7.1. Count:: Weaving Calculation & Useful Formulas

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7.1. Count:
A number indicating the Mass per unit Length OR
The length per unit mass of Yarn.
Expression of the fineness of Yarn.
There are three Systems to Calculate Count -
1. Indirect System
2. Direct System
3. Universal System
1 Lea = 120 yd
7 Leas = 1 hank
1 Hank = 840 yds. or 768 meter
1. Indirect system
Total No. of hanks per one pound is the count of that yarn (Ne) i.e. if 10 hanks (10 x
840 yds. or 7680 meters) weighs one Pound or 0.454 Kg, then the Count of Yarn in indirect
system 10s or 10Ne.
This System widely used for staple fiber spun yarns like 100% Cotton, Viscose,
Polyester fibers and their blends.
Higher the yarn Count i.e Ne the yarn is finer
2. Direct System
Count = Weight in grams per 9000 meters of yarn
In this system the yarn numbering is called as Denier (D)
Higher the yarn number i.e Denier the yarn is coarser.
3. Universal System
Count = No of grams per 1000 meters or per km of yarn.
In this system count is called as Tex
Pounds in Weight
yards) (840 hanks in Length
Count =

Commonly used other numbering systems
I. Nf - French count: - It is the No of 1000 meters length in kg of yarn
II. Nm - Metric system: - Count is the No of 1000 meters length per kg. of
III. Worsted system: - Count is the No. of 560 yards in one lbs.
IV. Linen system: - It is the No. of leas of 300 yards per pound
V. Hemp, Jute, Flax: - Count is the No of 14,400 yards length per pound of
Conversion System
English (Ne) to Denier (D) - Denier = 5315 / Ne
English (Ne) to Tex - Tex = 590.5 / Ne
French (Nf) to English (Ne) - English (Ne) = Nf x 1.181

7.2. Twist per Inch or meter (TPI or TPM)
To give strength to the yarn, certain twist is given in the yarn.
TPI vary according to end use of yarn. More twist for warp yarns, medium twist
for weft yarns and less twist for hosiery yarns.
We calculate the twist as TPI or TPM.
Twist is given in Z direction or S direction.
If twist is given in CW direction it is Z twist.
If it is given in CCW direction it is S twist.
Single yarns are given Z twist and double yarns are given S twist.
Twist relation for double yarn TPI = 0.7 x Single yarn TPI

7.3. Multi-filament Yarns
Multi-filament yarn are identified as 80/34/250, 80/34/0, 155/16/120
Here the first number denotes the Denier, second shows No. of filaments in the yarn
& the last indicate No. of Twist per meter.
7.4. Winding Calculation
Slub catcher settings:
a. Fixed Blade = Carded - (2.0 to 2.5) x Diameter
Combed - (1.5 to 2.0) x Diameter
b. Oscillating Blade = Smooth micro-set - 25% more than above

c. Serrated Blade = 100% more than the above
d. Electronic yarn clearer = 3 cm x 3 Diameter

Diameter = inches ) count x (28 1/
For Blended yarn = 10 to 15% more settings

Yarn clearer efficiency = 100
present Faults
remved Faults

Knot factor =
faults ble objectiona to due Breaks of No.
faults) (at winding during breaks Total

Retained splice strength =
yarn parent of strength
100 joint spliced of stength

Winding Tension = 0.1 x Single strength in grams

Optimum spindles / winder N = 1
y 4.8

Expected efficiency E =
( ) 98 12 N S
Y 4500

Expected production P =
( ) C 98 12
/ Winder per 8 hrs. in kgs

Y = Length / Bobbin (meters.) B = breaks per bobbin

S = Winding speed (meters./min) C = English count

7.5. Warping Calculations:
Machine Efficiency E =
100 R

R = Uninterrupted running Time for 1000 meters (sec) =
mtr/min in speed Machine
60 1000

S = total of time, in seconds for which the machine is stopped for a production of 1000
= T4
T1 N B
R +

+ +

B = End breaks / 400 ends / 1000 meters N = Number of ends.
L = Set Length in 1000 meters C = Beams per creel.

Timing of activities in Seconds are
T1 = To mend a break T2 = To change a beam
T3 = To change a Creel T4 = Miscellaneous Time loss / 1000 mtrs.

