JK Water Leaks All

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The document provides a repair manual for diagnosing and fixing water leaks on Jeep Wrangler models.

The major areas of water leaks addressed include leaks on the door trim, instrument panel, freedom top panel, B-pillar area, front carpet, rear wheel flares and cowl side panels.

The diagnosis road map identifies common locations where water is found and guides technicians to the likely source of the leak. Technicians should follow the repair procedures in order as listed.

Jeep Wrangler

Diagnosis & Repair Manual Water Leaks

Rev. A

General Notes
1. This manual applies to all Jeep models: 2/4 door & Hard/Soft Top 2. Before testing the vehicle, perform a review of the top system. Make sure all the latches are engaged, none of the top seals are puckered or distorted, the door seals are installed correctly, the tops are not out of alignment, etc. 3. Each leak area can have multiple root causes, as noted in the diagnosis tree. It is important to water test each repair before starting the next. 4. If a leak cannot be reproduced, it is due to the period of time the vehicle is under wet conditions. Some leaks may take hours before leaking. 5. If a leak cannot be reproduced, apply all the repairs to the applicable areas as noted in the diagnosis road map. 6. When the door is open, there is water run off from the roof that can soak the carpet. Be sure to explain to the customer that this cannot be fixed. This is an unfortunate condition with this type of vehicle, similar to convertibles. 7. It is important to understand where the leak ENDS up when diagnosing the vehicle. Where the leak ends up, does not always explain where the leak originates. Refer to the diagnosis tree when determining which repairs to perform. 8. This repair procedure does NOT cover every possible water leak on the Jeep Wrangler. The issues identified in this document are the major leaks that show up in the field. 9. Generally, a car wash is the preferred method to diagnose a vehicle. 10. If a hose is required, place on the top of the vehicle facing forward making sure water is getting to all areas. Do NOT directly spray in the area of question. This can create a false leak that cannot be fixed. 11. This manual is not intended to be a service manual. The content identifies the major areas of water leaks, the critical characteristics of each area and how to repair them.



Diagnosis Road Map

JK Hard/Soft Top

Water is on center of Instrument Panel / Shifter Freedom Top (Pages 6-11)

Water is on door trim panel or Instrument Panel at A-pillar Windshield Header Seal (Pages 1-2) Door Fit (Page 3)

Water at Rear Hard Top Panel / B-pillar Hard Top Seal (Pages 12-14)

Water is on front carpet

Rear Wheel Flare Holes (Pages 17-18) Cowl Side Panel (Pages 19-20)

B-Pillar Mucket/Foam (Pages 15-16)

Area of leaks

Door Primary Seal

Repair Procedures

A-Pillar Mucket/Foam (Pages 4-5)


Table of Contents

I. Diagnosis Road Map II. General Notes III. Water leak on Door Trim or Instrument Panel a) Repair procedure for Windshield Header Seal b) Repair procedure for Door Fits c) Repair procedure for A-pillar mucket/foam IV. Water leak on Instrument Panel/Console Center a) Repair procedure for Freedom Panel Seal b) Repair procedure for Freedom Panel latches V. Water leak at B-plr a) Repair procedure for Hard Top Seal b) Repair procedure for B-pillar Mucket VI. Water leak on front carpet a) Repair procedure for rear wheel flare hole b) Repair procedure for cowl side leaks VII. Appendix a) Foam Kit b) Replacement part numbers

i ii

1-2 3 4-5

6-11 11

12-14 15-16

17-18 19-20

21 22


Windshield Header Seal Repair Procedure

This repair procedure is applicable when water is evident on the: o Door trim panel or o Instrument panel (a-pillar)


Remove Header Seal

Figure 1


Remove/Clean Surface

Figure 1

Remove all butyl and tape residue A rubber wheel bit can be used Clean surface with 3M adhesive cleaner Alcohol wipe entire surface and allow to dry

Figure 2 Labor Op. Code: 235135 1

Windshield Header Seal Repair Procedure


Install Butyl
Where to place butyl

NOTE: This operation is only applicable for vehicles built before 6/1/2008. Vehicles built after this date, should already have sealer present in this area. Install 4mm butyl (68027813AA) as shown (Figure 4) Make sure to fill in all holes, wrinkles and step offs to allow for a smooth surface to bond the tape/butyl from the new seal Figure 3 NOTE: Excessive amount of butyl can cause transition voids/leaks. Make sure to smooth out butyl.



Install Seal

Figure 4

Locate and install new seal, Pt #: 55397454AE Remove release tape and pressurize seal firmly in contact with header sheet metal to smooth out adhesive tape and butyl, starting at the ends and working toward the center. A small roller or firm finger pressure should be used to insure the tape is adhered completely from side to side, THIS STEP IS CRITICAL Line seal up here

Critical area to pressurize

Labor Op. Code: 235135 Figure 5 2

Door Fit Repair Procedure

This repair procedure is applicable when water is evident on the: o Door trim panel or o Instrument panel (a-pillar)


Door Gap Checks

Measure door gaps The specifications are as follows: The gap spec. is 5.0 +/- 2.0 mm The flush spec. is 0.0 +/- 2.0 mm If the door fit is not to spec, proceed to Step 2


Adjust Doors

Adjust the door gap and flushness as described in DealerConnect> TechCONNECT under: Service info> 23 Body> Body Structure> Gap and Flush> Specifications Service Manual

Figure 6


Replace Door Primary Seal

If the doors are adjusted, the door seal must be replaced Part #: 55395274/5AN

Labor Op. Code: 230010

Figure 7

A-Pillar Foam/Mucket Repair Procedure

This repair procedure is applicable when water is evident on the: o Door Trim Panel


Header Mucket

NOTE: This issue/repair applies to both hard and soft top vehicles Inspect the header seal mucket for the seal rolled under the freedom panel or side rail. (Figure 8)

BAD Figure 8

If the seal is folded under, remove the freedom panel or side rail and reinstall making sure not to distort the mucket (Figure 9)

GOOD Figure 9

Labor Op. Code:

A-Pillar Foam/Mucket Repair Procedure


A-Pillar Foam

NOTE: This issue/repair applies to both hard and soft top vehicles Inspect the freedom panel or side rail for damaged/missing foam (Figure 10)

If the foam is damaged or missing,

replace the foam using the foam kit (68026937AB) BAD

Figure 10

GOOD Figure 11


Foam Installation

Install the foam to the freedom panel as shown in Figure 12 The foam installation is similar for the soft top rail

RH Panel Shown Figure 12 Labor Op. Code: 5

B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair

AREA OF LEAK: This repair procedure is applicable when water is evident on the: o Instrument panel (Center) or o Console / Shifter



Seal Removal

Remove seal on Right panel

Figure 13


Tape and Butyl Removal

Remove tape and butyl residue from panel A rubber wheel bit can be used Clean Seal Surface with: 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner or Kent Products Acrysol, (if available) and allow to dry completely Wipe seal surface with alcohol and allow to dry completely.

Figure 14

Figure 15 Labor Op. Code: 6

B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair


Butyl Installation

Place right hand freedom panel upside down on a covered surface to prevent scratching

FRONT Figure 16 Apply 4 mm diameter Butyl, Pt # 68027813AA, to Rear Notch (Figure 17) Note: Follow groove between panels and push butyl firmly in place


20mm 15mm

Figure 17 Apply 4 mm diameter Butyl, Pt # 68027813AA, to Front Notch (Figure 18) Note: Follow groove between panels and push butyl firmly in place 15mm



Labor Op. Code:

Figure 18

B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair


Seal Installation


Keep freedom panel upside down for the initial installation of the seal Remove tape liner from seal

NOTE: Secure the end molds first, then finish with the middle of the seal FRONT Figure 19

Rear Seal Mold

Align REAR edge of NEW seal, Pt # 55397095AG to Right Freedom Panel Notch. Compress butyl by installing seal in direction of arrows (Figure 20) Note: No gap between installed seal and outer edge of freedom panels. (Figure 20) Rear Mold Figure 20

Front Seal Mold

Align FRONT edge of NEW seal, Pt # 55397095AG to Right Freedom Panel Notch Compress butyl by installing seal in direction of arrows (Figure 21) Note: No gap between installed seal and outer edge of freedom panels. (Figure 21)

Front Mold Labor Op. Code: Figure 21 8

B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair


Pressurize Seal

Flip panel back over to complete the seal installation Locate seal cross car against the middle rib in the freedom panel and pressurize starting at the ends and working toward the center A small roller or firm finger pressure should be used to insure the seal tape is adhered from front to rear, THIS STEP IS CRITICAL Figure 22

This photo is for reference only. Panel was cut to show rib.

Locator rib in panel


Install foam at Front

Figure 23

Install GREY 30 X 75 mm Foam from kit (68026937AB) along trim lines of flame tip (Figure 24) NOTE: Make sure foam covers butyl completely

Front of panel Figure 24 Labor Op. Code: 9

B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair


Install foam at Rear

Install BLACK 30 X 75 mm Foam from kit (68026937AB) along trim lines of flame tip (Figure 25) NOTE: Make sure foam covers butyl completely

Figure 25




Install butyl at Rear

Place Left hand freedom panel upside down on a covered surface to prevent scratching

Add 4mm diameter butyl, (68027813AA) to rear inboard corner groove (Figure 27) Figure 26

Note: Push butyl firmly into groove between panels until flush

70 mm

25 mm

Figure 27

Labor Op. Code:


B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair


Install foam at Rear

Add 30 X 75 mm Black Foam from Kit (68026937AB) to cover butyl (Figure 28) NOTE: Make sure foam covers butyl completely

Figure 28

STEP 10:

Install front latches

NOTE: This applies to both Right and Left panels If the vehicle MDH is prior to 12/07/07, replace the front latches with part number 68004562AB (Figure 29)

Labor Op. Code:

Figure 29


B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair

This repair procedure is applicable when water is evident on the: o B-pillar roll bar o B-pillar trim o Freedom panel screw holes NOTE: Water that enters anywhere along the hard top seal can travel over to the Bpillar and leak from the hard top


Inspect Hard Top Seal

Inspect for any gaps between the seal and hard top (Figure 30,31)

Figure 30

Figure 31 Labor Op. Code: 12

B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair

STEP 1: Inspect Hard Top Seal (cont.) Inspect underneath the seal for any
skips with the tape/butyl along the entire seal (Figure 34 & 35).

