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The swampy ground of my heart did not crack even though the moisture in the
shape of my most beloved Rma has left. From this I conclude that in this very frame
God has endowed me with a body* fit for suffering the tortures of hell. (146)
0f ff a farr ar at aa rr+
fr f f f frr f r f f frr+.{+
a n f r; rf n r nr;+
f f a f nrr rr a = rr+.+
t- fr rf r+
f- f- rr f r r r+.-+
frf f f rrr nf nra ff ra r+
n rf r frra t tn +.+
Cau.: ehi bidhi karata patha pachitv, tamas tra turata rathu v.
bid kie kari binaya nid, phire pya pari bikala bid.1.
paihata nagara saciva sakuc, janu mresi gura b

bhana g.
baihi biapa tara divasu gav

v, s

jha samaya taba avasaru pv.2.

avadha prabesu knha a dhire , paiha bhavana rathu rkhi dure .
jinha jinha samcra suni pe, bh upa dvra rathu dekhana e.3.
rathu pahicni bikala lakhi ghore, garahi

gta jimi tapa ore.

nagara nri nara bykula kaise , nighaata nra mnagana jaise .4.
While Sumantra was thus lamenting on the way, his chariot presently reached the
bank of the Tamas river. He politely dismissed the Nidas, who fell at his feet and
returned with a heart stricken with grief. The minister hesitated to enter the city as if he
had murdered his own preceptor, killed a Brhmaa or butchered a cow. He passed the
day sitting under a tree and found his opportunity only when it was dusk. He entered
Ayodhy in the dark and slunk into the palace leaving the chariot at the gate. All who
heard the news flocked to the entrance of the royal palace to see the chariot. When they
recognized the chariot and found the horses restless with their body wasting away as
hail in the sun, the citizens, both men and women, were sore distressed as fish when
the water runs short. (14)
0f rn a f s fr
= rn af r a fr+ {+
Do.: saciva gamanu sunata sabu bikala bhayau ranivsu,
bhavanu bhayakaru lga tehi mnahu preta nivsu.147.
The moment they heard of the ministers arrival the whole gynaeceum was
restless. To him the palace looked as dreary as though it were an abode of spirits. (147)
0fa rfa f rt sa= r f ; rt+
; >r f rr r af af rr+.{+
* It is mentioned in the scriptures that sinners who are condemned to hell are endowed with a subtle
body (known by the name of Ytan-arra), which though subjected to tortures in various forms is wonderfully
tenacious and does not perish till the sinner has served the sentence.
rf- t f fr; rr n n; r;+
r; r t rr f fa frr+.+
r f tr s fa f tr+
; sr r f r at a s rat+.-+
a r f f f rat f s rat+
r r r t f r t+.+
Cau.: ati rati saba pu


rn, utaru na va bikala bhai bn.

sunai na ravana nayana nahi

sujh, kahahu kah

npu tehi tehi bujh.1.

dsinha dkha saciva bikal, kausaly gha ga

ji sumatra dkha kasa rj, amia rahita janu cadu birj .2.
sana sayana bibhuana hn, pareu bhumitala nipaa maln.
lei ussu soca ehi bh

t, surapura te janu kha seu jajt.3.

leta soca bhari chinu chinu cht, janu jari pakha pareu sapt.
rma rma kaha rma saneh, puni kaha rma lakhana baideh.4.
In deep agony all the queens questioned him; but no reply came from him, his
voice failed him. His ears could not hear, nor could his eyes see; he asked whomsoever
he met: Tell me, where is the king? Seeing his confusion, the maid-servants conducted
him to Kausalys apartments. Arriving there Sumantra found the king as pale and
lustreless as the moon without nectar. Without a seat, couch or ornaments he lay on the
ground in a most wretched condition. Heaving a sigh he lamented even as Yayti* when
he had fallen from the abode of gods. With his heart bursting with grief every moment,
he looked like Sampt who had dropped from the heavens on account of his wings
having been singed. That great lover of Rma cried Rma, Rma and again Rma,
Lakmaa and St. (14)
0f f t f t-s z r
a ss r fa r r+ {c+
Do.: dekhi saciva jaya jva kahi knheu daa pranmu,
sunata uheu bykula npati kahu sumatra kaha rmu.148.
The minister, on seeing the king, exclaimed, Be victorious and live long! and
made obeisance to him by falling prostrate on the ground. The moment he heard this the
king rose in bewilderment and said, Tell me, Sumantra, where is Rma? (148)
0 r t- s r; za r r;+
fa f rt a rs f rt+.{+
r r t rrr t+
r f f f fr a f r r+.+
* As a reward for the many sacrifices performed by him during his life-time King Yayti ascended to
heaven. Indra received him most courteously and encouraged him to speak highly of his own meritorious
acts. In this way he unwittingly exhausted all his merits and was hurled back to the mortal plane.
For the story of Sampt see the Caups following Doh 26 et seq in Kikindh-Ka.
r f f f r +
r = n t r ff ff s ra r+.-+
rs r; t- r f s r+
r a fa n rr r rt z rf rr+.+
Cau.: bhupa sumatru lnha ura l, b uRata kachu adhra janu p.
sahita saneha nikaa baihr, pu

chata ru nayana bhari br.1.

rma kusala kahu sakh saneh, kaha raghunthu lakhanu baideh.
ne pheri ki banahi sidhe, sunata saciva locana jala che.2.
soka bikala puni pu

cha nares u, kahu siya rma lakhana sades u.

rma r upa guna sla subh u, sumiri sumiri ura socata r u.3.
ru suni dnha banabs u, suni mana bhayau na harau har

so suta bichurata gae na prn, ko pp baRa mohi samn.4.
The king pressed Sumantra to his bosom as if a drowning man had laid hold of
some support. Seating him affectionately by his side and with his eyes full of tears the
king asked him: Apprize me of Rmas welfare, O loving friend; where are Rma (the
Lord of Raghus), Lakmaa and Videhas daughter (St)? Have you brought them back
or have they left for the woods? At these words tears rushed to the ministers eyes.
Overwhelmed with grief the king asked again, Tell me the news about St, Rma and
Lakmaa. Recalling again and again r Rmas beauty, virtues, amiability and
temperament the king sorrowed within himself: Proclaiming my intention to instal him as
Regent I exiled him to the woods; but the news neither delighted his soul nor grieved it.
But my life did not depart even though I had to part from such a son! Who can be such
a great sinner as I? (14)
0r r f ar rf rs
rf a ra r s fars+ {+
Do.: sakh rmu siya lakhanu jaha tah

mohi pahu cu,


ta chata calana aba prna kahau satibhu.149.

