should the computer as a Synergy server is working, at least one of the fields Above, Left, Right and Below the IP address of a client entered into. Should the computer be configured as a client is under the rider use the IP address of the server must only be shown. For detailed instructions on the Web at Synergy http://www.elsniwiki.de/index.php /Main/SynergyKonfigurieren . dnsmasq Download: http://thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html For small networks is the simple DHCP and DNS server dnsmasq recommended. DNS queries according to the file / etc / hosts resolved or forwarded to other DNS servers. Instructions for configuration can be found at http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Dnsmasq and http://www.martin-bock.de/pc/pc-0604.html . The library also uses libvirt dnsmasq to host systems using DHCP to assign IP addresses (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools ).

To software under Unix / Linux to compile from source, applied after downloading and unpacking the sources, the following steps in the created directory: ~ $. / Configure ~ $ Make ~ $ Sudo make install As a first step, the script. / Configure call. Possible options shows -. / Configure to help. The script. / Configure checks if all the associated components are available for configuration. It also specifies conditions according to the determined configuration files and any subdirectories to make an. This configuration file called Makefile and each are in the directories created and describe what make is to perform there. Then the call is made of make. The program will make commands, depending on conditions, the makefiles are described in the from. It is used for example to control in a project that consists of many different files with source code that automates all the steps. Sometimes must first make the package to be installed. In the last step, which is running with root privileges, system with make install the generated files (binaries, configuration files, manuals) in the directories of your copies. In some Distriubutionen the tools for compiling are not installed by default. In Ubuntu the package is essential to install build. In other distributions, make, gcc, and the packages needed. ~ $ Sudo apt-get install build-essential Self-compiled software is not managed by the package manager. This causes the software not in the list of installed packages and can not be uninstalled so easily. Remedy the checkinstall program. In order to build Slackware TGZ, RPM or DEB packages when compiling. The installation is done in Debian / Ubuntu using a command line. ~ $ Sudo apt-get install checkinstall Instead of make install command is used when compiling the checkinstall. A support can be obtained with checkinstall - help. ~ $. / Configure ~ $ Make ~ $ Sudo checkinstall The program provides checkinstall some questions that the specifications can be answered with mostly default. Clearly, however, the package name is to be specified. In the current directory the package is created and installed. On Debian / Ubuntu it lists the command dpkg-l and dpkg-r uninstall it if necessary. <<< | # # # | >>> http://qemu-buch.de Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_N% C3% BCtzliche_Tools " This page has been accessed 18,331 times. This page was last updated on 30 September 2010 at 12:04 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 7:57 PM

Virtualize and emulators - qemu-kvm and libvirt


Virtualize and emulators

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Further virtualizer and Emulators

Here are some other virtualizer and emulators are briefly introduced. chroot (New root directory as a sandbox under Unix / Linux) Basilisk II (68k Macintosh Emulator) Bochs (x86 emulator) FAUmachine (hardware emulator, virtualization solution) Gxemul (ARM, MIPS, PowerPC and SuperH-Emulator) Linux Containers (virtualization at the OS level) personal alpha (alpha-Emulator) Solaris Zones (virtualization at the OS level) VirtualBox (native virtualization, full virtualization) Virtual PC (Native Virtualization) VMware ESXi (type-1 hypervisor) VMWare Player (desktop virtualisation) VMware Server (Native Virtualization, type 2 hypervisor) VMware Workstation (Native Virtualization) Win4Lin, Win4BSD, Win4Solaris Xen (paravirtualization and full virtualization, Type-1 hypervisor) <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren " This page has been accessed 5138 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:35 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 8:00 PM

chroot debootstrap, cdebootstrap, rpmstrap, jail, Debian, Ubuntu - libvirt...


chroot debootstrap, cdebootstrap, rpmstrap, jail, Debian, Ubuntu

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / chroot]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

debootstrap and chroot

debootstrap is used to the Linux distributions Debian and Ubuntu installation without the use of media in a chroot environment to install the tool. The installation of Debian and Ubuntu debootstrap is a command line does under. The package debootstrap is also available for other Linux distributions. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install debootstrap A Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10) in the directory to install intrepid-chroot, for example, the following command is used. Host sudo debootstrap intrepid intrepid-chroot \ http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ Here, a Linux directory tree is created in this subdirectory. Host ~ $ ls intrepid chroot bin boot dev etc home lib mnt lib64 media opt proc root sbin srv sys tmp usr var An old and rudimentary virtualization solution is the on almost any existing Unix-/Linux-System dar. chroot chroot on Unix / Linux systems allows the root directory to change. This environment will be a somewhat closed the chroot achieved. Chroot is a simple form of virtualization at the OS level and paves the way for Solaris Zones and FreeBSD Jails. If a chroot environment set up in a directory, for example with debootstrap, log into the chroot chroot in-one environment. Host ~ $ sudo chroot. / Chroot-intrepid / The debootstrap scale with Linux directory tree appears here in the root directory. Guest ~ $ ls / bin boot dev etc home lib mnt lib64 media opt proc root sbin srv sys tmp usr var Some commands, such as ifconfig, are applied in this environment is not available. This is because the / proc is empty. Installing packages is possible. This is useful to test a software package without having to change the host system do. Host ~ # apt-get install qemu With exit logs you off. Guest ~ $ exit <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_chroot " This page has been accessed 4828 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:35 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 8:01 PM

BasiliskII linux osx Mac OS 7.6.1 installation iso download emulator app...


BasiliskII linux osx Mac OS 7.6.1 installation iso download emulator apple macintosh
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and Emulators / Basilisk II]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Basilisk II
Installation Website: http://basilisk.cebix.net Basilisk II is a 68k Macintosh emulator. This can be run by older versions of Mac OS. Basilisk II will run on many operating systems (BeOS, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, IRIX, AmigaOS 3.x, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X). A guide to installing Mac OS X Basilisk II is under under the URL http://www.netdot.ch/ ~ sprouting / tutorials / basilisk / . A guide to installation on Microsoft Windows can be found at the URL http://www.emaculation.com/articles/intro.html . In Ubuntu the package is installed with a command basilisk2. Host ~ # apt-get install basilisk2 The program is called with Basilisk II. Host ~ $ BasiliskII Mac OS 7.6.1 as a guest system Fortunately, Apple, for the installation disks for older Mac OS versions available for download. Cheaper is to use an installation CD, as the image under ~ http://www.netdot.ch/ sprouting / tutorials / basilisk / will be offered. The download of the files with wget or may be a web browser. The files are copied into a subdirectory. Here are the Unix commands.
The BasiliskII GUI - Rider SCSI.

The BasiliskII GUI.

Host $ mkdir ~ BasiliskII host ~ $ cd ~ $ wget BasiliskII host \ ~ http://www.netdot.ch/ sprouting / tutorials / basilisk / files / mac.rom.zip host ~ The image of the installation CD (MacOS761.img) is the rider with add volumes mounted under. Furthermore, volumes Create a virtual disk created under. The name is macsystem.img and size at least 100 MB of pretending as. The other settings, see screen shots. Start the emulator with the Start button. Installing Mac OS 7.6.1 is simple and self explanatory. Once installed, the image will be removed the installation CD in the Basilisk II GUI. An important tool for Mac OS 7.6.1 is the Stuffit Expander. The image with the Stuffit Expander is added in the GUI under Mac OS, the installation program called Aladdin espand 7.6.1. Host ~ $ wget http://www.emaculation.com/articles/starterdisk.zip Host ~ $ unzip starterdisk.zip Other software can be installed where it is downloading them in the host system. Basilisk II offers a path to the host system as a mounted disk on the desktop. the downloaded software is in the path of the host system, the respective installation programs can be started. Here is a selection of software for the System 7.6.1: wget http://download.system7today.com/disinfectant371.sea.hqx wget http://www.emaculation.com/basilisk/corelwp35e.sea.bin wget http://download.system7today.com/SimpleEdit_3.3.1.sit.hqx wget http://download.system7today.com/vnc/VNC_68k.sit wget http://www.emaculation.com/basilisk/iCab_Pre2.99b_English_68k.sit wget http://www.emaculation.com/basilisk/communicator4.08_68k.bin wget http://www.emaculation.com/basilisk/MacIRC_68K.sit.hqx wget http://www.emaculation.com/basilisk/mpeg-dec-311.hqx wget http://download.system7today.com/MacSSH68k.sit wget http://download.system7today.com/movieplayer2.sit wget http://download.system7today.com/macping_pro_3.0.4.sit wget http://download.system7today.com/mac-uptime.hqx wget http://download.system7today.com/networktime.sit Information about network configuration is obtained under http://basilisk.cebix.net/README . The configuration of the Basilisk II GUI on Unix / Linux in the file ~ /. Basilisk_ii_prefs saved. Here's an example with the above set values. disk / home/hans/BasiliskII/MacOS761.img disk / home / hans / BasiliskII / machd.img extfs / screen win/0/0 seriala / dev/ttyS0 serialb / dev/ttyS1 udptunnel false UDPPort 6066 rom / home / hans / BasiliskII / MAC.ROM boot drive 0 boot drive 0 ramsize 134217728 frame skip 1 modelid 14 CPU 3 fpu false nocdrom false nosound true noclipconversion false nogui false jit false jitfpu false JITDebug false jitcachesize 0 jitlazyflush false jitinline false type 5 keyboard keycodes false mouse wheel mode 1 mouse wheel lines 3 dsp / dev / dsp mixer / dev / mixer ignoresegv false idlewait true <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Basilisk_II " This page has been accessed 4383 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:35 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .
The BasiliskII GUI - Rider Graphis / sound.

The BasiliskII GUI - Tab Keyboard / Mouse.

The BasiliskII GUI - Rider Serial / Network.

The BasiliskII GUI - Tab Memory / Misc.

Mac OS 7.6.1 under BasiliskII.

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1/29/2011 8:02 PM

BasiliskII linux osx Mac OS 7.6.1 installation iso download emulator app...


2 of 2

1/29/2011 8:02 PM

Bochs emulator download installation windows linux qemu bximage - qe...


Bochs emulator download installation windows linux qemu bximage

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / bochs]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

1 of 4

1/29/2011 8:03 PM

Bochs emulator download installation windows linux qemu bximage - qe...


Bochs - Installation under Microsoft Windows.

Demo Linux in Bochs.

The Bochs Console.

The Bochs Start menu.

The Bochs Start menu Memory.

2 of 4

1/29/2011 8:03 PM

Bochs emulator download installation windows linux qemu bximage - qe...


Contents 1 Bochs 1.1 Installation 1.1.1 Microsoft Windows Linux 1.1.2 FreeBSD 1.1.3 2.1 Creating Virtual Machines 1.3 Further
The Bochs Start menu disc

Website: http://bochs.sourceforge.net Bochs is an x86 emulator (Open Source), which on many operating systems, and among other processors, running. The aim of the developers is to achieve a full PC compatibility. It is possible to install different guest operating systems under Bochs. However, the execution speed is not high. Bochs is therefore used mainly for developing and testing. Installation
Microsoft Windows

CPM/86 under Bochs.

To install on Microsoft Windows to Load installer from the site at the point Get down the Bochs and start it. A wizard helps with the installation. In step Choose Components to enable all components, even DLX Linux demo. The next step is the installation path C: \ Program Files \ Bochs-2.4.2 be changed. After installation, check the icon Demo Linux in Bochs 2.4.2 clicked on. It is Bochs started with a Linux guest. It logs in with root. A password is not set. To create a new virtual machine, with Bochs 2.4.2 is the Start menu, Programs, Bochs 2.4.2, Bochs started.

Installing Bochs on Debian and its derivatives, as Ubuntu is, as a root user command line done with. Otherwise sources are, as usual, make and make install to compile with configure. Host ~ # apt-get install bochs bximage

For FreeBSD and its derivatives, such as PC-BSD, the installation is performed using the following commands. Host ~ # cd / usr / ports / emulators / bochs Host ~ # make install clean Creating virtual machines It is convenient to apply for each virtual machine directory and save the configuration file and image files. In this example, the operating system CP/M86 be installed. Host ~ $ mkdir-p ~ / bochsVMs/cpm86 Host $ cd ~ / bochsVMs/cpm86 It downloads the image of CP/M86-Diskette and unpacked it. Host ~ $ wget \ http://www.gaby.de/ftp/pub/cpm/sysdisks/cpm86/86raw144.zip Host ~ $ unzip 86raw144.zip The tool is a virtual hard drive bximage created. At the end of the dialogue of bximage, the reference to how to access the virtual hard disk in the file bochsrc to configure. With a text editor to add this line. Host ~ $ bximage Do you want to create a floppy disk image or a hard disk image? Please type hd or fd. [Hd] [Enter] What kind of image should I create? Please type flat, sparse or growing. [Flat] [Enter] Enter the hard disk size in megabytes, between 1 and 129 023 8 What should I name the image? [C.img] [Enter] Writing: [] Done]. [Enter The following line should appear in your bochsrc: ata0-master: type = disk, path = "c.img", mode = flat, cylinders = 16 heads = 16, spt = 63

3 of 4

1/29/2011 8:03 PM

Bochs emulator download installation windows linux qemu bximage - qe...


The configuration of a virtual machine is under Bochs with a configuration file called bochsrc. An example of a configuration file can be used as a template. Host ~ $ cp / usr / share / doc / bochs / examples / bochsrc.gz. Host ~ $ gunzip bochsrc.gz For this example, the file bochsrc following content. config_interface: wx display_library: wx ROMIMAGE: file = / usr / share / bochs / BIOS-bochs-latest cpu: count = 1, reset_on_triple_fault ips = 10000000, = 1 megs: 16 vgaromimage: file = / usr / share / vgabios / vgabios.bin vga: extension = vbe floppya: 1_44 = 144cpm86.img, status = inserted ata0: enabled = 1, ioaddr1 = 0x1f0, 0x3f0 = ioaddr2, irq = 14 ata0-master: type = disk, path = "c.img", mode = flat, cylinders = 16 heads = 16, spt = 63 boot: floppy floppy_bootsig_check: disabled = 1 log: / dev / null panic: action = ask error: action = report debugger_log: vga_update_interval: 300000 keyboard_serial_delay: 250 keyboard_paste_delay: 100000 mouse: enabled = 0 private_colormap: enabled = 0 USER_SHORTCUTS: keys = f10 i440fxsupport: enabled = 0 Bochs is started in the created directory. The call to bochs without options shows version and a menu to. The-q option suppresses this configuration menu and start the emulation directly. Host ~ $ bochs-q Other How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de /d/Speichermedien/_Festplatten-Images_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Bochs " This page has been accessed 4147 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:36 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

4 of 4

1/29/2011 8:03 PM

FAUmachine 20090512 download installation emulate virtualization - qe...


FAUmachine 20090512 download installation emulate virtualization

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / FAUmachine]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 FAUmachine 20,090,512 1.1 Installation 2.1 Quick Start 1.3 Images 1.4 Subsequent

FAUmachine 20090512
Website: http://www3.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/Research/FAUmachine/ FAUmachine is both a hardware emulator and a virtualization solution. FAUmachine is open source and runs as a normal user process under Linux (x86). Since no kernel modules are used to accelerate the execution speed is low. Ports on OpenBSD and Windows are currently being developed. FAUmachine uses parts of the source code of QEMU. The advantages of FAUmachine are: It is possible to emulate, similar to QEMU, hardware error. For automated experiments, tests and installations is an experiment controller available. Installation On Ubuntu, the installation is done with a command line. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install FAUmachine FAUmachine not as a package is available, so the sources are downloaded from the website and according to the installation instructions in the files INSTALL (Linux), README.bsd (BSD) or README.macosx (Mac OS X) to compile. Quick Start The script is started with the FAUmachine faum. This can only manage a virtual machine under the FAUmachine. Host ~ $ faum When you first start a wizard helps to create the virtual machine. This directory is selected, are stored in the files for the virtual machine. Thereafter, the image size is set in MBytes. This image is generated in the port. In the last step, the size of the memory is defined (64, 128 or 256 MB). These requirements are the ~ /. Faumrc stored in. Would like to change the stored values, so this file is to edit. The script calls the program itself faum faum end-node on the pc. After a short time, the main window. To install the operating system on the virtual machine, you simply select the image of the installation CD. To do this click on the Insert button under hdc (right top). Power can now use the button on the virtual machine booted and the guest system to be installed. The mouse and keyboard [Alt] + with the key combination [Ctrl] + [Esc] released. A special feature of FAUmachine is simulating hardware errors. These enable the menu item Inject the Show List. In the window you select the desired hardware failure. This can be tested as hardware testing programs. Images FAUmachine can only read images in raw format. Host ~ $ source ~ /. Faumrc Host ~ $ qemu-img info $ IMAGE_PATH/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media image: / VMS/faumachine/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media file format: raw virtual size: 2.0G (2147483648 bytes) disk size: 2.0G This image is in raw format can be of QEMU / KVM used directly. Host ~ $ source ~ /. Faumrc Host ~ $ qemu-snapshot $ IMAGE_PATH/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media It is also possible with qemu-img for FAUmachine to create images or convert it. Host ~ $ source ~ /. Faumrc host ~ $ qemu-img convert-O raw Platte.img \ $ IMAGE_PATH/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media To save space, the use of sparse files is possible. Host ~ $ source ~ /. Faumrc Host ~ $ dd if = / dev / zero \ of = $ IMAGE_PATH/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media \ bs = 1024k count = 1 seek = $ MEDIA_SIZE These raw file of 2 GB only occupies one MB. an operating system is installed on that image, the file size grows.
FAUmachine - Dialog windows error injection. FAUmachine with Ubuntu Server as a guest.

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1/29/2011 8:04 PM

FAUmachine 20090512 download installation emulate virtualization - qe...


Host ~ $ source ~ /. Faumrc Host ~ $ qemu-img info $ IMAGE_PATH/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media image: / Vms/faumachine/node.def/ide_gen_disk-11.media file format: raw virtual size: 2.0G (2148532224 bytes) disk size: 1.0M Other How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien /_Festplatten-Images_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_FAUmachine " This page has been accessed 2565 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:36 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

2 of 2

1/29/2011 8:04 PM

Gxemul 0.6.0 ARM MIPS PowerPC SuperH hardware emulator download...


Gxemul 0.6.0 ARM MIPS PowerPC SuperH hardware emulator download installation
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / gxemul]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Website: http://gxemul.sourceforge.net/ Gxemul is a hardware emulator, to emulate the following computer architectures: ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, and SuperH. Gxemul is a complement or alternative to qemu-system-arm, qemu-system-mips, mipsel qemu-system-and qemu-system-ppc. Gxemul is open source and can be installed on most Unix-like operating systems. To install on Debian / Ubuntu package is the use of gxemul. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install gxemul If there is no current package, the installation with the following steps are possible: Host ~ $ wget \ http://gxemul.sourceforge.net/src/gxemul-0.6.0.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf gxemul-0.6.0.tar.gz Host $ cd ~ gxemul-0.6.0 Host ~ $. / Configure Host ~ $ make Host ~ $ sudo cp gxemul / usr / local / bin / For FreeBSD and its derivatives, such as PC-BSD, the installation is performed using the following commands. Host ~ # cd / usr / ports / emulators / gxemul Host ~ # make install clean Started with the command gxemul gxemul. The option-h shows the many options of gxemul. Host ~ $ gxemul-h The-H option will list all the emulated machines. Host ~ $ gxemul-H Gxemul used images in raw format. Other image formats must be converted img gxemul with qemu-by. QEMU can embed images of gxemul While booting will usually fail because of the differences in the emulated hardware. Gxemul QEMU MIPS has a special mode, can be used to run virtual machines emulated by QEMU MIPS architecture. Using the URL http://wiki.qemu.org/Download is a minimal Linux, the MIPS architecture for use under QEMU is available that can be used gxemul of it. Host ~ $ wget http://wiki.qemu.org/download/mips-test-0.2.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar zxvf mips-test-0.2.tar.gz The following command starts gxemul with this system. Host-e ~ $ gxemul qemu_mips-x-M 128-o \ 'Console = ttyS0 rd_start = 0x80800000 = 10000000 rd_size init = / bin / sh' \ 0x80800000: mips-test/initrd.gz mips-test/vmlinux-2.6.18-3-qemu In the following example, NetBSD (DECstation 5000/200) installed under gxemul. First, dd the virtual disk created with. Then you download the image of the installation CD. ~ $ Dd if = / dev / zero of = bs = 1024 nbsd_pmax.img \ host count = 1 seek = 3000000 host ~ $ wget ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/iso/4.0/pmaxcd-4.0 The configuration of the virtual machines via gxemul launch options. After starting the virtual machine will start the installation of NetBSD. Host ~ $ gxemul-X-e-d 3max nbsd_pmax.img-db: pmaxcd-4.0.iso After the installation options are applied. Host ~ $ gxemul-X-e-d 3max nbsd_pmax.img The installation of additional guest systems is at the URL http://gxemul.sourceforge.net/gxemul-stable/doc/guestoses.html described. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_GXemul " This page has been accessed 3592 times. This page was last updated on 13 May 2010 at 16:42 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .
The gxemul console. Mips Linux on gxemul.

NetBSD (DECstation 5000/200) under gxemul.

1 of 1

1/29/2011 8:04 PM

Linux Containers (LXC), OpenVZ templates - qemu-kvm and libvirt


Linux Containers (LXC), OpenVZ templates

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / LXC]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English Contents 1 Linux Containers (LXC) 1.1 Installation 2.1 Creating containers 1.2.1 An isolated application 1.2.2 The configuration file LXC 1.2.3 Linux in the container lxc-busybox Problems Ubuntu LTS 10.04.1 (Lucid Lynx) in container Ubuntu 9.10 in the container Fedora in the container with lxc-fedora 1.2.4 The user-space emulation QEMU 1.3 Additional commands 1.4 connection to a container 1.4.1 ssh Vnc 1.4.2 1.4.3 VT

Linux Containers (LXC)

Website: http://lxc.sourceforge.net/ Linux Containers (LXC) is an OS-level virtualization solution for Linux. The application is server consolidation. When virtualization at the OS level, divide the host and guest systems with kernel (single kernel image - SKI). Here, the virtualized operating system and not the hardware. The host operating system generates more instances of itself this reason only guest systems with the same kernel as the host system supported. Since the overhead is low, the execution speed is very high. LXC addition, there are still OpenVZ on Linux and Linux-VServer as solutions for virtualization at the OS level. However, only LXC was included in the Linux kernel version 2.6.27. That is, for LXC is not a kernel patch necessary. We recommend a kernel version 2.6.29. Installation Under Ubuntu 10.04 lxc is to install the package. Furthermore, the package bridge-utils debootstrap and libcap2 bin necessary. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install bridge-utils debootstrap lxc libcap2-bin In Fedora as the host system is a container with febootstrap created with Fedora. Host ~ $ su-c "yum install bridge-utils lxc febootstrap debootstrap" The LXC version command shows lxc-version of the. Host ~ $ lxc version lxc version: 0.7.2 For the allocation of system resources to the containers are Control Groups (cgroups) was used. when you install the packages in the / etc / fstab not line none / dev / cgroup cgroup defaults 0 0 If registered, was to activate the Control Groups using the following commands: Host ~ $ sudo mkdir / dev / cgroup Host ~ $ sudo sh-c "echo 'none / dev / cgroup cgroup defaults 0 0'>> / etc / fstab" Host ~ $ sudo mount-a The command-LXC LXC checkconfig kernels, the support of the review. ~ $ Host-lxc checkconfig Found kernel config file / boot/config-2.6.32-22-generic --- --- Namespaces Namespaces: enabled Utsname namespace: enabled Ipc namespace: enabled Pid namespace: enabled User namespace: enabled Network namespace: enabled Multiple / dev / pts instances: enabled Control groups --- --Cgroup: enabled Namespace cgroup: enabled Cgroup device: enabled Cgroup sched: Enabled Cgroup account cpu: enabled Cgroup memory controller: enabled Cgroup cpuset: enabled --- Misc --Veth pair device: enabled Macvlan: enabled Vlan: enabled File capabilities: enabled To configure the virtual network with bridge-utils is the network manager to remove it (see also http://qemu-buch.de/d/Netzwerkoptionen/_Virtuelle_Netzwerke_konfigurieren ). Host ~ $ sudo apt-get remove - purge network-manager network-manager-gnome Host ~ $ service networking stop The file / etc / network / interfaces should be adapted. A backup copy must be created. Host ~ $ sudo cp / etc / network / interfaces / etc / network / interfaces.bak The entries that must be changed to eth0 the past. The bridge and therefore the host computer in this example are accessible via the IP address # / Etc / network / interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual

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Linux Containers (LXC), OpenVZ templates - qemu-kvm and libvirt


auto br0 iface br0 inet static address netmask broadcast gateway bridge_ports eth0 bridge_stp off bridge_maxwait 5 post-up / usr / sbin / brctl br0 setfd 0 If the IP address assigned by DHCP, this configuration is used: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual auto br0 iface br0 inet dhcp bridge_ports eth0 bridge_stp off bridge_maxwait 5 post-up / usr / sbin / brctl br0 setfd 0 up echo "nameserver">> / etc / resolv.conf Then, the network service is restarted. Host ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / networking restart To test the configuration of the computer must be rebooted. Host ~ $ sudo reboot Creating containers Containers allow a partitioning of the starters in their processes. This is similar to a chroot environment (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_chroot ). However LXC provides better insulation and configuration.
An isolated application