Inspect the end molds for poor

installation (Figure 32)


Figure 34

Figure 32



Figure 35

Figure 33

Labor Op. Code:


B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair

STEP 2: Replace Hard Top Seal

If there are multiple skips or the leak cannot be stopped, replace seal. Remove all tape/butyl and clean with alcohol prior to installation A rubber wheel bit can be used to remove the tape Pre-apply butyl (68027813AA) on hard top prior to installing the seal (Figure 36) It is critical that then end molds are installed correctly and sufficient pressure is applied to wet out the butyl/tape (Figure 36) Apply butyl as shown

Figure 36

2mm underflush


Figure 37

Labor Op. Code:


B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair

This repair procedure is applicable when water is evident on the: o B-plr trim or seat

NOTE: This repair applies to 4 door hard top or soft top models


Inspect mucket detail

Inspect the mucket for a rolled under condition (Figure 38) Inspect the mucket for a missing drain hole


Replace the mucket detail


If either of these conditions exist, replace the mucket detail (Part #:55395708/9AE) Reinstall the panel or side rail making sure not to distort the mucket

Figure 38


Labor Op. Code:

Figure 39


B-Pillar Mucket/Foam Seal Repair

STEP 3: Inspect Freedom Panel for damaged or missing foam

If the foam is damaged or missing,

replace the foam using the foam kit (68026937AB)

RH Panel Shown Figure 40


Add additional foam to freedom panel

Add a piece of foam to the freedom panel as shown in Figure 41. This foam can be created by cutting the 30 x 75mm GREY foam in half from the foam kit (68026937AB) Figure 41 NOTE: This foam is in addition to the foam that is already on the panel


Figure 41

Labor Op. Code:


Rear Wheel Flare Hole Repair

This repair procedure is applicable when water is evident on the: o Front floor (wet carpet) o Under seat

Leak Path

NOTE: This leak can be diagnosed by applying a hose to the upper rear flare and inspecting for water traveling along the floor to the front

STEP 1: STEP 2: Hole :


Remove Rear Flare Replace/Install Patch

NOTE: Vehicles built prior to 5/28/08 will require this repair Inspect the body for missing or misaligned tape over the hole as seen in Figure 43 Add/Replace a tape patch over the hole

Figure 42


2 1

NOTE: Vehicles built prior to 5/01/09 will require this repair Inspect the body for missing or misaligned tape over the hole as seen in Figure 43 Add/Replace a tape patch over the hole

Labor Op. Code:

Figure 43


Rear Wheel Flare Hole Repair


NOTE: Vehicles built prior to 7/22/08 will require this repair Cut the BLACK 30 x 75 foam from the foam kit (68026937AB) in half and apply over this hole (Figure 45) Make sure the foam does not extend past the flare trim line (appearance issue) Re-install flare Figure 44

Figure 45

Labor Op. Code:


Cowl Side Panel Repair

This repair procedure is applicable when water is evident on the: o Front floor (wet carpet)

NOTE: These leaks can be diagnosed by applying a hose in the cowl panel (Figure 47).

Leak area

Figure 46

Apply hose in cowl area

Figure 47 Labor Op. Code: 235001 19

Cowl Side Panel Repair

Condition 1: Mastic patches/Plugs

Repair 1: Replace patch/plug

Condition 2:

Check strap bracket

1 5 1

Repair 2: Remove bracket and apply a butyl to holes

Condition 3:

Seam sealer skips

3 1 2 1 3

Repair 3: Apply clear sealer (part #: 04467708) to skip

Condition 4:

Scuff trim foam damaged/missing

Repair 4: Replace trim clips


Condition 5:

Antenna grommet not seated

Repair 5: Re-install grommet

Figure 48

Labor Op. Code: 235001



Foam Kit: 68026937AB

A/B-Pillar Foam Used on Pages (5,16,)

30 mm x 75mm BLACK Foam Used on Pages (10,11)

30 mm x 75mm GREY Foam Used on Pages (9,16)

Labor Op. Code:



Jeep Wrangler Replacement Parts List

Part #
68027813AA 04467708 68026937AB 55397454AE 55395274/5AN 55395708/9AE 55397095AG 55397046AF 55397058AF 68004562AB

Part Name
Butyl Clear Sealer Foam Kit Windshield Header Seal Front Door Primary Seal B-Pillar Mucket Freedom Panel Seal Hard Top Seal 4DR Hard Top Seal 2DR Freedom Panel Latch

2,7,10,14 20 5,9-11,16 2 3 15 8 14 14 11

Labor Op. Code:


JK Freedom Top -Center FrontWater Leak Repair

Reference TSB # 23-020-08 As Required for additional Repair Information
10/14/2008 1

6 1

2 3

Outside View

1.Windshield header seal 2.Windshield to cowl seal 3.Front door weatherseal 4.B pillar mucket 5.Hard top seal 6.Center freedom panel seal

9 7 8 10 9

12 13


Inside View

7. Left Freedom Panel 8. Panel to Panel Latches 9. Panel to Hard Top Latches 10. Hard Top 11. Right Freedom Panel 12. Latch & Base Assembly 68004562AB 13 Sport Bar Thumb Screws

*Please note: This package addresses water leaks that come from inside the vehicle when the door is closed.

This package does not address water that drips into the Vehicle when the door is open.

This is a normal condition!


Foam Kit Contents

These parts with Light Blue shaded boxes are Optional / Replace as required

30 mm x 95 mm x 3 mmthick. 2 pieces. 20 mm x 95 mm x 5 mmthick. 2 pieces.

2 Pair.

7mm OD x 71mm. 2 pieces 2 Pair

13mm OD x 8mm ID x 160mm. 1 piece. 9 mm x 100 mm x 6.35 mmthick. 2 pieces. 30 mm x 75mm x 3 mmthick. 3 pieces. Black Foam 30 mm x 75mm x 2 mmthick 1 piece. Gray Foam


These 4 pieces of foam are required for the freedom panel repair.

Additional Hard Top Foam Locations Included in the foam kit. Replace as required.
1 4 3 4

1 2 3 1

3 4 2

Right Freedom Panel

Weather Strip Removal & Freedom panel Cleaning


Remove Right Freedom Panel Center Seal


Remove old Butyl & Tape from Right Freedom Panel


Note: Old Butyl Removed from Right Freedom Panel

Seal Surface (White Strip)

Clean Seal Surface with: 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner or Kent Products Acrysol, (if available) and allow to dry completely. Rough up Seal Surface with Medium Scotch Bright pad. Wipe Seal Surface with Alcohol and allow to dry completely.
10/14/2008 10

Note: Old Butyl Removed from Right Freedom Panel, Front & Rear Notches



Place Right Freedom Panel Upside down on a covered work surface to prevent paint Scratching.
Freedom Panel Notch Butyl installation



Page 15 Rear notch

Page 14 Front notch



Apply New 4 mm diameter Butyl, Pt # 68027813AA to Right Freedom Panel, Front Notch. Note: Follow Groove between panels and Push Butyl firmly in place.



Butyl inside Grooves

20 mm 15 mm
10/14/2008 14

Apply New 4 mm diameter Butyl, Pt # 68027813AA to Right Freedom Panel, Rear Notch. Note: Follow Groove between panels and Push Butyl firmly in place.
Front Inboard

Butyl inside Grooves

15 mm

20 mm

Page 17 Rear Weather Strip

Page 18 Front Weather Strip

Freedom Panel Weather Strip installation

10/14/2008 16

Align Rear edge of NEW Weather Strip, Pt # 55397095AG to Right Freedom Panel Notch. Note: No gap between installed Weather Strip and outer edge of freedom panels. Compress butyl by installing Weather Strip in direction of Arrows Smooth out Butyl after W/Strip installation



Align Front edge of NEW Weather Strip, Pt # 55397095AG to Right Freedom Panel Notch. Note: No gap between installed Weather Strip and outer edge of freedom panels.

Smooth out Butyl after Weather Strip installation

Note: Remove Release tape and Press Weather Strip Firmly in contact with Freedom Panel, Front AND Rear .
10/14/2008 18

Note Both Ends of new W/Strip Located and installed to Freedom Panel Center section still shown unattached



If Vehicle MDH is Before 12/17/07 Replace this Latch on Right & Left Freedom Tops with 68004562AB.

Right Freedom Top Shown

Freedom Panel Latch and Base Assembly Right and Left

10/14/2008 20

Flip Right Freedom Panel over to complete Weather Strip installation.



Remove Release Tape, Locate W/Strip cross car against Rib in the freedom panel and Pressurize to Freedom Panel starting at the ends and working toward the center.

Cross Car Direction




A Small Roller or firm finger pressure should be used to insure the Weather Strip tape is adhered from front to rear, THIS STEP IS CRITICAL




page 25

Top View Flame Tips

Rear, page 26

Note: Make sure vertical rubber lip does not roll or get tucked under freedom panel. Correct condition shown is Required at the Front AND Rear.
10/14/2008 24

Apply 3M 4298 adhesive promoter on the under side of the flame tip and allow to dry. Align Gray 30 X 75 mm Foam from kit along trim lines of Flame Tip. Align Foam along these edges of Flame Tip

Front Flame Tip under side

10/14/2008 25

Apply 3M 4298 adhesive promoter on the under side of the flame tip and allow to dry. Align Black 30 X 75mm Foam from kit along trim lines of Flame Tip. Align Foam along these edges of Flame Tip

Rear Flame Tip under side

10/14/2008 26

Trim away excess Black Foam.

Rear Flame Tip - Top View



Left Freedom Panel

Place Left Freedom Panel Upside down on a covered work surface to prevent paint Scratching Clean Seal Surface with: 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner or Kent Products Acrysol, (if available) and allow to dry completely. Rough up Seal Surface with Medium Scotch Bright pad. Wipe Seal Surface with Alcohol and allow to dry completely

Rear Inboard Corner Butyl & Foam installation



Add 4mm diameter Butyl, Pt # 68027813AA to Rear Inboard Corner groove, Left Freedom Panel Note: Push Butyl Firmly into groove between panels until Flush


Front Front



Add 30 X 75 mm Black Foam from Kit to cover butyl




Add 30 X 75 mm Black Foam from Kit to cover butyl. Note Make sure Foam covers Butyl.




Note: REMINDER Refer to Page 20 If Vehicle MDH is Before 12/17/07 . Replace Latch on Right & Left Freedom Top with 68004562AB.

Left Freedom Panel complete.

10/14/2008 32

JK A Pillar- Header Weather Strip Water Leak Repair

Reference TSB # 23-025-08 As Required for additional Repair Information
10/14/2008 1

*Please note: This package addresses water leaks that come from inside the vehicle when the door is closed.

This package does not address water that drips into the Vehicle when the door is open.

