This Testing and Commissioning (T & C) Procedure aims to lay down the minimum testing and commissioning requirements to be carried out on emergency generator installation in Government Buildings of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Such requirements are applicable to both new installations upon completion and existing ones after major alteration. The present edition was developed based on its 2000 edition by the Mechanical Installation Specialist Support Group that was established under the Building Services Branch Technical Information and Research & Development Committee. With the benefit of information technology, electronic version of this new edition is to be viewed on and free for download from the Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) Internet homepage. As part of the Governments efforts to limit paper consumption, hard copies of this T & C Procedure will not be put up for sale. The Architectural Services Department welcomes comments on its contents at anytime since the updating of this T & C Procedure is a continuous process to tie in with technological advances.
This T & C Procedure is solely compiled for use on emergency generator installation carried out for or on behalf of the ArchSD in Government buildings of the HKSAR. There are no representations, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability of this T & C Procedure for purposes other than that stated above. The material contained in this T & C Procedure may not be pertinent or fully cover the extent of the installation in non-government buildings. Users who choose to adopt this T & C Procedure for their works are responsible for making their own assessments and judgement of all information contained here. The Architectural Services Department does not accept any liability and responsibility for any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of this T & C Procedure or reliance placed on it.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. Introduction Objectives of the T & C works Scope of the T & C Works 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. Tests and Inspections during Construction Functional Performance Tests Commissioning and Statutory Inspections Documentation and Deliverables 3-5 Page 1 1 1-3
T & C Procedures 4.1 Tests and Inspections during Construction 4.1.1 Emergency Generator 4.1.2 Control Cubicle 4.1.3 Underground/ Daily Service Fuel Tank Functional Performance Tests 4.2.1 Emergency Generator 4.2.2 Control Cubicle 4.2.3 Underground/ Daily Service Fuel Tank Commissioning and Statutory Inspections 4.3.1 Emergency Generator
Annex Annex I Annex II Annex III Testing and Commissioning Progress Chart for Emergency Generator Installation Testing and Commissioning Certificate for Emergency Generator Installation List of Calibrated Instrument Necessary for the T & C Works
(ii) to verify that the performance of the installed equipment/systems meet with the specified design intent through a series of tests and adjustments; and (iii) to capture and record performance data of the whole installation as the baseline for future operation and maintenance. For the avoidance of doubt, depending on the specific demands of individual installation, the PBSE may require additional or substitute T & C works in regard to any elements in the installation other than those indicated in this Procedure.
Scope of the T & C Works 3.1 Tests and Inspections during Construction
The purpose of these tests is to ensure that all components and systems are in a
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satisfactory and safe condition before start up. Preliminary adjustment and setting of equipment at this stage shall also be carried out at the same time to pave way for the coming functional performance tests. Before carrying out any test, the Contractor shall ensure that the installation complies with all relevant statutory requirements and regulations. The T & C works shall also comply with all site safety regulatory requirements currently in force namely: (i) Electricity Ordinance, Chapter 406, and its subsidiary legislations (ii) The latest Code of Practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulations (iii) IEC 60364 Electrical Installations of Building (iv) Fire Services Ordinance, Cap.95, and its subsidiary legislations (v) Gas Safety Ordinance, Cap. 51, and its subsidiary legislations (vi) Air Pollution Control Ordinance, Cap. 311, and its subsidiary legislations
include setting into operation and regulation of the installation. It is expected that fine-tuning of the commissioned system shall be done by the Contractor to match system performance to the actual needs of the building occupier more closely. Where necessary, after the proper testing and commissioning of the Emergency Generator Installation, the Contractor shall notify the appropriate authority, through the PBSE/PEME of the completion of the installation and its readiness for final inspection.
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4.1.1 Emergency Generator (a) Visual inspection on engine, alternator, radiator, and various systems of the generating set (b) Full operating test (c) Control function test (d) Circuit & engine protection tests (e) Fuel consumption test (f) Step load acceptance test 4.1.2 Control Cubicle (a) Visual inspection on control panel (b) Performance tests on individual components (c) Electrical resistance test (Ductor test) (d) Temperature rise test 4.1.3 Underground/ Daily Services Fuel Tank (a) Visual inspection on welding surfaces and primer coating (b) Hydraulic test
Clause 3.1
Control Cubicle (a) Pre-commissioning inspection on various components / systems (b) Performance tests of individual components such as voltmeter, ammeter, frequency meter, wattmeter, indicating lamps, buttons and switches (c) Circuit protection & load transfer tests
Clause 3.4.3
Underground/Daily Services Fuel Tank (a) Pre-commissioning inspection on the construction, welding, painting and components of tank & pipework (b) Hydraulic test
Clause 3.2
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Annex I
)(1) Remark
Visual Inspections U/G Fuel Oil Tank Services Tank Pipeworks Generator Set Battery Cooling System Exhaust System Submission of Record of Test Pre-commissioning Inspection Submission of Record of Test Insulation Resistance Test Submission of Record of Test Control Functional Test Submission of Record of Test
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Annex I Page 1 of 2
Dummy Load Test Submission of Record of Test Earth Protection Test Submission of Record of Test Submission of T & C Certificate
Notes * Delete if not applicable (1) Insert revision no. (2) Insert additional columns as necessary S - schedule % completion A - actual % completion
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Annex I Page 2 of 2
Annex II
Part 2: Declaration 2.1 I certify that the Emergency Generator Installation as specified in the Contract/Sub-contract/Quotation at the above location has been inspected, tested and commissioned in accordance with this procedure and/or any other procedures agreed between the PBSE/PEME and the Contractor. The results are satisfactory in the aspects as mentioned in Part 3 and/or as recorded in Part 4 of this Certificate, except as indicated in the COMMENTS items. I also certify that site tests have been performed in accordance with the requirements set out in Annex II of this procedure and that the results are satisfactory. A record of the tests has been prepared and submitted to the PBSE/PEME.