Production in meters. per 8 hrs.(K) = 480 x mtrs / min x E / 100 Kgs.
Production in Kgs. Per 8 hrs. = (K x N) / (1693 x English Count)
Warping Tension = 0.03 to 0.05 x Single Thread Strength

7.6. Sizing Calculations:

Count Warp 204 . 2 840
Ends Total 1.094 meter in Length
Kg) (in weight Warp


2. 100
weight. warp sized - Un
weight. warp Sized - Un - weight warp Sized
%age up pick Size


3. Weight of size = Warp Weight x Size pick up %

4. 100
Length. warp sized - Un
Length. Warp Sized - Un Length Warp Sized
%age Stretch



840 (lbs.) weight warp Sized
yards in length Warp Ends Total
Count yarn Sized

6. % Moisture Content = 100
Yarn Sizd of Wt.
Yarn Dried Oven of Wt. - Yarn Sized of Wt.

7. % Stretch = 100
Reading Counter Feed
Reading Counter Feed Reading counter Delivery

8. % Droppings on loom =
P N Y 454
C D 840000

D = Dropping in gms. C = English Count
Y = Length woven (yds.) N = Number of Ends
P = % size add on

9. Invisible Loss % = 100
issued size of Amount
yarn on added size of Amount - issued material size of Amount

Steam Consumption (Sizing M/c) = 2.0 kg / kg of sized yarn
(Cooker) = 0.3 kg / kg of liquor
(Sow box) = 0.2 kg / kg of yarn
10. Max. Speed of machine (meters / min) =

Ends of Number
Count English 1000 Cylinder of No.

11. Wt. Of Warp in gms / mtr =
Count English
0.6 Ends of No.

7.7. Weaving Calculations

1. Reed Count
It is calculated in stock port system.
No. of dents in 2 inches is called Reed Count

2. Reed Width

3. Crimp %age
4. Cloth Cover Factor
Count Warp
factor cover Warp =
count Weft
factor cover Weft =
Wt.C.F. Wp.C.F.
Wt.C.F Wp.C.F factor cover Cloth

+ =

5. Maximum EPI for particular count
1. For plain fabrics = Count 14
2. For drill Fabrics =
28 Count
3. For satin fabrics =
28 Count
4. Other design =
repeat / ends repeat / ons intersecti of No.
diameter yarn / 1 repeat / Ends

5. Yarn diameter. =
Count 28

%age crimp Weft 1
count Reed
length Cloth
length Cloth - length Warp
%age Crimp Warp =
%age crimp weft 100
h Cloth widt Width Reed
h Cloth widt
h Cloth widt - length Weft
%age crimp Weft =

6. Weave Density

a) Warp Density = K Tex cm / Ends
= < 250

b) Filling Density = K Tex cm / Picks
= < 350
c) Weave Density =
100 - F.D. 100) - dencity (Weft
100 - F.D. 100) - dencity (Warp


d) Effective weave density = W. D x K of loom width x K of Design
= < 72
Wp / filling - K Loom Width - K Weave Design - K
Cotton = 1.00 140 cm - 0.99 Plain1/1 = 1.00
Polyester/Cotton = 1.03 180 cm - 1.00 Twill 1/2 = 0.87
Viscose Filament = 1.17 190 cm - 1.01 Matt, Gabardine 2/2 = 0.82
Polyester Filament = 1.22 220 cm - 1.02 Drill 1/3 = 0.77
250 cm - 1.08 Satin 1/4 = 0.69
330 cm - 1.15
360 cm 1.20
7. To change the count and number of thread / inch, keeping the same denseness of
the fabric:

1. To change the EPI Without altering the denseness:

cloth given in count Warp
cloth expected in count Warp cloth given in EPI
Cloth Exp. in EPI


2. To change the count without altering the denseness:

cloth given in Count
cloth given in EPI
Cloth exp. in EPI
Cloth Exp. in Count



8. Warp requirement to weave a cloth

a. Waste%age
Count x 840
crimp% 453.59 1.0936 ends Total
gms/mtrs in weight Warp


b. Waste%age %age Crimp
Count x 840
PPI x 453.59 x inches in R.S.
gms/mtrs in t Weft Weigh =

inches in S. R. x PPI
0.9144 x 1848 count x x Weft kgs in Weft wt.