This is a normal condition!


5 6 1

Outside View

1.Windshield header seal 2.Windshield to cowl seal 3.Front door weatherseal 4.B pillar mucket 5.Hard top seal 6.Center freedom panel seal

Check door fit

The door gap spec. is 5 +/-1.5 mm Door Must be Flush to slightly under flush to A- Pillar

Adjust door Gap AND Flushness as described in Body Section 23 of the Service Manual
10/14/2008 4

Header Weather Strip

Remove Header Weather Strip from Body sheet metal and clean up / remove all traces of old Tape and Butyl from painted sheet metal surfaces before reinstallation of butyl bead and new weather strip. Clean Seal Surface with: 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner or Kent Products Acrysol, (if available) and allow to dry completely.

Weather Strip Removal & Butyl Clean Up


Weather Strip Removal & Butyl Clean Up

All tape residue & butyl must be removed across the entire windshield frame!
Clean up / remove all traces of old Tape and Butyl from painted sheet metal surfaces. Alcohol wipe the clean sheet metal before installation of butyl bead and new weather strip.
10/14/2008 6

Header Weather Strip

Butyl Placement and New Weather Strip Installation. Right Side Shown on Pages 8, 9, & 10. Left Side Not Shown but symmetrical / identical to Right


Fill in Gaps between Sheet Metal, Wrinkles, Holes and Notches in this area with butyl until smooth.
3 mm x 3 mm butyl pad as located ABOVE TAPE and on mold line see page 11
Note: Vehicles built after 6/1/2008 MDH have this area filled in with seam sealer from assembly plant.

Note: 60 mm Butyl bead MUST be completely covered by the header seal mucket in this area. Be careful DO NOT allow squeeze out, outside of installed mucket! 20 mm

60 mm


Right Side A-pillar

Note: Green dots Show the area where the header weather Strip Adhesive Tape is to be located

4 mm diameter bead 68027813AA Replacement Butyl Position. See page 9 for Butyl Dimensions


Locate each end of the header weather strip using this flange on each side.


Right Side A-pillar

Locate and install NEW Weather Strip, Pt # Strip 55397454AB. Remove Release tape and Pressurize Weather Strip Firmly in contact with Header Sheet Metal to smooth out adhesive tape and butyl, starting at the ends and working toward the center. A small Roller or firm finger pressure should be used to insure the Weather Strip tape is adhered completely from side to side, THIS STEP IS CRITICAL Gently pull weather strip rearward at mold line shown on page 9 and insert a 3 mm x 3 mm square piece of butyl .



Mold Line
3 mm x 3 mm butyl pad Shown behind Weather Strip ABOVE TWO SIDED TAPE and centered over mold line

Right Side A-pillar Header Seal Installed



JK -B PillarWater Leak Repair


*Please note: This package addresses water leaks that come from inside the vehicle when the door is closed.

This package does not address water that drips into the Vehicle when the door is open.

This is a normal condition!


5 6 1

Outside View

1.Windshield header seal 2.Windshield to cowl seal 3.Front door weatherseal 4.B pillar mucket 5.Hard top seal 6.Center freedom panel seal

Note Seal Shown with sealer skips allows water behind seal. This requires the need for additional Butyl to be placed to fill in these voids

Hard Top Seal at Center

W/Strip Repair -Try this step Prior to Replacement

9/4/2008 4

Hard Top Seal at Center

Note Seal Shown gapping to roof allows water behind seal. This requires the seal to be replaced

Inspect the entire seal length side to side to ensure it is firmly attached to the hard top.

If tape is not firmly attached replace the seal.

9/4/2008 5

Hard Top Weather Strip

Remove Hard Top Weather Strip from Hard Top and clean up / remove all traces of old Tape and Butyl from painted surfaces before reinstallation of new weather strip. Clean Seal Surface with: 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner or Kent Products Acrysol, (if available) and allow to dry completely.

Weather Strip Removal & Butyl Clean Up


Hard Top Weather Strip

Alcohol wipe the clean painted surfaces, And Allow Alcohol to dry completely before insallation of new weather strip. Locate & install NEW Weather Strip, Pt # 55397058AI (2 DR) or 55397046AF (4 DR). Place seal tight against roof / without gaps as shown on page 5. Remove Release tape & Pressurize Weather Strip Firmly in contact with Roof to smooth out adhesive tape, Make sure adhesive tape is FIRMLY PRESSURIZED against the roof panel while maintaining a zero gap condition from side to side. A small Roller or firm finger pressure should be used to insure the Weather Strip tape is adhered completely side to side, THIS STEP IS CRITICAL
9/4/2008 7

B- Pillar Weather Strip

Remove B - Pillar Mucket Weather Strip from body and clean up / remove all traces of old Tape and Butyl from painted surfaces before reinstallation of butyl bead and new weather strip. Clean Seal Surface with: 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner or Kent Products Acrysol, (if available) and allow to dry completely. PAGE / S 9 & 11 Show the RIGHT SIDE BPILLAR & PAGE 12 SHOWS THE LEFT SIDE, THESE REWORKS MUST BE DONE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE TRUCK

Mucket Removal, Clean Up, Butyl & Mucket install and Mucket drain hole and Dam rework
9/4/2008 8

Add a 4 mm diameter bead of Butyl 68027813AA as shown to fill in sheet metal gaps.

Top of Right B Pillar With Mucket Seal removed

9/4/2008 9

B- Pillar Weather Strip

Vehicles built After July 1, 2008 will have the drain hole & foam already installed. The steps on the next page show how to add the drain hole & foam dam. If B-Pillar weather strip needs to be replaced order the following part numbers: 55395708AC RT Side 55395709AC LT Side
9/4/2008 10

Note Single hole paper punch used to add Drain Hole

Hole Shown located at the rearward / lowest position possible Front


Right B Pillar ALL VIEWS


Foam Tape must be adhered to the front portion of the drain cup as shown to act as a dam


Left B Pillar TOP VIEW


JK Half DoorsWater Leak Repair


Measuring of Door Posts For Proper Preload

1. Lay Door on Flat Clean Surface. 2. Measure Posts. 3. Use Heat Gun to Heat up Posts as shown on page 3. 4. Slide Pipe over Posts and Bend to Correct Dimension as shown on page 3.

Set this dimension as shown to the upper edge of each peg to the dimensions shown on page 3
9/4/2008 2

Heat Post: Caution too much heat will melt Door, Maintain 12 inches for 2 Min. Max

Once heated Slide Pipe Over Post and Bend Post to Correct Dimension

Front Door Post Dimensions (R & L) Front Post 46.0mm Rear Post 37.0mm

Rear Door Post Dimensions (R & L) Front Post 30.0mm Rear Post 40.0mm

Note: Dimensions are from flat surface to the top of post.

Add 4 mm diameter bead 68027813AA Butyl Between Door Seal and door as shown on Page 5.

Front Door Upper A Pillar Corner

9/4/2008 4

Add 4mm Diameter Butyl bead 6 inches forward, and 6 inches rearward as shown in RED

s che In

es ch In

Door A Pillar Corner

Close up view of area circled on page 4 Front of Door

9/4/2008 5

Make Sure Seals Are Installed Correctly

Seal is not seated in channel















JK Soft Top Water Leak Repair Tips


Header Seal Cup Folded under



Proper Quarter Window Installation

Incorrect Retainer Not Rolled into Door Rail Correct


Half Door, Side Curtain, or Rear Window Zipper Leaks Can Be repaired by using Beeswax or Snow Seal as a sealant.


Water Seeping Through Zipper Tape or Zipper Teeth













JK Water Leak Foam Repair Kit Supplemental Information P/N 68026937AA 23-041-07 Soft Top Water Leak at Upper A-Pillar, Door Seal to Door Rail Interface 23-001-07 Modular Hard Top Freedom Panel Water Leaks Foam Kit includes the following foam pieces:
Foam to be installed on Freedom Panels as per Fig. 7, one on the left panel and one on the right Foam to be installed on Windshield Header Seal as per Fig. 3

Foam to be installed on right Freedom Panel as per Fig. 6.

Both pieces to be installed on Freedom Panels as per Fig. 4, one on the left panel and one on the right

Both pieces to be installed on Freedom Panels as per Fig. 5, one on the left panel and one on the right Foam to be installed on right Freedom Panel as per Fig. 8.

All four pieces (two right and two left) to be installed on Freedom Panels as per Fig. 4, one left and one right to be installed on door rails as per Fig. 1 & 2

Page 1 of 5

Reference Foam Locations on Vehicle (Soft Tops)

Figure 1 Rough Position of Foam on Right Door Rail. Reference location 1 on both left and right sides of vehicle. (1) Door frame rail foam (2) New black foam (Red highlighted foam). One piece left handed and one piece right handed. Loose fit to door frame rail. (3) Plastic door frame rail - Leading end/edge removed from vehicle to affect repair. Figure 2 Black Foam Fully Seated Note Ensure that header seal is not pinched under foam when re-installing the door rail. Page 2 of 5

Reference Foam Locations on Vehicle (Hard Tops)

Left Side View



Top View Front of Vehicle

A1 C B1
Right Side View

A2 B2 D
Rear of Vehicle



Page 3 of 5

(2) (3) Figure 3 Windshield Header Seal Molded Detail (Upper A-Pillar shown without tops) Reference Locations A1 & A2 1 - Dark Gray Foam at End of Header Seal - Left Side of Windshield Frame shown. 2 - Windshield Header Seal 3 - Windshield Frame - Upper A-Pillar - Left Side (1)







Figure 4 Rear of left Freedom Panel shown. Reference locations B1 & B2. (1) Blue highlighted foam (2) 2-way freedom panel locator (3) - Red highlighted foam

Figure 5 Front of left Freedom Panel shown. Reference locations A1 & A2. (1) - Orange highlighted foam (2) - Red highlighted foam

Figure 6 Rear of right Freedom Panel shown. Reference location D. (1) Dark green highlighted foam

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New Seal

Old Seal

Figure 7 Front of left Freedom Panel showing one additional foam, required only on vehicles built prior to 3/01/07. Reference locations A1 & A2. (1) Turquoise highlighted foam

Figure 8 Front of right freedom panel showing one additional foam, required on vehicles built prior to 3/27/07, unless a new seal was installed as shown by photos on side. Reference location C. (1) Purple highlighted foam

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07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair

Water drips on A-pillar Trim or end of IP Front Door Out of spec door fit Header Seal ends offset to top panel or rail Sealer skip/miss along back of Door Seal mounting Channel Door Primary seal not fully installed to channel on door Rolled or distorted "cup" of windshield header seal or B-pillar seals Distorted/folded Windshield -Cowl Seal end detail Missing or off location Foam transition patch near Windshield Cowl Seal Refit door if header gap to top is greater than 7mm or door overflush to A or B pillar greater than 1mm Adjust bracket flange behind end detail in or out to flush up detail to top. Add repair sealer to close off sealer skip Reinstall loose sections into channel Reseat top to seal detail, straighten seal cup for smooth transition to top Reseat seal detail to windshield frame

Relocate or replace foam seal Locate leak path during test. Verify seal condition is not damaged. Adjust door fit or add insert/stuffer to seal if required.

