Pankaj Ghemawat - Competition and Business Strategy in Historical Perspective
Pankaj Ghemawat - Competition and Business Strategy in Historical Perspective
Pankaj Ghemawat - Competition and Business Strategy in Historical Perspective
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Strategy is a term that can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, for whom it meant a chief magistrate or a military commander-in-chief. More recently, the term has been refined by military analysts like Carl von Clausewitz, who wrote that whereas tactics[involve] the use of armed forces in the engagement, strategy [is] the use of engagements for the object of the war.1 But the use of the term in business dates only to the twentieth century, and its use in a self-consciously competitive context only to the second half of the twentieth century. This historical note describes the evolution of ideas about business strategy and how they came to be influenced by competitive thinking.
Historical Background The First Industrial Revolution (roughly the mid-1700s to the mid-1800s) witnessed intense competition among industrial firms but, by and large, they did not have much individual influence on competitive outcomes. Instead, in most lines of businesswith the exception of a few commodities in which international trade had developedfirm had an incentive to remain small and to employ as little fixed capital as possible. The chaotic markets of this era led economists such as Adam Smith to describe market forces as an invisible hand that was largely beyond the control of individual firms. The small industrial and merchant firms that were emerging required little or no formal planning or strategy in the modern sense. The Second Industrial Revolution, which started in the second half of the nineteenth century, saw the emergence of strategy as a way to control market forces and to shape the
Copyright 2000 Pankaj Ghemawat Working papers are in draft form. This working paper is distributed for purposes of comment and discussion only. It may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Copies of working papers are available from the author. Professor Pankaj Ghemawat, drawing upon an earlier draft prepared by Dr. Peter Botticelli. The author has benefited from helpful comments by Walter A. Friedman, Thomas K. McCraw and three referees. 1
competitive environment. In the United States, the building of the railroads after 1850 led to the development of mass markets for the first time. Along with improved access to capital and credit, mass markets encouraged large-scale investment to exploit economies of scale in production and economies of scope in distribution. Adam Smiths invisible hand was gradually tamed by what the historian, Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., has termed the visible hand of professional managers. By the late nineteenth century, a new type of firm began to emerge, first in the United States and then in Europe: the vertically integrated, multidivisional (or M-form) corporation that made large investments in manufacturing and marketing, and in management hierarchies to coordinate those functions. Over time, the largest M-form companies managed to alter the competitive environment within their industries and even across industry lines.2 The need for a formal approach to corporate strategy was first articulated by top executives of M-form corporations. Alfred Sloan (chief executive of General Motors from 1923 to 1946) devised a strategy that was explicitly based on the perceived strengths and weaknesses of Ford.3 In the 1930s, Chester Barnard, a top executive with AT&T, argued that managers should pay especially close attention to strategic factors which depend on personal or organizational action.4 The organizational challenges involved in World War II were a vital stimulus to strategic thinking. The problem of allocating scarce resources across the entire economy in wartime led to many innovations in management science. New operations research techniques (e.g., linear programming) were devised, which paved the way for the use of quantitative analysis in formal strategic planning. In 1944, John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern published their classic work, The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. This work essentially solved the problem of zero-sum games (most military ones, from an aggregate perspective) and framed the issues surrounding non-zero-sum games (most business ones). Also, the concept of learning curves became an increasingly important tool for planning. The learning curve was first discovered in the military aircraft industry in the 1920s and 1930s, where it was noticed that direct labor costs tended to decrease by a constant percentage as the cumulative quantity of aircraft produced doubled. Learning effects figured prominently in wartime production planning efforts. World War II encouraged the use of formal strategic thinking to guide management decisions. Peter Drucker argued that management is not just passive, adaptive behavior; it means taking action to make the desired results come to pass. He noted that economic theory had long treated markets as impersonal forces, beyond the control of individual entrepreneurs and organizations. But in the age of M-form corporations, managing implies responsibility for attempting to shape the economic environment, for planning, initiating and carrying through changes in that economic environment, for constantly pushing back the limitations of economic circumstances on the enterprises freedom of action.5 This insight became the rationale for business strategythat by consciously using formal planning, a company could exert some positive control over market forces. However, these insights on the nature of strategy lay fallow for the decade after World War II because wartime destruction led to excess demand, which limited competition as firms rushed to expand capacity. Given the enormous job of rebuilding Europe and much of Asia, it was not until the late 1950s and 1960s that many large multinational corporations
were forced to consider global competition as a factor in planning. In addition, the wartime disruption of foreign multinationals enabled U.S. companies to profit from the postwar boom without effective competitors in many industries. A more direct bridge to the development of strategic concepts for business applications was provided by inter-service competition in the U.S. military after World War II. In this period, American military leaders found themselves debating the arrangements that would best protect legitimate competition among military services while maintaining the needed integration of strategic and tactical planning. Many argued that the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force would be more efficient if they were unified into a single organization. As the debate raged, Philip Selznick, a sociologist noted that the Navy Department emerged as the defender of subtle institutional values and tried many times to formulate the distinctive characteristics of the various services. In essence, the Navy spokesmen attempted to distinguish between the Army as a manpower organization and the Navy as a finely adjusted system of technical, engineering skillsa machine-centered organization. Faced with what it perceived as a mortal threat, the Navy became highly selfconscious about its distinctive competence.6 The concept of distinctive competence had great resonance for strategic management, as we will see.
Academic Underpinnings The Second Industrial Revolution witnessed the founding of many elite business schools in the United States, beginning with the Wharton School in 1881. Harvard Business School, founded in 1908, was one of the first to promote the idea that managers should be trained to think strategically and not just to act as functional administrators. Beginning in 1912, Harvard offered a required second-year course in Business Policy, which was designed to integrate the knowledge gained in functional areas like accounting, operations, and finance, thereby giving students a broader perspective on the strategic problems faced by corporate executives. A course description from 1917 claimed that an analysis of any business problem shows not only its relation to other problems in the same group, but also the intimate connection of groups. Few problems in business are purely intra-departmental. Also, the policies of each department must maintain a balance in accord with the underlying policies of the business as a whole.7 In the early 1950s, two professors of Business Policy at Harvard, George Albert Smith Jr., and C. Roland Christensen, taught students to question whether a firms strategy matched its competitive environment. In reading cases, students were taught to ask: do a companys policies fit together into a program that effectively meets the requirements of the competitive situation?8 Students were told to address this problem by asking, How is the whole industry doing? Is it growing and expanding? Or is it static; or declining? Then, having sized up the competitive environment, the student was to ask: on what basis must any one company compete with the others in this particular industry? At what kinds of things does it have to be especially competent, in order to compete?9 In the late 1950s, another Harvard Business Policy professor, Kenneth Andrews, built on this thinking by arguing that every business organization, every subunit of organization,
and even every individual [ought to] have a clearly defined set of purposes or goals which keeps it moving in a deliberately chosen direction and prevents its drifting in undesired directions. (emphasis added) Like Alfred Sloan at GM, the primary function of the general manager, over time, is supervision of the continuous process of determining the nature of the enterprise and setting, revising and attempting to achieve its goals.10 The motivation for these conclusions was supplied by an industry note and company cases that Andrews prepared on Swiss watchmakers, which uncovered significant differences in performance associated with different strategies for competing in that industry.11 This format of combining industry notes with company cases, which had been initiated by a professor of manufacturing at Harvard, John MacLean, became the norm in Harvards Business Policy course. In practice, an industry note was often followed by multiple cases on one or several companies with the objective, inter alia, of economizing on students preparation time.12 By the 1960s, classroom discussions in the Business Policy course focused on matching a companys strengths and weaknessesits distinctive competencewith the opportunities and threats (or risks) that it faced in the marketplace. This framework, which came to be referred to by the acronym SWOT, was a major step forward in bringing explicitly competitive thinking to bear on questions of strategy. Kenneth Andrews put these elements together in the following manner:
Exhibit 1
In 1963, a business policy conference was held at Harvard which helped diffuse the SWOT concept in academia and in management practice. Attendance was heavy, and yet the popularity of SWOTwhich was still used by many firms in the 1990s, including WalMartdid not bring closure to the problem of actually defining a firms distinctive competence. To solve this problem, strategists had to decide what aspects of the firm were enduring and unchanging over relatively long periods of time and those that are necessarily more responsive to changes in the marketplace and the pressures of other environmental forces. This distinction was crucial because the strategic decision is concerned with the long-term development of the enterprise (emphasis added).14 When strategy choices were analyzed from a long-range perspective, the idea of distinctive competence took on added importance because of the risks involved in most long-run investments. Thus, if the opportunities a firm was pursuing appeared to outrun [its] present
distinctive competence, then the strategist had to consider a firms willingness to gamble that the latter can be built up to the required level.15 The debate over a firms willingness to gamble its distinctive competence in pursuit of opportunity continued in the 1960s, fueled by a booming stock market and corporate strategies that were heavily geared toward growth and diversification. In a classic 1960 article, Marketing Myopia, Theodore Levitt was sharply critical of firms that seemed to focus too much on delivering a product, presumably based on its distinctive competence, rather than consciously serving the customer. Levitt thus argued that when companies fail, it usually means that the product fails to adapt to the constantly changing patterns of consumer needs and tastes, to new and modified marketing institutions and practices, or to product developments in complementary industries.16 However, another leading strategist, Igor Ansoff, argued that Levitt was asking companies to take unnecessary risks by investing in new products that might not fit the firms distinctive competence. Ansoff argued that a company should first ask whether a new product had a common thread with its existing products. He defined the common thread as a firms mission or its commitment to exploit an existing need in the market as a whole.17 Ansoff noted that sometimes the customer is erroneously identified as the common thread of a firms business. In reality a given type of customer will frequently have a range of unrelated product missions or needs.18 Thus, for a firm to maintain its strategic focus, Ansoff suggested the following categories for defining the common thread in its business/corporate strategy: Exhibit 2 Ansoffs Product/Mission Matrix19
Present Product New Product
Present Mission
Market Penetration
Product Development
New Mission
Market Development
Ansoff and others also focused on translating the logic built into the SWOT framework into a series of concrete questions that needed to be answered in the development of strategies.20 In the 1960s, diversification and technological changes increased the complexity of the strategic situations that many companies faced, and their need for more sophisticated measures that could be used to evaluate and compare many different types of businesses. Since business policy groups at Harvard and elsewhere remained strongly wedded to the idea that strategies could only be analyzed on a case-by-case basis that accounted for the unique characteristics of every business, corporations turned elsewhere to satisfy their craving for standardized approaches to strategy making.21 A study by the Stanford Research Institute indicated that a majority of large U.S. companies had set up formal planning departments by
1963.22 Some of these internal efforts were quite elaborate. General Electric (GE) is a bellwether example: it used Harvard faculty quite extensively in its executive education programs, but also developed an elaborate computer-based Profitability Optimization Model (PROM) on its own in the first half of the 1960s that appeared to explain a significant fraction of the variation in the return on investment afforded by its various businesses.23 Over time, like many other companies, GE also sought the help of private consulting firms. Although the consultants made multifaceted contributions (e.g., to planning, forecasting, logistics and long-range R&D), the section that follows focuses on their impact on mainstream strategic thinking.