A container must not include an operating system. It is possible for an application, in this example, / bin / bash, run in a container. The purpose of the execute command lxc. After the-n container is the name of the state. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-execute-n test01 / bin / bash Host ~ # ps aux USER PID% CPU% MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 1 0.0 0.1 1888 476 pts / 0 S 17:37 0:00 / usr / lib / lxc / lxc-init - / bin / bash root 2 0.5 1.0 5780 3084 pts / 0 S 17:37 0:01 / bin / bash root 29 0.0 0.3 2708 1020 pts / 0 R + 17:42 0:00 ps aux Host ~ # exit
The LXC configuration file

With a configuration file can be configured including the network. The following is a supplied sample configuration file is used. The syntax of the configuration file explains the command lxc.conf you. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-execute-n test1 \ -F / usr / share / doc / lxc / examples / lxc macvlan.conf-bin / bash It is recommended to provide for each container its own directory. Host ~ $ sudo mkdir-p / lxcontainers / tests Host $ cd ~ / lxcontainers / tests This directory is the configuration file ip-statisch.conf created with the following content. For the static IP address to an unused IP address in a private network is selected. lxc.utsname = Test02 lxc.network.type = veth lxc.network.flags = up lxc.network.link = br0 lxc.network.ipv4 = The configuration file is specified with the-f. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-execute-n Test02-f / lxcontainers / tests / ip-statisch.conf / bin / bash Host ~ # ifconfig eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 4a: 49:43:49:79: bd inet addr: Bcast: Mask: ... Host ~ # exit Host ~ $
Linux in the container

Using a directory with a Linux file system and a configuration file is like the command lxc-create container with a Linux system to create a. A kernel is not needed, since among LXC share the guest systems the kernel with the host system. It is on the kernel version of the host system is not flexible. It is possible to operate them to the host system different Linux distributions on LXC. Linux file systems can be created in different ways. For example, to copy the directories and files of an existing Linux system. It can also be used template from OpenVZ. Comfortable can be Linux file systems with the tools lxc-busybox, debootstrap (Debian / Ubuntu), lxc-debian (Debian) or lxc-fedora (Fedora) create. Chroot can be part of the Linux file systems to adapt. For example, the necessary software packages are installed. We recommend the installation of an SSH server for remote access. An adaptation of the Linux file systems is also necessary for other reasons. It should be altered to some scripts to initialize or remove it. This applies, for example files in the / etc / init and / etc / inittab. Depending on the distribution for some mount points must be designed and necessary adjustments to some other configuration files. In the container does not udev. Udev is used to manage devices connected to the operating current in the (hotplug). This information will be removed from the sysfs file system and device file in the / dev directory created one. Udev in the container system must be uninstalled. Instead, the appropriate device files in the dev directory created manually. The generation of devices can be included in any script. This lxc the file / usr / local / bin / with the following content config. # # # # # # # / Bin / bash / Usr / local / bin / lxc-config Bodhi.zazen 's lxc-config Makes default devices needed in lxc containers Modified from http://lxc.teegra.net/

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ROOT = $ (pwd) DEV = $ {ROOT} / dev if [$ ROOT = '/'] then printf "\ 033 [22; 35m \ NDO NOT RUN ON THE HOST NODE \ n \ n" tput sgr0 exit 1 fi if [! -D $ DEV] then printf "\ 033 [01; 33m \ nruns this script in rootfs \ n \ n" tput sgr0 exit 1 fi rm-rf $ {DEV} mkdir $ {DEV} mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / null c 1 3 mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / zero c 1 5 mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / random c 1 8 mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / urandom c 1 9 mkdir-m 755 $ {DEV} / pts mkdir-m $ 1,777 {DEV} / shm mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / tty c 5 0 mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / tty0 c 4 0 mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / tty1 c 4 1 mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / tty2 c 4 2 mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / tty3 c 4 3 mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / tty4 c 4 4 mknod-m 600 $ {DEV} / console c 5 1 mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / full c 1 7 mknod-m 600 $ {DEV} / p initctl mknod-m 666 $ {DEV} / ptmx c 5 2 exit 0 The script must be set executable. Host ~ $ sudo chmod u + x / usr / local / bin / lxc-config It will run on demand in the file system of the container (see below).

With the shell script lxc-busybox can create a small Linux system itself. Furthermore, a configuration file for LXC is generated. The options are the name (-n) and path (P). Host ~ $ sudo lxc-busybox-n busy01-p / lxcontainers/busy01 empty password for root, do not forget to change it! The configuration file is updated with the lines to the network configuration. Host ~ $ sudo vi / lxcontainers/busy01/config lxc.utsname = busy01 lxc.tty = 1 lxc.rootfs = / lxcontainers/busy01/rootfs lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = a # / Dev / null and zero lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:3 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:5 rwm # Consoles lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:1 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:0 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 4:0 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 4:1 rwm # / Dev / {, u} random lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:9 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:8 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow c = 136: * rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:2 rwm # Rtc lxc.cgroup.devices.allow c = 254:0 rwm to complement # # # Manual: lxc.network.type = veth lxc.network.flags = up lxc.network.link = br0 lxc.network.name = eth0 lxc.network.mtu = 1500 lxc.network.ipv4 = The command lxc-create a container created. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-create-f-n lxcontainers/busy01/config busy01 'Busy01' created The command ls lists lxc-container at all. Host ~ $ ls-lxc busy01 Informed about the status of a container of command lxc-info. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-info-n busy01 'Busy01' is STOPPED The system in the container, the command started lxc-start. Host ~ $ sudo-start-n lxc busy01 init started: BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) udhcpc (v1.13.3) started Sending discover ... Sending select for ... Lease of Obtained, lease time 21600 Please press Enter to activate this console. BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. / Bin / sh: can not access tty; job control turned off / #

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Linux Containers (LXC), OpenVZ templates - qemu-kvm and libvirt


On a second console you check the status of the container. Host ~ $ lxc-info-n busy01 'Busy01' is RUNNING Access to the text console of the host system is using the command console lxc. More) is derr name of the container (n) and the console (-t be given. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-console-n-t 0 busy01 Type <Ctrl+a Q> to exit the console busy01 login: Shut down the containers with the command lxc-stop. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-stop-n busy01 Host ~ $ lxc-info-n busy01 'Busy01' is STOPPED If a container is no longer needed, he will command lxc-destroy destroyed. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-n-destroy busy01

Sometimes appear on these error messages. Host ~ $ sudo-start-n lxc busy01 lxc-start: Device or resource busy - could not unmount rootfs old lxc-start: failed to pivot_root to '/ lxcontainers/busy01/rootfs' lxc-start: failed to set rootfs for 'busy01' lxc-start: failed to setup the container The cause is a bug that a separate partition for / var experiencing. A detailed command output shows the following. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-start-n-l busy01 DEBUG-o $ (tty)

Ubuntu LTS 10.04.1 (Lucid Lynx) in container

In this example, the creation of the file system with debootstrap. Before a sub-directory for the container is created. Host ~ $ sudo mkdir-p / lxcontainers / lucid / rootfs host ~ $ cd / lxcontainers / lucid The file to be created / lxcontainers / lucid / fstab the mount points are defined. This file contains the following contents: # / none none none Lxcontainers / / lxcontainers / lxcontainers / lxcontainers lucid / / lucid / lucid / lucid fstab / rootfs / dev / pts devpts defaults 0 0 / rootfs / var / run tmpfs defaults 0 0 / rootfs / dev / shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

With debootstrap), the host system (64-bit installed. Host ~ $ sudo debootstrap - arch amd64 sid \ / Lxcontainers / lucid / rootfs http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu In / lxcontainers / lucid / rootfs / lib / init / fstab lines are with / proc, / dev and / dev / pts to uncomment that. # <file System> <mount-point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> / Dev / root / rootfs defaults 0 1 # None / proc proc nodev, noexec, nosuid 0 0 none / proc / sys / fs / binfmt_misc binfmt_misc nodev, noexec, nosuid, optional 0 0 none / sys sysfs nodev, noexec, nosuid 0 0 none / sys / fs / fuse / connections fusectl optional 0 0 none / sys / kernel / debug debugfs optional 0 0 none / sys / kernel / security securityfs optional 0 0 none / spu spufs gid = spu, optional 0 0 # None / dev Devtmpfs, tmpfs mode = 0755 0 0 # None / dev / pts devpts noexec, nosuid, gid = tty, mode = 0620 0 0 none / dev / shm tmpfs nosuid, nodev 0 0 none / tmp none defaults 0 0 none / var / run tmpfs mode = 0755, nosuid, show through 0 0 none / var / lock tmpfs nodev, noexec, nosuid, show through 0 0 none / lib / init / rw tmpfs mode = 0755, nosuid, optional 0 0 Thus, the host system a name, for example, horst, receives, this is in / lxcontainers / lucid / rootfs / etc / hostname entered. Continues to receive the file / lxcontainers / lucid / rootfs / etc / hosts includes: Horst localhost To further configuration changes to chroot in the applied environment. In this environment, install the package ssh for SSH access to this guest. Host ~ $ sudo chroot / lxcontainers / lucid / rootfs / bin / bash guest ~ # apt-get install ssh You put the Konfiurationsdatei / lxcontainers / lucid / conf content. The network settings are adjusted to the own distinct needs. # / Lxcontainers / lucid / conf lxc.utsname = horst lxc.tty = 4 lxc.network.type = veth lxc.network.flags = up lxc.network.link = br0 lxc.network.hwaddr = 4a: 49:43:49:79: be lxc.network.ipv4 = lxc.network.name = eth0 lxc.network.mtu = 1500 lxc.rootfs = / lxcontainers / lucid / rootfs lxc.pts = 1024 # lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = a # / Dev / null and zero lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:3 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:5 rwm # Consoles lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:1 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:0 rwm

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lxc.cgroup.devices.allow lxc.cgroup.devices.allow # / Dev / {, u} random lxc.cgroup.devices.allow lxc.cgroup.devices.allow lxc.cgroup.devices.allow lxc.cgroup.devices.allow # Rtc lxc.cgroup.devices.allow

= c 4:0 rwm = c 4:1 rwm = = c = c c = c 1:9 rwm 1:8 rwm 136: * rwm 5:2 rwm

c = 254:0 rwm

Now, the container is created and started. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-create-horst n / lxcontainers / lucid / conf 'Horst' created Host ~ $ sudo lxc-start-n-d horst It checks whether the virtual machine is running. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-info-n horst 'Horst' is RUNNING Access to the text console of the host system is using the command console lxc. Derr given name of the container (n) and the console (-t) is indicated. Host ~ $ sudo lxc horst-console-n-t 0 Type <Ctrl+a Q> to exit the console horst login: Alternatively, log into an ssh. Host ~ $ ssh [email protected] Shut down the containers with the command lxc-stop. Host ~ $ sudo lxc-stop-n horst Host ~ $ lxc-info-n horst 'Horst' is STOPPED
Ubuntu 9.10 in the container

In this example, the creation of the file system with debootstrap. Before a sub-directory for the container is created. Host ~ $ sudo-i Host ~ # cd / lxcontainers Host ~ # mkdir ubuntu.karmic-01 Host ~ # cd ubuntu.karmic-01 Host ~ # debootstrap - variant = minbase karmic rootfs The file / etc / resolv.conf on the host system is copied to the file system. Host ~ # cp / etc / resolv.conf rootfs / etc The generation of devices is with the script above, / usr / local / bin / lxc-config done. In the directory of the file system of the container to be created it is running. Host ~ # cd rootfs Host ~ # / usr / local / bin / lxc-config Host ~ # cd For the container name is a configuration file with the config. # / Lxcontainers/ubuntu.karmic-01/config lxc.utsname = hardy-01 lxc.tty = 4 lxc.network.type = veth lxc.network.flags = up lxc.network.link = br0 lxc.network.name = eth0 lxc.network.mtu = 1500 lxc.network.ipv4 = lxc.rootfs = / lxcontainers/ubuntu.karmic-01/rootfs lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = a # / Dev / null and zero lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:3 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:5 rwm # Consoles lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:1 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:0 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 4:0 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 4:1 rwm # / Dev / {, u} random lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:9 rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:8 rwm # / Dev / pts / * - pts namespaces are "coming soon" lxc.cgroup.devices.allow c = 136: * rwm lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:2 rwm # Rtc lxc.cgroup.devices.allow c = 254:0 rwm With the command chroot file system is the root-adjusted. Host ~ # chroot Host ~ # mount-t Host ~ # mount-t Host ~ # mount-t / lxcontainers/ubuntu.karmic-01/rootfs devpts devpts / dev / pts proc proc / proc sysfs sysfs / sys

The first step is the package gpgv Privacy Guard) to install GNU (. Host ~ # apt-get install - force-yes-y gpgv There are still following packages necessary. Host ~ # apt-get update Host ~ # apt-get install-y adduser apt-utils iproute netbase \ openssh-blacklist openssh-blacklist-extra openssh-server \ console-setup sudo ping

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Linux Containers (LXC), OpenVZ templates - qemu-kvm and libvirt


Described must be removed as udev. Host ~ # apt-get remove - purge udev Host ~ # rm-rf / etc / udev / udev lib / Host ~ # apt-get It is clear the following scripts to initialize. Host ~ # cd / etc / init Host ~ # rm * mountall upstart * The password is set. Host ~ # passwd Leave the chroot environment. Host ~ # umount / dev / pts Host ~ # umount / proc Host ~ # umount / sys Host ~ # exit Host ~ # The network configuration file is processed: / Lxcontainers/ubuntu.karmic-01/rootfs/etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask broadcast gateway Further adjustments are necessary. Host ~ # rm rootfs / etc / init / tty {5.6}. Conf host ~ # mkdir-p rootfs / var / run / network host ~ # touch rootfs / var / run / network / ifstate h It is the following script to create. It is used to initialize the system in the container. / Lxcontainers/ubuntu.karmic-01/rootfs/etc/init/lxc.conf # LXC - Fix init sequence to have LXC working with upstart # Description "Fix LXC container - Karmic" start on startup task pre-start script mount-t proc proc / proc mount-t devpts devpts / dev / pts mount-t sysfs sys / sys mount-t tmpfs varrun / var / run / mount-t tmpfs varlock / var / lock mkdir-p / var / run / network touch / var / run / utmp chmod 664 / var / run / utmp root.utmp chown / var / run / utmp if ["$ (find / etc / network / upstart-type f-name)"] then chmod-x / etc / network / * / upstart | | true fi end script script Home networking initctl emit file system - no-wait initctl emit local-filesystems - no-wait initctl emit virtual-file system - no-wait init 2 end script The container is created and started. Host ~ # lxc-create-f-n lxcontainers/ubuntu.karmic-01/config karmic-01 Host ~ # lxc-start-n karmic-01 On a second console connects you with the console of the container. Host 2.Konsole ~ $ sudo lxc n-console-karmic-01 Alternatively, log into via ssh any computer on your network from. ~ $ Ssh [email protected] The command lxc-stop system is shut down in the container. Host 2.Konsole ~ $ sudo lxc-stop-n karmic-01 If the system is installed and configured to secure it. With the word archive can provide a template. Host ~ # cd / lxcontainers / Host ~ # tar-01.tar.gz czf ubuntu.karmic ubuntu.karmic-01


Fedora in the container with lxc-fedora

In Fedora is the script to generate lxc-fedora Fedora containers available. The following example fedora01 a container with the name generates. Host ~ $ su - host ~ # mkdir-p mkdir-p / lxcontainers/fedora01 host ~ # cd / lxcontainers/fedora01 host ~ # fedora-create lxc What is the name for the

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Linux Containers (LXC), OpenVZ templates - qemu-kvm and libvirt


The system in the container, the command started lxc-start. Host ~ # lxc-start-n fedora01
The user-space emulation QEMU

The user space emulation QEMU (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Spezielle_QEMU-Optionen # userspace emulation ) can be combined with LXC. When the user space emulation is not a complete PC emulates, but it will not support the use of other dynamic libraries. Thus, programs can be started, which were actually compiled libraries of other architectures. QEMU is first installed. Furthermore, we need examples of libraries and binaries for various architectures. These can range from the QEMU website http://wiki.qemu.org /Download in point QEMU Linux user mode emulation tests to be downloaded. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install kvm qemu-qemu-kvm-extras Host ~ $ sudo mkdir-p / lxcontainers / qemu-user-space emulation Host ~ $ sudo chown `whoami` / lxcontainers / qemu-user-space emulation / Host $ cd ~ / lxcontainers / qemu-user-space emulation / Host ~ $ wget http://wiki.qemu.org/download/linux-user-test-0.3.tar.gz Host ~ $ tar xzvf linux-user-test-0.3.tar.gz Host $ cd linux-user-test-0.3 It is the file userspace.sh following content to mess with. # / Bin / bash / Usr / bin / qemu-arm-L gnemul / qemu-arm / arm / uname-a This script is to make it executable. Host ~ $ chmod + x userspace.sh The script is started in a container. Host ~ $ sudo qemu lxc-execute-n-userspace01. / Userspace.sh Linux 2.6.32-22-generic Schlappi # 33 SMP Thu Apr 28 13:27:30 Ubuntu UTC 2010 unknown armv7l As you can see, it is the combination of LXC and the userspace emulation QEMU possible to use libraries and binaries the other processor architectures LXC. Other commands Host ~ $ sudo netstat-n-lxc busy01 Host ~ $ sudo ps-n-lxc busy01 lxc-checkpoint lxc-netstat lxc-setcap lxc-unfreeze lxc-wait lxc-cgroup lxc-ls lxc-ps lxc-unshare lxc-checkconfig lxc-freeze lxc-monitor lxc-restart

Connecting to a Container
ssh vnc

Host ~ # echo '/ usr/bin/vnc4server: 0-geometry 1024x768-depth 24'>> / lxcontainers / testus / etc / rc.local guest ~ # apt-get install fluxbox vnc4ser

<<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_LXC " This page has been accessed 3304 times. This page was last updated on 23 January 2011 at 19:46 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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personal alpha for Windows (Alpha emulator), OpenVMS 8.3, dcl, license...


personal alpha for Windows (Alpha emulator), OpenVMS 8.3, dcl, license, download iso installation ssh decnet
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / personal alpha]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 Human alpha for Windows 1.1 Installation 2.1 OpenVMS 8.3 as a guest system 1.2.1 Image installed with OpenVMS 1.2.2 Installing OpenVMS 1.2.3 Configuring OpenVMS OpenVMS 1.2.4 Important commands

Personnel alpha for Windows

Download: http://www.stromasys.ch/products/charon-axp/download-personalalpha/ The emulator allows you to run personal alpha alpha software (OpenVMS, Tru64) on a standard PC with Microsoft Windows XP. personnel-alpha provides the host system 128 MB RAM, an Ethernet adapter, a VT terminal emulation and four virtual hard disks. For personal use personal alpha is free. For the equipment to be installed OpenVMS or Tru64 such licenses are necessary. The minimum system requirements are: Intel or AMD processor (1 GHz) 1 GB of RAM Ethernet Adapter 4 GB of free hard disk capacity. Installation To install click the downloaded file to the PAlpha.msi. If available on your PC no. NET Framework, it is installed in the first step. The installation of personal alpha is as for most installation programs on Microsoft Windows. That is, you must repeatedly press the Next button and then restart the PC. OpenVMS 8.3 as a guest system VMS (Virtual Memory System) is an operating system the computer manufacturer Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). It was at the time of publication (1978) an extremely advanced 32-bit operating system, multi-user and multitasking was capable. The company DEC was later acquired by Compaq, which in turn was acquired by Hewlett Packard. Meanwhile, VMS was renamed OpenVMS. run on OpenVMS on mobiles and SMS solutions in banking, stock market systems operate. Free OpenVMS licenses at the URL http://www.openvmshobbyist.com available.
Image with installed OpenVMS

Figure: personal alpha for Windows - Configuration

Figure: personal alpha for Windows - Installation of OpenVMS

Download: ftp://es40nce:eqs438gfv @ ftp.stromasys.com/openvms_83_nolic.tar.bz2 A virtual hard disk with installed OpenVMS / AXP 8.3 (without license) can be downloaded from the download URL and unpacked. The image file is dka0.vdisk under C: Program Files \ Personal Alpha \ saved \. personnel-alpha is the Start Menu, All Programs, staff alpha called on. In discs one defines the downloaded image dka0.vdisk first virtual hard drive (DKA0). I delete the entry after DKA100. Under Network has to ESA mapping to host adapter the network card of the Windows computer behind. Desktop Mapping Mode choose Shared. With Save the configuration to ensure that machine. The name gives you an node01. The XML configuration is at C: Program Files \ Personal Alpha \ node01.emu saved \. The virtual machine is started with Start. A window with a prompt. At boot prompt, the boot process will start from the hard disk. >>> Boot DKA0 At the login prompt, log into user as SYSTEM without password. To shut down, use the command SHUTDOWN. $ SHUTDOWN
Installing OpenVMS

To install the OpenVMS installation CD into the CD-ROM drive must be lodged. personnel-alpha is the Start Menu, All Programs, staff alpha called on. Under the Configuration tab are the paths to the disks, ROM and floppy drives, CD set. First, a virtual hard disk can be created. This is the make Empty Disk button to click. In Disk-Type, virtual hard disks of different sizes are selected. This entire virtual machine to a DVD that fits, we choose 2007MB, rz28 out. As file names are added to dka0.vdisk. The image file is under C: Program Files \ Personal Alpha \ saved \. In discs one defines the term Image dka0.vdisk first virtual hard drive (DKA0). I delete the entry after DKA100. Under Network has to ESA mapping to host adapter the network card of the Windows computer behind. Desktop Mapping Mode choose Shared. With Save the configuration to ensure that machine. The name gives you an node01. The XML configuration is at C: Program Files \ Personal Alpha \ node01.emu saved \. The virtual machine is started with Start. A window with a prompt. >>> The command show dev not make the devices display. >>> Show dev ... ... DKA200 ... ...

(DVD-ROM drive)

To boot from the DVD-ROM drive, the command is necessary: >>> Boot DKA200 The installation program starts. Assistance can be obtained respectively with the [?]. 1) Upgrade, install or reconfigure OpenVMS Alpha Version V8.3 Enter CHOICE or? for help: 1 If the system should be re-installed INITIALIZE thereof. Do you want to INITIALIZE or to PRESERVE? I The hard disk is to be selected for installation. Enter device name for target disk: (choices? For)? ... DKA0 ... Enter device name for target disk?) For choices DKA0 ( The hard drive must be given a name.

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Enter volume labe for target system disk: [ALPASYS] <Return> It is recommended to format the disk with ODS-5. OpenVMS Version7.2 support from ODS-5. Furthermore, hard links should be made possible. Do you want to initialize with ODS-2 or ODS-5? Do you want to enable hard links? Yes (2 / 5 /?) 5

The system administrator is under OpenVMS system and requires a password. Password for SYSTEM account: ******** The test installation will be a cluster member. Galaxy is a virtualization solution on OpenVMS, and is not used here. Will this system be a member of an OpenVMS Cluster? No Will this system be an instance in a OpenVMS Galaxy? No To uniquely identify the DECnet network SCSNODE name is required. Enter SCSNODE: node01 DECnet is not needed here. Do you want to use DECnet? No The SCSSYSTEMID (1-65535) must be unique in the network. Enter SCSSYSTEMID: [65 534] <Return> The next step, the time zone is set. Select the number above that best represent the desired time zone: 20 Select the number above that best represent the desired time zone: 6 Is this correct? (Yes / No) [Yes] <Return> It is to be selected between summer and winter time. Is this time zone currently on daylight saving time? No (Winter) | Yes (Summer) Enter the Time Diffential Factor [1:00] <Return> Is this correct? (Yes / No) [Yes] <Return> For each OpenVMS license key whose data are entered. Do you want to register any Product Authorization Keys? <Return> First Entering the license keys to End 99. Enter one of the above choises [1]: 99 All software packages can be selected for installation. Do you want to install DECwindows Motif? [Yes]: <Return> Do you want to install DECnet-Plus? [Yes]: <Return> Do you want to install HP TCP / IP Services: [Yes] <Return> Do you always want detailed description? [No]: <Return> Do you want the defaults for all options? [Yes]: <Return> Do you want to review the options? [No]: <Return> In the end, again, the menu appears on the screen. It shuts down the system. 9) Shutdown this system Enter CHOICE or? for help: 9 It returns to the boot prompt. >>> You press the Stop button in the personal alpha window. After the shutdown, the virtual hard disk are protected dka0.vdisk. With the copy, it is possible to restore the initial state of the virtual machine. Then you boot from the hard disk. This window is the Start button in the personal alpha-operate. At boot prompt, the boot process will start from the hard disk. >>> Boot DKA0 At the login prompt, log into user system on top. To shut down, use the command SHUTDOWN. $ SHUTDOWN
Configuring OpenVMS

REGISTER a Product Authorization Key Product ...

