BCG Matrix of KFC

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BCG Matrix of KFC The need for strategy, in order to expand its existing

product in very promisingmar kets for KFC is very essential. KFC, along

with McDonalds, and other major fastfood chains have dominated

the American continent as well as else where. Since the1950s when the founder of

KFC had a dream, of building an empire in the fast foodmarket, the company

has undergone lots of changes. The company has changedowne rship; it has

taken over from Pepsi and passed over to Tricon, which owns Pizza hut,Taco bell

and others. Nowad ays, KFC, still dominates the chicken fast food industry while has

stores inmore than 100 countries operating vast profits. (De Witt 'et al.2004a)

Although, due toincreased conditions of life, and differentiation of the life style of the

population aroundthe world, there is still a lots of room for expansion, especially in

countries with large populati on, and high development rate. KFC using the BCG matrix

and SWOT analysisto analyze what is the current position of the company and identify that

the company hasthe potentials to growth in fast food market.In the late 1960s the

Boston Consulting Group, a leading management consultingcom pany,

designed a four-cell matrix known as BCG Growth/Share Matrix. This tool

wasdevelope d to aid companies in the measurement of all their company

businessesacc ording to relative market share and market growth.The BCG Matrix

made a significant contribution to strategic management andcontinues to be an

important strategic tool used by companies today. The matrix providesa

composite picture of the strategic position of each separate business within a

companyso that the management can determine the strengths and the needs of all sectors

of thefirm. The development of the matrix requires the assessment of a business

portfolio,whic h include an organizations autonomous divisions ( activities, or profit

centers).The BCG or growth- share matrix imposes a twodimensional

analysis onmanagemen t of Strategic Business Units: a comparative analysis of

business strength andan assessment of the environment. The business strength

measure is the business;sRel ative Market share. The environmental measure is the

Market Growth Rate.BCG Matrix: The market growth rate measures

industry attractiveness. Becausefor the case of YUM Brand, all SBUs ( KFC, Taco

Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers, A&W) are located in the same fast-

food industry, the referent standard is the industrygrowt h rate measured

against the SBUs growth rate. The underlying theory for examining

market growth rate is the industry life cycle. The BCG assumes that growthrates (

life cycle stages) affect a firms finances.Placi ng products in the BCG matrixresults

in 4 categories in a portfolio of a company:1.St ars (=high growth, high market share)

Use large amounts of cash and are leaders in the business so they

shouldalso generate large amounts of cash.

Frequently roughly in

balance on net cash flow. However if needed anyattempt should be

made to hold share, because the rewards will be a cashcow if market share is kept.

So, KFC Malaysia is under Star position.2.Cas h Cows (=low

growth, high market share)

Profits and cash generation should be

high, and because of the low growth,invest ments needed should be low. Keep profits

high.3.Dogs (=low growth, low market share)

Avoid and minimize the

number of dogs in a company.

Beware of expensive turn around

plans.4.Ques tion Marks (= high growth, low market share) Asia

EuropeU S A A m e r i c a s

Have the worst cash characteristics

of all, because high demands and lowreturns due to low market share

If nothing is done to change the market share, question marks will simplyabsorb

great amounts of cash and later, as the growth stops, a dog.The Characteristic s of each

SBUT y p e SBU StrategyS B U profitsRe quired Investment Net Cash

FlowS T A R H o l d / I n c r e a s e H i g h H i g h -

o a C H d g o

r + C s h o w o l H i h L w H

i g h + Questio n Mark Increase/D ivest0 or Very High o r Disinvest

Highor+D O G H a r v e s t o r D i v e s t L o w o r -

D i s i n v e s t + The analysis requires that both measures be calculated

for each SBU. The business strength dimension, relative market share,

is included to measure competitivead vantage. The KFC is falling on cash cow where a low

growth and high market share is.So, the profit and cash generation is high and

because of low growth, investments neededshould be low. The funds received from cash

cows are often used to help other businesseswit hin the company, to allow the

company to purchase other businesses, or to returndividen ds to

stockholders. So the KFC should hold on what it has doing now.Three Paths to

Success (starcash cowquestion mark) Continuously generate cash

cows and use the cash throw-up by the cash cows toinvest in the question

marks that are not selfsustaining Stars need a lot of reinvestments

and as the market matures, stars will degenerateinto cash cows and the process

will be repeated. As for dogs , segment the markets and

nurse the dogs to health or manage for cashThree Paths to Failure (starquestion

mark-dog, cash cow-dog) Over invest in cash cows and under invest

in question marks Trade further opportunities for present cash flow

Under invest in the stars Allow competitors to gain share in a

high growth market Over milked the cash cows

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Prasanna Lakshmi useful 03 / 19 / 2012

Avni Sharma THANKS 03 / 14 / 2012

Kranthi Kumar BCG 08 / 23 / 2010 dreamgirl00001 dreamgirl00001 03 / 31 / 2010 shwetapathak06

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