weight given weft with the
mtrs in length Cloth


For Silk and Polyester

i. %age Waste Crimp%
(Denier) Count ends Total
mtrs gms/ in weight Warp


ii. %age Waste %
(Denier) Count PPI inches in RS
mtrs gms/ in t Weft weigh

= Crimp

Allowance for count in Bleached and Dyed Fabric:

Count becomes 4%
FinerDyed counts become max 6% Coarser

9. Fabric production calculation

diameter pully Loom
diameter pully Motor
RPM Motor Speed Loom =

2. 100
Production Calculated
Production Actual
%age Efficiency Loom =

3. 100
t Yarn weigh Dryed
t Yarn weigh Dryed - t Yarn weigh
%age Regain Moisture =

4. 100
t Yarn weigh
t Yarn weigh Dryed - t Yarn weigh
%age Content Moisture =

Type of Yarn
Cotton 8.50 7.83
Jute 13.75 12.10
Silk 11.00 9.91
Rayon, Viscose 11.00 9.91
Wool 17.00 14.50
Nylon 4.20 3.78

Count Warp 1693.6
meter. in length Tape ends Total
Kg. in weight Warp


Count Weft 4301.14
PPI meters in Length Cloth meters - centi in RS
Kg. in t Weft weigh


7. 25.6
Count Weft
Count Warp
GSM in ht Cloth weig

+ =

Sq.Meter) per (Grams GSM
Yard Sq. per (Ounze) Oz. =
10. Material measurement:
To calculate the length of any rolled fabrics, this formula gives the nearest accuracy.
L =
d) (D d) (D 0.0655 +

Where L = Length of material (Feet) t = Thickness of fabrics (inches)
D = Outside diameter (inches) d = Inside diameter (inches)
11. Weight of yarn in a cloth:
The weight of cloth manufactured on looms depends upon the weight of yarns in the
warp and weft: ends/inch, picks/inch and the weight of size on the warp.

Therefore, Cloth weight = Weight of warp + Weight of weft + Weight of size (All in

Where as Weight of warp in lbs. =
Count Yarn Warp 840
Yds. in Length Tape Ends of No. Total

Also Weight of weft in lbs.=
Count Yarn Weft 840
(inch) Width Reed Cloth in inch / Picks (Yds) Cloth of Length

1. Yarn Appearance:
The Visual Effect obtained by viewing a sample of yarn wound with a designated
traverse on a black board of designated size.
Nep: a tightly tangled mass of unorganised fiber
Slub: an abruptly thickened place of yarn
Thick place: a yarn defect where the diameter is greater than the adjoining
segments and extending for 6 mm
Thin Place: a yarn segment where the diameter is 25% lesser than the average
diameter of yarn
Fuzz: Untangled fibers that protrude from the surface of the yarn
Bunch: a yarn segment not over 6 mm in length that shows abrupt increase
in diameter caused by more fibers matted in this particular place
Method: yarn wound on hylam black boards wound for fixed wraps per inch as
per count compared with standard reference boards.
Grades: Above A to below D - The imperfections increase from Grade A
and the maximum in grade D. Average index of five boards of five
2. Yarn Evenness:
Unevenness: Variation in the linear density of a continuous strand or of a portion of a
Apparatus: UsterEvenness Tester
Principle: Difference in the capacitance variation. Lower the Count lower the
Imperfections. One km of yarn is run through two capacitance plated
at specific speed (fixed as per the count). The capacitance variation
is integrated and expressed as % unevenness (U%). The
imperfections are counted and are reported per kilometer.
3. Linier Density of Yarn:
Expression of the fineness of Yarn
A number indicating the mass per unit Length or the length per unit mass of Yarn
Direct system: Denier, Tex (Weight Of Unit Length)
Indirect System (Units of Lengths) per (Units of weights)

