Linear Feedback Shift Register

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The key takeaways are that random number generators have many useful applications and two common types are linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) and nonlinear combination generators. LFSRs are pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) that can be implemented in hardware using Verilog.

Some applications of random number generators discussed are playing games, statistical simulations, security protocols like encryption, and simulations like modeling customer behavior in a shopping center.

The two main types of random number generators discussed are linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) which generate pseudo-random numbers, and nonlinear combination generators designed by Tkacik.

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Spring 2008 Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

A Design Lecture Patrick Schaumont

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

What is a random number generator?

Random Number Generator

11, 86, 82, 52, 60, 46, 64, 10, 98, 2, ...

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

What do I do with randomness?

Play games!
Have the monsters appear in different rooms every time

Do statistical simulations
Simulate customers in a shopping center (find the best spot for a new Chuck E Cheese)

Run security protocols

Make protocol resistent against replay

Encrypt documents
Use random numbers as key stream

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Encrypt Documents
stream of bytes plaintext XOR Random Number Generator 'one-time pad' XOR decrypted stream of bytes plaintext

encrypted stream of bytes cryptext

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Random numbers by physical methods

Use dice, coin flips, roulette Use thermal noise (diodes and resistors) Use clock jitter (use ring oscillators) Use radioactive decay Use Lava Lamps

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Random numbers by computational methods

Not truly random, but pseudo random
meaning, after some time the same sequence returns

Linear Congruential Generator x(n+1) = [ a.x(b) + b ] mod m

Eg. a = 15, b = 5, m = 7 X(0) = 1 X(1) = (15 + 5) mod 7 = 6 x(2) = (15*6 + 5) mod 7 = 4 x(3) = 2 x(4) = 0 x(5) = 5 x(6) = 3 x(7) = 1 x(8) = ...
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

a, b, m must be chosen carefully! for a maximum lenth sequence

A quick way to generate random numbers

Verilog has a buildin random number generator
module random(q); output [0:31] q; reg [0:31] q; initial r_seed = 2; always #10 q = $random(r_seed); endmodule

Nice, but only for testbenches Instead, we want an hardware implementation

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

Pseudo Random Numbers in Digital Hardware
shift register

feedback network

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

All zeroes
not very useful ...

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

Non-zero state is more interesting

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

Non-zero state is more interesting


ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

Non-zero state is more interesting


ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

Non-zero state is more interesting


ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

Non-zero state is more interesting


ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

Non-zero state is more interesting


ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

Non-zero state is more interesting

1001101 etc ...

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

This is actually a finite state machine
State Encoding

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

This is actually a finite state machine
0 0 0 1






How many states will you see?

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

15 states
0 0 0 1
















ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

We can specify an LFSR by means of the characteristic polynomial (also called feedback polynomial)
X^1 X^2 X^3 X^4

P(x) = x^4 + x^3 + 1

There exists elaborate finite-field math to analyze the properties of an LFSR - outside of the scope of this class
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

So, knowing the polynomial you can also draw the LFSR

P(x) = x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + 1

How many taps ? How many 2-input XOR?

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

So, knowing the polynomial you can also draw the LFSR

P(x) = x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + 1

How many taps ? 8 How many 2-input XOR?

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

So, knowing the polynomial you can also draw the LFSR

P(x) = x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + 1

How many taps ? 8 How many 2-input XOR? 3

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Linear Feedback Shift Register

Certain polynomials generate very long state sequences. These are called maximal-length LFSR.

P(X) = x^153 + x^152 + 1 is a maximum-length feedback polynomial

State machine with 2 ^ 153 -1 states ..

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Fibonacci and Galois LFSR

This format is called a Fibonacci LFSR
Fibonacci ~1175-1250

Can be converted to an equivalent Galois LFSR

4 3 2 1

Evariste Galois 1811-1832

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Fibonacci and Galois LFSR

Each Fibonacci LFSR can transform into Galois LFSR:
Reverse numbering of taps Make XOR inputs XOR outputs and vice versa

Example: starting with this Fibonacci LFSR

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Fibonacci and Galois LFSR

Disconnect XOR inputs Reverse tap numbering (not the direction of shifting!)

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Fibonacci and Galois LFSR

Turn XOR inputs into XOR outputs and vice versa

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Which one is better for digital hardware?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Which one is better for digital hardware?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Galois computes all taps in parallel

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Which one is better for software?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Which one is better for software?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

char_v = (char_v >> 1) ^ (-(signed char) (char_v & 1) & 0xe)

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Let's write an LFSR in Verilog

xor(out, in1, in2)


You need to build this one (structural, behavioral)

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

A Flip flop
module flipflop(q, clk, rst, d); input clk; input rst; input d; output q; reg q; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) q = 0; else q = d; end endmodule

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

A Flip flop
Setup Time:
Time D has to be stable before a clock edge

Hold Time:
Time D has to be stable after clock edge

Propagation Delay:
Delay from clock edge to Q Delay from reset to Q

How to specify propagation delay ?

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

A Flip flop
module flipflop(q, clk, rst, d); input clk; input rst; input d; output q; reg q; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) q = 0; else q = d; end endmodule

How to specify propagation delay ?

