Banking Ombudsman Scheme

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the Banking Ombudsman scheme in India, which was introduced in 1995 and revised in 2002 and 2006 to provide customers an inexpensive forum to resolve complaints against banks. It discusses the features and scope of the 2006 scheme as well as summarizes some related case laws.

The aim of the project is to introduce the reader to the topic of Banking Ombudsman and discuss the policies adopted by RBI and related case laws.

Some key features of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 include wider scope than the 2002 scheme, provision for online complaint submission, and establishment of an appellate authority to hear appeals against ombudsman awards.




















OF 1995 AND 2002.



The aim of this project is to introduce the reader to the topic BANKING
OMBUDSMAN. The project also deals with the policy adopted by the RBI and the
plethora of case laws.
Thanks are due to staff at the Dr. RMLNLU library, the faculty of the Banking
Law in Dr. RMLNLU, as well as to a number of colleagues who have directly or
indirectly given pointers to how this project should proceed. I would also like to thank
my father, who provided me with case materials and his invaluable blessings.


In India, the institution of Banking Ombudsman was introduced in 1995, though the
Banking Ombudsman Scheme 1995. The scheme was introduced by the Reserve Bank of
India to provide expeditious and inexpensive forum to bank customers for resolution of
their complaints relating to deficiency in banking services. The Scheme has been brought
into force by way of direction issued by the Reserve Bank in terms of Section 35A of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Section 35A of the said statue lays down as follows:
35A. Power of the Reserve Bank to give directions. —(1) Where the Reserve Bank issatisfied
(a) in the public interest; or
(aa) in the interest of banking policy; or
(b) to prevent the affairs of any banking company being conducted in a manner detrimental to the
interests of the depositors or in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the banking company; or
(c) to secure the proper management of any banking company generally, it is necessary to issue
directions to banking companies generally or to any banking company in particular, it may, from
time to time, issue such directions as it deems fit, and the banking companies or the banking
company, as the case may be, shall be bound to comply with such directions.
(2) The Reserve Bank may, on representation made to it or on its own motion, modify or cancel
any direction issued under sub-section (1), and in so modifying or cancelling any direction may
impose such conditions as it thinks fit, subject to which the modification or cancellation shall have
It was a mechanism to look into the banking customer grievances. After the review of the
scheme, a new scheme came into picture in 2002 and further in 2006. Over the past five
years, around 36,000 complaints have been dealt by the Banking Ombudsmen.
The Scheme lays down the whole areas of the banking ombudsman institution.
The issues of appointment, dismissal, authorities, functions, etc., have been dealt with in
the scheme.
The Scheme was revised in 2002 mainly to cover Regional Rural Banks and to
permit review of the Banking Ombudsmens’ awards against banks by the Reserve Bank.
At the time of introduction of the Scheme of 2002, there were 15 Offices of Banking
Ombudsman across the entire country. The 2002 scheme was introduced with a view to
widen the scope and extent of the Banking Ombudsman. The 1995 scheme has been
revised in the years 2002 and 2006 to make several changes in the old scheme and to
extend the scope of the same.

Banking Ombudsman is a quasi judicial authority functioning under India’s Banking

Ombudsman Scheme 2006, and the authority was created pursuant to the a decision by
the Government of India to enable resolution of complaints of customers of banks
relating to certain services rendered by the banks. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme was
first introduced in India in 1995, and was revised in 2002 and 20061. In the wake of the
failure in the efficient services of the banks, the RBI brought a scheme for the prompt,
efficient and courteous services and also to protect the rights of the customers.

The Banking Ombudsman is an official authority to investigate the complaint

from the customers and address the complaint and thereby bring the solution among the
aggrieved parties. So the Banking Ombudsman plays the role of a mediator and serves
the purpose of reconciliation. The Banking Ombudsman has been defined under clause 4
of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 20062. Clause 4 lays down that:


(1) The Reserve Bank may appoint one or more of its officers in the rank of Chief General
Manager or General Manager to be known as Banking Ombudsmen to carry out the functions
entrusted to them by or under the Scheme.
(2) The appointment of Banking Ombudsman under the above Clause may be made for a period
not exceeding three years at a time.