Take me, my friend, to the place where Rma, Sta and Lakmaa are. If not, I
sincerely tell you, my life is going to depart very soon. (149)
0f f a frf r fa r+
f r r; fn sr r f r+.{+
f t f rt rr ar fza rt+
t t r r r r ar r+.+
rnr rf r f f frnr+
r rf nrr; rfa f t r; +.-+
f z frt rs t f rt+
t f frt rfz r fart+.+
Cau.: puni puni pu

chata matrihi r u, priyatama suana sa desa sun u.

karahi sakh soi begi upu, rmu lakhanu siya nayana dekha u.1.
saciva dhra dhari kaha mdu bn, mahrja tumha paita gyn.
bra sudhra dhuradhara dev, sdhu samju sad tumha sev.2.
janama marana saba dukha sukha bhog, hni lbhu priya milana biyog.
kla karama basa hohi


, barabasa rti divasa k n

sukha haraahi

jaRa dukha bilakhh

, dou sama dhra dharahi

mana mh

dhraja dharahu bibeku bicr, chRia soca sakala hitakr.4.
Again and again the king asked the minister; Communicate to me the news of my
most beloved sons. Quickly contrive, my friend, some means whereby you may be able
to bring before my eyes Rma, Lakmaa and St. Recovering himself the minister
gently replied, Your Majesty is learned and wise. Nay, you are a leader of the brave and
courageous, my lord, and have always attended assemblies of holy men. Birth and
death, all painful and pleasurable experiences, loss and gain, union with and separation
from friendsall these, my lord, take place under the unalterable laws of time and
destiny like the succession of night and day. Fools rejoice in prosperity and mourn in
adversity; while the wise account both alike. Therefore, exercising your mature judgment
take up courage and cease sorrowing, O friend of all. (14)
0 r ar s f at
-r; r f f a rs t+ {~+
Do.: prathama bsu tamas bhayau dusara surasari tra,
nhi rahe jalapnu kari siya sameta dou bra.150.
Their first halt was made by the side of the Tamas and the next on the bank of
the celestial river (Gag). Having bathed and drunk water, St and the two brothers
remained without food that day. (150)
0 tf- a r; r rff fn nr;+
ra ra t= nrr r f t rr+.{+
r r a r nr; fr r; rrr;+
r r; r r r;+.+
f frf rf rrtr r f tr+
ara r ara r r n+.-+
f r f f rt ara f f far rt+
n n r r n - arr+.+
Cau.: kevaa knhi bahuta sevak, so jmini sigaraura gav

hota prta baa chru magv, ja mukua nija ssa banv.1.
rma sakh

taba nva mag, priy caRhi caRhe raghur.

lakhana bna dhanu dhare ban, pu caRhe prabhu yasu p.2.
bikala biloki mohi raghubr, bole madhura bacana dhari dhr.
tta pranmu tta sana kaheh u, bra bra pada pakaja gaheh u.3.
karabi pya pari binaya bahor, tta karia jani cit mor.
bana maga magala kusala hamre , kp anugraha punya tumhre .4.
The Nida showed great hospitality and the party spent that night in the village
of Sigaraura (gaverapura). At daybreak they sent for the milk of the banyan tree and
the two brothers coiled up their matted hair in the shape of a crown. Then Rmas friend
(Guha) called for a boat and after helping St to board it r Rma followed suit.
Lakmaa placed on it in an orderly way the two bows and quivers and himself boarded
the boat on receiving the Lords command. Seeing my distress the Hero of Raghus race
summoned up courage and addressed me in sweet accents: Sire, convey my obeisances
to dear father and clasp his lotus feet again and again. Then, falling at his feet submit
to him thus: Father, be not worried on my account. By your grace and goodwill and as
a reward of your meritorious acts my journey to and sojourn in the woods will be happy
and full of blessings. (14)
U0 ar n ara r ra r;
farf r r f ff r;+
t farf f f r f fat rrt
at r; a f t f r t+
Cha.:tumhare anugraha tta knana jta saba sukhu pihau ,
pratipli yasu kusala dekhana pya puni phiri ihau .

sakala paritoi pari pari pya kari binat ghan,

tulas karehu soi jatanu jehi

kusal rahahi

kosala dhan.
By your grace, dear father, I shall have all sorts of comforts on my journey and
having obeyed your commands shall come back safe to behold your lotus feet once
more. Nay, consoling all my mothers fall at their feet again and again and with profuse
entreaties make every effortsays Tulasdsato see that the lord of Ayodhy (my
father) passes his days happily.
0n r r nf
r; s f r rf fa+ {~{+
So.: gura sana kahaba sa desu bra bra pada paduma gahi,
karaba soi upadesu jehi

na soca mohi avadhapati.151.

Clasping my preceptors lotus feet again and again, give him my message: Pray,
so exhort the lord of Ayodhy that he may no longer grieve on my account. (151)
0 f frt ara r fat rt+
r; rfa r fart ra r rt+.{+
a r tfa af r r+
r f rt ra rt+.+
r fr r r; f fa ra r;+
ara rfa af r r r r f r+.-+
rr f r f rf frr+
r r f r; f ara fr;+.+
Cau.: purajana parijana sakala nihor, tta sunehu binat mor.
soi saba bh

ti mora hitakr, jte raha naranhu sukhr.1.