Enter one of the above ch

For the configuration must be as user SYSTEM login. The DCL commands (Digital Command Language) can be entered in uppercase or lowercase. For the network of queue managers is necessary. The command SHOW QUEUE / MANAGER to check if the queue manager is available. $ SHOW QUEUE / MANAGER If no queue manager exists, one must be created. $ START / QUEUE / MANAGER / NEW The TCP / IP configuration with the command. $ @ SYS $ MANAGER: TCPIP $ CONFIG HP TCP / IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - Core environment 2 - Client components 3 - Server components 4 - Optional components 5 - Shutdown HP TCP / IP Services for OpenVMS 6 - Startup HP TCP / IP Services for OpenVMS 7 - Run tests A - Configure options 1-4 [E] - Exit configuration procedure Enter configuration option: A

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1 - Core environment HP TCP / IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu Configuration options: 1 - Domain 2 - Interfaces 3 - Routing 4 - BIND Resolver 5 - Time Zone A - Configure options 1-5 [E] - Exit menu Enter configuration option: A [Enter] The network configuration can be done via DHCP if the network of the host system, a DHCP server is available. Otherwise, a fixed IP address on the network segment of the host system is given. After configuring the network and network services (SSH, FTP, ...) the network is started manually. $ @ SYS $ STARTUP: TCPIP $ STARTUP The network is tested with PING. $ UCX TCPIP> PING qemu-buch.de TCPIP> EXIT The trip is to check with the command. $ UCX SHOW HOST qemu-buch.de QEMU BUCH.DE So the network until the next reboot is available, is an editor with the file sys $ startup: systartup_vms.com adapt. In this example, the editor will edit / edt used. In Befehlspromt the editor can be reached by c in the edit mode. $ EDIT / EDT SYS $ STARTUP: SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM * C They are seeking the following lines and the comment character "!" remove. The dollar sign at the beginning of every line must remain. $ ... $ ENABLE AUTOSTART / QUEUES $ ... $ @ SYS $ STARTUP: TCPIP $ STARTUP $ ... With [Ctrl] + [z] takes you back into command mode. With the exit command to save your changes and exit the editor. If you give command instead quit, will not save the changes. * EXIT $ An error in editing is corrected, because the file system from the OpenVMS versioned files. The different versions can be identified by the numbers following the semicolon in the filename. $ DIR SYS $ STARTUP: SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM Directory SYS $ COMMON: [sysmgr] SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, 2 SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM, 1 Total of files second To test the network configuration, OpenVMS is rebooted. $ REBOOT To create a user the following steps: $ @ SYS $ EXAMPLES: ADDUSER.COM User Name: knut Full name: Knut Bruno Password: ***** UIC group number [200]: [Enter] UIC member number: 201 Account name: knut Privileges [TMPMBX, NETMBX]: [Enter] Login directory: [kissing] [Enter] Login device [sys $ SYSDEVICE]: [Enter] It is manual, the home directory of the user to create. $ CREATE / DIRECTORY [kissing] / = OWNER_UIC knut The password is amended as follows. $ SET DEFAULT SYS $ SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE $ UAF> MODIFY user-name/PASSWORD = new_password $ EXIT With LOGOUT logs you off. $ LOGOUT
Important OpenVMS commands

OpenVMS systems use a scripting language, DCL (Digital Command Language). Unlike the Unix shells, the syntax of the DCL commands is the same layout. For example, almost all the commands the qualifier / ALL, each of the detailed spending information. The DCL commands can be entered in uppercase or lowercase. Furthermore, the commands are abbreviated. The password is reset with the following command: $ SET PASSWORD The time is displayed with time show. $ SHOW TIME The terminal properties are listed with the command:

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$ SHOW TERMINAL The root directory is the Master File Directory (MFD) and is referred to as 000 000. User directories (home directories) User File Directories (UFD) is called. User directories are located directly below the MFD and root directory called Default or login. The current path is called a default directory. Directories are recognized by the ending;. And DIR have version number 1. Directory information and access paths are not;. DIR with square [] or angle brackets included first Paths in the sub-directories are separated by a period. View Directory Contents: $ DIR Change to the directory dumbo: $ SET DEFAULT [DUMBO] Displays the current path: $ SHOW DEFAULT Create the directory texte. $ CREATE / DIRECTORY [. TEXTS] The following command creates a file in the subdirectory: $ CREATE [. TEXTS] Text Document.txt ... [Ctrl] + [z] To delete a directory, it must be empty. $ DELETE.] TEXTS * [; * Display the permissions of a directory. $ DIRECTORY / PROTECTION texte.dir To delete a directory you have the right to delete that list have. This is not the case by default. With this command you are the right to delete the subdirectory. $ SET PROTECTION = OWNER: D TEXTE.DIR To delete the directory. $ DELETE TEXTE.DIR; * Often, the EDT editor EDIT / used. After calling the editor you get to the command line mode. $ EDIT / EDT file The following command will get you out EDIT / EDT save without: * QUIT The following command provides assistance to the editor EDIT / EDT: * HELP The following command changes the screen mode of the editor EDIT / EDT: * C The following command changes the command mode of the editor EDIT / EDT: [Ctrl] + [z] The following command will get you out EDIT / EDT with saving the latest changes: * EXIT The settings for his own account effected in the script file LOGIN.COM. Example: $ HOME $ Write sys $ output "Welcome, to OpenVMS" $ Set terminal / insert $ Set terminal / page = 34 From a Unix machine, log into SSH with X-forwarding on an OpenVMS machine. ~ $ Ssh-X @ dumbo node01 OpenVMS leads to the terminal DECterm via X-forwarding to the Unix machine. $ CREATE / TERM Files are transferred via SFTP from a Unix machine for OpenVMS machine. ~ $ Sftp knut @ node01 sftp> put foo.txt Uploading foo.txt to / SYS $ SYSDEVICE / DUMBO / foo.txt sftp> quit A SSH Key allows logging in without a password on the OpenVMS machine. The SSH key pair without passphrase is generated on Linux. ~ $ Ssh-keygen-t dsa Generating public / private dsa key pair. Enter file # in which to save the key (/ root / .ssh / id_dsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: The public key must be converted (for example mypc.mydomain.com). ~ $ Ssh-keygen-e-f ~ / .ssh / id_dsa.pub> mypc_mydomain_com.pub File named AUTHORIZATION. A (note the period at the end of the name) is the following content to mess with: KEY MYPC_MYDOMAIN_COM.PUB

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Then you copy both files to the OpenVMS machine in the subdirectory SSH2 ~ $ Sftp knut @ node01 knut @ node01's password: **** sftp> mkdir ssh2 sftp> cd ssh2 sftp> put AUTHORIZATION. sftp> put mypc_mydomain_com.pub sftp> quit There is a login without password possible. ~ $ Ssh-X @ knut node01 Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V8.3 $ To login from a OpenVMS machine to a Linux machine without a password, OpenVMS is an SSH Key to generate. If the directory [. SSH2] does not exist, it must be created. With SSH_KEYGEN be in the [. SSH2] the two files KEYNAME. KEYNAME.PUB and generated. $ @ SYS $ MANAGER: TCPIP $ SET DEF SYS $ DEFINE_COMMAND $ LOGIN $ CREATE / DIRECTORY [SSH2.] [. KEYNAME $ SET DEFAULT SSH2] $ SSH_KEYGEN [SSH2.] IDENTIFICATION continue the file size. The following content to mess with. IdKey keyname The public key is using sftp or scp the directory ~ /.) Of the target user on the Linux box to ssh to copy (for example: $ SCP KEYNAME.PUB I @ pluto: / home / .ssh I / / On the Linux computer file and convert them to attach the file authorized_keys in. ~ $ Cd ~ /. Ssh ~ $ Ssh-keygen-i-f keyname.pub>> authorized_keys On the OpenVMS machine you test the login without a password. $ Ssh me @ pluto <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_PersonalAlpha " This page has been accessed 7198 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:37 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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Solaris Zones container, create zonecfg add remove, boot zoneadm clone -...


Solaris Zones container, create zonecfg add remove, boot zoneadm clone
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / Solaris Zones]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Solaris Zones
Website: http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/content/zones/index.jsp The Solaris operating system comes with the Solaris Zones own virtualization solution with the operating system level. In each case, a virtual system environment with its own file system and its own processes, users, and at least one network interface is created. Simply put, there are multiple operating systems run in parallel on a kernel. For example, here is the area generated testuslongus. Host ~ # zonecfg-z testuslongus zonecfg: testuslongus> create zonecfg: testuslongus> set zonepath = / mnt / testuslongus zonecfg: testuslongus> set autoboot = true It adds a network interface. The network interface is the existing rtls0. zonecfg: testuslongus> add zonecfg: testuslongus: net> zonecfg: testuslongus: net> zonecfg: testuslongus: net> net set address = set physical = rtls0 end

If the zone set, you check the configuration, save and exit the configuration tool. zonecfg: testuslongus> verify zonecfg: testuslongus> commit zonecfg:> exit testuslongus It creates a directory for the zone and secures it with appropriate access rights. Host ~ # mkdir / mnt / testuslongus Host ~ # chmod go-rx / mnt / testuslongus / Thereafter, the system software is installed in the zone. Host ~ # zoneadm-z install testuslongus The system in the zone will start. Host ~ # zoneadm-z boot testuslongus Now you have a second system and logs on. The system in the zone is configured as usual, and it can import other software packages. ~ # Host-l zlogin testuslongus root To remove a zone again, you go down it, uninstall it and delete its directory. Host ~ # zoneadm-z testuslongus containing Host ~ # zoneadm-z testuslongus uninstall Host ~ # rm-rf / mnt / testuslongus <<< | # # # | >>>

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Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Solaris_Zones " This page has been accessed 3464 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:37 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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VirtualBox 4.0 Ubuntu Linux MacOS X Windows shared folder VBoxMan...


VirtualBox 4.0 Ubuntu Linux MacOS X Windows shared folder VBoxManage VBoxHeadless libvirt vboxwebsrv
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and Emulators / VirtualBox]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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VirtualBox - The Wizard to create a virtual machine Step 1

VirtualBox - The Wizard to create a virtual machine Step 2

VirtualBox - The Wizard to create a virtual machine Step 3

VirtualBox - The Wizard to create a virtual machine Step 4

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VirtualBox - The Wizard to create a virtual machine Step 5

VirtualBox - The Wizard to create a virtual machine Step 6

VirtualBox - The Wizard to create a virtual machine Step 7

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VirtualBox - The Wizard to create a virtual machine Step 8

VirtualBox - The Wizard to create a virtual machine Step 9

VirtualBox - Microsoft Windows XP as a guest.

VirtualBox - Manager for virtual media.

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Contents 1 VirtualBox 4.0 1.1 Installation Linux 1.1.1 FreeBSD 1.1.2 1.1.3 MacOS X 1.1.4 Microsoft Windows 1.1.5 OS / 2, eComStation 2.1 Creating Virtual Machines 1.3 Virtual Appliances 4.1 Virtual Box Guest Additions 1.4.1 Windows Guests 1.4.2 Linux Guests 1.5 control of the running virtual machine 1.5.1 Seamless mode 1.5.2 Assurance Points (snapshots) 1.6 Configuration of the virtual machine 1.6.1 General 1.6.2 System 1.6.3 Display 1.6.4 Hard Drives, CD / DVD-ROM, floppy drive 1.6.5 Audio 1.6.6 Network 1.6.7 Serial ports 1.6.8 USB 1.6.9 File sharing 1.7 The menus 1.7.1 File menu 1.7.2 Machine menu 1.7.3 Device menu 1.7.4 Help menu 1.8 VBoxManage, VBoxHeadless 1.9 The libvirt library 1:10 Other

VirtualBox - Seamless Mode (Windows XP on Mac OS X).

Portable VirtualBox.

VirtualBox 4.0
Download: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.htm Documentation: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualbox/documentation/index.html VirtualBox by Oracle operates on the principle of Native Virtualization. Furthermore, full support Virtualization. The program is offered in two versions: the Standard Edition of VirtualBox with every feature under the proprietary VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL) and can be used free of charge for private purposes. VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE) has fewer features and is available under the GNU General Public License. Here it lacks the support for iSCSI, Gigabit NIC, USB and the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). VirtualBox can be installed under Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris (x86), Microsoft Windows, OS / 2, eComStation and FreeBSD. Furthermore, there is VirtualBox Portable ( http://www.vbox.me ) for Microsoft Windows XP, Vista and 7 This version does not come from Oracle and is therefore not officially supported. Portable VirtualBox works without installation and does not modify the registry. This makes it possible to copy with VirtualBox virtual machines on a USB stick and use it on another PC. VirtualBox benefit of processors with hardware virtualization technology (Intel's Vanderpool, AMD's Pacifica). It can also be nested paging / Rapid Virtualization Indexing supported. For the guest systems SMP (Symmetric Multi Processing) allows up to 32 processors. Does the host system, no hardware virtualization technology, VirtualBox uses the "Raw Mode". This code is running as much as possible natively. Only the code that can not be implemented natively, will be run from an emulator which is based

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on the code from QEMU. VirtualBox has a technique called "Patch Manager". Here, the code is analyzed and optimized at run time. Virtual disks can be emulated in so-called containers. These are called Virtual Disk Images (VDI). VirtualBox also supports disc image formats VMDK (VMware) and VHD (Microsoft). From version 2.2 supports the VirtualBox Open Virtualization Format (OVF). The OVF standard, the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) develops from. This makes it possible to use virtual appliances from across different virtualization solutions. The proprietary version can also embed objects as virtual iSCSI disks. The Guest Additions enhance the integration between the host - and guest. For Microsoft Windows (Windows NT4 SP6a) and OS / 2 Warp, available as binary data (driver CD) before. For Linux as host system of the source code of the guest-addition in a virtual CD drive is mounted within the VM. The Guest Additions are under the proprietary license PUEL. For virtual machines with Microsoft Windows, Linux and Solaris OpenGL 2.0 support. In the experimental stage is to support Direct3D 8 or 9 for guest systems running Microsoft Windows. From version 3.1, as with QEMU / KVM, a live migration. Here is the feature teleportation. Furthermore, you can now go back to any snapshot. Microsoft-Windows-guest systems can use the 2D acceleration of the host system. The function of seamless mode applications run seamlessly in the host system directly to the desktop of the host system. As of version 3.2 can run under Mac OS X VirtualBox. Installation In the download URL are installation programs for use in different operating systems.

With most Linux distributions, VirtualBox Open Source Edition is included as a package. Under Ubuntu, the VirtualBox Open Source Edition with a command-line installs. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose Better yet, the standard edition of the website to download and install. There are packages for common distributions. When you download the appropriate package, the package installer will open automatically. Where the installation is done via the command line, these commands are used: Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install libqt4-opengl Host ~ $ sudo dpkg-i virtualbox-*. deb It is installing the group and create vboxusers module to compile kernel. Is invoked on the command virtualbox VirtualBox, VirtualBox or via the Applications menu, system tools, VirtualBox. By default both Linux virtual machines in the ~ /. VirtualBox stored as. ~ $ Host virtualbox Or Host ~ $ VirtualBox Are there problems at the start, possibly not vote in the permissions. The user must be a member of the group vboxusers. This is made possible with the following command: Host ~ $ sudo adduser `id-un` vboxusers It needs to get in and then log back on. If after that is still different access rights helps to reboot. Test command is one's own group membership with the groups. Host ~ $ groups ... vboxusers

After a kernel update, the VirtualBox kernel modules are reconfigured. Host ~ $ sudo / etc / init.d / vboxdrv setup

On FreeBSD the VirtualBox Open Source Edition is installed with the command line.

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Host ~ # pkg_add-r virtualbox Host $ cd / usr / ports / emulators / virtualbox Host ~ $ make deinstall install config

Under MacOS X, the installation image Downloaded VirtualBox *- OSX.dmg after eigebunden automatically. Simply click on the icon VirtualBox to the contents of the image display. To install, click on VirtualBox.mpkg. It starts a wizard. This is the license conditions and agree to select the hard drive in which to install. VirtualBox is started on the VirtualBox icon in the Application Folder (Programs). The host key (see below) is the left soft key [cmd].
Microsoft Windows

The Standard Edition of VirtualBox can be installed on Microsoft Windows XP, Vista and 7. To load file VirtualBox-*- Win.exe down to and runs it. The settings in the Custom Setup are not altered. It should be noted that the installation be interrupted in existing network connections. After installing VirtualBox is the Start Menu, All Programs, called by VirtualBox. This can be used VirtualBox Portable on a USB stick, the following steps are necessary. From the URL http://www.vbox.me win_all.exe the file is portable-virtualbox_v *- *- starter_v and download to C: Portable to extract \ vbox. VirtualBox installation file download button to click the program C: \ vbox Portable \ Portable-VirtualBox is then \-VirtualBox.exe to start and the Portable. After downloading the program should be discontinued. It is a USB flash drive with a capacity of 8 GByte stick to. The directory C: \ vbox-portable USB flash drive is to copy the. The copied program is VirtualBox.exe Portable USB stick to run on the. It is the button Find the file path to the file VirtualBox.exe on the USB stick should be included. Unzip the file system is continued for a 32-bit system or unzip the file for a 64-bit enable. VirtualBox can now Portable from a USB key with portable VirtualBox.exe start. The so created virtual machines are stored on the USB stick. The virtual machines can be operated from a USB stick on other PCs with Microsoft Windows.
OS / 2, eComStation

For OS / 2 and eComStation an older version of the Open Source Edition has been ported. An installation guide can be found at the URL http://www.akohl.net/os2/vbox/vbox.html . Creating virtual machines For this example, Microsoft Windows XP chosen as the host system. The creation of virtual machines is done with a wizard. This is the new icon called on. First machine will be asked for the name of the virtual (win xp). Furthermore, the default operating system selected (Windows XP). Thereafter, the amount of RAM should be defined (512 MB). In the next dialog window, the size, type and name of the virtual disk is set. It is produced to enable boot disk and hard drive. As a data storage medium type is dynamic growing select. In place machine, the path for the new virtual set. The name of the created virtual machine appears in the list. To configure the virtual machine on, is to click on their name and select the appropriate options on the left side. By clicking on mass memory, or CD / DVD-ROM takes you to the dialog box to configure CD / DVDs. In disk installation disc, the machine is to make available to the virtual. This drive is CD / DVD to activate and integrate CD / DVD drive, select the hosts. With pass-through allows you to activate the virtual machine to access the CD / DVD drive on the host system. You start the virtual machine and install the operating system. The right [Ctrl] key and the mouse will leave the window of the virtual machine. The network configuration of the host system is via DHCP. Virtual Appliances Done) installed virtual machines (virtual appliances for VirtualBox from the URL http://www.virtualboximages.com/vdi/index download. For some documents are fees paid by some . It can also use virtual hard disk from VMware and Virtual PC as a container under VirtualBox. It invites you on the URLs http://www.vmware.com/appliances/ and http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/ (search word: VHD) virtual machines VMware or Virtual PC for download and use the corresponding VMDK or VHD file as a container under VirtualBox. Including a new virtual machine must be created. Instead of generating a new virtual disk, the VMDK image is involved. The VMware tools are to remove the host system.

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Virtual Box Guest Additions It addition, the installation of Virtual Box Guest recommended. This is a CD image with different, optimized for virtual box, driver. This can be set as higher screen resolutions. Another advantage is the easy exchange of the mouse pointer between the desktop and the virtual machine window. Pressing the [Ctrl] key is no longer necessary. With the Guest Additions, the seamless window mode supported (see below). After an upgrade of VirtualBox Guest Additions have to be reinstalled.
Windows Guests

To install the Virtual Box Guest Additions is the virtual machine to start. You select the menu item, equipment enhancements and install equipment. The first call of this CD image is downloaded. If the CD image available to it the guest system is represented as the CD. By Auto-Run the setup program is called and the drivers are installed. Works do not start the car, is VboxWindowsAdditions.exe manually start the installation program. After installation, a reboot is necessary. The virtual CD is removed (devices CD / DVD-ROM separate menu). Then the screen resolution of the guest system is optimized.
Linux Guests

For many Linux distributions is the package virtualbox-ose-guest-utils available. It is easy to install in the Linux system in the virtual machine. Here is an example of the installation under Ubuntu as guest. Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils Corresponding package is not available, the Guest Additions have to be compiled. Given these packages are necessary: Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get install gcc make It is the instant messaging device, select Device install extensions. Here, a virtual CD-ROM is inserted into the drive. It is to switch to the mount point. In Ubuntu, this is the directory / media / cdrom. Then, the installer is to start. Once installed, the virtual machine is restarted. Guest ~ $ cd / media / cdrom Guest ~ $ sudo ./VboxLinuxAdditions-x86.run Guest ~ $ sudo reboot Control of the running virtual machine
Seamless Mode

With the Seamless mode system, the desktop of the virtual machine to the desktop of the host integrated. This requires that the Virtual Box Guest Additions installed. It activates or deactivates the Seamless Mode from the menu machine, Seamless mode or using the key combination [host] + [L].
Backup Points (snapshots)

Securing points (snapshots) to save the states of the entire virtual machine (CPU, memory, devices and recordable discs). In this way, changes can be made to the system back. A backup point, the running virtual machine via the machine menu, create backup point ... created. If the virtual machine off points are the backup rider managed to secure points. In the dialog box the name of the backup point and a description should be given. Unfortunately, VirtualBox does not restore a backup point in the ongoing operation of the virtual machine, as this allows, for example, QEMU / KVM. Therefore, the host system to restore the state of a backup point of shutting down. The tab securing points is the desired anchor point with the right mouse button to select the shortcut menu and select restore backup point. Since backup points need much space, you no longer need protection points are deleted. Virtual Machine Configuration be off to configure the virtual machine must be it. Under the Details tab settings are the following possible.

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VirtualBox 4.0 Ubuntu Linux MacOS X Windows shared folder VBoxMan...


It will be here the name of the virtual machine, system specifications and the path adapted to the securing points. Furthermore, the common clipboard of host and guest system is configured. It is possible to set copy direction of the clipboard: Bi-directional, host to guest, guest to host and disabled.

The main memory, the boot sequence, ACPI and IO APIC are adjustable under the motherboard tab. The tab is the number of emulated processor CPUs pretend (SMP). Furthermore, NX PAE / activated. The Physical Address Extension, 32-bit systems to address up to 64GB of RAM. Does the system host processor with hardware virtualization technology (Intel's Vanderpool, AMD's Pacifica), and let VT-x/AMD-V Nested Paging activated (tab acceleration).

The tab display graphics memory is the size of the changeable. It can enable the 3D acceleration. VirtualBox supports remote control capabilities with the VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol (VRDP). The activation is done under the rider remote control. As a guest authentication method is to be specified when the access password should be one with. So that one machine from other computers on the network of the host system can reach the virtual, the networks as the interconnection network bridge under select. If necessary, the firewall should be adjusted. With a client for a remote desktop connection (RDPv5) connects you to the IP addresses of the host system.
Hard Drives, CD / DVD-ROM, floppy drive

From this point, let the guest system additional virtual hard drives, CD / DVDs and floppy disks to add. This is to click the icon with the plus sign. It can also activate additional controller (SATA, SCSI). New hard disks in the host system must be partitioned and formatted. On Microsoft Windows XP diskmgmt.msc is to call.

The sound output can be disabled or set a different sound card.


It can be set up multiple network adapters. With Adapter Network adapter is a different select when the guest system with preset card has problems. There are these types of networks: Not connected: The virtual network cable is unplugged. NAT (default): When Network Address Translation is internal IP address of the host system to the outside with the IP address of the host system to map the. The internal DHCP server assigns the guest system automatically assigns an IP address from Also, the routing through the provided gateway ( is defined. A network configuration for most operating systems is not necessary and access from the host system to the outside is now available. The firewall blocks all incoming instance of connections to this virtual network. Therefore it can not be accessed from outside the virtual machine. The host system is protected. Network Bridge: The virtual machine appears as an additional networked PC. VirtualBox creates an additional network card that provides a bridge to the network card of the host system. In the host system a static IP address is configured. Internal network: A communication is only possible with other virtual machines internally. Host-only adapter: The virtual machine directly accesses the NIC on the host system and receives the IP address from the DSL router or ISP. The host system is not protected.
Serial ports

Does the host system via serial interfaces, the host system can be made available. This is the point behind Port mode host interface selected.

This system-on USB devices in the host system can access the host, controller is USB-enabled active set. For each of the guest system provided USB device filter is defined. To do this click on the icon with the plus sign. USB devices for which no filter was defined on, is in the running virtual machine via the menu devices, USB devices.

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VirtualBox 4.0 Ubuntu Linux MacOS X Windows shared folder VBoxMan...