1. The Banking Ombudsman is a quasi judicial authority. It has power to summon
both the parties - bank and its customer, to facilitate resolution of complaint
through mediation.
2. All Scheduled Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Scheduled Primary
Co-operative Banks are covered under the Scheme.
3. The Banking Ombudsman has power to consider complaints from Non-Resident
Indians having accounts in India in relation to their remittances from abroad,
deposits and other bank-related matters.
4. The Banking Ombudsman does not charge any fee for resolving customers’

Clause (4) of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006.
5. No complaint can be made before a Banking Ombudsman on the same subject
matter for which any proceedings before any court, tribunal or arbitrator or any
other forum is pending or a decree or award or a final order, has already been
passed by any such competent court, tribunal, arbitrator or forum.


Scope of the Scheme. In 2006, the Reserve Bank of India announced the revised
Banking Ombudsman Scheme with enlarged scope that included customer complaints on
certain new areas, such as, credit card complaints, deficiencies in providing the promised
services even by banks' sales agents, levying service charges without prior notice to the
customer and non adherence to the fair practices code as adopted by individual banks.

Application of the Scheme. The scheme is applicable to all commercial banks, regional
rural banks and scheduled primary cooperative banks having business in India.

Funding. Unlike the old scheme, the revised Banking Ombudsman Scheme is fully
staffed and funded by the Reserve Bank instead of the banks.

Filing complaints. Under the revised Banking Ombudsman Scheme, the complainants
can file their complaints in any form, including online.

Appeal. The bank customers would also be able to appeal to the Reserve Bank against
the awards given by the Banking Ombudsmen.

Forum for the complaints. The 2006 scheme provides a forum to bank customers to
seek redressal of their most common complaints against banks, including those relating to
credit cards, service charges, promises given by the sales agents of banks, but not kept by
banks, as also, delays in delivery of bank services.

New areas of Complaint. The bank customers can complain about non-payment or any
inordinate delay in payments or collection of cheques towards bills or remittances by
banks, as also non-acceptance of small denomination notes and coins or charging of
commission for acceptance of small denomination notes and coins by banks.

Provisions of the Scheme. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006 provides a wide
scope and extent to the schemes of 1995 and 2002. Many new changes have been made
in the old scheme. The most essential provisions of the scheme are as follows:

1. Appointment and tenure. The Section 4 of the scheme provides for the
appointment of one or more of the officers of the Reserve Bank of India in the
rank of Chief General Manager or General Manager to be known as Banking
Ombudsmen to carry out the functions entrusted to them by or under the Scheme.
Their tenure would be not more than a period of five years.

2. Location of the office. Generally, the office of the banking ombudsman is located
at the place specified by the Reserve Bank of India. For the expedite disposal of
the complaints, a banking ombudsman may hold office at such places, under his
jurisdiction which he deems fit for the disposal of the complaints3.

3. Powers and Jurisdictions. The scheme lays down the following provisions4
dealing with powers and functions of the Banking Ombudsman:
• Authority of each Banking Ombudsman extends to the territorial limits entailed
by the Reserve Bank of India.
• The Banking Ombudsman has power to receive and consider complaints relating
to the deficiencies in banking or other services filed on the grounds of
complaints5. He has to facilitate their satisfaction or settlement by agreement or
through conciliation and mediation between the bank concerned and the aggrieved
parties or by passing an Award in accordance with the Scheme.
• The Banking Ombudsman exercises general powers of superintendence and
control over his Office and is responsible for the conduct of business thereat.