Door Primary seal not sealing along body surfaces


07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair

Water leaks down B-pillar Trim or along inner surface of door at B-pillar from door header Front Door Upper B Pillar, 2 or 4 door Refit door if header gap to top is greater than 7mm or door overflush to B or C pillar greater than 1mm Loosen or remove top, reseat & straighten mucket lip for smooth transition Inspect Hardtop seal center detail for leak paths and source. Refer to Hard top Outboard End Leak file for further information.

Out of spec door fit Front "cup" of B-pillar mucket folded/distorted Hardtop Seal adhesive tape not wetout across end details & center detail

Water leaks down Rear Door opening at trim fabric, trim panel or door inner

4 Door - Rear Door Upper B-Pillar

Out of spec door fit Rear "cup" of B-pillar mucket folded/distorted Inconsistent Hardtop foam tape/butyl application at ends on 4 door top If soft top, poor transition on B-pillar molded detail to rail may be present

Refit door if header gap to top is greater than 7mm or door overflush to A or B pillar greater than 1mm Loosen or remove top, reseat & straighten mucket lip for smooth transition

Refer to Hard top Outboard End Leak file for further information Replace or relocate foam on rail to extend between 1mm-3mm past edge of seal lip.


07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair

Door header gap to top not to exceed 7mm and Door to body flush along pillars to be no greater than 1mm


07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair

Poor offset from windshield header end seal to top can cause leak between body & door.

Adjust flange behind detail in or out to flush up detail

Doors 4

07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair

Water under door seal mounting channel anywhere around the door perimeter indicates a sealer skip/miss behind the channel.


07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair Rolled or distorted windshield header end seals can cause leaks by making a poor transition for the primary seal to seal against.


07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair Rolled or distorted Bpillar mucket seals can cause leaks by making a poor transition for the front or rear door primary seal to seal against.


07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair

Water path at missing or off location foam tape on windshield frame (shown in correct location).

Windshield Cowl Seal end detail must not be folded or distorted or a leak can result.


07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair

Water leak can occur if door check strap trapped in seal


07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair

Transition foam on soft top rail at rear door B-pillar to be between 1mm -3mm



07 Wrangler Water Leak Repair

Check module fasteners, wiring clips, or module foam perimeter seal if water paths under door trim are present
Doors 11


23-002-08 Body January 15, 2008

This bulletin is supplied as technical information only and is not an authorization for repair. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without written permission of Chrysler LLC.

THIS BULLETIN SUPERSEDES TECHNICAL SERVICE BULLETIN 23-041-07, DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 2007 WHICH SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM YOUR FILES. ALL REVISIONS ARE HIGHLIGHTED WITH **ASTERISKS** AND INCLUDE THE ADDITION OF 2007 MODEL YEAR VEHICLES. SUBJECT: Soft Top - Water Leak At Upper A-Pillar Door Seal To Door Rail Interface OVERVIEW: This bulletin involves the addition of foam to eliminate a possible water leak at the upper A-Pillar. MODELS: **2007** - 2008 (JK) Wrangler

NOTE: This bulletin applies to vehicles equipped with a soft top (sales code GWK or VJ0) or with a dual top (sales code AEM). SYMPTOM/CONDITION: On soft top equipped vehicles, water may leak past the door seal to door rail interface at the upper A-Pillar. DIAGNOSIS: 1. Verify that the soft top is correctly installed and fastened correctly to the vehicle. The soft top cover should be located and clamped in the correct sequence as described in the Owners Manual. 2. Apply water to the affected area for about 3 - 5 minutes while inspecting the interior of the vehicle for possible water leaks and leak source. 3. If the source of the water leak is from the interface of the door seal to the door rail at the upper A-Pillar, then perform the Repair Procedure. PARTS REQUIRED: Qty. 1 Part No. 68026937AA Description Kit, Replacement Foam (Repair)



REPAIR PROCEDURE: 1. Fold back the entire soft top. 2. Remove the front left and right plastic door rail frame from the vehicle body. 3. Inspect the windshield header seal molded details to ensure that the dark gray foam is present and not damaged. The dark gray foam is located at each outer end of the windshield header seal. If the dark gray foam is damaged, remove the old foam and replace with new dark gray foam from the Replacement Foam Repair Kit (Fig. 1).


1 - Dark Gray Foam At End Of Header Seal - Right Side Of Windshield Frame Shown 2 - Windshield Header Seal 3 - Windshield Frame - Upper A-Pillar - Right Side

NOTE: The Replacement Foam Repair Kit includes all foam pieces for the vehicle. Not all foam pieces in the kit will be required for this Repair Procedure. 4. Obtain the black foam piece from the Replacement Foam Repair Kit. The black foam pieces are handed (one for the left side and one the right side). Select the correct side black foam piece. 5. Temporarily line up (loose fit) the perimeter of the black foam piece to the front edge of the door rail (Fig. 2).




1 - Door Frame Rail Foam 2 - New Black Foam (One Piece Left Handed and One Piece Right Handed) - Loose Fit To Door Frame Rail 3 - Plastic Door Frame Rail - Leading End/Edge - Removed From Vehicle To Effect Repair

6. Remove the white protective backing from the black foam piece and attach the black foam to the door rail. 7. Wrap the black foam around the front edge of the door rail (Fig. 3). 8. Complete the installation of the black foam the to door rail by wrapping the foam onto the underside of the door rail. 9. Repeat the above procedure for the opposite side. 10. Raise and install the soft top to the vehicle. It is important to install the soft top in the correct installation sequence as referenced in the Owners Manual.




1 - Door Frame Rail Foam 2 - New Black Foam Piece From Replacement Foam Kit - Fully Seated To Door Frame Rail End And Side 3 - Plastic Door Frame Rail

POLICY: Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty. TIME ALLOWANCE: Labor Operation No: 23-51-35-95 23-51-35-96 Description Water Leak Test At A-Pillar Inspection (B) Amount 0.2 Hrs.

Water Leak Test and Additional 0.9 Hrs. Foam - Install To Soft Top Door Rails (B)

FAILURE CODE: ZZ Service Action


23-020-08 Body June 20, 2008

This bulletin is supplied as technical information only and is not an authorization for repair. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without written permission of Chrysler LLC.

THIS BULLETIN SUPERSEDES SERVICE BULLETINS 23-001-07 DATED JANUARY 06, 2007 AND 23-050-07, DATED NOVEMBER 21, 2007. THIS IS A COMPLETE REVISION AND NO ASTERISKS HAVE BEEN USED TO HIGHLIGHT REVISIONS. SUBJECT: Freedom Top - Center Seal - Water Leak In Area Of Center Console or Dash OVERVIEW: This bulletin involves the select replacement of: the center seal and its associated foam tape, butyl adhesive, and weatherstrips. MODELS: 2007 - 2008 (JK) Wrangler

NOTE: This bulletin applies to vehicles equipped with a Freedom Top - Modular Hard Top SYMPTOM/CONDITION: On vehicles equipped with a Freedom Top a leak water may occur in the area of the hard top removable (targa) panels. This bulletin will address water leaks due to the CENTER SEAL of the removable Freedom Top (targa) panel. If the center seal is at fault, the customer may experience a water leak in one of the following areas: a. On to the center console b. On to the center section of the instrument panel c. From the Freedom panel knob (dial) fasteners d. At the sports bar cloth covering inboard of the B-Pillar e. On to the front seat cushion or seat back Water leaks may occur in other areas of the vehicle body that interface with the Freedom Top panels. These other areas may include: the A-Pillar, the B-Pillar, or the Door. Water leaks in these areas are addressed in other Service Bulletins. Refer to those Service Bulletins as necessary.



DIAGNOSIS: 1. Prior to performing this Service Bulletin refer to additional supporting material found in DealerCONNECT and TechCONNECT. At DealerCONNECT select: eFiles > Service (at left side of page) > Star Center > Misc Documents. 2. Determine the vehicle build date. Vehicles built on or before December 17, 2007 (MDH 1217XX) will require the windshield header latch on each panel be replaced with the latest level latch. NOTE: Installing the Freedom Top panels CORRECTLY is very important to prevent a water leak from occurring. Make sure the technician and customer know and use the correct installation and removal procedure. Follow the removal and installation steps in the correct order.


1 - Left Freedom Top Panel 2 - Center L-Shaped Locks - Left Freedom Top Panel 3 - Rear L-Shaped Lock at Seat Belt Anchorage - Left and Right Freedom Top Panel 4 - Hard Top 5 - B-Pillar 6 - Right Freedom Top Panel 7 - Rear Fastener (Dial) Knobs - Left and Right Freedom Top Panel 8 - Windshield Header Latch - Left and Right Freedom Top Panel