File sharing

With common system folders is an exchange of files between the host and guest support. This requires that the Virtual Box Guest Additions installed. A new shared folder is added to the icon with the green plus sign there too. For the safety of the folder may receive a write protection (read only). With the folder is permanently produce even after the restart. In the running virtual machine to enable a common folder on the Device menu, common folder. On Microsoft Windows XP as host system selected in the Explorer menu item Tools, Map Network Drive one. To the right folder, click on Browse. In VirtualBox Shared Folders folder choose from. On Microsoft Windows 7, click on the Explorer icon in the taskbar. In the window, click on computer network and then having VBOXSVR. Menus
File menu

Manager for virtual machines: Here are virtual disks and ISO images managed. It can also be incorporated images of the VMDK VMware. Appliance import: a virtual machine in the Open Virtualization Format (OVF) is imported. Appliance Export: A virtual machine is turned off, the OVF format exported. This allows virtual machines to another host systems transfer. An exchange with VMware Player VMware Workstation 3 and 7 is possible. Global Settings: Here are directories for the virtual disks and configuration files changed. Furthermore, can the host key switch. If Auto-snap mode keyboard enabled, all keystrokes to the virtual machine be transferred if the window is active. VirtualBox is by default configured to automatically check for updates and displays a message in the presence of a newer version. It can change the language setting.
menu, press

This menu point will control the current virtual machine. The menu items will change if the virtual machine is started. Among other things can be here full-screen mode [host] + [F] and the Seamless mode (de-) activate. Furthermore, you can create backup points.
Devices menu

This menu appears only on the fly. CD / DVD-ROM include: Creates a virtual CD / DVD-ROM. This is either an image of it being accessed on the drive of the host system. Images have been added for virtual media to be a manager in advance. CD / DVD-ROM disconnect: Removes the virtual CD / DVD. Floppy disk drive connector: Creates a virtual disk. Images have been added for virtual media to be a manager in advance. Floppy drive away: Removes the virtual disk. Network Adapter: Draw the virtual network cable from the NIC or is it again. USB devices: Provides access to USB devices on the host system. File sharing: Configure folder, the host and guest system for data exchange to be used by the. Remote control enable: Enables the remote control with VRDP. Install Guest Additions: Specifies the CD image to the Virtual Box Guest Additions with one.
Menu Help

This menu points you get help. About Content Manual is the cost. Furthermore, VirtualBox allows you to register and test for updates. VBoxManage, VBoxHeadless VirtualBox contains the GUI and the command-line tool VBoxManage and VBoxHeadless. Most people use the VirtualBox GUI to manage virtual machines. Server but have no desktop environment. With VBoxManage manages one virtual machine on the command line. VBoxHeadless access allows the virtual machines over a remote connection. For example, lists the following command on all virtual machines.

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VirtualBox 4.0 Ubuntu Linux MacOS X Windows shared folder VBoxMan...


Host ~ $ VBoxManage list vms A virtual machine with the name, win-xp is started as follows. About RDPv5 one connects to this machine. Host ~ $ VBoxHeadless startvm-win-xp " Assistance is obtained using these commands. Host ~ $ VBoxManage-help Host ~ $ VBoxHeadless A guide can be found at the URL http://www.howtoforge.de/blogroll/vboxheadless---virtuelle-maschinenmit-virtualbox-3-1-x-auf-einem-debian-lenny-server/ . The command reference is found in VirtuelBox User Manual. The libvirt library Website: http://libvirt.org libvirt, a virtualization layer between software and management tools. Thus, the development of management tools for all virtualization solutions that support this library possible. The library libvirt supported since version 0.7, QEMU, KVM, VirtualBox, VMware ESX, Xen, LXC Linux container system, OpenVZ Linux container system, and User Mode Linux. Libvirt is released as open source. For various Linux distributions would require new software packages are installed. The library can be compiled with Cygwin and Mingw under Microsoft Windows. More information can be found at the URL http://qemubuch.de/d/Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools . Here is an example of a remote connection via SSH to a VirtualBox machine with the name Pluto and the one I use. ~ $ Virsh vbox-c + ssh: / / I @ pluto / session Other How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Festplatten-Images_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. Requires special features, such as live migration, emulation of other processors, API emulation, injections of hardware faults, debugging and manual settings of the system time is QEMU / KVM (additional) use. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VirtualBox " This page has been accessed 14,063 times. This page was last updated on 23 December 2010 at 06:17 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP 1, XP mode, Disk2vhd, eComStation 2.0 - l...


Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP 1, XP mode, Disk2vhd, eComStation 2.0

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / Microsoft Virtual PC]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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1/29/2011 8:09 PM

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP 1, XP mode, Disk2vhd, eComStation 2.0 - l...


Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 1

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 2

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 3

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 4

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 5

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 6

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 7

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Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP 1, XP mode, Disk2vhd, eComStation 2.0 - l...


Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 8

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 9

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 10

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 11

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 New virtual machine Step 12

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 virtual machine.

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 The CD-ROM drive.

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Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP 1, XP mode, Disk2vhd, eComStation 2.0 - l...


Contents 1 Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 1.1 Installation 2.1 Creating Virtual Machines ReactOS 1.2.1 1.2.2 The XP-mode Microsoft Windows 7 1.2.3 Microsoft Windows Trial 1.2.4 eComstation demo live CD 1.2.5 eComstation 2.0 1.2.6 Physical-to-Virtual: Disk2vhd 1.3 Virtual Machine Additions 1.4 Control of the virtual machine 1.4.1 Full Screen 1.4.2 Pause, Reset, closing and shutting down 1.4.3 Snapshots? 1.5 Hardware configuration of the virtual machine 1.6 Configuration of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 1.7 Control via Command Line 1.8 Virtual disk management 1.9 Other

The tool Disk2vhd.

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1

Download: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/virtualpc/default.mspx Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 is a free virtualization software for Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003 and offered to Server 2008. Good integration is achieved on Microsoft Windows 7. As a guest systems officially Microsoft Windows versions, MS-DOS and OS / 2 are supported. It can still install many Linux distributions. Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 does not support snapshots, like QEMU / KVM. Originally, Microsoft Virtual PC x86 emulator for Mac OS X development. Since current Macs use Apple Intel processors, the development of Microsoft Virtual PC for Mac OS has been discontinued. Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 supports full virtualization, but does not depend on them. The Full Virtualization (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Grundlagen ) allows a much higher execution speed. The Microsoft Hardware-Assisted Virtualization Detection Tool can detect whether the hardware supports the Full Virtualization. Alternatively, with a Linux live CD to check this (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Installation ). It is necessary to ensure that support for hardware virtualization is enabled in the BIOS of the computer (example): Advanced CPU Configuration Virtualization Technology [Enabled] Installation

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 eComstation demo live CD.

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 eComstation 2.0 as a guest.

After downloading the installation program is started. In the beginning is the license agreement to accept and then enter the user name and organization. Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 available to all users or only the current user will be provided. The default installation path (C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Virtual PC) need not be changed. When you install Microsoft Virtual PC 2007wird short time, the network adapter, which is separate Internet connection. Associated warnings can be ignored. Microsoft will start Virtual PC 2007ber the Start menu, All Programs, Virtual PC. To import the Microsoft Windows CD and DVD as an image, additional software is required. Most CD / DVD burning programs support importing from CD / DVDs. A free program is ImgBurn ( http://www.imgburn.com ). It loads the installer SetupImgBurn_ *. exe from the site now and start it. After starting the program, choose Create image file from disc to ISO image to create a. Creating virtual machines The creation of virtual machines is done with a wizard. The wizard is the first launch of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 runs automatically. You start the wizard on the new icon too.

Below are the steps to machine up a virtual instance on ReactOS ( http://www.reactos.org/de/ as a guest operating system described). ReactOS should be compatible with the kernel of Microsoft Windows NT. This makes it possible to use programs and drivers for NT and its successor, 2000, XP, Vista and 7. This is working on the reproduction of the programming interface (API), Win32, Win16, OS / 2, Java and DOS. The operating system is released under the GPL. Thus, it would be possible to get independent from Microsoft and free alternative to Microsoft Windows. The project is currently in alpha stage and so ReactOS is still not recommended for everyday use. First, it invites the image of the install CD downloaded from the website and unzipped it. A virtual machine under Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 to create is to first select the option to create virtual computer. Then after the name of the virtual machine is required. In this example, the virtual machine called ReactOS. As the Windows operating system specification is selected 2000th Subsequently, the amount of memory is to be specified. The proposal of the Wizards is not to take over. It is the point adjustment of the working memory activate and amount of RAM with 128 MB of set the. The amount of memory must not exceed half of memory in the host system. In the next dialog windows for the virtual disk is set. The virtual disk (Image) is a container file with the extension. Vhd. There is the option to select a new virtual hard disk. If the option selected to enable disk-Undo all changes to the virtual disk to a separate file (. Vud) written. The VUD files (Virtual Undo) are the overlay files of QEMU (see comparable http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Images_anlegen ). The wizard suggests half of free hard disk capacity of the host system as the value for the virtual hard disk. This suggestion of the wizard is not to take over. The size of the image should be a GB. Furthermore, the path is to pretend to this file. At the end, an overview is given of all options. If everything is OK, click on the button Finish. If all steps executed the wizard, the virtual machine name appears in the list of the main window of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. To further configure the virtual machine, choose their name from, then click on the Settings button. Is chosen under Network Adapters for the Shared Networking (NAT) from. To start the virtual machine, choose its name from and then click on the Start button. In the window of the virtual machine menu, CD, ISO image, capture the ISO image of the downloaded installation CD to choose. Installing ReactOS is started by clicking in the window of the virtual machine and press any key. First, the German keyboard is selected. Thereafter, the virtual disk is partitioned and formatted. The target directory for the installation of the ReactOS files need not be changed. After the boot loader is installed, the default option Install bootloader on the harddisk (MBR) holds. Then the virtual machine must be restarted. The installation continues graphically. To release the mouse pointer from the virtual machine window, press the [AltGr] firmly.
The XP-mode Microsoft Windows 7

Download: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/download.aspx For Microsoft Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate) is the XP mode. The XP mode is a free image with a custom Microsoft Windows XP Professional. This is aimed at Microsoft Windows 7, a Windows (XP) compatibility. A license for Windows XP is included. The XP mode can not only run on Microsoft Virtual PC 2007th VMware Player and VMware Workstation can import the XP mode (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware-Player ). After you install Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 URL is the XP mode of the http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/download.aspx download. Then the XP mode by calling the file to install WindowsXPMode_deen.exe. Where C is the proposed location: \ Program Files \ Windows XP fashion over \. After agreeing to the license terms, the password for the XP guest system is to be specified. It is recommended that you enable automatic updates. On Microsoft Windows 7, the XP mode is integrated into the operation of the host system. This is the Start menu, All Programs, Windows Virtual PC on Windows point-mode applications added XP. In that folder will appear under all the XP mode, installed programs. This can be started as Windows 7 applications.
Microsoft Windows Trial

Microsoft provides the URL http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/bb738372.aspx finished installed virtual machines with Microsoft Windows versions of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 download for the. These machines are 30 days expiration. Other virtual machines can be found when one http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/ enters a search term VHD. It downloads the archive of the desired virtual machine and unpack it. In Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 you click the New icon and selects the point in the wizard to add existing virtual machine. Subsequently, the path to the configuration file (. Vmc) to the downloaded virtual machine. The window settings, the virtual machine to be able to adapt to. After pressing OK, the virtual machine appears in the list.
eComstation demo live CD

Download: http://www.ecomstation.com/democd/ Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 supports exotic operating systems such as OS / 2 and eComStation. In this example, the eComstation demo live CD for the guest system is used. eComStation is a development of OS / 2 OS / 2 is a multitasking-capable, stable operating system for PCs. It was originally jointly developed as a successor to MS-DOS from IBM

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Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP 1, XP mode, Disk2vhd, eComStation 2.0 - l...


and Microsoft. After Microsoft withdrew in 1991, IBM developed it further. IBM has been the development of OS / 2 abandoned. The successor eComstation is mainly developed by the Dutch company Mensys and through the open-source community Netlabs.org. OS / 2 and eComStation are still occasionally in banks, insurance companies and airlines to be found. eComStation is a lean operating system that runs on older hardware. In addition to the applications that were programmed for OS / 2 and eComStation, DOS can be operated and 16-bit Windows applications. With ODIN ( http://de.os2.org/projekte/odin/ ) allows Microsoft Windows 95/98 and NT programs to run on eComStation directly. The graphical user interface eComstation consists of the Workplace Shell (WPS) and the Presentation Manager. It is object oriented. That is all the system components (drives, files, directories, printers, links to programs) are represented as an object and can be controlled with context menus and drag-and-drop. The virtualization of OS / 2 and eComStation is problematic because these systems use rarely used commands of the processor. The demo live CD of eComstation can be downloaded for free. It is the first option select create virtual computer. In this example, the virtual machine live CD called eComstation. The operating system is OS Benchmark 2 / selected. It is the point adjustment of the working memory activate and amount of RAM with 256 MB of set the. In a live CD not a virtual disk is needed, Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 provides the ability but not on a virtual hard drive to give. Therefore, hard drive, the option to select a new virtual. The size of the image in this case does not matter. If all steps executed the wizard, the virtual machine name appears in the list of the main window of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. To further configure the virtual machine, choose their name from, then click on the Settings button. Is chosen under Network Adapters for the Shared Networking (NAT) from. To start the virtual machine, choose its name from and then click on the Start button. In the window of the virtual machine menu, CD, ISO image, capture the ISO image of the downloaded demo live CD of eComstation select. At the start of the demo live CD that default values should be selected. It seems the GUI of eComstation. To configure the network, you open the web folder on the desktop. Then click on the icon Configure Internet Connection. In the wizard choose the Ethernet controller and the next step is to configure the IP address. Then is to click Activate Settings. With the installed Firefox web browser to surf the Internet safely, because there is no malware for eComStation. To release the mouse pointer from the virtual machine window, press the [AltGr] firmly. the virtual machine window is closed, a query is whether the state of the virtual machine to be stored. This makes it possible to store despite live CD settings. Also, the next launch of the virtual machine is faster.
eComstation 2.0

In this example eComstation 2.0 is installed as a guest. To install eComstation the paid installation media and registration keys are required. It is the first option select create virtual computer. In this example, the virtual machine called eComstation2. The operating system is OS Benchmark 2 / selected. It is the point adjustment of the working memory activate and amount of RAM with 128 MB of set the. In the next dialog windows hard disk is the option to select a new virtual. The size of the image will be two gigabytes. If all steps executed the wizard, the virtual machine name appears in the list of the main window of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. To start the virtual machine, choose its name from and then click on the Start button. In the virtual machine window is the menu-point CD, Physics D: drive to enable use for your installation CD is the start of. In the boot menu of the installation CD that default values should be selected. Installation is done in graphical mode. First, the keyboard layout is selected. Thereafter, the license terms are acceptable. EComstation for newcomers is the Easy-installation, the best choice. Thereafter, the registration key is entered. The next step is to partition the hard drive. This window will open with a new New Volume. In the instant-messaging volume, Create New is created a new volume. This volume is Create a bootable activate. In the dialog box is behind the letter, the letter C to select and name must be specified as Volume2. Then is to click on Next. The window size as a disk partitioning is the value indicated 2047 and partition to enable use primary. The window is completed with finish. With the menu system, Save Changes to save these settings and then click on Exit. With Next you get to format the hard disk. As type choose HPFS and click on format. After formatting is to click on Next. It will select the country and time zone. The next step, the hardware components and the sound hardware can be determined. In step networking networking Install support is activated. After clicking Next, all network types (TCP / IP, Samba, NetBUI) enabled. Workstation ID then is behind the machine name and domain LAN behind "WORKGROUP" to indicate with Next and Finish is the first part of the installation completed and it will restart the virtual machine. After the restart following the second part of the installation in the window Final Tasks. Below the tabs of this window configurations can be made. For example, the tab screen, the screen resolution set at. This only work after the restart. eComstation is on the menu Ecs, shut shut down. It should be saved in the host system Verzeichnismit the image (. Vhd) and the configuration file (. Vmc) to restore the original state with problems of the virtual machine. The installation CD is to be removed from the drive of the host. In the settings of the virtual machine is under Network, select Shared Networking (NAT) set up. Then the virtual machine is restarted with the Start button. In the virtual machine window is the menu CD, the CD release. For the configuration of the network is in the host system of the instant-messaging system setup, Network Adapters and Protocols to activate and then select Configure MPTS. As an adapter from Realtek RTL8139 choose. The network configuration must be done via DHCP. Then a restart of eComstation is necessary.
Physical-to-Virtual: Disk2vhd

Download: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ee656415.aspx The tool supports conversion Disk2vhd a running Windows system in a virtual machine for Microsoft Virtual PC. The hard drive must be at most 127 GB in size. The transfer of an operating system from one physical machine to a virtual machine is called physical to virtual (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Physical-to-Virtual ). For a running operating system runs with applications and data without reinstalling old hardware into a virtual machine. The system should be optimized to convert it. This includes the deletion of unnecessary garbage and cleaning the Windows registry. Furthermore, all startup entries are to be deactivated. The elimination of garbage can with the free program CCleaner ( http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner done). After installing and launching this program, click on Analyze. Then enable Run Cleaner in order to dispose of the junk file found. To clean the Registry, the Registry button and select Check for errors to click. After the analysis is activated to fix mistakes!. Thus, the virtual Windows startup no error messages produced are cut off prior to the move, the startup entries. After the move they have to activate again. Useful (this is the free program Autorun http://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx ). After installing and starting the program, choose the tab autoruns.exe Everything. To disable the entries are listed. The tool Disk2vhd is installed, started and there are the partitions of the system selected. It is also the destination for the image file (. Vhd) indicated. The destination directory should have sufficient storage capacity to hold these files. Virtual Machine Additions If a Microsoft or OS / 2 as guest operating systems run Windows, addition is the installation of the Virtual Machine is recommended. This is a CD image with optimized drivers. This virtual machine is in the window of either the instant-messaging tools, integration components or install the menu item Action, Virtual Machine Additions installed update / select. It is included a CD image in the virtual CD-ROM drive. In the guest system CD, the Virtual Machine Additions from the virtual install. Microsoft Windows as guest system is usually the case when you insert the virtual CD automatically called in the file setup.exe. If it fails, the automatic start, so manually in the file manager the file setup.exe to start. After installation, the host system must be rebooted. To set a higher screen resolution in the guest system, just click the right mouse button on any free space on the Windows desktop. Under the Settings tab to configure the screen resolution. On Microsoft Windows 7 as the host system can be in the window of the virtual machine over the menu item Tools, Settings, configure the integration components. The Virtual Machine Additions support system to exchange data between host and guest on a common clipboard (copy & paste) and drag files (drag & drop). Control of the virtual machine
Full screen

A switch to full screen mode using the key combination [AltGr] + [Enter] possible.
Reset, closing and shutting down

In the virtual machine window is the point of action the commands stop, reset, closing and shutting down available. The Pause command freezes the virtual machine. With instantmessaging campaign, resume running the machine on again. The Reset command similar to the reset button on a real PC. In this command, threatened loss of data. If the command is applied Close dialog box appears with the choices off and save a state. Off corresponds to pulling the power cable in a real PC. Here, too, threatened loss of data. Save state corresponds to the sleep mode on a laptop. It saves the state of the virtual machine before it is terminated. The next time the system of the last state is restored. If the Virtual Machine Additions installed, this command is available to shut down. For a clean shutdown of the host system is introduced. Was virtual disk undo disks enabled for the selected, the Close command are other options available. Save For state and save changes, the contents of the virtual file will undo. That is, the changes are not stored in the container file. In contrast, when turning off and save changes, the virtual machine shut down. Turn off and delete changes with the virtual file emptied and undo the changes are lost. the checkbox to change the virtual hard drive to take to file in the Virtual undo the saved file to change in the original container-written. It is recommended that you create when using Virtual undo files in each virtual hard disks for operating system and data.

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 supports any snapshots. I need a backup point, we stopped the virtual machine. Then you copy the directory of the virtual machine. If necessary, you open the copied virtual machine. To do this click on New and select the item in the wizard to add existing virtual machine. Subsequently, the path to the configuration file (. Vmc) to the copied virtual machine. The window settings, the virtual machine to be able to adapt to. After pressing OK, the virtual machine appears in the list. Hardware configuration of the virtual machine To configure the virtual machine must be shut down. It may also not be in a saved state. The corresponding dialog box calls you on the Settings button on. File Name: The name of the virtual machine can be changed.

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Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP 1, XP mode, Disk2vhd, eComStation 2.0 - l...


Memory: The amount of memory (RAM) of the virtual machine is configured here. Hard Drive 1/2/3: It can be configured VHD three to. This is the path to the container file (. Vhd) indicated. About Wizard virtual disk drive is a wizard to create a new virtual start. Undo Disks: If the option Undo disks are selected, changes to the virtual disk to a separate file (.) Vud written all. CD / DVD drive: CD / DVD drive is primary or secondary controller can be connected to the. Most of the secondary IDE controller is used. Disk: the host system detects the host system inserted disk if disk is activated automatically detect. COM1 / 2: Up to two serial interfaces to the host system will be made available to. These can be a serial port on the host system, a named pipe, or a text file to be assigned. LPT1: There may be a parallel port on the host system the host system will be made available to. Network: Up to four network cards to the host system will be made available to. In addition to the NIC of the host system an emulated network card of the type Intel is ready to put 21 140. NIC of the host system: the host system receives full access to the network of the host system and is also accessible from the outside. The IP address will either be configured by an external DHCP server or set manually. Offline: The virtual cable is a virtual network card deducted from. Local only: via an internal virtual network, the virtual machines connected to each other. It is not linked to the host system is still possible to external networks. Shared Networking (NAT): With Network Address Translation is the internal IP address of the host system to the outside with the IP address of the host system is shown. The internal DHCP server assigns to the host system an IP address from Also, the routing through the provided gateway is defined. A network configuration for most operating systems is not necessary and access from the host system to the outside is now available. The firewall blocks all incoming instance of connections to this virtual network. Therefore it can not be accessed from outside the virtual machine. The host system is protected. Sound: The sound card can be de-) activate (. Hardware Virtualization: the appropriate hardware on the host system is at the hardware-assisted virtualization (Full Virtualization) to activate. Some host systems are incompatible with the hardware-assisted virtualization. Then, this option is deactivated. Mouse: If the mouse pointer in a virtual machine does not respond correctly, here is a different configuration to choose. Shared Folders: Have the Virtual Machine Additions installed in the guest system, allows the guest-system directories of the host system will be made available to. These appear as network shares in the host system. This folder is chosen to share the directory on the host system. This directory is a drive letter for the host system to specify. Every time share with this drive is included after each restart. Display: In addition to configuring the screen resolution here are the full-screen mode and display the menu and status bar can be activated. Closing: The closing of the virtual machine is connected with certain actions. configuration of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 The configuration of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 is via the File menu, Options. It appears that the Virtual PC option. When starting to recover: If the Start option from Virtual PC Restore is enabled in the virtual computer, all at the end of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 running virtual machine restarts automatically. Output: Here are the virtual machines assigned to certain portions of the processor power. the standard-setting to the virtual machine in the active window to assign more CPU time with%, the virtual machine in the foreground about 70 of the computing power made available. If you work often with multiple machines, here are other preferences. Hardware Virtualization: the appropriate hardware on the host system is at the hardware-assisted virtualization (Full Virtualization) to activate. Full screen mode: The default option is resolution on the host operating system of resolution on the guest operating system to adjust the selected. This full-screen setting to the host system is adapted. Sound: The sound of the virtual machines in inactive windows can be disabled. News: If you use the Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 and is familiar with no reference needed to enable Messages None. Keyboard: The host key [AltGr] can be changed, in which one desired key combination in the field Current enters the host key. When set to Windows shortcut with Allow you choose a place such as system hotkeys are to be applied. Mouse: If the mouse pointer in a virtual machine does not respond correctly, here is a different configuration to choose. Security: Here can be certain features for users without admin rights block. Language: Changing the language setting is only after you restart Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 active. Control via Command Line The virtual machines can also Virtual PC.exe on the command line of the host system controlled. The / help shows all options. Host C: \> cd C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Virtual PC Host C: \> Virtual PC.exe / help-help - Displays information about command line arguments to-fu The following example ReactOS, the virtual machine with the name started in full screen mode. Host C: \> Virtual PC.exe-pc-fullscreen ReactOS Virtual disk management On Microsoft Windows 7 can manage virtual disks like real hard drives. For this, open Disk Management. Host C: \> diskmgmt.msc instant-messaging campaign, virtual hard disk, with one puts a new virtual disk. Adjust its path, file name and size is to be specified. Furthermore, the format is selected: Dynamically extensible: The virtual disk occupies on the host system only as much space as it has data. With the level increasing the file size. It is necessary to ensure that the filled image in the host system has enough space. Fixed size: The file system of the host supports this kind of start the whole place. Access is somewhat faster than the dynamic format. After creating the virtual disk it must be partitioned and formatted. To do this click the right mouse button on the Unallocated area. In the context menu choose Datentrgerinitialisierung. Then choose New Simple Volume. It takes the proposed partitioning and assigns a drive letter. Finally, given the virtual disk a name and format it. The new virtual hard disk is accessed through their drive letters. Involved are hard disks in Disk Management on the menu item Action, virtual hard disk to attach virtual. Alternatively, this is the tool VHD Attach ( http://www.jmedved.com ) possible. The size of a virtual disk can be retrofitted with the VHD Resizer ( http://vmtoolkit.com ) adapt. Other How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_FestplattenImages_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. Requires special features, such as live migration, emulation of other processors, API emulation, injections of hardware faults, debugging and manual settings of the system time is QEMU / KVM (additional) use. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Microsoft_Virtual_PC " This page has been accessed 10,220 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:55 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 8:09 PM

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Howto VMware VirtualCenter server, vmware...


VMware ESXi Hypervisor VMware VirtualCenter Server HOWTO vmware, tools, libvirt
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and Emulators / VMware ESXi hypervisor]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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1/29/2011 8:10 PM

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Howto VMware VirtualCenter server, vmware...