Clause 5 of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006.
Clause 7 of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006.
Clause 8 of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006.
• The Office of the Banking Ombudsman draws up an annual budget for itself in
consultation with Reserve Bank and exercises the powers of expenditure within
the approved budget on the lines of Reserve Bank of India Expenditure Rules,
• The Banking Ombudsman has to send to the Governor, Reserve Bank, a report, as
on 30th June every year, containing a general review of the activities of his Office
during the preceding financial year. He has to furnish such other information as
the Reserve Bank may direct and the Reserve Bank may, if it considers necessary
in the public interest so to do, publish the report and the information received
from the Banking Ombudsman in such consolidated form or otherwise as it deems

4. Grounds of complaints. Clause 8 of the scheme lays down the following grounds
on which a banking customer may seek the redressal from the banking
• Non-payment or inordinate delay in the payment or collection of cheques, drafts,
bills, etc.;
• Non-acceptance, without sufficient cause, of small denomination notes tendered
for any purpose, and for charging of commission for this service;
• Non-acceptance, without sufficient cause, of coins tendered and for charging of
commission for this service;
• Non-payment or delay in payment of inward remittances;
• Failure to issue or delay in issue, of drafts, pay orders or bankers’ cheques;
• Non-adherence to prescribed working hours;
• Failure to honour guarantee or letter of credit commitments;
• Failure to provide or delay in providing a banking facility (other than loans and
advances) promised in writing by a bank or its direct selling agents;
• Delays, non-credit of proceeds to parties' accounts, non-payment of deposit or
non-observance of the Reserve Bank directives, if any, applicable to rate of
interest on deposits in any savings, current or other account maintained with a
bank ;
• Delays in receipt of export proceeds, handling of export bills, collection of bills
etc., for exporters provided the said complaints pertain to the bank's operations in
• Refusal to open deposit accounts without any valid reason for refusal;
• Levying of charges without adequate prior notice to the customer;
• Non-adherence by the bank or its subsidiaries to the instructions of Reserve Bank
on ATM/debit card operations or credit card operations;
• Non-disbursement or delay in disbursement of pension to the extent the grievance
can be attributed to the action on the part of the bank concerned, (but not with
regard to its employees);
• Refusal to accept or delay in accepting payment towards taxes, as required by
Reserve Bank/Government;
• Refusal to issue or delay in issuing, or failure to service or delay in servicing or
redemption of Government securities;
• Forced closure of deposit accounts without due notice or without sufficient
• Refusal to close or delay in closing the accounts;
• Non-adherence to the fair practices code as adopted by the bank; and
• Any other matter relating to the violation of the directives issued by the Reserve
Bank in relation to banking or other services.

5. Procedure for filing complaint. Clause 9 of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme,

2006 lays down the procedure to file a complaint before the Banking Ombudsman
as well as the conditions in which a complainant can not approach the banking

1. Any person who has a grievance against a bank on any one or more of the
grounds mentioned in the Scheme may, himself or through his authorized representative
(other than an advocate), make a complaint to the Banking Ombudsman within whose
jurisdiction the branch or office of the bank complained against is located. But the
complaint arising out of the operations of credit cards, has to be filed before the Banking
Ombudsman within whose territorial jurisdiction the billing address of the card holder is
located and not the place where the bank concerned or the credit card processing unit is

2. The complaint in writing has to be duly signed by the complainant or his

authorized representative. The complainant has to show the copies of the documents,
which he proposes to rely upon and a declaration under Clause 9(3) of the scheme. He
has to mention the following things in the complaint:
 the name and the address of the complainant,
 the name and address of the branch or office of the bank against which the
complaint is made,
 the facts giving rise to the complaint,
 the nature and extent of the loss caused to the complainant, and
 The relief sought for.
A complaint can also be made through electronic means. The Banking Ombudsman also
entertains complaints covered by this Scheme received by Central Government or
Reserve Bank and forwarded to him for disposal.

3. Following conditions have to be fulfilled for making a complaint before the

Banking Ombudsman:
 Before making a complaint to the Banking Ombudsman, the complainant had to,
make a written representation to the bank. If the bank rejects the complaint or the
complainant had not received any reply within a period of one month after the
bank received his representation or the complainant is not satisfied with the reply
given to him by the bank.
 The complaint should be made before one year, from the day the complainant has
received the reply of the bank to his representation or, where no reply is received,
before one year and one month from the date of the representation to the bank;
 The complaint does not touch upon matter which was settled or dealt with on
merits by the Banking Ombudsman in any previous proceedings whether or not
received from the same complainant or along with one or more complainants or
one or more of the parties concerned with the subject matter;
 The complaint does not pertain to the same subject matter, for which any
proceedings before any court, tribunal or arbitrator or any other forum is pending
or a decree or Award or order has been passed by any such court, tribunal,
arbitrator or forum;
 The complaint is not frivolous or vexatious in nature; and
 The complaint is made before the expiry of the period of limitation prescribed
under the Indian Limitation Act, 1963 for such claims.