3. Inspect the Freedom Top panels to ensure that they are installed correctly (Fig. 1). If not, then note this condition so that the correct procedure for installing the Freedom Top panels to the hard top can be reviewed with the customer. To ensure that the panels are installed correctly perform the following steps in order. When installing each Freedom Top panel always close the windshield latch first . a. With both panels removed, carefully install the right side panel onto the hard top. b. Make sure the sun visor is folded down and out of the way. c. Latch the right header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. d. Turn the right side panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it fully engages the hard top. e. Turn the right side panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) clockwise until it is tight. f. Carefully install the left side panel onto the hard top. g. Make sure the sun visor is folded down and out of the way. h. Latch the left header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. i. Turn the left side panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it full engages the hard top. j. Turn the left side panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) clockwise until it is tight. k. Turn both center L-shaped locks (2) so that they fully engage the right side panel. 4. Have an assistant apply a slow flow of water across the hard top Freedom Top panel joints with a hose for approximately 3-5 minutes while inspecting the interior of the hard top for water leaks to determine general leak source location(s). Do not use a hard spray of water. Do not stop inspection when one leak source is located, there may be more than one water leak source. 5. Water leaks at the front of the vehicle, onto the center section of the instrument panel (IP) and/or onto the center console area, are indicators of a front center seal Freedom Top panel leak path. The water leak could be a rear center seal Freedom Top panel leak that travels forward. Water leaks could also be a result of poor contact between the windshield header weatherstrip seal and the Freedom Top panel center seal. If a water leak is in one or more of the areas described in this step, then perform the Repair Procedure in this Service Bulletin and refer to the DealerCONNECT file. 6. Water leaks from Freedom Top panel knob (dial) fasteners in speaker bar, leaks near the left or right B-Pillar onto sport bar cloth covering, or onto front seats are indicators of a water leak path from the rear section of the Freedom Top panel center seal. If a water leak is in one of more of the areas described in this step, then refer to the DealerCONNECT file. 7. Water leaks at the upper A-pillar that drip onto the outboard ends of the instrument panel is an indicator of a water leak path between the door inner panel or seal and the Freedom Top panel interface, and/or the windshield header seal. There also could be a water leak path at the radius of windshield header area. If a water leak is in one of these areas then this Service Bulletin does not apply. Refer to the DealerCONNECT A-Pillar file. 8. Water leaks at the upper B-Pillar outboard of the sport bar that drip onto the B-Pillar hard trim panel is an indicator of a water leak path between the hard top and the Freedom Top panel, or a water leak path under the hard top seal. If a water leak is in this area then this Service Bulletin does not apply. Refer to the DealerCONNECT file. 9. Water leaks at the upper B-Pillar outboard of the sport bar that drip onto the inner surface of the door panel at the B-Pillar is an indicator of a water leak path between the door inner panel or seal and the Freedom Top panel interface. If a water leak is in this area then this Service Bulletin does not apply. Refer to the DealerCONNECT file.

23-020-08 PARTS REQUIRED: Qty. AR (1) AR (1) AR (2) AR (1) Part No. 68026937AB 55397095AG 68004562AB NPN Description


Kit, Replacement Foam Seal, Targa Top (Right Freedom Top Panel Center) DO NOT use previous versions of this seal Latch, Targa Panel Header Adhesive Remover or Equivalent (such as: 08984 - 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner or 20005 - Kent Products Acrysol) Mopar Bond-All Gel (or equivalent) Adhesive Promoter or Equivalent (such as: 4298 - 3M Adhesive Promoter Alcohol Scotch Bite Pad Butyl, Tape - 60 mm length x 12 mm wide x 2 mm height strip Butyl, Tape - 4 mm dia. x 152 mm (6 inch) length - strip Butyl, Tape - 4 mm dia. x 1,830 mm (6 ft.) length - roll Isolator, Targa Top (Freedom Top Panel) Plastic

AR (1) AR (1) AR (1) AR (1) AR (2) AR (6) AR (3) AR (2)

04467709 NPN NPN NPN 68046593AA 68027813AA 68048423AA 68004991AA


1 - B-Pillar Cup - Hard Top Seal - Left and Right Side 2 - Hard Top Seal 3 - Center Cup - Hard Top Seal 4 - Left Freedom Top Panel 5 - Center Seal - Right Freedom Top Panel 6 - Windshield Header Seal 7 - A-Pillar Cup - Windshield Header Seal - Left and Right Side 8 - Windshield Cowl Seal 9 - Right Freedom Top Panel 10 - Door Seal 11 - B-Pillar Mucket - Left and Right Side




1 - Black Foam Corner Patch D-972-E - Used At: Front and Rear Outboard Corners on RIGHT Freedom Top Panel 2 - Black Foam Corner Patch D-973-E - Used At: Front and Rear Outboard Corners on LEFT Freedom Top Panel 3 - Black Foam Patch D-1010-A - 30mm x 95mm x 3mm thick -Used At: Front Outboard Corner (Lt and Rt Panels) to Header Seal 4 - Black Foam Patch D-1011-A - 30mm x 75mm x 3mm thick - Used At: Rear Inboard Corner (Left and Right Panels) Interface 5 - Black Foam Patch D-1009-A - 20mm x 95mm x 5mm thick - Used At: Rear Outboard Corner (Lt And Rt Panels) to Hard Top Seal 6 - Center Seal End Molded Detail Round Stuffer C-5164 - 7mm OD x 72mm - Used At: Frt and Rr Molded Detail Sections of Center Seal 7 - Windshield Header Seal Round Stuffer C-5165 - 13mm OD x 8mm ID x 160mm - Used At: Placed Inside Windshield Header Seal Bulb 8 - Gray Foam Patch C-5166 - 30mm x 75mm x 2mm thick - Used At: On Flame Tip of Front Molded Detail Section of Center Seal 9 - Gray Foam Strip D-1012 - 9mm x 100mm x 6.35mm thick - Used At: Front Outboard Corner (Lt and Rt Panels) to Header Seal

REPAIR PROCEDURE: NOTE: Do not use RTV as a sealer. Over time RTV will not remain attached to the hard top material. NOTE: If seal requires replacement, then the old seal adhesive must be completely removed before a new seal is installed. Use a GOOD quality adhesive remover as recommended in Parts Required section of this Service Bulletin. NOTE: All steps must be followed in order and completed fully. Do not omit any steps. Make sure the correct adhesive remover cleaner, alcohol, adhesive promoter, new butyl, replacement foam kit, and center seal are available prior to proceeding with this repair. Make sure the paint surfaces of the panels will be well protected to prevent scratches or other damage. 1. Remove both Freedom Top Panels from the hard top (Fig. 1). Perform the following steps in order: a. At the left panel, make sure the left sun visor is folded down and out of the way. b. Turn both left panel center L-shaped locks (2) so that they disengage from the right side panel. c. Turn the left panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it disengages from the hard top. d. Turn the left panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) counter-clockwise until it can be removed. e. Unlatch the left panel header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. f. Carefully remove the left side panel from the hard top. g. At the right panel, make sure the right sun visor is folded down and out of the way. h. Turn the right panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it disengages from the hard top. i. Turn the right panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) counter-clockwise until it can be removed. j. Unlatch the right panel header panel latch located at the top of the windshield.



k. Carefully remove the right side panel from the hard top. 2. Set the Freedom Top panels on a well PROTECTED WORK SURFACE. Protect the Freedom Top panel edges & top surface from damage. NOTE: THE PAINTED TOP SURFACE OF THE FREEDOM TOP CAN EASILY BE DAMAGED IF CARE IS NOT TAKEN TO PROTECT IT.


1 - Black Foam Corner Patch D-972-E and Black Foam Patch D-1010-A - 30mm x 95mm x 3mm thick 2 - Gray Foam Strip D-1012 - 9mm x 100mm x 6.35mm thick 3 - Front Outboard Corner 4 - Windshield Header Latch 5 - Front Side Surface - Right Freedom Top Panel to Windshield Header Panel and Header Seal 6 - Front Inboard Corner, Front Molded Detail Section of Center Seal, and Gray Foam Patch C-5166 - 30mm x 75mm x 2mm thick 7 - Inboard Side Surface - Right Freedom Top Panel with Center Seal 8 - Rear Inboard Corner, Rear Molded Detail Section of Center Seal, and Black Foam Patch D-1011-A - 30mm x 75mm x 3mm thick 9 - Spacer Blocker and Rear Thumb (Dial) Screw Attachment 10 - Rear Side Surface - Right Freedom Top Panel to Hard Top and Hard Top Seal 11 - Rear L-Shaped Lock at Shoulder Belt Anchorage 12 - Isolator Pad - Black Plastic 13 - Rear Outboard Corner 14 - Black Foam Corner Patch D-972-E and Black Foam Patch D-1009-A - 20mm x 95mm x 5mm thick 15 - Right Freedom Top Panel 16 - Locator Pin - Diameter Sizes of: 6.0 mm, 8.0 mm, or 9.5 mm 17 - Outboard Side Surface - Right Freedom Top Panel to Door Seal, A-Pillar Cup, and B-Pillar Cup and Mucket


1 - Old Center Seal 2 - Right Freedom Top Panel 3 - Old Butyl Adhesive - All Old Adhesive, Sealants, Oil, Debris Must Be Removed / Cleaned From Panel

3. Remove the old center seal from the right Freedom Top panel (Fig. 5).




1 - Right Freedom Top Panel 2 - Old Butyl Adhesive In Front and Rear Inboard Corner Notches - All Old Adhesive, Sealants, Oil, Debris MUST Be Removed and Cleaned From Panel

4. Clean ALL old butyl adhesive from the Freedom Top panel center seal surface, inboard corners, and notches. Wipe the panel surface clean where the new seal will attach with a high quality adhesive remover (Fig. 6). 5. Using a Scotch Bite pad, rough up the right panel surface where the center seal will make contact. Remove all residue with alcohol. Allow to dry completely. NOTE: ALL old adhesive, sealant, oils, debris MUST BE thoroughly removed from the Freedom Top panel surface and inboard corner notches. Use a high quality adhesive remover and a small pick to remove the remaining old adhesive. Once the old adhesive has been removed, thoroughly clean and prep the entire surface for the new seal by removing any residual adhesive and oils with the high quality adhesive remover.


1 - Front Molded Detail Section 2 - Middle Extruded Section 3 - Rear Molded Detail Section

The new center seal is made up of three sections: a 70 mm long front molded detail section, a long middle extruded section, and a 70 mm long rear molded detail (Fig. 7). Both front and rear molded details have adhesive backing tape. The technician will need to add NEW butyl adhesive to the front and rear inboard corner notches to further assist with attaching the details to the panel and to prevent a water leak path. The middle extruded section of the center seal comes with NEW butyl adhesive that is protected by backing tape prior to installation. When the new center seal is installed to the Freedom Top panel, the technician will need to ensure: that all three sections of the center seal are firmly affixed by their adhesives to the panel, that there are no water leak paths, and that the front and rear molded details make a gradual and smooth transition when they mate to the windshield header seal at the front and to the hard top seal at the rear. To install a new center seal, the front and rear sections are attached to the right Freedom Top panel first, followed by the installation of the center section of the seal to the panel. The front and rear molded detail sections must be firmly in place, and must not move out of place when the middle section of the center seal is installed. To accomplish this, the middle section of the center seal is attached to the panel starting at the ends of the seal and working toward the center of seal. Care must be taken to make sure that the front and real molded ends of the seal do not move, yet making sure that the middle section of the



seal is not bunched up at the center when it is installed. Apply New Butyl Adhesive To Panel Front Inboard Corner: 6. On the right Freedom Top panel, locate the front inboard corner. Turn the right Freedom Top panel over so that the inside surface of the panel is facing up (outside surface of panel is resting on the protected work surface). 7. At the front inner corner of the panel, loose fit (do not attach at this time) the front molded detail of the new center seal to the front inner corner. Note and mark where the front molded detail wraps at the intersecting edges of the front corner. This is where new butyl adhesive will need to be applied. DO NOT reuse any old butyl adhesive. 8. Add NEW butyl adhesive (4 mm dia.) to the front inner corner of the right Freedom Top panel. The butyl adhesive is to run along both intersecting edges of the inner corner. Make certain there is sufficient butyl along each intersecting edge of the front corner to fully cover the molded detail (Fig. 8). Make sure the new butyl adhesive is on the edge and must be in the groove in all areas before the front molded detail is installed. Later when the front molded detail is installed and pressed in place, the new butyl will migrate into the groove areas.