The Rise of Strategy Consultants The 1960s and early 1970s witnessed the rise of a number of strategy consulting practices. In particular, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), founded in 1963, had a major impact on the field by applying quantitative research to problems of business and corporate strategy. BCGs founder, Bruce Henderson, believed that a consultants job was to find meaningful quantitative relationships between a company and its chosen markets.24 In his words, good strategy must be based primarily on logic, noton experience derived from intuition.25 Indeed, Henderson was utterly convinced that economic theory would someday lead to a set of universal rules for strategy. As he explained, in most firms strategy tends to be intuitive and based upon traditional patterns of behavior which have been successful in the past. However, in growth industries or in a changing environment, this kind of strategy is rarely adequate. The accelerating rate of change is producing a business world in which customary managerial habits and organization are increasingly inadequate.26 In order to help executives make effective strategic decisions, BCG drew on the existing knowledge base in academia: one of its first employees, Seymour Tilles, was formerly a lecturer in Harvards Business Policy course. But it also struck off in a new direction that Bruce Henderson is said to have described as the business of selling powerful oversimplifications.27 In fact, BCG came to be known as a strategy boutique because early on, its business was largely based, directly or indirectly, on a single concept: the experience curve (discussed below). The value of using a single concept came from the fact that in nearly all problem solving there is a universe of alternative choices, most of which must be discarded without more than cursory attention. Hence, some frame of reference is needed to screen therelevance of data, methodology, and implicit value judgments involved in any strategy decision. Given that decision making is necessarily a complex process, the most useful frame of reference is the concept. Conceptual thinking is the skeleton or the framework on which all other choices are sorted out.28 BCG and the Experience Curve BCG first developed its version of the learning curvewhat it labeled the experience curve, in 1965-66. According to Bruce Henderson, it was developed to try to explain price and competitive behavior in the extremely fast growing segments of industries for clients such as Texas Instruments and Black and Decker.29 As BCG consultants studied these industries, they naturally asked why one competitor outperforms another (assuming
comparable management skills and resources)? Are there basic rules for success? There, indeed, appear to be rules for success, and they relate to the impact of accumulated experience on competitors costs, industry prices and the interrelation between the two.30 The firms standard claim for the experience curve was that for each cumulative doubling of experience, total costs would decline roughly 20 to 30 percent due to economies of scale, organizational learning and technological innovation. The strategic implication of the experience curve, according to BCG, was that for a given product segment, the producerwho has made the most units should have the lowest costs and the highest profits.31 Bruce Henderson claimed that with the experience curve, the stability of competitive relationships should be predictable, the value of market share change should be calculable, [and] the effects of growth rate should [also] be calculable.32 From the Experience Curve to Portfolio Analysis By the early 1970s, the experience curve had led to another powerful oversimplification by BCG: the so-called Growth-Share Matrix (reproduced below), which was the first use of what came to be known as portfolio analysis. The idea was that after experience curves were drawn for each of a diversified companys business units, their relative potential as areas for investment could be compared by plotting them on the following grid: Exhibit 3 BCGs Growth-Share Matrix33
High Share Low Share
High Growth
Question Mark
Slow Growth
Cash Cow
BCGs basic strategy recommendation was to maintain a balance between cash cows (i.e., mature businesses) and stars, while allocating some resources to feed question marks, which were potential stars. Dogs were to be sold off. Put in more sophisticated language, a BCG vice-president explained that since the producer with the largest stable market share eventually has the lowest costs and greatest profits, it becomes vital to have a dominant market share in as many products as possible. However, market share in slowly growing products can be gained only by reducing the share of competitors who are likely to fight back. If a product market is growing rapidly, a company can gain share by securing most of the growth. Thus, while competitors grow, the company can grow even faster and emerge with a dominant share when growth eventually slows.34
Strategic Business Units (SBUs) and Portfolio Analysis Numerous other consulting firms came up with their own matrices for portfolio analysis at roughly the same time as BCG. McKinsey & Companys effort, for instance, began in 1968 when Fred Borch, the CEO of General Electric (GE), asked McKinsey to examine GEs corporate structure, which consisted of 200 profit centers and 145 departments arranged around 10 groups. The boundaries for these units had been defined according to theories of financial control, which the McKinsey consultants judged to be inadequate. They argued that the firm should be organized on more strategic lines, with greater concern for external conditions than internal controls, and a more future-oriented approach than was possible using measures of past financial performance. The study recommended a formal strategic planning system, which would divide the company into natural business units, which Borch later renamed strategic business units, or SBUs. GEs executives followed this advice, which took two years to implement. However, in 1971, a GE corporate executive asked McKinsey for help in evaluating the strategic plans that were being written by the companys many SBUs. GE had already examined the possibility of using the BCG growth-share matrix to decide the fate of its SBUs, but its top management had decided then that they could not set priorities on the basis of just two performance measures. And so, after studying the problem for three months, a McKinsey team produced what came to be known as the GE/McKinsey 9-block matrix (shown below). The 9-block matrix used about a dozen measures to screen for industry attractiveness and another dozen to screen for competitive position, although the weights to be attached to them were not specified.35
Exhibit 4
Selective Growth
Business Strength
Selective Growth
Harvest/ Divest
Harvest/ Divest
Harvest/ Divest
Another, more quantitative approach to portfolio planning was developed at roughly the same time under the aegis of the Profit Impact of Market Strategies (PIMS) program, which was the multicompany successor to the PROM program that GE had started a decade earlier. By the mid-1970s, PIMS contained data on 620 SBUs drawn from 57 diversified corporations.37 These data were used, in the first instance, to explore the determinants of returns on investment by regressing historical returns on variables such as market share, product quality, investment-intensity, marketing and R&D expenditures and several dozen others. The regressions established what were supposed to be benchmarks for the potential performance of SBUs with particular characteristics against which their actual performance might be compared. In all these applications, segmenting diversified corporations into SBUs became an important precursor to analyses of economic performance.38 This forced deaveraging of cost and performance numbers that had previously been calculated at more aggregated levels. In addition, it was thought that with such approaches, strategic thinking was appropriately pushed down the line to managers closer to the particular industry and its competitive conditions.39 In the 1970s, virtually every major consulting firm used some type of portfolio analysis to generate strategy recommendations. The concept became especially popular after the oil crisis of 1973 forced many large corporations to rethink, if not discard, their existing long-range plans. A McKinsey consultant noted that the sudden quadrupling of energy costs [due to the OPEC embargo], followed by a recession and rumors of impending capital crisis, [the job of] setting long-term growth and diversification objectives was suddenly an exercise in irrelevance. Now, strategic planning meant sorting out winners and losers, setting priorities, and husbanding capital. In a climate where product and geographic
markets were depressed and capital was presumed to be short,40 portfolio analysis gave executives a ready excuse to get rid of underperforming business units while directing most available funds to the stars. Thus, a survey of the Fortune 500 industrial companies concluded that by 1979, 45% of them had introduced portfolio planning techniques to some extent.41
Emerging Problems