6. Appeal. If the customer is not satisfied with the award of the Banking Ombudsman,
he can approach to the RBI, to the appellate authority called Deputy Governor. Still he is
not satisfied, after approaching to the RBI, he can go to the High Court6.


Balla Rama Rao v. Banking Ombudsman, 2003.

A house in the name of B. Narayanama was given on lease to the bank in 1982.
Subsequently, the lady died. The Bank did not pay rent from June 1992 to Feb. 1997.
Balla Ramarao, the appellant approached the bank. Bank immediately paid the amount
Rs. 3,09,562. Balla contended that the interest should also be paid for the period of 1992
to 1997. The bank refused to pay interest. The appellant approached to the banking
ombudsman. But he rejected the complaint, holding no merit in the case as it was outside
the jurisdiction of the banking ombudsman. Balla approached to the Andhra Pradesh high
court. The high court rejected the appeal, finding that it was outside the jurisdiction of the
banking ombudsman.
M/s.Anand Lubricating & Pneumatic Systems Ltd. Vs. State Bank of India7. The bank
was alleged to have failed to issue bank guarantee despite sufficient security and the
complainant suffered financial loss. It was held that the non-issuance of bank guarantee
despite security deposit with the bank would amount to deficiency in service and the
complainant would be entitled to interest on that security amount.

Clause 14 of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006.
2003 (2) CPR 53.
The AGM, State Bank of India, Pondicherry & Ors V/s N.Ganesan8. The complainant’s
son remitted an amount on 5.04.1997 from abroad to be credited to his NRI account with
appellant bank. The remittance was not confirmed till 22.04. 1997. Appellant bank
pleaded that non- confirmation was due to failure of computers. The issue is whether this
delay on the part of the bank amounted to deficiency in service. The Commission in
appeal observed that bank officials could have verified vouchers and cheques received by
post or confirmation and could have given correct reply within a reasonable time. It was
held that failure of the bank to confirm remittance received from outside country within a
reasonable period amounts to deficiency in service.
Vettivel Pillai V/s Senior Manager Canara Bank9. The appellant was having open cash
credit facility from 1994 with respondent bank and had issued two cheques of which one
was encashed and the other was dishonored. Respondent bank averred that appellant had
overdrawn account. It was held that when there was credit in favour of the complainant,
dishonour of the cheque issued by the complainant could not be said to be bonafide.
Respondent bank was held guilty of deficiency of service and appellant was held entitled
for compensation.
Corporation Bank & Anr V/s Navin J. Shah10. Respondent, who is an exporter under
discounting agreement entrusted documents relating to export and bills of exchange with
appellant bank to negotiate the same through a foreign bank. Respondent’s allegation is
that the bank had failed to collect money in foreign currency indicated in documents but
instead collected in local currency, hence there was deficiency in service on the part of
the appellant bank and hence a claim for damages was made. In appeal, the Commission
held that there was no deficiency of service on the part of the bank as the appellant bank,
acting for an on behalf of the respondent, had negotiated the documents as provided
under agreement. However the conversion of local currency in U.S. $ became difficult on
account of policy of Sudan Government. It was observed that all that was required to be
done under terms of the agreement and under contract had been done by the two banks.
Anthony C. Vaz V/s M/s Himachal Futuristic Communication Ltd & Anr11. Dividend