kahaba sa desu bharata ke e , nti na tajia rjapadu pe .
plehu prajahi karama mana bn, seehu mtu sakala sama jn.2.
ora nibhehu bhyapa bh, kari pitu mtu sujana sevak.
tta bh

ti tehi rkhaba r u, soca mora jehi

karai na k u.3.
lakhana kahe kachu bacana kahor, baraji rma puni mohi nihor.
bra bra nija sapatha dev, kahabi na tta lakhana larik.4.
Humbly approaching all the citizens and all my people, convey to them my
submission: He alone is my friend in everyway, who ensures the kings happiness.
Again, when Bharata comes, give him my message: Abandon not the path of rectitude
on assuming the office of Regent. Cherish your subjects in thought, word and deep
and serve your mothers treating them all alike. Again, brother, vindicate your
brotherliness till the last day by serving our parents and kinsmen. And last but not
the least look after the king in such a way that he may never sorrow on my account.
Here Lakmaa interposed some harsh words, but Rma checked him and then
entreated me adjuring me by himself again and again, Make no mention, dear father,
of Lakmaas childishness. (14)
0 f r f f ; ff
fa r fa + {~+
Do.: kahi pranmu kachu kahana liya siya bhai sithila saneha,
thakita bacana locana sajala pulaka pallavita deha.152.
Sending her greeting St opened her lips to say something but was
overwhelmed with emotion. Her voice failed, her eyes filled with tears and a thrill ran
through her body. (152)
0af rr = r; rf r r;+
rrfa f r at s r f f rat+.{+
r ff fa fs ; r +
f f f n rf nrf r +.+
a af r s f s r= r+
aa f r rr rr t rr+.-+
f fr rf rt r ffa ff r; rt+
f fr rnr t t rnr+.+
Cau.: tehi avasara raghubara rukha p, kevaa prahi nva cal.
raghukulatilaka cale ehi bh

t, dekhau hRha kulisa dhari cht.1.


pana kimi kahau kales u, jiata phireu lei rma sa des u.

asa kahi saciva bacana rahi gaya u, hni galni soca basa bhaya u.2.
suta bacana sunatahi

naranh u, pareu dharani ura druna dh u.

talaphata biama moha mana mp, mj manahu mna kahu byp.3.
kari bilpa saba rovahi

rn, mah bipati kimi ji bakhn.

suni bilpa dukhahu dukhu lg, dhrajah u kara dhraju bhg.4.
At this moment, in response to a hint from the Chief of Raghus (r Rma), the
boatman propelled the boat towards the opposite bank. So departed the Crown of
Raghus race, while I stood looking on with a heavy load on my heart. How am I to
describe my own anguish in that I came back alive bearing Rmas message? At this
stage Sumantras speech failed him, overpowered as he was by grief and remorse due
to separation from r Rma. No sooner had he heard the charioteers speech than the
king dropped to the ground, his heart burning with deep anguish. His mind being
unhinged by excessive infatuation he tossed about like a fish that had been inebriated
by sucking the foam of early rain water (which is intoxicating to the fish). All the queens
wailed and wept; how can their great misfortune be described? At the sound of their wails
sorrow itself was sorrowful and endurance could no longer endure. (14)
0s rr fa f rs r=
f fn s ff r f r=+ {~-+
Do.: bhayau kolhalu avadha ati suni npa rura soru,
bipula bihaga bana pareu nisi mnahu kulisa kahoru.153.
Ayodhy was in great tumult at the sound of the outcry in the royal gynaeceum:
it seemed as if a cruel thunderbolt had fallen at night on a large habitat of birds. (153)
0r na s r f ft r r+
;t f ; rt f f rt+.{+
rr t rr f f s f rr+
s f t r art rt rt+.+
r fr f fr= r frn rf r=+
r ar r s f f r+.-+
t f a r; r= rf a fzf fr=+
f f f f rt r f ff rt+.+
Cau.: prna kathagata bhayau bhulu, mani bihna janu bykula bylu.

sakala bikala bhai

bhr, janu sara sarasija banu binu br.1.


npu dkha maln, rabikula rabi a thayau jiya jn.

ura dhari dhra rma mahatr, bol bacana samaya anusr.2.
ntha samujhi mana karia bicru, rma biyoga payodhi apr u.
karanadhra tumha avadha jahju, caRheu sakala priya pathika samju.3.
dhraju dharia ta pia pr u, nhi

ta b uRihi sabu parivr u.

jau jiya dharia binaya piya mor, rmu lakhanu siya milahi

The life-breath of the king had now stuck to his throat; he felt uneasy like a serpent
robbed of its gem. All his senses were blighted as a cluster of lotuses in a lake that had
been left without water. When Kausaly saw the king withered and blasted, she
concluded in her mind that the sun of the solar race was about to set. Summoning up
courage, therefore, r Rmas mother spoke words appropriate to the occasion: Ponder
in your heart, my lord, and reflect that separation from Rma is a vast ocean, you are
the helmsman and Ayodhy the bark which has been boarded by our near and dear ones
as its passengers. We can hope to reach a shore only if you have patience. If not, the
whole family will be drowned. If you take to heart this entreaty of mine, my beloved lord,
we are sure to see Rma, Lakmaa and St again. (14)
0fr a fas rf srrrf
aa t t ta ta rf+ {~+
Do.: priy bacana mdu sunata npu citayau

khi ughri,
talaphata mna malna janu scata stala bri.154.
Hearing these soft words of his beloved queen, the king opened his eyes and
looked up like a writhing wretched fish that had been sprinkled with cold water. (154)
0f t sf r r r r+
r r t f r t+.{+
fa rs f r at ; n f frfa rat+
ar r f r; rf r r;+.+
s f a ;farr r fa fn t rr+
r a rf rr f r frr+.-+
r rr r fta ar f fa a f ta+
r rt r rr r fa fa fa ra +.+
Cau.: dhari dhraju uhi baiha bhulu, kahu sumatra kaha rma kpl u.

lakhanu kaha rmu saneh, kaha priya putrabadh u baideh.1.

bilapata ru bikala bahu bh

t, bhai juga sarisa sirti na rt.

tpasa adha spa sudhi , kausalyahi saba kath sun.2.
bhayau bikala baranata itihs, rma rahita dhiga jvana s.
so tanu rkhi karaba mai

kh, jehi

na prema panu mora nibh.3.