1 - Windshield Header Surface Side and Guide - Right Freedom Top Panel 2 - New Butyl Adhesive - 4 mm in diameter - Apply Per Dimensions Shown - Apply Along Outer Edge - Push In Place 3 - Front Inboard Corner - Right Freedom Top Panel 4 - Center Seal Side - Right Freedom Top Panel

-9Apply New Butyl Adhesive To Panel Rear Inboard Corner:


9. Move to the rear inboard corner of the panel and the rear molded detail. 10. At the rear inner corner of the panel, loose fit the rear molded detail of the new center seal to the rear inner corner. Note and mark where the rear molded detail wraps at the intersecting edges of the rear corner. This is where new butyl adhesive will need to be applied. Do not reuse any old butyl adhesive. 11. Add NEW butyl adhesive (4 mm in dia.) to the rear inner corner of the right Freedom Top panel. The butyl adhesive is to run along both intersecting edges of the rear inner corner. Make certain there is sufficient new butyl along each intersecting edge of the rear corner to fully cover the molded detail. Make sure the new butyl adhesive is on the edge and must be in the groove in all areas before the rear molded detail is installed. Later when the rear molded detail is installed and pressed in place, the new butyl will migrate into the groove areas.


1 - Hard Top Surface Side - Right Freedom Top Panel 2 - Center Seal Surface Side - Right Freedom Top Panel 3 - New Butyl Adhesive - 4 mm in Diameter - Apply Per Dimensions Shown - Apply Along Outer Edge - Push In Place 4 - Rear Inboard Corner and Notch - Right Freedom Top Panel



Attach Front Molded Detail Section of the Center Seal:


1 - Center Seal Surface Side - Right Freedom Top Panel 2 - Front Inboard Corner - Right Freedom Top Panel 3 - Flame Tip - Front Molded Detail Section 4 - Front Molded Detail Section - Firmly Press Into Place - Remove Any Excess (proud) Butyl Adhesive

12. Align the front molded detail to the front inboard corner of the right Freedom Top panel (Fig. 10). 13. Firmly press the front molded detail of the center seal to the front inboard corner of the panel. Verify that the new butyl adhesive is in full contact with the molded detail and is well compressed. 14. The butyl adhesive should be flush with the panel bottom surface. Remove any excess butyl adhesive that is proud of the panel bottom surface. This will help to ensure a smooth transition at the front end of the new center seal. 15. Remove the release tape from the front molded detail and firmly press the adhesive tape of the front molded detail to the panel. Attach Rear Molded Detail Section of the Center Seal: 16. Align the rear molded detail to the rear inboard corner of the right Freedom Top panel. 17. Firmly press the rear molded detail of the center seal to the rear inboard corner of the panel. Verify that the new butyl adhesive is in full contact with the molded detail and is well compressed. 18. The butyl adhesive should be flush with the panel bottom surface. Remove any excess butyl adhesive that is proud of the panel bottom surface. This will help to ensure a smooth transition at the rear end of the new center seal. 19. At the rear molded detail, remove the release tape and firmly press the rear molded detail adhesive tape to the panel.


1 - Release Tab - Adhesive Backing Tape 2 - New Butyl Adhesive - 4 mm Diameter 3 - Rear Inboard Corner and Notch - Right Freedom Top Panel 4 - Center Seal Surface Side - Right Freedom Top Panel 5 - Center Seal 6 - Rear Molded Detail Section - Firmly Press Into Place - Remove Any Excess (proud) Butyl Adhesive

Replace Right Panel Header Latch: 20. If vehicle was built prior to December 17, 2007 (MDH 1217XX), then replace the right panel header latch (Fig. 1).

-11Attach Middle Section of the Center Seal:



1 - Right Freedom Top Panel 2 - Middle Section - Center Seal - Still Unattached Until Now


1 - New Center Seal 2 - Cross Section - Right Freedom Top Panel 3 - Center Seal Channel and Panel Indexing Ridge

21. With both front and rear molded detail sections attached, move to the middle section of the center seal. 22. Note that at this point that both ends (front and rear molded details) of the center seal are attached, but the middle section of the center seal is not yet attached (Fig. 12). Note how the middle section of the center seal will engage the alignment ridge on the panel (Fig. 13). 23. Carefully turn right panel over so that the top (painted) surface is facing up. 24. When installing the middle section of the center seal take care not to allow the middle section of the seal to bunch up at the center. This could cause a water leak path. 25. Starting at one end, remove a few inches of the release tape and press the center seal into place. Move to the other end of the center seal, and remove a few inches of the release tape and press the center seal into place. Alternate back and forth from end to end working towards the center until the release tape is completely removed and the center seal is in place.


1 - Middle Section - Center Seal 2 - Rear Molded Detail Section - Center Seal 3 - Start At Each End Of Center Seal And Work Towards The Center Of the Seal - Firmly Press The Seal Into Place




1 - Right Freedom Top Panel 2 - Hand Roller - Use Roller Adhere Butyl To The Panel - Important Step 3 - Center Seal

26. To make sure the front and rear molded ends of the center seal do not move out of place start at the ends of the seal, and carefully working toward the center of the seal, install the middle section of the center seal to the panel. 27. Once the middle section is attached to the panel, go back over the entire length of the middle section of the seal with your hand to ensure that the seal is firmly attached to the Freedom Top panel. 28. IMPORTANT: Complete the installation of the center seal by applying pressure with a roller to the new center seal. Make certain that the roller will not damage the new center seal. 29. IMPORTANT: Verify full adhesion of the entire new center seal to the Freedom Top panel. THS IS CRITICAL Front Molded Detail Section Install - Final Steps: 30. Add adhesive promoter to the surface of the front molded detail (flame tip area) where the gray foam will be attached to the seal. Allow the adhesive promoter to dry completely. 31. To the front molded detail, add a 30 mm x 75 mm hard GRAY foam patch (Fig. 16) from the Replacement Foam Kit to the underside of the panel covering the flame tip of the D shaped bulb (Fig. 17).


1 - Adhesive Promoter - Apply To Flame Tip Rubber And Allow To Dry - Then Install Gray Foam Patch 2 - New Butyl Adhesive Flush To Right Freedom Top Panel Surface 3 - Front Molded Detail Section - Center Seal 4 - Foam Stuffer - 7 mm OD x 71 mm Length - Reference


1 - Front Inboard Corner And Notch - Right Freedom Top Panel 2 - Smooth Flat Transition - Rubber Tab - Front Molded Detail 3 - Smooth Flat Transition - Pressed In Place - Gray Foam Patch with Adhesive Promoter Already Applied



32. Once the final steps are completed then inspect the front molded detail section of the center seal for proper installation (Fig. 18). The gray foam (with adhesive promoter) should be flush with the corner of the flame tip. The front molded detail contact to the panel should be correct.


1 - Middle Section - Firmly Pressed In Place - Center Seal 2 - Front Molded Detail Section - Center Seal 3 - Gray Foam Patch with Adhesive Promoter Already Applied - Flush To Edges Of Flame Tip - Front Molded Detail 4 - Correct Front Molded Detail Seal Contact To Right Freedom Top Panel



Rear Molded Detail Section Install - Final Steps: 33. Make sure the rear molded detail contact with the panel is correct (Fig. 19).



34. Add adhesive promoter to the surface of the rear molded detail (flame tip area) where the black foam will be attached to the seal. Allow the adhesive promoter to dry completely. 35. Add a 30 mm x 75 mm BLACK foam patch from the Replacement Foam Kit to the under side of the panel covering the flame tip of the rear molded detail of the center seal. Make certain the corners and edge of the foam patch align with the outside edges of the flame tip (Fig. 20).


1 - Rear Molded Detail Section 2 - Adhesive Promoter - Apply To Flame Tip Rubber And Allow To Dry - Then Install Black Foam Patch - Rear Molded Detail

36. Press the 30 mm x 75 mm BLACK foam patch to panel (Fig. 21).


1 - Rear Inboard Corner and Notch - Right Freedom Top Panel 2 - Black Foam Patch With Adhesive Promoter - Press Firmly In Place 3 - Black Foam Patch - Flush With Edges Of Rear Molded Detail



37. Using a SHARP razor blade, carefully trim off the outer corner of the foam so that is conforms to the flame tip of the rear molded detail of the center seal (Fig. 22).


1 - Remove Excess Foam - Trim To Edge Of Molded Detail - Black Foam Patch 2 - Rear Molded Detail Section - Center Seal - Right Freedom Top Panel 3 - Middle Section - Center Seal - Right Freedom Top Panel


1 - Flame Tip - Rear Molded Detail Section - Center Seal 2 - Black Foam Patch With Adhesive Promoter Applied - Flush With Edges Of Flame Tip 3 - Remove Excess Foam - Trim To Edge Of Molded Detail - Black Foam Patch 4 - Rear Molded Detail Section - Center Seal 5 - Middle Section - Center Seal 7 - Notch in Rear Molded Detail Section - 5 mm x 15 mm - Reference 8 - Correct Rear Molded Detail Seal Contact To Right Freedom Top Panel

38. Once the final steps are completed then inspect the rear molded detail section of the center seal for proper installation (Fig. 23). The black foam with adhesive promoter applied should be flush with the corner of the flame tip. The rear molded detail contact to the panel should be correct. 39. Move the right panel off to the side, onto a protected surface, while the left panel is being worked on. Later both panels will need to have their outboard corners inspected and repaired.