Signature ( Signature ( (Name and Stamp of Contractor) Signature ( Note : ) ) ) Post : Tel. No. : Date : Post : Tel. No. : Date : Post : Tel. No. : Date :
This certificate must be signed by a person authorized by the Firm/Contractor. * Delete if not applicable
Annex II Page 1 of 11
Issue Date: 17 Dec 2007 Revision Date: GE_TCP (2007 Edition) BSBTC-11
Underground tank The welding has been examined and the effectiveness of the welding and standard of workmanship is satisfactory. The metal surface has been properly prepared in accordance with the specification. The manufacturers application procedure for the primer has been followed and the type of primer, the number of coatings are in accordance with the specification. The underground tank has been subjected to hydraulic test to a pressure as specified and the results are satisfactory. Daily service fuel tank The daily service fuel tank has been fabricated and welded in accordance with the specifications and drawings. The pipework & socket connections (for filling, overflow, drainage, return and vent) have been properly installed at the fuel tank in accordance with the specifications and drawings. One quick closing valve has been installed properly with all necessary linkage for operation from outside the building. The fuel tank has been fitted with an approved content gauge unit and level sensing equipment. The fuel tank has been subjected to hydraulic test to a pressure as specified and the results are satisfactory.
*Yes/No *Yes/No
*Yes/No *Yes/No
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Annex II Page 2 of 11
3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.2.5 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.3.8 3.3.9 3.3.10 3.3.11 3.3.12 3.3.13 3.3.14 3.3.15 3.3.16
Visual inspection The Generating Set has been properly fixed on a common steel section base frame. Protection screen has been provided on all moving parts. Protection guard has been provided on hot exhaust. The fresh-water-cooled radiator has been properly fixed and there is no water leakage. The radiator cooling fins and water tank are in good condition and properly fixed. The water circulation pump with thermostatically controlled temperature regulator has been properly fixed. The engine mounted instrument panel has been fixed properly and c/w lubrication oil temp. and cooling temp. gauges, tachometer and hour meter. The lubrication oil system with replaceable element types filter has been properly fixed. The fuel oil system c/w filter, fuel transfer pumps has been properly installed. The fuel control solenoid c/w emergency shut off valve has been provided and properly installed. The tubular exhaust silencer has been properly installed. For remote radiator, if applicable, c/w break tank booster pump, heat exchanger etc. has been properly installed. The enclosure to the alternator satisfy IP21 or as specified. Anti-condensate heater for the alternator has been provided and proper fixed. Where specified, facilities for generation at 380/220V have been provided. Starting batteries have been provided and properly installed.
Item tested/ checked by Contractor *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No
Items witnessed by PBSE/PEME/ PBSI/PEMI *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No
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Annex II Page 3 of 11
3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2
Pre-commissioning inspection Diesel engine Radiator water is at right level. Lubrication oil is at right level and with replaceable filter. The engine exhaust has been properly fixed and covered with asbestos-fee insulation. The engine anti-vibration mounting is effective. Proper replaceable air filter has been installed. Effective and adequate earth bonding have been provided for the engine and alternator. Alternator Batteries electrolyte is at right level. Batteries output voltage is as specified. The alternator output terminal is at correct phase sequence.