Somewhat ironically, the very macroeconomic conditions that (initially) increased the popularity of portfolio analysis also began to raise questions about the experience curve. The high inflation and excess capacity (due to downturns in demand) induced by the oil shocks of 1973 and 1979 disrupted historical experience curves in many industries, suggesting that Bruce Henderson had oversold the concept when he circulated a pamphlet in 1974 entitled, Why Costs Go Down Forever. Another problem with the experience curve was pinpointed by a classic 1974 article by William Abernathy and Kenneth Wayne, which argued that the consequence of intensively pursuing a cost-minimization strategy [e.g., one based on the experience curve] is a reduced ability to make innovative changes and to respond to those introduced by competitors.42 Abernathy and Wayne pointed to the case of Henry Ford, whose obsession with lowering costs had left him vulnerable to Alfred Sloans strategy of product innovation in the car business. The concept of the experience curve was also criticized for treating cost reductions as automatic rather than something to be managed, for assuming that most experience could be kept proprietary instead of spilling over to competitors, for mixing up different sources of cost reduction with very different strategic implications (e.g., learning vs. scale vs. exogenous technical progress) and for leading to stalemates as more than one competitor pursued the same generic success factor.43 In the late 1970s, portfolio analysis came under attack as well. One problem was that in many cases, the strategic recommendations for an SBU were very sensitive to the specific portfolio-analytic technique employed. For instance, an academic study applied four different portfolio techniques to a group of fifteen SBUs owned by the same Fortune 500 corporation, and found that only one out of the 15 SBUs fell in the same portion of each of the four matrices and only five out of the 15 were classified similarly in terms of three of the four matrices.44 This was only a slightly higher level of concordance than would have been expected if the 15 SBUs had been randomly classified four separate times! An even more serious problem with portfolio analysis was that even if one could figure out the right technique to employ, the mechanical determination of resource allocation patterns on the basis of historical performance data was inherently problematic. Some consultants acknowledged as much. In 1979, Fred Gluck, the head of McKinseys strategic management practice, ventured the opinion that the heavy dependence on packaged techniques [has] frequently resulted in nothing more than a tightening up, or fine tuning, of current initiatives within the traditionally configured businesses. Even worse, technique-based strategies rarely beat existing competition and often leave businesses vulnerable to unexpected thrusts from companies not previously considered competitors.45 Gluck and his colleagues sought to loosen some of the constraints imposed by mechanistic approaches by proposing that successful companies strategies progress through four basic stages that involve grappling with increasing levels of dynamism, multidimensionality and
uncertainty and that therefore become less amenable to routine quantitative analysis (see Exhibit 5 below). Exhibit 5 Four Phases of Strategy46
4. Strategic Management: Create the Future 3. Externally Oriented Planning: Think Strategically
2. Forecast-Based Planning: Predict the Future 1. Financial Planning: Meet Annual Budget
The most stinging attack on the analytical techniques popularized by strategy consultants was offered by two Harvard professors of production, Robert Hayes and William Abernathy, in 1980. They argued that these new principles [of management], despite their sophistication and widespread usefulness, encourage a preference for (1) analytic detachment rather than the insight that comes from hands on experience and (2) short-term cost reduction rather than long-term development of technological competitiveness.47 Hayes and Abernathy criticized portfolio analysis especially as a tool that led managers to focus on minimizing financial risks rather than investing in new opportunities that required a longterm commitment of resources.48 They went on to compare U.S. firms unfavorably with Japanese and, especially, European ones. These and other criticisms gradually diminished the popularity of portfolio analysis. However, its rise and fall did have a lasting influence on subsequent work on competition and business strategy because it focused attention on the need for more careful analysis of the two basic dimensions of portfolio-analytic grids, industry attractiveness and competitive position. While these two dimensions had been identified earlierin the General Survey Outline developed by McKinsey & Company for internal use in 1952, for example portfolio analysis underscored this particular way of analyzing the effects of competition on business performance. And U. S. managers, in particular, proved avid consumers of additional insights about competition because the exposure of much of U.S. industry to competitive forces increased dramatically during the 1960s and 1970s. Thus one economist calculated, admittedly roughly, that heightened import competition, antitrust actions and deregulation increased the share of the U.S. economy that was subject to effective competition from 56% in 1958 to 77% by 1980.49
Exhibit 6
Industry Attractiveness
Competitive Advantage
The next two sections describe attempts to unbundle these two basic dimensions of strategy.
Unbundling Industry Attractiveness
Thus far, we have made little mention of economists contributions to thinking about competitive strategy. On the one hand, economic theory emphasizes the role of competitive forces in determining market outcomes. But on the other hand, economists have often overlooked the importance of strategy because, since Adam Smith, they have traditionally focused on the case of perfect competition: an idealized situation in which large numbers of equally able competitors drive an industrys aggregate economic profits (i.e., profits in excess of the opportunity cost of the capital employed) down to zero. Under perfect competition, individual competitors are straitjacketed in the sense of having a choice between producing efficiently and pricing at cost, or shutting down. Some economists did address the opposite case of perfect competition, namely pure monopoly, with Antoine Cournot providing the first definitive analysis.50 This work yielded some useful insights, such as the expectation of an inverse relationship between the profitability of a monopolized industry and the price-elasticity of the demand that it faced an insight that has remained central in modern marketing. Nevertheless, the assumption of monopoly obviously took things to the other, equally unfortunate, extreme by ruling out all directly competitive forces in the behavior of firms. This state of affairs began to change in the 1930s, as a number of economists, particularly those associated with the Harvard school, began to argue that the structure of many industries might permit incumbent firms to earn positive economic profits over long periods of time.51 Edward S. Mason argued that the structure of an industry would determine the conduct of buyers and sellerstheir choices of key decision variablesand, by implication, its performance along such dimensions as profitability, efficiency and innovativeness.52 Joe Bain, also of the Harvard Economics Department, advanced the research program of uncovering general relationships between industry structure and performance through empirical work focused on a limited number of structural variables most notably, in two studies published in the 1950s. The first study found that the profitability of manufacturing industries in which the eight largest competitors accounted for more than 70% of sales was nearly twice that of industries with eight-firm concentration ratios less than 70%.53 The second study explained how, in certain industries, established
sellers can persistently raise their prices above a competitive level without attracting new firms to enter the industry.54 Bain identified three basic barriers to entry: (1) an absolute cost advantage by an established firm (an enforceable patent, for instance), (2) a significant degree of product differentiation, and (3) economies of scale. Bains insights led to the rapid growth of a new subfield of economics, known as industrial organization, or IO for short, that explored the structural reasons why some industries were more profitable than others. By the mid-1970s, several hundred empirical studies in IO had been carried out. While the relationships between structural variables and performance turned out to be more complicated than had been suggested earlier,55 these studies reinforced the idea that some industries are inherently much more profitable or attractive than others, as indicated below. Exhibit 7 Differences in the Profitability of Selected Industries, 1971-199056
Industry Return on Equity
Drugs Printing and Publishing Petroleum and Coal Motor Vehicles and Equipment Textile Mill Products Iron and Steel
Harvard Business Schools Business Policy Group was aware of these insights from across the Charles River: excerpts from Bains book on barriers to entry were even assigned as required readings for the Business Policy course in the early 1960s. But the immediate impact of IO on business strategy was limited. While many problems can be discerned in retrospect, two seem to have been particularly important. First, IO economists focused on issues of public policy rather than business policy: they concerned themselves with the minimization rather than the maximization of excess profits. Second, the emphasis of Bain and his successors on using a limited list of structural variables to explain industry profitability shortchanged the richness of modern industrial competition (conduct within the IO paradigm). Both of these problems with applying classical IO to business-strategic concerns about industry attractiveness were addressed by Michael Porter, a graduate of the joint Ph.D. program between Harvards Business School and its Economics Department. In 1974, Porter prepared a Note on the Structural Analysis of Industries that presented his first attempt to turn IO on its head by focusing on the business policy objective of profit maximization rather than the public policy objective of minimizing excess profits.57 In 1980, he released his landmark book, Competitive Strategy, which owed much of its success to Porters elaborate framework for the structural analysis of industry attractiveness. Exhibit 8 reproduces Porters five forces approach to understanding the attractiveness of an industry environment for the average competitor within it.
