Theory and Practice Correlation

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The so-called correlation of theory and practice seems to be a continuing issue of concern. Theory and practice are reciprocally related.

Theory without practice is sterile and

practice without theory is blind

What is Theory ? Theory is the poetry of Science Theory refers to an abstract generalization Levine (1995)
that offers a systematic explanation about

how phenomenon are interrelated.

Nursing Theory
Nursing theory is an organized and systematic articulation of a set of statements related to questions in the discipline of


What is Practice Theory

Practice theories are more specific and produce specific directions for practice. They contain fewest concepts and refer to specific, easily defined phenomena.
They are narrow in scope, explain a small aspect of reality and tend to be prescriptive.

Purposes of theory in practice

Assist nurses to describe,explain,and predict everyday experiences. Serve to guide assessment,intervention and evaluation of nursing care. Provide a rationale for collecting reliable and valid data about the health status of the clients Help to establish criteria to measure the quality of nursing care Enhance autonomy of nursing by defining its own independent functions

Correlation implies that 2 or more aspects are brought into relation with another. In nursing education, theory is related to practice Theoretical foundation of nursing practice enhances scientific practicing

Relationship between theory and practice

Reciprocal relationship. Practice is the basis for nursing theory development and nursing theory must be validated in practice. Theory is rooted in practice and refined by research and it should be reapplied in practice.

How does theory influence practice ?

Organizes nursing care Sets standards for practice Describes settings in which practice occurs Identifies recipients of nursing care. Sets the nursing process format and content. Designs systems of nursing care delivery.

The Theory Practice Gap

The so-called integration of theory and practice has not yet been achieved, but

seems to be a continuing issue of concern.

Failure in closure of theory practice gap how does it affect the learners?

This problem affects the academic and personal development of learners regarding: Inability to solve problems Rigidity and dependency in the execution of patient care. Fragmentation of patient care. An apathetic attitude in clinical practice.

Common factors that interfere in theory practice integration and solutions for rectification

1. Lack of exposure to theoretical principles during contd the basic educational program.

Educational Issues:

All nurses in clinical practice need to expand their knowledge through ongoing exposure to new theoretical concepts and nursing research through continuing educational programs.

2. Disparity between nursing researchers / scholars and

practicing nurses.

Many nursing researchers / scholars have limited clinical involvement. Time constraints limit their ability to develop relationships with practicing nurses.
Conversely, the majority of nurses in practice have little or no direct contact with nurse theorists or researchers

Those who propose theory and conduct research recognized the need to involve in clinical practice.

Studying clinical related problems and using terminology that can be easily understood by clinical nurses.

Changes in health care delivery

Nurses face many challenges posed by changes in the health care delivery system. (eg.) decrease length of hospital stay has reduced the time available for preoperative & post operative teaching and discharge planning.

The theoretical knowledge base of nursing must meet the demands of the changing health care system.

Overall Reasons for lack of theory practice Integration

Hidden curriculum learning takes place
although it is not formally planned.

Lack of careful curriculum development the

theory does not compliment the practice.

Lack of emphasis given to practical skills in the classroom. The under utilization of different teaching learning strategies.

Lack of role models in the practical setting.

Increased workload. Conflict between educators and management. Theory is too idealistic & impractical. Lack of formal feedback on formative evaluation. Lack of planned accompaniment of students.



Application of theory in practice requires an understanding of concepts associated with the needs of a patient
Involves recognition of when & how to use these concepts in planning & implementing care Chinn & Kramer (2004) suggested guidelines for applying theory in practice

Guidelines for application of theory in Nursing practice

The process of applying theory into practice

Formulating a view - Practitioner interprets & formulates a view of the situation - Mental representation of the practice situation emerges Identifying problems - Arriving at a specific conjecture about nursing problems

Focus for applying theory


- Selection of theories to be applied in a practice situation - Practitioner is faced with 2 issues accessibility & preference - Reasons for the practitioner to choose a specific theory for application
a. Past experience b. Familiarity c. Degree of social approval d. Confidence in the applicability e. Abstractness of theories f. Transferability


Choice of intervention - Actual enactment of theory - Involves the mechanics and process involved in enactment of theory choices

Methods to enhance theory practice Integration :

Some of the teaching strategies are: 1.Problem based learning Student learning is organized around self directed work,

Makes students responsible for their learning

regarding a particular problem.

2.Concept maps

Depicts concepts and the relationship of concepts visually. A concept map helps to integrate new knowledge with old by creating a knowledge graph that depicts networks of

3.Reflective practice
A kind of practice develops through personal reflection on ones own practice. Gain in Personal insight Meaning Growth Guided reflection (one aspect of reflective practice) To investigate students experiences of the application of theory to practice.

4. Assignment
that include complex clinical problems. 5.Group discussion.

Theory & practice in nursing education

The thinking skills necessary for theory practice correlation are : Skill acquisition

Critical & creative thinking process

Thoughtful application

Role of Educators
Active involvement in the identification of clinical problems, problem solving & decision making. Enhance critical analysis & model their own thinking process. Demonstrate to learners the application of theoretical concepts and knowledge in practice.

Demonstrate to learners how to individualise nursing care. Have learners work together (will help learners to apply skills to a diversity of problems. Use different educational strategies. Provide meaningful learning experiences in which learners can correlate theory and practice.


Should include every possible requirement

to enhance professional & personal growth of

learners in becoming independent, safe

professional nursing practitioners.

It has been suggested by many researchers that
Theory practice integration can be facilitated only if Joint Planning is implemented regarding curricula, teaching methods, and assessment criteria, and the different roles of educators and clinical personnel are clarified.

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