h raghunadana prna pirte, tumha binu jiata bahuta dina bte.
h jnak lakhana h raghubara, h pitu hita cita ctaka jaladhara.4.
Recovering himself the king got up and sat down. Tell me, Sumantra, where is my
gracious Rma? Where is Lakmaa and where my loving Rma? Where is my beloved
daughter-in-law, Vaideh? The restless monarch wailed in many ways; the night seemed
to him like an age and he felt as though it would never end. He was reminded of the blind
hermits curse and he narrated the whole story to Kausaly. He was filled with agony as he
related the circumstances*. Fie on the hope of surviving without Rma. What shall I gain
* The story has been told at length in the Rmyaa of Vlmki (Ayodhy-Ka, Cantos 63-64). One
day, when Daaratha was still young, he was out hunting and rode to the bank of the Sarayu in search of
game. The sun had set and the king heard at a distance what he believed to be the trumpeting of a wild
elephant. The king, who was expert at hitting an invisible mark by its sound, discharged an arrow and lo! it
struck a young hermit, ravaa by name, who had been filling a pitcher for the use of his blind and aged
parents. The king discovered to his great chagrin that what he had mistaken for the trumpeting of an elephant
had been the gurgling sound caused by the filling of the pitcher. The hermit did not mind his own death; but
he was worried about his helpless parents, who wholly depended on him. He therefore, implored the king to
carry the water to the hermitage and inform his parents of what had happened to their son. With these dying
words the hermit breathed his last and the king did as he was bid by the young anchorite. ravaas parents,
when they heard of his sad fate, begged the king to conduct them to the place where their son was and in their
excessive agony pronounced a curse on the king that he too would die of grief for the loss of a son. It is of this
incident that the king is reminded at the hour of his death.
by preserving this body, which has failed to keep my vow of love? O delighter of Raghus,
who are dear to me as life, already I have lived too long without you. Ah, Janakas daughter
and Lakmaa, Ah, Chief of Raghus line, who gladdened the loving heart of your father as
a rain-cloud delights the Ctaka bird. (14)
0r r f r f r r f r
a ff rr f rs ns r+ {~~+
Do.: rma rma kahi rma kahi rma rma kahi rma,
tanu parihari raghubara biraha ru gayau suradhma.155.
Crying Rma, Rma and again Rma and yet again Rma, Rma, Rma, the
king cast off his body in his agony of separation from the Chief of Raghus line and
ascended to the abode of gods. (155)
0f rr z rr+
fa r f frr r f f rr+.{+
r f rf rt = t a rt+
f fr rr f fa rf rr+.+
ff f r = rt rr rr = f rt+
s r r r f n = fr+.-+
nrt ;f t ft t- n t+
f ff fa f frt r rf rt+.+
Cau.: jiana marana phalu dasaratha pv, aa aneka amala jasu chv.
jiata rma bidhu badanu nihr, rma biraha kari maranu sa vr.1.
soka bikala saba rovahi

rn, rupu slu balu teju bakhn.


bilpa aneka prakr, parahi

bhumitala brahi


bikala dsa aru ds, ghara ghara rudanu karahi

a thayau ju bhnukula bhnu, dharama avadhi guna rupa nidhnu.3.

sakala kaikaihi deh

, nayana bihna knha jaga jeh

ehi bidhi bilapata raini bihn, e sakala mahmuni gyn.4.
It was King Daaratha who reaped the reward both of his life and death. His
untarnished fame spread through a number of universes; as long as he lived he gazed
on r Rmas moonlike countenance and brought glory to his death by making the
separation from r Rma his excuse for it. Stricken with grief all the queens wept and
praised his comeliness of form, amiable manners, bodily might and majesty. They
lamented in a variety of ways throwing themselves upon the ground again and again.
Men-servants and maid-servants alike wailed in anguish and there was weeping in every
house throughout the city. Today has set the sun of the solar race the perfection of
righteousness, the repository of beauty and virtues. Everyone abused Kaikey, who had
robbed the world of its very eyes. In this way they wailed till the close of night, when all
the great and enlightened hermits arrived. (14)
0a f f f ;far
r rs f f fr r+ {~+
Do.: taba basiha muni samaya sama kahi aneka itihsa,
soka nevreu sabahi kara nija bigyna praksa.156.
Then the sage Vasiha narrated a number of legends befitting the occasion and
dispersed the gloom that hung over them all by the light of his wisdom. (156)
0a r f a rr a rr; f rr+
r fn a f r f a f r+.{+
a; a r; n rr; s rs r;+
f f r r r n rf r+.+
s a n rf a a a+
f rfa r r rfn f rf r+.-+
f r; f f rr f f f ff rr+
rnf z r; ra fa f r;+.+
Cau.: tela nva bhari npa tanu rkh, d uta boli bahuri asa bh.
dhvahu begi bharata pahi

jhu, npa sudhi katahu kahahu jani khu.1.

etanei kahehu bharata sana j, gura boli pahayau dou bh.
suni muni yasu dhvana dhe, cale bega bara bji laje.2.
anarathu avadha arabheu jaba te , kusaguna hohi

bharata kahu taba te .


rti bhaynaka sapan, jgi karahi

kau koi kalapan.3.

bipra jev

i dehi

dina dn, siva abhieka karahi

bidhi nn.

hdaya mahesa man, kusala mtu pitu parijana bh.4.

The sage caused a boat to be filled with oil and had the kings body placed in it
(to guard against decomposition); he then summoned envoys and spoke to them thus,
Run quickly and go to Bharata; but break not the news about the king to anyone at any
place. Approaching Bharata tell him only this much: The preceptor has sent for you two
brothers. Hearing the sages orders the couriers rushed alongwith a speed that would
put an excellent steed to shame. Ever since things began to take a vicious turn in
Ayodhy evil omens occured before Bharata. He saw fearful dreams at night and on
waking indulged in all sorts of unpleasant speculations. He would feast Brhmaas daily
and bestow gifts on them. With elaborate ritual he would sprinkle water over an image
of Bhagavn iva and invoking the great Lord in his heart, begged of Him the welfare
of his parents, family and half-brothers. (14)
0f ff ra a r r;
n r >r f n r;+ {~+
Do.: ehi bidhi socata bharata mana dhvana pahu ce i,
gura anussana ravana suni cale ganesu mani.157.
While Bharata was thus passing an anxious time the courier arrived. And hearing
the Gurus commands he proceeded with an invocation to Lord Gaea. (157)
0 t n r rrra fa r+
z r z rr; rf f rs szr;+.{+
f r; f ff a n fr;+
n rf n rr f rfa a rr+.+
fr rf far f f r; a r+
>rta far rnr n= ff r rnr+.-+
n n n rf r r frn rn fnr+
n rf f rt f- fa rt+.+
Cau.: cale samra bega haya h

ke, nghata sarita saila bana b

hdaya socu baRa kachu na soh, asa jnahi

jiya ju uR.1.
eka nimea baraa sama j, ehi bidhi bharata nagara niar.
asaguna hohi

nagara paihr, raahi


ti kukheta karr.2.
khara sira bolahi

pratik ul, suni suni hoi bharata mana s ul.