Exhibit 8
Substitutes Substitutes
Threat determined by: Threat determined by:
Relative price performance Relative price performance of substitutes of substitutes Switching costs Switching costs Buyer propensity to substitute Buyer propensity to substitute
Buyers Buyers
Bargaining Power of Buyers: Bargaining Power of Buyers: Buyer concentration Buyer concentration Buyer volume Buyer volume Switching costs Switching costs Buyer information Buyer information Buyer profits Buyer profits Substitute products Substitute products Pull-through Pull-through Price sensitivity Price sensitivity Price/total purchases Price/total purchases Product differences Product differences Brand identity Brand identity Ability to backward integrate Ability to backward integrate Impact on quality/performance Impact on quality/performance Decision makers incentives Decision makers incentives
In developing this approach to strategy, Porter noted the trade-offs involved in using a framework rather than a more formal statistical model. In his words, a framework encompasses many variables and seeks to capture much of the complexity of actual competition. Frameworks identify the relevant variables and the questions that the user must answer in order to develop conclusions tailored to a particular industry and company
(emphasis added).58 In academic terms, the drawback of frameworks such as the five forces is that they often range beyond the empirical evidence that is available. In practice, managers routinely have to consider much longer lists of variables than are embedded in the relatively simple quantitative models used by economists. In the case of the five forces, a survey of empirical literature in the late 1980smore than a decade after Porter first developed his frameworkrevealed that only a few points were strongly supported by the empirical literature generated by the IO field.59 (These points appear in bold print in the exhibit above.) This does not mean that the other points are in conflict with IO research; rather, they reflect the experience of strategy practitioners, including Porter himself. In managerial terms, one of the breakthroughs built into Porters framework was that it emphasized extended competition for value rather than just competition among existing rivals. For this reason, and because it was easy to operationalize, the five-forces framework came to be used widely by managers and consultants. Subsequent years witnessed refinements and extensions, such as the rearrangement and incorporation of additional variables (e.g., import competition and multi-market contact) into the determinants of the intensity of five forces. The biggest conceptual advance, however, was one proposed in the mid-1990s by two strategists concerned with game theory, Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff, who argued that the process of creating value in the marketplace involved four types of playerscustomers, suppliers, competitors, and complementors.60 By a firms complementors, they meant other firms from which customers buy complementary products and services, or to which suppliers sell complementary resources. As Brandenburger and Nalebuff pointed out, the practical importance of this group of players was evident in the amount of attention being paid in business to the subject of strategic alliances and partnerships. Their Value Net graphic depicted this more complete description of the business landscapeemphasizing, in particular, the equal roles played by competition and complementarity. Exhibit 9 The Value Net61
Other strategists, however, pointed out some of the limiting assumptions built into such frameworks. Thus, Kevin Coyne and Somu Subramanyam of Mckinsey argued that the Porter framework made three tacit but crucial assumptions:
First, that an industry consists of a set of unrelated buyers, sellers, substitutes, and competitors that interact at arms length. Second, that wealth will accrue to players that are able to erect barriers against competitors and potential entrants: in other words, that the source of value is structural advantage. Third, that uncertainty is sufficiently low that you can accurately predict participants behavior and choose a strategy accordingly.62
Unbundling Competitive Position
The second basic dimension of business strategy highlighted by Exhibit 6 is competitive position. While differences among the average profitability of industries can be large, as indicated in Exhibit 7, differences in profitability within industries can be even larger.63 Indeed, in some cases firms in unattractive industries can significantly outperform the averages for more profitable industries, as indicated in Exhibit 10. In addition, one might argue that most businesses in most industry environments are better placed to try to alter their own competitive positions rather than the overall attractiveness of the industry in which they operate. For both these reasons, competitive position has been of great interest to business strategists. Exhibit 10 Profitability Within the Steel Industry, 1973-199264
ROA (%) 20
Traditional academic research has made a number of contributions to our understanding of positioning within industries, starting in the 1970s. The IO-based literature
on strategic groups, initiated at Harvard by Michael Hunts work on broadline vs. narrowline strategies in the major home appliance industry, suggested that competitors within particular industries could be grouped in terms of their competitive strategies in ways that helped explain their interactions and relative profitability.65 A stream of work at Purdue explored the heterogeneity of competitive positions, strategies and performance in brewing and other industries with a combination of statistical analysis and qualitative case studies. More recently, several academic points of view have emerged about the sources of performance differences within industriesviews that are explored more fully in the next section. But it does seem accurate to say that the work that had the most impact on business-strategic thinking about competitive positions in the late 1970s and the 1980s was more pragmatic than academic in its intent, with consultants once again playing a leading role. Competitive Cost Analysis With the rise of the experience curve in the 1960s, most strategists turned to some type of cost analysis as the basis for assessing competitive positions. The interest in competitive cost analysis survived the declining popularity of the experience curve in the 1970s but was reshaped by it in two important ways. First, more attention was paid to disaggregating businesses into their component activities or processes as well as to thinking about how costs in a particular activity might be shared across businesses. Second, strategists greatly enriched their menu of cost drivers to include more than just experience. The disaggregation of businesses into their component activities seems to have been motivated, in part, by early attempts to fix the experience curve to deal with the rising real prices of many raw materials in the 1970s.66 The proposed fix involved splitting costs into the costs of purchased materials and cost added (value added minus profit margins) and redefining the experience curve as applying only to the latter. The natural next step was to disaggregate a businesss entire cost structure into activities whose costs might be expected to behave in interestingly different ways. As in the case of portfolio analysis, the idea of splitting businesses into component activities diffused quickly among consultants and their clients in the 1970s. A template for activity analysis that became especially prominent is reproduced below. Exhibit 11 McKinseys Business System67
Technology Manufacturing Distribution Marketing Service
Design Development
Procurement Assembly
Transport Inventory
Retailing Advertising
Parts Labor
Activity analysis also suggested a way of getting around the freestanding conception of individual businesses built into the concept of SBUs. One persistent problem in splitting diversified corporations into SBUs was that with the exception of pure conglomerates, SBUs were often related in ways that meant that they shared elements of their
cost structure with each other. Consulting firms, particularly Bain and Strategic Planning Associates, both of whose founders had worked on a BCG study of Texas Instruments that was supposed to have highlighted the problem of shared costs, began to emphasize the development of what came to be called field maps: matrices that identified shared costs at the level of individual activities that were linked across businesses, as illustrated below.68 The second important development in competitive cost analysis over the late 1970s and early 1980s involved enrichment of the menu of cost drivers considered by strategists. Scale effects, while officially lumped into the experience curve, had long been looked at independently in particular cases; even more specific treatment of the effects of scale was now forced by activity analysis which might indicate, for example, that advertising costs were driven by national scale whereas distribution costs were driven by local or regional scale. Field maps underscored the potential importance of economies (or diseconomies) of scope across businesses rather than scale within a business. The effects of capacity utilization on costs were dramatized by macroeconomic downturns in the wake of the two oil shocks. The globalization of competition in many industries highlighted the location of activities as a key driver of competitors cost positions, and so on. Thus, an influential mid1980s discussion of cost analysis enumerated ten distinct cost drivers.69 Customer Analysis Increased sophistication in analyzing relative costs was accompanied by increased attention to customers in the process of analyzing competitive position. Customers had never been entirely invisible: even in the heyday of experience curve analysis, market segmentation had been an essential strategic toolalthough it was sometimes used to gerrymander markets to demonstrate a positive link between share and cost advantage rather than for any analytical purpose. But according to Walker Lewis, the founder of Strategic Planning Associates, To those who defended in classic experience-curve strategy, about 80% of the businesses in the world were commodities.70 This started to change in the 1970s. Increased attention to customer analysis involved reconsideration of the idea that attaining low costs and offering customers low prices was always the best way to compete. More attention came to be paid to differentiated ways of competing that might let a business command a price premium by improving customers performance or reducing their (other) costs. While (product) differentiation had always occupied centerstage in marketing, the idea of looking at in a cross-functional, competitive context that also accounted for relative costs apparently started to emerge in business strategy in the 1970s. Thus, a member of Harvards Business Policy group recalls using the distinction between cost and differentiation, which was implicit in two of the three sources of entry barriers identified by Joe Bain in the 1950s (see above), to organize classroom discussions in the early 1970s.71 And McKinsey reportedly started to apply the distinction between cost and value to client studies later in that decade.72 The first published accounts, in Michael Porters book, Competitive Strategy, and in a Harvard Business Review article by William Hall, appeared in 1980.73 Both Hall and Porter argued that successful companies usually had to choose to compete either on the basis of low costs or by differentiating products through quality and performance characteristics. Porter also identified a focus option that cut across these two generic strategies and linked these strategic options to his work on industry analysis:
In some industries, there are no opportunities for focus or differentiationits solely a cost gameand this is true in a number of bulk commodities. In other industries, cost is relatively unimportant because of buyer and product characteristics.74 Many other strategists agreed that except in such special cases, the analysis of competitive position had to cover both relative cost and differentiation. There was continuing debate, however, about the proposition, explicitly put forth by Porter, that businesses that were stuck in the middle should be expected to underperform businesses that had targeted lower cost or more differentiated positions. Others saw optimal positioning as a choice from a continuum of trade-offs between cost and differentiation rather than as a choice between two mutually exclusive (and extreme) generic strategies. Porters 1985 book, Competitive Advantage, suggested analyzing cost and differentiation via the value chain, a template that is reproduced below. While Porters value chain bore an obvious resemblance to McKinseys business system, his discussion of it emphasized the importance of regrouping functions into the activities actually performed to produce, market, deliver and support products, thinking about linkages among activities, and connecting the value chain to the determinants of competitive position in a specific way: Competitive advantage cannot be understood by looking at a firm as a whole. It stems from the many discrete activities a firm performs in designing, producing, marketing, delivering, and supporting its product. Each of these activities can contribute to a firms relative cost position and create a basis for differentiation. . . . The value chain disaggregates a firm into its strategically relevant activities in order to understand the behavior of costs and the existing and potential sources of differentiation.75 Exhibit 12 Porters Value Chain76
Firm Infrastructure Human Resource Management
Support Activities
Primary Activities
Inbound Logistics
Outbound Logistics
Putting customer analysis and cost analysis together was promoted not only by disaggregating businesses into activities (or processes) but also by splitting customers into segments based on cost-to-serve as well as customer needs. Such deaveraging of customers was often said to expose situations in which 20% of a businesss customers accounted for more than 80% or even 100% of its profits.77 It also suggested new customer segmentation criteria. Thus, Bain & Company built a thriving customer retention practice,
starting in the late 1980s, on the basis of the higher costs of capturing new customers as opposed to retaining existing ones.