VMware ESXi Hypervisor Installation Step 1

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Installation Step 2

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Installation Step 3

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Installation Step 4

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Installation Step 5

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Installation Step 6

Design: The Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) of the ESXi server.

Figure: The web interface of the ESXi server.

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1/29/2011 8:10 PM

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Howto VMware VirtualCenter server, vmware...


Contents 1 VMware ESXi Hypervisor 1.1 Installation 1.2 Configuration using VMware Infrastructure Client 1.3 Management Tools 1.3.1 VMware Infrastructure Client (Windows) 1.3.2 Remote Command Line Interface (RCLI) 1.3.3 VMware Infrastructure Management Assistant (VIMA) 1.3.4 VMware VirtualCenter Server 2.5 1.3.5 The library libvirt 4.1 VMware Tools 1.5 Other

Figure: The VMware Infrastructure Client.

VMware ESXi Hypervisor

Download: http://www.vmware.com/products/esxi/ (after registration) The free VMware ESXi server is a type 1 hypervisor and requires no host operating system (bare metal). VMware Server supports multi-processor systems with AMD64 or Intel64. recommend is ESXi servers on VMware certified hardware to run the VMware (see http://www.vmware.com /pdf/vi35_systems_guide.pdf ). The main application field of the VMware ESXi server is the server consolidation. VMware ESXi Server is the first software layer on the hardware. The controller takes a specially adapted Linux, which runs as a virtual machine with specific rights to the hypervisor. On a separate partition with a specific file system, the VMFS, the virtual machine are stored. In a further partition (VMcore) on error core dump information is stored.

VMware VirtualCenter Server

The VMware ESXi has, in contrast to the VMware ESX server, no service console. By removing the service console has indeed the memory requirements of the VMware ESXi hypervisor is reduced to less than 32 MB, many console-based management functions (monitoring, backup, update) are not possible. These management tasks can be supported by the free Remote Command Line Interface (RCLI) (see below). Convenient to management tasks via GUI with the free VMware Infrastructure Client handles the. The best management tool is the VMware Virtual Center Server. Installation First we need to ensure that support for hardware virtualization in the BIOS of the computer is turned on. The Deman Based Power Management is deactivated. It is at least one SATA, SAS or SCSI hard drive to the host and guest systems necessary. It is better to take the guest systems on iSCSI or NFS server. The best solution is a SAN connection with optical fibers. For a test installation, a GB of RAM is sufficient. For production use, it should be much more. There are at least two network interface cards required. One for the management and the second for the network of host systems. The management network should be separated with a router (firewall) from the other networks. NTP and Syslog should only be allowed through. For SAN connectivity via iSCSI or NFS an additional network card is installed. In all the network cards PXE should be disconnected. The image of the installation CD is to download and burn to a CD. Before you install the security, all network cables are removed. It is the machine with the installation CD to boot. After selecting installation by pressing the [Enter] and confirm the license agreement with [F11] to select the partition. Then the installation by pressing the [F11] will start. After installation and reboot is necessary, the basic configuration in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI). So, press [F2] is to push. The password for the root user is set to Configure Root Password. It will put the network cable for the management network again. For the management network interface's IP address, netmask, and gateway is defined: Configure Management Network Network Adapters IP Configuration Set static IP address and network configuration Under DNS Configuration Server, the IP addresses of the DNS entered. For Custom DNS suffix of the DNS suffix is defined. Then in the main menu, select Restart Network Management. Now, all network cables are connected. The SSH access is disabled by default. From ESXi 4.1, steps are necessary: [F2] Customize System Touble shooting Options Enable Remote Tech Support (SSH) In older versions of ESXi following steps are necessary: If the state after the boot screen appears, is the keyboard combination [ALT] + [F1] key to. In the opening shell environment is the word entered unsupported and press [Enter] to confirm with. The entered characters appear not on the screen. Then open the shell and you have root privileges. Tech Support Mode successfully accessed. The time and date of this access have been sent to the system logs. WARNING - Tech Support Mode is not supported unless used in consultation with VMware tech support. To permanently enable SSH access to, inetd.conf, the file / etc / editing. The comment character # in front of this line is removed. ssh stream tcp nowait root / sbin / dropbear dropbear multi ... With an SSH client log into from another computer on the Dom0 the ESXi server. VMware ESXi Hypervisor has, in contrast to the VMware ESX server, no service console. Therefore, hardly any administrative tasks possible. You can manually set the configuration files / vmware / etc are secured / under. The actual configuration file is / etc / vmware / esx.conf. For the web interface should SSL certificates are used. Self-signed certificates with the certtool or the wrapper / usr / lib / ssl / misc / l ca.pem on a Linux machine can be generated. These are the ESCI-server copy with scp (see also http://www.vm-help.com/esx/esx3i/change_name_and_cert.php) . server.key myesx scp: / / host ssl_key server.pem myesx scp: / / host ssl_cert The other configuration is done by a Microsoft Windows machine with the VMware Infrastructure Client (GUI) or by remote command line interface (command line). Configuration with VMware Infrastructure Client To install the VMware Infrastructure Client connects you with a web browser via HTTPS with the Web interface to the IP address of the ESXi server. There you invite, download VMware Infrastructure Client installation program downloaded this and installed it. After installation, you start the VMware Infrastructure Client and connect to the ESXi server. To configure, click on the icon changes to the Inventory and Configuration tab. The NICs and virtual switches for the host systems are configured as follows: Configuration> Networking> Add Networking> Virtual Machine> Create a virtual switch network Label = Production VLAN ID = Empty Configuration> Networkin The license key is entered. Configuration> Licensed Features> License Source> Edit> Use Serial Number The NTP server is specified. Configuration> Time Configuration> Properties> Options NTP Settings>

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1/29/2011 8:10 PM

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Howto VMware VirtualCenter server, vmware...


Add> esxgw.mycompany.com General> Start automatically The Syslog server is configured as follows. Configuration> Advanced Settings> Syslog> Remote Syslog.Remote.Hostname = sylogserver.meinedomain.com Syslog.Remote.Port = 514 For SFCB resource limits can be set. Configuration> System Resource Allocation> Advanced> host> vim> sfcb> Edit Settings> CPU Resources> Limit = 500 MHz At system startup, the virtual machines are started automatically. Before shutting down the host system should include the guest systems are shut down. Configuration> Virtual Machine Startup / Shutdown> Properties> Allow virtual machines to start and stop automatically with the system If an iSCSI server on the network available at the address indicated. Configuration> Storage Adapters> iSCSI Software Adapter> General Properties> Configure> Enabled Dynamic Discovery> Add> iSCSI Server = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx If an NFS server on the network available at the address indicated. Configuration> Storage> Network File System Server = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Folder = / some / path Datastore name = xxx Management Tools For remote administration of the ESXi server client, among the already mentioned VMware Infrastructure (Microsoft Windows), the free Remote Command Line Interface (Linux, Microsoft Windows) and the paid VMware Virtual Center Server (Microsoft Windows) is available.
VMware Infrastructure Client (Windows)

Download: Web interface of the ESXi server. The configuration described in the VMware Infrastructure Client is already available for Microsoft Windows. It is used on other computers for remote administration. First you need to connect to the host on which the VMware Server runs on. The viituellen machines seem to manage in a list. The creation of virtual machines is done with a wizard.
Remote Command Line Interface (RCLI)

Download: http://www.vmware.com/go/remotecli RCLI stands for Linux and Microsoft Windows. Furthermore, a virtual appliance is available with RCLI. This virtual machine can be operated on the ESXi server. In the download URL RCLI the documentation can be downloaded. To install the Remote Command Line Interface on Linux, the following steps are necessary. For 64-bit operating system version is to select the x86_64. ~ $ Tar xzf VMware-RCLI-*. tar.gz-C / tmp ~ $ Cd / tmp / vmware-distrib-RCLI ~ $ Sudo. / Vmware-install.pl Alternatively, the appliance used. After downloading the ZIP file is unpacked and Microsoft Windows machines with the VMware Infrastructure Clien t to copy the. In the VMware Infrastructure Client Appliance is the menu File, Virtual Appliance, Import to import the above. In the Wizard is to import from File to select the OVF file. After the virtual machine list is published in, it is a right-click and power on the shortcut menu started with. The tab Console log into the system in. This is the root password set. The network configuration via DHCP. For a fixed IP address interfaces is the file / etc / network / adapt. This is a root user can log in from outside and is in the file / etc / ssh / sshd_config PermitRootLogin yes to set the setting. The reboot command changes makes them effectively. To install the Microsoft Windows RCLI exe is the file VMware-*. VIRemoteCLI download and execute. To implement RCLI commands in the bin subdirectory of the installation path to change. After each installation, the RCLI commands are used. Here is a small selection. The command resxtop shows, similar to the Unix top command, use the resources of a ESXi or ESX server. The-h option lists the options. The following will use the resources of the server myesx. ~ $ Resxtop - server myesx - username root The option - server is unnecessary if the variable was defined VI_SERVER. ~ $ Export = VI_SERVER myesxi With the following command RCLI name is a backup of the configuration on the server with the ESCI myesx created. ~ $ Vicfg-cfgbackup-s - server myesx - username root myesx.bak RCLI the command vmware-cmd with virtual machines are managed (start, stop, suspend, snapshot). The following command lists all registered virtual machines. ~ $ Vmware-cmd - server myesx - username root-l By RCLI command svmotion virtual machines can be during the ongoing operation of a ESXi server to another move. For this purpose, a common storage of the ESXi server is necessary.
VMware Infrastructure Management Assistant (VIMA)

Website: http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vima/ The VMware Infrastructure Management Assistant (VIMA) is a virtual machine that allows administrators and developers, and systems to manage ESXi ESX. With the VI Client Appliance, this menu File, Virtual Appliance, importers to import tons of it. In the Wizard is to import from URL with http://www.vmware.com/go/importvima/vima1.ovf indicated. After the virtual machine list is published in, it is a right-click and power on the shortcut menu started with. The tab Console log into the system in. Previously, admin is the network configuration and the password for the user to specify vi. The documentation to load the URL http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/vima/vima10 /doc/vima10guide.pdf down.
VMware VirtualCenter Server 2.5

Download: http://www.vmware.com/de/download/ (time-limited evaluation version)

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1/29/2011 8:10 PM

VMware ESXi Hypervisor Howto VMware VirtualCenter server, vmware...


The VMware VirtualCenter Server is a powerful management software for ESX and ESXi. To test you download a time limited evaluation version. Installation can be done on a virtual machine. The operating system is Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition to choose. The IIS Web server may not be installed. The Windows server locale is English (USA) to adjust to. This is done in the Control Panel from the Settings for the language. To install the VMware VirtualCenter is the installation file to download and unpack. In the applied part is the autorun.exe file to start. First is the installation language to rely on English. This is followed by your user name and organization. Then is to click Next again. It is VMware VirtualCenter Server and the next step Install MS-SQL2005 Express select. Evaluate the test server is activated. The following inputs necessary (example): VC Server IP: myvmvc.mydomain.com Administrator: Administrator Password: ***** With Next, Install, Finish, the installation is complete. Client is called the VMware VirtualCenter Server from the Start menu, All program, VMware, VMware Infastructure. First you have to login to the computer on which the VMware VirtualCenter Server is running. The first configuration, a data center must be created. The data center must be assigned one or more hosts. In this example it is the ESXi server. Then virtual machines and templates can be created. The VMware VirtualCenter Server also has a web interface for administration of virtual machines. At the point Web access log under the URL https: / / myvmvc.mydomain.com (example) is logged on.
The libvirt library

Website: http://libvirt.org libvirt, a virtualization layer between software and management tools. Thus, the development of management tools for all virtualization solutions that support this library possible. The libvirt library supports QEMU, KVM, VirtualBox, VMware ESX, Xen, LXC Linux container system, OpenVZ Linux container system and User Mode Linux libvirt. Is published as open source. For various Linux distributions, corresponding software packages are installed. The library can be compiled with Cygwin and Mingw under Microsoft Windows. The installation and use is at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools described. A command reference can be found at the URL http://qemubuch.de/d/Anhang/_libvirt . The following example connects you with virsh to the host my-esx-server and allows the current machine list. ~ $ Virsh virsh # connect esx: / / my-esx-server / 1? no_verify = virsh # list - all Id Name Status ---------------------------------272 webserver01 continuously 288 webserver02 continuously 304 windowsworkstation01 continuously 384 print server running 480 nagios (monitoring) continuously 624 honeypot01 continuously ReactOS 672 (test) running - Turn off developer01 - Turn off honeypot02 VMware Tools It is recommended to the guest systems, the VMware Tools install. They optimize with special drivers to work with the virtual machine. It can be the resolution of the host window to adjust it and it will cut & paste. The VMware tools for the different host systems as ISO images (freebsd.iso, linux.iso, netware.iso, windows.iso) and have offered to install in the guest system are involved. For Unix like host systems (VMware is to monitor the tools with Monit http://mmonit.com/monit/ ) is recommended. starts Monit stopped VMware Tools. The installation of the package monit Ubuntu using a command line does under. Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get install monit is then in / etc / default / monit startup = 0 to the line 1 = Change startup. Monit is configured with the configuration file / etc / monit / monitrc. # / Etc / monit / monitrc # Email Alerts for set mail-format { from: [email protected] subject: [$ ACTION] $ HOST $ SERVICE $ EVENT - monit } set alert [email protected] # # Vmware-tools check process vmware-tools with pidfile / var / run / vmtoolsd.pid [email protected] alert only on nonexist {} start program "/ etc / init.d / vmware-tools start" stop program "/ etc / init.d / vmware-tools stop" if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout It is to test the configuration and restart Monit. Guest ~ $ / etc / init.d / monit syntax Control file syntax OK Guest ~ $ / etc / init.d / monit Other How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_FestplattenImages_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. Requires special features, such as live migration, emulation of other processors, API emulation, injections of hardware faults, debugging and manual settings of the system time is QEMU / KVM (additional) use. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware_ESXi_Hypervisor " This page has been accessed 37,066 times. This page was last updated on 29 September 2010 at 08:26 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 8:10 PM

VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive ...


VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and Emulators / VMware Player]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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1/29/2011 8:11 PM

VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive ...


The VMware Player.

New virtual machine: 1. Step.

New virtual machine: 2. Step.

New virtual machine: 3. Step.

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1/29/2011 8:11 PM

VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive ...


New virtual machine: 4. Step.

New virtual machine: 5. Step.

New virtual machine: 6. Step.

The VMware Player virtual machines.

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VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive ...


The BIOS of VMware Player.

VMware Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount Utility.

VMware disk mount GUI.

CCleander cleans Microsoft Windows.

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1/29/2011 8:11 PM

VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive ...



VCenter VMware Converter.

VMware vCenter Converter - Wizard: Step 1

VCenter VMware Converter - Wizard: Step 2

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1/29/2011 8:11 PM

VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive ...


VCenter VMware Converter - Wizard: Step 3

VCenter VMware Converter - Wizard: Step 4

VMware Converter vCenter with a job.

The Moka Five Player USB.

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1/29/2011 8:11 PM

VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive ...


Contents 1 VMware Player 3 1.1 Installation 1.1.1 Microsoft Windows Linux 1.1.2 2.1 Creating Virtual Machines 1.3 Virtual Appliances 1.4 virtual machines and emulators of other virtualizer 1.5 XP-Mode Import 1.6 VMware Tools 1.6.1 Windows-guest systems 1.6.2 Linux guest systems 1.7 control of the running virtual machine 1.7.1 Full Screen Unity 1.7.2 1.7.3 Reset, Suspend, and Power Off 1.7.4 Snapshots? 1.8 Hardware configuration of the virtual machine 1.8.1 Memory 1.8.2 Processor 1.8.3 Hard Disk 1.8.4 CD / DVD 1.8.5 Floppy 1.8.6 Network Adapter 1.8.7 USB Controller 1.8.8 Sound Card 1.8.9 Display 1.9 Other configurations of the virtual machine 1.9.1 General 1.9.2 Power 1.9.3 Shared Folder 1.9.4 Tools Unity 1.9.5 1.10 The virtual BIOS 2 Additional Software 2.1 VMware Disk Mount Utility VMXBuilder VMware Converter 2.2 vCenter 3 Moka Five Players 4 Other

The Moka Five Player USB - Settings.

VMware Player 3
Download: http://www.vmware.com/products/player/ (after registration) VMware Player (from VMware Inc.) is based on the native virtualization, and supports full virtualization. It enables on computers with x86 or x86-64 processors, multiple virtual machines for these processors to use. VMware Player runs on Linux and Windows. The free VMware Player provides the ability to virtual machines created with VMware Workstation, VMware Server or VMware ESX Server to run. The VMware Player is Open Virtualization Format (OVF) and the Open Virtual Appliance (OVA). The VMware Player is Microsoft Virtual PC and Microsoft Virtual Server and Virtual Open operate machinery. VMware Player also supports the image of Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery (formerly LiveState). From VMware Player 3, you can move virtual machines. The installation of supported guest systems is comfortably possible with Easy Install. On Microsoft Windows 7, the VMware Player to import the XP mode. VMware Player supports the Aero desktop, Microsoft Windows 7 Using the technique Thin Print to print the host system directly to the printer connected to the host system. There are no snapshots, like QEMU / KVM possible. Installation

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1/29/2011 8:11 PM

VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive ...


Microsoft Windows

After downloading, you start the vmware-player-*. exe. It is thereby the target directory C: \ Program Files VMware \ WMware Player \ preset \. With Change this setting can be changed. Then asked if shortcuts are created to call for the comfortable. These settings do not change. At the end of the installation Microsoft Windows is restarted. Is called the VMware Player from the Start menu, Programs, VMware, VMware Player. After the first start the license agreement is to be confirmed. To import the Microsoft Windows CD and DVD as an image, additional software is required. Most CD / DVD burning programs support importing from CD / DVDs. A free program is ImgBurn ( http://www.imgburn.com ). It loads the installer SetupImgBurn_ *. exe from the site now and start it. After starting the program, choose Create image file from disc to ISO image of the install disc to create a.

Before installing these packages are installed (eg Ubuntu 9.04). Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname-r` It is the latest version of VMware Player (32 - or 64-bit) download. The graphical installer is started as follows. Host ~ $ chmod + x ./VMware-Player-2.5.1-126130.i386.bundle Host ~ $ gksudo bash ./VMware-Player-2.5.1-126130.i386.bundle Installation under Linux is self-explanatory. It installs special kernel modules. Importing from CD / DVDs is at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Images_anlegen described. Creating virtual machines In VMware Player Create a New Virtual Machine Wizard to create a new virtual machine is started with. The first step is to select the installation media. With Installer disc, a DVD in the host system inserted CD / used. In this example, the installation of Ubuntu to an ISO image. The ISO file to installer disc image file to select. For supported host systems using the VMware Player Install a technique called Easy. This installation is largely automatic. Easy Install on Ubuntu asks at the beginning only after the user to be created. The next step in the name of the virtual machine and the target directory is specified. Subsequently, the size of the virtual disk is to be specified. Larger boards are better to invest in several parts. In the overview at the end of the wizard makes the hardware Customize with virtual hardware to adapt. With the Finish button to start the installation of the host system in the virtual machine. The demand for the installation of VMware Tools must be answered positively. In order to have control of the host system, you have to click in the window of the virtual machine. To return to the desktop of the host system, the key combination [Ctrl] + is [Alt] necessary. If a virtual machine is often used to set up a quick start shortcut. To do this click the right mouse button on the Windows desktop and choose New, Shortcut. Browse to choose VMX file of the desired virtual machine from the. These are usually in My Documents \ My Virtual Machines. Subsequently, this linkage should be designated. With a double click on the link you start the virtual machine. Virtual Appliances Fully installed virtual machines (virtual appliances), drawn by the URL http://www.vmware.com /appliances/ download. This site will open when the menu item File, Download a Virtual Appliance enabled. You look either in the categories, for example, operating system, or using the search box. After downloading the archive is unpacked. About the File menu, open a virtual machine) is the appropriate VMware configuration file (*. vmx to open. Virtual machines and emulators of other virtualizer Will virtual machines from Microsoft Virtual PC or Microsoft Virtual Server, open the VMware Player generates a new VMX file. The original VMC file remains unchanged. Images are Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery open, generates the VMware Player, a new VMX file. The original image (. Sv2i) remains unchanged. With qemu-img (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_FestplattenImages_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware ) and ubuntu-vm-builder (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools ) Virtual machines can also be created and converted. Microsoft

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VMware Player 3, vmware-tools, VMware Converter vCenter, MokaFive ...


Windows as guest system detects at boot for new hardware and install default drivers. Then a restart of the host system is necessary. XP-Mode Import The XP-mode Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise is a free image with a custom Windows XP Professional. This virtual machine is normally powered by Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. After installing the VMware Player is the URL of the XP-Mode http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtualpc/download.aspx download. Then file is the XP mode by calling the us.exe to install WindowsXPMode_de. After installing XP-Mode in VMware Player is imported. This is done via the menu File, Import Fashion Windows XP VM. The VMware Player can find the XP mode and rename the new virtual machine with Windows XP mode. After starting the virtual machine, the VMware Tools are installed. VMware Tools If not done, the VMware Tools are installed. This is a CD image with various drivers. This can be set as higher screen resolutions. A common buffer is used. Another advantage is the easy exchange of the mouse pointer between the desktop and the virtual machine window. The installation is the running virtual machine via the menu option VM, install VMware Tools ... introduced in. Here, the virtual CD to the virtual CD drive on the host system is loaded. The CD image with VMware Tools is loaded on first use of the VMware Web site. More information can be found at the URL http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/ .
Windows guest systems

Microsoft Windows is usually the case when you insert the virtual CD automatically called in the file setup.exe. If it fails, the automatic start, so manually in the file manager the file setup.exe to start. It is typical to select the installation type. Then, the host system is restarted. To set a higher screen resolution in the guest system, just click the right mouse button on any free space on the Windows desktop. Under the Settings tab to configure the screen resolution.
Linux guest systems

On Unix / Linux as host system, this CD-ROM is included. This is normally done automatically. The tarball is unpacked and the script vmware-install.pl call. They are the kernel headers and development tools necessary. On Ubuntu, the following commands are entered. After each kernel update, the script re-run vmware-install.pl. Guest ~ $ sudo cp / * media/cdrom1/VMwareTools. Guest ~ $ sudo umount / dev / cdrom Guest ~ $ tar xzvf *. tar.gz VMwareTools Guest ~ $ cd vmware-tools-distrib Guest ~ $ sudo. / Vmware-install.pl-d Control of the running virtual machine
Full screen

This completes the virtual machine window the entire screen, the upper window frame is to click twice. With a small bar at the top of the screen can be controlled by the virtual machine.

The Unity feature lets you merge the desktop of the host system to the desktop of the host system. The applications of the host system running as a window on the host system. The Unity feature is available after installing the VMware tools. Unity in the current virtual machine, the VM menu, Enter Unity activated. The start menu of the host system is activated via the key combination [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [V].
Reset, Suspend, and Power Off

With the menu-point VM, Power, the commands are reset, suspend and power off available. Reset and Power Off installed VMware tools should be used only at, or threatened loss of data. In Suspend the state of the virtual machine is stored before it is finished. The next time you start this saved state is restored.

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The VMware Player 3 does not support snapshots. I need a backup point, we save the state of the virtual machine with instant-messaging VM, Power, Suspend. Then you copy the directory of the virtual machine. On Microsoft Windows it is usually located in My Documents \ My Virtual Machines. If necessary, you open the copied virtual machine. Hardware configuration of the virtual machine To configure the virtual machine must be shut down. The corresponding dialog box you call the menu VM, Settings. Under the Hardware tab, the virtual hardware is configured. New hardware is added using the Add button. It helps a wizard. Supported Linux and Windows guest systems can print directly to printers with Thin the host system to print on. Add to this is to use Virtual Printer. The guest system configures the printer automatically.

The amount of memory (RAM) of the virtual machine is configured here.


It is the number of emulated CPUs pretend (SMP). The settings under Virtualization engine usually do not need to be changed. For special guest systems and test environments, the type of virtualization / emulation is adapted. Automatic Automatic with replay Binary translation Intel VT-x or AMD-V: This option is only available if the host system that supports full virtualization. Interl-VT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI: This option is only available if the host system that supports full virtualization.
Hard Disk

Among utilities, the following functions: Map ...: Adds the virtual hard drive as a drive in the host system. The host system must adjust the file system that drive can read. It is recommended to read to use the virtual disk (Open file in read-only mode). Defragment: Virtual Hard Drive Microsoft Windows guest systems can be defragmented. On Linux this is not necessary. ... Expand: Enlarges the virtual hard disk. In the host system on the additional space, additional partitions are created and formatted. Compact: Optimizes a virtual hard disk.

An ISO image or CD / DVD drive of the host-guest system can be made available to the system. Connect at power on is activated.

