Contract Management Flowchart
Contract Management Flowchart
Contract Management Flowchart
Need Identified for Goods/ Service (Contracting Department Business Case Written (by Contracting dept. - Including all/some Assess/proven need Whether replacing existing service/ goods/equipment Technical advantage/advances Possible service improvements Technical/equipment/service obsolescence Staff training requirements/costs Staff reduction/increase Workflow changes Potential savings/extra cost Risk/implications if not approved Sustainability/environmental impact
New process
Tenderer selected and 2 copies of Endorsed Contractor Agreement forwarded to Legal (Contracting dept.)
Copies signed by Contractor - 1 copy returned to Legal the other retained by Contractor
CMS flags up advance warning on contract renewal date to enable new tender and negotiation
YES Review Performance and create new Endorsed Contractor Agreement (Contracting dept.) Forward two copies to Legal for Contract Renewal & Signing by VC (Contracting Dept) Copies signed by Contractor - 1 copy returned to Legal the other retained by Contractor
End of Process
End of Process