rhata sara sarit bana bg, nagaru bisei bhayvanu lg.3.
khaga mga haya gaya jhi

na joe, rma biyoga kuroga bigoe.

nagara nri nara nipaa dukhr, manahu sabanhi saba sapati hr.4.
Urging the horses to run as fast as the wind he went on his journey crossing
difficult streams, hills and forests. There was such a great anxiety in his heart that
nothing would please him. He thought to himself, Would that I could fly home. Every
moment hung heavy like an year. In this way Bharata drew near to the city. Evil omens
occurred to him as he entered the city. Crows cawed in an ominous way at undesirable
places. Donkeys and jackals gave a cry that foreboded evil and which pierced Bharata
to the heart as he listened to it. Lakes and rivers, groves and gardens had lost their
charm; while the city wore a particulary dismal look. Birds and fawns, horses and
elephants were too wretched to look at, undone by the fell disease of separation from
Rma. The people of the city, both men and women, were extremely miserable as though
all of them had lost everything they had in their possession. (14)
0 ff f nf rrf rf
a f f fr rf+ {~c+
Do.: purajana milahi

na kahahi

kachu gava hi



bharata kusala pu

chi na sakahi

bhaya bida mana mhi

The citizens met him but spoke not a word; they made obeisance and quietly
passed on. Bharata too could not enquire after their welfare, his mind being obsessed
with fear and grief. (158)
0r r f r; frt ff rfn rt+
ra a f ff t f = ff+.{+
f rat fa sf r; r f f ; r; +
a fa fr= frr r af rr+.+
; fa f r at fa r; frat+
af r f r fa r+.-+
f a r; t f r;+
ara r rar f r f rar+.+
Cau.: ha ba nahi

ji nihr, janu pura daha disi lgi davr.

vata suta suni kaikayanadini, hara rabikula jalaruha cadini.1.
saji rat mudita uhi dh, dvrehi

bhe i bhavana lei .

bharata dukhita parivru nihr, mnahu tuhina banaja banu mr.2.
kaike haraita ehi bh

t, manahu mudita dava li kirt.

sutahi sasoca dekhi manu mre , pu

chati naihara kusala hamre .3.

sakala kusala kahi bharata sun, pu

ch nija kula kusala bhal.

kahu kaha tta kah

saba mt, kaha siya rma lakhana priya bhrt.4.

The bazars and the streets repelled the sight as though a wild conflagration had
broken out in the city on all sides. Kaikey, who was to the solar race what the moon is
to the lotuses, was rejoiced to hear of her sons approach. Preparing lights for waving
round his head, she sprang up and ran glad at heart, and meeting him at the very door
conducted him into her apartments. Bharata saw with wonder that while the household
wore a wretched appearance like a bed of lotuses blasted by frost, Kaikey was as
happy as a Bhla woman who had set a whole forest ablaze. Seeing her son melancholy
and depressed in spirits, she asked him: Is all well in my mothers house? Bharata
assured her that everything was well and then enquired after the health and welfare of
his own family: Tell me, where is my father and where all mothers, and where is St
and my beloved brothers, r Rma and Lakmaa? (14)
0f a t f
a >r rff rt + {~+
Do.: suni suta bacana sanehamaya kapaa nra bhari naina,
bharata ravana mana sula sama ppini bol baina.159.
On hearing her sons affectionate words the sinful woman brought crocodile tears
to her eyes and spoke words that pierced his ears and soul as so many shafts. (159)
0ara ra rt r r frt+
r ff t fnrs fa fa n rs+.{+
a a f frr s f f rr+
ara ara r ara rt fa r rt+.+
a rs art ara rf rt+
f t f s rt fa a art+.-+
f a fa ; rf r ;+
rf a rf t f r fa t+.+
Cau.: tta bta mai

sakala sa vr, bhai mathar sahya bicr.

kachuka kja bidhi bca bigreu, bh upati surapati pura pagu dhreu.1.
sunata bharatu bhae bibasa bid, janu sahameu kari kehari nd.
tta tta h tta pukr, pare bh umitala bykula bhr.2.
calata na dekhana pyau toh, tta na rmahi sa u

pehu moh.
bahuri dhra dhari uhe sa bhr, kahu pitu marana hetu mahatr.3.
suni suta bacana kahati kaike, maramu p

chi janu mhura de.

dihu te saba pani karan, kuila kahora mudita mana baran.4.
I have accomplished everything for you, my son; and poor Manthar has been of
great help to me. Only God has marred our plans a little before they could be completed;
the king has departed to Indras paradise. As soon as he heard this, Bharata was
overcome with grief as an elephant who is terrified at the roar of a lion. Crying Father,
father, Ah my father! he fell to the ground much agitated. I could not see you before you
left, nor did you, my father, entrust me to the care of r Rma. Then, collecting himself
he got up with some effort and said, Tell me, mother, the cause of my fathers demise.
Hearing the words of her son she replied as one who had cut a vital part and inserted
poison into it. With a glad heart the cruel and wicked woman recounted from the very
beginning all that she had done. (14)
0af fs fa a r n
a s rf f fa f + {+
Do.: bharatahi bisareu pitu marana sunata rma bana gaunu,
hetu apanapau jni jiya thakita rahe dhari maunu.160.
Hearing of r Rmas exile to the forest Bharata forgot his fathers death; and
realizing in his heart that he was at the root of it he remained mute and stupefied. (160)
0f frf af rrfa r nrfa+
ara rs f r rn f ; a t- s rn +.{+
ta r a fa fr+
rf r f fa r r +.+
f f s rr= r a rn nr=+
t f f f srr rff f rfa rr+.-+
=f t fa art a r r rt+
z rf a rs t r t f ffa rf str+.+
Cau.: bikala biloki sutahi samujhvati, manahu jare para lonu lagvati.
tta ru nahi

socai jogu, biRhai sukta jasu knheu bhogu.1.