Competitive Dynamics and History The development of business systems, value chains, and similar templates naturally refocused attention on the problem of coordinating across a large number of choices linked in cross-section that was highlighted, in a cross-functional context, in the original description of the Harvard Business Schools Business Policy course. But such attention tended to crowd out consideration of longitudinal linkages among choices emphasized by Selznicks work on organizational commitments and distinctive competences and evident in Andrews focus on the aspects of firm behavior that were enduring and unchanging over relatively long periods of time. The need to add the time dimension back into predominantly static ideas about competitive position was neatly illustrated by the techniques for value-based strategic management that began to be promoted by consulting firms such as SPA and Marakon, among others, in the 1980s. The development and diffusion of value-based techniques, which connected positioning measures to shareholder value using spreadsheet models of discounted cash flows, was driven by increases in capital market pressures in the 1980s, particularly in the United States: merger and acquisition activity soared; hostile takeovers of even very large companies became far more common; many companies restructured to avoid them; levels of leverage generally increased; and there was creeping institutionalization of equity holdings.78 Early value-based work focused on the spread between a company or divisions rate of return and its cost of capital as the basis for solving the old corporate strategy problem of resource allocation across businesses. But it quickly became clear that estimated valuations were very sensitive to two other, more dynamic drivers of value: the length of the time horizon over which positive spreads (competitive advantage) could be sustained on the assets in place, and the (profitable) reinvestment opportunities or growth options afforded by a strategy.79 At the same time, analyses of business performance started to underscore the treacherousness of assuming that current profitability and growth could automatically be sustained. Thus, analysis of 700 business units by Pankaj Ghemawat revealed that nine-tenths of the profitability differential between businesses that were initially above average and those that were initially below average vanished over a 10-year horizon, as depicted below.80
Exhibit 13
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The unsustainability of most competitive advantages was generally thought to reflect the Red Queen effect: the idea that as organizations struggled to adapt to competitive pressures, they would become stronger competitors, sending the overall level of competition spiraling upward and eliminating most if not all competitive advantages.81 In the late 1980s and early 1990s, both academics and consultants started to wrestle with the dynamic question of how businesses might create and sustain competitive advantage in the presence of competitors who could not all be counted on to remain inert all of the time. From an academic perspective, many of the consultants recommendations regarding dynamics amounted to no more and no less than the injunction to try to be smarter than the competition (e.g., by focusing on customers future needs while competitors remained focused on their current needs). The most thoughtful exception that had a truly dynamic flavor was work by George Stalk and others at BCG on time-based competition. In an article published in the Harvard Business Review in 1988, Stalk argued that Today the leading edge of competition is the combination of fast response and increasing variety. Companies without these advantages are slipping into commodity-like competition, where customers buy mainly on price.82 Stalk expanded on this argument in a book co-authored with Thomas Hout in 1990, according to which time-based competitors Create more information and share it more spontaneously. For the information technologist, information is a fluid asset, a data stream. But to the manager of a businessinformation is fuzzy and takes many forms knowing a customers special needs, seeing where the market is heading83
Time-based competition quickly came to account for a substantial fraction of BCGs business. But eventually, a sense of its limitations also settled in. In 1993, George Stalk and Alan Webber wrote that some Japanese companies had become so dedicated to shortening their product development cycles that they had created a strategic treadmill on which companies were caught, condemned to run faster and faster but always staying in the same place competitively.84 In particular, Japanese electronics manufacturers had reached a remarkable level of efficiency, but it was an efficiency that does not meet or create needs for any customer.85 For some, such as Stalk himself, the lesson from this and similar episodes was that there were no sustainable advantages: that Strategy can never be a constant. . . . Strategy is and always has been a moving target.86 However others, primarily academics, continued to work in the 1990s on explanations of differences in performance that would continue to be useful even after they were widely grasped.87 This academic work exploits, in different ways, the idea that history matters: that history affects both the opportunities available to competitors and the effectiveness with which competitors can exploit them. Such work can be seen as an attempt to add a historical or time-dimension, involving stickiness and rigidities, to the two basic dimensions of early portfolio-analytic grids, industry attractiveness and competitive position, whose unbundling was discussed in the last two sections. The rest of this section briefly reviews four strands of academic inquiry that embodied new approaches to thinking about the time dimension. Game Theory Game theory is the mathematical study of interactions among players whose payoffs depend on each others choices. A general theory of zero-sum games, in which one players gain is exactly equal to other players losses, was supplied by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern in their pathbreaking book, The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior.88 There is no general theory of nonzero-sum games, which afford opportunities for cooperation as well as competition, but research in this area does supply a language and a set of logical tools for analyzing the outcome that is likelythe equilibrium pointgiven specific rules, payoff structures and beliefs if players all behave rationally.89 Economics trained in industrial organization (IO) started to turn to game theory in the late 1970s as a way of studying competitor dynamics. Since the early 1980s, well over onehalf of all the IO articles published in the leading economics journals have been concerned with some aspect of (nonzero-sum) game theory.90 By the end of the 1980s alone, competition to invest in tangible and intangible assets, strategic control of information, horizontal mergers, network competition and product standardization, contracting and numerous other settings in which interactive effects were apt to be important had all been modeled game-theoretically.91 The effort continues. Game-theoretic IO models tend, inspite of their diversity, to share an emphasis on the dynamics of strategic actions and in particular on the role of commitment.92 The emphasis on commitment or irreversibility grows out of game theorys focus on interactive effects. From this perspective, a strategic move is one that purposefully limits your freedom of action. . . . It changes other players expectations about your future responses, and you can
turn this to your advantage. Others know that when you have the freedom to act, you also have the freedom to capitulate.93 The formalism of game theory is accompanied by several significant limitations: the sensitivity of the predictions of game-theoretic models to details, the limited number of variables considered in any one model, and assumptions of rationality that are often heroic, to name just a few.94 Game theorys empirical base is also limited. The existing evidence suggests, nonetheless, that it merits attention in analyses of interactions among small numbers of firms. While game theory often formalizes preexisting intuitions, it can sometimes yield unanticipated and even counterintuitive predictions. Thus, game-theoretic modeling of shrinkage in and exit from declining industries yielded the prediction that other things being equal, initial size should hurt survivability. This surprising prediction turns out to enjoy some empirical support!95 The Resource-Based View of the Firm The idea of looking at companies in terms of their resource endowments is an old one, but was revived in the 1980s in an article by Birger Wernerfelt.96 Wernerfelt noted that The traditional concept of strategy (Andrews, 1971) is phrased in terms of the resource position (strengths and weaknesses) of the firm, whereas most of our formal economic tools operate on the product market side.97 While Wernerfelt also described resources and products as two sides of the same coin, other adherents to what has come to be called the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm argue that superior product market positions rest on the ownership of scarce, firm-specific resources. Resource-based theorists also seek to distinguish their perspective on sustained superior performance from that of IO economics by stressing the intrinsic inimitability of scarce, valuable resources for a variety of reasons: the ability to obtain a particular resource may be dependent on unique, historical circumstances that competitors cannot recreate; the link between the resources possessed by a firm and its sustained competitive advantage may be causally ambiguous or poorly understood; or the resource responsible for the advantage may be socially complex and therefore beyond the ability of firms to systematically manage and influence (e.g., corporate culture).98 Game-theoretic IO, in contrast, has tended to focus on less extreme situations in which imitation of superior resources may be feasible but uneconomical (e.g., because of preemption). Resource-based theorists therefore have traditionally tended to see firms as stuck with a few key resources, which they must deploy across product markets in ways that maximize total profits rather than profits in individual markets. This insight animated C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamels influential article, The Core Competence of the Corporation, which attacked the strategic business unit (SBU) system of management for focusing on products rather than underlying core competencies in a way that arguably bounded innovation, imprisoned resources and led to underinvestment: In the short run, a companys competitiveness derives from the price/ performance attributes of current products. . . . In the long run, competitiveness derives from the . . . core competencies that spawn unanticipated new products.99
To many resource-based theorists, the core competencies that Prahalad and Hamel celebrate are simply a neologism for the resources that the RBV has emphasized all along. Whether the same can be said about another, more distinct line of research on dynamic capabilities that emerged in the 1990s is an open question. Dynamic Capabilities In the 1990s, a number of strategists have tried to extend the resource-based view by explaining how firm-specific capabilities to perform activities better than competitors can be built and redeployed over long periods of time. The dynamic capabilities view of the firm differs from the RBV because capabilities are to be developed rather than taken as given, as described more fully in a pioneering article by David Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen: If control over scarce resources is the source of economic profits, then it follows that issues such as skill acquisition and learning become fundamental strategic issues. It is this second dimension, encompassing skill acquisition, learning, and capability accumulation that . . . [we] refer to as the dynamic capabilities approach . . . Rents are viewed as not only resulting from uncertainty . . . but also from directed activities by firms which create differentiated capabilities, and from managerial efforts to strategically deploy these assets in coordinated ways.100 Taking dynamic capabilities also implies that one of the things that is most strategic about the firm is the way things are done in the firm, or what might be referred to as its routines, or patterns of current practice and learning.101 As a result, research in such areas as management of R&D, product and process development, manufacturing, and human resources tend to be quite relevant [to strategy].102 Research in these areas supplies some specific content to the idea that strategy execution is important. The process of capability development is thought to have several interesting attributes. First, it is generally path-dependent. In other words, a firms previous investments and its repertoire of routines (its history) constrains its future behavior . . . because learning tends to be local. Second, capability development also tends to be subject to long time lags. And third, the embeddedness of capabilities in organizations can flip them around into rigidities or sources of inertiaparticularly when attempts are being made to create new, nontraditional capabilities.103 Commitment A final historically-based approach to thinking about the dynamics of competition that is intimately related to the three discussed above focuses on commitment or irreversibility: the constraints imposed by past choices on present ones.104 The managerial logic of focusing on decisions that involve significant levels of commitment has been articulated particularly well by a practicing manager: A decision to build the Edsel or Mustang (or locate your new factory in Orlando or Yakima) shouldnt be made hastily; nor without plenty of inputs