4. Count Test Apparatus
Wrap reel
120 yards of yarn / 100 meters of yarn wound in a wrap reel and weighed .
From the weight, the count is calculated.
5. Single Thread Strength Testing
Force Required to break a single strand of yarn of unit length
Apparatus - Single thread Strength Tester
6. Lea Stength Testing
Lea Breaking Strength
The Force required to break one lea
Unit pounds
Count Strength Product
Apparatus Lea Tester
7. Principles Of Tensile Testing
Constant Rate of Loading: The Rate of change of Load is constant
Uster Dynamat
Constant rate of Traverse: The pulling clamp moves at a constant rate
Lea Pendulum tester
Constant rate of Extension:Rate Of change of Specimen length is constant
8. Twist Testing
Direction Twist
S Twist: When Held in vertical position, the spiral confirm in slope to the central
position of the letter S
Z Twist: When Held in vertical position, the spiral confirm in slope to the central
position of the letter Z
No of Turns (Twists) per Unit length
Single Twist

Double Twist
Twist Multiplier
Apparatus: Twist Tester
Direct Method
Indirect Method
7.9. Analysis Of Cloth Sample:
On analysing a sample of cloth made from cotton; rayon, silk or flax with view of its
reproduction produced thus: -
1. Record whether a fabric is in the grey or the finished state.
2. Determine which threads constitute warp and which weft.
3. If in grey, test for the presence of size material by staining with iodine, when the
starch in the size warp turns deep blue in colour, the weft being unaffected.
4. Examine for direction of spinning twist in the yarns, and also if either set of threads is
two-fold yarn. If crepe yarns have been used it may be necessary to test for amount
of twist present.
5. Count the ends and picks per inch in the fabric. If more than 2 warps or wefts are
used, find the number per inch of each yarn type used.
6. Test the yarns for Regain i.e. how much longer they are out of the cloth than the
length of the sample from which they were abstracted. By this means we can
estimate the length of warp required to give the length to cloth and from the weft
regain we can estimate the length in Reed or length of each pick of weft. In weaving
ordinary classes 10% of cotton goods warp regain between 4% and according to the
structure, while the weft regain is usually about 5%. These figures apply to grey
cloths only. In finished goods, the regain will differ according to the nature of the
finished applied. Very often the length of the cloth is increased and its width reduced
on finishing, hence the warp regain may be as low as 1% to 4% while the weft regain
may be 8% to 10 %. Rigmel finished and Sanforising are finishing processes in
which the fabric is pre-shrunk both in warp and weft directions, the advantage being
that the fabric, when made into a garment, will retain its shape: it will not shrink in the
laundering. When analysing these materials regains of 8% to 10% will probably be
found in both warp and weft.
7. Test the yarns for counts of warp and weft (The count of the yarn is the number of
length units required to weight on gain). In a grey sample the warp will probably be
sized yarn and the count recorded will be the sized count. This should be corrected
by making a second test after thoroughly washing the fabric to remove all size and

filling materials. If the sample is a bleached, dye, or printed cloth, the counts of warp
and weft will be affected counts test then made, allowing about 5% in bleached count
= 20s grey count: 38s bleached = 36s grey count.
8. Analyse the sample for weave details i.e. whether plain, twill, satin, or some other
weave, and proceed to develop the draft and peg plan when necessary.
9. When analysing the sample containing rayon yarns, it is important to test for type of
rayon i.e. Viscose, Cuprammonium or Cellulose Acetate, i.e. number of filaments
comprising the rayon thread must be countered and the yarn exactly matched to
obtain true reproduction of the sample. If the fabric is a coloured woven material,
such as a poplin shirting or a zephyr check, the warp and weft patterns must be

For the ordinary kinds of cotton fabrics the contraction during weaving makes the
cloth stand about 4 ends per inch closer in the cloth than in the reed and there is a gain of
about 2 picks per inch from the loom to the warehouse table. Thus if a cloth is required to
the following dimensions: 36 inch wide, 120 yards long, 72 ends / 66 picks per inch, 34s
warp, 30s weft, plain weave the making particulars would be : warp length 126 yards : ends
per inch in reed, 68 : pick wheel on loom, 64 : pure warp ends 36 x 72 = 2592 plus
selvedge allowance say 30 extra ends = 2622 ends width in reed 38.2 in.

When estimating the grey or loom particulars to reproduce a given finished sample of
cloth, experience in the handling of that type of cloth, both in the grey and finished states, is
necessary. No general rule can be laid down to cover all classes of goods, careful
measurement of regains will, in most cases, be of great assistance in this work.

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