2000(3) CPR 423 SCDRC (Pond).
2000(2) CPR 261 SCDRC (Ker).
2000(2) CPR 13 (SC).
2000(2) CPR 83 SCDRC (Goa).
warrants were issued by respondent No.1 and were sought to be encashed by respondent
No.2, Banker at Panaji. The appellant filed a complaint before the District Forum as the
warrants were returned unpaid with the remarks ‘No advice’ despite a letter dispatched to
them by Industrial Financial Branch of SBI, Chandigarh. Respondent No.2 took the
defense that they cannot honour dividend warrants unless they received intimation from
local Head Office at Mumbai. The State Commission however held that refusal to clear
the dividend warrant was deficiency in service as question of respondent No.2 having no
authority to honour the warrants could not arise in view of the letter from Industrial
Financial Branch of SBI, Chandigarh. Respondent No. 2 and Respondent No. 1 were held
to be jointly liable.
Brijesh Kumar & A.R.Lakshmanan Vs. Canara Bank & anr12. The Bank charging,
unilaterally without prior information or consent of the Bank Customer, for providing
their services by supply of MICR Cheque. Consumer Forum and State Commission held
it as deficiency of service but National Commission held that it was related to pricing and
not in jurisdiction of the Consumer Fora to decide. The Supreme Court held that the
charges by bank for issuance of MICR cheques is not against the directives of the
Reserve Bank of India. The question of it being unilateral or with the consent of each
customer do not arise.

India Export Corporation & ors Vs. Chairman-cum-MD, Syndicate Bank & ors 13. The
complainant withdrew overdraft facility sanctioned to him by the bank only after availing
facility to the extent of Rs.1,20,000/-. The facility was availed by the complainant for
business purpose. It was held that where complaint alleging banking service deficiency
was found connected with commercial purpose, the consumer complaint would not be

2003 (1) CPR 296 (SC).

2003 (3) CPR 106 (NC).
Col. D.S.Sachar Vs. Zonal Manager, Punjab & Sind Bank, Cahndigarh & anr14. Cash
was snatched from the hands of the complainant/appellant at the gate of the respondent
bank. The appellant alleges that the absence of security on the gate and the non-provision
of steps like siren/alarm system etc. amounts to deficiency in service on the part of the
respondent bank. The State Commission held that the non-provision of security on the
gate of the bank on the date of occurrence viz. snatching of cash in bank premises cannot
be held to be amounting to deficiency in service hired by complainant.

Ratanchand Morarkar Vs. Bank of Maharashtra15. The complainant had deposited

amount for issue of pay order in favour of a particular firm. However, the said pay order
was cancelled by the bank and was issued in favour of another party. It was held that
when the bank has acted in good faith in cancellation of bank pay order and issuance of
fresh pay order in favour of another party on the request made by Manager of the
complainant firm, there would be no deficiency in service.

Manohar Singh Chouhan & Ors Vs. Central Bank of India 16. The complainants have
purchased a tractor after taking loan from the respondent bank. The respondent bank did
not remit the premium amount to the insurance company with which the complainants
have insured their tractor as a result of which the loss suffered when the tractor met with
an accident could not be recovered from the Insurance company. The issue for
consideration is whether non-payment of premium amount by the bank amounted to
deficiency in service. It was held that when hire purchase agreement between the bank
and buyer of vehicle with the help of bank loan did not contain a condition creating
obligation on the part of the bank to remit premium for insurance policy, complainant
buyer of vehicle could not hold bank guilty of deficiency in service.


SCHEMES OF 1995 AND 2002.

2003 (3) CPR 203 SCDRC (Chandigarh).

2004 (1) CPR 66 (NC).
2004 (1) CPR 285 SCDRC(MP).
The extent and scope of the new Scheme is wider than the earlier Scheme of 2002. The
new Scheme also provides for online submission of complaints. The new Scheme
additionally provides for the institution of an 'appellate authority' for providing scope for
appeal against an award passed by the Ombudsman both by the bank as well as the

Though the Banking Ombudsman Scheme was introduced in the year 1995, with a view
to do away with the banking customer complaints, the scheme was amended in
subsequent years of 2002 and 2006. But the banks do not seem to have adopted the norms
for their efficient functioning, that is the reason behind the increasing consumer cases
against the banks, which are governed under the scheme.
1. Tannan, M L, Tannan's Banking Law and Practice in India, 21st edn., 2007,
Wadhwa and Wadhwa, Nagpur.
2. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006, (available at

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