Item tested/ checked by Contractor *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No
Items witnessed by PBSE/PEME/ PBSI/PEMI *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No
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Annex II Page 4 of 11
Control cubicle Permanent Chinese/English labels have been provided for all accessories. All control wirings are fitted with ferrules. The following devices are provided in the control cubicle: a) Voltmeter & selector switch b) Ammeter & selector switch c) Frequency meter d) Wattmeter e) Auto/off/manual selector switch f) Start/stop push button g) Simulate main failure key switch h) On-off switch for generator anti-condensation element i) Automatic 2 rate battery charging equipment c/w charging rate ammeter
Indicating lamp & reset button for: a) Engine fault b) Failure to start c) Generator supply available *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No
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Annex II Page 5 of 11
Indication lamp for: a) Mains available b) Generator on load c) Load supplied from mains d) 7.5-hour fuel capacity e) 6.5-hour fuel capacity f) Low battery voltage
Item tested/ checked by Contractor *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No
Items witnessed by PBSE/PEME/ PBSI/PEMI *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No *Yes/No
Generator output under voltage & over voltage protection devices Approved type 4-pole withdraw-able air circuit breaker or 4 pole MCCB c/w overload & short cot. Protection Mechanically & electrically interlocked 4-pole contactor for automatic load transfer & 4-pole manual by-pass A full testing has been carried out and the results of the following tests have been recorded and submitted to ArchSD. a) Insulation test b) Control functions test c) Dummy load test d) Earthing protection test e) Battery charger output test f) Step-load acceptance test
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Annex II Page 6 of 11
(ii) Diesel Engine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Make Model Serial No. Rated power (kW) Speed (rpm) Governor Turbocharger (type/model)
(iii) Alternator 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Make Model Serial No. Rated kVA Voltage (V) / Full load current (A) Phase / Rated p.f. Insulation class
(iv) Starting Battery 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Manufacturer Make/Model No. No. of battery / Voltage (V) Ampere hour Starting time (sec)
(v) Lifting Hoist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Manufacturer Make / Model No. Safe working load (kg) Lifting height (m) Test Certificate *Yes/No
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Annex II Page 7 of 11
(vi) Other Accessories 1. Name plate of manual bypass switch 2. Name plate of auto-changeover switch 4.1.2 Type of Control Starting Loading Transfer to Generating Set Stopping Load Transfer to Mains 4.1.3 *Automatic/Manual *Automatic/Manual *Automatic/Manual *Automatic/Manual
Insulation Resistance Test (Temporarily open alternator star point) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Brown phase (L1) to earth Black phase (L2) to earth Grey phase (L3) to earth Brown phase (L1) to Black phase (L2) Black phase (L2) to Grey phase (L3) Grey phase (L3) to Brown phase (L1) Megaohm Megaohm Megaohm Megaohm Megaohm Megaohm
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Annex II Page 8 of 11
4.1.4 Control Function Test 1. Starting Manual Simulate Mains Failure Delay Start Timer Delay Repeat Start 2. Stopping Manual Resumption of Mains *** 3. Engine Protection Delay Stop Timer **** Overload Trip (MCCB) Engine Overspeed Low Lub-oil Pressure (kPa) High Water Temp. (oC) Under Voltage Trip Overvoltage Trip Under Frequency (Hz) Note : * ** Refer to function test on capability to start and transfer load to Generating Set automatically. Refer to function test on capability to start but without load transfer if mains resume during engine starting. *** Refer to function test on capability to automatic transfer load back to mains automatically after a preset time delay and immediately back to generator if mains fails within the above time delay period. **** Refer to function test on capability to cool engine for a preset period after load is transferred to mains. HL LL HL LL HL LL Test 1* Test 2** Function Test Setting Remarks
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Annex II Page 9 of 11
4.1.4 (Con' t) Control Function Test 4. Others Response Time from Mains Failure to Changeover (Sec) Battery 3 Attempt Start Quick closing Mechanism Governor Function Voltage Regulator (346V - 380V) Auto-starting of Vent. Fan Manual Override Facilities Phase Sequence of Alternator Output Frequency Setting Step-load Acceptance Test Function Test Setting Remarks
4.1.5 Dummy Load Test (Parameters to be recorded at 15 min interval during the whole dummy load test period) Time from start Duration (HR) (minimum) Duration (HR) (actual) Frequency (Hz) Current Amp) L1 L2 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1/2
L3 Voltage L1-L2/ L1-N (Volt) L2-L3/ L2-N L3-L1/ L3-N Dummy kW Load % Full Load Engine Speed (RPM) Cooling Water Temp. Engine Oil Temp. (oC) Engine Oil Pressure (kPa) Fuel Consumption (L) Engine Room Temp. (OC)
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Annex II Page 10 of 11
4.1.6 Earthing Protection Test Measured Earthing Resistance Earthing Relay Make Model Serial No. Rated Current __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Current Setting Time Setting Function Test
4.1.7 Noise Level Measurement Background Location Mean Sound Level (dBA)
Inside Generator Room (1m from Generator Set) Outside Generator Room (1m from Radiator Exhaust) Outside Generator Room (1m from Door) Outside Generator Room (1m from Louvre) Outside Generator Room (1m from flue discharge if possible) Outside Generator Room (at the nearest Noise Sensitive Receiver) 4.1.8 Comment
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Annex II Page 11 of 11
Annex III
+1% +1% + 2%
Notes: Apart from the testing equipment above, the Contractor shall provide additional calibrated equipment in accordance to the recommendations by the manufacturers to facilitate the inspection, testing and commissioning of Emergency Generator. All equipment shall be calibrated by laboratories accredited by the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) or other laboratory accreditation schemes as approved by the PBSE.