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

A Flip flop
module flipflop(q, clk, rst, d); input clk; input rst; input d; output q; reg q; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) #2 q = 0; else q = #3 d; end specify $setup(d, clk, 2); $hold(clk, d, 0); endspecify
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Test setup, hold See Chapter 10 Palnitkar

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008


Let's turn the LFSR into a module

How to program this?

output (1 bit)

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Let's turn the LFSR into a module

seed (4 bit) load (1 bit)

1 0 1 1 1

output (1 bit)

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Multiplexer symbol


if (control) out = a; else out = b;

module mux(q, control, a, b); output q; reg q; input control, a, b; wire notcontrol; always @(control or notcontrol or a or b) q = (control & a) | (notcontrol & b); not (notcontrol, control); endmodule;

bit multiplexer

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

LFSR, structural
seed (4 bit) load (1 bit)
1 0 1 1 1

output (1 bit)

module lfsr(q, clk, rst, seed, load); ... wire [3:0] state_out; wire [3:0] state_in; flipflop F[3:0] (state_out, clk, rst, state_in); endmodule

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

LFSR, structural
seed (4 bit) load (1 bit)
1 0 1 1 1

output (1 bit) module ... wire wire wire lfsr(q, clk, rst, seed, load); [3:0] state_out; [3:0] state_in; nextbit;

xor G1(nextbit, state_out[2], state_out[3]); assign q = nextbit; endmodule

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

LFSR, structural
seed (4 bit) load (1 bit)
1 0 1 1 1

output (1 bit) module ... wire wire wire lfsr(q, clk, rst, seed, load); [3:0] state_out; [3:0] state_in; nextbit;

mux M1[3:0] (state_in, load, seed, {state_out[2], state_out[1], state_out[0], nextbit}); assign q = nextbit;
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog


Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

LFSR module - complete

module lfsr(q, clk, rst, seed, load); output q; input [3:0] seed; input load; input rst; wire [3:0] state_out; wire [3:0] state_in; flipflop F[3:0] (state_out, clk, rst, state_in); mux M1[3:0] (state_in, load, seed, {state_out[2], state_out[1], state_out[0], nextbit}); xor G1(nextbit, state_out[2], state_out[3]); assign q = nextbit; endmodule
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

LFSR testbench
module lfsrtst; reg clk; reg rst; reg [3:0] seed; reg load; wire q; lfsr L(q, clk, rst, seed, load); // initialization // apply reset pulse initial begin clk = 0; load = 0; seed = 0; rst = 0; #10 rst = 1; #10 rst = 0; end
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

// drive clock always #50 clk = !clk; // program lfsr initial begin #100 seed = 4'b0001; load = 1; #100 load = 0; end endmodule

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Simulation ..

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Synthesis ..

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Place and Route ..

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Can a random number generator have flaws?

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Can a random number generator have flaws?

Problem #1: it can have bias
Meaning: a certain number occurs more often then others Expressed in the entropy rate of the generator Entropy = true information rate (in bit/sec), can be lower then the actual bitrate of the random number generator Example: Assume an RNG that produces three events A,B,C encoded with two bits
symbol A RNG B C probability P(A) = 1/2 P(B) = 1/4 P(C) = 1/4 bitpattern 00 01 10

E.g. ABACAABC... is encoded as 0001001000000110...

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

So this bitstream has much more '0' then '1'. It has a bias.

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Can a random number generator have flaws?

Problem #1: it can have bias
Meaning: a certain number occurs more often then others Expressed in the entropy rate of the generator Entropy = true information rate (in bit/sec), can be lower then the actual bitrate of the random number generator Example: Assume an RNG that produces three events A,B,C encoded with two bits
symbol A RNG B C probability P(A) = 1/2 P(B) = 1/4 P(C) = 1/4 better bitpattern 0 10 11

E.g. ABACAABC... is encoded as 010011001011...

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

In this bitstream, the number of '1' and '0' are balanced.

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Can a random number generator have flaws? Problem #1: it can have bias
Do LFSR have a bias ?

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Can a random number generator have flaws? Problem #1: it can have bias
Do LFSR have a bias ? Yes, they have a small bias because the all-zero state never appears. However, for a very long LFSR, the bias becomes negligible

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Can a random number generator have flaws? Problem #2: it can be predicted
Not when truly random phsysical phenomena But, if it is a Pseudo RNG (like an LFSR), it is a deterministic sequence. Is this really a problem? Yes!
Don't want to use a predictable RNG for dealing cards, driving a slot machine, ... (at least not if you own the place). Don't want to use predicatable RNG in security. Predicability = weakness

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Can a random number generator have flaws? Problem #2: it can be predicted
The real issue for PRNG is: can the value of bit N+1 be predicted when someone observes the first N bits.
closed box
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

The next one will be .. 1 !


ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

LFSR are very predictable ..