An image or the floppy drive of the host-guest system can be made available to the system. Connect at power on is activated.
Network Adapter

The following types of networks to choose from. Bridged: The virtual machine is assigned a unique IP address on the network. The IP address it receives from either a DHCP server on the network, or directly from the Internet provider. Bridged is most often used. NAT: Network Address Translation is at the internal IP address of the host system to the outside with the IP address of the host system to map the. The internal DHCP server assigns to the host

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system an IP address from Also, the routing through the provided gateway is defined. A network configuration for most operating systems is not necessary and access from the host system to the outside is now available. The firewall blocks all incoming instance of connections to this virtual network. Therefore it can not be accessed from outside the virtual machine. The host system is protected. Host Only: It is private network to the host system formed a. Outside the host system, this network is not visible. The internal DHCP server assigns the guest system automatically assigns an IP address. After installing the VMware Player VMware two new network cards are set up. On Linux, the ifconfig command provides information about these adapters. On Microsoft Windows Control Panel is to call the (Start Menu, Control Panel). Under System, Hardware tab you open the Device Manager. Under Network Adapter VMnet8 the two VMware Network Adapter VMnet1 and listed.
USB Controller

The following options are available: Enable high-speed support for USB 2.0 devices: This option should be enabled. Automatically connect new USB devices: new USB devices connected to the host system system are automatically uploaded to the guest. Show all USB input devices: There are all USB devices to the host system of the host system shown.
Sound Card

The sound output can be disabled or set a different sound card.


It can enable the 3D acceleration (Accelerate 3D graphics). Furthermore, the number of monitors and their resolution will be set. Other configurations of the virtual machine To configure the virtual machine must be shut down. The corresponding dialog box you call the menu VM, Settings. Under the Options tab, the following functions:

Here, the name of the virtual machine, operating system and the default location to be changed.

The automatic full screen mode after the start is activated. Furthermore, the host system the battery status is transmitted.
Shared Folder

To exchange data between the guest and host system are shared folder (shared folders) uses. There must have installed the VMware Tools. To set up a Shared Folder is Always select enabled. With the Add button system, a path to the host selected. The shared folder is read-only system (read-only) assigned to the guest. In Microsoft Windows Explorer as a guest system is started and Shared Folders to open the entry.

The upgrade of VMware tools is defined.


The behavior when Unity is adapted here. In addition to the configuration of the window frame, the menu of the applications (de-) activated. The virtual BIOS Each virtual machine under VMware products have like a real PC BIOS (Basic Input Output System). The

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BIOS enables communication between the operating system and hardware. When booting the virtual machine can be reached by pressing the [F2] in the virtual BIOS. If you want to use often live CD / DVD, one is under the boot CD-ROM drive first. This is using the cursor keys to select CD-ROM drive and press the] several times to press + [.

Additional Software
VMware Disk Mount Utility VMXBuilder Downloads: http://www.vmware.com/download/eula/diskmount_ws_v55.html (VMware Disk Mount Utility) http://www.vmxbuilder.com (VMXBuilder, VMware disk mount GUI) With the free VMware Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount Utility can be a virtual disk on the host system (Microsoft Windows) embed. Given the virtual machine must be off. Needs to continue to the host system's file system can read the virtual machine. After downloading the file VMware-mount-*. exe that is run. Installation is done with a wizard. The target directory is by default C: \ Program Files \ VMware \ VMware disk mount utility \. After installation of obtaining information about the options to this command-line tools. Host C: \> cd C: \ Program Files \ VMware \ VMware disk mount utility \ Host C: \> vmware-mount.exe-h A graphical interface for that program enables the VMware disk mount GUI, the VMXBuilder is contained in the package. After downloading the installation file to start it. A wizard helps with the installation. Is called the GUI on the Start menu, Programs, Devfarm software VMXBuilder, VMware disk mount GUI. Desktop Drive Letter drive letter is free to choose. Desktop Virtual Disk File is chosen with the icon [...] the path of the virtual hard drive to. To integrate the virtual disk, click on Mount. In Windows Explorer to access the virtual hard disk on the specified drive letter is possible. To release you switch to the tab Unmount Virtual Disk. There one chooses behind Drive Letter from the appropriate drive letter and click Unmount. This may be no access to this drive. vCenter VMware Converter Download: http://www.vmware.com/products/converter/ With the free VMware Converter can vCenter existing physical computer with Microsoft Windows NT4 SP4 +, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista and 7 virtual machines convert. Furthermore, the following Linux distributions are supported: Red Hat Enterprise, Red Hat Advanced Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and Ubuntu. The transfer of an operating system from one physical machine to a virtual machine is called physical to virtual (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Physical-to-Virtual ). For a running operating system runs with applications and data without reinstalling old hardware into a virtual machine. VMware vCenter Converter also allows you to move from host systems, another virtualization solution, such as Virtual PC, in a VMware product. The conversion of virtual machines is also referred to as a V2V migration (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_FestplattenImages_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware ). The steps for moving a system are the following: It is the VMware Converter vCenter installed. To convert the system to be optimized. This includes the deletion of unnecessary garbage and cleaning the Windows registry. Furthermore, all startup entries are to be deactivated. After this brief review now for the precise description of the steps. After downloading the installation file vmware-converter-*. exe it starts. In the Installation Wizard, the default destination directory is assumed. In the Setup Type dialog to take the pre-selected local installation. Before the VMware vCenter Converter is started, the first system to optimize. The elimination of garbage can with the free program CCleaner ( http://www.filehippo.com /download_ccleaner done). After installing and launching this program, click on Analyze. Then enable Run Cleaner in order to dispose of the junk file found. To clean the Registry, the Registry button and select Check for errors to click. After the analysis is activated to fix mistakes!. Thus, the virtual Windows startup no error messages produced are cut off prior to the move, the startup entries. After the move they have to activate again. Useful (this is the free program Autorun

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http://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx ). After installing and starting the program, choose the tab autoruns.exe Everything. To disable the entries are listed. The VMware Converter is vCenter the Start menu, Programs, VMware Converter standalone client called about. The wizard to convert Convert Machine is started. In the first step (Specify Source) is chosen behind the Select source type on point-powered machine. Furthermore, This is to enable local machine. The next step (Specify Destination) is Select destination type, the point behind VMware Workstation VMware or other virtual machine selected. For Select VMware to enable VMware Player 2.5.x product. It is the name and path for the virtual machine to pretend. In this example, the removal of the host operating system is in a virtual machine on the same computer. To do this, according to the space available. This can be ensured by an additional (USB) hard drive or network drive. In step View / Edit Options settings to adjust so that all the yellow warnings disappear. Each case it is the right link to click on the Edit. Desktop Data to choose copy to copy the hard drive partitions. It is file Ignore page file and hipernation activate. In memory devices, the number of CPUs and the size of the match. Networks under network cards, the number of set. It should be noted that the target system does not receive the same IP address as the current source system. In services, the services to be started set. Critical services, such as virus scanners and firewall should be disabled for the time being. Otherwise, there are problems starting the virtual machine. Under Advanced options enable Install VMware Tools on the imported virtual machine. In the last step (Ready for Complete) we checked again the specifications and click Finish to start the parade. The conversion is complete, you open the VMware Player, the VMX file of the new virtual machine from the File menu, open a virtual machine.

Moka Five Players

Website: http://www.mokafive.com Download: http://www.freewaregeeks.com/?page=detail&get_id=2073&category=66 The Moka Five Player is based on the VMware Player. With him it's just virtual machines ready to download from the Internet ( http://lab.mokafive.com/List ). The variant Moka Five Player USB allows you to start virtual machines from a USB flash drive. Unfortunately, the company's Web site Moka Five a download link for the Moka Five Player.

How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Festplatten-Images_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. More features than the offer of the free VMware Player VMware Server (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware-Server ) and VMware Workstation (see http://qemubuch.de/d/ Notes / _Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren / _VMware workstation ). Instead of fee-based VMware Workstation can use VirtualBox itself (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VirtualBox ). Requires special features, such as live migration, emulation of other processors, API emulation, injections of hardware faults, debugging and manual settings of the system time is QEMU / KVM (additional) use. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware-Player " This page has been accessed 9565 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:56 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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VMware Server 2 vmrun, libvirt

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and Emulators / VMware Server]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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VMware Server 2 Login Web Interface.

VMware Server 2 Web Interface.

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 1

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 2

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 3

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VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 4

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 5

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 6

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 7

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 8

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VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 9

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 10

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 11

VMware Server 2 Creating a Virtual Machine: Step 12

VMware Server 2 with a virtual machine.

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Contents 1 VMware Server 2.0 1.1 Installation 1.1.1 Microsoft Windows as the host system 1.1.2 Linux host system 1.2 The web interface VI Web Access 1.3 Configuration 4.1 Creating Virtual Machines 1.5 Virtual Appliances 1.6 VMware Tools 1.6.1 Microsoft Windows guest systems 1.6.2 Linux guest systems 1.7 control of the running virtual machine 1.7.1 Full Screen 1.7.2 Power Off, Suspend, Suspend Guest, Guest Shutdown, Reset, and Restart Guest 1.7.3 Access from removable media 1.7.4 Snapshots 1.8 Hardware configuration of the virtual machine 1.8.1 Processor 1.8.2 Memory 1.8.3 Hard Disk 1.8.4 CD / DVD 1.8.5 Network Adapter 1.9 Other configurations of the virtual machine 1.9.1 General 1.9.2 Power 1.9.3 Snapshots 1.9.4 Advanced 1:10 Command Line Tools 1.10.1 vmrun 1.10.2 vmware-vdiskmanager 1.11 More Tools VMware Converter 1.11.1 vCenter 1.11.2 vmbuilder 1.11.3 VMware VirtualCenter Server 1.11.4 openQRM 1.11.5 The libvirt library 1:12 Other

VMware Server 2 Installation of the console plugin.

VMware Server 2 console.

VMware Virtual Network Editor.

VMware Server 2.0

Download: http://www.vmware.com/products/server/ (after registration) The application of the free VMware Server is the server consolidation. Administration of virtual machines is to serve the web interface (VI Web Access). The VMware Server is VMware VirtualCenter the successor to VMware GSX and is the little brother of VMware ESX (i). The VMware Server. Server, as the Kernel-based Virtual Machine, a type 2 hypervisor and requires a host operating system. VMware Server can be installed on Linux or Microsoft Windows. We recommend a slim Linux distribution such as Ubuntu Server. VMware Server supports full virtualization, but does not depend on them. Therefore the running VMware Server, as opposed to VMWare ESX (i) server, even on modest hardware. This makes it particularly interesting for test and development environments. As a solution for desktop virtualization VMware Server is indeed used but VirtualBox, VMware Player and VMware Workstation are better suited. VMware Server can not be installed with other VMware virtualization products. With version 2.0 of VMware Server and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft Windows Vista are supported as guest systems. The RAM can be used for each host system may be up to 8 GB of RAM. This is a 64-bit host system or a 32-bit host system with PAE support (Physical Address Extension) is necessary. With CPUs with hardware virtualization, 64-bit guest operating systems. Continues to offer the VMware Server to host systems USB 2.0 and up to ten virtual network interfaces. Virtual SCSI disks assigned to the guest on the fly. Unfortunately, VMware dominates the server only a snapshot per virtual machine. Installation To install a freely available license number is required. It can be the URL http://register.vmware.com/content /registration.html request multiple license numbers.

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Microsoft Windows as the host system

Officially, the VMware Server from Microsoft Windows Server 2000, 2003 and 2008 is supported. Runs is the VMware Server on Microsoft Windows XP and Vista. To install one start the vmware-server-2 .*. exe. A wizard supports the installation. First, the license terms are acceptable. In the next step) is the installation directory (Destination Folder set. The default default C: \ Program Files \ VMware \ VMware Server \ can be accepted. In step server configuration information) is the directory for the virtual machine (virtual machine storage path adapted. It may be the default setting (C: \ Virtual Machines \) data store to be taken for. Furthermore, the full computer name with domain name (FQDN) is specified. The specifications for HTTP Server Port (8222) and server HTTPS port (8333) need not be changed. Furthermore system is Allow virtual machines to start and stop with the automaticly activated. In the Configure step is to activate all shortcuts. At the end of the installation), the registration information (User Name, Company and Serial Number to enter. When you install VMware Server on Microsoft Windows, the error message File was rejected by digital signature policy appear. be installed to avoid this error message the Microsoft patch KB925336 (Windows Server 2003). For installation on Microsoft Windows XP registry entry may be a necessary ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925336/en-us ). Autorun, the CD / DVD automatically starts when inserted action is to disable, It may cause unpredictable problems with the virtual machines. As of version 2.0 of VMware Server on Microsoft Windows for the Web interface to the Apache and the Tomcat server. On the services access this service as VMware Server Web filter. To import the Microsoft Windows CD and DVD as an image, additional software is required. Most CD / DVD burning programs support importing from CD / DVDs. A free program is ImgBurn ( http://www.imgburn.com ). It loads the installer SetupImgBurn_ *. exe from the site now and start it. After starting the program, choose Create image file from disc to ISO image of the install disc to create a. The ISO images are to be stored in the data store. On Microsoft Windows this is usually the C: \ Virtual Machines.
Linux host system

It is recommended to create a separate partition for virtual machines. As a host system including Linux distributions, Ubuntu, Red Hat and SuSE support. On x86 64-bit Linux VMware Server as a native 64-bit application is run. For the Linux software as RPM package or tar.gz archive will be available. SuSE and Red Hat to install the RPM package should be done. Host ~ # rpm-Uhv VMware-server-*. rpm For other Linux distributions the tar.gz archive is used. Before the kernel header sources and the development tools are installed. For example, my installation on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS: Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname-r` gcc make After downloading the archive is unpacked and the script vmware-install.pl run. Host ~ $ tar xzvf VMware-server-*. tar.gz Host $ cd vmware-server-distrib Host ~ $ sudo. / Vmware-install.pl On most issues, the default values with [Enter] to take effect. ... Please specify a port for remote connections to use [902] [Enter] Please specify a port for standard http connections to use [8222] [Enter] Please specify a port for secure http (https) connections to use [8333] [Enter] In which directory do you want to keep your virtual machine files? [/ Var / lib / vmware / Virtual Machines] [Enter] ... Please enter your 20-character serial number. Type XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX or 'Enter' to cancel: XXXXX-... ... During installation, the script vmware-config.pl configuration to start. This script is also after each kernel update the host system access. If the configuration with default values desired, the option-d. Host ~ # / usr / bin / vmware-config.pl-d There are kernel modules vmmon and vmnet the installed and the startup script / etc / init.d / vmware created. Importing from CD / DVDs is at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Images_anlegen described. The ISO images are in the data store to store. Under Linux, it is by default the path is / var / lib / vmware / Virtual Machines. If the system time at the guest systems are problems, then the host system, the boot option acpi = off to start with. # / Boot / grub / menu.lst ... title Ubuntu 8.04.2, kernel 2.6 root (hd0, 0) kernel / vmlinuz-2.6 ro

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The web interface VI Web Access The web interface VI Web Access is used to manage virtual machines. Unless otherwise specified in the configuration, the web server listens on ports 8222 (HTTP) and 8333 (HTTPS). is the VMware Server and the Web browser on the same machine, localhost is used to: http://localhost:8222 https: / / localhost: 8333 Is accessed from another computer, the computer name or IP address. External is only HTTPS (port 8333) allowed. The port 8333 is enabled it may be necessary in the firewall on the computer with VMware Server. https: / / my-vmware-server: 8333 With HTTPS security check appears in a web browser, because a self-signed certificate in VI Web Access is used. In the Web browser of this certificate is acceptable. After logging in as root (Linux) or Administrator (Microsoft Windows) with the appropriate system password appear on the left side of the Inventory of the VI Web Access all created virtual machines. By selecting the tabs at the top on the right side displays the functions available. Under the Console tab gives access to the host system. This console is the browser plug-install VMware remote. The web interface tries to authenticate using a client certificate to carry out. If the Web browser Firefox, a client certificate is installed, you can switch the annoying query in the browser as follows: Edit, Preferences, Advanced, encryption, certificates, one select Automatic. Configuration To configure VMware Server is left in inventory, the host computer to select. The tab summary are on the right side of the Configure Options. Edit Settings with host machines, the allocated memory for the virtual set. Furthermore, the creation of snapshots in the background can be activated. With Edit Virtual Machine Startup / Shutdown Settings system is the automatic high and shut down the virtual machine at boot or shutdown the host can be activated. In order to start the virtual machines are not all at the same time, a particular delay is adjustable. Additional disk space to store the virtual machine is added with add datastore. If multiple users on the VMware Server working, roles can use the menu item Administration, Manage Roles are configured. The tab permissions are distributed to each of Rights. Creating virtual machines The creation of virtual machines with the web interface VI Web Access supports a wizard. This is accessed via the menu item Virtual Machine, Create Virtual Machine. In the first step of the virtual machine name must be indicated. In this example, the virtual machine called WinXP because Windows XP system is installed as a guest. This is the next step in the operating system requirements Windows operation system and Microsoft Windows XP Professional select. As the amount of RAM 512 MB is to be specified. In the next steps for the virtual disk is defined. This disc is Create a New Virtual to click and enter a size in GByte Capacity 8th When On is bridged network and Connect at Power to activate. The installation CD is provided to the virtual machine. recommend to work is, to them as ISO image and import (Use an ISO image and Connect at Power On). On a floppy drive can be omitted. USB, however, is activated. At the end you get an overview of the configuration. Click Finish to start creating the virtual machine. With the menu item Virtual Machine, Power On is selected virtual machine started. It switches to the Console tab. During the first use of the console by clicking Install the browser plug-in to install VMware Remote Console plug. Next, open every click in the console area and a new window with the console. This window is independent of the Web Interface. Closing the window, the VMware Remote Console does not end the virtual machine. The guest system will be installed as usual. To exit the window of a virtual machine, the key combination [Ctrl] + is [Alt] to enter. The virtual machine appears to the Government in the left list. Virtual Appliances Fully installed virtual machines (virtual appliances), drawn by the URL http://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/ download. You look either in the categories, for example, operating system, or using the search box. After downloading the archive in the Data Store is extracted. Can import the virtual machine with the menu item Virtual Machine, Add Virtual Machine to Inventory. VMware Tools It is recommended that you install on the guest systems, the VMware Tools. They optimize with special drivers to work with the virtual machine. It adapts to the host window to the resolution and allows cut and paste between host and guest. The VMware tools for the different host systems as ISO images (freebsd.iso, linux.iso, netware.iso, windows.iso) are offered. Therefore he must be a virtual machine a virtual CD / DVD-ROM drive. If this does not exist, you add it to the off virtual machine. To install the VMware Tools virtual machine to start. The tab summary choose Options from the Install VMware Tools. Here, a virtual CD-ROM is inserted into the virtual CD drive. Under the Console tab, you open the console, the system can serve to guests.
Microsoft Windows guest systems

On Microsoft Windows as guest system, switching to the CD drive and launch the setup program if it was not started by

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Linux guest systems

On Unix / Linux as guest system is CD-ROM to mount it first, to unpack the tar archive and the script vmware-install.pl call. In Ubuntu 8.04 the following commands are necessary. Guest ~ $ sudo mount / dev / cdrom Guest ~ $ sudo cp / * media/cdrom0/VMwareTools. Guest ~ $ sudo umount / dev / cdrom Guest ~ $ sudo tar xzvf *. tar.gz VMwareTools Guest ~ $ cd vmware-tools-distrib Guest ~ $ sudo. / Vmware-install.pl-d For Unix like host systems (VMware is to monitor the tools with Monit http://mmonit.com/monit/ ) is recommended. starts Monit stopped VMware Tools. The installation of the package monit Ubuntu using a command line does under. Guest ~ $ sudo apt-get install monit is then in / etc / default / monit startup = 0 to the line 1 = Change startup. Monit is configured with the configuration file / etc / monit / monitrc. # / Etc / monit / monitrc # Email Alerts for set mail-format { from: [email protected] subject: [$ ACTION] $ HOST $ SERVICE $ EVENT - monit } set alert [email protected] # # Vmware-tools check process vmware-tools with pidfile / var / run / vmtoolsd.pid [email protected] alert only on nonexist {} start program "/ etc / init.d / vmware-tools start" stop program "/ etc / init.d / vmware-tools stop" if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout Then the configuration is to test and Monit to restart. Guest ~ $ / etc / init.d / monit syntax Control file syntax OK Guest ~ $ / etc / init.d / monit Control of the running virtual machine Functions to control the running machine can be found in the web interface menu, Virtual Machines and under the rider right in Summary Commands.
Full screen

Thus the Remote Console window fills the entire screen, fashion is the menu item Virtual Machines, Enter select Full Screen. With a small bar at the top of the screen can be controlled by the virtual machine.
Power Off, Suspend, Suspend Guest, Guest Shutdown, Reset, and Restart Guest

On the menu item Virtual Machines are the commands Power Off, Suspend, Suspend Guest, Guest Shutdown, Reset, and Restart Guest available. Power Off and Reset should not be used, or threatened loss of data. Are the VMware Tools installed, you drive the virtual machine with instant-messaging Machines, Shut Down Guest cleanly shut Virtual. A restart with instant-messaging Virtual Machines, Guest initiate restart. In Suspend the state of the virtual machine is stored before it is finished. The next time you start this saved state is restored. In Suspend Guest is a script before the VMware Tools in the guest system runs separately. With Virtual Machines, pause, keep to the virtual machine, or it can continue.
access from removable media

Removable media such as CD / DVD-ROMs and diskettes, are the Remote Console from the menu Devices made available in (see the hardware configuration of the virtual machine).

Snapshots save the states of the entire virtual machine (CPU, memory, devices and recordable discs). In this way, changes can be made to the system back. A snapshot is in the running virtual machine via the menu item Virtual

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Machines, Take Snapshot created. To restore the snapshot restore Machines is the menu item Virtual, select Revert to Snapshot. Since backup points need much space, snapshot are no longer needed protection points with Virtual Machines, Remove to delete. Hardware configuration of the virtual machine To configure the virtual machine should be shut down. New hardware is under Summary tab commands to add the item added to the hardware. The existing hardware configuration takes place under the Summary tab under Hardware. The respective icon to click, and select a point in the menu that appears.

It is the number of emulated CPUs pretend (SMP).


The amount of memory (RAM) of the virtual machine is configured here.

Hard Disk

A hard disk can be removed from virtual machine of the (Remove). Thus, the virtual hard drive file system of the host is deleted, select Delete from Disk. Edit the configuration settings using Edit. It can change the adapter. Can continue to operate with independent fashion regardless of the snapshot disk. The caching can be used for higher security (Optimize for safety) or requests (Optimize for performance) are optimized for fast.

Access to CD / DVDs, the VMware Remote Console via (Client Media). If an ISO image or CD / DVD drive of the host system the host system will be made available to, is host Media activate. Then Connect at power on is to activate and physical drive or ISO file to select it.
Network Adapter

The following types of networks to choose from. Bridged: The virtual machine gets an IP address either from a DHCP server on the network or from the Internet provider. If no DHCP server is manually free IP address in the network of the host system to specify a. Bridged is most often used. Host Only: It is private network to the host system formed a. Outside of the host system, this network is not visible. The internal DHCP server assigns the guest system automatically assigns an IP address. NAT: Network Address Translation is at the internal IP address of the host system to the outside with the IP address of the host system to map the. The internal DHCP server assigns to the host system an IP address from Also, the routing through the provided gateway is defined. A network configuration for most operating systems is not necessary and access from the host system to the outside is now available. The firewall blocks all incoming connections to this virtual network. Therefore it can not be accessed from outside the virtual machine. The host system is protected. After installing the VMware Server VMware two new network cards are set up. On Linux, the ifconfig command provides information about these adapters. On Microsoft Windows Control Panel is to call the (Start Menu, Control Panel). Under System, Hardware tab you open the Device Manager. Under Network Adapter VMnet8 the two VMware Network Adapter VMnet1 and listed. The configuration of virtual networks is done with the Virtual Network Editor. This is accessed via the Windows Start menu, Programs, VMware, VMware Server, Virtual Network Editor. It can be set up networks for each virtual network adapter. These include the type of network (Bridged, NAT, host-only), the IP range and the internal DHCP server. Change affects all of the virtual network adapter connected virtual machines. Other configurations of the virtual machine To configure the virtual machine must be shut down. The link is found under the tab Summary, Commands, Configure VM. The following functions:

Here, the name of the virtual machine, operating system and the default location to be changed.

The automatic full screen mode after the start is activated. The functions of some icons to control the virtual machine (power off, suspend, ...) can be changed. The version of VMware Tools scripts can be adjusted. To start the virtual machine into the BIOS to get the next screen is Enter the BIOS setup to activate. Furthermore, lasssen VMware Tools update before booting and enable time synchronization with the host system.

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VMware Server 2 vmrun, libvirt - libvirt qemu-kvm &


The snapshot can be protected from changes (Lock this snapshot) and turning off the virtual machine can automatically be re-established state of the snapshot.

This lets you make special settings. Command Line Tools Virtual machines can also be controlled from the command line of the host system. The command-line tools in Linux are in the directory / usr / bin and on Microsoft Windows in the C: \ Program Files \ VMware \ VMware Server.

