Power Semiconductor Drives

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Code No: R05410202
 Set No. 1
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DRIVES(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80Answer any FIVE QuestionsAll Questions carry equal marks
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1. Explain the fundamentals of thyristor controlled drives and their operation. [16]2. Explain the Speed torque Characteristics of a dc series motor connected to a threephase fully controlled converter. [16]3. Explain briefly the following methods of braking of a D.C Motor(a) Regenerative braking(b) Dynamic braking(c) Plugging. [16]4. Explain the operation of four quadrant chopper fed to the D.C series motor andalso draw the current and voltage wave forms for continuous current operation.[16]5. (a) Starting from fundamentals prove that torque developed by the Inductionmotor is proportional to square of the supply voltage.(b) Draw the speed torque curves for different voltages fed from stator voltagecontroller. [8+8]6. A 3 Phase,1500 rpm Induction motor is developing torque of 3000 Syn. watts atan input frequency of 50Hz. If the motor torque is now reduced to 1500 Syn.watts,determine the new value of stator frequency. The motor is operating in constantHP region. Assume constant rotor frequency and neglect effect of rotor resistance.[16]7. A three phase, 460V, 60Hz, 1164 rpm, six pole star connected, wound rotor Induc-tion motor has the following parameters per phase referred to the stator.R
 = 0.4 ohm, R
 = 0.6 ohm, X
 = X
 =1.8 ohm, X
 = 40 Ohm. Stator to rotorturns ratio is 2.5. The motor speed is controlled by static rotor resistance control.The filter resistance is 0.02 Ohm. The value of external resistance is chosen suchthat
 = 0 and the breakdown torque is obtained at stand still. Determine thefollowing:(a) The value of the external resistance(b)
 for a speed of 960 rpm at 1.5 times the rated torque. [16]8. Explain separate control & self control of synchronous motor.[16]
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Code No: R05410202
 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DRIVES(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80Answer any FIVE QuestionsAll Questions carry equal marks
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1. Draw and Explain Speed-torque characteristics of semi converter feeding a D.Cseries motor. [16]2. Explain the Speed - torque Characteristics of a dc series motor connected to a threephase fully controlled converter. [16]3. (a) Discuss in detail counter current and dynamic braking operations of D.C.shunt motors.(b) A 400V, 750 rpm, 70A dc shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.3Ωwhen running under rated conditions, the motor is to be braked by pluggingwith armature current limited to 90A. What external resistance should beconnected in series with the armature? Calculate the initial braking torqueand its value when the speed has fallen to 300rpm. [8+8]4. (a) Distinguish between class A and class B choppers with suitable examples of speed control of motors.(b) A 220V, 190A dc series motor has armature and field resistance’s of 0.03 and0.02 ohms respectively. Running on no load as a generator with field winingconnected to a separate source it gave following magnetization characteristicat 500rpm.FieldCurrent(A) 40 80 120 160 200TerminalVoltage (V) 52 108 148 176 189Motor is controlled by a chopper in dynamic braking with a braking resis-tanceof 2Ω.i. Calculate motor speed for a duty ratio of 0.6 and motor current of 160A.ii. What will be the motor speed for a duty ratio of 0.75 and motor torqueequal to half of rated torque? [8+8]5. An inverter supplies a six pole three-phase cage Induction motor rated at 415V,50Hz. Determine the approximate voltages required of the inverter for motor speeds600/800/1500/ 1800 rpm. [16]6. A 3 Ph Star connected Induction motor operating at a frequency of 60 Hz consistsof 4 poles. The parameters of the stator and rotor referred to stator side are R
 = 0.024 ohm and X
 = X
 = 0.18 ohm. If the motor is controlled by the variablefrequency control with v/f constant ratio determine the following parameters at anoperating frequency of 12 Hz. Starting torque and rotor current in terms of theirvalues at rated frequency. [16]1 of 2
Code No: R05410202
 Set No. 2
7. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the operation of rotor- resistance controlusing chopper. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of the above method of control. [16]8. With suitable circuit diagrams discuss in detail the principle of operation of Self controlled Synchronous motor drive employing a Cyclo converter. [16]
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Code No: R05410202
 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2008POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DRIVES(Electrical & Electronic Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80Answer any FIVE QuestionsAll Questions carry equal marks
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1. Write down the basic performance equations for a D.C Series motor Sketch char-acteristics of constant torque drive and constant power drive regions. [16]2. The speed of a separately excited dc motor is controlled by means of a 3 phase semiconverter from a 3 phase 415V 50Hz supply. The motor constants are inductance10mH, resistance 0.9 ohm and armature constant 1.5v/rad/s.calculate speed of themotor at a torque of 50 Nm when the converter is fired at 45
. Neglect losses inthe converter.[16]3. What are the advantages of electric braking over mechanical braking of D.C. mo-tors? Explain with proper circuit diagram Speed-Torque characteristics of D.Cmotor under dynamic braking, for the following types:(a) Separately excited dc motor(b) Series motor. [8+8]4. (a) Explain the principle of speed control of a dc motor and show how it can beachieved by a chopper.(b) A 230V, 1200rpm, 15A separately excited motor has an armature resistanceof 1.2Ω. Motor is operated under dynamic braking with chopper control.Braking resistance has a value of 20Ω.i. Calculate duty ratio of chopper for motor speed of 1000rpm and brakingtorque equal to 1.5times rated motor torque.ii. What will be the motor speed for duty ratio of 0.5 and motor torque equalto its rated torque? [8+8]5. (a) Explain variable voltage charecter stics of Induction motor(b) Explain Torque & speed charecterstics of Induction motor. [8+8]6. A 400V, 50HZ Star connected Induction motor is fed from a six step inverter whichin turn fed from a six-pulse fully controlled rectifier. The a.c supply mains arerated at 440V, 50HZ. What should be the firing angle of the rectifier to operate themotor at 50 HZ under v/f control? [16]7. Explain static motor resistance control for speed control of I.M. Draw speed &torque charecterstics.[16]1 of 2

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