Plastic Money
Plastic Money
Plastic Money
Meaning of Money:Money means more than the coin, paper or plastic to acquire goods and services. Money is linked to complex emotions, feelings and behaviors. Each person has "money messages" that are based on past experiences, what you observed and what you were taught. These money messages reflect the attitudes, perceptions and expectations that influence your financial behaviors today. If you think about your childhood, what do you recall about your household, the people and the community around you? What kind of housing, food, and clothing did you have? Did most families have several generations living together in a house? Even if money was scarce, did you always have food on the table? Did you only wear new, named-brand clothing or was using second-hand clothes acceptable? Did you have more than one television in the house?
Types of Money :Basically there are two types of money 1. Paper Money 2. Plastic Money
Paper Money:Currency in the form of government notes and bank notes Cash in the form of banknotes currency in paper form, such as government and bank notes, as distinguished from metal currency.
Plastic Money:Plastic money or polymer money, made out of plastic, is a new and easier way of paying for goods and services. Plastic money was introduced in the 1950s and is now an essential form of ready money which reduces the risk of handling a huge amount of cash. It includes debit cards, ATMs, smart cards, etc. Credit cards, variants of plastic money, are used as substitutes for currency. The plastic note are same as paper but the only difference is that they are made of plastic and more secured but in traveling and shopping people used to carry huge cash which was very unsecured and also increasing crime rate. First payment cards was introduced in the USA. Citibank and HSBC were the pioneers in the Indian credit card market in the 1980
Types of plastic Money:credit Plastic Money is of various forms it could be: A. CARDS B. CURRENCY
TYPES OF CARDS:Credit card Debit card Charge card Amex card Smart card Photo card Master card & visa Diner club card Global card Co-branded card
TYPES OF CREDIT CARD :Premium Credit Cards Cash Back Credit Cards Gold Credit Cards Airline Credit Cards Silver Credit Cards Business Credit Cards Balance Transfer Credit Cards Co-branded Credit Cards Low Interest Credit Cards Lifetime Free Credit Cards
This card is typically meant for high-income group categories and companies and may not be acceptable at many outlets. There are a wide variety of special privileges offered to Amex cardholders.
1.Offer free use of funds, provided you always pay your balance in full, on time. 2. Be more convenient to carry than cash. 3. Help you establish a good credit history. 4. Provide a convenient payment method for purchases made on the Internet and over the telephone. 5. Give you incentives, such as reward points, that you can redeem
Disadvantages :1. Cost much more than other forms of credit, such as a line of credit or a personal loan, if you don't pay on time. 2. Damage your credit rating if your payments are late; 3. Allow you to build up more debt than you can handle; 4. Have complicated terms and conditions