. . . [But there is] no point in taking three weeks to make a decision that can be made in three secondsand corrected inexpensively later if wrong. The whole organization may be out of business while you oscillate between babyblue or buffalo-brown coffee cups.105 Commitments to durable, firm-specific resources and capabilities that cannot easily be bought or sold account for the persistence observed in most strategies over time. Modern IO theory also flags such commitments as being responsible for the sustained profit differences among product market competitors: thought experiments as well as formal models indicate that in the absence of the frictions implied by commitment, hit-and-run entry would lead to perfectly competitive (i.e., zero-profit) outcomes even without large numbers of competitors.106 And a final attraction of commitment as a way of organizing thinking about competitor dynamics is that it can be integrated with other modes of strategic analysis described earlier in this note, as indicated in Exhibit 14. Exhibit 14 Commitment and Strategy107
Resource Commitments Product Market Activities
The ideas behind the exhibit are very simple. Traditional positioning concepts focus on optimizing the fit among product market activities on the right-hand side of the exhibit. The bold arrows running from left to right indicate that choices about what activities to perform and how to perform them are constrained by capabilities and resources that can be varied only in the long run and that are responsible for sustained profit differences among competitors. The two fainter arrows that feed back from right to left capture the ways in which the activities that the organization performs and the resource commitments that it makes affect its future opportunity set or capabilities. And finally, the bold arrow that runs from capabilities to resource commitments serves as a reminder that the terms on which an organization can make resource commitments depend, in part, on the capabilities that it has built up. Markets for Ideas at the Millenium108 A teleology was implicit in the discussion in the last three sections: starting in the 1970s, strategists first sought to probe the two basic dimensions of early portfolio-analytic grids, industry attractiveness and competitive position, and then to add a time- or historical dimension to the analysis. Dynamic thinking along the lines discussed in the last section and otherse.g., options management, systems dynamics and disruptive technologies, to cite just three other areas of enquiryhas absorbed the bulk of academic strategists attention in the last fifteen-plus years. But when one looks at the practice of strategy in the late 1990s, this simple narrative is complicated by an apparent profusion of tools and ideas about strategy in particular and management in general, many of which are quite ahistorical. Both points are
illustrated by the influence indexes for business ideas, i.e., importance-weighted citation counts, calculated by Richard Pascale that are reproduced in Exhibit 15.109 A complete enumeration, let alone discussion, of contemporary tools and ideas is beyond the scope of this note, but a few broad points can and should be made about their recent profusion and turnover.
Exhibit 15. Ebbs, Flows and Residual Impact of Business Fads* 1950-1995
Business Process Reengineering Continuous Improvement/Learning Organization Empowerment Workout Visioning Cycle Time/Speed Benchmarking One Minute Managing Corporate Culture Intrapreneuring Just in Time/ Kanban Matrix MBWA Portfolio Management Restructuring/ Delayering Excellence Quality Circles/TQM Wellness Decentralization Management by Objectives Conglomeration T-Group Training Brainstorming Theory X and Theory Y Satisfiers /Dissatisfiers Managerial Grid Decision Trees Theory Z Value Chain Zero Base Budgeting Strategic Business Units Theory Z Experience Curve
Influence Index
Some of the profusion is probably to be celebrated. Thus, there are advantages to being able to choose off a large menu of ideas rather than a small one, especially in complex environments where one size doesnt fit all (and especially when the fixed costs of idea development are low). Similarly, the apparently rapid turnover of many ideas can be explained in benign terms as well: the world is changing rapidly, arguably faster than ever before; the rapid peaking followed by dropoffs of attention to ideas may reflect successful internalization rather than discreditation; and at least some of the apparent turnover represents a rhetorical spur to action, rather than real change in the underlying ideas themselves. 110 It is difficult to maintain, however, that all the patterns evident in Exhibit 15 conform to monotonic ideals of progress. Consider, for example, what happened with business
process reengineering, the single most prominent entry as of 1995. Reengineering was popularized in the early 1990s by Michael Hammer and James Champy of the consulting firm CSC Index.111 Hammer originally explained the idea in a 1990 article in the Harvard Business Review: Rather than embedding outdated processes in silicon and software, we should obliterate them and start over. We shoulduse the power of modern information technology to radically redesign our business processes in order to achieve dramatic improvements in their performance.112 Hammer and Champys book, Reengineering the Corporation, which came out in 1993, sold nearly 2 million copies. Surveys in 1994 found that 78% of the Fortune 500 companies and 60% of a broader sample of 2,200 U.S. companies were engaged in some form of reengineering, on average with several projects apiece.113 Consulting revenues from reengineering exploded to an estimated $2.5 billion by 1995.114 But after 1995, there was a bust: consulting revenues plummeted, by perhaps twothirds over the next three years, as reengineering came to be seen as a euphemism for downsizing and as companies apparently shifted to placing more emphasis on growth (implying, incidentally, that there had been some excesses in their previous efforts to reengineer). Much of the worry that the extent of profusion or turnover of ideas about management may be excessive from a social standpoint is linked to the observation that this is one of the few areas of intellectual enquiry in which it actually makes sense to talk about markets for ideas. Unlike, say, 25 or 30 years ago, truly large amounts of money are at stake, and are actively contested for, in the development of blockbuster ideas such as reengineeringa process that increasingly seems to fit with the endstate described by Schumpeter as the routinization of innovation. Market-based theoretical models indicate that on the supply side, private incentives to invest in developing new products are likely, in winner-take-all settings, to exceed social gains.115 To the extent that market-based, i.e., commercial, considerations have increasing influence on the development of new ideas about management, that is a source of increasing concern. Concerns about supply-side salesmanship are exacerbated by the demand-side informational imperfections of markets for ideas as opposed to more conventional products. Most fundamentally, the buyer of an idea is unable to judge how much information is worth until it is disclosed to him, but the seller has a difficult time repossessing the information in case the buyer decides, post-disclosure, not to pay very much for it. Partial disclosure may avoid the total breakdown of market-based exchange in such situations but still leaves a residual information asymmetry.116 Performance contracting is sometimes proposed as an antidote to otherwise-ineradicable informational problems of this sort, but its efficacy and use in the context of management ideas seem to be limited by noisy performance measurement. Instead, the market-based transfer of ideas to companies appears to be sustained by mechanisms such as reputation and observational learning. Based on microtheoretic analysis, such mechanisms may lead to cascades of ideas, in which companies who choose late optimally decide to ignore their own information and emulate the choices made earlier by other companies.117 Such fadlike dynamics can also enhance the sales of products with broad as opposed to niche appeal.118 And then there are contracting problems within rather than between firms that point in the same direction. In particular, models of principal-agent problems show that managers may, in order to preserve or gain reputation when markets are imperfectly informed, prefer either to hide in the herd not to be evaluable, or to ride the herd in order to prove quality.119 The possible link to situations in
which managers must decide which, if any, new ideas to adopt should be obvious. More broadly, demand-side considerations suggest some reasons to worry about patterns in the diffusion of new ideas as well as the incentives to develop them in the first place. Whether such worries about the performance of markets for ideas actually make their effects felt in the real world of management is, ultimately, an empirical matter. Careful empirical analysis of product variety and turnover in management ideas is more complicated, however, than it would be in the case of, say, breakfast cereals, given the different natures of the product. It is harder to count ideas, especially when one considers the distinctive difficulties of distinguishing between mere variants and distinct varieties and accounting for the pattern of relationships among ideas over time. It is hard to obtain data on the performance of ideas since such information tends to be privately- and closely-held. And even when performance data are available, there are difficulties in inferring an intrinsic lack of efficacy from a record of failure: the problems may reside in implementation, rather than in the ideas themselves.120 Regardless of ones judgment about how poorly or well the market for management ideas works, it is useful to conclude by emphasizing, particularly to academics who operate in the ostensibly nonmarket/nonprofit sphere, that the importance of the market-based or forprofit sphere is large and growing. One way of seeing this is to look at some relevant revenue streams. As of the mid-1990s, revenues in the United States from MBA and (thirdparty) executive education amounted to approximately $5 billion, compared to more than $20 billion from management consulting.121 Backwarding these numbers at a growth rate differential in favor of consulting of 20% plus tends to imply a crossover point 10 or fewer years ago; even at a very conservative growth rate differential of 10%, the crossover point occurs only 15-20 years ago.122 It is only since the crossover point that revenues from consulting have grown to exceed revenues from MBA and executive education. And looking beyond the revenue numbers, consultants play a much more important role in writing books and contributing to (and even financing) practitioner-oriented journals than ever before, and are starting to make large investments in knowledge management.123 Based on these trends, the likelihood is that in the future, consultants will exercise even more influence, relative to academics, on the development and diffusion of new ideas about strategy in particular and management in general than they have done in recent decades. And even if this likelihood does not materialize, the coexistence of the nonprofit sector with a large for-profit sector raises questions about the interface between the two, particularly in regard to innovation, that had previously been considered only in the context of technological issues in specific industries such as biotechnology and software. One of the challenges for future historians of business strategy will be to help provide better answers to such questions by shedding more light on the interactions between academics, business executives and consultants in the development and diffusion of new ideas.