23-020-08 Left Freedom Top Panel:



1 - Rear Inboard Corner - Left Freedom Top Panel 2 - Hard Top Side (Rear) Surface - Left Freedom Top Panel 3 - Install 100 mm Of New Butyl Adhesive (4 mm dia.) Into Groove At Edge Of Panel - Butyl To Be Flush To Top Of Groove 4 - Install 70 mm Of New Butyl Adhesive (4 mm dia.) Into At Edge Of Panel - Butyl To Be Flush To Top Of Groove 5 - Center Seal Side Surface - Left Freedom Top Panel

40. Move to the left Freedom Top panel. Locate the inboard rear corner of the left panel. 41. Clean ALL old butyl adhesive from the left panel inboard rear corner surface, notches, and grooves. Wipe the panel rear inboard corner surface clean with a high quality adhesive remover. NOTE: ALL old adhesive, sealant, oils, debris MUST BE thoroughly removed from the panel surface and rear inboard corner notches / groove. Use the high quality adhesive remover and a small pick to remove the remaining old adhesive. Once the old adhesive has been removed, thoroughly clean and prep the entire rear inboard corner surface by removing any residual adhesive and oils with the high quality adhesive remover. 42. Add new butyl adhesive (4 mm in diameter) into the inboard rear corner outer groove of the left panel (Fig. 24). Apply the new butyl adhesive for 70 mm into the inboard side grove. Apply butyl adhesive for 100 mm into the rear groove. The new butyl adhesive must fill the inboard and rear grooves, but it must not overfill the groove (it must be even with the surface).


1 - Rear Inboard Corner - Left Freedom Top Panel 2 - New Butyl Adhesive Placed In Groove and Flush With Top Of Groove 3 - Black Foam Patch (30 mm x 75 mm) - Install So It Is Flush With Edges Of Panel - Press In Place

43. Each foam patch must cover the butyl adhesive. Add one 30 mm x 75 mm BLACK foam patch over the new butyl along the inboard edge of the rear inboard corner. The butyl must not stick out from under the foam (Fig. 25).




1 - Rear Inboard Corner - Left Freedom Top Panel 2 - Black Foam Patch (30 mm x 75 mm) - Install So It Is Flush With Edges Of Panel - Press In Place 3 - Black Foam Patch (30 mm x 75 mm) - Install So It Is Flush With Edges Of Panel - Press In Place

44. Each foam patch must cover the butyl adhesive. Add one 30 mm x 75 mm BLACK foam patch over the new butyl along the rear edge of the rear inboard corner. The butyl must not stick out from under the foam (Fig. 26). Replace Left Panel Header Latch: 45. If vehicle was built prior to December 17, 2007 (MDH 1217XX), then replace the left panel header latch (Fig. 1). Outboard Corners - Both Freedom Top Panel:


1 - Outboard Corner - Right or Left Freedom Top Panel - Rear Outboard Corner Shown 2 - Black Foam Corner Patch - Used At: Front and Rear Outboard Corners - D-972-E for RIGHT Panel and D-973-E for LEFT Panel 3 - Black Foam Patch D-1009-A - 20mm x 95mm x 5mm thick - Used At: Rear Outboard Corner (Lt And Rt Panels) to Hard Top Seal 4 - Isolator - Black Plastic

46. With the LEFT PANEL, locate the rear outboard corner of the panel. 47. Note the location of the old foam patches. Remove the old foam patches from the rear outboard corner of the left panel. 48. Thoroughly clean all old adhesive residue from the rear outboard corner surface using a high quality adhesive remover. 49. Carefully install a new Black Foam Corner Patch to the rear outboard corner surface. Ensure that no wrinkles are in the foam patch. 50. Carefully install the Black Foam Patch (20mm x 95mm x 5mm) to the rear outboard corner surface. Ensure that no wrinkles are in the foam patch. 51. Move to the Front Outboard of the left panel. 52. Note the location of the old black foam corner patch. Remove the old foam patch. 53. Thoroughly clean all old adhesive residue from the front outboard corner surface using a high quality adhesive remover. 54. Carefully install a new Black Foam Corner Patch to the front outboard corner surface. Ensure that no wrinkles are in the foam patch. 55. Verify that the black plastic isolator is in place and not damaged. Replace the isolator if damaged or missing. 56. Verify that the alignment pin is in place and not damaged. Replace the alignment pin if damaged or missing. Dependent upon when the hard top panel was made there are different size alignment pins. Install the correct size diameter alignment pin. 57. Place the left panel to the side on a protected surface. 58. Place the RIGHT PANEL top facing down on the protected work surface.



59. Repeat the above step in this section, Outboard Corners - Both Freedom Top Panel, to the front and rear outboard corners. Install Windshield Header Seal Stuffer:


1 - Bulb Where Rubber Stuffer Will Be Installed Under - Windshield Header Seal 2 - Rubber Stuffer (13 mm OD x 8 mm ID x 160 mm) - Install and Center Under Windshield Header Seal Bulb 3 - Make A Smooth 30 mm Cut Along Seam At Bottom Of Bulb - Install Rubber Stuffer Through Cut Opening

60. Move to the windshield header seal. 61. Locate the windshield header seal round stuffer (C-5165 - 13mm OD x 8mm ID x 160mm) from the Replacement Foam Kit. 62. Place the windshield header seal round stuffer to the windshield header seal bulb. Center the stuffer to the center of the windshield header seal (Fig. 28). Temporarily place a mark on the windshield center seal at each end of the stuffer. If a stuffer is already in place, then it will be replaced with this new stuffer. 63. Using a razor blade, a cut will be made into the windshield header seal bulb to allow placement of the stuffer inside of the windshield header seal bulb. The cut will be made along the bottom edge of the bulb. Mark a 30 mm length on the header seal bulb where the cut will be placed. 64. Where the right end of the stuffer will end, and along the bottom edge of the header seal bulb, CAREFULLY place a 30 mm cut through the header seal bulb material. 65. CAREFULLY install the stuffer into the windshield header seal. Take care not to tear the seal bulb material. Use a light water based lubricant to aid installation. 66. Glue the stuffer in place. Apply glue (Mopar Bond-All Gel) to the stuffer and inside surface of the header seal bulb. 67. CAREFULLY glue (using Mopar Bond-All Gel) the cut in the header seal bulb closed.


1 - Panel Interface With The Windshield Header Seal - Freedom Top Panel 2 - Location Of 30 mm Cut - Install Stuffer Through Cut Opening - Seal Cut With Glue 3 - Rubber Stuffer (13 mm OD x 8 mm ID x 160 mm) - Installed Inside Windshield Header Seal Bulb 4 - Cross Section - Windshield Header Seal 5 - Windshield Frame

Install Freedom Top Panels and Retest For Water Leaks: 68. Install the Freedom Panels to the hard top (Fig. 1). To ensure that the panels are installed correctly perform the following steps in order. When installing each Freedom Panel always close the windshield latch first. a. With both panels removed, carefully install the right side panel onto the hard top. b. Make sure the sun visor is folded down and out of the way.



c. Latch the right header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. d. Turn the right side panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it fully engages the hard top. e. Turn the right side panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) clockwise until it is tight. f. Carefully install the left side panel onto the hard top. g. Make sure the sun visor is folded down and out of the way. h. Latch the left header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. i. Turn the left side panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it full engages the hard top. j. Turn the left side panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) clockwise until it is tight. k. Turn both center L-shaped locks (2) so that they fully engage the right side panel. 69. Retest to verify that the leak was corrected.



POLICY: Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty. TIME ALLOWANCE: Labor Operation No: 23-51-41-90 Description Center Seal - Modular Top Water Leak Replace (B) Amount A/T Hrs.

FAILURE CODE: ZZ Service Action


23-025-08 Body August 26, 2008

This bulletin is supplied as technical information only and is not an authorization for repair. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without written permission of Chrysler LLC.

THIS BULLETIN SUPERSEDES TECHNICAL SERVICE BULLETIN 23-016-08, DATED May 24, 2007, WHICH SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM YOUR FILES. THIS IS A COMPLETE REVISION AND NO ASTERISKS HAVE BEEN USED TO HIGHLIGHT REVISIONS. SUBJECT: Freedom Top - Header Seal - Water Leak In Area Of Dash OVERVIEW: This bulletin involves the replacement of the header seal and its associated butyl adhesive. MODELS: 2007 - 2008 (JK) Wrangler

NOTE: This bulletin applies to vehicles equipped with a Freedom Modular Hard Top (Sales code VK0). Vehicles equipped with Dual Tops (Soft Top and Freedom Top) should have this bulletin performed with the Freedom Top installed only (NOT THE SOFT TOP). The replacement header seal may initially cause a soft top wind noise. SYMPTOM/CONDITION: This bulletin will address water leaks due to the FRONT HEADER SEAL at the roof. Water leaks associated with the header seal can cause the front floor and/or instrument panel to get wet. Water leaking into the vehicle at the B-Pillar or anywhere further back in the vehicle are not covered in this Service Bulletin. Water leaks in these areas are addressed in other Service Bulletins and eFiles. Refer to those Service Bulletins and eFiles as necessary. NOTE: Refer to additional supporting material and pictures available in DealerCONNECT and TechCONNECT. Select eFiles > Service > Star Center > Misc Documents > JK A Pillar Water Leak Repair. DIAGNOSIS: 1. Determine the vehicle build date. Vehicles equipped with a Freedom Modular Hard Top and built on or before December 17, 2007 (MDH1217XX) will require the windshield header latch on each panel be replaced with the latest level latch.



2. Visually inspect door to windshield frame (A-Pillar) fit. Door should be parallel to A-Pillar and surface flush to slightly under-flush. NOTE: Vehicles equipped with Freedom Top panels must have the panels CORRECTLY installed. This is very important to prevent a water leak from occurring. Make sure the technician and customer know and use the correct removal and installation procedure. Follow the removal and installation steps in the Owners Manual.