jvata sakala janama phala pe, ata amarapati sadana sidhe.
asa anumni soca pariharah u, sahita samja rja pura karah u.2.
suni suhi sahameu rjakumr u, pke chata janu lga a gr u.
dhraja dhari bhari lehi

uss, ppini sabahi bh

ti kula ns.3.
jau pai kuruci rah ati toh, janamata khe na mre moh.
peRa ki tai

plau s

c, mna jiana niti bri ulc.4.

Observing his sons distress she comforted him like one who applied salt to a
burn. The king, my son, is not fit for lamentation. He not only reaped a rich harvest of
merit and renown but enjoyed life also. During his life-time he obtained all the rewards
of human existence and in the end ascended to the abode of Indra (the lord of immortals).
Pondering thus cease sorrowing and rule the kingdom with all its limbs (such as the
army, the exchequer, the ministers and so on). The prince was utterly dismayed to hear
these words as though a festering sore had been touched by a live coal. Recovering
himself he heaved a deep sigh and said, O wicked woman, you have brought complete
ruin to our family. If you bore such deep malice, why did you not kill me as soon as I
was born? Cutting down the tree you have watered a leaf and you have drained the pond
for keeping the fish alive. (14)
0 r r;
t a t ; ff r;+.{{+
Do.: hasabasu dasarathu janaku rma lakhana se bhi,
janan tu

janan bha bidhi sana kachu na basi.161.

Claiming my descent from the sun-god, with King Daaratha for my father and
Rma and Lakmaa for my brothers I have had you, mother, for my mother! One is
powerless against Providence. (161)
0 a fa a f z z r; zs n+
rna ; f tr nf t s tr+.{+
atfa arf ff t-t r ff fa f t-t+
ff rf z nfa rt rr n rt+.+
t a r r ff r at r+
r t a n rt f rrr rf rt+.-+
fa fa r as art r a f - rt+
r f r f f r; rf r sf f r;+.+
Cau.: jaba tai

kumati kumata jiya haya u, khaa khaa hoi hdau na gayau.

bara mgata mana bhai nahi

pr, gari na jha muha pareu na kr.1.

bhupa pratti tori kimi knh, marana kla bidhi mati hari lnh.
bidhihu na nri hdaya gati jn, sakala kapaa agha avaguna khn.2.
sarala susla dharama rata r u, so kimi jnai tya subh u.
asa ko jva jatu jaga mh

, jehi raghuntha prnapriya nh

bhe ati ahita rmu teu toh, ko tu ahasi satya kahu moh.
jo hasi so hasi muha masi l,

khi oa uhi baihahi j.4.

The moment, O malicious woman, you contrived this evil design in your mind,
how is it your heart did not break into pieces? While asking for the boons you did not
feel the stings of conscience, your tongue did not fall off nor did your mouth fester? How
did the king trust you? Surely God must have robbed him of his senses on the eve of
his death. Even the Creator has not been able to know the working of a womans heart,
the repository of all deceit, sin and vice! Simple, amiable and pious as the king was, how
could he know the nature of a woman? What living creature is there in the world, to whom
the Lord of Raghus is not dear as life itself? Yet even that Rma appeared to you as a
great enemy. Tell me the truth, therefore, to what species do you belong? Whatever you
may be, you had better bedaub your face with ink and leaving my presence remove to
some place out of my sight. (14)
0r frt z a n t- ff rf
r r r rat rf s arf+ {+
Do.: rma birodh hdaya te pragaa knha bidhi mohi,
mo samna ko ptak bdi kahau kachu tohi.162.
Nay, God has created me out of a heart hostile to Rma! Who is there so sinful
as myself? In vain, therefore, do I taunt you. (162)
0f rrr ra fr; f nra f r;+
af t a r; f ff r;+.{+
f f s rr r; a rra rfa r;+
fn ra af rr f f a rr+.+
s r= fa =f r=+
r ; r rr a t ; rr+.-+
f f f f rt n rrt f f rrt+
a rff tf- zr; rr f n rs r;+.+
Cau.: suni satrughuna mtu kuil, jarahi

gta risa kachu na bas.

tehi avasara kubar taha , basana bibhuana bibidha ban.1.
lakhi risa bhareu lakhana laghu bh, barata anala ghta huti p.
humagi lta taki kubara mr, pari muha bhara mahi karata pukr.2.
kubara ueu phua kapr u, dalita dasana mukha rudhira pracru.
ha daia mai

kha nasv, karata nka phalu anaisa pv.3.

suni ripuhana lakhi nakha sikha kho, lage ghasana dhari dhari jho.
bharata daynidhi dnhi chaR, kausaly pahi

ge dou bh.4.
When atrughna heard of mother Kaikeys wickedness, he burned all over with
rage; but there was no help. That very moment came the hunchback (Manthar) clad in
a variety of rich costumes and adorned with various ornaments. The very sight of that
woman filled Lakmaas younger brother with anger as though clarified butter had been
poured into fire. Springing forward he kicked her with such steady aim at the hump that
she fell flat on her face and screamed aloud. Her hump was smashed, her head split and
her teeth broken and her mouth emitted blood. Ah, my God! what harm have I done?
Surely this is an ill recompense for my services. Hearing this and seeing her vile from
head to foot, atrughna (the slayer of his foes) seized her by the hair on her head and
began to drag her till the merciful Bharata rescued her. The two brothers then called on
mother Kausaly. (14)
0f f f t r
f r t ar+ {-+
Do.: malina basana bibarana bikala ksa sarra dukha bhra,
kanaka kalapa bara beli bana mnahu han tusra.163.
In sordid attire, pale, agitated and oppressed with woe and with a wasted frame
she looked like a lovely celestial creeper of gold blasted by frost in the forest. (163)
0af f ra sf r; =fa f t r; r;+
a a f rt a r frt+.{+
ra ara f r; f r rs r;+
; a t n rrr f a ; r rrr+.+
f s rt r f rt+
r fa rf f rnt nfa f arf ra f rnt+.-+
fa rr a a+
fn rf s rnt r rnt+.+
Cau.: bharatahi dekhi mtu uhi dh, muruchita avani par jhai

dekhata bharatu bikala bhae bhr, pare carana tana das bisr.1.
mtu tta kaha dehi dekh, kaha siya rmu lakhanu dou bh.
kaikai kata janam jaga mjh, jau janami ta bhai khe na b

kula kalaku jehi

janameu moh, apajasa bhjana priyajana droh.