Carl von Clausewitz, On War, Book Two, p. 128. Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Strategy and Structure (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1963) and Scale and Scope (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990). See Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., My Years with General Motors (New York: Doubleday, 1963). Chester I. Barnard, The Functions of the Executive (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968; first published 1938), pp. 204-205. Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management (New York: Harper & Row, 1954), p. 11. Philip Selznick, Leadership in Administration (Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson, 1957), pp. 49-50. Official Register of Harvard University, March 29, 1917, pp. 42-43. George Albert Smith, Jr. and C. Roland Christensen, Suggestions to Instructors on Policy Formulation (Chicago: Richard D. Irwin, 1951), pp. 3-4. George Albert Smith, Jr., Policy Formulation and Administration (Chicago: Richard D. Irwin, 1951), p. 14. Kenneth R. Andrews, The Concept of Corporate Strategy (Homewood, Illinois: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1971), p. 23. See Part I of Edmund P. Learned, C. Roland Christensen and Kenneth Andrews, Problems of General Management (Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, 1961). Interview with Kenneth Andrews, April 2, 1997. Kenneth Andrews, The Concept of Corporate Strategy, Revised Edition (Homewood Il.: Richard D. Irwin, 1980), p. 69. Kenneth R. Andrews, The Concept of Corporate Strategy (1971), p. 29. Kenneth R. Andrews, The Concept of Corporate Strategy (1971), p. 100. Theodore Levitt, Marketing Myopia Harvard Business Review (July/August 1960), p. 52. Igor Ansoff, Corporate Strategy (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965), pp. 106-109. Igor Ansoff, Corporate Strategy, pp. 105-108.
This is Henry Mintzbergs adaptation of Ansoffs matrix. Henry Mintzberg, Generic Strategies in Advances in Strategic Management, vol. 5 (Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 1988), p. 2. For the original, see Igor Ansoff, Corporate Strategy (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965), p. 128. Michael E. Porter, Industrial Organization and the Evolution of Concepts for Strategic Planning, in T. H. Naylor, ed., Corporate Strategy (New York: North-Holland, 1982), p. 184. Adam M. Brandenburger, Michael E. Porter and Nicolaj Siggelkow, Competition and Strategy: The Emergence of a Field, paper presented at McArthur Symposium, Harvard Business School, October 9, 1996, pp. 3-4. Stanford Research Institute, Planning in Business, Menlo Park, 1963. Sidney E. Schoeffler, Robert D. Buzzell and Donald F. Heany, Impact of Strategic Planning on Profit Performance, Harvard Business Review (March-April 1974), p. 139. Interview with Seymour Tilles, October 24, 1996. Tilles credits Henderson for recognizing the competitiveness of Japanese industry at a time, in the late 1960s, when few Americans believed that Japan or any other country could compete successfully against American industry. Bruce Henderson, The Logic of Business Strategy (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing, 1984), p. 10. Bruce D. Henderson, Henderson on Corporate Strategy (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Abt Books, 1979), pp. 6-7. Interview with Seymour Tilles, October 24, 1996. Bruce D. Henderson, Henderson on Corporate Strategy, p. 41. Bruce Henderson explained that unlike earlier versions of the learning curve, BCGs experience curve encompasses all costs (including capital, administrative, research and marketing) and traces them through technological displacement and product evolution. It is also based on cash flow rates, not accounting allocation. Bruce D. Henderson, preface to Boston Consulting Group, Perspectives on Experience (Boston: BCG, 1972; first published 1968). Boston Consulting Group, Perspectives on Experience, p. 7. Patrick Conley, Experience Curves as a Planning Tool, BCG Pamphlet (1970), p. 15. Bruce Henderson, preface, Boston Consulting Group, Perspectives on Experience.
See George Stalk, Jr. and Thomas M. Hout, Competing Against Time (New York: Free Press, 1990), p. 12. Patrick Conley, Experience Curves as a Planning Tool, pp. 10-11. Interview with Mike Allen, April 4, 1997. Arnoldo C. Hax and Nicolas S. Majluf, Strategic Management: An Integrative Perspective (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1984), p. 156. Sidney E. Schoeffler, Robert D. Buzzell and Donald F. Heany, Impact of Strategic Planning on Profit Performance, Harvard Business Review (March-April 1974), pp. 139-140, 144-145. See Walter Kiechel, Corporate Strategists under Fire, Fortune (December 27, 1982). Frederick W. Gluck and Stephen P. Kaufman, Using the Strategic Planning Framework, McKinsey internal document: Readings in Strategy (1979), pp. 3-4. J. Quincy Hunsicker, Strategic Planning: A Chinese Dinner?, McKinsey Staff Paper (December 1978), p. 3. Philippe Haspeslagh, Portfolio Planning: Uses and Limits, Harvard Business Review (January/February 1982), p. 59. William J. Abernathy and Kenneth Wayne, Limits of the Learning Curve, Harvard Business Review (September/October 1974), p. 111. Pankaj Ghemawat, Building Strategy on the Experience Curve, Harvard Business Review (March/April) 1985. Yoram Wind, Vijay Mahajan and Donald J. Swire, An Empirical Comparison of Standardized Portfolio Models, Journal of Marketing 47 (Spring, 1983), pp. 89-99. The statistical analysis of Wind et al.s results is based on an unpublished draft by Pankaj Ghemawat. Frederick W. Gluck and Stephen P. Kaufman, Using the Strategic Planning Framework, McKinsey internal document in Readings in Strategy (1979), pp. 5-6. Figure adapted from Frederick W. Gluck, Stephen P. Kaufman, and A. Steven Walleck, The Evolution of Strategic Management, McKinsey Staff Paper (October 1978), p. 4. Reproduced in modified form in the same authors Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage, Harvard Business Review (July/August 1980), p. 157. Robert H. Hayes and William J. Abernathy, Managing Our Way to Economic Decline, Harvard Business Review (July/August 1980), p. 68.
Robert H. Hayes and William J. Abernathy, ibid, p. 71. William G. Shepherd, Causes of Increased Competition in the U.S. Economy, 19391980, Review of Economics and Statistics (November 1982), p. 619. Antoine A. Cournot, Recherches sur les Principes Mathematiques de la Theorie des Richesses (Paris: Hachette, 1838), sections 26 and 27 and Jurg Niehans, A History of Economic Theory (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1990), pp. 180-182. Economists associated with the Chicago School generally doubted the empirical importance of this possibilityexcept as an artifact of regulatory distortions. Masons seminal work was Price and Production Policies of Large-Scale Enterprise, American Economic Review (March 1939), pp. 61-74. Joe S. Bain, Relation of Profit Rate to Industry Concentration: American Manufacturing, 1936-1940, Quarterly Journal of Economics (August 1951), pp. 293-324. Joe S. Bain, Barriers to New Competition (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956), p.3. See, for instance, Harvey J. Golschmid, H. Michael Mann and J. Fred Weston, eds, Industrial Concentration: The New Learning (Boston: Little Brown, 1974). Source: Anita M. McGahan, Selected Profitability Data on U.S. Industries and Companies, HBS Publishing No. 792-066 (1992). Michael E. Porter, Note on the Structural Analysis of Industries, HBS Publishing 376054. Michael E. Porter, Toward a Dynamic Theory of Strategy in Richard P. Rumelt, Dan E. Schendel and David J. Teece, eds., Fundamental Issues in Strategy (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1994), pp. 427-429. Richard Schmalensee, Inter-Industry Studies of Structure and Performance, in Richard Schmalensee and R. D. Willig, eds., Handbook of Industrial Organization, vol. 2 (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989). Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff, Co-opetition, (New York: Currency/Doubleday, 1996). Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff, Co-opetition, p.17. Kevin P. Coyne and Somu Subramanyam, Bringing Discipline to Strategy, Mckinsey Quarterly 1996 No.4, p.16.