1 - Left Freedom Top Panel 2 - Center L-Shaped Locks - Left Freedom Top Panel 3 - Rear L-Shaped Lock at Seat Belt Anchorage - Left and Right Freedom Top Panel 4 - Hard Top 5 - B-Pillar 6 - Right Freedom Top Panel 7 - Rear Fastener (Dial) Knobs - Left and Right Freedom Top Panel 8 - Windshield Header Latch - Left and Right Freedom Top Panel

3. Inspect the Freedom Top panels to ensure that they are installed correctly (Fig. 1). If not, then note this condition so that the correct procedure for installing the Freedom Top panels to the hard top can be reviewed with the customer. To ensure that the panels are installed correctly perform the following steps in order. When installing each Freedom Top panel, always close the windshield latch first . a. With both panels removed, carefully install the right side panel onto the hard top. b. Make sure the sun visor is folded down and out of the way. c. Latch the right header panel latch located at the top of the windshield.



d. Turn the right side panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it fully engages the hard top. e. Turn the right side panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) clockwise until it is tight. f. Carefully install the left side panel onto the hard top. g. Make sure the sun visor is folded down and out of the way. h. Latch the left header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. i. Turn the left side panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it full engages the hard top. j. Turn the left side panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) clockwise until it is tight. k. Turn both center L-shaped locks (2) so that they fully engage the right side panel. 4. Only after verifying Freedom Top is properly installed, Proceed to Test For Water Leak(s). Test For Water Leak(s) 1. Have an assistant apply a slow flow of water across the top header joint with a hose for approximately 3-5 minutes while inspecting the interior of the hard top for water leaks to determine general leak source location(s). Do not use a hard spray of water. Do not stop inspection when one leak source is located, there may be more than one water leak source. NOTE: Dripping that occurs at the center of the windshield header may be the result of a Freedom Top seal leaking and running forward. The following step verifies leak origination point. 2. If leak occurs at the front of the top near the A-Pillar, remove the sun visors, upper and lower trim covers to gain visual access to the header seal. Water leaks originating from the header seal will generally run towards the outside ends of the header, (toward the A-Pillar) and drip in at the corner(s). 3. If a water leak is originating at the header seal, then perform the Repair Procedure in this Service Bulletin and refer to DealerCONNECT > eFiles > Service > Star Center > Misc. Documents > JK A Pillar Water Leaks, for additional information. PARTS REQUIRED: Qty. AR (1) 1 (AR) AR (1) AR (1) AR (6) Part No. 55397454AD 82300508AB 08984 - 3M 06396 - 3M 68027813AA Description Seal, Windshield Header (Freedom Top) Mopar Corrosion Inhibitor - 5 oz. Brush Top Tube (or equivalent) General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner (or equivalent) Adhesive Promoter 2.5 cc Packet (or Equivalent) Box of 25 (1 box will service 25 vehicles). Butyl, Tape - 4 mm dia. x 152 mm (6 inch) length strip

REPAIR PROCEDURE: NOTE: Do not use RTV as a sealer. Over time RTV will not remain attached to the hard top material.



1. Remove both Freedom Top Panels from the hard top. Perform the following steps in order: a. Fold both sun visors down and out of the way. b. Turn both left panel center L-shaped locks (2) so that they disengage from the right side panel. c. Turn the left panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it disengages from the hard top. d. Turn the left panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) counter-clockwise until it can be removed. e. Unlatch the left panel header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. f. Carefully remove the left side panel from the hard top. g. Turn the right panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it disengages from the hard top. h. Turn the right panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) counter-clockwise until it can be removed. i. Unlatch the right panel header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. j. Carefully remove the right side panel from the hard top. 2. Set the Freedom Top panels on a well PROTECTED WORK SURFACE. Protect the Freedom Top panel edges & top surface from damage. NOTE: THE PAINTED TOP SURFACE OF THE FREEDOM TOP CAN EASILY BE DAMAGED IF CARE IS NOT TAKEN TO PROTECT IT. 3. Verify Freedom Top has been updated with all of the proper foam and butyl parts as shown in SB # 23-020-08 Dated June 20, 2008. (Fig. 2) shows placement of these components. If SB # 23-020-08 has not been completed and leaks are occurring at the windshield header, the Freedom Tops will require resealing in conjunction with the header seal replacement. Perform SB # 23-020-08 before proceeding with this bulletin.




1 - Black Foam Corner Patch D-972-E and Black Foam Patch D-1010-A - 30mm x 95mm x 3mm thick 2 - Gray Foam Strip D-1012 - 9mm x 100mm x 6.35mm thick 3 - Front Outboard Corner 4 - Windshield Header Latch 5 - Front Side Surface - Right Freedom Top Panel to Windshield Header Panel and Header Seal 6 - Front Inboard Corner, Front Molded Detail Section of Center Seal, and Gray Foam Patch C-5166 - 30mm x 75mm x 2mm thick 7 - Inboard Side Surface - Right Freedom Top Panel with Center Seal 8 - Rear Inboard Corner, Rear Molded Detail Section of Center Seal, and Black Foam Patch D-1011-A - 30mm x 75mm x 3mm thick 9 - Spacer Blocker and Rear Thumb (Dial) Screw Attachment 10 - Rear Side Surface - Right Freedom Top Panel to Hard Top and Hard Top Seal 11 - Rear L-Shaped Lock at Shoulder Belt Anchorage 12 - Isolator Pad - Black Plastic 13 - Rear Outboard Corner 14 - Black Foam Corner Patch D-972-E and Black Foam Patch D-1009-A - 20mm x 95mm x 5mm thick 15 - Right Freedom Top Panel 16 - Locator Pin - Diameter Sizes of: 6.0 mm, 8.0 mm, or 9.5 mm 17 - Outboard Side Surface - Right Freedom Top Panel to Door Seal, A-Pillar Cup, and B-Pillar Cup and Mucket

NOTE: Vehicles equipped with Dual Tops (Soft and Freedom Top) should have this bulletin performed with the Freedom Top installed. The replacement header seal may initially cause a soft top wind noise.

23-025-08 Replace Windshield Header Seal:


NOTE: If seal requires replacement, then the old seal adhesive must be completely removed before a new seal is installed. Use a GOOD quality adhesive remover as recommended in Parts Required section of this Service Bulletin. 4. Drill out rivets at each end of the header seal with 1/8 drill bit. 5. Remove header weatherstrip from body sheet metal. 6. Remove all traces of old tape and butyl from painted sheet metal on header. Use p/n 08984 - 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner (or equivalent) to remove. 7. Treat surface with 06396 - 3M Adhesive Promoter pad (or equivalent). Allow to completely dry. 8. Install butyl to fill gaps in sheet metal or wrinkles, holes and notches in thumb sealer in the area describe in (Fig. 3). 9. Carefully smooth butyl to form a smooth transition to the header sheet metal. 10. Treat rivet hole bare metal with p/n 82300508, Mopar Corrosion Inhibitor.


1 - Item_1 2 - Item _2

11. Before removing tape backing, lay the new header weatherstrip, p/n 55397454AD in place on header to align. 12. Remove tape backing and press weatherstrip firmly to header sheet metal and smooth out adhesive tape. NOTE: A small roller or firm finger pressure should be used to smooth tape and butyl. 13. Ensure the butyl is feathered out smooth and adhesive tape is pressed to make full contact. Work back and forth, from side to side.



14. Install the Freedom Panels to the hard top. To ensure that the panels are installed correctly perform the following steps in order. When installing each Freedom Panel always close the windshield latch first. a. Make sure the sun visors is folded down and out of the way. b. Carefully install the right side panel onto the hard top. c. Latch the right header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. d. Turn the right side panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it fully engages the hard top. e. Turn the right side panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) clockwise until it is tight. f. Carefully install the left side panel onto the hard top. g. Latch the left header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. h. Turn the left side panel rear L-shaped lock (located above the shoulder belt anchorage) so that it full engages the hard top. i. Turn the left side panel rear fastener knob (located on the overhead speaker bar assembly) clockwise until it is tight. j. Turn both center L-shaped locks (2) so that they fully engage the right side panel. 15. Retest to verify that the leak was corrected. POLICY: Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty. TIME ALLOWANCE: Labor Operation No: 23-51-35-97 Description Seal - Modular Top to Header, Replace due to A-Pillar Water Leak - (B) Amount 1.2 Hrs.

FAILURE CODE: ZZ Service Action


23-005-09 REV. A Body August 12, 2009

This bulletin is supplied as technical information only and is not an authorization for repair. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without written permission of Chrysler Group LLC.

THIS BULLETIN SUPERSEDES TECHNICAL SERVICE BULLETINS 23-002-08, DATED JANUARY 15, 2008, 23-020-08, DATED JUNE 20, 2008, 23-025-08, DATED AUGUST 26, 2008, AND 23-005-09, DATED MARCH 24, 2009 WHICH SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM YOUR FILES. THIS IS A COMPLETE REVISION AND NO ASTERISKS HAVE BEEN USED TO HIGHLIGHT REVISIONS. SUBJECT: Hard Top / Soft Top Water Leak Diagnosis OVERVIEW: This bulletin introduces a New Water Leak Repair Manual that should be followed whenever a vehicle is brought in with water leak concerns. MODELS: 2007 - 2009 (JK) Wrangler

NOTE: This bulletin applies to vehicles equipped with a soft top, dual top and targa top (sales code GWK, VJ0, AEM and VJX). SYMPTOM/CONDITION: Water leaks from hard or soft top and water on the carpet. DIAGNOSIS: A new approach to addressing water leak concerns on Wrangler models has been developed and is announced with this Service Bulletin. The New Manual can be accessed through DealerCONNECT > Efiles. The file is found in the Service section > STAR Center > Misc Documents > JK Water Leak Repair Manual. The manual provides detailed color graphics and instructions to address many of the leak concerns associated with the Soft or Hard top models. The manual is broken out by leak category (as listed below) and provides all the necessary information and latest methods to make effective repairs. The Labor Operations listed in the Service Bulletin can be used based on repair methods used in the manual. The JK Water Leak Repair Manual has a diagnosis road map that includes the following customer concerns: i. ii. iii. iv. Water is on center of Instrument Panel / Shifter Water is on door trim panel or Instrument Panel at A-pillar Water at rear hard top panel / B-pillar Water is on the front carpet

23-005-09 REV. A


POLICY: Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty. TIME ALLOWANCE: Labor Operation No: 23-51-35-95 23-51-35-97 23-51-10-90 Description Amount

Diagnosis Top System for Water 0.4Hrs. Leaks (B) Inspect and Replace Windshield 0.9Hrs. Header Seal (B) Measure and Adjust Door Fit 0.7Hrs. and Replace Primary Door Seal - One Door Only (B) Inspect A-Pillar Mucket Seal One Side Only (B) Reseal Freedom Tops - Both Freedom Panels (B) 0.4Hrs. 0.5Hrs.

23-51-41-91 23-51-41-92 23-42-63-90 23-51-35-98 23-51-41-93 23-50-35-90

Latch Freedom Panels - Both 0.5Hrs. Right & Left Freedom Panels (B) Replace Hard Top Seal (B) Replace B-Pillar Mucket Seal One Side Only (B) 0.8Hrs. 0.4Hrs.

Repair Rear Wheel Flare Holes - 0.7Hrs. Both Sides Right and Left Sides (B) Reseal Cowl Side Panel - One Side Only (B) 0.5Hrs


FAILURE CODE: ZZ Service Action

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