ko tibhuvana mohi sarisa abhg, gati asi tori mtu jehi lg.3.
pitu surapura bana raghubara ket u, mai

kevala saba anaratha het u.

dhiga mohi bhayau benu bana g, dusaha dha dukha duana bhg.4.
When mother Kausaly saw Bharata, she sprang up and ran to meet him; but she
felt giddy and dropped unconscious on the ground. Bharata was deeply moved to see
her plight and threw himself at her feet forgetting the condition of his own body. Mother,
show me my father. Where is St and the two brothers, r Rma and Lakmaa? Why
was Kaikey born into this world at all? And if born, why did she not remain barren instead
of bearing me, a blot on my family, a very sink of infamy and an enemy of near and dear
ones? Who in the three spheres is so wretched as I, on whose account, mother, you
have been reduced to such a plight. My father is in heaven and r Rma, the Chief of
Raghus line, is in the woods; it is I who like a shooting star am responsible for the whole
trouble. Woe be to me, who have proved to be for my family a very fire among the
bamboos and a victim of terrible agony, suffering and censure. (14)
0ra a f f st rf
f sr; nr; s r rfa rf+ {+
Do.: mtu bharata ke bacana mdu suni puni uh sa bhri,
lie uhi lagi ura locana mocati bri.164.
On hearing Bharatas tender words, Kausaly rose with a renewed effort and lifting
him clasped him to her bosom; while tears streamed from her eyes. (164)
0 r r f r fa fa r ff r+
s f rr r; r z r;+.{+
f rs a r; r ra r r;+
rar a nr r r rf sr+.+
- f t s fr r f+
f r f rf nrt r nfa rrfa rt+.-+
rf r f arar r rf ff r frar+
r a rf frr r r; r af rr+.+
Cau.: sarala subhya mya hiya le, ati hita manahu rma phiri e.
bheeu bahuri lakhana laghubh, soku sanehu na hdaya sam.1.
dekhi subhu kahata sabu ko, rma mtu asa khe na ho.

bharatu goda baihre,

su pochi mdu bacana ucre.2.

ajahu baccha bali dhraja dharah u, kusamau samujhi soka pariharah u.
jani mnahu hiya hni galn, kla karama gati aghaita jn.3.
khuhi dosu dehu jani tt, bh mohi saba bidhi bma bidht.
jo etehu dukha mohi jiv, ajahu ko jnai k tehi bhv.4.
Guileless by nature, mother Kausaly pressed him to her bosom with utmost
affection as though r Rma Himself had come back. She then embraced Lakmaas
younger brother (atrughna); her heart was too full with grief and love. Everyone who
saw her loving disposition said, Rmas mother that she is, no wonder she should be
so loving. The mother seated Bharata in her lap and wiping away his tears spoke to him
in soothing words: I adjure you, my child, to compose yourself even now; knowing this
to be an unpropitious time sorrow no more. Take not to heart the loss we have sustained
and feel no remorse for it, remembering that the course of time and fate is unalterable.
Do not blame anyone, my son; it is Providence that has turned hostile to me in every-
way. And when He makes me survive even under such trying circumstances, who
knows what may be His pleasure with regard to me even now? (14)
0fa r ara a rrt
fs z f t+ {~+
do.: pitu yasa bhuana basana tta taje raghubra,
bisamau harau na hdaya kachu pahire balakala cra.165.
At his fathers command, dear child, the hero of Raghus line discarded his
ornaments and princely apparel and put on a hermits dress (consisting of the bark of
trees) without either sorrow or exultation. (165)
0 r n r ff f far+
ff f f n rnt ; r rnt+.{+
af sf rr f a f rrrr+
a rrfa t f= r; n f = rr r;+.+
r f f fr n;s n r r+
r ;- rf- rn as ar a t rn+.-+
rf r f frt r f a art+
f fa rr r z a f rr+.+
Cau.: mukha prasanna mana raga na rou, saba kara saba bidhi kari parito u.
cale bipina suni siya sa ga lg, rahai na rma carana anurg.1.

lakhanu cale uhi sth, rahahi

na jatana kie raghunth.

taba raghupati sabah siru n, cale saga siya aru laghu bh.2.
rmu lakhanu siya banahi sidhe, gaiu na saga na prna pahe.
yahu sabu bh inha

khinha ge , tau na taj tanu jva abhge .3.

mohi na lja nija nehu nihr, rma sarisa suta mai

jiai marai bhala bhupati jn, mora hdaya sata kulisa samn.4.
With a cheerful countenance, and without either joy or anger, he comforted all in
everyway and proceeded to the forest. Hearing this St followed him and would not stay,
devoted as she was to Rmas feet. Lakmaa also, when he heard this, sprang up and
accompanied them; he would not be left behind even though the Lord of Raghus tried his
best to detain him. The Lord of Raghus then bowed his head to all and departed with St
and his younger brother (Lakmaa). So Rma, Lakmaa and St left for the woods,
whereas I neither accompanied them nor sent my soul after them (leaving my body
here). All this happened before these eyes and yet this wretched soul did not take leave
of the body. I am not ashamed of my love; to think that a son like Rma should have
a mother like me! The king knew well how to live and how to die; whereas my heart is
a hundred times harder than adamant. (14)
0 rr f a fa fr
r fa rn r r r+ {+
Do.: kausaly ke bacana suni bharata sahita ranivsu,
bykula bilapata rjagha mnahu soka nevsu.166.
Hearing Kausalys words, Bharata and the whole gynaeceum wailed in distress;
the kings palace seemed the very abode of sorrow. (166)
0 ff f a rs r; rr f z nr;+
rfa a rr f f r+.{+
a ra rr; f r >rfa r r;+
ft f rt r a rf n rt+.+
rr ra far a r nr; nr f r+
rr fa r t- ta tfa r t-+.-+
ra sra t f t+
a ra rf r frar r; r a rar+.+
Cau.: bilapahi

bikala bharata dou bh, kausaly

lie hdaya lag.