With vmrun, virtual machines, start and stop list. Furthermore, you put it in a snapshot or suspend the virtual machine into suspend mode. The following command lists all running virtual machines (eg Microsoft Windows). Host C: \> cd C: \ Program Files \ VMware \ VMware Server Host C: \> vmrun list With the option and start the path to the VMX file to start a virtual machine (such as Microsoft Windows). Host C: \> vmrun start c: \ Virtual Machines \ WinXP \ WinXP.vmx If no option is specified, all options are listed. Host C: \> vmrun list

Documentation: http://www.vmware.com/support/ws55/doc/ws_disk_manager_examples.html With VMware Server, the command line tool vmware-vdiskmanager included. This allows virtual disks convert create and enlarge. The option-h is allowed to display the options (eg Microsoft Windows). Host C: \> cd C: \ Program Files \ VMware \ VMware Server Host C: \> vmware-vdiskmanager-h In order to enlarge a virtual hard drive, the option-x to use. In this example, the image is enlarged to 20 GB. Host C: \> vmware-vdiskmanager-x 20GB Platte.vmdk Other examples can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren /_VMware-Workstation . Other Tools
vCenter VMware Converter

Download: http://www.vmware.com/products/converter/ With the free VMware Converter can vCenter physical computer with Microsoft Windows NT4 SP4 +, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista and 7 virtual machines convert. Furthermore, the following Linux distributions are supported: Red Hat Enterprise, Red Hat Advanced Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and Ubuntu. The transfer of an operating system from one physical machine to a virtual machine is called physical to virtual (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Speichermedien/_Physical-to-Virtual ). For a running operating system runs with applications and data without reinstalling old hardware into a virtual machine. VMware vCenter Converter also allows you to move from host systems, another virtualization solution, such as Virtual PC, to a VMware product. The conversion of virtual machines is also referred to as a V2V migration (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_FestplattenImages_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware ). A description of the VMware vCenter Converters can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware-Player .

If the host system is Ubuntu Linux, the machine is creating a virtual alternative to the vmbuilder possible. The vmbuilder is a tool for creating virtual machines with Ubuntu JeOS as the guest system for KVM, QEMU, VMware Server and VMware Workstation, VMware Player, and Xen. Ubuntu JeOS (Just Enough Operating System) is a stripped down version of the Ubuntu Linux distribution for virtual appliances. Requires package the python-vm-builder. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install python-vm-builder In the following simple example of a virtual machine with Ubuntu Hardy with default values will be generated.

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Host ~ $ sudo vmbuilder VMServer hardy In the current directory to the script specifies a subdirectory of the virtual disk and configuration file ubuntu.vmx. Can import the virtual machine in VMware Server with the menu item Virtual Machine, Add Virtual Machine to Inventory. Numerous other options vmbuilder allow better configuration of the new virtual machine. The option - help explain this. Host ~ $ vmbuilder - help The options of typing do not have to hand, the information in the following web form to be entered: http://people.ubuntu.com/ ~ kirkland / ubuntu-vm-builder.html . The first field is the virtualization software VMServer select. After entering the desired values and after pressing the button Generate Command command line is the corresponding display. This is copied to the console. A more detailed description can be found at the URL http://qemubuch.de/d/Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools/_Die_Managementtools .
VMware VirtualCenter Server

The VMware VirtualCenter Server ( http://www.vmware.com/de/download/ ) is a powerful management software for ESX and ESXi. For testing, a time-limited evaluation version can be downloaded. With the evaluation version, it is possible to manage VMware Server 2.0. The VMware Virtual Center Server is described in Section ESXi (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware_ESXi_Hypervisor ]).

openQRM is an Open Source developed since 2006 diverse suite for system management (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Managementtools/_OpenQRM ). With its plug and vmware-server vmware-server2 allow virtual machines to VMware Server and VMware Server 2 to manage. To virtual machine with openQRM create one, plug-in is the first VMware server2 to install and activate. Then host is an appliance with the resource type VMware Server2 produce. With the VMware Server2-manager will be a new virtual machine.
The libvirt library

Website: http://libvirt.org The library is a layer between libvirt virtualization software and management tools. Thus, the development of management tools for all virtualization solutions that support this library possible. The libvirt library supports QEMU, KVM, VirtualBox, VMware ESX, Xen, LXC Linux container system, OpenVZ Linux container system, and User Mode Linux libvirt. Is published as open source. For various Linux distributions, corresponding software packages are installed. The library can be compiled with Cygwin and Mingw under Microsoft Windows. More information can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools . Here is an example of a remote connection via SSH to a VMware Server computer (Linux) with the name Pluto and the one I use. ~ $ Virsh gsx-c + ssh: / / I @ pluto / Other How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de /d/Speichermedien/_Festplatten-Images_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. For server consolidation, VMware ESXi (see instead of the free VMware Server better Kernel-based Virtual Machine, the free http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren /_VMware_ESXi_Hypervisor ) or the VMware ESX can be used. Requires special features, such as live migration, emulation of other processors, API emulation, injections of hardware faults, debugging and manual settings of the system time is QEMU (additional) use. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware-Server " This page has been accessed 12,892 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:56 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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VMware Workstation 7.1 download, Serial Number, ACE import, xp-mod...


VMware Workstation 7.1 download, Serial Number, ACE import, xp-mode, vmware-vdiskmanager
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and Emulators / VMware Workstation]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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The VMware Workstation.

New virtual machine: 1. Step.

New virtual machine: 2. Step.

New virtual machine: 3. Step.

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New virtual machine: 4. Step.

New virtual machine: 5. Step.

New virtual machine: 6. Step.

New virtual machine: 7. Step.

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New virtual machine: 8. Step.

VMware Workstation virtual machines.

VMware Workstation and VMware Player to run simultaneously.

VMware Workstation The Snapshot Manager.

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VMware Virtual Network Editor.

The BIOS of VMware Workstation.

VMware Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount Utility - Console.

New team - Step 1

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New team - Step 2

New Team - Step 3

New team - Step 4

The new team will start.

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Contents 1 VMware Workstation 7.1 1.1 Installation 1.1.1 Microsoft Windows Linux 1.1.2 1.2 Configuration 1.3 Creating Virtual Machines 4.1 Virtual Appliances 1.5 virtual machines and emulators of other virtualizer 1.6 XP-Mode Import 1.7 Physical-to-Virtual (P2V) 1.8 VMware Tools 1.8.1 Windows-guest systems 1.8.2 Linux guest systems 1.9 control of the running virtual machine 1.9.1 Full Screen Unity 1.9.2 1.9.3 Shutdown, Restart Guest, Suspend, Reset, Power Off and Pause 1.9.4 Access from removable media 1.9.5 Screenshots and Videos 1.9.6 Snapshots Clone 1:10 1.11 Hardware configuration of the virtual machine 1.11.1 Memory 1.11.2 Processor 1.11.3 Hard Disk 1.11.4 CD / DVD 1.11.5 Floppy 1.11.6 Network Adapter 1.11.7 USB Controller 1.11.8 Sound Card 1.11.9 Display 1:12 Additional configurations of the virtual machine 1.12.1 General 1.12.2 Power 1.12.3 Shared Folder 1.12.4 Snapshots 1.12.5 AutoProtect 1.12.6 Replay Guest Isolation 1.12.7 1.12.8 Encryption 1.12.9 Tools 1:12:10 Remote Display 1:12:11 Unity 1:12:12 Appliance View 1:12:13 ACE Advanced 1:12:14 1.13 The virtual BIOS 1:14 Teams 1:15 VMware Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount Utility 1:16 vmware-vdiskmanager 1:17 Other

VMware Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount Utility Step 1

VMware Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount Utility Step 2

CCleander cleans Microsoft Windows.


VMware Workstation 1.7

Download: http://www.vmware.com/products/workstation/index.html (30 day demo version after

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registration) The paid VMware Workstation (from VMware Inc.) is based on the native virtualization, and supports full virtualization. It enables on computers with x86 or x86-64 processors, multiple virtual machines for these processors to use. The installation of supported guest systems is comfortably possible with Easy Install. On Microsoft Windows 7, the VMware Workstation import the XP mode. VMware Workstation supports the Open Virtualization Format (OVF) and the Open Virtual Appliance (OVA). The VMware Workstation is Microsoft Virtual PC and Microsoft Virtual Server and Virtual Open operate machinery. VMware Workstation continues to support the image of Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery (formerly LiveState). Virtual machines can be a copy (clone) are generated. VMware Workstation supports the creation of snapshots and a team function. The Teams feature allows you to group virtual machines and connect to virtual networks. The function Unity applications run seamlessly in the host system directly to the desktop of the host system. Copy & Paste is on between host and guest system possible. Drag and drop files between host and guest system is supported. VMware Workstation supports the Aero desktop, Microsoft Windows 7 In the guest system to print directly to the printer connected to the host system. VMware Workstation supports the creation of packages with virtual machines for VMware fee-ACE (Assured Computing Environment). These virtual machines and the VMware Player Distributed be provided with security policies and ACE Management Server can be managed centrally by one. Furthermore, portable virtual machines can be created for USB storage media. VMware Workstation runs on Linux and Microsoft Windows. On 32-bit versions of Windows can not run the VMware Workstation parallel with VMware Server. Installation To install a paid license key is available for purchase. It is possible to test this software for 30 days. This URL is a license key for the evaluation version at the http://www.vmware.com/downloads/ws/eval.html request. Entering the serial number is on the menu Help, Enter Serial Number possible.
Microsoft Windows

After downloading the file to start vmware-workstation-full-*. exe. In step setup type do you choose Typical. Then C is the target directory: \ Program Files \ VMware Workstation \ preset \. With Change this setting can be changed. Then asked if shortcuts are created to call for the comfortable. These settings do not change. At the end of the installation the serial number is entered. Finally, Microsoft Windows is restarted. Is called the VMware Workstation from the Start menu, Programs, VMware, VMware Workstation. To import the Microsoft Windows CD and DVD as an image, additional software is required. Most CD / DVD burning programs support importing from CD / DVDs. A free program is ImgBurn ( http://www.imgburn.com ). It loads the installer SetupImgBurn_ *. exe from the site now and start it. After starting the program, choose Create image file from disc to ISO image of the install disc to create a.

To install the kernel header sources and the development tools necessary (eg Ubuntu 9.04) are. Host ~ $ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname-r` gcc make build-essential It is the latest version of VMware Workstation (32 - or 64-bit) download. The graphical installer is started as follows. Host ~ $ chmod + x ./Vmware-Workstation-Full-7 .*. bundle Host ~ $ gksudo bash ./Vmware-Workstation-Full-7 .*. bundle The installation is self explanatory. It installs special kernel modules. Then is called VMware Workstation. Host ~ $ / usr / bin / vmware & Importing from CD / DVDs is at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Images_anlegen described.

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Configuration Via the menu item Edit, Preferences VMware Workstation is configured. The tab workspace directory is specified, the new virtual machines are stored in the. Under the Hot Keys tab key combination to adjust, with the one mouse from the virtual machine window, free the (Default: [Ctrl] + [Alt]). Creating virtual machines In the VMware Workstation New Virtual Machine is the icon, a wizard to create a new virtual machine is started with. The first step is Typical and then select the installation media. With Installer disc, a DVD in the host system inserted CD / used. In this example, the installation of Ubuntu to an ISO image. The ISO file to installer disc image file to select. For supported host systems using the VMware Workstation Install a technique called Easy. This installation is largely automatic. Easy Install on Ubuntu asks at the beginning only after the user to be created. The next step in the name of the virtual machine and the target directory is specified. Subsequently, the size of the virtual disk is to be specified. Larger boards are better to invest in several parts. In the overview at the end of the wizard makes the hardware Customize with virtual hardware to adapt. With the Finish button to start the installation of the host system in the virtual machine. The demand for the installation of VMware Tools must be answered positively. The new virtual machine is next listed under Favorites. Start the virtual machine via the menu item VM, Power, Power On. In order to have control of the host system, you have to click in the window of the virtual machine. To return to the desktop of the host system, the key combination [Ctrl] + is [Alt] necessary. If a virtual machine is often used to set up a quick start shortcut. To do this click the right mouse button on the Windows desktop and choose New, Shortcut. Browse to choose VMX file of the desired virtual machine from the. These are usually in My Documents \ My Virtual Machines. Subsequently, this linkage should be designated. With a double click on the link you start the virtual machine. Virtual Appliances Fully installed virtual machines (virtual appliances), drawn by the URL http://www.vmware.com /appliances/ download. You look either in the categories, for example, operating system, or using the search box. After downloading the archive is unpacked. Can import the required virtual machine either via File Open or File, Import or export. With File, Open the import is faster because default values are taken. In File, Import or Export Wizard will be launched. In the wizard choose the point source type of virtual appliance on. Virtual machines and emulators of other virtualizer Virtual machines and emulators of other virtualizer either File, Open or File, Import or export of imported. With File, Open the import is faster because default values are taken. In File, Import or Export Wizard will be launched. In the Wizard, choose Other from the point Source Type in. The next step is to open the file. Will virtual machines from Microsoft Virtual PC or Microsoft Virtual Server, open the VMware Workstation generates a new VMX file. The original VMC file remains unchanged. Images are from Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery open, generates a new VMware Workstation VMX file. The original image is unchanged. Except for the formats. Ovf and. Ova Linked clones are created here. In the formats. Ovf and. Ova are full clones generated. Microsoft Windows as guest system detects at boot time after importing new hardware and install default drivers for it. Then a restart of the host system is necessary. With qemu-img (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_FestplattenImages_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware ) and ubuntu-vm-builder (see http://qemu-buch.de /d/Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools/ _Die_Managementtools ) may also converts virtual machines are created. XP-Mode Import The XP-mode Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise is a free image with a custom Windows XP Professional. This virtual machine is normally powered by Microsoft Virtual PC 2007. After the installation of VMware Workstation is the URL of the XP-Mode http://www.microsoft.com/windows /virtual-pc/download.aspx download. Then file is the XP mode by calling the us.exe to install WindowsXPMode_de. After installing XP, the XP-Mode in VMware Workstation with File, Import Windows VM imported fashion. The VMware Workstation finds the XP mode and rename the new virtual machine with Windows XP mode. After starting the virtual machine, the VMware Tools are installed.

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Physical-to-Virtual (P2V) The process of transferring real computers into virtual machines is called physical to virtual (P2V). An appropriate Wizard, the File menu, import or export started from. It is on the point computer select Source Type Physical. The next step is to specify whether it is the local or another computer. Is it a remote computer, the name or IP address and the password is specified. Then to copy media must be selected. The next step, the target system is to be specified. Finally, the name and location is to define the virtual machine. Alternatively, use the VMware Converter for P2V vCenter migration. A description can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware-Player . VMware Tools If not done, the VMware Tools are installed. This is a CD image with various drivers. This can be set as higher screen resolutions. A common buffer is used. Another advantage is the easy exchange of the mouse pointer between the desktop and the virtual machine window. The installation is the running virtual machine via the menu option VM, install VMware Tools introduced in. Here, the virtual CD to the virtual CD drive on the host system is loaded. The CD image with VMware Tools is loaded on first use of the VMware Web site. More information can be found at the URL http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/ .
Windows guest systems

Microsoft Windows is usually the case when you insert the virtual CD automatically called in the file setup.exe. If it fails, the automatic start, so manually in the file manager the file setup.exe to start. It is typical to select the installation type. Then, the host system is restarted. To set a higher screen resolution in the guest system, just click the right mouse button on any free space on the Windows desktop. Under the Settings tab to configure the screen resolution.
Linux guest systems

On Unix / Linux as host system, this CD-ROM is included. This is normally done automatically. The tarball is unpacked and the script vmware-install.pl call. They are the kernel headers and development tools necessary. On Ubuntu, the following commands are entered. After each kernel update, the script re-run vmware-install.pl. Guest ~ $ sudo cp / * media/cdrom1/VMwareTools. Guest ~ $ sudo umount / dev / cdrom Guest ~ $ tar xzvf *. tar.gz VMwareTools Guest ~ $ cd vmware-tools-distrib Guest ~ $ sudo. / Vmware-install.pl-d Control of the running virtual machine Functions to control the running machine can be found in the VM menu. For example, one sends the host system, the key combination [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Enf] with instant-messaging VM, Send Ctrl + Alt + Del.
Full screen

This virtual machine window fills the entire screen, the menu item View, Full Screen or press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Enter] to open. With a small bar at the top of the screen can be controlled by the virtual machine. With the menu item View, Quick Switch or [F11] under the Home tab on the virtual machine fills the entire screen, too. However, at the top of the riders remain for switching between virtual machines.

The Unity feature lets you merge the desktop of the host system to the desktop of the host system. The applications of the host system running as a window on the host system. The Unity feature is available after installing the VMware tools. In the running virtual machine Unity is the View menu, activated by Unity. The start menu of the host system is activated via the key combination [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [V].
Shutdown, Restart Guest, Suspend, Reset, Power Off and Pause

With the menu-point VM, Power, the commands are reset, suspend and power off available. Reset and

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Power off should not be used, or threatened loss of data. Are the VMware Tools installed, you drive the virtual machine with instant-messaging VM down cleanly shut down Guest. A restart is instant-messaging VM, Restart Guest him to arrange. In Suspend the state of the virtual machine is stored before it is finished. The next time you start this saved state is restored. With VM, pause, keep to the virtual machine, or it can continue.
access from removable media

Removable media such as CD / DVD-ROMs, floppy disks and USB flash drives, are the virtual machine menu option VM, Removable Devices made available via.
Screenshots and Videos

With instant-messaging VM, Capture Screen system is a screen shot of the guest in the clipboard. Via the menu item Edit, Preferences tab is the workspace under a different goal set. With instant-messaging VM Capture Movie recording is a video starts. This is AVI file under Registered Documents, My Videos stored as. To finish the recording with VM, Stop Movie Capture.

Snapshots save the states of the entire virtual machine (CPU, memory, devices and recordable discs). In this way, changes can be made to the system back. A snapshot of the running virtual machine via the menu option VM, Snapshot, Take snapshot created in. Here, the snapshot is named. Optional description, a description entered under. Snapshots are managed in the Snapshot Manager. This is accessed via VM, Snapshot, Snapshot manager. To restore a snapshot, restore, select one of these and click on Go To. Since backup points need much space, protection points are no longer required to delete with Delete. About Auto Protect can create snapshots at specific time intervals automatically. Clone With the menu-point VM, clone a virtual machine is powered down copies a. Here, the current state or condition of a snapshot can be used. Alternatively, clone the Snapshot Manager on the Clone button generates a. Copying can be done in two ways. For a full clone (Create a full clone) copy is a true, independent created. When a linked clone (Create a linked clone) is the original virtual machine or its snapshot, the basis for the new machine. This is the overlay files of QEMU (see comparable http://qemubuch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Images_anlegen ). A linked clone can be operated together with the original virtual machine. The linked clone is created quickly, but offers a poorer perfomance. Hardware configuration of the virtual machine To configure the virtual machine should be shut down. The corresponding dialog box you call the menu VM, Settings. Under the Hardware tab, the virtual hardware is configured. New hardware is added using the Add button. It helps a wizard. Supported Linux and Windows guest systems can print directly to the printer on the host system. Add to this is to use Virtual Printer. The guest system configures the printer automatically.

The amount of memory (RAM) of the virtual machine is configured here.


It is the number of emulated CPUs pretend (SMP). The settings under Virtualization engine usually do not need to be changed. For special guest systems and test environments, the type of virtualization / emulation is adapted. Preferred mode: Automatic: It tries to automatically host and guest system to find the optimal code for that. This includes Automatic with replay, Binary translation, Intel VT-x or AMD-V and Interl-VT-x/EPT or a AMD-V/RVI. The other options is the preferred mode explicitly defined. Automatic with Replay: Successfully optimized code is executed when needed again. This option is used when reference is made to a message. Binary translation: is a mixture of directly executing code and binary translation. This option is

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using shadow page tables to map the memory of the host system. Intel VT-x or AMD-V: This option is only available if the host system that supports full virtualization. In addition to the appropriate hardware extensions for Full Virtualization Shadow Page Tables used this option to map the memory of the host system. Interl-VT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI: This option is only available if the host system that supports full virtualization. In addition to the appropriate hardware extensions for Full Virtualization Paging uses this option to map the hardware memory of the host system. Disable acceleration for binary translation: Some host systems do not start when this option is enabled. VMware kernel paravirtualization: http://www.vmware.com/technical-resources/interfaces /paravirtualization.html
Hard Disk

Among utilities, the following functions: Map ...: Adds the virtual hard drive as a drive in the host system. The host system must adjust the file system that drive can read. It is recommended to read to use the virtual disk (Open file in read-only mode). Defragment: Virtual Hard Drive Microsoft Windows guest systems can be defragmented. On Linux this is not necessary. ... Expand: Enlarges the virtual hard disk. In the host system on the additional space, additional partitions are created and formatted. Compact: Optimizes a virtual hard disk. Under Advanced, the behavior of the virtual disk pretend. Independent: The hard disk is independent of the snapshots. Persistent: Changes are immediately and permanently written to disk. Nonpersistent: The changes will be exiting the virtual machine or to restore lost after a snapshot.

An ISO image or CD / DVD drive of the host-guest system can be made available to the system. Connect at power on is activated.

An image or the floppy drive of the host-guest system can be made available to the system. Connect at power on is activated.
Network Adapter

The following types of networks to choose from. Bridged: The virtual machine gets an IP address either from a DHCP server on the network or from the Internet provider. If no DHCP server is manually free IP address in the network of the host system to specify a. Bridged is most often used. NAT: Network Address Translation is at the internal IP address of the host system to the outside with the IP address of the host system to map the. The internal DHCP server assigns to the host system an IP address from Also, the routing through the provided gateway is defined. A network configuration for most operating systems is not necessary and access from the host system to the outside is now available. The firewall blocks all incoming connections to this virtual network. Therefore it can not be accessed from outside the virtual machine. The host system is protected. Host Only: It is private network to the host system formed a. Outside of the host system, this network is not visible. The internal DHCP server assigns the guest system automatically assigns an IP address. Custom: allocation of a virtual network. Team: assign a VLAN of the team. After installing the VMware Workstation VMware two new network cards are set up. On Linux, the ifconfig

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command provides information about these adapters. On Microsoft Windows Control Panel is to call the (Start Menu, Control Panel). Under System, Hardware tab you open the Device Manager. Under Network Adapter VMnet8 the two VMware Network Adapter VMnet1 and listed. The configuration of virtual networks is done with the Virtual Network Editor. This is accessed via the menu Edit, Virtual Network Editor or from the Windows Start menu, Programs, VMware, Virtual Network Editor. It can be set up networks for each virtual network adapter. These include the type of network (Bridged, NAT, host-only), the IP range and the internal DHCP server. Change affects all of the virtual network adapter connected virtual machines.
USB Controller

Enable high-speed support for USB 2.0 devices: This option should be enabled. Automatically connect new USB devices: new USB devices connected to the host system system are automatically uploaded to the guest. Show all USB input devices: There are all USB devices to the host system of the host system shown.
Sound Card

The sound output can be disabled or set a different sound card.


It can enable the 3D acceleration (Accelerate 3D graphics). Furthermore, the number of monitors and their resolution will be set. Other configurations of the virtual machine To configure the virtual machine must be shut down. The corresponding dialog box you call the menu VM, Settings. Under the Options tab, the following functions:

Here, the name of the virtual machine, operating system and the default location to be changed.

The automatic full screen mode after the start is activated. Furthermore, the host system the battery status is transmitted. The functions of some icons to control the virtual machine (power off, suspend, ...) can be changed.
Shared Folder

To exchange data between the guest and host system are shared folder (shared folders) uses. There must have installed the VMware Tools. To set up a Shared Folder is Always select enabled. With the Add button system a path to the host selected. The shared folder is read-only system (read-only) assigned to the guest. In Microsoft Windows Explorer as a guest system is started and Shared Folders to open the entry.

Turning off the virtual machine can be connected with snapshot operations.

About Auto Protect can be to create snapshots at specific time intervals automatically.

To debug this, special features such as automatic snapshots are configured.

Guest Isolation

In order for the guest system is better insulated, can drag and drop and copy & paste between host and guest system are prevented. Furthermore, the Virtual Machine Communication Interface (VMCI) are disabled.

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VMware Workstation 7.1 download, Serial Number, ACE import, xp-mod...



The virtual machine can be encrypted with a password.


The upgrade of VMware tools is defined.

Remote Display

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) allows the screen of a computer (on which the VNC server running) to another computer (on which the VNC viewer is running) show in exchange for keyboard and mouse movements to send back. So that the host system can access with VNC, Enable remote display is activated. Access is zuschtzen with a password.

The behavior when Unity is adapted here. In addition to the configuration of the window frame, the menu of the applications (de-) activated.
Appliance View

These settings will be displayed instead of the expenditure of the host system, a description and link. This is advantageous when services are of the host system via a web server, configured as Webmin.

Features To use ACE ACE is enabled Enable features and needs an ACE server, giving at.