Predicting the next output bit is equivalent to knowing the feedback pattern of the LFSR and the states of all LFSR flip-flops. Mathematicians (Berlekamp-Massey) found that:
Given an N-bit LFSR with unknown feedback pattern, then only 2N bits are needed to predict bit 2N + 1

So let's say we have and 8-bit LFSR, then we need only 16 bits of the RNG stream before it becomes predicatble LFSR are unsuited for everything that should be unpredictable
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

To be unpredictable, the LFSR should be long

Solution 1 Use a maximal-length P(x) = x^N + ... + 1 with N >>> (E.g. 65,536) Very expensive to make! 64K flip-flops .. Solution 2: Non-linear Combination Generator A short LFSR1 short LFSR2 short LFSR3
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog


non linear func


Eg. out = AB ^ BC ^ C
Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Example design by Tkacik, 2002

Cellular Automata Shift Register

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Example design by Tkacik, 2002

43-bit LFSR defined by
P(X) = X^43 + X^41 + X^20 + X + 1 => 3XOR, 43 taps Maximal Length: 2^43-1 Bias ~ 2^-43 (because all-zero pattern cannot appear)

37-bit cellular automata shift register

Combines previous and next statereg into current state reg Similar to 37 intertwined state machines (automata) Maximal Length: 2^37-1 Bias ~ 2^-37

from 37 ... to 37 1 2

from 1 3

from 2 ...
Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Sample Implementation
On opencores you can find an implementation of Tkacik's design - assigned reading of today
(this design has a few minor differences with the spec written by Tkacik - but OK for our purpose)

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Module interface
module rng(clk,reset,loadseed_i,seed_i,number_o); input clk; input reset; input loadseed_i; input [31:0] seed_i; output [31:0] number_o; reg [31:0] number_o; reg [42:0] LFSR_reg; reg [36:0] CASR_reg; // internal state // internal state

always (.. CASR ..) always (.. LFSR ..) always (.. combine outputs ..)

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

reg[42:0] LFSR_varLFSR; // temporary working var reg outbitLFSR; // temporary working var always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if (!reset ) begin ... end else begin if (loadseed_i ) begin ... end else begin ... end end end
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

reg[42:0] LFSR_varLFSR; // temporary working var reg outbitLFSR; // temporary working var always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if (!reset ) begin LFSR_reg = (1); end assemble bits else begin if (loadseed_i ) LFSR_varLFSR begin LFSR_varLFSR [42:32]=0; LFSR_varLFSR [31:0]=seed_i ; LFSR_reg LFSR_reg = (LFSR_varLFSR ); end else begin ... end end ECE 4514 Digital Design II Patrick Schaumont Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Spring 2008 end

reg[42:0] LFSR_varLFSR; // temporary working var reg outbitLFSR; // temporary working var always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) LFSR_reg begin if (!reset ) LFSR_varLFSR else begin if (loadseed_i ) LFSR_varLFSR else begin LFSR_reg LFSR_varLFSR = LFSR_reg; LFSR_varLFSR [42] = LFSR_varLFSR [41]; outbitLFSR = LFSR_varLFSR [42]; LFSR_varLFSR [42] = LFSR_varLFSR [41]; LFSR_varLFSR [41] = LFSR_varLFSR [40]^outbitLFSR ; // some lines skipped ... LFSR_varLFSR [0] = LFSR_varLFSR [42]; LFSR_reg = LFSR_varLFSR; end end end ECE 4514 Digital Design II Patrick Schaumont
Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Spring 2008

CASR Part (similar ...)

//CASR: reg[36:0] CASR_varCASR,CASR_outCASR; always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if (!reset ) begin ... end else begin if (loadseed_i ) begin ... end else begin ... end end end
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

CASR Part (similar ...)

//CASR: reg[36:0] CASR_varCASR,CASR_outCASR; // temp always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if (!reset ) begin CASR_reg = 1; end else begin if (loadseed_i ) begin CASR_varCASR [36:32]= 0; CASR_varCASR [31:0] = seed_i ; CASR_reg = (CASR_varCASR ); end else begin ... end end ECE 4514 Digital Design II end Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

CASR Part (similar ...)

//CASR: reg[36:0] CASR_varCASR,CASR_outCASR; // temp always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if (!reset ) else begin if (loadseed_i ) else begin CASR_varCASR = CASR_reg ; CASR_outCASR [36]= CASR_varCASR [35]^CASR_varCASR [0]; CASR_outCASR [35]= CASR_varCASR [34]^CASR_varCASR [36]; // ... some lines skipped CASR_reg = CASR_outCASR; end end end
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Combine outputs

always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if (!reset ) begin number_o = (0); end else begin number_o = (LFSR_reg [31:0]^CASR_reg[31:0]); end end

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Simulation ..

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Simulation (looking at the state registers)

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Synthesis ..

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Place and Route ..

ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog

Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

Random number generators
Many useful applications

Linear Feedback Shift Registers: PRNG

Fibonacci and Galois Maximal-length LFSR Structural Verilog Model

Flaws of Random Number Generators

Bias Predictability

Nonlinear Combination Generator

Design by Tkacik Behavioral Verilog Model
ECE 4514 Digital Design II Lecture 6: A Random Number Generator in Verilog Patrick Schaumont Spring 2008

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