ti aneka bharatu samujhe, kahi bibekamaya bacana sune.1.

bharatahu mtu sakala samujh

, kahi purna ruti kath suh

chala bihna suci sarala subn, bole bharata jori juga pn.2.
je agha mtu pit suta mre , gi goha mahisura pura jre .
je agha tiya blaka badha knhe , mta mahpati mhura dnhe .3.
je ptaka upaptaka ahah

, karama bacana mana bhava kabi kahah

te ptaka mohi hohu bidht, jau yahu hoi mora mata mt.4.
Much agitated, the two brothers, Bharata and atrughna, loudly lamented and
Kausaly clasped them to her bosom. She comforted Bharata in many ways and
tendered words of wisdom to him. Bharata too in his turn consoled all his mothers,
narrating legends from the Puras and Vedas. Joining both his palms he addressed
them in guileless, innocent, simple and charming words: The sins attaching to the
murder of ones mother, father or son and to the act of setting fire to a cowpen or a village
of Brhmaas, and those incurred by slaying a woman or child and by administering
poison to a friend or a monarch, nay, all the major and minor sins of thought, word or
deed, that have been enumerated by the seers,let all such sins be mine if, my mother,
this plot has my concurrence. (14)
0 ff f f an rrr
af ; nfa rf s ff t a r+ {+
Do.: je parihari hari hara carana bhajahi

bhutagana ghora,
tehi kai gati mohi deu bidhi jau janan mata mora.167.
May Providence award me the fate of those who forsaking the feet of r Hari and
Lord iva worship frightful ghosts, if, mother, I have complicity in this plot. (167)
0f f t f r r f t+
t f f rt f ft frt+.{+
rt rrr arf rr+
r fa- nfa rrrr t a rr+.+
f rn rn r f rn+
f f a r; f-f f rr;+.-+
af >rfa r t ff n t+
fa- nfa rf t r +.+
Cau.: becahi

bedu dharamu duhi leh

, pisuna parya ppa kahi deh

kapa kuila kalahapriya krodh, beda biduaka bisva birodh.1.
lobh lapaa lolupacr, je tkahi

paradhanu paradr.
pvau mai

tinha kai gati ghor, jau janan yahu samata mor.2.

je nahi

sdhusaga anurge, paramratha patha bimukha abhge.

je na bhajahi

hari naratanu p, jinhahi na hari hara sujasu soh.3.

taji rutipathu bma patha calah

, bacaka biraci bea jagu chalah

tinha kai gati mohi sakara deu, janan jau yahu jnau bhe u.4.
If, mother, all this has my approval, let me share the terrible fate of those who sell
the Vedas, exploit their piety, are given to backbiting and expose others sins, who are
deceitful, wicked, quarrelsome and irascible, who revile the Vedas and are hostile to the
world, nay, who are greedy and lecherous and behave as the repacious do, and who
cast their eyes on others wealth and others wife. Nay, mother, if I ever knew this secret,
may Lord iva allot me the fate of those wretches who love not the company of the
virtuous, who have rejected the path leading to God-Realization, who worship not r
Hari even though blessed with a human form, and take no delight in the glory of r Hari
and Lord iva, who have abandoned the path of the Vedas and follow the contrary way,
and who are impostors and deceive the world by assuming false appearances. (14)
0ra a f r r
fa r f ara ar r r+ {c+
Do.: mtu bharata ke bacana suni s

ce sarala subhya ,
kahati rma priya tta tumha sad bacana mana kya .168.
Hearing Bharatas truthful, artless and sincere words mother Kausaly said, You,
my dear child, have always loved Rma in thought, word and deed. (168)
0r r a r arr ar rrfaf r a tr+
f f n f rnt r; rf rf frnt+.{+
r = f r ar rf fa r+
a arr r n t r nfa t+.+
f ra a f r nf r+
a fr a f r at f tfa n; rat+.-+
rs f a r f r rr+
f rfa a s f r +.+
Cau.: rma prnahu te prna tumhre, tumha raghupatihi prnahu te pyre.
bidhu bia cavai sravai himu g, hoi bricara bri birg.1.
bhae gynu baru miai na mohu, tumha rmahi pratikula na hohu.
mata tumhra yahu jo jaga kahah

, so sapanehu sukha sugati na lahah

asa kahi mtu bharatu hiya le, thana paya sravahi

nayana jala che.

karata bilpa bahuta yahi bh

t, baihehi

bti ga saba rt.3.

bmadeu basiha taba e, saciva mahjana sakala bole.
muni bahu bh

ti bharata upadese, kahi paramratha bacana sudese.4.

Rma is dearer to you than your own life, and likewise you are dearer to the Lord
of Raghus than his own life. The moon may diffuse poison (through her rays) and snow
emit fire; nay, an aquatic creature may shun water and spiritual enlightenment may fail
to eradicate error; but in no case will you turn hostile to Rma. Those in this world who
allege this plot was contrived with your connivance shall never attain happiness or
salvation even in a dream. So saying mother Kausaly clasped Bharata to her bosom;
milk began to flow from her breasts and her eyes filled with tears. In this way they
squatted away the whole night lamenting in profusion. The sages Vmadeva and
Vasiha then came and summoned all the ministers and the elite of the city. Vasiha
admonished Bharata in many ways speaking to him words of wisdom appropriate to the
occasion. (14)
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Do.: tta hdaya dhraju dharahu karahu jo avasara ju,
uhe bharata gura bacana suni karana kaheu sabu sju.169.
Have courage in your heart, dear son, and do what the occasion demands
today. Hearing his preceptors commands Bharata rose and asked everything to be
got ready. (169)
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