Here are special settings, such as process priorities, possible. The virtual BIOS Each virtual machine under VMware Workstation has like a real PC BIOS (Basic Input Output System). The BIOS enables communication between the operating system and hardware. When booting the virtual machine can be reached by pressing the [F2] in the virtual BIOS. If you want to use often live CD / DVD, one is under the boot CD-ROM drive first. This is using the cursor keys to select CD-ROM drive and press the] several times to press + [. Teams A group of virtual machines can be defined team as a VMware Workstation under. This team can be a virtual network (VLAN) assigned. In each case, a network bandwidth can be defined. Virtual machines can run a team with one click in a certain order. Here, the appropriate starting place with a predetermined delay. A new team is the menu item File, New, team up on. In the Wizard, the name and location of the new team should be given. The next step is to add two aircraft this team to assign at least. Next, the LAN segments should be selected. Then, the virtual machine to the LAN segments to be connected. Finish with education, the team concluded. The new team will appear next to Favorites. The team settings are the menu-point team, settings changed over. The tab Virtual Machines will delay the boot sequence and configure your boot. The start is the menu item Team, Power, Power On. VMware Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount Utility For VMware Workstation VMware Workstation 5.5 is the program Disk Mount Utility. This allows virtual disks on the host system (Microsoft Windows) embed. Given the virtual machine must be off. Needs to continue to the host system's file system can read the virtual machine. Via the menu item File, Map or Disconnect Virtual Disks program, the Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount utility called VMware. To include a virtual disk, click on Map. File name behind it is the path to the virtual disk (. Vmdk) a. In volume is to click the desired partition. Desktop Drive drive letter is free to choose. recommend) is a read-only access (Open file in read-only mode. In Windows Explorer to access the virtual hard disk on the specified drive letter is possible. To release we open again the program VMware Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount Utility. There, select the drive letter and click on the Disconnect. This may be no access to this drive. The program Workstation 5.5 Disk Mount Utility VMware is actually the command line tool vmware-mount.

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VMware Workstation 7.1 download, Serial Number, ACE import, xp-mod...


vmware-vdiskmanager Documentation: http://www.vmware.com/support/ws55/doc/ws_disk_manager_examples.html With VMware Workstation vdiskmanager is also the command line tool vmware-supplied. This allows virtual disks convert create and enlarge. The option-h is allowed to display the options (eg Microsoft Windows). Host C: \> cd C: \ Program Files \ VMware \ VMware Workstation \ Host C: \> vmware-vdiskmanager-h In order to enlarge a virtual hard drive, the option-x to use. In this example, the image is enlarged to 20 GB. Host C: \> vmware-vdiskmanager-x 20GB Platte.vmdk When you convert virtual disks for other programs, such as QEMU / KVM, consider the following. Large virtual hard disks on VMware products, often multiple image files (. Vmdk), each with a maximum size of two gigabytes divided on. In addition, there is another file (. Vmdk) is created which, however, contains meta-data. The best way to understand the structure of a virtual disk for the example of a VMware virtual machine with an 8-gigabyte hard drive. Case 1: The entire hard disk to an image file is located, for example win.vmdk. It contains all the necessary data and can easily convert to other virtualization solutions. However, was a snapshot in VMware made, this file contains only the state of the file system until the time of the snapshot. All changes made to another file (win-000001.vmdk) stored in. Possibly other snapshots are counted (000002.vmdk win, win-000003.vmdk ...). Before converting the data from the base file and snapshots are back together. Case 2: The image file is divided into slices. In this example, next to the file in addition to files win.vmdk win-win-s005.vmdk s001.vmdk to present hard drive. Win.vmdk contains meta-data to build the virtual: # Disk DescriptorFile version = 1 CID = 793c1936 parentCID = ffffffff create type = "twoGbMaxExtentSparse" # Extent description RW 4192256 SPARSE "win-s001.vmdk" RW 4192256 SPARSE "win-s002.vmdk" RW 4192256 SPARSE "win-s003.vmdk" RW 4192256 SPARSE "win-s004.vmdk" RW 8192 SPARSE "win-s005.vmdk" # The Disk Data Base # DDB ddb.virtualHWVersion = "4" ddb.geometry.cylinders = "1024" ddb.geometry.heads = "255" ddb.geometry.sectors = "63" ddb.adapterType = "BusLogic" Also in this case, snapshots are possible. Then the files are also 000001.vmdk win and win-000001s001.vmdk to win-000001-s005.vmdk before. Again, in win-only meta-data contains 000001.vmdk. Host C: \> vmware-vdiskmanager-r-t 0 000001.vmdk win-win-export.vmdk This command converts the file win-win in the export file 000001.vmdk export.vmdk. In this case, a complete file, starting from the first snapshot of type sparse (-t 0) is generated. This export file can be used by QEMU or KVM. Those who work with the many options of the command line tool vmware-vdiskmanager is cumbersome to install itself to the VMX Builder ( http://www.vmxbuilder.com ). This package contains the GUI Virtual DiskFaktory. Devfarm started the program on the Start menu, All Programs, software, VMXBuilder, Virtual

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VMware Workstation 7.1 download, Serial Number, ACE import, xp-mod...


DiskFaktory. In order to enlarge a virtual hard disk, for example, is chosen under the tab Expand the virtual disk path to the virtual disk from behind. After that is placed under the disk size desired size. Clicking on Expand disc increases the disk. be partitioned in the host system, the new area on the virtual hard disk and formatted. To drive to shrink a virtual, is under the tab the path behind Shrink Virtual Disk and Disk to specify to click Shrink. Other How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Festplatten-Images_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. Requires special features, such as live migration, emulation of other processors, API emulation, injections of hardware faults, debugging and manual settings of the system time is QEMU / KVM (additional) use. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_VMware-Workstation " This page has been accessed 16,635 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:57 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 8:13 PM

Win4BSD FreeBSD 8.0, Win4Lin Pro, Win4Solaris, download installatio...


Win4BSD FreeBSD 8.0, Win4Lin Pro, Win4Solaris, download license installation howto
(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / WIN4]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

Contents 1 Win4BSD 1.1 Install PC-BSD under Win4BSD 2.1 Creating Virtual Machines 1.2.1 With loadwinproCD and installwinpro 1.2.2 Direct from installation media 1.3 Management of virtual machines 1.3.1 Usage 1.3.2 Network 1.3.3 Configuration 1.3.4 International 2 Win4Lin 3 Win4Solaris 3.1 Other

Win4BSD with Microsoft Windows XP.

Download: http://win4bsd.com/wp/get-win4bsd/ Recommended: 512 MB RAM, 10 GB of free hard disk space, X-Window resolution of 1024x768 pixels. Win4BSD is a commercial product from Virtual Bridges, Inc. based on QEMU. This means that the Microsoft Windows versions 2000 and XP or run individual Windows applications on FreeBSD (32-bit) and PC-BSD (32-bit). On common directories do you transfer data to the host system. Start with the configuration option is not possible. The non-commercial use of Win4BSD is free. Since this version is only a 32-bit application is for 64-bit hosts the original version of QEMU (64-bit) recommended. Other products of Virtual Bridges, Win4Lin Inc. and Win4Solaris (see below). Installing Win4BSD under PC-BSD In this example Win4BSD 1.1 is installed via FreeBSD ports under PC-BSD 7.0.1 (x86, 32-bit). Previously been installed on the system QEMU, and KQEMU AQEMU. Under PC-BSD and the installation of the PBI file is possible. To install via FreeBSD ports you go into the ports tree and then start the installation, which stops at PC-BSD 7.0.1 with an error message. Host ~ # cd / usr/ports/emulators/win4bsd Host ~ # make install clean win4bsd-1.1_3 requires the traditional scheduler 4BSD. Please rebuild your kernel with options sched_4bsd, and run make again. *** Error code 1 Win4BSD 1.1 is not compatible with the new ULE scheduler. A kernel is compiled with the old BSD scheduler. This requires the kernel sources. If the directory / usr / src / sys does not exist, the sources must be installed. This is done using sysinstall. Are the sources available, you go into the directory usr/src/sys/i386/conf / and submit a copy of the configuration file. Host ~ # cd / # cp GENERIC usr/src/sys/i386/conf host ~ MYKERNEL The file is MYKERNEL with a text editor, eg vi, open the. The following line should be adjusted. SCHED_ULE options This line is amended as follows: options SCHED_ 4BSD After saving the file MYKERNEL kernel is the custom compiled. Host ~ # cd / usr / src Host ~ # make build kernel KERNCONF = MYKERNEL The compilation takes a while. In the meantime, you read the documentation of Win4BSD: ftp://ftp.vbridges.com/pub/archive/pro/releases/bsd/pro /1.1/Users-Guide.html . If the new kernel compiled without errors, it is installed. Then, the computer is restarted. Host ~ # make install kernel KERNCONF = MYKERNEL Host ~ # reboot Win4BSD now being installed. This will return you to the appropriate directory in the ports tree and executes the installation. Host ~ # cd / usr/ports/emulators/win4bsd / Host ~ # make install clean After the installation script is the postinstall.sh configuration and starting to run Win4BSD. This script tries to compile KQEMU, which will fail. Since KQEMU has already been installed, these error messages should be ignored. Host ~ # / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/postinstall.sh Starting Win4BSD Pro ... done. The launch of Win4BSD is checked with ps. Host ~ # ps aux | grep "win4bs [d]" root 13523 0.0 0.2 1332 832? Is 0:00,00 8:21 am / Usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/mergeprod The serial number 1w6fb61x-n3392a-869x-8j25-h425-31 from the download URL is entered the script ask_license.sh with. The data are the file / usr/local/win4bsd/install/license.lic stored in. Host ~ # / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/ask_license.sh Creating virtual machines
With loadwinproCD and installwinpro

Win4BSD - Installing Microsoft Windows XP with installwinpro.

Win4BSD - Installing Microsoft Windows XP with installwinpro.

Win4BSD - Installing Microsoft Windows XP with One-Click-2-Windows.

Win4BSD The pop-up menu.

The script loadwinproCD certain installation media Win4WSD be imported. The following Microsoft Windows CD-ROMs are officially supported. Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Windows Windows Windows Windows 2000 2000 2000 2000 Professional Professional Professional Professional (no service packs) with Service Pack 1 with Service Pack 2 with Service Pack 4

Win4BSD - Windows will start with just one application: IEXPLORE.EXE.

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Win4BSD FreeBSD 8.0, Win4Lin Pro, Win4Solaris, download installatio...


Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft

Windows Windows Windows Windows


Professional with Service Pack 1 or 1a Professional with Service Pack 2 Home with Service Pack 1 or 1a Home with Service Pack 2

This is the CD insert and the script to start loadwinproCD. Under PC-BSD 7 breaks this script with an error message. Host ~ # / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/loadwinproCD Checking CDROM ... mount: / dev/acd0: Operation not supported by device The script calls the script on loadwinproCD unimount.sh that the mount command is an option for using this version of PC-BSD is not clear. To handle this problem with a change in the script unimount.sh. You open the script / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/unimount.sh with an editor and then studied the function mount_block_bsd by (). In this function to change the mount command as follows: mount_block_bsd () { RETVAL = 0 if [-x / sbin / mount_auto-o-x / usr / sbin / mount_auto] then MTYPE = "auto" else MTYPE = "cd9660" fi # Original: # Mount-r-t $ MTYPE $ 1 $ 2> / dev / null # Re: mount-r-t cd9660 $ 1 $ 2> / dev / null if $ [? -Ne 0] then RETVAL = 1 fi } It is the installation CD, in this example, Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2) imported for Win4BSD. The image is in the directory / usr/local/win4bsd/cdroms. Host ~ # / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/loadwinproCD Checking CDROM ... Media found: Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2) Loading CDROM ... please wait ... .................................................. Windows CD-ROM complete load. It logs in under the normal account (not as root user) and the script calls on installwinpro. The option-d engine, a directory for the files of the virtual given. If this option is not specified, WinPro is the default directory ~ / directory. With the-g option specifies to set the size of the image. In the option-m is the mode of installation defined. There are the following: image: The entire installation is in the image GUEST.IMG. The BSD home directory can be reached through the path \ \ HOST \ HOME. shared: Unlike image is My Documents stored in the host system. This is the default setting in the Windows XP installation. integrated: as a roaming profile system, all user data stored in the host. This is the default setting on the Windows 2000 installation. In XP is possible under this option no access to the login screen. Host ~ $ / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/installwinpro \ MeinWin-d-g-m shared 10G When you install Microsoft Windows only two actions are necessary: the confirmation of the license and enter the serial number. After installing a backup of the directory is recommended. Host ~ $ tar czvf meinWin.tar.gz meinWin
Direct from the installation media

For installation media that are supported by loadwinproCD not, for example, Microsoft Windows XP Professional with SP3 (multi-volume CD) script is used with the following options installwinpro. The script loadwinproCD is not needed. Host ~ $ / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/installwinpro \ Winxppro-w-c / dev/acd0-g-m shared 10G The option-c is one path to the CD / DVD-ROM device to the. With the-g option specifies to set the size of the image. In the option-m is the mode of installation is defined (see above). The option-w is the Microsoft version of Windows before: win2kpro (Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional) winxppro (Microsoft Windows XP Professional) winxphome (Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition) This installation is also supported by GUI. Here, the installation of only one host system is possible. Whose files directory ~ / WinPro created in. Host ~ $ / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/mergepro-oneclick Management of virtual machines

Win4BSD WinPro is called with. The option-snapshot protects the image of change. If the host system in the mode or integrated shared installed, files can be stored permanently anyway. This requires that the files in My Documents are stored. WinPro uses the files in the default directory (WinPro) when no directory is specified. In this example, the list of files used meinWin. Host ~ $ winPRO snapshot meinWin Using the [Shift] + [F12], a pop-up menu for special options to control the current instance is opened. It should be only in an emergency session to select Exit or Abort apply session. To stop an instance, the menu is the guest system in the start-point select the shutdown. If the guest system is stopped for another species, threatened loss of data. All options of the command lists WinPro-h option to the. Host ~ $ winPRO h

The network configuration in the host system must not be changed. The settings are made with the built-in DHCP server as the user mode network stack of QEMU. It is a virtual network ( is generated with firewall and DHCP server ( The DHCP server assigns the host system automatically assigns an IP address from Possibly on the routing of which was provided by QEMU gateway ( is defined. An access from the host system to the outside is now available. That is, if the host system has access to the Internet, has also the host system to automatically access the Internet. The firewall blocks all incoming connections to this virtual network. It is not possible to access from outside the virtual machine. The host system is protected. A test of the network connection with ping is not supported. Even browsing the Windows network is not possible. It IP addresses instead of names to be entered. Also, no applications to NT or 2000/2003-Server-Domains are possible. On the home directory in the host system are accessed via the share. The following URL in the file manager must be entered. \ \ Host \ HOME

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Win4BSD FreeBSD 8.0, Win4Lin Pro, Win4Solaris, download installatio...


Directories outside of the home directory on the host system to be approved by symlinks. The following example allows access to the directory / tmp on the host system using the URL \ \ Host \ HOME \ tmp Host ~ $ ln-s / tmp $ HOME / tmp

The configuration of virtual machines is done with variables. These are in the / etc / default / mergepro (global) and stored settings.local. The variables from the command line before the call to be set WinPro also. The memory of the host system is set with the variable MRGPRO_WINDOWS_RAMSIZE. The memory can be up to 2 / 3 of memory on the host system. The keyboard layout is defined with the variable MRGPRO_KBD_LANG. The size of the window is the variable MRGPRO_WINDOW_SIZE specified. Possible values are maximized and the information in pixels, for example 1024x768. The start time of the host system is reduced when the sound turned off, the variable MRGPRO_DISABLE_AUDIO with. Here are the configuration in the Bash shell. Host ~ $ export MRGPRO_WINDOWS_RAMSIZE = 256 host = ~ $ export MRGPRO_KBD_LANG "de" host ~ $ export MRGPRO_WINDOW_SIZE = "maximized" host ~ $ export MR Be permanently variables in the settings.local in the list of virtual machine set them. # WinPro / settings.local # DO NOT DELETE OR CHANGE OR MRGPRO_WINDOWS_VERSION MRGPRO_GUEST_INSTALL_MODE MRGPRO_WINDOWS_VERSION = "winxppro" MRGPRO_GUEST_INSTALL_MODE = "shared" # BEGINNING OF LOCAL USER SETTINGS MRGPRO_WINDOW_TITLE = "WinPro" MRGPRO_WINDOWS_RAMSIZE = 256 MRGPRO_KBD_LANG = "de" MRGPRO_DISABLE_AUDIO = "yes" MRGPRO_WINDOW_SIZE = "maximized" System-wide user, these values from the root of the file / etc / default / mergepro stored in. # Merge Pro defaults MRGPRO_INST_DATE = "Fri February 31 2009 08:21:26 CET MRGPRO_NODENAME = "PCBSD" MRGPRO_SYSNAME = "FreeBSD" MRGPRO_SYSREL = "7.1-PRERELEASE" MRGPRO_SYSVER = "FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE" MRGPRO_SYSMACHINE = "i386" VARMERGE = "/ usr/local/win4bsd" STATICMERGE = "/ usr/local/lib/win4bsd" MRGPRO_SYSTEMTYPE = "bsd" MRGPRO_MERGENAME = "Win4BSD Pro" MRGPRO_CD_DEV_NAME = "/ dev/acd0" MRGPRO_CDA_SOCK_DIR = "/ usr/local/win4bsd/cda" MRGPRO_KBD_LANG = "de" As user root optimizes the file / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/mergepro-configs.sh. In the function add_to_count () is the variable COUNT = 1 to set. add_to_count () { [$ QUIET-eq 0] & & echo $ 1 # COUNT = `expr $ COUNT + 1` COUNT = 1 } In the host system, the following improvements are made. The System Restore should be disabled because the whole guest system in the host system can be secured. On Microsoft Windows XP is chosen to start menu, My Computer and click on System Information. In the System Restore tab to enable System Restore on all drives, disable. Printers under Microsoft Windows XP Start menu, printers and fax machines with printers to add configured. In the wizard choose Network printer and provides the connection to the printer \ \ HOST \ host-in printer. Then added for the driver installation to manufacturer Apple and the Apple LaserWriter printer in V23.0. Often you need a standalone Windows application and not the entire desktop. This is configured in the host system with the following steps. You start the Registry Editor (Start menu Run: regedit) and check whether the necessary registry entries are in the. Computer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Microsoft, Windows NT, CurrentVersion, Winlogon Userinit variable = B: \ mrgpro32.exe The log shall be made without login screen. On Microsoft Windows 2000 is in the Start menu, Settings, Control Panel, Users and Passwords must be user name and password to disable the user point. On Microsoft Windows XP is the Start Menu, Control Panel, user accounts, change the way users log on option to disable welcome screen use. In the Registry Editor (Start menu, Run, type: regedit) the application is selected. In this example, it is Internet Explorer. Computer, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Win4Lin: Right-click, New, String: "SingleAppStart. With a double application, the complete path to the value set as: C: Program Files \ Internet Explorer \ IEXPLORE.EXE. \ Only after you restart Internet Explorer. With the optiondesktop system that can host entire desktop still be started with the. Host-desktop ~ $ WinPro meinWin

The applied launch options can be viewed winpro.log in the file. Host ~ $ cat ~ / WinPro / winpro.log The image GUEST.IMG consists of a partition. Host ~ $ fdisk WinPro / GUEST.IMG Win4BSD based on the QEMU version 0.8.2. Host ~ $ strings / usr/local/lib/win4bsd/bin/mergepro-core | \ grep "QEMU 0th" QEMU 0.8.2

Win4BSD is a commercial product from Virtual Bridges, Inc. and is based on QEMU. This means that the Microsoft Windows versions 2000 and XP or run individual Windows applications on Linux.

Win4Solaris is a commercial product from Virtual Bridges, Inc. based on QEMU. This means that the Microsoft Windows versions 2000 and XP or run individual Windows applications on Solaris (x86). Other How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Festplatten-

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Win4BSD FreeBSD 8.0, Win4Lin Pro, Win4Solaris, download installatio...


Images_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). <<< | # # # | >>> "From http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang/_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Win4 " This page has been accessed 2920 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:58 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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1/29/2011 8:14 PM

Xen Howto install domU EISX Download - qemu-kvm and libvirt


Xen EISX Download Installation HOWTO domU

(Link to this page as [[QEMU-KVM-Buch / Notes / More virtualizer and emulators / Xen]])
<<< | # # # | >>> | English

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Xen Howto install domU EISX Download - qemu-kvm and libvirt


EISX installation Step 1

EISX installation Step 2

EISX installation Step 3

EISX installation Step 4

EISX installation Step 5

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Xen Howto install domU EISX Download - qemu-kvm and libvirt


Contents Xen 1 1.1 EISX 1.1.1 Installation 1.1.2 Creating virtual machines 1.2 Other
EISX installation Step 6

Website: http://www.xen.org The software Xen is a hypervisor that is being developed at the University of Cambridge. Xen moves in as abstraction layer between the hardware and the guest systems and monitors the distribution of resources (CPU time, I / O cycles and so on). The Xen project uses source code from QEMU Project for the emulation of common PC components. The operational target of Xen, as with the Kernel-based Virtual Machine, the server consolidation. Xen dominated in contrast to the KVM paravirtualization. If the paravirtualization used, only matched host systems are used. Xen is to install complicated and expensive. First, a boot loader is needed to start in several steps in the right order and the necessary software components. There must be a hypervisor and then the customized operating system for the privileged virtual machine to load. The description which is beyond the scope of a quick guide. EISX Website: http://www.eisxen.org Download: http://www.eisfair.org/home/download/ The complicated configuration of Xen is on EISX not necessary. Based on the proven Linux eisfair minimal distribution to install a Xen server in minutes, and virtual machines can be easily set up themselves. The Linux distribution eisfair (Easy Internet Server - http://www.eisfair.org /home/was-ist-eisfair/ ) serves as a privileged virtual machine. EISX can also be used on old hardware.

EISX installation Step 7

EISX Creating a virtual machine Step 1

EISX can QEMU or Kernel-based Virtual Machine are also tested (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Gast-Systeme/_x86-Architektur/_Hypervisor ). You restart the computer with the installation CD. First, ask if the entire hard disk to use hda. Use hda for installation (y / n) [yes] [Enter] In test mode is no extra partition for the data necessary. Create extra data partition / data (y / n)? N Create partitions as listed above (y / n) y After the security check will begin the installation. In the end, after the passwords for the root user and asked ice. Users of the ice is used to configure the system by using menus. Setting root password for user: Enter new UNIX password: ***** Setting password for user Ice: Enter new UNIX password: *****

EISX Creating a virtual machine Step 2

EISX Creating a virtual machine Step 3

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Xen Howto install domU EISX Download - qemu-kvm and libvirt


In this example, the network configuration via DHCP. Use DHCP for network card? (Y / n) [yes] [Enter]

After installation, the machine is rebooted without the CD. To configure the system log into ice as a user. It automatically starts the configuration program.
Creating virtual machines

can EISX In guest systems can be generated easily from templates. To create a host system from this template you select the menu item Administration Xen, domU Administration, Create new domain from template. The package includes templates for the Linux distribution are eisfair. For the first test you take over the guidelines: eisfair1.tar.bz2 Name of domain [eisfair1]: [Enter] Disk size in MB [512]: [Enter] Memory size in MB [64]: [Enter] Swap space in MB (0 = no swap) [128]: [Enter] Power on when domain 0 boots (y / n) [yes]: [Enter] It is the template select (eisfair1.tar.bz2). Then a name for the guest system is to forgive. More details are the size of the virtual disk, the RAM and the size of the swap area. EISX installed the new system and submit the generated image in the folder / data / xen / images / down. Then the network is configured. Please enter a host name [eisfair1]? Horst Please enter an IP Address? Please enter the subnet mask []: [Enter]] Please enter the default gateway? Please enter the Doamin [lan.home]: [Enter]] Please enter the DNS? For the guest system user credentials for the root obtained. Guest systems are the menu Xen administration, domU administration, management domains managed. This is the guest system (domain) input. List Xen domains: no order booted name 10-50 no horst Enter command ([1] to manage the domain, Enter = Return): 1 It will start the guest system. Please enter command: [B] oot, b [o] ot & connect, [N] ew boot order [D] elete Enter = Return: o The guest system will boot and you will see the login screen. Will leave this console using the key combination [Ctrl ]+[]]. The operating system can be instant eisfair many software packages installed by (see http://www.pack-eis.de ). It is possible to generate additional guest systems with the available templates. Furthermore, you can move their own templates. How EISX find on the Web site. A QEMU image with EISX and a template for generating virtual machines with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS server at the URL http://www.oszoo.org/wiki/index.php/EisXEN-beta2a-with-ubuntu-6.06.1 -server-template to be downloaded. Other in Kernel-based Virtual Machine As with Xen is often the library libvirt as the basis for managing virtual machines used. A detailed description can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools

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Xen Howto install domU EISX Download - qemu-kvm and libvirt


/_libvirt-Tools . A command summary is at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_libvirt listed. If the host system is Ubuntu Linux, which is to create a virtual machine with ubuntu-vm-builder possible. A description can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools/_libvirt-Tools . In order to create virtual machines with openQRM is first to install and activate the plug-xen (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Managementtools/_OpenQRM ). Then host is an appliance with the resource type to generate Xen. With the Xen Manager (Menu Xen-plugin) you submit to a new virtual machine. How to convert virtual hard disks of different virtualizer and emulators can be found at the URL http://qemu-buch.de/d/Speichermedien/_Festplatten-Images_anderer_Virtualisierungssoftware . Some useful tools are explained in the Appendix (see http://qemu-buch.de/d/Anhang/_Ntzliche_Tools ). This brief overview is also used to get along with less well-known guest systems. <<< | # # # | >>> Retrieved from " http://qemu-buch.de/de/index.php/QEMU-KVM-Buch/_Anhang /_Weitere_Virtualisierer_und_Emulatoren/_Xen " This page has been accessed 5933 times. This page was last updated on 27 September 2010 at 06:58 clock changed. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2 .

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