See, for instance, Richard P. Rumelt, How Much Does Industry Matter?, Strategic Management Journal (March 1991), pp. 167-185. David Collis and Pankaj Ghemawat, Industry Analysis: Understanding Industry Structure and Dynamics, in Liam Fahey and Robert M. Randall, The Portable MBA in Strategy (New York: John Wiley, 1994), p. 174. See Michael S. Hunt, Competition in the Major Home Appliance Industry, DBA dissertation, Harvard University, 1972. A theoretical foundation for strategic groups was provided by Richard E. Caves and Michael E. Porter, From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers, Quarterly Journal of Economics (November 1977), pp. 667-675. This is based on one of the authors (Ghemawats) experience working at BCG in the late 1970s. Adapted from Carter F. Bales, P. C. Chatterjee, Donald J. Gogel and Anupam P. Puri, Competitive Cost Analysis, McKinsey Staff Paper (January 1980), p. 6. Walter Kiechel III, The Decline of the Experience Curve, Fortune (October 5, 1981). Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage (New York: Free Press, 1985), chapter 3. Quoted in Walter Kiechel III, The Decline of the Experience Curve, Fortune (October 5, 1981). Interview with Hugo Uyterhoeven, April 25, 1997. Interview with Fred Gluck, February 18, 1997. Michael Porter, Competitive Strategy (New York: Free Press, 1980), ch. 2, and William K. Hall, Survival Strategies in a Hostile Environment, Harvard Business Review (September/October, 1980), pp. 78-81. Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy, pp. 41-44. Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage, p. 33. Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage (New York: Free Press, 1985), p. 37. Talk by Arnoldo Hax at MIT on April 29, 1997. F. M. Scherer and David Ross, Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990), chapter 5. Benjamin C. Esty, Note on Value Drivers, HBS Publishing No. 297-082.
Pankaj Ghemawat, Sustainable Advantage, Harvard Business Review (September/October 1986), pp. 53-58 and Pankaj Ghemawat, Commitment (New York: Free Press, 1991), chapter 5. The first economic citation of the Red Queen effect is generally attributed to L. Van Valen. See L. Van Valen, A New Evolutionary Law Evolutionary Theory 1 (1973), pp. 1-30. The literary reference is to Lewis Carrolls Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (New York; Bantam Books, 1981; first published 1865-1871), in which the Red Queen tells Alice that here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast (p. 127). George Stalk, Jr., TimeThe Next Source of Competitive Advantage, Harvard Business Review (July-August 1988). George Stalk, Jr. and Thomas M. Hout, Competing Against Time, p. 179. George Stalk, Jr. and Alan M. Webber, Japans Dark Side of Time, Harvard Business Review (July/August 1993), p. 94. George Stalk, Jr. and Alan M. Webber, Japans Dark Side of Time, Harvard Business Review (July/August 1993), p. 98-99. George Stalk, Jr. and Alan M. Webber, Japans Dark Side of Time, Harvard Business Review (July/August 1993), pp. 101-102. This test of stability is due to the game theorists, John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern. See their Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944). Op. cit. There is also a branch of game theory that provides upper bounds on players payoffs if freewheeling interactions among them are allowed. See Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuffs Co-opetition (New York: Doubleday, 1996) for applications of this idea to business. Pankaj Ghemawat, Games Businesses Play (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997), p. 3. For a late 1980s survey of game-theoretic IO, consult Carl Shapiro, The Theory of Business Strategy, RAND Journal of Economics (Spring 1989), pp. 125-137. Carl Shapiro, op cit., p. 127. Avinash K. Dixit and Barry J. Nalebuff, Thinking Strategically (New York: W. W. Norton, 1991), p. 120. Their logic is based on Thomas C. Schellings pioneering
book, The Strategy of Conflict (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979; first published in 1960).
For a detailed critique, see Richard P. Rumelt, Dan Schendel and David J. Teece, Strategic Management and Economics, Strategic Management Journal (Winter 1991), pp. 5-29. For a discussion of the original models (by Ghemawat and Nalebuff) and the supporting empirical evidence, consult Pankaj Ghemawat, Games Businesses Play (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997), chapter 5. In the same year, Richard Rumelt also noted that the strategic firm is characterized by a bundle of linked and idiosyncratic resources and resource conversion activities. See his chapter, Towards a Strategic Theory of the Firm, in R. B. Lamb ed., Competitive Strategic Management (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1984), p. 561. Birger Wernerfelt, A Resource-based View of the Firm, Strategic Management Journal 5 (1984), p. 171. In addition to Andrews, Wernerfelt cited the pioneering work of Edith Penrose, The Theory of the Growth of the Firm (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1959). Jay B. Barney, Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage, Journal of Management (March 1991), pp. 107-111. C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel, The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review (May/June 1990), p. 81. David J. Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen, Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management, mimeo (June 1992), pp. 12-13. David Teece and Gary Pisano, The Dynamic Capabilities of Firms: An Introduction, Industrial and Corporate Change 3 (1994), pp. 540-541. The idea of routines as a unit of analysis was pioneered by Richard R. Nelson and Sidney G. Winter, An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982). David J. Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen, Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management, mimeo (June 1992), p. 2. Dorothy Leonard-Barton, Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development, Strategic Management Journal (1992), pp. 111-125. For a book-length discussion of commitments, see Pankaj Ghemawat, Commitment (New York: Free Press, 1991). For connections to the other modes of dynamic analysis discussed in this section, see chapters 4 and 5 of Pankaj Ghemawat, Strategy and the Business Landscape (Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley Longman, 1999).
Robert Townsend, Up the Organization. See, for instance, William J. Baumol, John C. Panzar and Robert D. Willig, Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982) for an analysis of the economic implications of zero commitment and Richard E. Caves, Economic Analysis and the Quest for Competitive Advantage, American Economic Review (May 1984), pp. 127-132 for comments on the implications for business strategy. Adapted from Figure 3, Pankaj Ghemawat, Resources and Strategy: An IO Perspective, Harvard Business School Working Paper (1991), p. 20. For a more extended discussion of the ideas in this postscript, see Pankaj Ghemawat, Competition among Management Paradigms: An Economic Analysis, Harvard Business School Working Paper (2000). For additional discussion of the methodology employed, consult Richard T. Pascale, Managing on the Edge, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990), pp. 18-20. Richard DAveni, among many others, asserts unprecedented levels of environmental change in Hypercompetition: Managing the Dynamics of Strategic Maneuvering, (New York: The Free Press, 1994). William Lee and Gary Skarke discuss apparently transient ideas that are permanently valuable in Value-Added Fads: From Passing Fancy to Eternal Truths, Journal of Management Consulting (1996), pp. 10-15. Robert G. Eccles and Nitin Nohria emphasize the rhetorical uses of changing the wrappers on a limited number of timeless truths about management in Beyond the Hype: Rediscovering the Essence of Management, (Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1992). See Michael Hammer and James Champy, Reengineering the Corporation (New York: Harper Business, 1993). See also John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, The Witch Doctors (New York: Times Books, 1996). Micklethwait and Wooldridge devote a chapter to CSC Index. Michael Hammer, Reengineering Work: Dont Automate, Obliterate, Harvard Business Review (July/August 1990), p. 104. John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, The Witch Doctors (New York: Times Books, 1996), p. 29. See James OShea and Charles Madigan, Dangerous Company: The Consulting Powerhouses and the Businesses They Save and Ruin (New York: Times Books, 1997). For a general discussion, see Robert H. Frank and Philip J. Cook, The Winner-Take-All Society (New York: The Free Press, 1995) and, for formal modeling and a discussion specific to the management idea business, Pankaj Ghemawat (2000), op cit..
See, for example, James J. Anton and Dennis A. Yao, The Sale of Ideas: Strategic Disclosure, Property Rights, and Incomplete Contracts, unpublished working paper, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University (1998). See Sushil Bikhchandani, David Hirshleifer and Ivo Welch, Learning from the Behavior of Others: Conformity, Fads and Informational Cascades, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1998: 151-170. See Daniel L. McFadden and Kenneth E. Train, Consumers Evaluation of New Products: Learning from Self and Others, Journal of Political Economy (August 1996): 683-703. These models derive some of their real-world appeal from the use of relative performance measures to evaluate managers. See Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy, Relative Performance Evaluation of Chief Executive Officers, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, February 1990: 30S-51S. See, for instance, Nelson P. Repenning, A Simulation-Based Approach to Understanding the Dynamics of Innovation Implementation, Department of Operations Management/Systems Dynamics Group Working Paper, Sloan School of Management, MIT, 1999. The estimate of consultants revenues is based on Consultants News. Estimates of the market for MBA education are based on total enrollment in MBA programs in the United States, and of the market for executive education on a study by a major consulting firm for a leading business school. Note that in-house management education programs are excluded from these numbers, but might double the size of the education market if included. Total employment grew at significantly less than 10% per annum in recent years for U.S.based management academics versus close to 20% for U.S.-based management consultants. And consultants salaries have probably increased more rapidly. See Miklos Sarvary, Knowledge Management and Competition in the Consulting Industry. California Management Review 41, no. 2 (1999): 95-107.