Adobe After Effects Tutorial: Create An Animatic
Adobe After Effects Tutorial: Create An Animatic
Adobe After Effects Tutorial: Create An Animatic
2 hours
After Effects is not only a top special effects app used by broadcast professionals, it’s also a first-rate animation
package in its own right. Nick Sneath reveals how to transform your Photoshop files into a professional animatic
Nick Sneath
is an in-house This tutorial will take you through For a full preview, open the Animating
animator Ë all the necessary steps to create an Sketches file on the cover CD.
for London-
animated scene that focuses on an We’re sure you’ll be impressed.
based creative services
house Three Blind Mice.
essential animation technique: the walk The imagery used in this particular
One of the UK’s top cycle. You’ll create the material for this piece comes from an animatic created
storyboard/visualisation piece using a hand-drawn sketch of a for a London-based advertising agency.
companies, it specialises character already scanned in and cut out Animatics are proving very popular in
in animation, 3D design in Photoshop, then bring the result to life film production and advertising, because
and live action work. with the help of a QuickTime movie of they’re a quick way to see how well ideas
For details, visit www.
a Poser animation. work – and relatively cheap to make.
Note that such a complex animation Ad agencies often use them to pitch to
would be an arduous process without potential clients. Before an inch of film is
such a reference materials, which prove shot or a dab of paint added to an 1 Copy the Animating Sketches folder from
the cover CD to your computer. Open the
Animating Sketches.aep file. Import the file
valuable when your budget is limited and animation cel, the client can see clearly
time is pressing. As usual, all the relevant how the piece will look, and make Walk Sketch.psd, selecting Composition from
the Import As drop-down list. This imports the
files are provided on the cover CD. changes accordingly.
file with the layers intact. Double-click on
As a final flourish, you’ll learn how to Walk Sketch comp1 to open it on the timeline.
duplicate and set each figure within a 3D Animatic and tutorial by Nick Sneath Make the composition 50 frames long, at
space with an animated background. 25fps (Composition>Composition Settings).
60 | February
January 2004
Poser is a useful tool
for animation. You
can adjust the Poser
figure’s dimensions
to match your own
characters, then use
any of its preset poses
as reference points.
The Walk Designer
is particularly useful
February 2005 | 61
11 Now’s a good
time to do a
test-run. Turn the
layer off and click on
the RAM Preview
button in the Time
Controls palette.
Reduce your
resolution for a
quicker result. If you
hold the Shift key
down when hitting
16 You’ll need to amend the shadow to
complete the illusion. Hit [P] and
change its Position information to 384, 518.
RAM Preview you Hit [S] and change its Scale information to
will greatly reduce 125 per cent. Finally, hit [T] and change its
the waiting time. Opacity information to 25 per cent.
62 | February 2005
The finished piece in
this tutorial loops
perfectly. This can be
useful when you’re
designing animations
for use in non-linear
products, such as DVD
menus, CD-ROMs or
for the web, where
February 2005 | 63